#this needs a read more but i’m on mobile so i’ll have to add it later
webslingingslasher · 1 year
can i request frat peter comforting and taking care of reader on her period?
i wrote this at work, do not EVER question my loyalty to frat!peter
w: talks of blood/period (i’m on mobile and can’t add a read more tag)
It’s daytime and you’re calling Peter, he almost didn’t answer but something told him it was important.
He didn’t leave the lunch table, instead crossing his arms over his chest as he answered, his chair tilted back on two legs. Eyebrows furrowed in focus mode, he heard a slight shuffle, he assumes it’s a buttdial but he hears a whisper.
“That you, trouble?”
You must not have heard him the first time, the audio becomes crystal clear. You speak so loud and clear he can see your mouth pressed against the edge of your phone in his mind while you talk low.
“Peter, I need you.”
Oh. Well that’s a nice lunch break.
“At school? You really are tro-“
“No! I need you to come do something. I need help.”
The last part is a mumble, you didn’t want to admit. Peter slammed his seat down, “what do you need from me?” Instantly in go mode.
“It’s embarrassing,” his chest doesn’t feel as tight, nothing life or death.
“Spit it out junior, you’re making me miss out on my sandwich.”
You heard silence then loud chewing, Peter’s voice came out garbled, his bite stored in his cheek.
“I heard blood and help, did you stab someone?” You whine out on the other end, you said you needed his help but he’s taking the piss.
“No! I’m…” Peter’s heart races when you sniffle, it’s the first time he’s ever heard you cry. He speaks to you so softly it catches the attention of his friend across the table.
“Hey, trouble. Stop crying for me, okay? Just let me know what you need and I’ll be right there, alright?”
You nod and realize he can’t see, you take a deep breath to stop your tears.
“I got my period.”
“Yuck! Why are you calling me?”
“Because,” why did you? You didn’t even think, you were in panic mode and for whatever reason he was the one you thought of calling. “Can you please help?”
Peter groaned, “call one of your girl friends, they’re prepared for this.”
“Yeah, but you’re my-“ my… my what? He wasn’t your anything. “Never mind, I’ll call-“
“No, no. I’ll play hero for you, where are you?”
You looked down at your ruined pants and cringed, “um, the downstairs bathroom in the lab building.”
Peter takes a beat, his mind trying to connect the dots.
“Why are you in the… trouble, were you coming to see me?” He’s not even in the room and he makes you feel flushed, “no! I was just passing by and noticed.”
“Give me five minutes, don’t move.”
“You can’t be in here.”
A straight to the point fact. You can imagine the hoity toity expression on the girl's face, you don’t blame her for questioning but if a guy comes into a woman’s bathroom you’d assume it’s for a reason.
“Excuse me! I said you can’t be in here!”
“Fuck off, my girlfriend got her period.”
Your breath hitched, you know he didn’t mean it like that but wow did it feel nice.
“Oh. Well, still. You shouldn’t be in here.”
“Yeah, noted. I ruined your day.” A two knuckle tap on the stall door, you heard the main door open and a few choice words directed at your boy. He didn’t acknowledge it, his only focus on you.
“Trouble, you doing alright?”
“Yeah,” you stare at his shoes under the door.
“Want me to come in?”
You look at your pants and wince, you didn’t expect it to come early. You didn’t leak through a tampon or pad, you freebled and the back of your thighs proved it.
“It’s bad,” because it was. Even for your standards.
“Yeah, you’re gross. Can I come in?”
You stand from the toilet, you’d never rest your jeans on the seat normally but they’re already trash. You slide the lock on the handicap stall and it slowly pushes open.
“Hi,” you look shy and embarrassed, Peter pushed past that entirely.
“Hi, c’mere.” You melt into his chest when his arms wrap tight around you, his mouth places a kiss on your hairline.
“Alright, shark week. Let’s see the damage,” you peer at the ground and turn slowly. “Ah shit, okay. Hold on.”
Peter tugged his backpack off his shoulder and unzipped it. A togo bag was folded up, he pulled it out and handed it to you, you held onto the cardboard handles.
“Put your nasty, hazardous material covered, underwear in here. And use one of these, or both, I dunno, I don’t have… one of those.”
Peter hands you a pad and a tampon, your eyes sparkle when you grab them. “Where did you get these from?” He rubbed at the back of his neck, “Matt’s girlfriend, I asked if she had something and she asked what you used, I didn’t know so I asked for both.”
You clutch the paper thin plastic to your chest, “thank you.”
He pauses then nods, as he backs out his hand holds the top of the stall door. You wait to make sure he’s not coming back in and you start stripping, you follow his instructions and pull your pants back up. It’s an uncomfortable sticky, you can’t wait to get home as soon as possible to shower.
The stain is still your biggest issue, there’s no way you’d face the entire campus with it.
The door swung back out, your boy smiled. You clutched the bag shyly, you would have to walk back to your dorm, with a fat stain.
“Give me the biohazard,” you shake your head fast, there’s no way you’d let Peter see what’s in the bag.
“No, no way. It’s disgusting.”
“Trouble,” he gives you a look you haven’t seen before, “give me the damn bag,” you hold it out and he snatches it. Closing it carefully and stuffing it back in his backpack before zipping it closed.
“As for that,” Peter points at your red stain. He drops his bag to the ground and pulls off his outer layer. An open faced flannel, a plain white tee shirt underneath.
Peter pushes your elbows up, “arms up.”
You took a deep breath when he approached, he smelled so, so good. Peter tugged you closer by your hips and gave you a very light smile, his arms looped around you, his flannel in his hands.
You're brought closer when the arms of his shirt are tied tightly around your waist, he crouches in front of you to hang the sleeves just right, leveling them so they hide your crotch.
Peter’s fingers tap your knee, “spread for me,” you do as he asks and he looks you over before standing.
“I think I just helped you cover up a murder, we’re bonded for life now.”
Funny, he jumped right into action and guided you when you were too frazzled to think for yourself, yet you still feel shy.
“Thanks, I don’t know why I called you. It’s not your job.”
Peter’s hand cups your face, “hey,” you look into his eyes, he doesn’t seem so scary, and not in the slightest disgusted or bothered.
“You’re my girl, right?”
You nod into his touch, his thumb brushes your skin, proud you know the answer.
“That means you call whenever you want and I’ll come running.”
“Thank you, petey.”
He didn’t fight you on the nickname, his thumb rested over your bottom lip until he gave in. Peter gave you a bruising kiss, one that made him prove how much he actually cared for you, even if he couldn’t make the words leave his mouth.
You pulled back, not trying to makeout in a bathroom.
“Can you take me home?”
Your boy scoffs, “absolutely not. I have three quarters of a sandwich waiting for me, getting soggier by the second.”
When you frown at him his thumb catches it and tugs it back up. “But-“ Your eyes light up, he can’t help himself and places a chaste kiss to your mouth, “I’ll give you a key so you can hang out at mine?”
A key? A house key? He’d give you a house key?
“I would’ve thought hell would freeze over before you’d give me a key to your place.”
Peter shrugs, “eh, that’s before I knew I was dating a squirter.” He giggles when you smack at his arms, you grunt when a sudden cramp hits and you squeeze his arm in support instead.
“Alright, crampy. Go home, I’ll give you a cuddle when I get back.”
You nearly skip out of the bathroom with Peter behind you, he looks around before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I’ll see you in a few hours, yeah?”
You can’t help but to sigh dreamily, “yeah.”
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aliengoose · 1 year
as lots of people are saying I reckon this episode was supposed to give us an idea of how the show is “supposed” to run, and that’s partly why it was so silly and goofy. the eerier bits were all about things that aren’t “supposed” to happen.
in terms of plot it seems ranboo has been kidnapped by showfall and is being mind-controlled by us as sort of “players”. he comments once or twice about not knowing why he’s doing something or not being in full control, and occasionally appears to become more lucid (a few people have pointed out that the mask flashes at these points). basically ranboo is being used as a videogame character to entertain the masses by showfall media.
i cannot figure sneeg out, he’s clearly not being mind controlled seeing he “cheats” with the scissors and also doesn’t have any mask to suggest he’s under control, plus we don’t get to control him at all. I’m thinking perhaps he was an earlier main character test that made showfall realise they need more control over them.
Somethings up with charlie and idk what. if showfall is going “hey lets get these internet personalities to be our unwilling characters in this game” it would make sense for why he’s got the slime motifs and all that. BUT how can they be sure he’s doing what they want him to? perhaps he is affected by slime the same way sneeg was? maybe showfall figured out a way to use slime to control him? much to think about.
there’s also the possibility that it’s just not that deep but i do think it’s supposed to give the impression that the entire thing is happening in our world and isn’t scripted or anything. that’s why i love the choice to act it all out live, it doesn’t just allow for more interaction, it is literally a live broadcast of an game featuring fun “characters”. I really hope there’s some deeper meaning in that, about the treatment of people as entertainment without thought for their own health and wellbeing, and the way entertainers often have to play a caricature of themselves to appease their audience.
i know a lot of people have been talking about a face reveal in genloss and given the mask is linked to controlling ranboo and they literally cannot take it off right now i see it going one of 3 ways;
1. he takes the mask off and we get a face reveal (doubt)
2. he takes the mask off BUT they’re wearing another mask underneath. seems like something they’d do
3. he doesn’t get the mask off. we lost. ranboo is stuck under the control of showfall media with only short periods of lucidity. ranboo said at one point that we should be left with a feeling of dread. maybe there’s no escape. what’s more terrifying than doing everything right and still being doomed?
ok that’s all i can think of for now sorry it’s a long post but idk how to add a read more on mobile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i’ll edit this if i think of anything else i guess?
edit: this is blowing up i have genloss art in my pinned and plans to make more 👀
edit 2: @pinkpuffballdude ‘s tags reminded me!!! i had completely forgotten to talk about sneeg being awake and staring with dead eyes through the whole sleep part. THAT was creepy. It made me think of NPCs to be honest, the way he wasn’t able to do anything but being forced to witness everything happening, not being able to sleep without a bed. I don’t know how to explain it right now and i’ll come back here if i figure it out. BUT he also talks about refusing to do the cooking show which is the main thing that got me thinking he was a past mc who’s been locked away. also aligns with his “the taken” name in The Game.
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emtheanxiousdragon · 1 year
Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG
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Ok so if you are any sort of game designer, whether that be a programmer for a mobile app, an artist for an indie TTRPG, or a top-tier producer at a AAA-game studio, you should read Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal, it inspires you to make games that don’t just form digital communities or entertain, but allow a deeper connection to your real life.
And one game that I think, with a twist, could really fit McGonigal’s idea is Wanderhome, the excellent pastoral RPG by tumblr’s very own @jdragsky . This game is beautiful, simple, and a tool for telling these lovely stories about anthropomorphic travelers exploring a recovering society and finding themselves along the way.
Now, let me introduce my idea, tentatively titled Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG.
You make a Wanderhome character, just like in a typical game. You also make a separate Wanderhome profile that represents yourself. (this can be your actual Wanderhome character if you want to take on an alternate persona). This secondary Wanderhome character doesn't actually travel the Hæth. They represent your journey in the real world. Your second character's playbook should fit yourself and what you hope to get from this experience. My secondary character will be a Peddler, because I want to grow my personal career.
Then you get connected to a Hæth. These are shared worlds/servers that begin like all Wanderhome games (at the start of Tillsoil very soon after the end of the war) and progress from there. You can start with other players or begin on your own and find others later.
When you wish to travel to a new area, instead of randomly deciding what it should be, you base it on your current location. It can be as simple as your bedroom or as grand as the Great Wall of China! I’ll show you what I mean with where I am now.
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A beautiful pond, right? Let’s turn it into a spot in the Hæth! Our first nature is based on a literal take of the area. I’m by a pond, so the first nature will be Lake! The second nature is more metaphorical; based on what you know about your location, choose a nature that describes its personality. A lot goes on around this pond, so I’ll pick Carnival. The third nature should describe the place as it is when you arrive. The calm nature of the pond today means the third nature is Field. Build the location with the rules of each nature, combined with the traits of the season, and you’ve made a Place!
In Our Hæth, each location is permanently saved into the world you created it in. If other players want to visit this location rather than create a new one, they’ll replace the third nature and the seasonal traits and set off! They can see what you’ve written about the place and the adventures you’ve had here. If you know them in real life, you can share what the real-world inspiration is. If not, you can discuss as much about it as you feel comfortable sharing.
Once you're in a Place, great! Start playing Wanderhome. If you're alone, write down what your traveler does in this place. If you're with friends, get together in person and roleplay it out, or chat together over Discord or your online forum of choice. Their characters may travel with you for a while or your paths may diverge and reconnect later. Just remember what happens so you can share it as part of your character's story. When you make a Kith, go through the regular Kith creation process and add them to your Hæth. If other players visit this Place later, they may meet your kith and will want to know what happened.
The other big ARG element of this version of Wanderhome comes with using tokens. When your character does something to create a token, you need to do something to make a token in real life. Have a list of what different actions in Wanderhome mean for you in real life. For example, when my character Camper gives away something he holds dear, that means I have to complete some professional networking. Your token action should be challenging or good for you. Change your token action as your challenges and needs change. Make them fit your life and your goals.
Take a break to complete your token action, or write it down for after the session. You won't be able to spend your real-world token until you complete your task. Once that's done, the next time your character spends a token, you can spend one too! Your token rewards are something positive to reward yourself for putting in the effort and caring for yourself, your relationships, or the world. In my Hæth, when Camper keeps someone safe from the difficulties of the world, I get to take a nap rather than work!
The months can change in small groups when you agree to change them. In bigger groups, you may set a real-world date for the change in the months. Ask the month's question to yourself and your Wanderhome character. Consider your answer a "yes" regardless of which one of you says so. When the time comes for the seasons to change, set up a party with others in your Hæth or throw your own private celebration. Just as the holiday marks a moment of personal growth for your character, take a major step forward with your own goals. As Camper celebrates the new year, I'm going to start searching for a summer internship. I'll adapt my token actions and rewards as needed, and I'll continue playing.
So long as you have Wanderhome, you can play this game. You can keep track of your Hæth in a notebook, on a google doc, whatever. My perfect version of this project would be a little website where players can join different Hæths, watch their world grow on a virtual map, see all the information neatly organized online, and connect to a wide range of people in the Wanderhome community.
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h0neytalk · 8 months
Mango v. LingQ v. Anki
I’ve been using the above apps for a while now and I couldn’t find a ton of somewhat easy to understand comparisons/explanations of how to use these various cult favorites. I figured I would make one if anyone is wondering where to start or making a departure from Duolingo.
Standard langblr disclaimer: I am ultimately just a person on the internet, I’m not an expert in language learning or a world renowned polyglot. I’m not even an expert in any of these apps/programs. These are all just thoughts and opinions I have about the value of each app to myself as an average consumer trying to learn a language and intended to help other people decide where to spend their time.
Anki is an open source spaced repetition flashcard program. It has an incredibly loyal fan base of med students and people who just want to learn things. This is also the one I have the least experience with so I recommend diving into forums and other blogs who go in depth on all the ways you can use this program. The web version is completely free and there is an official paid mobile app. There are also unofficial paid apps, this is the source of great drama and discourse and I’m not touching that here. Spaced repetition essentially means that the program will present you with cards at intervals designed to maximize your retention. When you flip over a card, you have four options that boil down to: fail, hard, good, easy. This is how the program determines what to show you and when.
Key Features:
The main draw is obviously the spaced repetition system. It’s much easier and more effective than sorting manually.
Because it’s open source, there is a way to customize the settings and cards to do basically whatever you want. There are also tons of premade decks to import and either use as-is or use as a base.
The online web version is completely free.
You can add really any media type to the cards. You can add sound clips of pronunciations, images, even drawings and diagrams.
Having the four options is particularly useful for the nuances of learning a language. For example, for general vocabulary decks I’ll assign one “point” to general meaning, tense/part of speech, and pronunciation. Getting the general meaning but not the other two means I select “hard” when I flip the card.
Best uses:
Vocab or learning a new alphabet. Specifically for drilling any of those “slippery” words. I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but there are some vocab words that just refuse to stick with me. I’ve found the Anki SRS does help pin them down.
Potential downsides:
While there are decks to import, there could always be errors that you won’t catch just seeing single vocab words with no context.
The available customization is labor intensive.
The UI for the official app and web version isn’t super slick and intuitive.
Even the best flashcards are ultimately just flashcards and have limits to their usefulness.
Mango is similar to Babbel or other programs that focus on speaking (and doing so quickly). I much prefer Mango to Babbel or any other similar app and find that it does what it says it will. Languages are split into units. Each unit has chapters and each chapter has lessons. A lesson will start with an optional pre quiz and a brief recording of a conversation that you will be able to follow by the end of the lesson. Each lesson concludes with a listening and reading quiz. It also utilizes spaced repetition and gives you daily flashcards to review.
You learn based on phrases rather than individual words. A long sentence will be presented in its entirety. The lesson will then go through each word individually before combining them into phrases and, finally, the full sentence from the start. Then you will learn vocabulary needed for variations. The activities are fairly standard for a language app: speaking, listening, multiple choice. You can also turn off the interactive feature and have the lesson run as a “speak and repeat” style podcast. It tracks the hours you’ve spent learning a language and there is an activity log, but no in depth stats.
Key features:
It is focused on speaking immediately.
Has a ton of languages and several dialects for those languages.
Focuses on phrases and patterns that are most useful if traveling or having brief, friendly interactions.
Presents information in a digestible way and isn’t overwhelming.
Includes culture and grammar notes.
$12.99 a month but most public libraries and schools give you free access. You can also set up a household account for multiple people and split the cost with friends/family.
The first lesson of any language is free, and some rare and indigenous languages are completely free to access.
Audio is native speakers. When you record yourself, your vocal wave pattern appears that you can compare with the native speaker.
Best uses:
If you are traveling soon and want to navigate basic, friendly interactions, this will get you there quick. Within 1-3 months easily, depending on the language and how often you practice.
I also recommend this as a starting place when you are totally new to a language or to learning a language in general. The structure is excellent for getting a feel for things.
This is also great if you studied a language previously and need to refresh your memory or get back into it.
Potential downsides:
The “record yourself” feature is fairly buggy and often freezes up. It can also be annoying to try and match the timing of the native speaker, but you don’t have to record audio to progress past those lesson points so it isn’t too much of an inconvenience.
It isn’t meant for total fluency. As stated, the lessons (at least that I have done) are focused on speaking while traveling and making small talk. Some of the early lessons teach you to say “sorry, I don’t speak [x]”. Which is very useful if going abroad soon, but less so if you would rather just be able to speak that language.
The regimented nature can make it feel slow/too easy if you are also using other methods.
The review flashcards only have a binary “yes/no” option which feels annoying for longer phrases or after using Anki-style cards.
With any course like this, you aren’t going to have much choice in the vocab you learn or prioritizing topics.
I am honestly surprised I don’t see more about this. I think they have been making a bunch of updates recently so maybe the version I’m using is miles above previous ones, but it is shockingly powerful. It’s also the hardest to explain (which may be why I don’t see much written about it and why this is going to be a long section.) LingQ (pronounced “link”) operates on a hybrid comprehensible/massive input model. While Anki prioritizes memorization and Mango priorities speaking, LingQ focuses on comprehension and listening. LingQ is comprised of courses which are made up of lessons. There are pre-built courses made by LingQ but the real goal is to make your own (more on that later).
Each lesson within a course has an audio recording and a written transcript. Words you haven’t seen before are highlighted blue (when you start, that’s every word). You click the word to see the definition and assign it one of 5 statuses: ignore, new, recognized, familiar, learned, or known. “Ignore” is used for things like names or borrowed words, they won’t be counted in your stats. “Known” is for words you knew before seeing them. You likely won’t have any of these if you’re starting a new language with no prior experience. Levels 1-3 highlight the word yellow and it becomes a LingQ. You can create a LingQq using as many words as you want. You can manually change the status of a word when you see it. You can also do various review activities similar to Mango, and if you get a word right twice in a row it will automatically bump up a level. You can always adjust it back down if needed. LingQ is very focused on the value of listening to a language. You can add lessons to playlists and listen to them like a podcast.
My personal favorite part of LingQ is the ability to import lessons. Especially YouTube videos. The site has a browser extension that will import any content in your target language into a lesson as an embedded item. You can then read/listen to/watch that content right in the app and get “credit” for it. LingQ’s statistics are some of the coolest/most motivating I’ve seen. You get coins for completing tasks but those are really just to see a number get bigger. It also tracks the words you’ve read, how many words you know, the hours listened, and speaking/writing if you utilize their tutor marketplace or writing forum.
The free trial is very limited but it’s enough to poke around and get a feel for things before signing up, not necessarily to learn anything substantial. The monthly membership is $12.95 and there’s a $199 lifetime option as well. I definitely recommend spending some time playing around at the free level and then upping to monthly if you like it.
Key features:
The ability to import lessons. It will also create a simplified version of shorter content. This is an AI generated summary of whatever you’ve imported. I use this for videos where natural speaking cadence can make it hard to parse things sometimes. It’s easier/more productive if I know generally what’s going on.
The creation of LingQs. I just think it’s a really cool and useful way to approach comprehensible input. You can visually see the yellow fading as you understand more and more of a lesson.
You can export LingQs to Anki (theoretically). I’ve never done this myself and I’ve seen some forum posts saying it doesn’t work super well all the time but it is a built in feature.
In-depth stats tracking and the ability to consume all the content easily in app. The stats would be annoying if it wasn’t literally easier to watch a video via LingQ than on YouTube.
Community features. There are community challenges (like Duolingo) but also a forum to submit writing that will be corrected by native speakers and a marketplace of tutors to easily sign up for speaking lessons. The forum is free and volunteer based, but scrolling through I didn’t see anyone who didn’t have at least one reply. The tutors are paid at an hourly rate and you can also pay by the word to have them correct written work.
Super flexible. There really isn’t any one right way to use this app so you can structure it however you like and set your own goals/metrics.
Playlists and focus on listening. It really does help to constantly be immersed in what a language sounds like, and being able to read and listen to the same thing has been so nice.
Actually decently helpful emails and not just spam.
Best for:
Hardcore language learners. The app/site provides some guidance on how to get started and the basic idea, but you’ll need to play around with it and spend some time reading forum posts or the emails they send to find what works for you.
Getting to higher levels of fluency after maxing out other apps/self study methods.
People looking to spend a lot of time on language learning because they enjoy it. This isn’t snarky, but there’s a difference between wanting or needing to learn Spanish to communicate at work or on vacation and just really enjoying learning languages. This is an app for language nerds.
Potential downsides:
Very overwhelming. They technically say you can jump right in with 0 knowledge of a language and be good to go, but I think it would be hard to make a lot of progress unless you’ve learned other languages before. If you’re looking to learn a new language for the first time, I recommend starting with Mango to get your bearings.
Doesn’t teach new alphabets. This isn’t a huge issue for Mango since it’s speaking focused, but I wouldn’t jump into Arabic or Russian on LingQ without spending some time learning the alphabet with other methods.
User generated definitions. This is a double edged sword. The definitions being linked to sites like Globse can lead to wrong definitions, but because you’re seeing things in context it’s easier to catch. And looking into what a phrase means is a great way to learn if you are really into languages.
The import feature isn’t 100% perfect when it comes to videos. It will only create a transcript when the video has captions enabled or a transcript provided, otherwise it just shows up as an audio file. It will also sometimes randomly just not be able to import a video which can be annoying, but in the grand scheme of things these are very minor annoyances.
Time commitment. The method doesn’t require a ton of actively sitting down and reviewing vocab or reading new words, but it does assume that you’ll swap out listening to music or podcasts while going about your day with listening to content in your target language. This is all well and good unless you really enjoy listening to specific content while doing tasks or need help not getting distracted. It’s going to be a lot of incomprehensible noise for a while before you can parse it. This might not be a downside as much as something to keep in mind when considering how effective it’s going to be for you.
Not as active of a community. Maybe it’s just for my particular languages, but there definitely aren’t a ton of people actively doing things like challenges. This really doesn’t matter much to me but it could be a bummer if you’re looking for that.
tl;dr just tell me how to learn things
If you need to learn a new alphabet, start with that. Otherwise, Mango to get your bearings, Anki to add to your vocab as you get bored with Mango, and LingQ to realistically get “fluent”. Then start writing and speaking either using tutors or people you know or local language groups.
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gliphyartfan · 1 year
@yandere-linked-universe @stars-for-thought @imprisioned-in-the-hole @screaming-until-god-hears-me @crestfallenmermaidan @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @justanerd1
*crawls out of a dumpster* Heeeeey?
I’m gonna do my best to wrap up the chain’s return and then probably do something slightly new. Maybe Maybe.
This Wars' rewrite is giving me a headache, mostly because the best way to write his part is IN parts and add the relevant sides of connecting heroes in between. So technically you could read Warriors' parts before or after certain bits. Sky's part could technically be read after this one or before and it would make sense... kinda
(Also I found glitchy font! I decided to test it with this post, if you like it, I'll start to use it more, hopefully in a more tasteful way. also why can't I underline in mobile? This is bull!)
Forgive me if it doesn't make sense in the beginning, to be fair, an unstable hero's mind tends to not make sense anyway.
I’ll start drowning in the writing soon, Most of them are done (editing notwithstanding) and now I've just got to decide if I'm pleased with what I finished or is the perfectionist in me gnawing because it knows I can do better.
ANYWAY, Enjoy!
'Hero, there are many enemies around you.'
(Not yet.)
'Hero, there are many battle you must face.'
...Many battles...
(Not yet.)
'Hero, you must lead these soldiers against this darkness.'
'Hero, you have a responsibility to this land.'
...Responsibility...You say this proudly when you have a goddess given scapegoat to blame if it all goes wrong.
This wasn't his responsibility. His only responsibility was to protect H-
(Not. Yet.)
It is the Hero's responsibility is it?
'The Hero's role to t a k e the blame for actions allowed against the land.'
Is this what the merciful Crown spews when they send a young soul to the Slaughter?
'The Hero must lead. The Hero must R͇̺̹̖̩̠̅̔ͬ̍͊̽ͫ̀̚i̺̝̦̹̮̬͕̾̆̌̆̆̕͝s̢̙͙ͯ̓ͧ̌͜͢ͅe̻̲̲͒̅͡. The Hero must fight any and A̧l̢͜҉l̨ enemies against Goddess and Crown.'
...The...the only one he ever served was-
(N̸̨̗̱̗͈̯̟͊̍̏̍̑̀ͅ ̧̩̜̱͎̘͙͍͛̌͌ͪ̏̚̚ǫ̻͙̙͇͖͉ͣͩ͢͝ ͕̘̤̬͓͓̙̰̺̏̍͊͘t̸̥͓̙ͭ͗̆̊͆͛.̵͈̮͇͙͙̰̜̂͋ͨ̇ ͒̓ͫ̂́͏̮̥̬͇͇̻̕Ỹ̻̣̈ ̶̹̦͒̐ͭ́͢ȇ̼̦͕̞̯̭̫̿͆͗ ̫͓̲͔̩̱̐ͯ̈͑͂͂t̡̜̠̦̣̣̲͙̣͂ͮ͆͆ͬ͒̐͞.͍̺͕̙̖̥̮ͯͦ̊̔ͤͩ̏ͯͭ)
'The Hero is more than a Soldier.'
...That's right...
In your eyes...The Hero is a Weapon that cuts through the darkness that dares to encroach the Land of Light.
That is...the Hero's purpose.
'Link...you are the Hero this land needs...'
...A̷m̛͢ ҉Í̛̛?̢
(How often has those words circled in his head..before?)
'This war, you must charge forward without fear...and cut down our enemies.'
-He is familiar with these enemies, despite seeming to have never faced them before...-
'The sorceress, we do not yet know her intentions.'
-He knows all too well her intentions...-
'We will follow you Hero.'
(N̡͡ó ̸̵y̢͢o͢u w̵͜o̢͘͞n̶̕͠'͟t̴͘)
because he knows these events all too well
'We are comrades, we will protect one another.'
You and half of the men here will cut the throats of the comrades standing by your sides, and allow the enemy to take out the others that did not side with you.
'We gladly give our lives to our Home.'
Y̨̛͜o̶͜u̵̢͢͞͞... You all begged for your lives as you were sentenced to death for your treasonous actions. Like the cowards you've always been.
'So let up stand together against this Darkness Hero.'
So m̧̛a̧͘͜͢n̸̸y̷̢͢ of you will be executed before this War reaches the midway point.
'Together, we will restore peace to this land.'
Of this battalion, the only one who will survive this War is M̴̛͝͏͜e҉̨̕҉̀.
I am certain of that
'...Lead us in battle...'
The Hero of Warriors stoically gripped his sword and watched the soldiers salute him.
'I have no use for ţ͘ŗa̶̢͟i͘҉́t͘͠҉҉ơ̧̕͡͠ŕ̸s͡͏̷̶.'
War tends to make sights of rubble more common to his eyes than pristine buildings.
Towns and villages that once stood on green fertile land have long been reduced to burnt ruins on dead ground due to the waves of monsters.
In the middles of those ruins, he stood, running a bloodied hand through his hair.
Glancing at the countless bodies of monsters surrounding him, he turned on his heel. The light of the dawn shone behind his head, as it would each dawn and dusk. His eyes expressing nothing to the outside world. His thoughts his own. He walked slowly, his pace was even as he made his way through the ruined town.
The corpses he stepped over were burned by the fires that have not gone out; they smelled putrid, their rotting flesh slowly fading into a dark mist.His footsteps the only constant as he made his way up the hill, the grass was scorched black from the fire.
The sky in these lands would eventually grey and storm clouds would loom ominously above. He reached the crest where the hill curved and disappeared behind a thick line of trees, the forest having lost much of its leaves and now lay dormant in death. There wasn't an animal in sight, and the wind howled as if crying to be released from this place that was once so alive. The startings of a storming clear to him.
His eyes took it all in without a single ounce of emotion. The destruction, the dissolving corpses that littered the ground...they all held no meaning or importance to him. They didn't matter in the end. A battle was had and finished here, the number of casualties did not matter so long as you were on the winning side.
This was merely another battleground. The Hero was ordered to raise his sword and he did so.
And he felt almost absolutely nothing as he swung down.
All he felt as he marched forward, were the eyes of the damned sorcereress following his every move.
It crawled along his skin, picked at his senses. He knew there would be no escaping it until the war neared it's very end.
It followed him from one moment to another, he was aware of it, aware of the invisible enemy that no sword or magic would eradicate until the source was dealt with.
He loathed anything to do with that sorcereress. To even speak of her name, to hear it, tore at him greatly. But a Sword does not truly feel, so he does not allow the unnerving feeling reflect on his face.
He simply marched to the tunes of his superiors. Another battle, another victory, another traitor to be found, drawn and quartered
And still, he allowed himself to feel nothing.
Not sadness, not anger, not despair. Nothing.
Because if he felt anything he would have to acknowledge-
Ń̸̛͢͏o̡͘͢͞t҉̵ ̧̀͜Ý̸̵̢͟ȩ̀t̷̵́̕̕
He did everything he could to hide what he felt, he did everything he could to ignore that part of him that screamed out for relief...and instead, he pushed it down deep into his heart. And so he continued forward and continued onwards...
Marching forth wherever his superiors pointed him to.
Because he refused to feel anything.
Hyrule Fields, The Eldin Caves, Faron Woods, throughout each area, he felt her gaze. The ever present sense of hungry eyes always following him.
Yet her physical eyes, her very presence always crawled more potently along his skin when she was before him.
Despite many adversaries surrounding her, the sorcereress' eyes rarely strayed from his person. Always locked on to him in some way or another.
Her eyes were always watching, scrutinising, waiting to see what the Hero would do. What the Hero's expression would show when confronted with an impossible task. The sorceress derived pleasure at the assumption that he was playing right into her path.
That, in doing so, he would falter and allow her to claim the Hero's spirit for herself.
The audacity to even assume he would allow her claim of his soul. For it only belonged to-
N͏̸͢͠ó̶̢̀t̶́͞ ͏͏́Y̶̸͘͟͠é͜͝t҉͏
Cia's actions, her motives, were all so pathetic that had he felt anything, he would have felt disgust.
He did not belong to her, he never had, he never would, he only belonged to-- D̡͘͟͝o͟͞͡ ̶̡̕͢͝n̶͠ơ̶t͜͢͠ ̢̕͢͠t̶҉h̶͢͞í̕͡n̴͠k҉̵͠ ̡̀͘̕͞o̴̷f̨̢҉ ́͘s̸̷͟͞ú̡̢̢͠c̕҉̧̕h́͞ ̶͞t̡͘͟͟h̢̛i̴̧n̶͠ǵ̀͘͟͝s̛͟ ̨̧̀
But he felt nothing. Merely the sensation of her magic her eyes crawling across his skin as he felt the Triforce ripped from him.
-He always Hated It-
So close
He listened to the sounds of war that were both new and old to him, and the destruction surrounding him, he felt nothing for his traitorous companions around him; as the sound of swords clashing and screams ringing in his ears, the smell of blood and guts filling the air.
Not Yet.
He looked upon the battlefield before him, watching as both monsters and men died around him. Watching as the ground shook from the tremors caused by the blasts of magic being fired.
His mind whispered possibilities to him, tugging at his heart, demanding that he take action.
Not Yet.
Time and again, he watched and observed his troops as they licked their wounds after each battle.
He spoke when necessary but no further.
Not Yet.
He was a Sword, and Swords don't feel.
Not yet.
He watched and observed.
He waited.
Ņ̵̡́ǫ͞͞t̡̡͞͡͠.̸͏̛ ̶̡͞͝Ý̀͜e҉͜͏͟t̴͡.̵̴̵̧͝
He just had to wait a little longer, March forward a little longer.
Only then will the path make itself known.
A land that was so familiar to him.
His silence was a boon to him, it prevented him from exposing his true reaction when Cia's portals warped the land.
To see the eras that have long since passed.
He knows these sights He knows these lands in ways he shouldn't but does. This is enough proof isn't it? This is enough to prove that-Ņ̵̡́ǫ͞͞t̡̡͞͡͠.̸͏̛ ̶̡͞͝Ý̀͜e҉͜͏͟t̴͡.̵̴̵̧͝.
His hand tightened around his sword. As if to steady himself as he stepped through the portal and gazed upon the monument to the W̶̢͟͡͠r̸̨͟͞è̀͡͡t̸̶͘c̵͞h̶̨̨ȩ̷̧̧́d̕͏̧̨ ̧́͜ Goddess.
He played his part well, cutting through the enemies before him, reaching the overwhelmed soldiers that protected the Sky islands.
He swung his blade, readied his shield.
Kept playing the part of Hyrule's Sword.
Not Yet.
Kept his emotions locked away.
Because he needed to know-
-How he would allow this war to End.
Because what happened next, determined e̢̕͠v̸͟͠͡e͘͜͠ŗ̢̀͜y̢̛͘͘t̡̕ḩ̢͘͢͜i͢͞n͝͠ǵ͏ ̶̷̶͡
I await you...underneath the Goddess statue...
The Hero of Warriors rose his head, staring in the direction of the voice.
He ignored the fighting around him. He supposed insects should be capable enough to deal with these weaklings
Ignored the calls for assistance. If they can not handle these beasts, he had no use for them under his command.
He marched towards the statue, heart loudly beating against his chest.
-Just a bit more-
He had to K͘͏̴͜n̴͠o͟͞w̷̛҉̕ ̴̷̡.
-Just a bit further-
The answer had to be what he sought.
He entered the chamber beneath the statue, and laid his eyes upon the sword that resided within.
The sword glowed with a light, a blade that was so familiar to him. He stood motionless as if transfixed by it, the sword pulsed with power which rippled like water around him, the blade itself seemed to be vibrating.
...As If...recognizing an old friend.
And with a pulse of magic, She appeared before him.
Floating above the blade that was her body. She gazed down upon Link who gazed back without hesitation.
The battle raged on beyond the chamber. Yet they stood before each other in silence as if they had all the time in the world. Everything outside was of little concern to them, and the world further out was of even less consequence than that.
They stood before each other, as if waiting for something that was known to none but them.
A Truth that was hidden behind the surface of their skins, they simply stared at one another, as if waiting to find out if what they thought could actually be true.
Or was that merely his own mind playing tricks on him?
Regardless, the silence, despite his desperation, seemed to tickle something in him. His mouth twitched with amusement. His eyes crinkled.
Warriors moved closer, looking into the Fi's eyes with a calm look. He raised the hand holding his blade, gently touching the hilt, tracing along the blade that lay underneath it. He finally spoke.
"It seems...that we have been...ripped,stolen,torn ...separated...from what we've long claimed as O̷͜u̷̶͏r̵̡̧͡s̸͘͞."
His voice was quiet, rough from lack of use. A gamble in and of itself as he allowed a small smile to appear on his face.
Fi stared at him. He returned her stare with calm eyes.
"Hero...of Warriors..." His blood rushed in his ears, the pounding of his heart practically audible as the sword spirit finally spoke.
"My Masters..."'Her voice was soft, yet perhaps if he focused, he would hear the same hurt that plagued his own heart. "I do not sense my Masters...only you..."
Fi tilted her head,"But you...have yet to wield me Master."
He nodded in acknowledgement, eyes gaining an almost wild look to them as he focused on her every B҉̡͟͞e͘̕͘a̷̛̛͜͠ù̶̡͠t̶í̧f̶̨̨̛ù͟͢l̀͡ ̴҉ word.
"Yet you have and shall rightfully wield me in a time that is both nearing yet still so far away."
She paused, staring at him with those expressionless eyes-"Though I am not meant to serve you properly in my current form, I shall be by your side as intended soon enough."
She leaped forward, quickly closing the distance between them.
"We have much to discuss my Master, I predict you are as curious as I am over this unfortunate turn of events."
She tilted her head.
"Shall we rid ourselves of these distractions and proceed?"
He smiled, it was all teeth,"You know me well, faithful friend."
With that said, he drew his shield from his back and readied his sword.
"For now, we shall play our roles." He spoke as monsters began to enter the chambers.
"Afterwards, we'll have more than enough time afterwards to catch up."
-End Part 1-
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sandinthepipes · 8 months
Hello fellow dyslexic/adhd/others who would like to enjoy fanfics through their ears, I just spent the entire day testing android apps to find one that doesn’t suck as much.
TL;DR - these two T2S, Audify
I feel like I need to share this because 90% the apps don’t even allow a web page as a source, let alone get past the log in page, and I cant be the only one who doesn’t want to download every single fic.
“Oh, but doesn’t android have a built-in text-to-speech function in the accessibility settings?” I hear you ask. Yes, but it sucks ass very badly. Firstly it only reads in the system language, so it doesn’t really work. Second, you need to highlight all that you want it to read, and seeing that I read a minimum of 15k words in a sitting, I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m broke, I imagine you are too, but even if I wasn’t I’m not paying for this, if I did I wouldn’t even be supporting a human being, so no.
I’ll immediately break your trust with the first point, but it’s what I’ve been doing until now, and now that I know what the android mobile experience is like, I feel the need to include this. The best solution I’ve had so far (which works wonders, let me tell you) is letting Siri read them on the iPad. It’s only doable when I’m at home and it’s still an apple product, so that’s why I began the research. However the positive points are INCREDIBLE so I’m going to ads it to the list because I said so.
First of all it’s built-in and SO EASY to access, you literally just swipe with two fingers and it stars to read. It reads the punctuation, you might think that’s a given and so did I, but no. A question sounds like a question, an exclamation point does why its supposed to do, short sentences sound what they’re supposed to sound like. In apparently all the apps ever created, you won’t find any of it, just flat, monotone voices with flat little pauses. Overall excellent experience 10/10.
Cons: it’s on apple, I consider apple the same as Disney, I would love to not give them more money so that they can make the market increasingly worse. Every now and then a system update will fuck with the tts function and it will be unusable for a while. Sometimes it doesn’t like the text format on some fics. It’s not portable.
Now that we got that out of the way let us get to the meet.
Speechify - it sucks bad. At least the free version, but seen as it costs almost 10€ a month I’m not even going to consider the premium version. Fuck that. You can’t increase the speed, and as somebody who hasn’t watched a single YouTube video on normal speed since they added the function I can’t do that, too slow, I forgot what we were talking about once we get to the end of the sentence. Also you can only use those weird very robotic voices, and they’re not even that many. Don’t recommend. I felt like I had to include it since it was one of the few who allowed browser navigation and well, it’s speechify. Also you can’t t have saved more than 3 “files” per time. Doesn’t have sleep mode.
T2S - cute. It works. Again, no emotions, but it reads what it has to, nice voice selections, easy to use. The premium version adds literally nothing, they’re a good app, what they have, they give. Also you can customise the interface colour if you want. Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: this app allows you to have multiple tabs open at the same time, unlike Audify. - EDIT EDIT: it's waaay better than Audify with pdf files.
Audify - works exactly the same as T2S, but it saves the history and has a bit more customisation for how it reads and what it reads (which you don’t really need for ao3, but if you wanted to read, say, Wikipedia with all the notes and stuff, now you know). Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: the double tap to start reading works slightly better than T2S on websites with weird formatting. But unlike T2S you can only have one tab open - EDIT EDIT: will turn your pdf file into text and will show you just text. If you had things like images or columns fucks for you.
That’s all folks. Now go and be free of your reading impediment, or be free in your multitasking, or whatever you want to do. I’m done, I’ve given my datas to all kinds of shady apps, I need to go do damage control
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rashomonss · 1 year
As I was reading through the movie event, since when I had gotten back into it that was the event I did part of and I wanted to see what happened, I now have a bit more to add for possessive Satan.
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LIKE shbbdwnvddnbs
This isn’t so much a request as it is just me wanting to add more evidence of Satan’s possessiveness on top of the already heaping amount that is already there. LIKE THERE ARE SO MANY INSTANCES.
(Sadly because of the mobile app’s 10 image limit, I will be continuing my simping in my next ask.)
(Also also, like I said earlier this isn’t quite a request as it is an invitation to simp over Satan together.)
he’s so possessive in some events and I live for it, for example the recent star event, like he literally lost his shit and yelled when everyone kept bothering us. meanwhile i was twirling my hair around my finger and giggling
omg and don’t even get me stared on his devilgram cards, please i could talk about them for hours ESPECIALLY his ‘Dressing for the Occasion’ card
at the end when he says he yearns for us body and soul and wants to kiss us to the end of time!? PLEASE I LOST IT I LOVE HIM SM I CAN’T STAND IT
yk what I’ll post some screenshots of that card and tag you bc possessive satan needs to be shared with the world (─ ‿ ─)
also don’t even get me stared on the lvl 20 intimacy call…. I’m not joking I literally combusted
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alexiseatzbeez · 1 year
Redesign of my redesigns from last year !?! I’m obsessed with mh again so I’m redoing my redesigns because I’ve grown attached to the g3 designs lmao. So here’s Frankie first because they’re my fav
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I’ll write more headcanons here, feel free to read them !!
Ok so for the “child of Frankensteins creature”, instead of being the child of victor Frankenstein, imagine a universe where victor was actually nice to his creation, gave him a name (Adam Frankenstein), and created a child for him instead of a bride. Also imagine Frankie sees Victor as an uncle more than a grandpa even tho he is technically their grandpa lmao
15 days old = 15 yrs old, they’re a sophomore at monster high
Since Mattel can’t make Frankie green anymore because of copywrite, I made them bluish and greenish yellow, blue for the g3 design and green yellow for the book design of Frankensteins creature (his skin is yellow because of formaldehyde so why not have Frankie’s skin a little yellow too)
Loves doodling on their prothetic leg
I went with an even nerdier design than last time I drew Frankie just because in the reboot movie, they wore sweater vests a lot and I thought it was cute lol
Loves accessorizing and piercings sm like their room is probably filled with diy jewelry kits and different jewelry for piercings (ofc their dad makes them get them professionally done no diy piercings here 😞)
Has a friendship bracelet with all friends possible and probably makes more all the fime
Their bag is a blue star bag with a yellowish white fluffy shoulder pad
Very very very tall, not as tall as their 8ft tall dad tho lmao
Loves platform shoes and bright makeup
Hair is like a side shave (shaved side is purple) with black streaks and a blue underdye
Doesn’t have braces anymore maybe they got them removed Lmao
Very much involved in school and probably has the most school spirit out of everyone
Doesn’t understand certain phrases (ex: bottle up ur feelings-they literally bottle up their feelings, it’s raining cats and dogs-probably will go looking for cats and dogs)
Based on my last redesign, probably still uses mobility aids when needed but they also have a prosthetic leg so idk how much
Can remove and add new limbs whenever
UPDATE: another idea I had and have said here before is that their dads could also be Herbert and Dan from reanimator because I think it's funny lol
If I think of anymore I guess I’ll add them lmao but ty for reading these if u did !!!
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yuusaris · 11 months
Shadowpeach Doc Dump
Blah blah Macaque has fuckbuddies, Wukong is jealous, I've got a better idea for the same concept and I want this to the side while I work on it.
Enjoy Bratty Wukong.
Macaque gets a letter.
Wukong’s not one to ask before opening mail - there’s no law against it and as King of the kingdom it arrived at, he has the right - so he does. And despite his struggles with reading, even Wukong can comprehend that the attempt is hilariously bad. So much so that he feels even less bad about opening the letter when he shows it to Macaque.
“Someone’s trying to kidnap you with a really bad lie.” Wukong grins, unscrolling it before Macaque’s eyes. Macaque’s eyes widen, face red where it shouldn’t be red as he swipes it from Wukong to get a better look at the embarrassing thing. “They think you’d fall for a dinner invite.”
“It is a dinner invite,” Macaque says. He’s stopped looking at Wukong. “I’ve been invited by them before.”
“Ohh, they’re setting you up, then. That’s underhanded,” Wukong slips to peek from behind Macaque’s shoulder - and is quickly shoved off. “Heyyy!”
“It’s not a set-up - well. Not for.. k-kidnapping.”
Ohhh, he knows that choked sound, the one where Macaque isn’t sure if Wukong will like what he’s saying. And he doesn’t, Macaque’s right, he’s back over his shoulder to examine how far Macaque is willing to lie to his king. 
Not very long.
“Not that kind of kidnapping either--” That kind? When did courting come into the mix? “It’s just - it’s just a fling.”
“Flinging what?” Wukong’s eyebrow raises, the other joining at Macaque's groan of his name. 
“Foir fun.”
“Everything fun is right here. I’m fun, don’t we fling?”
“We do not fling,” Macaque shrugs him off again, more forcefully and begins to walk off. Insulted, Wukong gives a light chase against Macaque’s unusually quick stride.  “Look, I’m going and I’ll be back the day after--”
“A day after?” Wukong’s duress is less perplexed this time. Macaque’s sigh isn’t reassuring.
“The morning after, noon the latest, okay?”
“What is it that you can’t tell me?”
“It’s private!” Macaque squeaks. 
Wukong’s mood drops - there’s hardly any secret-keeping in the troop and to be left out of one is a sore spot he didn’t know he had. 
Not that Macaque and he are the same as the rest of the troop - there are secrets that need to be kept, as royalty. But at the very least, they were always privy to each other. The hidden things were owned jointly by them alone.
Macaque’s sour face evens out, mellow under Wukong’s own hurt. “...Sorry,” He says. “I didn’t mean to snap, it’s just…”  He chews his cheek and doesn’t finish.
“...Back before noon,” Wukong folds his arms. With an overemphasis, he adds “and you’ll be considered pardoned~”
Macaque keys in, overperforms a sweeping bow, meant more for understanding than amusement. “How gracious, Your Majesty.” Macaque pockets the letter, switches conversation to something else Wukong has ‘decreed’ lately - namely, the army’s armor not matching what the dragon kings gave him; stronger metals are prettier and more durable and need to be pilfered - but a stiffness lingers for at least a few minutes longer than Wukong likes.
There is an easy solution, of course - Macaque has yet to see all of Wukongs’ 72 transformations, so he wouldn’t suspect something as innocent and mobile as a sparrow to follow him in the night. Even if Macaque had been invited before, Wukong knows how tricksy demons can be - it’s a testament to their danger, not Macaque’s intelligence, that he feels the need to monitor at least part of this ‘dinner fling’.
He slips through the crack of an open window of the place - nicer than most demons have - just as (honestly, a rather overdressed) Macaque enters the home. 
“Don’t send for me like that again,” is the first thing Macaque says. “He’s nosy as shit - it took a year off my life convincing Wukong to let me come at all.”
His feathers rustle at that. He’s not some tyrant forbidding Macaque from going out. It’s hurtful to hear his worries for his best friend be turned into something so sour.
“And don’t,” Macaque twists, jabs a finger at his host, “make the joke we’re both thinking of.”
Well, Wukong’s not thinking of jokes. When does Macaque have inside jokes with other people? How long has Wukong been away that he’s not privy to Macaque’s other friends? 
Frankly and also - when and how did Macaque learn to make friends at all?
“And kill the mood?” Asks the host (what mood?), “Never.”
Macaque is suddenly bracketed by the larger body, pressed to the wall, with a mouth on his --
Uh. Face.
Macaque’s mouth has another mouth on it. His hands suddenly have hands around them and they are over his head. He has a leg between his -- 
Okay. This kind of fling. The flinging he and Macaque definitely do not do. Will never do. And he implied they do all the time and no wonder Macaque was so upset--
He lingers too long on watching Macaque letting himself get bit, and leaves once the biting starts getting lower than his neck.
“Welcome Back!” 
And immediately, Wukong and Macaque both hear how over-enthused Wukong sounded.
“You’re late!”
That one too, especially for a scolding.
“Yyyeah, hard time getting back.” Macaque scratches at the back of his neck--
Nnno. Wukong does not want to think about all of the fucking bruises under his scarf and fur.
--And not looking at Wukong. “Plus, breakfast went late.”
“Oh. Breakfast?” Wukong has also taken up Not Looking. “Sounds good.”
“It was.”
The silence is terrible. Damning, even. Evidence, apparantly, as Macaque’s awkward posture mellows out into something disappointed. “Y’followed me, didn’t you?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“How much did you see?”
“Uh, I saw reason for me to be concerned about your safety,” Wukong scoffs, with a getsure to the neck. “A random invite sent with the idea that I wasn’t home--”
“You shouldn’t know that.”
Fuck. Cover your ass. “--and you coming back with a covered neck?”
“I always wear this scarf--.”
“This whole thing just smells bad,” Wukong shrugs. “I won’t apologize for wanting my best bud safe and sound.”
“Right, yeah, okay, so here’s what’s gunna happen--”
“Are you limping?” Wukong asks as Macque approaches and then stops and then doesn’t answer. Which is the very wrong move to make after one has confessed a legitimate concern for your safety.
Macaque’s Not Looking intensifies, turning his head down to the floor as he murmurs. “I said I had a hard time getting back.”
“They let you limp back?” Wukong’s properly mad.
“I - I just like the walk--” Wukong dips down, craning his head to stare Macaque in the eyes. Macaque’s shoulders hunch as he folds his arms. “They offered t’take me home,” Macaque’s quiet excuse does nothing for Wukong. “just--”
“--didn’t take it?” Wukong cuts him off.
Macaque’s jaw tightens. “I… didn’t feel like riding with them…. I was sore and they were suggesting--”
“So they took it back?”
“No, but at that point it was awkward because I turned it down--”
“So you limped back.” Wukong says, more seriously, “Because you felt awkward, even though they would’ve done it.” Macaque winces. “Y’know, that actually is stupid.” His friend doesn’t have an answer. “If you saw someone like King of Confusion limping home, what would you think to do?” 
“You’re not my dad--”
“Worse, I’m your friend.”
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heartofcupid · 1 year
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🎀 — 🍮 cupid’s blog, art & archive ☆
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✩ hello ! :-D
i’m cupid! but you can also call me jenny, jenn or angel! 💗 i like to draw! i’m mexican & 16 years old! 🐈‍⬛ i’m also bisexual & gender-fluid :^D ! i like ralph macchio, the karate kid (1984—1989), cobra kai, labyrinth (1986), literature, batman, spider-man, phantom of the opera, cats, the color pink & cute things! 💭💓
i also go by she / they & neopronouns love / doll ! :-D 💕
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p.s. 💭 i like a lottt of things but you can also check out my carrd linked in my bio! it’s a bit old & needs to be updated since it has been over a year but it does have a lot of basic information i hope can be of use! once i update it, i will make sure it’s all up to date! 🩷
welcome to my blog! 🎧💕
☆ — art
i like to draw and practice art, i’m currently trying to learn digital art and have mainly drawn only traditionally but i enjoy both! i’m trying my best to practice a lot & will take any advice + critique given :-D!!!! 💗💗
top two photos —
first photo: a screenshot of my homepage for the app Procreate showing multiple drawings & sketches done on the app. Note: most are experimental pieces of art! so yeah some look a little wonky, it’s all just for fun :-D
second photo: art of my original character, Michelle, legs painted over because i cant draw legs and i just didn’t finish drawing them so i covered what was drawn of the legs at the end.
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bottom 2 — sketches of my original character laelia :-)
last art! — (self portrait of myself! :-D)
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☆ — (sadly i’m on doing this post on mobile so i can only add so many photos here, so for now here are some main ones that i have never uploaded until now! 💗⭐️🌛)
the following paragraphs of this post are not as important since it’s not art or really discusses much about anything else that’s really critical for my blog here but it is more information about me and what i like, so it’ll explain any other posts i might have on here & helps to know what to except! so this part is optional to read:^). 🌷
☆ music
my favorite music!! i don’t listen to music too much & would like to expand my music taste throughout all genres (rap, punk, goth, pop, cumbia, rock, electro, anything !)
music artists i like ! i’ll add them cuz i have to be honest, there’s no point of faking my music taste lol.
☆ — my spotify! for fun lol
cravity; bts; hatsune miku; the smiths; tv girl; my chemical romance; oliva rodrigo; radiohead; the cure; paramore; baby metal; alex g; blur; david bowie; plug plug; Procrastinación 1 Yo 0; tommy february6; strawberry switchblade; luis miguel, pinkpantheress; beabadoobee; & some more! but i’m mainly a casual listener to most / don’t know that many songs from each artist but enough of their hit songs lol!
☆ films & shows.
i watch a lot of films and shows but i’m not like … a cinephile? ofc not srsly ofc but maybe as a joke to say i’m like super deep into movies & shows i could be with outside side sometimes stopping me but it’s all good!! i’ve watched some shows, mainly with family so it does take me time to finish them if i don’t watch them on my own time. i also watch a handful of films so i hope this rundown of favorite, recently watched and want to watch films & shows can give another overview of myself :-D
(completed)—mob psycho; breaking bad; the bear; aggretsuko; saiki k; Neon Genesis Evangelion; Card Captor Sakura; Great Pretender; Derry Girls; and more ^^
(want to watch)—yo soy betty, la fea; NANA; Death Note; kimi ni todoke; Kamisama Kiss; princess jellyfish; and some more ^^
side note, here’s my letterboxd lol.
all time favorite moviesss & obsessions: the karate kid trilogy; labyrinth (1986); spider-man into the spiderverse & across the spiderverse; Batman (2022); Pride & Prejudice (2005); edward scissorhands; Howls Moving Castle; and more! i watch a lot of movies but some favs on the top of my head 💗
☆ — i try to watch and enjoy as many different films as i can, i welcome any film, show and music recommendations!
i’ll try also to maybe update this post as much as i can to make sure that while it’s up, it’s also up to date!
i tend to make mistakes in my writing & while typing a lot, i also make mistakes while reading so if i send, type, write or mistake anything else while reading & writing on this blog or any other social media account i have i apologize & any correction suggestions/clarifications are welcomed!!
p.s. i might also do a follow up post to be linked to this post to show more art or just art here will be added / changed just incase! 💭🩷🐈‍⬛🐈
☆ 🤍
i don’t reblog that much, and im not active here as i am twitter and instagram lol but i try my best to interact as much as i can! i hope i can use this as an archive for my art & things i like while making friends & anything else lol but thank u for reading (^^ 🌷
☆ — ending song for fun lol
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wonhosmistress · 1 year
Word Count: 1,196
Warnings: Slight mention of Kinks, sexual BDSM themes, sex work, and lastly, TW! toxic-ish relationship mentions. Think I missed some? Lmk and send me a dm, I'll update this.
A/N:I have no IDEA how long this took for me finish because I’ve been teasing this series for a couple months with the only two teasers I mentioned of Hyunjin. Seems I have a lot of sub!Hyunjin enthusiasts because same y’all. 😩I promise to finish the Hyunjin before June ends and after that I’ll focus more on other members.
Anyways! This is the prologue enjoy this unfiltered, unedited, there will be hella grammar mistakes and I don’t plan to edit it because it’s too much work and I honestly just want to post ASAP. It’s been far too long since I’ve written and had any sort of inspo to write. Thanks to my dear mutual @nirvanawrites111 she gave me hella inspo with her amazing works!! I’m obsessed with her writing please go do me a favor and read her amazing stories/fics.
Also I tried to add the read more on mobile but I’m a dumbass and idk how to work tumble mobile sometimes lmao. So I apologize for anyone that will see this and doesn’t want to see it.
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As a result of unsuccessful relationships and partners being concerned about where she went or what she was doing, she became more secretive about her whereabouts. Even though she wanted to be honest and open with them, she hesitated on many occasions; if she were to be bold and unapologetic they would go insane and ask questions like, "Why did you choose this job out of all the others?", "Are you cheating on me?", etc.
Those tiresome scenarios were one of the reasons she was always the one that broke it off with them, and so she took it upon herself to take a break from her dating life to focus on herself.
She had a job that wasn't just any regular job.
OnlyFans? No
Camgirl? No.
A phone Sex worker? No.
Feet pics? No.
Used panties? No
For her working at night was ideal because her sleeping schedule only allowed her to be a night owl. Even before any partner appeared in her life she was still in the process of discovering a whole new part of herself that she wasn't aware existed, and here she was in a dungeon that she had been hired at over a year ago and was one of the few popular dommes among the clients.
"How are you feeling?", She stood next to the man sitting on the loveseat.
"I'm good, Mistress." He smiled at her.
"Would you like some water?" He nodded in response.
She walked towards the room next door and back to the playroom to hand him the bottle.
She crouched down to his level to face him as well to check in with him, "How are you feeling? Was it too much?", she asked curiously as to how she could improve. What she should've done is saved that question for the head domme but she didn't and took the risk.
"No. Not at all. It was perfect, I enjoyed every second of it."
He faced her smiling at him and held her hand realizing he shouldn't be doing that.
"I'm sorry...may I?" She smiled warmly at him not pulling her hands away from his grasp.
"I just wanted to say thank you."
While she had not broken skin or drawn blood, she still left a few red welts on him. She grabbed the first aid kit in the corner and treated his wounds, trying to be as gentle as possible.
"No need to thank me. You went out of your way to give it a shot when you could've easily backed out and I would've still respected your decision. BDSM isn't everyone's cup of tea and so we've learned to respect everyone's decision."
She applied a first-aid ointment to every single red mark on his back; he hissed at the lightest touch, "I'm sorry, I know it hurts I'm just trying to make sure these heal quickly and nicely."
"I know and I appreciate it."
"Done." She stood up and handed him his T-shirt. "Make sure to take a warm bath or shower after you get home and keep applying ointment on the marks afterward.
He smiled at her making his way toward the exit.
"Will do.",
She smiled at him and nodded, seeing him off.
That was one of the roughest BDSM scenes she had done in a while. She would like to take time to make sure her submissive didn't go into a sub-drop, but sadly she couldn't. If it were her, she would go out of her way to remain with every submissive for a bit longer. However, her boss had to remind her that they only came here for a service nothing more. Because of this, she couldn’t be there for more than ten to fifteen minutes with her clients after their sessions ended.
"See you tomorrow night!" Her boss told her as they both headed in different directions.
She silently walked for the next couple of four blocks by herself and finally got closer to her apartment. She walked up the stairs and opened the door to her place. The second she got in she took off her shoes left them at the entrance and hung her purse on the rack.
Exhausted and couldn't even begin to explain how she felt after handling four subs back to back today. It was not an ideal situation for her couldn't handle more than two subs a day because her anxiety and insecurities kept creeping back up on her.
She meditated, journaled, exercised, and even set days apart for self-care plus, she detoxed from her constant electronic use. She ate healthily and did her best to keep her homey environment clean and organized. However, regardless of what she did something inside her told her she couldn't keep doing this.
She craved something new and stable.
She loved domming but maybe because of all her ex-partner's insecurities of themselves as she hid her true identity was reflecting on herself.
Could it be that deep inside she was ashamed of her job and what she did?
Years ago when she discovered the person she truly was glowed with confidence. How could she even be a dominatrix if she wasn't sure of herself and her current job?
Oh no.
She was experiencing not only her anxieties but also a dom drop.
Telling her boss; she was fine could've been a mistake because she was responsible for taking care of her dommes since half of them didn't have a partner to take care of them.
Two years Later:
Two years and a half of learning Korean were a big help during the entire process of her moving across the world. She wasn't fluent yet but could manage conversations with her neighbors, classmates, and strangers. And so here she was, sitting inside a cafe shop a couple of blocks from the Korean class she had just finished attending.
It seemed like only yesterday, she was experiencing the worst anxiety and burnout from only a year of working as a domme which was odd considering that she had never once felt like that before. But it made sense since she kept getting the gnawing feeling that she shouldn't have gotten into the dominatrix world way too early and so she took it upon herself to resign to take time for herself; and continue her future as domme by researching more information about the career, lifestyle, and possibly a new business.
The grueling work of research, language learning, space vacancy, furniture shop, etc made her take a step back and reconsider if she could do this all by herself. Thankfully, after taking a couple of weeks to continue her research she found herself posting on an exclusive adult site looking for dommes to work with her.
After returning calls and doing interviews she had successfully found four dommes who wanted to continue their careers in the kink community and so never once she thought, that she out of all people would be involved with any of Korea's music industry. Especially the ever so sexually frustrated men of Kpop that had an image and reputation to uphold in the industry, their companies, and not to forget their fans.
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fanonical · 8 months
Weird question, but “how” exactly would you recommend someone gets into Homestuck? I know it’s very long with a lot of characters and timelines, is there anything in particular I should take careful note of? I also know there’s a lot of additional content outside of the comic on the actual website. Do you recommend that too? Should I start with the comic and read that and finish it, and then move on to the supplemental stuff, assuming that’s good?
I know that I’m overthinking it but the 1mil+ word count intimidates me a little! I should add that I read the first act or so years ago and know enough about the “main” kids/trolls to be able to keep track of them, but that’s it, I’m very entry level.
(Also, just wanted to say that I saw the link to your story on ao3 when I went to send this ask and that I really love it. It’s genuinely so beautiful and I’ll look forward to every update. 🩷 I’m not too good at articulating my thoughts into the proper review that you deserve, but I did want to let you know just how much I absolutely adore Laika and her story.)
hi! thanks for the kind words about Laika, this totally made my day. this, and the request to teach you how to read homestuck. i hope im up to the task.
so first off, you want the Unofficial Homestuck Collection if at all possible. For this, ideally you need a computer/laptop and around ~4gb of storage space; buy a USB stick if you need to. That’s actually not a lot of storage space at all but apparently a lot of young people these days don’t have computers, so if you are absolutely 100% bound to using a mobile device, there’s an experimental browser branch of the Unofficial Homestuck Collection that does a pretty good job, too.
The reason you’ll want to read it on the UHC is because 1. as of January 2024, the official Homestuck website is pretty broken (a lot of it relied on the now retired Shockwave Flash) but the UHC is basically a perfect “as-it-was-back-then” version of Homestuck made to archive the true experience. It’s recommended by the author even!
The Unofficial Homestuck Collection also collects much of the additional content you allude to, and very conveniently, provides a “New Reader Mode” that “unlocks” new additional content as/when you reach the page closest to when it was released, which really streamlines a bunch of the stuff you’re anxious about — not only does the collection provide it for you, it very graciously curates it to reflect Homestuck as it happened.
As for if you should read anything else before Homestuck, that’s up to you. Homestuck was the fourth piece of fiction under a collection of works called “MS Paint Adventures” — the other three aren’t necessarily canon to Homestuck, but they’re referenced pretty frequently. In the opinion of author Andrew Hussie & a lot of the classic fan base, it’s easiest to start with Problem Sleuth and progress on to Homestuck if you want to “get” how the world/structure functions (Homestuck is not a traditional webcomic — the audience would submit commands for the characters to perform as their next action. This is a little more apparent in the earlier MSPAs). Personally, I think Jailbreak, the first MSPA, is also unmissable but it wouldn’t be wrong to go back and read it later either. And most people (myself included) just started on Homestuck itself.
The biggest piece of advice I would give you is to take notes, and also, that every “piece” of the comic is just as important as every other piece — the dialogues don’t supplement the narration, the narration doesn’t supplement the images, etc, they are all equally important & a lot of Homestuck is told through unreliable chat log discussions, a straight up manipulative authorial voice & quick paced visual storytelling, so it can be a bit hectic and opaque first time around.
The second biggest piece of advice I would give is to read it with a group of friends if possible, and if not possible, consider reading the dialogue aloud to yourself sometimes (or at least give the characters voices in your head) because I think hearing the different characters vocally interact can really help one to “get” the dialogue & complex concepts being put down
Finally, my biggest piece of advice is that I have been running a Homestuck workshop in my discord server where I’ve been guiding a group of around seven new Homestuck readers in “how” to read the comic because it’s quite a hands on experience; right now our live read is almost half way through but we can provide you with resources & help & guidance if you need anything, so if you want a link for that just send an ask off anon and we can do that ����
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gothamghostwhispers · 8 months
Hello ooc introduction! Last updated 8/9/24
I’m Coolcat101s (that’s where I follow from) I’ve been rping on and off for over a decade now, but this is my first time rping in the dc community. My response speed and length varies but I’m online often. I’m primarily a mobile user.
Much like dc canon the ‘canonical’ (for lack of a better word) nature of any given story line is decided by vibes especially since this is a crossover friendly blog I figure this approach will help make things mesh best so if I ever have plot holes or contradict myself maybe that was a different continuity
Along that thought line while there are plots happening and time passing, because rping takes time I won’t say there’s like a set matching timeframe if that makes sense? comic time logic you know? Sometimes a day takes 3 panels and sometimes it’s 3 issues.
It can take people a while to reply I get that ^^”
Posts are in character unless otherwise specified, but some posts are meant to be things that happen in the “real world” the stylistic chooses should make these posts obvious but I like to practice writing with my ocs so expect those sometimes
I am okay with shipping/flirting with Artem I think it’s fun ^^ but be aware that they are pretty oblivious to many things
I’m okay with violence in rp but I’d like a conversation before we do anything that would need a content warning
Update for suggestive content, all of it will be done on a sideblog instead of here bc of how family centered the main blog has become and how many kids follow this blog. So conversation required to get the url for the nsfw side blog
Minors can interact with this blog but be mindful! Muse and mun are the same age (You should really be mindful anytime youre in a mixed age group but that is sometimes forgotten by many in online spaces) I tend to keep things pg 13 and anything not would be tagged as ‘suggestive’. Any minors caught interacting with anything tagged as suggestive will get one warning in case they didn’t read this post but after that you will be blocked if it happens again
Im crossover friendly but only for content that I know if I don’t know it Artem will act confused and will wrap it up to multidimensional shenanigans causing worlds to temporarily touch or whatnot. ( known crossovers that I’m chill with: Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug I’ll add more as I come across them I guess)
Artem was a self insert at one point but they became their own thing after rotating them in different scenarios so now they’re their own oc
Ongoing arc(s):
Power suppression arc (hiatus kinda, abduction interrupted so might be done)
Magic experiments
Completed arc: abduction arc
Bread boy arc
Not really an arc but the manor move
-4’11 blue eyes, hair is naturally brown but they keep it blue
-birthday June 11th (whatever year makes their age match mine in whatever continuity also their chart isn’t mathematically possible but it’s what makes sense for them)
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-they’re agender and pan/demisexual, also polyamorous in theory but single in practice
They have a boyfriend fiancé husband ( @bugboi-of-gotham )
-currently has 3 children legally and fostering the Lyra siblings but in the process of adopting more and more then that live in the manor
-went to college on a full Wayne scholarship, they have a bachelors in English with a minor in folklore
-job hops between restaurant (quit daytime gig after coming into money )and goon positions
-the first goon job they ever worked for was calendar man when they were 17 and they currently work under riddler, penguin, scarecrow, and ivy
-they get robbed a lot because they have a resting smile and generally give the vibe of an easy mark when not hanging out with scary people (subsequently they hang out with scary people often)
-lives in a building owned by Red Hood but it’s debatable if they know that
Due to plot they are moving to the Manson family Manor that they inherited with their kids and bb
-Forcibly outed as a meta publicly during the abduction arc
Artem also has an easy time learning instruments and perfect pitch but they don’t equate those to a meta ability (it is linked to their power though)
-has a cat and an aloe plant
-soft spot for kids
-Artem is a witch but doesn’t have much time to study, does small spells though
> their magic is growing a lot kind of fast with the ingesting of fae food, tying themselves to bb, and training with their alt future self
-grew up going to an anti meta church/cult
-Joker killed their mom in front of them when they were 16, they aren’t really the killing type when at all possible so they don’t seek vengeance but they avoid him at all costs and will not work with him
Layout of the Manson Manor! (Manson being Artem’s mother Amara’s maiden name, if the Wayne’s are gothams royal family then think of the Manson family as like barons of gotham I guess? Rich in an old money way. Probably not well known by average people but press/other gotham elites might recognize the name. They’re like the 42nd richest family in gotham)
The fourth floor is magical and not accessible from the outside (the balconies still work somehow cause magic)
Also promises made in the manor are magically binding
From the outside this building still has 3 floors
Protections listed in link bellow
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Source: https://archivaldesigns.com/collections/mansion-house-plans/products/balmoral-castle-house-plan
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (1/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*door opens*
Guy: We’re home.
Hisoka: I’m beat…
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Izumi: Welcome back! That’s a pretty bouquet you have there!
Azuma: Indeed it is. Why do you have those flowers?
Guy: A regular said they started a mobile flower shop recently, so they shared them with me. We discussed a lot before they opened for business, so it appears it was thanks for that.
Tsumugi: You aren’t going to display them in your store?
Guy: That thought did cross my mind. But I thought you would like them, Tsukioka.
Tsumugi: Sorry for going out of your way for me. I would drop by your store anytime to have a look as long as you let me know. Thank you though. I happened to buy a new flower vase recently, so I’ll arrange the flowers in that.
Izumi: I’m sure the lounge will brighten up if you display them here.
Homare: Mhm. Life with flowers adds a dash of colour. It is a wonderful thing. ….HA! A poem has come to me!
Tsumugi: I suppose this area still doesn’t need any fertilizer… I’m glad both the tulips and the hyacinths look like they’re doing well.
Hisoka: *Nom*… *munch, munch*. How are the daffodils from before?
Tsumugi: The daffodils are growing well too. …Fufu. We’ve been doing things like this more often since our 8th performance.
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Hisoka: Yeah. We were doing the opposite during that time.
Tsumugi: We were aiming to get to know each other for our roles as partners, after all.
Hisoka: *Yaaawn*… I’m sleepy…
Tsumugi: Your clothes will get soiled by the dirt if you sleep here. It would be better to sleep on the bench.
Hisoka: Mm… Zzz, zzz…
*dream starts*
August: These will dry by the afternoon in this weather. It’s nice and warm.
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Hisoka: ?
August: Look, you can smell the nice scent of the sun from the sheets.
Hisoka: The scent of the sun… (It’s a nice and warm smell…)
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August: It kind of makes you want to take a nap, doesn’t it? I guess I’ll catch some shut-eye too. Goodnight.
Hisoka: Goodnight…
*dream ends*
Hisoka: …Ngh.
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Izumi: Hisoka-san? Great timing. I was just about to wake you—.
Hisoka: …I smell the sun.
Izumi: The sun? Ahh, you mean this laundry here?
Hisoka: (I had a nostalgic dream about August… Maybe it’s because I smelled this while I was asleep…)
Izumi: You have a happy look on your face.
Hisoka: …August appeared in my dream.
Izumi: Oh, I see. It must’ve been a pleasant dream.
Hisoka: (Back then, I thought I would remember such a happy moment for the rest of my life. But I totally forgot about it before I knew it…)
Izumi: You know, maybe August-san was nearby and came to check up on you…
Hisoka: …August?
Izumi: Maybe he was wondering if you’re doing your best as an actor, or… um, that was a bit insensitive of me to say, huh? I’m sorry.
Hisoka: It’s okay. That sounds like something August would think, so I’m sure that’s true. They way you and August think are similar…
Izumi: If possible, I would have loved to meet August-san too.
Hisoka: You guys could meet if you could enter my dreams…
Izumi: Ahaha, I guess so.
Hisoka: …Oh yeah, where’s Tsumugi?
Izumi: Ah, Tsumugi-san was the one who draped that blanket over you. He went back to his family’s home in a rush earlier. He said he would explain the situation later. But I’m a little worried since it’s rare to see Tsumugi-san in that sort of state.
Hisoka: I wonder if something happened…
Izumi: We’ll just have to wait for Tsumugi-san to contact us for the time being.
*door opens*
Tsumugi: I’m home.
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Izumi: Ah, welcome back! How did it go back home?
Tsumugi: So you see, I rushed home since got a call from my mom saying my grandmother’s health wasn’t doing well… But it was just a cold according to the results from the clinic. I went home without listening properly, so my mom was surprised and told me I was in too much of a hurry. My grandmother also said it wasn’t a big deal. But considering her age, we can’t let our guard down even though it’s a common cold… My mom has her job as a nurse, and my dad is working in another city, so I’m thinking I’ll go home for a few days to take care of her starting tomorrow. I’m so sorry. I know we’re supposed to discuss Winter troupe’s play around this time.
Izumi: Don’t even worry about that! Please stay by your grandmother’s side until she’s feeling better.
Tsumugi: Thank you. I will talk with the rest of Winter troupe too. —.
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Izumi: A-are you alright?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I just stumbled for a second.
Izumi: (Uh, and now he’s hit his head against the door… it looks like this has really shaken Tsumugi-san.) (I wonder if he’ll be alright taking care of his grandmother by himself…)
| next
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Perryshmirtz Described
[Plaintext: Perryshmirtz Described. End PT]
Hello! I’ve created this blog to collect accessible perryshmirtz content and make more perryshmirtz content accessible. I’ll also reblog/describe platonic perryshmirtz post’s and other Phineas and Ferb posts not related to Perry and Doofenshmirtz’s relationship.
TL;DR of the read more: An explanation as to what image descriptions and alt text are, and what they’re used for (they’re used for accessibility).
Real quick I just want to say that I’m not someone that need’s image descriptions so I’m not an expert on this, but this is what I’ve learned from research.
What’s an image description?
Image descriptions are descriptions of images added in post’s body to help make the post accessible to visually impaired people, as well as helping neurodivergent people better understand images and helping people with slower internet that may not be able to load images. This post has more information on it.
Image descriptions are typically written like this under images:
[Image Description: Insert the description of the image here. End ID]
Or can be written like this:
[ID: Insert the description of the image here. End ID]
There’s more ways people format it, but these are the most common.
What about using alt text, and what is alt text?
Alt text is a description of an image that is apart of the post’s code and is to be read by screen readers; on Tumblr, they aren’t visible in the post by non screen reader users unless they click on the alt text button on the bottom left of an image.
Alt text helps make images more accessible, but alt text is less accessible than image descriptions. Alt text is less accessible for people who need image descriptions but don’t use screen readers. This is because Tumblrs feature to let alt text be read by non screen reader users is glitchy on many devices, and the desktop version causes eyestrain, while the mobile version has a small font and doesn’t allow the font to be resized. Due to this it’s more accessible to use image descriptions than alt text.
But this doesn’t mean that alt text shouldn’t be used ever! It’s recommended to have alt text be a very brief description of an image, while having image descriptions be more detailed.
Alt text can be added by clicking the three horizontally-placed dots on the bottom right of an image when you add it, then clicking either “add alt text” or “update image description” (what it says varies by desktop and mobile).
There’s no ONE (“one” in all caps) way to write image descriptions. A description can be as simple as, “the Flynn-Fletchers eating dinner,” because that’s still providing information that wasn’t there before; Any description is better than no description!
Feel free to ask for any help writing descriptions or to ask for a description to a post. You can also join the People’s Accessibility discord server for help, which is a server created for people to help each other with writing descriptions.
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This is Reina, the writer behind knightinsourarmor, a multimuse roleplay blog, featuring two singlemuse blogs for my most active muses: @deibreak for Todoroki Shoto, and @naitfall for Levi Ackerman.
I will interact ONLY with people to have read my rules.
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MUSES. I portray many muses from various sources of media. This is my muses page. Other than Levi, the rest of my muses don't have an about page, for the reason I'm mobile bound 99% of the time and I can't work with Google Docs / Tumblr codes. I'll do my best to add any missing info in Tumblr posts as time progresses, and eventually properly move everything in Google Docs. My most active and developed muses for the time being are Todoroki Shoto, Levi Ackerman, and Castiel. They'll pop up on the dash more often than others.
REPLIES. I’m a slow writer. Trying to be a somewhat active member of this rotten society, and taking into consideration how things are in my life right now, I doubt I’ll be replying to a thread in less than a day. I might need days, weeks, or months to get to our thread. How long I take is NOT a reflection of my interest in our thread. Sometimes, I lose a specific muse, sometimes I don’t want to write a specific matter, sometimes I get stuck and can’t come up with a reply as good as yours. Or all of the above. But it’s definitely something that has nothing to do with you.
BETA EDITOR. I can only use beta editor, so I'd appreciate if you did the same so I can properly crop our threads.
CROSSOVERS. Crossover verses / AUs / Modern verses are main to my portrayal. I overly enjoy writing them ( sometimes more than canon interactions ), so I'd appreciate if you were interested on them. I don’t mind if I don’t know where your muse is coming from. If both sides want it, we can make this work. Established crossover verses can be found on my muses page, but I'm always willing to jump into any universe / setting / idea.
AGE. I'm over the age of eighteen. I won’t write with anyone younger than the age of eighteen.
DRAMA. I won't interact with anyone participating / supporting call-out culture, drama, or vague-posting. I will hard-blocking anyone making public any issues they have with anyone. I'm not interested to participate in the anti / pro-ship civil war going around and give myself another label. I also happen to be aware, people give different meanings to these terms. In conclusion, I will interact with both sides, or better say, anyone who knows respect, and doesn't spread hatred between the two, or anyone else. I expect to be RESPECTED for the content I post and the people I write with, same way I RESPECT everyone else and their views whether I agree with these or NOT.
I'm a pretty tolerant* person to what people like to write ( teenagers (16+) having sex, problematic ships or themes, etc. ) whether or not I agree with these matters, simply because this is what tagging is for. I expect the same from the people I choose to follow, concerning the matters I like to explore, and my boundaries.
* I'm disgusted I even have to note this, but people read only what their twisted minds think, so by being tolerant, I certainly don't mean with pedophilia.
CONTENT. Fiction and writing is a way of developing emotions / characters / bonds we wouldn't have the chance to explore in real life. The matters I may explore, don't reflect my views in real life. I portray fictional characters, in fictional settings. I approach the characters and the matters I've chosen to write with respect and care, for the sake of writing and nothing else, and I expect the same from my mutuals. I may happen to choose to write about matters ‘ questionable ’ or ‘ disturbing ’, and I will do so for the sake of character building and nothing else. Such matters may be war, drug usage, suicide ideation, dissociation, villain logic, prostitution, romantic ships with age-gap ( Eren & Levi ) & more. I don't expect anyone to agree writing any of these matters as a requirement to be mutuals, but I expect being given the space to explore these as much as I wish, with the people interested.
Concerning the people I choose to write with ( or not ) and the content they choose to write ( with me or not ) it's not anyone's concern than their's or mine's. If you dislike the people I write with, or the content that may pop up on your dash, the content I write with anyone other than YOURSELF, it's not in my concern. I properly tag everything and have warned you, ANYTHING may come up on your dash if you don't block tags. I'm open ( not necessarily interested ) to exploring many sort of questionable matters with the people interested, and to avoid any misunderstandings, if you're going to be an ass* for content you don't like / support, don't follow in the first place. To be less intimidating, this is only a warning, I'll post what I like and I don't want to bother with people who will judge me for it.
* make a fuss instead of blocking or blocking tags
SMUT: Exploring sexual themes is the least of my concerns in this blog. Sexual-themed threads are extremely rare and written only with people I trust, and only for the shake of WRITING. Exploring the bond, the emotions, and the atmosphere to come with the sexual act ( and that's why it's probably going to be 99% of emotions and 01% of the act described ). I prefer writing male x male sexual scenes. Only after a lot of building, I’ll feel comfortable enough to write male x female sexual scenes. I have zero experience and knowledge in writing female x female sexual scenes. I haven't decided on a tag yet, but when I do so, I'll inform you.
TRIGGERS. I tag the triggers my mutuals have on their rules/about page. A post with all the triggers tagged will be added soon. If you need me to tag a specific trigger, feel free to send me an ask or a message. I tag triggers like: ’#yourtriggergoeshere tw’ without the quotation marks. My own triggers are aliens, cockroaches, and drama. That’s the reason I won’t be writing with any single-muse roleplay blogs having alien muses (those having a non-human form). Cartoon/Anime alien faceclaims are the exceptions.
MAINS. I have blogs / threads which I prioritize over others. I don’t practice exclusives but there are roleplay partners I feel close to exclusives, meaning the chances to want to write with the same muse portrayed by someone else are very low. There are, but very low. I always enjoy looking at how someone has made their muse unique in their own way. You can find my main call here.
LIMIT. There's no limit to the asks you can send me or the active threads we may have going.
GENERAL: I'll remind you of the basic stuff: don't pester me for replies, control my muse, force a ship on me, etc. I'm OC friendly, crossover friendly, au friendly. Every romantic bond belongs to its own verse.
DROP. I don't drop threads and asks no matter how old. It's my policy to return the work you've put in writing something for me, even if it takes me years to do so. On your side though, feel free to drop anything you wish, no hard feelings.
MEMES & FANART. I'd appreciate if you reblogged memes / visuals / quotes from the source, unless I've tagged you in any of these. Memes / RP Starters have no time limit.
SPOILERS. This blog is not spoiler-free. I use the tag: #—× spoilers.
ENGLISH. English isn’t my mother language. Keep in mind OOC language ≠ Thread language. I pay little mind and care to ooc posts and communication. Don’t assume the mistakes I make when writing ooc will be the same mistakes on threads. I’m much more careful when writing my muses and do my best to make no mistakes at all. There might be times I make some or write something difficult to understand. Of course my inbox/messages are open for clarifications.
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ARCANE MUSES. My arcane muses are solely based on Netflix’s series. I know nothing of League of Legends or video games in general.
SNK MUSES. I think of SNK as two separate stories that don’t connect with each other. I’m talking about before and after Marley Arc. ( Final season of the anime, chapter 91 of the manga ). Levi’s and Mikasa’s portrayals are based before Marley Arc, and Reiner’s after Marley Arc. I will surely write all three of them at any timeline of the SNK universe, but if not specified or agreed otherwise, my default timelines will be the ones above.
LEVI ACKERMAN. If interested in writing with Levi Ackerman, read this. ( DON'T SKIP )
MIKASA ACKERMAN. I don't ship Mikasa with Eren. Even though their relationship is confirmed to be romantic, in my portrayal, their bond is familial. There are chances I'll write them romantically as well if convinced into the ship, but I won't ship them by default.
MIKAELA HYAKUYA. My portrayal of him will be canon-divergent. Mikaela will be based in his character early in ons ( like, the anime timeline ) and based in my OWN headcanons and development for his character. Meaning I'll be IGNORING canon from some point on. Also, the canon storyline is getting very complicated for me to understand so like I said, I'll stick more to the anime, even if being caught up with the manga. Mikaela is a vampire and that's it.
CASTIEL. My portrayal of Castiel is canon-divergent since I don’t agree with many plot points of the show. I am not caught up with season 15 ( I only know some spoilers ) and my portrayal of Castiel is based mostly between seasons 4 and 9. I will write him at any season except 15, since I don’t know what’s going on. There always are exceptions though. Also, Castiel’s powers are different. At any season I am about to write him, he’ll have the same powers as he did on season 6, meaning much more powerful than he is in the later seasons ( he has his wings, he can time-travel, defeat most creatures etc.).
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LAST UPDATE: Mar. 01, 2023
LIKES as a sign you've read my guidelines are appreciated even if not necessary.
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