#this show melts my brain fr
fallinforgyu · 2 years
It's not even 7am and I woke up with Wooyoung on my mind.
I just feel like he's the type of person to film himself jacking off, so he can save it. Fr, the videos are only for his eyes only BUT I'm not saying he wouldn't send it to you without thinking.
Poor boy :( he's just had one of the best orgasms he's had in a while (the proof is in the video) and his brain is all fuzzy and not working 100% so of course, with the thought of you still fresh in his mind, he's gone and sent it to you.
And the moment he notices? It's a shit show. He's blowing up your phone telling you not to open the videos. For heaven's sake, he'd rather had sent it to one of the members. But no, he sent it to you.
He wonders if his urgency to the situation was too much, maybe it wasn't that bad?
But as he watched the purple arrow changed to white. You were watching the video and it was that bad. Wooyoung actually thinks about running away, escaping the country.
You on the other hand? Shocked. You thought the video was going to be something embarrassing, maybe meant for one of the boys, not this. Not a video of Wooyoung stroking his dick whilst he lets out a chain of out of breath moans. Yet, you couldn't look away.
After the video ends, you quickly send a message along the lines of "what the fuck was that?"
You watch as Wooyoung begins to type, he'll probably send back a paragraph telling you his sorry and it was an accident and he'd understand if your repulsed by him and if you wanted to bloke him, that's fine too.
You end up changing the topic, but the video is still fresh in your mind. A week later, it's still fresh in your mind.
Wooyoung probably (definitely) hasn't jacked off since. Everytime he tries too, the image of you watching the video come into mind and he can't. It's not until you send him a video at some unruly time in the morning, when you both should be asleep that things actually set into place.
The video is unsteady and it's obvious you're nervous but he soon forgets about that as he realizes what's happening. You've sent him a video of you getting off. There's no urgent rush to cover up the video, for Wooyoung not to watch. You meant to send it to him. His suspicions are only confirmed when his name falls out of your lips.
That's all it takes, Wooyoung is up and out the door the moment he hears his name, he's clicked through the rest of the videos (he later wonders if you came on camera) and sends you a quick "omw," before rushing to your house
Anyways if this doesn't make sense, don't kill me, it's early and I have a migraine.. I hope you had fun at the baby shower though!
this is. absolutely perfect oh my god oh my god oh my god </3 first of all just thinking about wooyoung getting embarrassed or flustered makes my heart melt 🥺 second of all thinking about how excited he'd get when you send him a video back makes my heart FLUTTER omg he would be absolutely overjoyed and he'd give you the best sex of your life as a reward :(
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marveliter · 2 years
Sweet Treat | Peter Parker
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Summary: While working at the café, you can’t get your mind off that one stranger who you seem to have an unknown connection with, but can’t remember why. And when you can’t get your mind off him, he stumbles back into the café. 
A/N: This is a sequel to my post titled “Coffee” with Peter Parker! I’ll link it down below for all to read that part since this post will grab little details from there, so if you’re a little confused, please read “Coffee” first! Also, this takes place after the events of NWH! Thank you all! :) 
Coffee | Peter Parker  
Peter Parker.        You were going insane. Who was he? Why did the name roll off your tongue so smooth and familiar? You racked your brain like you were digging through a trashcan or a dumpster, diving headfirst to get to the bottom and find the scraps of how you knew Peter Parker.        He didn’t seem to know you, however, you thought. He had asked for your name, anyways--but there was a gleam in his eyes, the way he looked at you--both of you taking secret glances at each other when you had prepared your coffee, and what he had said last time about you thinking that you were the only one who hated peppermint and chocolate concoctions.       You’re not alone. he had said with a chuckle. But then he eyes had a different look when he told you, You’re never alone.        You noticed it, and it was driving you crazy because it was like an unspoken promise between the two of you. But yet--YOU DIDN’T KNOW HIM! He was a strange boy who had immediately stolen your heart the second he walked through the door. No one had ever made you feel like that--your chest felt lighter, you wanted to smile, you wanted to keep his presence around you--but why? 
      Besides the fact that he was a handsome boy, with slight ruffled brown curls and bright brown eyes, a nice awkward crooked smile, the way that he was nervous around you but always able to crack a joke and make it cute--oh man, your crush on this strange boy was growing rapidly.        And it definitely didn’t help when he stumbled in from the cold winter air through the doors of the café. 
      At first, you thought it was just someone else, a random customer who didn’t make your head swim and heart pound, but then he pulled down the hood of his winter jacket, and instantly your cheeks grew red.        Your mood lifted, as you had another morning shift, and seeing him set off a million tiny fireworks in your chest. You had to bite the inside of your cheek so hard to keep the smile from forming. Why did Peter Parker make you smile? What effect or magical charisma did this boy have on you? And why was it so strong.        When he shook off some excess snow and wiped his shoes on the mat inside, his eyes went to the register, his expression intrigued, like he was looking for something. And when he saw your face, he smiled that cute, crooked grin.        You nearly melted like a candle with the flame too hot for the wick, melting down until you were nothing but a sweet aroma.        Peter Parker had you in the palm of his hand, somehow, some way, and you didn’t want him to drop you. 
      Though your chest felt fuzzy, stomach filling with butterflies, and your head feeling dizzy in the best way ever, you tried not to smile so big to scare him off as he approached you on the other side of the register.        “Hi,” he smiled brightly.        “Hey, P--”        No, no, no, why was his name about to leave your lips so naturally? You couldn’t scare him away as a paying customer and never know why he made you feel the way you did.        Quickly, you made it seem like a natural stutter as you turned to the board as to not show him how red your face was. “Uh--wh-what would you like today?”        He smiled and looked up at the board, but you could see it in his eyes that he already knew what he wanted. “You, know, I’ll get that hot caramel drink you told me about last time. It was really good.” He was already pulling out his wallet.        You started pressing the screen on the register, putting his drink in. “And how about a chocolate chip muffin with that?” you asked. Inside, you froze like a deer in headlights. You weirdo! Quick! Think fast to save your ass! 
      “Uh--no, wait,” you stupidly shook your head. “W-Was that you?”        He was here three days ago. He’d remember you just as well as you’d remember him.        Peter didn’t look offended, and his smile didn’t go away as he smiled, ‘Yup, that was me.” He seemed to understand where you were coming from.        You decided to laugh and shake your head. “I’m sorry,” you told him. “I didn’t mean for that to be so weird. Of course I remember you--I mean, from the other day,”        You had seen his face light up just the slightest when you had said, I remember you, but you saw that little spark in him immediately die. You almost wished you could say it again, say something along those lines because he looked so cute with his brows raised and lips slightly parted as if he was about to make a discovery.        He chuckled, “I remember you too,” he said your name and then added a, “Right?” at the end.        You nodded. “That’s me,” and just as your mind loved the sound of it but kept him a secret, you finally let his name roll off your lips, “Peter Parker, right?” you matched his energy of asking you. 
      He chuckled and nodded. “Yup!”        “I like that name,” you told him. You then giggled, “Peter Parker picked a peck of pickled peppers.”        He laughed, which didn’t make you feel so awkward saying it. You felt less awkward around him, probably since he was awkward as well. He was cute with it though, kind too.        “I knew someone who’d change it up every time,” he told you. “It was always fun to hear what I’d be picking or pecking that day,” His eyes then narrowed, and you could see his own thoughts running around his head. “I don’t think that came out right.”        You laughed with him before finally asking him once again, “Oh! Would you like a muffin? Or maybe something else? We’ve got these really good apple fritters that are warm out of the oven.” 
      The interest in his eyes grew as you spoke the word. “Yeah!” he said. “That sounds like a treat.”        “They’re always my sweet treat on an off day when I come here to get breakfast.” you tell him. “That’d be tasty with the sea salt and caramel coffee too! I started having both when I liked caramel.”        “B-Because you didn’t like it before?” Peter said. “Caramel, I mean.”        You nodded. He remembered. If that didn’t make your heart soar into the sky there was nothing else that could.        Of course, Peter would remember.        That thought shook you up like the thought the other day, where you had guessed Peter’s order before he ever spoke it. This happened while you were taking his change. Peter noticed the stare in your eyes as you ransacked your mind as to why this was happening again. 
      You looked at him the first time he called your name.        “Are you okay?” Peter asked.        You nodded, stuffing the change in the register. “Morning shift,” you shrugged. That couldn’t always be your excuse, but Peter nodded and smiled.        You made his drink, but not before handing him an apple fritter to munch on. Peter smiled and thanked you once he also had his coffee.        “Thank you so much,” he said to you.        “Of course, anything,” you waved. Anything.        “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Peter nodded, his smile now small. He spoke your name, and then said goodbye. 
      You thought fast, your heart racing, your mind giving you hell. You couldn’t let Peter Parker go. Not when he had you like this.        “Peter,” you said, nearly sounding urgent. Some other customers looked at you for a moment before Peter turned back towards you. His eyes were slightly wide again, that special secret he had that you weren’t sure of yet.        I remember.        But you didn’t. It was just a longing, a feeling you couldn’t truly know.        “I, uh, don’t work tomorrow.” you told him. “B-But I do work the day after, in the morning, so. . .stop by.” You smiled small at him, but he smiled even bigger.        “I will.” he nodded, curls falling onto his forehead. “See you then,” 
      And that was it. That was the last of Peter Parker you’d see for today. But in two days--just wait, you’ll be a mess again seeing him. You’ll be a giggly, wanton, nervous wreck before him. And you still didn’t know him.        But you couldn’t wait for it. 
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Feu’s GunTay Content Index
They give me brain worms, so here's content (games, interviews, variety shows) I've watched with them. 
I watched a bit of TayGun clips on Youtube and wanted more when I was intrigued by Tay in like January/February 2022 but didn’t know Gun and it didn’t stick. Now, though, after learning more about Gun and seeing more of their interactions... brain worms fr
Lots of OffGunTay here too because I love my OT3s.
also have some thoughts for some of these videos in this post + its reblogs
OffGunTay Baking brownies - this was great, thoroughly enjoyed it, the moment of Tay begging Gun to be able to buy the sprinkles made my brain melt out of my ears
GunTay tiktok - Tay saying he likes going out to eat with Gun and have Gun leading + the aforementioned begging for sprinkles...
OffGunTay Fun Night - so much... animal imagery... I learned GunTay call each other pet and Gun is more often the owner...
GunTay + Jennie Let’s Play 24 Hour - they’re sooo cute and endearing here, the calling each other pet, hugs, and casual affection T.T 
Mid April 2022, they’re vacationing at Chiang Mai together 
OffGunTay 2019 little live clip - Here it’s not the GunTay that’s off interest but Off answering how he’s still handsome without makeup by saying yesterday he went to botox his wattles and laser his face. I was taken a bit aback by the candidness tbh but it’s always refreshing to hear when the celebrities mention whatever procedures they get done 
GunTay tiktok - them hugging and neck kissing in a recent School Rangers episode (late April 2022). Freaking cute.
Tay saying GMMTV’s most powerful person is Gun. Reasons: Off rarely loses/gives in to anybody but Gun’s an exception + he gave a story of how Gun convinced Tay and other people to go to this music festiaval he wanted to. Not only does this fully make my brain go zing! because of the GunTay but also my Gun left agenda 
I think I’m drawn to GunTay because a) I find each of them to be very beautiful and b) their fanservice is the kind I’m more used to and enjoy from k-pop where it’s like close friends who flirt for fun rather than anybody insinuating they’re dating for real or that it’s any of our business. 
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beautifultypewriter · 4 years
Arthur Shelby Fluff Alphabet
Requested: Yes / by my absolute fav @fandom-puff​ and also an anon
Warnings: Some mentions of alcohol and Arthur’s issues
Full credit to whoever created this template (I still don’t actually know who that is). Gif credit to the owner. Also, I changed the prompt for letter Q from quaint to quickstep.
Also, I love this gif? It’s so soft.
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Arthur loves your hands. He loves the softness of them and the gentleness of your touch. He finds so much comfort in standing before you, your hands resting gently on his face as his eyes slip closed and he holds your wrists. Then you start to rub small circles on his cheekbones, and he swears he could die a happy man right then and there. He loves taking your hands into his and he especially loves to press kisses to your knuckles and palms.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Absolutely wants to have babies with you. He thinks you’d be the most incredible parent and he can’t wait to see you with your children. Family is extremely important to Arthur and he wants to have one of his own, so he’s down for kids whenever you are. There is that little voice in the back of his head telling him that he’s going to turn out like his own father, but it’s quickly silenced by you. Arthur sees how strong and caring you are and he knows that he can do anything so long as you’re right there by his side.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He’s all limbs and he’s lean, but he loves to cuddle. Usually, the two of you only ever cuddle when you get into bed after a long day. You two face each other and he’ll pull you close to his chest. One of his legs will tangle with yours and his hands will move to the back of your head, getting tangled in your hair. Your hands will rest on his chest or cup his face and it’s so quiet and peaceful that he never wants to leave.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Arthur is more into low-key dates. He will, on occasion, take you to a fancy night club, but those nights are few and far between. He prefers more quiets nights with you where he doesn’t have to fight other people for your attention. The two of you go to the Garrison a lot and sit in the private room, drinking and talking. Arthur loves to take you for drives around the country because it gives the two of you the chance to be alone (which is his favorite). Honestly, though, Arthur will pretty much do whatever you want, so you two have gone on a lot of different types of dates.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are the most important person to Arthur. You are warm and safe, and you don’t judge him. These are all things that Arthur associates with the perfect home, so to him you are the perfect home. He doesn’t need much else if you’re there.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Arthur first knew he was in love with you the first time he brought you home to meet his family. The Shelby family is a bit chaotic and can be a bit intimidating, especially to people who haven’t known them for years, so Arthur was a little bit nervous to be bringing you to dinner at Polly’s. He didn’t want them all to scare you away. He was pleasantly surprised when you not only held your chin up the entire time, but you were kind to everyone, treating them like they were any normal family and like you weren’t frightened of them at all (which he later learned you really weren’t). Arthur watched you sit at the dinner table and hold your own with Polly and Tommy and he watched you smile at everyone and ask them questions and he just knew. He knew that you would fit perfectly into his life and he only hoped that he’d fit perfectly into yours as well.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Arthur tries so hard to be gentle with you. He has his issues. He knows this, but he would never intentionally hurt you, so he takes extra care to be gentle. Sometimes, if Arthur’s had a bad day, he’ll hold you a bit too tightly. He doesn’t mean to do it and he’s quick to loosen his grip, his movements becoming slower and more purposeful. He just wants to be as gentle with you as you are with him.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Arthur absolutely adores the feeling of your hand in his. He will take any moment he can to hold your hand and he does not care if it’s inappropriate for the situation. Family meetings? You’re sat next to him and Arthur has your hand clasped in his. Walking home from the Garrison? Arthur has a tight hold on your hand as the two of you stumble down the cobblestones. Arthur’s hands are always really warm, so if your hands are cold then he will happily warm them for you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When Arthur first saw you, his thought was that you didn’t quite fit into Small Heath. You were this light that stood out from the gray smog and he wondered what you were doing in such a dull place. What had brought you here? When you smiled at him, though, he found that he didn’t quite care, he was only glad that you were there.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh yes. Arthur has a lot of insecurities and he’s not always in the right headspace. This can translate into jealousy if he sees other people trying to make a move on you. His first instinct is always to storm over and pick a fight with the offender. Whether or not he actually does this depends on how much alcohol he has consumed. Drunk Arthur almost never makes good decisions, so if he’s had a lot to drink and he sees someone flirting with you, you can bet that he’s going to start throwing punches. He always feels really bad about it later and he avoids your gaze out of shame. Sober (or Mostly Sober) Arthur has better impulse control, so he’s able to hold himself back a bit. He still storms over, but he gives the offender the chance to back off before he gets physical. He wraps an arm around your waist and tells you that you look beautiful. All of this stems from the thought of losing you which is the scariest thing to Arthur. He can’t lose you and if his brain is muddled then he’s willing to do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen. He knows it’s wrong though and he’s promised to control himself, which he is making progress with, it’s just going to take some time for him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Arthur’s kisses are usually needy and fast at the start, but they always melt into something deep and comforting. He wants to be as close to you as he can whenever he can and that comes out in his kiss. Once he’s had a minute to relax and melt into you, though, he’s much calmer and he’s able pull back a bit and gain better control.
You initiated the first kiss. Arthur had come over to your place for dinner and he had been exceptionally quiet, obviously nervous about something. You had found the entire evening comical as he tried to hold a normal conversation with you, but getting tongue tied at the oddest moments. Finally, you just looked into his eyes, “I’m going to kiss you now, Arthur.” And you leaned across the table and pressed your lips to his. He was shocked, but he kissed you back, chasing your lips as you pulled away. You smirked at him, “Feel better?” He nodded and lunged across the table, capturing your lips again.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He did. It was after he had been in some fight that you didn’t ask too many questions about and you were patching him up in your kitchen. He had stumbled through the door and you quickly grabbed your first aid kit and sat him down in one of the chairs. It was quiet between the two of you as you cleaned the blood from his face, slowing your movements when you noticed him wince. He watched you intently as your eyes roved over his face, not once meeting his eyes. That’s when Arthur grabbed your wrists, halting your movements and causing you to look into his eyes. He leaned into your hands, “I love you.” You smiled at him, watching his eyes close before pressing your palms lightly against his cheeks. His eyes flew open and you nodded at him, “I love you too, Arthur.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Arthur’s favorite memory is of the moment the two of you first met. You were walking down Watery Lane and he had been so distracted by you that he accidently bumped into you and almost knocked you to the ground. He cursed himself and made sure you were okay, getting ready to scurry away, embarrassed, but you stopped him. And you smiled at him and he felt a flutter in his chest, and he knew he needed to see that smile again. This is his favorite memory, the first time you smiled at him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He tries to because he’s Arthur and he feels like he needs to take every opportunity to show you how much he loves you. Usually he buys you gifts when he’s done something wrong and he’s working hard to make it up to you. You always try to tell him that it’s unnecessary, but he just brushes you off with a smile and a kiss to the temple, telling you that nothing is too good for you.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You are light and comforting and full of love. When Arthur looks at you, he is reminded of everything good and wonderful and a certain softness overtakes him. A softness best associated with the color pink.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
‘Love’ is a big one with Arthur. He just loves you so much, he has to let you know (by literally calling you love – he isn’t subtle). He calls you ‘love’ all the time, it kind of just slips out after your name, “Y/N, love.” Another one that Arthur likes is ‘darling.’ He doesn’t use this one as much as ‘love’ which actually makes it a bit more special when it slips past his lips. This is the one that is mostly used in private. His family has heard him say it maybe twice, but you’ve heard it much more. Arthur gets teased a lot for the pet names, but it will never stop him from using them.
Q = Quickstep (How do they feel about dancing?)
Arthur definitely loves to watch you dance. On occasion, he will take you out to a fancy nightclub and watch you dance. He loves to see how happy and relaxed you become while you sway to the music. You always try to get him to join you, but he shakes his head, saying he’s fine just enjoying the show. This never fails to make you roll your eyes at him and you decide to go back to dancing. Later that night, when the two of you stumble into your home, your shoes in Arthur’s hand, he pulls you close to him. The two of you slow dance on the living room rug, your bodies pressed close together and Arthur’s breath fanning over your face. There’s no music, but you don’t need it; you’re fine with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
The two of you love a rainy day because everything seems to just slow down. Neither of you are in any rush to get going, so you sleep late and take your time getting up. Arthur steals a few kisses as the two of you cuddle in bed. You make a big breakfast and the two of you sit across from each other, listening to the sound of rain as you enjoy your tea. Arthur smiles over at you every five minutes and when the two of you are done eating, you move into the other room where you sit on the sofa together and talk. Arthur builds a fire to keep you warm and he makes sure that you’re comfortable on the sofa.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Arthur had never been one to try and cheer himself up. He was always one to drown his feelings in a bottle and wake up the next morning, push the headache aside and get back to business. Then you came along, and Arthur started to actually talk about his feelings. He was still pretty guarded, but he let you in enough that just talking to you made him feel better. Kisses never hurt either. When you see that Arthur is caught in his feelings, you place yourself in his lap, your hands gently cupping his face, and you press your lips to his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, and finally his lips. When you’re sad, Arthur just goes straight for cuddles. He knows you like to physically feel that someone is there for you, so he wraps his arms around you and presses kisses to your neck.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Other than your day to day talking, the two of you do most of your talking at night when it’s just the two of you tucked away at home. At this time, Arthur asks you to tell him stories. Stories about your childhood or stories about what you see in the future. He loves stories and he loves to lay his head in your lap and listen to you tell them. You always make sure that he knows he can talk to you about anything. He’s usually a bit hesitant to open up about the war or the business, but there have been a few times where the weight of it all was just too much and so he shared some deep feelings with you. You listened closely and offered comfort and it was a really beautiful moment for him to be able to trust you like that. He knows he can tell you anything and you’d never leave him.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
In order for Arthur to relax, he needs to be away from other people, in a quiet place, and with no chance of interruptions. Arthur’s mind runs a mile a minute, so it can be difficult for him to calm down. In the past, he turned to alcohol to slow his mind and to numb his body, so that he could find some peace. Now, he tries to use alcohol less frequently because he knows that it’s messing with his time with you. Instead he just tries to find a quiet place where he can cuddle with you and turn his brain off.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. Arthur thinks you are the most amazing person in the world and he still can’t believe that you chose him over everyone else and he loves to talk about that fact. Probably more than he should, but he can’t help it. It’s not even like he’s bragging, he’s more in awe than anything else. He still gets on everyone’s nerves though when he gushes about you and how he really doesn’t deserve you, but he has you anyway and that’s amazing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Arthur took you on a long drive through the country, pulling over by a babbling brook and putting the car into park. It was quiet between the two of you for some time. You were enjoying the peace and the scenery and Arthur was trying to work up the courage to pull the ring from his pocket. You had noticed his fidgeting, buy you said nothing about it, knowing that he would tell you what was going on when he was ready. The sun was starting to set and from the corner of your eyes, you saw Arthur’s hands moving. You figured he was starting the car up, getting ready to head home. You were wrong though as you saw him turn his body to face yours. As you moved to face him, he started his speech about how you were the best thing to ever happen to him and he didn’t want to spend a single moment without you. Then he pulled out the ring and asked you to marry him. You wiped away the tear that had formed in the corner of his eye and nodded, a quiet ‘yes’ passing your lips.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Hard to Love – Lee Brice
(I defy anyone to listen to this song and not immediately think of Arthur.)
Arthur knows that he’s not the easiest person to deal with and he knows he makes things difficult sometimes, but he’s so grateful to you for loving him. He thinks he doesn’t deserve you, but he loves that you stay with him. He sees the two of you as opposites in a sense and he wishes he was more like you, softer and gentler, so that he could be someone who deserves you. You always tell him that he’s the perfect amount of soft and strong though.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
There is so much love between the two of you that it’s no surprise that Arthur wants to put a ring on your finger. He wants the two of you to be a “proper” family, married with kids and together forever. Now, just because he knows he wants to marry you, it doesn’t mean he’s any good at asking. He’s nervous and worried that you’ll say no, so it takes him some time to actually pop the question, but once he does, he’s completely elated as he hears your “Yes.”
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Arthur wants to get a big dog to keep you company around the house when he has to go out for business. He’d also like to think of this dog as some form of a guard dog, so he knows you’ll have someone that has your back when he can’t be there.
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crystalas · 3 years
It’s only a matter of time
Okay I’m on here mainly for the fanfics so here goes...hope you like angst and stuff X3 bring a cup of tea its a long one! 
The story: MK and Red Son wake up trapped by Macaque who has plans for them and he isn’t going to take no for an answer. 
Chapter one: the nightmare begins
Monkie Kid woke up with a grown, he felt stiff and cold, his back and neck aches horribly which wasn’t surprising as he found himself waking up on a stone floor.
Wait. Why was he sleeping on a stone floor?
That thought got his brain firing on all cylinders as he sat up quickly, which made the chains on his wrists clank and jangle. He looked down at them adding them to the list of ‘what the heck was going on?’ MK surveyed his surroundings and saw he was in a stone-grey cell with no windows, one jail door, a bucket to which he could guess the reason that was there for…
And an unconscious Red Son who was also chained to the wall.
Oh, he had soooooo many questions.
Red Son shifted with a groan and sat up rubbing his head, as he groggily took in the sparse jail cell he looked down at his chains and then he caught sight of MK.
“NOODLE BOY!!!??” he screamed. “What is the meaning of this?!”
“I was going to ask you the same thing!” MK shouted back. “Is this one of your schemes?”
“Oh yes Noodle Boy my brilliant diabolical plan was to chain myself up in a cell with you, you saw through it so perfectly!” Red Son declared slowly clapping his hands, “All my hard work has come undone by your brilliant wit and clever thinking!”
“Ok sorry you can rein back the sarcasm now!” MK growled, he got to his feet and yanked on the chains testing their strength. They didn’t seem magical or anything special, as far as he could see they were just normal chains.
“Well, whoever did capture us are morons, I can tell you that much” Red Son exclaimed as he got to his feet, MK turned to look at him.
“What makes you say that?” he asked and Red Son just stared him in the eye as his hands erupted into flames, the metal bands on his wrists glowed cherry red then white hot before melting off and hitting the floor with a sizzling thud.
“Because only a fool would try and chain me up without heat proofing my restraints first” he answered and began to walk towards the door to inspect it. MK checked his ear more out of habit and found to his surprise that his staff was right where he left it last, he pulled it out and regarded his chains for a second. He remembered how Monkey King had been able to break Spider Queen’s webs by simply tapping them with the staff so he tried that. He tapped the chains with a little force and with a ringing clang the both chains fell apart the individual links clanking to his feet. He walked over to the cell door where Red Son was kneeling looking at the lock with a keen eye.
“Hey I can try and open it if you want?” MK offered but Red Son just gave it a push and it opened without so much as a creak.
“Wait it wasn’t even locked?” he asked dumfounded.
“I stand by my statement; our kidnappers are morons…” Red Son muttered.
“Yeah, I mean they didn’t even try and take the staff” MK said as they left the cell to find themselves in a dark hallway. Red Son lit a flame in his palm and began walking, MK not wanted to be left in the spooky dark dungeon without a light source followed.
“To be fair even if they had thought to, they would have struggled to do so. What with the whole ‘only those deemed worthy thing’ unless they had MY gauntlet of course!” Red Son declared proudly.
They walk the corridors silently for a while, it unnerved the two how quiet and dark this place was even as they walk by windows there wasn’t even the glimmer of stars or moonlight. There were no city sounds or wildlife noises or anything that could help them figure out if they in an urban or rural area.
“So… um do you remember anything before waking up here?” MK asked desperate to get rid of the unsettling silence.
“I remember being in my work shop, I was tinkering with the truck when I heard my mother call me…then…” Red Son stopped walking as if to try and collect his thoughts. “Something grabbed me from behind. You?”
“I remember being on a delivery run, the address was this little run-down apartment. Then yeah something grabbed me as well when the door opened.” MK answered, the silence returned as they continued to wander. They came to a door that opened up to reveal a large dojo training floor, they looked around as they walked through keeping an eye out for any movement.
“Why do you think they kidnapped us?” MK wondered as he looked at the wooden weapons that were on a stand nearby.
“Besides the obvious? I mean you are the Monkie Kid” Red Son muttered “My guess is that someone thought they could force a marriage out of me” this got a tsk of amusement out of Red Son and a look of bemusement from MK.
“Yes, it is demon custom to capture your intended betrothed as a way of showing your strength and cunning. A stupid tradition that should have died out over a century ago in my opinion but there are still plenty demons out there that like to cling to the old ways.” Red Son explained they left the dojo floor and carried on inspecting the other rooms as they did. There looked to a shrine room, bedrooms, maybe a kitchen but it was as sparce as their cell was. There was nothing that gave them any indication on who took them or why.
“Sounds like you’ve had your experience with that sort of thing…” MK ventured; Red Son scoffed.
“When my father the Demon Bull King was first imprisoned by you-know-who, I was next in line to be head of the family however I was too young so my mother ruled in my stead… the amount of times demons thought they could take me so they could claim the title was beyond annoying. Ever wonder why I know teleporting magic?” Red Son explained looking back at MK.
“So why don’t you use it now?”
“To put it in a way your simple mortal mind could comprehend I need to know the location of my destination and the pathway to it, I can’t just ‘whoosh’ my way out of sealed room I need a window or an air vent or something…” Red Son said as he opened another window and gave an irritated growl as it only opened to empty darkness. “And I’m not leaping into that until I know what’s out there!”
MK gripped his staff tighter and he could feel his instincts tingle, Red Son also seemed to feel something because he could see his fists clench and he began to walk faster to the door. He opened it wide and found…
“What the hell??!” MK cried out.
The entire dojo was in a cave, Red Son lifted the fire ball above his head and made it grow larger the light illuminated the cave as far as they could see which wasn’t very far to begin with. The cave was barely large enough to house the dojo they had been in, MK used his staff to pole vault up to the roof tops making sure to stay in the light, using his golden sight he looked around getting more desperate as claustrophobia began to set in.
“I don’t see any tunnels!” he called from on top of the roof tiles “I don’t see anything that looks like a way out, not even inside the dojo!”
“Then how do we get out of here?” Red Son shouted back.
“Easy, you don’t!” a voice declared and they spun around to see a dark furred monkey being standing there as if he had been there from the start.
“Macaque?!” MK spluttered.
“Uncle Mango?” Red Son squeaked at the same time, they both turned to look at each other.
“You know him?” they both asked in unison.
“It’s cute you remember that name Red” Macaque chuckled “Kinda makes me feel bad about what’s ahead…”
“What do you want this time Macaque?!” MK snarled feeling a little safer from his high vantage point, Macaque looked up at him with a smirk.
“Why to carry on with our training of course. My little student” he grinned.
“I was never your student!” MK growled getting ready for a fight but Red Son seemed to beat him to the punch as he strode up to Macaque his hair angrily aflame.
“I demand you release us from this…place!” he shouted “Where are we?”
“This is my dojo, and only I can travel to and from it unless you know shadow magic of course” he sniggered, Red Son growled and his fists began to burn with fire.
“Release us now or I will make you!” he roared.
MK felt a chill down his spine as this conversation went on, something was wrong, something was very, very wrong here. Macaque was too at ease with Red Son and MK both armed and angry at him, then it hit him like an ice block to the gut.
Only a fool would try and bind Red Son without fire proofing it first.
Only a fool would leave MK with his staff.
Only a fool would leave the cell door unlocked and let their prisoners just wander around on their own.
Macaque was a lot of things but he wasn’t a fool.
“Red Son hold on something isn’t right here!” MK said but Red Son wasn’t listening as he was already pouncing to attack, fire blasting as he leapt forward to land a hit…
MK watched in horror as gold bands on his arms, legs and around his neck began to glow and magic began to pulse over his body; Red Son dropped to the floor screaming in pain clutching his neck as he tried to claw the band off of him. Macaque step over the convulsing demon and looked up at MK who took a step back.
“Aw don’t worry bud; I didn’t leave you out” he smiled and muttered something. MK’s head was suddenly gripped in what felt like a hydraulic press, he clutched at his head in pain and his fingers found something under his bandana something made of metal and it was pressing into his skull with all the weight of an elephant. He staggered around trying to get whatever was on his head off but the pain only seems to getting worse with every passing moment. In his stumbling he lost his footing and fell to the floor with a painful thud but that was nothing compared to whatever was trying to crack his skull open. He screamed and gasped as the agony was knocking the air of out him and he just couldn’t breathe!
The pain was suddenly gone, but all MK could do was lie there shaking from the shock and taking huge gulps of air as he suddenly remembered how his lungs worked. He opened his eyes blearily and saw Macaque standing there waiting politely for the boys to regain some composure. MK grabbed his staff and used to it prop himself up.
“Here’s how things are going to go” he declared as Red Son got to his knees snarling at him with rage. “I am the master you are my students. You will obey my instructions to the letter, I say jump you say how high that kind of thing. If you try to escape, or defy me, or attack me, or basically do anything I don’t like…” Macaque trailed off as he muttered again. The agonising pain returned in a crashing wave that sent both boys to the floor.
“Well…you get the idea”
“How did you get these accused bands?” Red Son demanded.
“Did I say you can ask questions?” Macaque inquire and Red Son gave a staggered groan as the band glowed once more. “No, I didn’t. Now up you get my little students” both boys glared at him defiantly.
“Stubborn, aren’t you?” Macaque laughed “Well this just make it that more fun for me”
MK and Red Son cried out as pain rippled through them again.
“Please. Get up”
MK staggered to his feet and the pain stopped, he glanced at Red Son who was also getting to his feet.
“Good boys” Macaque said calmly and began to walk back into the dojo. “Please. Follow.”
“How dare he bark orders at me!” Red Son muttered under his breath “When my father finds out about this, he’s going to smash that sub human into a pulp!” only for him to drop to the floor again with a strained groan, MK ran to his side to help him back to his feet.
“Until we get these things off of us, we better play along, ok? We’re only hurting ourselves” MK whispered to him.
“I didn’t say you could talk” Macaque demanded looking back on the two, they flinched as they now knew what was coming and was made right as the bands once again activated, causing both of them to fall to their knees.
“Please. Follow” was all Macaque said after that. Every attempt to get away or attack or even just to talk to one another resulted in them lurching to the floor as they received punishment. Macaque would just stop and wait for them to get to their feet before barking the same order at them. They soon stopped trying anything and just followed quietly behind Macaque as they lead the back to the cell, they had started in. Inside the cell was two of Macaque’s shadow clones each holding a folded bundle of clothes.
“Please. Get dressed” Macaque exclaimed, both boys looked at him wanting to say something about what the hell was going on or how they were not getting undressed in front of each other but Macaque just smiled and tilted his head as if to say ‘wanna try it?’
MK sighed and grabbed the first bundle and Red Son with a frustrated growl did the same with the second. MK just let his clothes drop as he took them off Red Son however took great care to fold his up and put them in the corner. They found with a sickening feeling in their stomach that the clothes they had to wear looked similar to what Macaque was wearing but simplified. Red leggings with tawny yellow robes and a brown belt sash.
The shadow clones took their old clothes and held them for a second, as Macaque looked at his students in their new attire.
“Now boys I don’t think those fit your new outfits, hand them over” he demanded, MK felt his hand go to his bandana as Red Son gripped what looked like a beaded necklace with a horned pendant.
“This is my family insignia I am not taking it off!” Red Son growled but saw the look in Macaque’s eyes and flinched before looking sadly at the pendant before taking it off and handing it over. MK took his bandana off as well and threw it at the shadow clone in disgust. As they did their clothes ignited into purple and black flames and vanished into ash, Red Son gave a horrified gasp.
“That pendant was handed down through the generations of the Demon Bull Family!” he screamed “How dare you just destroy it for your little power tr…” he couldn’t even finish his rant as he fell to the floor once more gasping and writhing as magic ripple over his body.
“Red, the sooner you learn to do as I say the less time, you’re gonna spend like this” Macaque sighed as he knelt down to pet Red Son on the head. “I was commissioned specifically to train you two up, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Why?” MK blurted out but winced back as Macaque stood up to look at him sternly. He looked at MK for a moment before giving that horrible smirk again.
“Why indeed?” he said simply “Now I want you boys to get settled in, I’ll be bringing supper shortly.” And with that he and his clones left as Red Son laid there trembling as he recovered. They remained frozen in place until they heard the sound of the hallway door closing, once they heard that click MK rushed over to Red Son who was struggling to move.
“What did he mean he was ‘commissioned’ to do this?” MK asked as he helped Red Son to sit up.
“It means Noodle boy that there is someone else in on this!” he whispered, “Someone powerful or high up because they somehow got a hold on Guanyin’s binds!” he pulled down his collar to show nestled around his neck was a gold band, he also showed MK the same kind of bands on his wrists.
“They also managed to get Monkey King’s Skillet!” Red Son said sadly pointing at his head and for the first time MK actually tried to feel for the cause of his pain, as he felt the metal band dread ran through him as he remembered Monkey King telling him how torturous it was to have on and how he hated every second he wore it.
“How do we get them off?” MK whispered back trying his best not to panic.
“We don’t” Red Son said coldly “Only the one who placed it or something with stronger magic can remove them, so our first priority is to get out of here and find my parents or … ugh Monkey King they would have a good idea how to do it.”
MK started to pace the cell trying to suppress the rising urge to freak out and panic.
“So, what now? We’re trapped?” he asked.
“We need to remain calm” Red Son said quietly.
“How? We’re trapped in a dojo that in this shadow realm cave thing, Macaque has magical shock collars on us, we both have our powers but we are still helpless!” MK babbled “Oh god Pigsy is probably freaking out; he must be worried sick…they all must be worried sick…”
“Which means they will start looking, my mother is a wind master which means she can scry the winds.” Red Son said quietly, MK spun around to demand how the hell the most anger management challenged person he has ever met can be so calm in this situation when he saw that Red Son was clenching his hands so tightly his knuckles were white.
Red Son is freaking out just as badly as I am, MK thought he’s just better at hiding it.
“What…what’s scry mean?” he asked.
“It means anything the wind touches mother can see. I seriously doubt Macaque even with his shadow magic could have taken us without a breeze catching something, not to mention he took me in my own home which has security cameras in my work shop. Someone will notice and will find something that will lead them here!” Red Son stated slowly “It’s only a matter of time, we just need to stick it out. ‘Play along’ as you said.”
MK sat down next to Red Son taking deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down.
“You’re right.”
“I know…”
“What do you think he has planned for us?”
“I don’t know…Uncle Mango was never this…twisted when I was a child.” Red Son muttered, “Or maybe he was just better at hiding it. Or I never noticed…”
“Uncle Mango?”
“Oh, nothing blood related, same way Monkey King is considered my uncle it’s more of a god father thing you humans do”
The cell fell to silence as MK ran out of energy to talk and Red Son didn’t feel like answering more questions. They both just stewed in their own thoughts on their new predicament.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Omg! I love all your imagine! They make me melt hehehehe, can you do a imagine where their S/O is really short like 5ft? Hehehe
I sure can! <3 And I’m only 5′3 so I feel the pain homie
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okay so he isn’t exactly the tallest yardstick in the shed either okay
but any time you just need that extra finger-tip length to reach something?
cocky bastard alert
“I’m here”
“Joongie, can you reach that?”
*hands on hips with smirk* “Yes, I can!”
like okay we get it you’re taller than me
but he totally loves that you're smaller than him for other reasons too
like he loves helping you do stuff and all, but he also loves that your height comes with stuff like tiny hands and stuff
his hands are tiny too but
Joong is always complementing your height (especially if you're insecure about it)
like “oof, you’re so cute”
“wanna out you in my pocket”
basically everything we say about him LMAO
absolutely obsessed with you no matter what though
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did someone call for Mama Hwa?
like every time you can’t reach something it’s like a bat signal or something
I swear, he will be there in like .2 seconds
“how do you always know?”
“brain implant, every mama’s got one”
takes every opportunity to cherish you
and since you’re smol
he’s gonna show you how much he loves you in ways that you might not even recognize in the moment
like if you're cooking and he knows what you’re gonna need next? boom, all the ingredients are out for you already
short arms and can’t reach to plug something in? Seonghwa is on top of it okay? Period.
perfect gentleman and overall just really helpful
“oh, let me get that for you”
“babe, I got it”
he’s just your lil helper
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absolutely obsessed with your size
his lil bite-sized baby
loves to lift you up and spin you around just because he can
can’t resist you even in the slightest
doesn’t do things for you though
nono, that would be too simple for him
if you ask him to help you reach something, he won’t just get it down for you
he’s gonna lift you up so that you can get it yourself
and yes, it’s more work for him to lift you rather than get whatever it is you need
but it makes you laugh and that’s just too good an opportunity for him to pass up
he lifts you up a lot just for that reason
will hold you in the air until you’re squirming and kicking your legs around like a toddler
and if you pout up at him with big eyes for teasing you?? his heart just about explodes
I mean seriously
it won’t make him feel bad, but it will make him give you a bunch of kisses 
you’re his lil one and his mission in life is to make you laugh
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our Sangie is also not a very tall person
and he loves you but homeboy will not help you
“Bubby, can you help me reach something?”
“If you can’t reach it, what makes you think I’ll be able to?”
lazy bum this one is
I swear, he does not care if you need something
he just laughs at you a lot
like shut up -_-
all in good fun though and he would never intentionally hurt your feelings, no never
loves that you’re shorter than he is though because he will lean on you
you know when you’re short and people use you as an armrest? yeah... that
but he will also give you piggy-back rides a lot
and honestly, I'd be totally cool with being Yeosang’s backpack okay
would carry you everywhere
but he’s not gonna get that cup down from the shelf
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precious baby is gonna be so helpful, you guys
but also teases you to a certain degree
like if he sees you reaching for something, he’ll let you struggle for a minute or two before being like “need some help?”
and you’d be mad but he has the absolute most breathtaking smile on his face so you just accept the help
loves pet names that have to do with your size
“my tiny baby” “lil one” 
if y’all are play fighting or something he will just yell “HEY, TINY”
like boy if you don't shut your mouth
will also use “Hey, Tiny” if he can’t get your attention
like you immediately know that you’re the one he’s talking to and you just pout at him like why did you have to say that in front of everybody
but he’s also so sweet to you
loves forehead kisses because, I mean, you’re right there how could he resist?
also loves to lift you up when you hug
will put his arms under yours and just squeeze you like a teddy bear
too much love, all the love, he's loves you so much stop
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a tall drink of water over here
have a sip, loves
makes fun of you a lot
like he’ll do anything for you, but not without a price
like he is literally in the process of helping you with something but he’ll also be like
“you just can’t do anything without me, can you?”
but if anyone else says anything about your height???
thems fightin’ words to Mingi
like even if it’s a joke and it’s coming from one of your best friends...
he’s upset on your behalf
like only he is allowed to tease you
doesn't want you to get hurt even a little bit
will always ask you if anything bothers you and stuff
like he's so considerate
but that will not save you from the roasts ’kay
one thing that he will do though, no exceptions?
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(his pony and his bangs I cant breathe he's so cute)
even if he only has like a single centimeter on you
he's gonna brag
“You should do what I say. Im taller than you”
like what????
he’s just excited to be taller than someone for once I mean fr
will show off
like he will reach into a high cabinet adjust start pulling things down
“look what I can do!”
so annoying lmao
but also loves to hold you
your height difference is perfect for snuggles
he’s got you, babie
not letting go either so good luck getting out of there
not that you’d want to but yk
loves comparing the size of your hands
that’s one of his favorite ways to flirt
like he’ll size up your hands and then BOOM he curls his fingers down and you're holding hands
also loves to bend down to give you eskimo kisses
but then he complains about how he has to bend over so much and ruins the moment
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strong boy does not care about size he will protect you either way
if you are smaller than him? protection mode is just that much stronger
gotta keep the baby safe
will literally push you aside and grab stuff for you if you can't reach it
“jongho, I can do it myself”
“But it’s glass and you could get hurt if it fell”
like sweetheart.... that’s cute but Im OKAY
loves to help you do stuff and will force his way into stuff no matter what
“do you need this?” 
“what about this?”
like kid, I love you but you're not a waiter
when he finally chills out (after like 500 years of being together)
he’s gonna just hold you
like you're his tiny babyyyyyy
wraps himself around you like a koala
like at this point he's probably the little spoon but whatever
just loves to feel you near him
likes to know you're there
and since you're small? he can feel all of you 
surface area yk??
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cattles-bians · 3 years
Damie Vibecca exes AU part 4
post directory
[em note: this one is LONG i had to split it!!!]
obsetress: deflecting to viola protecting becs
obsetress: once they are dating
obsetress: and thinkin thoughts
em: viola asks rebecca if she wants to put a hit out on peter and rebestiecca is like????
em: that’s hot but
em: u can do that? also maybe don’t. but mostly that’s hot
obsetress: i was literally gonna say peter is still her ex and he's a persistent fucker even though it's been a year at least and viola's response is... not far off from canon!
obsetress: becca just stares at her for a minute and then she's cupping viola's cheek and murmuring "come here" and pulling her down
obsetress: they're like kissing or whatever and rebecca's murmuring "that was hot, you know" between kisses and viola's like "oh?" and becca's like "don't be cheeky, you know it was" and vi just grins against her mouth
em: I’m Really Invested In This Crack Ship
obsetress: ok but rebecca tells jamie and dani about vi offering to put a hit on peter and they're both understandably and reasonably aghast and rebecca's just like (takes a sip of wine, ducks head, smiles to self) i think it's sweet
obsetress: dani and jamie look at each other out of the corners of their eyes
obsetress: (later, dani agrees how absolutely out of line it is but also admits that it sure does feel nice to be so taken care of sometimes)
obsetress: (jamie throws a pillow at her)
obsetress: also thinking about secret soft vibecca are sometimes and how horrified dani and jamie are the first time they see it with their own eyes
em: jamie and dani excessive PDA queens get a taste of their own medicine
em: it’s so funny that i’m like. always on the verge of viola horny posting but as soon as it’s vibecca i’m like look at these babies. these beautiful babies
obsetress: viola and rebecca kissing one (1) time at brunch and jamie, arm slung around dani’s shoulders, is like “oi, no one wants to see that” and dani, leaning into jamie, one hand in her lap, crinkles her nose and rebecca’s like “y— you’re kidding, right?”
obsetress: also like. we talk a lot about what vi does for rebecca but also like
obsetress: vi massive abandonment issues and rebecca just
obsetress: she just stays
em: ur gonna Kill me here lies em
obsetress: i know i didn’t mean to and then i just
obsetress: i can’t think too hard abt them or i will Melt Down but just like
em: look if rebecca can see the best in someone as awful as peter
em: viola isnt nearly as terrible
obsetress: esp vi post dani like
obsetress: she’s obnoxious and haughty and neoliberal but
obsetress: radical love goes a long way!
obsetress: rebecca grounding her thru touch and rebecca slipping her hands around vi’s and easing them loose when vi’s hands start to clench and rebecca just pressing a kiss to viola’s temple and murmuring “i’m here, yeah? with you. not going anywhere”
em: like i just think after eddie dani wouldnt like, just go w the flw any more. like i think abt her challenging viola occasionally
em: lovingly! gently
but like, holding her accountable
em: also violas absolutely little spoon
em: like i know blah blah viola top rebecca top leaning switch but viola little spoon
obsetress: “actually viola” (vi always knows she’s in trouble when dani calls her viola) “that was really hurtful” “i’m sorry you feel that way, dani, but—“ “i don’t need you to be sorry for how i feel. i need you to show me you’re sorry for what you did”
em: dani calls vi the Full Name and viola knows shes in trouble bc thats at least 4 extra vowels w danis midwest accent
em: it is always v surprising how much like, working w kids equips you to work w adults. b/c at least w kids you dont have layers and layers of social nuance to work through. u can just say 'hey. that was hurtful and your apology sucks'
obsetress: meanwhile dani’s over here trying to explain to vi intent vs impact and how no, it’s not semantics or nuance, it’s actually kind of a chasm
em: i kind of love like um. look viola is terrible but she wasnt born terrible
obsetress: she just has a lot to unlearn
em: and id belive that even if i wasnt a ghostfucker thats just rogers theory of self actualisation babyeee
obsetress: dani viola big fight n dani's like
obsetress: "i'm sorry and i love you but it's not my job to fix you, vi" and she just breaks down and she's like "it's not"
obsetress: jesus why did my brain take THAT turn
em: wrow
em: its ok i was gonna be like 'so they obvs break up at some point....'
obsetress: anyway viola just stares at her for a second and then she's like "you put the 'i'm sorry' before the 'i love you'"
obsetress: and dani just stares at her for a long time and she's like "yeah. i guess i did"
obsetress: i KNOW what the FUCK
obsetress: anyway dani's like "i guess i did" and vi's like "is that it then?" and dani just looks at her with her puffy eyes and is like "i think so"
obsetress: dani clayton queen of saying "i love you" over and over in the midst of breaking up w someone
em: well! she has a lot of love to give but, she also has to love herself sometimes!
em: i was thinking abt scenarios n i just remembered that. whole video rental shop thing so i think that slots in nicely
[em edit: u can read here]
obsetress: god i love that lil scene
em: dani sends viola a tentative little meme peace offering and they get back to talking and its nice but maybe a bit awkward and viola mentions like, going to therapy and seeing someone for help n its
obsetress: vi's stewing on "i can't fix you" for weeks and then she's begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY calling a therapist
em: like its still awkward and dani is still nursing some wounds but she can ALSO be happy for someone she used to care about
em: still cares about!
obsetress: she's always gonna love her in some way or another
obsetress: but yeah also like. smth to viola being too stubborn to do anything she doesn't wanna do except suddenly when dani clayton gets involved and that feels p canon in its own way too
em: 'i cant fix u' weird bc every time i see viola im like 'i can fix her'
obsetress: it's like ur in my head bestie
em: how do u think viola and rebestiecca met
em: not that u think abt it or anything
obsetress: MAN i was just thnking
obsetress: in this universe how did dani and jamie meet but i guess it can still just be bly tbh
obsetress: as for vi and bestiecca hmmm
em: am so caught up in the joy of fucked up interpersnal dynamics i forgot a meet cute
obsetress: honestly part of me wants to be like
obsetress: on some dating app but a dating app for posh people yk
obsetress: but then i'm like
obsetress: that takes all the meet cute fun out of it
obsetress: oh GOD
obsetress: i got it
obsetress: ready
obsetress: so like viola landlord we know this
obsetress: and then i was watching whatever ep three the other day and bex mentions wanting to do public law right
em: oooooh
obsetress: bex public housing attorney
em: OOH
obsetress: they meet at some conference
obsetress: hit it off prob fuck lbr
obsetress: and then
obsetress: comedy of errors
obsetress: whoever stays the night, they sleep together again in the morning, breakfast in bed, bex is like "so what do you do, anyway"
em: hjgbjshmdnfbmngbmhnbgs,hndg m,shndgds
em: YES
obsetress: and then they just
obsetress: also i like to think rebecca invites vi back to her hotel room and vi is so charmed by her taking charge ("""taking charge""") that she lets her
obsetress: and then like
obsetress: god for a while what if they just like
obsetress: they're so mortified and morally and fundamentally at odds but like
obsetress: the sex is so good???????
obsetress: that they keep just meeting up and then
em: romeo and juliet situation
obsetress: yk how it goes
obsetress: the sex is good and they see each other as like
em: thats so fucking good thank u hannah
obsetress: super rare intellectual equals whatever
obsetress: thank u i am exceedingly proud rn
obsetress: honestly at this point i'm
obsetress: rebecca and vi uhaul change my mind
obsetress: like not too quick because isabel but, quick enough to be considered
em: so the joke is like. obviously 'extremely pda damie' but when rebecca and vi are alone they Also cannot get their hands off each other
obsetress: they both just. worry about appearances too much meanwhile
obsetress: tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the overalls and mom jeans dgaf
em: accidentally seeing ur friends compromised is just part of the package of being friends w damie. however jamie accidentally catches vibecca in the act and shes Horrified
em: hypocrits
em: danis like yeah what do u. think theyre doing
em: dani is nonchallant bc shes dated viola of all people
obsetress: i mean could you imagine
obsetress: between vi and dani's just
obsetress: insatiable libido
obsetress: dani, very seriously: jamie, when two women love each other––
em: dani likes dating jamie bc it means she can top occasionally :) maybe even more than occasionally
em: jamies like ooh my god i knw i know how are u so casual about... rebecca... and ... viola... (dani just pulls her in fr a smooch)
obsetress: they have each other's clothes half off and dani's like "i'm so casual because i dated her too, babe" and jamie's like "can we not have this conversation right n"
obsetress: also i still have this on my clipboard from earlier we bopped around so fast but
obsetress: vi and bex hooking up early on:
obsetress: rebecca knocks on vi's door at, like, 6:00 pm after work, vi opens it, rebecca just grabs her and kisses her, vi pulls her in, becca kicks it closed behind her, vi shoves her against the door and they're kissing against it, then vi's ducking her head to kiss along rebecca's neck and rebecca's like "how many people did you evict today" as she angles her head and then viola's finding her lips again and tugging at her lower lip with her teeth "probably not as many landlords as you shortchanged today" and rebecca's laughing and pushing her backwards down the hall as viola tugs at her blouse
em: GOD. viola is probably like
em: ok, disclaimer: fuck all landlords
em: but at least in this fantasy world perhaps viola is 'fairly' 'reasonable' n shes absolutely playing it up for the hate sex angle n rebecca Maybe Assumes shes lying but
em: stupid morons in love
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: i think i've mentioned this before but like
obsetress: now that it's more fleshed out
obsetress: then they're at drinks one night (and when did it go from just sex to drinks? neither of them could tell you) and viola's kinda quiet n moody (n rebecca already knows she Gets Like This sometimes and that she'll usually say whatever she's thinking eventually) and finally she's like
obsetress: "i have... a daughter" and rebecca's just like "tell me about her" like it's the easiest thing in the world
obsetress: and viola's head snaps over and she stares because she was.... not expecting that
obsetress: and so viola does
obsetress: and rebecca's just like "i'd love to meet her one day"
em: soft.....
obsetress: they always turn back to soft
obsetress: like they have a fuckin mind of their own
em: rapidly oscillate between horny and soft
obsetress: that's the mood
em: violas probably like. yknow, rebecca's young and up and cming n she probably assumes rebesticca isnt interested as something as full on as a kid but shes like 'do you have any photos'
obsetress: fuck!!!!!!!!!
em: rebeccas like do u think i didnt. see the photos at ur apartment lmao
em: theres a childs drawing on the fridge
obsetress: rebecca has known almost from the jump but was
obsetress: giving viola her time
obsetress: also smth smth giving her time instead of time wearing her away etc etc we're all in hell
em: cracks knuckles
em: bestie....
obsetress: pls
obsetress: it's what i deserve
obsetress: first tho
obsetress: consider
obsetress: the way viola's face lights up when she's talking about isabel and showing rebecca all the pictures
obsetress: hold pls
em: soft......
obsetress: this one chief
obsetress: right here
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 03.04.21 lb
aryan is literalllllllly the fuckin dumbest. zero peripheral vision or gut feels.
lmaoooooooooooo yeah right, i’d like to see you shoot at vansh bhai, aryan. i really wanna see this lololololol.
lo aa bhi gaya vansh. (fuck he looks good in this shirt!!!!!! damn my stupid hormones making me horny for the absolute baaaaaaaaare minimum.)
vansh [seeing an obviously shot angre]: angre, kya hua???
plan ke hisaaaaaaaaaab se. god i hate all the men in this show so much. angre honestly, why are you suchhhhhh a chaaatu for vansh’s ootpataaang plans?!?!
anyway long story short, vansh saw aryan spying, went and replaced all of aryan’s bullets with blanks, and sent the sms about riddhima being alive. LMAO DOES THAT MEAN HE ALSO CONNED A COOL 2 CR. OUTTA ARYAN?!?!!?! ASDKSADJLASKDJLKASDJKAS GOOD JOB, VANSHHHHHHHH.
angre like why i had to die for this tho???? oh angre, you sweet summer child. do you know NOTHING about your bhaiyya/bhaabi’s amaaaaaaazing relationship????? you think he’d give up a chance to emotionally manipulate her like this????
how’d the dumbass finalllllllllllllllly figure this is real riddhima tho??? also he has fully made his peace with treating his PREGNANT WIFE this way huh????
ishani/siya having a girly convo about siya’s “date”. ishani’s like “was it sizzling, burning, sensational?”
uhhhhhhhhh siya, if you’re feeling all these things, you should go see a gynaec. sounds like an STI to me.
this is a very creepy convo ishani is leading, about how far siya got with vyom. who wants such specific sexual details from their sister????????
asalkdjlaskjdlaskjdlaskljk ishani is like “men are like goats [....] they’re dumb. and women are powerful.” can’t say i disagree.
anyway this convo is really dumb and cringey and i can’t take it anymore. inke bhaiyya ka chutiyaapa dikhao, instead of this nonsense. 
angre is over the moon ki this is riddhima bhaabi itself, unaware that boss is fuming ki uska chutiya kat raha hai.
6 ghante 6 ghante 6 ghante blah blah blah FUCKING OUT WITH IT ALREADY
the only time i like vansh as a person is when he’s smirky over buddhu banaao-ing aryan. 
idhar aryan ne aake chugli kar di sabke saamne.
yeh anupriya ka kya hi chakkar hai, idgi. is she fr on vansh’s side now??????
riddhima khud entry maaar rahi, to prove aryan right.
everyone except siya’s reactions are like ugh, this bitch again 😒😒😒
ouff 10 min of dadi’s mafia queen reactions nonsense now.
lo vansh bhi aa gaya.
riddhima trying to interfere to save vansh (why???), and dadi’s like STFU B.
lol vansh playing stone cold stupid, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
he’s spinning yarn after yarn ki “YEH riddhima hai, WOH jisko maara woh humshakal thi. MERA PYAAAAAAAR WOULD NEVER GIVE ANY OF US DHOKAAAAAAAAAAAA.” pftttttttt.
vansh breaking it down for the truuuuuuuuuuuuuly stupid, ki he shot a girl who had riddhima’s face, she was dead, aryan confirmed it. now there’s a riddhima standing in front of all of them. thus............???????
bechaara aryan. bachpan mein thode aur badaam khaata toh shaayad itna bewakoof nahi hota.
lollipop girl is nodding appreciatively at all this drama; she’s honestly the most relatable character here. if i was a houseguest here, main bhi roz roz mazze looot rahi hoti in chutiyon ka.
le aryan ne phir bandook taan di riddhima par, to get her to uglofy the truth. ab toh isko pakka maar padne waali hai. remains to be seen by whom. hoping it’s vansh as per usual, but i shall take dadi also.
anyway riddhima flipped the whole damn game and is like dadi, aryan wanted to make you distrust vansh and that’s why he did all this and lmaoooooooo even vansh is a little stunned for a second or two and then jumps in and starts haan mein haan milaao-ing with wifey’s story.
riddhima rubbing it in reallllllllll good in front of dadi ki aryan tried to killllllllll meeeeeeeee!!!!! and now aryan’s like bitch imma kill you both istg and got the gun on them.
ASLKADJLAKSJDLASKJDLKSAJLDKJSLAKDJLAS DADI’S GOT HER GUN SET ON ARYAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!! honestly, this whole family is just so fucking dysfunctional, there needs to be a wholeass team of mental health specialists monitoring them and writing case reports about them at all times.
vansh trying to talk aryan down and got shot in the arm for it. pehli baar aryan ne zindagi mein kuch sahi kiya hai.
oh goddamnit. he didn’t get shot. coz aryan sucks at aiming, just like he does at everything else.
someone make rrahul trim his damn beard, that thing is like a foot off his face. there must be whole ass beehives and civilizations inhabiting it.
aryan passing by dadi and is like you’re making a big mistake believing vansh/riddhima and their lying asses. and what did he get for that? one jhaapad from dadi also. lol. just not his dayyyyyyyyyyy, man.
oh shit dadi is throwing aryan out the house. does he have anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy skills to fend for himself outside this place? he’s gonna die in like 15 minutes.
dadi warning vansh ki if aryan’s baat sahi nikli, she gonna murder his and riddhima’s asses too. hey vansh??? now would be a good time to take your 5000 cr. and fuck off outta this crazy house rn.
riddhima can’t stop reliving angre’s death.
vansh’s here and just sooooooooooo cool about it. shouldn’t that tip her off?!?!?!?!
ohohohohohohoho ofc, he’s like he didn’t die for ME, he died for YOU. you and your dhoka are why he’s dead. today angre’s dead, tomorrow it’ll be me. waaaaaaaaaaah bhai. amazingggggggggg manipulation only. you should write papers and give TED talks about it, that’s how much of an expert you are at this.
do not tellllllllllllllllllllllllllll me she falls for this shit. pls god do not.
lol vansh is really pushing on the 6 ghante thing and she’s like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i get it now.
toh ofc he has to resort to sexy fuckery and pulls her under the shower to seduce it outta her.
riddhima don’t think with her pussy no more. she’s like you want the truth????/ i gotta confirm some shit first. took the gun (which he’d taken from aryan earlier) and left.
yup she went outside and found a blood ka packet. lolllllllllllllllllll vansh ki khairrrrrrrrrrrr nahi ab.
sopping wet saiyyaan is like what youuuuuuuu doing??? and she pulled the gun on him. bwahahahahaha. sis not so much of an idiot anymore.
she’s like bitch you and your lies and your dhokasssssssssss.
oh dang she fully called out his game, from sending aryan to manipulating her into being guilty for angre’s death. MANNNNNNNN, WHY DIDN’T WE HAVE THIS RIDDHIMA FROM THE FUCKING START????????????
oh now he’s gaslighting her about the dhoka. he’s got some nerve. i swear to god he’s asking to be shot for reals.
she’s like you know what, i woulda told you, but now, after all this fuckery, imma take it to the grave. bwahahahahahhahaha, i love it. exactly what my petty ass would do.
challenge challenge challenge and tashan waala walk-off. lol, what’s the point, tum dono ko jaana toh ek hi kamre mein hai.
ishani’s freaking the fuck out at angre’s haalat. oh damn. she really does love him!!!!
angre’s all mehhh, it’s part of the job, and OMG YES ISHANI IS LOSING HER SHIT AT VANSH BHAI’S CONSTANT CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idhar riddhima and vansh seem to have made up???? she’s waking him up cheekily, and he’s all “good morning to youuuuu too, my love. 😏😏😏” they fucked in the night, for sho.
he’s like is this love or repentence for yest? and she’s like bitch tf i got to repent for????
lmao the way she’s staring at him as he drinks his coffee makes me think she’s poisoned it. or spat in it, at the very least.
standard pulling and falling and sexy stuff. lol these two are so dysfunctional. constantly trying to sex the other into submission. at least it’s more equal now, than just him making all the moves.
yeah, she’s doing all this shit to protect him from some shit FOR SURE. ugh yaaaaar. oh well, at least she got some chracter development outta it.
lol he got mad at her for not melting at his do takke ka seduction. son, you thought a bloody forehead kiss was enough? we’re not saying SHIT for less than 3 orgasms.
riddhima cooolyyyy regarding jeeta-jaata chalta-phirta angre, who thankfully has some sharam for his actions.
she’s like don’t worry, i’m not mad at you, i know vansh put you up to it; and he’s like yeah you know i have zero self respect when it comes to vansh bhai. he says jump, i ask how high.
and she’s like you’re your own person dude. and i hope you’ll one day realize that and do what you think is right, not just what vansh tells you to. DUDE I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY DIDN’T GIVE US THIS RIDDHIMA TILL NOW. 
asdkljlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkasj vansh speaking chinese was really not necessary but....... lol ok.
wtf even is this black box, dude?????? like.............. you know what, idec anymore. nothing in this show is worth wasting brain cells over.
snort, vansh assures his shady business friends that the black box is in safe hands, and instantly riddhima comes and picks it up from the table.
some sultry talk about love and war as they keep taking the box from each other. lol man you’re both so fucking lame.
anyway he put it in the safe and is being patronizing to her, and she’s like be careful at how you play this........ “kahin meri dukhti ragg pe haath na lag jaaye....” OH DAMN. DUDE. I THINK SHE’S LOST THE BABY OR SOMETHING. IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING THAT’S HURT HER MASSIVELY TO BRING ABOUT SUCH A DRASTIC CHANGE (OTHER THAN THE SHOW MOVING FROM TV TO ONLINE)
asldkjsaldjlskadjlksadjlksajd she’s threatening to tell dadi that he played this whole farce in front of her and he’s like U WOT MATEEEE
anyway both of them smilingly fucking each other up about 6 ghante ka raaz and how the other one will lose. man, y’all need SO MUCH THERAPY.
riddhima’s here talking to stupid shunya fucker; and he’s just laughing and talking about his stupid saxophone.
he’s all only the two of us know about this deal we have, no one else in the worldddddddddd knows......
and she’s like actually................................. there’s a third person.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. why did she have to tell vyom that kabir knows? now vyom’s gonna try and kill kabir for sure and i want the reverse to happen!!!!!!!! please god gimme some #kava love where vansh saves kabir from vyom to make up for that one time kabir saved his life from chang!!!!!! i just want my two boys together!!!!!!!!!
precap: same old chutiyapa. vansh got her fingerprints off a glass to open her phone; she tries to steal the black box from his secret room and he catches her. abbe yaaaaaaaaaaaaar. 
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gasolineghuleh · 4 years
Like Rats
Commission piece for the beautiful and annoying @popiaswhitesuit who is the wonderful thorn in my side that I’ll never remove. Love you loads.
Prompt is a hand job for Cardi in the hallway.
“Sister, where are we going?” Copia’s leather glove squeezes your hand softly as you jog, ducking your head into every hallway you pass until you find the one that you’re looking for. You don’t blame the man for being confused- one moment you were talking to him after his sermon and the next minute the two of you were scurrying down the hallways. Something about hearing him stutter his way through traditional worship of Mammon had your motor revving, though. “Sister!”
“Hush, Cardinal! Do you want to draw attention to us?” you scold him in a hushed tone, squeezing his hand in yours sharply as a warning. He practically snaps his mouth shut and follows you dutifully, red cassock swishing around his feet as his other hand holds his biretta tight to his head. Copia trips just slightly and you giggle, slowing down a bit. Poor old rat. 
“I, eh… I don’t want to ‘call attention’, Sister but… please tell me where we’re going?” You hold up your finger and skid into the hallway you’re looking for, letting out a triumphant ‘yes!’ when you see that it’s devoid of either Siblings or Ghouls. “A hallway? This is what the rush was for?” Copia pulls his hand from yours, putting his hands on his hips and frowning down at you. “Sister, I have important sermons to be writing! I cannot be running around with no purpose!”
“Oh, I have a purpose, Cardi.” He opens his mouth to scold you, but you take his hand again, wrenching it from his hip and marching with renewed determination towards the middle of the hallway. “But what good would it be to ruin the surprise?” 
You stop in front of a large tapestry of the garden of Eden, noting with a curl of your lips how both Eve and the Snake are pointed towards the edge of the tapestry. Following their guidance, you grip the side of the tapestry and tug it to the side, revealing a darkened and empty alcove behind it. It’s a struggle to hold back your mischievous giggle as you push the Cardinal into the alcove and follow him, making sure the tapestry covers the entrance again.
“Shh! I’ve wanted to do this for ages, and I won’t let your big mouth ruin anything,” you whisper. Copia catches on to your desire for lowered voices and responds in kind, dropping his own voice to a soft whisper.
“Do what, exactly, Sister?” Copia only barely manages to hide his gasp when your hand comes to delicately wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him down slightly. “Sister, what--”
“You never stop talking do you, rat man?” you whisper, brushing your lips against his before kissing him. At the press of your lips against his, he melts into you, both of his arms wrapping around you gently and pulling you against him. 
After a moment, it’s Copia who deepens the kiss first, tentatively biting your lower lip. In response, you open your mouth to allow him access and he groans against you, tongue flicking out to dance with you. You’re keenly aware of how his breathing has dropped, arms tightening around you as one hand roams slowly from your back down, towards your ass. When he slides a hand over the swell of your ass he stops, grabbing and kneading you slightly even as he continues kissing you breathlessly. You nip at his lip and he sighs, pulling back and dropping his head against the wall.
“Sister,” he starts, pausing to swallow and take a steadying breath. You move your hands to his chest, making a small show of smoothing the material of his cassock and adjusting his grucifix as you wait for his brain to catch up with his mouth. “Sister, we need to stop before I do something I may regret. I… I don’t know what you’re willing and up to. I know I’m in a position above you and--”
“Do it, and don’t regret it,” you respond in a clipped, matter-of-fact tone before crashing your lips against his again. You bring up one hand and knock the biretta from his head, tangling your fingers into his brown hair and holding his head against yours. He grunts in surprise before groaning deep in his chest, hand grabbing at your ass more insistently. The hand that isn’t twined into his hair slides down his chest towards his pelvis, and he snatches it quickly, breaking the kiss once more. 
“Sister, are you sure? I…” He stops, licking his lips briefly and looking down at you. His face is flushed, both from the kissing and the stifled air in the small alcove. “I’ve never had a Sibling show such enthusiasm towards me before I… I must confess that I’m not quite sure where to go from here.” You flex your hand in his tight grip and he lets you go, sighing.
“Cardinal. I am sure. I’ve thought about doing this since you were first brought to our Abbey, and I took the time to find us a nice semi-public alcove to use. Our alcove now, hm?” You take his hand in yours, bringing it to your lips and kissing his wrist above the glove softly. “Let me show you how pleasure can feel, dear Cardinal.” 
“Okay, Sister… okay.” Copia heaves a deep breath, steadying himself before bringing his lips softly back to yours. It takes a bit to rebuild the passion and heat between the two of you since it was interrupted, but soon enough he’s breathing heavily against you and gripping your hips with both hands. You grind upwards against him, pointedly making sure that your hips meet his. You can feel his cock slightly plumped through his cassock and you smile against his lips, allowing your hand to trail towards it again.
This time he doesn’t stop you, but groans deep in his chest when you make contact with it. Copia brings his knee forward, allowing you to find the part in the heavy cloth of his cassock, hand diving for the zipper of his pants underneath it. It takes you a moment to unzip it with one hand but you do so easily enough, reveling in the gasp that drops from his lips when you make contact with his cock. You stroke him from the base to the tip slowly and he groans, thrusting forward into your hand.
“Cardinal, shh! We’re only hidden by the tapestry, anyone out there can hear us. We have to be good, hm?” You’re teasing him and you know it, but it’s so easy and so fun. He nods, lips pressed together tightly as he breathes heavily through his nose. “How long has it been, Cardinal?”
“Copia. Call me Copia,” he answers. You run your thumb along the head of his cock, gathering the pre-cum there before languidly stroking down again- you can already feel his legs shaking under your touch. “It’s been eh… it’s been.” He snorts a slight laugh at his own answer, tilting his head against the wall and watching you through half-lidded eyes as you stroke him. 
“Copia.” His name tastes unfamiliar on your tongue, but there’s something sensual about it as well, to be allowed to finally say it out loud. “Copia, do you like how it feels when I touch you? When I slide my hand on your cock?”
“Dark Lord, yes, Sister.” His hips jerk into your hand as you press your thumb under his cock head and you giggle slightly, stretching onto your toes to press a kiss against his neck. “Don’t stop, Sister, I’m already--” He cuts himself off sharply and holds up a finger to you.
From beyond the tapestry you can hear someone walking down the hallway, their heels clicking loudly on the stone. Copia breathes in sharply, whimpering as he tries to hold his moans back. You look up at him and wink quickly before dropping to your knees, bringing your other hand to his cock as well. You stroke him quickly and kitten-lick at the head of his cock, eyes never leaving his face as you do so. Copia slaps a gloved hand over his mouth as the other hand scrabbles at the wall, chest heaving with the struggle to hold back his moans. 
You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, grip tightening slightly on his cock as you move swiftly over him. His hand on the wall flies forward to your head, stopping you as you attempt to take him fully into your mouth. Outside in the hallway, the owner of the loud shoes has stopped and is having a conversation with someone- from the sound of it, it’s the Sister Imperator and an unruly Ghoul.
“No?” you mouth up towards Copia. He shakes his head animatedly, holding up a hand to you. His hand is shaking so violently you’re surprised he hasn’t accidentally hit you with it. You huff out a laugh and stand back up, leaning against him and pressing your lips to his throat.
His free hand comes out quickly and grips your chin, bringing your head up and kissing you roughly, tongue wasting no time in dipping into your mouth. Finally the shoes depart outside of the alcove and he growls loudly, snapping his hips into your hand and biting roughly at your lips. The hand on your chin moves quickly to the back of your head, twisting in your hair and pulling your head back roughly. 
“You think it’s funny to make your Cardinal lose his bearings when someone is just within ear shot, eh? You think it’s funny to watch me fall apart at your touch?” You nod, giggling slightly and making a show of licking your lips. “What did I do to deserve such treatment from such a beautiful Sister?” His other hand comes to your chin, thumb swiping at the build up of spit on your lower lip before he brings it to his own mouth and licks it. You feel your own knees go a little wobbly at the motion, a slight moan coming from you unbidden.
“Can I finish what I started, Cardinal? Are you going to be able to stay quiet?” Once again you rock onto your toes, pulling him down towards you for a kiss, softer than the last and more tongue than anything else. He hums his assent against your lips, hands sliding back down to your ass and squeezing. He grunts as his hips jerk forward into your touch, squeezing your ass harder and lifting you slightly against him. Gasping at the sudden movement against his lips, you grip his cock slightly harder than you meant to and he growls against you.
“Do that again,” he commands you in a shaky tone. You pull back from his mouth and watch him, his eyes mostly closed. You squeeze him again and he groans, pitching forward again as you do so. “Sister, I… I must admit this was a good purpose,” he whispers as his tongue darts out to wet his lower lip again. 
“I told you it was.” You laugh slightly as you get on your knees again in front of him, taking his cock into your mouth in one quick motion, swallowing him until your nose rests in his pubic hair. Looking up you note that his hand has, once again, been clapped over his own mouth as he pants through his nose. 
You hum around his cock, squeezing the base of it with your hand as you bob quickly on him, sucking and licking as you do. When you press your tongue under the head of his cock he comes undone. One hand comes to the back of your head, just holding you as he cums, knees shaking as the other hand grounds himself again on the wall. Thick ropes of cum land hot and heavy along your tongue, one errant pulse getting it on your cheek. 
Closing your mouth, you giggle slightly as you swipe a finger across your cheek, gathering the cum there and licking it into your already full mouth. Just as Copia goes to help you to your feet, you spit the cum onto the front of his red cassock, daubing your lips with the sash daintily before you stand, making a show of dusting your knees off. 
“Sister!” Copia sounds scandalized, quickly wiping at the cum on his front.
“Now people know you’re dirty enough to be in our Clergy, Cardi. I did you a favor.”
“Do not call me--! Damnit, Sister!” He looks at you, a frowning etching lines between his eyes as he does so. “I have half a mind to punish you for this!”
“You’ll have to catch me first, your Dark Excellency.” You sketch a quick curtsy towards him and dart out from behind the tapestry, laughing as you speed walk down the hall towards your own dorms. 
Looks like you were able to initiate the Cardinal in your favored manner after all. Hopefully he’ll live up to his end of the deal, and purple your ass the next time he sees you.
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terrietont · 3 years
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Undertale: a Life for a life
Chapter 4: Dilema
Something was wrong. Asgore sat down in his chair since Toriel had left to go to the kitchen, yet she hadn’t come out. He started to get worried, was she okay?
I mean of course she wasn’t okay, but was she safe? Asgore swallowed and stepped lightly towards the kitchen. He heard nothing, no sobbing, breathing or movement.
His heart paused for a moment, in relief or worry, he didn’t really know. The Queen’s back was turned as she gripped onto the sink, staring down at it.
Thought unbeknownst to the king that she had already heard him walk in.
“I washed it all off my paws...” Toriel’s voice came monotoned and quiet. Asgore almost jumped by how the silence broke so suddenly.
As if reading her mind, Asgore frowned in sympathy. He knew what she had meant, after all it was the same fate he had chosen.
“There was so much, on my feet, on my paws... on the ground.” She continued. Her voice was soft but her words were unsettling. Asgore could feel his throat tighten, unable to get any words out.
“Is this what it felt like?” Toriel turned around to meet his gaze. Her mouth was in a deep frown, her eyes downcast and under them dark rings, almost as if she had been brought back from the dead. “Is this what it felt like to do it yourself?” She repeated. Tears began to run down her face again.
Asgore nodded slowly in sadness.
“You had a better reason for doing so.” Toriel turned back to the kitchen wall by the sink, her voice mellow. “And I, with no true intention. I was trying to protect them.” She explained. “But I should’ve been protecting them not from you, but from me.” Her voice began to waver again.
“B-but it was an accident, was it not?” Asgore spoke up soflty, his voice sounding more like a child than himself. To his surprise and uncertainty, she began to laugh. This laugh however, was pained. Forced. Teary.
“Does that really excuse what I did?” She asked him with a teary-eyed smile.
“I KILLED them, Asgore. I did this with no better intention other than wallowing in my own self pity and keeping them locked up in the RUINS with me like an obsessive freak.” She laughed again.
“What kind of a mother am I, Asgore?” She asked rhetorically. “Tori... y-you have always been a good mother... a-and look at the bright side! Asriel is alive again!” Asgore tried to somewhat cheer her up. “Stop lying to me Dreemurr!” She snapped suddenly, fangs showing. Asgore swallowed and inched backwards.
“Asriel is alive, yes...” As if lost for words and letting her anger fade, she slid down the side of the kitchen wall. With her paws on sides of her face, she stared at the floor wide eyed. “Asriel is alive...” as thought the outcome of her mistake hadn’t sunk it until now, she felt the shock pouring into her body like a stab to the heart.
“Asriel is alive.” She repeated again.
Sympathetic, Asgore sat next to her. “We need to be there for our son.” He said sternly. “He will be here with us too.” Asgore smiled a little, trying to calm the tense atmosphere.
Once she gathered her bearings, Toriel stood up slowly and walked out of the kitchen.
Asriel saw himself floating in deep space. The world around him was pitch black with only the lights of distant stars to guide him, yet somehow he could see light around him at the same time. He looked around in confusion. Where was he? A suddent sharp pain shot through his chest. He grunted, shutting his eyes as he held onto it tightly. He felt something push through his ribcage, as if he were being impaled from the inside out. Blood began to pool on his green striped shirt, Sweat beading down his forehead.
He screamed as a long sharp spike-like object burst out of his chest. Asriel’s eyes widened as he cried in agony. He looked at the object; it was like some kind of green spike and it made a crackling sound as it burrowed it’s way out of his body. It was a vine.
The vine began to grow out into multiple branches, leaves beginning to grow from them.
Asriel was in shock as the space around him fell to a pitch black. He fell to the invisible ground, clutching his open wound with tears in his eyes.
The vine grew longer from the base of his chest, the end of it sprouting a large white flower with yellow petals. Asriel felt his stomach drop.
The flower formed a big smiling face and soon it melted into a horrifying grin with sharp teeth and black holes for eyes with pinpricked white pupils.
Laughter echoed the black space, demonic, dark and squeaky at the same time. Asriel fell onto his back, tears running down his face. “N-no! NO!” She screamed.
“NO!” Asriel jolted up from his pillow. He breathed heavily feeling a wetness around his cheeks. Calming down, he wiped away the tears and sniffled in the quiet bedroom.
‘It was just a dream’ he thought. He sighed deeply, but he wasn’t relieved, the memory of the nightmare still latched onto his brain.
Then he heard a knock. “Asriel?...” The soft voice of his mother outside the bedroom, slightly muffled by the door. Asriel panicked. He didn’t want his mother seeing him in this kind of state.
Quickly, Asriel wiped any traces of tears from his eyes as fast as he could but he soon heard the door open.
Toriel’s worried eyes looked directly at her son, she could tell he had been crying as his eyelids were red and puffy.
“Asriel dear...” she came towards him calmly.
Asriel rubbed the back of his neck awkardly. “H-hey mom...” He greeted with an awkward grin. Toriel sat down on the bed with him, smiling warmly as she pet his head fur soflty. His eyes drooped a little as he gently held his paw onto her’s, enjoying the head rubs.
Slowly, she tucked him tightly under the blankets. He started to doze off from the affection but widened his eyes as he realized he still had so many thoughts going on in his brain.
Where was Frisk? Why weren’t they speaking to him again? Were they preoccupied with something? Maybe the nightmare had slowed them down and-
“It’s alright sweetheart.” Toriel’s voice came through to his thoughts. He didn’t realize how tense he was at that moment. “Mom...” Asriel began.
“C-can I... talk to you ab-about something?” Asriel gulped anxiously. Toriel frowned worriedly. “What is it, my child?” She asked. “Remember how I- How I-“ The small prince found himself lost for words, as if his voice was destroyed at that moment.
“It’s okay sweetheart, take your time” Toriel replied soflty.
Asriel inhaled slowly and began to find the courage to speak.
“Remember I said to you that Fr- Err the soul I have inside me now speaks to me?”
Toriel frowned and stared at him in silence. “And about how they still love you too...” Asriel continued.
“Y-yes my child.” Toriel found herself fighting back the urge to escape. This was another heart aching reminder of what she had done. “I remember” She turned away, not wanting to cry in front of her son.
“W-well t-they wanted us all to be a family together again and-“ Asriel paused not further pursuing his blatant lie. “What I mean is... Can we be a family again?”
Asriel’s eyes were big and glossy, he looked directly into his mother’s.
Toriel looked down at him for a moment, frowning. She sighed deeply, despite her emotional frustration, she turned back to him with a smile. “Of course we can, my child.”
She had to do what was best for Asriel. What was best for everyone.
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WONDERING! maybe its cause i dont look a day over 13 and im 5'2. idk. i think everyone stopped being scared of me when i stopped clawing bitches in hs. maybe i should grow out my nails again... LMFAO i was feral fr. nah but when ppl tell me i talk to much i get more upset and less angry and wanting to ruin their life bc my track record w keeping friends is so bad my brain has convinced me it's a me problem and something i genuinely need to work on so i shouldnt hold it against them. it keeps me from sending them 6ft under but i still do hold it against them. like yes jade i remember every single little off comment u made to me in 8th grade. tbh looking back on it it's probably because i still wanted to be friends w them that i held back. the bitches who Really crossed me and i lashed out at, never recovered. i was deadass aboutta jump a bitch on the way home from work the other day for smth he did three years ago. guess i really am a scorpio LMAOOOO too bad im leaving the country i wouldve loved to knock his lights out -felix bi anon
My philosophy on yall shorties has always been this: the shorter they are, the closer to hell. Do NOT fuck w a shortie they will slice your achilles tendon and then go back to their iced coffee like it twerent no thang. Mess w someone under 5'5", they will burn your house down right after they ask for your help reaching the snacks on the top shelf 😂 IT IS NOT A GAAAAAME HOMIE 🤣🤣 anyone who thinks that shorties can't fight has never gotten an uppercut to the jaw from someone who looks like they should be on the schoolbus but harbors the fires of hell inside them at all times. Not a joke, just a fact. I promise you though it's absolutely not a you problem, I know it's so hard to overcome that mindset because we're constantly confronted w the fact that we live in a world that is not designed for us to thrive in, but it's not a you problem, some people just fucking suck. If I had a boring ass NT brain I'd probably be mad as hell that someone had so many cool things to talk about too, when all I had was a regurgitation of whatever mainstream news was out lately 🙄 If I wasn't easily able to juggle six topics and storylines at once during any conversation I'd be mad too 🙄 If I was the human brain equivalent of flat soda I'd be mad too 🙄 Scorpios do be ruuuuuthlessssss tho, straight out the jungle type ruthless 😂 that's what I love about yall. Yall don't miss, yall don't even play. Your shooters a scorp, they stay hot 😂 But I also really love the fact that Scorpios are so feisty and petty because they are deadass the most loyal fuckin people you've ever met, they've always been through shit and have been hurt and their heart is locked away behind all the walls all their past betrayals built. But if you stick around, put in some elbow grease, show you're a real one? Get past those walls? Actually get to touch that heart that theyve kept so soft and so tender, away from all that damage? They'll never leave you, never ever, theyll never dream of going against you or betraying your trust. They'll ride out for life. You gotta work for em, but they're worth it. And if you finally earn that trust, and then betray it? You go back on a scorp once they've allowed you into the triple-decker high-end-security vault that is their heart? They NEVER forget. They might forgive you, sometime 80 years from now, at your own funeral (which they showed up to looking hotter and more successful and more unbothered than anyone else), but they will never forget. Scorps are soft and extremely sensitive under that exoskeleton. Under it all, they're as soft as a scoop of strawberry ice cream melting in the summer sun. Softiest, sweethearts, good, loyal friends, protective as fuck, scary on the outside but only bevause they have reason to be. Every person I've ever fallen in love with has been a Scorpio for that reason, they fuckin get it. I ain't never had my ass checked quicker or more thoroughly than by a Capricorn, and I ain't never been whipped into shape faster than by an Aries lmfao you're swimmin in it, you're golden, boo. MY ass however hoooo lawd jeebus, I got the taurus moon (sounds of projectile vomiting) which is why these boys easily control my emotions from their fuckin dorm that don't even got a proper curtain rod 😂
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knowltonsrangers · 4 years
Alphabet: Baker
[a/n: OOF this is a long one! A quick fyi, I’ve got a couple requests I’m working on right now :) but life has been so hectic lately and I’m so sorry I haven’t been around! If y’all want, my inbox is open for this fluff alphabet! Just send me a couple letters & a person 💓]
Ensign (Thomas) Baker x reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Thomas is.. shy, for lack of a better term. In the beginning of your relationship, it’d be soft touches, hand holding and an arm around your shoulders. Although, he shows affection in many ways, not only by touch. The smiles he sends your way are enough to melt you right there.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Oh oh oh! he would be like the definition of a genuine, best friend. You know he has your back and will stand by you regardless of the outcome. Thomas is a ride or die, for sure! And on how the friendship would start.. I’d have to say how it was I met my best friend. Imagine just working your job with him, just working shift after shift with him, and getting to laugh out loud with him for hours. The friendship would for sure begin on terms of similarities and small talk.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Omg yes! Thomas’ characterization just radiates purity and softness. He would absolutely love to cuddle, and often is the big spoon, but is never opposed to being the little spoon. And on some bad days, you know that he just wants to be held. Cuddling ranges from burrowing into the others sides on the couch, to hugging from behind in bed.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
YES. We can see in TURN that Thomas yearns for love, and that if he’s found it, he’s yours forever. He’d definitely want to settle down, if you were up for it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don’t really ever see Thomas being the one to break things off unless it was a situation where he either felt he had to remove himself, or he thought something was by his doing. But, if he had to, he’d do it in person and it wouldn’t be like dropping a big bomb. You’d know, and he would never lead you on in a different direction.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is 100%! But slow on the marriage part. Of course he wants to marry you, and spend the rest of your lives together! He just isn’t the one to propose after one or two years. Give him some time. However, y’all talk about marriage a lot. It’s not something he’s afraid of, it’s something he just wants to cherish and not rush.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
For his like, extremely intimidating height, he is like the gentlest person. Ever. He’s got calloused hands, sure, but he’s always hesitant that what he’s about to do will upset you in some way. Like he says to Mary, “there is love here, because I know what it’s absence feels like” (I’m paraphrasing pls forgive me) he is so gentle with his actions because he wants to show the love he has for you and that is it, bottom line.
Emotionally.. he’s also the gentlest. He is a shoulder to cry on, a never moving pillar of support. And while you do not have to pry his feelings out of him with a crowbar, you do have to do some coaxing. He never wants to feel like a burden. Pls tell him he’s the best and that he’s never a burden.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
GUESS WHAT. You lucked out in the hug department! #1 form of affection FR! He does the thing where he’ll hug you from behind & drops his chin on the top of your head. He loves to give hugs, but when you give him hugs... he melts. Wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze him. Tell him how pretty he is. Hugs from Thomas feel like a million bucks, with a tray of never ending affection.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Takes him a bit. If y’all met in April, started dating in September, he might just save it for Valentines Day because he’s cheesy. But, sometimes more intimate and emotional moments catch him off guard and he finds himself mumbling it to you. When you’re not around, he says it so casually you’d think he’s told you already. “(y/n)? They’re the best, I love them.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
About 25%. He never saw himself as ‘good enough’ (his terrible childhood gave him that horrible impression) so in moments of insecurity he has tiny doubts. But it never lasts for long, because jealousy can’t ever stick in his mind for long. Once you’ve both committed to the relationship? All doubts fly out the window. His bouts of jealousy never last long because he trusts you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are like,,, spectacular?? Fantastic??? Amazing!??!? Hardly a word to describe ‘em. He’ll kiss you just about everywhere in private, but in public it’s mild. Leans down and presses his nose to your temple, and then plants the softest kiss on your cheek.
Thomas.. loves to be kisses on the nose.
Can you imagine just starting to boop his nose, just to be funny. Mainly cause when he looks down at you it’s funny to reach up and boop his nose.
And then, when y’all are on the couch, just sitting and chillin, you reach up and kiss the tip of his nose.
He gets weak in the knees every time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s the absolute best! Thomas gets down on his knees and will chat along with little children. Have a baby niece or nephew? He’s still as a statue holding them, but they always fall asleep in his arms every time. He is the best around children, because he’s used to being surrounded by them. Being raised in an orphanage taught him to have the patience of a saint. Children just gravitate towards him, because he radiates kindness.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Thomas is early to bed and early to rise. He prides himself on a good nights sleep to have a good day. When he sleeps in past his alarms, something is bothering him.
But on the topic of how mornings are spent.. they are full of drowsy kisses and breakfast being made and eaten together. The kitchen is the heart of the household, and that’s why mornings are so meaningful.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
While never opposed to a nice dinner or outdoors date, many nights are spent together binging tv shows and movies. (Especially during quarantine!) I’ve mentioned this before, but I HC Thomas to be a huge horror/slasher movie fan. If that isn’t your thing, don’t worry! Thomas loves all genres. Sappy rom coms, comedy, action, adventure-your pick is perfectly fine with him! He just enjoys your company, and if date night is a movie and take-out, he’s over the moon about it!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It doesn’t take too long, per se. Many things he is open about, not knowing his mother, being raised in an orphanage.. he’ll tell you these things when your relationship starts, not extremely fast. But fairly quick. Other things about his life, that’s a whole other ball park. Getting him to open up is a bit harder, but not impossible.  
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It would take a really low blow to anger Thomas. I really don’t have much to say on this one. Because although he can get angry, he try’s hard to be passive in most arguments. He doesn’t want to ruin anything, so if it’s a silly argument, he’ll find a compromise. If it’s more serious, he usually announces he needs time to think, and he’ll slip away to do some.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Yes yes!! You will tell him your shoe size ONCE and he will remember it forever! Swear he has photographic memory. He’s so good at birthdays, anniversaries, holidays-all these little facts you share about yourself are all stored in a part of Thomas’ brain.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you told him you loved him back. Yes, he’s said it to you, but you saying it back? Or whomever says it first, maybe it’s you. Doesn’t matter, because either way hearing those three words come out of your mouth is enough to send his heart into his throat. The feeling of being loved is so overwhelming. He will always use that memory as a crutch in hard times, because you both felt so vulnerable to the world yet full of absolute hope.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not overprotective at all. He’s not overbearing, but of course if someone was being degrading or negative towards you, he wouldn’t hesitate to defend you. If you can defend yourself, he’s behind you silently cheering you on.
Like mentioned before, Thomas is a rather intimidating man apon first glance. Although he has never picked any fights, he’s had to dodge a few. If you defended him, he’d feel his heart swell. “(y/n), it’s okay, really,”
But he’d never forget it, ever.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
About 200% and then some. He is a SWEETIE and wants to show how much he loves you!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Doubting. Can ruin his own day with the clouds of doubt and rampaging thoughts that take over his mind. He’s gotten much better at it, but he needs some guidance every once in a while. Be his light at the end of the tunnel, guide him home!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Basically at a 0% concern. He’s always considered himself average looking (and you disagree with him on that all day long!) he dresses like any man of the time, and looks absolutely handsome all the time. Call him pretty all you like, because it makes him blush. He’s not changing how he looks to impress you, because you’ve made it abundantly clear you love him just the way he is.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh, yes. If you were ever away from him, no matter the reason, he’d feel like a piece of his heart was missing. You’re his other half, he needs you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves everything about the wintertime, but his favorite has to be when you steal his jackets and hoodies. He finds it so endearing and downright cute.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Lying and dishonesty.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s an early riser, but he’s a bit guilty of reading before bed and when he wakes up.
Although, when you both share a bed, he’s curling himself around you. He can’t sleep any other way.
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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skamamoroma · 4 years
You have talked about your own mental health before and how it impacts you and I just was thinking how kind you are with the evens and how much you love them and with Eliott stuff coming up I just wondered maybe how you wanted to see him experience life?
Oh wow what a question!
Aside from all the theories re: cheating going around today...I’m going to ignore that as we know nothing and I am not going to presume and get all angry before the season begins. Is it possible Skam Fr will screw it up and go down as being the remake who wrecked their Evak - absolutely. But I’d like to think they wouldn’t be so stupid and that this stuff today was a way to develop themes from Lucas’ season alongside Arthur. We can hope!
My mental health issues are cyclical. They are relatively predictable timing wise and my condition is very often misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder... so I really do feel like I have an appreciation for the feeling of losing control of your “normal” self, becoming an entirely different person at the flick of a switch, struggling to do normal things because of it, feeling overwhelmed, life stuff being triggers (stress is a huge one for me), struggling to recognise what is your normal brain and what is your poorly brain...
All of that I really do understand. So I’d like to see how Eliott copes. If we join him when he’s struggling, I’d LOVE them to play with cinematography in some way to show the difference he experiences with how he sees life and the world and also what he focuses in on or what he’s able to grasp onto. We know Lucas is enormously important to him and to his feeling of comfort and acceptance so I’d like to see how he views Lucas too. I don’t think Lucas has a clue how important he is.
I’d like to see an element of his treatment. For me, I have treatment but it isn’t a miracle cure and it still causes problems and sometimes it doesn’t work... I’d love to see therapy even if it may seem a little invasive. I’d love to see his coping mechanisms like with art or movies or the urban jungle kind of world that he seems to in love with
There’s a lot to explore there and I really hope we do get to see a little more with focus on his mental illness and how he gets from one day to the next when stuff is difficult.
For me, it’s like I check out of engaging with life for a week or so and go through the motions. That’s the best way I can describe it. I just eat because I know I should and I get up because I should and I work because I know I should and I meet friends because I know I should... but when I’m unwell it’s like a thing I do and normally my brain is elsewhere and I’m vacant. It’s like I pretend my way through life for a week or two while my brain has a melt down and turns me into someone I’m not and then in an instant I’m back and fine... so I’d be interested to see how Eliott feels when he’s up/down and how he experiences the world.
He’s sunshine personified and he’s a gorgeous character... so I just hope they treat him well and with respect. I was thrilled with how they handled him at the end of s3 and the care they took there so I’d like to think they’d honour their own history and not lean into anything lazy and unwarranted for a character already so fascinating 😊
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changji · 5 years
Here we go I’m finally continuing our convo from like,, last week LOL but anyway 4-5k for an apartment I’m HOLLERING (yes i did it so you’d laugh) I’ve never lived in an apartment before but I’m pretty sure that’s really expensive for one sksks. Also personal chromebooks? My school literally can’t relate we share them with the rest of the students in the school. Tbh I don’t remember much from twilight so I’ll agree w you so that we don’t fight 🥺🥺
I normally go ham when I’m in a pool,, like I’ll start off w my hair up bc I don’t wanna get it wet but when I leave the pool everywhere is soaked. I haven’t played chicken in years?? Oml last time I played I was on my cousins shoulders and I was Puny. Haha most ppl are like “it can’t be that cold here right” and I’m “oh no it gets COLD” which I hate (but it’s colder in the territories so I’m thankful for where I’m at)
I’d rather it be hotter than colder bc at least there’s ac. I mean there’s heat but at least I can still walk outside without snow and ice everywhere. Don’t even get me started on freezing rain and winter tires and shovelling snow and OEUFIHD as you can see I hate the winter here. Tim hortons is so good I literally inhale iced capps 24/7. They’re pretty much blended frozen coffee but it tastes a lot better than it sounds!! I like to think of it as the Canadian pride and joy
I’ve actually never had timmies canned coffee… i’ve had the keurig pods things but they don’t taste as good as getting them from an actual timmies. But hey you never know maybe we will drink from ice bergs one day LOL. I’ll never back out from being your soulmate we’re literally meant To Be 😤😤 iced blonde vanilla lattes are so Good I’d probably inhale them as much as I do with iced capps if they weren’t so expensive
I didn’t even know that milk was a good portion of the drink,, when I saw a starbucks barista fill my cup with 80% milk I was like “hold up what” Your smoothies must be really good if your family specifically wake you up so that you can make them some hhh baker arella? More like smoothie expert arella. i usually make smoothies with whatever works and is in my fridge, but mango will always have my heart
People who eat pancakes plain should be banned from the world that’s disgusting,, you’re literally eating cooked flour,,,,,, I actually haven’t had waffles in 4 years oopsFrench is a mandatory course in grade 9 where I live but then after that you can choose if you wanna continue it or not. ASL classes seem so cool, I would totally take it if it were an option here. German & Japanese seem so hard; I look at the words and here ppl speaking it and I’m like ??? woah okay what’s happening
I’m terrible at English too, but then again I suck at every language? Is that even possible?? Jisung’s literally talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular skskdkf I am a Chan stan but Jisung wrecks me SO hard I can’t with this man. Pls don’t hurt my head too much with the fic I only have one braincell left bit ilyt 🥺 now I wanna try peet’s but I’m probably not going to the US for a hot minute 😔😔
(AJSDHJF I HIT THE LIMIT OF ASKS IM CRYINF) I saw what happened with ur Jisung drawing and I feel your frustration?? I was drawing a photo for an English presentation on photoshop and instead of closing my reference photo tab I closed the drawing (and i didn’t save it beforehand) so I lost the entire thing. Just thinking about it again makes me So Mad like,, how dumb can I be I literally can’t believe I did that!!
School sucks the life outta me I’m dreading going back and school starts in a little over a month? Fav vampire fic PLS I’m honoured. We fr out here as coffee soulmates look at us go 🤧👊
it’s so expensive like. whomst. I LOVE IT WHEN PPL SAY HOLLERING ITS SO FUNNY (ur so cute ily). living in an apartment is just Constant Stress esp bc i always accidentally slam a door open and make a hole in the wall and we have to pay but like i never learn LOL. the chrome books suck tho 😪 i would never fight w u LOL but i love twilight hhhh
today i just learned what “go ham” means like. i never knew. idk if i’m uncultured or ur weird (BUT ACCORDING TO CHAN WEIRS IS GOOD AND HES RIGHT.) i hate swimming sksks i burn easily and im Not here for it. i see why u would prefer the heat esp w snow, but i don’t have snow so i like winter LOL. i feel like i would die if i had to shovel snow like. i tried gardening and i gave up in .2 seconds. it was tough.
ooh an ice capp is like a frappuccino? i used to love them but they became too sweet. i believe in lattes and lattes only. keurig never tastes as good as the OG, i’ve had starbucks, dunkins, and peet’s keurig cups but it’ll never live up 😪 u r my soulmate and i snatched u, u can’t leave even if u wanted. period. LATTES ARE EXPENSIVE like. i pay $6.70 or smth like that bc of the vanilla flavoring and the extra shots. makes me wanna yeet myself off a bridge but there aren’t lattes in hell.
RIGHT omg the first time i saw them make it i was like. where r u giving me a cup of MILK but it tastes good so it’s okay. my stomach has not been cooperating and hurts whenever i get normal milk so i have to ask for almond and pay an extra 25 cents. like damn i $7 for a cup of coffee. but it’s okay it’s still good 🤧
& SMOOTHIE MASTER ARELLA HHHH my family is also Lazy like. it’s not hard to make a smoothie u FOOLS but i mean ig. they’ll just be hoes and force me to make them 😤 but it’s fine bc when i make the smoothies i’m let off of washing dishes 🤪
if u eat a pancake plain ur wrong on so many levels. it’s so painful to see. like. WHY. and cooked flour,,,, ada ur so funny omg waffles are so good like. it’s crispy but pancakes get soggy and it’s Gross. not here for it
i suck @ all languages too like grammar who? i only know keyboard smashes and incoherent screams. jisung is amazing and i love him w my whole soul. he’s such a good wrecker like whY are u so perfect?? i was bin biased but jisung came and made me double biased 🤧 i’m unloyal.
i don’t believe in no brain cells i believe in broken hearts and that’s what this fic is going for. angst angst and angst. i’ll send u peet’s and u send me tim hortons i look forward to gross and melted coffee 🤪
WLSKKSSK TUMBLR RLY OUT HERE UR SO CUTE AHHH i screamed for a good 5 minutes. i’m still upset. like. why did i do this to myself arella u big dumb. omg and did u save urself for the presentation? it’s worse for u bc like. it’s for school 😔 we can be dumb hoes together it’s okay
OVER A MONTH WHEN DO U START i have 2 weeks and a half. 3 weeks? i start on a thursday which is weird but Go Off. i’m gonna drop a class i’m not up for 7 classes esp w an AP and 3 honors 🤧 why did i take those classes i’m actually an idiot hhhhh
i stan ada and ada only (jk binsung but yk what they don’t count) stan TALENT my coffee soulmate ily
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
Guilt: 2/2
Heavily anti C$. Prompted to me by ICantThinkOfADecentUsername: Could be kinda cool to see a follow up with Emma talking it through with her parents, and a little sarky Regina never goes amiss? ;) 
The first part takes place before Snow Queen’s talk in the first chapter and the rest is what happened after. Again, Snowing is very honest with their feelings, as is Regina. I wouldn’t call this anti Emma, but she’s called out on her faults and is forced to re-examine how she’s allowed her loved ones to be treated.
Also on AO3
David laid in bed with Snow the morning after the curse had been broken and he could barely take his hands off of her. He had missed getting to kiss her and not falling asleep directly after. He missed hearing her voice in person and not just over a video recording. He had missed her beautiful eyes, that smile that melted his heart, the very one she shared with their son. They were reunited again, he had never given up hope that they would be. Even so, it was as if they were meeting again for the first time. When they had made love, it was exciting and new.
 “Mmm, what are you thinking about?” Snow whispered.
“The fact that this past month seemed longer than the 28 years we were cursed,” he mumbled, kissing her neck. She smiled at him for a minute, but when he pulled away, he could see her frown. “What’s wrong?”
“I…I made a mistake last night, David.”
He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“When we got the pixie dust to save us…I gave it to Emma…to find Hook.”
David sat up in bed a bit, studying her face. “Why?”
“I was reminded of what we did when we briefly woke up during the curse.” Snow swallowed. “We should’ve gone for her…we should’ve…”
“Hey.” David put a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “I know.”
“You wanted to and I…”
“You did the right thing. You lead with your brain instead of your heart. If we had gone after Emma, who knows what would’ve happened. I didn’t know how this world worked back then, but now I do. We would’ve been arrested for kidnapping or abandonment if they found out who we were. We had no way of knowing that Emma was in danger.”
“Still…David, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He kissed her. “We both made a choice that day and in the end, as heartbreaking as it was, I do think it was the right one.”
“Last night wasn’t.”
“Well…” He sighed. “No. I probably wouldn’t have done the same thing in your shoes.”
“I just felt so guilty. I didn’t want her to be apart from him any longer than she had to be.”
David paused. “What are we supposed to do when he comes back here, Snow? How am I supposed to face the man that killed my father? That lied to me about it, couldn’t even be man enough to tell me to my face? This isn’t like when Regina killed Leopold.”
 Snow knew that was true. For so long, she had viewed it as the same…and then she found out the kind of man her father was and just exactly how the marriage had gone down. Her father had been abusive and treated Regina terribly. It was the one murder that Regina didn’t regret and Snow didn’t fault her for that. Killian and Leopold were nowhere near the same.
 “I don’t know,” Snow admitted. “I…I don’t know how I feel about our daughter still wanting to marry the man that destroyed your childhood for no good reason.”
“I get that we forgive people in this family…look at Regina…but again…”
“It is different. No matter what, she’s proven that she’s changed. Look at all she’s done for our family and everyone else. Killian…well, about two months ago he nearly made Neal an orphan again. Now, this.”
“So, what do we do?”
Snow sat up in bed, thinking for a moment. “We’re honest with her. We’ll help her save Hook, because that’s the right thing to do. But…we don’t hide how we feel anymore. We’ve spent so much time putting everyone’s happiness above our own and worrying about hurting Emma’s feelings, afraid she won’t want to talk to us anymore…it’s time we stop and put our feelings first.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
David had sat quietly while Emma searched through potions, testing things out. He didn’t know what to say and he really did want Killian to be saved from Neverland. No matter what his feelings on the man, being a hero meant doing what was right, not what was easy and the right thing was to save him. Even so, he didn’t know how to start the conversation with his daughter.
 “If only we could find another one of those flowers,” Emma mumbled.
“It seems like Fiona wiped them all out.”
“Damn fairies.”
“Emma…” David bit his lip. “We need to talk about what’s going to happen when Hook gets back.”
She turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Are you two…I mean, as far as you said the last time we talked, the wedding was off.”
“That was before I found out that he didn’t leave me.”
 David sighed, standing up and walking over to his daughter.
 “Emma, I love you. More than anything, all I want is for you to be happy. I know that your mother and I have prevented that happiness in the past…”
“No, we have. We destined you to be the savior and we put you through the wardrobe, then didn’t come for you when we could…we’ve made a lot of mistakes and I think that’s what makes us want to give you whatever makes you happy. It’s why we followed you to the Underworld.”
Emma tilted her head. “I feel a but coming on.”
“Hook…he isn’t the man that we pictured for you. At first we thought maybe he had changed, maybe he was becoming a better person. But, Emma…he killed my father.”
“And Regina killed Leopold.”
“Because he was abusive and was going to lock her away for leaving him. You have to recognize that the two aren’t the same.”
“Well…okay, yes. Your father didn’t deserve what happened to him, but Killian really has changed.”
“Has he? Emma, you told me he was trying to burn his memories. He saw what my father’s death did to me…how badly it hurt me…and when he realized it was him, he couldn’t even be man enough to tell me.”
“Like you and Mom didn’t tell me about Maleficent.”
“That was wrong,” David admitted. “We know it was and that’s why we came clean. Your mother told me something that night. Being a hero means doing what’s right, not what’s easy.”
Emma’s mouth opened, then closed again. “I…I can’t believe you’re doing this. I can’t believe that you’re trying to stop me from being happy.”
“I want you to be happy, Emma, I do. All I want is for you to get everything that you want in life and I think for so long, your mother and I were scared to say anything because we prevented that. I just…I can’t be quiet anymore. I have to be honest with you and tell you how I really feel about this engagement.”
“And that is?”
 David drew back a deep breath and looked into his daughter’s eyes. He didn’t want to hurt her, oh God, that was the last thing he wanted. He loved her more than anything and so badly, he wanted to go back to pretending everything was okay. Then he glanced over at his son. Neal would be a year old soon. One day, he’d grow up and see how Hook acted. He’d assume that was okay, that was how they wanted him to treat his future partner. He had to do this, for his family…for himself.
 “It hurts that you want to marry a man that destroyed my life,” he said. “A man that took my father from me, for no good reason. Who allowed me to believe that my father was a drunk, that made me feel insecure and have nightmares for my entire life. Who contributed to my farm being in poverty because only my mom could run it. To me going hungry. It hurts that you are putting your own happiness above everyone else’s and that you almost let me and your mother die, just so you could be reunited with the man that has hurt us time and time again. Yet…I get it, because I have set very selfish examples for you and I wonder if it’s my fault. Which is why I’m doing this, Emma. To show that this relationship…it’s hurt a lot of people.”
 Emma stared at him in shock. He could tell that her words were sinking in, but that she wished they didn’t. She wished she hadn’t heard them, that he wasn’t being so honest with her.
 “Your father’s right, Emma.” Both turned around to find Snow and Regina standing in the doorway. His wife walked closer to her. “We’ve supported you, we’ve really tried to put our own feelings aside so you can be happy. Now…we have to be honest. If you marry Hook, we’ll be there. We’ll throw you a wedding fit for a princess. But you have to know how badly it hurts that you’re making this choice. We know we’ve hurt you and we know that we’ve been selfish. And we’re not making you choose between us, we just need you to know the truth.”
Emma looked over at Regina. “And how do you feel about all of this?”
“I don’t want him around Henry alone,” Regina said. “I don’t think that he’s step-father material. As I told you in the Underworld, you’re too good for him.”
“So…all of you hate my fiancé.”
“We don’t hate him, Emma.” Snow took her hand. “We just don’t trust him and if it were up to us, he wouldn’t be apart of this family. But he’s your choice. You just need to know how all of us feel.”
“Basically, if I choose to be happy, then I make all of you miserable.”
“Are you really happy with him, though?”
“I’m his happy ending!”
“But is he yours?”
 Emma pulled away from her mother, grabbing hold of the potions and her jacket.
 “If none of you are going to help, I’ll just do it myself.”
“That’s what you’ve gotten out of this, Miss Swan?” Regina snapped. “That we’re not going to help you? We followed you down to the fucking Underworld for him, even after he tried to kill us. Your parents are willing to help you find him now and plan a damn wedding for the two of you, despite their feelings. The Emma I met wasn’t this selfish. She thought of others, she actually took other people’s feelings into account. Where is the woman that nearly killed me for accidentally putting Henry in a coma? Or fought for Mary Margaret, even when all signs pointed to her murderer? This man has changed you and not for the better.”
 Regina let out a deep breath, looking from the shocked Emma then over to her friends, before back to Emma.
 “My mother killed my fiancé when she didn’t approve. That’s not helping. You have two parents here, willing to do anything for you. Two parents that have constantly given up their own happiness to help and save others, myself included. They have been selfish and done some evil things at times, but at the end of the day, I cannot picture better people to have in my corner. They have forgiven practically every villain, again, including me. Doesn’t it speak volumes to you that they have reservations about you marrying this man?”
 Emma’s nostrils flared and she quickly swallowed, before storming out the door. Regina ran her fingers through her hair, shaking her head.
 “Thank you, Regina,” David whispered.
“I’m just sorry she’s acting like this,” she said, squeezing his shoulder. “I think we’ve all kept our mouths shut too long about him.”
Snow smiled as she watched David feed Neal. It was so good to see her boys in the same place again, both awake and having fun. She hadn’t shared with him that she had heard Neal’s first word, she let him think he got it. After all, Emma had said “Mom” first, both times, it was only fair that he got to experience “Daddy”.
 Thinking of Emma brought a frown to her face. It had been a day since they aired their feelings and she hadn’t come by or called. To be fair, they weren’t exactly reaching out to her. They had said their peace and hoped that she would still come around to them. They loved her, they wanted to be in her life, especially after missing so much. They’d still attend the wedding and help her plan it, Killian could be apart of the family if that’s what she wanted.
 But at least now she really knew how they felt about it. According to Regina, they had fond a way to bring Killian home, but that was all she knew. Emma wasn’t exactly being open with her either after everything she said.
 The door opened and Emma walked in, catching both of them off guard. They expected to see Killian with her, but she was alone.
 “Hi,” she said, softly. When Neal started to call her name, she walked over and lifted him out of his high chair to give him a cuddle.
“Hey,” David said. “We um, heard that Hook is back in Storybrooke.”
“He was. He um, left this morning.”
 It was then, that Snow noticed that Emma’s engagement ring was still missing from her finger.
“I thought about what you guys said.” Emma sighed. “I didn’t realize that I was hurting you…I never thought of your feelings and that wasn’t okay.”
Snow looked at her husband, then her. “Well, we didn’t always show the best example.”
“Maybe not, but Regina was right. The fact that you two were so hesitant, it says a lot.” She glanced over at David. “I know we had similar upbringings and I should’ve taken your feelings into consideration more.”
“I just want you to be happy, Em,” he said. “And if that’s him…I can find a way to live with it.”
“I don’t know what’s going to make me happy, but I told him to take the voyage job with Nemo and Liam. They’re going to be gone at least a year and it’ll give me the space I need.”
“So…you’re not going to marry him?”
“No. At least not now…probably not ever. I made an appointment with Archie. I have to work on myself before I can even think about being in a relationship. I’m just…I’m really, really sorry for how I treated the two of you.”
 David and Snow walked over to her and wrapped their arms around her, David cradling the back of her head.
 “So…it’s that easy? I’m forgiven?” She asked, tears welling up in her eyes.
“We love you, Emma. We’ll always forgive you.”
 There was a long road ahead, but they’d walk it together.
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