#this show made me giggle like a toddler so many times
ohsc · 1 day
Imagine Sam with his daughter and she's dressing him up and doing his hair. You know those fairy wings you can wear, her forcing him to wear those and she's wearing a princess dress.
tysm for the request!! i’m a bit rusty so i feel like this kinda sucks and it ended up being much longer than intended lol but i’m loving this verse sm so much more to come :) | juno verse, single dad sam winchester x fem!reader, 1.5k, kid fic, fluff, not proof red, requests open only for juno fics
“Don’t laugh.” Were the first words out of his mouth when he opened the door and saw her stood there.
He had been trying to clean up the apartment when he knew that she was coming over after work — also in an attempt to starve off the giddiness, which hadn’t worked out either — when his daughter had attached herself to his leg and refused to let go until he played with her. Juno, he was convinced, had all of the stubbornness of a Winchester, and he’d rather just give in easily then peel her off of his leg and have a crying toddler and a messy apartment.
Y/N had been visiting more and more over the recent weeks, she had started to work herself into the little routine that he and Juno had been building, and it made him so soft. There hadn’t been somebody that he’d looked forward to seeing like that in a long time.
Her lips were curving upwards as she looked at him, lips pressed together in a clear attempt to not laugh at him. “…you look pretty.”
Juno’s recent game of choice had been dress up, which was honestly just a kinder way of saying she liked to hold him hostage and dress him up until she got bored. His hair was pulled into three pigtails, there were god knows how many butterfly clips up there, and he was pretty sure there were at least two stickers on his face somewhere.
“Thanks,” he rolled his eyes, stepping aside to let her into the apartment. He really tried not to stare as she stepped past, but she really was just so pretty. It would help if he didn’t have Dean in his ear whenever he called telling him that he clearly had a thing for waitresses. “My stylist got bored waiting for you, here.” Sam gently took her jacket from her and hung it up next to his own and Juno’s red coat on the hooks by the door.
“I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not, you look great.” She giggled, a hand reached up with the intention of touching his hair, but the shout of her name from down the hall took both of their attention.
She crouched down just in time to open her arms to the toddler barrelling down the hall towards her, almost slipping on the material of her princess dress in the process which made Sam wince.
“Hey, sweetheart.” She caught Juno in her arms with a tight squeeze, somehow not knocked to the floor. Sam was so immeasurably soft whenever he got to watch her with his daughter, how much she was adored by Juno and how much she adored her back. It was the most important thing to him, that his daughter liked her. And she really did — more than him, he thought sometimes.
“Oh I missed you so much,” she squeezed his toddler once more before pulling back to look at her, smiling as she touched the puffy skirt of her dress. “Oh don’t you look so pretty, Junie? I love your dress.”
“It’s sleeping beauty’s dress,” Juno informed her, smile full of pink chubby cheeks as she soaked up the praise. “Daddy got it for me for my last birthday, when I was three.” She held up three fingers to show her, somehow covered in glitter that Sam could only dread to think was in his hair.
“Well it’s very pretty,” she beamed, gently smoothing over a few wrinkles in the dress. “Are you dressing up daddy to match?”
“No,” she shook her head, tone firm as if it was obvious. “He’s a fairy,” as if she suddenly just remembered what they’d been doing she frowned and let go of Y/N, clumsily stepping around her to grab at Sam’s hand and tugged with far too much strength for her little body. “Daddy, not done.”
Sam sighed, eyes down on her as she tugged on his arm as if she could pull him down the hallway herself. She had turned her big puppy eyes on, the ones he could never really say no to. “I know, Bug, why don’t you let me make Y/N a coffee and then—”
“No,” she whined, tugging harder. “Now.”
The clouds were forming for a tantrum, it had been that way all afternoon, it’s why he’d settled for letting her play dress up in the first place. She always got cranky after pre-school on Mondays. “Baby—”
“It’s okay,” a hand touched his arm and he turned to look at her. “I know where everything is, I can make one. I did interrupt play time.”
“Thanks,” he breathed, ever grateful for how amazing she was with Juno. If he didn’t know any better, he’d have assumed that she had kids of her own. “Really, I’ll make it up—”
“Daddy.” Juno was whining louder, tugging his arm again, and he just let out a breath as he leaned down to scoop her up onto his arms, settling her on his hip.
“Why are you acting up, hm?” Not really annoyed, he knew she couldn’t really help it, he reached his free hand up to tickle at her side until she giggled. Satisfied that he’d successfully worked around a tantrum he led Y/N down the hall with his daughter on his hip, though she already knew the place like the back of her hand. If he wasn’t so nervous he would’ve invited her to stay the night already.
He watched her disappear into the kitchen to make herself a drink before he took Juno back into the living room, and returned to his spot on the floor where he’d been held captive for the past twenty minutes. The floor was littered with hair clips and tiaras and plastic shoes which he’d clean up when she went to bed, but he didn’t really mind the mess if it meant she was happy.
“Daddy,” she was pulling at his hair again, stood on his thighs, only not falling off onto the carpet because of his hands on her sides. He watched her reach for another hair clip, a glittery yellow butterfly, and tried not to wince as he felt it’s teeth scrape against his scalp as she shoved it into place. “Can Y/N play too?”
Juno had been attached to her ever since they’d become friends. It was sweet, endearing really. Aside from himself and Dean, the only other adults she really got to see were her teachers at pre-school. Juno really adored her, clung to her every moment she could. She’d come with Sam to pick Juno up from school once and she’d practically screamed across the playground when she saw her.
“If she wants to, Junie,” he hummed, holding her steady as she leaned to the floor to grab something else. “She had a long day at work, she might be tired.”
“I still play after school.” Her nose scrunched up in a way that made him smile.
“Waitressing is a little different to school, baby. It’s not very fun.”
Juno hummed like she was thinking about it as she scrambled off of his lap to reach into her toy box. “Then she should get a new job,” she settled on, tugging out her pink fairy wings from the crate. “A fun one.”
Sam nodded a little, smiling softly as he murmured, “I agree.”
Little hands pulled at his arm, and he leaned forwards like she’d moved him herself. The elastic loops of the fairy wings were a little small for his shoulders, but he didn’t complain about the tightness of the band as he helped her get them on him, worth it to hear her giggle when it was all done.
“Those look great,” he looked up and watched as Y/N walked into the room, two mugs in her hands, one of which she placed down on the coffee table for him. “You did a really great job, Junie, now he really looks like a fairy.”
The way she was smiling at him was making his face heat up. Jesus, he needed to get a grip.
“Can you play?” Juno clambered off of Sam’s lap again to head over to her, grabbing some butterfly clips from the floor on her way. “Pretty please?”
“Baby, I’m sure she’s probably really tired—”
“It’s okay,” she waved him off with a fond little smile, before she looked back to Juno. “I’ll play if you make a deal with me, sweet girl.”
Juno nodded furiously like it was the most important thing in the world.
“If you promise me that you’ll eat your vegetables with dinner you can dress me up however you like, hm?”
Juno beamed and nodded, her little pinky clunkily hooking around the one that Y/N held up.
Sam met her eyes over Juno’s head, mouthing a thank you that earned him a smile in return. God, he was smitten.
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dronebiscuitbat · 22 hours
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 88)
Tera was with V and Lizzy, both of which were hanging around in V's apartment, in much, much closer proximity then they ever would be in public. With Lizzy's head laying on V's lap, and V's fingers carding through her long blonde hair, absent of any helmet or bow.
Tera was sitting on her chest, Lizzy playing with her in a gentle kind of way, lifting her hands up and playing with them as if she was a little doll, Tera was mostly fine with this, but she was quickly growing bored of it, wanting instead the gently swaying, glowing object that was the end of V's tail.
“Vee!” She called, lifting her arms up in the dissasembly drones direction, glasses perched in front of her visor as she was trying to watch whatever was on the T.V.
“What is it cub?” She hummed, and she couldn't help the small smile that was creeping up on her face, she had to admit, N and Uzi's little gremlin was cute as hell.
“Play!” Tera replied happily, smiling and showing off her many, sharp little teeth. Lizzy laughed lightly. “Oh am I not good enough for you? Am I boring?”
“Probably, you're treating her like she's going to break into tiny peices babe.” V replied, picking up the toddler into her own hands and grinning as her eyes followed her swaying tail.
“It's not my kid! You know Doorman would throw a fit if her kid got hurt while we were supposed to be watching her.” Lizzy defended, sitting up off her frei- okay yeah; girlfriends lap so she could get up.
“She's not going to get hurt. Watch.” V placed her on the carpeted floor of her living room, sitting down in front of her with her legs crossed. Tera's eyes lit up, and she attempted to stand;
V's and Lizzy’s eyes both grew hollow for a moment as she balanced on both legs, wobbly and unpracticed, she took a step forward and-
Tumbled over, close, but not quite.
“Do you know how pissed they'd be if Tera took her first steps in front of us and not them.” Lizzy laughed, crouched down next to V as Tera made her way towards them, this time crawling.
“Oh my god Uzi would blow a gasket! I almost hope she does, that would be hilarious!” V replied, smiling and laughing as well, until she felt Tera's tiny hands grab her, and she looked down.
She looked fierce- or as fierce as a toddler could get. Snapping her fangs and shoving on V's peg-like leg.
“What is she…?” Lizzy asked, clearly confused.
“She's trying to wrestle with me…” V suddenly realized, obviously, this wouldn't work, Tera was so small she couldn't even budge V's leg, but the attempt was adorable in it's own way, and V's tail began to wag.
Maybe when she was older, and bigger, they could genuinely play fight without V pretending, but for now… she was about to lose some dignity.
She let the little toddler move her leg some, and Tera grinned wildly, climbing up on V's lap and then trying to climb up the rest of her to reach her prize, the shiny, glowy, unbabyproofed tail.
Of course, neither V nor Lizzy were thinking about that yet. Instead, V was pretending to get beaten up by a toddler and Lizzy was watching fondly, giggling.
“Look at her! She's going to be a little tomboy isn't she?”
By the way Tera was mixing both growling and purring, smiling wide as V sprawled out in fake pain, the answer was yes. V began to laugh at the toddlers antics, it was fond, and soft, and Lizzy couldn't help but blush.
“You're being a great aunt V~” She cooed, and V went stiff, blushing a vibrant yellow as she looked back at the worker drone she was so fond of.
“Shut up. No I'm not.” She protests, sitting up, letting Tera tumble off her back with a peel of laughter, she was completely unharmed, even after she hit the floor with a thump.
“Oh come on girl. Don't lie! It's good to see you care about something other then murder.” Lizzy laughed, watching as Tera pounced after V's tail every time it hit the ground, like a lion cub playing with an older member of the pride.
“I care about you.” V mumbled. But Lizzy only allowed herself to blush at that for a moment before moving on.
“And you care about her. V, you're purring!”
V froze, listening to herself. Sure enough, she was. She rarely purred, and yet playing with this little toddler was bringing it out quite naturally, the only other times she purred, it was with Lizzy.
Dammit, she hadn't meant to get so attached to a kid that wasn't even hers, a kid that her initial reaction to was… not great, at best. But either due to her instincts, or the fact that Tera was just so dang cute, or both. She had.
She would throw herself at anything for this kid. Without question or hesitation.
“Fine! You're right! Are you happy? She's my niece! Agh-!” Tera claimed her prize, tiny fangs snapping onto golden nanite canister. V yelped in pain, N wasn't the only one with a sensitive tail.
“Oooh… you alright babe?” Lizzy asked gently, and V's head snapped back in anger, because… ow. Before it softened at the proud look on Tera's face, and sighed.
“Yeah, you got me.” She said softly, bringing her tail up into her lap, so that Tera would fall gently into it, giggling.
“You're my little hunter huh? Aren't you?” V cooed, lifting up her niece near her face; where Tera placed both her little hands on her visor, smiling.
“Vee! Rawr!” Tera laughed, and V felt her core melt into nothing but goo. Leaning back to stare at the ceiling with Tera now hugging the fur on her jacket.
I don't want kids. I don't want kids. I don't want kids.
“Are you okay? Did she break you?” Lizzy asked, her face coming in upside down from V's perspective.
“I'm an aunt. Lizzy… I'm a fucking aunt.”
Lizzy laughed, reaching down to grab both sides of her face.
“And are good with kids. Suffer with that knowledge, killer.”
V groaned, covering her face. Feeling Tera start purring as she laid there, content to stay with her auntie…
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mochiepie · 2 months
Tits TyPa Man you ask? - sukuna
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He is the epitome of "tits are the greatest invention, creation, whateva 'tion' just, tits are life" there's not a single day he is leaving without.. touching your tits, flicking your nipples or pinching them, squeezing them, biting them, or digging his long nails into your nipples and the flesh of your tits.
🍈 " you keep talking and giggling, and those milk monsters go boom boom on me brat!" yeah, that's the king of curses right there talking, like a toddler. Like wtf is boom boom?
🍈 when you weren't sukuna's gf or even wife, like the very first time you met him, girl. He wasn't even looking at your face. His eyes, were stuck on your.. titties. His face told that, he was wondering how your breasts looked like under your tshirt
🍈 he thought himself to be into ass, as with the amount of concubines he had slept with in the past. And that's when he totally went wrong when you walked towards him.. well not exactly towards him you walked past him when he saw you for the first time ever. His eyes got stuck on those magnificent 'boom boom' of yours. For the first time he doubted himself.. " i was.. into ass right? ....right? "
🍈 it's so normal now, his hands resting on your chest, not even in a sexual way.. just, laying on em, yeah it's his property, you just lucky enough to have tits attached to your body but it's .. his. He is the owner. You wanna take a bath? Sure, he'll be the one to wash, massage your breasts. He'll be the one to put the lotion on your titties, help you wear a bra and any dress. Why? Cuz you (your boobs) belong to him you stupid.
🍈 when you guys had sex for the first time, when he saw your glory, for the first time, your tits for the first time.. his 4 eyes snapped. He paused.. like *sukuna.exe stopped working* his four giant palms immediately kneading your tits simultaneously, like his movements were soo sloppy, inexperienced despite sleeping around with so many concubines, that is because no woman has ever tempted him the way you did. And yes, you changed him, you changed the king of curses completely. You made the ass guy turn into tits guy. "Fuck, these tits are gonna make my silk black sheets turn into white" and then, automatically he got the breeding kink, the thought of you getting pregnant?
🍈 sukuna threw your birth control and began to fuck you like a bitch in heat. Why? Cuz your tits would have milk. Simple. That's all what you lacked. What's the purpose.. of these gorgeous tits when it can't produce milk.. right? So he is being generous enough and planting his seeds in each round, making sure you womb is swollen. Your milk ain't belonging to his future child.. nah, it's his. His alone. Mf is jealous of his own child.
🍈 his favourite position? Missionary or you riding him. Why? TITS. he'll need your tits to stay motivated and keep fucking you. The bounce? The jiggle? The sounds? The perky nipples? Those areolas? The squishiness? Oh YEA
🍈 sukuna would always roll his tongue around your areolas, while his second mouth would be biting, digging those sharp canines in your other breast, he once bit your nipple so harsh, that made u bleed.
🍈 despite sukuna never caring for anyone, he cares immensely for you. He instantly began to give up, trying his best to remove this addiction to your tits. He loves you so why is he acting like some perv only blinded by your tits? Well, his will didn't even lashed 2 days and here again he is sucking your tits on the kitchen counter, your apron and tshirt thrown somewhere.
🍈 "you're the only woman who is... Making me get on my knees" sukuna isn't a man to show vulnerability.. but if showing his vulnerable nature makes you stay with him. Oh yes, he is ready to become a sub. He is too into you, drowned basically, and now he can't resist anymore.
🍈 while he sleeps, he'll unconsciously end up getting between your arms.. his face squished and pressed on your tits.. ocassionally licking and sucking your nipples and tits. Oh yes, you sleep naked. That's your relationship rule.. you can't sleep wearing something. You must sleep naked. He'll wake up, between your arms, pressed against your tits, and again begin his session of sucking titties. Yeah, that's his ritual. You can't stop him.
🍈 he is in some meeting? His subjects are busy talking? Yeah let em talk! He has your sitting on his lap while he is sitting on his lap. His 1 hands resting on your tits. Yeah, and if any of his subjects looks at you? Instantly "cleave" attack. Also, he likes to demonstrate his powers and show you how... You belong to him and if.. anyone even looks at you the way he does.. he gets pissed, super pissed. Like not even any enemy or opponent can piss him off more then if he catches any men or even women being tooo into you or your beauty. Just, not possible. You're only his. His alone. You can't even count on how many lives he has taken for you. Both men and women, he had killed just because they stared at u for longer then necessary, or tried to approach you. Also, you don't even know that he had killed anyone for you cuz.. how can he let his precious wifey know about his wrong doing.. right? He only shows his upper layer or a coating of his powers.. just to keep you under him. He can't think of traumatising you by showing his real doings. You're too precious.. also your tits.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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(cw: a child, f!reader, "mommy", and "daddy")
[8:41 am]
"Are you sure she's warm enough?" Dad!Jeno asked nervously, adjusting the scarf on his toddler for the nth time.
"She's sweating Jeno, she's fine. Right baby?" You bend to ask the toddler to pull up her zipper.
She nods with an excited smile. You and Jeno had woken up to the excited squeals of you daughter while she jumped on your bed and babbled on and on about the snow. This would be her first year she could actually remember being in the snow and being able to play on her own. She was so excited, she talked the whole way through breakfast about how she couldn't wait to be outside and play in the snow until the sun went down.
Before you all went outside, after a lot of begging on your daughter's end, and many, many layers later, you were all heading down stairs to go outside.
Jeno had bundled her up in a thermal, sweats, gloves, a beanie, and a snow suit, the poor girl would be sweating outside. Jeno had made sure you were bundled up as well and led you all out of the house in his pajamas. Needless to say, you made him go in and get changed.
"Snow!" Your daughter cheered as she dashed out of the elevator. Jeno was hot on her tail, grabbing her hand and helping her over the icy sidewalk to get to the fluffy white snow.
You joined them outside right on time to see her plop onto her back, sinking into the snow to make a snow angel. She laughed happily, flapping her arms up and down through the snow. She stood up with snow stuck to her snowsuit and rosy cheeks, red from the cold and ran off to play some more.
You and Jeno watched her for a while, running around happily with the other kids of the apartment building. She made countless snow angels, snowballs, and just had fun in the snow.
Jeno smiled at her lovingly, "She really looks like she's having a good time- put the snowball down! Don't eat it!"
You laughed watching Jeno chase after her and the snowball she was going to eat. She ran straight behind you to hide, giggling like crazy and out of breath.
"Hey baby," You laugh, adjusting her hat, "Want to build a snowman with Mommy?"
She nods excitedly, beginning to gather up a pile of snow. Once it gets to the point where you need it to be taller you send her off to get some sticks and little rocks for the details. She comes back with an armful of twigs with happy laughs and beyond excited to show you some cool rocks she found.
Jeno joins you both to add his scarf to the snowman. Your daughter giggles happily, "It's daddy!"
Jeno laughs cheerfully and calls her over so they can start making more snowmen, one small one, and one more that was "adult size." The small one gets your daughter's scarf and the remaining one of course gets yours when your daughter waddles over to ask for your hat and scarf.
"Look at that baby! Who did you make?" You ask her with a smile.
She claps her hands, the sound muffled by her gloves, "It's me, mommy, and daddy." She begins to babble on and on about how she made them, how many sticks she found, her cool rocks, a dog she saw earlier, how she saw a snowman in a movie, and really- whatever else comes to mind.
Jeno comes up to you, wrapping his arm around your waist to tug you closer, "I think she liked the snow."
"So much she's trying to eat it again," you chuckle, watching her form a small clump of snow and lick it.
Jeno runs to her, "Not again! Leave it on the ground!"
tagging! @jaeminnanaaa17 enjoy more dad!nct dream :)
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 3 months
I was incredibly lucky enough to get to visit London and see Next to Normal twice in the short time I was there (and meet Jack Wolfe at the stage door!) But lots of fans might not have the same opportunity, so I wanted to share some details about the production and the changes/additions made to the performance since the Donmar production because I remember eagerly reading as many details as possible once upon a time.
Obviously, spoilers ahead for acting choices and stage directions. (Personally, I love spoilers and knowing what to look for in a production, but if you have the chance to see the show and want to be surprised, this is a good place to stop reading.
First off, Diana is shown as waaaaaay more crazy. Her behavior is far more erratic and there's never a moment when you think she's lucid and in control. Personally, I liked this change because I felt like in the Donmar production she was too... normal? She didn't quite behave as the person who broke down in the market, set the house on fire, crashed the car, and jumped in the swimming pool. Here, I completely believe she did all those things. Diana is hypersexual, ripping her top off as she runs past Natalie in the beginning to go have sex with Dan. She plants a kiss on Henry, to Natalie's utter horror, the first time she meets him. (Dan does not react to this, haha, he's used to it.) All of Diana's interactions with with therapists have an undercurrent of overly flirty, sexual dialog. Obviously, this is one sided and unreciprocated from the therapists. At one point she tells the therapist that she's flattered, but her husband is waiting in the car and it's impossible to see it as anything other than super sexual. (She's kinda into it though...) Diana lays curled on the floor more often clutching her head. You never doubt that she is manic.
Let's talk about Gabe.
Jack Wolfe rewrote the role of Gabe, there's no denying that. Instead of the menacing looming ghost, all American jock ghost, Jack plays him as a soft boy. The ultimate soft boy. And I didn't know it was possible, but he ramped that energy up 100% in this production. Jesus christ, he couldn't have been any more adorable if he stood on stage batting his eyelashes. Not only is Gabe played as a soft boy, he's particularly played as being very child-like. It's quite the duality. He has the body and mentality of a supposed 18 year old. He makes a joke about not taking coke "right now," and taunts his father with the location of the car keys at the beginning of the show. Later he reminds his mother that young people in love are horny.
Yet, Gabe's emotional responses, reactions to those around him are extremely childish. It really struck me how similar his expressions of joy, fear, and anger were to my toddler. Eerily similar. In a new addition, his face lights up with uncontrolled joy, giggling when he sees the music box. (His music box.) Gabe jumps to sit on the counter, and hugs it to his chest as he and Diana listen to the music.
There are moments when he is hurt by watching his parents fight and looks absolutely wounded. Like, shoulder hunched, chin tucked in looking down completely betrayed. Another new addition to this production includes Gabe turning his head away and closing his eyes as his mother flushes her pills down the drain. He does not want to see her do it. The dialog is a little at odds with this action because he still tells Diana that he thinks she's being very brave even though he visibly disagrees with her choice.
Gabe recoils in fear during the "chair moment" in a way you wouldn't expect from a young man. When Gabe and Dan crowd Diana during "I Am the One" she lashes out and grabs the chair, swinging it around, forcing them both away from her. Gabe jumps backward in surprise. But this time he also runs behind the counter, visibly terrified that his mother's anger is directed at him. He ducks as she swings the chair, unlike Dan, who is still on the same side of the counter as her and backs out of the way but continues singing and engaging with her, unlike Gabe who does it from a safe distance.
And when Diana's memories of Gabe, and Gabe himself returns after shock therapy, he unleashes the "I'm Alive Reprise" with what I can only describe as the same chaotic gleeful energy my toddler has when my kid starts evil cackling. It's a loud, full body laugh of delight that no one else takes any amusement in that, but that does not stop the child from enjoying it. It's a wild moment in the production. Gabe literally rolls around on top of the counter in delight at being unleashed.
Gabe is also more physically affectionate toward Diana. He hugs her several times and kisses her head. If he gets the opportunity to touch her, he will. In one poignant moment, Dr. Madden convinces Diana to look at Gabe's baby items and start letting go. Gabe tries to get her attention by attempting to hold her hand in order make her talk to him, and instead of taking it, she walks away and leaves him reaching toward her. He is devastated. In the Donmar production Diana and Gabe sat against the counter and leaned on one another. In this production that moment was substituted for Gabe kneeling on the floor and Diana lying on the floor and putting her head in Gabe's lap. He strokes her hair and reassures her.
Instead of seeming jealous or spiteful toward Natalie, Gabe seems enraptured with her. No sibling rivalry here. He tries, unsuccessfully, to get her attention several times and even places his hand over hers on the counter in a moment of comfort, not that she notices. In this production Gabe does not put Diana's purse or bag of pills in front of his sister, starting her addiction. She finds them herself.
This production solved one of the problems I originally had with "Super Boy and the Invisible Girl" in the Donmar production. In the original original New York run Gabe was played by Aaron Tveit as the very jock, athletic all American boy, which is in strict contrast to Natalie, the dorky anxious sister. At the end of the song Gabe joins Natalie singing, "she's not there," until his voice overpowers her and takes over the song as a vocal reminder that he's the favored child. Obviously, the Donmar production didn't do this because Gabe changed to soft boy energy. So Gabe joining the end of the song, singing at Natalie made less sense that the two are no longer in competition. THIS PRODUCTION instead had both Gabe and Natalie singing the end of "Super Boy and the Invisible Girl" to Diana, which was completely brilliant. Diana curls up on the floor clutching her head as both turn their attention toward her. Natalie stands at the top of the stairs and Gabe stands on the counter, both looming over Diana on the floor (asking her why she is not present in their lives and almost accusing her for casting them in the roles of Super Boy and Invisible Girl.)
Gabe is also present in more moments than the original Donmar production. He lurks in the background of several more scenes that did not feature him at the Donmar. This is an excellent choice. He joins Diana during her therapy session when she is hypnotized. Diana makes the joke about turning the light on at the bottom of the stairs to Gabe, both of them being playful and sharing teasing glances because they doubt the success of the hypnosis. (Jokes on Gabe) As Diana falls further into hypnosis, Gabe becomes less visible on stage until he's completely eclipsed behind Dr. Madden and cannot be seen at all even though he's still on stage standing behind the doctor. Gabe tails Diana through the house like a sad puppy afterward when she goes upstairs and retrieves the "baby box."
Gabe did not "try" to make his mother commit suicide. He grabbed his backpack and a dufflebag and started to walk out the door until Diana sang, "I'd die to dance with you." She had already made up her mind to die before Gabe turns around and begins to sing "There's a World." He seemed to help her after she already made her choice. It was less coaxing her into suicide and more guiding her through it, reassuring her of the what came at the end and how he would be there with her.
Gabe watches while Dan cleans up Diana's suicide attempt. He shows up just in time for Dan to sing the lyric, "And there's no one around," disproving Dan's claim that he's all alone. Now, looking this up, it seems like Gabe is supposed to be in this scene, but I have NO MEMORY of Gabe at this part in the original Donmar production. That could just be my faulty memory though. This scene really strengthens their confrontation later in "I Am the One Reprise." I also have no memory of the "sonogram scene" at the Donmar though I distinctly remember reading about it and was actively watching for the moment when Gabe stood on the upper floor and the curtain dropped, casting him in silhouette reminiscent to a sonogram while Diana listens to the music box. So maybe I'm just not remembering correctly? Still, this scene was also excellent and haunting as Gabe hummed the music box melody. The humming was beautiful and it broke me.
At one point in this production, Gabe almost touches his father, but pulls away first. Gabe, desperate to be acknowledged, stands in front of Dan, who reaches forward to touch Diana. Gabe quickly retreats in fear, and throws himself out of the way to avoid touching his father.
I'm not particularly sure anything changed during "I Am the One Reprise," but it's my favorite scene of the entire show, so I'm gonna talk about it. Because hot damn. Before this moment Diana talks to Natalie and sings "Maybe" While they talk Dan and Gabe are sitting against opposite side of the counter. (Dan in the front on the far left hands clutching his head, Gabe behind the counter on the far right curled into a ball, arms wrapped around his knees, forehead on his knees) When Diana finally tells Natalie (and the audience) how her older brother died, Gabe perks up at the mention of his name. He slowly unfolds, sits up, and listens as if it is the first time he's heard it too. Then Diana sings "So Anyway," and leaves. Both men watch her go. (To my utter amusement, Gabe turns into a prairie dog standing up on his knees -- again, reminding me of my toddler who does the same thing in order to sit up and see better -- as Diana leaves.)
Dan stands and starts singing "I Am the One Reprise" to Diana. But Gabe stands and starts singing the reprise to Dan. Then he gets to, "I know you told her that I'm not worth a damn, But I know you know who I am." And then the music cue drops.
It's so powerful.
For the first time Gabe looks angry. Confrontational. He demands to be recognized by his father while Dan denies his presence and begs him to go away. In a stunning leap of athleticism, Gabe jumps on the counter and grabs Dan from the back. It's almost violent. Dan struggles but Gabe refuses to let go until Dan spins around they lock onto each other's forearms and sing the same verse. It's so emotionally charged. Both actors are cry and yell at each other as they sing.
Then Dan starts to pull away and Gabe desperately reaches out trying to hold him again, but unable to from his position on the counter. He continues to reach out despite Dan growing farther away. it's heartbreaking. Dan finally says Gabe's name and recognizes him. It's all Gabe has wanted from his father the entire show. Gabe is so happy in this moment. They look like they are going to continue talking, but Natalie comes in and asks her father, "It's just us?" Now, I remember the line being "It's just the two of us?" at the Donmar, but it's been a hot minute, so I could be wrong (again). But I like, "It's just the two of us?" better because it forces Dan to deny Gabe once again. Dan deliberately looks over at Gabe on the counter before agreeing with Natalie. And Gabe just... gives up. He got the 10 seconds of acknowledgement he wanted from his father. Dan said his name and Gabe's content with that much even though Dan denies him once again in front of Natalie.
Gabe slowly gets off the counter, touches Natalie's hand, though she's unaware, and walks upstairs like a sad little ascending angel who watches over his remaining family.
Other thoughts:
I may not have talked nearly as much about the rest of the cast, but they were all perfect. I loved everyone's voice. Dan was sooooo sympathetic and I love him more and more each time I see the show. Natalie's voice is gorgeous. Stunning. Diana is an unreliable narrator and I think the audience often forgets that.
There are so many props in this set, it must be a nightmare to restock for each show. The food Diana throws around making sandwiches is real, as is the disastrous dinner. (During Diana and Dan's argument they clean up and Diana just throws the dishware into the trash, not just the food, the pan and bowl too and it feels so in character.) Everything else just gets shoved into the sink, haha. The sink does have running water. The birthday cake seems like a prop though and Diana did her best to keep the candles lit while she raced around the stage looking for her dead son. From the balcony on my first viewing I had a really good view of the baby box and saw the exact moment the "blood" began to leak from it. It happened very quickly before the stage turned around, which made me think the it was remote controlled and not set on a release timer (though it probably could be. Every movement from everyone on stage is extremely coordinated even though they are not dancing.) Sitting closer to the stage, the box seemed to leak from all four corners -- I'm just a weirdo who likes knowing these production details.
The cast popping out of the fridge was way funnier during "Psychopharmacologist and I" because they opened the fridge was used it as an ordinary fridge during the opening song. So it was totally unexpected.
Only one person audibly reacted in the audience to Gabe's death reveal between the two shows I saw. Lol. Everyone else went in knowing.
Jesus christ, I have no idea how the actors wore long sleeves and pants on stage. I sat four rows back on the second viewing and I WAS HOT from the stage lights and I wasn't running around the stage like they were. They definitely were visibly sweating.
A friend pointed out that the cast were using American accents, which I didn't realize. For the most part they sounded fine, especially compared to the interviews where the cast use in their natural accents. The most shocking difference was Natalie's actress -- she had the best American accent compared to her strong irl accent. Dan's actor too! Both Jacks couldn't quite cover up their soft vowels so my American ear didn't realize they were using an American accent when I heard their natural ones so clearly.
There were several stage mishaps the second time I saw the production. The curtain that goes up and down on the upper levels of the stage knocked over the "I'm Alive" microphone stand when it when down, knocking the mic off. The mic popped off and bounced down the stairs and rolled off the back of the stage where production presumably grabbed it. The actors picked up the mic stand and put the mic back on it in the next scene. The same microphone stand fell down again when Gabe turned around and his red backpack knocked it over. He picked it up very quickly.
During my "Psychopharmacologist and I" one of Dan's pill bottles, being used as a shaker, exploded. The actor froze for a second, then kept going as the "pills" scattered across the stage. He just put his empty hand in the pocket of the medical coat and continued. When the song ended, a production manager came out, apologized, and said the stage needed to be reset. All the actors left as the stage was swept. The audience looked at their phones for 5 minutes and then the production started again.
Next to Normal was such a joy to see. Like, yes, I saw it because of Jack Wolfe and he was absolutely a highlight of it. But I was never bored without him on stage. Though I did think "So Anyway" was a bit too long, but that's my personal opinion and the effect of jet lag may have influenced that thought. All of the cast and their voices were incredibly talented and I'm glad to be familiar with the show now.
This is long enough, but if you have any questions about the production, please ask! I am happy to answer questions to help those who might be able to see it in person visualize what happened on stage.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
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Single dad!Carmen x reader
Carmen's daughter likes you and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'.
You stepped into the sandwich place, your laptop bag slung around your shoulder as something collided with your leg and clinging to it.
"Oh shit, sorry I- she slipped away from me." A man apologises for the little child around your leg, lowering himself to her level and tiredly begging her to let you go.
You took a better look at the toddler at your side. She had the man's curly hair and wore a fluffy teddybear onesie.
The man in front of you was tired. No question about it and his attire told you he worked here.
"Hey, you know what?" His focus moves from the child up to you. "How about I watch her for a bit? I'm planning on getting some work done here anyways and I'll probably be around when your shift ends." You shrugged at your own suggestion, placing a hand on the child's curls making her giggle at you.
"I uh- my shift ends a couple hours after we close." He wasn't declining your offer, he just didn't want you to waste your whole day here. He had gotten up again by now to talk to you at eye level. "I'm Carmen." He extends a hand to you to shake. "I own this place. And this here's Alex," he motions at the babbling todddler who was now casually hanging from your hand. "She's my kid. Daycare wouldn't take her cus she sneezed one too many times on drop off this morning." A tired hand runs over his face as he recalls why she's here.
"Hey, I'll watch her for you. Just come say hi a couple of times and we'll be good." You shoo'd him off and he went back to the kitchen. But not before making sure he got your food order and saying goodbye to his daughter.
Over the course of the day he swung by your table to watch you type away on your laptop while Alex was no doubt ruining your highlighters and scribbling on the back of your notepad. During food breaks she was in your lap and you'd watch some kids videos on Youtube with the sound low enough to not bother anyone.
Little Alex had been an absolute sweetheart the whole time, clinging to you and showing off her artworks that had rendered your notepad entirely useless.
Around dinnertime Carmen had come back again, insisting he'd be fine watching her himself now, but you assured him you were good and didn't mind staying the few extra hours. He accepted reluctantly and rought you two dinner on the house, dessert included.
When the placed closed down and Carmen was finished cleaning everything he came by one last time, to pick up his daughter and thank you again for watching her. You exchanged phone numbers in case he ever needed a babysitter.
Leaving was a lot more difficult than you had thought. Alex threw the biggest fit the second you turned to the door, running up to you and clamping herself around your leg, sniffling No's leaving her lips as she sat down on your foot with her arms around your calf. Tears staining your jeans.
Carmen stood there, a hand on his hip, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing deeply. "Come on, teddybear. She's tired too, we're all going to our homes and sleep, okay?" He tried bribing, any and all promises he could think of, even physically prying her off your leg resulted in the biggest drama he had ever seen her make.
You felt bad for Carmen. The permanent bags under his gorgeous blue eyes and the mess of curls you wanted to run you-- "what if I tag along and put her in bed?" The suggestion seemingly came out of nowhere amd it took Carmen a moment to register your words.
His place was an even bigger mess than he was and he'd be ashamed if she saw Alex's living situation. But then again, he was a single dad with an extremely demanding job, so the mess did explain itself that way..
"Yeah, okay." A simple, soft answer that had Alex screech with joy.
The three of you made your way over to his car. Since Alex wouldn't let go of you, you carried her while Carmen carried your bag for you as well as his own.
His place wasn't big. But it was big enough for him and Alex. On your way through the livingroom you had to watch your step and not trip over the large amount of toys on the floor. The coffeetable held day old mugs and coffee circles permanently staining the wood. The dinnertable was covered in paperwork but the kitchen looked decent enough, besides the dishes in the sink.
Carmen could feel you judging him, trying to speed up the whole going to bed ritual Alex had so you could stop being grossed out by the mess.
After watching Carmen struggle with the currently very difficult child you stepped in and offered assistence.
Carmen stepped aside and mimiced his steps but in your own way. Suddenly she was the sweetest child ever and did everything you told her to.
"Are you serious? Now you can listen?" The soft complaint didn't go unnoticed and made you giggle as you tucked her in and wished her sweet dreams. Besides you Carmen leaned over to give her kisses and said goodnight as well.
"Why does she listen so well to you?" The question wasn't meant in a bad way, even though it sounded like jealousy. "Guess she just wants a mom." You answered from across the kitchen island. Carmen insisted you stayed for a drink and talk about your day with her. "Neither you or her ever uttered anything mom-related so I guessed it's just you two." You sounded like a prying therapist right now, but you meant it in a kind way.
Clearly both of you sucked when it came to words.
"Her mom was a drunken mistake." He downs half of his drink and decided right there he was gonna talk about it. If you deleted his number and walked out afterwards, so be it.
"I didn't even know she had a kid until kne day she stopped by the restaurant. I barely recognised her but she still made a whole scene about some mistake, dropped the carrier with a crying baby at my feet and shoved a stack of paperwork in my hands." He downed the other half of his drink, not liking how recalling those memories felt. "I barely knew her, only saw her twice before moving back here from New York and found me all the way here to drop the baby and all her papers stating I was the one responsible for her on me and leave after screaming at me amd blaming me for leaving."
Carmen's story shocked you. You sat in silence after he finished, not sure how to respond to such a confession, so you offered your help once more.
After a while babysitting Alex at work and tucking her into bed turned into babysitting, tucking her into bed and moving into the next one together with Carmen. His early shifts really messed up Alex's sleep scedule so he suggested you staying the night and working from his apartment and do Alex's morning routine at a more acceptable hour than 6am, when he's kiss you goodmorning, wish you some good few more hours of sleep and went off to work.
Carmen was enjoying your time together so much, and Alex was almost permanently attached to you when you were around so his only thought was how he was going to ask you to move in with him. You already had a spare key so giving you one of those in a fancy little box wouldn't work.
Eventually he thoight of an idea that just had to work.
He wrote a note from Alex's point of view, rolled it up and tied a little bow around it and handed it to his daughter. "Can you go give this to her, please? It's a gift."
Alex immediately ran over to you, waving the paper roll at you and smacking it against your leg. She mumbled a quick "foyou" before waving it up at you again.
You accepted the gift with a grand display of thanks, with kisses and a hug, a whole scene amd read the note in silence. You recognised Carmen's handwriting immediately and smiled your way throigh the creatively written sentences.
"So, you want me to be mommy, huh?" You asked Alex, but not without moving your stare up to meet Carmen's, who looked away quickly to hide his blush.
A string of Yes and Please and happy giggles were all the convincing you needed before agreeing to move into Carmen's apartment officially.
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prettymonegasque · 6 months
cards and flowers
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Charles Leclerc x fem!driver! reader
Summary: Love is found through many ways. Yours was through messy cards from an adorable toddler with a cute dad.
Warnings: SO.MUCH.CUTENESS. nothing else just fluff!!
Word Count: 1k
A very special fic inspired from my very first request <3
“Papa! We should give her Floppy. Floppy is a great doctor.” Theo held out his stuffed toy as Charles buckled the 3-year-old in the car seat. “Sure, mon amour. She would love it.” Charles chuckled and kissed his son’s forehead. He let out a deep breath and got into the driver’s seat. 
His teammate had a nasty crash during the Saudi Arabian GP. She made it out alive but sustained some minor injuries and had to be hospitalised for monitoring. Charles always worries about everyone he loves. He cannot even fathom losing anyone, especially the girl he’s grown to love and fall harder for every second. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to you and never had the balls to confess his feelings. 
The sound of Theo singing along to the radio shook him out of his thoughts. Charles looked at him through the rearview mirror and smiled. He couldn’t wait for two of the most important people in his life to meet.
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“Theo, when we get in we should talk very softly okay? No yelling or running. You should be very gentle. Tu comprends?” (you understand?) Theo nodded as Charles gave him a soft smile and held the toddler’s hand guiding him through the hospital halls. He couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You might not have met Theo before but Charles spoke so much about him that it felt like you’ve raised him. He lightly knocked at the door to your suit and heard a low voice asking him to come in. 
“Hey. How are you doing?” Charles gently approached you. Theo clutched his father’s calf and shied away. You let out a small laugh, “I’m fine Charles. This must be the famous little Theo Leclerc.” The toddler replied with a mumble. “Désolé bébé. I didn’t catch that.” You cooed at Theo. “‘m not little. I’m three.” Theo confidently showed two fingers and gave you a toothy grin. 
��Oh my! You’re a big boy, aren’t you? I’m so sorry sir.” You dramatically apologised and got out of bed. Charles immediately stopped you. “Don’t you dare get up. You’re supposed to be resting.” “Lord Perceval, as much as I love you dotting over me, they cleared me for Australia. In fact, I’m getting discharged this evening.” You ignored the eye roll from the Monegasque and kneeled before the toddler to level with him. “Nice to meet you, Theo. I’m Y/N.” You extended your hand which the toddler promptly shook.
“Papa talked a lot about you. He said you’re prettier than Rapunzel. But I think Rapunzel is more prettier.” Theo shrugged. “Did he actually say that?” You giggled and looked up to find a blushing mess of a man. “I do agree with you, Theo. Rapunzel is so much more prettier.”  “Mon chou, don’t you have something to give to Y/N.” Charles tried to switch the subject before his little spawn revealed anything more. “We got you flowers. Papa said lilies are your favourite. I also made you a card. Papa drew everything but I coloured it. I’m very good at colouring.” He shoved the flowers in your hand and proudly showed you the card.
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Your heart skipped a beat every time Theo mentioned that his papa talked about you. Does he always talk about me? A silly little thought entered your brain but you were quick to brush it off and continued your conversation with Theo. Unbeknownst to you, Charles was hopelessly falling in love with you and wondered how wonderful it would be if he could witness this every day for the rest of his life.
‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫
It’s been 3 years since that day at the hospital. Three championships, one champagne-and-sweat-covered confession and a lot of dates later, you and Charles sat on the island watching Theo giggling and running from the waves. After a successful yet hectic first half of the season, you relished the quiet moments you got with your little family during the break. You turned to kiss your boyfriend to find him staring at the void, deep in thought. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” You nudged him, shaking him out of his trance. He gave a puzzled look. “Whatchu thinking about baby?” “Just you and how much I love you.” He leaned down and kissed you softly. “I love you too, Charles. Toujours.” (always) He smiled and then called out for Theo. The now 6-year-old came running into his arms at full speed. You started tickling him and cherished the giggles that erupted from him. After he calmed down, he looked at his dad and nodded. You were a little suspicious but let it pass. 
“Theo, mon chou, don’t you have something to give Y/N?” Charles urged him. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “Oh yes.  Papa and I made you a card. I drew and coloured it all this time. Look!” He handed you a white envelope. You were still confused, it wasn’t an anniversary or birthday why are you getting a card? But when you opened the envelope and read the card your confusion was replaced by disbelief. 
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You gasped and looked up to find your boyfriend on one knee while Theo tried to suppress his excitement. “Y/N, ma cherie. I’ve had the immense pleasure of knowing you for the past four years. And I’ve loved every second of the last three when I got to call you mine. The day Theo was born, I told myself I would love him like no human in this world could. But then you came into our lives and showed both of us a kind of love that is so pure and raw. I don’t ever want that love to stop shielding us. So will you do both of you the greatest honour and marry me?” You were full-on sobbing, snot and all. Charles was tearing up as well. Theo looked like he was about to burst from anticipation. “Yes” That one word changed your life forever. 
‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫ ꒱‧₊˚ ♡ 𓈒 𔘓 ۫
I am very sleep deprived so if you see any plot holes or typos, no u didnt uwu
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l5byrinth · 7 months
new romantics
“the best people in life are free.”
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pairing: finnick x fem!reader, platonic!johanna x fem!reader, literally everyone else just platonic
summary: celebrating the anniversary of getting rid of the hunger games with your found family with a surprise for them in store as well.
a/n: i wrote this like rn which is almost 1 am and i’m not mad about how it has turned out. i should probably edit this but wanted to finish at least one of the requests by today!! also anon i kind of changed it by making johanna someone like sister for reader just so more people feel included when reading <333 hope you like this anon and tbh it’s really bad but i hope you enjoy!!
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WITH a wide smile on your face, you jokingly scolded your little child and Peeta for running around the living room. You were busy chatting up with your closest friends Katniss and Johanna, while the rest of your friends were all having a conversation of their own. You were glad the others got distracted by the two, because they were just questioning the fact you passed on a glass of wine. “Sorry,” Your little toddler pouted their underlip forward, your heart melting at the sight.
You motioned for the kid to come and sit on your lap, “That’s okay, sweetie. Now, show aunt Johanna and aunt Katniss your teeth.”
The little child bared their teeth for Johanna and Katniss to examine. Your kid had recently lost two of their teeth, and saying the little one was proud was an understatement. “Wow, you’re all grown up now.” Johanna commented, making the small child smile even wider. Katniss questioned, grabbing the young one’s hands, “What’d you do with the lost teeth?”
Your kid hopped off your lap, “Made money with it, duh.” And the youngster sprinted off to Peeta, who was already waiting for him.
Laughter filled the room, and even Katniss - who was a hard one to crack - couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. Finnick, who was previously busy in the kitchen preparing one of his favourite meals, entered the sitting room. His gaze fell upon you and, just like every time he looked at you, it was like he fell in love all over again.
When you noticed him on the other side of the room, you excused yourself to your friends before making your way over to your husband. You draped your arms over his shoulders as he rested his hands on your waist, “How’s everything going in the kitchen, love?” He smiled and leaned in closer, letting his nose brush against yours, “It’s going just fine.”
“Ugh, get a room you two!” Haymitch, who was playing with your child together with Peeta, yelled out of nowhere. You rested your forehead on Finnick’s chest while chuckling. He pulled you in closer while he did the same. “Let’s go to the kitchen.” Finnick offered, putting some distance between the two of you to look at you. He grabbed your hand, before leading you to there.
The stove was filled with different kinds of pans and pots, and judging on the kitchen counter covered by many ingredients, you could tell Finnick really was trying his best. “I need you to taste, darling,” Finnick said while grabbing a wooden spoon. He dipped it into one of the pots and blew on it a few times. He sipped on it a little himself, just to make sure it wasn’t too hot, before offering you.
Your eyes widened when you tasted it and Finnick’s face fell, “Oh, no, don’t tell me I’ve ruined it.”
“I’m so sorry, Finn.” You apologised while pulling a faux soured face. With his hands covering his face, he shook his head in disbelief, “I knew it! I should’ve…”
He stopped when you removed his hands, letting him see the smile on your face. “I was just kidding, Finn, that was amazing.” You assured with a giggle. “Oh, you! Darling, if it weren’t for you being so damn adorable…” He pulled you in closer as you couldn’t hold in your giggles. When your laughter died down, he left a kiss on your forehead, before resting his against yours. “We’ll tell them, right?”
You nodded in response, forgetting about the entire world in your lover’s arms. Just like you did since the moment you met him.
A call of your name by Johanna brought you back to reality. “Where are you?” She continued in a sing-songy tone while entering the kitchen. She stopped when she saw the two of you and a smile tugged at her lips as she said, “Oh, hey lovebirds.”
“Hey, Jo.” Finnick and you said in unison while you faced her.” She walked over and grabbed your hand, “I’m going to steal my wife from you real quick, Finnick.”
Finnick responded, pulling away from you with furrowed eyebrows, “Sure…” You let go of Finnick and followed her out of the kitchen as Finnick yelled, “Wait, you mean my wife!” You and Johanna laughed while linking your arms, “Nope. Mine!”
“You wish!” You heard Finnick faintly before you entered the dining room.
The two of you started talking as you set the table, a lot of memories being recalled. “Oh my god, I remember how terrified I was of you when we first met!” Johanna’s mouth fell agape by your exclaim, and she jokingly responded, “Ouch!”
You playfully nudged her side with your elbow, “You were scarily intimidating, Jo! How could I not be?”
“You know what, I’m actually glad I gave that impression. Exactly what I was going for.” Your best friend spoke, setting the last plate on the table.
“I can’t believe that we have come so far.” You still remember the hard times as clear as day. The hunger games, the rebellion, the war. But you got through it together with all the people who had become such a huge part of your life along the way. Like Johanna, who was basically like a sister to you. “Done!” Johanna said, as she just finished putting all the cutlery in place.
“What’s wrong?” She questioned when she noticed you had fallen silent. “Just grateful,” You started with quivering lips, “You’re like a sister to me and I couldn’t imagine a life without you-”
Johanna walked over to you and pulled you in for a tight, but comforting hug. Something only Johanna could do. She pulled away as she said, “Now, stop being so sentimental. I don’t want to cry in front of you.”
You chuckled at her comment, wiping away the tears that had escaped bay. “Let’s call everyone to the table now, shall we?”
With the dining room filled with the people you loved with your entire body and soul, you couldn’t wish for anything else. Everyone had taken a seat, admiring the food that lay upon them. Most of the food was cooked by Finnick, who was sitting beside you and holding your hand tightly. Your little child was sitting on the other side of you, talking to you about everything and nothing.
You smiled at your child’s story, and when it finished, your eyes found Finnick’s. You knew exactly what his eyes were telling you. Both you and Finnick stood up and the room quieted down. He wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you in closer as you spoke., “It has been quite some time since the day we finally got some peace in our lives.”
“And sitting here, with the family I found during the hard times, there is no place I’d rather be.” You continued, everyone listening attentively and some nodded at your words. “So since we’re celebrating the anniversary of the day we finally got rid of the games, there was something Finnick and I wanted to announce as well.”
Everyone waited in anticipation, wondering what was going on as you and Finnick shared a look. He nodded encouragingly with a soft smile.
“We’re having another baby!” You announced as Finnick held up the photos of the echo you had made a week ago. The whole room erupted in joy and excitement. Johanna was the first to get up from her seat and run over to embrace you, followed shortly by Katniss. Finnick was being congratulated by Peeta and Haymitch, as Katniss told you, “I knew it! You were so obvious, you know?”
However, before you could respond, your small child stood on your chair, “Daddy told me not to tell anyone!”
“Yes, and you didn’t, baby. You did such a good job.” With the brightest smile on your face you kissed your little one’s forehead.
“We can’t wait to welcome our little baby to the family.” Finnick said to everyone, to which they nodded their head to. Everyone sat back down on their chairs as soon as they all had congratulated you. You and Finnick sat down as well, relieved that you didn’t have to keep this from your loved ones any longer. “You’ve got to name your little one Effie if it’s a girl.” Effie commented, grabbing ahold of Haymitch’s hand with as she looked at you with a smile.
“Or Peeta if it’s a boy!” Peeta exclaimed.
“No, no, no! You should definitely name him Haymitch.”
“In your dreams.” Katniss said, rolling her eyes at the man.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips and you turned your head to face your husband, who was already looking at you with a lovesick smile.
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Synopsis: A day life of a husband of 11 years; A shortie Blurb.
More of my work
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Harry and YN have been together for 11 years, believe it or not, and married for six years out of them, with three kids.
They're as in love with one another as day one.
Many still root for them to break up one day. Especially since both of them are in public eye so much, Harry being the new pop star and YN being director and former actress.
YN have decided to rather to not let anything phase her and just be happy in her very happy relationship. Especially now with their three kiddos.
YN decided to make a Reels videos. She stayed away from Tiktok but Instagram is equally addicting. She had set up her phone on a tripod she once bought to use for her Vogue skin care routine video and it was abandoned since then. It was before the pandemic when she didn't had any kids. She was stood in the hallway by the master bedroom door, testing a few shots on her phone.
"Oh am I in your way?" Harry caught her attention, he'd come back from dropping the kids at YN's parents' as they both wanted to have alone time. The camera was already rolling.
"No!" She gasped in excitement. "Come here, I need you!"
"We're going to film it this time?" He raised his eye brow with a cocky smirk on his face as he padded closer to her, "and they said romance is dead."
"Oh shush!" She stopped him. "I'm making a Reel. I want you to do something."
"What do you want me to do?" He stood in front of her, basically towering her as how tall he is.
"I want you to do that romance book boyfriend thing, where he grabs the girl by the waist and lifts her chin with his finger." She beamed at him at like an idiot, excited idiot to be exact. She showed him how to, wrapping her own arm around his waist and failing to follow up with the rest of the part.
The thing is, YN have been now addicted to reading, Porn on paper kinda romance novels. It wasn't surprising for him as she'd keep sending him these videos saying, she's adding those to the her to be read pile. Let's be honest the girl is horrible at keeping up with the lists, so whatever helps her.
And Harry likes to feed into her mew obsessions, he bought her a Kindle just because. Whatever makes her happy, is his motto. And she don't have to wait for the book to arrive in the mail anymore.
"God why did I saw this coming?" He chuckled, but followed through.
He wrapped his left arm around her waist pulling her flush against his chest as he pinned her to the wall, forefinger under her chin as he gently lift her head until their eyes met, staring for a few seconds as he slowly pressed a feathery kiss on her mouth. That was cherry on tip!
That really made her go weak in her knees and she almost fell on her bum if it wasn't for him holding onto her. He laughed adoringly at her reaction.
"You're adorable!" He managed to say between his giggles as he carefully stepped away from her, watching her go all red and nervous.
"Do it again!" She exclaimed whilst dying sheepishly. And he did.
It was hilarious this time though because YN kept squealing and somehow turned more red. He still had that effect on her. Harry placed a tender kiss on her cheek before he was reaching to stop the recording on her phone and he was carrying her into their bedroom.
"Now I don't want you to wake up in the middle of the night to show me something your imaginary boyfriend did." He placed her on their bed as he kneed his way forward to hover over her.
Yeah, she wakes him up more than their kids wake him up at night. They're all boys and Mummy is their favourite, as traditionally cliche it sounds, it's truth.
And to her advantage he's better in bed that any of the book boyfriends. She missed it, especially when there are two toddler knocking on their door in the middle of the night asking to sleep in their bed, a baby who needs diaper change and milk every three hours. Life is hectic.
"Oh that's never going to stop." She challenged him.
"Yeah? Well the good thing we dropped off the kids at your parents' today, isn't it?" He smirked cheekily as he dipped his head down to smear his mouth on hers.
And oh boy, oh boy, did she had a euphorically tiring afternoon!
N O T E:
Oh my god! Did I loved writing this!!!! 😭
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @originalsoulcollector @harrysgirl-1d @lomlhstyles @im-an-overthinker
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moonlightazriel · 1 year
The family we choose /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: It has always been Azriel and Aiden against the world, but what will happen when the new school years begin and his son talks about this amazing teacher every day?
Warnings: None, just fluff cuz why not?
Word Count: 3,1K
Notes: Fucking finally, this has been sitting on my drafts for a while and i love this idea.
Main Masterlist
“DADDY!” Aiden yelled, raising from his spot beside Feyre and rushing to get to him, he lowered to his level and waited for the little boy, he threw himself into his father’s arms, and Azriel wrapped his arms around him, giving him a tight squeeze. 
“Hey, buddy! How was school?” His son rushed back to the table, Feyre, Nyx, and a lot of art supplies were waiting for him, he grabbed a piece of paper and ran back to him to show him the drawing.
“Miss Y/L asked us to draw our family.” Azriel looked closely at the figures, the 6-year-old had done a great job, he could see himself, Cassian, Nesta with a huge pregnant belly, Rhys, Feyre, Nyx, Mor, Emerie, Gwyn, Elain, and Lucien.  
“That’s a beautiful drawing, you have a lot of talent.” He complimented.
“Aunt Feyre helped me make this drawing so I could give it to Miss Y/L, I really hope she likes it.” The flower bouquet was painted on a piece of parchment paper, Feyre had done the drawing but Aiden had painted it. 
“She’s going to love it Den, but why don’t you and Nyx play in the garden while the adults talk?” Feyre suggested as she started to gather the supplies from the table, Aiden looked at Azriel and he nodded, the two boys happily smiled and started to rush outside. “He really loves this teacher.” She said and Azriel got to her side, helping her clean. 
“Did he start with the never-ending rant about how amazing and beautiful she is?” She nodded. “You don’t think he’s projecting the feeling he had for his mother on her, do you?”
“Well, I can’t say for sure Az, Nyx likes her too, a lot, sometimes feels like he likes her more than me.” She giggled, rolling her eyes. “Maybe she’s just a really good teacher and there’s nothing to do with his mom.” Azriel nodded.
He had met Laurie in an Illyrian camp 10 years ago, and it was love at first sight, they lived like a happy couple until she met her mate, and decided that it was a good idea to leave Azriel with their 1-year-old son. 3 years ago, the news of her death reached him in Velaris, it was a tough blow that he wasn’t expecting but he slowly got over it, he had to, for his son. Ever since he does everything he can to make sure that his son is happy, and focused his life on him, even if his family tried to tell him that he should live his life too.
“She’s all he talks about ever since they started the school year, you have no idea how many times he asked if he could pick “Aunt Elain’s beautiful flowers”  to give them to her.” Feyre looked at him and smiled. 
“Let him be Az, it’s probably just a phase.” He nodded.
“Thanks for everything Fey, you’re amazing.” He said giving her a quick hug and kissing her temple.
“Get your hands off my High Lady.” Rhysand spoke with a smile on his face from the doorway. Azriel stepped back with his hands in the air. 
“I’m already on my way, don’t need to get all overprotective.” Rhys playfully slapped his back while he walked outside to get Aiden. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Do you want to eat something?” Azriel asked his son as they walked around Velaris.
“My belly is full Daddy, Miss Y/L brought us the best cookies in the world, she made them.” The toddler happily spoke. “She said that she will teach us how to make them, she’s so nice, I really like her.”
“That’s awesome buddy, you just have to be careful around the fire.” He warned his son.
“Yes Daddy, cuz the fire hurts if we get too close.” He repeated the words Azriel had told him ever since Aiden started to crawl, his son was perfect, and he didn’t want him to be marked like he was, he didn’t need any scars on his perfect brown skin.
Aiden was a copy of him, with the same eyes, the same hair color, the same skin tone, and huge wings behind his back, and even if he could understand his father’s shadows just as perfectly as Azriel did, he had none, at least not yet. 
The two kept walking until they reached the townhouse, Rhys knew how Azriel loved that house and decided to give it to him as a gift, it was good enough for him and Aiden and he was happy that his brother made him the owner, he took good care of that house. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Azriel brushed his wet hair, spraying some perfume on his neck and chest as he got ready for the school meeting, the teachers requested to talk about the student's progress and how the parents could help with their learning. Aiden was already ready, playing in the living room as he readied himself, a simple black shirt, pants, boots, and truth-teller strapped on his thigh, his siphons glowed as he looked at himself in the mirror once again. 
His son was really excited for him to meet his teacher finally, and even Azriel was curious, Aiden had practically dragged him across the street towards the school, the little boy was rambling all the way, and when he saw his cousin, he left Azriel behind to go play with Nyx.
“Someone is super happy.” Rhys said as Az approached him, the two kids were running around now.
“You have no idea.” He replied looking around, the kids were running and most parents just waited for the reunion, Azriel tried to spot who he thought was Miss Y/L, in his mind, he was looking for an old, kind fae, with white hair and granny coats, weren’t all teachers like that after all?
Faes started to come to the parents to lead them to the classrooms, they followed a male as he guided the way, the classroom was decorated with flowers, and kids' drawings, books, and toys were all over the place, and in the corner, in the front part of the classroom a female stood, she was beautiful, her hair was in a braid behind her back, she was wearing a long dress, and she had the prettiest smile in the world, she looked at Azriel and he swore he could see the world shining brighter as she looked at him, she couldn’t be…..
“Miss Y/L!” Aiden yelled, running past them and jumping in the female's arms, she lifted him from the ground, laughing with him.
“Hi Den, did you bring your daddy as I asked?” She spoke, her voice was calm and airy, and hearing her talk made Azriel feel like he was walking on clouds.
“Yup!” The toddler proudly nodded and pointed at Azriel who still stood in the doorway. “Daddy, this is Miss Y/L.” He happily said as the female walked closer to him. 
Of course, everyone in Velaris knew who the Spymaster was, but it was something entirely different seeing him in person for the first time, the tall male was absolutely breathtaking, he was wearing the simplest clothes on earth and yet he looked perfect, the cobalt gems adorning his body, to contain his powers, glowed as he looked her up and down. 
Y/N felt her cheeks getting hot as she approached the male, his eyes still glued to hers, she could feel the sparks of electricity as she held his gaze, extending a hand in his direction.
“I’m Y/N.” She managed to say, her voice more steady than she expected, good!
“Azriel. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The male chuckled and Y/N felt her knees go weak at the sound.
“Oh, i could say the same about you, little Aiden here loves his father more than anything else.” The little boy held his father’s hand while he blushed. “What about you take your Daddy to your seat and we’ll talk more later?” She lowered to Den’s level and he nodded, pulling his father to the empty seat in front of her desk. She went to greet other parents that arrived in the classroom. 
“I wasn’t expecting that AT ALL.” Rhysand spoke as Azriel approached him, Nyx and Aiden sat side by side in class, he smiled at that, loving how close the cousins were like they saw each other as brothers the same way their parents did.
“What?” Rhys gave him a knowing look and he rolled his eyes.
“That she would be this pretty, guess I was expecting an old lady.” Azriel scoffed.
“Don’t let Feyre hear you, or you might sleep on the couch tonight.” Rhysand laughed and the two males looked at her while she spoke about the class progress. One by one, the parents approached her to speak about their children, they were the last ones in the classroom when she came to speak with them.
“High Lord!” She bowed a little. “Thank you two for coming in today. The boys are absolutely wonderful, they’re the top ones in class, but I’m afraid that they have some trouble with maths, I’ve been giving them extra exercises but maybe you two could keep an eye on that, and see why they’re struggling with that.” 
“Of course, do you teach privately?” Rhysand asked, saying that she could teach a thing or two to Azriel in his mind, Azriel slightly shoved the High Lord and Rhysand suppressed a laugh.
“I do! If you need me just contact the school and they will let me know.” She smiled at them, and Azriel felt his chest fill with warmth with that.
“Thanks, Y/N.” He said, and the two said their goodbyes leaving her behind.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Azriel rushed through the school corridors, opening the door to the nurse’s office, he almost fell to his knees as he spotted Y/N sitting in the corner, Aiden was in her lap, he was holding his little arm, and his cheeks were red from crying, his head was resting against her chest and she had her cheek pressed against his forehead, whispering a song to calm him down. The way his son grabbed her like she was the only person that could keep him safe, made Azriel’s heart bleed, the two turned their head to him.
“He fell while playing in the garden, the healer said that his arm just hurts cuz he fell on top of it, it’s not broken, and he’ll be okay. He’s just scared.” Azriel kneeled in front of them, and Den’s puffy red eyes locked with his, he grabbed his son, cradling him to his chest, kissing the top of his head. She still looked worried, like she was about to cry, the only people that worried that much about his son, were his family. 
“Thank you so much for always taking care of him.” His voice was shaken, and the shadows around him still moved frantically, assessing Aiden for any injuries she could not be aware of.
“There’s nothing to thank me for, Aiden is a special boy, it’s my pleasure to take care of him.” She said gently, rubbing the toddler's back, Aiden was already sleeping in his father’s arms.
“No modesty please, let me pay you a coffee, I insist.” Azriel didn’t know why, but he wanted her to understand how much he appreciated her for all her care for his son. He could see that she was inclined to accept, so he talked again. “Meet me tomorrow morning at the Oak Alcove, by the Rainbow. At 9!” He said, thanking her once more, grabbing his son’s backpack, and leaving without waiting for an answer, he just hoped she would show up. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Y/N walked between the tables trying to spot the Shadowsinger, she was wearing a simple dress, and she rubbed her sweaty hands in the soft fabric for the third time, she gave another look around before she saw a hand raised in the air, Azriel was wearing leather clothes, the breath got caught in her throat as she looked at him, absolutely beautiful.
“You came.” He smiled at her, getting up to pull the chair for her, she sat, thanking him. She didn’t know if it was just a coincidence, but the Oak Alcove was her favorite coffee shop in Velaris, the soft breeze from the Sidra, the smell of flowers, the soft music, it was a magical place. 
“I did.” She laughed. “ It’s not often that I get to go to my favorite coffee shop for free.” She joked. 
“And here was i, thinking we would split the bill.” He rested a hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt and she liked that, everyone just saw him as a serious and stoic male, which was intimidating, but the way he smiled, a sight that she was sure wasn’t often people saw, made her heart melt. 
Azriel was a pleasant male, the way he softly spoke, his wide knowledge of everything, his passion for literature, he was really much more than the eyes could see. The time flew as they got to know each other better, now she understood why Aiden loved him so much, the Shadowsinger was sweet, gentle, wonderful, her heart skipped a beat every 5 seconds, and she tried to stop blushing like a little girl every time he smiled in her direction.
“This was fun.” She said after he stated that he should leave, he had plans with his son. 
“It was.” He got closer to her as they walked away. He walked her to her house, not far away from the coffee shop. “I was hoping we could do it again if it’s okay for you.” Her heart came to a stop in her chest.
“I would love to, Azriel. See you around.” The way she spoke his name, it was a sweet melody.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“She’s wonderful.” He said, stretching his wings, the glass of liquor dancing in between his fingers, Rhysand smiled and Cassian entered the office. 
“What’s happening?” Rhys served him a glass as well.
“Azzie here is in love with Den’s teacher.” Cassian whispered a “NO WAY!” shuffling his onyx hair, making Azriel growl at him.
“I’m not in love with her.” He sipped on his drink. “Yet!” The trio laughed. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Azriel knew he was wrapped around her fingers when he kept going to the school every day, just to see her smile, just like his son, he would bring her flowers, he would take her out, after suffering because of Laurie, he was ready to open his heart again, especially for someone like her, she was perfect for him and he was ready to take their relationship to the next level. 
“Where are you going daddy?” Aiden asked as Azriel fixed his tie in the mirror.
“I’m going out with Mrs.Y/L, you like her, right?” He pulled his son closer.
“Yes, she’s amazing.”
“Would you like it if she was Daddy’s girlfriend?” His little eyebrows furred and he looked confused.
“Will she be my mommy?” The words shattered his heart and he swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling his eyes burn, he knew Aiden probably missed his mother, he noticed how he would look to Feyre when Nyx called her mommy, Azriel knew he wanted, craved that too, and broke his heart not be able to give that to his son.
“Maybe in the future buddy, if she wants to.” His son nodded and Azriel fixed his hair, he dropped Den in the River House before meeting Y/N for dinner, the bouquet Elain prepared for him was almost slipping from his shaking fingers, Y/n was already there waiting for him, she smiled, getting up to greet him with a quick kiss, they shared their first kiss after their fifth date, and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself ever since, her lips were sweet and she fitted so perfectly against him, she was made for him. 
“I want to ask you something.” Azriel had been building up the courage all night, Y/N dropped her spoon, her lips smudged with chocolate and he smiled at her, she was beautiful. “Will you be my girlfriend?” She almost jumped from her seat as she shook her head agreeing, he took her home that night, where they made love until sunrise. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Mrs. Mommy I need help.” Aiden’s voice sounded from somewhere behind her and she immediately turned around, seeing him shaking the glitter off his tiny fingers. Az had mentioned what happened between him and Den’s mom, and how he knew his son wanted a  mother, she just didn’t expect that.
“Hi Den, what do you need?” He showed her his fingers glued together.
“My fingers are sticky.” She guided him to the sink.
“Let’s wash it then.” She said, then releasing the kids to their break. Azriel showed up like he did almost every day, he was holding a cup of coffee and some cookies for her.
“Hey love, what’s wrong?” He kissed her cheek and closed the door.
“Aiden called me mommy today. Mrs.Mommy to be precise.” She giggled a little.
“Shit.” Azriel didn’t want to pressure her to assume a motherly role to Den, but he also couldn’t exactly control these kinds of things. “I can talk to him if you want, tell him that you’re not his mom. He’ll understand.”
“I just don’t want him to be confused, I don’t know.” He hugged her. “I love him, just as much as I love you. Maybe tell him not to do it at school? Cuz the principal is already fuming that we’re dating.” He smiled.
“Maybe she’s jealous.” He joked and she laughed, she loved them really much. And her heart clenched hearing Den call her mommy. Maybe they could make this whole thing work.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“You can’t catch me.” Aiden smirked, as Cassian chased him and Nyx, they were at a picnic with the inner circle, and Y/N was more than welcomed among them, they really liked her, she was getting really close to Feyre, the two were watching as the general pretended to be slower than the children. Den rushed to her, jumping on her lap and hiding from Cassian, while Azriel watched from afar. She looked at him, and it was like the whole world had come to a stop, she was the only thing holding him on earth, he had always assumed he was just lucky to have found someone so similar to him, and now he understood that it wasn’t luck, she was perfect for him because she was made for him, his mate, his equal, the love of his life. 
She blinked too overwhelmed as she explored the newly found bond between them, she had suspected for a while that he might be her mate, she had hoped and she had prayed to the Mother that she was right, and there it was, glowing like a thousand suns, the mating bond tying them to each other for the eternity, finally everything was complete for them. 
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sequinsmile-x · 17 days
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I Knew You'd Linger Like a Tattoo Kiss - Head Kisses
A series of unrelated one-shots and mini fics about the many types of kisses Aaron and Emily share.
Hi friends,
Here's another one of these prompts to wrap up the week. This is just soft, with a touch of mommy issues because I can't help myself.
Please see the masterlist for a full list of tags, and the list of prompts for this series.
Words: 2k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily tried to avoid one-on-one time with her mother as much as possible. It was easier to do since she’d had Samuel, the 18-month-old and Jack both excellent distractions for Elizabeth when she came over to the house, her love for her grandsons obvious whenever they were together. 
On her worst days, Emily envied her mother's relationship with Samuel and Jack. The easy way she showed her love for them, the affection Emily had to earn when she was young given away as if it was free. It was nothing but proof to her that Elizabeth had always been capable of it, but had prioritised different things when she was young. 
She’d tried to get out of lunch with her mother, not entirely in the mood to be her best self after a rough night with Samuel. He was sick, the 18-month-old refusing to sleep and crying if he was anywhere but in her arms, so she and Aaron had barely slept as they took turns to soothe him. She’d almost called her mom to tell her she couldn’t make it, but Aaron had encouraged her out of the door, reminding her if she didn’t do it now she’d just have to rearrange it after a week of building herself up to it. She’d kissed him goodbye, whilst grumbling about his need to always be so damn sensible, and she’d made her way to her mother’s favourite restaurant. 
The first thing she does when she arrives is order the biggest coffee she can, wanting to make sure she is as alert as she possibly could be. She’s barely sat down for 5 minutes when she hears her mother’s voice echoing around her.
“Emily,” she exclaims, stamping a kiss on each of Emily’s cheeks as she stands to greet her, “It’s good to see you,” she says, frowning as she pulls back, “Are you okay? You look exhausted.” 
She suppresses an eye roll and clenches her teeth, wondering if it is too early to order a glass of wine, “Thanks, Mom,” she says as she takes her seat again, “Sammy is sick so we had a rough night.”
“Oh no,” Elizabeth says as she sits down, “Is he okay?” 
Emily nods, “He’ll be fine, it’s just a bug Jack brought home from school. He’ll be okay in a day or two. He’s all about me when he’s sick though,” she says, unable to pretend she didn’t enjoy all the extra snuggles from her toddler who was seemingly always on the go these days, “So Aaron tried to help but I was up most the night.” 
Elizabeth raises her eyebrows, “Well, if you didn’t coddle him so much he’d manage just fine I’m sure.” 
She sucks in a deep breath and smiles tightly, knowing that the only way to stop herself from biting at the bait offered to her was to change the conversation. “How are you, Mom? How’s work?” 
Her technique works, just as it always did, and she sits back and half listens as Elizabeth talks about work and the embassy. She checks her phone to make sure Aaron hasn’t attempted to contact her, and she smiles at the picture of Samuel and Jack that she has set as her wallpaper, the two of them giggling at something Aaron had said. 
“You’ll never guess who I saw - Steve Clemente.” 
Emily frowns, “Who?” 
Elizabeth rolls her eyes, “Really, Emily. You’ve met the man at my Christmas party the last few years. He’s the President over at Primrose Academy.” 
She hums and nods, “Of course, sorry,” she replies, sipping her coffee, “I remember now.” 
“Well, I was able to get Samuel on the list for their Preschool programme,” she says, opening up her menu, missing the confusion that passes across Emily’s face, “We’re a bit late but this is why it pays to know people.” 
“Sammy is 18 months old.” 
Elizabeth sighs, “It’s like you’re being purposely obtuse today,” she says, shaking her head as she looks back up at her, “I know how old my grandson is, Emily. But the waiting list for these programmes is 2 years. It’s a very prestigious school.” 
Emily presses her lips together and swallows thickly, preparing herself for an argument, “I appreciate the effort, Mom. But we’re not going to be sending him to private school.” 
Elizabeth’s head snaps up, her eyebrows furrowed as she looks at her daughter, “Excuse me?” 
“When the time comes we’re going to send him to the same preschool Jack went to,” she says, looking around for the waiter, the idea of a glass of wine with lunch more appealing than it had ever been, “It’s a great school.” 
Elizabeth sighs, “Emily, Samuel has the benefit of the Prentiss name-”
“He’s a Hotchner,” she corrects, her smile tight as she stares at her mother. 
“Sammy. His surname is Hotchner, not Prentiss.” 
“You’re being obtuse again, I know that too. But you seem to be ignoring the benefits your son has purely from who we are.” 
The waiter chooses that moment to walk over, his smile kind as he starts to ask what they want to drink, a question Emily answers before he’s finished asking.
“Wine, please. A large glass.” 
The waiter clears his throat, looking back and forth between the two of them, “Any particular one, ma’am?” 
“Whichever one is closest.” ___
She smiles as she steps into her house, the tension automatically seeping from her shoulders the second the warmth of home washes over her. She hears cartoons coming from the living room and she walks in to find Jack sitting on the couch, his focus on the television. 
“Hey sweetie,” she says as she leans over the back of the couch and kisses the top of his head, “Are you okay?” 
He nods, barely looking away from his favourite show, “Yeah. How was grandma?” 
“She was…” she scrunches her nose up and blows out a breath, “Grandma,” she smiles at him, “Where are Daddy and your brother?” 
“Upstairs,” he replies, “Dad is trying to get Sammy to nap,” he shrugs at her, “It wasn’t going very well.” 
She laughs and leans down to kiss his head again, “I’m going to go see if I can help,” she says, pushing his hair from his forehead, “We’re upstairs if you need us, okay?” 
“Okay, Mom.” 
She heads upstairs and smiles as she steps into the nursery, love spreading through her chest as she’s met with the image of her husband pacing back and forth, their grumpy toddler in his arms. 
“Come on, buddy. You’ll feel better if you nap.”
“No,” Samuel grunts, rubbing his face against Aaron’s chest.
“Daddy’s right,” Emily says from the doorway, both of them looking at her at the same time, matching expressions on their faces, “You’ll feel better if you nap.”
“Mama!” Samuel exclaims, his lower lip pushed out in a pout as he reaches out for her, scrambling in Aaron’s arms. 
“I’ve got you, baby,” she says, lifting him into her arms and kissing the top of his head, “Mama’s got you,” she looks up at her husband, “You’ve been giving Daddy a hard time whilst I’ve been gone?” 
“Only you have the magic touch, it seems,” Aaron says, kissing the top of her head and then her lips as she tilts her head up, “How was lunch?”
She groans and runs her hand up and down Samuel’s back, “It was as expected,” she grumbles, turning her attention back to their son who was already a little calmer, “You want to get some sleep, sweet boy?” 
“Not tired,” he complains, and Aaron hides a smile, a look in his eyes that lets her know exactly what he’s thinking. 
He gets that from you.
“Well, I am,” she says, kissing his head again as she walks towards the loveseat in the corner of the room, “Why don’t we all just sit down for a little while.” 
“‘kay,” he says, pressing his face against her neck as she sits down. She rests her cheek against the top of his head and rubs circles on his back, knowing it is a surefire way to get him to fall asleep. 
Aaron joins them, his arm around her shoulders, and he pulls her closer, “Want to talk about it?” 
She hums, “She mentioned getting Sammy onto a list for a private preschool.” 
Aaron frowns, “He’s 18 months old.” 
She chuckles, “That’s what I said too,” she replies before her smile slips away, “I made it clear that isn’t what we want but…” she blows out a shaky breath, “But then she made it clear she didn’t agree.” 
He tightens his grip on her, his lips against her hairline as he blows out a slow breath, an obvious attempt to keep his cool, “What did she say, sweetheart?” 
“She said I’m risking my kid's futures for the sake of being stubborn.” 
He clenches his teeth and sighs, stamping a kiss against her head before he replies, “That’s not true, Em.” 
“I know,” she sighs, shaking her head a little as she looks down at Samuel, the little boy halfway to sleep already, “At least I think I do,” she looks up at Aaron and offers a half-shrug, “I don’t know. I hated going to private school, and I want something different for the boys. But we could afford it,” she licks her lower lip, “Hell, we could afford to send half a dozen kids to private school all the way through to high school if we want to,” she raises an eyebrow at him when she watches something spark in his eyes, “Down boy,” she jokes and they share a smile, “We could afford it but…that doesn’t mean we should do it, does it?” 
“Of course not, sweetheart,” he says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “We know what’s best for our children, not your mother, or an old friend of hers, but us,” he smiles softly, “And if we want to send Sammy and Jack to public school, or all half a dozen of them,” he winks when she rolls her eyes, “Then we will. And we can change our minds in the future if we want to. But you aren’t doing them a disservice or depriving them of something because you want them to have a different experience to you.” 
She nods, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against his shoulder, “I know,” she says, believing this time, and she blows out a slow breath, “I just never felt like I could be myself at those places,” she says, “All that mattered was getting good grades and being the best,” she sighs contentedly when he kisses the top of her head, “I never want the boys to think that’s all they are good for.” 
“They won’t,” he assures her, kissing her head one more time before he encourages her to look up at him, “You’re an excellent mom, Em,” he says, his smile growing as hers does, “Our boys are lucky to have you.” 
She stamps a kiss against his lips, “They are lucky to have you too.”
He smiles and looks down, shaking his head slightly when he sees that Samuel is fast asleep, “He’s sleeping.” 
She hums and looks at her son, his nose bright red and sore from where he’d been rubbing his fists against it, “Poor baby, was he okay whilst I was gone?” 
Aaron nods, “He was fine, he missed you - but he always does when you’re not here,” he runs his fingers up and down her arm, drawing a soothing pattern as they silently agree to stay sitting there with their son for a while, “So, about this half a dozen kids-”
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uchihaharlot · 6 months
How would Shisui react if his wife gave birth to triplets instead of just one?
Oh nonny,
I’m sorry this took so long. What a cute idea 😩🥹❤️
I see you’ve chosen choas this particular morning lol and I too often wake up on the side of lunacy. I think if any one particular Uchiha was destined to have triplets—it would unfortunately be Shisui. I can’t even imagine Itachi with twins, he is patient but lacks the energy for it. And Sasuke…well. We’ve seen how he was with just one. (Don’t hate me I love Sasuke 😩🥹 He was my original Uchiha boo, but damn was he an absent father for so long..)
Mostly sfw, a few lot of suggestive and descriptive—maybe more than just suggestive ideas here and there. This also got waaaayyyy more detailed than I intended but, I’ll take it 😍❤️
Well let’s see here, Shisui is a man of many qualities. Exceptional talent, generous lover and his undying loyalty to the village and its people. He’s an amazing man all around. Did I say generous lover already? The baby making sex was hot, ok? Like really hot being folded up like a pretzel as he rutted into you with such passion…
But for fucks sake when the sonogram showed not just one, not two but it three of his fucking tadpoles bouncing around inside his wife’s poor womb. He’s definitely going to, and very silently, go through the stages of grief. Just momentarily. He is elated of course, no doubt. This is what they’ve wanted!! It also didn’t take as long to fall pregnant but the surprise of three of his Uchiha little spawns is a bit, well, too much for even him.
This escalated even further than he could have imagined. The pregnancy phase is probably his favorite, doting on his wife as she grows their cute little babies 😩🥹 spoiling her rotten with foot rubs and such. Taking advantage of her not being able to get up at some point and just eating her soft pussy as she giggles and then moans. Those sort of things he’s going to take full advantage of before these little hell raisers are bestowed upon them.
They are blessings no doubt, I don’t see Shisui as an overtly religious man. But I mean, he was gifted with Kotoamatsukami. The man thanks the Gods damn near every day for you, his family name and these sweet little angels you made.
There is no way around it, they’re born via cesarean section. As much as his wife wanted to have a natural birth, the babies have Shisui’s head and yea. Which also comes with mops of curls. And despite Shisui having seen and been drenched in the blood of his enemies. Seeing his wife split open, and not in a good way, almost makes him falter. But he perseveres through this for her, with her. She’s so out of it too, says the cutest things while under the knife and on a copious amount of drugs.
All babies are of course healthy. Two boys and one girl. Which is great, she will have mini protective brothers from the start! Funnily enough, the first out the center cavity was the little girl. 😩😍 So she’s automatically the queen between the three siblings. They all almost look alike. The boys are identical twins and the girl was her own embryo. The doctor had joked it was most likely she absorbed her twin; but they won’t mention that. Ever.
Yeah so, this is a lot. The five days in hospital are some of the most intense and painful days for his wife. They eventually go home and it’s not entirely easy for them. Triplets is a lot of work. Feedings, diapers. Not a single one of them are on the same schedule for the first few weeks. And while Shisui is hardened by battle; three babies waking up hours apart at night does wear out a man. His wife is the same; and she is recovering.
Let’s say we’re a few years into it now. 😮‍💨 These toddlers are some of the most high octane in the world. Shisui often considers what he’s done to deserve such blatantly bad children at times. Though he’s being mostly dramatic, they’re pretty well behaved…except when they’re with him. Shisui of course is the kind of father to be a child with his own. Having been robbed of his, this is the perfect excuse to be a little bad himself. And he sees so much of him and his wife in these beautiful little people.
If he prompts his wife for another baby. She’s gonna laugh and ask how many since it’s clear they’re not having just one at a time, but full litters. Luckily. The last baby, is a singular baby. The finale.
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imaginidol · 1 year
Yunho: Dessert Date Noted
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Tiramisu, the folded note between your fingers had a handwritten address and instructions for you to meet at a particular dessert shop this evening.
The funny thing was, you had no idea who it was from.
You approach an elegant dessert shop, figuring this must be your set destination.
My only guess is I’ve been asked out on a blind date, you thought.
The only real reason you decided to come was because your curiosity got the best of you, and you really wanted to know who was responsible for having heart eyes on you at work.
The place is beautiful at night, the ceilings are decorated with ambient lighting, jazz music plays from the speakers all around, and it smells heavenly.
Perhaps this was a good move, after all.
You look around for a moment, but find that no one else is here alone. There’s an elderly couple at one end of the shop sharing a small slice of cheesecake, and a mother feeding her toddler in the other.
The note said they’d be here already… did I get the wrong place?
As you sit on a nearby table for two, you pull out the note to confirm the address. Yes, I believe I’m in the right place.
Suddenly, a low voice calls your name from behind you, almost startling you in your seat. You turn around to meet face to face with one of the artists your team worked for.
Jeong Yunho!?
“This has got to be a mistake,” you mumble, looking down at the note and shoving it deep within your pocket. There’s no way Yunho of ATEEZ sent me this.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says smiling, “I’m just surprised to see you here.”
“Oh, of course. Thank you for the invitation,” you smile warmly.
“Yeah,” you awkwardly glance at his hand, noticing a note. It almost looked exactly like yours. You decide to pull the note from your own pocket and show him.
“I’m assuming you’re the one who placed this on my desk at work, since you’re the only person here that I know?”
“Oh,” is all he says, as he glances down at the note in his hand. “Well this is odd, because I found this note in my dressing room.”
He motions the note toward you and to your surprise, it’s the exact same handwriting and instructions written on yours.
Is this some kind of prank?
“I’m sorry, Yunho, but have we been—”
“Set up?” He finishes your thought, smiling at a mere realization that he might’ve suspected one of his members almost immediately behind this.
Of course we were, he thinks to himself, recalling how he’d mentioned to Wooyoung that your few interactions together had made Yunho dub you his work-crush.
“Well, since we’re already here, let me treat you to any dessert for the night,” he says softly, offering you his hand to take.
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The evening progressed fairly smoothly. Yunho offered to treat you to tiramisu, one of his favorite dessert trays. The night was filled with fun conversations, embarrassingly ugly laughs, and many opportunities for you and Yunho to get closer to one another. Time had practically flown so quickly before you’d realized it was almost time for the shop to close.
“Yunho,” you say as you begin collecting your coat, “I can’t say I regret coming tonight. You’re really fun to be with.”
“I’ll be sure to let the matchmaker know,” he smirked.
“Wait, you know this secret matchmaker!?” You turn wide-eyed at the boy, lightly punching his arm.
“I could take a guess,” he giggles, looking down at the note and wanting to pinch himself for not recognizing the most obvious handwriting earlier.
“Well, I hope this matchmaker decides to bring us together again,” you smile warmly.
“You’d want to go on a second date?” The corners of his lips are practically quivering in delight.
“I’m just saying I’d hope so,” you say, looking back at the now-empty dessert plate on the table. “And I wouldn’t mind coming back here. I liked having a dessert date.”
“I’ll be sure,” he says, offering you his hand, “that the next note that pops up on your desk comes directly from me.” You firmly place your hand in his as he leans over and plants a soft, loving kiss against your forehead, leading you both out the shop and off to walk under the otherwise delicately-lit moonlight.
more ateez here: san hongjoong mingi jongho
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gaybananabread · 9 months
Hey! Could I get a ATSV fic, with lee!miguel, and ler!peter b, with a side of cherries? Could I also get a receipt? (/j)
Fruit(s): Cherries
Oooooh these two! Tired “old” men club time! I’m gonna be entirely honest, a pic on Pinterest inspired this entire thing. Got an idea and abselutely ran with it aghshrara… YEAh I’m not running off much sleep but eh. Sorry for any characterization goofs; my brain is fighting existence. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Miguel
Lers: Peter B. Parker, brief Mayday
Summary: Peter brings Mayday to the base for the twenty-millionth time, letting her wander around Miguel’s office. Turns out the beefcake is her favorite thing to climb on. When the young spider girl reminds him of one of Miguel’s quirks, Peter makes sure the grumpy old man has a laugh. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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If there was one thing Peter did that got on Miguel’s nerves, it was when he let his kid wander everywhere like she owned the place. He had already made sure it was fine for him to bring the toddler around, but the solemn man never could’ve predicted just how often that would be. As in, he never saw the middle-aged spider without a baby carrier strapped to his chest.
Besides the obvious safety hazards, it tugged at Miguel’s heart strings to see the little girl running around. She was so happy, so care-free, so full of life… He couldn’t help but reminisce. For anyone who doesn’t know Miguel, let me explain: when he reminisced, he was a grumpy, angsty bastard.
That day was one of many where Peter brought Mayday to the base, the red-headed toddler zipping and twipping around Miguel’s office. The boisterous father greeted Miguel, a wide smile on his face as he showed Miguel many repetitive pictures of the kid that was literally two feet away from him. Still, he managed to bite his tongue, only looking down at the phone with an unamused frown.
“Oh, oh, you’ve gotta see this one; she’s so focused! I knew she’d love those- uh… Miguel, c’mon. You look like I’m holding you at gunpoint to watch paint dry.” 
Peter lowered the phone, his hand moving to rest on his hip as he viewed Miguel’s tired face. He just scoffed, giving Peter a look that said “I’m so done with you” to the max. “Peter, the kid is right there. I don’t need the digital scrapbook experience.”
Mayday chose that moment to swing over to the two men, landing on Miguel’s shoulder and swinging her tiny feet. His heart both filled and squeezed at the sweet action. 
Rolling his eyes, Peter put his phone completely away. Scrapbook… He’d have to remember that one, even if it was just sarcasm. 
“I’m not asking you to jump for joy at every photo. Just crack a smile or two, ya grump!” He tried poking Miguel’s side, only to get his wrist snatched and a deathly glare shot at him. Peter quickly retracted his hand, holding both up in surrender. Mayday giggled at the silly exchange, her beanie sliding as she wiggled about.
The toddler used her powers to stick to Miguel, crawling across him because she could; toddler logic doesn’t need to make sense. She was just having fun! The tot shivered, the cool air of the office sending goosebumps across her skin. Mayday grabbed onto his side, snuggling into the warm crook of his arm.
Miguel huffed when he felt the small girl on his side, trying not to smile as he grabbed for her. She whined, using her powers to stay stuck on him. Not wanting to hurt Mayday, he sighed and turned back to Peter. He motioned towards his side, a restrained look on his face. “Little help here?”
Peter chuckled, seeing his daughter snuggle up to Miguel. “Nah, you seem all good. She’s just snuggling with you, what’s up?”
He glared at his friend, though there wasn’t much he could say. There was no way he was gonna admit that her small hands were tickling him; Peter would never let him live it down. He scowled, instead choosing the “be an asshole” route. “I don’t want your kid climbing on me. You have a baby carrier for a reason; use it.”
Seriously? Peter rolled his eyes, looking at his daughter. She seemed so peaceful, all cozy against Miguel’s side; he felt bad moving her. Still, he had to respect Miguel’s wishes, even if they were cruel. “Fine, fine! Don’t get your fangs in a twist…” 
Walking over to the grumpy spider-man, Peter reached out to grab his daughter. She whined, clinging tighter to Miguel’s side and nuzzling her fuzzy head against his ribs. 
A short huff escaped the stoic man, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. He squirmed, finally grabbing onto the small child and trying to tug her off. “Maldita sea- Peter, grab her!” 
“Hey, language!” His voice sounded…giddy? What was…oh. Mayday was tickling him. She was grabbing his side and brushing his ribs. “Awwww, Miggy! Is little Mayday-”
“Don’t.” Miguel gave Peter the fiercest glare he could manage, though it was put off by the ghost of a smile on his lips. There was no way in hell Peter was gonna back off after that. 
Shooting forwards, Peter grabbed Miguel’s arrm, shooting a web up and restraining it. The big man would’ve thrashed and reversed their positions, but he didn’t want to risk hurting Mayday; he was pretty much screwed.
Peter wasted no time; if Miguel gained his footing, Peter was so done for. The man grabbed Miguel’s side, spidering his fingers against Miguel’s stomach. The man bit his lip, trying both to keep Mayday secure and hold in his giggles at the same time. 
“P-Peter, I swehear- GYAH!” Miguel jolted as he felt a squeeze to his hip, almost dropping his hold on Mayday. Peter smirked, leaning forwards and continuing to mess with Miguel’s hips. “Oh, sorry Miguel. Did that tickle~?”
That little… Peter was so dead when he got out of that. Much to his dismay, he could feel a red hue burning on his cheeks as he laughed. “PEHETER! IHI’M GONNA- MIERDA!” Trying to keep a steady hold on Mauday while having his hips squeezed was a lot harder than he thought it would be…
“Miguel, c’mon. There’s a kid right here, watch your mouth.” Peter was only half-faking his exasperation. True, he was kinda being a jerk, but Mayday didn’t need to learn how to cuss in any more languages.
Mayday giggled, feeling Miguel’s chest shake as he laughed. She was used to her dad being silly, but Miguel? Never, ever had she heard him laugh like that. Wanting to join in on the fun, she copied her dad, squeezing and scribbling on his ribs.
While there was barely any pressure, her tiny hands still tickled. Miguel jerked, losing his grip on the girl in surprise. Mayday wasn’t even phased; she just hung on with her powers, Mayday giggled at his squirming, thoroughly enjoying herself in the silliness.
Peter kept watch of his daughter in the corner of his eye, making sure she wouldn’t fall. Miguel probably wouldn’t kill him. It was all in good fun, and he neecded a laugh anyway. Sure, his revenge would be…interesting, but it was worth it.
“Wow, look how red you are! I thought Miles was resident tomato face, but looks like you’re givin’ him a run for his money~” Peter continued to tease his friend, knowing his comments would get to the man. It was too easy to tease Miguel like this; later was what most people worried about. Peter had no fears, though; Miguel wouldn’t kill him…probably.
“SHUHUT UHUP!” Miguel twisted and tugged at the webs, nearly breaking through them. He could only take so much of the other man’s silliness. “PEHEHETER! GEHET OHOFF MEHEHE!”
While he could tell Miguel was getting sick of him, Peter wasn’t quite ready to stop. The blush on Miguel’s face was quite endearing, only egging the father on. True, he couldn’t control it, but eh. “I think I just got a new favorite color! Miguel’s-blush red~” 
The angsty spider growled through his laughter, already plotting his revenge in his head. Mayday laughed, deciding she’d played around enough for one day. The girl climbed off of Miguel, using her small webshooter to sit on a ledge and watch the goofy old men interact.
The moment Mayday was safely off him, Miguel turned the tables. He yanked his wrist free from the webbing, grabbing Peter and pinning him to the wall. It was almost scary how fast that man could recover… Peter went to make a joke, though it died in his throat. “Hey, at least…buy me…ehe. Uh, truce?” He gulped, looking at Miguel’s smirk and determined eyes. Eugh boi… Still blushing, though.
“Es hora de morir, Peter~” Before Peter could protest any further, Miguel dug his claws into the man’s stomach, squeezing and scratching the squishy flesh. Peter shrieked, not at all prepared for his due penance.
Mayday watched as they messed around, giggling and tilting her head. She had grabbed her dad’s discarded robe, snuggling up into it and getting warm. Those two would likely be at it for a while, and she was more than happy to watch the two laugh. Silly boys…
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heyidkyay · 10 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Seven
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Another part, honestly so amazing to see how much this series is getting already! Means a whole lot, thank you. Just a quick note though, there will be msgs exchanged in this part so the green text is reader!
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"Teddy!" I called out as I chased after the toddler currently streaking through my living room, the boy shaking water droplets all over the place like a wet dog.
I had only turned my back on him for a second! Simply to grab a new wash cloth from under the sink, but Teddy had taken the opportunity, quite literally, and ran with it, having darted out of the bathtub within the blink of an eye.
And now, the absolute menace was running rampant through the flat, cackling away without a care in the world, a little hellion in the making, whilst I fought to keep up with him.
In truth, it wasn’t exactly how I’d pictured spending my Saturday morning, but the life of a single parent was always so eventful, full of many surprises.
But, speaking of surprises- I huffed in defeat just as my phone lit up with the sound of a new notification. I rubbed at my temple before I glanced over towards where I'd left it, perched on the arm of the settee. I watched as it buzzed again, then again, before my eyes finally returned to Teddy.
The little tyke was now standing across the room from me now wearing a bright eyed smile, he mimicked me when I arched a brow, forcing the both of us into a right old fashioned standoff.
"You’re a terror, you know that?" 
I gave a soft shake of my head, hiding the small quirk of my lips from my son’s view before ambling over towards the sofa to pick up the phone, my eyes only flickered to Teddy once I'd steeled my own expression. Though, his grin had only seemed to widen at my words.
"You have until I'm done with this..." I told him whilst gesturing towards the mobile, "To get your bum back in that bathroom." I pointed a stern finger at him, but it did nothing to hide the laughter dancing in the kid’s eyes. "Got it?"
"Got it." Teddy parroted, and he nodded once before running back down the hall.
I could only groan loudly and look to the ceiling when I heard Teddy’s footsteps go on a little too long, and didn't flinch when the slamming of the toddler's bedroom door echoed throughout the flat.
The only response my warning tone got was when I heard a buoyant giggle and I chuckled quietly to myself before lowering my body down onto the edge of the armchair. I was only twenty-three but my rumbustious son seemed to have aged me beyond my years, my knees aching as I finally settled in.
Flipping the phone the right way up in my hand, I watched as the screen brightened before a small hum escaped me.
A text from Matty. Or rather, several.
Messages now Matty:)!! I'm just about ready to kill Jamie If anything happens, know that I'll be halfway to Morocco by the time the Old Bill show up at my doorstep He's had me up since four, Squeaks Four!! It's completely inhumane Just made a break for it! Hiding out in a musty old broom cupboard but I can still hear him bitching And get this, he won't even let me skive off early to buy a bloody penguin! Can you believe that??
I snorted at the absurdity of Matty’s many messages. 
Not that it wasn't anything too out of the ordinary for the musician. Yesterday, he'd had me up until gone two, nattering on about the batty old bird- his words- who lived in the house beside him. She had the tendency to pound on whichever wall was closest with her heavy metal cane (apparently the thing was an extension of her left arm) whenever she thought he was being 'too rowdy'.  It was safe to say they didn't get on.
The texts were something that had started up right after Matty's impromptu visit earlier that week. Though I sometimes struggled to keep up, and often ended up leaving Matty waiting on a reply for a long while when I grew too busy, I found I didn't mind them. 
In fact, I think I rather enjoyed opening up my phone to find yet another text waiting for me. They never failed to make me smile, either. Something which both Finn and Adi had not failed to take notice of.
I rubbed at the bridge of my nose whilst I thought up a reply, then frowned when I spotted a couple of stray Playmobil figures hiding under the tv unit. I exaggerated a stressed sigh, having only just tidied up in here an hour before.
Well now I know where you'll be hiding out if worst comes to worst BUT What if I break under interrogation? Or they make me out to be your accomplice?? Idk if I’d do well under pressure, Matthew Besides I quite like Jamie, reckon I'd miss his texts if you ended up killing him off He also has a strange knack for the paper's daily crossword.. But I can't disagree with you on the timing, I'd be on the verge too What the fuck needs doing at four in the morning?? And also I can't believe I even have to ask this, but what kind of penguin are we talking about here?
I was only slightly disappointed to find out that Matty was, in fact, talking about the chocolate bar, and not a horde of Antarctic birds in the next text that came a minute later. I hurried to fire one back.
What's wrong with a good crossword! And don't get all jealous on me, Healy, he likes to ambush me some mornings when I'm on my way into work I guess the early mornings do make sense though, life of a rockstar and all that ALSO of all the chocolates you could possibly choose from, why a penguin?? Honestly criminal.
I had to toss my phone back down onto the cushions then, knowing that I'd left Teddy alone for far too long already and that, if I let him, Matty would probably keep me distracted for as long as he pleased. 
I heaved a massive sigh as I pulled myself back onto my feet.
"Teds, you better be dressed by the time I get there!" I shouted out and laughed quietly to myself when I heard the little boy squawk in retort.
The old Victorian style fireplace, which warmed the entirety of Finn's flat, was the one thing I truly envied most in the world. 
It was a pretty thing, opulent and shapely. It stepped out from the white wall Finn used to hang a majority of his canvased photographs on and had intricate little carvings etched into its fine wood trim, swirls and staggers that always managed to capture my attention. I was drawn to every quaint detail it had to offer.
I only just managed to draw my eyes away from it when my phone vibrated against the jean of my upper thigh, picking it up then proceeding to chuckle quietly to myself as I moved to type up a quick reply.
Clicking it off a second later and feeling rather content, I looked up to grab my mug from off the coffee table, which hosted a vase full of vibrant daffodils, and paused when I felt the daunting gaze of the man I was seated with fall upon me.
"Alright there, Finn?" I questioned as I drew my limbs back in slowly.
He merely cocked a brow in retort as he relaxed further into his preferred seat, one no one dared touched now that we knew better.
"You tell me. Who's got you grinning like that on a Saturday afternoon?"
My lips tugged upwards unconsciously, something I was quick to hide behind the rim of my cooling mug. "Dunno what you mean."
Finn rolled his eyes so hard I was honestly a little concerned for his well-being, but then he spoke, "You know exactly what I mean. Come on, tell us! Is it that Healy bloke?"
Tongue in my cheek and drink cradled in between the palms of my hands, I huffed a light laugh but was fortunately saved from answering that particular question just as Teddy bounded in from the kitchen.
I blinked at the biscuit packet that was currently being shoved, rather forcefully, into my face, before taking it from my son's tiny grasp. "Open, what?"
Teddy's brows pinched as he jabbed a chubby finger at the package in which I now held. "'Pen that." His t's sounding a lot more like d's. 
Finn, the twat, snorted over in the little corner he’d made for himself and immediately tried to cover it up by clearing his throat. Teddy, as smart as he was though, caught it all the same and gifted his godfather a crinkly eyed smile. Me? I glared halfheartedly.
"No, Teds. I meant, what do you say after asking for something?"
I withheld a far too exhausted sigh and purposely ignored the muffled giggles now spouting from my best mate.
"It's thank you," I reminded for what felt like the millionth time, even though I knew it was all in vain. It seemed as though my son had been spending far too much time with the irresponsible Northerner sat across from us. "And yeah, that’s correct, bubs, but only after. What do we say before?" 
Teddy glanced upwards at the ceiling, lengthening his already impossibly long lashes, as he pondered away. 
I was forced to wrinkle my lips in a futile attempt to dampen my ever growing fond grin and listened to my son hum obnoxiously before his whole demeanour suddenly shifted.
"'Peas! I say 'peas!" Teddy exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Proud as ever, I smiled and opened up the packet for him, handing them back over.
"Good lad. And what do we say now?" I coaxed whilst pulling Teddy in closer to peck at his forehead and card a gentle hand through his curls.
Teddy peered up at me and grinned, all toothy. "Ta."
I shook my head amusedly at the boy before sweeping him swiftly off his feet and settling him onto the sofa beside me. Playfully, I blew a loud raspberry into Teddy's neck and decided that it was better for me to pick my battles. Especially with a child I knew had inherited my own string of stubbornness.
"Where's your auntie anyway? She knows she's not supposed to be giving you treats after you've just had lunch."
Teddy wrinkled his nose as he happily munched away on the procured biscuits but didn't bother with a verbal response, simply extended his arm out towards the door.
"Oi, Wells!" Finn called out for me and grinned when he heard Adi's muffled acknowledgement. "You better not be in there eyeing up my tarts!"
A bang was heard before a ruffled Adi appeared, sweeping back into the room with an air of aloofness. "You're a right tease. What’s the point in making them if they're only there to look at!"
"I already said that you could have one when they were ready!" Finn retorted whilst Adi marched her way across the rest of the living room to flop down into the armchair beside him. "They need to cool." He tutted.
Ads groaned unhappily.
I blew out a light chuckle as my eyes flickered towards her slumped form before swiping away a few stray crumbs that Teddy had created. "You just ate, Ads." 
"And? I was told that there'd be tarts for dessert. Here I am, and no tarts to be had!"
"Yet!" Finn added, exasperated now, and I snorted quietly to myself whilst the duo continued to bicker back and forth, as they tended to do whenever they were together.
"Mad, aren't they, Teds?" I whispered mockingly after having leaned in closer to my son's side.
Teddy merely held a biscuit up in retort and so I bit into its edge, grinning as I chewed away. "Ta." I winked in conspiratory.
Teddy giggled before his attention was caught then again by my exuberant friends.
I could only release a breathy laugh as I watched on too, before startling slightly when my phone sent a ring of vibrations echoing down my leg. Which always left my bones there feeling all weird and tingly.
Messages now Matty:)!! How important does a person have to be before they're assassinated vs. murdered??
I forced my eyes shut momentarily at the outlandish question, but couldn't quite control the full fledged grin that blossomed.
Matty over text was rather different to the person I’d met in real life, I’d already decided after having only texted him for a few short days.
He was just more... open? Forthcoming? Candid, perhaps. He was incredibly inquisitive about everything I mentioned, even the little things, and a whole lot less reserved than the man I remembered meeting at the studio for the very first time. Matty loved to send a million messages at once and then pick out all the best bits of my reply to respond to. And would text me at every and any time of day.
It had been quite the change of pace at first, I hadn't expected much from Matty asking for my number, figuring it was just playful jealousy at having been beaten to it by Jamie. And even after I’d given it to him, I thought I might just receive a simple text to say that he hadn't forgotten our short-lived encounter. 
But no, Matty was almost animate in all of our conversations, he always had a witty reply, or an anecdote to bring up and ponder over.
It had, quite rightly, made my head spin after receiving the first handful of texts. I really hadn't been expecting such a vast contrast and had even gone as far to question whether Matty had typed in the correct number. But it hadn't taken me all that long to get used to it, I actually rather enjoyed being the person Matty sent all of his strangest thoughts to.. Or at least that’s what I told myself.
Messages now Should I be worried?
Matty:)!! What's that meant to mean?
You're quite the figurehead?? Should I be prepared to cancel any future plans of mine to make time for your imminent funeral?
Matty:)!! God no! Actually wait maybe Can never be too sure can you? Death is a very unpredictable thing, Squeaks Unless it's premeditated Then I suppose you're asking the right kind of questions Whilst we're on the subject though, will you make sure that there are crows at my funeral? And a mysterious woman stood in the far back with a sturdy umbrella Oo and cake! Lots of cake Make sure Ross is sat upfront too Can't have him making a proper scene at my wake Probably still manage to make it all about him though SOMEHOW Wouldn't put it past that tosser So with that thought, be a dear and make sure his invite gets lost in the post will you? X
I snorted at the cluster of texts that seemed almost never ending. My phone buzzing against the palm of my hand at a mile a minute, often before the last vibration even had a chance to cease.
Before actually knowing The Matty Healy™​​, I never would have once pegged the gritty, solemn rockstar we had all seen plastered across the morning papers to be such a massive melodramatic diva. But now, I honestly couldn't picture him any other way. 
Can get behind the cake, but why crows? And this woman, how mysterious are we talking here?? Yet to meet Rossward but am sure he’d be a blubbering mess if you popped your clogs and didn't invite him to your funeral babe Can just picture it now, WHAT will the papers say!? Also are you prepared to face his wrath when he eventually follows?
Matty:)!! Make sure it's something shit like red velvet or coffee or something And crows add to the overall sombre Plus my mums terrified of em Woman’s got to be incredibly mysterious BTW I want the whole shebang Sunglasses, trench coat, high heels and one of those massive fuckoff floppy hats I'd ask you to try and aim for a rainy day as well but that's almost a given And tell Ross I'll be there waiting!! Reckon my ghost could pin his in a fight
"She's grinning again." Adi sang, causing my distracted gaze to snap up and see the mischievous glint in her eyes.
"When's she bleeding not, whenever she's on that thing!" Came Finn's unhelpful addition, he flapped a hand haphazardly towards the mobile I held. "It's like we aren't even here!"
"'m here!" Teddy announced solemnly, having since finished his biscuits, crumbs dusting the corners of his mouth and rosy cheeks. He shuffled over towards me then and planted himself firmly in my lap to peer closely at the phone's now dimming screen.
I stifled a heavy groan at the sudden weight and silently winced instead, my nose wrinkling with it. Adi laughed loudly. 
"Who that is?" Teddy asked me, already reaching out to run his grubby little paws across the screen. I steered him away, whilst the faces sat opposite us lit up like a bonfire in August. I hastily buried the phone in my back pocket.
"Yeah, Mouse. Who was it?" Adi prompted unnecessarily, a vicious smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth- more than amused. "Don't leave us in the dark!"
I bit down a few snipping words, feeling them bounce against the back of my teeth, and instead opted for drawing Teddy's attention elsewhere. "Ready to head on over to the park now, monster?"
Teddy beamed at the very idea and squirmed in my hold to be let down. I let him go, but only after lightly tickling at the boy's sides.
"Go on then, grab your coat and trainers for me, bubs."
Without a second thought, Teddy dashed off towards the hallway where his shoes sat neatly by the front door.
Slowly, knowing there was no use in trying to avoid it, I turned towards the two idiots waiting expectantly for me and gifted them both a drawn out sigh.
"You each get one question before Teddy comes back. Make them count."
Adi squealed and tugged her feet up onto the armchair in her anticipated excitement. Whilst Finn chose to stare long and hard at me, obviously debating on just what to ask exactly.
The briefest of seconds passed before Adi went to open her mouth, a question on the tip of her tongue. But Finn cut her off with an outstretched hand and gestured her closer.
"We'd like to configure." He informed me with a sly smile before angling his body inwards to whisper in Adi’s ear. 
I narrowed my gaze, not liking this at all. But carried on watching them closely whilst the duo murmured back and forth. It was then that I heard Teddy fumble with something out in the hall and grinned triumphantly. 
"Time's running out." I taunted, ticking now.
Adi rolled her eyes at me and said one last thing to Finn before they both fell back into their seats, looking moderately calm and collected.
I raised a brow.
"So! Do you, or do you not, in fact fancy the pants off of the person you've been texting all day, also known as the notorious Matthew Healy, singer-slash-twat-slash-extraordinaire?"
"I'm quite sure that there was two questions in there somewhere." I argued pointlessly. 
"Was there?" Adi hummed innocently, before then turning towards Finn. "I only heard one, how about you?"
"Definitely one." The man affirmed with a sharp nod.
I scowled. With them, it always ended up being two against one.
"I don't fancy the pants off of anyone." I replied as casually as I could, throwing an arm over the back of the sofa.
"Liar!" Ads laughed jubilantly, jabbing a finger my way. "You hate texting! And for the past few days you've done nothing but constantly message him back and forth!"
She wasn't wrong. But still, that disclosed nothing.
"I enjoy finally being able to talk to someone of a similar intellect." I snarked back, going for nonchalant whilst shrugging with a smile.
Adi knew better, shaking her head at me. "You're a filthy fibber! You and I both know, you only want to get into his trousers. The papers will have a fucking field day!"
I snorted with a roll of my eyes. "We're mates, Ads. I can just have male friends without the underlying matter of me wanting to shag them senseless."
"Senseless you say?"
When I cut his eyes at her, Adi simply cackled, a hand coming to slap at her knee.
I huffed then tilted my head over towards an unusually quiet Finnley. "Let's get it over with then, hit me with it."
He smiled and it wasn't conniving nor mirthful. Simply a smile that made my entire being still. It was the same smile he'd given me when I'd told him about the car crash I'd been in as a kid and then when I'd broken down on his doorstep over the fact that I was about to become a mum. I had no fucking idea as to why he was giving it to me now. 
"Why didn't you mention it sooner?"
I hadn't quite expected him to ask that. 
I swallowed before shrugging mulishly, letting my focus stray towards the fraying hem of my favourite jumper, picking at its loose threads. 
"There wasn't any need. I- we're just friends. He's this big off singer and I'm just me. I figured it would fizzle out sooner or later."
Finn pressed his lips together and moved forward so that he was now perched on the edge of his seat. "Babe, even if that was the case, we'd still want to know. I've never seen you smile- or laugh, for that matter- so much as I have during these last few days. And so fucking what, you're just you? You're incredible! This Healy lad is lucky to have your attention. Fuck him if he doesn’t realise it."
"Finn’s right- as always." Ads added, smiling over at me and making me feel all small. "I don't care if he's toured the world or had sodding dinner with the Queen! He's got nothing on you, babe. Just friends, or not."
"Ta." I chuckled softly, a puddle of warmth flooding my chest, not all that used to this touchy feely shit even after having been friends with these two for nearing half a decade. "What would I do without the pair of you, hey?"
"Fuck knows." Finn snorted, his serious expression having morphed into something a little more amiable now that the seriousness had alleviated slightly. "I can only imagine the havoc you'd wreak if left to your own devices."
"Piss off!"
And that was the moment Teddy chose to come stumbling back into the room. His eyes lit up and he didn't even hesitate to repeat the ill-timed phrase, causing both Finn and Adi to fall into a fit of hysterics whilst I rushed over to hush him. Noting that my expression must have been priceless.
Putting Teddy to bed was somewhat of an excessive task. The toddler had been struck with an endless stream of energy that had lasted right up until the very moment he finally crashed.
It was tough going but I eventually managed to slump down onto the settee at a quarter to nine and sighed at the relief of allowing my body to relax. I knew I'd have to get up in a minute to start on my own dinner- something which happened most nights when we’d spent the entire day running about- but I was so close to just calling it quits and putting myself to bed, empty stomach be damned.
I inhaled sharply at the loud sound my phone made then, informing me that I had a new notification, not even having realised that I’d let my eyes slip close for a second. My lids fluttered and I rubbed at my tired face to tug my phone out from where it was squished between the cushion and my backside so that I could unlock it.
I'd only turned it off its habitual silence feature when I'd parted ways with Adi at the park earlier, having wanted to know that she'd gotten home safely. But I must’ve forgotten to snap it back, seeing as Twitter had decided to disturb my impromptu snooze. 
Really, I sighed to myself. I only ever received notifications from the people I followed nowadays, ever since the show's following had upped in numbers. It had just been too much of an inconvenience.
Adi @/AdelineWells_ 17s ago Laughable.
In a state of confusion, I frowned down at Adi's newest tweet. She was known for her amusingly snide comments on the app, but this felt a little different. Then I caught sight of the few more tweets that followed from a haze of varied users below.
Me&G @/user1 41s Lmao he looks so done
Notliving @/user2 37s They're back??!
Chocolate @/user3 29s AH I've been waiting for this!!
Robbingross @/user4 23s Wait, is Adi's tweet related?
Mayosucks @/user5 8s I'm TIRED of this shit someone tell me when it's over pls
Honestly, I debated on just messaging Adi then and there to ask what was happening, but instead happened to scroll down a little further, wondering what on earth everyone else was going on about.
The Sun @/Thesun 5m Matty Healy, 1975 frontman, spotted out in London with ex-girlfriend. The singer and model were pictured venturing into Piccadilly Circus together early this afternoon to stop for something to eat! We've missed seeing this favoured twosome! So can we now expect to see more of them?
I read the tweet once, twice, before clicking on the affiliated link.
The webpage was excruciatingly slow to load but I soon found myself staring at Matty’s now familiar figure. There were three pictures stationed just below the oversized headline and it created a fragmented frame of Matty himself entering a high-profile restaurant with an unfamiliar woman on his arm.
I dragged my teeth over the curve of my bottom lip as I continued to read through the rest of the article. It didn't give up any more information than the tweet already had but still, I found myself analysing the pictures closely. 
When I did catch myself though, I immediately turned the phone completely off and let it slip into my lap.
I felt dizzy and so squeezed my eyes tightly shut, dragging a hand across the expanse of my face before I let my head loll back. 
I hadn't quite expected that. Nor to have reacted in the way I had. A strange feeling had since pooled just under my ribs, hollowing and encompassing me all at once. My mind was unable to focus on anything but the article, Matty’s stance, his face. The girl.
I worked my jaw, licking at my now swollen lip, and then let my hand rub at my tired eyes. 
The sudden newfound attention had been nice, I’d liked it- that much had been fucking obvious. But who wouldn’t in my position? I was single. A single fucking mother. And Matty had practically fawned over me, simpered for my attention day and night via our texts, acted like a stray puppy who constantly yipped at my feet. And I had let myself get wrapped up in it all.
Because well, Matty had felt somewhat like a pipedream. I hadn't expected to grow... attached. Was I even attached?
Typically, I didn’t choose to linger too long on the people who weren't important. On people I knew could only ever be temporary. I had Teddy, Finn, Adi, and my mum. I was happy keeping everyone else at arm's length. People had to earn a way into my life. Into Teddy’s life.
And now? Now I’d gone and fucked all of that up. Forgotten it. Over a man with haunted eyes and a seemingly tragic backstory.
It was a major misstep.
There had been others before. Because of course there had been. Before London, before Uni, before Teddy. It had all been too much of a struggle though. A confusing time. But then my baby had come along, and apart from the odd stranger in a backroom or a random flat, I hadn't wanted to introduce anyone new into my son's life. Not that that was what this was. I would never expose Teddy to the life Matty so obviously led. 
Fuck, it wasn't anything even like that! I'd just taken a fancy. Gotten too caught up in the swarm of attention I'd been so obviously starved from. Matty was a friend, a mate, someone who would probably end up leaving once things got too busy or too much. He was just temporary.
I forced myself to shake my head, desperate to clear my many thoughts and their many webs of misconceptions. Then I picked myself back up and dragged my feet into the kitchen.
Almost on autopilot, I pushed the window sat over the sink onto the latch and popped the leftovers I'd stowed away yesterday into the microwave to be reheated, then leant against the counter whilst it hummed.
Deep down, I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't really help the way my fingers trailed their way over towards the stash of cigarettes I kept hidden behind the bread bin. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. Not that it helped much on nights like these. It seemed as though the stress of the day had affected me more than I'd first thought. 
So with the melodic buzz of the microwave to break up the quiet that always settled once Teddy had fallen fast asleep, I lit a much needed fag and took a long drag. Watching as the smoke I exhaled pillowed out of the small gap in the window and into the night, grey melting into a murky black. Desperate not to think about the swell in my chest- it was just down to the smoke. That was all.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: its been foereverrrr since i last wrote for my fac family and im also celebrating 13k followers! im so thankful for all of you, i hope to bring you many more stories!!
PAIRING: husband!dad!Harry X Reader
SUMMARY: Reminiscing about what your past self would say if they saw you married with four kids.
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“You have to see this! Come down!”
For a split second you consider ignoring your husband’s request that came from downstairs. You literally just settled down on the bed, opening your book you haven’t gotten to read all week. Chores are done, the twins are at Anne’s and Ellie peacefully playing in her room. You were supposed to have twenty minutes to yourself, maybe thirty if you’re lucky, but now it seems like you’ll have zero.
But then you think of the excitement you heard in Harry’s voice and you know you won’t be able to just sit and not think about what he got so worked up about.
“Coming!” you call out, placing the book back onto the nightstand where it will probably remain untouched for a couple more days.
Walking down the stairs you hear Harry’s song Satellite playing in the living room and it has you wondering what he is about to show you. But as you come around the corner the music cuts off and you find him with Leo in his arms. That little rascal is all smiles, showing all of his total of four teeth. He is the most adorable tiny gentleman with his curls and extra chubby cheeks. All your kids had cheeks that screamed to be pinched and kissed, but it seems like Leo got more of that gene.
“What’s going on here?” you ask, a smile already tugging on your lips.
“Come on, sit down. You need to see what Leo just learned!” Harry gestures towards the couch and you make yourself comfortable, watching him set the toddler down in the middle of the room. The coffee table has been pushed to the side, giving enough room to have a little dance party.
Leo watches his daddy with bright eyes as he grabs the TV remote and he starts the music again. Satellite starts playing and Leo giggles in excitement. Harry sits beside you, watching him proudly as he takes your hand in his, giving it a squeeze.
“Look, watch him now!” he points at Leo.
The song comes to the part where Harry usually does his iconic arm thrusts, the one that makes all his fans go crazy, because it gives an amazing view of his toned arms. But this time he is not the one dancing, instead, Leo is wiggling his arms that distantly resembles what Harry usually does on stage. It’s absolutely, ridiculously, whole-heartedly adorable, adding his giggles and how he bounces, your heart is bursting in your chest.
“Oh my God!” you squeak, grabbing Harry’s bicep as you lean into him, watching your son dance around to his daddy’s music.
“It’s so freaking cute, right?” Harry enthuses. Jumping to his feet he sweeps Leo back into his arms and starts dancing around, making him laugh even louder and there’s nothing sweeter than a baby’s laugh.
You watch them finish their performance and then they join you on the couch, Leo climbing over to you, settling on your lap. You brush his hair out of his forehead and kiss the crown of his head.
“Can you believe he’ll be one year old next month?” you sigh, snuggling to Harry’s side.
“Crazy, huh?”
“Mind-blowing,” you admit with a chuckle.
“You remember how it went when I told you I wanted another one?” he grins, poking Leo’s tummy playfully.
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t hold it against me!” you protest.
“I’m not, it’s just sweet how hesitant you were and now…”
“Now I couldn’t even imagine life without him,” you finish his thought, kissing Leo’s cheek.
“We’ve made some really awesome babies, huh?” he smirks, clearly so full of himself.
“Well, I did most of the work,” you purse your lips at him, not letting his head grow any bigger.
“You did,” he nods, smiling. “My awesome wife gave birth to four babies. That’s still so insane.”
“Crazy,” you hum, squeezing Leo to your chest gently. “What do you think our younger self would say if they saw us?”
“Like how young?”
“I don’t know. Maybe fourteen. What would fourteen years old Harry say if you told him you have a wife and four kids?”
“He would highfive me, because it means I’ve had sex at least four times,” he answers without missing a beat and you smack his chest as his laugh rumbles through it.
“You’re such a pig!” you tell him off, but then add: “And it’s just three times, because we have twins.”
“Damn, you’re right,” he chuckles. “But jokes aside… He would be shocked and… relieved.”
“Relieved?” you raise your eyebrows.
“I was afraid I might end up alone when I was younger,” he shrugs. “Marriage felt so distant and unattainable. But then came you,” he adds smiling and leaning closer he steals a quick kiss. “What about you?”
“She would be over the moon if she saw how hot my husband is,” you grin at him. “And she would probably ask what it looks like down there after four kids.”
Harry’s laugh roars through the room and Leo starts laughing too.
“I can assure her that you look stunning down there.”
“Oh shut up,” you poke your elbow into his side.
“What? I love your pu–”
“I swear to God if you say that word in front of our son, I’m divorcing you,” you warn him, but can’t stay serious when you look at his toothy grin.
“Oh, you wouldn’t leave the man who gave you the cutest babies,” he scoops Leo from your lap and walks back to the middle of the room. “Come on, Buddy. Let’s give mum a show,”
He turns the music back on and you watch them dance around and you could stay like this forever. You’re so loved and you have even more love to give to your family.
Yeah, your past self would be proud of you if she saw you.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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