#this was supposed to be for studying hair
wandaslittlebird · 21 hours
Alright, another professor Wanda drabble because I’m utterly whipped for her.
“I think spoken Russian is going to send me to an early grave,” You complained. “I’m good on the written and comprehension sections but the oral pronunciations…” You groaned dramatically, tossing your ‘Russian 101’ book out in front of you and dropping your arms so you were laying prone on bed.
Wanda picked up the book, reading through the dog-eared page you had been studying. “Is this the one you’re struggling with?” She pointed to one of the longer words at the top of the page. It had been twisting your tongue for hours.
You nodded. Wanda placed the book back in your hands and sat down next to you. “You know all the syllables. Just say it slowly, don’t try to cram the sounds together, just say them one at a time.”
You propped yourself back up on your elbows, squinting and bending forward to study the page. You sounded out the word slowly. Each syllable felt like an entire word of its own. It was by no means an elegant attempt, but it was technically correct.
Wanda slide down on the bed so she could press a kiss onto your lower back. “See?” She said, nuzzling the downward curve of her spine. “You’re getting it. Keep going. Try this one here.” She reached around you to point out a sentence at the top of the next page.
You spoke the words awkwardly and slowly, mentally trying to translate the foreign lettering into sounds. Wanda started tracing her way back up your spine, placing gentle kisses along each ridge.
“You’re a lot better at this than you think you are,” Wanda assured. “I could’ve never guessed this was your first semester taking Russian if I wasn’t the one teaching it to you.”
“Thank you, professor,” you teased. “I believe you’re to blame for my accelerated studies.” You could feel Wanda’s smile curl against your back.
“I suppose that is my job,” She teased, “making sure you excel.”
“Well then you’ll be devastated to know I have someone who’s serving as a terrible distraction to my studies.” You smirked, arching your back against her mouth.
“Mmm,” Wanda hummed. “I’m sure whoever it is knows that you work too hard. And I’d bet she knows that you’re brilliant and you could’ve passed with flying colors without even opening the book.”
“As if she herself isn’t known for working herself to the bone,” you retorted.
“All the more reason to provide her with a wonderful distraction.” Wanda bit gently at the spot your neck met your shoulder. You rolled your head back, mouth falling open in a silent groan. “We can continue your studies, if you wish. Repeat after me: YA ves' tvoy.” (I am yours.)
You reached one hand back behind you, burying it in Wanda’s thick brown hair. You drew her ruby red lips back to your neck, encouraging more kisses and nips from the older woman. “YA ves' tvoy,” you repeated with easy confidence. These words came far easier to you than the long and complicated ones you were pulling from your books.
“You speak beautifully, sweet girl.” Wanda sucked at the skin behind your ear.
Your eyes fluttered at sensation.“devochka milaya,” you said. “Sweet girl.”
“Mhm.” Wanda did not pull her mouth away from the soft skin of your neck. Your words weren’t entirely accurate, as the adjective came after the noun in Russian, but she was in no mood to be pedantic at the moment.
She adjusted her position on the bed, moving to straddle your hips rather than lying beside you. You whined when she pulled away, already missing the warm breath against your neck. The whines turned into moans when Wanda ground against her hips your ass. “I want to hear you say it again. Tell me you are mine,” she demanded.
You obeyed. “YA ves' tvoy,” you said again. The words came even more natural the second time around. “I am yours. I am all yours, my love.”
“YA ves' tvoy, moya lyubov,” She translated, adding in the ‘my love’.
You giggled. “Do you plan to fuck me until I can recite the entirety of the Russian language?”
Wanda chuckled mischievously, bending so her mouth was mere inches from your ear. “My love, by the time I’m done with you, you won’t even remember English.”
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trulyumai · 1 day
make that two
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—synopsis: yeah, Eddie was down bad. he couldn’t even read a few sentences in before casting his gaze back on you. I mean… could you blame him?
—warnings: none!
—pairings: eddie munson / gf! reader
You sat cross-legged on the floor, flipping through a hefty textbook while Eddie paced nearby, running a hand through his curly hair.
“Okay, so we need to focus on the themes of existentialism in this novel,” you said, trying to keep your tone light. “How about we start with the main character’s struggles?”
Eddie paused mid-pace, his dark eyes drifting toward you. You looked up, and for a moment, the world outside faded. His lips curved into a lazy grin, and you could see the admiration etched in his expression. “Honestly, sweetheart, I think you’re more interesting than this assignment.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, unable to suppress a smile. “Come on, Eddie! We can’t just blow it off. We’ve got to pass this class.”
He sat down beside you, resting his chin on his hand, a teasing spark in his eyes. “Yeah, but look at you! How am I supposed to concentrate when you’re sitting there like the goddess of wisdom?”
You felt your cheeks heat at his compliment. “You’re impossible,” you laughed, nudging him lightly. “Focus, or I’ll start charging you for tutoring sessions.”
Eddie chuckled, leaning closer, his presence warm and comforting. “Alright, fine. Let’s talk about ‘existentialism’ or whatever.” But his gaze remained fixed on you, and it was clear that his mind was elsewhere.
“Eddie,” you said, trying to pull him back to the task at hand. “The themes—”
“Yeah, themes,” he interrupted, but his eyes sparkled with mischief. “But seriously, how do you make studying look so good? It’s not fair.”
You tried to stifle a grin, but it was futile. “You’re just saying that to distract me!”
“Guilty as charged,” he said, feigning a dramatic sigh. “But can you blame me? You’re like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.”
You shook your head, exasperated yet delighted. “Okay, Mr. Munson. Let’s make a deal. If you can stay focused for ten minutes, I’ll reward you with… a kiss.”
Silence ensued. You almost wanted to take the words right back before he bolted up.
His eyes widened, and you could practically see the gears turning in his mind. “Ten minutes? That’s a long time in Eddie-world,” he said, puffing out his chest playfully. “But I accept your challenge, fair maiden!”
As you both settled into the assignment, Eddie’s mind wandered again, his gaze drifting back to you. He watched the way you flipped through the pages, the way your hair caught the light, and the soft concentration on your face. It was impossible to focus when you were there, right in front of him, like a muse.
Shit, was he always so.. smitten like this?
“Okay, okay,” he muttered, breaking the silence. “This isn’t working. I’m failing already.”
You giggled, finally meeting his eyes. “You’re such a dork.”
“And you love it,” he shot back, a smirk tugging at his lips. “But really, I can’t help it. You’ve got this… magnetism. It’s like a spell you’ve cast over me. Wait.. you’re not some warlock are you?!”
Your heart raced at his words. And no matter how much you wanted to laugh, you still grunted out a displeasurable sound. “Eddie, focus! We need to get this done!”
With a dramatic sigh, he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. “Fine, I’ll focus. But just know that my thoughts are filled with visions of you. It’s your fault I can’t pay attention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh again, feeling lighter in his presence. “Alright, one more attempt. Let’s break it down together.”
For the next few minutes, you guided him through the key points of the assignment, his attention wavering but gradually sharpening as you spoke. When you finished, you leaned in closer, a smile on your face. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Not with you around,” Eddie replied, leaning in as well, his eyes sparkling with mischief and admiration. “Now, about that kiss…”
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doomdoomofdoom · 3 days
any trans person should get HRT for free (no insurance required) and in exchange they should participate in the occasional study/survey.
research into sex hormones and their effects is so scarce and you have a whole ass population group who's willing to not only switch up their hormones but keep it up for very long periods of time. you could run some incredible long term studies with participants across all sorts of demographics.
while it's impossible to conduct any blind studies on this due to observable change in appearance, there's still so so so much data we're giving up on because we'd rather...
lemme check my notes. that cant be right.
...because we'd rather deny trans people health care and let them die. huh.
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drvirgus · 1 day
Baek Ha-rin X Fem! Reader
Description: You just got into Baekyeon highschool. What if Baek Ha-rin developes an obsession with you? Do you want to break the game? Do you fall in love with Ha-rin? What if soo-ji wants your help?
Warnings: Manipulation, Bullying, School violance, kys/kms jokes, Strong language, Insults, Harsh Words, Red flags, Morally grey,
Chapter: Intro (fully written)
"In school, you're on your own."
My eyes lifted from my phone to my slightly older sister, who was already looking at me with her somewhat monotonous gaze. I raised my eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, my voice now a little quieter. My hand, still holding my phone, dropped onto my lap.
Do-ah sighed softly as she looked at me. "You're on your own if you mess up. I can't help you," she said, licking her lips briefly, avoiding my eyes, and taking a deep breath before looking at me again. "Just don't mess up. Don't trust anyone," she added, her voice lower as she glanced out of the moving car once again. Her lips pressed into a thin line, which only confused me more.
It didn't take long for the chauffeur to stop the car, and Do-ah opened the door. I opened my own door and got out of the car as well. Do-ah looked at me, visibly hesitant. "Be careful," she said before heading into the school. My eyes followed her until I could no longer see her.
An uneasy feeling began to form...
Sighing, I stared at my phone as I kept walking. It was already the third day at this school, and yet I kept getting lost. This time, I had ended up somewhere I had never seen before. My forehead creased as my eyebrows furrowed. A small scream reached my ears, instantly making me more alert.
My eyebrows raised as I saw the two women. One had a cigarette in her hand, while the other was holding her own hand. Both of them looked at me. If I remembered correctly, one of them was Baek Ha-rin, and the woman whose hair was falling into her face was Myung Ja-eun.
There was silence for a brief moment as my eyes kept darting between the two women. The smell of cigarette smoke hung around us as I took a few steps closer. Ha-rin began to laugh, looking down at Ja-eun. "You got backup?" she asked, blowing cigarette smoke directly into Ja-eun's face.
"N-No. I-I don't know her," Ja-eun stammered quietly, her voice shaky and soft. Her posture was closed off, almost scared. She was still holding her hand.
Ha-rin glanced at me, signaling for me to come closer. Her eyes stayed on me while she allowed Myung Ja-eun to slip away. My gaze followed the taller girl until she was out of sight, and then my attention shifted to Ha-rin, who stepped on my foot.
My eyebrows shot up as I glanced down at her foot on mine, then back up at her. I pulled my foot away, which made her chuckle a little. "Don't worry about the smoking. I won't say anything," I said with a smile. Ha-rin stopped grinning and looked at me. She tilted her head slightly.
"You think I care about that?" she scoffed. My eyes scanned her face as my mouth opened slightly. "You're pretty," I blurted out, which made Ha-rin freeze for a moment. Her forehead creased as she continued to study me. The cigarette in her hand was burning down on its own.
"I'm pretty?" Ha-rin repeated with a small grin. Her body was only inches away from mine. I kept looking at the beautiful woman in front of me and nodded with a smile. "Yeah," I replied honestly, making Ha-rin laugh a little. Her eyes wandered over my face as she began to hum softly.
"You're weird," she whispered, her eyes narrowing as her face came a little closer to mine. She stared directly into my eyes. My own eyes widened even more, and a blush crept up my face, unaware that Ha-rin was just trying to get a closer look, trying to read me.
But my mind was going crazy. All I could see was Ha-rin's face just inches from mine. Those cold, almost crazed, brown eyes. Her pink, somewhat thin but heart-shaped lips, her perfectly shaped eyebrows, her long lashes, her nose, the mole next to her eye, the mole on her nose. I noticed every little detail...
Pretty woman.
Pretty woman.
Pretty woman.
Pretty woman.
Ha-rin grinned as if she could read my thoughts, as if she knew exactly what her proximity was doing to me. Like... my lip began to tremble slightly.
Ha-rin scoffed mockingly and took a small step back. "What do you think about revenge?" she asked suddenly, throwing her cigarette on the ground and crushing it with her shoe. My cheeks were still slightly red as I tilted my head questioningly.
My eyebrows twitched upward. "Not much. I'm more of a 'let it go' person," I replied honestly, which didn't seem to sit well with the woman in front of me. Her eyes narrowed. "What if you can't let it go?" she asked, making me hum softly. My finger tapped thoughtfully on my chin. "I don't know. I've never felt the urge for revenge," I started quietly as I looked at her, a small smile on my face. "How about you focus on something else?" I suggested, tilting my head to the side. "I mean, you can't let it go if all you do is focus on revenge," I added.
Ha-rin stared at me for a while. A grin slowly spread across her face.
The days passed, and I spent most of my time with Ha-rin. A smile spread across my face as the rather friendly woman sat down beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. Her hand, as if naturally, settled on my thigh. "What's wrong? Tired?" I asked, slightly concerned. "Do you want a coffee? I could order one," I added as Ha-rin lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me with a smile. However, her hand didn't move from my thigh.
"It's fine. Or do you want a coffee?" she asked, making me hum softly. A smile appeared on my face. "Only if you want one," I replied, which made Ha-rin chuckle a bit while rolling her eyes at the same time. I laughed a little and playfully slapped her arm, only to be met with shocked gasps around us.
Before I could ask anything or even turn around, chairs went flying to the floor. My eyes widened as I saw Kim Da-yeon planting her foot directly into the stomach of a fallen Myung Ja-eun, kicking her over and over again. Koo Seol-ha and Bang Woo-yi just laughed in the background, while everyone else looked away.
"Do you like that, you bitch? You filthy little slut? That's what you get for trying to avoid me, you whore," Da-yeon taunted, laughing as she continued to kick Ja-eun, who was desperately trying to shield herself with her arms.
In shock, I stood up. "Stop that!" I shouted, quickly making my way to the back of the classroom. Da-yeon turned to me, a manic grin on her face as she stared at me with wide eyes. "What do you want?" she sneered. "Shut up before I beat you too," Woo-yi chimed in. "It wouldn't even be against the rules since she's rankless," Woo-yi added with a mocking laugh.
"If you don't stop, I'm reporting this," I said more seriously now, my jaw tense as I glared at Da-yeon. I had a feeling she was the leader of their little bullying clique.
I gasped as Da-yeon suddenly grabbed me by the collar, raising her fist in the air. "You dirty littl—"
"Da-yeon," came Ha-rin's calm voice. Her eyes were locked intensely on Da-yeon. "That's against the rules," Do-ah added, her lips pressed tightly together as she gripped the book in her hand a little harder. Da-yeon hissed before shoving me away and sitting down at her desk like a sulking child, arms crossed.
Immediately, I rushed to Ja-eun, my face filled with concern as I helped her up and looked over her injuries.
How could someone do this? And right here in the classroom?
Now I understood...
My eyes widened as Do-ah stood in front of the class, everyone visibly tense. Do-ah drew a pyramid on the board and made sure I downloaded an app called "Pyramid Game." Apparently, there were four levels ranging from A to D, determined by votes. Each person had five votes, but you couldn't vote for anyone more than once, and you couldn't vote for yourself. Those in Rank A had certain privileges, and those in the lower ranks were not allowed to oppose those in Rank A.
But there was also the lowest rank—Rank F. That had always been Ja-eun, since she never participated in the game. My eyes narrowed slightly, but Ha-rin nudged me from beside me. "Don't worry. I'm sure you won't end up in Rank F," she whispered softly, flashing her usual friendly smile.
And she was right...
My eyes widened as I looked at the A rank displayed on my phone. My mouth hung open slightly as I glanced at Ha-rin, then back at my phone. A smile spread across my face. "See? I told you," Ha-rin said with a smirk, placing her hand on my knee and giving it a squeeze. But my smile faded when I saw Ja-eun's name marked with the F rank again.
Weeks passed, and I did everything I could to stop Da-yeon from continuing to bully and harass Ja-eun. Fortunately, I was often there when Da-yeon tried something. We even got a new student named Sung Soo-ji. She seemed to get along well with most of the class, although she kept her distance from Ja-eun.
This shocked me more than anything.
My eyes widened in disbelief as I rushed toward Ha-rin, who had just pressed her cigarette into Ja-eun's hand, forcing a small scream out of the taller girl. With my mouth agape, I grabbed Ha-rin's wrist and immediately sent Ja-eun away. Ha-rin's eyes narrowed as she glared at me.
"Are you out of your mind?" I asked, louder and angrier than usual. I noticed Ha-rin glance at her wrist briefly before locking eyes with me. "What?" she responded indifferently. My eyes widened even more, and I released her wrist. My arm fell limp at my side.
"What?" I repeated, exasperated, letting out a frustrated breath. My brow furrowed. "You... you're just like Da-yeon," I said softly, disappointment and a strange sadness creeping into my voice.
Ha-rin rolled her eyes. "She deserves it. You don't know what she did to me," she hissed, her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed. There was so much... hatred in her voice.
I shook my head. "Stop it, Ha-rin," I said quietly, almost pleading as I stepped closer. My hands instinctively reached for hers. "Please... stop."
Ha-rin scoffed. "Just because you don't like it? Who do you think you are?" she asked, her eyes fixed on me, her jaw visibly clenched.
"I thought I was your friend... apparently, I wasn't," I said, visibly hurt, my eyes fixed on our joined hands as I took a deep breath. I let go of her hands and turned away, ready to walk off.
"Don't move, or you'll end up in F."
My eyebrows shot up as I turned back to Ha-rin. "Then you'll end up just like Ja-eun," she added, a triumphant smirk forming on her lips as she saw me hesitate. I did hesitate, but only because I couldn't believe she'd actually said that.
I stared at Ha-rin, shaking my head in disappointment, before walking away.
"You'll regret this," she called after me.
And she was right.
I ended up in F...
Just like Soo-ji and Ja-eun.
Taglist: @yuyuy90@sixflame438@saysirhc@illithharmony@somedaydream@gayforalll@le3-r1n@yncoreee@wonyoungssi @awgeezwrld @peranoo
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thenethergale · 10 months
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more faces
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omaano · 2 years
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Had a bit of a crisis over trying to draw Boba, so I did the adult thing and did some face studies. Learned a lot, hopefully some of it sticks
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doubleedgemode · 2 months
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Happy summer, everybody!
This has been a big project to take and while there's stuff to improve I'm pretty happy with it. Be sure to zoom in the big picture for details and read the comic from left to right. (Needless to say, please don't try A.B.A's behaviour.. For your safety)
Bonus doodle:
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#a.b.a#paracelsus#slayer#guilty gear#I almost forgot slayer's shirt pattern! I was also supposed to draw his cape floating over sharon to shield her from the sun but...#this whole drawing collection took roughly a month to complete and I forgot. I'm too tired right now#speaking of. it's my first time drawing sharon I hope she's okay!#yes slayer carries and wears in the nose his 200 spf sunscreen from xrds treasure hunt animation :)#as for the big main picture. it left me quite exhausted and I know the lighting leaves a lot to be desired but I'm proud! learnt a lot#first time drawing blue para too. I hope his metallic sheen is alright#more than aba's skin sheen for sure. I'll improve it in the future! btw tweaked a bit her attire's palette from last time and made her keep#the headband cause trying to figure out how her hair would properly fall was a hassle lmao#fun fact: the bird is an european herring gull#the crab is an edible crab and the palm trees are coconut palm trees with no fruit lol#I wanted to draw fan palms which are a kind of palm tree that deserves more love but the leaf shape was so difficult to draw#I did struggle a lot with these two.. they look more like feathers but again. that can be studied and improved in the future#despite all the lows summertime can have for me whenever it's a nice day and we can go to the beach I feel everything is worth it and will#be okay. hope I could translate that here. hi new people I tend to ramble a lot in my post tags#art tag2b named#sharon
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royalnavyart · 3 months
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⚔️ The True Lord of Bebbanburg ⚔️
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I drew Dark Choco with the slit eye thing
Let this be canon Devsis, let him do it
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druid-boy-punk · 5 months
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a bit of a study of my favorite fugitive and criminal <3
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twilightarcade · 9 months
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rouge cg redraw :3
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boyfhee · 1 year
these close up shots r too good
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manglechanbluh · 10 months
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Yes Countryhumans in 2023. Trust me I'm more suprised than you.
So yeah I've tried to make designs that match more my current artstyle instead of the ball head ? I'm not sure if it looks cursed or not. And I couldn't miss the occasion to try to draw traditionnal russian outfit.
France + Spain + Usa shitpost down
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These songs have been brainworming me for too long BUT I would die to see a MAP made with them or smt. Here the links to these master pieces : The Spain one, the Usa one
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brush practice
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nerosdayinanime · 2 years
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trying to figure out how to draw na'vi
#neros art tag#avatar#na'vi avatar#NAVI SMUT?? idk why im surprised but thAT WAS THE FIRST TAG THAT POPPED UP#anyways avatar's my favorite movie & it just now clicked that I Can Draw That Now#unfortunately ive never studied human anatomy in my life and now im jumping into na'vi anatomy so Its Not Gonna Look Good#1st one was no references 2nd one was with references 3rd one was after actually looking up their biology & Studying The References#also as always w me they live in the snowy deserts of the poles#its supposed to be like thick curly hair but with straight strands sorta woven into it and that makes it LOOK straight#but i dont know how to draw that without putting super meticulous detail and drawing every individual added strand so i just made it straig#i had the idea that the animals that live there have long fur to withstand the cold & they add that fur to their hair to make it thicker &#insulating as well. and also wearing the pelts to keep warm#giyuu & makomo's hair is black while sabito's is brown and he found an animal with a weird fur color so he still gets his odd hair color#honestly ive been in my own little echo chamber with kny for so long that theyre nowhere near canon anymore#one of the reasons im so reluctant to post abt any of it#but this is My House for My Enjoyment#need to burn that into my skull#kny avatar au#< another au tag#oh i forgot the hair accessories#another animal they hunt they turn its showoffy-bits into hair pins basically#hhghh *post*#fuck i forgot to tag the Them#tomioka giyuu#kny sabito#kny makomo#giyuu#sabito#makomo
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 8 months
I may have a problem
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