#this took me 50 years to write lmao
storm-of-silver · 1 year
The Dreamkin
The day’s events flashed through her mind, pushing its claws into her heart and turning her blood to ice. Why didn’t they believe her? Why? She shuddered as she remembered seeing the gods, remembering the visions and warnings they forced onto her. So much death... She didn’t dream it. She didn’t. She didn’t. She couldn’t have. This was real.
“Why would the gods speak to a lawbreaker?” Marigold yowled, a mask of fury and disgust plastered on her face. Dreams knew the routine too well by now. She saw the delight on Marigold’s face at another opportunity to rip into her, to humiliate and hurt. Everyone else, meanwhile, was blind to it. “Only oracles have the privilege to speak to the gods. Even if she was speaking the truth, why would they speak to such a sad excuse of a colony cat?”
No. It can’t end like this. She felt her paws moving, and before she even realized what she was doing, she had silently moved past the main room and out into the settlement. Her eyes settled on the nestings, and her brain caught up to her paws. She couldn’t save the forest, and the colonies had turned her back on her. Maybe she couldn’t have to save everyone, but she could save someone…
By the Squirrel’s tail, was she really going to do this?
After Dreams left the festival, worry and anxiety kept her up throughout the night. Something was absolutely wrong. She couldn't stay, but she couldn't just leave her colony to die. Impulsively, Dreams sneaked into the nestings and stole the only litter within- three kits, just weaned off their mother. Dreams fled into the night, and that morning, the colonies were gone, leaving her alone with her three children.
Heart of Ember
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[Image ID: Heart of Ember, a tortie molly with green eyes. Drawn by FelisChaos on TH. End ID]
A striking reflection of Dreams when she was in her youth, Ember is a stubborn, brash, and loud molly who tries to see the best in everyone. When the three were young, the Followers of the Lynx had found them and offered Dreams and them a place to live among them. While her mother refused, Heart of Ember would later return to accept that offer in her mother's stead.
Acting as their healer, Ember was fortunate to find a place welcoming of her and her opinions. Dreams had become known as many things over the years- a lost saint, a failed oracle, a cowardly demon. To Ember, Dreams was nothing less than an angel, and boasted her relationship to her often. In a world where many still see Dreams as a liar and false prophet, her stubbornness and conviction has flared up in defense of her mother, especially amongst family.
Dreams and Ember's relationship grew strained, as well as amongst her siblings. Ember only saw her mother's past, not who she was now- a broken, tired woman. Dreams feels like she failed Ember in some way, while her siblings often disagreed on how they viewed their mother. Despite everything though, Ember cares fiercely for all of them, and has put aside her differences to visit or help them when needed.
Breeze of Dawn
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[Image ID: Breeze of Dawn, a orange mackerel tom with green eyes. He is wearing a backpack. End ID]
Breeze of Dawn grew up with a deep, hungry curiosity for the world, always wanting to know more about how it worked. The medicines and plants his mother taught him about sated him for a long, long time, and it took Dawn much longer to leave her side than his other siblings did. By the time he left, he felt lost- he knew he wanted to help others, to make a difference, but how?
Dawn eventually found a group called the Dreamers- three cats who dedicated themselves to helping others who couldn't help themselves. The issue was, however, that they were repenting for their mistakes. For speaking out against Dreams, his mother, and dooming the colonies. Despite their origins, Dawn joined, wanting to just help. He didn't care how they started or what they had done, and decided to hide his past in favor of the future.
His tongue grew sharp as his view of the world grew (why did the world he love so dearly have to have so many morons in it??), and his relationship with his mother worsened. Dreams, reasonably, despised the Dreamers and wanted her son to stay far far away, while Dawn argued that he was helping cats and saving lives by working with them. The two, firm in their stances, decided to drop the subject entirely. But the issue continues to worsen in their silence, and the two grow more distant.
Riddle of Raven
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[Image ID: Riddle of Raven, a black tom with white markings and orange eyes. He is wearing a necklace made of claws, with a bird skull. End ID]
Taking most from his mother, Raven was always a quiet and soft person. None of the siblings had ever heard him raise his voice, or grow angry with them- only once had it ever happened. Dreams had never hid that she had adopted the three, feeling too guilty to ever lie like that, but she had hid their parents fate. She told them they had both died during the Final Light. The reality was, she had no clue. Raven was furious, and the two had fought.
He never held their adoption, their upbringing, none of it against her. He was mad that she hid that their parents might be alive. That she took them without ever wondering if their birth mother stayed up at night, believing the three to be dead. The thoughts haunted him. By the time he was old enough to leave, Raven went to try and find the truth about their parents. Dead or alive, he just wanted to get some closure.
For a year it's eaten up at him, with little to no success on finding anything out. He eventually apologized to Dreams for his outburst, and the two started mending their relationship slowly afterwards. His relationship with Ember meanwhile soured as she refused to believe their mother was in the wrong. Dawn and him remained close however, with Dawn trying to convince Raven to join him with the Dreamers. While the offer was tempting, Raven still wants to close off the missing chapter of his life, deciding only to go with his brother when he finally learned the truth.
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perdidosbucky-yyo · 1 month
𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛
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Pairing: Exotic Dancer!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader (no mention of gender or ethnicity)
Summary: Hi, you've reached [your name]. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep!
w/c: 3.7k
warnings: cheating (on reader), lots of cursing, smoking, heavy drinking, weed smoking, body image issues (I'm sorry), this is a smutty fic (but there’s no smut), dry humping. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
a/n: This is the first fic I've posted in years lmao, I'm a bit rusty, but omfg I enjoyed writing this so much, it's very self-indulgent hehe I hope you love it just as much as I do.
this is not beta'd, any and all mistakes are my own.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply encouraged🥺
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7:51 PM
“Baby please, You know I’m an idiot…she means nothing” Jake whined through the phone. 
As of 5 hours ago, he became your ex but kept on calling you, each call pleading for your forgiveness and saying the same stupid excuse “I felt you pulling away, what was I supp-”
Before you could interrupt him yourself, your best friend and roommate took your phone “Listen closely you little shit, if you don’t stop calling I’ll personally chop off your balls, fry’em up and feed them to your mother in a fucking salad… it’s Wanda by the way” she huffs as she hands you back the phone, “Colorful” you grimace.
Shoving you inside the car, with you and Wanda on the back, Bruce behind the wheel and Tony as co-pilot, “Why do you even answer his calls?” Tony asks while Wanda lights up a Marlboro, and gives you a drag “Because I want to tell him to go fuck himself… I- I just can’t seem to find the right words”, “That seems right” Wanda quips and you roll your eyes, “Don’t worry you’ll find the words when the time’s right” Bruce adds, “Dr. Banner is right, tonight is all about getting shit-faced” Tony adds.
You all clap and turn up the volume to the perfect song “I don’t wanna hear, I don’t wanna know” Wanda sings, the wind on her face, while Bruce shouts “WE LOVE YOU MADONNA”. 
They were right, fuck Jack, tonight you wanted to let go, you weren’t one for parties or clubbing but you couldn’t stay at home feeling sorry for yourself, partying with your friends seemed like the perfect distraction “LET’S FUCKING GO” you shouted at the top of your lungs.
9:05 PM
“The Hush-Hush Hideaway?” you laughed as you finished your first beer after two cherry vodka shots, sounds like a place where 50 year olds would come to have an affair, “Alright, alright before you keep on talking trash, there is more eye to meet” Tony argues, to that Wanda snorts “are you seriously drunk right now? after three piña coladas?”, Bruce laughs “they’re stronger than they look” Tony defends himself as he stands up, signaling you all to head to the dance floor.
You honestly loved the place, the lighting was incredible, the atmosphere was hot pink with hints of dark red and deep purple, the ceiling was decorated with hundreds of disco balls shining down on you, the bar had tables so crystalline and so red, it looked like solidified blood,  each one surrounded by the comfiest leather couches. There was also the dance floor which you were dancing on now, it had the perfect stage for dancers or any kind of show, the whole place had the perfect mix of chic and urban.
10:39 PM
“This round’s on me” Tony shouts over the loud music as he hands you what would probably be your 5th drink, stumbling around as you danced to a song that suddenly became your favorite, as you downed the liquid gold you took Tony’s hand and started giving him a lap dance of some sorts which made everyone laugh along with you. 
And then everything went pitch black, for 5 seconds the music was over, lights were out, for a moment you thought you passed out but then a huge white light shone straight into the middle of the stage, “Girls Gays and Theys!” a deep voice over the microphone started, “is this a gay bar?” Bruce genuinely chimed in, making you giggle.
“Tonight we encourage you to let that wild side of yours out! Please give a warm welcome to The White Wolf” the voice cheered with excitement and the crowd roared and cheered back, “he must be really good looking” you sassed, and in that moment, red ropes descended.
Not a second later a man dressed in a kevlar suit swirled down as if swimming in the red fabric, wrapping himself in a cocoon in the air so the next second he rolled down to the stage, the top of his leathery suit gone, leaving his gorgeous toned abdomen exposed making the crowd go wild. The lights enhanced his beautiful body. “D-does he have glitter on?!” Tony shouted in awe, everyone absolutely going crazy over this tall, brown-haired, thick oh so fucking thick specimen.
On the other hand, you were finding breathing a difficult task, especially because his eyes were trained on yours, maybe it was the several drinks in your system or the empowering song that heightened everything, but his stare was intense, the ice blue of his eyes chilled your spine and for a moment you thought he was going to stop the show, come down and rip your clothes off… yeah you definitely felt tipsy now.
This man knew the power he held, not only was he drop-dead gorgeous, he had autonomy of every nerve and every muscle on his body, your heart and pussy were practically pulsing as you watched him dance. The magic was broken when you felt your phone ring in your pocket, taking it out, you saw it was Jake calling AGAIN, you knew your friends would tell you not to pick up, but part of you wanted to hear him out and scream at him, you didn’t know which one you were going to do.
Leaving the dance floor and heading to the bathrooms where you hoped it’d be quieter, you swipe to the green bubble “Please please forgive me” is the first thing the man says, making you sigh in frustration “S-top stop saying you’re sorry” but it’s like talking to a wall, you’re not even sure he heard you because he just keeps on whining. 
You don’t know how much time you spent listening to him in the bathroom but eventually, you give up and hang up on him, splashing some fresh water in your neck you exit the room and bump into a rock-hard wall, but then unexpectedly the wall starts talking and you think maybe it’s not a wall.
“it was rude to bail” a grave voice rumbles in your ear through all of the noise, looking up you see it’s the white wolf, making you almost choke on air, but you were quick enough to react and raise an eyebrow in response “sorry?”.
Without even noticing, the man had cornered you into a wall “Don’t apologize, you can make it up to me” he said with a wild smile, “oh he’s good” you thought, then he looked at you as if he read your mind, “you look like someone in desperate need to have some fun… let me give you a hand” he whispered, his confidence made you forget he was a stranger, and oddly enough it felt like you knew him perfectly, the thought of spending your night with him made you shudder.
Taking out what looked like a big fat blunt from one of his pockets, he dragged the little bundle of joy from your exposed thighs, up your arms, slowly passing through your neck, and finally grazing your soft lips, his eyes never once leaving yours, he leaned in and the smell of cedarwood with a touch of french vanilla made your eyes roll.
Man, you’re really not keeping your cool, but he’s too beautiful for you to care, you might as well pucker your lips, but then he backs away, taking your hand and leading you to the backdoor between the kitchens. The sound of music and people dancing start to disappear until it’s muffled, “are we allowed in here?” you laugh as he lights up the joint and takes a big gulp, your heart pounds with excitement, this is exactly what you needed.
Your inner demons whispered that he really wasn’t interested in you, he looked like he was sculptured by frigging Michelangelo, he’d never want to be with someone as big as you, plus you felt sweaty from dancing most of the night, but honestly, it was more about the nerves you felt around him, but just as easy as the negative thoughts came, he batted them away with a single kiss to your cheek, near enough to the corner of your lips “lost you there for a sec” he teased.
As he handed you the joint, you took it with hesitance, “I usually don’t take marihuana from strangers, you got a name or does everyone call you the white wolf?” you teased, carefully eyeing him, realizing that he was still shirtless unconsciously making you bite your lip.
A lazy smile spread on his face “Waddaya mean you don’t know me? Pfft I’m your latest conquest”, it threw you off but he looked so sincere it made the butterflies in your stomach dance, “I’m Bucky” he laughed, he was so at ease with that pretty smile you couldn’t do anything but swoon.
Taking a drag of the blunt you breathe out the smoke through your nose as you offer him your name in return,  not wasting a second he repeats it, slowly, maybe he was high but it seemed as though he enjoyed the sound of your name on his tongue, he savored it, your legs pressed against each other and you had to take another drag so not to seem desperate as you were for him.
He might be a stranger but deep down you felt unbelievable attraction, in less than 10 minutes of knowing him he made you feel powerful, and free, like maybe in a past life or somethin’ he was your soulmate… Pfft, you wanted to crack up at your own thoughts, somehow Bucky knew and started laughing, slowly leaning into you and crashing his lips with yours, it was sloppy but fuck you’d never been kissed like that, it was passionate, you felt wanted, right then and there you were ready and willing to let him swoop you off your feet.
12:59 AM 
Bucky was showing you his best moves, his calloused hands gripped and groped your body as you both swayed your hips against each other perfectly in sync.
He was so smooth, the fogginess of the joint rumbled through your body, each touch, every one of his strokes felt like a wave, you were floating in a sea of music and his scent, nothing was wrong with the world, nothing could harm you because he was right behind you, worshipping you, telling you how he loved the feel of every roll and every curve, you couldn’t help but smile and he couldn’t help but kiss that beautiful smile.
Not long after your friends found you and you introduced them to the dancer who blew their minds, some of his friends joined you, and not long after you were the life of the party, shots and blunts came pouring, and just like you wanted you became one with bucky, you didn’t know where you began or where he ended, pain and misery were a strange and unknown concept tonight.
1:55 AM
Wanda had to drag you away from Bucky to chat with you a bit, she couldn’t hide that grin even if she tried “Dude I don’t even recognize you right now” you laugh with her knowing very well what she means, squeezing her wrist you stop the urge to squeal, “I don’t know how this happened but fuck he’s just so pretty I wanna cry” you both giggle, understanding the Rachel Green reference. 
Turning to see Bucky you caught him already watching you, it looked like he was chatting with his friends but he wouldn’t look away from you, you realized he was waiting for you, and honestly you were eager to return to his embrace and intoxicating scent “Fuck Jack, you have men waiting in line” Wanda practically shouts as she pushes you back to the dance floor.
2:12 AM
After a while your social battery was low and you needed a break, so now you leaned against the wall in the back alley of the bar, a cigarette lit, resting on your fingertips as you recalled the events that brought you here tonight.
You didn’t blame Wanda for reminding you of Jake and what he did, after all, she was just hyping you, but now your mind was plagued, you memorized with detail how you found them, as some sort of self-punishment, why? you didn’t know, after years of therapy, you were still trying to unlearn self-deprecating thoughts that your family and society shoved in your face.
Jake cheating on you with a leggy blonde who was quite literally a Victoria's Secret model was a kick to your stomach, it made you realize that maybe every bad thought you had about yourself was true, and that was terrifying… 
Realizing that the cigarette burned itself out, you stepped on it, but before you could come back inside Bucky opened the door and grinned “There you are, was worried I spooked ya”, to that you chuckled, somehow the laws of social battery didn’t apply to the handsome trapeze dancer “Never”.
Stepping outside and standing next to you, he takes your hand and starts playing with your fingers “What’s got my sweet doll so down?”, you expected the pet name to make you cringe but instead swooned. Lighting another cigarette you take a drag and blow it on his face, and he just bites the smoke, making you giggle, after a beat of silence you show him your heart.
“About… 11 hours ago, my boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, cheated on me” you sigh, trying with all your might not to shed a single fucking tear, Jake didn’t deserve them, “Gimme his address” he deadpans, a look so deadly in his eyes, that spark was almost snuffed, but just as quickly his attitude changed, “I’ll kill 'im with my bare hands, I’LL FUCKING KILL ’IM” he shouts with foux determination, making wild animal noises that are making you laugh so hard you can’t breathe “you’re not funny” you say out of breath.
His thumb cleans away a single runaway tear, his touch is so gentle at first you’re not even sure he’s holding you, he’s so close you feel his breath on your cheek and his nose caressing your skin oh so lightly, “you’re dreaming”, you think incredulously. 
In a second his touch becomes rough as he grips your face with both his hands, holding you still so you can’t look anywhere but his eyes, “he’s a fucking moron” he spits out, almost insulted, “and I don’t mean a jerk or plain stupid, I mean he’s missing some fucking brain cells to let go of someone so insanely beautiful as you”.
Your heart’s pounding in your ears, you’re about to explain but he cuts you off “And I don’t even need to know him, to be sure of what I’m telling you right now” he scoffs,  “Hell, I don’t even have to know you to be sure, in the very short time I’ve known you, you’ve been everything” bucky almost can’t believe he’s saying this to you, suddenly the tension is palpable and neither of you can breathe… 
“You’re driving me insane” is the last thing he says before pushing you against the wall, with a grunt he grips your waist and your lips crash with his, in a fight for dominance your tongues swirl, it’s as if Jake or any other man never existed, washed away by the ocean that is Bucky. 
You loved how vocal he was being, he moaned into the kiss as you practically humped him, he bit your swollen lips as a warning to slow down but it only turned you on more. You could feel your hardened nipples rub against his chest, and it drove both of you nuts, with all his strength he pulled away, leaving you dizzy and pulling him for more, he’s never wanted anyone the way he wants you but he would never have sex with someone so drunk, even if that person begged as nicely as you were right now.
He laughs as you start leaving hot open kisses throughout his neck and jaw purring like a cat, “Bucky please” you mewled, asking him for more, his hand flew to grasp your hair in a tight grip, nibbling on your skin as he reached your ear “We aren’t doing anything except kissing the fuck out of each other doll” he whispered.
You made for a grab to his groin but he was able to take your hand and hold it above your head “I want you nice and sober when I get you to cream on my cock”, he groans as you make a final attempt to lure him in, but you know he’s right, so you huff in defeat, a pout on display to make your feelings known, “baby doll what’s wrong? you look flushed” he teases as you gasp in faux offense.
3:45 AM
The bar kicked everyone out but you still had some party left in you and apparently, so did Bucky because he’s already got you piggyback riding him to his car, you said goodbye to your friends assuring them you trusted Bucky, his place was less than 10 minutes away and you’d send them your location. 
Once you got to the car Bucky stopped in his tracks, “we’re drunk and high as hell” he stated, and like a bucket of iced water you realized he was right “Accurate statement” you snort, carefully dropping you on the ground he swiftly turned to face you “so we should… perhaps, maybe take a cab” he goofs around as he steals small kisses form you “or we can walk? your place’s near right?” you reply, everyone was already gone to ask for a ride but he liked the idea of having some alone time with you, so,  he picked you up and placed you on his back “To the Batcave!” he runs as you hold onto him as tight as you could.
4:05 AM
You peacefully walked on the side of the street as cars passed by, one thing that you loved about walking at night was the lack of noise, the night wasn’t completely quiet, you could still hear the cars in the distance, people coming in and out of bars or whatever, the breeze was the perfect temperature and the city lights of New York were shone beautifully.
Hand in hand you walked with your latest conquest as he so eloquently put it, conversation flowing, “I got cheated on once, it fucking sucks” You both laughed at the obvious statement “I thought we were going steady and she got bored” he shrugged, “it was a while ago, but it definitely messed with my head” he whispered as he squeezed your hand, it brought him comfort and you as well. 
“You know what’s fucking hilarious though? I was planning on breaking up with him…ok don’t judge me” you laughed, “but I just stayed with him because it was easier to stay in a mediocre relationship than actually fight for my happiness…plus he had a hot tub” you felt stupid for saying it, but he didn’t judge you, his face remained the same, attentive.
Bucky took your hand and kissed each one of your knuckles “I got a really nice bathtub” he murmured into your skin with a smirk, your heart fluttered to what he implied so you jumped and kissed his cheek, holding onto his arm for dear life, content with how the day turned out.
4:38 AM
After smoking yet another joint together you were now straddling your dancer’s lap on his bathtub “It really is a nice bathtub” You grinned between kisses and he laughed, his hands roaming your soft skin under your clothes, you were heaven on earth he kept thinking, he was about to kiss you again but was interrupted by your phone ringing, which made both of you sigh in frustration.
You knew who it was, Jake had been calling over and over for the last 20 minutes and Bucky had enough of the bastard, “Answer him” he ordered, to which you raised an eyebrow “I- can’t I- seriously?” you say almost shocked “You know what you wanna say to him, so say it” he encouraged with a soft smile.
Without thinking twice you pick up, “Finally! what took you so long to pick up?” Jake barks, you have the phone on speaker so Bucky could listen, and he already hated how the jerk talked to you, making him grip your waist with possessiveness.
“What do you want?” you ask almost uninterested, “Baby please forgive me” he cries as if you could ever believe anything he said to you, “I’m so so fucking sorry, what else do you want me to say?!”, to that you let out an unamused laugh “just stop fucking saying you’re sorry, time to put on your big boy pants and take responsibility” you snark, which oddly, turns on bucky beyond belief.
Like a magnet, his lips start leaving love bites on your neck, making you gulp, “Babe let’s be honest, in a month you’ll be begging me to get back together, we both know you need someone to take care of you, you can’t be alone, you need me” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and then you really were done with his bullshit.
“Listen closely you fucktard, stop saying you’re sorry, stop begging me to forgive you, you were a waste of my time and the only reason I didn’t break up with you sooner was because it was convenient for me to stay with your sorry ass” you bark.
You could keep going but now Bucky was humming against your pulse, finding it incredibly hot how you stood up for yourself, he peppered you with hot open kisses that made your mind even fuzzier than the weed, “And I can take care of myself ass” you hiss in delight, it was meant to be an insult but Bucky was making you feel so good…
“Fucking drop that call”, bucky growled into your neck loud enough to be heard over the phone, then sunk his teeth into your soft skin, making you moan, unintentionally into the phone, before dropping it and gripping Bucky’s hair for support as you rubbed against the bulge on his pants “Fuck I can’t wait to make you mine” he moaned, dreaming of all the possibilities, of everything he wanted to do with and to you.
Despite the chills you felt down your spine, despite feeling exactly the same way, you laugh, “Honey… do you think it’s gonna be that easy?” you coo, drunk in power, you devour his perfect pink lips.
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budbuddnbuddy · 5 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt4)
A/N: This probably like the second longest series of writing I’ve done fanfic wise. Lol anyway same stuff is here. Headcaons and world building, maybe once I get everything done with the masterlist I’ll show you guys my MC’s (yes I have 2 MC’s in the same verse) but I’m still not sure. Let me know what y’all think. Happy new year!!!
Everyone is super nosy about your life in the human world, some are more obvious and pushy then others but regardless they still want to know about every detail of your life, what kind of job do you have? What’s your family like? Do you live in acountryside or in City? Where’s your workplace? What’s your address? What’s your full legal name? What’s your blood type? Do you own any pets! Tell them all about it.
The Devildom and the Celestial realm have small populations. Devildom:50 million+ Celestial realm:45 million+ mainly because lots of people would rather not have kids because it would probably get in the way of what they were doing in their lives currently however it’s not uncommon to see families out and about. Nobles are the main ones who have families in the devildom.
Do you think that like a week after Diavolo was born his father did that lion king thing that Royal family does whenever they have another kid? Just basically raising him up for everyone to see? 💀
As I’ve said before Mammon has a great ass, you can’t help but grab it anytime you can, just coming up behind him and grabbing his cheek. It mainly happens in your room, both of y’all are laying in your bed with him on top of you resting his head on your chest and you’ll just unconsciously reach down and give it a squeeze. He used to loudly whine about it but he secretly loves it lmao.
When it comes to relationships and Virginity, I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on who’s had what and who hasn’t.
Relationship+Experience: Lucifer Mammon Asmodeus Barbatos Solomon
Relationship+Virgin: Beelzebub Satan
No Relationship+ Experience: Belphegor only like twice though cuz I fucking hate him [affectionate]
Neither: Leviathan, Diavolo
Diavolo kin’s Pops from regular show unironically.
If you ever heard about the Mariko Aoki phenomenon good but if not it’s basically the need to take a crap in bookstores however if you leave before you do then the feeling goes away. Whenever you go into Satan’s room you automatically get the urge to take a shit, you haven’t told him about it the confused look on his face is too funny. 💀
Speaking of Poop. If any of the brothers can’t get into the bathrooms available on their floor/rooms they’ll come down to your room and ask if they can use your bathroom which you used to be fine with AT FIRST however you eventually banned them from coming into your bathroom because Beel took a massive shit in your toilet and it stunk up your bathroom for DAYS and Lemme tell ya, handling demon shits from GROWN ASS MEN are not for the weak.
“Phew…Thanks for letting me use your bathroom, MC.”
“No problem Beel I-“ *Turns into fucking dust*
Okay that’s not what happened but you did pass out. Beelzebub did say sorry and bought you a cupcake as compensation so I guess it’s okay for now, still not allowed to use your bathroom though.
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a0random0gal · 6 months
"healthy" doesn't always mean good in fiction. Eremika's unhealthiness is what makes the ship compelling and interesting. It's built into the core of the story. Also your "healthiest ship" requires ignoring that he emotionally manipulated her into keeping her mouth shut about his genocide plan and threatened to have her memories erased. Historia never expressed any interest in him that way. Men and women can in fact just be friends.
Ohh boy, you're bold anon, I have to hand it to ya.
Yes healthy doesn't always mean good, in fact it can actually lead to some very boring ships, but that is still a perfectly good thing to look for in a pairing.
In contrast unhealthy can be interesting, but mostly leads to abusive relationships that get glorified by the fandom in spite of their toxic nature, and in this aspect Eremika is no exception. These two are just awful for one another.
He headbutts her, call her names, tells her he hates her (I know he didn't mean it, but it wrecked her emotionally so my point stands) put her in a situation that could have gotten her killed, never confided in her regarding his plans etc...
She was an overbearing mama who constantly treated him like an incompetent child that couldn't do anything on his own.
What's compelling in a relationship with this dynamic:
"Eren eat your veggies!"
"Eren put on a coat, or you're gonna catch a cold!"
"Eren don't run you're gonna trip!"
Oh and don't get me started on this
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She literally deluded herself for years into believing that everything he did was somehow tied back to her. Even Armin, Reiner and Berthold gave her the 🙄 look.
Also her entire character revolves around him and it makes her super boring and robotic. Even after he dies she spends her life worshipping his grave and dies with that gosh darned scarf on her neck. She only took it off once ( when she gave an ounce of development) before cruelly snatching it from the hands of a dying girl that was using it for comfort (something I'll never forgive her for).
She was originally meant to break away from him but alas, good writing died after 134.
Annd the story never revolved around them. Mikasa only became the protagonist in the last chapter out of fucking thin air and it looked soo forced. Lmao Hisu had more parallels with Ymir than Mikasa of all people.
The only time their relationship mattered was at the end of season 2, but after that we got nothing important.
Last thing on this dumpster fire of a ship... They're boring asf.
Like I know some unhealthy relationships that are toxic and all, but the characters have chemistry, and it can make up for the awful shit they can do to eachother. Eremika has no chemistry. I would rather watch paint dry than think about them romantically.
Regarding Erehisu... Have we read the same aot chapter? Or just the same conversation between Eren and Historia? Because I don't think so.
He emotionally manipulated her to keep her mouth shut
What? When did this ever happen? She chose to stay silent. Hell he didn't even need to tell her his plans, it was quite risky, since she could have snitched on him to the Mps and ruined everything.
He chose to confide in her cause he knew she wouldn't tell, cause she was the worst girl in the world who saved him, the girl who chose her selfishness over the world already, in that cave when she saved him, when she told him that she would always be his ally, that they were enemies of humanity.
She never wanted the future that she was destined to if she accepted the 50 year plan. She had accepted it for the greater good. Something selfless that only Christa could have done.
He knew that, and reminded her of who she really was. A selfish, normal girl like everyone else.
She was shocked by the genocide that awaited them if they followed Eren's plan but ultimately chose it over sacrificing herself and her future children. Totally in character, no manipulation involved lmao.
He threatened to erase her memories
Nope. She was upset so he offered to lighten her burden by erasing her memories if she wanted to. It was a proposal made out of empathy for her shock. No threats, where did you see em?
She was never interested in him
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Say what you want about her feelings for him, interpret them how you please, but you can't deny a connection from which feelings could blossom. This meme perfectly sums up my thoughts about this:
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Yes men and women can be friends, I just don't see it this way for Erehisu. Actually I could tell you the same thing for Eremika. Better as siblings lol.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Pleasers & baked ziti
Bouncer!Joel x stripper!reader
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A self indulgent drabble about pole dancing and Sopranos
Summary: Joel is everyone's favorite bouncer, who always spends his break with his favorite dancer
Warnings: Fluff, flirting, set in 2007, takes place in a strip club, Sopranos references and spoilers, no outbreak, no use of y/n, sarcasm, banter, crushing, Joel gets a pole dancing lesson lmao, eventual smut
Word count: 1.4k
Upon realizing that being a single dad who wants to put his teenage daughter through college is expensive, Joel took a second job as a bouncer at a strip club nearly two years ago, Thursday to Sunday, letting his brother live with him in exchange for babysitting. He’s very professional about the whole gig, and he’s the first person the girls always go to when a patron creates problems or they have a bad night. They all love and trust him, but there's one dancer who knows him a little better than the rest, one who’s always on break at the same time as him, sitting in the staff room, eating snacks and watching The Sopranos reruns when he comes in. 
“That’s Karen’s last ziti”, he exclaims at the same time as Bobby Baccala says it on screen, walking towards her on the couch, “He’s not ready to eat that yet”. Neither of them look at each other before he's next to the couch, but she giggles at his delivery of the lines. “Janice is such a grifter, right?” she asks and scoots over to give him space to sit down on the small couch, “Want popcorn?”. Without waiting for an answer, she dumps the half-empty bowl in his lap and keeps watching the episode. “Slow night?” Joel asks, and she sighs in response. “Just drunk morons I can tell aren’t gonna tip”, she says and rolls her eyes, “The ones who tell me they can “save me” and then ask what my real name is”. 
Joel puts his hand over his mouth and his eyes widen, acting stunned, “You tryna tell me your name ain’t actually Amethyst?”. She puts her hand on his leg and shakes her head, looking at him with a sympathetic expression, trying not to smile. “I was trying to find the right time to tell you, I was thinking maybe on your two year work anniversary?” she says, “We could get you a cake that says ‘these aren't our real names sorry Joel we thought you knew’, with no punctuation or decorative flowers, just the writing”. He cracks up a little and looks at her, “You’re bringin’ the baked ziti to the party, or what, no fuckin’ ziti?”. “Idiot” she giggles and pushes his leg before retracting her hand. 
“As far as I'm concerned, your name is Buffalo Ray” he says, shrugging and throwing popcorn up in the air to catch them with his mouth. “The hell?”, she acts insulted and blinks at him impatiently, “Why am I Buffalo Ray? He died snitching, man”. He laughs a little before he answers her, looking at her fake-irritated face about to burst into laughter, “Cause you're a rat”. “Fuck off” she says and nudges him, earning her a rumbling laugh from the man. “You watch last night?” he asks, “It’s goin’ downhill fast for these gavones”. “Duh, I ev-” she says before she’s interrupted by the manager giving an announcement in the other room, and everything is drowned out by the noise from the TV except for something about the club closing early tonight. 
She looks at Joel with an excited expression, jumping up on her knees before sitting back on her platform heels and putting both hands on his arm, “Wanna give me a private show?”. “Who are you talkin’ to?” he asks and looks around the room. “You, big boy, come on” she says and slaps him gently on his shoulder. He snorts a little and looks down, trying to hide that he’s blushing, “You might have to teach me some moves”. 
50 Cent is playing on the speakers and the lights are flashing when she pulls Joel up on stage, still wearing her lingerie and heels. She’s about as tall as him in her nine inch Pleaser heels, black and sparkly with a worn down sole. He's broad and muscular, with a scruffy face and hair that’s surprisingly fluffy considering it doesn't look like he makes much of an effort with it. They’ve only ever seen each other in their work outfits despite hanging out regularly for almost two years, talking about anything and everything, becoming relatively close despite never taking the step out of the club and meeting in a different setting. 
“This is a body wave” she says as she holds onto the pole and demonstrates, pointing at her body at different parts of the movement, “Chest, stomach, hips, chest, stomach, hips”. He looks at her with a concentrated expression, whispering chest, stomach, hips back to himself. He’s been desensitized to the sight of girls in lingerie, semi nude and fully nude for a while now, and has no issues focusing when she breaks down the moves she does every night. “Okay, now you do it” she says and takes a step back, watching him grab the pole and whisper the instructions while he stiffly moves his upper body in an S-shape. 
“Great, now take a step around” she says and points in a circular motion around the pole, watching him step out to the right, “Shift your weight, Joel, left hip”. She pokes his hip with her finger and waits for him to lean onto his left leg, applauding when he steps around in a somewhat more slinky fashion. “Last move,” she says and holds up her index finger before waving at him so he steps away while she demonstrates. 
“This is a figure eight,” she slides her hands down and sticks her ass out, shifting her weight between her hips to rotate side to side, looking Joel directly in the eyes on the other side of the pole. He clears his throat and glances away for a second before refocusing, grabbing the pole and looking back to see if he’s doing it right. “Loosen your hips, baby, let me see some more ass” she says and smacks him playfully on his lower back. “I see you ladies do this four nights a week,” he groans, “I should really have figured this out by now”. She clicks her tongue and raises an eyebrow in response. 
“Okay, now put it all together and give me a show” she says and jumps off the platform, taking a seat right in front of the stage. They both take a deep breath, looking away from each other to prevent from bursting out in laughter, and he steps close to the pole, running the little routine from the top. “I'm breakin' a sweat here” he mutters as he tries to replicate her smooth movements, realizing construction work and lifting weights haven't prepared him for such specific types of strength training. 
“Ay, ay, ayyyy” she calls out and whistles, “You should take off your shirt”. He can’t hold it in anymore, and chuckles as he steps around the pole and tries to bend over like she did, realizing how stiff he is and how flexible she must be to comfortably do this, especially in those heels. He sees the excitement in her eyes at how well he’s replicating the moves she taught him, and she claps enthusiastically while he pants from just a thirty second long stage set. 
“Let me drive you home” he says as she puts on her jacket and they walk out of the door, “Don’t want you standin’ around outside alone at this hour”. “Won’t say no to that” she says excitedly and flings the truck door open, throwing her bag into the back and jumping into the passenger seat. He laughs a little as he climbs in and starts the engine, turning the radio down to a low volume and navigating out of the parking garage. 
Only a few minutes go by before he glances to his right and sees that she’s asleep against the window, faintly snoring. He smiles to himself a little and continues watching the road, easily finding her house after driving her home countless times. He parks the truck and waits a second before carefully nudging her shoulder, and she wakes up disoriented. “Thanks Joel,” she says as she leans over the console and grabs her bag, “Say hi to Sarah from me, see you tomorrow”. He says goodnight and watches her close the truck door and run inside, staying in her driveway until she's gotten into her house and turned on a light before he drives away.
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doraambrose · 4 months
fav comic writer & artist?
Hello! Thanks for the awesome question!
I'm not sure I have a FAVORITE writer, but here are some I do like:
Shawn Martinbrough took over for RHATO Rebirth for the last couple issues and us writing Redhood: the Hill, and I did really like his writing for RHATO, much better than Scott Lobdell
Gretchen felker-Martin wrote Jason's issue for Titans Beast world tour: gotham and it was hands down the best jason characterization I've ever seen since under the redhood despite him being a furry in it lol. She might be my new favorite actually
Geoff Johns wrote Batman: three jokers and I gotta be honest, for all its flaws (including some jason and Barbara), it'd probably one of my favorite series. The mix of the art, the exploration of chronic pain and trauma because of the joker, ugh so good.
Of course, I've got to give props to Judd Winnick for lost days and under the red hood. How jason was before he was retconned into being a sloppy stupid hothead, he was clever, cunning, sneaky, SMART.
An honorable mention is for suicide squad get joker, but definitely not my favorite
As for artists, me! (Just kidding) that's also hard to pick just one favorite, but I LOVE these artists
Dexter soy has such a unique way of doing comic art, but I just love it. He makes jason look his age and not, you know, a 50 year old Vietnam War vet. And I love the way Artemis was drawn as a strong, tall amazon woman with muscles and not, you know, skinny feminine woman like old style comics.
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I also just LOVE Alex maleev for his work in suicide squad get joker. The people are drawn well, the color palette, it's all so visually appealing. And again, jason isn't 50. It seems like a lot of comic artists forget that most members of the batfamily are in their 20s
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Jason Fabok gets a mention for his art in batman three jokers. It was beautiful. Same reasons too. I'm also a sucker for line art
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Finally, one of my most favorite artists isn't even a jason todd artist but I wish he was. Bruno Redondo does a lot of the art for the newer Nightwing comics and I LOVE IT. The color scheme is so visually stunning, everyone is drawn so well, it's beautiful.
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And call me a narcissist but I gotta add some of my own art in here lmao but thanks for the ask!!! This is very exciting for me and I love talking about jason todd as he is someone I've studied and read everything about for the last few years
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I've reached my image limit so I might start posting my own art as well
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kimigia · 6 months
my problem with owari no seraph's writing, from someone who's been reading it since 2016
finally decided to revive this blog after it sat untouched for years and collected copius amounts of dust.... just ignore my old posts LMAO
anyways, i have a small list of issues that i think i've already posted about before? but i wanted to compile them all, and add on anything i haven't mentioned before.
*small spoiler warning for recent chapters & light novel*
the countless neglected side plots and characters. i understand that every side story will eventually get its time to shine... but when? i don't think i'd have such a problem with it if the comic updated more often, but i understand that kagami has other scripts to write and it takes yamamoto time to draw the beautiful art. but it's been years since we last saw characters like lacus welt, rene simm, seishiro hiragi, chess belle, makoto narumi and horn skuld. i definintely think it's a huge shame that after being present for like, 50 or so chapters, they just... disappeared. hell, last time yoichi's plan to get revenge on lacus was mentioned was over 5 years ago. again, if the updates were faster i wouldn't have such a problem with it taking so many chapters to finally get to the side storylines. but i just feel like it's been way too long at this point... this has already been stated before, but the lack of mistuba, kimizuki, yoichi, and sometimes shinoa's respective stories being addressed is also really annoying. it feels like they've been completely forgotten and neglected and like the comic is just 'mika & yu + extras''. i want to see yoichi get his revenge on lacus, i want to see ferid's backstory, i want to see mitsuba's relationship with her sister branched out more, i want to see chess and horn and how they're relevant to crowley's story, i want to see where narumi ran off to, i want to see kimizuki's storyline with his sister, and i know these will be addressed eventually, but like... when? to add onto this, i feel like new storylines keep being added on without old ones being addressed. the whole thing with mika turning into a demon, turning into a sword, finding out the first's past, and all of that. but then again, it took us years to finally figure out the first's past, so i trust that these side plots will also eventually get addressed! it's just very messy, and all over the place.
2. the same lines being repeated over and over again. i swear to god every couple of chapters they go through the same dialogue of "we're going to revive everyone and save all of our family members and save the whole world" and i just feel like nothing really happens after that? just from chapters 100-130 it's been mentioned SO many times and i just. if i'm missing something i'd appreciate it if someone could just tell me at this point because i really don't see why the almost exact same dialogue has to be said so often. i am perfectly aware that the whole storyline revives around the importance of companionship, friendship, and love, but it just seems futile for the same exact thing to be stated so often. i think when it's SHOWN rather than just being told is really nice, like how krul and ashera's backstory was played out, or how the love between paimon and bael was shown. we can draw our own conclusions and interpret the story differently based on what we see rather than being spoonfed the same information over and over again. ashera basically cursed his sister because he couldn't fathom living without her, and bael ended his life because he couldn't fathom living without paimon. i think when the love and importance of the character's relationships with each other is shown like this, rather than the same dialogue being restated chapter after chapter, the story flows much smoother.
3. the lack of character development. again, if i've somehow missed it then please just tell me because i can't find it anywhere. specifically in yu's case, because it's been YEARS. i will say, in the early volumes of the manga i definitely saw him undergo a huge change, because before he got put in the demon army he had a very sour attitude and refused to make friends. but after he found his new family, he did a complete 180 and made it his life's mission to live for them and do anything to save them, mika included (later on) but again, that was years ago and since then i've honestly been unable to see much change in his behavior. despite the numerous times guren has shown himself to be a shifty, shady person that's hard to trust, it doesn't go through yu's head. even after they had that huge fight around chapter 112, his anger towards guren wasn't even about the fact that guren planned for his family to be murdered by ferid! he rarely listens to mika, and he generally just goes off and does whatever he likes. i UNDERSTAND that this is just part of his character and personality, but my god is it frustrating to watch... i will say though, him bowing to krul and requesting her help to save mika was a nice surprise that i didn't anticipate. i'd really like to see more of that! more of him listening to other characters who desperately try to help him, etc.
4. the way female characters are written and treated. i understand that this is a shounen manga, but the only female characters in the series being used for fan service gets on my nerves a LOT, especially since they're not really that well written in the first place. also the dialogue and interactions between them... i really really hate that majority of the conversations between just shinoa and mitsuba are played off as boob jokes or something when they could be having legitimate bonding moments and building their friendships. like i'm not gonna lie, shinoa is an absolutely FASCINATING character to me. but i want to see the girls interact with other girls outside of topics that have to do with a man or just making boob jokes!!! (i've only read volume 1 of the catastrophe manga,) but going off of that, the way there could've been so much more attention paid to sayuri's character for example but a lot of the spotlight on her just consisted of either a. her boobs being shown or b. somebody talking about her boobs. i'm not gonna lie, one of the first pages of the manga being a naked 14 year old girl was ....?? anyways. and how could i forget about chess and horn! they're vampires that're hundreds to thousands of years old, and they can't even fall in love or feel romantic desire, but the whole blushing thing while getting down on their knees to suck crowley's blood from his finger? chess getting jealous of horn for being able to suck his blood? hello? like... come on. i will say though, i really like how krul's character is written. in my opinion, she's an example of a well written female character.
an additional note that's not criticism: my opinions on the new art style are kinda 50/50... i feel like for the adult/older characters, the tiny eyes and sharper/more realistic features can make them look kinda weird sometimes, especially their front profiles. but for the younger/child/teen characters, i actually really like it and i feel like it suits them! not having their eyes take up half of their faces anymore looks good, and it can also be interpreted as physical growth.
anyways, there are so so so many things that i legitimately love about owari no seraph, so this isn't me just shitting on the entire series. i'm gonna follow it through to the end, and i'm excited to see how that goes! i just think the writing could use.... some work.
*please excuse any typos*
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starkfish · 4 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @meduseld! Because while I haven't written in awhile, I sure do love *talking* about writing :D Under the cut
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
A nice round 50.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 337,459
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays not really any, lmao, but BACK IN THE DAY I was obviously primarily an ASOIAF writer, but I've also written for Harry Potter, Law and Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Taken, and American Horror Story. And I loooooove talking about those fandoms that I write less frequently about so feel free if anyone had any questions, I would lap that shit right up.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
we're men of snow (we melt one day)
Rivers and Roads
this house no longer feels like home
And Maybe Someday Love
to stand outside your virtue (this one is probably the biggest surprise in the top 5 for me)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I was/am good at responding when a fic is newly posted but I'm not very good at it now, which is a shame on me because I still read and love every comment and I think people who take the time to leave comments on fics that are years old are super super rad. Usually I see it and get all giddy and then forget to respond and then feel weird responding much later, which is silly of me. I don't get a ton of comments anymore but I'm going to try and be better about answering because I do appreciate them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Measures, that one is just an angst fest in general. Or hmm, A Myth of Devotion is a close second.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Aahahaha this is just making me realize how death is involved in like...all of my fics? So maybe Rivers and Roads since Ned and Cat get to be together at the end, despite the DEATH AND WAR around them? Or maybe that my lips would build a castle which finds Jon and Sansa together in Winterfell despite all the DEATH AND WAR THAT WAS AROUND THEM. Or maybe Wedding Bell Blues which is a fun modern AU despite the fact that Lyanna is unhappy in it. What can I say, I enjoy my angst.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not a lot, although I did just recently get someone angry that I tagged Ned/Ashara in 'Wedding Bell Blues', and honestly they weren't completely wrong but they were so obnoxious about it that the tag is staying there out of spite. And of course I used to get the requisite Catelyn hate but even that was pretty few and far between. My stuff is usually what it says on the tin and AO3 is a little bit more self selecting than other sites of the past.
9. Do you write smut?
Awwwww yis especially SMUT WITH FEELINGS.
10. Craziest crossover:
I'm not really a crossover babe, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, someone took 'Measures' and basically rewrote it word-for-word as a Downton Abbey fic and someone recognized it as my work (...actually was it you, @meduseld??) and brought it to my attention. Lmao also back when I was on a Desperate Housewives livejournal (BACK IN THE DAYS) I had a couple of ESL writers take parts of my fics and use them in theirs and the mod of the LJ community got SO MAD at me when I was like "...hey please don't do that!" But the incident with 'Measures' was definitely the most blatant.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and I think it's very cool! I would never attempt to translate it back though lol. But it is very touching to me that someone would like my work enough to want to take the time to translate it so others can enjoy it. I'm always fine with it as long as proper credit is given. I have also had a podfic done on a Lyanna comment fic and that was also extremely cool! The person who did that had a lovely reading voice. =)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a published fic but I've done roleplay-y writing with a few friends before which was always fun!
14. All time favorite ship?
I don't know if I've penned more words, thought more thoughts, spent more time for any other ship more than Ned/Cat. <3 A close second to Elliot/Olivia in Law and Order SVU for goddamn longevity though. Still dragging me along, twenty years later.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly I doubt I'll ever finish 'these are hard times for dreamers' because back in 2019 I only had the vaguest idea of where I wanted to go next and that has only gotten worse with time. I have also had a Lynesse fic half-written on my computer for probably like...five years at this point, BUT I think that's more likely to get finished at SOME point just because it is already around 4k words. But who knows WHEN.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character work, especially internal thoughts, setting a mood/scene, etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, getting from point A to point B to point C, especially concisely versus needing ten thousand words. I also think my dialogue is hit or miss, especially in a longer back-and-forth conversation.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'll reference it if need be but usually try and avoid because I don't speak any other language fluently and don't want to make any foolish mistakes.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Lmao SAILOR MOON (Geocities 5ever) and also I wrote some Pokemon stuff. I'm not even a little sorry.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think it's 'we're men of snow (we melt one day)' which makes it especially gratifying that it is my most popular. There are still bits I would clean up if I were rewriting it but on the whole I'm so pleased with how it turned out and it was also really nice that it was a gift for a friend for FandomAid (@catelyngrant) who gave me pretty free reign to do whatever I wanted. So I'm glad I was able to deliver something that I'm very happy with because she deserves it! I am also very partial to my Lysa Heroine Big Bang fic, 'The Girl in the Mirror'. I love writing Lysa and this was the most complete thing I ever wrote about her, and I loved getting to flesh out her backstory. Much as it is super fun to play in the AU sandbox, it is also a ton of fun to examine a part of canon that is left uncovered in the source material. Tagging @catelyngrant, @apprenticemockingbird, and anyone else who may be interested!
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chdarling · 1 year
I really, REALLY, dislike Graham.
I can't wait for the glorious moment in which he'll know that Lily fancy James Potter. I can't fucking wait for it, the realization splatted on his face.
Lily, this beautiful muggleborn, fancies James Potter, a pureblood who has no judgment and prejudice.
I mean, Flor is a nice girl, but Graham... I really want to punch him every time, especially I don't like the way he treats and speaks about Sirius and James
Please, Lily let him realize or tell him directly (even better) that you have fallen for a young man, who is a leader, who has strong principles, who is a good person, whose name is James Potter.
When I read the Graham likes her, my thought was "my dear, she fancy James, I can't wait for you to know it"
I want to add that your James is one of my favourite, I really like how you write him ❤️
hmmmm ok I have a rule where I don’t tell anyone how to feel about a character! So I’m not gonna do that!
But…….this is extremely self-indulgent on my part, but I just want to offer some space to consider how characters like Sirius and James are perceived by other students at school, particularly the more marginalized students (like Graham).
So, forgive me:
Facts about Sirius and James as perceived by the general student body:
Sirius Black came from one of the most prominent Muggle-hating families in wizarding society. Prior to 1976 it was not common knowledge that he did not get along with his family. (Canon; TLE2-16)
Sirius Black called Cecil Stebbins the M-word in first year. (TLE2-36)
Sirius Black made a splash in third year by stealing a muggle-born girl’s diary, reading it aloud, and proceeding to torment her about it and her crush [on a pure-blood boy] for years. (TLE1-7)
Sirius Black was at least semi-frequently photographed with prominent members of wizarding society who publicly spouted anti-Muggle sentiment (such as the Malfoys), and these photos were glowingly printed in the Daily Prophet’s Society pages for all to read. (TLE1-28; TLE1-35)
Sirius Black often made a show of spending his family’s money extravagantly, such as buying drinks for entire tables of random students in the Three Broomsticks as a joke. (TLE1-25)
Sirius Black had a reputation for dueling and getting into fights. (TLE1-44, and like…every other chapter lmao)
James Potter publicly declared that he wouldn’t date a muggle-born girl if she were the last girl in school, then proceeded to tease her about it for years (TLE1-7)
James Potter had a reputation for being jinx happy, frequently hexing other students. (Canon, TLE1-7, TLE1-40, TLE1-50, TLE1-52, TLE2-40, etc etc etc etc)
In his fifth year, James Potter once hexed a younger Muggle-born student so badly it took 2 weeks for his skin to turn back to normal. (TLE1-50, TLE2-40)
James Potter publicly humiliated his enemies. (TLE1-52)
James Potter mocked another student for essentially being poor (TLE2-31)
James Potter was the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, which did not have a single Muggle-born member. (TLE2-45)
Etc etc etc
Of course, WE have context for all these incidents. We know their thoughts, intentions, etc. But how would someone like Graham have that insight? Why would he ever give them the benefit of the doubt?
And yet despite all this, the way Graham has treated them has been to be inwardly disdainful and outwardly polite, even being gracious in welcoming James when he crashed the MBSC without an express invite. (Sure, internally he may have been thinking “you privileged wanker”, but did he say it? No! lmao)
Anyway!! Just another perspective on this dude! I love hearing all the different takes on him. He has not QUITE surpassed Florence as Most Controversial TLE Character but he’s at least won a shiny medal. 🥈😂
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compact-turtle · 1 year
Time to know the creator!!!! <3
1st question: Are you gonna tell us some of the Yan's you have in the future?
2nd question: How are you feeling?
3rd question: What Inspired you to write, what was you're confidence/Idol?
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Thank you Anon! I put both of these together since its just you asking lol! I hope that everything is going well in your life right now and you can continue to stick around!
love and appreciate you too ( ^◡^)っ ♡
1st question:
It's a secret but just bc its you who asked, I'll tell you <3
I'm thinking of writing a female Yan. I'm not sure what I want her to be yet. I was considering either a witch or a fairy. (both pretty cliche ik lol). The details are currently in the works but I have a general idea of where I want the story to go.
I'm a little worried since my finals are coming up. I was going to post my 1000 followers special event after finals! So probably around the later half of may.
Also I'm probably going to have to do a 2 week haitus after I post Yandere Space Adventure pt 2 this week to prepare for finals :(
OFC, i'll still answer small questions and do small requests.
so the reason i started writing is a bit silly lol
During the 2020 lockdown/quarantine, I got into genshin impact hardcore. I had multiple character skins (uhh dropped 50 dollars for the Diluc one too), spent actual dollars for character banners and was AR60. Surprisingly, did my dailies everyday and was in multiple genshin impact discord servers and purchased so many genshin impact cosplays.
Genshin Impact was genuinely my life for two years. However, the enjoyment of it has gone downhill for me. I struggled to find a hobby or something to fill the void. Life for real felt empty without purpose after I stopped playing. For a while, tiktok took over but it didn't feel as fufilling.
Then I remembered in early high school how I would read and write yandere stories. (Exclusively on quotev lmao). I figured it'd be fun try Tumblr since it was a fandom staple. I never had it because I was always way too confused on how it worked. So this is my first Tumblr account!
I would just use my blog to read some stories. Before bed, I'd have a million ideas for yandere stories. I never thought I'd write anything since these were just cute stories in my head. It wasn't until a month later that I decided to start writing somethings.
Some of the pages that inspired me to write were
@running-with-kn1ves <- there's nothing bad that they could every write.
@suiana <- first every yandere tumblr blog that I encountered and spent days consuming their works lol
@bunny-yan <- Their idea of a reincarnated hero shook me to the core. I loved the idea of a darling who just couldn't put up with it anymore.
@bxnnyblue (RIP blog, will always be loved <3)
@darkbluekies <- I got super attached to their works about Hedwig. Something about a rich girl taking care of me just hits different.
@darling--core <- I ate their Yan! Ceo and Yan! Criminal work up. I also enjoy their writing in general.
@moyazaika <- What if I said I loved everything about their works! Thx for sharing your stories for the world
@hana-no-seiiki <- An educated scholar who's talented at everything from academics to writing fics (uhhh also 100/10 art skills) (also their new fix about feroze x eve just came out)
@obsessivevoidkitten <- Loved their series about the Yandere Goblin Shark!!
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canadianlucifer · 6 months
1, 10, 20, and 21 for Seidou?
*vibrating with excitement* yeah i'm so normal about him
under the cut bc I wrote nearly 1k words and 50% of that is the first question oops
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Where do I even start? I'm gonna separate og and re here and explain them separately.
Starting with the unbelievably tragic insane opossum, he immediately became one of my faves when I first read vol 3 because it was just such a shock I think. Obviously I felt bad for him when I thought he died, but the contrast between his human self and now was just crazy. I'm not entirely sure why I liked him when the volume came out bc that was back in 2018, but after rereading the series I can fully say I like him so much now because he is just incredibly sad and complex. I could go on and on and probably write a whole essay (which, huh. Come to think of it that might actually be fun), but it kinda boils down to "he didn't deserve to suffer like that" and that leads into why I'm also a fan of his human self.
In og, he was a bit of an asshole, yeah, but he was just a kid. He was excitable and eager and quite emotional, easily showing when he was happy or proud or angry or upset or scared and the CCG took advantage of that. He was indoctrinated and told that genocide is the only option. He was only 20 year old when he was given a gun and told to kill and that that wasn't just okay, but good. That he'd be a hero protecting Tokyo for murdering people. He was told "good job" for killing and was even upset when he wasn't able to kill even more, wanted a promotion so he could wipe out families and communities and be rewarded for it. I could go even further with how fucked up the CCG is and their practices but let's move on. Seidou is one of the few investigators who didn't become an investigator because of some personal hatred for ghouls or a significantly traumatizing event, he became an investigator because his mom was scared of ghouls. From what he wrote in his will it seems that he wasn't particularly scared, but his mom certainly was and he wanted to protect her. So he went to the academy and worked hard but it just wasn't enough. No matter how hard he tried, he was always second place. Always just not quite good enough. He still got the job he wanted, but it's clear he wanted Akira’s place. He wanted to be partnered with Amon and to go on missions but got stuck with a workaholic that calls him into the office at 10pm to fix a report (not to mention knowing that he's already drunk like. It could wait until morning, do you really want someone in the office that's wasted? But that's for another day-). I think it's important to understand his human self to fully appreciate his character in re, there's just so much context for why he became like he did if that makes sense.
WOW I have been rambling for a while oops let's move on lmfao
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I doubt it. As a ghoul, no way he's way too annoying of a friend. Like, clingy but also pushes everyone away and at some point you just have to be like "fine, be that way." I would not be able to stand his emo ass tbh. As a human, I just don't think he'd want to be friends with me lmao. Like, he places so much of an emphasis on rank and achievements and stuff I don't think he'd want to hang out with someone who'd have absolutely no interest in the CCG if it were real and would probably harbour ghouls lmao
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oooh good question... hmm, I'd say Kaneki honestly. Human Seidou and kuroneki would be good pals because they'd just be silly good pals hanging out and Kaneki should've known more about both sides before going off the deep end and Seidou should've had someone to talk to outside of the CCG to know when his aspersions were getting a bit obsessive, someone to point out there's more to life than work and I think Kaneki could have shown him that through his stories. And with ghoul Seidou and kingneki, we only saw it a little bit but they seem to be on good terms after he got his sanity back. Kaneki says that they're similar in that they're both empty and need something to chain them down lest they go off and die and they could be each other's chain so to speak. Like, if they make plans to get coffee or whatever it's like "well shit I can't die now, I've got plans", it's the same mentality if having a gym partner I think. You get a gym partner because it holds you accountable for going to the gym, you don't want to disappoint your friend, right? Anyways yeah I think Seidou and Kaneki would be good pals.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favourite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
INFLICTING THE HORRORS UPON HIM AND THEN GIVING HIM THE EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT OF WARM SOUP. You can see in the two fics I've written that I just love putting that babygirl into bad situations and then giving him comfort it is the BEST. Hurt/comfort my beloved.
As for don't like, I'm not sure... I don't write too often. I suppose dialogue is kinda difficult, I have a hard time giving characters different speaking styles, I end up making everyone sound the same but that's more of a general writing thing, not specific to him.
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llimerrence · 5 months
@thcsevoices said:
♔, ♕, ♥, ♣
yup, yup, yup. let's gooooooo
♔ for me to describe a favorite rp character of mine.
Canon: louie or jack frost. both of them are lil chaos machines with hearts of gold that they try to hide lmao Oc: Gisel. I dont get to use her a lot on tumblr, but me & beth have like 50 threads of her on discord because i love writing her so much. she's one of the muses i dont ever lose muse for. She just sort of gets pushed behind others lmao
♕ for me to describe favorite rp character of someone else’s.
Canon: @bccksmarts. i mean, pom was gonna show up at some point. but specifically, i wanna talk about pom's Hermione. Pom took a shitty person's writing, and said 'how can i make it better?' and then DID. Hermione is such a 3d character now, and the original canon characterization isn't gone, just actually well developed. Pom is an amazing writer, and took a lump of coal and shined it into a diamond. Oc: @unbearablyindifferent how can u not love sarah??? she's such a well written, rounded oc. and Hayley has done a fantastic job. we don't write as much as we used too; but i still read everything hayley does with sarah lol shes just that good of an oc. She fits canon better than anything canon actually did. and the rpc is a better place because of hayley and sarah.
♥ for me to describe a favorite rp ship of mine.
Let's talk about one that doesn't really show up on tumblr that much. @honeydewmuses 's ferb and my beck. Oh my gosh i love love love them? We've developed them so well, and just. Calvin's description of Ferb's emotions is so touching and i feel it. i always feel it lmao
♣ for me to describe a favorite rp ship of someone else’s.
@starsweepers / @streetslost & @storybounded / @famefound. any of them. the twinssss. seriously, these two are amazing writers and it's always so fascinating to see what they'll do next. they intertwine their muses so seamlessly, it's hard to imagine a world where they don't connect their muses lol. i love reading when either one posts, and to see the other's response / addition to the original idea. I love how they're both willing to rework things when they don't work out, and how they have intertwined multiple ocs into one long story. its just...so much fun to witness. it's been more than five years since i first saw their stuff, and i'm still obsessed with it all.
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hiiii. im here to ask you some unnecessary and completely random questions//make you list something
: ̗̀➛ opinion on turtles?
: ̗̀➛ do you like roosters?
: ̗̀➛ does it snow where you live?
: ̗̀➛ do you have a painting or poster in your room? if so, what is it and why do you have it?
: ̗̀➛ tell me 3 random facts about you that you've never said online
happy holidays my beloved mutual <3
> i’m impartial to roosters don’t love em don’t hate em
> sometimes…. climate change is messing with it (for instance it snowed on halloween but TODAY the high is like 50)
> i do! i have this rlly aesthetic cat poster because it was cute, cool tapestries from my mom for christmas, an Across the Spider Verse poster (also from christmas) THEN my records came with a Shinedown poster and Hozier poster, so they’re hanging above my record player <33
> hmmm let’s see (this is hard bc i over share so bad on here LMAO)
1. i only started writing like a year ago, and started writing POETRY like three months ago, which is why i still don’t think it’s great lol
2. i wanted to be a dentist for most of my life
3. my mom scored 180 on the RAADS autism test….. i scored 144 so i know where i get it from (yeah we took it as a family one evening for the sillies, that’s one of my favorite stories to tell)
THANK YOU! this was so fun hehe happy holidays!!
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esther-dot · 1 year
So I was reading a bunch of your anon asks about R/L (not spelling out names so this doesn't show up in searches lol) and I agree with that anon that said the fandom forgets that GRRM is not some woke author. Way too many metas are written on the premise that he wrote this series with the sensibilities of a 20-something millennial and not a 50 year old man who conceived most of these plot points in the 90s. The refusal for certain fans/theorists (not including you in this I find your analysis and critiques very good and thoughtful) to call out and critique Martin's deeply problematic elements frustrates me to no end. It's okay to say certain things did not age well and the R/L/E dynamic is chief among them. Giving R's wife a gratuitously sexually violent death and a gratuitously gruesome death to her baby and toddler did not age well. Then proceeding to shit on her by having her husband's family's loyalists state that she was sickly and not good enough for him did not age well. Then proceeding to spend five books with those same characters depicting R as the Westerosi Prom King/Football Quarterback/Prodigal Son with basically zero substantial or significant pushback did not age well. I keep on seeing people say, 'Well, no it's because it's all a part of George's Big Plan and Reveal and an example of the the POV trap so don't get preemptively mad at him.' The defense of him essentially being 'No, you guys don't get it...he's going to perfectly execute the story that only exists in mine and his head for 12 years and counting and then you will see how he always meant for R to be a POS and for R/L not to be some star crossed lovers romance.' Yeah, no. I'm not giving him credit for an unfinished story and the fact that some of his fans do this is baffling. We're at this point that even if Martin does reveal R was even a little morally grey, a subset of the fandom will continue defending him like their lives depend on it because they are so married to their headcanons because Martin has not provided any actual content in over a decade (the show whitewashing did not help either). I'm not even going to broach the subject of the white feminist pickmes in the fandom that do everything and anything to defend Lily White Lieanna from any accountability and pushback from her complicitness in what happened because that's a whole other can of worms. LOL. End of my rant I guess. lmao.
My aunt who is around the same age as Martin, wanted to watch Saturday Night Fever with me (I had never seen it). She remembered and loved the music, the dancing, the costumes, the pain of these characters who were trapped and looking for an escape. There were all these good things she wanted to share with me, but I was shocked by how casually they threw in a rape, and how cruel the protagonist was to the girl right after it happened. I could not understand how my liberal, well educated, very up with social norms, aunt wasn't as appalled as I was when she'd last seen it. But she had watched that movie when it came out, hadn't seen it since, so her reaction to it had been fixed in that moment. Like a time capsule.
That happened years ago, but anytime a discussion about R/L and what Martin would/wouldn't do comes up, I think about that, and I try to draw a line between my sensibilities and what he actually wrote because as you and my other anon point out, R/L was conceived in a certain moment, in a specific milieu, and it isn't the one we're currently in. So, while I certainly don't think Rhaegar is the guy that Targ fans believe him to be, I no longer believe Martin intends us to take the other extreme.
Rhaegar called the place where he took Lyanna "the tower of joy," and Martin would have to want us to think Rhaegar is a truly sadistic bastard if that's what he called the place he repeatedly, forcibly raped Lyanna. Considering what Martin has said about how he wants to write morally grey characters, how he has written Cersei, Tyrion, the Hound...I just don't buy that that's where he's going, not anymore.
More broadly, I’ve read a lot of literary analysis, I know how easy it is for people to write really, really interesting essays that I love, but in actually, have absolutely nothing to do with the book/poem etc that it’s discussing. It’s a beautiful thing that we each experience art uniquely, but it does mean we have to be careful when it comes to actually believing what we takeaway from something is the same as what they put in. There’s also a danger in thinking loving the art means we understand the artist’s mind. The same mind can produce something I love and something I hate. Experience that enough times and you realize, you can’t put parameters, a would/wouldn’t, on where they’ll take things.
And, even hardcore Martin fans acknowledge the racist issues with his writing, criticize how he sexualizes little girls...I don't think any of us need to defend him. We all know that these are issues with his writing, we may not agree that they will manifest in the worst way going forward, but it's possible. Unfortunately.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hybe didn't?
Lmao they were no.1
Things hybe 'did' for Jimin FACE era
1. Denied him of 4 MV, to artist who build that fuxking company. While giving their rookies 4 MVs on 1st album, Yoongi and Hobi a documentary and now a world tour. Apparently 4 MVs request is unreasonable, my ass.
2. Lets forget about other international platforms but they Didn't raised a finger against hanteo robbery even if it's their own home country. Still no one knows where that 770K sales went. Conveniently stole his #1 soloist sales record.
3. Didn't sent LC to radio even after mass request from fans and it achieving no1 on BB, left all work to be done by fans. LC had a very big opportunity to go even big but how much fans can do without a single support from agency ?
4. No celebrations or theme cakes like other members, no interviews or hype after No.1 BB like bangtan had during dynamite era. When rest country was celebrating and their share prices shoot up. Even Jimin's dad's friends celebrated while it's silence from his agency.
5. Even his pre orders still not shipped which is affecting charts. It's been a month, mind you. Took days to restore CDs in BTS store. Took days to add LC to This is BTS Playlist, which is the biggest we can have, while haegum was added in a day.
6. Army were begging them about BB situation for 3 WEEKS but no response but conveniently corrected the website just a day before D DAY. No comments regarding his 90%+ sales being deleted while all K media were writing about the BB payola.
7. Cut down his promotion to 10 fucking days leaving even Jimin disappointed and doubtful about his promos. Just to announce a whole new album in a week and killed hype of FACE.
8. Threw him to hands of kpoppies and antis, they were rentlessly attacking him since SMF dropped, articles were written, they were making sexual harassment and rape jokes against him. 'Artist protection' no where to be found. Didn't even took down korean articles or hate blogs.
9. Made him overwork and finish everything within 10 days till he was sick. He attended parties with tapes on his neck and was sick af by end of promos, even on BB hot 100 announcement day.
10. Remember when Filter was removed from iTunes when it began outstreaming ON ? Yeah same thing happened. FACE tied with BTS record for iTunes album IMMEDIATELY next day there was a 'glitch' and FACE falled.
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That's an accurate depiction of me rn. I said in a comment and I'll say it here. I love Jimin with everything I own, but I'm gonna need my man to start having some sort of defiance. He doesn't see his potential, fine. But he needs to start prioritising himself. He don't need to be putting others infront of himself all the damn time. Did other members put their shit on hold for his sake? No. He was born to shine...its why he's so hated because he doesn't need to do much and people will gravitate towards him. If YT didn't do what they did SMF and LC would both have over 100M views by now. No seriously think about it. Forget the streamers like u and me. We have 74 million subscribers on Bangtan TV and 70 M subs on Hybe labels. Then Jimin has 49M followers on insta. Lets say 10 million are people with multiple accounts. That leaves 39M followers. Again, forget the streamers. Lets say there is a person who is busy so they only have time to watch his MVs once before going to work and once before bed. Then we of course have the haters obsessed with Jimin who also watched the MVs at least once. Add the fact that both MVs for sometime were number 1 and 3 on trending which means locals who like to see what's trending clicked on the songs and watched them. And then that's when the streamers come in. The math does not math no matter how much u try. The fact that LC doesn't even have 50 million views is absolutely ridiculous.
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But, I digressed. Back on topic. Hybe did do him dirty. BH been doing him dirty for fucking years. But he stays. If you've been listening. You will notice Suga and Jimin are the two members who've been the most vocal about coming back as 7. I'm not saying the rest don't want that, but Yoonmin do appear to want that the most.
We have seen Jimin refuse to go hard when he's dancing with people who are not as good. The TT he did with TXT he did not even try. He took the cute route. And that's not the only one. VIBE he could have gone harder, but u can see he is holding back because that is not his song, he was a feature. Watch how he dances with Suga versus how he dances with Jhope. U will see a clear difference. Jimin has always, always put other people into consideration. Its why u will see when V is making fun of Jimin he won't stop and keeps going and going. But when Jimin is making fun of V, he will catch himself and stop and admit he has gone to far.
He has always put Bangtan before himself and it sucks. Look at JK "what are they gonna do, fire me?" JK knows the power he holds and uses it and takes advantage of it. He knows he's indispensable. But then so is Jimin and I wish he would follow his boyfriend's lead because this is absurd. Other members have gotten sm and he got so little. How and why was he okay with this?
I would bet my right arm (I'm right handed btw) that he has also put BTS before his relationship and could have been the cause of some of their fights. And u know JK sees whats happening and doesn't like it one bit. BH weren't promoting his man to his satisfaction so JK did a whole live dedicated to Jimin. He said; fine, I'll do it myself.
Y'all think I'm kidding when I say JK stays for Jimin 🧐
I hope military service hardens Jimin and he comes back with an attitude because this man deserves to reach even greater heights than he already has.
Fuck Hybe and Bighit with a fucking cactus I'm fucking done with this shit
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bon-is-gone · 1 month
*perks up* found this trend a while ago and I loved seeing mlp infection aus...idk why but I think mlp horrors are the best horrors! Like human horrors make me feel uncomfortable but replace the humans with colorful ponies and I wanna see it! (My random guess is, not knowing if I'm right or not, because I'm scared of it being transmitted to humans?) Anyway, now I'm curious about it!
What are the stages? How did it begin? You planning to make a bunch of art for it? Write a story via comic or written or as I've seen some do...videos? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected? Sorry if I'm pushy or nosey...just fluttershy went from 0-100 so fast in your pics of her and looked so good...she looked so cute before infection and terrifying after! You have a great artstyle! I just had to learn if this was a one hit-thing or if it will bloom into a story or something!
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Ah yes, my favorite subject
Dying ponies with rabies 😌
Imma try and answer all the questions amigo, however I'm writing this in 2 in the morning with a sh*t ton of adrenaline from the fact that you asked (I'm gonna have a heart attack oh lord) so do forgive me if I missed one-
Oh ehem-
So the sickness which I took for this au is Rabies! Which I think a lot if you might know what it is. Ofcourse, this is a more messed up type of rabbies. There's only 3 stages since the person transforms quickly(in a 1 day). 1st stage: after the pony gets bit by a subject with rabbies they start feeling weak, tired and nauseous. They also all of a sudden get scared of water 2nd stage: the ponies body starts to hurt, usually specific body parts feel the most pain (for example with fluttershy its her front hooves), which then start to get longer, stretching. 3rd stage the ponies body becomes disfigured, they become extremely aggressive and blood-thirsty, foam will start pouring out of their mouth and completely forget who they were before.
How did it begin?
Some chemist pony probably tried to find a cure for different types of sickness in the mlp world but instead made a potion for the missed up rabbies. He tested on some animals and one of them escaped. The animal got to fluttershy(because she's always with animals so she shall be the first victim) and bit her. The infection would continue on with twilight who wanted to go check up on her but instead got attacked.
You planning to make a bunch of art for it?
Oh buddy. OH BUDDY- I already nade some sketches of how twilight and Pinkie pie are before and after getting infected. I do want to draw some background ponies with those meters (you know those ones with like "hunger: 50%" or something) specifically this guy
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SILVER ZOOM 😎 I found him whilst browsing the mlp wiki for background ponies and omg I LOVE HIS DESIGN AJGDHSHDHWHDHDH
Also this fella
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Crystal earth gives me "I FELL INLOVE WITH AN EMO GIRL" vibes and I'm DIGGING IT
Write or make a story/comic/video? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected?
I'm not a writer so hard pass on the story. Comic would LOVE to do that, however I'm not used to drawing ponies like, at all, So it takes me a really long time to get the look right(especially with all the different angles of the head, yikes). Now, the video? Hell f*cking yeah. I planned on making a video 100% doing it like people do on tiktok (or in my case youtube because I am not going to that wretched place, no offense to anyone who goes there) but never made it since I got sidetracked with other stuff lmao. So currently I will stick to just solely making art, but I will make a video about it no doubt. Complete story? Probably not.
Again thank you so much for asking! It makes me super happy when people ask me about my stuff or just opinions on anything. (I did not get held enough as a child God damn-) and no worries about being pushy! (You weren't honestly)
This was Bon, signing out
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