#though I'll probably fail 🤡
icarustypicalfall · 11 months
pepole make collections of cute stuff
i collecte erasers :D
many of them but couldn't find the others
been finding them for four years now 😭💀
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you can tell i love writing 💀
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Fanfic Writer Ask Game: 😅 🤡 🛒 🍦🤗🧠🤲✅🤯 sorry if this is a lot lol
No worries I love asks and talking about my writing, so the more the merrier!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
The only one I really feel weird about is Tonight I Wanna See It In Your Eyes. Just cause it's so short and doesn't go into enough detail on what I was trying to portray. I did it for writers month and tried to write it in a day, which I can't do. I love the idea though and I fully intend to expand it more one day.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Driving On Down The Road and reason why Butt Fuck Nowhere is called that, and the whole of 100.000 Years, it's just so silly, but I really can picture them having that whole interaction.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Always angst, I can't help it. Paul's sensitivity and vulnerability, Gene's tough but caring.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Hold Me. No smut, just Paul in a dark place and Gene not knowing how to help, but still being there for him.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Don't feel like you need to start from the beginning. Write whatever it is that has inspired you, whether it be a scene or phrase. If you get to a bit where you want a particular thing to happen but don't know how to write it just type insert smut here or insert fight here or whatever and go on to the next bit. After you've written the stuff you're confident with it's much easier to fill in the gaps.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Here's a bittersweet head cannon about Paul and Ace for you. Neither of them will admit it, but they were close, and after Peter left they became closer. Paul didn't want Ace to leave and tried to keep him happy, even drinking with him on occasion. But he didn't want to get blackout drunk like Ace did, so it wasn't very successful. The pictures from The Elder/Creatures period, where they are holding onto each other - that's Paul silently saying don't go. But it was inevitable. And everything they have said since then comes from a place of hurt.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Because you liked Let Me Know so much, this is a follow up to it, called Far From The House And The Family Fights in which teenage Paul has a fight with his parents and runs away to Gene.
“We received a letter from school today, Stanley.”
Stanley.  That meant he was in trouble.  Even so, Paul rolled his eyes and headed towards his room.
“You are not going anywhere, young man!”
Stanley and young man.  He was in a shitload of trouble!
 “You are going to stay here and explain yourself!  You are on the verge of failing.  You haven’t done any homework and have been missing classes.  You’ve been drawing . . . penises in your schoolbooks.  And you told your teacher you didn’t need school because you are going to be a . . . rock star?”
Oops.  He hadn’t mentioned that particular ambition to his parents yet.
“What happened to you?” asked his father.  “You had so much potential.”
“God gave you this wonderful brain and you’re not using it,” said his mother.
Paul had heard this so many times before, and this time he lost it.
“Did he give me this stupid fucking ear too?  Because I’ll happily trade my brain for a real one!”
“Stanley Eisen!  Mind your language!”
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Angst! Even when I try to write something happy or funny the angst creeps in. I don't want Paul to be unhappy all the time.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Fight scenes. Arguments I can do, but when it comes to the physical stuff I struggle. While I believe these guys probably did get into punch ups occasionally, I can't really visualise them, I've only seen fights on tv and we know how realistic those are lol
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bokettochild · 7 months
😅🥺🤡😈💖 i had to stop looking after the 5th because i wasn't gonna stop otherwise
😅 - What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Well, the answer to that is actually one I really had fun writing! A Bride For Hyrule's Prince. See, when my friends found out I was a writer, one of the guys pestered me until I gave up my username, and that was the story he decided to read in order to judge my skill. He's a bit of a hick, and his take on my writing was not very favorable, and he kinda nitpicked his way through it while sending e screenshots of the parts he was on + reactions. I don't think he meant anything cruelly, but some of the comments hurt and now reading that one makes me queasy in remembence.
Lesson learned! Don't share with IRL friends!
🥺 - Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I think every time i write a character lowering their guard and accepting others in, there's this little zing of delight that runs through me. Found Family is definitely my favorite trope if you haven't guessed :)
🤡 - What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I'm easily delighted by my own wit, but usually anytime I'm writing Four, one of the colors will say something out of pocket that catches me off guard. The one that sticks with me is the first time, In TBBU, when they're trying to puzzle out the timeline and somebody asks where, on the timeline, Wild would fall, and Blue's kneejerk response is "down every hill in Hyrule".
😈 - Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
The entire existence of the OC Gassun. He resembles Twilight, traumatized Warriors, and every time I write about him, I can almost hear certain readers bracing themselves for what tortures he'll cause next :)
💖 - What made you start writing?
Ooh! Tough one! So... I've been writing for about fifteen years now, and that basically means that I've been writing since I learned how too. Even before that though, my sisters and I engaged in story telling to each other, so the stories have been coming for as long as I remember. I did use to hate it though, because it was so tedious trying to get my hands to keep up with my head.
What really got me WRITING though, not just storytelling and trying to record it,was probably when I was 11 or so and we discovered the Redwall series by Brian Jaques. My sister went off on writing and I was impressed that actual people could write stuff too, so I tried it. My first novella was a piece of shit (still have it) and will never see the light of day (buried it in my hope-chest) but I had fun with it at the time. Since then, the words never stopped!
It sucks a bit, because my parents have been asking about my writing and I have nothing to show them (writing fanfiction) but maybe I'll finally write that novel I talked about as a kid and give it to them. They really did like my stuff before I became a fic writer.
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zannolin · 9 months
<3 <3 ur the best liv
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
mm reassurances that they're not going anywhere (i guess the it's rotten work/not to me moment, you know) and also any kind of grounding touches. and talking about how you're different, and they're different, and whatever is between you is different too, but maybe that's a good thing. or maybe we can make it a good thing. clenches fist. i'm fine.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
well i've already shared this one with you but i'll share it with the general followers as well:
The most entertainment Jason gets when they’re walking is Ferrin reading off the billboards every few miles, which is—well, it’s interesting, to say the least. (“Who is Jesus,” Ferrin asks back in Iowa, gesturing to a faded billboard across the highway, legible but still a long way off, “and who exactly is he saving?” Jason rubs his temples and sighs. He has a feeling this is going to be a long, long trip.)
and frankly i was giggling my way through ALL of when life gives you lemons.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
probably somewhere in my memory bc that one just went off the goddamn rails. maybe the rails were never there to begin with. who knows? but also three's a crowd too bc like. can a 15.5k national treasure polycule fic be anything BUT a wild ride?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
mostly answered here but lately in addition to what i said there, i've had "joy" by george winston on a lot, and i've been listening to "re-do" by philip labes thinking about band aus.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
mornings actually. there's been a few fics i wrote this year where i was SO excited to work on them i woke up at like five or six in the morning and started writing. i usually end up having to write in the afternoons or evenings though because you know. work. school. being an adult. bleck.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
[slamming and banging around in my wip folder] okay so. it's all uh. it's all brandon mull at the moment. minus finishing split ends anyway. but in my head i am ann patchetting a post-canon mona lisa smile giselle/betty fic involving all my art history knowledge i retained from freshman year (this is not what my professor meant for me to do with my jackson pollock knowledge) and some boobs probably. (i know. so unlike me.) i am also going to go completely bonkers balls to the wall unhinged about warren and kendra's protector-friend dynamic in fablehaven and something about big brothers patching up scraped knees and having no idea how to fix the fact that you're a kid who keeps watching people around you die. mmm. need a title for that one but it's COMING.
send fic asks!
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sloanedestler · 2 years
Hehee, for the "Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask", I'm really curious about you UwU sorry for asking too much UwU
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (of course, Erik hehee, but could I have Christine too? UwU)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Oh my gosh, how fun! You could never ask too much btw 🥰
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I think the version of the moment where Erik realizes Christine accepts him for who he is, whether that's physically, emotionally, or both. I'm just a sucker for a sad man who thinks he'll never have love in his life realizing he finally does
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
One that gets my every time is this exchange between Erik and Raoul from Thanksgiving Dinner:
'Just as Erik was about to comment on his friend’s lack of culture, Raoul entered the room and rudely thrust a wine glass at him. He arched an eyebrow as the insolent boy took a seat, his own wine glass in hand. Erik tried to be the bigger person, truly he did, but the wretched boy made it so difficult sometimes.
“Something on your mind?” he asked innocently, and was rewarded with seeing Raoul instantly bristle. Ah, he was simply too easy to rile, Erik thought with satisfaction.
“Absolutely nothing.”
“Indeed? I thought as much, but it’s always nice to be validated.” Really, irritating the boy was no challenge at all.
Raoul had turned an unflattering shade of red, Erik noted with satisfaction. Just as he was about to return his attention to Nadir, the boy spoke again. “By the way, nice shirt, jackass.”
Erik slowly allowed his gaze to return to the boy. Why was he cursed? Why did every person in his life have to be so irritating? Except for Christine, of course.
He stared at Raoul until he flinched slightly, but still he refused to break Erik’s gaze. After a moment in which he determined the boy wouldn’t back down and look away, Erik answered his insult. “This shirt is to please Christine. Obviously if you knew more about how to do that, maybe you would still be with her.” By now fully done with the conversation, Erik turned away once again, but Raoul refused to take the hint.'
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
There's been a few one shots that I started that never went anywhere, but the only one that had enough there to come to mind is a story I started right before I had the idea for Second Chances. It was also a marriage of convenience story (surprise lol), where Christine knows Erik is a man and not an angel. Mamma Valérius gets sick, and Erik offers to pay for a doctor. Christine thinks he will only do it if she marries him, and he thinks Christine is marrying him because she wants to. I don't really know what else would happen though so I've never gone back to it
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Very, very positive. They truly mean do much to me!
❌️ What's a trope you will never write?
I would probably never do a time travel story
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
I can't see that ever happening for me. However, I'm happy to consider any prompts people might send my way. I actually have a great one in my inbox right now, I just need to get to it
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Not that I can think of (apologies if I've forgotten someone). I guess I'm too predictable! 😂
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them
This is a hard one for me, as I don't necessarily have strong headcanons. I think there are so many ways to see the story that I can get into many different interpretations of it. However, as far as what I like to write:
Erik: I like an Erik that was probably a very sensitive and kind child, and it was everything he encountered that made him the way he is, as in he became who he had to in order to survive. And I like to think that under the right circumstances, he could reclaim at least some of who he once was
Christine: I like to write a Christine that recognizes Erik as her 'person', at least on some level, but has to deal with feeling as though she shouldn't want him, both due to his actions and to outside pressures
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
This is from a story I started last summer but haven't posted anything from yet:
'Trailing along after her father and M. Khan, Christine glanced up shyly at the tall man walking silently next to her. Uncertain if she should remain quiet or not, she decided to try venturing a question.
“Destler is an unusual last name. Is it British?”
Taking so long to answer that Christine had decided he wasn’t going to at all, M. Destler slowly shook his head. “No, it’s just a name I took by chance. I have no idea what the origin is.”
“Oh,” she answered weakly. He really was the strangest person she had ever encountered. “I’m sorry if I offended you, M. Destler.”
“Offended me? You haven’t. But, I would prefer that you call me Erik.”
“Of course,” she answered automatically, wondering if she was trapped in some kind of bizarre dream. Wanting to be polite, she added, “And, you may call me Christine.” Slightly encouraged by his brief nod at her words, she continued, “So, with the given name Erik, are you Scandinavian? I was born in Sweden.”
Again, he shook his head. “No, I’m not Scandinavian. I suppose you can say I’m not really from anywhere.”
Thankfully they had arrived at the wagon by this point, because Christine truly had no idea what to reply to that statement. Fortunately, M. Destler - or Erik, as he wanted her to call him - seemed to forget what they had been discussing, completely changing the subject.'
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Omg any of them 😅
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Although it ends happily, one part of Second Chances really got to me as I was writing it, specifically Erik's internal monologue during the climax of the story. I'm not usually a crier, but I cried a little when I was writing that
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Reader interaction means the world to me, and any questions about my fics are so welcome! The entire reason I started writing was because I was feeling some kind of way during the pandemic, and I think I wanted some kind of way to connect with people. And that's still true today, so yes please to any and all reader interaction!
Okay I think I made it through 😂. Thank you again, I had blast answering these! ♥️
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hideyseek · 11 months
HIIIIIIIIIII ENNJI <3 I LOVE 2 BE UNO REVERSE CARDED!! also haha sorry these got ... quite long (i can talk about how long it takes me to write a thing for SO LONG buddy) so i'm putting the whole thing under a cut.
from these fanfic writer emoji asks
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
mmmmmmm.... had to think about this one for a bit because the types of interactions i tend to write for kakehai aren't actually the ones that put me in MY feels, haha. but i think moments of very small and mundane domesticity are moments i really like -- there's an almost off-hand kind of intimacy in that kind of sharing space that i'm really compelled by. that idea of like, oh this person is so familiar to me that things like reaching around them or being passed something by them is all happening somewhat subconsciously.
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
ohoho. i do think that i've gotten a lot less funny over the years, both as a person in how i interact with the world and also in the kind of writing i'm doing. part of this i think is just the particular bits of haiji/kazetsuyo that i latched onto (in particular contrast to the lighthearted, laugh-at-the-narrator, very romantic type of fic i primarily wrote for inception).
anyway, that to say i actually couldn't think of anything when i was answering this so then i went down a rabbit hole of google docs bc surely i'd written something i thought was funny in the last year and genuinely all i could find (though admittedly i didn't search very hard) was this snippet from a kunikidazai pwp ficlet i started for bcsdp when kunikida's been lost in thought for a while:
“Ku-ni-ki-da-kun,” Dazai prompts. “What’s happening upstairs?” “Nothing,” Kunikida snaps, and wishes he’d said none of your business as soon as Dazai smirks.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
ok well i was going to say "i don't know but i skimmed through all my posted fic on ao3 and i had two whole fics that involved the pov character being a forger of some kind and a core romance-related theme being 'what is real vs what is valuable' which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice".
but then i remembered that i have like, three or four wips across a couple fandoms that are all basically "what happens to my blorbo guy after a big, life-changing experience ends and then he's left adrift and has to figure out how to be a person?" so i'll say that! i'm really compelled by the idea of having a like, identity-defining project and then having that like -- end abruptly and having a character still have to be themselves without it.
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
SO LONG. ohh my god SO SO LONG. well okay that's not true, it really depends. one of my big "writing goals" (incredibly abstract goal, i would not say i'm working toward it) is to write faster.
i've gotten to a point where i can, more or less, rough out an outline of a 2-4k fic focusing on 1-2 character relationships with a single reasonably straightforward plot and no particular thematic intention in an afternoon, and probably draft it in a week (and revise in another week) if i'm not doing much else or the idea is really compelling and i don't get overthinky. a year or two ago, that would have taken me maybe a month or two of very like, focused and intense writing. but also there's like ... something about the 4k threshold that i just never can really cross with a fic like this.
but in terms of drafting and going from the start of an idea to an actual fic i am incredibly, incredibly slow. most fics that i'm writing now are more than 4k (even the mini version of heist!au is shaping up to be 5k ish) and are probably ... 3-5 drafts? for narrative!fic i've spent maybe 2-3 years now putting snippets in a evernote doc and drafted the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the story literally 4 times in the last year -- i'm like a chapter and a half into draft 4 now and that's taken already 2-3 weeks (and this was genuinely a fluke from the recent holiday weekend) and in my mind this is still a "first draft".
ok wow this was possibly more than you desire to know about how long it takes me to write things however haha i'm still not done! the thing that has been keeping me moderately sane about all this is this FANTASTIC BOOK called the art of slow writing by louise desalvo which i have also been reading incredibly slowly (i am about 60% of the way through and it has been since like, february of this year) but the book is this really wonderful (to me) collection of both desalvo's process and perspective of writing a novel, and a ton of referencing other writers and how goddamn long it took them to write things (with lots of gentle and loving mockery of writing as a practice, which i really enjoy). anyway! i recommend it -- whenever i get frustrated about how long a fic is taking i'll go read a chapter of this (they are all very short) and calm down about it.
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ineffable-doll · 1 year
For the ask game, 🥺🤡⛔?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Basically anything where Aziraphale and Crowley are able to communicate their wants and needs to each other, or when they do or say something that directly makes clear their trust and/or respect for one another!! Aaaaaaa my heart.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Honestly, I laugh at my own jokes all the time. But the one that popped into my head when I read this was my Halloween fic from a while back, Death's Duet, wherein Aziraphale and Crowley are ghosts who bicker for 10k words. One of my favorite bits was from when they meet:
“Technically,” a voice said suddenly, the figure’s arms folding, “I don’t have feet.”             Aziraphale blinked, a motion born of habit and less from a need to moisten the surface of his noncorporeal eyeballs. “What?”             “Don’t have feet,” he repeated, sticking both legs out in front of him as he floated. “So, I can’t take another step in if I’m floating and don’t have feet. I mean, sure, it looks like I do, but do they really count? Or do I just have boots?”             Aziraphale gaped for a long moment, unsure of how to react to that. “Erm,” he attempted. Feeling peevish, he aimed his feet and very pointedly landed firm against the carpeted floor. “You can have feet,” he replied, in vague disbelief that he was actually entertaining this absurd notion, “which is roughly the same thing. And altogether outside the realm of relevance.”             “What, because I can have something basically means I do?” The intruder laughed, rather ruining any last sense of mystique he may have been aiming for with that extravagant entrance. “That’s nonsensical! So, if I can have a sandwich, does that mean I actually ate one?”             “You can’t eat a sandwich, though,” Aziraphale felt the need to point out, flustered. “You’re not alive. Nonetheless, I am telling you that I live here, and I don’t appreciate you barging in and shaking my windows. It’s very rude of you.”
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Oh gosh, SO MANY. I have a folder called "Neglected and Abandoned Works" for scrapped Good Omens fics. My first attempt at a long fic was called "To Fall To Rise" wherein all the angels are assigned a demon to try and Redeem, which goes about as well as one might expect. It gets revealed later that Aziraphale was actually the only one assigned a demon, and it was all a cruel joke from Heaven that they "never really expected him to take seriously" (but if he hadn't, they would've punished him). Very angsty and all that, which is probably why I only got about 9k words in before running back to my kingdom of fluff.
If anyone else wants to write it, I welcome them to, I'll probably never get back to it!
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rissynicole · 2 years
🥺😅🤡✨💖⛔🤩🎶🧐💞🧠(anybody you want to reveal ur headcanons about idc)🤯🤲✅💥💔 and I have a feeling you do but I’ll go ahead and ask 🍷
Holy shit, Paige 🤣 jfdlsalfsjsfajlk
Okay! *Breaks fingers* Let's do this. Some answers are gonna be kind of short!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Honestly, I’m not sure? I do tend to gravitate towards certain themes. I love writing sickfics, hurt/comfort, whump, etc. There’s something about two people putting aside everything to help each other that just gets me right in the feels. 
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Okay. Alright. Sit down motherfuckers. I'm gonna tell you a quick story.
Fun fact about me: I like to include names of my loved ones as minor/throwaway characters in my writing. For example, I need a name for some random cashier or whatever, so I name him after a friend. Y'know, as a shoutout to that friend.
Well. In A Parade of Indignities, there's a scene where Dib is reminiscing over his mother's grave. He has no mother in canon, so I had to invent a character and give her a first name.
I named her after my mother.
It wasn't meant to be anything other than a little shoutout to my very sweet mom. I had no experience with parent death and didn't see this detail as anything but an easter egg.
Well, less than a year later, I did get experience with a parent dying. Really suddenly dying.
I read back through Parade some months later and got to that part. Words cannot express the emotions that went through me. Really, I can't even say what those emotions were. Shame for writing something so serious in the first place without really knowing the fallout of losing a parent? Embarrassment for adding such a dark "easter egg"? All I can say is that I immediately slammed that "edit" button and changed the name of Dib's dead mother to a different, more generic name with no personal connections to me.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Answered in another ask.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Rissy, you are good at writing characters’ thoughts and feelings through their body language.
💖 What made you start writing?
My mom and dad! They were/are amazing writers and always encouraged me.
My second grade teacher also ignited my enthusiasm for writing. I remember her calling me to her desk multiple times just to tell me how wonderful and descriptive my little stories and book reports were. She even invited my parents in one time to teach the class about writing. 
I was incredibly lucky to have people in my life at that young age who could nurture my interests. It kept me going and I improved as a writer because of it. I credit my continued improvement to the people who have been in my corner to support me.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Answered in another ask.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Dib and Gaz are actually really fun to write! They let me get as angsty and sarcastic as I want! 😂
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yup! I'm always listening to music. Usually when I'm writing, I listen to music without lyrics, though. Stuff like lo-fi or deep house. Sometimes smooth jazz.
As for a song I've been playing on loop, probably this one:
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Yeah! I spend a lot of time researching, actually. I research really obscure things and get frustrated when I can’t find answers. I also tend to go down really useless rabbit holes lol.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Oh, definitely Zim. 
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Professor Membrane gets so over-the-top concerned for his children when they’re sick, he goes overboard with tests and remedies. Think “Gaz, Taster or Pork,” but for everything Dib and Gaz become afflicted with. Common colds, hay fever, food poisoning, etc. It gets to the point where Dib and Gaz don’t tell him when they’re sick and simply take care of each other while keeping the illness on the down-low. 
I’m actually writing a little fic based around this headcanon and how it puts a strain on their family. 
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Definitely romance.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Sure! Here’s a snippet from something I’m almost done with: 
Dib quietly drifted to his bedside and stared down at him. “Zim…” He had to gather himself before he could repeat the same words he’d asked before. “Tell me who did this to you.”
The words hung in the air between them. Dib’s tone had taken on a quality that, coming from the mouth of any another person, would demand respect. Gone were the petulant, whiny inflections of his youth, and in their place was a certain poise that was easily reminiscent of his own father’s confident speech pattern. Unfortunately, what he had to say often overpowered how he said it. his attempts at persuasion scarcely had any effect on anyone in his life. They certainly never had any effect on Zim. This time, though, he hoped against hope that they would. 
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
A lot of characters in my fics fall asleep at the drop of a hat in my fics. I find that it’s a good way to end a chapter, but it sure does happen a lot. It’s like an impulse thing to just write a character going to bed at the end of a long, eventful chapter. They get a little sleep. As a treat. 
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
If it's constructive and/or from a good friend, I welcome it. If it's from some rando and more along the lines of "you didn't write this character the way I personally see them," then I'll roll my eyes big time and delete it.
I’ll add, I LOVE constructive criticism for things that I might have gotten factually wrong. One time, back in 2018, a nurse DMed me and let me know that some of what occurred in Chapter 12 of Parade wasn’t super accurate to what an actual nurse or doctor would do. This person spent the next couple days helping me understand certain medical terminology and procedures, which was super helpful. I rewrote that section of the story, and was super happy knowing I wrote it as factually accurate as I could. 
I also love seeing typos pointed out! It’s hard to get everything, even with a beta reader. I guarantee that if you DM me with a typo, I will drop everything and log into AO3 to edit it. 
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Of mine? God, I don’t know. Anything that involves super deep depression is gonna break my heart. I’m working on something right now that involves a character feeling trapped and hopeless. That’s hard to write when you’re not also writing a concrete happy ending to go along with it. 
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Oh hell yes.
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🥺🤡🛒✨👀 for the fanfic asks
Thanks so much for asking!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Pining, that really does it for me. Knowing that two characters want each other but can't have each other due to their circumstances. ESPECIALLY when they have a moment where they allow themselves to slip and revel in their connection, knowing it can necessarily only be temporary.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
So both NAJ (the protag from Whiskey and Teeth) and MXW (the protag from Canto Bites) have a Western flair to them and that comes with some kind of corny, teasing jokes. But I do enjoy writing them. Like the, "what are you, some kind of inquisitor?" and "is that a lightsaber?" *is obviously a lightsaber* "no I'm just happy to see you." So if you enjoyed that, look forward to more of that.
I also snickered to myself every time I wrote HRH (protag from Studied and Praised) thinking something along the lines of, "I've got this, I'm poised, Heir to the Empire" and then immediately crumbling because the Inquisitor did something totally benign like look at them and say 2 words. They just could NOT handle having a crush.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Ohh SO many! I really like to play with balancing attraction and repulsion, there's something to me really naughty and sexy about knowing you should be scared, reviled, angry, etc, and instead finding yourself attracted, aroused, enamored. NAJ was a little scared and a lot thrilled by it. HRH was initially repulsed but then found beauty in the features they initially reviled. MXW has loving adoration for the Inquisitor, but is also viciously angry with him.
I've also spoken about this before, but I enjoy interpreting the Inquisitors as a sort of "Dante's Inferno" type literary demons. They commited the ultimate sin and are damned forever, and their mission is to tempt others into damnation with them. They are suffering, and yet their respite is to drag others to the dark side and to the Inquisitorius to suffer with them. I'm not religious, but I live in a very deeply Christian place and grew up with people not allowed to celebrate Halloween or read that book series about Witchcraft and have to drive past stuff like this on a regular basis:
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(Maybe he already has, oh ho!)
Anyways, that deep-rooted cultural tradition has kind of left a mark on me and it's DEFINITELY a part of the works. Temptation to the dark side, the heros being punished for their one flaw or sin, burning/flame and devil imagery, etc.. But I hope it isn't to the point of being offensive, that certainly isn't my goal.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Aw thanks! Let's see, I've been out of the game for a long time, and I'm really excited people like these works! I'm really happy to have finished something, and boy ohh boy, when I am writing them and when I am reading back over them 🥵. But also! I think even though the purpose, at the end of the day, is to write self-insert porn, I think I do so in a way that tells a compelling story and hopefully makes the reader feel like they have a role and a place in this universe too!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
So Canto Bites... typically my writing goal is to get 1000+ words written in a day, but I can only get about 500 a day for this piece because it is really emotionally heavy. MXW stands for Mx. Wrath. They're our first protagonist that has a previous history with the Inquisitor. They are a Horse Girl (gender neutral). And yeah, everything about this is pretty personal for them. This one will probably be my most trigger-heavy work, but I don't write non-con so none of that. Just like, on the darker side of things. I'll try to balance with something lighter next, but this one does really excite me!
Also, my previous two works were based on characters/scenarios I had really worked heavily with in the past so I had a really well-developed world for them. MXW is totally new. Well, they're based on a previous rendition of themselves, but that rendition was same premise but totally different circumstances, different mood, emotions, etc. So basically, I'm working through this scenario for the very first time! Which is doubly exciting for me.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
Hello, peachy friend. <3
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I will never not love the exchange between Din and LB when he first shows her the lightsaber and she teases him about being Mand'alor. I giggled when I wrote it and it just played a big role in easing their comfortability with each other.
I also love writing Dieter because he has so much potential for ding dong boy comedy. In INFILA, I loved writing him being a putz at driving and a mess with his vows at the wedding and eating pancakes while high and failing at skipping rocks by just lazily plonking stones into the sea. Although casually asking Cakes without agenda if she wanted to hang out and watch porn was the one that made me giggle the most.
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
Nah. I just enjoy getting stories out of my head and onto the page. I do revise quite a bit though. I'll write a first draft and then go over it again and fix up any pacing or plot things that don't feel right or need explaining. Then a third time to polish language. Then I'll usually read it out loud a fourth time to make sure I take note of every word and don't miss little things. Then I paste it into Tumblr and go through it one last time--something about the different screen makes other things pop and the revisions there can range from moving/removing/adding whole paragraphs to adding a word here or there or swapping things around. And I like to make sure I don't do all of that one one day. So while I don't have a beta, I take my time with looking it over several times before it gets in front of anyone.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Probably the same things I don't read: daddy kink/age gap and therefore no college AUs for me--I'm past college ages and I'm too old for P to be my daddy. Pregnancy/lactation stuff, although not to be confused with breeding kink--just because I don't want kids doesn't mean I don't love a good lizard brain urge, because breeding often plays upon the possession/claiming kink and I'm all about that. And I'm kind of addicted to writing happy endings, so I probably won't be heavy angsting or whumping it up any time soon.
But, if there's a trope you're interested in, I'm looking for them for an upcoming project I'm gearing up for soon. There really aren't too many I'd say no to, especially if I step back and examine how I might challenge myself to incorporate them or play with them in a soft way.....
Writer Emoji Asks
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Request are open for the 10k, and like it's a big event, I'm like "I need to request something in particular for that" but I have too much idea and I need to choose only one 😶 So while I'm in conflict with my internal council, I will just ask new about Ons reverse isekai (love how this name became canon 🤣👌). Not date or something like this, I can wait x) but some random fact like is it difficult to write ? How the idea came up in your mind ? The result of the quotev quiz ?
Goodness me, I didn't think anyone would being this up again, legit thought people had already lost interest!
It is a quite difficult for me to write because I don't have much energy these days but this is something that I really want to bring to life.... Who knows when though. I'm kept up with the manga and I also want it to make sense, if you get what I'm saying. I sorta want it to be connected to the main story while also being its own identity. This is also an excuse to see the characters in a modern setting and seeing them act all cute and happy, that's a big wish of mine ✨😩 This idea has been swimming in my head for years actually, I always imagined what would it be like if they all just sprung to life and tried to be normal again (it's also an excuse for me to go on cute dates with Mika 🤡😭🤭)
As for the poll, here are the screenshots
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I knew Mika was going to get the most love but damn, he has more than half than anyone else 🤣 Also, making only a few characters yandere does make everything easier for me because for some I just wanna write fluff 😔 These results might not be the final product, I just wanted to see the people's preferences. The ones I want to make yandere at the moment are Lest Karr, Ferid Bathory, Yoichi Saotome MAYBE Mika and Yuu's a whole beast that I'm not sure how to tackle. If I do make him a yandere it's going to be platonic though.
Also, I'd like to make Shinoa a TikTok girl 🤣🤣 I can see her being a popular influencer like that, she's so cute and smol, the idea was so random but I can see it! She gets very creative and people like her snark, that's what caused her to blow up. Mitsuba wants to join her but is a little shy, but maybe I'll make her a model? Who knows. Crowley would repair cars, Ferid would be an university professor because he's an asshole, Chess and Horn would be nurses mainly so that they can steal blood, Urd will probably be something boring like an accountant or bookkeeper, it pays well though. Lacus and Renee are college students and you hang out with them often. Since Lest and Krul look like kids they get sent away to elementary school but everyone is in awe of them there, like, how are they so smart? 😲 Some kid in the back is eating glue, the rest are trying to do the test and not fail while these two just want to die. End their misery. This concept might be scrapped though, I'm here for any suggestions.
That's all I can think of for now! If you have more questions, ask away!
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
Sorry to shock you, but I have a lot of questions lol.
😅🥺🤡😈🛒💋⛔️🍦🌞💖💌❌🎃👀🧠 (for Chrissy!) 🤩🤲🏼🥰?
I am SHOCKED! lol. I'll skip the ones I've already answered.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Uhhhh... Cursed Ties, for the Rumbelle fandom. It's, uh, gonna deal with a kink that's squicky for some. If I can ever get them to the point where they stop angsting and just bang.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Ooh, yes. When Character A has had to rely on themselves all their life, and Character B helps them to realize that it's okay to need to lean on someone now and then? That's the good stuff.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I can't think of anything offhand. If I do, I'll come back to this.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
"Eyes slamming shut like a portcullis" probably makes its way into half the fics I write. As well as the phrase "screwing their courage to some manner of sticking place." I read it somewhere - no clue where - and I've blatantly stolen it. Apart from that, though, I like to think I mix things up a lot.
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Don't mind reading 'em. Not interested in writing 'em. I prefer angst and smut.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Probably somewhere, yeah.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Not really. Any time of day works for me.
💖 What made you start writing?
What made me start writing after a 15 year hiatus was the 12th episode of Once Upon a Time, "Skin Deep." UNREAL chemistry between the actors. Seems to be my catnip.
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I feel like they're not just welcome, but absolutely necessary. Fic writers cannot make money off of their work, which means anything they write is unpaid labor. This can be hours upon hours of blood, sweat, and tears being poured into something that is then posted for people to enjoy for free. Having participated in a dying fandom where I'm lucky to get a comment or two, and now having moved to one where my fic chapters get tons of engagement, I can tell you that getting little to no feedback on fic is incredibly demoralizing. I view commenting on fic similarly to how tipping is viewed in American restaurants. In an ideal world, the person whose services you enjoyed would be compensated fairly for their labor. But in that absence, it is up to the consumer to make up the difference. If you don't have the money to tip, you don't have the money to eat out. If you don't have the spoons to take thirty seconds to comment on fic, you don't have the spoons to read it.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I only have one so far, and it was basically a retelling of "The Holiday" with Once Upon a Time characters.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
I don't think I could pick just one. Chances are if I'm writing a pairing, it's because I adore both characters in said pairing.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Here's a snippet from a oneshot I'm stuck in. It's post season 4, canon-ish where Eddie survives and Chrissy... "survives."
Not for the first time, Chrissy’s throat tightened with guilt. This was the place where it had all started. Where her life ended, and Eddie’s life had started the freefall to the madness that had led him here. If he’d never agreed to sell to her… if he’d met with her anywhere else… his life would be infinitely better. He’d have graduated - she just knew it - and gotten out of Hawkins. Those big dreams of his would’ve brought him to a big city to match - New York, or LA, or somewhere where he and his band would make it big.
Instead, he was here. Trapped in a hellscape with only her for company. The entire world at his fingertips if he crossed over, barred from him by accusations for murders he didn’t commit. Starting with her own.
“Do you ever regret it?” she blurted before she could stop herself.
He glanced at her curiously. “Regret what, sunshine?”
She winced. This question had been plaguing her since the moment they’d found each other. But she could never bring herself to ask before now. She dreaded the answer too much.
Still, she had to finish what she’d started. “Do you ever regret… y’know. Meeting me in the woods that day? Selling to me?”
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I love love love reader interactions! I do TMI Tuesdays to invite exactly that. I love getting questions about fics, or questions directed to my characters. It keeps me motivated to keep writing.
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roboromantic · 3 years
hm so the nurse gave me an rx for one month of t which I got, then once I did the bloodwork she sent in another one w/1 refill. I got a message saying I could pick up this rx too even though it's been like. 1 week since I filled the first one
so yesterday I went over to see if I could in fact just grab it now and yeah, it seems that since it was a different rx I could (and did) just go ahead and fill it then. (The 3rd month's worth I can't get until next month, but that's still a month before I'd actually need it)
then today I got a text from cvs saying "hey you still have one refill for your t prescription, want us to fill it?" and given that
I tried and failed to have it sent elsewhere, so I kinda would HAVE to have it filled there
I can actually log in to their desktop site for fucking once to order the refill
cvs always interprets the rx as being for 2 months' worth for whatever reason (which is why I had enough to be able to wait this long to figure out how to get a new rx w/o insurance [and actually still have ~half a pump left from that, so I have a total of 2.5 months' worth of t on me])
I can use the goodrx gold free trial to fill this for slightly less than what I just paid for the 2 months I already have I was overly optimistic, they are in fact pricing it as a two month supply which means I'm gonna have to pay $194 instead of $94 😔🤡😔🤡😔
and post-hysto I would absolutely like to continue to have some extra Just In Case
I will probably just. go ahead n at least try to get it filled. It means I'm gonna have spent WAAAAY more this month than I woulda liked but also I can afford it, and the sense of security I'll get from having reserves is absolutely 💯% worth it
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