#this poll could use some Philosophy
scotianostra · 7 months
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On February 16th 1954 the writer Iain Banks was born in Dunfermline, Fife
Banks was a son of a professional ice skater and an Admiralty officer. He spent his early years in North Queensferry and later moved to Gourock because of his father’s work requirement. He received his early education from Gourock and Greenock High Schools and at the young age of eleven, he decided to pursue a career in writing. He penned his first novel, titled The Hungarian Lift-Jet, in his adolescence. He was then enrolled at the University of Stirling where he studied English, philosophy and psychology. During his freshman year, he wrote his second novel, TTR.
Subsequent to attaining his bachelor degree, Banks worked a succession of jobs that allowed him some free time to write. The assortment of employments supported him financially throughout his twenties. He even managed to travel through Europe, North America and Scandinavia during which he was employed as an analyzer for IBM, a technician and a costing clerk in a London law firm. At the age of thirty he finally had his big break as he published his debut novel, The Wasp Factory, in 1984, henceforth he embraced full-time writing. It is considered to be one of the most inspiring teenage novels. The instant success of the book restored his confidence as a writer and that’s when he took up science fiction writing.
In 1987, he published his first sci-fi novel, Consider Phlebas which is a space opera. The title is inspired by one of the lines in T.S Eliot’s classic poem, The Waste Land. The novel is set in a fictional interstellar anarchist-socialist utopian society, named the Culture. The focus of the book is the ongoing war between Culture and Idiran Empire which the author manifests through the microcosm conflicts. The protagonist, Bora Horza Gobuchul, unlike other stereotypical heroes is portrayed as a morally ambiguous individual, who appeals to the readers. Additionally, the grand scenery and use of variety of literary devices add up to the extremely well reception of the book. Its sequel, The Player of Games, came out the very next year which paved way for other seven volumes in The Culture series.
Besides the Culture series, Banks wrote several stand-alone novels. Some of them were adapted for television, radio and theatre. BBC television adapted his novel, The Crow Road (1992), and BBC Radio 4 broadcasted Espedair Street. The literary influences on his works include Isaac Asimov, Dan Simmons, Arthur C. Clarke, and M. John Harrison. He was featured in a television documentary, The Strange Worlds of Iain Banks South Bank Show, which discussed his literary writings. In 2003, he published a non-fiction book, Raw Spirit, which is a travelogue of Scotland. Banks last novel, titled The Quarry, appeared posthumously. He also penned a collection of poetry but could not publish it in his lifetime. It is expected to be released in 2015. He was awarded multitude of titles and accolades in honour of his contribution to literature. Some of these accolades include British Science Fiction Association Award, Arthur C. Clarke Award, Locus Poll Award, Prometheus Award and Hugo Award.
Iain Banks was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the gallbladder and died at the age of 59 in the summer of 2013.
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are you tired of how many character tournaments just become a popularity contest?
how regardless of seeding, even high contenders can almost arbitrarily be knocked out early on, leaving you with nothing to root for?
if you're feeling that, and if you like any webcomics, you should participate in the webcomic character tournament!
the primary goals of this tournament are:
to celebrate the medium of webcomics as a whole
to find new webcomics to read, and to recommend your own favorites
to highlight indie creators and help them build a wider audience
to have fun rooting for and celebrating your favorite characters!
in order to accomplish these goals, instead of a single elimination bracket, i will be using a mcmahon system inspired tournament structure!
this means that no character will be eliminated, and you can participate in polls rooting for your favorite character throughout all the rounds. characters will also be roughly matched up based on a system that determines how well known their work is, so most rounds should be relatively evenly matched, allowing people to fight for their favorites on their own merits
more details about how the mcmahon tournament will work can be found under the cut!
submit as many characters as you would like to here! the deadline is tentatively next saturday, june 3rd, at 4pm EDT
tagging some other tournaments i like whose participants i think might be interested :) @wlw-webcomic-bracket @obscurewebcomictournament @gaywebcomicsshowdown @autisticgirliesbracket @yuribracket @secretthirdthingtournament @nonyanderepoll @funkylittlebaldcharapoll @divorced-tournament
no submission is specifically banned, but try to keep in mind the spirit of this tournament when deciding what to submit.
under the cut after my more detailed description of the tournament structure, i also ramble in a lot more detail about my philosophy regarding submission eligibility, but it's not necessary to read all that before submitting characters
mcmahon tournament details:
matchups will be decided based off of a survey sent out after submissions are over gauging participants' familiarity with all of the competing characters' source materials. each character will be assigned points based off of how known their source material is, and each character will go up against a character with a similar popularity score for the first round
characters will be awarded points based off of if they lose, win, or tie their match and have that added to their total score, and then they will again be paired against a character with a similar updated score
depending on how many characters are participating, this process can continue either until there is a definitive ranking of all characters, or until just a few top winners are clear
i haven't entirely decided on specifics such as whether points will be awarded by a simple 0 for a loss, 0.5 for a tie, 1 for a win or by percentage of the vote, and if initial popularity points will be counted in the final ranking, or if i will try to rank winners from within their initial popularity categories, but i hope that won't matter too much, because in my opinion the main fun of this isn't the final results, it's for people to have fun in the individual rounds seeing their favorite character's points go up!
submission guidelines:
if you are submitting characters from extremely popular webcomics, try to limit yourself to just characters that are among your top favorites of all time, and maybe try to submit stuff from lesser known works as well
similar goes for webcomics that are more widely known for adaptations into other media forms (one punch man, tower of god, heartstopper, etc.)
i'm not specifically banning any comic for having bigoted content or its creator being a bad person, there's a wide scale of stuff i could decide to include in that definition or not. in the goal of celebrating favorite characters, obviously a lot of people love characters despite flaws in the work they're from, but also keep in mind the goals of recommending works to other people, and helping uplift and promote creators you like, and try to find a reasonable balance from there
what counts as a webcomic:
physically published works that you can find pirated or scanlated online probably don't count
comics whose publication is centered around physical releases, who also have simultaneous online releases by their publishers (comics on manga plus or comixology, newspaper strips with online sites, etc.) probably don't count
comics published through traditional publishers that are exclusively online (such as shōnen jump+ comics) still probably don't count
comics published online through companies that exclusively publish online (such as lezhin) are still discouraged
stuff like line webtoon or tapas official comics are more acceptable, as there are a lot of free comics from independent creators around them and many of these comics started out that way themselves, so they exist within a culture of webcomics more so than the aforementioned comic categories
stuff that is paywalled beyond just having an early release system is discouraged
comics that are no longer online but accessible through archives are fine though, especially in the wake of sites like smackjeeves being deleted there's a lot of stuff in webcomic history that can only be found that way now!
webtoon style comics absolutely count as webcomics, they're an exciting way of fully making use of webcomics' digital format! simultaneously however, i feel like with the rise of mobile webtoon apps, there are many people who read webtoon style comics but who dont further engage with webcomics, so i'd definitely encourage submitting a variety of styles of webcomic!
none of these rules are set! feel free to submit whatever you want, i just list them so you can try to find a balance between the different goals of this tournament when submitting stuff.
anyone can submit as many characters as you want, but just maybe if you find that a lot of your submission ideas are from comics in some of the more discouraged categories, limit yourself in how many you submit from those categories and only submit characters if they're absolute favorites of yours you want the opportunity to celebrate, and maybe try to also submit a character from something that isn't in a discouraged category too!
theres no penalty for not going with this, but i think because choosing characters by number of nominees doesn't really align with my intentions for this, depending on how easy it is to sort submissions i might just go off of vibes, so you might just be less likely to have a character make it to the tournament if their comic is in more heavily discouraged categories is all
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aphroditeslover11 · 10 months
Thinking In Numbers
Oppie x Reader
A/N: as always, based on Cillian Murphy’s very fictional depiction of Oppie, if you don’t want to read it I’m not forcing to and if you do then please feel free to stick around.
This is the response to the poll from the other day, handling some problems arising from the couple’s age gap.
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Warnings: mentions fo alcohol, age gap, world’s mildest angst with a happy ending!
You had been on his arm at a lot of fundraising events recently, trying to raise money for the causes that he supported, which meant that you had been spending a lot of time with Robert’s circle of friends. They were all amazing and very interesting people, the conversation was always incredible and you loved them, but you couldn’t help feeling a little like a fish out of water. You were only a philosophy student, in a sea of seasoned academics.
The first time that you really started to notice the difference in your ages was at the end of the summer semester. Both the staff and the students were organising parties and you didn’t know whether you should go and celebrate the end of term with your friends or go and have a far more civilised send-off for the holidays with Robert and the professors. For him there had never been any question that you would accompany him, despite your age he always perceived you as being too mature and sensible to enjoy the parties of your fellow students. He assumed that you were exactly like him at your age, unbelievably introverted and not seeing the point in all of the chaos. You did as he expected of you, and it was a lovely evening with the help of a few of Oppie’s martinis, but you had ended up following him towards the physics faculty who were now having a conversation that you had no chance of understanding. When you got home that night you called your friend’s house, making sure that she had got home from the student celebrations.
“You don’t have to worry about me y/n,” she chuckled, clearly under the influence.
“Did you have a good night?”
“Yeah, the boys decided that it would be a good idea to to try and raid the chemistry stock room so we ended up with impromptu fireworks, it was quite a show actually. One of them nearly blew himself up, but I think he’s alright now.”
“God, I wish I could have been there.”
“How was your evening?”
“Not too bad, it was nice to spend the evening with Robert but he ended up in a corner with the physics department so I was left to my own devices. He expects it of me though so I just do it for him. I’m sure you had a better evening than me.” Little did you know that Oppie was walking past the semi-open door, and heard every word that you were saying.
The next day you went back to the campus to pick up some books from the library that you wanted to look at over the summer. You bumped into a few of the boys that you had met over the year, all part way through their degrees just like you.
“How was the party with the old boys club y/n?” One of them asked.
“It was quite fun actually, a lot of interesting conversations. They aren’t all old men, you know.”
“Oppie’s alright, the rest of them can be a bit of a drag,” this came from Luke, who you knew took one of your boyfriend’s classes.
“I heard about your antics with the fireworks, I’m amazed that you’re all still in one piece. I’d take a drag over a near death experience!” You tried to joke back, though it was true that you would rather have spent the evening with them.
“Come on, why don’t you come out with us tonight, live a little. Do you want to be old before your time?” It was then that you felt a familiar arm wrapping around your waist. Looking to your side you were met with Robert, his face with the usual soft smile it wore whenever he saw you.
“Why’s she going to be old Luke?” He questioned, humouring the lads. He was closer with his students than many of the other lecturers at Berkeley and they felt that they could have a little banter with him as a result.
“All of the time that she…” Luke started.
“…Spends sitting at home reading books when I could be out with them.” You quickly cut him off, Robert didn’t need to be involved in this. Luke gave you a bizarre look and carried on talking to his professor, but you could tell that said professor was unsatisfied. Not long later, as you were walking away, he started questioning you.
“My love, what didn’t you want me to hear Luke saying back there?” You were walking back to his office to collect the papers he had left before heading to New Mexico for the summer.
“If you want the truth, they were teasing me for spending so much time with the faculty. It was all in good fun.” Oppie paused for a moment.
“It is true that you don’t spend much time with your own friends though. I have to admit that I heard you on the phone the other night, I never thought that I might have been pressuring you into anything, but I can understand now that I have.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with your friends, I really do. Sometimes I just feel like I want to do the sorts of things that normal students do.”
“Darling, why didn’t you say any of this earlier?”
“I didn’t want to make things awkward or make you to feel obligated to do anything that you didn’t want to do.” Robert sighed softly at that, turning and taking your face in his hands, looking down at you.
“My love, you can always tell me anything. You are too caring for your own good sometimes, you know that? This is my fault, I shouldn’t have been so shortsighted, so its up to me to make it up to you.”
“Robert, you don’t have to…”
“This weekend we’ll stay here, we’ll have some people over to the apartment, your people, and we’ll do whatever you want for an evening. You know what, I can clear out for the evening and leave you in peace if you like.” He could tell from your smile that you had other ideas.
“Or you could stay and join in with the madness, you do owe me afterall and I think you could make it up to me by proving to Luke that you aren’t an old man. Maybe then he’ll stop taking the mick out of me.”
“I could probably do with a good shafting anyway,” he acquiesced. “So, will you forgive me for being so hopeless.”
“Only if you cover up the raid the boys did the other day on the chemistry department.”
“What raid?”
“They have a habit of setting off homemade fireworks at parties.”
“They are not setting off fireworks in my house…” You stood on your toes then, closing the gap to silence him with a kiss.
“Dr Oppenheimer, my party, my rules!”
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sandwitchstories · 3 months
Kintsugi - Gojo Satoru x Reader
Hello Hello! Many thanks to the over 300 people who voted in the poll for what story should be next! Gojo x Reader who is Geto sister is the prompt that won the poll. After the wait, here is my gift to you! To read it on AO3 click here ! Summary: After battling a curse reader comes face to face with her older brother. It has been 5 years since she has seen his face. 5 years since he commited heinous crimes. Overcome with emotions reader struggles to deal with being nothing more than collateral damage to her brother. Luckily reader is married to Gojo who knows just how to help her put the pieces of herself back together
Author's note: The title of Kintsugi is a reference to the Japanese art form that involves repairing broken pottery using lacquer dusted with powdered gold to fill in the cracks. I have always loved that the philosophy behind Kintsugi is that broken objects are not worthless and that their brokeness adds to their beauty and their history.
WC: 3k+
CW: MDNI, smut, afab terms used to describe reader's sexy bits, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, smut, angst, and more!
Y/N stood in the aftermath of battle staring her older brother dead in the eyes. Suguru Geto had lost his way. Become disillusioned and full of hate. And yet she missed him… even knowing the heinous crimes he had committed. Even knowing their own parents were some of his first victims… some ridiculous part of her still wanted to run to him like she always had when they were younger…
Suguru stared at his sister, taking her in. It had been 5 years since he had last seen her. She still wore pants instead of skirts, she had since she was a child. Gone was the little girl with pigtails chasing after him desperately trying to keep up, wanting to be involved in every single thing he did. Gone was the teenager with a chip on her shoulder and a smile on her face, giving him a high five before she went on a mission with her classmates, Nanami and Haibara.
Now she stood before him as a grown woman. A beautiful woman with a strong curse power he could sense from where he stood. Y/N was bloodied, injured, and looked so, so, tired. It pissed him off. Infuriated him to an even deadly degree than normal. To see his younger sister…his baby sister… standing before him so beaten down from defending these worthless monkeys…
“Big brother…” Y/N said his name, her eyes filling with tears at his unexpected appearance.
“Hey there, little sister,” he said with a smile on his face, one hand in his pocket, the other giving a wave.
“Why are you here?” She asked. 
He was surprised not to see disgust on her face. He knew she still felt a need to protect those worthless monkeys. Ideals drummed into their heads by their parents since birth. Poor misguided souls.
“I happened to be nearby and recognized your magic,” he said. “You've only gotten more beautiful and more powerful since I last saw you, runt.”
“I don't know what to say to you right now,” she said, her lips beginning to tremble. He could see she was clearly struggling with many different emotions coursing through her veins.
“Just say what’s on your mind, like you always have. Why hold back now, little sister?”
“As mad as I am at you… I miss you so much, stupid!!” Y/N started crying, not bothering to wipe her tears or cover her face. Her tears streaked through the blood and dirt on her face. “There are so many things going on you should be with me for!”
“I am of no use standing beside you in that world with its backwards ideals.”
“Dammit, Suguru! I'm not talking about Jujutsu Society!! I'm talking about in MY life!” Y/N snapped at him, raising her voice in anger, hands clenched into fists at her sides. Into fists so tight her nails were leaving crimson crescents on her palm. She was lashing out in pain… in desperation to stop harboring these feelings deep within her soul… in absolute gut wrenching agony that turned into broken sobs torn from her very soul. “You have missed so many things!! Years of things you should have been there for… and despite it all… despite knowing who you have become… I have wished you were there… wanted you there…”
Suguru didn't know what to say. He missed her too and often wondered how she was. But their values and ideals were far too different for their relationship to have stayed the same. 
As she lifted a hand to wipe angrily at the tears on her face he noticed the sunlight hitting her left hand where a wedding band now decorated her finger. He decided to change the subject and smiled at her, “I am glad to see you have married. Tell me. Is he a jujutsu sorcerer as well?”
“Do you really even care?” She asked him, giving him a sad smile. No matter what he answered with, she knew the truth was he absolutely did not.
“I care deeply about sorcerers. Especially you,” he told her. 
She shook her head. “Big brother… how could you? How could you go against everything we have been taught our whole lives? Everything our family has strived for for generations… those innocent people-”
“Innocent?!” He gave a mocking laugh. “They had two little girls captive and abused for having curse power. Does that sound innocent to you?”
“And all 112 people in that village were guilty of those sins?” Y/N asked.
“Those with indifference are just as guilty as those with the blood on their hands,” he told her. 
“And our parents?”
“We got our abilities from our grandparents. They were monkeys. Yes, I loved them but I could not spare them. What kind of leader would that make me, to slaughter other monkey parents but not my own?”
“I can't forgive what you have done…” she said, shaking her head and wiping angrily at her tears again. She looked at him for a few moments before she swallowed the lump in her throat and asked him one last question. “Do you have any idea what it feels like to grieve for my brother… even though he is alive?”
“You wouldn’t have to grieve for me if you came to your senses, baby sister,” he put his hands up and shrugged. 
“Me come to my senses?” She roared in anger. 
He knew her sorrow would eventually give way to fury. It always did. Y/N was a hot blooded and hot headed individual, she always had been. He felt her curse energy beginning to pulse within her and around her. “I do not want to hurt you, Y/N. I did not come here intending to raise my hands to you but I will not stand idly by and be attacked either. After All, I hear you are a special grade yourself now.”
“Don’t patronize me, you shit head!” she snarled.
“Very well then. Let's see if you're a match for me yet, runt. I’m even willing to make a deal. If I win, I will give you the choice of dying or joining my new family and being part of the new world I am creating with the chosen people!”
“If the choices are to live a life that's a lie or die being true to my heart, I will take the latter any day,” she said, her long hair starting to flurry around her. “I will make no deals with you.”
“Very well then, little sister. So be it. I won't hold back. Let's see how strong you have gotten. At the very least can you negate my attacks with your own?” Suguru asked, his hair lifting with his power. 
“I won't know if I don't try!” She said, “I love you, brother. But you are a stranger and a murder and I shall take no mercy on someone who deliberately targets the weak.”
Suguru felt a bit sad as his sister was on her knees looking up at him. Her curse power was already low from her previous battle, but she still had managed to give him a rather hard time. Sadly though, this was the end.
“While I am very impressed with how much you have grown, unfortunately this is the end of the line. Goodbye, baby sister.” He said as he moved to come down with the death blow.
It never connected, a blur went past him, manifesting a few yards away to be Satoru Gojo, now standing there staring at him with fury radiating off of him, holding Y/N’s beaten and almost limp body in his arms. 
“Just what the fuck is going on here?” Satoru demanded.
“It is between me and my sister, Satoru. As we have told you before, stay out of it,” Suguru told him nonchalantly.
“Not a chance in hell,” Gojo told him, holding Y/N's body, cradling her close.
“Satoru…” she said weakly, struggling to keep conscious with a bleeding head wound that Suguru had managed to inflict upon her.
“Relax. I'm here. He can't hurt you any more,” Gojo said. “I won't let him.”
“Why have you always insisted on getting involved in our family problems?” Suguru asked with a disgusted sigh.
“When we were younger it was for the hell of it,” Gojo replied. 
“And now?”
“Now, anything that involves my wife involves me as well. And seeing my wife hurt like this… by her big brother of all people… that pisses me off.”
“Well, now I know why you didn't tell me who you married,” Suguru addressed his sister. He summoned his crane, standing on its foot. As he lifted into the air he looked down at Gojo and Y/N, leaving them with some parting words. “I will see you both again soon. Until then… take care of her, Satoru. Love her like she deserves.”
“I don't need you to tell me that,” Satoru glared, letting Suguru escape once again. He couldn’t bring himself to kill his best friend. And more importantly, his wife was badly injured. Y/N was always his priority.
He looked down at Y/N in his arms in desperate need of medical attention. “I'm gonna warp us to Shoko, princess. Just hang on.”
Y/N sat in her bed at home, arms wrapped around her knees, lost in thought. Shoko had healed her physical wounds, but nothing could heal the ones on her heart. Her brother was truly lost to her. There was no coming back for him. Not after today. She knew for certain that if for any reason she fell weak to her brother that Satoru would not let that bastard come back into their lives. 
“Hey, princess. I thought you were still asleep,” Satoru said as he sauntered into their room, yawning. He ran one hand through his hair while the other rubbed his muscled abs.
“No, I got up a little while ago. Thoughts are too heavy to get back to sleep,” she told him with a weak smile.
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked, plopping down next to her.
“I don’t know,” she said softly. “I feel like everything is too much and I’m broken into a million pieces.”
Satoru wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug where she rested her head on his shoulder and her body against his. He kissed her head and wrapped his arms tighter around her. “If you need to fall apart, go for it. I’m right here with you.”
Y/N kissed his shoulder gently. “My eyes and my face already hurt from crying so much. I don’t think I have any tears left inside of me.”
Satoru cupped the back of her head and kissed her forehead. He may be the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer of the times, but when it came to healing his wife’s broken heart he was completely powerless. “I don’t know how to make this better, but if I can tell me and I will do it.”
“You already are,” she nudged her forehead against his lips for another kiss before tilting her head back to look up at him. 
Y/N loved being home with Satoru. Not just because he had an incredible body and tended to live in his boxers and an occasional take top. Not just because they could do whatever they wanted to wherever they wanted to in the privacy of their own home.
When they were at home, Satoru ditched the blindfold and sunglasses. At home, Y/N got to look into his pretty blue eyes directly and see the love he had for her that she felt so strongly from him all the time. She smiled at him. “I love you.”
“Hey, what a coincidence, I love you too,” he grinned, kissing her again. 
She didn’t want to talk any more. She didn’t want to cry any more. She didn’t want to feel all the things any more. All she wanted was for everything to fall away for a while, and she knew the perfect way to get there.
Y/N put a hand on the back of his head, fingers running through his undercut as she kissed him several more times. She adjusted her position slightly to be leaning more against him and her leg was thrown more over his and pressing up into his groin with a nudge.
Satoru groaned and nipped her bottom lip. He let out a slow breath that was almost a hiss as her fingernails dragged down the back of his neck. “Do you know what you are doing to me…”
“I do. Very much so,” she gave him a smirk before moving to kiss his jaw and suck a mark on his neck while his hands moved on her body, one was cupping and squeezing the asscheek that belonged to the leg thrown over his. The other traveled the planes of his muscular back.
She licked up his neck making him shiver, smirking against his pale skin before moving on to his ear. He let out a low noise, almost a growl as she traced the shell of his ear with her tongue. She nipped the lobe before whispering in his ear words that she knew would make her husband go absolutely feral which was her ultimate goal. “I’m already wet for you, Satoru.”
He groaned pulling her closer and kissing her passionately, rocking his hard cock against her knee. “Is that so? Can you feel how hard you’ve got me, baby?”
“Mmhmm,” she answered, running nails down his body from his shoulder to the top of his boxers before moving her hand to cup his cock. She nipped his lobe again before issuing her desire. “Fuck me, Satoru. Fuck all the pieces back into place and remind me there is beautiful things in this world.”
“Always,” he said as his fingers dug into her body. “Happily”
As usual, undressing with Satoru was a super speed blur. It almost always felt like she blinked and the cloth barriers were gone. The exceptions being the times he slowly peeled off her layers. This was not one of those times. This was something different.
Satoru kissed Y/N passionately as they laid on their sides facing each other, kissing. He hoisted her leg up over his hip before sliding his hand up her thigh until it connected with his final destination between her legs.  He smirked as she cried out, holding him closer when his fingers began pumping her.
“Gods you were right you are so fucking wet,” he groaned, easily working two, then 3 fingers into Y/N’s slick tunnel. “Your pussy is already desperate for my cock, huh?”
“Very desperate,” she said, kissing him in a frenzied manner as she rode his hand, his thumb torturing he clit as he fucked her with his fingers. “Want to feel you inside me. Please. Hurry.”
He groaned, kissing her passionately before removing his fingers and lining up his cock. He ran the swollen head back and forth on her slit until it caught on her opening. In one move he rolled them so she wound up straddling him and impaled on his cock.
Y/N cried out his name at the sudden position change and fullness. His cock was kissing her cervix, filling her so completely. “Oh fuck, Toru!”
He grabbed onto her hip with one arm and wrapped the other around her waist. He held her tight against him and fucked up into her at a harsh pace, pounding into her with force. The feel of being inside of his wife was euphoric. Her pussy was so soft, hot, tight and wet on his cock. But he was far from done. He slowed his thrusts and returned his hips to the mattress laughing at the almost desperate and devastated look on his wife’s face. 
“We’re far from done here, princess,” he said, pulling her down into a kiss. “But right now I want you to ride my cock. You’ve got me so hard, baby.”
Y/N splayed her hands on his chest to support himself as she began to move. She started with a slow rocking and grinding of her hips against him. She smirked down at him as she started to lift more and more until just his tip was inside her still, and then dropping to take him fully inside her again. 
She bit her lip as she stared down into his flushed face. His beautiful eyes focused solely on her, hazy with lust. He looked so sexy beneath her, lost in the pleasure of her riding him. She leaned down to kiss him. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
“Hey, that’s my line!” he teased, kissing her back. His hands moved from her thighs to her hips to her ass, cupping and squeezing. He pressed her down, lifting his hips to grind his cock up into her. He leaned up, sucking on a nipple before letting it go with a pop and laying back against the mattress.
Y/N arched her eyebrow at her husband as he laid back down against the mattress and crossed his arms behind his head. “What are you doing, Satoru?”
He grinned at her. “I’m waiting for you to ride me like you mean it, princess.”
“I haven’t been?” she arched an eyebrow.
“Nah, I know you can do better,” he grinned. He moved one hand from behind his head to between their bodies, his thumb running over her clit and pressing down, making her whimper and rock on him. His grin was even more shit eating after her reaction. “Fuck yourself on my cock until you cum, and then I’ll fuck you like I know you want, princess. I wanna watch that pretty face of your when you cum on me, with your tits bouncing.”
Y/N moaned at his words and started rocking her hips even faster, grinding her clit into his thumb. “More…”
“More?” he asked, moving his thumb a little faster. “You want me to say more princess?”
“Mmmhmm,” she said, biting her lip as she looked down at him.
“Move faster, I love feeling the way your pussy grips my cock… that’s it, there you go… shit, baby you are so hot and tight… you feel so good… riding me so well… shit, yeah just like that… fuck, you look amazing on top of me…”
Y/N cried out as she rode herself into her orgasm. She threw her head back as she came, pulsing and creaming on his thick cock. Satoru groaned as he felt her clamp down. He was fighting back the urge to cum already watching her and feeling her. 
Y/N moved one hand behind her to cup and squeeze his balls as she rode him through her orgasm. “Fuck baby, I can feel you fighting it, don’t fight it…”
Satoru’s mouth was hanging slightly ajar, breath catching in his throat. The craft witch knew exactly how to get what she wanted out of him. “You’re gonna make me cum.
“Cum for me, Toru. Fill me up,” she said, her still head lolling back in pleasure as she rode the aftershocks of her orgasm.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, hands moving to grab her hips and slam them together until he came, spilling his seed inside her hot, tight canal.  
Y/N panted, leaning over Satoru and kissing him. She laid her head on his chest, feeling his arms wrapped around her. “Damn, Toru… that was so good…”
Her eyebrows shot up as she felt his cock twitch inside her. “Uh…”
“We are far from done,” he smirked. “On your knees, princess. Right fucking now.”
Y/N climbed off of him and let him move before she assumed the position. She was grateful when Satoru grabbed 2 of his pillows and shoved them under her for support.  Even in the throes of passion Satoru made sure she was okay. 
All thoughts but of that precise moment fled when she felt Satoru spread her cheeks before she felt his thumbs running down the inner side of her pussy lips. He spread her pussy open, his gaze was fire on her most private parts. 
“So fucking sexy the way my cum is dripping out of you,” he said, taking a finger to gather some of it and push it back in. “You like it when I cum in you huh? You like creampies, baby girl?”
“Mmmhmm,” she said, head laying on the mattress but turned to the side so she could look up at him. “Love them.”
He grunted in approval, spreading her lips to watch her clench around nothing, to watch their mixed cum dripping from her well used hole. “I do too. Your pretty little cunt looks so good, full of my cum.”
Y/N groaned as she felt him smack her pussy a few times with his hard cock, hitting the head right onto her clit. “More… I want more…”
“Aw, do you want me to fuck you again, baby?” he purred, leaning over her to kiss her passionately. “Use your words baby. I want to hear you say it. Beg for it.”
“Please, baby, please,” she moaned, no hesitation. “More, I want more of your cock. More of your cum. Please, please fuck my pussy.”
Satoru straightened up on his knees, grabbing her hips and slamming her back onto his cock. He grinned as she keened out his name loudly, followed by a string of curse words as he pounded into her relentlessly. “Fuuuuuck, you feel so good, Y/N. This cunt knows who it belongs to. This pussy knows who gets to fuck it.”
“You, Toru! Only you!” she cried out her fists were white knuckle tangled in the sheets as he pounded into her. “Only you!”
“That’s right, only me,” he said as he continued to pound into her. He pressed one hand on her back and the other tangled in her hair, pulling her head up and back. “I want to hear you, baby. Don’t hide those pretty little noises from me.”
Y/N’s eyes rolled back into her head, her mouth hanging open and drool in the corners. She let out lewd, down right vulgar noises as he fucked into her at a break neck speed. Her troubles were far from her mind.
She was secure in the knowledge that while she may just be collateral damage to her older brother, she was the most precious thing in the world to Satoru. In her husband’s arms she could let go completely, of everything, and fall apart however she needed to, whenever she need to. In her husband's arms she could forget about the world and lose herself in them, in him.
She knew without a doubt that Satoru would always be there to catch her when she fell apart and he would help her put the pieces of herself back into place again. It did not matter how many times she shattered, he would always there, loving her through it all. Reminding her that the pain would not last forever, as he held her in his arms and filled the cracks it left behind with the shining gold that was his love.
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braxiatel · 2 years
Goodtimeswithscar is a sexyman and I will prove it to you
If you are still on the fence I encourage you to look at the sexypedia - a wikipedia dedicated to tumblr sexymen - and checking out their tropes page. Scar meets 35/62 on a list where recent winner of the tumblr sexyman poll Cecil Palmer of WTNW fame only has 8 listed on his character page!
Scar is Textbook, and if you need proof I have gone through all the tropes and explained why they apply to him!
4th Wall Blurring: This one is arguable due to the nature of the medium but I’ll include it
Animal Theming: See: animal hybrid headcanons and designs. Cat Scar, panda Scar, hyena Scar, avian Scar - they’re everywhere!
Angst: That cactus ring… magic mountain. need I say more? This boy has angst. 
Bait: *gestures at the shirtless skins*
Capitalist: she sells sea shells on the sea shore but the value of these shells will fall due to the laws of supply and demand no one wants to buy shells cause there’s loads on the sand step one you must create a sense of scarcity 
Chaoslord: HotGuy! [snipes you for no good reason]
Criminal: shells will sell much better if the people think they’re rare you see bear with me take as many shells as you can find and hide them on an island stockpile them high until they’re rarer than the price of diamond
Con Artist: step two gotta make the people think that they want them really fucking want them hit ‘em like Bronson influencers product placement if you haven’t got a shell then you’re just a fucking waste man
Dealmaker: three it’s monopoly invest inside some property start a corporation make a logo do it properly shells must sell that will be your new philosophy swallow all your morals they’re a poor man’s quality
Distinctive Voice: I do not need to make any arguments here. Have you heard him???
Quotable Catchphrase(s): well hello there, scarred for life, “a-ma-zing”, etc.
Distinctive Laugh: I think I autism stole Scar’s laughter (whoops) so I’m giving him this one too, but also that gigle is just very good and we all know it, right?
Dominating: from the trope description: “Characters who assert their power over others. Could be through manipulation, magic, smugness, or force of personality.” Yes. 
Duality: Convex did not put their whole entire vexussies into that possession storyline for us to forget about it. 
Egotistical: This one is arguable and a question of characterisation, but I think that we can all agree that on some levels, yes. 
Eldritch: From the trope description: “Since the typical sexyman is a tall mostly human looking pale twink, in a vast majority of the cases the eldritch is a heavy implication lying just under the surface.” Hello? Vex Scar?? 
Gay: See subsection: 
LGBTQ+ Coded: That cactus ring. Mumbo “eye candy” Jumbo. The season 7 mayoral race. Concorp. His jolly rancher arc. This man has so many boyfriends. 
Girlboss: listen I think a lot of characters who aren’t traditional girlbosses get called so, but with Scar I think it’s accurate okay. Did Scar utilize girl power effectively when he and Cub were blatant war profetiers during the season 6 civil war? yes. Absolutely. Girlboss. 
Glowing Neon: vex blue anyone?
Hot-headed: Don’t let his calm exterior fool you. Remember. Scar when someone steals his horse: *sets their whole entire house on fire*. 
Intelligence: yes but also see subsection
Smartdumb: Okay listen. Scar is Smart. Scar is very smart. And I specifically have to make sure you know I am talking character only here because cc!Scar seems to me to be a Very intelligent person with a wide field of knowledge. But uhm. c!Scar dies so much and so often in ways that are completely unavoidable. He does silly things without thinking of the consequences. I have seen enough people calling him a himbo (beloathed term) enough times that I do not need to argue this point. He is smart but also babygirl Why are you like this.
Johnlocked: “When two characters are shipped extensively by fans despite the pairing not necessarily being canon (or even present) in the original work.” it started out with a cactus ring how did it end up like this, it was only a cactus ring, it was only a cactus ring
Knifemurder: Hotguy! [snipes you a second time] 
Magnificent Bastard: This Is The Whole Point. Scar oozes charisma even when he is the villain and that’s why he is so beloved. He is smart, he is stylish, he is charming, even while he is killng you. This is the point. 
Marked Canon/Fanon Divergence: “Sexymen with a large gap between how they are in the original work (Canon) and how they are commonly portrayed in fanworks (Fanon)” see : the fake crystals vs Scar actually having magic, the abs being painted on vs shirtless Scar everywhere, etc.
Monster Features: vex scar vex scar vex scar
Nonhuman: like the vex thing is literally canon it’s not fanon those cons sure did vex 
Pale Twink: We could have done many things with this collection of blocks people, and yet my dash is full of shirtless twinks/twunks every day ending with a y. Curious. 
Perpetual Smiler: Okay listen this is partially the nature of the medium but also 1) that is a distinctive smile and 2) have you see the fanworks? 
Power: This man tried to sell fake magic crystals and we all just decided he can do magic. He was an elf once and now fae/elf Scar headcanons are everywhere. 
Scars: I- I’m not explaining myself here. yes??? 
Tall: I can think of one, maybe two portrayals of Scar that have made him short. 
Theme Song: four expand, expand, expand clear forest make land fresh blood on hands five why just shells why limit yourself she sells seashells sell oil as well six guns sell stocks sell diamonds sell rocks sell water to a fish sell the time to a clock seven press on the gas take your foot off the brakes then run to be the president of the united states eight big smile mate big wave that's great now the truth is overrated tell lies out the gate nine polarise the people controversy is the game it don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name ten the world is yours step out on a stage to a round of applause uou're a liar a cheat a devil a whore and you sell seashells on the seashore
Unkempt: so those rugged life series Scars, huh? 
Villain: Scar has been the villain several times and has a Long list of crimes to his name
Technically Antagonist: see 3rd life
Villain Protagonist: unreliable narrator Scar my beloved. I love how he just *does terrible things edited to make him look like he’s just a silly little guy having some harmless fun*
Well-Dressed: Hmmm I wonder why waggon/tycoon Scar routinely wins every Scar skin poll. Also he has enough outfits to include these sub categories too: 
Suitguy: “Characters who typically wear formalwear, specifically suits. Often includes waistcoats, top hats, bowties, and pinstripes. Other neckwear may also be worn.” Again. The tycoon skin really lives rent free in all out minds, huh?
Long Coat/Cape/Robe/Etc: bathrobe wizard Scar my beloved but also do you know how many thirst trap last life Scars I’ve seen?? 
White Twink Humanization: He is made out of blocks in canon. We did not need to make him like this and yet we did. 
White Hair: last life Scar beloved by many <3
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David Smith at The Guardian:
God’s army is on the march. And many of its foot soldiers are wearing “Make America great again” regalia, sensing that their unlikely standard-bearer, former US president Donald Trump, is once again close to the promised land. “I do not believe that America can survive another four years of Joe Biden,” Ralph Reed, founder and chair of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, told a gathering of the religious right in Washington on Friday. “I haven’t felt this way since Jimmy Carter was president.” The audience burst into knowing laughter. Reed promised they would knock on 10m doors of Christian and conservative voters in every battleground state, make 10m phone calls, send 25m text messages and put 30m voter guides in 113,000 churches, producing “the biggest turnout of Christian voters in American history”. The election result will be clear, he added. “This time there aren’t gonna need to be any lawsuits. We’re not going to have to go to court and we’re not going to have to wait until 2.30 in the morning for Donald Trump to declare victory. He’s going to do it at 9 o’clock at night!”
With Trump running ahead of Biden in many swing state polls, religious right voters scent a historic opportunity to impose a radical agenda that could ban abortion nationwide, curb LGBTQ+ rights and blur the separation of church and state. At Friday’s conference, speaker after speaker framed it as righteous crusade and the only way to resist a tide of liberal secularism sweeping America. Ben Carson, a former housing secretary in Trump’s first term, praised Republican-dominated Louisiana for becoming the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every government school classroom. “Aren’t you glad that yesterday the governor of Louisiana signed into law – put the Ten Commandments back in the schools?” he said to cheers and applause before warning of a 60-year communist project to change America by taking over schools, churches and Hollywood and removing God from the public square.
Josh Hawley, a Republican senator for Missouri, warned of a “radical anti-faith agenda” gripping the country. He said: “Who’s dividing America is the radical left and that’s why I say to you we don’t need less Christian influence in our society, we don’t need less Christian witness in our society; we need more in every part of government, in every part of society.” To approving roars from the audience, Hawley added: “We ought to take the Pride flag out of schools and put the Bible back in. You know what? We ought to take the trans flag down from all of our federal buildings and over every federal building in America write the words: ‘In God we trust.’ In God we trust. Amen.”
The couching of an Armageddon election, in which religious truth itself is at stake, with victory representing divine providence and defeat spelling total catastrophe, was crystallised by Monica Crowley, a rightwing political commentator and former assistant secretary of the treasury. She described the election as a “hinge moment” comparable to the American revolution, American civil war, second world war and September 11 terrorist attacks. She spoke of a “war” against “the enemy within” that has spent nearly half a century “infiltrating, undermining and destroying” America with “godless philosophies”. Crowley lamented that Hollywood no longer produces “patriotic films” like those of John Wayne and, extraordinarily, defended the communist witch-hunts of the 1950s. “Senator Joe McCarthy was right, and he was trying to ring the bell in the 1950s about communist infiltration in our government and the same deep state that is now going after Donald Trump,” he said.
[...] Religious conservatives’ pact with Trump appears to be holding. Some were sceptical about the thrice-married reality TV star when he first ran for president in 2016 but the concerns were assuaged by his running mate, born-again evangelical Christian Mike Pence, and by a first term that saw him shift the judiciary to the right. Not even Trump’s conviction in New York last month on 34 felony counts in a trial involving hush-money payments to an adult film star has shaken his grip on this constituency. Many who complain that their faith is under siege regard him as a blunt instrument with which to fight back against the radical left. They often rationalise their vote by saying they are choosing a president, not a pastor. Some evangelicals have likened him to Cyrus the Great, the Persian king who, according to the Bible, enabled Jews to return to Israel from their exile in Babylon.
Why is the religious right sticking behind Donald Trump, who is not a sincere Christian and has been charged with 34 felonies? They view him as an useful instrument to push their wicked far-right agenda into law: eroding the separation of church and state, abortion bans, and anti-LGBTQ+ laws.
These same folks were all “character counts” when Bill Clinton was facing sex scandals, but jettisoned them when Trump has done the same and a lot more.
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kaecodes · 4 months
HI, so long time no talk! I haven't gone anywhere, I just had some personal financial troubles that were resolved via...lots of overtime! I am a physicist by day, so that meant I became one by night for a couple months. But I remained coding, designing, & sketching things in my scant moments.
More importantly, I've been doing a lot of reading & observing of the Jcink RPC & I am really gutted by the lack of free resources I've seen become manifest. As a result, I've been percolating some easy design methods I could use to fast track totally free skins to give out as bi-monthly as I can manage in the near future.
Because I'm not one to stick to an aesthetic or design style so much as following a settled philosophy of coding, each of my skins will be entirely unique (no reused assets besides utility scripts, perhaps fonts, etc) but will all be;
Designed to be entirely responsive, with fallback & default setups for Custom Fields, image appearance or omission, etc.
Designed to load in a second & half or under, universally.
Neatened to be readable, cascade-organized, & fully notated with CSS & HTML notes to explain important components, how they work, & how to edit them.
Provided with a dark, light, & middle theme colour option as well as High Contrast option.
Provided with Staff, Member & Character profile & miniprofiles.
Provided with a full Custom BBCode suite of site templates to match the skin.
Based on the UI/UX design of a game with striking visuals that can be used for similar genres.
Now, this is a tall order, but I really want to flex my muscle & try to give folks something to be optimistic over in a landscape of drama-blog wastelanded distress. I want to put out something productive & positive, to make the community better & bring us together a bit <3 As a result, I'm going to need a little help from you all. I need to figure out which "Inspos" to work off of first based on desire for them, to fill the starving niches from most important to "least" so to speak. For the next few weeks, I'll post some polls & would be endlessly grateful if you all paid it forward by boosting but also voting on the games whose vibes you want to see MOST PRESSINGLY manifested as skins in the Jcink RPC.
I will, also, eventually port each one to Forumactivo, so for my Forumactivo folks, please let me know when you get specific polls so I can prioritize converting those skins for you! You deserve just as much love!
Of course, if there's a specific game you want to see feel free to comment on this post & I'll make sure to put it in the first poll, but for now that's all. The first list of inspo options will come out later today or tomorrow, Stay tuned & stay awesome, may the Dance keep you all absolutely blessed!
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lya-dustin · 2 years
The Philosopher
Aemond x fem!Braavosi!reader
(The idea of universities existing in asoiaf is my idea, universities and colleges have existed since the 12th century at the least. Braavos is based on Florence and i ran with the idea of it being Early-Renaissance Italy)
This was also the one-shot i built through polls with fem!reader and the prompt:‘I have fallen for you so … I’m fucked.’
Thanks for playing, enjoy the fic
Gif by @bichachonacho
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Despite the neglect from both his parents ---one too ill to care and the other too busy--- Aemond had everything he wanted and the best of it.
So, when he asked, no, demanded the most famous master of philosophy in the world, he had not expected you.
He had heard of Braavos admitting women into their prestigious university, but surely, they would not be so foolish as to send a woman to teach him?
For fuck’s sake, less than half the noblewoman were literate in Westeros!
Grandsire would be appalled, mother insulted and Aegon will likely be feigning an interest in philosophy just to harass the poor girl.
“I was told Master Bergamo would be teaching me.” Aemond said hoping he had been right.
“Oh, he is, he is rather unwell from his travels unfortunately, so until he is better I will be teaching you, your highness.” You said as you continued setting up the sitting room to your liking. “Will that be a problem?”
“No.” the prince lied.
“Usually my lectures have me behind a curtain to avoid distractions, would it be too much of an inconvenience for you if I were to be behind a curtain?” you asked and Aemond wonders if he answered far too quickly.
He was not like other men, for fuck’s sake. He could handle being taught by a beautiful woman.
“Suit yourself, your highness, but I do warn you. Men who refuse the curtain often end up falling in love with me.” You say in jest, he hopes it is merely a jest.
“Perhaps, I will be the exception.” He finds himself saying and falling into an unusually easy banter with you.
As time passes, Aemond realized you had been serious.
There was something in the way you spoke, how you taught and worst of all, how your eyes lit up as you passionately debated with him.
Even when your father taught him, you were there assisting him, and despite your Braavosi accent and your skepticism in the Faith of the Andals, he found himself falling for you.
Every lady his mother offered him all paled to you.
No gold, no lands, no alliances were enough to get you out of his head.
None could argue about philosophy and ethics and whether gods are real like you did. No one was as well read and interesting as you, fuck, some of them were not allowed to read because their fathers and septas were afraid of them becoming too smart for their husbands.
Father seemed to hint about it when he spoke to him until he got tired of Aemond’s indecisiveness and outright gave his blessings to wed you.
Cole had then told his mother, and mother had used her influence to end Aemond’s lessons and send you and your father back to Braavos.
You had been crying, Aemond had heard about the awful things his mother’s ladies and his own fucking mother had said about you to hasten your departure. “Have you come to say goodbye, my prince?”
“No.” because he does not plan on letting you leave, not that it was clear by his words or façade. “When we first met you so said you taught from behind a curtain because men fell in love with you.”
“And you said you would be the exception.” You smile at the memory of it, and he gains confidence to voice this secret only you seem oblivious to.
“I lied. I have fallen for you…so I’m fucked.” He admits and wishes for the ground to swallow him.
Gods, this was fucking embarrassing.
“As crudely as you put it, we are both fucked.” The word sounds rather adorable when you say it. “I am afraid I have fallen for you too, my prince.”
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deep-sea-anemone · 3 months
I don't know you, I don't know who or what you ship, but my understanding of anti vs. pro means being anti vs. pro-shipping children with adults and if you think the majority opinion is that that is perfectly fine and normal, you need to go outside and touch grass.
I assume you're referring to my addition on that poll post. I'm happy to clear a few things up.
Firstly, Proship IS the default opinion and only in recent years has this anti-ship ideology come about (I have my own theories as to why that is, but that's its own can of worms and I specifically just want to adress this ask).
Any Pro vs Anti definitions were made up and forced on proshippers (again, because pro is the default and Antis are new). As such, Antis have skewed the meaning of proship into basically stating that "all proshippers like and endorse this content, and do not discriminate between content or judge the individuals who make it". This actually goes against what proshippers believe. The entire pro-ship philosophy can essentially be boiled down to "don't like, don't read".
There is a whole hoard of fiction that grosses me out. For instance I hate yandere and non-con, and find incest and minor/adult relationships incredibly gross. I even block the "age-gap" tag because even if they are both consenting, having that much of a power imbalance wiggs me out. I've unfollowed some of my favorite artists because they've posted dynamics and scenes that I don't like (Most recently I unfollowed a very popular artist because I found out they ship Sukufushi: a ship between a 16 year old and an ancient demon possessing another 16 year old. Since it's fiction and not reality, you get these wierd nuances that could never happen in the real world and it is up to the individual to decide what they are comfortable with).
A lot of proshippers actually WILL tell you that people who like pedophilic ships or other dark content (such as rape and snuff fics) ARE gross and sick in the head and that the people who think otherwise are delusional. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that they don't have a right to create that content. I just want them to keep it away from me. Hence why I have those tags blocked on tumblr and why I filter them out when I search for fics.
The proshipper philosophy isn't that problematic ideas/ships are good and should be celebrated, and everyone certaintly doesn't believe that it is "perfectly normal", we just think that if you don't like it then, rather than berating the "freaks" who do, simply block and move on and do your best to keep them out of your thoughts, because ultimately, as disgusting as it is, there is no actual harm in it.
Secondly, Antis seem to believe that we proshippers endorse gross/dark content in real life. I assure you that that is NOT the case. And if an individual does, in fact enact their ficticious-but-irl-illegal fantasies, then that is not an example of the pro-shipper caving in and acting out their sick desires in the real world. It is the case of a REAL LIFE pedophile (or whatever) coming into fandom spaces and then interacting with or creating dark content. Is it possible that this happens? Sure. That doesn't mean that it is the default or even common, and basically every proshipper is in agreement that they are disgusting individuals. Again, this is because proshippers believe that fiction should remain fiction. Any time that make-believe turns into real-world actions, it is no longer make-believe and is now a real danger. Antis refuse to see the difference between the two.
You also mentioned touching grass which I think is a little ironic. The proshipper philosophy is that as long as fiction remains fiction, it has no bearing on the real world. It is Antis that have a hard time recognizing that playing pretend isn't the same as physical wrongdoing. Hence, why proshippers use the term "touch grass": it's meant to remind people that there is more to life than fantasy and online discourse, That it's important to log off and go "touch grass" to remind yourself that there is a difference between the tangible real-world and the imaginary scenarios that people create in their heads.
If you (and others! This isn't meant to be a callout, just informative) have difficulty comprehending this, I encourage you to consider the following scenarios:
1) Murder Mysteries: just because someone writes someone getting murdered, does not mean that they would want to see it happen,and certainly not commit it in real life.
2) BDSM: no party that willingly engages in bdsm is truly getting hurt (except to the extent that they want to be). Smacking someone during sessions does not mean that that person would ever do it in real life, and certainly wouldn't support others doing it
3) rape fantasies: this sort of goes along with bdsm, but there is a large difference between having faith that your trusted partner would never hurt you and only acts out a scenario because you ask them to, and being forced against your will to engage in harmful and/degrading sex acts.
4) Shooter Games: For a long time, people believed that playing violent video games corrupted children's moral and made them crave violence and increased the likelihood that they would want to renact that violence and turn into school shooters. There was actually a study done a while ago examining the link between video game violence and real life consequences....and they found nothing. There was no correlation between committing fictional violence and real world impact.
Fiction =/= real life.
Secondly, Antis have a tendency to invade people's inboxes and leave hate comments everywhere. Sometimes this is just saying "this is gross", but often Antis start harassment campaigns, recruiting multiple individuals to scare and intimidate people whose content they don't like (One tactic is to dump hundreds of graphic, gory images into peoples inboxes. I'm sure you can see how that would be traumatizing). Antis also have a history of doxxing people and causing this ficticious content to cause real-life harm to come to people. This is especially concerning since one of the most common things Antis like to parrot is some variation of "kill yourself".
A lot of Antis actually ARE proshippers, they just don't realize it because they get so caught up with the Anti's hate philosophy that they believe that willingly not engaging with content that they don't like (rather than harassing and condemning people who do) is what proshippers stand against. This is why some proshippers use the terms "anti-harrasment" and "pro-censorship" rather than proshippers and antishippers because it helps to clarify what the pro-shipper philosophy ACTUALLY is.
*phew* that was a long post, wasn't it? Let's both go touch grass together 🤝
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agentravensong · 1 year
i mentioned back when i made that poll about who the second voice from the goner maker sequence might be that i think ralsei is a decent candidate. since the topic came up in the server i'm in today, i figured i should make a post out of it.
to be clear, the idea is that the voice that discards the vessel, says "no one can choose who they are in this world", and throws the soul into kris* might be ralsei. this would require that he was aware of that sequence as it was happening (which i don't think is that unlikely, given all the things he knows) and had the power to interrupt it (much harder to swallow, i know).
here are my three arguments in favor of this theory:
1) the way ralsei's first lines of dialogue are presented is exactly the same as the second voice
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this is not a foolproof thing, but i think it's worth noting that this is our first impression of him, not long at all after the gonermaker sequence.
2) the sentiment that "no one can choose who they are in this world" aligns with ralsei's current philosophy. he wants kris (or us) to believe that our choices matter, but he's also insistent that kris and susie are heroes. not to mention his more personal feelings on the subject as a darker and their role in relation to lightners.
3) there's a decent potential motive for ralsei to eliminate the player's "wonderful creation": kris being the vessel for the soul/player makes them the protagonist. we have evidence that ralsei wants kris to feel special (see his whole thing about acts being kris's special thing in chapter 2). it's likely that their role would have been lessened if we were playing as the vessel**, and i could see ralsei being opposed to that. especially if ralsei has some special tie to them and/or asriel because of however he came to be / whatever item he's derived from. and considering, again, his seemingly positive feelings towards darkners' purpose being to serve lightners, it would be in character for him to see kris's role as the bearer of the Light as an honor/blessing — one it would be a terrible shame to deny them.
*it's possible that gaster was the one who put the vessel into kris as a last resort rather than the second voice being responsible. that being said, you could argue the second voice (ralsei in this case) figured he would do that, was perhaps even counting on it.
**it seems unlikely they would have been replaced all together considering that gaster will say you are going to meet them if you put your name as "kris"; i imagine they would have had a noelle-like role and presence in the plot
tbc i'm not 100% convinced of this theory right now, i think there are at least a couple other strong second voice candidates, but i think this one should at least be part of the discussion. would love to hear what y'all think :)
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dc-polls · 1 year
They Would Not Fucking Say That! Preliminary Poll
Lonnie Machin (Anarky)
From: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky. New 52/Prime Earth(?) Context: Anarky attempts to thwart Catwoman’s bachelorette party (it was a lead-up to the Bruce/Selina fail wedding) and Jason Todd attempts to stop him.
Teams up with fascists to ruin Selina’s outing by sowing violence, chaos, and destruction in a large crowd of people because the Joker played on his desire for a father figure.
Lonnie, prior to the reboot, was conceived as and most prominently depicted as a politically left-anarchist character until his creator and primary writer, Alan Grant, began getting into Randian Neo-Tech Objectivism and projected it onto Lonnie as Lonnie was always his political mouthpiece. However, despite Lonnie's political sway going from more anarcho-communist to objectivist, he was always a character who had near-unwavering, passionate stances on social issues. He considered anyone who preyed on the common man, or "enemies of the people", to be *his* enemies, and he often came at this from a leftist point of view. He was a strong supporter of social justice for the oppressed, and it was his sorrow and outrage at oppression that led him to take up vigilantism. He despised fascism and considered anyone who used initiatory violence against others to be opposed to him. To Lonnie, anarchism is a philosophy of total freedom from oppression, self-determination, and helping your fellow man, not 'chaos'.
He was also *very* anti-gun and anti-weapon of mass destruction. Whenever he used bombs, they were often smoke bombs or paint bombs. On the one single occasion he used actual bombs to blow up a munitions factory, he evacuated everyone in the building before it blew up, as he cares for the lives of innocents and does not kill. The one single time that it is implied that he killed, his victim was a man who blew up 20+ innocent people in a public setting via bombing and used him as a scapegoat. He has said before that he 'can't let innocent people die because of him'. He holds to this even if he can be clumsy in his methods. When he once experienced a machine-induced dream in which Gotham City descended into fiery chaos because of his well-intentioned actions, he had a crying breakdown.
And, on the Joker - in his 1999 solo series, there is a plot point that is left open-ended that implies the Joker could be Lonnie's biological father, as he is an adoptee. This was done to cement Lonnie into the Batman mythos, as his creators Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle cared a lot about him. When editors disapproved of this, they let Grant write it on the condition that he would prove it wrong later on, but after the Joker issue the series was canceled, and so for all intents and purposes, it was not meant to be lasting 'canon'. Lonnie has been known to hate the Gotham Rogues, as he considers their actions against the people of the city to be completely antithetical to his views and ideals, some of the most important things to him. When he thought that the Joker could've been his father, he had a breakdown. He visited Arkham in order to find out and the Joker briefly played on his (at the time, a 16 year old child) yearning to figure out his parentage in the wake of his adoptive parents' implied death (with some genetic determinism 'does this mean i'll be a "madman" too? involved, but, eugh), but once the Joker tried to use Lonnie to help him break out of Arkham, Lonnie quickly acted against him to prevent his escape. It is said in a (dubiously canon) Batman encyclopedia that the crisis that the Joker could have been his father put him through caused him to self-isolate even harder than he normally does for a while until Cassie Sandsmark's speech during YJ: Sins of Youth inspired him back onto the field. Needless to say, he hates the Joker, and his hatred for the Joker's actions was enough to override his want for a parental figure.
In the post-reboot continuity, Lonnie is no longer an adoptee and his single mother would tell him the Joker was his 'real father' and would come and get him if he misbehaved. He began writing letters to the Joker, who eventually tried to get Lonnie to 'impress' him by giving Batman a 'rehearsal' before his wedding. Lonnie did this by gathering militant anti-feminist terrorists and gun nuts alongside leftists and anti-fascists in one place in order to get them to fight each other and cause 'blood, smoke, and chaos.'
As always, remember to check the notes for info others may have shared, and reblog to help increase reach!
Submissions close Wednesday August 23, 11:00 pm EDT
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Don’t blame the Holocaust on the Jews. This past May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked how his country could credibly claim to be “denazifying” Ukraine when the latter is led by an elected Jewish president. “I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood,” he replied, later adding, “Some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews.” While these claims may sound bizarre, they are far from isolated.
As I wrote at the time, ever since World War II, people have attempted to pin the Holocaust on the Jews. A 1938 Gallup poll found that 54 percent of Americans believed that “the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault.” Another 11 percent said it was “entirely” their fault. In other words, as Hitler rose to power and implemented his anti-Semitic architecture, a large majority of Americans blamed European Jews for their own oppression.
This victim-blaming has persisted to the present day. David Icke, one of our era’s most prolific conspiracy theorists, has claimed that wealthy Jews bankrolled the Holocaust, asserting, “The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild empire, helped finance Adolf Hitler.” (Icke has also said that “Hitler was a Rothschild.”) The anti-Semitic book in which this passage appeared was later enthusiastically promoted by the author Alice Walker in The New York Times.
Along similar lines, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, devoted his entire doctoral dissertation to the conspiracy theory that “Zionist” Jews had collaborated with the Third Reich in order to spur Jewish immigration to Palestine. (The dissertation also claims that no Jews were murdered in the Nazi gas chambers, and that the overall number of Jewish victims was exaggerated by several million.)
Others do not go so far as to blame Europe’s Jews for their own genocide, but instead try to use their murders to attack their descendants, insinuating that this or that group of Jews “failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust.” But Auschwitz wasn’t a philosophy seminar with some unfortunate fatalities. And the Holocaust was not some moral test that the Jewish world failed, but a moral atrocity committed against it.
In all of these cases, those who weaponize a people’s greatest trauma to bludgeon them once more inadvertently reveal the very inhumanity that made such brutality possible in the first place.
  —  How Not to Talk About the Holocaust
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divine-knight-hand · 9 months
My Paracosm's Tumblr Dashboard Simulator!!! ❤️‍🔥
Except none of you know my paras, nor am I going to give any context for these. *womp womp*
But, I basically saw this post and decided “Hey, lemme do that!” and then I did that.
Also, a good portion of my paras are primparas, but my fictparas will be glaringly obvious, so, yeah. If you know them, you know them. 🤷‍♀️
I spent way too long on this, lmao... Welp, enjoy! 😌
TW: some humor involving brief mentions of suicide, death, and doxxing
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Remind me again why our boss is asking us to make these social media accounts? Isn’t our whole thing, I dunno, subtlety?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Well, with a user like that, I don’t think you’re doing very good at that, anyways… 😬
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Let’s not hash out the technical stuff 😅
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❤️ a-random-fan Follow
Anyone else ever think about how not-ember-blade and sweetest-otaku were born to contradict each other? Like, how do sisters with conflicting powers learn to not only co-exist, but thrive while working together? Especially when everyone expects them to tear each other apart? Truly, it’s wonderful to see…
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Dude, what the fuck? We’ve been past that. Find a new philosophy, Socrates- 💀
#and to everyone who still thinks me and my sister are gonna duke it out #stfu
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🐺 alpha-machine Follow
So, not-ember-blade… What’s the status on that date? 😏
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
My sister had to physically restrain me from typing “kys” before lecturing me on the importance of a “respectful no”.
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Well, it almost worked… 😅
#also please rethink the wording of your tags #I’m not even going to repost them #they’re really vulgar…
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💍 iron-wife Follow
mischief-incarnate, you didn’t happen to put itching powder in alpha-machine’s closet after his latest post, did you???
🐍 mischief-incarnate Follow
Do I look like I’m only capable of mere party tricks to you? Of course not! That foul mutt has magic to thank for any discomfort he may be experiencing. Magic woven into each and every thread, in fact~
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Every day, I fall more and more in love with you 😩
#marriage when?
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🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Crippling anxiety? I barely know her! (Lying)
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
What does this mean?
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
#can someone go check if she’s okay? #I’m starting to get concerned…
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Can y’all stop asking me if arachni-kid is my son? It’s not even true, and his aunt is starting to ask questions…
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
One time, I saw you make him a Hot Pocket, kiss him on the forehead, and wish him luck on a test he was studying for.
🕷️ arachni-kid Follow
A test I passed, by the way! I forgot to tell you. 😅
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Awwwww! I knew you could do it, kiddo! I’m so proud of you! 🥹
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💄 hopelessness-hottie Follow
Look, not-ember-blade! It’s you!
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I’m… pi?
🔦 endangered-observer Follow
Maybe she’s saying you are what you eat? 😅
🐍 mischief-incarnate Follow
I’ve not once seen her consume this mathematical notation…
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
You summoned all three of them and they still didn’t get it 😭
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
That’s because they all share one brain cell 🤣
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🧹 friendly-maiden Follow
As much as I enjoy serving the new queen and princess, can I have not-ember-blade and sweet-otaku back? Please?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Awww! We miss you, too! 🥺
#Please come visit sometime #okay?
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🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Everyone talking about possibly making a poll to decide who the best sister is between not-ember-blade and sweetest-otaku clearly wasn’t here for the violent discourse that one poll between mischief-incarnate and thunderous-hero, and it shows… 👀
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Didn’t mischief-incarnate dox someone for telling people to vote against him?
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
No, no… That was me… 😶
#but can you blame me? #the bitch had it coming #spreading that harmful propaganda
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🍳 wary-chef Follow
Just saw someone cooking without measuring their ingredients. They should lose their cooking priviliges.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
You rn:
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💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
I was gonna tell you to stop bullying my boyfriend, but- 😭
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⚡ thunderous-hero Follow
What are these "fan cams" that people keep talking about?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Oh! You mean, those edits of us? I wonder how everyone got all that footage of us...
#It's actually a little creepy #How do they do it?
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🔦 endangered-observer Follow
Who... Who sent me this song?
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I know I shouldn't laugh, but... HA!!!
#the whole polycule having daddy issues goes crazy
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mitigatedchaos · 1 year
Well, since I was named in a branch off of @max1461 's post,
[ @tropylium ]
I even keep wondering, is it just because I'm here and the actual seriousness only happens on other platforms? e.g. the ratsphere has EA sites and LessWrong and Wordpress blogs and so on. but it's then unclear to me about many other people if they have any interest in being serious, in the sense of having skin in the game and goals not yet achieved, anywhere at all. Argumate Disease, I could call it — he's clearly the most prominent example, even if probably not the most egregious. also fwiw the most prominent counterexample that occurs to me might be Mitigated Chaos, they've a style that's still shitposty at times but at least not making it their main axis and clearly trying to achieve things even here. (but in the end, I wouldn't know, nobody ever tells me anything; which I kinda resent but I'm not sure how much I should exactly, if it's me specifically for some reasons, or the same for most of us)
[ @the-grey-tribe ]
Both ContraPoints and DigiBro are explicit stage personas. Tom Scott is a guy. Natalie Wynn is a person. ContraPoints is an act. Argumate is an act. MitigatedChaos is an act.
The #augmented reality break posts are art, often deliberately multi-layered, and often satirical (as in a certain infamous post in which the punchline to decolonization is Mobile Suit Gundam), or intended as a moral puzzle for the reader to chew on (as in the recent Moon Prisons poll) to aid in their philosophical development.
Mitigated Chaos is "authentic" in that it's based on aspects of my real self that have been multiplied to a higher magnitude - even some of the more outlandish stuff like "product of the US Military Industrial Complex." Mitigated Chaos is "fake" in that it's a specific production with a particular voice as part of its overall strategy (and specific rules and commitments are part of this).
The overall strategy involves a mix of posting types, partly to lighten things up on what is a rather political theory-heavy blog. The 300-500 word blog format and presented level of seriousness fit according to the intended level of epistemic rigor.
Mitigated Chaos is not an article in a scholarly journal of microeconomics, and in addition to the philosophy and political puzzle aspect of it, polling readers about hypothetical space prisons helps to establish that.
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hi for the love of god hello
This blog used to be titled warcrimialswag. it is no longer called that. the tournament will continue as it has been going with a few minor changes.
yesterday I found that I had been sent the following ask:
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they raise a good point. typically, i subscribe to the philosophy that tumblr users are responsible for curating their own experiences, don’t like don’t read, enjoying in fiction does not mean condoning irl, etc. but neither do I wish to be blasé about threats i could not comprehend living through. because of this, i have removed direct references to the geneva conventions from my header/pfp and changed the name of the blog. I realize these are mostly cosmetic changes, but hopefully they’ll help minimize the overt references to war crimes and crimes against humanity and help people avoid them who would wish to.
additionally, while propaganda will be welcome as always, i will ask those who post it to tag it appropriately to help fellow tumblr users avoid the subject matter if they wish to. especially when it pertains to acts of extreme violence. i will do my best to do the same.
I’m sorry if anyone is disappointed by these changes, and hope those who are having fun with this will continue to do so. I'm sure some people will think I'm changing too much or not enough. My only wish here is to be a good and considerate neighbor to other blogs.
in the mean time, there are many ways to enjoy and support our favorite characters. i’m gonna start working on posting round 3 of polls. fortunately for me, doing this takes less time every round so yee haw.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I'm not sure where this expectation of the Go 2 press tour which I see from you and some other fans is coming. Did someone say something? I mean, there definitely should be some PR action, a couple of interviews, maybe the cast appearance at a screening or something, but nothing near the promotion of the 1 season, not a 'press tour'. No one promotes 2nd seasons even half as much as 1 seasons. As a rule. Unless there's a very specific decision to do so. So I would tame expectations imo.
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I mean...good grief, Anon. It just poured for the entire weekend where I live, and yet it feels like your message is doing a far more thorough job of raining on my metaphorical parade.
So, let's break a few things down here. First, my personal philosophy is and always will be "Hope for the best, expect the worst." That is not to say that, in the case of GO 2 promotion, I expect the absolute worst, because I don't...but I am also more than adept at keeping my expectations in check thanks to many, many years of experience with disappointment.
With that in mind, you are correct, no one has said anything specifically or formally about the GO 2 press tour or what it might/will entail. Most of us have been working off of the idea--the hope, even--that because season 1 had a press tour, then logically, so should season 2. (Especially because, as I've previously mentioned, the show does still need to bring in new viewers to ensure that there will be a third season.)
As of right now, however, it looks like the only potential impediment to a press tour--or at least Neil being involved with one--is the looming Writers' Strike (well, not-so-looming, since it now seems to be actually happening). So the effects that could have on promoting GO 2/what sorts of appearances the cast and crew will make are unknown for now, and remain to be seen.
But I still feel like you're missing the larger point here, Anon. The thing that has so many of us excited isn't the breadth or level of promotion, but rather that Michael and David will be together during whatever promotion does happen. The majority of the things I mentioned in this poll were listed as mere possibilities...but the one that seems most probable (and that received the most votes, as it were) was Michael and David flirting with each other. I've also received DMs from people who, as much as they are eagerly anticipating the show, care even more about seeing Michael and David together again--playful, relaxed, and most of all, happy.
So does that mean a press tour as extensive as the first season? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Michael and David will only get to do a handful of interviews or appearances together, but it's the substance of those that makes all the difference. It's that we can all watch Michael and David on TV, or Youtube, or listen to them on the radio, and for even the briefest of moments, feel a sense of respite from what is happening in the world. It's that even when there is so much misery and hate and unkindness running rampant, there is still something that can bring such happiness. Something to look forward to, even just for a little while. And that's what I'm optimistic about, and will continue to be optimistic about here on my blog.
Again, you may be entirely right, Anon, and the GO 2 press tour could turn out to be nothing more than Michael and David doing a ribbon-cutting at a Tesco in Milton Keynes...but I'd still want to watch it because I know no matter what happens, Michael and David will enjoy every second of it as long as they are together.
And I think that's still something worth hoping for.
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