#one day i will draw his groovy
ice-cweam-sod4 · 4 months
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Starting back with making birthday cards we have Terrence ::3 (His broomquet flowers are, cherry blossoms, daisies and morning glorys)
Although I did not have time to really think about what lines he would have I and @twstinginthewind came up with an interview between him and her oc Hiro. Interview is under the post
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It was a bright afternoon on the NRC campus as the golden hour was swiftly approaching. Classes had been over for quite a while and while on any day qualifying races would have been taking place for the first years, today would not be the case as it was Terrence’s birthday.
After the initial celebration began for him at the stroke of midnight with him being awoken roughly by his siblings he was in a calm state for the rest of the day. Unlike other students of the dorm that would use their birthday as the perfect opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the housewarden and the dorm, Terrence was not so keen in partaking in the tradition. 
For him, Terrence’s birthday was always a day where he’d keep to himself and become lost in thought of the events that have occurred in his life.  As for now however he was waiting near the statues of the seven for his interview lost in thought again.
Terrence: It seems you are my interviewer, Hiro is your name yes?
Hiro: Sure is, and a real pleasure to meet ya, Mister Von Schweetz! Wow, that sure is a flashy get-up that you’re wearing; those robes look really cool on ya!
Terrence: *Smiling a bit* Thank you, I think the get up for this year is alright, I’m just content it doesn’t clash too much with my palette. What are the questions you have for me? You can ask them at any time 
Hiro: Oh! Right, right, I keep forgetting that this isn’t exactly a social call, haha! But before anything else, I do wanna make sure that I remember to wish you a very happy birthday! It isn’t often that I get to say that in an official capacity, and I know that sometimes you’re not always easy to get to, so I’m real glad I can tell ya this in person instead of just on Magicam….
Terrence: Thank you, out of all the people who have wished me that today, you sound like one of the few that has been sincere, hopefully it's not all an act.
Hiro: *eyes wide* Gosh, Mister Von Schweetz! I wouldn’t wanna be insincere on your birthday. It needs to be a good day for you, after all, right? But let’s have a little fun, and get to your questions!
Terrence: I only joke (mostly) but yes, let's move on.
Hiro: Allllll righty! Okay, for our first question… assuming unlimited magic and supplies, what’s the one place in the world that you’d fly to, and what do you want to do there?
Terrence: It would have to be the Scalding Sands, despite the weather conditions I would like to go there  and maybe spend a few weeks there taking in the culture.
Hiro: Ooh! I haven’t been there myself, but living in Scarabia this year has definitely given me an appreciation for the culture. The music is top-notch!
Terrence: Yes, when I was younger my mother used to take me to visit her side of the family, if I ever had the chance to return for a bit I would like to get some answers and learn more about her life growing up.
Hiro: That’s a lot like me, if I could get the chance to head back to Port o’Bliss to see my family’s old stomping grounds. Do you still have family you’re close to in the Scalding Sands?
Terrence: I wish I could say yes but unfortunately no, although I was still a child at the time looking back now most of those visits my mother paid to her family were very brief. Normally we would only visit for 10 minutes before we left to see Kalim’s family and spend the rest of our visit there. 
Hiro: At least Kalim and his family are fantastic hosts, so it must have been a good time. Ooh, you could use your visit to reconnect with the family, though! Maybe even spend a whole day, if you wanted. 
Terrence: That is true, but the ball is mostly in my mothers side of the family’s court if I do go.
Hiro: Well, family and vacation aside, we still have some more interview to work through. So let me continue on! What is your best subject here at Night Raven College, and is it your favorite?
Terrence: It goes without saying, its history from a young age the history of the Glace Duchy captivated me however now that I am learning about other nations and even ones that fell a long time ago I have gained a new respect for archivists in Twisted wonderland.
Hiro: Oh, I agree! It feels like every time we learn about someplace new, we’re meeting all of these tremendous personalities and hearing their stories! There’s really nothing else like it.
Terrence: It’s thanks to what we have documented a long time ago that we can even have an identity and also compare when we are progressing and regressing.
Hiro: Do you like the way that our professors present the material? Or do you prefer to do your own research? Maybe go a little more in-depth?
Terrence: I cannot really say much on the seven but I personally believe that professor Trein views the acts of the candy king through caramelized rose coloured glasses. 
Hiro: Caramel roses… what a sticky, sweet kind of view to take!
Terrence: I am not sure if that is also how he approaches the other members of the seven due to their descendants like Leona and Malleus attending this school but personally I rather have a teacher be honest with how they feel about the seven rather than just biting their tongue and singing their praises to high heaven in hopes that their descendants don’t tear up and throw a hissy fit.
Hiro: *snickering* I can’t speak for any Seven in my blood, but I think anyone pouting over ancient history would be pretty amusing. Maybe one day you’ll be that straight-shooting teacher! Which leads me to our last question: What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Terrence: *Terrence’s smile drops* Possibly I might take up my father’s position as Duke. It’s not what I want to do however there are no real options available and with the current state that many of the politicians have placed the Glace Duchy in, I’m unsure if I will even have the legal power to do anything about it.
Hiro: *wincing slightly, he rubs the back of his neck.* Aw gosh, I didn’t wanna hit a bad note with that. If you didn’t have to inherit a title, though, what would you most *want* to do?
Terrence: *Terrence stays silent for a minute* Out of all the things, I would become a diplomat for the Duchy. I know it sounds like I wouldn’t leave but at least in that position I could actually be in a position that did something for the country and be able to make life for the people in the Duchy better.
Hiro: It sounds an awful lot like the folks there mean a lot to you. They’re lucky to have you on their side.
Terrence: It’s more like, I don’t want the current people in power to hurt them on a global scale for the sake of greed and keeping certain secrets hidden from the public.
Hiro: ….
Dang. Well!! It looks like my interview time is just about coming to an end. Do you have any final thoughts before you take your triumphant flight into the sunset?? 
Terrence: Hmm, you plan to go into showbiz, yes?
Hiro: Huh? Oh, yes sir, that is what I’m hoping for! Even just as a character actor, or behind the scenes. I like helping big stories get told.
Terrence: Us cy-beings are fully aware of how the greater public view us, no matter what part of production you take part in, please at least attempt to have non stereotypical roles be cast for cy-being actors. I and many others are getting tired of the disgusting grotesque insectoid trope. Then again I don’t write the scripts. 
Hiro: I gotta say, every cy-being I’ve met from the Duchy has been just as varied and complex as anyone else from anyplace else. I’ll do what I can to help get your stories told, too. Long as you can keep on hoping and dreaming, I’ll hope and dream along with you.
Terrence:*grabbing his broomquet* I will do my best!
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yuurei20 · 18 days
Hi YuuRei! I was revisiting some of your past videos, and when I was watching your video on how Trey was changed in the English version, I was reminded of something that I saw a fan point out once upon time. In the Japanese version, during Riddle’s Overblot fight, Cater’s character model has red colored eyes rather than green. I was curious if you knew more about that? Thank you!
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question!
Yes yes, it seems that this is very true!
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While looking around for possible information I discovered a twstsoku thread on this very topic, full of people reminiscing about the little visual changes that the game experienced in its early days, and this was one of them! ^^
Someone points out that there are actually illustrations of Cater with red eyes in the Magical Archives Game Guide, and I can confirm that that is true as well!
There are two drawings--one of Cater in his labwear and one in his gym uniform--where his eyes are red instead of green. So it seems that his character design may have had originally red eyes, and the change to green was made fairly late in the development process!
(His eye color has since been corrected to green.)
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For a personal theory, Yana has mentioned something about early-Cater before: he wasn't supposed to be human!
"Cater was a beastman, there was a character based on a white rabbit motif, and so on…" - Toboso Yana (Magical Archives Game Guide (2020))
She does not say that Cater was going to be the white rabbit character, just that a white rabbit character existed and Cater was also a beast-person, but I wonder: that unnamed white rabbit character, was it originally Cater? 👀 Is that why is eyes were red in early stages of development?
But then I discovered another theory:
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Back in 2020, two weeks after the game was released, user kozue_pixiv writes:
"Are you all familiar with a gemstone called Alexandrite? It's a stone that changes color depending on light wavelengths, and it's known as 'the emerald by day' and 'the ruby by night.' Is there a connection? Are his eyes changing from green to red inspired by Alexandrite? Are his eyes gemstones? After thinking about it so much I realized, Cater-senpai is from the Land of Pyroxene. It's perfect… Come to think of it, he is from the Land of Pyroxene and his family name is Diamond--that’s really well thought out. Among the four suits in a deck of cards, only diamonds are gemstones, so maybe it was intentional… Hmm, I wonder… Since he’s the only one in Heartslabyul from a different country, I might be overthinking it, but isn’t it interesting that everyone from the Land of Pyroxene are in different dorms?"
And another point in favor of "the character named 'diamond' has eyes that change in the light' theory? In Cater's ceremonial robes groovy, he originally had gold-colored eyes!
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Interesting!! 👀📝
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
hey i was wondering if you could write a fic about the reader teaching Hobie how to roller skate?? It’s so oddly specific but i can imagine him just struggling with it and it’s funny to me. Plus my dream date is to teach someone how to roller skate 😭. Thank you so much. Also please remember to take breaks and rest. I lysm and appreciate all the effort you put into ever story ❤️
What a cute prompt! Thank you for requesting!! And I will!! You're too sweet ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2 k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for a mention of Hobie being tall and brief mention of clothes), cw food mention, set in Hobie's 70s dimension, FLUFF
Being a part of the spider society has numerous Perks— Free therapy if you're willing to wait months for a single appointment. The cafeteria providing three meals a day to starving spider people from all walks of life, (and dimensions) not to mention the unmatched camaraderie with your fellow spiders. That alone makes all the jet lag from traveling through dozens of multiverses, and all the aches and pains that comes with being bitten by a radioactive spider. But, there is one thing that trumps all of those perks, and that's hopping to your partner's dimension for a not-so-quick date at the roller rink.
Hobie didn't take much convincing, especially after showing him your timeline appropriate outfit to him. His dimension is practically stuck in the 70s, filled with groovy psychedelic colours from the top to bottom. And of course there's the leather jackets that you've grown accustomed to just by being with Hobie. Hell, you especially love those leather pieces like the one you're wearing now. You went all out with your outfit, researching the trends back then with a splash of punk looks that had Hobie almost melting the second you stepped out of the portal. You fit in, to say the least. But after all the research and countless hours in the library just scouring for history books and life in the 70s, they don't compare actually being there and seeing it with your own eyes.
A glorious disco ball hangs in the ceiling, twinkling lights dancing around the funky, swirly and fluffy walls of the roller rink. Everywhere you look there's a burst of colours, and there's no lack of laughter ringing above iconic disco music you've heard before.
Smiling, you sit on a bench, eyes turned upwards at the sparkling lights twirling around the whole place. Hobie kneels before you, insisting to tie your rollerblades for you, citing that if it's not done well you could fall over and smash your face on the polished granite. You of course don't refuse, loving how much he dotes on you when there's no mission to rush to or a certain Spiderman breathing down his neck.
Patting your foot, Hobie calls your name above the blaring music. “How's the weather up there, lovie?”
You tilt your head, chin tucked on your clavicle, admiring how handsome he looks under disco lights with his piercings and eyes shining. “How long have you been waiting to say that to someone, huh, tall guy?”
He takes your unlaced rollerblade, pushing it in your socked foot and then propping it up on his knee. He's smiling all through it, happy to indulge you even for a quick moment without anyone to kick or web up. “Believe it or not, I've said it a few times.”
You fake a gasp, and he chuckles at your antics while he ties a ribbon. “Someone is taller than you?! I thought that was impossible!”
“You're impossible.” Hobie's hand remains on your ankle, hand rising up to cup your knee, thumb drawing circles around your tights. Leaning up, he holds your hip with his free hand, pushing you down gently to meet him halfway; which you gladly let him guide you.
Beaming, you peck his nose and the space between his brows. Earning a soft chuckle from him. “Says the one kneeling before me.”
“Which makes my comment correct.” He follows suit, kissing where your Cupid's bow lies before standing up shakily on his rollerblades. (That he hides with his nonchalance.) “C’mon, let's get this over with before I change my mind.”
Taking his helping hand, you pull yourself up, effortlessly standing on the wheels. “It's not too bad, I promise. Even little kids get it right after a few tries.”
He raises a pierced brow. “Those little kids aren't as tall as me and don't have a reputation to keep.”
You poke his side, “I've seen you backflip off of Rhino's head. Roller skates are nothing compared to that. Besides, no one you know is here to see you fall flat on your ass.”
“You won't film it like last time we went ice skatin’?” He can't help but ogle you under the light and amidst the bright colours.
Leading him towards the rink, you hold his hand, slowly inching your way inside. “I promise I won't take videos this time.” He huffs in reply as you guide him to the shiny floors. “It was for personal use anyway.” You mumble to yourself.
Hobie immediately holds onto the railings next to him the second his feet leaves the carpeted floors and onto granite. His knees are bent and shaking while he tries to keep his balance on the wheels. “Love, why'd you let go?!”
Giggling, you reach for him with open arms, rolling towards him. “I didn't! You did!”
Panic spreads through him unlike all the times he has fought countless villains as his rollerblades smack loudly on the floors as his feet skidaddles in place, struggling to even stand up. After reaching for you, your six foot three baby holds onto you like a life raft. Long arms grasping with none of the cool nonchalance he usually exhibits.
“Do you want me to get a training cart for you—?”
“No, I've got this.” Hobie straightens up, hand holding on to your jean pocket as if he wasn't whining a few seconds ago.
“Oh okay—”
“Don't let me go this time.”
“I won't, Hobs. Maybe try moving your legs?” Smiling, you roll around the rink as he uses you as his personal guide while he barely moves his stiff legs.
His eyes roam around the rink where people of all ages whizz past him without a care. He looks over to you with a new found determination. If those children who are barely five years old can skate like they own the place, he too can do it. “What do I do now?”
You don't laugh or giggle at him, instead, you help and support him throughout the lesson like you promised him when you suggested the date. Hobie picked up on the skill real quick, quicker than he did for ice skating. Maybe the music helped him, or maybe he really wanted to impress you this time instead of the ‘baby deer learning how to walk’ he exhibited earlier.
After a while he's already skating around you. A bit wobbly but his form makes up for it. Hobie thanks his spider senses and balance for not stumbling and crashing into another person.
You're all tired out after the exercise. Head placed on his shoulder, arms looped around his middle as he's the one guiding you this time while you two skate mindlessly on the shiny floors as the skating rink dies down for the night. He blows air in your ear, waking you up.
“Thank you.” Hobie affectionately pecks your brow, you hum in content. “You've got some patience in you, love.”
“Nope, you're just a fast learner. And you're welcome, thank you for indulging me.”
“You chose well.” His eyes smile, hand splayed over the small of your back. “Next time it's my turn to pick the place.”
“What do you have in mind?” Tilting away, your hand snakes up from his back to his nape, kneading softly.
“It's a secret, innit. For now,” he skids to a stop, hand still holding on to you. “you need to see some food that your dimension hasn't seen in decades.”
Your eyes widens, gasping. “So much food that shouldn't be in jell-o.” You're already unlacing your rollerblades.
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ttshihiro · 3 months
pspspps.. totally not golden groovy woops
ANYWAYS HII!! heard u were open for requests. may i request tammy + qiu with and an artist reader :00
requests of my favorite fandoms are my catnip good gof woa who could this be‽‽ my reqs and my ask box are like always open btw >◡<
extra note/s: I refer to step 1 Qiu as he/him. Uhhh take this as platonic or romantic, I'll add an indicator for romance (𐙚) ^^
more under the cut > o
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✧ At 10 years old, QIU's fascinated. How he discovers your interest and skill in arts varies but his reaction doesn't. He's impressed! Whether digital or traditional, Qiu would love to participate especially if you asked him yourself.
For this reason, he carries an extra pen and even those colored ones just in case you get bored or if you're suddenly struck by creativity when you two are playing :3
✧ The first time you show him one of your doodles you made during class, he's compelled to do the same whether or not you actually give him it. And ever since, you two've been exchanging these sketches during class. It's the cutest scene to walk into.
You're into drawing sceneries? Trust that he starts telling you and Tamarack about more "special things" in the forest and/or the town.
Like the sky? There's this clearing a lot further into the forest at your backyards. Stargaze, watch the clouds and the sunset together?
✧ It's also necessary for me to mention that unlike his notes, lazily pressed against eachother and constantly on the run, anything you give him goes to a safe space probably in between a books pages, under the the matress of his bed or inside a drawer/container.
"They broke into my backyard accidentally, 'cause they were on a crazy investigation about a paper airplane. Plus, they got here a day ago and they're already looking out for me. Normally, I'm the one doing that."
"Besides, they're pretty. And they make me pretty. Look! Look how they drew me!"
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✧ As for 10-year-old TAMARACK, she's curious. The things you draw, are they based on actual places? Actual people? Oh, you draw based on your imagination? Elaborate.
✧ At some point in the prologue, she says "All the forests in the world are different, and some places don't even have forests. I can show you good spots to find things since you're newer to this forest than me."
And I can't not think of her running up to you to give you all of what she gathered for you to draw like omfg
With all those leaves and tiny branches sticking out of her hair and sweater, she smiles brightly with her hands filled with her treasures. AUGH SHE MAKES ME SO SICK I LOVE HER
✧ Like Qiu, she has her own safe spot designated for only your drawings if you've given her any.
She shows off all of them. Especially if you've drawn her?? It'll be the only thing she talks about during literally any time for the rest of the month and the few months after.
"Out of all the friends I have here, you're the best one. We came to the same exact neighborhood, almost at the same time, and are he same age. You have fun outside and I do too."
"I think you're pretty. How you draw me is pretty! I've never met a kid who was just like me. That's important. That's serious."
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✧ Now, 14-year-old QIU's pretty much no different. They're even more impressed when they see just how much you've improved. Nonetheless, they treasure your old drawings just as much as they do they new.
They take the liberty of providing you with both a pen and paper to draw on when you're together, in case you don't bring your sketchbook (if you own one).
On those days where you two just sit in silence in their hideout, their gaze drifts to your side quietly a few times to watch your progress. After a while, they settle with sitting right next to you and watching the stroke of your pen against the paper as the scene forms with each hatch.
✧ As a teen, they've actually been a tad bit farther off the town when they feel like taking a ride on their bike. They've seen many sights and burn the route into their brain for them to tell you about. They'd even be happy as to bring you there themselves.
✧ If you ask them to be your muse, good god you'd need to tell them what to do.
It's almost a funny sight. Qiu, the kid who knew what to do their whole life asks you, "Should I pose? Where do I look? Ah- what's my good side?"
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𐙚 They can feel their breath hitch under your scrutiny. Suddenly, they're concious of every single thing about them. Where do their eyes go? Should they move their hands? Is their hair in the way?
They avert their gaze flusteredly, their head ever so slightly moving to the side when they do so.
And good god do their hands clutch the fabric of their pants when you tell them to look at you properly.
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✧ Same goes for TAMARACK at 14. She's as intrugued as ever to hear about your work. She admires (you)r style from then till now and has learned to appreciate the time gone into things as simple as this, whether or not you've made it with her in mind. BUT GOD IF YOU TELL HER IT IS, it's always sitting on her desk and she thinks constantly about what you've done for her.
✧ And while she doesn't exactly bring you a pen, she's more than glad to hand you hers when you need it.
✧ Unlike before, she'd now be at your side when you two hung out at her backyard. She'd be sitting across from you, practicing the cello. The hum of her instrument accompanied by the sound of nature and the scratch of your pen against paper gives her a sense of calmness.
This may also be when she realizes she's been your muse! Her fingers trace over where your pen has been and boy appreciate isn't even enough for her to describe how she felt. It was definitely happy, but that wasn't the word either.
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𐙚 Her heart pounds alarmingly as she admires your work. It's almost concerning to you that she sits silently with a blank expression as she held your sketchbook in her hands.
But that concern washes off you as soon as a warm smile curls the corners of her lips, tender adoration displayed all over her face.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SSR Epel Felmier - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned:  I'm gonna be a supporter for the museum, huh. I'm a little worried whether I can really do it, but... I'ma do mah best!
Summon Line: Art seems pretty difficult to actually do, but... A museum would kinda be fun to look around, I guess? Hope we can enjoy ourselves here today.
Groooovy!!: Almost anyone would want to take a big bite out of a shiny, red apple if they're given one, don'tcha think?
Home: A 100th anniversary, awesome!
Home Idle 1: Apparently the Thorn Fairy covered a whole castle with briars in an instant. I wonder what kind of magic she used... Something to make them grow faster?
Home Idle 2: People who can draw are amazing. I have trouble trying to picture what I want to draw, let alone actual talent.
Home Idle 3: The way Riddle-san was lecturing on the Queen of Hearts was just like how a professor would. Man... I need to study much harder like him...
Home Idle - Login: I ain't know nothin' 'bout paintin', but they's got some hangin' up I's seen b'fore. Oops, uh... This is such a fun museum, wouldn't you say?
Home Idle - Groovy: There's this cafe that Cater-san recommended to me. But it looks way too flashy... Don't think I can bring myself to go alone...
Home Tap 1: Did you buy any souvenirs? I chose a memo stand that looks like the poison apple the Fairest Queen made.
Home Tap 2: The King of Beasts looks so proud and hella cool in every painting they got of him here. One day, I'll be just someone just as amazing...!
Home Tap 3: Looks like Idia-san's really into the Lord of the Underworld. I saw him taking in a painting all serious-like with his arms folded and everything.
Home Tap 4: Jade-san was super engrossed reading the description of the painting showing the potion that the Fairest Queen concocted. He really looked like he was enjoying himself.
Home Tap 5: Huh, am I wearing this outfit wrong!? Oh, you just came over to tell me it looked good on me... Whew, you scared me. Thanks...
Home Tap - Groovy: Was there any specific painting you liked? That one, huh... If I get the chance, I'll go take a closer look at it!
Duo: [EPEL]: Time fer us ta git down 'n do it to it, Cater-san! [CATER]: E-Epel-chan, what did you just say?
Birthday Login Message: Thanks for the birthday present! Oh yeah, let me give you something in return. How about some skin cream? I got some from of my dormmates, but there's no way I can use up all of it... They're all nicely packed in a cardboard box, so I'll swing by Ramshackle later to drop them off. Don't worry about me, just take 'em all!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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Happy (fanon) Birthday Mister Crewel!
Yes....it's happening, ...Did I gave fanon birthday to the twiwon's cast leftover.....Yes!
And what better than Valentine's Day for our alchemy'fashionista teacher as his own birthday!
We don't really know if Valentine's Day actually exists in the Twiwon lore/universe regarding their Valentine's card, they all seem surprised by our behavior toward them!
(When I decide to make something special about it ...tadadadadaaaa SSR Crowley popped out of nowhere....THAT BIRD THAAAAT BIIIRD!!!)
I mean it, you can see that my "shojo"-ish art style still goes by.... Imitating another art style is supah hard.... But it's a ...render fanart... I guess.... I mean I can draw....just to remind it
I went berseck ultra-instinct with his outfit...(yes Cruella please praise me, headpat me!) He's such a supah stylish classy punk british gentleman!
DIVUS CREWEL~ SSR Birthday roses and chocolate
Summon Line: “STAY! Today is your master birthday! Praise me more!” Groooovy!!: "I'm just getting started darling! Hear me roar!" Home: "Yes today is my birth... Valentine? What is it? That is not my name, don't you know your master name?" Home Idle 1: "That outfit is very on point with Queendom of Roses fashion line." Home Idle 2: "You know puppy, you need to dress up properly no matter the situation, and add extra effort on special day like this one~" Home Idle 3:" Arggwwhhh,...even today that trio is going to give me another headache!" Home Idle - Login: "My age.....? STAY STAY!!! Is it because of my hair ...AGAIN?" Home Idle - Groovy: "Yes take photo of every accessories, this one too puppy. It's a Ténèbre one~" Home Tap 1: "That roses bouquet is actually not for me, but my mother back home. My whole family is waiting for me to party this night~" Home Tap 2: "Mister Trein congratulated me on getting older while smiling... he can be so... Ah well actually everyone wished me an happy birthday! Even my friends Arty, Anitta and...Roger *sigh*" Home tap 3: "My minions from back then sent me extra coupon for vintage car accessories. They can be quiet useful~" Home Tap 4: "My favorite cake flavor?....I am not going to tell you, as this information could spread among students! It's a secret~" Home Tap 5: "The green pearls is A "must have" inherited from the great De.Vil fashionista's house!" Home Tap - Groovy: "Tsss.... no fire....Arghwww cover your hears, no, I am not asking you fire! STAY!"
Divus Crewel: Yes darling, you can praise me! Yuu(sona): Happy birthday Crewel-sensei!
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flipppyflopp · 1 year
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The day my whole life changed, the day I met you~ 🦇✨
I was hoping Lilia’s groovy for his new card would’ve been him finding Silver, but instead it was a cool action shot, so I took it upon myself to draw the first meeting of Lilia and Silver. I don’t draw animals often, but I included some here as I feel that they were definitely surrounding baby Silver due to his natural affinity for animals as well as the fact it’s a strange human baby in the woods. One day I hope we get the full story on how Lilia came to find Silver 🤧
I had a lot of fun drawing and shading Lilia’s outfit, but the best part was coloring Lilia’s hair as it’s such a bright and vibrant red! Since we’ve seen Lilia with red and pink streaks, I’d like to see him with blue 🤔
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aphrogeneias · 10 months
Luiza you have no idea what you’ve done because I’ve wanted to talk about this for ages.
Remember that scene in the bronze where spike and buffy are up on the balcony? And he’s fooling around with her (fingering or fucking her it’s left vague lmao) and he’s telling her to look down at her friends and saying she belongs in the dark with him????
That with Eddie.
do they know?
summary: eddie always knows exactly where to find you, even when you don't want to be found.
pairing: vampire!eddie munson x slayer!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: smut (+18), a little angst at the beginning. semi-public sex, fingering, dirty talk, hair pulling, biting.
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It's quiet up here, the opposite of what a nightclub should be.
Some stubborn voice in the back of your mind tells you that you should be having fun. You watch your friends from where you're standing, the empty balcony of the club you've been attending for years, dancing and joking around, making up their own silly choreographies as tonight’s band played something groovy.
Robin and Nancy hold each other's hands as they dance, Chrissy spins around in her pretty dress, Barb watches them from her trusty place at your usual table, smiling and singing along. They don't seem to notice how long you've been gone, maybe because you've been doing that a lot lately.
Hiding, that is. Leaving places early, without saying goodbye. You don't mean to, you just don't feel much like yourself these days. Not like the girl you used to be, but something new, different — scarred, tainted by something dark, marked by it.
It isn't easy to explain, the shadow that death leaves on someone. You were way too young when you took on this job, and it took a while until the weight of it started to pull you down, but it was finally starting to.
Maybe it was also due to the fact that you'd recently fallen into a bad habit, who was currently staring up at you from the dancefloor. In the middle of the sparse crowd, the only pair of eyes looking up are a deep brown, finding you in your hiding place.
You're not exactly surprised. Eddie hasn't left town in a while, and you'd seen him a couple of days ago — throwing rocks at your bedroom window until you let him in, climbing under your sheets, leaving before dawn.
If you felt colder without him in the morning than with him in your bed, when he wrapped his body around you like he loved you, you told no one.
Eddie disappears into the crowd until you can feel him again, right behind you. You don't want to give him the satisfaction of looking back, and suddenly, he's there, shielding your body with his, his chest to your back as his arms grab the railing in front of you, surrounding you with his leather clad arms.
The smell of cologne and cigarettes invades your every sense, and you need to keep from inhaling deeply. You wish you could turn around and bury your face on his chest, nuzzle into the worn cotton of his shirt, breathe him in.
You do everything to avoid the strange comfort Eddie brings you. It almost hurts, the intensity with which he draws you in.
“Not exactly the life of the party, are you?” You can feel his eyes on the side of your face, his insufferable stare paired with a grin.
“You know me.” You respond, simply.
“Mhm. You're right, I know you.” His chest vibrates behind you as he hums, caging you in even more. “All work and no play makes the little slayer a huge bitch.”
Rolling your eyes, you finally force yourself to glance at him from over your shoulder. “You came all the way here just to insult me?”
“No, but you make it hard not to.” He chuckles. “Just wanted to check on you, actually.”
He surprises you with a kiss on your shoulder, over your top. The whiplash still hasn't settled with you, the hot and cold of it all. Does he hate you? Does he… No. He doesn't.
“There's nothing to check. I'm clearly fine.” You bite your lip.
“So, you're clearly hiding from your friends”, he keeps kissing you, from your shoulder to your neck, now dragging his lips over bare skin, “for no reason?”
“I'm not hiding.” Swallowing hard, you try to stand your ground, but you already feel your walls start to crumble. “I'm just… tired, I guess.”
“Tired of what?” The hands that were on the rail are now in your waist, grabbing and squeezing you, until one of them descends to your hip, and the other up to your back. It slides up your spine, and settles on the back of your neck, while he grabs you by the hair, pulling your head back. “Of keeping up appearances? Pretending to be a good girl?”
You feel it all. His curls brushing your skin, the roughness of the hand that is now on your thigh, rising to feel you under your skirt, his nose digging on your cheek. You're surrounded by him, and regretfully, you wouldn't have it any other way.
“I'm not pretending.” You’re already breathing heavily. “I am good.”
“You sure? I don't know about that.” He finally reaches the crotch of your panties, finding them already sticky with your wetness. His fingers tease you above the fabric, lazily circling your clit, as if he has all the time in the world. “I think you're a bad, bad girl, and you know It too.”
It's all happening at the same time. He's keeping you in place with arm around your waist while he pulls your panties to the side and finally allows you to feel him, “Look at them. Do you think they know?”
You don't speak as he forces you to look forward, down to your blissfully unaware friends. It's dark where you stand, but all they'd have to do was look up and see you in this position. Heat fills your chest, up to your cheeks, and you grab his wrist, attempting to stop him.
He doesn't mind, instead he keeps his hand there, fingers slowly working your clit, dipping to your entrance to collect the slick steadily dripping from you, and back to your little button, “Do you think they know how much of a naughty little slayer you are? Do they know how much you like getting fucked by the big, bad monster you claim to hate? How much you love my fingers in your pussy, how you beg for more?”
Almost as if on cue, you plead. “Please, Eddie. Don't do this to me.”
“Do what?” He whispers, leaning his head down again, locking his lips to your chin, leaving a tender, lingering bite there. “This?”
Finally, he starts fucking you with one of his fingers, and then two. Eddie doesn't waste time, keeping a steady pace, letting you grind your clit on his palm. “You can't deny it because you know it's true. You know you love this, your body claims for me.”
You're grateful for the loud sound of the band playing, drowning out your little whimpers and moans. It's almost embarrassing how close you are already, his voice doing almost all the work for you, his thick fingers caressing your inner walls and hitting that spot inside you over and over.
Delirious little whispers of “yes, yes, yes” leave your bitten lips as you clench around him, tiny white stars behind your eyes as you cum. He keeps whispering sweet nothings in your ear — all you hear is a vague “that's it, that's my girl” at some point — as you come down, still working his fingers inside of you, slowly at first, and then removing them.
When you regain your senses, you notice the bulge in his leather pants digging into your backside.
“Are you bringing stakes around with you now?”
“Funny.” He says, but doesn't laugh. “Find me in the bathroom downstairs in five. I'm not done with you.”
Again, you feel colder when he's gone.
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distant-velleity · 5 months
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SSR Dorm Uniform - Yuhua Wei
(voicelines and taglist beneath the cut, ft. groovy lines bc no way am i drawing the groovy for this lmao)
I’m no hero, but if that’s the role you want me to play…
Hmm? You’re here for my help again? Haha. You really know how to make a guy feel needed.
Groovification: Am I doing this out of the kindness of my heart? 
Set to Home Screen: I can’t guarantee anyone anything, you know.
Home Transition 1: I ran into Yue’er again last night. Although he kind of looks like a cryptid, he really isn’t subtle about his entrances. I mean, green fireflies? Does no one else see them?
Home Transition 2: Sometimes I regret opening up the guest room. The other day, yet another brawl started in there… ugh. 
Home Transition 3: I don’t usually like to let my hair down in front of other people, so consider this a treat for you. 
Home, after login: I’m exhausted… Let me recharge for a while, or I’m going to lose it.
Home Transition (Groovification): These clothes are based on a legend from the Far East. Can you guess what it is?
Tap Home 1: ‘Haunted’ is a strong word. I think we can call Ramshackle… ‘otherwise occupied.’
Tap Home 2: Honestly, I can’t believe some people are so reliant on me. Take Ace and Deuce for example… Haha. I guess it’s cute how some people will trip over themselves for a sense of companionship.
Tap Home 3: Three cardinal rules: if you’re with a figure of authority, defer to them. If you’re with a nobody, act casual. And if you meet a respect-less idiot, don’t be afraid to play dirty. 
Tap Home 4: This System usually notifies me if there’s an upcoming event of some kind. The downside? Sometimes I’ll wake up at ungodly hours because someone did something stupid.
Tap Home 5: Huh?! D-Do you need something? …I’m sure there’s better ways to get my attention… 
Tap Home (Groovification): I wonder if Crewel would give me a pointer like his if I asked nicely. Having a tool on hand would improve my working efficiency a lot. Heh.
Duo Magic:
Davis, I’ll need you to back me up.
Rest assured that I’ve got you, Yu.
taglist (ask to be added!): @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @theleechyskrunkly @casp1an-sea @nahelenia
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marinahavik · 1 month
for the @raguiras2 music event here is my drawing, it's the first event I've done, I hope my drawing is good
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SSR Yumi Yozakura music Week
When Summoned: testing, testing, 1,2,3 ,show time.
Summon Line: What's that pink thing on stage?, oh it's me.
Groooovy!!: [blocked]
Home: I think this must be one of the few ideas from the director that I ended up liking, but I bet there will be some problem before the end of the day.
Home idle 1: initially I was thinking about staying backstage, but Kalim asked me to participate, and Ace said I didn't have the courage to go on stage, so I'm proving him wrong.
Home idle 2: this is fun, it reminds me of a time my sister took me to an idol event in secret from our older brother, it was super fun, and we didn't get scolded because we weren't caught.
Home idle 3: I'm surprised Idia is participating, he was probably forced to do this, at least he's behind the scenes, I use it not to attack his anxiety, at least that's what I hope.
Home idle- login: rehearsal time, how exactly do I have to pronounce the group name?.
Home tap 1: these clothes are adorable, I love my outfit, it's pink, it's one of my favorite colors, but can I change the shoes? these are hurting me.
Home tap 2: I may know how to dance, but I don't consider myself the best dancer in the world, but I'll do my best.
Home Tap 3: Kalim is always super energetic, the workouts are never boring with so much excitement, did anyone give him energy drinks? I'd better ask later, Kalim and caffeine are not a good combination.
home tap 4: the choreography is not that complicated, but I better keep practicing so I don't make any mistakes on the day of the performance
home tap 5: all these looks are giving me a lot of ideas, I'll start drawing after the shoot, maybe I'll convince Allen to be my model later
Home tap-groovy: [Locked]
This was a very fun event, it's my first drawing that I have the courage to post, I hope it turned out well
I was very nervous because it was my first event but it was a lot of fun
I created the entire design, except for the skirt and the skirt, which I had to use Ibis Paint because I couldn't do it, and the base of the design was made by @raguiras2 , which helped a lot, thanks for the help Mionn
sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes english is not my mother tongue likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated
version without the box below
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ryuichirou · 10 days
Some replies, starting with the ones related to the dragon!Malleus drawing from yesterday.
Anonymous asked:
*claps hands and rubs them together*
Hehehehehe dragonussy ✨ (recent Malleus drawing)
Yes! Finally!! 🤤😏 After all this time…!
Anonymous asked:
Mal only tops in dragon form
Look at him, Anon.
Look at him closely.
He is a bottom bitch with a dragon pussy so big that no dick could possibly satisfy it, so he is to stay forever hungry, underfucked and cranky until the chosen one (or a donkey idk) shows himself and fucks him to the ground.
 (In all seriousness, please don’t try this with us. We don’t like switching and we mention it every single day.)
Anonymous asked:
J-Jamil, do you know what it’s like being someone looking at a man that looks the way you do? 🥵
I think he knows, Anon… he knows it well enough to abuse this power that he holds 😔 So cruel and so beautiful!
Anonymous asked:
Have you seen Jamil’s B-Day groovy? He braids his hair and puts all the pretty hair accessories in with magic! Also, his sprites have him with these headbands that he just SLAYS in. It’s not fair for him to be so pretty ♥️♥️
Yes! I really wanted to compliment Jamil for having dedication to do his braids every single day, but then the groovy dropped lol The cat is out of the bag. I guess that makes perfect sense, who would want to spend so much time on that if you can do it with magic… good for him.
The headband looks cute on him as well; this guy is way too pretty for his own good.
Anonymous asked:
Who knew Lilia discovered the theory of relativity, turned down Henry VIII, was the first person (fae?) on the moon, and escaped the Facebook lizard!
(related to an ask from yesterday)
Yes! Especially the last thing!
The fact that no one other than the rest of Diasomnia boys would believe him… younglings are so cynical these days :(
Anonymous asked:
I feel like “Wait for It” by Leslie Odom Jr. really matches Jamil especially his feelings toward Kalim near the end of the song.
I really like this song, Anon. Maybe this is because it’s kind of difficult for me to separate it from its story and Burr and Hamilton specifically…
I agree that Jamil resonates with the feeling of unfairness when some other person just keeps doing whatever he wants and winning, while he has to sit back and wait, but Jamil’s situation still feels very different.
Then again, Jamil got his “what are you waiting for though?” moment, so 🤔 You’re onto something.
Anonymous asked:
You know, when I first read that thing you wrote on Vil being taken advantage of by older men in the industry, all I could think about was "All You Wanna Do" from the Six musical. Like, listen to it while picturing Vil and you'll understand what I mean.
You ask was driving me insane for this entire week, Anon, because I was trying to find one reply where we already talked about Vil in relation to this song, but plottwist: it doesn’t exist lol But we did get an ask about it in relation to Alois! Which is funny because somehow we keep walking back to their similarities from time to time.
To answer your question though: yeah I get it. It’s like the perfect level of uncomfortable coping with the idea of “I am not being taken advantage of, I am just that good compared to others”. Vil probably had his breaking moment when he stopped lying to himself about this whole thing.
Anonymous asked:
Do you watch k dramas? If so, you should really check out Glory. It’s a super intense one
K-dramas aren’t really our thing, but I checked the synopsis of Glory, and honestly it sounds super cool! And has this vibe of a lot of k-movies that we love, interestingly.
Thank you for your recommendation!
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berensteinsmonster · 4 months
Randy Rubeberg and Brother Reynaldo lore and bio dump!!! for the hv au
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I am SO proud of how their designs came out yall aguhhhh LOOK at them!!!!!! They look so good whether drawn on their own or together!!!! Like literally gorgeous gorgeous *pats my own head*
I'm gonna definately be posting more of these guys cuz they are kinda like. HMmm.. theyre kinda occupying my brain rn.. theyre really nice to draw im just so obsessed with their colors and themeing and!!!!!! AAAAA i am my own biggest fan rn i just love my two boys smmmmmm
(part 1)
ok now for the lore and bios inside the first pic:
☮Brother Reynaldo
The meditative and carefree sheriff of the Cowwoy Posse. Came next in line after Rubeberg died.
He's a wanderer of the world, going wherever the wind takes him, sometimes literally. Light as a feather and agile as a crane.
Knowledgeable in all things groovy (baby!)
⚙Randy Rubeberg
The stern and strict sheriff of the Cowwoy Posse. Came next in line after Cloudless left for college.
Usually seen with his head inside machine cogs, always tinkering.
His inventions are usually designed to be overly-complicated to perform simple actions.
He loves his art, even if no one else other than Brother Rey can see that.
Used the Cowwoy funds responsibly to build the Blue Heron and train for the posse to use.
Died 3 days after completion of the airship due to his tuberculosis.
*Last name is a reference to Rube Goldberg, cartoonist known for drawing overly complicated machinery with one single-use purpose. For the funny. And added alliteration appeal.
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zetsubobu · 3 months
"The party is about to begin now! Is my outfit sitting right?"
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Groovification: "oh I know that song! Rose of the night, was it? I only needed a second to recognise my fathers piece of music"
Set Home Screen: "do you think white and blue suits me?"
Home Idle 1: "I wonder if callisto is here somewhere... I haven't spotted him so far!"
Home Idle 2: "ahh how I wish I could play alongsides the musicians here! They look like they're having a blast!"
Home Idle 3: "I've never been much of a dancer myself, I always trip over my feet"
Home, after login: "is that you, prefect..? Sorry, I can barely see without my glasses haha..."
Home Idle Groovification: "it seems some students really can't help but pick fights with the royal sword academy even during the dance... *sigh*"
Home Tap 1: "Ace insisted that I don't use my glasses so that my face stands out more but now I can barely see anything... Contact lenses..? I wish I could use them but I'm allergic to those."
Home Tap 2: "this food is so delicious, the chefs really did a phenominal job. I wish the cafeteria food would taste as good as this."
Home Tap 3: "I get a bit nervous when wearing white suits like these, I always fear I could get dirt on them by accident!"
Home Tap 4: "I still can't believe deuce got chosen as a prince for the evening. His eyes were so wide, I worried they might fall out, when he got the news"
Home Tap 5: "you look beautiful with your gown, you really should consider taking a photo of yourself and post it on magicam! I'm sure the comments will agree with me."
Home Tap Groovification: "the belle of the night, huh? I'm not sure if I should participate in it... only if you do!"
The Glimmering Soirée event was created by @starry-night-rose !
Honestly it was really fun to imagine it with marvolo! I do plan on drawing a groovy art one day but not now. Who knows, maybe I will do callisto as well
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
SSR Vil Schoenheit - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Today, I take on the role as a supporter of this museum. I'll make sure to promote well the beauty and wonder of these works of art.
Summon Line: Taking in all of these beautiful things will allow me to develop my own beauty further. I'll be taking my time to appreciate as much as I can today.
Groooovy!!: I refuse to accept a happy ending brought about by someone else. I will fulfill my dreams by my own hand.
Home: Time to celebrate the 100th anniversary.
Home Idle 1: The brilliant luster of the fabric and small accessories nicely accentuates this seemingly simple monochrome attire. Not bad at all.
Home Idle 2: There is a thin line between poisons and potions. The Fairest Queen must have delved into her research to further her understanding of their differences. She truly is someone worth our respect.
Home Idle 3: Ortho says he'd like to hold a conversation with the Lord of the Underworld. Seems as though he would like to utilize his sense of humor as a base for his acting.
Home Idle - Login: You'd like me to speak on the painting of the Fairest Queen? I suppose I could, as long as you stay attentive. If you dare to yawn during my exposition... Heh, you should prepare for the consequences.
Home Idle - Groovy: Beauty cannot be achieved in a single day, and the same could be said for a physically pristine body. Jack and I are very similar in how we will constantly endeavor towards our goals without fail.
Home Tap 1: Trey saw a painting of the Queen of Hearts smiling and commented that she had lovely teeth. Only he would focus on that...
Home Tap 2: The exhibits each give a different emotional impact based on the brightness of the lights and the way the works are illuminated. I can tell this museum has put much thought into its lighting.
Home Tap 3: I'd like to improve my drawing skills. Simply because I would like to make my own proposals if I ever have the opportunity to work with one of my favorite brands.
Home Tap 4: When I approached Malleus, he elucidated on the painting of the Thorn Fairy. He spoke of tales uniquely passed down among faes, so it was quite the learning experience.
Home Tap 5:  There are so many wonderful exhibits here, and yet here you are just staring at me. I fully understand why you would, but try to focus on the paintings.
Home Tap - Groovy: You seem to be in high spirits. Were you that elated to listen to my explanations of the artwork? Yes, of course you were.
Duo: [VIL]: We'll silence them all, Jack! [JACK]: Absolutely, Vil-senpai!
Birthday Login Message: [Yuu pops party popper] Thank you for the birthday surprise. That was a rather elaborate one, too. I especially enjoyed how you tripped over your lines, despite the fact that you were lying in wait to ambush me for quite some time. That wasn't on purpose? Obviously. If that was an act, it would be something worth scouting.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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dbear2 · 7 months
okay non tickle related lore post because all I do is post about tickling, so if yall want to know anything more about me, here it is :)
hi, im Derek, im 21, from nyc :) (tickle people in nyc hit me up <33 ) I am an Indian cisgendered man, and I think im bisexual? I’ll find out eventually. Also, 5’4 if yall care.
I’m on tumblr to connect to people with the same fetish / interest as me. I will generally keep things sweet and sfw but from time to time you might see me reblog a titty?? Or a peepee??? Or a vagina??? We’ll see.
I am very into body worship, feet, overstimulating, and physical touch in general, aside from tickling, but again, keeping things sfw here.
Please do not interact if a minor. I will curbstomp you :))) also, if you are against the liberation of Palestine, bye bye! If you are racist , homophobic, or hateful and bigoted, byebye! Fuck, if you’re a Republican or on the right , BYEBYE!!!
I am a film student, and I’m usually always working on set. Writing teases is my cope <3 as well as DMing the many beautiful ticklees I like to tease.
Talk to me about…
- movies! I’m always keeping up. Not always watching all of them, but keeping up!!
- jujutsu Kaisen!!
- one piece!!!
- blue lock!
- haikyuu!!
- Pokemon!!!
- film production!!!
- books! I want to hear what you’re reading and if you like it <3
- wellness, could always use more health advice.
- your life! Just because. I can usually lend an ear <3
My top songs atm are…
- lil yachty - drive ME crazy - so groovy <3
- move me - ridge racer 4 - scratches the best itch in my brain
- What A Day - Tyler the Creator - just hits hard tbh
- Fight Alongside - JJK Season 2 Soundtrack - goes SO hard
- From the Start - Laufey - she is an angel.
Current movies I think of…
- Poor Things
- The Last Black Man in San Francisco
- Nope
- La Haine
- The Iron Claw
I need to see Bottoms so bad!!!!
Some hobbies I want to get into are reading more, drawing more, and learning the piano!!! But, as an intensely driven film student, I have little time for things that would otherwise be healthy lmao.
Anyways, talk to me, love yall!!! <333
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the-trinket-witch · 1 year
Let's go fly a kite during the:
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It’s August! So that means school’s about to begin again in Night Raven College. But August seems to be a month of birthdays, between Ortho, Riddle, as well as one Albert Eastwind. But there’s word of an event off-campus many are going to before classes come back in session.
Altus is an island city just off the coast of the Shaftlands, but is considered a territory of the Queendom of Roses. Its location and geography make it a breezy place, perfect for steampunk-esque airships and the like. In fact the whole city seems rather Steampunkish. It’s one weekend in the middle of August, that’s almost like clockwork with how predictable the wind blows. Such a westwardly breeze is the perfect weather for Altus’s ‘Airborne Afternoon’. The weekend is quite the jolly holiday, celebrating the city’s pivotal contributions to all things that take flight. Kites soar in craftsmanship showcases and heated dogfights. Tricked out airships, balloons and other vehicles dot the upper atmosphere like daylight stars.
Albert has talked it up the whole year, and had somehow convinced Azul, Jade and Floyd to come along. Jade had been curious about Albert’s hometown and what the hiking was going to be like; apparently the tallest hill on the isle was the epicenter of the festivities. Azul claims that winning even just one competition might get his name in some of the locals’ mouths, maybe drum up a bit of prospective business down the line. Floyd…Floyd heard about some Kite fighting and wanted to smear the competition.
Locals as well have a more eccentric ‘competition’. Every year, a member of the community gets voted as someone who ‘Just Needs a Good Laugh’. Usually, it’s the crotchetiest of the crowd, the biggest Grump in town. With a measured tether tied to their waist, they down a potion of levitation. The catch: the potion only works when the person laughs. The competition is basically a ‘Speed Comedy’ act. The tether the ‘judge’ wears is the quantifying measurement for how good the acts are; the routine that brings the judge to the heights of laughter wins.
Anyone is welcome to join in! Maybe bring a friend or partner? What does your kite look like? Will it take to the skies for combat? Want to check out all the tricked out flying machines? Have a hilarious sketch routine or joke you want to try out? Rather not compete? There’s plenty of hillside to have a viewing picnic or peruse the stalls lining up the hill.
This is going to be NOT an AU thing, but a regular ‘canon’ event, but the town has steampunk flavoring so ppl can dress up if they want.
-Can not be on anon, sorry.
-Use #TwstAirborneAfternoonEvent if you wanna make something on your own
-One (1) OC per ask, with at most a plus-one. Let me know what your character plans to do in Altus! Are they putting on something sort of steampunk to blend in or just something casual? Are they bringing a kite? Lemme see!
-Please link a reference to your OC so I can write and/or doodle something accurately!
-I’ll either be writing a drabble of varying length for each ask, OR making a doodle of the scenario (at my personal discretion)
-This event runs from Tue, Aug 1st to Fri. Aug 18. Submissions sent after the 18th will regrettably not be considered.
-If you wanna write or draw something yourself-Tag me if ya can! I wanna see and show other folks too!
Albert SSR Voicelines:
Summon: No need for anything fancy, just some paper and string.
Groovy: If you'd like, I can take you flying sometime.
Set home: Give me a moment, please, to ‘reel’ myself in.
Home Idle 1: I don’t normally dress up this much, but it’s a special occasion
2: Altus has this event each year. The competitions can get pretty heated sometimes!
3: My cousin claims he could win the Joke Contest, if he could only get through his routine without being close to tears laughing, himself.
Home login: Today’s a rather nice day to go kite flying.
Tap 1: Was there anywhere you wanted to go? A stall or sight?
2: It’s nice to be back home, it’s been so long I may have to dust a bit~
3: The kite dogfights can get quite heated, sometimes you have to wonder which end of the string to watch more.
4: Theres free admission in the city museum; it's inside that decommissioned dirigible, the N.A.S Admiral. We call it 'Old Admiral Boom'
5: Afterwards, do you want to grab any of the meat pies Altus is famous for?
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