#this is... hmm idk
lorenzobane · 2 years
Emotional Support Lizard
Summary: Julian is a bit upset, and Garak is determined to help.
(On AO3 Here)
Julian is actually, Garak thinks, fairly easy to care for emotionally. When his ego has been bruised, he wants someone to drink with and listen to him complain. When he's angry for some morally self-righteous reason, he wants to rant, rave, and be sanctimonious for a bit. When he's bored, you just need to run him like a riding hound. Garak's become an expert at random, lengthy, energy-draining tasks to keep in his back pocket for when Julian starts to fidget.
He's also honest, willing to just say what he needs when he's hungry or tired or wants a hug. Garak appreciates it more than he can express because trying to learn to be emotionally supportive of someone for the first time in his life at the tender age of fifty seems like a daunting task.
He reminds himself of this now because he's hit the one circumstance when Julian is not easy. He's upset, truly upset about something, though Garak cannot say what. Garak can tell because he's hardly spoken all night, pulling sharply into himself. He can also tell because Julian currently has three PADDs downloading what appear to be roughly 154 different journal articles. He isn't planning on sleeping.
Garak's tried everything, offered to get weeknight drunk on spring wine, to play a board game, sex (which Julian almost never refuses), and it had all been met with a bland, tired, "perhaps another night."
"My dear," Garak hesitates, watching Julian peck at his already light dinner with disinterest. "Are you... Are you alright?"
It burns him a little, being forced to ask so bluntly. He cannot help but be furious with himself at his inability to predict what Julian needs.
Julian gives him a glance and a fake smile. "Of course, love. I'm sorry; I'm clearly a bit distracted. I think I'm going to read in the library."
The library, as they called it, is more of an office that they sometimes used when they had urgent work that had to be done from home. The room was split into two sides, Garak's and Julian's, but they shared a broad catalog of leisure books that they kept in the same room.
Garak bites his lip, "you've hardly eaten."
Julian looks at his still mostly full plate. "I'll keep it in stasis and eat it later. I'm not hungry right now."
Garak nods and inclines his head, not sure what else to say when Julian takes his plate and leaves. As soon as Julian's turned the corner, he dropped his head into his hands. What could possibly be upsetting him this much? Was something wrong at work?
Or perhaps, a cold voice whispers in his ear, he's upset with you. Perhaps he's no longer happy in your home; maybe he regrets that lovely joining necklace on his neck. Maybe he's been thinking about a divorce, about leaving.
Garak feels the room closing in a bit around him and takes a deep breath, grounding himself in the feel of the chair under his lap and the sour-sweet scent of zabu stew. He's being irrational. It probably has nothing to do with him; when Julian is upset, it is nearly always work-related. All Garak needs to do is find out what.
Carefully puts his dish away, gets himself a cup of tea and his private PADD, and sets about hacking into the hospital's files.
Garak absent-mindedly flipped through Julian's most recent case files, taking a long drag of tea. Nothing so far, a few surgeries that went well, a bit of post-op care for others, nothing that jumps out at Garak as being unusually bad. He switches to security camera footage for the main areas of the hospital (there are no, Garak notes with irritation, cameras inside the hospital rooms). He scrolls through the footage at 2.5x the speed, watching Julian go about his day, casually flipping through medical charts and going from patient to patient before leaving to scrub in at the OR.
Garak ponders this and decides it probably isn't work-related. Taking a last stab, he checks Julian's message box. Mostly emails from Ezri Dax, Miles O'Brien, and Kira Nerys, with roughly 200 promotional emails from Quark's. He's about to give up hope when he sees an email Julian has marked as Important from South Rixx General Hospital.
Garak clicks it immediately and begins scanning the message. His eyes widen the further down he gets, and he quickly reads the rest of the messages in the thread. Once he gets to the end, he sits back heavily. Why didn't Julian just tell him?
It appears Julian's father, Richard Bashir had contracted a serious, potentially life-threatening infection while on Betazed a few months ago. Julian had been consulting with the hospital, trying to help. The last message, the one Julian received today, stated that Richard was responding slowly to treatment and the prognosis did not look encouraging.
As far as Garak can tell, Julian's relationship with his parents is complicated and emotionally fraught. He had met them several times, in fact. Both in person, when they've either traveled to Earth, or on Cardassia Prime when they've come to visit. They've even taken one incredibly painful family vacation to Ailsa IV. Julian calls them every two weeks, and they have a strained chat where Garak gets to see Julian do a phenomenal performance of Julian Bashir.
Despite how much Julian rages about his father and mother and how tense their relationship is, Garak knows they love each other. That is, in Garak's view, the precise problem.
He puts the PADD down and thinks. Garak would bet his left foot that those journal articles Julian was downloading, and is no doubt tearing through now, are related to his father's illness.
He gets up and walks to the library, "Julian, my dear?"
"Hm?" Julian replies, he has a PADD in one hand, and the other is tapping on the larger monitor running a calculation.
Garak hedges, "I'm worried about you."
"I'm perfectly fine, Garak," Julian replies a bit sharply.
"I'm sure you are, but still, you'll have to forgive me... This is all a bit out of character. Can you at least tell me what this is about?"
Julian sighs and rubs a beautiful hand across his face. "Just... A personal project."
"My love," Garak says, looking at him as sweetly as he knows how and pulling his lips into a soft pout, "you can tell me anything. Am I not, after all, your family?"
Julian's face softens, and he places a hand on Garak's cheek, "of course you are. Of course, speaking of family actually-- that is--"
Julian abruptly cuts himself off. "You already know, don't you?"
Garak licks his lips, "of course not. I haven't the faintest idea--"
"Oh, spare me," Julian spits. "You're trying to manipulate me into telling you something you already know. For what? A sense of accomplishment on this fine evening? Well, bloody, fine, my dad is sick, and I'm trying to fix it. Which you already fucking knew. Now please leave."
"What?" Garak gasps sincerely. "No! Julian, please. I am worried; I just want to be there for you. I wanted to help."
"You can't hack into my private files every time you want to help me! Some things are personal!"
"Too personal to share with me? Your husband? Who promised to honor and serve you for the rest of your life?" Garak says this a bit desperately, he knows, but it is nonetheless true.
"I needed time to process how I felt!" Julian takes a deep breath before whispering, "I would have told you, Elim. I would have. I wish you had trusted me to."
The room grows quiet for a moment before Garak stiffens up and coughs slightly. "Apologies, my dear. For overstepping. I'll leave you to your work."
Julian watches him steadily; he can feel his eyes on his back before Julian lets out a sigh. "Oh, come here then."
Garak turns sharply and is pulled into Julian's warm embrace.
"There must be something seriously wrong with me," Julian says, his voice a little softer and warmer. "But I suppose it is sweet how much you want to help. You're all sentiment under those scales, aren't you?"
Garak harumphs, "there is no need to be rude. I was simply--"
"I recommend you tread very carefully and remember that I am choosing to find this charming."
"I was simply being terribly, terribly sweet. An excellent husband."
Julian chuckles against Garak's ear. "Good choice."
"So," Garak asks, a bit softer. "Will you be coming to bed?"
Julian hesitates; his body goes slightly tense against Garak's before he relaxes again. "Yes, I will. Let's go."
Garak thrills a little at the victory, despite the minor stumble. Perhaps he can convince Julian that it was all a part of the plan.
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sanjiaftersex · 2 months
Honestly, no one is doing it like Vinsmoke Sanji. He's royalty. He's homeless. He's a convicted criminal. He is a damsel in distress. He's a knight in shining armor. He takes down the Government at 10 am then makes a Bouchée à la reine from scratch at 11. He has the empathy of a buddhist monk in the Himalayas. He will beat up a 90 year old. He has never given a fuck, he cant sleep at night cz of how much he cares. He is a ballerina. He sets his legs on fire. He is a slut. He is a virgin. He is a feminist He is a pervert. He's a fashion icon. He wears Alexander McQueen suits to the beach. He has never known happiness. God has personal beef with him.
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sp0o0kylights · 9 months
Steve wearing a ring Eddie gifts him as a joke (so he can be less prep/more cool) except Steve ends up wearing it all the time.
Something happens-- Eddie misplaces or otherwise forgets his rings one night, and ends up having to go about the day without them.
He's so used to spinning and fidgeting with them that he feels practically naked. Keeps touching his bare fingers and wincing.
Without asking and mid conversation with Robin, Steve offerings him not Steve's own ring, but his entire hand.
Just gives his hand over to Eddie, an intrusive thought he followed without sparing so much as a second to think it through.
(Eddie plays with the ring on Steve's finger anyway, trying not to blush about it, but very much needing the distraction. )
Robin calls them out about ten minutes in, asking why Steve didn't just take the ring off. 
“Oh. I didn't think about that. Sorry Eddie.” 
“Don't apologize man, this is better."
Steve nods like that makes perfect sense, and Eddie refuses to elaborate further.
Robin wants to choke them both because they're fucking romance-blind idiots.
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chiricat · 5 months
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assorted wips again
1. anchan space buns!!
2. emo arisato twins + ryomina and akiham
3. mzen x p3
4. suzalulu sketch dump
5. suzalulu + souyo (eng voice actor joke)
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sukunasbow · 5 months
college art and patrick giving you oral at the same time ; mdni
when you first suggested the idea after a night out at a pub, art and patrick thought you were insane. there’s always been tension looming between the three of you, although the idea of acting on it never seemed like a possibility.
the next day, however, when the two boys were sitting on the bleachers and watching you stretch before your tennis match, they turned to face each other with knowing looks on their faces.
now, you’re sitting on the edge of your small dorm bed, your legs spread as far as possible.
“are you sure this is okay?” you breathe out, asking the two boys as they kneel between your legs, their shoulders pressed together.
“yes.” they reply in unison, their eyes lighting up with a sense of eagerness.
you place your right hand in art’s hair and your left hand in patrick’s hair, wordlessly signalling for them to continue.
art makes the first move, gently kissing up your thigh before sticking out his tongue and flattening it, licking a stripe along the folds of your wet cunt.
“fuck.” you gasp, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as art moves his tongue to your clit, tracing circles on the sensitive bud.
“art, move over a little.” patrick interrupts your moans with his sharp tone. “play nice, share with me.”
art keeps his tongue on your clit but moves over slightly, following patrick’s demands. unlike the blonde boy, patrick doesn’t bother slowly making his way towards your cunt. instead, he immediately darts his tongue out, flicking it along your clit, making contact with art’s tongue.
it takes the two boys a moment to work out a rhythm and get used to their tongues so close together, but once they do, it feels like paradise for you.
your back arches and you can’t hold back your desperate moans. “oh my, fuck! yes.” you swear you sound like a porn star, but the pleasure takes over any common sense you have about being too vocal.
art opens his eyes and shifts his gaze to sneak a look at patrick, who’s flicking his tongue on your clit even faster. the blonde was already hard as he licked your pussy, but now he feels like a teenager again, as if he could cum just from the sight of patrick devouring you like it’s his last meal on death row.
as if patrick could feel the blonde eye fucking him, he glances at art, still working on getting you to climax.
you look down at them, curiosity taking over your facial expression as art stops his movements on your cunt, simply panting while staring at patrick, his shallow breaths hitting your cunt and sending shivers down your spine. “what’s wrong?” you breathe out, your eyes glazing over as a knot tightens in your stomach.
just as you’re about to cum, patrick and art lock their mouths together, their tongues clashing on your clit as they start making out, eliciting even more pleasure from your body.
“patrick, art…fuck, i’m so close.” your words seem to only motivate the two of them as they pick up the pace of their tongues in desperation. “you’re both so fucking hot.” you moan.
the knot in your stomach gets even tighter and after a few seconds, your thighs shake and your mouth parts as the knot releases and you cum on their tongues.
patrick and art pull away from in between your thighs, still kneeling beside each other, a mixture of their spit and your cum left over on their lips and chins.
“i think we should do this again, hm?” you give them a small smirk.
they look up at you intensely, then they turn their heads to look at each other, “yeah.”
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engagedtobefree · 7 months
The more I think about it, the more romantic it is that Creature got Lisa Michael's dick. I imagine his thoughts as, "If that's the dick she wants, that's the dick she's gonna get" and then he went and got it for her. It's almost equivalent to coming home with a bouquet of flowers, just longer-lasting and more useful
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bluewolfangel01 · 7 days
Lucifer: "Mc what are you doing?"
Mc: "nothing."
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: "Beel, explain."
Beel: "They asked to sit on my shoulders to be tall."
Lucifer: "I see now. And why is it that you wanted to be tall Mc?"
Mc: "A strange innate desire for height and the high ground."
Lucifer: 😑
Lucifer: "And you agreed to this why Beel?"
Beel: "They made me food." 🥺
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lemongogo · 10 months
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i just like his long hair ok 🧎
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alicentsgf · 2 months
not to be that person but daeron being raised around the hightowers and being normal and kind and alicents two other boys being raised around targaryens and um 👀
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wishfulsketching · 2 months
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I've had this sitting in my files for a while. Can't remember why I didn't post this
Anyway. A little moment with Martin The Right Hand Man and Oswald The Proud Dad
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niinnyu · 3 months
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Your scars and mine (1/4)
2, 3, 4
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wispurring-moss · 3 months
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so i finally realized what Husk's little smirk here kept reminding me of............. 😂
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wontonhasradsocks · 9 months
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laylakeating · 6 months
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Is that a promise, Kathani Sharma? Yes. Yes, it is a promise.
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doodle-with-alizard · 10 months
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Malmal art dump again woopie!!
Thank you @upthariver for drawing + chatting with me❤️
(I love the little adam hehe)
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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if ordan karris wanna complete that sentence does that mean he also likes us?
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