#this was my first time using ibis paint lol
kai-the-rye · 1 year
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I got bored at my nanas house a few days ago and wanted to draw
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skyeskye-art · 1 year
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random Erin sketch
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gemapples · 9 months
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im so sorry it took me so long to answer these oml but YES i'd be happy to show how i draw and color :)
please note that i almost always sketch traditionally first lol it's just a lot easier for me to determine how the drawing is placed that way, but i always go over and re-sketch it digitally
for magolor i always start with a basic egg shape (lmao) and then i add his ears. then I draw the scarf; it's easy to determine the shape and dynamicism based on where the bottoms of the ears are located
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then i usually add the cape and hood together. where and how these are placed and what these look like in general are very important because they're the main area that perspective is directed to (the ears and everything else is important too ofc!! but the hood and cape usually help demonstrate where he is looking and how he is moving the most). then i add everything else, usually his hands last!
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ohhhhhh god my worst enemy. Hope youre sitting down because this will be embarrassing LMAO
lineart is easily what i struggle with most and is more often than not the most time consuming and grating step for me. If i had a choice i would drop it in a heartbeat, but my style is so dependent on thick lines and shapes that it's difficult to 😭 a hole i dug myself into unfortunately ITS FINE THOUGH. ANYWAYS I'm getting sidetracked
i use my finger to draw all my digital art, which means i usually have to use a Heavy stabilizer to avoid shakiness and staggered lines. Unfortunately ibis paint's stabilizer is actually dog water and doesn't even stabilize more than half the time (in which case i have to repeat lines over. And over. And over again until i get it right) but when it does like me and works properly it's very helpful!
i always use the soft school pen bleed brush as my main tool for lineart. This brush has been my best friend for everything, i even use it for sketching idk it just really like the way it looks lol. sometimes i change the aspect if i want the lines to look more ,, chalky?? or smoother depending on the work
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i don't really use this tool much but for this specific piece, force fade was my partner in crime
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also i think i need to mention that i use so many layers for this. So many layers lol like to the point it's embarrassing. and at the end i merge most of them (except for the gear patterns, rings on his ear, and eyes + hands, which usually need to be by themselves as they're colored separately) Thank you for layers
and i end up with this!
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yippee yahoo the fun part !!! the part that i love the most
at this point, if i havent already, i always create a folder for convenience in organization because this is the part that i stress the most about what details are on which layers lmao
then i add ANOTHER layer below that for the color, then i put every single color used on their own separate layer!
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now, for shading, if im working on larger pieces with more complex shading, i'll usually plan it all out. normally when just drawing magolor, i don't really need to do this anymore because i'm so used to it lol, but for funsies i did it here anyways
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then i use the bucket tool to fill them all in
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i usually have a set color palette for all the characters i draw (though the way i shade white differs. A lot between my work as you can probably tell fhdfgf). For every color, i have two specific tones that are associated with the shading. for example, indigo + violet are shaded with my blue, pink + light orange (or lighter pink depending on my mood lol) are shaded with yellow, etc.
so, i shade the other areas with the 2nd shading color
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a big tip i can give for coloring is to look at a color wheel when you draw. i know that sounds like. Such basic advice LMAO but that seriously was a huge help for me when developing my shading and something i learned while studying — if you notice, in all of the shading in my work, all of the colors used are analogous on the color wheel. note that not ALL combinations will work together like others obv !! but it's a huge step in knowing where to go with it
then i add other extra details like extra lighting, halftones (if i feel like it // if it fits the work), glow to his eyes, and color the lines and ta-da!
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another tool i use a lot especially with my more recent art are blending modes, especially multiply. i use a clipping layer to add a dark color (usually a dark blue or purple) and set it to multiply, then erase the areas that emit light
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and this is the end result! this is a very very basic demonstration of it fhdjg i was a pretty messy with the lighting and erasing in this example but you get the general idea right
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and that's how i draw :) i hope this was helpful, and thanks for asking and being so patient with the response!
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Heyy, I’ve been reading your wonderful one piece works for a while — and I couldn’t stop wondering how are you actually doing those magnificent headers?
Like… hello? The great quality, with additional 3D-alike details I could catch by my eyes? I got only Ibis Paint X on mobile, since I’m only a young man that literally two months ago went on a life-time ‘adventure’ of living alone in a small apartment.
In short — I got no money to pay for additional graphics/drawing programs, not yet at least
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing - I'm curious to know what's your favorite piece / part? Also I'm so happy you like my headers? Makes it feel worth it to spend time on them! :D
I have excellent news for you, I used a mix of Canva and Photopea. They're both FREE!
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I'll be explaining the process for making these two kinda? The full tutorial is below the cut, to be courteous to the other folks, hope you don't mind?
Though I am hearing that Canva has given people some grief. But Photopea is just *chefs kiss*
If you've ever used photoshop, Photopea is essentially a free photoshop, and it even has the automation tools! An absolute lifesaver when you have multiple layers you want to export (but that's for larger projects not this)
I'm going to assume you have basic knowledge of layers in digital drawing programs for this. If anything isn't clear: ask me, I'll clarify!
My General Process is:
Search for official art / images
bring it into canva / photopea
crop / arrange images to match the dimensions
select a thematic color that is associated with the character
separate the foreground from the background
mess around and test things until they work
Given "Louder than Words" is the latest one I've made, I'll start with the process for it.
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Dimensions: 3000 x 1055 px dpi: 96
Let's Get Crackin'
Alright let's grab some official art so we're not using any fanart without the artist's permission
I try to pick images that feel relevant enough to what I'm trying to make. For example: the image for the Matching banner shows the ASCE tattoo which is super important in that fic
2. Let's arrange them onto a banner where each individual image has the same/similar dimensions to the rest
That's probably part of why you like these. To a certain extent they have similar dimensions, so they have a uniformity that's pleasing to the eye! (It's not perfect because I threw perfectionism to the wind because this is tumblr not my portfolio) Tip: if you have 3 images and only 2 that have similar dimensions, and the 3rd one can't be cropped logically: but the one that's a different aspect ratio in the middle!
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3. lets arrange them in such a way that the borders all feel like they're the same/equal width/thickness
you might find that you have to shrink some images for this, that's fine.
ALTERNATIVELY: if you're going with one image crop it so it's just the relevant info and it matches the dimensions (3000 x 1055 px)
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We have our base! Now let's add some color, and direct the viewer's eye together!
4. pick out a color that you think matches your character / vibe - that color is going to be your background Given I'm making an Ace banner: orange is the color I'm going with
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I went and named my layers for this lol. The numbers represent the opacity, and they aren't important. I just kept changing the opacity until I liked the way things looks. But here's the secret to the 3D feel:
Motionblur (+ moving it about)
Separating the foreground and background and dulling out the background.
I'm going to show you my process so you can see the effects, but first let's give you some quick skills:
//------- Select Similar
magic wand -> select something -> right-click -> select similar This works best when you have high contrast images (like manga panels that are black and white). You can select the black or the white areas. Depending on what works better for you. TIP! Invert selections with ctrl + i Say you know that you want to select everything but Ace's face in the second panel. Select his face with the magic wand then ctrl + i, and that's the only thing NOT selected
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TIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please, please, duplicate your original image and work on the duplicate layer. This helps you SO much. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIP! Check your selection tolerance! This could be why too little, or too much is being selected.
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//------- The Move Tool
Shortcut key: v While the move tool is active, you can nudge the stuff on whatever layer with your arrow keys Shift + arrow key = 10 px move (generally)
//------- Layer Locking
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1- Layer Blending Mode (see Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal) for how this can affect results) 2- Opacity: how see through it is / isn't 3- Lock Transparency (it's the little checker board) 4- Lock Layer (looks like a lock) 5- Lock icon that appears when anything on the layer has been locked More on 3 Lock Transparency: You can only paint on / modify what's on that layer. You CANNOT add anything to any area that is already transparent Here's a demo of what you can do with this power:
Here's the original Image - notice how it's just the lineart with a transparent background.
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It's powerful: abuse it
//------- Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal
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I think seeing this is the best way to visualize how different modes can affect the color.
Back to the Tutorial
Please play around with the opacity slider to figure out what opacity works best for you on the multiple different layers we're about to make / work with. It's up to your own style to figure this out. Next: please feel free to not follow all of it. Add more layers, add less layers, take the base principles and go wild! :D
5. Separate the lineart from the background and save it as a new layer 6. Duplicate it and set it to overlay, or set it to overlay immediately
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7. Duplicate that lineart layer twice and set the blending mode to overlay 8. lock transparency on the top one and change it to be a dark grey 9. Apply motion blur to both:
Main menu bar -> Filter -> Motion Blur I made it so that the grey layer was blurrier than the black layer
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10. More them around a little to give it a "3D effect" as you called it.
It creates shadows under the lines - I was aiming for an effect similar to chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration is a valid way to add punch to your stuff too!)
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So this is what things look like now - painful, but let's keep going
11. Duplicate the ORIGINAL / BASE lineart layer, that you DID not apply motion blur to -> set the blend mode to multiply (reduce opacity for it to actually take effect)
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okay that's less painful here's what the layers look like right now:
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let's bring more focus to Ace's face, and push the background farther away:
12. Use the magic wand tool to quickly select large areas of the faces / focal area / foreground and the lasso tool to refine things
TIP! Hold shift + click -> add to selection Hold Alt + click -> subtract from selection
13. On a new layer with blending mode -> lighten, fill that selection to be white
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If you look at it, you'll notice that it is ALREADY starting to draw our attention to his face, but the background is kinda aggressive, so let's dim that down
TIP! Right-click on the gradient tool to find the paint-bucket tool
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TIP! Sample All Layers: Turning this option off makes it so that you only work with the content on THAT specific layer. Turning it on makes it so that it is working while taking all other layers into consideration.
14. ctrl + click on the "white foreground" layer to select the contents of that specific layer (pink thing is your mouse)
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15. ctrl + i to invert selection and ON A NEW LAYER (layer mode -> multiply) fill that with a complementary color
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16. I did one last thing where I took the original base (before we separated the lineart) and added it to the very top and played with the opacity to get something less in your face (layer blend mode was set to NORMAL)
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And that's it!
More considerations that I take:
I want the banner to be "thin" or not square, so it doesn't take up too much screen real estate on people's devices
I don't want readers having to scroll too much to get to my writing (which is the whole point of the post, let's not waste their time making them look for things)
I want the banner content to be relevant enough?
ie: with Matching: I wanted the ASCE tattoo to be visible. With matching I wanted Ace to not look too happy in some of them.
I'm also trying to avoid spoilers, I hated getting things spoiled, so I'm trying to be careful that the images I pick don't spoil anything really.
Congrats on starting life on your own! I did that whole living by myself thing too! Tip: keep the pantry stocked with lentils, beans, pastas, baking essentials, rice. They really come in a clutch when you're hungry.
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fandomsniper · 10 months
so this is my take on human Caine
keep in mind that this is all my headcanons and imagination, and I'm going with the theory that he is an AI and he wasn't a human before
(again it's my hc!) also minor tw for drvg mention
so going with that logic, man is an AI, for his whole life all he was, was lines of numerical codes and suddenly he's thrown into this world and becomes a human, as we all are aware a human body needs to comply to the laws of physics, biology, etc., it has needs that need to be taken care of for it to function right which an AI in a digital world doesn't need to do so imo all of that had to mess with his head a lot, I think that there is a high possibility that he would experience some kind of body dysphoria, he would feel that this isn't HIS body, that something isn't right, something doesn't fit etc., that would be pretty logical
complete change of how his brain operates (idk what he had as an AI but let's also call it a brain lol), human body operates on five basic senses, which is something that he didn't have to submit to, the list of "senses" he had as an AI in a digital world is probably long as fuck and now he has to lean on only five basic ones? that gotta suck and be absolutely difficult (which should be obvious, imagine suddenly becoming blind or deaf, now you need to learn to operate with even less senses than you had, fucking sucks), back in the digital world he could do practically everything with little effort and now? he is limited by this human body/world and all the laws it needs to obey
still on those senses, I think they are all over the place because of the sudden change so he would be prone to sensory overloads or something like that
he literally needs to learn all social rules, written and unwritten, and overall the basis our world works on, which we had YEARS to learn about as we grew up, and yeah as an AI he had some info about humans and our world 'cause he had direct contact with us back in the digital world but it wouldn't be even close to enough to live here among us (heh) completely out of nowhere
because of all of this, I think that he would be a total train wreck and he would be very prone to fall into some unhealthy habits, like for example imo he could easily get addicted to drugs (idk what kind tho), he takes some pills and he can "get back" to his old life at least for a moment? sign him up! for that short period of time, he could feel "right" again, he could have control again [I'm also leaning towards the idea that he could develop some kind of control issues considering who he was back in the digital world as an AI], drugs give you a high which on you can imagine/hallucinate/feel a lot of things so yeah, he could easily get addicted to those, especially if his trips would revolve around him being back in his digital world, his home
and nope, it's not me projecting onto my fav character yet again, not at all (I'm a big liar)
but fr tho, I think it would make sense if he actually was an AI who was never a human and somehow he got out of the digital world with all circus crew
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and I made a visual of him in a picrew! (if anyone will want it, I will drop the link to it)
I made some small adjustments in ibis paint lol, like the eye color and the roughly drawn Glasgow smile scars (for some reason it just fits him??? cause he was literally all teeth and it connected in my brain??? idk but my mental imagine of him as a human has those scars, can't do anything about it) + a bit longer lines under his eyes
he would look like he's in his really late 20's or early 30's
bonus, cause I found that t-shirt in the maker lol, Jax gave it to him
a playlist I made and some footnotes with fun hcs
he would love the movie "The Greatest Showman", can't tell me otherwise
I think he wouldn't have a specific music taste, no specific genre etc. but I think he would enjoy music from 80's and 2000's
he cried watching Bambi
his fav candy is Skittles
for the first two weeks the only thing he would eat was any variation of buttered bread, breakfast? toast with butter, dinner? buttered bread with salt, supper? toast with butter but this time with no crust, he would have continued this if Ragatha didn't step in and practically force feed him scrambled eggs one morning and then continued to do so with other foods until he stopped eating just bread
he likes Lady Gaga
he's not allowed caffeine, under any circumstances, never again, the circus gang decided that as a group
surprisingly, he enjoys horror movies
Jax showed him that one video of car driving through the hills (iykyk), he fell out of his chair
his room is very cluttered, messy but in this artsy-homey way
he picks on his skin a lot, especially when he's nervous and because of that his hands are covered in band-aids
he once saw Zooble smoke and asked if he can try, now he joins Zooble on "smoke breaks" because he picked on the habbit, Zooble kinda feels bad about it
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🔸A Link To The Past doodles🔸
Time Elapsed: 2 hours 15 minutes
Program: Ibis Paint X
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(Sorry for the bothersome placements of signature, LOL)
Getting used to the drawing tablet (not table), part 2.
My brain is a hellhole of shipping art and fuzzy animals. These two really don't help that. I absolutely love the storyline of A Link To The Past, even if it is a bit older of a game (I blame the manga by Akira Himekawa for that). I figured it would be a nice first-posted doodle page to go with something I like but don't draw too often.
When it comes to Link and Zelda as characters in ALTTP, you don't see too much of them interacting in the original game- mostly because Link doesn't talk and this is an older title. In the manga, however, you get to see some full conversations between them that really help form a better understanding of how the events of the game affect those involved! A lot of how I draw them interacting comes from the manga 's characterization, as well as the Oracle Games and Link's Awakening (with Marin being seemingly formed by the subconscious of Link and the Wind Fish, I use her as reference)! Among the doodles is even a little nod to the ending of a linked game in the Oracle series.
Also I just wanted a reason to draw a page that included bunny Link. Look at him and his little animal crossing emotion effects!
I used to only use the dip pen brush when working with Ibis Paint X, but nownI tend to use different styles/brushes depending on the series. For The Legend of Zelda fanart, I have been experimenting with using the genius pen!
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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bbbexe · 1 year
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I can't draw digital to save my life, so I made my monster!Poppet oc Kalix, traditional. (I have been diagnosed with Vinnel brainrot, there sadly is no cure. Also I didn’t make this species, its heavily based off of a creature from game I used to play called a Kivarok)  Their main fur color is black, with the shaded in parts being a really really dark purple. Their horns and claws are orange with a yellow gradient at the top/end. Similarly, their diamond patterns are orange, and get more yellow that further they are away from their torso. They have 7 white eyes on each side (on the front view i forgot to add one pair you did not see that, nothing is wrong :'))) ) that they can close individually. Will usually close all but their two main ones to not look 'weird' or have people feel like they're staring at them. Kalix's eyes also don't usually have pupils, but they consciously make pupils so that, along with their exaggerated body language/movement, speech, and gesticulation, their emotions can be read more easily while masking in public. Pupils are orange. The first three diamond patterns on Sir are eyes, one being a light yellow color, and the others becoming white. Their eyes / horns / patterns / claws have a slight glow. Has four arms in total. (maybe one day i'll have the urge to try and draw on ibis paint) Kalix's blood is orange :). They also have a mouth on their main head, but really really don't want to scare people they want to be friends with, and keeps it closed and hidden for the most part. They are 6'0 because I wish I was tall :').
I've been completely obsessed with @eldritch-spouse's universe for the past few days and just had to make this. I love love love her writing and really suggest you check out her blog if you like yanderes and monsters >:D Under the cut is some of my oc's info if anyone is interested :D (it's a lot of rambling lol)
Tw mentions of cannibalism and other illegal stuff.
“Nothing can last forever. There isn't any memory, no matter how intense, that doesn't fade out at last.” ― Juan Rulfo This is Kalix! (Named them this purely because the word makes my brain happy) They are a young adult monster, who suffers from loneliness brain damage! With symptoms that are very similar to ADHD. They forget what day of the week it is often, forget words mid conversation, and have a shit short term memory. Often forgets to eat and has a habit of not eating until their tail-head starts to nip/chew (omnomnom) at them. Will constantly loose things, even if they are currently holding said thing in their paw. Brings noise cancelling earbuds around and wears gloves because they are touch averse. Usually has one part of their body moving, leg bopping, playing with their fingers, etc. (heavily projecting here lol, they just like me fr) Are a residual hermaphrodite who flip flops between sex depending on temperature/season (has a slit covered by their fluff) and goes by all pronouns. Demi ace/aro (hahaha slowburn + oblivious to their own feelings, have fun with that Vinnel). Has a hard time understanding sarcasm and understanding their own feelings.
Kalix's tail has been named "Sir" as they thought the word was cool. They usually eat / drink using their head-tail. Sir is Kalix's subconscious/lizard brain, though they don't seem to realize that themself, thinking the tail-head as more of a sibling/pet. (and example for the subconcious/lizard brain thing being, Kalix stubbing their toe, wincing and making a joke, Sir whimpering and getting teary like the crybaby they secretly are) They can consciously control Sir for about 30 minutes before a headache starts cracking open their skull (usually their species would be able to do this all the time, but shhh don't tell the poor child, they'll cry). While talking through Sir, Kalix can mimic many many sounds / voices. It would honestly be easier to list what they can't mimic than what they can. They do have a tell though, as when they speak through Sir, they have a slight whisper echo. Also sadly because of brain injury, they can't cut off Sir's senses from their own. Wagging their tail super fast like a dog when excited / to stim will leave make them super dizzy. Sir also has a taste for human/monster flesh :))) Has some other abilities, like being able to store stuff in their shadow (they do this more often and don't get nauseous from it unless they try to fit a bigger object inside. Kalix usually makes it look like they're pulling stuff out from their chest fluff becuse i thought that would be silly), make shadow apparitions for a limited amount of time, wrap themselves in shadows to hide or stalk their 'prey', and if they really push themself, they can teleport through shadows (within a certain range etc.) at most two times a week. They feel nauseous and get headaches after this, and using their power too often/long or trying to store large objects will make them violently ill. (won't stop the dumbass from overusing their abilities to pull pranks on The Clergymen though) Has little physical strength (for a monster at least), although they can jump pretty high when spooked (hehe get it? halloween pun :> also foreshadowing~) Speaking of Halloween, it's one of Kalix's main hyperfixations. Their hyperfixations include: Halloween, (and by extension) candy making, horror book reading, driving (although ironically if Kalix is a passenger they get extremely car sick), juggling (picks this up after they see Vinnel do it and realize 1. its a fun way to stim and 2. they have four arms. they are terrible at first), baking (which is kinda funny cuz they cannot cook for shit), insect related stuff, (piss poor) sewing, and drawing (they usually like to draw stuff with the combination of gore and plants).
Always has candy corn on them (or it seems that way, it’s just in their shadow. Kalix likes how it looks like they can just summon candy corn out of nowhere).
Also do not let them drive. They will turn it into a car chase. Somehow. (They just like slamming into the cars chasing them and showing off their drifts and sharp turns) They work as a party planner / decorator and will practically beg on their knees to Admin to help decorate for the holidays, especially Halloween. (Admin will have to wrangle them during other holidays to make sure Kalix doesn’t start making them Halloween themed as well...
”Decorate your own apartment Easterween themed, Kalix...” cue Admin’s signature tired eye roll as Kalix gives the smaller human puppy dog eyes) After they learn The Clergy has rent able rooms, they'll definitely start living there. Kalix's room will be completely Halloween themed all year long. They'll also ask Admin if they can help out around the Clergy / help them (Kalix feels bad for Admin and all their responsibilities, but also thinks they're amazing for being so focused and hard working)
Kalix is a complete virgin, having not even touched themself because again, they see Sir as a ‘pet’ or sibling sort of, only that Sir is attached to them. Kalix always chalks up Sir’s similar reactions to them as both them and Sir having grown up together.(if this sentence makes sense? basically they chalk up Sir having similar reactions to how they feel inside to just them growing up being attached to each other) Also them denying full heartedly that they are a crybaby and that they like the taste of human/monster flesh. To be honest, after a few months of being around Kalix, The Clergymen will probably pick up on Sir being more connected to Kalix than the oblivious lizard (idk why but my nickname for them is lizard despite them looking like some lizard/cat/owl/spider mix. it just fits. also all the picures of cute dumb little geckos connect with Kalix in my mind) realizes. Although Kalix sure as hell won’t realize themself, and won’t have any kind of sexual interaction with anyone while under the impression that Sir is a pet. Someone’s gonna have the explain the them eventually or Vinnel might somehow go even more insane.  (is a sadist masochist switch with a gore kink, though it'll take alot for them to admit it (or it would have if not for Kalix's first meeting with Grimbly and realizing they did not want to be a daddy/mommy/partner to the little dude, just a friend) Oh, and before i forget. Kalix unironically eats the most burned, charred, barely edible, can-barely-be-considered-food stuff. Completely unscathed. And they like it. They will eat coal (burning or not) in front of people occasionally to see their confused/grossed out/horrified reactions / to assert dominance. They're Vinnel's poppet for a reason :))))
They lived most of their life alone and when they were gracefully given a year long vacation by their warden, Kalix decided to try and make friends by integrating themself into human society. (Most others where they live avoid them/are afraid of them or occasionally someone will pity them but Kalix really dislikes that and would rather be ignored.) They stumbled upon The Clergy's Eye while stuck in a daydream / thought loop of how they were going to make friends. Going over the persona they had crafted (aka how they were going to mask the anxious, lonely, self conscious, and quiet crybaby they really are) and generally practicing conversations in their head. They were trying to go to the town's most popular bar, but ended up walking into The Clergy's Main floor / bar area (if im not mistaken). Kalix is just about able to handle being around Santi’s / and others pheromones due to years of exposure therapy (not a demon of my sort, will make sense in next post i prommy). (Ima make another post about how they met the TCE staff for the first time because this is hella long, thank you so much for reading if you made it this far. I hope you enjoyed my super self indulgent skrunkly child. I also left some stuff out that I really want to show via my writing later on :D)
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what drawing program do you use??
(First of all, this is my first ask :]!!)
anyway, I use multiple! (Part of why my art style changes so much lol) more below the cut
For a while I used fire alpaca when using my drawing tablet (and still do occasionally)
(fire alpaca drawing ⬇️)
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Mostly when I use my tablet now I use Krita and it’ll look kinda like this one
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For a VERY long time I used Ibis paint ⬇️
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(Showing off this one specifically bc I love them)
but now I mostly use clip studio mobile (the free vers.)
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starbittzzy · 1 year
What do you use to draw and what program? Also,Do you do commissions?
Hi anon! Thank you for the questions!!
I use Ibis Paint X as my art program! On my little dinky samsung phone with my little dinky finger lol
I wish I could afford a tablet but for now im perfectly comfortable using what I got!
Im actually thinking about opening commissions! Its quite nerve-racking since it'll be my first time but im willing to try! So to answer that not currently but sometime in the future! <3
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fagbearentertainment · 4 months
peeks shyly into your inbox ummm hiii mr.fagbear
so i think your animations are so cool and ive been thinking about wanting to make animatics and short animations for a while but don't know where to start? i already do digital art (both on phone with ibis paint and on pc with paint tool Sai and clip studio paint) but have no idea how to put audio or video to it, and was wondering if you might have advice or recommendations on how to get started?
if not that's ok !! you just make the process look so freeing and rewarding so it kind of inspired me to want to do some things too :) either way have a great day!!
I’m glad my animations inspire you so much!! :D
If you wanna do animatics my recommendations would be do the drawings in your software of choice and download an editing software to add the audio, I use the free versions of Splice VideoLeap and Capcut they’re all pretty easy to use phone editing software (and all have ways to edit out or avoid the watermark lol)
For animations I’ve used Flipaclip for as long as I can remember and it’s a good free first program to try out! They did change from a one time purchase to a subscription recently so it might not be a permanent software for you, you could def look into some pc software if you enjoy using flipaclip but I don’t have any recommendations there sry
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sugarday-latte24 · 7 months
Drawings in process...
some drawings that I still not finished because...I'm a lazy ass lol 😂.
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The first one is my most recent one. Oh by the way, I'm using Ibis paint for this and all the rest of my digitals arts (most of the time). Like always I'm open to all good advices and of course I can share some 😁. That all. Oki bye 😗
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peapod20001 · 1 year
also: if you have the time, could you demonstrate for me how you color and render the reapers? I wanna make Rory and Carolina all ✨️Sparkly✨️
OKAY I got WAY too into this lol so sorry if it’s. A lot lmao that’s just how I roll
SO! First you wanna slap a base color on that bitch (1), then add any other colors that are on their skin. For Rory that’s his light orange (2) and then his red-orange (3) and then red (4) (the brush I use is the watercolor point on ibis paint, that’s why it’s textured like that) 👇👇👇
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I went back to make his light orange stand out more as well as adding the red on his eyes (1) and then I put the yellow base for his eye & mouth (2) 👇👇👇
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And then I painted on his eye colors :3 the yellow (top left) light orange (bottom left) the yellow again (top right) and the the pale yellow for his pupil (bottom right) 👇👇👇 yes, I know that’s a lot of layers but I just think it’s fun lol
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THEN I just colored his clothes cus he looked naked (1) and then darkened the background so it’s easier to see the glow stuffs. So rn I have 2 layers, the one with his colors and then his lines. I add another layer between the two (above the colors, below the lines) and set it to add. I use his base color to add the glow stuffs (2) 👇👇👇
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Then I make another add layer above the lines it’s probably not necessary but it’s what I do lol (1) now if you’re trying to make em EXTRA glowy and bright, add another glow layer and take a darker color (I used the red) and just go over any exposed skin (make sure it’s above the lineart but below the 2nd glow layer) (2) 👇👇👇
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Finally I added some sparklies (I use the splatter pen) as well as some light on his clothes, just makes the whole thing fuller (1) and sometimes I make another lineart layer on top of everything and then color it, I like to fuck around with effects and colors but I just simply colored it here lol (2) 👇👇👇
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And then I’m done! 👇👇👇
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I fuck around with layer effects and colors a lot and literally none of my drawings have the same shit but so far Rory has been simple lol
Here’s a peek at the inner chaotic workings of my reaper drawings, take a gander!
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Also, no. That’s not all the layers 😎
What can I say. I’m adhd and I like fucking around
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selena1o1 · 11 months
So... I tried Hipaint.
Let's talk about that.
So I heard a lot of hype about Hipaint, saying it is exactly like Procreate, but I use Ibis Paint X so I can't verify if that's true.
What I can verify though is my experience with it.
I've seen a few stuff from Procreate, and I think I can say it does look a lot like Procreate.
The app itself looks very aesthetically great.
I haven't seen a folder for brushes before, it felt pretty cool, and organized.
It has everything for a good drawing app.
Has a lot more options for drawings than any free program I have ever seen.
I think it's VERY sensitive, (screen-wise.) I don't know, it just felt... Way too sensitive for my preference, I don't know if there is a setting to edit sensitivity, I use my fingers and my crusty phone for drawing so I don't know if that was it's problem.
When I zoom in far enough it becomes pixelated. Very. Now, for some when they see the drawing I made they'll think "Well, it's not THAT pixelated." I think it was because of the type of brush that I used that made it seem less pixelated. Also, the canvas was 1080x1192 which would've been smooth on Microsoft Paint even. Lol. (joke.)
Might just be a me problem, but I'm used to Windows (Windows = Settings/pop-up menu) turning off when I tap away from them, but in Hipaint it doesn't disappear when I tap on the canvas so, a little disappointed about that.
It's just the pixelation that's bothering me to be frank.
When I was trying to copy/paste a hex code colour, it felt like I was playing tug of war with Hercules.
I don't know how to edit canvas names for the life of me.
I think the main problem was that it wasn't exactly first-time user-friendly, either that or it has something to do with me not watching the tutorial.
Anyways. I give it a 4/10 based on personal taste.
Also here is the test drawing I did, it's of my OC.
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circadiananomaly · 1 year
It…. It is done… Time; 13 hours over 3 days, because again, this is my first digital drawing in pretty much a year… Program used was Ibis Paint X. Despite the color layer giving me grief, I never should have switched to MediBang; it cleared my gallery twice…
Small update; Added his ability and his eye color cuz I completely forgot before.
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Meet Derrick! A complete rework of Nicholas; I lifted the restrictions I put on myself and let myself be cringe and free.
Yeppers! Brand spanking new background color; it is not longer a blinding white! Woo!
Meet Derrick! He’s a Hitmonlee/Lopunny Hybrid! Ah, shit, I forgot about his height. He’s 5 feet tall, a literal inch taller than average. It’s a funky little fella, usually minding his own business and battling while looking good in his outfits, lol. The third outfit is basically thigh high shoes, btw! I may rework them into thigh high platformers; who knows?
I am going to try to see which of my other pokesonas I can rework at this point. But yeah,,, my drawings will be fairly slow as I got things to do, and I’m getting back in the swing of things.
I hope I can get in a new drawing within the next few days.
- Cicada, very glad my brain finally decided that this piece was done… [:
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phantaemon · 1 year
hii what type of brush did you use for drawing?
by the way, drawing looks vibrant which is my faves <3
(sending all love n support)
Hi! Tysm, I'm very happy I can finally make my stuff as vibrant as it is now, took time to make it look good lol.
First of all, these are Ibis Paint X brushes I adjusted to my liking. They should be easy to make/find in other softwares though!
My current main brush is the Soft Falcon Pen.
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When I sketch or decide not to have a clean lineart (Arson's ref), I use it as is. When I make clean lineart, I purposefully thicken my current stroke and sharpen/thin them in some areas with a default soft eraser, as seen above. In both case, I chose to remove any dynamic settings as it messes with how I like to adjust the lines.
For Tatsuya's artwork specifically: I used an edge pen like so
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There are a lot of effects on the piece but it didn't affect the lineart's shape too much. I don't like having color inside so I removed it.
Hope that helps, if you have any other question, lmk!
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"Sleep sleep my little rabbit, don't wake up until the wolves are gone"
@ellovett finally finished it.... :') open ibis paint and look up tutors just becuase to draw this bitch as a hannya and decided to change my mind because jot sastified with the digital one. Im also open to any criticize art and tips yup im begginer.
Yokai AU belongs to @deiformlover
Hannya is a yōkai of the Oni family; a family of demons that look like ogres and which are honored at Setsubun, a well-known festival in Tokyo. Hannya embodies jealousy and anger, found in crimes of passion - emotions that are entirely human.
A long time ago, Hannya used to be an ordinary woman. She had beautiful eyes and a velvet skin tone. In addition, her name signifies wisdom in Sanskrit, a symbol of a pure soul. Deeply wounded by the man she loved, she seized an unparalleled rage. Slowly eroded by jealousy and on the edge of madness, she loses her spirit in the darkness and transforms into a demon
Ai in this au is more ten times crueler, more cold heart and emotionless barely had mercy towards her victims/dealers. Shes either known as a mysterious figure and appears with a skull oni 'mask' that stuck on her face that roaming around the NRC. Many students will ask her for to granting their wishes she will grant their wishes in the return either these two trade with her :
1. Bring her a purely fresh blood of a beautiful woman.
2. Bring her a red spider lily flowers or roses.
Most of them always brings her bonquet of roses. They tent to forgot their payment towards her if it more then 30 days they didnt pay her, she will either punish them either rip off their legs or arms. Most time, they will find her guarding around the Ramshackle dorm or the near NRC lake in the forest singing a lullaby. She will not be around NRC sometimes because her victims are mostly consider outsiders.
This is actually her kimono design (this is quite a reference lol)
If she smells like a really strong scent of perfume, its a sign shes in bad mood and can cause a accident headche or poison killing thru the scent.
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Shes on a Hannya Chunari level : this second type masters a more powerful black magic than the first one. Her face looks similar to that of a demon with longer horns and sharp teeth. At this stage, it is still possible to rescue her with the help of Buddhist prayers.
Ai roaming around the NRC (especially the ramshackle dorm) because she missed her human lives before she turn into a hannya and her nostalogic memorises.
Rumors said that she had a child keep in the forest from one of her victim.
It was midnight and MC was about to go to sleep after all the works they had done. Until while going upstairs towards their bedroom, they sensed someone is watching them they look towards the window saw a unknown figure with a black but then disappeared with then a sec. 'What was that...' 'I sworn I just something' but soon they quickly brush it off thinking it was just their imagination as they continue going upstairs. Pulling the blanket over their body and slowly closing their eyes and drift away with their sleep the night continue as 'normal' until the sound of the door crack open causing them to woke up from their sleep the figure then standing outside of the dorm with an umbrella the singing of the lullaby makes them falls into a trap luring them by bringing them to the forest. Before she could touch them, Kei manage to came to save MC on time teleport them back to Ramshackle
"My, my, my. Looks like the little 'bodyguard' has save the day"
Her sarcastic words as she gritted her teeth while 'glaring' at Kei. Kei draws his fans towards her "Dont you dare lay your filthy hand on them you disgrace demon."
"Oh really..." she said as she slowly draw out their weapon to attack her but a sudden cries came from deeper inside the forest turn her head gaze from him. In a sec, her figure was already disappear.
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