#this is supposed to be my safe space
romanceyourdemons · 2 years
nooooo my tumblr updated and i got the corner store this is awful the whole thing feels so claustrophobic now please please please put it back
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I learned today there are some sexy men on here that follow me and reblog pictures of Bruce Springsteen……….
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jedi-bird · 6 months
Partner just got annoyed with me when I told them to stop trying to show me a video about a ride I used to run. It's like, dude, there's nothing about that park that you can show me that I already don't know. I'm up to date on most new announcements whether I want to be or not because of friends who still work there. And they more than anyone should know just how much ptsd I got from that specific ride. Like, I love my partner but I will start screaming over this.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
"We need more diverse queer representation!"
You cannot even handle queer jews.
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I feel like this last episode really has been such a big reminder that Jawbone is not in any way trained to be a guidance counselor. Is he amazing at his job yes he’s great he’s helped so many kids but he is not legally qualified, plus there’s the added factor of him only having the job because of a party of students who are currently at the school and his adoptive daughter stepdaughter and the kid whose been living with him for months all go there so he can’t be truly impartial in matters concerning them like he’s supposed to. Do I think he shouldn’t have the job no because he’s amazing at it otherwise but I do think that there should be a second counselor with no connections to any of the students
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antariies · 9 months
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my new completely original concept barn owl charr guardian, soren. he uses offhand torch.
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nwarrior777 · 10 months
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bike girl
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z-1-wolfe · 2 years
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and then they kith :)
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authenticcadence18 · 13 days
Twice this week I have received comments on Can’t Help Falling in Love critiquing my use of tags and I’m just like?
those “extra” tags have been there for four years? no im not going to delete them?? I think if it truly was a big issue one of my moots/writer friends would’ve brought it up to me by now???
I use tags to express my creative voice and personality. And I DO include lots of real tags.
if someone makes something FOR FREE and it’s not harmful maybe just say what you like about it and move on?
like? do yall like my tags?? have my tags dissuaded you from checking out my stuff??? because I’ve been posting on ao3 since 2019 and this is the first time anyone has ever brought it up :/
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nonbinarymlm · 2 years
I love all the positivity about t4t, but sometimes people make generalizations about trans people only being into other trans people as a while or being down on relationships with cis people, and like. Actually my relationship with my cis bi bf has been incredible and healing and it's been amazing to see the similarities and differences in our struggles. Actually oppression isn't a monolith and in some ways he's faced more oppression than I have even though I'm trans bi and he's cis bi because people are more complicated than simple Oppression Olympics hierarchies. Actually being in a relationship with a cis person has it's own unique struggles and joys that aren't about whether the cis person is supportive. Actually cis partners absolutely can be supportive and loving to trans partners and that's a standard we should hold them to. Actually good cis queer men are a beloved part of my community
Like, I'm not going to comment on anyone's post because I realize a lot of people are just trying clumsily to be positive about something that's been helpful for them and to share their experiences. But you don't speak for me.
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alluralater · 3 months
coming back to my blog after dealing with a family emergency for days to see that men are flooding my blog because some non-lesbian sapphics don’t feel any need or interest in keeping their followers in check. IF YOU HAVE MEN FOLLOWING YOU AND THOSE MEN DO NOT RESPECT BOUNDARIES— STOP REBLOGGING MY POSTS TO YOUR BLOG. i’m so exhausted and the last thing i wanna be seeing is my body and my voice while i orgasm tied to banners with “lesbian content” “men dni” “men do not interact” being passed around between men because they are used to you not having any boundaries with them on your blog. they’re your followers, not mine. keep your stupid men in check. i’m too tired to be nice about this
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likedbyuarmyhope · 5 months
twt armys giving 20k+ likes to blatant xenophobia toward sk in the name of "protecting bts"... you all couldnt stop at zionism, anti-blackness, homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny. you just really had to make sure EVERYONE knows without a doubt that you're soulless amoral freaks. not only do you not care about other people in general, you don't even care about bts, you just see them as props to boost your own ego. your so-called love for bts is manifesting in hatred for their country and their heritage that they've always spoken about with so much pride--how can you call that love? your whole existence revolves around bts but you don't fucking listen to them, not their lyrics, not their interviews, nothing. this fandom has always had issues but in the last few years and ESPECIALLY the last 6 months it's become unbearable and inescapable. you people are not human. i will always be so proud to be a fan of bts but you couldn't pay me to call myself part of this fandom with a smile on my face right now
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 5 months
hi!! would you be able to do a fic of snufkin taking care of a sick regressor? if you could make the regressor aged 3-4 that would be great!! tysm!!!!!!
Of course! I'm so sorry this took so long, I was actually feeling pretty unwell myself so I was struggling to get any writing done. I also have emetophobia so I had to be a little vague with the illness I hope that's okay ʕ`•̥ᴥ•̥`ʔ
I really like how this came out though and I hope you do too! <3
Snufkin Cares for Sick Little Reader <3
It's been a long couple of days. You figured you were safe from sickness as the weather warmed, but unfortunately the Valley had other ideas. Stuck in bed while the others went off to play and seek adventure had you grumbly and moodier than usual.
It just wasn't fair! How come you are the only one who can't get their limbs to cooperate when you try to get up and walk around? And that was without mentioning the fever and icky tummy.
But Moomin has promised today will be different. He and the others have gone into the woodland to find a rare plant Moominmama spied in Granny's notes that will hopefully bring your temperature down and give you a little more energy.
Snufkin had volunteered to stay back and take care of you. When asked if he was sure (he did have the best eye for plants among the group after all), he pointed them in the direction of the Hemulen (who's eye was even better than his when it came to flora and fauna) and said he was needed more by your side today.
You hadn't known what he meant by that until you felt it. That telltale fuzzy feeling in the back of your mind.
Everything is just so hard right now. You're tired and achy and nothing feels good to eat and all you want to do is cry and stomp your feet.
You're regressing.
It shouldn't be a surprise - days of feeling icky and not being able to play with your friends? A recipe for disaster. Luckily, Snufkin had noticed and appointed himself caregiver for the day.
"It's okay to let go." He says, eyes tilted towards the sky as you both lay out on the grass, cushions from Moominmama propping you up and keeping you comfortable while the gentle breeze attempts to wash your fever away. "I'm here. I've got you."
You feel the tears well up as soon as he finishes speaking. Any resistance you might've felt melts away and you allow yourself to feel miserable in the only way a toddler knows how. You let the tears fall with a whimper and soon you're cradled against a soft green coat, rocking in a soothing motion while you wail.
"I know, I know little one." Snufkin coos. "You've been so brave, haven't you? I know it hurts but I just know you'll feel better soon."
He places a small kiss against your head, and keeps talking when the tears slow.
"And when you do, we'll go on as many adventures as you'd like. To the beach, to the woods, even soaring through the sky. Anything you can dream up, angel."
"Da others be there?" You question, one hand rubbing at your eyes and the other clutching at Snufkin's coat as if scared he might disappear.
Snufkin chuckles and takes over wiping away your tears, much gentler than you yourself had been. He produces a pacifier from his pocket and clips it to your own clothes, giving you the comfort of knowing it's there without pressuring you to use it if you aren't quite feeling young enough.
"Yes, the others will be back as soon as they can be. And you know they love to play with you, whatever age you feel on the inside. I bet each of them has an idea for an adventure, we can ask them later if you'd like?"
You nod quickly, then pout when your head hurts at the motion.
Snufkin kisses your forehead with sympathetic eyes.
"I know, sweet one. Do you think you could manage some soup? I made some earlier and it might help hydrate you more than water. I'd hope it'd be tastier too." He adds, noting your scrunched nose at the mention of water. It feels like all you've been doing these past days is drinking water.
You nod slowly, hoping the food goes down well this time. If Snufkin says it's a good idea, you're going to believe him.
You didn't, however, factor in the fact your friend would have to get up to fetch the food.
A whine passes your lips and you cling on even tighter to his coat.
"Nuh uh! Snuf'in stay!" You protest. Snufkin hushes you, stroking your hair till you calm a little.
"Easy, sweetheart." He coos again. "I'll be right back. Count to ten for me, okay?"
You do so reluctantly, counting between shaky breathes the longer Snufkin is away from you. He smiles encouragingly as he emerges from his tent, large flask in hand.
"There." He says, plopping back beside you before you've even reached the number ten. "I'm so proud of you, little one. I know that was hard."
You get another kiss to your head for your efforts and you can't help the smile that overtakes you. Snukin is proud of you!
"There's that sweet smile." Snufkin says, smiling back as he opens the lid of the flask and pours some soup into it. "Now, I'm going to hold this, just sip carefully okay? And we'll see how you feel once you've tried some."
The task sounds simple enough, and you nod your head with determination. Snufkin boops your nose, and then lifts the soup to your mouth for you to take the first sip.
Your eyes widen and Snufkin pulls the lid back as you attempt to gulp all of it down at once.
"Ah ah, not so fast." He says. "I'm glad you like it, but you have to take it easy at first, okay?"
You pout, but nod. Snufkin giggles.
"Okay." He says, bringing the soup to your mouth again.
You sip much more slowly this time, basking in the warmth of the food and the ache in your head fading into the background.
When you can't drink anymore, Snufkin closes the flask and rolls it away from you both, pulling you in to snuggle against him again.
"Now. I think a nap is in order, then by the time you wake up the others should be here to help you feel all better. How's that sound?"
At your clear hesitation, Snufkin continues.
"We can take a nap right here beneath the sky. Together."
You smile and hum in confirmation, allowing Snufkin to lower you both onto the cushions. He tucks your head under his chin, curling into one another, and begins to hum.
The tune isn't a familar one, most likely taking inspiration from the wind, the rustling leaves, the bubble of the stream not so far away.
It sounds like home, and you allow yourself to drift, knowing you are safe, and you are loved.
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#just make your own things away from#-endos if you hate us so much#endos/proendos: if antis want their own stuff and spaces away from us then they should make those things#anti endos: *creating atlasduo and the syspunk tag*#endos/proendos: i cant believe theyre actually doing that! wow! lets raid the tag and insult them for doing what we wanted them to!#i know this is a stretch but i cant help but feel reminded of how people would tell me to do things and then get mad at me for following-#-their exact instructions and taking them seriously. because apparently i wasnt supposed to actually do that. except now im not the victim-#-of that. and now the people who are on my side are doing that. i hate it. i hate it so much. dont say ONLY TO INVADE AND MOCK THE THINGS#also: congrats!! you are proving all of them right when they say we dont respect boundaries and crosstag!! you're making it worse!!#i can kind of understand the tag aspect simply because theyre calling themselves “punk” when theyre so fond of the psychiatric field.#but its still a dick move. and its even worse to say that if antis want versions of sp and pk that arent proendo they should make their own#-bot and app only to mock them for doing exactly that. it just reminds me too much of past experiences. i hate people that do that.#i dont care if they hate me at this point im with the anti endos on this one. and frankly im very disappointed that im actually saying this#lol.exe#blackout poetry#pro endo#endo safe#endo friendly#anti rq#radqueers fuck off#this is a new level of syscourse im yelling at my own community now
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jacquiarno · 8 days
It’s Bisexuality Visibility Month (also Suicide Awareness Month), and the biphobia has been constant and intense, even in our own bi spaces, mostly from fellow LGBTQIA+ people.
Bi women have been told they are tainted for being with men, that we are dirty and dick obsessed. We’ve been told we are perverted fetishists by both cis and trans lesbians, with even gay men joining in on the insults, with one even threatening violence towards bi women if they come near lesbians. We even got told we deserve to be abused, raped, and murdered by our male partners because that’s what we deserve for dating men.
Bi men are being accused again for being HIV carriers, with gay men saying they are only good for sex because they will end up leaving them for women. One trans man said he would kill himself if a man started dating a woman after him, not leave him for one but just start dating again and that person being a woman.
I haven’t seen insults directly about non-binary bisexuals, but I’m sure there would be and a lot of hate lumps us all together. All this hates stings me but I can’t imagine the pain of all this for non-binary, trans women, and trans men dealing with it all, and it makes me so disappointed and angry that fellow trans people in this community are hurting them.
Pride Month a lesbian wrote “I wish god would eradicate all the bisexuals” while another wrote “For Pride Month let all the bi people disappear” with both having thousands of likes and comments agreeing. Now during Bi Visibility Month, a non-binary lesbian with feminist in their profile posted “Happy bi visibility month, I hope they find a cure soon 💖”. While continuing to mock us after.
Our allies and so-called LGBTQIA+ advocates have been silent and have even participated in bierasure, laughing at us when we point it out, saying “It’s not that serious.” “Lol the bis are getting upset over nothing again”. Only the bisexual advocates and pages have spoken out against the hate.
The B in LGBTQIA+ is suppose to be for bisexual but this community says and treats us as awfully as the bigots do to all of us. Bisexual is the sexuality that is attracted to two or more genders, that we have the ability to love anyone regardless of their gender. But we’re treated as greedy, perverted, hyper sexual, unfaithful, which from bigots you understand and usually brush off, but from those within the community who go through similar prejudice and should understand, sharing the same ignorant mindset.
These spaces are suppose to be our safe havens as well, but are just as dangerous. We try making our own spaces and even that is invaded by these people, we are beyond exhausted. We need the other members of the community that aren’t biphobic to speak out more and shut these people and this hate down. Because the lack of empathy from this community is frightening and all this in-fighting will allow the bigots to pick us a part more easily.
#i’ve been struggling mentally since pride month because of all the hate#i had to unfollow a lot of lgbtqia creators due to them ignoring or participating in it#i even had to unfollow most lgbtqia pages because of the comments#i’ve been sticking to bi pages and tags but it’s full of biphobia#i’m a sa survivor being told by the community that is suppose to be the most understanding and supporting that i deserved what happened#why do i deserve to be abused and die because i have an attraction that isnt limited by gender#the trauma from that relationship has left me disabled#i thought i found a community that was safe for someone like me#but the biggest deception is that us bi people are a part of lgbtqia#them and the bigots could settle their differences with their combined hatred for bi people#but i’m the one that is the danger and doesn’t belong#i spent my youth hiding my attraction to women during the 90s and early 2000s due how that time was#and now this community is making me feel ashamed again#my mental health was doing okay until i opened myself up to this community#i regret coming out#i wish i went ahead with killing myself in 2012 like i planned#bi visibility month#bisexual visibility month#bisexual#lgbtqia#tw: biphobia#our rights are being striped away again but sure bisexuals are the problem#i have too much unfinished business to end my life#i was harassed through out school being accused of being a lesbian and was assaulted by one of those girls#pulled down to the ground by my hair and kicked non stop in the ribs until someone pulled her off#even my gender came into question when that show there's something about miriam came out#telling me i don't belong in queer spaces when i've been assumed queer almost my whole fucking life and before most of you were born
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
always so funky to be reminded that your parents might love you but they don’t actually like you very much
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