#though how much of it was Brand New Material and how much was just moving stuff forward idk
nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
Designated Chaperone
Has anyone done this yet? I went to see Film Red last weekend and so much of it is currently living rent-free in my brain right now, the Heart Pirate contingent included, which meant that fic was bound to happen.
2903 words; contains spoilers for a specific Film Red gag, I guess (and the movie as a whole); I love our favorite jaded double-genocide survivor and his crew of nutbags; the idea that Bepo needs a chaperone despite being twenty-two and presumably able to use both Electro and Sulong is kind of hilarious in of itself, as long as you don’t think about the One Piece world at-large (Law just wants his fuzzy little brother to have a good time yo); be glad I wrote about this and not a compare/contrast essay between this and Jango’s Dance Carnival lol
Bepo wants to go to a concert. The problem is, well, his fan kit is too embarrassing.
In faint memories, ones blurred by trauma and time, Trafalgar D. Water Law used to actually enjoy music. He could recall festival bands and radio snails; his sister attempting the violin and their mother gently correcting her; the way his parents would dance to certain songs, clung together and swaying in the dim office that was their sitting room. All that changed, like so many others, with the Amber Lead and the subsequent systematic elimination of Flevance. Later on in his tumultuous childhood, Doflamingo’s court was only one for Dressrosan music, which was something he barely experienced due to leaving the Family so young. Much music still brought a pang of sadness to his heart, one he was not entirely certain would ever fade away with time.
The rest of the Heart Pirates, however, loved music. Worse yet: they were disastrously bad at it. Every so often, when there was nothing to do after dinner, they all got together and procured musical instruments out of somewhere and then proceeded to—very poorly, mind—play a medley of North Blue standards. Law, not wanting to ruin the mood thanks to something beyond the control of anyone there, would sulk back to his cabin and attempt to do something else to pass the time. The metal of the submarine would always betray him, however, and carry the screeches and bleats and booms throughout the entire expanse of the Polar Tang. Nowhere was safe.
“Alright, that’s it,” he ordered, putting on his best scowl. The crew was all in the galley, stopping mid-song. Hakugan and Bepo even stopped their dancing to join in the guilty staring. “New rule: these concerts can only happen outside.”
“…but we’re not scheduled to resurface for another three days,” Shachi mentioned.
“I don’t care. Either take lessons—which good luck with that considering what we do—or play music that was made by a professional. Those are your options.”
“That doesn’t sound very fair,” Ikkaku fired back. The guys all stared at her as she confronted their captain; the only woman amongst them and yet she was the one with the balls to argumentatively sass back. “Music is fun, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“It’s not when it sounds like you’re butchering a goat alive, which is only a slightly-muffled goat mid-butchering if I head to my quarters and do my best to ignore you. No more concerts indoors until something improves. Don’t think that’s leeway to kidnap Bone-ya. Or anyone else. That’s final.”
Was he proud? Not entirely, he mused as he stomped back to his cabin. It was at least going to get him some peace and quiet for a while. He locked his door and laid down on his bed, letting out a long exhale as he tried settling himself long enough to get some rest.
Oh, could he have not been more wrong.
As it was, the moratorium on the crew playing instruments inside the confines of the Polar Tang resulted in one very specific thing: the introduction of Princess Uta into their lives. The young woman with two-toned hair would broadcast concerts and put out shells that played her music over and over again, the songs becoming staples alongside the Soul King’s on the submarine. Her work was well beyond festival bands and the living instrument of a Supernova—it was stuff with emotion and range, that worked deep into one’s very soul until there was little but her music being played. She was a rare talent, that was for certain, but there was still something about the crew’s recent infatuation with her that put Law a bit on-edge.
“So this is her, huh?” He was holding the box that the latest Tone Dial came in, with her face printed along the side. She was… cute…? He guessed…? She looked around the same age his sister would have been had she… no, none of that, Law. Just be normal for a change.
“She’s a bombshell, that’s for sure,” Penguin grinned, high-fiving Shachi. The two of them and Ikkaku were relaxing in lounge chairs while Law sat underneath an umbrella with a medical journal and the remainder of the Heart Pirates were attempting to teach Jean Bart how to play beach volleyball. Well, Bepo was in the cool air of the submarine as it stayed docked a short ways off the island, but that was a given for Summer Islands.
“You’re gross,” Ikkaku grumbled. Shachi rolled his eyes.
“You’re jealous she actually gets flirted with, Miss All the Other Hearts’ Sister Figure.”
“Sach, Uta’s just a kid.”
“She’s twenty-one, thank you,” Shachi defended. He watched as their captain placed the box back down on the blanket, the music of the nearby Tone Dial filtering through the open air. “You know, rumor has it she’s planning a concert.”
“We’ve seen plenty,” Law stated. They had. At least she sang better than Clione.
“No, like, a live one,” Shachi clarified. “She’s never done one, unlike Soul King.”
“The two of them should collaborate,” Penguin decided.
“That’s a bad idea,” Law stated bluntly. Ikkaku snickered while Penguin and Shachi sulked.
“What do you mean by that, Captain?” Shachi growled. “Don’t you think that would be one of the best collaborations of all time?!”
“I would barely trust the two of you around her—get Bone-ya, and Blackleg-ya by extension, and I fear for her safety.”
“Killjoy,” Penguin mumbled. “You can dump a hundred hearts on the doorstep of the Celestials, but allow the greatest musical collaboration of our age? Apparently that’s off-limits. Who knew?”
“I can and will scramble Little Penguin to somewhere on this island and you won’t be able to find it to reattach before we leave; same goes for Little Shachi,” Law threatened.
Both men squirmed uncomfortably, which Ikkaku’s snicker became a full-on cackle. The captain casually went back to the medical journal in his lap and reached for his drink—he was certain he had not heard the end of this.
…and of course, he was right. Again. Despite the fact he wanted to be wrong for once.
The rumored concert was more than just a rumor—it was a full-blown event. Elegia, the venue for the festivities, was large enough that a lottery system was put in place and, if someone won, they had a small window to call on a transponder snail and get as many tickets as they wanted. The only trick was that they were not for resale, only gifting, to ward off scalpers. Why would you resell free tickets anyhow? Anyone not chosen in the raffle pull was going to be relegated to a call-in show, where the video snails could broadcast to the entire rest of the world live. Being there in-person was highly sought-after, however, and it seemed as though every single Heart Pirate other than the captain put in to increase their chances.
That being said, only one person ended up getting their name drawn on the Polar Tang.
“I can’t believe it!” Bepo sobbed, holding his winning notice. The bear bounced around the top deck of the Tang, the other music-lovers cheering him on. “This is like a dream come true!”
“You’ve known about her for five months,” Law reminded them. He was promptly ignored, so he fluffed out the newspaper and continued to read. Damn, they were annoying sometimes. “I should tell Bone-ya on you all.”
Still being ignored, Law took it as a sign that this was merely going to be a thing he would never understand. The man made a valiant attempt at ignoring the commotion, until there was suddenly a distinct lack of it. He didn’t look up from the newspaper, not until a large shadow blocked his light.
It was Bepo, and he was wearing a pastel pink t-shirt with an arrow-rent heart on it, along with the most garish-looking contraption Law had ever seen. It was large and light-up and consisted of three fans, the one behind his head possessing a large UTA. Oh no…
“How do you like my outfit for the concert?” he beamed. “I’ve been working on it since we all put in for the lottery.”
“It is flamboyant… and I grew up knowing Donquixote Doflamingo,” Law noted. Bepo bowed and muttered out a quick sorry. “As long as someone’s willing to go along, I’m not stopping you.”
“You sure about that, Captain?” Law leaned over to glance around Bepo, seeing that the entire rest of the crew was cringing at the bear’s getup. “Maybe… Bepo can go by himself…”
“Nonsense,” Law said. “While Bepo’s strong on his own, he’s still a Mink and there will be a lot of variables at this concert. We don’t know if there will be anyone wanting to snatch him for sale or to get to us as a whole. He needs a chaperone, so to speak. Figure it out amongst yourselves.”
“No buts, Peng—figure it out.”
“Put in for a pair of tickets, Bepo,” Law said, going back to the newspaper. “You’re going to the concert and one of the goons is going with you.”
Bepo cried again, not able to contain his joy.
The rest of the Hearts cried, not able to contain their embarrassment.
Just as Law liked it.
The next couple of weeks were rather tense, to say the least, amongst the denizens of the Polar Tang. While Bepo made fine-tuning changes to his getup, the rest of the Heart Pirates were attempting to figure out who was to go with him. No one could look the bear in the eyes and actually tell him no—not when it came to something like this. He generally asked for so little, was always apologizing for every tiny thing, that it was of the collective crew’s firm belief that Bepo should go, and that one of them should take him.
Their only real issue was attempting to decide which one.
“It should really be one of you,” Uni said, pointing between Penguin and Shachi. The lot of them were in the galley as Law and Bepo were charting the next few legs of their course, including their stopover by Elegia. “You two have known him the longest.”
“Yeah, and we already know that the guy is almost too much for us to handle together, let alone for one of us,” Shachi replied. “It should be Ikkaku.”
“Why me?” she snapped. “I’ve got work to do.”
“Listening to the concert while you pretend to tune up the Tang doesn’t cut it,” Clione fired back. “Maybe Jean Bart can do it—use it as an excuse to know the guy a bit better.”
“No,” the burly man said adamantly. “I did many things considered humiliating when I was a slave and had no choice. Now that I’m free, I’d like to be choosy about when and where I look like a fool, thank you.”
“Captain said that we needed to choose someone by the end of the day or he would choose at random, need I remind everyone,” Penguin said. “Now how are we going to make sure that Bep gets to go while sacrificing the least amount of our dignity?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? There was no way that Bepo was going to be dressed less-obnoxiously, not with the amount of bear-hours he put into his getup, and there was no way anyone in the galley was going to be seen with someone dressed like that. Hell, they enjoyed the fact they all essentially had uniforms. There was something to be said about the oneness of them, how it brought them all together, and how it really forced them to look at their crewmates as not only individuals, but part of the same unit. It made them a more united front…
…wait! That was it!
“I think I figured it out!” Ikkaku grinned. The guys all looked at her in confusion. “None of us have to go!”
“Ikka—Captain said one of us has to go,” Shachi groaned. Her grin never faded and all the pieces snapped into place inside his brain. “Oh… I see…”
“See what?” Hakugan wondered. The masked pirate watched as Ikkaku’s grin spread like wildfire, wondering what was going on until, suddenly, clearly, everything made perfect sense.
Without speaking a word, the Heart Pirates made a decision.
The Polar Tang was moored on a small island, not large enough to have its own climate, but close enough to a nearby Spring Island to benefit. Most of the crew was enjoying being in fresh air and on solid land again, glad that the ventilation system could filter out the past few days of farts and burnt butter with help from the gentle breeze. It was a wonderful, serene, calm day…
“Alright, who’s going with Bepo?” Law asked. His crew looked at him from where Bepo was currently readying a small vessel to take him to Elegia not far away. He was already dressed up in his fan-attire, which raised the silent question of if he was going to be using himself as a sail. “You said you chose someone. Now who is it?”
“We all decided unanimously,” Penguin said, stepping forward as the crew representative, “and it is the one out of the entire crew who deserves the chance to go and have fun with Bepo the most, by far and away.”
“Then why is no one getting the boat ready with him?” Law asked. Penguin put one hand on Law’s shoulder, clenching his other fist with tears in his eyes.
“It is a sacrifice I know you won’t make lightly, Captain,” Penguin said. “We’ll all be here rooting for you.”
Law’s eyes went wide. “Now wait a minute…!”
“You didn’t say who was in the pool of candidates, Cap!” Hakugan cackled. Law grew pale and his normally-razor-sharp mind began to shut down. Him? Attend a massive concert? With huge crowds? And Bepo looking like a fool of a hyper-fan? He lost count of how many times he’d almost died years ago at this point, but this could have been the one to do him in.
“Bep, we’ve got your concert buddy!” Shachi announced. The Mink looked just as Penguin turned Law around and shoved him towards the small boat. Bepo’s eyes went wide and he caught his captain, bringing him into a crushing hug.
“Oh, I knew you’d come around to Princess Uta eventually, Captain!” Bepo cried. “If we get going now, then we can be guaranteed to get good seats! The entire stadium is a grassy park!”
“Bepo… I…”
“No need to worry! Bep’s got it covered!” Ikkaku shouted. The other Heart Pirates waved their captain and navigator off, not caring how much trauma they were inflicting on the former, nor how much they were absolutely screwed if something happened to the latter.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Jean Bart asked as the tiny boat headed towards the distance.
“’Course it is,” Ikkaku said cheerily.
“…but he’s dressed for the beach,” Clione noted. “His legs are out.”
“Man needs to live a little—show himself off more,” Shachi replied, trying his best to not burst into laughter. “Maybe, if we’re lucky, he might actually get some while they’re out. You know… a little bit of alternative crew recruitment?”
“I don’t know which of you two is worse,” Ikkaku scowled. Penguin snickered just out of her reach, which caused her to shoot him a glare in warning. “Now, if you excuse me: Uni and I need to make sure our setup for the concert is in working order.”
Somehow, Shachi and Penguin felt setting up the projection rig was a lot like when she needed to wash her hair.
As it turned out, the Heart Pirates that had stayed back on the island had missed an absolute banger of a time. Between getting stuck in a psycho-fantasy-dreamworld and not being able to do anything about it (because they could see the darkness from Tot Musica on the horizon, while seemingly stuck on the island, and it was not a good feeling in the slightest), and the fact that there was a huge beatdown between major world powers both inside the dreamworld and out, and the revelation that Uta was also, somehow, Red-Haired Shanks’s daughter…? There was a lot to be said about being there in-person.
“You gotta tell us what went down, Bep!” Penguin pleaded. It had only been five whole minutes since the navigator and captain had returned and the others were full of questions. “Did you do anything in the dreamworld that you also did in the real world?”
“Did you still need to avoid the Marines after that?!”
“What’s Princess Uta like in-person?!”
“Did the captain run off with anyone for a couple hours for reasons not battle-related?!”
More than a couple punches and kicks went Shachi’s way as he was disciplined for such a ridiculous question. Their captain put up an island-wide room and scrambled something, the rest of the crew looking confusedly at one another before Shachi pulled a literal leaf from his pants and began to run red-faced into the nearby forest.
“Anyone says a damn thing about anything and they’re on the next freighter we see,” Law threatened. “In pieces. Gagged. In a crate. Bound for Germa.”
Yeeaahhh… that was not exactly what anyone had in mind.
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
Steve doesn’t talk about his nightmares.  He assumes they all get them, it’s clearly just something you have to accept after going through the shit that they’ve gone through.  He deals with it, like he deals with everything.
One night he wakes from a nightmare and there’s someone in his room, and he’s frozen and he’s terrified and he can’t reach his bat.  He feels like his chest is about to explode until a second later when the figure moves in front of the window, hands held up in front of him and eyes wide with concern.
“Eddie,” Steve says, his voice scraping out of his body.  “What – what are you doing here?”
Eddie cocks his head.  “Many, many vodka shots, couldn’t drive home, crashed on your couch, etc. etc.  You don’t remember?”
Steve does, now, the sound of Eddie’s voice bringing reality back, and he nods.  “Yeah, uh, so many vodka shots.  But…?” he trails off, gesturing to his bedroom.  
“I heard you.”  Eddie shrugs, then climbs onto the bed like it’s no big deal, shoving aside the messy blankets and sitting cross-legged next to Steve.  For a moment he’s backlit by the light outside, his curls a frizzy halo.  “Nightmares suck.  You okay?”
Steve sucks in a long breath and pushes his sweaty hair out of his face with a shaking hand.  “Uh, sure.”  Eddie doesn’t look convinced.  He heard him.  “What, um, what did I say?”
Because sometimes the dreams are about things that actually happened, like him and his friends being attacked by monsters, and sometimes they’re about things that didn’t actually happen but almost did, like Eddie and Max dying.  Sometimes they’re about brand-new horrors that he hasn’t even experienced yet.  His mind is impressive that way.
“You just screamed a lot.”  Eddie holds his gaze, and Steve feels sick to his stomach.  Probably explains why he wakes up with his throat hurting so often.  Benefits of an empty house.
Eddie shifts, all limbs, and lays down on his side, head propped on one hand.  Steve’s plaid comforter is pushed down by his feet, and Eddie tucks his bare toes underneath it. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks quietly.
Steve fights the urge to bury his face in his pillow.  “I can’t.”
Eddie accepts this and rolls to his back, hands clasped over his chest briefly until they start waving around as he speaks.  “I get nightmares all the time.  Always have.  Used to be they were about regular little kid stuff, then all the normal high school shit – showing up somewhere without your clothes on, whatever.  Wayne was always real nice about it, didn’t make me feel embarrassed, just kind of sat with me or brought me water, you know.”  Eddie glances over to Steve’s bedside table where there’s already a glass of water, and he meets Steve’s eyes.
“No, I’m good,” Steve says, with a little snort.  “Do you, um, have different nightmares now?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Eddie says, turning back on his side to fully face Steve.  “I keep thinking they’ll be great material for song lyrics, or campaigns, once they stop scaring the living daylights out of me.  Worst ones are where I’m getting bitten over and over by those god damned demobats, man.  Fucking sharp-ass teeth, ripping me apart.  Hurts like hell, can’t believe how much it hurts.  And that thing where you wake up and still feel it, right, like the pain is real for a minute even though it’s just a dream?  Like a pain-echo?  God, I hate that.”
“Me too,” Steve says, and he takes in a deep breath and lets it out.  “It’s like that for me, too.  Really scary.”  He stretches, feeling some of the tension leave his body, and relaxes down into his pillow.  He no longer feels like he’s on a rollercoaster without a safety bar.  He’s not alone.  “Thanks.”
Eddie studies him, then reaches down and tugs on the sheet, eventually getting part of it untangled, and pulls it up over Steve’s legs.
Steve knows what’s going to happen next, but he suddenly can’t let it.  Without thinking too much about it, he reaches over and touches his hand to where Eddie’s lies between them on the bed.  “Would you stay?”
His heart is beating hard in his chest for a reason having nothing at all to do with nightmares, when Eddie twines his fingers together with Steve’s and nods, a shy smile tugging at his mouth.  “Yeah.”
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scoonsalicious · 14 days
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Prologue: Lily
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntire, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 413
A/N: Please accept this little preview nugget.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Best friends to Lovers. Lily McIntyre couldn’t think of a single thing more romantic than that. She’d spent her entire life searching for that one person who would transcend the bonds of friendship into something so much more, and for years, she’d been left wanting. So many friendships left to flounder when the necessary spark failed to materialize, so many seemingly perfect connections ruined because she wanted more than any of these so-called “best” friends could give. It felt unfair. It felt cruel. It felt hopeless.
Lily remembered the day like it were yesterday, forever seared into her memory as though it had been branded there, and it in a way, it had been, because the moment she met Bucky Barnes had become an indelible part of her, a core moment in the creation of the perfect life she desired– no, deserved to have.
It was warm for late March, the birdsong thick in the air as she ran a batch of new SHIELD recruits through their drills on the outside training track of the new Avengers’ Compound in Upstate New York. She hadn’t been thrilled with Tony Stark when he’d insisted on moving the operation out of the city proper, but she had to admit, being away from the congestion of the metropolis ended up having its perks. Besides, the city was still close enough to enjoy all the amenities it had to offer.
She’d just sent her group off to do sprints when she saw Captain America, himself, approach her, followed by a stranger she’d never seen before. 
She was immediately struck by how gorgeous he was– chiseled jaw, piercing blue eyes, shy, timid smile. Perfection, she thought, as Captain Rogers introduced the man as his best friend, James “Bucky” Barnes. 
“Lily runs the training program for new SHIELD recruits,” the Captain was saying. Lily found she could only nod and smile as Steve explained the training program, so transfixed was she by this handsome new stranger. Bucky listened with polite interested, then said something about wanting to go check out the obstacle course, and as he walked away, the Captain leaned toward Lily and spoke softly, so as not to be overheard.
“Buck’s going to be joining us in the Compound. Aside from me, he hasn’t really got any other friends, so, you think you could help make him feel at home? Maybe try to be his friend?”
“It would be an honor, Captain,” Lily agreed, smiling. Absolute perfection.
Next Part ->
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mechalily · 6 months
fluff, slight mentions of stalking (?)
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Lyney never repeats same tricks, always coming up with new repertoire every show. Although.. you are an exception, the only person he doesn't mind rehearsing old tricks to. If you ask Lyney to show "that one super cool thingie!!" he'll do it without a second thought. He never thinks twice when it comes to your desires.
And whenever you are feeling down, Lyney is always there for you. If there are tears rolling down your cheeks, the magician pulls a handkerchief out of thin air and whipes it away gently.
"Ma chérie, you can cry as much as needed — I am here for you, but remember: even though you are undesrcibingly beautiful, smile really adorns your face", — somehow Lyney materializes a rainbow rose out of his pocket and presents it to you.
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Lynette is always observing, keeping the tiniest details in her mind. Constantly noting minor changes, paying attention to circumstances is what she must do in order to fulfill her duties to the Father. Even though it may be selfish, Lynette mostly watches over you. Your every move, every blink, every sound — you don't want to know what she has found out about your persona. She needs to know everything about you to keep you safe (yes, this includes info such as your favourite color, favourite dessert and clothes you prefer to wear. Trust her!). Lynette is also the first one to take congnizance of changes in you. No need to tell her you've got a new haircut, got hurt or bought new jewellery — she already knows.
Lynette also notes to herself different traits of yours. If you waste time passing some silly quizzes and receive questions such as "how do your friends perceive you?", she appears out of nowhere to think for a few minutes and then gives you a serious, honest answer.
"Lynette, which object am I?"
"Lynette, which lyric fits me the best?"
"Lynette, who am I? Soldier, poet or king?"
Young lady's patience and seriousness during answering all this questions makes you melt.
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Freminet's top priority is your well-being. He does everything to lessen your burden, spends days and nights trying to invent mechanisms which decrease the time you spend doing chores.
Too tired to cook? Freminet will most definitely construct some sort of automated pot: put the ingredients inside, and the dish will cook itself.
Lazy to do the laundry? Here, have this brand-new machine he absolutely-did-not-create-just-for-you. If the problems you are facing are common for Teyvat inhabitants due to its level of development, Freminet is going to outpace entire humanity and create 21st-century technologies, not even realizing the impact he'd made.
Because of his overthinking nature, Freminet plans everything 10 steps ahead. He checks the weather forecast everyday just to know if you need an umbrella or sunglasses today. Despite being extremely socially awkward, this precious boy asks if the dish contains foods that may cause your allergic reactions. He overcomes himself for you.
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nayatarot777 · 10 months
messages from the moon • one
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• pile one •
there’s a new creative idea that you have that could really lead to creating valuable content that will help other people. this new creative idea is most likely related to your logical, your communication, and your rationality (which you’re extremely good at embodying). however, you should probably get completely clear with what this new idea that you have would entail by writing down what you’re going to materialise based off of your creative vision. there’s a message to write down your ideas a lot more in general. they’re extremely valuable and you’d be surprised by the return of investment when these ideas are acted upon. also, your sweetness and kindness to others is a gift. try to spread that more through small acts of kindness throughout your days - whether that’s online or in person. and there’s also a message about crowdfunding for the sake of raising money for your creative projects - don’t be afraid to ask for support. again, you’d be surprised by how quick many people are willing to support you.
• pile two •
there are negative memories from the past that are most likely holding you back in some way, due to your unbridled focus on them. of course, what we experience will always leave an imprint onto us, but i feel like most of you in this pile have been in a drawn-out period of thinking about people in particular who you quickly learned that you had to protect yourself from. there may even be people from the past who have impacted whether or not you truly listen to yourself and whether or not you follow your passions. it’s time to make the decision to move on from this through healing from the past in some way. and i’m hearing to replace the thoughts of those who’ve doubted you and undermined you and your ambitions with the thoughts of those who’ve supported you. try to just guide your mind back to love and support that you’ve experienced in the past, instead of judgement. you’re not seeing something about your own passion and ambition, and how healing going after these things can be for you.
• pile three •
you have a very mature mind and you see the world (especially in relation to materialism and finances) extremely clearly. you may have your own opinions that are set-in-stone in which other people around you may not agree with. even though i’m seeing that there’s a lot of logic to your opinions and you can explain them thoroughly with rationality. it’s because you’ve broken free from living life in a group mindset. the people around you who dismiss your opinions may be your friends in particular. they might be a lot more immature than you (they’re just not ready to grow or better themselves yet), and that’s okay. it’s okay to just begin to make brand new connections with people who are more attuned to you. you’re not being stuck up in any way, or ‘unfair’ to anyone. you don’t have to cut these people off, but just know that you’re on a higher level than them in maturity - and don’t let that gas your head up too much. that doesn’t make you better than them, but you’re just on a whole new journey when it comes to being mature enough to see what you want to build in your life and going for it. it’s okay to not want to drink, and party, and gossip, and do shit that doesn’t serve you anymore.
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atarathegreat · 3 months
The Student Worker. Baji Keisuke
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Baji, having not the best history with school and all things intelligence related, was having the worst time going through college. Of course, it was his ultimate goal to become a vet, but right now he just wanted to survive his classes with good grades and a high GPA.
"What books did you need?" And yet he still wished he hadn't brought Chifuyu along for book hunting. "Your papers should have the ISBN, right? Let me see."
Once again Chifuyu was acting like a father taking his kids to buy binders for classes, annoying Baji to his wits end. The wrinkled paper made a racket in the quiet bookshop as he pulled them from his pocket and passed them to Chifuyu. Every year he had the same problem with the books and finding what he needed for each of his classes.
Chifuyu rattled off the numbers to himself, searching the shelf in front of him as he cross referenced the numbers. His whispering blended in with the soft atmosphere of the bookshop, the other people who were also whispering and double checking numbers to be sure they had the right books. Writing, math, even chemistry books were being grabbed left and right by other young adults and even some seniors who grinned to themselves over the victory of finding what they were looking for. Baji hated them, nothing personal on his behalf, he just wished it was so easy for him to buy his materials without needing Chifuyu to hold his hand.
"Hello! Is there anything I can help you find?" The student worker appeared next to them. Stupid, Baji already knew he was stupid, but he'd have to be absolutely braindead not to realize how captivating the girl was. Beautiful hair and bright eyes as she flashed her sunshine and rainbows smile. Her kindness was part of the job, that much Baji was smart about.
"Actually-" "No! No, thank you!" Baji rushed, taking has papers back from Chifuyu, "He doesn't even go here, he's just helping me look for the books, but we've got it, thanks though."
Her laugh was sweet and thick, like Baji's favorite honey brand, "Alright, well, find me if you change your mind."
That wouldn't be happening, but the guys nodded and Baji felt like he could breathe again as she left. For him to be so flustered was strange for Chifuyu to see, especially around a girl. His friend had always been cool, suave even, though he was sure that Baji lacked the ability to make a girl fall for him.
"She's out of your league."
"I know."
"You're blushing."
"I know."
Baji went back to searching for the books listed on his paper, successfully finding three of them before giving up and dragging Chifuyu from the building so he couldn't ask the cute girl for help. It was more than obvious that the girl would know where the books were that Baji needed, but he couldn't take even the idea that she would think he was dumb. Or maybe she would find his idiocy endearing?
The atmosphere of his home was much different from the campus bookstore. Lighter in the sense that he knew he didn't have to be quiet, and it didn't smell of paper and wooden book shelves. But he preferred the smell of books over the booze that currently tainted the air from his late night celebration of getting through another semester. Hey, he was allowed to be proud of himself for making it through more time in school, so what if he had a few drinks...alone...watching tv. Okay, so he wasn't celebrating and he was just day drinking. Baji felt better saying that he was ringing in the new semester than admitting to himself that he drank a twelve pack by himself. And ate two bags of family sized trail mix. And drank a whole gallon of coffee, or what felt like a gallon. Baji Keisuke was more than aware of his pathetic nature. Drinking alone, eating half his weight in the food in his kitchen, chugging coffee to stay awake, and all because his friends had moved on and had their own lives and families. Yet there he was, living alone and being in college while working part time with Chifuyu and Kazutora, all while needing help with something as simple as finding textbooks.
A light pinging caught Baji's attention, an email popping up on his phone screen from his advisor.
[email protected]: Hello, Baji! Just checking in to make sure you have all the deadlines still, and making sure the hunt for next semesters materials is being fruitful! Don't hesitate to use the many resources around the campus and even off campus!
The advisors cheerful nature only added to his annoyance. First, he rambled and made a fool of himself in front of the girl that he thought was insanely cute, and now he was faced with two links of deadlines that were coming up quick. He'd probably have to suck it up and risk having books late so he could order them online. And he would've risked it if one of his deadlines wasn't in a week.
So Baji sucked it up and took the long drive back to the campus. It was beyond embarrassing for him to walk back into the bookstore, even with his hood up so no one could see his face.
There she was again, her light pink painted lips pouting over her hand as she rested against the welcome desk, ocean eyes calmed from her boredom as she seemingly waited for anything to happen. Here Baji was to be that anything.
"Hey..." Baji slid the paper towards her, a little taken back by how swiftly she grabbed it and looked at his chicken scratch handwriting and scribbles, "I, uhm, need help finding the ones that aren't marked off..."
When she perked up, Baji couldn't help but think she looked like one of the birds at the pet shop. The ones that talk nicely when customers came by, saying, "pretty hair, pretty hair," or "wanna hug?" She was the prettiest damn bird he'd ever laid eyes on. "A couple of these are in our animal sciences, but they aren't on the shelf. I can contact our other campuses and have them here in a couple days if that is fine?" Her tilted head reminded him of the dogs, how they'd beg for people to pick them up and pet and love on them.
"S'fine, thanks." He mumbled with a slight nod. At least he would be getting them before his deadline.
Painted fingernails tapped the paper, "I can get you this one, though. Follow me."
He took the chance to notice her height. She wore flats, which for Baji meant she was practically barefoot, and couldn't hide how tall she was. Her pants were a little tight, accentuating her assets in a way he would only describe as alluring. What? He thought she was deserving of respect and he refused to think wow, nice ass.
Her fingers looked nice as she grabbed the spine of a book, leaning it out before grabbing it and looking in the cover at the numbers printed inside. "So, what are you in classes for?" The softness of her voice startled him a little, "All these animal science, anatomy and surgical books make me think vet, but maybe it's something more specific?"
Fuck, she was observant. "Vet, yeah." Baji grinned a little, his canines flashing at the worker, "Third year."
Chiming bells. That's what her laughter sounded like, "I admire the dedication. I'm going to classes for business."
"Business? Typa business?" Shit! He couldn't even speak properly?! "Business management." She passed the book to his hands, "I'm hoping to run my own shop one day!"
Baji was more focused on making his tongue from the words this time around, "What type of shop, if I can ask?"
"Arts and crafts type of things." And he never would've imagined that red looked so good on her cheeks, "I doodle and make things in my free time, so I figured I might as well make it profitable."
"That's real smart." Baji followed her back to the counter, reading her 'School Life!' T-shirt as she scanned the book.
"Why'd you choose veterinary?" She set the book close to his hand, her eyes trained on where the little receipt would be printed. Baji would have to sign a copy and she'd file it and then he'd get his copy. "I love animals." Was his simple answer that he wished was as deep as hers the second it left his stupid mouth, "I help run a shop with some buddies of mine, though I'm only working part time right now with college."
"You do? Is it around here? What's the name?" Her eagerness was cute, too. So he gave her the name and helped her find the address on Maps before signing the receipt and making his way out to his car.
Baji was many things, but he wasn't a gossip girl. At least, he didn't think he was until he was leaning backwards on the counter at the pet shop while telling Kazutora all about the pretty girl with brains that helped him get his books. Kazutora was rolling his eyes and chuckling, because of course it was Baji who had a crush on some girl that was just trying to do her job. "Let me get this straight; this girl helped you get your text books, you thought she was super cute but now you think she's even more cute?"
"Dude, she's gorgeous!" Baji leaned forward, "She's gorgeous and smart and dresses nice and she wears this really pretty pink lipstick."
"And she's here."
Baji whipped around at the girls voice, turning a deep and dark shade of red before ducking down under the desk to hide. Kazutora rolled his eyes, "What can I do for you, miss?"
And once again it was that chime like laughter that made Baji's heart flutter, "Well, Baji Keisuke was telling me that he worked here, and your website says that visitors can hold the animals."
"You can. I'm sure Baji-" Kazutora kicked him as he spoke, "-wouldn't mind helping you at all. I would, but I love to watch him suffer when he gets caught talking about someone."
She giggled and smiled more than Baji had ever seen before, then again he'd only ever seen her working and behind that counter. Who could smile a lot when they were at work, anyway? Scratch that. Baji would smile about work if it was paying for college, too. She pointed at the cats pen, "Can I hold the calico?"
"Her name is Katara. She can be moody, but mostly she loves scratches right under her chin and on her chest." Baji unlocked the pen and Katara started meowing loudly, "And she's very talkative."
To ignore the redness in his face and forget that everything he had said was heard by the same girl he was talking about was too much to ask of the universe. Because he couldn't get the tingling from his cheeks off his mind and the girl kept chuckling every time she looked at him, as if his embarrassing moment kept playing through her mind. Part of him was relieved she'd heard so know he didn't have to pretend that he was just some weirdo, but now she knew that he thought those things. She knew!
"I don't want you to think I'm weird or anything..." She used a soft voice no matter where she was, it seemed, "But I looked up your campus ID and got your number. I was going to text you and let you know but I thought that would be really weird and that you'd think I was strange so I didn't but I guess showing up at your place of work and telling you this is also kinda weird..."
She rambled just as much as Baji did, and that was almost enough to put him at ease. "It's cool. Just, uh, just text me whenever you want so I have your number, yeah?" Butterflies were flitting around like crazy in his stomach, twisting everything into a knot and pulling it tight.
"I'm Y/n." She pet Katara gently, her light pink fingernails scratching softly under the kitties chin.
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davenporttf · 9 months
Yo, what's up? My names Phil and I'm the quarterback for Boston College. Go Eagles! I love the sport and I'm stoked I get to play QB.
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I gotta be honest with you though, I've been having a slump lately out on the field. I haven't been at the top of my game. I've been working out every day but no matter how much training I put in, I'm getting sacked left and right.
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I stopped by a local vitamin shop to switch up my preworkout. I don't think this whey stuff is really giving me the boost I need, ya know? The guy at the shop seemed like he was into me. I caught him multiple times checking me out as I was walking up and down the aisles. Not that I care really, a compliment is a compliment but dude could be less obvious about it. He eventually took a break from creepin to ask me what I was looking for in particular.
I explained how I wanted to switch up my preworkout, and he said he had just the thing. It was this black generic bottle with the brand name "Hit Fit." The slogan underneath it said "It'll hit you the first time guaranteed!" I didn't recognize the brand so I looked at the active ingredient, Emascatine. I've never heard of it either but the guy at the shop said it was a new type of drug only sold through his shop.
I was weary of trying the brand but the prospect of fast results was exactly what I needed right now. I caved and decided if I didn't see any results, I'd return it later.
I stopped home and whipped up the preworkout shake and threw it in my bag along with the bottle in case one of the teammates needed some. I made it to the locker room just in time, and setup in front my locker. I took out my preworkout and took my first sip. It tasted like fruit loops which was a nice changeup from my last powder that tasted like crap. I took more sips and really liked the taste so I started to down it.
"So tasty!" my voice cracked as I said it. "You good Phil?" asked my teammate, Drew.
"I'm good, sweetie!" The words just left my mouth without a thought. My voice had raised several octaves and my face was as red as ever realizing what I said. Drew looked at me in amusement. "haha okay, babe" thinking it was a joke.
I refocus on getting dressed, and pulled on my compression pants over my jock. My skin felt so sensitive in the moment. The tightness of the pants felt so good on my legs. I rubbed my legs up and down feeling the spandex material stretch. I was getting aroused by watching my quads flex in them. My eyes were closed sitting on the bench while I rubbed my inner thighs. An inaudible moan came from my mouth as I felt my dick hardened.
What was happening to me?! I look over the Hit Fit bottle and notice a tiny disclaimer at the bottom. "Emascatine may cause side effects of heightened sensitivity, mood changes, sexual stimulation, and emasculation."
I snapped out of it long enough to feel my ass stretch the tights even further. My center of gravity shifted as my ass grew into a firm bubble butt. I tried to walk around but felt an itch coming from deep inside my ass. I braced myself with hands on the wall squirming to hopefully scratch the itch. I don't know why it felt so right in the moment but I started to shake my ass faster and faster side to side as if it were on display for my teammates.
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Drew had taken notice, yelling over "Yo, Phil. What has gotten into you?!" They watched as I continued moving my ass in their direction. My teammates' demeanor changed the longer they watched. I could see their faces going from confusion to slight interest to lustful. My ass was hypnotizing and they could have stood there all day staring into it's fluid motion.
I loved the look on their faces and called over to them "Hey boysss! You like what you see?"
Drew smiled, "Damn, Phil. Why don't you come over here and we can do some team bonding?"
I thought he'd never ask. I let them line up as I got in position.
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Coach says I need to take a step back from QB. Something about my performance not being up to snuff. I've been told I'd make a better water boy. I've really enjoyed it so far. I keep my boys hydrated as they take turns slamming my P-spot. Team morale has never been higher.
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drowsystarlight · 8 months
I like the idea of Death the Kid having a walk-in closet full of pristine branded clothes (honestly a Special kind bc he values style and comfort). He’s rich and lives in a Mansion with multiple rooms. Suits are his casual attire and he’s just that type of person. He never needed a material thing that he couldn’t just get. He can buy that shit. If a dress shirt ceases being symmetrical? Ditch it. Buy a new one. His customized blazer got damaged? Replace it. Easy. No son of Death would wear anything less than perfect.
Meanwhile, Blackstar is the type to keep the same five pairs of clothes until they’re literally breaking down at each seam.
Tsubaki even has to beg him to buy new stuff, or gift it to him on birthdays (even those ones get worn down for years, too). He grew up under Sid’s care and i bet he never had the luxurious life Kid had. Maybe Sid bought him clothes out of his own salary as a teacher and Blackstar knew that, so he treasures the clothes he gets. Assassin clothes, hand wraps, tank tops, sleep attire, old hand-me-downs get cut up and recycled into bandages or wraps for training, etc. Maybe he knows how to sew because he wanted to keep wearing a specific star-filled tank top Sid got him for his 13th birthday, so he asked Nygus to teach him. He wasn’t good at it at first but hey, practice eventually makes perfect. When he goes to missions and fights, he repairs the damage in his clothes. He’ll keep wearing the same shit until it gives up on him and even then, he really doesn’t want to let it go. Shoes are his worst nightmare because all his running wears it down fast.
It’s easy to write him off as a slob. Blackstar wore nothing formal; he looked like shit when he tried, too, slobbering for food when he attended the Academy’s founding anniversary. The boy didn’t know class, or finesse, or elegance. Everything he did screamed fucking reckless and immature. Obnoxious. It showed in his clothes, tattered as they are—because why else would it be so worn down if he was a careful man?
Being friends doesn’t exactly erase the impression, but it opens a bridge to ask. When Kid finally asks Blackstar why he circles through the same two tank tops whenever the group hung out outside the school, he’d say he liked the star designs. It suits me, he’d brag, and Kid is just jealous of his great clothing sense. Typical. But Maka eventually, secretly, tells Kid it’s just a special top because he’s had it since the both of them were twelve (everyone knows Blackstar would rather eat dirt than admit to being attached to things). Sentimental and Blackstar didn’t feel like they belong in the same sentence, but that thought felt odd now that he knew. Especially after he sees him discreetly check the stitches after an intense basketball match.
Death the Kid would notice every new stitch on Blackstar’s uniform after a mission since then. From afar, you don’t see it because it’s hidden well, but up close (maybe when they’re sparring, or sitting next to each other, or that day when Blackstar carried him through Excalibur’s wretched cave—though he foolishly shrugged that off). He can see it if he paid attention long enough, if Blackstar doesn’t move around too much for a moment. Stitches on top of old fixes, or the odd bits of his tank top turning out to be patches he couldn’t really hide. When he points it out again, they’re alone together and Blackstar happily shows it off (“I’m the best at everything, including sewing! Marvel at my craft!”). Kid admits ti thinking he’s a slob, and then the man would proceed to poke and prod at him for his branded stuff. There’s a reason why everyone saw him as a spoiled brat, after all; on the walk home that day, he ponders if he really is. (Liz and Patty say yes.)
Maybe it only really hits Kid, how much he’s really changed, when he lends Blackstar some pajamas after a gnarly night fighting against kishin eggs. Blackstar refused until he shoved the soft, flawless cotton in the man’s hands—told him to shut up and What, so the great Blackstar can’t handle wearing neat pajamas? He’s only ever seen him in tank tops but the sleeves didn’t seem to be the source of Blackstar’s discomfort. Having a spontaneous sleepover with the others, having Patty cause chaos in the name of fun—their antics eventually result into a rip of threads that only Blackstar seemed to be startled by. He apologizes as he returns it the next day, early in the morning, as neatly folded and packed in a paperbag as he could. Maybe Tsubaki did the folding. Blackstar is shit at folding clothes or wearing stuff that weren’t creased to hell and back.
But by then, even if there’s a stitch on only one sleeve, Kid keeps it. Seeing it makes him smile. The damage was repaired with a star-shaped stitch—(how did he even do that?), but he doesn’t wear it yet. He tells himself it would drive him insane, knowing something is off, but he hangs it with his other clothes. He didn’t need to replace it this time; Blackstar fixed it, and it wasn’t ruined. It’s better.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
Moschino and Muddy Water [Emily x Reader]
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 Prompt: You offer unsolicited fashion advice to a total stranger in the dressing room; aka when you meet Emily Prentiss in the Moschino dressing room and give her some much-needed confidence… and maybe something more. 
Category: Fluff/Comfort 
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: This is yet another @imagining-in-the-margins prompt from her Meet Cute writing challenge. Thank you for all the inspiration! Please know that I don’t have Moschino money, so if my writing about the brand or experience of shopping there is off, that’s why. I’m just giving my best guess as to what it’s like to shop at a luxury store like that. Also, I don’t love the current Moschino collection, but they seem like clothes Emily would wear to me. This is the first time that I’ve written a story in the second person. Please let me know if you like this formatting more than the third-person formatting I’ve done in the past. I hope you enjoy this story, and if you do - comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated! 
P.S. The reader uses she/her pronouns
List with all stories 
_s/s_ = shoe size 
_d/s_ = dress size 
_f/c_ = favorite color
_b/t_ = body type 
_f/j/c_ = favorite jewel color 
_f/m/s_ = favorite mall store
_y/n_ = your name 
_f/s_ = favorite senator 
_f/a_ = favorite artist 
You had spent the morning window shopping at the outdoor  Historic Downton Shopping Mall. She was currently standing outside the Moschino storefront with its crisp glass exterior and metrosexual, jewel-toned fall collection on the mannequins. _y/n_ would never stop at such a high-end shop, but a pair of boots had caught your eye and you really, really like them. _y/n_ thought, ‘Oh god, why do you have to torture yourself like this?’ As you walked into the store to take a closer look at those shoes. You justified the choice by thinking that she would take a closer look at the boots so you could try and find a convincing and far cheaper dupe online. As soon as you walked into the store a sharply dressed sales assistant approached her and said, “Good morning, Miss. Can I grab you a glass of champagne while you are looking around?” You smiled and said, “Yes, please.” The assistant nodded and moved into a back room for a moment. You heard the pop of a cork. While the woman was away, you looked over the dresses and jackets in the women’s section. You like this season’s collection and found a dress that you thought you had seen one of her coworkers wearing. The sales assistant came back and handed you a champagne flute and asked, “Is there anything particular you’re looking for today? Any style or event you’d like to help you with?” Now that you had committed to the bit by accepting the champagne you realized you were going to have to play that you were going to buy something, even though you knew you weren't. You turned to the assistant and said, “Well the black boots in the window caught my eye. I’m also looking for a new jacket; something that can transition from day to night.” The woman nodded and said, “Great. What’s your shoe and dress size?” You replied, “I’m a _s/s_ and a _d/s_.” The woman nodded and said, “I’ll go in the back to get those shoes. Feel free to look around the jacket sections -- it’s on the far wall.” 
You did go look at the jackets, but not before looking at the price of the dress you had seen her co-worker in. The number on the label took your breath away and you wondered how your co-worker could possibly afford something so expensive? ‘Maybe she’s loaded?’ you thought. You stepped toward the jackets and pulled one from the rack. The quality of stitching and the material used was impeccable. You placed the piece back on the rack as a _f/c_ dress nearby caught your eye. It would be perfect for work. You looked at it longingly and hadn’t noticed the sales assistant had come back. You nearly jumped out of your skin when the woman said, “Ma’am.” You caught your breath and turned, trying to look composed. The assistant motioned for one of the plush chairs on the floor. As you sat, she took out the shoes. You tried them on; you were happy they weren’t that comfortable, because with how good they looked on you, you might be tempted to waste two months' salary and eat ramen for two weeks straight to get them. The sales assistant said, “Why don’t you walk around a bit and see if you like them. There’s a mirror on the other side of the wall so you can properly see them. I also saw you looking at that dress and jacket. I’ll grab them in your size and put them in a changing room for you.” You smiled and thanked her. As the woman moved to the racks, you did a few circuits of the store and looked at the shoes in the mirror. When you finished trying on the boots, you moved back to your old shoes and put them back on. You moved to the dressing room. It was lush and as a grandiose, over-the-top addition the hallway that was lined with changing rooms was essentially lit like a runway with two towering mirrors on either end of the hallway. Just before the changing rooms, there’s a seating area full of neutral-color plush sofas and chairs similar to those in the showroom. For a moment you thought they might be for the poor husbands who were dragged out shopping with their wives. However, after a second look, the space was far too feminine; you ascertained that this was for mothers and girlfriends to coo and make recommendations on the fit and look of the clothes to be soon bought and stuck in a closet somewhere potentially to be forgotten. A shot of jealousy shot up you for a moment before you took a breath and let it out. You may not have come from money, but you were happy. You had a job that fulfilled you and that’s all that mattered. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when the sales assistant called for you. You moved to the dressing room she had picked out for you. As you peered into the large space you noticed two things. The first was that the woman had brought your champagne glass into the changing room and topped it up. Secondly, she had brought more than the two pieces into the dressing room. From your count, there were at least ten items on the small personal rack in the ostentatious room. The saleswoman said, “I took the liberty to pull a few more pieces in your sizes that matched the description of day to night that you mentioned. I’m going to let you try these items on. If you need anything like a different size or a top-up for your champagne, just let me know. My name is Kirsten, so please let me know if you need anything.” Kirsten graciously moved out of the dressing room and closed the door behind her. There was a satisfying click as the door automatically locked behind her. You relaxed after letting out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding. The fact that Kristen hadn’t realized that you didn’t have any money to buy anything she had pulled for you was shocking, or maybe she was just taking pity on her and not making this a humiliating experience. Whatever the cause was, you took off your pants and shirt and tried on the first dress, the original one you had been eyeing. When you looked in the mirror it really wasn’t as pretty on you as you had anticipated. It looked great on the rack, but on your _b/t_ it wasn’t flattering. With that disappointment swept under the rug, you took off the dress and grabbed for the next garment because surely they couldn’t all look as bad as the first. 
As you slipped the second dress off the hanger you heard Kisten’s voice and a new voice a few feet from your dressing room. From what you could hear Kristen was talking to a regular. The jealousy swelled again, but you pushed it down again. The next two dresses were also flops and you started to try on the jackets Kirsten had picked for you, the new voice spoke. Whoever was in the changing room with you caught your interest. It was clear to you that whoever was speaking was on the phone. If you listened with concentration, you could hear some of the words being exchanged. Given this was such a stupid and surreal experience, why not listen to how ‘the other half lived?’ As you eavesdropped these were the snippets of conversation you heard: “Listen J.J. I’ve shopped here for years, but I don’t know about the Fall 23’ collection. If I buy these dresses and pants they will have to function for work and this date I’ve got coming up on Saturday… I can’t decide if this dress is tacky or chic” There was a long pause before the woman who was speaking said, “Okay, okay, fine, I’ll look in the big mirror if you insist.” You couldn’t help but leave your lush cubicle to see who this woman was and what someone who sounded like they had been a consistent customer for years looked like. You zipped up the hidden zipper of the _f/j/c/_ dress you were pretending to be trying on. After the zipper was up, you peeked out of the door to see the woman. She was still on the phone and hadn’t noticed you standing there yet. Your jaw almost dropped when you saw the woman. She was beautiful; the most attractive person she had seen in months. The maroon dress she wore hugged her body in the best possible way. Its plunging neckline showed her cleavage in a way that highlighted her form. Seeing her in that dress she realized who these clothes were made for. You could help yourself and you said aloud, “You look amazing.” At your comment the woman finally realized that she wasn’t alone and her eyes looked up to the mirror, locking onto yours. She turned and said, “Thank you. Do you really think so? I think the neckline might be a bit much” You smiled and nodded saying, “I think that dress was made for you. I couldn't help but overhear your comment on the phone and I don’t think it’s tacky at all. I would probably wear a cami under it at work, but other than that I don’t see any downsides.” The woman smiled and said, “Thank you. I needed to hear that. It’s been a rough week.” The woman took a moment to look you over, and you flushed as you felt her eyes quickly rake over you. She said, “You look great as well. That dress really suits you.” You beamed replying, “Thank you.” With slight hesitation and a bit of awkwardness, the conversation stopped and both women went back to their own stalls. 
You took off the dress and put it back on the hanger. As silly as it was, you didn’t want the woman she had complimented to see her walk out of the store empty-handed. You exited the dressing room and told the sales associate that none of the dresses or jackets had worked out, and she thanked her for her time and help. Outside the weather had turned cloudy and grey. It had been raining a lot that fall and it looked like the trend was going to continue today. You decided to go to a store you could afford. You looked around the racks of _f/m/s_ and picked out a suad purse. You moved to the front of the store and checked out. You spent some time just walking around appreciating the cool weather and people-watching. You remembered that you had a Starbucks gift card and decided to treat yourself. As you walked toward the coffee shop you heard a noise on the opposite side of the road in front of her. You looked over in that direction and found the woman from the dressing room. It seems that she had fallen for some reason. You became increasingly annoyed as a group of guys and a few women walked by and didn’t help her up. More infuriating was the fact that you could hear one of the men laugh, and you knew that if she could hear his nasal laugh the woman most certainly could. You quickly moved across the road, avoiding a slow-moving car, and knelt down near the woman offering her a hand. The woman took it with surprising strength and you leaned back to help her up. Not only had she fallen, but she had fallen in a puddle of muddy water, staining her crisp white shirt. As she helped the woman up, she said, “Thank you so much! You’re my savior.” You smiled and said, “I’m happy to help.” Once she was back on the sidewalk, you leaned down and got to her dropped shopping bag and purse from the puddle. You made sure the bag labeled Moschino didn’t have any water damage to the package. Thankfully whatever clothing the woman had bought was put in another box due to the quality of the product. You shook the bag slightly to remove any excess water. 
You noticed the reason for the woman’s fall was due to the fact that her right high heel had broken off. You couldn’t help but feel a bit of pity for this woman; she had said she had had a bad week, she had fallen and no one had helped her up, and now even her shoes were betraying her. Without even really thinking you said, “I was going to go grab a coffee and Starbucks, could I treat you to a drink? I’m_y/n_, by the way.” The woman looked at you and replied, “That sounds really nice actually. I’m Emily, Pretiss. It’s nice to meet you _y/n_.” You handed the Mischino bag back to Emily and you both moved down the street toward the Starbucks. As you were walking, Emily said, “You didn’t buy the dress from the dressing room? It looked so good on you?” You flushed but responded truthfully with, “I couldn’t afford the dress. I can barely afford Guess which is just a knock-off Prada.” Emily laughed at the last comment and you thought the sound of her laughing was the most beautiful thing you had heard all week. She replied, “Tell me about it. Why does shopping have to be so humiliating? First, you have to try on clothes and be disappointed when they don’t fit, and second, if they do fit, you can’t afford them! Certainly, men don’t have this type of problem while shopping.” You chuckled and said, “They most certainly don’t, but most men are wearing cargo shorts and Polo’s. A two-year-old could make the outfit.” You both burst into another fit of laughter. As you got to the Starbucks Emily opened the door for you. You both waited in line and as you got to the front you ordered your usual creme brulee latte with a shot of espresso and a pump of vanilla. You turned to Emily and asked, “What would you like?” She thought for a second before saying, “I’ll have a cold brew with sweet cream foam.” After you had paid you both found a quiet table in the corner of the store. 
As you sat across from each other you appreciated Emily’s face. You couldn’t stop thinking about how pretty she was. You were pulled from your thoughts when Emily said, “So, where do you work?” You replied I’m an intern for _f/s_ currently. How about you, Emily?” Emily replied, “I work for the F.B.I. actually. I’m a profiler?” At this, your eyes widened and you said, “Really? What’s that like; it must be dangerous I assume?” Emily nodded. She was looking at you and the way you were looking at her ignited a small warmth in the pit of her stomach. _y/n_ was looking at her with a kind and attentive gaze. Emily had been struggling with dating since she had joined the BAU and now, by fate or fortune, she was someone who seemed lovely. She was actually dreading her upcoming date, but didn’t want to cancel on the guy and have to explain that she wasn’t into him anymore. So she was going to savor this moment with _y/n_. She responded to the question saying, “It is. It is dangerous most of the time. But it has to be done you know. People deserve to live in a safe world. And that’s what I do.” There was a moment of silence after this before Emily continued, “So what’s an average weekend like for you apart from boosting my confidence by fifty percent?” As both Emily and you recognized how this feels like a first date this all felt. However, neither one minded, and you replied, “I like to sleep in if I can. Then get a workout in and answer some emails and after that, I’ll grab a coffee and do something fun if I have the energy. I have a penchant for used bookstores and vintage copies of Virginia Wolfe. In the evenings I like to listen to _f/a_ on vinyl while I unwind with a glass of wine. How about you?” Emily liked what had said and replied, “Oh my god, I love _f/a_! I was them in concert last year. I think I changed my life.” You smiled and said, “Lucky.” After finishing a sip of her cold brew, Emily said, “Well it depends if my team is on a case then I’m working, obviously, but if I’m free I like to get in a workout like Yoga or pilates. I cuddle my cat and spend time making a nice meal. I’m trying to see every art museum in the city, so if I can fit that in then I will. My job is pretty stressful, so relaxing stuff mostly.” You couldn’t help but think about Emily cuddling her cat, or maybe you were thinking of her cuddling you instead. Your face visibly reddened and you had to look away for a moment. You and Emily continued to chat as you finished your drinks and before you got up to go Emily went out on a limb and said, “Hey, _y/n_, would you like to do this for real sometime soon?” At hearing this the butterflies in your stomach fluttered up into your chest and you thought you might float up to the ceiling. You wanted to be sure you heard correctly and said, “This?” Now Emily flushed and she replied, “Would you go on a date with me? You seem really kind and I’d like to get to know you better.” You wanted to nod or scream with excitement, but something stopped you for a moment and asked, “What about your date on Thursday?” Emily shook her head and said, “I’ll cancel. He was rude in his messages with me and I was having doubts already.” You took in the information and nodded replying, “Then yes. I’d love to go on a date with you, Emily.” Emily’s face broke into a radiant smile and she said, “Great. What day works for you?”
As you planned the day and time for the date the chemistry was palpable between them. As they both walked to the door to go their separate ways, Emily held the door for you. Feel blossoming feelings Emily felt toward you surged as you turned away from her and she couldn’t stop herself from saying your name. You turned and there was a look of desire on Emily’s face. You stepped forward and whispered her name. Emily closed the gap between you. She took one of your hands and leaned down slowly. Slowly enough for you to say no if you wanted. But you didn’t want to say no. Instead, you raised up on your toes to meet her lips. They were as warm and soft as you had imagined. The scent of her light perfume overwhelmed you and you felt dizzy in an intoxicating sort of way. Emily was similarly reveling in your closeness. She lifted her hand and ran her thumb down your jawline. The kiss lingered, but it was polite and respectful and left room for more when the time was right for them both. As you parted for real this time as you walked toward the train you had never been so happy to have gone into that Moschino to look at shoes you couldn't buy in your life.
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bnuuys-writing · 9 months
Briar Valley's Dental Team
Here is the Grown up!Sebek x Dental Assistant!GN!Reader ! <3 Idk if there will be a part two but this filled me in with so much joy just to write being a dental assistant myself. hhnngnjh i lob him your honor!!!
Next I will be writing Howls Moving Castle!Vil x Reader! <3 Stay tuned!!
~Bnuuy out!
Within the shady country of Briar Valley, between the cities of humans and the Fey, was a little dental clinic that resided in between. Seeing both Fey creature and human both, after their many years of peace did they finally come to an understanding of all;
Mouth hygiene. 
At least, that's what you thought as you were inprocessed onto the team as a dental assistant coming from the Queendom of Roses. Yet, the clinic was run by only one dentist, three hygienists and you as their sole dental assistant after the last one had gone on maternity leave and ended up quitting to stay home and take care of their baby. In which a new dental assistant was in dire need right away just to keep the sanity of the poor dentist providing there, and poof! There you are! Oh my, he was so happy to see you on the floor once you were hired.
You’re probably wondering who your boss is, correct? Why! It's the one and only dentist who will see Fey-kind and humans at the same time! Doctor Zigvolt! He was perhaps a bit nerdy, a bit clumsy as well but he aspired to help both kinds of folk on both sides of the border in hopes of giving them a brand new smile! Removing teeth that were too sharp and poking into the cheeks of fae, as well removing wisdom teeth from humans who needed it. Removing cavities with such ease out of teeth and filling them back up with this resin based material seemed as if it wasn't even a chore for him! Though, all the years of doing this started to cause his back to ache with poor ethics of sitting while he worked.
Which is why you’re here! Your job was to set up a room, grab everything that was needed for your patient. Was it just an annual exam? Well you’re going to need a mirror, an explorer, and a PSR probe to see how deep the depths are within the gums to see if there's any bone loss or decay underneath the gumline! Oh! You’re removing and filling in a cavity? Time to get the restorative kit and his handpieces! Oh, its actually extracting a tooth? Easy! Time to get the oral surgery kit! Then, once you were all done and explained the post operative procedures to the patient of what they can or cannot do, time to clean up and wipe down, then set back up for the next patient!
Mr Zigvolt was easy to please as well while working, bring him a cup of coffee and he will just dote on you as if a loving father would; rustle your hair and thank you at least three times for the coffee before going back to signing his paperwork. Ah, the life of a dental assistant was never easy but it was always fun just making sure everyone you see is doing okay and helping them get out of any pain. 
Life at the clinic was easy, especially when you made fast friends with the hygienists who cleaned the patients teeth. They were sweet older fae who have seen their share of working within the clinic, always bringing you in the latest gossip about the royal monarchy within the Kingdom of Thorns while you resided within a human town not too far away from the clinic which brings us to where we are today, and now.
“Y/n! I would like to invite you over to my home for a clinic party!” Dr Zigvolt stated happily as he turned to face you, paperwork of the last patient in hand as you were busy wiping down the room. You could only smile through your mask at him as you tilted your head slightly, a party at his home? You did hear the hygienists whispering that the doctor was thinking about a happy Organizational Day of just relaxing while getting paid!
“A party, you say sir? Are you sure you would like to invite me?” You started out curiously as you looked back down at what you were wiping down to continue to the job. The procedure was a bit bloody and you’re trying to remove any signs of any blood being within the room for the next patient's safety as well as yours and Dr Zigvolt’s.
“Yes! And if memory serves me correctly, you’re around the same age as my son! I would like you to meet him! He is always busy working and I am concerned he has no friends, unfortunately.” Dr Zigvolt’s voice got weaker as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Unfortunately, he is more of a mothers boy as well, so he doesn't really talk to me much. Yet, my wife has invited him to the party and he has accepted, so I thought I might be able to introduce you two!” Dr Zigvolt barked out proudly once more, nodding his head at the plan forming within his head. You and his son will meet and become fast friends, right?!
To you, it sounded like he was trying to set you up on a blind date with his son at this party.
“Sir, with all due respect. I do not need a boyfriend.” You stated out with a small laugh as you set down another item you had been so fervently wiping down. You knew about his wife, for Dr Zigvolt was so proud of her and had photos of her within his entire office. She was the daughter of a pronounced warrior within the army who fought so valiantly with General Lilia. It would be cool to meet his wife, but son? Although Dr Zigvolt was proud of his son, it seemed as if they weren't on good odds and you weren't all that interested in someone who didnt treat your boss right. 
“Pleeeease Y/n! Its just for a few hours! And if you don't like it, I will call the guard to escort you home considering it will be at night and across the border into the Kingdom of Thorns.” With that, your gloves had been removed while he spoke as you had finished cleaning the room. Now moving onto putting barriers back up in the room. An invitation was placed down on your side table with Dr Zigvolts fancy handwriting having written out your first and last name. Now, you were a small team but still very tight knit together, perhaps a singular hour couldn't hurt? As well the fact you did want to go across the border into the Kingdom of Thorns for a while now. 
“Fine, but only one hour, sir.” Was all you stated as you went out of the room to call for your next patient. What you didn't see was a proud fist bump into the air by Dr Zigvolt as he finally got you to agree. 
The clinic was closed for today, for today was the night of the party that was being held at the Zigvolt's home. There was a dress code of dressing nicer than usual but not quite cocktail so here you were, wearing the most professional outfit you had that was quite comfortable within the autumn air. You sighed as you slung your back over your shoulder as you made your way outside your home, locking the door and promising to be back before ten. Your trek was not quite long but it was a decent walk across the border with your invitation in hand just to show the fey guards posted between the border where you were going. They both seemed to smile and nod their head at you in respect as they seemed to recognize the little dental assistant from the weird clinic that they get their teeth worked on.
Just as you arrived at the Zigvolt’s home, the sun was at the point of setting and causing a beautiful twilight to settle across the land as fireflies danced across the yard. Their home was quaint, a little bit off the road into the twisted woods that you thought you might’ve gotten robbed in but you reached the door with ease. Letting out a small sigh of relief, you reached up and gently knocked your knuckles against the wooden door, hearing the music faintly playing within the home as well as chatter and laughter rumbling out like thunder. Reaching up to knock again, the door swung open wide only to reveal an all too familiar face.
“Ah! So this is the presumed dental assistant I have heard so much about!” The woman shouted out loudly in which you could only blink rapidly at her tone. So this was Dr Zigvolt’s wife! Wow. She was tall. Letting out a small rasped chuckle, you could only wave slightly up at the woman looking down at you. Her face held scales and her teeth reminded you of an alligator fey from all the pictures but seeing it all up close made you more intrigued with her form- No wonder Dr Zigvolt is heads over heels for the woman.
“Good evening Mrs Zigvolt-” You started out before you were roughly brought in by the woman who began to laugh out loudly. On the couch were the three hygienists most likely whispering about the latest gossip, while Dr Zigvolt seemed to be placing out some baked goods onto a table that was already filled with so much food, all homemade, of course. With a tough side squeeze from Mrs Zigvolt, she laughed out heartily at your uncomfortable state of being squeezed into her side.
“Please! Just call me Sonia!” Mrs Zigvolt- Er, Sonia stated. You could only nod your head as she let go of you as you smoothed out your outfit easily after being crushed by the woman's embrace. So this was the party? Well, it seemed comfortable enough! Afterall, you did like your coworkers enough just to spend some quality time with them, forgetting the whole reason why you were even invited to the Zigvolt’s home. You found yourself on the couch in between the hygienists just loudly laughing away about some story that happened with a child ending up biting one of the girls while they were cleaning the baby's teeth. Yet, your laughter was cut off as you heard a booming voice coming from the kitchen. 
“FATHER! I’VE TOLD YOU MANY TIMES!” A masculine voice shouted out as you stood up quickly, excusing yourself from the ladies who could only watch you leave before looking at each other with large smirks on their face. There goes their precious Y/n~ 
As you entered the kitchen, you saw Dr Zigvolt seeming to be crying pathetically as Mrs Zigvolt- Sonia- was holding her husband and glaring down at a mint haired man who was taller than Dr Zigvolt but not as tall as Sonia. He wore a pristine uniform and his hair was slicked back with such pristineness that if anyone had OCD, they would find nothing off putting by this man. Standing at the door, you tried to assess the situation quickly before stepping in fully, yet it all seemed too late. As the door shut behind you, the man spun on his heel to face you as you seemed to lose all air within your lungs.
Holy seven, he was gorgeous.
“ARE YOU THE PERPETRATOR MY FATHER IS TRYING TO SET ME WITH?!” His voice boomed within the room as you seemed to flinch slightly at the intensity of his voice before you huffed, crossing your arms. He was gorgeous with such a beautiful large frame, equally muscled to fit, scales on his face that seemed to define his jawline even more as his eyes seemed to bore into yours. Yet before his mother, father, or he could speak again, you instantly piped up.
“I am no perpetrator of Dr Zigvolt, I am his dental assistant. Now you don't have to shout every word you say, I can hear you just fine.” Wow, ouch. You stood your ground as you stared heatedly back at the man as Sonia seemed a bit shocked to see your spiteful nature coming out. Sure, her husband is a bit of a coward, especially when a patient is yelling at him so to have you calmly explain things to angry patients was an asset. 
She was interested in how this night was going to go between her son and you.
“I… HOW DARE YOU-!” Sebek started out once more only for you to hold up a hand and shake your head. He was silenced into shock as you seemed to shush him! Baffled that you would even do a thing, his mouth seemed to just open and close like a gaping fish as he glared down at you.
“See? That's better. Now can you just explain why Dr Zigvolt is crying and why you are yelling?” Down to business is how you were, especially when you were in a rush and you were running behind patients and had to deal with unhappy patients all at the same time. So it was quite easy for you to navigate through a tense situation like this one. When hearing no one speak up, you could only sigh as you began to rub your temples, GREAT, this is exactly the type of relaxation you needed.
“How dare you try to speak to a royal guard of King Waka-sama’s like that! You should be punished!” The man roared out again, pointing accusingly at you in which you could only roll your eyes, ready to speak up for yourself only for Mama Zigvolt to step in. Hand reaching forward, she snatched up the boy’s ear and started shouting herself directly at the mint haired man.
“YOU BETTER STRAIGHTEN UP AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF, YOUNG MAN. DO NOT BE THROWING YOUR TITLE LIKE THAT AROUND TO OUR GUESTS. APOLOGIZE NOW.” Sonia’s voice was even more powerful than the man in front of you, startling you a little bit as you only heard ringing in your right ear for a few seconds as the mysterious handsome man seemed frustrated for a few seconds before turning to face you with an annoyed huff. 
“My name is Sebek Zigvolt! And I am a royal guard to the King of Briar Valley! The Great and Wondrous Malleus Draconia!” Sebek shouted out, but not quite as loud as last time. You could only nod your head as you sighed out slowly. Perhaps you were done socializing now, as you also glanced at the clock, it was already nine. Perhaps it was time to go. Afterall, you had just remembered why you were wanted here, to see if you could make friends with your boss’ son but seeing how it was proven otherwise, you doubt you would like to stay any longer.
“Thank you Mrs Sonia and Dr Zigvolt for having me over. I think I shall make my departure back home now.” With that, you bowed your head respectfully as you began to make your way out and saying goodbye to everyone, leaving a very baffled and upset Sebek behind you. How dare you ignore him! Especially after getting shouted at by his mother to greet you! And be nice to you!! Sebek could only glance over at his mother who only glared down at him. He knew that look, and how he hated it.
So here you are, side by side, walking down the pathway back to your home. The walk was silent as you carried a basket filled with goodies from the baking and cooking of the Zigvolt’s. This easily could’ve fed you for an entire week with desserts too, including sharing some with your cat, Grim! The sky was void of any clouds as the stars seemed to twinkle even brighter above the two of you as you walked along, only listening to the gentle breeze rustling the bushes and the leaves within the trees until you cleared your throat slightly.
“So… Sebek, was it? Why are you walking me home again?” You asked out softly with a tilt of your head, trying not to sound too awkward. Afterall, you could’ve just called a friend to come get you, or paid for a carriage to take you home. Yet, here you were, walking side by side with a very stoic and stiff man who seemed to be alert of all the surroundings. The silence minus the leaves rustling followed suit, finally after a few seconds, he began to speak.
“I was tasked to guard you home in making sure that you are safely escorted! There have been a few kidnappings reported recently and Mother–... I was tasked to keep you safe.” He finished his statement while crossing his arms in front of his chest, as if proud to state that he was put in charge of your safety just like he was protecting Waka-sama. You could only roll your eyes and sigh, as much as you hate his presence on this walk, it was quite nice to actually have a guard with you. As for the recent kidnappings? You were sure that his mother just said that just to force him to go with you. Nevertheless, you were glad you weren't alone on this cold windy night.
As if the jacket you were wearing wasn't warm enough for the chilly autumn air, you let out a small shiver from chattering teeth. Though you tried your best to play it off as in stating how you're more frightened of the dark than cold, but with the visible puffs of air in front of your face being drifted away in the wind, Sebek could tell that you were lying to his face. Yet, wise words from Master Lilia reminded him about chivalry and how it's not dead, or how a Knight is to even look out for the smaller, more unfortunate folks…
“Here! A GRACIOUS OFFERING! I REQUEST THAT YOU GIVE IT BACK TO ME ONCE YOU ARE SAFELY TRANSFERRED BACK TO YOUR ABODE!” Sebek shouted out loudly as he removed his top layer of a coat and handed it over to you. If your cheeks weren't already pink from the chilly air, they were now as you gently set the basket of goodies down to wrap the jacket around your form. The jacket was way too big for you but it was very warm as you could smell the hints of cologne and what smelt like the fog rolling over mountains, warm and earthy. Muttering a small ‘thank you’ to Sebek, he only turned on his heel away from you as he began to walk ahead of you by two steps. He was trying to hide the small blush on his face because he did not need you gossiping to his father how a mere human made him blush!
Home was in sight not too long as you crossed the border, the lights flickering within the windowsill, a beckoning warmth towards you on the horizon as you could feel your tired feet urging you faster to your home. A snap of a twig to your right caused you to jump slightly as you looked into the forest with some fear etching into your skin- Maybe you were wrong and there was a kidnapper out there!? Frozen in place like a deer in headlights, you felt a hand appear in front of you as Sebek was instantly glued to your side, hand pushing you behind him as he had his sword drawn. So this is what it meant to be a Knight?
“COME AND SHOW YOURSELF AND I MAY SPARE YOUR LIFE!” Sebek shouted loudly towards the forage of the forest lining the streets only for another snap of a twig to echo closer to the treeline. Almost as if whoever Sebek had yelled at got scared and took a step back, only causing you to step a little closer to Sebek who could only grit his teeth as his cheeks were roaring pink once more. Eager to just get you out of his sight just to avoid this fluttering feeling in his stomach, he took a step forward with his sword raised only for a squeak to come out from a bush.
A squirrel hopped out, dodging the both of you and eagerly running away to the other side of the road to the other treeline and disappearing.
“YOU SHALL NOT SPEAK OF THIS TO ANYONE, HUMAN!” Sebek yelled out loudly at you, looking over at you with a frustrated crease in his eyebrow only for you to slowly nod your head and chuckle. You could keep that promise due to the fact that you refused to admit to someone that you let your boss's son protect you from a little woodland creature. 
Finally, the walk home was over and you were at your doorstep. Turning to face the guard who protected you so fiercely, you could only clear your throat. What do you say now? What could you even do now? Tell him thanks? Go away? 
“My coat, human.” Seems like he beat you to it, snapping you out of your daze as you realized that you were still clutching onto the jacket with one hand that was still draped around you and your other hand holding the basket of goodies. Ah. 
“Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts… Uhm- Thank you Sebek, for the coat… And for protecting me.” You stated out softly as you removed the coat from around you and handed it back to the awaiting male. A huff came from him as an air of smugness seemed to form around his body.
“Oh! So a mere human knows manners! Lest you forget this day, I will be returning every once and a while, and I demand your appearance at my home so that you will never forget how I guarded you!” Sebek laughed out, nodding his head at his great idea. Afterall, he spent a lot of energy on an unworthy human who couldn't even grace his Master's presence! Although for you, it sounded completely different.
“It just sounds like you’re trying to court me and making sure that I see you next time you visit…” You grumbled out with a small defeated sigh. Whatever. This was fine, right? 
Though Sebek was not ‘whatever’, he was not ‘fine’ either!
“YOUR ACCUSATIONS ARE WRONG! DO NOT JUMP TO SUCH PRESUMPTUOUS ACCUSATIONS, HUMAN!” Sebek roared out, flustered that you would even dare bring up such a topic just because he requested your presence just so he can feel your eternal gratefulness for this night! Maybe also the fact that you are deemable interesting enough. Though, he would never admit that! Even if Lilia-sama asked! Though, he would spill the beans to his Lord.
Chivalry isn't dead, right? You could only chuckle and roll your eyes, leaning up onto your tippy toes as you cupped his cheek as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. You could feel his cheeks warming up fast as he took a step back, baffled that you would even do such a thing!
“Thank you, Sebek, the most chivalrous knight I know. I hope my kiss is full repayment for your deeds tonight.” You stated out, this time you were smug in how this came out and how the tables have turned. The compliments plus the embarrassment of getting a kiss just due to him being chivalrous caused his face to turn bright red. Yes… He supposed he would like to see you once again…
“Goodnight… Y/n.” Was all he could mutter as he stood at your doorstep, watching you close your door and turn off all the lights in your home for the night.
'Until next time we meet, Y/n...'
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itstheoneshot · 8 months
He’s a Model, Darling
Summary: There is nothing better than on-set chemistry, and working with someone as attractive and charming as this makes it so, so easy.
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: Wang Yibo x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Exhibitionism, Unprotected Sex.
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Being a model has its pros and cons. You adhere to a strict diet and exercise regime, with that comes intense emotions, fluctuating energy levels and a twisted sense of self. On the other hand, you travel the world, and meet all kinds of amazing people. You have friends in every country that you have been to, and you never go without anything material-wise, always owning the latest clothes, tech, accessories. Brand deals are never ending, and for that you are so grateful.
Today marks another two day shoot, this time in Beijing, with a model whom you know of, but have yet to meet.
Wang Yibo, idol, actor, dancer, model. You are thrilled at the opportunity, sure that you can learn something from him, even though you too are at the top of the game, there is always an excitement in meeting other highly successful models.
Seeing him in person blew you away, twice as handsome as any photo could capture. You were overwhelmed at first, racking your brain to try and remember anything you learnt through Mandarin classes at school, worried that you will be unable to communicate with your co-model, when he interrupts your train of thought.
“Hi,” He smiles at you, speaking English, “It’s nice to meet you.”
A wave of relief washes over you, though you don’t know if he is fluent, his accent and intonation is good.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” You reply, “I look forward to working with you.”
You watch Yibo’s expression, examining his features, and you can see him translating in his head, processing the words that you said.
“Oh me too,” He nods, “Your work is so good.”
Are you really blushing? How embarrassing, and he definitely notices. Though there is no further time for conversation as you hear your manager call your name, requesting for you to go to your dressing room to prepare.
“I’ll see you on set!” You say with a little bow of your head, waving softly before you turn in the direction of your manager, as Yibo does the same with his.
Soon you are ready, handing your water bottle to your manager before walking out on set. The lights are bright, and the backdrop is a floral, forest kind of scene. Coming into Spring, you are modelling the new season’s collection, and you could not be more thrilled. The dress you are wearing is stunning, low cut but classy neck, the length sits just above your knee. Yibo is in a casual suit, open blazer with a button up shirt and slacks. You wear high heels and he in sneakers, and everything just fits.
“Looking good,” You comment as the director puts you in position, “This might be the best season yet.”
Yibo eyes you up and down so openly, and although in this business that is something you are used to, you feel that same blush crawl up your cheeks. You thank the heavens that you have enough makeup on to hide it, and you glance away for a second to try to calm down.
“You do too,” He replies, moving closer to you on instruction, “These are your colours.”
It’s cute, the way that he tries to communicate with you, and your chemistry is unreal. The day flies by, with you two laughing and making jokes, testing both of your language skills, and having so much fun. You don’t remember the last time you enjoyed a shoot so much, and you are happy that it will continue on to tomorrow.
“Do you want to get coffee?” Yibo asks, looking at you with a soft expectancy, no pressure.
“I’d love to,” You nod, “I’ll just let my manager know that I don’t need her to drive me home.”
Yibo smiles at you as you turn around, heading back to your dressing room to change, and to tell your manager about your plans. She is happy for you to go, but does warn you not to stay out late, reminding you of the early start tomorrow. You hadn’t planned on that anyway, all you are doing is getting a drink, but you thank her again before leaving to find your new friend.
“I can drive us,” Yibo tells you, holding his arm out for you to take, “I drove here alone.”
Touching him now off set, brings a whole new feeling, it is electric, and you realise the chemistry was not just put on for show. You try to pay no mind to the goosebumps raised on your skin, and focus on following his lead, out to the parking lot where his expensive sports car is parked. 
He opens the door for you, and continues to hold onto you as you get down into the car. He finally relinquishes his grip, though lingers momentarily with his hand up by your cheek before he pulls back to close the door. Not a moment later he is in the driver’s seat, pressing the ignition to fire up the engine, and reversing out of his parking spot to leave the set. You wouldn’t consider yourself that into cars, but there’s just something about an insanely hot man, driving a fast and powerful vehicle, that is just so attractive.
Yibo catches you staring, and you watch his lips curl up in a smirk before he glances over at you while he is pulled up at a red light.
“What’s on your mind, beautiful?” He asks, “Don’t think I don’t see you.”
He is so cheeky. Butterflies flutter in your stomach and heat rushes to your cheeks as he stares at you, and you are lost for words. He looks away, back to the road ahead as he takes off at the lights, and you find the courage to speak again once you are no longer lost in his eyes.
“Oh nothing,” You reply with a defiant edge, “Why, is something on yours?”
Yibo rolls his eyes with a playful laugh, shaking his head, “Oh, nothing,” He mimics you, diverting the topic, “The cafe is just over here.”
He turns down a side street and pulls up on the side of the road, quickly getting out of the car to open your door for you again. You aren’t used to chivalry, but you take it gracefully, any excuse to hold his hand again, a little overwhelmed when he doesn’t let go, interlocking your fingers while you walk a few stores down to the cafe. 
He lets go of you once you are seated, moving to take his own seat opposite of you. He calls a waiter over and orders an iced americano for you both, before focusing his attention on you and you only. He has you giggling and blushing non-stop, a natural flirtatious energy that you try your hardest to match. A confirmation of the connection you shared, it is so easy to spend time with him, and you are disappointed when you look down at your watch and realise that it is late and you need to go back to your hotel.
“I’ll drop you off,” Yibo offers, “And I’ll see you on set again in the morning.”
This time you reach for his hand first, and hold it with him on the gearshift while he drives. Your hotel isn’t far, and you are saddened again when you need to say goodbye. He lets go of your hand, to gently grab your thigh. You let out a surprised whimper, in shock but not complaining, but the moment passes quickly, and he moves out of the car to come around and help you from your seat. He pulls you in to hug you goodbye, and if you had any less restraint, you would be asking him upstairs, but instead you breathe him in for the time that he holds you, memorising the way that his hands feel on your waist, burning his dark, woody perfume scent into your senses.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” You mumble breathlessly, letting your gaze wander when he steps back, “Thank you, for today, and tonight.”
Yibo nods in agreement, “I can’t wait, I’ll see you then.”
He sits in his car and watches you walk into the hotel lobby, turning to wave once more before you make your way to the elevator, riding it up to the 30th floor where your room is. Your phone buzzes in your pocket when you exit, but you wait until you are in your room before you answer it.
The first message is from your manager, wanting confirmation that you made it back to your accommodation safely. You reply with your confirmation before opening the conversation that you are actually interested in.
I enjoyed your company today, and I realised I didn’t say thank you yet, so thank you.
As did I, and I’ll be thinking of the way your hands felt on me for a long while.
You couldn’t help yourself, mind still racing from the sparks that flew between you. The anxiety of being so forward over text is short-lived as another message pops up on screen.
Maybe I’ll keep them there longer next time, so it’s harder to forget.
Go get some sleep, sweetheart.
I’ll see you tomorrow x
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming. The implication is enough to make heat surge between your thighs. You reply with a simple goodnight, Yibo gē, before stripping off to shower and do your skincare routine. It is hard to wind down to sleep, but you get comfortable between the sheets and find yourself drifting off imagining the way that he kisses, and silently praying that you would find out for real.
In the morning you walk onto the set with an iced coffee in hand and your manager by your side, greeting the staff politely on your way through to your dressing room. You see Yibo ahead but he is already halfway through the door, so disappointingly you do not get to greet him, instead having to wait until you are dressed and made up, and out in front of the cameras.
“Did you sleep okay?” Yibo asks, “I like your style today.”
Today’s concept is a bit darker, leathers and straps and chains. If you thought Yibo looked good yesterday, that feeling is only tenfold today. You openly stare him up and down, admiring the outfit and makeup that they have him in.
“I did, did you?” You reply, “This look suits you a lot.”
Yibo nods, but is interrupted by the director before he can answer. You begin another day of modelling, this time a lot of the poses are closer than yesterday, more touching, more eye contact, and it drives you crazy. You are sure that the chemistry will show on camera, but that will only be portrayed as skill and talent, which works in both yours and Yibo’s favour. This concept requires a lot more seriousness, less laughter and fun, but you make the most of it, enjoying the change of pace and the challenge of holding yourself together. Yibo is hilarious off camera, and he makes it known that he is playfully trying to mess with you, but you love it.
You get through the shoot faster than expected, and are sent off to your dressing room while the managers and directors break for their lunch, and then to look through the photography to see whether anything else needs to be done. You are grateful for the free time, after changing back into your own clothes, a skirt and crop top combination, relaxing on one of the chairs with your legs up on the table, scrolling through your phone mindlessly.
You know you could come see me for our break, right?
YouIs that your way of asking me to your dressing room?
YiboI’ll see you soon.
You roll your eyes, but find yourself standing up to leave the room. You quickly glance down the hall to see nobody around, and take quick strides to the room you saw Yibo enter earlier. You knock a few times before the door opens, and Yibo opens the door, grabbing your wrist to pull you in. His grip is strong, and you already feel yourself faltering. You aren’t sure what he wanted you to see him for, but when he moves his hands to your waist, you begin to get an idea.
“Is this better?” He asks, “Don’t want you to forget this.”
You are sure that you look like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as you try to process what is happening. Yibo stares at you with a brooding gaze, lids heavy as he stares at your lips. You lick them subconsciously, and that is when he leans in to kiss you. You are addicted from the second that your lips connect, gasping at the feeling, Yibo takes the opportunity to taste you, tongue fighting with yours, as one hand moves from your waist up to your hair, fingers carding through it to settle at the base of your scalp. He pulls you further into the room, over to one of the dressing tables where he guides you to sit up on it, spreading your legs to fit in between them. Kisses getting heavier, you whine as he nibbles on your bottom lip, grasping to the collar of his shirt to keep him close to you, crossing your ankles behind him.
“I won’t forget,” You breathe, “How could I? Just look at you.”
Yibo smirks into the kiss, hands now on your thighs to spread them further apart, loving the way that you give in to him, knowing that you want him just as bad as he wants you. Your hands slip under his shirt, desperate to feel the body that he is hiding under there. He is so fit, and you trace his muscles with your fingertips, wanting to learn every single one of them, burn them into your memory forever, knowing that this is more than likely a one time thing.
“You want this, don’t you?” He asks as his hands travel further upwards, under your skirt and increasingly closer to where you are most desperate for, “I need you.”
“Please,” You beg, moaning into his mouth as his fingers trail over your core, “I need you, too.”
It is thrilling, getting frisky in a dressing room, knowing that you could be walked in on at any moment. Do these doors even lock? Too late now… You grab at Yibo’s waist, hands working at the button and fly on his jeans, needing him desperately, and as quickly as possible. Yibo reaches further, fingers hooking into the elastic waistband of your panties, and you obediently lift your hips to allow him to pull them down. Simultaneously you free him from his jeans, tugging them down his legs enough to palm at his hardened cock, sheathed away in his underwear.
“Don’t make me wait,” He growls, furiously pulling his own underwear down and directing you to wrap your hand around his shaft, “Oh, fuck yes…”
You stroke him gently, only wanting to tease him a bit, enjoying it maybe too much how riled up he is getting. You hope that the more you tease, the harder he will go on you, but right now you would be happy with anything that he is willing to give to you. 
Yibo doesn’t make you wait long, his hand moving to wrap around yours as you shuffle closer to the edge of the dressing table. Yibo teases you back, sliding the tip of his cock up your slit, letting your arousal slick him up, but nothing more. He waits until you are whimpering, legs tightening around him before he enters you, slow and cautious, allowing you to take him in all the way. Your breath hitches, gulping as you adjust to the initial stretch, he fills you so well. He lets out a low groan, in comparison with your breathy whine, and he kisses you to keep you quiet as he pulls out to enter you again, this time faster, more forceful, the angle hitting you in all the right places.
He speeds up, unable to hold back anymore. It is so hard to be quiet, with the way that he fucks into you with no reprieve at all. You worry that he is going to tear your hair out, his grip ever-tightening as he tries to keep you still. Each passing second, you know that the chances of you being caught increase, but his cock makes you feel so good, you wouldn’t be opposed to the whole world seeing. You swear that you hear footsteps, but this only spurs Yibo on, picking up the pace to a point that you can barely cope with, overstimulated is an understatement, you are close, Yibo’s hand on your clit to make sure of that, and you know he must be too.
“Gonna cum,” He warns you, “You want that, don’t you?” It’s hard to talk, with your orgasm threatening to take over, you try your hardest to compose yourself, to find the strength to reply.
“I need it,” You whine, “Please, Yibo, please…”
With permission, and the continuous stimulation, you release, thighs shaking as he continues to fuck you through it. You hold him tight, kissing him over and over to try and keep yourself even a little bit quiet, and only moments later does he follow suit, his high washing over him with breathless groans of your name. You are fucked out by the time he slows down, and he is hesitant to pull out of you, but you both know that if you take any longer, you will be caught for sure, and now that your high is subsiding, you are not too keen on that idea.
“I needed that,” He murmurs, kissing you as he pulls out, “I don’t think I could’ve gone on if I had not been able to have you.”
He is so smooth, it makes you blush. You stand to dress yourself, as Yibo steps back to make room for you to do so. Once dressed, you know that you need to leave, not wanting to raise too much suspicion, knowing that if your manager can’t find you there will be hell to pay.
“I did too,” You reply as you fix your hair in the mirror, glancing at Yibo over your shoulder, “At least I’ll be able to focus now if we have to take more photos.”
Yibo reaches forward to tuck your hair behind your ear, trailing his fingers down your neck before he moves back to give you the space to get past him. You are a little unsteady on your feet, but not noticeably, which you are glad about.
“Maybe we should go out for drinks after work?” He suggests, “You aren’t flying home today, are you?”
He has a devilish grin when you turn to face him, one that makes you want to jump him again. Instead, you smirk back, raising an eyebrow indicating that you know what he is looking for, and wondering what he will be like once he’s got alcohol in his system. You are intrigued, and more than interested, and you know that you would regret it if you turned him down.
“I’m here for a few more days,” You tell him, “Yes, let’s do that, I’m sure you know all the best places to go.”
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maniculum · 5 months
Google Docs vs. Geoffrey Chaucer
A while back, just for fun, I pitted Google Docs's fancy new (read: hilariously inept) machine-learning spellchecker against a chapter of my dissertation that contained a lot of quotations from Le Morte Darthur:
At the time I suggested I might go back and do the same with the chapters that included substantial quotation from the Canterbury Tales and (shudder) Piers Plowman... and today I find myself with little better to do, so let's give it a go. Below the cut.
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Extremely helpful there, thanks. For the curious, gilofre is a plant; in Modern English it's gillyflower. Clowe is just "clove". "Clowe-galofre" is nowhere on Google or in the OED, but it seems "Galofre" is an attested surname, so Google thinks maybe that's what I meant.
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Fascinating choices here. That is of course meant to be nutmeg, and Google Docs has seemingly decided that putting in a space to turn one misspelled word into two words, one of which is spelled correctly, is a positive development. That or this is a continuation of the previously-observed trend that Google turns things into brands and corporation as much as possible -- apparently there is a company called "Emuge-Franken", which is the only result for "emuge" on Google Search.
It hasn't gotten anything right so far, by the way -- all those red underlines I haven't screenshotted anything for, it either suggests a word that is wrong but unremarkably so, or fails to suggest anything.
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(Never mind, it got a couple right in between the last one and this one.)
This is interesting in that it shows Google Docs interprets things differently based on capitalization. This instance of bityde is capitalized because it's at the beginning of the line; the other one in the phrase bityde what bityde, which isn't capitalized, Google is able to correctly interpret as "betide". However, it seems to think the first is a proper noun and makes different suggestions. (Blyde is the Afrikaans name of the Motlatse River in South Africa, it would seem.)
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I am reluctantly forced to hand it to Google Docs with this one. Like, no, that's not what Chaucer meant of course, but I can respect the shot being taken. Also interesting that it gets the blue underline because you can't really spell a transliteration wrong, but that's not how the system we normally use renders it. Not sure why spere "spear" (Google suggests "sphere") and vestiments "vestments" (Google gets this one right) are also marked as blue (style/grammar) rather than red (spelling), though.
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... and now I'm taking what I just handed to Google Docs back away. WTF is this? Why...? you know what, we're moving on.
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Bafflingly, Google thinks there is nothing at all unusual about that first line. Yep, that's normal Modern English there.
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And here's our first example in this post of Google Docs trying to suggest a spelling that is also in Middle English, because I very much suspect the data it uses has been contaminated. Actually, come to think, if their machine learning system bases its judgments on what other users write rather than the old system with a set dictionary, I bet all the people writing papers about pre-standardized-spelling English literature are really screwing up the data. Which is hilarious -- if true, that would mean that I'm actually part of the problem for writing this whole dissertation full of Middle English quotes in Google Docs.
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You might think this is another example of the same, but in fact the change from -ioun to -ion makes that suspect, and the Middle English Dictionary doesn't recognize it without the <u>. And if you Google Refleccion, all the results are in Spanish. However, I can't seem to find it in a Spanish-English dictionary, and those same dictionaries tell me the Spanish for reflection is reflexion -- maybe this is a variant spelling? I only have basic high-school Spanish to draw on here, so if any of my followers are fluent and can explain refleccion to me, I would be interested to learn.
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Hm... no, that's not right either. Although a quick Google search tells me that there is a YA book called Physik, so that's probably what's screwing up this one. Probably not ideal for that sort of thing to happen.
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And this one, it seems, is French. (Again, according to the Middle English Dictionary, all the attested Middle English spellings have the <u> -- but the French cognate is in fact spelled just like Google suggests, as far as I can tell. I don't speak French at all, though, so grain of salt.) I wonder how that happened -- do non-English words just kind of drift into the machine-learning system's vocabulary? Possibly through the same mechanism I speculated about with the Middle English above -- i.e., people write documents that are mostly in English, but contain some quotations or something in other languages, and if that happens enough, Google starts to think it's an English word?
Wait, is that maybe what's screwing a lot of this up? Either Google's system is going "This document is in English, so all the words in it are English words" and thus stuff just keeps bleeding between languages and screwing up the dictionary, OR Google's system is just kind of language-agnostic and sees no issue with suggesting French words in a document that's mostly in English? Is this why there are so many words that aren't correct Modern English spelling, but which Google Docs doesn't mark wrong? Like, they happen to line up with words in other languages, so Google just thinks you're borrowing really haphazardly throughout?
Also, side note, it tried to correct "hir" to "hirt", which is not an English word, but apparently stands for High Impact Resistance Training. Moving on.
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Shenden is a Middle English verb that basically means "to damage or destroy". You don't really see it much in Modern English, though the OED has a couple examples of 20th-century usage. Anyway, I thought this was another case of Google bringing in different Middle English words, but a quick search tells me "Sente" is a skincare brand. That's probably more relevant.
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Google Docs again just ignoring whole lines.
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Odd choice there, sight being closer than site in terms of spelling. Maybe the algorithm assumes that if you end with an <e> you probably mean the second one.
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Interesting, Google Docs. Why do you think that should be "night"? (Oddly, it actually gets all the red-underlined words in this line correct, meaning it pretty much has the context of the word.) Somewhat weird suggestion there.
I'm about a quarter of the way through the document and I think this is long enough for now; I'll probably come back and reblog with additions later. Before I go, however, here are my lists of "things spellcheck should be able to fix but can't" from what I've gone through so far.
First, spellings that differ from Modern English by only one letter, but which completely stump Google Docs (i.e., it marks them wrong but only gives the "why am I not seeing a suggestion?" message):
Goute ("gout")
Herbes ("herbs")
Melodye ("melody")
Smale ("small")
Swete ("sweet")
Syde ("side")
Ther ("there")
Wel ("well")
And second, words that are not correct in Modern English but that Google Docs does not mark wrong:
Anoon ("anon")
Attempree ("a temperate")
Beautee ("beauty")
Bowle ("bowl")
Dar nat ("dare not")
Daunce ("dance")
Dede ("dead")
Doon ("do")
Dronke ("drank")
Dronken ("drunken")
Fyr ("fire")
Gyse ("guise")
Hadde ("had")
Hir ("her")
Hir ("their")
Hond ("hand")
Lak ("lack")
Lakked ("lacked")
Lordes ("lords")
Maad ("made")
Pyne ("pain")
Rasour ("razor")
Sayde ("said")
Shere ("shear")
Som ("some)
Sondry ("sundry")
Spyces ("spices")
Styward ("steward")
Syk ("sick")
Thencens ("the incense")
Usshers ("ushers")
Wente ("went")
Wyf ("wife")
Y-goon ("gone")
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
Pinnie, MAGUS is my dear darling. He is so fucking terrifying and that fries my fight or flight response so fckn much. He rubs my brain good and I will proceed to provoke a hyperfixation on him for the time being. (You can put all my Magus asks together dw, if you find them xD)
1. I meant for Magus to feed me, not feed me. Y'know, Vesper style.
2. I wanna see shiny fishes and cool ocean fishes with my horror of the deep bf.
3. Glauk is bestie material, I will play along w/ him like a fucking clown to entertain Magus.
4. Imagine telling Magus that humans eat but small ocean dwellers like shrimp and crabs (but boiled) Or telling Magus what seasoning is xD
5. If you have thought that far yet, how is their dick? Is it one of the tendrils like some octopi? Or is their slit like normal? 1 or 2? (Feel free to ignore if you haven't gone that far yet, or jump it)
6. Will Magus allow a threesome w/ Santi?
7. Imma grab any part of him as soon as he is near me, istg, I have fear of drowning (but the horny is stronger) in fact, I will hug whatever is closest bc my life depends on it. Doggy style is supposed to be a fucking position not my lifeline to survive in the ocean.
9. I will offer Magus my soul for a kiss, open that mouth boo. Imma declare my love to him instantly, I'll be cheesy and awkward bc that is a classic me move. And maybe ruin the mood but hey, the offer still stands, and sweat can't be sensed underwater.
9.1? Would I be doing harm to Magus if I kiss stain his face? Would he let me?
10. How would Magus react to Glauk approaching/walking(swimming?) in while he is fucking us?
[An essay, hmmm. I'm putting several more small mer asks under the cut.]
1) I understood, I just wasn't feeling it too much.
3) Glauk is a good mer to bother if you want to know more about Magus. They're genuine friends, even if Magus is oftentimes too much of a nasty grump to be nicer to Glauk.
4) He's vaguely disgusted by the concept of burning food, but he'll sooner come around to the concept of seasoning as a whole. You can introduce him to brand new flavors! Although he hates sweetness.
5) See this ask.
Magus is packing something quite long, as is necessary for his species. There is no way you'll ever fit all of that inside you, not even if he was shrunk to your level. It's very slippery and wriggling and looks almost ribbon-like. In great contrast to the rest of his body, it glows brightly in the water. Magus' orgasms are lengthy and your little body definitely can't handle it all.
6) Depends.
If the incubus presents himself in a submissive manner, then yes. Magus will be in control and take both of you. Santi is to never leave any sort of mark on you (be it scratching, biting or bruising).
7) A tendril will do then.
8) Magus is a lot like Breg, in the sense that his eyes remain covered behind a membrane like patch of skin. They don't glow.
9) He may not scent sweat very easily, but provided you're still sweating, he might taste it.
9.1) Magus won't stop you, but he'll automatically clean his face afterwards. Not with his tongue, the products you apply taste distinctly awful. He doesn't like them much, but the huge mer understands they're some type of land-dweller mating display. Sometimes.
10) If Magus is in heat, then he'll automatically stop and shield you, letting go to quickly give chase and possible eviscerate Glauk. However, it's hard to miss the scent of a mermonster in rut, so Glauk absolutely steers clear of his larger friend.
During standard periods, neither Glauk nor Magus will be bothered if the other walks in on sex, though this doesn't necessarily mean the other is invited to participate.
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In his mouth.
He does have one.
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What is any good way to survive a yandere? Generally, give into their affections.
The more submissive and cooperative you are in key moments, the more they're willing to learn how to accommodate you.
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Usually, I don't care when anons mangle my characters' names, it's even become a bit of a joke.
However, there's a Magnus floating around that I did not create, and I don't want people to get confused.
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raylaserfrog-yuri · 6 days
*slides into frame*
....Fake Rayman hcs? Just based on ur own interp. Or mine if u want. Or both. IDK!!!
Okay, SO. this’ll have hc for these specific versons of fakeman, since i love most of the theories on what he is (raymesis, robot / ai, and clone)
Robot / ai fakeman: He has an E branded on him somewhere, I just know it. His limbs kinda work as how a magnet repels each other, just controlled enough to be believable.
Personally wise— he tries very hard to imitate Rayman the best he can, usually through old recordings of the late night eden show and old news interviews. When he’s on stage, he moves how the normal Rayman does— after all, he was programmed that way. But, when he’s offstage, its almost like he’s just. tossed aside. never to be needed until the next day. He doesn’t feel much about it, but something in him makes it feel… wrong.
ai / robot Fakeman also has moments where he does glitch out, considering he was probably made at a rushed moments notice. He was probably created around the time Rayman had gotten that call in his home when he was drunk. Even then, that call was probably used to get voice modules, as well as past calls that he’s probably taken. (assuming eden records phone calls too, which they probably do.)
I feel like Ai/Robotic Fakeman would be very curious about how real people (in a general sense, which includes hybrids and even ramon) live. How they act, why emotions drive them to do the things they do. It’s fascinating to him, and it even can cause him sometimes to wonder what it would be like to be… well, alive.
Clone Fakeman: honestly he acts more dead inside than ramon does. While robotic/ai has more curiosity, clone is just… a husk. only time he feels alive or wanting purpose is when he’s in the limelight. otherwise, he’s just the same husk he used to be.
His brain was probably wired to LOVE the feeling of being cheered, appreciated on stage, loved. And because of that, it makes him more attached, more likely to stick to eden’s side (cough cough “Without them, I’m nothing! THEY SAVED MY LIFE!” type shit)
Also, because he’s made with organic material he sometimes just. falls apart. like. like skin. just falls. and lums just fly out because Eden doesn’t know what they’re doing when it comes to making clones.
Raymesis Fakeman: I am so convinced this guy became the replacement JUST to fuck with rayman. I’m very positive. He was probably told to do it by Mr Dark, which if he’s still in this is probably in a high power (or yk maybe hes just fucking dead we don’t know atp).
I can imagine him having the FATTEST EGO known to man knowing that he’s taken Rayman’s job. If they ever had a confrontation I just know this mf would cackle his ass off laughing at what Ramon had become.
Though, he has his annoyances. For one, he hates having to wear makeup and contacts ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME. Like every fucking waking moment this poor thingamajig is sweaty and uncomfortable because of the PACKED ON MAKEUP to hide his skin. Also Eden forced him to dye his hair blond. Because obviously they did, they’re fucking annoying. Oh yeah, and he can’t swear. Which is funny because I just know Raymesis cusses in every single sentence he says.
Raymesis has literally lived in Rayman’s shadow for fuck knows how long. But I also feel like once he truly sees what Eden has done and is continuing to do, he’s gonna feel… a bit conflicted. perchance join his side.
okay ramble done tehe
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xxcocothekillerxx · 6 months
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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💋Chapter 1: A new town💋
It's been over a week now since you and your father have moved to this small town. The feeling of warm, hot and heavy, air and slight stench of garbage filled your nose as you were cleaning and fixing up your room.
The house you and your father picked was interesting, to say the least. Its dull, gray and moldy wallpaper lined most of the walls around the house. Holes and cracks littered the corners of the old building, the windows barely holding up against the breeze that hit them from the outside. The rusty door knobs, simply waiting to give a poor unexpecting victim a staph infection, and the doors themselves are ready to fall off their hinges.
Although your father had fixed up the downstairs area pretty well, painting the walls in a faded out, pastel yellow. Re-painting the door to their original bright white, and fixing up the hinges so they wouldn't fall off. He also bought new kitchenWare, the stove and fridge were nearly brand new and he insisted they were 'fresh out of the factory'. A beautiful dark brown wood table, with matching chairs, sat in between the kitchen and the living room. A pot of lavender and pink poppies in a little white vase, with a sage green cloth underneath it, laid in the middle of the table. Family pictures hanging on parts of the walls, leading over to the living room where a shag carpet and old leather couch sat with those old style TVs.
Your room had (color) wallpaper, with old CDs and photos hung on the walls. You had a nice window and strung a spider plant about it, pinning some of its vines to the side with some books and some toys sitting on the window sill. Your bed was a decent size, enough to hold two people comfortably, and had soft and cozy (color) sheets. The wooden floor was covered with a shag rug, and large plants sat by your doorway and against your bookshelf. You were just finishing up cleaning up and lighting a candle when your father knocked on your door, slightly catching you off guard because you had music playing on your old radio, you quickly turned your music off and opened the bedroom door.
Your father stood there, he slightly adjusted his almost cartoonishly large glasses and then gave a gentle smile. "Hey sweetie.. sorry I don't mean to bother ya' , I just wanted to know if you wanted to come shopping with me real quick?" He joyfully explained, his goofy smile nearly going ear to ear as he looked at you.
"Uh…sure why not" a small smile appears on your face and you gently put down your headphones onto your desk, brushing your (color), hair back behind your ears. You really haven't been out much this week, and it could do you some good to get out for awhile. Your father gives an almost triumphant look as he quickly turns to walk down the hallway, his footsteps getting quieter as he gets further away.
You walked over to your dresser picking out a simple outfit, a teal color tie dye T-shirt, tied at the waist to give a crop top feel and bell-bottom jeans with little colorful flowers near the bottom of the legs and on the back pockets. You then put your white shoes on and headed downstairs to meet up with your father, grabbing some hair ties on the way out and putting them on your wrist before shutting the door behind you. Your father was waiting at the table while looking at a newspaper, his large glasses slightly tilted downwards as he read. His gaze lifted as he heard your footsteps, a gentle and warm smile appearing on his face as he got up from the table.
"Ready?" He says, keys in hand as he tilts his head slightly towards the door. You nod in response, walking towards the door as your father opened it for you. Walking down the steps of the porch, a warm and comforting breeze hits your face. The fresh air quickly running up your nose, a sense of relief from being so cooped up all week makes you feel good and refreshed. The bright blue sky and the sun, only covered lightly with scattered puffy clouds and chirping birds. You take in your surroundings for a brief moment. The sounds of the wind and birds filling your ears as your father walks past you towards the car, his bright striped shirt regaining your attention as you walk to catch up to him, making your way to the passenger side door and opening it. Your father started up the old, Cherry red, 1973 Pontiac Astre. The engine rumbles to life as your father rolls his window down to place his arm on the door, he adjusts the radio to his favorite channel and some new station comes on.
A man starts to speak through the light static “The search continues in Muerto County for a missing University of Texas student. The Sheriff’s department says that Maria Flores, a native of Uvalde, was last seen near the town of Newt more than two months ago. Her vehicle was recently discovered abandoned along Country Road 172, with officials reporting no signs of foul play. Authorities are hopeful that the expanded search into the nearby communities of Harlow and Chinatown will unearth new leads. Family and friends are urging anyone with information regarding her disappearance to please come forward.” The man then proceeded to introduce the forecast of the week and then quickly cut to a popular music station playing 'Can't get enough - Bad company'. You and your father give a concerned glance towards each other before your father starts to drive out onto the road. The wind blowing through your hair, the comforting breeze making you close your eyes and enjoy the ride. Aside from a few random roadkill on the road, the music played loudly in your ears as you slightly danced to yourself as your father jammed to the song and you enjoyed the car ride into town.
Soon you and your father enter the town. Your eyes couldn't help but look around, an old gas station and mechanic shop sat on the right side with some small buildings and stores littered behind them, a few apartment buildings and roller rink sat on the left side with a large school and church sat behind them. You took in the view, not many people were walking around except for a group of teenagers and some adults, some with their little ones, you then noticed the missing person posters scattered on the telephone poles. 'Must be that poor girl from the news station they mentioned' you thought, a sense of sadness slightly washed over you as you felt bad for her family and friends. Your eyes soon wandered over to an older gentleman, he was smiling as a few older lady's. He wore a yellow button up with a blue and red plaid coat, a yellow hat covered his brown hair that clearly was receding and was graying. He had a cane in his hand that he was slightly leaning against as he was, somewhat in a creepy way, talking to the two old ladies. His smile reminds you of a beaver as he talks, however you notice his gaze quickly rising to your car as you drive by, his smile quickly disappears as his locked eyes with you. You quickly felt yourself look away and down at your lap, you felt embarrassed for staring and quickly looked over to your father who was simply paying attention to the road while trying to find a parking spot.
As your father parked the car, he looked over and noticed your uneasiness. "Y/N? You alright?.." he opened the card or on his side, yet waited for your response and sat there. "Y-yea.. sorry" you chuckled, trying to push off the fact you stared at a random old man and got creeped out. Your father nodded and got out of the car, quickly meeting you on the other side as you got out yourself. "Well, I need to grab a few things from the general store and then the post office. Why don'tcha you go take a good look around town… I might be while so." Your father explained, and a big smile on his face and he gently patted your shoulder. You simply nodded as your father walked away to the general store, your eyes quickly wandered over to a clothing store and its bright luring colors. You started to walk down the sidewalk, humming to yourself when you take notice of the same old man you saw before, now sitting on a bench reading a newspaper, except you can't help but notice him side eyeing you from behind the newspaper. You felt a knot in your throat as you started to get close to him, he was sitting next to the store you wanted to go in. You have no clue why he was giving you the creeps, however you swallow your fear and give a warm smile towards the old man.
This seemed to slightly catch him off guard however and nearly made him shove his face into the newspaper, starting to grumble things underneath his breath.
"H-hello sir!" You slightly felt your heart race as the man raised an eyebrow and slowly looked towards you, his dark eyes giving a questionable look as if he was wondering why you're trying to talk to him. However he quickly snaps a smile at you and puts his newspaper down on the bench as he reaches his hand out for a shake. "Nice to meetcha lil' lady.. new around here?" His voice semi cracked as he spoke, you could hear a slight lisp too. "Yes I am.. My name is Y/N!, my father is also here with me.. he's just grabbing a few things" you nervously stated, you quickly shake his hand before politely cupping them together in front of you. The old man nodded as if he understood and or cared before standing up and giving that creepy beaver smile towards you. "Names Drayton, Drayton Sawyer.. My family lives in this town. Though most em ain't the social type…except that boy Johnny." He gave an annoyed look as he rambled, quickly stopping before giving an almost serious look towards you. "Welcome to the town.." he said, his eyes almost dark as he spoke. He then tipped his hat before walking away, you watched as he almost waddled away and then disappeared behind some buildings.
You calmed yourself down slightly before walking into the clothing store, a nice old lady behind the counter gave you a warm and welcoming smile. "Hello dear! Welcome.." she said, her gray hair in a bun behind her head, her sun kissed skin covered with wrinkles. She wore a pretty blue blouse with a blue floral skirt that hit her ankles and her dark blue flats, she adjusted her glasses to better see you as you walked in. You nodded as you looked around the shop at all the cute and somewhat old fashioned clothes, soon you hear three girls walk into the store. A red head wearing a pink plaid button that was tied up slightly above the waist and jean shorts, a dark Brunette with tanner skin wearing and baby blue blouse with a white floral pattern on the chest and tan bell-bottoms, and a dark Brunette wearing a red tank-top with a deep v-neck and yellow sunflower on it and blue jean bell-bottoms. The girls were talking and somewhat giggling to themselves as they walked around the store, although they looked like they were also seriously discussing something as well. They kept quietly chatting to each other before they took notice of you, giving small waves and warm smiles as they began to walk over towards you. The ginger girl quickly speaks up and puts out her hand "hello! My name's Connie! Are you new here??" Her smile warmly grew as you took and shook her hand, you gave her a warm smile back. "Yea.. me and my father live slightly out of town but we're practically on the edge." You said nervously, not knowing if they knew what you were talking about. Quickly the girl in the red v-neck tank top spoke up and said, "oh that old house!? I remember when a lil' old couple used to live there! Gosh! They were so sweet..my name's Julie by the way!" She giggled, and she gave a girly wave at you. You couldn't help but look at the middle girl, your brows slightly furrowed in worry at her quietness before Connie spoke up, "oh.. that's Ana, her sister went missing.. I'm sure you've already seen the posters around town by now." Her smile quickly faded while she spoke, Ana gave a quick half smile before turning around to look at the clothes on the wall. Julie gave a slightly worried look back at Ana before looking at Connie then back at you, "yea.. she's been in rough shape ever since. But she's been determined to find her…" Julie explained, before giving a big smile, "you should meet up with us at the roller rink tonight! It's always Nice to have new friends!" She yelled excitedly, jumping excitedly. Connie also seemed to get excited by this and nodded in agreement, her smile nearly blinding you with excitement. You smiled joyfully at the idea and soon nodded and agreed to join them later at the roller rink. You wanted to explore a little bit more before meeting up with your father again to tell him the news.
A few minutes pass and the three girls soon leave the building with you before they split off into a different direction than you, leaving you alone. You look around and decide to walk down towards the post office to meet up with your father, however as you were walking you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Your eyes darted around and yet you couldn't see anything, you looked behind you and still nothing. You started to walk slightly faster down the street, pushing the feeling off as just being in a new town. Soon enough you make it to the post office as your father is walking out the doors, mail and other papers in his name. He walks slowly as he's ready the envelopes and other pieces of paper, his glasses at the end of his nose and his eyebrows slightly raised as he reads and mumbles to himself. He quickly takes notice of you and fixes his glasses as he opens the car door and puts the mail in the glove compartment, a large smile on his face as you walk over towards the car. "Soooo?!... Anything exciting happens sweetie?" He smiled, his hand on the top of the car door as he leaned against it slightly. You nod and smile, opening your door on the passenger side and getting in. Your father soon follows and sits in the car, closing the door behind him. "Made some new friends!.. they want me to meet up with them later tonight at the roller rink.." you smiled, your father giving you a big hug before laughing triumphantly. "OH! I knew you could do it! Making me so proud.." he smiled before starting up the car and started to drive, you leaned up against the car door and let the wind start to blow through your hair, the feeling of being watched still stayed as you were starting to leave town. Your eyes widened and noticed a figure watching you pass by, an almost sinking feeling as you drove by filled your stomach. Soon the feeling leaves as you drive out of town, the radio blaring music and your father embarrassingly dancing to you. You chuckled to yourself bringing your attention to the sun as it slowly went down, the sky starting to turn pink and shades of purple, A smile slowly appearing on your face as you drove home.
Today was a good day, yet you couldn't shake a weird feeling about that town.
If you got his far, I sincerely hope you enjoyed chapter 1! I know nothing "exciting" happened in this one, however I promise it'll get more interesting as we continue! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
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The most popular new gear of Splatoon 3 Drizzle Season 2022.
So at the beginning of April I posted a google docs poll with all of the 100+ new gear pieces introduced at the launch of Splatoon 3, intending to follow up on it a week later. Unfortunately, it didn't get much traction, only having 92 responses as of the time of writing. This made me a bit sad, so I just kind of forgot about it. That said, 92 responses are still something to work with, so let's take a look at them!
As a reminder, the poll let you pick multiple answers for each category, which makes the percentages look a bit weird if you just look at them in a vacuum. So when I give numbers now, keep that in mind.
That said, let's start by looking at Headwear! This is by far the spikiest category, meaning this is the category where votes were the most split. That said, eking out the number one spot by just one vote is...
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The Cephalo Pods! (29.3%)
And yeah, I get it. A lot of headwear is very large and cover up a lot of your character, and often changes colors in a way you can't control. So why bother with that when you can just put these bad boys on to keep your look clean and simple? Not to mention, you start with these. They're one of your very first gear pieces!
After the Pods we come to a shared second place, as both of these have exactly 28.3% of the votes, and I think they have some things in common with the Pods, too.
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The Ocho OctoPhones and the Teddy Band!
Note that neither of these cover up your head. A bit of a trend with the most popular gear in the poll in general. Headphones have always been very popular, and with that bright red, the gold highlights, and that sleek 8-design, these were sure to be a hit. I'm not surprised to see the Teddy Band so high up either, how can you say no to something that adorable? (Also I have to imagine there is some effort justification at play, considering just what you need to do to get them...)
Also, quick shoutout to the third, fourth and fifth place, which are all just one vote apart!
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The Howdy Hat (26.1%), Retro BluFocals (25%), and the Bream-Brim Cap! (23.9)
Now, let's move on to Clothes, which looks very different from Headwear in terms of how the votes are spread out. This is also by far the biggest category, so it's natural that the votes would be more evenly spread, but there are still a couple of clear favourites here, and none are more obvious than the number one, which is...
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The Orca Bolero! (33.7%)
That's right, a whole third of all votes included the Orca Bolero. I can't say I am that surprised, though, Toni Kensa has been one of the most popular brands ever since their introduction in the second game. Their stark black-and-white aesthetic actually mixes really well with the bright ink colors on display in turf wars, and they pull on a lot of real-life fashion trends I think really resonate with a lot of Splatoon's audience.
In second place, we actually have another shared spot, but it's a pretty steep drop compared to the Orca Bolero, all the way down to 26.1% each.
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The Annaki Choker Tee and the Patchwork Bomber!
Outside of the Pearlescent Hoodie, we don't get a lot of accessories in Splatoon, and I think this alone gives the Annaki Choker Tee a lot of appeal. The shirt itself isn't half bad either, with a slick Annaki logo over a really nice dusty red.
That said, I will admit I don't quite get the Patchwork Bomber. It's a real messy piece, mixing colors and materials in a way I can only describe as bold, but I have to imagine that's the point. If you voted for the Patchwork Bomber, please sound off in the comments! I'd love to hear why you like it so much.
Finally, let's take a look at Shoes! This is by far the most even category for the most part, but it has a couple of large standouts, including the single most popular gear piece in the entire season by an enormous margin...
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The Punk Pinks! (50%)
That's right, fifty percent. Half of all votes in the shoes category included the Punk Pinks. And I don't blame anyone, honestly. This is a new version of maybe the single most popular shoe model in the entire series, and they're pink! These were a surefire hit, and the results show.
The second place is behind with a whole ten votes, but it still holds a dominant position of its own in the category with a whopping 39.1%:
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The Pearl 01STERs!
These aren't my cup of tea, personally, but I absolutely understand why people like these. They're really big and bulky and overdesigned, and if you like that then these are perfect for you.
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After that, there is an enormous drop, all the way down to 23.9% with the Red Hammertreads. These are just some cool punk boots, with leather straps all over. I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten more of these yet, because with a name like "Red Hammertreads" it sure seems like they're setting it up.
And that's it for Drizzle Season 2022! Next up is Chill Season 2022, and we've not thankfully gotten to more manageable numbers of new apparel. So manageable in fact that going forward I can actually fit them into a tumblr poll, so stay tuned for that!
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