#this was a joke post but glad to see people will go back a week to find it and get mad over it. Normal
morimementa · 9 hours
A self indulgent whump post:
Ok, so there's some sort of illness sweeping the base. It's not overly dangerous but it will knock a grown man out for at least a week.
This becomes a problem because it leaves the 141 scrambling to keep everything together while people are dropping left and right.
And then one day Ghost comes to breakfast and realizes Soap isn't in the mess hall.
He finds him passed out in the hallway halfway to Ghost's quarters, wrapped in a sheet.
If it wasn't so nerve wracking, it'd be cute how Soap instinctively went to where he assumed Ghost would be when he started feeling bad.
Ghost informs Price and Price says that might be a problem, considering Medical is overflowing and Ghost is like, "Who said anything about Medical? I'm going to look after him."
Price is up to his ears in trouble at this point so he's like. "Sure. Why not. You've already got a bloody mask on."
Ghost ends up carrying Soap back to his room.
Soap is awake by this point but not really lucid so he is Very Confused.
He still lets Ghost sit him in his lap and give him water though.
As Ghost is tucking him into bed and preparing a compress and some aspirin Soap apologizes for getting sick.
Ghost jokes that he can buy him a round to lighten the tension, whereupon Soap pukes in the nearest trashcan.
They decide not to talk about food after that.
The fever gives Soap the strangest nightmares ever so Ghost makes sure to wake him up when the whimpering starts. Halfway through he realizes Soap sleeps better if he's being held.
(He is not at all glad that he can cuddle Soap, why do you ask?)
I'm pretty sure there aren't any baths on a military base, just showers, so imagine how awkward that is. Ghost tries the lukewarm shower trick to alleviate Soap's fever and a recruit walks in while he's holding Soap in his arms and standing under the spray, mask still on.
(The recruit leaves. He saw nothing, he doesn't know what you're talking about. )
Keeping Soap hydrated is a challenge because vomiting. Many Saltines later, he's able to keep more water down and Ghost finds himself thanking a God he doesn't believe in. He knew what he signed up for, but seeing Soap that miserable was agonizing. He was ready to break into medical to see about spare medicine.
Eventually Soap's fever drops to a manageable level, but the nightmares persist. He admits that he's been having them a lot lately, mostly about Hassan trying to drop him out of a window. Ghost is more than happy to keep the cuddling up because it also makes his nightmares more manageable.
Once Soap's recovered, they silently decide to sleep together more often.
(Just sleep.)
(For now, at least.)
Ghost manages to avoid getting sick and the moral is that cuddles solve everything and masks are vital when dealing with contagious diseases.
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greelin · 10 months
if you ever need proof that people on twitter are some of the stupidest guys alive on average:
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satoruhour · 8 months
omg I’d love to hear more about baby fever + gojo 🥹 just watching him match a babies babbles like he can actually understand them is killing me!!
a/n: omg stop anon this is so CUTE?? and ik i posted like three things today but posts will be slower this week since i still have work to do technically even if i have a school break ! / one sex joke lol
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gojo always had a knack for caregiving — whether it was defending yuta against the higher-ups and advocating for yuji’s life (even if it had to be delayed) and making sure that one kid had gotten home safely after getting trapped in an abandoned home. but you realised you’ve never really seen your boyfriend around babies. it wasn’t a good idea in the first place, to mix babies and sorcerers — part of why nanami had waited so long before starting a family with his partner, or how utahime turned in her resignation for good after getting pregnant.
but now that you’re past terrible things in the world like sukuna and kenjaku and you both have properly buried your best friend’s body, you’re looking ahead to better things. you’re not too keen on kids, but you do sometimes spiral into what your kid with satoru would look like, probably taking the bulk of his features while some of yours are fighting to take first place. that sentiment is changed more and more when you see how gojo interacts with kids.
it’s when nanami first invites everyone to their (long overdue) baby shower, only wanting to introduce his partner and kid only a year after they’ve been safe. nanami is the happiest he’s ever been but so is gojo, dancing so foolishly in front of the kid to get her to like him that all she does is scrunch her face and hide back in her mother’s neck (“yeah, that’s nanami’s kid alright.”). soon, she’s let go to interact with the students, playing around with megumi’s dogs, running around the house from yuji and inumaki, doing silly battle poses with the girls. her laughter is like beauty to all the grown-ups in the room, something meant to be protected and cherished.
gojo tries to win her back, sitting on the floor so his height wouldn’t be too imposing and she almost runs into him. his infinity stops her and her head cocks to the side in confusion — she continues to run into gojo’s shield again and again, giggles at being constantly pushed back with a silly sound gojo makes with his mouth; it convinces her enough that she’s running into a bubble of some jelly. 
it’s some time later where you’re mingling with nanami’s partner, talking to shoko and utahime while your boyfriend chats with nanami (weirdly normal, you note) about everything. but you’re broken out of conversation when you hear gojo quietly squeal to his junior who only sighs. it’s all a facade; you know he’s actually glad his daughter succumbs to gojo’s charms soon enough, letting him carry the small toddler who’s already oh so tired from the day. she melts into satoru’s arms, mumbling something incoherent that he replies just as incoherently and bounces.
satoru strokes her hair, speaking in a hushed tone now, something that rarely happens in your home and it convinces nanami just a little to make him her godfather. he’s still considering it.
the next time it happens is when he meets utahime’s baby boy for the first time, coming over to provide some gifts and to just see your old friends. it’s a little hilarious how the first two people to have children are the people who are not particularly fond of gojo but both nanami and utahime are surprisingly tame when it comes to the strongest handling their kid. she’s giving him her baby carefully with a clear threat behind her eyes but he knows not to fuck anything up. the baby is clueless enough to not know who he was even being handed to, babbling mindlessly while drool leaves his mouth.
“babba boo-boo,” it’s gibberish, but satoru matches it perfectly, making stupid sounds back at the baby that you can’t help but grin. “wahbaba boo!” gojo continues to coo and mumble insults with a pointed finger to hime, “your mom is too uptight, can you tell her to calm down a little?” which gets a little hey! from the retired sorcerer and the baby attempts to copy his pointing. “mambama!” utahime’s and her partner’s soft gasp is all you need to know that they haven’t heard their baby call any of them, yet.
the baby continues his babbles and blows a raspberry, face lighting up at the bubbles he manages to make with saliva and gojo just has to laugh at how easily entertained children are. you’re stood there, heart melting with the gentleness in which he treats kids, because once the little one is handed back to utahime and you’re saying your goodbyes, you can’t even look at your lover without feeling lightheaded.
“you’re good with kids, y’know.” you’re saying as you remove your coat while satoru toes off his shoes in your home, your shared space. it feels unreal.
gojo pfts, “of course, baby!” he does a cute pose with thumb pointing toward him, “i’m just that good at everything.”
you laugh, “’course you are…” pulling him down, you have to kiss him or else you’d be overflowing with all the love you have for him and it’ll spill everywhere. gojo eases you into the kiss, humming and sighing in contentment.
“i’m just wondering…” you mumble, a little nervous. you’ve never thought of kids that much even but you think it might be due time even if you didn’t have a ring on your finger. “if you ever thought of having a kid with me?”
satoru’s face softens and you can hear his smile, “of course i do, princess. every time.” his voice is soft when he says it and the way it flips your heart makes you dizzy. “but only when you’re ready. and only when i’ve put a big fat rock on your fourth, although if you’re interested in a shotgun…”
you have to shoot him the finger before you’re nodding to yourself just to remind that everything depends on you. even if it takes 5, 10 years, or even if you didn’t want any children at all, gojo is enamoured with you too much to let it be a dealbreaker.
“i want it… soon.” gojo laughs softly at that, taking you into his arms right at your doorstep and kisses you deeply once again. you brace yourself against his toned chest, clutching at his coat with tippy toes. in classic gojo satoru fashion, he has to pull away to make a dirty joke.
“i’m surprised that you aren’t knocked up already with how much i c—”
“gojo satoru. if you finish that sentence—!”
“—um in you…”
you pull a face, resorting to smacking him on the arm and he surrenders with loud laughter and an apology filled with pecks and kisses. standing at the doorway, you’d never think it would happen so soon.
two months later, satoru is getting down on one knee and asking you to marry him.
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elllisaaa · 1 month
Hiiiiiiiiiii!! I love your work, and I get so excited whenever i see one of your posts pop up 💗💗
Idk if you'll be able to do anything with this, but this was just a random thought I had after a very real experience at the gym but
What about reader getting intimidated by a member bc of their muscles/height? Like maybe they're friends or in a relationship, and it's just like a cute sweet little moment (i can see this with anyone in svt tbh, but obv gym line would be best)
It's okay if you don't wanna do this! I just thought I'd throw it out there lol
Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night!!!!! 💖
you're so cute anonie !! thank you so much for reading my works, and i'm so glad to bring you joy with my silly posts ! but i totally get what you're saying, whenever i go to the gym without my friends, i'm so intimidated by the big guys so i get you ! plus i looove it whenever someone comes in my inbox to let out some random thoughts like that, keep doing that please !!
and to this screams MINGYU, who is so tall and big, but sometimes forgets how impressive it can be for other people. he sees you struggling to reach the bar of one of the machines because you're too short, and he runs to you to help you pull it down. you shyly thank him, and he goes back to his workout, but he cannot help stealing glances at you whenever you're at the gym at the same time as him. and sometimes, he catches you also looking at him but you always turn your eyes away and he doesn't understand why.
but mingyu doesn't want to annoy you during your workout, so he doesn't say anything. except that one day he sees you preparing to squat and he comes by quickly and asks you if you need someone to spot you. he's so cute with his cheeks all red that you cannot say no.
from this moment on, the two of you keep talking and you become his gym crush immediately. he already thought that you were insanely pretty, but now he's also aware that you're the sweetest human on earth and he's smitten by you. some weeks after you grew closer and started to workout together, he will start to wonder why you didn't approach him sooner.
"do i look like a bad guy ?" you giggled at his little joke, shaking your head. "not, that's not it. but you're… well, you're quite impressive." mingyu seemed so surprised you couldn't help but laugh again at how dumbfounded he was. "impressive ? me ?" - "don't play dumb gyu, you're so tall and big, it's a little intimidating at first."
mingyu tries to process the information for a moment, as he didn't think he could've impressed you just because of his size. but for some reasons, it fuels his ego and it feels good to know that he must also look dependable because he wants you to ask for his help everytime you need it.
"do you still find me impressive ?" he questioned, honestly curious about your answer, but he also had other thoughts in mind. "physically ? yes, don't think i didn't count how much you can bench press. but i also know that you're very sweet, and cute, and you take good care of me, so how could i be intimidated ?"
a soft smile takes over mingyu's face as he leans in, getting closer to you until your lips are only inches away. "does this intimidate you ?" - "no… not at all." this time, you take it upon yourself to make a move and kiss him softly. you can feel his lips stretching in a big, gummy smile against yours. and you can't help the giggle you let out when he looks you in the eyes, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes letting you know everything you needed to.
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vroomvro0mferrari · 3 months
LN4 | First Date
Summary: You're at the club with your friends when you spot the prettiest man you've ever seen. When he notices you and asks you out on a date, it's no surprise you say yes – even though your nerves almost get the better of you.
Lando Norris x female!Reader
WC: 2.0K
Warnings: None, I think.
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She left her building with her arms full, struggling not to drop her handbag, shoes, or present for her date. It was especially difficult with her hands slightly shaking from the nerves. She was about to go on her first date. Well, not her first date, but her first date with Lando.
She had met him around a week ago when she was clubbing with her friends in the heart of London. She was having fun with her friends, dancing freely to the pulsing music in the crowded club when she saw him. He was the prettiest man she’d ever laid eyes on, with his bright eyes, fluffy, curly hair and gorgeous laugh, head thrown back at a joke one of his friends made. She couldn't help but stare at him, until he caught her looking, that is. As soon as he felt her eyes on him, he shifted his gaze towards her. And the moment they made eye contact, she quickly turned her head away and looked back at her friends, blushing like crazy.
“Who are you looking at?” Her best friend shouted at her, trying to reach her over the loud volume of the music. Unfortunately for [Y/N], she had spotted her staring and immediately questioned her. She moved her head next to [Y/N]’s, trying to align her view with her friend to spot the man who had her entranced. “Stop doing that! You’re making it way too obvious!” [Y/N] hissed at her friend, pushing her face away.
“Ooh, he’s cute!” She said, giggling. “You should ask him out!”
[Y/N] had rolled her eyes at her friend, as if she would ever do that. She was way too shy for that. The fact the man had already spotted her staring was enough to make her blush, let alone asking him out.
As the night carried on, she kept him in her sights, looking over every few minutes to see if he was still there. Every so often he would catch her looking, making her blush and look away. But he couldn’t see that in the dark night club, could he?
He could. Lando had noticed her looking the first time but dismissed it. There were a lot of people there tonight, and she was probably just a fan. But when she kept looking over every few minutes and hadn’t pulled out her phone to take a picture or to post about his presence in the club somewhere online, and hadn't come over to ask for a picture, he doubted if she really recognised him after all.
She was very pretty, her outfit, hair, and make-up only adding to her allure. She didn’t seem like the type of girl to go out very often, a bit nerdy if you will, but the blush covering her cheeks everytime he caught her looking made up for it. It was adorable. And so, when he saw her alone at the bar, he took his chance.
“Hey there!” he said, moving to stand next to her at the bar, “Mind if I join you?”
She was immediately blushing when she recognised the man she’d been staring at all night. “Oh, um, sure! I mean, yeah, go ahead.” She stumbled over her words.
“Great! I’m Lando by the way.” He says.
“Oh, I’m [Y/N]. Nice to meet you, Lando”
“I could say the same. So, what brings you the the club tonight?” He asks while flagging down the bartender, and ordering his drink.
“My friend just got a new job, so we’re out celebrating! I wasn’t planning to come with, but my friends dragged me out tonight, said I needed to let loose a bit.” She responded chuckling awkwardly and taking a sip of her drink to avoid eye contact.
“Well, I’m glad they did. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet you.” He said, staring at you.
Of course he had to say something like that, right when her blush was starting to fade away a little bit. Her face was flaring red now, she was certain. “Oh, uh, thanks.” She responded, looking down.
“So I reckon you don’t go to clubs often, then?”
“No, I’m more of a stay-at-home kind of person, actually.” She smiles shyly, finally looking up into his eyes.
“Ah, I get it. I do enjoy going out once in a while, but because of my job I can’t do that very often. It’s made me appreciate the nights in more.” He says smiling.
By now he had definitely noticed she was shy and nervous, but not because of who he was, because she obviously didn’t know about what he did for a living or his fame and money, that much was clear.
“There’s no need to be nervous. I promise I won’t bite." He chuckled, trying to make her feel at ease. "How about I get you another drink?”
And so he did. He got her two more drinks, even, before her friends came to get her. Although the girls were trying their best to be her wingmen, and wanted her to meet someone, half of her friends were absolutely pissed, and she was the least drunk and only person who could help them get home safely. However, before letting her leave with her group of friends, Lando asked her for her number. Of course, [Y/N] blushed at the question, but she gave it to him nevertheless.
She left the club with her friends as Lando went back to his group. It wasn’t until she was in the taxi that [Y/N] found out that world-famous Formula 1 driver Lando Norris was the one who’d been flirting with her all night. She was shocked when she found out, to say the least, even more so when she got a message the day after, asking her out on a date.
That’s how she ended up in the lift to his flat – actually, not his flat but that of his best friend. He had invited her to come over to the place he was staying at for the time being, because he didn’t live in London anymore. She thought it was quite peculiar when she first saw the message. Apparently, everybody – but her – knew of him, he’s crazy famous, yet he invited a random girl he spoke to for one night over to his best friend’s place?
Although, he did know her pretty well by now. After he asked her out, they kept in touch. He sent her videos and pictures, and several memes, but he also asked her questions. To which she always responded with an answer. 
She stared into the mirror of the lift, checking her makeup and adjusting her dress. She took in her appearance and made sure the present she had brought for Lando was still looking good. She was starting to doubt now if she’d made the right choice. Her mum had taught her that you should always bring a gift when you visit someone’s home. However, she was not just coming over for tea, this was a date. Is it weird to bring a present for your date – more specifically, your first date? It was too late now anyway, the lift was already on the right floor.
[Y/N] walked out of the lift in search of the flat, and when she found the correct door she took a moment to calm herself. She took a deep breath, ran a hand through her hair, and straightened her dress one last time before she knocked on the door.
Lando opened the door only seconds later. “Hey! You made it!” he greeted her, pulling her into a hug right away.
“Hi!” She responded, hugging him back with only one arm, the other holding her present for him. 
“I brought you something,” She said as soon as he released her. Already blushing from the hug, and out of fear he won’t like what she’d brought. She pulled the bouquet of flowers she’d bought for him from behind her back, smiling shyly as she handed them to her date.
“I got you flowers, which I’m now realising is a really stupid gift, and you probably won’t like it-” He interrupted her nervous rant with a reassuring smile, “No, I love it! It’s so sweet of you, I’ve never had someone buy me flowers. Thank you, they’re beautiful!” He pulled her in for another hug, leaving a chaste kiss on her temple, which made her blush even more. She felt relief wash over her upon his appreciation of her gift as she followed Lando into the flat.
He led her into the kitchen, where he put the flowers into a vase and put them on the dinner table which was already set for their dinner.
As [Y/N] relaxed, adjusting to his presence, their conversation flowed effortlessly as they talked about everything and nothing. He asked her about her hobbies and aspirations, and she asked him about his work and dreams for the future. They bonded over their shared love of travel as they ate the lasagna Lando claimed he made from scratch, but was actually an oven-ready store-bought one. Nevertheless, it tasted great, and the company only made it better. The shared jokes and flirty comments created a sense of comfort and familiarity between the two.
As the night progressed, Lando and [Y/N] kept the conversation going without any awkward silences; chatter and laughter filled their evening as time passed by more quickly than either of them could process. But as it became later and later, [Y/N] felt reluctant to leave, and go home. However, despite the fun she was having, and how comfortable she felt with Lando, sleeping over on a first date was definitely not an option. 
So, after one last drink, she got up to leave. Lando, ever the gentleman, walked her down to her car. She could feel her heart skip a beat, and a blush rising up her neck when he rested his hand on the small of her back as he led her through the lobby of the building, and outside to her car. [Y/N] turned around to face Lando when they got to her car.
“Well, I guess this is goodnight. I really enjoyed tonight.” She said, smiling softly at Lando.
He smiled back at her, “I did too. There’s actually this new minigolf place that just opened up that I’ve been wanting to try out, if you’d like to join me?” If [Y/N] didn’t know better, she would have thought he was nervous, as if she’d ever reject him after the fun she’d had tonight.
[Y/N] nodded, “I would love to”, smiling once more at the prospect of another date with Lando. They stared at each other for a few seconds, but just when [Y/N] turned around to open her car door, Lando reached out and moved his hand down her arm, pulling her closer. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through [Y/N]’s body. "Wait," he whispered, the sound of his voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart when he moved his face closer to hers. Then, before [Y/N] could react, Lando pressed his lips to hers in a soft, lingering kiss. The time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, in the moment. Lando slowly moved his lips against hers, cupping her face with one hand, and using the other to pull her closer by her waist. [Y/N] let herself relax into his body, her hands at the back of his neck and head, as she forgot everything around her, everything except Lando.
When they pulled away, a bright blush covered [Y/N]’s face, as she smiled shyly up at him. Lando let her go and opened her car door. “I’ll text you!” he told her with a big smile before closing the door for her. He watched her drive away with a love-struck smile on his face before going back inside, excited to tell Max, whom Lando had forced to stay in his bedroom all night, about his amazing date, and to stare at the flowers she’d gotten him.
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folklorebae · 1 year
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐬
Spin-off of my rockstar's girlfriend
Cast(s): Rockstar!Eren & Model!Reader
Cw: swearing, reader using she/her pronouns, slight hange x reader, food
A/n: haven't posted anything for months! hope you guys love this one<33
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Liked by sashablouse and 4,715,937 others
yourinstagram life recently...
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ynfan23 glad you post this when im still awake
↳yourinstagram i know! but she's getting smarter and cuter. i love her so much, she's my girl:)
erenfan19 i dont see eren... soo the rumors are true?? :((
↳ynfan24 girl, she's her own person and this is her insta. besides, that man is childish lmao. imagine unfollowing THE Y/N L/N just because she doesn't attend his concert in europe...
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justjared After getting unfollowed by her long-time boyfriend last week, Y/N L/N was spotted walking out of Oscar-winning costume designer Hange Zoe's apartment building this morning. New couple alert?
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ereyn.daily i'm happy if y/n's happy🥲
goddessyn cmon, we all know they've been friends for ages. stop spreading stupid rumor like this
erenfan20 not gonna believe anything till one of them confirm it in front of my face
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paradis.memes Thoughts?
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paradisfan7 Im not believing this shit
erenfan21 she doesnt wanna marry him, im crying😭
↳paradisfan8 she once said she's jo march kinnie😭
↳ynfan25 How do you know she doesn’t wanna marry him? Maybe he doesn't wanna marry her? We don’t know what happened behind the curtain unless Y/N and Eren themselves actually comment on it .
erenfan22 guys, if you read the article that @people posted, at the end they said “Reps for Jaeger and L/N have not commented on the breakup.”
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Liked by arminarlert and 3,916,939 others
paradisofficial Paradis World Tour. Antwerp. May, 2023.
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paradisfan11 so sad cant see you guys perform last night🥲💔
paradisfan12 if you guys dont cover “bed of roses” on your Asia Tour, you're racist.
↳paradisofficial We've agreed that every region will have different song to cover. Thank you for your support😊
↳paradisfan12 OMG I WAS JOKING LMAO (i mean, not really)
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Liked by annieleonhart and 2,916,820 others
sashablouse unseen🤓
tagged: @yourinstagram @nicolo
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nicolo 🤍
Liked by sashablouse
conniespringer dude, what were you doing in the first pic
↳sashablouse cause you're just a man 🙄
yourinstagram dont wanna be a third wheel anymore...
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paradisupdatee New Setlist For Europe Tour! I've upgraded the playlist, link in bio.
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paradis.devil see you at accor arena tmrw!!
↳paradisupdatee See you, bby<3
paradisfan13 the fact they didnt cover any song in northern europe countries😀
paradisfan14 I literally flew from brussels to london last month to see them perform AND THEY DIDNT SING BED OF ROSES?!? I WAS ROBBED!!
↳paradisfan15 sameeee i attended some of their shows in us last year and they didn't cover any song 😭
paradisfan16 is this eren's way to confirm the breakup rumors?😭
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Liked by carlajaeger and 5,916,028 others
yourinstagram the rumors are terrible and cruel...
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ynln.jpg dont tell me you're in paris...
taylorswift but honey, most of them are true🤭
Liked by yourinstagram
↳yourinstagram patiently waiting for 1989 (Taylor's Version)😊🙏
↳ynfan25 soo the rumors are true?🥲
↳ereyn.daily i'm in spain without s
ereyn.exposing Whatever ereyn does is only for promo. It's a fact that eren is not going to follow y/n or ever going to post her picture on his Instagram again.
↳yourinstagram seems like you guys have been talking about this and tag me in a few posts everyday. but now please, i beg you to stop. it's just negative, i really have no hard feelings towards you. i just know what a beautiful world there is to go out and live in instead of trying to dissect a relationship between two people that you don't even know. i don't need his follow, my name is permanently tattooed to his arm. This is my final comment on this, but i want you to know that it's not meant to offend you. just hoping you can find something else in life to be inspired by xx
↳erenfan24 I think you should've messaged them, instead of calling them out publicly like this. no offense, still love you tho
↳yourinstagram i see why you think that ought to have been a direct message, and i agree. i just didn't considered it. it's all really frustrating, and i'm only human... you guys understand how hurtful assumptions like this can be, especially when they are made about someone i care about a lot. if you guys care about him too, you'll eventually realize that we are on the same team. i apologize if it came off as impolite or rude. i was simply attempting to start a conversation so people would realize that their statements were painful rather than just an "anonymous confession." this cruel internet culture has no benefit for society as a whole. 
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ereynpost “You guys are crazy, you know that? No... I don’t think my girlfriend and I need another dog for now. What about you, Jean?” — Eren laughs as he answers a fan's sign.
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its.ereyn Girl, I almost deactivate this account
↳ereynpost PLS, SAME😀
erenfan25 PARENTS OMG😭😭😭
ynfan28 I can die in peace now, thanks
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Liked by mikasackerman and 6,948,163 others
erenjaeger My love, my lady, the most precious human on this earth. I'm really grateful because we have an incredibly meaningful, loving, and fun relationship. As you guys know, this world is cruel and I'd do anything to make her the happiest, but I've failed to do it. I personally love it when people make assumptions or speculations about me, because I know they all wrong. But when people start to say something hurtful to my woman, I can't tolerate it.
Six years of relationship and we have never ever broken up, not even once, if that's what you all really want to know. She's my present and future, she's the one who teaches me how forever feels. The love I have for her only gets stronger and bigger, it's crazy to think about it. Thank you for all the love and support, we really appreciate it.
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ynfan29 how to find myself a man like you😭
erenfan27 oh he is, he really is in love🥹❤️
yndaily the fact that i'll never experience this type of love hurts a lot. but i couldnt be more happier for you two💓
jeankirschtein ngl, at first i did believe you two broke up
↳erenjaeger bro, fuck off
ereyn.daily As iconic as David Bowie and Iman❤️
↳yourinstagram thank you, but I don't deserve this compliment. also, your comment will boost eren's ego, he'll think he's as good as him
↳erenjaeger why would you say that:(
(+bonus on what really happened lol)
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letsgetrowdy43 · 8 months
Boys night in—
Request: Sunny bonding with the UMich hockey team and them taking her under their wing. They actually enjoy her company and find her funny and apparently kicked Luke out of being the beer pong champ. Adam and Luke feels left out.
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Au Masterlist!!
Sunny was quite reserved, much like her oldest brother, the only boys on the Umich hockey team who actually seemed to know anything about her was her brother, her boyfriend, and a few of the sophomores who had visited the lake over the summer.
So when a snap from Luca popped on her phone with Rutger's dorm room number, asking her to stop by for drinks, with no mention of Adam or Luke, she could do nothing but stare in shock. She sucked up her nerves and threw a few drinks into her tote bag, did her hair, and made her way up the two flights of stairs to the boy's dorm.
Luca grinned as he opened the door to see her awkwardly stood with furrowed brows and an expression of something that resembled anxiety. "Glad you could make it Sunshine," Rutger grinned as he waved for her to join them, the only other boys in the room being Gavin, Kienan, and Seamus who smiled and offered her a seat.
"Why am I here?" she looked around at the random grouping of boys who stared at her with innocent smiles, she sat down next to Rutger who offered her his phone for aux. "It's boy's night in!," Luca shrugged as he took a seat next to Shea, "My brother and yours like to hog you, we want to get to know you," he said offering her a beer to which she declined and pulled out her own drink from her bag.
The night started tense and mellowed out as the drinking went on, giggles filling the room as Rutger and Sunny danced along to the boy's horrible rendition of ABBA's greatest hits. She fit right in, grinning as Gavin and her gossiped about some of the girls who lived in their building, and going shot for shot with Seamus as the boys cheered the girl on.
The real 'deal breaker', as Shea put it, was cup pong. A game the boys had been trying to perfect since frosh week when the seniors obliterated them and never let them live it down.
Sunny hid her face in embarrassment as she missed the first cup, Rutger laughed at her flushed cheeks and handed her the second ball so she could try again, but this time she sunk the ball right into the cup and grinned as she looked up at a surprisingly scared looking Kienan.
The boys stood shocked as it moved to her turn again, sinking both balls and gaining balls back, to which she sunk both of them again. Kienan stood in shock as she finally missed one and pointed at him to drink up. "Shit sunny, you're better than your brother," she shrugged and laughed as Kienan missed the cup both times. "Comes with the competitive Hughes genes," she mused as she sunk the last four balls she needed to and jumped up to hug Rutger who was jumping, equally as hyped as she was.
"You're so much cooler than Luke!" Rut joked as he spun her around, giggles filling the room as the door swung open.
"Can I have my girlfriend back now?" Adam asked as he maneuvered his way around the messy dorm to be next to his girlfriend who hugged herself into his side. Luca groaned, "how you know she was here?" he laughed, drunkenly as his young brother watched him with amusement. "You posted her doing shots with you like an hour ago," Adam pulled up the video of Luca's private story that made Sunny laugh in his chest.
Rutger nodded, "you can have Sunshine back," he said as he patted the girl on the crown of her head, "but we really like her, so don't break her heart, or ill have to kill you," Rutger winked at the girl who nodded and sent him a wink back. "I promise!" Adam said walking the girl back to his empty dorm.
"Did you have fun?" the boy asked as she perched herself on the edge of his bed, allowing him to remove her mascara, and help her get dressed as she stared at him in a sort of haze. She nodded softly, "your friends are some of my favourite people," she mused with a smile as he placed a kiss on her temple, a smile on her face at the warm feeling spreading across her body. "I'm glad," he said stripping her of her clothes and pulling one of his large shirts over her frame, grinning at how the article swallowed her up whole.
A laugh left the girl's lips as she finally looked down at her phone, a plethora of messages from Luke, the last one a simple, "I can't believe I didn't get an invite, you're all bitches," he joked making the girl snort at his whiney tone. She tucked herself into Adam's bed as he started getting himself ready, he walked out shirtless which made the very drunk sunny grin to herself as she moved over to make room for the boy.
She kissed his shoulder and snuggled into his side as he finally relaxed, "thank you for introducing, me to your friends," she whispered as she peppered a few more kisses to his chest. "Love you," he mumbled and wrapped his arm around her to pull her into his chest. "Love you too," she whispered before falling into a deep sleep.
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jazziejax · 1 month
PR & Matchmaking
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Pairing- Callum Turner x OC! India Hayes
Summary- The flirtatious banter between two co-stars that are trying to make the most of their PR contract while also wondering if what they’re felling is real or not.
Warnings- none
Author’s Note- I haven’t written anything on here in so long so please be easy one me guys. I just wanted to post something because it’s been a while and I felt like Callum Turner needed more love.
Word Count- 2,131
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Lights were flashing like crazy and the people were going wild as they walked onto the carpet. Tonight was the premiere of Masters of The Air, a drama miniseries on Apple TV that explores the aerial wars of WWII through enlisted men of the Mighty Eighth Air Force.
At first, the red carpet was filled with the men from the show, some posing for the perfect shot while others did interviews to talk about the show. Though all were dapper as the cameras clicked and flashed to capture their noticeable charm. One of the stars, Callum Turner, was in the middle of answering a question after being asked what was his biggest takeaway from a show like this.
“I mean, it’s taught me a lot. More than I knew it would, which is always great. Working with such amazing people has to be the greatest takeaway—.” The sound of his words were barely audible under the screams of the crowd. His face morphed into a shell of shock for only the briefest moment before he chuckled and turned his head to see what that commotion was about. His first assumption was that it was Austin and Barry offering tons of fanservice with their flirtatious banter.
But he couldn’t have been more wrong.
He could hardly see through the flashing lights but he could discern one name through what the photographers were saying.
“India, this way!”
Even though he wasn’t facing the camera fully, it still caught the smile that graced his lips at the sound of the woman's name. From another angle, you could see him looking down the carpet at the girl in black, staring at her figure as she posed.
Realizing he’s still on camera and was in the middle of talking, Callum chuckled as she turned back to his interviewer. “Speaking of amazing—.” He laughed along with the guy, gesturing to the woman down the carpet.
“Did you guys and the Angels of War cast get to do any work together? Can we expect to see a crossover?” The man asked before holding his mic out to Callum. Said man pursed his lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I can’t say, you have to watch the show and see.” He joked.
Moments later, India was being asked her own set of questions.
“We’ve all seen Angels of War, we all loved it. It was great. But I must know what you think of Masters of the Air.” The woman asked her.
India smiled, prepared for her words to soon come bite her in the ass. “I loved it, it was so amazing and so detailed that you couldn’t help but fall in love it.” India smiled, her southern accent strong on her tongue. “I felt so connected to the characters because of such great acting.” She offered a soft smile. “But it was hard payin’ attention in some scenes because everyone was so sexy.” She laughed along with interviewer.
“Right! I’m glad you said it before I did.” The woman with the mic spoke.
“Yeah, but I’m gonna watch anything with Callum Turner in it.” India winked with a small smirk on her lips. This caused the interviewer to make a sound of excitement, knowing she just got her clip of the week. India just smiled and laughed along, knowing she was working her PR arm a little too much. But she liked riling people up, it’s why she was so loved.
“I have to agree with you, I am the same way with Henry Cavil.” The woman chuckled. Her eyes moved a tad to catch a glimpse of a tall figure dressed in black behind India’s shoulder. “And speaking of Callum Turner.” She beamed.
India turned her torso to see said man not too far from them walking somewhere along the outskirts of the red carpet, a few people straggling behind him. Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Callum glanced to his left to see India and the interviewer staring at him, the camera slightly angled his way. A large smile made its way onto his face as he walked closer.
“Callum!” India said excitedly, opening her arms in invitation. His eyes disappeared behind the folds on his cheeks as he moved to embrace the woman once he made it to her. She wrapped her arms his neck while his went to her waist. Her height and hills made it to where her head fit almost perfectly within the nook of his neck. As she moved back slightly to grab a hold of his jaw and place a firm kiss on his cheek, his hands traveled from her waist to her hips. His large hands almost sitting on top of her bottom. Since they weren’t as close to the mic as they were before, the camera couldn’t pick up on any of what was being said.
“Did you play it up before I got here?” India asked through a smile as she drug her hand from his face to his chest.
“Why yes I did, darling.” He beamed down at the girl. “And I can see you are trying to upstage me.” He said before starting to rub his hands up and down the curve of her back. The tips of his middle fingers grazing one another as they traversed the span of her waist. India then made a dramatic sad face, her large eyes never leaving his. “Oh, never that.” She cooed. “I am just trying to get us both paid.” She cheesed before turning around to finish her interview. Callum followed after her, keeping his hand around her waist.
“Sorry about that. Speak of the devil and he shall appear and all that.” India said sarcastically, nodding her head over to the man behind her. The interviewer laughed, looking between the two. “It’s so good to now have you here with us, Callum, how are you?” She asked.
“I’m doing far better now that I’ve seen her.” The man smirked, glancing down at the woman on his arm as his hand moved from her hip to lying flat on her stomach. . India dramatically rolled her eyes at him, moving to place her hand on top of his. “He’s so cheesy.” She said.
“Only for the right price.” His voice said above her head. India burst into a fit of chuckles, angling her head to look up at the man without turning around. They shared a knowing look before going back to looking at the interviewer, who was red in the face from just watching their interactions.
“Well aren’t you two quite the pair!” She exclaimed. “Are we going to be seeing your characters together any time soon? I think it’s time for Loretta to settle down.” She asked before holding out the mic.
“Well, first off, Loretta needs no man!” India said, sassily waving her finger, causing the others to chuckle. “She probably would have liked one in a time such as then but needed one? No thank you.” She joked, although her words had a seemingly undertone due to the topic of her statement. “And secondly, you’ll just have to wait and see. I wouldn’t get my hopes up though.” She shrugged.
“Well, those are all the question I had for you, thank you two so much for being here!” She said excitedly.
“No, thank you for having us.” India said before giving the woman a small hug, Callum’s hand moving to her waist as she moved. She then finished her hug and walked away with Callum on her hip.
“Do you think we’re laying it on thick?” India asked, looking up at him. Callum looked down at her, the lights reflecting of her big eyes. She had a black silk scarf on her head on the carpet, but it was no gone, along with her shades, to show her short cut. He brought his hand up to the back of her neck, playing with the small hairs there. “No, I don’t think so.” He said, his suave demeanor dropping in a second of comfortability with her. “And if so, isn’t that kind of the point?” India didn’t answer his rhetorical question, caught up in the feeling of his hands playing in her short hair.
“We have the same haircut.” She said after a moment of silence, the two just staring at each other. Callum’s blue eyes twinkled in the light as he smiled at her. “Yeah, we do.”
“Although I think mines a little better, maybe I can give you my barbers number?” He finished before walking away from her. India’s mouth dropped but wasn’t for long as she caught up to his long legs and hit him in the arms. “I cannot believe you said that. You know I look way better than you with his haircut.” She sassed, rolling her eyes at the man before walking faster than him. Callum smiled his eyes following her figure as she walked back to the red carpet, where her life long friend, Janelle, was gesturing her over on the carpet with the rest of the Angels of War cast.
India scurried over, her and Janelle standing in the middle with the other girls on the side, all posing for the camera. Callum stood off on the side, looking at them while the lights flashed behind him. His eyes were trained on India as she and Janelle exchanged words before bubbling into laughter.
After a while longer, India looked over and made eye contact with him. They both immediately smiled at each other, eyes showing nothing but pure affection. She then detached one of her arms from Janelle and beckoned him over. Callum slightly shook his head. Seeing his hesitation, her face became serious as she beckoned him over again, although her movements were a little harsher this time. He was about to reject the offer again before his shoulder jerked forward slightly. His glanced back to his Austin gesture his head over to the carpet before walking off and over to his girlfriend Janelle, although no one else knew that piece of information.
He followed after him, his eyes locked on India playfully stern ones, the rest Masters of the Air cast following behind him and Austin. Once he made it to her, her eyes softened as he slipped behind her. While they waited for everyone to settle into their places, she smiled up at him before leaning back a little, her back met his torso. Her head laid on his chest as she looked up at him with a big fake smile. Callum looked down at her, staring into the eyes he thought looked beautiful from any angle. Trapped within her gaze, he leaned down a little, the tip of his large nose brushing against her forehead as he sniffed her. India crunched her eyebrows at him before raising her head to look back at the cameras. She still had her back against him, although you couldn’t tell unless you got a side angle.
“Enough of your flirting.” Austin piped up behind his smile as he glanced over at the pair dressed in all black.
“What, are we outshining the real couple?” Callum asked, smirking over at his friend.
“Outshine?” Austin asked. “Oh, you don’t even wanna know the things I’d do if we were public.” He finished, his grip tightening on Janelle’s waist as he continued to pose for the pictures. Said woman’s face flushed as she laughed and glanced up at him. They looked at each other for the briefest of seconds before going back to their original poses.
“This whole thing is so backwards.” India scoffed with a smirk on her face as the camera flicked to catch the moment between Austin and Janelle. Callum looked down at her and placed his hand on her hip, squeezing her fat as he sensed she was getting irritated. “Oh, but you love it.” He said joked, his deep voice vibrating through the both of them. Although she didn’t look up at him, India smiled at his words. “Yeah…you got me there.” She said, but couldn’t decide whether she was serious or not.
Social media went into a complete frenzy over those two. Clips of their cute moments floating all around the internet, some “fake”, you could say and others more authentic. Stills of Callum staring at India so lovingly were all over her feed, almost sending their girl into a spiral from seeing her own face that much. Compilations of every time they interacted during the premiere had millions of views as everyone speculated what they were. People were talking about the pair for weeks, which is just what their management wanted.
Indiahayes ✓⃝
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likes by austinbutler, keoghan92, and 567,842 others
indiahayes happy masters of the air day!! go watch the show full of sexy men that kiss! ;)
view 7,627 comments
janellethat no one kissed guys :(
⤷ Indiahayes hush, don’t spoil the show!
callumsnumber1gurl let’s talk about these premiere photos hun!
callumturnerburner you and Callum look soo good together!!
⤷ austinbutlerbutt you are not sneaky at all
austinbutler Angels of War sister! 🤍
⤷ Indiahayes Masters of the Air brother!🖤
anthonyboyle why are you and Nina on the furniture?
⤷ ninasimone because we’re American 🇺🇸 🦅
randosuper3 it’s times like this where I wish Callum had an instagram 😔
lovelyrando you and Callum looked amazing together and I hope what you guys have lasts long
auatinslove are we just not going to talk about Janelle and Austin? What’s going on there???
⤷ indiassuperfan7 adults being adults
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
i rlly liked the gyaru post n was wondering if you could write hq boys with a gyaru crush ( like the guys have a crush on a gyaru ) myb a small fic ( tanaka, yams aone pls )
I'm glad you liked the last one! This is such a cute concept tbh, Aone would be too scared to say anything lmaooo
HQ Drabbles: Gyaru Crush 💕 ft. Tanaka, Yams, and Aone.
Content: Fluff, a lil bit of stalking cuz Tanaka's just like that, miscommunication bc Aone isn't good w words, crushes.
Banner credit: gifcities and geocities
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Tanaka Ryu:
"I should have packed lunch today, this sucks." Your best friend nods when she sees your soggy french fries.
"That bald guy is staring at you again." She slurps her yogurt tube in a few seconds. You look around and sure enough that second year was looking at you again.
You're in your third year now, according to Sugawara the 'bald' kid's name is Tanaka, and it's said he has a huge crush on Kiyoko.
"Probably thinks my makeup is weird like everyone else does." He notices you looking and turns away to his short friend... it's Nishi something.
"Or maybe he likes you." You roll your eyes while she wiggles her eyebrows.
"Yeah right, it's obvious he likes Kiyoko." She cringes when you eat a mouthful of soggy fries.
"He might be using Kiyoko as a cover up." You weren't going to keep waiting for him to say why he's always being creepy so you walk over to his table.
"Why are you always staring at me?" His short friend giggles and turns away.
"Staring- me huh?" His face flushes as he stammers for words.
"Yes, is it my makeup? I know it's not normal but starting is really rude." Out of the corner of your eye you can see his friend covering his mouth to try and conceal his snickering.
"Ah- it's not like that! I think your makeup is unique and I think you're really cool!" He blurts out and his friend bursts into laughter.
"Noya shut up!" He elbows him.
"Really? Is this some kind of joke?" He notices your hand on your hip.
"No! C-can we be friends?" His voice sounds like a shy little kid.
"Um... sure?" There has to be some hidden motive behind this...
"Got anything else to tell her, Ryu?" The short fry wiggles his eyebrows.
"Nishinoya I will end-"
"I'm gonna go finish my lunch." Tanaka starts stammering again when you start to walk away.
"Could um... could I get you dinner sometime? AS FRIENDS THOUGH!" He suddenly adds.
He definitely has a crush on you.
"Yeah anytime." He smiles, and you skip back to your table.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
"Is that all?" You ask politely scanning his cart to see if he's got anything else.
He nods his head yes, "Your total is 870 yen, how would you like to pay?" He hands you 1,000 yen, like he does every time.
"Keep the change." You sigh and look for change.
"That's too much of a tip." Yamaguchi (as you've learned from your uncle), comes in maybe three times a week for the same thing and tries to leave you a huge tip.
"Your hair's really pretty." He notioned to the style you were going for today, you think it brings out your makeup.
"Keishin says I look like a rebellious punk." You giggle right along with Yams.
"It's Uncle Keishin to you, brat! You're lucky to even be getting paid!" Yamaguchi quietly snickers because you rolled your eyes mimicking your uncle. Once everything's bagged up you hand it to him.
"Bye, Yams." He takes the bag, and holds still like a statue.
"Something wrong?"
"When'll you be back to work here again?" There's this look in his eyes that you can't quite determine.
"When ever I get back from school, I can't take a lot of breaks or I'll get behind on my assignments." He frowns.
"Hey, not my fault I'm a college student." You shrug.
"I really wish I could go with you to ward off all the weirdos who think gyaru isn't cool." He's an adorable little third year.
"Gyaru's not for everyone. I get hateful comments all the time, but they don't bother me that much anymore." It's the hard truth, you cannot force people to like you.
"Well can I take you out when you get back?" Oh, he's real brave today. Not once has he asked something remotely as obvious as this.
You can tell he likes you, that much was clear. This is the first time he's been straightforward with you though.
"You can take me out when I get off of work." You lean over the counter and press your glossy lips to his cheek. When you pull away you can see a faint mark of lip gloss from your lips.
"Go on to school now, Yams." He spirals at your smirk and walks out like a drunken man.
You're bonked on the head with newspaper, "Do your job and stop flirtin' so much!"
"Don't take your frustration out on me, I know you don't get any Keishin." He grumbles at your laughter.
"It's Uncle Keishin."
Aone Takanobu:
"Kogane! I'm so going to beat your ass!" Your threat echoes through the gym and no one makes the effort to save him.
"I didn't mean to mess up your makeup and hair, please forgive me!!" He whines.
The idiot thought it'd be funny to spray you with his water bottle, long story short he got a little heavy handed with the pouring.
You raise your fist to hit him but you're stopped by a hand much bigger than yours. A low grunt can be heard and you turn around to see Aone holding your wrist.
"He deserves it! Let go!" He thinks his grip is too tight, so he loosened it.
"H-here." He hands you his team jacket.
"Thank you, Aone. That is so sweet." He nods.
"Um I know how important your clothing and hair are to you." At first you can't tell if he's being genuine or a goody two shoes.
"Um... gyaru right? I thought it was super weird awhile back." At least he was honest.
"How'd you know?" You most likely already know the answer.
"I did some research after seeing your unusual clothing option that one time." He rubs the back of his neck.
"So you're stalking me?" That's honestly what it sounds like.
"No- I just wanted to understand you better." He says with a little more confidence.
"Ah....." His cheeks go red and he power walked away.
Huh... interesting.
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Hey sillies, im tired so ima go to sleep. Also I watched a horror movie by myself for the first time but I didn't get scared at all. Idk I just kept screaming at the main character being so dumb. bye guys 😘
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solarmorrigan · 5 months
Yessss!!! I love love love the newest chapter with Jeff! I feel like he was the perfect one to approach Steve, I’m so glad that Steve knows that he wasn’t the only one seeing that he and Eddie were dating.
Melvald’s was the perfect neutral territory for it to happen, too. Steve wouldn’t retreat in public so that was the perfect place for Jeff to sneak up on him. I hope they have a little baseball/hockey date with the rest of the Corroded Coffin boys sans Eddie, I just want them to also be friends with Steve.
Also, even if Robin doesn’t feature in the chapters I’d love to know how she reacts in your mind to first, Steve’s conversation with Eddie and second, the Melvald’s conversation. I’m sure she has so many opinions on both!
The best parts of my days are when I get the notification that you’ve posted a new chapter, thank you so much! 💖💖
Okay, sorry, I've been sitting on this until posting today's update (and also because I was thinking), but see-
Robin's been at work for maybe two hours when Steve pulls up. When he comes into the store, she tries to joke that she knows he said he'd be back to pick her up, but her shift doesn't end for another six hours, and he gives her a little smile, but she can tell he's upset
(Not as upset as the last few days, but definitely a bit shaken up)
He says he's just going to sit in the break room for a bit. He doesn't really want to bother her, he just wants to know she's nearby. Of course, there's a zero percent chance Robin isn't going to abandon the counter to check on Steve (it's a weekday morning, who the hell is going to come rent a movie now?), and she follows him back to ask what happened
(She's spent the last two days with him, in spite of his insistence yesterday that he was fine. She thinks they were supposed to be having "space" today, but she doesn't feel like she needs it. She's fine being attached at the hip if Steve is)
Steve tells her that he'd gone to pick up his stuff from Eddie's place, and after her flurry of offended questions about why he hadn't waited for her, she demands to know what Eddie's done now
Apparently, he wants to make things up to Steve. Wants a second chance if Steve is willing. Wants to romance Steve (Robin snorts at that, and Steve cracks a smile, too). Robin insists that isn't good enough. It's too little, too late. But Steve-
She knows that look on his face. She knows Steve
"You're considering it," she says
Steve shrugs. "It's not like he did this on purpose. He wasn't trying to, like... hurt me, or whatever."
"He wasn't not trying, either." Robin scowls
Steve shrugs again. "I can't make him suffer forever."
"It's been two days, Steve."
"I asked him to think about it for a couple of weeks. Just... be sure about it, y'know?"
Robin sighs. She guesses that's better than immediately folding and saying yes. She knows boundaries are hard for Steve, especially when it comes to the people he cares about; giving them deadlines is easier than giving them hard limits. It's... an improvement, even if she doesn't like it
"You don't have to give him a second chance, you know. I know you feel like you screwed up, too, but you don't owe him anything," Robin reminds him
"I know," Steve says, but she wonders if he really does. "Anyway, I'd feel like a hypocrite if I didn't hear him out, y'know?"
"What do you mean?" Robin asks
Steve gives her a tired little smile. "You guys all gave me a second chance. It would kind of suck if I didn't do the same for someone else."
Robin knows then that Steve is going to say yes to Eddie. She won't be able to talk him out of it; she can only hope she won't have to pick up the pieces again at the end
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caashmoneynae · 7 months
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JOEY BADA$$ x @thatone-girly 🤎
SUMMARY: in which Jo-Vaughn persuades Bianca to go on a family trip with him and their son. little does she know, the trip was a plot to get her back. ✨
"𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗡' 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗬𝗢' 𝗙𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗘𝗗 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬𝗗𝗔𝗬, 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟," Bianca chuckled, folding up the clean and dry colored laundry, as she shook her head and Nia laughed at her reaction, "okay, finish the story. tell me how the date ended."
"okay so, after him talkin' about himself the whole date and not even giving me room to talk, reply, add on to what he was sayin' — nothing at all, the waiter came and dropped our bill off. after he paid for our food, this muh'fucka' said "you the quiet type, huh?" and bitch... when i tell you it took everything in me not to yell at that man inside that restaurant with all them white folks in there," Nia exhaled dramatically, curling her ginger hair, as Bianca let out a giggle and folded her cropped tank top, "that man was literally about to have me lookin' like a crazy ass mad black woman! like, nigga, this ain't no Tyler Perry movie!"
"and i'm not bitter. i'm mad as hell!" Bianca mimicked, quoting a line from "Diary of a Mad Black Woman", as she and Nia laughed in sync and Nia slightly jumped from almost burning her hand with her curling iron.
"bathe him, feed him, clothe him... uh, stop makin' those bubbles," Nia quoted, pointing her curling iron at her phone, as Bianca giggled and sat the folded laundry inside the large white basket, picking it up and tucking it under her arm while she grabbed her phone and headed for the staircase, "it's safe to say that i ain't go home with him and i blocked him when i got home. i can't stand a chatterbox ass nigga that don't give me room to talk, B. i'm so glad i drove myself there because i'll be damned if i'ma let him see where i stay."
"preachhh. it's one thing for me to do all the talking and you to talk back or for us to evenly engage in conversation, but it's another thing for you to do all the talking and i ain't got one word in! that shit gets annoyin'," Bianca exclaimed, shaking her head, as she walked into Kamari's — her 5-year-old son — room and sat the laundry basket on his toddler bed, "so, where you 'bout to go? 'cause i know you ain't gettin' dolled up for no reason."
"i'm surprised Joey even let you date with how obsessive he is over you," Nia joked, smirking, as she playfully winked at her phone and Bianca chuckled while she put away her son's clothing, "but i got a brunch date with this lil' white boy on my roster. i ain't never dated outside my race before, so we gon' see how this go."
Joey — also known as Joey Bada$$ or just Jo-Vaughn — was Bianca's baby father and old boyfriend. they were like two peas in a pod until they broke up a week before his tour for his '2000' album started. there was no bad blood in the breakup because the two just felt like they had drifted away from each other and were no longer compatible. they remained friends and still kept in contact with each other since they had a son, and they co-parented so well that most people still thought they were together, which the two of them were grateful for because it kept the media off their backs.
neither of the two wanted to be posted on blogs just because they broke up, so they continued to front for social media like they were still together, even though you could clearly tell they weren't.
despite this, Bianca still tried to branch out and date other men, but it never worked out because Jo-Vaughn would always find a way to chase them away, and sometimes Kamari would chase them away as well. ever since April — specifically, after he dropped his R&B single "Fallin'" — he had been trying to get Bianca back, and so far his attempts had been unsuccessful because Bianca didn't feel a desire to return to him. sure, he was an amazing boyfriend and an even better father, but Bianca believed that the two were better apart than they were together.
as long as their son was happy, she felt no need to return to his father, despite his numerous attempts of trying to romance her and make her his again.
"listen... we don't talk about that, okay? i'm lucky i managed to keep the boy i'm talking to now," Bianca chuckled, shaking her head, as she closed Kamari's closet and shut one of his drawers while she picked up the laundry basket and headed to her bedroom, "and girl, it's like 5 o'clock in the afternoon, what you mean 'brunch'? but okaaaay, i see you with the white boy on ya roster! you better work, Kali!"
"you a whole fool! but like i said, we goin' to brunch, i don't care what time it is and neither does he," Nia laughed, unplugging her curling iron, as she pushed her curled hair behind her shoulder, "and if i know Joey like i think i know him, he gon' run ole' dude off next, trust me. wait, speaking of him, where my nephew? i wanna see lil' KJ before my date, he's my good luck charm."
the "ole' dude" Nia was referring to was Malcolm. he and Bianca had been talking for about two weeks and had been taking things slow since he had just gotten out of a relationship. he was sweet, caring, had manners, and was good with kids since he had two nieces, and that alone made Bianca fall for him harder every day.
there was no doubt in Bianca's mind that Jo-Vaughn knew about Malcolm, but since he had never brought him up, she assumed that he didn't know.
little did she know, she was completely wrong.
"K is with his daddy. you know this week was his week to have him," Bianca chuckled, sitting the laundry basket on her king-sized bed, as she began to put away her clothing, "they should be here in a few minutes tho', the sun 'bout to start settin' in about an hour or so."
"take a picture of him for me and send it to me 'cause i ain't got a few minutes to spare, i got a date to go on," Nia advised, chuckling, as she put away her now cold curling iron and grabbed her phone, "i'ma call you later on tonight to tell you what happens, and if you don't receive a call from me tonight, i got covered in snow."
"Nia, please get off my phone with that shit," Bianca laughed, shaking her head, as Nia giggled and playfully stuck her tongue out at her, "have a good time playin' with ya snowman, Ni'Ni."
"shit, hopefully. bye, mamas!" Nia smiled, waving her goodbye, as Bianca smiled at her and let out a chuckle before waving back to her.
"bye, sunshine." as the call ended, Bianca chuckled at her friend's behavior and she shook her head as she put away her undergarments, tucking them inside a drawer before her doorbell suddenly rang and her head raised at the sound of it.
shutting the drawer, Bianca grabbed the laundry basket and carefully jogged downstairs as she headed to the laundry room, sitting the basket in the corner of the room close by the dryer while she speed-walked to the front door. unlocking and opening the door, Bianca was immediately greeted by Kamari hugging her leg, making the light-skinned woman smile widely while she bent down to pick him up.
"hi, papaaa!" Bianca smiled, wrapping her arms around him, as she kissed his cheek and Kamari giggled in her arms, "you had fun with Daddy this week?"
"yeah! we played gamesss, went out to eattt, and— Mommy, i made some friends at the playground!" Kamari smiled widely as Bianca let out a soft chuckle at his enthusiasm and ran her fingers over his neatly braided black cornrows.
"that's good! i want you to tell me allll about it when i finish talking to ya daddy, okay?" Bianca asked, lowering the toddler back to the ground, as she looked up at Jo-Vaughn and held out her hand, signaling for him to put his backpack in her hand while she grabbed the strap of it and handed it to Kamari, "go upstairs and unpack your bag, and when i'm finished talking, i'll come get you."
"yes, ma'am!" as Kamari excitedly ran off towards the staircase, Bianca and Jo-Vaughn locked eyes, and she noticed a small flirtatious smile on his face, making her let out a soft chuckle.
"why you lookin' at me like that, J?" Bianca asked, chuckling, as she looked up at the 6'1 male and rested one of her hands on her hip.
"i can't look at you?" Jo-Vaughn playfully smirked, running his tongue over his lips, as Bianca raised her brow at him and the two soon laughed in sync, "nah, i'm just playin', girl, how you been?"
"you askin' me this like you didn't see me last week," Bianca chuckled, earning a soft chuckle from her baby father, "but i been good, what about you? and how was Kamari?"
"a week is a long ass time, B. but i been good too, and you know KJ ain't never no trouble. he has his moments when he gets wanna throw tantrums 'cause he can't get what he wants, but other than that, he was good. he spoiled just like his damn mama." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, slipping his hands into his pockets, as Bianca laughed and raised her brow at him.
"who spoiled his mama tho'?" Bianca asked, crossing her arms across her chest, as a small smile crept onto her face and she awaited his answer.
"ya mama and daddy did. that don't got nothin' to do with me 'cause i'on know nothin' about that," Jo-Vaughn jokingly shrugged, looking off to the side, as Bianca laughed and reached out to hit him, making him laugh while he grabbed her wrist, "a'ight, i spoiled you, damn. you out here tryna' get domestic and shit."
"because you lyin' like you ain't used to spoil my ass when we was together. and you wonder why 'Mari so spoiled... nigga, that's yo' doing, not mine." Bianca laughed as Jo-Vaughn laughed with her and let go of her wrist.
"if i have your permission... i wanna spoil you and him again." Jo-Vaughn announced, a smile on his face, as Bianca raised a brow and looked him up and down.
"what you got planned in your mischievous ass mind?" Bianca asked, leaning against the doorway, as she crossed her arms for a second time.
"i wanna take all three of us on a lil' family trip to Orlando. i know lil' man starts Kindergarten next month, so i wanna take him to Disney World before school starts, and i want you to come with us." Jo-Vaughn explained as Bianca glanced down at their feet in deep thought before looking back up at him.
"i'on know about that, Joey. i mean, it'll be good for him, but—"
"B, c'mon, man, you gotta' come with us. it ain't a family trip if he ain't got his mama. don't be like that, baby." Jo-Vaughn pleaded as Bianca cracked a small smile at him referring to her as 'baby' and she let out a soft chuckle.
"i told you about callin' me that, boy," Bianca chuckled as she pushed her black knotless braids behind her shoulder, "but i guess i'll tag along. for him, not for you."
"girl, stop frontin', you know you still love my ass." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, waving her off, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes and softly chuckled.
"when we leavin'? and at what time?" Bianca asked, raising a brow, as a smile rested on her face and Jo-Vaughn smiled at her.
"tomorrow morning at 8. we flyin' over on my private jet, so go pack you and KJ a bag for the weekend and i'll see y'all tomorrow."
"all done, papa," Bianca cooed softly, smoothing the rest of the Vaseline on her hands on Kamari's brown-skinned face, as she gently kissed his nose and let go of his face, "go downstairs and lay on the couch. you can go to sleep until Daddy gets here."
"yes, ma'am." Kamari yawned softly, rubbing his eye, as he stood up from his bed and walked out of his room while Bianca rubbed her hands together to get rid of the excess shine the Vaseline had left.
surprisingly, getting Kamari up and ready at 7 A.M. wasn't as hard as you may have thought it was, and usually, it was difficult for Bianca to get him up early because he wasn't a morning person, but today was different. it was kind of challenging to get him out of his bed, but other than that, things went smoothly, which gave Bianca a slight shock.
nonetheless, she was grateful it didn't take him long because if it did, she most likely wouldn't have time to get herself ready.
walking into her bedroom, Bianca stood at her vanity mirror as she adjusted the zipper on her baby blue romper, her braids up in a ponytail and swinging easily with each movement her head made. while she adjusted her breasts in her top, her phone suddenly began ringing, and she walked away from the mirror as she walked to her bed and picked up her phone beside the packed suitcase, realizing that Nia was calling her and not Jo-Vaughn.
"good morning, sunshine." Bianca smiled, answering the phone, as she walked back over to her vanity and propped up her phone, seeing Nia's face pop up on her screen while she walked to her closet to pick out a pair of slides to put on.
"good morning, mamas— ooh, where you goin'?" Nia asked, noticing her attire and the bag on the bed, as Bianca chuckled and slipped a pair of her white Nike slides on her feet.
"Joey's takin' me and KJ to Orlando. i gotta' keep my voice down because he doesn't know yet, but he wants to take him to Disney World and wanted me to come along so it could be a family trip, so i told him i'd come," Bianca explained lowly, adjusting her feet in her shoes, as she walked over to her phone and noticed a smirk on Nia's face, "what you smirking for?"
"i'm not gon' say nothin' but this: when y'all asses come back from Florida, y'all gon' be back together. mark my words, B. you gon' forget allll about that nigga you talkin' to when you see ya baby zaaaaddy." Nia smirked, making Bianca laugh, as Bianca held onto her phone and shook her head, peeking out of her bedroom window and seeing Jo-Vaughn's car pull up in her driveway.
"whatever you say, Ni'Ni. just because i'm goin' outta' state with him doesn't mean i'ma go back to him. this is for Kamari, not us," Bianca chuckled, walking away from the window, as she walked over to her bed and zipped up her suitcase, "and speaking of him, he just pulled up. so, i'ma talk to you later on. make sure to run me in on what happened with Mr. White Chocolate last night."
"deny it alll you want to, B, i know him and i know you. he ain't gon' stop 'til he gets you back and you bound to fold underneath all that pressure, respectfully. it's only a matter of time, sweetness," Nia chuckled, raising her brow, as she adjusted the bonnet on her head, "but, i got'chu, i'ma definitely run you in when you get time. bye, mamas, have a safe trip."
"bye, sunshine, and thank you. i'll make sure to send you some pictures of your nephew to make your day." Bianca chuckled, smiling, as she pulled her suitcase off of the bed and rested it on the floor.
"you better. or i'ma hop on a plane to Orlando and beat yo' ass." the call ended after Nia's remark, and Bianca laughed at her statement as knocks sounded off at her door, making her smile slightly widen because she knew Jo-Vaughn didn't want to ring the doorbell in case Kamari was asleep.
walking downstairs with her suitcase and phone in her hand and her crossbody purse on her shoulder, Bianca sat the suitcase next to the couch and slipped her phone inside her purse as she walked over to the door and unlocked and opened it, revealing her baby father.
"i'm glad you knocked 'cause he's asleep." Bianca chuckled, stepping to the side and allowing him to come in, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cracked a smile at seeing Kamari asleep on the couch.
"i had a feelin' my lil' man was sleepin'." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, carefully scooping the toddler off of the couch, as Kamari gently writhed in his arms and Jo-Vaughn grabbed their suitcase, making Bianca furrow her brows.
"you gon' carry him and the suitcase?" Bianca asked, her facial expression resembling one of confusion, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and chuckled at her reaction.
"you carried him for 9 months, the least i could do is carry him to the car," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, making Bianca crack a smile, as Bianca let out a soft laugh and the two headed for the front door, "plus, you know i ain't never let you carry no bags, girl. especially if they heavy. you think just 'cause we not together no more that i was gon' stop doin' that?"
"just a lil' bit." Bianca chuckled, closing the front door, as she locked the door and tucked her keys into her purse while she walked to his car.
"well, you thought wrong, B. i'm a gentleman at heart, pretty girl," Jo-Vaughn flirtatiously smirked, winking at her, as he walked to his car and opened the back door, gently sitting Kamari inside while he buckled his seat belt and closed the door afterward, "and you bet not touch that door handle."
"yes, sir," Bianca joked, quickly putting her hand down since she was already reaching for the door handle, as Jo-Vaughn opened her door for her and Bianca smiled while she climbed into his passenger seat, "i done told you about that flirting, boy. but thank you, baby daddy."
"anytime, baby mama."
"ooh, nice jet." Bianca smiled, holding Kamari in her arms while his head rested on her shoulder, as Jo-Vaughn rolled the luggage to the plane and let out a soft chuckle.
"thank you, B. nice things don't come cheap," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, earning a small laugh from Bianca, as the two approached the jet and a man dressed in pilot attire walked out of the door, "B, this is Francis, he gon' be our pilot and our chauffeur when we touch down in Orlando. Francis, this is Bianca, my beautiful baby mama."
"it's nice to meet you, Ms. Bianca. i've heard so much about you," Francis smiled warmly, holding out his hand, as Bianca smiled back at him and shook his hand, keeping one of her hands on the toddler on her chest to keep him from falling, "if you don't mind me asking, who's the little guy in your arms?"
"it's nice to meet you, too! and this is Kamari, our son. he's not a morning person, so you'll probably see him awake once the plane lands." Bianca smiled, chuckling, as Francis smiled at her before his eyes landed on the bags in Jo-Vaughn's hands.
"i'll take those on the jet for you, sir, if you don't mind." Francis offered as Jo-Vaughn glanced down at the bags in his hands before handing them to the pilot.
"i 'preciate that, F. i'll make sure to leave you some tips before the day's over with," Jo-Vaughn smiled, watching him grab the suitcases, as Francis smiled and nodded his head before walking back up the stairs, making Jo-Vaughn look over at Bianca, "ladies first, right?"
"yeah, i'm glad you remember," Bianca joked, jokingly mugging him, as Jo-Vaughn laughed at her and Bianca made her way up the stairs, looking around at the interior of the jet with a smile, "oh, my God, it's gorgeous in here."
"i'm glad you like it. i was hopin' you did," Jo-Vaughn smiled, closing the jet's door behind him, "i know you probably wanna go back to sleep, so there's a bedroom back there for you and him to go. i'ma be back there in a minute."
"yes, baby father." Bianca joked, earning a laugh from Jo-Vaughn, as the two parted their ways and Bianca made her way to the back of the jet, opening the door of the bedroom and walking inside.
"oh, i just know this bed is comfortable as hell." Bianca mumbled to herself, looking at the queen-sized mattress, as she gently laid Kamari on the bed and took off his shoes, sitting them by the door while she took off her slides and placed them by his.
taking off her purse, Bianca sat it on the small wooden table next to the bed and unzipped it as she sat down on the bed and pulled out her phone, checking her notifications and going through them while she heard footsteps come closer to the room.
"made yourself at home?" Jo-Vaughn chuckled, a small smile on his face, as he closed the door and took off his shoes, leaving them beside Bianca and Kamari's shoes while he walked over to the bed.
"somethin' like that," Bianca chuckled, texting Nia back, as she turned off her phone and slipped it back inside her purse, "i can't wait to sleep on this comfortable ass bed. you picked a good ass mattress, J."
"you gon' be complimentin' me all day, huh?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, chuckling, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and sat it on the other small wooden table on his side of the bed, "we got about a 4-hour flight anyways, so you'll be well-rested before we land."
"i just might, depending on what other surprise you got up yo' sleeve," Bianca chuckled, putting her legs on the bed, as she carefully grabbed Kamari and laid him between her and Jo-Vaughn, "and shit, i hope so. with how comfortable this bed is, it feels like i'm layin' on clouds."
"yeah, and you wonder why i bought it," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, laying on his back, as he rested his arms underneath his head and closed his eyes, "goodnight, baby mama."
Bianca chuckled softly and lay on the bed as she laid on her right side and her eyes gradually shut, "goodnight, baby daddy."
"Mommyyyy, wake up!" the sound of Kamari's enthusiasm-filled voice rang through Bianca's eardrums and she felt his dainty hands shake her by the shoulders, making a smile slowly spread across her face while her eyes fluttered open, "we're hereeee!"
Bianca's eyes locked onto her widely smiling child and she looked around the room to spot Jo-Vaughn, but he was nowhere to be found. assuming he was in the cockpit with Francis, Bianca let out a giggle at Kamari shaking her again, despite her being fully awake, and she wrapped her arms around his body while she sat up.
"your daddy told you where we were goin', huh?" Bianca asked, chuckling, as she smiled at the elated toddler and Kamari nodded his head eagerly.
"yes, ma'am. he told me we're going after we stop at the hotel." Kamari smiled, resting his hands on her shoulders, as Bianca reached into her purse and grabbed her phone.
"you know the name of the hotel, papa?" Bianca asked, turning on her phone, as she checked her notifications and Kamari played with the ends of her braids.
"yeah, but... i don't know how to say it. Daddy told me i said it wrong." Kamari explained, occupying himself with her hair, as Bianca chuckled and went through her unread messages, seeing some texts from Nia and Malcolm.
"it's the Waldorf Astoria hotel," Jo-Vaughn chimed in, walking into the room, as Bianca glanced up at him and Kamari looked back at him, "i was stuck between choosing that one and the Ritz-Carlton, but i made my decision about two nights ago."
"aren't both of those expensive 5-star hotels? don't be spendin' all that money at one time, J, i told you about that." Bianca advised, shooting a text to her friend and her talking stage, as she turned off her phone and slipped it back into her purse.
"as long as i'm makin' you and my son happy, i don't care 'bout nunna' that, B. and you know that," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, walking towards the bed, as he plopped down on his stomach beside Bianca and Kamari, "plus, it ain't like i'm not gon' get it back. the money flow don't stop, baby. ain't that right, K?"
"yeah!" Kamari smiled, watching his father raise his hand, as Kamari gave him a high five and Jo-Vaughn smiled at him while Bianca let out a laugh.
"you two are gonna be the death of me one day," Bianca chuckled, untying the black durag on Kamari's cornrows, as she removed the rag from his head and ran her fingers over his scalp, "where's Francis?"
"he went to go get the Rolls Royce so he can drive us to the hotel." Jo-Vaughn explained, watching Bianca slip their son's durag in her purse, as Bianca's brows furrowed and she looked over at him, playfully tugging at the gold hoop in his ear before reaching to remove his stocking cap.
"Jo-Vaughn, how much money have you spent?" Bianca asked, raising a brow, as she removed his stocking cap from his low-cut hair and ran her fingers over it while one of her acrylics slid through the side-parted cut in his hair.
"i'm not tellin' you all'at... you gon' be tryna' whup me." Jo-Vaughn defended, chuckling, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes and the sound of a car horn sounded off from outside, causing Bianca to glance out of the bedroom door.
"Daddy, what's a Rolls Royce?" Kamari asked cluelessly, watching Jo-Vaughn get up from
the bed to grab his shoes, as Kamari climbed off of Bianca's lap and sat at the end of the bed so his father could put his shoes on.
"it's a car, little one," Jo-Vaughn explained, crouching down in front of him, as he grabbed one of Kamari's feet and slipped his shoe on, "remember when you saw that car on TV with the stars on the ceiling?"
"it's one of them?" Kamari asked in awe, his eyes lighting up, as Jo-Vaughn put on his other shoe and looked up at him with a small smile before nodding his head, "i wanna see!"
"Mr. Scott, i've prepared the car!" the sound of Francis's voice caused electricity to run through Kamari's little body, and he hopped off of the bed and ran out of the room as his eyes locked on Francis, who was standing by the door of the jet.
"Mr. Francis, does the car really have stars on the ceiling?" Kamari asked, smiling widely, as Francis looked down at him and smiled at his ecstatic face.
"yes, it does, little man. you wanna see?" Francis smiled as Kamari jumped up and down in excitement and quickly nodded his head.
"yes, please!" Kamari exclaimed excitedly as he and Francis left the jet, leaving Jo-Vaughn and Bianca there by themselves.
"his lil' ass gon' be bouncin' off walls all day long," Bianca chuckled, grabbing her purse, as she stood up from the bed and walked towards the door of the bedroom to slip on her shoes, "and i don't know how many times i gotta' tell you to stop callin' me pet names, especially in front of 'Mari. he's young, he could get confused."
"ain't nothin' for our lil' man to be confused about. his daddy loves his mama, that's all that is," Jo-Vaughn declared, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca slipped on her shoes and attempted to walk past him but Jo-Vaughn stopped her by wrapping his arm around her waist, "and i ain't stoppin' 'til i get you back, B, i told you that. you can resist it all you want, but by the time this trip ends, you gon' be all mine again, shorty."
Bianca stared into his eyes and her body tingled from his touch as she rested her hands on his chest and thought about pushing him away, but she soon got lost in her thoughts instead of acting upon them. his words sounded eerily similar to the words Nia had spoken to her this morning, and it made her wonder if Nia secretly was in on what Jo-Vaughn had planned, but knowing how Nia is, she wouldn't admit it unless it worked in her favor.
sooner or later, Bianca would eventually cave into Jo-Vaughn's advances. since the two were together for a few years, he knew all of her weaknesses, and he could easily use them to his advantage, which made Bianca slightly nervous.
one usage of one of her "worst" weaknesses, and she was bound to be bent over in their hotel room at the end of the night.
"whatever you say, Joey," Bianca mumbled, breaking their eye contact, as she felt
butterflies in her stomach and lightly removed his arm from around her, "stop tryna' romance me and let's go. Kamari ain't gon' be occupied with those stars for that long, J."
Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cracked a smile as he followed behind Bianca and the two made their way to the exit of the jet, his eyes trailing down her figure and stopping at her ass while he ran his tongue over his lips, "you got a point... but i know what can occupy me."
"Jo-Vaughn, i'ma slap yo' nasty ass with my purse."
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"this room is beautiful... you really outdid yourself with this, J." Bianca chuckled, smiling, as the three walked into the hotel room and Kamari immediately took off running down the short hallway.
"i had to get the best for you and KJ, so i got a luxury suite. there's two bedrooms in here, a master bedroom and a kid's bedroom, so—"
"wait. one master bedroom?" Bianca asked, her brows furrowing, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and nodded his head, "so i gotta' share a bed with you?"
"you got a problem with sleepin' next to me, B?" Jo-Vaughn asked, chuckling, as the two made their way down the hallway and walked into the master bedroom that was across from the kid's bedroom.
"i'd rather sleep on the couch—"
"Bianca, if you think i'm lettin' you sleep on the couch, you must not know who you had a baby by," Jo-Vaughn cut her off as he sat their suitcases on the king-sized bed, "you not 'bout to sleep on that couch when this bed is sittin' right here, you heard? i'on know what typa' man you think i am, but i ain't the typa' man to let his lady sleep on the couch."
a sly smirk crossed Bianca's face at him fussing at her for wanting to sleep on the couch, and butterflies filled her stomach for a second time as she dropped the smirk from her face once she saw Jo-Vaughn look back at her and the two locked eyes while Bianca crossed her arms.
"yes, baby father," Bianca jokingly grouched, playfully rolling her eyes at him, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her and Bianca walked out of the room to check on Kamari, "Kamari Jahlil, stop jumpin' on this bed!"
Bianca laughed at seeing Kamari bounce on his bed and he giggled at her fussing at him as he slid off of the bed and walked over to Bianca, holding his arms up and signaling for her to pick him up.
"you wanna go look at the view with Mommy?" Bianca asked, smiling, as she picked him up and sat him on her hip while Kamari nodded his head and the two made their way to the living room.
opening the sliding door to the balcony, the summer breeze gently slapped the two in the face as they stepped onto the balcony, looking out at the clear blue sky and the warm sunlight shining over the sand and ocean across from them.
"it's pretty." Kamari spoke softly in awe, his dark brown eyes watching the sun reflect on the ocean, as Bianca smiled and nodded her head, removing her braids from underneath Kamari's arm and feeling them sway behind her head.
"it really is, papa," Bianca smiled as she heard footsteps behind her and looked over her shoulder, seeing Jo-Vaughn standing in the living room with his phone pointed towards her, "are you recording us?"
"maybe," Jo-Vaughn smiled, playfully winking, as he posted the video to his Instagram story with his song "Fallin'" attached to it and stuffed his phone into his pocket, "y'all ready to go to Disney World or y'all just gon' stand there and look at the view the whole trip?"
"i'm ready!" Kamari exclaimed, smiling, as he jumped down from Bianca's arms and ran over to Jo-Vaughn, making both of the adults laugh while Bianca walked inside and closed and locked the sliding door behind her.
"okay, Spongebob Jr, let's get you to Disney World."
"bye, Mickey!" Kamari smiled, waving goodbye to the employee in the Mickey Mouse costume, as the employee waved back to him and Bianca smiled at the sight, holding into his small hand while he clutched three of her fingers since her hand was too big to hold.
not only was the trip to Disney World enjoyable to Kamari, but Bianca and Jo-Vaughn enjoyed themselves as well. the family of three road rides together, took pictures, and even indulged in some of the food they had. despite underestimating how much fun she'd have, Bianca was starting to become grateful she agreed to come on the trip. though it was only for Kamari, she managed to enjoy herself as much as he did, and the smile on her face was almost as big as his.
though Kamari looked like Jo-Vaughn, it was safe to say that he and Bianca shared more mannerisms than he did with his father.
"you enjoyed yourself, papa?" Bianca asked, smiling, as she adjusted the Mickey Mouse ears on his head and the charm bracelet Jo-Vaughn bought for her at the gift shop jingled on her wrist with each movement her hand made.
"yeah! Daddy, can we go back one day?" Kamari smiled widely, looking up at his father, as Jo-Vaughn looked down at him and adjusted the matching Mickey Mouse ears on his head while he smiled at him.
"we can back for ya birthday next year, deal?" Jo-Vaughn offered, raising one of his thin brows, as he lowered his right hand down to him since he was holding onto his left one and held out his pinky finger, making Kamari's smile widen while his dimples poked through his cheeks and he locked his pinky finger with his.
"deal!" Kamari smiled as he and Jo-Vaughn gave each other a high five and Kamari looked up at Bianca while he held his pinky finger up to her, "Mommy, you're coming too, right?"
"of course, 'Mari. i wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Bianca smiled, lowering her left hand down to him since he was holding onto her right one, as she locked her pinky around his and Kamari giggled in delight, the two sharing a high five while they approached the white Rolls Royce that Francis was sitting in.
"what else you got planned, J?" Bianca asked, averting her attention to her baby father, as she fixed one of her braids underneath her Minnie Mouse ears and Jo-Vaughn looked over at her, causing the two to make eye contact.
"you like boats?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca raised her brows and let out a soft chuckle in shock, watching him open the car door for her while Kamari slipped inside the backseat.
"Joey, you didn't." Bianca spoke in disbelief, getting into the seat next to Kamari, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her reaction and closed her door, walking over to his side and opening his own.
"i definitely did," Jo-Vaughn smirked, getting inside the vehicle, as he closed the door behind him and gave Kamari his Donald Duck plush while he looked up at Francis in the driver seat, "yo, Francis, you remember that boat dock i was tellin' you about two days ago? i need you to take me there."
"right away, sir."
"Jo-Vaughn!" Bianca gasped, her jaw dropping at the sight of the boat, as she looked over at him and noticed a wide smile on his face, "this is... oh, my God, it's so pretty!"
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"and before you ask me about the price, i ain't buy it. i rented it for the day," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, holding Kamari in his arms, as the driver of the boat appeared before them and Jo-Vaughn bent down to dap him up, "wassup, bro. Bianca, this my homie Alejandro, he gon' be drivin' the boat for us. Al, this is my baby mama Bianca and our son Kamari."
"ah, so you the girl i hear him talk about often. it's nice to meet you," Alejandro smiled, his Spanish accent heavily audible in his speech, as he shook the woman's hand and looked over at Kamari before holding his hand up to give a high five, "hey, little guy."
"hi," Kamari smiled softly, giving him a high five, as he heard the sound of a dog barking and his eyes lit up, "you have a dog?"
"a baby French Bulldog, to be exact. you wanna see her, buddy?" Alejandro asked, smiling, as Kamari nodded his head and looked at his parents for permission, the both of them nodding their heads while Jo-Vaughn lowered him down onto the boat.
"Mala don't bite, do she?" Jo-Vaughn asked, holding onto Bianca's hand, as Bianca cautiously stepped down from the dock and into the boat.
"nah, she's a sweetheart. i made sure to train her well so she wouldn't attack non-threatening people," Alejandro assured as Jo-Vaughn stepped down into the boat and the sound of dog claws hitting the ground got closer to them, making the four of them look back and see the 2-month-old gray French Bulldog approaching them, "Ms. Bianca and Kamari, this is Mala, my dog."
Kamari smiled at the sight of the dog and approached the animal as Mala sat in front of him and looked up at him, watching him lower his hand down to her head while he pet her. Mala leaned into Kamari's hand and Bianca smiled at the sight as she pulled out her phone and started recording, making sure to get the adorable sight on camera so she could send it to her best friend.
"if you'll excuse me, i'll go start the boat."
"so you talk about me, huh?" Bianca asked, smirking, as she looked over at Jo-Vaughn and Jo-Vaughn chuckled, looking over at her while his arm rested behind her.
"it's hard not to talk about a woman that's heaven-sent," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, running his tongue over his lips, as he looked down at the floor of the boat and watched Kamari pet Mala, who was half-asleep in his small lap, "i still talk to my friends and my mama about you."
"Mama Scott still asks about me?" Bianca asked, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her ex-mother-in-law, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and nodded his head, a small smile creeping onto his face once he noticed the sparkle in her eyes.
"mhm. she still calls you her daughter-in-law," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, a smile on his face, as Bianca cracked a smile and looked out at the view, "when i told her i wanted to get you back, she told me she believed in me because she knew how much i love you. she told me "a man who truly loves a woman will fight for her", and it made me realize how much i care about you because i haven't given up on us."
Bianca felt butterflies flutter in her stomach for a third time and she looked over at him as the two stared into one another's eyes, their pupils dilating in love while Bianca's smile slightly widened. though she was talking to another man and going on dates with him, nobody could ever compare to Jo-Vaughn, and she knew this. she couldn't love another man as much as she loved him, but she had no shame in trying to see if she could find love in another person.
the men she dated after Jo-Vaughn were sweethearts and so was the one she was talking to now, but with how much time and effort Jo-Vaughn put into pursuing her, it seemed as if trying to date other men was practically a waste of time.
without either of them realizing it, their faces had gotten closer to one another's, causing Bianca's breathing to slightly speed up, and before the two could share a kiss, Jo-Vaughn moved his face back from hers, a small smirk on his face while he watched her mindlessly squeeze her thighs together.
"this motherfucker here." Bianca thought, feeling a pulse between her legs, as she wiped her sweaty palms on her romper and watched the man look out at the view.
"the view's nice, ain't it?" Jo-Vaughn complimented, changing the topic, as Bianca slyly pulled out her phone and opened her camera.
"it really is," Bianca added, glancing up at the scenery, as she raised her phone, "pose for me real quick."
looking back at her, Jo-Vaughn noticed the phone in her hands and he chuckled as he posed, making Bianca smile while she took the picture and went to her camera roll to see how it turned out.
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"ooh, who that is? he look like he the man." Jo-Vaughn joked, a playful grin on his face, as he looked at the photo and Bianca laughed while she shook her head at him.
"don't get cocky, Joey."
"can i have a dog like Mr. Al?" Kamari asked, looking up at his parents, as the adults chuckled and Jo-Vaughn unlocked the door to the hotel room, opening the door and letting Kamari and Bianca walk in first while he walked in behind him.
"if you're good, i might buy you one for Christmas," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, closing the door behind him, as he watched Kamari walk down the hallway and Bianca walk over to the couch, "don't neither of y'all get too comfortable 'cause we leavin' in a minute."
"leaving? where we goin'?" Bianca asked, her brows furrowing, as Kamari peeked around the corner and looked at his father in slight confusion mixed with excitement.
"we gotta' eat, right? so i'm takin' y'all to The Palm." Jo-Vaughn smiled as Bianca's face dropped and her brows raised while Kamari's little brows furrowed and he looked between his parents.
"what's The Palm?" Kamari asked, leaning against the wall, as Bianca looked over at him.
"it's a fancy restaurant, papa," Bianca answered as she turned her attention back to Jo-Vaughn, "and it's extremely expensive. you don't listen to me at all when i tell you not to spend so much money, do you?"
"it's for a good cause, ain't it?" Jo-Vaughn asked, raising his brows, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes at him and Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her, "now you and K go get dressed."
"Joey, i didn't pack anything that would fit the atmosphere of a fancy restaurant—"
"who said anything about what you packed?" Jo-Vaughn asked, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca's brows furrowed in confusion and Jo-Vaughn's smirk widened at the sight, "go look on the bed in our bedroom, B."
Bianca stepped away from the couch and made her way down the short hallway with Kamari by her side and Jo-Vaughn walking behind her as she walked into the bedroom and saw three dry-cleaners bags on the bed, a shoebox on top of each bag and making a wide smile cross Bianca's face while she looked back at Jo-Vaughn.
"what's all this?" Bianca asked, smiling, as Kamari walked over to the bed and ran his tiny fingers on the small bag of clothing, lightly tilting his head at it to see if he could make out what was in the bag.
"i had Francis go pick up some clothes and shoes for me while we was on the boat. while you and K walked down the dock, i was talking to him about restaurants i could take y'all to and he told me about The Palm. as you could tell by the three bags and boxes, i ain't pack no appropriate clothes for a fancy restaurant either," Jo-Vaughn explained, chuckling, as Bianca approached the bed and her eyes lit up once she realized the bag in the middle had a dress in it, "the first one's mine, the second one's yours, and the third one's KJ's."
"now, for the second time, get dressed." Jo-Vaughn playfully smirked, raising his brow, as Bianca and Kamari looked at each other before looking over at Jo-Vaughn.
"yes, sir!"
"...it takes time to look this good and you rushin' me?" Bianca exclaimed from the bathroom, adjusting her ponytail, as she pushed up her breasts in her dress and made sure her areolas and nipples were covered and not slipping out, hearing footsteps approach the bathroom door and immediately recognizing whose they were.
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though Bianca was slightly taken aback by Jo-Vaughn remembering what size she wore in clothes and heels, she couldn't lie and say that he didn't have good taste. he knew what looked good on her, and it was evident due to the dress he had Francis purchase.
"girl, if you don't—" Jo-Vaughn cut himself off once he saw her and a smile crept onto his face as he analyzed her from head to toe and licked his lips at the sight of her, "i knew you'd look good in that dress."
"i'm surprised you still remember what size i wear." Bianca chuckled, adjusting the silver 'B' necklace around her neck, as she picked up her silver hoops and put them in her ears, her eyes landing on Jo-Vaughn through the mirror while she slightly smirked at seeing him be memorized by her appearance.
"i remember everything about you, B." Jo-Vaughn admitted, admiration shining in his tone, as Bianca's heart fluttered from his words and she looked away from his reflection in the mirror, looking back at herself and watching a big grin spread across her face.
"you do?" Bianca asked, grinning, as Jo-Vaughn looked at her through the mirror and nodded his head, "so, you remember how i reacted when you told me that "Love Is Only a Feeling" was about me?"
"man," Jo-Vaughn laughed, shaking his head, as Bianca laughed and turned to face him, "you cried like a baby when i sang that shit to you. i ain't know whether to keep singin' or hold you."
"and you did both. i still remember that moment," Bianca smiled, chuckling, as Jo-Vaughn smiled at her and Bianca soon started blushing, making her break their eye contact while she turned off the bathroom and grabbed Jo-Vaughn's hand, "now c'mon and let's go eat. i know K's probably hungry as hell sitting in the living room in his lil' tuxedo."
"you put 'Mari to sleep?" Bianca asked, walking out of the bathroom, as Jo-Vaughn stood by his side of the bed and put his phone on the charger, laying it on the bedside table while he looked up at her.
"yeah, i just laid him down. after he went to sleep, i took a shower in the other bathroom so i wouldn't bother you," Jo-Vaughn explained as his eyes scanned her attire before locking on her oversized shirt, "you still sleep in my shirts?"
"i never stopped. you left some of your shirts at my house, so i kept wearing 'em." Bianca chuckled, earning a smile from Jo-Vaughn, as she walked over to her side of the bed and grabbed her phone changer from her bedside table, plugging her phone up and sitting it down.
though Bianca scolded Jo-Vaughn about how much money he's spent, dinner was probably her favorite part of their eventful day. the family of three conversed, ate, and still managed to have smiles on their faces. after they ate, Kamari had gotten sleepy, and he ended up falling asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel, which resulted in Jo-Vaughn carrying him up to the room and giving him a bath before putting him to bed.
Bianca's bath had left her relaxed and refreshed, and all she could think about was crawling into bed and heading straight to sleep, but with Jo-Vaughn around, she knew it wouldn't be that easy.
"i remember one time i came home from tour and saw you wrapped up in one of my hoodies." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, smiling, as Bianca laughed and walked over to the vanity near Jo-Vaughn's side of the room, sitting down on the cushioned chair in front of the mirror while she grabbed her head scarf.
"i was lonely and it smelled like you, okay? don't bully me for that." Bianca laughed, wrapping her scarf around her scalp, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and walked towards the end of the bed, sitting down on it while he looked at her with love in his eyes.
"i miss you, girl." Jo-Vaughn spoke with an unintelligible tone in his voice, a small smile on resting his face, as Bianca looked at him through the mirror she was sitting in front of and ran her fingers through her braids.
"how can you miss me when i'm right here?—"
"nah, B, i'm talking 'bout when we was together. i miss us. i miss how shit used to be. i know we ended on good terms, but sometimes i can't help but to think about what would've happened to us if we didn't grow apart. you would've probably been my wife by now," Jo-Vaughn admitted as Bianca's eyes broke his eye contact and looked down at her lap, "i miss hearin' you call me all them cute nicknames. i miss kissin' you, holdin' you, spendin' time with you... i miss being with you, B. not being with you feels like a part of me is gone and there's a void in my heart. you're the missin' piece of my puzzle piece, girl. without you, i'll always remain incomplete."
"Jo-Vaughn..." Bianca spoke softly, searching for words to form a proper response, as she looked up at him through her mirror for the second time, letting her eyes tell the story her mouth couldn't say.
"i know you miss me too, B. you been frontin' for too long and i can see through all'at shit," Jo-Vaughn added, standing up from the bed, as he walked closer to Bianca and stood beside her, "but there's one thing standin' in my way of gettin' to you, and i know you know what it is."
Bianca parted her lips to speak but no words exited her mouth as she looked up at Jo-Vaughn, confusion filling her mind before it abruptly clicked that he was talking about Malcolm. Bianca's mouth shut at the realization and she swallowed the lump growing in her throat as she watched Jo-Vaughn's demeanor change and she wiped her now sweaty palms on her thighs.
"h...how do you know about him?" Bianca asked, her voice as low as a whisper, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cupped her face in his hand, rubbing her cheek with his thumb while he leaned down to her.
"you think Kamari not gon' tell me 'bout the nigga you been bringin' around him?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, raising a brow, as goosebumps spread across Bianca's body and her throat became dry, "you forgot that you mines, mama? hm? or do i gotta' remind you?"
Bianca gently gripped her knees to keep herself poised and her breathing turned irregular as she looked up at her baby father and swallowed the second lump growing in her throat before parting her lips to speak, "...remind me."
Bianca's eyes rolled back as the bed rocked underneath her, a pillow wedged between the headboard and the wall to keep from making too much noise. Jo-Vaughn's hand rested on her mouth to silence her loud noises and the arch in her back deepened at feeling him roughly smack her ass, making her whimper in his palm while he grabbed a handful of her braids and pulled her back to his chest.
"you been frontin' all day, baby. now look at you. being a good girl and takin' this dick how you 'posed to," Jo-Vaughn cooed, a small smirk on his face, as he let go of her hair and rested his hand on one of her breasts, teasing and tugging at her nipple while he kissed her earlobe, "you missed me, pretty?"
"y-yes! oh, God, baby, don't stop!" Bianca whimpered against his palm, gently wrapping her hand around his wrist, as she rested her other hand on top of the one on her breast and her brows furrowed while her nipples hardened against Jo-Vaughn's touch.
who would've known that this would've been the end result of their first day on their family trip? Jo-Vaughn might've known and Nia knew off the bat, but Bianca? poor Bianca was clueless about what was to come later on.
"youn' know how bad i been missin' you, B. how much i craved havin' you like this again. i missed hearin' you call out for me and moan my name while i gave you this dick like my life depended on it. i missed feelin' you hold on to me as tight as you could because i was overstimulatin' you and you couldn't take it. i missed watchin' those tears roll down your face as i hit that spot," Jo-Vaughn spoke explicitly in her ear, kissing her earlobe, as he sneakily slid deeper and Bianca let out a squeal against his hand, "hearin' you say my name gives me the best ego boost of my fuckin' life, mama. the way you moan it, whimper it, whine it, cry it out, drag it out... the way it rolls off your tongue could make a nigga buss right then and there."
"Jo-Vaughnnnn..." Bianca whined, her hips slightly bucking at feeling him thrust from a different angle, as she gently squeezed his wrist, "you m-make me feel so g-good, Daddy..."
"just like that, baby. say my name just like that. you look so pretty when you say that shit," Jo-Vaughn groaned in her ear, lightly tugging at her earlobe with his teeth, as the speed of Jo-Vaughn's strokes sped up and Bianca's eyes rolled back for a second time, "you got me hooked on you, girl. and you think i'm gon' let another nigga experience this? you got me fucked up, B."
"can't no other nigga make you feel the way i make you feel, and you know that. so for you to prance around with all these niggas on ya arm like they could even top me is some fuckin' bullshit, yo," Jo-Vaughn growled, removing his hand from her mouth, as he wrapped his hand around her neck and roughly squeezed the sides of it, "they can't make you cum like i can, make you moan like i can, make you run from the dick like i can, make you squirm like i can, make you cream like i can... shit, them niggas can't even eat this pussy like i can, baby. can't none of these muh'fuckas' compare to me, and you know that, shorty."
"you let them niggas in my pussy? huh?" Jo-Vaughn asked, his tone aggressive, as he turned her head towards him, "and look at me when i'm fuckin' talkin' to you, shorty. show me those pretty brown eyes."
"n-no, Daddy, i swearrrr! i-i swear, i didn't give 'em yo' pussy," Bianca whimpered, her submissive gaze locking with his dominant one, as she bit down on her bottom lip to suppress her moans and she felt herself become wetter from his possessiveness, making a feeble whimper come from her lips while her eyes fluttered a bit, "i-i was keepin' it t-tight for you, baby..."
"aw, you kept it tight for me, princess?" Jo-Vaughn smiled sadistically, shoving his inches deeper inside of her walls, as Bianca's jaw dropped and no sound exited her mouth while she vigorously nodded her head in response, "you ain't let ya old niggas hit? not even ole' dude you with now? — and you know exactly who i'm talkin' 'bout, so don't play crazy. i'm glad he ain't get to experience it... shit, he wouldn't be able to handle all this good ass pussy even if you offered it to him."
"well guess what, B? i'm comin' back for good, so let that nigga know all this shit mine," Jo-Vaughn growled, smacking her ass and leaving a red handprint behind, as Bianca felt his tip aggressively smash into her g-spot and she gasped, her grip suddenly tightening on him while her brows furrowed, "make any type of loud ass noise and i promise you i'll leave you here wet and horny without a single orgasm."
Bianca quickly covered her mouth and her eyes rolled back as her inner thighs began tingling, pleasure coursing through her veins while she felt herself slowly being pushed into overstimulation. tears pricked at her eyes and muffled moans and cries fell from her covered mouth as her headscarf slipped off her head and onto the bed, making her quickly grab it and toss it on the floor so it wouldn't be covered in her juices.
"babyyyy," Bianca whined, her brows furrowing, as she rested her hand on Jo-Vaughn's toned lower abdomen and attempted to push him away, "i-i can't—"
"mm-mm, move yo' hand, baby. you know you can handle this dick, c'mon now. look at how good you creamin' around it, princess, and you tellin' me you can't take it?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, a smirk on his face, as he raised his brow at the woman and watched her slowly retreat her hand from his stomach, making his smirk widen while he watched her body temple, "there you go, mama, look at you. takin' this dick like a big girl. i knew you could do it, you takin' all of it so good."
"it's s-so muchhh," Bianca cried, tears slipping down her cheeks, as a sadistic smile found its way onto Jo-Vaughn's face for a second time and he lightly tilted his head at her, "y-you hittin' my spot, Daddyyy..."
"i wish you could see how pretty you look right now. tears rollin' down ya face, hand coverin' ya mouth, eyes unfocusin' and rollin' back... you look so fuckin' good with that fucked-out look on ya face, mama," Jo-Vaughn cooed, biting down on his bottom lip, as Bianca's legs began to tremble and her cream and wetness began coating her inner thighs due to how rapidly it was oozing out of her, "i'm the luckiest muh'fucka' ever, mama. as long as i got you, i'll be the happiest nigga on the plant. this fame and fortune don't mean shit to me if i ain't got you to share it with. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Bianca. and i'll be damned if i gotta' stand by and watch another nigga experience the way you make me feel. i love you too much to let that shit just ride past me."
"i-i love you so much more, Jo-Vaughn," Bianca moaned, both of her hands now covering her mouth due to how much intense pleasure was hitting her at once, as her eyes rolled back for the millionth time and she tossed her head back onto Jo-Vaughn's broad shoulder, "o-oh, my God, i'm 'bout to cum!"
"tell me you mines and i'll let you cum. c'mon, let me hear those words leave those pretty lips," Jo-Vaughn cooed, kissing up and down her neck, as Bianca roughly bit down on her lip to suppress the loud moan that wanted to exit her mouth and her grip tightened on her face, "if i don't hear you say it, don't even think about bussin', pretty."
"i'm yours! yours, yours, yourssss! please, please, please let me cum! i can't hold it anymore!" Bianca cried loudly, her loudness being muffled by her hands, as tears streamed down her face at a quicker rate and she sobbed into her hands, her orgasm practically screaming to be released.
"cum for me, princess. let it alll out on yo' dick. gimme all that good shit." Jo-Vaughn's words made Bianca's knees buckle, and she leaned onto him for support as sounds of her gushiness sounded out into the bedroom and her jaw dropped, her eyes rolling back and her back arching deeply while her climax hit her like a freight train. a squeal fell from her lips as she came, her walls clenching and unclenching around Jo-Vaughn's phallus and earning groans from him as it did so.
her body tensed up and her bottom lip retreated between her teeth as she bit down on it so hard that it nearly bled, her chest heaving up and down at an irregular pace while Jo-Vaughn's deep strokes began slowing down. he placed kisses on her neck, ear, and the side of her face as he stroked her through her orgasm, his grip loosening on her neck while he caressed her breasts. removing her hands from her mouth, Bianca let out a soft and heavy sigh and her body relaxed as her vision corrected itself while she stared at the ceiling, letting everything that happened marinate in her mind while she breathed in through her nose and out through her parted lips.
"you know i love you, don't you?" Jo-Vaughn mumbled against her neck, making Bianca smile, as Bianca chuckled and ran her tongue over her lips, letting go of his wrist and wrapping her arm around his neck while she rubbed the nape of his neck.
"I know, baby, I know. I love you too."
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stevenbasic · 6 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 366: That was Then, This is Now, p18
He hadn't even complained when she parked in the middle of the street, in clear view of his old neighbors, to give him a blow job in the car. He’d just sat back, closed his eyes, and let it happen. She had then let him nap on the way home, the taste of him still deliciously on her lips. As she cooked for him, in her mother’s modern, well-appointed kitchen, she had been understanding when he was quiet. She knew that going to his old house to see his ex-wife chatting with his new younger girlfriend could have been stressful. She’d given him the time he needed as she made him dinner - well, she’d reheated a rotisserie chicken she’d grabbed last week, and steamed some carrots. And she didn’t melt them, like last time! Even though he didn’t eat much of her cooking - just some of the veggies - she was happy she could provide for him like this, take care of him. He’d asked for a glass of milk, all by himself, when he decided that was what he really needed. That made her smile. She wanted to make him feel comfortable tonight, but she needed him to start accepting the way things were now.
And he’d responded well, she thought. Throughout dinner, with a couple glasses of wine, he’d begun to smile more. He’d started to lighten up. He’d cracked some stupid jokes, at which she’d made sure to laugh. She wanted him to forget some of his worries and just enjoy himself. He began to get chilly, so she let him borrow an old white hoodie to wear over his scrubs, one of hers that her mom had kept. It used to fit her in middle school but, by the looks of it, it was too big on him now. The sight of him in it made her thighs tingle, but she didn’t want to say anything yet. And he didn't seem to mind that it was too large, that it was a teenage girl’s sweatshirt. It was snuggly and warm and it still actually smelled like her, and that was all that mattered. All in all, he was now having a good time, sitting here at the kitchen bar with a glass of wine after dinner, chatting. Here, away from the office and the stresses of the outside world, he began to open up again. He was still hesitating, holding back, wrapped up in that too-smart head of his. But Melissa was still in her tight white dress from work and she knew her figure - as always - provided a pleasant distraction and loosened his tongue as much as the wine. She wanted him to talk to her tonight
“How are you feeling, any better?” she asked him, with honest concern.
“I’m fine…I guess,” he responded, lukewarmly. He took a moment to think. “Better when I’m alone with you.”
ooo yes okay okay that felt good. She smiled, actually blushing, the weapons-grade dimples of her cheeks carving lines of gladness into her face. “I like being alone with you too,” she said, her voice gentle and warm, “It just feels so…natural.”
He smiled, too, nodding in an unspoken agreement. It was strange, weird, but the connection between these two very different people was strengthening by the day. They both silently acknowledged that, and clinked glasses.
“Cheers,” he said.
“Cheers,” she giggled.
He took a sip of wine, a really nice South American malbec that she’d insisted he open, something she grabbed from her mother’s wine cellar. She hadn’t, of course, let him down there himself, but she knew exactly what flavor (is that the right word haha?) he liked, and picked it out herself.
He took another sip. “So, uh, hey,” he began, “Is there any way we can step out, maybe get some air? I think I should clear my head for a bit. Maybe a walk?” It had been so long since he’d really been outside, taken a walk. Even in the dark, it’d be nice.
“Sure sure sure, sweetie,” Melissa answered, “But hey why don’t instead we, like, head out into the backyard. The patio’s nice…”
He nodded. Okay, okay…
“...and maybe we could start a fire, cuddle up? A quiet night just you, me and the stars?” She beamed as she watched as his little face brightened at her suggestion. Was that the idea of the fire, the stars, or - hopefully - the cuddles?
“Ah, sold!” he exclaimed, suddenly putting his wine down, invigorated, “Maybe we could make some S’mores?”
Melissa’s smile grew bigger. She loved seeing him happy, seeing him enthused. It was really, truly adorable. But…
“What’s a S’more?” she asked, “The girls over the weekend, brought some stuff, had said-”
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” he laughed, interrupting her, “You’ve never had a S’more?”
“No I uh-”
“Well that settles it! We’re making S’mores tonight and you’re gonna love it!” he said, jumping off of his high stool and eager to pull her along.
With her help he rummaged through her cabinets, finding the essential ingredients. Apparently there had been plans to make them on Saturday night. The girls had brought the stuff but the moment never materialized. But tonight, he’d decided: S’mores! Suddenly it was like he was a man on a mission, and she patiently indulged his zeal. 
After a few minutes, they had an elegant rosewood tray laden with everything they needed. She allowed him to carry it, and slid apart the big, glass sliding doors that opened up to the backyard patio. They walked out onto it, and had a solid two acres of grass and elegant landscaping all to themselves, separated from any prying eyes by tall, tasteful hedges and a thicket of oaks, ashes and maples. With wood from the woodpile at the yard’s edge and a bit of effort the two of them managed to start a fire in the stone firepit that was built tastefully into the large patio. He’d needed to instruct her how to set up the kindling and logs, as she’d never started a fire before. But soon they had it nicely ablaze and were prepared to spend the evening together, under the clear sea of stars on this crisp evening. The fire was also burning brightly at this point, casting its warm light across the patio and onto the two lovers.
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Though she didn’t really need its warmth, she sat there in an oversized hoodie of her own, soft and blue. She reclined in the mahogany Adirondack chair next to his and cursed as her third marshmallow of the night burst into flames.
“Oh poop!!” she laughed, pulling it out immediately and once again extinguishing it by grabbing it into her free hand. 
He didn’t even gasp this time, she noticed. She’d told him it was cute, how alarmed he’d first been, telling her stop you’ll burn yourself! She was, somehow, now impervious to flames. He’d seen her, over the weekend, place her hand right on a hot burner on the stove, not even flinch. Now she was giggling, licking the gooey, burnt marshmallow from her palm, no worse for the wear. I could pick up one of those hot red coals, sweetie, if I wanted. It wouldn’t hurt a bit. 
He had to stop letting this sort of thing freak him out. His girlfriend was not only - along with, it seemed, his entire female staff - growing taller at a rapid rate, but was also developing abilities that he struggled to be able to explain, that baffled all his years of medical education. Powerful breath, super strength, she’d healed his hickey with a laying-on of hands - and now this invulnerability to heat? What else was this girl capable of? And, he thought, with a private shiver, what was she going to be capable of a year from now, if she continued to develop these..let’s call them what they are…powers. It was like something out of one of the comic books he’d loved reading when he was younger, the strong superheros he'd secretly worshiped. But now he was dating one, a budding heroine. 
Or is she going to turn out to be the villain?
He shook off his intrusive thoughts, and - shivering in a private chill - pulled the thin blanket she’d put over his legs closer. “Here, let’s try this,” he said, putting a new marshmallow on her stick and redirecting her to get this right. There was a proper part of the fire to use, and a right distance at which to keep it. For all her strengths and physical capabilities, Melissa couldn’t roast a marshmallow for shit. Apparently, she’d never done it as a kid. Her childhood was, by her accounts, full of constant travel, and she didn’t have much to call her own. Her mother certainly didn’t have a home as extravagant as this for her and her sister growing up, with its bluestone patio complete with built-in fire pit, outdoor kitchen and beautiful mahogany furniture. They’d never even gone camping.
“Omigod delicious!” she raved, big eyes wide as she took her first bite of the little graham-cracker and chocolate-bar sandwich he’d made for her. A finger came to the corner of her lips, catching some of the gooey white sugar of the perfectly done marshmallow the two of them had roasted. They’d cooked it together, watching it start to turn a nice, gentle brown, even starting to smoke and bubble a little. At some point it almost fell off her stick, and she giggled as he helped her recover. Finally, it was done, slightly crispy on the outside, and perfect to slide between the two crackers and melt the chocolate just enough before-
“So yummy!!” she gushed, taking the next bite and then, immediately, insisting that they make another. “I’m so glad the girls brought this stuff over on Saturday! Too bad we didn’t even use it. S'mores are amazing!”
“Yeah…right…this weekend,” he mumbled, suddenly pensive again, sitting forward in his chair and poking around the fire’s embers with his own roasting stick. He watched as Melissa began to put another marshmallow on her stick, prepared to fix up another s’more. She promised she’d let him have some of it. 
Though seemingly intent on her task - I am not going to burn this one - she was reading his demeanor loud and clear, sensing his anxiety. She glanced at him, deciding to be quiet as she slid her stick into the fire, into the perfect position to roast her next marshmallow. He hadn’t said anything further, but she felt a dark little thrill of excitement when she uncannily knew that he was about to ask-
“So, uh,” he began, reaching for a marshmallow, putting it on the tip of his own stick, “Sheryl said something about a video? From this weekend?”
“Omigosh so fun,” Melissa giggled, herself recalling the amazing moments from Friday, Saturday, Sunday as she watched him put his marshmallow into the flames. The date, the visit to the TV station, the mall with Shanette. And then of course the pool, dinner with all the girls and - bnnnghrrrrrar - bed with him, Sunday with him, the whole weekend with him. They had all grown together as friends, as a family…and they had all just plain grown. Well, haha, not him. Quite the opposite. And some of it made its way online.
“Did, like, someone post something I should know about?” he asked, watching her marshmallow slowly start to brown, not paying as much attention to his, “My phone’s dead so I, uh, couldn’t check…”
I can’t show that to him, not yet, not tonight. He’ll freak. 
Simply crossing her legs, bare in the crisp night air, grabbed his attention. Her right leg came over her left, muscles bulging. He was suddenly distracted, suddenly appreciating the immensity of her shapely legs, and he swallowed audibly. He felt immediately the familiar sense of anxiety resurface, and he tried to stop it in its tracks. Why should it bother him if Melissa’s taller than him? Younger, physically superior? She was the sweetest woman he'd ever met, even if she was two sandwiches short of a picnic, or a little nuts. She was certainly the first woman he’d been with that would try to cook a s’more for him.
Speaking of - ahhhg!
His marshmallow was on fire!!
Melissa giggled, watching him blow blow blow at the flaming inferno at the end of his stick. She quietly resisted the temptation to use a puff of her own breath to extinguish it for him. I might blow him off the patio haha. Eventually though, even with his little lungs, he had it snuffed out and he was shaking his head, admonishing himself for having lost focus again. She was amused by how dumbfounded and distracted he could get every now and then. That, she knew, glancing down at her bare, womanly thighs, may be her fault…ok, it’s totally my fault.
She took her stick out, on whose end her marshmallow sat toasted brown and perfect. “Don’t worry sweetie,” she told him, gently urging him to lower his stick, letting the ashen remnants of his attempt fall back into the fire, “we can use mine.”
He couldn't help but notice she’d gotten very good at roasting marshmallows, very quickly. She had an uncanny ability to pick up these talents pretty quickly. Unless they involved like, math, or spelling maybe. He watched her make another s’more, and allowed her to feed him the first bite. Yum. Pretty good, actually. Solid food hadn’t been his thing for a while now, but when she made it it tended to be a bit more palatable; he’d noticed that with the carrots earlier. Something about her making it just made everything taste better for some reason. Yum yum. He was given another bite, and another, and soon the s’more was all gone.
They spent the next few minutes laughing a little together, musing on the possibility of running away and opening up a s’more shack somewhere out in the mountain wilderness (her idea), or down on some southern beach (his), just the two of them, charging passer-bys for their gourmet offerings. She liked the chilly mountainside idea, with its promise of nighttime snuggles, where he suggested the beach because, uh, bikinis.  “Grab your wine, tiger,” she instructed him with a laugh and a slap to his knee, standing up, “let’s go look at the stars…”
She helped him from his chair with an offered hand, and it was with clasped palms that they stepped off the patio, away from the fire, out into the yard. A few swipes on her phone and the outside lights were off, as were any interior lights. She wanted it nice and dark for this.
The little hillock at the edge of the woods would be perfect. Nice soft grass, away from it all. The fire still burned, flickering maybe a hundred yards away, but it was now the stars that would light their way. She’d grabbed the thin blanket he’d been using earlier as something for them to sit on. Down on their backs they lay, next to one another, and gazed up at the heavens.
“Wow,” was his first reaction, “would you look at that.” It had been a long time - too long - since he’d had the chance to stargaze. It was honestly a little bit magical.
Melissa laid next to him as he stared up at the stars. While the show from the sky provided a diversion, distracting him again, she felt him shiver a bit. Without the blanket over him, he was likely getting cold. She snuggled in towards him to provide heat from her larger body. It made her smile when she felt him instinctively nestle in closer to her right side.
“Ooo look, there’s Andromeda…” he spoke, pointing skyward.
She followed the direction of his hand, looking up. “Who?”
“Andromeda, the constellation,” he explained, “Look…”
He pointed it out. Andromeda was a group of nine main stars, and with his help and little imagination she could picture it, the chained woman. Named after a princess in Greek mythology. “See?” he told her, pointing emphatically up at the constellation,  “Andromeda was chained to a rock by her mother as a sacrifice to a big sea monster. The gods had been angered when Andromeda’s mother claimed that her daughter was more beautiful than even them, but she was rescued by Perseus, a hero who fell in love with her.” 
Melissa listened quietly. She loved it. It was so cute when he got all excited, let his guard down and shared himself with her. She especially loved it when he told her that he thought she looked a lot like Andromeda, with her long dark hair and beautiful eyes. She smiled and said that she was flattered. Prettier than the gods, huh?
“Wow you know a lot,” she said, when he began to talk of the Andromeda galaxy, which they might have been able to see with a good set of binoculars. 
“You mean that blurry, like, spiral patch up there?” she asked, pointing up into the constellation. 
“You can see that?” he asked, squinting himself. The naked, human eye shouldn’t be able to find it; he certainly couldn’t. “But, uh, yeah…” he continued, shaking off the feeling that he was laying down in the grass next to something more than human, “I took some astronomy classes at Amherst. I really like this stuff.” 
As they lay there, Melissa thought about how lucky she was to have found the man she loved. He was kind, funny, and intelligent, and he made her feel like the most special woman in the world. She knew that they would be together forever, and that thought filled her with joy.
He pointed out Cassiopeia next. 
“She’s Andromeda’s mother. See those five bright stars in the shape of a ‘W’?” 
Melissa nodded, and pouted. “Doesn’t Cassio…uh…”
“Yeah. Doesn’t that start with a ‘C’? Or, like, a ‘K’?”
“Uh…it doesn’t work that way,” he said, reminding himself who he was talking to. “The constellation was named after Andromeda’s vain queen mother, who dared to compare herself and her daughter to the gods. They weren’t amused, and they punished Cassiopeia by putting her up in the night sky. See?” he pointed out, “Can you imagine her chained to a throne up there?”
Despite Jay’s obvious mansplaining and the fact that that ‘W’ definitely did not look like a chained-up queen, Melissa was nonetheless impressed by his storytelling. To him, the heavens were miraculous. She hadn’t known this about Jay, before tonight, how he felt about astrology. Or had he said astronomy? Whatever. She could tell that the night sky, with its myriad of stars and patterns of constellations, gave him a sense of peace and belonging to something huge, and to him that was a comforting thought. But, to her the stars made everything else feel smaller, and herself less significant in the grand scheme of things. I don’t know if I like that.
He was going on and on about how beautiful they were, the stars, about how they were some celestial ‘miracle’. She on the other hand began thinking about him, and about their future. Strange ideas began to coalesce in her head. Well I guess I have to get more beautiful than the heavens, she thought, so he wants to look only at me.
Beside her, on her right, she felt him shiver. But he kept talking about the g-damn stars and he doesn’t even know he’s cold. 
She sat up a bit and rotated at the hips, turning towards him. Her right hand propped her up, while the other hand  took his wine - a stemless glass so it wouldn't spill as easily - off his chest where he’d held it balanced. His eyes, of course, shifted from the stars to her and he watched  as she began to slowly unzip her sweatshirt. She took her time revealing the bodice of her white dress and all the cleavage underneath her modest hoodie. She leaned over him, slowly putting his wineglass on his far side. Effectively, she blotted out his view of the sky, so he could no longer see the stars. He could see only her. I think they call this an eclipse. 
“Now, do you want to tell me about the dream you had?” she asked.
She watched his mind stop, and then start again. For her, there was enough light so she could read every little twitch on his face as he was brought back to remember the dream-thing.
“H-how did you know..?” he asked, suddenly confused.
“Call it…” she began, now placing her left hand down on the ground next to his right shoulder, planting it there and her massive breasts right above his face, “...women’s intuition.” She smirked, seeing how his attention was now one hundred percent focused on her. There you go, there are some heavenly bodies. Despite her distraction, she could tell that he was now more anxious, more freaked out, feeling more afraid having the events of the day rekindled. Even with the beautiful night and now the jaw-dropping scenery, he was having thoughts. Too many thoughts, sweetie, just speak. Tell mama your troubles. She could, of course, let herself flow. She could override his anxieties with her perfumes, loosen his tongue, maybe get him horny and placate him and then put him to bed. It was hard to get him to open up on his own; pheromones could make it easy. But she knew she should maybe try it the old fashioned way…talking.
She knew the dream hadn't been normal. There was something off about it, something crafty. Brianna and Sammi had worked with it, but she could tell there was more to it and she wanted to find out what it was, where it really came from, and the only way to do that was to let him talk.
To Melissa he began to describe the dream he had earlier today, when he’d passed out from the shock of finding his apartment ransacked.  “It was a good dream, I was in control, I felt healthy and good,” he explained, after describing how he’d lifted the vending machine off of…who was that again? “I was…everyone was…back to, like, normal, I guess.”
“Mmmm, okay….” Melissa purred. She took the moment to lift her left hand, brush a lock of hair behind his ear. He was, basically, speaking right up into her breasts. Each of them was quite a bit bigger than his head. ”Like you were back to being the boss, huh? Really in charge?” she asked, “What’s that feel like to think about now, hm Jay?”
That brought him pause. Under the hovering mass of her bosom he pictured being taller again, the girls all back to their normal heights. He imagined being able to march out of his office and tell them the way things were going to be like it was, early in his dream. 
His stomach turned.
“It makes me feel weird.” Did he just say that out loud?
In her mighty chest, Melissa’s heart swelled. Rather than laugh, sigh, or drop down to lovingly smother the life out of her precious little lover-man, she pressed on. “So, what happened in the dream next?” she asked. Below her, she felt his mind squirm, looking for an out. His stammering started, and he became even more evasive as he remembered what happened after Others had taken the reins of his half-conscious state. “Then,” she heard him say, “it turned into a nightmare.”
It distressed him, obviously, to recount what happened, but he did his best. Unlike most dreams, where images and feelings disappear almost immediately upon awakening, this one had stuck with him. He was able to describe how he felt surrounded, the crackling alarm of the radio, and how he had shrunk. Shrunk shrunk shrunk while…uh…
“While what, honey?” she asked.
While shrinking up to a tiny cretin on your ass, while your friends watched.
She could tell how embarrassed he was, how ashamed he was.  She would spare him the indignity of making him speak more about it. What she could see roiling around in that adorable little head of his, though imperfect, told her all that she needed to know. In the meantime he was shivering below her and she wanted nothing more than to just make him warm. ”Well, that was the dream, sweetie, and this is now,” she assured him, allowing the first zephyrs of perfume to waft from her chest, “But tell me…what else is bothering you?”
Oh my god, where to start. With a sigh - and a deep breath - he began to list his litany of stresses, past the nightmare, past the apartment. There was seeing Sheryl, there was whatever happened this weekend, and of course there was his health. He was still fucking shrinking.
She could feel his unease, how emasculated he felt admitting it to her again. She tried her best not to let it excite her too much, because it made her feel a little bad. But she couldn’t help but explore this just a little, this growing size difference between the two of them and what it was doing to his psyche. ”Does me getting taller freak you out too?”
Sparks and jitters, between them both. Unconsciously she was letting her body lower itself, her shapely torso approaching his face. The open sides of her hoodie draped on either side of his head, closing him in. She expected him to start to fuss, to bleat out his complaints, to voice what she suspected any man would who found their girlfriend towering nearly two feet taller than them. 
“Y-you getting taller? Freak me out?” he repeated, breathing in the warmth from her bosom, allowing its comforting air to start to cradle him, “n-n-no…” He paused. “I kinda like it.”
She couldn’t help it, that excited her. A new wave of pheromones flowed off her chest and she inched in closer to him. 
”H-how about the other girls?” she asked, hearing the arousal in her own voice, “Have you seen how much they’re growing?” Purposefully, she drew a deep breath, so that her expansive swath of cleavage now bulged and burgeoned and all but utterly burst in front of him. She knew that she was all he could see, that even in the dark she filled his world. Fuck the stars, she thought, look at me. “Growing…”
“a-a-are they?” he stammered, and his mind was racing. He was anxious, now, the blur of a weekend rising in its pink, murky haze, women swelling inside of it, just beyond the reach of his vision. What was going on? What was wrong with his head?!?
She knew what he was thinking. He was thinking he needed to see a therapist.
“Honey, baby,” she purred, “I’m going to get you some help. We’ll have our own therapist, a whole team of them, in the new wing. We’re going to get you the best therapy in the world…” Her nipples were hardening.
“I told you we have an appointment all set up for us,” she said, beginning to get breathless, imagining it all, knowing what they were going to be able to do together, “we’re going to help you regress, regress…”
“Oh my god, Melissa…” he groaned, suddenly sounding overcome..
Haha I didn’t even realize my hand was down there.
“...it’ll be so good for you…”
Might as well stroke him. She’d undid the tie for his scrubs, her hand was in his pants.
“...we’re going to get rid of allll that stress…”
Oh god he’s so hard for me. Jesus…
“…get you some regression therapy.”
She could no longer help herself, she needed to do this. Smoothly, swiftly, Melissa sat all the way up. She’d reached under his thin body and spun him towards her. His head and his shoulders were on her lap. There we go, that’s better.
“In the meantime you’re gonna get some me therapy,” she said remembering her talks with Shanette. Her hand reached to gather the thin blanket that had been underneath him and was still underneath her and his lower body. She wrapped it around him, using it to bundle him to herself, while at the same time lowering the neckline of her dress below her left breast, and pulling her breast out of her bra. “Here you go, here you go sweetie, you remember this,” she breathed, arousal making her voice more husky, deeper, “boob therapy, nipple sucking, dry nursing…let me make you feel better.”
She felt him, below the wrap of the thin blanket, balk at the idea of dry nursing. He was irritable and just shocked and a bit resistant because of his silly pride. But she knew it wouldn’t take much.
“It’s just you and me here…” she whispered to him, to the little papoose of a man she held in her arms. She swaddled him to her more tightly, allowing the full heavy flesh of her breast to squash against his little face.  “I know you’re nervous, I know you don’t know how this can help…” she purred, “...but you might be forgetting how endowed I am.”
At that, she leaned down into him, gathered her shoulders around him. Under the blanket, his entire world must now be boob. She let her warmth flow over him, let her perfumes cradle him and become his oxygen. She was all he needed, she knew that. “More nipple sucking,” she said, “I want more nipple sucking.”
She cooed, she moaned and shivered when she felt, from under the blanket, his mouth come around her and begin to suck. Just a few sucks at first, but then he repositioned and really latched on. Oh my god, Jay, yes. Yes yes yes little man, suck on mommy. He began to dry-nurse in earnest.
Suddenly, she began to silently curse her clothes, and she utterly despised his. They should be naked, out here, the two of them in the night. She considered ripping his from him, and flexing herself so maybe she could burst right from her own. But no, the moment was gentle, she could have him this way. Her hand went back down into his pants, and their cuddling progressed. They were quiet, for a while, he just suckling on her, the two of them just happy and content to be this close. In her mind, she began seeing the picture being painted, a portrait of what life could be like for them. She’ll keep him home safe and happy and healthy while she helps build the great big new world around him. He’ll have no worries, no responsibilities. It’ll be his purpose to be drowned in pleasure. 
At some point, he came in her hand. He soiled his pants. At another point, he came again. He napped, she thought, for a short time, only to awake and start suckling again. She cooed and clucked and told him what a good boy he was, over and over and over again. She looked up, after a time, to see that clouds had moved in. Oh, all your pretty little stars are gone. It was like they had retreated, in deference to her. I guess I’m  your whole universe now. She giggled, and snuggled him tighter. 
In her comforts, he’d began to drift. She knew he was tiring, and that he should really sleep, for real.
“Oh, sweetie, Jay darling, it’s getting late…” she said, pride swelling at the motherly tone she heard in her own voice, “maybe we should get you home. You wanted to go home, right?”
From below the blanket, from at her breast, she heard only a whine. His body tensed, a bit, in her arms.
She smiled.
“What? What’s that?” she asked, a wry curl now coming to her lips, her dimples, “I couldn’t hear you honey.”
More whining, from him, a mewl and whimper.
She kept herself from laughing. You’re too adorable. “Aw, you don’t want to go home tonight, do you?” she asked.
At her breast, nipple still in his mouth, he shook his head.
“No, you don’t, I didn’t think so,” she purred, “That’s okay sweetie, you can stay with me. I’m all the therapy you need. It’s been hard, so hard for you. I just want to make you feel better.”
Immediately, he was relaxing. And at that, she allowed herself another giggle.
“Are you excited to come to bed with mama tonight?” she asked.
More movement, his head at her breast, nodding. Yes.
Oh my god she could almost hear it. She could almost really hear it: yes mommy.
“Good, good boy,” she purred, petting him through the blanket, “And what do you want to do with mama tonight, hm? What do you want to do together?”
To that, to her question, he just murmured, and burrowed further into her breast, suckling, nuzzling. But, this time, she could hear his thoughts, clear as day his answer, a single word: 
thanks once more to RiF for editing, inspiration and contribution to this one, along with brother Ankle4u for the base image in the IG Stargazing thingy.
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hochmvt · 9 days
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Welcome back to your favorite horror podcast '𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒'. I'm your host Isaiah, this is episode 152 and I'm so glad you joined me on this beautiful day. I hope you're doing fantastic and ain't suffering from the current heat as much as I do. Recording this in the middle of nowhere – but … what else is new –, today we're following the story of Violet and Hunter, a happily married couple from the midwest. Or … so it seems. After Hunter noticed some changes in his wife's behavior, the couple's true love for one another was tested. What happens if the person you thought you knew in and out starts to act erratic? What if you discover new sides to them you're not only unfamiliar with but also scared by? How well can you know a person, despite being married to them for years? Before we dive into the topic of truly knowing people and the seemingly harmless multifacetedness of "love", as always: thank you for tuning in.
Alright ! Welcome back, welcome back! As I said before, I'm so glad you joined me on this fine day. I saw you guys' posts on Reddit wishing my mom well and I'm glad to say, that your little affirmations worked wonders. She's feeling on top of her game again and was touched by your compassion, so she thinks you aren't just weird internet people anymore – then she thought about signing up for Reddit herself and I kinda talked her out of it. Luckily. That being said, enough of the chit chat and let's get right into it.
I stumbled across Hunter's story approximately two weeks after the first 'incident'. See, I'm not necessarily much into this entire married couple kinda thing (to be honest with you, in the beginning it kinda sounded like they just needed some couple's therapy and I was about to brush it away) but this one eventually felt like something more serious. When I met up with Hunter, this poor fella looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. We were supposed to meet at a Diner closeby to the motel he stayed at. I got there a little late, stood outside, smoking a cigarette and watched the people inside. It was hard to miss him. He sat at the counter, looking like one of those guys at 3AM in any old dive bar, thinking about what to tell their wife when, where and why the 'Only two pints, hun, I promise' - pledge was broken.
To be honest with you, after what he told me, the only medicine that would've worked with Hunter was Jaegermeister – and in that moment I was convinced that I am the funniest person on planet earth – but I didn't make the joke in front of him.  Violet was your typical girl next-door ; rather modest, pedantic, however she was kind and thoughtful. Pulling pranks or dicking around wasn't something in her repertoire – contrary to Hunter. Frankly, both of them seemed kinda contradictory from what Hunter had told me. Two weeks prior, Violet had returned from a trip to her sister's place down in Parks, close to the Kansas' border. What Hunter had noticed upon her return in the middle of the night was her frizzy, tangled hair, her tired eyes and terse behavior, but he didn't think much of it. After all, she just arrived from a four hour drive in the middle of the night, so she headed to take a shower before going to bed. 
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Isaiah's phone rang. In the middle of recording. Who on earth dares to call at 3AM in the morning? All of his friends knew where he was, they usually checked the time zones, if they decided to give him a call (which rarely ever happened, none of them was really fond about talking on the phone). Upon sorting his thoughts, he realized what n̸̡̢͍̯̤̥̞̼̦̭͈͇͇͚̭̠̜͈̘͇̤̯͕̉͗̃́̑̓͑̊́̊͐͆̒̿́̈͌̓̽̚̕̕͜à̷͕̤̳̪̩̪̫̳̺͉̗̈̊̍͐̀̀͑̀͗̿͠ͅm̸̡̡̨̨̛̭͓̦̺̼͉̣̯̲̖͔͖̟̙͈̜̞͔̙̗͈̺̳̼̬̞̞̮̙̥̼̝̄͌͂͌̍͌̾̓̓͑́͋̇̀̂̓̂͛͋̓̈́̂͑̑̍͒͒͂́͛̀̈́̂͑͂̂̉̉͘̕̚̕͘͝͝e̴̡͖̼̦̗̝̪̙̰͖̯̟̲̳̠͇̥̿̈̀̈́͑̏̈̏̀̌̏̊̈́ had popped up on the screen; his heart dropped, his hands felt clammy. C̷̨̛̪͎̩̣̫̮̰͈͛̈́͋̾̔̌͛̿̀̄̕͜͝ͅͅa̵̻̳͔̜͓̠̙̤̖͈̲͋̽̊̅̇́͗̒͑̆͒̇̔̅̑͂̒̆̇̏͐̍͘͜͝͝r̵̨̡̨̧̢̡̧̛̗̭̤̗͖̝͕͈̠͚̹͓̫͔͚̫̫͈̱̦̦̱͇͙̖͎̬̘̬̪̫̣̪͉͈̹̮͓̟̅̑̅̓̓̽̄̃͂̎̀̆̐̒̐̍̈́̏͒̐͌̂̾̚̚͜͜͝͝ṱ̷͔̰̮͉̭̳͙̣̫̥͉̻̝̠͈̭̼̦̩̯̰͙̩͎̳̱̺̞̖̺̬̹̃͜ͅę̸̨̻͙̯̦̲͕̟͎̰̬̼̝̪͙̫͉̗̜͔̞̳̻̪͕̳͔̗͎̤͕̖̙̬̮̼̳̗̺͋̏̃̓̍̆̃̇̎͝͝ͅͅr̸̨̹̩̮̤̙̗͎͕̬͛̉͗̓͊͊̅̆̈́͂͌͛̄̓̐̍̋̚̕̚͠. He hasn't called in ages. 
They were teenagers back then, Isaiah had no idea how to approach him, a̶̛̛̟̯̼̩̟̣͎̺͇̼̼̥̳̮͓̐̓̓̑̽͊͗͑̇̂̾͗͐͑͋̀͗̾̋͊̓͊̀̆̾̓͛́̈́̽͒̇͐̂͐̌̇͘͘̕͘͘̕̚͝͠f̸̳̠̩͈̣̗̜̹̘͔̣͖͔͓̟̠̝̖̦͙̖̤̫̖͍͉͖̓̌̐ͅţ̶̡̰̤̗͎̪̘̦̪͈̦̝̮̙̩̤͚͍̥̟̜͍͓͍͇͔̜̝͕͖̳̎͆̿̌͒́̂͊̽̂͒̉͂̐̽̓̋̽̚͜͝͠e̷̡͍͚̞̣͍̯̼͈͕̥͈̭̯̪͈͙͔̤̬͌̈́̀͑̐̃̆͒̃̂͌̈́̀̍̐̈́̈́͂̃̐̍̎̓̂̔̎͒̆̒͌́͗͛̏͛̈́͂̃̀͊̏̊͂̚͝͝͝͝͝r̵̨̧̙̻̳͕͎̻͇͚̦͓͓̭̦̰͎͇͉͚͎̜̓́͐͑͛͗̿̎͊͂̄̆͋͑͊̆̔̽́̃̆̓̂͊̿̂̅̎͂̌̏̒̐̍́͐͌̎̈́́̋́́̂̚̕̚͝͝͠ͅ ̴̢̧͇͖̪͎͎̾̑̀̎̑́̿̆̆͛͐́̋̈́̃͂́̀̈́̑̅̍͒̍̀͋̓̓̽͘̚͝͠w̸̡̖̟̲̯̩̋̈́̈́̉́̏̓̅̎̿̀̇͐̓̽̀̀́͑̀͆̎̓͗̍͛̋́̓̑̐͛͘ḩ̵̧̧̡̢̛͖̝͓̞̻̩̺̺͍̯͓̥̻͉̭̪͇̝̥̖̦͍̠̤̫͇͓͉̜͚̙͔̪̱̰̘̘̉̐̀̐̐͗̾̽̑̎̓́̔̇̑́̽̋̊̈̔̀́͊͌̓͘̕͘͘͠a̵̧̡̨̡̧̛̛̛̺̳̙͚̖̜͎͖̗̗̭͔̝̗̺̪͓̠̖̬͍̺͚̖̻̬͙̩̖̭̫͈̞̫̯̗̙͙̲̯̫̥̯̒̌̋͛̄͊̈̄̓͒̂̐͗̋̃͂͊́͐̈́́̎̈̀̒̽̐͛̏̐̌́̈́͂̊͂̇̾́̊̋͗̕͜͠ͅt̴̡̛͉̙͎̹̘̭̙͕̝̠̖̮̤̬̭̯̺̻̞̣̻̤̱̟͇̩̮͈̦̩͇̹̞̜̜̤͇͎͙͓̠̋̌̏̓̽͛͋̆̏̏̉̓͌̍̀̈́͆͘͜͜͜͝ ̷̨̡̢̛̛̟͚̳̝͍̞̬̖͙̳̯̼̯͔͙͙̩̻̤͍͕͉̠͍̠̣̞̤̺̘̞̪̦͍̯̻̗̮̤̮̗͉̣̊̈́̈́͒͊̔̈́͆̓̑̏̿̆̄̂̿͒̒̌́̏͌͛̒̆́̕̚͜͝ͅͅh̵̡̩̦͔̣̅̐̐̀̊̀̃̊́̅͗̂̂̍͂̓́͑̒̑̎̎̓̑̋a̸̧̢̡̤͔̣̰̲̣̳͚̟͇̜͚̯͂̽̏̌̀̀̉̅̏̀̉͌̎́̋͐̑̿͒̄̑͗͐̊͊̓̽͘͜͝͠ͅͅḑ̸̢̡̞̖̳̳͉͎̱̣͚͙͇̣̤͔̦̼͉̤̹̙̆̈̎͗̀́́̂̍̄͐̃̈́̓̊̂̀̏͆͗̋͠͝ ̴͓̞̬̗͓̳̼̖̠͎̭̖͕͚͍̼̘̤̞̥̏̈́̄̑͐͒̆̏͊̌͌͜ẖ̷̛͎̌̆̋̾̃̍̍͂́̃͌͒̒̊̄̿̆͗̏̇̃͌͒̿̃͂̄́̎̆͐̎̍̍͛͘͘͠͝a̴̢̨̨̧̡̡̧̛̛͇̟̲͎͎͚̣̤̫͈͍͓̠̲̲͙̱̩͙̲̮͈̯̫̹͙̝͇̬͚͇̩̮͙̖͍̥̦̣͌̄̐̋͐͗̃̃́̈̀̽͒̈́̀̅̍͆̉͌͊́̽̓̕̕̚͘͝͝͝͠ͅp̶̧̥͈͓̠̹̲͍͉̜̟͉̱̯͍͉̙͎̩̬̝̟̳͇͍̖̪̽͒͜ͅp̵̡̨̧̡̡̛̲̘̙̙̤̺̭̖̫̜͔̠͉̤͓̼͕̬̲̘̝̣͓̘̱̺̮̱̰̼̻͇̣̪͎̞̮̱͙͔̫͒̈́̔̋̐̓̏̔̃̃̾͌̀̋̋́̍̾́̊͛̒̈́̒̽́͌̔́̃̔̅̉̒̚͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝ę̸̢̳̰̱̤͚̙̬̱̖̤̣̲̰͍̥̮̙̌͆̅̔̾̓̑̓̔̈́́͑̊͂̌͊̓̍͗́̎̀̈́͗̒̓͗̀̀̚͘͠͝ń̶̢̛̛͕̖̰͉̗̙̩̣͚͎͔̺̔̾̎̽̂̊̄̉̅͗͐̈́̀̊̉͘͝͝ȇ̷̢̢̡̡̬̲̗̺̻̼̮̹̯̟̻͈̠̥̥̫̖͙̖͉̠̼̘̝̹̙̳͖͍̝̫̝̝̮̱̙͈̱̰͔̪̲̓̽̕͘͜͝ͅd̸͓̥̭̥́͊̀͋̏̈̒̅̀̀́͋͗̈̍͆̐̒̂̒́̀́̂͌̍̌́̍̔͋̔̔̈́́͐͌̓̚̕͝. It felt weird talking to him – seeing him again after all these years. As if his face had changed throughout the years, but instead of the nature of the natural human process of aging, it felt– ơ̶̢͙̙͕͍̹͌͗͋͐̀̎͑̀͋̓̌̎̀̌̅̃̒͋͆̾̃̅̾̇͆͐̉̑̔̇̓̉͘͝͝͠͠͝͝t̴̨̛̘̮̦̫̮͉̙̪͕͎̟̆̒̃͑̓͐̌̑̏̆̆͌̅͊͑̿̇̎̎͘͘͜h̸̗̜̱͌̄͗̍̑̀̍̒e̴̛̱̣̳̰̭̟̱͙͔̼͕̭͖̠̣̣̙̙̘̰͈̗̮͈̲̹͖͔̻̣̪͖͆͆͋̓͑͂́̀͗̂̐̄̄̓͝͝ŗ̶̡̨̧̡̧̡̡̧̨͇̟̩̭̯̞̜͇͎̜̫̯̘͇̝͚͚̻̗͓̯̙̟͇̭̝͈̘̦̭̮̘̽͗͊͐͂̋͗̓̐̃̆̀̔̄͛̆͛̽͂̒͆̀̏̏͒͌̌̋̉͊̉͛͐̊́̈͂̀̎̈́̿̿̏̑͘̚̕͘͜͜w̵̡̧͈̼͇̘̭̪̱̻̼̭͙̠͉͙̥̩̳̭͈̼͆̈͂̍͂̉́͑̕͜͜ͅǫ̷̨̨̩̺̼̮̩̗͈̳̘͔̞͈̗̺̩̦̩͙̫̦̮̤̠̞̗͔̞̥̳̠͎͚͈̯̦͎̭̞̠̭̿͌̏̿͋͗̈́̒̓̏͆͋̉̇̉̆͊́̌̌̒̏͐̇̇̍̀̌̐͌̿́̃̅̚͘͘̕͜͜͜͠͠͝͠͝͠͝ͅŗ̸̨̡̧̛̼̰͔͉̻͖̗̞͎͙͓̙̞̦͙̻̰̳͔̱͈͌̎̈́̈̽̐̔͂͛͋͛̍͛̐́͛̋̄͊͂̑̃̓̋̍̇̏̈́͋̾̔̀̽̋̉̏͆̇͋̈̉͑̏̉͜͝͠ͅl̷̢̧̢̧̢̛̛̫̼͙͚̬̖̭̞̖̲̠̱͇̙̺̜͇̳̟̯͓̩͔̩͒̓̀̾̅͊̏͗̆̃̃͐̋̔͛͌̈̉̈͒͐̎̔̃̿̃̾̇̎̅͒͋̐̏̄̕̕̕͜͜͠͠͝d̷̢̨̛̛̛͍͚̣̮̻̹͕̫͕̻̥͔̯̰͚̞̳̙͈̟͎͔̞̜̻̙̳̜̗̠̬̲͎̖̝̭͍̠̑̿́͊͐̈́͆̇͌̂͆̓̋̿̈́̐͛́͐̿̒́̐̕̕͘̕͜͜͠͝͝ļ̶̨̢̡̛̬͎̗͚̥͍̞͔̦̰̘̱̼̞̰̣̪͔͈͚͌̊̾̐̽̓͛̇̅̇͊̆́̃͛̄̂́̾̓̆͂͊̉̎̃͘̚͝y̴̨̢̡̗͉̭͔̳͎̜̩͓̱͉̬̱̬̗̗̮̬̥͕͕̺̹̻͇͒͗̔͗̀̃̓̅̀̀͗͆͑͗. Fuck, he sighed, his gaze fixed on the screen. He shifted his weight slightly, fingers tapping on the back of his phone. He felt uneasy, jumpy even; probably due to the lack of sleep from the night before. Isaiah rejected the call and decided to text him instead: 'Gonna call you back asap. Currently working.'
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Two days later, after coming back from a long night of meeting up with his colleagues, having drinks, talking about manly things such as sports, monstertrucks and tits, Hunter was slightly drunk. Thus he had the same sensation all of us have, when we had one or fourteen drinks too many: He was hungry and in desperate need for something good. Eating in the kitchen, minding his business, he let his gaze wander until his eyes focused, locking upon familiar features at the end of the hallway. Violet was peeking at him from around the corner, only her eyes visible, wide open, almost unnatural looking, the rest of her body hidden behind the wall. Upon trying to focus and rubbing his eyes, she was gone. All he heard were fast footsteps stealing away from the hallway. It didn't sound like someone was running though, more like an animal fleeing from the intruder of their natural habitat. However, we know  the more our vision declines, the more frequently hallucinations occur. And I told you about how scientists were able to demonstrate that these hallucinations originate in the same brain regions where actual perceptions are processed – and not in the areas where images that arise from our imagination are created. This explains why so many people believe their hallucinations to be real – and yet, Hunter thought he was drunk and his mind played tricks on him. Speaking of your mind's playing tricks on you: Do those hear strange noises at night sometimes that keep you awake? Not the voices in your head, but your neighbors having the time of their lives, the police out and about on duty or the 826th party down the road? 
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When nighttime brings unsettling sounds that make your heart race, the new earplugs from HUSH are your answer. Constructed with high-density memory foam, they effectively block out the eerie noises, letting you rest easy and help you fight your sleep paralysis demons easily. Ideal for those who are sensitive to sound, you'll find yourself sleeping through the night all safe and sound. Visit hush.com and use the promo code 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 for 15% off your first purchase. Thank you HUSH for sponsoring this episode and thank you for the countless nights you helped me sleep through.
Violet seemed off after that. She rarely spoke, sometimes it felt like she stared right through her husband. On other days, he caught her just staring at him. Smiling. As if she was daydreaming about something. Her smile felt uncanny, he told me, you know, like these AI generated pictures or– robots even! Upon asking her if she was alright, she always nodded her head and continued the things she was working on. There were nights Hunter laid awake at night, Violet missing from her side of the bed. Whereas to me that sounds like an open invitation to sleep in my favorite position of them all – the spread eagle – things wouldn't be half as unsettling if it wasn't for the noises. Again, fast footsteps, too fast for anything humanoid.
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So we waited. I told Hunter it was fine with me if he caught up on some sleep and I'd keep vigil, to convince myself what was going on. I mean, if she was truly visiting him every night, indifferent to where he was staying, why should she stop now? The first two hours were rather uneventful. My trusty Switch was keeping me company, I had insanely good runs playing 'The Binding Of Isaac' – until I heard a noise. It sounded like a knock but– I mean, Hunter never told me that Violet seemed like the girl to knock per se. If she truly lost her mind and was out for– revenge? A night of fun? Why on earth would she knock? I checked the door, stood outside for a while, shining my flashlight into the very far corners of the property, gaze wandering from the vending machine, to every car in the lot, even to the adjacent rooms. Nothing. There was no one there. 
Heading back inside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Hunter had told me Violet had watched him sleep from time to time, standing outside the window, her breath on the window, but even as I checked, still, no one's there. Getting back into the game and my trusty Switch, minutes passed until– 
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Cutting the recording a second time, he listened more attentively to his surroundings. There was a rustle, but wasn't there something else? Was that a whisper? His phone buzzed again, recieving an answer from the same person who tried to call him earlier.  Ǐ̷̧̢̧͍̺͔̪̭͎̳̥͚̳̥̬͎͕̹̝̺̮̟̈̅̽͆͗̂̉̋̓̃́'̶̨̡̡̧̧̨̧̢̞͙̖̤̙̤̱̗̣̙͖̘͍͖͔̹̬̯̤̻͇͈͉̖̻̞̩͉͖̗̮̬͖̭͈̦̙̳̘̯̈́̀͆̀̐̉̓̅̓̅̓̔̄̈́͊͋͘̚ͅͅv̷̼͈̥̯̜͕͆̔̄̇͑̚e̷̢̡̩͖̣͇̯̮͎͖̼̲̤̯̜̠͓͕̝̤̬̜̤̥̺͎̗͙̮͈̅̉̈̔͆̏̔̃̍͛͑͆͌̌̇̌̃̿͌̋̓̊̓͊̋͒͋̋͑̾̑͐́̒̿̍͆͘͠͝ ̶̫̝̯̜̫̙̐̀f̸̨̨̨̢̨̳̟̖̻̙̖͓͍͕͓̣͔̞̩͉͔̫͎̭̼̜͇͎͙͇̳̤̝̩̻̝̩͖̜̖̯̩̩͆̏̍̀̀̑̅̀̌̋̉͛̄̈̀̃͗̐̈̌͋͒͐̅̀̒̕͘͝ͅǫ̶̢̢̡̧̛̛̫̞̞̖̯͇͚̭̮͖̈́͐̈́̊̏͆̈̋̃͐̎͛̏͌͆̆̀̇͌͛̐̌͋̉͑̿́̈́̚͘̚̚͘̕͝͠͝͠ͅu̷̧̧͙͚͚̟̞̜͖̲̦͈̠̘̥̳̠̜̻̮̙̳͊̾̔͆̾͌̄͗́̆͆͆̀͐͋̃͌͛̑͗̉͒͐̊͗̎͐̎̃̈́̔͐̌̄̽̃̂͒̾̐͑́̈́͘͘͜͠͠͠ņ̴̨̢̝̗̹͖̗̳̪̙̳̱̳̠̥̯̖͍͕̘̥̝̫̤̲̣̠̺̤́̈́̀̚͝͠d̷̢̨̡̨̘̜͉̙̖́͛̍̿̍̆̓̂̏̋͗̀̈́̈́̽̉̍̄͗̾͑͊̽̿́̒̔̋͑̀͐͆͒̌̋͐́̎̃̀̿̓̕̕͘͘̚͝͝ͅͅ ̸̧̢̣̝̞͕̪̫̤̯̣͕̯̖̹̩̬̥̪͉̮̺͇̥͓̼̼̙̫̠̌ͅͅͅͅÿ̷̛̪͍̾̎̋̇̎̆̂̿̔̈̍̐̉͛̂͆̽̈̒̈́͗̅̋́͊̈̄̐̚ö̴̞́̋̊̊̃̔̇̀͑̈́͋̏̔̾̓̀͐̃͛̄̾̏̾̉̉͋̊̒͂̈̽͛͋̑̕͘̕̕̕͝u̶̧̢̠̦̝̙̖̦̺͍̲̱͍̥̘̺̥͓̫̮̗͐͊̊͒̅̆̽̆̆̽́̋̇́̾͌̓̅̿́̉͒̉̽̎̉́̊͘͘̚͘͠.̵̛̛̛̭͓̂̍̿̅̽͊̎̿̍̈̅̑̀͋̐͆̇̇̅̇̋̂͊̀́̈͂̾̊͌̈́͆̅̄̍̔̕̚̚̕̚͝͠͝ ̸̢̧̨̧̯̠̖̯̟̳̳̩̪̦̮̲͕͉͕́͛̅̎̓͂̈̓̓̑͆̔̃̓́́͝ͅͅ:̸̧̢̡͍̠̹̳̗̣̱̳̻͎̩̪̫͎͕͇̭̱̥͍͚̉͐̍̋̽̒͐��̢̞̯̩̭͓̠͙)̶̢̬̦͔̼͉̹̪̮̖̜̣̱̩̜̠̮̖̤͉̤̠͚̘̻̳͚̪͙̬͎̰͍͔̯̦̳̿̈͋͂̏̎̈́̾͑̈̓̏̓̓̋̀́̔͘͜͜͠͠ͅ
I heard a noise. Like an animal pacing, but it sounded uncomfortably close. There was nothing outside, I checked the room Hunter was sleeping in but there was nothing. When I turned around, I saw a set of widened eyes, peeking at me from the bottom of the doorframe from the hallway. The light was reflecting in her– its eyes, like a predator lurking in the shadows, ready to hunts its prey. A long strand of dark hair was falling across her forehead, she moved her head slightly, tilted it. As if she was irritated, yet amused by the sight of me. I mean, I've seen my fair share of weird shit and read a lot about the 'power of imagination', but I assure you: This ain't fucking it. Violet's head started to rise, she seemed to get up as I stood there frozen in the doorframe across the hallway. Her hair was moving with her. It took me some time to realize that she wasn't necessarily getting up, but instead she seemed to crawl on the wall, finally positioning herself at the upper edge of the doorframe. Her hair was now dangling, pointing towards the floor, her face more visible. That was the moment I realized what Hunter had meant with the uncanny smile. Violet's features seemed off, it reminded me of Alternates, her smile seemed forced, too wide, all of her teeth were showing. Her eyes wide, reflective, like a deer in headlights. Until she vanished.
Again: Fast footsteps. Then silence.
Hunter woke up from the noise. He asked me if I was alright, standing in the doorframe, too stunned to move. Frozen. That's when I saw her again, unblinking, reflective eyes and grinning wide. She saw him, knew he was there and that's all she needed to know. All she needed to see. He was her prey, I was an irrelevant obstacle and no greater threat. She was peeking at the both of us, focusing Hunter, scuttling slowly towards us on all fours, leaving her cranny from behind the kitchen counter. Her movement seemed otherwoldly, bending her joints and body parts inhumanly, putting her legs in front of her arms when she moved. Both of us must've thought that her smile couldn't get any wider, but we were mistaken. This was her definition of fun. And trust me when I say that it wasn't mine.  Violet stopped again, tilting her head to the side. 
Again: Fast footsteps as she approached us, grinning even wider. Until we shut the door. As we both pressed against it, all we could feel, in between fast breaths and paralyzed by fear, was the intense, loud banging against the door. Relentlessly hammering against the wood, trying to force her way in, we kept the door shut with all we had. For twenty-seven minutes. Again, fast footsteps. ⸻ Then silence.
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  ©redits⸻ heavily inspired by this story (please read it, it's fantastic!) and ofc the final scenes of the masterpiece that is ari aster's »hereditary«)  
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
It's a Little Warm, Part 1
Cross posted on @megamindssecretlair
Read Part 2 | Read Part 3 | Read Part 4 | Read Part 5
Pairing: Bucky x Black!Fem!Reader / Plus Size Reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. There is some making out, unresolved tension! Mentions of private parts but really mild. Cursing. Mild age gap. Reader is late 20s and Bucky is mid 30s. Soft Bucky. Part 1 of 5. Slow burn to smut though. Some sentences are intentional AAVE.
Summary: Sam Wilson is your play uncle and has invited you and Bucky to stay at a cabin with him, Sarah, and the kids. Bucky was sweet enough to help with your bags. You also found yourself up in the wee hours of the morning with him.
Word Count: 4,221k
A/N: I've been reading a lot of age gap fics at cabins and wanted to try my spin. Apologies if I miss any warnings or this is super corny. But here we go! While likes are awesome, please consider reblogging and commenting to help support writers!
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“Kinfolk!” Uncle Sam yelled and shoved past people in his quest to scoop you into his arms and spin you around. You yelped, not used to anyone swinging you around like a doll. You were short but far from petite and the sudden loss of your feet firmly planted to the ground made your stomach flip. 
“Put me down!” You yelled. You slapped at his massive arms but that only made him chuckle. Mercifully, he stopped turning and set you on your feet. “Look at you!” 
You rolled your eyes. “I just saw ya’ll last week!” 
His chuckle was quick as he threw his head back. “You barely come out of the house, I got to comment on the special occasion.”
You twist your lips and roll your eyes. “I see being Captain Chocolate has made you even cornier,” you said.
Uncle Sam laughed and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Oh, see you got jokes. I see working for that newspaper ain’t help with them lame ass nicknames. I thought you had a better vocabulary than that?” 
“Somehow I always forget it when I come around ya’ll,” you said. Uncle Sam only chuckled. “Where’s your bags?” 
“Got it in the car for now,” you said. 
Uncle Sam frowned. “Give me a minute, I’ll come help you,” he said. 
“I’m perfectly capable of bringing up my own bags,” you said. 
“That ain’t what I said. C’mon and say hi to Sarah. She’s glad there will be another woman this week,” he said. You follow Uncle Sam through the cabin, weaving through close friends of his and Aunt Sarah. 
The cabin had an open plan for the living room and dining room. People milled around watching a football game and sitting on large, comfortable couches. The dining room was cottage chic as a few of the elderly people sat around it talking and fanning themselves. Kids nearly pushed you over as they ran through the cabin.
“Say ‘excuse me’ next time!” Uncle Sam called after them. A chorus of “excuse me’s” rang out as you waved them off. Finally, you made it through the sea of people into the kitchen where various aunties were passing around bowls and spoons and tinfoil. 
They smiled at you and you were passed around like the last piece of pie as everyone got in their hugs and kisses and well wishes. The last person to hug you was Aunt Sarah. She hugged you just as hard as Uncle Sam did. 
“Damn, ya’ll would’ve thought I died or something,” you said. 
Sarah laughed. “Oh my god! I’m just so happy it’s not just me staying here this week. Sam gets his puppy, I should get one too,” Sarah said and laughed, pushing her braids behind her ears. 
Before you could ask what she meant, a booming grandfatherly voice called out for Sam. He told them that he’d be right back and headed out of the open side door towards the backyard. Smoke rose into the air as a full barbeque station was being managed by an elderly man with a cap and New Balance shoes on. You shook your head. Every time.
You opened your mouth to ask what Sarah meant by the puppy comment but movement to your left caught your eye. A man entered the kitchen in a soft burgundy shirt and jeans and large dusty boots. He scanned the room before spotting Sarah and broke into a wide grin.
He was simply gorgeous. It was the type of smile that could stop traffic. Perhaps even cure cancer if he grinned hard enough. His eyes crinkled in the corners as he approached. 
“You must be Sam’s niece,” he said and extended his hand. 
“Uh yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Barnes,” you said and took his hand. His hand was rough and calloused and slid across your soft palm, making your hand tingle. 
He smirked and shook his head. “Ugh, Mr. Barnes makes me sound old. I’m not that old. Bucky is fine,” he said.
“You are that old, you old dinosaur,” Uncle Sam said, materializing right next to you. He clapped you on the back, making you jump. “He’s so old, Moses asked him to lead the choir,” Uncle Sam said and laughed.
The group laughed and Bucky rolled his eyes. “At least I don’t have any gray hairs,” Bucky said. 
“Ay man, you take that back. That’s hurtful,” Uncle Sam said and smoothed down his faded haircut. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky Barnes. It had been wild hearing about the man from Uncle Sam and Aunt Sarah, but seeing him in person was an entirely different experience. 
Aunt Sarah leaned her hip against the counter and looked between the two men. “See, Sam gets his puppy and I get another human being to talk to. Once you get these two started, they keep going on and on,” she said. 
You narrowed your eyes and tilted your head. “Bucky’s staying with us for the week too. It’s rare they come home at the same time these days. So we’re gonna make a thing out of it,” Aunt Sarah explained the unspoken question lingering in the air.
“Ah, gotcha.” 
“Hey, we bring the sunshine and the good vibes. All day, baby. Now, pass over the keys,” Uncle Sam said and held his hand out. 
You shook your head. “I can get it, it’s not a big deal.” 
The cook for the festivities called for Uncle Sam again. He groaned and nodded towards Bucky. “Wrestle the keys from her so we can help with her bags and take it upstairs. She’s stubborn.” 
“Stubborn doesn’t work on us, doll,” Bucky said and turned that mega-watt smile on you. You sighed and fought to keep all kinds of dirty thoughts out of your mind. Could super soldiers read minds? 
“Hey, hey, hey! None of that. Paws off!” Uncle Sam said.
“Oh my god,” you groaned. Your cheeks instantly flamed and you were grateful for your darker skin. It hid the obvious signs of a blush. You turned to Aunt Sarah for help who laughed and shook her head. She gave you a pitying look as if to say she wouldn’t be any help. She looked Bucky up and down and winked at you. 
“You’re not really my uncle, you know,” you said. 
“I’m your uncle in the ways that matter. Don’t make me bring a hose in here. It’s hard enough keeping the aunties off of him.” 
The cook called out for Uncle Sam again. He gave them a warning glare before you turned back to Bucky who held out his metal hand. It had intricate designs etched into it and seemed really, really advanced. You half wondered if it was from that famous Wakanda. You’d just about die to have a chance to go there one day. 
“I can get it myself. You don’t have to bother,” you said. You backed away, bumping into random partygoers talking in the kitchen. The press of bodies seemed to double as you backed away towards the front door. You knew you should have brought your things inside earlier. But you were already running late and just wanted to unwind from the long drive. 
Bucky stalked forward, patient as a hunter, with his arm still outstretched. His grin turned into a patient smirk. 
“Right, being stubborn doesn’t work on you,” you said. 
His answering smirk was enough to melt your panties. You looked away from him. If he couldn’t read your mind, he could at least read your facial expressions. And none of your thoughts were holy. 
You dug into the back pocket of your shorts and slapped your keys into his hand. “Thanks, doll,” he said.
You had, hand to god, actual shivers run down your spine. His voice had the right amount of gravel in it to skate over your nerve endings. And you weren't even standing that close to him. 
Bucky held out his hand for you to lead the way and you took the opportunity to calm your racing heart and nerves. He was a solid wall of heat at your back as you maneuvered your way to the front door. Your sandals slapped against the hardwood floor but even with his boots, he was silent. You felt like a bull in a china shop. 
You gave yourself a pep talk. Somehow, someway, you were supposed to survive an entire week with that. You supposed it was true. You should never meet your idols. You might get the overwhelming urge to climb them like a tree. 
Okay, thoughts like that weren’t going to help. You supposed you could limit your contact as much as possible. Hide out in the room or down by the lake. Anything. As long as it meant you weren’t right next to the man. 
You led Bucky outside and towards the makeshift parking lot. A dizzying array of nearly every make and model crowded the rented cabin’s lawn and rocky driveway. You had to park a little ways away and walk down to the cabin. Making it to your beat up Honda, you waved to it. 
Bucky smirked and popped the trunk. You had two suitcases, plus your laptop bag. You moved to grab one and Bucky tsked at you. He tsked at you as if you were a child! 
“You don’t like people doing things for you, do you?” Bucky asked with a smirk. He bent down to retrieve your bags. He didn’t even grunt at the weight. This was your poor attempt to pack light. But since you were a big girl, your clothes didn’t roll up all cute and tiny. You had to adjust and shove things until they fit enough for the suitcase to close. 
“I’m not used to it. Makes me feel weird,” you said. 
“Why’s that?” 
“I don’t know. Makes me feel useless. I feel like I should help,” you said. He got the second suitcase down and slipped your laptop bag over his shoulders. You closed the trunk.
“So you were going to haul all of this to the cabin tonight by yourself?” 
“Yes?” You hadn’t meant to make it a question, but he asked as if he were scolding you. You fought an eye roll and bit the inside of your cheek. He was being nice. But it still grated. As far as the City of Nawlins was concerned, you were a full growed adult. 
“It gets pretty dark out here. It could’ve gotten dangerous. A random car could hit you or a wild animal could trip you up,” he said. 
“You always so fatalistic?” 
“I’ve had reason to be,” he said.
Right. Doofus. “I am so-”
“Don’t be,” he said with a smirk. “Once you fight scaly purple monster-aliens, it’s hard not to see danger everywhere. Just because you can do things by yourself doesn’t mean you can’t accept a little help. Okay?” 
You nodded slowly, feeling like a proper idiot. Of course the man was fatalistic. You didn’t know everything about him. Most of it came from Antman’s book or Uncle Sam’s stories, and it wasn’t the whole story. Still, it was enough to know that Bucky had more than enough reason to be wary of potential danger. 
You took a deep breath and avoided looking at him. He carried your bags into the house and up the stairs. He nodded towards a door a few paces down the hallway. You opened it to find a spacious room, decorated with a nautical theme. You smiled at the blue and white scheme, the anchor pictures on the wall, and the goofy full sized bed. 
Bucky gently set your bags on the floor and your laptop bag on the small desk. As he leaned over, his shirt rode up a bit revealing creamy skin and subtle muscles. 
“What’s that, doll?” Bucky asked as he straightened. 
“What?” You asked, a little too loud. You looked at him and he put his hands on his waist as he surveyed the room.
“I thought you said something,” he said. Did he have to draw attention to his tiny ass waist? Seriously. This man couldn’t be real. It was like he stepped out of a smut book. He was the definition of sexy as sin. Everything he did was seductive. 
“Figured you’d get the better room,” he muttered with a sigh. But you got the sense that he was teasing. You looked around and noticed the huge window. You went to it and peeked out over the backyard. Uncle Sam was leading the group dance along to a Tupac song. 
You turned with a smile to tell Bucky but you noticed his eyes dart up to your face. Was he…?
No way. You shook your head. “Where’s your room?” You asked.
“Right across the hall. Just holler if you need anything, I’m a light sleeper.” 
Your mind wandered to how he would look asleep. His dark hair tousled and floofy. You bet he slept without a shirt on. He seemed the type. Plus he was like a furnace. He probably got hot. Which meant…
“Uh right. That must suck. I sleep like a little brick,” you said. Your cheeks burned again. 
“I haven’t slept that well since before the war,” he said and shrugged. “You okay?” 
“I’m fine. I probably just need some water. It’s a little warm in here. I mean outside. I mean today,” you said with a laugh. You looked at the floor and closed your eyes. Yup. Operation Avoid Bucky At All Costs commenced now. 
“Well come on. We better get downstairs before Sam steals all the ribs like last time. I thought food lasted longer at cookouts?” Bucky asked. 
You laughed. “Rule number one of cookouts: make your to-go plate before your real plate,” you said. 
He backed out of the room with a grin. You followed and closed your bedroom door behind you. 
“You’ll have to explain that one,” he said. 
You explained the intricacies of cook out etiquette as you headed down the stairs and on the way outside. Bucky listened and didn’t interrupt no matter how many side stories and funny anecdotes you told. Once outside, Uncle Sam waved from the dance area. 
Uncle Sam moved and shimmied his way through dances, making everyone around him laugh. He wore long, navy shorts and a light blue shirt. You shook your head as he tried to twerk and made everyone nearly fall out with laughter. 
You stood side by side with Bucky as you watched. You kept all of your focus on Uncle Sam. You absolutely did not notice how heavenly Bucky smelled or how he blocked the sun for you. 
Aunt Sarah called your name and you looked behind you. She sat at a table and waved. She pointed to a plate she made for you. Your stomach chose then to grumble. You waved back to acknowledge her. 
“I better…” 
“I’ll catch you around,” he said with a small smile. He headed off into the swarm of people with ease saying hi and clapping people on the back. 
You took a deep breath. Maybe food was exactly what you needed. If you were too busy stuffing your face, you didn’t have time to think about Bucky Barnes. 
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You were burning up. For such an open room, the southern heat was eating you alive. You had already kicked off most of your pjs, leaving nothing but an oversized T-shirt and your panties. In a minute, you were going to take that off too, but you desperately needed some water.
You got out of bed, fumbling around in the dark. You stubbed your toe on the corner of a dresser and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from yowling. You danced in place until the sharp pain subsided.
You had no idea what time it was but after the party, cleaning up, and trading stories around the kitchen table, everyone peeled off for bed around two or three in the morning. The sun wasn’t yet up so you only managed to get an hour or so of sleep. 
Your tongue was dry and thick. You moved it around, trying to get your spit going. That last tequila shot definitely did you in. You sighed heavily as you padded down the hallway and the stairs. 
The silence was near deafening as you crossed the wide open space. The cabin was dark but there was enough ambient light from the open curtains letting in moon light. You could see enough to cross the living room towards the kitchen.
You opened the fridge door and bent over to look for leftover water bottles. You danced a bit as you tried to focus long enough to find a bottle. The fridge blew cold air that washed over your flushed skin. You scratched absently at your bonnet. 
Finally finding some water, you uncapped it and stood up to down nearly half the bottle. You turned around and screamed, jumping back into the fridge door. Bucky sat at the kitchen table. The light from the fridge gave him an otherworldly appearance.
Bucky stood up instantly and crossed the small space towards you. He held out his hands to steady you. “You okay? I’m sorry,” he said. 
You slapped him away and scrambled for the nearest light switch. “You scared me half to death!” 
Miraculously, you drank too much for the water to slosh out of the bottle so none of it spilled. You clutched the cool bottle to your racing heart. Your hands shook and you took deep breaths to calm down. 
Bucky had the good nerve to wince before closing the fridge door. “I’m truly sorry,” he said.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked.
Bucky chuckled. “Well, I wasn’t trying to scare you. A random voice in the night would’ve scared you more,” he said. 
You flopped into the nearest kitchen chair. You were too hot and too shaken up to care that you wore a bonnet around Bucky. There was no need to avoid him now. You were about as sexy as a paper clip. 
He dropped back into his seat. Now that you were calming down, you noticed that true to your daydreams, his hair was pleasantly tousled. He didn’t wear a shirt but he did have dog tags hanging from his neck. His metal arm gleamed in the low light. 
“Couldn’t sleep either?” You asked.
He smirked. “Not really,” he said. 
“Nightmares? Want to talk about it? I’ve been told I’m an excellent listener,” you said.
He absently rubbed a spot on the wooden table. “Wasn’t a nightmare this time. Actually had a dream. For the first time in a long time.” 
You looked at him as he held a smirk, but there was no humor in it. You sat patiently, giving him the space to talk about it or not. It didn’t seem like he was inclined, so you sipped your water and listened to the subtle animal sounds from outside. 
“It wasn’t anything fancy. Quite boring actually. I dreamt I was back in Wakanda. It was peaceful there,” he said softly.
A million questions danced in your head. But you nodded and smiled at him to continue. “There was a small lake where I used to sit for hours and just be. I didn’t get a lot of chances to do that in my life. Being here just made me miss it, I guess,” he said.  
“I get that. Dream freaked you out enough to come sit in the dark by your lonesome?” You asked.
He chuckled and nodded. “I can’t always trust what’s in my head. Sometimes I need to ground myself and I’m still getting used to how soft beds are these days,” he said.
“Oh, they make them firmer. Like sleeping on an ironing board,” you said. 
Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve slept on worse,” he said. 
“Ugh, no thank you. Give me the softest bed you can find. I wanna disappear into an infinite void of clouds and pillows and blankets,” you said. 
Bucky grinned and looked at you. “Don’t you have to be this tall to even climb into the bed?” He held up his hand to exaggerate how short you were. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
“Next to you, everyone’s short,” you said.
“And yet you’re still the shortest,” he said and laughed. You leaned up and slapped his regular arm. 
“You’ve been hanging around Uncle Sam too long,” you said.
Before you could pull back, Bucky grabbed your wrist and prevented you from moving back. He rubbed lazy circles as he looked at you.
“Why do you call him Uncle?” 
Your heart rate sped up for different reasons. His touch was feather soft and sent all kinds of crazy signals to your belly. 
“I grew up around their family for years. But when Sam joined the Air Force, I called him Uncle Sam as a joke. Kind of stuck. He already saw himself as my older brother so we kept it. Sarah felt left out so I called her Auntie,” you explained.
Bucky hummed and nodded. He glanced down at the circles he was making on your wrist. 
“Where’s your family?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Deadbeat, emotionally abusive parents. I ditched them a long time ago and I don’t talk to them.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“S’okay. Good riddance. Sam and Sarah and the boys are all I need. If you’re gonna keep coming around, I guess that includes you too,” you said.
Bucky chuckled and finally released your wrist. “You should probably try to get some sleep. Apparently, Sam has plans scheduled for the whole week,” Bucky said softly. 
“Sam loves his plans. You gonna get some rest?” You asked.
“I’ll try,” he said. 
You nodded. You stood up and moved to walk past him. But you stopped and bit your lip. You reached up and stroked his cheek. 
“I hope you get some sleep,” you said. You didn’t quite want the spell to break yet. It was early morning and the house was quiet. In the moments you spent down here, your body had cooled. However, standing so close to him while his clean soapy scent enveloped you, your body heated up for entirely different reasons. 
You slid your fingers under his chin and made him look up at you. His lips parted as he looked from between your eyes to your lips. He sighed as he trailed his fingers along your thighs. You made a squeak as the cold metal of his arm touched your heated skin. 
He skirted his fingers up and beneath the hem of your shirt, but he didn’t press further. He drew more lazy circles into your skin. 
Fuck it. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He sighed again, against your lips, and tugged you closer until you were straddling his thick thigh. You braced one hand on his other thigh and the other around his metal shoulder. 
He devoured you in a strong kiss, teeth clashing against each other. His tongue swiped against your lower lip before you opened for him. His tongue dived inside and slid against your own. 
His metal arm wrapped around you to keep you steady. His hand was better than a brace as it kept you from slipping off of him. His other hand came up to stroke your jaw before wrapping around your neck.
Not even you could keep the needy moan from escaping your lips. His lips moved over yours with expert care. Your hands came up to feather into his hair and trail down to the nape of his neck where you lightly scratched him.
A shudder moved through him that you felt all the way to your pussy. You shamelessly grinded on his leg. There was nothing but his sweatpants and your panties keeping you from skin on skin contact but you were sure he could feel how damp you were already. You’d be embarrassed except your thoughts were consumed with him. With touching him and feeling your nipples rub against his bare chest.
As soon as the kiss started, Bucky pulled away from you. Your harsh breaths mingled with his as you both panted. He plucked your hands from around his neck and held them in between you like a silent prayer. He got a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at your hands. 
He leaned down and kissed your fingers before leaning back and staring at the ceiling. Almost as if he were staring straight into Uncle Sam’s room. 
“You should go back upstairs,” he panted. 
You wanted to be angry. He didn’t get to just dismiss you. You practically threw yourself at him and that realization was enough to dump ice water in your veins. How embarrassing. 
You got up slowly and nodded. Without saying another word, you left the kitchen. Cool air hit the sweat along your face and neck and you shivered from the lack of heat. His heat. But you were a grown woman. You would be okay. 
You trudged all the way to your room and closed the door before falling face first into bed with a soft groan. 
What, the actual fuck just happened?
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Read Part 2 | Read Part 3 | Read Part 4 | Read Part 5
There is now a follow up! It's a Little Cold
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ice-cweam-sod4 · 12 days
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Starting back with making birthday cards we have Terrence ::3 (His broomquet flowers are, cherry blossoms, daisies and morning glorys)
Although I did not have time to really think about what lines he would have I and @twstinginthewind came up with an interview between him and her oc Hiro. Interview is under the post
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It was a bright afternoon on the NRC campus as the golden hour was swiftly approaching. Classes had been over for quite a while and while on any day qualifying races would have been taking place for the first years, today would not be the case as it was Terrence’s birthday.
After the initial celebration began for him at the stroke of midnight with him being awoken roughly by his siblings he was in a calm state for the rest of the day. Unlike other students of the dorm that would use their birthday as the perfect opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the housewarden and the dorm, Terrence was not so keen in partaking in the tradition. 
For him, Terrence’s birthday was always a day where he’d keep to himself and become lost in thought of the events that have occurred in his life.  As for now however he was waiting near the statues of the seven for his interview lost in thought again.
Terrence: It seems you are my interviewer, Hiro is your name yes?
Hiro: Sure is, and a real pleasure to meet ya, Mister Von Schweetz! Wow, that sure is a flashy get-up that you’re wearing; those robes look really cool on ya!
Terrence: *Smiling a bit* Thank you, I think the get up for this year is alright, I’m just content it doesn’t clash too much with my palette. What are the questions you have for me? You can ask them at any time 
Hiro: Oh! Right, right, I keep forgetting that this isn’t exactly a social call, haha! But before anything else, I do wanna make sure that I remember to wish you a very happy birthday! It isn’t often that I get to say that in an official capacity, and I know that sometimes you’re not always easy to get to, so I’m real glad I can tell ya this in person instead of just on Magicam….
Terrence: Thank you, out of all the people who have wished me that today, you sound like one of the few that has been sincere, hopefully it's not all an act.
Hiro: *eyes wide* Gosh, Mister Von Schweetz! I wouldn’t wanna be insincere on your birthday. It needs to be a good day for you, after all, right? But let’s have a little fun, and get to your questions!
Terrence: I only joke (mostly) but yes, let's move on.
Hiro: Allllll righty! Okay, for our first question… assuming unlimited magic and supplies, what’s the one place in the world that you’d fly to, and what do you want to do there?
Terrence: It would have to be the Scalding Sands, despite the weather conditions I would like to go there  and maybe spend a few weeks there taking in the culture.
Hiro: Ooh! I haven’t been there myself, but living in Scarabia this year has definitely given me an appreciation for the culture. The music is top-notch!
Terrence: Yes, when I was younger my mother used to take me to visit her side of the family, if I ever had the chance to return for a bit I would like to get some answers and learn more about her life growing up.
Hiro: That’s a lot like me, if I could get the chance to head back to Port o’Bliss to see my family’s old stomping grounds. Do you still have family you’re close to in the Scalding Sands?
Terrence: I wish I could say yes but unfortunately no, although I was still a child at the time looking back now most of those visits my mother paid to her family were very brief. Normally we would only visit for 10 minutes before we left to see Kalim’s family and spend the rest of our visit there. 
Hiro: At least Kalim and his family are fantastic hosts, so it must have been a good time. Ooh, you could use your visit to reconnect with the family, though! Maybe even spend a whole day, if you wanted. 
Terrence: That is true, but the ball is mostly in my mothers side of the family’s court if I do go.
Hiro: Well, family and vacation aside, we still have some more interview to work through. So let me continue on! What is your best subject here at Night Raven College, and is it your favorite?
Terrence: It goes without saying, its history from a young age the history of the Glace Duchy captivated me however now that I am learning about other nations and even ones that fell a long time ago I have gained a new respect for archivists in Twisted wonderland.
Hiro: Oh, I agree! It feels like every time we learn about someplace new, we’re meeting all of these tremendous personalities and hearing their stories! There’s really nothing else like it.
Terrence: It’s thanks to what we have documented a long time ago that we can even have an identity and also compare when we are progressing and regressing.
Hiro: Do you like the way that our professors present the material? Or do you prefer to do your own research? Maybe go a little more in-depth?
Terrence: I cannot really say much on the seven but I personally believe that professor Trein views the acts of the candy king through caramelized rose coloured glasses. 
Hiro: Caramel roses… what a sticky, sweet kind of view to take!
Terrence: I am not sure if that is also how he approaches the other members of the seven due to their descendants like Leona and Malleus attending this school but personally I rather have a teacher be honest with how they feel about the seven rather than just biting their tongue and singing their praises to high heaven in hopes that their descendants don’t tear up and throw a hissy fit.
Hiro: *snickering* I can’t speak for any Seven in my blood, but I think anyone pouting over ancient history would be pretty amusing. Maybe one day you’ll be that straight-shooting teacher! Which leads me to our last question: What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Terrence: *Terrence’s smile drops* Possibly I might take up my father’s position as Duke. It’s not what I want to do however there are no real options available and with the current state that many of the politicians have placed the Glace Duchy in, I’m unsure if I will even have the legal power to do anything about it.
Hiro: *wincing slightly, he rubs the back of his neck.* Aw gosh, I didn’t wanna hit a bad note with that. If you didn’t have to inherit a title, though, what would you most *want* to do?
Terrence: *Terrence stays silent for a minute* Out of all the things, I would become a diplomat for the Duchy. I know it sounds like I wouldn’t leave but at least in that position I could actually be in a position that did something for the country and be able to make life for the people in the Duchy better.
Hiro: It sounds an awful lot like the folks there mean a lot to you. They’re lucky to have you on their side.
Terrence: It’s more like, I don’t want the current people in power to hurt them on a global scale for the sake of greed and keeping certain secrets hidden from the public.
Hiro: ….
Dang. Well!! It looks like my interview time is just about coming to an end. Do you have any final thoughts before you take your triumphant flight into the sunset?? 
Terrence: Hmm, you plan to go into showbiz, yes?
Hiro: Huh? Oh, yes sir, that is what I’m hoping for! Even just as a character actor, or behind the scenes. I like helping big stories get told.
Terrence: Us cy-beings are fully aware of how the greater public view us, no matter what part of production you take part in, please at least attempt to have non stereotypical roles be cast for cy-being actors. I and many others are getting tired of the disgusting grotesque insectoid trope. Then again I don’t write the scripts. 
Hiro: I gotta say, every cy-being I’ve met from the Duchy has been just as varied and complex as anyone else from anyplace else. I’ll do what I can to help get your stories told, too. Long as you can keep on hoping and dreaming, I’ll hope and dream along with you.
Terrence:*grabbing his broomquet* I will do my best!
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lowkeycasanova · 2 years
Down bad
*This played out better in my head*
It started with him sending you the picture of the frog holding a cheez-it in your instagram dms.
He was trying to get your attention. Didn't work, but he expected that. Over the next weeks that would come, he would message you more. You didn't see those either.
vinniehacker: won't budge huh? fine
He had even taken a screenshot of the messages he sent and posted them on his story because he thought it was funny.
After that, he said in a stream, "I would let Y/N Y/L/N have my children." That comment alone resulted in fans making edits of the two of you.
Next, Jett caught him staking your tik tok profile. He noticed it when he realized the same song was playing on repeat and Vinnie had a grin that he was trying so hard so to show.
Then, Jett and Eamon had got on twitter to try to get your attention on Vinnie's behalf to help him out. They were really just joking but they'd be lying if they said they hadn't hope that you'd see the mentions.
Finally, the most recent thing occurred on tik tok. He was doing the trend to this sound. The video starts with a selfie that he took with the text on top saying, "I wonder if pretty eyes would suit me."
Then it goes to a montage of photos of you, with the text then changing to, "I hope they do."
You got so many notifications throughout the day, so you normally didn't keep up with them unless they were from friends and family. Until today. You were laying in bed, about to get up to get ready for work when you opened tik tok. People were relentless in tagging you in some video, so you clicked on it to see what the hype was all about.
It was Vinnie's video that he posted. Your eyes widened to see that he used your pictures to do this trend. After the video was on repeat four times, a soft smile appeared on your face as you clicked "duet".
It was simple, really. You looked into the camera, interested to see what was going to happen, then your eyes widened at the sight of your own pictures. Trying to recreate your expression that you just had in real life a few moments before.
All you put for the caption was his username and posted it.
Within a half hour, it already garnered so much attention. Some of the comments were:
The duo we never knew we needed
I can't handle this
no way y/n saw this
Since when do they know each other?
someone check on vinnie, make sure he's okay
Later that day was when he saw it. He put a hand over his mouth as he gasped. You duetting his video proved that you were aware that he existed and that was enough for him, honestly. It's funny how the tik tok algorithm works. He couldn't get over the fact that when you smiled in the video, it was because of him.
He was such a fan boy.
But it didn't stop there. The high he felt increased as he saw a notification from you in his messages.
yourtiktok: hey! how are you? I just wanted to say that I thought your video was so sweet and I appreciate it.
He couldn't move.
He clicked on the username to make sure that it was in fact you and not a bot. It was real alright.
Vinnie was actually getting ready to stream when all of this was happening but now that was just gonna have to wait. He even tried to seem nonchalant in his message back.
vhackerr: oh hey, im doing well. And im glad that you liked it haha
yourtiktok: I've actually have known about you for a while now. you seem pretty dope
vhackerr: i bet i've known who you are for longer but it aint a competition
yourtiktok: i see
He proceeded to send you a meme in response but once he sent it, he instantly regretted it because maybe you wouldn't understand his humor and think he was weird.
And when you didn't respond fast like you had been doing, he felt like he messed up.
vhackerr: nvm i retract that
vhackerr: if u see dis
yourtiktok: why? it was funny
He let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding.
vhackerr: ig i enjoy embarrassing myself
yourtiktok: you and me both
yourtiktok: oh and hey, you in LA rn?
vhackerr: ye
yourtiktok: same here, maybe we can hang out before I leave for chicago in a week and a half
vhackerr: im down, but i be in the house most of the time. but did i go outside today? yes
yourtiktok: i love a good homebody tbh
vhackerr: well then, lemme check my schedule and i'll lyk
yourtiktok: deal
Vinnie knew that people would get a kick out of knowing that you and him were talking. He was about to take a screenshot of the convo but decided against it because he respected your privacy too much to just throw away these personal dms to social media.
He'd been waiting for something like this ever since he became a fan of yours. And he wasn't about to risk letting it crumble for nobody.
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