#this is not a diverse list and I apologise
kingkyks · 2 years
🎬📺share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in particular order🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 (anon or not, your choice)
(j'espère que tu passais un bon weekend <3)
Ok you said favourite characters from different pieces of media so this is basically a list of TV people I had a crush on I guess ?? in chronological order (from the first character I ever liked to the latest)
1. Pépin Troispommes from Les Milles et une prouesses de Pépin Troispommes
2. Cook from Skins
3. James McAvoy character in Penelope
4. Eames in Inception
5. Eddie in Venom
6. Tommy Shelby, Ada Shelby and Alfie Solomons in Peaky Blinders (that's cheating, I know)
7. Bob from The Drop
8. James Delaney in Taboo
9. OJ in Nope
10. Buck in 9-1-1 (if we ignore his attitude towards that young mum in the first ep and I haven't watch season 5 so he ain't a ****** yet)
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝when he yelled at you but then you started crying❞
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« characters - leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor »
« gender neutral reader »
req by @lilithram. i think i diverted quite a bit :")
luci, asmo
satan, barb
simeon, mephisto
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Even though Levi had some ground rules in his room that everybody knew about, hardly anybody tried to remember those. How could one be expected to pay attention to a vast list of rules, one of which dictated that a visitor could only walk up to his figurines following the exact path he had taken? Any diversion from the set route would banish the visitor from his room. It was bizarre, but so was Levi and you loved him. So, you entertained the shy demon, and enjoyed it too. Bad blood flowed between you two when you entered his room in a tired state, and forgot to follow some of the rules. Usually Levi cut you some slack. Some slack meant a lot of slack, only because he loved you a lot too, more than he ever let on. However, people whose hearts are filled with love also have their bad days. Levi, finding himself in the middle of one, got irritated at you, and yelled at you without meaning to. Because that's what people sometimes do. It was only when you started crying that he wished for the ground to part and swallow him whole. Well, that was one thing he never, ever, ever wanted to do. Hurt you. Perhaps he could fall into lava and... perish.
When you left his room in a hurry, he gulped and messaged you immediately, spamming your dms with apologies. Without waiting for another moment, he broke quite a few rules himself as he ran out of his room without thinking and stood outside your door. Touching the barrier gently, he shook and whispered.
"[Name], I-I am s-s-s-sorryyyyy waaaah. P-P-Please forgive this yucky otaku I am malfunctioning bye. Sorrrrrry."
He was not one to lose his temper but as it happened, he was hungry and couldn't find the cake he had set aside for himself. It wasn't you who had taken it out, but at that moment, Beel felt such rage bubble up inside himself that his faculties stopped working smoothly. You had only been unlucky to find him precisely then. Without noticing who he was speaking to, he howled - and what a marvelous, beastly howl that was - blaming you for stealing his food. Perhaps if it had been someone who you could expect a scolding from, well someone like Lucifer or Satan, you wouldn't have been as shaken as you were. But Beel, precious, sweet, cinnamon roll Beel made your throat run dry and your eyes water. You didn't know if it was shock or fear of such a tall demon looming over you. Whatever it was, you wished that it would go away.
Beel immediately apologised and fidgeted uneasily before coming to a standstill. He didn't dare reach out or hug you even though he desperately wanted to, for the sake of both of you. A hug would help, and he knew he gave good, warm hughs. Hugs that you loved.
"[Name]... I.. I didn't mean to scare you. I am so so so sorry. Don't be mad at me. I don't even feel like eating anymore..."
He refused to leave your side till he had done all that he could to cheer you up. For the rest of the day, he was seen beside you like a guard dog, or rather a concerned puppy.
Belphie had been having nightmares for a few days. Despite knowing that it wasn't your fault, he couldn't help but lose his patience when you kept checking on him. Sure he looked grumpy and tired. Heck, he felt grumpy and tired. But he needed to stay away from the root cause of all his misery - you. He knew that he shouldn't have taken out his hatred of humanity on you, but now that he was traumatized by his own misdeed against you, all he wanted was some time to cope. Did he cross a line when he told you to mind your own business? Yes, he shouldn't have screamed at you, but you must understand his pain. He felt his heart constrict when he saw your eyes widen and tears form at the corner of your eyes. Frozen to his spot, he couldn't anything at all as he helplessly saw you dash out of his room and disappear into nothingness.
Oh Belphie, you're such an idiot! Curses on you.
You found a gift at your doorsteps, which had a snow globe inside. Belphie's voice erupted from it, much to your bewilderment.
"I am sorry, [Name]."
He had never been good at apologies face to face.
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bangtansocean · 10 months
Roommate's Prohibited List: Five
Content Table: 01 l 02 l 03 l 04 l 05 l 06
“You look nice today.” 
Oh God, here we go.  
“Thank you, Soobin.” You thank him with a soft smile, looking down to your outfit as you step out of your building, walking next to him.
“Anytime,” He replies softly, his eyes wandering around before looking down with a shy smile, watching your steps synchronised as you make your way down the street.
The weather today is perfect, sunny with a light breeze not too hot and not too windy. 
You enjoy the sun in silence as you make your way down to the exhibition, turning to look at Soobin every now and then who looks too emerged in his thoughts. 
You think about asking him if everything was okay when you finally see the line to the entrance, surprised to see the area looks more like a fair than a museum exhibition which is what you were expecting.
“Oh wow,” You turn to Soobin with questioning eyes. Did you come to the right place? 
He turns to look at you and nods as if he can read your mind and knew you were confused at what you were seeing.
So this is where you guys are going.
You make the line which thankfully goes by quickly, both you and Soobin taking in the vibrant energy that surrounds the place.
“Thank you. Enjoy your day!” The lady at the entrance welcomes you after scanning both of your tickets, a warm smile on her face as she invites you to access the event.
The place looks more like a market at plain sight.
There’s stalls on each side of the narrow main street, and it meets with other streets that keep getting smaller and smaller.
Live music fades into the background, as the smell of delicious Italian cuisine fills the air of the place.
“So… what do you want to check out first?” Soobin asks you, looking down to meet your eyes, “We could walk around to see if we like anything and stop as we go, or is there anything you specifically want to see?”
“I thought we were here for the Roman exhibition.” You tease him, to which he rolls his eyes in a joking manner. 
“Yes,” He laughs. “But we are already here. We might as well enjoy the rest of the festival, no?” He winks at you before focusing on the stall behind you, a cute handmade jewelry stand being managed by two young girls and their father. 
“Okay, maybe we can just walk around and see what calls our attention?” You repeat Soobin’s plan to which he nods before making his way into the busy hall, his eyes turning to you every now and then to make sure you’re still walking next to him. 
You walk deeper into the market, and the deeper you get the more you feel like you are actually in Italy. 
Soobin walks next to you, humming to the song the live band is playing as he scans the variety of stalls surrounding you, a faint smile never leaving his lips. Both mesmerised at the beauty and the diversity of the things around you.
You try to keep up with his steps, but you notice the more you walk into the market, the less space there is to walk.
You are able to follow Soobin thanks to his outstanding head amongst the crowd, but suddenly you reach a junction where people are flowing from all sides, and you completely lose the direction he just turned to. 
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself, “Soobin?” you call louder as you look around the area.
 Still no sight of him.
You start to worry when you are unable to see him in the sea of people, calling his name again before a loud noise and people gasping makes you turn nervously to the right. 
The people gather around making a circle around the stall where you could see fruits scattered all over the floor, and where you find a distressed Soobin picking the fruits up as he continues to apologise to the owner for tripping with the baskets. 
“I’m sorry, I’m looking for my friend and didn’t see the basket.” He continues to apologize as he places the fruits back in the basket. His eyes scan the crowd quickly before bowing to the old lady who looks at him with understanding eyes. 
You can’t help but laugh at the scene in front of you, which makes Soobin’s head turn to look at you with big eyes, his shoulders relaxing at the sight of you. 
He walks to you and grabs you by the arm, dragging you back to where he was standing. 
The lady of the wrecked stall smiles at you, which you reciprocate with a small bow.
“Please don’t disappear again.” He whispers before diverting his attention from you again as he continues to help the nice lady clean up.
You open your mouth to reply, but you are taken aback by his serious tone. He sounded very distressed, and you weren’t sure if joking around was the best option right now. 
In fact, you didn’t know how to react at all.
You watch him silently as he finishes cleaning the mess he made and makes his way back to you and the owner of the stall. He exchanges a few words with the nice lady, offering her some money for the damaged fruits. 
She refuses to take it at first, but after Soobin's insistence, she finally takes the money with a small bow. 
“I apologize again ma’am, I’ll be more careful from now on.” He bows one more time before turning to you, a light shade of red covering Soobin’s cheeks and ears as he grabs your hand and walks to the opposite direction of where the accident happened. “Well, that was embarrassing.” 
You stare at your joined hands, his fingers intertwined with yours as his thumb strokes small circles on your hand, sending shivers down your arm. Your eyes linger a few seconds more before looking up at him with confused eyes. 
Sobbin stops walking when you don't reply to him, your head still all over the place trying to process everything that happened in the span of five minutes. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, his worried eyes scanning you. “y/n?” His eyebrows are almost touching due to his frown.
His eyes land on your intertwined hands, letting go of your hand and placing it on your shoulder, shaking you softly as he calls your name again.
“Yes, sorry,” You shake your head, snapping out of your zoning out. “So much happened just now my brain is trying to process it all.” 
You stare at each other in silence, a smile appearing on his face as he continues to stare with intrigued eyes.
“Why are you acting like you are the one who just embarrassed themselves in the middle of the market?” He asks in a teasing tone, holding his laughter as you press your lips in a straight line, trying to not laugh. 
It doesn’t last long before you both give in, laughing at the spectacle Soobin created.
“This is your fault,” Soobin pouts as his neck gets red, the embarrassment taking over him again as his eyes avoid you. “I thought I lost you.” 
Your heart sinks at the words, the endearing tone making you hold back a nervous laugh;
Him being upset at the thought of losing you was making you feel things, and you are not sure if that's a good thing at all. 
“I thought I lost you too,” You reply with a shrug, trying to play it cool. “You walk too fast.” You tease him, making him huff back at your jab. 
“Well, you walk too slow,” He replies in a challenging tone. 
“No, I walk at normal human speed. It’s not my fault you are built different.”
Soobin jaw drops in disbelief before he snorts laughing, throwing his head back as he covers his mouth with his hand. “Hey! that’s bullying!” 
The tension and the seriousness of the situation ease out as you both laugh it out. His dimples grow bigger as he tries to calm himself down, failing to do so as he continues laughing which makes you laugh. 
“Okay, enough market for now.” Soobin says in between laughter, his hand reaching out to yours before intertwining his long fingers with yours again. 
You look down to your hands, a thousand jabs in your stomach as he plays with your fingers. His thumb caresses the back of your hand before he squeezes your hand a couple of times, making you laugh at his antics.
You look up to him, who is still entertained with your hand, a faint smile decorating his lips before he speaks again. 
“I’m not losing you again.” He speaks slowly, his words sinking in as his eyes meet yours. 
You hum back in reply, not sure how to respond at the sudden seriousness. 
“Let’s go to the exhibition then?” You try to avoid being awkward again, taking a deep breath before he nods.
He turns to look ahead, pulling on your hand gently as you walk down the market together, his hand never leaving yours. 
The market is very busy, but you can’t really focus on whatever is happening around you. All you can think about is how his hand covers yours, his thumb still caressing your skin softly as he continues to hold your hand tightly, squeezing it lightly every now and then. 
It’s almost like he is trying to remind you that you are holding hands. 
You walk peacefully until you reach a small gray building by the lake with the words ‘Roman Empire Exhibition’ written on a sign by the entrance door. 
It seems like the place is usually a restaurant, and they took half of the place to host the exhibition which would explain the amount of tables and chairs stacked up by the entrance.
“Should we head in?” Soobin turns to look at you with excited eyes. 
You nod with a faint smile before you both step into the exhibition, his hand never leaving yours as you make your way inside. 
You spend the next hour walking around the exhibition, enjoying the artifacts and the extensive video-documentaries being displayed on the walls. Soobin took it as his personal duty to explain everything to you, and even though you already know most things thanks to your dad, you listen to him attentively with a smile as he gives you a tour around the exhibition. 
You notice a special glimmer in his eyes when he talks about the artifacts, the excitement exuding from him as he continues to walk you through the exhibit which makes your heart rate increase every time your eyes meet.
And by the time you are done with the exhibition, you are surprised to realise that you are still holding Soobin’s hand. 
He did let go of your hand every now and then when explaining and pointing at things, but he would immediately hold your hand back, almost like second nature to him. 
You obviously didn’t mind it at all, but you weren’t sure why he would keep holding onto your hand when the exhibition barely had people inside, there was no way of losing you in there.
But you didn’t want to make things awkward, so you decided to keep quiet and keep the questions for yourself. 
At the end of the day, you are almost certain he doesn’t realize what he is doing.  
“Well, what did you think about it?” You ask him as you make your way out the exit into the main lobby of the building. 
He rolls his eyes as he moans in satisfaction, “It was better than I expected, ten out of ten.” He nods while closing his eyes, making you giggle at his child-like attitude. 
You take a glance of the lobby, your admiration to the beautiful decoration interrupted when your eyes spot the white board on the corner of the room: Make your own pizza here! Pizza classes starting 2 euro each! 
“Oh my God, Soobin!” You exclaim excitedly, making him turn to the direction you were looking at. 
He squints his eyes to read the sign, gasping in surprise once he is able to read it. 
You both turn to look at each other with a smirk, speaking with your eyes before he pulls you by the hand and begins skipping his steps towards the entrance, pulling you by the hand as you follow with a laugh. 
Once you are by the sign, you can spot the chef who welcomes you with a grand smile. 
“You are in luck! We have one more spot available for the next class, it starts in 5 minutes!” He types into his Ipad your names before going back inside the kitchen to get the credit card machine, Soobin pulling out his wallet to pay the classes to which you quickly reject. 
“I can pay,” You speak nervously, not wanting Soobin to spend all his money, taking into consideration he payed the lady for the damaged fruits. 
“Absolutely not.” He taps his credit card into the machine, not giving you a second chance to try and offer to at least pay your half. “My treat.” 
You feel giddy inside at his gentleman-like attitude, biting your lip before thanking him. 
You’ve been good at keeping your feelings in check, but he has been testing you ever since you arrived at the event, the crush growing by the minute which makes you extremely nervous. 
“This way please!” The old man greets you into the kitchen, pointing at the one spot left in the long table, your eyes scanning the room to realize…
It’s all couples. 
You turn to look at Soobin who is turning pink, his eyes meeting you as he lets out a nervous giggle, realizing too, that you just got yourself into another awkward situation.
You walk to your spot in silence, Soobin following you as he stands behind you once you reach your spot.
The ingredients are organized per couple, and you are thankful to see they have your favorite pizza toppings for selection, turning to look at Soobin with excited eyes to which he replies with a small smile. 
The class starts and your attention is fully on the chef, who explains the first few steps to make sure the dough is perfectly made. You made some space for Soobin next to you so you could both work at the same time, but the table was shared with another couple who were taking a lot of space and it was very uncomfortable to try and fit all of you in a line. 
“Sorry,” You whisper to Soobin after elbowing him for the fifth time, blowing a string of hair off your face, beginning to get frustrated at the couple next to you who keeps taking more and more space. Even after you kindly asked them to move slightly to the left so you and Soobin could have enough space to work on the dough, they kept taking extra space unconsciously which was making this experience a very unenjoyable one. 
“Hey,” Soobin calls your attention in a whisper, turning to look at him with a pout as you punch your dough softly, making him laugh at your antics. “I know,” He comforts you, giving the couple a dirty look which they miss as they are laughing with each other, throwing their dough up in the air like professionals. 
You both stare at the couple with a frown, unsure of how to deal with the situation without sounding extremely rude and ruining the mood for everyone else in the class. 
“Here, let’s try this.” Soobin whispers again, moving away from the table and walking behind you. 
You try to turn around to see where he was going, but he grabs you by the shoulder to prevent you from turning around, standing behind you as he lowers his body to reach your height. “Let’s see if this works,” He speaks softly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine as his hands travel from your shoulders and down your arms until he reaches your dough. 
He taps your hand before grabbing the roller, holding the farthest sides before speaking into your ear again, “Come on, grab it.” 
You swallow dryly at the unintentional innuendo, letting out a quiet giggle before grabbing into the roller, your hands on top of his as you begin to stretch the dough. 
“Why is it so hard?” Soobin asks, surprised at the amount of strength he has to use to stretch your dough. 
Your mind, already in the gutter, fails you as you laugh louder. 
It takes Soobin a few seconds to understand why you were laughing, nudging you with his shoulder before he joins you laughing. “You’re so nasty,” He scolds you as he continues to stretch your dough, his chest bumping into your back every now and then which just makes the situation worse for you. 
You can’t help but laugh every time you feel his hips against your ass, the whole situation making you slightly horny as you try to stay focused on making your pizza…
But all you can think about is having him bend you over and fucking you against the table.
“How thick do you like it?” Soobin genuinely asks, making you laugh again before replying. 
“This thick is perfect for me,” You reply in a higher tone, unable to take the conversation seriously which makes him huff at your childish innuendos. 
“You are worse than a high schooler,” He laughs, surprised to see how dirty minded you are. “Behave,” He scolds you in a deeper tone, playing along with your immature game. 
“Yes daddy,” You reply in almost a high pitched moan, making you both burst into laughter. 
You notice the couple next to you staring in annoyance, which makes Soobin cough as he goes back to working on the dough in silence, trying to ease the awkwardness between you two and the couple next to you, feeling slightly victorious to see that they too, had a taste of their own medicine. 
“Let’s make a heart,” Soobin breaks the silence as he puts his dough in front of you.
You blink repeatedly before grabbing the roller, stretching his dough without replying, or looking back. 
This time around, his hands are on top of yours, rolling carefully to not hurt you as you do most of the work. Thankfully, his dough was softer than yours, which made it easier to roll by yourself.
Once you are done rolling you begin to shape his pizza, both of your hands working diligently to make it a pretty heart. You continue to make sure the heart is perfect, molding it a couple of times with your thumbs to fix any edges that could look bumpy and ruin the shape. 
“You’re good at this,” He compliments you as he takes his hands off the dough, letting you finish the small details you were diligently working on. 
However, your breath hitches when his hands land on your waist, your head turning to meet Soobin’s eyes.
You stare at each other in silence, your hand still on the dough as his rest on your waist, his thumb making small circles on your skin which made it tingle to his touch. 
He licks his lips as his eyes dance between your eyes and your lips, making you nervous as you notice him lean closer to your face. 
You can’t help but look at his wet lips and then back up to his eyes, his stare soft and his nervous eyes as he is a few inches away from your lips. 
And then...
A thunderous clap startles both of you, turning to the front to see the chef standing in the middle of the room congratulating everyone for finishing step one, and informing everyone that you will begin adding toppings to the pizza now. 
You clear your throat as you shift in your place, Soobin’s hands leaving your waist as he takes a step to the side, still feeling his eyes on you before he takes a step forward, standing next to you but his eyes now focused on your pizzas. 
You were able to get all the toppings on the pizza in less than 5 minutes, and then you waited 10 minutes for the pizzas to cook in the oven, which was handed to you in a pizza box by the chef who thanked everyone for coming to the class.  
You exchanged a few words with Soobin and a few other people from the class as you waited for the pizzas, adding one of the girls to your contacts as she recognised you from orientation.
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow!” You wave back at her before stepping out the door, Soobin following behind as you make your way down the lakeside. You look up to notice the different colours in the sky as the sunset reaches its peak point . “The sky is so pretty.” 
Soobin looks up as he continues to walk beside you holding both of the pizza boxes, humming pleased at the pretty sunset.
“Let’s sit over there,” He points with his head to a small bench by the lake, a man setting up his amp to busk not far from there. 
“Sure,” you nod, walking towards the bench as the sound of the man’s saxophone starts to ring in your ears, a romantic ballad complementing the scenery surrounding you.
“Oh I love this song!” Soobin exclaims as he makes it to the bench a few seconds before you and places the boxes on top of the bench before turning to look at you. “Let’s dance,” he smiles as he grabs your hands, placing one on his shoulder before placing it on your waist. 
He holds your other hand as he pulls you closer to him, slowly swaying side to side before you could reproach him.
You can’t help but laugh with him, both of you swaying slowly as he guides you. “You’re a great dancer,” You compliment him, watching his profile as he watches the sunset over the lake, a smirk appearing on his face before turning to you.
“My mother signed me up for dance classes when I was younger.” He explains in a soft voice, “She always said that if I wanted to marry a princess I would have to know how to dance with her.” 
“You wanted to marry a princess?” You tease with a smile before he lets go of your waist to make you twirl, his hand finding your waist again as you continue to dance. 
“No. I wanted to marry Rapunzel, to be specific.” He looks down and smiles, the memory playing in his head. “I was an ambitious little guy.” 
“That’s so cute,” You scrunch your nose in endearment, picturing baby Soobin telling his mom he wanted to marry Rapunzel. 
The song unfortunately comes to an end, and both of you let go of each other to clap for the man who bowed and mouthed a quiet thank you before getting ready to play his next song. 
“Okay, let’s eat and then I’ll take you home.” Soobin places his hand on your shoulder and taps it  lightly before walking towards the boxes, handing you the one on the top.
“Thank you,” You bow lightly before opening the box, “Oh, this one is yours.” 
You look at the heart shaped pizza, noticing it has the exact same toppings as yours and it was slightly bigger than yours, your mouth watering at the sight. 
“It’s okay, we got the same topics. Plus you worked extra hard to shape it, it’s only fair you get it. ” He takes the other box and sits on the bench, placing the box on his legs before opening the box to air the heat out. “My heart is yours if you want it.” 
You stare at him for a few seconds, his eyes never leaving yours as a faint smile appears on his lips. 
“Thank you,” You whisper, feeling shy all of a sudden as you take a seat next to him, opening the box to air the pizza as Soobin nods in response, taking a slice of his pizza and taking the first bite. 
“Anytime, y/n” He replies after swallowing, turning to you one last time before you begin eating your heart shaped pizza in silence. The saxophone and the sunset being your companions as your heart beat increases for the thousandth time today. 
a/n: Hello guys! Thank you for reading and for liking this story. I'm having a lot of fun writing it for you guys :] I apologise for the late update, I just came back from a work trip so I've been all over the place trying to get back to normal day to day life!
What did you think about the date? your comments and reblogs motivate me to write, so don't forget to share your thoughts! it helps me a lot c: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, happy readings!
Ceci x
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
Betty was written with William Bowery. In the credits, Joe is a producer. In the Long Pond Session, Taylor said James and Betty wind up together, but he really put her through it. In the Eras Tour Taylor introduces Betty, (Transcribed Betty Speeches) likening it to HYGTG. She says it is about a teenage boy trying to apologise to the love of his life:
There are songs with a high school metaphor (Betty, August, INTHAF, MA&HBP & Suburban Legends) that have Haylor references. The metaphor of 17 year old James for 18 year old HS and Betty for Taylor is clearer. To me, I think Augustine is loosely based on Kendall Jenner, but Taylor has also shown she identifies with this role also.
To Vulture Aaron said:
This one Taylor and William wrote, and then both Jack and I worked on it. We all kind of passed it around. This is the one where Taylor wanted a reference. She wanted it to have an early Bob Dylan, sort of a Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.
It's unusual for Taylor to have a direct throw back musical reference like that play such a role in the song. This may be William Bowery's influence, Taylor said that William Bowery played her a lot of diverse music. Harry Styles has a similar approach.
Betty, I won't make assumptions About why you switched your homeroom but I think it's 'cause of me Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard When I passed your house It's like I couldn't breathe
The opening reminds me of Wish you Would & Style with him passing her house, now on a skateboard rather than Range Rover. (cute video of Taylor recording the skateboard)
Harry has Asthma and uses oxygen on stage. This last line also reminds me of his anxiety, which Taylor has referred to in New Years Day (squeeze my hand in the backseat of the taxi) and Now that we don't talk ( Did you get anxious though On the way home?)
You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time it was true The worst thing that I ever did Was what I did to you
It's well known that James, Inez and Betty are Blake and Ryan's kids. I always wonder how Inez will feel about this line when she's older.
Here I think her name is standing in for the media, specifically I think of Perez Hilton which was a bigger thing in 2012. This is a call back to when Harry kissed a girl in Australia in April 2012.
The worst thing line is a reference to Where do broken hearts go's line "Counted all my mistakes and there's only one / Standing out from the list of the things I've done / All the rest of my crimes don't come close / To the look on your face when I let you go"
[Chorus] But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only 17, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
In the Long Pond Sessions, Taylor said 'William Bowery' wrote this whole chorus. It includes references to a number of songs about Harry and Taylor's relationship:
HYGTG "Stand there like a ghost / Shaking come the rain, rain / She'll open up the door / And say, are you insane, -ane?"
Cruel Summer "And I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate"
Style: " I heard / That you've been out and about with some other girl, some other girl" / He says, "What you heard is true, but I Can't stop thinkin' 'bout you and I" / I said, "I've been there too a few times"
To be so Lonely: "Don't blame me for falling / I was just a little boy Don’t blame the drunk caller / Wasn't ready for it all" and "You said you cared / And you missed me, too"
Betty, I know where it all went wrong Your favorite song was playing From the far side of the gym I was nowhere to be found I hate the crowds, you know that Plus, I saw you dance with him
Suburban Legends "“I am standin’ in a 1950s gymnasium” in Suburban Legends and here Taylor is using a metaphor for a prom or school dance for an event. In Suburban Legends she is proud to be with him, here they are using it as a reason to escape together.
Wildest Dreams "He said, "Let's get out of this town / Drive out of the city, away from the crowds"" and who could blame either of them. I Know Places is also all about the avoiding crowds
The seeing Betty dance with someone else reminds us of Exile (I can see you standing, honey / With his arms around your body), Woman ("While he’s touching your skin He’s right where I should, where I should be") and To be So Lonely "Do you think it's easy being of the jealous kind?"
I was walking home on broken cobblestones Just thinking of you when she pulled up like A figment of my worst intentions She said "James, get in, let's drive" Those days turned into nights Slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long
Cobblestones links it to Cardigan, and indicates it is set in London or New York.
I love 'figment of my worst intentions' for temptation, in Style she sings of him being with someone else and thinking of TS.
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep And I planned it out for weeks now But it's finally sinkin' in Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when You see my face again The only thing I wanna do Is make it up to you So I showed up at your party
This verse is similar to HYGTG, Wish You Would and The Last Time.
Also this is similar to the leaked Half the World Away "I messed up, you'll be fine / I'm gonna sleep alone tonight / Never gonna be the same"
Yeah, I showed up at your party Yeah, I showed up at your party Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch In front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only 17, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
The stupid friends like reminds me of Suburban Legends "I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs / Would surprise the whole school / When I ended up back at our class reunion/ Walkin' in with you" They are both expressing wanting HS and TS to be showing off their relationship, which they kept private.
Standing in your cardigan Kissin' in my car again Stopped at a streetlight You know I miss you
Kissing in cars matches Cardigan "To kiss in cars and downtown bars was all we needed" and also matches the many references to driving.
If I could fly "I'm missing half of me when we're apart"
TBSL "You said you cared / And you missed me, too"
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moonspirit · 6 months
hello! i hope you're doing well! otherwise, i wish you good luck and good mood.
so, i would like to ask: are there any fanfiction on aruannie that you can recommend? (including nswf). sorry, i'm not an american/englishman, so it's hard for me to find a good fanfic myself.
Helloooo!! Thank you very much, I hope you're doing well too :3
There's a LOT of aruani fics I can recommend, so you can take a look at the fic rec tag over here. The lists are many so you've got plenty to try out.
Regarding the thing about being American/English, I honestly believe even a great deal of us who write fanfic are not native English speakers xD At least, the AruAni writers I know (including myself) are not. So there's no worries over there and absolutely no need to apologise for anything at all :3 Fanfic is for everyone and the diversity is great and beautiful in itself.
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lutiaslayton · 5 months
So uh. Hi, I finally made a decision I probably should have made a long while ago thanks to talking a bit on Discord: for the sake of my sanity I will not be keeping up the weekly schedule after all 😔 Layton's Book Club updates WILL be posted exclusively on Saturdays at the decided time, instead of at any random time in the week, and I will likely make a few heads up when we're on a lucky week during which you'll get an update, but I will not force myself to make it happen every single week. Simply because at least right now, it is physically impossible for me to do so. (Chapter 1 Part 1 of Illusory Forest is going to be the end of me, and not just because I am still questioning if the author was under the influence of some Folsense gas while writing it.)
That being said, I believe this should actually be treated as good news, and not just good news for my personal health. Because, sure, the updates will not come out as often as I had originally planned to. But in the long run, I actually believe that since I no longer plan to force myself to only work on one thing (which has progressively been eating at my sanity on top of that because darn it this chapter is stupid and it just doesn't seem to END, + it'd be nice if I could finally get some content out that is my creation rather than somebody else's), it means that I will actually allow myself to post more diverse Layton stuff in the meantime.
Stuff like the Evan Barde post I made a few days ago, or other helpful-for-the-fandom stuff that isn't translation work, or… even maybe stuff like finally allowing myself to write SLS and draw random stuff again? Or even read other people’s fanfics and comics and AUs and stuff? (ok technically that last one would probably not lead to tumblr content but shush it means I would take time to look at YOUR content for a change)
The list of stuff I'd like to post in the future includes but is not limited to:
A tutorial on how I get my translation stuff done despite the fact that I do not actually speak Japanese. Best case scenario, this might even lead to some brave people among you to start helping me with this monumental task that is translating multiple novels and games from scratch while you're not even fluent in the language you're translating, and this would be a MASSIVE weight off my back. (spoiler alert: while I do use DeepL to check stuff and/or get inspiration, my work is NOT limited to simply copy/pasting sentences into it and then copy/pasting whatever it gives me back)
The Playthrough series! You had all forgotten about it, hadn't you? Yeah, me too.
Lore analysis stuff in general. I have a massive, absolutely insane project ongoing which is basically "Want to find some info about X? Just open that one (1) web page, enter a few tags such as a specific character's name or location, clich the Search button, and get a list of every single known fact which is related to all of your tags which is summarised down to the bare minimum fact, along with the exact source and quote directly taken from the source material."
Puzzle theory stuff. I've talked about it a lot, it'd be cool if I could finally get the stuff sorted and actually provide all the evidence supporting, refining or challenging it in one place. Above-mentioned lore analysis stuff should help with that.
More fancy shitpost such as the ones found in the #lutiasdraws tag. Let me join in on the fun pls it's good for my mental health to get some serotonin out of non-boring stuff. Heck, perhaps I might even do fanart/shitpost about some fanfics/AUs/others I find and enjoy.
That being said, I apologise to everyone who was hyped at the idea of Illusory Forest updating weekly, but I hope you'll still enjoy the stuff I'll be posting here. If not, blacklisting tags is a thing! I tag everything diligently so for example if you're tired of seeing me ramble about stuff (I do that a lot lately, sorry for that 😭), you can just block the #lutiastalks tag. Yes I finally decided to make #lutiasreplies exclusive to actually replying to asks or reblogs, and use #lutiastalks for random news stuff. yay to self-care and cleaning up my house, head, and tumblr blog.
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leaderoffestivals · 2 years
Ayase Mayoi Feature Scout 2: Spotlight and Silhouette Ch 1
Mayoi: … About this, Anzu-san… … Why is it that there’re only my costume designs here… …?
This is about ALKALOID’s Solo Live… …, right… …?
Season: Autumn Author:  Yuumasu Characters: Mayoi, Leo, Hiiro, Aira, Tatsumi, Eichi Proofed by: ryuseipuka (EN)
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Eichi: … … And that just about wraps it up. We’ve managed to conclude everything that’s listed on the agenda, so let’s call this meeting to a close.
I know that Anzu-chan is a busy person too. I apologise for having taken up so much of your time.
… … You’re right. There are too many matters here which cannot be effectively discussed through texts and emails alone. 
In addition to that, it’s a nice change of pace to be able to speak to you like this.
After having attended a long onslaught of meetings of the sort where a single, careless gaffe could prove fatal, this meeting is a gentle balm to the soul, indeed.  
I would be very glad if Anzu-chan had felt that the time here was spent meaningfully, too. 
… … Oh, that’s right. Could you update me on the latest developments of the ‘Feature Live’ project? 
How are the preparations coming along? Is everything going as planned? 
… He~h. So, you’re planning to get in touch with ALKALOID next? 
I’m really curious about the kind of Live it’ll end up being. As it is, I’ll save that pleasant diversion for later—
—and look forward to a spectacular stage performance, one that befits these up-and-coming young stars!
Well then, let’s vacate this room now. Please, after you, Anzu-chan. 
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Mayoi: … … … …
(... … It seems that they’re gone.
Uuuu… …. I beg your pardon, the both of you. It was never my intention to eavesdrop on you like this… …!
I was moving through the ceiling on my way to lessons when I happened to overhear the word ‘ALKALOID’, so I inadvertently stopped to listen…
What in the world is this ‘Feature Live’ about? It seems to be related to a Solo Live, I guess? 
Fufufu… … ♪ I’m sure that must be it. Even though it may just be by the tiniest of baby steps, we're definitely making a name for ourselves. 
We’re much more confident in carrying out our idol activities as ALKALOID now, and we’re able to work together more closely than ever before. 
I heard them mentioning something about ‘a spectacular stage’ earlier, so perhaps, we'll be called upon to attempt some new choreography or production…
Fufu. I’m really looking forward to this Feature Live… … ♪ )
< An hour later >
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Mayoi: Aira-san, could you move your right foot 15 centimetres forward?
Aira: 15 centimetres… Uhhh, just how far is that? I have no idea because I don’t have a ruler right now~
Mayoi: It’s about the length of one handspan… … Yes, just like that. 
Aira: Wo~w~! My form looks so much better now compared to how it was before!
I never thought that such a small change in the position of one’s feet would make such a massive difference. I’ve learned something new today~ ♪
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Hiiro: Umu! The advice that Senpai offers is right on target, as usual. You’ve been such a great help!
By the way, Mayoi-senpai, you seemed even more fired up than usual today. Did something good happen?
Mayoi: Well, the truth is… …
(… … Nooo, you mustn’t say anything about it, Mayoi! This is information that you obtained through eavesdropping after all!
You must find out at the same time as everyone, be surprised at the same time as everyone, and celebrate at the same time as everyone, otherwise…!)
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Tatsumi: ‘The truth is’… …? What is it?
Mayoi: No, no. I—it’s nothing. Come, let us continue with the lesson, shall we?
Hiiro / Aira: ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪
Mayoi / Tatsumi: ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪
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Mayoi: (Oh… …? It seems that Anzu-san has entered the room. She’s starting taking photos of us for some reason… …
Oh, I see. She’s here to verify our abilities for herself.
Fufufufu~ Please study us from any angle you wish, to your heart’s satisfaction! Feast your eyes on who we are ‘now’!
We’ll definitely convince you that we can be entrusted with a Solo Live performance with all your heAAART!)
<After the lesson has ended >
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Mayoi: … … And that will be all for the lesson today. Thank you all so much for your hard work, everyone.
Aira: Huff, wheeze… I’m all worn out~... I feel like I’m about to dieee….
Anzu-san, are those refreshments for us? Wo~w~! Thank you sooo much, I’ve been brought back to life now ♪
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Hiiro: Fufu! Dying, and then coming back to life? You’re really busy, aren’t you, Aira!
Aira: Mu! Hiiro-kun, be quiet…
Hey, Anzu-san, it looked like you were taking a whole lot of pictures of us earlier, but what are you gonna use them for?
Mayoi: (Fufufu… … … I know what that must be for. It must surely be for the Feature Live, right?)
Hiiro: … … A Feature Live? Wow, so you’re looking to organise a Solo Live performance?
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Mayoi: (Fufufu. I knew it. It is just as I had predicted!)
It seems that there might be some sponsorship involved too? I wonder if that means the outfits will be custom-made as well… … ♪
Could you allow us to take a look at the costume designs? Thank you very much.
… … …?
… About this, Anzu-san… … Why is it that there’re only my costume designs here… …?
This is about ALKALOID’s Solo Live… …, right… …?
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Tatsumi: … … Ohhh. This Solo Live isn’t about the ‘Unit’ at all. Rather, it’s about an individual idol starring in their own Solo Live instead— 
—and, Mayoi-san’s the one who has been chosen to perform this time?
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Mayoi: (EH! M—MY OWN Solo Live?!)
Aira: That’s sooo~ awesome~! What an unexpected breakthrough! Congrats, Mayoi-san ♪
Mayoi: (N-N-No way! … … I thought that everyone would be together with me… …! To think that I would be standing up on the stage all by myself—)
That’s just impossible for meEEEEEE! 
(—Sound of Mayoi running quickly away—)
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Aira: Hey, wait a minute! Mayoi-san~?!
< A while later >
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Mayoi: Huff~… … Wheeze~… …
(Aghh… I couldn’t face that reality, and ran away…
… …? The door to the Ventilation Control Room was unlocked just now, wasn’t it? But then, no one ever enters this place except during routine inspections…
Aah~ could it be that Sora-san has come to play? He’s the only one who knows about this place, after all. 
I’ll calm this panicked heart of mine down now, and figure out what to do next afterwards… ♪)
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Leo: ~  ♪  ~  ♪  ~  ♪ 
Wahaha! It’s gushing forth! It’s gushing forth without stopping, my inspiration~ ☆
This is such a wonderful, excellent space! The plain partitions and blank white walls are driving me absolutely wild with the desire to create… …! ☆
Mayoi: (Wh—what is Leo-san doing in this place… …)
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Leo: Hmm? Who’s that over there! Mumuu!
Mayoi: I’ve been spotted… …! Hyeee~h, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!
Leo: Oh, it’s Mayoi, huh? And what are you doing in a place like this?
Mayoi: Thaaaat’s MY line, you knOWWW!
< A few minutes later >
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Mayoi: Ehh~. But if you were composing, how did you end up here?
Leo: It’s a pretty common thing for me to find myself standing in the middle of a strange place without the foggiest clue of how I got there. 
Just the other day, I ended up in Pisa when I was supposed to be in Florence, somehow~ (1). Ah, you know what I mean by ‘Pisa’, right? I’m not talking about ‘pizza’, okay?
Mayoi: Yes, I know of it. It’s famous for having the Leaning Tower after all… …
Leo: Yup, yup, that’s the place! So, there I was, back to my senses in front of that Leaning Tower, right? And when I sent a picture of it to Sena with the message, “I’m here. Come pick me up”, he called me back—
—and started scolding me, saying, “This is NOT the time to be taking photos without a care in the world!” But it’s not like I did it on purpose, you know!
Well, it all worked out in the end. After we said everything we had to say to each other, we went sightseeing together~. It was really fun! Ahaha!
Mayoi: Haa~. So, such a thing has happened before, I see… …
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(To be continued)
Chapter 2
Translator’s note:
Florence and Pisa are two cities in Italy that are 68km apart (42miles). It’s an hour’s train ride away that costs around 4.4Euros. 
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katherine-mcnamara · 2 years
do you know if anyone is celebrating or highlighting indigenous actors/creators outside of the americas? we exist too 👉🏿 👈🏿 i'm not annoyed to see indigenous faces, its ahmazing for all of us!!! it's just that sometimes it feels like i, and my heritage, don't matter to the RPC, or doesn't warrant the love, because i'm not indigenous to anywhere near then americas 😔
Hi anon!! I don't know if you follow Natalie but she runs 3 blogs that celebrate all indigenous people!! @olivaraofrph @tasksweekly @indigenousrph
The first is her main, tasks is devoted to diversity as a whole and has amazing lists. I'm currently working through them but slow due to surgery recovery. and the last is exactly what it says on the tin!!! Natalie even has a directory up and running of indigenous fcs with resources!!!!
I will say personally though that I am very sorry that what I've made so far has been isolating, or that they make other people feel unvalued or ignored. I am trying my best while acutely aware it will never be enough so I apologise for making you feel bad!!
I'm not the best at knowing actors or actresses from any media. I rely honestly on suggestions, and then the tasks lists. And sometimes I randomly stumble on new people. But that's rare. But my suggestions are, and always will be, open for bipoc faces people want to see resources for!
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sarang-archer · 2 years
What if there was to be a Korea based Pokeregion made & with a villain team using (instead of politics based issues) keeping around traditions for the sake of traditions (the former such as Pokemon as mere tools) vs adapting the traditions as needed (for more) towards helpful progress (more or less a difference in handling them between North & South Korea & somewhat akin to Team Plasma [both kinds] based issues, but with traditions also mixed in)? I apologise if it'd be unfair heeding it'd be quite a big area basis especially if combined.
interesting u mention that- I have the scraps of a korean-inspired fan region from the efforts of my old friend group that was pretty much going to be focused on modern vs tradition as a conflict! I personally don’t feel comfortable involving much of NKorea especially since I’ve never been out of the US (so this region was primarily an island specifically regarding SKorea). But both Koreas actually have different traditional cultures that they maintain- part of the reason they split actually lol
more under the cut!
(just for safety’s sake, I will be keeping the other friends who helped develop this fan region anonymous unless they wish to be associated as well- just DM me and I’ll edit this post with credits!)
the ‘modern’ world would have been more akin to the IRL Earth with tech developments, commonplace medicines, etc where humans forge their own path to success as a species, and the ‘natural’ world would be more like canon hisui where humans have to yield to PKMN power and live with more respect to the land. The main plotline would not be choosing a side (though in development that was a character route), but rather finding a happy medium through different situations across the region that eventually allowed PKMN to safely reintegrate into living with humans after being pushed aside/being low priority in the region for a while while tech developed without them.
A lot of focus on rehabilitation, and there was an idea for rural eevee villages that each held a reverence for their specific eeveelution (also where you would evolve said eevee if one was caught). I would assume they were very much like hisuian villages and camps with a warden etc, and probably wouldn’t have much in the ways of very updated technology (they do prefer it this way, though). There are very rural and open stretches of land in Korea once you leave the cities, and the eevee villages would most likely be the ones responsible for each section of land. They weren’t initially planned on being inspired by indigenous people, but they could be! The diversity of the region’s population is very high because of its focus on technology advancement, expressing individuality, and overwhelming disability/neurodivergency support
Our professor (name still pending, I’m changing it from our old ideas) was primarily focused on making technology more accessible for disabilities and other health conditions, but with some loud voices from people they shifted their efforts into also making support PKMN trainings and classes more accessible worldwide! Tech and PKMN working together is their main goal as of starting whatever journey the MC is on :D
I have some sample writing that I can post here:
[region] trainers are allowed to exceed the standard carrying limit of 6 Pokémon at a time, provided that the Pokémon is not used in battle and is licensed to be a Service Pokémon by the Pokémon Health and Service Committee (PHASC).
Breeds of service Pokémon are not strict, so long as the Pokémon can complete the required service training for its Trainer’s needs and is able to be properly cared for in the household; however, a Pokémon's nature is highly recommended to be one of the natures on the lists for certain conditions [see "Disorders and Disabilities: List of Natures”], in order to comply with its job/function of the Trainer's choosing. For example, a Trainer with intense generalized anxiety may not find the temperament of a Sassy- or Adamant-natured Pokémon suitable to address or soothe its Trainer; therefore, a Gentle, Calm, or other similar nature would be best.
I honestly rlly liked team plasma in BW1 (and N’s group in BW2) because of their goal to basically give PKMN more respect, but they just went the ‘animal rights’ route instead of the ‘animal welfare’ route (easily confused: rights essentially want to give them the ability to vote, vs welfare wants to allow them to live fulfilling and healthy lives). I even have a little AU about how touko (BW1) quits her PKMN journey halfway and then joins up with Plasma instead bc I thought about how interesting it’d be to play in that perspective. My extremely big special interest currently is the PKMN mystery dungeon spinoffs, to no one’s surprise.
Sorry this got so long! I might post whatever doodles I had of both the korean-inspired fan region and the plasma!au if people were interested lol, I kinda kept these to myself bc I just thought they were too indulgent 😅
If anyone had any ideas or thoughts feel free to lmk however way you’d prefer :D
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raevaelia · 9 months
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beginning blog 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
> my name is rae and i go by she/her pronouns!
> i have interests in astronomy, baking, painting and writing stories! i also harbour a bad habit of daydreaming a lot hehe
> i live in london which means my writing will be in british english, so my spelling will be different to those who use american english.
> im a bit of a hopeless romantic lol! i love reading whether it’d be online or using a book and i love long car journeys!
> i listen to a range of kpop and krnb artists but my ult is bts! txt and twice are at my second and third!
> i love a lot of animes but i’m currently only keeping up with attack on titan and jujutsu kaisen
> my favourite colour is purple, my favourite music genre is r&b, and my favourite planet is venus!
> my favourite music artists currently are: rm, v, newjeans, keshi, frank ocean, pinkpantheress, dpr ian, the 1975 (separate the music from the artist ;)), the weeknd, coldplay, swae lee, jhené aiko & beyoncé!
my page!。•:*:•° ★,。•:*:•° ☆
> i am happy to take constructive criticism and if there are any errors in my spelling and grammar, i’ll be very happy if you tell me, i won’t be angry lol don’t worry
> i will not write any nsfw nor any ‘spicy’ scenes that consist of making out because i’m not comfortable doing that
> i’m happy to write about any idol/character as long as they are from jjk, aot, bts, twice and txt. i don’t write about any others, so please don’t ask me to write about others. sorry!
> if you don’t like my books, please don’t report them! simply click off silently :)
> i don’t accept any sort of harassment of any forms in my comments, or on my page as a whole. please do not hate on my y/n’s if they don’t act like you or because they aren’t described as you— it’s hard to try and make y/n fit everyone’s personalities and appearance
> i only ever write female y/n’s but if asked, i will write different genders!
> although i do write about the others i listed, i am mainly focused around bts so i apologise if i’m not as diverse as i said lol
> i’m also offline almost 99% of the time, so i’m sorry if my updates aren’t very consistant!
> please don’t comment asking for ‘part two’s’ or such because most of my works (or at least many that i have in mind) are most one-shot based— just very long. if i feel motivated enough and i feel that the plot could progress, i will at a part two!
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thank you for taking the time to read my intro post! i know it’s long overdue but i thought while i’m updating my new book (wink wink) i might just introduce myself while i’m at it!
thank you for all your support on my first work, it means a lot! i’ll continue to work hard and create great plot lines for you all 🫂
until next time!
- rae🤍
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n0n-sen-se · 9 months
A little about me then!! Sorta dumping here sorry if it's a lot!!
If Mitsuri has 1000 fans I'm one of them if she has 1 that's me if she has 0 I'm DEAD. Hate when mfs say she's only for fan service my bae deserves better then that </3
Honestly Gyutaro being a fave of yours is so real, I heart gyutaro he's just JUST
Sigh <3
His waist, his eyes!! His everything!!Make my heart go Ba bump.
Overall I gotta say out of everyone Mitsuri Rengoku and Sanemi are my faves. Stressful days lead me to reading fics about them and watching episodes where they star and suddenly I feel like I'm living life on easy mode.
For least favourites it's gotta be Douma, Gyoko and perhaps Akaza I have a love hate relationship with Akaza... Douma is just EW. It's Douma, he's disgustingly pretty and his overall.. Thing. Is just no. Gyoko is slimy #1 Gyoko hater.
I've gotten sm shade for not liking Akaza. His backstory got me ripping my heart out, he's handsome too I love his design. But he killed my homeboy Rengoku I can't let that slide.
Fave anime Is also Demon slayer!! However the list of anime I watched aren't really as diverse as I'd wish they were but I'm always busy not much time to watch shows. I wanna rewatch JJK it's popular and I wanna fan girl over it too like everyone else.
Also Maki? Smash. Also would I be judged if I said I acc find Sukanas real form attractive? Everything about him is just heart eyes I apologise in the least apologetic way.
I also write for kny on my main account still getting the hang of writing, very autistic I hate cheese but I love I also love it on everything, my current goal is to become one of those earthy tree hugging black girls with locs, crystals in her hair and an insane amount of crystal and shell bracelets it hurts your wrists I've achieved one of those things listed </3 I think that's all from me.
THAT WAS A LONG RANT SORRY might be a lot of spelling mistakes woops
- 🍷
Don't worry about the ask being too long, its really fun talking answering these and talking about demon slayer in general!
And honestly everything you said is SO relatable.
I know a bunch of people personally who hate on the female characters in kny just for being a love interest. (Why can't the female characters be the love interest too in this scenario?) Seems understandable but also a little (a lot) unfair. Mitsuri is a perfectly adorable, strong female character that completely held her own! I really adore/love the way she loves everyone! (-ε- )
And yeah, I have a soft-spot for the underrated weird/quiet side characters </3 its why I can never find anything written for them sadly ( ._.)
Rengoku & 'Nemi are such strong characters, the few scenes we had with rengoku are actually so comforting! Sleeping on the train with Tanjiro, he just physically, seems so warm in those scenes!
I actually haven't gotten that far into JJK (spoilers included) so I don't actually know what Sukuna's 'true' form is but lets just say, from your description. . . im interested. . .
I'm imagining something like how Rika looks?
For writing: just keep at it! I feel like I've been writing on and off for a few years and still doubt myself, then I look back at things I've never posted like: This masterpiece??? My magnum opus?? Where's part 2??? It's really funny actually.
And yes, buy those crystals thatsadamnedamazinggoaltohave
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volumehypeplay · 1 year
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Favorite Speechless songs of 2022
I know it's been a while and I apologise. After getting lost addicted to The Witcher 3 (I kinda hate that it finally happened), I also discovered a game called Len's Island that have been taking up any free time in my life. But I didn't forget my promise, so today, I will be dropping not one but a double-bill of my favorite songs of last year. We'll be starting with my speechless addiction (meaning OST's, classical etc) and then ending with traditional songs. Let the countdown begin. ↓
I still remember finding this song in between layers and layers of songs in the seemingly limitless archives of Spotify. Ganbatte by Pogo is one of those tracks that effortlessly get better with every listen. Pogo manages to keep me listening, even as he weaves multiple instruments and genres throughout the 5 ½ min runtime, without ever losing the songs thread. Ganbatte is a wonderful example of sonic storytelling; Pogo using instrumentation and key switches to forward the story and keep you guessing.
Will have this one in constant rotation for years to come.
Aramid has already cropped up on VHP so I won't waste my breath re-iterating why you MUST listen to this one. If your ever needing to outrun a pack of lions, just put this on and you'll be gucci.
Try telling me I'm wrong.
One of my favorite movies of the last decade is Leigh Whannel's Upgrade. An amazingly clever and violent movie that has a just as impressive soundtrack (check A Better Place). FOUNDATION, to me is the perfect accompanying track to the movie. It continues the themes of Upgrade brilliantly with it's dank, neon singed soundscapes, fitting perfectly in any one of the city scenes. BRONSON (& Odesza) hopefully get a chance to work on a movie at some point, because if the coherence of this album taught me anything, is they have the knack to create something special together.
Me and my wife have a running joke in the house about this song. The first time we heard this, we immediately saw it being the backdrop of some modern monster feature. Discovering where Precipice was from, made us double-take 3 or 4 times — and it still didnt register correctly. What kind of scene, deserves the dark, ominous undertones of Precipice in something like Around the World in 80 Days??? Eventually, we'll have an answer to that mystery, but for now, turn the lights low, get under the covers and try not to get creeped out.
Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation
Perfection. This is it. Of all the new songs I discovered last year I think the most suprising one was Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation. Composed by Nicholas Britell, this song does such a good job in conveying the emotions of a scene without me having ever even watched the movie.
From the downtrodden opening; followed by strings (adding anxiety) only for the volume to be raised, the strings to be layered and the tempo increased. Immersing you in a feeling of dread - while being bathed in a very beautiful ambience of the song itself.
Katana Zero
This one snuck in really late; right at the eleventh hour. It's probably the most gym appropriate song on this list, if your simply looking to go in: rep, after rep, after rep.
The monotone nature of the production makes it extremely easily to zone out, focus and follow the bass line as it grows. If your looking for a song to vibe out too, or simply have playing in the background as you get on with your day-to-day this is perfect.
Impressions Lastly we have another track by Portico Quartet called Impressions. It's possibly the best introductary song to this London based group.
Impressions delivers on everything you'd want out of a Quartet song; it's diverse, groovy and melodic. Immediately your hit with a ridiculous drum-line that just doesn't stop. The amazing thing is how the drums are layered by both live instruments and electronic echoes - while also being abruptly stripped away when the track needs a breather.
If your loving Impressions, definetly check out Monument by Portico Quartet and the Nest remix.
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yakumoh · 2 years
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‘today’s the day’ you thought as you slowly made your way over to yatora’s desk, phone clutched in your hand.
“oh hey!” the blonde smiled brightly upon your presence. “did you need something?” he asked as you offered him a small smile. “ah yeah actually, your instagram, i was wondering if i could have it just in case i need to message you about upcoming assignments and stuff i might miss.” you spoke quietly, nerves catching up to you as you voiced your straightforward request.
“mine?” yatora asked, slightly tilting his head. “yeah, you’re like always on top of class and reliable, i know you’ll be able to help if i ever need it.” you replied quickly, small undertones on panic in your voice which yatora found cute.
“i’ll get back to you on that one.” he smiled politely. your heart sank a little, but before you could say anything else, you were forced to return to your seat upon your teachers entrance.
so this is was rejection felt like.
the rest of your day was blurry, you couldn’t quite focus on whatever your teachers were droning on about in class or what your friends were telling you they did over the weekend during lunch. the scene from this morning replayed over and over again in your head throughout the day and while it wasn’t too unbearable as yatora had technically let you down nicely, it still stung a little to have been turned down.
the final bell rang and you couldn’t have been happier to get out of the gates and back into the safety of your own home. you threw your belongings into your back and paced through the crowds of students working their way towards the entrance.
a tug on your arm stopped you just as you were about to walk through the gate and mistaking it for one of your friends you frowned. “you don’t have to grab me you kn- oh.”
yatora had a hold of your arm, flushed cheeks and a flustered smile gracing his handsome features. “sorry! i didn’t mean to grab you like that, but i would’ve lost you in the crowd.” he apologised, sorry look in his eyes. you waved it off and smiled gently at him as he pulled out his phone.
“my instagram.” he smiled warmly, placing his phone in your hands. the screen showed a blank account. no following list or followers and no posts, only the smiling photo of yatora as the profile picture and the name ‘yatora yaguchi :)’ typed in as the display name.
“i didn’t have an account when you asked me this morning, so i made one over lunchtime for you, i’m sorry it took so long.” he scratched the back of his neck as your eyes fixated onto the screen in your hands.
you could’ve died happy right then and there as his words rung in your mind, particularly the words “i made one for you” playing on repeat as you processed what had just happened.
“you didn’t need to do that!” you gasped softly, heat rising to your face as you looked up at his bashful expression. “i wanted to!” he reassured you, refusing to take back the phone until you’d added yourself on his account.
taking the device back into his hands, yatora gave you a toothy grin. “my first follower!” he beamed, genuine happiness radiating off of him. you laughed and nodded your head. “and i’m your first following.” you teased as he skimmed over your account.
“so pretty.” he muttered to the point where it was practically inaudible, but his quick cough covered it up fast enough to make you second guess on whether you’d heard him right. clearly flustered, yatora switched off his phone and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“we better get going now, but feel free to message me anytime!” he insisted as your paths reached a diversion. “i will!” you called back, giving him a warm smile. “you can message me anytime too!” you added before waving and heading off home.
you couldn’t have been happier upon arriving home. what had turned out to be a horrid day turned out to be a misunderstanding and ended up being one of the best days you’d had in a while. the butterflies still hadn’t calmed down by the time you were in your room, but hearing a buzz from your phone and a message from a certain someone already waiting for you, you couldn’t expect the butterflies to die down anytime soon.
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Hi there! I absolutely ADORED your demo omg you cannot believe. Khari is the love of my life just saying...fdjsklaf anyway what are some of your favourite IF's? Completed or otherwise, anything from paid released games, itch.io games, stuff from choicescript etc. :D
hello! <3
first of all -- THANK YOU for the kind words, and welcome to the Khari fan club, we have cookies and carrots <3
as for my favorite IFs; okay this will be a long list so brace yourself! (and I do apologise to all authors for the spam)
Most of those are demos or in development, but nevertheless they are all amazing and I replay them way too often;
Sinners (demo) by @olivewrites-if / @sinners-if - you get to romance a villain, I feel like this is enough to get most people hooked (demo)
Honor Among Thieves (demo) by @leoneliterary - fantasy with some romance and intrigue, and as I am a fan of anything that has guilds (Skyrim w/ thieves guild, Assassin's Creed and the sort) I just love this one
Superstition S1 & S2 (finished) by @13leaguestories - supernatural, found family, powers, romance, angels, demons, hunting; what more to want?
Throne of Ashes (demo) by @13leaguestories - fantasy (but with pretty mature themes), romance; there are houses (MC is from House of Phoenix) and each character is just chefs kiss imo
Unwilling Souls (demo) by @unwilling-souls-if - angels!!!! but they are not your typical "angels"!!!! and there's lots of angst, and it's just awesome
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian (demo) by @defiledheartsblog - dark historical fiction, romance, some fantasy elements; personally I replayed it 3 times in a row and was never bored once and that says something since my attention span is like 5 minutes at best
Supernatural in New York (demo) by @llamagirl28 - lighthearted urban fantasy with romance; think Supernatural if it was actually good and diverse, it scratches my adhd brain in just the right way, and the characters are amazing
The Bastard of Camelot (demo) by @llamagirl28 - I replayed it 8 times, no joke, and I still love it and it's my comfort IF I'd say; I love the story, the characters, customisation, and the idea behind it all.
The King's Hound (demo) by @kal-down / @the-kingshound - I am a sucker for Arthurian Legends, and I'm a sucker for fantasy and historical fiction in general, and it's written so well I want to cry every time I replay it
The Abyssal (demo) by @theabyssal - you get to play as Death what more can someone want??? and it gives me god of war / mythologies vibes, so I of course replayed it over 10 times.
Water to Blood (demo) by @veirsewrites - vampire MC who owns a nightclub, I'm sorry but this is all I needed to be obsessed. it reminds me of the show Lucifer, but it's also so unique that I happily replay it all the time.
Blood Moon (demo) by @barbwritesstuff - werewolves. that's all. that's the tweet.
Absentia (demo) by @absentia-if - I'm a sucker for crime stories, and this had me hooked from the start, and I love how complex each character is.
Exile (demo) by @exilethegame - dark fantasy with pretty mature and violent themes; replayed it so many times I'm ashamed to admit the actual number.
A Mage Reborn (demo) by @mage-parivir - I've been replaying it religiously since November of 2021 so yeah, I'm obsessed, and not even sorry. Fantasy games are my jam.
Speaker (demo) by @speakergame - one of the first IFs I played I think, and I still adore it to bits; it's written so well, and I adore the detective-supernatural vibes.
Ballad of the Judgement of Night (demo) by @nikkefort-dev - it was one of first 5 IFs I ever played, and I can safely say it's one of my absolute favorites; I adore the themes of angels/demons and 'fallen ones'.
Citadel (demo) by @bouncyballcitadel - medical drama; didn't know I liked medical dramas but now I do, and I'm in love with this IF in its entirety. also made me realise I'm gayer than I thought.
Villain's Promise (demo) by @villains-promise - fantasy with romance and betrayal, that's all I need for my soul. also in the first 5 IFs I ever played, and still love it.
Wolfwater (demo) by @carrs-universe-if - first IF I ever played, got me into IFs, and I love it to bits. Psychological thriller/body horror with some supernatural themes.
The Ballad of Devil's Creek (demo) by @devilscreekballad - western with romance and angst, and unlike all westerns it's actually diverse and inclusive so of course I love it.
Larkin (demo) by @larkin-if - vampires, hunters, and general Midnight Mass vibes; I'm here for it.
These Crimson Strings (demo) by @thesecrimsonstrings-if - MC is an ancient vampire who meets their long lost (dead) soulmate reborn as someone 'new'; the angst is amazing.
A Tale of Crowns (demo) by @ataleofcrowns - no joke replayed it over 10 times, loved it every single one of them. Fantasy with some court intrigue and amazing companions.
I have more but the list is already so long, I don't want this to be dismissed/blocked as a bot message or something kjfhfd
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keijislove · 3 years
Can i request #2 and 3 from the prompt list with Harry x Reader please but make it a happy ending? Thank you!!
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A/N: Hi anon, omg this was so much fun to write!!! I love Harry and feel that there is not much Harry x reader content out there, so here you go! Hope you like it 😊
‘And then they lived happily ever after!’ Cho finished reading as the girls around her squealed in excitement.
You merely snorted.
‘Why do all of your books have sappy endings?’ you questioned Cho as she looked at you incredulously.
‘Well, its fun to read.’ Cho shrugged. ‘If you were in Ravenclaw, you could be reading diverse romances instead of those stupid muggle books you like so much. For example, what’s this you’re reading?’
She snatched your book and looked at the words you’d been reading.
‘Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.’ She read out before looking at you. ‘See, this is why you feel so lonely, Y/N. if you’re gonna be reading miserable books like that, then I can’t blame you for being droopy most of the time.’
‘It’s not miserable, Cho.’ You contradicted. ‘It’s a little something called reality.’
Cho snorted. ‘Whatever you say.’
‘Besides, I’m not always lonely.’ You continued. ‘I have Hermione and Ron... and Harry too.’
‘And Harry too!’ Cho mocked. ‘Blimey, Y/N I forgot to ask. How’s things between you two?’
At that you looked down. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
Even though you weren’t looking at her, you could almost feel her roll her eyes.
‘You’re lovesick, darling.’ Cho explained. ‘You get this weird glow on your face when you talk about him and your eyes form hearts like in those muggle comics you read. Also, when he’s around, you blush like a tomato. Tell me how this is incorrect?’
You sighed. ‘None of your business, Cho Chang. So what if I like him? I’m probably the 100th girl who does. He has a pretty wide collection of choices, you know. Take Ginny for example. She’s everything I’m not. She’s pretty, popular, outgoing AND she is sweet. I’m a loner, too sarcastic to have too many friends, and it’s not like I can help it anyway. He’d never like me.’
‘Sweetie, what is there not to like in you?’ Cho asked worriedly.
It was one of the many reasons you liked her, she always paid attention to your moods and constantly asked if you were alright.
‘Y’know what Cho, let’s leave it.’ You muttered. ‘I promised Ron I’d help him with his essay anyway. He’s probably eating in the common room. Bye.’
You gave a nod and walked off, but you could feel Cho’s eyes watching you thoughtfully.
As you walked into the common room, a chorus of noises greeted you.
‘Fine, I’ll give you five galleons I can.’ Harry was saying.
‘Alright mate, whatever you say.’ Said Ron.
‘Five galleons you can do what?’ you questioned, walking up to them.
Harry immediately coughed nervously. ‘Ahem, Y/N! Hi! Ron here was betting I couldn’t, er, sneak down to the kitchens.’
‘If you know Fred and George, doesn’t seem impossible.’ You said in amusement.
‘Someone summon us?’ a voice called behind you as you turned to see Fred standing there.
‘Oh, yeah.’ You spoke. ‘Ron here thinks Harry can’t sneak down to the kitchens, so he put five galleons on that. I was just explaining how anybody who knew you two could probably sneak off to Mars unnoticed.’
‘We are honoured.’ George bowed to you. ‘But Ron, mate, weren’t you betting that Harry couldn’t ask o-’
‘NO, I WASN’T!’ Ron bellowed, causing you to miss what George said.
George’s expression immediately changed.
‘Harry couldn’t ask what?’ you asked.
‘The house elves to make him some food.’ Fred casually spoke.
You narrowly looked at him.
‘Boys.’ You finally muttered, going upstairs.
You were trying to wrench your bag out of the spot it had decided to get caught in, when a voice startled you.
‘Here, let me help.’
You turned around to see none other than the Chosen One himself.
‘Oh, thanks.’ You said nervously as Harry yanked the bag out of the door.
You grabbed it and turned to leave.
‘Er, Y/N?’ you heard Harry ask.
‘I was wondering if, um, you’d... y-you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me?’ Harry asked.
Your eyes grew wide. ‘Are you asking me out? Like on a date?’
‘Erm, yes.’ He said.
‘Oh.’ You managed to squeak. ‘Oh, Oh! Um, y-yeah, alright, s-sure!’
He flashed you one of his stupidly adorable grins. ‘Brilliant!
You and Harry had been dating for a few weeks now.
But something was terribly wrong.
Harry had started acting horribly distant, sometimes ignoring you or trying to walk past you in the corridors.
You were on your way to the common room. wondering whatever you could have done to upset him, when his voice caught you before you entered.
‘Ron, I can’t do this anymore.’ He spoke. ‘I know I agreed to your dare that I couldn’t ask Y/N out, but I can’t do this. I’ll give you your galleons, don’t worry.’
‘Well, alright mate.’ You heard Ron say. ‘But I thought you were happy-’
‘I’m not.’
That was enough for you to choke a sob and run off to the deserted Quidditch Pitch.
So that’s what it was.
A dare.
Harry didn’t want to be with you, heck he didn’t even enjoy it.
You kicked away stones in anger, remembering Cho’s voice.
Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.
That was exactly what the past few weeks were.
Fake love, fake words, fake smiles, fake promises.
It was all fake.
Your thoughts were cut short, as a pair of shoes came skipping by.
‘Oh.’ You heard a familiar voice.
No, go away, please. You thought. I hate you, don’t come near me.
‘Hey, love.’ Harry grinned.
You tried not to gag. ‘Why’re you calling me that?’
He frowned. ‘D-do you not l-like it?’
‘No.’ you coldly responded. ‘You’re here to break up, aren’t you?’
‘What how did you-’ Harry began.
'Is this what this whole relationship was to you? A bloody dare?’ you asked through your tears.
Harry’s eyes widened. ‘You heard...?’
‘Yes, I heard.’ You said. ‘Harry Potter, don’t you ever dare speak to me again.’
With that, you stalked off.
Even though you’d convinced yourself you’d never speak to him, you couldn’t help but worry about Harry.
The third task was near, and you were wondering if he’d make it.
He’s made it this far, hasn’t he? You thought. He’ll manage, stop thinking about him.
Sitting in the arena, waiting for him to emerge out of the maze, you couldn’t take it anymore.
‘Cho... if he’s back, just let me know.’ You informed the black-haired Ravenclaw, turning to leave.
Just as you turned, a cheer erupted as you whipped around to see Harry carrying something and lying face-front on the ground.
Everyone was cheering, but you squinted at what he was carrying, trying to make out what it was.
When you focused for long enough, your hands flew to your mouth as you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Cedric Diggory’s body.
And it wasn’t moving.
‘Is he... can I see him?’ you asked Madame Pomphrey.
‘Well, I’m sure he’s asleep, dear.’ She answered, frowning. ‘But in you go.’
You thanked her and went inside.
Harry was not sleeping, but he looked terrible.
‘Oh, Harry.’ You sighed, walking to him.
Still not looking at you, he spoke. ‘You still hate me.’
‘No, I-’ you began. ‘I... I don’t. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.’
‘I should be the one apologising.’ He said quietly.
You sighed. ‘I’ll be late for Charms... see you soon, Harry.’
You bent down to place a kiss on his cheek.
At that moment, he turned his head abruptly, causing your lips to collide.
Gasping, you pulled back.
Entire body trembling with giddiness, you walked to your class.
After your little ‘encounter’, Harry went back to ignoring you.
You were sick of it, and one day, while he was returning from Hagrid’s cabin, you cornered him.
‘You can’t hide forever, you know.’ You spoke seriously, arms crossed over your chest.
He didn’t look at you.
Sighing, you stepped forward. ‘We need to talk.’
His head snapped up to meet your eyes.
‘There’s nothing to talk about. I kissed you and you pulled away. End of story.’ He casually said.
‘No, it’s not the end of story.’ You snapped. ‘How could you even, first you fake-date me and then this, I mean for Merlin’s sake Harry, a kiss is supposed to mean something and I-’
‘What makes you think it didn’t mean anything?’ he asked softly.
You gaped at him. ‘You said... you dated me because of a dare and then-’
‘Oh.’ He interrupted. ‘Oh. That’s why you were upset. Oh my god, Y/N, you totally misunderstood me. I... was talking to Ron because I felt that I wasn’t being fair to you... I like you, Y/N. I truly do, and I wanted to date you as well, but I was worried what you’d think when I’d explained it was a dare! And th-then I came to tell you all this, but you seemed so sad, I thought you hated me. Don’t ever think like that, Y/N. That kiss meant everything it was supposed to.’
You remained silent.
Harry blushed and awkwardly scratched his neck. ‘Uhm... and I-I’d like to try that again...’
Your eyes widened as you turned red.
Swallowing your nerves, you leaned forward as he mirrored your actions and met you halfway.
And this time, neither of you pulled back.
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edwinas · 2 years
Thank you for replying again and I saw the photos for Mr Malcolm's List!! Definitely very interested in it and I can't wait for it to come out. Sidenote but I hate how this fandom's treatment of Charithra has made me become anxious every time she shows up in a new magazine/does a panel or any interview. She showed up alongside Nicola and Simone for the new Netflix panel for Bridgerton specifically and she even got a spot at an FYSEE panel on how far Asian representation has gotten which I really love, but I can't even dare to go to other fans' accounts now because I just know people will be like "why doesn't Simone speak about this???" I hate how just generally, it's come to the point where apparently we can only let one of them reap all the benefits of their roles while the other one apparently has to "wait their turn". I know some fans will quickly retract from this and try to excuse their whining but that's literally how some of them come off. It's like "we already have one dark-skinned Indian actress who's hot and ready to speak up about rep, let her have all the spotlight! We don't need more than one!". Even when they try to mean well about Simone and her success it comes off as extremely gross, and it's also detrimental to her own image if you think that you, as a fan, are doing her any favors in insulting Charithra and saying that Simone should've gotten her interviews when Simone herself wants to support the fact that both of them are in this show. Like you're not doing them any favors by sticking to the "one actor of color who gets fame and attention in a show that is still very white is enough" logic, you're just sticking to an already racist scheme within the industry. If you want to complain about Simone not getting enough interviews to your liking then why not go after her white costars? Why do all of them get attention by default while Simone and Charithra apparently have to be placed in some fake "tug of war" with how much they get according to the fandom? Sorry for the rambling
No need to apologise, love getting these asks and I appreciate you taking the time to write them! I'm so excited for Mr Malcolm's List!!!
Gosh same, I can't even fully enjoy what Charithra says/does because I try to guess how she'll be misunderstood... It has also started affecting how I view Simone content.
What's baffling is this "wait your turn" mentality is a PILLAR of fandom racism. Every time there's a white female lead, she's lauded for being "revolutionary" (hint: she isn't). Woc are silenced and told to wait their turn and that this white character will open doors for them. Same with "there can only be one person of x ethnicity at the table," used to limit diverse rep (reminiscent of Bridgerton).
These fans think they're doing this for Simone but they don't see her as a real person, just an extension of Kate and their ship. Because if they cared about her, they'd know she'd be appalled by their gatekeeping & harassment. She wants more representation (which includes Charithra), not to monopolise it.
No one is stealing Simone's interviews, not her white co-stars, especially not Charithra. I believe Simone did more interviews than the rest of the cast any way? If fans need to blame someone, blame her management. But it's much easier to blame someone they can put a face on and "righteously" be terrible to because Edwina got in the way of their ship and was mean to Kate.  Why can't they be normal and separate the actress from her character.... 
Bonus points if they realise they hold brown and white characters to vastly different standards.
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