#this is something i think about a lot
ghostlycleric · 4 months
What is the point of Will loving Mike if byler isn’t endgame? Genuinely what is it?
Yes love triangles are a common trope, but what’s the point of this one? To use the only gay mans feelings to uplift an already established straight relationship? To throw a curveball in milkvans relationship so they can keep milking a plotline that could’ve stayed contained in season 3? To give Will just a little bit more struggles for vecna to bank on even though he already has bullying, an abusive (+absent) father, getting kidnapped into an alternate dimension alone at the age of 11, being used as an incubator for demodogs, getting possessed and almost killing his own mom, feeling like a mistake, and so on for vecna to bank on.
If it is for some vecna plotline, it was just an awful move. They could’ve spent screentime investing in the trauma they’ve already established for him instead of creating more. It’s messy. It’s useless. They could’ve given him a different love interest and still had being gay in the 80s as one of his struggles, but now it’s too late.
I genuinely cannot fathom a plotline where Will just gets over Mike. A rejection affirms Will’s belief of never finding love. A rejection affirms Will’s decision to give up his love for Mike to El. A rejection changes absolutely nothing: we know Mike would never be homophobic, we know Will already gave up on him, we know they’re best friends.
Will gets over Mike and gets with this random new boy in season 5! What a happy, satisfying ending! Yeah… no😭
A rejection plotline makes no narrative sense.
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martyrofacrimescene · 8 months
it's wild how your name is such a large part of your identity and most people don't even choose theirs. If your name is one of the first things people know about you and what everyone calls you shouldn't it be something that you feel represents you as a person? I think it should be more common and accepted to change your name without necessarily having a reason.
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analogboii · 5 months
something i noticed when it comes to corazon and law is how much they are alike personality wise. "what do you mean? they're opposites!"
how is cora when he's NOT dealing with law? that motherfucker is so bored and annoyed with literally everyone who isn't his son (ESPECIALLY doflamingo which, I mean, understandable)
law just kept the piss baby grumpy pants personality always. he's forever an edgy teen. corazon was a piss baby grumpy pants until he met law (and still when he was around the donquixote family)
they really are like mother father like son
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still-crybunny · 2 months
Dick Grayson is attractive in a male model kind of way, to the point where he doesn’t seem real. Every picture of him looks photo shopped but it isn’t, he just looks like that.
Jason Todd isn’t conventionally attractive, but he is hot. It’s the little things that strike people: the way he quirks his eyebrows when he’s being sarcastic, how he laughs, heaving and clutching his sides with his head thrown back, etc.
Cassandra Cain looks a bit intimidating to some people, she looks like she could kick your ass (and she could). She probably has a lot of admirers, but they are too nervous to approach her. Her smile lights up the whole room and I for one would die immediately if she so much as looked at me.
Tim Drake is pretty, he’s a pretty boy. You kind of forget, because he is constantly tired and exclusively wears oversized clothing. Then you look at him in the right light and you go “what the hell, why do you look like that”. He’s not complimented a lot, he’s mostly teased about it.
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amazing-jason-grace · 6 months
the case of jason grace’s powers
i was recently reminded of the fact that thalia grace doesn’t actually have to ask for her powers. thalia is freely using her lighting in battle, nobody controlling her power but her. which makes it all the more tragic that jason has to ask.
jason is seen praying to jupiter for strength and for lightning. there was at least one time i can remember where he asked and jupiter sent him nothing. poor boy was left to himself.
percy doesn’t ask poseidon, per “the sea does not like to be restrained”. nico and hazel don’t ask hades. literally nobody else asks. occasionally they’ll pray for extra help, but no other character has to literally ask their parent for one of their main abilities.
you could argue that this restraint is only placed on jason because jupiter is only worried about him, but that wouldn’t entirely make sense because thalia’s nature is much more rebellious than jason’s. she would naturally seem like more of a threat if you were to compare the two. there is definitely a physical restraint put on him from jupiter himself, but this is why i honestly believe that a lot of it is mental.
jason was brought up to be this perfect leader for the legion. the golden child on this beautiful pedestal for everyone to admire. he was always told what to do, what he could and could not. he could not act out. he could not rebel. he had to be the face of the legion and the hero they wanted. after 12 years of conditioning, this is the reality he had lived in for basically his whole life. throughout all of the heroes of olympus books, jason is trying to break free of this leader mentality and learn the importance of working with others on his level. if this is all he ever knew, whos to say that jason’s lightning wasn’t actually entirely controlled by jupiter? thalia’s sure isn’t.
but that’s not to say that thalia doesn’t raise an interesting point in this discussion. it was never said to be controlled by jupiter, but we know that thalia can’t fly like her brother. thalia can’t fly because she’s too scared to. she’s too scared to try. she’s scared of heights. jason is scared of jupiter. if he’s believed it to be a system this whole time, just like pretty much all the other aspects of life in the legion, he may think that he just straight up cannot do something because his father said no. thalia can use her lightning whenever, so why is it only jason that jupiter is supposedly concerned about?
what if it was the legion that was truly responsible for his limits this whole time?
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rosenbraut · 27 days
What people don’t realise about sharing something on the internet is that in most cases, if you teach something, you can never authentically be that something. A man making “how to be an alpha man” or a woman making “how to be an it girl” videos won’t ever be alphas or it girls, because alphas or it girls wouldn’t make those type of videos. Effortlessness can’t be taught. The only way to do such a thing would be in a Cortegiano way. Learn by observing. Teach by living.
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lifesver · 7 days
guys re: this rush week mess im so glad that we write the slasher genre and Especially handle difficult and tragic subject matter with sensitivity around here. it is so, so important not to undervalue real life parallels to real life crime and tragedy. and i’m thankful for my writing partners who are mindful of that and write with sensitivity and care.
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masculinepeacock · 5 months
i didn’t want to add on to that post directly but another major thing we need to consider when combatting the recent rise in ‘tradwives’ is not treating children like an invasive species. we were all kids once and we all deserved respect then. just because we didn’t get it doesn’t mean we need to pass that on to the next generation. that kid crying at the mall has every right to be there as much as you. if you never want to be around children find adult only spaces. or never leave your house. because kids will always be part of the public. and part of what pushes mothers towards being tradwives is the way people treat kids in places daycares and schools where if every time you left your house people treated your child like a nuisance or worse, an invasive species, how could you ever leave them with virtual strangers. of course women are becoming stay at homes at higher rates. where the fuck can you feel safe to take your kids with the way people treat them
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noys-boise · 4 months
seeing non hungarians talk about hungary is always so funny because they're always all "what a beautiful country with a beautiful language 🥺❤️" and meanwhile the attitude of every hungarian i know is pretty much "yeah we're stuck in this fucking shithole lol"
i don't even know how to explain every hungarian's innate ironic self deprecating nihilism but it's there. it's very much there
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felixisfruity · 9 months
i should be able to click on an ask i just sent like i can with a post and see all the other asks from me in their askbox
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sheepydraws · 6 months
The secret Dungeon Meshi sauce that's getting people to eat better is that it's so non-judgmental. Senshi and the rest of the gang never talk about what not to eat besides things that taste bad and literal poison. They don't even talk about "health" that much besides the importance of a balanced diet. It's so much easier to eat well when you think of food simply as something your body needs, and that it's often worth the extra effort to make it taste good, especially when you understand how to connect "things your body needs" with "things that taste good"
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trashartgalleries · 4 months
Last post before I dose off, but I want to make a separate account on here for a series I've been planning out for a while
It'll mostly be doodles of the characters, buildings, uniforms, environments, etc because I'm not sure if I want to make this a comic or a novel
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
Nothing will dispell the "the curtains were just blue" myth faster than writing something yourself, because the amount of pretentious symbolism i am putting in my silly little fanfics is ridiculous. I mean SO much with these words, literally every single one of them. This fic has twenty five typos and zero correct uses of punctuation but if there's curtains you bet your ass I put thought into what colour they were.
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scottpilgrim4everr · 7 months
If I had a Spotify I’m pretty sure I’d be in the top % of listeners for Between You & Me.
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nitw · 1 month
i've been waiting for gravity falls to become relevant again so i could share one of my favorite underrated bits from the entire show. like it's only episode 2 but this whole segment just makes me lose my shit. i think jason ritter's exasperated line delivery is what makes it
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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not that we didn't already Know belos was full of shit, but it's even funnier knowing the titan was still alive the whole time and probably judging him
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