#this wasn't even a huge thing but my heart dropped like what the fuck
dormiloncito · 7 months
ok i wasn't doubting it but i'm convinced new vegas is a great game
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girlscience · 5 days
the adrenaline rush after talking to someone who gives you severe anxiety but the conversation went super well and was super helpful: unparalleled
#yes this is about my grad advisor#yes I knew he gave me anxiety before I joined his program#yes he has given me a huge number of stress dreams since taking ecology lab with him in undergrad#it's okay!!!! it's totally fine and facing your fears by forcing yourself to be in proximity to the stressful thing is like healthy and shit#right????#(he isn't creepy or whatever he just constantly seems disappointed in you lmao and it freaks me out 😅😂)#anyway I have been super worried about figuring out my grad project/thesis#and he basically just told me I don't even need a direction to head yet#I have time to figure it out. around august I need to have some idea of like lakes or rivers or streams#maybe an idea of if i want to do some kind of management or conservation question#what I'd like to work with. historical data. ecological catastrophe data. habitat data. how are invasive species affecting communities data.#and so on and so forth and then we can develop a question together that I can work on for the next two years#he just wants me to learn right now and he thinks by next year he wants me running LTEF which would be cool as fuck#and I am so here for#ANYWAY I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER#I actually was unable to sleep last night because I was so worried about this#was going 'maybe I should quit now cause I don't know anything and I will never know anything and idk what I'm doing'#and like 'this was a mistake and I'm letting everyone and myself down and I can't undo it and I moved and everything'#'and now I'm going to completely bomb and drop out and never get another job and I'll have to go live in the woods'#'and never speak to anyone ever again because I'm a failure'#BUT I HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT#YAYYYYYYYYYY#anxiety can eat my ass!!!! I can conquer any problem!!!!! nothing can stop me!!!!#(also the fact I held a whole conversation with him by myself with no one else around is something I am proud of)#(and by the end my heart wasn't even pounding or anything 😌)
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bigwishes · 7 months
Muscle BULL
(at time of writing muscle bull won the vote so I hope you enjoy)
Mikey took one last picture in front of the gym mirror, showing off every bulging muscle of his tight and toned frame. He typed his wish into the ask box "I wish for a change (but I wanna keep my muscle)" and looked into the mirror waiting for his changes to begin.
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As soon as he pressed send Mikey felt his body begin to pulse and swell. He heard the sound of his skin stretching as his muscles swelled up underneath. Mikey grabbed his pec feeling it bulge and swell bigger, the pulses of growth matching his heart beat.
"ah, fuck yeaahhhh" Mikey moaned flexing in the mirror.
The growth began to slow down, Mikey put on some cloths feeling them tight over his massive body, unable to stop flexing to himself and laughing at how muscle bigger he had grown. He left the locker room to test his new massive body in the gym.
After an hour in the gym Mikey realised he had lifted a barbell maybe once. He was too busy staring at his massive frame in the gym mirror. Other guys around him looked puny, he looked almost over grown but he loved the size.
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Mikey took a deep breath flexing again but feeling something strange in his pelvis. A butterfly like sensation stirring in his groin, Mikey looked down and moaned watching as the fabric around his dick expanded and stretched out. His eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip watching it expand and grow bigger. Mikey got up and left the gym, in such a rush he forgot his bag, he got in his car feeling another surge of growth. Driving home as fast as he legally could Mikey anxiously rubbed his groin feeling a surge of pleasure as he touched it. He wanted to lift up his waist band but was even more desperate to enjoy himself as soon as he saw what was under it.
Mikey pulled up in his driveway getting out of his car, feeling what felt like his balls now so big they rubbed against his thighs. Suddenly another pulse of growth washed over his groin.
"AWWWW FUCCKKKKKKK" Mikey moaned out falling back to lean on the side of his car.
Mikey tried to run to his door but it was more of a waddle feeling the squeeze in-between his legs, Mikey shut his door and leant against it, staring up at the ceiling he moaned feeling one last massive surge. **RIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP**
Mikey heard his gym shorts tear apart and felt his underwear snap. Mikey let out a excited laugh looking down at his new package but it wasn't his dick that he saw. Mikey's face quickly soured as he saw a massive pink udder sagging in place of where his dick would be.
"w..w...w-WHAT THE FUCK" Mikey started to panic, grabbing onto one of his new four dick.
Another sudden pulse hit him and Mikey watched as his new sagging udder swelled up even more he felt it become tight, and then painfully tight, completely full.
Mikey slid down against his door until he was sitting on the floor. He placed both his hands around the massive round udder. All four of his dicks began to leak pre.
"oh god...what the fuck do I do with this thing"
Mikey started jerking one of his dicks, his head fell back slamming against the door as he felt the best pleasure he's felt in his entire life. It was barely 30 second before he came and his dick squirted cum over his chest and wall. Mikey couldn't help but move onto the next one, feeling the intense pleasure, and again and then again. By the time he finished one another was rock solid. Mikey stood up wiping the cum off his massive body, moaning at his full cock udder than still felt like it was gonna burst.
Mikey walked to his bedroom and saw his huge body in the mirror, he flexed and posed his new huge muscles, he was the biggest man he's ever seen. His body took up most of his mirror and his giant hand struggled to hold his phone. His eyes wondered down his enormous frame.
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Mikey let out a deep sigh dropping his phone on the ground. He stared at the massive cock udder that was now the size of a beach ball. He wrapped both his hands around his, jiggling it up and down hearing sloshing from inside. The four dicks instantly became hard from the slightest touch. Mikey have it a slight squeeze watching as all four dicks squirted cum onto his mirror.
"Oh god, I look like a fucking cow..."
hope you ladz can enjoy this one, its been a while and I'm trying to get back into the swing of it all.
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simplydnp · 2 months
be honest with me. what are the chances of a hard launch in june
anon this question goes back years. and the thing is. we have been right once before.
you ask me this this time last year? fuck no. i might even quip that dapg would come back before dnp would hard launch. well. look at us now.
and even then, you look back on the content they started with in the revival--it honestly kind of felt exactly like where we left off, only a lot more explicitly queer (we stan). and then... trying to see without my glasses 2. and bang, spooky week happened. and that shifted the balance. we suddenly got slo-mo replays of handholds. day, after day, after day, finishing with the absolute masterpiece of halloween baking cinnamon rolls. in all honesty it was so much more than i'd've ever expected from them. truly another post-baking universe.
and it never really slowed down. suddenly we had cat prom photos, catboy butlers, catboy dan w/ phil photography credit, theyre 'wrestling' --running us full throttle into gamingmas, the first since 2017. and every day we had a new thing to freak out over: standing close. golf jokes. and then... pinof reacts. i don't know what compelled them to do it but i do have speculations. genuinely, i think they wanted to defang a lot of their history. we treated pinof 1, especially, with this... reverance. and it wasn't talked about too publicly--and dnp didnt do it either. so if they really wanted to move on, to bring down the walls, open the floodgates, define this new era: they had to throw the first stone. and they did. quite heartily too. suddenly this almost taboo part of their history--almost too intimate to be perceived--was on the table. and we were talking about it. joking about it. giving clear signals of 'we see it, it's okay.' and suddenly we existed in a post-pinof reacts world. of anything, i would've never predicted they would've done that. absolutely wild. follow that with it takes two being so chill and fond. incohearant being so blatant and heartfelt. trombone champ being unhinged and chaotic. the genuine and sweet complimenting of each other in the red carpet video. devan wedding... happilyphoreverafter... we crashed forward in time. never knowing what would be next. where is the line? how far will they go.
they teased us with japhan honeymoon and we knew 2024 would be wild. but we didn't know how much. from wdapteo 2023, to specific reminiscing about japan w/ devan, WAD happening, and phil playing a huge role in it all--from the orange carpet hosting, to 'ive been in *sex noises* with phil from the start!', to 'remote crisis manager phil lester', to dan saying he can stay during the thank you.
one of the biggest videos so far this year was the tiktok likes one. i will be forever haunted by the dog eating cheeseburger and willy wonka tiktoks--theres some things i was never meant to know. and yet. they tell us. explicitly.
every single video on amazingphil since the return of dapg has mentioned or featured dan. there's been a palpable shift in the way they interact. have you seen the way phil has been glowing in videos lately? this guy is on cloud nine all the time. it's really not hard to see why.
the energy of keep or yeet w/ dan... the absolute Lack of pretense of it all. phan twitter... watch your step baby girl...
dan and phil fucking crafts. talk about an unexpected return. legacy defining, one might even say. we're still in this tailspin of what everything means and they drop this insanely iconic video on us. from the storytelling to the production to the aesthetic--and its all capped off by explicit handholding. yes, it was part of the sacrifice. but hand in hand, the heart dan ripped from phils chest in one, and the knife that did it in the other... oh boy. we're really in it now. and then they put it on fucking merch. genius. truly no one does it like them.
and the foot has been on the accelerator since. dan and phil connections, shuffleboard & mocktails, getting deep slumber party, acknowledgement & approval of fics (yes previously given but never like this)--hell, even the sims today was wild for 'is their love language horrible banter 👀'.
you didn't ask for an essay but i gave you one. all of this to say, they've been moving the line. quite intentionally so. they intentionally revived their joint branding. they are 'dan and phil' again, and seem happier than ever about it, and i think that means something. they're saying things they never would have before--out of the closet or not.
as for june... 5 years since coming out is a big deal. so is this year being 15 years of dnp. hell, so is this year for being the first out pride month where they're explicitly a duo and regularly making content together. they're sentimental, there will be something.
my craziest idea is reacting to their coming out videos ✌️😔 --but i don't think it'll actually happen. as for more realistic, i could see pride merch. and however that goes will be significant, in my opinion. i'm excited and curious.
i don't know if they'll hard launch. it's hard to put all of the implications, complications, and speculations back into the box once it's opened. dan's talked about it before--wanting to be able to fuck up and not be publically executed, instead, being able to learn and grow and work it out. i think that's a very understandable stance to have. very grounded. we'd have to ask him if tour/dapg has changed that now. i do think he's had some sort of life epiphany--whether it's about that specifically, only he can say. but i think it's there.
even if i portray a lot of level-headedness, i wear my clown nose with pride. sometimes the only option is to go with whatever is funniest at the time. they're both jokesters, so they could commit to a bit like that. but it's also like, it can be too serious for them to want to joke about. i don't know. i think we're in this almost beautiful state right now--the we know you know of it all. there's no expectations, no demands to be met, no obligations of types of content. they're happy. we're happy. it depends on if they feel ready. if they want to. we'll be here, always.
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cursedkeyboard · 6 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.2)
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What does Jason do after stealing a kid from Gotham's slums? Feed and give the little brat a home, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader
To be completely honest, when Jason reached his apartment, he was panicking a little
The drive had been enough to clear his mind and he realized how impulsive he'd been
He is a damn vigilante, one with a hell of a reputation, and who's always messing with the baddest assholes of this city
Fuck, he's got guns and explosives in his house
But even with all the panic and rationality, Jason wasn't going to abandon you somewhere else
Orphanages were great places for villains to hit, the foster system might as well have been created by the joker, and no way in hell was he going to drop you at Bruce's
Anything but that
So he sucked it up and focused on your small voice full of wonder as you two drove through the city
"I didn't know there was so many tall buildings in Gotham!"
"That church is huge!"
"Holy shit is that a theater?! I only saw them in movies!"
At a certain point he was close to biting his fists in pure cuteness aggression
He knew exactly what you were feeling, could even picture your eyes glittering full of wonder behind the helmet
It didn't help his heart that your helmet also had comms, which were connected to his, so every single one of your little comments meant for yourself only were accidentally shared
Your Gotham accent was so thick too, born and raised in an area were the elite never tried to "cleanse"
Fuking adorable
Oh, also, he'd need to teach you not to follow strangers even if they were famous vigilantes
Because he realized how fucking dangerous it was that you just up and agreed to be taken by a random masked man
Sure, he knew he also did the same with Bruce, but hey, look at where that got him
When Jason finally brought you up to his apartment, still carrying you, he knew he'd have to immediately go out to buy some things
His fridge wasn't stocked with what kids need
Like... apple juice and cereal
Or any kind of vegetables
And, he definitely needed some kid safety stuff, even if he knew you wouldn't try opening the dangerous cabinets
... probably
Opening his door, he took you to the bathroom
Look, as cute as you were, you were also as filthy as a drenched sewer rat
He told you as much when he set you down
Your glare was worth the slap on the arm (it didn't even hurt)
"Can I assume you know how to take a shower?"
"I'm nine, not three, Red Hood."
"Not my fault you look like you're five."
He chuckled as you huffed and puffed
"Jason Todd."
"My name is Jason Todd. Can't have you calling me Red Hood if you're gonna live with me, right?"
You gaped, big eyes going wide
He told you his name! And showed you his face! Why did this man trust you so much?
It... it made you real warm inside
You were quiet for a moment before quietly telling you your name, shyly, like you hadn't done that in a long time
"Hm, I think I prefer 'squirt', tho."
Okay, warm moment over, the guy is insufferable
Hissing and pushing him out of the bathroom with all of your strength, you hesitantly took your first real shower since... since you don't even know when
The water was black
You realized your skin could feel soft instead of oily
And your nails finally didn't look like you dug through dirt
Meanwhile, Jason was running around the apartment like a crazed man
Shoving his guns inside high drawers you wouldn't be able to reach
Trashing the cigs he had bought out of curiosity
And making sure any items for... his intimate partners were completely hidden away
He'd found those in Bruce's room one time as a kid and, needless to say, Jason still felt traumatized to this day
After making his apartment slightly less deadly and ordering food, Jason knocked on the door to let you know he'd left a change of clothes for you in front of the bathroom
Damian's clothes the brat left behind once he had stayed over when he was rebelling
they'd be a little too big for you but nothing like what his would look like
Once you came out, looking fresh and clean, Jason immediately carried you to the couch
Biting his tongue because the demon brat's clothes were actually so big on you he could cry
He ignored your complaints again, he knew your little feet were all scratched and they must have hurt like a bitch
Once you finally settled and didn't try to scratch his eyeballs out, Jason started to patch you up
Such careful, gentle touches for rough hands like his
He handled your injuries like you were made of glass
And despite your childish pride... you kind of loved it
It made you feel all tingly and cozy inside, like you were precious
Like you were deserving of kindness
As you started fidgeting with all the bubbling emotions inside of you, Jason tried to calm you down by talking
He learned your mother died from a drive-by shooting and your father was an alcoholic with a taste for physical abuse
"It only got bad bad a year or so ago, I think he blamed me for us being poor."
"And you know that's bull, right?"
You shrugged as he finished treating your injuries and started to dry your damp hair, a little awkwardly but attentive
"He left a month ago–or died, I don't know–so it doesn't matter either way."
Well, that was a healthy mindset for a child!
He had to breathe through his mouth to not get up and go put three little bullets in your piece of shit father's head
or his body, if the bastard was already dead
Jason definitely had a lot of work to do, but for now, ding-dong, he was going to focus on feeding you
And, no, he was never going to delete the photo he took of your face when he opened the huge takeout orders
Nor would he forget the way you cried silently as you ate
That was your first real meal in months
Your first real meal, washed and clothed, in a safe apartment that didn't smell of roaches nor booze, with an adult who looked at you fondly
Jason promised, to himself and God, that he'd make sure you'd never cry over something like food ever again
When you giggled at a joke he made and didn't flinch when he gently wiped a bit of sauce from your cheek, he knew he had made the correct decision
He'd keep you safe
To be continued...
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slvtforwandanat · 1 month
Stalked/a Wanda Maximoff fanfic
warnings: abuse, stalking, swearing, Wanda tried to r*pe you, hair pulling, slapping this is not for the faint-hearted 18+ MDNI
Ever since you broke up with Wanda everything has been amazing, no more abuse, no more manipulation, blackmail, fucking nearly every day, but your life got even BETTER once you met the love of your life, Natasha, she was everything missing from your life, practically your other half, you could see the envy when you looked at Wanda, the frown on her face watching you be happy with someone that wasn't her.
it was a Wednesday afternoon, and you and Natasha were cuddling on the couch, watching shameless, when you hear your phone ping, it was Wanda..., you excused yourself and stepped outside, opened your phone "hey baby, you free tonight, your slut of a girlfriend, can wait, I have better plans" another ping *click too see image* you thought of it a couple seconds before opening the image she had sent, your eyes widened, it was a huge strap on, bigger than any other you have seen, "like what you see baby?" you were getting frustrated, she was so disgusting to think you'd want to spend a second with her, you furiously replied "Wanda you have to get this in your mind, I'm not interested in talking, fucking, or being friends, I'm happy without you, leave me alone" her message box popped up, you were scared "you're going to regret that pet" her profile went offline, a wave of relief went through you, but you knew this wasn't over.
*it's now 10:00 pm*
you are twisting and turning in bed unable to go to bed because of that last message Wanda had sent, so much things were going through your mind, is she going to hurt you, Natasha, you were going to have a panic attack when your phoned pinged again, you jumped , as you picked up your phone it was Wanda again, a slight unease came from this you opened your phone, but that was a big mistake "aww my baby struggling to sleep?" *click too see image*, your heart dropped could she see me? you hand started shaking, cautiously you opened the picture, your blood ran cold, it was you just a couple seconds ago picking up your phone, looks like it was taken for your window, you grab the nearest weapon, which was a Glock in your bedside table, you loaded it and made sure not to make any noises, just as you approached the window, you heard a glass smash in the kitchen, you flinched, your surprised you girlfriend hadn't woken up, but she couldn't, as you crept towards the kitchen with the gun in your hand, you feel a presence behind you , two arms grab your and take the gun out of your hand "miss me baby" it was Wanda. "You know it was really easy getting into your house" with labored breath I spoke "your fucking crazy Wanda, you were stalking me?" "of course my love" "I'm not your fucking "love" you tried to get out of her grip but it was the mother fucking Wanda Maximoff it was useless, with a swoosh of her hand your and her pants were gone, she tapped the tip of the strap against your ass "I've missed this ass" she pulled your hair ripping some out, and slapped your ass, so there was definitely a mark there, you felt the tip rub against your panties, you closed your eyes knowing you were about to get raped by your crazy ex, but just as she was about to slip it in, the kitchen light came on, and Wanda was away with a click, she must've worked on a new spell because she just disappeared, you girlfriend came out rubbing her eyes, you quickly put your pants back on "everything ok baby? Natasha asked while yawning "yea just thirsty".
Wanda could be anywhere you had to be careful.
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i got a much bigger response to my Harrington Charms Hellfire post than i expected so i wrote a little something that was along the lines of what i was thinking!
Part 1 ✧ Part 2 ✧ Part 3 ✧ Part 4 ✧ AO3
Sometimes Eddie thinks the real Upside-Down is his life after they close up the gates and pulverize Vecna ("they" in this situation being superhero Jane Hopper and the rest of her merry band of warriors), because past-Eddie would probably have a breakdown over...well, everything.
For one thing, Eddie is currently in the passenger seat of none other than Steve Harrington's Beemer, at the man's very request himself.
"Wait, I'll drop you off."
"'Preciate the thought, Steve but -"
"Munson. It's been like two weeks since you even started walking by yourself, sorry if I'm kinda worried about letting you go across town without me."
"Uh...just you?"
"Any of us, but me specifically since I'm clearly everyone's chauffeur. Might as well play the role, right?"
It's been like a month and every time Eddie wants to go anywhere in the slowly rebuilding town, Steve's right there with him. It'd be infuriating if it wasn't so obvious he liked doing it. If Steve wasn't so intent on just making sure Eddie's alright and yeah the mother-henning should have gotten old by now but if Eddie even thinks about telling him to stop, all he sees is sad eyes and hunched shoulders hiding under a complacent smile and wave bye-bye. God those eyes are fucking weapons.
They're heading over to Gareth's garage for a light-hearted band session. It's funny because Dustin was the one who convinced Eddie to "get your head out of your ass and talk to your friends, dick" and actually reach out to the rest of Hellfire about the whole 'not a murderer OR dead' thing. After some apologizing (ugh) and grovelling (double ugh), the rest of his sheep were willing to forgive him for ignoring their calls and visits while he was in recovery. Provided, of course, that he continue to check in with them on a bi-weekly basis at minimum. It's unfortunate that Steve, for all his head trauma, makes sure that Eddie actually sticks to that basis.
The things he does for love.
Or no, not love, definitely not love, it is way too fucking soon to call this teensy little infatuation anything as huge as love. No. Not love at all.
They're about to reach Gareth's place, that's important. By the time Steve rolls to a stop outside the garage, Eddie's panic (not panic, just a strong argument, this is not love) has simmered down. He has to take his time getting out of the car today, thank whatever deity is out there for quick-feet Steve, who runs around the front to help Eddie out onto his two feet. It's been a rough week but he had way worse back in that first month at the hospital, not to mention needing a little Steve-assistance isn't the worst thing in the world.
Eddie blinks as Steve helps him lean against the car, the spots in his vision fading away to reveal Gareth right up in his space with a murderous gaze directed right at Steve.
Eddie worries that he's gonna start a fight even though it's been months since he's introduced Steve as his live-in-nurse (nobody takes Eddie's hints at a sexy nurse uniform to heart thankfully, he doesn't know what he'd do if Steve caught on that he's only half-joking) and Steve's been doing the best he can to make amends with Hellfire.
At least the guys aren't walking on eggshells around him anymore, judging by how Gareth barely took a glance to assess Eddie's wellbeing before going back to glaring at Steve with eyes ready to kill. Well fuck you too Gareth.
He crosses his arms, eyes burning with resentment as he continues go stare down a pretty nonchalant Steve who is very much in Eddie's space as he also leans against the car, fuck he's so close. When Eddie glances at him to scope out what the fuck is happening, he sees that gaze again. The gaze that reminds Eddie of Steve's days as King, looking over his reigning population with a boredom teetering on malicious negligence. That gaze used to send Eddie's mind into hysterics, painting images of crowding into the King's space just to see those big brown eyes waver. But that's not how it is anymore, Steve's eyes are usually brimming with concern, irritation or a spark of contentment as he watches his little nuggets run around screaming about Eddie's latest one-shot campaign.
Right now, there's no screaming teenagers. It's just silence for a few moments, a tension building in Eddie's bones until he thinks this must be what it's like to watch a sports match, head running back-and-forth between the two teams and waiting with baited breath.
"So?" Gareth spits out, squinting at Steve, just tilts his head in response and lets a few strands of perfect fall into his eyes, damn that bastard. Gareth grits his teeth and takes a breath, "What did you think?"
Steve watches Gareth, as if assessing his line delivery, shifting so he fully faces him but is still totally in Eddie's space with a hand on the car roof behind Eddie and the other crooked up on Steve's hip. The motion lets Eddie smell his aftershave and fuck, Steve still runs so warm. Whatever he finds in Gareth has to be what he wants because he gives them both a half-lidded smirk and shrugs his shoulders. "Eh, wasn't that into it."
Gareth sputters, face turning crimson and Eddie is like super confused because what the fuck is going on right now? 
Steve is the one to fully break his brain with a laugh that throws his head back, his neck stretching out so the light hits his jawline perfectly, that bastard. He looks back at Gareth's flushed face with a sunny grin that sets fire to Eddie's veins. "You totally liked it, didn't you?"
Eddie snaps his head to Gareth, who squirms before dropping his shoulders. His little mutter of, "Yeah, I did," sounds so defeated that Eddie feels a second-hand guilt, but over what? He has no fucking clue.
That small pit of guilt quickly dissolves into even more confusion when Steve laughs again, kicking himself off his car to land a hand on Gareth's shoulder and fucking wink at Eddie. "The miracle of Grease, huh Munson?"
Record-scratch. Sorry, what?
"Sorry, what?" Eddie snaps his eyes from the grinning god that is Steve and the sulking fluster that is a member of his club, one of his friends, one of his very overprotective sheep who has hated Steve's guts for a long time and is now letting the guy give him a fucking noogie in broad daylight with empty complaints.
"Looks like I've been corrupting your crew, Eds, if Gary being a Greaser -"
"I am NOT a Greaser, I just -"
Gary? Steve calls Gareth the Great...Gary? And he doesn't even comment on it? Last time Jeff tried that, Gareth threatened to hide a spider in his guitar case. But Steve Harrington, someone Gareth has had no qualms about verbally tearing apart, does it and it's fine?
"Eds? Hey, Eddie." And now Steve's looking at him with that concern-rotten gaze, eyes flitting over every inch of Eddie's face as if to pinpoint what's wrong and fix it with a smile and a soft you're okay now, I've got you. "Back with me?"
Swallowing down an incessant I'm always with you, sweetheart, Eddie nods. In his peripheral, Gareth is watching him with his hands out as if to catch Eddie from falling. Which is stupid because Eddie hasn't fallen from light-headedness in like two days (Eddie shuts up the part of his brain that reminds him Gareth wouldn't know that with a part that says Dustin probably gives the whole club daily medical chart updates) and wait fuck is that Steve's hand on his neck right now?
"So!" Eddie claps his hands, eye twitching as Steve's hand slowly trails to his shoulder, lingering for a moment before he takes it off entirely. Stupid jock bastard with his touchy-ness and his smile and - "What's this I hear about Grease, Gary?"
Oh yeah, there's that livid face of watch out for the tarantula bitch, Eddie's missed that. Well, Gareth still does it everyday but not at Eddie for a while there, probably because of the whole intensive injury recovery shit. Oh well. "None of your -"
"Gareth and I made a bet," Steve clamps his hand back onto Gareth to shove them closer together, pointedly ignoring Gareth glare of betrayal. The space on the back of Eddie's neck still burns with the ghost of Steve's touch, something ugly in his chest snarling at how that touch is now on Gareth's arm. He wonders if the bats left him with more than bites sometimes. "About some movies we recommended each other. And since I won, that means -"
"No way, I'm not -"
"Uh yeah you are, I won so -"
"Fuck you, Harrington -"
"Not on the first date, hotshot," Steve laughs as Gareth tries wrangling out of his hold, holding onto him by his shoulders with one gloriously bulging forearm. Eddie's starting to think the light-headedness might be a symptom of something other than his brush with the bats. Oh don't think about the bats, bad move, bad move. "Didn't know you raised a cheater, Eddie."
Steve's eyes are glowing with mirth, his grin wide as Gareth threatens to bite him with a smile of his own. And that's. Huh?
"And I didn't know you two were so close," Eddie manages to cough out, snapping his gaze to Gareth with a raised eyebrow. He squirms again, ducking out of Steve's grasp (Eddie can't imagine why anyone would want to) and dusting off his shirt. "Holding out on me, Harrington?"
Steve shrugs, his eyes fixating right next to Eddie's eyes. He steps closer, a firm and warm presence right in Eddie's space, right in front of him, and raises a hand to caress Eddie's hair, that fucker. Eddie stifles his gasp because he knows Steve's just getting something out of his hair, like he does every goddamn time he sees a leaf or dust or fucking anything in Eddie's mass of curls. "Just being friendly. Now giddy up, you two've got a session to do."
"Not sticking around?" Gareth looks back at the garage, the forced nonchalance in his tone nothing compared to the shadow of King Steve's gaze. "Frank wanted to ask you about those threads from last week."
"Shit," Steve slapped his forehead, looking into the garage at Frankie who - fucking waves at them?! Mr. "Do what you want but I'm never falling for that Harrington charm bullshit" is waving at Steve. Who, incidentally, waves back with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Frankie, I can't make it today, got a shift with the supply run! Rain check on the wardrobe?"
And Frank the Unwavering, notorious for sticking to his guns with a grip tight enough to choke a man, gives Steve a thumbs up before going back to strumming with Jeff. What the fuck.
"Wardrobe?" Eddie chokes.
"Don't worry about it," Steve waves a hand in the air and gently pulls Eddie off the car, settling his arm around Gareth, who takes Eddie's weight with ease. "I'll tell you later. You'll be good to take him, or should I?"
Gareth scoffs but his eyebrows aren't scrunched with any irritation or anger. "I think I can handle it, Harrington. Go handle your hero shit."
And here's the thing. Steve has a thing about that word. Eddie's noticed because, well, he's always watching Steve and he has a rocky relationship with the word "hero." Sometimes his whole body glows with the praise, smile so wide and eyes so sparkly it makes Eddie want to scream. Other times, Steve shrinks just a little, barely noticeable, and his smile dims and his eyes are shadowed with something Eddie doesn't understand. Or can't understand. He's not sure.
This time, Steve seems to be on the glowing side of things but it's so subtle compared to usual that Eddie just has to blink and all that golden haze is gone already. He blinks again and Steve's waving bye to him, blinks and Steve's in his car, blinks and he's driving back on the road to wherever people need him to be.
Gareth snorts, tugging Eddie out of his daze and shuffling them both toward the sofa at the back of the garage, the brown beauty it is. "Wipe the drool, man, you're getting it all over my hair."
"Oh like you're one to talk," Eddie waits until Gareth settles him on the sofa and fully stands up before fluttering his eyelashes up at him. "Gary."
"Shut up!" Gareth flushes, stomping over to his (barely holding together, but Eddie likes to think they're made of the same stuff Steve is, to keep going after a fucking averted apocalypse) drums. Jeff laughs when he fumbles with his sticks and Eddie grins when Gareth's attempt at throwing them lands the fuckers right at Frank and that sets them all off.
Yeah, maybe some stuff has turned on its head, Steve and the town and Eddie's general worldview, but he's still got his inner circle and that's good enough for him.
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rickydixky · 11 months
After Hours • Rick Grimes
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a/n • y'all holy shit...this is pretty hardcore. Also if you want to be in a tag list when I drop smut just comment or repost <3. Also sorry if my grammar is ass, I haven't written in a while.
warnings • 18+ ONLY, Dark Rick, filthy smut, daddy kink, slut/whore kink, choking, slapping, oral (m!receiving), throat fucking, hair pulling.
summary • since you want to open your mouth and talk back, Rick has ideas on how to make that mouth more useful.
wc • 2.5 k
“Rick I told you for the thousandth time, I have shit I need to do!” You yelled as he asked you to take over one of his shifts tomorrow. “Like what y/n!” He replied tilting his head to the side. You hated when he acted like this. Like he was in control, like he knew everything. Times like this just made you want to slap the shit out of him. “Don’t play fucking dumb Rick! I have a job to do Rick! I have kids to look after Rick! I have to make sure everyone has there head screwed on right so shit doesn’t hit the fan! Meanwhile you are out and just jacking off with Daryl! I don’t want to hear shit from you Rick! You hear me!”
Rick just stared at you. You noticed that he clinched his jaw and balled up his hands into a fist. You stared back giving him the same treatment. You weren’t scared of him and he didn’t own you. He wanted to but it was difficult to make you budge. This is what happens when two leaders decide they want to mess around. Tension always builds up between two strong leaders.
Rick unclenched his jaw and unraveled his fist. He closed his eyes and sighed. He then looked right back at you. Why did he look so calm all of a sudden? Why isn’t he yelling back at me? He looked at you, his face relaxed. You then saw the corner of his mouth creep up forming a smirk. “You better watch who you are talking to pumpkin.” He said in a soft tone.
You felt his words cut through you. And your heart instantly started to race. “Or what Rick. You aren’t gonna do a fucking thing.” You said with a stern face, but you knew it was all a façade. You were trying to keep it together because you knew what he was capable of. How he was able to ruin you in a matter of seconds.
When he was like this he was intense. It was too much to handle at times but you liked it. You always felt in control but it was exhilarating to not be especially with Rick.
Your eyes followed him as me moved closer. All you could do was freeze and watch his movements. With every step he became closer to you, making you weak. He kept eye contact as he moved forward. Making you feel so helpless and needy.
“I’m not gonna do anything hmm?” Rick whispered in your ear. From your peripheral you could see the huge smirk on his face. He was enjoying every single moment of this and so were you. The room fell silent as you didn’t respond. Ricks head just tilts to the side and looks at you. You make eye contact with him.
“Answer me!” He yells while grabbing a hold of your neck. This forced you to collide with the wall behind you. As a reflex, you gasp for air as you feel his fingertips tighten around your throat. The devilish smirk on his face turns stern as you continue to stay silent. When you didn't obey him this turned him on way too much.
He could feel his jeans get tighter as you looked at him. Those pretty eyes staring into his soul made him weak. But he had to snap out of it to teach you a lesson. You were out of line today and that wasn't going to go unpunished.
"Since you want to act naughty, I'm going to treat you like the whore you are." He whispered in your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine. This was happening right here in the living room. In this house while people were asleep. The thought of someone catching the both of you made your heart race even more.
Rick let go of your throat and looked down at his pants. You looked down as well and followed his hands as he unbuckled his belt. He trailed his fingers to his button and slowly unbuttoned his pants. You were so eager to see him again that you reached for his pants. "Bad girl," you heard him mutter under his breath before he slapped your hands. A soft whimper escaped your lips as you looked back up at him. "Daddy is in control remember that," he says causing you to respond with "Yes Daddy." This brought a smirk to his face because he knew that you would do anything for him now.
"Such a needy little slut for daddy hmm?" he asked as he slowly unzipped his pants. His dick was glued to his jeans so that you could see his print. The thought of him ramming into you drove you insane. You looked up at him and nodded vigorously. A chuckle came from Rick as he watched you become so helpless.
"Get on your knees," he demanded and you obeyed. You slid down to your knees and made direct eye contact with his bulge. You put your hands on your lap and looked up at him. You were fighting the urge to take his dick out of his underwear but you knew that wasn't what you were supposed to be doing.
You saw Rick curl his fingers around the waistband of his jeans and underwear. You instantly placed yourself in position to suck him off. When he slid them down the tip of his dick slapped you on your lips. You imminently licked your lips to you could taste him.
You look and see Rick reach for the back of your head. He wraps your hair in a ponytail with his fingers and grabs his shaft with the other hand. "Are you sorry baby girl? For talking to Daddy like that?" You looked up and saw that smirk on his face again. "No," you replied. You felt a sting on your right cheek as Rick slapped his hard dick across your cheek. "Try again whore." Rick aggressively said. This made your pussy throb with excitement as he used you.
"No Daddy," you moaned. He followed that response with another slap on your face. "Dirty slut," he remarked as you moaned again to his dick being slapped across your cheek. He pulled your head further away from his dick and a slight whimper escaped your lips. "Try again," he says as he lines his dick up with your mouth. "Yes, Daddy I'm sorry," you said staring into his eyes. This made his cock twitch in his hands sending him over the edge.
"Good girl, now open your mouth." He demanded and you obeyed. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth. “Uh-uh, look up at me princess.” He whispered. Your eyes immediately snapped open, looking directly at him. “Suck it up buttercup.” Rick said with a menacing smirk on his face. He guided your head closer to his dick. And with one movement your lips were wrapped around Ricks swollen head.
Rick slowly moves your head closer inward making you open wider to fit all of him inside your mouth. You flick your tongue on his shaft feeling all his veins. Then Rick forces his dick down your throat. “Good girl.” Rick muttered as he saw his whole dick disappear into your mouth.
He slowly guides your head in and out causing him to throw his head back at the sensation of your lips sliding up and down his cock. “You dirty little slut. Right here in the living room?” He grunts and you respond with a moan that vibrates on his dick. His words did wonders to you, making your pussy soaking wet. Making you filled with desire and desperation. You wanted him, you needed him.
Rick looked down and your eyes met. He stopped moving your head and placed both of his hands on the back on your head. He then started to thrust his cock into you mouth. Going slow at first and then slowly picking up the pace. You felt his dick slide in and out of your throat causing you to roll your eyes in the back of your head, followed by a gargled moan. You felt your saliva trail down your chin as he continued to thrust harder and deeper into your mouth.
“Rick I told you for the thousandth time, I have shit I need to do!” You yelled as he asked you to take over one of his shifts tomorrow. “Like what y/n!” He replied, tilting his head to the side. You hated when he acted like this. Like he was in control like he knew everything. Times like this just made you want to slap the shit out of him. “Don’t play fucking dumb Rick! I have a job to do Rick! I have kids to look after Rick! I have to make sure everyone has their head screwed on right so shit doesn’t hit the fan! Meanwhile, you are out and just jacking off with Daryl! I don’t want to hear shit from you Rick! You hear me!”
Rick just stared at you. You noticed that he clenched his jaw and balled up his hands into a fist. You stared back giving him the same treatment. You weren’t scared of him and he didn’t own you. He wanted to but it was challenging to make you budge. This is what happens when two leaders decide they want to mess around. Tension always builds up between two strong leaders.
Rick unclenched his jaw and unraveled his fist. He closed his eyes and sighed. He then looked right back at you. Why did he look so calm all of a sudden? Why isn’t he yelling back at me? He looked at you, his face relaxed. You then saw the corner of his mouth creep up forming a smirk. “You better watch who you are talking to pumpkin.” He said in a soft tone.
You felt his words cut through you. And your heart instantly started to race. “Or what Rick? You aren’t gonna do a fucking thing.” You said with a stern face, but you knew it was all a facade. You were trying to keep it together because you knew what he was capable of. How he was able to ruin you in a matter of seconds.
When he was like this he was intense. It was too much to handle at times but you liked it. You always felt in control but it was exhilarating to not be especially with Rick.
Your eyes followed him as he moved closer. All you could do was freeze and watch his movements. With every step he became closer to you, making you weak. He kept eye contact as he moved forward. Making you feel so helpless and needy.
“I’m not gonna do anything hmm?” Rick whispered in your ear. From your peripheral, you could see the huge smirk on his face. He was enjoying every single moment of this and so were you. The room fell silent as you didn’t respond. Rick's head just tilts to the side and looks at you. You make eye contact with him.
“Answer me!” He yells while grabbing a hold of your neck. This forced you to collide with the wall behind you. As a reflex, you gasp for air as you feel his fingertips tighten around your throat. The devilish smirk on his face turns stern as you continue to stay silent. When you didn't obey him this turned him on way too much.
He could feel his jeans get tighter as you looked at him. Those pretty eyes staring into his soul made him weak. But he had to snap out of it to teach you a lesson. You were out of line today and that wasn't going to go unpunished.
"Since you want to act naughty, I'm going to treat you like the whore you are." He whispered in your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine. This was happening right here in the living room. In this house while people were asleep. The thought of someone catching the both of you made your heart race even more.
Rick let go of your throat and looked down at his pants. You looked down as well and followed his hands as he unbuckled his belt. He trailed his fingers to his button and slowly unbuttoned his pants. You were so eager to see him again that you reached for his pants. "Bad girl," you heard him mutter under his breath before he slapped your hands. A soft whimper escaped your lips as you looked back up at him. "Daddy is in control remember that," he says causing you to respond with "Yes Daddy." This brought a smirk to his face because he knew that you would do anything for him now.
"Such a needy little slut for daddy hmm?" he asked as he slowly unzipped his pants. His dick was glued to his jeans so that you could see his print. The thought of him ramming into you drove you insane. You looked up at him and nodded vigorously. A chuckle came from Rick as he watched you become so helpless.
"Get on your knees," he demanded and you obeyed. You slid down to your knees and made direct eye contact with his bulge. You put your hands on your lap and looked up at him. You were fighting the urge to take his dick out of his underwear but you knew that wasn't what you were supposed to be doing.
You saw Rick curl his fingers around the waistband of his jeans and underwear. You instantly placed yourself in a position to suck him off. When he slid them down the tip of his dick slapped you on your lips. You imminently licked your lips to you could taste him.
You look and see Rick reach for the back of your head. He wraps your hair in a ponytail with his fingers and grabs his shaft with the other hand. "Are you sorry baby girl? For talking to Daddy like that?" You looked up and saw that smirk on his face again. "No," you replied. You felt a sting on your right cheek as Rick slapped his hard dick across your cheek. "Try again whore." Rick aggressively said. This made your pussy throb with excitement as he used you.
"No Daddy," you moaned. He followed that response with another slap on your face. "Dirty slut," he remarked as you moaned again to his dick being slapped across your cheek. He pulled your head further away from his dick and a slight whimper escaped your lips. "Try again," he says as he lines his dick up with your mouth. "Yes, Daddy I'm sorry," you said staring into his eyes. This made his cock twitch in his hands sending him over the edge.
"Good girl, now open your mouth." He demanded and you obeyed. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth. “Uh-uh, look up at me princess.” He whispered. Your eyes immediately snapped open, looking directly at him. “Suck it up buttercup,” Rick said with a menacing smirk on his face. He guided your head closer to his dick. And with one movement your lips were wrapped around Rick's swollen head.
Rick slowly moves your head closer inward making you open wider to fit all of him inside your mouth. You flick your tongue on his shaft feeling all his veins. Then Rick forces his dick down your throat. “Good girl,” Rick muttered as he saw his whole dick disappear into your mouth.
He slowly guides your head in and out causing him to throw his head back at the sensation of your lips sliding up and down his cock. “You dirty little slut. Right here in the living room?” He grunts and you respond with a moan that vibrates on his dick. His words did wonders for you, making your pussy soaking wet. Making you filled with desire and desperation. You wanted him, you needed him.
Rick looked down and your eyes met. He stopped moving your head and placed both of his hands on the back of your head. He then started to thrust his cock into your mouth. Going slow at first and then slowly picking up the pace. You felt his dick slide in and out of your throat causing you to roll your eyes in the back of your head, followed by a gargled moan. You felt your saliva trail down your chin as he thrust harder and deeper into your mouth.
You then heard a loud pop and the feeling of your empty mouth. You look up at Rick and he was panting heavily. “Get up.” He demands. You were hesitant because the view of Rick hovering over you excited you. But you did as you were told and rose to your feet and waited for your next order. Rick wipes the saliva off your chin and plants a kiss on your lips. You moan into the kiss as he grabs onto your breast. The kiss gets more intense as you move your hands to the back of his neck. You push him closer wanting him to taste every inch of you. Rick cursed softly to himself as he pushed away to catch his breath. 
“Where do you want me?” you breathed looking into his eyes. In response, he bit his lower lip and his eyes wandered around your body. You were giving yourself to him openly and he loved that. He loved the idea of you begging to be fucked like the good girl you are. You could tell he was fantasizing about something by the way he looked at you. And you knew he was going to get what he wanted. 
He turned around and his eyes wandered around the living room. Where were his eyes going to land you wondered. The couch? The floor? The coffee table? You couldn’t tell what he was going to pick and this was making you even more needy. His eyes were then glued to the window. “Walk over there sweetie,” he demanded as he pointed at the glass window. You obeyed and walked near the window. His eyes watched you as you walked while slowly following behind you. 
“Doesn't the moon look beautiful,” he whispered into your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You then felt his lips touch your neck causing you to move your head slightly to the side. You closed your eyes and felt him trail kisses down your neck. You moaned in pleasure at the sensation of him being so close to you. But Rick wasn't close enough. Rick slid his hands down to the hem of your pants, wrapping his fingers around the band of your pants and panties. A soft whimper escaped your lips as he slowly slid them down your thighs.
You open your eyes and looked at Rick through the reflection of the window. “Such a needy girl for Daddy hm?” he whispered in your ear. You felt your core tighten at his words. Jesus, he was so good at turning you on. He looked up and your eyes met in the reflection of the window making you instantly reply back to him. “Yes, I need you,” you whispered back to him with desperation in your eyes. “Good girl,” he said moving his fingers towards your entrance. You felt one finger slip between your folds and you couldn’t help but moan loudly. Then you felt two of Rick's fingers sliding on your slick entrance. He slowly started rubbing circles on your clit making you throw your head back. You were so sensitive and it was showing. 
“So wet,” Rick whispered in your ear. His fingers were then withdrawn from your entrance and moved toward his mouth. You watched as he licked his fingers clean. You couldn’t help but moan at the sight. You then felt Rick’s hand on your back as he pushed you up against the window. 
As a reflex, you placed both of your hands on the glass window. Rick moved his hands against your side, sending shivers down your spine. You felt his dick slap against your core causing you to whimper. Rick saw this as an invitation to finally give you what you wanted. Rick moved one of his hands to the base of his dick so he could line up with your entrance. 
You felt your pussy separate as he pressed his tip in you. You hold in your moans but you can't help little noises escaping your mouth. “So tight for me baby,” You hear Rick mutter and you respond with “Just for you.” And with that, Rick thrust all of him inside of you. This time you don't repress the moan and let it echo through the living room. 
There you were again. Being dominated by Rick in the nastiest way possible. You felt eyes watching you as Rick started to thrust faster into you. “Such a good slut for daddy,” he whispered as he slapped your ass. A pretty loud moan escaped your lips at his actions. Rick watched his handprint form on your cheek, causing it to turn red. He slapped your ass harder causing your walls to clench around his dick. “Dirty whore,” he grunted causing your eyes to roll back. 
In one swift movement, you felt your head jerk back. Rick grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled it. “Don’t cum yet, not until I tell you to.” He whispered in your ear. The way he treated you didn’t make it any better. You were so close and you had to hold out. Rick started to thrust in you faster causing your legs to shake. You took your hand off the window and covered your mouth. The amount of pleasure you were feeling was unbearable. 
Rick snatched your hand away from your mouth and folded it behind your back. “Let them hear how good I’m fucking you right now,” Rick demanded. Just like the good girl you are you obeyed, letting your moans escape from your lips and letting the noise echo throughout the house. This pushed Rick over the edge. You being obedient towards him was what he loved. 
He looked down and watched how your pussy clenched around his dick with every thrust. He focuses on the sensation of your being against him causing him to moan. He saw the way your legs shook and he knew that you were extremely close. And so was he. He unclenched his fingers around your hair and moved them to your waist. “Baby you feel so good, I’m gonna cum.” he moans. He slows his thrust down and you know he is about to burst. 
You push off of him and get on your knees. You wrap your hand around his dick and open your mouth. You move your hands up and down his shaft as he looks at you in the eyes. “Cum deep in my throat,” you demand as you put his dick in your mouth and start sucking. “Y/N!” you heard Rick moan loudly causing you to take all of him in your mouth. You felt warm liquid coat your throat as you saw Rick's eyes roll back. When he was done cumming you didn’t stop sucking causing him to go into overstimulation. Rick threw his head back and started to shake as you continued to suck. You slid his dick out of your mouth and looked up at him. 
“Good boy,” you said as a smirk started to form. 
my tag list: @catt-leya @sweetz1919 @iluvdixon @justcallmeely @mrfrigginmoseby @gargleme @cherryvalentine1 @rickswh0r3 @multiifandomhoe
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azaprocky · 1 year
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┃ pairings ➣ 〔 ❛ lewis hamilton x missu!reader ❜ 〕
┃ summary ➣ 〔 ❛ he was sunshine and she was midnight rain. ❜ 〕
┃ face claim ➣ 〔 ❛ Catriona Gray ❜ 〕
┃ warnings ➣ 〔 ❛ swearing, moved the timeline of the miss universe 2022 ❜ 〕
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Rain, he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain.
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My boy was a montage, a slow-motion, love potion, jumping off things in the ocean.
six months earlier
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liked by lewy/ngoalz, livelaughf1 and 267, 956 others
f1updates‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton flies in New Orleans 5 days before the Abu Dhabi grand prix to support his Girlfriend (Y/n) (Y/l/n) in #MissUniverse2022 pageant.
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y/nenthusiast‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ If that ain't love then I don't know what love is
scuderiafer ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ you could really see how Lewis' loves (Y/n), imagine your boyfriend flying from Brazil to New Orleans and travelling over 9 hours just to support you, my ex could never lmao
f1updates‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ @scuderiafer i agree, but girl u okay??
charlsync‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I just know that he was so proud that (Y/n) won the pageant
beeyonce7‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ him and that black suit tho
lewkitsham‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ he's so supportive of her, I cannot, my heart! 😭❤️
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
It was the day before Christmas, festive decorations fills up the interior of the racer's home in Monaco, laughters of many F1 racers can also be heard through the British's property, everyone was in their festive mood, well except for him, Lewis.
He had received a text from his girlfriend saying "Hey Lew, my love, I'm so sorry I can't celebrate Christmas with you, I have a scheduled photoshoot with Vogue today and meeting with some UNICEF Ambassadors tomorrow, I know it's our thing to celebrate Christmas with the drivers and how much I want to celebrate, Miss Universe duties needs me, I'm so sorry again." Fuck the Miss Universe duties, he hated it, he booked far too many dates and cancelled far too many he only wanted to hangout and be romantic to her but she's too busy with those duties that irritates the soul out of him but nonetheless he replied with "it's okay my love, there's always next year, goodluck, I love you" , (Y/n) had always been busy eversince she had won as Miss Universe he knows she deserves any of it because she worked her ass off just to be in that position, he sighed as he turned off his phone, he didn't want to admit it but his heart is slowly shattering in many pieces, all because of your rising fame.
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain, he wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain.
March 03, 2023, 57 days before the break up
"I think I want to break up with him, we aren't working out as we used to be, I'm losing time for him, he's always been so understanding and considerate he's like a sunshine to my dark cloudy sky." (Y/n) said to her phone as she talks to her close friend Gigi Hadid whom replied with "WHAT?! no babe, I mean, he's isn't used to your new schedule with you having your 'Miss Universe Duties', maybe you guys should talk it out? some things are needed to be sort out Hun, you can do this."
(Y/n) sighed "Sure, sure, thanks Gi, love you bye" she had ended the call and heads to the master bedroom little did she know, a drop of tear had fallen to British's eyes who is hanging out by the living room, he heard it all, her wanting to break up with him, and her body language earlier with him when she entered their shared home in New York, luckily she got her time off with her Duties, she didn't greet him with a huge hug that always seem knock him over like she used to do before instead she just smiled at him and kiss his cheek and heads to their bedroom to sleep.
He just wanted to have a comfortable life with you, you gave him comfort through his days that he wasn't feeling himself and vice versa but now you seem to not even acknowledge his existence, you seem to want the pain that you are feeling.
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name, Chasing that fame, He stayed the same
April 24, 2023 : their anniversary, New York
The beautiful city lights that seems to bright up the night sky is seen through the lounge of the British's almost empty private yacht as he prepares for one of the biggest day of his life, he was now proposing to his long time girlfriend, caressing the diamond Marquise cut engagement ring when footeps he had known for 4 years was heard that made the British put the ring back on the red box and hide it in his beige pants, "Hi Love, I'm so sorry I'm late" the 26 year old Beauty queen had sat down in the chair opposite from the British, as they settled in the two spoke at the same time "I have something to tell you"
They laughed "you go first Lew" the girl said to her boyfriend "no, darling you go first" the man replied "What no— you!" (Y/n) exclaimed
"ladies first darling" the girl nodded as she exhaled deeply and started to speak
"Lewis, we need to break up" the once smiling face of the 38 year old racer immediately vanished "what—why?" the man said as he stumbled through his words he cannot process what his girlfriend was saying, Is she okay?, Why was she doing this especially when he's ready to be with her through his lifetime?
"Lewis baby, listen to me okay" (Y/n) leaned on the table as she caresses the driver's face, "these past months we aren't acting like we used to be, we aren't the same Lewis and (Y/n) that consistently have coffee dates and late night drives . . . I'm not the same (Y/n) who gave time to you, I'm well aware that I was ignoring your existence that made us be far more distance to each other, I also know you've been cancelling too much dates and celebrations that you've prepared for me that I wasn't able to attend, I hate knowing that those stupid actions that I do you still continued to love me endlessly, I don't deserve that, YOU don't deserve that love." (Y/n) continued looking at Lewis as he stands up not believing what he just heard coming from your mouth he walks by her side holding her hands and falling down to his knees
"No,no,no,no, this can't be darling, we can get through this" Lewis said as he squeeze her hand, tears streaming down his cheeks, (Y/n) removed his hand from her hand in a tight grip "Lewis I'm sorry, but we need to end this" those was the last words she said as she stood up from her chair and walking out from the yacht
Lewis weakly stood up from the floor, he seemed weak he hated this feeling that he's experiencing now, his hand absentmindedly goes through his right pocket of his pants, getting the red box
"this was supposed be my best day." he walks inside of the yacht and through his bedroom there, he puts the red box hidden through a safe that he never opened, he wiped the tears forming in his dark brown eyes as he settled on his bed and got his phone from the night stand calling his assistant
"Hey sorry to disturb you at this hour but can you tell the others to have my private jet ready by 12 midnight i'm flying back to Azerbaijan." his voice was hoarse from crying in which his assistant seem to notice but didn't say a word to clearly getting the reason.
"it's alright sir, everything is now organized, the chaffeur will fetch you at your yacht at exactly 11:30, enjoy your flight sir!" the assistant replied clacking of keyboard was heard from the other line, Lewis said his 'thank you' and ended the call
the British decided to go to short slumber, wanting to sleep off the pain he's feeling.
All the love we unravel and the life I gave away
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And he never thinks of me, except when I'm on TV
December 12, 2023 : 8 months after the split, London
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liked by missuniverse, taylorswift and 4,560,890 others
your.username‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ It has been an honor and privilege to be your Miss Universe, I'm forever grateful for the support I had received this past year and even until now!, being Miss Universe not only helped me to fulfill my dreams but it also helped others to make their dreams come true, thank you again, Mahal ko kayong lahat! 🌸❤️ I love you all!
view all 67,890 comments
gigihadid‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ forever proud of you babe! ❤️
your.username‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ thank you, love you!
lewy/nenthusiast‎ ‎ ‎ ‎mom is so pretty omg
charlosrari‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ she's so pretty and so outspoken, I love her!
❝ Auntie (Y/n) is so pretty ❞ Willow exclaimed while her brother was intently watching (Y/n)'s farewell walk in Miss Universe in the television
Lewis was at his parents house after a wild season in Formula 1, he certainly needed a break and one place comes to mind was his family home in London and to surprise him more was that his niece and nephew is staying at the house for a week.
"Who's Pretty?" Lewis has asked entering the living carrying the snack that the younger ones asked for
"Auntie (Y/n)!" The siblings giggled the British driver stopped in his tracks and looking at the screen of the TV, there she is, the woman who he had loved so much and the one who also broke his heart to many pieces, memories came flooding back on his mind about their past relationship, 'it's been a while' he said to himself
"Her blue dress and crown makes her look like a princess! are you gonna meet her soon? Can you take us with you?" Willow asked her uncle, Lewis didn't know what to reply to his niece, he just sighed and went to his niece and nephew's side who's currently cheering for their aunt.
"sure!, I'm pretty sure she misses you guys" he smiled to them, he knows it will not come true but sometimes a little lie wouldn't hurt, right?
And I never think of him, except on midnights like this
March 28, 2024
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liked by your.username, anyataylorjoy and 7,805,670 others
taylorswift ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 'No body, No Crime' my first ever film will hit the theaters this March 30, I cannot express my never ending gratitude to (Y/n), Gemma, Anya, Chris and to the crew who had incredibly helped this film to be everything I imagined A MASTERPIECE!, this is a gift from us to you ❤️
comments on this post have been limited.
March 30, 2024: the premiere
(Y/n) was on the way to the priemere of her film after almost 2 years of not acting, she's forever thankful to collaborate with one of her favorite singer, and thanks to Gigi who recommended her for the role.
after a few minutes, she had arrived to the theater everyone was calling out her name and asking questions
❛ (Y/n) how does it feel to be acting again especially in a crime mystery film? ❜
❛ Do you miss being the Miss Universe? ❜
❛ (Y/n) how does it feel to Collab with the Taylor Swift? ❜
❛ (Y/n) do you still talk to Lewis Hamilton? ❜
Lewis, that name who she seem to think about until now, she misses their memories, their trips, she misses him and everything about him, but she chose her career over him it's her fault right?
but now she wonders is it worth it? to leave a relationship you treasure just for fame and career?
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faytelumos · 2 months
Into the Black With a Matchstick, pt 3
I'm keeping this as the taglist, but feel free to DM/comment/Ask if you want to be added/removed.
Please, if you haven't read the first parts in awhile, check out the recap I have linked for your convenience. :3
@c00kieknight, @jxm-1up, @midnight--architect, @robinparravel, @thepotatoofnopes, @those-damn-snippets; @thelazywitchphotographer, @tildeathiwillwrite
first previous recap
cw: bad math
Whatever the fuck the newcomer with Admiral Paxie was, it was not helping Adina's already overtaxed brain.
It had been bad enough seeing that Paxie was so huge they could barely even fit into the ship. It was bad enough that Adina was in charge of probably all that was left of the human race, that she had no way of figuring out if these aliens were truly friendly or just acting like it, bad enough that she was starving and dehydrated and high and had the worst God-damned headache she had ever had in her life.
And now she had to let some six foot tall cave-dwelling-mantis-snake-vampire walk around in the ship. It was like this thing was specifically made to be as creepy as possible, and when it got down on all eights—
She had dropped the ship's remote helm tablet, almost on her foot, and she was still shaking from the heart attack the sudden noise had caused her.
When they got to the bridge, which was thankfully open enough to allow Adina and John to put some space between themselves and the aliens, Paxie pulled the nightmare fuel aside. Adina subtly let out a sigh of relief and busied herself at the control panel.
Frankly, she didn't know what she was looking at. This was John's job. But the drugs in her brain were starting to prove themselves a bad idea as her body's discomfort reared its ugly head, and she couldn't stop thinking. Four times during the walk from the dock she had considered waking up a Marine to protect her and John from these monsters. And that wasn't the mind of a diplomat. That wasn't the thought of a leader she could trust.
Just get through this. Get through this meeting, and then food, water, and real sleep.
The smaller Xoixe stepped up to the LCD screen with most of the interactive display on it. John sidled up, too, probably to make sure Adina didn't hurt anything. Good.
"I heard this ship carries its life-forms cryogenically?" the smaller Xoixe asked. Adina looked up, and as soon as she did, John gently moved her hands and started clicking away at the panel's keyboard.
"Uh, yes," Adina replied. Looking up into the suit made it slightly easier than looking into four eyes and a big, sharp-toothed mouth. Maybe they wouldn't have looked so intimidating if her head wasn't throbbing. "Yes, our crew was specifically picked for the task of determining the viability of another planet for colonization. But the human lifespan isn't long enough to make the trip at our curr — with the technology we had." Adina put a hand to her face, pretending to wipe the sweat on her forehead, seeking the cold relief of her own touch. 26 million years…. "We were only supposed to be space-borne for 150 years…."
"If you don't mind my inquiry," the smaller Xoixe said as John kept typing. Adina looked up. The large alien had sat back on their haunches and was carrying their own tablet, made of a sleek plastic-looking material. "Is it possible for me to acquire standard medical parameters for your species? I'm a xenomedic, but since this is our first encounter, I have nothing to go on."
Adina stared for a moment. A xenomedic. So they'd brought a doctor aboard on their landing party. A group of three, and they'd saved a seat for a doctor. Adina didn't even know what the nightmare's job was, but when she glanced over, she realized there were no weapons on anyone. The nightmare perhaps could have used their claws, but looking again, their limbs didn't seem strong enough to hold Adina or John down if they started throwing punches. Both Xoixes had their claws entirely covered in their suits, and there was no attempt to make the suits sharp on the outside.
So maybe they really were friendly. Or maybe they did a really good job at acting like it. There weren't many ways to tell. Did this species even lie? How inherit was lying for intelligent species? Did Earth animals lie? Yes, Koko the Gorilla had told a lie. Had she learned that from humans?
The Xoixe was staring at her.
"Okay," Adina rasped. "Follow me."
"Lieutenant Harrison?" Paxie asked once Captain Ramirez and Ensign Kime were gone. Sergeant Klte shifted behind them, out of view of the little alien. Harrison turned away from the console after a lengthy delay.
These creatures looked more and more like prey the longer Paxie studied them. All except for their forward eyes. It was uncanny. Harrison's eyes were bright and round outside of their black, circular pupil, and it made it all too clear that they were looking directly at Paxie.
"Yes… Admiral?" Harrison said. Paxie shook their head slightly to focus their thoughts.
"Would it be acceptable for Sergeant Klte to take a look around your ship? We're curious as to how your vessel has lasted for so long in open space."
Harrison… laughed again. It was loud and sharp, and they opened their mouth and bared their teeth to do it.
"If you figure that out, I'd like to know, too," Harrison said. Paxie quirked their jaw.
"How do you mean?" Klte moved behind them, too.
"Our ship was meant for a 150 year journey," Harrison explained, still baring their blunt teeth. "Even that was ambitious for our level of engineering." They turned to the console and began hitting buttons. They were small buttons compared to the Xoixe's controls, and they clicked and snapped as they pressed and navigated. "We've made unmanned — that is, autonomous and without organic passengers — bodies before. To go into space. But even those tend to give out after a few decades. A-a group of ten years."
Paxie stepped closer and looked down to the readout. It wasn't intelligible; their suit was only equipped with an audio and radiation translator. Harrison gestured to something with their flat, soft digits.
"The requirements on the system for self maintenance, self regulation, and self repair on top of the requirements for life support and cryogenic maintenance are, to put it lightly, a-fucking-lot." Paxie blinked at the unexpected candor. Klte shifted, too. "Compare that against the life expectancy of our alloys in open radiation, extreme heat and cold shifts, and micro-meteorites, and this thing would have been lucky to land us safely if our trip got extended to 300 years." They looked up again. Paxie tilted their head, mind reeling.
Surely they were misinterpreting what Harrison had said.
Surely there was no way that a species would strike out into the open universe without both FTL drives and shielding dampeners.
"You don't have a significant issue with micro-meteorites…?" Paxie asked, and even as they said it, they were afraid of the answer. "…Do you?"
Harrison was bearing their teeth again.
"Oh, it's one of our biggest engineering challenges."
Paxie stared. They couldn't help it. They didn't know what to say. They weren't even breathing for a moment.
"You must have left in a hurry," they rasped. Harrison laughed again.
"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" they laughed, turning back to the console.
What did that even mean?!
Paxie was starting to feel light-headed. They wished they could take off their environment suit. Klte must have noticed their distress.
"Allow the Admiral and I a moment to converse," it hissed. Harrison flinched, then nodded, watching Klte. It gently pushed Paxie back towards the shuttle, turning off both of their translation protocols. "I'm concerned at this species' sense of self preservation," it said in the Xoixe language.
Paxie laughed, hissing the air sharply through their scaled lips. "Eme is concerned at how well they'd treat other kinds if they treat themselves so haphazardly."
"Exceptionally poorly."
Both of them laughed as they reached the pod. Paxie stepped inside where they could turn around back towards the ship.
"Take a breather, Admiral," Klte said. "I'll see what I can find out."
"Adina?" John called. Adina looked up; she was just coming back to the main control room now. The nightmare was still there, but it was down the hall, examining wiring bundles and the hull. How large was its forebrain? Was there a chance it could be tampering? "Adina."
Adina blinked and looked to John. He waved her over. She left the Xoixe's, Kime's, side to see him. He pointed to the numbers on the LCD screen.
"Can you double check me?" he whispered. She highly doubted it. She was a biologist; she knew how to clear her browser cookies and turn her phone off and on again. Anything technical on the ship was John's job now.
She looked, anyway. He was pointing at the ping count from Earth's homing beacon. It was around 800. She sagged to see that. The ping was supposed to communicate with The Solstice quarterly. So it must have stopped working after 200 years.
He pointed to the Most Recent Ping section.
19,406,771 years, 18 days, 16 hours, 2 minutes ago
Wait… what?
It should have been right around 26 million years ago.
"What?" she uttered, leaning in.
"That's wrong, right?"
"It should be…."
What could have done that? The ping system went off every three months. If it had run for… what, 5 million years? Then there should have been 20 million pings.
Why would Mission Control reduce the ping rate?
They wouldn't. Especially not after The Solstice failed to report a landing. Had something happened on Earth?
But, no, just like this ship couldn't last 26 million years, that pinger couldn't last 5 million. So what was happening?
"Wh…" Adina uttered, blinking. What was going on? What was causing this? Were both times just wrong? Was there a way to check? "Wha-what's the mission runtime?"
John stared at her for a moment before turning and hurriedly clicking away at the keyboard. She watched, and then she felt the nightmare get closer to watch, too. She stiffened her shoulders, but tried not to be too nervous-looking.
Hopefully, they couldn't tell. But she had just given Kime normal human biometric parameters….
"Holy shit, what," John whispered. Adina leaned forward.
Mission Elapsed Time:
60 years, 57 days, 1 hour, 43 minutes
"One of these is wrong," John whispered. Adina looked up for Paxie and saw the nightmare watching her from the dark corridor. She flinched and gasped, slapping a hand over her heart, then turned to Kime.
"What are our coordinates?" she asked. "Do you have a star map we can see?"
Adina tried to calm down as Kime typed away on her tablet. One of these time ranges was wrong. But if it was the 26 million years (she desperately hoped 26 million years was wrong) then why had they gotten 200 years worth of pings? Maybe Mission Control was desperately trying to reestablish a connection? But 800 pings? That was a bit much.
Kime offered the tablet. Adina took it, and as soon as she did, the display somehow gave her an even worse headache. She blinked hard and moved the tablet away.
"Woah," she grunted, squeezing her eyes shut. John took it from her and grunted like he was straining to lift something.
"Shit," he swore, squinting at the tablet.
"Oh, no," Kime said, "you only have two eyes."
John huffed and offered the tablet back, then rubbed his eyes. Adina had her hands on her temples, trying not to squeeze her head too hard. The dizziness was back with reinforcements.
"How are we gonna do this?" she grunted.
"Do you have universal file translators?" John groaned. "Like the language? The audio?"
"We might, in a sense," Kime said slowly. "Let me make a call."
Adina nodded delicately so as not to jar her brain too hard. That seemed like a strangely cryptic response, but she couldn't think too hard right now.
As soon as they figured all of this out, she was going to sleep like the dead.
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*hold gun cutely* Your turn to share headcannons for us to stea- take inspiration from
I find this so funny because there was a period of time where I only posted HCs… and it’s so weird bc damn I don’t do that anymore huh
A lot of my HCs have obviously changed in the 2/3 years I’ve been posting for this fandom, so…
If you ever want any SPECIFIC HCs, do ask, like I’m genuinely happy to offer any info you want. Anyways
DIVINE WARRIORS, because mfers keep talking about them.
TW, for like, sacrifices, and attempted child-murder/sacrifice... and child-on-mother cannibalism... if it counts as cannibalism when the child is a god.
They’re all gods or god-adjacent. Everyone talks about how they are making them not all gods, but fuck that man I find this fun.
They all reach their godhood in different ways, though. and godhood is something that is... complicated. fluid, even.
i'm just gonna talk about Shad (Judgement, in LR) and Irene, tho, bc otherwise this post would be mega fucking long. and i'm pretty sure i have a Kul'Zak ask anyways.
Y'know how people say 'the world is your oyster'? Well, the world is shad's egg. literally. He's the Draconic God of Death, and his entity was created in the belly (centre) of the earth, in heat and warmth and magma. He clawed his way out of the world, and this lore is mentioned in the prologue of LR, but his emergence from the core of the earth caused the earth to bunch up, and created mountains and valleys, and ravines. similarly to dropping a pebble into water, his emergence caused literal ripples. which is why most mountains and such are kind of in a radial pattern outwards from the 'belly of the world', which is just a huge fuck-off ravine. That said, not all mountains, because it's been thousands/millions of years since his emergence, and things do change. He was created as a god, before anyone knew what gods were. He was not the first being to exist, Early humans were around to witness his birth, but he is by far one of the most ancient. Hence why his followers call him 'the Ancient'.
Irene was born a god, though she was birthed by human parents. It's a whole situation, really, very lengthy. More about her mother than it really is about Irene. But she was born during the emergence. Her head crowned as Shad's emerged from the earth, and when he had fully freed himself and laid upon the cool ground, Irene was put into her mother's arms. Her and Shad are perfectly the same age, born at the same exact moment, to balance each other out. It's unclear which one sparked the creation of the other, but it doesn't matter. Both were born bloody and screaming, made to match. Irene was, however, not born looking human. She was a creature from day one. And she was ugly asf too bc like, she's feathered in her creature form, and have you ever seen fresh baby birds? Them mfers ugly. So, reasonably, her parents' people went 'aa' and decided to sacrifice her to the juvenile god of death bc they have volcanoes now, they can do that. However, Irene's mother was fiercely over-protective of her, and instead hid her in the woods to keep her out of the grasps of those wishing to harm her. She meant to go back and get her, so that she could find somewhere safe for her, but Irene's mother kind of got caesar'd (happy ides of march for two days ago), for trying to keep the fucked up little thing she birthed. Her body was dumped into the forest, and Irene ended up finding it and going 'oh a snack'. so... that's fun. However, as is how blood magic works, when one of magic consumes the heart of another, they consume their entirety. It was how Irene claimed a human form, by eating a human heart, and whilst it wasn't particularly an instantaneous transformation, it also lead to her becoming a mother. If not for eating her own mother's heart, she never would've had the maternal traits that ending up characterising her for most of her existence.
half of the irene stuff wasn't even info on how she became a god lmao, just 'oh she was born that way... also she ate her mother lmao'
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Could you write something where the reader is pregnant and she hides it from Eddie and the only people that know are Robin and Steve but Steve accidentally tells Eddie and Eddie gets all mad and doesn’t talk to her till she is in trouble cause Jason keeps bullying her very angsty at the start but fluff towards the end, please? Requested by @mayahawkeluver
Warnings; Angst to fluff.
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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The morning sickness was the worst. Robin had been there through it all with her and Steve.
It was hard to hide it from both of them when they literally found her throwing up in the bathroom of Family Video, two tests clutched in her hand as she tearfully told them what was happening.
She had just started working with them at Family Video and she would never be able to hide the nausea and sickness.
The person she really wanted to tell though was Eddie and she wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
This would change their life it's not like she could just drop it into a conversation casually.
She loved Eddie and he loved her but this was a massive change to their lives, they were barely out of high school for one thing.
How could she tell him when one of her fears that wouldn't go away was that she would lose him? What if he didn't want the baby? Ended up not wanting her? Left her for someone else?
The worries were piling up and she knew she had to tell Eddie she just wasn't sure how.
Shit shit shit! Steve mutters to himself having just dropped a bombshell on Eddie.
He stares at Eddie horrified and Eddie is trying to come to terms with what Harrington said.
"Y/n is pregnant?". Steve gapes wordlessly because he didn't mean to open his big mouth it just slipped out.
Eddie was asking if y/n was okay as she looked a bit nauseated this morning which Eddie assumed was a stomach bug but was panicking his girl was really unwell.
"Yeah, she's okay. Got bad morning sickness though".
"You knew before me?" Eddie asks him looking hurt and he's still gaping.
"Uh". Eddie pushes past Steve and goes to y/n who has just started working at the counter.
Eddie stalks up to her, he looks pissed and her already tender stomach begins to churn.
"Eddie?". He reaches her and he looks devastated as he stares at her.
"Can you please tell me why I had to find out from Harrington that my girl is pregnant?"
Oh shit. Steve rushes up to them both looking between the two of them.
"I'm so sorry y/n, it just slipped out". She swallows. She can't be mad at him. She should have said something to Eddie sooner.
"I'm so sorry Eddie, I wanted to tell you but I was scared". Agony fills his eyes and he swallows.
"Scared of what? Telling me? Did you really think I'd react that badly? You're my girl and I should have been there for you. You should have told me y/n".
He walks away leaving her extremely tearful and anxiety filing her even more.
"Eddie wait!". He doesn't come back, he just heads into his van and drives off.
Eddie had been quiet the last two days, it was such a huge thing to process so she was trying to give him some time to process it but all she wanted to do was apologise for not saying anything.
Jason wouldn't leave her alone either. Ever since she started working at Family Video he would not leave her alone.
The guy was a bullying asshole and sauntered around like he was the king of the town.
"Aww look it's the freaks girl, where is your weirdo boyfriend huh?". Ignore him just ignore him.
She turns away and he grabs her arm.
"Hey, I'm talking to you bitch. I'm a fucking paying customer. Show me respect". With Robin in the back rooms, she wouldn't be able to hear and her heart was racing.
Her first thought is to protect the baby and instinctively she clutches her stomach and yanks her arm back.
His eyes darken and he swears.
"Why you little bitch". He doesn't get to finish the message as he is yanked away from the counter and is face to face with Eddie who glares at him.
"Get the fuck away from my girl, now Carver". Jason sneers but doesn't look so cocky now and rushes away.
Eddie vaults over the counter and immediately checks her, hands on her belly, pressing tender kisses to her stomach.
"I'm so sorry I didn't say about the pregnancy, I was worried you were going to leave me, she whispers tearfully. I already had those fears worrying about if you left me while pregnant, my anxieties just got the best of me, Eddie, I'm sorry".
He softens.
"I'd never leave you, princess and you're the only girl I will ever want. Ever. You're my soulmate princess and I love you even more and more every day. You are the only woman I will ever want. Ever".
She sobs and he kisses her belly again and stands up holding her close.
"We're gonna be such an amazing little family sweetheart. My princess, me and my little princess". She giggles and wipes her eyes.
"So sure it's a girl, could be a boy". He shakes his head and holds her close.
"Nah, it's a girl. My little princess. Just you wait sweetheart. You'll see. Have me wrapped around her little finger like her mama".
And you know what? Exactly six months later Eddie was right ❤
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Anything scruffy!vere. i miss them
"I hate this."
"Pockets you look fine," Jason said, tugging the strings on your sweater.
"I look huge-"
"No," he said, "You don't. You look healthy and just a little... fuller figured." He supposed it shouldn't be a shock. Getting you on medication meant side effects. And now you cycled between having no appetite and starving. That combined you being an adult and not a kid anymore meant you'd gained weight. It also didn't surprise him that you had issues with it. You were used to being smaller. But if he was being honest, you looked healthier this way.
"Plans are canceled I'm fat-"
"No," Jason said firmly, "You're just a little plump. And it's nice." He hugged you against his chest and kissed your head. "I can bench press the sofa. 20 or 30 pounds doesn't mean much."
You whine and he kissed your forehead tilting your chin up, "Honestly," he said crossing his heart. "You look fine. But if you think working out would help you, you know I love me an Amazon-"
"Just saying. I don't give a fuck what you look like as long as you're healthy and happy. This makes you unhappy, and even if I don't mind- you do and it makes me unhappy. Because you're beautiful."
You sigh and nod, thudding your head against his chest.
"Let's just go see the family, huh? Bring your guitar and we'll just go chill out."
"That sweater is so fucking cute," Stephanie said, "I love it where did you get it?"
"A thrift store I think," you answer, picking a fuzz off your sleeve. "Manic me just likes shopping."
"And sick guitar riffs," Duke said grinning, dropping onto the couch next to you.
"That one wasn't mine though," you tell him, taking a sip from your mug and letting Steph pull you against her side so she could examine your sweater. She liked to cuddle people who looked warm.
"Who wrote it then?" he asked, interested.
"Her mom," Jason answered. "The one thing Nissa was good at was music."
"Oh- I-"
"It's okay. I've been retooling a lot of her stuff. Especially the stuff she never got to use really."
"That's cool," Duke said, not sure what else to say. He knew parents were never a good subject in this house.
"I brought my guitar-"
"Did I hear Guitar?" Dick said, strolling in "Because if you wanna play me some Fleetwood Mac I'd marry you like tomorrow-"
"Hey!" Jason protested, reaching behind him to grab the hard case there he'd set it. Smiling a little at the stickers as he set it down in front of you. He knew that guitar as well as he knew Scruffy. And he couldn't count the number of times you'd both set on the steps in the train station, trying to make enough money to get a good meal.
"Yeah!" you echo, holding out your hand to show him the engagement ring.
"Papers ain't signed," Dick said teasing, dodging the pillow Jason threw at him.
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Lock up~ Chapter 5
{Charles Leclerc x Reader}
Post Italian GP
My festivities were cut short because I was really tired, and my head was buzzing. I was going to walk back to my hotel room, which was also a great time for me to think this race over.
On my way, the streets were peaceful until I heard a rustling in a nearby alley. I instantly envisioned the worst. What could be hiding in there?
My heart started to quicken in my chest as curiosity got the best of me and I approached the sound carefully. I could make out the sound of... A meow?
I fastened my pace and sure enough, a cat was waiting there for me. It meowed loudly, almost smiling as it rubbed itself on me.
The cat was probably nearing adulthood, and was a bright orange. A little white spot under its chin was the only thing keeping the coat from a perfect amber colour.
" Well aren't you cute!" I say to the cat, lifting it in my arms.
The cat only purred and closed its eyes. No collar on the cat... Surely I could keep it? A little gift from Italy for winning the race!
" Oh my god I know what your name's gonna be. Monza!" I declared with a huge smile.
The cat meowed contently. I put him down, and suddenly Monza was following me. We both walked to my hotel, and when we arrived there i looked into my fridge to get something to eat. Mozzarella sticks would do the trick.
But, as soon as i opened one up, Monza looked at me with the biggest puppy eyes. I caved in and gave him some. He ate the thing up in half a second and purred.
"Monza likes Mozzarella apparently..." I giggle, my eyes bright.
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Found this little guy on the side of the street... Welcome home, Monza 😊
@rm.reve: Aww!!
@F1.Drama: Max was so cute for giving you that win girl <3 true love!
@vmp.fr: Undeserved win tbh
@kyle.m: Yall think Max braked extra earlier on purpose?
-> @vmp.fr: 100%
-> @f1.4ever: for sure 😂
I was fucking fuming at the comments. I was gonna confront Max at the next Grand Prix. I went to bed with 100 emotions, hoping no nightmares would occur tonight.
Present - France GP
Monza was now following you everywhere you went. It was very cute, but kind of sad when he tried to leave with you to go to the French Grand Prix. 
You did a last checkup of everything you needed and went to the door. Monza wasn't there anymore, so you took the opportunity to quickly leave before he came back.
You arrived at the track a bit later than usual, so most of the drivers were already there. You went into the garage and waved at your team with a smile.
Free Practices were coming up, so you had to get your head in the game and check the tests you were going to run in that session. You dropped your bags and sat down at the computer.
Charles was feeling Ferrari's pressure more than ever, and he felt like being rude to everyone today. Even Carlos, who was constantly trying to cheer him up.
He decided to go take a walk to clear his head.
He was so immersed in his own thoughts that he almost tripped over something orange. Orange?
He look down and saw a cat. What the hell was it doing here?
"Wait... Is that not Y/N's cat?" thought Charles.
She kept posting it on social media... The little spot under the chin, how could it not be hers?
He decided to pick the rather small cat up, because it's a very dangerous place for an animal to be in.
The cat immediately clung onto Charles' shoulder and snuggled his head in the Monégasque's neck. He chuckled softly.
Leclerc decided to head to the RedBull garage to see if Y/N was searching for Monza. With one hand over the cat's back, he head off.
A lot of mechanics were staring at the Ferrari driver walking right outside their garage with a cat on his shoulder.
You finally appeared around a corner.
You looked at Charles with a puzzled expression, then a shocked one when you saw the cat that was now half sleeping on him.
" What?? What are you doing here..." you say, talking to the cat more than him.
"I found him near the pitlane and I thought it'd be safer to bring him back to you." Leclerc explains.
" Thank you so much I'm so sorry I don't- I don't even know how he got here." You say, bewildered.
You then reach out to take the sleepy kitty, but when you pull he doesn't budge. Monza's claws are deep into Charles' race suit, and you have trouble removing Monza from him.
" Oh my fucking god you don't even know him." You scold Monza, still tugging at the peaceful cat.
" Here, let me." Charles starts.
" Oh like it's gonna work with you." You say rolling your eyes.
He ignores you and pulls on the cat. His claws only tightened their grip and he didn't want to hurt the cat, so he stopped and looked at you.
You sighed.
" Come with me, I have string cheese in my room. And close your eyes, Ferrari boy. You're not supposed to be seeing all of this," you say, leading him by the hand because of his closed eyes.
You guys arrive there and Charles' hand lingers in yours. He closes the door behind you guys. You don't question it and instead head for the mini fridge.
As soon as you open the string cheese, Monza is on the ground, purring happily.
Leclerc can't help but laugh.
You smiled a bit, only just remembering the sound of his genuine laughter.
" He's a silly guy. Found him on the side of the street and he loves Mozzarella."
When Monza is done with the cheese, he's instantly back to Charles' feet. He chuckles and pets him. A heavy silence had seized the room, and it seemed to be bouncing off the walls by how loud it was. Charles puts an end to it.
" It's not a good idea." He suddenly looks up at you.
" What?"
" You and Max. And you know it." He says accusingly.
" It's none of your business. I like Max and he likes me. I'm not gonna stop myself from dating someone just because we're both drivers." You say half truthfully.
Charles stares at you intently, a tint of darkness in his usual bright eyes.
" It's not healthy."
"It's not your problem."
Charles looks at you one more time before opening the door, and he looks back over his shoulder.
" It won't end well. You know it." he seriously states, shutting your door and leaving.
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lady-october · 2 months
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : 1-14 on Archive of Our Own
Content : 18+, Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Dom/Sub, Sadism/Masochism, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 15: My head wasn't wired for this world
Chapter title is lyrics from "Avalanche"
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Oli was slouched over at the front of the stage, legs dangling over the edge near the barricades, looking out over the vast, dark and empty space, only dimly lit by a handful of spotlights throughout the arena.
When I slowly ascended the steps to the stage I pushed away the fear I felt about these types of spaces. While avoiding the stage completely was impossible when working on the touring team, I had always made my time on them as short as humanly possible, never actually taking in the view. 
There was just something about how you could be seen so clearly from the entire arena when you were up here that made me anxious, but the fact that only Oli and I were here made the whole experience a lot more palatable, so I crouched down and took a seat next to him and let myself look out over the empty floor and seats, still covered in the majority of tonight's confetti and debris.
“I’ve never really seen an arena like this before.” I said with wonder.
“You’ve worked with us for like a month now, how is that possible?” He didn’t look my way as he spoke flatly, clearly upset.
My response came a lot quieter than my previous statement, “I try to avoid the stage as much as I can.” 
Silence fell between us as I wasn’t sure how to approach the topics that were haunting us both, not even sure what I felt up for talking about.
“Thank you for last night. I was a bit of a mess.” Was the best I could come up with.
“Don’t worry about it.” Some of the bitterness emitting off of him dissipated, so I decided to take the plunge into the harder topic.
“I’m sorry about all this stuff with Mat.”
He huffed out a frustrated laugh, his eyes darting everywhere except in my direction.
“I feel like I’m going insane. Listening to you flirt with someone else…” His demeanour changed rapidly along with his tone of voice, now laced with anger, “Guess I had it coming after what I did to you at the party the other night.”
My heart sank. Did he really think I was doing this to hurt him?
“I’m not a vengeful person, Oli.” My own words came angrier than I’d intended.
He dropped his head, shaking it, appearing utterly defeated, “Then what the fuck are you doing, Alice…” He muttered.
“I don’t know.” I said, more to myself than him. 
As I watched him not being able to face me, my heart ached so much that I couldn’t take it anymore. I got to my feet and started to make my way towards the steps. But I could hear him moving behind me, and right before I could exit the stage he pushed in front of me, shooting me daggers.
He appeared furious, yet all I could feel was a huge sense of relief over the fact that he was finally looking at me.
“Mat’s a good man, charming too – a lot less troubled than I am.” As he spoke he stalked me backwards, clearly intent on not letting me leave yet.
But I didn’t mind, I wanted his attention.
I almost immediately hit the wall of the second stage level that had yet to be disassembled, and I was left with a view of the arena, swimming behind the man that had cornered me, staring down at me with such intensity that I wouldn’t have been able to tell whether he was about to fuck me or argue with me if it wasn’t for the context of the situation.
“Who said I want someone less troubled?” I asked, feeling an involuntary shiver of lust snake its way up my spine from his threatening approach.
“It’s not a stretch to assume, is it?” He took one last step towards me, not quite close enough to touch me, but close enough that I could feel the heat emitting off of him, “We’ve fought over women in the past – he tends to win.”
“I find that hard to believe.” I gingerly placed my hand on his warm chest, both because I couldn’t resist touching his bare, art covered skin over the buttons of his revealing jacket, but also because I wanted to show him where my attraction lay between the two men.
His gaze dropped to my hand before he shot me a bitter smile, “Women want to fuck me, not date me.” I swallowed and removed my hand, realising how my gesture had come across considering what he just told me, “At least not once they get to know me… I think the problem is we’re drawn to similar women, and that type of women tend to favour men like Mat in the end.”
While my feelings had obviously chosen Oli already, what he was saying made a surprising amount of sense, especially if you were the type of person who craved stability over passion. Yet I couldn’t help but feel like a complete imposter, clearly not worthy of either man's attention.
“Men generally don’t want much to do with me in either department.” I felt pathetic admitting it to him, and saying the words out loud somehow solidified how I didn’t belong here.
He watched me for a while, as if trying to make sense of what I was saying.
“Thought we agreed on no more lies, love.” While his words could have been construed as accusive, his tone was sweet, turning his sentence more flirty. But I didn’t feel flirty, I felt like the shy loser I’d been trying to run away from; I felt like the girl trapped living with a man she didn’t love, because she was too scared of the world.
The familiar burn of unshed tears began to sting at the back of my eyes, “It’s not a lie. I’m fucking broken.”
I tried to push past him but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, and placed the other under my chin, guiding me to look at him as a lone tear ran down my cheek.
“Alice, that’s madness.” All the intensity on him had melted away, replaced with a soft and caring voice that matched the expression of his beautiful eyes.
“I can’t do this. I’m not made for this life.” I said quietly as I tried to keep the dam from bursting inside me, entirely too fed up with crying.
Frowning, he let go of my chin to dry my wet cheek, “Of course you are, life can be whatever you want it to be.”
“I have social anxiety.” I blurted out, trying to make him understand why I’m not right for him, for either of them.
“I know.” His response came immediately, completely unsurprised and unbothered. 
Of course he already knew, it couldn’t be more obvious from the way I behave on a daily basis.
My head dropped out of embarrassment, “How am I supposed to be with a celebrity when I can barely keep from stuttering when talking in front of more than two people at a time.”
“Your stutter’s adorable, anyone with half a brain cell can see that.”
When I dared to look back up at him, I was met by eyes swimming with adoration. But I decided that it was misplaced, that his perception of me was skewed and incorrect, so I kept pushing.
“Whenever I’m not distracted enough, I get so depressed I can barely leave my bed for weeks.”
He placed a hand on the wall next to my head and leaned in closer with a smirk, “Lots of things we can do in bed.”
I felt my cheeks flush at his words, but the pain remained, “Oli, please… I’m broken.”
His smirk fell away as he looked at me with sympathy, followed by a sigh, “I’ve got addiction issues, chronic nightmares, ADHD, and I also slip into depression at times. We’re all broken, love.”
His eyes lit up suddenly and the faintest hints of a smile reappeared on his lips.
“What’s your favourite colour?” He asked out of nowhere.
I couldn’t help but frown in confusion, “What?”
“Favourite colour.” He repeated, more demanding this time.
“I-I mean, blue I guess–”
“Favourite food?”
“Sushi. Why are you–”
He looked utterly appalled as he cut me off with judgement in his voice, “Fucking disgusting, you should reconsider that.”
I gasped, eyebrows knotting into a deep frown, “Oh please, you’ve probably never tried any good sushi– and before you argue that you don’t eat fish, there’s plenty of good options without it– also, rich coming from Mister I basically only eat things that are so processed I can’t even tell what’s in it!”
As I was ranting his whole face bloomed into an absolutely delighted smile, causing my annoyance to spread further.
“I love when you’re like this.”
My jaw dropped, “You like when I'm annoyed!?”
He chuckled, “Relaxed.”
“Trust me, I’m not relaxed.”
“Your guard’s down. You’re just yourself – wild opinions and all. I don’t get to see it too often. It’s mostly been when you’ve cussed me out, or when we…” His gaze dropped out of what seemed akin to embarrassment, and his smile turned significantly more suggestive, “You know.”
All the annoyance left me immediately at the sight of him struggling to talk about sex, causing me to adopt a more cheerful expression.
“I thought I was the shy one, you can’t even say it?” I teased.
A low and absolutely filthy laugh left him, “Honestly love, if I start talking about it I’ll just get hard, and I’d rather focus on getting to know you better right now.” Without skipping a beat he moved on to his next question, “Favourite animal?”
“And why is right now the time to get to know me?”
“Why not? Favourite animal.”
My smile grew as I looked at him. I couldn’t tell if this was an attempt to cheer me up by moving away from the dreary topic, or if this was his way of showing that he’s still interested in me, despite all my flaws – or maybe it was because Mat had gotten a chance to learn more about me and he felt left out. Regardless of the reasons, I wasn’t going to deny him this. 
Disbelief painted his features, “Fuck off, dogs are so much better.”
“They slobber everywhere.” I retorted, scrunching up my face.
“Not all dogs, and cats are mischievous little bastards.”
“You should be able to relate then.” I don’t know how he did it, but he’d somehow managed to completely turn my mood around, and get me right back to feeling flirty.
The fight faded from him instantly at my remark, and he lowered his head with a grin. When his eyes returned to mine they were dark and playful.
“Favourite artist?” 
I paused, considering my response, “Is that a trick question?”
“Of course.” He responded, studying my face.
Suddenly his lighthearted demeanour began to shift, turning more serious. When his next question came it was asked with a distinctly more thoughtful tone, clearly punctuating that we’re venturing into significantly deeper waters.
“What’s a dealbreaker to you?”
As his eyes pierced mine I felt the moment turn heavy from the loaded question. I knew that these types of conversations were incredibly important to determine whether we were compatible at all. But there were always great risks to learning the answers, with the looming potential of completely derailing any thoughts of what could have been.
I felt my heart rate speed up as I decided to join him in the depth, addressing the thing that should have put an end to my last relationship years ago if it wasn’t for my fears.
“I.. don’t think I want children.”
He visibly relaxed at my response, “Good, cause I’ve had a vasectomy.”
A sense of relief washed over me, knowing I’d never have to worry about that pressure with him if we decided to take things further – and suddenly his willingness to cum inside me made so much more sense. For me it had always been an easy decision, having had an IUD for years.
The part where we both made ourselves vulnerable to disease however, that can’t be chalked up to anything besides the stupidity that so easily surfaces when you’re beyond a certain level of turned on, and common sense flies right out the window.
While I wanted to return the question to him, to learn what would rule me out as a potential future partner, I also found myself curious as to why he’d done something so permanent to prevent having children when there’s less invasive ways.
“How come? I mean, I understand not wanting children, but why something so… final?”
“I just don’t want to risk it. I’ve been sure I don’t want kids for a long time. It’s not that I dislike them or anything, but with all my issues I’ve really just wanted to focus on myself and what’s important to me,” Before he continued, a softness emerged in his tone of voice, ”...such as finding love, and making that person a priority in my life.”
Understanding that the last bit had been aimed at me, I felt the familiar discomfort bubble under the surface, so I decided to steer the conversation back on track.
“What about you, what’s your deal breakers?”
He answered immediately, his response dripping with bitterness, “Cheating.”
“That’s a given. What else?”
There was a pause this time.
“Being shut out emotionally.” He answered, hints of sadness emitting from him. 
His reply stirred up some confusion in me, an uncertainty whether he was referring to some of my behaviour, spoken as a pleading to let him into my heart. Or whether it had been in reference to something that happened in his past.
“Anything else?” He added.
It was my turn to think, but it didn’t take long.
“Someone trying to control me.”
He huffed out an amused laugh, “You sure about that? You seem to enjoy it a fair bit.”
I smiled back at him, “Not like that… Someone trying to make me something I’m not, which sounds daft cause I barely even know who I am anymore, but I just, I want space to figure that out.”
His hazel eyes swam with emotion as his hand reached for my cheek, the back of his fingers caressing my skin with the same tenderness as last night. While the gesture tugged at my heart, I couldn't for the life of me understand why he had any interest in someone like me.
“How can you be sure you have feelings for me, if I’m just a shell of a person?” I asked under my breath.
“I’m not sure that’s true, love.” He responded, speaking softly, “I know you’re kind, witty – incredibly sexy, and you’re working really hard to get to know and explore yourself, which I don’t just really admire, but it’s a journey I’ve been on myself for a while now.”
“What if I become something… undesirable?” As I asked my question that so clearly highlighted my insecurities, I was struck with the realisation that I wasn’t sure I’ve ever been this emotionally vulnerable with anyone before.
“I find that very hard to believe.” He scanned my face, “Is that what this is about, you’re scared I won’t like who you become?”
The truth is that I wasn’t sure I’d survive that intense degree of rejection. While mind numbing and soul destroying, it had been infinitely simpler to stay so void of personality for so long. At least then if someone disliked me it didn’t mean much at all. But if I grew into myself, accepted who I was as a person with opinions and interests, only for someone to decide that I wasn’t good enough? The thought of that alone was hard enough, I couldn’t even imagine the heartbreak if that level of rejection came from someone I actually loved.
“Part of it, but not all of it.” An honest answer without going into the specifics, or delving into the other reasons I’m full of uncertainty.
Some of the previous intensity made a reappearance on him, “It would be an honour to help you find yourself, love – no matter who you become.”
I looked away awkwardly, knowing how much he’d already kickstarted my self discovery, “In some ways you already have.” I opened and shut my mouth a couple of times before I found the words to continue, “I didn’t know I liked some things before… sexually.”
Suddenly his eyelids lowered, and so did his tone of voice, “Like being called a whore?” 
The way he emphasised the word immediately made my knees weak, and I had to lean more of my weight onto the wall behind me.
I didn’t trust myself to speak, so I simply nodded.
A quick grin flashed over his lips as he gently placed his hand over my throat, causing my breath to hitch.
“Being choked…” 
His words sounded distant as his dark gaze was transfixed on his hand on me, 
His thumb leisurely ran up my throat to graze my jaw.
I nodded again, a bit more shaky this time, which seemed to have snapped him out of the lustful state he’d clearly lost himself in for a moment, as his eyes shot back to mine, appearing more sober now.
He swallowed and let his hand fall away from me before stepping aside to lean against the wall next to me, leaving me unpleasantly cold after having relished the heat radiating off of him for so long.
We stared out into the dark space together for a beat before he continued speaking, allowing me some much needed time to collect myself, and slow my breathing that had apparently become quite laboured.
“I’ve done some similar things before, but it’s different with you, in a way that makes my past experiences seem shallow and meaningless.” His words still sounded distant, “I see it in your eyes, you know. It doesn’t just turn you on, does it? It's like you come alive from it.” He huffed out a small laugh then threw me a side glance, “Or am I just talking out my ass here?”
I tried to meet his eyes, but he instantly looked away when I turned my head towards him, as if fighting himself to not slip back into his previous carnal state, not ready to stop talking to me just yet.
“No, I think you explained it pretty well actually.” I answered, sounding just as flustered as I felt, made obvious by the way he shifted his body in discomfort as I spoke, letting his head rest against the wall as he shut his eyes for a second, appearing tense from the invisible restraints he’d put himself in. 
After taking a deep breath he pressed on, “Thing is, you’re so desperate for me to push you further and further that I’m constantly torn between holding back too much, or taking things too far. It makes me not trust myself,” He allowed himself to look at me as he spoke the next words, sounding apologetic, “...or you for that matter.”
My brows furrowed, “But, I promised I’d let you know if things go too far.”
He gave me a sombre smile, “Doesn’t matter if you don’t want to be safe, love.”
While his concerns made sense, my subconscious didn’t agree with him.
“I think that maybe you’re mistaking my trust in you for carelessness.”
It was his turn to frown. He studied my face for a long time with a contemplative expression, clearly deep in thought from my statement. After a while he looked away with a sigh. When his gaze travelled back to mine, it seemed he’d allowed himself to feel some of the lust he’d so valiantly attempted to push away, as if my counter argument had won during his internal battle. Because his eyes were suddenly dark and hungry – and his voice matched them perfectly.
“You like it when I scare you, don’t you?” 
My whole body reacted to the question, heating up, yearning – wanting to finally be touched, to be played with. Our conversation had gone on for so long, repeatedly slipping into desire, yet we’ve been continuously ripped away from it. The more times it happened the more desperate the both of us clearly grew.
As I slowly nodded in response to his question, his gaze fell to my dark lips, and a pained expression flashed over his features, “To be honest love, drives me wild to see some fear on you.” His eyes travelled back up to mine and his next words were spoken under his breath, “...How fucking wet you get from it.”
My pulse descended between my legs, soaking me further, adding to the wetness already lingering there from each time he’d turned me on tonight.
He held out his hand, indicating for me to take it. As I slipped my fingers into his open palm, he led me to stand before him.
“Take this off.” He murmured, giving my sweater a gentle tug.
I was suddenly acutely aware of our location. Knowing Oli repeatedly had me do compromising things in precarious places, I should have expected somewhere like this to be on the table. But since I was still relatively clothed underneath my sweater, I decided to go along with his request without overthinking it.
I slipped the sweater over my head to reveal the vulgar, silk dress, with a deep, plunging neckline underneath, along with the marks on my body that I hadn’t bothered using concealer on due to how well the fabric had hid them all. He immediately took the sweater off me, flinging the offending garment to the side of the stage where it disappeared into the darkness.
As he took in the sight of me, he released a long, ragged sigh, “Fucking travesty to cover this up.” 
He slipped a hand to the small of my back and crushed my body against his, and I could immediately feel the outline of his hard cock pressed against my stomach. 
At no point had I dared sneak a peek between his legs during our conversation, knowing I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else considering his attire.
Heat spread rapidly throughout my whole being at the sudden full body contact, causing my heart rate to speed up along with my breathing. I reached for his chest to steady myself against him, to feel him, digging my fingers into the bright red fabric of his cropped jacket, forcing it to shift under my hands and reveal more of the inkwork hidden there.
When my vision eventually ripped itself away from his chest in order to travel upwards, I was met with parted lips, and tufts of hair framing a delightfully lust-riddled face, so close to my own that our heavy breaths mingled.
A thumb appeared at my mouth, placing itself gently on my lower lip adorned by the dark, velvety lipstick.
“This is new for you.” He whispered with a flash of a grin, mesmerised by the sight of his thumb as it grazed along the lip, smudging the colour there, my mouth opening further from the intoxicating sensation, “...I love it.”
I was so lost in what he was doing to me that I’d completely forgotten where we were, which Oli decided it was time to correct, as he grabbed me by the hips to turn me around. The reminder of the view caused my eyes to widen, shyness creeping back in from every angle. But the man behind me pulled me flush against his warm and solid body again, causing me to effortlessly, eagerly melt back into him – back to the same intoxicated state he had me locked in mere moments ago, now with his cock nestled perfectly against my ass.
With his lips against my ear, dark hair falling into my peripheral vision, warm breaths fanning my cheek, all I could do was close my eyes and drown in him as his hands started roaming my body.
“No, open your eyes.” He whispered against my ear, one of his hands slowly caressing my inner thigh, with the other holding me firmly against him, splayed on my stomach.
I fulfilled his request, prying my eyes open, feeling the discomfort wash over me as I stared out into the massive, open space.
“Wouldn’t want you to forget where you are, now would we?” I could feel his lips twist into a smile against my ear as he spoke softly, clearly deriving great pleasure from my distress, further adding to my unease and arousal in equal parts.
The hand on my stomach began trailing upwards, caressing the bare skin between my breasts, so flimsily covered by the black silk.
“Do you have any idea how much I love to make you uncomfortable, my dear, sweet Alice?” His words came low as his lips moved along my ear, “...To watch you squirm, trying your very best to keep it together for me like a good whore.” 
His hand disappeared under the fabric, shifting it slowly to reveal one of my breasts to the empty arena. My heart rate sped up further, making me feel slightly lightheaded.
I felt his dick tense against me before he whispered, “Too much?”
Knowing that I’d probably be having a panic attack right now if I wasn’t in such a lust induced trance didn’t matter one bit – I knew I didn’t want to stop.
“No.” I breathed, nearly a moan.
My response made him cup my breast, playing with it, feeling the weight of it in his hand, causing his breathing to come heavier against my cheek before the hand on my thigh finally began travelling upwards, finally reaching my core, causing my own breath to catch, grabbing for his arms that snaked around me to further steady myself.
“Do you wanna be fucked right here, on stage?” He whispered, nestling his head closer to mine, causing more of his hair to fall into my vision.
I nodded against him, my open mouth panting as his fingers circled my clit.
He breathed out another whisper, “You’re that fucking desperate for me?”
Gooseflesh began spreading over my skin from his teasing, demeaning questions.
“Yes.” I breathed, causing him to release a low, devilish laugh that vibrated against my back.
“Of course you are.”
To my disappointment, the fingers between my legs disappeared, only to immediately reappear beneath my mouth. 
“I’d love to fuck this pretty, painted, little mouth of yours.” The warm and slick fingers followed the shape of my lower lip as he spoke, leaving wet skin behind – at no point actually touching the lip itself, as if to preserve the colour there.
Suddenly his hands fell away before he grabbed me by the hips again, pushing me off of him.
“Down on your knees.” He demanded as I struggled to stay upright without the solid body to lean against.
When I turned around he was already reaching for his belt, where his hard cock was pulling the already tight fabric awkwardly taut, his intoxicated expression confirming that he was every bit as desperate for this as I was.
I eagerly fell to my knees before him, watching in anticipation as he took his time unbuckling his belt.
“Now, we’re gonna test you a bit, love.”
I ripped my eyes away from his bulge as he spoke, in order to look up at him, instantly consumed with excitement from the promise of the mysterious trial to come.
“You’re gonna be good for me and tap my leg if I take it too far.”
He finished with his belt and unbuttoned the trousers, only leaving the zipper left to undo, but he stopped to lean forward, taking hold of my chin with a more sober expression, hair falling over his pleading eyes as he looked down at me, “I’m trusting you here, yeah?”
I swallowed, understanding the personal significance of his statement. So I tried my best to fight through the cloud of desire I was so hopelessly lost in to deliver my words with as much sincerity as I possibly could.
“I’ll tap, I promise...”
There was a punctuated sense of intimacy as we stared into each other's eyes, something infinitely deeper at play than carnal needs. While I’d managed to place my trust in his hands, expecting him to keep me safe as we explored, up until now I haven’t returned the favour. He was asking me to meet him halfway, allowing him to relax and not overextend himself as he looked after me, handing me his rarest commodity – trust, begging me not to break it.
“...You can trust me.” I whispered, to further clarify that I understood the gravity of his request.
An unreadable emotion flickered over his features before he let go of my chin and leaned back, undoing the zipper that had already started to slip from the pressure of his length pushing on it. It sprung free with a bounce, the head glistening from the precum collecting there, his trousers sliding down to reveal his art covered thighs.
I felt my mouth begin to water at the sight, overcome with an intense need to taste it right now, but as I leaned in his fingers laced into my hair and held me in place.
“Only use your tongue, love.” He breathed, and while keeping his fingers in my hair, his hand relaxed, allowing me to move freely again.
I instantly took advantage of my freedom, darting my tongue out to taste the precum, licking it off of him, relishing the taste as I watched the veins of his length grow more defined from my actions.
When I was satisfied with my work, having gotten most of the delectable liquid in my mouth, I moved to the base of his cock, looking up at his glazed over eyes barely visible though his unruly locks, the unwavering gaze locked on me as I let my tongue travel along his length eagerly. The sensation caused a ragged breath to leave him, along with his dick to tense and bob upwards, touching my lips on the way down, leaving an imprint of my mouth behind in the dark, contrasting colour of my lipstick.
As soon as my tongue had flicked off the tip, his fingers in my hair grabbed me again.
“Let’s see how much you can take.” His words came deep and rough, then he guided my open mouth over his head, pushing me further and further down his shaft until it threatened to cause my gag reflex to kick in, but he kept pushing me down on his cock until it hit the back of my throat. Right before I felt myself begin to gag, he released a sound so incredible I felt my pussy throb between my legs, then pulled me off of him.
“Not bad, love.” He breathed, sounding even more inebriated with lust than before. When my eyes managed to focus again, I took in the vision of his slick cock before me; a clear imprint of my lips around it, showcasing exactly how much I’d been able to fit in my mouth, which had been more than I’d expected.
I looked up at him with a proud smile, a quick smile flashed back at me before returning to his previous intoxicated state.
“Open up.” He murmured, before quickly pushing me back down on him as soon as my lips parted enough to let him in. I placed my hands on the warm and art covered skin of his thighs to steady myself as he guided me to suck him in long strokes. His hand fell away from me entirely, allowing me the ability to pleasure him on my own terms.
More ragged breaths and small moans started to slip from his lips, so I looked up to enjoy the sight of him as I worked his cock; his chest was heaving, head leaned against the wall with his eyes shut, his expression flickering to a pained desperation every so often.
“Fuck, you’re doing incredible things.” He breathed, nearly whimpered out, through his other delicious noises, right before his eyes snapped to meet mine, the familiar aggression so prominently on display there.
His fingers shoved their way back into my hair, to hold me firmly in place about halfway down his shaft. But then his other hand appeared in front of my eyes, suddenly pinching my nose shut. My eyes widened in surprise, causing his eyelids to grow heavy as he watched me realise what was going on.
An exhilarating rush of mixed emotions washed over me, intensified by the fact that I didn’t have a full lungs worth of air in me. I felt my nails dig into his thighs as I was entirely too quickly running out of air. Seconds passed and I could feel more precum spill into my mouth, making it obvious how much he was enjoying the sight of my struggle. But his eyes were watching me intensely, expecting – hoping I would put an end to this when I was ready.
Another beat passed and I felt myself grow increasingly desperate for air, so I did as I’d promised; I tapped his leg.
He instantly pulled me away from his cock, letting go of my nose in the same motion. 
I slumped forward before him, inhaling sharply several times to catch my breath. 
When I’d recovered enough to sit back up, my vision was swimming with his hand working his length as he waited for me, causing the lipstick left there to smudge and fade.
“You’re doing so good, love.” He said with adoration in his voice.
I felt a depraved smile grow on my lips before I parted them for him, indicating that I wanted more.
He huffed out a breath, a smile tugging at his own lips from my eagerness, before his hand slipped back into my hair to guide me into the same position as moments ago.
“Take a deep breath this time, love. Let’s see how long you hold it for me.” He said under his breath. As soon as I inhaled he placed his hand over my nose again, restricting my breathing completely.
Immediately I tasted more precum entering my mouth, followed by the sensation of my own juices running down my thigh. I was in heaven, completely and utterly blessed as I felt the steady pulse of his heartbeat through his cock on my lips, on my tongue, as he was getting off on withholding something so vital from me as air.
Without realising it, my eyes had fallen shut as I was enjoying the sensations and trying to focus on preserving my air supply so I could stay like this for longer.
“Look at me.” His voice came so low and desperate, when my eyes met his again they were glowing with hunger.
I felt his hand in my hair grip me tighter, pushing me further down his shaft with a shaky exhale, his cock tensing in my mouth as my tongue moved along it.
“You’re incredible.” He said so quietly it was barely audible before he gently started moving his hips against me, slowly fucking my mouth, instantly increasing the difficulty of my already challenging task.
Once again I felt my nails involuntarily dig into his thighs as I struggled, which seemed to only spur him on as a particularly delectable moan left him followed by several ragged breaths, his fingers venturing deeper into my hair, pushing me down on him further, almost as deep as when he was testing me. Suddenly I was fighting against my gag reflex as well as my need for air, and in my overwhelmed state I’d apparently shut my eyes again.
“Keep your fucking eyes on me.” He demanded, a lot louder than anything else we’ve said on the stage tonight, causing a small echo to travel throughout the vast space of the arena.
I could taste more precum as I pried my eyes back open, the man above me emitting a restrained, desperate energy, his dark eyes completely glazed over. My need for air was reaching a breaking point, I began pushing at his thighs out of reflex, not actually wanting to come up for air just yet, but he held me firmly in place – knowing that’s not what we agreed on. When I didn’t tap he pushed me down on him harder, this time pressing himself against the back of my throat with a moan, sending a shiver of lust throughout my body despite my obvious discomfort. But that was the last thing I got to enjoy before the moment had to come to an end, as it was time to tap.
The millisecond my hand hit his thigh he was already pulling out, knowing how far I’d pushed myself. After I’d collapsed against him, I clung to his leg as I recovered, coughing from the sensation of fullness still lingering in my throat where he’d pushed down on me.
This time he didn’t leave me enough time to recover though, his hand slipping right back into my hair, guiding my breathless face back into his view.
“You look perfect like this.” He whispered, working his soaking dick in long strokes over me, shaking the hair out of his eyes as he panted heavily. His words and the sight of him caused a tired smile to blossom on my lips, feeling high as a kite from arousal after having been played with in new, wonderful ways.
“All messy and breathless…” The grip on my hair tightened as his strokes came faster, “Do you have any idea how tempting it is to cum all over you right now? Have you walk to the dressing room fucking covered in it.” His expression shifted into a sadistic smile, sending more shivers throughout my whole body. He exhaled sharply, “Giving me that look doesn’t help, love. It’s only making me want to do it more.”
He’d made a similar statement at the afterparty, in the end he’d cum in my mouth instead. But I knew this time was different; I was already a mess, and the dressing rooms weren’t that far away. I couldn’t tell if I was negotiating with myself or not, but somehow the reward outweighed the risk massively, as I couldn’t imagine anything I wanted more in this moment either. Just the thought of him coming all over me on the stage he mere hours earlier performed in front of thousands of people, elicited a type of thrill that I wasn’t sure I’d experienced before. When I opened my mouth to speak I could feel my heart pounding between my legs, feeling dizzy from arousal and breathlessness.
“Please, just cover me.” I breathed – a flustered whisper, causing his expression to turn even more desperate, his breathing coming rough and quick as his gaze travelled along my body. I looked down to see clear liquid pooling on his tip, obviously close to the edge, confirmed by his strokes slowing down significantly. My eyes snapped back to him, his head rolled back for a moment before looking back down on me with extremely heavy eyelids. His strokes turning jerky as the warm liquid fired over me, the first shot landing on my lips, I instantly darted my tongue out to taste it before I felt it dripping down my chin, dripping into my lap, joined by the second shot that hit my throat, running down between my breasts as he groaned and sighed.
“Fuck.” He breathed in delight as the third shot covered my face, but thankfully missed my eyes.
He was barely done coming when his hand fell away from my hair.
“On all fours, now!” He demanded as he shoved me to face the empty seats. As soon as I fell forward in the right direction, he pushed into me with ease as my skirt had already hiked up on its own accord from kneeling. I felt myself instantly lose control of my body as he moved inside me; I moaned entirely too loud, trying to stop myself, knowing someone might hear me, but the sounds just kept coming as his fingers dug deep into the flesh of my hips, pounding me hard and fast, my whimpers and moans mingling with the slapping sounds that echoed all around us. His exhales and moans joined mine, as he suddenly fell forward on top of me, my arms giving out from the impact. I was delightfully crushed by his weight, heaving breaths and moans being exhaled next to my ear, with more warm liquid filling me up with each pump.
When he was done, the only sound that remained was our laboured breathing.
“Fucking hell, love…” He started, his voice rough and unsteady, “It’s been a while since I came twice in a row.”
Without giving either of us any time to recover, he pushed himself up, pulling out in the same motion, eliciting one last moan from me. I heard the clanging of his belt as he was already putting himself back together. I don’t know how he’d sobered up so quickly as I was completely out of it; freshly pounded, breathless, and dripping of cum.
“I’ve made a right mess of you,” He muttered, still sounding shaky and short of breath, but he was clearly in a rush, “let’s get you sorted.”
A hand appeared on my shoulder before I got rolled onto my back, feeling like a ragdoll. I looked up at his flushed face as he slipped his hands under my body, collecting me in his arms with ease before stalking off with me.
All I could do was cling to him as he swept me away from the stage, my mind entirely too blank – entirely too happy, to feel any anxiety about my state, or who might see me like this.
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gxdsfavgal · 2 years
Fucking Spiderman
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x pogue!reader
Warning: underage drinking, fluff, like 2 kisses
I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a slight crush on JJ Maybank. Not slight, it’s a huge crush. But you know the rules, Pogues don't mack on Pogues. It’s stupid but it keeps us in check, except Kie and Pope.
I mean, I’ve known all of them since Kindergarten. It would be weird. People always see us as a family, like siblings. I hated that, we all did. 
Tonight we planned on having a night in, calming ourselves after John B’s charges were dropped. We all got into the Twinkie and headed into town, stopping to get some beer and a few bags of chips.
On our way back, JJ started making plans. We all knew he wanted to make up for the time that we thought Sarah and JB were dead after the storm.
“So tomorrow?” the blond turned around in the passenger seat, looking at the rest of us in the back.
“I’m doing nothing as always.” I leaned back into the seat.
“Umm, I think Sarah and I are gonna go back to Tannyhill to get some of her stuff.” John B spoke over the music, Sarah agreed with what he said.
“Y/n and I can help.” JJ patted JB’s shoulder. I honestly didn't want to go to Tannyhill after all the things that's happened, so I shook my head to JJ.
“JJ, I’m just grabbing some essentials and hang with Wheezie.” Sarah didn't want to hurt his feelings, but she hasn't seen Wheezie ever since she's arrived back at OBX.
“Yeah yeah.” he rolled his eyes as we arrived back at the hot tub.
We all crawled out of the van and grabbed all the groceries. We quickly stripped down to our bathing suits and turned on the hot tub. The couples sat next to each other in their opposite corners, while JJ and I sat across from each other.
“How about you guys? Kie? Pope?” JJ asked as he took a swig of his beer. “Nevermind don't even answer that.”
I giggled as he mocked them to me, pretending to make out with the air and saying cheesy flirty things. 
“Okay. Y/n, wanna go out on a date?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
My heart stopped. Did I really hear JJ ask me out on a date?
“I- Um I have a boyfriend.” I winced at the stupid lie.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and whatever conversation they were having.
“No way.” Sarah looked at me with a shocked smile, and so did Kie.
“Since when?” Pope questioned.
“Yeah, since when? I’ve never heard you say anything about a guy?” JJ widened his arm and hooked each one on the side of the hot tub.
“Pogue or kook?” John B asked, Sarah nodded at the question.
Fuck. I am in too deep.
“He’s a kook.” I gave a thin smile.
“Oh wow! Leaving us for a kook?” JJ yelled in sarcasm and earned a middle finger from Sarah. “What’s his name anyways?”
“Um. Peter?” I looked away trying to hide that I am lying.
“Are you telling me or asking me?” JJ questioned, his eyebrows raised.
“Peter. It’s Peter.” I can tell by everyone’s faces that they are thinking off all the Peters on the island.
“Peter Jameson?” Pope eagerly asked.
“No” I shook my head, crossing my arms.
“Peter Andy?” Kie asked.
“Ew!” all of us said in unison. I would never date a 40 year old that smokes like 3 boxes of cigs a day.
“Just tell us his last name.” John B playfully slapped my shoulder.
“Parker.” my body sunk lower into the water.
“Peter Parker?” Sarah said out loud.
“The fucking Spiderman?” JJ asked as he stood up in the hot tub. His hands on his head as if he was going crazy.
“Ye— well… no” I said before sinking my whole body under the warm water.
I could hear their laughs above the water so I raised back to the surface, wiping the water off of my face. My whole body went hot, and it wasn't the jacuzzi doing that. I was embarrassed.
“Do you want me to hang upside down, y/n?” JJ asked as he started to climb out of the hot tub, doing the Spiderman landing pose.
Pope, John B, and Kie started to fake sling webs while Sarah was dying from laughter, clenching her stomach.
“JJ, get in the Twinkie.” I demanded as I stomped out of the hot tub.
JJ whispers an “okay.” I just know he was looking back at the group and was shrugging his shoulders.
I opened the back door of the van and told him to get in before me. I closed the door to give us some privacy.
“Okay.” I breathed out all shaky. “Okay, I freaked out so I said that I had a boyfriend.”
I crossed my arms over my chest as JJ’s face showed that he was amused.
“I’m serious JJ.” I slapped his arm.
“Oh I know you are MJ.” he teased
“I just- I’ve never been on a date before. A-and I really like you so I just spat out that I'm dating Spiderman” I confessed to him.
I heard him chuckle. His tongue on the side of his cheek. I couldn't tell if he was mad or just laughing at me.
“Y/n, everyone has their first times.” he was more serious and genuine now. “So, let me take you on your first date.”
I dropped my head down to my hands. “J, I don't want you to take me on a date because you pity me.”
He pulls my hands away from my face, holding my wrists lightly. “I want to take you out on a date because I like you, not because I pity you.”
His smile always made me smile, he had that effect on me.
“You're not pranking me right?” I looked around the van. “C’mon guys its not funny haha.”
He looks at me like I'm going crazy, his mouth open. 
“Its not a prank huh?” I looked at him for answers. “God I keep making a fool out of myself.”
I groaned and laid down on the back seat.
“So MJ, will you go out on a date with me?” he held out his hand.
“Yeah whatever” I playfully rolled my eyes as he pulled me up to sit straight.
We sat there in silence, my eyes staring at his lips.
“What? Have I been talking to you with something on my face?” he rubbed at his cheeks.
“Come here.” he ducked down to not hit the roof of the van but brought his face close to mine.
My hand cupped his jaw, rubbing his cheek pretending to take off whatever he thought was on his face. I pulled his jaw to mine, our lips connecting. His lips were soft and warm, I can taste the beer on him.
He pulled away with a smirk on his face.
“Usually I would do that after the first date but okay!” he clapped his hands as he pulled my face into another kiss. It was deeper this time, our tongues clashed.
“JJ...” I pulled away trying to breath.
“Oh shit please tell me that was your first kiss.” he closed his eyes and crossed his fingers waiting for my answer.
“It wasn't.” I broke the news to him and he groaned.
“Damnit I was so close” I laughed at his theatrics.
“Let’s go back to the group.” I pulled at his arm as we open the van door, my arm linked in his and my cheek resting on his bicep.
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