#this was such a walk down memory lane!!
the-platelet-queen · 4 months
20 Questions Writer Tag
Thanks for the tag @justafunctionalmess ❤️
I have two AO3 accounts so I'll be taking from both of them.
How many works do you have on AO3? 32 works, not counting two abandoned works that are not associated with me anymore.
What is your total AO3 word count? 76,137 words
What fandoms do you write for? Oof, so many it's such a long list. As for the ones I've posted: Psych, Bones, The X-Files, New Girl, Victorious, Monk, That 70s Show, Supergirl, Schitt's Creek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Shadowhunter Chronicles, and two others I'm not gonna mention because they're cringe. I write for at least double what I listed.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Daddy with 343 kudos (Supergirl; I hate it's my most popular fic, purely because of the title), Walter and Nancy with 239 kudos (Victorious), Sparks Fly with 207 kudos (Supergirl), Sleepover with 143 kudos (Schitt's Creek), and Superstar with 127 kudos (Supergirl again).
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I get email notifications of comments, so I really see them on there, absolutely cherish them, then forget to reply on AO3. Sometimes I go on to reply to some in batches. I never know what to say in reply, but I'm so grateful to everyone that comments!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The fic with the angstiest ending was Jericho (The X-Files). I've posted like two angsty fics total, and I don't usually write angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of my fics end happy so this one was really hard. I guess I'd have to say Cold Blooded Killer because it's not a traditionally happy fic until the end :)
Do you get hate on your fic? Very very rarely, yes. It's only happened three times. The first time I was so upset about it. The second and third times I'm pretty sure it was the same person (guest account commented) so I just deleted it.
Do you write smut? Yes, but I don't post it. I don't write it very often either, very rare.
Do you write crossovers? Nope, not my cup of tea. I don't read them either.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Probably not. At least not that I'm aware of...
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I have had someone record an audio of a fic I wrote. Hands down the coolest experience I've had with my writing so far!!
Have you ever co-written a fic? In a way, yes? If writing letters as characters back and forth with my sister counts.
What's your all-time favorite ship? I don't really have a favorite, BUT I guess I choose Mulder and Scully. Because of how they grew old together (I only watched the monster of the week episodes in the revival, but they were so cute together <3)
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My Bones high school AU. I've gotten so far on it, but the path ahead is longer. Also, the Boneheads podcast needs to come out so I can rewatch Bones and start writing it again.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, probably. I love character interactions, that's what I live for in writing (and also why I write fic). I want to see characters interacting, not necessarily a cool plot, which is why I emulate that in my own writing.
What are your writing weaknesses? Prose. I just don't like writing it (or reading it for the most part).
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't know enough about any language to confidently write dialogue for it in my fics. I'd probably get one of my friends who's more fluent in other languages to help me.
First fandom you wrote for? I'm absolutely devastated to share that my first fanfic was for Martha Speaks. I was in second grade and PBS Kids was holding a contest for written stories. Mine ended up over the word limit so I never sent it in.
Favorite fic you've ever written? All of them. Even if the writing isn't as good, it was something I was so proud of at the time, and I can feel that when I read it.
Hmmmm, I'm tagging @bianxiousandcute, @sprqpointintern @that70sshowgoldencouple @thatseventiesbitch @tht70sblog
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onadarklingplain · 6 months
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it might be January now, but we shouldn’t let that stop us from pausing and giving thanks for all of the joint posts, flirty post-race interviews, and homoerotic drivers parade moments that 2023 provided.
the year started strong with Alex being deranged about George on the Fast and the Curious podcast and posting about George’s birthday (#BadBoys4Life). George also moved to Monaco at some point and would later talk about how now that he was around Alex all the time, he was the happiest he had ever been in his life (this is a verbatim quote offered up completely freely fyi). 
but all that was a merely precursor for things to come. 
indeed, we had driver’s parades galore, and umbrella moments literally whenever it was wet (this feels true, don’t fact-check me on it). we had heart eyes so big before Vegas that it literally made the official F1 highlights video. we had George breaking into the Wiliams garage AGAIN. Alex said he would eat George if they were the last two people on earth, and all of the tumblr girlies obsessed with the erotic thematics of cannibalism lost their minds (it’s me, i’m tumblr girlies). we had George being president of the Alex fan club before Mexico, and Alex making dick jokes about a photo of George. George was bragging about being at Alex’s parent’s house, and when they filmed the 2019 rookie video, Liberty Media literally had no choice but to separate them with Lando, lest they start making out right then and there. 
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a year in review would not be complete, however, without due consideration paid to the JOINT POSTING, which is rightly reserved for only the most important of Galex dates. the cancellation of Imola brought us The Monaco Run joint post (aka a hard launch, let’s be real), and the machinations of Netflix brought us The Padel Date (authors note: if other drivers were involved in the Padel Date, i have deleted that information from my brain, and i don’t want to hear about it. and anyways, it doesn't matter because according to George's story, only Alex was there!! no other drivers need apply).
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it’s difficult to place any joint post above another for they're all special in their own way, but i need to start a whole new paragraph for The Monza Road Trip. what a weekend to be alive and on tumblr and obsessed with George and Alex. fresh off the love fest that was Zandvoort (considered in depth further on), the two of them were on top form all weekend (it was another albon defense masterclass and we got SIX alboints!!). we had an umbrella moment. Sky gave us a long-form post-quali interview with just the two of them so that they could engage in flirty ribbing and play footsie. and to cap it all off, George told anyone who asked (and many people who didn’t) all about how they were driving home together, just the two of them, alone. there were breakdowns in group chats the internet wide, and i spent approximately one million hours wondering who would drive. as we later learned, even though it was Alex's car, George drove (like a madman). erotic to me! you simply love to see it, you simply love to imagine situations about it. 
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while Silverstone 2023 will go down in history as the day that we lost Alblondo, Galex carpooled to the track, and George was featured in Alex’s photo dump loitering by his motorhome with his feet out, it must be chiefly remembered for the frankly iconic press pen flirting that occurred. George literally crashed Alex’s interview to make sure that the world knew he was a “warrior”, as he had sustained a minor back injury in the car and was bleeding through his fireproofs. i could literally write ten thousand words and not even scratch the surface of this interaction. i simply urge you to rewatch.
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but for the top moment of the year, in this writer’s humble opinion, we must turn to Zandvoort and the second-row Galex lockout. the head-to-head of their quali laps was deeply sexual, and George was out and out praising Alex on the radio. the driver’s parade gave us frankly uncooth flirting, and Alex was even flirting on instagram! i was dreaming of a Galex podium. George was dreaming of a Galex podium! i have never known such hope in my life! sadly the weather gods were not on our side, and despite Alex staying out for one million laps on slicks, Galex erotically spraying each other with champagne will have to remain in our dreams until 2024.
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seven hundred words down, only one thing remains: to beg for the release the Qatar hot lap tape. when we found out that George had taken Alex on a hot lap before the Qatar GP, i remember thinking that i might be able to live with never seeing the video of it if it meant that they did it just for fun instead of as part of a PR stunt. that, my friends, was a lie. we now know that it wasn’t planned at all, and Alex had simply been jogging by and hadn’t been able to resist going for a ride with George. and still!! i need the tape!!!! mercedes admin, name your price.
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while this is by no means comprehensive, this lil walk down memory lane was very fun for me, and i hope you had fun too! but more than anything, i hope 2024 blesses the galaxies of the world with [redacted for anti-jinxing reasons]. i’ll be praying nightly. 
thank you to sarah @bighoneyenergy for working on this with me, and to everyone who made gifs and uploaded photos and wrote fic and sent asks and conducted scholarship and in general helped to make this such a fun year!
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barzyhughes · 4 months
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happy marchy 1k day and tyler seguin returns to boston day to all who celebrate
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humblemooncat · 3 months
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Update time!!
Considering Dawntrail is coming up faster than expected, we've decided on a compromise as far as dates go. We don't have the ability to do one walk a month, but we've spaced them out as much as we could, with Endwalker happening a week before Dawntrail goes into early access!
The chosen dates are as follows, but are subject to change if something like maint gets in the way! Rest assured though, we'll let you know if they do!
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A Realm Reborn - April 6th Heavensward - April 27th Stormblood - May 18th Shadowbringers - June 1st Endwalker - June 22nd
Each walk is estimated to take roughly 3 hours, starting at 8pm EST, and will feature fun facts courtesy of our tour guide, @sae-mian, and snack breaks at memorable vistas in each expansion!
Also, while flight is not necessary for everyone to have, if you have a multi-seater and CAN fly, please bring them out when necessary, as not all of these walks can be traversed solely on foot! We'd greatly appreciate it so we can keep the train moving!
If you have any other questions before or throughout the walk, you may direct them at either me or our other Guides @sae-mian and @lilvulpix-alex!
Or, better yet! Join our discord! We'd love to have you aboard!
Both lovely screenshots courtesy of @sae-mian! <33
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Hey shorty.
- @calico-sam
Who- *static* -you? *static* Help- *static* - get Gwen- *static*
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birb-tangleblog · 4 months
I'm seeing the 'happy anniversary' posts roll in, and fans lamenting the show's writing shortfalls in retrospect-
And if you weren't in the fandom when the show was airing and only watched it after it ended, I really can't understate how optimistic the fandom was at the time?
If you go back and look through the old bingo sheets, you can see a snapshot of what the prevailing theories/predictions were and what fans expected. (I have tags on both this blog and my art blog, #tts bingo, but I wasn't able to RB all of them- digging through '#tangled the series bingo' in the search will pull up more.)
People were eagerly looking forward to returning characters (the Brotherhood, ZT's disciples) in nearly every tentpole episode, rematches and fights, flashbacks, cameos, for Cass to redeem herself by the midpoint of season 3 so ZT could step up as the big bad- so many interactions and plot threads that never resolved to anything.
I think a lot of this is the product of a normal airing schedule with (mostly) weekly episodes and long hiatuses, but it also speaks to the show's potential and how frustrating the lack of follow through on the setup of seasons 1 and 2 was.
Special shoutouts to:
Fierce debate on if Cass or Adira would be the traitor in 'Destinies Collide'.
Adira and Hector working together to get the moonstone back after dedicating their lives to protecting the world from it. (nope)
Fans thinking that Quirin would appear and have a role in the episode where Varian gets kidnapped. (no)
Surely Cap will show up after 'Islands Apart', or share a heart to heart with Cass in the finale. (F)
Cass rejoining the main group and redeeming herself any episode now... annnyyyy episode now.....
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yardsards · 1 year
writers who are like "we have to subvert all expectations or else the story is too predictable and not marketable or whatever" are extra silly to me because like. have you SEEN how excited fandoms get when a popular fan theory is confirmed canon?
i'm currently thinking about the adventure zone fandom with the "taako has a twin" theory. i wasn't super active in the fandom at the time (iirc i started listening around suffering game or maybe 11th hour and had just recently caught up) but i remember when it was just a popular fan theory alongside "angus is a dragon" type theories. and just how excited everyone got when not only was the theory confirmed, but she got officially introduced and was an amazing character from the get-go
this has happened with other fandoms i've been in, too. like steven universe with the "garnet is a fusion" and "rose quartz is pink diamond" theories, or the owl house with the "emperor belos is phillip wittebane" and "hunter is a grimwalker" theories
fans love when their hard work analyzing stuff pays off
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marshalcharge · 5 months
actually yeah i'll put this here hello kotor 2 community. you know what this is about
Sensations seep sluggishly in and out of Atton’s awareness, like waking up to the cold sting of a duracrete floor pressed against his cheek after coming off a bender. The metallic taste of blood in his mouth. The blistering rake of Sion’s saber across his skin. Skull cracked against a stone pillar with his guts spilling out into his hands, and the only thought on his mind was that if the sith was here wailing on him, at least that meant he was far enough away from her. The agony has subsided now and all he’s left with is a numb, sunken state. Probably because he’s crossed the threshold of his tolerance for pain and is beginning to slip consciousness. It’s dark here, suspending.  Must be dying, he thinks, and it’s a resigned sort of observation, too foggy and lethargic to do anything about it, so all that’s left to do is give in. The part of him that riots against death, the part that gnashes teeth and claws his way back whenever he drops in battle has him mustering for a second wind. Get back up, Jaq. She still needs you, get back up. But the severity of his wounds wills out. And death has hounded him for so long he thinks it’s time he let it claim him . living had gotten stale and he was tired. Tired of all the war, all the killing, all the running. Now he’s weightless and none of that matters. Now he’s inconsequential. He can’t move or see. Can’t feel much of anything at all save for the heartbeat drumming against his chest, losing its rhythm, stuttering, faltering. He counts it like he counts the ticks in the power coils, to distract his mind from the inevitable.  And then, the sound of her voice.  The panic in her inflection calling for a stem to the bleeding, the shape of her words cutting through near oblivion. There’s the familiar oscillation of her energy, distant, at the edge of his perception like a long forgotten memory. She pulls him back from the edge and he thinks his body is being leveraged by someone, pressure at his chest, then his head. He tries to muster her name, a sound, verbalize anything. But his mouth chokes uselessly around a mouthful of blood and his thoughts are too muddled to project through the force. Instead , he uses his last vestige of energy to bat at empty air until his hand finds her arm. Fingers slip against her skin, wet and raw and red, and he gains purchase enough to circle her wrist. Holds tight with a white knuckle grip unassuming for a dying man, but he needs the assurance that she’s here. Solidly, tangibly here and alive. He grips until the siren call of his heavy lids is too strong to resist and then sinks away without much care if he wakes up again or not. So long as she survives, it doesn’t matter if he does.
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mourninglamby · 9 months
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mine and @comfymoth 's definitive dsmp character duo chart. if u disagree send me a kys ask about it or something im not listening
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do you guys remember when dexter grif and sarge from the popular web series red vs blue literally introduced a new fornite map with Ninja. and we all collectively took psychic damage.
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kruemel8 · 5 months
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xiaq · 11 months
what were you like in HS?
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A hot mess, mostly.
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creatingnikki · 1 year
So remember when our biggest worries would be studying for that chemistry exam and attending double math lectures on a Monday and facing our crush after having said something embarrassing and not having enough money to go to comic con and knowing we couldn't even bring it up with our parents and not being able to hang with the cool kids because forget a curfew the concept of even stepping out to chill didn't exist in our households and feeling sleepy during tuitions and wanting to bunk PT periods so we could sit in class and talk and beg the librarian if she could let is borrow more books than allowed and who should we invite to our birthday party and if our teacher will penalize us for wearing kajal and if we will score enough in boards to get into the stream we want and if we look old enough with all this make up to pass for an 18 year old so they don't stop us at the entrance of that A rated movie and if he was going to call back and if dad was going to yell and if our siblings were going to tell on us and if teachers knew what the book Fifty Shades of Grey was about and if we would ever make something of ourselves and if we would get pregnant simply by kissing and if our physics teacher would give us those 2 grace marks so we could pass the final and if it would rain heavy enough so that school would remain closed that day and if mom and dad would allow us to go on that school trip and if we would get to be on the same bus as our crush and if we would make in time to the canteen before all the samosas got over and if our art teacher would be okay with us deviating from the theme and if we would get enough friendship day rings and if we had enough bands for everyone and if we would defeat blue house on sports day and if our school was haunted and if we would be in the same division next year despite the shuffling and if we would remain friends and if and if and if. Trust me I would go back in a heart beat. Despite the bullying and despite the embarrassment and despite the lack of control and money and despite the borderline depression. I'd go back because whatever the fuck this is, this adulting, it's unbearable.
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spiribia · 9 months
katniss was in that arena screaming PEETA!! PEETA!! like she was that woman from family guy
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Hey Lizz? Are you mad at me?
Of course not, Nick! Why would I be mad?
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should i take the time as a personal project to painstakingly transfer the hundreds of fics i have bookmarked on my browser over to my ao3 account bookmarks or is that insane person behavior
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