#this version of the character was introduced in 2012
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods (2023) #2
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Throughout the many iterations of TMNT the four Turtles of the Hamato Clan have always been iconic but Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey aren’t the only Turtles of the family & there have been other mutant Turtles throughout the different iterations of TMNT
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Another mutant Turtle is one that has been seen a few times in different TMNT iterations either following a ‘separated at mutation’ plot line or have the mutation happen later in the story
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One of the other mutant Turtles that is quite well known within the TMNT fandom would be Venus De Milo who was the 5th Turtle in the Next Mutation show.
Her background was that she was a 5th Turtle that was mutated with Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey but got swept away in the sewers until she ended up in China Town where she was found by a Shinobi master & taken to be raised in Shanghai, she would later make her way back to New York & join the Turtle’s team.
Venus also makes an appearance as a character in the IDW comics as a former Punk Frog who was made into a Turtle by Dr Barlow using Donnie’s old shell.
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Leo: What are you doing!? That was Venus De Magic the Queen of Quick Change!
There’s a slight possible reference to Venus in Rise with one of Leo’s favourite magicians being called Venus De Magic with Leo cradling the bust of one of his favourite magicians feeling a bit similar to Venus holding the statue head that gave her, her nickname & many people believe that there were plans to include Venus in Rise due to the plot of season 3 being the Turtles finding out they had two missing siblings but due to Rise not getting the season 3 it had expected we never got to find out if Venus really was one of the missing siblings in Rise.
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Closely related to Venus is the mutant Turtle Kirby a 5th Turtle that had been planned to be introduced in the 1990′s film series before the fourth movie was cancelled, named after the comic book artist Jack Kirby, Kirby was meant to be a Turtle from another dimension that would join the Turtles. There was talk of Kirby being the 5th Turtle in the Next Mutation but Saban Entertainment refused to do the series unless the 5th Turtle was a girl leading to Venus being created.
A version of Kirby was designed for the IDW comics where he was meant to be shown as part of the Splinter Clan in Future Lita’s future however though a design was created for Kirby he was not included in the actual comic.
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Funnily enough Kirby the Turtle is not the only TMNT character to be named after Jack Kirby as April’s father in the 2012 series also shares the name Kirby
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Jennika is the 5th Mutant Turtle on the team in the IDW comics, she is a former Foot Clan Ninja who Splinter took under his wing & was mutated into a Turtle when Leo gave her a blood transfusion to save her life.
Before her mutation Jennika had been a friend of the Turtles & the idea of Jennika becoming a mutant Turtle had been tossed around for three years before it was finally finalised.
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Jennika’s mutant form was originally designed by Sophie Campbell & coincidentally bares some resemblance to a fan character that Sophie Campbell designed named Artemisia (most likely named after the Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi), the similarities between Jennika & Artemisia’s designs are said to be a coincidence as it was requested that Jennika’s bandana colour be yellow to match her hair from when she was human.
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Sophie Campbell actually did get to include a canon version of Artemisia in the IDW comics by giving her a cameo in Future Lita’s future as a member of the Splinter Clan in the future.
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Slash is arguably the 5th Turtle that has appeared in the most iterations of TMNT appearing in both the 1987 & 2012 series as well as appearing in both the Archie & IDW comics
In the 1987 series Slash was Bebop’s pet turtle who was mutated by Rocksteady & would later become the Turtle’s enemy, in the 2012 series Slash was Raph’s pet turtle who was mutated accidentally & would act as an enemy to the Turtles before becoming their ally & becoming the leader of the Mutanimals.
In the Archie comics Slash is an alien who was banished from his planet in the IDW comics Slash was mutated by StockGen who ended up following Hob & becoming an ally to the Turtles
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Slash has even made a cameo in Rise appearing in the episode Bad Hair Day with a character meant to look like Mona Lisa.
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Lita is a little girl who was mutated into a Turtle & taken in by Jennika & the other Turtles, she was named after Lita Ford (Jennika’s favourite singer), & she seems to view Jennika & the other Turtles as family as the Future version of Lita referred to Jennika as ‘mom’ & has called Raph, Donnie & Leo ‘Dad’.
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It’s been shown that at some point in the future Lita becomes the apprentice & assistant to a grown up version of Renet
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It appears that the future version of Lita is arguably especially close with Leo due to him being her Sensei
Uno, Yi, Moja & Odyn
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Uno, Yi, Moja & Odyn are Turtles raised by Casey Marie Jones as the second generation of Ninja Turtles in the Last Ronin universe. The Turtles each seem to take after one of the original four Turtle’s with Uno taking after Leo, Yi taking after Donnie, Moja taking after Raph & Odyn taking after Mikey.
Each of the Turtles are named after the number one in different languages.
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deakyjoe · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask a question about the band Ghost please?
I’m (very confused) around the numbered what seems like lead singers? Are they all the same person but different times/phases? Not sure if it makes sense. I find it so interesting when you post about them but I just can’t figure it out!
Oh my god, my time has come… here is a guide to the Papas (lead singers) of Ghost:
So first off let me start by clarifying that the band members of Ghost (Papas as lead singers and Nameless Ghouls as instrumentalists and backing vocalists) are all characters. They’re a group of folks in masks and makeup. There’s a lot of lore and backstory around the band but we won’t touch on that too much here. I’ll just talk about the Papas - the anti-pope leads. (Also the following will contain Rite Here Rite Now/Ghovie spoilers!!)
Ok so the lead singers we’ve had in Ghost so far have been Papa Emeritus I (Primo), Papa Emeritus II (Secondo), Papa Emeritus III (Terzo) and Cardinal Copia who was eventually promoted to being Papa Emeritus IV. These lead singer characters are all half brothers (their father is Papa Nihil who we’ll discuss briefly later) and all pretty much have their own albums (few EPs and live albums in there too but I won’t bore you with those).
All the lead singers of Ghost, all Emeritus brothers, have been played by this guy - Tobias Forge!
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He writes and sings all of the songs, does the majority of studio work too from what I understand. So whilst there have been several “different” lead singers of Ghost due to the role being taken over by new Papas, technically they’re all Tobias in masks.
First Papa we had in the early days (around 2010 - 2012) was Primo (Papa Emeritus I). He’s the hardest to find photos/footage of since it was the beginnings. I always affectionately refer to him as “The Old One” since he was supposed to be about 80. His album was Opus Eponymous.
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Next up we had Secondo (Papa Emeritus II) for a couple years (around 2012 - 2015). His face is the one that makes an appearance on a lot of Ghost merch I find. I think of him as “The Bald One” (lovingly of course). His album was Infestissumam.
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Then we had Terzo (Papa Emeritus III) for a while (around 2015 - 2017) before he was dramatically ripped off stage and (maybe) decapitated. He’s only supposed to be 3 months younger than Secondo. I call him “The Hot One” because he’s fine as hell. His album was Meliora.
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Then there was a dramatic shift in the way things worked. We were out of Emeritus brothers as they kept “retiring” (supposedly according to the lore) but it’s okay because a lovely little Cardinal came along to save the day! Introducing: Cardinal Copia!! To me he’s “Just A Little Guy” which is the most accurate description of him you’ll ever hear I promise you. (Also when Copia took over it was revealed that the previous Papas had been “killed”.) His album was Prequelle.
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Eventually Copia was promoted to being Papa Emeritus IV (it had been pretty heavily implied up until that point that he was also an Emeritus half brother) which meant he could wear the Papa paints now. Also Copia is my personal favourite. Copia got a second album with Impera.
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We had Copia from 2018 - now (he’s just been promoted again to Frater Imperator so will probably no longer be frontman for the band). This means Papa Emeritus V will be introduced at some point (probably Copia’s twin which was a detail revealed in Rite Here Rite Now - the recent Ghost concert movie).
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But going back to Papa Nihil (the father of all the Emeritus brothers). I would like to make it clear that Ghost formed in 2006 and released their first demos in 2010 but according to their lore they go back to at least the 1960s. Which is when Nihil was frontman for the group. Nihil is not played by Tobias Forge, he’s had different actors for both his old and young versions, but his songs are sung by him (e.g. the hit song Mary On A Cross). Nihil has not been lead singer for the band on stage at any point (though he does make appearances and play the sax at some of them). Nihil has an EP called Seven Inches of Satanic Panic (“originally” from 1969 and then “re-released” in 2019) which features Mary On A Cross and Kiss The Go-Goat. (Also has an additional song revealed recently - The Future Is A Foreign Land.)
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So essentially all the Papas are different characters but all played by the same guy. They have different faces (masks) and makeup, different personalities, different mannerisms, and slightly different singing voices (Tobias switches up the way he sings songs slightly between Papas) as well as talking voices. There’s way more to it all (which you can read about on any fan website, or even Wikipedia,) as the lore is pretty extensive for a silly little satanic band. I’d recommend watching The Chapters on YouTube if you’re interested in more. Also Papaganda Parts 1 and 2 which are pretty funny. There’s also a few helpful videos on YouTube that discuss the Ghost timeline in way more depth.
Sorry if this was a little too much rambling but it’s difficult to be concise with Ghost. Hope this all makes sense. Thanks, anon, for the question as I love to talk about anything I’m interested in!!
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Nitro Chiral April Fools’, 2005 - 2021
Nitro Chiral recently announced that they will probably not create any new content for April Fools’ in the future. I remember really looking forward to this every year, so I was a bit sad to hear that...! They mentioned that they might change this decision again some day, so we will just have to wait and see... To remember all of the fun jokes they’ve created throughout the years I wanted to make a fun compilation of all their previous April Fools’ jokes (or at least the ones I remember and took screenshots of). Maybe someone already posted something similar, but I had a lot of fun looking at these old pictures again! 
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2005 Togainu no Chi 'Vischio Jack'. This was just one month after Togainu no Chi was released! Nitro Chiral’s website was filled with Arbitro’s hobbies. He announced that the next game will be called ‘Makeinu no Chi’ which means ‘blood of the losers’... The new main visual also shows all of them bleeding from their noses lol.
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Some interesting new items... the Shiki body pillow?
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2006 A year later Arbitro hijacked the official website once more and comments on each Lamento character. He seems to be a fan of Konoe but the others aren't his type... This blog describes it in greater detail (Japanese only). Second part of the website teases the Togainu no Chi fighting game (咎狗の血 餓狗 Mark of the Dogs). I kind of wish they really made this game because the description of it sounds fun.
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2007 Lamento Love Love Gakuen, which was later made into a real drama CD also started as an April Fools' joke! Asato is Konoe’s childhood friend in this, Rai the student council president and Bardo’s a health education teacher. 
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You can still listen to some of the audio clips from the original page here! The plot doesn’t seem much different than the real drama CD they ended up making later. 
2009 Nitro Chiral mentioned they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ 2008, but they were back in 2009 with..one of the weirder ones. They posted a teaser of their new game, ‘Sweet Potchari’ which literally means ‘sweet chubby’ and as the name suggests, they posted art of all of the sweet pool characters, but this time they’re chubby.
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You could check the profile description of each character and Kunihito’s description mentions that he’s very charming and “both men and women love him” lol. I unfortunately don’t have any high quality versions of these wallpapers anymore. Someone also recorded the voice lines, though listen to it at your own risk.
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2010 This time Nitro Chiral announces a new project called 'YO! Akira'. It’s Togainu no Chi except all of the characters are replaced by mannequins and they’re kinda terrifying. They made videos in which they re-created part of the opening and the game, which someone actually saved and uploaded, so you can still watch it here...! The whole thing is a parody of Japanese sketch comedy series 'Oh! Mikey!!' which focuses on an American family living in Japan, but all the characters are played by mannequins.
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This blog has some more pictures of what the website looked like. The day after this Nitro Chiral made a blog post about maybe spending too much time creating these April Fools’ jokes, but it seems like they had fun! They also had no idea what to do with the mannequins after this.
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2012 I think they skipped 2011 because I cannot find any information about it, so let’s move on to 2012! Arbitro took over the Nitro+Chiral website again and changed it to Bitro+Chiral...
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You could play this short visual novel on the website in which Arbitro introduced his new product line-up. A hataki (feather duster) shaped like Konoe’s tail, a life-sized Akira statue made of chocolate, Onnushi-sama's curry, and blue butter which is supposed to decrease you appetite so you don't have to eat anymore. After looking at these last two pictures I think I don’t feel hungry anymore...
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This is also the year DRAMAtical Murder was released, so they changed the website too! Now it’s DRAMAtical Mother, which is of course referencing the Mother series (Earthbound). You can find some more screenshots and information here.
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Aoba got his own Twitter account too this year, which someone also archived here! The Twitter account actually still exists but I believe they locked it after April Fools’ ended. 
2013 This year they focused on DRAMAtical Murder too! They transformed the website into Junkshop Heibon's webstore (the store Aoba works at in the game). It feels kind of nostalgic... 
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That same year they also released a radio show in which Aoba and Mizuki work for Midorijima Radio Station. They invite Koujaku, Noiz, Clear, and Mink as special guests. This has been uploaded and fan translated, so I definitely recommend checking it out here! They also ended up selling this as a CD later.
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2014 This is one I remember very well because I remember playing the short game they released. It's called ‘Osu-Boys!! ~Ikemen Ryoujoku ☆ Paradise~’ and it's a short visual novel which features the four protagonists, except they're all really clumsy and end up in some really embarrassing situations... I am guessing the artstyle is supposed to be similar to KyoAni’s Free! anime.
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I don’t think I can show the full pictures here because the CGs of this game are quite NSFW, but you can probably still find them somewhere online. Aoba worked at an adult goods shop in this game though, nice new job (?). Unlike the browser games, this one could be downloaded, so some people probably still have it.
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2015 Arbitro once again returns and opens his own 'hentai' museum.... yeah. Someone uploaded the theme song they made for the website, you can find it here. I believe it’s supposed to be a parody of ‘Atami Hihokan’ (an adult museum).
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The website shows a map of the museum and its facilities, some more pictures can be found here. I think the art of the mascots is pretty cute this time...
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You could also play this minigame on the website which also featured the four protagonists. There’s still a video of someone playing through the game, so definitely check it out if you’re interested. The artstyle has a bit of a retro feel.
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2016 This year the website turned into the 'Raira-ryuu honpo' official homepage, an art school that specializes in the traditional art of ...boys love. All of the characters are drawn like famous Ukiyo-e paintings.
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All of the ones above are Tōshūsai Sharaku paintings, so it was pretty easy to find which ones they were referencing!
They also re-drew all of the game covers too and the descriptions of the games were pretty funny. Midorijima was transformed into a big red-light district and the people who lived there were kicked out and are now living in poverty. I hope you’re surviving, Aoba...
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This time there was also a flash game which could be played on the website, a shunga (erotic painting) puzzle. You can find all of these pictures here. Like the previous year they are heavily censored and not really NSFW. 
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2017 This time the April Fools’ joke is a parody of 'The World of GOLDEN EGGS', a Japanese animation series set in an American-style fictional town, except this time it’s called ‘BOYs LOVE Nitro+CHiRAL’. I’m assuming most people who have been in the fandom for some time remember this one. They created a short YouTube video series and it had English subs. You can still find the videos if you look for them on YouTube so please watch them...! It’s all worth it for Konoe singing ‘I’m in Blue’ and the Rhyme fight.
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Youji is always the victim of these awkward conversations... Some more pictures here! You can find the YouTube videos by just searching for the title of the series mentioned above.
2019 After 2017 they stopped updating their website on April Fools’, probably because they were busy working on Slow Damage, but in 2019 they did post some extra illustrations. Not the most happy kind of illustrations, featuring the protagonists and Naito-kun apologizing because they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ that year...
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2021 Unfortunately this is the last one! 2021 is the year Slow Damage was released, so it makes sense the final April Fools' joke focuses on them. It's called 'Warau Euphoria', which means ‘laughing euphoria’. It’s a reference to Japanese series 'The Laughing Salesman', so they're also drawn in a similar artstyle. 
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The website has a warning that you need to be over 35 years old to enter instead of the usual 18+ warning lol. They also got Towa’s voice actor to record a couple of new lines on the webpage, if you click here you can still listen to a recording of it.
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I’m a bit sad they might not do any of this stuff anymore in the future, but I’m also glad many people recorded videos of the old websites and minigames so we can still enjoy them even now. I couldn’t include every single screenshot in this blog post, so I tried my best to link other pages with more information.
I had a lot of fun checking out their website every year and I really appreciate the effort they put into all of this. I might update this blog with some additional info later!
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breadvidence · 11 months
Why is this your favorite Javert adaptation? Guesses:
’25: Your favorite is really the novel, and you feel a large, whiskery, threatening man is a good adaptation of the text.
’34: Your favorite is really the novel and you have a hearty sense of humor, so the emphasis on Javert’s futile side appeals to you.
’35: You don’t know about this ‘Javert’ character—you’re a Laughton fan and watched the film because he’s in it.
’52: You’re an odd bird.
’58: You don’t like too much excitement, so the bland acting and occasional tame punchline really speak to you.
’72: You like your villainy served cold.
’78: Yeah, man, I’m a queer too.
’82: You think that Javert isn’t really a villain, and this version hints at that.
Musical (Mann, Swenson, Mutu): You like feral divas.
Musical (Carpenter): There is a nonzero chance you are intense about Earl Carpenter.
Musical (Quast, Lewis): You like feral gentlemen.
’98: You’re the kind of person who owns Disney villain merch. Alternately, the film introduced you to Les Mis, and this greasy little man left a smear on your heart.
2012: This was your introduction to Les Mis, and you don’t care that soft puppy Javert exists solely within the minds of Hooper, Crowe, and your corner of Valvert fandom.
BBC 2018: You don’t have much critical investment in the original character, but you’re gay and you lived your formative years in the early ’90s.
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indieyuugure · 2 months
Hey Indie!!!! I freaking love your art, I can't wait for the TMS ending aAGHFGNCYH-
But anyway, maybe it's already been asked, when and how did you get into TMNT? Which version did you watch first and which is your favourite?
Also, what pushed you to make comics? I'm really inspired and want to make stories of my own too!
Love your art, make sure to drink plenty of water! And also sleep
lol, I’m so glad you love my comics!
Uh, well I guess that’s a little blurry since I’ve been into TMNT since I was a little kid and my parents introduced me to the 80s show. Though they had kinda introduced it as a show for my little brother and I was kinda embarrassed that I liked it so when my brother lost interest in it (cause he was like 3 and barely understood “television”), I stopped watching it 😅
It wasn’t until about September of 2022 I believe that I found ROTTMNT on YouTube and it stirred up some of those memories from when I was a little kid and gave it a try finding that I was absolutely obsessed and got super into it and the rest of the fandom.
After I watched Rise to death I watched TMNT 2012 and TMNT 2003. I honestly have no clue which is my favorite, I love all of the shows so much and each in unique ways, it’s hard to choose just one!
I chose to make comics because I’ve been making them for a long time! I’ve made Zelda comics, comics for original characters, even a few Sailor Moon comics and so many others, so making comics wasn’t really a new thing, the only difference being that I posted my TMNT comics onto the internet and people really loved the way I made them so I kept at it! ^v^
Haha 🤣 thanks, I’ll be sure to do that 👍
Good questions! :]
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Hey there! I saw that you mentioned writing an analysis on Leon's character, and truthfully i'd personally be really down to read what you have to say about him. There's barely any to go around unfortunately so it's very fun to read what other's take from the games.
Also, the most interesting arc of Leon so far to me has been from 4 remake, would you ever consider doing an analysis on him from that period and how he went through a drastically better development rather than that of OG? (ofc it's just my opinion since i prefer 4 remake version much much more!) either way, would love to see what you got!
Hey anon! I know you sent me this a while ago, and I want to give you a proper answer to this analysis so I will try my best to give you something well thought out because I really loved the direction they took to characterize Leon differently in RE4R. I also apologize if this was long, I tend to ramble lol.
So, we all know that the original RE4 is a cult classic in the horror gaming genre, and rightfully so. Here we see Leon Kennedy as the badass he is, he is capable, witty, and nonetheless different than the rookie we were first introduced to. However, considering the period the game was released in and the intentional perception of Leon Kennedy at that time, Capcom went the route of pleasing the "gaming bro" community to make Leon into something he isn't.
Sure, he's one hell of an agent, he knows what he's doing and quite frankly is probably the only person who is capable of saving Ashley Graham. But in the OG RE4, Capcom does not focus on the trauma that he's carried since RE2, which I also don't blame them for doing. The OG RE4 was released in 2005, of course, they were going to focus on making Leon Kennedy super macho and strong and just overall cool because that is what sells. Not to mention the objectification of Ashley Graham also matches up to the period as well, and that's already a whole other problem with gaming as a whole that is not just reserved to Capcom entirely.
Regardless of that, OG RE4 is still considered one of the best games in the genre. It's timeless, it's fun, and it makes other people appreciate Leon in another light because he is now "cool" enough as an agent that the rest of his experiences don't matter as much.
Now moving on to the RE4 Remake released in 2023, the direction they took in characterizing Leon is more on par with what they've been doing with his character since RE6. One of the biggest gripes I have with Capcom in particular is their lack of character depth when it comes to elaborating on the traumas that each character possesses. They are so busy trying to make these characters killing machines that they leave huge gaps in showcasing their humanity, hence why a lot of the lore involving these characters' pasts is left for consumers to interpret.
In RE6 which came out in 2012, Leon Kennedy often compares the mission in China and what happened at Tall Oaks to Raccoon City, saying how it reminds him of that day before he found himself in this mess fighting bioweapons. The detail might be minuscule, but it gives people the assumption that Raccoon City was in fact traumatizing and left a huge imprint on Leon's character, altering him for the rest of his life. You also see Leon wanting to save as many people as he can with Helena reminding him that they don't have the time or ability to do so. His survivor's guilt and humanity are now considered as parts of his character for probably the first time on screen.
Until then, we didn't really know anything else regarding Leon's experiences until the RE2 Remake came out in 2019, and here the way they characterized Leon changed dramatically. He really is just a guy who came to the wrong place at the wrong time, experiencing horrors unimaginable and miraculously survives with two other people he met less than 24 hours ago. Yeah, I'm sure if you drove into a city and experienced your own personal apocalypse, that is sure to change who you are as a person. Now, the RE2 Remake I think was the first remake that used the new RE Engine seen in RE7 & RE8, and from a gaming perspective, Capcom is now adding the horror aspect back into the RE franchise that was certainly missing.
We don't know what happens to Leon, Claire, and Sherry after the RE2 Remake game ends because they're seen walking into the sunset hand in hand, but the idea is that Claire goes off to look for Chris and leaves Leon and Sherry behind where they are eventually apprehended by the U.S. government. I think it's in Darkside Chronicles where Leon is seen being interrogated by the government and he's blackmailed into military service as a means to protect Sherry because she's infected with the G-Virus.
After that, we know that there are other missions that Leon went on in between that time; Operation Javier being the most prominent one since that happens before RE4 and it's where he's working alongside Krauser. There are of course other animations and movies that are made to show Leon at different points in his life, but we don't know much about Leon and what he's been doing in the new canon timeline until he is re-introduced to us in the RE4 Remake.
At the very start of the game, we get an opening monologue from Leon directly where he mentions that Raccoon City was a day he will never forget, the cop inside him died that day, and shares his frustrations with the government because they left people to die before literally nuking an entire city off the map and not saying anything about it. He also mentions that he was "asked" to join the military and help in this new initiative to destroy BOWs and states that he didn't have much of a choice. Just his training alone was gruesome even if we don't necessarily know what it involved, but it kept his mind off of the trauma and the pain he experienced constantly.
The words that Leon is saying plus the way the camera pans out to show Leon's face for the first time since we've last seen him in a canon game reflects just how much he's been through in that 6/7 year timespan. The details on his facial features are enough to show that he's been through the gutter: he's lost the baby fat in his cheeks (which happens with aging anyway but still), his dark circles are prominent along with his scowl, and he already has wrinkles on his forehead which probably came from stress.
It is very obvious that this is not the same Leon Kennedy that we saw in RE2R and that is done very intentionally. He's an agent now, he has experience under his belt, and just like the OG RE4, he is still badass and capable enough to do this job. The big difference in how Leon is characterized in the remake is his humility is now added as an aspect of who he is.
Despite all of the trauma that Leon has gone through and continues to experience, he still has his humanity attached which is one of the biggest things that make me love his character in particular. He cares, and that's what makes everything hurt for him. In that scene where he finds Ashley in the castle and consoles her, he's telling her the words he wishes someone had told him, reassures her that she is strong and will get through this, and even adds a small smile at the end. Leon isn't this heartless person and his trauma hasn't wiped out any remaining empathy he has left, which the remake captures well.
You also see Leon acting like this when he's next to Luis after Krauser kills him and is still remorseful towards him until death despite knowing that he used to work for Umbrella. And then again after he kills Krauser, someone who trained with him closely and who he thought was dead, he is emotional after using his superior's knife to end his misery despite it being a subtle detail. As you continue to play the game, there these moments in the gameplay where you get bits and pieces of Leon and the kind of person he is, which weren't really there in the original game.
The remake also didn't just highlight Leon's humanity but also changed how the other characters are perceived and added new elements that we could appreciate as consumers. Personally, RE4R is such a phenomenal game because of the changes they made to showcase Leon as a human being who is trapped in the worst possible circumstances one could think of, and it makes me hope that they'll elaborate on his trauma in a RE6 Remake or in other CGI movies.
I also hope that Capcom continues to give their beloved characters more of a spotlight that reflects who they are as people instead of their capacity to be badass agents, but one can only hope, right? I wonder what direction they'll go for the RE5 Remake and how they will change Chris, Sheva, Wesker, and Jill but everything is under speculation so we really won't know until that game drops.
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kai-rio · 3 months
Hi!! Whats your favourite version of TMNT and whose your favourite character from each one you've seen?
hmmm, for my favourite verison it would have to be ROTTMNT (Rise), but I'm biased because that series introduced me to the franchise and I just really like those character versions. my favourites from Rise are Leo and Donnie!
for the other versions, I've seen a bit of 2003, 2012 and barely any of 1987. I watched the movies but I forgot all their names so I won't count them in, but the ones I watched were pretty good - my only nitpick is April always being a damsel in distress.. oh well. for 2012, my favourite is definitely leo, he's so dorky, with mikey as a second favourite. 2003 is definitely mikey, i find him the most entertaining of the four :D
what about you? im curious to hear other people's opinions because i came into the fandom quite late (in like 2022 im pretty sure)
anyways, thanks for asking! have a good day :]
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leopauldelr · 8 months
The beginner's guide to the Pretty Series
With the recent announcement of the new Pretty Series installment titled Himitsu no AiPri, it's about time the Pretty Series returned after over a year since the Waccha PriMagi! series finale. In celebration of the newest installment, let's take a quick history lesson about the Pretty series.
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The Pretty Rhythm Saga (2010-2014) - The Pretty Series saga began on July 15, 2010 with the arcade game titled Pretty Rhythm Mini Skirt. Made by Takara Tomy and developer SynSophia, this arcade game pits players in the role of Prism Stars, performing Prism Jumps, and collecting Prism Stones.
While the one that started it all made a slow start, the folks from Takara Tomy wanted to do more with the Pretty Rhythm saga, and with that, a TV anime titled Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream was made. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 9, 2011, for 51 episodes, this anime is the fruit of Japan-Korea collaboration thanks to Japan's Tatsunoko Production and South Korea's Dong Woo Animation. The TV anime is all about Aira, Rizumu, and Mion in their quest to take on the prestigious Prism Queen Cup.
As Aira Harune's journey to become Prism Queen is completed, Mia Ageha takes the baton as the star of the next Pretty Rhythm story; Dear My Future. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 7, 2012, for 51 episodes, Dear My Future centers on the rivalry between Prizmmy☆ and the K-Pop group PURETTY. Believe it or not, there are real-life versions of the groups as seen in the anime. There's even a live-action segment featuring Prizmmy☆ as well.
As Mia Ageha's road to Grateful Symphonia is well and truly over, Naru Ayase steps to the spotlight in the third and final chapter of the Pretty Rhythm saga, titled Rainbow Live. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 6, 2013, it features an original storyline unlike the previous two. It's about Naru, An, and Ito, who are working together at the Prism Stone Shop while trying to take good care of a mysterious girl named Rinne.
Although the Pretty Rhythm saga ended, the story continues with the KING OF PRISM spinoff films featuring male characters from the Pretty Rhythm saga. They even got a 2019 anime show as well showcasing the rise of the boys who would be Septentrion.
The PriPara saga (2014-2018, 2021~) After the end of the Pretty Rhythm saga,  the folks of Takara Tomy prepped up what it seems to be the second generation of the Pretty series. It's called PriPara and it aired on TV Tokyo in the Summer of 2014 and lasted for three seasons, four if you count Idol Time PriPara of course. This anime series centers on the life and times of Laala Manaka, a little girl who wants to be the best PriPara idol. Together with Mirei Minami and Sophy Hojo, they became SoLaMi Smile and they fought their way against the best idol teams of PriPara, especially Dressing Pafe consisting of Dorothy, Reona, and Sion, Tricolore, and Gaarmageddon, among many others. PriPara is a huge win for the people behind it and such success prompted the show to spawn four movies and outrageous merchandising rights.
In the spring of 2017, the next chapter of PriPara begins with three new main characters penning the final pages of this saga. Titled Idol Time PriPara, it's all about Yui Yumekawa, whose fateful encounter with Laala Manaka changed everything following an accident. With Nino Nijiiro and Michiru Kouda joining alongside, the MY☆DREAM trio made the best closure to this saga.
Although the PriPara TV series is finished, the story continues with Idol Land PriPara. First announced in December 2020, it was originally slated to be released in the spring of 2021 until it became subject to long gestation and delayed launch dates. It was released on August 17, 2023. It is the second official PriPara app game after the defunct PriPuz puzzle app game. This app game also features an original anime series set moments after the events of Idol Time PriPara. It introduces new characters such as Amari Katasumi, Mario, and Pololo, among others.
The Kiratto PriChan years (2018-2021) - Aired in TV Tokyo since April 2018 for three seasons, Kiratto PriChan is set in a world where fame comes from social media just like in the real world. It's about a group of girls who called themselves the Miracle☆Kiratts who are striving to become the best PriChan idols above the rest. For three seasons, we watched Miracle Kiratts taking on big challenges such as heated competition with rival teams such as Meltic StAr and Ring Marry, the jewel idol competition, saving the world, the road to the Queens Grand Prix, and saving the world...again, while they do what they do best; showcasing the world that they're the best PriChan sensations ever known.
PriMagi (2021-2022) - Waccha PriMagi! is the fourth installment of the Pretty Series that revolves around the lives of Primagistas striving to become the best of the best. The show is about Matsuri Hibino, a middle-schooler who dreams of being the best just like her idol, the legendary Jennifer Sumire Sol.
AiPri - After over a year of void, the Pretty Series has returned with the newest installment coming to TV Tokyo this April 2024. Titled Himitsu no AiPri, the new series stars Minori Fujidera as Himari Aozora and Sae Hiratsuka as Mitsuki Hoshikawa. For the first time in Pretty Series, the animation sequences were provided by OLM, the studio behind the Pokemon and Yo-Kai Watch anime series, while South Korea's Dongwoo A&E returned to cooperate for it.
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Welcome back, Pretty Series! The world can't wait for the franchise's comeback show this April.
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percyaugod · 10 months
You know the 2012 team isn't just going to accept whatever just happened. So some alternate Donnie has Mikey's soul or whatever? Okay. They'll just have to go there, find it, and take him back.
Donnie would have no idea what they're talking about apart from some hazy dream he can't recall after spending weeks rebuilding Shelldon. All he knows is they're trying to kidnap his son.
Shelldon is just kind of off to the side not sure what to do. He doesn't want to leave, but he also doesn't want the others hurt for some reason. Everything's so confusing. Can't they just talk about this?
The other rise turtles have to break up the fight because
A. They have no idea what going on and need information
B. It's getting ugly. Donnie bit the other Raph. Donnie don't you dare lock your jaw!
So now they're being kept separated by Rise Raph, but Donnie is holding Shelldon like he has magnets in his hands. The 12 turtles are not happy about this.
Rise turtles hearing about Donnie stealing the other Mikey's soul. Leo was wrong apparently. It's not demon possession, Donnie is the demon. Stop hissing Donnie, you're not helping your case.
Donnie doesn’t care if Shelldon’s soul is their Mikey. He’s his son now and he can’t just let him go with them! He lost Shelldon once and worked too hard to get him back. Including apparently reaching out to an alternate dimension afterlife/purgatory to get his soul back while sleeping. Which left him feeling exhausted for weeks by the way.
Dr. Feelings is going to have a field day with this, Mikey just knows it. Including making sure they all know that what really matters is Shelldon's feelings and what he wants.
They seem nice and all, but Shelldon didn't know them anymore. They're welcome to visit, but he's perfectly happy here. Arrangements can be changed as their situation does.
The only plus side for the 12 turtles is that at least Mikey… Shelldon is happy here and being well taken care of. It sucks and they’re not happy but Dr Feelings is right. This is about Shelldon, not them. It’s really weird to think that he considers another much more chaotic version of Donnie to be his father. 12 Splinter takes a while to get over it.
And Shelldon does care, even if it's not the same. Doesn't mind spending time with them in hopes of helping them feel better. Though Donnie is usually close by or watching through cameras. Doesn't trust them alone with Shelldon for a second.
They can’t help but think of course Shelldon cares. Even with no memories, he’s still their Mikey in a way. Mikey was always the one who showed he cared the most. He cared about his brothers, about strangers, about everyone. It's nice to see that carried in even now.
They try to hug Shelldon. Even with the artificial warmth everything is too smooth with too many angles. It just doesn't feel like Mikey.
Shelldon introduced other Leo to Jupiter Jim because he likes space shows so he might like this one. Leo was too distracted to watch it because no one told Shelldon about Leo liking Space heroes, so how did he know that?
Shelldon does remember some things about before. It feels less like his own memories though, more like watching a movie and connecting with the main character.
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linddzz · 8 months
Dreamling Nonsense Masterpost
Looking for a fic? For a shit post? For a long winded au thread? Playlists? Got it here. Keeping it Dreamling for now until I really have the time to scour through my various fandom posts to collect the Big Hits.
Audacity in Human Form: E. main WIP. A post season 1 "let's see these two figure their shit out" exploration that's best described as two character studies stacked inside of a fanfic shaped coat. My main tagline for it is "it isn't unrequited, Dream just needs therapy." The fic exploring how the two weirdos I have in my head got together.
Fics/Tumblr Ficlets
"Audacity in Human Form" Series
Not exactly a structured chronological series. I have a pretty set version of my Dream and Hob in the canon!universe, so all the fics I write of them are just the same two dolls I'm bumping together in the same sandbox. They can be read in any order or separately, but there are characterization threads and things mentioned that tie them all together. I like to think that put together they can give fun context or more depth to each other :)
I'm less into Big Plots and more into just having fun bumping these dolls together and playing with how they interact!
It's a WIP and I write slow, as my job takes a lot of mental bandwidth.
(Other fics in the same series can be read even while the first isn't done! They don't really spoil much except for the fact that they do end up together. But of course they are.)
In Which Hob, a Shitty Wizard, Meets a Supposed Demon: Gen. Drabble ficlet on Tumblr as I start exploring my Shit-wizard Hob AU. More of a rough draft concept fic
Obviously: E. smut prompt fill one-shot. PWP. Dream is a needy eldritch pissbaby and also violently romantic. Hob scruffs him for some much needed gentle domming.
This Isn't the Trope: Teen. Lots of cussing. Johanna is agressively investigating an immortal man, Hob is looking forward to being dramatically rescued by his hot supernatural boyfriend. No one but Morpheus has a good time.
Audacity in Human Form related posts (esp the ones that broke containment)
"Oysters have nightmares like this"
"Jokes on you, you're into that shit"
Hob: "no. Shut up. I'm talking now."
Characterization Notes aka: I'm gonna start bullying Morpheus
Other mutterings about writing or snippets are under the tags "#my fic" and "#audacity in human form"
AU Cooking:
I'm honestly better at coming up with every single detail for an AU without actually writing the fic, but I like playing in the sandbox and other people seem to have fun with them too :)
Human!AU. There are kinda two versions of this that I'm starting to meld together.
Red Flags AU post: Hob is hired to be the party ruining messy boyfriend, but cannot begin to compete with the insanity that is the Endless family and the Hot Mess Express Morpheus, who hired him. They fall in love instantly. "Why would I fix him??? He's perfect."
Red Flags AU 2: slight deviation from the OG where everything is the same, except Morpheus' messy friend Johanna accidentally introduces them and instantly regrets it. She did not anticipate Hob reacting to Morpheus' red flags like a charging bull.
Assorted Human!Morpheus facts
Shit-wizard Hob AU: where Hob is still immortal, except Death is his Endless buddy. He first meets Morpheus when trying to take up occultism at Fawney Rig (he's bad at it but is gonna stick around now. For reasons.)
Meta-ish Shitposting:
Hob meets Thessaly. Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" starts playing ominously in the distance when she doesn't appreciate how much of a needy clingy freak Morpheus is.
Spotify Playlists:
I process Blorbo feelings with hyper specific playlists. Putting Dreamling and other fandom ones here bc I guess it's about time I share more of them
Audacity in Human Form PL: 1h33m fic specific. Set up to alternate Dream/Hob POV. Blatant "2012 fandom brain" indulgence in here.
Hot Mess Endless Express: 1hr45m the general Dream playlist. Not ship specific, all romantic songs are how I just see him in any relationship. Mostly serious, except when it isn't but especially when it isnt
The Devil of Fawney Rig: the playlist I imagine goes in Dreams head when he's stuck in a fishbowl and horny for revenge. Made with the shit-wizard Hob AU in mind
Newton Goes Kaiju All Over Everybody's Ass: 1hr it really is too bad that there was never a second Pacific Rim movie but wow isn't Dark!Geiszler a great concept? 🙃
EDDIE I MADE A PLAYLIST EDDIE: 44m Venom made a playlist for Eddie, isn't that nice?
Mountain Son: 1h30m Bagginshield Thorin feelings ahoy. Made with Mahrâna in mind.
The Bacchae: 1h. The soundtrack for the dream production of the Bacchae in my head. Meant to follow the progression of the play
The Huntress and the Maenad: 1h30m insane sapphic bitch in the woods solidarity
Mysteries: 7+hours!!!!!! The ongoing playlist for joining the cult of Dionysus and eating a billionaire in the woods
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cnwolf-brainrot · 10 months
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I spent WAY too long on this, but I wanted to try drawing in different TMNT styles so here we are; I took Eight from Fallen Renegades and turned him into a TMNT character from a bunch of different versions!
If anyone wants to use this template I posted it here!
Lore dump beneath the cut!
Usual Appearance/TMNT-ified (my style)
This is Eight's usual appearance throughout Fallen Renegades! He's a young burmese cat who was accidentally given pyrotechnic abilities when he escaped the lab he grew up in. He can't entirely control these abilities, especially near the beginning of the series. He's helped out of the lab by a mutant wolf-bat hybrid, Okami, who then takes him under her wing (literally) and becomes a mother figure to him. His story wouldn't change much when TMNT-ified other than the fact that he would inevitably run into the turtles!
If Eight were in the 1987 show, he would probably be a minor character who causes problems for one episode. He started off as a lab intern who got caught in a laboratory fire and turned into a cat mutant. This version of Eight doesn't have any fire powers, he's just a cat mutant that the turtles have to figure out how to un-mutate or something. He and Okami wouldn't interact in this version, though I'd like to think she'd appear at some point.
Eight would be much more of a reoccurring character in 2003. He started out as an alley cat who happened to stumble across some ooze that the Purple Dragons were stealing for Baxter Stockman. He gets mutated and ends up on Stockman's radar, and much of his time in the series is spent fighting against Stockman -- who is convinced that dissecting Eight would give him clues on how the mutagen works and how to replicate it. He also claims ownership over Eight since he wouldn't have been mutated without Stockman's influence. When he's not running from Stockman, Eight tends to stick around the streets of New York, often fighting Purple Dragons. He meets Casey Jones before he meets any of the turtles and ends up taking after him, often carrying a baseball bat as a weapon. This version of Eight doesn't have any natural fire powers, but he's the biggest arson on this list; he always has some sort of lighter on him, and enjoys lighting stuff on fire just for the fun of it. Both Eight and Okami would be introduced separately in this version and make a few appearances on their own throughout season one before they meet at some point during season two. After they meet Okami ends up taking Eight in, and they appear together from then on.
Honestly I don't have a ton of lore for Bayverse. He and Okami were probably both created by Baxter Stockman the same way that Bebop and Rocksteady were. Okami broke them both out and they somehow got involved with the Turtles. I'm not entirely sure story-wise, but design-wise I thought it would be interesting for this version of Eight to lean into a very different Burmese cat pattern, adding to that more realistic and more different look. That was a lot of fun to mess with!
2012 Eight was mutated by the Kraang in an experiment to add useful secondary mutations to their creations. Okami was another part of this experiment, and she and Eight ended up in neighboring containment cells. Okami's experiments focused more on the physical aspects of mutation while Eight's focused more on the internal, and when his pyrotechnic abilities kicked in it was extremely destructive. Okami was able to use the destruction to break them both out, and they were able to catch a portal to Earth. The two of them spend most of their time in the show in Kraang-related conflicts, often aiding the turtles when needed because Eight made friends with Mikey.
In Rise, Eight starts out as a little alley cat that follows around Okami, who is a world-renowned professional boxer. Okami is a human in this version and sees Eight as more of a pet until they are both bitten by oozequitoes and they become more of a mother-son duo. This version of Eight is a pre-teen who is ready to fight anything that moves. He's feisty, scrappy, and a bit of an annoyance until he starts to mature in season 2. Turns out Okami's actually a distant relative of Splinter's and actually has Hamato blood, and since her DNA was mixed with Eight's when he was mutated he ended up inheriting some of the Hamato ninpo, which grows stronger as he begins to interract with the turtles and other Hamatos. He goes through a stage of hearing the Hamato ghosts -- who are primarily confused and angered by this random, inhuman child tapping into their powers -- and his ninpo ends up taking form in uncontrollable, explosive flames. The turtles help him control it somewhat, but it's still an unstable and artificial form of the Hamato's gift.
Rise Movie (the future version that's not super clear on the template)
Okami is killed in the Krang takeover, and with her last breath she transfers her remaining ninpo over to Eight. This along with the pure necessity of their apocalyptic world help Eight to finally get his abilities under control, and he becomes one of the most powerful mystic warriors in the world -- behind Mikey, of course. He works alongside the turtles to fight with the Resistance. His name "Eight" comes from the legend that cats have nine lives, and after a close call during the initial takeover his friends jokingly start to call him Seven. He has another near-death moment a year or two later, and they go down to Six. This happens a few more times throughout the years, and by the time they get to Four everyone collectively decides to keep it there. The joke has started to get a little bit too close to reality, and no one likes the idea of counting down till a friend's death; he's called Four until he gives his life protecting the Resistance.
Mutant Mayhem
TCRI began working to recreate Stockman's mutagen as soon as they raided his lab. A few of their test subjects included a certain burmese kitten and wolf, which they deemed to be failures. However the tests they ran on Eight ended up sparking other abilities in him -- literally. It was in the midst of the lab fire that Eight sparked that more of TCRI's mutagen prototypes were spilt, and the heat of Eight's flames made them a bit more effective. Okami grabbed him and dragged him out of the lab, and in the process both animals got a second dousing of mutagen that was much more effective than the first. Okami ended up raising Eight and took on a very similar mindset to both Splinter and Superfly; everyone is evil, stay safe and hidden. Eight grew up with a very protective mother figure and some very dangerous powers, but he's still a spunky little guy who is really just excited to have some people to actually talk to when he meets the turtles.
This was so fun to make and I am HIGHLY considering drawing it out with Okami (especially since Okami WAS a TMNT character before Fallen Renegades became a thing) but this also took me like two weeks to draw so lol we'll see.
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I CAME BACK FROM THE MOVIE LIKE AN HOUR OR SO AGO- AND HOLLY CRAP- Here is some stuff I will say and I'll give my review at the end.
I love how to movie doesn't waste time and immediately jumps straight into action and also the backstory of it's soon to be main villain.
The designs are really nice I like them a lot. They are nice to look at. Maybe for some it might take a while to get used to but their decent at best.
I enjoy that right when we are introduced to the turtles they don't waste time showing their personalities.
This movie's angst inspiration definetelly came from the fandom lmao
like bro they just threw a bunch of angst in there.
Speaking of angst, I like how they immediately establish how much the turtles genuinely wanna be accepted into humanity and how they don't hold back on making sad scenes.
I don't mind Leo's crush. It's cute and I like how it's depicted. It's not that focused on which I don't really mind. I don't know where I sit with MM Aprilnardo, I'll wait until the series drops or we get a sequel and see what happens. If nothing happens between the two then I guess I won't be too hard into it. Unless maybe we see April and Leo both sharing feelings or something. Though if April politely rejects him I'll leave it at that. Again I still don't know where to sit with this ship.
Splinter is cool and funny. Also- we don't talk about that scene with him and scumbug-
The backstory for the characters is sad and I like how you can genuinely sympathize with them and it's not forced or anything.
I-I-I-I-I-I had to look away at the Puke scenes and the make out scene- Yeah I did get second hand embarrassment with this movie-
I enjoy how cringey it is- Like I get second hand embarrassment and yet it's funny to me-
MondoMikey shippers DNI. They are cousins in Mutant Mayhem.
I love how the movie's style is that of 87 and take more inspiration from the 87 version though to me the personalities for the characters were a mixture of rise and 2012 with some inclusion of 87 as well.
I actually watched this movie in my language not the english one. Sadly I didn't record any of the scenes so I can't show it to ya'll. :( Mainly cause I assumed it wasn't allowed to be recorded.
Shocked I didn't cry at certain scenes-
I enjoy that each character shines in his own way and all of them manage to do so.
Don't lay a finger on Leo... I will bite your legs off...
Sadly me and my papa didn't stay until the cliffhanger but I watched it on YouTube though.
The animation kind of seems messy but I do feel like it's something a little kid would design and considering this is a kids movie and all it's understandable. Though it gives us a lot of funny expressions xp
Story is unique, fight scenes really fun and amazing, the ending felt deserved and overall I enjoyed it.
Now, I know Superfly is a villain and all but if I'm gonna be honest- He didn't deserve death. I wish he got a redemption arc. He's just a broken villain who I ended up sympathizing and understanding. Yeah he wasn't doing the right thing but can you blame him?
Off topic but what gender is Leatherhead-? I kind of got confused ngl lmao
So in my opinion, it's either 8.5 or a 9/10. Mainly because there are some cringey scenes that I did cringe at and ngl I feel like certain scenes's pace was kind of a bit too fast. I don't know really-
BONUS: My papa's thoughts on the movie:
Found it cringe and stupid
He prefers the old TMNT
Prefers it when they stick to the shadows rather then go to high school
He thought Splinter was stupid and how he said the old one was a 'badass mothefucka'. His words not mine.
He prefers when Leo is really serious and calm, Raph a hot head and constantly wanting to smash things, Donnie being calm and smart and Mikey- Mikey he didn't mind since he said he is always stupid and a dumbass- (not really his words but close enough-)
He found the story not to be that really consistent and also the animation to him wasn't fluid. He didn't think it was the best or that good.
The story is interesting to him and unique and all though.
Don't hate my papa pretty please-
He pretty much grew on the 87 and OG comics. He kind of also probably had to deal with watching with me and my bro the TMNTs we grew up with. If anyone's curious, my bro grew up on the 2003 and kind of also 2012 since we both binged watched it a lot every time we came back home from school meanwhile I grew up on the 2012 but also in a way with 2003. Mainly since I have a few memories of seeing some episodes of it so I know some stuff.
Anyway- his score is a 6/10 for the movie and he says that is a VERY generous score.
Extra add in:
I realized my outfit looked similar to April's- Just- it had different colors and- I'm white as fu- Loved April a lot in this movie by the way.
I watched it with 3D glasses.
They were also selling masks of the TMNT. I only saw Raph, Mikey and Donnie but not Leo. I didn't buy one by the way-
I annoyed my dad with how much I was jumping and kicking my feet around.
And yeah that's all-
Loved the movie, I enjoyed it, I hope ya'll have enjoyed it as well and yeah!
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
rank the canon love interests for each turtle, gO (i can't remember if you have already lol)
*cracks knuckles* It’s time for a lightening round of ship ranking!
Disclaimer: I’m rating these girls based on their romantic relationships with the Turtle that crushed on them/had a relationship with. This is NOT a ranking of their individual characters.
Unnamed Women/Yumi’s Mother (Mirage)
She was just a figment of Leo’s imagination so does she even count?
They have a daughter together which is nice, but also HOW DID THAT WORK??
Raven Shadowheart (Mirage)
Seems like a good ship
F in the chat for Leo, even when he has a GOOD relationship it can’t last long.
Lotus Blossom (1987)
The overall BEST Leo love interest.
The fact she gave him a flower to remember her by <3
Lotus deserves to make a comeback!
Can’t believe Nickelodeon chose INCEST over her!!
Karai (2012)
Koya (IDW)
I can definitely see the appeal and aesthetically they look good together but the CONTEXT of their relationship is BAD.
Lita confirms they get together in the future, but WHY?? They have no romantic chemistry or hints that they like each other romantically. Maybe SHOW us instead of TELLING us!!
Toxic 95% of the time
April (Mutant Mayhem)
I usually heavily dislike April x Turtle ships, but I can’t deny that they were cute.
Leo’s moment of falling for her was actually kinda cute and funny.
His crush on her is not shoved down our throats like OTHER April x Turtle ships *cough* 2012 Apritello *cough*
I like that they went  to prom together <3
But again, I don’t think April should be shipped with any of the Turtles and I don’t see this ship lasting in the long term…
Seems like it’s a one sided crush like Dipper and Wendy from Gravity Falls, so I’m not convinced this will last in the upcoming show/sequel
Ninjara (Archie Comics)
They’re cute but it’s not a really interesting ship
It looks too much like a cheap OC x Canon pairing
Mezcaal (Archie Comics)
The first and only time one of our Turtles boys have been married, congrats Raph!
A badass married couple
I hope her and Raph are forever happy together running that bar
Mona Lisa (1987)
Her kissing Raph then calling him “doll” is so cute!
She IS the ideal Raphael love interest. Her and this ship truly left a major impact on the fandom.
She is the go to Raph love interest people think of in any iteration (2003, Rise & MM fans all wanted and made their own version of her in the show)
Joi (2003)
Idk if she counts but I added her cause some people shipped them
She is Raph’s only human "love interest" and it doesn’t feel right to me. 
Out of all the Turtles, Raph being with a human feels weird, the other Turtles I’m fine with being with humans. Raph has always been known to date non human characters so this ship doesn’t look/sit right to me, and doesn’t feel like a relationship that would go anywhere.
Alopex (IDW)
I just don’t like it
I guess it’s because I was introduced to Alopex in the 2012 series where in that she’s a 30 year old woman and Raph is a teenager, so this relationship feels weird to me.
Kinda toxic at times tbh but still cute when they need to be (which is rare)
She’s 17 and Raph is 20… But that was apparently “retconned” so Idk what to think
Y’gythgba/Mona Lisa (2012)
The ONLY GOOD and HEALTHY relationship in the show!
“What a woman…” ICONIC!!
Raph was loyal and Mona was devoted to him!
He falls for her because she punched him in the face. That is both hilarious and very in character for Raph XD
She’s as much in love with him as he is with her!
Badass warrior power couple!
Short King x Girlboss
Jhanna (2003)
Another “Meh” ship to me.
Similar to Joi, does she even count?? Apparently she does to some people and its a ship for 03 fans.
Fan versions of her and this ship from different interactions (1987 & Rise) are more interesting than the actual canon version of them in 03 tbh
I guess I’m just not convinced of this ship and I don’t like how they look together. It’s hard to explain.
April (2012)
Could’ve worked with a cute “friends to lovers” story but the writers ruined it.
Kinda cute in season 1, got worse after that. Season 5 was them at their best but that’s only because it wasn’t shoved down our throats by that point.
The love triangle brought out the worst in them (and Casey).
I like them better as best friends.
Hottake: Donnie was more of the problem than April.
Like I said in Leo’s ranking, April should NOT be a love interest for any of the Turtles.
Big Foot (2012)
Why did this happen??
Batgirl (Batman Crossover Comic)
Got a thing for redheads, huh Don?
Not a huge fan of big crossover shipping like this, but his crush on her was cute so I’ll admit that. 
It was sweet she gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. So good for you Don!
Mona Lisa (IDW)
Obviously not my cup of tea.
The Nerd x Nerd trope… wow, so original…
She’s a bitch to him at times and invalidates his trauma. 
I really thought her and Jennika were gonna be a thing (which I would’ve preferred more tbh), so her with Donnie as a massive disappointing surprise and feels so forced.
Princess Seri (Mirage)
Tragic. She betrayed him. That bitch.
Kala (1987)
Two party loving teens who just wanna skate and have fun!
They keep pictures of each other as mementoes. THAT’S ADORABLE!!
Much like Leo x Lotus, we need this ship to make a comeback.
Buffy (1987)
Sara Hill (Image Comics)
I’m a sucker for the Turtles dating alien lizard woman.
I like the “friends with benefits” relationship they have. Feels like a Mikey thing he would do regarding his love life. 
I love how they bonded over their love of cartoons. Very cute.
She left him for another man though… WTF SARA?!?! YOU BROKE MIKEY’S AND MORE IMPORTANTLY MY HEART!!
Mitsu (TMNT III)
Bland and boring (Just like the movie!)
Princess Trib (IDW)
Cute, but in the end I prefer him with Kala.
They are the only good Turtle ship (not counting Jennika and her girlfriend Sheena). But that ain’t saying much from me cause they’re still bland at times with little to go with.
How are they one of the better ships in IDW yet they are the most bland and uninteresting couple??
Renet (2012)
Very adorable!!
Works well romantically and platonically.
They’re both goofballs who are misunderstood by their peers.
Would be a 10 but Mikey was unfaithful...
Renet confirms they have some kind of future together.
I personally can’t see them staying together in the future, maybe having a friends with benefits relationship like him and Sara.
Shinigami (2012)
I like their dynamic, but not as a romantic one.
“Someone will die…” “OF FUN!” vibes.
Shini is obviously a lesbian and is dating Karai so…
Headcanon: They have playdates with their cats.
April (Bayverse)
The one Mikey crush that literally gives me the ick. I don’t like it.
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
2003 O’Neil Tech Team
April, the big boss
Donny, also technically the big boss but used to operating from the shadows and prefers to be just be called ‘engineer’ (good luck with that DonDon)
Casey: building maintenance (he has so many sets of keys, some of which may or may not open wormholes directly to other planets or cause time to freeze if used in the right sequence)
Leatherhead: more of a theorist than an engineer. Initially he’s helping where he can with the science, but ultimately the role he will thrive in is office doctor. He knows how to phrase “go take a nap” scientifically enough to get through to April and Don when they’re in the zone.
Fugitoid: he’s the marketing team. Mostly he markets in space, but he also helps run their website to draw earth clients in. He travels a ton. When he is in the office it’s because he’s helping build or maintain transportation (whether it’s a spaceship or a handheld teleporter).
the rest are my 2003 versions of characters from other tmnts. In order of hire:
Irma Langinstein (1987): April’s friend from her college days, business major who ended up doing secretarial work at a big law firm (which she hates). She is the first outside hire; April realizes they badly need help (she’s ending up doing a lot of the administrative work, Donny and Casey are both hard workers but neither one is organized or fiscally responsible), and doesn’t want Don to have to hide from his own employees, so she scours her family albums and yearbooks to make a list of people she might trust enough to tell about the turtles. She ends up contacting Irma, inviting her to lunch to talk about a job opportunity and bringing all four turtles along. They all half-expect Irma to scream and run, which it seems like she’s going to, but April made the food she likes and nothing keeps her from food. So she gets to know them over lunch and ends up fitting in great. Being sworn to secrecy is hard for her, but it helps that she can talk to April.
Harold Lilja (IDW): a physicist who was fired from the university he works at and decided to go into early retirement. He’s spending all his time in his basement designing impractical but extremely cool tech and on online chatrooms when Donny contacts him about some of his published papers. He’s extremely condescending and very difficult to get useful information from. Don contacts the university, but it becomes apparent that nobody there actually understands Lilja’s theories, and all he’s really able to learn is that the guy’s extremely unpleasant to work with. So naturally, he goes to his house. Irma is furious about having to help with this assignment (refuses to be left behind because Donny is clearly being too nice). Lilja turns out to be much nicer in person (is this because of Irma’s glare and Donny’s impossible-to-be-mad-at voice? hard to say), though still not very good at explaining his ideas. Donny hires him to get around the problem.
Oyuki Mashimi (archie): meets Leo and Mikey through the dojo they run. She introduces Mikey to the world of social media and he introduces her to April. She joins the marketing team, filling that earth gap that Fugitoid can’t. Being just two years younger than Donny makes her the youngest employee. Her and Irma work together a lot and are instant besties
Timothy Pulitzer (2012): he just walks in one day and applies at the front desk. He’s been working a cubicle job at a tech company for a decade, and noticing recently the things O’Neil Tech has been doing, and wondered if that would be a better fit and also better for his health. At first he annoys almost everyone because his enthusiasm seems too much to be sincere, but after a while it becomes apparent that he really is just that way. He adores Donny, which people tend to see as just sucking up to his team lead, but actually it’s because he’s never had a boss talk nicely to him before. Also once he catches him doing a cool flip in through the window, he becomes obsessed with ninjas, and always calls Splinter Mr. Ninja Rat and the other turtles Mr. (Name) Ninja Turtle. He also has a crush on Irma, but I haven’t decided if or how that goes forward.
Libby Meitner (IDW): not Harold’s partner in this, maybe in the future idk. But he is the one who contacts her because she has relevant expertise, I think probably specifically about supply chain things? She’s a chemist. She’s going to be filling Leatherhead’s role in that way so he’s able to focus more on being the office doctor. Personality wise she’s fairly aloof, keeps personal and work life very separate, really chill about mutants because why would it be any of her business anyway type of person. Do not play Poker with her.
Kala: An engineer! Very creative thinker, has experience with tech from all over the galaxy. Passionate about marketing as well. uhhh I wrote the blurb today about them meeting her. She and the other Neutrinos are shapeshifters, learning new things is their whole purpose of living. She loves to party and build superconductors. Energy sources will definitely be her expertise. She’s the one who starts calling Donny Boss and it catches on in spite of his protests (once she says it in front of Timothy it’s game over). She’s secretly April’s favorite.
Zak: cars. just. cars. Also has no business being as charismatic as he is, this little neutrino mechanic can talk his way out of anything. Him and Harold working together can either solve whatever problem has been stumping the team and create a new system of government while they’re at it, or burn the place down. It depends on their moods and the weather. Also at some point he will take Timothy under his wing to try to build up his confidence and people skills, and accidentally learn from him instead about being utterly sincere at all times no matter the stakes.
Dask: no interest in science whatsoever but he is a very effective administrator. He takes an interest in LH’s work specifically, the two of them are now the HR department. Figuring our human bureaucracy and how to make it work for their employees well-being is like a fun little puzzle to him. They’ll come up against a wall and Leatherhead’s like I cannot get Libby on the insurance :( And Dask rubs his hands together like he’s just been given a delicious treat. Also he’s able to get Leatherhead access to detailed medical notes about all different kinds of aliens.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
you said a while back that the boys are going to get love interests would you reveal who by chance?
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@idevourthings Just a disclaimer but romance will not be huge in the main comic until all the boys are reunited and the darker tone and Leo’s second rescue from the Shredder gets fully resolved. Once that happens I think we’ll move into something that’s closer to the show/movie tone and it’ll be more one shot plots and episodes taken and tweaked.
Tiny spoilers below I guess? Lol.
SO characters like Usagi (Leo), Cass (April), and Mona (Raph) will be introduced for moving the plots and character developments first and foremost and then relationships will be expanded on and developed in shorts and sketches. I’m sorta doing it this way so that I can sprinkle in these cuter moments NOW without spoiling too much of the main plot, and ya’ll can still get some fluff without waiting forever for their introductions lol.
I’ve already revealed Leo crushing hard on Usagi, but Usagi will first be introduced in conflict with Leo, because of Leo’s association with the foot clan and Usagi thinks he’s is still working with them and blames him for 🤐. Usagi’s going to know Mikey from the Battle Nexus, and is probably gonna have the most plot heavy introduction.
April and Cassandra are gonna have some cute moments and a little side adventure once all the boys’ interludes are done. It’ll delve deeper into the time between Cass first running into April, Raph, and Mikey and her decision to leave the foot clan.
The fam will run into Mona once the sorta darker, main plot resolves and the comic takes on more of a fun-show vibe (I’m hoping and praying we’ll get to that point lol 😅) but Raph will be pretty smitten from the get go lol.
I’ve got Mona’s backstory and her introduction set up I’m just flipping back and forth on her design. I love her being taller than Raph in the 2012 version, but also since Raph is so huge in Rise, the idea of him having a teeny tiny girlfriend is hard to pass up lol! So we’ll see.
And that’s the skinny on love interests!
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@organisedchaosstuff I’ve answered this here but I can expand a little more!
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So that’s how they are before Cass saves him, but after Leo joins the family he’s a little conflicted on how to feel about Cassandra.
Immediately, he’s furious at her treachery and that she took him from Master Shredder against his will (boy that Stockholm syndrome hits hard). After he works though that, he’s so grateful to her and they get along pretty well, but she can kind of tire him out with her go hard at all times personality. He does get a lot of amusement out of teasing April about her crush on Cass, just as April teases him for his on Usagi.
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