#tho it's kinda a mess bc i pretty just ramble on there about all my thoughts and feels and i pretty much quit using hashtags for these shows
hilokaul · 6 months
Drop your twitter girl, I would love to read all your thoughts about kdramas. Only if you want of course 🫶
it's here 🫶
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Hi Darling! First of all.. OMG I REALLYYY REALLYYYY LOVE YOUR FIC ♥️♥️♥️! I've been a silent reader for too long and this is the first time I came to the surface to thank you for this amazing fic and art that you've made.
I also have gathered my courage to ask you this. But headcanonically (if that's even a word but wtv 😭) in your fic world. Did Sebastian ever court or interested in someone before Clora? I had a wild thought that he was into someone and had courted them but wouldn't last long because he had to take care of Anne and this lass he courted was tired of his rambling about Anne this and Anne that. Sebastian decided that they should end things because not appreciating Anne means not appreciating him.
And when he dated Clora. He met her again. She desperately wants him back and apologises (She does have another intention though). He declines because he's already ill with her and is now crazy in love with our darling Clora. He chooses not to tell Clora about this. But I wonder what happened if Clora knows tho.
AW THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME💖💖IM GLAD TO HEAR IT💖💖 AND OK its funny you bring this up bc i actually planned for sebastian to have a bit of an internal monologue in my most recent chap about the girls he's had a crush on (before clora--omg... B.C), but i ended up cutting it out because it was part of a deleted scene. but no seb has never actually dated/courted anyone before clora, tho he defs did have crushes....but if he WAS with another girl before clora....🤔🤔hmm🤔🤔 i guess it would depend when in their relationship clora found out? if it was at the beginning when clora was still really shy/nervous/self conscious, it would obviously make her even moreso, and she would have compared herself and wondered if she was good enough and if she was doing things right. and i feel like that early in the relationship, if that other girl DID come back and try and get with seb, clora might actually be worried they'd get together again, esp if she ever saw them talking (kinda like the lawley situation, but in reverse BAHA) if it was NOW though and clora just suddenly found out....LMAOO oh boy. she'd obvs be like why did u never tell me, and itd go something like this: seb: "it was brief enough that i didn't see any point in mentioning it--we hadn't even snogged." clora: "well, it just so happens that i was with a boy before you, too. but we hadn't snogged either, so by your logic, i guess you don't care." seb: ".........." seb: "........alright, point proven." (and then seb would be all worried and confirm that she hadnt actually been with anyone before him/that she was just messing with him, and shed be like LMAO YES IT WAS JUST FOR ARGUMANTS SAKE OBVS) anyway clora might be sad for a bit but she'd get over it pretty quick, since she knows seb is so devoted to her/hed make it a point to be a huge simp for her to show her he has no leftover feelings for anyone else LOL (like how he was after the relic incident & during her period) honestly its just hard to make clora jealous in the first place, bc seb is such a mega simp for her LMFAO. and aS HE SHOULD BE!!!👇🧎‍♂️
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inkysquelched · 7 months
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I drew my bozos and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now get ready for a long post as I talk about my headcannons for them. Feel free to ask me anything about them, I love rambling:
Agent 3: Has a major RBF, but she’s nice I promise you. She’s been enjoying her role as captain but was overwhelmed at first.
Weapon preferences: shooters, chargers
Fave Special: Splashdown
Agent 4: Just vibing honestly, she’s gotten pretty good at hacking/research over the years.
Weapon preferences: daulies, brushes
Fave Special: Boyah Bomb
Agent 8: Curses in octarian at least 5 times a day. Remarkably relaxed despite all the bs shes been through.
Weapon preferences: shooters
Fave Special: Triple Inkstrike
Neo 3: A chaotic child, will occasionally eat stuff off the floor.
Weapon preferences: tri-stringer, blasters if shes feeling spicy
Fave Special: Super Chump
Some Honorable Mentions:
3 has a major sweet tooth and she won’t apologize for it. (shes awful with spicy food tho gchfxgfz)
Neo really likes bread.
8 will eat the most criminally offensive spicy food without a reaction.
3 likes to sleep in her squidform, it’s kinda weird to others. It’s honestly more worrying if she doesn’t shift forms. (hc that people usually only do that when theyre really sick…..and then theres 3)
4 listens to her music too loud.
3 and 4 bicker all the time, but it rarely gets to a point where they’re actually upset. They especially fight about how to lead on missions (this is moot bc 3 is the captain lol) because 3 prefers the “slow and steady” approach and 4 prefers to play “fast and loose”, if that makes sense. (8s just here for the ride)
The squid sisters like to say that 3 and 4 are twins and they both hate it.
3 is a runaway, Neo is an orphan. Different circumstances, same outcome. They relate to each other a lot and I think thats awesome (and sad).
Neo (and 8) will occasionally say some out of pocket shit without realizing just how messed up it really is: “what? you’ve never had to eat out of the trash before?”
3 is very emotionally numb and has a hard time expressing any care towards others, so she ends up showing it through favors/giving advice/“are you ok?”s. She’ll tell you to put on a jacket when it’s 70 degrees out lol. (this is also why she’s a mess around 8, those are feelings she has no idea how to deal with)
3 is terrified of being sick (like bedridden sick, haha sanitization go brr) and will inwardly panic the whole time.
3 has the worst alcohol tolerance behind Marie and 4. (Callie will drink 12 shots of vodka without flinching)
Octolings have a very different view on relationships than inklings do; inklings will date/marry out of love while octolings will treat it more as a transaction (not saying they can’t, love just isn’t a priority). 8 as had and infatuation for 3 for years but doesn’t act on it because she wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she did. She knows inklings hold more weight to relationships and didn’t want to risk hurting 3 if she was wrong. (the events of side order really helped her figure it out)
After the events of Splatoon 2, 4 took a back seat on being an agent. Less frontlines and more research focused. (like Marie lol) She hated this at first, but grew to like it.
3s alter ego is DJ Sango, she uses her rapping/singing to vent. 4 and 8 play dumb and pretend they don’t know about her account. (They both listen to her music tho 😶)
8 is extremely calm, you’d have to be trying to piss her off.
Inklings are like mood rings, there tentacles will change color depending on their mood (think like streaks or spots of other colors) The more intense the emotion, the deeper the color.
8 and 3 both have to clean/replace their weapon filters more often than most but for different reasons: for eight its bc shes an octoling (their ink is more abrasive) while 3 has thicker ink than normal as the last remnant of being partially sanitized.
3 isn’t actually as stinky as the squid sisters will have you believe. She one time came back from a mission smelling particularly RANKED that day, and they’ve never let her live it down.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any rn
k bye <3
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sunseed-leaf · 4 months
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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yayforocs · 8 months
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I!!! ok ok these were who i was actually originally going to make helsmets for but then i remembered aron was originally a minecraft oc and she Immediately Took The Spotlight bUT I!!!! made some helsmets of the minecraft crew (even tho their helsmets would certainly not be a crew) to fill @silverskye13's sandbox with!!!!! i will ramble!! under cut!!
He was like the first one (maybe second??) that i came up with an idea for, and it was actually the redesigns that did it! i mentioned that he kept his more sculk-y eye and half of his face hidden bc it could freak ppl out and then also i realized that i'd kinda visualized him as a happy ray of sunshine all the time and it perfectly opened the door to! suppression. like if he's perfect beam of sunshine all the time then he's gotta be suppressing/hiding A Lot Of StuffTM, both physically (hiding as much of his warden influence as possible) and emotionally (only showing others his happiness), so i made his helsmet based off that! :V it's also kinda what firemite is afraid to be seen as i think, bc if he saw his helsmet all he would see is what about himself would scare ppl.
Tyratone was my second!! I'm pretty sure! she might've been first. but Tyr looks around at her friend group and sees that everyone else contributes- fire brings up resources from underground, aqua makes connections to other folks to keep them on good terms, and razor keeps the group protected from physical threats. She just.. has her little indoor farm. Collects crops every so often. Mostly keeps her cats alive. Messes around with firemite n tags along with razor to scout out sometmes. Like what does she even do. (She provides for the group but thinks it a task that any of them could do and that she's not really needed, even tho they do all rely on her to keep them going. Any of them *could* step into that role alongside what they do, it's simple enough, but they all appreciate having her around bc she's fun and enjoys simple things, and keeps the group together.) She thinks it only a matter of time before she's kicked out bc she's not really doing much, and so her helsmet is based around proving her worth through what she can do for other people!
Aqua took me a bit to fully realize; i had a vague idea for a while but it was toeing the line of similarity to tyr's and i didn't want repeats, so i sat and thought for a bit. in his original bio, i'd put that he kinda missed only having two ppl in the group, and that he thinks he's the leader but isn't. ok, so throwing these two things together, i can kinda figure that maybe he missed only having two people bc it meant that his opinions carried more weight, because it was only ever up against one other, instead of three others. he gets ideas of what he thinks is best and what he thinks they should do at any given time and the others tend to go with razor's ideas more than his, and it gets to him. he feels like they don't really listen to him at all, which they do and give consideration to his input, but he gets jealous and upset that razor's ideas are gone with more. so his hels is someone that constantly strives to be heard and to be listened to and to be viewed as important! i'm not actually sure if how i ended up implementing that works or not, but that's what i was able to come up with :V (the cane is just to look neat, and also it's netherite so heavy bonking stick as well should he need it sdklfj)
and then razor! razor. good night he gave me trouble. i wanted to draw him so badly and could not for the life of me figure out what his hels would be of. like i knew he'd be a fighter, but like. why would he exist in the first place?? i kinda thought about how i'd designed him and what personality traits i'd given him- he wears a lot of layers, most of his face is covered, long sleeves, it's a kinda closed-off wardrobe. and he's phlegmatic, so he goes with the flow a lot. maybe his thing is that he's doing what he can to keep the group safe, sure, but he also wants to try to stay a little closed-off, so that if he fails one day to keep them safe, it won't hurt as much and would be easier to move on. tossing around the idea that maybe that had happened with folks he was previously with- before he and fire met aqua and tyr, and maybe even before he met fire. not sure yet, (still not entirely certain on his hels concept at all tbh) but that's the fun of being in the middle of developing characters and their stories!! trying stuff out and seeing if it sticks!!
ANYWAY if u read all of that bLESS YOU ilysm these were really fun to figure out and make!!! also cannot believe i hecking. i did all these today, this afternoon/evening dslkfjsdkl i'm going to bed Extremely LateTM but it is worth it!!! i did it!!!! i'm so happy i love them sm qvq ty silver for writing such a cool hecking story that provides so so much inspiration and such a fun world to play around in, this was a fantastic exercise in character development for these four, who just existed as bullet points prior :V
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leonenjoyer69 · 3 months
Wanted to ask something about your bbg Elias, s there any difference between his face shape to Robert's the way Edward is different from Henry?👀
Been a while since I've last read your fic about Elias (two weeks in total but MAN those were some ling weeks-) so I might be forgetting stuff or small details about it cmdbcjbdksbxksbd
Don't worry, I forget things about my own fics very quickly 💀 I need to reread it and pump out the next chapter already, no matter how much I may dislike it. Also, honestly I've rambled and come up with so much stuff seperately from the story that I don't even remember what lore has been included in it! I just know there's really not much at all 💀 But!!! Yes there are differences! Uh, more below the cut cuz I'm gonna include art and stuff lmao
Okay, so, first of all, Elias's face is less round than Lanyon's, and a bit shorter. basically, his jaw is a bit more refined and also less chubby than Lanyon's, I guess. You know how hyde's face is shorter and chubbier/rounder than Jekyll's? Yeah, well, since Lanyon's already got his cute chubby cheeks, I figured Elias could lose some of that, he's still got very squishable cheeks tho, lil fella :3
otherwise, other facial differences include:
-lighter freckles, but still definitely visible, and he may have more than Lanyon
-lighter(?), less saturated skin
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-usually has more of a flush on his cheeks
-less round eyes, generally have a more squinted look, since he's more sensitive to light (blue and green eyed gang with a sensitivity to light, rise up!)
-eyebags/sunken eyes
-hair is a pretty obvious one, they have completely different hair types (what those types are I couldn't tell you tho) and colors (and lengths, obviously)
-more scrunched up nose, basically always has that line between his eyes on his nose. kinda gives a small feeling that he's always a little disgusted, though people kinda got used to it as his usual appearance.
-funky lil eyebrows! They kinda end like Jekyll's do, with the little squiggle, but way less extreme and more up than down, if that makes sense? (pic of him bald for ref lmao) this is something that usually doesn't get noticed I feel because of how his hair covers them
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-when front facing, he has the same lil nose thing that Lanyon has, that goes over the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. He's also just inherently got this insanely sad look I suppose 💀
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And then there's,,,, this one. Uh, his body is far more lithe than Lanyon's, and his ribs show a bit. His freckles also span his chest and back and shoulders like Lanyon's do. His collar bones and such are also more present
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OTHERWISE, for comparisons, this is,,,, one of the 3 times (basically) I've drawn Lanyon, and I don't really like it ngl, messed up the eyes too much, but some of the differences should kinda be visible.
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Otherwise, there's also this piece--
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Where I like how Lanyon looks and kinda,,, don't like how Elias looks, bc I kept messing up HIS eyes and mouth 💀 literally the best Lanyon I've drawn tho, shout out to this Lanyon specifically 🗣️🗣️
Anyways!!! Yeah!!! They certainly have their differences, as well as their similarities, I love my babies so much and I really really need to update my fic... Once the English language returns to me. Thank you for the ask, and I'm glad you enjoy my story and characters :D
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chemzee · 6 months
Just a small ramble about Cass, Wallpaper and my personal rewriting of hpma story so don't mind me. Might delete later. It's all my personal opinion tho so feel free to disagree with me.
As much as I defend Cassandra a lot (I'm afraid people from the server can confirm that) I would be lying if I said I can defend her bullying. Nothing against bully characters, I have a tendency to enjoy them (which is kinda weird given how I was bullied myself literally all my life and everywhere I go 💀) I genuinely don't like that part of Cassandra's character, I like her so much more outside the main story, like, don't get me started on how much I believe Y3 did her absolutely dirty and somewhat mischaracterized her (in my opinion that is) for sake of antagonizing her. And especially as someone who, unfortunately, happens to enjoy DanCass a lot, I do feel pretty iffy about that part of their canon dynamic.
I feel like Cass, as a bully, specifically in Y3, feels a bit overpowered. I understand why she wasn't punished in Y1, bc like, she almost got killed, but in Y3? I genuinely believe she'd work a lot better as a rival character, someone on equal grounds with the main cast, who just messes with us rather than bully, because her being a bully who gets away with pretty much everything creates a very unhealthy power dynamic and I'm not really a fan of that, especially given how it's clear our mc and Cassandra are friends or just enjoy each other's company enough, somewhat.
Which is kinda how I personally rewrote her dynamic with the cast and specifically Daniel: a rival character, who sometimes gets along with the main cast but often messes with them because she sees them as competition (which is how I feel they're portrayed in sidequests, Cass rarely, if ever, bullies the main gang, she's just mean to them or sometimes even actually kinda nice, in her own way, these sidequests being the main reason I love her sm). Yet because of her arrogance, she still judges people based on their family background, because for her, it's safe to assume you're going to be similar to those who raises you. And she just kinda takes things a bit too far in Y3 and the moment Daniel attacks her and McGonagall gives her a speech she's like "... Oh shit." and the realization that she really crossed the line for some petty rivalry hits her like a truck, which would initiate the whole redemption arc of hers.
But it's just my rewrite ig hehe
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pain-is-too-tired · 26 days
asking shit again bc im bored and i love reading your ideas <3
would really love to know more about your ideas or hcs for borrowers au? no pressure, but im kinda hooked on the idea lol
Can't remember all I've already rambled about so forgive me if I repeat stuff but-
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Kronos and Minos have very different ways on how they handle borrowers but they are very similar in ways as well.
Minos of course likes to experiment on them. Test their endurance, resolve, etc. Idk if any of y'all watched Muppets From Space, but imagine that lab scene with Rizzo. Pretty much what Chris is dealing with but worse.
Kronos just likes to mess/toy with any borrowers he captures. Having Luke trust him to stay in the complex he owns is really him playing the long game really. Though he isn't as interested in just messing with Luke as he seems to have more of a odd fondness for him. More so like a pet more than anything tho.
Both also are not like by the ones living in the complex.
Which is just typical landlord and tenant relationship tbh hdgdf
But Kronos is pretty cruel to his tenants, is a way that he's probably treat them like he does borrowers of he could. The oldest of the tenants become ultra protective of the younger due to this.
When Luke tells Lee about him trusting Kronos means well or whatever, Lee immediately is like-
"It took him a week to get mold from out of the vents. Dude you are not safe with that man."
Thing is, Luke does slowly peice together that Kronos (and Minos) isn't good. But he's much too scared to do anything about it, he has a bad habit of thinking mainly for himself at times. He's far to scared of getting killed or worse so it's easy him just to stay in Kronos good side.
That, and Kronos tends to boost his ego. Makes it hard for him to think about how much the others around him are suffering.
The other borrowers, however, are not as willing to just take it.
Charles becomes ultra protective of those around him. Especially as one of their previous homes had been Gaea's, who had hurt and nearly killed Leo and Hazel.
Bianca is just as protective; given, again, Hazel had been hurt before. Causing her to be super protective of her younger siblings.
Also, struggle to decide which Percy and Annabeth would be for a bit, but I've decided have Percy as a Borrower and Annabeth as another tenant in collage.
Percy is also very protective in typical Percy fashion. Not just for his little cousins(Bianca, Nico and Hazel) but his little brother Tyson.
When Chris first goes missing, Percy's one the first to go looking for him, which leads him to getting caught by Annabeth. If course their first run in is tense but Percy slowly starts warming to Annabeth who's also still unsure what to make of him.
He also ends up being found by Lee after an argument with Luke leads him to get hurt by a snake they stumble on. Lee helps heals him and also precedes to chew out Luke next time he sees him.
Also. Borrowers 100% purr in my head. After being found and in healing, Chris is in a comatose state for awhile. Clarisse, Silena and Charles are all worried of course. But one day why they're checking in on Chris he just starts purring.
Silena and Clarisse are taken aback at first, but Charles is immediately ecstatic. Purring is a good sign he's getting better!
Had to draw it of course-
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vamp-stamp-fics · 2 years
Being Griffin Staggs older brother figure Headcanons
Fandom: the black phone
Word count:
Tags: Griffin Stagg x male reader (PLATONIC), fluff, Headcanons, reader is in highschool, no grabber Au, mentions of Vance bc apparently this progressed into just Y/n, Vance, & Griffin being a friend group or it could be seen as Y/n & Vance being a couple while they adopted Griffin as Thier son/j
A/n: this kid was on screen for less than 5 minutes and within those 5 minutes I wanted to be his big brother and buy him snacks and give him head pats bc he's a sweet kid to me whenever I see a kid in any form of media I like I have the urge to adopt them
How you 2 met is that you both were neighbors
He always saw you outside on the sidewalk on your skateboard if you don't skate just pretend you do lol
thought you were pretty cool but didn't say anything cus teenagers scared him same Griffin same
one day his bike broke and his mom was at work so he decided to ask you for help
you both knew of each other before, you'd sometimes help his mom with her errands. But y'all barely spoke to each other besides the hellos sometimes
Knocked at your door and just stood there like "🕴️"
He's an awkward kid alright?
After telling you what he needed you dragged the bike into your garage and fixed it
He sat on one of the plastic bins and talked with you while you tried fixing it
Asked a shit load of questions 💀
"How old are you?"
"(Your age)"
"What's your favorite food?"
"(Favorite food)"
"Hm my favorites goldfish if I could I'd eat them all the time but my mom says that I shouldn't cus I'd get sick"
"yeah goldfish are pretty good but your mom's probably right"
"How long have you had your skateboard?"
"Few good years, like maybe around 3?"
Griffin immediately takes note how you don't brush him off or tell him to be quiet, and even tho you're busy with something you're still answering him. He continues to ramble as you just listen what the kid has to say
after that interaction y'all become a little closer
k now let's get time skip to where y'all actually are friends
your nicknames for him are kid and little man
if you have a job you always save a little for Griffin so you can buy him snacks whenever y'all go to the store
after school he'll come by your house and y'all just talk while you fix your board in the garage or doing skating around the sidewalk
that or you play video games that you have (they had small gaming consoles in the 70s like Atari & telegames)
he's kinda a sore loser tho 💀
he'll complain about losing for the 3rd time in a row while you laugh your ass off. He punches you in the arm for it
you try to teach how to actually get good at it
since y'all are basically brothers you also play fight/argue
you'll smack him on the back of the neck sometimes (not hard enough that it actually hurts it just startles him lol) and he'll punch you in the arm, causing you to give him a noogie (if you don't know what that is it's when someone playfully wrap your arm around someone and mess up Thier hair)
of course since you're older then him you always make sure you don't seriously hurt him
when he does get seriously injured tho from scraping his knee from riding his bike or just playing outside you always patch him up
"Jesus kid what the hell happened to you?"
"I fell 😐"
you always have first aid with you cus you get scrapes from skating yourself, so when Griffin gets scratched up sometimes you already have it ready
Griffins mom absolutely adores you and how you're like an older brother for her son. She knows he doesn't have alot of friends so you being one of his makes her really happy
whenever y'all go to the grab n go you always steer Griffin away from Vance
you actually took an ass beating from Vance for Griffin after some dick from his school tripped him and he slammed into the pinball machine
• I mean Vance wouldn't have beat Griffins ass anyways cus he's a little kid but no one knew that
afterwards you both sat on the curb while you held a cold soda to your now black eye
"Can't believe you let that guy beat you over some stupid game 😒"
"Griffin shut the fuck up-"
now if you're friends with Vance ignore the above lol
when Griffin slammed into the machine Vance almost cussed him out but you quickly grabbed the kid as you tried to explain to Vance
"Yo Vance chill he's with me man. Griffin say hi"
he just responded with a huff and went back to playing pinball, slamming the machine in the process from frustration. Griffin thought Vance didn't like him but you assured him
"Don't worry kid he thinks your cool, he just needs to concentrate on his game"
you know that Griffin gets somewhat picked on so you tried to teach him how to fight. If you don't know how to fight tho you just have Vance help him lol
speaking of which just cus he gets bullied a lot doesn't mean he can't talk shit back. Griffin has the mouth of a damn sailor if he wants to, of course he doesn't cuss in front of his mother or teachers but when it's just you, him, and Vance it's free game
he kinda finds it funny when people see him as some little innocent boy but then spew the most terrible mashed up form of words put together in the English language 💀
you laughed when you first heard him call someone a butt fucking dickhead
as if he wasn't friends with you and Vance
tried to teach him how to skate one time
Y/n, Vance, and Griffin we're at the park. Y/n put Thier foot on the board and kept the other on the ground. "You put your dominant foot here and keep the one on the ground then push off the sidewalk then put your foot on the board got it?" Griffin nodded as Vance watched. "Alright here" Y/n got off the board and sat on the sidewalk. Griffin copied Y/n movements on the board and started skating down the sidewalk. Vance snorted "I bet his dumbass slips and busts his ass" Y/n smacked his arm "shut up ass hat" Griffin went further down the sidewalk as Y/n cheered.
"You're doing great Little man!"
Griffin turned back to Y/n and Vance, causing him to slip and fall slamming into the pavement.
"SHIT MAN" Vance and Y/n ran over to where Griffin was now lying. Y/n sat him up and gave him a quick look over "you good? You hit the ground pretty hard" the kid nodded trying to hold back tears
you patched him up and told him that y'all could try again another time
you're always blasting some form of music from your cassette player whenever you're skating around and always try to get Griffin to listen to it
if you're a heavy metal fan he probably won't like it. I hc that Griffin has sensitive ears so really loud noise or music he dislikes so you always try to play more less blaring rock music like some led zeppelin songs
but if you don't listen to metal/rock then he'll probably give it a listen
always try to give him sort of school advice and just advice in general
"Y'know you should never give a shit what people think of you Griffin, if it doesn't affect you in 5 years then I say do whatever the fuck you want 😤"
"Thanks I guess 😐"
if you watch horror movies you always try to get him to watch it and try to convince him it's not that scary
"Griffin it's not that scary I swear!" Y'all watched Texas chainsaw massacre 💀
he gripped on your arm tight the entire time
thought it was gonna snap off from how hard he was holding it
he couldn't sleep for a week afterwards
if you smoke, drink, or anything like that you never do it front of him. you wanna set a good example for Griffin
well you say that yet you and Vance do the worst in front of him
literally beat tf out of people in front of him and go to abandoned buildings to hang out yet draw the line of him witnessing a cigarette in your hands
Y/n: "Im okay with beating people up, but I draw the line at smoking"
Griffin: "you're okay with beating people up? 🤨"
if you have a car you sometimes pick Griffin up from school which is a funny scenario cus Vance likes to tag along sometimes
just imagine being one of Griffins classmates and you just see a car pull up blasting metal/heavy rock (if you Don't listen to that type of music Then Vance chose the music that time lol) of two teenagers one of them being the Vance fucking hopper only for Griffin to walk up and drive off in it while hearing the two teens argue about whether to turn the music down or not
Griffin: you two bicker like an old married couple 😒
That's all the hcs I got for now but if I have more I'll update this
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
anyway tho like. now that ive played the 1.2 story and sat on it a bit id say my overall thoughts are def mixed. i enjoyed a lot of it but theres some things that sorta just stick out or dont work and the pacing definitely worked against the story
(just a long rant/ramble upcoming its not coherent at all lol)
one thing that rly rubbed me the wrong way was like. while overall this story rly sold fu xuan as a character to me (i was a huge fan of her presence overall) the dan shu thing just felt? wrong? and like to be clear it wasnt just fu xuan the scenes writing was off in general but her role in being the one countering dan shus points just made her p central to the problem.
but like my issue is that dan shu is previously established as having very understandable reasons behind her resentment of lan that made her compelling as twist villain imo. Yet that resolve was nowhere in the scene in her rebuttal of the xianzhous ways?? when i think that shouldve been The moment of her calling out the xianzhou and actually challenging fu xuan properly. it wouldve been an even better opportunity to expand upon how fu xuan responds to being confronted with the xianzhous flaws and hypocrisy and problems. but somehow yassified dan shu really just. had a generic villain speech and thats it. the callback to their heritage as former followers of abundance was... fine? but like it wasnt that impactful. and fu xuan essentially calling her nothing but a power hungry villain when thats very much Not what dan shus motivation boils down to sucks and now players who didnt read her diary or play/pay attention to her side quest will think of her as just a generic bad guy and not a very tragic complex figure of her own
then the like. underutilization of blade was just like. ok what was the point. it IS funny to reference the tuxedo mask meme and how he skewers his ex yet immediately gangs up with him against yanqing and all but honestly he shouldve gotten to be more feral and present than he did like its just meh. ig its kafka keeping him from messing up elios script but cmon. i want more of him. yanqing also got done so dirty in that scene like. he shouldve gotten some more screentime and focus even if his job was p much to just get bodied. kid just watched jing yuan make deals with criminals no way he isnt affected by it
in general i was p shocked how inexistent the high cloud quintet was from the story. but ig w how rushed the pacing was for dan hengs backstory reveals at times already ig its better left for later (hopefully). i just rly hope this means that the topic get its time to shine properly in the future. esp since im p sure they never even named any of dan fengs crimes outright which is a curious choice.
jing yuan got a rly solid characterization and i definitely enjoyed it!!! even if im a little miffed at how they didnt give dan heng enough breathing room to come to terms with the emotional impact of facing his past and memories thanks to the plot moving forward so fast and he was kinda the one leading that. but he was still great - i liked the scheming side to him and the arguably pretty ruthless way he leveraged dan hengs exile status to force his hand to cooperate a lot. his reasoning makes sense obvi but its still a very brutal and utilitarian approach and i like that energy for his character. his duty is to the luofu above all else even if thats far from all he is about. overall his and dan hengs interactions including dan heng very much emphasizing his desire to be seen as separate from dan feng were a highlight for sure. and jing yuans final showdown moment against phantylia slapped obviously
and then w dan heng im torn between like. really loving all the good stuff we got with the insane cutscenes and the vidyadhara echoes and then wishing that he got just that little bit more for his own realizations and inner conflict. and the part about not properly featuring blade also hurt his story too imo bc the anticlimactic nature of the scene where blade confronts him and forces the transformation and how he n kafka just... leave rly kinda flattens the impact of the reveal moment esp since thats when jing yuan just all but openly says ok time for the plot. but they still did a great job selling DHIL and i think im overall a fan of how they seem to have handled the dan feng vs dan heng thing (and its roughly what i was expecting). dan feng is dead but its never just that simple either. i hope theyll be exploring the exact nature of dan fengs sins and the sedition in the future
im so mad i spoiled myself the tingyun thing bc jfc the neck snap wouldve hit So hard if the reveal itself was also a complete surprise. and its sth that was genuinely well built up like i remember thinking her 1.0 dialogue was kinda sus but wouldve never imagined the actual truth. dont do leaks folks sometimes this happens and it sucks :/ but i have to say phantylia herself was kinda? underwhelming. i liked when she picked up jing yuan like a little bug she wanted to squish and the boss fight was cool but to be fair. this was like 50% bc of how bad the sound mixing was for all of her dialogue that overlapped w in game battle. she rly lacks the necessary menace and imposing energy when u can barely even make out what shes saying 😭 her voice shouldve been as loud and large as her..... Presence. jing yuan carried the boss fight and the final cutscene but man the fade to black rly didnt do the abrupt ending any favors like we just teleport to exalted sanctum and thats it???? maybe jing yuan dies maybe not!!!
overall my prime issue is p much just how like. it feels like they shoved 3-4 mini arcs worth of stuff into one speedrun when all of them deserved more focus and exploration and the pacing rly got rough at times. it wasnt like inazuma level bad but it does get me wondering if hoyos just bad at doing these big conclusions to prior build up and holding the story threads tightly together until the end.
this comes off as super negative helpp but like. by no means did i hate all of it so dont take it the wrong way lmao. its more that there was good stuff there but also wasted potential. for the most part i was having a blast but to be fair that was 40% just playing blade ridiculously underleveled through it all. i only got him to lvl 80 for the boss fight
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 years
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It's been a while, but have another oc for my lil ygo fanseries! This is Yawaraka, he's Yunori's coworker at Chronocorp and Kind of but Not Exactly the main villain? (is it ygo without a possession situation...) full bio and backstory under the cut :)
⏳ Yawaraka Hitsuji ⏳
⏳Age 24
⏳Deck theme: Extremely Soft/cute Monsters. More specifically, his deck is a spellcaster/fairy hybrid...lots of cute girl cards :p His ace is a card called Hourglass Magi, a princessy looking pretty lady card themed around time. ...The thing is, he actually plays with TWO decks. the other one is still cutesty cards, but...considerably weaker and less cohesive. He...gets nervous in duels so has a 'bad' deck so he can lose the duel on purpose. because he feels BAD if he wins and prefers to be considered a loser or bad at the game if it means boosting someone else's mood. Yes, he's a SWEET DORK. yes, the main charas take mild offense to this bc they take it as not real wins and they bully him into trying his best. friendship :)
⏳ He applied to work at ChronoCorp a few months before Yunori and is still kinda a newbie like Yunori is. They bond over both bein the new kids on the job so to speak. They're in different departments (Yawaraka's in IT, Yunori is a horologist, that's why their uniforms have diff colored accents, to denote their departments) but they still get lunch together :)
⏳He's more reserved than Yunori, and less of a history otaku than she is, but he likes listening to her ramble on. And he loves tech! And she listens to him and doesn't just write him off! They're both pretty anxious people so they kinda bond over being nerds lol, and when her sidereal ring gets messed up, he can fix it…He's SUPER supportive of her. On the other hand, he's lowkey scared of Majo…
⏳Oh, yeah, while Yunori is going on Time Adventures, he mostly is the one covering for her (he does join on occasion, but mostly he's the guy in the chair holding the fort back at ChronoCorp) he finds himself moving up in the ranks VERY quickly and the boss (who no one has SEEN btw) giving him very Special Treatment, or certain things are forgiven when he does lil tasks to get Yunori out of trouble… even tho he's kinda the type of guy to do the bare minimum at work? he's not overly Passionate about this particular job over any other tech job, and he thinks, you know, 'I'm just some Guy they hired off the streets, why would I be Moving Up So fast??'
⏳And as it turns out, the boss is Him From the Future who's hellbent on becoming immortal through the power of ChronoCorp (or, time travel as a means to possess his younger self repeatedly so he won't age. He…came back to the past to establish ChronoCorp in the first place, too, implying he's kind of stuck in a time loop himself??) to further the research on the sidereal jewellery, (which is a set of earrings (belonging to Koeru now) the ring (belonging to Yunori) and the necklace (with him) the jewellery originated from a Godess of Time (who of course is a duel monster spirit…) who's power is on the level of like, the god cards…) he's harmed a LOT of people (koeru being the prime example, her grudge against him is JUSTIFIED)
⏳but. Yawaraka from the present is just a bumbling unaware guy and is like ??? when Koeru tries to kill him of course. he is never AWARE when he gets possessed by future!yawaraka, lol. he has to have the situation explained to him AFTER they beat future!yawaraka the first time, and hes like '??? I wouldnt do that wtf im so sorry T_T' poor guy. and uh. future!yawaraka just Keeps hoppin into his body whenever, which Sucks
⏳It's heavily implied future!Yawaraka's goal was originally to try and prevent EVERY major tragedy in history with an army of time traveling duelists once he'd learned enough about the sidereal jewellery. But along the way he got…sidetracked and had a power trip. He justifies all of this by saying any damage he does he can time travel and undo…(not the case with people like Koeru, either)
⏳ Our Yawaraka completely rejects this ofc and tells Yunori she's his bestie and he'd NEVER become evil, he Promises. and he remains helpful and faithful to helping her in any way he can, becoming the proper CEO of ChronoCorp at the end of the series with a little guidance from Majo, (since future him did technically…create the company in the past, it's His…) and he vows to do away with the Sketchy Stuff, and asks Yunori to help him if even just on a consultant basis bc shes obv SO passionate about it.
⏳Koeru never really Forgives him (even tho it wasn't present Yawaraka's fault exactly and she was the one who ends up beating future him in a 3 on one duel, with Yunori and Majo vs him) but he tries VERY hard to at least make sure she can live comfortably and tries to take accountability… at the end of the series the entire jewellery set is given to Yunori bc he rly does start to get Tempted to Use it :')
⏳ Since the main chara of SR! is a girl I figured it was only fitting to make the sort of bestie cheerleader character be a dude. and also the villain bc that's fun. B)
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 years
*ahem* so for completely unrelated reasons what would be ur fave designs/outfits for wingul and gaius...
Haha, oh boy, I have opinions on costumes, mind if I use this post to ramble a bit 😅
In-game: So Gaius generally gets nice outfits. His default ones are both really good and fitting, the no jacket one is classy, swimsuit is hot (minus the stupid towel)... I'm a bit eeeh on the school one, aesthetics-wise, but it's funny as a concept. Gaius is too old for school anyway. Sports is okay, kinda bland. Would have preferred a kendo or iaido uniform or something bc sword, but what we got isn't too bad either. Cameo is not a costume I like much nor find fitting for him, but it works for the seiyuu joke (it's rare when I like cameo costume choices anyway).
There's only one I truly dislike, and it's the X1 default alt color. Like seriously, what the heck is that one??? Going darker/more black? Good idea! Purple? Awesome! ...Add some neon green? WTF. That makes him look like some alien or something. Who thought this was a good idea?? That color combination looks ridiculous af, I hate it. Make it silver or something, it would have been so much better.
Anyway my ultimate favorite is, of course, his last boss costume. It looks really good, the color scheme is awesome (white and gold really suits him, along with the red and black). It's really awesome.
Wingul, sadly, gets no new costume, which is a shame. The God-General got a wardrobe change in the last arc, why couldn't the Chimeriad? 😢
Mobile games: Sadly, Gaius is no Yuri/Ludger/Sorey/insert popular character, so he doesn't get a lot, but there's still a few and they're all good. Least favorite is his Rays White Day suit, not because it's bad (it isn't, it does suit him), but because his X2 default is already a suit, so it's pretty unoriginal; kind of a waste of a seasonal costume. At least the anni suit from Asteria is more different (and very good).
Kinda same about his spirit gear, like it's cool, I like how it's a mix between his last boss and default costumes, but it looks a bit too much like a simple alt color of the last boss one. More variety would have been nice (especially since one of the things I loved about the last boss one was how it departed from the 'red and black' scheme, which this one basically reverts to). But honestly it's still good, it's more about me wanting something more different.
Yukata is nice especially because it gives him a color he doesn't wear often, but sadly since it's a 4* we don't have full picture of it.
The best is his hanami one, absolutely gorgeous, great colors, nice hairstyle... just perfect. At first I wasn't too big on the coat but after looking more into taisho roman fashion I realized it fits (still prefer without it tho).
Wingul, surprisingly, gets a couple of costumes here. He looks pretty good in the idol costume (also, white suits him!), though the downside of it is that it's a generic idol crossover costume and many other characters have one too (plus side of that is that it matches with Agria's tho).
And then... there's the onsen costume. Which I love for the concept of it. But it's a mess lmao. Firstly, the color scheme is all over the place. The tie is horrendous, especially on that shirt. The... jacket thing (is it a haori? something else?) is nice, but combined with everything else just contributes to the overall ridiculous look. Seriously Wingul what happened, did Agria burn your clothes so you had to borrow a mismatch from other employees??? Ridiculous. It's a "so bad I love it" situation 🤣
Wish list: This category is like, if I could make Rays/Asteria provide more costumes for my faves, what would I like to see? Well, top of the list would be New Year or Lunar New Year outfits, the former because they're always so gorgeous and I'm jealous that plenty of characters I don't care about get them over my faves, the latter because it's a really cool concept and I wish they'd bring it back already.
Next would be Wedding for shipping reasons, but honestly it'd just be yet another suit so I can do without. Same for Orchestra, though I'd be curious to see what instruments Bamco would assign them (still not over trumpet Elize lmao). Halloween would be cool too. And pirates.
Also, for Wingul specifically, anything that matches with Gaius' existing costumes. Gimme that couple look, Bamco x)
idk if that answers your question lol, but those are my thoughts on Gaius and Wingul's costumes.
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lqfiles · 4 months
🐣🐣🐣 anon hereeeee. ok??? why’s haechan so cocky i hate him 🙄🙄😒😒 who does he think he is… (he’s hot) i liked the chapter a lot btw i love all your smaus (two i think) ☹️☹️ sometimes i search for a smau and js find really ugly ones (no offense i truly mean no offense with this) while yours are js so… accurate to the real app? like for imessages and twitter they look EXACTLY like the app itself
ok enough, yesterday i was about to fall asleep and i asked myself whether or not, after how popular stg got, did u choose the title to ptp thinking of what “abbreviation” (idk if thats the right word in english) people would use with it? like whether it would sound good or not?
i hope you’re doing great again and having a fun or light week. if you find yourself in a position of struggle, a break is always a good idea. be mindful of your own worth and make sure to not let people make you feel less than what you deserve 😠 take care and be healthy, goza de salud y amor!
about my ppt and test… i can say that thursday and friday were the worst ones. on thursday i have 5 classes, from which i did 4 “tests” (idk how to say it in english but i mean 4 different ways to give me a grade), PE saved me that day. at friday i was supposed to have 3 classes and 3 “tests”, but my personal bff (art teacher) gave us one more week to deliver the project so yay, i did ok in my spanish test and the history ppt was ass.
ok i got a little mad here sorry for the rambling
i had to speak on the URSS’ economy during and after WW2 but my other classmates took 3/4 of the whole class for their own fun presentations so i had to keep my part going after bell rang :( ugh i was so stressed and i messed up and made a weird noise like “eek” and the whole class laughed… that was embarrassing. also we use canva for presentations like these and my friend (A) kept telling me that my completely normal slide was ugly and that she would change it, i told her not to and she kept insulting me… my other friend (M) defended me tho. then the next morning my other friend (R) changed the ENTIRE presentation —not just my slides— and my best friend (J) got mad at her and protested (which is something i cant do cause im a little shy or ashamed to stand out for myself), but R yelled at her and insulted the way her slides looked, J changed her tone but wasn’t screaming, at this point i didn’t gaf anymore but i got mad at the fact that R was disrespecting J, so i screamed a little too hard at R scolding her for not being able to defend herself without screaming… i think i made her feel bad bc all of my friends stayed quiet after that :( im struggling cause at some point she kinda deserved it for being so rude, but at the same time maybe i got too carried away ☹️
but i did well on most of my “tests” this week! i like to think it was all thanks to you and your good wishes :)
do you ever get strokes reading my messages? im sorry if u do… i get nervous when sending u asks :( i swear im better at english than u may think… also i think i talked way too much im sorry if it bothers u, dont feel obligated to answer 💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- love, 🐣 anon ! <3
ps: i think this is my longest ask yet… maybe longer than the first one i sent u about how much i loved stg? the long ass one……… idk! i hope u have fun reading my beef ig…….. love ya!
you might think i’m lying but truly, that’s not what crossed my mind while coming up with the title loll. i knew that i wanted a witty title that related to the story and the genre of the story just like stg was, and the whole concept of ptp is that y/n moves to a cheaper apartment where she can pay the rent while also having to deal with haechan. pay the price = LITERALLY pay the price of her apartment but ALSO paying the price that is having haechan disturb her peace, pretty witty right? it was honestly just a coincidence that it ended up being three words as well as having a nice abbreviation lmao
he’s hot and i he will be hotter in the future too unfortunately. thank you for liking it so far tho as well as my other smaus (literally only stg) ALSO I FEEL YOU ON THAT PART tbh i’m so accustomed to the social maker twitter lay out and messages that whenever i see another format it catches me off guard lmao, but people are just using what they can, and it’s the story that counts in the end i guess.
you’re always so cute i can’t help but smile :)) i’m doing good and i have a two week holiday soon so i’m even more happy, i would never let anyone make me feel less than i am, but if i ever do i’ll remember your words!!!
THAT SOUNDS LIKE ACTUAL HELL omg exam season is so stressful, i hope you don’t feel too much under pressure 😭 i’m happy your art teacher gave you guys extra time for your work, MAKE SURE TO USE YOUR TIME WISELY IM SERIOUSSS you don’t wanna give your worst and face the consequences!! and i’ll even personally pray for you ^^ YOU GOT THIS LOVELYYY and im glad you did well on your others :)
what the fuckkk :(( first off all, that’s such an unfortunate situation to be put in, your classmates are immature as hell for that but i wouldn’t believe that they were laughing at you, perhaps it was just the awkwardness but i’m sure it wasn’t meant to belittle you, still, that’s mean and immature as hell. your supposed friends need to learn how to respect you because if you told them that you didn’t want your slides changed, there really shouldn’t be an issue with that like wtf why would she insult you as a response.. weird. i personally don’t think you’re in the wrong, clearly friend R thought they could boss you guys around and was seeking issues for no reason, all that WHILE being mad for some reason like no need to raise your voice. i hope you’re okay :( don’t think about it too much you’re amazing and i’m sure you’re slide was fine ^^ i have used canva before too and it’s not like you can make the most outstanding slides on there anyways so WHO CARESSSS
whenever i see your asks i just smile because your words are always so sincere and it’s the fact that you go out of your way to type it all even if english isn’t technically your first language, NO STROKES DONT WORRY! i would feel shitty if i didn’t respond to you, i would always respond don’t worry ^^ this was long but i don’t mind, again it’s really cute YOURE SO CUTE ANON
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alikestory · 6 months
i keep seeing various iterations of that webcomic post going around and i HATE IT it's so depressing ;___;;;
this post got so long and rambly i'm putting it under a cut. talking points include: smackjeeves, my old comic Wander, and various tangents
there were so many good webcomics i read on smackjeeves and deviantart back when i was in high school, they had a whole different energy... like the creators were having fun with it and not worrying about how to Make It. (there wasn't like, an industry around it then so :v )
i wish i could have experienced making a webcomic back then and participating in that scene... but it just makes me sad to think about....
(if i did post anything polished-looking enough to get readers i don't think i would have really enjoyed it... the big story I was drawing then was Wander and if I'd been able to pull off what I was going for it would have been great but that was NOT HAPPENING (I did draw like, three chapters I never posted anywhere and outlined some more and that thing was a MESS u__u) tho I did post a comic to smackjeeves at one point it was really sketchy and I originally drew it for my friends so it was all just inside jokes....... I think a couple people did subscribe to it for some reason??? very nice of them. anyway like. even Blackout City that I started like seeeven?? years later there are lots of things I wish I thought through more or are kinda dumb but I still like reading it =w= )
BUT IF I'D POSTED WANDER ;__; BACK THEN. there would have been SOMEONE who read it and was like "this is awesome" and it wouldn't matter (to them) that it didn't turn out how I wanted......
you know that kind of thing where a creator is embarrassed by their old work because their new stuff has become polished and professional but that silly, crazy stuff they did when they were figuring it out has so much HEART..... it would have been cool to be that for someone.......
ALSO IF I'D DRAWN MORE OF WANDER I COULD READ IT. u__u well it would suck but IF I'D DONE A GOOD JOB. imagine a world. :v it's not something I'm interested in writing now (tangent: I started capitalizing the "I"s and nothing else like I'm typing on a cell phone that's autocorrecting them even though I AM NOT and I don't know why but now I need to keep doing it for Consistency) but I would like to read it if someone else wrote it ; 3;
it was about the people working at this hotel at a crossroads between worlds. for most of the story it was about them dealing with various visitors who would be the main focus of the chapters and then slowly you learn about the main characters. (ideally. I was not then and continue to not be any good at coming up with short stories.) and then at the end there's a serial killer who one of the main characters had a childhood romance with until he killed her sister..... you know, some standard melodrama. :'^)
those are my demands. anyway, what was i talking about?
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tori-artemis · 8 months
Post Edit:
Hey, thank you for tagging me @therese-lokidottir !! :)
Now let's see if I can do this in a non-messy way lol. So in no particular order:
Loki (of course, I mean - this is my Loki blog after all! XD)
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Particularly from Thor: The Dark World, tho tbh I love almost every version of him (or at the very least I care about/feel bad for him, which basically sums up my feelings for TVA Loki.
Sansa Stark (tbh my girl deserved so much better both in the writing dept and in fandom bc she was constantly crapped on by fans for basically being a traumatized feminine 13 year girl - until of course the writers botched her whole character up by turning her into Lady Vengeance bc then everyone liked her like wtaf)
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I mean don't get me wrong I love Lady Vengeance Sansa - just not at the expense of her more compassionate core. She should have had more scenes with Theon as Reek damnit - we should've seen her conflicted feelings of wanting to hate this man who betrayed her family and "killed her little brothers" (in her mind bc he didn't actually kill them) and yet undeniably feeling immense sympathy for him (bc that's her goddamn character David and Dan! She's not heartless and she's definitely not revenge-driven like Arya is - like she is literally the opposite of heartless you damn hacks!) Not to mention her ultimately relating to him - not only as Ramsay's victim but as a hostage herself being as she was held captive by the Lannisters while Theon was held captive by the Starks. Like she empathizes with Theon, in a way that none of the other characters do. And tbf the series does show this aspect of her character with Sophie Turner's wonderful performance but it would've been better if the writers hadn't tried to mess that all up with Sansa and Theon's earlier scenes. (I will never not be salty about the whole "if I could do what Ramsay did to you I would" - like GIRL NO YOU WOULDN'T!) And I'm not even going to touch what those hacks made her do in the last couple of seasons bc this rant is long enough and I don't have the patience to get into all that. Which leads me to -
THEON!!! Theon Theon Theon Theon Theo-
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(I mean, um, Theon Greyjoy, ha ha. 😅)
Valkyrie (Brunhilde???)
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(Still salty that we never found out her name! 😤)
Margaery Tyrell
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Tbh I didn't know who else to put bc I had to pick a woman character (otherwise this list would've had too many men and therefore wouldn't be even) and I was running out of mcu ladies. (Look I know there are so many to choose from but unfortunately I haven't actually seen Black Widow or Black Panther/Wakanda Forever or Moon Knight so I don't feel I can actually use such great characters like Yelena Belova or Shuri or Okoye bc tbh I feel I haven't actually seen them at their best - or at all if we're talking about Yelena. And why am I like this??? Hel if I know, I have OCD so it's probably something to do with that.)
Anyway all this to say Margaery's underrated af and while some of the writing for her was kinda sus (woman who uses sex as manipulative tactic cliche) she was still salvaged by Natalie Dormier's awesome performance so yeah - I'm putting her on the list!
Peter Parker/Spiderman
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Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch (how the hell did I forget about her???)
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Like I related to her way too hard in Wandavision to just leave her off the list...
Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow
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(Oh hey look - I have an excuse to include my babygirl here! I haven't gotten around to gushing about this guy yet but don't worry - pretty soon this blog will be infested with posts of me just rambling about him and why he's my perfect poor little meow meow. :) )
Natasha Romanoff
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(I was never a huge fan of hers but after Endgame I've grown to really love her. Plus she gives off protective big sister vibes.)
Honorable Mentions:
Black Noir from The Boys. He isn't on the list simply bc I haven't actually watched The Boys, only several scenes really. But it's wild bc I ended up tearing up when I saw Black Noir's/Irving's background, who he was, what had happened to him, why he behaved the way he behaved... like even without all of the context it's hard not to get emotional about his story, especially the conclusion - all I know is I will never be able to look at Buster Beaver (a cartoon mascot that's the Chuck E Cheese of The Boys verse) without tearing up. :'(
Ramsay Bolton (aka Ramsay Snow) from Game of Thrones.
The Joker from The Dark Knight.
Yelena Belova
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon.
Lord Eddard Stark (aka Ned) from Game of Thrones.
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones.
Robb Stark from Game of Thrones.
Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Princess Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) from Batman: The Animated Series, The Dark Knight nolanverse films, and The Batman (2022).
Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman) from The Batman (2022).
Terry McGuinness (aka Batman) from Batman Beyond.
Yara Greyjoy from Game of Thrones.
Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones.
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.
The girls from Euphoria. Particularly Rue, but tbh I feel for all of them (yes even Cassie).
Princess Shuri, particularly from Wakanda Forever tho I already liked her even before then, I just love her more now.
Andrea Beaumont from Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
Namor from Wakanda Forever.
Will Byers from Stranger Things.
Max from Stranger Things.
Lucas from Stranger Things.
Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things.
Robin from Stranger Things.
Eleven (aka El, Jane Hopper) from Stranger Things.
Eddie Munson from Stranger Things.
Hela - though I fully blame Galaxy (affectionate 🖤) for my growing love for her. Not that I didn't like her before but I'd never given her much thought... I read Galaxy's meta and fics.
Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones. She is quite possibly one the most vindictive bitchs (affectionate and derogatory) to ever grace mmm)
Steven Grant Rogers
James Buchanan Barnes (aka Bucky)
Sam Wilson
Link from The Legend of Zelda series.
Prince Nuada from Hellboy: The Golden Army
A-Train from The Boys
Kimiko from The Boys
Billy Butcher from The Boys
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(I'm just going to put this right here and not elaborate any further...)
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vynegar · 2 years
okay gonna ramble about some scouting plans/future cards since i Always think about this and it’s MY blog so I get to choose the posts~
i Can Not believe that they're doing dreams of childhood. like. okay. well played, mihoyo. i was Indeed getting too complacent in thinking i could predict the ww server schedule but no worries!! that’s gone!!
i might toss some normal tears i already have in here and kinda let pity build a bit but also i need to see details on how the SRs in the event are obtained. i’m more likely to spend tears if the SRs are gacha obtainable bc yes the vyn story is a hot mess but like... he’s holding crispy chicken.....
i’m getting vampire vyn and incubus marius. this is non-negotiable. at first i somewhat considered luke but there are enough other banners i want to spend on
i legit cannot tell if snowfallen secrets or gufeng will be the november one. or maybe NOW we’ll get marius personal story?? for my impatience, i want gufeng to come asap (and also so i can know how to budget the rest of my schips) but simply because of that, i bet mhy will go with my least preferred order of marius -> snowfallen secrets -> gufeng. or now that i said it, it’ll reversed. regardless, i only really care about gufeng (vyn and marius) among these events, but might toss some tears in snowfallen secrets for fun
honestly i think there’s only one other card i’m actually aiming for before anniv2. the other ones...
actually i guess i’ll probably still go for the men of NXX MRs since they’re SO funny and cute lol. like i think i do want those to set as my profile icons
the butterfly kisses ones... maybe i’ll see how many chips i have until then. they’re very pretty, but i’m more interested in the other cards than i initially thought
for the normal 2SSR events, i might toss in a few tears here and there in case i get lucky (esp CCG pt 1), but not really planning on anything. some of the the sweet chapter SSRs are very nice (art for gilded gloaming and paired blessings is top-notch, i need to read artem’s card tho) but i’ll only pull if i already have the permanent SSR in the banner :/
wait hmm some of marius’s MRs... the shirtless one and the belt/cuff/?? one.... i may waver....
but anyway that card i mentioned is actually artem’s!! xDDD i kinda can’t believe myself bc yes, i’m prioritizing that over every other birthday card this year. i think i really like cards that dive deep into artem’s ideology about his work (you’ll see this again when i plan to scout for his bakerlon card). imo his emphasis on human touch in approach to law is one of the most stereotype-breaking aspects of his character.
anniv2: vyn and luke (tho weirdly, i feel less of a “i HAVE to get it”) for them? i think for each of them, one of the card arts just doesn’t hit as hard as it could)
i am Very much tempted for luke’s sweet chapter 2 SSR. especially since looming nightmare paired with perfect partner, so that means alluring gaze (which i have!) will be with that one?? i would guess?? but yeah i really like the first card evolution, i LOVE the story (as evidenced by... translating it...), and after reading the story i like the second card art a lot more TT
i might go All Out for bakerlon. i think in terms of card story, my personal opinion goes like marius (kinda wild, a lot of fun) > artem (some parts that didn’t capture my interest but the ending was really good and it gave a lot to think about) > luke (nothing wrong with it really, but i wish they would change up luke stories more. although luke interrogated mc so i will forgive anything else in that card) >> vyn (just felt like nothing was super standout to me... idk maybe i’m biased against all new vyn cards bc of the AI voicing thing. which is super tragic bc this card could be the crowning jewel to my whole essay on vyn (and fairy tales and stories)). but anyway my priorities in pulling for it are luke>artem>marius>>vyn. the art for luke and artem’s cards.... oh my god.
in conclusion: my concrete goals are bewitching night rave, gufeng, birthday artem using the various accumulated normal tears + built up pity, anniv2, and then see what i can scrounge up for in-between events and how much i can dump onto bakerlon
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