#those cheekbones still look good tho
bloowaters · 1 year
I don't know the context of this, i don't need the context of this... just know that I spent these past 15 minutes laughing my head off at this image
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captainfern · 1 year
May i request your majesty 🐈..
Cosy! Sfw (or if you find a way to make it NSFW then go wild) headcanon/ imagine of fem! Reader, reading to the boys every night or after a mission?? Like.. so mother ?? Bc they mostly fight and train and wrestle so, they have a lil calm, story time moment with the reader ??
Ugh I’m reading a book rn and thinking I just wanna mother these boys and read them a story!! Babies !!!
"This Is Not A Book Club"
141 x gn!reader [platonic!]
[Imagines 1]
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• summary - what the request says :) • rating - sfw • wordcount - 1.8k • warnings - ik the request is for fem!reader but no specific pronouns/gendered language are used in this, pet name "love" is used once tho, strong language, no smut sorry fellow whores ✋
this idea is so fucking cute i just had to write it omfg. also i love that gif soap and ghost's interactions are just too adorable *pat pat*
You didn't mean for it to become a habit.
It began on a whim.
After a strenuous mission, you relaxed in your respective room, curled up in your bed, reading a book. The main light was off, and you relied on the soft glow of the lamp on your bedside table. It was a relatively new book— you were only a chapter or so in— when a light knock at your door made you jump.
You hadn't been expecting it. It was pretty late, too.
You were surprised when Gaz poked his head in, apologising for interrupting. He figured he could unwind in your room, since the rest of the 141 were doing their own thing, and he needed some company.
You accepted, of course— how could you not when he looked at you with those deep brown eyes?
He settled on the bed next to you, sprawling himself across it near your feet. You laughed as he sighed, face buried in your duvet. He lifted his head, peering at you quizzically.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
You held the book up. "I... honestly don't know. It's pretty good, so far though."
He hummed, intrigued, as he scooted closer to you, head now resting parallel to your thighs.
"Read to me?" He asked, long eyelashes casting shadows across his cheekbones beneath the lamplight.
You smiled. "I'm two chapters in."
"That's okay," he muttered. "Just fill me in on what's happening."
You did, explaining the last couple of chapters in as much detail as possible. You then told him what the book was about, reading the little summary on the back. By this stage, his head was now resting on your lap atop the blanket, hand cupping your slightly bent knee.
"Right, okay," he said. "Now you can read from where you were reading."
You chuckled at his enthusiasm for you to hurry up and begin. So, you obliged, reading a couple of chapters before his breathing slowed. You looked away from your book, realising that he had fallen asleep, head still resting in your lap. You smiled, gently patting his head.
He mumbled incoherently.
"Gaz, come on, you fell asleep," you giggled, nudging him. "You need to go to bed."
He yawned, forcing himself to sit up. His eyes drooped, bleary with drowse as he stumbled off of your bed.
"Fine, but I'll be back for the next chapter tomorrow." He muttered, leaving with his eyes barely open.
The next evening, at roughly the same time, Gaz found his way into your room again. This time, with Soap in tow.
"Soap?" You greeted skeptically.
"Gaz said you're reading to him. I like a good storytime, too." He smiled, sprawling himself out on the rug beside your bed. He didn't give you any room for argument as Gaz resumed his place resting against your lap.
"Oh...kay... do you want me to fill you in?" You asked as you grabbed your book from your bedside table.
Soap shook his head. "No, no, don't worry. Gaz filled me in on the way here."
You laughed. "Of course he did."
So that's how you began reading to both Gaz and Soap. That night, Soap did much the same as Gaz did previously by falling asleep— face to the ceiling, stretched out on your plush rug. His soft snores prompted your eyes away from the pages. Gaz, too, was drifting in and out of consciousness.
You closed the book gently. "Okay, you two, time for bed."
Gaz got up without much of a fuss, but he had to shake Soap to get the man to cooperate. Soap grumbled and complained the entire time Gaz hoisted him to his feet. Then, still muttering grumpily under his breath, he let Gaz lead him out of the room.
The next day really confused you.
Both Gaz and Soap turned up, and once they were comfortable in their usual positions, a soft knock echoed through your room. Soap opened the door for Price, much to your astonishment.
"You too?" You questioned as your captain took up position in your desk chair, near the foot of your bed.
He relaxed in the chair, legs spread and arms folded across his chest.
"Got nothing else to do, love." He said simply, imploring you to pick up the book with a nod of his head.
You were in slight disbelief, but nevertheless, you continued with the book. While Gaz and Soap relaxed, listening to the peaceful lull of your voice, Price asked the occasional question. You stopped patiently and replied, ignoring the frustrated groans from Soap on your floor.
"Just shut up and listen, Price."
"Watch it, MacTavish."
Not long later, you managed to finish the chapter before Soap fell asleep. You waved them all goodbye as they filed out of your room, and you forced yourself not to laugh as they did.
Now, if you were confused before, the next day threw you completely.
Once again, Gaz lay sprawled out on your bed beside you, Soap on the floor with his arms behind his head. Price returned, too, taking his place in your chair. Then, just one word into the newest chapter, the door creaked open.
Ghost slipped in, almost silently, and you couldn't help but gape at your lieutenant as he lumbered into the room, cozy black hoodie on and hands jammed into the front pocket.
"L.T, I knew you couldn't resist," Soap beamed from the floor. "You want in on the book club?"
You scoffed, smiling. "This is not a book club."
Ghost just shrugged at Soap. "Lonely outside when I can't hear you lot making a racket."
He stepped over Soap and sunk himself onto the end of your bed, leaning himself up against the wall. He stretched his legs out, brushing your and Gaz's feet, knees cracking as he settled down.
You stared at everyone, slightly dumbfounded. Then, you turned to Ghost.
"You're... here willingly?" You asked him.
"You... willingly want to listen to me read my book?"
You took a deep breath. "Right, okay, cool. Um, do you need—?"
"Johnny's given me a rundown." He mumbled.
Of course he had.
And that's how it started, just over two weeks ago. Every night, especially after a particularly rough mission, the boys seemed to gravitate to your bedroom. They'd curl up and listen to your soft voice as you read to them; reading them to sleep on many occasions.
Despite Ghost and Price's lack of enthusiasm compared to Soap and Gaz, you could tell they enjoyed it just as much as the younger two did. It made you smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you could bring these hardened military boys some peace and comfort.
"Okay, so you're telling me, the kid didn't even know he was a wizard?" Price asked, leaning forward in his chair.
You laughed. "No, he didn't. Well, now he does."
"Ridiculous." Price muttered, shaking his head.
Ghost scoffed. "It's unrealistic."
Soap rolled his eyes. "Obviously, Ghost, it's a fucking fictional book about wizards an' shite."
"No, I mean, some big cunt with a beard turned up with a fucking ugly cake and told the kid he's a wizard, and the kid just believed him?" Ghost grumbled. His attitude had definitely shifted since the first time he joined their little, as Soap called it, book club.
"Yeah, basically." You smiled.
You had just introduced them to the Harry Potter series. You weren't even halfway through the first book yet.
"Ridiculous." Ghost said, echoing Price.
"Well, what would you have done, eh?" Soap questioned, sitting up, now cross-legged on the fluffy rug.
"What, if a big cunt called Hagrid turned up on my eleventh birthday and told me I'm a wizard?" Ghost mused. "Woulda knifed him, Johnny."
"Whatever." Soap scoffed.
When they weren't arguing about the book you were reading them, the night's with the boys were really peaceful. Relaxing, too.
A balm for their tortured souls, and a salve for the wounds they had earned during battle.
Dusk would fall, and they would limp into the comfort of your bedroom, warm and smelling sweetly of you. Waves of exhaustion would pin them in place while they clung to the presence of you for stability. Some days, all four would find themselves curled up on your bed— Gaz laying next to you, head on your lap; Soap on the floor, but his head resting on the edge of your bed, a hand resting in the crook of your arm as you held the book; Ghost with his back to the wall, your legs propped up over his, his gloved hands stroking circles on your shins; Price settled next to Ghost, shoulder to shoulder, his legs beneath yours as well, a hand resting warmly around your ankle.
They listened carefully, silently, as you read to them, basking in the comforting warmth of you. Battered, bruised, and bleeding from the cuts of battle, they rested tranquilly at your side. Their ears were no longer ringing with echoes of explosions, nostrils no longer filled with the acrid stench of gunpowder and death. They could hear only you, voice silken with each word you spoke. They could smell only you, the candles that burned and permeated the air, rich and sweet and a consoling sense of familiarity.
Towards the end of a chapter, you could sense a shift in the room. Some time ago, Soap had wiggled in beside you, head in the bend of your arm and shoulder. He breathed deeply, slowly, eyes closed and hair dishevelled against the sleeve of your shirt. Gaz, too, breathed slowly as sleep had overtaken him, hand still heavy on your knee.
Ghost had slumped to the side, somehow managing to tuck his hulking frame between Gaz and the wall. Mask still on, you could see his eyes, closed and smeared with black. Price, too, had fallen asleep; still, impressively, sitting upright. His head tilted forward, hat low over his forehead, snoring softly.
You sighed to yourself, closing the book and carefully putting it back on your nightstand, mindful not to disrupt Soap curled into your side like a cat. You nestled back into your bed, snuggled up with your task force, a sight you had never thought you'd see. As you wiggled to get comfortable, Soap stirred, groaning as he looked up at you, still resting his head near your chest.
"S'all right, go back to sleep." You whispered, angling your arm so it draped securely over top of him.
He didn't reply verbally, just burrowed deeper into your side, reaching a hand around to physically tighten your arm around him. He ran his thumb over your knuckles, before he fell back asleep.
Your other hand found Gaz's head, delicately skimming his hairline, smoothing along the soft skin of his forehead and cheek. You heard him sigh contentedly, still deep asleep.
Eventually, the warmth of the room and powerful bodies around you carried you to sleep.
And it was the best sleep you ever had.
idk if this was good or not lmao but thank you my darling anon <3 this was nice to write mwah mwah xx
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Torn Apart Pt. 2- The Surgery
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I decided to name the fic about the reader losing her arms! Also I found out recently that Law has gold eyes in the manga AND WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT HOLY FUCCCKKK
Also thank y'all so much for the overwhelming support for this fic!
This chapter is a little shorter than the previous one, but leaves off at a good place!
Just to recap tho...MAJOR WARNING: THIS WILL (probably) TRAUMATIZE YOU. Reader will have PTSD, ANXIETY ATTACKS, AND BE VERBALLY ABUSED. But becomes besties with Franky so ya know... up to you.
TW's: talk of surgery, Luffy being supportive in his own (lecturing) way, descriptions of pain, panic attack and PTSD flashback at the same time (trust me it's not fun), learning to walk again, needles (medical setting)
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Golden eyes pierced your faux air of confidence you put on to face the Surgeon of Death. You looked away, almost cowed by his evaluating gaze.
“So? What’s first?” you asked Law. He grunted a little. 
“Lay down fully. Let me do a scan.” 
You eased yourself down, and Chopper lowered the bed so it was flat.  You heard his boots tap on the wood twice as he stepped closer. 
A blue spherical glow emanated from his palm, encompassing you, the bed and him at the same time, with your prone body in the middle. You swallowed hard, nervous. He unsheathed his sword. You knew from Zoro that all swords had a name, but you didn’t know the name of this one. Probably named it something edgy like “heart killer” or “death of hearts”, you thought to yourself. He hovered his hand down the length of the blade, covering it in a thin sheen of translucent blue before holding his sword above your body. Your eyes traced the metal of the blade, so long that you had to turn your head slightly to see the point reaching far past your shoulder. 
“Stay still”, he ordered quietly. You snapped your head back to the original position, looking straight up at the ceiling, taking comfort in the familiar shield and knots in the wood above you. 
“Sorry” you whispered. He didn’t say anything in response. 
The sword moved down your body steadily. He really did have the hands of a surgeon. His boots tapped as he shifted his body as his sword scanned yours. He reached your feet, finally lowering his sword, but didn’t release his Room. 
“Tra-o” luffy’s voice piped up from the corner where he had been sitting quietly. He was the only one besides Chopper allowed in the room while he worked. His voice was strangely serious, and you couldn’t help but look over at him. His usual smile was replaced with a concerned frown as he met the surgeon’s gaze. Law sighed tiredly before turning back to you. 
“You were hurt badly. It’s honestly a miracle you’re still alive.” 
You kept your eyes on Luffy, taking comfort from his confident presence. 
“I know,” you murmured. A brief silence followed, waiting for Law to continue. 
“And you’re still hurting, in your heart.” 
You flinched slightly at his words, sliding your shocked gaze to his. 
“You can’t possibly know that” you breathed. He met your eyes steadily, unidentified emotion in his eyes. 
“My abilities don’t lie,” he answered. You kept looking at him, silent and calculating. You took in his features properly, now seeing him in a relaxed environment and not pissed off at your captain for once. He stood with confidence, slightly slouched as he tucked his hand in the front pocket of his spotted jeans. His other hand held his sword, the blunt side of the blade now resting against his shoulder. His spotted hat was low on his forehead, but as he stood looking down at you, none of his features were shadowed. His sharp eyes were gold, ringed by dark circles and reddened by lack of sleep, but both of those oddly only added to his handsomeness. He had high, sharp cheekbones with sideburns by his double pierced ears and a defined jaw with a goatee. His expression was calm, instead of the usual scowl he wore around your captain. Your eyes traveled to his clothing, a relaxed long sleeve shirt with a low neck that allowed small peeks of his tattoos to show. Honestly, you didn’t know how you didn’t see it earlier. He was fucking hot. Heat rose to your cheeks and he smirked as if he knew exactly what you were thinking. He probably did, the bastard. 
“So did you see anything else? Can you do the surgery? Why is her heart hurting? Is it because of Zoro?” Luffy spoke, half demanding and half asking. Law's eyebrow twitched as he remembered your captain was in the room. Chopper was on Luffy’s shoulder, looking at him with wide eyes. At least those two were too innocent to know what happened between you and Law just then. Law turned to Luffy, his usual scowl returning to his face. Tension rose in his shoulders and the blue glow of his Room faded. 
“I can do the surgery. It’ll be long, but it’ll be better for everyone, and be better quality. Not that you’re a bad doctor, Chopper-ya.” He spoke mainly to his fellow doctor, and the reindeer nodded. 
“I’m less familiar with surgery than you. Let me know what you need!” 
Law nodded in approval. 
“If I’m doing the surgery, I’d like to do it in the operating room on my ship. I have my crew who are trained as a surgery team, my equipment, and I’ll need you and Franky-ya there too. You’re familiar with the patient and injuries and are able to tell me exactly what you did to treat it. Franky-ya can add his expertise on the machinery and his own body,” he said firmly. Chopper nodded seriously. It was adorable when he was in full doctor mode. Law turned to you. 
“That is, if you’ll let me do the surgery.” 
He looked at you expectantly, cocking his head as he waited for an answer. You suddenly realized even his voice was hot. You cleared your throat. 
“Sure. Got nothing else to lose” you shrugged the best you could, and heat flared to your face a second time, embarrassed at your failed movement. Law only grinned in excitement and was about to respond when Luffy cut him off. 
You and the two doctors looked at him, shocked. A pang went through your chest. Was he not allowing you? Why? Did you do something wrong? Were you not worth it anymore? 
“Mugiwara-ya-“ Law’s growl was cut off by Luffy speaking over him, his eyes meeting yours determinedly. 
“You’re not going to do the surgery because you have nothing else to lose. You have everything and everyone else to lose. You have your life, and if you still have that, then you’re still fighting. You’re still winning. You still have something to lose. You have us. Zoro was an asshole and you never have to forgive him for that, but don’t you ever discount our loyalty to you. We are your family, and you're ours. This is your home. Say it. Say you have everything to lose!” He started yelling, and you struggled to sit up. Pain lanced through your chest and shoulders, making you bite your lip to keep from crying out. 
“Luffy…” you said softly. He stalked forward, and Chopper jumped off his shoulder. A dominating aura was rolling off your captain. He crawled on your bed, and stopped with his face only inches away from yours. 
“Say it.” 
Fear and despair shot through your stomach. You were terrified of letting them down, that you already had. 
“How can I when I can’t shake on it? When I can’t even reach out to grab your hand when you need it?! I’ve let you down, Luffy. I’ve let you all down!” 
Luffy didn’t waver, on his hands and knees straddling over your legs so as to not hurt you. His eyes never left yours, even as he spoke to Law. 
“Tra-o. Give us a minute. You too Chopper.” Neither doctor answered, but the door opened and shut, leaving you in silence. You looked down at the blanket pooled on your lap. 
“You haven’t let us down, and no matter what Zoro or anyone says, you’re part of my crew. My family. You sacrificed yourself to save someone you love. If I ever needed a hand to grab onto, well, Robin can make more, right? And you’ll have yours back soon. So stop being depressed and say you’ll do the surgery because you want to get better and that you have everything to lose!” He shifted so he was kneeling over you, one hand settling on the back of your neck as he pushed your face into the crook of his neck. Tears welled in your eyes, falling onto his warm skin and wetting his red shirt. His other arm gently wrapped around your side and rested on your back, encompassing you in comfort. It’s the first hug you’ve had since the accident. 
“Luffy I’m scared it’ll hurt. I’ve been in so much pain. It hurts so much” you sobbed, unsure if you were talking about your arms or your heart. He shushed you. 
“I’ll kick Trao’s ass if he makes it worse, okay?” You nodded, trusting him with your life. You stayed like that for a while, until his shirt was stained with your tears and snot and your thoughts were mostly in order. 
“I’ll do it. I want to live. I still have everything to lose” you murmured. Luffy’s hand squeezed the back of your neck briefly in acknowledgement. He pulled back, looking at your face. 
“Your face has snot on it” he observed gleefully.  You rolled your eyes with a smile. 
“Yeah I know.” 
His smile died as he brought the blanket to your face to wipe it. He was rough, pulling your skin just a little too hard, but that was your captain, so you didn’t mind. 
“Promise me. Promise you want to live and that you’re doing the surgery because you have everything to lose.” 
You smiled weakly up at him, but he saw resolve in your eyes. 
“I promise.” 
He smiled broadly before bringing his forehead down to meet yours. He still kinda bonked his head against yours, and he had a hard head, but he at least tried to be gentle. You giggled. 
“This is how we promise now, okay? You and me. No hands or arms necessary.” He spoke quietly, uncharacteristic of his vibrant personality. The words shocked you with his wave of affection and love for you as a family member. You bit your lip to keep tears from welling up. 
“Promise” you confirmed. He pulled back, a wide grin on his face. 
“Great! I’ll go tell Trao to get ready to do the surgery!” 
He bounded off your bed, making you wince at the sudden movement that rocked your body. You sucked in air through your teeth, and Luffy paused, looking back at you guiltily with his big brown eyes. 
You smiled, forgiving him easily. 
“It’s okay. I’m due for my pain medication anyways. Can you tell Chopper?” You asked. Luffy nodded with a quick ‘yep!’ thrown over his shoulder as he sprinted out the door. You shook your head at the pure amount of energy that boy had. 
Chopper returned a few minutes later and pattered around his work area, making fresh medicine for you. 
“We have a good plan for the surgery now! We’re so lucky to have Law with us too! He’s so smart and good at medicine. His Devil Fruit ability is amazing to see in a medical setting!” He continued to blabber on about how excited he was, but you couldn’t shake the nervousness of going into surgery again for something so life-changing after experiencing trauma. A straw and some pills were shoved under your nose, and you opened your mouth to let the doctor pop in the medication and you sipped some water to swallow it. You laid back down, flinching at how sore you were. A groan escaped your lips as your body finally rested on the soft pillow and mattress, waiting for the meds to kick in as you drifted off to sleep. 
Your nap wasn’t long, an hour or two at most. A screech from the deck startled you awake as adrenaline pumped through your body. Your shoulders and ribs screamed in white hot agony at the sudden movement as you shot upright, making you groan loudly with pain. I need to cover him. I need to save him. He can’t cut it. He can’t cut an explosion I need to save him I need to save his dream my arms are gone it hurts it hurts it hurts-
The kitchen door opened quickly as you curled up painfully as you started gasping in ragged, quick breaths, barely exhaling before gasping again. 
“Hey, hey mon Cherie” Sanji’s deep voice made you alert to his presence, but didn’t distract you enough to snap you out of your panic attack. Hands settled gently on your back and you jerked away, not wanting to be touched by Marines. Not when they took so much from you already. 
“I’ll get Franky,” he said quickly. Footsteps disappeared quickly as he swung open the door and ran to find someone. You’d already forgotten who, and the open door was too open. You needed to hide but you couldn’t move. Your breaths were controlling you, burning pain making you whimper. You wanted to hide your head in your arms but they were gone. 
Too much it’s too much it hurts hurts hurts I can’t do it I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do it gone gone they’re gone I can’t they’re gone. I can’t do it again I can’t do it again I can’t do it again. 
“Oi” a gravelly voice. You screamed a little as your head whipped around to the sound, fully expecting to be yelled at by Zoro again, maybe he’d hit you this time. Your wild eyes finally focused on Franky, and your tension eased a little, not seeing the swordsman standing above you. Franky blinked steadily at you. He’s safe. He’s good. Good. 
“F-f-f-rank-k-ky” you forced out through chattering teeth. 
“Hey sis” he replied. He moved his big hand, and you flinched, forcing another groan out of your aching chest. 
“I’m going to put an ice pack on the back of your neck, okay? It’ll be really cold but it’ll shock you. Ready?” 
At the explanation of his movement, you hesitated a second before nodding slightly once. He slowly moved his hand, which you now noticed contained an ice pack. He slid it against your sweaty neck and held it there. You whimpered at the cold, letting it send gasps through your lungs. He nodded in encouragement at the change in breathing. 
“You’re doing so good now. Focus on my voice, okay? I’m going to walk you through a breathing exercise. It’ll come back to you quickly.” 
You shook your head. You didn’t need to breathe, you needed to run. To leave. To hide. To be safe. 
“Not s-s-safe Frank-k-ky. Need to go. Need to go need to go need to go. Hide from it!” You wanted to grab his wrist, and started panicking when you remembered you couldn’t. 
“Hey hey. I’m going to pick you up, okay? Then we’re going to the corner. My metal body is strong and can handle it easily, " he said seriously. You nodded, and let him scoop you up and hold you close to his chest. He was warm, and you could hear an automatic whirring and beating in his chest. It was safer. He walked quickly over to the corner of the room, and knelt down, cradling you in his arms and lap. He curled over you slightly, letting his forehead rest on the wood behind you. You were enclosed and safe and warm. 
“See? All safe. All good” his gravely voice was soothing to your racing mind. 
Safe. Good. 
“He’s safe?” You murmured, blinking up at him. He nodded with a grin. 
“He’s perfectly healthy and safe, okay? Now breathe with me. I’m going to walk you through the square breathing. Remember that?” 
You felt small and raw, but you did. You remembered it. Franky smiled at your shaky nod. 
“Good. Are you ready? Breathe in with me for 1…2…3…4…and hold for 1…2…3…4… and out 1…2…3…4… and hold 1…2…3…4…” you followed his instructions numbly, trusting him completely. He repeated the commands and counting, and your hiccuping breaths eased slowly into smooth ones. 
“Relax your muscles. You’re safe. You’re good,” he said quietly. You let your head rest fully on his shoulder, relieving the strain on your injuries. You focused on your toes, relaxing those first before moving up to your ankles, calves, and thighs. You ended by relaxing your abs and back, letting Franky hold your entire weight. He let you rest for a few minutes before you blinked up at him, eyes clear now without your panic. 
“What was that?” You murmured into his shirt. Franky soothed a hand over your hair. 
“A flashback and panic episode at the same time” he answered quietly. You would’ve shuddered at his answer if you had the energy. 
“Am I going crazy?”  
“No. It’s a symptom of panic episodes. I’ve been doing research on them” he said gently. You hummed. You were tired of this room. 
“Can you take me out of here?” 
He stood with your body cradled against him easily. 
“Do you want quiet or sun?” 
You couldn’t make a decision right now. 
“Both” you said instead. 
He carried you out of the infirmary, and beelined immediately towards Robin’s flower garden. The smell of the sea and the feel of fresh air felt good, even if you were still emotionally numb. Robin was sitting there, calmly drinking tea as her eyes roamed over the pages of a book. To you, it never looked like she read the normal way, but rather took in parts of sentences all over the page and let them float together in her mind. You nuzzled into Franky’s shoulder, breathing in the fresh air deeply. The floral scent of flowers sweetened the air. Your shaking was stopping. 
“It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?” Robin greeted. You looked at her, a weak smile on your face. 
“It is, especially when you haven’t had fresh air for a while” you answered. 
“Mmm” She hummed in agreement. Franky sat you in a chair and took a seat in the one next to you. Sanji appeared and delivered a fresh pot of tea and extra cups before whirling away at Robin’s request for cookies. Franky poured you some tea and placed it in front of you. You sniffed the steam, breathing in a floral combination of chamomile, lavender, and mint, and a touch of cinnamon. 
“Ah, it looks like he brought you a different blend than mine. Do you mind if I have a taste?” Robin asked. You shook your head. 
“Go ahead.”
She poured a cup and brought it up to sniff before tasting it. 
“It seems that Cook-san used the lavender, chamomile, and mint I gave him from my garden” she said appreciatively. You looked down at the tea with new appreciation. 
“Shall I?” she said, an arm appearing from your armrest. You swallowed down the frustration at being helpless and nodded, leaning forward slightly. Robin’s arm picked up the teacup and brought it gently to your lips. You blew on it lightly and she tipped it the perfect amount for you to take a sip. The gentle flavors washed over your tongue, soothing your stress. It was sweetened slightly, just as an aftertaste. Sanji really was an amazing chef. You sighed, finally relaxing. Comfortable silence enveloped the three of you for a while, Franky taking a cola out of his stomach refrigerator and sipping on it. Robin seemed to have muscle memory from drinking so much tea that she hardly needed any focus to raise your cup to your lips and back down to the saucer. You reveled in the silence, because it was different from the silence of the infirmary. This silence was accompanied by the waves, footsteps, the breeze rustling the leaves of the garden and Nami’s orange trees. Voices of Nami, Chopper, and Usopp were all heard wafting back and forth, with the occasional annoyed grunt from Law. You looked back at your companions after soaking in the sun on your face for a minute. 
“Where’s Law’s crew?” you questioned. 
Robin answered cryptically first. 
“Maybe they were swallowed by a giant electric eel and Law is waiting for them to emerge from the other end before meeting up with them again” she said without looking up from her book. You blinked at her before breaking out into peals of giggles that were hurting your ribs. 
“Ow ow ow Robin stop making me laugh! It makes my ribs hurt!” 
Franky snorted at Robin’s answer. 
“He probably didn’t want them exposed to our ‘stupid mugiwara antics’” he imitated Law in the last bit, schooling his face into a stern scowl. You couldn’t help your giggles, and Robin laughed with you. The afternoon brought you joy and comfort, Sanji joining you briefly between his kitchen chores as he smoked. Usopp and Luffy joined before going off to fish and then coming back hours later to fetch Sanji, interrupting his dramatics towards you and Robin. It made you feel normal. 
You yawned, exhausted from being outside. You went to stand before an ache in your chest brought you back to reality. Franky saw your flinch and the clench of your jaw. 
“Wanna go take a nap?” he asked. You nodded. He went to pick you up, but you shook your head. 
“I want to try walking.” 
Franky smiled gently. 
“Just let me call Law up here. I think he mentioned something about wanting to see how walked earlier.” 
Franky called Law’s name, the shouted ‘Tra-o’ making the surgeon look over his shoulder from gazing at the waves with his signature scowl. Franky pointed to you and told him you wanted to try walking. Law’s expression eased slightly, becoming more clinical than pissed off. He quickly approached your little group, his sword slung casually over his shoulder. Luffy raced over at the announcement. 
You swallowed nervously at Law’s swagger towards you, looking away as your heart fluttered. His boots tapped on the wood planks until he stood in front of you, hip cocked to the side and free hand tucked in his pocket. He lowered his sword, placing it flat on the ground in the free space near the table. 
“I’ll use my abilities. If you start to fall, I’ll switch you with my sword, okay?” 
You nodded. Franky and Robin looked on curiously. Luffy hummed in understanding. 
“Good. Now start by standing. Brace your feet apart so you have more balance” the doctor instructed. You slid your feet apart by opening your knees, and a brief picture of spreading your legs in a different scenario with the doctor flashed in your mind. 
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the praise in his deep voice, before a spear of guilt at your infatuation killed them. You breathed deeply, clearing your mind of your thoughts. 
The blue dome enveloped you and your group. You noticed it also reached the infirmary.  
“Why not just switch me to the bed if I start to fall?” you asked. Law blinked at you. 
“Figured you’d want to be outside longer but I can do that instead” he offered. You nodded, yawning. Law picked up his sword, and leaned it against his shoulder again. 
“Now try standing.” 
You shifted your weight slowly onto your feet, managing to rise to a standing position. Law hummed. 
You shuffled forward a little, adjusting to your shift in weight and balance. You stopped, looking at the doctor. He nodded once. You swallowed nervously at the thought of walking again, but slowly shifted your weight to one foot as the other took a full step forward. You pushed off your other foot, letting your weight shift onto the one you had just stepped forward with. Your back foot swung forward, and landed easily. You looked up with a smile, meeting Luffy’s excited grin. Eagerly, you pushed forward, but ended up pushing forward too quickly, and you couldn’t get your other foot under you in time. Your shoulders ached horribly as the healing muscles twitched at your instinct to use your arms for balance, and the pain swept your sense of balance away. 
Tears pricked your eyes in frustration and pain, your jaw clenched against the current of them both. Your chest wanted to rise as your body writhed with the pain, but doing so only made your cracked ribs scream at you. 
“Fuck!” you shouted instead. You were on the bed in the infirmary, alone. The door slammed open, revealing Law holding the blanket to your bed. You looked at him, tears blurring your eyes. He walked over quickly, dropping the blanket at your feet. You heard more footsteps come into the infirmary, and you grew mortified at your weakness.
“Everyone out!” He ordered. You looked at him, finally managing to gasp in some shaky breaths. You distantly heard footsteps retreat and the door close. His golden eyes looked down at you, concern raging behind his cold exterior. 
“Room. Scan” He wielded his powers with ease, his sword moving through the air over your chest and shoulders. You tried to stay still, but it was impossible as the pain lanced through you. The surgeon sucked his teeth and put his sword away. 
“Your wounds didn’t get worse. Let's get you some medication,” he said. He stepped to the door, and called for Chopper. The small reindeer trotted in, immediately going to his desk to mix up a strong pain medication. You whimpered, closing your eyes as your mind began to spiral. 
“Oi. Look at me,” Law demanded. You opened your eyes, bringing them up to look into his golden eyes. He wiped your years off your cheek, and placed his arm at the head of your bed, leaning his weight on it as he bent over you. 
“A broken body doesn’t mean you’re broken. You’ll heal, and I’m going to help you.”
You sniffled. 
“I’m scared. It hurts so much” you mumbled, keeping your gaze on his. 
“I know, I know. It’ll be okay soon though” he brought his forehead down to yours, bringing your focus to the point of contact. It was soothing. His other hand cradled your jaw, and he pulled back as he moved his hand on your head to stroke his thumb gently over your eyebrow repeatedly. It was oddly soothing, and you found your breath quickly returning. You closed your eyes as your body began to relax, starting to ease the pain.
“There, see? I know it’s scary, but you have everything to live for',' he murmured. Law slowly pulled back further, letting Chopper move forward with your medicine that he had dissolved in a cup of water. You scrunched your nose at the bitter smell, knowing it would taste awful. You looked at Law for a second, and he gave you a nod of encouragement. You sighed, and parted your lips so Chopper could angle the cup in your mouth. You groaned at the taste, hating the bitterness and saltiness of the medicine. It was different from what he had given you previously. You pulled back for a breath and gagged a little. 
“Just one more drink!” the tiny doctor encouraged. You groaned, and unwillingly parted your lips again. The final gulp was gritty and worse than before, and you pulled away with a gag, yelping as your aching shoulder fired with renewed burning as you tried to slap a hand over your mouth to stop the gag. A straw was shoved into your mouth, Chopper informing you it was water quickly before you spat it out. You sucked it down gratefully, coming back to yourself. You noticed a warm hand on your back, between your shoulder blades, propping you up. You hadn’t even noticed you moved. Once you drained the cup, you looked to your side, realizing it was Law holding you up with a disguised look of pity on his face.  
“Never give me that shit again Chopper or I’ll kick your ass” you moaned. You suddenly felt woozy. Was the world spinning? Were you floating? You blinked once, before your eyelids lowered slowly one more time. 
Apparently you slept all the way through the night, waking early the next morning before the sun rose. 
“Good morning!” Chopper greeted you with a smile. You smiled back at him before registering what he said. 
He gave you an affirmative nod. 
“Yep! You slept all the way through the night. It’s about 5am now,” he informed you. You groaned. You were hungry. 
“Can I get some food?” 
Chopper looked at you a little sheepishly. 
“N-no. See, with your surgery today, it's best if you don’t have food before the anesthesia.” 
A punch of anxiety speared through your gut, and you sighed shakily. 
“...right. So Law’s crew is here?” 
The reindeer nodded. You took a deep breath. 
“Okay. Let’s do this. I have everything to live for” you murmured. Footsteps echoed outside your door, coming closer. A quiet knock rapped three times before Law poked his head in the open door. Once he saw you were awake, he entered the room fully. 
“You’re awake.” 
You nodded, swallowing down your nervousness at his presence. Not only was he incredibly good looking, but he was also the one going to do your surgery. If he was here, the crew must almost be ready for you. 
“I came to transport you to my ship.” 
You nodded again. 
“Are you ready to do… it?” you asked, a wobble in your voice. The captain nodded with his arms crossed. He seemed more professional now, like he was in the mindset of a surgeon. He knew you were referring to the surgery, not the transportation part. 
“Almost. We’ve set up everything and we just need the patient to continue.” 
You looked over at Chopper nervously. He gave you a smile and what could be considered a thumbs up with his tiny hoof. It made you smile. 
“And you’ll be there too?” you asked the reindeer. He trotted up to your bed and pulled himself on the mattress with a little grunt. 
“Of course! And Franky will be there too!” he assured you with a pat on your knee. You breathed an anxious sigh, ready for this whole thing to be over. You looked at Law. 
“Luffy is going to kick your ass if you hurt or kill me” you threatened. It made you feel like at least something was in your control. The surgeon rolled his eyes. 
“One, I’ve heard that from everyone on this crew, and two, you have the best experts on the Grand Line doing your surgery. You have nothing to worry about. Now let’s go,” he held out his hand in preparation for his powers. 
“Wait! What about Franky?” you said quickly. Chopper answered for the surgeon. 
“He’s already on the Polar Tang, and has been familiarizing Law’s crew with the bionic arms he made,” he said soothingly. You nodded, and squeezed your eyes shut. 
“Okay I’m ready.”
You felt weightless for a second before suddenly laying on a hard, cold surface. You sucked in a breath as the cold touched the back of your neck. 
“You okay?” Chopper hovered over you cautiously. You nodded with a smile. 
“Fuckin hell Law, do you keep these tables in a freezer or something?” A shiver went through you as the cold seeped past your thin pajamas. 
“You won’t feel the cold soon enough once you’re drugged up. Stop complaining,” He answered curtly, and you couldn’t help how he talked to you a little differently when he was in front of his crew. 
“Captain!” a high pitched voice admonished. You looked over and met the eyes of a talking polar bear, fully geared up with a mask, scrubs, and rubber gloves. You smiled, recognizing him as Bepo from Law’s brief mentions of his crew. He met your eyes, concerned. 
“I know the table is cold. Would you like a heated blanket?” he held up the blanket, and you nodded, shivering a little more. The bear tucked the blanket around you with the help of Chopper, who had transformed into his more human form. Two more of Law’s crew members stood at the foot of the table, with Franky’s smiling figure hulking above them. 
“Hey big bro” you greeted the cyborg. He grinned back. 
“Yo! Are ya ready to have my suuuuuperrrrrr Franky arms? We’ll be kinda matching!” 
His enthusiasm calmed you enough to make you giggle. Determination lit in your soul with his support. 
“I’m ready,” you answered. You relaxed down on the hard table, controlling your breath and turning your head so the doctors had access to your jugular vein for the IV. A gloved hand gently wiped down the area before Franky placed a hand on your cheek, reminding you of his presence and affection.
“Okay. Get ready for the poke” Chopper said. You nodded stiffly, feeling your body tense in preparation for the needle. Franky put a finger on your chin, and tilted your head to the opposite side, and you opened your eyes in confusion. Your body began to relax seeing his grinning face, and you felt the brief sting of the needle before it was taped into place. 
“I’ll give the medicine now. It’ll make you woozy and sleepy, but remember you're safe, okay?” Chopper’s voice came from the other side of the bed, and you looked over at him with a nervous smile. Law was standing behind him, his golden eyes meeting yours as a small smile twitched on his lips. 
“Remember what I said about Luffy,” I reminded him. Law scoffed. 
“As if I would ever harm a patient.” 
You nodded at Chopper, and he began pressing the plunger on the syringe. You tasted an odd, metallic taste in your mouth and you smacked your lips, looking at the doctor curiously. 
“Some people can taste it” Law answered for Chopper. As soon as he said it, you felt a wave of dizzy exhaustion crash over your body, and you grunted a little, blinking hard and trying to focus your eyes. 
“Relax, we got ya” Franky’s gravely voice was the last thing you heard before you let sleep overtake you again. 
To those who asked to be tagged: @blue-rae18, @perilous-pasta
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behoright · 2 years
secret situationship with andrei
you, a new intern for the PTs in the hurricanes. andrei, lonely, overworked player. and lots of long hours. warnings: 18+ contains smut, mentions of injury n blood. also this is cliche as hell.
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- uhhhhhhh so basically
- yes you have to get a certain amount of hours to graduate and stuff
- and your older friend is a PT for the canes so
- after the scariest interview of your life
- and lots of begging very polite asking from your friend
- you’re in
- tough job tbh
- these men have many ailments
- it takes you a while to figure out who needs what and
- how they all work and move their bodies
- but it’s easy to get accustomed to the new environment when they’re all very nice
- and welcoming
- they’re all very good at communicating and helping you out
- but also they always acknowledge you and want to know more about you
- all except
- Andrei
- oh andrei
- he’s not rude or anything like that
- he definitely said hi and introduced himself
- but he’s very quiet
- and after a couple of weeks you notice
- you work on him the most
- and he’s definitely not this quiet with anyone else
- like not any of the other staff either
- but I mean
- whatever ig
- it’s not that it doesn’t affect you but
- you’re there to do a job and that’s it
- however you see that his teammates for sure have noticed it as well
- whenever he walks in there they go quiet and there’s always a lil smirk from them
you just ignore it
- like he’s really not being rude but he’s just not friendly or ever talks to you
- he’s a lil strange???
- stares at you a lot when you think you don’t notice
- you try to push it to the back of your head and just deal with him
- it’s most likely part of the job and it won’t be the last time you’ll deal with someone like this
- one day tho
- he’s the last one out of the room
- you’re done working on his shoulder and he stands up quickly
- as he usually does
- always says thank you and bye
- you dont notice bc your back is turned to the door but
- he stops and turns around
- “so, uhhhh, what are you doing this weekend?”
- and you turn like ???????
- “oh! um, nothing much, just study, i guess”
- and before you can even ask him anything back
- “that’s good. have fun.”
- and he WALKS out
- you stand there in disbelief almost
- like okay
- in the next weeks he asks you a lil bit more
- the staring is really getting like…. a lot. But it’s only when you’re not facing him like ????
- that’s good tho you think? he’s warming up a lil bit?
- he gets hit by a puck one game and
- thankfully you don’t have to stitch him
- but he has a lovely cut on the top of his cheekbone
- the next day during morning skate it reopens
- while you’re organizing in the PT room on your own
- and he comes in
- sweaty, out of breath and bleeding
- “they open” he says
- “oh, sure”
- for some reason he decides to sit on the lil bench that’s in there
- instead of one of those high massage table things
- perhaps it’s bc he has hockey pads and skates still on and stuff
- so you got over and start working
stand in between his legs
- today tho
- he is STARING up at you
- his jaw a little slack and he’s still breathing heavy a little bit
- it’s hard to work when you have to be so close to his face
- and he is legitimately staring like not looking away once
- you try to get your hands as steady as you can
- “does that feel okay? let me know if it hurts.”
- “perfect. it feels perfect.”
- he almost whispers it asjdydbhehdebdh
- you almost sigh in relief when you get it done
- “there you go. all done”
- you say as you wipe the blood on the cheek from before and
- this man
- wraps his hands around your like jaw/neck/hair
- you know that part 😭 like when his thumb is under your ear
- and as he stands up he kisses you
- a full on kiss
- he pulls back when he’s standing up
- looks at your lips
- looks at your eyes
- kisses you again
- he breathes DEEP into the kiss oof
- after that second kiss he almost books it out of there
- just walks away
- says nothing
- doesn’t look at you
- and you’re just left standing there
- flushed, heart beating overtime, breathless
- what the hell just happened ?
- should you tell someone?
- why? and like what???????.??
- you just…. go back to what you were doing
- he definitely avoids you after as much as he can
- awkward glances only
- when you see him he doesn’t bring anything up
- goes back to being quiet
- until you’re alone again
- “hi”
- “hi”
- “uhh….”
- “what can I help you with today, Andrei?”
- “uh, it’s my ankle. You know, the usual”
- so he lays down and you do the thing in silence
- you keep thinking how RIDICULOUS this is
- when you’re done…..
- “do you need anything else, Andrei? Another kiss, maybe?”
- and he does tHE STARE AGAIN
- 5, 4, 3, 2,…..
- he can’t help but sit up and kiss you again
- after that day the floodgates open
- instead of avoiding you he SEARCHES for you
- you guys sneak everywhere just to kiss and make out
- he finally opens up and he’s actually quite friendly and funny
- he hides you in storage rooms, one stall bathrooms, the PT room, empty video room….
- you guys just make out like teenagers
- you’re VERY careful not to get caught and so far it seems like no one has any idea
- but its very obvious to you both that things are starting to get a lil heated
- during your last makeout sessions he keeps pushing his body against yours
- like hard
- like.... your back hit the wall hard and he's low-key grinding on you
- but youre able to stop it before anything happens
- you guys always leave super flustered and breathless
- orrrr
- his hands start to wander a lil bit...
- from your face, then eventually your waist and now he loves to grip your hips as you guys kiss
- you can feel in the kiss too how bothered he is
- the way his tongue moves... much more aggressive
- much more spit, and biting, and even teeth
- or he'll put his hands in your hair and even grip it at times
- during the last couple of times you both moaned a little bit shh
- and he was definitely hard when he walked out
- so one night
- you're both at the arena late
- as you both usually are because yes you have things to do
- but also for your regular nightly makeout appointment
- when he walks into the PT room tonight tho
- he looks
- different
- like girl.... different
- his EYES
- much darker, much bigger
- practically black
- he doesnt say anything to you
- he just walks slowly towards you
- "uh.... Andrei?"
- finally he reaches you
- youre immobile, literally frozen
- he's actually mouth breathing dude
- his nose touches yours
- "I can't fucking wait anymore."
- "I can't pretend I don't want it."
- 4, 3, 2, 1
- he parts your lips with his tongue
- HARSH kiss
- while he grabs the back of your head
- HARSH makeout session
- grabs your waist after and immediately and puts you on the lil massage table thing
- you're both moaning already
- he RIPS your shirt open
- rips it with his hands, split right in the middle
- "fuck"
- he pulls your bra down and just starts attacking your neck, chest and tits with his lips and tongue and teeth
- he only pulls back to take off his shirt and his sweatpants come down easily thanks to you
- his cock springs out bc he is not wearing any boxers
- its huge, and red, and actually throbbing
- the flush of his cock matches the one on his heaving chest
- he pulls you down the table and turns you around so he can take your pants off
- theres a lil table next to him with a bunch of equipment and stuff and its in his way so he just shoves it out of the way and it all goes flying
- but he needs his space and he needs You most importantly
- now
- i can't even say he thought about any sort of protection srry
- he fills you up quickly
- all the way in with one thrust
- doesn't give you time to adjust but you don't care
- "you are soaked, shit"
- he thrusts so hard the slapping sound of your bodies colliding is so loud
- and you are facing the OPEN DOOR to the room
- if someone walks by you're in so much trouble
- but truly you don't even care
- because hes fucking you so hard and so good
- and he's so big
- he hits all the right spots but also makes you bend over a lil more since he is in your guts
- and he's groaning and panting behind you
- his other hand is wandering around on your body
- he grabs your tummy, or your tits, or runs it down your back, buries it in your hair
- he moves it down to your clit after spitting ON HIS FINGERS and audibly too
- applies the most pressure when he's rubbing your clit in circles
- there is no way to conceal any of your moans it just feels so good
- you're both getting sweaty too fkjvnkfjv
- safe to say you finish relatively easily and fast
- he cums with you
- straight up just
- fills you up with his cum
- you can actually hear it filling you up its so dirty
- andrei finishes with the loudest groan
- it rumbles so deep in his chest it's almost a growl
- the change between horny andrei and afterwards... dramatic
- he turns you around and he looks completely different
- "you okay? I hurt you?"
- "what? no, that felt amazing"
- and he smirks yOU KNOW THE ONE
- takes a couple of steps back and leans against the wall behind him bc he's still out of breath and hot and sweaty
- but the whole time looking at you
- you both look over at all the stuff he threw on the ground
- he chuckles before turning back to you
- "made a mess, uh?"
helps you clean it up after you get dressed bc he feels bad and he's so embarrassed
i must also say you guys were not the last people at the rink.... little did you know marty decided to stay back too....but... did he hear anything?
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stillness138 · 5 months
visual/art things in the Hades 2 technical test i don't like
it was said and is being said already that most of the character sprites have less dynamic poses, or that Aphrodite's face looks, for the lack of a better term, yassified,... it's actually quite a frequent topic in the tag. and i think looking closely despite the excitement is a good excercise! so let's.
i've seen a sentiment that everyone has been made (more, in some cases) conventionally attractive, and i disagree with that a little bit. depends on your definition of convention, but while it's a look popular with many, i wouldn't say Hecate's abs for example are necessarily mainstream. another point i've seen was that Demeter looks younger. i kinda agree, but i don't think it's intentional, because it's quite subtle. she's mostly just missing the defined cheekbones.
the thing about this game's art seems to be that it's a little less sharp, the lines are thinner, shadows are smoother. i think it's an attempt to look more detailed and realistic compared to the first game. i'm not sure how i feel about it. i understand the want to improve or change up, but at the same time the lack of hard shadows and highlights, while it might come across as more realistic, also leaves the sprites a little bland. and i was going to bring up Poseidon as an example where the newer style fits in with visibly older sprites, but he still feels noticeably different in how he's shaded compared to say Moros.
i also agree that the poses are simpler and in most cases less dynamic; Mel is fine and the fact she can change during dialogue adds to it, Hecate looks good too. Nemesis is justifiable since she seems to be standing guard. i think they're simpler maybe because now everyone has a detailed environment backdrop as well, it's especially bold in the olympians' case, but i do hope characters revealed in the future have more dramatic or interesting poses. Selene gives me some hope.
Artemis is definitely unfinished. her sprite lacks any bolder linework or shadows, the coloring is very dull. it really sticks out like a sore thumb as of now. but her boon icons having those letters, likely placeholders too, make it more apparent that she's not finalized yet.
now, this might be controversial, but...i don't like Apollo's design that much. in his case, i definitely wish he had a cooler pose, for his bow/lyre to be a lot more prominent. the outfit is fine, i'm kinda on the edge about it. on one hand, all the colors and shapes work, on the other, maybe not together? but what makes it all bad for me is his actual appearance. i wish his hair was wilder, actually committed to it, and brighter. i wish he wore either more elaborate jewelry or more of detailed armor pieces. i wish he had heavy freckles, vitiligo or some other skin condition to reference the surface of the sun. i think in part this is definitely a case of being spoiled by fanart, but yeah. i'm not vibing with him as much as i hoped i would. i like this design because while the outfit isn't detailed, the freckles and pose make up for it. the hair, choppy like irregular sunrays, is cool too. this one i like too, it's less crazy but still has its own flair, distinct from the rest of the first game, and the lyre/bow design is beautiful. this one is a bit out there but it's pretty cool as well imo, with apparent callbacks to Artemis in hair texture, birthmarks/crests, and the shoulder pelt.
lastly though, Aphrodite. the good! referencing Ares's warpaint is sweet. i like the armor pieces. in general the pose is tasteful, and the long ass banners coming from her spear kinda add some needed drama to it. the spear and shield themselves have nice designs in line with Aphro's overall aesthetic. but the bad... i don't like her face all that much either when compared to her sprite from the first game. there, i liked that her lips aren't exaggerated in any way. compare that to Athena (her shade of lipstick is absolutely amazing tho). but it felt more, i dunno, like trying to convey some natural beauty? in 2, she got that barbie doll treatment. reminds me of witcher 3 female npcs' faces and that is not a good thing. people have said that she looks thinner - her arms definitely do. and maybe because of that they also seem a bit too long to me. she suffers from the lack of hard shadows and highlights a lot, putting both her sprites next to each other really shows the difference in approach. like, overall it's a pretty and perfectly fine sprite, but...there is a but. a part of that but is definitely our expectations and uncertainty about the new direction the sprite art seems to be going in. to give nuance to the other side, we're also still in a pre-early access stage. on the other hand, the other olympians we've seen don't look unfinished the way Artemis does and it's quite likely these sprites is what we'll go into full release with. there was no reason to change Aphrodite's face, and we're allowed to not like it. leaving well-meaning feedback can be effective! and i would encourage it. with emphasis on well-meaning.
i also think the icon for gold in Hades 2 should be just a single coin, because a little hoard of them looks too much like the moly flower icon from a distance.
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somewillwin · 1 month
Yap here! Tell me all about your mc I need to know them 👁️👁️
oh god there’s sm but i’ll try and condense it!
Leah Lake, known professionally as ‘Six’is the singer of grunge rock band, The Enigma Effect, championed by their fans the Sylphs.
Leah has pale skin with high cheekbones, blunt back-length brown-black hair cut into a messy wolfcut, a lithe but angular frame, hooded flat grey eyes the hue of a summer thunderstorm, is 5’7, wears black lipstick and has smudged eyeliner and chipped black nail polish. Her style is Grunge.
Exes route with Number Gal 
Is a Blakemancer but has an attraction to Griffin and flirts w Seven (she’s a chaotic bisexual what can i say😔)
Personality-wise, Leah exudes confidence, arrogance and slyness though covers up her pain with jokes to fend off too curious people ., is very (cuttingly) sarcastic and can only be described as “the sun, drawing you in with her presence” she will take any opportunity to frustrate Seven whether through snipy barbs or flirting.
She resents her parents and struggles to forgive them.
 Is severely bitter about Seven wanting to make her “realise what she lost” Leah’s almost as bad as Seven in that most of her actions in terms of her…revolves around her😭. After BreakupGate she went out partying, drunk her sorrows away and eventually learned to cope via sarcasm- she mainly copes by sarcasm, drugs and playing guitar until her fingers bleed.
Her most popular song is called Lost Souls and is a breakup song about seven bc she is nothing if not petty and her EP is called A Closed Book. Lyrics from a unfinished song titled ‘Butcher of Eve’ include: You were the hunter and I was the prey / But not today.
Leah’s highest stats are Fame Hungry, Arrogant, Playful, Promiscuous etc. 
Leah cares about winning (partly to distract herself from the shitshow that is BOTB right now + Fame) but mainly because she wants to prove herself- to Seven, to her parents, to say “Look. I am good enough. you will regret how you hurt me” She will prioritise herself over the band. Seven has taught her that lesson. She relies on the band but will cut them off if they hurt her like a fox gnawing it’s leg off stuck in a trap!!
Trivia: INFJ, Blood Type O, King result from SPK quiz, Type 8 wing Seven, Scorpio.
Quotes about her from sources:
Leah's facade is more fire, sharp and cutting.
Hmmm, well, Leah keeps a prickly shell around herself, right? She's sharp and cutting, using sarcasm to cover herself, in order to keep herself from seeming too vulnerable and avoid getting hurt as a result.  More offence.
Leah's someone who fights fire with fire, who goes on the offense in order to defend. Her actions are guided by her emotions and her will to not be hurt again. She goes all in. She's very similar to seven, but you've mentioned that she can be charming when she wants to so she's more of a juxtaposition than a total similarity
Having Leah stage name be six is savage bruh lmaoooo SO GOOD SHHSHSB
Also she has a lot in common with Nico ngl! Tho my girl is more sad wet cat coping with humor drugs and alcohol 🥲 Hshshshhshs
But the grunge girl, resenting her parents a messy bisexual? Yes yes hshshshshh
Your game is gonna me waaaaay messier tho. I’m just sleeping around with Dakota but my girl is still in love with seven. Waaaay to Hugh up on her to get on with anyone else so Dakota is strictly fun… she needs some of that.
Also those quotes at the end??? I love. Are you a writer?
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cheemken · 1 year
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Tags from @/thenawidow (sorry idk if you really wanted to be tagged but this is a cool concept cbdndn hahah)
That'd be dope tho ncmxnx hahahh
Like,, Cyn being so so loyal to Diantha as well, and is one of the few Coven Heads who really try to encourage people to join the Empress' Coven, and ofc low-key a suck up as she tries to go above and beyond compared to the other Coven Heads, as Diantha would give her praises for her good work
And since I just made a concept abt Hau being undercover to get back Drasna's journal, imagine if Diantha also trusted Cynthia enough to watch over him to make sure that he won't deviate from his mission. Cyn was more than happy to accept ofc, anything for the empress
Tho, Cynthia was also rather impulsive, when she saw Iris all alone, she couldn't help but go to her and see what's all the fuss abt this human. It didn't take long for Iris to find out that Cynthia was part of the Empress' Coven, the head of Potions as well, as there's a clear sigil on her wrist. Iris backed away from her, even asking her what she wanted, but Cyn just smiled, going on how the empress might be impressed w her if she just brings Iris to her
Ofc, Iris put up a fight, even going on as to why Cynthia still follows Diantha. And Cyn tells her that Dia is the one who'll save them all, she just wanted to make sure that everyone in the demon realm is safe
"do you really not see that she's using you?"
"Diantha had warned me about you humans. You're trying to make me go against her, aren't you? Well.. so sorry to disappoint but," she grabs a potion from her belt, "I know better than to fall for your lies."
And insert another cool fight scene bc yeah ofc, then during the fight, Iris was still going on abt Diantha, how Cynthia didn't even wonder why Dia had to limit the others' magic, why she's the only one who can use any type of magic, "don't you think that's unfair for all of you?" But Cynthia, ever the loyal devotee, paid no heed, going on how Diantha said it would be for everyone's best interest, how it would help the people be more united, and it'd lessen the casualties as Diantha had said that those who are careless would hurt not only themselves but others as well. That's what Diantha had told everyone in the Boiling Isles, only those who are strong can wield different types of magic, and Diantha is the only one strong enough to do so.
But ough cbxnxb imagine if Drayden finally finds them tho, and was there ready to fight Cynthia, but Cyn knew she shouldn't really draw much attention to herself, she'd rather not disappoint the empress. So she left, leaving no trace behind.
Imagine tho when she got to the castle, as she was about to head to her chambers, Diantha was there in the hallway leading to her room. Cynthia bowed before her, but she could feel vines wrap around her legs, forcing her to kneel. She looked up at Diantha, her features were calm and serene, but there's that burning hatred in her cold blue eyes that made Cynthia shiver.
"where have you been?"
"at.. at Bonesborough, your highness."
"I don't remember telling you to go there."
"ah, I was looking after Hau—"
"I didn't assign Hau there today either."
Fear settled within Cynthia as Dia's eyes glowed brighter, as Cynthia was abt to explain, a flash of light went past the right side of her face, shutting her up. Diantha chuckled, crouching down to Cynthia's level, a hand on her face, gently running a thumb over Cynthia's cheekbone. "Cynthia..." She breathed out, and god Cynthia leaned in on her touch. But Dia's touch became rough, her thumb almost pressing on Cyn's lower eyelid, "don't make me hurt you again." She feigned concern, and just chdmdn Cynthia feeling phantom pains on her left side, the jagged scar on her face almost felt like it was burning, remembering the time she failed a mission and her left eye paid the price. She promised herself never again will she disappoint Diantha.
"of course, my queen.." Cynthia managed to say, "it won't happen again."
Diantha stood up straight again, smiling at her, "I'll be counting on that." And she left, the vines on Cynthia's legs finally freed her from their grasps.
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
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Given the numbers of characters who helped me build Meryamun and how I am excited over him, his family, friends and enemies and the lore and universe in which he is, I felt like it would be fun and was needed to be precised through a meme and explain. Source : https://www.deviantart.com/neoduelgx/art/My-Character-Inspiration-Meme-831348312
Zorglub : overall vibes, DILF/GDILF, classy with suits and a similar head and body shape, not evil but can act villainous/chaotic, good dad who means well
Iris : similar nose and head shape, same cold and menacing demeanor he can have with some, Ancient Egyptian, can hypnotize
Akeltonton : similar head shape, Ancient Egyptian, father figure who teaches and means well, not bad but can come out as cold and disdainful, has knowledge about magic and older arts
Gomez : goth aesthetic with morbid tastes and humor and shady morals, billionaire in suits who smokes, not really human, good caring dad to his son and daughter, good boss who's basically friends with his butler(s), kind of a DILF, ABSOLUTELY in love and horny for his wife
The Captain of the Dead : goth and undead background and aesthetic, DILF, great protective father figure, good boss who's protective of those who work for him, adores his wife and is heads of the house with her, reformed morally grey bastard who has blood on his hands
Kingdom of the Sun!Yzma : was nearly turned villainous at some point, hates the sun he blames for his curse and dreams to destroy it, adores a dark deity, a tad loves his looks and feels hot, ambitious and wants the empire, relishes on immortality, son of the royal mortician ; listening to Snuff out the Light and daydreaming AMVs/cinematics with him pre-Yumi/in an AU in which he never met her was what had me decide he grew to hate the sun/Ra for "taunting" him now he would burn under it and was the son of the guy who made mummies in the royal palace lol
Tso Lan : similar body and head shape and hair implantation, same wrinkled and high forehead, cold classy and collected, loves the moon, has knowkedge over older dark arts and wants to rule over his lost empire again with his family, the oldest around ; fun fact Tso Lan's Japanese name means vampire and it accidentally fits lol
Marge : great loving supportive spouse and parent and a great cook who really loves to cook and bake especially for his loved ones
Pinstripe Potoroo : same body shape and similar hair, shady (legal tho) business, tries to be classy and hot with suits
Mr Choc : mysterious to the public eye, billionaire who does shady business, classy cold and collected wearing suits and often seen smoking a cigarette holder, blood on his hands the pragmatic way
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The Vampire King (yes I am aware it's someone in a costume) : vampire, and most importantly my voice claim for him just minus the reverberation
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Wilhamena : vampire of color, supportive loving parent who can be embarrassing, friendly to his kids' friends, very in love with werewolf spouse
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Ratigan : a discrete inspiration that I almost forgot but still was there during the early times ; smokes a cigarette holder, classy with suits, loves and spoils his female cat, tries to hide the murderous beast inside himself to distinguished, does shady business and used to be taunting/toying with his preys and nowadays enemies having a lot of fun terrorizing them, obviously killed and kills
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Chancellor Bernard : similar eyebrows skinny cheeks aand higg cheekbones, same muzzle/nose shape and eye shape, wears kohl and black eyeshadow, not the same eye color but still just as vibrant and almost abnormal, used to be an ambitious éminenge grise manipulating the old senile king planning to take his place, relishes about immortality, knows old languages and magic/dark arts
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Mr Cat : used to be borderline chaotic evil loving to terrorize and toy with people for fun which actually partially hid loneliness and an unability to socialize since he never had friends before all whilr being bitter and sour about life, LOVES big buff anthros in fact his first way to flirt with Yumi was to anger her so she would transform and they first had a tsundere rivalry him being the horny troll in the relationship, little by little became closer to her and her friends by getting more into teamwork/cohabitation rather than solo and better without becoming good either all of sudden
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Cuphead Show!Calamaria : HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET HER he had the EXACT SAME ANTAGONISTIC VIBES AS HER before meeting Yumi. An anthropophageous monster relishing on his dangerosity and proudly taunting sassily about it who is absolutely unimpressed by mortals coming to his lair to defy him or beg for mercy or these ones he seduced who are still alive and in love with him after he had seduced them with the aim to eat them afterward like he often does with the opposite sex but in the end couldn't but really he don't give a shit about them, but if you do kina amuse him he will give you 10 seconds to run perfectly confident he will get you anyway, morphs to his creepy form just as fluidly either all of sudden or little by little, and is a gourmet who can't say no to good quality food
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mikkouille · 3 years
also can't sleep
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
If This Is Our Destiny 2
Past! Angel x F reader ** | Future? Manny x F reader **
⚠️Warnings: flashback to the night of the attack, some anxiety,  Angel Reyes 🙄
** woc/black/bipoc f readers to the front bbs. Anyone can read tho. You can image her as an OC ‘Princesa’ as well if that’s your preference 😁 many options to choose from.
An: I’ve never really been into the idea of someone calling me ‘mama’ or ‘ma’ but only one man can now (jeez thanks Rio) 
Fic info || previous || next
Gif credit to the owners 💕
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- Flashback, 2 months prior -
You close your eyes and take a slow deep breath. After a few seconds, you return to lighting the candles. Looking across the way, you notice all the guys are around the pool table, taking stock of ammo and guns.
Bishop eyes the supply. “You gonna burn through these boxes in 30 seconds.”
Turning around, your eyes scan the bottles on the shelves, you have an idea. Grabbing two from the shelf, you turn back and place them on the counter.  “How about fire with fire?”
Angel, Ez and Bish all turn back and look at you. Bish nods, “yeah.”
- Flashback over -
“Hey ma, you good?” You come back to the present moment and find Manny leaning over the counter, those deep brown eyes observing you. His voice washes over you like a smooth drink. “You wiped that glass down three times, where’d you go?”
“Oh, sorry. “
You put the glass and towel down. After a quick scan of the room, you confirm you and Manny are alone. He’s still leaning over the counter, eyes fixed on you.
Dropping your voice to a whisper, you move closer to him, “Since the attack, sometimes I have these moments. Bits and pieces of it come back. I think I’m still processing it.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“Shit,” you rub your forehead, “is it that obvious?”
“Nah,” Manny shakes his head, “the first time you live through some shit like that, it’s hard to shake. Be easy with yourself.”
You smile, “thanks Manny.”
“You know I got you,” He stands upright and straightens out his shirt and kutte, “it's late Princesa. How you gettin’ home?”
You’ve developed a habit of getting lost in his eyes. It was too easy to become distracted by Manny: his voice, the way he held himself, those eyes, his long dark eyelashes, his lips, his cheekbones, his jawline, even the little silver stud in his left nostril…Manny was a work of art.
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It’s not until you see a smile dance on his lips that you realize how long you’ve been staring. Pulling yourself together, you reach under the bar and grab your bag and jacket. "My car is still in the shop, so I’ll call a cab.”
You slip your jacket on then scan the bar once. It was clean enough. You thought the Santo Padre guys were messy, but the Yuma chapter took messy to a new level; it was like clearing up after a bunch of frat boys. Rude, handsy, disrespectful frat boys at that.
You thankfully had less incidents than the other women, thanks to a mix of kicking one in the balls and Angel and Ez coming to your defense. They nearly beat those guys to death, the post drama aside, most of the Yuma dudes backed off after that.
The only other incident happened a week and a half ago. You were bending over to pick something up off the floor and felt a greedy hand grab at you. Manny walked in just as it happened and ripped the asshole away from you. Chapter brother or not, he made it clear, you weren’t to be touched.
You flash Manny a smile, “I’m so glad you’re not like the others, seriously. I’ll be right back.”
You make a quick stop at the crappy excuse of a bathroom. After washing and drying your hands, you order a car and head toward the front door. You hear some hushed voices in Templo as you pass, it’s Bishop and Hank.
This is the third late night Manny walked you out. It was sweet, and as long as Angel wasn't around, you'd let him do it as much as he pleases. As you both descend the stairs, Manny makes an offer, “You know what, forget the cab. I’ll drop you off.”
“Yeah?” You ask with a smirk.
The idea of riding on Manny's bike while you hold him has crossed your mind many times. You were never bold enough to ask though…then there was Angel…he’d freak the fuck out if he ever saw that. The times you caught him watching you and Manny, it was like a blood vessel was going to burst any second.
“That is way better than a cab, I’ll take you up on it.”
Manny’s eyes light up at the sight of your smile. After a second or two, Manny sits on the bike and starts it up. He hands you the helmet, “come on ma.”
Riding on the back of Manny’s bike is exactly how you imagined. He feels good. This feels good. It’s like you were meant to be here. Hold him tight, head resting comfortably against his shoulder as you ride. You want this to last forever.
Somewhere near the halfway point of reaching your place, that ghost you can’t shake pops into your mind and suddenly you remember how it felt with Angel. You blink the thought away almost as fast as it comes. Not tonight. You wouldn’t let Angel Reyes haunt you tonight.
When you arrive at your apartment, Manny parks the bike and walks you to your door. You fiddle with your keys, knowing what you want to ask, but not sure if you should ask it. You lower your gaze, trying to figure out just how bold you were feeling.
Manny leans against the wall, “About that night,” you look up, fixing your eyes on his, “I didn’t know you were in there. Shit, “he shakes his head and stares past you, “I think about it you know. You could have been hurt…or worse.”
You grab his forearm. “Hey, we didn’t know each other Manny. I don’t blame you for that. It was inner club shit and I happened to be inside while it went down.” You give his arm a light squeeze.  “How was I supposed to know we’d meet.”
The guilt in his eyes is quickly replaced by something else, something lighter, more relaxed. The moment that smile returns to his lips, your heart beats faster. In his normal chill demeanor, Manny relaxes further against the wall, “Yeah, you're right.”
“I am.” You reply and squeeze his arm once more before letting him go.
Manny watches you lift your hand, then his eyes float back up to yours. Feeling a surge of confidence, you soon say the words that have been lingering on your lips. Sure, you spend a lot of time thinking about the consequences of this, but you want this, you want Manny. And all his flirting, sexy smiles, lingering glances, the way he gently touches your arm and shoulder; it all tells you he feels the same.
“Um, so - “you pause, breathing into it, “would you like to come in?”
You wait for a yes, it doesn't come.
The night suddenly feels too quiet. Like it’s taunting you for being so forward and reckless. You notice the tension in his brows, he’s thinking something, but not saying it.
“Sorry, never mind. Thank you for the ride though.” You turn to your door quickly and put the key in. When you hear the click, you push it open and rush inside.
“Wait, hold up, “Manny follows you inside and closes the door gently behind him.
Still not looking back at him, you hang your keys on the hook and flip on the lights.
“Manny, really, it’s fine. Just forget it happened.” You talk with your hands, walking toward the kitchen to get away from him. You hope he’ll turn and leave, then you can sit with your embarrassment alone.
“Nah, hold up,” Manny catches up and gently grabs your hand. You don’t pull away, instead you turn to face him, “I’m feelin' you, Ma,” Manny holds your hand tighter, his eyes soft on yours, “but, you and Angel, that's gotta be done. For real.”
“We are.” You stare up at him, feeling confused. “We’ve been done for months.”
Manny doesn’t say anything. You can tell by the way he’s looking at you that he wants to believe you, he really does, but doesn’t. The sweet free feeling of being on his bike is now gone. The air in your apartment suddenly feels thin.
“Did,” you take your hand away, “did he say anything to you?”
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Manny gently lifts your chin with his fingers, your eyes meet his, “he may have a different idea of being done Princesa.”
“Fuck,” you break eye contact. Manny gently caresses your cheek, then takes his hand away.
You cross your arms and pace, anger building in your body, imagining all the shit Angel could have said in your mind. Angel Reyes imploded things; he blew shit up. He had a real talent for it. Sadly, this isn't the first time you heard something like this.
Manny stands behind you and rests his hand on your left shoulder, “I’m going to head out. Unless you want me to sit with you for a while?”
“No, it’s okay,” you sigh and face him, “go home. It’s really late.”
You couldn’t be mad at him; Manny was looking out for himself and didn’t want to get involved in anything messy. You and Angel were the definition of messy and you’ve been trying your hardest to change that.
“You gonna be alright?” Manny asks, drawing you into a hug. You relax against him, taking in his scent and the way he feels.
You close your eyes. “I’ll survive.”
The hug lingers for a while longer. You don’t want to let go, Manny doesn’t either. When the hug finally breaks you miss it already. You walk him to the door and wait until he rides off to go back inside.
It takes 23 minutes. 23 minutes and 11 seconds before you give in and send a text. You were fuming by this time and what comes out of you is a brick wall of a text; a purge of sharp words and every curse you could think of. It feels good, it feels really fucking good. Until you read it over. Then, you feel defeated.
Even after leaving his ass for the 2nd time almost 4 months ago, he still had a hold on you. Enough of a hold to make you a rage filled teary-eyed mess as you texted him. It was supposed to be easier four months out, right?
Though you hated him right now, you did care about him, loved him, loved his family. Angel was maybe the most damaged person you know, and you had to remind yourself, love or not, history or not, it wasn’t your job to fix him or soothe his wounds. You delete the very honest, very scathing text and write something else.
{You: We need to talk. Free tomorrow?}
Three dots appear instantly, it makes you wonder if he felt you texting him. You two had a weird ass connection like that. The three dots linger a while, with his new name in your phone, ‘do not text’
{Angel: is this your stubborn ass way of asking me to come over?}
You roll your eyes and almost smile, almost.
{You: No. I mean talk, literally.}
Three dots appear, then vanish.
{You: Tomorrow, I’ll stop by. Around 8? Just please wait for your groupie sex fest until after I leave. I don’t need to see that shit.}
{Angel: It could be me and you, querida, like old times.}
You write something, delete it, then pause. He doesn’t write either. You put your phone down beside you on the bed and rub your face with your hands. Your phone buzzes.
[Angel: fuck this texting shit, I’m coming over.}
“Oh my god,” panicking, you quickly type telling him not to come. Then you dial his number and call. He doesn’t pick up. Knowing Angel, he was likely on his bike, speeding over here right now.
Your suspicion is right, a knock arrives at your door only 21 minutes later. You don’t want to open the door, but you know him, he’s obnoxious and will knock until you do.
When you open the door, the first thing you notice is how tired he is. He leans against the doorframe and stares down at you. It’s near impossible to look away, the tall strong figure you knew so well, that beard you love, those tattoos: he’s even wearing the backward cap and sleeveless t-shirt combo you loved. Asshole, he did this on purpose.
Angel’s hungry gaze moves over your form, then lingers on your bare legs. “You put that one on for me?” He asks with a smirk.
You glance down and realize what shirt you’re wearing. It was a simple, oversized band tee. The shorts you have on underneath are hidden by the length. When you changed your clothes, you just pulled one out without looking. It was Angel's favorite too.
“It’s for me,” you grip the handle tighter, “I told you not to come over.”
Angel shrugs, “ phone died.”
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You roll your eyes, knowing he’s lying and try to close the door. Angel blocks it, steps inside, then closes it behind him. He smells like beer, cigarettes and leather.
“Angel -”
“I knew you missed me, I could tell by the way you look at me from the bar, all heart eyes and shit.”
“You’re delusional. And an asshole.”
You head toward him with the intention of opening the front door. As you pass him, Angel grabs your arm and slips his free hand behind your head. Before you can protest, Angel leans in and crashes his lips against yours.
With wide eyes you watch him kiss you. You can feel your body reacting, despite telling it not too. You always loved the way it feels, being pressed beneath him.
Your hands are flat against his chest now, for a brief moment you slide them down, feeling his muscles. Your eyes start to close, you almost give in - almost.
You push him away with a shove and step back, putting distance between your bodies. Your heart is pounding now, you take a moment to catch your breath. Angel’s kisses, just like the rest of him, were sinfully seductive and addictive. One taste has the power to regress all the work you’ve done.
You don't want that. You want better. You need better.
Angel responds as expected to the rejection. He steps back, doing that thing he does with his head when he’s pissed. “Yo what the fuck?!”
“We don’t kiss!” You bark at him. “Angel, we are not a couple, we’re not lovers…we’re not even friends right now. You can’t pull shit like that!” You take another step back and cross your arms, shielding your body from him.
Angel sucks his teeth and brushes you off.
“That’s really fucking rude, you know that right?”
“Shit, like you care. "Angel hissed venomously. He paces at the other end of the hall.  “You fucking broke up with me, remember?” Angel walks away and heads into your kitchen.
I can’t fucking believe this guy. Cursing under your breath, you follow him inside and find him opening your fridge, his back toward you.
“You fucking confusing you know that?”
You can barely believe what you’re hearing. “ME? How the fuck am I confusing, Angel? I’ve stayed away from you for months! I don’t text you, even when you text me. We only see each other at the clubhouse. I ignored your late-night drunk calls. How the fuck am I confusing?”
With fast angry steps, you storm toward the fridge and slam it shut before he can grab anything. The act of aggression surprises him, he takes a step back and stares at you.
Your body is almost shaking with anger now. The tense expression on his face melts to something else, amusement. He chuckles and leans into the nearby counter.
“You cute when you’re all pissed off and shit.”
“Oh my god.” you take a deep breath and rest your hands on your hips, “everything's a joke, isn’t it?”
“Not everything.” He tilts his head to the side and smiles. When you don’t, he leans over and smiles wider, “come on, where is it?”
He’s not going to ease it out of you, even though he almost does. You keep control of your expression. The bastard was charming. And this has worked in the past. But you don’t want to get stuck there, you want to move toward the future. A future that might have Manny as part of it. You step around to the other side of the counter and rest your hands on the surface, trying to sort your thoughts.
“Querida,” Angel walks over to you and grabs your shoulder.
“Don’t call me that.” You lift his hand and move a few steps away.
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Angel stays where he is and lowers his head, “You know what I was doin' when you texted?”
You raise a brow, “Fucking your problems away?”
Angel chuckles, “naw. I was layin' on the couch, watching that shitty Novela. The one you used to watch with me. I had me thinkin' about you and shit…. about us…about tryin' again.” The vulnerability in his eyes almost melts your heart. But you stay strong. “How's that shit go…third times a charm or whatever? Don’t you wanna see if that's true?”
The weight of this words plus spending all day on your feet hits you all at once. You go to the table and sink into the chair closest to the window. Angel doesn’t say anything, he alternates between staring down at his feet and you.
You take a breath, exhale, then speak, “If we ever find our way to each other again, Angel, it will be as friends. Just friends. Remember that? I miss that version of us. Everything was so easy. So uncomplicated.”
Angel rubs the back of his neck, eyes cast down. You know if he could, he would light a cigarette right now. But he seems respectful of your no-smoking rule. Eventually, he mutters, “I fuckin miss you. This shits got me all fucked up. You think this is easy?” He glances over at you from under his brows.
“For you? Easier. You just drink, smoke and fuck to bury it.”
He scoffs, “It’s not even like that, not all the time. You don’t see all the times I go home alone or fucking drive out to the middle of nowhere just to clear my head. The shit never works by the way.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Angel.”
“I gotta see you every week, without being with you. Don’t get me started on those Yuma motherfuckers. Flirting with you and shit, like I’m not even there. Especially that skinny fuck with the stupid neck tattoo…his ass properly making friendship bracelets with Ez right now.” He shakes his head.
You suppress a laugh and store away the ‘i miss you’ you can't handle that right now.  “You jealous? Ez can have friends you know.”
Angel pulls out the chair across from you and sits with a dramatic sigh. You stare at each other in silence.
You speak first, “I wish you didn’t come over. I had a long ass day and this -" you pause and rub the bridge of your nose, “let’s just do this then.” You open your eyes, “I hope one day we can be friends again; I would like that. But I could never be your girl again, ever. We tried and each time it failed. I don't want to be that person who keeps going back to a fucked situation.”
He’s quiet, eerily quiet. His brown eyes are heavy with pain, anger, and something you can’t name.
“I’ve been hearing you telling people we’re together or hinting at it. You can’t do that. I’m not property. I’m not yours. I was going to ask what you’re telling people but honestly, I’m way too tired Angel. I can’t even - “
He abruptly pushes back in the chair and stands. Cursing under his breath, he glares down at you. “I fucking knew it. Who is he?”
Your eyes locked on his, you lean over the table, “my personal life is no longer any of your business, Angel. You are not allowed to ask that.”
When you don’t back down, he kicks the chair. You rise to your feet.
“No! That is not happening here, you are not breaking my furniture. Go, leave!” You point to direction of the door.
He’s got the look of a wild animal now, chest heaving. He takes a step back, then another. Angel turns and leaves the apartment; you hear the door close behind him followed by his bike roaring up the street.
The next morning
Tired isn’t enough to describe how you feel right now. Your eyes float over to the closed door of Templo, they’ve been in there for a while now. Manny arrived at the early end, though he said good morning and greeted you with his usual smile he felt distant.
Angel barreled in on the border of being late, he walked in without acknowledging you, which was fine, you didn’t want to look at him either. You try to keep yourself busy and focus on getting through the day.
When the meeting ends, the door slides open, and members start to refill the room. Some make their way to the bar, and you start putting a few beers on the counter. Your eyes follow the Reyes brothers as they walk out and through the front door, followed by Manny.
The new hire, whose name you refuse to remember, also Angel’s newest poor coping habit, rushes through the door.
“I’m so sorry I’m late. My alarm - “
Narrowing your eyes at her, you step back as she walks behind the bar. “I’m taking a break.” You say and leave her.
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Stepping outside, you linger off to the side and watch as a black van pulls up before Ez, Angel and Manny. A man gets out with a middle-aged white guy with a ton of luggage. The scene before you becomes even more bizarre when you notice a kid. When the door opens again, you duck back inside and head to the bar.
When Manny, Ez and Angel don’t return, a knot forms in your stomach. It’s likely Alvarez sent them on a job. Everything was already tense and though your mind doesn’t want to go there, you feel yourself thinking the worst. What if your name came up? What if Manny and Angel had a confrontation?
Working on autopilot, you hand off a few more drinks and hope for the best.
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Taglist so far: @obsessedasusual @mrsmontanalol @okimreadynow @po3ticb3auty @minordeffects @rosey1981 @bugngiz @bport76 @90sisthenew80s @kaykaysuh
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
A friend of mine just sent me some of your art tips and I loved them! Since I was a kid I could draw, but it was always a straight up copy of already finished drawings simply for the pure joy of drawing, but now I wanna draw on my own and I'm finding it very difficult! I'm still trying to figure out an artstyle, and I practice things alone (lips, eyes, nose) and they seem to be okay, but when I try to put them together on a face, it doesn't work, like the eyes is not the previous eyes I've been practicing and such. Do I need to practice the face as a whole? Am I doing something wrong?
Awesome, I’m so glad you like ‘em! Ah shit, look what you’ve done, you’ve made me practice anatomy (jkjk this is affectionate!)
In answer, yes absolutely you gotta practice the face as a whole! Don’t worry, most people start from just practicing individual facial features on their own! It’s super easy to tunnel vision! Those studies will also help you going forward, so it’s not time wasted!
A general disclaimer before I keep going: I went to school for animation and never took a proper anatomy class, so these are all tips and tricks I’ve either picked up along the way or figured out on my own. Take them with a grain of salt!
Ok first I think everyone’s seen a diagram of how to measure where facial features sit on the face so I’ll just copy/paste an image to get that out of the way. ***one thing to keep in mind is how the face is divided into thirds:
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**** Important Note: Spend some time studying the skull too! For simplicity’s sake, here are some basic landmark parts of the structure you should be aware of:
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Next, there’s three methods of drawing the head that I frankenstein together:
1) The Loomis Method is I think the easiest to start playing with head/face perspective drawings. Using the above method of dividing the head into thirds, we can put that on this super simple head model and rotate it in 3D.
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Here’s a great video by Stan Prokopenko that goes into more depth on the method!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAOldLWIDSM
2) For musculature, I like referencing the Reilly Method because the round shapes it uses help me understand how different parts squish into each other.
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3) For painting/rendering ref, I really like using the Asaro Head because it really helps as reference on how lighting breaks up the planes of the face. (I’m still a ways away from publicly posting most paintings I’ve done tho) No demo for this one because painting takes me 84 yrs
EDIT: This isn’t my painting btw
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*** One crucial thing I’d want to point out is that you should also practice drawing heads without painstakingly following measurements and guidelines. 1) everyone’s head/face are different and will have different proportions and 2) you want to get used to drawing without limiting yourself to one method as a crutch! These are all just tools to help you on your journey!
4) As far as simplifying the face goes, the pretty common way I’ve seen/used is to divide the head into two sections: the eyes and brow area, then the area below the cheekbones. This is where the bean face that everyone was mad about in 2015 comes from lololol (we’ve moved on from bean-hate, right? pls?)
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One last note: Most of what I’ve posted on my blog has faces with floaty features, so don’t reference my stuff for your own good LMAO
Hope this helps!
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planettnibiruu · 2 years
My hcs on what the boys look like
Tw for discussion of weight and body types
Luci <3
First of all, he's got a really sharp and angeled face. His nose is sharp and long, cheekbones prominent as well. He looks like one of those Roman statues. He's got really nice lips, the bottom one is slightly bigger then the top on, and they've got a natural pinkish colour. His eyes look dark gray from afar but if you see them unclosed they're mixture of blues, green and brown so light it looks like gold
He's got alot of muscle mass, but he also doesn't have the most time to workout, so his body is a little softer then he'd like. Hes kind of slim thick tho, and his chest is pretty defined. Its the thing he likes best about his body. Hes got really nice v lines too, and nice thighs as well. His body is kind of like this.
He has really nice hands though, big slightly callsoued palms, long fingers with a small scar on the left index one. His nails are clean, cuctiles mostirised and nails painted nicely (thanks asmo <3.) There's also a couple veins on each hand, and a ring or two aswell.
I also hc he used to have acne when he first fell but asmo helped him out with it. Also Lucifer has freckles and moles dotting his body (they're very cute features idc if you think not lol)
Mam <3
I hc him to be Filipino/Dominican, so he has a softer/flatter face. His nose has a really nice curve aswell (I'm totally not basing his features off of mine, no, no, no) and his nostrils are wide, slightly upturned too. He's got really nice lashes though, long and thick. His eyes are blue and swirl in a way that look like whirlpools. He has plump slightly upturned lips, they're also two toned.
Mam has more of a toned body then muscular. He has a line going down from the middle of his chest, and he has slight abs as well. He is still quite scrawny, so he doesn't build muscle easy, and cardio being his favourite way to exercise doesn't help either. He has really nice legs and a phat ass tho, guess running good for something. He feels a little insecure about his arms tho, so he does try to pay special attention to then and his back.
He has nice hands, a lil chubby but just enough to be soft. They're free of scars and callouses, he needs to be picture ready. He does wear rings tho, pretty gold ones with big jewles. Mam is constantly finding with them, and he also cracks his knuckles every hour on the dot.
Levi <3
HE 👏 HAS 👏 ACNE 👏. It's so cute though, spotted all over his cheeks. He hates it, thinks it makes him yucky. His eyes are a really deep blue/Gray, and they're just *muah*. His face is on the softer side, but he does have a big nose with the bump in the middle. His cheeks also always have a blush, it's really cute.
He's got a lil tummy pooch. That's it.
No okay but he's just soft all around. He does have muscle but a deit of ramen and anime themed chips does not allow for a 6pack. He is boney though, he's also extremely pale. He is super lanky, and tall, which is why he hunches so hard, he doesn't like to be noticed. I like to think that when he gets told he'll be returning to his navey role he trains up, when he does, he looks like Lucifer with a bit more chub
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kaasknot · 2 years
Please take this as an offense but I am absolutely fascinated by your current obsession with Buster Keaton and went back through your account to figure out what rabbit hole led to this but couldn't figure it out. If you're okay with sharing can you tell me the rabbit hole that led to this?
OFFENS TAKEN no but okay it's really kind of dumb. this past january someone reblogged a buster keaton post, i assume a stunts gifset because those get numbers, and i hit up his tag on a whim to see what was what.
now, at the time i was writing an OC character for star wars. and while i knew just about everything else important about this character, i didn't have a clear idea of what he looked like. but i was scrolling through pics of this old-timey comedian and it slowly dawned on me: my character looks kind of like buster keaton. official facecast made.
and honestly, that's why i came back to the tag a second time. if it hadn't been for that association, i probably would have forgotten about buster and moved on. but, once a month or so i'd jump back in the buster keaton tag, refresh my memory on my OC's face situation, and then jump back out.
till eventually i guess it hit critical mass, and all of a sudden in late may i'm hitting up the buster tag… because i'm thirsty for buster. i pretty clearly remember a series of gifsets around The General that made me go "…damn, son."
gonna wax rhapsodic here for a bit. let's get the most obvious point out of the way: buster keaton is pretty. he's got cheekbones and big eyes and a profile to die for. and he's ripped, because he's a goddamn acrobat. like, his vastus medialis continually makes me go "that can't be real." also, he's a short king. a small little guy. 5'5", and perfectly willing to make jokes about it—and that kind of security is hotter than the surface of the sun.
he's also ridiculously funny. he made his career on that, you'd kind of hope he would be; but specifically it's funny to me. his sense of humor matches mine perfectly: wry, ironic, a touch of the absurd/surrealistic, leaning to black humor, and with minimal use of sticky substances or stupidity. i have so much trouble with modern comedy because 90% of the time it's just so dumb. buster keaton movies are not dumb. his hero is a clever little shithead—if somewhat naive and literal-minded—with abysmal luck, who gets into awkward situations and does his clever best to get himself back out. i vibe with it.
and then obvs his stunts. the more of his movies i watch the more i mutter "how did he not die?" and "is he made of rubber bands and cotton balls??" his physicality is so satisfying to watch, and not just in a prurient way (tho i am definitely also watching in a prurient way). this is a man with supreme control over his body and a thorough understanding of physical comedy. he was pulling out pratfalls well into his 60s, yo.
and the more of his movies i watch (especially in comparison to roscoe arbuckle's movies), the more i appreciate how good of a filmmaker he was. he let the story do the talking, rather than clutter up the screen with intertitles. his precise use of camera angles, the astonishingly good cinematography, the use of the camera itself to sell a gag (i.e. the dream sequence in Sherlock, Jr.). i saw a letterboxd review call The General "mad max fury railroad" and i haven't been able to get that out of my head, because y e a h, his editing was as precise as margaret sixel's. i watched "One Week" after watching all of the arbuckle shorts he was in, and lemme tell you, my third eye was blown wide open. "oh," i said to myself. "i get why people call him a genius."
and from a frothing fangirl perspective, he has built in artificial scarcity. his smile is rare, his voice is rare, shirtless scenes are rare. (in reality, none of these things are particularly hard to find in his films, but like i say to everyone who sits still long enough for me to yammer at them, their perceived scarcity makes them so much more compelling. when you hear him say "pass" in Sunset Boulevard you quiver like you're catching sight of ankles in the 1800s). it encourages thirsting.
the more i learn about him the more obsessed i get.
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messwriting · 4 years
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Golden Eyes
Demon!Kuroo Tetsurou x Female Reader  
Rating: E for explicit | Don’t read this if under eighteen.
This is my secret santa gift for my dear elf Alisha -- @rivendell101​! I do hope you enjoy, I just tried to channel all of Kuroo’s wicked energy into this and sprinkled it with our beloved monsterfucking. Sorry for all the questions, I just wanted to surprise you but also include only things you’d like. ;-; Hope you enjoy and MERRY SMUTMAS <3
Big thanks and lots of kisses to my dear Tay @deathcab4daddy who read this, betaed, and said it wasn't the train wreck I thought it was 😂🥺😘💕
Warnings: This is loosely inspired by the manhwa DEAR DOOR, by Pluto, from which the art above is also from (Satan is fucking hot)! Monsterfucking - Demon. Use of tongue and tail in a very uh naughty way. Magic makes you horny at some point (tho i don’t think is dub-con?), but just to be sure Magic Manipulation. Assplay with tongue and finger penetration. Denials, oh so many denials. Sprinkle of spanking. Soft pain play. Overstim. Oral sex. Rough sex. CHOKING. BITING. MARKING. Demon uhhhh lure? aijaisajisj He’s seducing you with his devilish powers. CORRUPTION. RELIGIOUS BLASPHEMY (sorry jesus).
Word count: ~7.4k. I can’t write anything short, why?!
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“So… you’re a demon?” You ask, weirdly not completely panicking over the fact that this brick wall of a man showed up out of nowhere in the middle of your living room as if this were just another Sunday night. The stranger smiles your way with a lopsided grin and the shivers that run through your body seem to support his affirmation.
“Did the horns give it away?” The dark-haired demon asks, with a smile that could make him the single male model of some sin’s propaganda. Your eyes flick to his tail, long and thick, moving calmly in waves behind him, and come up to the unbelievably wide black wings sprouting from his back and threatening to blow a hole in your ceiling. 
“Sure,” You say while your eyes come back to his face, taking a second look at the long, twisted black horns sprouting from his high forehead and mixing with his thick raven hair. “Let’s say it’s the horns.”
He snickers but his golden stare is very much sharp on you. Even before it pinned you in place you had found that your legs had begrudgingly refused to move in front of the massive presence in your living room. 
“You’re an interesting little thing, aren’t you?” He muses out loud, his arms crossing in front of his body while one hand cradles his own face while he looks down at you. The gold irises glint in the dark like a beacon, the small crystal-like black pupil like that of a wild animal. “Normally people would have been screaming by now. Or passing out. Maybe running.” He doesn’t move from where he stands, but his sentient tail floats over to you, lightly caressing the side of your face as a child stroking their pet; it moves under your chin, over your jaw and cheekbone, pats your hair back, and comes to circle your throat. 
It doesn’t squeeze -- but the threat is pretty much clear.
“I don’t think my legs can move.” You tell him in a breathless voice, panic eating away at the corners of your sanity the more you stare at the insanity in front of you. A monstrosity of man with a tail and wings to crown it swaying in your living room as if it’s all okay, as if this is real life. You shudder in place, a whole-body wave of dread that moves along your body and makes you tremble as all the hair on your being stands in place. He grins down at you, wicked and pretty, a cheshire air of mischief in the way his golden irises glint in the dark background of his eyes and mingle with the dim lit room to go with the roll of white pearls of sharp-looking teeth in his mouth.
“Am I dreaming?” Your thoughts escape from your lips in a breath as his tail grounds you to reality, burning hot and heavy around your neck. It contrasts awkwardly with the image in front of you, which your brain keeps trying to deny as true, but the weight of his tail pulls you from the edge of disbelief and pins you in place, your limbs turning cold as you feel unable to move. “Or am I going insane, somehow?”
“Do you think your brain is failing you, little one?”
“Well, seems like the logical reason why there’s a winged man in my living room. With horns and-- a tail.” Your voice stops and you gulp right before your eyes snap once again to his devilish black and golden eyes. “Wait. Are you a demon? Is… a demon in my living room?” The more you speak the least sense it makes. The thing in front of you seems to be very amused by the twinges of panic and disbelief coloring your voice and expression. “Why?”
He smirks and his wings do a fluttering thing before they curve inside his back, two massive black things even when they’re closed. “Must be your lucky day.”
You snort even through your scared haze. “Not exactly what one thinks when considering demons.”
“Ah, bad rep.” Kuroo says and he floats as if he’s sitting on a chair, his legs crossing as he supports an elbow on his thigh and his face on his hand. It’s both parts unnerving and enthralling, and you’re struck with the fact of how big he is once again. “God’s marketing team is hella good. We get the rep for everything going on now-- the crops died? Oh, the devil. Psycho kid? Demoniac. Fucked up government? Send from hell. Sex? Devilish.” He sighs, his pretty lips jutting in a pout as his beautiful face falls into a tired mask. “It’s tiresome to be the poster-boys to all things wicked.”
“Well, seems like you do the part just fine.” You hide yourself through some small sarcasm, as you grumble the remark.
“Hah.” His sharp teeth flash in the dark at the barked laugh, a gasped sound as if he truly found your remark funny. “We get used to it,” He nods your way and then shrugs, a never-leaving smirk on his lips. “And I like the style.”
“Sure,” you say, despite the clear unconvinced tone of your voice as your eyebrows shut up slowly, eating the distance from your hairline until you blink and tiptoe around your next words, “not to be rude, Mr. Demon--”
“Call me Kuroo.” He cuts you off charmingly, as one would in flirting; a playful arch in his brows as his smile spreads just that bit more over his face. You just now realize the appeasing traces of it, the sharp angle of his jaw, the high of his square cheekbones, and the elegant line of his nose; then your eyes fly over the protruding circles of his horns, and your eyes go round almost involuntarily. 
“Okay…” It breaches your lips along with a puff of breath. You blink a few times before continuing, still doubting your own eyes as they thread over the massive monster in front of you. You wonder if he’d look better if he’s bent to your height, but then again that wouldn’t do much about those broad shoulders, engulfing your wall where he stands. “Not to be rude, Mr. Kuroo, but…” you steady yourself with a deep breath before continuing, your hand flying to press against your eyes before you can reopen then and see the exact same thing from before -- a demon in your house. “What the fuck you’re doing here, exactly?” 
He smiles, pleased with your cussing, apparently. Then his eyes turn focused, predatory,  and they’re locked on you.
“I’ve come to offer a deal, little one.”
“A deal?” You parrot, lost in the pull of those golden eyes.
“Yes,” Kuroo smirks, lips splitting unnaturally over sharp canines. He keeps floating in his position, face supported on a big, clawed, hand. “And a quite good one, too.” 
“You… You’re at my home, to offer me a deal, right after the small rant on Devil’s bad marketing.” You list the things, doubt thick in your voice.
Kuroo smiles, but it looks wrong. “Yes, dear.” 
“Okay,” You risk, though it comes out as a question. Kuroo seems pleased, though. “Go ahead, I guess?”
“I need something from you.”
“Oh shit, is this the soul thing?” Your eyes widened again, hands coming to stand protectively in front of you even as you doubt you could do much to fend him off if he wanted to do you harm. “I’ve seen Supernatural, I’m not selling my fucking soul okay?!”
“Chill, kitten, I don’t really mind your soul.” He’s rather nonchalant, golden eyes completing a circle along his eyeballs before they fall once again on you while Kuroo comes out from his floating position to pace calmly over to you. Then, his sharp teeth split his face wickedly in two, an alluring characteristic in the way his lips form an overconfident grin as he bends over you in your place on the couch. “It’s your body I’m interested in.”
“My… body?” 
“Have you ever heard of hell portals?” His face engulfs your line of vision as his tail angles your head back to look up at him, a clawed finger gliding over your jawline at that.
“No? Should I? Who do you think I am to know about hell doors?” It happens again, your thoughts slipping through your lips at the same rate as you think them, the sarcastic tone of your mind also dripping out much as if that had been your intention all along. 
He seems rather happy at that, too.You wonder if he’s prying the truth from you somehow. “Well, you’re one.”
“What?” You ask, stupidly, as his face gets further from you and he straightens back into his full height.
“A door, to hell.” Kuroo finishes, cheerfully. It looks, once again, wrong on his face, as if it's more of a threat than a joke. 
 The seconds pass by as falling rocks over metal, loud and rattling, a restless moment in which you keep staring at the monster --demon-- face and even as his horns stay in place and his curved wings twitch, it stills feels wholly detached from reality; an insane, out of this plane moment in which you doubt your whole being - your eyes and your ears and your brain and your skin, where the weight and warmth of his tail still surrounds your neck.
“Now I know I’m losing my mind.” You murmur to yourself as you can’t make peace between reality and, well, this reality. 
“Ah, you humans are such disbelievers. I’m here in front of you, saying you’re a portal, and you still doubt your own eyes as if they’re the origin of your offense.” Kuroo mocks you, crossing his arms in front of his body and for a second your eyes linger on the blackness of his clawed hands, the weird way they’re shaped as if something is enveloping them, elongating claws on the point of his fingers with the color of a moonless night. Still, the acidic tone in his voice makes you perk up with infuriating annoyance, and it seeps from you at the same rate as it fills you. 
“Well, sorry if it’s hard for me to believe I’m a fucking hell portal.” You sass him, fiery eyes closing on gold. It’s even more annoying that he smiles through your taunt. “Ten minutes ago I didn’t even believed in hell.”
“You can keep doubting if you want. Aren’t you doing so even when you see me here? All I need is passage and then you’ll be free to doubt once again,” his eyes glow brighter as he closes in on yours in a way that has you swaying in place, a vexatious air around him that’s unmistakable; but then again he is a demon, so maybe that’s just the norm. “That is… if you want.”
A shiver runs down your spine at the promise in his voice, and your own trembles when you ask, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That this can be a one-time thing -- or not.” 
You blink, a bit lost. 
“What’s this, exactly?” Your brain pulses in pain at the quantity of information it has to make sense and still try to understand. It’s too much and soon you’re pressing your hands on your face in frustration, “Dude, you’re not making sense.”
“It’s easy.” Kuroo says and suddenly you’re yanked up by thin air, floating in front of his fingers at his will as he twirls your body in the air as if you’re some sick kind of roulette. “Inside you, there’s a portal. I’ll activate it, and go to hell. In exchange, I’ll give you something.” As he speaks, clawed hands slowly and maliciously thread over the valley of your breasts and then down your middle, his golden eyes like a lighthouse to your wandering attention. “Something I know you desire, but you may not even know so. May not even accept yourself.” As his fingers approach the appex of your sex, you’re rounded in the air abruptly and set right on your feet in front of him, safe and sound and dizzy, feeling like prey to those eyes. “It may be this single time, or, if you accept my deal, it can be more.”
You breathe some big gulps of air before speaking in a wavering voice, “Something I wish? And you won’t tell me what that would be?”
“Essentially, you know. You just may be in… denial.” His eyes flash that golden glint once again, twirling molten pools of liquid sun on his face. Their constant, slow motion never-ending circles seeping inside your consciousness, making your mind blank, slowly flowing into a haze in which you feel lost but safe; warmth flowing from it over you as if you’re being dipped in melted honey, weighted down but comfortable, as moving against warm waves in a tropic beach. 
It tips from your mouth as you’re swimming in the molten pools of gold, pulled out from your body as the warm breath from your lungs, heated and pliant. “Okay.”
The spell crashes as his grin spreads through his face, the self-satisfied smirk of a cat who got its prey. Just as you’re burning in embarrassment and ready to cancel whatever that was you just said yes to, a sudden wave of warmth spreads from your face to your feet, your hair undulating at the force it hits you, and travelling so quickly you can feel the way your toes curve while a buzz crosses them, a pleasant but foreign thrill settling in your bones. You send him a nasty glare. 
“The fuck have you done to me?”
“Me? Nothing, kitten.” Kuroo tells you but everything from his expression, to his stance and the fucking satisfied smirk he sports tell you it’s a lie. Your glare turns worse. His lips are curved up in a telling manner but he concedes with a tilt of his head.  “I just lowered your inhibitions, relax.”
“Why would you do that?” The questions zap from your mouth just as you think it, and in a fleeting thought you wonder if that isn’t exactly what he meant. 
“I told you, I’m going to give you what you want.” Kuroo says as he stops in front of you, a sexy, powerful sway in the way he moves and towers over you that you can’t help but appreciate. “But I need you to accept your darker wishes,” It’s a murmur, raspy in his deep voice, and you breathe the words in as the indecent, luscious feeling swell inside your being and seems to find it’s home in your chest-- and drip from your sex. “And then embrace me.”
“I don’t want you.” You tell him, but it comes breathless, weak, and as Kuroo’s golden eyes pierce yours, you can feel as he pinpoints your lie. 
“Then let’s change that, shall we?” 
He wastes no time in maneuvering you into his arms, pulling you through thin air until his feral hands close around your middle and neck. Kuroo tilts your head back while grazing a single clawed finger over your pulse-point and up to your jawline, and then his breathing comes loud and misty against your bared skin. 
“Wait--” You plead as your breath comes in long puffs and when you wet your lips before continuing, a freakishly long, wet and hot tongue comes to lick a big stripe of your skin and you yelp loudly, “-- the fuck!” 
Kuroo, on the other hand, literally hums approvingly and brings his nose to glide over your skin, soft breathing as his hands pull you closer into his massive chest. You realize now, at the proximity,  just how big and broad he is, somehow between terrifying and uncanningly acceptable. 
His body runs hot, the temperature difference between yours quite clear when your skin feels so heated by his touch, clothes you found nice now feeling constricting the more of you that touches him. 
The planes of his chest are hard and toned, lean muscle and strength as he moves you up without effort, your feet dangling way above the ground and still no hint of struggle as he supports your weight. As you get closer, those yellow irises centered in black globes seem to pry inside your mind, big and all encompassing; it makes something coil in your chest, much like panic but tame as agitation.
“Wait--” You breathe out and look down, shocked at the distance you found yourself from the ground. Something crawls from your chest as a distressed groan, “I--” 
Kuroo tilts your head back and -- not without sending you a smirk -- delves down to close your lips together.
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t this -- you’re swept away by the kiss, amazed at how well your mouths work together, how perfectly plush and soft his thin lips feel on yours, how pleasing the motions of his tongue are against yours, how tasteful his movements are, and before long, you’re breaking the kiss but because you need to breathe, to pull some air inside yourself to battle the haze settling in your mind.  
It does nothing to aid you though.
Your body feels achingly flushed, avid, weirdly pliant and it is with mild surprise that you feel yourself drooling inside your panties. Something tells you to be indignant, to kick him, to bite and claw, but instead you’re sighing the weakest of noises, spiralling back to his expert lips, falling deeper inside the slow seduction that this demon offers.
Kuroo moves you calmly, his big, searing hot hands threading across your body and working goosebumps in it’s trail even as all he does is touch you over your clothes. Your hands, previously abandoned by the side of your body start to move up his body, spreading your small palms over his chest, and instead of pushing him off, you’re pulling him closer, opening your mouth wider, your legs hiking over his side as if you’re begging for the moment he’ll pick you up.
“Hmm, what a nice little thing you are.” Kuroo murmurs over your lips, taking in the wrecked expression you sport with just a kiss. “So honest, too.” His claws glide over your thigh, hiked on his side. It doesn’t hurt, but the feeling of something sharp sliding against your skin makes your heart rate pick up and your panties grow wetter.
“You’ll like this too, kitten, don’t worry.” His syrupy voice enchants you as he hooks a razor-sharp claw on the side of your shorts, threads up slowly and precise until the ripping sound breaks through your haze. When you look down, your hooded eyes turn wide, taking in the fact he just ripped your shorts and how easily they slide to the ground once they’re free from your hiked leg. The panties stay, but they’re not exactly much. 
“Hey!” You turn to look up at him, puffed cheeks in indignation, and one of his hands yanks your head back, angling your body in a arch as his other hand glides over your thigh to your lower belly, sharp thumb swiftly climbing up your body and with such, ripping your comfy t-shirt. The feeling of something scratching along your middle and the valley of your breasts make your breathing catch up on your lungs, too afraid it will press enough to hurt if you move. You never knew a menace could be this seductive.
Still, the anticipation coils inside you, pours from between your legs as your skin feels too small to hold all the feelings cursing to you, your breasts heavy and your lips falling open in a breath that Kuroo drinks from your lips, attentive and dedicated as his tongue comes out and slides over your lips.
His eyes glint in the dark, sharp and focused. 
“You know what? I think I’ll like you.”
 The air feels cold on your heated skin, especially when he holds you so close. Small trembles pass through your frame as you melt inside his kiss, falling deeper inside the pleasure he offers you and Kuroo barely started. Your nipples perk up without attention and when his rough palm rolls over them, their new-found sensitivity makes it impossible for you to not let out a sound. It’s something meek and surprised, but Kuroo seems proud of it and decided to pull more out of you. 
Magically, you’re yanked up, floating until your middle is at the height of his neck. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Your head is millimeters from hitting the ceiling, your hands touching it as a way to protect yourself, you throw a nasty glare down at his face just for him to make a half-circle in the air and your upper body be launched behind. 
“No!” You’re laying on thin air -- your heart beating so fast your blood pulses in your head as you look over your shoulder and notices just how impossible is the situation going on, where you’re levitating a few meters from the ground. 
If he stops now, would you go down crashing? Would you die from such a fall? Questions swirl in your mind enough for you to forget whats going on - the way a sharp claw swiftly cuts the side of your panties - until something wet, firm and long prods on your dripping folds.
“What--” Your first action is to hitch your neck up so you can confirm that it is what you think it is, and, granted, Kuroo is slowly prying you open, his huge tongue threading on your most sensitive parts. As he laps a long stripe down your pussy, he looks up at you in flashing gold, seeming extremely pleased. 
Kuroo winks at you, depraved.
Your blood is rushing through your veins at such a haste that you feel dizzy, and your whole body is fervent as something very loud breaks through your lips as Kuroo’s tongue moves and presses on your slit, circles your clit, and moves in serpentine movements along your puffy cunt. 
You didn’t realize before how the texture of his tongue was a bit rugged but now you’re suffering the full extent of its benefits as he eats you out sloppily, enough that you’re dripping down on the carpet as his monstrously long and dexterous tongue plays with your cunt as if that’s his sole mission on earth. Kuroo hums against your clit, makes your whole body tremble with it, and at some point, he manages to press his tongue flat against your clit and still reach enough that it dips softly inside your entrance, slowly and deliciously prying the inner ring of your sex open, then broader.
You can’t help the noises falling from your lips and when one of his rough, clawed hands close around your breast, the pressure inside you peaks and you’re panicking at how close you are to your first orgasm, from his tongue alone, at an impossible long and sentient… demon tongue. 
But he retreats just as your mouth falls open, your throat constricted by the scream that instead becomes an indignated gasp. “Fuck--! I was--”
“Hmmm, I know.” Kuroo answers you, his hands coming to hold your thighs open as you tremble from the effort. His thumb pulls your cunt lips apart and his golden eyes glint, fierce and pleased at the same time. “Aren’t you an interesting plaything? Skyrocketing into pleasure head first when I was just getting a taste.” He licks his lips, his canines making an appearance as his ridiculous long tongue cleans his face and chin where your juices have leaked to. 
His grin should be illegal. “Delicious, by the way. But I’m not ready to end this so fast.”
“End this… fast?” You ask, still having difficulty in thinking straight when you’re floating up in the air with your legs spread open in front of his face, his thumbs spreading you open as if you’re his meal and he likes to play before eating.
“Maybe we should go somewhere more comfortable.” Kuroo muses out loud and before you can blink you’re falling, screaming in your surprise until you bounce on the comfortable cushion of your bed. The air is knocked out of you in a oof, but Kuroo just looks down at you happily, his smile still looking mischievous as if that’s his whole personality trait.
You know what, maybe it is.
“Warn a girl.” You tell him, and he winks your way, just as he pulls your naked body to the edge of the bed.
“Consider yourself warned: i’m about to eat you up.”
His massive hands engulf you and arch your body into his eager mouth, where his tongue lavish at your sex in a way that has you feeling as if they everywhere and at the same time. The muscle is thick and long, firm as it presses from your entrance to your clit, as it rounds your sensitive spot and slithers down through your pussy lips, slurping it with his lips as his wicked tongue never stops its prodding.
One of his hands circles your body, closes around your breast and tweeks your hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger, painfully, deliciously, something obscene curling inside you at the way the feelings mix, the pain and the bliss and it doesn’t help that Kuroo moves his mouth to the sensitive and fragile skin of your inner thighs and build a whole trail of bite marks and throbbing hickeys. 
Something firm, large and hot slither up your body, circling a breast but finding it’s home at a circle around your neck -- his tail -- and the more vocal you become, the more it seems to close around your throat, your heart beating on your fingertips as they claw at anything of Kuroo’s you can reach, hazy and breathless at the way he discloses your wicked desires so plainly, the way his every move seems to discover layer after thick layer of temptations that you have hidden so deep with partners before.
“Such a pretty little thing you are,” Kuroo coos to you when he presses a thick finger past the tight ring of your cunt. “So honest and eager,” It moves, prods, another one joins and soon they’re scissoring against your walls, opening your tender flesh so he can sink himself in further. 
The mere thought has you moaning out loud -- unbelievable and yet, you feel how your arousal drips from your cunt to your thighs.
 “Ahhhh~” Kuroo exhales as his tongue laps a long stripe of your juices. “So pure.” He says against your pussy lips, kissing them and then letting his long tongue slide further until it prods between the cheeks of your ass, immediately falling into circular motions on the furl of muscle. You yelp but midway it becomes an embarrassing moan. “This just makes me wanna ruin you more.”
It’s too much -- he has to know it’s too much, and as Kuroo curves his fingers just right inside your sloppy cunt and his tongue breaches just the tiniest bit the resistance of your ass, your eyes are falling open in huge plates, a long moan of his name on your tongue as you’re so close to cumming you can practically taste the high already.
“No, not now.” Kuroo chastises you as he retreats his tongue and fingers from you, the arch of your body ready to snap curling in a tremble of a denied release.
“Too soon, kitten. I want to savor this.” His tone comes out between pleased and patronizing, and it makes your cunt clench, empty. 
You heave, unfocused eyes blinking the wicked golden away. “What--” A deep breath. “What do you want from me?”
“Wrong question, kitten.” Kuroo tells you just as his massive frame bends over you, the wicked eyes seducing you in once again -- not that they ever stopped. “Now that I got a taste,” He murmurs practically against your lips, and you lick where his breath hits, captivated, “I want all of you.”
 He lets you fall on the bed once again and maneuvers your body without difficulty until your ass is high in the air and your thighs are spread, his tail lighter around your throat, fondly slithering on your jaw. His knee presses on the mattress until it squeaks and his hands massage from your thighs to your ass, prying it open and kneading it with hard, powerful hands.
“Beautiful.” He praises you and you swear your pussy throbs and flutters hard enough to make a gushing noise. By the way Kuroo snickers, it may be true. 
His tongue is the first thing you feel right after his laboured breathing on your cunt. It pries you open, thick muscle sliding inside you, big and wet and dexterous and you’re moaning against the mattress in seconds. 
Kuroo seems pleased even though all he does is hum, his large hands press on your back and the other opens your cheeks wide for his assault. Something hot prods your asshole, and you’re surprised at how careful his fingers can be while maneuvering the wetness left by his tongue there. They move slowly but surely as he presses and retreats, opening you from two fronts and still seemingly not enough.
He decides to change, his tongue coming out of your sex and then sliding to your ass as his thumbs open your lips for him to watch as he dips two big fingers inside your cunt. The stretch, the massive pleasure of being assaulted by both ends make you clench and cream around his digits, once again climbing up the familiar euphoric road. 
This time, however, Kuroo stops you differently.
His hard, heavy hand falls on your ass cheeks forcefully in what must be his intention of being light. You yelp loudly and groan, somehow caught between winding down and flying right over the edge. 
“Oh, hoho~” Sounds from his voice and he descends his hand once again on your ass, heavy and startling. It sounds so loud and so lewd in the empty room, your whole being burns in place, trembling from the effort of holding yourself in all fours and the pure elation growing inside you, spreading from your fingertips to the depraved center of your being. 
As the sting settles in your senses, it winds down your orgasm but makes a renewed wave drip from your cunt and down your thigh. You’re surprised at how it excites you, the pain, but fuck it still stings. His hand falls on your ass a couple more times but then his hot palms knead the stinging flesh, an exquisite feeling spreading over you as it throbs and burns and you melt.
“Ugh! Fuck!” You groan, biting the mattress, unable to tell him to stop and too embarrassed to tell him to keep going.
“You really are a nice plaything, aren’t you?” Kuroo asks but it seems as if it's more for himself, his digits collecting your wetness as he dips once again inside your cunt, spreading his fingers apart and sliding a third inside just as his thumb circles your clit lightly and you howl, sensitive and wanton, too eager into tasting bliss.
This time, at least you’re half-conscious he’s not letting you cum. Kuroo stops, leaving you clenching for something, anything and gives you nothing. His immoral smirk seems to sound in the air, much as the way his tail leaves your throat to circle your hair and yank you back, stuffing your open mouth with the fingers that were just inside you. You lap obediently at them and he groans in your ear, teeth nibbling at your skin. It’s almost as if he’s tempted.
“We’re almost ready, kitten.” He tells you with a hoarse voice, all sin and flames, “Hold on.”
“Ready?” You question poorly with a mouth stuffed of fingers, but he understands and nods your way, his tongue licking the spit that starts dripping from the corner of your mouth at how broad his fingers open it. 
You don’t see if Kuroo undress or if he just magically gets naked behind you, the startling thing being the incredible feeling of his hot skin on yours, the dazzling feeling of his hard planes of muscle on your back, the sublime sight of his skin marked by faint scars; When you feel the scalding, throbbing thick member at the side of your thigh, however, you have to look back. 
“Oh my God,” You murmur at the sight of his cock. It’s proportional to his form, but that just means it’s ridiculously big, a veiny, swollen thing that seems looming as it stands close to you, and it clicks in your slow mind just what he meant by almost ready.
“Nope, I’m on the other team here.” Kuroo grins at you as he turns you with your back on the bed, spreads you on the cushion until your thighs hurt from the effort. His tail sways behind him as if to paint a scene, and you realize his wings are nowhere to be seen now, “Though I do think it’s some kind of poetic justice to have you screaming and blaspheming jesus while I fuck you silly.”
The higher part of your cheekbones alights with flames at the implication and you gasp back the words you planned on speaking when Kuroo’s hand pivots your lower back up to his mouth and closes his efforts on your neglected clit as his freak thick tongue enters you in one go.
You cannot explain the sensation of such a soft muscle invading your walls, or the way in which it seems to focus so expertly on your weak spots, but you’re too wound up not to fall head first into rapture. 
When he stops this time, you actually curse him, in the most wrecked sound that has ever left your lips.
“Ughhhhhhh--Fuck you!”
The bastard laughs, debauched, then deposits a kiss over your pussy as his golden eyes fix on you. “Now you’re ready.”
Kuroo adjusts until you’re both at the bed, pulling you up on his powerful thighs until his cock bounces over your navel and reaches way too high for you to actually be calm. But then he retreats his hips, bent over you so his lips can steal the air from your lungs just as his large hand palms at your breasts and his tail slither by your side. 
“Try not to cum too fast, kitten.”
“Easier said than done,” you grumble back against his lips and let yourself fall into the ruthless ecstasy of being spread open on his cock. His lips thread on the side of your jaw, under your neck, biting and sucking on your skin as his hands divide themselves between holding you up and pawing at every bit of you they can reach.
Everything feels so good, as if he knows your inner thoughts by hint alone -- your toes curl at each newfound area that receives his onslaught, you’re contorting at how good his mouth feels on your pulsepoint as he slowly starts to sink his cock inside you. It’s a weird feeling, to feel so full and yet still so eager, but you’re welcoming him at each torturous inch he manages to squeeze inside your tight walls. Your body trembles from the effort, Kuroo’s tongue slides from your neck to your nipple as his hand climbs up and settles around your throat, his fingers enveloping your neck.
Your heart picks up enough that you feel it beating on your ears as you search for his eyes and finally you’re pinned in place under the sharp gold and their twisted intent. 
“Scream for god if you want me to stop.” Is the warning he gives you before his fingers start constricting around your neck, your airways blocked as your chest starts to heave. And in between the small twinge of anxiousness and alarm, you realize just how much that entices you, how much it makes you burn and crave. Somehow you feel corrupted, falling into desires that threaten to peel you apart and leave you exposed.
Kuroo’s cock keeps slowly stretching your insides and his tongue twirls your nipple, your lungs burning for air and your eyes rolling inside your skull as you skyrocket into blissful free-fall. 
“Oh, hell yes.” You listen but don’t register as your body seems to be crushed under the massive pressure of your climax, burning and bright, sound ringing in your head that you come to find out it’s from your hoarse moan, your breathing laboured as Kuroo allows you to suck in air during your peak.
It dawns on you as you’re coming back to your body that theres a twinge of soft pain indicating Kuroo has bottomed out, his muscular thighs pressing flush against yours, the feeling incredible but fuck so much right now. 
As Kuroo nestles himself entirely inside of you, you feel as if your focus shifts, the task to not concentrate all of your attention on the massive hot cock spliting you in two is difficult. Your body feels tight, and not just from your fluttering walls that are constricting around him.
Kuroo sends you a big smile above your head, twinkling eyes in the dark. “Now, hold on.”
You do your best to do so, your arms latching onto him with all the strength you can muster as his hips retreat and then slam back inside you. You’re jolted at each push and pull, the sensual motions so depraved as the noises echo in the room, and you’re dragged into the ferocious pleasure that threatens to overwhelm you, and despite the fact you’ve cum just few moments before, as his tail slides between your bodies and circles and pats at your clit, you’re screaming and, quite unbelievably, cumming again.
“Now we’re very ready.” Kuroo says in a grunt above you, shameless grin as his eyes do their golden thing once again. He lets you stop trembling, peppering small kisses along your collarbone until you’re breathing normally again, but something tells you you’re just being fooled. 
“What?” You tiredly question, the feeling of dread confirming your suspicion.
“We have the whole night ahead of us, little one.” Kuroo nudges at the side of your face, bites softly at the junction of your jaw. “Or we could have more. All you need to do is say yes and i’ll mark you nice and easy here--” His teeth softly nibble on your pulsepoint, “and you’ll be mine.”
“Oh, god.” 
“Haha, wrong again.” His eyes pierce yours, swirling gold as molten honey dripping over your body and weighting your mind down. “Go ahead, tell me what you want.”
It tips out, softly and raw, and you have to close your eyes to hide your emotion. “To belong.”
“Oh, my little thing.” Kuroo softly murmurs on your ear, “Belong to me, then.”
You’re swaying despite lying down, something big and heavy coiling inside your chest as you blink, “I don’t want to belong to someone who isn’t mine.”
It’s a big truth to leave out -- the need for companionship, but a mutual one, a lasting one, a trusting one. You don’t want to be alone, but you also don’t want to have someone who doesn’t belong to you, too. 
Kuroo just smiles, golden eyes on yours, melting you from the fierceness alone. “Exactly,” he speaks against your lips, the taste of his breath on your tongue and you eagerly gulp it down, wickedly licking at his lips. “But i’ll be yours, too.”
In your hazed state, that’s all you need to hear, so you just shyly nod -- and Kuroo growls, angles your head to the side, and sears a marking bite on your neck -- deep, and painful. You mewl, body arching into his touch, and his tongue laps at the fresh wound, making it nice and numb.
“Now, let’s go to the main course.” Kuroo gives you no rest, retreating his hips and slamming back inside. “Don’t forget to breathe!” He teases between your moans. 
Once the fucking starts, it’s a frantic mess, and it goes on forever until the mere feeling of Kuroo’s cock leaving your heat is enough to make you whimper at the loss. The feeling of him inside your walls, a thing that mingles with your being, seares your memory until you cannot remember the feeling of not being split open on his thick cock. As you melt away from the overstimulation of having no rest while Kuroo contently and incessantly keeps pistoning inside you, your painful pleasure mixes until you’re climbing into something that feels weirdly uncanny, your mind -- or is it your body? -- twirls inside itself as if there’s something more than just sweet release ready to burst out. 
Kuroo has made you both teeter on the edge of pleasure and fall into it so many times you can’t differentiate the feelings that come now, this sensation of something being pulled out of you like the many orgasms he caused.
“Hmmm… Yes, my time is coming.” Kuroo groans, his hips movements turning sloppy, apparently displeased with his fucking being cut short while you very much suck a thankful breath at being able to rest. Kuroo’s teeth descend on your neck once again, his hot tongue over the pulsating mark of his bite and you feel him shudder and groan your name as he finally - finally - peaks, the feeling of hot spurts spreading inside you. 
As he cums, Kuroo brings a finger to rub over your abused clit softly and between your oversensitivity and the fact he angles his fat cockhead to softly pound over your sweet spot as he sails his own climax, there’s very little you can do but be ripped apart in bliss, once again, by him. This time is weird. Even as pleasure keeps swirling inside you and building up with the eerie sensation, you can do very little but hold on and wait until the waves crash and pass and you can blissfully surrender into the darkness of exhaustion. 
However, the freakish sensation twirling inside yourself builds and builds until you’re light-headed from the feeling and you just then realize how you’re shining, and how Kuroo has disappeared.
You don’t even have it in yourself to panic. Your body feels heavy and used, spent in the best way possible, but still completely unused to such a frantic session as every muscle in your being throbs, and your eyelids weigh the world as they fall closed and you’re engulfed by darkness.
[bonus scene]
 When you wake up in the morning, you are engulfed in a nice blanket, dressed in some mismatched set of pajamas, feeling as if you just had the best sleep of your life - and a weird vivid dream to go with it. You’re blinking up to your ceiling, stretching on your bed and satisfied with how the knots break in small noises as you sit up, when you feel just how sore you are, how your body is heavy despite satisfied, how your thighs burn and your sex throbs. 
Everything crashes up on your mind way too fast, and you’re suddenly torn between passing out and bolting up, but as you try to get up your body falters and a big, hard, hot hand plants itself over your middle and pulls you right back at the bed. 
Of course, you scream.
“Shh, kitten, there’s people trying to sleep here, y’know?”
“What--How--What are you doing here?” You shriek, looking at what is definitely the demon you thought you dreamed, but in a way more humanized version if the absence of his horns, claws and massive wings are anything to go by. The golden eyes are sharp as ever, but no black background to them, and you can infer by that much that his sinful tail probably isn't around too.
The grin he sends your way gives you war flashbacks that make your skin prickle with goosebumps. 
“Well, yesterday was quite nice.” He tells you and you can feel your whole face burn from his tone alone. “So I decided that hell can wait a bit more while I have more fun with you.” His eyes flash with a weird energy, and Kuroo brings his fingers to glide over his bite mark at your neck. The throbbing mark you had forgotten about until now. “After all, you’re mine now.”
“Oh, fuck.”
You’re doomed.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
As an astrology bitch that has everyones charts; My HC on Severen's big 6 in his birth chart.
(Please don't be like THAT'S NOT HOW I AM AND I HAVE A LEO MOON! bc your chart is a recipe and those signs are ingredients. Chocolate and marshmallows together are going to be different than say marshmallows and yams. So a Leo Moon with a Capricorn sun is different than someone with a Gemini Sun and Leo Moon...Okay? Okay!)
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Taurus Rising
Partially since Bill is a Taurus Sun and you can tell. They have the wide chiseled jaw, wider bodies and faces, thicker necks, wide shoulders that kind of taper as opposed to Sagittarius that have sharper angles, I cannot stress this enough; *puppy dog eyes* and prominent cheekbones that come with a Taurus Rising or Sun but especially Rising. No idea what Bill's Ascendant is but if it's Taurus it wouldn't surprise me bc even tho the sun and moon help contribute to appearance and demeanor; the Ascendant is key...And combined with the obvious Taurus physical traits, Severen gives off idgaf intimidating Earth vibes when he's not talking. Just look at him in the camper when Caleb was asleep. Fire Risings are warm, Water Risings are reserved but sweet in disposition, Air Signs are friendly but not as warm as Fire Signs, Earth Rising signs are quiet and aloof. He just gives that vibe when he's (rarely) not talking.
Leo Sun
Confidence out the roof. The Sun is what we strive to be/our essence. He's Proud, Bold, Confident, takes up space and does not care who likes it. They love playing more than Leo Moons too in my experience. This sign really shines in the Sun placement. They walk in and command a room. While a Leo Moon is more interpersonal and warm with close friends, a Leo sun is THERE. Severen is cracking jokes with anyone, making grand gestures and kicking the door down to let everyone know he's arrived. Look how he entered that bar and loudly insulted everyone; that is the most Leo Sun thing I've ever seen especially if he has a Fire Moon.
Aries Moon
Your sun is like your ideas and your being while the moon is your emotions and reactions. Aries Suns are confident but they're content being still, working on goals and are fine being alone more often. An Aries Moon is wild, LOUD, uncontrollable, stubborn, craves social interaction, rebels just for the sake of it. SEVEREN, SEVEREN, SEVEREN. Someone described an Aries Sun as a trained soldier vs an Aries Moon being an Outlaw in the Wild West and that sums it up perfectly! I will NOT budge on him being an Aries Moon. NEVER.
Sagittarius Mercury
Goofiest mfers. They are funny af! But sometimes funny in a mean way that's 'damn bro' bc that's so fucking mean. No filter...None whatsoever that rubs some ppl the wrong way. Some would describe it as immature and at times. Will probably tell everyone your secrets. I'm js. They just blurt shit out without thinking and that includes what you tell them in confidence. Honest to a default when it comes to opinions on things even if it's tactless. Great story tellers too. How energetic Severen is when he speaks, how he likes to rehash old stories like the Chicago fire, him telling the joke about Buffalo Bill in the bar out of no where, his extremely blunt nature. He is a Sagittarius Mercury that's made even funnier and more entertaining by his Aries Moon and Leo Sun. Very go big or go home energy with everything they do.
Aries Mars
Mars is your passions. He is hot tempered, impulsive, takes action right away, has hardly any fear even from the sun despite it hurting him, they like shit said straight away no diplomacy or beating around the bush. Hot tempered but just as easy to forgive and forget bc they get it all out in the open the minute they're pissed off. He wanted to rip Caleb apart, and the night after that, gave him his spur for doing a good job the night before. Water under the bridge! Then wanted to rip him apart again bc of him betraying them. But I can guarantee you if Homer wouldn't have wanted Sarah, Caleb would have came back, returned the spur as a sign of respect and Jesse allowed it; he'd get over it just as quickly if not sooner than everyone else unlike say...Homer who sits there and holds grudges. Severen could care less about holding grudges....And Sex? Primal, rough, loves a challenge, spontaneous. They can flip from being madly in lust to bored very easily but when he's in lust with you? DAMN that man wants you BAD. Expect to be shoved against a wall the minute you spark something in him. The most instinctively sexual placement. Like, they are all about the dirty animalistic side of sex...Did I mention they tend to have a corruption kink and love bratty subs for the challenge? SEVEREN.
Scorpio Venus
This may be surprising but as a Scorpio Venus, I know another Scorpio Venus when I see one. We don't trust ppl easily, we don't open up easily but when we do like you? OMG. We are extremely protective, possesive and loyal to you and depending on the other placements it can be jealous and obsessive as well. It is one of the most loyal signs in Venus but also the most toxic. You can tell he doesn't accept newcomers easily, look how he was with Caleb. And the ones he does accept and care about; he'll put his life on the line for them without a second thought. In Near Dark, he is constantly putting himself in the crossfire for his Clan. He'd be the same way with a S/O. It would take him a VERY long time to romantically trust a partner. Sex? Sure. That's the Mars sign. But telling them his secrets and being exclusive? It's gonna take a while as a Scorpio Venus. KINGS AND QUEENS OF SLOW BURN LMFAO. We also don't hyperfocus on relationships (As we see with him in the movie. He doesnt have a partner and doesn't seem to care) bc either we're all in or we're all out. We expect the same of a partner; either you are in love and passionate towards us or we're moving on. With him having an Aries Mars, he either ignores you or love bombs you for sure. It wouldn't shock me if you tell him a secret about yourself or open up to him and he is falling for you hard...I'm not saying your secrets safe with him but he would appreciate the gesture.
We tend to think Venus is only romantic relationships but that's not true. It's your love language and how you are in ALL relationships. Family, friends, lovers etc. It's also your sense of style (And some say what you want in a female partner but I don't focus on male vs female aspects in astrology like that. I think Venus is what you look for in any partner. Period.) Speaking of style. We like black, leather, lace alternative style. What Severen wears is my ideal style for a man as a Scorpio Venus and I tend to wear alternative styles as well. I hate to say this but if Im JUST STARTING to like a guy that dresses in alt clothing and I see him change into a Hawaiian polo shirt or urban style I get the ick 😭 I feel so bad but we are so attracted to alternative looks and ppl and I can GUARANTEE Severen is the same way. If he saw an alternative woman (Or man or nonbinary he gives bi vibes) walk by him he'd be checking her out and making a move for something other than feeding... But like I said, romantically it'll take some time to gain that trust and passion he has. But when you do? Think Gomez and Morticia. Dark, passionate, protectivly possesive, obsessed and enraptured with each other. Severen wouldn't be able to keep his hands off a partner and would want to be apart of their life in every way he can. 🖤
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pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
Fun fact! in canon phantom and fentons forms are not entirely identical! the phantom half has a birthmark the shape of florida on his chest while the fenton half, as we learn in a earlier episode, does not! course this fact comes with the drawback of acknowledging phantom planets existence so I'll let you decide how to deal with this knowledge
Ohhh I hadn't thought of it like that, I always just thought it was stupid Jack and Maddie didn't recognize Danny's birthmark on the Ghost Boy, but hell yeah I'm down for it being Phantom's birthmark alone! I acknowledge Phantom Planet in the sense that it was all just a dream ;)
Other discrepancies between their appearances include Phantom has broader arms despite wearing a jumpsuit. Sometimes he also has smaller hips and a broader chest
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Phantom is also taller, though that's more obvious when he's Super Danny and trying to look heroic. He's still taller than Fun when they are both human.
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But I still think the biggest "evidence" Phantom is a ghost bonded to Danny is just how often they're out of sync throughout the series
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I realize it's an animation thing where they're trying to cut costs, but does it also look a little like there are two minds at play here, one that's ready to throw down at a moment's notice and one that is going to need a second? Hell yeah! It's all in how you want to look at it.
In any road, I think the fact that a glob of ectoplasm is shown coating Danny's DNA and not actually altering it is as clear a sign as any that the Phantom half is a copy of Danny's DNA but not actually a part of it. The show says Danny can access this doubled DNA strand that's overlaying his, and I say Phantom's mind is so intertwined with Danny's that he thinks he is Danny until something happens to shake up their understanding. And then Phantom has to find out who he is if he's not Danny because I love that self- discovery stuff
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It doesn't take much to form a ghost. A little ectoplasm and a structure to cling to like a departed soul or apparently a living body? And there you go! One ghost that looks like and thinks like Danny, but because I headcanon ghosts' age and appearance are based on their self- image, once Phantom is separate from Danny and no longer thinks of himself only as the ghostly half, his appearance will start to become his own. He might age faster or slower, grow taller, give himself broader cheekbones, ect. It's the soul that's important, not the body, so he could easily start out looking like Danny and then become his own self in body and spirit the longer they're apart, leaving what had once made them the same long behind him.
Then it's platonic or romantic love that keeps him connected to Danny through choice, same as any other relationship. That shared past tho, those two years where their souls were connected and they were working together to protect, defend, and survive? Two years where they were so close in body and spirit they couldn't tell where one ended and the other began?
That's the good stuff right there 👌👌👌
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