#this is my version of elliott in my head
pocketclowns · 2 years
went home from work early bc i feel like shit, i think i wanna try to decorate my sdv farm a little better so i can take some screenshots to share >:)
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
Recharging. . .
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: spencer's best remedy is his little family.
pairing: s.reid x f!reader (+ eden reid!)
w.c: 3.8K
warnings/content: fluff; cuteness overload; children; spencer is a girl's dad; discussion of a case; mentions of death and traumatic events; this is basically a hurt/comfort blurb; mentions of pregnancy; mentions of marriage; crying.
A/N: is anybody in need of some fluff? this was supposed to be a short drabble.... enjoy this old WIP as I finish some of my requests.
loosely inspired by ocie elliott's take me home
want to read more works about this au?
→ day-off
You stopped the low humming to the song as you eyed the rearview mirror to check on your kid. The familiar scratching against your seat warning you she was awake.
“Hey bub,” you take advantage of the red traffic light to dive your hand back and tickle her bare feet. She'd always kick off her shoes the first chance she got. Your favorite sound echoes through the car: her giggle. “You were just napping, where'd that energy come from?” you refer again to the tip of her feet bumping against your car seat. Another reminder that she was getting bigger every day.
Eden raised her arms, wriggling her little fingers like she did when she was excited for something. You were pretty sure she got that from Penelope, you always saw they do this whenever she came over to your place.
“We're visiting daddy!”
A laugh bubbles out of you. Eden left you amazed by her perception of things. Although the route from your apartment to the BAU wasn't that strange for her anymore, given that you and Spencer drove a lot to drop each other off with her in the car.
“Are we?” You turn on an avenue, humming. “I didn't notice.”
Eden looks at you through the rearview mirror, “but you're driving, mommy. You need the GPS. It's in your head.”
“Is it?” You're amused at your toddler's choice of words. “Okay. Yes, we're visiting daddy at work. We've come to pick him up because he's very tired from a case and it's not good to drive while you're tired, right?”
“Right!” She nods vehemently, craning her neck to check on the view through the window. “And he needs me to recharge his bats.”
You finish parking your car and a smile curls up the edges of your mouth. Eden can't say the word batteries so she shortened it to an easier version which is bats. You still have to teach her what the word actually means.
“That's right,” you say, taking off your seatbelt and opening the door. By the time you reach the backseat, Eden is grinning like the Cheshire cat. Her excitement never ceases to rub off on you, even though you enter this building most of the days in a week. “Hi, baby.” You cooed, welcoming your child in your arms after unbuckling her seatbelt. Her light brown curls that you have no idea who she got it from tickle the side of your face as she snuggles to your chest to stare at the tall FBI building.
“Shoes on. Coat on. All warmed up. Shall we go up?”
An eager Eden exclaims a loud YES and that's enough for you to start walking.
From “Spencer”:
[6:34 p.m] No need to pick me up, angel, I can drive. I am not that tired.
[6:35 p.m] Is Eden still at your mom's? I can pick her up on the way.
This is the mutual feeling you have on workdays. Not in a million years you'd understand how hard it was to be away from your daughter for more than one day. Until it happened.
It makes your heart break when you're not able to tuck her into bed or pick her up at school to see her excited little legs run towards you. In spite of the fact that Spencer and you manage well to alternate days at work so she always has one of you close by, it's difficult to not see her every day when a case takes either one of you out of the city.
You can only image how much he misses her after being away for four days.
You left the messages unanswered and click on another chat instead. Light of my life with a bunch of hearts is the one you're looking for. Penelope somehow stole your phone someday and changed her contact name to this; you never changed it back, just left as it was, it suits her anyway.
“Smile.” You request Eden as you lift your phone to take a selfie of the two of you. Her grin exposes her two missing front teeth. “Done.” You kiss her cheek and adjust her in your hold to type another text, waiting for the elevator to reach your desired floor.
To “Light of my life 💗❤️💕”
[6:38 p.m] incoming at five... four... three...
You hit send right as the elevator doors spread open.
Just as you step into the bullpen, it's as if a switch has flipped because your daughter promptly tucks her face into the croak of your neck, her cold nose making your shiver slightly. Her hands clinging onto your blouse.
Eden gets shy under watchful eyes, no matter how many times she visits the BAU.
Penelope is walking briskly out of her office, her hands wriggling into your direction as she catches sight of you and the bundle in your arms. Every eye in the bullpen turns to you because of the commotion.
You haven't seen your husband yet.
“There is pumpkin!” That's the reason that pulls Eden out of her shell. She practically throws herself out of your arms and into her favourite aunt's arms. “Oh, hello, hello, my beautiful niece, whom I have missed so much!”
Eden is giggling and you can't help but smile softly at the scene. Soon, your friends start approaching one by one. It doesn't take long for Eden to have at least two new toys in her hands. Emily and Derek are competing which one she likes best.
“She's so big.” JJ entwines her arm with yours.
You sigh, leaning closer to her, “Yes, she is.” You say, observing Eden play with Emily. “Henry as well! How is he by the way? We haven't had a playdate in so long.”
JJ nods, “He's great, my sweet boy.” Her eyes hold a fondness that you relate. “And that's true. We have to set up a date, catch up on things that aren't murders and blood.”
“Preach, Jayge.”
Your laughter dies down when the two people missing from the group appear. Your eyes met Spencer's and his whole body seems to relax as if it physically pained him to stand and seeing you just helped him take a breath of fresh air. Luke greeted you with a side hug and was immediately captured by Eden's endearing spell, as expected. Although, once Spencer entered her line of sight, no one else mattered.
Spencer let his satchel drop to the ground without a care so he could scoop Eden up as she jumped into his arms. His sullen demeanor converting into a cheerful one in a blink of an eye. This is what Eden means by “recharging”.
You watch the reunion with a growing smile, deciding to approach them a little later.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Spencer says while peppering kisses at her cheek, her little nose and her forehead. Eden could only reply with giggles as her whole face became red at the overwhelming love she's receiving. “Daddy missed you so much, did you know that?” And the crack in his voice goes unnoticed by her, but not by you, so you take advantage of everyone's distraction to step towards your little family.
Eden is giving her dad a butterfly kiss when you get to them. That's her way of saying I missed you to any of you when you come back home.
“Hey,” you squeeze his arm in a gentle touch, grabbing his attention. “Tough one?” your question is discreet, only meant for him. Eden is fortunately too busy with her new stuffed toy that Derek is showing her to notice anything else.
The dimmed spark in Spencer's eyes along with the red outline of his eyelids are everything you need to know. You don't need words — you never needed words to understand Spencer — but he provides you a meek yeah and swallows hard. The only thing that seems to be holding him back from crumbling down is the fact that he's holding his daughter.
In an attempt of comfort, you pull his free hand to yours, intertwining your fingers and giving it a tight squeeze. Just for him to know that you were there and it's okay now.
He repeats the action, the corner of his lips pulling slightly. His attention is quickly stolen back to Eden, who starts listing possible names to the new friends that uncle Derek and auntie Emily had gifted her.
They discuss the matter until you bid everyone goodbye, a playdate, a babysitting afternoon and a girls night out scheduled. Trying to take Eden from Spencer was foolish, he didn't want to let her go. No matter how tired he was. Better yet, she didn't want to let him go either.
“I think grapes would be a great name, E.” Spencer praises her daughter's naming skills as he buckled her up in the safety seat. “What about this one?” He grabs the green bunny and places it in front of his face, his voice in a high-pitched tone to imitate an animal's voice. “What will you name me after, miss Eden Reid? I am green and I like carrots!”
Eden's bright caramel eyes glint with joy and she pulls the bunny to her chest, holding it tightly. “I know what I'm going to call them.”
“You do?” You were starting to be curious as well.
“Mr. Greenie.”
“You're so clever.” Spencer and Eden shared accomplice smiles and you see everything of him in her at that single action. It was in the nose scrunch whenever she found something particularly funny, in the spark of mischief in her eyes and even the outline of her mouth which you never stopped noticing from the moment she was born. Eden carried a lot of mannerisms and features from you but those things? They definitely came from him.
He's not even halfway to the driver's side when you steal the keys that he had stolen from you when you were in the building. You've known each other for ten years, for three out of those ten you have been married and Spencer still thinks he can be slick with you.
“You're riding shotgun today, pretty boy.”
His eyes are filled with amusement as you walk by and give his butt a soft squeeze.
“Really?” He says, leaning on your window. You had already turned the engine on when you give him a serious look. “It's a long drive. You already drove all the way here.”
Giving him an eyeroll, you muse, “It's not that long, Spence. And you're tired. Just get in.”
Quantico wasn't far from your home, but ten minutes in the road was enough to send Eden to dreamland. You were certain she had fallen asleep when her humming to Angeleyes, that was playing on the car radio, stopped.
You suppose Spencer has fallen asleep as well, until you stole a glimpse at him during a red light to see he was just staring out the window. A far away gaze.
His mind was far. You could feel that. You two enjoy the silence but it's not like that. This is not the kind of silence you want to bask in after a tiring day of work. No, this is different. It comes with the type of things you face at work, the voices in your head that claim they know what's best.
You know that silence. You've drowned in it once.
A gentle breeze caused a few strands to slip out behind his ear. He was letting his hair grow longer again. You liked it, it suited him.
Your knuckles grazed his cheek softly, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. Your hand lingered at the nape of his neck and he let out a sigh, leaning back in a way that you knew he needed that kind of touch.
Good thing your love language is physical touch.
“You want to talk to me about it?” A whisper.
Spencer refrained from a verbal answer, but he reached up for your hand, lifting it to his lips to place a prolonged kiss which translated to I'm glad to have you.
“Not now,” he said, caressing your palm. Definitely later then. Your communication can be non-verbal sometimes and that's one of the great parts of your relationship. You knew that some days words were hard, so the touch and the eyes fulfilled the void of a voice.
He gave it a delicate squeeze and that's when you realized the light had turned green, so your attention was back to driving.
At some point, you could feel a comforting weight at your right thigh. It was the familiar warmth of Spencer's hand, something that he liked to do whenever you drove. Good thing his love language is physical touch.
“I got her.” He practically leaped out of the vehicle once you parked, walking around the other side to get Eden.
Your asleep child didn't so much as flinch while being picked up. You caught her little arms embracing his neck as you locked the doors of your car, her shoes on your hand and Spencer's satchel on another. He tried to fight you on that but you just ignored him.
“Sleepy head,” you mouth to him as the elevator went up. Eden's big eyelashes fluttered lightly when you kissed the top of her head.
The corner of your husband's lips quirked up, “Just like her mother. Sleeps anywhere.” He said, not breaking eye contact, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Rolling your eyes, you hummed, “Don't know what you're talking about.”
The apartment was quiet, an unusual occurrence at this time of the day. Normally, Eden would be rambling about her day when one of you arrived from work — I learnt about seagulls today and we made a drawing; grandma made cookies!; Teacher Susan read a story about a princess saving her kingdom, I want to be like her someday. Isn't it like what you do, mama? I want to be like you — a range of subjects mixed with her occasional endless energy of a child. Some nights, she wouldn't stop running around until she tired herself — and both of you — off.
Today was different. She was asleep before you even arrived home, it was way before 8 p.m and the apartment was quiet, no toys scattered around, no ink stain on the floor. She was into painting nowadays which is a rather messy hobby for a kid, but you'd indulge your daughter's wishes anytime. She is a kid, she should be messy.
“I love you, bub.” Your ears pick up Spencer's faint voice from the entrance of Eden's bedroom. You perched up at the wall, careful enough to make yourself unknown. Not wanting to disturb the little father-daughter moment. “I'll always be here.”
That was something that didn't need to be said out loud because Spencer showed that every day. He didn't spare love demonstrations regarding you or Eden, he never had. Although you know part of the reason beneath that promise. Some people haunt us forever, even when they are no longer present in our lives. His father still walks somewhere in the corner of his mind, no matter how many times you tell him that he is not him.
“Is the whole bathroom drenched or...?”
Spencer chuckled, seeking for your hand to pull you closer as you stride to your bedroom.
“It wouldn't be Eden if she didn't make an entire spectacle during bath time.” He said. “But I cleaned it up, so don't worry.”
“That's true.” You eye his soaked shirt attempting to contain a smile. “Guess you already took your shower?”
“You're so funny,” Spencer murmurs dryly.
“Yeah, well,” you shrug nonchalantly, slowly encircling your arms around his neck. “Wasn't that why you married me? Or was it for my good looks? Nah, it was definitely my terrific sense of humour, wasn't it?” A peck on his lips. “You can admit it. I won't be mad.”
“Ego the size of a lake, that one.” He mumbles, burying his face in the croak of your neck and practically locked you in his hold.
You started to message on his shoulders to ease whatever felt heavy in his chest. At least, until he let you in.
It wasn't until after you both showered separately to finally call it a day and laid down to rest that he broke his silence.
“A little girl died. We couldn't get to her in time.”
Oh, kids.
Now it all made sense.
A shiver went down your spine at the thought.
“Oh, Spencer...” if the tone of your voice translated anything, it was that you understood. His body was entangled to yours when you tried to diminish a bit of his pain by showing that you were there. “I'm sorry, sweetheart,” you said into his curls. The moist sensation in your pajamas top let you know he was crying, but you didn't give it a second thought. It was what he needed.
“I could only think of her and I—” he said shakily, suddenly leaning away to cover his face. “Any rational thinking went down the drain.” His croaked out, drying his tears in the harshest way possible. You pulled his hands away from his face, replacing it with your softer touch.
“I can't even— even grasp my head around—”
You cut him off, “good. Don't do that. Because it's not real. Spencer,” you cup his cheeks, forcing him to look at you so he could focus on something that wasn't the disruptives thoughts in his head. “Eden is here, in the room next to ours, safe and sound.” That seemed to calm him down lightly, but you could see the conflict in his gaze.
“I wasn't fast enough.”
“It was not your fault.”
“You weren't there.”
You sigh, “I don't need to physically be there to know that you, as well as the team, did your best to crack the case, Spencer. As you do in every other case we have.” The hardest part of this job was still the loss that you had to live with. The guilt. The shame that, despite doing your best, you wouldn't be able to save everyone. “As we always do.” Sometimes, you needed some convincing too.
“I know it's hard to believe what I'm saying,” you forehead was touching his and your eyes were shut. “but it's the truth. You have every reason to feel that way, it never gets easy to face what we face every day. But, Spencer. It was not your fault. You did what you could, please trust me on this, okay?” Please, don't blame yourself. You don't deserve it.
“Our little girl is right next door, sleeping with her favourite plushie. Safe. Because we make sure of that every single day.” You know it's not that simple, to not doubt the dangers that run in the world, probably in your street, but you can't live in fear and you don't want your daughter to live in fear either. “And I'm right here. we're not going anywhere.” You won't lose us.
“Yeah,” he croaks out, releasing a batted breath. “Yeah, I know.”
Slipping an arm around your middle to bring you closer was the indication you needed to understand that he was hearing your words. Your husband settled for accepting your warmth for the time being, you were playing with his curls, gently brushing them away from his face.
That's all he needed, really. You. The home and family you have build together. Nothing else.
“You know,” you say, thumb traveling across his jawline until it reached the tip of his nose. “People keep saying she has your nose and I think I'm starting to see it.”
His body shook with laughter, causing his eyes to crinkle slightly.
“Oh, really? You're starting to see it now?”
Your lips curled up at the edges, “Yes.” You lied, poking his ribs, earning a glare. Your smile only widened. “No. The nose is clearly yours.” He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
Spencer leaned close enough so he could press his lips to yours.
“She has the outline of your mouth, though.” He tucked a strand behind your ear. “And your eyes.”
Soft padding against the floor pulled you out of your trance and you knew who was at the door before looking through the open space of the door that's been left ajar.
“Is that a ghost that I'm seeing, angel?”
You decided to enter Spencer's playful undertone.
“Mhm. Good question, I think that's definitely a squirrel or something. Look at the red and yellow paws.”
Eden's mismatched socks flashed your eyes in the dim light of your side table lamp. Her soft giggling made you smile instantly.
“What are you doing up, sweetheart?” She curled up to his bare chest as soon as he scooped her up to hold her on his hip. “Mhm?”
She grabbed both of his cheeks, forcing him to lean down so she could say something to him. You observed them with a curious gaze. “It's not a squirrel,” Eden whispered. Spencer's face broke out into a grin, “tell mama it's me.” Spencer nodded and dutifully did as asked.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, acting surprised. “It's you, bub? With these tiny socked feet, I almost didn't recognize.” Eden's shrieks as you pepper her whole face with kisses. “You want to sleep with mommy and daddy tonight?” It's your turn to whisper as if it's a secret, but it's loud enough for Spencer to hear it as well.
Eden nods shyly, resting her head on her dad's shoulder. Her feet wriggling lightly. Who could ever resist those sweet doe eyes?
The three of you then lay down in your bed, Eden engulfed between Spencer and you. Hopefully, she wouldn't kick and turn all night like she commonly did. She was sleeping through the entire night alone in her bedroom, though some nights — like today — she would sneak in to yours.
Just like you expected, the toddler fell into dreamland with your soft chatter about random things you did during the day and what you needed to do during the upcoming week. You cracked a smile at her slight parted lips and wild curls dispersed on your arm which her head was laid on.
“Thank you.”
Your attention drifts from a sleeping Eden to Spencer. His eyes carried their usual light again. They now glinted with a familiar pride rather than the heavy darkness it was drowning in earlier in the evening.
“What for?” Your whole demeanor softened at the way he was looking at you, heart swelling with love.
“This,” he says, eyes falling on Eden. “For this. Her. You.”
You blink, the sudden urge to cry is being hold back by a thread. You don't know how to react.
“You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.” And he's said that before. When you first confessed and he said he felt the same. In your wedding day. When Eden was born.
“And you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, Spencer.” You manage to whisper beneath the crack in your voice. He lifts his torso to kiss both of the single tears that slipped out of your eyelids, caressing your cheek lovingly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, angel.” His mouth stretches into a soft grin. “And I love the life we have built.”
taglist: @lilyviolets
A/N: will never forgive the show for not making this man a dad.
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors and how they deal with their secret crush on the farmer
BEHOOOOLD! I’m kind of back but I’m not because I have a job and feel tired most of the time. I still need to get used to adult life. Anyway, here are the bachelors and how they deal with having a fat crush on you, you cutesy farmer person covered in filth!
Contents might be a bit NSFW so MINORS…you know what not to do *fights them off with a stick*
Enjoy my brainrot 🍓🥰
-Sammy is a cute little guy, almost like a dog wagging it’s tail when they see their owner.
-he is SO BAD at hiding it
-he will dream about you two jamming on a big stage together. In his ideal world, you two are a successful duo who make noise rock (kind of like the white stripes minus the weird siblings or married controversy)
-Sam will write songs about you. It’s not intentional per say, and he thinks he really sucks at writing love songs, but it just happens whenever he has to think about you. The words just start flowing.
-he might or might not have had some steamy shower fantasies about you…while in the shower. Jodie keeps complaining about the water bill being unusually high 👀
-yet, Sam is usually not too horny when he is in love with you. He is more gushy and daydreamy than anything
-homeboy works with nightcore versions of love songs to cope with his longing
-he isn’t the type to show his feelings so openly, so no one really notices his crush on you. Maybe Sam, but well, he is Seb’s best bud. Of course he can tell
-He notices how his sleep has improved since having a crush on you. He willingly goes to bed earlier to have some time to imagine scenarios of you two
-just you and him together on his cool ass motorcycle, driving into the night and ending it with a passionate kiss (sounds familiar?)
-well,,, let’s just say Seb is increasingly horny since having a crush on you. Before, he was almost certain he is some sort of asexual, but nope 😃 he’s healthy and extremely down bad for the filthy farmer who eats raw fish out of the pond 🥰
-what I mean by horny? Uhhh… he didn’t really need to rely on certain websites to satisfy his needs, that’s for sure 👀
-Harvey is a good man. A very good man
-god bless his soul 😫
-Harv isn’t the type to have crushes easily…I can’t believe it either, considering his crush on Maru who is way younger than him 💀
-but in my head, he isn’t the type to be all lovey dovey over someone. That’s why he’s so bad at hiding it. But you don’t really notice. You just suspect it but it could also be his usual anxiety lol
-it happened anyway😎 and he doesn’t know how to cope. At all.
-he has to think about you at all times, especially when he looks at the empty jars of delicious pickles you’ve made him
-This man is usually collected, but now?! He forgets everything, can’t even form a comprehensible sentence at times when his mind is busy thinking about a romantic picknick date with a lovely farmer
-Harvey’s libido is pretty much a dead beat horse 💀 but now he even feels the desire to do some nasty nasty at times. It’s still pretty tame, he’s a gentleman through and through, but wild for him to have those feelings and longings after what feels like decades. He’s not mad at it. He has felt low-key dead inside for so long so this is very exciting and he’s eager to explore this side of him…despite being anxious 😭
-bet your ass he’s the prince of crushes
-he is very dedicated and welcomes those refreshing feelings with a kiss
-feeling better than usual AND having inspiration to write ?! SIGN HIM UP
-he will use every chance he can get to talk to you, maybe even get you drunk (in a non creepy way) because he likes when you’re unapologetically authentic and let loose. It makes him feel more in touch with your soul (or some shit idk I’m not a poet)
-Elliott is NOT SUBTLE
-you practically know from the start that he has the hots for you, but it’s kinda funny seeing him try to pretend it’s not that way…if you can even call that pretending not to be 😭
- his passion doesn’t end at his artistry. This guy will spend a lot of time in his shower thinking about what could be, or sitting at the docks at night just staring at the sea (he’s NOT doing anything nasty in public, peeps. Don’t get it twisted)
-I can also see him recreate a romantic bedroom date he’d love to have with you…but it’s just him 🤷🏼‍♀️ self care king 👑
-like Harvey: HE CANNOT COPE!
-he hasn’t felt like this since high school. Every other encounter with potential partners was surface level and only based on sexual satisfaction
-so caring about you, thinking about what makes you happy and how he could be the reason you smile every day, that’s a lot for him
-as stupid as it sounds, he spirals and becomes low-key miserable over it. Give this man a 101 lesson on how to process emotions 😭
-despite the constant anxiety he feels, he low-key enjoys it. It’s kind of hopeless as well as pointless in his honest opinion, but there is this believe, that 0.00001% chance (in his mind) that he could turn his life around and be happy with you, married and maybe have a child of his own one day
-but that’s wishful thinking, riiiiiiight? So what does a self loathing piece of alcoholic man do instead of making a move? Yeah, self pleasure even more than usual, to get at least a bit of serotonin and the willpower to get his shit together, at least for you if it isn’t for him. He’s pretty rough with it too (ouch, unless you’re into that)
-sorry bros but him having a crush is not really all that cute. He’s my cutie pie, but let’s be real: him dealing with those feelings he tried to shut off for so long will be tragic in a way. He’s battling his inner demons here. So yeah… :(
-my man, my maaaaan 🥰
-he has earned a soft spot in my heart, bless his soul
-so Alex has a crush on you from the start, it’s basically canon
-can he show his feelings? Yes! Can he do that in a way that can be read as the feelings he tries to get across to you? NO!
-low-key bullying is his love language 🥰
-at least in the beginning. He’s a bit anxious and fears he isn’t good enough for you, so he doesn’t try to be authentic. Being the jock jerk everyone expects him to be gets a reaction out of you and that’s better than nothing, right?
-he’s neither the poetic nor the intellectual type, so he doesn’t process his emotions by writing them down or putting them into words. Just imagine him going about his work-out routine, just thinking about your beautiful smile and rocking bod while sweating like a hog
-Alex and quiet ? Yes that’s possible. I imagine him to go quieter than usual since having a crush on you. He processes everything internally and that takes a lot of time for him as he usually just shrugs off his emotions and doesn’t try to brood too much on them. But now?! He can’t but blush in silence as he just imagines how soft and small your hands must be next to his (yours are way more impressive than his and calloused to the gods, but let him have this moment)
-when it comes to being nasty…Alex is a serial romantic. We know that he probably was the lady’s man back in school so he probably got some action one way or another. In other words, man has the libido of a teen that just hit puberty 💀
-despite being quite horny, he was able to manage to just do it every other day. Now, he cannot even get out of bed in the morning before doing it as you pester his dreams and make his hormones go crazy first thing in the morning…so many nice boxer shorts were lost along the way 🫡
-he also did his own laundry for the first time during that period lmfao
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moonferry · 3 months
what type of movies the sdv marriage candidates would watch:
so this is just for funsies, but i decided to brainstorm what types of movies/shows all 12 marriage candidates would watch. there will be a mini-drabble assigned to each one, as a treat. sorry i got a little carried away with some of these. i hope you guys enjoy <3
harvey: he loves romcoms. there is literally no denying it.
i picture him on the farmhouse couch, wrapped in his favorite blanket with a mountain of tissues next to him. you walk in and take "your spot" next to him (which is basically as close to him as humanly possible, your head resting on his shoulder). he leans into your body to acknowledge you're there, but he's too invested in his movie. DEFINITELY a movie crier. "why can't she see that he's the perfect guy for her!!!" absolutely inconsolable during the parts where the love interests are fighting, but then when they finally get together he's like "i knew it!!!" harvey would have a variety of snacks, though most of them are things like apple slices with peanut butter and some assorted nuts. happy to share his opinions about the movie and even ask your input on the love interest(s). for example, if the main love interest has a current partner who is definitely not right for them, he'd be like, "so, you see that persons TOTALLY the wrong one for them, right?" he'd also "take notes" and use what hes learned from these movies to plan romantic dates for the two of you.
elliott: let's all be honest here. he also loves romcoms.
he and harvey have a "book-club" style meeting where they watch a movie and discuss it over tea/coffee. of course, he'd invite you, too. being the romantic - and writer - he is, he spends the entire movie critiquing things and going "oh, well, if i wrote it i'd do it this way-" you love him, even if he does talk over the movie. i also think he'd be the one to bring the most AMAZING array of snacks to a movie night - like full on 3 course meal with dessert. a bit overkill, but what else would you expect? elliott probably gets too invested in the storylines and - if its an ending he doesnt like - will write his "own version" with tweaks. yes, elliott is a part of fandom, sue me! he'd definitely show you the finished script and ask for your input. who knows? maybe elliott will direct his own movie one day - with you as the star, of course.
alex: if you guessed sports movies and gridball games... you'd be completely wrong. i think alex enjoys animated movies - it doesn't really matter the genre. alternatively, i also think he would enjoy westerns.
here me out: everyone always assumes he's like.. sport obsessed, and he is, but thats SOOO boring. i think he does enjoy watching sports, yes, but his favorite movie type is animated. im talking studio ghibli animation. he loves howl's moving castle and makes you watch it with him several times a week. honestly, you aren't entirely sure he doesn't have a crush on christian bale, but like, who could blame him? now for the westerns. from my own personal experience of visiting my grandparents, they watch westerns exclusively. i think living with george and evelyn would have introduced him to the western cowboy film genre and he would have instantly loved it. it's mainly a nostalgia thing - when alex was younger, he'd always sit on george's lap and watch the western movies with his grandfather. evelyn would be making cookies in the kitchen and then bring kid alex a heaping portion. whenever he watches a western now, he feels warm and safe. it reminds him of his childhood. of home.
shane: action comedy
i don't really think this would needs much explanation.. shane just enjoys a good action comedy movie. i think he'd laugh way too loudly. personally, i think he enjoys animated action comedies much more than live action ones (though he'll still watch those). i think his favorite would be kung fu panda, just because he sees himself as po in a way. i think he would supply ample snacks - though most so unhealthy and sugary that they'll make your teeth fall out. he's definitely the type to fall asleep during a movie, cheesy dust coating his fingers and his hands still in the bowl you two were sharing. you just shake your head and place a blanket over him. maybe you even fall asleep, too. that's all fun and games until you somehow knock the bowl off in your sleep and cheese balls spill all over your carpet flooring. oops. it's okay tho! 5 second rule. i also think shane is the type to walk into a room where a movie is playing while he was doing something (ie bringing you something, cleaning, etc), stand at the edge of the room with his arms crossed like he's "not interested", and spend 20 minutes watching before finally sitting down next to you.
sam: thriller movies
oh, sam. sammy sam samson. he's another tough one. theres so many good genres that i think he'd like, so hes sort of a chameleon. he's open to watch any and everything, but he LOVES thriller movies. more specifically, dystopian future thriller movies. he loves anything that's exciting. sorry sam fans, but i think he'd be the type to watch movies EXCLUSIVELY on his busted android phone. he'd also laugh loudly at parts and rewind to show you, but it's not like you can see through all the cracks so you're just like "oh, that's hilarious". sam loves sending you youtube compilations of "funny movie clips" and will be like "yoo, did you see that clip i sent you?" even though sam will watch anything, i think he absolutely despises war movies. even though he knows its just a movie, he can't help himself from imagining his father in that situation. war movies are a definite DO NOT WATCH for him. i think he would buy an entire large pizza for the two of you to share but.. im sorry, but you do NOT get any pizza. boy just eats the whole thing in 2 bites.
sebastian: historical movies
controversial, i know. but i feel like sebastian would love historical movies. growing up with demetrius as a step-father, sebastian always loved learning new things. historical movies allow him to continue to learn new things. now, i don't mean that he loves documentaries, i mean he loves historical FICTION movies. specifically, pirate movies. sebastian definitely is a laptop-only movie watcher. it doesn't matter if the tv is three feet from him, he will not watch something unless its on his laptop. i imagine him sitting on your shared bed, leaning back against the headboard with the laptop on his legs. he'd absolutely lose his mind if you joined him - even letting you hold the laptop, if you want. i think he would melt if you laid your head down on his chest and asked him questions about what he was watching - which he'd be happy to answer. he would definitely start playing with your hair if he seemed to be getting bored of his movie, or maybe he'd just do it without realizing.
emily: musicals!!
again, no real explanation needed. girlie loves to sing along - maybe even dance along - to the musical numbers. i think she is a musical theatre fanatic, though she really loves movie musicals. because broadway tickets are like so expensive, she prefers to stay home and watch them with you. she knows all the lyrics and has definitely watched them multiple times. during her favorite numbers, she'd pull you up from the couch and convince you to dance with her. you'd be having the time of your life - even if you didn't really know the lyrics. if you did, the two of you would be singing (well, screaming, really) along to every word.
leah: this one was a bit tough, but i think leah would like fantasy movies.
i really think she would enjoy the movie scenery more than the actual plot, though. like the beauty of the nature, you know? you two would be watching a movie where someone is going on a big, exciting quest and leah would be like "oh, gosh, look at those trees. the coloring is just spectacular." you don't mind, though, because she's right: these fantasy worlds always look so breath-takingly beautiful and it's hard not be captivated by them. i think she'd prefer the artistic aspect to the movies, especially if it's an animated fantasy movie. if it was animated, she'd be absolutely speechless and just in awe of how the animators drew something/someone. what she doesn't realize, though, is that you're looking at her the way she looks at the movie. she just looks so breath-taking and you can't help but smile every time she makes a comment about it. "this movie is so gorgeous" and you would think "but not as gorgeous as you."
maru: mysteries!!!
specifically murder mysteries or whodunit's. while she does love scientific documentaries as well, she also enjoys a good mystery movie. and when she watches them, she gets INVESTED. im talking making her own predictions and even asking you who you think the killer is. of course, she's always right. maybe she has some sort of "detective intuition"? you think it's adorable how she clings to your arm and rambles about her guesses. "how could you think it was THAT person? it's obviously this one!" can and will provide evidence on how she's right. makes you think and really dive deep into the movies. it's fun to watch them with her because it lets you view things in a different light than normal.
abigail: i think abby loves comedies.
yeah, everyone thinks she would like horror movies - and she does - but her favorite? comedies all the way. she loves a good laugh. the two of you have a movie theater date, making sure to get the extra large popcorn to share (but you wouldn't be mad if abby ate it all, since she usually does. but she looks cute with her face full of popcorn.) she laughs super loud and everyone else in the theater is .. glaring at you two. i think she would also have "full body" laugh reactions like she would smack the seat, smack her legs, just anything. she's having a good time tho. by the end of the date she is completely covered in popcorn (yes, it even managed to get in her hair, somehow) and you spend a few minutes picking each piece out.
haley: honestly? i think she enjoys horror movies. not because she's overly interested in the horror aspect, but because it gets her closer to you.
she would invite you over for a movie. of course, she would probably be scared out of her mind (or not, depending on the severity of the movie). regardless of if she was actually scared or not, i think she'd still find a reason to cuddle up next to you "for comfort" or "because she was scared". you don't mind, though, and you're happy to have her feel safe in your arms. eventually, she'd just stop trying to watch the movie all together and just cuddle up next to you.
penny: i think she would like dramas or melodramas.
penny, being calm and quiet herself, probably likes these genres of movies because she doesn't express very strong emotions herself. not that she doesn't feel them, she does!, she's just very soft spoken and doesn't like to speak her mind for fear of upsetting someone. when she watches these movies, she can relate to the characters and their experiences. it makes her feel.. calmer? in a way. i think she is the type to watch movies while in pajamas, probably before bed or at a sleep over type setting. she will defend her movie choices (not that you'd insult them, anyway). i also think she would be the type to bring "easy" snacks - peanuts and saltine crackers are her best friends. penny seems like the type to have a movie on in the background while doing something else (cleaning, trying new recipes, etc). if you two had a sleepover, she would definitely try to get you interested in her movie choice and list any possible actors you may know. even if it wasn't really "your thing", you'd still watch the movie because it makes penny happy.
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writer-by-the-sea · 10 days
Highly requested, a Sleep Aid with Elliott from Stardew Valley. Listen, and relax, and drift off to sleep as he tells you a bedtime story, writes with his feather quill, and (awkwardly/randomly) sings softly to you.
Please note, there are two versions of this upload, the first with his quill and the second without. The version with is myself writing with a glass pen, but you can hear noise in the background that I personally don't like.
Also, if you would like to send me a little gift, you can do so here (Amazon).
Script below if needed.
Enjoy, and sleep well!
Ah, I’m sorry, did I wake you? 
I had an idea for my next novel and wanted to get started. 
However, I can come back to bed– 
No? Are you sure, darling? 
I don’t want to keep you up. 
Oh, you were already having trouble sleeping? 
I’m sorry, my love. I wish I could help. 
My quill is soothing? That’s very cute. 
Would it help if I were to count sheep for you? 
1 sheep 
2 sheep
3 sheep– 
Haha oh you, don’t give me that look! Haha do you have any other ideas? 
A bedtime story? 
Sure, darling. Anything to help. 
Let’s see.. 
The story begins on a beach, in the middle of nowhere, with very few around to enjoy it. 
Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where the only sound you hear are the waves as they push and pull away from the sand, and the occasional seagull cawing in the distance. 
On this beach lived a man, alone in the world and terrified of starting life over. 
You see, he was born and raised in the city; accustomed to never seeing the stars at night, always on guard for what may lurk in the shadows, never having his own privacy even in his tiny apartment. 
He fled from his childhood home at a young age, never looking back, and never speaking to his family again. However, his dreams of becoming a writer were quickly squashed by the constant noise that surrounded him. That and the absurd cost of rent. 
And thus, he moved to the beach with nothing but a suitcase, a heart full of dreams for the future,.. and a severe case of writer’s block.
While he worried that this was a mistake, that he had wasted his tiny bit of savings for a tiny shack on the beach– as soon as he arrived, he knew this was the right decision. 
Perhaps he would never accomplish his dreams of writing a bestseller; but being here on the beach, with new neighbors, new friends, and new.. Love…
He finally felt he was home. 
It’s such a funny thing, in all of his years, he had no idea what home truly felt like. This warmth that wraps itself around your chest, squeezing you every day as a reminder that you’ve finally found the one place where you belong. 
Hah I feel the story is quite obviously about myself….
I was only living here a year or so before you arrived. Filled with similar dreams as my own, to get away from the city and start your life anew. 
Honestly, I think I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you. 
And while I was perfectly happy to spend the rest of my days as a bachelor living on the beach; I never, in my entire life, felt this way about another person. 
I don’t think I could live a single day without you in my life, otherwise I may perish. 
I look forward to waking up with you beside me every morning, your eyes heavy with sleep and filled with sand, your face buried into your pillow as if you were attempting to plant your own head into the cool silk, your yawn as you finally wake and smile back at me.. 
Yoba, I must be the luckiest man alive to have you. I love you. 
As tempting as it is to kiss your cheek, it seems that you have finally fallen asleep. 
Goodnight, my love. 
Would it be unreasonable for two strangers to fall in love in a single day? 
Well, I fell for you in the span of 3 whole seconds; so I don’t see why not. 
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gryffinwrites · 2 months
My Y/N (Female Farmer) x Harvey Fanfic Just Hit 20 Chapters, Here Are My Harvey/SDV Headcanons:
IB: @pierperian-leisure's post on dating harvey headcanons (some of them are so similar to what I pictured when I started this FF, I just love that we all have the same Harvey in our head and hearts 🥰)
For reference: The fanfic is called You Hate Harvey, a silly hate to love story full of banter and tension.
∙ Harvey's anxiety displays in different ways. Sometimes he is the stuttering/blushing version you see in SDV, sometimes he is grumpy and speaking condescendingly when you've put yourself in danger. When Harvey panics, it is freeze first, flight second, and lastly, occasionally, mostly with you, fight.
∙ Though he can maintain a solid bedside manner with all his other patients, Harvey doesn't hide his emotions very well from you. If he's irritated, he's pinching the bridge of his nose. If he's nervous, he's wiping his glasses on his shirt. If he's frustrated (sexually, more often than not) he his shoving a fist into the messy volume of his hair.
∙ Elliott is the best friend Harvey has ever had. They're very different on paper, but as a writer Elliott brings an empathetic energy that equips him to understand Harvey better than anyone ever has before. For that reason, Harvey can accept the bolder parts of Elliott's personality that draw more public attention than he's typically comfortable with.
∙ In the bedroom and the clinic alike, Harvey just wants to take care of you. He's very much a giver, and his favorite thing is to put his medical degree to good use and employ his anatomical knowledge for your pleasure. Before you even first got together, he secretly fantasized all the ways he could kiss and make it better.
∙ Harvey was terrified of you when he first met you, fearing how much he wanted to be with you. But his second, and most secret, fear was that he would never get what he wanted most and would someday have to watch you settle down with another eligible bachelor. Sometimes he convinces himself you would be better off in that instance. Even after you're together, seeing how much the other bachelors equally admire you will occasionally fuel the self-deprecating thoughts in his head.
∙ Harvey had his heart broken in college when, as she left him, his girlfriend insulted his mustache. Since then, he always wondered if he would ever find someone who accepts him for all he is.
∙ Harvey's parents died from a car accident when he was young. It's why he cares so deeply about your safety and has nightmares about losing you, another person he loves.
∙ Though it was initially traumatic, the hospital visit incited his interest in medicine.
∙After they passed, Harvey was raised by his grandparents. For that reason, Harvey has a soft spot for George (even when he's yelling at him in an appointment.)
∙ Harvey's grandfather was a pilot back in the day, and the reason why Harvey still loves planes so much and once contemplated following in his footsteps.
∙ When Harvey drinks too much at the saloon, he lets loose and all his inhibitions slide away and he's all about sneaky PDA. He'll undo his tie, unbutton his shirt a little, and try and get away with sliding a hand up your thigh. Or, he'll motion for you to follow him into the barrel room.
∙ Though Harvey tried to keep your budding romance a secret, Maru immediately suspected something had changed when he would throw his office door open the moment he heard a voice in the lobby to ask if it was you. He would also hum as he worked. A lot.
∙ Harvey and your grandfather were close, as he reminded him in a way of his own grandpa. He would often go over to the farm and play cards to keep him company. During these visits, your grandfather would talk about you often, showing him photos of you in university and at your big corporate job in Zuzu City. Even then, knowing so little about you and never imagining he'd ever meet you, Harvey started to develop a bit of a crush.
∙ Harvey secretly has a very impressive singing voice. It was strengthened over years of listening to jazz albums in medical school, subtly singing along and emulating the crooner's voices as he studied. The only person who has heard him sing is Elliott, and it was after so much wine the writer barely remembers it.
∙ When Harvey is feeling full-hearted, he gives off giddy golden retriever-energy. His smile becomes boyish, he freely jokes around and messes with you, and he is very physically affectionate.
∙ It may be Elliott's influence, but Harvey can be very articulate on his devotion to you... it's just a shame that for so long, those expressions of ardent admiration were simmering under the surface, cloaked completely by his nervously-blurted blunders.
Some of these have been covered in the story already, some of them are yet to be uncovered.
What do you think?
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
I think the wife that would be most surprised at the new version is og gaz's wife because like..... 09 gaz was white. and UGLY to boot 💀 (on a side note, god bless elliott knight and his adonis looks)
yeah yeah yeah
lmao!!! she's just gonna be like ???
Why didn't I marry you in the first place??
Hello? And so y'know the dynamic between Johnny and capt. mactavishes wife?
It's reversed here. Now Gaz is like, please, stop.
"My last name is Garrick, there's no getting rid of me that easily."
She'll flutter her eyelashes at him like, "You wouldn't kick out your widow from your bedroom, would you?"
The next morning, she's walking out with his cap on her head, and love bites peppered on her neck.
No one stand between the predator and her prey.
Ate his ass up.
Probably straight up just ate his ass, too:)
side note: god bless elliot knight and his adonis looks^2 i hear that loud and cuh-learrrrr
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
Apple Music’s ‘100 Best Albums of All Time’ list:
#1. Lauryn Hill — The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
#2. Michael Jackson — Thriller
#3. The Beatles — Abbey Road
#4. Prince & The Revolution — Purple Rain
#5. Frank Ocean — Blonde
#6. Stevie Wonder — Songs in the Key of Life
#7. Kendrick Lamar — good kid, m.A.A.d city
#8. Amy Winehouse — Back to Black
#9. Nirvana — Nevermind
#10. Beyoncé — Lemonade
#11. Fleetwood Mac — Rumours
#12. Radiohead — OK Computer
#13. Jay-Z — The Blueprint
#14. Bob Dylan — Highway 61 Revisited
#15. Adele — 21
#16. Joni Mitchell — Blue
#17. Marvin Gaye — What’s Going On
#18. Taylor Swift — 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
#19. Dr. Dre — The Chronic
#20. The Beach Boys — Pet Sounds
#21. The Beatles — Revolver
#22. Bruce Springsteen — Born to Run
#23. Daft Punk — Discovery
#24. David Bowie — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
#25. Miles Davis — Kind of Blue
#26. Kanye West — My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
#27. Led Zeppelin — Led Zeppelin II
#28. Pink Floyd — The Dark Side of the Moon
#29. A Tribe Called Quest — The Low End Theory
#31. Alanis Morissette — Jagged Little Pill
#32. The Notorious B.I.G. — Ready to Die
#33. Radiohead — Kid A
#34. Public Enemy — It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
#35. The Clash — London Calling
#36. Beyoncé — BEYONCÉ
#37. Wu-Tang Clan — Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
#38. Carole King — Tapestry
#39. Nas — Illmatic
#40. Aretha Franklin — I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
#41. OutKast — Aquemini
#42. Janet Jackson — Control
#43. Talking Heads — Remain in Light
#44. Stevie Wonder — Innervisions
#45. Björk — Homogenic
#46. Bob Marley & The Wailers — Exodus
#47. Drake — Take Care
#48. Beastie Boys — Paul’s Boutique
#49. U2 — The Joshua Tree
#50. Kate Bush — Hounds of Love
#51. Prince — Sign O’ the Times
#52. Guns N' Roses — Appetite for Destruction
#53. The Rolling Stones — Exile on Main St.
#54. John Coltrane — A Love Supreme
#55. Rihanna — ANTI
#56. The Cure — Disintegration
#57. D’Angelo — Voodoo
#58. Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
#59. Arctic Monkeys — AM
#60. The Velvet Underground & Nico — The Velvet Underground and Nico
#61. Sade — Love Deluxe
#62. 2Pac — All Eyez on Me
#63. The Jimi Hendrix Experience — Are You Experienced?
#64. Erykah Badu — Baduizm
#65. De La Soul — 3 Feet High and Rising
#66. The Smiths — The Queen Is Dead
#67. Portishead — Dummy
#68. The Strokes — Is This It
#69. Metallica — Master of Puppets
#70. N.W.A — Straight Outta Compton
#71. Kraftwerk — Trans-Europe Express
#72. SZA — SOS
#73. Steely Dan — Aja
#74. Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral
#75. Missy Elliott — Supa Dupa Fly
#76. Bad Bunny — Un Verano Sin Ti
#77. Madonna — Like a Prayer
#78. Elton John — Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
#79. Lana Del Rey — Norman F*****g Rockwell!
#80. Eminem — The Marshall Mathers LP
#81. Neil Young — After the Gold Rush
#82. 50 Cent — Get Rich or Die Tryin'
#83. Patti Smith — Horses
#84. Snoop Dogg — Doggystyle
#85. Kacey Musgraves — Golden Hour
#86. Mary J. Blige — My Life
#87. Massive Attack — Blue Lines
#88. Nina Simone — I Put a Spell on You
#89. Lady Gaga — The Fame Monster
#90. AC/DC — Back in Black
#91. George Michael — Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
#92. Tyler, The Creator — Flower Boy
#93. Solange — A Seat at the Table
#94. Burial — Untrue
#95. Usher — Confessions
#96. Lorde — Pure Heroine
#97. Rage Against the Machine — Rage Against the Machine
#98. Travis Scott — ASTROWORLD
#99. Eagles — Hotel California
#100. Robyn — Body Talk
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gurathins · 2 months
OOOO 1 (don't leave) and 21 (collapse) mayhaps,,,,,,,
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Summary: i know people would probably assume i'd write something dramatic for this one like the previous prompt, but no. My brain looked at these, went through several ideas and then finally decided on the final version: pillow talk. And it's even in a funny location.
No warnings, though there is one (1) dirty joke by Klara + the last few paragraphs are a bit suggestive. Anyway, enjoy 🤍
Klara watched as Tobias's finger brushed her palm, its arm softly wrapped around her side, feeling its soft breaths on her back. She'd think it was sleeping, if not for the occasional movements and feeling it blinking every now and then.
She heard its voice, which was a bit groggy, either from not drinking enough water or from what they were doing, say softly. "You're oddly quiet."
"Hmm... Maybe I've just been enjoying the way your thumb is massaging my hand. Or your eyelashes brushing against my back. Or your nose between my shoulder blades."
"Mmhmm," she felt Tobias move a little, its lips kissing different parts of her back, as if moving on a curvy path towards her shoulder. Finally, it leaned its head on her shoulder, and murmured, "There's clearly something else, too." It took her hand gently and moved it close to its face, kissing her fingers. "What's wrong, honey?"
Klara smiled at its voice and cupped its cheek. "I don't know, just a bit lost in thoughts. I-" she sighed and caressed its cheek, "I don't know. It's like I'm suddenly realizing that I've lost so many things? Can't say anything to my family, hell, I think Elliott would happily tell my whereabouts to corporates for a free lunch, which he already gets from them. Can't tell anything to our friends either, just so they won't be in danger. All the resources, all the connections, all the things we had... But, you know? At the same time I feel like I have no limits and no one is controlling me. I don't know..." she paused, "One part of me feels like my whole world just, well, collapsed?And the other feels like I'm completely free for the first time ever."
"Mm, I know what you mean," it said softly, "Weird feeling in stomach as if you feel very sick, and at the same time feeling like you're able to do whatever you want. These two fighting between each other and drowning everything else in your mind. Gets even worse when you're all alone."
"Yeah... Though," she said, "there's also this hopeful feeling? It appears especially when you're somewhere close."
Tobias smiled against her shoulder and kissed her neck. "Glad to hear there's at least some kind of usefulness from having me around."
"Oh, stop it, you dumbass."
"I love it when you call me that," it giggled, "But, um, I guess it's helpful to have someone's shoulder to lean on."
Klara smirked and turned around to face it. "And what a comfortable shoulder it is, by the way," she said and buried her face in its neck.
"Well, I don't know about that, but," it gently caressed her back with its hand, "just know that it's always available for you."
"Mmh, of course."
"And Melody's there for you, too."
"Hmm, yeah. Though I already have one pussy near me..."
Tobias blushed. "Damn, okay then, käresta," it kissed her head. "Oh! By the way, I have something for you. Hang on..." it murmured and rolled to the other side of the bed, and tried to reach for its overalls laying on the floor.
"Mmh, don't leave yet..."
"I'm not, I'm not," it took something out of the pocket and moved back next to Klara, quickly tucked itself in a blanket. "Fuck, it's cold."
Klara pulled it closer and kissed its face. "Huh, is it now? Their AC seems to work very well." She looked at its hands. "What do you have there, anyway?"
"Hehe, well," Tobias sat up, "I know how upset you were when your necklace broke, so I-" it opened its palm, showing a silver necklace between its fingers, a snowy plover charm hanging on it, "-ordered a similar one. I'm actually not hundred percent sure I got the bird perfectly right, but, well, I tried my best. I, um, I hope you like it."
"Sunshine, honey, you didn't have to..." she sat up in front of it and kissed it, "you really didn't have to."
"It has always been important to you. And, well, like you said, you have lost...many things. So I thought that maybe I should get you at least something back," it reached its hands and put her necklace on her neck.
"God, Tobias, if this is another one of your 'I feel guilty for everything' thing, then-"
"It's not, I promise," it murmured and cupped her face, "I do think it's partly my fault, but this is simply because I know how much you cared about this necklace."
"Honey, this is... this is a perfect gift. Thank you so much," she murmured and kissed it all over its face.
"Mmhmm, no problem, darling," Tobias leaned closer, "Now, what do you think of, say, laying in bed for a little longer. Or-"
"Or having another round?"
"I was going to ask about checking on our cat to see if she isn't lonely, but honestly, why not?"
"God, you're adorable," she murmured and gently pushed it down on the bed. While leaning down, she stopped for a monent, quickly glanced out of the window, and said quietly, "You know, I've always thought that being out in space would have some kind of special feeling."
"Yeah, it's verh boring, isn't it? No special feelings or 'wow' moments, not counting the first time you look outside," it turned its head towards the window, "just darkness and white dots. Rocks, if you're lucky."
Klara nodded and leaned down. "Guess we'll have to make it interesting all by ourselves."
"You got it, honey."
taglist (reply/dm/ask in tags to be added or removed):
@spaceratprodigy @elvves @dekarios @aeducanthaig @edgepunk
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thosehallowedhalls · 5 months
glorious or terrible, benevolent or full of wrath
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: mention of kidnapping and rape in Greek mythology, stroke, death
Word count: 800
Summary: Demeter doesn't always go to hell for Persephone.
A/N: I know Demeter doesn't actually go to the Underworld, but I'm heeding Elliott's word and taking liberties. Submission for @choicesmaychallenge24 (prompt: Demeter). Title from The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin.
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The Drunk Tank echoes with the pleasant sounds of laughter and conversation, the voices of the people she loves reaching Emma even in the relative seclusion of the bench. Content, she takes another sip of the wine she stole from Trystan, then looks at him when he speaks again.
“I know this probably doesn’t mean much coming from me, but… I think your father would be happy with how you handled yourself today.”
Reaching out, she covers his hand with hers. “He’d be happier that I had you helping me out.”
Trystan laces their fingers together. “There’s… something else. Something I’ve been meaning to ask.”
She raises her eyebrows and gestures for him to continue.
“It’s about… your family.”
“You mean my mother.”
“Yeah. You’ve talked about your father, and I know you’re close with your uncle. But you never mentioned your mother.”
Slowly, she pulls her hand back. She ignores the way her skin misses his warmth. “Has it never occurred to you that there’s a reason for that?”
“It has. But…” He brings himself to a halt when she stands. “Emma, wait.”
“I need some air.”
She slips outside through the back door, confident that the others didn’t see her leave. She doesn’t think she can handle their concerned questions. Not right now. But she’s not surprised when she feels Trystan walking up and stopping short of reaching her side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Clearly it’s not. I’m sorry. Can we pretend I never asked?”
It’s tempting but… She sighs. “My mother walked out on me and my dad when I was six. I never saw her again.”
He inhales softly. “Emma. I’m sorry.”
“She told my dad she would call me as soon as she found a place. She never did.”
“Do you know where she’s now?”
“Dead. A stroke when I was twenty-one.” She shrugs. “My uncle found out through mutual friends and told me. I can’t imagine why he thought I’d care.”
“Didn’t you?”
She shakes her head. “You know, I had a Greek mythology phase when I was growing up.”
Unfazed by the non sequitur, he answers without a pause. “Don’t most kids?”
Her lips curve in a smile. “Maybe. There were so many myths that I loved. But I hated the myth of Persephone.”
“I don’t see much to love in the story of a god kidnapping and raping his niece.”
“That’s not it. Also, I prefer the versions where she has some agency, thank you very much. But that’s not what I hate. It’s Demeter.”
“Why? Demeter goes to… Oh.”
“Yeah. Demeter goes to extreme lengths, to Zeus himself, in order to rescue her daughter. God, that made me so mad. Why did Persephone get to have a mother who would go to hell for her, and I couldn’t even get a mother who’d want to see me?” She fixes her gaze on the metal trash can glinting under the alley lights. “Not all Demeters risk Hades to get Persephone back. Some of them just… couldn’t care less about Persephone in the first place.”
Trystan rests a tentative hand on her shoulder. “Emma, I know we don’t know each other very well, but I know this without a shadow of a doubt. It’s her loss.”
“Maybe.” She pushes her hair back. “You know, I didn’t care when my mother died. She wasn’t my mother, really. She just provided me with half my DNA.”
“Why do you feel guilty about that?”
“I don’t.” She blows out a breath when he remains silent. “All right. I don’t feel guilty, per se. I just… I guess I feel a little guilty for not feeling guilty. If anything, it was a relief to finally get that closure.”
“That’s understandable.”
“I know. Worked through all of that in therapy already. But…”
“It’s a sore spot.”
“Yeah.” Soothed by his understanding, she finally turns to face him. “Sorry I turned a celebration into a venting session. But it’s your own fault for following me out here.”
He laughs. “Leave it to you to turn it all around so it’s my fault in the end.”
Her lips twitch. “I’m just saying.”
“Do you want to stay here? We don’t have to go back inside.”
“No.” She squeezes his hand briefly. “We’re celebrating tonight. She doesn’t get to take that away from me.”
He brushes his fingers against her cheek. “Good.”
They stand there, eyes locked, until Tuppence comes bounding out. Laughing, Emma leans down to stroke her head. “Come on, Your Highness. You too, Trystan. I could use another glass of wine.”
“Fine. But you get your own this time.”
The door clicks shut behind them. The stars glow invisible in the sky, the only witnesses to a conversation that lightened someone’s heart.
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barkspawn · 9 months
I love you're writing!!! Especially Elliott, you totally nail him! I would love the Valentine prompt 9: "I didn't mean to kiss you" one please! Have a great day!
Uh hey, let's pretend it didn't take me a year to get this done for you. Let's pretend it's for VD 2024. Playing pretend is fun. :')
i'm 7000% paranoid that I suck now so please tell me if I do so I know lmao thank you.
Parties were few and far between in Pelican Town. The only party in town that Amelia can compare to one of the parties she’d gone to in Zuzu would be when Abigail and Sam decided to play a drinking game to shake things up. So naturally, when Alex and Haley decided to throw (their version of) a rager, everyone was excited. Well, everyone who didn’t go to sleep before 10 p.m.
Amelia walked down the path toward town past the bus stop and took a deep breath. All she could hear was the soft crunch of the snow beneath her feet. She was just glad it wasn’t ice. She barely made it onto the cobblestone before she could hear the people at Haley and Emily’s place. 
“Farmer!” Alex called from the side of the house, obviously already at the very least tipsy. 
Oh boy. It's THAT kind of party.  
“Hey Alex, everyone inside already?”
“Yeah,” he started, going to lean on the fence but startling himself when he was further than he thought. Naturally, he pretended it didn't happen. He continued, “They're in there tryin’ to figure out what game to play. Should go in and give your vote before you play something lame.”
“Thanks, Alex. I'll see you back inside,” she laughed, turning the corner and walking inside. 
Holy stereotype. 
There were solo cups everywhere. The lights were oddly dim and the music was just loud enough so you had to raise your voice for anyone to hear you. 
“MEEEEEEEELS!” She heard Sam call from the other side of the room. Before she even turned in that direction, she felt herself lifted from the ground and hugged tightly. 
“Down boy!” Abigail called from the direction Sam had run from. Amelia laughed as Sam put her down, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. 
“Hey, Sam.”
“Hey! Sorry. I'm just excited that you came! I thought you'd bail for sure,” he commented as they walked back over toward the small foldable table that they all seemed to be standing around.
“Ouch. I guess I deserve that. I have been bailing a lot” Amelia sighed, running her hand through her hair, “but I'm not here to mope about work. Where's the booze?”
“That's my girl!” Abigail chimed in, walking around to hug her. Amelia turned and gave Sebastian the obligatory half-hug that had sort of evolved into their usual greeting. She turned her head and spoke low enough for only him to hear. 
“I just know you hate that this is a thing. You need an out, signal me and I'll make up a distraction so you can flee. Seriously, I'll do a keg stand or even break a vase.”
Sensation laughed aloud, shaking his head, “noted, Ames. Noted.”
Amelia chuckled and looked around the room. She saw Shane (who she noted was working on a Joja Cola) standing over by the kitchen with Emily. Clint stood awkwardly nearby with a beer, obviously trying to work up the courage to join the conversation. Penny wasn't there, but Amelia wasn't surprised by that. It wasn't really her scene and Sam would probably leave early to go and see her. Maru seemed to be poking fun at Harvey, who just kept talking, oblivious to Maru’s teasing. Finally, she spotted Leah in the corner, telling a very animated story to Elliott, who chuckled along. Leah must be a little far gone too. 
“Uh, are you going to take this or am I going to have to drink it for you?” Abigail asked, snapping her out of her daze. She offered a sheepish smile and took the cup.
“No, no. Sorry. Spaced out for a moment.”
“Staring at the Great Value Fabio again?” Abigail asked, her eyebrows arched as she sipped her drink. Sebastian laughed at the remark and then again when he saw how red Amelia’s face had grown. 
After a moment, Amelia huffed, “I was looking all over the house, thank you,” she paused, “and be nice! I feel like you guys would like him once everyone opens up.”
“I don't know. He just gives off a 'pretentious’ vibe. Plus, new people are exhausting,” Sebastian added. 
Before she could respond, Haley was calling out to everyone. 
“Okay! We've narrowed it down to…” she took a moment to look at the notes on her phone, “suck and blow,” Amelia heard Sebastian chuckle as he leaned over to whisper to Abigail, who stifled a laugh as Haley continued, “truth or dare, never have I ever, or… some game where you stab cherries.”
There was a pause until Shane spoke up, “I'm sorry… did you say stab cherries?”
A few people laughed and Haley rolled her eyes, “partner one gets cherry from the bowl with no hands and goes to partner two, who has a toothpick in their mouth. Stab cherry, switch spaces, first to four wins. Drop anything, kiss.”
“Right… yeah, I totally knew that.”
After a few seconds of murmuring, Leah spoke up, “Why don't we just play spin the bottle if you're trying to make it about kissing? A peck is innocent enough and if you're not comfortable, go for the cheek. Easy.”
There were a few who agreed. Frankly, Amelia figured that Spin the Bottle would be best anyway—no pressure, no cheating, no clothes coming off. 
The chance to kiss him.  
Amelia took a sip of her drink, nearly choking immediately, gaining the attention of half of the room. Some looked worried while others looked amused. Amelia waved them off, “Sorry, sorry. Spin the Bottle has my vote.”
Amelia turned to Abigail, quietly scolding, “For Yoba’s sake, Abby, how much vodka did you put in here?”
Abigail, obviously hiding a smirk, tried to look confused and innocent, “Wait, you wanted to mix it with something? That's just the peach vodka.”
Amelia just sighed and nodded after a second, “alright. I mean, you've got me there.”
They laughed as the night went on, everyone taking time to settle in and drink for a bit so everyone builds up at least a buzz. Finishing her red solo cup of vodka, Amelia stepped into the kitchen. It was loud and warm out in the main area. She fixed herself a glass of water before walking out and leaning against the wall. 
After a moment, Elliott walked over wearing her absolute favorite smile. She couldn't help but feel more comfortable. As she thought, it occurred to her that he had said something. 
“I'm sorry?” She called over the music, leaning her ear toward him. Understanding, he leaned closer to speak more in her ear.
“Hello! Sorry, it is rather loud. I have to say, I'm excited to see you here. It seems a lot of us were happily surprised.”
She felt him give her arm a gentle squeeze. She undoubtedly was blushing but she'd been drinking too, so that didn't help at all. 
“So I've heard. It turns out you're actually supposed to take a break from the hard labor you do daily,” she responded, her cheek beside his as she spoke. He pulled back briefly to mimic shock before leaning back in to speak. After a second, she added, “Wait, are you even drinking? I haven't seen you with a cup this whole party.”
Elliott seemed amused, leaning in with a coy smile, “You've been keeping tabs on me tonight?”
Amelia felt her cheeks grow warmer. Again, she thanked the alcohol for being her excuse. 
“No! I just meant whenever I see you. Like… when I look around?” She paused, “Shut up.”
Elliott laughed and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, “You never fail to surprise me, Amelia. And yes, I have been drinking. Quite a bit if I'm being honest.”
Before she could respond, Leah came and snatched Elliott by the arm, “Hiya Amelia! Gotta steal El for a minute! Sorry!”
As she dragged him away, nearly making him stumble, he pointed with his other hand and shouted, “We'll finish our conversation shortly! Don't leave!”
Well, there goes that idea.  
She was getting tired, but she could make it. She finished off drink three: a much less strong vodka soda. She tossed the cup in the back trash bag and headed toward the front door, deciding now was a good time for some air. 
It had gotten colder out, but it was a welcome change from the muggy feeling inside. She leaned against the tree just across the path and rested her head back, taking a deep breath. She was definitely a little more than tipsy, but in no way was she drunk. 
“You good, Oats?”
She startled a bit, looking over to see Shane, his hands in his pockets and his hood over his head. 
“Yeah! Yeah, I'm good. Just needed some air. Are you headed home?”
“Yeah…” Shane started, his hand moving to scratch his chin, “I'm not really one for kissing people just for the sake of kissing. Plus, half of them are practically babies.”
Amelia laughed, turning so her shoulder rested against the tree, “hey now, maybe it's just that you're a grouchy old man who cares for nothing but his daughter and chickens,” she teased, earning a genuine laugh from him. It wasn't easy to do. 
“Fuck off,” he laughed, giving her a look, “that old grumpy bastard is gone,” he half-joked, “I'm pretty sure today makes it a whole season without the stuff.”
“Shane, that's incredible. I'm so proud of you,” Amelia smiled, tilting her head to the side. Usually, she'd hug him, but she knew she reeked of vodka. 
Shane seemed to consider for a moment before laughing again, “I can't say why, but for some reason, that means a lot. Thanks, Oats. You should go back in. Kiss literally everyone. That's what that game is right?”
Amelia rolled her eyes, "well, who knows? Kids these days and their crazy new rules."
Shane chuckled and turned, walking backward and pointed at her, calling back, “Oh, and watch out for Clint. I heard he gets a little attached!”
“Be nice!” She laughed and shook her head, “See ya. I'll fill you in on all of the.. juicy gossip when I see you again.”
He gave her a thumbs up and turned, walking back toward the dark path that led to the ranch. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Elliott walk away from the noise. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but he went from concerned to surprised and then to overjoyed in a few seconds. She couldn't help but smile, watching as he ran a hand back through his hair, an excited laugh escaping into the night. 
She was ready to call out and get his attention, but she had caught his eye and he was jogging over, not stopping until he captured her in a tight hug. 
“Amelia! You'll never believe the news. My book is being published! And I couldn't have done it without you!”
He was rambling excitedly (and a little drunk if they're being honest) before he pulled back and put a hand on either side of her head, keeping her gaze. 
“Really! I'm going to dedicate the book to you! I can't thank you enough,” he went on. She had never seen him so excited. Before she could give any response, he kissed her. 
It wasn't aggressive, although it wasn't tender or gentle either. It was just a simple kiss. Yet, Amelia felt sparks move through her nerves seemingly all at once. In a split second, it was over. They stood staring at one another, his hands still resting on her face. She held a look of surprise while he looked shell-shocked and mortified. He realized that his hands remained and pulled them back. She could see him scrambling, digging through his thoughts. 
“I… well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean… to kiss you. I got overly excited and that was-”
“You didn't mean it?” She interjected, not even quite sure where she was going with this. The interjection threw Elliott off. He hesitated for a moment. 
“Oh, no. No no no, that was just my excitement. That's all.”
“Oh, well, that's kind of a shame…” she started, every alarm bell in her head screaming for her to shut her mouth. However, the influence of the vodka was a bit stronger, “I thought it was a good kiss.”
Elliott just watched her for a moment, opening and closing his mouth twice before finally speaking, “You… enjoyed it?”
Quit now! Before you make it weirder! 
“I did, yeah. I've kind of wondered what that'd be like. Now I know.”
There was another pause before Elliott spoke, his words chosen very carefully, “Well, that's a horrible kiss to show what it'd be like.”
She had hardly noticed that they were still standing relatively close. He moved one of his hands to touch her face once more, his thumb brushing over her cheek.
“I could give you a better... example. I really would rather show you a kiss more worthy,” he spoke softly, not even trying to hide how he looked down at her lips once more, “if that would be acceptable?”
She couldn't even figure out how to breathe for a second before his lips met hers again. This time, it was soft, and gentle, and made her feel almost like she was flying. It also lasted longer; and though it held passion, it wasn't needy or even animalistic like making out usually felt (at least when drunk). If anything it was more sensual. Still, they parted far too soon for Amelia’s liking. 
After a moment, Elliott spoke, “So, I'm much more comfortable with you using that as a suitable frame of… reference. Well, for an intentional first kiss.”
He was very obviously nervous. She took his hand, giving it a light squeeze, “that implies that there are other frames of reference I don't have,” she offered a playful smirk, knowing how strong she was coming on. Thankfully, Elliott laughed.
“Well, there are multiple kinds of kisses, Amelia.”
“To be honest… that sounds like a lot more fun than being at the mercy of a bottle and kissing other random drunk people. We could always bail…?” She offered, trying not to sound like she only wanted to go make out or something more nefarious. Still, he arched an eyebrow, a slow smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“Are you trying to take me home, Ms. Amelia?” He teased, knowing she'd get flustered… which she did.
“Oh, Yoba. No! I just… you know… I think spending the rest of our evening kissing sounds so much more appealing than that…” 
Elliott laughed and offered his arm, “Oh, but of course. Let me take you home. I'll make a fire and we can just relax and,” he couldn't help but chuckle, “kiss. Which, mind you, I wouldn't mind doing either.”
They started walking down toward the beach path. As they crossed the bridge, she spoke up again, “This is probably obvious, but I'm going to put it out there verbally that I like you. Like… a lot.”
Elliott stopped and gave her the same look as earlier that feigned shock. She laughed and he chuckled, moving his arm around her shoulder. 
“This may come as a shock,” he started, “but I do like you a lot as well. I don't just give reference kisses to just anyone.”
She gave him a shocked look not unlike the one he gave her earlier that evening. He gave her a light squeeze and kissed the side of her head as they walked toward his place. 
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heyftinally · 4 months
Swifties do love setting Taylor up.
Just what I saw on Twitter Yesterday:
1989 is a pop Bible that everybody knows. - Well if it's trash maybe.
Reputation is hip hop ??? - What?
Reputation is goth Rock ?? - Lol
That Reputation is also supposed to be R&nB - like where?? wtf?
And her new album the Treacherous Dead Poets Default is an album with a new sound.
Or this yt lady on tt that was claiming that no other artists has transcended genres as successfully as taylor did. 😭 And she mentions Rock? Girl where? And literally there are tons of artists who did it way better than her.
Or that one video which they have now deleted bc taylor was getting dragged. It was a video of her just walking on stage and singing (not live) and the caption was like: I can't believe she was doing that for the first time. ' - Some small part of me does feel sorry for these delusional fanbase. Cause she has the highest grossing tour right now. Big emphasis on right now cause that record is not forever. Anyways they can not post much about her performance anywhere without people using it to drag her. Cause let's face it. She can't perform. She's not serving. She's giving nothing. Her dancers slay more than she does.
Pffffft Taylor went from pop country to pop and never changed again. Slightly different vibes? Sure. Still pop. She wouldn't know rock if it smacked her in the head.
Missy Elliott is hip hop. Early P!nk (ie Most Girls) is R&B. Sumo Cyco is goth rock (+ others, but still). Taylor Swift wouldn't touch any of those genres with a 10ft pole, and quite frankly she'd suck at them if she tried lol.
She doesn't "transcend genres", and considering she can't even make different versions of pop sound good, I think we know why.
And no, she can't perform. Let me flex my expertise here: I'm a trained dancer. Specifically with 26 years of training in tap, jazz, ballet, theater, and contemporary, with additional training in commercial/street jazz (aka music video and tour choreography) and various other styles in sporadic classes. I've literally been choreographing since I was about seven years old, and have been analyzing commercial choreography since I was 15.
That said,
Her performances are not only weak, but they show me that her tour choreographer either
Doesn't exist and she created all of her own "dancing" herself
Doesn't know how to adapt choreography for someone with virtually no dance technique
Actively has something out for Taylor and is trying to make her look bad
I'm going to reference "Look What You Made Me Do" from the Eras tour, because that's the most recent and clearest to illustrate my point
A video of the performance in question, for reference.
Okay, first off, right off the bat, her hand floating on her hip looks awkward and uncomfortable. It's giving "over-excited 8yo at recital". For someone with as much experience as she has performing, I'd expect her to look more settled in her beginning pose. She looks like she's overthinking, and thus it looks under rehearsed.
Then we have that flexed hand - yes it's a nit pick, but that pose belongs very few places outside of a 6yo's tap dance.
Movibg on, her robotic movements look messy as fuck. Sharp isolations like that are HARD. A lot of dancers with years of training struggle with getting the kind of sharpness you would expect to see from that choreography. And on the scale of a stadium like she's in, everything is amplified. If it's messy, it's going to look five times as messy as it might on a smaller scale, because the further away the audience is, the more detail gets lost. So you're movements need to be SHARP in order to translate to the audience. Add to that that this is clearly filmed professionally/intentionally, and it really just looks unprofessional/poorly planned.
Meanwhile the things like the "don't like you" scolding (besides looking childish) are so small that you wouldn't see them beyond the front row. When you're choreographing even for a normal stage, the #1 rule is make everything BIG and intentional. If you're kicking, you're hitting AT LEAST a 45° angle, and with the force of trying to kick the winning soccer (football) goal. Taylor doesn't do that. Those movements are small, sad, and weak, and it honestly looks lazy. I know a 10yo currently doing a competitive dance solo to this song, and I shit you not that 10yo is 50x more interesting to watch perform than Taylor.
So yeah, her music has been one note since Fearless one note (uninspired pop), and her "stage presence" is about on par with an 8yo who doesn't want to be here.
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hellkitepriest · 6 months
saturday night ee dj set events
jeremy wasn’t there because i guess he did all the work yesterday
mike and pete just sat at a table next to the decks talking to each other the whole time and i got to very awkwardly shake their hands (transgender moment) while mike said he remembered seeing me the previous day. Yep,
get your freak on by missy elliott was played for the second night in a row
alex robertshaw looks more comfortable behind the decks than he does 75% of the time but still looks rather awkward
alex robertshaw saw me sitting on the sofa with my friends and grinned and nodded at me because i guess he recognised me
i did not see this happen but @abattoirstars apparently witnessed jon putting his full hand into alex’s front pocket for some reason
alex played a slightly fucked version of once in a lifetime by talking heads and we could not figure out why it sounded Off but something was up
i asked alex if the podcast guy ever saw my niche synth shirt, because the picture he took of it in nottingham was on mike’s phone, and he said yes and that he “absolutely loved it” and “wants one” so i guess i’ve captured the imagination of some modular synth podcaster
just like, way too much heterosexual kissing during snoop dogg
impulsively asking alex if he could play it’s my life by talk talk and him making some vague approving noises
then thinking “haha what a funny night this is i’m going to post about it on tumblr” only for alex to lean over to me a solid minute later and go “sorry what was it you wanted?” while i was fully in the tumblr post box GO AWAY
having to shout IT’S MY LIFE BY TALK TALK at this poor man who then nodded and went “i don’t know if we’ve got it, but i do love that song,”
they did not play it’s my life by talk talk
jon hugged us goodbye as he left and went “good to see you two :)”
alex also hugged us goodbye also
pete gave us a kind little wave
:))))) 😭🥰☺️😌
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devorafetos · 19 days
cast us and our fandom friends in hamilton like as the characters iykwim?
like who is most like who or gives the vibes ykyk
had to think this a lot that's why it took me so much to answer
So I think I have the Hamilton vibe. Like completely insane traumatized writer with a coffee addiction? that's me. also he's incredibly easy to write, personally, so that's kind of an indicator of similarity, at least I think so
Ash called King George, so alright he's him, but if he wasn't I would've put Anon as KG and Ash as Lafayette or Laurens because of the unhinged energy. If I wasn't Hamilton already I would've considered him for it, bc I also based some of my modern one-shot dialogues with ham on real conversations I've had with ash
Vanessa... before I start singing The Club, I'm gonna say she's Jefferson, the sassy version. Flawless. Could kill you, bold, but also wears fucking floor length fuchsia gowns and 100% listens to nessa barrett. Also like bffr Vanessa would have a goat which kills little boys and a mockingbird called Dick
Baby bee is Lafayette/Laurens, the one ash isn't. Why, same unhinged energy, probably braids their hair for fun, has a deadly spider as a pet (bbb has one but Lafayette and laurens didn't, Lafayette had an alligator he then regifted to John Quincy Adams bc he was like what the fuck do I do with is, and giving a spare alligator to the president is something I can totally see them doing)
Lylli (you probably don't know her as much, but she's an angel) gives like some heather McNamara energy and I think the character in Hamilton who is most similar to heather McNamara is Madison. Wrong side, but is a fucking cinnamon roll. Could kill you if necessary and has the kind of madness to do something stupid like buy prostitutes on accident (Madison) or eat someone as a joke (lilli) /j
Summer's mulligan. Underrated as fuck, iconic, the kind of friend who asks about you and then traumadumps once a month and you're like "how the fuck are you alive." Like that energy. Also mulligan was the only one of the hamilsquad to not cheat on his wife and I firmly believe summer would be the same.
Anon. Oh, anon. With K. George not being available, I'll probably have to assign him to Washington. But like the middle-of-the-war-historical-washington, not the one who had slaves. Like he'd totally adopt his aide-de-camps and tell someone "come here but be slow bc you're so fat if you run you're gonna turn the fucking boat around." /joke
And about the Schuyler sisters? well, who else than you, Bea, Ari and Veil? I'm not sure which would be each, tho, so let me explain myself.
Ari couldn't be Eliza, they don't have the same hopeless romantic energy you and Veil do have. So now she'd be either Angelica or Peggy. Angelica, as we know, is smart, a feminist, and also the middle point between super-romantic Eliza and probably-aroace Peggy. I think Ari is Angelica.
Bea, you're Eliza, kind of influenced by the fact she's your pfp, but also because she was artistic (she liked drawing), a good musician (she played the piano), a cinnamon roll, but she could also be a menace when she wanted to. Like, when she fucking dragged Monroe. Iconic.
Which leaves us with Veil as Peggy. And no, she's not "and Peggy," I've been reading (common sense by Thomas Paine) Hamilton and Peggy! by L. M. Elliott and let me tell you Peggy was not only a cinnamon roll like Eliza but she was also a feminist, smart and quick-witted girl as Angelica. She combines the best characteristics of the two in her own style. She was not as naive as Eliza or as impulsive as Angelica but she kept her own head up high
I'm behind on my writing schedule (I'm not, actually) but I want to write so I'm gonna cut it here and if I should do more people from our friendgroup tell me
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TW - Implied Character death, flashbacks, the plot may have gotten lost halfway through WC - 1088 AN - This one was a little harder to write- I promise it gets good!..this could have been slightly better- But I'm happy with what I got
Was he in a store? Elliott looked around. It looked like one.. His magic wasn’t working here. Did someone pull him into their dream? What the hell was going on.. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on Aaron's couch. He rubbed the back of his neck.. Maybe he could find the dreamer. He wandered down one of the produce aisles. 
Suppose they were even in the store. He tensed what if this was a trap? He hadn’t run into many other dreamwalkers or many people he would consider a friend let alone friendly enough to tell them he was a dreamwalker. Could it be sunshine? He stopped walking. What if it was Blake.. That would explain why he couldn’t use his magic much. 
Why would he put him in a grocery store? If it was to catch him off guard he did that.  But if he had let him go.. Why was he doing this to him? He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of running. Where was it coming from? Could it be the dreamer? He went towards the sound. It was him? Well, not him exactly.. But rather a younger version of himself. 
How did Blake..- he turned his head as he saw a younger sunshine run after him. They were laughing, smiling. They were happy. Both of them were. What was going on.. Better question where were they running to? He’d better follow them. 
He remembered that day. Sunshine had brought their dice, to his dnd game that day. Resin dice are always so pretty. Or maybe it was the fact he was getting lost in their eyes while they were talking about the dice.. He didn’t know.  He wanted to see those eyes again. And that smile.. The figures disappeared. And Elliott stopped running.
He was in a different room. Or a different section of the store, something was off. He could hear crying in the distance. Was that sunshine? No, it didn’t sound like them. He walked towards the noise. As he got closer the noise got louder- who was that.. They didn’t look like sunshine. Was this a trap? Maybe that was the dreamer.. 
‘’ hey, are you okay? ‘’ Elliott crouched next to the stranger.
‘’ I had a nightmare.. I.. I’m scared..’’ they shoved face into their lap. 
He was about to respond when they disappeared. Who was that? Why were they here? Why was he here? Better question why was he still here?! He stood and straightened himself. He was still here because of the guilt of being safe while.. His sunshine was suffering somewhere in pain. He would find them. He’d hoped he could find them. 
Well, all he could do now was look around in the new area. 
He had lost track of how long he’d been walking. Or how long he’d been here. Was it possible to be tired in a dream? Who cares.. He rolled his eyes. What was that in the distance? Was that a car? It was two of them. Why did the sky darken suddenly? Wait that car looked familiar. That was his car. No.. he remembered this night. 
As he got closer. He could see himself cradling them. Telling them everything was going to be okay. Was this his personal nightmare? Maybe sunshine had pulled him into the dream. Was this their way of punishing him for leaving them? Forced to relive the good and bad memories? Would Sunshine do that to him.. No, they wouldn’t. 
He knew them better than that. They would never do something like this to him.. To anyone. They have too big of a heart. And they would never want to hurt him like that. Their love for each other was greater than that.. When he finally got close enough to the accident he could see the human emergency services. To think of a random stranger he stopped on the side of the road. Would be the love of his life. 
He went to turn around at this point he was done. He couldn’t take this anymore. His heart and his mind couldn’t take this. Not anymore.. He refused. However, things continue to catch his attention. In the nearby forest was a campsite. One that he recognized. He recognized a lot of things in this dream. The difference with this one was
There was a person there, sitting in a chair. Holding on to themselves. Elliott made his way over there. Last option. If this was another flash or even a stupid hallucination he was leaving. As he got closer he could feel the warmth of the fire. The quiet humming as they stared at the fire.
‘’I was wondering when you get here. ‘’ the person muttered looking up, time to break the truth again. The stars look so pretty. Elliott knew that voice better than anything. 
‘’ Sunshine is that really you..? ‘’ he didn’t want to take the risk. He had been playing mind games, all night technically. That’s if it was still night. 
‘’ yes it’s me, and you take forever to get places.. ‘’ they huffed annoyedly 
‘’ oh thank god..’’ Elliott ran over practically knocking them out of their chair. ‘’ I was so worried about you.. ‘’ 
‘’ Eli.. I’m scared.. ‘’ Elliott stopped what did they mean they were scared? He moved their hair out of their face. ‘’ what do you mean sunshine? ‘’ he knew they were scared. But they were in his arms right now. 
‘’ You know how this goes.. ‘’ what did they mean by that? He just got them back! He had just found them after seeing flashes of the present and the past. What did they mean? They were going to be saved. They were going to make it out. 
‘’ sunshine what do you mean by that? I just found you. ‘’ Elliott looked confused. 
‘’ Eli.. we’ve done this song and dance before. ‘’ they looked at him tears welling in their eyes  ‘’ you’re forcing yourself to relive this nightmare..’’ 
What were they talking about? He was still on aarons couch. He knew he was.. That was the truth. Sunshine wasn’t the time to lie. 
‘’ Eli.. Im gone.. I have been. You know this already ‘’ the tears that built up were now falling. 
‘’ no.. no.. you’re not gone. You’re in the closet knit base.. ‘’  ‘’ you found me already. ‘’ they placed their hand on his cheek. ‘’ it’s going to be okay.. Just wake up.. From this Nightmare. ‘’
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captainbobbin · 4 months
tagged by @goth-automaton yeehaww
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I am gonna skim over a couple of fics though that I think were a bit rushed haha - my last batch of fics that came out were all done as part of my one-fic-per-day challenge so some of them are a bit scrappy haha; sue me for only using the fics from that challenge that I felt came out a little more solid lmao
Bearbaiting (nsfw)
“Prove it,” Astarion had spat, and none too kindly.
Earth, Comet, Eclipse
“Your dad's sleeping tonight,” Terra explained once Xion found him outside. He’d asked her earlier in the day to find him, and now he leaned against the wall and gave her an easy smile, which she returned. She liked Terra. She liked how comfy he was, how easy he was to be around. He gave a nod towards the wooded area nearby, the expanse of forest that hugged the edge of one of the rivers that ran around the Land of Departure. “Berserk, however, is up and hunting. Thought we'd go make it a game. You in?”
“Sanji,” Zeff whispers, hunched by the kitchen door and peering out, tone hushed and severe. Usually it's eggplant or brat or boy. Must be important. When Sanji totters over he's barely hip-height, far too young to be in a galley and far too young to be anywhere else. A hand plants on his head carefully to corral him, aim his gaze outward, and above and below they share the two-inch gap of the door and look out at the dining room. “Look.”
Afterimage (nsfw)
Saïx was pretty familiar with Xemnas’ abilities. Not all of them, which would infuriate him if only he was lucky enough to be allowed such a feeling for Saïx always wanted to know more, but for the most part Xemnas’ strange quirks and magical talents had stopped being unexpected. He’d grown numb to Xemnas floating off of the floor, to lights responding and things moving with barely even a glance, to thorns of nothing winding around things Xemnas’ wanted brought closer - himself included.
Trained Talent (nsfw)
There was a bit of a stereotype about jesters; that they were all secretly miserable, hard done by, only putting on a brave face and faking their cheer because at all times they were at risk of being admonished by whichever member of royalty they tried to entertain. That performers wore masks and actually suffered behind their smiles. There was a nugget of truth to it - a smile is a good way to cover up a frown, after all - but the truth that was more potent was that being a clown was a position of power.
Elliott, truthfully, didn’t spend that much time at the cabin these days.
The Front
Sanji wasn't an idiot. He knew from the first moment he applied for the job that Raindinners was sketchy as fuck. He'd been around, knew kitchens, could tell when corners were being cut - and believe him, they're cut often in a lotta places - but this was something else altogether.
“What do you want, Booga?” Jasper snarled as the other Spectral Sentinel all but waltzed into his private quarters after the sound of grating rumbling shook the entire floor. The dull creature had no concept of boundaries and Jasper knew that that was not about to change, but by the goddess he ought to at least learn to knock adequately.
Xemnas thought often about the concept of trust.
Deathroll (nsfw)
Surviving past lovers, had they the gall, might go so far as to call Crocodile lazy.
I'm surprised that I don't start with dialogue more often - I feel like I often open the fic with something spoken or something that comes back later, but it seems that I actually often start with an establishing paragraph that sets up the point of view characters current emotional state/line of thought. Which isnt a bad thing tbh! Though I think I'm going to have to try and change things up now and then haha
anyone who would like to do this meme, feel free to join in! I'd love to see @hroggins, @winxixia, @finlands-beret share their version and their thoughts but no pressure of course!
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