#this is so deeply swoon worthy
lucy-moderatz · 2 years
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mega-aulover · 1 year
Katniss didn't settle for Peeta, she didn't say well this is as good as it gets...no she actively chose Peeta every single time. She knew him intimately when she described him with swoon-worthy words:
You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. And you always double-knot your shoelaces.
She always thought of him...chose him:
When he was reaped she expressed immediate remorse "Oh no not him, not the boy with the bread."
When he was reaped in The Hunger Games: "To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed."
In the Arena, the Hunger Games: “The idea of actually losing Peeta hit me again and I realized how much I don’t want him to die. And it’s not about the sponsors. And it’s not about what will happen back home. And it’s not just that I don’t want to be alone. It’s him. I do not want to lose the boy with the bread.”
To Haymitch in Catching Fire: ″‘Like you said, it’s going to be bad no matter how you slice it. And whatever Peeta wants, it’s his turn to be saved. We both owe him that.’ My voice takes on a pleading tone. ‘Besides, the Capitol hates me so much, I’m as good as dead now. He still might have a chance.‘” (Katniss was ready to die for him and is begging Haymitch to die for him too)
In Catching Fire the Arena: I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me. "I do", I say. "I need you."
In District 13 in Mockingjay: I drink in his wholeness, the soundness of his body and mind. It runs through me like the morphling they give me in the hospital, dulling the pain of the last weeks.
In District 13 in Mockingjay, she is deeply depressed without him. She is suffering from PTSD and doesn't have her support system there. She misses Peeta. Katniss pines for him - keeps the pearl he gave her nearby...
"Sometimes when I’m alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena."
"My mockingjay pin now lives with Cinna’s outfit, but there’s the gold locket and the silver parachute with the spile and Peeta’s pearl. I knot the pearl into the corner of the parachute, bury it deep in the recesses of the bag, as if it’s Peeta’s life and no one can take it away as long as I guard it."
By the end of the book, after watching her sister die, and having shot Coin - Katniss loses it...and she becomes almost catatonic. Katniss blocks out everything when she comes back to District Twelve in Mockingjay:
"I haven’t left the house. I haven’t even left the kitchen except to go to the small bathroom a few steps off of it. I’m in the same clothes I left the Capitol in."
She cares for nothing and is forced to eat it's only when Peeta comes back that she becomes aware of her appearance and it's when she literally begins to live:
"When I see him, I pull up short. His face is flushed from digging up the ground under the windows. In a wheelbarrow are five scraggly bushes. “You’re back,” I say. “Dr. Aurelius wouldn’t let me leave the Capitol until yesterday,” Peeta says. “By the way, he said to tell you he can’t keep pretending he’s treating you forever. You have to pick up the phone.” He looks well. Thin and covered with burn scars like me, but his eyes have lost that clouded, tortured look. He’s frowning slightly, though, as he takes me in. I make a halfhearted effort to push my hair out of my eyes and realize it’s matted into clumps." ...-... "Back upstairs, I throw open the bedroom windows to clear out the rest of Snow’s stench. But it still lingers, on my clothes and in my pores. I strip, and flakes of skin the size of playing cards cling to the garments. Avoiding the mirror, I step into the shower and scrub the roses from my hair, my body, my mouth. Bright pink and tingling, I find something clean to wear. It takes half an hour to comb out my hair. Greasy Sae unlocks the front door. While she makes breakfast, I feed the clothes I had shed to the fire. At her suggestion, I pare off my nails with a knife."
Katniss chose to be with Peeta, just like she chose to live when he came back...
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missglaskin · 1 year
Modern au!Aegon, Jace, Aemond as your toxic boyfriends would include:
Aka you want a breakup but can’t. This is very much based on the concepts earlier. Please do not report this 
These photos are all from the lovely @mrsgrwy​
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Tags: Modern!au, some smut, toxic behavior, co-dependency, blackmail, manipulation, guilt-tripping  
Aegon was like a drug. Being with him was all fresh and exciting. The first meeting-found in a corner at some party. Bowling together and him cheering even when you miss. The sudden road trips when he wanted to get away from everything. In the early hours of the day, when he clings to you and won't let go. But a drug can only work a few times before the high wears off.
His clinginess was initially endearing. You enjoyed the thought of him loving you so much that he can't keep his hands off you. But over time, it starts to become slightly annoying and suffocating. The numerous times you wiggle free of his hold in the early morning rushing to get to work/classes. The first time you were able to come up with excuses, but you soon encountered consequences if you continued. It aggravates you when he doesn't appear to be bothered by it.
Hardly do you remember a moment when you had some alone time to yourself. At the showers, cooking, or working on your assignments. Aegon was constantly looming over you, hands encircling you with his chin resting on your shoulder. Even when you hang out with your friends, Aegon is on your side. You can see the annoyed expression on their faces, but you don't have the heart to tell Aegon that he shouldn't come.
It was inevitable that the first argument would happen. Maybe it's because you spend every minute with him, noticing all the little things he does that annoy you. But you come to learn after every fight, nothing will be remembered the following day. The resentment is simmering beneath the surface, but as he holds you close and plants kisses all over your face. It keeps it there.
When none of that works. The hand slides down under your shorts. Fingers brushing against your pantie-covered pussy. Pleasure dulled the mind and the senses. And you found yourself giving in to the sensation of his fingers caressing your slick folds. Soon replaced by his cock-stretching you wide with each thrust. After every exhilarating high, there is this unpleasant feeling that you can’t seem to shake away.  
But a day came when his swoon-worthy words and orgasms couldn't keep you. When you asked for a breakup, Aegon didn't take it seriously. You said it so often. Once he realizes that you are serious, he follows you around as you pack your things, promising to change. Pleading with you not to leave. ‘I love you’ was thrown around more than once. No matter how many times you block him, he still finds a way to call you, continuously leaving you voicemails. Leaving him hurts deeply, but it feels good to be free of the burden that had been pressing on you.
A message from someone you sure was Aegon prompted you to peek out of curiosity. Staring at the screen in horror. The camera focused on you, on your knees, bobbing your head down on his cock. That wasn’t it. Other videos were sent. Showing you on the bed with your moans ringing through the phone, one with his face hidden between your legs, the other video with your head buried in pillows as he fucks you from behind. 
You knew what it meant. All your hard work and aspirations gone with just one send. You underestimated his cruelty. He will always prevail, just like in every other fight. As you stand in front of the house you once believed you would never see again, you swallow your pride to knock on his door.
You still vividly recall Jace's flushed freckles on the day he asked you out. His charm managed to find a way into your heart. It was just plain adorable, and you immediately agreed to the offer. In the beginning, every date was special and just brimming with sweetness and affection. Holding hands as you run from the rain, lending you his coat when it got chilly, him trying to cook and almost burning down the kitchen, cuddling throughout the entire movie. 
However, you quickly learn that Jace and jealousy do not get along. Not missing the glares he sends to your male friends and colleagues. How tense he gets when your phone rings or when you receive a text notification, almost too eagerly asking who it is. Often, you wonder if you hadn't been there, would Jace have gotten himself in an altercation, as that would not be the first time. 
On the subject of your phone, Jace is usually the one to respond to any notifications you receive. He lends you his phone. He trusts you. So as your boyfriend, you should also trust him to look through your phone. Unless you are hiding something from him. More times than not, Jace secretly has blocked or deleted some of your contacts. Your social media isn’t safe from either. 
Jace was well-liked, with a social life full of those who admired and hoped to catch his eye. Still, he is eager to push them all aside just to spend more time with you, and Jace expects you to do the same. You are often left feeling you have to choose between the two; Jace or your friends. But Jace assures you they will understand if they are truly your friends, and you reassure yourself that it will only be a onetime-thing. Even though you find yourself leaving your friends hanging for the hundredth time.
Jace is the ideal boyfriend in every person's eyes. He was the type that would lend a hand to a neighbor carrying groceries or assist a senior citizen crossing the street. That generosity was no different with you. The surrounding people were in awe of Jace's refusal to let you hold anything while he was around, and they couldn’t help but swoon when he gave you a bouquet of flowers in front of them. It just leads to them dismissing your worries and being told to be grateful for having him. 
His protectiveness can suffocate you at times. Jace insists he trusts you more than anyone else, but not those around you whenever you wear a revealing outfit. Jace gives up trying to convince you but will become oddly quiet, making you feel bad. You end up attending the party/event wearing your boyfriend's jacket to hide your ‘revealing figure’. 
Jace longs for your admiration. He is not ashamed to admit his love for you. Either by his words or by his deeds. To keep you there with him, Jace will do anything and everything. He tries so hard to cover up the bad parts of him, but you can still feel them in the way he clings to you tightly at night and in the way he once broke a pencil in half when he caught you merely glancing at another. Most evident is when Jace drags you into some abandoned room, pinning you to the wall as you are fucked roughly. Broken moans escaping his lips asking if you still love him. 
While you were uncertain of the future, your boyfriend seemed to have it all planned out. The topic of children made you uneasy, and you made that known. Jace at first seemed to respect that you were focused on your career, but as time passes, he ignores your warning look as he tells his family and yours that he wants to start his own family with you. 
Having a boyfriend like yours made you feel lucky. Knowing how many girls swooned over him, but he chose you over them. Well-mannered and disciplined, he excelled academically and in sports. He was essentially every parent’s wet dream. Slowly, you begin to realize that something was off about Aemond, but it took you so long that one cannot blame you. Not with the dates at your favorite coffee shop, the bouquet of flowers mailed to you, him sharing you his favorite books.
No matter how nice and funny your friends were, Aemond didn't like them. Early in your relationship, you learned how much he loved his alone time with you. Of course, Aemond never told you directly, but you were aware of the irritated expression on his face whenever one of your friends or colleagues approached you both in a public setting. More so, you can see the expression on his face when you get dressed up to leave the house without him. He tells you it's okay, but you are still overcome with a deep sense of guilt.
When it comes to Aemond, it seems to everyone that he is the one putting most of the effort into the relationship. Waking up in the morning and finding breakfast prepared. How willing he is to drive you to work or class. Assisting you with your studies. Keeping track of all of your appointments. You can’t help but feel guilty, eager to do anything to repay the favors, which Aemond doesn't mind one bit. 
And before long, he had control over all of your finances. At first, it was him paying for all of your dates, refusing to take a single penny from you. Then it came to him covering every purchase you made. To all your vacations and trips. Within a short period of time, you were no longer burdened by any debt. You tried to refuse every time, but nothing could ever change his stubborn mind. And soon enough, Aemond began to hint that you should retire for a time; after all, there is no reason for you to carry on working.
Even in the bedroom, Aemond was giving. He would spend hours between your legs if you let him. Each time, you are left feeling sore and overstimulated. It won't be long before you let sleep overtake you or Aemond starts a warm bath for you. As much as he cares about your pleasure, Aemond has his own selfish reasons. A means of preventing you from leaving the house.
Arguments with Aemond are the worst of the worst. It's not that he shouts, throws things, or belittles you. It is the silent treatment. He has the patience to walk around the house for days, ignoring your presence. You no longer get the forehead kisses, the barrage of gifts, or the cuddles while you read together. Sometimes you are in tears, sometimes you beg him to speak to you again, but somehow it always ends with you being the one to apologize. You feel relieved when he takes you into his arms and tells you he has forgiven you.
By chance, Aemond appears to be aware of your location at all times. Regardless of how skillful a liar you are or how many witnesses you present to support your case, the truth will always be out. He merely sports a look on his face that tells you he knows of your whereabouts. When he offered to have your phone "fixed," you did not realize that he had installed a tracker on it.
On one of the holidays, you were at his family's mansion rather than spending time with your loved ones. As you feign a smile and greet each person, Aemond holds you close. Even so, your face falls when children and weddings are mentioned, and your stomach sinks when Aemond assures them that day will come. You already felt confined. What good will a ring do if not dig your own grave?
Taglist: @alanybunnuewrites @violet2507 @caramelcandescence​ @sanguinesaint-kaleidoscopeeyes​ @a-dorkier-book-keeper @dlphantom​     @fanfictionlover-007   @dehnablume     
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avatarkv · 1 year
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Cupid’s got me on a chokehold.
✎ Synopsis ! You and Neteyam are obviously in-love with each other, so what exactly was holding you back?
Content & warning ¡ Aged up Neteyam! x Human!Reader. (aged him up because idk how ages work between na’vi and humans, no smut! just kissy-kissy) tooth-rotting fluff, finally. gotta keep my sweet child alive this time (wc; 4471)
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You were always confined within the comfort of your lab and it amused Neteyam to no end. You were surrounded by stunning scenery that anybody would kill to get an eyeful of, yet here you are, laser-focused to whatever you were working on in front of multiple screens. 
You were tasked to step into the shoes of Grace Augustine and you took the responsibility gratefully, not wanting her work to be put in vain. You admired her deeply, to the point that you’d watch her every log before you sleep— remarkable woman, she is. It was now time for you to honor her legacy with ambition of your own— a worthy successor taking the reigns and continuing in her stead, pushing her work forward with every ounce of energy you had.
Today was no different; you were cooped up in your little space, desk cluttered with papers and coffee stains evident from the multiple drinks you had. A knock interrupts your focus, taking your eyes off your journal. 
"You've got some visitors," Norm abruptly announced, rolling your chair towards the door before you had a chance to reply. You gripped tightly onto the armrests of your chair as you felt yourself suddenly tipping forward, away from your workplace– curse Avatar strength. You could only shoot him a glare as you pushed your glasses upright, standing up from your seat.
“How’s my girl?” A smile immediately grows on your lips as Neteyam greets you. He had a voice like warm, rich honey; when he talked, it was difficult to hear anything else. He reserved such fondness in his tone just for you, it was hard not to swoon. You extend your hand from your forehead, greeting him their way. 
“I’m pretty sure your girl has not showered since the last time we visited,” Lo’ak joked from behind, earning a snicker from Spider. 
“Ha-ha,” You removed your lab coat and stretched, clothes tightening as you relieve your bones from sitting in a hunched position for who knows how long– you have got to work on your posture. You groaned in satisfaction as you heard your joints crack. “What brings everyone here?” 
The Sullys' had ventured out, with the exception of Tuk who was eagerly watching out for everyone’s return, with Spider. They were tinkering with the different machines that littered the lab, teasing each other, and chatting with the other avatar drivers they were familiar with. 
“Setting aside my disgustingly in-love brother and his constant requests,” Kiri gave Neteyam a knowing glance which he returned with him rolling his eyes, “We’re actually here to remind you that you need to move your legs and walk. You’re more busy these days, we’re kind of worried.” 
You were closer with Kiri, though you didn’t admit it openly, you shared many of the same interests. Much to the boys’ dismay, you went out with her more, exploring the forest and experimenting all sorts of things. While you busied her with your lifestyle, she was just as ecstatic with sharing hers. You learned how to weave, discovered the many healing ways of Na’vi as well as making new ones. You and Kiri were two peas in a pod, both intelligent and cunning, with a shared passion for learning.
“Just.. working on something new,” You replied sheepishly and it made Neteyam’s eyebrow quirk up in curiosity; it was unlike you to not tell him about your works and he could tell from your tone that it was something huge. “It’s going to be worth it, I promise!”
Neteyam couldn’t help but revel in your passionate display, he swears you glow when you talk of your interest, stars twinkling in your eyes. He absolutely hated anything related to the sky-people and their affairs, but he’d listen to you talk endlessly about it, even if the words that would often reach his ears were foreign and had no clue what it meant. 
He won’t admit it, but he would sometimes ask his father for English lessons; slyly asking him about words that he didn’t understand and Jake would eagerly answer nonetheless. Oh eywa, he was a huge simp. (He learned that word from Lo’ak, who knows where this man’s vocabulary is coming from.) 
“You okay, ‘Teyam?” You tilted your head and looked up at him through your lashes and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks when he realized he had been staring again– how easy you could make this mighty warrior helplessly smitten with just a glance was embarrassing. He had sharply averted his gaze, visibly gulping. 
Unbeknownst to him, you weren’t oblivious to his watchful eyes. He may have thought he could take in your every move without you noticing, but you knew all too well when his gaze lingered. No matter where you roamed or how hard you tried not to look back in his direction, his eyes had a way of finding yours and planting itself there. You both were absolutely enamored with each other and it was painfully obvious. 
Lo’ak was the one to break the silence, pushing you from the back, “Okay, nerd, get your mask because we’re going.” 
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The walk to the village was peaceful, aside from Lo’ak and his loud mouth, you were actually grateful that they forced you out the lab. Sunshine cascaded in through all the leaves and greenery, casting its pleasant warmth throughout your path. You could feel its rays radiating on your skin as it moved across the landscape– it was a beautiful day. 
Neteyam kept a protective hold on your waist as you ventured through the forest. You felt his grip tightening whenever there were overgrown branches or gnarled twigs along the way– he was keen on holding down leaves for you to pass through and picking on every pretty flower to secretly tuck into your hair (He saved some for Tuk and his mother). 
When you arrived, Tuk was the first to rush and greet you, running towards you at full speed and nearly tackling you to the ground. Despite her being the youngest, she was almost your height. She gave you a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around your waist in an embrace. “__!” 
“Please be careful, Tuk,” Neteyam scolds from behind, holding you securely. 
You returned the hug, wrapping your arms around her “How’s my favorite Sully?” You asked, leaning in to kiss her forehead as if she wasn’t literally the same size as you. Tuk giggled in reply, while the other’s expression dropped in disbelief. 
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” Kiri mutters from the side.
"I got the whole day planned out!" Tuk jumps around ecstatically, her enthusiasm contagious. "We braid each other's hair, then we make necklaces! We can go for a swim in the pond that's just further into the forest, and then!" She takes a big pause for breath before continuing with her plans. "After we get back from our swim, we can play some more–”
“Hold up, Tuk, What are we supposed to do while you do your girly things?” The youngest blew raspberries, as if to tell him that no boys were included in every activity. Being the child Lo’ak is, stuck his tongue out as well.  
“Well we do need extra hands on the spot right now,” Jake interjects, emerging from behind the bushes, breathing heavily like he had run back here. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, “There’s some movement down north and we’re heading to check it out. We need spotters while we scout the area.”
“Hello Mr. Sully,” You greeted him and the hard expression that had been on his face momentarily softened. He gave a single curt nod in response, but you could tell he was somewhat surprised to see you there.
“Is it serious?” Neteyam immediately asks, face contorting to complete worry. It might’ve been a bad time to bring you out here and he couldn’t help but feel nervous. 
“No, no.” Jake was quick to ease his worries, shaking his head. “Hopefully not, but it’s best if we move out now.”
Neteyam quickly turns to you and your expression mirrored his concerning one. He rested his hand on your shoulders, “Wait for me here, alright?” You nodded, taking hold of his hand and gently massaging it in comforting circles. This small gesture seemed to ease the tension within him and he squeezed your hand affectionately before running off to their hut and grabbing his bow. 
Jake watched as the scene unfolded before him, a feeling of familiarity washing over him. He couldn't help but grin as he said his goodbyes, catching himself in his own reminiscing– young love was just something else and he found it brewing between you and his son, just like how his and Neytiri’s grew. 
Your gaze followed their retreating figures as they were swallowed up by the towering trees and cascading vines. You remain still for a few moments, worried for whatever awaits their travel, not until Tuk softly grabs onto your wrist and pulls you to follow her alongside Kiri. With a deep breath, you trailed behind, ready to spend the day with them. 
The sun shone brightly as the day carried on. It was hard not to enjoy yourself, not when Tuk was radiating such energy. Even after all the hiking and climbing, her excitement remained in every activity. It was infectious, you loved this bundle of joy with all your heart. It only seemed to calm when you laid on the rocks, drying yourselves after swimming. She swears she only needs to nap, a recharge, before continuing with her plans– but as soon as her soft snores hit your ears, you knew she was done for the day. 
You chuckled before shutting your eyes yourself. The sun is warm and pleasant, the breeze refreshing. It feels like an eternity since you have been able to just let go of stress and simply enjoy the present. You take in all of nature's serenity, letting it fill every inch of you with solace. You breathe in deeply as your lungs fill with crisp air and then exhale slowly, releasing any tension that has gathered up within you.
After a while, the sound of Kiri’s voice jolts you awake. “When are you telling my brother?”
Unable to process her words yet, you turn your head to her in complete confusion, “What?”
“Oh you know, you and your obvious feelings for him.” She replied casually, almost smug even. “You both are so disgustingly in love with each other, what’s with all the hold up?” 
“Kiri, I’m human,” You told her, like it was all the reason she needs to hear, but her gaze is relentless– beckoning you to continue. “Not until my avatar is finished, at least. I wanna be able to hold him, to feel him without constraints. Do you know how much rash I’m getting from this stupid mask? It’s so itchy and the straps are never tight enough or loose, it’s just–” You were rambling at this point, frustrations boiling over. 
You groaned, “But that’s besides the point. I wanna be able to look at him like I’m capable of taking hold of his heart myself, not like this.” 
She chuckled, her eyes turning away from you and back up to the sky. “Believe me, you already have it.” 
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Neteyam marched back to the familiar path towards their home, shoulders heavy in disappointment. It was a false alarm and they were greeted with nothing but stray animals littered around the forest. Unfortunately for him, the day was already ending and there was no doubt that everyone would be tired already when they returned. When he arrived, Tuk was sleeping soundly, nestled in Kiri’s embrace. Her chest heaved ever steadily with each gentle breath as you brushed back the braids that covered her face, careful not to wake her. 
He quickly strides over to you, gripping your shoulders in his hands and at first, you are taken aback by the sudden hold on your body. Then, as soon as you recognize who it is, a wave of relief washes over you; Neteyam was back and you were more than glad that he had returned unharmed, “‘Teyam! How did it go?” 
Before he could reply, Kiri gave him a teasing look before speaking. “I’m gonna go and tuck Tuk in, she’s all yours brother.” 
After a beat of silence, Neteyam was the first to speak. “Bet Tuk had tired you out,” You laughed heartily as you both stared as Kiri made her way back to their hut with Tuk, “But I need you for one more journey, you up for it?” 
He had a way of looking at you, one that couldn’t be denied. His eyes pleaded– begged for you to follow, and he could see the desire in your own eyes when you stared back. What’s a few scolding from Norm when you could spend time with Neteyam? “Lead the way, mighty warrior.”
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You pestered him the whole journey, asked him where he was taking you every second. Neteyam would only laugh in reply, shaking his head to tell you that you just have to see for yourself. Not long after, the tree of voices shone from a distance, and you felt your lips parted in awe. 
You’ve only heard of it from Grace in her videos, so to finally witness it yourself felt absolutely unreal. You were completely staggered by its splendor, you couldn’t help but ghost your fingers over the glowing vine-like roots– it was beyond anything you had ever imagined. Pandora was quite the treasure, the lush greenery and the remarkable landscapes of this world amazed you at every turn; it always felt like a dream when you let yourself wander around. 
As you walked further aimlessly, like the sight itself had lulled you to come closer, Neteyam remained unmoved. His gaze was fixated on you, intently following each step you took, as the lights shone around your body like a gentle embrace. He was surrounded by such beauty, and it seemed like the only masterpiece here was you.
When you finally turned and noticed his absence, you smiled and beckoned him to follow– Oh Eywa, save him now, he knew he was as good as dead. His heart raced in his chest and he felt like his lungs had suddenly stopped working; the plan he so carefully thought of had evaporated and his mouth had gone dry. You stood there so prettily and it made him feel small. 
He slowly made his way towards you, holding onto your forearm. Only now did you notice his stiff shoulders, how cold his skin was in contrast to the warm atmosphere. You worriedly gazed upon him as you tried to decipher his expression, figuring where the underlying tension came from. You stepped back slightly, getting a good look on him. 
“Why did you bring me here?”
Your voice was quiet, but it was enough to draw Neteyam’s attention. He couldn't help but take notice of every detail in your face; the lilac light bathing you in its hue as he memorized the way you looked. His gaze dropped to the floor briefly before he met your stare again, unable to look away for even a second. “I am of age already,” his voice started out small, “Mother has been asking me if I have chosen.” 
You knew of their tradition, knew how life goes for everyone, but to hear it from him had caused a sting from the inside. Neteyam would need a mate– a strong Tsahik that would accompany him once he takes on the role of being the clan leader and it hurts to think that you could never fit that role.  “Have you?” Your eyes widens, peering up at him. It was difficult to ignore the distinct tone of disappointment in your words, and the way it hung in the air.
“No, not yet.” He was quick to answer, wanting to ease the worried look on your face, “Not until you choose me too.”
“Oh, Neteyam,” His words came as a shock and you could hardly process them. The sound that escaped your lips could only be described as dejected, like you had instantly denied him without a second thought and you were now considering how best to reject him gently. His heart sank, trying his best not to be discouraged– not yet. 
He chose you. He’s choosing you and he’s waiting. His words reverberated like an echo inside your mind and it caused you to complete dysfunction. This moment of indecision felt both exhilarating and paralyzing all at once; it was enough to make your heart pound faster in your chest as apprehension took hold of the moment. You clearly liked him too, the great mother knows how much your soul yearns for him, but this is something you shouldn’t decide on the course of your emotions. You knew very well how impossible it was. 
“I don’t think you should fall in love with someone like me,” Your words were heavy, unwilling, as they escaped your lips. You wanted nothing more than to run to him, to tell him that you’ve chosen him the very moment you laid your eyes on his– but you chose to bite your tongue. 
“Someone like you?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unable to comprehend.
You shook your head and raked your fingers through your hair, feeling the frustration coursing through you. “Someone that’s not like you.” You rephrase, hoping that he gets the message. “You are to be olo’eyktan and I’m not even Na’vi– the people won’t approve of us.” 
You didn’t miss how his eyes had turned crestfallen; you were sure you could even hear his own heart breaking. His grip loosened as he walked past you, striding through the hanging vines, “This place is for prayers to be heard.” 
You trailed behind him desperately, “Neteyam, listen to me–” 
He quickly cuts you off, turning sharply towards you. “And I’ve been told what to do my entire life, __. What I must do, how I should act.” Neteyam’s shoulders are slumped defeatedly as he looks at you, grabbing both your hands, caging it with his, and warming it with a soft kiss. “You’re the only thing I’m asking for and I’m begging to be answered.” 
His voice is pleading and you hate to be the one to let him down. With another heavy sigh, you reluctantly drew your hands away from his, “Are you willing to wait?”
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You plagued his mind. You had not visited, nor had he either. The days seemed to drag on, and still there was no word from you. 
It cost him his peace of mind; Neteyam has been slacking on his duties and his own family was not blind to the fact that their usual patient eldest had become irritable, a frown gracing his face everyday as he continued with training. His mind had been troubling him and his stomach had been twisting and turning into an ever-tightening knot. He wanted to come see you, heck, he’d even take his words back if it meant everything would stay the same.
This day was no different. The training went south and all his shots were off their mark, stance completely off. His frustrations mounted when the whisperings took place and realized they’ve been talking about him, the humiliation was unbearable– he just couldn’t think straight.
“Trouble in paradise, bro?” Lo’ak had followed after his brother, who had just gotten a scolding from Jake. He had dismissed him harshly, feeling just as frustrated from how his eldest was acting these days. “How did the plan go anyway?” 
“Horrible!” He immediately blurted out, followed by a loud groan. “It was stupid to catch her off guard, it was stupid to tell her by surprise.” He knew in that moment that he had erred greatly; there was no way to undo the shock and upset you must have felt that very moment. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, regret coursing through his veins with each passing second.
Lo’ak threw his head back in surprise. He had never seen his usually composed brother like this before, the last few days consisted of nothing but pure panic and it was hard not to enjoy seeing his brother all frantic. “What were you meant to do? Say, hey __ I’m about to confess to you at the tree of voices, compose yourself alright?”
He groans for what feels like the millionth time today, “What are you doing here, Lo’ak?” 
He crossed his arms with a smug expression, “‘bout to give you words of advice because unlike you, I’m a hit with the ladies.” Neteyam let out an exasperated sigh and swatted his brother’s shoulders in an attempt to silence him.
“Get lost, you’re not helping with anything.” His temper was reaching its boiling point as he desperately tried to convince Lo’ak to leave him alone, wanting nothing more than to be left to his own self-pity. 
Lo'ak finally concedes, turning to make his way back on the path he came from. "She likes you too, maybe even more than you do," he says before stopping. "Believe me, the wait is worth it!" He raises his voice and then continues walking away until he is lost among the trees.
He knew something that he didn't and it makes him more and more agitated. 
He ventured further into the forest, sitting down on a nearby stump and carefully tending to his arrows. He sharpened each tip with precision, eyebrows furrowed heavily in concentration. Not long after, his ears perked up at the sound of footsteps softly padding closer. As the steps grew louder, he knew someone was coming towards him. He tensed up, wanting nothing more than to send Lo’ak away again. 
“What do you want this time, Lo’ak?” His tone was harsh and he didn’t even spare him a glance. Neteyam was met with a chuckle that sounded nothing like his brother’s and immediately, his heart started to race.
“Penny for your thoughts, mighty warrior?” You cringed on the inside, feeling absolutely lame.
His head snaps up, eyes widening in shock. "___?" he blurts out in disbelief. 
His mind has got to be fucking with him. Neteyam immediately stands, taking a few hesitant steps towards you– or at least, what he thought was you. You were Na’vi– You no longer bore your usual appearance of green cargo pants which were always slightly too large in size and that stained shirt that had countless coffee marks splattered across it, now changed with nothing but a beaded necklace and a loincloth like theirs. 
He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander— every curve and creases of your body, the stripes that adorned your blue skin, the plain between your breasts. You weren’t you but there was no doubt that it was your sweet voice that he heard; the same doe eyes that peered above him, the same gaze that held so much wonder. 
You visibly gulped at his reaction as his gaze continued to travel over your avatar, the silence making you a bit uneasy. You had worked tirelessly on your creation; multiple cups of coffee had kept you up all night, and your human body had most likely shed pounds due to the lack of nutrition. After he had confessed, you knew you had to finish immediately– wanting nothing more than to feel him around you without him being so protective of your fragile body. You tilted your head to meet his intense stare, nudging him softly, “Neteyam, say something.”
This was what you’ve been working on for months, he has realized, you had successfully created your own avatar. 
“__?” He called your name again, mouth agape and unsure. 
“Wanted to surprise you,” Your voice trailed off, fingers softly grazing his rigid shoulders. You bit your lip anxiously, nervously awaiting his response. He stared at you intensely, and you couldn't help but feel like a tiny little speck under his gaze. “So.. what do you think?” You finally asked him after a few moments of silence had passed between the two of you.
“Think I need to..” He said, barely above a whisper as he gently tugged you close against him, unconsciously licking the bottom of his lips. “Think I need to confirm a hypothesis.” He finished, grabbing your hands to rest above his shoulders while his hands landed on the curve of your hips, rubbing circles on the skin with his thumb. Your breath caught in your throat, the tiny flutter of butterflies beginning to riot in your stomach. It was unlike him to be so bold— always hesitant to hold you in any way when you were in your human form. You looked so fragile, so little beside him. 
But now he could hold you close and he was trying so hard not to close the distance, doing his best to keep his composure despite the unbearable temptation to bridge the gap between you and him. You kept him waiting for weeks, his needs were dire. 
A laugh slipped from your lips and Neteyam’s ears perked up delight from the sweet sound, “Hypothesis?” You muttered incredulously. The word rolled so foreignly from his tongue, accent thick, and you didn’t believe he was capable of picking up some of the terms you used in the lab. You realized he had been listening despite his dislike towards your kind. “Where did you get that word, huh?” 
He chuckled in reply, so low you could feel it vibrate from the lowest pits of your stomach. “Come on, pretty girl, just need a sample from you,” Neteyam lifted your chin, leaning in closer— “If you let me,” 
You closed the gap yourself, sealing a kiss on his lips. It was soft against yours, almost like it matched the sweetness of his voice– everything about him was goddamn perfect. You felt a shiver down your spine as he kissed you back, hand snaking up to hold your nape tenderly. The world seemed to stand still around the two of you, suspended in that very moment. Eywa had answered and she makes no mistake. 
You could feel his lips curving into a knowing grin as he feels you pulling away, both of you breathless and giddy. You drew away from him, trying to steady the pace of your heartbeat, “Final verdict?” You joked, smile growing.
His response was immediate, eager, as he reached out for you again. Neteyam brushed back strands of your hair while drawing you impossibly closer– his gaze remained fixed on yours and you could feel how his heart pounded against your own,
 “Think I need more than just one kiss from you.”
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☆ mauve here! this has got to be one of my favorite works i have ever written here because god damn, i am giggling like a mad man over my own fic. love neteyam w all my heart it's crazy, this man deserves a rest !!!!!
tags: @aonungsmate @divineei (HI !!!!)
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© avatarkv, do not repost.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
The Sunflower Of Highgarden Pt.1 (Daemon x Reader)
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Again I love your guys ideas but when a request is just too long you must understand that I need to make it a part two thing cause I do not like writing just a full novel at one go. Enjoy!
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The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can’t say no to everything”
“Nonsense, my dear Margaery your wedding is the most important wedlock ever since queen (y/n)”
“Queen (y/n) eloped”
“Not exactly, she was married to a Hightower before Daemon Targaryen intervened, besides their story before their wedding has always been the most interesting part”
(Y/n) was a beautiful young maiden when she first met the rambunctious prince Daemon, she was a beautiful woman yet Daemon found her hallow on the inside.
“I will not marry a fragile little daughter of a garden lord”
Her servants had heard the prince confide to his father, she was deeply wounded by the comment, he had insulted her family, her legacy, he was a dragon but that does not imply he can frown upon all the other great houses, she found him repulsive after that incident and besides, he was soon wed to Rhea Royce, who Daemon deemed worthy enough and her strong character was something he found promising.
(Y/n) kept her spirits high as years passed by, time had smiled at her and graced her with a beauty of a true Tyrell woman, her smile and delicate way of life was a delight to be around.
She was dressed in the finest of dresses for the tournament, a woman of her status left without a betroth was starting to nip at her heels and the tournament was filled with young men from great houses. Daemon could barely recognise her, he had left her a feather in the wind and now it was almost like she had a sun above her head, the light followed her around and gave her the appearance of perfection.
“I humbly ask for the favour of lady (y/n) Tyrell, the sunflower of Highgarden”
Gwayne Hightower called for her, a smirk appeared on her lips before she reached for flower crown and approached the stand, slowly she leaned to let the crown slip down the man’s spear.
Her nickname was always amusing to her, especially now that the prince that had rejected her had come back with rumours of his terrible match and brooding face, like a dog with its tail between his legs.
“I wish you the best of fortune Lord Gwayne”
Her eyes sparkled like finest of gems, Daemon had to regain composure after he caught himself wondering how soft her touch would feel on his skin, if he did not like the Hightowers prior, now he despised them and he had to show it to the whole world.
When Gwayne was so harshly met with the ground (y/n) rose up from her seat with a gasp, everyone swooned at the ladies concern for the lord of the reach, thankfully the man was alright besides suffering a few wounds, the incident however was quickly forgotten when Daemon crowned the Tyrell flower as the queen of love and beauty, which had left a particular Targaryen princess fuming.
“Lady Tyrell, it’s been far too long”
“Not long enough for me to forget a certain cold hearted prince that casted me aside”
“A terrible mistake indeed but we no one is perfect lady (y/n)”
“Mayhaps, we are also not cruel or dismissive”
“I see the sunflower has a thorn in her heart”
“Sunflowers are known for being the home of bees my prince, so allow this to be a warning of a mighty sting coming your way”
“I would never dare to harm you lady (y/n), I was just wondering if you would like to walk with me to the gardens, as a friendly companion”
He reassured her of his intentions being pure. (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as she silently considered the pros and cons, he was a man that had spoke in such a demeaning manner for her heritage, yet he was still a prince and to be seen with a man of such high status would definitely make a few lords act faster with asking for her hand.
The next few days had been quite the eventful ones, Daemon would spend every morning with lady Tyrell in the gardens as they spoke about countless of things, he found out a lot about her, for example of how he had underestimated her tremendously, (y/n) had a sharp edge to her and was extremely quick witted, a master at diplomatic affairs and a wonderful advisor for some of his concerns he had expressed during her tea time.
“I will be praying to the Gods for you safe return my prince”
“Let’s hope that having your good graces will do me more than what it did for the Hightower”
“My intentions had nothing to do with you being a sore loser, you did not oppose him with an honour that is bestowed to a dragon”
“I opposed him with the fury that a dragon holds, we did not become kings by being kind now did we?”
“Let us discuss this when you come back, I believe war awaits you”
That’s when he offered her a gift, a necklace he had ordered to be made for her, (y/n) gasped at the sight of the golden piece, she adored necklaces, she gently took it from his hands before she looked up to smile at him in complete joy.
“I shall cherish it”
“Until we meet again, sunflower”
As much as she would wish to have the luxury of sitting in a tower and wait for her knight in shinning armour to come back, times were different than what fairytales are keen on painting as a picture.
The daughter of such high status, she should have already bared sons for her lord husband, now there she was sitting at court without a husband.
Gwayne Hightower was a young man, the son of the hand of the king, brother of queen Alicent, he came from a family that was one of the richest houses in all of Westeros and the most handsome young lord at court, he had already shown interest when he asked for her favour so when Daemon was out of the picture he took it upon himself to court her and then ask for her hand.
He was a kind man, someone that she enjoyed having in her presence, that should be enough for her to be content with her betrothal and she was for a while, that all went away when Daemon bursted in the throne room wearing a crown, her heart skipped a bit at the sight of him, luckily for her she masked it well and when Daemons eyes shifted on her she only leaned closer to Gwayne and she even gave the young lord a smile that he reciprocated.
“You shouldn’t marry him”
“Alright I won’t, then what? I become your paramour and get ridiculed by the 7 kingdoms? I give birth to your bastards while you dwell in your horrible marriage and seek for my company? We could have already been married, this entire situation was caused by your stubbornness”
She had fired back when he once cornered her in the castle, she had instructed her servants and guards to not allow Daemon to be around her, she could not afford to be distracted by the rogue prince any longer as much as it ached her she had to do what was best for her and lord Gwayne was exactly that.
The feast before her wedding had been one for the books, Gwayne and (y/n) were the talk of kings landing, (y/n) looked like a dream in her gown while Gwayne twirled her around in the dance floor, all the ladies swooned over the happy couple, gushing about the perfect match.
So why was the only thing on her mind the scandal around Daemon and Rhaenyra? Every time she would glance at the Hightower lord her brain would fabricate images of the couple in the brothel.
“Prince Daemon of House Targaryen”
The knight announced as the doors flew open to reveal the prince, everyone except the couple rose on their feet, Gwayne did it so how his utter displeasure for the prince showing up uninvited and (y/n) because she was battling herself to not scream at him.
“Congratulations Lord Gwayne Hightower, Lady (y/n) is more than you would ever hope for. Will the lady do me the honour of accompany me for this dance?”
Silence fell over the room, (y/n) wanted to kill him, how dare he stroll at her most important day and demand anything? Alas, considering his status she had no choice but to squeeze Gwaynes hand and place a peck on his cheek and walk over to the prince, his extended hand waited patiently for hers, once her skin touched his a smile appeared on his lips, that shuttle physical contact was as addicting as the best Dornish wine.
“You look stunning”
“You honour me prince Daemon”
Her phrase stung him like a mighty bee. (Y/n) would always call him “my prince” or “Daemon” when they were alone, now it was “prince Daemon” a shuttle change yet so profound to him, as they danced other couples decided to join and rather quickly Daemon and (y/n) were lost within the twirling crowd.
“Are you happy?”
“Gwayne will make a wonderful husband”
“That’s not what I asked”
“Gwayne will never dishonour me by belittling my “garden” house nor will he ever be seen with his niece at a brothel, so yes I am content with my match”
(Y/n)s defensive stance brought Daemon to withdraw from provoking her, at least for the rest of the dance. The only thing that somewhat comforted him was that even the night before her wedding her neck was decorated by the necklace he gifted her, he briefly reminisced of that blissful day.
Daemon was never good at talking, that was his brother, so he now had no other choice but to reside in what he did best, cause chaos.
Luckily for him it was not that hard, as whispers were something that could be spread relatively easy, it started with whispers that Gwayne had intended to marry another, so he got the ladies talking, now as everyone knows you can start with one rumour and the public will do the rest for you.
(Y/n) had been dancing with lord Tully when another lord grabbed (y/n)s hand to yank her away, one thing led to another and anyone was fighting everyone, you could hear the ladies scream as the guards instructed directions to one another so they can get the important people out of the room safely.
Daemon who’s familiar scenario looked something like this weaselled his way in the crowd, the last thing poor (y/n) remembered was seeing Daemon run towards her, she threw herself to his arms when her ears started to ring.
“Get me out of here”
She whispered. At once Daemon sweeps her off her feet, he was well aware that (y/n) did not mean to take her from kings landing, yet how could he resists? She had passed out in his arms with her head on his shoulder and no one was really paying attention, at least as of yet.
Up in Caraxes they went and their next stop would be Dragonstone, she would be safe there.
“Where am I?”
“On Caraxes”
(Y/n) only half opened her eyes when the only thing she could see was Daemon and clouds, instinctively she clings on to the Prince for safety and from the sudden shock she passed out again, (y/n) remained unconscious for the rest of the ride.
Daemon found her breath taking, he admired how peaceful she was in his arms, how could he be so stupid to let her get so close to marrying another? He could have been her lord husband all this time if he had not been so young and dim witted, his sunflower slept so easy in their new chamber, her hair pooling around the pillow as she stayed on her right side, carefully he took off her shoes and tucked her in, waiting patiently for her to wake up and probably attack him once she finds out where she is.
(Y/n) did not rest for long, well not as long as daemon wished to be exact, she batted her eyelashes a few times before she had finally regained her strength to be fully conscious.
“Welcome back, how are you feeling?”
“I will live, what happened?”
“You fainted, probably from being overwhelmed”
Images of the unfortunate incident flooded her brain like a storm, what a mess and on her wedding feast! Her lord husband must be fuming and awfully concerned.
“Where’s Gwayne? I must speak to him”
“That won’t be necessary or even possible”
“I don’t understand”
“We are not in kings landing (y/n), you are on Dragonstone”
He watched as (y/n)s expression switched ever so subtlety at first to her jaw tightening and her lips pursing while her eyes brows furrowed, she made the mistake of moving in a fast pace for her feet to touch the floor, as soon as Daemon saw her wobble he was by her side, his arms wrapping around her until she shoved him away and sat back down on the bed.
“Do not touch me”
“(Y/n) you need to listen to me”
“You destroyed my most important day, you kid napped me”
“I did what was necessary, I could not leave you to marry that imbecile of a man”
“He was smart enough to recognise how good of a match I was”
Silence fell over them for a moment, her eyes threw daggers at him once again as she brought her knees up to her chin, curling up to a ball as a sign to show how unsafe she felt around him, still as she pouted at him she was irresistible to him.
“I understand how my younger self’s behaviour was uncalled for but allow me to make it right”
“And how exactly are you planning to do that?”
“Marry me, I will marry you under the tradition of old Valyria”
“I am not from old Valyria in case you haven’t noticed and you are married”
“My own marriage was recently… dissolved and we can marry under the seven gods as well, if that is what will make you happy”
“Is that what you want?”
“For you to marry me?”
“For me to be happy? You keep asking about it”
“Yes, is that so bad?”
“No, it is not, though it took you long enough”
She hinted as they both giggled, the tension between them dissolving after years of being apart, the trouble their marriage and elope had caused was tremendous.
Howbeit their wedding under the seven gods took place in highgarden, they wed at the garden that (y/n) used to ran around as a child, they even went for a horse ride with her favourite horse, eclipse was a brown stallion that was gifted to her by her beloved father, she looked exquisite riding her horse, trotting around and laughing as she showed off her skills.
(Y/n) and Daemon resided in Dragonstone per Daemons wish, he did not want his family around the bitter Hightowers that had definitely held a grudge against them.
(Y/n) spend her days painting and playing the harp if she was not on dragon back with her lord husband or on horse back, Daemon would spend hours observing her, her delicate fingers gracing over the strings that created such delightful sounds or seeing her frown while painting and creating a masterpiece.
Naturally the love they had for each other took form in their first born daughter, beautiful Yavanna was a spitting image of her father, except the eyes, those sparkling (y/c) eyes would make Daemon weak in the knees as he melted in his daughters hands.
Then came their majestic son, Aragorn, he had somewhat of long hair with one single strand of his mothers hair colour, Daemon would joke often about it.
“Your mother would always complain over our children being Targaryen featured, of course she manifested you getting just the right amount of features to be both”
Third came another daughter, Aesira, she was the second version of her mother except her violet hues, from hair colour to attitude she was a true Tyrell, (y/n) would say the gods were punishing her since she had been a rather spoiled and stubborn as a child and certainly a smart ass.
Their trips to kings landing had been extremely rare, (y/n) would not have it otherwise, she had tried to connect with Daemons family, she was the one that advised him to take the family back to driftmark for Laenas funeral, a day she whole heartedly wanted to forget.
Requests are open!
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evanspresso · 2 years
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The blind date
listen to this tension filled song while reading.
The end of August is always the time where y/n desperately tries to hold onto her last moments of freedom before going back to the east coast. 
Sometimes she doesn’t understand why she decided to stay in the city, most of her friends attend school in the west coast and she always regrets deciding to stay in her comfort zone. Especially when she has to say goodbye. 
So, when y/n receives a text from her friend telling her that they were going to meet her boyfriend and his best friend for lunch, y/n excitedly replied with a bunch of smiley faces after receiving the details. Of course, she never had a clue on who she would be meeting, or what her friends intention of lunch would actually be. 
As y/n climbed out of the Uber and stretched her shoulders against her sweater blouse, deeply regretting her style choice as she revived a text from Wren, the ding making her stop in her tracks. 
Wren: running late, I think they’re already at the table!
Y/n groaned, hating that she’d meet two people she didn’t even know, without her bubbly best friend at her side. She huffed and yanked on the restaurant door before peering into the dining room, the air conditioning instantly calming her nerves. 
“I think my party is already here, Maybe under the name, Wren?” y/n said to the host who glanced at the reservation book.
“Yes! I just sat someone from your party. You can follow me, miss.” the host said cheerfully making y/n smile and follow in the younger girl’s tracks. “Enjoy!” 
Y/n pressed her lips together as she noticed that only one person sat at the table, his back facing her as she thanked the host. 
She cleared her throat as she grabbed for her chair, catching the man’s eye causing him to peer up at her and instantly stand. 
“Hi, you must be y/n.” he said, extending his hand out for her to shake.
“Hello.” she gave him a tight lipped smile before sliding down into her chair. “I guess we beat them to it!” she chuckled dryly.
The man scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, looking around the restaurant before nodding towards y/n. “I don’t know why they’re not here yet, it’s not like there’s any traffic.” he said. "Umm.. I’m Evan by the way".
Y/n smiled, her eyebrows raising as she looked at her phone screen to see if Wren had texted her. "I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“I just texted Wren to see where she is.” y/n said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. 
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down even though a literal actor was sat in front of her, an actor, who she’d yell at through the screen as she watched him portray many roles. Some more swoon worthy than others. Some, just down right scary and made her stomach all queasy.
She tried to hold in a laugh as she remembers cursing at him on multiple occasions, throwing her popcorn at the screen and groaning loudly at his actions that unfolded through the show. “Asshole!” was a common name she’d call him, for obvious reasons. And, of course she tried to push away the memories of her blushes and squeals she'd let out too.
Evan nods as he reached for his drink as his phone starts to buzz against his jean pocket. He shuffled around in his seat as he digs around for it, showing y/n the screen to reveal that it’s his best friend that was supposed to meet them. 
Y/n sat there awkwardly, twiddling her thumbs as she watched him answer the call, she watched his face deadpan into a grimace, his eyes widening as she heard laughing on the other end. “What the fu-” Evan grumbled before his best friend suddenly hung up and left Evan holding out his phone in complete shock. 
“They’re not coming.” Evan clears his throat. 
Y/n furrows her brows, shaking her head as she looked around trying to see if they’re on some pranked reality tv show. “What do you mean, they’re not coming?” she questions, annoyance dripping from her words causing Evan to glare at her slightly. 
“They set us up. That’s what I mean.” 
Y/n scoffs, folding her arms across her chest as she shakes her head at him, knowing that her best friend would never do this to her. 
Wren would never- well… maybe she would. No, of course she would do this to y/n! Wren knows how utterly, embarrassingly single y/n has always been, and what better way to humiliate her. 
y/n: you BETTER call me NOWWW and make up an excuse for me to leave!!!!!!!
Before Evan and y/n could even decide on their next moves, the waiter approached the table, notepad in hand, asking the pair If they’d like to order. 
Their eyes meet and they both huff out, shrugging as Evan lifts his hand top from the table. 
“I mean.. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”
“I guess I could eat..” y/n shrugs, holding up her menu. “I’ll have four spicy shrimp rolls with spicy mayo.” she says to the server. “Thanks.” 
“Hmm, make that eight.” Evan says before looking at y/n, “Do you mind?” 
She hums and shakes her head no while making him smile and hand his menu to the waiter before they walk away after taking y/n’s. 
Evan leans back into his chair, running his palms against his thighs as he studies y/n. He notices her heart shaped lips, and her hair that is perfectly tucked into a ponytail. 
He can’t help but notice her manicured nails as she twiddles her thumbs, noticing how her eyes scan the restaurant, and how quiet she is as she just sits there, almost like she’s waiting for him initiate the conversation. 
“Aren’t you hot in that?” Evan finally asks.
Y/n blushes, resting her chin on her wrist as she glances at him from across the table. She bites her tongue from snapping at him for a reason unknown to her. 
Maybe he seem’s a little too cocky, and maybe its because he’s an actor, so why is he even still sitting here with her? she thinks. 
“No.” It's never too early for autumny cardigans. August is basically the open door to pumpkins and even more spice.
Evan nods, tapping his foot under the table as he sighs, watching as she shifts in her seat awkwardly. “Soooo…” 
He clears his throat and bites the inside of his cheek, before reaching for the pen that’s in his jacket pocket. “Wanna play a game?” 
Her ears perk at his question as she nods questionably while she watches him pull out the pen and slide one of the napkins in front of him. “We each write something on our napkins that describe us.” she suggests. 
Y/n gives him a funny glance but nods as he smiles at her, his playfulness making her eyes gleam as she watches him cover his napkin from her view. They both laugh lightly as he gives her small glances trying to shield his writing from her. 
“Okay, my turn!” y/n says happily as Evan hands her the pen before he folds his napkin so she can’t see what he’s jotted down. 
Time passes between the two like a blink of an eye, y/n and Drew coming to the realization that maybe they don’t mind each others company. 
Maybe Evan’s jokes make y/n’s heart flutter a little too much, and y/n’s smile make Evan’s cheeks turn a deep pink without him even trying to hide it. 
They talk and talk for what seams like hours as they eat their sushi rolls, inevitability ordering seconds and thirds, with dessert following behind. 
Their little game had been long forgotten because of easy conversation and a little competition of who can eat the most sushi rolls without taking a break or drinking water. 
“Well, this is the best blind date I’ve ever been on.” Evan says as he pulls out y/n’s chair.
“This was the first one I’ve been on so obviously I’m impressed.” she responds making him bump his shoulder against hers playfully, causing them both to laugh loudly as they make their way out of the restaurant. 
“Hey! we forgot about the game!” Evan suddenly says making y/n turn to look up at him. 
“How about we look at them when we go our separate ways… and if I like what you wrote, maybe I’ll challenge you to how many ice cream scoops you can eat without getting brain freeze.”
Evan lets out a laugh causing y/n to blush, “Deal!” he said handing her his napkin. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” he says quietly.
“I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve been pleasantly surprised this whole time.” y/n blushes. 
Evan sucks in a breath, leaning towards y/n and smiling at their substantial height difference. He feels y/n’s cheeks flush as he presses his lips against her soft skin and lets them linger for a second too long causing y/n’s eyes to flutter closed. 
“Until text time then. Hopefully.” he whispers before backing away.
“We shall see.” y/n teases before hugging him goodbye. 
Y/n watched Evan walk down the street, his hands in his pockets striding further away from her. She takes a deep breath and looks down at the napkin and opens it, her lips lifting into a sweet smile as she reads what he’s written down. 
She sighs knowing that she’s already got it bad, she admires his handwriting and his personality in his writing even more. 
“I love rainy days with a blanket and a cup of coffee and a book”
Notes and comments are greatly appreciated!! xx
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the-angriest-author · 3 months
Writeblr intro
not sure if I'm doing this right... tbh, idek what to put on here. Anyhow, I've been writing for about two years now (YAY!!). I mostly write poetry although as I write this most of my posts are short stories of the fantasy variety. I like reading swoon-worthy romances so if you write anything that makes me blush and kick my feet like the teenage girl I am, I will follow you and maybe stalk all your posts. If you are the grammar police I must warn you that you will be forced to arrest me after reading my posts (I'M WORKING ON IT, not really tho).
I've been on Tumblr for idk how long but I keep ghosting the app (Life and whatnot) I'm craving community, especially with fellow authors, maybe ones with more writing experience (I am a newbiiieee). Guys... I swear I won't ghost again 🤭.
And here are all my labels for all my lovely people:
Queer (bi or pan idek man this sexuality shit aint for the weak of heart)
Retired Stoner (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Raging bitch (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising (Raging Bitch)
Not actually a raging bitch, just think it's funny (Please like me)
ADHD (Prone to run on sentences and overusing parentheses)
Chronically misunderstood (Capricorn)
Very Annoying (Sagittarius Moon)
Certifiably Woo-Woo (Hence the astrology references)
Not Funny (I think I'm hilarious and spent 5 minutes straight laughing at this little section)
Current WIPS
To The Stranger Who Stumbles ~ A collection of poetry written during a time of my life when I was experiencing some intense change and coming to terms with certain childhood events that were... not so fun.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 5953
Stage: Beta Reading (message me if ur interested)
The Mad ~ Mildred the Mad and her crew of dangerous and mythical women are charged with kidnapping and delivering the Seelie Prince to the Unseelie kingdom. But with every plan comes complications, some in the form of brooding king's guards.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Action
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Found Family
Current Word Count: 4434
Stage: ROUGH DRAFT and planning
P.S. My messages are open! Let's connect!
Published Works
The Hidden (w)Hole of a Heart ~ Literally my whole heart shat out onto paper. But seriously tho it's available on Amazon now and I would appreciate any support. In actuality, it's a story about a young woman (Yours Truly) coming to terms with her deeply feeling nature and Depression. The poems describe the heaviness of emptiness and the overwhelmingness of intense emotions.
Haunted House
Feelings stick to my walls like ghosts,
How is an exorcism performed on a memory?
How do I let them pass through me?
An Apology to The Crone
Pressing my tiny fleshy palms to my ears,
I refused to hear the wisdom of the crone.
Her voice was scratchy with use,
As she warned me of my journey.
I’d close my eyes with every disaster.
The niggling feeling would whisper a wrong,
And I’d pray to God my feet were swift,
So, they could carry me away.
I’d refuse to harden,
Reasoning that beauty is only found in the soft.
I waited to be taken by my knight.
I never cared that the gleam in her armor was an illusion.
I stand unprepared for the cruel world.
Preserved in my maidenhood.
Having grown tired of disobedience, 
The crone has abandoned me.
Only now do I see the clarity of your wisdom,
I will forever be sorry.
A Terrible High
on occasion
there are quiet moments
where minds begin to fill blanks
when small things grow
rock to boulder
smashing me against the ground
I’m nonexistent.
If I were nonexistent
the boulder would simply blow through
and I’d be nothing.
And I’d be okay.
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Trey: *Trying to explain Riddle is that way because of his mom*
Me: Give me a minute as I pull up my ‘Trauma Doesn’t Excuse Sh*t Behavior’ PowerPoint.
Say it with me, everyone: an explanation is not an excuse 😊
You know, the other day I was watching one of Ryan George's Pitch Meetings and when Producer Guy asked Writer Guy how the audience would root for the villain of the franchise and the response was "he's handsome" which basically explains most people's reactions to fictional men.
Prepare for incoming rant that has little to do with the ask
This probably might come as a shock because one of the main appeal of twst would be the whole villainous aspect/Disney Villain fanbase but I don't really like villains that much, at least, not romantically. Like don't get me wrong, I think that they're incredible characters and it would be so fun to sit down with one and have a conversation with one. Villain songs are so fun (I was literally singing ‘This Day Aria’ to myself the other day I haven’t heard that song in like a decade) and you can tell that that characters like Scar or Hades or Shere Khan or Jafar or Maleficent are having so much fun being deliciously evil and even the more serious, complex ones like Loki or Frollo are fun to pick apart so yeah I understand the hype. I just always rooted for the heroes and I guess heroic characters have always been more my type.
My mother absolutely loves Erik Destler and is forever salty that Christine chose Raoul (despite my many many attempts at arguing why Raoulstine is the superior couple - smol primary school me could not understand why my mum liked the chandelier dropper and was deeply concerned), my best friend has been in love with Heathcliffe since we were eleven, and my little sister has literally told me that her type of fictional men are the toxic red flags (not exactly word for word but she did explain why she likes bad boys over good boys when I was complaining about how my type (wholesome soft boys) always get sidelined for the arrogant, snarky bad boys - we're also very diametrically opposed on our views of friends to lovers (my s++ tier all time favourite and her loathing) vs enemies to lovers (I can't really stand it - Pride and Prejudice is the only exception - and that's literally all she consumes) so that might also be a reason).
Like, I understand the appeal of a Byronic hero (Mr Darcy has far too much power) - a closed off, broody man that hates everything but you? And will burn down the world to keep you warm? I can respect that there are people who dig that. But their not really for me.
The mild bout of insanity thirteen year old me had where I spent two months attracted to Edward Rochester is an outlier and should not have been counted (though that was during my wattpad phase so...)
But I can admit that I have yet to shake off my feelings for Dr Henry Jekyll, Victor Frankenstein and Dorian Gray (though to be fair, Mr Gabriel John Utterson the lawyer and cinnamon roll artist boy Basil Hallward do own my heart). And yes, Jeremy Jordan did make me question my morality as he did make my feelings for Light Yagami be too positive to be sane for a brief moment (Touta Matsuda is still my man, don't worry). But apart from them, literally all of my faves are what you'd call your traditional, morally upright heroes.
Basically what I'm saying is that my perception might be skewed because I've never had the whole 'villains are cooler' mindset when it came to stories. Yes, I love the villains as characters but I always liked their heroic foils more (goodness is just so attractive to me). You get lots of amazing heroic protagonists that have horribly tragic backstories and they're the ones I always fall for because the idea of being a kind sweetheart despite the world being anything but is just *chef's kiss* that's a kind of strength that's so swoon-worthy.
I guess that's why it's harder for me to look past the characters' actions in twst is because, well, they chose to do everything they did. They made a conscious choice to be terrible, despite understanding the consequences. Riddle may have been brainwashed into becoming a tyrant by his mother but he still admitted that he knew he was being horrible - he understands the concept of morality, of good and bad, and he willingly and deliberately did everything he did.
I suppose this text post I found on Pinterest would explain my point better:
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ktficworld · 1 year
May The Best Man Win
Pairing: Steve Rogers x f! Reader
Bruce Wayne x f! Reader
Summary: They say that the queen is the most powerful piece in chess, but what if there are two kings, fighting for the queen?
A/n: On the prosperous occasion of my birthday, here is my self-indulgent treat to you... Idk who's gonna read this but if you do and reblog it, just know I love you❤
Also a huge thanks to @urlocalavenderhazestan for helping me when I was stuck.
Warning: little make out in the beginning, grey! Bruce and Steve, confident! Battinson(it's a warning trust me!), open ending (choose your bae 😘)
And yes! It's an au so no superheroes here.
You let out a huff of frustration as you tried, for the umpteenth time to try to zip up your dress but failed again, as it was stuck.
You needed to go to the gala for fuck sake and he was waiting for you, ever the patient man and would never mind being late but you didn't like even being fashionably late. You were wearing a black silk dress, with heart neckline, it was off the shoulder, enhancing your features.
You let out a groan of exasperation and was about to break the fucking zip, but then a big hand engulfed yours. You head whipped forward to the mirror and your lips parted in admiration as you gazed at him, the black suit clinging to his body, highlighting his swoon worthy muscles, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
Under his domineering presence, the stubborn zipper had no choice but to comply as he slowly, painstakingly zipped up your dress, not breaking eye contact for once.
After he finished the job, his long fingers grazed your collarbone and then he attached his lips on your neck. You screwed your eyes shut as his soft but cold lips pressed against your warm skin.
However, he did not stop there. His lips slowly travelled up to your cheeks and then stopped at your lips as he sucked you into a searing kiss.
You moaned in the kiss and your hand snaked around his neck and dived into his smooth and thick locks. He was dominant as he entered in your mouth and kissed you with an intensity that made your body tingle and your mind become hazy.
But since reality is a bitch and you were already going to be late. You begrudgingly parted from his lips, making him growl in warning, he tried to kiss you again but you promptly covered his mouth with your hand.
"We'll be late, Steve. " You whispered as you gazed into his cerulean eyes.
He sighed deeply and wrapped his arms around your waist and said in his deep voice. "When you look this ravishing, how can you expect me to focus on anything else? " He lightly bit your earlobes and you shot him a glare.
You turned around in his embrace and said. "I'll change into sweats then. "
He made a face, making you burst into a fit of giggles. "We need to go now Steve, you can have me later. "
He huffed in defeat and finally agreed. "Okay let's go. "
The venue, it was eloquent and enormous, vintage chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, the architecture was inspired by roman empire. Soft music filtering in your ears and making you sigh in delight.
You rested your head into Steve's muscular chest, one draped over his shoulder and his around your waist as you both swayed to the music. Steve was not much of a dancer but you were always content in his arms.
Leaning down he whispered in you ear. "Am I improving? "
You chuckled quietly and replied. "No, not really."
"Hey, you are supposed to console me, not give me the truth. " Steve said in a hushed tone. His voice was offended but you knew he was kidding.
You looked with soft eyes and shook your head. "I like how safe I feel in your arms, even if you can't dance. " You whispered and threw a jab in the end.
"Thanks sweetheart. " He said half jokingly, half sincerely. He pecked your forehead sweetly and spun you around, your back hitting his chest.
You let out a gasp of surprise but then slowly melted into him as he peppered kisses on your neck and face. Your body heated up as your mind wandered South, imagining the night ahead.
However, your mind came to a screeching halt and you pinched your brows  together in unsettledness. Someone was staring at you. It was nothing new, the side-eye glare of envy from women and the desire dancing in the eyes of men. You were accustomed to it all. After all, dating someone like Steve comes with side-effects, and that was okay.
But, this. This was like someone was scrutinizing your every move, not due to envy but something else. Like they were trying to get to your soul. The gaze was so intense, you felt like you would burn under it. Your heart thumped in your chest, and you didn’t know if it was because of fear or interest. Because it felt both dangerous and inviting, like a devil corrupting an innocent soul. Bad but tempting.
You shifted in Steve's hold, the heated gaze burning a hole in your being. Turning your head slightly, you looked around the hall, searching for the stare. Some eyes were exploring you, but you drowned them out. Because they were nothing compared to that one scorching stare. However, you came out empty handed as you could not locate a suspect.
“Honey?” Steve’s deep voice broke through your trance and you snapped your head to look at him.
You mustered up a smile, even though you were still a little bothered. “Huh? Yes?" You asked Steve, trying your best not to sound distracted.
"I'm starving, let's go eat, no? " Steve asked softly and who were you to refuse him. Plus, you would finally be able to escape that stare.
“Yeah, you are right, let’s go now.” You said, he smiled and then let you away all that while you were still feeling the stare.
The room was dark, only Illuminating the stage above as the Chinese dancers elegantly twirled on the stage, their traditional dresses flowing like water, dressed in soft hues of various colors they swayed to the rhythm of the folk instruments. The humming of flute was pleasant and the violin was like a cold breeze on a blazing summer day.
You waited patiently for Steve’s arrival. After eating you both bumped into Thor and as always, he had to chat with Thor for obvious reasons, but you feet throbbed from the torture bespoked by your heels and so Steve let you leave for the auditorium.
And so here you were sitting in the front row with two vacant seats on your left and right respectively, enjoying the performance of the dancers. Tony was really good at throwing parties. But you would have enjoyed it even more with your head leaning on Steve’s shoulders, enveloped in his embrace.
You sighed wishfully. Sometimes you wished he wasn’t so busy. You were lost in your musing when all of a sudden the seat at your left dipped. You smiled to yourself and whirled to your left with extreme giddiness.
“You are finally he...” You trailed off when your eyes eventually landed on the person. It wasn’t Steve.
The eyes were a familiar blue matching with his blue suit, but the hair was black and long not blonde and thick, a few strands falling over his forehead. The face was sharper and more elongated rather than square.
Instead of the calm and domineering aura emitted by Steve, an alluring and mysterious ambience draped over you as man the bedside you smirked down at you with enticement glinting in his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Wayne. " You murmured after composing yourself. You gave him a sweet smile. Steve had told you before that they were business partners, so you did not want to offend him.
The smirk on Bruce's face only broaden as he shank further in his seat. "Waiting for someone, Mrs. Rogers? " His low and throaty voice sent shivers down your spine and swallowed, hard.
Clearing your throat you said. "Umm, for Steve, he's busy with Thor Odinson, " Then you paused as your mind processed the name by which he addressed you. "And no, I'm not Mrs. Rogers"
His glance become a stare and you instantly recognized it. It was him. You did not have the chance to mull over it further as Bruce asked. "So he hasn't married you yet? "
You sake your head in denial.
"And you're waiting for him? "
You nodded your head in confirmation at that.
Bruce tutted and shook his head in disbelief. "What a shame! " He lamented. He then turned towards you so that you could see his entire face.
He leaned closer to you, his musky cologne highjacking your senses and making you dizzy, all the while never breaking eye-contact he spoke. "He should have never left you alone, " He inched forward and you backwards. "Here on your own, "
You gasped lightly when your head hit the back of your chair, his face mere an inch away from your face. You should stop him. Push him away but you were paralyzed by his hypnotic eyes as he whispered. "For someone else to take you home. "
"Whose taking who home? " The deep voice of Steve made you flinch in your seat as your head snapped to look at him. Thankfully, you turned away before you jerked as the side of your head bumped into Bruce's face. If you would have been facing him then... You don't wanna think about that.
Your heart was racing as you looked at Steve's narrowed eyes, furrowed brows and his jaw clenched in a painful hold. His eyes were glaring fire at Bruce but he remained calm as he slowly leaned back.
"Steve you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for so long! " You called out to him and whatever trance he was in, your words pulled him out of it as his features softened and he sat beside you.
"I'm sorry darling, Thor just wouldn't shut up about his new project. " Steve said and sighed exasperatedly. He then grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you with hunger.
After you pulled away, heaving. You immediately wrapped a hand around his muscular arm and shook your head. "It's alright. " You said and Steve smiled at you with affection before he enveloped his hand around your waist.
“Oh! Hello Steve.” Bruce’s smooth voice cut through your moment. You glanced towards Steve whose face darkened but a balanced smile stayed on his lips.
“Hello Bruce! How are you doing?” Steve asked and even though it was said through a smile, you could hear the accusation in his voice.
But Bruce was unbothered as the devilish smirk never left his lips. “Keeping your girlfriend company, since you were so busy mingling around.” He replied coolly. 
Now that both Steve and Bruce were present, the difference and similarities were so evident. Both had blue eyes, but Steve’s were a deeper shade of blue, while they were both big, Steve was broader and Bruce was taller. Both had sharp features but they were also really different.
Steve looked strong, but he had a boyish charm, with that lopsided grin and those doe eyes, he looked like an angel. But Bruce, there was nothing boyish about Bruce, he was regal, with a jaw that could cut diamonds and eyes like eagle, sharp and intense.
Steve’s hand went rigid underneath your grip and you turned to look at him. His jaw was clenched again and his orbs were ablaze. You were scared after looking at him so you tightened your hold around his arm. Steve glanced at you and took a few calming breaths.
“You know it’s important Wayne.” Steve said through gritted teethes.
Bruce hummed. “You are right, but I would caution you against leaving her alone like that.” Bruce drawled out and you screwed your eyes shut as the tension became unbearable.
Steve humored with. “And may I ask why?” He said with a sneer.
Bruce shifted and then his knee was brushing your thigh. You exhaled a shaky breath and ignored the two sets of eyes boring into your spirit. Instead you glued your eyes onto the stage.
“What if someone stole her away?” Bruce mused.
Steve scoffed loudly and said in mockery. “What? Is she a porcelain doll?” 
“Well no,” Bruce disagreed. “But isn’t she precious?” Bruce’s breath ghosted over your neck, making goosebumps appear on your skin. “And people like precious things.” The last sentence was almost a whisper, as if it was directed to you, not Steve and maybe, it was.
Steve’s grip tightened around your waist and before he could reply to Bruce, the hall erupted into an applause. You gaped but begin clapping nonetheless. It was over already? 
People were filing out of the auditorium so you looked at Steve and with a nod you both stood up to go back home.
You almost collided with Bruce’s chest as he stood as well but Steve caught you in time. Bruce looked over at Steve, his smirk was now replaced with a smile as he asked. “Been long since we hung out Rogers. Do you mind if I join?” 
You did not see Steve as you were too fidgety, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. But you did however heard his response. “Sure, let me drop off my girlfriend to her home first.”
Bruce swirled the Amber-colored liquid as it danced in the crystal glass. The room was dark like ink as they sat around a large slick table. It was silent except the shuffling of cards reverberating throughout the space. He tasted the bitterness of the alcohol as it burned down his throat. The surroundings smelled like cleaning supplies mixed with their cologne and something very mild, very feminine.
Guess she also did live here, huh? The slapping of cards made him put down his glass with a thud and glance towards Steve.
"I won. " Steve declared with a smug smile as he folded his arms over the table.
Bruce raised an eyebrow, glancing between his and Steve's cards, Bruce concluded that Steve did in fact win. "Looks like you got lucky. " He said nonchalantly and picked up the queen card.
Steve let out a snort and shook his head. " Lucky my ass, you know what? This is too boring without any consequence, let's make it real. " Steve suggested.
Bruce stopped rolling the card between his fingers and looked at Steve with a questioning expression. "How? " He lowly voiced his opinion.
Steve shrugged his shoulders and said. "If I win you give me half of Wayne enterprise. "
Bruce gawked at Steve when those words left his mouth. His relationship with Steve was more like frenemies then enemies or friends, so he wasn't surprised when Steve pulled this stunt. He was surprised however, that he did not ask for his entire company.
He huffed out a chuckle. "Are you not confident in your business, Rogers? " Bruce mocked as he observed Steve.
Uncharacteristically Steve did not lash out or do that intimidating stare, he just smirked and said. "Tsk, tsk Wayne, what's the fun in that? That's too difficult and you know that. " He grinned sardonically.
Bruce smirked and leaned his hands on the table. "Don't you think you are taking yourself too seriously? I'm called a genius for a reason. "
Now Steve laughed, he full-on cackled while clutching his chest and almost falling down of his chair. "Says the man who lost three times consequently! " Steve said after his laughter died down.
Bruce's smirk widened and he leisurely leaned back in his chair. "Poker is a game of luck as much as it's of skill. But anyways, since you have asked for your price, it's my turn now. "
"Go ahead. " Steve encouraged with a nod of his head.
Bruce drummed his fingers on the table as he feigned contemplation. The rhythm echoing in the silent place, after awhile he stopped and glanced at Steve, with a smooth and steady voice he began. "If you win, you get half of my company, but if I win, " He paused and stared into Steve's eyes, his voice decreasing into a whisper. "I get your girl. "
Before Bruce could even blink, he was pinned against the nearest wall with hard a push. Steve held his collars in choking grip, his brows were drawn together and his eyes were ablaze. He looked ready to kill him.
"I knew you were on to something since I met you at the auditorium! But this is beyond daring." Steve spat, pressing Bruce harder into the wall.
Bruce winced a little at the impact but in one swift motion, he yanked Steve's hands from his neck and clutched them tight in his hold. "Now, now, now. Don't be a hypocrite Rogers. " Bruce called Steve out as he tutted in mockery.
Steve tried to free his hands but Bruce shoved him back, effectively making Steve hit the table with a bang. He lazily fixed his collars. "I also sensed you were up to something Rogers. But I let you voice it, didn't I? Now, it's my turn. " Bruce said with nonchalance as he shrugged his shoulder.
"You know Rogers, I have heard many rumors in my life and most of them were false, but the rumors about your girlfriend? "
He stopped speaking and took a step closer to Steve, he clenched his and his hands twitched but he did not lunge at Bruce this time. "Oh! They are all true, so true, " He drawled and stared at Steve, his signature smirk tugging on his lips. "She is a sight for sore eyes. " He whispered wistfully in the end.
"She is her own person not my property! I can't bet her like that! " Steve hissed in anger.
"I know she's a person and at the end of the day it's her decision, " Bruce said slowly and sat down on an adjacent chair. "But if she doesn't agree to it, you could always give me SSJ industries. " He finished and waited for his trick to work.
And it did. Steve fell silent behind him, it was like he was alone in this room. Then he came in his peripheral, walked up to the chair his shoes thumping on the marble floor and sat opposite to Bruce and glared at him with determination.
Bruce smiled in satisfaction and offered his hand to Steve. "May the best man win. " He announced.
Steve stared at his hand and then shook it. "May the best man win. " He whispered darkly and the game began.
Sooo... Who won? 😏
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miktoast · 4 months
so i was just re-reading my reference sheet for Miraculous Ladybug AU's when i found this bit that i'm absolutely in love with. for some context, i was explaining the various nicknames characters have for each other and how they came about. also, please note that this is an AU where Stoneheart took place on the first day of their second year of lycee. Also note, in this AU, Ladybug goes by Coccinette.
Adrien's Nicknames for Marinette and Ladybug:
—Ma Cherinette (as in "my dear [cherie] Marinette" after Nino's short film, where Adrien makes an inside joke of pretending to act like their old roles but with their own names) [Adrien to Marinette]
"Agent Dupain-Cheng! Ah, how I've missed you, ma Cherinette!" Adrien swooned, draping one arm around Marinette's shoulders while the other clutched at his chest. He could feel her tense momentarily and hunch into herself before drawing on the confidence that made her a worthy Madame President when M. D'Argencourt got akumatized, and worthy Buginette when Coccinette was out of town and Marinette had to face Evillustrator herself.
Her spine straightened as she rose to her full height under the weight of Adrien leaning against her, and as every time before that they had done this little bit of improv, his admiration for his friend resurged with vigor.
"Oh, Officer Agreste, mon cœur, I have burned every second we've been apart. The next mission, won't you ask me to stay?" She turned to him, causing his arm to slip from her shoulders until his hand caught on her hip. She grab his hand from his chest and held it delicately between her own before turning her face upward so he could meet her eyes.
Her eyes… They were shining so blue, so filled with love and heartache, that Adrien himself began to feel an ache in his chest, as if he had just learned to breathe and had only ever been suffocating before.
"You know I'd follow you anywhere, if only you'd ask. Even if you wish to wander only in this little town." She closed her eyes, and the spell should have been broken, but still he found himself captivated as she pressed her cheek against his knuckles, as if they were his lips giving her tender kisses. Her words burned him deeply, echoing with his own sentiments towards a girl, and surely it must be the girl in front of him that he is so attached to, for surely no other could set his chest ablaze with as much ferocity as she.
He exhaled softly, and thought that he must be blowing smoke into her hair as the blaze burned higher. "Cherie… you are a brilliant phoenix, and I would never think to cage you at my side. You set my heart on fire, and the embers burn even when we are apart. Let us feed the flames now, so that when you must fly, I will still feel your warmth."
His hand, which had been gripping bruises into her hip, rose to the back of her head. He pulled her forward until her forehead came to rest on his collarbone, and he buried his nose in her hair, thoughts only on how his knuckles pressed into the supple flesh of her cheek, how his fingers dug into the base of her hairline, how his lips brushed her scalp, and how certainly she would remember him, if only by the watercolor marks on her hip.
It was only after several minutes that he seemed to remember that he wasn't some detective who finally returned to his distant lover when he heard giggling and the shutter-click of a smartphone camera. It was several extended seconds more when he finally brought himself to raise his head, dreading to break the scene and have Marinette leave his arms. Alya met his eyes over black hair, a sly grin on her face while she waved her phone screen from only a meter away.
He couldn't stop the glare as he reluctantly pulled away.
“Oh, drop the look, ‘mon coeur,’ you know Nino would never forgive either of us if someone didn’t get this on camera for him to use later,” Alya snorted, stepping towards the pair.
Adrien simply huffed in reply, finally letting his arms drop. His skin immediately began to feel too hot without Marinette’s soothing coolness to sap the extra heat. He noticed, with no small amount of smug, that Marinette shivered, and goosebumps raised on the back of her arms once his heat no longer blanketed her. Even better, it took her several more moments to pull his hand from her cheek, and even more after that to actually drop his hand. Once her grip relaxed, he allowed himself to squeeze her fingers before finally letting go.
All the while, Alya continued to watch, thankfully not recording this time. These soft moments with Marinette, where he allowed himself to dip into his bursting stores of love and get a little out of his system, he wanted to keep only for himself and Marinette. He wanted to keep Marinette’s soft moments only for himself. He wanted no one else to get to see how Marinette acts when indulging in affection, however unrealistic that possessive want may be; after all, Marinette was full of affection and gave it freely.
But this affection?
These embraces, these kisses of the knuckles against her cheek like a cat, this “burning” devotion (however pretend), this affection which Marinette only seemed to give to him? He wanted it all. He didn’t want to see Marinette get a partner and give these affections to them. He didn’t want others to leech off of these affections with their seeing and their hearing when they indulged in these morning rituals. He wanted it to be only Marinette’s and his, he wanted them to be done for him alone, for the rest of time.
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lucy-moderatz · 2 years
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So, where’s your guy?
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intothemysticfic · 1 year
E.O.L: First Time Meeting (NCT 127)
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Taeil: You inhale deeply, taking in the scent of coffee; it’s the only nice thing about working in a coffee shop. Well, that and how your boss lets you practice your latte art when it’s slow. And the handsome guy that comes in at least twice a week is pretty good too. There are a few nice things about working in a coffee shop. Though your latte art always worsens when the regular walks through the door. It’s hard to focus. He speaks to you, and you spill steamed milk on your hand.
“Are you alright,” he asks. You nod excessively out of embarrassment, realizing that you look like a bobblehead, making you feel hot all over. “That’s good. My name’s Taeil, by the way.”
You smile, happy to finally have a name for the handsome customer. “Would it be weird if I gave you my number?”
You have to bite your lip to keep the happy squeal of excitement inside. “Yes! I mean, no!” You have to force yourself to take a deep breath. “Yes, I’d like your number. It’s not weird at all,” you say, hoping your previous word vomit hasn’t made Taeil change his mind.
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Johnny: “Oh geez,” is all you can get out when the ice causes your feet to slide from under you. There’s a startled laugh behind you at your slow-motion slide to the ground. “Sorry, let me help you.”
You take the hand offered to you quickly, wanting to get off the cold ground as soon as possible. But you’re falling again; this time, it has little to do with the ice and more with the tall stranger trying to help. People shouldn’t be allowed to be that attractive.
“Excuse me?”
You’d be worried you’d offended your savior, but the handsome stranger is smiling gleefully. “Just, um, yeah. You’re nice and like nice looking,” then, cringing at yourself, you add, “I’m sorry.”
The guy just laughs. “Don’t be. It’s cute,” he adds confidently, “You’re cute.” 
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Taeyong: “That’s Ottis. He loves to cuddle.” The man startles a little, having been entranced by the orange tabby. “Would you like to hold him?” You offer, eager to find Ottis a home.
“Oh, I don’t know - I can’t really have a cat.”
“Oh,” that’s disappointing, “Well, you could still pet him.”
The man smiles. It’s such a beautiful sight. “I’d like that.”
You open Ottis’s cage with a smile, gathering the cat into your arms. The bundle of fur goes quickly snuggling close.
“He’s a little heavy,” you warn as you pass him off. The man takes the weight easily, the tabby instantly nuzzling close.
“He really is lovable, isn’t he?” There’s something about the beautiful stranger holding your favorite cat that is swoon-worthy. It’s no less swoon-worthy when the man comes back again and again. Each time you get another nugget of information. The man’s name is Taeyong. He travels too much for a cat. He likes going to art galleries. There’s a new one around the corner - would you like to go?
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Yuta: “Come on, Don’t walk away.” You grit your teeth; every part of you tense as the man follows you. You want to turn around and curse him, but you’re terrified that it will only make it worse. Instead, you pick up your pace, hoping to get to the store on the corner before the man gets more aggressive. At least there, they’ll be a witness to the harassment.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” The man tries to grab your arm, but you dodge him just in time, slipping from his grip.
“Fuck off,” you spit, sprinting toward the shop now. In your haste, you knock into the person leaving the store as the man following you hisses.
“Stupid bitch.” Reaching for you again. He doesn’t touch you this time because the man you’d bumped into has a grip on the assailant’s wrist. “Don’t touch her.”
The man following you grumbles but backs down at the stern look on the other man’s face. You both wait until the asshole retreats so far that he’s out of sight.
“Thank you.” You’re surprised by how your voice shakes.
“Let me buy you some water.” You want to argue, but the door to the store is already closing. You lean against the building, willing your heart to stop beating so fast. The stranger returns, offering a bottle of water, and you take it gratefully.
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Doyoung: You tsk when a box tumbles from the stack in your arms. “You should be more careful. Maybe carry fewer boxes.” Someone warns while picking up the dropped prop.
“But then I’d have to make twice as many trips,” you counter lightly. “Just put it on top, please.”
Instead, more boxes are removed from your arms. “You’re creating a hazard,” the man states, “I’ll carry some.”
You only laugh, finally getting a good look at the guy with half the boxes gone. You’re mildly surprised to find the artist, Doyoung, that is involved in the photoshoot today. “Well,” you shrug, “If you don’t mind.”
You lead the way to the area you’re currently staging. “Thank you,” you offer before he heads off toward the make-up station.
Later, when you’re up on a ladder stretching out to hang lights, someone comes up to hold the ladder. You glance down to find judgmental eyes trained on you. You laugh, asking, “Am I creating a hazard again?”
“You could fall.” And maybe that’s not judgment but concern.
Once the lights are hung, and you’re on solid ground, you turn toward him. “You’re awfully cute when you’re worried.” His mouth pops open, and you grin, pleased to find that he wears surprise just as well.  
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Jaehyun: The dog’s leash is loose in your hand as you type in your door’s passcode. Your good girl sits obediently at your feet. Until she isn’t, the leash rips from your slack grip too quickly for you to stop it. You don’t have to guess where she’s off to, but you still yell after her, trying to bring her to heel.
Across the street, your neighbor has just opened his door to leave. You will never understand your dog’s obsession with running into your neighbor’s house. The embarrassment is compounded by the fact that your neighbor was apparently sculpted by the gods. You have half the mind to just enter your apartment and abandon your dog to her new obsession.
You can hear your neighbor laughing behind you, and well, at least he always takes your dog’s antics with good humor. Mustering up your courage, you turn to face the glorious man that is Jaehyun and hopefully retrieve the traitor that is your dog. 
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Jungwoo: “Is it too late for me to change my mind?” Your friend laughs across from you while you wait for her boyfriend and the mystery guy they’ve decided to set you up with.
“Honestly, I don’t think I’m cut out for dating,” you ramble, trying to convince her that you still have time to run. “This will be a disaster, just like the last guy.”
She reaches across the table to still your jittery hands. “Jungwoo is nothing like that asshole. You’ll see, he’s a really great guy.” You sigh, sinking into your seat.
“Besides,” she continues,” do you really think I would set you up with someone awful.”
You say nothing because you know she wouldn’t. She’s got great taste in men, unlike yourself. Her boyfriend is proof of that. “Here they come!” You turn to see, curiosity getting the best of you. And oh, oh,  running is certainly out of the question.
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Mark: Maybe the pity party wasn’t such a good idea, you admit to yourself as you struggle to keep your footing. Someone is steadying you with a hand on your shoulder. You curse yourself for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position - there’s no way you could defend yourself in the state that you’re in.
You try to focus on the words the man is saying, but it’s hard. You register him chuckling, and you pout childishly. He mumbles softly, “Cute.”
It makes you glare. Cute is the reason for pity parties because your ex hadn’t liked cute; he’d wanted sexy.
“Let me call you a cab.”
You whine because you don’t have the money for a cab, and you’re pretty sure you left your card at the bar.
“That’s okay,” he says. You shrug, watching cars drive by. His hand is a steadying force on your arm, keeping you from swaying. He keeps talking beside you, his name is Mark, but the words are hard to follow. Sometimes you try to keep a conversation going anyway. If nothing else, he seems amused by your effort. Soon he is helping you into a cab, placing his hand on the edge of the car, so you don’t bump your head. 
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Haechan: The beer you are drinking is bitter in your mouth, but you don’t mind because the table is surrounded by people, some you know personally, some that are friends of friends. There is abundant laughter, funny stories to be exchanged, and just an all-around good time to be had - it’s hard to be anything except joyous. Your eyes keep catching on the dude across from you who is all smiles and quick wit. He’s a friend of a friend that you’ve met maybe once before, but you find yourself drawn to him. He calls you out for staring, and you scoff, asking why you would be looking at him. It leads to a long night of teasing and banter.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Baby, It’s Our Turn
Pairing: Ari Levinson x Jake Jensen (bear and cubby, NLLYL)
Words: ~2.3k
Summary: Jake is having trouble working up the nerve to contact the sex god.
Warnings: explicit language, fluff, nervous cubby, embarrassed Jake, mentions of a sex dungeon and toys, just so much cuteness, no minors due to the AU.
A/N: My boys 😭 Oh my god, I love them. I have so much planned for them, I missed pride month and Father’s Day with our favorite DILFs so prepare for a lot of cute shit with them.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Jake chewed on his lip as he stared at his phone’s screen, the text he’d received from Ari last night still unanswered and the words practically ingrained in his vision at this point.
It was so wonderful meeting you, Jake. I really hope you’ll let me get to know you better. Just reach out and let me know if you want to get together.
Oh man, Jake wanted it. He wanted it more than he’d wanted anything else in a long time. But he didn’t want to seem desperate, or needy, or clingy, or like too big of a dork; even though he was all of those things. Hence the inner battle he was having with himself over when to text back and what he should say. Normally he would have called you in this situation, but you were still on your honeymoon, and it was the middle of the night in Switzerland. And even if it wasn’t, he would feel the world’s biggest asshole bothering you on your trip just because he was nervous about texting a boy back. A massive, gorgeous, intimidating, sex god of a boy, but still.
“What do you think, is ‘Hey, I’m super busy for the next week but I can maybe squeeze something in Friday’ too obvious of a lie?” Jake stared at your dogs who were lounging on the other end of the couch from him, Aoife just yawning while Fionn snorted and rolled over. “You two are no help, where’s the cat?”
All he wanted was to go on a date with that beautiful bear, it was making his chest ache. How the hell was the man even interested in him? It made no goddamn sense. Jake still couldn’t wrap his head around it, he needed to take a break from obsessing and eat something. He didn’t know how he could stop obsessing, though, the man was swoon worthy.
Food, food was good. Cooking something and not looking at his phone would hopefully keep his mind off how thirsty he was. Pasta pasta pasta.
Jake hummed a little song to himself while he looked over the food in your fridge while he thought about what kind of sauce he wanted to make, settling on bolognese because it really was the best. Chopping vegetables and searing the meat definitely helped keep his mind occupied, not thinking about the large man he wanted to climb like a tree only every so often when he lost his focus. It was going to take the sauce a while to simmer though, and as soon as he had nothing left to occupy his hands he wanted to reach for his phone again, scolding himself internally for how desperate he was.
“Oh my god, pull yourself together, Jensen.” He slapped his cheeks to try to get himself under control, sighing deeply as he looked at the dogs still laying on the couch like a couple of… well, dogs. “Seriously, where is the fucking cat?”
Your house wasn’t so big that the cat should be impossible to find, and that was something else to do to keep himself from thinking about Ari. There was no way she was upstairs, he kept that door shut. He couldn’t think of where she had gotten to, normally she would just hang out on the giant cat tree or lay on top of one of the dogs. Weird.
He breathed a small sigh of relief when he heard a tiny mew from down the hall, following after the sound with a frown on his face. It didn’t seem to be getting any closer even while he checked the guest room and office, or the bathroom. The only other room was the one that was shut and…
Oh shit, that door was not supposed to be open. Hadn’t you locked it before you left on your trip? Of course the cat went into the one room that Jake had not even thought about going into, if you wanted to have a little secret room it was none of his business. But he had to get the cat out of there, it’s not like it could be anything too bad.
“Oh my god… oh… oh my god!” Jake didn’t think he’d ever seen so many sex toys in his entire life, some of them he didn’t even know what they were for. Was that a cage? “Niamh!!! Cat!”
Jake was doing his best to not look at the vibrators and handcuffs and lingerie that were covering the wall, trying to just look for the cat and ignore the fact that apparently you and your husband were unbelievable freaks. He was desperate for a meow or any sign of where the cat was hiding, breathing out a sigh of relief when he heard her scream at him and found her perched in the middle of… of the fucking St. Andrew’s Cross. He was going to empty your bar after this.
“Ok, good kitty, just stay right there.” He could not afford for the cat to play keep away right now, he didn’t want to stay in this room any longer than necessary, he felt like he’d never stop blushing. “That’s it, such a pretty kitty… wait, shit!”
She just meowed once before jumping away from him and onto the fucking cage he didn’t want to think about too much. He desperately looked around for some piece of furniture that definitely wasn’t sex related to climb on so he could coax the cat down when the door to the room was pushed open and the rest of the furry idiots came running in with tails wagging.
“Oh, now you get up?!” Jake really did have the worst luck, this was ridiculous. “Aoife, no!”
Your little tripod apparently thought the toy wall was her own personal gift basket, because she waltzed right up to the dildos and grabbed the biggest looking one with a huge grin on her dopey face while Jake just cursed under his breath and ran to get it away from her. Of course, she thought it was the best game of keep away ever, running away while Jake pleaded with her as Fionn just sat there watching and the cat screamed from on top of the sex cage. Jake could swear he heard yakkity sax playing in the background through the whole thing.
“Alright, gimme that.” Jake finally managed to wrestle the dildo away from Aoife while she just yipped and wagged her tail happily at him, and there were only a few noticeable teeth marks, so, good? “C’mon dogs, I can’t… I can’t wrangle you two and get the cat out of here.”
Jake managed to herd the dogs out of the room, closing the door behind him and rushing to find his phone. Couldn’t bring himself to care that it was the middle of the night in Switzerland anymore, he was having trouble keeping himself from overheating with how utterly embarrassed he was.
“J… Jake?” You sounded like he’d woken you up from a deep sleep, a soft murmur of your name traveling over the line like Ransom was right on top of you, which, admittedly, he probably was. “Honey, is something wrong?”
“The… the cat.” Jake’s whole face was so hot, he couldn’t stand it. “She got into… I thought you locked the door?!”
“Jake, what are you talking about? Ran, lemme up.” Jake heard your husband let out an offended huff over the line. “Babe, what’s going on?”
“The room… the- the one that you joked about.” Oh god, it hadn’t been a joke, it really was a sex dungeon. “It wasn’t locked, the cat got in there and I can’t get her out. And then the dogs got in and apparently Aoife thinks dildos are chew toys and I can’t wrangle the dogs and get the cat and…”
“Ran, you dumbass!” You cut Jake off to curse at your husband, the sound of someone getting beaten with a pillow while your husband gave you a series of confused grunts coming over the line. “You were supposed to lock the white room! Jake, I am so sorry, I promise it’s clean. She’s really not moving?”
“I mean, she’s moving away from me.” He couldn’t believe he active thought you were joking about having a sex dungeon, you were the biggest freak he knew, he couldn’t be more embarrassed.
“Okay, well, call Ari, blondie, the cat loves him and he’s good at wrangling all the idiots.”
“Oh no!! That’s okay!” Scratch that, he could definitely be more embarrassed.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’ll text him now, I’m sure he’ll love to see you.”
Jake couldn’t even manage to stammer out another excuse before you announced you had texted Ari and he was going to be right over. So now he had to sit there for thirty minutes as he obsessed about how he was going to not make an idiot out of himself in front of his dream man. Oh god, the dreamiest of all men, Jake couldn’t handle it.
He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the knock on the door, straightening himself out as much as he could even when the dogs almost bowled him over when they rushed to go see who the visitor was.
“Hi kiddos!” The dogs jumped all over Ari exuberantly as soon as he walked through the door, and Jake could definitely understand their excitement. The man looked incredible in those sculpted by some kind of god pants and a crisp button up with the sleeves rolled up around his elbows. “And hello to you, handsome.”
Jake let out an embarrassingly high pitched giggle at that, slapping his hand over his mouth and turning bright red while Ari just kept grinning at him. The blonde did his best to calm down, just gazing up at the god of a man until he finally came back to himself and stepped out of the doorway so Ari could come inside.
“Thank you for coming, you really didn’t have to.” Jake started leading Ari back to the room of terror and tried not to turn even more red. “I’m sure she would’ve come out eventually.”
“Probably, but she is awfully stubborn.” Fuck him for that wink, Jake couldn’t handle the flirting, he wasn’t used to it. “I don’t mind helping out, honey, was honestly excited to have an excuse to see you again. You okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” Jake had frozen in the doorway to the white room and couldn’t make himself go any further. “I’ll just wait out here. Make sure the dogs don’t run in again.”
“Alright darling. Hey kitten!” Oh god, he was cute, the cat meowed as soon as she saw him and jumped onto his shoulder and Jake was going to die from how goddamn sexy this man was and the embarrassment of being forced to interact with him in his best friends’ sex dungeon. “Were you giving Jake here a hard time, troublemaker? You shouldn’t stress out someone so pretty. See honey? Easy as pie. You sure you’re alright?”
“I’m… yeah… it’s just…” Oh shit, he could tell his mouth was about to run away from him but he couldn’t stop it. “I’m not a prude!”
“Um, alright.” Ari was still giving him that damn indulgent grin and it wasn’t helping. “Any particular reason you felt the need to announce that?”
“It’s… I thought they were kidding! Who has a fucking sex dungeon?! It’s perfectly normal to be embarrassed about finding your friends’ kink room when you weren’t expecting it!” He really couldn’t stop, and Ari just kept nodding his head and smiling at him while he scratched under the cat’s chin. “But I’m not a prude, and I definitely don’t want you to think I’m a prude, I love sex, I’m even kind of good at it…”
“Jake?” Ari’s grin just grew wider when Jake snapped his mouth shut and swallowed thickly, a tiny squeak escaping from his lips while he stared at Ari with giant eyes. The man was adorable, Ari had never found anyone so charming. “Do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow?”
“Oh, yes.” Jake felt like a giant weight had been lifted from his chest, blowing out a deep breath and finally letting himself smile at the man. “I’d like that very much.”
“Me too, honey. Let’s just lock this.” Ari flipped the lock on the door after gently moving Jake out of the way with a light touch to his shoulder. “And you behave yourself, little lady. I’m so sorry, I hate to just run out but I was on my way to a meeting when gorgeous texted me.” And he still drove forty minutes out of his way, he really was already lost for this man.
“Oh, that’s fine.” Jake couldn’t stop grinning now, he could not believe he was going on a date with the sex god, he wanted to pinch himself while he followed Ari to the front door and took the cat out of his arms. “Um, what time should I be ready?”
“7:00, Italian okay?” Ari beamed at Jake when he nodded enthusiastically, fighting the urge to lean forward and kiss him right on his adorable little nose. “Perfect, I can’t wait, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Mmhm.” Jake kept grinning at the door for a few seconds after Ari closed it behind him, letting out a whoop once he came back to himself and kissing the cat right on top of her head when she let out an annoyed yowl. “You perfect little wingwoman, holy shit! Oh my god, I have to call your mother. What the fuck am I gonna wear?”
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mariacallous · 2 months
Baking for Passover — when you can’t use regular flour or any kind of leavener — can be a challenge, to say the least. Sure, there are endless recipes out there, but to find a dessert that is truly swoon-worthy is the ultimate challenge.  
Enter: The flourless chocolate cake of your dreams — which just happens to be perfect for Passover!
Like many Passover desserts, this cake relies on separated and beaten eggs for the “lift” that is typically provided by leaveners such as baking powder and baking soda. This cake is sometimes called a “fallen” chocolate cake because it will rise considerably in the oven and then collapse when you take it out. This results in a rustic look, as well as a dense, deeply fudgy flavor and texture.  
The cake is so good that no frosting or garnish is necessary — a simple dusting of unsweetened cocoa powder is all it needs. I love to serve it with fresh raspberries for color and flavor. 
As this easy cake only calls for five (yes, you read correctly!) ingredients, you’ll want to splurge on a good-quality bittersweet chocolate here, as it is doing all the heavy lifting, flavor-wise.  
Note: This cake tastes even better when you refrigerate it overnight before serving, after which it can be stored, covered, at room temperature for two days or up to five days in the fridge.
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quietbluejay · 1 month
A Thousand Sons 4
ok fancy party at Ullanor isn't dressing up Magnus a bit below Ahriman's station I guess we can't go by this without a mention of Magnus' "muscled frame" I swear I'm going to twitch any time I read another book and it talks about muscles
never4get Cylinder Ahriman
‘How do I look?’ asked Magnus. ‘You will certainly attract attention,’ said Ahriman, stepping back from his primarch. ‘And why should I not attract attention?’ countered Magnus, throwing out his arms in an operatic gesture. ‘Am I not worthy of it? Fulgrim and his warriors may quest for perfection, but I embody it.’
Ahriman sounds like a parent asking their daughter if she's sure she wants to wear a skirt that short I'm I'm sorry I read this line and can't stop cackling
His horned breastplate was thrusting and magnificent,
every time I think I can take Magnus seriously, I remember the stupid chest horns
his helmet barely able to contain his slicked crimson hair, which was bound in three long scalp-locks.
helmet being pushed off by hair is nnnnot exactly a nice formal look, dude
-Magnus comes off repeatedly as very immature and keeps using "epic clapbacks" that are what a teen fic writer would use in their first fic like i realize that sounds mean to teen fanfic writers but it's their first fic! this man has multiple published novels by this point
kjhsdflsdj Mortarion as the Obviously Evil guy we're supposed to not like so, naturally, I'm going to become a Mortarion fan
His sunken cheeks were those of a consumptive, and the deep-set amber eyes those of a man who has seen horrors without number.
yes I would like to add one (1) garbage man with thousand yard stare to my blorbo collection
-Magnus also continues to be immature and bad at social interactions but in a way that comes off as the author thinking he's cool but...maybe it's on purpose..???
-Ahriman visualizes a metaphor a bit too hard and then swoons only to get caught by some Luna Wolves (oh hi Abaddon cameo!) (wait how many times has Ahriman fainted so far in this book already?) -Magnus sulks in his room (it literally describes him as sulking), thus not beating the immaturity accusations -I am tormented by McNeill's cursed and tortured metaphors
For six months, the Thousand Sons fleet suckled at the planet’s forges and materiel silos like newborns eager for the teat.
-Magnus refers to Leman as "my lupine brother" and at this point I am deeply surprised we haven't gotten a reference to Ahriman's sapphire orbs -there's more contemplation of Ahriman's muscles. when will i be free.
undulant ridges of his pectorals.
I'm pretty sure pectoral muscles aren't supposed to undulate. Oh no, Ahriman, watch out, it's the flesh change!!
chapter ends with Magnus jumpscaring a human.
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silent-dragon · 3 months
TWST World OC ~ Carly Kai
"If you look dangerous, you better be dangerous." — Akali
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Carly Theme Song
Personal Info
Name: Carly Kai
MC Name: Butterfly Leaf
Group Name: Damage Control
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Species: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: May 11th
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 163cm/5ft'3in
Eye Color: Red Brown
Hair Color: Natural Black with Reddish Brown Streaks
Homeland: Interstate Hill
Twist of Zuri from Fortnite & Akali(Prestige K/DA) from League of Legends
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Work Info
Occupation: Pop Star,Rapper,Music Manager,Makeup Brand Owner,MMA Fighter
Graduate From: Night Ravens College
Other Info
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Miso Ramen
Likes: Butterflies,Forests,Springtime,Hot & Crazy People(But Not Too Crazy),Half Face Masks,Eye Makeup,Spoiling Friends,Pandas,Hip Hop/Street Fashion,Her Group She Formed,Chatting with other Music People,Being a bit of a Tease,Sweet Bread,Creativity,Music with Great Beats
Dislikes: Way Too Crazy for Her Tastes People,Bitter Food,Any Disrespect Towards her or Friends
Talents: MC Abilities,Making Beats,Lyricist,Mixed Martial Arts,Speeches
Personality: Cool yet serious when need be. She is a “Boss” and shows it. Has a unique way of thinking that flows into her creativity with her music. Has a dominating presence on stage and knows how to work a crowd into having a good time. She takes no lip from no one unless she deems you worthy of it. Many call her crazy and she is fine with that because she likes crazy just not too crazy.
Bio: A force of lyrical power. Carly started small being a member of a girl group where she gained a following and branched out some to show her true creativity. It was a success and she's been in the game ever since. She is now manager of her own group and owns a makeup brand of eye makeup as her signature is her butterfly look that makes her eyes stand out. Other than her talents with music she is also a powerhouse in the ring as an expert in mixed martial arts. She does this less nowadays as too busy with music or business but is always open to throw down if need be.
More Info:
Carly is a member of a pop girl group that is still quite popular but all the members have taken a hiatus to focus on their own projects/personal life. She is the rapper of this group.
She formed her own group called “Damage Control” which is fully about her style which is hip hop/rap along with dance beats. This is the group that has the famous DJ Damage King,Kosuke as a member.(Will be adding few more later)
Known for having friendships/rumored relationships with people who are usually coined as crazy in both ways. Finds Kosuke the right amount of crazy she likes so is great friends with him while Pankraz she considers to be a little too crazy for her tastes. Despite rumors she is currently single looking for that right crazy one.
Has helped with some stuff in the background to help Adan get SoulBeam going really well.
Unintentionally got Adan & Pankraz to swoon a bit after her when she was the guest rapper they both faced in a tournament and lost to due to sheer bewilderment. As well as grabbed and flipped Adan over when asked how strong she was given many peaked her abs. Adan respects her more and is a fan of her works as a enjoyer of her but Pankraz is deeply still swooned as he tries to talk to her constantly or posts stuff to get her attention and is like a puppy when she likes any of his stuff on social media.
Can and will knock you on your ass if you're being one around her. She doesn't tolerate any of that as it messes with her flow and she needs that to keep creativity going.
She may be short but it makes her more intimidating.
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