#this was supposed to be just a lil thingy
condomatsu · 1 year
VENT ABOUT HS ACT 6 (a little epilogues and HS2 too)
there's a lot of hate in this post, characters and ships aren't safe, you have been warned.
Everytime i think about what act 6 did to all the characters (ESPECIALLY dave and vriska), i get so much angry i seriously wanna scream.
I dont hate everything about act 6, but it was so GARBAGE. And also seeing that "davekat" moment in the near-end of the comic (after egbert changes the timeline with that juju), it makes me go PURE RAGE! Not just because i fucking hate that ship which really has NO REASON to be canon, but because kk, when hes with dave, acts SO DIFFERENT IN A BAD WAY AND I HATE IT I ABSOLUTELLY HATE IT!
And dont get me start with dave. Its like they wanted to develop his character, but they got lost half way through it. I despise whatever fucking cry-baby dave is in act 6.
Vriska was absolutelly ruined by the end. Her character was going so well!! And then BOOM! Sorry guys, you wanted a redeemed but coherent vriska? Lmao, get fucked. Instead we have this all-problem-solving-friendly vriska, who can solve everything! Even stuff she shouldnt be involved with, like, idk, rose drinking problems???
And no one talks about sollux and aradia, but really: sol finally escapes his responabilities with the game, he doesnt want to have NOTHING to do with it, at all. And of course everyone knows it. But aradia? No, she has to take him to vriska and get him involved again. And he basically cant escape, since he depends on her because hes blind and has to wait feferi and nepeta to get him the fuck out of there. Theres no way aa didnt know sol would have hate being there, but it is implied they havent talked about it until sollux decide to go away. Arent they, idk, fucking moirails?
And beta kids. Ive read again act 1 recently, and they are friends and so lovable with each other. It all get lost during act 6. Its not like they arent friends anymore or they hate each other or stuff like that, but DAMN they sure have changed and still not solved anything!!
And fucking kanaya? Even in the fandom, now she and rose are basically no one if not "the lesbians". Yes, i do ship them, i do love their relationship, but in act 6 they lost their character traits and where reduce just to "sappho lesbian" and "alcoholic lesbian" and thats it.
And the fuckin alpha trolls??? I hate every single one of them, i love only the version of them that i have IN MY MIND and the potential they had and it was compleatelly waste. I 100000% hate kankri and i hate mituna even more, beacuse i remember being intrigued by him: everyone was talking about his sacrifice and how a good person he is and all i saw was this stupid shitty ableist "representation".
And the alpha kids and their stupid fucking disney channel teenagers love problems that go fucking nowhere. Literally only roxy has a character development and a decent arc, the rest SUCK AS HELL.
And lord fucking english. Hes boring af, caliborn is annoying af, but still hes the "main villain"??? And also another -10000 point to dave: he was supposed to beat the shit out of lord english, cuz theyre both time-something, and it was a good way to make dave not a fucking pussy anymore but NOPE! Now hes even lower than he was before!!
And my friends ask me why i dont wanna read the epilogues or homestuck2??? Im fucking terrified here. What the fuck do you want me to read when i know some stuff that happends (because of non voluntary spoilers i found around in the fandom) and all of i know its disgusting??? My n.1 notp becomes canon, nonsense drama happens, rose cheating kanaya!? Jane and jake are together and jane is a cunt!?? Do you really want me to read some bullshit like this???
Fuck everything. Act 6 never happend, the epilogues and hs2 dont exist. Fuck evrything again.
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sunnyd666 · 3 months
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A LIL BIT OF 'FASHION' FUN (head-canons?)
Uzi Likes zip ups, hoodies, and leggings and since she's creative she definitely puts some work into customizing or making her own clothes. This includes painting, stitching, and accessorizing tf out of stuff that she already likes. I wanted to give her finger-less gloves or big ol' arm warmers but I couldn't figure out how to make if work. Scarf is there because why not, they steal clothes off of corpses, she would def grab a scarf.
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V and J have to wear flexible clothing for obvious reasons.
V wears thin, stretchy, and durable material so you'd probably be able to see her little symbol through some of her tops and I just think that flared pants, ruffled or not, would look really good on both her and J. She goes through clothes so easily though, it's not intentional, stuff just rips or gets stained. Her top was originally supposed to be one piece but I said NAAAH. So she got a racer top...halter thingy... with weird lil sleeve bits. I'd love to give her loose sleeves but they'd get ruined so fast :(
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J is all business she gotta have that cropped blazer. (My friend sent a pic to me and I was like THIS IS PERFECT) Her bottoms are based off of these weird leggings that flare out and kinda look like a skirt/garter belt/thigh high combo. I wasn't even planning on drawing J till I saw those pants. I wanted to slap a tie on her but I connected that to needing a dress shirt under the blazer and didn't wanna do that. J def wears business and business casual, cause she's classy like that. Type of person to unironically wear company branded stuff too. She won't ditch her cute hair ties though...why would she?
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Excuse my grammar errors. I am illiterate as hell :(
Warning for flashing lights/colors
Thx to my friends for entertaining me and giving me ideas :3
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waggledoogledoggle · 5 months
⚠️Spoilers for Hazbin ep 4⚠️
⚠️Also, this post will talk about Abuse and SA, it is briefly mentioned a few times throughout the rest of this… whole long thingy I wrote⚠️
⚠️Also, brief mention of the scene where someone tried to drug Angel⚠️
Ok, I am just genuinely baffled at the people who somehow find a way to hate on 'Loser, Baby'.
Like, if you don't like Huskerdust that's fine... but 'Loser, Baby' is not overshadowing/brushing off Angel's SA. It's not victim blaming. And it's not Husk telling Angel to just shut up and get over it.
Like I've seen it so much, and you know what? Fuck it. Welcome to my TedTalk on why it's not all of those things.
For starters: Husk doesn't know about Angel's SA
When Angel has his vulnerable outburst (Side note, props to Blake I mean, they said 'take 5' he heard 'change lives') he talks about how he feels like he has to act the way he does to keep Valentino happy because he stupidly sold his soul to him. That he wants to get drugged up because that’s his escape. That he wants to be broken because maybe, just maybe Val will let him go. He wants to be free, but he can't and he has no one to blame but himself.
"What's the worst part of this hell, I can only blame myself" is literally the pre chorus to his song (Poison), and that is what he shares with Husk.
Not once does he bring up his abuse or SA. If he did, do you think a song would have even happened? Look how Husk reacted when someone tried to drug Angel's drink! Now that Husk actually genuinely cares about him? Dead. Dead. Valentino would be dead.
Us knowing about Angels situation in full is dramatic irony which is, essentially, we as the audience know more/are given more insight than the other characters. We were given the insight of Angel's true trauma that he deals with on the daily. Husk and the rest of the Hotel were not and have no idea what he deals with, the only one that even has an inkling is Charlie and even then we still know WAY more about Angel’s situation than her, so you can't really get upset at Husk for not knowing something he would have no way of knowing unless Angel shared it with him directly.
Moving onto the song itself, it's a song of empathy.
Allow me to explain.
Husk pinpoints perfectly what Angel is feeling in this moment:
"So things look bad, and your back's against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked"
When Husk starts singing, you can tell that Angel is expecting Husk to pull the whole "But that's not true! It's not hopeless! You're life's not wrecked!" and is very surprised when Husk doesn't.
Instead, Husks says "Yeah. You're right." And this is when a lot of the haters get angry- but hold on a second.
When someone is feeling all of those things, saying things like "That's not true! You'll be ok!" aren't helpful at all. That's brushing it off. Even if it may be true, that doesn't help anyone when they're feeling like hopeless, lost, losers.
Because that's sympathy, not empathy. Sympathy is feeling for someone, and trying to make them feel better. Empathy, is not trying to make them feel any certain way- better or worse- empathy is simply feeling with someone. And that's what Husk does.
During the first chorus, Husk is clearly teasing Angel a bit while doing so, but not without good reason. It's keeping Angel from closing back up again, he's being a little bit silly with him and teasing him. I mean, did you see the silly lil walk he did crossing in front of Angel? And Angel is super confused because he's like "how tf is this supposed to make me feel better??"
That's the thing. It's not. That's sympathy's job, not empathy's. Empathy just want's you to feel felt with, it doesn't want to tell you how to feel. And adding that bit of silliness gives Angel's vulnerability a chance to breathe and it prevents Angel from closing in on himself.
The next verse, pre-chorus, and chorus is when the empathy though really kicks in.
The next verse, is the first part of empathy: Sharing about a similar experience you went through.
In this verse, now that Angel is listening not just hearing, Husk shares that he has been gruesomely damaged. Calling back to what he shared literally seconds before the song. That he knows what it's like to sign away your soul, and constantly look back at it with huge amounts of regret. That knowing that moment is what turned him into the mess he is today, and that he has no one to blame but himself. Just like Angel.
Then in the pre-chorus where there's the whole:
"I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!"
That isn't Husk telling Angel to get over himself and this isn’t him undermining what Angel’s been through. That's him saying 'I did too, you're not alone’
And then the very simple word change from "you're" to "we're" in the chorus is SO FREAKING HUGE. Because Husk is essentially saying "You feel like a total loser right now. Ok. Then if what happened to you/what you went through makes you a loser, then I'm a loser too. Let's be loser's together." Instead of trying to make Angel stop feeling like he's a hopeless loser, he decides that he is too.
He meets Angel where he is.
Aka: ✨empathy✨
Angel finally feels seen, understood, felt with. All the goals of empathy. He no longer feels alone in what he is struggling with, which is HUGE! Especially for people going through/dealing with SA and abuse.
The bridge of the song, is also extremely important, because this is where they acknowledge the differences in what they're going through. Their root problem is the same, but how it messed up their lives and created the problems they deal with now are completely different
And that's around when the song begins to shift from just Husk showing empathy and comforting Angel, to them both finding comfort in each other.
Which you can clearly see by the chorus under the umbrella, where it's not just one of them singing the chorus, but it's both of them. Because they have found a place to go to and confide in, a place of comfort, with each other.
Like, I am genuinely concerned that people find this song toxic like... have- have you never experienced empathy before? Are you ok?
So yeah, to wrap this up, if you don’t like ‘Loser, Baby’ just because you don’t like the song in general? That’s fine (odd, but fine)
But if you hate it because it “undermines Angel’s experience and what he goes through” I…
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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devilmademewriteit · 1 year
completely inspired by a gif set u reblogged. Javi helping you into a bullet proof/tactical vest. you’re scared and he just says a gentle “arms up” as he secures the velcro. he’s scared as well, doesn’t wanna lose you, doesn’t want you to get hurt. but it’s like the fear, the adrenaline, has your emotions haywire and you look into his eyes as he takes hold of your hand so gently and tells you that you’re gonna be okay, and you just want to kiss him, and he wants to kiss you too, but then it’s time to go, and he tells you “later”
IDK WHAT THIS IS LMFAO Javi brings the slut outta me
you’ve inspired me anon here is a TINY FIC/DRABBLE YEEEEEEEE
pairing: javier peña x fem!afab!reader
warnings: fem!afab!reader; use of pet name ‘sweetheart’; canon-typical allusions to violence; language; ANGSTY POO
omg I can’t believe there’s no smut. GUYS I WROTE SOMETHING WITHOUT SMUT. I loooove writing my javi tho so while im busting my ass working on Salvatore part 3 feel so free to leave me lil thingies like this.
“Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but—”
It was never supposed to be like this.
It was just a summer job — something safe, boring, admin and agendas and addendums. Should’ve known better, taking a government job in the world’s most dangerous city.
She should’ve known better, taking a government job in the world’s most dangerous city. Shit. My chest feels like it’s on fire, burnin’ through kerosene.
Is she gonna clock how unsteady I am?
Javi’s footsteps echo down the nearby hallway; you recognize them immediately, and their slanted, hard-right-drag-left rhythm. He comes lumbering through the door, cradling tactical gear between his big, bulging biceps. God, you’d had… thoughts about those biceps.
Even now, with the embassy under cartel-siege, it’s oh-so-hard to push away the x-rated daydreams swirling inside your stress-addled mind.
And he doesn’t look scared.
Fuck, she looks so scared.
“Here,” he says, extending the protective vest towards you. Gingerly peeling your hips off of the desk at your back, you extend your fingers to greet and grab at the rough, thick canvas. The sheer weight of it makes your heart lurch into your throat. Neither one of you lowers your hands.
The dark-green-death-sweater you’d seen him wear so many times, cursing yourself for registering, for caring about what it meant.
That it meant Peña — schmoozing, cocky, effortlessly crude Javier Peña — was going into the field.
So neither of you let go.
The stupid vest had always served as a kind of divining rod, leading you both to the real source of your constant bickering, your irritation and the look of mutual, unabashed worry you had shared as a soldier came bursting into the office, panting in tune with the sirens, carrying news of the currently unfolding attack.
Caring without meaning to.
Giving a shit without wanting to.
“I-“ you swallow, trailing off, cursing the swelling bubble forming at neck-breaking speed inside your throat, “I don’t know what to do with this.”
Of course she doesn’t. That one’s on me. ‘Thing like her should never have to wear one of these.
Shouldn’t even have to see one of these.
“S’okay,” he mutters, taking the burden of the gear into his hands, brow furrowing into a look of delicate responsibility. “Turn around.”
Under different circumstances, those words might’ve (embarrassingly enough) enticed a very different feeling from you.
Now, they were simply effective.
Acceding, you rotate, painfully slowly as every hair along your spine lifts, one after the other. Peña shuffles, adjusting both himself and the gear to stand close — too close — behind you.
“Arms up, sweetheart.”
You listen, dragging your arms up into the static air, trying to ignore the soft edge in his voice. It reminds you of something.
Something like resistance.
Stifled want.
Desire with a sock shoved down its bone-dry throat.
And it’s so level, so calm. How is he so calm?
Can she tell I’m totally freaking out?
Your shoulders sag under the weight of the vest. Jesus. It’s so much heavier than you’d imagined. Not quite as heavy as the feeling of doom settling over you, grief from the naive sense of safety you’d walked into work with.
Just this morning.
Javi busies himself with the Velcro, uncharacteristically silent. His knuckles brush the insides of your wrists, and you try to resist it — God, you really do — but all efforts to keep those prickling tears at bay are undertaken in vain.
You quiver slightly, face burning in shame.
Is she shaking?
Gentle, unusually gentle when his fingers wrap around your upper arm, spinning you around to face him once more.
“Look at me.”
You do. His shadowed eyes swim, dance, rage with experience, and you’re left envious, wishing that you’d hardened yourself to the world in the same way. How many times had this man woken up, driven to work, drunk his morning coffee and smoked his morning smoke, accepting that it could be his last?
Knowing Peña, he probably found ways not to think about it.
For sure, he didn’t think about it.
But you did.
Every time that vest came out.
“Everything’s gonna be fine, alright?”
It’s an almost whisper, a mere brush of air against your brow. His own creases in earnestness as he utters the pledge.
“How can you do this for a living?”
You don’t mean for it to come out so rough and jagged, hissing for help like a neglected kettle on the stove. Javi offers you a smile of understanding as though remembering his own first time.
Then, before either of you can stop it, he places the flat of his palm to your cheek.
And you can’t keep from noticing how easily the calloused pad of his thumb molds to your complying skin.
“You get used to it,” he returns, and every word is coated, soaked in the sad, tragic truth. “Though this part’s always hard.”
Nothing exists beyond the smell of tobacco on his breath and the total absorption in his eyes. You’re sure the latter is mirrored in your own, too.
Timid, uneasy, begging him to ease the discomfort for you. “What part is this?”
The part where I lie to you. The part where I bubble-wrap the only thing in this country worth protecting into a shitty, almost useless accessory of war.
The part where I remember—
Is it the part where we remember how easily we could lose each other?
And we don’t even have each other, for God’s sake. Lookin’ up at me as if she can trust me, and the only thing I’ve been able to trust for years is that the moment will come, that moment where it all just gets to be too much and fuck—is this it? Maybe—
This is the part where we—
Kiss her, God, I just wanna fuckin’ kiss her—
“Peña! Time to move!”
Murphy’s voice slices — easily — through the tentative moment of uncertainty. It erodes the softness of Javi’s features into that familiar, hardened stone.
His hand drops from your face, but the tracings linger.
If you couldn’t trust the world outside, maybe you could trust Javi inside. Maybe he’d learned to live without something to lean on, but you weren’t yet prepared to go on—
She doesn’t know how much I fuckin’ need her. Or how many times I’ve tried to say it—and in so many ways—but every time I open my goddamn mouth it just comes out… wrong. Like it’s not enough. Like it’s not true that I can finally fuckin’ breathe when she’s… just… existing around me. Like losing her wouldn’t mean goin’ on—
Faithlessly. Radically accepting the confusing, overwhelming uncertainty of the world.
He clears his throat.
“I’ll see you after.”
Your gaze tumbles down, averting the twinge of dishonesty in his own at his promise.
“Yeah—yeah, see you after.”
He backs away without turning. For a moment, you think he’s gearing up to say something. Something like he always says, like, don’t be a fuckin’ idiot, or use your head or maybe even a smile, sweetheart.
But he doesn’t. He just shakes his head, his dark hair tumbling around and exaggerating his hesitation. Although it hurts, you force yourself to watch as he walks away. How he bows his crown, brings a hand up to anxiously rub at the side of his jaw, the roundness of his shoulder responding and near-bulging under the blue cotton.
Admittedly, a kiss from Javier Peña would’ve been nice.
But to be cradled between those arms, wrapped up in him instead of the goddamn tactical gear squeezing, robbing the air from your lungs…
That would’ve been it.
When this is all over, you think to yourself.
And as Javi greets Steve, apologizing for the delay, the hand squeezing his gun feels strangely empty, haunted by the novelty of touching your burning skin.
When this is all over, he thinks to himself.
Anyways, isn’t that what faith is? Making plans for later, as if anyone’s ‘later’ is promised, a guarantee? As if either of you could count on tomorrow?
Yeah, that’s gotta be it.
Joining the gaggle of scared, hopeless government employees, desperate for reassurance, for the realization blooming inside the depths of your knowing; you pause, letting it hit you, translating it into words…
“—I have it.”
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May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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honeyglz · 1 year
Hear me out. Cowboy!Mha Au.... LIKE C'mon- Farmer!Izu who gives ya the best crops he has tryna win your pretty little heart. Or he helps out around ur place just cause he likes seeing u check him out (God have mercy) Or
Gun Slinger! Bakugou who swears he hates ya but always patrols your land first cause aint no one hurting you + he likes running into ya.
And ur sumth like the sheriff and they r like. Coming every few weeks and terrorising the town to try catch your eye.
And when you do catch one of them its always pointless cause they just flirt the whole damn time then break out the next morning leaving u a little sumth until you meet again.
Dear lord imagine going out of town to visit a friend and you run into outlaw!Shinso and Outlaw! Monoma (lucky u) who dont take you seriously cause cmon darling you dont look like you could put them away if you tried your hardest. (They're on horse and u dont have ur gun, dont blame urself hun.)
They patronises you and kinda ruin ur whole ego because they were rlly mean :( and what if your not a good sheriff ?? What if ur rlly r just a stand in for the real heros?? Was this really worth wearing that stupid star if no one respects you?? "Well sweet's if ya want respect, me and my friend here can show ya what its like to be worshipped" Cut to Outlaw!Izu coming round to tease ya only to find the sheriff's office thingy empty. Weird, your usually on time everyday. Well it has been a few weeks since he's seen you, maybe your schedule changed . He's not very phased, instead deciding to stir up some trouble to try lure you out. Well an hour into robbing the bank and still nothing. He taps his foot impatiently, checking his non existent watch as he huffs, bags of cash in hand as he waits by the door for you to burst in. Another hour passes and by now his hostages are litterally snoring. He's decided he's had enough cursing under his breath as he throws the cash back at the sleeping receptionist because and I quote- "Aint no fun when theyre not here." Cry baby storms out the entrance and kicks the dirt around for abit before calling his horse. Now cut to a few hours later where Bakugou comes storming in only for the receptionist to groan and say- "Pack it up buck they're out of town" Yells and cusses them out for a second before turning his ass around dramatically (his coat thingy swooshing a lil too) doing the same door slam thing. Later that night they both bump into each other at the saloon only to be informed that you were supposed to return home last week, a few days later its printed everywhere in the papers. "Local Sheriff Gone Missing"
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moviestarmartini · 4 months
dumbass. — brahim diaz x reader
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summary: brahim is a huge dumbass who refuses to admit how in love he is.
wc: 1.0k
warnings: basic sentences in spanish/light spanish, brief nsfw scene (18+), suggested unprotected sex (!!! DON’T PLEASE), brahim is a lil dense but we love him anyway, fede, jude and arda giving him shit because of that, happy ending and domestic bliss because i love !! people !! in !! love !!!!
A/N: lol this was supposed to be a really short blurb as i get back to writing + requests but my boy deserves a full thingy !! and the theme song for this one shot has me OBSESSED for the past week. enjoy mis amores xx
now playing . . . enamorado tuyo by el cuarteto de nos
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Brahim was in deep shit.
It was obvious to everyone but him the type of relationship he withheld with you. One that didn’t know any actual labels or agreements, but still had you living at his place full-time ever since he moved back to Madrid leading to your reconnection.
He’d fallen right in again in a matter of days; you still had the bright eyes he’d known for years, the same ability to tease him about the inch he spared from your height, the way you melted as he placed his hand on the crown of your head and brushed the hair flat as if he was almost petting you.
“No jodas. She’s not your girlfriend?” Fede joined in the conversation between him and Jude. “No, no. You’re kidding.”
Brahim’s frown only deepened. Why was everyone surprised by that statement? Jude had been giving him shit for the last hour, Arda gave him the most disappointing side eye he’d ever seen from anyone ever two days ago. He even refused to let him elaborate further.
“That’s why I’m saying! If you could only see the way she looks at you—“ Jude stopped himself, hands up to the sides of his head in frustration, taking a second to gain back his composure. “She looks at you as if you’re the only person on this earth ever. Like you created the length and depth of the sea or something fabulous like… warm water.”
“Now you’re the one joking.” Brahim yawned, shaking his head.
“No. And you’re even worse! Your wallpaper is her. You call her during every break, you never shut up about whatever she’s doing. Vos estás enamorado— no, enamoradísimo.” Fede insisted, flicking his finger in the back of the shorter man’s head.
Brahim swore up and down he wasn’t, having the purpose of putting some distance in between the two of you before clarifying things. He carried a deep frown as he walked up to the BMW driven by you picking him up from training. But at the sight of you smiling from behind the semi-tinted window melted his heart and made him almost skip towards the passenger seat, leaning in to kiss your cheek obnoxiously as soon as the door was shut. His resolve didn’t even last two microseconds by the time he reached your side.
The realization took a few hours to settle and it hit him like a moving truck, buried deep inside you as his slow thrusts squeezed the sweetest moans out of you. And this time, he couldn’t escape it. He couldn’t convince himself when he was drunk in the ecstasy you both found yourselves in.
Brahim could read you and your body like an open book, “I know baby, I know.” He cooed at the moans getting stuck at the back of your throat, unsticking the sweaty strands away from your face. “Just give me one more…” Granting his request you’d pulled him down for a kiss, reaching yet another release, your chest heaving against his as he picked up the pace. Your tongue intertwined with his, and he suddenly felt he was going mad.
Everything about you was perfect; from the way your legs wrapped around his waist to the way you moaned and cried out his name. Your nails marking up his muscular back were enough to push him over the edge, his nose brushing against yours before your lips sloppily linked once he collapsed onto your bare chest. In no less than a five minutes he fell asleep, your heartbeat lulled him to sleep.
But his dreams were plagued with you; most importantly, what he’d experienced earlier that day replaying over and over. He woke up earlier than usual, deciding to bask in the warmth your basal temperature for a little longer. His mind decided to take over, an extensive debate of his feelings over you– characterized by a substantial sense of dread– before the alarm filled up the stale silence. “Buen día,” Your voice was raspy, but carried that sweet essence it always did.
“Buen día mi princesa.” Every doubt he ever had evaporated once more, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “How did you sleep? What are we having for breakfast?” A deep laugh resonated in the four walls as he threw himself over you, peppering your face with short kisses. The way your childish giggles filled the room made his heart swell, blood flow increasing. Your happiness was more than enough motivation to get him up and going for the day.
But the second he tore himself away from you, the thoughts of uncertainty flooded the gray matter once more. You brushed your teeth at the sink, and he’d already started the shower, the whole bathroom filled up with steam.
“Are you in love with me?” Brahim wondered out loud. But you responded with silence, long enough for him to peak his head from behind the protective glass. You met him with a shocked expression, mouth agape and eyes empty from any thoughts. And even with toothpaste around your lips, he found you to be stunning. He felt his stomach dip to the floor; the irrational fear of your reaction being negative suddenly invaded him, and he felt his chest grow heavier.
“Of course I am, are you not?” Then the pressure only grew heavier at how your expression dropped, bottom lip puckering slightly. You had your doubts, even when people spoke of his infatuation towards you.
Then, Brahim Diaz realized he wasn’t in deep shit nor in any kind of trouble. He was in love.
Fully, completely, irrevocably in love with you. If not, your reaction wouldn’t have pained him so much. He wouldn’t have turned off the faucet, reaching for a towel before exiting the cabin. “No, no. That’s not it.” He breathed out, a bitter taste swirling around the back of his throat. Any denial he’d ever presented to the relentless teasing, every scrunch of his nose at the idea of being in love now made him sick, disappointed in himself for ever refusing the obvious.
“I–” He opened his mouth to say, his rosy lips parted as he thought what to say next. You loved the way his teeth showed slightly, like an American Girl doll. “Everyone kept telling me I’m in love with you. And I kept denying it because I’m an idiot but I’m just an idiot in love.” He admitted, reaching to draw you in; closer, intimately. “Te amo, te adoro— tanto que me vuelvo loco— me vuelves loco.”
Your silence yet again alarmed him, but when his eyes met your face, he found you with an expression full of bliss. Brahim just left out a soft chuckle reaching back to massage your scalp once more. “Yo también te amo pero… mami is already asking where’s the ring.”
Now, it was his turn to laugh loudly. You smiled to yourself; it was the best sound in the entire world, at least to you. “It’s coming soon, I promise! Por ti, eso y más, princesa.”
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ganondoodle · 7 months
you know what i just saw some more of that weird ass reward for getting all shrines in totk, and tbh im still so
what is that?? there are no dog like sentient species in this version of hyrule?? the most is the sonau themselves but they got no tails??? i dont think anything in this hyrule has a tail like that? and sonau legs are pretty normalish human too areant they? they dont even have proper claws, just veguely longer fingernails- i guess there are the statues in the underground that kinda look like it (they dont got tails either tho do they??) but like ,,, theres nothing you can learn about them right? its never mentioned or even hinted at despite there being so goddamm much of the sonau still just up and functioning- their lil "material deposits" in the depths arent even withered beyond some plants growing on them, all their 'tech' (isnt it just .. magic tho? where the mechanism actually? its usually just some stone animated by green swirlies ... but ill mention that in another post) just runs perfectly like it was made yesterday
where does that thing come from?? and its supposed to the the HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? huh????? and its decked out in sonau clothing head to toe with clear gerudo refs too?? that so weird bc youd feel like there would have been some mention of this, especially considering that that thing is on the tapestry and impa(was it her? or purah?) RECOGNIZES ITS THE HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? like, CASUALLY even?? like a well known fact ?? did i miss some big lore part somewhere that talked about that dog gerudo sonau thing?? and if its on the tapestry that means it wasnt that long ago really (i mean ... all the sonau shit is still pretty much fully intact so arguing that they came and went in the time between totks past and botws past isnt that plausible either imo ..??) o how come you never see anything from that and yet its somehow completely known for them, and you cannot tell me she saw the abstract version of the hero and then looked at that armor and went thats the same bc two colors veguely matched or what?!! also given that its fully clothed in sonau stuff .. like the arms are literally raurus bracelets .. thingies, but then the sonau where supposedly a complete and unknown mystery until it suddendly came all raining from the sky and revealing its been there and EVERYWHERE the whole time apparently? with the most we knew was some flimsyly made stereotypical barbaric armor set in faron in botw? which i guess is also fully undone by totk since it shares absolutely zero in desing to the 'actual' sonau stuff we got in totk
and if it where some sort of descendant from the mix of kids rauru and sonai kinda .. must have had (unless they did away with zeldas bloodline stuff too .. which .. why even call it zelda anymore at this point lol) then again, where did those features come from (like the tail and red hair, the strange googly eyes? is there a mix of goron in there too??) and how was it then not documented or seen anywhere else?? youd imagine the mutant kids of the first tragically dead king and queen of this hyrule would be known in some way .. that is assuming it was that, but given the weird features no other species has still is ... it just doesnt add up
(i had the awful thoguht for a second that it might supposed to mean the gerudo came from that but .. the gerudo are already there LITERALLY the 1:1 same as in the present, just like all the other species ... which is also disappointing as hell, like seriously? not even different feather colors for the rito? literally the same clothing for the gerudo as in botw but white with golden stuff instead?? some vaguely different zora features? idk ? anything? also the hero would never be gerudo, we know only evil comes from that *explodes*)
if its supposed to be a mystery then they absolutely failed in making it any interesting or intriguing but still something that feels like its part of the world, like botw was very good at giving you mysteries you wanted to talk and theorize about that still felt organic, harmonic with the world, but in totk its all either boring answers or just ... completely out of nowhere and just kinda stumps you (in a bad way)
*sighs* yet antoher ramble rant, this game could have had it all, it was right there on the plate in front of them all they needed to do is grasp at it, why wouldnt you ..
totk will never not frustrate me huh ಠ_ಠ
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Can i request platonic hc rottmnt little sibling reader who's admiring their older brother leo?
Like they love how cool he is, how calm in stress situations & how he even outsmarted big mama in battle nexus champion and counted for EVERYTHING.
Reader is trying their best to be just like them and this warms leo's heart and help him emotionally since reader is trusting him & looking up to him.
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ok so
he has self-esteem issues and- you wanting to be like him???
it helps his mental/emotional health so much not even kidding
means absolutely everything
don’t stop mk? mk
shows off for you ALL. THE. TIME. (it usually ends badly)
it annoys the crap out of his siblings
oh my god
means so much
he is SO smug about it on the outside tho
but inside
and the trusting thing?
someone actually looks up to him??? and trusts him???
extra sibling points for you
he’s so used to his family NOT trusting him with plans it’s expected at this point but then his little sibling is ACTUALLY showing trust and love and even wants to BE LIKE HIM?.???
he’s platonically in love
youre now his favorite sibling
you definitely play with his odachi pretending to be him when he’s not around
but when he saw you??.?
ducking. melted.
ABSOLUTELY teaches you how to use them bc he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself
if you hurt yourself he will drop the smug-ass act and tend to your wounds which he learned from donnie
will ‘scold you’ (tells you not to do that even tho it wasn’t on purpose)
then immediately goes back to teaching you
loves it sm
means absolutely everything
will protect you with his life
i mean he would before but ESPECIALLY now
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bonus blurb thingie for being one of the first 3 requests below !!
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you watched leo with awe in your eyes as he took down another foot clan member, his swords swing gracefully in the air as he decapitated the paper fiend, your eyes widening in wonder from behind the box as he did so. ok, so you weren’t technically supposed to be here. your brothers didn’t think you were ready to fight yet, which you were mostly fine with, but you just had to see your big brother leo in action!! he was your idol, basically. you looked up to him so much, he was just so awesome! you’d trust him with your life. i mean, you’d trust all your brothers with your life. but specifically leo. so, here you were. hiding behind a bunch of boxes and watching your brother kick ass. what could be better? well, maybe if that foot clan member hadn’t noticed you… the member’d snuck up behind you, ready to attack, unnoticed to you. you were too busy watching your brothers. until leo looked straight at you, his eyes, flashing to concern and worry as he used his swords to create a portal and jump through it. you tilted your head in slight confusion before you heard a noise behind you, you immediately turning around to see what it was. which was when you saw leo jump out of a portal and onto the foot clan member that was about to attack you. he swiftly cut the paper fiend in half, the paper bits flying around. after getting over the slight shock, you ran over and hugged leo, despite yourself. he jumped back, surprised before hugging you back. before he even had the chance to ask if you were alright, you’d already started singing his praises. “leo!!! that was awesome!!! thank you so much!! that was like- like amazing!! you’re like the best brother ever!! i’m gonna like- i-i’m gonna be like exactly like you when i’m older!!” as you rambled on, leo could feel his face heat up. he was awesome? someone wanted to be like- like him? you just gave the the confidence boost he didn’t know he needed. he didn’t say that, of course. he put on a smug smile and slung his arm around your shoulders, cutting off your rambling. “yep, i’m awesome~ c’mon lil sib, let’s get donnie to check on ya-“ “i’m fine-!” ”mmm, we’ll see…-“
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hope you enjoyed! thanks for requesting !!
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ivory0 · 1 year
# you said it was a great love, one for the ages
pair : miles morales x desi!reader plot : deciding to do an art swap (?) w ur bf miles! format : short headcannons (that are kinda eh) note: mb if i got anything wrong lol! i am desi myself but might get some cultural thingies wrong just lmk and ill fix em!! ehehu live laugh love miles morales :3 best boy
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★ whole thing started due to a art project that was assigned when u both were in studio arts class and he was actually the one who asked to partner up with him do an art swap! first u were skeptical but ayt, u gave in.
★ u both didn't tell each other about what ya'll came up with until the day u were supposed show each other the work. u guys met in the park and wow.
★ miles probably sketched you, inked then used his alcohol markers combined with his paint markers to create a detailed portrait of u! honestly u were giggling and showering him with compliments before finally out of nowhere, dragged him to some bench in the park, sat down, had a focused look and stared at him that even he started to sweat drop. "Ay, Ma watchu doing?" he asks with an eyebrow raised as you bring out the tada!! henna cone!!
★ u then explain to him your plans about the art swap, how you were gonna use henna on his hands to decorate it! it was an ancient art form used in desi & other cultures and he was so hyped up when u explained the lore and meanings behind certain henna designs!! (e.g the sahasrara a lotus-like symbol that represents unity and is usually located on the palm!)
★ it wasn't cultural appropriation as the intent was for it to be shown as a form of cultural appreciation instead :-)
★ dude was taken a lil aback by the scent of the henna paste but not in an icky way but in an "this sh kinda strong ngl"
★ HE WOULDN"T STAY STILL nuh uh, miles made u so frustrated that u literally looked him dead in the eye and- "stay still or else imma draw squiggly worms that will look like doodoo stained on your skin for a few weeks >:(" and that had him still as a rock with a nervous expression as u kept working
★ after u were done he looked at his hands and straight up gasped and went on about how cool this was!! "how long will this take to dry?" and that's where it went downhill... mf didn't have enough patience like?? but before he could do anything u quickly took a picture that u later printed out and showed the professor
★ after years (his words) the stain dried and he scraped it off instead of washing because apparently it was "more fun" than just easily washing it away
★ at the end u tossed him sum chocolate prolly reeses or snickers idk because he tried his best to stay still and not ruin anything!!
★ the stained looked pretty good but got darker a few days later he didn't mind tho it looked dope!
★ 10/10 fun experience w ur creative milesy but next time bring more candy w u so u can bribe him better to stay as still as a rock !!
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
Well fuck me, i just spend an hour looking through my liked posts, to find that one angst Damian and Danny twins. Still didn't find it. Imma describe it lil more bellow, but if anyone knows what prompt I'm talking Abt pls tell me, imma tag it in the morning.
Prompt: Danny and Damian twins, but they hate each other. I think in the og post there were two versions, like Danny hoping Damian likes him now, but Damian tries to stab him, or both of them hating each other. I didn't take any route, i just wrote this prologue thingie. I think i might continue this, but if anyone gets inspired, feel free to add anything?
Something Abt Danny and Damian hating each other (or Damian hates Danny, Danny... Tried to survive, and later Damian regrets everything and Danny is bitter/scared of Damian) just scratches this part of my brain. Anyway yee that's all
Danyal al Ghul was gone.
His body was left to rot in some abandoded bunker. His grave empty, because Damian never bothered to bring his body back. His name deleted from every record, no failure has place between the best.
Damian didn't remember much about him. He knew his brother looked similar to him, they were twins after all. He was also pretty sure the younger one was shorter than him, though that couldn't be correct. There weren't any memories of Danyal being sick, so how could he be shorter than Damian? There was also the distinct impression of an awkward smile, but he might've mixed the memories up. Why would his twin wear such an unsure (pathetic) expression (grimace)? He was also the son of the demon, even if he was a failure. There is no such a place for weakness.
No, it must have been someone else. Damian had another clearer memory where his face was perfectly neutral. There is no reason to make such a face, if you are able to hide it.
Though that... Wasnt correct either?
Richard had recently taken to try and explain more about how their family functions. He reasoned that surely the League and Batman work diffefently, giving Damian many sound arguments. Yet he was sure the real reason for these... Lessons, was to explain more about the mundane side of things.
In one of the evenings spend arguing with the older man over the most idiotic things (if Drake was acting stupid, obviously he deserved a knife thrown at him), Damian somehow found himself talking about his annoyance, with his family uselessly emoting. How is Damian supposed to know, when they are truly proud of him, when they are truly disappointed, when they always show all of their emotions? How is he supposed to see which one is just them being weak, and which one is true?
His brother looked at him. There was pity in his eyes. And guilt. And pain. Damian wished Richard wasn't his brother.
Richard explained it. He spoke of emotions, and how they are natural, and none of them are false.
Damian didn't understand. He's not sure if understabds them now. But. If no emotions are false. And none of them make him weak. [Than why did mother taught them]
He doesn't like thinking about it.
But he hates thinking about Danyal more.
All his supposedly true emotions don't make sense. He... He feels his chest fill up with warmth when he thinks of him. He feels similar pain as when he is hungry in his chest. A strange mist falls and chokes his mind, whenever he is even reminded of his younger twin.
And there is bead of pure hatred inside his lungs, hating his crooked smile, detesting his small hands and despising his bright eyes.
[Wishing death on himself for not remembering their color. How could he forget his own twins eye color? Why does he only remembers the disgusting lightness making his stomach churn, their ugly staring at all his faults, wishing him fail]
Damian is quite sure Richard lied. There is no way all these foolish emotions are true. They don't make sense by themselves, how can they make sense mixed together? And after all they aren't strong enough to overcome hus brilliant self control, so they cannot be that true.
Or they weren't, until he caught the eye of a stranger.
A stranger with bright eyes.
With an awkward crooked smile, but other wise empty face.
A stranger with their hands playing with their shirt in obvious show of nerves
A little shorted than himself and...
A face almost the same as Damian's.
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gojocumdumpster · 8 months
Hiiii! Can I request our cute lil Cosmo teaching reader how to grapple/jiu jitsu moves? Then things get a bit steamy and one thing leads to another… (Some of the bjj positions HAVE SO MUCH SMUT POTENTIAL IM SORRY)
I don’t mind if reader is a total beginner or has some mma foundation, but if it’s okay w you, I prefer reader to be a gurlie. Thankssss~
I like where this is going ngl😭 send more request guysss
idk what grapple is so i’ll just do wrestling if that’s okay?
Type of story: 🔥
Afab reader
Warnings: Sex,climax,sweat,tits and nipples,moans and groans
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Today was the day, you signed up for a private trainer idk what they’re called to help teach you fighting skills. You hadn’t gotten into much fights after you graduated high school and college but it was time to learn how to actually fight, you were decent at punches but not good enough. Ring…Ding…Ding!!! you rolled your eyes as you heard the annoying sound of the alarm go off. “Fuck..what time is it?” you said whispering to yourself. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand, took it off the charger and stoped the alarm. On your phone it said 9AM, “Finally I woke up on time.” you said hopping out bed, you headed to your bathroom and took your shower.
You brushed your teeth and did your daily skin routine..now it was time to figure out what you were going to wear. “Was I supposed to buy a kartate uniform?” you said walking back and forth. “Oh well.” you said grabbing your outfit. (leggings and an athletic crop top) You changed into your outfit and headed to the kitchen, “i’ll just take a protein bar..” you put it in your bag along with your iced water bottle, you grabbed your keys and headed out your apartment complex. You had arrived, he had his own personal training gym thingy it had a gym, cafe, swim area, and more. In the back was personal training rooms with either a personal trainer, groups, dous, trios, or just by yourself.
You walked in and headed to the reception center, “Hi! I had booked a personal trainer session for 10:00AM?” you said to the receptionist with your gym bag. “Yea, for cosmo?” they said typing your information in the computer, “Yes for cosmo I think that’s his name.” you said. “Okay he should be ready just walk all the way down and take a right and down those hallways you should see room B308 it’s the last one.” they said looking at you smiling. “Okay thanks!” you said making your way down, as you made your way down you saw lots of people training, i’m pretty sure there was lots of bodybuilders. You had walked down the hallway and saw B308, you took a big breath and walked in. There you saw a blonde muscular man stretching on a mat. “Well, hello there.” he said getting up to greet you. “Hello! You must be cosmo i’m guessing?” you said, “Yep that’s me!” he said shaking your hand.
After you guys talked for a while it was time to stretch before getting into the real deal, he helped you stretched but every once in a while he would run his hands down your body and squeezing the plush of your hips to “help you stretch”. After that he had asked you some questions “Have you ever wrestled before?” and other questions relating to that. Of course you said no but it wasn’t professional wrestling, “Okay! show me what ya got.” he said before getting into a wrestling stance. “Just pretend he’s your younger siblings you got this y/n just wrestle how you wrestle your siblings..” you said in your head. You took a deep breath before charging at him, before you could even exhale you were already on the ground.
You weren’t gonna give up that easily, so you tried to push him off of you since he was sitting on top of you, you tried to roll over but nothing was working. Eventually you just had to give in, he put both hands on the side of your head and hovered over you, slowly he lowered down until his nose touched yours. He then slowly went in to kiss you. You had some experience since this wasn’t your first time, he got off of you and began taking off his shirt. There you saw a body that you only saw in the magazines. “You like what you see?” he said smirking at you. “Mhm..” you said licking your lips. He had token your clothes off and you were left in your panties, he trailed his hands down your body as he played with your tits fondling with your nipples.
Whimpers we’re coming out of your mouth non-stop, you were just so desperate to get to the main part…”P-ple-please fu-fuck me” you said looking at him with dazed eyes. “Hmm? Speak up.” he said smirking at you. “Please fuck me!” tears were building up as you were getting anxious to get fucked, he slowly took off your panties revealing your soaked cunt. He folded you in half with your legs next to your head and he had also token his boxers off and he was trimmed, with a flushed pink tip. He rubbed against your lips before slowly sliding in, “Fuck..” he groaned before slowly thrusting at a steady pace.
The room was filled with moans and groans, he kept at a steady pace before he flipped you over and put you in doggystyle position there he thrusted at a face pace “Mmmh! F-fuck Co-cosmo!” you said panting as you couldn’t catch your breathe, “I’m close fuck.” he said panting as he put his head down as he felt himself coming close to a end and so we’re you, you felt a unfamiliar feeling normally you never felt this good when you came but this was different. “Fucking cum, cum, cum” he repeatedly said. “T-to much co-cosmo fuck! I’m coming!!” you said before letting out a loud moan, soon cosmo followed right after you. You guys were both a sweaty mess, “I guess you can call this wrestling?” cosmo said chucking at you.
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not-goldy · 8 months
I always see armys especially shipper army saying use 'partner' as we don't know their sexuality. But then why should we ? When even JK, like all of the boys, use girlfriend and female pronouns in songs and while addressing army? Here JK didn't even knew what was gender of the army commented but he automatically assumed it's a girl because they called him boyfriend. So I assume in his dictionary ome who calls him boyfriend = girlfriend. Not very queer of him tbh.
Don't do that. Don't be angsty for nothing.
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He literally just explained Army = his girlfriend cos he technically has no girlfriend. So he's Army's boyfriend.
It's like an inside joke thingy now between him and Army don't be weird 🙄
BTS call Army their girl friends all the time. They call them wifeys, future wifeys and even best friends. And though interviewers try to normalize the whole 'girl friends' thingy to imply that BTS could all be straight Namjoon has been mindful to not affirm such biases
But he has a command over the English Language and can understand subtext and nuances better than the others.
Some times he tries to assist them with the language and I suppose explain some of these nuances to them like said bout Tae.
Not to say he doesn't know what he's doing but I think with little more experience into the game he would deploy the tool of language to effectively communicate his feelings and his thoughts.
Unfortunately, hetnormative language is the default setting until idols take positive steps to be inclusive.
Also let's not try to make him look dense or tone deaf or appear as that he lacks awareness about these things and how it affects a pocket of his fanbase, he's been to Harry Styles concert, worked with lil Nas X, Halsey and other queer dancers and artists and should reasonable be expected to be aware of some of these conversations.
My point is, you can't invalidate who he is. He's the same person who insists on challenging gender norms through fashion and expression and the same person who agreed to date a male fan.
When he said courage he knew exactly WHAT THAT MEANT.
You can think whatever you want of him but a single moment of his life where he jokes around with his fans does not undo his advocacy for inclusivity and consistent effort to influence and change the narrative around gender and gender expression or even sexuality.
In the famous words of a renowned Poet and philosopher, SET JUNGKOOK FREE HEE HEE
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You don't really care about him
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
Today I’m thinking maybe a lil Spencer x reader, annoyance to lovers (to smut el oh el)!! Tension building with a case or maybe after a case, reader and Spence were butting heads the whole time and something just SNAPS! Things follow afterwards 👀💅
Please tell me if this is out of the requirements for your extended blogversary! I cant find the post you normally send out when you have a theme night :/ LOVE YOU THO!! BYEEEE
I love this bestie, I love the tension, I love the lead up, I love the slowburn. I LOVE YOU. No smut but definitely very flirty and spicy.
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I can't tell if I hate him or if I just want to fuck him.
He's so stupid but not in an intelligence way- no- he's stupid handsome and stupid cute, stupidly attractively intelligent in ways that makes my brain and heart melt. He doesn't even realize he's doing it half the time, when he's propping his chin on his fist and the veins on his arms bulge- he doesn't understand the female mind and the way of our attraction.
But something tells me he's starting to learn what makes me squirm but there's a sense of cockiness that he exhibits whenever he can see me shift in my seat or press the back of my hands to my cheeks to see how warm they are. He understands body language and he seems to understand mine.
But it's so hard to feel good about him being so cocky when he's just so cocky about it. Subtly sure, I'm the only one who realizes it because he wants me to know that he knows.
What an ass.
"You seem mad?" Spencer asks, stepping off the plane and onto the tarmac beside me, running a hand through his hair that blows perfectly in the wind. Of course he looks like he just walked out of a movie.
"Oh, is that right, genius?" I snap, folding my arms across my chest as we wait for the car to get here to take us to the BAU so we can all go our separate ways.
"Oh you are mad." He realizes, moving to step in front of me so he can looks down at me more clearly, nose scrunching as he tries to keep his glasses on his nose. "Why?"
"You piss me off sometimes, Spencer." I admit, the fire in my belly only growing as a smile slips across his lips but vanishes as soon as he seems my jaw clenching out of frustration. I half expect him to grill me on why I shouldn't grind my teeth but maybe if he'd strop grinding my gears I wouldn't be so frustrated.
"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? Is this about the plane- I really didn't mean to offend you." He says, reaching out to place a hand on my upper arm, surprising me as I look down at his hand.
"You didn't." I huff, suddenly feeling bad for my aggression. "You're just infuriatingly cute." I can feel my cheeks heating up at my confession and I'm quick to look away from him before I can process the words that actually just left my lips.
"Oh." He smiles softly, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck but he doesn't turn and run away like I imagined he would. "You're mad at me because I'm cute." He reiterates but I hold a finger up to him with a glare.
"I'm mad at me because I think you're cute and I'm supposed to be the one with the higher ground." He grins, brows pulling together in a look of confusion.
"Higher ground...?" He trails off with a hefty pause as the cars pulls up in front of us. "Between us? You definitely do. It's hard to keep up with you." He admits with a gentle blush and I gasp, suddenly feeling that sense of pride that I typically feel towards our relationship/friendship/whatever it is we have going on between us.
"Yeah?" I ask with a smile. "Well good."
"Do you find me intimidating?" He asks, reaching out to open the car door for me, slipping into the car after me, leaving us alone. The rest of them must've taken the other car... leaving us conveniently alone.
"Yes." I answer simply, gulping as he stretches his arm along the back of the seat, his hand resting gracefully behind my head.
"Why?" He asks but the cocky smirk that toys on his lips lets me know that he knows just why he's intimidating to me.
"Because you're smart and handsome and look at me like that." I laugh nervously, reaching up to place a hand on my forehead as I move my eyes to look out the window to ease my anxiety. "And every time you call me out or correct me, I want to punch you but also kiss your stupid face."
"Then why don't you?" He asks, eyes softer than they were just moments ago and I let myself grin, hand reaching out to pat his thigh teasingly.
"Because it wouldn't stop there."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres
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therend · 10 months
I mean. We already know Crowley was a Very Powerful Angel because he was creating stars and he had access to the file thingy and he STOPPED TIME in season one when Aziraphale definitely couldn't come up with anything etc etc. And Aziraphale is just some lil dude? And I'm talking solely based on the show, not any religious rankings, but literally every angel we see in the show – except for Muriel – seems to rank higher than him. He was supposed to lead a number of angels in the Apocalypse That Wasn't but even then he was being scolded by this random dude handing out uniforms. Why would The Metatron want him? I mean he did sort of babble about Aziraphale being "a leader" (literally where did he get that from) and his "honesty" and so on but it definitely doesn't explain why he chose to come to Aziraphale with the position? He said there's only one person fit for that job, and even Aziraphale himself didn't think there was a chance it would be him. I might be missing something but have we ever seen anything that indicates Aziraphale might be of any particular importance to heaven? I don't think so! At least not the way Crowley (or who he was Before, and what he's still capable of) might matter. I have no idea what they're trying to do but maybe Crowley is potentially Too Powerful to just be on Earth unsupervised. They want to lure him in and destroy him somehow, and the best way to do that is through Aziraphale. This is the only way I can make sense of The Metatron's whole deal, at least for now.
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PJO show review (because you care)
hmm I think the time has arrived for me to put my thoughts into words on this bad boy. Ive had some thoughts swirling around since the show finished but i felt like i needed to sit on them before putting them out into the big wide world.
I think the show was mid.
before we get up in arms- mid does not mean bad!! theres countless shows which are worse, and some that are better. honestly, mid means more interesting. lets do a good old fashion pros and cons list:
LOVED the casting. I think the casting was spot on- uncle rick did not disappoint in that category. age, appearance, demeanour, everything was working for me. I honestly agree with every single casting choice. (even lin-manual miranda ik ik)
Contrary to popular belief, I think the pacing was good. I'm not mad they cut scenes from the book. I think it'll encourage more people to read it. game of thrones did a similar thing (cut a bunch of scenes) and I think it helps preserve the independence of the two PJO mediums. Ya some scenes would've been cool but I'm not totally pissed about any cuts.
Set was good. set design felt authentic without trying too hard. No one really mentions the set when they review the show but like the set was really good?? CONS The biggest con for me is that it felt like they undercut Annabeth ALOT. shes supposed to be the wise girl, but for some reason sally was the one telling percy about the mythology? and hes telling it to annabeth? huh? and grover also seems way more knowledgeable than her. I was really disappointed by this theme- especially because it seemed to come up often. the only scene where she really showed her smarts was in the hephestus amusement park gate-trap thingy. it made her character seem under-powered compared to percy. Also she didnt use her dagger enough imo.
the show vs tell issue. this has been brought up alot so I wont go into it too much but ugh. I understand the show is aimed at kids but kids deserve good media too. kids aren't dumb. they can afford to let the episodes go a little longer to allow some of those plot points to build! give the watchers a sense of mystery then the satisfying feel of discovery! I noticed this especially in the lotus casino episode. I wish they didnt tell us about the lotus flowers right off the bat. the scene could have been so much better with that little change.
The delay on season 2! this isn't even just me being an impatient fan I have a genuine worry they actors are gonna age up too much. they all already look older and I just hope they wont have to age up the characters. esp for season 3- which they should get renewed ASAP since it should take place in the winter after season 2. not so much the teams fault but I hope they wont get too rushed by the timeline. esp since i know it's important to rick to have age-accurate casting.
overall I thought the show was mid to well-done and if season 1 is the worst season we might have a great lil' show on our hands. also disney pls renew season 3!!!! i pinky promise i'll watch it.
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