#this seems like making things harder for herself but if she thinks it'll work out
kurikive · 3 months
CASUAL | danielle marsh.
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— "is it casual now?"
6thmember!reader, situationship/fwb but nothing sexual, angst, fluff at the end i promise, dani swears, reader is a (closeted) lesbian, reader is horrible at reading people, written in 2nd person, they work it out on the remix
warnings : A LOT of internalized homophobia !! reader refers to herself multiple times as a predator but it's just from fear and insecurity, nothing actually predatory is happening in the story. extremely brief mentions of starvation
wc: 5.4k words
inspired by: Casual — Chappell Roan
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you and danielle marsh are friends. more than co-workers, you're friends. although you don't have that much in common except for your age, it was easy to adapt to the harsh environment of the k-pop industry's training system with someone like danielle by your side.
she's always been a ray of sunshine in everyone's lives, you're not the exception. if you were in a bad mood, tired from waking up in the early morning everyday, worked to the point of exhaustion, danielle would be there rubbing your shoulders and saying something sweet like
"you're doing great, y/n! keep up!"
and then you'd smile at her, and she'd smile back, and you'd feel so much better, thanks to danielle.
you didn't have many interests in common. music taste, fashion sense, movie picks, food preferences, personality types, if anything you were almost her complete opposite. and yet, she sat in your bed every night while you scrolled on your phone, talking for hours until it the clock hits midnight and she goes back to her room.
danielle did most of the talking, and you carefully listened to everything she said. the enthusiasm in which she enunciated all her words was endearing to listen to, and it couldn't not bring a smile out of you. the girl never forgot to give you your chance to speak too, trying to get to know you better everyday.
there was one thing she could not know, however. that you're a lesbian.
if it was hard enough being gay in korea, it was ten times harder when you were about to debut in a girl group, in one of the biggest companies in the industry at the moment nonetheless.
there were times where the members would all gather and have girl talks, talking about things like movies, celebrity crushes, past boyfriends and all that stuff, and you felt left out every single time.
sometimes it's more a curse than a blessing that danielle notices everything, because when she asks, "who's your celebrity crush, y/n?", "what do you look for in a boy, y/n?", "have you ever had a boyfriend, y/n?", you never know how you're supposed to respond.
it wasn't safe. it'll never be safe.
you've known the girls for almost a year and there has never been an indication of the way they felt about the LGBTQ+ community. hanni was your safest bet, she seemed the most open minded, but then again you can never be sure.
they were all so painfully straight.
so you try your best to answer vaguely,
"i don't know.", "i'm not sure, i don't really think about that." they complain a little about your mysteriousness, but it doesn't take long for them to let it go and move on.
you don't know how long you have to keep pretending you're not sure. you are sure.
you like girls.
you don't want to keep pretending you don't. but how would they feel?.
they'd feel unsafe, uncomfortable, scared, exposed to a threat, a possibility of being prey to a predator, a little voice in your head tells you.
but you're not. you're not a predator. they know you're not a predator. you'd never do anything to hurt them, or make them uncomfortable.
so you keep pretending. but the shell is starting to crack, and a knot in your throat gets tighter everytime you hear your members ask "is he your type?".
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your debut is only a couple months away. you pray to god hanni has noticed by now. she's your roommate after all.
you start playing some specific songs without your headphones in hopes she walks by or enters the room and notices. you hope she's the one that asks. but she doesn't, she never mentions the songs, ever.
so you move on to movies and shows.
when she catches you watching heartbreak high in the living room TV, she only says "oh they're aussies, right?"
when she sees you watching heartstopper on your phone while eating dinner she just says, "kit connor is soooo handsome."
she doesn't mention it when she goes into your room and you're playing but i'm a cheerleader on your laptop. but hanni has caught on.
and the next time she goes into your shared room, she closes the door behind her. you're in your bed, and you're staring at each other, both of your eyes shine with nervousness.
"can i ask you something?" she says from the door, so shakily you start fearing she's not going to take it like you wish she would.
"sure." you didn't mean for your voice to come out as quiet as it did.
it's a nerve-wracking couple of seconds watching hanni take a seat in her own bed and face you. she takes a big breath before asking, "do you- no, sorry. are you... gay?"
yes, yes, yes. i am a lesbian. i like girls. you want to scream, but the realization of reality strangles you and your throat feels so tight, and you can't say anything.
"it's not like there's anything wrong about it, i'm just... asking." she tries. you can tell she's trying. it's sweet that she's trying.
"yes." it's a struggle to get it out, and your heart starts racing, but just being able to feels like such a relief that you might start crying. but then fear washes down on you again when you can't read hanni, at all.
"i'm really sorry, hanni. i promise i'm not weird or predatory or anything, i would never try to make you uncomfortable and i'm sorry if i ever did. i promise i don't like you like that, not that you're not attractive or anything, that's not what i mean at all. i just- i would never like you like that, you're like my sister and i promise that i'm still the same y/n you met, i really hope this doesn't change anything in our-" she cuts off your rambled apology-slash-explanation with a hug.
"it doesn't. i promise." it hits you now, just now, that hanni knows. she knows.
"please don't tell the others." you're choked up, and that's the only thing you could say before the tears in your eyes caught up. i don't know how they'll take it, you want to say, but the only thing that comes out is a broken sob.
"i won't. it's okay, y/n."
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you've grown closer to hanni than you'd ever thought you would. you spend your nights in your room talking and laughing and watching funny videos you send each other.
it's been a few months since you've debuted and you couldn't be happier. you had someone to rely on, someone who knows all your secrets and can trust her with them, and vice versa.
your career has skyrocketed and your popularity is through the roof, and although there are always negative consequences that come with that fame, it's been mostly great on your end.
danielle doesn't really hang out in your room to talk anymore. if you're honest, you kind of miss it, but she surely has her reasons, and you don't think too much about it.
you're currently in one of the vocal practice rooms at HYBE, setting up your phone to do a phoning live. you'd just finish your vocal practice and you had asked for permission beforehand.
after a few minutes of talking with your fans, recommending movies and talking about food, you hear a knock on your door. quite strange.
"yeah? who is it?" you yell loud enough to no cause any ruckus. the door slightly opens and a face peeks inside, "it's me!" danielle's signature smile shining brightly at you, "i saw you were live and wanted to come hang out."
you didn't even need to tell her anything before she was coming right inside the room to grab a chair and sit beside you. "well, come hang out then!" you face your screen to see danielle struggling to bring the chair closer to you, and you chuckle a bit. "dani's here, guys!"
danielle has always been very touchy; with everyone, that is. today was not the exception, resting her head on your shoulder, holding your hand and locking your fingers together, nuzzling her face in your neck, it's all things you're already used to.
it's never been more than just friendly showcases of affection, to you, at least. and you've also never been irritated by it, but there's some guilt you try to suppress.
you don't want to push her away, you're not uncomfortable with her actions, what is uncomfortable is her potentially finding out your sexuality and thinking you let her shower you with affection for your own amusement. you fear it. but you don't want to think about that right now.
you think about it again, however, when you go back home and open social media only to see videos and threads with thousands of likes and views compiling every sweet moment of affection that happened just mere hours ago.
there's a pang in your chest when you see the tens of delusional comments talking of how much they'd like to see you and your friend as a couple. it feels like you're being strangled, and you suddenly feel unwell, so you close the app and turn off your phone.
"i should watch a movie."
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you fully believe your debut was your prime. everyday gets harder, scandal after scandal, comeback after comeback, day after day. you work really hard, your members know, your fans know. but it never looks like it's going to get easier.
you win awards, win some more, get another important deal, shoot another session, write another song, the cycle repeats although not in the same order. like a fucked up loop. you're so fucking tired.
you wonder how hyein is holding up. you care a lot for her, like your little sister. she seems okay, eating a bowl of yogurt and fruits in the living room with haerin and hanni. are you the only one having a hard time?
you need to relieve your stress, and there's really no other option other than going to the gym to work out. so you go back to your room to lazily change into your practice clothes and grab your backpack, "i'm going to the gym." you try your best to sound at least a little enthusiastic as you walk behind the living room couch.
"when are you coming back?" you hear danielle ask from the kitchen, a twinge of concern in her voice. "it might start raining soon."
"i won't take long. if i see it starts to get cloudy i'll get going." you try to put her worries at ease. your gym doesn't have windows, though.
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you shouldn't have gone. you're not even supposed to go anyway. it's raining hard, and it might start storming soon. but your manager can't know you're here. one of the many downsides of being in a group with four minors and two barely-adults, you can't call any of them to pick you up. so fuck it, you're taking the public transportation.
kind of extremely risky considering you are literally in newjeans, but okay. what else is there to do? what you failed to consider is the only bus stop being about five blocks away. and the bus doesn't drop you off even remotely close to the dorms. so you're gonna be running in the rain and, fuck it again, you do just that.
the first five blocks to the bus stop weren't that bad, you didn't get soaked like you imagined, blocking most raindrops with your backpack over your head. you really should've just brought an umbrella, though.
good thing you brought a mask, at least. nobody seemed to recognize you on the bus. you take a seat as close as possible to the exit and take out your phone to hurriedly text the group chat.
i got a bit caught up, im omw
domt worry 2 much
ill b there soon :))
minji responds with a thumbs up, hanni leaves an "idiot" that gets a like reaction by haerin. you see danielle write and then stop writing about 3 times, but she ends up not sending anything at all, so you just turn off your phone and look outside for your stop.
it only takes a couple minutes of waiting to see the silhouette of your dorm building. you get off your seat and wait for the bus to halt at the next stop to get off. it's raining a bit harder, but there's nothing you can do except wing it.
and when you get off, you immediately put your backpack on top of your head and start running as fast as you could towards your dorm. you get some looks, but no one can possibly be able to recognize you, not at the speed you're going.
after a few minutes, your legs start getting tired not only from running, but all the exercise you did hours earlier. another thing you failed to consider in this mediocre, careless plan.
but you're almost there. and you're almost not soaked.
by the time you reach your building the only thing about you that isn't wet is your scalp. you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, it's probably one of your members, but you're almost there, you can't pick up.
you enter the gates of the apartment, and you're probably going to make a mess on the floor on the elevator, but your legs can't take it anymore, and you thank any god that hears your prayers when the elevator doors open and it's empty. you can't take more embarrassment right now.
the doors open once again and you try not to make much noise as you run towards your dorm. someone inside must've heard you fumbling with your keys because as soon as you find the right one the door is already open, a concerned danielle with a just as worried minji behind her. you smile at the sight of them. "hello!"
"get your ass inside!" you hear hanni shout from the couch.
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you're drying your hair in your room after taking a shower and explaining the situation to your group members. just as you're about to turn on your phone to see what time it is you hear a knock on your door, "can i come in?" it's danielle.
"yup. come on in!" you answer a lot more energized than a couple hours before. danielle's not wearing her usual bright smile, but rather a more worried expression. "y/n, can we talk?"
you're confused. you've never heard or seen her like this before. she's obviously been worried before, she cares about you just as much as the others, but this time it's different. "yeah, what's up?" you try your best to respond calmly and tap a stop in the bed beside yourself, which danielle gladly takes.
"are you okay?" she asks as she settles down at your side. what?
"what do you mean?" you don't notice it but you start fidgeting with your own fingers. danielle notices.
"it's just," she tries looking somewhere else, but she can't help the need of looking into your eyes all the time, looking for some sort of sign, some crack, "i can tell you're stressed. you're tired and... if you need to talk i just want you to know that i'm here." her eyes are dripping honey and her hand is so warm when she grabs yours.
you show her a sluggish smile, "thanks, dani. i appreciate that." when you look back, her face is already finding it's way to the crook of your neck. "i'm just a little tired of everything. it really feels like i'm doing the same things all over again. i know we've achieved a lot as a group but i feel like i have nothing going on for myself." you sigh, danielle says nothing, urging you to continue.
"all the songs i pitch get turned down, my other drafts feel too personal to release as a group song. every song i write with the group in mind feels, i don't know, empty?"
your eyes unfocus as a wave of emptiness washes over you and the only thing you feel is a water droplet from your bangs fall and travel down your temples. and also the warmth shared by danielle's hand in yours.
"i just feel like nothing's going on in my life." you feel danielle's head leave your shoulder and you turn to look at each other at the same time, "i think i know how you feel." she says with the sweetest eyes ever.
"thanks for listening, dani." you smile at her, but it feels so strange when she doesn't smile back. she just stares, right through you. her eyes are so pretty; you've always known but this is the first time you've looked at them directly for so long (there's really nothing else for you to look at when she's so close to your face).
oh, yeah. in a sudden moment you were inches apart. you don't remember moving so it must've been danielle.
you don't really understand what's going on. maybe this is an eye contact battle and you're not supposed to blink. and you think for a moment you had it easy because suddenly danielle's pretty eyes are nowhere to be found and you're staring at her eyelids and long eyelashes instead.
before your brain even thinks of giving you the chance to mutter "i win!" in a silly manner, you feel your own lips getting shut. covered, enveloped by another set of softness.
oh. this is not what you expected at all.
what are you even supposed to do right now? well, pull away, obviously. but that could could give danielle the impression that you hate everything about this and, really, that's not true at all. it's good. well, not good, but- danielle is not horrible at kissing.
what even is happening, anyway? i mean, you're kissing. but what else? nothing feels like it's moving; it feels like time's stopped. there also hasn't been anything that has lead up to this happening.
so you're just left there, paralyzed, in shock, waiting until danielle pulls away. just waiting until she's done with you. until she's satisfied.
and it's until danielle notices that you're not moving that she realizes what she's done. she pulls away, shaken and distraught.
"y/n, i am so sorry. i don't know what came over me, i am so so so sorry. i really didn't mean to do that. please forgive me, y/n, i am really so sorry." at this point, danielle's voice starts to break. "i don't know why i did that, it's just, i don't know, you just looked good a-and we were just close and-"
"it's okay, dani. i know."
"no, y/n, i really am sorry. i-"
"dani, i swear it's fine." you grab her shoulder to reassure her, but is anything really fine right now? "i..." you don't really know what to say next. "i don't, like, hate you or anything. i understand things like that happen. i'm not mad at you."
"really?" you've never seen her tear up so fast. you definitely didn't expect her to tear up at this. but you know the feeling of guilt so well you can't help but feel sympathy for her. "are you sure? i promise it won't happen again."
"i'm sure, dani. you could never do anything to make me hate you."
you smile at her, she sniffles. it's the last thing you hear before you hear the sound of her wristwatch's seconds ticking. you don't really know what's going through her head. you count about 34 ticks.
"did you hate it?" her voice isn't weak, but it is lower than you normally expect it to be.
you're stunned, but the way she looks at you so earnestly, with a hint of nervousness in her eyes forces you to answer within seconds, "n-no! dani, i didn't... hate it. it was just unexpected. i didn't really process it at first." it's the truth, but it feels so gut-wrenching to say.
another 20 ticks of quiet.
"can i do it again?"
hello? hello? what is going on? hello?
"i-i mean, if you want to." it sounds more like a question than a proper answer. and danielle takes it anyway.
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you don't have any romantic feelings for danielle, that's for sure. she's said she doesn't have any feelings for you either. that's established. and yet when hanni is too caught up watching movies in the living room with minji and hyein, danielle is always there, sitting in your bed.
sometime's it's just little pecks while you cuddle and watch something she doesn't care much about. sometime's she's on the verge of kissing the living shit out of you.
it's never more than that. none of you let it be more than that. it's more than okay.
it's comfortable. it's casual.
and yet, every time it happens, you feel guilt eat at your stomach.
because danielle doesn't know. and she can't know.
it's not like this was your idea in the first place, it was danielle's. but the fact that you let her do it anyway could be predatory enough for her to feel unsafe if she ever did find out. even if she's the one who caused this all.
and never once do you think about yourself while it happens. it's not a moment for you, it's a moment for danielle to take. and you're okay with that. as long as she's okay with it.
you're okay with many things just because danielle is okay with them.
if danielle wants to watch a romcom, you watch a romcom. if danielle wants to eat plain yogurt, you eat plain yogurt. if danielle wants to kiss you, you let her kiss you.
it's not that big of a deal if there are no feelings involved. it's just a matter of believing that that's actually true.
you let her do whatever she wants because you're scared to do the taking. because taking feels like stealing, and doing feels like attacking. and you're so scared to hurt danielle that you forget you can also hurt yourself.
but if it's so casual, why doesn't she let go of your hand? why does she call you pretty everyday? why does she look at you with those pretty eyes like you're her whole world?
was the "i love you" she said yesterday something she meant as platonic love? is there such a thing as casual love?
was it just the sound of the raindrops on your window that made you hallucinate the sound of a love confession?
you don't eat anything for the rest of the day.
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minji and hyein are visiting their parents. hanni and haerin are out of the country. and you're in the dorm kitchen trying to figure out how blurred the lines are while you mix the milk into your tea.
you feel your heart drop when you hear the sound of footsteps of the line-blurrer herself over the sounds of light rain. it hasn't stopped since the day before.
you don't want to feel anything right now, you don't want to hear anything right now.
she wraps her arms around your waist and says, "good morning." with that big bright smile on her face. at one point it started hurting when she did, but you don't remember when.
she smells like the candles you burnt in your room two days after hanni left. you were trying to get rid of danielle's scent from your room, but you couldn't tell her that, so you just said you were trying something new.
danielle notices you say nothing back, and your eyes are nowhere in particular. "watchu thinkin' about?" her always cheery tone gets you out of your trance, and she notices when you stop stirring the spoon in your cup. you're still silent for a bit, but she lets you take your time.
"i don't think we should do this anymore, danielle."
you tense up when her arms leave your waist, but it feels oddly freeing. you don't turn back to face her.
"what do you mean?"
"are we still casual?"
there's disbelief in danielle's voice when she speaks, "what are you talking about? of course we are!" but she sounds dishonest, in a way.
"really?" that's when you turn around, her eyes are wide and her cheeks are quite flushed but nothing about her seems guilty at all, "because saying "i love you" doesn't seem quite casual to me."
she scoffs, "y/n, i tell all my friends i love them. it's a normal thing!"
"i'd agree with you if we weren't kissing on the low. it's a little too much on top of that."
"i don't know what you think casual means but-"
"what i mean is we should stop before the lines start to blur, that's if they haven't already." you don't want to yell at her. you hope she understands before you have to raise your voice. "we are public figures, famous figures. if this goes wrong we can't go back and that could potentially ruin everything, not only for us but for our group."
"well, it can't go wrong if there's no feelings involved, can it?" danielle is usually playfully sassy, but she's never responded to you like this before.
"we're human, danielle. feelings can't be stopped." you're not too good at reading people, but you can see something has clicked in danielle's brain.
"what i'm getting is that you developed feelings for me while we were casual, is that right?" she seems so sure and confident that it annoys you. it frustrates you. and you want to cry.
"no, that's not what i said. but i am scared of it happening, and i want this to stop before it has the chance to."
"well, you should've thought of that before you said yes." you never really did.
"why are you upset, anyways?"
"b-because!" her voice gets louder, "i just wanted this to be casual, and now your telling me you're scared of catching feelings, it's just weird. that's all."
you sigh, "listen, i don't want this to end on a bad note. i just-"
"well, i don't want this to end at all!"
it takes you a minute to believe what you're hearing.
"a-are you hearing yourself?" it's shocking, it really is, "this is crazy, why are you being so selfish right now?"
"because it feels good! okay?!" danielle has completely let go of the loose strings of morality she was holding on to, "it fucking feels good, a-and you make me feel good. i like it when we kiss, and i like it when we cuddle and, and, i just like it, okay?!" that's the first time you've heard danielle curse in your entire life.
"okay, well, i'm glad you did. but i don't. i don't feel good at all." it's so scary and risky because you're two seconds away from telling her the truth, and this could potentially damage both your careers irreversibly, but you can't think of any lie or excuse that is true enough to keep hiding it.
"i drown in guilt every time we kiss and i feel like i'm choking when you look at me these days."
you've never seen her look so confused, like she really doesn't understand you. because she never had to.
"i am a lesbian, danielle." you can't shatter, not now. "and it kills me because you'll never understand how hard it is to hide like this for so long. and yes, we hide this casual thing from our members, but after this is over you don't have to hide anything at all and i still have to hide everything."
she says nothing. her eyes soften, but you can't read them. not like you ever could.
"i didn't catch feelings for you, but i could, and you're not helping out. and you don't have to worry about that. you don't have to worry about your members being disgusted at you for something you can't change. you don't have to pretend. you don't have to be scared that you're making someone uncomfortable by simply existing beside them. i had to pretend i didn't care when you kissed me, i had to pretend to be okay when you kissed me again. i've been pretending to be okay with so much i don't know what being okay is anymore."
danielle still says nothing.
"but that's all gone to shit now, hasn't it?" your voice can't break now, but it does anyway, even when your not done speaking. "i can't be okay with everything. i can't be casual about everything, danielle. not anymore." there's a hot tear running down your cheek, but you try to hold yourself together.
"i never want to hurt you, ever, danielle. but i am seriously hurting myself. i am eating myself from inside out. there's nothing casual about that."
"i think i might be in love with you." is the first thing she says in minutes. and that's when you shatter completely. you turn around to leave your mug of now cold tea on the counter and you rest your elbows on it to hide your face in your hands.
"do you think that helps?" you're sobbing.
"i'm sorry. i know it doesn't. i just had a moment of realization and i think that's why i was so upset. i didn't want you to end this because i was in love with you since the start and didn't realize."
"this is fucking crazy." it really is, that's why you can't hold down the laugh of complete astonishment that leaves your lips. "do you realize how crazy this is? i just came out to you and you're- i don't even want to think about this."
"i'm really sorry, y/n." it's the first time you see guilt in danielle's face in a long time. "i really am. i really didn't know, i- i didn't know anything at all."
"you were upset of me potentially having feelings for you when it was you the whole time, huh?" this is no time or place to make jokes, you're literally crying as you speak. but this is hilarious. danielle seems to think so too given she also laughs.
"i don't know what i was thinking." she says, hiding her face in her palm in embarrassment.
"i wish i knew too." you say, "i never do."
"so what now? i mean, you clearly don't like me back." you don't understand how danielle does it. she never looks away, she faces the truth, something you're unable to do easily.
"that's a good question, i actually never thought about that." i mean, you thought the possibility of danielle ever liking a woman, let alone you, was at a mere 0.1%, can you blame yourself for not thinking of a solution to this?
"i mean, you did say you could."
"selfish asshole." you mutter to yourself, but danielle hears it anyways. "hey!"
"i'm crying right in front of you out of fear and frustration, have some respect, dude."
"i would say it wouldn't hurt to try but it clearly does so i don't know what you want to do." wow, danielle really could never do anything to make you hate her. nothing at all. "i don't mind being the selfless one this time."
"cheesy." she's always been like that, you can't say you hate it. "i'll reheat my tea and think about it."
danielle waits for you. maybe it wouldn't be so bad to risk falling in love with her too. you've risked it once.
the microwave beeps and you take your mug out. it's hot again. you turn to face danielle and she's still there, hasn't moved an inch. "i'm willing to give it a try. but nothing casual."
she shines you the widest grin you've ever seen from her. "nothing was ever casual, i fear."
"i still can't believe you cursed." you say as you walk past her to go to your room (that probably smells like danielle's perfume again).
"i did?!" she trails behind you. you nod. "i almost jumped."
"hey, am i the first one to know?"
"what, that i'm a lesbian?" she nods, now beside you. you shake your head after a sip of your tea.
"hanni knew."
"i'm not even the first? fuck..." is she doing this on purpose... she has to be, right?
"dude? hello?"
"don't dude me, i'm your future girlfriend." she hits your arm as you walk into your room. you don't know what you're gonna say to hanni when she comes back.
"confident much? shut up and pick a movie to watch." you'll figure it out later.
🗒️ this wasn't as long as i thought it was gonna be THANK GOD
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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animentality · 4 months
Hiya. Little chance you'll see/respond to this, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. I'm kind of stuck, gender-wise. As a gender-fluid afab person, I kind of know where I want my transition to go, with both T and surgery. The problem is, my very lesbian partner has some squicks about the way I want my transition to go, (namely the clitoromegaly and metoidioplasty.) I haven't talked to her about this yet, because of the squicks. (I know I need to, it's just something I haven't built up to yet.) There's a lot of love in the community for the effects of going on T that I want, which makes me feel good, but knowing my partner would no longer find me attractive because of it is. distressing. This is complicated by the fact that I do sex work, so I'm putting off transition anyway to retain my audience. I know I need to stop letting other people's approval and attraction dictate what I'm doing with my body, but it's money to live off of and I desperately love my partner, (and I'm used to sublimating what I want for others.) I don't know if you have or care to give any advice or response, but even just typing this out and sending it is making me feel better, so thank you <3
I get it, friend.
I really do. You know it's what you want, but you're also afraid of how much it'll change things.
And I don't blame you. There's always comfort in stability and the status quo. holding on to things you've grown so used to having, that you worry you might not be able to survive without them.
But if you know it's what you want- and I think it must be, otherwise would it really be a difficult decision? - then you'll find some peace in knowing that things are never as stable as they seem anyway.
you have to pursue the things that will make you happy in this life. it's the most important thing. sometimes that means choosing something that's harder to do, in the short term, but will bring you peace in the long term.
and yeah, it will be uncomfortable and painful if, or when, your partner no longer finds you attractive because of the transition, but if she really loves you, and cares for you as a person, then she'll support you, even if it's only as a friend. she won't cut you out of her life, if she loves you as much as you love her.
And I know that sounds bad, but the truth is, people are attracted to what they're attracted to. Now that doesn't mean she definitely will lose interest in you, though. Because honestly, I think you definitely need to talk about it, and maybe you'll be surprised.
I have known lesbians who have a few exceptions, just as there are straight people with their own "gay exceptions."
And transition isn't exactly a new practice or anything, but transition surgeries sort of are, in the grand scheme of things. they can be kind of disturbing to people, even supportive people, at first, because surgeries in general are always disturbing.
something primal in us just doesn't like the idea of letting someone else cut into our flesh and rearrange all the parts inside. it's instinctive, i think. but just as you can grow and change, so can other people.
even if they never ever thought about it before.
life is kinda funny like that. you can think you'll never ever do something, but then someone else might come along, someone you desperately want to be with, and then you'll become more than you ever expected you would be. and you'd do it together.
but you definitely need to talk to her. she might surprise you. or she might surprise herself, actually, if you give her the time to consider how it'll change your relationship.
But if she's no longer attracted to you, and if you break up, well, relationships always fall apart when one person wants to stay the same, but the other desires growth, and change. It might seem terrifying, not to have her as a romantic partner, and maybe you're afraid you'll never find someone else, but these things are normal, these things are not as scary as they seem.
All human beings, trans, cis, het, gay, bi, have to deal with the fact that people change and some relationships end. Some people can adapt, and stay together. Some can't.
Some people lose interest in their partners over many, many years, and some people can't stay in relationships with people who become sick, or disfigured, who have horrible injuries that change who they are. Life doesn't go the way you plan, ever.
So you aren't alone in that feeling. And I hope that your community is there to support you too, so that you don't feel alone in this either.
You might consider joining groups, or finding people, who know what it's like to lose partners because of transition, by the way.
It's always good to have a network of support.
Now as for the sex work... listen, I don't know your financial situation. if it makes sense to not transition right now, to put it off so you can pay the bills, have a roof over your head, then you can always wait as long as you need to.
But I wouldn't let that hold you back either.
Financial stability is very important, and being able to pay for food is your first need and all that, but emotional and psychological fulfillment are important too.
so in the future, if you have the money, or maybe find other jobs, or other means of income, then don't let it stop you.
and also, if you enjoy sex work, and you don't want to stop doing it, or having it as an option...you can find another audience.
it might be smaller, and different, and you might have to start from the ground up, but if you already have an audience that makes you good money, then you're resourceful. you're creative.
you can do this. all of this.
but anyway.
my advice to you is...do what you need to do, to make money, but remember that life is primarily about being happy. it can't always be happy, but...the end goal is happiness.
you have to go looking for it, though.
even if it doesn't look the way it used to, that's the grand adventure called living.
thanks for the ask.
always feel free to vent to me, by the way, especially about this, because as a transmac, I get it.
I personally only would want top surgery, but I understand completely the afabs who want to fully transition.
I remember the first time I used my name, and not my deadname...I remember the joy I felt, when my friends started calling me by masculine pronouns...
I couldn't discourage you from seeking the self you were born to be. It's a wonderful feeling, being the person you dreamt of, on those lonely nights where you laid in bed and wondered why you feel so different and alone.
But you aren't alone now.
Good luck, anon.
Hope everything turns out ok, and then I hope the rest of your life is wonderful.
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
I got a yoosung angst prompt cuz its fun to put the most sunshine guy through the worst traumas
How do you think his relationship will mc be post Bad Ending 3. Yeah its the ending where Unknown kidnaps and tortures him. Lets assume that he eventually got rescued and nearly died in the process (cuz Unknown badly hurt him in a fit of rage) but he survives....he lives
But whats gonna be after that how the whole ordeal is gonna affect his relationship with his S/O because it is going to be tough for both the parties. Ofc yoosung who was directly affected by the ordeal will need alot of therapy, and love and support. But it was quite tough for mc too.... if anything yoosung route does, it shows us the fact that losing a loved one is traumatic, nearly losing one too as well and MC also was traumatised and is guilt ridden (maybe i should have tried harder to stop him had i knew this would happen is a constant thought in her head) she also becomes somewhat protective of him because he has been through enough and deserves to get the best of the world.....but while mc is well intentioned in her actions....it somehow stings Yoosung, he is the one who should be protecting her, he should be the proactive one in the relationship....thats what he thinks. It makes him feel small....besides he can also see her running herself thin for him....and he just wants to not be a burden to her...
I rambled alot im sorry but i wanna see your take. As always i just wanna let you know I love your writing
Well, the unfortunate thing that I just can't help but bring up is that... Bad Ending 3 happens due to the player's (MC's) actions. That's not how it works in real life, of course, but with the structure of MM's storyline, that's how it plays out, and that's how it's meant to be interpreted by the player. In that ending, MC prioritizes themselves first, and encourages Yoosung self-sacrificial tendencies for their own benefit (or, well, safety, to be more exact). MC's actions are what led Yoosung to sacrifice himself in that ending in the first place. And that's also the reason behind his seeming resolve with what Unknown is putting him through in the aftermath.
'It's okay. I'm protecting them. They wanted me to keep them safe. So they wouldn't be scared. I need to stay strong for them. I'm doing this for them. Because I love them. Because I don't want to be in the dark and not do anything like it happened with Rika.'
So both sides of the argument are dealing with a messy tangle of emotions to deal with. And if you do want to imagine a better resolution to all of this, it'll probably involve a lot of conversations between the two.
Your dynamic between each other is unbalanced in that particular ending. And that's something that needs to be fixed. MC should take more care of Yoosung's well-being first before their own and believe in him, while Yoosung needs to work on his anxious attachment style.
It is difficult, though, because Yoosung's worst traits got the best of him as a direct result of MC's actions. The situation is pretty similar to those who want to imagine a better solution to Jumin's 2 Bad Ending. While it's possible, it needs to be acknowledged that MC is the one who needs to put most of the work in.
In my opinion, what would their relationship be like? Well, if we assume that MC does feel guilty for everything that happened, that's a lot of emotional baggage to deal with. Yoosung got hurt. Bad. Both physically and mentally. And he'll probably dismiss it too. It's important to remember that in this particular ending, he's devoted to you to an unhealthy extent. Not the same as in his 1 Bad Ending, but in a very self-sacrificial way. He'll probably just smile at you and say that he's happy you're safe. That that was the only thing he ever wanted. And that he held out for so long because he remembered what you told him, and how scared you were.
So... it's a pretty heavy situation for MC to be in. It's one thing to have your loved one disregard their well-being for you, but it's completely different when it's the direct consequence of your own actions.
Many apologies need to be made. Even if Yoosung doesn't understand why you're apologizing to him. Lots of talks to be had. And lots of very slow and steady progress to be made.
It's possible to come up with a better resolution to this mess. But it'll require a lot of work and patience from both MC and Yoosung. It does make a very interesting story to think about, though!
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nkn0va · 7 months
Hey, chef anon here. I was rereading the househusband ask and got an idea from Kokonoe purring. What are some other catlike behaviors Kokonoe exhibits? Maybe going "pspspsps" gets her attention. Maybe she enjoys petting or getting her hair brushed or maybe even that thing people do where they just slap their cats.
God damn it, chef, I have other asks I need to do and then you drop this shit in my inbox now I have to do it.
Kokonoe A. Mercury
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-As much as Kokonoe vehemently denies it (and she'd probably kill anyone if they ever find out), she has her fair share of catlike tendencies despite being only half-beastkin
-For one, the ever encompassing pspspsps is a good way to get Kokonoe's attention. Her cat ears stand up and her head immediately snaps over to the source, only to see you quietly laughing to yourself. She grumbles in annoyance and goes back to her work. Give it another 20 minutes and it'll work again. Much like the Kaka Clan also hailing from Jubei, she has quite the short attention span despite her genius intellect.
-Brushing her hair is one the easiest ways to get her to relax, especially when you're trying to get her to sleep for a damn change. Whether with an actual brush or just running your fingers through her hair it makes it harder for her to think before she eventually stops and gives in.
-Bonus points if you start scratching behind her ears too. She instantly goes red in the face as she starts involuntarily purring. If you dare do that in public you're getting your hand slapped away immediately and a scolding remark from her. She still has an image to maintain.
-Only makes it all the more satisfying when you're in private with her again and she puts her head under your hand like an animal does when they want attention and demands you scratch her ears.
-Silvervine has very little effect on Kokonoe anymore, having it basically in her body at all times. Other forms of catnip though is a different story. Swap out her silvervine candy for another kind as a prank and watch chaos unfold.
-She won't get full on hallucinations since she's only half-beastkin but she'll basically be drugged out. Hyperactivity only surpassed by the likes of Taokaka herself and unable to focus on any work she's doing. If there is a tall thing standing on a table or desk, that shit is getting knocked over with no thoughts, even if it was extremely important, a dramatically increased appetite, and if you happen to be in the vicinity, she will give in to her animalistic urges and pounce on you. She won't actually hurt you but you're not getting up for a pretty long while as she nuzzles her head against your chest furiously and purrs like an engine.
-When the catnip wears off and she wakes up Kokonoe realizes what happens and you're getting the verbal beatdown of your life. She'll probably threaten to scratch your eyes out or something and it would be scary if you weren't her husband, you know she wouldn't do that. You just seem to disarm her in a way no one else does, it simultaneously gives the professor that warm, lovey feeling and frustrates her to no end.
-It's not to as big of an extent as normal cats, but Kokonoe also hates cucumbers. Of course you're not so cruel as to sneak one into her food, but when she's not looking you'll sneak one on a table behind her so she'll jump back when she turns around and catches the unpleasant scent. She does have a more sensitive sense of smell than a normal person.
-If you're around she'll shoot a sharp insult your way. If not, she'll mutter angrily under her breath as moves to throw it away.
-Of course there's everyone's favorite, the laser pointer. You at least have the decency to not pull it out in the lab and risk her destroying important work stuff but at home there is no mercy. Pull it out when she's not looking and those urges will surface. She'll run around trying to stomp on the dot, if it goes to the wall she'll scratch at it like mad, so if you're a fan of the couches or the TV, don't put the dot there.
-It'll take her a while to notice what's going on, at least until your laughter gives it away. She'll hear it and snap out of it, angrily cussing you out as she storms off to your shared bedroom.
-She acts mad in the moment, and probably is, at least until it's time for bed and you get in with her as she's sulking. She threatens to scratch you if you get close to her until you spoon her small body and start running your fingers through her hair and she reluctantly and begrudgingly relaxes into it.
-If there's one thing you've learned about Kokonoe in your relationship together, even before you married, it's that she's the queen of mixed signals. Appropriate, given her heritage. No matter how mad she acts, for whatever reason she just can't find it in herself to stay mad at you.
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genericpuff · 1 year
hey! I’m not sure if you’ve seen this yet, but in regards to RS’s awful layer management, I bring you this from the waybacksmythe insta account!
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I’m 99% sure that she’s taught herself to work in this manner for a VERY long time. I mean, there’s barely anything in the main layers that have even MORE layers clipped to them
yooo thank you for this!
Honestly, I don't think it's that bad when it comes to illustration work, it comes down to just being "use whatever amount of layers you need", and it's clear it worked for her older art. It would be fine for comics as well, but most people naturally opt to reduce the layers they use because it just makes things, well, faster, and less complicated. Not to mention if her layer management is part of the reason her file sizes are ending up absurdly huge, then ??? It seems like a no brainer to reduce them. Esp considering so many of the layers in LO from what I've seen in screenshots just seem so pointless, like hyper-micromanaging levels of pointless.
That said, I think there are a lot of things she's taught herself to do that she just hasn't bothered to unlearn, like she thinks she works "better" doing things this way. Her "time management techniques" that result in her and her team always crunching through the weight of the next deadline, her layering structure, how she manages her assistants, the list goes on. It's like when you're so used to doing something one way, you're convinced it has to be working because otherwise, why would you be doing it that way? It's always "worked" for you up until now, so why change? It's why it's hounded into art students especially to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things because it's only through trying new things that you may learn you've been making things way harder for yourself than you need to.
This might be a bit too psychoanalytical, but we were talking about this very subject in the Discord the other day, and it came up that it's like when someone who's struggling with untreated depression or ADHD says, "I don't want to be medicated, it'll take away my spark!" but their spark is literally not showering for a week and eating nothing but toast and mold growing on the dishes in the sink.
In this case, it feels like Rachel's going "I don't want to change, it'll ruin my work!" but her work is literally already falling apart because she's been sticking to these same work methods that are clearly not working for her.
It makes me think of that one old reel where she talks about how she tried something new that didn't work out and became frustrated over the "lost time".
And I do agree with the advice that she's giving in this video, artists should give themselves the space and time to figure things out, to make mistakes, because it's not lost time, it's time you're spending to try. That time will pass anyways, so use it how you like.
But unfortunately I don't think Rachel is actually good at applying this advice because she hasn't set herself up for success. She's always constantly on an immediate deadline because she never sets herself up with proper buffers. She never made herself a plan in the narrative to get this far so she's constantly jumping between plot points to give herself time to figure out how to resolve them. She can't give herself that free time to figure her shit out because she's constantly wringing out the time she has available to her. Look no further than how much time she traditionally spends on social media, AFAIK it's just her running it meaning she's spending all this time browsing and retweeting that she could be spending getting her ducks in a row.
None of this is to say she isn't allowed to have free time, I think it would be great if she could be an Originals creator who could also manage having a healthy work life balance, god knows so many creators don't get to do that. But it's not free time if you're spending it under the weight of deadlines that are literally a week away. It's just distracting yourself.
Of course, that's all speculative, so I'm not gonna continue on much longer with this train of thought, it's just the impression I get because it's clear she values her time but doesn't know how to manage it properly. I feel that all too well as someone who also struggles with ADHD.
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footy-fictionist · 1 year
It's fame she's after - Julian Brandt ft. Kai Havertz
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Pairing: Julian Brandt x female reader, (platonic) Kai Havertz x female reader
Warnings: Kai doesn't like reader (it'll turn out right though), rude comments, Julian gives a bit of an ultimatum, a bit of hurt, a bit of angst and a bit of fluff, Sophia is in here as well, badly translated German
Word count: 1681
Note: As always, English is not my first language. This one has been on my mind for a while. I thought it was a good idea and it turned out better than I thought. There is more interaction between the female reader and Kai, but she's in a relationship with Julian. Please do not publish and/or copy my work, reblogging is totally fine!
There are many things she loves about being Julian Brandts girlfriend. He’s thoughtful, kind, shows her he loves her multiple times a day and of course he’s incredibly handsome. She loves tracing the tattoos on his arm, adores spending time with his family and pulling pranks with his brothers. His friends love having her around and her friends love meeting up with Julian. But there is one friend of Jule’s that she doesn’t see eye to eye with at all. And unfortunately that happens to be Kai Havertz.
She met Kai for the first time during the World Cup. She and Julian hadn’t been dating long and because Kai lives in England, it was harder for him to meet up with them to meet her. She met Sophia in the stands and they hit it off immediately. She met Kai after the first match, the one they lost against Japan. Julian walked up to her first and she immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He hadn’t played but was still quite upset. Kai had come up behind Jule and he passed them to get to Sophia. He had given her a look she didn’t appreciate a lot, but she brushed it off as him being upset with the game.
But when Jule introduced her, Kai barely even acknowledged her. He gave her one look and then went back to talking to other people. She had looked to Julian, who was just as surprised as she was. Julian went to talk to Kai about it whilst she went to stand with Sophia who didn’t understand her boyfriend’s behaviour either. It didn’t get much better after that. Anytime they were in the same room, she tried to talk to Kai. To get to know him or to see if there was anything she could do to get him to like her. She mostly did it for Julian, she hated the way he looked so defeated when she and Kai ended up in another argument. It just seems that Kai didn’t see the look on his best friend’s face or he didn’t care enough.
She doesn’t like Kai much, she thinks he is arrogant and egotistical for the way he is acting and that seeing them not getting along, is hurting Julian more than he wants to admit. She would honestly do anything for Julian and to see his best friend not even acknowledging the fact that this is hurting Julian, pisses her off. But when Jule tells her Kai is coming over that weekend, she holds back a groan. She makes the promise to herself that she’ll try one more time to get Kai to like her and then she’ll give up. She goes as far as to ask Sophia what Kai’s favourite meal is and which recipe Sophia uses to make it for him.
So when Kai and Sophia arrive, she’s working away in the kitchen. She goes to greet them, giving Sophia a hug and as she moves to Kai all he does is hold out his hand, not even looking at her. She shakes it softly, before moving back to the kitchen. Sophia follows her to help out, but she just makes Sophia sit down with a glass of wine and they talk. She asks Sophia if there is anything she did to make Kai not like her (like she does every time), but even Sophia doesn’t know what’s bothering Kai about her so much. She decides to give up on asking and finishes the food. They set the table and Sophia calls in the boys. Kai is the first one downstairs.
“Wow, this looks great Soof. How did you make it so fast?” “I didn’t Kai. I gave her the recipe a few days ago, she made it.” “Yeah right.”
Kai gives her a glance before sitting down. Julian walks in a little later and presses a kiss to his girlfriend's cheek. “Thank you for making dinner, liebe.”
When everyone sits down, they all plate some food before eating. What no one is expecting is for Kai to spit his food back onto his plate. “Well it’s clear you didn’t make it Soof. It doesn’t taste good at all.”
That was the last drop. She can’t help the little sob that leaves her lips before she quickly stands up and practically runs up the stairs. She runs all the way to the bathroom before locking herself in. She doesn’t hear the argument that’s going on downstairs over her own sobs.
“Was stimmt nicht mit dir?! Why would you say that? It tastes good. Why can’t you just accept her as my girlfriend? She’s tried everything to get you to like her and you just ignore her the whole time. Ich liebe sie so sehr. Why can’t you see that?!” Julian goes after her as Kai looks down.
Whilst Julian runs up the stairs, Kai turns to Sophia, only to find her looking at him in utter disappointment. “Was?” “She is doing everything to get you to like her. Why are you being like this? This isn’t you.”
“I just don’t want her to hurt Julian. She is clearly after his money. Why else would she choose to go public with him during the World Cup. If it’s not money, it’s fame she’s after.” Sophia heaves a big sigh.
“How do you have such a big board in front of your face? She didn’t want them to go public at the World Cup. Julian wanted to introduce her to you, but there wasn’t another time other than the world cup. Can’t you see the way they look at each other?! Bist du so blind?”
Sophia went to get another glass of wine as Kai thought over her words. He never thought of it that way. He always assumed she was the one that wanted to go public at the World Cup. He didn’t think she came with Julian just to meet him. He has to make this right. He moves to the stairs and he can hear Julian knocking on a door. He hears as Julian tries to get his girlfriend to open the door for him. He hears the sobs and the strangled ‘no’s’ that come from the other side of the door. When Julian spots Kai he gives an irritated sigh.
“Was machst du hier? Haven’t you done enough?”
“I have to make it right, Jule. Let me try, please?” It was more of a rhetorical question than an actual one, but Julian agrees with a little hesitance. Julian moves to get past Kai, but stops when he’s next to him. “If you screw this up even more, you better stay in London. I really love her Kai. Stop hurting the girl I love or our friendship is over.”
Kai gulps, but nods his head at Julian. Julian walks down the stairs whilst shaking his head. Once Julian is downstairs Kai turns to the door. He heaves a sigh and knocks on the bathroom door.
“Geh weg, Julian."
“I’m not Julian.”
He hears as she gasps a little when she hears his voice. He hears the door click and he opens it slowly. He sees her sitting against the bathtub, eyes red and tears streaming down her face. He moves to sit across from her. She doesn’t look at him as he sits, she rubs the sleeves of her shirt along her cheeks. He analyzes the way she’s sitting, but doesn’t make a move to say anything yet. Then he sees her fiddle with a J necklace. If she’s wearing that, there is no way she’s with him for fame or money.
“Es tut mir leid.” She looks up when he apologizes. “I thought you were in it for fame or money. I thought I was looking out for my best friend. I thought you were just gonna hurt him and I was wrong. I see now that you really love him. I’m sorry for all the times I hurt you by brushing you off. And the dinner you made is actually amazing, probably even better than Soofs. But please don’t tell her I said that.” They both laugh. “Friends?”
She looks at the hand he’s offering. “I forgive you, so yes. Friends.” He stands up and helps her off the floor as well. He opens his arms, giving her the option for a hug if she wants to. She smiles and hugs him. “I wouldn’t have let Julian end your friendship Kai. You two are platonic soulmates, I’d never want to be the cause of Bravertz breaking up.” That makes both of them laugh. He gives her another hug. They joke together as they walk downstairs, finally able to find the things they have in common. They see Julian on the couch with his head in his hands, with Sophia rubbing his back, when they finally notice the footsteps on the stairs and the laughter.
Julian looks up surprised as he sees them laughing together. He gets up as they walk into the living room. She sees the nervous look on his face and immediately moves to wrap her arms around his waist. His arms go around her shoulders and he looks up at Kai, who gives him a smile and a nod. Julian tightens his arms around her, pressing a few kisses to the top of her head. When she pulls away, she presses a kiss to Julian’s lips.
“Let me reheat the food and we can all eat.” “I’ll help.”
Julian’s and Sophia’s eyes almost pop out when Kai offers his help. As they move to the kitchen with the food, Julian and Sophia look at each other bewildered. How did their dynamic change that fast? Not that they’re complaining. It’s just a bit odd. It’s safe to say the rest of the evening went great. And after that night as well. They went on couple dates and Julian finally got to be more affectionate with his girlfriend without Kai acting all disgusted and glaring daggers. And her friendship with Kai? It only blossomed.
Liebe: love Was stimmt nicht mit dir?: What is wrong with you? Ich liebe sie so sehr: I love her so much Was?: What? Bist du so blind?: Are you that blind? Was machst du hier?: What are you doing here? Geh weg: Go away Es tut mir leid: I am sorry
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kolour-me-kourt · 2 months
Chapter twelve : Why does she keep coming up
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Jayson hadn't claimed to be perfect but to YN he was he had completely took her out of the shadows and into the light. They were proudly and happily in a relationship. So never in her right mind did she think his ex would make an appreance in their life ..... and his ex is Ella? A singer than she had loved since boo'd up but couldn't in her right mind listen to her songs the same way all she could think about is them being written about Jayson. Especially Shot clock it's a basketball reference and it's cute and he alluded to having problems committing in the past but YN changed that he snatched her up quickly.
So why was Ella here ruining it.  Not physically but she was taking up space in YN mind ruining her bond with Jayson. Ruining them and could should possibly take Jayson if she wanted him? One thing about Lamelo was he was honest with her he never lied about their situation and what she means to him......
It seemed like they had been arguing and arguing more. YN hadn't even talked to Lamelo yet he was still very much a factor in her relationship with Jayson. And today when Jayson came to her home his energy was totally off and he just seemed angry. It had been something she had been use to lately. He just liked to get babied but today wasn't YN day either work had gon terribly and she just felt overwhelmed with it all work him herself it was a lot. So when he came home acting that way she completely ignored him which pissed him off more.
"So do you not plan on talking to me today?" Jayson walks into her bedroom where YN was at her vanity doing her hair. "I was giving you space clearly you're angry about something" "so instead of checking on me you ignore me?" "Jayson what's wrong? Do you need me to stroke your ego? Cause I'm not in the mood. Idk what's wrong with you lately but it's really getting old" he sighed "I didn't have a good day" "me either now if you wanna talk about your day we can I'll be happy to listen but don't come at me so aggressively" he sits down on her bench in front of her bed so she turns around to look at him.
"Why not check on me though?" "Why not check on me? Do you think all my days are just good? Cause that's not the case" "I'm sorry.... I'm just so stressed" "I get that I really do but it has to be a better way of cooping I've already said that you could talk to me but you're choosing not" he kisses her lips softly "there is...." She smiled "tell me what's up""can I taste you first?" She shook her head no "after you tell me what's up" he sighed
"you ever tried to do something but your body just wouldn't do it the way you thought?" "Yeah since I was a kid😂 from cartwheels and dance moves to outfits it always looks better in my head" he smiled "well that has never happened to me I see it in my head I do it if I don't get it on the first try I got it by the third or the fifth so today when I kept trying to do this one thing and my body couldn't.... I shut down at practice couldn't even get through to my teammates and that was un professional and impacted the whole team" she begins speaking but quickly stumbles over her words trying her hardest to get something out but she didn't know how to phrase what she was trying to say
"I'm sorry that happened Bae.... But as you get older......your body has been through a lot.... So yeah maybe you didn't get it on the the first or the third or the fifth time maybe it'll take thirty tries now but I bet you'll get it a lot of your gifts are natural talent yes but you always worked your ass off to perfect them .... I don't wanna see that end just because you gotta work a little longer and harder which you've never had a issue doing not from what I seen anyway" he kissed her lips again "tell
Me how your day was" "terrible ... I missed you ..... and well I didn't make partner "
"damn bae I'm sorry and then I came in being a ass why you ain't text me" "I wanted to tell you in person so you can hold me" "mmm so who got it?" He pulls her closer causing her to smile
"This guy...... he's a great worker and everybody claims it was a six to five vote so I almost won" "nobody more deserving than you though your time management is wild" "that means a lot coming from you cause you balance it all career,deuce, me, the rest of your family, community efforts, time for yourself and it's usually with a big ass smile on your face" "so you wanna go out? Maybe that'll cheer you up a little" "okay I think it would" "where you wanna go?" "Anywhere with you" she smiled "okay I know just the spot we shouldn't get bothered" he kisses her lips and then stands up "no come back here" she whined "nahhh get dressed bae you need to eat"
                  *time skip*
They had just sat at the restaurant and he couldn't keep his hands off her. "You look so fuckin good" "for a person who was rushing me out of the house it seem like you wanna leave already" "I'm feeling the long curly hair and the white dress" "thank you baby you sexy too" "how sexy?" "You make me wanna get under the table and show you. 
As the date progressed YN felt this guy staring at her as soon as he walked in.  "Bae that guy is being weird... back there" she said quietly "yeah I noticed he kept looking over here I thought he was a fan" "oh maybe he is...." "Let's just get ready to go......" "okay" when the waiter walked by he asked for the check and quickly got it back paying the bill" he stands up reaching out for her. "Come on baby" YN smiled grabbing her purse
"Get back with Ella what are you doing" the guy says under his breath
Before Jayson could jump to her defense YN was taking up for herself" are you fuckin serious?!?! You are a grown ass man over fifty and you worried about what people in their twenties are doing? Go get a job as a matter of fact stop riding jaysons dick I don't need no help bitch ass nigga" Jayson continued to try and speak up but YN would cut him off the cameras were on her and everybody was laughing
"Ella is a sore spot huh?" "No Random ass men saying rude shit to me for no reason is the sore spot" "bae let's just go" Jayson pulls her slightly "you didn't answer me Jayson" The guy cackled "stop speaking on shit you don't know nothing about and don't ever disrespect my woman again cause it won't be pretty" Jayson says quickly and then pulls YN out of the resturant and into the car. She was so mad she was shaking and trying to holdback her tears
"bae breath" "that really pissed me off" "he's a troll he don't know nothing about us and what we doing imagine being that depressed and old" "why does she keep coming up?" YN said softly "What?" "Ella.... And you keep coming up that guy was my last straw" "bae when I tell you ... you don't have to worry about her I mean it trust and believe me I wanna be with you and only you" "you promise?" "Yeah I promise ... cheat on you for what?" She laughed "if you cheat on me you'll be dumb" "the stupidest man in the world if I cheat on you" "I love you so damn much  I'm sorry for being insecure" "shhh" "I'm serious" "you good now stop that" "promise?" "Promise" he kisses her and they head home
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thaliaisalesbian · 6 months
Fic Masterpost
In chronological order by fandom.
Many of these are whump fics, and not all of the work warnings are mentioned here, read at your own risk.
green = ongoing
orange = nsfw
red = not complete, currently inactive
Maze Runner Masterpost
Percy Jackson
Demigods at Hogwarts
Annabeth/Percy, Jason/Piper, Thalia/Reyna, Hazel/Frank, Caylpso/Leo, Clarisse/Chris, Nico/Will, Hermione/Luna/Ginny, Draco/Harry Ten demigods are going on a quest, this time to Hogwarts. They're going in blind, and have no idea what the place is like or who they'll meet. Hermione and Harry are pursing tentive relationships. Ron is grieving his brother's death, coming to terms with a few things, and helping George with his shop.
dance, dance (the night away)
Annabeth/Percy Percy throws Annabeth a birthday party.
free floating
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is determined not to let Percy win Capture the Flag tonight. She'll fight him if she has to! She doesn't get that far.
forever (on my lips)
Annabeth/Percy; MCD with an eventual happy ending. Annabeth wants to know, wants to know why. Why now, why him, why them? (she never gets her answers but she does get her peace.)
no more demons (in my head)
Annabeth/Percy, Clarisse & Annabeth, Clarisse & Percy Percy and Annabeth had a good night out, everything was going well. Until it wasn't. And Percy didn't know why.
(don't) pull your stitches
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Percy; Hidden Injury. Percy is tired. Why do all of these monsters have to be angry at the same time? Can't they plan a schedule or something?
forever and always
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is kidnapped, but she's a badass who gets herself out of it.
these monsters (can't keep you)
Annabeth/Percy Percy has been taken by the gods yet again, and this time, he's stuck in a maze, fighting for his life. Annabeth has to watch him as he begins running out of time.
I thought I saw a sign (somewhere between the lines)
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Clarisse, Percy & Clarisse; Emotional Hurt/Comfort Annabeth isn't sure, now, what she'd ever really seen in Percy. Not as a person, but as a boyfriend. After Tartarus, after everything. It's understandable, but she's not going to let him keep treating her this way. She deserves better than a boyfriend who can't seem to stand her presence, even if she might have thought before that they were happy. Annabeth just wants one thing in her life to be good, to be permanent. She thought that might be Percy. Now, she's not so sure. As they near the one-year anniversary of the battle against Gaea, Annabeth has been pulling away. After all that’s happened, it’s understandable. But, because of that, he’s having a harder and harder time squishing down the voice in the back of his head that says she's rethinking their relationship. Percy just wants Annabeth to talk to him, to figure things out. He thought they were past avoidance and pushing each other away. Now, he's not so sure.
Light will guide you home
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Percy & Grover, Annabeth & Percy & Thalia, Annabeth & Clarisse & Percy. Post-HOO, Torture, Hurt/Comfort. You know how sometimes you think a bad day can't get any worse, and then it somehow does? Percy and Annabeth were trying to make a bad day better, only for it all to go wrong.
When It's Dire
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Annabeth & Percy; Injury recovery and blood, post-HOO. Percy's got to be tired; he's been doing this all day. Annabeth just has to get to him, and then it'll all be fine.
explosions got nothing on migraines
Tony/T'Challa Tony and Shuri set off an explosion on accident.
better than you (forever and always)
Tony/T'Challa; Carol & Tony Tony works himself into delirium and doesn't know that Carol's alive, so when she shows up... well, there are some issues with that.
for you (and coffee), a bullet wound is nothing
Tony/T'Challa; No Powers AU T'Challa is just trying to get a coffee, go to a meeting, and then wrap up his day by calling his family. Too bad the man in front of him seems to be a target.
bad ideas
Female!Tony, Tony & Shuri Shuri and Toni get kidnapped and Shuri is awesome.
blood isn't too bad (unless you die)
Tony/T'Challa, Shuri & T'Challa, Tony & Shuri Shuri, Tony, and T'Challa are on a trip and they get kidnapped. Shuri remains awesome.
stay here (in my thoughts)
Tony/T'Challa Of course they had to fight Doom, and of course he had to leave a radiation cloud behind. It would have been too easy for him to just leave them an exit. (How much would have changed, T'Challa will ask himself later, if it hadn't been there?)
as the day bleeds on
Tony/T'Challa; Endgame Fix-it Tony doesn't know how long he's been out for, but he's back now, and he's going to recover, dammit.
over and over and over again, i wake up here
Nick Fury & Tony, Carol & Tony Tony gets kidnapped, again, and has to get himself out, again. There are just some... complications, we'll say, along the way.
Star Wars
chains? they cannot hold you, dear
Poe/Finn, Leia & Finn, Poe & Finn & Rey; Force-sensitive Finn Finn volunteers for an infiltration mission, which somehow proceeds as planned. It's lucky that he has damn good pilot for a boyfriend and an entire Resistance ready to back him up when he needs it most.
she blinks and i'm lost, lost, lost
Poe/Finn; accidental baby acquisition. A normal recruiting mission turns into a special type of rescue mission.
Criminal Minds
seven for a secret
Derek/Spencer, JJ/Will, Will & Derek, Will & Spencer, Derek & Emily & Spencer Will doesn't want to watch JJ's family--his family, his friends, too--fall apart more than they already have. So he takes matters into his own hands, to ensure they won't be going to another funeral this year. Majorly inspired by Butterbeerandbutterknives’s fic One for Sorrow. Actually, it's set in their fic. Highly suggest reading that first; it's fantastic.
bleeding hands and beating hearts
Derek/Spencer This has been a hard case--the unsubs are dropping off videotapes of the victims hours before the bodies are found. They know everything these victims are going though. Spencer's been missing since he left the hotel this morning. Derek doesn't want to think about what's on the tape with his name on it. (see end notes for more detailed trigger warnings)
giant owls: not as good for cuddling as you'd think
Derek/Spencer, Emily & Spencer Emily's exhausted, and worried. They all are. It's been a hard couple of months--nonstop cases, and the LEOs seem to dislike them more than usual lately. It doesn't help that Spencer is already seen as an easy target, and when he's not cleared for field work? Things only get worse. "And there’s Spencer, soaking wet. “Oh, god, Spence!” JJ gasps. Derek’s already moving, wrapping his jacket around his shivering boyfriend and carefully probing at his head. “What happened, Reid?” Hotch asks, moving to help Derek settle Spencer on the couch. Spencer’s eyes are unfocused, and he’s not tracking movement well. Derek can’t fight the sinking feeling in his stomach as he realizes what’s going on."
guns raised (don't fire)
Derek/Spencer "The door opens again, and Spencer abruptly turns and backhands Hotch. Oh, God, this better not be what Derek thinks it is. “Come on, then.” The man in the door grabs Spencer by the shoulder and leads him away. “Hotch, what’s going on?” Derek asks." Being kidnapped? Not fun. Being one of four of your team kidnapped by at least three unsubs? Even worse. All Derek can do is hope that Spencer's plan works.
Original Work
bled dry (i wish)
Vampirism is seen as a curse. Hurt/No Comfort Prompt: Chestnut, short hair slightly covers a lean, menacing face. Dead brown eyes, set dreadfully within their sockets, watch guardedly over the tribes they've safeguarded for so long. A goatee graciously compliments his cheeks and leaves a bittersweet memory of his reckless luck. This is the face of Orlando Hanson, a true dreamer among vampires. He stands oddly among others, despite his tough frame. There's something different about him, perhaps it's his sense of honor or perhaps it's simply his personality. But nonetheless, people tend to socialize with him, while spreading rumors about him behind his back. Or: Orlando Hanson gets a short backstory. And neither he nor Hanson Victor are quite the victims or villains that they each think they are.
to break a fence (to kill a man)
MCD; Hurt/No Comfort. No dialogue. Prompt: Seth Ostler is a man in his late twenties, who is very adventurous. He comes from a wealthy background, lives in a rough neighborhood and tends to a huge collection of potted plants. Seth's adventures these days consist of the walk to work and back. It certainly scares him enough to feel like it could be a dream. Turns out, the walk isn't what he should be afraid of.
Stranger Things
silver lining
Spicy Six Polycule; only Eddie/Steve/Jonathan seen. Scene gone wrong with safeword use. Eddie wants to try tying someone up. Steve volunteers. For all their talks about it, though, he doesn't mention his biggest fear about it. @rememberthatiloveyou for more discussion on this (and any other nsfw fics)
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, Steve & Everyone; Post-Season 2. Blood and injury, hurt/comfort, some fluff mixed in with the angst Jonathan wants to rush after Steve, to explain, but there's no time. Not when the kids have found another gate, not when there's more than his love life at stake. Now he might never get a chance to explain. Or: Steve walks into a conversation between Jonathan and Nancy at just the wrong time, and then everything gets worse (because Steve's just gone and tried to die for them, and this time, they might not get him back.)
loved you never (mourning forever)
Jonathan & Steve; unhappy ending. Steve's fine. He's always fine, he's the one who takes the hits and gets back up. Sure, this might be a harder hit than most, but he'll manage… as long as no one else catches on. (Jonathan might ruin that for him.)
Delicately Intertwined
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy; Post-S4, subdrop, sickfic After so long apart, and with everything that's happened, Jonathan's just eager to see his both of his partners alive and well. The 'well' part turns out to be highly debatable, and not as easily fixable as Jonathan would like it to be.
your presence still lingers here
Robin & Steve; Implied Torture and experimentation. Post-S4, vaguely, Magic AU. Samuel is not sure that this lordling's so-called mission is actually a mission. (all steve had ever wanted was to protect them) Robin just wants Steve back, and now that they're so close, she's not going to let anything stop her from saving him.
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bitegore · 9 months
I’ve been wanting to get a cane for a good while now, but something in the back of my mind just feels weird about it in a way I can’t quite kill off. I have broad pectus excavatum, which compresses my heart and lungs to a certain degree. This affects my tolerance for exercise and makes me exhausted from simple things like getting up and using stairs. Doctors say that my heart isn’t compressed enough to have a tangible effect on my day-to-day life, but I still feel like it does. And my sister gets on my case for even speculating about having a disability that I haven’t been diagnosed with because she fried herself on Reddit r/fakedisability discourse and thinks I’m doing it for attention, so I don’t even know what her reaction would be to getting a cane. I guess I just don’t feel disabled enough for a mobility aid, even though intellectually I know that I can do whatever I want forever… I’m worried its some form of internalized ableism that I’ll have to unpack, lol. Idk, can you relate? Do you need to get a cane from a medical professional?
Ah, I can't say I relate - my issues are very, very different - but I know for a fact you can get a cane in places like Walgreens and CVS (and if you're outside the US, likely at other pharmacy type convenience stores as well). You'll have to pay out of pocket for them and they're not custom-made for your issues, but my mom bought one from CVS when I was a kid and it helped her out when she had issues with her ankles. So that's one issue down.
I would say to ignore your sister + if she can't mind her fucking business you can always lie and say a doctor or some other medical professional or w/e told you you could get it if you thought it'd be helpful. But I really don't think her response should be... idk, relevant? Like you said, she's fried her brain on r/fakedisability and anything she says is going to be unhelpful and stupid.
"Disabled enough for a mobility aid" is. How do I put this. There is no such thing as 'disabled enough' for a mobility aid to Society, the message is always that you can try harder unless you literally cannot move at all and if you have even the slightest amount of mobility you shouldn't use a mobility aid at all. So it's a losing game no matter what. Instead I figure if you think it'll help you, get a cheap cane and find out how to adjust it to fit you, see if it'll help, and if it doesn't help then like idk see if you can give it to someone who'll need it. You'll never know if you don't try and you'll never satisfy the question if you don't find out, I figure. If you don't have the funds for it then that's irrelevant but a bunch of these are like, $25, that seems about reasonable to me.
I don't think I'm really the guy to ask about this, but like, idk I am on the "do whatever you want forever" train and it sounds like this is something you at least want to try. So I think you should try it. And if it works out then you should probably look into getting a real deal cane that is actually suited for you and won't hurt your hands or wrists, because I know that can be an issue with the cheaper canes, but then you'll be able to have an easier time with walking and stuff, and if it doesn't work out then you know it's not what you need.
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fearowkenya · 9 months
😂😂😅😅 I keep saying I'll leave a comment proper on ao3.... I swear it'll happen...
But anyway, I just caught up on your "Winds of change" fic, chapter 5 is such a nice transitory chapter. Very sweet and soothing for what's to come LOL I like Shuuji's suspiciousness of the other partnermon because they're rooted in observation that have the right amount of ambiguity to make him feel like he's losing his mind lol Specially with how the others don't seem to acknowledge them at all lol In Saki's case, she's in her feelings and wary and keeping on her ever avoidsnt facade, so it makes sense she doesn't wanna put her hands to the fire. Aoi is always about holding herself back, specially if it could be something disruptive so it makes sense she wouldn't say anything either lol If it's something in her mind, she's gonna over think it and talk about it privately to Takuma or Labramon, whoever feels pertinent, later so 😂 Tough luck, Shuuji. It's harder for me to tell if Miu picks on anything, it could go either way lol But yeah, the doubt about his own perceptions works well for his general anxious demeanor.
I love the way you write Labramon lol Her strong personality and the inherently bossy way she carries herself really comes across lol Very resolute. Agumon also came across so sweetly, that sort of hilarious and apparently simple-minded loud and surprised reactions from him that still underscore how emotional and sensitive he is was really good. And ofc, Miu holding then together and relaxing the atmosphere with her antics was great as well.
seriously, there's no rush or obligation! it means a lot to me that you're reaching out on tumblr to comment (:
oh phew, im so happy to hear that it feels like a good transition between 'arcs'.
yeah, i'm actually having a lot of fun exploring shuuji in this post-waterway but pre-10daytimeskip period of time. ive talked about it before, but i noticed theres not a ton of interaction between shuuji and the others (other than takuma and ryo) that the player gets to see after he makes amends with lopmon and before part8.
based on how shuuji is much more respected by the group after takuma is back from the other side, i think there was a lot of effort on his part to smooth the feathers he ruffled before he underwent that personal growth. it's a shame we don't get to see it in-game, but i know im having (and am going to have) a lot of fun thinking about shuuji trying very hard to build or rebuild relationships with his peers after botching a few of them (notably kaito, though i will say that while i DO have plans for writing kaito-shuuji interaction, they're outside the scope of what im covering in winds of change).
BUT yeah, all this to say, these stunted relationships he has with the group at this point in time is why it's so hard for him to discern if other people's partners are deliberately hiding things from him. jumping to conclusions has only caused problems for him in the past, so he's trying to avoid it and think about things rationally. but that's hard when he has no frame of reference for how the digimon "normally act" , and you're right, the lack of acknowledgement of "suspicious" behavior from the human partners makes it even harder for him to tell if something's off.
i was SOOOO surprised at how fun and easy labramon was for me to write!! i was actually pretty worried about it at first. labramon's a lot more complex than i gave her credit for - i mean obviously the way she treats aoi is FAR different to how she treats everyone else, but i do think that the snark and bossiness is just her way of conveying that she's confident in her methods and wants to use those methods to keep the others safe. she's such a delightful contrast to aoi but if i get into that now we'll be here all day. glad you enjoyed how i portray her! agumon is fun too, he's just so genuine <3 it's very comforting to hear that i'm doing okay with miu too. as much as i love her, i think she's the toughest for me to write after saki.
thank you again so so much for taking the time to write such a long and thoughtful comment. i really do appreciate it!! <3 you have a really solid grasp on the characters as well, so i'm always happy to hear your insight! (:
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authorautumnbanks · 11 months
How To Tame A Sorcerer (40)
Series Master list
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Kagome lies there on the bed, her arms outstretched, as she stares up at the ceiling. It doesn't surprise her that Satoru hasn't found her yet, not that she is placing any kind of blame on him. No, if anything, it just shows how much planning Yumi went through to pull this off. She turns at the sound of the door. Yumi wisely keeps a distance between them. At least the guards are gone, or at least not inside the room with her. They were kind of unnerving with how still and statuesque there were. And what was up with them eating their own tongues? Surely there were less permanent methods to prove one's loyalty.
"Is this chain necessary?" she asks. Yumi glances at her leg and then sets the package down on the vanity. It's the only furniture in the room that isn't black. It speaks to Yumi's own vanity that to have it be the only thing in white in the room. Which works out for her as Yumi's own hubris will be her downfall.
Yumi pulls out a key from her pocket, runs a claw-tipped finger down it, and then places it back into her pocket. "I think it's a nice decoration. Your leg was so plain without it." Yumi smirks, her lips painted red. In a green top and jeans, it's the most casual that she's seen Yumi in. Almost makes her seem normal and not so regal.
"And that lipstick clashes with your hair, but okay." Kagome smiles back at the enraged look on Yumi's face. "For one so proud, I'm surprised that you would align yourself with Naraku and some curses." She sits up, dangles her legs over the bed. At some point, the chain will have to come off, unless they really expect her to wear the same clothes. Kagome shudders. Nothing worse than not being able to bathe. She couldn't stand it in the Feudal era and she won't go for it now.
"The other foxes are... enamored with you." Yumi opens the package and sets out the items. "Yakeru especially. It's sickening how he and the others fawn over you. Though, if they didn't, I wouldn't have known about your young one."
Hairpins? Kagome leans forward but does not move from the bed. She isn't worried about Yumi doing anything to her at the moment. Harming her would mean harming the baby. She places a hand over her stomach. "You know, stress isn't good for babies. I'd feel much more at ease if I didn't have a chain on me like some animal. You, of all things, should know how stressful that can be."
Yumi twirls a gold hairpin in her hand. There's a fox and moon hanging from the end of it. "The six eyes will not find you."
Kagome shrugs. "And if he finds me, it'll be much harder to plead on your behalf if he finds me like this. Just something to consider."
"Humans and their need to cling to false hope." Yumi sets the hairpin down next to the others. She presses her lips into a firm line, but there's fear etched into her eyes. "You talk to me so harshly when I come bearing gifts."
"I'm just speaking facts. The only gift I want from you is to be let free." Kagome pushes herself off of the bed, comes to a stop right before Yumi. It's too bad, they could have been friends. "Let's pretend for a moment that you manage to keep me hidden away until my child is born. Then what? A newborn can't help you with whatever plan you have cooked up, that's just more chances for you to slip up." False hope is not something that fills her—no, she knows Satoru will not stop searching for her; however, she is not some damsel in distress and will not sit around waiting for him like some old cattle going out for slaughter.
Yumi sneers, her claws digging into her palms. "Demons do not screw up. What're twenty years to us? Nothing."
"And yet, your numbers are dwindling. Humans and curses alike outnumber you despite being so superior to all of us." Kagome laughs, shaking her head as she steps around Yumi to pick up the hairpin with one, two-tailed fox dangling from it. "You think that you're getting one over on Naraku when it's really you that's been caught in his web." She grips the gold pin in her hand. She hopes her words strike a nerve.
Yumi is a proud demon, but her arrogance overshadows her intelligence. And that is the slip-up that Kagome wants.
Yumi grips Kagome's hair, pulls her face to face. Kagome grit her teeth, determined not to let out any sounds of pain. "Don't think that just because you bewitched the others and the six eyes, that you can trick me too." Yumi bares her fangs. "As if I or any other demon should be content to be cast in the shadows for some mere humans." She jerks Kagome's head back. "You will not rule over me just because you have some jewel."
"No one said anything about–" Yumi digs her claws into the back of Kagome's skull, the tips prick at her. The hairpin in her palm grows hot.
"The Shikon priestess will bring about a new world. A world in which demons will once again rule over everyone, and your child is the perfect weapon to see that come to fruition."
"I won't let you do that," Kagome rasps out, her face scrunched up in pain.
"You don't have a choice, Gome-chan." Yumi snaps her fangs at her.
"Not even a whole day in, and you've already slipped." Kagome swings her arm and jams the hairpin into Yumi's neck. Yumi lets her go with a yelp, her hands trying and failing to pull out the pin as the purification spreads. Kagome rubs the back of her head, soothing the pain as she towers over the fallen demon.
"B-bitch," Yumi says, as her skin blackens. Kagome crunches down and grabs the keys from Yumi's pocket. Yumi swipes at her, but her efforts are weak. The purification must be speeding up.
"Really, you should have known better." She shakes her head as she unlocks the chain from her leg. "As if I was going to stay here and be okay with you threatening my child." The door swings open, prompting Kagome to rush for the other hairpins. She throws them with everything she has towards the center of their foreheads, silently praying that it works like she needs it to. The Shikon pulses from within her.
"Where were you when I was getting kidnapped," she mutters, not really expecting an answer back. The Shikon sends a warm wave of power to her stomach. She places both hands on her stomach. The smell of burned demons fades away as she takes a moment to take in her new reality. She smiles and then quickly grimaces as the smell does, in fact, get to her. Kagome presses one hand over her mouth as she picks up a dagger from the pile of ash.
A twinge of guilt flashes through as she looks back at the remains of Yumi. Under any other circumstance, they could have gotten past this. It wouldn't be the first time that she had befriended her kidnapper. But, she looks down at her flat stomach, grips the dagger handle tighter. Some things, not even she can look over. Kagome rolls her shoulders, sticks the other three hairpins into her hair, and walks out of the room.
She just needs to find her way back to Satoru, try not to run into any more trouble in the process, and somehow break the news to Yakeru.
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Isle Connections Ch4 Familiar Faces
(Warning: Y/n has a fight with Avery. Mentioning of toxic relationships/families. This chapter will probably cover a period expanding over a few weeks to a few months. Will slightly reference the Twilight Wings series.)
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You were confused about both of those guys to say the least...but you weren't sure about anything right now. And Gloria was right. So far the most either of them had done was be rude and try to cheat, even though Kara's way could've gotten someone hurt. Plus they did apologize and they were being punished instead of Mustard brushing them off which was good..
But you'd still be keeping a VERY close eye on both of them!
Bit enough of that. You were excited to see what surprise Mustard was going to gift Gloria. So after some rest and a quick lunch, you and Gloria both gathered back in the main training room to meet Mustard and see what he had to say.
"Ah. There you are, Gloria," he greeted you both with a smile, "Keeping this old man waiting huh? Since you completed all three trials, I give you the secret of the master dojo." You were expecting him to pull out a new uniform or maybe actual armor but instead he held up a...pokeball? "Now then. Come on out."
The pokeball was given a light toss. Light sparkled out and revealed to you both a... Little bear cub wearing a white sash tied around its head? The strange pokemon got you both to look wide eyed in surprise. It was SO CUTE!! The absolutely adorable little pokemon struck a pose immediately like a martial artist kicking and throwing a few punches before it paused finally seeming to notice you two and Silver staring at it. It froze before gaining a frightened look, and turned to flee and dove behind Mr. Mustard's legs. After a few seconds peeking out from behind him.
"AW! The wee thing's so cute!," Gloria gushed making Mustard chuckle.
"This pokemon is in fact the secret armor of the master dojo," he explained, "Say hello to kubfu. I know. I know. It's tiny. But raise it with diligence and it'll become strong enough to see you through any battle like a suit of armor. No opponent will ever get past it. This one in particular has amazing potential. Problem is it's a bit shy. It doesn't seem to have much confidence in itself.  So I was thinking maybe if it joined you I'm your training here, that'll help break it out of it's shell a little bit. So take good care of kubfu, Kay? It's now in your hands." He held the pokeballs out to her...and she slowly accepted it in awe. 
Wait...The kubfu has a similar problem to Gloria. Did that mean that Mustard planned this out in the beginning? This could actually work out really well for Gloria! 
"I won't let ye down, Sir!," Gloria gave a determined face clutching the ball to herself. "I promise ta train extra hard and help em out!"
Mustard smiled wider. "I'm glad to hear that because the special training I'm going to give you will be hard, but if you're willing to work then I'm sure you'll surpass it soon! Now then the first thing for you to do is to become best friends with Kubfu." Said Pokemon perked out a little more from behind his leg. "You need to build trust. Kubfu really hasn't had the chance to explore the world outside the dojo so maybe it'll help you become better friends if you let it have a look around. Once you're best buddies, we'll start harder training in earnest! Just stop by and let me know once you think you're ready for that." 
Gloria nodded at him before looking down at the kubfu and kneeling slowly. "Hi, lik guy. Oh you're so cute. Do ya wanna have a snack with me?" The pokemon looked back to Mustard who just nodded before it slowly shuffled out and nodded up at her. "Kay then! Let's go n' get us some grub!" 
"Gloria." She looked at Mustard. "You're real training will begin next Monday. If you're really are serious about this training then you shall need to listen to what I say."
She nodded standing back up. "Ya got it! I'm as ready as I'll ever be!"
He smiled wider. "Good. For now focus on bonding with Kubfu over the weekend."
"Oh! M' not done with my dex challenge yet!," she excitedly looked back to you. "We can all go exploring together an' finish it! And we can also go explorin' for those guys missing digletts!!" 
You nodded. "Yeah. I bet exploring places together would be a great idea for you guys to bond."
And so it began. Gloria started training hard with the kubfu and you tagged along on her adventures of finding random digletts and taking pictures left and right. The shy pokemon was still shy hiding from everyone but it seemed to warm up to Silver a bit the longer they were out together and Gloria's contagious adventurous spirit seemed to rub off on it a little bit. Then Monday came and her real training started. She was woken up bright and early with everyone else and made to train alongside all the others including Avery and Klara. Sit ups,push ups, running laps, but most of all battles. Hard battles that Mustard initiated between her and the older more experienced students in front of a crowd always. Forcing her to get out of her comfort zone and work hard to defeat them while everyone watched. It was pretty hard work like he promised it would be but Gloria as you learnt was VERY determined and stubborn so she would push through it in time. You were just stuck watching from the sidelines cheering her on as she did so. You also saw Avery and Klara take part in their punishments. Sometimes you'd see them doing exercises until they were sweating like crazy as Ms. Honey or Mustard watched to make sure they did it. Sometimes you passed a room in the girls' wing and heard Klara whine and grumble as she scrubbed a toilet. Other times you saw them taking care of the dojo's pokemon. One particular day you heard music coming from the kitchen. Wait. Not music singing.
"Hush Little poke don't say a word ~ Avery's gonna pick you a oran berry.~"
It sounded like a pokemon twist on the classic hush little baby song.  And it was coming from the kitchen area. Curious you poked your head in and paused at what you saw. Avery was knelt petting the slowpokes and hummed to their happy faces. You continued to stare at them for a moment before Silver just walked up to you and chirped . Causing you to jump and Avery immediately turn around and you broth froze as you made eye contact. For a long moment none of you said anything before you sputtered.
"Uh...S-Sorry," you held up your hands, "I was just getting a snack for my drizzle! I didn't know you were using the kitchen."
"I-... I-It's perfectly alright," he squeaked out looking embarrassed.
"Yeah..Um. Gloria's waiting for me to help her find digletts. Ok. Bye!"
You quickly fled the awkward scene snatching Silver up in your arms with a loud squeak. Avery still paused watching you retreat before shoving his face in his hat and screaming in embarrassment. It seemed Avery started to avoid you more after that awkward encounter which you also didn't mind. To get over the embarrassment you just focused on helping out Gloria with her side quests outside of her training to put it in the back of your mind. However you both were again be surprised a week later. You'd both just gotten back from your little expedition to find more digletts and their trainer was so happy he kept gifting Gloria Alola Region pokemon. He must've really valued his digletts. When you both walked up to the dojo with your pokemon, you ran into none other than Klara who was sweeping the steps by herself with Ms. Honey watching.
"G' afternoon, Klara!," Gloria greeted waving a hand to her catching her attention. "Tis a nice day huh?"
Klara sighed. "I guess so. If you don't mind working."
"Yikes! Ya still working on that punishment?"
"Master has the last day of our hard work literally marked on his calendar. Until then I'm gonna have to work hard ...But if it means I'll be a gym leader then I'll happily train hard and accept defeat!" Your brows rose. Well..That was certainly a positive response considering how she was before. "Again sorry for everything. Hey. Do you think we can battle again sometime? Fairly this time! I've been training hard and I bet I can beat you this time!"
Gloria lit up! "Yeah! I'd love too! We can totally battle again!"
Klara smiled. "Hehe. I'll be looking forward to it-"
"Look out, Ladies!"
You three jumped back as two of the male students attending the dojo struggling to carry ..A giant vending machine? Behind them two delivery men wheeled past another vending machine and behind them was two more delivery men carrying a rotomi machine. You all watched as the eight men walked by with Ms. Honey guiding them. 
"What the world is that about?," you asked.
"Oh. A couple corviknight came by with a big delivery and a new visitor just a few minutes ago," Klara said. "Apparently Ms. Honey is updating the dojo."
"OH! That's what Ms. Honey meant by a delivery with the watts." You both looked at her. "Y'know? That power supply that comes from the wishing stones n' dynamax dens. Ya can use 'em as currency n' Galar. Ms. Honey said she needed a lot so I gave 'er all the watts I had. I was nay usin' them anyways."
"How many did you give her?"
"Um...I think three million three hundred eighty thousand." You both gawked at her. The broom slipping from Kara's hands and onto the steps. "....What? I told ye I never used 'em."
"Uh...Right. Anyways..You said there was a visitor here?" You looked back to Klara.
Klara shook her head. "Yeah. A short kid like you." She pointed at Gloria. "Only he had this hair color that reminded me of poison types. It was all purple-"
"That sounds like Hop!" Gloria's suddenly yell had you both wincing as she beamed brightly before turning to the dojo. "HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP!!" Throwing up her arms she dashed for the dojo.
"Wow...She sure has spirit."
"Tell me about it. Try stopping her from jumping into danger all the time." You took a moment to look Klara up and down... before sighing making a choice. "Hey, Klara." She looked at you. "I just...Wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you." She blinked surprised. "I was pretty mean to you too and I wanted to apologize for everything I did. Do you think we could forget everything that happened and start over?"
Klara still stared before smiling. "TOTES!! I was a jerk too so I totally deserved it but like now I can start over with everything! I'm still gonna beat your friend though!"
You smiled. "Thanks. I look forward to IT-"
You were interrupted when Gloria just grabbed you by the arm and yanked you by the arm behind her. "C'MON Y/N!! DON'T KEEP US WAITIN'!"
You were yanked along by Gloria across the way and right up to the door that she threw open hard enough to make it slam loudly against the wall catching everyone off guard and to look over as you both came in but stopped just a few feet in the middle of the room. Mustard was there as well and didn't even flinch as Gloria came crashing in only smiling at you both. However you both interrupted him talking to someone. That someone had purple hair and turned to look at you both with bright golden eyes blinking. There was a moment of silence as the two stared before a smile graced his features.
"Oh. Hey!" Hop smiled brightly at Gloria. "Welcome back, Glory."
"HOP!!" Before anyone could stop her, Gloria rushed him. Practically tackling him in a hug that had him teetering back waving his arms before the two friends fell backwards onto the ground. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!"
"It's nice to see you too, Gloria." Hop managed to say from his now sitting position smiling brightly despite having been half tackled to the floor hugging one of his best friends back. "I missed you too!"
"Let him get some breathing space, Gloria."
Hop snapped up hearing a familiar voice. "Y/N!" Smiling he pulled both of them up standing and broke the hug to smile widely at you. "Boy! It sure has been a while! Things haven't been the same without you guys and Victor back at Postwick." He then smiled at Gloria again. "But it looks like you've been working hard keeping up your training here at the dojo eh?" 
"What are you doing here?!," Gloria piped up completely happy. "I thought ya was studyin' under Sonia!"
"Surprise!" Hop held up his hands with a bright smile. "That's just the reaction I was hoping for! I'm here at the Isle of Armor to research more of that dynamax phenomenon and gather a few max mushrooms samples for Sonia."
"Why isn't Sonia doing that?"
"She's doing some really important research in the Crown Tundra for the Chairwoman, so she asked me to take care of things here! And I'm glad I did. OH!" He turned back to Gloria. "I almost forgot! You're never gonna believe this! Victor got picked up as a gym leader in training too!"
You both gasped. "No! Really?!" 
He nodded. "Nessa hand picked him herself right after we saved Galar again!"
"You did what again?!"
"Oh right! You both dunno.  I'll be happy to tell ya everything but first I gotta get settled in." 
"Yes." All of you turned back to Mustard now who smiled ever patiently. "I heard that you two were friends. How delightful! Hop here was just asking permission to camp out on the Isle. But where's the fun in mucking about in the mud? I was telling him he should just stay here at the dojo."
"I mean it'd be loads easier than camping  out for a long while, but are you sure I wouldn't get in the way?" 
"Everyone's welcome to stay here at the dojo. Don't be shy, My Boy. Besides we're practically family already. You're the little brother of our Leon after all! Hmm...We still have some max mushrooms stored away that Gloria got us a while ago. I'll dig those out so you can bring this Sonia person some samples. In the meantime feel free to make yourself at home! I'll have Honey set up a room for you and get you a room key later."
"Yeah. It's true. Lee did train here when we were both kids. Alright. You twisted my arm. Hope you don't regret it because I'm staying." 
Mustard laughed. "The more the merrier. I'm as pleased as a gold plated punch bowl!"
Hop bowed. "Thanks so much, Mr. Mustard!" Hop blinked looking upside down at Silver and Gloria's kubfu. "No way!" He snapped back around startling the tiny bear pokemon. "Is that a kubfu?!"
Said kubfu dove behind Gloria's legs before peeking out. "Yeah! Yeah! I've been trainin' with him forever!"
"That's so cool! They evolve into ursifu but they can only evolve a certain way...but I forgot what that is."
"Ah! That reminds me." Mustard again spoke up. "I've got something I've been meaning to tell you about Kubfu, Gloria. Or it's evolution ursifu. The truth is the lovable rascal is capable of gigantamaxing too."
Gloria looked shocked. "Wait really?!"
"Yes but it's a bit tricky since it can't stand the taste of max mushrooms so max soup is off the menu unless you can find a way to make it more appealing. There's a certain something you can find here on the isle though that'll make even ursifu gobble up the soup. And that certain something is.." he paused for a long time giving you all a serious look..... Looking at them so long Gloria and Hop exchanged glances. .....Mustard suddenly smiled goofily again. "Actually. I forgot what it was. Oopsie daisies."
"Are you kidding me?!" "No!" Both looked defeated. 
"Hahaha! You're more fun to tease than your brother ever was!" Mustard chuckled making Hop give him a deadpanned look. "But the certain something I'm thinking of is sure to make the soup more palatable to kubfu once Gloria manages to evolve him and it has something to do with another pokemon." Another pokemon? That was a big clue right there! "Now I think I'll leave you two to figure out just what it is! Give it a good think! You're on your own kiddos! he world is your cloyster so get cracking!" He turned to leave but paused and turned back to Gloria. "But don't think you can slack off on your training just because your friend is here. I still expect you to join me for training."
Gloria nodded. "Of course, Sir!"
Mustard smiled again before he walked off making Hop shake his head. "Uh...Is this how you're training usually goes?"
"Pretty much."
"Yikes." Hop shook his head again before smiling. "I've got no rapidash in this race, but even I'm curious about this certain something. I think I once read something about ursifu in a book too.." he hummed thinking hard and crossing his arms. "It's the wushu pokemon right? The book said it lives in the mountains of a far off region." 
"Does it really?"
"Huh? You didn't know? Don't you have one?"
"Tis still just a kubfu."
"Oh..right. But I read somewhere ursifu is mad for some kind of sticky honey!" A 'AHA' look of realization came over his face. "Gloria! Honey is made from the nectar of flowers and plants right?! And Mustard said the special thing comes from another pokemon! So maybe we need some nectar made by pokemon that look like flowers and plants!"
Gloria lit up. "Hop, you're a genius!!"
"And if we're looking for those kinds of pokemon I'd reckon they'd be in the forest! I'll be able to look into dynamaxing along the way so count me in on exploring! There's a forest beyond that big marshland right?" Gloria nodded and he lit up. "Bet I can beat you there!"
"You're on!"
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" You held out your arms making them both stop. "It's too late in the day to go out again and we just got back, Gloria! And Hop hasn't even gotten his room yet either!" You rose a brow crossing your arms. "Besides, you also have training tomorrow with Mustard. Remember?"
Gloria groaned. "That's right. I totally forgot."
"It's ok!," Hop assured her with a smile. "We can go the day after tomorrow and look around! And then I can tell you guys everything that happened to me and Vic!"
Gloria again lit up like a firework. "An' I can tell you everything that happened here! And ya can help me find all these digletts and finish up me dex challenge!"
"I'd love to!! This is gonna be awesome! Just like old times!"
Indeed it was. Just like old times. The day after the next you had to stop the two from just taking off without you and grab them back to stick together. Hop and Gloria didn't right away go to try and find this mysterious nectar. Instead they spent most of that day looking for digletts and catching up. Gloria told Hop all about her trials and new rivals here and in turn Hop filled you both on everything that happened back home. Apparently two troublesome twin who you met before had discovered the ancient grave of one of the heroes because they just so happened to be descendants of said heroes and had a book from him passed down. And then they went around Galar releasing wild dynamax pokemon on a rampage in the gyms AFTER stealing the ancient shield from Zacian and Zanazenta. Then Hop and Victor with help from Sonia and Piers had to go around and fight all these pokemon and chase them down only to finally corner them in Hammerlocke where they forced poor Zamazenta to power up painfully. So they had to battle and calm them down. Luckily they were able to get the ancient shield back and have the two troublesome twins arrested and returned the ancient weapons to the pokemon.
..... Y'know. Typical every day hero stuff in the world of pokemon.
You were shellshocked for a while by this but considering every you've been through up til now, quickly had just accepted it. Oh. Also apparently Hop decided to be a scientist like Sonia(which you already knew would happen-) and was studying under her. Good for him! Also apparently Nessa had taken an interest in Victor after seeing his actions during the gym challenge and helping to save her gym. She had offered to train him as the new water type gym leader which he happily accepted and you thought that actually suited him nicely. However Victor had his own problems battling. Being too serious and not having too much confidence in his battling skills unlike Gloria who was VERY confident about battling and only suffered from stage fright. Which she was really getting better at! Mustard's training was really working! Leon also sent him to get training with someone in the Crown Tundra. According to what Hop told you, Victor actually seemed to be getting much better too. He was actually letting loose a little and having fun battling and building up confidence. Good. You were glad Victor was getting better too. 
But back to the present day...
When not training the three of you explored the Forest of Focus. Hop suggested you find a liligant first to try it's nectar. And you all found one...Sorta. You all managed to find a lost petilil. The poor thing had apparently been separated from it's mother and had clung to Hop's leg until you all managed to find her. Gloria laughed the entire time and you had to admit it was funny and pretty cute. The grateful liligant was more than happy to allow Hop to take some nectar from the giant flower on her forehead. Unfortunately it wasn't the nectar you were looking for so Hop suggested you all find an applin instead since apparently they also were a pokemon that created nectar and were actually pretty common pokemon on the isle of armor. You all managed to find an applin but it rolled away quicker than you expected it to and all three of you lost sight of it before you knew it. Stopping at a fork in the clearing of trees. 
"Crud!," Hop stomped down a foot looking left and right down the paths. "Which way did it go?!"
"I don't know. Ugh. What do we do now?"
"The fastest way to find it would be to split up and cover more ground."
"What?!" You snapped to Hop. "Absolutely not! What if you two get lost?!"
"I'll stick with Gloria and we'll go together!," Hop easily assured you. "We have our phones so we can call for help or use a map to get back! And Glory has her cinderance! We can have them shoot fire in the air like a flare if nothing else works!"
"Yeah!" Gloria piped up. "C'mon Y/n. Relax and help."
Well...Mustard did say Gloria needed to do more things herself. You groaned but nodded. "Alright. You guys go that way and I'll go right. But keep your phones handy and call me if you find it or need help. And try not to get lost."
"Don't worry, Y/n! Besides getting lost is Lee's thing not mine."
"Well don't pull a Leon." Both laughed but agreed before turning and excitedly making their way down the left path leaving you with Silver. With a sigh you turned to start walking down the right way. "C'mon Silver. Let's go find that applin and get back with the others. Keep your eyes open for an applin.
With a chirp Silver loyally followed you down the right forest pathway. The warm sun beat down on you and the sun shown brightly above the sky. A lot of wild pokemon could be seen running around the forest between the flora and fawna. Playing, sleeping, eating, and just living out here in general. It was beautiful. You wished you had more of this peaceful life growing up. Such bliss. However you didn't see a single applin anywhere. Darn it! But you kept looking and looking and looking. Farther and farther you went. Looking everywhere and pushing apart tall grass and bushes to peer behind them. No such luck. Only finding every pokemon besides applins. Ugh! Where could it have gone?! You were just about to turn around and call it quits since clearly the applin didn't come down this way or if it did it was already long gone when-
B O O M-!!
What sounded like a giant crash sound sent pokemon running away from you and Silver diving behind you once again as you turned up to the sky. You knew what that noise was by now. Someone was having a pokemon battle out here. But...who? You were practically in the middle of nowhere! Maybe someone was catching some wild pokemon? For whatever reason your curiosity got the better of you and you started to head towards where the sounds came from. Bushes and grass pushed out of your way as the sounds of a man's desperate pleas cutting through the air making you feel a wave of panic and run faster. Someone was in trouble! They needed help!
"Where do you think you're going?!," a familiar man's voice asked. "You WILL battle me again!"
"Aaah! P-Please put me down!", another man's voice yelled out. 
You ran and ran until you eventually rounded around a giant tree and froze at what you saw. A beautiful clearing stood before you beautifully covered in wild flowers however that wasn't what caught your attention. It was the two men in the middle of the field. Standing there clear as day was Avery with his back to you and one hand held up. Above him in the air was another man who bore a panicked look surrounded by the same blue aura that was levitating Avery's pokeballs. He frantically ran through the air kicking his legs and arms about to no avail not able to escape Avery as he levitated him in the air. 
"Please put me down!," the floating man pleaded again almost on the verge of crying. "I-I don't want to battle anymore!"
"Not until you battle me again! I barely have any worthy opponents on this isle so you'll do!," Avery refused bringing him closer. 
You stared in disbelief before you scowled hard at the sight. "YOU PUT HIM DOWN NOW!!!" Avery jumped as whirled around wide eyed. Freezing as soon as he saw your form stomping up to him only to stop right in front of him and pointing at his face. "What the heck do you think you're doing?! Put that guy down!"
Avery still seemed in a state of shock before shaking his head and frowning. "Now you see here! This man is my opponent and I will have another battle!"
"Are you confused?! Or insane?!," you shouted back to him pointing at the still panicking man. "That's holding someone hostage!"
"I don't expect you to understand of course. No one would understand my problems with-"
He didn't get get to say anything else when two hands grabbed his shirt front and YANKED his tall form downwards to stare deeply at your snarling face as your hands balled into tight fists holding his still. "Alright. Listen up you wannabe psychic psycho! Since apparently you can't read minds I'll spell it out for you instead! What you're doing is basic kidnapping and holding someone hostage! You don't seem to realize how bad that is! It's no wonder you never were able to be a gym leader!" Avery flinched. Hard. His face falling into a shocked look of hurt. "You. Put. Him. Down. N O W!!!" You ended your yell with a little shove to Avery.
....The man instantly fell to the ground with a loud thud. Taking the opportunity, the man scrambled up and immediately fled as fast as he could. Dashing across the field and disappearing quickly into the treeline. You waited until he was safely away from Avery before releasing the blonde man and stepping back still scowling.
"Don't you EVER do that again!," you snarled at him pointing, "If I EVER see you doing that again to ANYONE not only will I tell Mustard but I'll tell Leon and the Chairwoman too!"
With that you turned around and stomped away from his hurt face with Silver running to catch up to you. Avery continued to stare helplessly at you before the pokeballs fell from his head pathetically falling to the ground before the first few years filled his eyes.
You didn't see much of Avery after that day. You met up with Hop and Gloria who had managed to indeed find and capture some nectar from the applin after it fell out of a tree and onto Gloria's head. Turns out the nectar wasn't what they were looking for either so it would take Hop and Gloria some research and brainstorming to figure it out. In the meantime as days passed, they buried themselves with FINALLY being able to finish Gloria's dex challenge and going around finding more and MORE run away digletts and trading them back to the guy. Gloria was also able to trade a bunch of other people for other different regional pokemon. Some of which she gave Hop who blushed a bit. Ah. Looks like the crush was still strong with him. Which reminded you-
"Hey. What pokemon did Gloria give you?," you asked him one day while Gloria was busy training. "I know she gave Marnie a purloin and Bede and Victor a pokemon too. So what did she give you?"
Hop blushed deeply and rubbed his neck as he did before chuckling. "well....I guess you'll know anyways once she finally confesses her love to me."
"Say what?"
"She gave me an applin before she left!," he smiked widely. "I knew she liked me better that that cotton for brains Bede! I haven't brought it up yet cuz I wanted her to focus on her training! HA! Take that Befe! In your face!!"
You facepalmed hard. First she gifts Bede a lovdisc without knowing the meaning of that and now she mistakenly gifted Hop an applin. Sigh. Gloria's love rivalry continued. At least you knew what happened to the applin Gloria left in her backpack for so long. Days also passed. Gloria still trained hard and you and Hop Always helped her with her turn in chores. Kubfu and her was getting bolder and bolder and she even got to battle Ms. Honey whom gifted her a special pair of league cards as a thank you for helping to spruce up the place. She also gave Hyde a lot of watts too to power up his strange machine and had gotten a polygon pokemon from his as a thanks. Gloria also seemed to have gotten along better with Klara even having a rematch battle with her. Klara lost but she seemed to be taking it a lot better than she did previously. However...Avery was barely present at all. In fact it was like he was mostly invisible. When he was doing training or some of his punishment chores, he would either turn away from you or do everything he could to avoid eye contact, and would pretend you didn't exist when he was assigned to do chores alongside Gloria. Silent and keeping to himself which was... actually odd. Maybe you scared him a lot more than you meant too. You had found out that Avery did end up rebattling Gloria again too after her training but that was the extent of it. Until one day you spotted something strange. You exited the kitchen after getting Silver a snack and found Gloria and Hop posing with Klara for a picture before she signed something for Gloria and haded her another league card.
Confused you walked up to them as Klara left. "Hey guys. What's up?"
"Y/n!" Hop smiled brightly at you. "We finally found out what that certain something Mustard was talking about is!"
"That's great but what was Klara talking about?"
"Oh! We finally figured out who they are! Turns out Klara n' Avery are gym leaders from the minor division!"
You stared stunned. "Really?"
Hop nodded. "Yeah! Klara just started out a year or two ago but she wasn't exactly ready for the position yet, so she came here to train. Looks like she'll be ready though in no time!"
"What were they doing in Postwick then?"
"They were having a meeting with Lee to see if they could run the gyms again but he didn't think they were ready yet. So they came back here for more training." Smart choice on Leon's part. Hop sighed putting his hands behind his head. "I do feel kinda bad for Avery though."
You rose a brow. "For Avery? Why?"
"His family was really hard on him and they didn't treat him well from what I overheard Lee talking about." Both you and Gloria looked shocked.
"Ah. Ye poor lad."
Hop nodded with a sigh. "You see his entire family has always ran the psychic type gym but once he started making everyone who beat him levitate well ...From what I heard they almost disowned him after nearly getting kicked off the league circuit. Lee was the one who saved his position and Avery came here soon after. I think he's doing a lot better too...But it's weird. He's been really down lately. I wonder why?"
You knew exactly why.  A very bad and guilty feeling settled deep in your guts as you realized that-....You had really messed up. You had messed up BIG TIME. 
"So anyways we can find what we need by taking a flying taxi over to the honeycomb shaped island off the isle. Wanna come, Y/n?"
You numbly shook your head. "Nah...You guys go ahead...I need to think over something."
"Alright then. C'mon Glory! Let's go get that max honey!"
They both left leaving you shellshocked and numb for a while. Somehow you managed to stumble your way outside and sit on the steps of the dojo putting your head in your hands. Arceus you messed up badly. You didn't know Avery was-...That he-...That his family-..You buried your head in your hands groaned loudly again. What were going to do?!
"Y/n?" You jumped up and looked right at none other than Ms. Honey. She was giving you a concerned look. "Sweetie you look down. Did you get into a fight with someone?"
You stared wide eyed. "How did you know?"
"I have my ways." She slowly sat down next to you. "What happened?"
You groaned looking away. "I got in a fight with someone because he was doing something really bad but now I found out he came from a bad family life and now I feel bad but at the same time I don't think I was in the wrong because what he was doing was back. But now he's been down a lot and someone told me he has been working hard to get better so now I feel even more bad and he's avoiding me like the plague. So I have absolutely no idea what to do!!" You grabbed your head frustrated.
Honey blinked and didn't say anything for a real long time before looking down. "You know when my hubby told me he wanted to open a dojo of his own, I have to admit I had a lot of doubts. I was still working at my previous job at the time and there was simply so much work into getting the dojo built. Let alone the question of whether anyone would want to move to an uninhabited island like this just to train at an unknown dojo."
You stared at her blinking widely at her. "What.. happened?"
..She gave a soft huff shaking her head. "We got into a couple fights. I didn't want to put everything in this in case it failed I thought he was crazy to try and start this idea all those years ago going about this all the wrong way...and he was throwing everything at it instead of taking time out to plan it out. But..I eventually realized that fighting with someone who was trying hard in the wrong way wouldn't help them. You have to talk it out and help them." You stared at her wide eyed. "So we did and I finally agreed to give it a shot. My hubby and I put our all into this place and years later when Hyde came along all our previous students pitched in and helped us through it. We've made it to where we are today because we got help from so many people. This has been an entirely different chapter of my life, but it's turned out to be a great one." She looked at you with a smile. "So you see...Whether people need a little or a lot of help, they'll always be better afterwards. For some people it just takes a little bit longer and a bit more help."
You stared at her for a long, long moment before sighing and turning away. "Yeah. I guessed I messed up there."
"Well it's not too late," she assured you patting your back. "You can still apologize."
"I don't even know if he'll forgive me."
"Oh I bet he will. If I know Avery, he'll shake it off and bounce back quickly."
You whipped to her wide eyed. "How did you know it was Avery?!"
She smiled. "I have my ways." She stood up again. "Just think it over. Ok, Sweetie? I'm sure you both would feel better if you talked it out. If you want to find Avery just talk to my hubby. He always knows where he's gone training."
With that Ms. Honey left you sitting there staring.. before you sighed again.
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eschergirls · 2 years
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Originally published at: https://eschergirls.com/photo/2022/11/03/november-2022-caption-contest-winners
It's the final Saturday of November so it's time to pick the winners of the monthly caption contest!
Due to when the Saturdays fell this month, it's a relatively short caption contest (3 weeks), but you still all submitted some pretty great captions and it was hard to choose between them!  Because I originally ran this specific picture as a caption contest in 2021 that I never got back to, I've included those captions too, so if you submitted a caption back then, you still have a chance to win. :3
Anyway here were the entries:
P J Evans: They're clutching the boob-belt, it seems
P J Evans: The napkins do look like nice padding for that boob-squishing belt!
tytalus: Those look riveted on. They're cyber-boobs! We made them better, stronger...faster?
Kurt Prünner: "That's the third wrongest use of a bunny hair band that I've ever seen!"
Mel: I think she took up knitting, discovered it was hard work and stopped after two inches. But she told everyone she was making a sweater and decided to just tie the tiny scrap on and pretend it was high fashion.
@earthdeep: wow those things have their own shopfront awning...
@fliting: They're oven mitts, so she can balance a hot pan on her breasts when she takes it out of the oven without burning herself.
@plateglasstrampoline: Boob bibs.
@slightlyannoyedpanda: All I can see is that sharp white decorative border that looks like a blade is about to pierce her stomach, and if there ever was a convincing argument for why you should wear proper armor, this is it.
@caprice-nisei-enjoyer: Notice the claws and the belt across her bust? It's a mimic that wants to be the Monster Book of Monsters when it grows up
@coriwithclass: The caption "up" and the arrow are desperately trying to fix that poor girl's torso and keep her boobs from dragging on the ground.
@timhulsizer: “Yeah, my neck comes out of my left shoulder. What’s it to ya?”
@differenttriumphdragon: "Pick Up [Summon]"? More like "Pick Up a shirt from the nearest clothing store for the love of god"
@siklo: She’s clearly lactating and she though napkins are the obvious choice to clean up spilled milk
So I'm going to pick 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions.  If 1 of the winners doesn't accept their prize, then it'll go to the honorable mentions. :3
Honorable mentions go to: @earthdeep and @plateglasstrampoline!
And in third place: Mel!
In second place: @fliting!
And the winner of November 2022's caption contest is... @siklo! whose entry came in just under the deadline and made me laugh much harder than it should have
The winners get their choices of Steam games from this list: Beholder 2, Severed Steel, We Were Here Together, Overgrowth, Syberia 1, Riot: Civil Unrest, Neverinth, Dusk Diver, Tokyo Xanadu EX+, Still Life, Castle Crashers, Hotel Giant 2, Not The Robots, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Velvet Assassin, Fury Unleashed, Main Assembly, Oddworld: New n' Tasty, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, Rage in Peace, Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos, and Wife Quest
If you've won, please contact me by email or on Tumblr to collect your prize!  If you won first place, just tell me the game you want, if you won second place, let me know 2 games in order of preference, and if you won third place give me 3 games in order of preference.
Thank you to everybody who competed!  It was a very fun one and I loved the captions you all came up with.  It was very hard for me to pick!
Stay tuned next week for December's special holiday themed caption contest!
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chocobothis · 1 year
With a busted theory and dislike for writing for things as they're currently airing, I'm back harder on my "Barriss gets her nuanced character exploration while working toward accepting her own redemption is possible" Shit.
Is this partially because I want to write Alijah and Barriss Banter? Absolutely.
It'd be so easy to give them a little series of vaguely related ficlets. The two of them (plus rotating extras) fighting against the Galaxy. But, also healing and reforging their connection to the Force and each other. It's not like being initiates or padawans anymore. That ship has sailed, burnt, and sank. Still there's little bits where they once got along and get along again.
Barriss' fighting style seemed to be strongest when she was someone else. It's something with saw with Luminara when fighting with Barriss; she was lacking. Alijah's excellent at saber work. Retraining with her works well and they're together.
Alijah's connection with the Force is still painful. She feels so much with and because of it. Her talents are focused around healing, mind things, and the basics. She gets a tiny bit of Force Visions but they're not useful? There's small snippets with no context. Barriss gives me the impression she's well connected with the Force. Even with it being a broken bond she help.
(Also, having to fight Inquisitior!Barriss is literally what pulled Alijah back to using a lightsaber and the Force.)
There's comparing and contrasting them with each other and then with Ahsoka. All three of them had shifting relationships with the Jedi Order. But, Ahsoka's relationship to the Force stayed positive. Barriss' soured to the point of darkness and Alijah spent years ignoring it entirely. Using the Force saved nothing. Ahsoka also moved quickly into the Rebellion. Alijah avoided it and Barriss...well Barriss sure did pick things.
I also have a detailed ultimately, Dark Side Cult Alijah was born into and grew up around until 6. When she looks at Barriss she sees what she could have been if no one saved her. It makes her want save Barriss more. No, she doesn't have trauma at all about feeling like she failed Depa, Caleb, and the Order by surviving. She knows what it's like to look in the mirror and feel like the worst parts of yourself are looking back to mock you. People have told her that her Force Sensitivity/Jedi Potential made her a corrupted villain by being. Frankly, helping Barriss learn to care for herself and reintegrate into existing helps her do the same.
I haven't fully sorted out why Barriss did what she did. Part of what I think happened does involve the Shitty Sith Vibes Sidious was leeching into the air. The fact she tried to fame Ahsoka is also suspicious to me. She had complete anonymity and could've had anyone but it was Ahsoka. Someone Anakin Skywalker cares deeply about to dangerous extremes. (And it was Ventress she stole sabers from.) It feels like it could've been subtle suggestions via the Force that got pushed to her by Sidious. They preyed on the doubts she had about the Order because of the war. Also the sheer amount of trauma she experienced during said war. She lashes out, freaks out because she lashed out, and it sprails. The deeper she gets the more she tells herself there's no going back. If she stops now it'll be for nothing.
(I also find "Dying Equals Redemption" to be bland. You fucked up, no matter how well intended or not, so you can actively work to unfuck it.)
I'm admittedly not fond that that's the story line they picked for Barriss. I think it was both weak and sus af. It was also quickly tossed aside with no information or conclusion. But, I do have a writer's hubris with a deep love for Star Wars; so, I want to make it make some sense.
We also get Reunion Scenes with Barriss and Ahsoka because they deserve this.
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remidyal · 2 years
Lunacy Cut Content - Two of Aelwyn's Memories from Chapter 31
A couple of the memories from Chapter 31 that got cut! I'm going to hold others back because the reason I decided to cut them in particular still applies, but these mostly got cut because I liked the flow better with the ones that made it. The first is still background canon for the fic, though - not that Adaine knows it, but that it happened:
First, one that takes place at an age in between the infant Adaine and the 8-year-old Adaine we see in the spar:
Adaine found herself in Aelwyn's room, in their since-burned-down house in Solace. That didn't really tell her much about when this was; they had moved from Fallinel before she could really remember.
There was a tiny knock at the doorframe, and Aelwyn's memory tilted her head up and away from the Elementary Enchantment book she was, spotting Adaine at the entryway, and oh god had she ever been that small? It was harder to believe herself walking around like that than it had been to see herself as an infant; there were very few pictures of Adaine in the house, and so she hadn't seen herself at that age much.
"I got a cantrip working." Adaine declared, proudly, and Aelwyn sat up with interest. If Adaine was judging her own age correctly, she was somehow seven years old in that tiny body, and she was about to tell Aelwyn about her first successful cantrip, Message.
Aelwyn, to Adaine's surprise, was actually interested, closing her book and sitting up with some excitement. Adaine didn't really remember this conversation that closely, though she must have had it. "Oh? Which one? Mage hand? Minor Illusion? Six is a little late to be getting your first one, but I'm sure they'll be happy with one of those." Something useful, she felt Aelwyn hope. For Adaine's sake, something useful.
Adaine saw herself shake her tiny head. "Nope!" And then.. this couldn't be right. She was pointing out, and she RECOGNIZED the spell but she didn't think she had ever CAST it, and certainly not at six. The spellbook she'd learned cantrips from hadn't even had this in it! "..Think it makes it easier to see what people are gonna do. It'll be good for weapons, right?" Adaine said proudly, after the True Strike was cast.
"I.." Aelwyn was lost for words, but in her mind was a desperation. This was maybe the least useful thing Adaine could have landed on; even something like Firebolt would have been more respectable. Their parents were going to be furious, and.. and she couldn't hide it from them. She'd have to tell. "Why did you decide on that one, then?" She asked, desperately.
"…It was the one that seemed right to me when I looked at it?" Adaine seemed confused by her sister's lack of happiness, but Aelwyn was just despondant, knowing that she was going to have to tell mother and father that Adaine's first cantrip was True Strike of all things.
…Why didn't Adaine remember this at all? Aelwyn's memory had, attached but in less detail, a conversation with their mother and father about it, and then a spell Aelwyn didn't know at the time being placed onto her sister, and Adaine struggling to learn another "first" cantrip for over a year after that.
And another, focused on Adaine seeing something she REALLY doesn't want to:
Another flash of light. Adaine found herself in what might be the most disorienting bit of memory she'd found so far, because instead of just seeing herself, she was seeing all of her friends aside from herself, a position she'd been in for much of the last year and change. Though she was a few inches taller than normal, of course.
She realized just where and when this memory of Aelwyn's had to be right as she felt herself yelling out. "I came here to fuck!" with a burning sensation of booze down her throat.
Alarming enough on its own, but then she looked back at her friends, and instead of the usual warm feeling of being around them…
Oh. Right. Maybe that was what attraction felt like? This was deeply uncomfortable, and it had been bad enough when she just knew Aelwyn was making out with Fabian, but now she knew that Fabian wasn't Aelwyn's initial first choice, as she looked at RIZ of all people, and then FIG and Adaine didn't need to think of Fig or Riz like that at all… And also her sister actually hadn't started making out with her friend just to piss her off, because her sister just made out with people while having no idea who they were, because she could tell Aelwyn had no clue that these were her friends. That somehow made it worse, not better.
Oh nope nope nope Aelwyn was snorting SOMETHING off Fabian's chest and…
Adaine managed to push herself out of that memory. She definitely didn't need to see anything from there.
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