#this turned out hella cheesy im sorry
yeoobiii · 6 years
Left Behind | Calum Hood
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Pairing: College!Calum x College!Reader
Summary: As you got lost in the crowd of concert, you bump into a boy, you’re kinda familar with and from there on you are kind of forced to spend the rest of the evening with him and his friends.
Word cound: 3.9k
Warnings: drinking and that’s about it, ig
a/n: I had this in my drafts for a while now and felt like finishing it. It’s my first 5sos related imagine. It’s a little bit cheesy and turned out fluffy. Remember, feedback and criticism is highly appreciated. Enjoy!
The music was blasting through the speakers, flashing a wave of energy through your body you didn’t even know you had left in you anymore. You were standing for about four hours now and usually you’d be totally exhausted by now but the adrenaline that was currently streaming through your body made you forget about your tired legs.
As the next hook was about to drop the people around you opened a big hole in the crowd and everyone was ready to jump in. You weren't usually the type to join mosh pits because they always got so chaotic and sometimes you were seriously worried about getting hurt. But right now, at the moment, you didn’t care. You took a glance to your left to find your two best friends nodding at you, signalizing you that they were about to join the chaos as well. You smiled one more time to yourself, enjoying yourself before the beat dropped and every one jumped into that mosh pit, including you.
It was over faster than you would have thought. At that moment, you were completely carefree and the music owned your body. You were jumping, screaming and dancing, like every body around you. At some point someone stepped on your foot and it stung for a second, but you got over it fast as the act that was currently putting on a live show, started to rap their second verse of the song. The crowd calmed down a little and most people were facing the stage again.
You turned around to check if your friends were alright. But as you turned, you couldn’t make out one of the two familiar faces that belonged to your best friends. You started to look around, starting to ignore the loud bass, the cheering crowd and the flickering lights around you, as worry started to build inside of you. You couldn’t see them anywhere. You got your phone out to check if they already texted you but you had no new messages. You tried to call them with little hope and also no success. You lost your friends.
You thought about leaving the hall and just wait until the concert is over to meet with them outside afterwards, since you knew you couldn’t enjoy the concert anymore anyways. Not like this. You turned around to leave, as you bumped into someone.
You quickly apologized and moved past them, until, you heard them calling your name.
“Y/N?” they shouted after you. You knew that voice so, you turned around again.
“Calum?” you guessed making your way over to the familiar stature of the young man.
As you got closer you could make out his features and it really was Calum, standing there in front of you.
“It really is you! What are you doing here?” he smiled, taking you in for a short hug.
This took you by surprise. You didn’t know Calum too well. You weren’t even sure if you’d consider him your friend. But it also seemed like he was pretty hammered. But you had to chuckle at his question. What were you probably doing at a concert?
Calum was one of your classmates. And that was about it. At least that’s what you think, how he’d explain the relationship between you two. On your side, the thing was a little bit more complicated. It all started out about one and half years ago, since you started collage. You figured out fast that you had almost all your classes with the curly haired boy. At the beginning, he was just one of the guys you went to school with. Nothing more, nothing less. But over these one and a half years, you developed a crush on him. And you hated yourself for it.
You mostly knew him from little group projects you had to do in class. Either only the two of you or in a bigger group, but you started to notice, that you liked spending time with him. Even if it was only for school related stuff. The two of you even started to talk more once during these one and a half years but that died down quickly with him telling you how he was about to hit up another girl. He didn’t hurt you with stuff like that, it was just a bit frustrating sometimes.
You were likely to not tell your crushes about the feelings or liking you held towards them. For some reason you were always just too scared of rejections and you always thought it would probably be really awkward between the two of you if you’d have ever told him. You also didn’t want for him to have this kind of power over you. You imagined plenty of times the pity full look he’d have on his face, while telling you that you were sweet, but he didn’t return your feelings. And the thought about that always managed to send a cold shiver down your spine and it maybe still kind of hurt you in some way. Even tough you would never admit that to yourself.
So, you managed to live with the fact that he was just a silly crush you had and that you’d get over it at some point, which leaded you to the situation you were currently in. Still, not over him and him treating you like one of his mates. And the thing that all of his three mates from school were kind of your friends as well didn’t help at all. Sometimes you even did hang out together. You liked his friends and you always wondered why your relationship with him can’t be as uncomplicated as the friendships with the rest of his gang was. If you’re with them, you always get a laugh out of each other. It also wasn’t that bad if you were with him and his friends because they kind of distracted you from his cute curls, muscular arms and contagious laugh, which you loved to hear. You also loved when his lips where formed into a smile that took over his whole face.
And now you were standing there, worried about your friends, a little bit drunk, bumping into that one person you didn’t really expect to bump into. Plus, you didn’t really have the nerves right now to deal with the mess you called your feelings.
“What do you think I’m doing here? Same as you, dummy.” you replied, trying to put a smile on your face and ignoring the anxious feeling that were currently creeping up.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” he smiled, biting his lip and looking down at you.
“Yeah. But, ehm” your voice sounded more concerned this time as you tried to form your sentence, “You didn’t per chance saw my friends around?”
You turned on your phone as you wanted to show him a picture of them as you realized his head was already turned to the front again, not listening to anything you just said. As it wasn’t hard enough to communicate in all that screaming that was going on, anyways.
“Calum!” you called for his attention.
He turned to you, a drunken smile on his face. You showed him the picture of you and your friends.
“Have you seen them?” you shouted over the crowd that was currently going wild.
“Them? No, sorry. But she’s hot!” he grinned, pointing at your phone.
Well, that didn’t really help, but thanks for your input, Calum. You rolled your eyes at him. It wasn’t like you were already in a shitty situation.
“I’m gonna leave. Have fun.” you screamed over the music.
As you were about to turn your back at the tall boy, he called out for you again.
“Y/N, wait!”
He called you again so, you turned around again.
“You really wanna miss the rest of the concert?” he asked like he’d genuinely care, “We can still go and search for your friends after and you can stay with us if you want”.
His offer took you by surprise, the second time this evening. But the suggestion was really tempting, since you really liked the act that was currently playing and you were excited for this concert for about half a year now. So, you decided to quickly text your friends, that they don’t need to worry about you and that you found someone you knew and could stay with for the rest of the concert. You said you were sorry and that you could meet outside after. Putting your phone back in your pocket you turned back to Calum, who was loudly singing along, knowing all the lyrics.
“You know what, yeah, why not.” you smiled up at him, receiving a smile from him as well which made you a little bit week in your knees, but as usual, you ignored it.
As the evening was going on, you caught yourself enjoying yourself more and more. Calum had also friends with him. The only one you knew was a boy called Ashton. You had also some classes with him, and he was one of Calum's closest friends, as far as you knew. But there was another guy you have never seen before. He introduced himself as Dylan. At some point you even found yourself grounding your body against his, not spending one single though on Calum.
The main thing why you keep hiding your feelings for Calum, was because if he rejected you, you still had to face him every day and with that you’d be reminded of the embarrassment. But like this, with a guy you’d probably never see again or only if you wanted, it was easy.
Even though you had fun with him, you knew what he was after. You didn’t really have much experience on the dating front, but you weren’t blind. And it actually felt really good to be admired by someone. It gave you the feeling on having power, which was quite the opposite of how you felt almost everyday around your long-time-crush, namely insecure. So, you enjoyed every second of it.
As the concert was over, you almost forgot about your friends. But as soon as you were outside, you heard your phone ring. Just then you saw that you had twelve missed calls.
“Shit.” you mumbled to yourself, picking up your phone.
“Y/N? Where the hell were you?” your one friend was asking you, worry clear audible in her voice.
“I met some friends form school, I texted you guys.” you tried to explain.
Within the conversation with your friends, Dylan asked you for your tag to go and get your jacket for you. While your friend was telling you something, you searched for your tag, found it and handed it to Dylan, mumbling a quiet, “thank you”.
“Did you hear anything of what I just said?” your friend hissed at you.
“I’m sorry what did you say?” with your free hand you held your other ear closed, since it was still kinda crowded and with that comes the noise around you.
“We are already on our way home, Y/N.” sighed your friend.
“What? You did leave without me?” you started to ramble. Worry was building inside of you for the second time this evening on the thought of how to get home all by yourself. It was a good one and a half hour car ride until you were back home.
“Melissa got sick, she threw up on the toilets and I don’t think it’s because of the alcohol. I decided to bring her home, I tried to call you but you weren’t picking up.” she started to explain, you could hear out of the way her voice sounded, that she was sorry, “I even searched for you in the crowd for fifteen minutes but couldn’t find you anywhere and Melissa could barely stand, I had to do something.”
“So, you decided to leave without me?!” you hissed at her, genuinely pissed that your friends left you behind like this.
“What should I have done, huh. Tell me. Should I have let her practically die outside and come back to party with you?” she said sarcastically.
“No, of course not.” you rubbed your forehead, trying to figure out on how to get home yourself.
“Also, where is the problem, why can’t you go home with your friends form school?”
“It’s not that easy, V.” you tried to explain but couldn’t find any words on how to.
No one knew about your crush on Calum, since telling someone would make it become real. Without anyone knowing you could still tell yourself that your feelings not there or that they will go away in a magical way at some point.
“Well, it has to be that easy, Y/N. Except you wanna go home all by yourself.”
“Yeah, I know.”
As you took a look in the direction the boys left to get their and also your jacket you saw them walking towards you.
“I gotta go, V.” you cut her off, “Call me if your home safe, alright. Oh and you owe me.”
“Sure, same goes for you” she hung up, leaving you alone with Calum, Ashton and Dylan.
Last named just handed you your jacket, “There you go.”
“Thank you.” you smiled at him.
“Yo, Y/N” Calum begun, pulling your attention at him, “Where are your friends?”
All the boys were looking at you, waiting for an answer.
“Well, they already left.” you admitted to them, “is there a chance that the three of you have an empty seat in your car for someone like me.”
“I’m sure we can squeeze you in there, Y/N.”, Ashton chuckles as he put an arm around your shoulder.
“Thank you guys so much, really”, you thanked them, relieve washing over you, but you were still a little on edge because of the two men that were walking behind you and Ashton, “You really are my saviors.”
Next thing you knew, you were 60 dollars poorer and walking through a shabby train compartment looking for an opportunity to sit. Your legs were tired as hell. You finally got to feel that, since there is no adrenaline left in your body.
As you found a part in the train where the four of you could sit together, Ashton claimed it really fast as theirs.
“Didn’t I say we could squeeze you in?”, he grinned. A grin you’d like to punch out of his stupid face.
You didn’t even mind traveling by train. It was just that you were really exhausted. Plus, the short walk through the cold and fresh, night spring air, managed to get you sober again. So, now you were trapped in that train, with your dumb crush, a guy that still hope to get you laid tonight and an Ashton that didn’t seem to shut up and the saddest thing, you weren’t even drunk anymore.
The train wasn’t even running for ten minutes until you fell asleep leaning against the train window.
“Yo, this girl is fire and I’m so gonna get it tonight, guys”, Dylan cheered.
But he seemed to be the only one to find it funny how he was messing with a girl that couldn’t defend herself at the moment, because she was fast asleep.
Ashton only commented with, “If you say so.” And he was quick on looking back at his phone. And Calum, he was sending a death glare Dylan’s way. He hated how he talked about you and the fact that you couldn’t defend yourself, made him feel like he had to.
Calum didn’t really like the game that Dylan and you were playing the whole evening, anyways. As he spotted you on the dance floor in the middle of the crowd earlier this evening, he had to smile to himself. For some odd reason, it filled him with joy, watching you having a good time. But as soon as he spotted Dylan behind you, his smile was fast to be replaced with a frown. That should be him, dancing and laughing with you, he thought. But he probably must have messed up at some point of the evening. Why would you prefer to dance with stranger than with your friend Ashton or more specific him?
“Man, I need to take a piss.” Dylan suddenly said out of the blue, making Ashton getting up and joining him.
As Ashton already left to get in another compartment where the toilet was, Calum held Dylan back by his arm.
“Stop it, man.” he warned, glancing at him to make clear what he’s talking about.
“Why? You like her?” Dylan raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“N- No. It’s just… she has a boyfriend, man” he lied.
“Alright, man”, Dylan put his hands up in defense and left for the toilets.
Shortly after Dylan disappeared, following after Ashton.
“Why did you tell him I have a boyfriend?”, you suddenly spoke up.
Calum jumped at your words, since he expected you to be asleep. Suddenly he found himself in a position where he had to explain himself.
“Dylan just isn’t one of the nice guys” he explained quietly with his head down, not looking at you.
You didn’t know where you got the sudden push of confidence as you placed your head on his shoulder and tried to get some more sleep since you had another 30 minutes in the train ahead of you. Also, you weren’t really to keen on having a conversation with Dylan at this point.
Calum’s heart skipped a beat at your sudden move. But at the same time, it feels so natural for you to be close to him and sleeping peacefully. Its kind of calmed Calum down at the same time as it brought, for him, confusing feelings about you up, which he tried to push down for the whole evening now.
“Boyfriend, huh”, Calum heard Dylan say as he spotted you asleep on his shoulders.
As you were at the end station and you had to get out, Calum tried to wake you up softly. He gently shook you at your shoulders.
“We’re here, Y/N. Time to get out” he whispered softly.
As you opened your eyes and looked up at him you had to quickly orientate yourself. As it all came crushing down to you, you took your head off Calum’s shoulder, leaving him instantly missing it. You didn’t know why you got so close to him, but it confused you beyond believe. Why didn’t he reject you as you put your head on his shoulder?
As Dylan, Ashton and actually also Calum were meant to say their goodbyes, because you had another twenty-minute train ride ahead of you until you were home, but the rest of the boys were living in the city, you hugged Dylan and Ashton wishing them a good night. As you were supposed to say bye to Calum, you didn’t know what to do. Hug him? Shake his hand? Wave at him? You heard Calum speak up.
“I’m gonna come with you.”
“What?” your mind took a few seconds to process what he had just told you, “No, Calum, you really don’t have to. I’ll be fine, I swear.” You assured him, since bringing you home would take him another hour to get home himself.
“But I want to.” he admitted, glancing at you with a soft smile covering his lips. His looks made you go week in your knees.
“We’ll leave you to it, lovebirds. Goodnight.” Dylan and Ashton said their goodbyes one last time, turning on their heels and walking into the opposite direction of where you were standing.
“Why?” you asked, your voice almost inaudible.
“Because.” was the only explanation you were getting out of him.
You decided to not further protest and just let him bring you home. For whatever reason he was doing it.
Your second train ride was manly quiet and filled with silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, thought, like you had expected it to be. You didn’t know what it was but something changed between the two of you. As you were looking out of the window, making out the few little lights of people’s houses, where they were still awake, probably watching TV and watching the sky, where you could make out a few little stars, since it was cloudy that evening, you could feel Calum's glare at you. It practically burned itself into your skin. It felt like if he would dare to look away from your slightly blushed cheeks, curvy eyelashes and at the way your nose was shaped, he’d die in an instant.
From time to time you send him a glance yourself, allowing your eyes to meet. You couldn’t hold the glare long, though, the butterflies in your stomach getting the best of you. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t feel insecure around you anymore. You felt safe.
As you got out of the train, Calum insisted on walking you home as well. Even though you though it was too much, since he must be tired himself, he didn’t accept a no.
“You enjoyed the concert?” he suddenly asked out of the blue, his eyes meeting the concrete walkway underneath him. It almost felt as he was getting all shy on you all of a sudden.
“Yeah, except that I lost my friends, and they also went home without me, it was great!” you stated, making your voice sound sarcastic.
“Wasn’t that bad after all in my opinion.” Calum commented, sounding sincere.
“No. No, it wasn’t.” you admitted. A small smile was forming on your face at the thought of how your evening went down since you lost your friends. It was definitely something you were expecting form yourself but it was fun. You told yourself to do stuff like that more often, without the part of losing your friends.
As you were standing in front of your door, the mood was tense. You didn’t know how to thank Calum properly for accompany you this far.
“I had fun tonight, Y/N.”, Calum admitted, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, me too.”
Last thing you knew after a few long seconds of silence, was Calum starring at your lips before his were directly connected with yours. It wasn’t like you weren’t already surprised enough about how this evening turned out, this action tops it all.
As you were over the first shock, you kissed him back. It was an innocent but still a pure kiss. And you didn’t want it to end. All the weeks, even moths of admiring this boy from the far and now he was kissing you. At that moment nothing seemed important, except for the two of you standing there. The thought of Dylan vanished your mind a long time ago and was replaced with Calum and Calum only.
As the two of you broke apart, Calum was the first one to say something.
“Tell me, Y/N. Why are we doing this only now?”
You pressed your forehead against his, smiling. At this moment you felt nothing but happiness. It was a feeling you haven’t witnessed this strong in quite a while.
“I don’t think you have a train back to the city until five in the morning.” you informed him, slightly giggling, “Wanna stay over?”
“I’d appreciate that.”
You opened your front door, stepping inside.
“You’re sleeping on the floor, though.”
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Pairing: La Squadra x GN! Reader
Warnings: language
La Squadra harem
Risotto Nero
Risotto, as a leader of the hitman squad, immediately notices the change of atmosphere among La Squadra once Y/n appears. Albino, to his huge dismay, understands that he’s not the only one who’s developed feelings for Y/n. Albino knows every member’s habits and usual behavior, capo is the first one of all hitmen who figures out that everyone is his rival now (but only when it comes to Y/n, he’s still their leader and he respects every member equally)
Risotto is more of a father figure to Y/n. He warms up to you shortly, pampering you with his attention and genuine care, always being there for you. You’re hungry? The two of you are going to the nearest cafe for you to have a proper meal and Capo won’t take “no” as an answer. You’re stressed and something messes with your pretty head? What a poor thing, come here, Risotto is always ready to listen. Others immediately catch on the change of Capo’s treatment, every day it becomes even more obvious that he has a huge soft spot for Y/n
Least favorite rival: Melone. Risotto hates how smooth purple-haired is around you, how he is open with his flirting, how sincere all of his words sound. Nero wishes he had at least half of sans gêne Melone has. He’s a Capo and he has a reputation to uphold, but behind closed doors Risotto has tried flirting with Y/n and it was so so clumsy and awkward, it’s just… not his style
The second father figure for Y/n, but if Risotto is more of a sugar daddy, indulging you with expensive gifts and foods, Prosciutto mostly acts like a real father would, scolding you for going outside at winter without your hat on (tho he never wears a hat himself) or for petting stray animals on the streets
Even despite all of his parental sternness, Prosciutto is really caring and attentive towards Y/n, even more that Risotto is. You got scratched accidentally because of your clumsiness? We gotta clean the wound up and patch it, don’t even try to protest; it may be a simple graze but what if some dirt got in it? Your shoulders ache after a long tiring day? Come hither, your dear Prosci will rub all the pain away
Least favorite rival: Risotto. Prosciutto doesn’t hate or despise albino, no. Risotto is a capo, and he got this status for several reasons, so blonde man still respects his boss, but both man have pretty familiar tactics of charming Y/n, and that definitely annoys Prosciutto
Formaggio is one of the most oblivious of all La Squadra men, he doesn’t realize that he’s not the only one having interest in Y/n and even when other guys flirt openly with Y/n in front of him red-haired just thinks that his teammates just try to be friendly towards a newcomer
He’s definitely that type of macho from all the cheesy movies - attractive, excellent smooth talker with constant flirtings. Formaggio is not opposed of using all possible cringy lines what annoy everyone in La Squadra, even Risotto has hard times restraining the urge to roll his eyes at all those shitty teasings. But Maggi is an easygoing guy, it’s so easy being around him and even all his pick up lines don’t repel you from him
Least favorite rival: doesn’t have one. As I said, this man doesn’t notice that other guys try to get Y/n to themselves, the thought of having possible rivals doesn’t even cross his mind
It’s not a secret to anyone that Illuso is a little nasty bitch with a huge god complex and all his wooing is no better. “You wanna spend time with me? Shit, you’re such a pain in my ass! Okay, I guess I will indulge you this time, but that’s only because of your cute face” - doesn’t sound so appealing, does it? And that’s exactly the way brunette flirts with Y/n (well, at least he tries to)
Illuso wants to make you crawl to him, to make you crave for his presence and his touch, you make you fall in love hard. Brunette wears his best outfits, uses the best of his perfumes make up stuff just to show you that he’s better than all of his teammates. Surprisingly, even his behavior changes slightly when Y/n is around - he’s not that unbearably churlish towards you, on the good days he may even compliment you - “Your hair… looks good today, I like it”
Least favorite rival: he hates all of La Squadra equally. Illuso is certain that he’s the only one who truly deserves Y/n’s attention, he’s the best partner for you and only he can treat you properly. Doesn’t even try to hide his hostility towards teammates - why would you want spending time with such a trash?
Ghiaccio is a tsundere, do I even need to explain why? Is obvious to everyone in La Squadra that he’s head over heels for Y/n, but he still aggressively denies everything if someone points that out. He’s also very protective of you, if Formaggio or Melone or Sorbet try to flirt with you in front of Ghiaccio - they’ll get their nose bleeding soon (blue-haired gets scolded for that by Risotto often)
Blue-haired tries his best to hold all his outbursts in front of you. Even when you ask the stupidest questions, Ghiaccio would clench his fists til his knuckles turn white, grit his teeth, try doing breathing exercises - everything just to remain calm and not to get tantrum in front of you. And you guess that means really a lot
Least favorite rival: Sorbet and Gelato. Those guys (gays, lmao im sorry) don’t even try to hide their interest in Y/n, pinning for you, prying your attention only to themselves. They flirt so openly with you, some of their lines and allusions make even Melone feel slightly uncomfortable, so Ghiaccio sees those almost as if two husbands were shamelessly molesting Y/n
Melone knows that at times he may be a little bit… too much, so he turns it down for as much as he can so his “strange” tendencies won’t scare Y/n off. For the first few months purple-haired is nothing but sweet and caring, looking pretty normal, just like an average man that doesn’t think of breeding and all possible kinks every two minutes of his time
Even though, he acts like a gentleman with Y/n. Carrying heavy bags for you, giving you a hand when you get up, and if you’re studying medicine he’s up to help you if you have problems with understanding something. Melone had been studying for almost four years at medical uni but got kicked out for having sex with his cogrouper right in the uni. So he may be pretty helpful if you don’t get something or if you’re just interested in medicine
Least favorite rival: I can’t say that he cares much about other guys from La Squadra, but if he had to pick out one it’d be Illuso. It’s not about the way brunette tries to charm Y/n, purple-haired from every beginning didn’t like this guy. All of his conceit and arrogant behavior - it all just pisses Melone off
Pesci is so so timid with Y/n, every time you walk by him, saying hi or just smiling at him, poor boy’s heart twists into tight knots. How are you so sweet? How are you so perfect?
Despite all your friendliness green-haired is still incredibly bashful, he is simply afraid of approaching Y/n. It doesn’t matter how much he likes you, Pesci just can’t force himself to try and initiate a chat. Sometimes Prosciutto helps him out with that a little (even though he doesn’t realize that he helps), but blonde is still careful with his actions, not letting even his precious Pesci get too close to Y/n
Least favorite rival: Formaggio. This guy is so noisy and vigorous, every time Pesci finally pulls himself together and finds the courage to approach Y/n this guy seems to appear from fucking nowhere, hogging your attention all to himself and leaving green-haired an angry blushing mess
Sorbet and Gelato
At the very beginning it feels more like you are Sorbet’s and Gelato’s child and they’re your parents fretting over you. They often take you with them on some trips, Gelato helps you with your school (if it’s something he knows about), Sorbet picks you up from work/school and drives you home etc
Sorbet is more of a tease, playing around with you, shamelessly flirting with Y/n, littering with not so pure compliments and comments. His touches are a little bit too long, his gazes are slightly too intense, even stupidest one would notice brunette’s longing for Y/n. Gelato is way less intense than his husband, blonde is way easier with his words, charming you with his sweet talking and constant doting. He’s more of a pillow that eases the expression Sorbet gives you
Sorbet’s least favorite rival: Risotto. Brunette hates how calm and well-composed Capo is, what if Y/n thinks that albino is cooler than he is? But Sorbet immediately makes a new plan in his head: if Risotto is more of a dad to Y/n, always doting on you and being so kind, Sorbet’s going to become your daddy, making you fall for him and Gelato, make you hungry for their attention
Gelato’s least favorite rival: blonde is pretty acknowledged that everyone in La Squadra tryies to get Y/n to themselves, he sees everyone (except Sorbet ofc) as his rival. Man dislikes everyone, seeing them as his opponents, but he doesn’t have a least favorite one. Yes, other members are hella pain in the ass, but blonde is pretty sure that Y/n will end up in his and Gelato’s arms anyways, so there’s no need to jangle his nerves
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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retroellie · 4 years
Dating Ellie Williams Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons for dating ellie 
A/N: Have this because my last imagine was ass... I think i like writing headcannons way more than imagines lmao 
Warning: TLOU2 spoilers, Mentions of death, PTSD, and NSFW/dirty talk 
Word Count: 1.8k 
- She fell in love with you when she first saw you 
- She had just come to Jackson after the incident with the fireflies 
- You being around the same age as her tommy asked you to show her around and tell her what’s what
- “Ellie this is Y/n, Y/n this is ellie.” Tommy introduced y’all 
-Her heart stopped when she saw you, she couldn’t help the blush that was forming. 
-She couldn’t stop looking at you when you were talking about the shops and sights around Jackson 
- It seemed like you were liked around town, you were friendly to everyone and everyone knew who you were
- She will never forget the thing you said to her when you guys were in front of her new home 
-”Tommy told me a lot about you and i just want you to know, you're safe now.” 
-She felt for the first time she could let go, relax for a minute 
-You helped her move into the garage, trying to make her as comfortable as she could be 
- She wrote about you a lot in her journal, writing poems and drawing pictures of you 
-You guys hung out a lot with Jesse and Dina but she would much rather hang out with you alone 
-You two had become really good friends by the time you guys were 16, i mean Ellie opened up to you more than she did anyone 
-Opening up meaning talking about her interests and some of her favorite childhood memories 
-She was honestly too scared to tell you about her immunity and even more scared to tell you about her past, afraid that she was gonna scare you away 
-You introduced her to cat and you definitely regretted it because cat liked her 
-When they started dating cat was definitely the third wheel because you and Ellie were so closer
-You held Ellies hand when she got her tattoo, she couldn’t hide the blush than but blamed it on the pain 
-You guys shared the same love for music, you showed her most of the music she listened to 
-You would sleep over at her place a lot 
-You guys would watch movies, talk about space and dance horribly to old music 
-Y’all could never get bored of each other
-When you spent the night at her place you would sleep in her bed with her but it was as friends, Ellie didn’t want you sleep on the floor and you didn’t want to force her out of her own bed  
-Ellie would always get so embarrassed when you slept over, she would always go into a gay panic 
-By the time y’all were 18, she was head over heels for you 
-You two were still best friends but her feelings got in the way  so she was distant 
-It got to the point where she didn’t want to be with anyone else, it was either you or no one 
-She didn’t really have time for relationships so she didn’t really mind it 
-She would play guitar for you when you came over, even attempting to teach you 
-Everything she owned was yours and everything you owned was hers 
-”God damn it, where is my Walkman” 
-”Oh, I took it. Mine broke.” 
-Ellie bashed on everyone you liked, Little did she know you liked her 
- You liked the boy who worked at the bar? She had something to say about him 
-You found out she liked you when you two were dancing one night 
-Your arms were wrapped around her neck and hers around your waist, it was like a scene from a movie 
-You both felt the tension, it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy 
-”I’m just a girl.... not a threat.” 
-”Oh ellie... I think they should be terrified of you.” 
-Next thing you know her lips were on yours 
-The kiss felt like it went on forever until you pulled away, panting for air 
-No words exchanged just a smirk and her pulling you out of the church
-She didn’t waste anytime, She’s been waiting for this moment 
-Now that you guys were together, you guys were too powerful 
-You guys spent a lot of time in her garage, i swear you basically lived there 
-You guys could spend hours tangled up together or have heated make out sessions that lead to so much more 
-Soft kisses and 80s movies 
-endless sex i swear this woman is going to be the death of me 
-I have said this before but this girl is always horny, i mean she still has raging hormones  so she’s always on top of you 
-She tries to highlight her tattoo when pleasuring you because she knows it drives you crazy 
-She loves when you sit in her lap, it’s both cute and hella sexy to her
-Her kisses make you lightheaded, like you gotta sit down for a minute after she kisses you 
-She finds your body fascinating, like it sounds cringey but she love everything about you body 
-She likes to explore your body a lot, like what gets the best reaction out of you 
-She’s kinda new to sex, she’s had a fling or two but nothing long term so now she really has to get this shit down
-She’s the top, i said what i said 
-Joel has walked in on you two lots of times 
-”Hey elli... OH FUCK. SORRY, I’m sorry.” He says while covering his eyes 
-You both have to stop for a minute just to laugh your asses off 
-Y’all were really loud too so like y’all got complaints a lot 
-”Sorry, Y/n came over for a minute.” Ellie says busting through the door 
-”Yeah i know, i heard y’all.” Joel joked 
-She makes really bad cheesy pick up lines to you 
-”You know I’m jealous of your heart, because it’s pumping in and out of you and I’m not.” 
-”I’m literally gonna break up with you.’ 
-She never fails to make you laugh
-Her with her fucking puns mama, you can’t hide from her silly side
-Joel is a proud dad, he loves his lesbian daughter and her girlfriend 
-Later on into the relationship ellie fully opens up to you 
-You were tracing her tattoo one day, feeling the bumpiness of it 
-”What happened?’ 
-She debated on telling you, Joel said not to tell anyone 
-She gave in through, telling you about riley, her immunity, her and Joel's trip, even David 
-She ended up crying, you’ve never seen her that broken down before 
-You held her most the day, giving her all the kisses she needed 
-When Joel died, you were basically always with her. Not wanting to leave her alone 
-You were the one that found them. You shook ellie awake,  Letting her sob into your shirt 
-You brought her home, she could barely move. She was in so much shock and pain 
-You cleaned her up and took days off of rounds just to lay in bed with her all day 
-The nights were the worst 
-She would wake up in tears, sweat drenched her body. She would bury her face into her chest, crying her eyes out 
-”I saw him. All the blood..” 
-”I know baby, it’s okay. I’m here.” 
-you guys were still so in love with each other at 20, maybe even more if that was possible 
-The trip to Seattle and trying to kill Abby really brought y’all even closer, seeing sides of each other you guys never had 
-The fear and the defeat you both felt on that trip, it made ellie more in love with you that you stayed 
-You two lived in a small farmhouse after the trip to Seattle, it was nice and quiet 
-You lived like two cottagecore lesbians out in the middle of nowhere, it was a good change 
-Ellie would love to paint you with flowers, she found that you and flowers together created a perfect masterpiece 
-Ellie was kinda a city girl so you had to teach her a lot of stuff, you mostly read books about farms because you didn’t have a clue either 
-You guys lived without pants, like no one was there to see y’all, no one to impress so like fuck it, who needs pants 
-Ellie loved waking up to you in the kitchen, with messy hair and nothing but her t-shirt on.... Yes please 
-To save water y’all would take baths together, it mostly always turned into bath sex 
- Ellie was glued to your side, like wherever you went she was there with you 
-She was very distracting, always kissing up your neck or moving your hips on hers 
-I swear this woman was distracting without meaning to be 
-When she was doing farm work and her tattoo would stand out, it made you want to jump on her every single time 
-Sex with her back then  was great but sex with her now was so much better 
-She really matured a lot, she knew what she wanted and just how to do it 
-Your pleasure came first to her, she loved the feeling of being able to pleasure you 
-Don’t worry, you didn’t leave her out. You made sure she felt just as good as you 
-She wasn’t shy so dirty talk was her thing 
-”Just one more time baby, i wanna see you cum on my fingers one more time.” I’m so gross im sorry AHDS
-She would fuck you on literally everything in the house 
-No one was near to hear y’all and y’all could do it anywhere and at anytime, it was fucking heaven for y’all 
-Y’all were together a lot and although ellie loved it, she knew you liked your alone time 
-She would go into her painting room and play guitar or draw, doing anything to keep her busy 
- After a hour or two went by you would come in and sit on her lap, hinting that  you were getting a bit lonely 
-You were always there for her when she went through her attacks, telling her it was going to be okay and you were here with her 
-”Y/N! I- I can’t.. can’t breath.” 
-”Ellie baby, you're okay. just keep taking deep breaths for me, okay?”
-Seeing her like this broke your heart but you were nothing but patient with her,  she was really thankful for that 
-You never talked about joel or even riley, you knew those were sensitive topics so when she did talked about them you listened and allowed her to rant 
-”You know, I think Riley would’ve really liked you.” 
-”You think so?” 
-”Yeah, she would’ve liked your weird taste in music.’ 
-Ellie dreamed about what it would've been like in a normal world
-She could see you two meeting at a movie theater, hitting it off and eventually getting married, Maybe adopting a kid or two
-She was so in love with you, no matter what you looked like or what your body type was. She loved you 
!Credits to gif owner!
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Fairy Tale Love- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
     Kody: Im kinda dying inside, because i can’t seem to think of any good ideas for stories, so sorry this hella sucks.
     Summary: Draco has found a new spot in the library and sees someone else has to. He strangely finds comfort in there presence.
     Warning: Super fluff, your heart will not handle it. 
     House: Slytherin
       It had been hard for Draco to ever find peace and quiet in Hogwarts. He was either surrounded by his loud ‘friends’ or Potter and his trio of Gryffindors. Sometimes he wanted to escape it all. One day while browsing the library for a potions book he spotted a small light. It looked like it had been coming from the bottom of the shelf.
       Out of curiosity, Draco had walked over to the book shelf and pressed his hand against it. A click was heard and he watched as the shelf slided into the wall. He jumped back a bit and pulled out his wand. Hogwarts wasn’t the safest place by all means and merlin knows what was behind this shelf. 
       When only came out to attack him, Draco pocketed his wand and took a small step forward. He leaned in to peek inside and saw a small room. It had to black sofas leaning against one wall, each had a table in front of them. To the left was a desk with a floating lantern above it. Next to said desk had two shelving units, one with unused parchment, quills, and ink jars. The other with novels and books.
       He turned to his right to see a H/L H/C haired girl sitting in a black loveseat. She had her legs tucked into herself as she held a book in her hands, as she flipped a page in her book her eyes strayed away from the words and to the blond slytherin. The girl squeaked as the book fell from her hands, landing with a thud “I guess you found my little getaway”
       Draco blinked a couple times, trying to process her words. “What the bloody hell is this place?” he asked, stepping into the room. The shelf closed behind him “It’s one of Hogwarts many secrets i suppose” The girl said, she stood up from the loveseat and reached down to collect the book she dropped. The blond Slytherin gave her a confused expression when she stood back up.
       “It’s just a secret room only Slytherins can access” She says in a quiet tone as she set her book down on the table, crossing her arms over her chest. “I found it a couple months ago while searching for a charms book” she explained further while Draco walked around the room, inspecting the shelves, books, sofas, etc. 
       He turns his gaze from the quill he had picked up to the girl “Who are you?” he asked “Y/n L/n” she replied rather quickly making Draco grin in slight amusement. “How come i’ve never seen you around?” he questions more, going over to take a seat on one of the sofas. “I’m usually here, i only leave when its curfew. I’m also not that noticeable” Y/n laughs lightly, pushing a strand of hair from her face.
       Draco listens, taking into account of her rather shy behaviour. It was strange, but he knew not everyone was out going and such. “Well, i see why. Its quiet and peaceful. With no one around to bother you” Y/n could tell that he needed a safe pace like this. It’s how she found it “Well, you're welcomed to stick around if you like? Not like i can control you, Malfoy” She lets out a giggle.
       “You know my name, L/n?” he asked with a small smirk, thinking she was one of his many admirers. “I heard your name from Pansy Parkinson, she talks quite loud. I also go to quidditch games, your the seeker for Slytherin and well i’m in your house” her answer made Dracos cocky smirk drop “You observe a lot, don’t you?”
       Y/n nods, swaying on the heels of her feet “Yeah i suppose, i’m not good talking to people, so i watch” shrugging her shoulders she sits on the same sofa, leaving a gap between the two. “You seem to be talking to me just fine” he comments, leaning back in the sofa. He could see the cogs turn in her mind as she wondered as well why he was so easy to talk to.
       “I don’t know, maybe it’s because you don’t talk loud. Loud people make me nervous” Y/n shrugging of her own answer. Draco hummed in response before leaning over to pick up her book “Interesting read?” he said and he saw sparks light up in her eyes.
       “Oh it’s great. It’s about this prince, he hides behind a mask because he doesn’t want to disappoint his family. Then one day he finds this girl, she’s not a princess, a village girl and kind of lock herself away from the rest of the world because she’s to scared to let anyone in. I haven’t finished it yet, but i hope they get together” Y/n gleamed with happiness, making Draco’s permanent scowl twitch int o a slight smile.
       “Why do you want them to be together, wouldn’t that go against everything his family believes in?” Draco asked, curious to hear his answer. Y/n’s brows furrow as she thinks “Well, he went looking for peace in his own chaotic world and found her. She brought him a happiness like no other that he was really to risk it all just to be with her”
       Weeks went by of Draco coming to the secret room to meet Y/n. They’d talk about anything that came to mind. The slytherin had grown to like her company. The way she spoke could calm him from any anger. The way her eyes gleamed could melt his cold heart. Her laugh, smile, hell even her weird habit of picking at her nails. It was perfect.
       Those skills would be put to the test today. It was a calm day, a perfect day when Potter and his friends had to be there. He tried to ignore them, he really did, but when Potter started to talk about how Slytherins were a terrible house, his mind went to Y/n and her beautiful smile and he broke, grabbing Harry by his collar and slamming him against the wall.
       “Draco!” his heart thumped. No. She couldn’t see him like this. Not the monster he really was. He could see you from the corner of his eyes, he didn’t dare to look further. You never raised your voice, he didn’t like it. Draco let go of Harry and watched as he scurried away with his friends. People were staring now as well. Y/n grabbed Draco’s hand and like a lost puppy, led him to your hideout.
       When the shelf closed she let go of his hand, watching as he sat on the sofa. Y/n slowly sat down next to him “Want to talk about it?” she asked in a soft whisper. He shook his head and looked at her in shame “Why are you still being so nice to me?” she looked at him confusingly and smiles “What do you mean?” 
       “Didn’t you see, i’m a monster Y/n. I hurt people that’s who i was raised to be!” He got louder by each word, causing Y/n to shift uncomfortably in her seat. He noticed and let out a stuttered sigh. “Remember that book you told me about?” he asked. Y/n nodded slowly, unsure where this was going “Of course i do, why?”
       “What happened to them?” he asked, his voice cracked slightly “Well, one day a man had called the village girl bad names and the prince challenged him to a duel, which neither won because the village girl broke it up. The prince was very upset because the village girl had seen the worst side of him.” She explained. Draco listened to every word intently. 
       “Did she forgive him?” “Well of course she did, she knew that he only meant well behind his action. Plus she was stupidly in love with him” She laughed quietly. She noticed Draco’s hands start to shake a bit and grabbed one, gently squeezing it. Without second thought, Draco tugged her hand causing her body to lean against his and slammed his mouth onto her’s. 
       It was a quick and he pulled away right after. Y/n had a frazzled look on her face and leaned back “That happened in the book as well...” she said, a smile then graced her lips “Twice actually”  before turning into a cheeky grin. draco laughs quietly “Oh really?” he asked. She nods as she leans into him 
       “So kiss me, my prince” and with that they shared a sweet kiss. all of Draco’s worries washing away at once as he found home in the arms of a girl he would have never have found if he wasn’t searching for a peaceful getaway....
       Kody: I really can’t tell if i hate this or not. It’s so cheesy lmao, but hope you enjoyed nonetheless.
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reneeluvsheeseung · 3 years
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In my dreams you keep leading me on.
A/N: i wrote this like a long time ago, im posting it because i realized i haven't posted in like 50 days 😭 but uh!! yeah!! this isn't proof read btw and i'm pretty sure it's hella cringey so i'm sorry ^_^
"Okay whatever Heeseung," you said slamming the car door and walking inside. Heeseung sighed, closing his door.
"I really didn't do anything like that Y/N, please," He begged for you turn around and listen to him. He took his shoes off, following you upstairs.
"Of course, isn't it crazy we got to a party and she's there too? You're so pathetic." You said slamming the door to your room. Heeseung stared at the door knob, hesitating to open it.
"Y/N.. Please?" he asked. You sat in front of the door, your eyesight cloudy. You weren't sure why you were so mad. Seeing him so close to his ex made you so insecure. People often came up to you telling you that you wouldn't be her when you and hee first began dating. You didn't let it get to then but now it seems as if it was just pent up in your heart. You didn't realize you were crying until Heeseung said something.
"Y/N are you crying?" He sat down on the other side of the door. "I really didn't do anything with her. Y/N I'm sorry." He said, feeling defeated. You only started crying louder knowing that this wasn't his fault yet he still was apologizing. Heeseung stood up quickly and softly opened the door, to not hurt you. He closed the door and sat next to you.
"Hey?" he said, pulling your hands from your face. "I'm right here, Y/N," he pulled his sleeves and wiped your face. "Talk to me, please. I want to know what's wrong." You stared at him. His eyes had that certain glow it always had. It was your favorite thing about him. You shook your head out of embarrassment.
"For what it's worth, I'll always chose you. Even if you're mad at me. You're all I want, Y/N.. whenever you're ready to talk; I'm ready to as well." He put his head on your shoulder. You both sat there like that for a while. Letting your thoughts just flow in your head.
You lifted his head off your shoulder. "Heeseung, Im sorry. I felt - insecure. I was being so aggravating and I ruined your time. I'm sorry," you apologized. Feeling tears prick your eyes one more time. He shook his head.
"My time is better with you," He said. You smiled looking down at his cheesy comment.
This was love. You couldn't describe it, but the feeling when you could sit in front of someone and still feel the feelings you felt on the first night you met them. That warm feeling you got when you saw Heeseung. The warm feeling he felt rush to his cheeks when he saw you smile. That was love.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
IM SO GREEDY I KNOW 😭😭😭😭😭 but i just thought of 🖋 with ""you deserve to be loved, without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unloveable" SKSKSKSKD THIS IS WHY YOU MIGHT WANNA CONSIDER UNFOLLOWING AND BLOCKING ME KKHFFJJGFKFKKFFD
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Okay here it is lmao technically this is a roommates AU with Chubby!Bucky BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LOVE HIM 🥰
It was past midnight when Bucky found you sitting in the shared kitchen, alone and in the dark. He carefully approached you, not wanting to scare you with his presence.
“I thought you were out.” He said, pulling a stool and sitting across from you.
You looked up and forced a smile, “Should ask you the same thing. I thought you went out with Sam and Sharon.” You responded.
Bucky shrugged, fiddling with the pack of gummy bears on top of the table. “You know clubs aren’t my thing. Besides, it’s a chance to get some peace and quiet in here. You know how they are when they’re here.” Bucky said, hoping to get a genuine chuckle from you.
Unfortunately, his quip didn’t seem to work seeing that you only responded with a small smile. He’d never seen you like this, so down and quiet. You were always bubbly and loud, spitting jokes and just...happy. He knew you were supposed to be out with a guy you’ve been exclusively dating, so in a way, he assumed that something must have happened.
“Gummy bear for your thoughts?” Bucky asked, taking one red gummy bear— your favorite— from the pack.
This time, you managed to let out a genuine laugh. You looked at Bucky and smiled at him, taking the gummy bear from his palm and then popping it into your mouth. It took you a few seconds to speak up and Bucky patiently waited, he didn’t even force you to say anything.
“Is there something wrong with me?” You blurted out.
Bucky frowned, “Why would you even ask that?”
You shrugged, “John dumped me...for his ex. It’s just that none of my relationships seem to last because of me.”
“Woah now, I don’t think none of it is your fault. John is a douche, it’s his loss not yours. Good riddance, in fact. Never liked him.”
Bucky froze when he realized how much he had to say about John. Truth was, Bucky admired you...he liked you so it was beyond him why the guys you dated would even dump you.
Letting out a sigh, you shrugged again. “I feel like I’m not enough, you know? I mean...ugh, I’m sorry I’m being dramatic here. But you bribed me with a gummy bear so now you have to sit through this shit I’m about to say.” You laughed.
Bucky slid over the entire pack of gummy bears over to you, “If that’s the case then this is all yours. I’ve got all night to listen.”
You blushed at Bucky’s statement and had to compose yourself before letting it all out. You’ve always been confident but ever since you noticed a certain pattern in your dating history, you couldn’t help but question yourself. It’s either the guys you dated would dump you for a new girl or go back to their exes.
Bucky listened to you intently and never even interrupted you. He just sat there, acknowledging you and your emotional outburst.
“John said he wasn’t ready for a commitment, that’s why we decided to casually date for the mean time. And then this afternoon he just said that he wanted to end shit because his ex came back, trying to fix their fucking relationship. I mean, am I not worth committing to? Am I just not...worth lov—“
“Don’t even say it.” Bucky warned, leaning forward on the table.
“You’re beautiful and smart. On top of that, you’re hella funny! Those guys are just blind not to appreciate what they have in front of them. You’re absolutely perfect just the way you are, I know it sounds cheesy as fuck but I’m telling the truth.”
You pursed your lips because it was the first time that someone told you something that you truly felt was sincere. Genuine. You could feel the tears coming and as much as you hated crying, you weren’t able to hold back the tear that slipped.
“Don’t even dare compare yourself to anyone. You’re just...you. And that’s what makes you so easy to love. Fuck John and those other guys who didn’t see that. I know I do.” Bucky said, reaching out to wipe away your tears with his thumb.
You sniffed, “What do you mean...you do?” You asked.
It was Bucky’s turn to blush at his sudden confession. “I uh...might have been...in love with you...?”
You made a face, “Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked.
Bucky rolled his eyes before standing up, “I mean...look at this.” He said, motioning over to his body, his shirt clinging tightly over his pudgy stomach.
“I’m not that attractive. I felt like someone like you deserves someone better.” He admitted and sat back down.
“I can’t believe you’re saying that after the speech you just gave me, Bucky.” You explained.
“You’re a good guy, Buck. The kindest I know. And you’re cute and you know me better than myself. We’ve been living under the same roof for what, almost five years now? And you always took care of me. Don’t think I never noticed, I always did.” You confessed.
And then it hit you like a big yellow school bus. You’ve been trying to better yourself for the other guys you’ve dated. And by better, it meant changing yourself. Not entirely, but still. Some of your habits or mannerisms, sometimes they made others uncomfortable. The way you’d laugh out loud, you often try hard not to do so, afraid that it might turn off your date.
All this time, you’ve been the realest with Bucky. And he accepted you, all of you without exceptions. In fact, Bucky felt the same way with you. He never felt embarrassed about himself whenever the both of you hung out together. You lifted him up, always gave him compliments and even helped him out pick his clothes.
“I might have realized something.” You said
“And that is?” Bucky asked curiously.
“Maybe we deserve each other.” You softly said and the smile that Bucky gave you felt like the beginning of something.
Bucky nodded, “Maybe we do. Should we...you know...try this thing?” He asked, taking your hand in his to play with your fingers.
You laced your fingers with him, “I’d love to.” You said.
“But I think we should buy a new pack of gummy bears for Sam first, he’s gonna kick our asses if he sees we finished everything up.”
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
narcos méxico: first date hc
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ok sooo,, I am genuinely lost haha   i also just want to say im sorry for being so slow to get content out for you lovely's and if this is trash :(,,,, and a big thank you to @fandomnerd16 for the idea! 💖 basically what does the first date include with them!  i-im just going to leave this here, let me know what you guys think so far??? 
Tags: @fandomnerd16​ , @visintaes​ , @sheeshgivemeabreak​
Imagining the first date with ramon and how soft it would be has me cryinggg
he cant help but show his soft kid side with you-
you’re just different, he wants to show you he’s really capable of loving and being himself for you,
and that he has a whole other side to him that he reserves and that he’s willing to wholeheartedly show you,,,
can you imagine this man taking you to a carnival/fair for your first date?
just being surrounded by food, games, rides and just pure bliss and happiness ??? yes
like,just the both of you walking around, holding hands, zero fucking awkwardness between you two as he excitedly leads you around, to each booth possible,,
he’ll tug you along to like those water gun stands or the pop the balloon stands and challenge to do competitions with you-
“Que dices? te apuesto un beso que no me ganas en la pistolas de agua, muñeca”-
like, its hella cheesy and cheap how he’s asking to kiss you but it only makes you want to beat him to have him at least work for it,,
the happy v i b es im getting has me sobbing-
just,, the way both of your laughs echo into the air because neither of you want to lose and your just so happy to be around one another right now,,,
i cant- imagine him looking over at you and giving you the most softest look in the middle of your water gun competition when you tell him he’s losing to you, i cant
he would purposely let you win more than 50 percent of the games just to see you throw your arms in the air and laugh up to him that you beat him-
the proud ass smile he gives you as he’ll like twirl you around to pump you up even more, fuck, just why
ok, so you know that one hammer strength game they have at those fairs, where you test your strength and shit, yeah ramon would immediately drag you over to one just to show off his strength and win you the big ass stuffed monkey they have for the winner,,
just- the little fucking grin he has when he hears the puck ring the bell on the first try as he looks over at you, cheering him on-
ramon winning all the giant stuffed animals for you would be his goal alright,,
Especially after the way he saw how happy you got with the monkey he won for you at the hammer strength booth,,,
just filling your overflowing arms with big ass teddy bears and tigers,, the excitement never leaving your eyes as he brings you animal after animal has his heart melting,,
omg, the thought of you and ramon acting like teenagers while feeding each other food has me soft
like, instead of eating the bag of popcorn, your both trying to throw it into each others mouths and just making a mess everywhere-
your uncontrollable laughs making it harder for you both to throw the popcorn,,,
but the cute ass celebration you both would do when you successfully catch them is everything--
i, him buying you a churro while you both just walk around and he’ll lean over to bite it when you look away to see something, so when you turn back, the churros halfway fucking gone,, you’ll playfully hit his chest as you both giggle to each other-
or you’ll both be sharing a bag of cotton candy, feeding it to one another, giving the biggest smiles you can,, i cant handle this-
the two of you end up losing so much track of time together that when the inevitable end of your date comes, your both lowkey hiding your sadness,
so ramon would pull you along to the ferris wheel just for one more adventure to end the day right-
IM SO SOFT, everything is just so calm as you lean your head on his shoulder as you both look at the carnival lights illuminating the fair
the gentle fucking kiss he’ll give you on top of your head as he pulls you closer into him, i-
benjamin’s first date with you has me in my feelingss
just the way he’s pouring his soul and heart into wanting to surprise you and show you how romántico he can be, I-
he would probably invite you to his home for your first date,, where he would want to have total peace and quiet for you and him, my intimate bby 
he just wants his attention to be devoted to you, not anyone else :)
benjamin would put so much effort into the decorations too,,, snapping his fingers where all the flowers need to go, where to hang the balloons and where all the lights need to go-
ordering the chef he contracted to make your favorite food and dessert,, and even low key threatening the chef that if he fucks this up, he’s not seeing the light of tomorrow
Stress level to the max honestly, he just needs to make this perfect for you i cant-
but i know my bby is so good at time management,, he has this all done an hour before you show up, giving him time to breathe and just take in his work, adjusting any small detail he deems imperfect before changing into his clothes he bought for this specific occasion, :(
he would probably wait for you outside with some chocolatitos, all dressed up :(( , trying to stop his nerves when he sees the car he sent for you start to pull in
fuck, the big smile that he shows you when he sees you all dolled up- youre more beautiful than he remembers, my heart
“te vez radiante” as he kisses your cheek because hes a respectoso king
i see him being to fucking well mannered i cant,, he helps you get out of the car, offering his arm to lead you inside where everything is set up, helping you sit down and all that adorableness
he would be internally congratulating himself when he sees you smiling at all the decorations and the food being served in front of you-
just, him asking all about your day, sharing stories with the occasional shared laughs
him also asking if you enjoyed everything and if he needs to fix anything to your liking and just,,, the way you reach across the table to hold his hand and assure him that he went overtop for you would have him beaming heart eyes at you-
Benjamin makes this feel so fucking romantic and comfortable i cant
like you two would spend so much time talking about everything with each other even after you finish all the food,,,
fuck,, the way he’ll progressively scoot closer to you through the night, never letting go of your hand after you held it the first time-
like you both don’t even notice how close you are until your both throwing your heads back when you laugh and then looking at each other
and just that soft moment where you both stare into each other’s eyes and glance down at your lips— oohohh
the both of you just click so right, everything leads up to this point naturally,,,
You two are so fucking innocent that the first kiss would be the softest shit ever, its sincero and lleno de amor, i-
its one of those kisses that are followed by soft giggles and pecks, one after another until he pulls you into his side because he’s just overfilled with emotions-
and just the way neither of you want to leave the comfortable silence as you both glance at each other-
i cant,, in his mind he’ll be thinking yeah, this is the one, la cual con que quiero compartir mi futuro-
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dralf0yy · 4 years
omg hii may I request something for neville where he's just so shy with the reader and he kisses her one day and she suddenly wants to get it a lil steamy and he's fine w/ it but he's all flustered icnndnd if.you dont wanna, I understand ❤️
A/N: This is rlly cute omg,, thank u sm for requesting and I hope you enjoy 🥺🤍 - I’m not that good of a writer so im hella sorry if this disappoints :(
1st fic hehe
Greenhouse || N.L x Slytherin!Reader
Requested: Yes
Summary: Y/N and neville have been best friends since their first year at hogwarts. They’ve both developed feelings for each other but none of them have the courage to do anything about it. Until one day in the hogwarts greenhouse • Set in TGOF •
Warnings: Steamy kissing ? eEK
gif cr: @emilylkinney
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You rushed towards the greenhouse to meet your best friend and crush, Neville Longbottom, like you had done every morning since first year before going to class
But today, unlike the usual mornings, you woke up late and barely had time to meet Neville. You didn’t wanna break tradition so you still made an effort to go see him.
Snape could wait a little bit, after all, hell would have to freeze over before he’d take points away from Slytherin
You stumbled into the greenhouse looking disheveled, making eye contact with the boy you were so in love with
“H-Hey, Y/n” You noticed that he was holding a rose and a small box
“Hey, who’s that for?” You asked as a pang of jealousy hit you
A faint blush made its way onto his pale cheeks “This was actually supposed to be a surprise for y-you later tonight but since you’ve already seen it, I might as well”
It was your turn to blush as Neville walked towards you. You hoped he didn’t see but the bright red tint on your cheeks was hard to miss, especially up close
“This is gonna sound really cheesy but.. Y/n, 3 years ago today, an amazing friendship was born. Our friendship. And to say I was surprised is an understatement. You’re outgoing, popular a-a-and amazing, I was just, well, m-me. But you looked past what everyone else saw and stayed beside me for all these years, even when we got sorted into different houses, and that’s when I realised that I w-was in love with you. I love you Y/N Y/L/N, and I was wondering if you’d be my g-girlfriend..?”
You stared at the dark haired boy with tears brimming your eyes as he handed you the rose and opened the box to reveal a ring
“I-it’s a promise ring,” Neville mumbled
A bright smile covered your face when you saw that he was wearing an identical one on his right middle finger
You looked up and made eye contact with Neville. He broke eye contact and his gaze wandered down to your lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in until your lips were finally touching
The butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely wild and you were sure that your face turned into a tomato
Neville noticed the lack of reciprocation and pulled back. You mustered up all your courage and grabbed him by the collar of his school robes and pulled him back into another kiss
It felt like fireworks had erupted around you. His hands gently wrapped around your waist and he held you as if you were made of glass
Your hands flew up around his neck and you lightly tugged on his soft locks of hair
As much as you didn’t want to, you pulled away for some air. You opened your eyes and you let out a breathless chuckle
“I was wondering when you’d finally do that” You winked playfully at Neville
“S-So I’ll take that as a yes then” He smiled sheepishly
“Yes you git, now shut up and kiss me” You giggled before pulling him into another kiss, this kiss being a little bit more intense than the last
You deepened the kiss and buried your fingers in his hair, tugging it a little harder than before, making a muffled groan come from Neville
“Holy shit that was hot” You thought and smirked against his lips
A sudden wave of confidence washed over Neville’s flustered state and he nipped your bottom lip, causing you to gasp slightly and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth
You reciprocated his actions and your tongues battled for dominance
His hands gradually got lower and lower but before things went any further, someone loudly cleared their throat
You and Neville abruptly pulled apart from each other and saw Professor Sprout waiting at the entrance with first years sniggering and whispering behind her
You looked up at Neville’s face and his mouth was wide open and his face was the brightest shade of red that you had ever seen
“Mr.Longbottom, Miss Y/L/N.. Don’t you have a class to be attending at the moment?” Professor Sprout questioned and narrowed her eyes at the two of you
“I- um-”
“Yes actually, we do. So sorry Professor, but as much as we’d like to stay and talk about what you just saw, which was 100% just your imagination, we have to get to class.” You grinned widely at her and the lot of first years as they giggled more
“Well what’re you waiting for? Go on to class” Professor Sprout gave a tight lipped smile to you and Neville as you scurried through the doors
“Oh- and Mr.Longbottom!” You and Neville stopped and turned around to face the short woman once again
“I suggest you.. do those kinds of things with Miss Y/L/N in the safe space of your common rooms or at least anywhere but in here”
If it was even possible at this point, Neville’s face got redder and flushed as he nodded and grabbed your hand to run to potions
You were about halfway there when you remembered who was actually teaching the class
“Shit. Snape’s gonna be pissed”
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Okay okay let's see here aaaaa
Howdy, I just turned 23, Nonbinary (He/She/They), and I'm 5'2". I have brown & coppery colored medium length cuuuurly hair (like holy shit dats cuuurly). I also have warm dark brown eyes. Also I'm Hispanic (but only know basic Spanish/Tex Mex slang ;3;). And I'm also on the paler side + freckles. I'm not really feminine, but I'm also not really masculine either in looks wise,, But all I know is that I can deadlift alot weight!
My interests are more in the arts/crafts, engineering, helping the community kind of work/volunteering, and nature. Also raised with alot of Hispanic/ native beliefs. I love alota stuff involving mechanical or robotics (I enjoy anything robot related either scientifically or existential story telling related); but I also have a fascination with anything aquatics, birds, and anything floral. I'm pretty goofy/cheesy, awkward, but also colorful (I love dressing in colorful clothing). Steampunk and solarpunk is so cool, and I think horror is such a great medium to express ideas.
Honestly, if we were to go on a date or even just to hang out, I would like to go on an adventure with you. To explore around the woods and forage for wild berries and plants. To take you to the beach near here and look at the colors of where the sky meets the sea. Maybe even show you the big botanical gardens to admire the native flowers in full bloom, or maybe you'd much prefer seeing an aquarium to watch the colorful tropical fish swim by. I've been to a place where you can kayak to a destination and be able to watercolor paint there while having a chance to see and even pet the wild dolphins. If anything, I would just enjoy the beauty of life in your presence ~
Also, I may be quiet (but thats because I'm reeeaaally shy) but I don't mind us just sitting together, just enjoying eachothers company ~ ♡
I'm so sorry that this is aloooott
>://0 u r shorter than me...... and strong............ got me by my weaknesses there..... fucking nice DOYA THINK U COULD LIFT ME? ouabshsk. Either way- YEAH!!!! U SEEM HELLA CHILL!!! U seem so explorative & like somrone who I wouldn't mind studying the world w :'0
I fullllon wanna hang out now. I'm especially interested in the mechanical stuff now :'00 i love the idea of robots they bring me sm joy i love the idea that were just like them but also not at all in a way that might help humans expand their minds if we just take our time to understand it & that there is more beings that could soon witness the beauty of this world iM RLY HAPPY FOR THEM
U already hella gave me the coolest hangouts/dates but YEAH, one for u too: old books store/thrift shopping books!!! I don't knlw why bu I just get the "really 80s books w faded photos of marine animals" vibes from u. Maybe we can buy some cheap animal encynclopedias and make really weird art collages 2gether :>
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you
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exhoe-imagines · 4 years
Since I am in the midst of wedding planning, would love to hear what you guys think each of the EXO boys' wedding would turn out like (assuming their partners give them total control 😂)! But also an important lesson I learned: social distancing doesn't stop people from reaching out virtually to you so me time became so much more essential these days!!
teehee we’re still so excited for your wedding 🥺🥺🥺 and we had a lot of fun discussing this crackhead shit LOL – also you’re SO right. texting is suddenly blowing up and i’m like “time to check out” JKDSJFAKWE
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minseok ✧ i feel like he’s a great middle ground. he’ll keep you sane and handle the stuff that you don’t have time for, he’ll give valid and real comments, but won’t be controlling. it’s very much a team effort. unless you want like a candy bar or something bc “darling, that’s a little out there.” and you’re like minseok, have some FUN. live your best LIFE. but it’s ok bc he’ll get you everything you want as a surprise and you’ll cry like “omg” and he’ll just PREEN bc YES he IS the greatest husband 😌
luhan ✧ im sorry you’re giving HIM control? u want him to go into CARDIAC ARREST??? if you want your wedding to take place in a shack with 6 people attending, then sure, by all means, give lu control. but if not, please for the love of GOD do not ask him. he’ll put in comments every now and then (for cake flavors definitely or like. his tie color or some shit like that) but if you ask him to pick between maroon and rhubarb he’ll ERROR 404: LUHAN IS NOT RESPONDING. and just stand there like a mannuquein 😳😳😳
yifan ✧ oh christ don’t do that to him, he can only handle so much LOL. he’ll defintiely tag along for everything bc he’s clingy and he wants to see the dress/tux/whatever you pick and you’re like “it’s a surprISE YIFAN” but he does Not Care. but he doesn’t know the difference between silk or satin so he’s basically no help KAMFKSFJKE. he does pull up with the hella gaudy shit tho and you’re like “yifan you cannot have GOLD CHAINS as part of your outfit” and he’s like “but babe,, the swag” 😎
junmyeon ✧ ok myeon is the MVP. he’s like Peak Husband Material. he’s picky but sweet – makes sure you get what you want but isn’t a groomzilla u feel? like he’ll send that sickly sweet smile to the dress/tux assistant and be like “my love asked for the WHITE piece, not the IVORY, thank you :)” and they’re like “o-of course mr. kim!!” and you’re like “omg junmymeoN PLS.” but everyone loves him bc he tips well and is geniunely kind when he isn’t standing up for you LMAO 😂 
yixing ✧ ok definitely another good balance one. he’ll let you know who he wants invited, what kinda traditional things are a Must Have, etc. but he’s SO SUPPORTIVE of what you want. like you can geniunely pick ANYTHING as long as he gets his like,, two small requirements. you could walk out in a trash bag and be like “i want this” and he’d tear up like “anything you want, baobei” and drop $4k to get a gucci plastic bag. deadass. and god he CRIES at the wedding bc you do SO well and keep his wishes in mind and WOW he loves u 😭
baekhyun ✧ ok he wouldn’t do a HORRIBLE job if you gave him all the control -- who am i kidding. your wedding would end up looking like a frat party. however, he do got POPPIN ideas. he will be zero help for the vital shit, but if you want some crazy shit, he’s the man. he’ll be like “ok babe don’t be mad -- i forgot to book the venue BUT i found a tiny dog tux for Mongryong so he can be our ring bearer what do you think!!” and for a moment you consider what it would be like to live in widowhood ☠️
jongdae ✧ the PICKIEST motherfucker. ik i mentioned that in the drabble i wrote you, but like i am SERIOUS. you will go to like twelve bakeries before he finally settles on some BASIC ASS FLAVOR like vanilla and you’re like “i might murder you.” but he makes sure you’re picky too so you get EXACTLY what you want and the day of, when everything is set you’re like Hol Up. this do be poppin. it’s everything you dreamed of and you DO be having to thank jongdae for his brattiness after all 😪
chanyeol ✧ honestly bold of us to assume he’d have any role in the planning bc he’s too busy teasing you over how seriously you take it all. to keep you from going crazy tho, he pulls a few pranks and you’re 🤏🏼 this close to calling off the wedding when he makes you think the decorations came in the wrong color or some shit. but on the acutal wedding day, he surprises you with a new song/dance and you realize he’s actually been taking care of something very important this whole time too ❤️
kyungsoo ✧ god you have chosen the BEST man to plan with. he’s so patient and attends EVERY appointment with you. he takes SUCH good care of you and makes sure you’re never stressed or piling too much on your plate. just a total gentleman. he’d book you a huge bridal/groom suite for the night before the wedding with white roses and all this cheesy shit and he would NEVER LIVE IT DOWN. and then when you think he can’t get any better he surpries you with a secret honeymoon trip and you’re like “god is real huh” 🙏🏼
zitao ✧ hahaha you think you GIVE him permission and he doesn’t just TAKE it? hahaha. that’s a GOOD one. prepare for the most extra reception and ceremony you have EVER seen. but don’t worry, you and tao will be the only ones who have any opinion on the planning. your friend will be like “what if you guys-” and tao’s like “did someone say something.” so by all means, tell him everything you want, bc he WILL get it for you. and on the special day he cries like a baby and you’re like AW bc u think he’s being all lovey-dovey but he’s just like “wow i did SO good” 😢
jongin ✧ wedding? did you mean an excuse for a huge party? do not, and i can not stress this enough, do NOT give him all the control. the second you do, he’s inviting every friend and family member to come help him bc he has NO CLUE what he’s doing. but it’s ok you keep them all in check and you’ll get what you want bc your manz is whipped. and when you and your wedding party get stressed, he just hands you $15k and is like “go on a shopping trip babey ily” and you’re like “maybe you’re not THAT bad, kim” 🤑🤑🤑
sehun ✧ he INSISTS on being included in every MINISCULE step. i mean EVERYTHING. and so you’re like “fine baby, what do you want?” and his mind goes blank. he truly has no opinion. no help whatsoever. you’re like “cream or ivory?” and he’s like “what’s that.” so he ends up flaking and you plan most of it – thankfully !! but when you walk down the aisle he SOBS and you’re like “ok fine you’re redeemed” 🥰
bro.. this was a Blast. ily and ur asks and im sorry we take 100 years to answer them MFJAKLFJEAWKGJWE - admin ruby and admin jewels
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haikyupid · 4 years
hi i would like to request a matchup for your special event!
i would like to start off by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH YOU AND FLATTYKAWA🥰🥰 i hope you have an amazing birthday and sending you all the virtual hugs!! <33
a few more words to oikawa…you made me cry when you lost to karasuno….YOU SUCK FOR THAT💔 but STILL you’re one of my most favorited characters in haikyuu :(( pls keep pissing off iwa-chan lmao
(i rlly dont know if this information is needed but here i go😭 sorry if its not needed)
sexuality: straight
zodiacs: sun;capricorn moon;leo rising;cancer
enneagram: 4w7
mbti: infj
height: 5’2-5’3 (ppl say i look taller than my actual height bc of my long legs)
(idk if this is necessary but) looks: straight waist length black hair+middle parted, dark brown orbs, tanned skin, im japanese&filipino!
body: curvier waist/bottom but flatter/slimmer on the top <\3
likes: popcorn, kpop & anime, reading, going to the beach (i live in hawaii+by a beach so i’ve grown to love the beach lmao) sometimes working out when i feel like it
dislikes: ESCALATORS, ppl who chew loudly and very gruesome stuff (i tend to shake a lot at the sight of it😭) and white sauce pasta
personality: i’d say im very shy and more awkward w/ strangers, but w/ friends im very playful & goofy! even though i hate it, most of my friends have told me i looked like a b*tch at first sight, but once they’ve actually hung out w/ me im very much the opposite. my sense of humor is dry and sarcastic. i tend to bottle up my feelings until i explode, but im working on that. im very caring for the ppl i love and can be quite stubborn when it comes to whos right & whos wrong (i always want to be right😭) im also a creative soul who has a passion for editing and fashion! i tend to work on spontaneous bursts of energies which i HATE bc i do want to get things done but never do at the end. overall i feel like im more of an introvert since i love staying in lmao. some more fun facts abt me is i want to become a fashion stylist in the future and want to become a good one my ideal type is someone whos dorky and cheesy and can make me laugh yet also be able to make me feel like my heart is gonna explode (if that makes sense haha)
favorite character (not haikyuu): zuko from atla <3
favorite drink and pastey: i LOVE chocolate milk tea with boba & i dont rlly like pastrys, but rather want pistachio ice cream👀 i have a weird palette 😭
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tooru: i-i don’t even have to try and annoy him anymore 😔 he just hates me, periodt. thank you so much for the birthday greeting though, and for making me one of your favorites 😘
tri: i will gladly accept your virtual hugs, babe 😚👐 thank you for the greeting!
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— [ ♡ ] i match you up with . . .
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≺ he loooves teasing you, but at the same time he loves voicing out his feelings of love for you in its purest form; mans goes from “who knew you’d fall as hard for me the same way i did for you 😉 ?” to “you make me the happiest that i’ve ever been, thank you so much for that. words won’t be enough to describe how much i love you… 🥺”
≺ the vbc looks at y’all a lil’ weird whenever you come with them to the nearest ice cream shop and order pistachio 😭 but like they kind of expected it since tendi is a unique being so should be his beautifully unique girlfriend
≺ he thinks you’re the most beautiful thing to have ever grazed planet earth; you can’t even say that you’re ugly as a joke around him because he will bear-hug you and pepper you with kisses until you say otherwise
≺ he’s so intimidating and intelligent that most people are scared to approach him even if he smiles at them, so you best believe no guy will ever try to flirt with you (also, have you seen the whole shiratorizawa vbc? they’re all so freaking intimidating, even goshiki)
≺ one time you pouted at him and he ended up carrying you around shiratorizawa like a baby, and now it’s his way of cheering you up whenever you’re down (girlies are hella jealous of you now ‘cause duh, you got the tendou turning into a softie just for you)
≺ you two go on food adventures, and i don’t mean those basic ones where you just go to a newly opened resto or something, i mean y’all actually go around town to find what everyone has to offer; now people from shira go up to you two if they need some food recommendations — also, best dates evaaa
— [ ❝ don’t worry about them, i love you so much and your unique taste in food, baby. ❞ ]
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Thank you for sending your submission in, and participating 🥺👉👈 I hope you like your match-up. And yours was actually much of help since I had some things to base it off of, so don’t worry about it!
To participate in the Oikawa and Kyupid’s Birthday-Bash Love Event, click here!
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dracjoonie · 5 years
BTS Reaction | At an Amusement Park with You/SO [Hyung Line]
I actually wrote most of this ages ago, but I’m finally posting it now ^^ 
m/l in my bio~ 
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So much yelling? Somewhere in between having the time of his life and complaining at every turn.  Hella scared of the big looping roller coasters but wants to do them with you anyway. Will scream louder and longer than anyone else. Puts the scared kids to shame. Those vocalists lungs are no joke. People still waiting in line probably whip out their phones to film, not because hes Jin, but because holy SHIt is it FUNNY. “WAHHHhHhhhhHHHHHH oooOOOAHH AHHHH IM TOO PRETTY TO DIIIEEE.” Death grips your hand like a women going through labor. But its ok, might need to buy you an ice pack after though. Also one of those who’s gonna splurge on fast passes because waiting hours in line “”isn't his style””. 
You might need to help him walk after the scrambler because the poor man is DIZZY, but then he’d wanna try all the carnival games. Probably one of those where you get to shoot bbguns at duck targets, or throwing darts at balloons. Passes you his extra large; JUMBO, almost-people-sized bag of kettle corn so he can “show you his skillz.” Probably drops $40 trying to claim this giant lama plush he insists he must acquire to survive. Fails. But if you can’t help him out either, the carny eventually takes pity on him and just hands over the doll. Either way he’s happy and would strap it to his back and go on his marry way. Once it gets dark and you two have exhausted all the good rides and his voice is horse from all the yelling, hes ready to try all the FOOD. Turkey legs, funnel cake, fried oreos,  fried snickers, fried s’mores... fried.. b-butter?..   
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Mostly went for the food and company. Oh, that big rickety roller coaster with the death drops and three loops?  Big nOpe, thinks its cute you think he’d go with you though.
 “What, are you scared?”
“Yep. Sorry I’m sane, have fun though.. I’ll be over here~” 
Happily waits for you at the side lines with his bag of popcorn, and large iced Americano you still aren’t sure where he got. 
“Wow I could hear you screaming from all the way over here.”
“Could not..”
Somewhere down the line you two end up walking past all the carnival games and he starts telling you how rigged each one is. He finds one where you get to shoot targets and he starts telling you about how they’re always rigged to shoot towards the right. You dare him to go for it since he knows the game so well. He’ll end up paying the over priced fee and gets all confident, gesturing for all to step aside. “BEHOLD.” Probably been around Jin too much. -He fails the first time. 
“Damn.. maybe to the left..?” He tries again. Fails, tries again, fails. Now he’s hooked and determined and his hearts been set on this cheesy shark plush for the past $20 so now he’s gotta have it. 
“Hey, can I try?” “Yeah, of course.” 
You hit the target on the first try and his jaw drops.
“Aim and shoot babe~”
A few minutes later and you’ve racked up enough tickets for his shark.
“Which one was it you wanted?”
“The red one!” He goes all soft and smiley when the carny hands it over. And you wouldn’t have wounded his pride at all, but you might regret suddenly becoming the third wheel to his new BBBFF.. Cheetah... the shark. 
After walking around and trying some weird foods you eventually convince him to go up on the ferris wheel with you.
“But Cheetah can’t go up there~” 
“I’m sure he’ll fit, its a pretty big bench.”
“Cheetah’s a girl..”
“Sorry Cheetah.. LETS GO!” 
He’ll start to hold your hand more in line.
“Are you scared?” 
“Of course not.”
He’s totally scared. And its even more evident when you’re up there and he’s clinging on to you, grinning through his shakes. 
“This is high..”
“Yeah, but its so pretty from up here! Look at the fireworks!”
 “But Cheetah can’t breath up here.”
“I mean there’s no water down there either-”
“Shes a land shark.”
By the 3rd go-around hes gotten use to the height and gets all curled up and cozy while you two joke about “land shark facts”. 
“Today was really nice..” *content nodding*. 
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Hes excited, he’s loud, hes confident. All those other times he was scared on roller coaster? What do you mean? That was the past, he’s over it. Scared? psh, not him. Not one bit. Nope. Not at all..
Until you’re hand in hand waiting in line for a coaster, watching the passengers wail and the floor-less cart woosh by at a speed he remembers all too well. Suddenly he’s laughing out of nervousness and his hands are sweating, but he can’t chicken out now. He’s already been boasting all day, and the lack of fear on you has him even more locked in. He’d be hyping himself up, loudly. 
Once he’s locked in his hands would be so sweaty they’d be slipping off the safety harness, and his heart would do flips when he found he could just barely reach your hand to grab onto. Same mile wide grin though, but he’d be very obviously freaking. 
“Are you scared? no?.. oh yeaH of course not this is nothing! HA ha” 
You know when the cart does that slow climb to the top and they hold you up there for a second to build the anticipation? Yeah, he hates that. His anxiety would be reaching new highest, his body going into full fight-or-flight-bro-wtf-are-you-dOing mode. Shrieks the whole way down, and the whole way back up, and down again. It’d actually be impressive because he’d keep that high pitched note up the whole way until the cart slowed to a stop, and then he’d go completely limp. Want’s out. NOw. Hated it. Why did he agree to that, who’s idea was that? I mean “nOO that was... greAT? Yeah that loop was..... dope..? Yep.. soo awesome haha.. lets not go again though..”
If you were excited he’d try and go along with it and mimic your excitement a little. Honestly, I think his adrenaline would have him in-between wanting to puke ,and run around in circles. Probably spend the rest of the day firmly planted on the ground. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t having fun. Once he calmed down a little you two would be running around taking pictures and going through fun rooms and mirror mazes. Maybe those big inflatable slides where they give you a potato sake to sit on so you don’t rug burn your skin off. There he’d have a blast, no more coaster though.
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He’s a big sap, but I’ll get to that. Hes a big dorky ball of energy, steamrolling through like a dog who’s barely leash trained. So hold on tight, and be careful he doesn’t lead you into a wall, or a trashcan or something. He’d be too busy looking up at all the rides and food stalls to pay attention to where it is he’s going. So maybe snag a map or two at the ticket entry. 
I feel like if he was hyped up and had his caffeine for the day he’d be a little impulsive. Like, he’d see a cotton candy stall and go ballistic. He’d buy the biggest cone he could and then once he turned around he’d see a ride he just HAD to go on. Of course its a splash ride. And of course there’d magically be no line, but what’s he gonna do with the mountain of cotton candy he just bought? Scarf it down like a starved man, obviously. With your help of course. But then he’d be thirst, good thing there’s a lemonade stall close by. Get’s a large; no food or drink on the ride. Well, there’s only one way to solve that.
 Once you guys were off the ride, drenched and pumped up on adrenaline he’d already be running to find a bathroom. Remember the map I told you to snag? Well you’d better hope its not drenched too. 
But back to him being a sap. This man loves things that are beautiful, and what’s more beautiful than the night sky and the city lights from up above? He would wait until it was dark out and the place was starting to clear out. Because he would have a plAN. 100% is that guy in romcoms who tips the carny to leave the two of you up there at the top of a ferris wheel. And he thinks he’s being real original too, but hes so cute that you forget how predictable it all is once the cart stops. probably says something sappy like “The lights are beautiful, but they’re more beautiful in your eyes.”
If you don’t pinch him, I will~ 
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inkykeiji · 4 years
heyo i wanna request a match up (haikyuu or bnha idc) ummmm im an istp 8w7. im introverted until i get comfortable around you and then i cant seem to stfu. i have a really short fuse and get annoyed easily. im a ravenclaw. 5'2, shoulder lenght brown hair (kinda curly/frizzy), brown eyes, i legit only wear oversized hoodies. my favorite halloween movies are coraline and beetlejuice. i like horror but i get scared really easily. (sorry ik this is hella long but idk what to write so heh)
hellooo!! <33 omg no it’s not long at all!!
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i match you with ⇢ semi eita! you both value autonomy and control over yourselves and your actions. he too gets annoyed easily, but this actually works in your favour, because you just to happen to be triggered by the same things. this means y’all get to be annoyed together ehehe n can complain to each other about whatever it is that’s irritated you without any fear of judgement or criticism, because you know the other will understand! and while he has a bit of a temper as well, i truly cannot see him getting angry at you; there’s really nothing about you that would trigger his anger (it seems to mostly be attached to his competitive nature) and tbh i think he’d feel rly awful if he got mad at you :( he freaking loves your penchant for oversized hoodies and will routinely give you his, because he just thinks u look so darn cute in his clothes <33
what you carve into your pumpkin ⇢  the other mother from coraline. you pay special attention to her button eyes, and it turns out great!! many of the trick or treaters compliment you on it <3
which halloween candy you eat the most of ⇢  whoppers + snickers!
couples costume ⇢ omg omg omg okay EITHER adam + barbara (regular version or the scary version when they stretch their faces out n stuff) OR coraline + wybie’s cat <33
how you celebrate halloween ⇢ by going to the autumn carnival! you go visit the cute lil goats n sheep at the petting zoo, check out the demolition derby, get popcorn n cotton candy, and ofc go on a bunch of rides! he’s totally gonna be mega cheesy n kiss u at the top of the ferris wheel <3 you decide to go just the two of you and spend the night living in the moment and simply enjoying each other’s company <3
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clari’s 1k halloween matchups! 👻 requests are CLOSED <3
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softforcal · 6 years
Are there any headcannon's for shy Hufflepuff Luke x Slytherin reader. Cause we both know I love that concept.
-first i love you
-second, here we goooooo
-so you’re this bad ass Slytherin who’s always hanging out with Slytherin!Cal and Slytherin!Michael
-for fun imma say you play Quidditch because yes please
-so, Luke has seen you all around school and he’s had a crush on you since like first year but never told anybody
-because he doesn’t see himself having a chance with you
-plus, you’re always around Hood and Clifford
-yes, you arent technically dating Hood or Clifford but Luke wouldn’t be surprised if maybe you were secretly dating Hood or Clifford
-Hufflepuff!Ashton noticing Luke noticing you one day at breakfast
-Like, Luke’s eyes keep shifting over Ash’s shoulder and finally Ash just turns around and sees you laughing with your friends
-he turns back to Luke and is like “Y/N’s cute.”
-Luke gets all stammery and blushy and Ashton knows he’s hit a bullseye
-Ashton actually knows you through Quidditch, like usually Slytherin’s dont talk to Hufflepuffs much but you and Ashton have always had hella respect for each other and after matches when you shake hands for good game, you actually mean it
-”you know, i could talk to her about you sometime.” Ashton suggest
-Luke flips his shit at the mention of that because no fucking way
-but of course, later on that day, Ash sits next to you in a mutual class you have and of course you’re kinda like, “what’s up?” because he’s in Michael’s seat and if he stays there too long, your colourful haired friend is for sure going to prank him or something
-”so you’re not dating Hood or Clifford are you?” “abrupt question, but no, why?” “just wondering. I have a friend that thinks you’re cute so if you’re looking for something with a good guy, i could help you out.”
-he leaves before you can ask who he’s talking about
-but for dinner you go sit with Ashton and Luke nearly has a heart attack when you take the seat across from him
-we’re talking sweaty palms, fidgety hands and a knee thats bobbing like there’s no tomorrow
-”okay, so lets say i am looking for a nice guy to date, what makes you think this guy you know is my type?”
-yeah, Luke is freaking out
-but suave Ashton is just like, “something tells me you would be interested. but i need to make sure you’re good enough for him first.” “sounds like a challenge Irwin, what do you have in mind?” “well, i figure we should hang out for the week and at the end of it, if i think you wouldn’t be an asshole to him, i’ll set you two up.”
-you roll your eyes but agree
-you and Ash arent best buds but you trust him
-as soon as you’re gone Luke freaks out at Ashton
-”you’ll thank me in a week mate.”
-the next day, you come sit next to Ashton again. Michael comes over and sits next to Luke who is still freaking out and Cal trudges along then sits next to you, refusing to really look or talk to Ashton
-you begin to talk to Luke and he manages to actually speak to you without his tongue getting tied in knots
-you all leave to go to classes
-during the day Luke freaks out again when you sit next to him in a class
-he’s always known you were in that class with him but you’ve never sat next to him
-poor Luke having heart attacks left right and centre over this shit
-”so this whole thing is real right? i mean, Ashton isnt just going to let the week go by and then say he’s the great guy he wants to set me up with right?” “no, it’s not Ashton.” “okay cool, i would not be able to stand it if it was.”
-Luke has always been kinda scared of you
-you generally look like a typical Slytherin
-you stick to your house
-you have a resting bitch face
-and you seem to excel at everything you set your mind to
-you walk around school with Cal and Michael and people move out of your way
-and yet here you are, siting next to him, a Hufflepuff
-and people are noticing
-you’re actually being so nice to him?
-Luke is even more into you and its freaking him out
-you have a Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. you, Cal and Ashton are all playing so Luke of course goes to watch
-Michael sits down next to him
-Luke tries not to keep his eyes on you the whole time but its really hard
-”so i know you’re the guy Ashton wants to set Y/N up with.” Michael states mid game
-Luke gets flustered
-”don’t worry Puff boy, i’ve been friends with Y/N a long time. yeah, im a Slytherin but that doesn’t make me an asshole. Y/N means a lot to me and i think you’d be good for her.”
-Luke being so shook by Michael’s acceptance
-”But Cal? he’s not going to like it.” Michael laughs, “i’ll talk to him for you.”
-”does Y/N, does she know?” Luke asks.
-”no but she’s thought you’re cute since year two so you’re good.”
-Luke can’t help but smile at that. you’ve found him cute for years?! what?!
-”so are you cheering for Slytherin or Hufflepuff?” Michael asks, changing the subject
-then Michael pulls out a Slytherin scarf and is just like “It’s Y/N’s, i usually wear it because we’re buds but i’m wearing Cal’s right now so maybe you want to wear her’s unless it will betray your house or something.”
-of course Luke wears it
-he forgets he’s wearing it (which Michael had planned all along) and ends up going down to the pitch after the game to congratulate Ashton and bumps into you
-”hey, is that my scarf?”
-”oh, um, Michael gave it to me, i’m so sorry-” he begins to stammer, taking it off
-”no, keep it for a bit, you look good in green.” you grin
-you turn to go and this little Hufflepuff is just freaking out but he’s like “Y/N, do you want to go out with me sometime?”
-he can see it all click in your eyes as you realize he’s the guy Ash is setting you up with.
-”i dont know Luke, are you sure Ashton has deemed me fit to date you?” you tease
-Luke stammers and you grin, grabbing his hand, “i’m joking Luke. Slytherins do that sometimes. i’d love to go on a date with you.”
-you leave before he can give you your scarf back and Michael is just like “you did it bud!”
-you meet Cal outside the change room and he’s just like “are you actually going on a date with that Hufflepuff?”
-”Luke’s nice.” you state.
-”as long as you’re not dating Irwin.” Calum shrugs
-Luke comes and meets you outside the Slytherin common room, he’s fidgeting with your green scarf and looks up with a grin when he realizes you’re standing there, “you look beautiful.” “Luke i wear this every day.” “i know.” “wow, i didn’t realize Hufflepuffs were sweet talkers.”
-he has to like plan a few things to say because otherwise he gets flustered
-the two of you walking through the school and people move out of your way, something Luke has never experienced
-and they’re all looking at him
-Hufflepuffs and Slytherins don’t date usually
-let alone you, the Slytherin Princess? nah, people always assumed you’d end up with Cal or Michael as a second choice, no one would ever have guessed you’d even entertain the idea of dating outside your house
-the two of you are walking down the Hogsmeade and your hands keep brushing until you just intertwine your fingers
-”you know, green looks good on you, but you’re even cuter when you’re red.” you tease about his blushing
-Luke stops walking and makes you face him “why are you such a Slytherin?” “why are you such a Hufflepuff?” “would a Hufflepuff do this?” he asks and grabs your face, pressing his lips to yours
-melting into the kiss
-he’s so soft, nothing like the Slytherin’s you’ve been with
-he pulls away and the entire power dynamic has changed
-now you’re blushing
-and he’s looking like the most certain and confident Hufflepuff you’ve ever seen
-he laughs, “really?”
-and just like that he’s your Hufflepuff again
-your Hufflepuff
-you lace your fingers together and continue to the Three Broomsticks for your date
-he insists on buying you a drink and the two of you sit and just begin talking
-people come and go, some gawk at you and then all of the sudden one of the workers is like “we’re closing, you two have to leave.”
-you’re both shocked that you just spent like four hours talking?
-he grabs your hand and the two of you begin to walk back up to the school
-cute little dates continue and you find yourselves sitting next to each other in most classes
-holding his hand under the table where people can’t see
-stolen kisses in deserted corridors where you know his heart is just racing because he doesn’t want to get caught
-a lot of “calm down Hufflepuff, we’re good, don’t worry.”
-going to a date and he’s just like “it’s a scavenger hunt.” and you just roll your eyes at him “you’re such a Hufflepuff.” “well i’m not the one who’s going to be doing the finding.”
-its some elaborate hunt that includes Michael and Ashton and surprisingly even Cal rolls his eyes and gives you some cheesy hint that he couldn’t be bothered to remember so it’s written on his hand
-the hunt ends on the Quidditch pitch where he asked you out for the first time
-”do you maybe want to be my girlfriend? i mean, if you don’t its okay, you’re a Slytherin and i’m just-” cutting him off with a kiss and then pulling away with a smile, “you’re my Hufflepuff.”
-he just melts
-he’s never been so proud to be a Hufflepuff before
-he’s your Hufflepuff
-come on fam, melt with me just a little
-being able to walk down the hallways holding hands for everyone to see
-people are still shook that you and Luke are together
-but all it takes is a view of the way you smile and laugh with him and it makes sense
-yeah, you’re still hardcore and people can’t mess with you but with Luke you’re so soft and its the sweetest thing
-this boy is the epitome of soft and its so sweet
-like him getting you flowers or writing poems about you
-the Hufflepuffs all welcome you with open arms. some are a little scared of you at first because you’re the big bad Slytherin
-the Hufflepuffs also accept Calum and Michael more which is another shock to the school clique system
-you and Luke catch Calum flirting with an innocent little Hufflepuff and he gets kinda flustered, “don’t tell Irwin.”
-but of course by the next day Ashton is teasing Calum about it and he turns to Luke but Luke’s like “Y/N told him not me.” and Calum is like “seriously Y/N? your Hufflepuff has more loyalty to me than you do? pfff, what a great Slytherin you are.”
-Luke wearing your scarf at Quidditch matches and sitting with Michael who is actually such a hard core shipper of the two of you
-Michael and Ashton fighting over who got you and Luke together
-”i’m the one who made them talk more.” “yeah well i’m the one who gave him her scarf which led to him asking her out!”
-(tbh if you and Luke ever get married, part of you wants to suggest Luke chooses Cal as best man just to piss of Michael and Ashton because they fight about this way too much)
-one day Calum and Michael each sit on either side of Luke and they’re both just like “so if a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin have sex, which one of you makes concessions for what type of sex it is?” and Luke nearly dies
-”i mean, Slytherin’s can be into some pretty kinky shit.” Michael exchanges a grin with Cal before they both turn to Luke, “so are you a puff in the streets a snake in the sheets or is she a snake in the streets a puff in the sheets?”
-it honestly kind of depends on a lot of stuff. like, at first, the sex was always loving and passionate but as your relationship continued and Luke got more comfortable he was down to try new things
-plus, Hufflepuff Luke is a pleaser ya’ll know what i mean fam
-you usually got to see Luke in the Hufflepuff dorm because you know for sure that Cal and Michael are the type to lurk outside your door like creeps to see if they can hear something to use against you later
-they try to bribe Ashton to let them into the Hufflepuff dorm area for blackmail reasons but Ashton doesn’t budge on the subject, those Slytherins are not getting into the dorms
-but they get invited to Hufflepuff parties now, standing out like a sore thumb in the sea of yellow, so they usually try to sneak away and spy on you and Luke but Ashton, the ever faithful (practically) bouncer, makes sure you and Luke don’t get disturbed
-”come on Ashton, arent you even slightly curious about what they do when they sneak off?” “no i’m not. because Luke talks to me.” “LUKE TELLS YOU WHAT THE SEX IS LIKE?!”
-Cal and Michael trying to suck up to Luke so he’ll open up but he sees right through them
-”i don’t know why you two care so much.” you say one day, “and i don’t know why you don’t just ask me what its like.” “because you know how to lie, Luke doesn’t.”
-you and Luke stumbling into class just as it starts and Ashton just rolling his eyes, “stop corrupting Luke with your dirty Slytherin tendencies.” “who says he’s not the one corrupting me?”
-no one ever takes that idea seriously but Hufflepuff Luke for sure has a hidden side that wants to stay just a bit longer making out in broom closets
-”we’ll be late Luke.” “i don’t care.” “who are you and what did you do with my Hufflepuff?!”
-the softest cuddles
-lots of face grabbing
-long, warm hugs
-’I love you’ being said probably way too much but who cares?
-Michael and Calum care that’s who. “you two are disgusting.” “you’re just mad cuz you’re single.”
-any time Luke even talks back slightly to Calum or Michael, Michael will freak out “Y/N you’re corrupting the Hufflepuff!” “why does everyone assume i’m the one corrupting him?”
-this is cute fam
-some Slytherin’s coming up to you and just being like “you dating Luke pushed me to ask out a girl in Ravenclaw.”
-like… paving the way for Slytherin’s to be more okay with cross house dating?
-people still get shit if they want to date a Gryffindor
-but definitely proving that its okay for Slytherins to be lovey dovey and who better to do that with than Hufflepuffs who are all so cute?  
-i kinda love this concept wtf
-soft, Hufflepuff Luke is a mood
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artificialqueens · 5 years
The Diner (Branjie)- im-good-ty
a/n: Hello ppl! So I was listening to Todrick Halls “Play” (ft. Jade Novah) and I got really inspired to write this VERY VERY cheesy lesbian AU fic. I hope y’all like it and once again feel free to send some feedback ——————————
Vanessa was late again. When is she not honestly? Now that everyone had jobs and college and stuff meeting with the dreamgirls once a week was Vanjies highlight of every week. The little diner where they met up was Vanessas favorite place(as well as Silkys and A'kerias). She knew all the staff like her own family and if someone would hold her at gunpoint and asked her to tell the menu from the heart that wouldn’t be a problem. And Vanjie also loved the atmosphere that it had. Turing daytime it was just a fun place with a lot of colors- you literally could not walk in there without a smile. But as soon as the sun went down the place lit up with a lot of neon signs. And this was the moment Vanessa enjoyed it the most. Not only did the neon signs made a cute selfie light it also made her feel like she was living in a movie. Vanessa stepped through the door being greeted by the owners daughter Nina “Hey Vanessa, late again?” she smiled “Hi Nina, yeah you know traffic was a mess” Vanessa said with a smile while rolling her eyes. They both knew it wasn’t traffic that made Vanessa late but the fact that she just couldn’t choose what the fuck to wear. V walked up to Silky and A'keria who both greeted her loudly. “Giiiirl I thought that you died or something,” Silky said teasingly “was literally about to call the police.” , “It was the traffic” V quickly answered. “Yeah sure keep telling yourself that maybe one day it actually will be true” A'keria muttered. The girls continued chatting and catching up. Silky talked about her new college crush. It as some art student who Silk had seen only once or twice but was certain they’d get married someday. A'keria talked a about her new job and about her boss who was apparently a horrible human being. Making her work over hours without extra payment. “What can I get y'all,” a voice suddenly said next to them. Silky and A'keria had already ordered and Vanessa being so into A'kerias story without even looking at the waiter she just waved her hand “The usual,” “And that would be?” Now Vanessa snapped out of A'kerias story and looked at the waitress. Standing next to her was someone V had never seen before and she knew every single person working here. She was a tall girl with long blond hair. And she was absolutely gorgeous. For a moment Vanessa forgot what are words “Shake… cherry… milk” she just stuttered “Is that all?” the girl smiled, Vanessa just nodded and watched her walk away. Turning back to her friend she was greeted with puzzled looks. “Vanj you have a lady boner” A'keria joked as Silky jokingly looked under the table “Ooh and a big one too”. Vanessa just shook her head and rolled her eyes, acting like she had no idea what they were talking about. “So where were we with your boss?” she quickly tried to change the topic. “You should ask her out,” “Your boss?” “No! The blonde waitress you dumb bitch!” “What? No I don’t like her or whatever” “Well the drool on the side of your mouth is telling a different story” “And the lady boner” Silky joined in. Vanessa just but her middle fingers up and shook them in front of her friends’ faces. Nina brought them their shakes and Silkys food. From time to time Vanessa looked over her shoulder to see the blonde girl again. She didn’t know why but that stranger made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The blonde was talking with Nina and Vanessa just got lost when the girl giggled. She wished she could hear that giggle all the time. “Oh my fucking god, take a fucking picture it will last longer,” A’keria said being clearly annoyed with Vanessa not paying enough attention to her friends. “No, I was looking at Nina” Vanessa quickly said “Good save” Silky snorted out laughing. “I wanna order a coffee” V rolled her eyes again. The rest of the evening V was focused on her friends or at least that’s what it looked but in her head, all she could think about was the strangers’ beautiful face and that cute giggle. Because Akeria had work in the morning and Silky had a lecture they wanted to go home to get some sleep. Vaness decided to stay a little longer to chat with Nina. But Silk and Akeria both knew there was a totally different reason Vanessa wanted to say. They hugged and said goodbye. V went to sit down in front of the cashier. “They left early today,” Nina said “Yeah they both have a busy life now” Vanessa smiled and looked around to see if she would spot the blonde girl. “Who is that new blonde working here?”, “I’m Brooke Lynn,” a voice said behind Vanessa. V turned around to see the blonde girl standing behind her. “Like the borough?” , “No two different names, Brooke and Lynn” the girl smiled. “I’m Vanessa. Friends call me Vanjie”, “Nice to meet you Vanjie,” Brooke said stretching out her arm. They shook their hands and Brooke left to take more orders. Vanessa turned back to Nina who was grinning broadly. “Oh stop” V smailed back. She didn’t even wanna defend herself cause she was absolutely smitten by this Brooke Lynn. * Next week couldn’t come faster. Vanessa didn’t have time to go back to the diner before the dreamgirls meetup. But no matter what she was still running late. The moment she stepped out of her house she got a text from A’keria. *Hey Girl! Sorry, can’t make it today. My boss made me do over hours again. Texted Silk too. How about tomorrow? -A * *Tomorrow sounds fine - V* Although Vanessa missed her friends and couldn’t wait to hear about their week she was still hella excited to go to the diner. The diner was almost empty with just one lady drining coffee and eating an eclair. “Hey! Are you here first today? I can’t believe it.” Nina said. Vanessa shook her head “The others couldn’t make it,”, “Oh okay. Well, Brooke is outside having a smoke break” Nina said with a wink. “Just give me a coffee please” V shook her head. Vanessa took her coffee and sat down by the window. She had a book with her so she just started reading it. Vanessa hated reading but she needed to look like she was busy and not there to enjoy the sight of Brooke. “Hey Vanjie.” a soft voice said. A blonde girl was standing next to Vanessas table now. “Hi Brooke” V said with a big smile gesturing her hand for Brooke to sit down. “How is the most beautiful person on the earth doing?” Brooke said with a smile making Vanjie blush. “I’m not sure, how are you?” V flirted back. A huge group of people walked in wich ment Brooke had to go back to work. “Oh before I go” Brooke looked at Vanessa “I lost my phone number so can I have yours?” Vanessa just looked at the blonde with confusion “You can’t lose… oooooooh… that… is very cheesy” V smiled after understanding the pickup line a few seconds late. V took a pen from Brooke Lynns aprons pocket and wrote her phone number on a napkin. Yes, she could have written int directly into Brookes phone but it would have taken the movie magic away. When Vanessa got home she sat down on her couch placing her phone next to her and eagerly checking every notification she got. Finally a text from an unknown number. *Hey V! I need your help. There is this really cute girl that I wanna ask out but I think she might say no.- Brooke* Vanessa was very confused. Wasn’t Brooke just flirting with her at the diner? *Oh. I don’t know just call them or something.-V* *Can I call you first to practise?-B* *Sure- V* Immediately her phone rang. “Hi Brooke!” “Hey Vanjie. I was wondering would you like to go out with me?” “Haha sure. See it wasn’t that hard. Now you can call her.” “But I am calling her.” Vanessa could feel how her whole face turned bright red at that moment.
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pinkchannies · 6 years
cheesier than cheesecake
i got inspired to write this on my 5 hours flight to hong kong bcz i ate cake on my way to the airport and miraculously wrote this on my flight in one go
also heading to hong kong eh wink wink nudge nudge @ agust d //slapped
well here's a jin oneshot because kim seokjin is my number one man and bias in bts and we need some shoulder man love in our lives amirite
laksndowxjoe i couldn't post this earlier bECAUSE WIFI AND MY COM WASN'T COOPERATING :(( sob well ok here i am posting it now LMAO bless wifi pls live
genre:  fluff , is this considered comedy, crack has slipped into this fic again
requested:  no 
pairing:  seokjin x reader
author notes: reader is a baking/walking disaster bcz mood, jin screaming and being a mama hen, idk how i wrote this in just one flight, chiru probably needs creative writing classes at this point, how do you come up with good titles
the clock read, 2.09am. i groaned. it was one of those days again. or rather, one of those nights. of grueling hunger and cravings. and there was one way to solve it(or make it worse) without actually eating. though it may not be the best way. do u kno da wae-chiru get out i snatched my phone from my bedside table and loaded instagram, heading straight to the buzzfeedtasty instagram account. yes, tasty. the number one guilty pleasure where their food looks so good even with the simplest ingrediants, and when you recreate it it somehow looks like shit. or maybe i'm just a shitty cook. or maybe plating food to make it look aesthetically pleasing is just that difficult. or maybe both. to "satisfy" this sudden craving for sweets, i started watching videos of their deserts. god help me they look so good. the way the cream cheese blends with sugar and turns into a smooth white paste under the electric mixer, with heavy cream added to that mix and that generous teaspoon of vanilla essence that you can literally smell (jin: mMMMm sMELL) through your phone, those cheesecakes and oreos and cream and just all that fattening goodness- y'all this whole instagram account is straight up porn. i already feel fat just by watching these videos. but i'm still hungry af. the struggle is hella real who else can relate "ughhhhhh i wanna bake these godlike creations but i'm scared that i'll accidentally blow up my kitchen..." i groaned into my pillow. yeah, i’m a bit of a walking disaster, luckily i haven't reached namjoon's level. i think. one time my cookies almost turned out spicy because i was cooking spicy noodles at the same time. please don't ask. someone please just buy me a huge cheesecake to binge eat whilst i cry over my bad life decisions, one of which would be eating a whole 1542 calorie cheesecake at the asscrack of dawn. an imaginary or rather, imajinary-chiru stob light bulb went off from my head. there was one man made for this situation. one shoulder man, to be exact. i clicked on the contact "worldwide shoulders" and started typing.
(y/n) 2.30am
shoulder man take me by the hand lead me to the land that u understand
worldwide shoulders 2.35am
ya, its like 2.30am, shouldn't you be asleep? don't make me confiscate your phone
(y/n) 2.35am
sorry mom
worldwide shoulders 2.36am
yA tHIs chILd what's up, u usually don't text this late
(y/n) 2.37am
r u free tmr i wanna bake cheesecake pretty please
worldwide shoulders 2.38am
what a *cheesy* date if i do say so myself
(y/n) 2.38am
jIN its too early for puns :(
worldwide shoulders 2.39am
excuse you my puns are jinius
(y/n) 2.39am
SO cAN U BAKE WITH ME TMR :((( well actually it’ll be later today pls i owe u one
worldwide shoulders 2.40am
fine make sure u have the stuff ready, i'll come over at 10 go sleep its late
(y/n) 2.41am
worldwide shoulders 2.41am
EXCUSE ME I AM OLDER THAN U (y/n) 2.42am :p see u tmr!! gnite shoulder man *finger heartu* worldwide shoulders 2.43am the disrespect i swear ----- "jin this is too tiring..." i groaned, my arms aching. "just a little bit more... just beat it harder." "look, must i really use my hands for this?" i whined. jin deadpanned. "(y/n) it's becoming white already, just continue. you wanted me to teach you right?" "why the hell can't i just use the electric mixer for the egg whites? its much faster than hand beating it..." i grumbled. "this is as good as doing 240 push-ups like jungkook," i whined. "my child there will be no shortcuts in this house when it comes to baking or cooking," i snorted at that. says the one who uses seasoning in his food. i mean, who doesn't? "i guess we can say that the cake will be eggcellent." he let out a windshield-wiper laugh at his own joke while i groaned at the terrible pun. "jin pls." ----- "DON'T CHOP THE BUTTER LIKE THAT OHMY GOD (Y/N) YOU'RE GOING TO CHOP YOUR HAND OFF LIKE THAT NO YOU'RE WORSE THAN NAMJOON SLICING ONIONS." jin shrieked at my horrible attempt to slice the frozen solid butter. i had forgotten to take the butter out to thaw, so now i had to face the consequences. of slicing, no, chopping, through rock solid butter that is stubborn about becoming smaller pieces. go me
he sighed and went behind me, his larger frame engulfing mine as he positioned my hand to hold the knife properly. "rest your index on top of the blade and your thumb and middle on its sides. this way, you'll have a better grip on the knife. and it reduces the chances of the knife slipping and chopping your finger off." he guides my fingers to hold the knife, while rambling on the precautions to take-which entered one ear and left the other. how am i supposed to concentrate when i've never been in this close proximity with the man until this moment? gosh he was warm and it feels real cozy, his chin gently resting on my shoulder to oversee the process, his larger hand on my smaller one guiding me to chop the butter. how domestic, i chuckled at the thought. i wonder how his hand would look like with his fingers entwined with mine- -which is what i did with the hand unoccupied by the knife. without me even registering it, i grabbed his free hand. our hands were clasped together and our fingers were tangled with each other. “omg (y/n) what are you doing” i screamed in my brain. do y’all ever just get intrusive thoughts like this and regret everything leading up to this moment. jin gave me a quizzical look that screamed "what are you doing." ok but same jin, same. well this turned awkward. in my panic, i let go of his hand. and the knife. good job, (y/n). "OH MY GOD LOOK OUT" jin yelled for what must be the 182297318th time today at my screw up and pulled me away from the knife which fell to the floor with a clang. i was pressed flushed against his chest as he pulled my body closer to his, almost as if we were snuggling. except that now is not really the time to snuggle with the situation at hand. thankfully the knife didn’t hurt any of us, but i knew, i was in deep shit with jin. i mentally braced myself for the lecture i was going to get. oh boy this is going to be ugly. "look (y/n), i dont care if you cant cook for shit." his face was starting to turn red from the incoming rant, and i had to stifle a giggle at that. there was always something amusing about jin scolding-maybe it comes from the fact that even if the mood is serious, he still wants to make everyone laugh and doesn’t want an atmosphere too damp. so his scolding just somehow turns comical. i bit down on my bottom lip harshly to stop the giggles, lest the lecture becomes longer. "but you are handling something sharp, please be careful." "i understand." i sighed. "look if i'm not here, you could have been seriously injured, you can't just play while handling knives. luckily i was around and could pull you away before it landed on your feet and cause you to internally bleed in your toe. do you even know how nasty it looks to have that black blood clot under your nail?" i nodded sheepishly. "loOK, WHAT IF YOU WERE ALONE? YOU COULD HAVE BLED TO DEATH AND THEN I WOULD NEED TO HAUL YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH WOULD NOT END WELL MAJOR BLOOD LOSS IS NOT A FUN THING OK YOU NEED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THE KNIFE DONT BE A SECOND NAMJOON." "yes mom." "excuse you i am not your mother." "alright you're excused mr worldwide handsome... mom." "YA THIS BRAT." ----- thankfully, that was the only major incident-or as the drama queen puts it, life threatening incident-that happened while baking the cheesecake. after 2 hours of screaming together and jin telling me how to carry out baking procedures properly, we finally put the cake together. "jin, she's beautiful." i shed a fake tear at our finished product. fake tear-fake love tear-chiru why are you so lame "yeah, but im more beautiful amirite." ".....you're inedible so obviously the cheesecake is prettier than you." he looked at me with a mock look of offense and i giggled at that. "well at least my face doesn't need to be caked with makeup to look good." "jin, why are you so lame." just like me "hey at least i'm still walking." "oh my god." "i mean that's not my name, but god's also a good name for someone as handsome as me." "........i give up." there was a tense moment of pregnant silence that settled between us. suddenly, we both burst out laughing at our ridiculous banter filled with bad puns, courtesy of jin. "let's eat the cheesecake, shall we?"
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