#this reply is 718 words long
annwrites · 2 days
trick or treat one-shot collection.
— pairing: jacaerys velaryon x twin!reader
— type: modern!au | (part of a collection)
— summary: you & jace have fun in a pile of leaves & then take a nap together.
— word count: 718
— tags: implied twincest, sharing clothes, napping together
— tagging list: @emilynissangtr @aemondwhoresworld @cecestea
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When Jace pulls into the driveway, you jump out of his car excitedly, toss your backpack onto the grass, then practically dive into a pile of leaves your dad must’ve raked earlier, but never got around to packing into an orange trash bag, with the face of a jack-o-lantern printed on the front of it, like he did the rest of the yard.
Jace chuckles, coming to stand over you, hands resting on his jean-clad hips while he gazes down at you.
“Are you five?” He asks with a raised brow.
You giggle, then reach up toward him.
He sighs, sliding one of his hands into yours, so as to pull you up, until you tug him down with you.
Bright red and orange leaves crunch beneath his weight and he sighs in exasperation before rolling onto his side.
“You’ve got leaves in your hair,” he remarks, pulling a few from your curly brown strands.
You shrug, then push him onto his back before straddling his lap.
“Now you do, too,” you say with a smile, running your fingers through his hair.
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head while a smirk spreads across his lips—his hands sliding up your tight-clad thighs, beneath the plaid skirt you wear. “We always have to match, don’t we?”
You nod, humming in agreement, and he grins.
“C’mon, let’s go in,” he says, and you stand to let him up.
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You and Jace pad across vacuumed carpet, toward the back of the house, where your rooms lie across the hall from one another.
“I’ll use the shower downstairs,” you say, turning into your bedroom.
He tosses his backpack into his room before stepping over to you.
He cups your cheek, and you watch as the corner of his lip twitches.
“What?” You ask with furrowed brows.
“Just thinking of ways to conserve water,” he replies, shrugging, heading into his room to grab a change of clothes.
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When Jace comes back into his room, it’s to the sight of you standing in front of his open closet with only a towel on while you sift through his t-shirts.
He leans against the door-frame with crossed arms. “Your closet and dresser are both packed with clothes. Why do you always have to take mine to wear around the house?”
You glance to him over your shoulder and shrug. “We’re twins. What’s yours is mine, etcetera. We share everything.”
Predictable reply, he thinks before flopping down onto his bed.
“And yours are more comfortable,” you add.
He watches as you choose an old t-shirt, with the mascot for the school’s lacrosse team printed on the front and his number on the back, before dropping your towel and tugging it on over your head.
You toss said towel into Jace’s full hamper, frowning slightly at the sight.
“I’ll empty it eventually,” he says.
You turn back to him with crossed arms. “What you mean to say is that me or mom will.”
He smirks without reply before patting the right side of the bed.
You step over to it, then climb in next to him.
He fans out a throw blanket, drapes it over your bare legs, and you curl into his side.
You rest your head and left hand on his bare chest before twining one of your legs around his.
He tangles his fingers in your hair—massaging your scalp—and your eyes flutter closed.
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It’s nearly two hours later when your mom and dad get home, and both of your younger brothers along with them.
Your mom knocks lightly on Jace’s door before quietly opening it, and she smiles softly at the sight of the two of you taking a nap together—the waning autumn sun casting long shadows across both of you through curtained windows while you dream.
She grips Jace’s shoulder and shakes him gently awake.
He gazes up at her with furrowed brows and a confused look in his sleepy eyes.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” she whispers before glancing to you. “Get your sister up, so the two of you can eat.”
She leans down, pressing a kiss to his forehead before sighing at the sight of his overflowing hamper in the corner.
She grabs it up, lightly shaking her head at her eldest child as she exits, heading for the laundry room.
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romanstheory · 1 year
All Over Again a Roman Reigns One Shot
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Warnings: smut, fluff, language, visuals, arguing, size kink?
Word Count: 718
“Oh what the fuck ever Joe that’s what you always say!” I scream at my husband, Roman Reigns. He enrages me every single time we have this discussion. I talk about us spending no time together, he says he has to work, I get angry and we do it over and over again. God I love him but I don’t know how much more of this I can take. “What do you want me to do? Just stop? I can’t do that right now I have a contract that I have to fulfill” Roman argues back “my hands are tied for the next few months and you know that”
“I don’t want to hear it Joe! Even when you’re not working you’re still working” I scream “when do I become the priority again?”. I’ve been with Roman for years now…. I was here before WWE, before football, I was here before it all. I’m so proud of him, but it feels like I have to fight for any of his time. We used to go out every week back when things were simple….. I miss those times. “I just want a minute of your time without interruption. Why is that so hard to get through your thick ass skull?” I scream, tears building in my eyes. Roman hated seeing me cry.
His once angry face softens at the sight of me ready to burst into tears. “Baby…. I-….. I’m sorry. I guess I just didn’t think about it like that” Roman says through his deep voice. “That’s all I’ve been trying to say” I say softly. He makes his way around the kitchen island, pulling me into a deep embrace. “I’ll pull some strings” He says. His big body completely covers mine, my head resting just below his warm chest. He bends down, kissing the top of my head “I promise” he whispers.
The next day rolls around, and I wake up to Roman not beside me but a dress and shoes with a note next to them. The note reads put this sexy dress on and be ready by 12, the driver is waiting on you -Joe.
I smirk to myself and begin getting ready. Of course it’s red, that’s all he ever wants to see me in.
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I get ready just in time for the car to arrive. I spray myself with my favorite perfume and quickly strut out the door. I text Roman letting him know I’m on my way, he replies with a heart emoji. I stare out the window hoping to recognize where we might be going, but I have no clue. Finally we arrive and the driver opens my door. It’s a five star restaurant, but nobody else is in the parking lot. I open the door and I’m immediately greeted by a server who guides me to the back. The room is covered in roses, the white one my favorite.
I look over to see a grinning Roman at a candlelit table. “Damn you look hot” He says scanning my body up and down. “I knew you would look good in that”. We spent hours talking as if it was our first date all over again. He made me blush like we were kids again. It was like he made me fall in love all over again. We walk into our home, giggling and holding hands like we’re kids slap happy to be in each others company.
We shower together, planting steamy kisses all over each other. I haven’t felt this close to him in so long. We dry each other off and head to our bedroom where I’m immediately met with Roman picking my petite body up so that I’m eye level with him. He begins kissing me. Our tongues wrestled back and fourth, winding and wrapping together. Our naked bodies melted into each other as he pressed my back against the wall. His huge hands cupped my warm ass while he guided himself into me.
Oh I missed this…. I missed HIM. He moves himself in and out of me with ease, my body was ready for every inch of him. “Fuck” he whispers, his voice echoing through my body. I wrap my arms around his neck while he continues to pound me with passion. My breasts bouncing in unison with his deep passionate strokes. “I’m! Oh! Oh! Oh my god!” I scream as my climax approaches unexpectedly and intensely. Romans eyes darkened with lust, he keeps stroking making my climax even more tense. His strokes become shorter, I can tell he’s close. He clenched his jaw, and his veins become visible as he releases his load deep inside of me. He strokes one last time before moving us both to the bed. “Should we maybe continue in the shower?” He suggests with a smirk
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
happy dadwc! for solas/varric this week: i think i've earned the right to learn the truth
happy writing!
oooh them.... <3 ty for this! a little beginning of their romance blurb @dadrunkwriting 718 words cws: none
He was reading when Varric entered, barely glancing up at the dwarf before turning his attention back to the book. Something had been building between them for quite a while, but Solas had been loath to commit. It was wrong. It was selfish. It was cruel. So lately he'd tried to keep his distance, but it seemed a passive conclusion would not be permitted. “You certainly turn tail early,” he said casually, Solas' shoulders tensing. “I mean, I know I'm kinda rusty, but I didn't think my flirting would scare you off so easily.”
Oh, he resented that. He wanted to snap that he wasn't afraid… but of course, that was the exact reaction Varric was trying to provoke. That frustrated him, too, how simple it would be to fall for the other man's prodding. “Perhaps I simply tired of it,” he said, wary of meeting his eyes. He knew it was a cruel response, dismissive, but if they couldn't have this, then it was crueler still to let the possibility linger. Best to make a clean break instead.
Varric snorted, and that was not the reaction he'd anticipated. He looked up from the book with a sigh, only to find the other man smirking at him. Another unexpected reaction. “Look, I don't chase. You want me to back off, I'll back off. But seriously, you aren't anywhere near as secret as you think you are.” Varric drew closer, hip against Solas' desk and arms crossed. “Just tell me the truth. I think I've earned that.”
“Have you?” He shot back, but even he could hear how empty it sounded. Varric didn't even bother with a reply, aside from his smirk growing. Damn dwarf. “It is… not that easy, Master Tethras.” Something flickered across Varric's face at that, and his smirk seemed to stiffen, held deliberately. Solas had wounded him, and that weighed on the both of them. He settled back with a frown, meeting Varric's eyes. “Have you thought this through? The world is at risk, powerful forces are aligned against us, and I am a mage. An apostate. Should we succeed, I highly doubt I'll be able to linger. What would we have? Some brief dalliance? Is it not kinder, for both of us, to let it rest? Is it not wiser?”
“Shit, Chuckles.” Varric sounded strained, although Solas couldn't quite place how. “I'm not proposing. And this isn't my first ‘dalliance.’ I care about you, and you obviously feel the same. What's better about burying that? We may die tomorrow, or in twenty years—but in either case, I'd rather live today.”
He stared at Varric for a moment, then shook his head, even as he felt a traitorous smile creep onto his face. “Of course that would be your view. Of course it would.”
“And of course you'd be so deep in your head about this that you can't even see straight.” He snorted, unwilling—and unable—to contest that. Instead he tapped his fingers on the pages of the book a few times before closing it and standing, Varric straightening up. He stood in front of the other man and met his eyes for long moments, superficially debating with himself although he'd all but decided.
Varric grinned when Solas bent down and grabbed his jacket, kissing him hard. Heavy hands settled on his hips and Varric's warmth seeping through his clothing was a delight. Varric may not chase a relationship but he certainly chased Solas' mouth, pressing forward and reinstating the kiss when he began to pull away. Then he was being urged backwards until he felt the seat brushing against his thighs, sinking down into it. It made kissing easier, their height a better match now. “Ahem.” They jerked apart at the sudden voice, Varric stifling a laugh as Solas felt himself blush. “Please, do get a room. A different room.” Dorian sounded entirely too smug about it, but Solas had to admit it wasn't a terrible idea.
Still, he let Varric pull away without protest, tilting his head back to glare up at Dorian as the door to the rotunda opened and closed. The other mage smiled and shrugged before giving a little wave and turning away, and Solas heard his muffled laughter drifting down. 
He found himself wondering where, exactly, Varric's room was.
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
“I Am So Madly In Love With You”
Word Count: 718
One Shot: Darry Curtis x GN!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff :)
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-You and Darry are childhood best friends, you both have been in love with each other for god who knows how long. And that hasn’t changed in years. You haven’t seen him since high school graduation since you got accepted into your dream college which is unfortunately over seas. -You have Christmas Break and are spending it in Tusla, Oklahoma with your family and friends. Only your parents know, your an only child. You decide to surprise Darry. You are very excited. It’s been 2 years.
-You have no idea that the Mr. and Mrs. Curtis died.
-Dally, Johnny, and Two-Bit have no idea who you are, Steve only knows who you are because he has been best friends with Soda for so long. You don’t know who Dally, Johnny, and Two-Bit are either.
You pulled up to the Curtis’ street, you had this big smile on your face. You parked 3 blocks away from their house as you wanted this to be a surprise, you walked up to the door. You knocked a little bit to hard, the door swung open and you were greeted by a brunette with a leather jacket on. “Who are you?” He said coldly.
“Uh-I…Is Darry home?” You politely asked
“DARRY!!” The brunette yelled
“Yeah, Dally?” The familiar voice asked calmly considering he just yelled at
“You seriously let this dude talk to you like that?” You asked entering the familiar home to see the dirty blond, who has gotten extremely muscular.
“Y/N?!” Darry said pulling you in a bear hug with a big smile on his face. “Hey, Dar” You said calling him your nickname you have had for him since y’all were 8 years old.
He pulled you guys out of the hug and looked at you with astonishment and he had that sparkle in his eyes when he gets super excited. You guys couldn’t break eye contact but it was broken until you got jumped on by a large figure you figured was Sodapop.
“Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!” The familiar cheery voice screamed with joy.
After all of the introductions and such, you found yourself next to Darry in the kitchen with his arm around your shoulder. You felt your face get a bit pink when you realized this. You couldn’t believe how muscular and tall he got. I mean he was always tall and muscular but this was a whole different level. You kept looking for Mr. And Mrs. Curtis and you couldn’t find them. You were a bit worried since they are usually home around this time or they were when you and Darry were in high school but you tried to brush it off your shoulder but it kept coming back to you. “Hey, Darry?” You whispered
“Yeah?” He replied quietly guessing this was a private subject
“Where are your parents?” You asked innocently in a normal tone
You saw Darry’s face turn from calm and happiness to coldness and confusion. This got you really worried. The room got quiet. Like extremely quiet and you felt everyone’s eyes on you.
“What do you mean ‘where are they’? He asked calmly but his face didn’t look calmly
“I mean exactly that. Where are they?”
“Y/N…their dead.” He said softly looking at floor.
You felt like everything stopped, you gasped uncontrollably. He looked up at you. You felt horrible. You had no idea. “Why did you tell me, Dar?” You asked with a shaky voice. You put your hand on his.
“You were in school. That’s why.” He said holding your hand.
“But..” You began
“But nothing. Y/N..” He spoke taking a deep breath “It’s in the past. Okay?” He finished looking you in the eyes.
That didn’t change anything. Something life altering happened and you weren’t informed of it. But you didn’t argue.
“Okay.” You said wrapping him in a hug.
You had finished your vist with the boys, you were walking out of the familiar nostalgic home. You noticed it was snowing, not that yucky harsh snow but that romance novel snow where characters have there first kiss. Before you could open the iron gate to leave, your arm got grabbed by rough familiar hands. You were turned around and were face to face with Darry. You had forgotten how handsome he was. You two were staring at each other, he had that sparkle in his eyes and he had when he saw you earlier this evening. It was cold enough outside where you could see your breath. You guys were breathing hard. As if you guys had ran a 5K but for you at least it was because you were nervous because you were so close to him. “Hey..”He said in his husky voice with his smile, your smile, he only used that smile when you were around.
“Hey.” You said in a giggly tone with a smile. Without warning he kissed you, you reciprocated and kissed him back. He pulled out of the dream-like kiss and put his forehead against yours and said the words that would change everything.
“I am so madly in love with you, Y/N L/N.”
-Hope y’all enjoyed this oneshot
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Y'all, we are *finally* into Chapter 30! 6 more to go (which is subject to change, as we know)!
We're at 107,305 words!
Here's a lil sneak peek from Chapter 29:
Once the boards were in the water, they were on their way. The lake was fairly peaceful, a few people out enjoying the morning sun on their properties, waving to them as they passed. A few boats motored by, making some waves, but nothing unmanageable. 
It was truly beautiful out there, with the mountains, the houses on the lake. There were some lakefront mansions that were absolutely gorgeous and they would pause, commenting on the enormous houses. 
They talked about what they would have in their own houses if they could ever afford something that large. 
“You do not want a cottage,” Ilia laughed as Shane told her about all of the things she would like (a pool, a gym, a rink, four to five guestrooms, a nice kitchen, a deck). “You want a complex.”
Shane laughed. Ilia wasn’t wrong. 
It was simply wishful thinking. As wonderful as it was to have the PWHL, it wasn’t like they were making a ludicrous amount of money like the guys in the NHL. And it would probably be a long time before pro women players were making six figures, let alone millions, like their male counterparts. 
But it was fun to think about. 
Ilia was very adamant about getting fancy sports cars. 
“A bright orange Porsche 718 Cayman,” she sighed, wistful. “Oh! And a Ducati! I could probably buy the Ducati now, maybe…”
“No motorcycles!” Shane argued. “They’re death traps.”
Ilia gave Shane a look, a cross between annoyed and exasperated, looking over her shoulder. 
“It’s true! They’re dangerous. You could get into an accident…”
Shane felt anxiety ripple through her unpleasantly at the idea. It terrified her, thinking about losing Ilia that way. The idea of losing her at all was… unfathomable.
“Shane…” Ilia said again, gentler this time. Shane lifted her eyes to her and Ilia reached out her hand. Shane reached out, too, taking Ilia’s hand. Ilia held her hand and squeezed gently. 
“Is okay,” she soothed.
“Sorry,” Shane replied, letting Ilia’s hand go so she could wipe her eyes. “It’s just scary to think about losing you… somehow…
“I am not going anywhere, kóshechka.”
Shane nodded. “I know. It’s okay.”
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moonwritewastaken · 2 years
Tales of Christmas Day 16 - cc!Karl Jacobs x gn!reader
Genre - strangers to lovers, Christmas, pen pals kinda
Word count - 718
We made it! It’s the last day of the 2022 edition of Tales of Christmas. I’m sorry if this one isn’t detailed enough, I kinda ran out of time 😅Thank you for coming on this journey with me and hopefully you enjoyed the festive imagines! I’ll probably take a little break over the festive period but I’ll still be working on stuff, I just probably won’t release anything for a lil bit. 
- 🌙
At the start of the year, you made a New Year’s resolution to be in a relationship for Christmas. It was mid November and you had pretty much come to terms with the fact that it most likely wasn’t going to happen if it hadn’t already. However, your best friend was ready for a last ditch effort. 
“You could always pull a Dash and Lily” you sit up from your position on the couch to make sure she knew how stupid you found that suggestion. 
“Yes, b/f/n because writing a note in a book and it coincidentally being seen by someone my age actually works in real life” she rolls her eyes at your sarcasm before replying. 
“Then why not try it and prove me wrong? You’ve got nothing to lose if you think no one will see it” you knew she was saying that to get you to do it, but you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be right. 
“Fine, if it’ll get you to shut up” her excitement makes you smile slightly. Although you knew it wouldn’t work, you still had a slither of hope. 
The two of you get to work soon after and it doesn’t actually take as long as you thought it might. She ends up suggesting you use a manga book since it was your favourite genre, and had the largest likelihood of attracting someone suitable (in her words at least). You decide to task the reader with leaving a bookmark with their favourite manga or anime written on it, to make sure they had good taste. Immediately after you’re done, she makes you drop it off at the library and inform the librarian of your plan. 
After a week of refusing to check it even though you were curious, you finally give in. Pulling out the book, you see something sticking out the top and see that someone actually responded. Not only did they give you answers to their favourite manga, they also wrote down their favourite anime as well as a task for you. You were tasked with going to your area’s MrBeast Burger and leaving what your favourite video game was, you wondered why they chose that location but you did as they asked. 
This back and forth continued for the rest of the month as well as into December and you had caught feelings, much to your chagrin and your best friend’s excitement. You knew an ‘I told you so’ was due any day now and you were not happy about it. 
Adding to your piling up emotions, Karl (as you had found out your pen pal’s name was) and you had agreed to meet at a specific café at 2pm today. Although part of you was excited to finally meet him after about a month, the majority of you was terrified. What if you didn’t like him? What if he wasn’t what you thought? Or worse, what if you did like him as much you thought?
By the time you calmed yourself down enough to prepare, you had to leave. Reaching the café at 1:52pm sharp, you walk in and survey the people sitting by themselves. As you’re doing so, you realise that you hadn’t even thought of the possibility that he mightn’t show up. What would you do then? You’re brought out of your thoughts by a guy about your age with fluffy hair coming up to you. 
“Are you y/n?” there was no way this was Karl. He was way too cute to even be near you, let alone asking to meet you. 
“I am. You Karl?” he gives you the prettiest smile you’ve ever and will ever see and leads you to a table. 
It was clear about 20 minutes into your meeting that he was exactly who you thought, but somehow better. The two of you got along great and you realised you had nothing to worry about, except the ‘I told you so’ from your best friend that you hadn’t received yet. 
“Do you want to go on an actual date nest time?” Karl asks you this as your meeting reaches it’s natural end. You quickly agree and you swap numbers so you’re able to schedule and continue talking. 
You weren’t sure how, but you actually achieved your New Year’s resolution. 
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letsquestjess · 2 years
In the Midst of the Storm
Summary: Crosshair meets with a contact after escaping from the Empire. 
Word count: 718
Warnings: Brief mentions of injury. 
A/N: There hasn’t been a lot of Crosshair this season (at least up to now) so I thought I’d write a little fic for him. 
- - - - -
Rolling thunder resounded and branches creaked. Forks of lightning shot from stifling clouds like charged veins and struck without mercy, cutting through the sheets of rain soaking everything in sight.
The drumming deluge competing against the growling winds reminded Crosshair of Kamino. Grey. Murky. Home. He pushed the last thought out of his mind and emerged into a meadow, scoping out the ruins of a crumbling Republic warehouse. Abundant vines clambered up the protective blockades as though to hold them together, but the attempt was futile. Some rocks had already escaped the confines of the floral cage and dented the forest floor in their final descent. It wouldn’t be long before the rest followed. 
A few sparse streams of rain got through the gaps in the roof and pattered against the rafters, descending into dimpled concrete. Scampering rats darted from beneath a pile of debris and Crosshair swung his rifle round, grumbling under his breath as they scampered out into the cascade. Whatever this facility had once been, the planet had claimed it now. 
Behind him, a blaster clicked, and he picked up the slosh of boots paddling through the puddles.
“Was wondering if you’d actually turn up.”
“I gave my word, didn’t I?” Crosshair said, turning slowly on the spot and returning his rifle to the holster on his back. He removed his helmet and glared at Cody. 
“Did you come alone?” 
“Do you see anyone else with me?”
Cody narrowed his gaze and lowered his blaster. “So what is it you wanted to show me?” he asked. “You said you had something of interest.” 
Slipping a hand into his top pocket, Crosshair withdrew a slim data drive. “After Rampart’s arrest, I had a window of opportunity to access some of the Empire’s records regarding the clones. There are some rather interesting plans on here I thought you’d like to see.” Cody moved out to take it, but the sniper snatched it from his reach. “Rampart was aware Clone Force 99 survived the attack on Kamino. According to some of these files, he ordered a discreet squad to locate and dispose of them. In return for the information, I need you to get a copy of those orders to Hunter.”
“The last time we spoke, you didn’t seem to care all that much about your brothers.”
“Appearances can be deceiving,” Crosshair replied. “You, of all people, should know that.” He pulled back a smirk at the tension in Cody’s jaw and stepped closer. “I intend to find the elimination squad before they find my brothers. If that doesn’t happen, the information on this chip should help them prepare for the threat.” 
“Didn’t have you pinned as someone who doubted his abilities.”
“Every good soldier should have a contingency plan.” Crosshair toyed with the chip and let it drop flat on his palm, offering it to the commander. “Do we have a deal?” 
Cody went to take the files but stopped short and examined the sniper. He appeared worse than when they’d last met. Raw scars along his cheek painted his escape and charred spots pierced his armour. A blaster bolt had shaved his hip, but he showed no signs of discomfort, fixated wholly on the chip before his stony gaze flicked to him. “How do I know this isn’t a trap or a trick?” 
“You don’t. But are you truly willing to risk letting sensitive information on the Empire slip through your fingers?” 
With a resigned hum, Cody swiped the data files before he could think about snatching it away again. “I’ll get a message to Hunter about the elimination squad,” he promised. “If you needed some support lying low, I can put you in contact with-” 
“I have my mission,” Crosshair asserted. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Hunter where this information came from. Just make sure he gets it.” Securing his helmet, the sniper trudged back out to face the downpour and faded into the smog. 
Gently curling his fingers around the chip, Cody activated the communication device in his ear. After a few seconds, the crackled beeps stopped. “Hey, Rex,” he said, flipping up the hood of his cloak and peeking out at the storm. “Can you put me in contact with the Bad Batch? I’ve got something you all need to see.”
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paintedscales · 1 year
a12 :: Bed Warm
A little kindness is appreciated on this particularly chilly morning on the Island Sanctuary.
Word Count: 718
Mornings on the island were rarely ever bone-chill cold, though there were times when the fog rolled in that Nomin gave a shiver when she awoke in bed. This morning was one of those mornings as her tail tucked in close to her to seek warmth. So too did Nomin seek further warmth and comfort before she was to start her chores for the day as she scooted to the other side of the bed to latch onto Estinien for his body heat.
What Nomin unfortunately ended up finding, however, was a warm, empty space indicating that it had not been long since Estinien had woken and got out of bed.
Huffing to herself, the auri woman sleepily moved herself into that patch of warmth, her eyes bleary as she squinted about the room. It was still relatively dark out. Only the vague pale violet of dawn bled through the wooden blinds, and Nomin had closed her eyes once more. Pulling the sheets around her, she shivered again. Her tail was an icy appendage that had wrapped itself now around her leg once she had settled in the warmth of Estinien’s previous spot.
Sounds of the door opening and bare feet walking across the wood flooring roused Nomin from her half-slumber and she peered back up from the sheets. Light spilled in from beyond the door, giving shape to the elezen silhouette -- Estinien’s silhouette -- that approached. From what she could make out, he was holding something, though when he noticed Nomin was awake, he paused.
“I wasn’t expecting you to awaken so soon after I did…” Estinien admitted, resuming what he had been doing. He placed a mug down on the nightstand next to his side of the bed before taking a seat on the mattress. He reached over and placed his fingertips against the auri’s cheek, allowing her to feel the heat from his being in the kitchen and warming up something to drink.
“Mm…” Nomin hummed in her reluctance to fully awaken. She leaned into the heat, however, and edged closer to Estinien.
“I brought you some warmed milk with honey,” Estinien went on, now gently caressing Nomin’s cheek idly. “I know you normally like your teas, but I was at a loss on which one to prepare for you. I hope you do not mind… Merely wanted something for you to sup upon to quell the chill.”
“... Mm…” was the sound that Nomin made once more merely to acknowledge that Estinien had said anything at first. However, as her mind was finally waking up more, she managed to sleepily reply: “... that’s fine, my Sun… I appreciate it all the same. You have my thanks.”
Slowly, Nomin rose into a seated position, and Estinien withdrew his hand.
“Getting ready for your workout?” Nomin asked, raising a hand to rub at her eyes.
“Aye… ‘Tis well enough weather for me, but I did not wish to leave you to deal with the cold on your own.”
Nomin chuckled before she covered her mouth to yawn. After she was done, she crossed her legs and replied, “that’s very kind of you.”
Reaching over, she took up the mug, its contents still slightly steaming. Nomin lifted it to her nose to smell the pleasant -- almost nostalgic -- sweetness of it to give herself something to focus on and wake up to before she brought the cup to her lips and sipped. After she had lowered the cup, Estinien leaned over and gently pressed his head against her temple before lightly kissing her horn and rising from the bed.
“I’ve wood by the fireplace. Do you want me to light something ere I leave?” Estinien asked.
“It won’t be necessary. Thank you for asking and being willing to do that, though,” Nomin replied. “Go, do your workouts. I’ll stay in here for my own routine after I take care of myself and wake up a little more.”
All that Estinien gave Nomin in response was a nod before he turned to leave the room. Nomin’s tail curled up as she watched after him. Returning to nursing the drink that had been given to her, she figured that she was awake enough. She merely hoped the floorboards did not keep that chill to them when she finally decided to slip from bed.
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uncannyarcana · 2 years
Whiskey Ramblings
Wordcount - 718
TW - Alcohol
Adah says "I love you" first.
Shacked up in a cheap motel with cheaper whiskey that hits hard and quick, she and Beau pass the bottle back and forth in the late hours of the night, content in each other's presence with sleep easing its slender fingers around their shoulders. They talk about nothing and everything. Dreams and hopes. Desires tangible and wistful. Fears. Histories. The half-empty bottle makes it easy. Loosens nails in those barricades neither of them realized were breaking.
"I hated you a little bit," Adah admits from her spot by the window. The neon from the motel sign cuts through the tiny part in the curtain, bathing her face half in light bright against the room's dimness. She picks at the bottle's label, eyes focused on the task in front of her. "Before you came along, I was...special, if that was ever a good thing to be. I could do anything I wanted so long as I didn't kill anyone. What were they going to do, kill me? What was the word she used..."
"Euthanize," Beau says softly. She wants another drink but keeps her hands where they are on the table between her and her friend, one index finger quietly scratching the wooden surface.
A rueful chuckle escapes Adah's throat. "She always made it sound so peaceful." Another swig and then she slides it to Beau.
She uses a hand as a buffer so it doesn't tip over the table edge. "You scared the shit out of me when I first saw you, so I guess that makes us even." It burns all the way down, heat spreading at her chest and shooting through her stomach.
"And how about now?"
Startled, Beau half chokes as she pulls the bottle from her lips. Adah's eyes aren't accusing. Aren't daring; this isn't the woman with the bloody face and hands from all those months ago. Simply questioning, searching for an answer from the person across from her.
Adah is a lot of things. Angry and beautiful and spiteful and kind. They've both done terrible things - acts that would make Aunt Della and Lou look away in shame. But Adah doesn't. She holds Beau's gaze with gentle, perhaps even apprehensive eyes, waiting for a reply with all the time in the world.
"No," Beau says finally, yet it's a fraction of a second too late.
Adah smiles. "Hmph. Liar." She reaches for the drink and takes another long pull; the burn makes her eyes screw shut until it ebbs away and she reclines further in her chair. "Least we're living up to expectations."
She wants to say something. Something to make it better. Something to show them both that, yes, they were monsters, fangs and fur and claws and all, creatures of shadow, the wolves in the storybooks to be chopped up by woodsmen and cooked by pigs, but that didn't make them monstrous. She'd only end up tripping over those words as she always did with justifications. That, or end up rambling around the idea and never get hold of it. Instead, Beau lets her eyes drop to her hands.
"Someone going from hating to saving don't seem much like a monster to me."
"Well, I needed a tour guide for getting around bumfuck nowhere." Adah says it in that teasing, confident way Beau envies for herself.
"And how about now?" Her eyes flick up and catch her friend's. Waiting. Bracing. The hint of a smirk tugs one side of her mouth but inside a nervous pit sludges in her gut. That nasty little fear ever present in the back of her head. Whispering and taunting.
Weak and meek, you're only meat.
Adah stays silent for a long while, studying her, and Beau fights the squirm crawling up her back. Then she rises, bottle in hand, and closes the minute distance between them, punctuating the stillness with a soft thunk of setting the whiskey in front of Beau, who hides a flinch as Adah slowly leans down to press a soft kiss at her temple.
And again Beau wants to speak and again words tangle themselves on the back of her tongue as Adah's hand traces the line of her jaw, brief and light, barely more than a touch, before turning for the bed.
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mysteriaqueen · 1 year
The Traveler's Journal
Day 1 Part Four | <Prev • Next> | Word Count: 718 words
After defeating the slime the pair followed Amber, their new guide to Mondstadt.
They saw a chest and went to open it. Amber struck up a conversation.
“So, suspicious travelers. What are you doing in Mondstadt?”
She really just- wow.
“Jaylenth got separated from her brother during a really, really long journey. Paimon is her travel buddy, helping her to find her brother.” “Oh, looking for your family… Huh.”
The conversation dipped as Amber thought for a moment.
What about that statement is so puzzling?
“Okay! Let me finish my other stuff first, and then I can help you put up posters around the city…” “What exactly is it you need to finish doing first?” Paimon asked, “It’s simple. You’ll understand in a bit.”
Amber led the pair to the location of her objective. Jaylenth saw an interesting statue and reached out for it only for it to float higher and glow blue instead of red. She then took a few steps away from it as if she had done nothing.
“Ah! A hilichurl!” Paimon warned. “So that’s what those are called,” Jaylenth noted. “Quick! Get it!” Amber yelled, jumping on the defensive.
Amber saw one approach and another behind it. Jaylenth summoned her sword but Amber shook her head. She placed a short but large bunny that looked similar to her on the ground. She then stepped away as the closer hilichurl proceeded to attack it. She ended the other hilicurl with her bow, from afar. As she did her small bunny exploded setting fire to the ground and majorly damaging the hilichurl attacking it.
Daaaaamnnnnn. Wait, is that fire on the grass? Is she not worried about that? I mean last I checked fire spreads so-
With a swift shot from her bow the final hilichurl was defeated. She smiled at her victory and then gestured for the pair to follow her.
“These monsters have been getting too close to the city recently.” Jaylenth grimaced, “Yikes.” “So, my task this time is to clear out their camp.” “Want some help?” Jaylenth offered. “No need, though I won't stop you if you do.”
They reached the site of the hilichurl camp and Jaylenth scanned the area. She looked to Amber, who was aiming for the hilichurl atop a tower. Once she shot (and hit a head shot) the rest of the hilichurls ran towards them. Amber immediately started firing more arrows and Jaylenth summoned her sword.
After the hilichurls were defeated the three stopped for a conversation.
“Heh, nothing to it,” Amber said. “Mhm. Ain’t nothin to it but to do it,” Jaylenth replied. “Though I’ve gotta say, you surprised me a little with your moves there…” “Hah, just tryna help out.” “Thanks for the backup. How’d it feel?” “Pretty good honestly” “Now that you mention it, how is it the hilichurls ended up here?” Paimon asked. “Good question.” Jaylenth looked at Amber. “These creatures don’t seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this,” Paimon pointed out. "Exactly. It’s more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness. Bet because the dragon--Stormterror--had been around a lot more recently, or orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well.”
The pair looked at each other, concerned.
“When the storms hit we usually end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knights of Favonies have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area.” “So these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city?” Paimon asked. “Exactly. That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little safer.” “That’s good to hear. I’m glad I could help,” Jaylenth told Amber. “Thank you. Now come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely.”
Jaylenth looked around the camp they just cleared out.
“Actually, could we look around here a bit first?” “Sure. But try to be quick about it, we want to get back to Mondstadt as soon as possible.”
Jaylenth did attempt to be swift. She opened a chest, broke through some boxes and barrels, and found some apples and a strange fruit she hadn’t heard of before. There was also the occasional radish.
“Okay. I’m ready.” “Then off we go!” Amber said and began to lead the way.
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 12: Keeping Low
Summary: Sometimes, you just need sit things out.
Word Count: 718
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters featured here.
“Stay down.” Wybie firmly told her, a hand on both of her shoulders.
Coraline’s response was to glower up at him. “Not a chance.” she snarled. 
Coraline again removed Wybie’s grip on her shoulders and tried to rise from her sitting position, but just like before, it wasn’t long before she clutched the right side of her chest and cried out in pain, falling back to her original position. Wybie always hated seeing her like this, all battered and bruised, but he’s been forcing himself to be accustomed to it. It’s just something that happens once in a while when your hobby involves supernatural creatures with serious anger management problems. 
What he hates even more is convincing her to stay down once it’s clear that she can’t get back up.
“Jonesy, you can sit this one out. W-we got this under control, I-I think.” Wybie gave her the most reassuring smile he can muster given the circumstances. 
The ground suddenly shook, quickly followed by a cry of pain. Wybie turned his head to the direction of the sound. He can only see the trees and the silhouette of the monster through the thick fog. He’s not even sure whose scream it was. Maybe it’s Neil’s? It kind of sounds like Neil’s. 
Wybie rubbed her hands, looking down at Coraline again. The look on her face says that she’s still determined to get back into the fray. Whether or not she actually can doesn’t seem to concern her.
Maybe some logic can dissuade her? “That thing picked you up and slammed you against a tree, Jonesy. That’s several broken ribs, at least.” 
“So what?! I’m not sitting out ‘til this thing is six feet under!” Of course logic didn’t work. Well, it was a long shot anyway, he supposed.
Still clutching the right side of his chest in pain, Coraline tried to reach for her machete. The weapon lay on the ground a few feet away from her. Inch by inch, she crawled towards it, groaning and grunting in pain all the while. Halfway through, she paused. She was breathing heavily. It looks like the pain is starting overwhelm her, even if she would never admit it. The expression on her face gave Wybie a hint of the pain she’s in. 
He really, really hated seeing her like this. 
Wybie grabbed hold of her shoulder again. “Coraline, please.”
Coraline looked up at him, her expression softer this time. “Y-you are in a lot of pain. I know you wanna, but you can’t fight right now. It’s just- you just can’t. I’m sorry.”
Coraline averted her gaze, mumbling, “I hate that you’re right.”
Wybie sighed in relief. At least now he can stop worrying about Coraline hurting herself even further. The only thing he has to worry about now is the thing currently in an out-of-control rampage. Objectively speaking, that is so much better.
As gently as possible, Wybie helped Coraline move to sit against a tree. “Don’t worry too much about us, Coraline. I-I know it looks bad right now, but we’ve been through worse scraps before, right?” he said as he helped her move.
“We sure did.” Coraline chuckled lightly as she tried to make herself as comfortable as possible in her new position. “You trolls go and kick that thing’s ass real good for me, y’hear?”
Wybie grinned. She’s still the same old Coraline. “Sure thing, ma’am.”
Wybie dashed off towards his bike that he parked a few feet away. He mounted it and quickly started up the engine. He turned to Coraline one last time and saluted at her, which she replied with a salute of her own. He faced forward again, gazing into the thick fog. The ground shook again, this time accompanied by a shrill roar. 
Wybie gulped, and rode off into the fog.
Here’s a quick thing I made in about two hours. Inspired by a prompt I saw on Tumblr.
Sorry for the lack of updates. College is really starting to pick up and I got sidetracked by a couple of different projects. Rather than going months without another chapter, I thought I’d write shorter stuff like these that I can do in one sitting. Hope y’all like it.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Can you write some only one bed fluff for Rex and a female reader.
Word count: 718
“Hey Rex” you called, standing in the middle of the moderate hotel room the general had set up for you, hearing his footsteps come into the room you turned and managed to clock the exact moment he realised the issue, there was only one bed. “What do you want to do” you asked, genuinely concerned.
“You take the bed, I can just sleep on the floor, it’s only for one night” he offered “just give me a pillow at least” he watched as she frowned even further
“I’m not going to let you sleep on the floor you silly man, you’ll wake up all kinds of sore. The bed is big enough that I’m sure we can both fit” you feigned confidence, even through the internal screeching in your head at the thought of being so close to the handsome clone.
“I-I’m sure that’s not necessary” he coughed clearly slightly flustered at the idea. The hitch in his breath at your suggestion had been the boost of confidence you needed
“We’re both mature enough and I trust you enough to be a gentleman” she grinned before cheekily adding “I won’t touch you either, unless of course you want me to” realising what you’d just said, your head immediately turned to hide your mortified expression. Where the Kriff had that come from you’d despairingly thought, that was going to chase him off for sure, groaning slightly you turned to apologise but Rex beat you to it by agreeing
“Ok” he replied nonchalantly, meanwhile his heart felt as if it was going to exit his chest. Rex had been so glad you’d turned before you could see his expression at your flirty statement. From the moment he’d met you Rex had thought you were one of the most beautiful women in the galaxy and the part of him that he’d been relentlessly beating down with a stick as to not lose your friendship had been overjoyed at your statement.
“Yeah?” you replied, looking into his warm eyes
“yeah” he confirmed softly, not breaking eye contact. Clearing your throat when you realised how long you’d been staring longingly you grabbed some clothes before quickly walking to the bathroom to get changed for the night. Walking out of the bathroom, your steps faltered as you noticed Rex had removed his armour and was now waiting in his blacks. As your eyes were trailing down his body the clearing of a throat brought your attention back up to his face, “what side of the bed did you want” he smirked back at you. Saying nothing in your embarrassment you hurriedly walked to the other side of the bed before slipping under the covers and squeaking out a soft
“Good night.” Feeling the bed dip behind you after the lights went out you heard the warm reply from Rex “Good night mesh’la.”
Despite his earlier confidence upon catching your roaming eyes Rex was far too keyed up to even think about sleeping, while the bed could fit too people it was barely bigger than his own single person cot on board the resolute. As a result, he could feel your warmth resting against his back as you had eventually managed to fall asleep. Rex wasn’t entirely sure how much time had passed but right as the throes of sleep had begun to claim his consciousness, shifting from his side caused his eyes to open slightly before widening at the feeling of an arm slinging over his waist. Tensing he slowly turned his head to face you as he noticed you were still dead asleep. Nuzzling your face into his back you sighed in contentment at your newly found heat source. In that moment Rex wasn’t sure if he was going to kill the general the next time he saw him or thank the man profusely for allowing his dreams to come true, even if only for one night. Relaxing at the feeling of your body encasing his, feelings of safety, peace and adoration for you exploded in his chest as he allowed himself to slowly drift off to sleep before indulging in you a little longer.
Noticing the tense mans breathing even out you smiled before entwining your legs with his, happy to hold the man you loved even if only for the night.
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pairing: zhongli x dom adeptus male reader
req: yes | wc: 718 | cw: degradation, public sex | part 1 | minors dni
a/n: much anticipated. i’m probably missing some cw’s, so please tell me.
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Adepti were often regarded as above mortals. They did not need a lot of things that humans did, but in some categories, the mighty illuminated were inferior. Even adepti, as it seemed, couldn't control their libido.
That much was evident with Zhongli bouncing up and down your dick, with the warm water not slowing him down at all.
Adepti couldn't even keep bathing an innocent activity.
The god on your dick bounced with an expertise, one expected from doing so for thousands of years. Still, even with how many times you've fucked his brains out, he never got tired of it.
There were still many things to try, things that even an Adetus such as Zhongli was afraid to try. If anything, retirement had softened him up even more.
Still, it seemed river sex, out in the middle of the wild, was in his comfort zone.
Or perhaps he was far too fucked out to even care.
"Ah, (y/n)!" His grip on your shoulders tightens, reminding you that you're the only thing keeping him up right now.
Initially, you were at his mercy. As you shared a kiss and your hands trailed along his toned body, he was the one to decide when to penetrate himself with your cock. Now, it seemed he no longer had the endurance to uphold this position.
You chuckle, "A God lacking stamina? Or is it my dick that makes you falter?"
He only whimpers in return, his bouncing getting slower and pathetic. But alas, it's an answer that you want.
"Which one is it, Morax?"
"You." He replies.
"Thought so." He moves to hide his embarrassed face in your neck, but you stop him before he can, cupping his jaw. "No hiding, darling."
It's not long before his exhaustion catches up to him, to the point where he's only sitting with a dick in his ass.
"Tsk, tsk," You tut at him. "Can't get the job done?"
He shakes his head timidly. You have a feeling he's more disappointed in himself than you are.
"Do you want me to take over?"
"Yes." He replies. You have to give him credit for being vocal about it, at least, even with how ashamed he probably feels.
When you flip him over, the rocks dig into his back, but all he can think about is you. A few bruises are a small price to pay to have your cock rearranging his guts.
"How does it feel, darling," Your pace is slow, painstakingly slow, and he's far too ashamed and afraid to ask for more. "to be fucked in a river in the middle of wilderness?"
It's only now that he realizes it, but his little dick twitches excitedly. "Thrilling."
You chuckle, "Any pilgrim could walk in on their god cumming down a stream. What would you do then?"
As Zhongli thinks, you speed up. It's still not as much as he'd love, but it's enough to empty him of coherent thoughts. Even so, he scrambles to give you an answer, knowing only punishment follows if he stays silent. "I-"
"Sorry, is this pace stopping you from thinking?" He nods quickly. "Shame."
Much to his dismay - and fortune, at the same time - you slow down. "I wouldn't care."
"You wouldn't?" Right as you say that, you hit a particularly pleasing spot.
"How naughty." You speed up, banishing all thoughts in his head once again.
His only thoughts are about your dick pleasuring him, barely tangible yes's or no's, though he can't complain. You don't pay attention to his state, nor the way his eyes roll back in pleasure.
"You wouldn't care about another adeptus?"
The poor little thing can barely even process your words, "No."
"No? Well, since you're not bothered at all, scream my name so loud that it reaches Celestia; will you?"
As if on cue, he screams out, "(y/n)!"
Cum spews out of his tip, washing off down the stream. You wondered if Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, or Moon Carver will discover the substance and wonder what it is. Or, perhaps they'll find you right here, right now.
"You have no shame, do you?"
You continue to fuck out his clenched ass, which is really not helping his mind. Nevertheless, he shakes his head.
"That was a rhetorical question, Morax."
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romanstheory · 3 years
Can you make a Rhea x reader overstimulation smut were Rhea get jealous and overstimulated reader
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I hope this is what you meant! I enjoyed writing it!
word count: 718
It was a Saturday evening and my girlfriend Rhea Ripley and I had a few of our friends over for a movie night. I hadn't seen my best friend in a while since I had been on the road with Rhea for a little while. We were finished getting the snacks out when I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it babe!" I tell Rhea. She nods and finishes up the snacks herself. I open the door to a big tight hug from my best friend. "Oh my god I missed you so much girl!" She squeals. "I missed you too lovely!" I squeal back. The rest of our friends trail behind her and we all get comfy on the sofa, Rhea to my left and my best friend to my right.
As the movie goes on my best friend and I end up cuddling, and I can feel Rhea's tense energy next to me. I sit up and look over at her, and I swear if looks could kill I would have been dead right there. She glares over at my best friend who is totally oblivious. "Y/N switch me spots" she demands. Everyone's eyes turn to the two of us. "Um.... o-okay" I stutter not wanting to upset her more. She flops down in my stop and lets out a loud sign through her nose, like a raging bull ready to attack. We finish a very long, awkward movie and everyone leaves in total silence. "Y/N what the fuck was that?" Rhea gripes as soon as the door closes.
"Babe she's my best friend, and she straight. I just missed her" I say with my arm crossed. "No, I could see it in your face, it was more than that. Don't you know you're only supposed to look at ME like that" Rhea barks. "I-I'm sorry babe, I didn't know it was that serious" I reply. "Go show me you're sorry" She demands with her eyebrows raised scanning my body. I nod in agreement, oh i'm in for it now. We make our way to the bedroom, Rhea says nothing. She looks at me with that look she always gave me when she was going to teach me a lesson.
I knew what to do, I undressed myself as she looked on. God she's so hot when she's jealous. I admit, sometimes I did it on purpose to get a rise out of her. She crawls onto the bed, hovering over me. "I'm going to teach you a lesson baby doll" She growls. Her voice alone was enough to send shivers down my spine. She trails down to my already wet vagina and licks my entrance softly making me shiver. She sticks two fingers in, slightly curved to hit the right spot as she licks my pulsating clit. My moans echo through the room. As soon as I think my body can't handle any more of her, she stops.
She makes her way to our naughty drawer, pulling out a new vibrator we got that she said was for when I misbehave. She puts it on my clit and continues to explore my vagina with her tongue, perfectly. I squirm around because I can feel an orgasm coming. There's so much happening, she's got me right where she wants me and she damn knows it. "Fuck baby I'm-" I gasp. "Shhh you don't get to talk" Rhea demands as she lifts her head up. God she was so good at having me under her thumb.
Soon, I couldn't take it anymore. My body was warm and full of pure ecstasy. I finished harder than I ever had before. Normally she would stop here, but no, I hadn't learned yet. She kept going, peering at me with those lustful eyes. My vagina felt every tiny movement, I was pulsating, she had me right where she wanted me. I had never felt this before, everything was even more sensitive and she danced with my body like a ball dancer. Just as I begin to grip the sheets, she stops. "Did you learn your lesson pretty girl?" she says wiping her mouth. I am speechless, so I just nod. "You're mine, don't let it happen again" She says with that sexy smirk she always does
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milky04moo · 3 years
Sleep Confessions~ S.Black
prompt: ‘How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers’
Word count: 718
Requested: nope
This was a bit rushed so I hope its ok x 
Date nights with Sirius always ended in one of two things: either making out in a random cupboard around the castle or, on a tame night, cuddling in his dorm. However the second option meant the possibility of his idiots calling friends to bother us 24/7.  You see James was very sensitive when it came to what he called ‘his Sirius time’ as if he didn't spend enough time with my boyfriend apparently I was taking up too much of his ‘Sirius time’ and so our cuddling date nights were often cut short by him barging in on us and demanding Sirius come with him.  Luckily for me he often declined his friend's offer of joining them so he could spend time with me which left us with James walking off pouting and occasionally throwing me the middle finger when I poked my tongue out at him as he walked out of their dorm without Sirius. 
Today was no different a quiet date night cuddling and talking about whatever came to our minds were cut short by two idiots by the names of James and Peter barging into the dorm room shortly followed by Remus who shot me an apologetic look as if to say ‘sorry I could stop them’ as his friends tried to take your boyfriend away from you.  However Sirius was asleep, his head was in the crook of your neck hidden from the other boys.  Before you had the chance to shush James he bounded round the bedroom talking rather loudly.
‘Sirius you won't believe what we just saw mate!’ he near enough shouted.
‘Oi Potter will you be quiet he’s asleep’ you retorted quietly trying not to disturb you sleeping boyfriend on top of you.
Suddenly James stopped running around  and a surprised look took over his face. They knew Sirius struggled with sleep due to events from his childhood and so he barely slept. So seeing Sirius sleeping soundly in your neck surprised even Remus who also looked shocked.
‘How did you do that?’ he questioned
‘Do what?’ you asked
‘Get him to sleep like that he barely sleeps. He gets terrible night terrors’ he explained 
You looked at him confused. Sirius never told you about his sleeping problems or these so-called night terrors and he certainly didn't have them when he slept with you. 
‘I didn't know he had night terrors, he hasn't had any when we sleep together’ you explained as you threaded your fingers through Sirius’ long black hair. 
You felt him shift and halted your movements not wanting to disturb him if this is the only time he can sleep. 
James looked defeated clearly he realised that Sirius hanging out with you maybe wasn't a bad thing after all if you're helping him to catch up on all the sleep he misses out on when you're not there.
There were a few moments of silence as you all processed the new information you had just found out. But the silence was quickly disrupted by Sirius who had obviously heard the conversation which was not a surprise considering James’ entrance. 
‘How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers’ Sirius interrupted the silence as he turned his head out of the crook of your neck 
However it wasn't the boys who replied it was you.  You turned to Sirius ‘why didn't you tell me about your sleep problems, you never have them when I'm around I could've helped’ you asked
‘I didn't want to bother you. you help calm them down and I didn’t want to scare you away from cuddling’ he said solemnly as Remus ushered James and Peter out of the room so you could talk in peace and you made a mental reminder to thank him for taking James away. 
‘My love you could never bother you the whole point of a relationship is to be there to help each other and love each other when we need it’ you said as you gently strokes your thumb against his cheek bone
‘My god I love you’ he replied pulling you back down into a hug. 
As your laughs echoed throughout the dorm Sirius realised you were the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
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hauskate · 3 years
Arcadia [OM Lucifer x GN!Reader]
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Pairings: Lucifer x Reader, Mammon x Reader, Gender-Neutral Reader
Description: The mistakes you made are finally catching up to you.
TW: language, suggestive content, angst, cheating, possessiveness, dacryphilia if you squint, lightly edited but not really because 4 am vibes
Word Count: 718
⤷ Now playing⇢ Arcadia
Reality felt like a dream. An infinite, majestic fantasy that only he could provide. Hovered over your delicate figure as his fingertips gently pressed into the side of your neck, the man’s lips curled into a long smirk. There was nothing to see from those passing by the alley, the overcast shadows draping themselves over your bodies in an act of privacy.
“Lucifer…” you breathed lustfully, your volume only loud enough for him to hear.
Nothing escapes him, his form unmoving. There isn't a chance in hell you'll stop him now, your attempts at ending things here falling on deaf ears.
“We shouldn’t…” your words give way to silence. A deep chuckle is his only reply.
The melody of another makes you falter, your figure suspended in his tight grasp. Fear slithers its way into your mind when the noise draws near, knowing you’d be caught in a matter of seconds.
Just before you pull away, however, his grip tightens.
“It’s only Mammon,” he begins, unaffected by his younger brother's presence. Your actions don't go unnoticed, however. His lips close in on your ear, sending shivers down the spine.
Still, your body continues to struggle out of his grip. A deep chuckle from the man in front of you simultaneously elicits fear and arousal from your trembling form.
Most considered Lucifer to be a cold, ruthless monster, restrained from all emotion. You'd never considered him so, ever since the first day you met him. That is, until his mind starts unraveling your faults before your very eyes.
“You’re mine, aren’t you? So why are you so afraid of him, hm...?" He trails off, a long moment of deep thought holding his gaze. What seems to be a particularly accurate estimation allows for glossed over eyes, darkened in fury. "Do you fear being caught by another lover, perhaps?” His words ripped into you, caging you into the corner. Your head hits brick in multiple places, knowing full well you won’t be escaping any time soon.
Maybe this is how others view him- ruthless, cold-hearted, threatening. You could see right through him, however. His eyes may have darkened in aggravation, but he hasn't made any move to hurt you nor remove himself entirely. None could read him like a book quite the same way as you do.
“Forgive me, my dear…” he begins, “...but I’m not allowing any... distractions." His sadistic smirk crosses the lips you've known since what seems to be a lifetime, voice moving octaves deeper into the shell of your ear. "You just need to be put in your place.”
The disturbance continues to leave echoing footsteps, so close to the very same alley you may scream. Both you and Lucifer know he's most likely looking for your very figure, calling you back to the dinner you left- or rather, were pulled away from.
Flashbacks appear, tears stinging your eyes at the intensity.
His hands pull at the thin material, vanishing in an instant, discarded somewhere in the room. Heavy breathing fills the air, lips only parting for a moment before returning to their place on each other's. He wasn't rough, freeing you from the continuous torment you're used to. Instead, he ravished you, enjoying having his brother’s partner crying out underneath him.
“Mammon…!” you screamed, ignoring anything else in the heat of the moment. Both of you knew you were close, his pace speeding up at the idea of oblivion.
Only in the afterglow did his face reveal such a gorgeous expression, eyes blown as he delved into your neck one last time.
His face is suddenly replaced with that of your lover, close enough to feel his breath wash over your lips. You’re once again met with the cold brick of the alley, wishing your previous memories were those of someone else.
It takes only a moment for Lucifer to notice the tears streaming down your cheeks, unable to comprehend the fact that his guess may just be spot on. You’re the main thing he takes pride in, your unending loyalty being his favorite part of who you are. How could you be tearing up upon seeing another in front of the one you promised your life to only a few hours ago? And his lowly brother, of all people.
His words rung in your ears, replacing those of the previous memory. “Let’s go somewhere more... comfortable.” Large hands tighten their grip on your soft flesh, your squeal cutting through the tension from Lucifer's actions. Despite being a sadist, the man has never claimed to punish you. This is going to be a long night.
"Oi Lucifer, what are ya doin' with Y/n? Dontcha know they're mine now?" A familiar voice echoes across the alley. The man's grip on you doesn't falter, however. Mammon's figure finally comes into view, pulling a hand up as if to summon you.
Damn, now you're even more fucked.
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