#this is not in moxies book
wammbam · 5 months
"Vince was building a world in which labor was entirely subservient not just to an individual boss, but to what American would come to call a "brand.""
fuck okay, just say it then
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Finally reading the book of bill and GOD these kids are traumatized
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sauxyan · 5 months
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Assorted Wrong Question Dogs (Moxie, Ellington, Kellar, Dashiell, Ornette)
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Yo, people, it genuinely didn't occur to me that people wouldn't know what Bliztø, Fizz, and Barbie's forehead marks are.
Guys, they're imps. In hell. They have a mark on their forehead that won't come off (to the point that not even scar tissue or make-up will cover it, Fizz hides his with a hat and Barbie puts tape on her's)
It's the mark of the beast. You know, the mark that indicates that you are one of Satan's chosen?
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It's literally a goat skull with horns. Which is how Satan is depicted in this canon (yeah, Lucy and Satan are different people in this lore)
Anyway, that's super interesting to me cause Helluva Boss focuses a lot on classism and the class hierarchy of hell and uhhhhhhhhhh... This very much flips the script for Blitzø and Fizz in that regard.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads"
As you read above, the mark of the beast doesn't give a fuck about class systems. It's just kinda permanently branded onto you, either on your right hand or your forehead. So, even though Bliztø isn't a blue blood, he has no fame or fortune, he was born at the bottom of the social hierarchy, ect, he's still capable of being important/doing important things.
For example:
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Yeah, so, basically Bliztø, Barbie and Fizz have an immense amount of power as they are the only ones capable of doing any kind of business, at all, at the end of the world. Aka, the antichrist is born? Well, guess what. The entire economy of hell falls and suddenly a handful of imps are the ones in control of EVERYTHING.
I just think this is neat because it balances the power dynamics with Stolas and Lust.
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itsplasma · 2 months
reading ATWQ is only making my lifelong obsession with the asoue universe worse
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lexxwithbooks · 1 year
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📖: 𝑴𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒆 💜💪🏼💥
✍🏽: 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐮
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moxie-girl · 2 years
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kinda crappy lighting BUT… I have completed it… the Book of Vanitas…
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
Hello ☀️ What is some solarpunk media you'd recommend? Like movies, books, shows etc?
Oooh good stuff!
The hunger games - book particularly- as a teen super good angst and realizing it's v similar to the system we suffer in already is good
V for Vendetta - we all saw my obsession with this as apart of Reaping week. There is something so hopeful about ppl overcoming their deeply religious and fascist country en mass and blowing up their government!
Moxie - I haven't seen the movie, but as someone who was really into Riot grrrls it was awesome to have a book about the movement and how to make zines and have courage in a small town. Here's an example from the earlier half of the book!
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Star trek/The Orville- futuristic settings post scarcity and with beautiful diversity and abilities both if these guys are awesome tv shows. Personally I prefer any star trek with Data in it (that's bc I'm autistic tho) season 1, ep 7 of The Orville actually is a very smart and fun episode critiquing modern capitalism and direct democracy
Jericho- there's only 1 season of it before its continued as a comic, but it's a legit post apocalypse about a small town dealing with the fall out of a nuclear explosions across the country. Things like, electricity isn't around anymore and how to reestablish trading posts once the government implodes on itself. Neighbors rationing food for winter, towns swapping food supplies for wind turbines. Awesome stuff!!!
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Kipo - again post apocalypse but with music and hope and love! A lot of focus on friendship and building a better more inclusive world.
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And then in the fantasy section of books, anything from Discworld or Earthsea!
I of course have more just the top of my head have fun!!!
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As a Black girl, something about white girls being the MCs in feminist stories that acknowledge their white privilege being rejected pisses me off.
Of course we deserve WOC feminist stories, ALWAYS AND FOREVER, but when you have a white writer, there’s only so much you can do.
If the story points out white guilt, white feminism, white superiority and their issues and consequences, I don’t know why it’s an issue?
White people can hardly ever write in the perspective of POC. There are so many things they’ll get wrong. I’d rather they write about what they know and the harm in their privilege and perspective.
It’s also incredibly harmful to name any white person who’s trying to be an ally as a “white saviour” or “obsessed with POC” or “fake”. We need allies, we need them to understand as much as they can. Constantly pushing them away doesn’t do progress any good.
I’m not saying we need white people to take pity on us, but white people are still people who need to grow, understand, love and build community.
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brenda-pinheiro · 1 year
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Moxie: a novel - Jennifer Mathieu (2015): Cover, Dust Jacket, Bookmark and Poster Design by Brenda Pinheiro
“ That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood She’s got the hottest trike in town That girl, she holds her head up so high I think I wanna be her best friend, yeah” - Rebel Girl, Bikini Kill
Design de Ilustração sem fim lucrativo e desenvolvidos por mim.
Favor não retirar os créditos/Please don’t withdraw credits
*fotos tiradas da internet e do filme Moxie/ *pictures taken from the internet and the movie Moxie
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neonganymede · 1 year
Life would be so much easier if I had somehow managed to acquire the sims handiness skill.
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poppletonink · 2 years
BOOK AND FILM REVIEW: Moxie - Jennifer Mathieu
★★★★★ - 5 stars
"When I was 16, all I cared about was smashing the patriarchy and burning it all down"
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Vivian Carter is a normal teenage girl: she attends Rockport High; she is an extreme introvert and has one forever best friend - Claudia. Vivian Carter is fed up: fed up with crude, bigoted jokes; fed up with sexist dress codes, and fed up with girls being ranked by the boys who walk amongst them at school. After finding her mother's box filled with a collection of Riot Grrrl band tickets, zines, and photographs, Vivian starts an anonymous zine ‘Moxie’, causing a girl revolution to begin.
A clear example of female empowerment: Moxie shows the importance of standing up to sexism in day-to-day life, and how feminism can be life-changing. Vivian’s feminist journey starts when she finds her mother’s old box, entitled ‘My Misspent Youth’, of Riot Grrrl memorabilia, with zines and photographs and concert tickets. When she happens upon the infamous words of Kathleen Hanna: “Because I believe with my wholeheartmindbody that girls constitute a revolutionary force that can and will change the world for real,” she realises how disgusting the behaviour of the boys at her school is, and how the girls have internalised the misogyny they face every day.
Moxie also includes a romance storyline, between Vivian and Seth Acosta. In the book, Seth is a new student with artsy parents, but in the film, Seth is a long-term resident in Vivian’s life who has had a major glow-up over the summer.
Apart from his romantic attachment to Vivian, Seth is also an important character, as he is the only male feminist we come into contact with. Seth Acosta is an amazing character: though he is very clear on his stance beside the girls, he does not overshadow their movement, simply supporting them and standing beside them in the fight against sexism at Rockport High. Evidently, from his existence as a character if nothing else, feminism is not just for women. It is about the equality of the sexes – male and female and therefore affects men just as much as women. Seth shows how you can be a feminist without being a woman; how you can be respectful to women without being a woman.
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Moxie deals with a lot of heavy topics: sexual harassment and assault, inequality, and bullying. Though the movie takes topics such as rape and makes more of the storyline, both forms of media show the seriousness of sexual assault, and how affecting it is on a person’s life.
With the original book having an average Goodreads rating of 4.24 stars, and the film having an IMDB average rating of 6.7 stars, Moxie is an amazing entryway into Riot Grrrl culture and can be enjoyed by teenagers and adults alike.
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roseworth · 2 years
top pick for a gf for rose other than cassandra 1 or cassandra 2?
first of all im obsessed with the way u worded this fhdakjfha
second of all i do not have a top pick because i ship her with every girl she interacts with <3
my gut says mia or lorena just because um. i love them. she has almost no interactions with them (a two panel convo with mia and a hypnotized fight with lorena) but since i love them all dearly there is a whole world in my head where they are in love
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also im ngl i really love her interactions with argent in titans 99, i know like nothing about toni but i thought that one issue where they hung out was sweet hfdksjhfsa
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AND WHILE IM ON THE SUBJECT. i do not consider anything about rose from the new52 canon BUT. she was so fucking divorced with caitlin fairchild and she was ABSOLUTELY dating that one girl in deathstroke 2014
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god. this bitch is a fucking homosexual
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nando161mando · 1 year
If the federal government had access to every email you've ever written and every phone call you've ever made, it's almost certain that they could find something you've done which violates a provision in the 27,000 pages of federal statues or 10,000 administrative regulations. You probably do have something to hide, you just don't know it yet.
-- Moxie Marlinspike
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blindedguilt · 1 year
//Happy 20th Anniversary, Drakengard! I've been fighting to write and finish up my inbox asks before the 25th of Obtober gets here (I have plans and i INTEND to follow through on them), and currently... I have a bunch of drafts :,) I'll get some soon, I promise!! I thought to myself "If I even get at least two done before the month is up I'll feel content with myself" so fingers crossed!! //Anyways, I made some art of the boy to celebrate~
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//I'm gonna try a challenge run for Drakengard after this: I'm honestly doubtful it can be done entirely, but I'm going to try and see how far I can get in the game just using Leonard lmao //I'll keep you posted on how far I get fkghsdkghbkdjf
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Chronicle Books Published: 1/8 2023
I've just bought my first pair of roller skates, so this review is a beginners first impressions. I'll post an update here after I've skated some more and have had time to try everything I learnt reading this.
I think this book is really thorough, it exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds. I saw the cute cover art and judged it too soon. The author(s?) go really in-depth on all the important basic knowledge that I've had a bit of a hard time patching together from different online sources. So it's great to have everything from how to adjust the lacing for different feet, to what all the different parts are named, to how to clean your bearings all in one place. I hope I can find this gem in any of the online book stores here in Sweden, I'm sure I'll want to refer back to this book in the future. Especially for my first few cleanings…
Thank you so so much to Edelweiss, Chronicle Books and Moxi Roller Skates for letting me read this E-ARC!
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