#this is why I hate MYSELF
fatandhatingit · 18 days
Being a back up option and having been kept on the back burner for someone, whilst also being gaslit and having your mental health disorders used against you by a guy who is a THERAPIST no less is great motivation to help me ⭐️ve … why am i so pathetic? This is why im no ones first choice
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nexi1066 · 9 months
OK so I had an awful day. My ex best friend was at my school and just her presence is killing me.
Our friendship started good. We talked well and stuff. She used hearts and told be she loved me and stuff. However she started to change. Soon she stopped all this and she started breaking all her promises and going back on what she said. For example she said she would give me hugs and then she changed it to never and then to once she knew me and then to never again. She played with my heart and she lied a lot. For example she said she never hugs people (this was the second time she said she would never hug me) but hugged 5 different people of the 2 days. She gas lit me like she claimed I was always angry whenever I just was explaining how I feel. She would always tell me to calm down even if I just was saying something made me have a bad day. She knew I was having an awful time with things such as suicide but she went behind my back. I started to realise too late she was awful. I got rid of all my friends but her so now after 4 months I have only 1 friend irl and 3 online. My life was so badly effected because of her. She ruined everything. She use to believe everyone over me and favour everyone over me. She would always leave me out conversations and have a go at me for literally nothing and she ignored me when she was with her other friends. She was sometimes homophobic and transphobic and she is still bffs with a girl who said horrible transphobic stuff to me. I told my ex friend and she did nothing. I hate myself so much because of her.
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fluffykitteninabox · 6 months
*puts down important thing*
*immediately forgets where I put down important thing*
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charliethinks · 11 months
i should’ve just shut the fuck up for one in my fucking life
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justchillaine · 7 months
I'm ending this right here right now. No more procrastination, no more side logs. This is goodbye.
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notevenanna · 2 years
when you sing ella fitzgerald really loudly bc ur home alone and didn’t realise the window was open so the whole street probably heard you… can’t relate…
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
I lost the card my favorite teacher gave to me and now I’m really mad about it.
We had an assignment in class today, writing down who our favorite teacher was and why, and I knew who I’d put immediately. So I’m writing, thinking.
I get home about 4, and I think, “Oh, maybe I’ll look for the card she gave me!” So I go to my room, and start looking.
For context on this, she was my 2nd grade teacher, the nicest one to me, and I absolutely loved her. She gave me a card at the end of the year, saying how she was so proud of me, loved having me, all that. None of my teachers ever did that, which makes my freak out worse.
I’m looking around, trying to think of where I put the card. I start crying, realizing A) I can’t remember where I put it last time I saw it, and B) last time I saw it was before I moved.
Naturally, I start freaking out, cause she was my favorite, and she said I was her favorite too. I look where I saw it last, not there. I look in all the boxes in my room. Not in any of them.
I even look in my memory box, which has even more stuff that made me cry, but no card.
Fast forward 5:30. My mom gets home. I tell her I can’t find the card, and she says it’s my fault bc my room is always a mess. As she says that, I’m thinking, “how does this have anything to do with that? I JUST SAID I DONT KNOW WHERE I PUT IT!”
And she keeps blaming me, saying it’s all my fault bc I just can’t keep my room clean, blah blah blah, I hate her.
So now I’m crying again, and really mad cause now my room is even messier.
Don’t mind me, tagging people bc I want them to know that’s why chapter 9 will be slightly more delayed.
@vbecker10 @silverfire475 @huntress-artemiss @vickie5446 @sheris532 @lokixryss
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marsdontbesade · 7 months
special sos moment here but, does anyone know how to embed a compact spotify link? everytime i add an embed spotify code on desktop (even copy-pasting on mobile), it doesn't show the thing but instead shows a 'SPOTIFY EMBED' thing that leads to a separate page. and when i copy-paste the actual link, it's massive, even when added on mobile. i've been literally on the verge of tears for 4 hours trying to embed a bloody link for god knows what, but idk man, idk- if any of y'all know, lemme know bc im about to kms.
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the-real-google · 14 hours
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) aphobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Light On
Simon Riley masterlist
Anthology complete - 2/2/24
Simon has a new neighbor. His new neighbor has a baby.
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Simon Riley/female reader Single mom, neighbors fic. Fics are listed in chronological order
Simon discovers something unexpected Simon realizes where you live Simon gives you a hand Simon comes over for dinner Simon eavesdrops Simon spends time in the garden Johnny learns his LT's secret Simon helps you out last minute Simon gets a phone call Simon accompanies you to the park Simon steps in Simon answers the phone in the middle of the night Simon learns something about you You miss your neighbor Simon's choice has consequences Simon tries to make amends Simon has you over for dinner 🎄Simon helps you and Emmaline pick out a tree Simon shares his space Simon shares his bed Simon takes you on a proper date Simon thinks he could die here You tell Simon about your grief 🎄Simon takes his family to a holiday party 🎄Simon has himself a merry little christmas Simon discovers one of your fears Simon comes home from work Simon takes his girls to the aquarium
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lightbulb-warning · 9 months
saimatsu week day 3 not on day 3: reunion
they do be sobbing
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cowardlycowboys · 7 months
I could never do no nut november because unfortunately I love fucking myself too much
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iamyourdensityy · 2 years
Why the fuck do I always find new rabbit holes to go down at ungodly hours of the night
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justchillaine · 11 months
Goin back to my (fictional) bois after a week of heartache be like
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
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"Hair dyes or perms or just a quick snip, you can always count on your ol' pal Clip!"
it's about time i officially shared my design for Clip from my hairdresser au! here's the silly boi himself!
a.k.a. the most complicated character i've ever designed...
close ups and additional comments under the cut!
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that's my boi, despite his crazy design, i love him. his silly top knot hat, the horn-like points around his faceplate, his speckled colours, his four arms, and his funky pants. he's just soooooo fun.
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Clip likes to play games and knit! he even made the patchwork pants he wears (he made Sun and Moon a pair too, but they're too precious for them to wear... also a little gaudy to wear in public—doesn't stop Clip tho!). He actually makes everything the boys wear, since there's not a lot of things in their size/shape.
instead of resting at night, he can be found in their living room, playing Kirby 64 for the nth time and/or knitting something. he's just too restless to stay still, he's always gotta be doing something and if it isn't gaming, knitting, or hairdressing, then he's up to No GoodTM.
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Clip... likes popping balloons. he says "Goodnight!" with each popped balloon and once he's done, he tosses up the scraps like confetti all while giggling joyfully.
needless to say, he is not fun at parties. Sun and Moon don't let him near balloons for this reason.
and yes, he has sewing needles on hand at all times. for fashion emergencies... and for unsuspecting balloons.
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Clip's not allowed to have a phone (just imagine all the in-app purchases Sun and Moon would have to deal with), but he likes to keep up with his customers and their games, even if he doesn't get their fixation over bluenets he'll never openly admit it but he prefers curly-haired blond hunks that look sweet in soft pastels but could also squash him like the spider he is
also, he's great at microbraiding! though i imagine if Sun and Moon are free, they'd come help to shorten the wait but also to compete and see who braids the most (Clip always wins of course—make anything into a game, and he's winning)
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aaaaand there's this! i wanted to make sure Clip would be able to freely rotate his waist so his arms could have their full range of motion, and this was the solution i came up with: a crop top on top and a wrap around his waist. and Clip here is being a sneaky little scamp about it.
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
I hate myself so much rn bc I set up time limits on a few apps so I don’t spend 8 hours in my phone every day. Now I can only open tumblr for 10 minutes at a time.
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