#this is so long omg I'm sorry
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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nailsinmywall · 9 months
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Maeglin in gondolin (and curufin laughing at eol)
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suashii · 5 months
kuroo + making dinner ノ a late night snack wif him in a college au ? i hope ur week treats u well bbie <3
such a cute suggestion — thank u for sending it! hopefully u enjoy :3
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you’re usually better about not leaving a mess by the door when you return to your apartment, but tonight is different. you can’t help but messily kick off your shoes and shed your book bag in the growing pile at the entrance. after a long, draining study session, you can’t be bothered to keep a clean house at the moment. anyway, once you catch sight of your carelessness in the morning, you’re sure you’ll be rushing to pick things up.
“hmm,” you hum, stretching your arms above your head. the action feels good after being stuck in a chair for the past few hours and it seems like now that you’re home, just within reach of your bed, the exhaustion is finally catching up to you. “to eat or to sleep…” you ponder over your choices.
“i vote for the former.” kuroo chimes in from behind you. he replicates your movements, dropping his bag and stretching a bit before he turns and makes his way to the kitchen. “food is fuel, you know,” he tells you matter-of-factly.
“yeah, well, so is sleep. and that sounds like it’ll take a lot less energy than eating.”
he snorts at your reasoning as he surveys the contents of the refrigerator. it’s more bare than he remembers it being—the two of you are past due for a trip to the grocery store. still, he doesn’t let that stop him from trying to convince you to stay up just a little longer for a meal. “fair, but we skipped dinner. you should try to stomach something small at the very least.”
your bed is calling your name, you can hear its tempting whispers from down the hall, but you sigh and nod, joining kuroo in the kitchen to find a replacement for the dinner you missed in favor of reviewing powerpoints. the task seems like a tall one when you get a look in the fridge.
“what do you suggest?” you ask from beside him, “loose lunch meat doesn’t sound too bad.”
he laughs and pinches your arm at your unserious approach, which earns him a pinch back for ever daring to pinch you. 
“what about ramen?” kuroo proposes, lifting an arm to open the cabinet that holds your shared supply of noodles. unsurprisingly, there’s quite a selection of instant ramen at your disposal. “we’re never short on that.”
you take a few seconds to consider it before agreeing—something quick and warm should be satisfying enough.
“take your pick.” kuroo gestures to the multiple differing packages and you point at one—your favorite brand—for him to pull down. he grabs that and one for himself, closing that cabinet and opening the one that houses your pots. the kitchenware clangs loudly as they knock against each other but kuroo doesn’t seem to mind as he juggles the two, carrying them to the sink to fill them with water.
you busy yourself with opening the colorful packages and fishing out the seasoning packs while kuroo brings the pots of water to a boil. other than the gas from the stove and the occasional rustling  of  plastic, a still quiet falls over the kitchen. it’s far from tense or awkward and there’s a beauty that comes with it—being able to enjoy the company of someone without having to share words. and it isn’t lost on you how kuroo tries to take on the bulk of the work, emptying flavor packs and stirring the contents before you get the chance to grab the chopsticks.
he even pours the noodles into your preferred bowl and takes it over to your tiny dining table for you.
“i would have eaten this straight from the pot, you know,” you tell him, sliding into the chair and picking up your utensils to dig in. 
he’s known you long enough to be able to read between the lines of your speech—what you really mean to say is that he made extra dishes that you have no intention of washing. it makes him smile on the other side of the table. “i can handle the dishes.”
“don’t worry, i’ll help you,” you say in between bites. you hold his gaze, blowing on the noodles hanging from your chopsticks. “as long as we do it in the morning.”
he swallows a bite of his own. “deal.”
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Hi!! Could you do a scenario where Grimmjow has to handle/comfort his overworked S/O? I’m curious as to how he would react
Certified, he's the worst at these types of things.
Grimmjow finds it exceptionally irksome when he's around and you lack the energy to keep up with him. Why does he even bother visiting you anyway?
"Hey, stop being pathetic, get up," he says, poking your head.
This deep into your relationship with him, you understand there's no malice in his words. He's not intentionally mean; it's just his way of talking. Yet, you're too fatigued to pay him any mind.
"Go away. I'm exhausted," you say, snuggling further into the pillows of your bed.
A brief silence ensues.
This makes you peek at him. He wears that silly expression with furrowed brows, a mid-annoyance look reflecting his own struggle to comprehend something. It's cute enough to draw a tiny smile to your face.
"One of my coworkers quit last week, and all of her work has fallen on me, which wouldn't be a problem if my paycheck increased accordingly, but no! Haha, God forbid we get paid fairly for what we do," you blurt.
Your head throbs, announcing a migraine. You know Grimmjow doesn't grasp these human matters, and that somehow makes it worse.
"Withdrawing's for cowards," he states.
Or maybe he does understand?
"Do I kill them?"
Never mind. At least he asked. You sigh.
"No. Look, I like spending time with you, but right now isn't the best moment for me. I'm so overworked I could cry, and it would mean a lot if you didn’t kill or destroy anything for the night.”
You don’t have the heart to kick him out. Hueco Mundo is, after all, much worse than unpaid extra hours. You just hope he doesn’t take your tiredness in a bad way.
On his part, Grimmjow just looks at you like there’s no remedy in this world to cure your feebleness. However, whenever he sees you in a similar state of mind, he can’t help but feel an uneasiness twisting inside his guts, as if his stomach was making a knot.
When you catch him at his lowest moments, when he’s willing to allow you a glimpse of them, you always provide soft things that bring a close sensation of existing free from distress. It would be fair if he reciprocated it now.
A tiny gap leaves your mouth upon sensing his weight over the bed, and then his body over your own, not in a looming, predatory form for once. He just lies on top of you, close enough to feel the tip of his nose brushing your nape, far enough not to crush you under him.
Oh, lord, you want to kick him, but just then, you hear it: a soft vibrating sound that comes and goes steadily, like a purr. The same sound he made a couple of months ago while you played with his hair. You said it was relaxing, that you liked it.
A warm feeling washes over you. You scoot closer to him, and he lets you, his arm now keeping you tucked at his side. The purr intensifies. It lulls you to sleep. When the alarm clock rings the next morning, Grimmjow is no longer there, but the warm feeling remains.
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ryansjane · 1 year
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whataloadofqueers · 1 year
marauders era characters and their april fools joke of choice :
james : turning into a stag in places where a stag definitely shouldn't be
sirius : sticks paper fish on everyone's back because he grew up with les poissons d'avril
peter : pens and books and inkpots turn into small animals everywhere he goes
remus : just more werewolf puns than usual
marlene : enchanted bludgers that follow you all day
mary : 'actually i think i'm heterosexual'
lily : does not participate and refuse to believe anything that anyone says that day
dorcas : change the colour of everyone's tie
pandora : pretends she's a seer but actually makes accurate predictions
regulus : he's got 'nothing to do with the snake you found in your bag'
barty : 'april fools is stupid' but pulls little pranks all day
evan : charming all the plants so they can walk and then leaves the greenhouses open
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hero-of-the-wolf · 1 month
Enabling you to yap about some headcanons you have for the chain (or any animal facts that you have in store. You always have some fascinating facts)
Time and Lullaby were childhood best friends that grew apart as they got older. They start to reconnect again later in life, when Time joined the war effort against Ganondorf and the Gerudo.
(and then he dies)
Time and Malon have a little girl together 🫶
stealing this from @crazylittlejester but Time’s joints are kinda messed up after transforming so often (esp when he was y’know still growing) so his joints will pop out really easily and get really sore
Time is the OG animal lover. Where do you think Twilight got it from?
side note— I love the idea of Malon becoming something More after her death. You can still hear her singing at night if you listen very closely, mysterious bad things happen to people who hurt horses, Twilight strangely never feels alone, that sort of thing :)
Warriors was very close to his mother. She passed away during the war, and he didn’t find out until after he returned home 💔
(my first thought is that she died from disease, which always runs rampant during war. but maybe, perhaps, Wars’ home village was razed by monsters 👀)
Warriors had two close friends during the war. One died in his arms. The other one betrayed him and directly led to him getting captured by Cia 💔
depressed Twi 🫶 anxious Twi 🫶 Twi with chronic pain 🫶
Hyrule gets chronic headaches and dizzy spells, esp when he overuses his magic :)
Hyrule’s dark world form is an opossum 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Legend enjoys knitting!! it’s a nice calming activity that helps him destress, and he really enjoys working with his hands :)
I also hc he has a lot of chronic pain 🫶
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colibrie · 12 days
Uncharted Territory, Part 2
Hello all! Sorry for the delay in updates. As always art credit and eternal gratitude to @trilobitepunch for her amazing art and her incredible patience.
Yakai system: 6 hours later
Mikey liked to think of himself as a turtle with many talents. With so many interesting things to do and experience in the universe, he’d never seen the point in limiting himself to just one hobby. He was a chef, an artist, and an acrobat. He was a jedi in training. He knew the importance of timing and strength. He had worked hard to cultivate balance, and perhaps most essentially, patience. Patience was the difference between a masterpiece and a disappointment. Patience was the difference between peace and agitation. Patience was the foundation of all things…
But his patience was three seconds away from socking Leonardo in the face.
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“There’s a rock…and another rock…and, oh look, there’s even more rocks!”
“Thank you, Leo.”
“What? I’m just admiring the fascinating scenery,” Leo’s obnoxiously sour-sweet tone matched the sarcastic show of teeth in the smile he flashed. “You take me to the nicest places Angelo.”
Mikey pulled in a slow and subtle breath, fighting the urge to clench his jaw or bite his lip as he carefully maneuvered their ship around a small asteroid at the edge of a medium sized cluster. He knew what his elder brother was doing. He’d been doing it since he’d woken up crabby from his far too short nap, mood souring further when Mikey had refused to move from the pilot seat. He was trying to get under Mikey’s shell to provoke a reaction. Which really wasn't that unusual. There wasn’t a creature alive who could out petty Leo when he was in the mood to be difficult. The taller turtle seemed to have a sixth sense for spite, an innate talent that zeroed in on the most obnoxious and annoying elements of a situation then dialing them eleven.
It didn’t help that the environment beyond the view screen was the definition of desolation. The Yakai system was indeed comprised of a massive asteroid field, large chunks of dull grey rock stretched in all directions, dust and debris hanging limply in the space between. Two small planets sat lifelessly in the center of it all, surfaces dyed the by gas clouds of the sickliest yellow, green and cream. They were hues he would have immediately rejected from his palette, their image as appalling as they were disheartening. To top it off, the absence of wakes or other disturbances in the area suggested that no one had transversed the asteroid field in a long time.
Mikey was loath to admit it, but the hope that had burned so brightly inside him after their success with the holocron was slowly shrinking. The connection to that bonfire at his core was dwindling, heat leeched away by the seemingly ever-growing black hole of unanswered questions and unaddressed baggage trailing them. The violent introduction to his “deceased” brothers, the unsettled conflict between Leo and their father, the unusually vague details of their plan, and the anxious insecurity of meeting someone who had played such a pivotal role in their childhoods, but who’s image he could not call to mind, no matter how far back he dug in his memories. It was all starting to feel…heavy.
“Hate to say it baby bro, but it looks like this was a waste of-”
“We haven’t even checked half of the cluster!” Mikey snapped, cringing slightly as Leo locked onto the irritation in his voice.
“Running down every speck of dust isn’t going to make someone not here magically appear,” Leo argued, flashing an edged smirk that made Mikey want to kick him in the teeth.
He forced himself to relax, to soften his next words into something closer to a gentle tease. “Don’t count your smooka’s before they hatch Leo. I’d hate to have to embarrass you in it in front of Master Karai.”
George let out a happy chur from his place wrapped around Mikey’s neck, little head rubbing encouragingly against Mikey’s cheek.
“See? George thinks so too!”
“I don’t care what George thinks! George is a dumb animal who will do anything for a treat!” Leo snapped suddenly, the mood in the cabin plunging as an oppressive weight settled over it. Something alien was churning behind his brother’s irises as he struck them with a glare, something that made every nerve in Mikey’s body jolt. George cringed back, tail tightening as he chittered fearfully and under Mikey's chin for safety.
“Hey!” Mikey bristled, one hand coming up to protectively cover his friend as he returned Leo’s glare with one of his own. “You know who else doesn’t get a vote, the annoying raincloud who has contributed literally NOTHING to finding a solution to our problems! At least, I am trying! At least I am doing something other than whining “that’s not how it works!” repeatedly! And George didn’t do anything to you, so quit being a jerk!”
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The tension grew as they stared each other down, metaphorical hackles rising as the siblings sized one another up. Mikey kept his face frozen in a stern scowl, pushing down the sympathetic twinge in his chest at how bloodshot his older brothers’ eyes were, how hollow they’d grown, lined with dark bags that were beginning to look like bruises. He wasn’t stupid, or blind. He knew how active his elder brother’s demons had been since leaving home, how the weight of their situation pressed down on Leonardo.
He’d wished a thousand times he knew how to help, but he didn’t. Usually, he could guess what the issue was, or prod the answers out of Leo after giving him some space and time. But those tactics weren’t working now. Up until recently, he'd known little to nothing about the missing half of his family. He still didn't know much about them, and Leo had remained frustratingly tight lipped, even though the past was clearly eating him alive.
The seeds of doubt were quick to bloom as the dark energy pressed in, a weed that threatened to choke off his inner fire as thoughts he’d pushed away for hours returned with a vengeance.
What if they didn't find anything? What if Master Karai wasn't here? What if he really was wasting their time and resources? What if he was wrong? what if....
What if he was just making things worse?
A soft coo broke the tension as George butted his head into Mikey’s throat, tiny body thrumming soothingly against his suddenly unsteady pulse. The gossamer soft sensation of unwavering trust and love poked at the edges of the bonfire inside of him, coaxing it to burn brighter in defiance against the darkness. It gave him the strength to push the doubts away again, to take another deep breath and focus only on the now.
Leo wanted a fight, but Mikey was not obliged to give him one. Maybe he couldn’t take away whatever was hurting his brother, but he could help keep things level until Leo was ready to share it. He pulled in two more breaths for good measure before speaking, careful to keep his tone calm but firm.
“I get that this has been stressful. I get that you are tired, and you don’t really want to be here. But that doesn’t give you carte blanche to be an ass. Especially to someone who can’t fight back. You’re better than that Leon.”
He kept face blank as that thing behind Leo’s eyes slowly faded away, the pressure lifting to be replaced by the lighter and more familiar signs of guilt. He kept himself still as Leo cringed and turned away to look out the viewscreen.
A strident chime from the radar cut him off. The strain of their argument was swiftly shelved as they both leaned forward, foreheads nearly colliding in their haste to huddled in and study the steadily pulsing blip on the screen.
“There’s something over there! It’s in between those two big meteors!” Mikey exclaimed, pointing vigorously towards a cluster of oblong rocks off to the left of their view screen. “It has to be her, there’s a life support system attached to it!”
“Barely,” Leo huffed, squinting doubtfully at the readouts scrolling across the adjacent screen. “For an energy reading that low, life-support would have to be set to the bare minimum. Not great atmosphere for long time occupation.”
“But it could totally…” Mikey blinked, then groaned as Leo flashed him a tentative smile. “Omigosh, Lee that one was awful.”
“I think you mean awesome Miguel,” Leo shrugged, propping his chin on one fist as Mikey tried and failed to hide a snort. “I know, I know, my humor is a breath of fresh air. You’re welcome.”
“You are…so dumb…” Mikey spluttered in reply, any residual hard feelings clinging on from their spat offset by his own smile. Shell, Leo made it hard to stay mad at him.
“Thank you, thank you,” Leo said, sketching a half bow before blowing kisses to an imaginary audience. “I am here all week. And the week after that, and the week after-ack!”
“Nobody cares!” Mikey cheered as he pushed one hand into Leo’s face, laughing as his big brothers’ arms flailed in a comedic bid to maintain his balance. “Not when they can watch me, the daredevil Michelangelo, seamlessly thread the gauntlet of insane asteroids to investigate that signal!”
“Oooooh okay. Feeling bold today, are we? That looks kinda tricky,” Leo noted, casually leaning over to brace one forearm on the pilot’s chair.
“Absolutely! I’ve got this!”
“Alright big man,” Leo nodded slowly, gently tapping his knuckles against Mikey’s shoulder in a gesture that was both equal support and silent apology before sitting back. “Give it a shot. I am here if you need me.”
“I won’t,” Mikey replied, bouncing a little in his seat as he turned the shuttle towards their target. “Hold on to your shell!”
The engines roared under his touch, rocketing them towards the targeted cluster at heart pounding speed.
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“WHOAHOHO!” Leo yelled, gripping his seat with white knuckle strength as Mikey banked hard to avoid a chunk of debris.
Adrenaline fizzed in his veins, delight bubbling in his lungs as his heart started to dance in time to the thrum of the thrusters. This. This was the part of flying that Mikey actually liked. No fiddly procedures to remember, no gravity to pull or push him in ways he didn’t want to go. Space was like the ultimate acrobatics’ playground, open and empty and waiting to be filled with his amazing razzmatazz. Weaving and banking around corners, dipping down and rising up to avoid obstacles, even a spin or two thrown in for sheer flare, it all felt natural. It was fun!
Watching Leo slowly turn the same color as his arms stripes wasn’t bad either.
The radar pinged louder, and he eased the shuttle back into a steady cruising pace as Leo sat forward, sharp eyes scanning the surrounding asteroids in search of their target. Small stones tinged gently off the view screen as they drifted past, the only sound within the cockpit the increasingly strident bee-blip of the radar.
Mikey’s head whipped around, eyes following Leo’s outstretched arm to their prize. Tucked into the shadows of a deep, craggy canyon was the faint outline of a structure surrounded by six smaller lumps.
“There’s a possible landing area on that ledge above the target, but there’s not a whole lot of room for error. Probably why the smugglers-”
“-or Master Karai-"
“-smugglers, chose this spot for their hideout. We’ll have to be careful with how we approach landing. Move over.”
“Nope, I’ve got it,” Mikey, pointing the shuttle nose towards their goal before pressing the controls down.
He ignored his brothers’ objections as the shuttle responded to his command, nose dipping down sharply to aim towards the ledge. He did not need to be told what to do. He did not need to have his hand held. He could land the ship. Sweat gathered on his palms as the empty vacuum of space swiftly disappeared behind the craggy lips of the canyon walls.
“That’s a really steep approach, maybe pull it back a bit buddy….”
The engines whined as the ship sped onwards, outboard lights throwing jagged spires previously hidden by the gloom in into sharp relief. Sharp pricks of pain burst like fireworks as he dug his teeth into his lower lip, spine curving as he blocked Leo out and threw every shred of concentration into running the maze in front of him. He could do this. He could get them to the target. He could land the ship…
“Mikey, seriously…”
He could find Master Karai. He could become a Jedi. He could get his brothers back. He could …
“Michelangelo that’s way too steep! Pull up!”
The camp was in sight, the ground was growing, but somehow the ledge was shrinking. More rocks bounced off the viewscreen as the walls of the canyon closed in on all sides. Something cold and hard lodged in his throat as his hands slipped, skittering over the buttons as alarms started to shriek. His spine locked, limbs freezing as fear obliterated his thoughts with spikes of jagged grey.
He…He couldn’t…
Blue burst through the grey as something slammed into his shoulder, forcing him halfway out of the pilot seat as iron hands clamped down on the controls. He gasped in shock, then scrambled to grab whatever he could as Leo hauled back hard on the yoke. The world spun as the shuttle jerked, banking into a tight vertical spiral as something hard screeched across the belly of the ship. Metal groaned and shuddered under the sudden strain as his big brothers’ hands danced lightning fast across the consul, shooting them back up into the void above.
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Leo whooped, slumping back in relief once they were hovering a safe distance away from any debitage. “Now that was a rush!”
Michelangelo stayed on the floor, chest heaving and body shaking as he stared at the ceiling. Everything felt surreal, like he was only connected to his body by a heart that felt like it was trying to jump into hyperdrive. His lungs felt shriveled, unable to take a full breath. When had it gotten so cold? Was the air truly that thin? Had he compromised the hull in his stupid stunt? Were they in danger of collapse?
“You going to stay down there all…Angelo?”
His eyes stung as they filled with salt, and no amount of blinking managed to clear them. He had messed up. He’d dragged them out here and nearly gotten them killed and…
"Hey, c’mon bro, don’t make that face," Leo cajoled, gentle hands lifting Mikey up to stand on somewhat wobbly legs. Bright green fingers softly grabbed the lip of Mikey's plastron before giving him a gently encouraging shake. "So, you almost spectacularly whiffed a landing that could have majorly damaged the shuttle or injured us, leaving us stranded in a force forsaken asteroid field in the middle of nowhere..."
"Oh wow, thanks Lee. I feel so much better, " Mikey mumbled thickly, shooting a halfhearted glare that turned into a fully affronted scowl when Leo responded by flicking him between the eyes.
"As I was about to say, so what if it almost happened? It didn't, and it won't, because I'm here."
Leo was smiling at him when Mikey chanced another glance up, a smile that oozed confidence and compassion as he slung a sheltering arm around Mikey's shoulders.
“We’re okay Angelo."
"I really thought I had it this time. I thought I could…I just wanted to help…Why is it so hard?!" Mikey groaned, leaning into the comfort as Leonardo pulled him into his chest. Leo's heartbeat was strong and steady under his tympanum, its slightly elevated rhythm methodically walking Mikey's own heart back from its attempts to escape his rib cage.
"Can't be good at everything big man," Leo consoled, planting a gentle kiss on his baby brother’s forehead. "And you help in so many ways! Believe me, I could not do this without you Mikey. You’ll figure out flying eventually, I have no doubt. In the meantime, maybe listen to your talented, brilliant, and handsome big brother, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah," Mikey sighed, leaning back. "Thanks for letting me try Leon."
"Any time. Now, I’ve gotta to run some checks and land us, but why don't you go get the oxygen masks out and prep them to go for a spin."
"Will we need them? Life support still reads as active," Mikey asked as he absently shook the remaining adrenaline from his limbs.
"Trust but verify Michelito. This face is far too pretty to trust to some jury-rigged smuggler set up," Leo replied, breezily tossing his mask tails over his shoulder with a wink.
"Please, it would be an improvement!"
"Rude! Jealousy is not a great color on you Mikey!"
"We'll let Master Karai be the judge of that once we find her!" Mikey shot back, smiling slightly as he made his way to the back of the ship.
He had to stretch to his tiptoes to open the cabinet and retrieve the masks Splinter had jury-rigged for them ages ago. “For emergencies” their father had said, voice as worn as his robes when he'd held their little squirmy bodies still to adjust and ensure the blue and orange straps fit. Though the thick coating of dust on both masks attested to how little use they’d received, colored elastics faded and muted with age, the sight of these little tokens of their fathers’ love was like being wrapped up in one of his warm hugs.
“She’ll side with me.”
“Keep dreaming kiddo.”
Their banter was as familiar and comfortable, jokes and sly digs baniahing the shadows of tension and doubt with bright laughter as Leo carefully brought them back into the confines of the canyon for a smooth landing on the ledge.
“Alright, here is the plan,” Leo called, swinging out of the pilots chair and moving back to the back with an easy swagger in his step. “We are going to pop out, give the place a quick once over in full stealth style. We don’t find anything, or if we find anyone who isn’t Master Karai we book it back here, get the shell out, and try somewhere else. Capiche?”
“Capiche,” Mikey agreed, bending his head to allow Leo to check that his mask was secure before handing his brother his own and returning the favor.
“Alright, then lets jet!” Leo proclaimed, hitting the button to open the back hatch.
The air within the life support bubble was cold enough to send gooseflesh erupting over Mikey's arms and shivers down his shell. The buildings were equally cold and dark, filled with the stale sensation of a place long abandoned. Cabinets doors hung open on broken hinges, while much of the rickety furniture had either been smashed or collapsed on itself.
“Dang,” Leo whistled, flicking on a flashlight to banish the shadows clinging to the interior, “whoever was here last must have left in a hurry. And they definitely haven’t been back to clean up.”
“Maybe she’s been using one of the other buildings? You know, to stay inconspicuous?” Mikey offered, heart sinking as he accidentally kicked a piece of broken chair.
“We can check,” Leo indulged.
None of the outbuildings turned up better results beyond broken crates, and Mikey could do nothing but drag his heavy, bruised heart back to the ship.
“Come on,” Leo ordered, voice oddly gentle as he sealed the back hatch and helped Mikey out of his mask, “let’s get out of here. There are other places we can check.”
"I just...I don't understand," Mikey mumbled, staring hard at the ground as Leo moved to the front to bring their shuttle back online. "Why would the force send us on a wild goose chase? What was the point?!"
"It's like I said man," Leo shrugged as the engines whined to life, "it's just not how the force works."
"Except in this case," a soft voice said from behind them.
The two of them shrieked and jumped, limbs flailing as they spun around to face the invader. A figure stood at the back of the shuttle; body covered by a drab gray cloak with a deep hood that hid their face from view. An extra breathing mask sat innocently on one of the benches, along with two pistol sized blasters.
"Who the shell are you?!" Leo barked, fingers fluttering anxiously as they groped along the consul for something to use as a weapon. "A smuggler?!"
"Of sorts, I suppose," the figure replied calmly.
"We don't want any trouble, but believe me, we can bring the pain if you cross us!" Mikey blustered, waving his fists.
"Says the boy who once cried at the idea that someone might not want to be his friend."
"I wasn't sure, when I first started having the visions," the figure continued, moving further into the cabin. "It seemed impossible after all this time. And the results were clouded, without direction. To many possibilities. But two motifs were repeated over and over. Sun and lightning. Blue and orange. And then, just a few hours ago, the visions became clear. This place, the Yakai system. I had to take the chance. I had to…"
"What are you talking about?! Who are you?!" Leo spluttered.
Mikey blinked, arms slowly dropping. "Wait... are you..."
"I was afraid I wouldn’t make it in time… and you've both grown so much, I hardly recognized you at first. But I could never forget my boys."
The figure reached up, pushing back their hood. Stands of black and grey hair framed dark eyes and a pale face marked by fine lines of stress and age. A slim but fit figure lay beneath the cloak’s heavy edges, dressed in a worn green tunic, pants, and weathered leather boots. Empty holsters sat on either hip.
"Do you still like to paint Michelangelo?"
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"OMIGOSH! YOU… YOU'RE MASTER KARAI!" Mikey shrieked, reserve giving way as he began jumping up and down. He threw himself forward, crossing the distance to wrap her in the tightest hug he could muster. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU'D BE HERE!"
Karai laughed softly as he lifted her off her feet. Her small hands patted the sides of his shell, doing their best to hold him back even with her arms pinned to her sides.
"I KNEW THE FORCE WOULD HELP US!" he shouted again, plopping Karai down before whirling around in triumph.
"WE DID IT LEO!... Leo?"
Leo did not look at him or show any indication that he'd heard Mikey at all. His gaze was riveted on Karai, blatant shock mixing with so many other emotions in an expression that was almost painful to behold.
Leo's throat worked furiously, mouth opening and closing fruitlessly as words seemed to fail him. Finally, one word managed to work its way free. Small and faint, a short word nearly crushed by the weight of all it carried.
"Leonardo," Karai murmured, squeezing Mikey's shoulder before stepping forward to stand before his brother. Her hands rose to cup his cheeks, thumbs softly tracing the lower arc of his red crescent markings as she quietly studied his face.
"You've grown so tall, my little blue. You've survived, and I am so, so proud of you."
Mikey blinked hard against the threat of tears as Leo sniffed and melted into Karai's arms. Despite being the same height as the woman, his older brother seemed to shrink until his head fit neatly beneath her chin, face hidden in her shoulder as his hands came up to desperately clutch at the back of her cloak.
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"I have so many questions," Karai murmured thickly, gently rocking on her feet as she cradled Leo close with one arm while reaching out to Mikey with the other. "But first, let me hold my brave boys."
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elwynsdream · 2 months
I love jegulus, but there are moments sometimes where I question certain things about the fandom. I'm a trans boy, and it's nice to see the popular headcanon of Regulus as a trans man, but cmon!! Why is he always the girl when people talk about jegulus variants? I know we have the right to be whatever we want (fem, masc, etc) but it's really uncomfortable to see Regulus constantly be feminized (? If I can call it that. Anyone can be trans, there is no requirement; you are who you are and that's it. But when we talk about media, which is a reflection of how large groups of people see reality whether we want it or not, it feels weird to see mlm ships where one of the characters (usually white) is made to be "dainty, delicate, needs help or protection" and the other one (usually POC) is "masculine, dominant, the protector type". I don't want to ruin anyone's fun, because fandom should be a safe place for everyone to enjoy their favorite characters however they want, but I wish to see if anyone feels the same (:
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myreia · 2 months
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✦ D A R K K N I G H T
Abyssal magic comes effortlessly to her, and therein lies in the danger. Too much grief, too much rage, too much love. Forces bent on tearing her apart from the inside out. Her aether twists around her blade, setting the runes alight, unrefined magic pulsating in the palm of her hand. When she reaches into the abyss, she feels a strange serenity, content with the knowledge her enemies will certainly fall. The question remains as to whether she herself will be left standing at the end. —level 90 compendium
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sketch-guardian · 2 months
Some little things I want to ask! (Part of the list of asks)
1. What would they belike if they were all in a poly?
2. Mc using stickers to show whether or not they’re disappointed in them?
3. Mc making silly fake eyes paper and putting them on odon?
Feel free to ignore them and answer only one question!
As I already said, I don't mind answering asks and I would find quite rude ignoring them, so, while it might take me some time to write, I'll try to answer, hopefully in time😖(also, it wasn't specified if the headcanons were only for RAD Classmates, the New Exchange Students from the Celestial Realm or both, so I opted for the RAD classmates, since Odon was in the third ask. If you would also like to see the angel OCS in the same scenarios, please note it in the next ask🙈) Now let's proceed in order:
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Just like a poly relationship between the demon brothers, a similar dynamic between the RAD classmates would result in quite the chaotic disaster, in a good way of course. Some of them, especially Demya and Domnra, might find the idea of ​​sharing MC unpleasant at first, however for the sake of the relationship, they would give it a try, slowly getting used to the dynamic. Over time the RAD classmates would find balance and each of them would carve out a small role designated specifically for them, although obviously they would make sure everyone agrees first and to include MC in particular. For example, Demya would take care of choosing the restaurants where some dates would take place, Domnra would choose training activities to carry out together, to exercise while having fun and listening to music, also satisfying Mobim's wish to visit toys shops or amusement parks, Azul would be responsible for taking photos of their special moments and personally making items that represent their love, Zuri would make sure everyone is dressed appropriately for their dates depending on the location, accommodating everyone's style, preferences and choosing outfits that would compliment their figures, while Odon would mainly take care of the members of the relationship's safety, because ultimately, being watched over by them means being protected at all times without fear, their contribution would also be eager, because in a similar relational dynamic, Odon would feel quite loved. MC would choose dates, which can vary from more reckless ideas to calmer ones like a simple cuddle pile
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Demya would find such a habit cute and would be thrilled to experience such gestures from MC first hand. In the case of receiving a positive sticker, Demya would act more affectionate than usual, while for a negative sticker, she would complain and make sweet puppy eyes at MC to try to change their mind or in other cases where Demya would be more offended, she would sulk and bite her mate, luckily in a cheeky and playful way
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Domnra would find MC's actions quite dumb, but they shouldn't be fooled by his tsundere attitude, because he would pay a lot of attention to his partner's opinion, since he can be quite insecure. If he received a positive sticker, Domnra would snort, trying to hide a smug grin and a blush, demanding to keep the sticker...for no reason, of course (liar-). If Domnra received a negative sticker, he would pretend not to be upset at all and would vent his anger elsewhere, looking for ways to make up for his mistakes
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Mobim would be curious about such a custom, however receiving a positive sticker from MC would make it very happy, enough to dance around. As for a negative sticker, only if MC were a monster they would give it to Mobim, because that would result in crying from Mobim, guilt from MC and a scolding from Domnra
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Azul would find MC's habit adorable and would immediately want to join, curious about his eventual results. In the case of a positive sticker, Azul would giggle like a maniac and squeeze MC enthusiastically in a hug, as if he had won a prize. For a negative sticker, however, Azul would become whiny and sad, trying to make MC change their mind. Still being a little petty asshole, Azul would return the gesture to MC as payback, randomly attaching negative stickers to MC during the day, even on their forehead, perhaps even butt
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Zuri would honestly find MC's idea a bit childish and unnecessary, at least in appearance, however if observed carefully, MC can notice how Zuri pays attention to MC's judgment. If she received a positive sticker, Zuri would simply nod and hide a faint smile, grateful for the appreciation towards her efforts, expecting nothing less. However, if she received a negative sticker, MC would only notice a stoic grimace and a slight twitch in her eyes, a sign of her annoyance. Zuri wouldn't accept such an affront very much and would make sure to make her next performance impeccable
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Odon would be curious about such practice on MC's part, having never seen similar customs except in nursery schools, so they would be content to feel included. If they received a positive sticker, Odon would smile wider and give a little clap, accepting the sticker as a medal of valor. As for a negative sticker, I don't think MC would have the heart to give Odon one, especially considering their past, because just seeing Odon's smile falter would be too much.
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At first Odon wouldn't understand MC's intent, however they would let it slide, especially since it doesn't bother them at all. Although the sight may seem silly in the eyes of others, in the end Odon wouldn't find anything wrong with the nice gesture. Odon might think that MC is trying to give them eyes since their face is half covered by locks of hair, however Odon would assure MC that they can see just fine and that for the sake of MC's sanity, it's better not to see what lies underneath and be satisfied with the paper eyes. Odon's eye-like creatures would also look unimpressed, considering that they are fully functional eyes
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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"'Noah's are immortal', huh? I wonder who came up with that crap...?"
episode 77 supremacy
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bakughosts · 11 months
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omg i have been traveling so it took me forever to respond to this because i wanted to be able to type out my Thoughts on the computer but WILLOW omg..... u spoil me by asking this. because i have so many and they constantly live in my brain ldfskjfslkdjf
i think what i love about bkg so much as a character is that he has desires but most of those desires take the form of achieving a goal. he has so many things he wants to be the best at and so many heights he wants to reach and yeah, part of this is because he's an ambitious person but part of it is because of his ego and his insecurity and the expectations placed upon him by the people around him/society at large. and i think bkg in any context has these things that he wants to achieve because his desire to reach his lofty goals is integral to his character.
and vampire bkg... think of all that time. what do you do when you've achieved everything you've ever wanted to achieve? what's left after that? for a century he has been achieving his goals, and now he has everything. money and power and even respect from locals in the villages near his castle (though that respect is tinged heavily with fear, because even if they don't know exactly what the handsome bachelor that lives inside the creepy but beautiful castle on the horizon is, they know he's something other... and not to mention he looks exactly like his father, and exactly like his father's father, and isn't it strange that none of us have ever seen their wives, have never seen these men at any point in their lives outside of their late twenties/early thirties?)
i don't think stagnation sits well with bkg. i don't think he's ever learned how to be still. despite having unlimited time, he had to accomplish everything as quick as possible, because he just wanted it all. he wanted to be the best so bad that it sung in his veins like adrenaline. and now, in the aftermath, he feels that same emptiness. adrenaline come and gone and only a hollow tiredness in its wake. now is when you feel the pain--nothing distracts you from it.
and one day... you, cat-curious, find your way to his castle. (this has gotten long lmao so im gonna put a read more)
maybe you're a traveler, or an adventurer, or simply someone in one of the nearby villages that doesn't believe the rumors. but no matter who you are and where you come from, you've heard the stories of his Otherness. though you don't know it yet, just like him, you thrive best with adrenaline thrumming through your veins--you thrive when you have something to want. and you want to know the secrets behind the Otherness that everyone else is so afraid of.
does that mean you're not afraid? god, no. of course you are. but you've reached his castle under an auspicious moon and you're sure this is a good omen.
here is why desire is such a dangerous thing: it is often insatiable. for a long, long time, bkg has survived from the blood of his livestock which he cares for, from game on his land. deer in spring, grouse in winter. to live like that for so long, and then to have something so much more tempting come directly to him, delivered to his doorstep--it's almost like a gift.
at the same time, i don't think bkg relishes the idea of drinking human blood, and certainly not killing a human. i think he could be a bloodthirsty vampire, but specifically when it comes to vengeance. he could hurt someone that wronged him, but not someone whose only crime is their curiosity.
you offer to work for him. to clean his castle, to tend his grounds, to care for his cattle. you know how to cook and how to bake (though you're unaware that this means little to him), and you have more fortitude than your appearance belies--his long-fallow farmland would thrive under your hands if he gave you the opportunity to work with it.
if it was years ago and he was still the same man, he might have said no. but it's hard to care when you feel empty. fine, he says. but don't expect fancy lodging or riches beyond measure.
you work, you investigate, you sleep. it's a cycle. and bkg watches you the whole time, though you're none the wiser. he's smart. he knows what you're doing. but you've broken up the monotony for him.
there's no food in his pantries, and you have to find him to ask for coin to go into town and buy groceries. he doesn't provide you the coin directly--a smart move, perhaps--but later that day, what you've requested has been stocked in the pantry shelves. and that's how you mainly interact with him for a while--weeks, maybe. you wake at dawn and clear the land and feed the cows and pigs and begin the monstrous task of cleaning a castle that has been left to rot and you go to the room you've chosen when the sun is long set, settle into your moth-eaten bed, and sleep harder than you've ever done in your life. if you need tools, feed for the cattle, groceries, supplies to clean, you relay this to him, often finding him in his study reading or in the greenhouse, pruning exotic plants. he never gives you more than nods and grunted words of acquiescence, but despite his temperament, he always provides what you ask for.
he's surprised by your tenacity. by your boldness, to ask for so much, even if it's not for your direct benefit. when you cook dinner each night, you make a serving for him as well. he can admit, begrudgingly, though you are in his space and disrupting his quiet, that he admires the way you chop vegetables so uniformly, that you're so careful with the way you measure out the spices he has filled his cabinets with for you.
and above all, for the first time in a long time, he feels something like desire.
he's never been intrigued by other people--he has friends, other vampires he has known for decades (kirishima and mina), but their friendship was foisted upon him until he gave in. he doesn't think he's intrigued by you. but your blood--
it has been a very long time since he has been tempted by something so sweet.
(i think there has to be so much context for this situation because i truly believe that the longer bkg is alone, the harder it is for him to let someone in. after a century of shutting himself away, it would be almost impossible for him to open himself back up in any significant way. it's the situation that allows for this desire to grow. the lack of anything else to hold his attention, the feeling of achieving everything you've ever wanted to achieve and having nothing left to strive for, the unobtrusive yet spellbinding nature of your presence. he remembers what it was like to want something. this, at first, is what draws him to you. nothing more.)
vampires are always hungry. even when sated, they know that hunger is going to return. there's nothing to stop it. it's the nature of their existence. so yes, at first, it's his hunger that draws him to you, though he wouldn't ever do anything about it.
he talks to you more. finds out things about you. your father was a drunkard and you never smile with teeth. you've worked on farms since late childhood and your right pinkie is crooked from a bad break. you read romance novels late at night and deny that you've been in his library when he asks you about it.
and after dinners spent together where he doesn't eat, after early evenings when he joins you outside to feed the cows, he tells himself this pull he feels is because of that hunger. because of that desire--not for you, but for the lifeblood that nearly intoxicates him just by scent if he gets too close to you.
(though you are aware of his Otherness, he is disarming to you. it's something about the earnestness in everything he does, despite his gruff exterior. he seems rusty at conversation, but his efforts are genuine. he doesn't eat your food, but he picks at it so as to not make you feel bad. you find this more endearing than you care to say aloud.)
and then kirishima and mina visit, and they meet you, his new human employee that lives in his castle and reads his books and touches his shoulder gently when he steadies a ladder for them so they can rehang one of the long-covered paintings in the drawing room, as if he has ever let anyone touch him, as if he has ever let anyone close enough to try--
and it's kirishima that finally asks what's going on, and when bkg says nothing, obviously, he asks again because he knows his best friend better than anyone else in the world--now, perhaps, better than anyone except you--and the truth is more simple than expected.
for so long, bkg had only ever experienced desire as hunger. hunger for blood, hunger for power, hunger for everything greater in the world. he was hungry to be the best. whatever that meant. because becoming the best meant that no one could question him. no one could doubt that he was powerful and all the things that came along with it. no one but himself. surely, he had thought, once he got to the top he would stop having those doubts because he would, unassailably, be the best.
just like hunger, doubt is something that can never be truly sated.
and for a long time he sat with that.
but then, to his own surprise, he was shown that desire can be something other than hunger. something softer, a smile with less teeth. desire can be vegetables chopped precisely, or dirt from the fields caked under fingernails, or a badly-healed little finger. desire can be a gentle hand on his shoulder, an act of trust: i know you'll be there to steady me.
he never knew he could want something without being hungry. never knew he could have his teeth to someone's throat without drawing blood. but now it's all he wants to do.
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aphverse-confessions · 10 months
yeah a lot of people talk about how weird the yaoi zane era was. everyone knows about yaoi zane im not here to bring it back
anyway i understand the purpose of the cishet zane era (overcorrection in response to yaoi overload) but damn those were some of the worst takes i ever did see. definitely indicative of that era of fandom where good = diverse.
like the influx of skinny zane art by people who simultaneously insisted that it was wrong to draw aph skinny because she's canonically chubby.
the zanchan hate that centered on how zane was an awful person which could be it's own ask tbh
ive literally been in discord servers where "eluding to zane in a way that can be interpreted as fem" was blacklisted. as if canon zane isn't already the aphverse's most prolific drag queen.
once i saw an ethnicity hc post where zianna was some sort of middle eastern but zane "didn't count as a poc" bc he couldn't handle spicy food? unironically.
i literally joined aphblr specifically to heal tbe ecosystem. thars the only reason i made my account.
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masezace · 1 year
little off topic for my blog, but i started watching a new show since a friend mentioned it was good and i'd heard positive things about it, so i just wanted to talk about it a little bit (probably never again after this since this isn't a fandom blog, but it's the only one i have rn so idc it's going here)
the show is Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, and just going on looks alone, despite my love for dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park franchise i never would have considered it. it appears to be very much for kids, and as i'm in my late twenties now i'm not particularly interested in especially kiddy media. however a friend my age enjoyed it and mentioned it has a canon lgbtq+ couple in it among the main characters, so of course i just had to watch it. i had already been hearing that despite its initial appearance and premise, it was surprisingly good for a kids' show, so i had already been curious, but i was even more keen after knowing there were queer characters, and not even the adults, the kids themselves (in a kid's show?!! what a time to be alive), so i finally sat down and watched it.
[spoiler warning, both minor and major, for the rest of this post btw, so continue reading at your own risk if you haven't seen it yet/are still watching]
the show overall
okay so firstly, i am coming at all of this from the perspective of a writer, so my observations are from a technical standpoint more so than just as a fan of the show. and honestly, it really is a well-written show as a whole. is it geared towards kids? definitely. there are plenty of jokes/gags in it that just don't appeal to me as an adult, but beyond that, there was plenty to appreciate as an adult.
the writing is actually phenomenal? there were several points in the series where i just sat back and mulled over the way a scene went, what the thought process behind writing it was like, how well it was executed, and how important it was to the characters and overall plot.
the suspense is spot on, nothing gets dragged out too long, and i will admit there have been a few scenes throughout that actually got me; i jumped! it's actually scarier than i expected a kid show to be, but i'm so glad they went where they did because it really elevated the experience.
the pacing overall is very good, adequately engaging for kids' short attention spans (and us adhd adults 🥲) but not too short either to a point where things felt abrupt or unfinished. plot arcs are well developed and tied up nicely. also, as a bit of a dinosaur nerd, the array of dinosaurs in the show is super broad and satisfying! very fun stuff.
character element
imo the real gem of this show is the character development. honestly it's just *chefs kiss*
the characters grow and change so much and so realistically over the course of the show, it's honestly so much better and more satisfying than the character growth in most adult fiction/media recently.
the growth in ben (who btw was def my favorite character by the end of s1) and kenji in particular were my favorites and, in my personal opinion, the most interesting. the way ben started out anxious, cowardly, and rule abiding to a fault, then grew into a brave, confident, adventurous little pyromaniac gremlin, then had that stint later in the series where he regressed a bit-questioning himself-until eventually ultimately striking a great balance and really coming into himself was just... peak character writing.
kenji started out overconfident, lazy, and overly concerned with money/status. but that arrogant overconfidence and laziness slowly turned into responsibility, and a desire to protect his found family, and the realization that it's the people in your life that really matter most.
honestly what i mentioned only scratches the surface in terms of those two characters, there's certainly more that can be said about them (as well as all the others) but i'm not really in the mood for a deep dive character analysis atm. just trust me tho when i say these characters are so well done and each one of them have arcs that are super satisfying to watch play out.
queer representation
and as for the queer couple? yasmina and sammy are PERFECT. it was so beautiful watching their relationship grow from one-sided to mutual friendship, to loyal devotion, then to love. they were set up incredibly well and incredibly naturally. i have like, no complaints when it comes to them. i don't even know if there's anything i can say that would add to things, they were just a really awesome couple to watch become canon, they're the beautiful and painfully needed representation we all beg for in tv and movies.
shipping, chemistry, and intent
but oh goodness... probably my only real complaint about the entire show would be how benji (ben x kenji) and kenji x brooklyn (kenlyn? brookji? idk and idrc) were handled. because for all that this show did SO much beautifully right, they really screwed the pooch here, sadly.
i'm gonna start by saying that the writing in this show, as with most, is deliberate. what i mean by this is that despite having no clue who it would be because my friend thankfully did not even spoil me as far as the genders of the queer couple, i clocked yas and sammy as the would-be queer couple as early as season one (actually it was between them and benji, but more on that later). i could already see the chemistry, because it was deliberately written in.
shipping is subjective. anyone can ship any character, and in most cases it's pretty easy to see how there could be (romantic) chemistry between fan pairings based on their personalities, their arcs, etc. and that's okay! ships don't even have to have any canon support to be valid, because shipping is for the fandom, and it's for fun (i have a few rarepairs and crack ships across different media that i just love).
but onscreen/written romantic chemistry is a lot less subjective (to clarify, it is subjective whether or not the chemistry is good, but it's not subjective about whether or not it exists). there are literally scenes written with the sole purpose of building the romantic tension and/or chemistry between planned couples (some of which even have absolutely zero plot relevance, which usually is not advised tbh, and most of which are the cliches/tropes you see in literally any romance ever written, some are just disguised a little better than others. but make no mistake, it's all the same set of cliches. there is nothing new under the sun), as well as intentional, key moments within scenes that have other purposes. they are essential to establish romantic pairings.
and typically, the foundations for these couples are laid VERY early on. always within the first or second season (well, at least they are when the writer actually knows what they're doing and has at least a rough plan/outline for the entire series & characters. this is usually a large part of what separates the good chemistry from the poor chemistry. an author who knows who the couples are going to be and has a plan from the beginning to build them up is going to be more successful in creating a believable relationship with good chemistry. one who does not plan, or makes last minute plans will almost certainly fail, and the couple is just going to suck). when the set of characters you're working with are going to stay the same for most or all of the story, you start immediately.
i don't mean to toot my own horn, because i think it's because i'm a writer so i just pick up on narrative patterns very easily, and pretty much always clock the planned couples within the first few episodes of any series, and by the end i am right like 9 times out of 10.
that being said, do you know whose deliberately written chemistry i also clocked in jwcc? ben and kenji's.
kenji and... brooklyn?
no offense to people who like/enjoy kenji and brooklyn, you are free to love them, but the way their romance was written is... quite possibly the weakest point of the show. it felt like they were just trying to appease the upsetto heteros in charge, because there was definitely another het pairing that had a lot more potential than kenji and brooklyn (hello darius x brooklyn aka darilyn, you would have actually made sense because your relationship had amazing buildup and multiple standout scenes from s1 on. dgmw, i love that we got a m/f strong, supportive, purely platonic friendship out of them, i live for those and we really need more of them. but we could have had that with kenji and brooklyn, or darius and sammy, or ben and yas, literally any other pair instead).
kenji and brooklyn as a couple came out of absolutely nowhere. i honestly think they decided to shove them together last minute, and had no actual plan for them until they were working on s4. because their development barely started at the VERY end of s3 (the abruptness of him caring about her being held hostage so much more than literally anyone else in their group despite them having like zero buildup to that point gave me whiplash), but honestly didn't really even become "meaningful" development until s4, over halfway through the series. the two spend the first 3 seasons basically not particularly gaf about each other individually, only as part of the whole group and on an equal level with everyone else. they otherwise have no deliberate narrative foundation. it just starts in s4 with no prior hinting. which makes their development rocky and difficult to believe. the funny thing is their characters literally have dialogue (in s4) trying to draw comparisons/parallels between them to say that they especially have a lot in common and like??? no? they really don't? not any more so than any other two kids in the group. their relationship just, really falls flat.
it was disappointing to see it take such a massive spotlight in the series for almost all of seasons 4 and 5, overshadowing the friendships that have been the focus of the show and should have remained so, to the point where at times it just felt like i was watching some stereotypical het highschool romance. genuinely, it made s4 & 5 more of a drag to get through. yasammy and ben and yas' growing bond (which by the way was so sweet, it had the strongest queer solidarity vibes good lord, i sure wonder why yas chose ben out of everyone to come out to first, hmmm) were some of the few things that kept me invested, otherwise i would have dropped it if it had leaned much farther into becoming the kenlyn show than it already was. especially when it was that pair so much of the focus was given to, even though we had so readily and perfectly available, the pair that could have, should have been: benji. which finally brings me to:
ben and kenji
benji's foundation was laid in s1. their interactions, the situations they found themselves in, were deliberate (on the writers' part). i'm even gonna go out on a limb here and say the pairings were fully established in s1e3, even with parallels between yasammy and benji (sammy clinging to yas and ben clinging to kenji throughout the episode), and darilyn gets the beginning of their development too.
even though they bicker a lot in the beginning, they clearly care about each other? kenji protects/helps ben multiple times, and there are definitely some looks ben gives kenji at times. at the end of s1, the one who seems the most deeply effected over ben's "death," other than darius (understandably since he's the one who failed to save him), was kenji! immediately after it happens, we get two close up shots, darius and brooklyn then yasmina and sammy. after which, we go back to the whole group with kenji in center frame, the focus is intentionally on him. it is only kenji who drops to his knees at the loss, and then we get a close up of just kenji. he was saved for last, and he was alone in frame (tbf bumpy was in frame too, but i'm talking humans here), which implies his feelings are especially important in this moment. that is the reason for solo close ups.
after ben's "death," kenji takes to always wearing ben's fanny pack, and up until bumpy--who ben cares VERY much about--got separated from them, kenji was the one who (however briefly) took over her care, ensuring she got off the monorail with them, and he's extremely distraught, more than pretty much all of them, when they can't find her, and he's last to leave when they decide to accept that ben's gone. even when they do leave, he's distant and distracted and his mind is clearly still on ben.
other than darius, kenji is the only one (if i'm remembering correctly) to mention ben/say his name after they lost him, upset because he was actually trying not to think about him. he has clearly thought about ben, probably a lot, because it's hard not to be reminded constantly when you wear something that belonged to a deceased loved one. and frankly, he appears to be the only one who dwells on him that much.
when ben reappears alive (which btw he found the group again because of kenji's butter knife, hello), the frames literally purposely focus on kenji's reaction. he's the one in the foreground every time they show him and brooklyn in that scene. he is the first one to say ben's name, the first one to go to him and hug him, and the scene takes special care to highlight kenji's strong emotions at ben's reappearance, lingering on his teary face as the focus for a bit even after brooklyn enters the frame to hug ben (because she is not at all an important element in the scene at that moment). just like when ben "died," the way this scene is written and shot HEAVILY suggests that ben holds significant importance to kenji, specifically. because again, the focus here is on kenji and ben almost exclusively, with brooklyn as only an afterthought lol. and quite frankly literally everyone else's reaction to him being alive was pretty lackluster compared to the special attention they gave to kenji on this.
and then in s3 we have the infamous hat scene, where darius and ben are in the limo and ben sees and mentions kenji's sailor hat, looking sad and sounding like... longing?? then directly after we switch to kenji realizing he forgot his hat?? the scene has no real significance tbh other than to draw a connection between ben and kenji. like, it acts as a transition to switch to the pov of the group on the boat, but it was entirely unnecessary? why not just have darius say something about the others and then show them on the boat? if there were no special relationship between ben and kenji, it would have made far more sense if they really wanted it to be ben to say something, that he sees the hat, and sadly says something along the lines of "i hope the others are okay/doing better than we are right now/etc" which implies that the hat made him think of everyone, their whole group. rather than what we got... which very much implies that he was mostly just thinking about kenji 💀 and then kenji thinking about the hat at the same time ben's looking at it and thinking of kenji. like, this is.... a very blatant connection being made by the writing/directing here.
all of that. so many deliberate connections made between ben and kenji, they had a very solid foundation laid for a romance to develop, and by all intents and purposes one already WAS developing according to the show's own subtext. which was why up until s4 obliterated the idea, i was positive the queer couple in the show was either going to be yasammy or benji. it was extremely obvious imo. but as soon we started getting the typical, loud, cliche "we are going to pair off these characters" scenes for kenji and brooklyn, i knew we were getting yasammy and not benji (to be clear, i'm not at all upset about yasammy, they're beautiful and i love how their relationship was done, i wouldn't have had it end any other way for them. but i do personally prefer benji, i just like their personalities and dynamic more. and i feel they had so much potential that got wasted to make way for a far less interesting pairing between kenji and brooklyn. why can't we have 2 queer couples, huh? and if we really needed a minimum of one hetero pairing to appease whoever needed appeasing, darilyn was right there).
but then??? their like entire bond just gets dropped (honestly ben himself gets pretty heavily sidelined for almost all of the last two seasons, which is criminal imo). mostly so that a rushed kenji x brooklyn can be established. like there are still a few small moments here and there in early s4, and one episode in s5 (ep 10), but from early s4 till pretty much the end of the series we hardly see them have any meaningful conversations or interactions, meanwhile literally every other combo in the group does.
it's so weird? why build up benji so deliberately over the course of multiple seasons just to like, fully discard it for a pairing with far less chemistry, even after the chemistry-building scenes they shared, some of which literally had no other purpose than to affirm their connection? even though they were very sparse, the moments benji had were just so blatant (kenji leaps into the rock crevice right onto the back of a saber tooth to save ben?!!?? like he literally was just willing to exchange his life for him like that?? he basically says that he wasn't really thinking, he just did it. so he moved out of what, emotional instinct, that's what we're meant to intuit from that series of events? implying that he specifically has strong emotion and doesn't think things through when it comes to ben? because he doesn't do that kinda stuff for any of the others in the group! even better, this parallels when sammy jumped on the nothosaurus to save yasmina. and then the way benji look at each other after it's over??? hello??? and then how kenji pulls both brooklyn and ben in for that hug a couple minutes later... side eyeing the writers for that choice. they knew what they were doing there and they were evil for it). i just can't see any reason to have dropped them like they were, after all the development they shared for 3 seasons. confounding. biggest disappointment of the series.
i know this probably reads to some as just "wahh, my ship didn't become canon" nonsense. but that's not why i'm bugged. this wasn't just a ship i liked and wanted canon despite no actual narrative support, as most ships tend to be. this ship did have narrative support. there was intent behind many of their scenes together, lingering looks and little things that matter narratively and are always used to signify a stronger/special connection. and it led nowhere, for no good reason. that bothers me. writing that implies and promises something, but never delivers on it. like a person who never finishes their sentences (think Dr McPhee from Night at the Museum). ultimately it's not a HUGE deal or anything, at the end of the day it's just a ship and just a kids' show. but as a writer, it's just irritating to see something like that be done. what can i say 🤷
even despite the wasted potential between certain pairings, and even though i do think the first three seasons were superior to the last two, overall i really enjoyed the show, and for what it was, it was really well-made. the overarching focus was of course on found family and friendship before anything else, which i absolutely love, and it was masterfully done. out of 6 kids, all of them had at least one or two meaningful bonding moments one-on-one with another in the group, so every possible combination had their moment to build strong, believable friendships with each other. i'm just so surprised by how good it was as a whole honestly, good enough to binge over the course of a week. i will happily recommend jwcc to anyone willing to give it a watch regardless of age, because i definitely think there's no age limit for a good story, no matter the medium it's told in. :)
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saribrum · 1 month
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Art by @saribrum
Hello my friends! I have had a few of you ask to know the whole story of my group's Curse of Strahd campaign, so I thought instead of answering everyone individually that I would do a mass post here! This will be a long read It's so long omg so please be prepared for that! Feel free to ask any questions or hit me up about it too~
Context: Our campaign contains content from the Curse of Strahd module, “Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft”, extended lore from the “I, Strahd” novels, NPC additions and extensions, and homebrew from various CoS communities and from our DM’s wonderfully twisted mind.
Beware of spoilers going forward and please do not spoil anything for us as well!
TW: blood, death, emotional turmoil, attempted self harm, obsession, genocide, and other dark themes.
If you would like to read the long version (Like 3X longer with all the details, check out this link: Click Me!)
Now lets get into it!
The SABR Party Members:
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Art by @systemendeavors, @saribrum, and @wintert-ide
Solomon C. Kulle: He/Him, 35 years old, Human Rogue, Mastermind
Personality- A slow to trust, Judgmental, Knowledgeable, Observant and Patient man. Solomon is a respected teacher and well known figure in Mordent. His prideful and blunt personality sometimes makes him hard to get along with, but those who can look past it gain a loyal and well-meaning friend.
Atropa Wixx: He/Him, 20 years old, Part-Tabaxi (Catboy) Warlock, The Undead- Pact of the Tome
Personality- A Friendly, Polite, Foolish, Sensitive, Reckless, Eager, Charming, and Silly young man who only wants to find his proper place in the world. Atropa has struggled with himself for years, feeling worthless to those around him and to himself. All of that changed one day when he stumbled across a book in his family library and began to unlock who he thought he was always meant to be with the help of someone who would soon be essential to his life going forward…
Belladonna “Bell” Wixx: She/Her, 23 years old, Part-Tabaxi (Catgirl) Wizard/Cleric, School of Necromancy/Death Domain
Personality- A Bold, Calm, Clever, Opinionated, Perfectionist of a young woman who was almost equally as friendly as she was judgmental. Bell has worked hard for everything she has ever gained in life and because of this, she can come off as hard and guarded. Really, Bell is a hardworking caring person who wants to save the world from death and make it a better place along the way.
Raisa Voltenescu: She/Her, 30 years old, Human Ranger, Swarmkeeper
Personality- A Positive, Optimistic, Air headed, Rash, Friendly, and Eager woman who is quick to see the good in all of the bad. Raisa is the group’s much needed sunshine cinnamon roll who keeps the group’s spirits up and guides them forward. Being the only native Barovian and having some tragedy of her own, you would think she too would be doom and gloom, but somehow this rare beauty carries the sun with her everywhere she goes and it is infectious.
Kidnapped by the Mists:
Solomon doesn’t remember how he got kidnapped by the mists. At first all he could remember was going to bed, then waking up in the dirt. He felt sore, tired, and extremely disoriented. He had the feeling something happened, but couldn’t fathom what. His immediate worries were his appearance (brushing the dirt off and fixing his necktie) but then… where was he? He didn’t notice the ax in the tree beside him at first, but once he did, he pulled it free and made his way to the crossroad.
Atropa and Bell, the Wixx siblings, were out collecting spell components in the woods near the Menagerie Coast of Wildemount when a sudden mist began to roll in. When the two siblings turned to head back, they found themselves instead at a crossroads.
Raisa was out playing in the woods near her Barovian home of Immol with one of her many ravens, Keelin, when she heard a voice say “they need your help”. The mysterious voice urged her forward until the mist suddenly swirled around her and brought the young Barovian to a crossroads.
The adventurers encounter a huge, cloaked figure with yellow eyes and a 12-foot wingspan at a crossroads. The figure flies away, leaving behind four large dark feathers. 
Shaken and confused, they introduce themselves.
The woman named Raisa urges the group to move forward, warning that the woods are especially dangerous at night.
The adventurers find a large mansion with a wagon outside and learn from Raisa about the Vistani, who can travel safely through the mists.
They are greeted by Ireena, an armor-clad woman with auburn hair, who takes them inside to meet Ez, a dark-skinned, dark-haired Vistani woman with a prosthetic leg.
Ez tells them they are in Borca at Halvhrest Manor and that she and Ireena are investigating the haunted house.
For shelter and a possible ride in her wagon, Solomon offers the group's help in the investigation.
Spending a few days and getting to know one another, the group successfully solves the haunting of the house.
During that time they learned and accomplished:
That an old unfinished battle between the knight Mara Silvra and the horrible dictator Dranzorg was what was cursing the house
That Ez, Ireena, and Raisa’s home was rumored to be ruled by a vampire king 
They all get tarokka card readings from Ez with various troubling predictions.
Bell let Mara’s spirit inhabit her body so the unfinished battle could be fought 
The party destroyed a chunk of amber down in the basement and released some sort of laughing black mist that disappeared
And the battle was fought and won, and the house was cleansed
The group ran outside and looked around at the saved house, just as mist quickly began to surround them, and with panicked grasping at new found friends, the mists swallow the group up again, leaving Ez and Ireena staring after them as they were pulled away. 
As the mist subsides, the four adventurers see each other and a giant winged creature flying away. They find themselves at the Barovian East Gate. Barovia?!
They make their way to Barovia Village, where they meet an old woman known as Babushka, who gives them a free apple pie.
They soon after meet Ismark Kolyanovich, Burgomaster of Barovia Village, who is relieved to hear that his sister Ireena is safe.
He tells them that his father has passed away and cannot be buried because everyone believes him to be cursed. 
A year ago, there was a raid on the castle that Ismark's father did not support, and when it went poorly, the village cursed him, thinking it his fault. A few days later he got sick.
Ismark and Ireena went to see the Vistani to get medicine for him, and an old seer told Ireena that she was in danger and needed to leave Barovia.
That was where they met Ez and the two were able to make it out of Barovia safely.
The group offers to help Ismark the next day.
That night, Atropa confronts Bell about her strange behavior, and Bell reveals that Mara is still with her as a companion and that she plans to keep her, much to her brother's worry.
The group meets Father Donavich and while they are waiting for nightfall, Bell confronts Atropa about his odd behavior and secretive writing. He shows her his unconventional spell book, which works off intention rather than runes. Bell questions if Atropa is truly a wizard as their magic seems so different.
As the sun fully sets, the group experiences a few disturbing events back to back (welcome to Barovia), including the cries of a locked up vampire in the church, a parade of glowing green spirits, and a zombie attack!
They are able to fight off the zombies, and Father Donovich tells the group that his son Doru returned from storming the castle and was changed into a vampire.
The group argues over what to do about Doru, but are interrupted as a dark skinned elven man shows up in a large black carriage and gives Ismark and the rest of them letters from Strahd Von Zarovich, the king. 
Ismark’s letter is full of sympathy and condolences for his father. 
The rest of the group receive personalized letters inviting them to dinner at Ravenloft Castle, prompting a lot of mixed feelings. 
Father Donovich reluctantly allows the group to confront his vampire son in the church cellar. 
Despite their best efforts to reason with Doru, he bites Raisa and the group is forced to kill him in self defense. 
Raisa panics, but Atropa reassures her that vampire bites don’t work the way she thinks. (???)
After cleaning up the cellar and Solomon fabricating a story that Doru's final sane wish was to die, they leave Father Donovich for Ismark's home. 
They hear church bells ringing as they go, but the off beat strange tone sends the group frantically running back. 
[TW: Self Harm] They find Father Donovich attempting to hang himself from the bell, but manage to save him. 
Ismark is called, and upon arrival promises to care for Father Donovich and make sure he is safe.
The group investigates the cemetery for a reason behind the zombies, which leads them into the Durst family's hidden grave tunnel.
Ismark had informed them that the Dursts once owned a mansion that burned down just over a year ago.
They end up in the basement of a house that was used for strange cult activity and are attacked by a sewage monster. They barely evade the monster's pursuit.
They watch in horror as the house burns around them, but make it outside, where they find a plaque calling the mansion "The Durst House," the place that had burned down.
They realize they are hours away from Barovia Village in the dead of night.
While sprinting back to Vallaki, the group is chased by wolves, but they see an old man who tells them to follow him down a misty path. 
They tell the man to follow them instead, but he doesn’t listen and is mauled.
The group makes it back to Ismark’s house, who tells them that the man they describe on the road sounds like the Mad Mage, aka the one who led the siege on the castle the year before.
The group doesn’t sleep well.
The next day, as they arrive at Tser Falls, the group is warmly greeted by the friendly Vistani. Raisa reconnects with some old friends and they all learn that Madam Eva, the Vistani seer, was expecting them later that evening.
As they rest, the Vistani recounted a story about a wounded prince who sought their aid in the past. Grateful for their help, he granted them the ability of mist travel. 
When Madam Eva calls them for a Tarokka reading, she refers to them collectively as SABR. She gives them a group Tarokka card reading, and warns them that they need to take caution with powerful people who pose as friends. 
Each member also received a reading warning them of cryptic and personal missions.
There are a lot of mixed feelings about these readings (check out the full document for details) 
The night continues with dancing and enjoyment, and SABR purchases various trinkets from the Vardo Vendors before they catch a ride with the Vistani to the west gate the next morning.
On the way, the Vistani tell SABR about the Mad Mage who challenged Strahd. He was struck with lightning and thrown off the bridge into Tser Falls. Since then, people have seen lightning shooting up into the sky from where he fell.
As they are crossing the bridge, they see a creepy man fishing. Bell and Atropa recognize him as the man killed by wolves. He smiles at them and pulls up a severed head.
The whole party is disturbed, and makes no move to stop, cause ew and yikes.
They arrive at the west gate and all climb inside the carriage waiting for them, as Solomon notices druids chasing them from his window. They watch as they block the path with a fallen tree.
Lightning cracks in the sky and the men are swiftly attacked by wolves and scared off.
“Raven bearer” Keelin reminds the group about Raisa, who is somehow asleep during the commotion. Maybe she was why they were being followed…
They arrive at the castle, and they are led to Rahadin, the elven man they had seen at the church. The chamberlain takes them up to a guest apartment where they meet Escher, a handsome vampire man. Escher charms the group, especially Atropa.
Escher arranges for servants to prepare SABR for dinner.
Atropa goes first for being dressed, and privately chats with Escher about vampires not all being monsters, which Escher appreciates. They discuss rumors about SABR in the castle, and Atropa is happy to hear that people seem to be excited to meet them. Escher says that Strahd seems to be excited most of all, making Atropa smile.
As they prepare Bell for dinner, her black stained hands and tired appearance surprise them. There may be something wrong with Bell...
As they ready themselves to go down for dinner, they meet Volenta, wearing a big cat skull on her head. She intrudes into their personal space, but apologizes for her mask when she realizes the tabaxi siblings. She transforms into a bat and flies away. Atropa thinks she seems nice, but Escher warns against assuming that.
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Art by @wintert-ide
SABR enters the dining room where Strahd is playing the organ and is met with the whole family. Rahadin, Volenta, and two other beautiful women introduced as Ludmilla and Anastrasya. 
Strahd warmly welcomes them and cracks jokes trying to lighten the mood, but SABR still seems unsure as to why they were there to begin with. What did this man want? 
“I would love to hear more about you all. I have heard a little from Atropa of course, but I would love to hear your views also.” Everyone is confused.
Strahd reveals that Atropa had visited him months ago, and that he saw great potential in Atropa’s magical abilities. The two formed a fast “friendship” and talk regularly. Atropa was asked to keep their connection a secret so as not to sway their own opinions.
After some dirty looks Atropa’s way, Strahd proposes an alliance: he needs SABR's help to break a curse trapping him in Barovia. He wants them to act as his emissaries to explore lands beyond the mists and retrieve items for his research. He promises rewards and assistance for all of their help, but they don’t need to give him an answer yet. 
The conversation shifts as the wine runs out, to which Atropa, Solomon, and Escher go to the cellar for more and discover a man upside down being drained of blood. Solomon is greatly disturbed, but Atropa seems unfazed, even going as far as to say that if the man was a criminal like Escher said, it was a good resource to have.
As dinner ends and they move to the audience hall for a dance, Bell accuses Atropa of being a warlock who made a deal with Strahd for power. Atropa defends himself, saying he's only helped Strahd with information and that no huge deal was struck.
Bell storms off angrily.
The group enters the audience hall, and each is paired with one of Strahd's wives for dancing
Ludmilla discusses necromancy with Bell and invites her to join a sisterhood she has been running. 
Volenta teases Solomon about his cold hands and recounts the murder spree she went on that brought her to the castle.
Anastrasya and Raisa discuss people known as “helpers” in Barovia, and if Raisa knows anything about such a topic. 
Escher dances closely with Atropa to get Strahd’s attention, and questions how Atropa gained it in the first place. Atropa can’t provide him with an answer, so Escher ends the dance and goes to pout.
Strahd and Atropa dance next, and he apologizes for the awkwardness of dinner.
During their conversation, Strahd whispers to Atropa that he is more than welcome to join him again (yes I said again) in his bed for the evening. He also mentions that one of the wives could possibly join them. Strahd leaves the task to Atropa to do before the night ends and Atropa wanders away to panic in bisexual.
Bell and Solomon have a silent conversation by tracing words onto each other's hands to avoid super-vampire hearing and he asks her to meet later in his room, making Bell blush.
Atropa asks Anastrasya to dance and fumbles his attempts at flirting. She finds his attempts cute, and agrees to join him and Strahd later. 
Bell confronts Strahd about Atropa, and Strahd explains Atropa's desire for him to teach him, making Bell mad.
Strahd goes on to compliment Bell (totally flirting), and she is not shy to ask a favor of him, that he will protect Atropa and be there for him no matter what. 
Bell says the reason she is asking is because she is actively dying and does not know how long she has...
Strahd offers Bell vampirism, which she says she will think about, but only to placate him. The two part and Strahd says that she is always welcome to seek him out if she can’t sleep. (Stop trying to collect the siblings Strahddy!)
Raisa dances with Volenta, who invites Raisa and Solomon to see more of her art.
SABR is dragged away to check it out. 
SABR is brought to a room decorated floor to ceiling in bones. A big one of note being a silver dragon’s skull. 
After some time, Solomon urges them all to leave.
Volenta happily shows the group back up to the main room, saying she really likes them and even if she had not been asked to be nice to them all, that she probably still wouldn’t kill them. 
The moment she is gone, the party drops their facade and the panic of all they just saw sets in.
SABR locks themselves in a guest room and Raisa reveals Volenta killed a giant raven who she suspects has a connection to her grandmother's necklace.
The group discusses Atropa and Strahd, to which he defends himself, saying he only shared information as he would with a friend, and explains his communication with Strahd through his magical book that functions as a two-way communicator.
Bell and Atropa then have a private conversation in which Bell reveals she's dying from necrosis in her fingers due to practicing necromancy. Atropa is upset she didn't tell him sooner.
Bell questions if Atropa's deal with Strahd is why they're trapped in Barovia, but Atropa denies it, saying Strahd was surprised when he arrived.
Atropa says they could have asked Strahd to help them look into a solution for her sickness, and Bell says he offered vampirism, but she would rather not. Atropa states that her dying is such a waste and before he can finish, Bell storms off upset. 
Ludmilla finds her and takes her to her study.
Raisa and Solomon stop Atropa from following Bell and express concern and loss of trust in him. Atropa says he will be more careful in what he talks about with Strahd, before leaving to look for her.
He finds Strahd instead. He shares his frustrations about Bell, to which Strahd advises him to let it be for the night and invites Atropa to unwind.
Atropa keeps talking, and brings Strahd’s vampire offer to Bell. Atropa admits it made him a little jealous. 
Strahd explains that he offered it to her first because of the urgency, but that Atropa had never asked. He asks if Atropa wants that, and Atropa explains he’s torn. He wants to protect his sister, but he also wants to be with him.
Strahd shares his own experiences with wanting to protect his siblings and asks if Atropa trusts him. They both share their trust with one another, as well as a kiss before teleporting to Strahd's study.
Bell returns to the room later, and Solomon invites her to talk. He shares details about the body they found in the cellar, and expresses concern about Atropa's reaction.
Bell and Solomon discuss their tentative alliance with Strahd for safety and possible benefits, though they have to be careful what they tell Atropa from now on.
Bell and Solomon also talk about their dynamic, and Solomon apologizes for treating Bell like a child and she apologizes for coming off as cold. She also points out Solomon’s unintended flirtation, which he didn't realize and is flustered.
Atropa wakes up alone in Strahd's bedroom, feeling sore, exhausted (half HP), and hungry due to blood loss after an enjoyable night. (but where's my uber Strahd?!).
He checks himself in the bathroom mirror and sees that Anastrasya left four large bite marks on his neck and is not very happy. 
Moving Strahd's study, Atropa looks at some of the covered paintings on the walls, and is surprised to see that one portrait above the mantle resembles Ireena but is labeled "Tatyana". Atropa wonders if maybe she was a relative?
Another portrait is of a man named Alek Guylim. Atropa takes note but covers the paintings again.
Atropa does a lot of reading in the study and wandering around, and gets scared by various situations in the creepy castle as he tries to find his way back to the main area with his friends.
While exploring he finds a stone brazier emitting tall white flames with a bowl containing colored stones with an inscription suggesting teleportation to different locations within the castle. 
He also encounters a haunted painting marked with a glyph of warning. He hears a chilling voice sound out when he moves, saying. "How dare you." 
Glowing red eyes appear as Strahd descends the staircase, visibly angry and says that Atropa has worn out his welcome. Atropa desperately tries to explain, as Strahd tells him to pray to whatever gods he believes in… before melting to wax and disappearing into mist… Oh thank gods, the glyph of warning!
Atropa retreats from the room (cause wtf), gets chased by some knight statues (more wtf), and ends up having to use the teleportation cup to send him to the top of the tower on the north side of the castle (wtf!!!)
He goes down a hatch and starts to hear a deep, rhythmic sound like a slow heartbeat, but as he opens the door leading downstairs, he encounters Rahadin who is visibly angry to see him there. 
He yells at Atropa for breaking castle rules and warns him that Strahd may be merciful, but he wouldn’t be.
He blindfolds Atropa and leads him away, saying Atropa must be the one to tell Strahd of his morning adventures.
While Atropa is narrowly avoiding death, Solomon reveals his peculiar pocket watch with thirteen numbers on its face, and says that he believes he is under some sort of time limit. 
He explains that he noticed the clock only goes up to midnight then runs backwards, but the last two nights the clock went a few minutes past midnight.
Bell casts some magic and pulls Solomon aside to tell him that he is giving off necromantic magic, suggesting he may be undead…
Solomon gets upset and angrily asks them to drop the matter.
They head downstairs to start their day, and see Rahadin and a no longer blindfolded Atropa who claims that he got lost. 
As they all sit to eat, Solomon discovers a book titled "Van Richten and Kulle’s Guide to the Restless Undead," a co-authored book with his work colleague, Van Richten. The date on the book indicates he has been absent from Mordent longer than he realized.
Solomon slams the book shut and leaves the table even more upset.
Bell asks Atropa about his little adventure. She asks where he was all night, but Bell guesses.
“Did he proposition you too?! Did he ask to sleep with you?!” “Wait, he asked you?! What?!” Bell says she of course declined but that it doesn’t sound like Atropa did.
He admits that he spent time with Strahd and Anastraya in Strahd’s room, and Bell is bewildered and stalks off. Atropa follows after and the two bicker for a while.
Later, Raisa tells them about her father and how they never found his body and she is afraid that he is out there somewhere walking around undead. 
The topic shifts to Raisa’s 12 spirit raven’s that come from the green parade they saw marching up to the castle. She also says that her alive raven Keelin has been with her for 30 plus years, which seems long for a raven to live. Maybe Keelin is supposed to be Raisa’s guardian?
Raisa talks a little about her mama and Solomon mentions that he comes from a very close large family. Atropa also takes the time to share what he found during his lost morning.
He mentions the portrait of the woman who looked like Ireena but was labeled Tatyana. The group says they should talk about it later because of how scared Ismark was of a certain someone…
Solomon fills Atropa in on his pocket watch. Atropa casts identify and he learns that something is after Solomon, that the closer the watch gets to the 13th hour, the closer it is to finding him and if it reaches the number, it will have found him and it will be very very bad. 
Solomon is baffled and terrified and wishes to start moving on as soon as they are able.
A knock at the door startles them all as Escher comes in. The group asks him questions about himself and vampirism, and learns that he is a spawn, a very different type of vampire from the brides. The way he was made was by Strahd drinking him until he died, and then buried him. 
He explains that there are so many different types of vampires, some bestial, some that couldn’t pass for human and creatures that can’t turn back and are always monsters.
As the group goes down for dinner, Bell and Atropa apologize to one another, and Bell tells Atropa that Solomon is undead. The two talk about it through messages to speculate.
As they all sit down to eat and talk about what they want to do about Strahd’s offer/deal, the lord himself jumpscares them all and joins them. 
They are able to come to an agreement on an offer: SABR would transverse the mists outside of Barovia, Strahd would give them the details of what it is he is looking for, they would go to those places to collect items and information, and SABR would return to him for even more rewards. 
He asks them to think about it some more, and offers to give them a tour of the castle. 
The first place Strahd takes SABR is to his chapel of the Morninglord, and discusses his connection to the land as a citizen and ruler. He is the land itself.
Bell asks about Strahd's recent interactions with his people, to which he says it has been a long while. Atropa and Bell encourage Strahd to get out more, maybe people would be less afraid if they knew him.
Raisa asks if the animals of the land also listen to Strahd, to which he says yes, but that he would have to micromanage every wolf pack and cauldron of bats at all times. It was just impossible.
Strahd shows them to a garden and he tells them that he often wishes he had an heir or successor, but that no one seems to be up to the task just yet… Awkward
He leads the group to a small library next, where they all casually chat and look through books. Strahd then asks to speak to Solomon alone.
Strahd unlocks a memory for Solomon: He was on a horse, riding as fast as he could into the night, away from something. He was wearing a mask over his face, the pocket watch in his hand with both arms on the 13, and he is running from death. Something behind him flies through the air and then suddenly… he is waking up next to an ax in the tree near the crossroads. 
Solomon comes out of the memory and Strahd tells him that whatever he is running from, that he does not need to run alone when he has the others.
Volenta shows up after they return and urges them to come look at her room. It is like something out of a messed up Barbie’s death house, with cute decor and macabre paintings and of course her skull collection.
Raisa is upset by seeing a giant raven skull among them.
Volenta excuses herself and Strahd leaves them to their own devices as well. He asks that they meet him again before the night is over with their decision on the deal.
Raisa tells the group after they are both gone that she is going to break into Anastrasya’s room to read her diary. She thinks she knows something about the dead giant raven. Atropa is appalled, but the others decide to help her.
She finds a letter sitting out in the open, talking to her friend called L, and asks her to leave a man named Viktor alone as he is no longer a concern of theirs. 
In her diary Anastraya writes that one of her spies in Emol spotted a giant raven. When she and Volenta went there, they were able to kill it but a plan Anastraya had been working on was ruined. 
At dinner, Atropa has to sit next to Rahadin, who immediately outs him for “getting lost” in the castle. Strahd simply laughs and says that Atropa of course never meant to get lost did he? He wants to know what happened.
Atropa goes into detail, but Strahd stops him before he says anything about the teleportation. Strahd tells Atropa that maybe next time Atropa finds himself in a hole, that it may be best if he stops digging. The whole group flinches at that, the edge to his voice subtle.
Ludmilla asks Bell to join her in her study after dinner, and Bell says that she and Atropa wanted to ask her about black hair dye. She agrees, but that Atropa must leave after. (My poor boy getting hated on)
SABR tells Strahd that they would like to accept his deal and he is thrilled.
He encourages them to visit Vallaki before they leave Barovia, but to maybe stay out of Barovia Village, as everyone seems to be upset with Ismark at the moment. 
SABR now knows they are heading back to Ismark when they leave.
Soon after dinner, Strahd takes them to his trophy room upon Raisa’s request and they learn a lot about Strahd’s military days. 
One story that sticks out in particular is that of the Knights of Argynvost. Strahd had wanted to be allies with the silver dragon, but learned that they had betrayed him. They all put two and two together, that the silver dragon head in Volenta’s masterpiece room has to be his.
Strahd and Atropa go to Ludmilla’s lab to retrieve hair dye, then to Strahd’s study.
Strahd performs an experiment on Atropa that will enhance Atropa’s powers. By mixing their blood together like the first time (when he became a warlock), he says he is hoping to give Atropa vampire-like abilities without the usual drawbacks.
They perform the ritual, [TW: bodily harm] Strahd cuts Atropa’s arm open and pours their mixture directly into his veins.
Meanwhile, Bell shows Ludmilla her magic prowess, and she asks what is killing Bell (she can smell it) and learns that Bell is cursed by a book from Zal’Honen. She suspects Bell has some sort of a connection to Barovia just as Atropa does.
Ludmilla has Bell cast some magic and determines that she is connected to the mists and shadows, probably from Zal’Honen. 
Ludmilla offers to help Bell harness her shadow magic at the risk of possibly making her condition worse. Bell agrees.
Ludmilla begins a spell, and Bell is quickly overcome by shadowy tendrils that reach into the core of her being. Bell fights to hold onto herself, just barely, but she is given shadow magic.
Raisa, Solomon, Rahadin and Anastrasya stayed behind at the dining table and discuss history, including Rahadin’s time fighting alongside Strahd.
Anastrasya offers to write Raisa a letter of recommendation for the library in Immol, so she will have no problem in getting in in the future. (They wouldn’t let her in in the past)
Back in the study, Strahd and Atropa discuss Atropa's book and if Strahd has made any headway of who he thinks it may have belonged to. 
Strahd theorizes that it could have wound up in Atropa’s home, intentionally or not, by the will of the Dark Powers. Atropa asks for clarification, but Strahd says that he does not know what they are exactly. Whatever the cause, they have learned that Atropa being there was no mere coincidence.
Upon asking if there is anything specific Strahd would like Atropa to report while traversing the mists, the topic of amber comes up. Strahd says it seems to appear in significant places.
Atropa confesses to forgetting to mention the amber pillar in the basement of the Halvrest Manor.
Strahd, enraged and with glowing eyes, shatters his wine glass. The fire goes out, and Strahd confronts Atropa, demanding an account of the encounter. Atropa nervously recounts them destroying the amber and releasing a cackling smoke.
Strahd’s grip on Atropa’s arm tightens and mutters that they have freed something terrible. 
He predicts there will be dire consequences, instructing Atropa to abandon other tasks and focus on returning to Borca as soon as he is able. 
Atropa’s mind is reeling, and Strahd tries to comfort him, he says that Atropa should return to the guest rooms and rest.
He teleports the two of them back to the lounge, and when Strahd leaves, Atropa lets go of his calm mask and grips his arm out of pain. 
Meanwhile, Bell and Ludmilla bond over tea and cookies!
Ludmilla offers insights on Solomon's unusual condition with Bell as she dyes her hair. Bell says she has not been able to examine Solomon, so Ludmilla encourages her to seduce him.
Bell and Mara talk when Ludmilla leaves, and Mara seems pissed. She asks what the point of seducing Solomon is, and Bell just thinks she is being jealous.
Solomon and Raisa learn from their conversation with Rahadin and Anastrasya that Rahadin killed the prince of the Dusk Elves and swore himself to the Von Zarovich family soon after. 
They also learn that Anastrasya was a part of the Karelova family of Vallaki. Solomon mentions that they found a deed to the estate, but she insists that they keep and use it if they ever go.
Atropa finds Escher lounging dramatically nearby and asks him to help dye his hair. 
He confides in him about what happened with Strahd, to which Escher tries to comfort him and be supportive.
When the others come in, Atropa informs them all that they need to go back to Borca as soon as they can upon Strahd’s request. They all seem confused by the request but agree.
Atropa thanks Escher for dying his hair, and he asks if Atropa needs help with dying his tail too. They excuse themselves to go do that while Raisa and Solomon talk one on one about Raisa knowing exactly what happened during the carriage ride up to the castle even though she was asleep. She even said so to Anastrasya in passing.
Raisa explains that apparently she can see through Keelin’s eyes, but she doesn’t understand how. 
Atropa and Escher come stumbling out of one of the spare rooms, looking rather disheveled. Raisa sees the smirk on Escher’s face and smacks the hickey she spies on Atropa’s neck. He blushes and starts heading to his room when she asks if they had fun. Escher pokes fun, saying they could have had more fun if Atropa stuck around~
Raisa asks what the rules are with the castle’s relationship dynamic, and Escher says that it’s pretty open. Strahd is with everyone, and the others all have their favorites. He only prefers men, so it is usually just Strahd, unless Atropa stays… 
Atropa waits up for Bell to come back, and the two share their recent experiences (Smooching Escher, Ludmilla’s bias towards natural castors, Atropa’s morning adventure, the amber conversation and that he is currently writing up a more detailed report for Strahd, Bell’s curse being linked to the Shadowfell, Ludmilla wanting Bell to compete with her other students, etc)
Atropa asks Bell if being a warlock is bad, and she asks again what deal he made. He says that he just said he would help Strahd in return for magic, and Bell says he basically gave himself eternally to the man, especially if he becomes a vampire. 
Their conversation is interrupted by Keelin who comes out of Raisa’s room acting weird. They figure out that magic is coming off of Raisa and find that she is seeing through Keelin in her sleep.
Atropa hangs out with Keelin well into the night, but during the early morning, Escher shows up again and the two end up sitting on the roof of the castle together flirting and talking until Escher has to leave. Atropa reminds him again that he is welcome to join them on the road any time.
The next morning they all go down and meet with Strahd for breakfast and Strahd pulls Atropa aside to speak with him, and says that his reaction the night before was out of fear and worry for his safety. Atropa apologizes, and instead of doing the same, Strahd says he forgives the honest mistake (fucking gaslighting asshole). 
Strahd says that he was rash asking Atropa to drop everything for Borca, and says he would instead like everyone to write out what happened. Atropa agrees.
Strahd runs his hand through Atropa’s hair and says he likes the new color. Atropa shyly explains that they thought it would help them blend in. Strahd doesn’t miss a beat and says that Atropa still stands out in his eyes. (you smooth son of a bitch) He asks to kiss Atropa, who eagerly agrees.
When they head back into the dining room, Atropa’s whole demeanor has changed to a happy one. 
Strahd thanks them all for coming again and says he had a gift prepared for each of them that they can find waiting in the carriage out front.
As they finish breakfast, Bell and Solomon suggest (demand) returning to Barovia Village to visit Babushka. Atropa doesn't get their obsession with her pie and asks if Strahd has ever had it. He hasn’t but is curious. 
Atropa reaches into his bag of holding but the pie is mysteriously gone.
They all say goodbye to Strahd and beeline it to Barovia Village.
SABR sees Barovia Village in the distance engulfed in flames and try really hard not to panic.
They all try to distract themselves on the long ride with chitchat, and Raisa jokingly suggests that maybe  Atropa's bag of holding “ate" his missing pie, just like the butler from Halvrest Manor.
Solomon shares the memory that he had in the castle, and the group speculates if the event led to his disappearing in the mists, and possibly why he is dead.
Solomon is pissed to hear that Bell shared her theory.
Continuing to grow heated as they talk, Solomon snaps at them all and Atropa snaps back rather harshly, causing a huge fight..
They try to break the tension by talking about Raisa casting magic in her sleep, but nothing helps. They ride out the rest of the few hours in silence
SABR arrives in town and Bell and Solomon go to get pie while Raisa and Atropa investigate some weird Crimson Vardos.
Atropa talks to a vardo merchant and hears town gossip: a young girl has gone missing and was found dead, Mad Mary's house burned down and she is missing, and that there's an angry mob after Ismark for his lack of control. Some are also accusing Dezdrelda, a healer, of being a witch.
SABR follows a mob to Ismark’s house, and team A (Solomon and Bell) try to calm them while team B (Atropa and Raisa) work to get inside and set up a plan.
Atropa takes the form of a vampire with his Form of Dead and when the mob breaks in, they “witness Ismark killing it”. They call him Ismark the Slayer and go to tell the town. 
They celebrate for a second before realizing there are two more people in the attic that heard the whole thing. They are yelling threats at Ismark and accuse him of befriending the devil. 
Solomon ends up shooting one man when he tries to attack, and they intimidate the other into silence.
Night falls and Raisa receives a letter from her Mama warning about trouble in Immol.
Atropa and Solomon apologize to each other and are better now.
The next day, they meet Teo Tavian at the church, and he is dragged into helping SABR, now better known as BRATS with the new addition (temp player character whoo!), investigate the murder of a young girl.
After a lot of picking up clues, they come to suspect the red vardo leader Jaquellin, is responsible and that she is a monster that wears the heads of young women.
The Vardos already left, but are heading to Vallaki, so BRATS decides to follow.
Back at Ismark’s house, Ismark finds a letter from Strahd telling him to get his shit together with Barovia Village, or Strahd will come take care of it himself.
The next morning, they talk to Father Donavich and he asks them to ask the church in Vallaki to send another Father to come take his place. He needs to retire. Teo takes on this task and BRATS heads off.
Raisa shares detailed information with Teo about SABR's activities, leaving him somewhat shocked, and along the way he finds a spyglass at an old battle ground.
They all make it to the West Gate and see a Windmill up ahead that belongs to that girl Dezdrelda’s family.
BRATS are welcomed inside by Dezdrelda and her family, and the women explain the windmill's history as a sacred place and their roles as medicine women.
Bell asks if they might be able to heal her curse, and they take her and Atropa upstairs to try.
While the women are distracted, the sibs find a dark magic candle made from a hand, and find bones of human children that are being used to make flour. They snatch the hand with plans to destroy it.
Atropa panics and uses Thunderstep without knowing how it works, and teleports himself and Bell outside. The spells blast causes half of the windmill to cave in, enraging the women.
Trying to get out of there, BRATS has to face the three women, wolves, zombies, and… Solomon?! Turn Undead is cast on Solomon, and it is sadly just the confirmation everyone needs to learn that he truly is undead. But now is not the time.
Teo is able to dispel the charm on Solomon and get him back on their side. 
They figure out how to extinguish the hand candle, causing the women to merge into a demonic creature who retreats to the Ethereal Plane, with a threat that she will be back.
With no place to stay and night falling, they decide to make a dash for Vallaki. They can process almost dying later.
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Art by @wintert-ide
Following a path through the forest, BRATS is jumpscared by a small little man who calls himself the Prophet in Brown. 
Bell and Atropa immediately recognize him as the man they saw get mauled by wolves and fishing on the bridge. He tells them that he has been watching them for quite some time. 
They try to wave him off as distracting them with his cryptic garble, when Atropa is singled out. He claims Atropa has taken his advice before, which confuses the group as Atropa denies knowing the man at all. They accuse him otherwise.
Teo uses the spyglass he found on the Prophet, which does something to Teo’s mind.  (Out of character, we know he got a indefinite madness for looking at him and has a bit of a fourth wall break now)
The Prophet leaves, and BRATS seeks refuge in an abandoned boat shack for the night.
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BRATS arrives in Vallaki and undergoes city registration. They have a few weapons confiscated and lie about who they are just incase.
They are escorted around by a disturbingly chipper woman who portrayed Vallaki as a joyful place despite signs of oppression.
Raisa is super excited when she sees Blinsky’s Toys, a toymaker she has loved her whole life. He has a lot of toys making fun of Strahd, and Atropa is incredibly displeased. 
Raisa gets to meet Blinsky, and he talks a little bit about his monkey and that he got him from a traveling circus man named Riktavio.
The group is shown the rest of Vallaki, gets some new clothing, and run into a person yelling about dark magics coming from the Baron’s attic. He is grabbed by some guards and hauled off to somewhere called the Re-Education Center, where “repeat unhappy people” go.
Eventually BRATS is dropped off at the Blue Water Inn at Raisa’s request, and she shares that they will be staying with her family who run it, the Martikovs. 
They have introductions, but the group is quick to gets together to talk about the weird city. Bell tells them all about Mara and they all think Bell is being possessed by the sword she got at the Halvhrest Manor, as she refuses to part with it at all. Solomon is able to convince her to show it to him later.
Solomon asks Atropa about the portraits seen at the castle that resemble Ireena and Atropa suggests that maybe Tatiana was Ireena’s ancestor.
Solomon reveals that he noticed two prominent vampire bites on Ireena's neck under her scarf during their time at Halvhrest Manor. He had spoken with Ismark privately and had learned that Ireena left Barovia with Ez due to vampire bites appearing over several nights.
Atropa shares that he had a similar bite mark on his neck from night with Strahd and Anastrasya.
They speculate about Anastrasya, and Raisa shares that the timeline from her diary of the giant raven being killed was around the same time her father died. 
Raisa shares her last day with her father and how he told her to run when they were being chased by wolves. Something large got between her and the pack and saved her, but she lost her father. 
Bell asks Raisa if her family has any history of shapeshifting, suggesting her father could have turned into the raven. She has no idea, but she does believe that Strahd was involved in her father's death.
Atropa is shocked by Raisa's suspicion of Strahd and gets defensive when they all tell him that they don’t like or trust Strahd still. They think he somehow charmed them into liking him and agreeing to the deal. 
The group tries to convince Atropa to reconsider his view of Strahd, but Atropa remains steadfast in his beliefs and grows angry at the betrayal.
Raisa tells Atropa to get out of her room, which he does in a huff.
Teo is overwhelmed by the sudden info dump.
Raisa sneaks down after everyone is in bed and joins a secret family meeting.
She meets Muriel Karlova, owner of the raven that helped BRATS back at the windmill. 
Her family, revealed to be members of the Keepers of the Feather, ask Raisa to share her experiences with BRATS, to which she tells them everything.
They reveal to Raisa that Keepers are helpers of those in need and guardians of knowledge and history. They hate Strahd.
Raisa admits that she has been pretending, claiming ignorance, and keeping secrets from BRATS. She never knew the details, but her parents were Keepers too.
They reveal to Raisa that her necklace contains spirits of ravens guiding her. The spirits are the ravens that belonged to keepers not from Barovia, but died there. The ravens stick around to help in death. 
They also discuss the significance of giant ravens like the one Volenta killed. They say they are creatures that appear when they are needed.
Raisa mentions Strahd's interest in artifacts called Mist Talismans from other domains, and they all wonder why. They need to keep a close eye and play nice for now.
They instruct Raisa to stay with BRATS, gather information, and watch for other keepers in the domains. She will be able to find help in people wearing feathers.
Bell finds Solomon in his room, who is an anxious mess. His clock will hit the 13th hour tonight.
She tries to comfort him, ultimately shifting gears to Solomon asking Bell about her interest in him. “What do you want?” 
Bell directly asks if he likes her, to which he responds with non-romantic compliments, so she then asks bluntly if he wants to sleep with her, to which he says if that is all she wants, then she just has to say when. 
Bell tells Mara to leave (lmao)
Solomon asks if his current state of being will be a problem with her, as he reveals a severe unbleeding neck wound. His neck looks as if someone tried to cut his head off… probably from the ax that was thrown at him in his memory… Bell says not at all and offers to stitch it up, teasing him that he thinks a necromancer would have a problem with him being dead.
He reluctantly agrees to let her help him, and after more flirty banter, their encounter fades to black. (wink wonk~)
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Art by @systemendeavors and @wintert-ide
That night, Solomon’s pocket watch strikes the thirteenth hour, and a horse is heard galloping down the streets of Vallaki. Screams erupt from outside, and the Martikov family urgently calls for barricading the inn’s windows and doors.
Atropa opens his window and witnesses a headless horseman decapitating guards below.
The horseman, not finding what he wants among the heads, grows angrier, and Atropa quickly bars his window shut.
Solomon panics silently in his room, clutching Bell for support as the house goes quiet, fearing the horseman's presence. They can hear him stalking about outside, searching… searching for Solomon…
The tension eases as the horseman departs, and Solomon watches his pocket watch reverse. 
He gets violently sick from the stress.
Atropa rushes to Solomon’s room, taking note of Bell in there but deciding to leave that for later, and confronts him abrasively about the horseman, describing what he saw. "What did you do Solomon?!” He has no idea.
The Martikov’s say that it couldn’t find them because the dead can not see inside their home. The Inn is a safe place in Vallaki, making them all feel a bit more at ease.
Bell stays with Solomon, who is overwhelmed and passes out from stress.
Raisa and Teo share a room, and Raisa apologizes for involving him in their problems. He reassures her, but questions whether they can trust Atropa. Raisa admits that she isn’t sure. They both hope they can all make up soon.
Atropa pouts and vents in his journal until Raisa comes to apologize for their fight. 
The two stay up and talk for a long time, trying to understand the others point of view until Atropa asks if Raisa wants him to ask Strahd about being charmed. Would that help them put that worry to rest? “Yes, maybe it would.”
The two work together to write a letter to him through Atropa’s journal and send it. 
They decide to retire for real after that, Atropa Raisa and Teo all sharing a room so no one is alone.
The inn is startled awake by the Captain of the guard, Izek. He demands to know if anyone saw the commotion from the night before. He blames it on horse thieves, and insists that two guards stole a horse and fled. No one is buying it and convince him that they saw nothing.
Bell shows Solomon her sword, and notices the name "Oathmaker" carved into it. Solomon warns Bell that the sword may be having an effect on her, even if it was Mara that made the oath long ago.
Over breakfast, BRATS chats with Raisa's family about their inherited estate outside Vallaki. It belonged to the Karelova family, but is long abandoned, but they are going to visit today to check it out.
When they are alone again, Atropa shows the group Strahd's response to he and Raisa’s letter, explaining that Strahd didn't cast a spell on the group, but that he has the ability to ease fears with his presence. The group reluctantly “accepts” his explanation.
BRATS checks their "lucky box" for the day and finds a cup with a trapped soul inside.. Atropa stores it in his bag of holding till they can release it, but is alarmed when he reaches in, and feels a hand pulling on the cup from inside his bag.
They figure out that whatever is in the bag has to be eating people. First the butler, then the people pie (the one made with bone flour), and now it tried to eat the soul. Atropa tries to identify the bag, but finds that his pearl component is missing, and that the bag ate it too! WTF!
On their way to their estate, BRATS discovers a man killed by wolves near Vallaki, who was searching for a specific spoon. 
They decide to investigate and find their new manor adorned with spoons.
Inside, they find a diary belonging to Wencensia Karelova, detailing her transformation into a monstrous rotting corpse.
When Wencensia arrives home, BRATS hides, but Teo steps forward and is nearly killed by a soup she serves him. 
The group manages to break her curse, restoring her to her old self. 
Raisa sends Keelin for her aunt's help, Atropa collects valuable silver spoons, and Teo and Bell watch Solomon angrily chopping a tree.
Muriel and other keepers help Wencensia into town, where she thanks them and offers her dowry as a reward.
The group returns to town and head to the bookstore. Solomon meets a man named Yanavich, who shows him his printing press and discusses publishing a detective Alaric Ray fanfiction (for the father’s ghost at Halvrest Manor lol).
Solomon reads history books at the store but finds discrepancies compared to what he learned from Strahd. He is able to convince Yanavich to show him some other rare books after hours.
While in the store, Bell attracts attention from some upper-class women who invite her to a book club hosted by the Baron's wife.
Atropa and Teo visit a tea shop despite some people talking bad about it, and meet Andela, a tough, beautiful half-elven half-Vistani woman who is treated like an outcast in town.
After learning they mean her no harm, Andela informs them about Izek Stranzi being the Baron's adopted son, the Baroness's book club, and tensions between the Wachter and Vallokovich families.
There's a rivalry between the families due to a canceled betrothal between Viktor Vallokovich and Stella Wachter. Rumor is that Viktor hurt Stella in some way.
Bell gets to the mansion and is greeted by the Baroness, Lydia Petrovna who seems nervous but eager to meet her. 
She learns the group is reading “Gone with the Mists”, but learns that the event really seems to be focused on gossip rather than reading.
During the meeting, Izek enters with Viktor, who is holding what appears to be a stray cat. The Baroness speaks with Viktor in a stressed manner, but he is a dick back and retreats to his room.
Atropa and Teo head towards the church near the Baron’s house, and sit in the back until they get a chance to talk to Father Lucien Petrovich.
Teo asks him if he can spare someone to go to Barovia Village to replace the Father there. He suggests he speak to the Deacon about it as he has been wanting to leave Vallaki.
When they speak to him, he says he would be happy to, but that he has to wait for his son locked up in the Re-Education Center and will be for another two years. 
Solomon goes back to the bookstore and does a lot of research, paying his new friend Yanavich so that he may linger around. The two start to form a great friendship.
Solomon looks at a lot of books to familiarize himself with what they may see in Barovia as they travel and anything that may be of importance.
Raisa heads back to the Blue Water Inn to help her family with the dinner rush, and while working, she meets Nikolai and Karl Wachter.
Nikolai, trying to flirt with Raisa, shares that Riktavio has a lot of animals with him in his caravan. He invites Raisa to sneak away and see the animals with him sometime.
Out of curiosity, Raisa agrees, making Nikolai believe he has landed a date.
During the conversation, Nikolai and Karl reluctantly reveal details about their sister, Stella, who they say is sick and heartbroken after everything with Viktor.
Everyones goes to pick up Bell from the bookclub and notice a purple light coming from the attic window.
Inside Bell is discussing her efforts to regain her and Atropa’s family fortune with Lydia (a total lie to get them in with high society). 
Lydia decides to introduce Bell to Viktor, and hints that they should get acquainted. She leaves them alone to talk.
Viktor is super rude to Bell, but she is snarky right back, catching him off guard. (I’m not like other girls)
He lets her into the attic with him, and Bell is able to deduce that he is a magic user.
She admits that she and Atropa are as well, and learns that he has found some intense spells on a book page he found in the attic. He has been experimenting with necromancy and a teleportation circle.
On their way back to the inn, Viktor sneaks out and follows BRATS, causing them all to quickly get him inside before they are seen.
He reveals the book page once belonged to Strahd, and that if Atropa and Bell are magic users, that he needs their help deciphering it. 
The group is immediately interested
BRATS deciphers a page from Strahd's journal detailing his relationship with Ludmilla who he was using, but eventually fell in love with.
The particular line of “As soon as I have no need of her assistance. She will be food like all the others” gives all of BRATS pause and all sideways glance Atropa.
They continue, and Strahd says he thought he would never love again after Patrina and Tatyana, but he makes Ludmilla the first of his undying companions.
Strahd's journal mentions experiments with teleportation to escape the mists.
When the night is done, Viktor leaves and BRATS reconnects to talk about what the hells just happened.
Raisa learns from her uncle about an old wizard tower that may have more pages that belonged to Strahd and mentions people seeing "the Devil’s carriage" and a magic user near the swamp.
Raisa tells them all that she plans to skip a festival to investigate Riktavio, with Solomon joining her on her “date” with the Wachter brothers.
Atropa shares what he learned at a tea shop, and the topic turns to Stella. Teo is asked to check on her condition, using his holy man excuse to get in the door.
They discuss the Re-Education center's brutal practices in Vallaki with the Martikovs, and Teo says he will see if he can secure them an invite there as well to “give morning prayers”.
That evening, Atropa goes around and apologizes to the others about the other night's outburst. They all make up and talk about their goals moving forward.
Atropa talks with Bell about Strahd, coming to an understanding as Atropa opens up about his recent uncertainties. What is Strahd hiding?
They agree that the best course going forward is for Atropa to collect as much information about Strahd as he can, fact and rumor, to find out the truth. The heart to heart heals a little bit of their broken sibling bond <3 
Bell starts hearing voices talking to her in her head while studying, and both siblings wonder if this voice is similar to the voice Atropa heard on the way to the castle. They check to see if Zal's symbol is on the pendant Bell just got, but instead find a symbol of an eye and hand they don’t recognize.
Teo is able to recall it as a god whose name has been forgotten, it is so ancient and probably very bad. Yay.
Bell goes to bed and Raisa hatches an idea to break Bell’s sword curse. She is going to use a scroll! Instead, when they go in, they see a monster hand climbing towards Bell out of Atropa’s bag of holding. It gets scared and retreats back in.
BAG MAN! That’s the thing that took Atropa’s pearl! MORTAL ENEMIES FROM NOW ON!!
Raisa is able to suppress the sword, and Bell is thankful, but is tired from the horrors and goes back to sleep. (Big mood)
Atropa stays up all night and keeps watch over the bag. 
Solomon calls a morning meeting after reading a book about monsters and theorizes that Bell and Atropa might be hearing voices due to an Allip, a creature of forbidden knowledge that can break one's mind. The Allip attaches itself to individuals until they break. It can only move on once knowledge is passed on and poses a danger to everyone around the infected person as it is very contagious if you talk about the information learned.
Atropa freaks out, because he and Strahd had just spent the night talking about what he had learned. Solomon tells him to check for anything odd he may have been writing without realizing it, as that is another symptom.
Atropa checks his journal and finds multiple entries repeating what the ring originally told him that he has no memory of. Fuck.
Solomon is frustrated that he didn’t get to Atropa in time, so the two write a letter to Strahd, warning him about the Allip and the potential danger.
BRATS does some shopping around town, and picks up a few missions, such as locating the stolen golden spoon and finding some ingredients for a few shop keeps.
They finish their errands just in time for the festival. Solomon, Raisa, and the brothers sneak away to Riktavio’s, while the others join the unsettling festival decorated with dead wolves and children running around in wolf pelts.
Lydia sends Viktor off with Bell to chat.
Atropa becomes “buddy buddy” with Viktor and starts calling him dude, to which Viktor is confused by but kind of likes?
They all play festival games to build trust, which starts to work until Re-Education Center testimonies begin.
A woman is brought up on stage in front of the crowd and gives a disturbing testimony about her experience in the center. It is clear that she means nothing she is saying and just wants to be free.
Atropa and Viktor exchange messages during the speech, to which Viktor expresses his anger and hatred towards Vallaki and his family.
Atropa tries to empathize with him about difficult family situations, but Viktor shuts down.
Solomon and Raisa follow the Wachter brothers over a wall into the area with the red vardos and Riktavio’s wagon, where the brothers antagonize a saber tooth tiger inside Riktavio's wagon.
Raisa tries to calm the animal, but the tiger breaks free and makes a mad dash towards the festival.
Raisa jumps onto the tiger's back to try calming it, while Solomon, who trusts Raisa to handle the situation, quickly investigates the red vardo and grabs anything he thinks looks important.
Solomon steals a horse and anticipating legal trouble, wakes up a kid who was tending the stables and feeds him a witness statement covering him and Raisa’s antics. 
The kid is confused, but agrees with Solomon before he rides off after Raisa.
As they are running, Izek Stranzi and guards come to intercept the situation.
BAT sneaks over to help Raisa as the Baron tries to calm the crowd, just as the tiger knocks Raisa free and turns down an alleyway, and  Riktavio appears and rides away on the creature's back.
Raisa and Solomon are quickly arrested by the guards while Izek and others pursue Riktavio.
Raisa and Solomon are brought to trial in front of the upset Baron at the festival, but the stable boy witness clears them of blame, and Solomon uses the city's own rules and papers to argue their case. They are let off the hook.
Afterwards, the Baron pulls BRATS aside and “invites” them all to dinner at his house in three days, which they reluctantly accept. 
Atropa and Teo introduce the group to Andela, and help her draw in some business to her stall, which she appreciates.
Meanwhile, Raisa notices they are being watched and learns from her aunt and uncle that it's an informant from the Wachter House. Very interesting… 
Back at the inn, Myriel tells the group that she tailed Rictavio and saw that he was wearing a disguise. His hat fell off and revealed him to have dark hair instead of his blonde, and he looked to be in his late 20’s. He cast a spell that quickly got him and the Sabertooth out of there.
BRATS has no idea who he could actually be.
Later in a room, Solomon tells the group about what he found in the red vardo: a book about interesting decapitations, domains beyond the mists and a note about them being places with new heads to grab, a shelf full of skulls, and a golden dragon comb. If it wasn’t obvious that she is the head thief, it certainly was now.
Teo, Atropa, Bell, and Father Lucien visit the Re-Education Center upon invite and under the pretext of offering “prayers and blessings”. 
They are taken to some restricted areas, such as the Hall of the Lost, where the most severely affected patients are kept, and the Sensory Deprivation Cells, which induce silence, blindness, and deafness to help “calm” wary people.
Bell convinces a guard to grant them access to higher floors and they manage to meet with the Decon’s son. 
After some persuasion, he agrees to play along with their plan to feign submission so he can be released.
Meanwhile, Atropa talks to an elven man imprisoned there, pretending to offer prayers. The man confesses that he is one of the “suitors” that was aggressively trying to court Andela because of her being one of the last female elves around. Atropa also learns that Andela got him sent to this place because he was being predatory and basically stalking her. 
The man tells Atropa to tell her, "She can forget me and let me rot in here, but she cannot let the extinction of our race be on her hands." Atropa decides against relaying this message, knowing it is not her fault and is untrue.
On their way out, the group meets the re-educators, clad in eerie black cloaks with hoods that obscure their faces. They introduce themselves as Ilimir and Ivalice, who arfe super creepy. They quickly get out of there, unsure of the re-educators' intentions.
After leaving the Re-Education Center, Atropa shares what he learned with Andela. She expresses sadness at how some men from her old village viewed her solely as a means to continue their race rather than as a person. Atropa is incredibly angry to hear that people could think in such a way.
BRATS visits the Wachter family after suspecting they were being followed at the festival.
The brothers are quick to thank Raisa and Solomon for not getting them in trouble over the wagon incident. They could have easily ratted them out.
Atropa challenges the already drinking Nikoli and Karl to a drinking contest to break the awkward ice, and it works. They all have a good time.
Lady Fiona Wachter joins them then, and dismisses her sons to speak with BRATS alone.
She introduces herself and explains that she keeps a close eye on new Vallaki visitors. 
She is quick to voice her frustration with the Baron's rule over the city and talks to them about her desire for a fair election so the people can choose instead of being dictated over.
BRATS cautiously listens but avoids showing clear support for either side of the argument.
After a lot of talking, Fiona trusts BRATS enough to meet Stella, and they learn that the girl has been cursed into believing she is a cat. (She is also only friendly to Bell and Atropa due to their tabaxi nature lol)
Bell is able to heal Stella, and the panicked girl starts to come back to herself slowly.
Fiona is eternally grateful and full of thanks, but she asks BRATS to give the family some space so they can care for Stella in privacy.They all agree and leave the reunited family.
Solomon suggests snooping while they're distracted, causing everyone to say “how could you?!” but they all do it anyway and find a hidden library.
They discover vampire romance novels and a document praising Strahd as the savior Vallaki and all of Barovia need.
Atropa takes a copy of the document to send to Strahd later.
They leave the house unnoticed, and now know that Fiona is even more of a fan of the devil than they thought.
Back at the inn, as everyone is settling down for the night they hear something super weird coming from the attic. When BRATS goes up to check, they see stepping back into their plane through some strange rift, Dexdrelda, the combined hags from the windmill!!!
They are able to fight her off, but she disappears into the ethereal plane again, vowing to make them all suffer.
The rest of the night was not very restful with the paranoia that she could pop out at any time. 
The group decides to visit the wizard tower the next day but first enjoy a night of downtime.
Atropa befriends a local guard and a tax collector at the Bluewater Inn by challenging them to drinking contests. He wins a bet from each, earning their favor. (He has found his frat boy niche!)
Amidst the chaos at the bar, Solomon and Bell play chess, and Bell confides in Solomon about the curse that's killing her and her necrosed hands. She even goes as far to tell him that she believes it to have originated from Zal’Honen’s lost book. Solomon is his usual interested self, but there is concern there, more than he usually shows.
Raisa helps run the tavern during the rush, but later pulls Bell and Myriel aside. Bell has learned and observed a lot, so Raisa confirms for her that yes, she is a part of the Keepers now, and that keeper magic is extremely old and has been passed down from the Eldest Raven, the one who started the Keepers. She also says that Bell is correct in thinking that a lot of the mist domains were once connected and that the mists have not always been around. The Keepers believe the mists are alive somehow, which intrigues Bell.
Teo observes the festivities and eventually sets up his portable confession booth amongst the rowdy bar. Atropa, half drunk, confides in Teo about his insecurities regarding the Strahd situation, leading to a drunken heart-to-heart. 
Teo and Atropa have now achieved best friend status~ (A warlock and a holyman walk into a bar…)
BRATS goes to meet the Baron and his family for dinner. Viktor is as grumpy as ever being around his family, Lydia appears stressed, and Izek keeps eyeing Solomon and Raisa suspiciously throughout the meal.
The dinner is tense, and eventually the Baron excuses his family so that he may speak with BRATS alone. 
TBaron asks them to spy on the Wachter family, suspecting Fiona's ambitions to replace him as Burgomaster. He also forbids BRATS from associating with his family publicly, which frustrates the group to no end.
They agree to his terms for now, but have their own plans in mind. When they all leave, they quietly talk about how they are totally going to stab the Baron in the back. This guy sucks.
BRATS leaves for the wizard tower the next day, and while traveling, they witness an old crazy magic man shooting lightning and watch as he transforms into a giant centipede creature and disappears. They suspect it was the Mad Mage. Wtf!
They come up on the tower and find that it has a magical lock and a mysterious code above the door.
Unable to unlock the door, the group triggers Gargoyles guarding the tower to come to life and are attacked.
Everything is looking bleak. Teo is captured and lifted into the sky, Bell and Solomon are heavily injured, and the situation looks dire.
As a last attempt to save everyone, Raisa uses emergency magic from her necklace to teleport everyone away from the tower to safety.
SABR lands in the snow on Mount Baratok, about a day's travel from Vallaki. They are battered but mostly unharmed, except for Teo… where is Teo?! 
Realization dawns on Raisa that her spell didn’t bring Teo with them, he was too far. The group panics. He was almost dead and was hoisted into the air by those monsters!!!
He has to be okay right?! They all decide to try to start trekking back to the tower though they are super far away. It isn’t looking good at all…
Before they can start out, the old man from before appeared to them and started talking crazy, but is also very adamant on keeping SABR’s attention and leading them. 
They followed him back to his house, and try to make some sort of sense out of his ramblings.
The group was able to fix whatever sanity he had lost, if only temporarily, and comes face to face with the Mad Mage, Zal’Honen. (WHOA)
Through talking with him for a little while, SABR learns that Zal’Honen hates Strahd, the two share the goal of trying to get out of the mists, he shares the same condition Bell does, and that there may be a powerful healer in Krezk that could help them.
During all of it, Bell gets her chance to get incredibly mad at him for what he did to her and smacks him across the face. He takes it, apologizing for what the mad version of himself must have done. 
After more talk, he asks if the group can take him to Borca whenever they go back, and to tell him if they find any pillars of amber anywhere. 
He also speaks about an alternative option for Bell, that perhaps a soul for a soul in the mists will be enough of an exchange of power to help save her. Bell hates the idea, and Atropa can’t help but feel like that is what he plans on doing with Bell already.
Atropa is super careful what he says to their new “pal” Zal, as he has no idea how he will react to him being Strahd’s warlock.
They leave after staying the night and bid Zal farewell, hoping he maintains his sanity.
The group starts rushing back to Vallaki, hoping that Raisa’s spell somehow miss fired and took Teo there.
On their way, they see a scary little druid guy doing a ritual on top of Lake Zarovich and watch as he gets pulled under by something underwater. Monster in the lake. Cool.
The group nopes away from that, and as they continue, they see Rahadin of all people catching frogs and putting them in his bag. They all stare confused, but wave at him. He barely acknowledges them and gives them the feeling that he does not want them anywhere near him, so they leave him be. (The hate aura is strong)
Getting back to Vallaki, everyone rushes to the church, hoping that the Morninglord saved him. If not, next stop wizard tower. 
They get to the church and sit for the rest of service and hope Teo will appear. No such luck.
They start to make a plan of attack, when all of a sudden they  watch as the confessional booth curtain opens and reveals a confused Teo.
SABR pounces on him, ecstatic. The spell had worked!
Teo corrects them, explaining that he watched them get teleported away and remembers falling to his death. He woke up in the church not that long ago.
Did the Morninglord actually save him?
Relieved to be reunited whatever the case, BRATS takes Teo back to the Blue Water Inn to rest for the night.
After a night of relaxing, BRATS decides to investigate the missing golden spoon situation for the jeweler, which leads them to a wolf den.
They sneak past the sleeping wolves and explore some old mines, where they find gems and diamonds. Bell and Raisa spend some time extracting them.
Atropa sees movement while he is keeping watch and is attacked by vampires. A fight ensues.
BRATS fights and kills the vampires, and Bell uses Speak with Dead to learn about the master vampire of the cave named Lacomie, one of a group of seven old vampires.
They continue deeper into the cave and encounter Lacomie, who ambushes them.
Lacomie gets ahold of Atropa, lifts a wounded Warlock off the ground, bites into his neck, and drains his blood. 
Atropa dies
Teo is able to get to him quickly and resurrect him, but he is off and seems confused.
BRATS kills Lacomie after a tough struggle and finds the golden spoon.
They return the spoon to the jeweler and receive a discount at the shop. Atropa buys a new Pearl. (Yay! Fuck you Bag Man!)
BRATS returns to the wizard tower the next day, after learning how to avoid the gargoyles.
They complete a puzzle on the first floor that activates a talking elevator that shares facts about the tower's master, Kazhan, accompanied by calming music.
They reach the top floor to find the tower unoccupied. There is some evidence that Solomon’s colleague Van Richten may have been staying there at some point, and Solomon tells the group that he had seen evidence of him in town as well.
SABR finds more pages from Strahd's Tome on a desk and pockets them for later.
They explore the whole place, finding a few interesting things before heading back to their manor outside Vallaki.
They dump items they can't carry into Vallaki and plan their next moves.
While SABR was at the tower, Teo had gone to the Re-Education Center and was able to get the Decon’s son out! He and his family will be leaving in the morning for Barovia Village. Teo has offered to go with them for protection. 
This is BRATS last night together for awhile. Sad. They all make the most of it and spend time together before seeing Teo off the next morning.
They say their goodbyes and promise to meet up again when they head to Immol. 
SABR visits Fiona Wachter again, where she rewards them for helping Stella the last time they were there. She says she is doing a lot better.
Fiona goes into how she feels like SABR is special, and gets out of them that they are mist travelers. 
She shares a prophecy she received from Madam Eva when she was younger, predicting that an outsider would come through the mists and be welcomed by Strahd as a friend. She believes SABR fulfills this prophecy.
Atropa confirms that they are mist travelers and that Strahd is a friend to him and the group. Fiona is excited, believing they are what she has been waiting for.
Fiona recalls meeting Strahd when she was younger. She had snuck off to visit Castle Ravenloft, and he welcomed her. She found him to be not the monster others portrayed. Atropa couldn’t agree more, his loyalty to Strahd surging.
Atropa and Fiona bond over their shared perspective of Strahd, as the others look on, concerned.
SABR informs Fiona about the suspected vampires running the Re-Education Center, and they ask Atropa to write to Strahd for any info he may have. Fiona is impressed.
Strahd is quick to write back, and tells Atropa that the vampires have a history of threatening his family and says that he will send Volenta to Vallaki to help. 
SABR panics, cause please no not Volenta, but is able to convince Strahd not to send anyone… they think… 
Strahd considers intervening personally, due to the unrest in Vallaki and Barovia Village. Atropa and Bell had advised him to be more hands on after all… but he will leave it up to BRATS for now.
Back to the matter at hand, Fiona tells SABR that if they can take down Izek and find out what Viktor did to Stella, she will tell them the rest of her plans and they can work together to get the Baron out of office. 
They decide to attack Izek in a few days, on the day of the big Festival of the Burning Sun, so Fiona can challenge the Baron in front of the whole town.
Atropa sets up a meeting with a guard who hates Izek, convincing him to join their plan against the Baron for Vallaki's greater good.
After meeting them at their estate outside of Vallaki and agreeing to their plan, Atropa offers to escort the guard back to Vallaki while the rest of SABR stays and prepares. 
An hour passes without Atropa returning, and the group immediately goes on alert. Has he arrested their favorite catboy?! Or worse? ...They find a blood trail leading to a nearby cave.
Everyone goes in ready for a fight and are met with a gruesome sight. Sitting with blood pooling around them, SABR sees Atropa drinking blood from the unconscious guard. His eyes are red and unfocused, making no move to stop as the others approach.
SABR manages to separate Atropa from the guard and Bell quickly heals him while Solomon smacks Atropa, snapping him out of his state. Atropa is horrified by what he's done and has no memory of the attack.
The group concocts a story about a wolf attack to explain the guard's injuries, hoping he won't remember what happened either.
Outside, Atropa is hysterical, expressing remorse and disbelief. He didn’t want this. Strahd promised it wouldn’t happen. He didn't want to be a vampire.
Solomon and Raisa suggest Atropa may have been turned by Lacomie's bite, killing him in the cave. 
SABR takes the Sergeant back to Vallaki.
Atropa asks to press on, as they have a lot to do, and SABR sets out for a graveyard rumored to harbor walking dead. 
En route, they encounter a body hung from a tree with a ram's skull replacing its head. The symbols carved into it indicate that it is being used as a shrine to death. Lovely.
They spot Argynvostholt, the home of the silver dragon knights who were once allies and then enemies of Strahd. Intrigued, they decide to investigate.
Inside, they see the shadow of a huge dragon fly overhead and follow it through the fortress.
While exploring, they are attacked by undead knights, who become aggressive upon learning Atropa serves Strahd. Atropa hides while the others clam the knights by convincing them they are allies. Atropa drops the form of dread he had put on and pretends to be someone entirely different to rejoin the group.
Deeper in Argynvostholt, they meet Sir Godfrey Gwilym, an undead knight who explains that intense emotions sustain the undead knights there and allow them to be reanimated.
Godfrey tells them how Strahd attacked the knights and the silver dragon, wiping them out because Strahd saw their kindness towards refugees he was fighting against as breaking their pact at being neutral in the war.
Godfrey says they may continue forward, but to be wary of some as not everyone there is nocile. 
Deeper within Argynvostholt, SABR encounters Lady Lugdana's spirit who singles out Raisa as she was once a Keeper in life.
Lady Lugdana explains that she was away from the knights hunting the last priests of Osybus when the Mists sapped her strength. She witnessed her comrades fall and spent years fighting.
During her battles, Lady Lugdana met a giant raven that gave her a relic, her greatest weapon. She believes the Eldest Raven still lives, and when he died fighting a secret sect of Osybus followers, she offered the relic back to the ravens, where it waits for a worthy person to claim it.
Lady Lugdana warns that some seek war with those marked by the raven. The forest folk druids, and witches in the swamps pose a threat to them.
SABR asks about the silhouette of the dragon they saw upon entering the hold, and Lady Lagdana says that she feels that even Argynvost may not be at rest. 
SABR asks for more information about Osybus and are told that Osybus was an evil man who commanded followers and was ultimately defeated by Argynvost and his knights. 
Osybus's followers betrayed him, leading to him being sealed in amber. The amber was taken to the Laventz family… Wasn’t that the name of the castle owned by the Silvra family? The one back in Borca that was merged with Halvhrest manor where they fought Dranzorg and broke a giant piece of…
SABR remembers destroying the amber in Laventz Castle, releasing black smoke that mocked them. Strahd had a strong reaction to this incident, particularly yelling at Atropa over it.
SABR comes to a horrible realization. The amber they destroyed, the black smoke that came out of it and laughed at them all, the amber Strahd had yelled at Atropa over. Had it been housing Osybus the whole time!?
Lady Lugdana gives them a raven key, and tells them that if they are meant to find what it opens, then they will and she can say no more than that.
As SABR is leaving, one of the knights joins them, as he is curious of the body they saw hanging from a tree on their way in. He says he has seen some of them and is insistent on taking them down, suspecting it to be connected to rituals performed by the forest folk.
While attempting to help the knight remove one of these bodies, they are suddenly attacked by a terrifying decaying Moose Monster emerging from the woods.
In a desperate attempt to flee, Atropa summons two steeds for the group, allowing them to ride away.
They manage to reach safety at a nearby Vistani camp, where the creature eventually stops pursuing them, leaving them all shaken but alive.
Raisa looks through her book and tells the group what the creature is called a Chort.
Upon arriving at the camp, SABR hears that a child is missing. The little girl Arabella was last seen in Vallaki near the orphanage.
SABR hurries off to track her down for the worried family that aren’t able to get into the city walls.
At the orphanage, they learn that a man comes by every so often and tries to get the kids to play with him.
SABR gets his description and starts off towards Lake Von Zarovich where they find the man rowing out onto the water carrying a wiggling bag.
They knock the man out of the boat, and he is instantly torn apart and eaten by a monster in the lake….
All of SABR sees tentacles coming out of the lake and hear a voice they can’t really understand. The creature is sentient, and seems to be pleased with being fed. 
They all get the hells out of there.
SABR learns from Arabella that she is the seer they were meant to meet.
Back at the Vistani camp, Arabella plans to give the group a reading after they settle down and to find her when they are ready.
They take a moment to relax and open their lucky box, and are surprised when they pull out a leather book with the Von Zarovich crest on it. They all freak out that this is the journal they have been finding the pages from. This is the Tome of Strahd.
They all try to compose themselves and hide the book in their bags (not Atropa’s) before any of the Vistani see.
They go to Arabella to start their readings, and she gives one about artifacts they were asked to find. She names a few different domains to look in, such as Dementlieu, Richmulot, Mordent, and Darkon.
Each member receives a personal reading from Arabella:
Raisa's includes ominous references to Teo and a feeling of being manipulated.
Bell's suggests finding a new purpose, uncovering secrets, and protection.
Atropa's implies a changed fate and the importance of something he has seen.
Solomon reluctantly gets a reading indicating conflict and hidden potential for good.
Before Solomon’s reading, he makes a comment hoping he doesn’t get anymore terrible readings, but Arabella is able to convince him that it will be a good one. 
During Solomon's reading, Arabella draws the Broken One card, a recurring bad card for him, and slyly changes the card out for another without him noticing.
After the reading Bell and Atropa stay back and explain to Arabella reoccuring card.
She warns them that something terrible may be coming soon and that he needs to be incredibly careful.
(Huge story spoilers. Read at your own risk my fellow players)
Getting back to the Blue Water in, SABR goes into one of the center rooms (no windows) and locks the door. 
They began pouring through Strahd’s Tome now that they were alone, Bell reading it aloud.
It talked about his life as a prince, fighting in the war, and leading men into battle from a young age. Recollections of his father’s love and cruelty, friendships he had made that were so strong they would die for one another, and feelings so intense that he began to twist as a person.
Tatyana, the woman from the portrait above Strahd’s mantle was a huge part of it. She had been his younger brother Sergei’s betrothed, and Strahd was insanely jealous. The journal was written in such a way that SABR could understand that what Strahd was saying could not have been the whole truth. 
He claims that he had been courting Tatyana, that she and Strahd had secretly been in love and that he was going to propose to her the moment he got back from an outing, only to find his brother had stolen her away from him.
Strahd was distraught, and that was when the Dark Powers found him…
After returning home and hearing the news from Rahadin that Sergei and Tatyana were to be married, Strahd locked himself in his study and did everything he could to distract himself. 
He noticed a book on his study shelf that he did not recognize, incomprehensible lore and diagrams of incredibly dark nature that both excited and filled Strahd with dread. That was when it found him.
The candles went out and Strahd heard a voice coming from everywhere and nowhere. All of his loved ones, their voices coming from every direction spoke to him about his heart's desire. Was he going to let Sergei take Tatyana from him? After everything Strahd had done for his family? Was he going to let his little brother charm her? She was meant to be with him. 
The powers said they could give him her and that he would never age another day. Everything the young prince wanted.
Strahd wanted to know what the dark powers wanted from him in return.
The darkness overwhelmed Strahd with their power and waited for his answer to its proposal. He said nothing for a long while, and only as his last chance was retreating, did he ask what he must do. A deal was struck.
As the powers go, Strahd finds that his dear friend Alek has overheard the whole thing. 
The men confront each other and a deadly battle ensues, ending with Strahd mortally wounding Alek after being stabbed himself.
As Alek lay dying, he told Strahd he would have helped him. He only had to ask. Alek was gone.
The voices urged Strahd to choose life then for himself, "No point in us both dying, Strahd." they urged on. All he had to do was drink. And he did.
Haunted by guilt of killing his best friend, Strahd hides Alek's body, only to find it gone the next day.
Awhile later, on the day of the wedding, Strahd noticed one of his missing books in Sergei's room, a book of enchantments and charms.
He confronts his brother privately about the book and accuses Sergei of using spells on Tatyana to charm her into the wedding.
Strahd pulled out a dagger and stabs Sergei through, killing his younger brother in cold blood.
He would blame it on an assassin. It had to be done to save Tatyana.
Strahd went to find her, to tell her that Sergei was dead, just as the castle was attacked.
He watched as Tatyana was shot by an arrow and fell to her death over the side of the castle balcony. She was gone, and Strahd was consumed by darkness.
 A man named Leo Delisnya had orchestrated an assault and had turned some of Strahd’s loyal men against him. They were killing everyone they could.
Strahd was able to put a stop to them, embracing the monster he had become and fought to keep those loyal to him safe. He had them swear to never speak of it, and there has been no written account to that night besides this journal he wrote in now.
Strahd talks about the time he spent trying to find Tatyana’s body after her fall, but it seems like she disappeared just as Alek did. Is this the Dark Powers doing?
It has to be. All of it has to be the Dark Powers fault.
Strahd reveals that Tatyana has been being reincarnated, his true curse, and recounts the life times she has lived that he has found her in and tried to reconnect with her.
All of them have always ended horribly, her death inescapable… but he will save her. He must. He loves her. She is everything good and everything he could ever want. He has to, he must. He can not fail.
During his time of grief and isolation and waiting forf Tatyana to appear to hiim again, Strahd was visited by an old love he knew before his change into a vampire. Patrina, a dusk elven woman came to visit him and the two reconnected. She brought some hope back into Strahd’s very dark world and made him feel a bit more like himself again. 
The two planned to marry, but when Patrina returned back to her village to tell her family, she was killed. 
Kasimir, her brother and lord of the Dusk Elves had killed Patrina to keep her out of Strahd’s hands. “She is forever beyond your grasp, monster.” was what he said to Strahd when he came to collect her. 
Strahd took her body back to Ravenloft Castle and entombed her there as family.
He and Rahadin planned revenge then, no mere execution of Kasimir would be enough. (TW: Genocide) Strahd issued for Kasimir to “be marked” so everyone would know who was to blame, and ordered that the women of the Dusk Elves be slaughtered so that their race would struggle to survive and eventually die out.
Rahadin was far too pleased as he accepted the task.
Jumping forward in journal entries, Strahd and Ludmilla have combined their studies on the Amber Temple tomes and Azalin’s research to theorize a new spell variation.
They have successfully created a magical artifact referred to as the Heart, which acts as a shielding ward for Strahd.
The Heart is made from crystal and regenerates over time. It has become a living entity linked to Strahd’s own heart, similar in concept to a lich’s phylactery but with different implications for his mortality.
The Heart has a peculiar capability—it absorbs Strahd’s negative emotions such as hate, rage, grief, and sorrow, causing it to grow.
Strahd has placed the Heart in his tower, naming it the "Heart of Sorrow." It serves as a vessel to absorb his emotional pain, allowing him to detach from his feelings.
Was this what Atropa heard during his lost day in the tower?!
To wrap up his tome, Strahd reflected on his eternal fate bound to Barovia, a cycle of longing, loss, and unattainable desires. There must be some way to break this curse, and he would stop at nothing till he was free once more.
That was a lot to absorb.
SABR all agreed that what they just read changed A LOT of their views on many different topics. 
With everything currently going on, they decided to put a pin in those horrors until after they dealt with the Baron and Izek.
One thing they all agreed on though, was that no one was allowed to tell Strahd about Ireena.
SABR heads to the graveyard, passed Argynvostholt, and finds Elizabeth Lightwood (the lady they heard rumor about in town to be a magic user). She is dressed in Mordentish attire and sipping tea amidst her magically animated skeletons 
To their surprise, SABR learns that Elizabeth was the person Anastrasya mentioned in her diary, the one who had been instructed to show Viktor a few things. They also learn that she is one of Ludmilla’s students 
Elizabeth regrets letting Viktor copy a scroll of Modify Memory from her, suspecting he used it on Stella frequently and that is what hurt the girl.
Elizabeth expresses a desire to return to Mordent and offers to share more information with SABR in exchange for their help in safely leaving Barovia. 
They agree and Elizabeth asks them to drink a tea that will erase their memories of their encounter (besides them offering to take her home) and hers of the information she is about to share. 
All of SABR drinks it, except Atropa.
Before the effects of the tea take hold, Elizabeth gives SABR more missing pages from Strahd's  tome and letters between her and Ludmilla. 
The pages from Strahd's tome detail his and Azalin's attempts to understand the Mists. They conducted experiments, sent creatures through the Mists, and even attempted to travel through themselves. 
Their successful venture took them to Mordentshire for 6 months before they were spit back into Barovia with no memory of their time there. 
On their last attempt, Azlin disappears
Ready to accomplish the plan, SABR heads back to the Baron’s house.
Bell and Atropa distract the Baron by “relaying” information about Fiona while Solomon snoops. 
He finds a hidden closet where the Baron has been conducting personal acts of punishment and torture, and in another room Solomon discovers a collection of books and most importantly, Viktor's diary. 
The diary contains damning admissions of Viktor experimenting on Stella, manipulation, unethical experiments on cats and servants, and his work on teleportation magic. He is desperately trying to escape Barovia.
After seeing enough, SABR leaves with evidence in hand.
Morning of the Festival of the Blazing Sun, SABR was greeted by Father Lucian coming to the inn to tell them that there had been a theft at the church! The Bones of St. Andrul are missing!
They go and investigate, learning that the gravedigger may know more. 
After questioning the gravedigger, he admits to having been bribed by Viktor to move the bones to an open grave with the coffin maker’s help.
Bell says Ludmilla probably wanted the bones for spellwork, and Raisa thinks that someone wanted to be able to get into the church.
Father Lucien explains that the bones are supposed to keep dark forces out of Vallaki, or at least out of the church…
SABR goes to go Fiona to tell her about what they have learned and find a gathering of minor nobility and aristocrats.
They were shocked to see Lady Anastrasya among them, Atropa and Raisa particularly uncomfortable because of Raisa reading in her diary, and Atropa not yet telling Strahd about being a vampire…
Privately, SABR talks to Fiona about what they found. They ask for mercy toward the Baron's victim of a wife and provide Viktor's diary as evidence of his atrocities against Stella.
They also inform her of their plans for Izek and they get on the same page that the Baron must be stopped. 
SABR asks about Anastrasya being there, and are told that she is handling the vampires in the re-education center. Strahd must have sent someone after all…
Fiona says that the next step is to stage a coup at the festival when the Baron is giving his speech. She says SABR need do nothing more than take care of Izek and that she will see them all there when it is time.
Raisa runs to the Inn and tells her family everything. The family is concerned, but decides to stay away from the festival and plan for whatever may happen. Atropa warns Andela as well, and though confused, she agrees to stay with the Martikovs.
SABR calls upon their allied guards and orchestrates a diversion involving a fake Rictavio sighting. 
Izek takes the bait, leaving Vallaki to chase after the false lead, and SABR goes out to face him, to see if they can reason with him at all.
They can not. Izek is immediately hostile and a fight breaks out. 
SABR and their new guard friends through strategic tactics and teamwork are able to knock many of the men unconscious and kill Izek.
As they are cleaning up right after the fight and the men have retreated back to Vallaki, Atropa has a moment of weakness and is overcome by his vampiric thirst. He drinks from Izek’s freshly dead body and gains the knowledge of a new spell in the process. That’s a thing?!
Back to the plan, SABR starts back to the festival and to meet up with Fiona for step three of overthrowing Vargus. 
(More main story spoilers~)
SABR arrives in Vallaki just as Fiona, supported by Anastrasya, goes up on stage during the Baron’s speech and challenges his authority.
She accuses the Baron of tyranny, and urges for change in Vallaki. They must start over.
Vampire thralls suddenly appear, targeting the Baron and Viktor and shocking SABR. This wasn’t a part of the plan!
Viktor is able to get away and starts running back to his house
SABR knows exactly what he is going to try, and goes after him to stop him from teleporting and getting himself killed. 
SABR makes it to his house, but a flash of purple light and energy shock goes off. They run inside and find half of the bones of St. Andral amongst the blast. 
Did he just succeed?! FUCK!
They run back to the square, when they see the thrall holding Vargus down in front of Fiona and Anastrasya and the baroness being put into a black carriage.
Many of the villagers have run into the church of St. Andral to take shelter from the thrall, watching as some of them attack the guards.
SABR runs up to Fiona and questions why they are doing this. This isn’t what Fiona said would happen!
They are interrupted as they see Volenta and a few other spawn come down the road carrying the heads of the vampire twins. Oh shit.
Anastrasya instructs Volenta to take care of Vargus, and she happily tears out his throat in front of everyone.
Bell and Atropa confront Fiona again and demands an answer
Fiona justifies her actions, saying that the need for change in Vallaki is like lighting a fire that clears the way for new growth.
SABR prepares to fight Fiona and her allies, but are stopped short.
Everyone watches in shock and surprise as a flaming black horse comes riding down from the sky with a man upon its back. Strahd…
The villagers and combatants fall silent as Strahd dismounts and commands the spawn to stand down.
Strahd demands to know what is going on, allowing Fiona to explain herself enthusiastically before turning to SABR for their side of the story.
Atropa and Bell tell him the whole thing, of Fiona's plans and lies.
Strahd scolds Anastrasya and Volenta for their dishonorable actions and promises to deal with them later, visibly furious.
Turning back to Fiona, Strahd calmly asks if she has any children and in her silence says “I’ll take that as a yes. At least there will be someone to carry-on the allegiance to the Von Zarovich line.” 
Strahd leans forward and detaches her spine from her skull. Everyone watches as Fiona crumples to the ground dead.
Strahd turns and addresses the crowd and announces his return in a month to check on Vallaki, demanding that a new Burgomaster be chosen by then, or he will make the decision himself.
He tells Anastrasya and Volenta to go, before he turns into mist and is gone.
Bell goes off on Anastrasya, who is still looking smug. She says nothing as she and Volenta climb into her carriage and drive away.
The vampire thrall continue to attack the people of Vallaki, so SABR grabs all the civilians they can and hightails it back to the Blue Water Inn.
When they get there, the Martokov’s welcome people into a secret basement bunker that they promise is even more heavily warded.
Andela is quick to find Atropa and hugs him, glad he is alright. He explains what happened, and she is shocked. She asks him how he knew to warn her, and Atropa doesn’t know what to say…
SABR realizes that Father Lucien isn’t in the bunker and takes off back towards the church. They must have missed a crowd.
With stealth and caution, they make it back to the church and manage to slip past distracted thralls. They find him huddled with a group of frightened villagers, trying to maintain calm amidst the terrifying events.
SABR swiftly guides Father Lucien and the villagers back through the streets towards the Blue Water Inn. The journey back is tense, with occasional close calls, but they manage to make it back with no other problems.
The sun has set. There is nothing else they can do. The night is full of stress, but with a lot of people now safe, and SABR licking their own wounds (both physically and mentally), they are able to bunk down and contemplate the future of Vallaki.
The day after the Festival of the Blazing Sun is a somber one as SABR deals with the aftermath, discovering numerous casualties and destruction.
SABR finds the Coffin Makers shop, with the man dead inside. There is a glyph of warding on the stairs and six empty upright coffins in one of the rooms with a blood stained floor. What did they miss?
A quick investigation reveals remnants of a magic circle and a gold-covered pinky bone belonging to St. Andrel stuck in the floorboards.
Using "speak with dead," they learn the Coffin Maker was coerced into his actions, placing the bones of St. Andrel in a place where his killer could get at them. He was promised his life, but they deceived him with false promises of safety.
Father Lucien entrusts SABR with the remaining Bones of St. Andral. He knows Bell and Atropa can make use of them and that those who are actively doing good should be the ones holding the miracles. 
Solomon goes to the bookstore again and asks his friend Yanvich to make copies of his notes on the events of what happened the previous day so that no one in Vallaki is left in the dark on the events.
Atropa takes one of the filers made and copies it to send to Strahd so he can know the full story as well. He is super nervous about a reply.
SABR collectively feels horrible about what happened to Vallaki on their watch and decide it is time to go. They have done enough and the city needs time to recover. The Martikov’s say that they did good, and that they are of course welcome back any time. SABR says they will try to be back before the next moon if they can.
Before leaving, they bid farewell to familiar faces like Blinsky and Andela, exchanging heartfelt goodbyes and promises to return.
They stay at the inn one last night and prepare for domain crossing in the morning.
Atropa confides in Bell about his dilemma regarding what to tell Strahd. He reveals he has been keeping A LOT from him out of fear of upsetting someone, but he has to keep up his part of the deal…
Together they carefully strategize. The only things they will tell Strahd is about Atropa becoming a vampire by Lacomie, the monster in Lake Zarovich along with the Druid sacrificial sites, the scary creature in the woods called the Chort, how they ran into Rahadin down at the lake catching frogs, and will ask what he is looking for from SABR when they get to Mordent.
Atropa hates that idea of keeping so much more from him (Osybus, the amber, Zal’Honen) mostly because of how bad it will be if he finds out on his own… but they have to maintain a balance between transparency and strategic discretion.
Meanwhile, Raisa confides in Solomon about her guilt over the recent events. Solomon tries to reassure her that it probably would have been worse without them, but she isn’t so sure. Fiona wouldn’t have felt as confident with Izek still in the picture…
The next morning, SABR bids goodbye to the Martikovs and begins their journey towards the forest.
As they walk and discuss their strategy for crossing into Mordent, a caravan unexpectedly pulls up beside them. It's Arabella and her family, grateful for SABR's earlier aid and they offer to escort them safely through the mists to Mordent.
SABR accepts Arabella's offer, and as they traverse the misty crossing, something super strange starts to happen. 
They hear repeated explosions all through the mists, accompanied by flashes of bright purple light.
Right beside their vardo, they watch as Viktor materializes with a scream, is engulfed in a brilliant purple light, and then vanishes again. The cycle repeats over and over.
SABR instinctively moves to intervene, but the Vistani demand they stay in the cart and do nothing. The Mists are not bound by their views of right and wrong.
Even if he sucks for what he did to Stella and Vallaki, they can’t help but feel bad. No one deserves to be eternally trapped like that…
Eventually, they all get through the Mists and start seeing the outlines of large, old manors. Solomon seems relieved to be home.
They take a ferry across a river, where they meet Mr. Smith, who recognizes Solomon. 
The topic moves to that of the Halloway House in the area, and he warns SABR not to go there. There is a fabled treasure there, but it’s not worth it, as only one has ever come back, but is now in the Sanitorium.
After crossing, they split ways from the Vistani and Solomon begins to explain the difference between Barovia and Mordent.
His home is less dangerous at night, but people don’t really talk about their superstitions, unless it is mutually brought up in a conversation. It can be considered rude and scandalous. Other than that, manners matter a lot.
They catch a stagecoach into Mordentshire and Solomon takes them straight to the tailor. Time to blend in again.
Excited to bring his friends home, Solomon leads them up the hill to his family's estate.
Inside, Solomon's surprised family warmly welcomes him with hugs and relieved tears to see that he isn’t missing or dead after all.. 
SABR is introduced to his siblings: Dulcianna, Hexell, Penelope, and Endaline. Triston lives independently.
Penelope and Raisa instantly bond, sharing a lively, flirtatious energy, and Endaline introduces their basset hound, Princess Cinnabon, to everyone's delight.
Each of them wants to know what happened, but Solomon says he will explain everything in time, wanting to enjoy the reunion.
They keep pressing, and Solomon tells them all that he doesn’t remember. His eldest sister senses something amiss and has them drop it for now out of respect.
They update Solomon on what he has missed recently. Their father is old and requires constant care in the hospital now, rumors about Solomon's disappearance spread like wildfire, and he has a new little nephew to meet eventually as well. 
The group disperses to explore the house.
Atropa talks to Endaline for awhile, much to Solomon’s dismay. He is very adamant that Atropa not try anything with any of his sisters, which Atropa is respecting, but likes messing with Solomon. Raisa is the one getting close to one of his sisters~
The four plan to have a birthday/ welcome home party for Solomon since they have missed so many.
Solomon’s sisters plan a birthday/welcome home party with the help of ABR. He’s going to hate it, it’s going to be great.
While he was gone, Endaline took an interest in Solomon's magical studies, collecting his books in her room. He is touched.
As they spend more time in the house, Solomon says he wants to introduce them to someone else and takes them to meet his grandmother.
Solomon begins speaking to an empty rocking chair, and ABR is shocked to learn that Solomon is able to speak with his dead grandmother. For some reason, he can see and speak to her. 
Solomon asks her what they talked about before he disappeared, but she is unable to tell him anything.
The topic of the Godefroy’s comes up, and Solomon warns SABR of the curse surrounding the family. Tragic deaths and insanity followed them and anyone who dare go near.
Even Solomon refuses to go, and they all wonder if maybe he had and maybe that's why he was killed? Something to look into.
SABR settles in for the night and Raisa opts to bunk with Penelope during their stay in Mordent. (as a totally platonic friend. Sure)
Solomon leads SABER (Endaline is tagging along) to Gen and Lori's herbalist shop in town where they notice the subtle wards and monster deterrents decorating the place.
They voice their concerns to Solomon, who tries to ease them. He’s undead too, they will suffer together if need be. It makes no one feel better.
Inside, Lori Weathermay-Foxgrove greets them but grows serious as she notices As they enter, the group is greeted by Lori Weathermay-Foxgrove who is behind the counter
Her face grows serious, as the mirrors in the room not only reveal Atropa as a vampire, but also that Solomon is undead, that Mara is attached to Bell, and that Raisa has a whole unkindness of ghostly ravens reflected in the mirrors. 
Lori calls for Gen, and they are instantly on edge and pointing weapons at them all, until Solomon is able to convince them of their identities.
After tension eases and introductions are made, Solomon asks if they saw him on the day he disappeared. 
Gen and Lori recall him rushing in and taking an emergency hunting kit from them before mentioning he'd learned something dangerous he couldn’t share. They allowed him into their family’s mausoleum for supplies.
One thing they do know is that Solomon got his strange pocket watch from a grave, the grave of William Blackburn-Bruce that he apparently dug up in Ash Tree Dale.
Upon talking further, SABR is surprised to learn that Gen and Lori have one of the items the Vistani told them about. The Morose Monocle. They say they will see about lending it to them all if they can.
Until then, SABER invites them to the welcome home party they are throwing Solomon. Solomon is surprised by this news but seems touched.
Solomon says he would like to go see his father, and Endaline leads them to Soulbridge Hospital, which is connected to the Sanitorium
His reunion with his parents is emotional for them all.
Solomon gives them both a very brief explanation as to his absence before he promises to be back again soon.
After seeing his father, Solomon takes the group to go see his brother Tristan at his office.
SABR finds that Tristen is very charming and acts incredibly nice, but that there is a weird fakeness to it that they can’t totally understand.
They all agree to have dinner sometime soon…
SABR attracts attention as they walk back towards the Kulle estate as locals approach Solomon, expressing delight and some confusion at seeing him again.
Along the way, they stop at Solomon's older sibling's workplace (how many you got dude?!) who warmly embraces Solomon, admitting he was angry when he thought Solomon had stolen a horse and vanished.
Solomon learns this for the first time and asks if he mentioned anything else that day, but his brother doesn't recall. He promises to join them at the estate later for the celebration.
Back at the estate, Atropa and Endaline prepare a cake for the party.
The morning of the festivities, Atropa brings up his conversation with Bell about what information to give Strahd. 
He shares his draft with the group, and both Raisa and Solomon agree that it covers the necessary points and should suffice.
Solomon's friends and family gather to celebrate his return and it is a lively reunion filled with catching up and laughter.
Afterward, Lori and Gen invite SABR back to their place to talk some more.
When they are alone again, Lori and Gen tell SABR that a rumor was spread about Solomon being a victim of a serial killer. He is surprised but laughs it off. 
They tell him that six murders have occurred in the area, confirmed non-supernatural, so maybe it is true.
Atropa asks the twins if they have any advice of him being a vampire in Mordent, and they mention that the Salbridge Sanitorium draws blood from patients. That may be a good way to avoid biting anyone.
Gen privately pulls Atropa aside and confides in him that she was bitten by a werewolf but hasn't transformed. She lives in fear of it. She understands what it's like to feel like a monster in waiting.
BLARGS (lmao) all go to Lori and Gen’s uncle. George is a very charismatic man who is eager to meet all the new faces and to see Solomon again. 
He tells them rumors of strange occurrences he has been hearing about in Dementlieu, and that its domain and Richemulot have somehow merged within the mists.
After much talking and speculating, George says he wants a bit of fun and takes BLARGS out to do some weapons training.
When they talk later, George says he is happy to give them the Monocle but that he wants their help first. He wants a "photograph" of the Tepestian MothMan in exhange.
The family leads SABR down into their family crypt and Solomon finds his missing journal.
The journal mentions a lot of different things, a lot about the BlackBurn Bruce family and the Moornsworths.
There is an Urban Legend about the Moornsworth Graveyard, that new graves are being added all the time despite nobody being buried there and it is perpetually covered in Mist. Dates and names often show up, but they don’t always make much sense.
Solomon has a lot to think about. Was any of this information why the horseman was after him? What had he found out?
SABR decides to investigate the Moornsworth Cemetery for clues related to Solomon's findings and takes a carriage there first thing.
Solomon instructs them to look for Mournsworth graves or anything unusual.
The cemetery is larger than expected, shrouded in thick fog with endless rows of graves, so they split up to look around.
Unsettling things seem to be happening around them in the mist, and the duos begin to feel paranoid.
The Wixx duo find themselves surrounded by angel statues, some eerie and others beautiful with strange inscriptions carved into them, and it feels like they can almost hear them being said.
Suddenly, a ghostly figure emerges from one statue, and passes through Atropa and Bell, causing them to pass out.
Solomon and Raisa call out for their friends and eventually find them both unconscious.
Raisa stabilizes them, but Atropa becomes violently ill, vomiting blackish blood.
Concerned, they hastily return to the carriage and head back to Mordentshire as quickly as possible.
Both sick, Atropa and Bell are checked over, but everyone is uncertain about the cause of what is making them so ill.
Everyone is baffled when they realize that Atropa may no longer be undead?!? 
Atropa falls unconscious for several days, clearly needing rest.
Hopefully to get Bell more help, she and Raisa go up to visit the Sanatorium. 
Raisa is asked to stay alongside Bell so that while they look over Bell’s illness, they may study Raisa as well. Something seems to be… off about her… just as a person…
Atropa wakes up a few days later feeling groggy, confused, and hungry for more than just blood. Solomon slips him a blood bag he swiped, but Atropa also asks for normal food.
Atropa finds he can still do all of the magic he had before, and then some? What was happening? Was he even a vampire anymore? Nothing was making sense…
Solomon and Atropa decide one day out of boredom that they should start trying to solve some of the smaller mysteries around Mordentshire to fill their days while the girls get treatment. 
SKAW (Solomon Kulle, Atropa Wixx), the Boo Boys are on the case!
And that's that for now! I say after so many pages. So. Many. Pages. hnng
Special thanks to @pigeon-princess for encouraging me to make this breakdown, @wintert-ide (Bell) @systemendeavors (Solomon) and @legendlorelibrary (Raisa) for being amazing playmates, @arasdain for being the worlds best DM and putting up with all of our craziness while sneaking his in too, and everyone here in the CoS community for being so wonderful <3
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for all of your interest! Makes us all very happy~
I will keep this updated as the story goes on, and I'll add art to spots when it's applicable.
We are on a hiatus right now, but my brain rot is bad and I will not stop obsessing <3
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