#this was painful to stare at
cocogum · 1 month
The Great Wave’s chapter 1 should’ve been renamed to The Heat Wave.
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awakeagainstmywill · 11 days
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Aziraphale portrait study - I finally finished coloring it!
I loved his posture, the colors and the lighting in this scene. There are some in-progress snapshots over here.
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Another absolute need for S2: Edwin flirting back at Charles, at least once.
Charles, leaning over Edwin reading a book: I'm just saying, my smile is pretty convincing...
Edwin, looking up at Charles from under his lashes: I rather agree. It could convince me to do a great many things.
Charles, face blank, staring: *404 ERROR. RESPONSE NOT FOUND. PLEASE REBOOT.*
Edwin: *turns back to his book wearing the same satisfied, flirty smirk he wore as he walked away from the Cat King*
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novelconcepts · 18 days
I Saw the TV Glow is such a uniquely, devastatingly queer story. Two queer kids trapped in suburbia. Both of them sensing something isn’t quite right with their lives. Both of them knowing that wrongness could kill them. One of them getting out, trying on new names, new places, new ways of being. Trying to claw her way to fully understanding herself, trying to grasp the true reality of her existence. Succeeding. Going back to help the other, to try so desperately to rescue an old friend, to show the path forward. Being called crazy. Because, to someone who hasn’t gotten out, even trying seems crazy. Feels crazy. Looks, on the surface, like dying.
And to have that other queer kid be so terrified of the internal revolution that is accepting himself that he inadvertently stays buried. Stays in a situation that will suffocate him. Choke the life out of him. Choke the joy out of him. Have him so terrified of possibly being crazy that he, instead, lives with a repression so extreme, it quite literally is killing him. And still, still, he apologizes for it. Apologizes over and over and over, to people who don’t see him. Who never have. Who never will. Because it’s better than being crazy. Because it’s safer than digging his way out. Killing the image everyone sees to rise again as something free and true and authentic. My god. My god, this movie. It shattered me.
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chocmoon-latte · 14 days
Took some berry mentats and now he looks like some kind of mystical being granting me wisdom
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chrliekclly · 10 months
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ummm first time becoming self conscious about the way you act with your best friend because of some middle school bullies :)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
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A victory for the Empire it would be.
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molinaesque · 26 days
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Cooper Howard & Lucy MacLean | Betrayal
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
soapghost circus au
ghost’s an extreme motorcycle stunt performer - globe of death, riding on his back wheel along tightropes, that sort of thing
soap’s a fire breather/dancer. he’s a roaming performer; he just finds empty spaces or bored people and starts twirling
he pretends not to notice the way he always wanders towards a certain tent every night to watch a certain masked daredevil defy gravity. he thinks he's slick and that ghost won't notice him in the crowd, completely forgetting that he's carrying something that happens to be on fire
ghost couldn't miss him if he tried
one day off, soap's trialing fire whips; he loves the loud crack and the way the flame licks through the air and maybe he's a little too impatient to practice with non flaming whips first, even though he's never used one before
he's covered in soot and fine welts where the tip of the whip keeps flicking back up at him, cutting through his shirt and stinging his skin but he doesn't let that stop him. it starts to stick to him, damp with sweat and blood and he's quick to strip it off; throwing it to the side to keep practicing
when soap finally gets a few good cracks in a row and breaks to celebrate, he almost jumps out of his skin when he sees the masked rider leaning against a trailer watching him
of all the times he's wanted ghost to talk to him, this is not one of them
he wanted to impress him, dance for him with his flaming batons and be mesmerised by his fluidity and skill
not catch him filthy and struggling with something as basic as a whip
he's ready for ghost to ream him out for not having control over the whip - he's known throughout the circuit for expecting utter perfection in his routines - but when ghost finally does speak, it's only to ask if he's done for the day
soap falters for a moment. he wanted to get some consistency with the whip before he stopped, but he's starting to feel the hours of practice; muscles aching and skin blistered with minor burns
he says he is and ghost pushes off the trailer, nodding his head to make soap follow. he brings him back to his trailer and tells him to clean up then takes out his personal med kit to treat the grazes on soap's skin
soap's shocked; for all that he loves to watch ghost perform, they've never really talked before
part of why he joined the circus was so he wouldn't be a burden on anyone, the oldest in a family with too many mouths to feed and not even time to nurture, and here he is taking up ghost's valuable practice time be he wasn't good enough to handle his own discipline. he tries to brush him off, downplaying the burns and tries to leave before half them can be treated but ghost just glares and orders him to sit back down
ghost does expect perfection from himself but it isn’t out of any malice or ego; it's bc he knows if he isn't perfect, he could very easily die. he’s picked a dangerous profession and he gives it the respect it deserves. there isn't any shame in being a novice or failing at something; he thinks there's a lot of beauty in having the courage to get back up again and again
so every day he watches soap practice and bullies him into his trailer to put him back together bc he knows he won't do it by himself
and every night soap wanders over to ghost's section of the fair grounds, in awe of his skill and wishing he could be worthy of the care he gives him
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clownsuu · 1 year
Eddie and Frank are already revealed to be husbands, so that's one ship for you.
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(Was it husbands or was it just implied them being pretty gay for each other DJSHFYDUD)
also true but I must gain true happiness for my boi howdy for he is truly a silly goofy bug man who runs da shop and exists to give barnaby the sacred hotdog for a mere funny silly-
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eliasdrid · 1 year
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It's always they/them o'clock in the Limbus Company Bus
Some more Dante sketches because people liked these and I really wanted to draw them in more outfits.
bonus Vergilius covering with and then giving Dante his blazer so it's less obvious when their skirt goes up as they walk and they don't have to worry about it
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karfild · 1 year
Ao3, the love of my life, my dearest of companions, my shawtyest of bae, my babiest of baby girls, please, come back to me.. I cannot do this without you
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thatgothsamurai · 2 years
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Theerapanyakul Bros as The Saturday Evening Post cover (in Leyendecker style) with made-up format(1st) and the original format (2nd)
the draft’s actually for Kinnporsche Week 2022 | Day 7 - Main or Minor Family? (but without the parents pls)
what a shame they could’ve teamed up and make a family band
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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thecraftgremlin · 5 months
I think there should be a horse girl movie where our plucky protagonist takes on the ~*problem horse*~ at the ranch but instead of being wild and untamable the horse is just really stupid.
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peggy-uwu · 10 months
Listen so we know that Sebastian didn't have many human skills like cooking etc at the start of the contract right? so maybe at the very beginning, when he first meets Nina, she teaches him the very basics of sewing, just in case he needs them..
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Just imagining like,,, a few days after Ciel returns from the cult with Sebastian, Angelina contacts Nina and asks her to go and check on Ciel, make him some clothes etc bc obvs the mansion burned down with everything inside of it.
She takes all Ciel's measurements, (notices all the scratches and the brand and everything else), and then says she'll stay for a day or two to throw together a few outfits and essentials for him. So Ciel goes to take a nap and she sits down and starts working on his clothes, some shorts, some socks, a nightshirt and a few coats, just enough to last him until she can get him a proper wardrobe. She drags Sebastian along with her thinking 'well hes a butler, he has to have SOME kind of sewing knowledge, he could at least cut some cloth pieces out' but NOPE hes completely useless.
So she sits him down and starts showing him some basic stitches, just in case something happens and he needs to fix something, while asking him about everything that's happened.
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