#this was easier when it was all default pfps
cozylittleartblog · 2 years
God I wish I had your bots. There's so many of them but at least I wouldn't be forced to look at boobs every time I go to block them.
'nonnie i'm sorry to tell you the boobs have also found me now
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hydra-creates · 7 months
Hello everyone, and welcome to Hydra Creates, a blog run by @the-hydra-sys
We take requests for:
Writing Snippets
When requesting something, please give us a theme, colour, or photo to base it around, and please be as specific as possible!
We take all requests except for 'x Alastor' ships (unless they're one-way) as we dislike shipping aroace characters and NSFW requests.
Endos DNI.
Tags & Specifics for each type of request under the cut <3
If unspecified, will begin with "This user-"
You can request to change it to anything else, including alter roles, agere or petre terms, and really anything!
You can request themes, colour schemes, etc
If you want a specific colour scheme, you can give us hexcodes or colours and you can request high contrast, low contrast and no eyestrain.
If you want a specific image included, please send us the image in your ask.
If another user has already created what you're looking for, we may link their post instead.
You can request themes, colour schemes, etc
If you want a specific colour scheme, you can give us hexcodes or colours and you can request high contrast, low contrast and no eyestrain.
If you want a specific image included, please send us the image in your ask.
You can request sketches of specific characters, places, people, etc
The only type of sketches we don't accept are NSFW sketches.
Sketches will have different levels of detail depending on our spoons and how much we enjoy your request. Typically, expect something around the level of this blog's pfp
You can request intro templates, info templates, really anything! Just give us a theme or some emojis and we'll create something for you.
By default, we include system-specific fields, so if you don't want them please be specific in your ask. In general, the more specific you are the easier it is to create a template for you
Stimboards / Moodboards
We don't have a lot of experience making these, so please be patient with us. Give us details on what you want from our stimboards and moodboards.
Writing Snippets / Oneshots
Please give us the characters you want written or give us your OC's name and personality and we will write something for you! Quality and length both vary and may change depending on how much we like your prompt. We do not accept NSFW requests.
If you want us to write out interactions or prompts between alters in your system, please make sure said alters are okay with it first.
#hydra creates userboxes
#hydra creates banners
#hydra creates sketches
#hydra creates templates
#hydra creates stimboards
#hydra creates moodboards
#hydra creates snippets
#hydra creates oneshots
#hydra creates - All posts where we create something
#hydra doesn't create - All other posts
We will try to tag CWs and TWs accordingly but if we miss any please tell us.
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tiredworkerdragon · 1 month
My Gregoriah from an AU I have with friends, I call it the Discovery AU.
Hey all! Host here, you can call be Saber! I go by any pronouns and you can find my main blog at @sabertoothking (I don't talk much but follow me 🔥🔥🔥)
PFP drawn by the host!
(Please note, the host is a minor! Behave yourselves, please!)
IC text is in blue OCC text is usually marked as such.
Anyone is welcome to send an ask, but please note that the time it can take for me to reply can vary based off of stuff like my motivation
- He's 19 years old.
- He began working at Reddy's when he was 16.
- He has ADHD, Is on the Autistic spectrum, and has C-PTSD (complex PTSD)
- His default reaction to a majority of things is fear or panic.. This is mainly a trauma response.
- He's quite short, around 5'2. Also he's pretty skinny (Pretty underweight.. but not a dangerous amount.)
- He's very easily startled, just a simple loud sound or someone talking to him when he didn't notice they were there is enough to spook him.
- He's very bothered by loud noises and doesn't like being in noisy places much.
- He doesn't like being around arguments. He fears that the argument may escalate and become loud/aggressive, and also fears that he'll be dragged into the argument somehow.
- He's almost constantly tired, due to him working several jobs and also his just general neglect to take care of himself.
- He commonly has periods of becoming non-verbal/closed off. Usually happening when he's upset/tired.
- Despite how outgoing and extroverted he seems on the phone call in the pizzeria, or over the intercom in the emporium, he generally displays a pretty timid, nervous, paranoid, and introverted personality. When around people he trusts, he's more open letting his true personality shine.
- He's extremely clumsy. Often has scrapes and bruises due to accidents
- He doesn't remember who his parents are, he never really talks about it but this bothers him quite deeply.
- He is a hybrid between an eastern and western dragon. His late sister, Desdemona, had more western dragon traits.
- He had no knowledge on Gnarpy until he was 18 and visited Two Stud camp and discovered what xey did to Spud, and was attacked by xem not long after he made that discovery. He despises Gnarpy and thinks of xem as a terrible person.
- When he encountered Gnarpy at Two Stud camp, he had a gut feeling something was VERY wrong, and he felt he was at risk around them.
- While he doesn't remember.. His parents were killed by Gnarpy and he was also attacked by Gnarpy and left to die, only to be saved by strangers who he isn't able to remember.
- He has pretty bad memory issues as a result of a severe head injury (from Gnarpy) that he doesn't remember getting. He remembers very little about his parents and his childhood as a result.
- He has a pretty severe scar on his right shoulder and neck that he got from being shot at by Gnarpy's laser blaster.
- He sometimes experiences spikes of pain in the scar on his shoulder.
- He usually wraps his tail around himself absentmindedly as a like shielding thing.
- He wraps his tail around someone else if he's near someone he's comfortable with/trusts
- He isn't the most touchy person in the world, but he does seek physical comfort from people he trusts.
- He can see decently well in the dark, albeit there needs to be some light around for him to be able to see a substantial amount.
- His mental health isn't the greatest.. lots of self doubt and self loathing.
- He prefers to wear hoodies.. to hide the scar on his shoulder easier, also he just generally finds them more comfortable.
- He has scars on his arms, and often has bandaged arms.
- He claws at his arms when stressed, upset, or afraid.
Designs! (Drawn by me)
(You are welcome to use my art for stuff like Profile Pictures, but I ask you to please provide credit!)
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varsiathederg · 1 year
Veteran tumblrer here giving some wisdom to r/196 migrators that I wish someone told me when I joined five years ago:
-Blogs with the default header and pfp are often bots. Every once in a while a barrage of porn bots will follow with some admittedly clever usernames and their bio will be something random like “19😪Chimpanzee💓Florida🪆” so just watch out for that
-Tags only work on original posts, not reblogs. Tags work just like they do on insta or twitter for your original posts, but for reblogs, only use the tags to write feelings or to categorize the posts on your blog. People can’t find you through reblog tags.
-You can block certain tags (settings->general settings->filtering (if you’re on mobile)). Put the same tags for both “filtered tags” and “filtered content.” Any posts with that tag or word will have a warning then.
-Dashboard preferences -> turn off “Best Stuff First”
-Tumblr still hasn’t gotten rid of “Tumblr live” which I think a collective 15 people use on the entire website. There’s no option to turn it off so you have to do it every seven days and it sucks. (Settings -> General Settings -> Dashboard preferences -> Snooze Tumblr Live)
-The little person icon at the top of every blog is where you can block them
-Reblog more often than original post. Especially if you’re reposting memes. Chances are it’s already posted on here. Lot easier for you to find people and people to find you.
-REBLOG!! Even if you don’t have a big following. Leave feelings and comments in tags. Follow back people who follow you who post similar content. Make your own little community of weirdos like the rest of us!!
Sorry your platform is out of wack. It’s not that bad over here since all the crazy people went to tiktok. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you anonymous friend! I’m trying to do a lot of that kinda thing here so I think I’m learning but I’ll probably trip up - but it’s nice of you to come in and give some pointers!
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ahamkaracature · 1 year
Veteran tumblrer here giving some wisdom to r/196 migrators that I wish someone told me when I joined five years ago:
-Blogs with the default header and pfp are often bots. Every once in a while a barrage of porn bots will follow with some admittedly clever usernames and their bio will be something random like “19😪Chimpanzee💓Florida🪆” so just watch out for that
-Tags only work on original posts, not reblogs. Tags work just like they do on insta or twitter for your original posts, but for reblogs, only use the tags to write feelings or to categorize the posts on your blog. People can’t find you through reblog tags.
-You can block certain tags (settings->general settings->filtering (if you’re on mobile)). Put the same tags for both “filtered tags” and “filtered content.” Any posts with that tag or word will have a warning then.
-Dashboard preferences -> turn off “Best Stuff First”
-Tumblr still hasn’t gotten rid of “Tumblr live” which I think a collective 15 people use on the entire website. There’s no option to turn it off so you have to do it every seven days and it sucks. (Settings -> General Settings -> Dashboard preferences -> Snooze Tumblr Live)
-The little person icon at the top of every blog is where you can block them
-Reblog more often than original post. Especially if you’re reposting memes. Chances are it’s already posted on here. Lot easier for you to find people and people to find you.
-REBLOG!! Even if you don’t have a big following. Leave feelings and comments in tags. Follow back people who follow you who post similar content. Make your own little community of weirdos like the rest of us!!
-Unless it’s really funny or it’s a mutual posting, when you want to comment on something you’re reblogging, put it in the tags, not in the “add something, if you’d like.” I mean, you can. It’s not against the rules. Just kind of a courtesy thing.
Sorry your platform is out of wack. It’s not that bad over here since all the crazy people went to tiktok. Hope you enjoy your stay!
You people have made it so lovely to be here so far. Thanks so much
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seraph-qwq · 1 year
Veteran tumblrer here giving some wisdom to r/196 migrators that I wish someone told me when I joined five years ago:
-Most people won’t send asks if you don’t have anon on. You can easily turn it on in settings on desktop (you can’t do it on mobile)
-Blogs with the default header and pfp are often bots. Every once in a while a barrage of porn bots will follow with some admittedly clever usernames and their bio will be something random like “19😪Chimpanzee💓Florida🪆” so just watch out for that
-Tags only work on original posts, not reblogs. Tags work just like they do on insta or twitter for your original posts, but for reblogs, only use the tags to write feelings or to categorize the posts on your blog. People can’t find you through reblog tags.
-You can block certain tags (settings->general settings->filtering (if you’re on mobile)). Put the same tags for both “filtered tags” and “filtered content.” Any posts with that tag or word will have a warning then.
-Dashboard preferences -> turn off “Best Stuff First”
-Tumblr still hasn’t gotten rid of “Tumblr live” which I think a collective 15 people use on the entire website. There’s no option to turn it off so you have to do it every seven days and it sucks. (Settings -> General Settings -> Dashboard preferences -> Snooze Tumblr Live)
-The little person icon at the top of every blog is where you can block them
-Reblog more often than original post. Especially if you’re reposting memes. Chances are it’s already posted on here. Lot easier for you to find people and people to find you.
-REBLOG!! Even if you don’t have a big following. Leave feelings and comments in tags. Follow back people who follow you who post similar content. Make your own little community of weirdos like the rest of us!!
Sorry your platform is out of wack. It’s not that bad over here since all the crazy people went to tiktok. Hope you enjoy your stay!
woah thanks for the advice!
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sheetmetaleater · 1 year
Veteran tumblrer here giving some wisdom to r/196 migrators that I wish someone told me when I joined five years ago:
-Most people won’t send asks if you don’t have anon on. You can easily turn it on in settings on desktop (you can’t do it on mobile)
-Blogs with the default header and pfp are often bots. Every once in a while a barrage of porn bots will follow with some admittedly clever usernames and their bio will be something random like “19😪Chimpanzee💓Florida🪆” so just watch out for that
-Tags only work on original posts, not reblogs. Tags work just like they do on insta or twitter for your original posts, but for reblogs, only use the tags to write feelings or to categorize the posts on your blog. People can’t find you through reblog tags.
-You can block certain tags (settings->general settings->filtering (if you’re on mobile)). Put the same tags for both “filtered tags” and “filtered content.” Any posts with that tag or word will have a warning then.
-Dashboard preferences -> turn off “Best Stuff First”
-Tumblr still hasn’t gotten rid of “Tumblr live” which I think a collective 15 people use on the entire website. There’s no option to turn it off so you have to do it every seven days and it sucks. (Settings -> General Settings -> Dashboard preferences -> Snooze Tumblr Live)
-The little person icon at the top of every blog is where you can block them
-Reblog more often than original post. Especially if you’re reposting memes. Chances are it’s already posted on here. Lot easier for you to find people and people to find you.
-REBLOG!! Even if you don’t have a big following. Leave feelings and comments in tags. Follow back people who follow you who post similar content. Make your own little community of weirdos like the rest of us!!
Sorry your platform is out of wack. It’s not that bad over here since all the crazy people went to tiktok. Hope you enjoy your stay!
thank you all this is very helpful :3
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prsk-krow · 2 years
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Heyaheya!! Name's Krow (Crow if autocorrect's a bother), 17 yrs old, AMAB (any pronouns, though accustomed to he/him), INFP! Trying my best to not be socially awkward and insecure, so please bear with me >.<
Also english isn't my first language, so bear with me on that as well ;-;
Just like many others, It's gonna be a Project Sekai headcanon writing blog! For now, only headcanons for N25 will be written, since I feel most comfortable doing those!
However, don't be afraid to send stuff that aren't requests! While I don't enjoy pure gibberish and shit posting, asking me questions, inbox checks, opinions are all a-ok, as long as they're related to the blog!
I'll close requests if I get too many at once, or if I run out of interest, so please check description to see whether it is or not!
BYF (Before you follow), I'll only post content about pjsk, and I won't spend much time here! Know that this isn't a very dedicated blog, only something for fun!
About requests...
Only N25 member's headcanons! Includes their Virtual Singer variants, but these will take a bit longer!
Character x reader, character x character, and poly 2characters x reader only for relationship! Non relationship headcanons requests are also allowed!
Please make sure to define if you want platonic or romantic! If you don't, I'll default to platonic! A simple P or R will do, as I'll put it from now on!
Don't be vague, and don't reference other characters when describing reader's personality!
No smut, as they are minors.
Only mental illnesses I'll allow are those canon to them and yandere for characters, and depression, anxiety, and sensory overload stuff for reader.
I'll write romantic and fluff! The former may take a few extra braincell though... (Which means I'll default to fluff if not specified!)
Maximum of 4 characters per request for separate (Reader doesn't count), and 3 for poly asks (Reader counts)! Be aware, however, that with more characters, the detail will lower! Solid for 2, lesser for 3 and simpler for 4!
Please, try to keep the requests and asks short and sweet, with the descriptions of the reader and especially the scenarios! It makes it easier for me to write, giving me more creative liberty and it generally being more fun for me!
If I think a request starts to enter slightly into crack territory, I will slightly alter the descriptions of the scenarios! Sorry, not good at that type of stuff! (I'm mostly good with just fluff tbh...)
DNI (Do Not Interact) if...
Basic criterias, like homophobes, transphobes, racists, pedophiles, ableist, people who sexualize cultures, races, sexualities and the like.
You create/influence drama or political debates on social media. I do not wish to have either on my blog.
#/cawcaw, for my own posts, comments, updates, and stuff!
#/cawcanons, for my own headcanons, all of them!
#/cawswers, for my answers to questions!
#/cawtags, for when I reblog stuff that I've been tagged in!
#/cawreblogs, for when I reblog stuff that I like!
#/cawmoots, for when the posts have to do with any of my moots!
#/cawnews, for updates on the Mun and the blog!
#/cawspecial, for special and very, very important posts to me! If you see this tag in your feed, I would be really grateful if you went out of your way to read it, as a simple request...
#()Anon, for special anon asks!
Use these to divide my content equally! If you, as an anon, aren't sure if I answered your request, make sure to check these tags from time to time! Also, feel free to block any of these tags if you dislike the content that are related to them!
Super masterlist here!
PFP and header layout here!
That's it for now! I'm happy to have you all here, and I hope you all enjoy yourselves!
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ghostlight-express · 2 years
Rena's twitter username is horology_hymnal. Her name is set as "⚙~*Aria*~⚙" (she uses the alias Aria instead of her real name), her pfp is a picture of a watch with Roman numerals, and her header is a photo of sheet music. She mostly retweets music news, and tweets her own music opinions, as well as stuff about her timepiece collection. She doesn't have very many followers, and she's prone to temporarily locking her account when she thinks someone she knows irl has found her account. She's picky about who she follows and once a year she sorts through it to unfollow inactive accounts & people who no longer post stuff she's interested in.
Sol's twitter username is sol_makes_stuff. Her name is set as "Sol", her pfp is a photo of her in her default outfit (except with the hat that goes with it but she rarely wears), and her header is a photo of her standing with her team in front of the musical theatre. She mostly tweets about her clothing projects, but also retweets clothing/cosplay tips/advice/tutorials. She has a couple hundred followers & always follows back. She also follows all the Unova gym leaders, elite 4, & champion, as well as some accounts that post about ghost type pokemon.
Rena also has a tumblr, her url is clockwork-capriccio (she likes it more than her twitter username but alas, twitter has a character limit on usernames). She also goes by Aria there. Her blog is a mix of all things music and clocks (opinions, aesthetics, memes, steampunk stuff). She'll also occasionally vent on main. She's considered making sideblogs (one for music, one for clock stuff, one for venting) but she finds it easier to keep everything in one place. She tags posts according to their content (her vent tag is #baneful aria).
Sol has an instagram, her username is sol_on_insta. Same pfp as twitter, but she doesn't actually post anything and just likes/saves inspiration and tips/advice/tutorials. She does have one post from when she made the account, it's a picture of her (in her default outfit) & Maggy with the caption "Maggy seems to like my outfit a lot! Lol"
After Rena has been dating the others for a while she shares her twitter username with them. She's a bit embarrassed about it, but she trusts them.
After everyone moves in together, Sol changes her twitter header to a picture of the four of them huddled on the couch together.
0 notes
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React State Management: When to use the Context API over Redux
React is a library that was primarily created to build interactive and highly appealing frontends. It utilizes a component-based architecture to allow maximum code reusability and a bunch of other things. State is something that developers in any field have to grapple with at some point in time, in React too there were a lot of challenges that developers faced, much of which Redux a state management library solved. Overtime React evolved to try and solve some of these problems by itself, the Context API is the result of this attempt. This article will discuss both Redux and the Context API and identify some guidelines that can help you choose one over the other.
This post is aimed at developers that have a good amount of experience with writing web applications in Javascript and ReactJS. If you are familiar with another frontend framework/library like VueJS, AngularJS, SvelteJS, etc. you can still make use of this article.
✅ Experience with writing web apps using ReactJS ✅ Some experience with Redux and preferably the Context API
⭐ Make sure to check the resources topic to learn more!
By reading this post will be able to:
Understand that sometimes you do not need either Redux or Context.
Know what exactly the Context API provides which can help you make decisions.
Understand when you could use the Context API for state management over Redux.
State Management: The challenges
State management is not easy, despite the kind of application you're writing as long as it will face production at some point or have a couple of complex features. While in the initial phases of creating an application, a lot of thought goes into making the "best" decisions and this is commonly associated with what a lot of people in any community call the "best" tools. Redux is one of those "best" tools, that have been used since 2015 but does this mean that you should rely on Redux to solve any possible future problems? No.
Just like how when you have a hammer, every problem shouldn't be a nail for you, wherever state management has to be done you shouldn't sprinkle Redux. This can lead to inefficiency, which in turn leads to time being wasted.
With that bit understood, you should know about a few challenges that a lot of people use Redux to solve but really shouldn't:
Sharing state that could have instead be passed down as props.
Managing the state of a form - There is no need to do so, as the state of a form does not affect the application as a whole. Libraries like Formik help to do this better.
Using it in any situation that complicates how you tackle it instead of making it easier.
Context API: A solution for when Redux is too much The context API is nothing new, it has been around for a while but was officially announced in React version 16.3. The purpose you could say for introducing the Context API is to make passing data through deeply nested components simple. It is not a solution for state management, and all the logic that is required to manage your state must be written by yourself. You could better word this by saying that the Context API does not manage your state for you. This makes it very flexible, you can adapt it to your needs and pass state through nested trees of components easily. Let's implement a simple UI where a Navigation Bar holds a User Avatar. It would look a little like this:
const UserContext = React.createContext() const ProfilePicture = () => ( <UserContext.Consumer> {(user) => <img width="56px" alt="pfp" src={user.pfp} />} </UserContext.Consumer> ) const Nav = () => ( <nav> <ProfilePicture /> </nav> ) class App extends React.Component { state = { user: { pfp: 'https://i.picsum.photos/id/50/200/300.jpg', }, } render() { return ( <div className="app"> <UserContext.Provider value={this.state.user}> <Nav /> </UserContext.Provider> </div> ) } }
First off, you need to create a context, the context mainly holds 2 properties Provider and Consumer, both exist for a self-explanatory purpose. The provider must be used to wrap the major portion of the application that will consume the value that it provides, while the consumer simply consumes the value and passes it off to the component that requires it. This way passing data in nested subtrees of components can be greatly simplified.
Redux: A solution for advanced state management
Redux is a state management library that mixed quite a few different concepts from libraries like Flux and languages like Elm, to make state management as painless and testable as possible. It achieves this by living up to three fundamental principles:
Singe source of truth - Having a single store makes it easy to debug and test your application, features that are otherwise difficult implement are made extremely simple because you know that all your state is in one single store, hence the only source of truth in your application.
State should be read-only - You should only ever show intent to modify the state, this prevents your UIs or network calls from modifying the state directly. This intent is displayed using plain objects that are called actions. This makes it easier to debug and test the application.
Changes must be made using pure functions - The actual modification must be done using pure functions called reducers. Pure functions take an input and return the same output for that particular input and there are no side effects. Reducers simply take the current state and return the next state.
To get a better grasp of using Redux, let's implement the same example from before but use Redux instead of Context:
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { createStore } from 'redux' import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux' const initialState = {} function reducer(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_USER': return { ...state, user: action.user, } default: return state } } const store = createStore(reducer) store.dispatch({ type: 'SET_USER', user: { pfp: 'https://i.picsum.photos/id/50/200/300.jpg', }, }) const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ user: state.user, }) const UserAvatar = connect(mapStateToProps)(({ user }) => ( <img width="56px" alt="pfp" src={user.pfp} /> )) const Nav = () => ( <nav> <UserAvatar /> </nav> ) const App = () => ( <div className="app"> <Nav /> </div> ) ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.querySelector('#root') )
If you have never used Redux before, the above code example might be a little daunting but fear not there is no magic involved. Redux uses Context behind the scenes to make state available to a lot of different components. Quite often, developers take this point to say that the Context API will eventually replace Redux, but that is not and never will be the case. Redux is not just a simple wrapper around Context, before we get to that however let's discuss how Redux works in the example above. First off, you must create a store using createStore(), this function will take the reducer that will be used in your application to modify the state stored in your store. The reducer() is a pure function that contains the logic as to how the state should be modified based on the actions ( The { type: ...} object is an action) dispatched to the store. connect() is a pure function that makes all the associated components pure so that they will only rerender when the relevant part of the store updates.
Redux vs Context API: Which should you use?
If you read the previous two topics thoroughly, now it should be very apparent to you when you should use Context over Redux. However for those that still find it difficult to make the decision, it is worth taking note of the following points. If you use Redux, then you can make use of:
The Redux DevTools extension - This tool makes it very easy to inspect your store, and debug it by performing actions like diffing and tracing. You could even replay the actions you have dispatch. If you feel like debugging will be a tough candy to crack, then this extension is worth a shot. It can be installed as a package or downloaded from an extension store and configured in your codebase.
Middleware - Middleware is simply functions that execute every time that an action has been dispatched. Redux Thunk for example, is a very popular middleware that makes dispatching actions asynchronously possible or Redux Observable that makes use of RxJS to make side effects.
Testability - Using Redux will make testing easier when it comes to complex applications because of the way it has been built.
Lastly, it is important to address the fact that Redux is not something that is dead or will be deprecated anytime soon, even in the React ecosystem. Regardless, even if people stop using it in the React ecosystem, it will still be used outside of React. React Native, for example, is a framework for building mobile applications, and uses redux for state management, while it could be said that React Native is part of the React ecosystem, this is a fine example of how Redux will still prevail even outside of React itself. Some alternatives to Redux that are worth mentioning:
MobX - A relatively new library that solves a lot of the problems that Redux does.
GraphQL - A solution for data-driven applications, it makes this possible by making it so that the frontend need not know exactly how to fetch data to get the right response.
A little about PixelPlex
PixelPlex is a software development company that has been delivering outstanding blockchain, web, game and so many more development services since 2007. With over 300+ products delivered, it's safe to say that your project is safe in our hands. If you wish to turn your dream SaaS into a beautiful reality, or start working on that one idea that you always wanted to, visit our software development company website and get in touch!
✅ ReactJS is a frontend library for building beautiful UIs, state management is challenging and can be performed using a library like Redux. ✅ The Context API was introduced to React in version 16.3 and is ideal for when you need to pass data through deeply nested component trees, however, it does not manage your state for you, and you must write that logic on your own. ✅ Redux is a state management library fit for situations where testability and maintainability are prime factors. Redux provides the usage of middlewares that can expand the potential of redux. ✅ The Context API is not a replacement to Redux, it never will be either. Whether or not you use Context over Redux, depends on your particular situation.
Feel like reading more? Check these links out:
Redux vs React’s Context API - An article by Academind that makes use of a few more code examples to bring out the differences between Redux and Context.
Awesome Redux - A whole bunch of resources regarding Redux, if you want to start learning Redux, then you should check this out.
Formik - While this isn't a resource you should read about to understand Redux or Context better, it is a library worth checking out if you struggle with state management in forms.
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