#this is what i needed to see after work 🥴❤️✨
lvlyghost · 1 year
Hello do you take requests cause I had this idea in my mind but I suck in writing
how bout a ghost x reader where he had a bad day and takes it out on his beloved reader who he's been in a really long relationship with, by starting an argument and maybe saying some really mean and bad things that break the reader. Like the reader is only a shell of herself and completely ruined by ghosts words and just crying or sitting completely still staring off the wall or just staring at nothing just being numb.
What would be interesting is Simons reaction when he realizes the damage that he's done, maybe he would cry/break down idk when he sees the usually happy reader being so dull and almost lifeless yk
But Pleasee don't do this to our hearts and write some comfort and a happy ending please I couldn't handle too much angst❤️😭
The Weight of the World
PAIRINGS: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader
SUMMARY: You promised to always lean on each other but sometimes love isn't enough.
TW: heavy angst, literally got some mid anxiety writing this🥴 swearing, self-doubt, hurt-comfort and slight fluff towards the end. lmk if i missed any.
A/N: finished this in one sitting lol, also not proofread and poorly edited, i've been having a shitty week so expect more angst lol. meet me in therapy. Enjoy anon!🤍🌟🫶🏻💕
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You hesitate right outside Simon's studio, the place where he secludes himself from everything and everyone. Ever since he came from his last mission he seemed to be on the edge constantly. The usual softness that he reserved specifically for you was... absent.
Still you wouldn't let that stop you from approaching; having dating him for a few years now let you know so much of that. You knew when he was hurting. When he was sad, angry, jealous or even happy. Little to no people could say that.
Somehow this was different. He wasn't even letting you in, constantly keeping you at arms length and that hurt. How were you supposed to get to him this time? Get him to talk to you?
To look at you again with that same glint in his eyes, the spark that you ignited in him and that won't fade away even years after.
The sound of a chair creaking startles you, the same time the timer in the kitchen goes off. You walk back, turning the oven off, and sticking out the apple pie you so happily baked for both with hopes that you'll get him loosen a bit that dark cloud that's been looming over Simon these past few days.
The door of his studio is yanked open the heavy stomp of his boots resonating across the small apartment you two share, then his bulky frame appears just to grab the keys to his black motorcycle.
"Simon!" You call him, burning your hand in the process. He stills halfway through the living room, waiting for you to say something else. Wetting a cloth hurriedly and wrapping it around the burnt skin.
"I made something for us... maybe," standing behind him you leave a reasonable space between the two. You swallow down hard. "Thought we could have it together and just, you know spend...-"
"I don't have time for that now." His voice is cold and monotone. "Don't wait for me."
"But Si-" he turns on his heels, eyes hard and unyielding. He approaches slowly, making you gulp. "What's gotten into you, Simon?" You fight back the tears, this was the man you loved so dearly, the man you knew loved you back; there was a reason for the golden engagement ring on your left hand. "I..-"
"Fucking hell would you stop that? Please just..." he notices the wetness in your eyes. "I can't do this. Not anymore."
"Whatever it is I promise we can work it out together!" your lips quivered. "Just talk to me!"
"I don't need to talk about anything girl!" He seethes, one finger pointing at you. "Think some cheap counseling with you will make things right? Bloody hell no. Neither some homemade bread, this isn't fucking working and it won't until you learn how the bloody world works."
It breaks your heart into a tiny million pieces, breathing becomes a challenge and the injury in your hand can no longer be felt. Simon's words were worse than any physical pain. Where was the man you loved? The man who used to lift you up and kiss you on the forehead? The man whose hands couldn't stop roaming your body late at night? The man who'd helped you reach out for things he probably put away in the highest shelf so you'd ask for help. That same man that had proposed to you no long ago, right before he was deployed to a special op God knows where. The fabric of his mask moves when he keeps talking but you don't listen. You can't. Just like you can't stop the tears dribbling down your cheeks and the tremble of your hands. Simon's jaw clenched, brows furrowed as he takes a step back and leaves.
You walk sluggishly to where the dessert awaits. It's when your knees buckle that you finally let out a loud cry.
Simon knows he isn't a good man. He's done quite questionable things that he could never say out loud. He knows he's fucked in so many ways. But he also knows that there's one thing that kept him from spiraling further down into an abyss of death and self-loathing.
The woman he decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The girl that didn't care about his past, the bad moments and his complicated persona. You who would selflessly love him without asking for something in return. What had you seen in him in first place? Even now after three years he can't wrap his head around the fact that he has someone who waits for him.
Simon knows how much he loves you, but what he doesn't know is how—or in what earth—he deserves every part of you.
You've been avoiding him ever since that horrible night. Words he can't take back. Looks that haunt him every time he closed his eyes. He hears you cry when you go to sleep or when you're taking a shower. Muffled sobs and wails that will come for him until the day he dies.
You avoid him like a plague, when he walks in. After all he's the one to blame. He wanted to ask you to tear him apart maybe that'd feel less painful.
The last remaining of sanity that was left in him came crashing down when he began to notice how you stared off in a haze, numbly looking at the window. He was losing you. Destroyed the one good thing he had. So, a few days later, despite his own demons. Despite the things that broke him all irreparably during the last mission in Moscow, he comes to find you. Sucking in a sharp breath as his eyes set on your left hand.
The engagement ring was gone, forgotten someplace unknown. Simon felt the panic wrenching his guts.
It's all on him.
He whispers your name, calls you softly. Slowly sitting in front of you, the coffee table creaks under his weight. Words get caught in his throat.
"May I take your hand?" He pleads, not getting an answer. Simon sighs, lowering his head as silent reigns yet again. "I don't deserve you." He murmurs, eyes bored into the floor. "I... I ruin everything I touch. Just never thought I'd ruin my girl."
Your eyes flutter shut, wet tears clinging to your eyelashes. Simon watches as you stand and leave without a word, he follows close behind to your shared room.
"Don't call me that!" the hurt in your voice... the resentment in your eyes, he's earned it.
Simon reaches out for your arm, grabbing you firmly but gently, mindful not to harm you.
"Right I deserve that." If there's one thing Simon regrets it's being the reason that your eyes no longer shine. "What I said... what happened I...-"
Shaking your head and biting down your lip.
"You never gave me the chance, I thought we said we'd always find a way."
"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry baby." in an instant he's pulling you close, although you want to push him away, scream at him, slap him for the calvary he made you go through. "I'm not good with words, and I'm no good person." You feel his body shaking with anxiety as your eyes widen in shock. "I tried... I can't forgive myself for my mistakes."
"Simon..." he hushed you, cradling your head with his big hand. "I can't sleep knowing I can't protect you from what's out there, couldn't bloody protect that kid in Moscow, or my family."
You guide him to the bed, sitting down side by side and holding onto each other.
"Said I would always be with you Simon, why the hell did you push me away?! Have I not given my everything to you? We promised to always make it work!" He grabs your face staring intently into your eyes. "What happened there?"
He blinks, deciding how much to say. There was no need for you to know the entirety of it. He wanted to shield you from the horrors of this world, and he would as long as he lived.
"A young lad whose life's was cut short because I wasn't there on time. How can I come back to you, be happy when someone else just lost their kid..."
"That wasn't on you! Simon Riley you stop that now." He inhales, cinnamon and vanilla flooding his senses. It's you all of you. "Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. We do that together, yeah?" Your chest hurts from how hard it's beating. "You've done far so much. You won't lose me."
A rumble in the sky and cars passing by outside your home is all you hear. Brown eyes like honey stare back into your soul.
"You took it off..."
"I burnt my hand, it wasn't healing properly. And you know what?" He quirks a brow. "It wasn't homemade bread. It was an apple pie, you silly."
"You'll never forgive me for that one won't you?" He doesn't chuckle but the air feels lighter.
"No. Probably won't." Simon takes your burnt hand bringing it to his lips, they're soft against the marred skin.
"But we're still getting married, yeah?" He asks.
You smile fondly, humming when he kisses your forehead, tears have now dried.
"Yeah. We're still getting married."
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blues824 · 10 months
(also, Lowkey so flattered that you consider me a ✨mutual✨ because you are an INCREDIBLE fanfic writer~)
Okay, so, Hear 👏 Me 👏 Out 👏! The Scarabia Boys and maybe Ruggie (or one of the other boys from the savannah) for prompt 28..... But what if it was reversed???? Because I'm someone that's from an area that has really cold and long winters, so I'm pretty good at spotting or catching myself on black ice..... But these guys from hot desert areas??? I just /know/ they haven't gotten used to the ice and snow yet-
But I'm just spit balling! Feel free to stick to the original, cuz it's still pretty cute!! Can't wait to read all the beautiful, adorable, amazing fics that come from this event!!!! Make sure not to overwhelm yourself or get burnt out. Take plenty of breaks and remember we can always wait an extra day or two lol 💋✨💋💕💖💘❤️🥰😍🥳🌹🫶🫰🌹🥴
Of course!!! You’ve commented on a few of my works, so I figured you might like to be included in the event lol. Also, I would be in their shoes, because I am from a hot desert area lol.
You requested: Being Caught Slipping on Ice [Reversed]
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Ruggie Bucchi
He had absolutely no idea what he was thinking, being on the ice. This man has a vice grip on your arms as you both go to Sam’s Shop. The sidewalk and grass have become icy because it has been raining for the past few days, and the temperature has dropped significantly. Savanaclaw isn’t this cold, and he’s bundled up pretty well.
There was one spot that was a tad wet, still frozen in ice, and he wasn’t paying attention. You felt him let go of your arm, and you turned to see that he was falling backwards. Worried about him hitting his head, you quickly slid on your knees so that his head would land in your lap.
“Is it just me, or did an angel come down and save me?”
Real smooth, bro. You rolled your eyes and smiled, making sure that he was alright and helping him back up, going to place a kiss on his cheek which made him smile. He reciprocates by moving just in time for you to accidentally land it on his lips, and he snickered as you rolled your eyes once again.
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Kalim Al-Asim
His homeland is literally the Scalding Sands. If you think he knows how to handle snow, you would be mistaken. However, he has a very positive outlook on it. It’s a free Slip-n’-Slide, or he gets to be a penguin sliding on his stomach. When it comes to having to walk, however, he is at a loss. One step and he’s already fallen. He needs one of those walkers that people use when skating.
Watching you walk across the black ice so easily made him feel so amazed, and he thought that if he copied you exactly, he would be fine. He was wrong, and he fell back almost immediately. Before he hit the ground, however, he felt an arm wrap around his waist. He looked up to find you, with a worried look on your face.
“Thank you, Y/N! You saved me!”
The smile on his face made any memory of scolding him dissipate as you made sure that he was steady. You then taught him how to properly walk on the black ice, as there was a particular method to it. Making sure your body was straight and stepping down so that the sole of your foot was flat against the ground, and it was weird to get used to, but at least he didn’t fall more than he did.
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Jamil Viper
His homeland is the Scalding Sands as well. However, he knows how to handle snow more than Kalim does. He was prepared when he got accepted into NRC. But, nothing could prepare him for the ice that forms on the grass and on the sidewalks. After all, his sports training takes place in a gymnasium, so the temperature is warm and controlled by a thermostat. 
So, when he invited you to come play on an outside basketball court, you laughed when he realized that it had a bit of ice on the ground. Because you used to live somewhere with a cold climate, you were familiar with playing a certain way so that you wouldn’t slip and fall. He was not, and after a few moments, he slipped. Luckily, you slid behind him so that you could hold him up.
“Thank you, Y/N. I guess I have not acclimated quite yet to the ice…” He said, a bit embarrassed.
You shrugged and said it was all alright, and that you could do it because you lived somewhere cold. You taught him how to walk and run on the ice, and that he needed to have his hands out of his pockets at all times so he could catch himself. It was good advice even if it wasn’t freezing outside, as you never knew when you would fall.
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hotarutranslations · 3 months
Mei's 19 Years Old!
Yamazaki Mei-chan💚 Happy birthday~💚
Continuing from last year, this year as well, I went to her birthday event!
I watched a fun 2 performances!
Its the 28th, the day of Mei's birthday
Further, ..5:51PM⏰ 𓈒
We counted down to the moment, That Mei-chan was born, It was an really wonderful moment to be present for🫣🪽
Every year, with the intention of "I want to do this", She planned it, and packed it in, And did it for a birthday event, (But everyones birthday events are like that~) I thought it was really great
Its not like really really get to see all the events so, I don't know how this is for everyone but, I was envious of Mei's clear idea what she wanted to do…🍀
Thanks for your hard work~~🥴🪽
Really, really, congrats! Its the last of the teens for Mei!
I saw and heard a lot of happy faces and voices today too,
Also, with 15th generation! They had their bus tour the other day! (really, congrats on 5 years🍓)
She told me about how much she enjoy the bus tour, Up until the moment I went home today🥴🫶🏻
By the way, I also want to hear, stories about the bus tour←
I even asked how the 15th generation were doing, the day after they got back🫣🫣← Thank you for the souvenirs🤤🤤
The year of being 19 years old, will bring a lot of love,
I hope its a wonderful year!
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FC Events are fun, right🐣🐣
From today, Applications have begun for, the Limsta Internet Sign Meet
- ̗̀📣Here
I am on August 7th 7:30PM~ With Sakurai Rio-chan✍🏻 August 9th 6:00PM~ With Yamazaki Mei-chan✍🏻
I'll be doing it! Wa-i wa-i!
I'm looking forward to the live stream talking a lot with Rairi about Royal Milk Tea, and I'm looking forward to the lots of Panda-san Power messages and reading a lot of them! lol
If everyone wins the lottery, then it would no longer be a lottery so..🫤🫤
There is a difference in winning whether its read aloud or not but,
I look forward to getting everyone messages, all of them without dividing them🤍
Ah, but, eh, its kinda, Its still? in a few months, It doesn't need to be like a final message, Its like? Its fine? Right? Eh, but if you think of it from that side of things, If you think this will be last time for you to convey things, I want you to convey what you want to say..?
Eh-- I'm looking forward to that too? Ok--🥴 lol
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~ Learning Locking from HIYORI-san
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" June 15th (Sat) Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKITOU"
Cheki Sign Talk Meet Announcement
̗̀📣You Can Apply On This Site
- ̗̀📣Limsta
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
⚾️"Hawks SUMMER BOOST" July 28th (Sun) Mizuho PayPay Dome Fukuoka
After the match, we'll be having a live!
July 20th Release "non-no September" special issues cover is, Morning Musume '24
Preorders are here
I'd be happy if you could pick it up❤️
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12857917825.html
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moonhoures · 3 years
it’s Valentine’s Day today here!! And I’m spending the day in campus juggling classes and deadlines 🥲🤕 but- im planning to get myself some cake 🍰 bc what better excuse to get cake than days like these 🥴 ill probably be asleep when it’s valentines for you so I’m here to wish you an advanced Happy Valentines Day!! ❤️ Giving you roses 🌹 to symbolise love, and aster flowers 🌺 (pretend this is an aster flower ok) which has the message of “take care of yourself for me” /hands you bouquet/ 🤲🏼 💐 I hope you spend your valentines well by trying taking care of yourself a little bit more <3 self love is hard for me too but it’s a growing process ;; let’s both try our best to treat ourselves better mentally and physically! Hope work goes well for you and that u get some good rest after 💗 don’t worry too much about being inactive or slow with writings and stuff ok? we all have unpredictable lives outside of this little comfort space buried in the internet world, remember to take breaks when needed and go at your own pace! thank you for always taking the time to perfect and write all your pieces, and taking the time to talk to anons like me (+ the fact that i always end up getting carried away and send such lengthy asks) , i love you so much 🥺💕 your blog really is such a safe space for me, sending you hugs that i wish would be as comforting as your existence is to me 🥰🥰🥰
- 💐
ahhh happy valentine’s day!!! it won’t be the 14th for another hour or so for me, which means it’ll be nearly done by the time you probably see this 😂 but i hope your day was great!! hoping your classes went well, your deadlines were met, and your cake tasted very good 🍰☺️ omg the bouquet please that is so fucking cute i will cherish my virtual bouquet forever 😤💐💓 i do have work hella early (5am-2pm 😵‍💫) but i’ll be sure to drink lots of water and maybe treat myself to some starbucks after i get off. y’know, for the holiday 😌 and thank you so much darling 🥺 i like to be as interactive as i can w you guys bc it’s fun but i do sometimes need a reminder to slow down and take my time w this blog lol and i’m so so so so so happy & honored (once again) to be a safe space for you!! i hate that our schedules don’t align very well for us to talk seamlessly but nonetheless i love having you here ✨💓
sending you as much love and kisses and hugs as virtually possible!! 🫂😚
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
yea probably itto would mindlessly introduce u to ayato cuz 🤩 you're best bros alright 🤝🤝🤝 on your way to be best bros with ayato 😤😤
No hold on bc why are you so funny- 🤧🤧🤧
And now if u gon fight me u have a ball now??? Not a sword?? 🧐🧐🧐 Is this bc of the vyn volleyball card????? 👀 📸💥 I opened it to see the comments and you're all the comments 📸📸📸 Down bad, down bad😌😏🤨📸🚓 you liking some guy who plays with balls ?? 🤨🤔😭 /j
yes ur hot ein 🥴🥴🥴 gotta get that high damage elemental reactions🤩💥💥💥
u thought ur fighting with me???🤯🤯🤯 You're saying that as if you didn't have a crisis with yourself on some asks 🥰😘💞 i wounded u dearly? No problem i have jean to heal u 😌💞💞💞 then u can take that back😘
Ayato might be the payment for you being funny 👀🤭🤔😌 who knows?? 🥴😳
Ein are you possibly plotting a crime of arson and kidnapping??!?!?! 🤭😳🧐😰🥴
"Kamisato Estate burned to ashes with Kamisato Ayato left inside, claimed to be spraying the fire 🔥💦😩 with his hydro 💦vision😘💦✨ but still ended up burned and also buried🤩 mysteriously. 🧐🤔🤔 Not only that, Kamisato Ayaka is also found to be missing 😱 from the estate with no traces of being burned🔥⁉️ to ashes— like La Signora💃🔥— and is suspected to be kidnapped 😌by the culprit 👀 the fire is allegedly been started💥💥 using those who wield pyro visions 🔥✨ The allegedly culprit behind this terrible event😔😩 is pointed out to be the Kamisato housekeeper, Thoma. 🤭🤔🤸‍♂️ There are no traces of solid evidences yet😩🤧, but the presence of a pyro vision's effect is evident.🤯😱😳 "
i also have heard abt the mistranslation 🤧 it really depends on the direction of the voice director 💀
i'm tryna learn your humor so i could match the vibe and i aint just a dry ass person like albedo 🙄🙄 one of my kins 😌
Keep simping, ein. 😘 🥰🥰
Goodluck to us tmrw on Ayato banner 😩💞
— 🍰.
uh but being bro with him is not my intention tho😳🕶️🤏 its more than that
oh god ikr😍 i am so funny💅 if only being like this is a job then i would be a millionaire rn🙄🙄🙄
and what's the problem with balls🧐 before you can slash me im already throwing balls at you 😍💅 wait i answered your ask before i saw that vyn card but i mean *tucks hair* i wouldn't mind him being the reason ehehe👉👈 caught in 4k i see🤔 made sure i looked gorgeous in those okay🧐 you have one job and that is to make sure you photographed me right🙄
ikr🙄 i am scorchingly hot 💅 wait is this a sign to hell😃 oh nah im quitting
uh huh really? where are your receipts that i am fighting myself in some ask?🧐🧐 this gorgeous human is found innocent until proven guilty 🤾🤾🤾
i dont need your billie jean, i need hu tao to burry me alive🥳
AYO ANON I LIKE WHAT YOU'RE THINKING 😏😏 but no❤️ i need money and its always me before hoes💔 i can lure them with my miney u know 🤤 so its like two birds with one stone, i am rich and i get to have them #smart #girlboss #influencer #ubettercomehomeayato
oh, abt that crime👉👈
I RAISED YOU RIGHT MY DEAR ANON, LOOK AT YOU NOW😍 HAVING A TOP TIER HUMOR LIKE ME 😤😏 i feel like a mother watching her child perform effortless *cries dramatically* my little love has grown up *sobs as i hug taroumaru*
wdym my dear albedo is dry? excuse me? that boy is perfectly fine🤨 he have everything except me💔 *sheds a tear* its your fault albedo, when i asked you to come back home u left me like a fool and gave me another one to replace your absence *looks at him and see him dgaf* its your lost *walks away with c1 mona*
i will, after all someone said thats the content of this blog🙄 i wonder who🧐
let him chase us if he doesn't come home, it's his lost💅
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