#this story took me so long it was so hard i'm so happy i managed to finish it
imaginesmai · 8 months
Right around the corner - Azriel (5)
AHHHHH this is the final part and let me tell you I'm SAD. It was so hard to write the ending you all deserve after all this love, so I tried my best. Let me know what you think! Also, you deserve A LOT, so I made it long hehehe. Don't worry, a request about the RATH universe is coming soon! If you want one too, drop it in my inbox!
(1), (2), (3), (4)
Plot: The story of how Azriel fixed what was broken, and how you forgave him.
Warnings: this is sad, but has a happy ending! Also, mental health issues.
No one expected the sidra to froze that year, and against everyone expectation, one day Velaris had woken up to see the riven covered by a silver layer. Children had missed school to skate in the solid surface, parents watching carefully from the edge. Some couples were skating too, holding hands and giggling endlessly.
You had been watching the new scene unfold all morning. And while you usually loved snow and ice as much as any child in town, you were starting to get a little sick of all the noise.
It wasn’t your new employee situation, who had been staring at the river all morning. She had already finished her duties, but always the polite and nice girl, Elain Archeron was keeping you company.
When you spotted for the third time the familiar red-head through the glass and she didn’t say anything, just sighed, you decided you had enough.
“You should tell him to get in before he freezes to death” you commented, still busy with measuring the ingredients.
“Oh, no” Elain blushed and looked away from the window. “No. He’s just… He can wait”
“He can, but doesn’t have to. You and Lucien should head out, rent ice skates and have a fun day. You already finished here” you smiled kindly at her, and before she could reply, you added. “I’m fine, I don’t even like cold weather. And I still need to finish this, which you can’t help me with. So, go”
Elain stared at you with uncertainty, and you tried to look as convinced as possible. Would you have liked her to stay? After all, she was one of the few people you socialized with these days. She had turned in when you opened the bakery again, right after you posted the sign about looking for a new partner.
And even if you had had your doubts when you discovered she was Feyre’s sister and Azriel’s friend, you considered her your own friend.
So, yeah, you would have liked her to stay. Because you were still awfully sad all the time, and her company was one of the few things that made your day better. But you being sad didn’t excuse her missing a wonderful day with her mate.
“It’s not closing time yet” her eyes danced between the glass and you. “He was supposed to wait for me at the house”
“Guess he’s too eager to see you. He’s been dancing around the bakery for a good hour” you chuckled. “Elain, I mean it. Go. Have fun. I’ll see you on Monday”
“Y/N, I promise I don’t mind waiting. It’s not like it will unfreeze”
“And I promise I don’t mind at all. So, go, have fun and tell me about it on Monday” you gripped her hand softly over the counter, nodding to the waiting mal outside. “Come on, go”
Lucien was once more outside the bakery, the only visible part of him his red hair. He was covered in thick layers, but still managed to smile when Elain kissed your cheek and took her coat on the way out.
You didn’t have it in you to watch them be affectionate with each other, so you looked down at your task and decided it would be the last of the day.
It was hard watching all those couples walking hand in hand and remembering the feel of his warm, scarred hand in yours. To hear a man laughing and remember the unexpected laughs you dragged out of him sometimes. Even looking at the river was painful, because you could almost see the ghost of Azriel and you learning how to skate in a frozen lake in the Illyrian mountains a few years ago.
You had seen Azriel around a few times now, walking through your bakery and waving at you through the glass. Two times he had been waiting at the door when it was late at night, silently walking you home from afar without talking. Almost two months had passed by and your feelings were still as messed up as before.
Though you didn’t cry as much as before, and you were starting to get better, you still wondered.
If Azriel getting help would mean your relationship would be fixed, or if it was broken permanently. Deep in your thoughts, and used as you were to Azriel’s shadows, you didn’t notice how they tugged on your apron until the door sounded again.
Elain’s name didn’t leave your lips, because as soon as the door opened, you lost your breath.  As if you had summoned him, Azriel walked through the door, beautiful as ever. He wasn’t in his usual training leather, but winter clothes that fit him as a glove. Instantly, you noticed he had lost weight. His shoulders were slumped and his body didn’t carry the usual grace of an Illyrian warrior.
His scarred hands, that had held you so many times and slaughtered so many enemies, were tucked in his coat’s pockets. You could feel the nervousness through the bond, the hesitance. Too stunned to answer, you only stared at him.
You had known that, eventually, he would talk to you. That you would have to do more than just wave at each other through the glass and stay silent when he sent you details through Elain. But still, you hadn’t expected it.
Unable to move, you only blinked.
“I saw Elain and Lucien heading out” he added, not looking away from you. “It’s a nice day outside”
Azriel hadn’t finished before one of his new shadows scaped his control, sneaking around the counter. The familiar ones, that had been by your side since he left, danced around the new intrusion. It lifted your apron, and crawled up your neck.
The cool feeling was the last of your worries, because no matter how much you willed yourself to say something, you couldn’t even tear your eyes from him.
The bond flickered between the two of you, once more. Knowing that it was one-sided, that he didn’t wear it like you did, made break your trance.
“She’s finished for the day” you explained, sounding way more confident that what you felt.
“It’s a nice day, yeah” he repeated, not giving you time to feel awkward before he continued “I thought that maybe you wanted to take a walk with me. It’s cold, but we could… get coffee. Or chocolate, if you want”
Azriel gave you a half, broken smile. Hearing his voice again made you take ten steps backward.
“I have things to do”
You looked down to your current task, which could be easily discarded. You had left much important things half-done because of him, and you would have done it normally without a second thoughts. But no matter how heartful the conversation at your door had been, you just knew you weren’t ready to have a conversation without getting angry.
You knew you weren’t ready to forgive him.
His new shadow gripped your wrist tightly before disappearing, and you heard Azriel’s doubt. He wanted to say something else, and you wanted too. Still, you fell back to your measuring and ignored the way your vision blurred, how your knees became weak again.
Maybe going back to your duties was the only way not to break down again.
The silence continued for a long minute. You couldn’t not feel his presence, the way his scent filled the bakery and made your stomach turn. Your heart recognized what you needed, what you wanted, and threatened to jump out of your chest.
Before you could regret your words, Azriel opened the door again.
“You’re forgetting the yeast” he said, his voice thick with emotion.
When you looked up again, he only smiled. You opened your mouth to tell him to wait, maybe to fuck off and never come again. You didn’t have time, because Azriel closed the door behind him and he was gone.
The first tear fell against the unformed dough, followed by many more. You wouldn’t be finishing the blueberry cake that afternoon, you realized, as you crunched behind the counter and cried.
There was a storm coming, and everyone in Velaris had had the same idea – run to the market, buy everything they needed for a few days, and crowd themselves at home with their loved ones. You were trying to follow the first part of the plan, not having anyone to go home anymore. And if that wasn’t enough reason to drag you down, the crowd was getting intense.
Velaris’ market was a beautiful place, full of shops and nice vendors. But that day, the space felt too small.
You already had a few bags with you, yet there were a few more to go. Wanting to finish as soon as possible, you had ignored the rational part of your brain and had gotten in the middle of the crowd. You had only managed to buy milk and pasta, and still had a long way to go.
After Azriel’s brief appearance, your life had been messier than before. He had come by the bakery at least five times more, always offering you some kind of plan you rejected. Going to the park, for a flight or to a coffee shop. Taking walks, watching the sunset or training together.
You lived now half-prepared to see him walking through your door again, and not having the heart to tell him no. You weren’t sure if that thought frightened or comforted you.
In your haste, you had almost forgotten to buy provisions for the storm, and had found yourself on the worst day to do them. Crowded, loud and suffocating, that was how you would describe the market at that moment.
The fact that most people ran with their children and family wasn’t helpful at all.
Most of the times, it was Azriel who did the last-minute shopping for you. He knew you didn’t like crowds, loud places, that you did best in your bakery where only five people were allowed at a time.
Another shove broke you down from your daydreaming, and you looked back to see a pregnant woman staring with her eyebrows furrowed.
“The line is moving” she spatted, pointing to the small space ahead of you. “If you don’t move with it, you should step out”
“Oh, no” you chuckled softly. You picked up the bags on the ground and took the two small steps that you were supposed to. “Sorry, I just thought I could take a little bit more space. It’s crowded here”
“I don’t mind crowds, so if you want to step back, let me get first. I’m in a hurry”
“Me too” you gave her a polite smile, mindful of her state.
The short distance that separated you from the customer on the front was certainly not enough, and she knew it. Still, she looked at you with disapproval. There were only five more people to go until it was your turn, you could buy your snacks and run to the next stall.
You thought you could ignore the glare at the back of your neck, and you did for a few minutes. Without meaning to, you thought how everything with Azriel was easier. Not only people wouldn’t dare to talk to him like that, but also, he assured you a good meter of distance between you two and the rest of the world with his wings.
The snacks on your hands almost fell when, not even two seconds after the man took three steps forward, you were shoved again.
That time, when you looked back, the woman was accompanied by her mate. His wings covered her from the people behind them.
“You should really step out of the line” she repeated. “You might have all the time in the word, but we are in a hurry”
“Me too. You can’t expect me to be glued to that man” you tried to explain, anxiety coiling in your stomach. “He just moved”
“And you didn’t, which proves my point. Besides, it’s obvious you only have a few things. We have more”
“Which should be enough reason to let me go first, not only because I was here before you” you shrugged, feeling even more uncomfortable when the male huffed a laugh. “Maybe it’s you who shouldn’t have come here today if you can’t wait in a line”
You weren’t a threat for the woman, and you were trying really hard to be polite and prove your point. Besides, being pregnant wasn’t an easy task, and you could tell she was far along. Maybe you should have let her pass, or maybe told her to fuck off.
But before you could argue further, something clicked in the male’s eyes, wide with recognition.
And you would have preferred for him to go full berserk mode on you. Because you recognized that look, you had been receiving them for a while now.
The male elbowed the woman’s side softly, pointing with his chin towards you. You didn’t have time to turn back and avoid the conversation, because he spoke.
“You’re the shadowsinger’s mate” he announced, loud enough to make a few heads turn.
“Oh” the woman finally connected the dots and lunged forward to grab your arm so tight you couldn’t shake her off. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry” you pushed your arm back, trying to let go.
While the woman apologized, you couldn’t help but listen to the whispers. The same ones you had heard in your bakery and through the streets. Some of them thrown in your face by rude or nosy customers that didn’t understand the concept of privacy, others by bystanders.
At the end, it was the woman who said it out loud, confirming what everyone in the small circle that had formed at the cue was wondering about. She finally let go of your arm and crossed hers in front of her body.
The look of pity wasn’t as bad as the confirmation.
“He rejected you, right?” it wasn’t a question, not when you didn’t answer and she continued. “We heard you’ve been mated for almost a century and he doesn’t want the bond. Is that true?”
It wasn’t true, but you didn’t have the heart to correct her. Instead, you turned around and used your wing-less privileges to sneak through the crowd. You kept your head down, as if that could stop you from hearing the comments or feeling the stares.
People had come up with an alternative version where Azriel and you had been mated for decades, for centuries. Where you had cheated on him or he had changed you for someone else. You had even heard that he had bonded with another person and had kicked you out of the house, and that you had been the one rejecting the bond.
Each version was farthest from the truth than the last one, but they all hurt the same. The crowd didn’t seem to get thinner no matter how deep you got in the market. Once the people who had heard the conversation were left behind, new people crowded you, worried about the girl panicking and running through the middle of the market.
There were a few occasions where you thought you would fall, where you tripped and almost embarrassed yourself farther. You had almost made it to the back entrance of the market when you finally realized you were tripping no more. There was no longer a crowd around you, nor whispers or hands reaching your way.
It took you another few steps to fully stop and assess the situation. When you looked back to see where the crowd was, you were met with a broad chest inches away from you. Through tearful eyes, you recognized Azriel’s wings tucking you away from people, his mere presence pushing them away.
You met his hazel eyes, full of worry and regret. His hair was longer, covering his brow, but you found comfort in his crooked nose, in his freckles, that you knew so well.
You noticed in his hands your bags that had been left in the stall, a new one with the snacks you were about to buy.
“What – what are you doing here?” you choked out, too grateful for the sudden moment of peace to wonder about anything else.
“I felt you through the bond, a few hours ago. Anxious and…” he stopped himself, his eyes scanning every tear that marked your cheeks. “I was just getting here when it got worse. I heard most of it. I’m –”
“Don’t say you’re sorry” you interrupted him. “It’s not your fault”
Out of the many things that were indeed his fault, people not minding their own business wasn’t his. You were used to him blaming himself for everything, from wars in other courts to people fighting in the street. The response came naturally.
Your nose was cold and runny, your hands frozen in your pockets, and your feet hurt. Besides all of that, you felt all wrong. Because you enjoyed his presence, because what they said, and because you couldn’t help but calm down when he was close.
Azriel didn’t say anything when you took the bags from his hands, thanking him quietly. He didn’t say anything as more people walked away from him, either because of his wings or because they recognized him.
“You don’t like last minute shopping”
It was a pointless observation, but it was better than to comment on how afraid he had been when, just outside the market, he felt the bond snap with urgence. His shadows knew where you were, and that you needed him, but even he had trouble running through crowds. Azriel also couldn’t talk about how mad he had been at everyone in that stall, how his new shadows had turned off every light and almost chocked them to death.
Azriel wanted to say that you were probably cold because you didn’t like your own coats, and most of the times wore one of his. He wanted to hug you, too, to feel you between his arms after what felt like an eternity and promise you that it would end well.
But he couldn’t say anything more than the obvious.
“I had to” you answered.
With a furious fist, frustrated at life, at him and at you, you brushed the tears off your cheeks. You could tell that he wanted to keep talking, and you did too. Since your last encounter, you had come up with more conversations you should have.
You stared at each other for what seemed forever. There were details that you had almost forgotten in your sorrow – like his long lashes, that you teased him about. Or the freckle that snuck up to the corner of his left eye. The way his mouth rose higher from the right, and the small scar on his ear from where Cassian dared him to wear an earring.
Only his face was enchanting enough to help you forget about the day, about the weight of your chest. It was the first closing call from the market, that sounded through the public speakers, that broke you away.
“I should go”
“I should go”
You talked at the same time, and you smiled softly when you pointed to different directions. You didn’t miss how his eyes fell to your mouth, how his own lifted up too.
“I could walk you back” he offered, not tearing his eyes away from your mouth. “If you let me”
You didn’t answer immediately. Those last words, that he had repeated so often lately, almost had you saying yes. You could almost imagine how it would go – him walking by your side, one of his wings behind your back. His elbow brushing yours, and his gaze fixed on you.
Your smile dropped when you remembered the times you had walked just like that, tucked together. The times you had waked by yourself through Velaris with his imprint on you, and the times he had left without a trace of your presence.
Azriel knew the answer before you said it, and his shoulders dropped slightly.
That time, you decided to turn away before he could. Taking the back exit was a poor choice, knowing it was farther from your house than the main one, but you couldn’t picture yourself walking through the market without Azriel keeping the crowds a step away.
So you turned around, gripped your bags tight and didn’t tear your eyes from the ground during the whole way back.
It wasn’t Azriel who found you the time everything changed, but you.
The cold and winter were over, the streets were clean and the sun was out. It was a perfect day to spend outside, and Elain seemed fixed in throwing you out of your own shop. She claimed that the bags under your eyes were as dark as the night, and that your skin was so pale that she couldn’t tell the flour stains apart from it.
“Just for the record, you’re kicking the owner of the bakery out of the bakery” you stated, looking at her once more from the door. “You do realize that shouldn’t happen, right?”
“I’m helping a friend come out of her ghost-like season” she replied, still decorating muffins. “And you do realize that most shops close on Sunday’s, right?”
“Certainly not a bakery” you looked to the empty fountain at her right. “If we do it together, we will – “
“If you touch one single item of this bakery, I’m banning you from the kitchen for a month”
You doubted she meant it, she could. But still, you sighed and turned around to open the door. You weren’t an extrovert, certainly not an outsider. Since you were a child, you liked your kitchen, your house, and your space. And none of those things were outside the door.
But you actually feared what the fae you left behind would do if you turned back. Elain had already hidden your apron so you couldn’t put it on, and had threatened to mismatch the soy milk with normal one.
Giving her a last, tight smile through the glass, you walked towards the center of Velaris.
Not many people were outside that soon on a Sunday morning, but you were glad for her insistence the moment the sun kissed your face. The cold weather was disappearing and you could feel warmth across your cheeks. It was still cold, and it would be for at least another week, but the change in the weather promised a happy spring.
You walked aimlessly around Velaris, stopping to watch the Sidra move every now and then. Your feet carried you through unfamiliar streets, all of them filled with colors and smells. The longer you walked, the healthier you felt. Each step felt like a weight lifted from your chest, and you even smiled to a few usuals you found in the streets.
The main square peeked through the streets. It wasn’t your usual destination, too crowded and not as pretty as other parts of the town. But you still walked through it, feeling at ease and happy.
It had happened before, usually the days before you started your cycle, and you should have known the feeling of ease had nothing to do with the weather or the walk. It had happened and it happened again, just as you rounded a corner to walk in the square.
If, by any chance, Azriel hadn’t noticed you coming, the shadows that tugged him away from where he was standing would have made it obvious.
His eyes widened when he saw you, and you felt that peaceful feeling making its home for the day. There was no sorrow, no sadness, and none of the usual feelings that lately you felt when it came to him.
You cursed yourself stupid when you realized that you cycle was coming, and that every year you were in a mood until Azriel showed up, your hormones demanding your mate.
Your name fell from your mouth and just by hearing it you noticed something different. It was new, and at the same time, you thought you recognized it somehow. You looked to his empty hands, to the syphons on his shoulders and chest and truth-teller on his side.
It looked like you had interrupted something important to him. But instead of running away from him like the last two times, you took a step closer.
“Are you going on a mission?” you pointed with your chin to his leather, eyes stopping at his chest. There was that thing, that you couldn’t name.
“Just came back. I was…”
Azriel looked to the building he just exited and for a moment, in silence. You had met a bunch of times since the incident in the market, and you had started having longer conversations. About the weather, about your bakery, and even about his family, who you finally knew officially.
Certainly, your relationship had improved, although it wasn’t just fixed yet. When he didn’t answer, you were reminded of all the times he had kept things to himself, either out of fear or doubt.
He seemed to doubt between telling you and keeping it to himself. Any other time, you knew, he would have kept it to himself. He had done it, in the past – when you asked him about his job, or tried to understand his past. Many times where he had evaded the truth or his emotions.
Your mood, that had been in a rush since you left the bakery, fell a little at his silence. He looked torn and you were ready to leave, before he answered.
“This is Madja’s house. I meet her here so we can talk, usually during the week” he looked back at you, watching the surprise of his statement. “But something happened and I needed to talk to her”
“What happened?”
Azriel’s lips were pressed tight, debating on whether he should tell you or not. He wouldn’t have doubted about it a year ago – he wouldn’t tell you, because in his eyes, it would only hurt you more than he already had. But he had learnt new things, and had realized that a relationship was built on trust. And that his fears, his perception of the reality, had broken yours.
He had cut the mission short when he had noticed, though he wasn’t sure he had ever done something like that. Azriel didn’t know what had triggered it, why it happened in the Winter court and not anytime sooner.
Madja, of course, had had an answer ready – an answer that had left him staring at her door for long twenty minutes before you appeared.
“Kallias should have sent something to Rhysand, but he didn’t” he started, not sure why he was traveling so far from the event. “So I went to check. Turns out someone must have taken it and, well, I tried to…”
He trailed off before he could finish, aware of your confusion. You never talked about what he did for Rhysand, in any court. No matter how big or small was the assignment, he didn’t tell you about it.
But that wasn’t what your confusion was about, at least not all of it. You couldn’t possibly notice because you had given it for granted since the beginning, but Azriel did notice. He noticed the change as soon as it happened, and babbled when he explained to Rhysand what he should have been feeling for years.
Had explained to Madja moments ago, who had given him a knowing smile and a proud nod.
“I accepted the bond” he confessed, continuing before you could say anything else. “I don’t know how, or why, but I was there and suddenly I was hit with – with this in my chest, and I don’t know why it wouldn’t happen sooner”
“You accepted the bond” you repeated, looking between his chest and face.
“I don’t know how, or why now. I was, thinking… And it hit me” Azriel smiled sadly, not saying what his thoughts were about – what they had been about since that night. “I didn’t want to tell you, because, this is, you don’t have to do anything now. Me accepting the bond doesn’t change what I did”
Azriel hadn’t meant to tell you, neither to be so vague and ridiculously nervous about it.
It had been a surprise when, in the middle of a conversation, he felt it. He had been thinking about you, because there were flowers and they were pretty against the cold weather, and to him, you were the prettiest thing the Cauldron had made. One moment Kallias had been going through the last movements of the package and the next the high lord was looking at him with raised brows.
Congratulating him for something that should have happened six years ago.
“It’s not that I didn’t want the bond before, Y/N” he continued when you didn’t say anything. “I promise you, I didn’t know how to accept it. I didn’t know that I deserved it”
Azriel had thought, and he still wanted to, that you so pretty that you were meant for someone else. That it was borrowed time, that he didn’t deserve the bond just as he didn’t deserve you. With Madja and Rhys, they had had deep conversations about his mental health, about his version of life where he lived through a glass of pain and rejection.
As he stared at your surprised form, he tried not to let hope leak into his heart. He knew it didn’t fix what was broken, but he hoped it was the first step of a long recovery to win you back.
Only if you could confirm or deny, instead of stare at him.
“Say something” Azriel finally broke, almost begged. “Whatever you want. Just say something”
And you wanted to, because wasn’t that what you had wanted? You had fooled yourself lately thinking about may what ifs. What if he had accepted the bond in the bagging, what if he had told you that he wasn’t fine, that he was broken and needed help.
What if you had helped him and not rushed things when he wasn’t ready. Now, it felt like the Cauldron was giving you that opportunity, only that you didn’t know how to react.
You finally looked away from him and decided to give an experimental tug on the bond, to see if anything had changed.
It had.
It was a chuckle, maybe the beginning of a cry. It was anger but also relief because what came back from that tug wasn’t what you usually felt. It was stronger, solid, as if there was a physical string between your bodies that kept you linked.
Usually, it was just an intense feeling that was enough for you. But now that you felt him tugging back, felt him loving you, you couldn’t hold back another laugh. He shoved down through it everything he felt – adoration, love, joy. Many fears that had you stumbling towards him, and pain.
So much pain that your smile dropped. His dropped too, and you felt the bond getting fainter.
“That’s another reason. I didn’t want you to feel… that” Azriel retreated the bond farther. “I have so many fears and pains here that I couldn’t even imagine sharing them with you. And that – “
“You don’t have to feel ashamed” you cut him off, your voice hoarse. “I love you the same”
Words were unnecessary when you hugged his middle and buried yourself in his chest. He curled around you, like he had done so many times.
The channel snapped open again, and you just closed your eyes tightly. It was an endless source of emotions, and it broke you that most of them were bad. There was rejection, from so many people that it felt like an angry, black bull coming your way. Sadness that felt overwhelming and never ending, always coming in waves when Azriel didn’t expect it.
You also felt disgust, and you only held him tighter when you discovered it was self-disgust. Not only at the things that he had done, but also at what had been done to him. The scars on his hands, the shadows around him. He had hated himself for so long he had forgotten how to love.
But then, at the bottom, there was something bright, and that part you realized it was only dedicated to you. There was his family too, but it wasn’t as intense as his love for you. Everything that he lacked during his life, that he yearned for, was tucked where it mattered the most.
“I love you” he whispered against your head, softly. “I love you”
You didn’t answer, just raised your head until you could brush your lips against him. Later, you would have time to blame the cycle, which you wouldn’t get for another two months, or the emotions of the moment. But you knew it was just what you needed, what you both deserved, when you felt him kissing back.
At the beginning, it was just his lips against yours, and it was enough. Your noses brushed each other, you got on your tiptoes and his wing cocooned both of you. His hands only pressed you tighter against his body when you moved your lips against his, brushing the edge of your tongue against his bottom one.
Azriel could barely keep himself straight when you silently asked for permission to open his mouth, which he happily obliged.  
From that moment, it was crashing. The kiss was only a physical proof of your feelings traveling through the mated bond, so wild and intense you couldn’t tell which one was his or yours.
“I’m sorry, darling” he whispered against your lips, giving you no time to reply. “I’m sorry for hurting you, for being a coward. I’m sorry”
“I forgive you. We don’t keep secrets anymore” you managed to say between kisses.
“Never” Azriel answered while leaving kisses on your cheeks and nose.”
“And we’ll talk about our emotions, and feelings. You’ll tell me about your life when I ask”
“You won’t close off to me” you pulled his head away and made him look at you.
While you held his face between your hands, Azriel smiled. It was a different smile from the previous ones, from the ones you had seen so far. It was carefree, loving, and yours.
Your thumb brushed the corner of his eye, his upper cheek, the border of his nose.
“I’m here, Azriel. Always. So you don’t have to hide anything from me, or to be ashamed or afraid. I’m here” you closed the distance once more, controlling the kiss by holding onto his face. “Right around the corner”
“Right around the corner” he repeated, dipping his head and sealing all his promises with another kiss.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Right around the corner taglist:
@lesliemurillo @impossibelle @polli05927 @florencemtrash @going-through-shit @minakay @setayeshmohseni @torchbearerkyle @esposadomd @amysangel @kennedy-brooke @originalcrusadetrash @luvmoo @historygeekqueen @marriedtolike18fictionalmen @wallacewillow0773638 @tothestarsandwhateverend @kristalhi @knmendiola @nikt-wazny-y @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @wallacewillow0773638 @clara-geekhime @kalulakunundrum @saltedcoffeescotch @originalcrusadetrash @mel-wcst @ailyr92 @bubybubsters @chickensrock3 @tothestarsandwhateverend @topaz125 @wallacewillow0773638 @just-m-2 @theravenphoenix26 @glitterypirateduck @a-frog-with-a-laptop @justdreamstars
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zoeykallus · 6 months
Hello Zoey
First , I wanted to tell you again that I love the stories you gave us , thank you , really , you're one of the few who can make me forget time when I'm reading 👌❤️
It's my first request so I'm sorry if it's a bit clumsy 😅
I had an idea , imagine that after a mission the reader is so tired that they took the first bunk they saw but it's not their's , how would the batchers react ? x)
Very happy to read this! 😊 Thank you so much!
There is a first time for everything. Don't worry, there is nothing clumsy about it. I think I got it. So pre Relationship, but with already growing yet unspoken feelings? At least that would be my guess. Let me see, this could be fun 😁🤭
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Sleepy Mix-Ups
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Warnings: None I guess/SFW/Fluff
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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He almost threw his equipment at you. At the last moment, he sees you lying in his bunk and just manages to stop himself. Hunter is puzzled, raises his eyebrows questioningly and looks at you for a moment. A small smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. You look kind of cute lying there in his bunk. He sighs softly and looks around, his gaze falling on your actual bunk. He walks towards it, takes off his equipment, and even before he lies down in it, he smells it. The bedding and the pillow smell of your shampoo, your perfume, of you. A strange, warm shiver runs through his entire body. Hunter looks back over his shoulder to his own bunk, where you are slumbering blissfully. He knows the scent of you will keep him awake for a while, make him woozy. He feels a tingling restlessness under his skin, a silent longing for more of what reaches his nose, more of you. Hunter lies down anyway, the other bunks are occupied, and he doesn't want to wake you. He lies awake half the night and dreams of you await him in his sleep, some gentle, some wild. When he wakes up, his heart is beating fast, his pulse racing as if he has just experienced a pleasantly exciting adventure.
He grins a little stupidly to himself and flinches when he hears your voice. "Sorry, I must have gotten the wrong bunk last night because I was so tired." Hunter clears his throat, straightens up and says with a wink, "It's no problem" He looks nervous and a little shaky, you have no idea why, but as he leaves the room to use the refresher, you don't give it a second thought.
He stands in front of his bunk and looks down at you. He scratches his chin uncertainly with the scomp link. Echo doesn't really know what to do, he doesn't really want to wake you up, you look so peaceful and relaxed. The day has been hard and exhausting for all of you. He holds his hand over his mouth as he yawns. Tired, he rubs his eyes a moment later. His gaze wanders to your bunk and back again. Echo doesn't quite know whether he should just lie down. You've probably made a mistake out of tiredness, if he were to just lie down in your bed now, he would feel like an intruder. Even if the thought of lying on your pillow, which certainly smells like you, is incredibly tempting. Echo sighs softly, sits down on the floor next to his bunk where you are lying and leans against it. It's anything but cozy, but he's tired enough to fall asleep after a short time sitting up, his head resting halfway on the edge of the bunk. He wakes up when something brushes against his head. The blanket you covered yourself with. You move, it's early morning, you're still half asleep when you see Echo looking at you over the edge of the bunk.
You blink several times, a little startled. "Echo? What are you doing down there?" He straightens up a little awkwardly, his back aching a little from the position he's been sleeping in. He smirks wryly and says, "Well, you occupied my bed, so I had to improvise" You rub the sleep from your eyes and look around the bunk. Echo is right, this is not your bedding, not your bunk. Heat rises in your cheeks, and you stare at him. Others might be angry, but Echo just smiles at you. "Why didn't you just use my bunk?" you ask, confused. Echo shrugs, scratches the back of his head uncertainly and says, "Well, I don't know, I didn't want to just do it without being asked" You laugh softly. "But Echo, I climbed into your bed without being asked" Wrecker in the background, still half asleep himself, grins at you from his bunk, "Echo just wished you'd done it while he was in there"
Echo's eyes widen and his heart races. He feels he has been caught, but grumbles at his brother, "Would you please keep your comments to yourself?" When he looks at you again, you both smile shyly, barely able to meet each other's gaze.
He looks into his bunk, puzzled. Wrecker wasn't expecting this. A little unsettled, he scratches the back of his head and looks around. Everyone else is already asleep, or about to fall asleep. His huge figure stands bent over you next to the bunk you're lying in, his bunk. Normally you would probably have woken up just from the feeling of being watched, by his presence, but you're so wiped out today, probably not even a bomb would wake you up. Wrecker's bunk is bigger than the standardized bunks, because he himself is also bigger than the norm among soldiers, so you should have noticed that alone, but you didn't. He looks over to your bunk, the only one that is still empty and much smaller than he is used to. You mumble something in your sleep. A smile spreads across his face. He was actually toying with the idea of waking you up, but you look so cute, he can't bring himself to do it. Wrecker heads for your bunk, gets ready for bed, and squeezes himself in. When you wake up the next morning, it takes a moment, but you realize you're in the wrong bunk. "Oops," you mumble quietly, straighten up and look around. Everyone is still asleep.
Wrecker is lying in your bunk. He can't stretch out his legs, he's curled up like a fetus, his knees sticking out over the edge of the bunk. It looks uncomfortable, but also adorable. You slip out of bed and quietly walk over to him. You gently nudge him a few times until he opens his eyes. "Hey, big guy," you whisper to him. He blinks, finally grins at you and mumbles back, "Mornin' sweetheart" "Sorry about the bunk, I was so tired I didn't realize which bunk I was in," you say apologetically. Wrecker peels himself out of the too-small bunk and says with a shrug, "It's okay, it can happen" You are relieved that he takes it so lightly. He adds, "Your bunk is pretty tiny, but it smells damn good" You smile shyly and feel your cheeks heat up.
He almost sits down on you because he is so engrossed in his holopad. At the last moment, he realizes that his bunk is already occupied. Tech lowers the holopad and stares at you silently, as if he could wake you up with his gaze alone. His brow furrowed, he looks at his bunk and wonders how you could have mistaken it. The walls are scrawled with drawings and calculations he made at some point, it's hard to miss. Were you really that tired? He reaches out for you, but just above your arm, his hand stops, he holds it there uncertainly in the air for a while, undecided whether to wake you or not. Actually, this is his bunk, Tech thinks, you shouldn't sleep in it. But there's another thought, a feeling. Because you are sleeping in his bed, you are very close to him in a way. In the morning, his pillow will certainly smell of you. A part of him that he doesn't really understand at the moment, likes that, a lot. He stands there for a long time, the datapad in his hand, watching you. Echo whispers softly over the snoring of the others, "Why don't you go to their bunk, the staring is getting creepy" Tech blinks, startled, and turns to his brother.
He whispers back, "But this is my bunk" Echo sighs and says a little impatiently, "They were extremely tired, I'm sure it was an accident. Now just let them sleep and lie down in their bunk" Tech walks to your bunk, stares at it for a while, then finally lies down. It feels very different, strange, but somehow also pleasant. It smells good, although foreign, but at the same time familiar, because it smells like you. Lost in thought, he begins to paint the walls of the bunk with drawings and calculations. When he falls asleep, Tech still has the pen in his hand and your smell in his nose. It feels like he's falling asleep in your arms and all night long, Tech has a little smile on his lips. When he wakes up, it's still night, and you're already standing next to his bunk. "Sorry," you say quietly. Tech needs a moment to collect himself, the fog of sleep hasn't quite left him yet. "It's okay," he says just as softly, and peels himself out of bed to swap bunks back with you.
You lie down and look around in the semi-darkness. Tech has painted practically every free space. As you lie on your back, you look directly at the sketch of a podracer and a wild sequence of numbers that probably only he understands. You smile. Tech has slept in your bed and left something like his signature, somehow you are so happy about it that you want to kick your feet and squeak.
He is taking off his equipment, turns around and pauses in mid-motion. His brows draw together critically. There's someone lying in his bunk, you. He mutters quietly, "You're kidding me" He lets out an annoyed sigh and stares at you. The intensity of his gaze alone might even have woken you up under normal circumstances, but not today. His gaze finally moves to your bunk, which is empty at the moment, but then his eyes narrow to critical slits. Crosshair has no intention of being evicted from his bunk, accident or not. He grabs you and pushes you to the back of the bunk. Just as you open your eyes in shock and blink, trying to get your bearings, he joins you and takes part of the blanket, decently enough to keep you covered. Startled, you stare at him.
"But... what...?" He cocks a brow at you. "This is my bunk, if you want to sleep in it, fine, but I'm not swapping, so you better get used to me being close or crawl back into your own, kitten" he grumbles. Your heart is racing, you're confused and speechless, trying to untangle the situation in your mind. Just having him so close to you makes you nervous enough. But to be honest, you have no desire to go back to your own bunk. All you say is a quiet, "Okay" A smirk twitches briefly at the corner of his mouth, barely noticeable. Quietly and much more softly, in his smoky voice, he says as he closes his eyes, "Good night, Kitten"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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avonne-writes · 3 months
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It took all of Bucky's charms to convince Gale to drink with them on Bucky’s 25th birthday. He begged and pleaded and cajoled him with his best puppy dog eyes until that half-suppressed smile appeared on Gale's face, and he said. "Suppose I can stomach one glass."
So, they went to the nearest bar in town with all the other cadets who had a weekend pass. Bucky got them both a stiff drink, and they clinked glasses before throwing them back, to the cheers of Bucky's friends. Well, Bucky threw it back. Gale gave it a long look, then took about half a sip.
Bucky could see him shudder, his plump lips purse. He leaned back against the bar, his elbows on the counter, and snorted a laugh. "I can take it off your hands if you don’t like it."
Gale just gave him a glance from the corner of his eye, then poured the whole thing down his throat. A muscle tightened in his jaw as he put his glass down, probably fighting nausea. He turned and put his palms flat on the bar as if to steady himself as the burning liquid settled in his stomach.
Bucky nodded at him, trying and failing to hold back a grin. "Look at you."
It was hard to tell in the bar's warm light, but Gale's cheeks seemed pink already. He blinked at his empty glass, then looked at Bucky and smiled as though he thought something was very funny. "Happy birthday."
Bucky's grin widened. He squeezed Gale's shoulder, then turned to gesture for the barkeep. "Another one for me and a ginger beer for my friend."
Bucky was on his third drink and just about starting to feel the buzz of it in his limbs when he noticed Gale watching him. They were seated in a booth by then, trapped in the corner by all the other guys who came to celebrate with them. Their friends were trying to outyell each other as they all fought to tell the same story to a pair of hapless girls they managed to invite to the table. So no one paid any attention when Bucky turned to look at Gale and found him looking back. For a moment, they just stared into each other's eyes, then Gale averted his and smiled. Again, as if the world around him was the most amusing thing ever. He was flushed, his blue eyes shiny.
Bucky's lips curled into a wide grin. "Feeling good?" He asked. When Gale tried to control his smile and failed to wipe it off his face, he laughed. "Got you good, didn't it?"
Gale rubbed at his forehead and leaned against Bucky's side. His gaze lacked its usual sharp gleam and his hand moved in less measured gestures than usual - he was completely buzzed. "I'm fine."
"I can see that." Bucky chuckled. The fact that Gale was a lightweight didn't surprise him at all. Originally, he had thought that maybe he could get a few more drinks in him, but seeing him after only one, he knew that sticking to ginger beer for the rest of the night would probably be for the best. "Do you need some air?"
Gale shook his head. Then, Bucky felt it - under the table, Gale's fingers were hooked into the belt of his uniform. Who knew when they found their way there. They clung to him as he leaned back in his seat, and Gale’s shoulders followed to find his again. A muscle twinged in Bucky's chest. His grin faded into something more muted as he studied Gale's flaming face, the way his smile dug deeper lines into his cheek whenever he glanced in Bucky's direction from the corner of his eyes, the way he bowed his head, and the shadows his eyelashes cast.
He couldn't resist, he bumped his knuckles lightly against Gale's cheek. It felt hot to the touch. The gesture made Gale snicker, then hide his face behind his free hand as he often did when he didn't want to draw attention to his laugh. With butterflies fluttering in his stomach, Bucky slid his arm behind Gale, palm coming to rest warmly on Gale's shoulder. He felt his own face heat up when, instead of staying still as usual, Gale leant his whole weight into the embrace as if he was starving for it. He even tipped his head back to rest it on Bucky’s arm. His hand slipped to Bucky's thigh.
Bucky looked around, but none of their friends seemed to notice. Most of them were also well on their way to drunkenness. Only he was running behind, it seemed. A situation he couldn't say he was familiar with, but given the state Gale was in, he thought that was a lucky thing. He leaned in to whisper into Gale's ear.
"Do you wanna leave?"
Gale closed his eyes, still smiling, then nodded. That was all Bucky needed. With some effort, he managed to extricate them out of the booth, crawling over some of the guys, who shoved at him playfully before getting up to let Gale out too. Gale moved slowly, with the caution of someone who was doing his best not to appear drunk, but if someone knew him well enough, the abundance of joy in his expression was a dead giveaway. Buck Cleven wasn't prone to smiling at nothing or to moving his gaze back and forth between Bucky and the rest of the bar instead of keeping it fixed on one thing. Bucky pretended to be drunker than he was just to have an excuse to throw his arm around Gale. He started singing, and felt Gale's arm squeeze tight around his waist.
"Buck, you gotta do something before we all go deaf!" One of the guys called out to raucous laughter. Gale snickered again, clinging to Bucky a bit harder, then he started pushing Bucky towards the door.
"I'm coming back for that dice game, Bill!" Bucky pointed at them, and they all waved their arms at him to just leave already so that they could continue trying to woo the girls.
He and Gale made it outside in a few minutes.
They stumbled into a dark alley nearby, where Gale tugged at the lapels of Bucky's uniform until Bucky kissed him. His lips parted pliantly for Bucky's tongue, and he tasted so sweet that for a moment, Bucky thought he might get drunk on it too. It was a nice, languid kiss. Bucky could have pushed for more but he forced himself to pull back, because he had a feeling that a back-alley romp wasn't what Gale was actually being so needy for, and he could tell that he was right when the first thing Gale did when they parted was to drop his head to Bucky's shoulder.
When Bucky slid his hands up Gale's arms to his back to hug him, he wrapped his own arms around Bucky's waist. He sighed as the embrace closed around him.
They stayed like that for so long that Bucky thought Gale might have fallen asleep standing. But as he tried to pull away, the arms around him tightened.
Bucky breathed in deep. "You wanna sleep in my room tonight?" And this time, that was all he meant, sleep. He could sneak Gale into his hotel room, and they could cuddle as much as Gale needed.
Gale took a deep breath too and straightened up. He let Bucky go to rub at his own face. "Sorry about that." He cleared his throat. A frown formed between his eyebrows. It seemed that he was sobering up. "No, I'll be all right. You go back. It’s your birthday after all. I think I will - go find a ride back to base."
"I'm not going back without you."
Gale looked at him. Even in the dim light, Bucky could tell that his eyes weren't quite clear yet, but some of the haze was gone. "I need a few more minutes."
Bucky leaned back against the wall and lit a cigarette. With his free hand, he reached out to hold Gale's. He was pleased when Gale didn't pull away. "I can wait."
Gale watched him wordlessly with that tipsy little smile on his face until Bucky finished his cigarette. When the last of it burnt down, Bucky threw the stub away and stepped into Gale's space again. He gave him a chaste kiss.
Gale bumped his forehead to his, then moved away. "I'm not drinking another one."
Bucky laughed and pushed him towards the main street. "Why not?"
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unholybacon355 · 3 months
Down with the sickness
Male Reader X Mina
Word Count: 1K
A/N: Mina and you find an interesting way to use an elevator.
I wrote this some time ago, around a week after that fashion show. I had to do this. Istg i saw her with that dress at the fashion show and had to write this. And i have to recognize that In some point i wanted to do a long story, but it is what it is.
"Come on. Take it out of your pants and put it inside me.” Mina's devilish smile made your knees tremble as you pressed the elevator button harder than you should. “It's 80 floors to the hall, we have time.” She said rubbing her shoulder against your body. “Besides, I'm already wet, and you know I'm not wearing underwear. ”The tone in her voice was so lascivious it made your cock throb.
Without giving you time to answer anything Mina entered the elevator as soon as the doors opened. She walked elegantly until she stood in the middle, where she pulled up her dress, revealing her beautiful legs and that round butt that drove so many crazy. Then looking at you over her shoulder, again with that devilish smile on her lips, she leaned over and rested her hands against the elevator wall. Revealing in the process her perfectly shaved vulva.
"Fuck." Was all you could say before getting into the elevator just as the doors began to close. At the speed of light you opened the zipper and took out just your cock from inside your pants, you were already so hard that it was easy to aim and graze Mina's wet lips.
"Hard." More than a request it was an order, one that you were happy to obey even if it might cost you your job. Although the one who risked the most here was her. You couldn't compare what it would mean for a world-renowned artist to be found fucking in the elevator, on the way to an important fashion event, with what it would mean for a simple manager like you.
As she asked, you separated her folds a little with your tip, and then you suddenly shoved your cock into her vagina. The entire length in a single thrust, bouncing your balls and her buttocks in the process. You firmly took her by the hips and without wasting any more time you began to fuck her as if your life depended on it. She was so wet that she engulfed your shaft without any problem.
Mina instantly began to moan shamelessly. The sounds she makes echoed throughout the small elevator, filling it with her sweet voice and the wet noises you made as you fucked her. It was quite an experience to hear her voice on stage and then witness how it transformed into simple moans, samples of the pleasure she was feeling.
Mina pressed her butt against you looking for more friction, while you put a little more force into your thrusts. The movement fluttered the front part of her light blue dress, with details in what you could say was animal print. Of course Mina looked like a goddess in that dress, because that was what she was, and even though it wasn't like that it seemed like it had been custom designed for her. You were sure that once she left the hotel and exposed herself to the cameras, everyone was going to go crazy because of the large portion of her back that the garment left visible. Mina knew what drove her fans crazy, and she loved to use it against them.
Of course you were also crazy about her back, and everything about her, the truth is, she was a perfect woman in many ways. You wanted to kiss and leave love marks on her perfect back, but you knew you weren't allowed to. You were not her lover, much less her boyfriend or her husband, and although she did consider you a friend, you were nothing more than the personal manager she used to relief her libido.
“Gonna need to apply more perfume or they'll smell my wet pussy from miles away. ” But the truth is that she loves having men and women hypnotized by her beauty and other charms, so if they are able to smell the sex on her, that is just going to be an extra layer on her spell.
Your response was a grunt because all you could think about right now was that you didn't have much time left. The elevator had already descended sixty of the eighty floors, so the end of this session was eminently near. Without wasting any more time you wrapped your arm around her waist and used your fingers to play with her clitoris. Immediately your caresses made the muscles in her vagina contract involuntarily. Mina's response was to press her ass further into you.
“Don't you dare take it out, I… I want it all… inside me.” She was able to say between moans. For your part, you put more force into your thrusts, sacrificing speed to go as deep as you could with each thrust. You soon felt her pussy become impossibly tight around you and the spasms of her petite body revealed to you that she had climaxed. Almost instantly, without giving her time to come down from the cloud of pleasure she was in, you put your cock as deep as you could and unloaded your semen inside her, as she had demanded.
You two stayed like that, motionless for a few seconds, giving yourselves time to catch your breath before you let go of her and separated from her. A new, involuntary moan escaped that pretty little mouth when your cock came out of her pussy. With a smile on your lips, knowing you had done a good job, you put your cock back in your pants.
Mina, for her part, adjusted her dress and fixed her hair a little with her hand. By the time the elevator reached the first floor and the doors opened she looked flawless again, as if nothing had happened. Then she, with her best seductive smile, went out to the hotel hall, swaying her hips as she walked and greeting the people from the organization who were waiting for her. But she also came out smelling like sex and carrying your semen deep inside her, you were sure that everyone was going to be able to smell it on her. Mina was certainly the most shameless person you knew.
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yoru-no-seiiki · 3 months
Shit, I just saw you had different accounts for different genres and I already requested on your main non smut(??) account😭😭 Okay, okay, I have a new totally original idea. What about.. male pervert yandere enemy x gn or female reader? Like enemies to lovers but one is only in on it because of their masochistic tendencies and they just love being dominated. And please add nsfw of him jerking off, finding her sweaty (sweet) gym tshirt and it being mentioned that he has, I don't know, JERKED OFF TO THEM IN FUCKING CLASS. (The oneshot could be in class👀👀)
- I'm 🙈 anon from your main account, you don't have to complete both of the requests, either one I know would make me cum, but please I'm so desperate for cocky ass bakugo katsuki like bitch guys who are so submissive and vulnerable on the inside IM BEGGING YOU.. omg, now I'm like them, fuck.
This got me pissing my pants ngl- but aaaaa yess. This came at a perfect timing! (long story short i got sum good news from my scholarship stuff in Ateneo) Your audience with me has been approved.
(also I don’t think I received your other request unfortunately uhu)
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tw/cw: dddne, yandere themes, male masturbation, semi-public masturbation, yun’s trauma with enrollment procedures.
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University was hell before it even started. Due to complications with your scholarship, you and your parents had to repeatedly go out to get a whole bunch of documents in searing summer heat to ensure you kept the damn thing from falling through.
It was safe to say, you weren’t going to just take all that for granted.
You wanted to be the best student in the history of the institution, no — the whole country. Anything less than perfect would tarnish the effort your family has put into you.
But a certain Ricardo Peralta was making that oh so difficult for you.
Not only was he already a member of the student council and potential president for the following years, he was oh so disgustingly well-rounded and rich. You thought you were a try-hard? Well think again. Ricardo had you beat in many aspects.
But not all of them.
You are a people person by heart. Charismatic, and sociable. You knew how to mingle, how to get a person wrapped around your fingers. Ricardo may have the vantage point with connections now but in the future? It wouldn’t be long before everyone will turn to you instead.
And so began your petty rivalry.
It was subtle at first. Smirking at the one who got a lower score. Congratulating the other for winning second place while having a golden medal dangling from their neck. Scoffing at their rival for having a life outside academics ( pfft imagine having good time management? The two of you can never! )
And then it steadily degenerated into full blown petty fights. Violence at times. Anything aside from murdering each-other was free rein and even then there were days you two took that sort of route. It was mostly you though. For some reason, his parents were quite fond of you and would always let you into their mansion. This gave you plenty of opportunities to drug his ass.
You didn’t know it was because of a deal his parents made with yours to give him access to your room.
Ricardo studied you harder than the academics he worshipped his entire life. He knew you far longer than you did him. You were the reason he strove so much to be perfect. The only reason he wanted to be perfect was for you.
He knew your parents would never think to pay for the outrageous fees the University you (and by extension him) wanted to go to, so he made his parents start a scholarship program for gifted students (Anything to make their son happy). You were already guaranteed to get in from the beginning, and he felt bad for having made you panic from the strings he had to pull so that you’d always have the same classes/schedules.
So he let you win some of the little games you two had. In any case, nothing beats the reward of your smile. And the smug smirk you’d give him as you loomed over the desk, your chest almost resting on his face.
He shook his head, he can save those thought for after he stole another set of used underwear.
He usually came to your locker after P.E. it was when your scent wouldn’t be covered by whatever you sprayed on yourself. Don’t get him wrong, Ricardo was a germaphobe and a half but those cheap perfumes and deodorants you slathered all over yourself so you wouldn’t smell half bad after your exercises couldn’t compare to the scent of your body.
In anycase, today Ricardo got greedy. Impatient. Something his parents were sure to have reprimanded him on. But he couldn’t help it. Could you really blame him? It suddenly started raining out in the field. The way the water made your shirt cling unto your clothes practically made you irresistible.
“Ngh . . . [Y/N]. J-just like that . . . use me . . .” Tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he mumbled in pleasure. If you just walked a little more, perhaps leaned your head around the corner. . . god, he could imagine the disdain on your face. The utter disgust you’d show him.
It didn’t help that you were slandering him just a few feet away.
“That piece of shit, Ricardo. He totally fucking cheated.” You cursed, so unlike your usual polite tone with your fellow batch-mates and the faculty. He hears a resounding thud right after wards.
The movement around his shaft only gets faster. His grip tighter, harsher, as he imagines the way you’d abuse his cock. If he added any more force he’d probably tear himself apart. The thought of disappointing you is the one thing keeping him from harming himself.
His hand only ever stuttered due to the sound of your friend’s voice, ear piercing and grotesque as it is in contrast to yours, “Aray! Nadamay pa talaga yung mukha ko-“
“Shut the fuck up!” You angrily replied, this time slamming the locker behind Ricardo, making him moan stumble forward a little.
“I’ll fucking kill him.”
Streams of white leave the tip of his cock, your threat shoving him off the ledge of pleasure. Your rain and sweat covered shirt now drenched with another type of liquid.
Aray! Nadamay pa talaga yung mukha ko — Ouch! You really just brought my face into the fray.
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zeewritez · 5 months
The Sailor and The Samurai - I
Mizu x Femme Shipmate/Pirate Reader
Hi my lovelies! I haven't updated in so long and I'm sorry but college has been kicking my ass. (Why tf am I studying biochemistry - because I hate myself). Anyways, I hope to update my other stories soon (I've had chapters for months now, they just need to be edited lol). So for now, here's a little BES fic because I'm in love with this show :)
(Notes: Reader's father is Irish in the fic but she will not be described physically except for having super long curly hair because I like projecting my hair goals onto stories, also I will be using he/him pronouns for Mizu since they are currently being perceived as a man.)
Part 2 now out
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Y/n woke up with a splitting headache from the rum she had the previous night. She made a note to self to not attempt to out drink her father, even if he was pushing 60. Rolling out of her cot, she slipped on a blouse and trousers she had acquired from a crew mate at some point. They barely fit, but it was far better than the dresses and corsets she wore whenever they docked back home.
She walked onto the deck just in time to watch over the vast ocean as they approached the isolated island of Japan. She'd been there many times in her career but had only ever been to the ports to assist with loading goods when the crew needed it. Today, there was no need. Instead, she watched with mild curiosity from the crow's nest as crates were loaded onto The Banshee.
The cargo seemed standard: silks, swords, exotic fish. The things nobles in England dreweld over. Yet the passengers were anything but standard. Y/n could barely believe her eyes when the infamous Abijah Fowler was brought on board with guards on each side of him. He was brought to the detention cell, which would have otherwise been used when her father was tired of a crewmate's drunken antics.
Y/n was so taken aback by Fowler's presence she nearly missed the passenger behind him: a young man, a few years older than y/n herself, clad in Japanese garb and yellow glasses. It seemed odd to her, as it was rather overcast outside but she didn't give it a second thought. What she was truly curious about was why Abijah Fowler was on their vessel.
As the ship took sail, she climbed down from the nest and made her way to the detention cell with a curious, if not mischievous, grin.
"I never thought you'd be joining us for London," she teased as she stood outside of his cel, as though dangling her freedom like a carrot. She did not like Fowler one bit, but she found him almost as amusing as she found him vile. Entertainment was hard to come by at sea, so who could really blame her?
"Well I for one am always happy to see you," he said, grabbing her hand through the bars and kissing her knuckles. She rolled her eyes as she pulled her hand back from him.
"What brings you back to the isle?" she asked. "My father doesn't even enjoy England, and he's still in good standing, legally speaking."
"Perhaps he's a better Irishman then me," Fowler said with a shrug. "What does it matter to you?"
The girl looked up in faux innocence. "Oh, I'm just curious."
"Well, why don't you hunt down the samurai that's on board and he can let you know why I'm going back to London," Fowler finally told her. "You've picked up quite a bit of Japanese, haven't ya?"
"Alright, I'll see you around then," she said as she turned to leave.
"You have your mother's rear!" He shouted out, as though y/n had forgotten why she had disliked the man so much. She said a silent prayer thanking the heavens he wasn't roaming freely as she roamed the ship looking for the mysterious man with glasses, which was simple enough.
He stood on the poop deck, staring out onto the ocean, as anyone who has ever treaded water has. The waters had a way of commanding one's attention.
"Hello good sir," the young woman greeted she climbed the stairs, stopping to curtsey out of habit. She'd managed to have some resemblance of good manners despite being raised at sea by a captain with a drinking habit.
The young man stared at her, which was a common response from many men upon seeing her for the first time, regardless of national origin. In fact, Englishmen seemed most taken aback by her appearance. Her hair was long and unkempt, falling down her back in ringlets instead of being pinned into an updo of a proper lady. Her shirt nearly fell from her shoulders and around her neck was a long, beaded necklace that seemed to trail down between her breasts. Y/n giggled at the man's reaction, having expected nothing less.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he spoke casting his eyes away from her eyes out of embarrassment, then down to her strange necklace, then back up to her eyes.
"Don't worry about it," she said, leaning against the Banshee's railing. "It is lovely to make your acquaintance, may I ask your name?"
"Mizu," he answered, finally less taken aback by the strange woman. "And you are?*
"Y/n," she said, reaching out her hand limply, again out of habit more than anything else. Mizu looked at her with pure confusion, almost fear. Y/n giggled again, this time to hide her embarrassment. "It is expected to kiss a lady's hand where we're going."
Mizu nodded and cautiously took the girl's hand, which was smaller then her own, and cool to the touch from the ocean winds. He kissed it with the gentleness most men she encountered lacked.
"You'll make a proper gentleman," y/n remarked as she retrieved her hand once again and placed it under her head. She scanned Mizu as had her. Admittedly he was rather dashing. So much so she'd forgotten what she was originally there to ask him. Fowler was the last thing on her mind. "What's with the spectacles?" she asked.
"My eyes are unnatural back home," he told her.
"Is that so?" Y/n asked rhetorically. Perhaps without thought for personal space, she leaned forward and took the yellow frames from the man's face. She was greeted with eyes that would put the sea herself to shame. "You needn't wear these anymore, your eyes are beautiful." The young sailor folded the glasses and handed them back to the blue eyed man.
A small smile graced Mizu's face at the first genuine compliment he'd heard in regard to his eyes. He looked over the beautiful yet foreign face of the woman in front of him. The journey to London was certainly something to look forward to now.
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cobaltperun · 5 months
Lost (14) - Collide
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 5.9k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Where do we go from here when they're tearing down our lives?-
The steaming mug of hot chocolate, a warm blanket, and another night all alone. If only there weren't so many memories tied to this house she would have moved somewhere, at least to an apartment or something. It was just too hard to think of anywhere else as her home. Even now that she had a second chance in you.
In a way, at the very least.
You've said it once, you're not Zack. You're still the only family he had beside her. At least as far as the family that accepted him goes. So, in a way, you were the only living reminder of him. You made her so happy when you visited her. And you brought the most wonderful, loving girl, with you.
Her phone suddenly rang. Maybe it was you, she rarely got calls from anyone else, but you made sure to call every now and then. Then she'd get to talk to you, Tara, and sometimes even Sam. Now that she thought about it, she had an unread message from you, she got it while she was at work and then it slipped her mind to read it later. That was probably why you were calling. So, Susan picked up her phone.
"Hello, Susan," she didn't recognize the voice. Maybe it was one of the patients from the hospital, or a doctor or a nurse she rarely talked to.
"Hello, I'm sorry, but who is this?" she took a sip from her mug, the warmth easing her loneliness as she waited for the answer.
"Oh, no one important. I was actually calling because of Y/N, she told me you are her half-brother's mother and that if anything happened, I could call you," Susan immediately sat up straight at that.
"Did something happen to her?" she wanted to hang up and call you right away.
"Not yet, no, but it could. So, what's your favorite scary movie?" Susan, having read the books after what happened to you, recognized the line. She remembered the state you and Tara were in when you came to her house.
If what she heard was true she was done for. The killer was with her. So, she hung up, quickly opening the messages. She didn't even get to type a single letter before a knife stabbed her back. She cried out, dropping her phone. The piercing of her flesh continued as the figure of a masked monster in black robes came into her line of sight. The stabs would have been enough, but the killer made two deep cuts on the crooks of her arms. She'd bleed out slow enough for it to hurt, but quickly enough so that no one could help her.
And then the monster left her, lying on the floor.
She could barely move her arms, but the adrenaline still pumping through her veins helped her reach the phone. She managed to type exactly three letters as her vision became blurry and hit send. She wouldn't be found until two days later when a neighbor noticed her doors were left wide open.
Thousands of miles away, all the way in New York you were woken up by your phone. You groaned, reaching over to your nightstand, and blindly grabbing your phone to look at the message. You smiled. Leave it to Susan to respond with only one word.
"Mhmm, Y/N," Tara complained sleepily as she hid her face from the light coming from your screen.
"Sorry, Love,” you kissed the top of her head as an apology. “It's Susan. I'm guessing she's down to spend Thanksgiving with us," you couldn’t help but pull her a bit closer when you felt her smile against your neck. It was Tara's idea, really, because not only did you have spare room, but Susan was important to you, and Tara liked her a lot as well, so it was a logical suggestion as far as Tara was concerned. Once you heard that you went and invited Susan to spend a week in New York, since you hadn't seen each other ever since you came to New York.
Her response? Fun. You figured that was a 'yes' and sent her a thumbs up, which she immediately read. No response came, but you expected that, as Susan wasn’t too big on texting. You'd just call her after you figure out a proper plan for that week. Which would have to wait, because you had another exhausting week ahead of you.
Nine, god damn, hours. You felt like you were just about ready to kick Thomas' ass for just dropping a two-week-long vacation on you out of the blue. If only it was your vacation.
So, instead of canceling his classes you were replacing him. Instead of doing the morning sessions and the second afternoon training session, which would mean 4 and a half hours at the gym, you were stuck with Thomas' sessions as well. Which basically meant you were at the gym from 6:45 am to 10:15 a.m., then again from 11:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., and finally from 4:45 to 8:15 p.m. So, nine hours of training people and an hour and a half to keep the gym running. By the time you came home after the third training session, you were too exhausted to do anything. And you meant anything! Cooking? Cleaning? Almost all of your chores were now split between Sam and Tara and you. The best you could do was wash the dishes or do some light cleaning, and you were done.
Tara hated it even more than you did. You tried, you really did, you'd go back home after each double training session, and you'd buy flowers, things like that, but it didn't help much. You loved how needy Tara was, how she wanted to spend time with you, to be held by you. Right now, her neediness proved to be a double-edged sword.
You tried to watch a movie with her, but you fell asleep. Tara understood that. She did not understand how you fell asleep last night while she kissed your neck. She wouldn't even look at you or speak to you when you dropped by after morning sessions.
That's how you ended up right where you were now. Parked near the building where Sam’s therapist worked. It was a busy night, which was to be expected, people were partying and wearing costumes, and the usually busy streets got even more hectic. At least the night was clear, though maybe a bit ominous, or maybe you were just too tired. You would have liked to be at home, with Tara, apologizing for last night, but you were waiting for Sam instead, because you had a feeling it would be better if Sam was with you when you came home. You couldn't be more thankful when she came out of the therapy much sooner than she was supposed to.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," you greeted the moment Sam got into the passenger seat. Then you noticed the look on her face, that defeated look that told you she opened up a bit and it didn't go well. "Rough therapy?"
Sam looked at you, her eyes softening as she noticed just how tired you looked. "Rough day?"
You turned the engine on, loving the way the car came to life. "You have no idea," you sighed, just ready to get home, take the coldest shower possible to keep yourself awake, and hopefully make up for the last night's inability to stay awake. At least driving wasn't an issue. You never bothered to seek an explanation, but whenever you were driving you were completely awake, no matter how little sleep you had, or how tired you were. Step out of the car, sleepy, behind the wheel, completely awake. Maybe it was as simple as being responsible and not wanting to get into an accident, frankly, you only cared that you could drive and not worry about falling asleep.
"Tara?" Sam guessed, though that probably wasn't difficult, you saw how cranky Tara was this morning. Sam must have seen it as well.
"Uh... let's just say I fell asleep when I shouldn't have," you blushed, hoping that Sam wouldn't question it further.
"You've been exhausted ever since Thomas left, I'm sure Tara understands that," Sam did not avoid further questioning.
"Yeah, not when you fall asleep while your girlfriend is kissing your neck," you grumbled through clenched teeth. You didn't need to turn to look at Sam, you could feel the incredulous look on her face. In your defense, Tara was warm, and lying on top of you, and you were tired, and the kisses felt really comforting and good. Comfy and sleepy was a combination not even you could beat.
Sam suddenly began stifling a laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just funny," well, you'd probably laugh about it once Tara gets over it. "You two will be fine, Tara just misses you, you know?"
You nodded, not taking your eyes off the road. You knew better than anyone how Tara was, you knew how much she missed you, and she knew you missed her too. She was just being salty at the moment. "I know, Sam, I miss her too," you couldn't help but smile, it was just a small lover quarrel, not even that, really, since you didn't have the capacity to participate.
"I have an idea," you were vaguely aware of Sam pulling out her phone. Was she calling Tara? Probably.
No one answered though and you were suddenly reminded of what happened roughly four months ago.
"You know you're supposed to pick up when I call," Sam's concerned voice made you even more worried. "I got out of therapy early and Y/N is driving me back home. I was thinking we could cook dinner tonight. I mean, if that's what you'd like," she left the message and sighed.
"She probably, ah, I don't even know, maybe her phone is charging?" you were grasping at straws, but you weren't ready to think of the other options just yet.
"Or she's at a party, Omega something," Sam buried her face in her hands, trying her best to not get frustrated right away.
"What party?" shit, you were starting to think falling asleep last night was the worst possible timing, ever.
"There's a frat party tonight, she really wanted to go, but I begged her not to," the arrangement you and Sam managed to get Tara to agree to, remained unspoken.
After Tara first disappeared and went to a party the three of you came to an agreement. She could have her parties, as long as you or Sam were with her. Mindy or Chad wouldn’t do, Tara refused to listen to them, she refused to stop unless you or Sam made her stop, and as worried about Tara as they were, they didn’t exactly want to go to parties to babysit her. You wouldn't stop her from having fun or drinking until she reached a very specific point between drunk and no longer aware of what was happening.
You hated just watching over her, but you tried to step in sooner exactly one time before she got drunk. The next time there was a party Tara went and disappeared again, so you just figured it was better to stay by her side and make sure she was fine than to drive around the whole damn city looking for her.
"I don't know how to reach her, Sam," you confessed, the mental toll of watching Tara cope in one of the worst ways possible was slowly getting to you. You'd do anything to get her to stop drinking like that, but she just wouldn't listen to you. "Should I just drive straight to that party?"
Sam thought it over. "Let's check if she's home first."
You both knew it was extremely unlikely, but you still hoped.
You hoped even as Sam unlocked the apartment, but you couldn't hope once it was clear Tara wasn't there. You leaned against the wall, completely awake now. "She didn't even bring her taser," you pointed out, huffing as you began pacing the apartment. You knew you should already be heading out to find Tara, but you just needed a moment.
"I'll go get her, rest for a bit," you wanted to argue when Sam said that, but honestly, you just felt relief. "I'll call you if she's not at that party."
"Thanks," you just let her, not sure how drunk Tara would be, or if you were ready for another hunt all over New York, so if you could delay it even for ten or fifteen minutes, you'd accept that opportunity. You sat down on the sofa as Sam left the apartment.
"How the fuck am I supposed to help you, Tara?" you leaned back against the sofa, letting your eyes close just for a moment.
She was annoyed, not nearly as drunk as she would have liked and the party was running out of alcohol. You were working, and you were covering Thomas’ classes as well, so you were exhausted. Tara understood that, hell, she was thankful that your job functioned the way it did, because you normally had plenty of free time. And you had every other weekend off, seeing as you’d work one weekend, and Thomas would take the other. You had enough time to study, attend most of the classes and still had time for her.
If she wasn’t drunk, she’d admit she overreacted this morning, that as strong as you were you weren’t superhuman and that all the exhaustion just caught up with you last night. That it wasn’t what you wanted, but you just couldn’t fight it, and she knew what kind of effect she had on you, she knew you got really comfortable when she was on top of you.
She’d apologize tomorrow, because she knew you’d get worried when you come home and see she wasn’t there. She still had at least half an hour left until Sam was done with her therapy, and if she was lucky the two of you would take your time coming home, which would let go back home and pretend she was asleep, so maybe she could avoid making you worry.
She had enough time to find a few more drinks, so when a guy that clearly wanted to fuck her offered her drinks, she figured she could just grab the drinks and go back to Mindy and Anika. She’d get drinks, he’d get disappointed, but she wouldn’t have to deal with him too much. At least that was her drunken reasoning.
When your eyes opened again it was because of your phone ringing. "Did you find her?" you answered without quite looking at who was calling you, it had to be Sam, and you immediately got up, ready to get the car keys if Sam didn't find Tara.
"I did. She's pissed though, she should be at the apartment in a minute or two," Sam warned you.
"She's pissed? Brilliant! Just perfect!" you hung up just as you yanked the doors open and saw Tara climbing up the stairs.
"Don't you even start!" she yelled the moment she saw your mouth opening.
You felt really close to snapping as you stepped outside the apartment to meet Tara. "Oh, I'm sorry, did your party get interrupted?"
You could see she was going to walk by you and get inside, but the mocking in your tone made her halt right next to you. "It did! And you know what? I was about to hook up with a guy!" if you were any less tired, any more attentive to the way her eyes immediately filled with regret when she said that, then maybe you would have been able to control your temper.
Not tonight though. "Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time you were with someone while loving me, now, would it?!" a low blow, reminding Tara of her relationship with Amber, but you were reaching your limit.
Tara recoiled as if you slapped her. "Do not bring Amber into this, Y/N!"
"Hey, come on, this isn't like you," Chad tried to get between you two.
"Stay out of this," you warned, but Tara was already heading inside.
"No need! We're done talking!" she yelled while marching to your room.
"Oh, no, not this time, Tara!" you went after her, catching the doors just as she was about to slam them shut.
"What do you want, Y/N?! I'm living my life, you hear me?! it's mine, not ours!" she screamed, pushing her finger into your chest. She took a step back, puling the headband she had on off and tossing it aside, her breathing getting faster as she pointed at you again."You're possessive, you won't let me go to any party alone; you've become even more controlling than Amber!"
You threw your hands up in the air, just for a moment looking anywhere but at Tara. "Maybe I wouldn't have to be if you had an ounce of self-control! Or do I need to remind you how I found you the two times you were at a party on your own?!"
"What of it? I ended up in a bad place twice, and? Surely, I've run out of all the awful things that can happen to me by now!" she was having difficulty breathing and the red haze that had overcome you faded away, the telltale signs of her needing her inhaler made you set your anger aside for now.
"And if you haven't? If someone takes advantage of how drunk you are?" you stopped shouting, even though some of the anger was still there.
Tara just shrugged. "Add it to the list, I guess," you stepped away from her and went outside the room. "Y/N!" she gasped your name but didn't come after you, a coughing fit kept her in place.
You weren’t leaving her; you just didn’t get to take the new inhaler out of your bag. Just goes to show how hectic the past week was. You came back to the room, unpacking the inhaler you got a few days ago. "Your current one ran out, right?" you pulled her down to sit next to you and brought the inhaler to her mouth. "I can't, Tara, I can't take it if something happens to you again," you could only hope she would finally hear you. Judging by the way she clung to you, gripping your shirt like it was the only thing keeping her grounded, a tiny bit of you hoped she would hear you this time.
"You're not angry with me?" she asked, tired of shouting as well, tired of being angry, of not having you around since you started covering Thomas’ part of the training.
You almost told a lie as you smoothed out the few strands of her hair that were out of place now that she took the headband off. "I am, but I'm more worried about you than I'm angry at you," especially when her asthma gets triggered. At that point, any argument can wait, and you guessed those pauses also made both of you calm down.
"I wasn't really going to hook up with anyone. I just wanted, I don't even know what I wanted. To make you angry, or to hurt you, I guess? I regretted it the moment I said it," she confessed, tentatively climbing into your lap for comfort.
You took a deep breath, feeling the tension between you two dissipating with every moment. Tara was drunk, and pissed that Sam just showed up at the party, and something probably happened there as well that caused this much anger, so, given last night, she wanted a payback, and so she said something she knew would make you angry. “We’ll be fine,” you muttered, leaning your head against her shoulder, you weren’t completely fine, but you would be.
"I'm not messed up," she whispered into your ear, and you pulled back to look at her. The desire to continue what she started last night was more than evident in her eyes, but you shook your head.
"No, you are. You are still drunk," you weren't about to do anything with Tara while she was even slightly drunk.
Tara responded with a huff and pulled back from you as much as she could while still sitting on your lap. "Fine, fine," she knew better than to argue with you on that.
A knock on the doors caught your attention and Tara got off your lap so you could go and open the doors.
"Oh, thank God you're not fighting anymore," Anika said as soon as she noticed neither one of you was frowning.
"Told you love birds would be fine," Mindy patted her on the back.
Chad coughed. "More important things people," he reminded the two and you tilted your head to the side. "You need to see this," he pointed toward the TV, and you felt a shiver run down your spine due to the worried look on his face.
You and Tara went into the living room, Tara sat down while you leaned onto the sofa as all of you listened to the news. You couldn't believe the nightmare was starting again. Someone was brutally stabbed and a Ghostface mask was found at the scene of the crime. Even worse than that Mindy recognized the names and from the look on Tara's face so did she.
"You know them?" you asked as you sat down next to her. She immediately reached for your hand, grounding herself before she could start panicking.
"Barely, not that it matters, this isn't about us," you could see the worry in her eyes, the fear that it actually was about all of you.
That's when Sam came in, followed by a guy you came across every now and then. Danny? Tara thought something was going on between Sam and him, but she didn't have proof and you weren't about to ask Sam if she wasn't going to talk.
The moment Sam figured out what was going on it was like someone flipped a switch. "Pack a bag, we leave in ten," you and Tara just looked at each other before Tara jumped to her feet.
"Sam! Wait, Sam!" Tara went after her into the kitchen.
"We're leaving town," Sam ordered, not even for a moment considering Tara's objection.
You walked in, hugging Tara around her waist from behind to calm her down, she just had an asthma attack and you wanted her to feel safe. "Sam, you know running away didn't work last time," sure, you came back to Woodsboro willingly, but Amber and Richie were going to use Chad, Mindy, and Liv as bait anyway.
"It'll work this time," Sam picked up the biggest knife you had and went back to the living room.
Tara got out of your hug but began holding your hand. "Hold on, let's talk for a second. 'Cause this might not have anything to do with us," Tara followed after Sam, pulling you along and trying to reason with her.
"Are you serious?" Sam demanded, finally turning to look at Tara.
"It's a big city! It's Halloween. Everybody's wearing masks! You don't know-"
"Tara! Tara, this isn't a coincidence! You knew him!" Sam interrupted.
"Barely," Tara leaned back into you, prompting you to once again place your arms around her waist.
"Chad, Mindy, back me up," Sam turned to the twins.
"I mean it is a bit..." the expression on Chad's face showed he agreed with Sam.
"Too close to home," Mindy basically finished for him.
"Sam, we finally got our lives together here," you took Tara’s side, yes there were issues, yes, Tara wasn't handling things properly, but you were building something here.
"We'll do that again, somewhere safer," Sam assured you, not even wasting a second to push back against any arguments in favor of staying.
"So, you're just making the unilateral decision to abandon my and Y/N's college education and flee the fucking state!" Tara clenched her fingers around your hands. The weaker grip in her left hand nearly made you reconsider.
"Y/N," Sam turned to you, looking for support. "Please don't take Tara's side just because it's Tara."
You shook your head. "Sam, I'm not going to run every time there's a hint of danger. If we do that we'll always be on the run, I won't live like that and if Tara doesn't want that-"
"Which I don't," Tara quickly chimed in.
"Then I won't let you force her to live like that," you could feel Tara's anxiety rising as Sam remained silent.
And then the phone rang, and Tara nearly jumped in your arms. She wasn't the only one affected, everyone was put on edge by Sam's phone ringing.
Sam went over to the phone and rejected the call. "It was Gale," she said, which wasn't a good sign. Especially since Gale's book didn't exactly make any of you the fans of the reporter.
"Why did everyone freak out when her phone rang?" you almost forgot Ethan was there.
"You gotta keep up, my dude," Anika just told him.
Sam's phone rang again, this time from an unknown caller, and though anxiously she still picked up. "Yes?"
There was a pause for a few moments. "Yes, it's me," Sam replied to whoever was on the other side of the line. "Okay, okay, I'll come," she hung up. "It's the police, they want me to come down to the station," she didn't waste a moment and picked her jacket up to leave.
Tara just looked at you. There was no need to talk, you grabbed your jackets and you turned to Chad. "You guys be careful," you went after Tara, grabbing the keys on the way. You considered driving, but the police station wasn't that far, and it was late, it was Halloween and people were partying, so maybe walking was a better option. Not to mention you were still tired, and maybe you didn’t have it in you to drive to the station and back as you were.
You caught up with Tara at the bottom of the stairs and she gave you a quick, though a bit uncertain, smile. "We'll be fine, Love," you quickly leaned down to kiss the top of her head and then she led you outside, after Sam.
"Sam, slow down," Tara called after her sister.
"Tara, no, get back inside, lock the doors," Sam immediately rejected the idea of Tara coming with her.
"Are you serious? Now you don't want to stick together? Besides, I have Y/N," and both you and Sam knew Tara would feel better if you were there for both her and Sam.
"You heard the boss, Sam, don't fight this," you offered Sam a cheeky smile and she just shook her head.
"Fine, let's go," she gave in and motioned you and Tara to follow her.
You were about ten minutes away from the station when Sam's phone rang again, and you saw that the caller was... Richie?
"The fuck?" Tara said exactly what you thought.
"I never deleted his contact," you raised an eyebrow at that. Really, Sam? "This is coming from his number."
"Don't pick that up," Tara told her, but you were already tuning the conversation out, instead looking around the three of you.
Whoever was behind this now couldn't appear out of nowhere. You couldn't see anything suspicious behind you, but you felt Tara quickly grabbing onto your forearm. You turned around and saw a man approaching, holding a phone, so you stepped in front of Tara and Sam, ready to act the moment he made any move.
There was no need for that, the man just walked by the three of you.
The police sirens put you on edge as you made sure Tara was close to you.
"You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, asshole," just as Sam said it you noticed a movement to your right.
And there it was. The familiar robe and mask coming almost out of nowhere, hidden by the darkness of the night and shadows. You pushed Tara toward Sam and stepped between the two and the reoccurring nightmare. You did a quick jab followed by a hook, sending the figure into the bicycles behind him.
Something felt wrong. He fell too easily. As if he decided to fall. "Run!" you ushered Tara and Sam, not that you needed to as Sam was already getting Tara away from the could-have-been fight.
You turned back when you caught up to them, to see the Ghostface chasing after you.
"Y/N?!" you saw fear in Tara's eyes, the confusion caused by you of all people running.
"Something's different! I don't know what, but it just feels wrong!" you liked to think years of fighting gave you a good sense of what someone can and can't do in a fight and you didn't like one bit what happened right there.
Your words only increased Tara's fear. "Help! Please!" She cried out, hoping maybe someone would hear her.
"In there!" Sam pointed at a bodega just around the corner.
The three of you ran in, with Tara and Sam cutting the line and pleading for the clerk to call the police. You just stood with your back turned to them, waiting for Ghostface. You saw him at the door, looking much bigger than you. Tara, probably still thinking about what you just told her, grabbed onto your forearm, and tried to pull you back. "Please, Y/N," you glanced back, seeing the fear in her eyes. That one moment was enough for everything to go wrong. Ghostface quickly killed two men, tossing them aside and advancing toward the three of you.
"Sam! Don't!" judging by Tara's screams you figured Sam was pulling her back.
You relaxed, easily shifting into a fighting stance. As wrong as it felt, you knew there wasn't a way out without a fight. Besides, if you could end this now, you'd have only one more Ghostface to worry about.
"Hey!" the man working at the bodega shouted and raised a shotgun, firing it at Ghostface. As the Ghostface vanished behind the shelves you couldn't help but wonder why the man didn't just shoot first. You know, without warning the clearly armed and dangerous masked individual?
"Go out the back!" he told the three of you.
Well, you weren't about to waste that.
"Thank you!" Tara said, but as the three of you got to the back doors you realized it was locked. "Shit! Keys! We need your keys!"
The man turned to give them to her and Ghostface took his chance. Stabbing the man and taking the shotgun, shooting the man that tried to help you.
The three of you ducked behind shelves and you glanced at Tara. You've fought Ghostface before. You were afraid before. But back then you were afraid for Tara. Now you were afraid of the killer. There was nothing you could do against a shotgun. There was no way you could get shot and survive, let alone continue fighting. There was no way Tara or Sam would survive and just for a moment, between fight, flight, or freeze, your body chose to freeze.
Ghostface shot the freezers behind you, shattering the glass. Sam began moving again, trying to crawl to safety, trying desperately to keep Tara alive. Tara, however, wouldn't move an inch without you.
Another shot knocked a bunch of cans down, halting your escape and making Tara squeeze your hand. That snapped you out of it and you pulled the two of them back toward freezers. From the looks of it, you did that just in time as Ghostface came to the side you were on mere moments ago. You looked at Tara as she silently cried and moved, staying crouched as you moved toward Ghostface. You'd go around the shelves and try to take him down from behind.
Your heart hammered in your chest when you turned around the corner and saw a shotgun right in front of your face. You weren't fast enough to get it out of the way, no, you were allowed to grab it and lift it up. "Run!" the last time you screamed as loud as you just did Amber was holding Tara at gunpoint.
"Y/N!" Tara screamed your name, but you didn't look at her, you looked at Sam.
"Take Tara and run, damn it!" you yelled, pushing the shotgun up to make sure Ghotface couldn't shoot any of you. You couldn't focus on anything else, not on the screaming or Sam's frantic attempts to get Tara out of bodega, you could only focus on the fight. You felt a small sense of relief, knowing that as long as you kept holding the shotgun Ghostface wouldn't be able to let go of it either.
The moment you vaguely heard the doors opening you yanked the shotgun down and kneed the man in his stomach. There wasn't even a grunt, but he tossed the shotgun away so that neither of you could use it. You let him, using the small opening to land an uppercut to the jaw, followed by several hard and fast punches to the face. You pushed him into the counter, continuing the assault. It felt wrong. It felt like your punches barely affected him. He was moving, reacting to your punches, but it was too much, it was as if he was moving on his own, and not due to your hits.
A hard hit to the side knocked all the air from your lungs and he easily pushed you back. He slammed his shoulder into you, taking you to the ground. You gasped for air, barely having time to put up a guard before a fist could connect with your face. You recognized this feeling all too well. You were in this exact position plenty of times. You raised your elbow, hitting his jaw and getting up just enough to put him in a chokehold.
Another hit to the side nearly made you let him go, but you squeezed harder, trying to find a way to snap his neck despite the mask. The third hit to the side loosened your hold enough for him to get on his feet and slam you back down on the ground. You felt like everything was spinning as he repeated the same motion again. Lifting your entire body up and slamming it back down on the hard floor. By now you were too shaken to even hold onto him.
And then you went flying, right through the glass and onto the pavement.
"Y/N!" that was Tara's voice. Shit. She didn't get far enough.
"Run, you idiot," you wheezed as you rolled over, trying to get on your hands and knees. The police arriving saved your life.
Tara was immediately with you, yet you barely heard her saying your name, you barely felt her worried touch. A single thought went through your mind as the police officers scattered around the perimeter and all you could see was a mask on the store's floor. 'I can't beat him.'
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sunnebeam · 3 months
in the heart of the jungle.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
warnings: smut (18+), gangster squad au, mentions of mafia shit, flashbacks, domesticity, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), a happy ending yall :'>
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: i'm alive, friends!!!! 😭 sorry it took so long to post this but things have been hectic irl. i'll make a separate post about it but anyways here's the finale!! i can't believe this is the final drabble 😭 thank u guys for sticking around. hope u enjoyed this cute lil drabble series & don't forget feedback is highly appreciated <3
— previous – ain't no god on my streets.
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"Looking for this?"
You look up to see an extremely attractive man holding up your bracelet. You don't remember taking it off.
"Thanks," you say, taking it from him, thinking you must've accidentally lost it earlier when you and Taehyung first arrived at the restaurant.
"Sure," he responds and you're about to head back to your boyfriend's table when the man decides to introduce himself. "I'm Jungkook, by the way."
You tell him your name but you don't leave it at that, intrigue making you want to see where your conversation goes.
"Say, Jungkook, I bet you got a good story behind that handsome smile of yours."
"Yeah, sure, I got some stories," he says, smiling smugly. "Let's see, I almost got kicked off a plane once. Slept with one of the flight attendants in the restroom but turns out she was the pilot's girlfriend."
He turns to you. "Are you weak in the knees yet?"
"Sure I am," you hum, staring at his silver watch and silver hoop earrings. "What's your racket, handsome?"
"Me?" He shrugs. "Well, I'm actually a Bible salesman."
He's so full of shit. But, he's hot.
"A Bible salesman, huh," you huff. "So you wanna take me away from all of this," you gesture to the fancy restaurant and the posh customers, "and make an honest woman out of me?"
He shakes his head.
"No, doll. I was just hoping to take you to bed."
You wake up with a start, the charms on your bracelet – the very same bracelet from your dream – digging into your wrist as you're clenching your fist with more strength than usual.
The reason? No other than the man behind you.
"Good," he says, his breath tickling your ear as he spoons you, "you're finally awake."
It takes you a heartbeat to fully register why you woke up but then you feel fingers moving in and out of you at such a pleasurable pace.
Three fingers, to be specific. And tattooed ones, at that.
"J-Jungkook?" you stutter, mind half asleep and half focused on the sensation.
"You're so wet, doll," he says, groaning when you clench around his fingers. "Fuck!"
You reach behind you, fully awake now, and grab a hold of his hard member. You pump it a few times before he finally gets the message.
"Lift your leg up," he orders, fingers pulling out of you. "Higher, doll– Yeah, that's it. Good girl."
You feel more juices dribble out of you with the praise and Jungkook takes full advantage of this, smearing them all over his painfully hard dick. You whine when he purposely nudges your clit with the head.
Finally, he pushes in.
You both moan, the feeling of being connected already so familiar yet it never fails to amaze the both of you everytime. You don't move yet, savoring the warm feeling for a few more seconds before you finally get impatient.
"Jungkook, please," you plead when you feel him twitch inside you.
Your lover complies without second thoughts, thrusting in and out of your pussy, languidly at first but then slowly picking up the pace.
You moan loudly, reaching behind you to place your hands behind his head and gently pull his hair. He grunts appreciatively before his hand reaches down your front and plays with your clit for you.
His thrusts become faster, his cock slipping out of you in between sloppy thrusts but he manages to put it back in before you could even cry in protest.
It's messy, sloppy, desperate, passionate.
It doesn't take long before you're creaming around him, pussy walls contracting to milk his orgasm out of him. He follows right after, painting your insides white and giving you all he's got.
You're both spent, panting, but he doesn't pull out right away, knowing you like it like this. Instead, he kisses your temple tenderly and hugging you close, knowing you like the closeness.
"I love you," he whispers freely.
"I love you, too," you respond just as freely, the days of hiding your love far behind you.
He grins before looking at the clock. "We're gonna be late."
You pout, making it hard for him to resist you when you ask, "a couple more minutes, please?"
It was all too easy for Jungkook to agree with your request. But in hindsight, the two of you should've known better because now, you're getting ready in a hurry, having lost track of time.
Your lover watches you as you're rummaging through your drawers looking for your bracelet, and it reminds of him of the very first night you met.
He remembers trying to charm you, but he most especially remembers you seeing right through his act. He remembers thinking you were way too good for him, so he kept telling himself it was all for the case and you were just a means to crack it.
But most of all, he remembers all that has happened in between, and he couldn't be any happier that this thing with you worked out in the end.
Jungkook shakes out of his daydream to hear you calling for him.
"Looking for this?" he asks you, smirking.
You turn to see him holding your bracelet in a pleasant sense of deja vu.
"As a matter of fact, I am," you respond, grinning and walking towards him. When you come nearer, he takes your hand and clasps the bracelet securely around your wrist for you before kissing your palm.
"Are you ready?" he asks you.
You nod, grabbing onto his arm as you leave your shared apartment to meet with the rest of his former crew for dinner.
It's been seven months since that fateful day. They managed to bring Taehyung behind bars with all the evidence they accumulated after months of investigating, but it was your detailed testimony that kept him locked and away. Geunsoo was honored in a tribute and was laid to rest. Finally, Taehyung's case and reign over the undercity finally came to an end.
Your testimony definitely helped with your involvement in the case and the accusations against you, but Jungkook and the guys also fought like hell for your innocence. In the end, it all worked out and you were finally free.
Free to live, free to love, and free to be with Jungkook.
Now, as you sit in the car with him on the driver's seat, you stare out the window and at the city lights.
The city is always beautiful any time of the day but for you, it's much more of a marvel at night. And as you stare at the blinking city lights before you, you think that things will finally be alright.
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123 notes · View notes
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Homecoming Daydream Part 3
Summary: “And you’re mine“, she sighed happily. All mine.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x reader.
Genre: Romance, fluff and smut.
WC: 4.473
Author's note: This is a multiple-chapter Toto x Reader fanfic. Noted that English is not my mother tongue so there will be mistakes.
Hi guys, it’s been a whirlwind journey for me to create something such a beautiful piece of work and to actually publish it on here. Thanks for all the love and support. I love you all! And here it is the very last part of the story. I love every bit of it.
Thanks @peachapat119 for being such an amazing beta reader 🫶🏻
Part 1
Part 2
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Y/n leaned forward getting a closer look at the mirror inside the bathroom as she carefully re-applied her plush, red lip. She smacked her lips together to get the right shade of red in how it should be. Slowly, she let out a sigh and took a deep breath. This was not the first time today that she needed to remind herself she is, no was getting married. The reality still hadn’t fully sunk in. Finally, they were married. She was married. Married to him. To the man, she held close to her heart and mind.
As if sensing she was thinking about him, she heard her husband’s steps in the bedroom. Of course, since she thought about him all the time, the timing wasn’t a hard feat to manage. She looked up in the mirror and was met with a smile that threatened to melt her bones into goo. Good thing he stepped up behind her to hold her upright, his warm hands encircling her waist in a loving embrace.
“Hi there, Schzat,” He softly murmured in his low voice, almost as a whisper, ones that she can not be mistaken.
“Hi,” she whispered happily, hands on top of his around her waist.
“I missed you downstairs. Is there anything wrong?”
“I’m fine, just needed to freshen up a bit.”
Toto hummed contentedly, softly swaying them to the music that drifted through the open windows. She leaned back into him, enjoying how safe and protected she felt in his arms. He placed a chaste kiss on her shoulder, before tracing the shell of her ear with his nose.
„Have I told you how incredibly beautiful you look today?“
Her smile turned into a grin.
„Only about a dozen times.“
He shook his head and tsk-ed her quietly.
“A dozen? That’s not nearly enough. Let me remedy that right now.“
He turned her around in his arms until they were face to face and she was almost blinded by the happy expression on his face. He looked almost boyish with joy.
He got that boyish look that I like in a man
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans
It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands
No one understands
An angelic voice inside of her head suddenly sing along to the song that made her laugh aloud.
“You look utterly, undeniably, devastatingly gorgeous tonight, Mrs. Wolff.”
Y/n giggled.
“You really love calling me that, don’t you?“
“I really, really do.“
Toto slid his arms over her waist and back, until he reached her neck, gently cradling her head while he pulled her in for a kiss. It wasn’t their first kiss tonight, and it wouldn’t be their last by a long shot, but that didn’t make it any less remarkable.
Their kisses were filled with passion and desire, each one igniting a fire within them that had been burning since they first laid eyes on each other. Toto's hands traveled down her back, pulling her closer to him as their lips moved together in a dance of love and lust.
He could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest, matching the rhythm of his own. Their bodies pressed against each other, fitting together perfectly like two puzzle pieces that had finally found their match.
As the kiss deepened, their breath mingled together, creating a sweet and intoxicating mixture that filled the air around them. Toto couldn't get enough of her, couldn't resist the pull she had on him. He wanted to drown in her, to lose himself in the passion that consumed them both.
And as they finally pulled away, both breathless and flushed with desire, Toto knew that this was just the beginning of a love that would last a lifetime. Their connection was undeniable, their chemistry electric. And as he looked into her eyes, he knew that he had found his soulmate in her.
Toto’s body vibrated with a moan of his own, as he matched her intensity. The sound of it made her insides flutter and liquid heat pool at the apex of her thighs. Especially since she could feel the effects of their kiss against her stomach, plump and quickly hardening.
Y/n pulled back, trying to catch her breath. Toto didn’t care, he continued the onslaught of kisses on her body, trailing down the sides of her throat, following the neckline of her dress.
“Look so perfect, so beautiful, mein Engel“, he murmured, his hot breath against her skin. “Can’t believe you’re mine.“
Y/n gasped and giggled.
“And you’re mine“, she sighed happily. All mine.
Y/n looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his love and devotion reflected back at her. She knew that they were meant to be together, that their love was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love.
In that moment, they were lost in each other, consumed by the intensity of their love. Nothing else mattered, not the past or the future, only the present moment filled with love and passion. Y/n knew that she was truly home, in the arms of the man she loved more than anything in the world.
She smiled mischievously when pulled back from the kiss and licked her lips, feeling a surge of desire buzzing through her veins. Closing the distance between them, she ran her hands up his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath her touch. Toto's breath hitched as her fingers trailed down his abdomen, causing her to smirk in satisfaction. When she looked up at him, she saw a mix of desire and amusement in his eyes.
“What are you up to, Schatz?” He asked, a hint of challenge in his tone.
She grinned, teasingly tugging on his tie before trailing her fingers along the waistband of his trousers.
"Just appreciating what's mine," she replied coyly.
Toto chuckled, his gaze darkening as she continued to tease him.
"Is that so? And why did you push me away earlier?"
She shrugged playfully, running her nails lightly across his waistband.
"I just remembered something I wanted to try."
"What's that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
She hummed softly, pressing a kiss to his neck before sinking to her knees in front of him. The surprise in his expression brought a thrill to her as she slowly unbuckled his belt, revealing his erection straining against his briefs.
"I couldn't stop thinking about doing this last night," she murmured, her voice low and seductive.
"Thinking about what, Liebe? Teasing me?" he growled, his desire evident in his voice.
Ignoring the submissive urge within her, she confidently pulled down his briefs and wrapped her hand around his cock, eliciting a groan from him.
“I swore to give you all of mine. So this belongs to me, right?” She asked in a sultry tone, looking at him through her eyelashes.
He gazed down at her, his breathing heavy, before finally closing his eyes and nodding.
“I’m yours, Schatz. Yours, forever, If you have me.”
"Good boy," she purred, stroking him slowly. "You'll only ever come for me, won't you?"
"Only for you," he replied, his voice strained with desire.
She smiled wickedly, enjoying the power she held over him.
"Remember that, my dear husband. You belong to me, completely and utterly."
She leaned forward, bracing herself on his muscular thighs and stuck out her tongue, letting some saliva trickle off onto the head of his cock. With her fingertips, she dragged the liquid downward, over the thick pulsing vein running down the middle, until she could draw little circles on the skin of his sack. When she heard another sharp exhale from above, she stopped tracing and gripped him again, and started pumping him in lazy strokes.
"Hmm, I’ve always loved how hard you get for me, dear husband."
He twitched in her hand and her smile turned into a sly grin.
"Fuck, Schatz. Whatever you're planning on doing, you better be ready for the consequences."
The threat sent a tingle down her spine. And when she looked up, she was met with that beautiful intensity, those brown eyes wanting. When she sped up her strokes just slightly, his gaze darkened and dropped from her face to her hand, more specifically her finger. The finger that now carried his diamond ring, sparkling in the low light. Her heart fluttered unevenly in her chest. Leave it to her husband to be turned on by the physical proof of their commitment.
"All I plan on doing is pleasing my husband. How am I doing so far?"
As she continued to stroke him, she could sense his control slipping away. The way his breath caught in his throat, the way his fingers dug into the sheets beneath him. She knew exactly how to push his buttons and she reveled in the power she held over him in this moment. The ring on her finger served as a reminder of their love and devotion, but in this moment, it was just a symbol of their shared desire and passion. And as she watched him come undone beneath her touch, she knew that they were connected on a deeper level than just the physical. Their love was a force to be reckoned with, and she was determined to show him just how much she adored him in every way possible.
She watched, mesmerized as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. His jaw clenched, as she kept up her movements.
“I love it when you touch me, Schatz. But you know what I need to be truly satisfied.“
Yes, she knew. By now she was very familiar with Toto’s single-minded need to drown her in pleasure, pulling endless orgasms out of her body until she was a helpless, boneless mess.
Y/n could feel her arousal soaked through her panties. She was dying as much as Toto, she wanted to touch her self but as if he could read her mind
“Don’t you dare to do so, Liebe. Even on our wedding day, you know full-well that that’s not the place for you to touch.”
The tinge of anger in his voice only spurned her on further. She took him back into her mouth, pushing forward until he hit the back of her throat, hollowing out her cheeks and sucking gently as she pulled back. When he groaned loudly as she took him deeper, she could feel the sound vibrating through her entire body.
Toto was getting close, too. She could tell by the tension in his strained muscles, his irregular breathing and uneven pace. He leaned back to hold on to the counter behind him, and something crinkled and dropped to the ground. But neither of them was able to care.
Y/n flicked her tongue against the head of his cock and sucked again, harder this time, tightening her lips around him. She rubbed her other hand over his thigh, moving higher to cradle his balls in her palm, rolling them just slightly.
Toto’s hips jerked as he pushed back into her mouth and he let out another guttural groan. The sound drove her mad with lust as she pushed herself to the edge, the gentle climax relaxing not just her core, but also her throat, as she took him deeper and moaned.
He cursed through clenched teeth and as soon as Y/n felt his hands in her hair, she also felt him spill in her mouth, hot and perfect. She dutifully swallowed every last drop and kept licking up and down his shaft as Toto panted heavily. He finally stopped moving and cradled her head in his hands, his cock still hard and throbbing on her tongue. Then he looked down, back at her and drew in a sharp breath.
“Holy shit“, he murmured when he got back to his senses.
In one swift move, he grabbed her by the elbows and pulled her up against him, kissing her with the hunger of a man who always wanted more. She melted into him, returning the kiss and pressing herself against his still-hard erection, hoping for the second round she suddenly very much craved.
They went back downstairs after Y/n managed to fix herself up somewhat. Though Toto immensely enjoyed the sight of his wife’s thoroughly fucked up hair and make-up, he didn’t need to share it with the rest of the wedding party. She slipped into different clothes, a lighter sundress. Even without the wedding gown, she looked so gorgeous, he couldn’t keep his hands off her, only relenting when she slapped them away on the way down the stairs with a giggle.
Finally, though, they were free from all the wild guests as Toto and Y/n left for their honeymoon.
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As soon as they step through the door of their hotel’s room, she attacks him while Toto hasn’t even had the chance to set their hotel’s key card and their luggage down.
“Easy there, Schatz.”
“Don’t blame me, husband.”
After a moment, she begins to suck and nibble at his throat. Toto has to fight back the growl that wants to leave his mouth. God, he’s half hard just from her mouth on his skin, and he’d say, also from having her in his arms, so who is he kidding?
Her hand goes in between their bodies, fingers wrapping around his length as she stands on her tiptoes and captures his mouth in a soft kiss. He groans out shamelessly before he deepens the kiss and slides his tongue into her mouth, tongue stroking along the roof of her mouth. She meets him halfway and closes in harder, hand still jerking him off. Her thumb draws circles on his slit, spreading the pre-cum around the pulsing head.
Y/N’s other hand travels from the back of his neck down to rest on his chest, breaking the kiss by pushing him away. Their foreheads are still fused as they come up for air.
“Take me to bed,”
He smiles before he kisses her again as both his hands thread through her hair, pulling them together. She’s quick to wrap her legs around his middle and Toto does his best to walk to their bedroom without slipping and falling.
It looks like he can reach his destination without incident. He makes sure to reach out and stores in the suitcases, although it’s damn distracting with a girl sucking on his neck.
Toto manages to lay her on the nicely made bed and pushes himself up to study her features. She whines at the loss of warmth. The sound that she lets out makes him chuckle because it’s so fucking adorable. It manages to tear at his heartstrings.
He pushes her further up and lays her head onto the pillow that’s fluffy enough to almost make her disappear. His heart takes another happy leap of the night when he hears her laughing with her head almost buried by the fluffiness of the cushion.
“Y/N? Where did you go?” Toto chuckles amused, his hands battling with the pillow right beside her head, making her reappear, “Oh, there you are,”
There’s still giggling when she reaches out and swats at his chest one-handed. Toto quickly takes hold of it, brings her hand to his lips and places a kiss on her knuckles before he lets go.
Hovering above her, with her hands around his biceps, he takes another moment to look at her. Takes that moment to memorize her face. He doesn’t know why, but he has a feeling that he won’t be able to enjoy her much longer, even though he hopes that his gut feeling isn’t going to be right the sinking feeling is there, and he doesn’t know the origin of it, nor can he explain it.
Her hand strokes up and down his arm, until they wind themselves around his neck, fingers stretching lightly at the short hair on the base of it as she pulls him down, and kisses him sweet and tender. Toto’s train of thought about the bad feeling has been cut short and he gives in to the kiss, his tongue sliding into her mouth before he sucks in her bottom lip, which elicits the sweetest of moans from her. It’s a sound he came to cherish. A sound he wouldn’t mind hearing every day.
He smirks as he kisses lower, down the column of her throat, her hands in his hair as he trails wet kisses down to the swell of her breasts. Her husband sucks in a nipple while he twirls her the other in between two of his fingers. She keens below him, nails digging into his scalp. He alternates between them, thinks he could spend hours between her tits, and wouldn’t even think it was a waste of time because truth be told, they are fucking magnificent.
Like a man on a mission, or rather possessed, Toto works his way further down when she starts to get impatient, chuckles as he licks a trail down her stomach, leaving warm kisses on the marks he sees, making sure that she knows he’s not appalled by them. It’s a part of her and he takes everything he gets.
Y/N spreads her legs willingly. He grins at her enthusiasm, fitting himself in between them before he runs a hand up and down her one thigh while he places quick kisses on the other one. He alternates between them, always stopping short before he reaches the apex of her thighs.
There’s a short intake of breath before she lets out a whine. “Toto!”
He looks up at her, raising one eyebrow with an easy smirk, “What?” He’s being a little shit, and one day, she’ll club him over the head with one of the big books she keeps by her nightstand at home and he wouldn’t even be able to be mad about it because he brought it upon himself.
“You’re teasing,” She manages to push past her lips. It comes out a little strained as she writhes below him.
He takes his time, brushing his beard along the inner of her thighs like he has a death wish. Her glare takes him by surprise, doesn’t mean he’s stopping, though.
“I do?” He asks, feigning innocence.
“God, you’re— fuck!”
He chuckles as he sucks in her clit, has successfully cut her off and made her shut up by doing just that. He lets it out with a lewd pop as one of his thumbs rubs along her slit to her entrance, “Better?”
Looking up at her, he sees her rolling her eyes in annoyance before her hand goes to the top of his head and guides him back down. He can’t hide the satisfied grin as his tongue swipes around her clit.
“Fuck, Y/N,” He growls low, she’s getting so wet, and her slick is painting his face. It’s the fucking best thing.
The fingers of one of his hands toy with her entrance while he makes out with her pussy, his other hand kneading the flesh of her thighs. He slips in a finger, feels her opening up to him and wraps it tight. He lets out another growl that doesn’t sound human.
Y/N wriggles her hips and he slips in another finger, curving them. Her breathing is ragged, both her hands now on his head, fingers threading through his wet mess of hair as she grinds down and he curves his fingers just as he knows will drive her fucking crazy.
“Toto, oh god,”
Jesus, he loves how his name sounds when she says it like that. It’s coming out broken and on edge.
“Come, Liebe,” He manages to breathe out, mouth hovering over her sensitive nub, “Be a good girl, come for me,”
“Fuckfuck,” She arches her back, pulling his head further into her hot cunt. He looks up and catches a glimpse of her tits pressed together by her arms, her nipples stiffening as she throws her head back. Her thighs quiver around him, her pussy clenching down on his two fingers, keeping them captive.
His tongue licks her softly as he helps her ride out her orgasm and places gentle kisses on the hood of her clit. He smiles when he looks up and sees her blinking her eyes open only to beam back at him.
“God, you are fucking amazing,” He whispers lowly before kissing his way up her body, taking a little more time to worry at her nipples, because how can he not. In the background, she chuckles softly.
“I think you got it backwards,” She says playfully, and when he works his way up her throat, she wraps her arms around him tight to bring him down for a searing kiss. It’s all soft and tender, not like the heated kisses he’s used to, and maybe it’s because they are not in a rush. They’ve got all the time in the world because she’s now his wife. And yet, still, he thinks this is just too good to be true.
His throbbing cock brushes against her still-slick cunt, making her hum against his lips.
“Toto, fuck me, please,” She whines, her fingers stroking at his hair, and along the shell of his ear and how can he say no to that?
He pauses and sends her his signature grin, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, please?”
Y/N emphasizes her words with a hip thrust forward, bumping her crotch against his hard-on. He’s so gone, growling again at the feel. What he absolutely loves is how she asks for it, since she knows that he likes to hear her beg and hear her use her words.
Her husband leans down and kisses her nose, “No.”
“No?” She asks with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Her eyebrows rise to her hairline.
“No,” He confirms, pressing a kiss between her eyebrows where a frown is showing. “I’m not fucking you.”
There’s that pout that tears at his heart. Fucking adorable. He can’t help but kiss it.
He grins again, wider this time, “I’m not fucking you, Schatz. I’m going to make love to you.”
At that, her mouth forms an O before her lips stretch across her face. Toto leans down to kiss the wide grin before he heaves himself up onto his haunches.
She’s lying here in front of him. It’s a fucking beautiful sight.
His hands spread her thighs some more and he moves closer on his knees. One of his hands takes his cock and threads the head through her slit, up and down, agonizingly slow. It’s like he wants to memorize the sight and the feel of his wife.
Toto might have gotten lost in the feel of it because she’s reaching down with one hand, scratching at his knee with her nails, “Toto!”
“Huh?” He jerks up momentarily and huffs out a chuckle when he realizes that he’s been stalling and therefore, teasing. “Yeah, okay. Okay, fuck, Y/N. Look at you,” He rests the tip at her entrance, pushing in just a little. His eyes fly to hers and back to her cunt that stretches around the head of his cock, ready to take him in further. He’s having difficulty deciding where to fucking look. Toto decides to keep his eyes on where their body connects, pushing in a little more and watching her pussy stretching around him, watching how it greedily hugs him and pulls him in. Fuck. “So good,” His voice is strained, and he has to swallow hard, “Your pussy feels so fucking good, Schatz,”
She clenches at the praise and he has to stop his movement for a hot minute. Everything is overwhelming, his senses are on overload and he fears that if she does that a few more times, he’ll be coming before he’s even fully inside, which would be really fucking embarrassing.
Her hand is on his knee again, tickling him there, “You okay?”
Chuckling, he lets himself down to hover above her, bracing himself on his forearms, bracketing her head in between. Her arms are around his waist and on his ass, trying to get him to move forward but he’s not budging.
He kisses her, sucks and nibbles at her bottom lip, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just have to take a moment, don’t fucking move,”
Y/N giggles and he bites her lips before he shuts her up by molding his lips to hers. He kisses her hot and hungry, not leaving her time to think about anything else until he’s ready.
Toto’s still kissing her when he finally moves, making her sigh into his mouth, drinking the sounds and hums of contentment, swallowing it as his dick carves a way into her hot heat.
He drops his head, kisses and nibbles his way to her earlobe, sucking it into his mouth as he whispers sweet things into her ear, “Always taking my cock so well, Y/N. So amazing, Schatz,”
This time, when the clench comes, he’s prepared. Toto inhales sharply, holding his breath for a little before he’s able to move again.
His movement is slow. He goes deep, her fingernails digging into his back every time he hits a particularly good spot. Once he figures it out, he keeps hitting that spot over and over. The scratch on his back hurts but it’s the good kind of hurt. He’s sure she’ll leave a mark and is secretly hoping for it.
“Toto,” His name falls like a prayer when she comes again unexpectedly.
From the way she squeezes around him, it’s less hard but more intense. He has to fight to stay inside, her cunt threatening to push him out.
“Fuck, Schatz,” He growls as he molds his mouth back on hers.
There’s this hazy feeling in his gut again when she kisses her, a fear that creeps up his spine that something so perfect can not last. And it’s like he’s begging her from the way he kisses her. Toto tries to tell her without using words and tries to tell her to stay with him. With every thrust of his hips, with every swipe of his tongue, he begs for her to fucking stay.
He comes shortly after, spilling what he thinks is his fucking soul inside of her. He doesn’t move though, keeping himself on his forearms as he tucks her hair behind her ear and rubs his nose against hers. He kisses her gently, kisses her nose, her forehead.
Y/N whines when he rolls off and gets out of bed, but he only does it so he can pull at the sheets and tuck them both inside.
They settle in the bed, her head on his chest as he strokes his fingers along her spine. Her breathing starts to even out, falling into a slumber. She’s his wife.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
hawthorne weekly dinner head canons
this has been sitting in my drafts for so long (although i only started posting earlier this week, i've had a few posts in my drafts for a while) you can't tell me they don't have weekly dinners. they're all literally so cute. like i can just imagine the four brothers, avery, libby, max, and even rebecca and thea sometimes spending some time all together. i might make a part two bc i honestly love the idea of all of them spending time together at dinner.
max and xander are always talking about the weird things that happened to them that week (once, they managed to get stuck with a lion in a cage at the zoo)
libby and grayson usually cook the food together. xander will help libby make the desserts.
once grayson starts dating someone (lyra probably, for some reason i'm still not convinced they'll end up together), obviously she joins these little dinners.
avery sometimes forces alisa to stop working and join too. she slowly starts to get over nash bc of them (she realises she's a girlboss and doesn't need a man in her life (i hc that she's bi))
grayson really enjoys the meals. he slowly starts to loosen up and smile more (this makes everyone really happy).
they once dared avery to make the food one night, but she's a horrible cook so they just decided to order take out.
jamie, when the plates and everything have been taken away from the table, gets on top of it and starts twerking.
the dinners always lead to everyone settling down in the living room and watching movies/tv shows (in two other posts, i mentioned that xander, grayson, libby, and avery love medical dramas so they probably all just watch that)
rebecca doesn't really like socializing with so many people at once so she brings a book with her. thea notices her all lonely and starts to talk to her bc she's such a good gf (istg they're so cute together).
avery and jameson always sit next to each other and are touching each other (sometimes jamie has an arm wrapped around her shoulder, other times he's holding her hand or places his hand on her thigh.
grayson canonically loves photography, and so these dinners give him the opportunity to show his work. he also takes pictures of them at dinner
sometimes he'll also show everyone some piano pieces he composed (this guy most definitely plays the piano)
these dinner usually end up becoming games of truth or dares, never have i ever, two truths and a lie etc. these games reveal so many things about everyone. so people get to know each other better
libby always has a slew of funny stories about baby avery. avery's always blushing from embarrassment.
sometimes, thea's just on her phone the whole time replying to comments and stuff.
xander likes to sit next to grayson cause he likes to talk about his gadgets and, bc gray doesn't really speak, he can talk freely (gray loves hearing him talk about things he enjoys). xander also has max sitting on his other side so that he can talk to her too, but usually she's busy talking to avery and stuff
during one of these family dinners, they learned that gray had an emo phase when he was 11.
they also learned that avery used to be a hopeless romantic thanks to max and libby (the four brothers, thea, rebecca, and alisa were all shocked cause she doesn't seem like she would be one but then they realized it made sense)
during a game of truth or dare, jameson managed to bang his head so hard on the table he passed out (idk what the dare was)
libby tends to sit across grayson and they start talking about cooking and stuff.
grayson once forgot about the dinner but really wanted to attend. he couldn't find a shirt he liked though and he was so tired that he just showed up shirtless (everyone had no words)
sometimes, avery or one of the brothers will post pics of their dinners and fans always think it's adorable.
jamie and avery will talk about the trips they took together
nash loves to talk about taylor swift's easter eggs/cryptic posts, etc. max who's also a hard core swiftie joins in. the rest of the table, at some point, start to like talking about these easter eggs too, and it becomes a huge thing (i hc that all of them were already swifties prior to these dinners. some less addicted to her music than others though)
they all like reading (except for thea, she doesn't get the point of it) so they start talking about thebooks they like or are currently reading.
at one of these family dinners, its revealed that nash reads smut (people already knew max and xander read smut already cause they aren't ashamed to talk about the weird shit they read)
max is always threatening avery to reveal all of her dirty secrets (they've been friends since childhood, of course max knows things about avery that no one else does)
at first, libby was kinda shy to talk at the table bc she felt like people didn't really care about what she had to say (fuck you drake, it's all cause of him) so nash started comforting her and encouraging her to talk. grayson overheard the conversation and started a conversation with her to encourage her. he told her that she was part of the family whether she wanted to or not, and people wanted to talk to her (she teared up).
sometimes, when libby gets anxious about speaking, nash will put his hand on her thigh and hype her up.
at first, grayson was so happy to have these dinners and be surrounded with people that love him that he would start to tear up in bed at night. over time, he started to accept that these people would always be in his life and stopped crying at night.
if anyone has requests, feel free to leave them! hope you guys like these <3. also here's a little seating plan i made for fun :) when lyra joins someday, she sits between gray and rebecca.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
Ok my friend Imma gonna hit you up for some more 😜 Fic Roulette!!!
1. 6 and 16
2. 10 and 39!
Hehehe, I'm almost afraid to ask but yes, Hunter 😂
You did marvelous on the last ones! Can't wait to see what you'll do with these!!!
Ohhhh sweet @dragonrider9905 You thought you could stump me huh? Well you almost did. LOL. Just kidding.
I hope you enjoy both stories. This is 6 and 16.
Love oo,
Not Your Fault
Warnings: Feelings of guilt, mentions of death, fluff, grief, sadness, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Omega laughed as you tried to do a fishtail braid, “Sorry,  hun, I’m doing my best here, but it’s coming out a little …” you scrunch your face as you look at your handiwork, “Let’s just say if this was a real fish’s tail, this fish would be dead. Do you mind if I start over?”
“No. Go ahead.” She answered with patience and love, just happy to spend time with you.
So you set to remake the fishtail, yet, no matter how hard you tried, the tails didn’t look even or how Omega wanted them, and she couldn’t stop laughing, “Omega,” you laughed unable to hold back, “I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.”
It was about another hour when you had finally managed to get the tails to look like tails and to make them even enough they wouldn’t embarrass her, make her look odd or like a crazy person. She ran around telling her brothers about her fishtails and showing them off. 
You chuckled to yourself, slowly following her footsteps. However, you stopped midstep, your eyes focusing on Hunter sitting in his patio chair looking out over the water. There was a near blank expression on his face, yet his eyes held all his emotions. It broke your heart seeing him so … lost? Guilt-ridden? Maybe it was just overwhelming grief.  
After all, it hadn’t been long since Omega and Crosshair came back. Frankly, you were happy to have them back, especially after losing Tech. Everyone on Pabu felt his loss, and getting to know Crosshair had been challenging at first, yet Hunter somehow took on the responsibility of making sure Crosshair got along with everyone.
As each day progressed, the emotions in Hunter’s eyes were slowly becoming more and more overwhelming. It wasn’t hard to see he was still learning how to move on without Tech. How to live his life without his brother. 
You’ve suffered more than your fair share of losses, and you knew how difficult it was to just start living again. To start putting yourself back together without having that support you relied on so heavily. If anything, Hunter needed a friend first and foremost right now. 
Not wanting to disrupt his peace too much, you did what you could as you quietly walked over and sat beside him. 
Hunter didn’t flinch or react as you took your seat, he knew you were there, but he’d rather focus on the horizon, at the moment.
It was almost half an hour later, when you finally spoke up, “You okay? Caught you staring off into space again.”
His face turned to look at you, doing his best to give you a smile, even if it was half hearted. 
“I’m fine.”
It had been his go-to response lately. Everything was either ‘I’m fine,’ ‘I’m okay,’ or ‘I’m just tired.’ Honestly, you had to keep reminding yourself not to get upset with him, he and his family had been through a lot. More than most families and it didn’t help if all you were going to do was nag him. 
So you did what needed to be done. Find a way to get him talking. Whether you two would still remain friends after this conversation, was yet to be seen. But he needed this, whether he admitted it or not. 
“It’s not your fault you know,” you rested your clasped hands on the table as you looked at him.
“What’s not?”
“Losing Tech, Omega getting captured or even Crosshair choosing to stay with Empire for as long as he did before leaving them.”
He let out a vexed noise, “It is.”
“It’s not.” You told him emphatically. 
“You weren’t there.” 
His eyes narrowed as you talked about the unspoken topic that was never to be mentioned between the two of you. He knew you cared, it was evident by how you took care of them. Ever since they moved into the house beside yours, you were quick to offer any assistance. Helping Omega, cooking dinner, even giving a listening ear to whoever needed it and keeping what you had learned to yourself. 
However, he didn’t want you to be tainted with his failures. He wanted you to remain separate. 
“You’re right.” You nodded, as your eyes focused on the sunset, “I wasn’t there, but you know who was?” I turned to look at him and smiled, “Wrecker, Omega, Echo and Tech. I’ve spoken with Wrecker, Omega and Echo, and each one of them said Tech made a choice. It was a difficult situation and it was either he delayed the inevitable and you all got captured or killed, or … he’d make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his family survived.” 
You reached over and took Hunter’s hand in yours, “Considering who Tech … was, do you think he would’ve been happy knowing you would’ve been captured because of him?”
He shook his head, as he let out a choked laugh, “No. No, he would’ve made us go over the scenario a thousand times to make sure we never let that happen again, and then he would’ve come up with a plan to enforce that.”
“And would he have blamed you for going to the outpost you went just to find information on Crosshair?”
“No. He … he was the first one to suggest it.”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his hand, “Then would it be right to say it was your fault? I mean Tech made the ultimate sacrifice for his family, that’s commendible and honourable. Don’t cheapen his sacrifice with your guilt.”
Hunter let out a long sigh as his free hand ran down his face, “If only it were that easy.”
“I know, it’s easy for someone like me … an outsider … to look in and tell you what you need to do; but as the person who lived it,” you smiled as you looked at him, “… you can just tell me to shut up and just hold your hand.” 
A small smile of understanding appeared on your face as you offered it to Hunter. 
“I’d never tell you to shut up.”
“Maybe I haven’t irritated you enough, yet.” You looked into his eyes letting him know you were there, as you squeezed his hand, “Hunter, nothing that happened was your fault. Omega getting captured was as Echo put it ‘an overwhelming amount of force.’ Crosshair choosing to join the Empire was no more your fault, than him choosing to leave the Empire.” You reached over brushing his hair back and tucking it behind his ear, as you cupped his cheek. “You can’t take on people’s choices or circumstances beyond your control, simply because you’re a Sergeant, or were a Sergeant. Life gives you no karking choice but to play the cards you’re dealt, and I for one, am glad you guys found your way into my life.”
He leaned into your hand holding it against his cheek, “Your friendship means more to me than you know.”
You smiled as you looked into his eyes, “I know. Your friendship means a lot too. Just … promise me, you’ll talk to me when you’re letting your emotions overwhelm you. If not me, at least someone. Please?”
“Alright, mesh’la. I promise.”
Hunter’s smile grew as he kept looking at you, even as you pulled your hand away. He’d been holding off on telling you how he felt for so long. However, he couldn’t hold back anymore, he was going to tell you.
“You know, one of these days, you’re going to have to tell me what mesh-a-la means.”
“I will,” he leaned forward, keeping your hand in his, “I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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j0kers-light · 7 months
Hi! I hope you are good, I don't know if the commissions are open, but if they are, could you do a Ledger!Joker x reader in which the reader tends to go party frequently, have an active and open sexuality, be reckless and have a sassy/funny attitude? (Reference: Tony Stark for example) if you don't want to, that's okay. I just never see female characters/readers like this, usually they are extremely good girls or have the serious Black Widow/bad girl personality, so it's always guys characters who get to be this way without being criticized about it.
I am very curious to know how she would interact and deal with J, since they would have some things in common but be very different and crash a lot at the same time.
Maybe J and the reader have a not serious relationship and they are just messing around, because they don't know how to deal with their feelings yet and are afraid of commitment, so there could be some kind of toxicity between them. J gets jealous of reader sleeping with other people and being so reckles when it comes to drink and stuff since he has found himself having to take care of her in bad situations plenty of times so it's his last straw.
It can lead to smutty angry/possesive sex and then go to some fluff at the end where they manage to communicate better and deal with their feelings at the end.
The plot was a suggestion but if you have a better plot idea in mind with that concept, you are free to change it if you end accepting the request. Thank you!! I love your stories and the way you portray Heath's Joker! ♡
His Lighthouse: Bad at Love (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Bad at Love- Oneshot
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Image credit
August flipping 16th? I'm gonna crawl into a hole and sob cry. BUT wait hear me out! This was an honor to write. As you beautifully said, women are usually depicted as either a damsel in distress or a cut-throat killer. There's no medium for us. Nothing's wrong with that if done correctly, but the minute a female is open about her body (ya know the same way men are celebrated to do) we're labelled sluts and whores. 🙄 Imma try and avoid going on a rant. Moving on...
Heck yeah I will accept this request! And thank you for the kind words! I'm so happy to know you like my portrayal of Joker!
Let's get right into it! I took all your plot points and went to town! Song inspiration is Bad at Love by Halsey! Wow I stayed up too late editing this!! Later loves!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! 🖤✨
Joker never was one for feelings. They clouded a person's judgement and made them weak; you made him weak. With your flashy personality, confident smirk, and no nonsense demeanor you tore down Joker's way of thinking and ruined him forever.
You knew he was dangerous, you didn't care. You knew the risk of falling into his bed and agreed wholeheartedly because you were only here for a good time, not a long time. If things got to dicey, you could pick up and move on.
Too bad that Joker fell hard and embarrassingly fast for you. He dreamed of a long time with you. These feelings he had for you, they made him weak but he was perfectly fine with that.
He just wished you would notice and take him seriously.
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Joker met you in what would be considered the wrong place at the right time. Rather killing you off after you witnessed one of his criminal activities, you talked... er.. sucked.. your way out of a bullet through your head.
After that, Joker found himself gravitating towards you.
You had a penchant for winding up in bad places and even worse situations. Partying it up at a bash funded by Penguin. Narrowly avoiding being fatally drugged at a rave laced quite literally with Scarecrow's latest neurotoxicants. Almost dying of alcohol poisoning at one of Joker's clubs.
The list could go on and on but with every scenario, you did not care.
It was as if your life was just one big joke. You valued your life, make no mistake, but being in a life or death situation only got a careless laugh out of you. If you died, then you lived a wild life.
Joker was mesmerized by your idealism surrounding death, and it inspired him to offer you protection in exchange for...
"Haha!! Quit foolin' yourself. You just want to have sex with me! That made up protection crap is not necessary. Alright. Where and how do you want it?" You sighed. "I'm a star on my back but whatever suits your fancy."
You began stripping right then and there without a care if someone walked by. He invited you to one of his hideouts and you boldly came, having nothing to lose.
Joker didn't know what to say.
He never met a woman so open about her sexuality and especially one that could see right through his carefully thought out plans. He didn't say no and took you roughly on his desk with the door wide open.
Before Joker knew it, he slipped into a friends with benefits arrangement with you despite neither of you meeting the friends criteria.
He watched out for you anytime you went out to party (which was almost every night) and you paid him back with sex whenever he called.
You could care less about the loosely created agreement. The sex was phenomenal and you acquired a dark guardian angel.
A win is a win, too bad Joker didn't feel the same sentiment.
He wasn't a fool. He knew he wasn't the only one gracing your bed. You constantly rubbed in that fact by bringing men and women into your apartment, posting your conquests on social media, or the worst, extending an invitation for a threesome like it was tickets to a game.
"I don't think Chad, wait what?" Someone shouted at you in the background. "My bad.. Tyler here won't mind sharing." You laughed off Joker turning down your offer before ending the call. "Your loss babe."
It wasn't a loss in Joker's eyes. He didn't want to share.
You were a remarkable woman and he was an overly possessive male. You brought out that nasty trait in him.
Before you, Joker wasn't jealous. He would brush off the hookups he grew bored of but you? You.... you changed something in him. He kept coming back for more.
He wanted so much more with you.
Joker envied each partner you led up to your apartment. Each one got to experience a night with you that should have been his and his alone.
You were perfect for Joker but you made it abundantly clear that you and relationships were a no go.
"Ew commitment? One person for like forever? Ha! Couldn't be me. I like.... variety." You explained as you rolled over on top of J.
It was another late night hookup that progressed well into the pillow talk stage. Joker was glad to know this luxury was reserved only for him.
Others had to be content with just sex before you kicked them to the curb. Joker got the pleasure of sleeping over. Only he could see you in such a vulnerable state. Sleep and looking absolutely soft. You were unaware but you sucked your thumb in your sleep. It was little details like that which made J feel like he was special in your life.
Joker personally wasn't big on commitment but he could entertain the thought if it was with you. Why couldn't you see the potential here? You fit perfectly in his arms as if you were destined to be.
He lived to see your content smile as he held you close, both unconscious and wide awake.
He hummed and dragged his fingers down your spine until you stiffened and moved away. He inwardly sighed. Annnd he lost you. No matter what version he tried, you shut down any romantic advances he made.
During sex he would try and kiss you, you would turn your head and bite the pillow. He tried to hold your hand once and you gave him a bombastic side eye and told him to stop.
You didn't want soft and sweet.
"That's for stay at home wives who crave intimacy with their husbands." You said to Joker once. "They send him off to work with smitten eyes, not knowing he's on his way to see me. He craves raw, primal, hot sex— the kind his wife is terrified of. That's what I want. If you're not going to f__k me Joker, then get out."
He was afraid of offending you so like a love-smitten fool, he gave you what you wanted.
That night your happy moans as he pounded you into the mattress left a sour taste in his mouth.
You spoke your mind and didn't settle for less. It was a trait of yours that he loved to hate. You made Joker fantasize about coming to your apartment, sweeping you up into his arms and making loving to you.
Joker hated the scenario with every fiber of his being but the idea was on loop in his brain every time you were unavailable and he only had his fist for the night.
He jerked himself off to the thought of you on your back, hands enclosed with his as he kissed you softly and languidly rolled his hips into you.
"D-Don't stop, J... I love this." Even in his fantasy you sounded all wrong but it felt so right. A submissive version of you got him closer and closer to his peak night after lonely night.
For once he wanted to cum inside you rather than painting your stomach or back white. You didn't have to be degraded every time he had you.
You deserved to be treated better. He could treat you better. And like a flash of lightning, Joker realized. 
He craved true intimacy with you.
You made him weak. You made him consider bestowing soft and gentle affections upon you in favor of his rough aggressive marking. Joker wanted to cradle the back of your head, not choke you near unconscious.
This had to stop, this toxic relationship he found himself in.
Joker had to get rid of you and these affectionate urges but you were in his bloodstream and he feared you would never leave. He began to loathe when his phone lit up with your contact.
U busy 2nite?😜
He was remiss to reply and he wished that he did. It would have saved him the chaos that soon followed. You were always at the wrong place at the right time.
Neo roped Joker into coming to the club tonight. The top trio noticed how down J was lately and assumed it had something to do with you.
You were like a bad drug and it was time Joker quit cold turkey. Exposing him to someone knew was the best remedy.
Joker wasn't one for public appearances but Neo swore up and down he could chill in the club's dark corner by the cages and people watch without being bothered. Joker still wasn't feeling it however the drinks flowed freely and it was something to do.
Frost became concerned since Joker wasn't a big drinker but the clown was knocking them back with hardly a wince. Frost wisely switched out the shots being sent to J's table with virgin drinks halfway into the night.
Joker could care less. He only agreed to come tonight to distract himself. He needed to get you out of his system.
His green eyes scanned the lively club trying to see the appeal of it all. You once said the too loud music rattled your bones and made you feel alive, possessed almost. You loved the hot humid air and the sultry sway of bodies of the crowd against your own.
It was all sensory. Joker hated it.
He heaved a sigh and waved off the umpteenth female who wormed their way to his booth. Couldn't they see he wanted to be alone?
He didn't want a female in his life if it wasn't you. Then his eyes caught something hypnotic dead center of the club.
Upon first glance, Joker would have never known it to be you, granted the dancer was a blonde but he seen your extensive wig collection. You had every color, texture, and length known to man. Turning yourself into a blonde was child's play and tonight you did just that.
You and your messy space buns defied gravity as you twirled and slid against a pole inside the metal cage.
Joker didn't know whether to look away or kill everyone for staring. He couldn't blame them.
Seeing a dark goddess like you dancing in ten inch heels and practically wearing nothing was truly a sight to see. Your 'outfit' consisted of drapes of silver-like reflective fabric, artistically tucked to cover your breast and pussy and leaving nothing to the imagination.
You were a walking gift just waiting for someone to unwrap. And your eyes lulled potential recipients your way. It was as if the club lights were programmed just for you as they highlighted your body in the best way.
Joker was shaking with pleasure? Anger? He wasn't quite sure. He growled and radioed to Neo. "Why.... is she.... here?"
The club owner's voice immediately sounded in Joker's ear, "Who?"
Joker wished his drinks were actually alcohol. Frost wasn't slick switching them out. "Y/n. In the uhh, dance cage thingy... literally f__king the pole."
Just to prove his point you jumped up and used only your core muscles to remain suspended in air. Your thighs glinted in the club lights and Joker knew you lathered them in that edible body glitter you loved so much. He hated how sticky it was on his tongue but it transformed you into a star dusted beauty so he couldn't complain that much.  
"I didn't invite her! Wait. You sure that's Y/n?" You winked at your audience before flashing them a wide grin as you walked on air, escalating down the pole in a gravity drying spiral.
There was a brief pause before Neo's voice came back over. "D__n, yeah that's her.. Ahem. I uhh, if you want her gone just say the word Boss."
Joker didn't want to dampen your night but he was actively trying to purge you from his mind. Having you dangling right in his field of vision was not helping things.
Joker was about to order you out when a series of gunshot went off inside the club. The fun and jovial air turned into sheer pandemonium in seconds.
You stopped dancing and dropped to your feet to find cover and Joker was quick to spot the shooter aiming way too close in your direction. It only took a second for a seasoned expert to realize the shooter was deliberately aiming at you.
All the breath in Joker's body simply escaped him.
Without thinking, J rushed to your side and tackled you to the floor. Neo and Frost were arguing in his ear but Joker's only thought was you under him going into shock.
Your eyelashes were dusted with silver and chrome colored gems were glued onto your face like intergalactic freckles. You took the club's space night theme very seriously. You never fell short of a perfect club outfit.
In a different situation, Joker would have admired your ensemble properly but right now, the blue and purple strobe lights captured your coloured contacts rounded in fear.
"J.. that's.. That's my ex, Tyler! Why is he?" More pops went off in the background and Joker was pretty sure Frost and Neo were placing bets on who could neutralize the threat first.
Ten grand was a waste of money. Joker wanted this Tyler fellow dead free of charge after hearing your frightened words. Nothing like a bitter lover wanting to get even to dampen a night out.
J moved the two of you behind a wall before he went a step further and shielded you with his body. You were shaking too much to even notice.
There wasn't much protection this far into the club. Joker scanned the area for an exit but that would require walking into the spray of bullets and he would not risk your safety doing that. He spat out orders into his earpiece and he was confident that Neo and Frost would handle this.
For now, Joker turned his focus on you in his arms. "Y/n, doll, look at me. Hey!"
He never seen you so shaken up before. Gone was the reckless and sassy girl that told him where to shove it the first time he met you.
The girl in his arms was afraid and cowering like a baby.
Your stiletto nails bit into his arm but he waited until the strobe lights made another cycle to illuminate a hallway to his immediate right. Joker remembered it led towards the offices and seedy meeting rooms, and subsequently a back alleyway. It was now or never.
"C'mon baby. Let's go." Joker hauled you up to your feet and made a sprint for the hallway.
How you managed to keep up with him in your ridiculous high heels, Joker would study in detail later. The second he hit the back alley, he reported the all clear.
"We're out, me and uh..." J glanced down at you shivering in his arms. "Me and Doll are out."
Oddly Mac's voice sounded over the comms. "Copy. Wheels are nearby, you'll know it when ya see it. We got everything here. Go."
Joker didn't need to be told twice. He found the car with ease and helped you into the back with a gentleness that scared even himself. Hands fastened you into a seatbelt and you swore something tender made contact with your forehead, but it was gone before you could identify what. You were still in shock and weren't aware of anything around you.
You were just having fun like you always did. None of your past flings cared enough to hurt you before but you should've known that Tyler was different.
He was too enthusiastic about being FWB, too eager to stay in touch and when you tried to break things off– the man was too clingy in your opinion– his words haunted you.
"Tch, your reputation precedes you, slut. You just f__k em and keep it movin' but I'm not replaceable sweetheart. Yeah, you'll regret this b___h. I'll make sure of it."
You didn't think he'd try and kill you! Tonight was a harsh wake up call to how your playgirl actions affected others and you obviously couldn't handle it. You failed to stifle your sniffles and Joker wished he wasn't driving so he could hold and comfort you. That is, if you didn't push him away.
Joker made it to your apartment and got you situated. He'd been over so many times, he knew the layout better than his own hideouts. You didn't even bother questioning how J had a key. The less you knew, the better. You were just grateful that Joker took off your heels and got you a glass of water.
"Here uh drinK." You accepted the proffered glass mutely. 
Your hands shook bringing it to your lips but you managed to drink it but not without hyperventilating immediately afterwards.
Joker rolled his eyes but bent down to your eye level to grab your face. Your gems were flaking off due to his thumbs rubbing your cheekbones in soothing circles.
"Look. At. Me. Breathe, doll... ya gotta breathe. See uhhh. Li-Ke this."
Joker exaggerated his breathing hoping you would copy and much to his delight you did– at least enough to calm down. Something in the motion caused you to snap out of your shock. 
"Why are you helping me?" You mumbled.
J echoed your question with a bewildered expression. Why wouldn't he? He was more confused when you jerked your head towards the door.
"You can go. I'll.. um f__k you later." Usually Joker would accept future payments without a second thought however, he was tired of things being transactional with you. Sex wasn't all that he wanted from you.
"Go? I just. Are ya drunk or somethin' doll?" Joker asked. His grip on your face tightened but he would never hurt you. Not unless you asked him to.
"And if I am?" You playfully slurred out. It was common knowledge that you could hold your liquor better than ten men combined. You were mocking him and it was more salt to injury.
Joker stared into your unnatural sky blue eyes. The contacts you wore made it seem like he was talking to a completely different person.
He couldn't understand you and your flippant attitude. It wasn't healthy to brush off near death situations. You stared death in the eye plenty of times for a civilian but you shouldn't have to. You may not reciprocate but Joker cared deeply about your safety. He wasn't protecting you just for sex. He... cared about you.
However, expressing that aloud proved to be quite difficult.
"D__n it Y/n! You act like it's no big deal that you almost died tonight! IT. IS!"
You didn't like Joker raising his voice nor the way he continued to invade your personal space, His hands were too warm on your face and his lips too close to yours. You glanced at them briefly before cleaning your throat.
"Have you forgotten our 'agreement' Joker? You protect me, I spread my legs for you. Simple as that." You said while rolling your eyes. "You never complained before." You grumbled that part under your breath but he heard it clear as day.
Joker didn't know what motivated him to pull the plug but he was done playing games with you. He realized that nothing would come out of this relationship of sorts. You couldn't see what he saw.
"Mm. Then our uh agree-menT is over."
Your lower lip quivered when you felt Joker's hot breath fan over it. It was your turn to be confused. "What?"
Joker clicked his tongue as he let go of your face. Did he have to spell it out for you?
"You are... toxic. A sexy, addictive drug that's more harmful than go~od. You clear-ly don't need meeee when you can have the pick of Gotham to grace your bed. I thought that's all I wanted, a good time. And trust me doll you are very.. very good in the uh fun department but you opened my eyes. I want more."
Joker laughed sharply and patted your cheek, making you flinch. "But you can't handle more. You're stuck in a end-less loop of parties, sex and fleeting moments. There's no rhyme or reason, ya just do it because it's routine. You don't know anything else. You and I are much alike. We hurt people, but your method? Mmm, you leave deep nasty memories that'll never go away. You see, you leave behind glimpses of what could be before disappearing forever. You're an unattainable dream, Y/n. A sweet memory to reminisce on but nothing more."
His words left a bitter lump in the back of your throat. You heard this speech every time one of your lovers realized they deserved better. Joker was breaking things off and you should've been prepared.
They always left.
But you thought Joker was different. You wanted him to see past your party girl façade and save you for real.
"You're wrong.." You mumbled. You could explain if he gave you a chance but it was far too late. Joker turned away from your watery eyes lest he fall back into your manipulative web again.
"I'll uh see myself out." He began walking away and your mind just couldn't take it. You lost count of how many ex's walked out in like manner. Their names were just another blimp in your mind yet you couldn't allow Joker to join their ranks.
He was your guardian; he was supposed to save you!
"Joker?! Please..." Your voice cracked after saying his name again. "S-Stop! Walking!" You finally screeched.
Joker paused his stride and you went on a tangent.
"You're right! I'm toxic and I'm bad at love! I have a reputation in this town as prolific as yours! I party and I flirt and I break people's hearts and move on, all to save myself from heartache! When I fall, I fall hard and I always make the same mistakes. I'm not perfect. Heh.. my ex's will attest to that."
You stalled and didn't notice Joker arching an eyebrow at how you were talking mostly with your hands. Your nails were designed with mirrored chrome polish and more gems.
"If I keep things casual and keep people at arm's length, no one would see me for who I am. Someone desperate to be loved. And then I met you and thought– wow. 'He's gonna break my heart."
You startled J when you raised your head to look him dead in the eye.
"You had me under your spell from the very beginning Joker. I was scared you would break things off or worse– kill me, if I said I liked you. I didn't know what to do so I slipped into old habits. I made sure sex between us was strictly business. You kept me safe and I pretended that each time you took me I wasn't utterly infatuated with you. It worked.. until I saw you on the news with your ex. The blonde one."
Joker was speechless hearing you confess.
All this time you had feelings for him and he ruined his chances for a quick screw (that didn't mean anything) with his psychotic ex. Joker hated the tears that dotted your silver lashes but he didn't rush to wipe them away.
You still had some explaining to do.
"I was jealous! I mean.. you prefer blondes and I'm.. not. So.. ugh. Old habits! I just lost myself in anyone that wasn't you. I successfully pushed you away. You stopped answering my late night texts but I didn't want sex. I just.. wanted you." You sniffed.
It was quiet in your apartment until Joker ended the silence with his unique voice.
"Don'T say stuff ya don't mean doll." Joker uttered.
You could see his labored breathing by the rise and fall of his chest and there was a hungry look in his eyes. It made you emboldened.
If you were sober and perhaps not riding an adrenaline high, you wouldn't have blurted out your desires but you were a bold creature by nature. You loved living on the edge.
So you dropped a bomb that J was sorely unprepared for. "Kiss me."
Joker's eyes widened in shock. He barely heard your demand over the sound of his beating heart. Surely he was hallucinating. You were slowly standing to your feet, mighty and confident with each dainty step towards him.
He failed to turn on any lights when he arrived in your apartment. The moon's glow was your spotlight. You were a vision sauntering over to take what you asked for.
The two of you had never kissed before.
It was the only boundary you set up in this odd FWB situationship you and him agreed upon. In the beginning it didn't bother Joker but as time progressed, he longed to kiss your supple lips.
He yearned to learn the curve and experience the taste of them. Would you taste like your signature lip gloss or a unique flavor of your very own?
He couldn't look away from them now that you asked him to claim them. Your lips parted slowly, as if tempting him further and he almost whined.
"Don't tempt me.." He growled instead.
The only reason why he hadn't jumped on you was the distance you still kept from him. Joker could see a hesitant gleam in your eye even as you stopped to stand before him.
He exhaled the moment your hands rested on his chest. 
"I'm not. I wanna know how it feels, J." You batted your quicksilver lashes and wetted those luscious lips of yours with your tongue. "It's.. it's been ages.."
A lesser man would have died on the spot. Joker was stronger. It only took him a few seconds to lean down to claim his long awaited prize. Joker grabbed both sides of your face and kissed you.
You whined when his teeth caught your lower lip and sank in. The sudden pain startled you but it was welcomed when Joker groaned in absolute bliss.
You kissed others in the past (hence your aversion to the act) but the way Joker claimed your mouth, you realized you've been doing it all wrong for years. With Joker it wasn't just mashing your mouths together and hoping for the best, no.
Kissing Joker was like a forbidden dance rediscovered by mankind.
You were drowning, he was on cloud nine. Your lips were soft and unsure whereas his scarred ones molded itself against yours in the most sinful way. When he moved, he guided you where to go. He smirked when he ran his tongue on the crease of your lips, asking for permission.
He didn't blame you for being hesitant but he did reward your bravery with each new sensation.
Joker sucked on your tongue, licked the roof of your mouth– giving a new definition to making out. It was eye opening.
You were a fast learner and Joker was glad when you jumped up and wrapped your arms and legs around him to deepen the kiss. He didn't waste a second carrying you both to your bedroom.
And the tango only got better. His lips broke away from you to travel the column of throat to nibble and lick at the perspiration collected there. You gasped and tugged at his hair noting it wasn't in its greasy state. You drew back to take Joker in.
The two of you locked eyes at the same time. He breathed in the same air you did and the lustful gaze you sent him went straight to his head.
If he didn't have you now, he'd go insane(r).
He dropped you on the bed and you bounced twice before coming to a rest in the center. You had yet to catch your balance when Joker crawled on the bed to hover above you.
You f__ked Joker numerous times but never did you feel so demure under him. Maybe because he knew your true feelings the atmosphere changed? Your heart was in your throat as he drank you in.
"Look at youuuuuu. A sweet little gift for me. All mine to mmm... unwrap." Joker murmured as his hands roamed over your exposed skin to find the knot that would reveal you to his gaze.
You squirmed with each playful caress and tug. "Is it here? Ah! Noooooo maybe... here?" He cooed.
"Joker.. don't tease!" You whined. J was smart and already examined your 'outfit' back at the club. His eagle eyes noted it all unraveled at your hips but where was the fun in removing it properly?
His dark chuckle made your eyes fly open, "Ohhh you poor thing. Who said I was teasin' ya yet?"
The material was reduced to shreds in Joker's strong grip. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as he cast the remains aside and smirked at your nude body finally accessible for him to fondle.
"That was custom made.." You mumbled. None of it mattered when Joker dove down and captured a pert nipple in his mouth.
You arched into the touch and combed your fingers into his hair. Each of your breasts were lathered in his spit and love and you twitched in need when Joker didn't advance lower. He kept a usual predictable path in bed but he wasn't sticking to it tonight. So of course you got a little testy.
You yanked his hair so he could lock eyes with you. His green eyes were so expressive. "Go lower!"
J just grinned at your sassiness and resumed licking and biting your breasts. He reveled in your frustrated groan until you tried reaching down to touch yourself. Now that was a big no no.
In a blink of an eye, Joker had seized your hands and pinned them above your head. You tried to break free but he just growled at you until you stopped.
"It's not nice to touch other people's things, Y/n. Keep your hands to yourself till I tell ya other-wise." He left open mouth kisses down your neck and ground his erection into your core. It wasn't fair that you were nude while he was still fully dressed.
Joker hadn't dressed up for the club's nightly theme but he looked delectable in all black.
You were staining his suit pants with each rock of your hips, not that he minded. He just angled himself better to stimulate you more. The friction of his pants brushed against your clit and you moaned out loud.
"Give me what I want Joker!"
Of course the idiot ignored you in favor of teasing you further with his warm hands. It amazed you how hot Joker's body temperature ran. He was like a furnace pining you to the bed.
Out of nowhere he smacked your thigh. You yelped at the sudden sting.
"That ain't how ya ask." His long fingernails dragged into the slope of your inner thighs and you sobbed. He was so close to where you wanted him, yet so far away.
You don't know how you managed to keep your hands put above your head with the constant writhing your body made on the bed sheets. Every fiber of your being was urging you to touch Joker.
You knew where this was going. Joker wanted you to beg.
You never caved before but tonight's events and spoken words had you desperate and ready to abandon all of your morals. You knew it and Joker knew it.
He also knew you were as stubborn as an ox.
"I want your cock!" Another slap rang out in the bedroom. This one was way too close to your clit and you choked back a moan. You were practically throbbing in need.
"Anngg wrong, doll. Try ooooooone more time." Joker slid his hands to your knees and parted your legs like the Red Sea.
The treasure that lay between them shined like gold. He stared like a dying man who found an oasis.
How could you be so wet when he had yet to touch you? He watched your opening clench around air as a trickle of juices dampened the sheets underneath you. As if he could quit this cold turkey. You were a treat wasted on lesser men.
Joker looked up from your sopping wet pussy when you finally cracked under pressure. He could hear the want in your high pitched whimper. "Please daddy! Please touch me! N-No more teasing!"
He was not expecting that.
You were in-tune with your sexuality and prowess in bed, it was a trait that Joker admired about you. He loved how you knew what you fancied and didn't, although he was wise to notice that you never relaxed and let him fully be in control.
There was always a piece of you that remained assertive during the exchange. Joker wanted to help you embrace being more submissive in bed but he never imagined that you would take the initiative yourself.
He faltered seeing you pout your lip in want. He wasn't sure if this was an act or a genuine desire that muddied your thinking.
Joker was gonna eat you out. His plan was to wring out as many orgasms from you until your mind crumbled into mush but something about hearing a strong, assertive woman like you whimper and call him daddy?
Joker snapped.
The chime of Joker's belt coming loose sent molten lava straight to your pussy and the sight of him fumbling to remove his clothes made some of your natural cocky attitude return. You snorted at his frantic movements but your smirk was smacked right off your face when Joker grabbed ahold of your jaw.
"Look. At. Me. That's it. Look at me when I slideeeee in deep."
Lord knows you tried but your eyes fell closed at the heavy weight of Joker's cock resting at your entrance. The feel of it there had you needy for more.
Joker had forced you into a dry spell by not answering your texts and calls. He was unavailable so you called up your past lovers to assist but they couldn't get you off like Joker could. It was frustrating to suffer through their attempts only to scream and kick them out when that big O alluded you.
Not being able to cum was an insult and a blow to your reputation, so you stopped seeing partners until you figured out the problem.
You hadn't cum in weeks going on a month but you had an answer to your problem. Joker ruined your mind, body, and soul and no one else would do.
You were crying tears of joy as Joker slotted his cock in between your puffy lips to lubricate himself.
In the same instance, his grip slid down from your jaw to your throat. He didn't squeeze too tight but just enough to get the message across.
"What did I just say, doll?"
You forgot you had closed your eyes against his instructions! You flung your eyes open to apologize however J snarled at the foreign color staring up at him. He wanted tonight to be perfect and your dumb icy blue contacts weren't meeting his idea of perfection. He spoke his thoughts aloud.
Joker tapped your temple. "Take these out. Now."
Basic hygiene didn't matter. You nodded and reached up to remove your contacts, flicking them somewhere off to the side. You'd mourn their loss later. You needed Joker's dick more.
Joker watched you blink a few times before fixing him with a timid look. He groaned seeing your natural e/c eyes, blown out in lust, staring at him.
His smile took your breath away.
"There's my girl. No one else's ya got that? This pussy is.. all mine now. If I catch ya giving it to someone else. Well." Joker shoved his dick into you in one smooth thrust.
You screamed at the sudden intrusion with tears dotting your eyes. Joker gave you no warning as he quickly pulled out before ramming his cock back in as deep as he could go.
"Haha.. I'll ahh yes, I'll kill 'em doll. No one. No one touches what's mine!" His eyes rolled back when your pussy squeezed tight around him.
You felt so good he swiftly lost himself to pleasure. His hands flew to the headboard for balance so as to not marr your beautiful skin with his vice-like grip. His neon eyes narrowed when you tried moving yours from above your head.
And so they stayed.
Each cant of his hips bullied his dick deeper and deeper into your pussy as he set a fast and rough pace. It was nothing different from any other late night booty call the two of you shared and you welcomed the pain his dick left inside your walls. It was no secret that you loved it rough and that's what made Joker stop moving all together.
Joker all but froze inside of you and you immediately protested with another frustrated wet sob of his name.
"Shush shush shush I know. I know." Joker hushed your hiccups with a mocking tone. "I want you to feel it sooooo we gotta go slow baby doll."
You let out a shaky moan as Joker began churning his dick in your pussy, unbearably slow. His hands let go of the headboard to grab a hold of your hands still positioned above your head.
He applauded you for listening to his instructions this long and kissed your forehead in gratitude.
You whimpered again when he laced his fingers with yours. "You feel that?" He asked. He stirred his dick deeper with a weak moan of his own.
"Yesssssss you're so deep, J!" You replied back.
He nodded listlessly and scanned your face in awe. You were cock drunk already and barely thinking straight. All those nights jerking off and daydreaming about you underneath him was finally coming true. It was better than he could ever fantasize. Until you just had to ruin it.
"Ah! Please f__k my pussy, J! I wanna cum.."
You were still defiant and that just wouldn't do. He sighed out, "No."
You cried out more pleas but Joker ignored each one to rest his weight completely on you. All the air in your lungs escaped you.
J was heavy in the best way; not too heavy where you couldn't breathe, but just enough to make your head swim. A dopey smile spread across your face.
Joker enjoyed it too since he could make you feel dainty and small like this. You deserved that. You didn't have to be strong all the time and especially not in bed with someone you cared for.
You wanted him and Joker would give you everything. All in due time. He shifted his hips and all but humped you.
Each roll of his hips was like a bolt of electricity to your clit. He filled you perfectly and it teetered on the verge of being too much. You didn't know how much more of this torture you could take.
Tears were running down your face and you knew you were drooling. You were so close to that blessed edge but still far from its reach. You were reduced to babbles when Joker's cockhead tapped against your cervix. "Ow ahh! Yes! Joker, please.. I'll be good just please... mmm! G-Go faster!"
"No. I– nghh.." Joker thrusted too sharply and it made the both of you moan out.
He took a second to catch his breath. He wanted this just as much as you, but he had to be patient. "I won't give in until you give me what I want."
"I don't know!!" You sobbed while squeezing Joker's hands. It was nothing compared to the death grip your pussy had around his cock. If he was going insane, he could only imagine how you were fairing.
So he took pity on you. How could he not when you looked so miserable underneath him?
He licked your tear stained face before whispering in your ear. "You don't know? Awww, you poor thing. I'll help ya. Say it. Tell me you're mine. The moment you do, f__k, I'm gonna breed you, doll." You gasped and Joker laughed at your stunned expression.
"Yeah, I'll turn ya into that smitten wife waiting at home for her husband. Don't ya want that? I know you secretly do, Y/n. Aren't ya tired of playing games, breaking hearts, makin' me so f__king jealous?!"
You clenched around his cock, hearing his words and the feeling made him falter.
Joker squeezed your hands tighter and dropped his head in the crook of your neck. This was torture for him too. You were wetter than you'd ever been and grinding into your pussy was driving him wild. He couldn't stop talking.
"Ahh you r-ruined me doll! I can't get you out of my he~aaad. Your eyes. Your smile... Those stupid funny jokes you make when ya think I ain't listening.. S__t, your pussy! I want it. I want it all. Give. It. To. Me." He bit your neck to stifle his groans.
You almost ruptured Joker's ears screaming so loud.
"Say. It." Each word was punctuated by hard thrusts into your cunt and you grew hoarse trying to fix your lips to voice J's desires.
You couldn't feel your toes anymore but somehow your legs were still wrapped around Joker's waist. It was maddening being dominated in such a way but a small part of you loved it.
You had grown tired of the same routine. Party, flirt, f__k, sleep, repeat.
The idea of submitting to Joker was somewhat appealing. You wouldn't be settling down in the traditional sense, he was The Joker after all, (as if he'd take responsibility if he actually knocked you up) but being content with one partner, to this outstanding man who was pinning you down and groaned in your ear— was making you crumble under peer pressure.
You might be bad at love but now was the perfect time to give it a try. And who knows. Joker might actually be the one that could finally fix you. You found the strength to give into his demands.
"I'm yours! Only yours Joker! Please take me! I want ahhhhhh!!!"
The rest of your sentence was irrelevant. Once you said his name, the last shrivel of his patience evaporated.
Joker folded your thighs up to your chest and delivered on his promise. He said your name like a forbidden secret and snapped his hips into yours with no intention of stopping. His thrusts were unyielding into your sopping wet pussy and your screams drowned out Joker's hushed declarations into your ear.
The weight of each vow grew too much to bear and you fell apart when Joker's dick stroked your g spot one time too many. You swore you fainted, the pleasure was so intense. 
Joker watched your eyes roll back before your pussy sucked him in with frantic pulses.
He lost it too and rammed his cock as far back as he could before emptying everything that he had inside of you. There was just so much to give and judging by your legs spazzing, you took every last drop like a pro. He was floating on the fact that you let him cum inside.
This had to be a dream but your broken moan confirmed this was very much real. You were trying to say his name.
Joker panted and helped lower your legs before rolling the two of you so you could rest on his chest.
Not once did he let you go, not even you jerked back to consciousness, hiccupping. You tried pulling away but Joker wasn't having it.
"Stop. Moving. Ahh lemme stay where I belong." He lazily thrusted up to return back to his original position. You whimpered at the full feeling. Cuddling was.... kinda nice.
You hummed and nuzzled up closer in Joker's arms. "You know normal couples just ask, 'will you be mine? Not bust a nut into their partners."
Joker chuckled hearing your funny personality coming out to play. You were slowly turning back to normal.
He kissed your forehead, sighing. "Mm, I'm noT. Normal. But.. yes. You're mine if that's what you're asking. Annnnd it works both ways."
You peeked at him with hooded eyes. "You're mine too?"
Joker groaned your name and you both felt when his dick twitched inside your pussy.
"Whaddya think, doll? He ahh likes the sound of thaT."  You slapped his chest and J rolled his eyes.
Of course you noticed him dodging the question. He sighed and swept a strand of your hair off your forehead. The blonde wig was pretty but he longed for your natural curls that lie underneath.
"Yes, Y/n. You have me. And not just for the night.. but until ya no longer want me. Mkay?" He bopped you on the nose.
"I might keep you forever." You warned.
You squealed in delight when Joker flipped you over onto your back with a mischievous grin. "Sounds like a plannnn but let's see if you can, uhh, survive the night, yeah?"
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leilani-lily · 3 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 5)
I'll admit, I had this finished a while ago, but couldn't post until now. I have a confession to make... my long term boyfriend of 6 years split with me a couple days ago. And it's been... hard, to say the least. I'm really hoping this wont deter me from continuing to write (especially since this story is kinda romantic, but also isn't? There's deep feelings involved xD) I hope maybe writing can maybe help me as it serves as a distraction? I honestly don't know... All I can ask for is patience as I deal with this. If I find I need a break I'll be sure to let you guys know. But I guess for now, please keep me in your thoughts if you can. Or if anyone wants to swap stories I'm more than happy to share. ꨄ But ok. Enough sadness. This chapter was a joy to write before all the bs happened. I hope it can make you smile! And as always, please feel free to comment your thoughts! SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. You settle into hotel life, and whip up Alastor's fave dish! But some drama ensues when you get a little too friendly with a certain Spider Demon~ Word Count: 4.4 K Chapter under the cut! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
You had developed quite a routine here during your time at the hotel, and you certainly found your days a lot busier than you had intended.
Your morning coffee with Alastor that usually blended into breakfast, then joining him in his tower for his broadcasts. He’d always pour two glasses of rye whisky and sit with you, asking for your thoughts afterwards. You’d discuss what you liked and didn’t like, and were surprised to learn he took criticism well (other than the occasional eye twitch). You’d bounce off new topics for future shows together before wrapping up and heading back down to the kitchen for the lunch rush.
After lunch was usually when Charlie would want to round everybody up. Either discussing how to make the hotel more liveable, how to recruit more sinners, or various exercises to improve everyone’s character. Sometimes these meetings were very boring and you’d have to pinch yourself constantly to stay awake. But for the most part they were fun, and you found yourself actually enjoying spending time with everyone. Especially goofing around with Angel and Husk, which usually resulted in Vaggie snapping at you all as you choke back laughter. Sometimes you would catch Alastor watching you with an unreadable expression, but you didn’t think anything of it. 
When that would wrap up, it was time to whip up dinner. You managed to figure out everyone’s favourite foods, and every Friday you decided you’d rotate through and make someone’s special  dish for them. Everyone enjoyed Friday dinners, always trying to guess what everyone liked, make bets on who was next, and were especially pleased if it was their night. It wasn’t much, but their praise always made you secretly feel warm and bubbly inside. 
Finally, after cleaning everything up and ending your shift, you’d have some spare time. Depending on how the day went, you would either read and have a quiet night to yourself, or just completely pass out straight away. 
Before you knew it, a month had flown before your eyes; bringing you into the present.
You knew you had no reason to be so nervous. Angel had loved his lasagna dish last week, and previously Charlie loved the pizza you had made (even if others had picked off the pineapple in disgust). You had proven you were a good chef since working here. But this Friday meal in particular… this one was different. It was Alastor’s. Your closest friend. And you knew just how important this particular meal was. It wasn’t just a dish, it was a memory. A way to remember his mother, and you had learned very quickly just how much she meant to him. 
Your heart was fluttering nervously as you put the jambalaya out on the large dining table. No one was there yet, but you could hear the chitter of excited demons coming closer to you, so you knew they were on their way. You always tried to make Friday’s dinner special, it was the one meal where you all sat and ate together. Kind of like a little family. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, your heart fluttering warmly at the thought. You went back to the kitchen to grab the cheddar biscuits, your mind wandering back to Alastor. You shouldn't be overthinking this, it’s just a stupid dinner. Did his opinion really matter that much to you?
You re-enter the dining room, and your eyes immediately locked with the demon in question. Alastor’s smile seemed to brighten the moment he saw you, but his smile only made your hands sweaty.
…… Yes, yes his opinion really did matter that much. You really wanted to make a good impression. 
“Ooooh and ya baked fresh biscuits??” Angel had zipped up beside you, eyeing the plate of goodies in your hands, “ya really know how ta spoil a demon Baby Cakes!” His fingers danced over a biscuit, causing you to snap out of your hold with Alastor and give Angel a quick slap on the wrist. He zipped his hand away in mock horror, making you snort a moment.
“You know the rules; no eating ‘till everyone’s here,” You scold him, but you can’t help but smile; you could never really be angry with him. Angel groaned dramatically, hugging himself with his four arms.
“You’re a cruel mistress y/n; makin’ a cutie like me practically starve to death! Jus’ look at me! I’m witherin’ away!” he leans up against you, arching his back as his full weight pressed on you. You let out a single laugh as you tried to maintain your hold on the plate and not fall over. He continued to groan weakly as his one arm grasped the air above him and another flopped over his eyes. 
Wow. Someone give this guy an award. No wonder he was in show business. 
You laugh again at the dramatics and roll your eyes. Finally, you sighed and grabbed a biscuit, offering it to the Spider Demon. Angel peeked over and immediately lit up, grabbed it eagerly before standing up straight, miraculously recovering from his ‘near death’. He took a deep whiff of the warm bread before smiling back at you. 
“Yarra real doll toots~” he gives you a flirty wink to which you shake your head in amusement. Always the charmer this one. 
“Yeah yeah, well, just don’t tell the others. Or else they might think you’re my favourite~!” You swing your hips to him and give him a playful hip bump, winking right back. He laughed as the nudge pushed him to the side, using the momentum to walk to his seat. But as he sauntered away, he looked back and grinned mischievously.
“Well maybe they should~!” he called back, doing a little suggestive shoulder shimmy and wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn’t help your snort. Cheeky thing. 
You knew it was all in good fun; teasing and play-flirting had become your thing. He was like the gal-pal you had never had since coming to Hell, and you could tell he was happy to have a girlie here at the hotel. You knew his real bestie was some demon named Cherri (which he INSISTED you all had to go out one night), but having another chica just a couple rooms down from his own was fun and convenient. And you were happy to be that friend for him if it meant slumber parties and beauty routines. 
You felt someone’s eyes on you, and you snapped out of your bubbly thoughts. Alastor was standing in the same spot he was before, not having moved an inch. He was still smiling, but this time it felt a little more strained. More forced. And his eye twitched ever so slightly. You also noticed his grip tight around his microphone. He caught you looking at him and immediately turned away, beginning to walk back to his seat with an unreadable expression. 
… That was weird. 
Before you could even begin to process, the rest of the gang entered the room. They all gave you a greeting in their own quirky ways as they arrived and made their way to their seats. Angel shoved the rest of the biscuit into his mouth to hide any evidence and happily trotted over to Husk. You smiled happily at the arrival of your comrades and set the tray of bread down on the table. Everyone looked at the spread before them and chittered excitedly, impressed with the effort you had put into tonight’s dinner. 
As everyone sat down, you quickly made your way to your seat beside Angel. Before sitting down, you cleared your throat a moment to get everyone’s attention. As the happy chatter died down, you began to speak.
“First off, I’d like to thank everyone for joining in today’s special dinner. Today’s meal is inspired by our very own Facility Manager, Alastor.” Everyone clapped politely and Charlie even gave a small whoop of encouragement. Alastor sat up proudly from his seat at the head of the table, loving the attention he was getting. 
“I’ll admit, I was a bit intimidated with tackling this particular dish, as we’ve all heard him boast about his mother’s recipe.” There were a couple chuckles scattered around the table, everyone very aware of how much he spoke of it. Husk in particular rolled his eyes and muttered quietly in disdain.
“I realize I’ll probably never meet up to her standards,” you look back at Alastor and give a sheepish smile, “but I sincerely hope it’s to your liking.” Alastors smile widened ever so slightly, his hooded gaze softening at your words. 
“My dear,” he marveled, his eyes never leaving yours, “the fact that you were kind enough to take the time to prepare it with me in mind already makes it wonderful.” You felt your hand press up to your chest, your fist curling up tightly near your heart. Alastor always knew what to say to make you feel better. He could be really gentle when he wanted to be. 
“Yea, and not only for ol’ Smiles ‘ere,” Angel spoke up, making you look down at him, “But you’ve made some bitchin’ good meals fer all of us.” he gestured to the crowd, gaining various murmurs of agreement and praise. You looked at everyone and their smiling faces and could feel your chest tightening. 
“Seriously, Sugar, ya freakin’ amazing.” Angel continued, giving you a warm smile. He suddenly grabbed onto his glass and raised it high, giving everyone a cocky grin. “Let’s hear it for y/n ya filthy sinnars!” 
Before you could comprehend, everyone had raised their glasses and gave a cheer of encouragement. You looked out to everyone and their genuine happiness and support, at a loss for words. You had organized all of this simply because you wanted to, but you had to admit, being recognised felt really good. A warmth began to spread into your chest, and a lump formed in your throat. 
It… wow, it had been so long since you’ve had friends like this.
You did your best to blink back tears at the gesture, not expecting to get so emotional over all of this. As you took a moment to acknowledge everyone, your gaze finally turned to Alastor. 
Oddly enough, he wasn’t looking at you, but he was looking at Angel. His eyebrows were tight as his grin stretched in an uncomfortable smile. You could tell he felt your gaze, cause soon his eyes flicked up to you, catching you watching him. In the blink of an eye, his expression softened as he grabbed his own glass, raising it high and giving you a heartening look. You shook the strange feeling from before and smiled back at him, grateful for his appreciation. 
The excitement settled down as everyone started serving themselves, the smell of the cooking becoming too much for everyone to ignore. You finally sat in your chair and reached out for Angel’s hand. The Spider Demon looked to you in surprise for a moment, taking in your smiling face.
“That was really sweet of you to say Angel,” you whispered, your grip on him tightening for a moment. You could feel yourself choking up again. “Seriously… Thank you.” Angel's face softened as he twisted his hand so it could grip on to yours. He began to open his mouth to respond.
In a mere moment, you could feel your chair lurch backwards, a panicked yelp escaping your throat as your hand was ripped out of Angel’s. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, looking at you in surprise. Angel turned in his seat and looked at you stupidly.
“... What the fuc-?”
Angel didn’t even get a chance to finish his statement as suddenly everyone chairs in your row shifted to the right, causing everyone to cry out and grip onto their seats in fear. Everyone on the other side of the table looked on in disbelief as their friends were shuffled around. 
To your surprise, while everyone shifted right, you slid to your left at lightning speed, the chair scraping loudly on the wooden floor. You suddenly jolted to a stop, and you held on for dear life at the force in which you were moving. Before you could recover, your chair lurched forward, propelling you back to the table and new place setting.
… Right next to Alastor.
You gasped in surprise, your heart racing in shock as you felt your knuckles turning white from gripping the seat so hard. You noticed something flicker beneath you, and your eyes managed to catch something. A shadow with a familiar Cheshire grin shimmied away from the feet of your chair before melting into the shade of the table. 
Your head whipped up to Alastor in disbelief. The Radio Demon had just finished serving himself jambalaya, not even looking in your direction as he tapped the serving spoon against his plate. With a cool expression, he turned his head to you and tilted his head to the side, as if nothing had happened.
“... Jambalaya~?” He pointed the spoon to the pot and looked at you expectantly.
Everyone stared for a moment, the room eerily quiet.
“.......... Alastor what the actual FUCK was that?!” Angel suddenly exploded, clearly very upset that his bestie was now 2 chairs away from him. Everyone else in your row nodded in agreement, perplexed at the sudden change in seating. Alastor didn't turn his head, nor look at Angel. The Radio Demon simply took your plate and began serving you the ride dish, his expression surprisingly calm and attention only on you.
“Just say when dear~”
Your eyes darted from Alastor to Angel, unsure of what to even do or say. Angel’s face scrunched up into a scowl, clearly displeased with being ignored.
“Hey! Freaky Face! I’m talkin’ to ya!” he growled, his hands tightening into fists. Alastor continued to ignore the spider, continuing to serve you as if it was just the two of you in the room. 
“My my, hungry now are we y/n dearest~?” Alastor grinned cheekily. You were still so dumbstruck, your gaze finally fell to your plate and you quickly realized just how full it was getting. Awkwardly looking between Angel and Alastor, you softly murmured a 'w-when'. Alastor gave a hum of approval and tapped the spoon on your plate before setting it back down in front of you. 
“Hah, ok Asshole. I see how it is.” Angel chuckled darkly to himself, “I get it. Ya just hate ta see anyone else gettin’ cozy with our little chef. I’ll admit, I didn’t take ya for the jealous type.”
That seemed to catch Alastors attention.
It was only for a moment, and only you were able to catch it sitting so close to him. But you noticed the Radio Demon’s pupils flash, and his one eyelid twitch as his smile grew dangerously wide. But in an instant, Alastor calmed his expression and was back to his suave self. Taking a breath, he finally turned his head to Angel.
“Oh please.” He drawled, his eyes looking at him with boredom, “I simply figured it only made sense for our wonderful chef to sit next to the demon who inspired tonight’s dish. Wouldn’t you agree y/n~?” He turned his head to you and slowly leaned in, giving you a pleasant smile. You felt your heart leap at suddenly being caught off guard, unsure of what to say.
“I, ah, well-!” 
Everyone's eyes were on you, and you suddenly felt very self conscious. Being put on the spot like this, and feeling as if you had to choose between your two friends, it was becoming very overwhelming. Unbeknownst to you, Charlie looked at you with such pity, and felt her own blood begin to boil at the situation these men put you in. Placing her hands on the table, the Princess of Hell rose from her chair, her face suddenly very authoritative.
“Both of you need to stop this nonsense.” She stated, looking down at both Angel and Alastor disapprovingly. “Y/n put a lot of effort into making this dinner special; and I won't allow you to ruin it over something so petty!” She continued to glare at them judgingly before turning her attention to you, giving you a quick comforting smile and nod. You felt your shoulders relax and smile back at her, feeling grateful for her support. She really was growing into her royal title. 
Angel had his arms crossed and was clearly still pissed, but there was a mix of shame in his eyes after being called out. Alastor’s face remained surprisingly calm, turning to look over at you. He noticed your posture and expression, his eyes calculating as he assessed the situation. Finally he turned back to the table.
“Our Princess is right of course~!” He smiled, lifting a hand and placing it on your shoulder, “I would hate for all of dear y/n’s efforts to be neglected. She has worked so hard; let us forget about all this nonsense and enjoy this wonderful meal~!” His eyes slid to Angels and gave him a hard stare. The Spider demon glared right back, his jaw tight and eyes furrowed with hatred. But after glancing at both you and Charlie, and seeing your faces, he finally grumbled in defeat. With a huff, Angel reached for another cheddar biscuit and slouched in his seat, ending the feud.  
You finally released the breath you were holding as everyone shrugged their shoulders and returned their focus to their plates. You felt Alastors grip on your shoulder tighten for a moment, making you turn to him. 
“Are you quite alright my dear?” He asked, an eyebrow raised in question. Despite the calm look on his face, you knew he wouldn't be asking if he wasn't genuinely concerned. You sighed and felt a smile spread across your face, giving his hand a pat in reassurance. 
“Yeah, I’m ok Al,” you started, beginning to shake your head and grin as you thought about the shenanigans he pulled earlier. “But seriously, there’s no need to be so jealous. If you want to sit beside me, just say so.” You looked up to him playfully, your previously conflicted emotions melting away. Alastor stared at you for a moment, his eye’s lidded and giving you a blank stare before turning to his plate. Removing his hand from your shoulder, he picked up his utensils and was suddenly very focused on his meal.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about y/n~” he replied. He scooped up a spoonful of rice and shrimp. You could feel your eyes crinkling as you watched him knowingly.
“Uh huh~” you smirk. 
The Radio Demon ignored you and took his first bit of jambalaya. Your grin slowly began to fall as you watched him pull the spoon out from his lips, your previous nerves from earlier settling in again. You watched his expression with baited breath as he tasted your cooking. 
His appearance didn’t change much; his eyes looking down at the food beneath him, eyes flickering over the plate. After a moment, his eyelids sank down closed as he continued to chew, allowing all of his senses to focus on the flavor. You could feel your leg begin to jiggle anxiously; seriously it was sad how badly you wanted this man’s approval. 
The demon lifted his head and gulped his mouthful down, eyes still closed and lips in a small pressed smile. You held your breath as you waited for his verdict. Alastor’s smile grew wider as he lowered his head back to the plate, opening his eyes and looking fondly at the dish below him. 
“Well well~” he chuckled, finally turning his head to you and giving you an impressed look, “I have to admit, this is as close as anyone has ever gotten.” 
You felt your heart stop.
Is he shitting you right now?
“Of course,” he continued, scooping another spoonful and inspecting it, “it is missing a few things; she’d usually add sausage as well, and probably a bit more spice to it.” he looked fond for a moment, seeming to reminisce to days gone by.
“Nevertheless, it does still taste like home~” He took another bite and once again closed his eyes, savoring the flavors. 
You felt lighter than a feather. 
Of course you knew you’d never get it exactly right. But holy crap you were so relieved that it met his expectations. You were so giddy you had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from squealing, practically doing a little happy dance in your chair. Satisfied with Alastors response, you grabbed onto your own spoon and began to happily dig in.
You were so carefree in your own little world, you didn’t even notice Alastor sneaking a glance at you. Or how his lips curled up ever so slightly at your antics before turning back to his plate. 
The rest of the evening went on without a hitch. Everyone gorged themselves until they were ready to burst, and complimented you on such a flavorful meal. You were so flustered with all the praise; despite the little quarrel that had happened earlier, you couldn’t have been more pleased with how the night went. And you felt more confident with your cooking now that you had Alastor’s official stamp of approval.
The group of demons eventually began to trickle out of the room, ready to immediately flop onto the closest comfortable furniture they could find. You giggled at their behavior and wished you could do the same, but you still had to clean up before you could clock off work. With a final stretch, you turn back to the table and are surprised to see Alastor still in his chair, leaning back comfortably and eyes closed.
“Truly a wonderful evening y/n dearest,” he sighed, opening a single eye to look at you, “There’s something about dining with a group of folks that brings out a certain camaraderie, don’t you think~?” You sighed happily as you approached the table.
“Honestly, it was something I had forgotten I had missed since coming to Hell,” you smiled, beginning to stack the plates and collecting utensils. “I’m just happy to do my part in getting demons to open up more and earn everyone’s trust.”
Alastor said nothing in return, simply watching you as you accumulated the dirty dishes. His eyebrow quirked up before he finally raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Shadows emerged from under the table, making you gasp and almost drop your stack of plates. The same shaded goons from your first week at the hotel appeared beside you and began collecting all the dishes. You begin to tumble over words of protests, but they didn’t pay attention to you as they continued to clean, one even grabbing the stack in your hands and waddling to the kitchen.
“Alastor!” you laugh, turning to him in bewilderment, “Call your minions off; seriously I can clean all of this up myself.” But the Radio Demon merely waved a hand to you as he rose from his seat.
“Don’t bother arguing with me my dear,” he sassed, “You’ve done more than enough tonight; consider this my way of thanking you for a marvelous feast.” 
You sighed at him, slightly annoyed. But you had to admit, you were grateful for his help. Today had surprisingly taken its toll on you, physically and emotionally, and you were so tired from it all. You smiled up at him, rocking back and forth on your feet sheepishly.
“... Thank you Al. Honestly.” you paused for a moment, thinking about everything he had done for you in the month you’d been here. And asking for nothing in return. It was out of character for him.
“I just…” you sighed, making Alastor tilt his head quizzically to you. “I just want to say I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me. You gave me this job, helped me settle in and feel comfortable, and because of it all I even got to make new friends…” You saw Alastors eyes narrow for a moment and you had to bite back the knowing grin. You cleared your throat and continued.
“But I hope you know,” you hummed, “that I’ll always consider you my first real friend down here. And that I’m really grateful to have been given this chance to get close to you.”
Alastor looked at you long and hard for a moment, the air between you calm and quiet. His static sound shuffled for a second before he finally straightened his back and stood taller, his lips pressed together into a large smile. The red demon glided over to you, and softly patted your head, shaking his head in amusement.
“Ohhh y/n, y/n, y/n,” he sighed, opening his eyes and quirking an eyebrow, “I do often wonder how someone like yourself ended up down here.” Now it was your turn to cock an eyebrow as you gave him a cheeky smile.
“Al, you know exactly how I got down here.”
“Ah, that’s right.” A chuckle escaped his lips, and you knew for a fact he still found your death thoroughly entertaining. “By the way, you didn’t happen to sneak anything into our meal today, now did you~?” He gave you an impish grin. You burst out laughing.
“You asshole!” you guffawed, shoving his hand on your head away playfully, to which the demon snickered evilly. As your laughter simmered down, looked at you a moment before tilting his head up, eyes closed.
“I still stand by my previous statement,” he mused. “The type of folks in this realm are not worthy of such kindness. You should be careful as to whom you trust around here.” He opened his eyes, and his crimson gaze fell to yours. His expression shifted into a serious one at his last statement, making your grin falter for a moment. But only for a moment. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I have you around then, isn’t it?” You smiled, taking a step towards him.
Alastors gaze widened a moment, his eyes flickering over your face. It wasn’t often that you caught the Radio Demon off guard, but the rare moments when you did, you couldn’t help but feel a little pride. Finally, Alastor began to chuckle, shaking his head at you again. After taking a breath, he looked back down at you, a surprising fondness donning his face.
“Hmmm, I suppose it is~”
..... Alastor doesn't like to share ¬‿¬ Fun fact: Angel like's to give you food-related nicknames. Baby Cakes, Sugar, Puddin', Honey Bunz, ect.
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jackhues · 1 year
(mockingbird au!) fruit punch - platonic!hughes
request: hi! this request was for the au, I was thinking maybe y/n is receiving some hate for dating jack after they go public and since jack is away for a game, quinn is there to help her through it?
requested by: anon : )
notes: hii, i loved this idea, and i'm so sorry it took so long, but i hope you like it!! continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
mockingbird! au request rules!
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv, @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002 , @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock ,
join my taglist!
gif not mine!
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you smiled to yourself as jack made his way down the stairs.
over the course of your relationship, you’d always known jack to be a pretty happy person. but today, he’d been happier than usual. 
you didn’t blame him. so were you.
last night, jack had posted a picture of you on his story during date night, the two of you hard launching your relationship to the public.
jack had wanted to show the world he was taken since he met you — insisting multiple times that you were the one for him — but you’d gotten him to slow down. at least until the two of you were more comfortable together. 
you knew jack was famous, especially amongst younger female fans. you had no doubt that going public would put the spotlight on you.
but seeing jack’s smile when you’d told him he can post that picture on his story had been everything to you.
“baby, did you see my toothpaste? the travel pack i keep in the washroom?” jack asked, arriving in the living room.
you folded another shirt, placing it in jack’s bag.
“did you check the washroom?” you asked him, trying not to laugh.
jack blinked, trying to remember.
at his expression, you couldn’t hold in laughter, “maybe you should check the washroom.”
“maybe i should,” he agreed, running to the washroom to search for his toothpaste.
jack was set to leave for his roadie in less than half an hour, and like always, the two of you were packing his bags at the last minute. 
jack insisted that it was the only way he could function properly. packing too early made him stressed out. you, on the other hand, needed everything packed at least a week before.
you guys compromised by setting his clothes out a week before, but doing the actual packing last minute.
“got it!” jack grinned, packing his toothpaste. he pressed a kiss to your forehead, helping you up and shouldering his bag. “what would i do without you?”
“you’d probably be buying more toothpaste,” you grinned.
jack laughed, checking his phone at the sound of a notification. 
“is it nico?” you asked, referring to his teammate.
“yeah, he’s here to pick me up,” jack confirmed. 
he kissed you, before pulling out with a giddy smile. jack leaned forward again, and you had to push him away with a little laugh.
“jack,” you ushered him to the door. “nico’s waiting. you need to go.”
“okay, okay. i’ll call you when i land,” he said, pressing one last kiss to your cheek before rushing out the door.
you smiled to yourself, locking the door behind him and collapsing on the couch. 
being with jack had been unlike anything you were used to. the way he managed to make you smile to yourself just by thinking of him, the way he’d become such a big part of your life — you’d never had that kind of relationship before.
you reached for your phone, about to text your friend and ask if she wanted to get brunch with you.
instead, your brows furrowed at the number of notifications on your instagram app. your phone was on dnd, so you hadn’t gotten any of the notifications, but there were a lot.
endless possibilities ran through your brain — from your friends dying to you somehow being added to a million new group chats.
you opened the app, furrowing your brows at the requests in your inbox and profile. people were tagging you in posts, in comments, mentioning you in their stories. 
it took less than a minute for you to realize most of them were bashing you for dating jack.
there were people sharing your instagram user (which was found by a nosy fan who’d done some hunting) in jack’s comments. some people had even made fan accounts of you, and the comments were flooded with mean remarks about your body, your face.
you knew you shouldn’t keep scrolling, but you couldn’t stop.
the comments about your nose, your hips — they were the exact things you picked yourself apart over.
hours passed, which you passed scrolling through instagram and twitter, when your phone lit up with a call.
“shit,” you muttered, accidentally pressing the accept button. you placed your phone on your ear, “hey.”
“hey,” quinn greeted on the other end of the line. “okay, i’m at freshco and they’ve got the fruit punch you like. do you want me to get ritz crackers with that or the digestive ones?”
quinn was shopping for when you and jack were going to visit vancouver on a road trip next weekend. he knew of a few of your weird food combinations, but he couldn’t remember which brand of crackers you liked with fruit punch, so he called to make sure.
you were about to answer, when you remembered the instagram comments. a lot of them spoke of your hips, your stomach… maybe fruit punch wasn’t a good idea.
“um… you know what, it’s fine,” you told him. “i’m not really in the mood for juice, you know?”
you could hear the gears turning in quinn’s head.
“y/n?” he asked. “are you okay?”
“i’m fine,” you lied.
“and i’m the tallest sibling,” you could picture quinn’s eye roll perfectly. “what’s going on y/n? you know you can talk to me, right? is it jack? you guys seemed happy on his story yesterday — oh.”
you took a shaky breath, the hurt you felt over those comments finally catching up to you.
“people are really mean,” you muttered, curling up on your side, trying not to cry.
you heard shuffling from quinn’s end of the line, before he sighed, “yeah, i know. but you don’t have to listen to them. you shouldn’t listen to them.”
“but they’re everywhere,” you said. “i open instagram: there’s a million comments. i open twitter: it’s the same thing. i can’t escape them.”
“just because you can’t escape them doesn’t mean you need to listen to them,” quinn insisted. “those people — they’re the ones who’re dreaming of having your life. but they don’t, and they’re jealous of you. they don’t know you, they know absolutely nothing about you. and that makes their opinion of you invalid.”
you sniffled, listening to quinn’s words. 
you were still hurting, yes. but having quinn there, reminding you that those who were speaking ill of you didn’t even know you made you feel a little bit better.
“thanks, q,” you told him. “that makes me feel a bit better.”
you could hear quinn’s smile, “good, because i still can’t remember what crackers you like with fruit punch?”
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oursecretescape · 3 months
words: 7.5k
genre: angst
If my fate is to disappear like this, then this is my last letter - Let go xx TW: Mentions of anxiety, panick attack. Trad: anjinho = little angel. a/n: Hello, my babies. This story is the translation of ''Forgotten'' that I recently posted. I tried to make it as angsty as possible, hope I have achieved my goal. My apologies before hand for any grammar erros. English is not my first language. I suggest you all read it along with the saddest song you like. Well... with all that being said, I wish you a happy reading (or sad? lmao. dunno). Tell me later what y'all thought. ♥
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"Hey! We'll be there soon. Sorry for the delay. Today's rehearsal took longer than expected. We're leaving now."
Received at 5 in the afternoon.
I take a quick glance at the clock, and it shows eight in the evening. A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I feel my heart drumming slowly in my chest, each beat amplifying my growing sense of unease.
I get up from the couch and reach for the umbrella swaying gently in the wind coming from the window. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, attempting to manage the sudden surge of fear and despair growing in my chest. My heart is racing, and my mind is in overdrive. A sense of mortality and suffocation, all rolled up into a single emotion: anxiety.
I sit down, sliding along the corridor wall. I try to control my breathing while attempting to steady the pounding of my heart. I think that dying in the hallway of a building would be so pointless and dull that it makes me laugh. A laugh, strained and devoid of emotion, but functional.
Heart rate normalizing. Labored, but controlled breathing. Mind stabilized.
I feel my face wet with tears. I wipe them away with trembling hands. When did I start crying? I rise from the floor, swaying a little. I take another deep breath and press the elevator button.
Dad always said that thinking of ridiculous things in difficult moments would help distract me. He was right, as he always was.
The cold, damp breeze of Seoul's streets warmed my soul. Its black skies, like darkness, covered with thick clouds, carried heavy raindrops that, upon impact, met my umbrella, creating beautiful melodies. It was comforting to hear the drops hitting the hard concrete; they reminded me that I wasn't crying alone.
It was thundering when I arrived at the destination. Bright streaks in the sky made the monument even gloomier. I found it ironic how everything matched my feelings. As I entered through the doors, I could already hear muffled cries. Sadness and suffering permeated the air, leaving me melancholic.
After a few more steps, I could see the person I love the most in the world greeting me with a beautiful smile. His eyes were shining like true rays of sunshine. I sit in front of him, sliding my fingers where his name rests. Lee Joon-Ho.
"Dad, I miss you so much," I say aloud, my voice cracking with emotion. "It's been incredibly lonely without you here. You have no idea how much I long for your company," I said, feeling the salty taste of tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't bring my friends to meet you like I promised. They're all caught up with their own lives, you know how it is. But don't worry, I'll bring them next time when they're less busy," I chuckle, with no emotion.
I hear footsteps behind me. I stand up excitedly, my heart pounding, but this time as a sign of comfort. They didn't forget. I feel my face stretch into a small smile, which is quickly dissolved.
"Hello, young lady. Good evening," the guard gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to ask you not to linger too long on your visit today. The rain caused some minor leaks, and we'll have to close a little earlier."
"Oh okay, I understand," I responded in a whisper.
"I'm sorry. You have 10 minutes. I'll leave you alone," he said, bowing and leaving promptly.
I turn again, sitting on the floor.
"Dad, today I have to leave a little earlier. But don't worry, I'll be back soon," I feel the tears fall like the drops falling from the sky. "I love you so much," I say between sobs. "I miss you."
I stand up in desperation, running out the door, feeling the drops fall freely on my body, without the protection of the umbrella. It was as if I was washing away all the bad feelings flowing from my being.
Arriving home, I take a hot shower and change into comfortable clothes. The room were in dense darkness. It was just the rain and me. And my cat, who was rubbing against my leg, lay on my lap."
I feel my chest inflate with comfort at the presence of the little being and smile at the gesture.
With the phone in hand, I try to distract my restless mind. I see the Twitter icon and feel my heart pounding as if I shouldn't do this, but I do it anyway. The blue screen shining amidst the darkness of the room soon turns into white, leaving my vision blurred. I switch to dark mode and continue scrolling through my feed.
Within a few seconds, I see something that breaks my heart even more. Among the bursts of excitement from Armys, there are videos of the boys, my boys, having fun in a restaurant with her. They forgot about the visitation day because of her. Again, the reason why I was put aside is her.
Knocks on the door make me forget the feelings of jealousy and anger that burned in my body like fire. I hesitated to remove the furry creature from my lap, as it seemed so comfortable. With a little effort, I get up and walk to the door. Upon opening it, I see Adora's face in a comforting smile. Seeing a friendly face, I feel my tears fall freely on my face once again. She immediately drops the bags she was carrying and envelops me in a loving hug.
I can't say for how long we hugged. What I can say is that it was exactly what I needed at that moment. I feel my chest getting lighter as if all the bad feelings had been carried away by the embrace, and I feel grateful to Adora for that.
Slowly I pull away, and I can see her smile return twice as big.
"Better?" she asks, making me nod.
I step aside, and she enters, placing the food bags on the coffee table. I close the door and follow her.
"What did you bring?" I ask curiously, making her laugh.
"I knew food would cheer you up," she laughs. "I brought a lot of junk food. Sweet and savory cookies, ice cream, sweet and sour pork, hamburgers, and sodas."
"Soda?" I wonder. "Since when do you like fizzy drinks? You always said they gave you gas," I hold back a laugh.
"The soda is for you. For me," she reaches into the bag, pulling out two green bottles of soju. "I brought alcohol," she says sticking her tongue out as she shakes the bottles.
I smile at her little dance, but seeing her gummy smile reminds me of him. I feel the sadness wanting to return when I remember the videos, but I cast aside any bad feelings as I grab the ice cream container.
"I didn't want to bring it up, but I'm really sorry I wasn't there. You know how it is at BigHit. I couldn't leave the production until the work was finished," she explains, and I smile.
"It's okay. I understand," I whisper. "The important thing is that you're here now."
"About the boys..." she starts to say, but I quickly cut her off.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to talk about it."
"But you need to, Cassie. You know that. Keeping it all inside will only make it worse. You know you can trust me. Vent it out. I'm here," she holds my hand.
I close my eyes, nodding. I search within myself for the strength to let out everything I'm feeling. Everything that's hurting me. I bite my lower lip and open my eyes. It's going to be okay.
"It's been some time since my friendship with the boys started cooling off," I begin, feeling her squeeze my hand in comfort. "You know I met Tae before he became famous, and he's the one who introduced me to the rest of the boys. Since then, we've had a very strong friendship. We weren't always together, especially with the tours and my work, but we were close, like a real family. No matter how long we went without seeing each other, nothing changed, until recently," I sigh. "Park Ji-Hye showed up about 2 months ago, a few weeks before my dad passed away. She auditioned for the dancer position and passed the test," Adora nods.
"Yeah, I saw her audition," she says.
"So, since that day, I saw her getting closer and closer to the boys. They were always talking about how cool and funny she is, and, you know, I was happy for them. A new friendship is always good, especially for them, who are famous and always have to be careful with opportunists. But it never crossed my mind that she would take the place I had in their lives," I smile sadly. "They started visiting me much less. Calling me much less. Inviting me to the dorm or out much less. Until the day I literally became nothing to them," I look at Adora, whose face is red with anger.
"These..." I interrupted her.
"You don't want to lose your job, right?" I ask, laughing. "And you can't blame them either. She became their official dancer, which means wherever they go, she's with them," I shrug. "She's with them all the time, and that surely made them closer to her. Even more than me," I feel my eyes welling up. "I don't want to lose them, but I feel like I already did."
"Hey," she shakes me. "Calm down, breathe. I know they messed up. And they messed up badly, but it doesn't mean they've forgotten about you," Adora says, trying to comfort me.
"They forgot me the day my dad died, Adora. I'll never forget that. I feel like on that day, I died twice. I remember calling them in desperation, crying, not knowing what to do, feeling like my world was falling apart," I pause as I feel all the emotions returning. "And they said they were coming, but they never showed up," I continued after a few seconds of silence. "After that, they sent me a message explaining that Park Ji-Hye had gotten hurt dancing and they were with her at the hospital," Adora nods.
"Yeah, I remember. She just fell on her butt, but she made a scene like she broke her back. Everyone was freaking out at the company, even Bang PD. But in the end, it was just drama," she laments.
"After that, they didn't even visit me. Not even once," I laughed with no emotion. "Right after, they forgot my birthday. I understand that I wasn't excited at all because of my dad, but it wouldn't hurt to receive some supportive or congratulatory messages from them. I was so upset that I sent some sad texts. In less than thirty minutes, they were knocking on my door. We cried a lot, but I felt like a part of me had come back to life and that everything was going to be okay," I sarcastically laughed. "I couldn't have been more wrong, could I?" I asked.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. After today, I finally understood," I grab a spoon. "They found someone better than me. Someone who can be with them all the time and help them when they need it. I'm just sad that person isn't me. Not anymore," I shove the spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, to prevent the tears stuck in my throat from coming out.
For the rest of the night, Adora didn't bring up the subject again, and I was grateful for that.
A random movie played on TV, but my mind was far away. I looked to the side and saw Adora sleeping with her mouth open. A piece of cookie rested on her cheek while her hand lay above her head. I silently chuckled, covering us and then turning off the TV.
A distant ringing sound caught my attention. I tapped around the couch until I found the phone under the cushion. My eyes automatically closed from the sudden contact with the bright screen, but just as they closed, they widened.
After the first notification, thousands started to show up. My heart throbbed in my chest as my body was flooded with nervousness.
"Min PD: Cassie, please tell me you're there."
"Joonie: Please respond. We're sorry. It wasn't our intention not to show up..." The message appeared cut off because I hadn't unlocked the phone yet.
"Hobierto: Believe us, Cassie. Please, we know you're awake. Answer us."
"Jinnie: Cassandra, we would never do anything to hurt you. Please let us explain."
"Mochi: Answer the phone."
After that message, a group call popped up on the screen. I stared at it, battling the urge to answer. I sighed deeply and threw the phone back onto the couch because no matter how much I wanted to talk to them, I was still hurt. I didn't want to answer and end up fighting. Saying things without thinking and ending up in a worse situation. The best thing to do now was to rest.
I made myself comfortable on the bed we had arranged on the floor, and put the pillow over my head to block out the notifications. When I didn't see any changes, I pressed the power button on my phone and confirmed it right away. I lay back down and took a deep breath. Tomorrow is a new day. Everything will be okay. ——————————————————
It wasn't even dawn when I heard knock after knock. Disoriented, I got up, searching for where the noise was coming from until my feet led me to the front door. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and got irritated to see it was six past two in the morning.
I swung the door open, ready to argue with whoever had woken me up so early after going to bed so late, but I lost my voice when I saw the seven people I loved most staring at me ty forlornly.
I felt two arms embrace me tightly, followed by two more until I lost count. Desperate whispers for forgiveness echoed in my ear, making me feel loved... until a certain moment. Memories of what had happened the night before made me wake up from the sleep I didn't know I was in. Slowly, I distanced myself from the seven, able to see the tears streaming down some of their faces and sadness emanating from the others.
"Cassie..." Jimin starts. "I'm so sorry. It wasn't our intention to leave you alone in such a difficult time. Please, believe us."
"We didn't come here to lie to you, Cassandra..." Namjoon says. "It really wasn't our intention. I know this is going to sound completely wrong, but we made a promise to Ji-Hye. We promised to take her out to celebrate her birthday since she's far from her family and would probably celebrate alone," I try to hide a grimace.
They couldn't miss her birthday, but could miss mine.
"As soon as we finished eating, we were going to come straight here. And we really were, Cas, really. But the company called saying we had to go there to finalize the last details for the album. It was then that we sent several messages in the group, but you didn't see any."
"That's why we're here," Taehyung says, interrupting Namjoon. "Cassie, listen to me. You're one of the most important people in my life. Sorry if lately my actions haven't shown that, but please, please, Cas, don't be mad at us. I couldn't bear to know that you're upset because of me," he whispers.
"Go to the dorms tonight. Let's talk about this calmly," Hoseok suggests.
I remain silent for a few minutes.
"Come on, please. Hum? Hum?'' Tae shakes my arm. ''You'll go, right? Say yes," he asks.
"Okay," I sigh deeply. "I'll go."
I feel arms wrapping around my body again, and I relax, enjoying the contact. This time, the hug lasted only a few seconds. The boys said goodbye, saying they needed to be at the company in a few hours. 
"Tonight at 7. We'll be waiting for you," Yoongi said and then left. 
I closed the door, trying to contain my excitement and the obvious smile on my face. As I turned to go back to bed, I was startled to see only Adora's head peeking out from behind the couch. She had a radiant smile on her face as she looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Shut up," I say, making her laugh. ——————————————————
I look at the clock on the wall. It's 8:07 in the evening. Damn, I was late. I could already hear Adora's voice slowly emerging in my mind, saying that I should have listened to her and picked out my outfit earlier. Shaking my head, I focus on finishing getting ready. The last thing I needed right now was a lecture from my own mind.
I hear knocks and the doorbell ringing repeatedly.
"Shit," I mutter as I hop over to the door.
I try to put on my sock while walking to the door, but my unfailing plan soon becomes fallible when I trip over my own hand and fall on the floor. The knocks and the doorbell grow louder, and I feel irritation creeping in. "ALRIGHT, I'M COMING," I yell and pick myself up.
I walk back to the door with a pout and my hair completely tousled, covering my face. I take a deep breath, fix my hair, put on a fake smile, and finally open the door. As I see the seven people I love most in the world looking at me with confused faces, I feel my smile turn genuine, and the earlier irritation vanish as if it had never existed.
"Is everything okay? Why didn't you come?" I hear Taehyung ask as he scrutinizes me from head to toe."
"What happened? Something serious?" Seokjin asks, and I shake my head.
"No, guys, sorry. I almost died trying to choose a good outfit to wear and ended up running late, sorry," I explained laughing.
''What do you mean you almost died?" Jungkook asks as I watch their faces turn into a grimace."
"It was nothing, really," I reassure, taking a quick glance at Jungkook, who was holding back his laugh.
He knew it. I am sure he did.
"Are you sure you didn't... you know... fall on your ass?" he smirks. "I'm sure I heard a huge..."'' 
"Hobi," I said excitedly, "What do you have there?" I pointed to the bags he was carrying while Jungkook laughed.
That little prick.
''Food," he says, shaking the bags. ''We know how much you love eating''.
I chuckle and make way for them to enter. In a few minutes, the food was already on the coffee table, and an improvised bed was set up on the living room floor. I change into more comfortable clothes and join them.
"Look, before we start, we want you to know how sorry we are," Yoongi says.
"Yes... Sorry for not being there on the visitation's day," Jimin adds. "If there's anything you want to say, anything that's bothering you, please let us know. We'll fix it all, Cassie. ''he holds my hand.'' We want things to go back to how they used to be."
"We're here for you, Cas," Jin finishes, and I smile weakly.
I pause for a moment, feeling that it still wasn't the right time. So, I just sigh and shake my head.
"It's okay, guys. Really," I open with a smile. "Let's just watch this movie already. I'm dying to see who'll be the first one to cry and shake in fear like a little kitten." I say, trying to change the subject, and smirk when I realize it worked.
"I am sure it won't be me," Hoseok says with confidence. "Cause you know..." he shows off his muscles. "I'm a man," he pauses for a minute.
It doesn't take long until Hoseok's laughter fills the room, making everyone laugh.
"Who listens to him talking like this, doesn't even think the Gladiator sandal outside belongs to him," Jungkook says, making Hoseok look at him flabbergasted.
''Hey, what do you mean by that?'' he asks shookedt. ''It's fashionable''
"Yeah, Hobi. Sure is," Yoongi says, patting his shoulder.
''Why I don't believe you are being honest?'' Hoseok asks putting his finger under his chain. ''I'm going to expose you on Twitter. Or should I say X?''
''What? Are you into Xvideos?'' Namjoon asks as he returns. 
Everybody stops and looks at him. When did he even leave to begin with?
"What were you doing, Joonie?" I ask, smirking at him. "Were you in the bathroom?" he nods as the rest of the boys laugh.
''Now we know why you are thinking naughtiness'' Jimin says.
Namjoon's face turns red as he shakes his hands nervously. He tries to sit down on the couch but somehow ends up falling on the ground. We can see his cellphone flying around the living room as he throws his arms in the air in an attempt to regain his balance, but it doesn't work, as expected.
''No need to be nervous, Joonie'' I say. ''Everybody masturbates once in a while.''
''Do we?'' Yoongi looks at me suspiciously.
"I mean," I chuckle nervously. "How did we even get to this conversation? Let's just watch the movie for God's sake."
"Nah, nah. Don't you try coming up with excuses," Tae says abruptly. "What do you mean by that? Are you dating someone?" Jungkook seems to be having fun as he opens a beer can.
''What? Me? Dating?'' I laugh. ''Not even close. But I can't say the same about Jungkook, can I?'' he chokes.
''Uh? What you on about?'' he asks as he cleans his mouth. ‘’Seven days a week, huh?’’ he burst into laughter. He pauses for a minute before smirking. "Hm, why's that, baby girl?" he says, leaning in my direction. "Are you jealous?" he asks, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Do you want me to…" he bites his lower lip. "You know," he says putting his finger on my lips. I can already feel the cringeness and second-hand embarrassment traveling throughout my body as the rest of the boys laugh. This prick. ‘’You really need to get out from twitter,’’ I say, shoving him away. ‘’The next step is to put up a black and white profile picture and call yourself a webdom’’ He raises both of his middle fingers in my direction before turning his attention back to the beer can. ‘’Are you guys done? Can I finally play this damn movie?’’ Yoongi asks, making everybody nod.
Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was time for them to leave. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay overnight. They had to leave very early the next day due to their schedule. 
I hesitated to get up; I didn't want to accompany them to the door out of sheer laziness, and feeling Taehyung shaking me with his foot made me even more sluggish.
"If you keep doing that, I swear I'll fall asleep," I say, making him huff.
"Come on, sloth imitation. Take us to the door," Jimin says, but gives up when he sees Jungkook lying next to me.
"Jungkook, I'm sure you really like your video game, right?" Seokjin asks, and in a jump, Jungkook gets up.
"Are you really not taking us to the door?" Yoongi asks, and I remain silent. "Okay then."
When I open my eyes to see what he was going to do, I feel an arm gather and squeeze my legs while a hand starts tickling my feet furiously.
"JESUS!" I scream in surprise.
I heard laughter as I fought for my life. The strange feeling that tickling brought made me confused if I was laughing because I found it funny or if it was fear messing up my nervous system. The laughter increased as I writhed and screamed for help.
"YOONGI, YOU JERK!" I said without realizing that I was actually yelling.
"Weren't you sleepy?" Yoongi asks. "So, I'm trying to help you."
"Are you going to take us to the door?" he asks.
I feel my body calm down and my brain start functioning again as the tickling ceases. I looked at Yoongi who was laughing while sniffing his hand.
"Ew, you have smelly feet," he says, and I get up.
"Come here, you little jerk," I chase after him as he runs away mocking me.
After a few seconds, I could already feel that the 70% of water in my body had evaporated and the air in my lungs was scarce. When did my body become so sedentary?
"Idiot," I curse Yoongi who laughs. "I hate you."
"I love you too, beautiful thing," I hear him say.
Finally, I accompany them to the door. After a lazy farewell, I see them about to leave, but a click in my mind makes me stop them.
"As you know, I graduated from college, but since it was at the time when my father died, I didn't have any enthusiasm to celebrate. Adora recommended that I have a celebration the day after tomorrow night, since it's the weekend. Just to not let it go unnoticed. So... you guys are invited."
"We'll be here, don't worry," Namjoon says, and I smile nodding.
We say goodbye again, and this time, I see them leave. Seeing the elevator door close, I go back inside the house. The smile on my face never leaves me for a second, and finally, after so long, I could feel that things would really be okay.
Thanks to Adora, everything was organized on time. The food was ordered since neither she nor I wanted anyone to die from food poisoning. The time we ended up in the hospital the day we cooked for each other was enough. No need to repeat the dose.
I check the time on my phone and see it's 8pm. They would arrive at any moment, so I sit next to Adora on the couch to chat until then.
☂ ☂
Some time passed, and the boys still hadn't arrived. I look at the time again and see that it's 9:46. I try not to think the worst and choose to believe they would be here soon.
☂ ☂
I sigh deeply at seeing what time it is: 11:14. I try to ignore Adora's pitying look and get up from the couch. I suppress the tears once again. I am tired of crying. And more than ever, I realize that they don't deserve my tears.
"Cassandra..." Adora calls me, and I look at her. "I'm sure there's an explanation for this. Something must have happened at the company, and they couldn't let us know." I shake my head.
Something inside me told me that wasn't it, and I decided to trust my intuition.
"Adora, can you take me to the dorm?," I ask softly. "I don't think I'll have the courage to go alone," I weakly smile, and she nods.
"Of course, my love. Of course..." ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The car journey lasted less than I wished. My mind was constantly clouded by memories, anxiety making the painful memories hurt twice as much. I laughed in disbelief. I wondered what I had done wrong to deserve this.
"Thank you for bringing me," I look at Adora. "And thank you for always being by my side in difficult times. If I felt supported and loved, be sure that it's all because of you. You're an amazing person, Adora, and I hope you know that." she smiles.
"Regardless of what happens there, remember that you are enough. Not for them, but for yourself. Don't belittle yourself for them, Cassie, and don't let the love you feel for them speak louder than your self-love. If you survived two hellish months without their presence, be sure that you can live your life and be immensely happy in the future without them. I guarantee you that," I feel her hand squeezing mine for comfort, and I smile. "I'll be waiting for you here," I nod.
I get out of the car, feeling Adora's words take effect. I walk bravely towards the towering building, ignoring every feeling of nostalgia trying to invade me. I couldn't lose focus now.
Arriving on their dorm's floor, I feel my heart skip a beat. I pause for a moment and try to put my thoughts and feelings in order. Seeing no result, I lean against the wall and try in every way to avoid a panic attack that was about to come. As if it were a heavenly help, I feel my phone vibrate. With trembling hands, I pick it up and see a message from Adora.
"Don't forget, you are strong and capable. And never for a moment think you are alone, because I'm here for you."
I clutch my phone tightly. Adora is right. I am strong and I am capable. I can do this because regardless of what happens, I will be okay.
I take a deep breath, gathering all the strength and courage from my being, and knock on the door. I freeze when I realize what I've done, but I quickly compose myself. I will be okay.
A few seconds passed and no one answered, so I knocked again. But just like the first time, there was no response. After the third attempt, I decide to enter. Typing the password on the door, I entered the dormitory.
Upon realizing that there was no one in the main hall, the pounding of my heart calmed down. I begin to walk through the dormitory, recalling every good moment I had with my boys. I feel the sadness emanating in my chest once again.
I really didn't want to lose them.
As I walked down the corridor, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I started walking with firm steps, but I felt my legs waver when I heard a female voice among their voices. It was her.
"Jungkook-oppa, you're so silly," I hear her delicate laughter, feeling jealousy burning in my chest.
It should be me there.
"The silly you love," I hear Jungkook reply.
I could hear the happiness in his voice. It was as if they didn't need anyone else at the moment but her. And that made me hate her, but my own mind scolded me. She is not worthy of my hatred. She is as innocent as I am in this story. She did nothing to hurt me, so why would I hate her?
"Hinnie," I hear Hoseok's voice.
"Try it and tell me what you think."
There was a moment of pause until applause and sounds of appreciation were made.
"It's amazing, oppa," she says. "You really keep improving in the kitchen every day."
Unable to bear it anymore, I think of simply turning around and leaving, but something catches my attention. And it was precisely there, in that moment, that I regretted staying.
"Why do I feel like we're forgetting something?" I hear Taehyung say, and I feel my body tremble.
Once again, there was a pause until someone shouted.
"Shit, really," Jimin said. "We forgot to take the drinks out of the freezer."
I feel my heart break, as if that were possible. I let out a disbelieving laugh and finally come out from where I was hiding.
"And try more of this," Hoseok suddenly stops. "Cassie..."
I hear the sound of something falling to the ground. Soon, everyone was staring at me wide-eyed. I repress the urge to laugh. I realize how messy my whole body was the moment I wanted to laugh and not cry.
"Oh no," Jimin says, as if remembering something. "The party."
With that said, everyone becomes even more desperate. Seeing them approaching, I panic.
"Don't come near,"
They quickly stop. I see them not knowing what to do. And it wasn't just them. I end up getting disoriented with so much pressure. Where did my courage go when I needed it most?
"Um... what's going on?" she asks, and I close my eyes.
It's not her fault. It's not her fault...
"Ji-Hye, could you leave us alone for a moment?" Namjoon asks.
"Yes, of course. It's time for me to leave anyway," she gets up. "I'll see you later," she says bowing both to them and to me.
After she left, silence hung in the air. I tried to hold back my laughter, but when I saw everyone's confused faces, I knew I had failed. When I noticed that no one was going to say anything, I took the initiative.
"Do you know what's more disappointing? It's that I really thought this time would be different," I shrug. "I guess I was wrong, wasn't I?"
"Do you remember when you asked me if I had something to say, Jinnie? If something was hurting me? Well, I do, and I hope I won't be interrupted."
With no response, I continue.
"I feel like I died. It's been a while since I am just surviving," I start. "The fact that you didn't come to the visitation isn't the part that hurts the most, it's that you weren't there when my father passed away. I remember how desperate I was, and the only people I could think of were you. But you weren't there. Damn, you didn't even call." I whisper as tears fall freely down my face. "When I found myself alone in the hospital, realizing that the person who adopted me and chose me to love had died, that was my first death. The person who loved me, who looked beyond language or race barriers, and who taught me everything I know had suddenly left, without even giving me a chance to say goodbye. Do you know how I felt? Devastated."
I pause for a moment. Melancholy takes over my body as I recall all the feelings I felt that day, and for a moment, I allow myself to cry all I needed. I sob so much that I thought I might choke. Without caring about looks or pity, I just allowed myself, knowing that everything would be okay.
"When I called the only people I thought I could count on, and they told me they were coming, I didn't feel so alone," I let out a humorless laugh. "Until I realized that those people never arrived. The people who always said they would be there for me weren't there when I needed them the most. That was my second death," I look at Jin. "Don't say these things to anybody if they are not coming from your heart. Don't hurt anyone else by saying you have their backs or that you will always be there for them when in reality it's not the truth."
I look at each one. Their gazes were distant, as if they were reliving every moment. 
"You know, I don't want you to think I'm mad at Park Ji-Hye. Actually, quite the opposite. I was really happy when you said you met someone nice. Someone who really cared about you and genuinely wanted your friendships. I know how tough it is for you to find real friendships with all the fame, so I felt fulfilled too. I remember telling daddy excitedly, and he laughed at my excitement, happy for you and for me. Right after that, I lost him, and little by little, I lost you too, like I was meant to be alone," I smile weakly. "I am sorry if I'm being selfish, but that's how I feel. You guys forgot my birthday. Forgot the visitation days, and to top it off, you forgot my graduation party. It's like you replaced me as if I never even existed in your lives, and that really hurts. Really.''
I finish, and only then I realize they were crying with me. Some didn't have the courage to meet my gaze. We spent a few minutes without anyone saying anything. The only thing filling the air was the sound of our sniffles and sobs.
"On the day your father died," Namjoon begins. "We felt like we had lost a family member because he was, in fact, one. I am truly sorry, Cas, but for me, Park Ji-Hye's fall was an escape. I didn't want to face reality. I wouldn't know how to react to the loss of someone so special, and I also wouldn't know how to act with you," he looks at me.
"On your birthday, we thought you would like to be alone. It would be the first without your father, so we didn't know what to do, Cassie. We panicked," Jimin sighs. "But now I realize how you felt," he laughs humorlessly. "My God, I never thought I'd be such a horrible friend. What a disappointment," he whispers, covering his face with his hand.
"On visitation days," I look at Hoseok. "I confess that I clung to any opportunity not to go, Cas," he cries. "Not because I didn't love you. I love you, and I love you very much, but I never knew how to react to death. The only two times I entered a cemetery, I spent the rest of the week feeling bad, with depressive thoughts. I also couldn't let Armys worry. I didn't want their 'Sun' to lose its brightness. I am so sorry for not being able to tell you this before. I didn't want to seem selfish."
I suppress a disbelieving laugh.
"Hearing all this, I realize how futile our apologies seem," Yoongi laughs weakly. "But they are true, Cassie... I understand what Hoseok says. You know about my history with depression, don't you?" he asks, and I nod. "It's the same thing for me. If I enter a cemetery, my thoughts don't stop. Some come in a worse form, and I feel like I'm going crazy."
"We were selfish, Cas," Seokjin says. "I was. I didn't want Armys to see us sad because I knew the chaos it would be. I have no words to express how special you are to me," he pauses. "Cassie, you are my sister, my family. You weren't crying alone; I cried with you. I just couldn't show it. I knew it would be worse if I saw you cry, just like I am seeing now."
There was a moment of silence. Until his voice broke.
"I am sorry," Taehyung says. "Damn, I don't even know what to say, Cassie. You are one of the most precious people I have ever met. I remember how you stayed with us through thick and thin. I also remember how happy you were for us at the beginning, and I know the genuine happiness you felt when we received our first award. You stood by my side when my grandma passed away. How could I not be by your side too? My God," he puts his hand on his head in an act of despair. "You stayed by our side when we thought about disbanding. It was you who helped us see why we are here, who helped us find reasons to stay," he looks at me anxiously. "How could I be so selfish?"
"We thought that regardless of anything, you would always be by our side. That you would understand us, even with our deplorable attitudes. We always thought we would have you next to us, so we neglected you," Yoongi shakes his head. I feel like he answered more to Taehyung than to me. "Damn, anjinho, I'm sorry," I lower my head as I hear him call me by the nickname I loved so much.
"The fact that we started a new friendship also influenced us," Jungkook says. "We were so excited that someone, besides you, wanted a friendship without interest that without realizing it, we put aside the one that had been with us from the beginning," I hear Jungkook say muffled, as his two hands covered his face.
"We don't deserve you, Cassandra. We left you at the most difficult moment of your life, and yet you never stopped loving us," Yoongi pulls his own hair, a habit he always did when he was nervous. "We can't let you leave thinking that we don't care about you because, Cassie, that would be a complete lie. With the stress of the comeback, things only got worse. It was rehearsal, recording, agendas to fulfill, productions, trips, tours. Our minds were a mess, and Park Ji-Hye tried to help us from there. We know she's not the one to blame, and it's not your fault either. It's ours and only ours. I know this will seem like a lame excuse, but I didn't want to let you go thinking that you aren't precious to us. You are Cas. And you always will be."
I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. If before I felt bad, now I feel ten times worse. It seemed like I didn't even know them anymore. The feeling of comfort they made me feel was replaced by anguish. By sadness.
I open my eyes, and for the last time, I look at my boys. I realize that Taehyung understood my gaze.
"Cassie, please... Please don't..." Taehyung starts, but is interrupted by Seokjin.
"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say."
"But I can't lose her, Hyung. I can't lose her," Taehyung says, crouching down.
I think about going to him, but then I retreat my body. If I do that, I know my heart will weaken, and at the moment, the only person I need to think about is myself.
"I'm sorry, hyung, but I'll be selfish," Namjoon says to Seokjin, and I look at him confused. "I don't know what your decision will be, Cassie. I'll support you, even if you choose to leave without our friendship. But I beg you... Cassandra, I implore you, try to find in yourself a little piece that doesn't want to give up on us. It doesn't have to be now. I want you to heal, and I don't care how long it takes. The only thing I ask is that you don't forget us and don't give up on us. Come back to us when you feel ready. I don't want to lose you, Cas. I..."
"I really hope you find a way to forgive us, Cassie. But understand that if you don't, we'll understand. You, more than anyone else, have every right to hate us," Yoongi says, interrupting Namjoon. "I hope you don't forget about us because, with all my heart, we won't forget about you."
I feel my heart shattering with every tear that falls on their faces. I smile weakly. I will really miss them.
I bow in a sign of respect, and as I return to my normal position, I raise my hand to my heart.
"Thank you, my boys. For all the good moments. You were a very important part of my life, which I will carry forever. I will never forget about all of you," I smile faintly. "How could I forget my first true friendships? My first loves?" I whisper.
I take a breath and smile. A true smile. A smile of gratitude.
"Regardless of what happened, you guys deserve nothing but love and happiness. Don't let anyone say otherwise. Even far away, please remember I will always be cheering for your success. And whenever you feel unloved, remember I love you. Very, very much.'' I can hear their sobs getting stronger. ''Don't think I blame you for what happened; I think I finally understand that life has its ups and downs. People come and unfortunately go," I see Taehyung desperate, trying to find something to say. I look away. I need to be strong. "I hope that every day your friendship with Park Ji-Hye grows, and that you take from all of this a lesson.''
I take a deep breath, looking at them for the last time.
''From the bottom of my heart... I wish you to be immensely happy."
In a gesture, I send thousands of kisses. I see Tae wanting to approach, so I turn around and start walking towards the exit, and this time, I don't cry. I feel the weight of sadness in my chest, but the weight of peace for having put everything I felt out was greater. And for the first time in two months, I believe it when I say that everything will be okay.
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gucciwins · 1 year
We need well kept secret 2.0 please I’m begging
I'm so happy you love well kept secret I truly am. I hope you enjoy this 3.3k little part two. there’s fluff, angst, and lots of love. enjoy mis amores 💜💜💜💜💜💜
read here: well kept secret
Harry was tired.
He was tired of sharing Y/N. He wanted a moment alone with her without someone interrupting, saying they needed her. It seemed everyone came to her for answers, never leaving her any time to spare for Harry. She always apologized, and Harry assured her it was okay because he hated seeing her upset.
Tour has been nonstop. Since the drop of his third album, his life has changed significantly because he got to do it with Y/N at his side as his girlfriend. She was the inspiration behind this new album, and he was glad to share it with her. Europe was wonderful; doing stadiums and going to bed with Y/N was his favorite thing, no longer having to long for her from afar. North America residencies were a blast. It felt nice to stay in a city for longer than a day.
Now onto the last leg of the tour, Harry realizes he hasn’t had time with his lovely girlfriend. He knows Y/N is working hard because she loves her job. She’s been Tom’s assistant manager for so long that she could do his work with her eyes closed. It’s the reason they all trust her to travel with him as part of the management but also because she is the best at keeping Harry on track. Except when he’s upset.
Harry wants to explore Mexico with Y/N, but everyone pulls her away. On the first night of his show in Guadalajara, Harry managed to steal her away for a quiet dinner in his dressing room. The one thing that keeps him going each night is that she’s in the audience cheering him on, if it’s from the side stage to a private booth and sometimes at the soundstage. He knows she’s always watching him shine and sing songs inspired by her.
“We should get away,” Harry told her as she crawled into bed, both tired from a long night.
“Mmm… get away.”
“We’ve got holidays with your family,” she reminded him.
Harry sighed, fixing the blanket and making sure Y/N was tucked close to him. “We can do it after the final show. Or after the holidays, I’m tired of sharing you with everyone. No one lets me have time with you.”
Y/N frowns, “that’s not true.”
“Who have you been around the city with?”
She stays silent because Elin, Nyoh, and Sarah took her out for breakfast while Harry went to the gym. “They found me after I finished my emails,” she defends.
Harry sighs, “just say yes, please.”
“Yes, Harry, you have full permission to take me on holiday.”
“Yay,” he cheers. “It’ll be our first couple holiday.”
Y/N is surprised because he’s right. Every trip they’ve had has been because of his job. Sure they go out, but it’s always in groups. Harry is careful to never hold her hand. Having worked for Harry for a few years, she’s had her fair share of paparazzi photos. She remembers the first time Twitter was having a field day, not knowing who she was, and it wasn’t until someone looked up her Linkedin profile did they relax. She wonders what fans would think now? Probably say it was straight out of a fanfiction story. It’s a big reason Harry and her decided that their relationship would be theirs shared with family and close friends.
The trust Harry and Y/N have built through their friendship and now in their relationship is unbreakable.
A wonderful country that welcomed Harry with open arms.
Y/N lays in bed, a face mask on her face, as Harry sits at the end of the bed on his phone, shooting text after text. Sometimes it was her job to be on the phone but now was her spa time. She relaxed, taking the time to paint her nails and do a deep skincare routine. Most of the time, Harry was the one painting her nails.
“Listen to this, love. Harry Styles gets risky in Brazil with a Brazilian lover, or is it his secret girlfriend. Read to find out more.” Harry reads, trying his best to hold in his anger.
“What photo did they use?”
“It’s awful.”
Y/N is now even more curious.
“You have to show me now.”
Harry scoots closer, putting his phone above her face, and she looks at a photo of Harry and her lounging outside the pool in Brazil. Harry had begged her to come lay with him to forget all their friends, and who was she to argue with him when he looked so good his shorts rolled all the way up to get an even tan. She settled down next to him, setting her leg between him. She rests her head on his chest. Harry’s hand was quick to find a home on her ass, not that she minded. He had given her a good squeeze teasing her about her skimpy bikini. Harry was comfortable touching Y/N because he felt safe in his hotel, knowing there were not many people lounging around.
“I’m flattered they think I can pass off as a Brazilian.”
Harry sits back on his heels, “you’re not mad.”
Y/N shifts, sighing, “how do you want me to respond?”
He falls silent because he knows there is no correct way to deal with this type of situation.
“If it were up to me, I’d post you all over my Instagram, but your fans, for some reason, think because I’m an extension of you. That I will give them an insight to you.” Y/N sighs, getting up and walking to the bathroom to finish her routine Harry follows her. “I understand they want to get to know you, but you deserve privacy. I think we deserve the decency to be in a relationship and not be forced to confirm it.”
Harry sits on the counter and washes as she rinses her face with lukewarm water and then taps it dry with the towel he passes over. “I understand. You’re really good at this job. Now how would you respond as my girlfriend?”
“You want me to get mad at the Daily Mail for posting my ass for the world to see. Be thankful I don’t have any kind of tattoo there, or they would be quick to identify it was me.” Y/N understands Harry and knows he’s upset because he signed up for this life, so to say, while her job is to be a manager and help his team. He hates that those around him get affected in the worst way.
“I want to make sure this won’t be a reason for you to leave me.”
Now it’s making sense. Harry feels insecure not about their relationship but about how it will be viewed. She works for him but isn’t managed by him. There would be endless talk, but Y/N has never cared for gossip, not unless it was about her grandfather's Sunday bingo nights that always ended in a new fight.
“I’ve been in love with you for years, Styles. I’ve seen you at your worst and best. A pesky article or two won’t send me away.”
Harry lets her words sink in, and he knows he can trust her. Not once has she ever lied to him, and he knows she would not start now.
“Even when they find out who you are?”
Y/N laughs, “if they manage to do that by a photo of my ass, then they should definitely sign up for some secret service job. Those skills will certainly come in handy.”
“I want to keep you safe from all the hate.”
She steps in between his thighs, taking a good look at his face, he’s full of anguish, and she feels upset at how much this affects him.
“It’s not always possible, but I appreciate it, H. More than you realize.”
She pushes his lips to hers, knowing she needs to help him take his mind off this article. Harry is quick to respond, always a little eager and desperate. He's nibbling at her bottom lip, carefully pulling before she feels his tongue slide against her lips. Y/N opens up for him. She always does. She allows herself to get lost in the feeling. She wonders if she can feel her heart pounding, he seems to always have that effect on her.
He pulls back breathless, a smirk pulling on his face as he scatters kisses on her bare skin, pushing down at the straps of her tank top.
“Come on,” she tugs at his hand, backing out of the bathroom.
“Where are you taking me?” He laughs.
“Think I’ve heard that an orgasm or two is the best way to clear your mind,” she teases.
Harry laughs. It’s the best idea he has heard all day.
“Going to fuck you until you’re crying and begging me to stop,” Harry assures her.
“You promise?”
It’s safe to say they didn't leave their room that day.
The days in Brazil had been a treat. Harry had enjoyed going out through the city with Y/N entering shops, and talking with anyone who would give time to listen to their broken Portuguese. Y/N had been getting ready in the bathroom as Harry prepared to head to the gym when a phone began to ring. He knew it was Y/N’s because everyone knew she kept her phone on the ringer, ready to help out whoever was calling her. She truly seemed to have all the answers.
Harry frowned, picking up Y/N’s phone and seeing Jeff call her. That is not at all who he was expecting, but he answered it nonetheless.
“H,” Jeff greets. “Where’s Y/N?”
“In the bathroom.”
“Tell her to be in the meeting room in 15 minutes.”
“What for? Don’t I have to be there?” Harry jokes.
Jeff laughs. “Nice try. Don’t think this new client would like that.”
“Don’t play now, H. She mentioned potentially managing her own clients, didn’t she?”
Harry frowns because, no, she hadn’t.
“She’ll be there.”
“H,” Jeff winces, knowing he has messed up.
Harry hangs up, not wanting Jeff to be the one to explain to him a matter that Y/N had decided not to share with him.
Y/N walks out a few moments later. He takes in her outfit, casual but not her usual outfits. She’s in trousers and a cardigan he knows she only wears for important meetings. This must be one of them. Harry wants to be angry, but he’s upset she didn’t share this news with him.
“Jeff said conference room in fifteen,” he mutters.
She freezes as she picks up her phone that he had thrown on the bed. Y/N calls his name, and when he doesn’t meet her eyes, she knows he’s found out.
“Harry, please.”
He shakes his head. “You’ve got somewhere to be.”
Y/N doesn’t want to leave the room when he’s angry with her.
She gets down on her knees in front of him. He won’t meet her gaze as much as she tries. She’s careful, setting her hands on his thigh, “H, will you listen to me? You know I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He croaked out.
Y/N felt a piece of her heartbreak. “Fear.”
Harry lifted his head to see her eyes filled with tears. He’s never known her to be scared, always going into opportunities with confidence he envied. She never backed down without a fight.
“Of what?”
She shrugs, and he gives her hand a gentle squeeze. “Fear of leaving this job I love. Fear of failing at this new opportunity I’ve dreamed of having. There’s so much I can lose if I do this or if it goes well. You’re number one on the list. It’s also the reason I didn’t tell you because I know you’d be supportive and tell me to go for my dreams, but it also means leaving you and everyone here. I love our team and how safe I feel. But as much as I love this job, I know my worth. I’m glad that others can recognize it and allow me this opportunity to prove I have the skills to manage my clients.”
Harry nods because he knows where she’s coming from. When he was with the band, it was safe until it wasn’t. He took that opportunity to go solo and was filled with fear and anxiety that it would not be enough. It was thanks to Jeff and everyone who rallied with him. Harry, in some way, has been in her shoes. He just wished she had let him know so that he could have helped soothe her anxiety.
“Go, and tell me all about it when you get back.”
“H,” she asks wearily.
He shakes his head, “promise I’m not mad. A little upset, but nothing a few kisses and cuddles can’t fix.”
“I love you so much, Harry. I’m not leaving you.” She promises.
His sweet girl. He’s had her by his side for over four years, and he was foolish to let his fear of losing her not pursue her. Now he had her and knew that although Y/N would no longer be traveling with him as much, he’d never felt so secure in her love for him. Harry swears he loves her more than he loves him, although they argue about it constantly. He knows a part of him wants to keep her, but he wouldn’t dare put himself between her dreams, not when she’s been a constant in his.
“You’re going to go to that meeting, wow the client, and come back to tell me all about it.”
“You mean it,” she whispers.
Harry places his hands on her face, takes in her soft eyes, and knows that he’s proud of her no matter what. Yes, his first instinct was hurt, but now hearing her out, he knows where she's coming from, and all he can be is proud of her.
“You’re securing your first client today, love.”
She rolls her eyes, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
Harry knows she’s got lots of thoughts eating her up, but that’s why he’s here to keep her grounded to uplift her. “You are an important part of this team. You’re the key that keeps us running smoothly. Whoever Jeff is introducing to you will be more than lucky to have you. Don’t think we’ll ever replace you.”
“Harry,” she pleads.
He leans in, pressing a chaste kiss against her lips. “If you decide you hate it, you can always come back to me,” he teases.
“Thank you, H.”
Although she’s left with a pinch of anxiety, she knows Harry is right. Whether she’s right by his side or across the country, Y/N knows she will always have him at her side.
“Now, don’t be too long. We got endless pão de queijo to try.”
“Are you actually doing this?” Harry asks as he watches Y/N read the translated waiver.
There’s the final show tonight of the year, and Y/N had told him she wanted to commemorate this by getting a tattoo. Harry thought she was joking, but when she told him to call up her friend, he knew she was serious. It wouldn’t be her first tattoo and certainly not her last but the reason she was getting it made his heart twist.
To no one’s surprise, she nailed the meeting. Y/N had secured her first clients and would meet them in London by the end of the week. Harry knew she’d be busy from the start of the year and would see her less and less, which is why he’s almost done planning their holiday. It’s Christmas with his family, a quick visit to hers, and then somewhere secluded and warm to ring in the New Year together.
Harry was proud of Y/N and was already working with Jeff to have a proper send-off celebration for her. He won’t tell her that he cried to his Mum while she was at her meeting because he was scared of what might happen in the future. The good thing is his Mum set him straight, reminding him to always fight for Y/N because she was the best thing to happen to him. He knew his Mum was right Y/N had been a shining light from the moment she entered his life. Harry knew she would continue to be even if she was no longer working for him. Honestly, the only other person taking it harder than Harry was Tom, who hired Y/N. She was his right hand. She would be taking a piece of everyone, having impacted everyone on their team.
She shrugs, “what’s one more?”
“Tattoos are forever, love.”
“Oh geez, you mean the Snoopy tattoo on my ankle is forever.”
Harry rolls his eyes, “I’m serious.”
“I am too.”
Y/N had the bright idea for their last show in Brazil to get a tattoo. She had told Harry it was for her first official magazine cover, even if it was her backside. They knew it was Y/N’s goodbye to her last full tour with him. Harry already has his “Brasil” tattoo, and Y/N wants a matching one.
“We’ll do my right thigh. It’s my least favorite.”
Harry laughs, knowing she favored her left foot more than her right because when she was a teenager, she was learning how to ride a skateboard, and instead of riding on it, she tripped and fractured her ankle. It’s a reason she always cusses anyone out who dares ride one in front of her.
“If that’s what you want, my love.”
“It is.”
Y/N is told to lie down. She wore bikini bottoms, different ones from her paparazzi pool day, and folded up her skirt as they prepped her skin to get inked forever. Harry sits beside her, holding her hand as he watches her face trying to identify every emotion present; so far, he’s seen excitement, calm, and adrenaline. All letting him know that she wanted this.
“Matching tattoos means I’m going to keep you forever,” Harry tells her. The only other person he had a matching tattoo with was his sister; they were blood-related, so he knew it was something he’d never regret. Harry didn’t want Y/N to regret this, regret him.
Y/N always seems to know what he’s thinking. She sends him a smile, allowing him to relax in his chair. The tattoo artist excuses himself for a moment giving them a moment of privacy. “Every day, we wake up with a choice. To be good people. To want to live a better life.” Harry smiles as she lifts his hand, giving him a soft kiss. “I choose you every day. I choose to love you and support you. I choose to see the good in you no matter what. You are not a choice I will ever regret, you want to know why Harry Styles?”
Harry nods.
“Because you choose me every day too. You choose me to be the person you confide in. You choose to share your good days and bad days with me. You chose me from the moment we met.” Harry feels his throat closing and takes a deep breath trying his best to hold in his tears.
“Tomorrow is not promised, but I can assure you I will love you every day I wake up, and the sun is shining.”
“You’re everything to me, Y/N,” Harry croaks, not caring that his tears had begun to run free.
“Ditto, Styles.”
Harry was prepared for all the ups and downs and twists and turns the new year had in store for them, but he knew that all roads would lead him right back to Y/N.
Y/N was home.
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