#this show has just 3 eps but i liked it bc the story was done even with kinda an open ending?
thatsgonnaleaveamark · 8 months
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whumptober 2023 - day 13 ↳ decoy (alt prompt)
The Continental 1x01
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kiyfinn2 · 2 months
Characters/storys I think if they were real they would be a buzzfeed unsolved ep
Steve Rogers
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Ok think about Amelia Earhart and how no one has found the plane? Imagine a symbol of power for the US in wwII just disappears one day, some say he crashed into the Arctic, others say he was captured yada yada. Such a case they would cover if cap was found a couple years later than he was. Bucky might also work with this mind set
Crowley and Aziraphale
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Video title would prob be ‘ mysterious husbands that have appeared all throughout history’ Crowley has been EVERY WHERE IN HISTORY however he changes his look alot. However Aziraphale hasn’t really hidden himself or changed, ever. So he would be the weird nice man that the entire street thinks has been around since the 1800s and does not like customers at all. Imagine all the pieces and statues that Corey has probably had done of himself throughout history. It just looks like the same dude except one isa picture from the 1900s and the other is a statue from ancient rome. It would be an awesome ep
Hannibal/ The Chesapeake Ripper
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Watch the show. No one knows who this killer is?? (Other than us watching the show but even then I can barely tell) Plus the copycat killers. He has a very specific style of killing and is very theatrical but is impossible to find, they would probably say he is a theatre major . All the theories would be very interesting to watch
The Winchester brothers
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I have not seen supernatural (I know im uncultured) but my friend loves it and to my understanding, two brothers just go around the country trying to investigate paranormal activity with a man who might be an angel, and ‘fist fighting god’ (what the hell??) according to my sources. Maybe they would just be friends with Shane and Ryan and make a cameo on the show.
Trying to figure out any superhero identity (dc, marvel, ect)
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Id imagine all the dumb theories and maybe even trying to get them on the show and investigating them. Spiderman would DEFINITELY get on the show just to fuck with em, especially toms spiderman bc hes a genz icon
The tardis/ the doctor
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A box that just appears throughout history, no matter the time period despite being made in the 1950s , people would FREAK OUT. Like Rose Tyler for example she was missing for what a year ? And came back with a strange man out of a police box. A person called the doctor that is worshiped throughout history and sometimes there are photos of the same person in completely different times.
Thats all i could think of at the moment please tell me if you have more <3
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TBB s3 ep4 Thoughts!!!
Oooohh starting off strong
Omega immediately wanting to go back because “it’s right”
Crosshair wanting to keep moving, not because he’s scared of going back but because he understands that he can’t help anyone if he’s dead
Ah there he is. The bitch. The Hemcock.
I wanna say Nala Sa deserves to be in prison but idk I’m starting to feel for her
Pretty sure she won’t survive the season though
is that,,,, a reference to yanno,,, shoes hanging from a power line?
hahahahahahah poncho stormtroopers
“You’re the one who wanted to bring… the hound.”
best duo this show has given us
If Hunter was the hesitant but willing dad, Crosshair is the exasperated older brother that was forced to bring his younger sister to the party he was invited to an now has to spent all night watching her
Ey not cool Omega. Someone was using that jacket to advertise their business
“See, isn’t this better?” “No.” “Ugh.”
“I could take out half of them before they even know what happened” 😳😳
Yeah, I believe you sir
Damn fuck how many more clone crushes will I have to be burdened with
Jesus Christ
“That went well” “Stow it”
Scottish Robot ahhahahahahaha
Say what you will about Crosshair, when that dude sat down across from Omega he was ready for a FIGHT
big ol’ softie <3
“You or your dad”
Glad Hunter wasn’t there to hear that
Or Crosshair for that matter
Both would’ve blown their cover
Tbh Crosshair makes a fair point about leaving while they can. The planet is filled with Empirials and they are running out of time
But he also hasn’t been part of a team in a while and maybe he’s forgotten some of what that entails too
Either way, loving how “selfless” and “selfish” are meeting in this ep
Crosshair giving Omega a boost to get over the wall I’m crying
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” “Don’t push it.”
HE IS MY SOULMATE (based on sarcasm. I am vegetarian and I would free those animal friendos in a heartbeat)
The extra head shake and eye roll at that question too, he is already so done I can’t hahahahahahahah
“I hope your take-offs are better than your landings” “we’re about to find out”
Aaaaaaand that just reminded me that Tech was the one who taught her to fly
That fucking shriek when the stormtrooper got blasted by the engine hahahahahaha
Ohohoh altered batch theme after take off? Okayokayokay I see you👀
Jesus Christ, Crosshair trying to prepare Omega for the very real possibility that Hunter and Wrecker are dead?
Like I know it seems cruel and defeatist but it’s actually kind in a way
Managing expectations in order to save her from a worse fall out
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“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you”
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why did Hunter’s appearance suddenly piss me off
Like Wrecker had a cute line and Hunter had to walk up like
“Um, five actually”
Like idk it felt like he was taking over the moment (which makes sense because he’s her dad but still it just sounded awkward)
Omega just explained that she only got off that planet AND survived so far thanks to Crosshair and all they can do is look all bitchy butt-hurt
Like I expected this from Hunter but why isn’t Wrecker hugging him?
Bc they went looking for Cross before, I thought we were past the straight up hate?
Love how stoically Cross is taking it though
I have to admit, so far this is one of my all time favourites. The comedic timing, the very real story line, the confrontation of previously opposed characters? Wonderful. But the pièce de résistance? Crosshair’s character description rings true again. “Severe and unyielding” Tech had said. I’ve rambled about this a lot recently, but the boiled down version is that when Crosshair commits to something, he commits all the way. Like how he committed to the Empire so hard that he hunted down his brothers. Or when he finally decided the Empire was a bunch of shitbags and shot officer shitbag (I forget his name) in the face. He has now decided to commit to Omega, for whatever reason. And it shows. Because even when she tells him to go, he’s literally only a minute behind her. He lets her employ her own strategies despite his preference and experience. He’s ready to beat up Captain Dickhead (did they even give him a name?) for sitting down across from her. He tells her to get into the ship first while he lays down cover fire.
Crosshair’s next “severe and unyielding” decision is Omega’s safety. And I couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes!
AND I cannot believe how much I suddenly like his character. I was so disinterested in him for like s1 and maybe 90% of s2 but now I am more interested in what becomes of him than I am in what the deal is with Omega’s M-count.
I’m saying it now. These seasons hyper focuses are: Rex, Echo and Crosshair (in that order) (for now, we’ll see)
Thanks to everyone who sat through that, have a good day/night/whatever, friend!
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serafilms · 5 months
thoughts on pjo series so far after episode 6:
(spoilers for ep 6 ahead!! minor spoilers for the books too but nothing much about the plot)
acting SLAYS. slays. i almost teared up like 3 times bc of percabeth in ep 4/5 ALONE. and sally!! and grover!!!! luke and clarisse too ugh!!!!
special effects SLAYYYY. the monsters look really good and just as i imagined, I’ll give them that.
sets and locations are also very accurately pictured and the vibes brought out are just like the book!
script sucks. the writing is soooo awkward most of the time and the conversation just does not flow well. it’s too serious and boring half the time and i can’t keep relying on the actor’s tones even if they’re doing well as child actors.
soooo much exposition in every single conversation my head is spinning. like i feel like there were better ways to contextualise info from the book?
i saw someone say this show could’ve been approached with a fleabag ish narration and while that sort of would be a bit unorthodox i feel like that or just having walker narrate over the top sometimes would’ve been a good way to nod to the books. it’s difficult to bring a first person series alive when the narrator has so much personality and stuff to say that affects descriptions and how we see it, but i think it could’ve been possible.
music is clunky sometimes in that like why r the vibes so heavy for nothing…. like when they were talking in the animal truck and when they were driving the taxi etc.
no action. like i don’t need it to be pumping out adrenaline all the time but they have fr barely done anything i’m sorry 😰 book trio would’ve ate them alive.
cutting grover out at the waterpark likeeee??? yeah maybe him w ares was important but also it was not. they could’ve gotten that info any other time without making him stay w ares.
lacking explanation where it matters. like the eeriness of the lotus casino and why there are people from all different eras. and their RESOURCES like they aren’t explaining where their money and clothes and stuff are like these kids are surviving off one backpack?? it reminds me of in a wrinkle in time (2018) how the kid’s shirt changes like every 10 minutes and it’s just never acknowledged.
speaking of the lotus casino it’s just so like… bland. they’re cutting out the best parts of the story. percy fighting the chimera was so underwhelming and the bus scene too!!! and the lotus casino like yeah ok let’s not promote drugs i guess but they could have and SHOULD have had fun. why did they waste that time on cgi for the roller coaster in the casino at all?? it wasn’t sinister enough bc the whole vibe of the show is just serious so there’s no contrast between them thinking they’ve found paradise and realising there’s something wrong. captured the vibe of the show tbh: they plateau along the middle line of fun and serious business instead of playing with it like the book does.
feels like the character relationships r poorly drawn out. i’ve already forgotten about the weak attempt to build a percy-luke friendship. and annabeth not letting grover talk to hermes in the casino felt badly explained. plus grover’s whole backstory?? why r we straying so far from how the books explained him like they’re separating him a bit toooo much from the others.
generally just too many plot changes like as much as there is good in this show there is also bad and we stray further and further from the plot every single episode (the SOLSTICE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TIME PRESSURE??).
it’s somehow too low stakes and too serious at the same time. like they’re acting like the stakes are high but i’m not feeling the pressure.
i understand it’s a new iteration and an adaption almost never means it’ll be the same, but that doesn’t mean i like all the changes. i guess there’s probably tonnes of reasons why book to screen adaptions always change so much (actually harry potter and tbosas ate tbh but oh well), and in this case it’s been many years since pjo was released, so rick is just taking that chance to rewrite things as he would if he wrote the books now. and i accept that. but these are just my opinions and some of these things are just plain bad choices for a show 😭
but i do still hope it gets picked up for all 5 seasons + heroes of olympus like i’ll give u all my money i’ll watch it all i swear
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ksrlvr · 6 months
i think what irked me when rereading pjo, especially whilst having an interest in greek mythology too, was the portrayal of medusa, ares and the aphrodite cabin (mostly in the first few books).
tw: sexual/physical/emotional abuse, violence
cause wdym ares is basically just another deadbeat cunt, portrayed as a massive bully and he’s implied to be abusive to his kids - something we don’t even know the full extent of too. like when he had that convo with clarisse (sea of monsters i think, i can’t double check i don’t have my books with me rn). the girl is fucking terrified of him mate. she may be his favourite daughter but she’ll never be a son. i feel like the series only highlights his negative traits bc he is the god of war…. like he’s also the god of courage!! protector of cities, the amazons!! he bestows upon them his fighting spirit!!! his daughter was literally the queen of the amazons!! most if not all the olympians have committed heinous ass shit - i mean 2 of the big 3 are literally infamous sex offenders… (whole other topic of like these omniscient beings - literal gods - being like a reflection of humanity in a sense.. WAIT now I wanna go on deep dive… i’m getting distracted). i think my guy also got tried for murdering one of poseidons other crotch goblins because he raped his daughter (I DONT REMEMBER NAMES). another one of his daughters is literally the goddess of harmony - he isn't necessarily just producing devil spawn. i think he has two other kids with aphrodite uhhh phobos? and someone else, god of fear and actually I think this is irrelevant MOVING ON. MY POINT IS HE'S SO GIRL DAD CODED. HE'S A GOOD DAD !!! BRO IS LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH APHRODITE DAWG. HE TREATS HER LIKE A QUEEN, THE GODDESS THAT SHE IS!! bro has daddy issues and knows what it feels like so he treats his kids better! DO HKM SOME JUSTICE RAAAAH!!
i’m also aware of the different interpretations of medusa’s story (not gna get into allat rn tho). ya know general story, she was a priestess of athena who poseidon forced himself upon in athena’s temple so then girl got turned into a gorgon (some victim blaming on athena’s part idk claiming it was sacrilege etc/poseidon what the actual fuck). she’s often portrayed as a horrifying monster - later stories alluding to how she was both extremely beautiful (and terrifying) blah blah u get it. anyway it didn’t really dive into her story and just painted her as this insidious villain i suppose (tbh understandable for a 12 yo percy’s pov when this woman is trying to KILL him). then she obviously got beheaded - AGAIN must i add. also giving birth to pegasus (+ chryasor me thinks?) like good lord, girl is going thru it, she deserves sm better. though as far as I know (haven’t watched ep yet) she’s much more fleshed out in the show and you can see her humanity - yay!!
this bit is only in the very first few books but how the entire aphrodite cabin was shown just made me feel a bit icky. but later on in the story we have the kids having much more of a presence etc (silena leading the ares cabin bro!!!).
anyway think i’m done rambling for now, dunno if there are any other things i shoukd get into. uh feel free to add to or correct me if i’m wrong >_<
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LITA Ep 3 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 2
Part 1 here!
Ok I am HERE for this encouragement - I love that Phayu is always supportive of Rain's academic talents
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Apparently Rain is not immune to Phayu's pout either. Good, a relationship should be built on equality
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pls observe this cutie omfg no wonder Phayu can't take his eyes off him
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i genuinely feel like this shot did something to my brain chemistry. i kid you not one of my main goals in life is to have someone do this to me (by which I mean I want to be in Rain's position). I would also ignore homework and all my responsibilities if someone looked at and held me like that pls
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P'Aon so true, Boss WAS smiling like an idiot (in love)
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Poor Rain, these were famous last words :( (I too have uttered them many a time until I realized I am not a nap-taker)
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Is this a rock cover of flight of the bumblebee playing in the background??? POOR RAIN HE STAYED UP ALL NIGHT TO DO THIS :((((
Ok but this is actually a very important lesson that I'm glad they included. It's true that Rain finished the work on time, but he also should have ensured he got enough sleep and made it to the presentation on time. He's still in his first year so he has a lot of time to grow. The actual important line is this one below.
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It was a harsh way of phrasing it, but it's true. Setbacks are a very normal part of life and everyone makes "mistakes" (missing deadlines, not being able to finish a project, etc). I put that in quotes because sometimes, these things are at no fault of the person. It is possible to put 100% of your effort into finishing something and not get it done (which, aside from Rain's poor time management, he actually did put in a lot of effort to this project). Failing at something even after putting in a lot of hard work sucks, but being able to pick up after that and still work hard is what makes a person successful. I related extra hard to this scene because I failed a class in my major during my first year of college even though all I did was study, and it put me back a full year bc it's only offered certain semesters and was required to move forward in the degree. I took it again the following year and was smarter about how I studied and even still, I almost failed again. But I liked my major enough to keep at it and somehow still managed to graduate on time and now I'm in grad school, so... (that was an unnecessary story but to reiterate, failure is normal and ok)
AWW look at him putting on a facade for his friends... I think it's interesting that he doesn't confide in Sky here
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but instead flies to the garage... Even I questioned this
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P'Saifah is a good bro, calling Phayu immediately to come comfort his in-law. Phayu is good here too, immediately grabbing his things to come running
I think I speak for all of us when I say watching Phayu ride in the heavy rain was nerve-wracking bc we were expecting an accident or something
OK this scene. THIS SCENE. Utterly perfect in every way, from the moment concerned Phayu walks through the door to see a drenched, teary Rain waiting for him. Something blue-yellow is going on here too methinks
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There's something so incredibly intimate about the way Phayu crouches down to Rain's level, and then beckons him into his arms. His words too are so gentle, and he just holds Rain as he cries.
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As opposed to many other sweet scenes, this sequence + the one after Rain comes out of the bathroom is actually the one that makes me most jealous of PhayuRain. There is nothing more valuable than having someone you can fall apart into and trust that they'll hold the pieces of you together. And honestly, in the grand scheme of things Rain didn't mess up horribly - it feels monumental to him bc it's probably the first time he's missed a deadline. It's important that Phayu still treats the situation with the gravity of something more serious, bc it shows how much he cares. And after Rain has calmed down, he advises him on how to do better next time without sugarcoating, but also sharing that he experienced similar things during his days as a student.
I'mma need Rain to zip it bc he looks perfect, as usual
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I really like the framing in this scene where he's looking into the mirror and then introspecting "why did I put up a front with other people and then cry in front of him? idk but I'm thankful" - he's reflecting mentally and physically!!!
Can't believe a drama is out here giving important life lessons but I'm here for it. I also like that Phayu shows a bit of vulnerability by sharing that he got criticized too, and that Rain will be able to recover from it.
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This is another set of shots that altered my brain chemistry. Who taught them to look at each other like this, hm? Rain looks so vulnerable and Phayu might as well be cradling Rain's soul in his hands ft. headpat
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The way Rain tilts his head up? Exquisite
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I'd also feel very motivated if I was in Rain's place. Phayu actually makes another few interesting points here - he says what's done is done, and then tells Rain to not dwell on it and take care of himself. Interestingly enough (story time pt 2 you can skip if you want). I watched this scene very soon after I missed a paper submission deadline for a conference. It's not the biggest deal, especially because my professor knew it was a big ask to finish an entire research project in the timeline he gave me and he wasn't even remotely upset about it (long story short I only had 2 weeks notice to flesh out the idea, get the data, analyze the data, and write the research paper - but you can't really control how long things take you when you do research bc the point is that it hasn't been done before). So even though no one reprimanded me, I still felt really upset bc I had made up my mind that I was going to do this impossible task and couldn't. To hear Phayu's reminder that I can be upset but I shouldn't spend too long being sad to the point I neglect to take care of myself was honestly nice. It also helped to put things into perspective that yes, I couldn't submit to this particular conference, but there are so many that happen all the time so it's not like the research is wasted - just pull yourself together and try for the next one. Anyways, I'm done treating y'all like my personal diary now <3
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Yay, Rain feels comforted and finally smiles! It's like seeing the sun after a storm (literally) AND something yellow-blue is happening here
Post-credits garage brothers content!! This exchange is hilarious bc P'Saifah goes 'ah [Rain] is in the palm of your hand' as Rain's leaving, but then the show makes it literal bc Phayu's holding a picture of Rain in his palm via the phone screen, which also signifies to the viewer that Phayu is also in the palm of Rain's hand. Again, we love relationships built on equality hehe
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I love that they let us see the moment Phayu decided to pursue Rain (he's looking at the picture of Rain on his phone for the first time - though I do question why the senior just randomly sent him a photo of Rain? Like at this point Phayu is an alumni of the frat so why just send an isolated photo of a freshman to him?? we'll never know I guess)
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And that's episode 3! If you made it this far, I hope at least some of this was entertaining! Have a lovely day or night, whenever you're reading this <3 See you in the next one!!
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faithlesbian · 8 months
buffyangel gender roles transfem angel - when angel gets possessed by that girl ghost in season 3? insane and the guy ghost picks buffy to inhabit beautiful
for real this ep is up there among my whole show favourites because of how directly it engages with buffy's self-blame over angel losing his soul through, of all things, the medium of genderswapping ghost possession. this is gonna get Long just to warn you
the way this episode is set up is so so so genius. they could've made it a very simple story about an evil abuser and an innocent victim, but instead they recognised that the situation demanded more than that. real life rarely follows a simple story, and it can often be hard to recognise a relationship for what it is when it doesnt fit that template. buffy finds it very hard to think of herself as a victim, and she blames herself for "killing" the angel that she loved and turning him into the monster he is now, which is why she hates the ghost of this boy as much she does - she fears that she has done something worse than just murder her lover. she could have all her friends and family tell her this wasnt her fault and i dont think she would fully believe them, but through the possession she is told that if it was her fault, if she did kill angel, she would be loved and forgiven anyway.
the role that gender plays in this episode is Crucial. despite setting out to subvert the horror movie blonde cheerleader victim trope, btvs often falls into a pattern of men as monsters and women as victims. in this world, no male character is exempt from seeing women sexually, even gay characters like larry and andrew perform misogynistic sexual degradation of women that's played for laughs. it's just "how all men are". conversely, as evil as women can be on btvs, their sexual violence against men is never taken seriously (see all the times xander is assaulted that just never get addressed). this episode complicates the binary of men as monsters and women as victims as part of its overall complication of these roles by having the final possession play out the way it does. angel, the "man" who is textually a monster, becomes a woman who was a victim of a crime of passion, while still remaining the older person who got into a relationship with a teenager despite knowing it was wrong. buffy, the innocent young girl, becomes an angry murderous boy, while still remaining an emotional teenager making rash choices in the name of love. the disruption of these concrete ideas of monster and victim (and their gendered natures within the show) allows buffy to realise she needs to forgive herself.
obviously this whole plot is doing fascinating things with gender, but the ending stands out to me specifically because of how angel reacts. textually he feels disturbed by the reminder of his humanity and feels the need to go out and do evil vampire things to feel affirmed in his monstrosity, but i also think its interesting how buffy, who often feels robbed of her sense of girlhood by her role as the slayer, isn't perturbed at all by briefly becoming a man. the subversion of gender roles was central in their relationship prior to him losing his soul, with buffy being the strong capable hero, and angel her damsel in distress -- buffy has for the most part reconciled with the perceived masculinity of her strength and doesnt feel that it makes her any less of a girl. angel, on the other hand, who has now had to take on a more masculine role as patriarch of the vampire family (in darla's absence) is freaking out not just because of the reminder of humanity but bc he was briefly literally buffy's girl -- something he wants more than he can let on, soul or no.
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jaskierx · 8 months
sorry i've thought about it more and i know this is boring and will get screenshotted on twitter by people wanting to gloat about how 'iZzY aNtIs aRe SeEtHiNg' and there's still 3 eps left and yada yada but the way that izzy's wrongs have been completely glossed over while ed's have been condemned is making me feel like there's been a u turn and the show is not just handwaving what izzy did in e10 but is actually suggesting he was justified in acting like that
specifically, the scene with izzy and lucius where izzy talks about the shark and moving on - it really felt like the show is now placing ed throwing lucius overboard on an equal level as ed causing izzy to lose his leg, and as if they didn't really know what level of severity they wanted to treat these incidents as. because previously, it felt like they were saying that ed's harm to izzy was separate to ed's harm to the rest of the crew (in the sense that it's more severe, but more justified, and also unique to ed and izzy because of whatever psychosexual thing izzy has going on there). and this made sense with last week's episodes bc stede's crew are shown to be view getting marooned as if it wasn't such a big deal, and lucius's anger was directed more towards stede than towards ed
but this week it feels much more like the narrative's main takeaway from ed's response to izzy's threats in e10 and ed's subsequent depression and suicide attempt is 'ed harmed the crew and he shouldn't have done that and now he needs to earn everybody's forgiveness'. and that's it. nothing further
there's been no real acknowledgement of izzy's role in causing that, or izzy's role in the crew being caught by the navy in s1e8, or any of the other shit that izzy did to the crew in s1, and from what we've seen so far i doubt there will be. he's had an off screen redemption arc and the crew love him now and that would feel way less bad if:
ed's actions weren't under such scrutiny
there wasn't such a dramatic difference between s1 izzy and s2 izzy and their respective roles in the story
there weren't racist undertones in terms of how izzy faces absolutely no consequences for threatening ed bc he wants him to fulfil a stereotyped role, or for comparing ed to a 'wild dog' who needs to be put down, but ed does face consequences for responding to these
like. izzy got mutinied immediately after selling the crew out to the british. and in terms of fights it's currently 2-0 to stede. part of stede's ultimate fantasy reunion dream included stabbing izzy to death. stede appeared to be fully tired of izzy's bullshit last week bc he'd just tried to kill the guy stede loves. so why the fuck is he going to izzy for training? why is he looking to izzy for advice and approval about being a good captain? why is he trying to bond with him about ed? why are we now being told that ed owes his success as blackbeard to izzy?
and this isn't even a liking izzy vs hating izzy issue - i never hated izzy in the first place, his canon characterisation in s1 was really good, i thought he was a shitty little man but he was the antagonist so that means they did a good job. but even if i loved izzy and i was really pleased that he'd been accepted into the crew etc i'd be scratching my head about why it's just happened with no narrative explanation
yes it's the queer joy show. yes it's the 'everyone can change and get better and reflect on how they've hurt people' show. so how come ed's the only one who's having to work for it? how come izzy's entire redemption arc has been told and not shown?
and the rest of the show is so fucking good which is why it's so disappointing and why it'll really fucking hurt if we get like. s8 game of thrones levels of bad ending
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juneviews · 8 months
Hi axelle! 😸 I've seen almost all bls but I haven't watched any gmmtv het show. which one would you recommend to a newbie? I prefer something light and funny. my favorite actors are Off, Gawin and Neo
hi! I'm glad you're gonnna give non bl thai dramas a chance, and as for your fave actors... TASTE 😌 here's my fave non bl gmmtv shows from best to still good but not the best:
the gifted: simply an amazing & super unique show with very little flaws & one of the best open-endings ever. haven't been able to bring myself to watch the sequel so watch that at your own discretion.
midnight motel: my favorite show of the year so far, fun & quirky, super tight execution, great plot twists, iconic characters & simply one of the most underrated shows ever. contains off & neo so you'll love it 100%!
ps: I hate you: the best female-led show I've ever seen. there's messiness & drama and the characters are all super flawed but you still root for them! the performances are also incredible & this show is truly one of my all time faves!
angel beside me: the first more classic romcom of the list, but despite being kind of a silly premise with an angel falling on earth, it actually tackles some really deep issues like depression & poverty??? and the chemistry & bond between the characters was crazy good. I definitely recommend!
happy birthday: this show will make you cry for 13 eps straight but you'll love it. it has some of the best performances ever & is just the kind of show that hits you right in the chest with feels & beauty. absolutely one of my most beloved thai dramas.
a gift to the people you hate: such an underrated show but absolutely iconic! if you like messiness & plot twists, you'll love this one! it's just unhinged & has a really cool world-building!!!
girl next room: richy rich: since your 3 faves are off, neo & gawin I really recommend you watch this! richy rich is off's most popular straight series bc he's simply perfect in this role (and biconic!!!), and gawin is in the motorbike baby story as mook's second lead & he???? absolutely ate, he's so dreamy in that! neo is in every story & absolutely hilarious (especially in the scenes with off, you cannot miss girl next room!
love at first hate: classic romcom but the chemistry is some of the best & the male lead??? IS DADDY MCDREAMY!!! a really enjoyable series!
46 days: another series with the offmild pairing from girl next room, and this show is crazy but has such fun characters, great chemistry & even the villain is my fave??? the whole cast is the best & it's the only show by this director that is truly genuinely so good!
mint to be: another romcom with mook bc she's the romcom queen lol, this one is short & sweet, the chemistry is excellent & the cast is really fun. there's none of your faves in it BUT one of the characters is obsessed with off who's an idol in that show & she has pillows with his face on it and it's ICONIC!!!
who are you: one of the most acclaimed gmmtv shows, notably for its actresses namtan & jan who acted their ass off in it! it's a really well done show with insanely good acting, but the reason it's not higher on this list is that it's a bit forgettable? it was in my top 10 fave shows from 2021 though.
my dear loser: monster romance: another romcom with mook lol no one is surprised, this one actually really surprised me bc it was the first time I saw lee outside of his usual perfect role. look, I love the man but most of his roles are kinda... boring? and here he ate. the whole universe of the show is super different from usual & the love story is very cute, and honestly it immediately became one of my fave straight thai romances!
baker boys: another show where lee plays a really good role! this one contains queer characters but is not a bl at all. I LOVED the found family trope of it, and literally cried when it ended bc I got really attached to the characters & me crying when a show ends is a huge indicator that I loved it. sadly this show is pretty tainted now bc my fave character was played by foei who's famously an anti-lgbtq+ bitch so yeah... but if you can stomach his bigot face I'd say give it a try, pluem plays one of the cutest characters in existence!
(also just realized I completely missed the light & funny prompt lmao. the most light & funny shows in this list are: girl next room, love at first hate, 46 days & mint to be!)
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles (Solo Panel) | JIBCon 2022
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Jason and Jensen have a Father Friday chat where they share pics & stories of their daughters every Friday. Jensen was riding with Jason when he was on that massive horse. (x)
He‘s filmed until 3 am the day before. He thought he‘d slow down after SPN but no, it got worse. He was doing another project in a different town before he flew to film Big Sky. Before that, a movie. (x)
Jensen talking about a new project he filmed 4 days ago in a different country (x)
jensen said that three days ago was doing another project and he didn’t mentioned which it is  (x)
He was filming a movie and I yelled “WHAT MOVIE?” and he just said that he doesn't know and that there is someone in his life who helps him with his schedule because he always gets lost lol #JIB12 (x)
3rd radio company album is almost done only jensens parts are missing #jib12 (x)
Jensen and Steve might do a show in the near future. A live show, but maybe stream it, too. (x)
Steve and he has an album basically ready, Steve is producing it, but Jensen still has to go there and do his part but he hasn't come home for 2 months :( His children came to visit him, but he hasn't seen his house for months… #JIB12  (x)
In fact, he has been using the clothes from the same suitcase for these two months. #JIB12 (x)
How to communicate your vision clearly as a director? You’re the captain of the problem solving squad, the script is the problem. All the cast & crew is there to collaborate. A clear vision helps. But be open to other ideas. It brings on happy accidents. #jib12  (x)
“What was it like working with Kripke again?” “As if I had never stopped working with him” #JIB12  (x)
Jensen only signed to do one season of The Boys, but the door was left open. It’s a question of when he‘ll be back now, not if.  (x)
As for SB coming back Jensen said it's not a case of if, just when.. wasn't gonna be at the beginning of season 4 or even season 4 but he will be back. They've had conversations about SB and his story (x)
“ thanks Jensen for being here because it means a lot” jensen: i wasn't gonna let u down.  (x)
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After The Boys & after Rust, he suddenly panicked because he was out if a job, so he phoned his agent to ask who‘s hiring. Then they talked with ABC. ABC asked him what he‘s interested in, he asked what projects they have. Exec Jennifer (?) suggested he meets with Big Sky (x)  Show’s creator wrote Beau just for him. Jensen thought it sounds like fun, then he watched some eps & then decided to sign on for one season. He has a few more months to film it. (x)  He‘s having fun inna new house. All of his old stuff from Supernatural is all new now, so he gets to pull out his old material. He also has some things cooking on what‘s next. (x)
Jensen got on Big Sky bc after Rust & some other things he was left at the end of the yr w no plans. Contacted ppl he knew at ABC, asking generally, what do you having coming up, are there any projects I might be right for? (x) & they were like “You should talk w the showrunner of Big Sky”. & he did & they hit it off & he loved the character. “I’m like the season 3 go-to guest.” Is having fun doing that, but also “got some things cooking” & hopefully can tell us soon about the next thing (x)
"I got an email from him (Elwood Reid) and it was a break down of this new character Beau. And I was like 'Oh he just wrote this for me, that's what he did.' so I was like 'Yeah, this sounds like fun!" (x)
Beau will bring a “lightness” to the show. He still has a few more months of recording… #JIB12  (x)
Jensen: who saw the boys?   * the hall raises their hand * Jensen: who hasn't seen it?   * someone raises their hand * Jensen: it's a cartoon show #Jib12  (x)
Jensen: Soldier Boy is the only stable character on The Boys, everyone is messed up. - „Clearly I still have some Soldier Boy in me I have to get rid off.“ #jib12  (x)
Jensen saying solider boy being the only mentality stable person in the boys (as a joke)  (x)
Now he is talking about SB, who is a character who thinks he's a "good guy", but of course he's not And that there are several people in the real world who are like this, who do not evolve along with the evolution of society  (x)
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Jensen Ackles on #Soldierboy at #JIBCon #Jib12: “I think SB is a good guy in his mind, & probably was a good guy at some point.” But became “very very flawed” over time. “But in his mind, he’s doing the right thing.” (x)
if Jensen had to choose between playing Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy, he’d play Dean cause “he’s such a good guy” #jib12  (x)
Ultimately he prefers Dean, because Dean is a good guy. SB was a good guy in his mind, he‘s not a bad guy. But he got screwed up by upbringing and circumstances. Was interesting for him to play someone like it. He knows real people like that, who‘re not changing w/ society  (x)
“You always want to evolve, you always want to learn. That’s how we grow and get better as a society.” SB is like other real people who don’t want to. SB would get cancelled today & he‘s reply „well yeah? You‘re getting cancelled.” (x)  If Dean & SB would meet… They‘d probably bond immediately and then Dean would realize SB is a toxic asshole & say “I can’t hang out with you anymore, you‘re gonna get me in trouble” (x)  “At the end of the day, Dean would say „well now I‘m gonna have to kick your ass.“ and then Dean would get destroyed. Sorry, Dean” (x)
Someone explains the Ackles Ass Equation to him. Jensen says, he assumes it‘s being done for a lot of actors. He apologizes to the people who had to come up with it. (x)
For The Boys season 4 they need a picture of someone‘s butt. They had to hire someone to take the picture. Kripke wanted s male ass because it‘s funnier because it‘s fuzzier. #jib12  (x)
15-yr old asks for advice, Jensen clarifies if he wants life, professional, girl or boy advice. “We don’t have to do this, we get to do this. Spend every day earning it.” #jib12  (x)
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
How would you rank the 9-1-1 seasons? Also do you watch lone star?
ohhh what a question askdfh okay i'm going to try to rank these on overall quality of the season as a whole as opposed to just my favourite episodes that i always go back but also this task feels absolutely impossible and i will probably change my mind 20 times lmao. i'm not gonna include season 7 yet just because we're still in it so my mind might change but here's how i'd rank them currently:
Season 3
i do really think just in terms of the overall story and where we were at with each character s3 is the sweet spot. all the relationships are established, there's some excellent character work and i'd struggle to name a 'bad' episode from that season even if there are some i don't rewatch often
2. Season 4/Season 5
okay i'm cheating putting them side by side but i honestly can't choose sadkjhf season 4 has some of my favourite episodes from the entire show and has some absolutely Incredible storytelling but i will admit there are a few eps in that season that i find very boring lmao. and then with season 5, i genuinely believe 5b is some of the best work they've ever done on the show. like it's perfect, there are no skips, every episode is 10/10. and while i do like a lot of 5a, it's just not the same with maddie and chimney being gone for so much of it so it loses points for me in that regard
3. Season 2
a v fun season overall that i think really captures the tone of what 911 is. some of my favourite comfort eps are in that season and i think it's definitely probably one of the seasons that's most enjoyable to watch/rewatch??? so while i think it has some incredibly strong eps, parts of the season are just that little bit more forgettable to me than s3-5 are??? (but that could also be bc i was watching s4/5 live)
4. Season 1/Season 6
okay i'm cheating again but i have different reasons for ranking them both here askdjs. starting with season 1: it's a good season but i very often consider it the 'prequel' season since we don't have eddie or maddie and all the other characters' lives change so drastically afterwards. so while i do like it a lot it's just my 911 y'know askdjhf as for s6, its not a bad season by any means!!! like it's not. i rewatched it just before s7 aired and for the vast majority of the eps i was v much enjoying it (it also has some Stellar eps in there too like the athena's cold case, henren begins, the lightning strike arc and the madney proposal) however - and this is not the fault of the actors/writers - a lot of it does feel quite stagnant??? which i think largely speaks to the fact that the show was being prevented from being all it could be under fox. like the storylines are good and they have potential, they just don't really take that extra step, y'know????
and re: lone star, i actually watched it before 911 lmao. i've seen the first two seasons but i haven't kept up since, tbh it just didn't hold my attention the way 911 did!
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dulcewrites · 11 months
Whole different type of delusion that I see in this fandom is how helaemond shippers act. All they say is everyone should support Helaena cheating on her unfaithful husband because if you someone doesn't, it's misogynistic, but when you mention Alicent having sex with Criston in season 2 they are furious and say Alicent is not Rhaenyra to sleep around 😂
For them it's like helaemond makes sense because Helaena was smarter than Rhaenyra so no one knew Aemond's the father.
And then when you point out they behave exactly like daemyra stans they are surprised 😂
I knew Alys will be hated in fandom because of 2 things. By Blacks because she was better Queen at Harrenhall than Rhaenyra was for 6 months time and Alys have no supporters and no dragon and no Aemond by her side because he was dead then. And by Greens because she is the opposite of Alicent and Helaena who are stuck and doomed and living in the cage.
But the one truly doomed is in fact Alys. She is lowborn bastard and women, so she means nothing and can be used by her family as they please. And yet she survives and makes the best out of Dance. All without any political machinations, she just took power over Harrenhall and no one took it away from her. If this isn't the best character of this show I don't know who may be.
I think in general people in this fandom, and this is something I must remind myself as well, need to program their brains to stop relating every single thing that happens to a woman in this story to a man. Especially romantically
It is pretty clear that one major point at the base of hotd is patriarchy and how way men often use the girls/women in their lives as pawns or martyrs. Whether people think it was well done or not is their choice, but it is clearly there. That conversation I get, and think we need to have. But the way people are so hellbent on ‘pairing’ women in this story with someone, specifically men, can get exhausting.
Why is the most horrid thing that happens in the dance, something that fundamentally breaks Helaena as a person turned into an argument to either uplift/tear down Aegon or Aemond?? Why is her taking her own life out of grief and fear about her brother(s)???
Why does Alicent, someone who clearly has been through sexual trauma in her life at the hands of men - someone who already has creepy psychosexual relationships with men in her life, have to sleep with criston?? Hell, why does criston someone that’s been taken advantage of by nobility (depending on how you read that scene in ep 4) have to sleep with Alicent, his queen???
If Helaena wants to be unfaithful to her husband, I will support her bc Aegon is not a good husband lmao. But the idea she needs to be with her brother, and he had those kids with her is… very odd to me. I don’t see it and idc if that makes me a hater. In general, I think people’s insistence on taking one of the few targ characters that doesn’t have incest as a major footnote in his story (Aemond) and making him into someone he isn’t, is annoying.
People (rightfully) point out how horrible targaryen girls/women are treated but then perpetuate the one thing that has led to many targ women’s downfall: The idea that they are property to the men in their family.
As for alys, she was going to be hated on several reasons : 1. Ageism (people call show and book Alicent a hag despite show Alicent being in her 30s and book Alicent being in her 40s). 2. The fact that aemond is now the fandom fanfic bike aka he gets ridden/shipped with everyone and him having a canon love interest pisses people off. 3. Low born or bastard born women get treated very differently by the fanbase than their male counterparts. 4. The murky relationship between her and Aemond. Now as someone who is excited to see where they take alysmond, even I can understand why people may put off by it. First you have the age difference on the side of her taking advantage of him. Especially now that in the show it has been implied Aemond delt with his own s.a. But by the time they meet, Aemond is Prince Regent. Clearly in a position of power over her. It is dubious and it’s ok to point that out.
But I’m sure as hell not gonna be reprimanded by daemrya or helaemond shippers on that. They clearly don’t give a shit about what is above board 💀💀. At at the very least, every alysmond shipper I’ve personally come across is very open and clear about alys and Aemond’s relationship, and the possible stipulations. I can’t say the same for the other two camps.
Every woman in this story, nobility or low born, has been through shit. That’s the whole point and the bitch of patriarchy. It affects every woman to a certain degree. Of course someone like Rhaenyra or Alicent has lived a very different life than Alys, and that needs to pointed out. All women are not on equal playing field. But all of them have been trapped or stuck at one point or another. How these women maneuver this world is important because of how differently each live, which is why it is dumb when people advocate for their stories to be cut (Sara, nettles, alys). These characters being vehemently hated by ANYONE is weird asf to me.
I enjoy team green, I write for team green, but people take this ‘team’ stuff too seriously sometimes. Well.. when it comes to the women. The male characters can get it lmao. I personally don’t like the rhetoric around how most women in story get spoken about. People are so focused on whose winning or shipping that the point of the story gets lost. And frankly regurgitating the same points and arguments sucks the fun out a show…shame. If people hate everything about it or have to make up crazy theories for it to work… just don’t watch 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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jemmo · 7 months
For the ask game: 14?
thank you sm for the ask ☺
14. bl you think is underrated
ooh this is a tricky one, bc i can definitely tell you what i think is overrated (but thats not the question...), plus im always gonna think my favourites are underrated bc everyone should love them but i digress. i wanna highlight 3 shows/things bc the first one is a short series and then a movie and thats his. idk if it's bc its a few years old now but when i watched this show and then the film i just adored it. first of all, the show is the perfect kind of chill watch where not really much happens and yet a lot happens?? thats how me and my sister affectionately describe our favourite kind of shows bc they deal in the normal and everyday and manage to make it seem huge and beautiful and this series does that with one of my favourite tropes that i love to see crop up in j-bls which is an escape to the beach (and later the countryside), plus the show has the most awesome and well done early 2000s aesthetic that just fills me with nostalgia. but the film is a whole other thing. it pulls an old fashioned cupcake/cherry magic and gives us adults but unlike them shows us a story that is very grounded and real and serious, like they really said lets take this bl and actually make it a story about parenting and what a family can be and show just how complicated it all is and sometimes there is no winning and thats life. god its just beautiful, and theres still a deep and meaningful love story at the heart of it. just go watch it now if you haven't, or rewatch it if you haven't for a while.
second im picking eien no kinou and im prefacing this by saying i get why less people talk about this bc its not fun and some people dont wanna watch a story they know will be sad, but its also so important that it exists and i think it touches on some really tough topics and manages to tell them beautifully. and bc i havent seen much of what ppl say about this, idk what any consensus takes are but i felt very emotional watching this through the lens of erasure of queer relationships when it comes to loss, how sometimes when people aren't out or cant share their relationship, they become lost, or invisible, when someone is lost. and i mean... the queer experience is all-encompassing and such grief is something that should also be talked about when queerness can affect that process in a specific way, and while i dont think its easy to watch or revisit, its nevertheless important and beautiful
ive talked about some more heavy shows so i'm ending with if its with you, which is recent but even i pushed it to the side a little bc i liked i cannot reach you so much, but this show is kinda like the opposite to the ones above. i feel like people like a middle ground in their shows between drama and comfort, so while people dont talk as much about serious or sad shows, they also dont talk about the shows that are just nice. and this show is just that, bc its all about teaching someone thats had a bad experience that there is simple kindness in the world and its so heart-warming. i'll never forget the way ryuuji responded in that last ep when amane got nervous around the other kids, how he thought it would be this big think that he'd be mad about bc that's what happens in every show, but ryuuji was just like yeah its ok i understand and im not mad. just the pure kindness this show has to people feeling the way they feel is so refreshing and beautiful and it captures the high school simplicity of it all in a way that makes you step back as someone older and think huh yeah it really is just that easy, its just about happiness.
anyway, between this and the last response, i think by j-bl bias is jumping out a bit too much but thats the end of my rant, thank you for coming to my ted talk
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
life update i guess. i feel like i got through the boy ep mania early with the close my eyes release (at least i'm hoping with the rest of it i can just. grieve and have hope all at once. i know the vibe of what's coming and i really need that in my life).
anyway, gonna try share more of the personal 'so this is what it meant to me' rather than 'this is what it means imo' sometimes, take the spotlight away from our beloved band members and their personal lives and into the listener experience--because i always have a hunch we have more in common than not as a fandom. i listen to a lot of music but i'm here blogging on tumblr about these guys because nothing unravels what's in my head like a 5sos song. which is why i love playing around with them and looking at different angles musically and lyrically!
right now, my bird is unwell and i'm literally so anxious all the time because of his health. and i know i need to slow down and also grieve lost futures etc (is it true if you're feeling anxiety it's a sign you need to grieve? or is that a myth idk) in order to best be there for him, and try show up well at my job etc too if only just so i can afford the vet bills. realising how much it's impacting me and life's not always like this and it won't be forever, but it's actually the most perfect time to be getting a new luke album (and ttpd, but we don't talk about her bc Boycott Things. i'm also rediscovering mistaken identity by delta goodrem which i do every 10yrs or so).
i'm also processing the whole religious trauma/ministry burnout thing. i know it's not a common thing to experience in my early 20s but i was a volunteer youth pastor for 3 years, in which i cared for a lot of people, saw a lot of pain, and wasn't really able to do everything and create the healing, freeing kind of connections I wanted, slowly realising not everyone goes to faith communities for these things and some are perfectly happy with the status quo. 5sos5 was the album that got me through the process of leaving that behind, and lately i've been thinking about making a little art moodboard comic thing with a slide for every song and what it means to me, bible verses related to that experience etc, and i hope i manage to prioritise doing that i think it'd be really good for me and when it's done i'll share it with you guys. make it pretty and visual and a story i can tell creatively to take back a little autonomy.
and then i'm also trying to walk my (asian, i'm half asian, and rn it's that side of the family that needs it most) through the process of discovering and accommodating neurodivergence. i'm lucky to be the one who has the resources to figure it out and so early in my life too, but it's hard to communicate between cultures and i'm so, so tired. there's so many feelings to navigate, everyone else's as well as my own. wfttwtaf has been really good for just helping process my feelings around that, but also actions, prompting me to imagine things from the kind of perspectives i need to, i don't know why it does this, but it does. the southeast asian inspo is minimal, but it's there enough for me to apply it to my life. and we're all trying to fight redefine the bloodline rn too.
i'm finding a lot of hope and optimism in finding myself as a musician through my orchestral arrangement of calm. inspired to keep chipping away at studying urban design through the city and place mentions of all their albums (as well as just the premise of somewhere new ep. i'm not really sure why). to figure out what it looks like to choose myself with superbloom. soothe my inner teen with sgfg, but process what was going on in leaving high school all those years ago (shut my eyes at 17, okay? i'm only just about to turn 23) with youngblood and trying to reclaim what's left of my youth inspired by the songs off self titled.
so i guess that's how it all relates to me. why i'm on here. and i know any projects i try to do are going to be slow rn bc i just have so much on, i'm trying to recover from burnout (board up my windows, tryna revive) and i'm so physically and mentally drained rn but this won't be forever. there's gonna be a nice, new equilibrium to come out of this and i hope soon. so thank you for being around while i gush about all these songs during this time!
oh!! and then processing my move interstate in literal december 2011 away from my childhood home in sydney with 2011 and efyts :)
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ok so, i just finished ep 7 of tmbs season 2, and i know not everyone has liked this season, i get it, i really do, but i have loved every episode, so here's my favorite things about the season that i can remember before the last ep <3
Constance genuinely smiling at scamming people
Constance emotionally devastating Garrison while in her captivity. absolute gold
ok but... y'know Sebastian?? and that moment in like,,, ep 1 or 2 (i think?) where he just stares at the screen??? yeah, that shit had me genuinely terrified
Curtain's little dance to Stand Back by Stevie Nicks. incredible
on that note the soundtrack
especially Blue Öyster Cult
no seriously, i love Blue Öyster Cult
Martina !!
Garrison's little run away when Curtain's people find her,,, idk place? sad, weird underground house?
Kate referring to Milligan as her dad :')
Kate immediately knowing Milligan was Milligan again when he brought up her going behind his back and that "a lie by omission is still a lie"
Milligan just being a worried dad most of this season
Reynie being worried abt him & Sticky bc of the letters, all while Sticky is talking him up at school
ok but also,,, what was up with that? were the letters just not being delivered? or did i miss the explanation
Mr. Benedict giving the necklace to Constance while Rhonda and Number Two are cutting her cake with that,,, thing flashback
Martina and Kate hug <3
Jeffers securing the perimeter
The Twins. i for the life of me cannot remember their names, but i love when they are on my screen
Milligan running to go get fuel
Kate just Knowing something was wrong with Constance when she saw her smiling under the pretense of not scamming someone
Sticky Knowing something was wrong with Constance when she called him Sticky
The Danish couple. I can't explain it, but I love them ?
Jeffers being So Excited to have captured an associate of the Society and Curtain immediately shooting him down
elephant jokes
the Society scamming a bunch of people, Reynie feeling bad and making them return their winnings, and them getting money back for being honest???
trying to figure out where S.Q. is. my current theory is that Garrison won him in the custody agreement and he's just having a sleepover with his friends <3
the acting of these kids?!?! they are doing a wonderful job and i love them so <3
and that's it. again, ik that not everyone likes the new season and that it is likely done out of love for these characters and series, but i really, genuinely like the new season. and maybe that's because i'm just easy to please, or i see so much of these characters in myself, growing up queer and neurodivergent in an environment that from the age of fucking seven didn't feel safe. or i love these characters and story so much, because it feels like a warm blanket, because it reminds me of points in my childhood where i felt safe and wasn't bullied, that i'm willing to take anything i can get of them that i'm so willing to overlook it's flaws...
i'm not great with my words or fists, but i am willing to defend this show. i love it dearly and i know it's not perfect, i know it's not the books,,, but i love it
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saintarmand · 5 months
IWTV Ask Game
2. How did you find out about or discover it?
i'd seen the movie before and when the trailer came out i thought it looked really good so it was on my radar before it came out. but the reason i actually started watching was that i was disappointed in house of the dragon bc daemon and rhaenyra weren't a toxic enough couple when they actually got together and i wanted to watch some toxic romance. lol
ok long version of the story! (sorry if you don't care about hotd lol)
i was really excited about hotd after the trailers started coming out and like the freak i am, i was especially excited to see the insane uncle/niece incest grooming go from gross to fun when they eventually marry and fight a war and everything goes wrong and they're both crazy and toxic and evil. that's my idea of a good time. this shot from the trailer in particular had me excited for this dynamic:
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and the beginning was so promising, their scenes when she's still a teenager played by the younger actress milly alcock are very intriguing! creepy but intriguing.
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but then episode 7 happens. i knew ahead of time that the plot of the episode was that daemon's wife has just died and at her funeral he fucks his niece, as you do, and then suddenly rhaenyra's husband also dies and they get married for succession war reasons without permission from her father the king who would fucking hate this. insane sequence of events! and i'd heard that the marriage ceremony was going to be valyrian rites with blood and stuff. for the uninitiated, valyrian refers to the (mostly) lost civilization of blond people who ride dragons and do incest and they're rumored to have done blood magic and stuff. so i had high hopes for this whole valyrian marriage rites scene. a blood sacrifice? some animal or...? an altar with LOTS of blood! their dragons take to the air! they should fuck on the bloody altar while their dragons fuck in the air! either way the visuals will be insane and amazing!
yeah, so the episode airs. and i'm BORED. they made this shit boring somehow. the dialogue is bad and so is the directing. they have a bland conversation about their respective marriages and then have some tepid sex. it just doesn't look like they're that into it even. was that intentional? i cant tell. other more interesting stuff happens and then close to the end of the ep shes like uncle i need you so i can win the eventual war that everyone knows is going to be break out so we should get married. hes like hmm ok. but shes already married so they fake her husband's death so he can sail into the sunset with his boyfriend. toxicity and evilness toned down as much as possible. then they marry and the valyrian ritual is just like. fine. no dragons. they cut their palms so there is blood. if i saw it without prior expectations i'd probably think it was kinda cool but i had built it up in my head to be way cooler so.
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in the next episode they kinda just act like a normal couple. despite the whole incest age gap uncle niece grooming shit. i wanted them to be screaming. i am sad about it.
im on tumblr and i see a post with a jacob anderson quote saying iwtv is basically a show about a married couple slamming doors on each other. i'd seen some gifs and ofc i'd seen the trailer months ago but this makes me go !!!!! THIS could be the toxic marriage i was looking for! i go watch it immediately. two episodes have aired so far but it only took me one to fall in love! new obsession unlocked! louis de pointe du lac is my truest love!
at that point im barely able to give half a shit about hotd anymore, i dont even watch the last two eps until days or weeks later. (in the last episode daemon and rhaenyra do get more interesting as they have some tension over him acting like he's in charge even though she's the queen and he's just her consort. he also strangles her a bit when he gets upset, which is very unsurprising from a misogynistic violent man who murdered his first wife (of 3) but some people were shocked. insert iwtv comparison here.) (i've also rewatched hotd with new eyes recently and enjoyed those episodes a lot more when i didnt have my own expectations clouding everything. i WOULD recommend the show for anyone who thinks family drama leading to a literal war feat. dragons sounds like a fun time. it is good and hopefully will be continue to be! also that quote from the showrunner saying daemon wanted to marry his brother and his niece was the closest he could get to was fucking life changing. ryan condal said gay targcest rights. also rhaenicent<3)
anyway iwtv becomes my #1 obsession from episode one and has stayed that way ever since!
iwtv ask game (sorry for mostly talking about a whole different show here lmao)
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