#thought i'd start with this guy since i said i'd do a look sheet type post for him since he has the more unique appearance out of the bunch
the-evil-lovable-simp · 11 months
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I tried…
You were writing a few more things down, for this game you've been helping to make. You were making a few changes and ideas but you were kinda hesitant about making this game, since, reporters have been saying people are going missing, of course they haven't said anything about it being the game but you sorta have a gut feeling since your work friend had disappeared. You looked down at your old work sheets you made before the game properly came out, some drawings, they were of caine that you designed, and you may or may not have made him look like your type of fictional man. So you kinda like him, what's the problem with that, it's not like he's real. You typed (Y/n) into the computer and then sighed and put your headset on, to look at some of the problems. You saw the circus, woah it's cool to feel like you're here, you looked down at your body. Yes! The character for you, you designed it in your own time at home......'Wait, what does my home look like?' you thought. Wait, what were you here for again, ah yes to look at problems, yes thats what you thought it was. And so you walked up to different objects and measured them, you put your hand on the wall expecting it to glitch through, but you touched it, you have no idea why it was a surprise to you but it was. You decided to shrug it off. You turned around and tried to run in a different direction but instead, you ran into someone, you looked up to see a purple Rabbit. You don't know why but you feel like he shouldn't be here, you grabbed his leg and started to measure it.
"Hey!!! What're you doing?" he asked angrily, this startled you and you scurried off to look at some textures, but you still have no idea why.
The group listened to Jax rant about what had just happened saying that the person had tools and a few buttons floating around them, but most of them didn't believe him.
"Are you saying there is a new human in the amazing digital circus already!" Caine said shocked, then they all turned to see the exact person Jax was talking about, they were walking somewhere with a pen and paper mumbling to themself, writing things down, and going around the corner.
"See!" Jax pointed at where this mysterious person had disappeared around the corner. This shocked everyone, but Pomni kinda felt like they knew them.
Pomni ran after them which shocked them even more.
"Pomni?" Ragatha questioned, and they all followed the tiny jester, to watch what was about to happen. Pomni ran towards this person and she didn't know why but felt the urge to shout,
"(Y/N)!!!!" someone behind you screamed, you didn't know why but you felt like they were talking to you. You turned, to see someone you thought you remembered.
"Po....P....." you couldn't remember. But you both ran to each other and you hugged her and span her around like a mother would a child, you grabbed her face.
"I never thought I'd see you again......whoever you are," you said to her. But then you noticed a group staring at you two, one of them being that rabbit from before, but one stuck out to you, some guy with teeth for a head, you locked eyes with him and stayed like that for a bit.
Caine felt a bit uncomfortable. Pomni waved her hand in front of your face.
"C....C-Caine?" you said flabbergasted.
"Uh, I-er," he cleared his throat, "Yes it is I, Caine your Ringmaster!" he stopped, "Wait how did you know that?" he looked down at you, feeling like he had seen you before or even heard your voice before. "Do I know you?" he put his hand to his chin.
You blushed feeling kinda flustered that he was just staring down at you.
"Welp, I can't remember" he made a goofy face with a bunch of sound effects coming from nowhere, this made you blush even more, you walked away and leaned on a wall, facing away from everyone, steam coming from your head.
"Oh my, are you alright my dear?" he asked a bit concerned.
You Collapsed on the floor, oh my god he called you his dear.
"Oh no," you heard some say, you got up.
"Oh my god, I can't believe it's you!" you said going up to him really close, well as close as you could because he was floating. He was quite shocked that you were this excited to see him.
"Don't worry I won't swear," you said batting your eyelashes, blushing more.
"Er...Yes, well...Good!" he said but then thought about how you knew about the swearing thing. He felt like he recognised your voice but he couldn't think where, he was staring at you.
You began to realise that you sounded really creepy.
"Erm, so sorry it just feels like I," you started to say,
"Know you from somewhere," you both said at the same time, you looked each other in the eyes for a few minutes, until you both looked away blushing.
The rest watched this play out, some were grossed out, some thought it was cute and Zooble didn't care.
I hope you like it, I think it’s a bit bad
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
nineteen | forelsket
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things didn't turn out so well when scaramouche got a flat tire whilst heading for the hotel, yet maybe, it turned out for the better.
warnings: swearing, just a blurb of scaramouche's lore (if you could even say that it's lore), me and my love for the only one bed trope, reverse comfort at the end i think, a lot of unnecessary scenes but probably still important to the plot
a/n: sorry for the late update... i keep procrastinating on this chapter lmao. this is pretty long since i'm posting once a week now, like around 4.5k words of complete garbage, but whatever, just think of this as a filler chapter i guess. happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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“you have got to be kidding me.”
“i'm sorry, there's really only one room left that is available, all of the other rooms are fully occupied by the students of snezhnaya university.”
scaramouche scoffed. “we are students of snezhnaya university.”
the hotel receptionist stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at him confusedly. “oh... you guys are um, students?” the woman scratched her head in confusion. “i had a thought that you two were in your late 20's... seems like i was wrong.”
she wasn't wrong. at all.
“are there seriously no rooms left except for that one?” you asked frustratingly, cutting off the previous subject.
the receptionist sighed. “i'm sure of it, though, i'd be more than happy to inform you if there were any changes.” she averted her gaze back to the computer screen.
“...fine. we'll take the room.” scaramouche said shortly after, making you quickly snap your head to him.
“you cannot be serious right now. no way in hell am i gonna share a room with you!” you whisper-shouted, tugging his shirt slightly.
the ravenette rolled his eyes. “it won't be that bad.”
the young woman gave the key card to scaramouche, and he mumbled out a thanks before heading for the elevator, along with his bag. you grumbled out a few curse words, but reluctantly followed suit.
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oh it was that bad.
“everyone's fucking with me today.” was all you said at the moment as you and scaramouche stood in the entrance of the hotel room, baffled at what you're witnessing right now.
one. stupid. bed.
things were already going bad when you two were held off from arriving to the hotel early because scaramouche got a flat tire on the way here. you never expected to actually share a bed with the guy you've always hated, multiple times at that, but here you were, once again.
scaramouche groaned, bringing up a hand to rub his face in annoyance. “i can't believe this is happening.”
“you're taking the floor.” you flatly announced, brushing past him to land yourself on the only bed in the room.
the ravenette stopped from his actions to glare at you. “w— why do i have to sleep on the floor?! i drove us here! what did you even contribute to this trip for you to get the bed?!” he argued, stomping to you.
“simple. i exist. i think that's enough contribution, to teyvat even.” you simpy replied, relishing in the comfort of the soft sheets.
“you–!” scaramouche tried arguing further, but no words fell out of his mouth. he only sighed as he walked off and started unpacking his stuff.
you stared at the ceiling. “you know, we can share the bed if you want.”
“and why should i do that?” he asked, stopping from his actions to look over at you.
you fixated your eyes on his indigo ones in return. “well, the bed's pretty big, and we can make a barrier like last time, it kinda worked.” you explained from your lying position on the bed.
scaramouche widened his eyes the moment you mentioned about the pillow barrier. the stupid makeshift barrier that absolutely did not work last week. you only think it worked because you were too busy sleeping like a log to even realize you were tangled up with the ravenette in bed, instead of the makeshift barrier separating you two.
he averted his eyes from you, focusing back on unpacking. “no thank you.”
“guess you're on the floor then.”
“sure, whatever.”
he'd rather sleep on the most uncomfortable place than to even have the same events possibly repeating again.
and he's afraid you might wake up this time.
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you groaned for the hundredth time.
“why the hell is he not picking up...” you stared at your phone screen as your friend, once again, left you on voicemail.
childe hasn't been in contact with you for over two weeks now. ever since the trial, you've never heard of childe updating you on any upcoming leads. if anything, childe was always the one who'd share the details to you first before anyone else, yet things left you dumbfounded as he never returns your calls now.
you've asked your other colleagues about it, well, signora to be specific. she only told you that childe's been going through a rough patch lately and that you should leave him be for some time, though he's still always present at the precint, which makes you even more clueless.
i'll try again later, you thought to yourself. he's fine, i'm sure he is.
“you wanna check out the hotel before it gets crowded?” scaramouche asked out of the blue, making you fixate your eyes on him from the bed.
you pondered on it for a moment before answering. “yeah, sure, who knows we might get new leads.”
standing up, you sauntered over with your phone in hand, scaramouche already waiting for you by the opened door.
“do you know what room yun jin and viktor are in?” he asked, holding the door for you.
“not sure, i haven't really asked her about it.” you said, eyeing the number on the door of your hotel room, 515, it read. “viktor's been kind of acting strange lately, so i don't really want to bother him.”
scaramouche hummed, taking the key card with him before closing the door. “what do you mean by that?” he asked, walking with you to the lift lobby.
“by what? viktor?”
“obviously i'm talking about him.”
you and scaramouche halted to a stop in the lobby.
“he's kind of been ignoring me for the past week, have no idea why.” you paused, pushing the down button beside the elevator. “i asked yun jin about it, but she told me it was normal of him to be like that sometimes, which is pretty weird.” you said, focusing your eyes on the number at the top of the elevator that's slowly coming to your floor.
the male beside you raised a brow. “you haven't confronted him about it?”
“of course i have, silly. um, tried at least. he's been avoiding me all the time, doesn't even sit with me in class now.”
the chiming sound of a ding can be heard, and the elevator door slowly opens.
“you don't even see him out of class?”
“see who?”
both you and scaramouche snapped your heads to the familiar voice. viktor and yun jin were in the elevator together, hands interlaced.
calling what you were witnessing right now weird would be an understatement. for the past few days, viktor has done nothing but avoid and ignore yun jin, yet here he was acting normal again, with his hand in hers. the tall man even had the slight audacity to speak up those two words in front of you, the other person he's been avoiding all week.
“oh, it's luna and ivan! where are you guys headed to?” yun jin beamed, walking out the elevator with viktor trailing behind.
you rubbed the nape of your neck, not expecting for them to appear right in front of you. “um, we were just gonna go to the car and get some stuff that we didn't manage to bring along.” you lied. “are you guys on this floor?”
yun jin smiled and nodded. “yup, room 516!”
“516?” scaramouche inquired. that's just right beside yours.
“yeah, it was one of the only rooms left, glad that we even managed to get one considering that we were kind of late.” yun jin said awkwardly, fidgeting her clothes.
you tugged scaramouche's sleeve lightly, making him look at you. the ravenette raised his brow, and you gestured your eyes to the elevator, a signal that you two should get going.
scaramouche nodded at you, looking back at the couple in front of him. “we really need to go, luna left her plush and didn't want it to be left alone in the car for far too long.” he made up an excuse, a dumb one at that, making you glare at him.
“a plushie? that's cute.” viktor said, chuckling along with yun jin.
you faked a smile, gritting your teeth. “well, ivan, we should go, now.” you said furiously, grabbing scaramouche's arm to drag him to the elevator.
“see you two soon!” yun jin grinned, waving at you two until the elevator doors closed.
letting out a scoff, you folded your arms and sent a death glare to scaramouche, in which he paid no mind to. “seriously? a plushie? i'm not a child.”
“it's fun seeing you get all embarrassed, sort of like entertainment for me.” the ravenette said, slightly smirking at the thought.
“it's not funny.”
“it– it kinda is.”
scaramouche was laughing now, much to your dismay. you tried suppressing the urge to not join him on this, but failed miserably when the male beside you snorted, completely falling into a fit of giggles at his actions.
“oh come on! you need to stop putting me in embarrassing situations!” you said while giggling, slapping his arm playfully while doing so.
“or what?” he teased, finally looking at you and leaning closer.
you stared into his indigo eyes in return. “well, i'll...” the words you intended to say died down momentarily as you both look into each others eyes, seemingly like time has stopped.
the distance between you two was long abandoned, face just inches away from each other. looking at scaramouche's flawless face in awe, your breath hitched just for a moment.
you can't remember the last time you were this close to scaramouche. was it when you were sick? was it the time when you both hid in a closet to not get caught? or was it during trial day when you fixed up scaramouche's tie? you really can't tell.
looks like this just adds to the many list of times you've ever been this close with the man you hated the most.
the elevator doors suddenly opens and out of instinct, you both jolt in shock and immediately turned away from each other, flustered by what just happened.
a small group of people, snezhnaya uni students you assumed, walked in the elevator, ignoring the way that you and scaramouche were standing awkwardly at the back. you rubbed the jawline of your face nervously and stared at the mirror beside you.
the elevator had mirrors on all sides except for the doors, so you could basically see what everyone is doing at the moment.
and, if you look a little more closely, you could see the faint crimson that's creeping up onto scaramouche's neck and ears, as much as he tries hiding it with his hands.
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“i'm not gonna lie, this venue is ginormous.” you said in awe, looking at the huge place that will hold the grad ball. presumably, you had thought that it'd be a bit smaller, but it seems like you were wrong in so many ways.
the venue was almost fully decorated— with lots of round tables, a big space in the middle (for the classic dance, you assumed), and buffet tables were already set up. some bits of other decorations like lightings, drapes, and a disco ball even, were being decorated by the organizers. though still on the works, the ballroom already looked dazzling.
“don't think we're even allowed to go here yet.” scaramouche commented, eyeing the red tape across the ballroom.
“how are we gonna know every corner of the ballroom then?”
the male beside you did not answer, making you glance at him. he had his signature smirk, and a very knowing look that only you could ever read.
“no, you're joking.”
his smirk only grew bigger at your sentence, and at this point, you might think he was smiling like an idiot instead.
and that's how you two ended up decorating the ballroom, disguised as the many other workers in the area.
“how the hell are you so sure we won't get caught?”
scaramouche looked at you, stopping himself from decorating the round table. he tilted his head to a direction, as if gesturing for you to look over at what he's pointing at. “see that dude?”
averting your gaze to a male a few feet away from you two, you nodded. “yeah, why?” you asked, looking at him warily. the man was sitting on one of the chairs, legs propped up on the table while he scrolled on his phone lazily.
“that's the head organizer.”
“why is he just... lazing around? shouldn't he be the one going back and forth to make everything look as perfect as possible?”
scaramouche hummed. “exactly. seeing how stupid that guy is, he probably couldn't care less if there were people sneaking around as 'workers', much less if there were more additional workers, probably makes him more at ease.”
“do you think we could sneak around and possibly get the files for the plans of the event?”
“he looks kind of clumsy to be honest.” you said, and as if to prove your sentence, the man suddenly fell to his butt on the floor, and quickly regained his composure to sit back on the chair embarrassingly. “it's gonna be easy getting those files, i assume.”
scaramouche shrugged, continuing on fixing up the round table to avoid suspicions. “sure, we'll try later.”
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and again, that's how you two ended up sneaking in the back of the ballroom, where you assumed the organisation's office is.
“isn't this kind of silly?”
“what is?” scaramouche asked, walking along the halls, careful not to make much noise.
“sneaking around, kind of feels like we're kids trying to avoid getting caught stealing cookies by our parents.”
the ravenette snorted. “that's a very specific description.” he said, scanning his eyes at a closed door of a room, reading the text on it to see if it was the office you two were looking for.
“isn't that basically what being a detective is? sneaking around to get evidence, secretly go on many undercover duties and disappear to months end?”
you looked at him. “well, yeah, but it's pretty funny if you think about it. two grown adults, sneaking around people, going all out just to get some promising leads, it really just reminds me of my childhood days. isn't it the same for you?”
scaramouche was surprisingly silent upon hearing your question, not even taking his eyes off the door he was inspecting just now. you looked at him, puzzled, and nudged his shoulder.
“dude, you okay?”
it took a moment for scaramouche to finally move. “i'm fine.” he mumbled, already heading off to the next location, leaving you behind.
you stared at his figure, confused as to why he's suddenly changed his demeanor and did a whole 180. did you say something that bugged him?
“found it.” scaramouche said, pointing at a closed room ahead of you. he looked at you across the hall, one hand shoved in the pocket of his pants.
you smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, walking over to him.
you've already reminded yourself to ask him about it later on. for now though, you'll have to focus on your plan.
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“for a klutzy guy, he sure is pretty organised with the files.” you said, flipping through the files in one of the steel cabinets.
you two have been in the room for about ten minutes now, and much to your displease, you have yet to find the file you were looking for.
scaramouche rummaged through the files on the desk, letting out another curse when the files on there were pretty much useless.
“i don't think we'll find anything here.”
“this is stupid, we should just head back.” scaramouche muttered, heading over to the door. he stopped abruptly when he heard footsteps from outside, quickly turning around to face you. “someone's coming.”
you widened your eyes, and frantically searched for a place to hide. the room wasn't that big, with only a small number of cabinets filled with files, so there were technically zero spots to hide.
out of nowhere, scaramouche took your hand in his and dragged you under an old desk at the corner of the room, secluded from the open space. if someone were to stumble inside the office, they won't be able to notice the two of you hiding under the old desk, lest they went further in the room, in which you silently prayed it won't be the latter.
it's pretty tight space, but it was still able to fit in the two of you, even though you were squished up with scaramouche. you looked at the ravenette, but he avoided your gaze, opting to look out on the person coming inside instead.
the door opened, and a voice popped up. “is the ball really going to go smoothly, boss? i feel like we're still missing a few things for the event.”
“don't worry, everything's perfectly fine. it's not like we haven't done this a hundred of times before, and who cares if we miss out on a few stuff? it's not gonna affect the event.” another voice said, footsteps walking in the room.
the other cleared their throat. “what about that spotlight? i heard there were a few screws loose, and the workers didn't manage to find them.”
the sound of a file being landed harshly on the desk echoed throughout the room. “who the hell cares?! we already don't get paid enough for this shit, i couldn't care less about some stupid screws being loose or a backdrop being slightly off, as long as you get the job done we are out of the responsibility.”
“hurry up and go home, i don't want to be here any longer.”
soon after, the footsteps slowly fade out, and the door closed once more.
you let out a breath of relief the second they left, and looked at scaramouche again. he still had his eyes on the door, not even budging to move from the uncomfortable space.
“they're gone. we can go now.”
scaramouche finally looked at you after what felt like decades. “oh.”
getting out from under the old desk, you stretched out your limbs, the ravenette awkwardly followed you after.
“don't think that file was there before.” he said after a moment of scanning through the room, sauntering over to the desk in the middle of the room. “y/n.”
you glanced at him, bringing down your hands from the stretch you were doing. “what?”
“it's the file we're looking for.”
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it was well past 9, you and scaramouche were back in your hotel room sitting on the provided chairs, with your laptop propped up on the small round table showing the pictures you took of the event planning from the file.
“it just looks like any other planning i've seen before.” you said while slurping on the instant noodle cup you made a few minutes ago. given how you and scaramouche were too busy sneaking around the hotel until late evening, you two didn't even manage to get proper dinner by the time you were done.
“there's no use in wasting our time on this if it's useless then.”
you squinted your eyes to look at the planning details better, reading on and on about backdrops, lighting timings, and whatnot. it was all useless, just like what scaramouche had said just now.
letting out a huff, you leaned back on the chair. “let's just wait until tomorrow. we still have time before the grad ball starts.” you glanced at scaramouche. he has been zoning out a lot recently, and it was no doubt that he was doing the exact same thing right now.
“are you tired?” you nudged his shoulder.
scaramouche slowly looked at you, face blank. “huh? why? are you?”
“stop twisting the question around, i'm asking about you.” you pressed, a frown plastered on your face. “you look tired.”
“i'm fine.”
“no you're not.”
now scaramouche was the one frowning instead, glaring at you furiously. “if i say that i'm fine, then i am fine.” he slammed his hands on the table as he stood up, walking away, making you more puzzled than you already were.
sighing, you closed the laptop on the table. guess there's no use in pushing him on the subject, you thought as you continued on finishing your food.
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“you sure you don't want to sleep on the bed? there's still plenty of space here.” you asked, looking at him lying on the carpeted floor from the bed you were sitting on. “i feel bad.”
scaramouche had his back to you, so you weren't able to see what expression he was making as of now. “it's fine. hog the bed all you want, i'm not going up there.”
you raised a brow, but didn't question any further. “okay, just tell me if you wanna get up here. i don't mind sharing.”
the ravenette only replied with a hum as you got under the covers, getting ready to finally sleep after a long day of sneaking around.
except that you couldn't sleep at all.
it's around midnight— you think. it had been a few hours since you got into bed, but you haven't even managed to get a wink of sleep. scaramouche was sound asleep now, his soft snores can be heard if you listen close enough.
groaning, you turned to the other side of the bed in hopes of the new sleeping position helping you enter dreamland faster, but to no avail. you groaned in frustration once more.
“you should really stop doing that.” scaramouche said from the floor, voice husky from just waking up.
you propped yourself up with your elbow, and turned to look at scaramouche. “'m sorry, did i wake you?”
scaramouche slowly sat up, raking a hand through his bed hair. “it's fine.” he said, rubbing his eyes. “why're you still awake?”
“couldn't sleep.” you mumbled through the dark room, laying back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. “been like that for the last couple of weeks.”
the ravenette raised his brow, but it went unnoticed by you. hearing the sound of rustling, you turned your head to the side, just to see that scaramouche had placed his pillow on the bed.
he sat at the edge of the bed, looking at you. “you okay?”
you scoffed. how ironic, you thought. he was the one who's been odd the whole day, yet he was asking you if you were okay, when he should be asking himself that.
“i could ask you the same question.”
at that, scaramouche fell silent. you turned your head back to continue on staring at the ceiling, again, in hopes that it'd bore you out to the point that you're asleep. unfortunately, the archons above really, really hates you.
you heard the sound of rustling sheets once again, and you turned to look at scaramouche, who was now suddenly under the covers, his back to you. “thought you said you didn't want to be up here.”
“you look like you needed company.”
you looked at him confusedly. at the lack of an answer from you, scaramouche huffed and turned to you. it was dark, you could barely make up most of the view in the room, but it was still enough to see the male beside you up close.
“i can sleep just well without you here.”
“sure you can.”
“wh– of course i can!”
scaramouche only shrugged, continuing on staring at you with a fond expression on his face. “what's on your mind?”
“...what d'ya mean?”
rolling his eyes, he brought up a finger to poke at your temple a couple of times, as if to further prove his question. “what's stopping this mind from resting?”
“ugh, stop that.” you swatted his hand away, though not harsh enough like you always do. “was just thinking about you.” you blurted out, making the ravenette widened his eyes.
scaramouche barely believes in the archons, yet he fervently thanks celestial above for the dark room, for you wouldn't get to see how red he's getting from just a single sentence.
eyes wide, you quickly fumbled for an excuse. “n–not in that way! i was just thinking about how you were kind of quiet the whole evening.” you said awkwardly, fidgeting the hem of your shirt. “did i say or do anything?”
“...no, you didn't do anything.”
“then why have you been acting weird today?”
scaramouche looked away from you, sighing. “it's just... when you mentioned about childhood, it just reminded me of mine.” he muttered.
from the years you've known scaramouche, he has never, ever, talked about his family background. you never questioned why, afraid that you were crossing boundaries. now that he's willing to even mention about it, you were shocked to say the least, but stayed quiet nonetheless.
“i didn't respond to your question because i... never experienced any of those stuff.” he paused, glancing at you. “my mother, she, abandoned me when i was little.”
“oh archons, i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have asked that.” you said, scratching your head.
“it's fine. it's been decades now, i rarely care that much anymore.” he let out a breath of a chuckle, somehow amused. “it just hit home when you talked about childhood.”
you stared at him for a long while, and he did the same to you. sighing, you went closer to him and pulled him into an embrace, leaving the ravenette in complete shock.
“you're a strong guy, i'm sorry all those shit happened to you.” you mumbled, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. scaramouche hovered his hand over your hip for a moment, before reluctantly wrapping an arm around your waist, relishing in the comfort you're willingly giving him.
scaramouche is anything but strong. he had always thought that he was the most weakest among all, yet you make it seem like he was far from fragile, which is ironic, truly. you've always made him feel like a different person, you always never fail to make him feel alive, make him feel like his emotions matter, make him feel important.
it was one of your greatest qualities. you always bring out the best out of someone, and never ask for anything in return. you've made him feel things he never even thought he had, and you've made him feel like he was a perfect human being, despite the many flaws and imperfections of his.
for the last couple of months, your efforts for him only grew bigger. in spite of you two not being able to stand each other, you never stopped making him feel like human. and for the past few weeks, his views of you have changed very differently.
he never thought of himself being in love, just the thought of those four letters make him gag. but with you, he thinks, anything is possible. and after many sleepless nights of being in thought, he has now come to terms at this moment that maybe, just maybe, he has the slightest feelings for you.
it's not something he'd ever tell you of course, and he has never planned on doing so in the future, afraid that he might ruin what you two currently have. he has come a long way with you, from not able to stand being in the same room together, all the way to you being in his arms right now. he does not think it's worth the risk of ruining whatever the hell you two are at the moment.
he sighed after what felt like forever, and hugged you more tightly. “thank you, y/n.”
no response.
he looked down, just to see that you were sound asleep, in his arms. he smiled fondly after a few seconds, brushing your hair just a bit. you looked so peaceful right now, and he slightly missed this view of you.
he wishes he could see you like this every day, every morning, and every single night, but then again, he does not feel like you'd reciprocate his feelings anyways.
he sighed again, bringing you more closer than before.
looks like you do need company to sleep better.
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forelsket. from: norwegian. means: that overwhelming gut-rush euphoria exclusive to the beginnings of falling in love. (please correct me if i'm wrong lmao i got this from google)
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fox-glove · 10 months
I have been far from home for too long that I got excited changing the sheets because looking at my bed empty made me feel like I was leaving. But, once this ends and I leave from here it'll be another funny failure. Whisking myself away again didn't fix anything. No change in state, no change in country can stitch together all these wide sparing gaps I don't have names for.
My hot water hasn't worked since last week. I could deal with it only if it were a few degrees warmer. It spits out pretty icy and the window in my bathroom never closes so I don't really see the point in trying to use it. Everyone who lives with me has somewhere else to shower. My roommate who I share a room with is showering in the bathroom that belongs to the girls upstairs. If this had happened earlier, I think she would've asked them too for my sake to shower too. I told her I didn't want to talk to the girls upstairs last week so I think she's sticking to what I've said. Something about the whole thing is so humiliating. I've been washing my hair with water from the stove in a dull grey pot. There's this horrible run I do straight to the bathroom with the pot so I can start washing it before it gets too cold. It's like I'm about to topple over with the whole thing shooting into the hall. Since I don't own any hand towels, I've been using a Cat Naruto T-Shirt that my mom probably bought for my younger brother and it didn't fit. Sponge bathing with a Naruto t shirt and they wonder why this Era has a particularly hard time making people believe their status as adults
I hear the words come out of my mouth and they sound so posture and strange to everyone. Walking home one night, I described this phenomenon as "Pull string, insert sarcasm." When I'm drunk I can understand every person who's ever disliked me. It's like suddenly they get every ounce of sympathy I've ever guarded from them. Even sitting in a room drunk and alone I'm in there position. It's like this dinner I went to with a guy I didn't know who hated me at the time. It was him, a good friend, my best friend and me. We were in this polish place in my college town that only sells two types of dumplings, potato and beef, and alcohol. Sitting at these high-top tables, picking around the dumplings, I had started talking. Honestly I can't remeber what it was about anymore. Not remembering really reflects on the probable content of what I was saying because I usually remember serious or interesting conversations very well. What I was probably doing was talking just to talk. The restaurant, which was more of a bar, was pretty packed and sometimes I just catch myself on such a wind when no one else is making conversation. Halfway through, the guy got up and left while I was talking without saying much. I didn't really care he had gone but my friends I was with were trying to put together what happened. I found out only later that he couldn't stand me enough to sit in front of me. He was so sickened by me that he had to leave, he later explained. When I got into a similar skirmish with a guy I live with and he screamed his head off at me in our stairwell while I was drunk, I had a bigger reaction. I bought some candy from a convience store, lit lit a cigarette and put it out on my ankle like any well adjusted 20 year old. I also purchased my first vape. I think was cherry blossom flavored, definitely Lost Mary which I'd never really seen before. I threw it away two days later because I drank half a bottle of absolut vodka and kept blowing the vape smoke straight into the smoke detector in the bathroom at 1:40 AM because I thought it wouldn't work. Just a note, my roommate who hates me wasn't home and I swear this was out of character. My dad has this saying he's probably ripped from somewhere, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." I've thought about it frequently since I've spent the last few months being a bit unpopular. I don't know if that's true. Everyone likes to think that they're the one off-chance for everything. I came to another country because I thought that there was a reality I'd be happier to live in. I spent 18 years stewing, two years leaving, and none of it really means anything.
I have tried to articulate this before, how I feel for people but I wish I felt more, how I think about my own life but it doesn't feel real to me. I think there is such beauty in emotion, feeling a real, tangible anguish or heavy joy. I envy everyone. I am so, so jealous.
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shadowofroses · 2 years
Muzan's Daughter Discarded Chapter.
Demon Slayer
No Pairing
Warnings: violence, Itsukai, reference to eating Animals, AFAB Reader, Muzan's Daughter Reader, Tsuzumi Mansion Arc
Originally followed Chapter 2, but doesn't anymore.
Summery Note: I apparently combined two chapters and I do not know where the third ends and forth begins. Originally I had the reader travel under a black sheet which I changed to in the box, but this was already typed out so I figured I'd at least post it for thought processes.
Discarded chapter:
As the three of you set off, Tanjiro asked you a ton of questions. More on the innocent side than anything. Favorite colors, foods, what you were like as a human. He avoided any actual demon conversations. 
As the two of you passed some fields, Tanjiro’s crow descended, “SOUTH-SOUTHEAST SOUTH-SOUTHEAST YOUR NEXT LOCATION IS SOUTH-SOUTHEAST!” 
You felt like a little bit of your soul died. You knew the crows were loud, but you were unsure of the extent. “I got it! I got it! Could you quiet down a bit please?” Tanjiro questioned
“CAW!~” a dignified scream came from the said bird. 
The scream startled the crow into Tanjiro’s arms as his eyes widened. 
You paused, Zenitsu…shit… 
“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MARRY ME!” You both sweatdropped watching the blond haired Demon Slayer grapple onto a poor girl. “I DON’T KNOW WHEN I’LL DIE SO I WANT YOU TO MARRY ME PLEASE!~”
“What…the…” you heard Tanjiro mutter.
A sparrow flew at him aggressively. “CHIRP CHIRP CHIIIIIIIRP~”
You blinked as Tanjiro nodded in response. “Okay! I get it! I’ll do something!”
“CHIRP!~” The bird landed in his hand, as if excited that someone could finally understand it. 
Tanjiro rushed over to Zenitsu, you didn’t even need to see to know what was happening. He grabbed hold of Zenitsu’s Haori, “What are you doing in the middle of the Road?! Can’t you see that this girl doesn’t like it? And quit upsetting your sparrow!”
“HUH?! You’re that guy from Final Selection?!”
Tanjiro however ignored him, and he promptly bowed to the girl. “Everything is fine now, you can go home.”
“Thank you” She bowed in response. 
Zenitsu however looked like he was cock blocked to the highest degree. “HEY! THAT GIRL LIKES ME!! SHE’S GONNA MARRY ME!”
The Slap you heard made your soul die a little more both for Zenitsu, and second hand embarrassment. “CALM DOWN!” You heard Tanjiro pull the girl off of Zenitsu, 
“You….you didn’t come over because you thought you might like me?”  Oh kami he was crying. 
You rubbed your head, wanting to tell him he wouldn’t die, and that he was stronger than he thought he was. However you let Tanjiro deal with introductions, “What’s with all this help me stuff, didn’t you become a Swordsman to fight demons?”
“SAYS THE ONE TRAVELING WITH AN OBVIOUS DEMON!” Zenitsu pointed at you, “Kinda obvious with the sheet and all.” He deadpanned. “Also, Don’t be so mean! A woman tricked me and put me into deep debt, and my trainer was an old man who took on that debt, and forced me through training so bad that I wanted to die, and thought I’d die at final selection but I was unlucky and don’t know how I survived and the rest of my life will be a hell!”  He started to roll on the floor. 
This time since he pointed you out, you sighed, “Boyo, you’re not going to die, you’re stronger than you think. Quit your crying, it’s unbecoming of a young man such as yourself.” You deadpanned as he cried more. 
Tanjiro sweatdropped, “I don’t think that helped…” Tanjiro offered him a Onigiri, “Here, have my last onigiri.”
“Oh…Thank you, You must be hungry too,…” 
Tanjiro looked pained as he attempted to lie, “I’m fine…”  Zenitsu heard his stomach growl before ripping it in half and handing it to him. Tanjiro gave him a heartfelt smile, as Zenitsu felt cotton around his head. Tanjiro grabbed your hand through the cloth and started to walk you forward. “I understand how you feel, but you shouldn’t upset your sparrow.”
“Huh? How do you know?” Zenitsu looked at him with full blown curiosity. 
“Well, it said you’re always like this, so it doesn’t rush you off to a mission. Bothering girls, and you snore really loud.” 
“CHIRP!” You heard the bird exclaim proudly. 
“TALKING YOU UNDERSTAND BIRD LANGUAGE NO FUCKING WAY YOU’RE PULLING MY LEG!” Zenitsu seemed to have one volume with disbelief. 
“CAW! QUICKLY! TANJIRO! ZENITSU! RUN!” Tanjiro’s crow called out. 
You deadpanned again, as the three of you started taking off to the South-southeast.  “Crows are highly intelligent birds known for mimicking human speech, what are you on about?” 
“SO…uh Tanjiro…why…are you traveling with uh…” Zenitsu questioned trying to take his mind off of the upcoming mission and talking birds. 
“Long Story.”
You smiled, though no one could see it. “Extremely long and almost unbelievable story that will wait for after the mission.” Zenitsu tilted his head at you, as you all finally reached the Mansion. 
Tanjiro frowned, “I smell blood…and something else…”
“Huh? I don’t know about smell but i hear something  are we going to work together on this?” Zenitsu mirrored Tanjiro’s reaction. 
You tapped the boys on the shoulder inadvertently scaring Zenitsu. “Sorry…a couple of kids are over by the trees.” Granted you didn’t see them, but you could hear them being scared in the distance. 
You let the two of them walk over to the children to talk to them as you continued to look up in the direction of the window, knowing a man was going to be thrown out of it. Could you save him riskin the sheet from coming off and the sun hitting you?
After a while you heard the cue, “It’s…like a Tsuzumi….” From Zenitsu. 
Instead of trying to jump up, you readied yourself to catch the body that flew out of the second story window. “Sir! Are you okay?!” You called out catching him effortlessly, causing the kids to look at you in awe. “Shit he’s bleeding too much…”
Tanjiro rushed over, “His wounds are too deep…” 
“Although I got out….Am I going to die…” You heard the man take his last breath. 
It seems that no matter how hard you try there are just some things you couldn’t change. 
A roar broke forth from the mansion, as the kids verified that it was not their brother. Tanjiro called out your name, “Zenitsu! Let's go!”
You frowned as Zenitsu rejected the idea, but you piped up, “as much as I’d love to, I don’t want to risk accidentally falling out, or being thrown out of the window without being covered.” You stated knowing the situation. 
“I understand.” Tanjiro nodded to you, handing you Nezuko’s box. But Tanjiro was downright cold to Zenitsu.
“Why are you looking at me with such disdain and pity! Almost like I’m not here at all! I’ll go I’ll gooooo!~” 
“I don’t want to force you to do anything…”  Tanjiro growled. 
Tanjiro walked you and the box over to the kids. “Hey, while I’m gone, stay close to the box and this lady. They will protect you if anything happens. Okay?” The kids stared at you and the box, obviously scared shitless. How is a cloaked person and a box going to protect a couple of children? They obviously thought, as the two Demon Slayers headed into the mansion. 
You heard Nezuko claw at the box, and you went to say something to her, however the kids freaked out and took off into the mansion. You sighed, “Well, they will be fine, it’ll just be me and you Nezuko, it’s still light out so don’t come out yet darlin.” You responded to her clawing with fondness. 
You heard a small hum. You didn’t really know what to do to pass the time. 
“The situation is inside there are three demons. One was luring in Marechi’s to eat to get stronger, however that also lured a couple more into his terf to get the said blood. Because people with Marechi blood are like eating a hundred humans. The one luring used to be a Twelve Kizuki and uses Tsuzumi’s to change the rooms around. Tanjiro will be able to dispose of it. There is a Demon with a long tongue that Zenitsu will dispose of, but he won’t remember cause he’ll be knocked out, and there will be another Demon Slayer that is rather…Boarish to say the least. Very uncouth and he’ll deal with the other demon, but he will also attack Zenitsu and attempt to go after you while in the box. His name is Inosuke, but he’s a charming boy in his own way.” You paused realizing she was probably confused as to how you knew all of this, “as I told Zenitsu, I’ll explain how I know stuff once we get to the Wisteria house…well I didn’t tell him that but I said I would explain after this Mission. I don’t need to be unloading too much information onto you.” You stated, patting her box like you would have patted her head. “I don’t know the cue for when Zenitsu and Shoichi will fall out of the window, so I might not get to them in time. Which means Zenitsu will hit his head pretty hard. Unless I go over there to prepare, you’ll be fine right here as I will keep my eyes on you.”
You nodded to yourself realizing that would be the better course of action. Walking over to the area where they would fall, you stood there, waiting. You didn’t need to risk the sun by jumping into the air, you could catch the two. 
You paused hearing a lot of Tsuzumi strikes consecutively. Tanjiro must be fighting Kyogai. You looked up sharply and saw a mass of yellow fly out of the window. “ZENITSU!” You called out bracing yourself as you caught the two boys. Zenitsu was holding Shoichi tight to his chest. You smiled at that. 
Zenitsu’s eyes widened realizing he was in your arms. His heart was pounding. Shoichi looked up at you confused. “You…caught us?” 
You nodded, though they couldn’t see it. “I didn’t want to risk anyone falling out and cracking their head open. Some injuries you guys can’t afford to have.” Although Zenitsu couldn’t see you, he felt as if Cotton was floating around his head. 
But regardless Zenitsu panicked, “BUT YOU’RE A DEMON!!” Holding Shoichi closer.
You deadpanned, “I know…But here I am.” You lowered the boys to the ground, “I did say I would explain things after the mission, but I’ll wait longer. Short story for the little one here. I’m a demon, but I don’t want to eat you. You don’t have to believe me, but I did just save you two.” You knew Shoichi was panicking, and so did Zenitsu. “I’m not going to lie about who I am, there is no point. You don’t need to believe me, nor do you need to trust me. I’d rather you didn’t. For if you trust me, you might trust the wrong demons in the future, and end up dead.”
Zenitsu paused looking up at you. He couldn’t hear any lies in what you said. “I believe you.” He responded. You smiled from underneath the sheet. 
“BOAR RUSH! COMING THROUGH!~” You heard a yell. 
your head shot up as did the other boys, “Fuck…” You ran straight over to Nezuko’s box confusing Zenitsu for a moment, before he recalled that the box was important to Tanjiro.
“I sense Demons!” You heard Inosuke cry out. Zenitsu’s eyes widened in realization and as you threw yourself over Nezuko’s box, Zenitsu threw himself in front of you two. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING THOSE TWO ARE DEMONS!”
“You will not harm them! The box is important to Tanjiro, and she is defending it, therefore I’ll defend her!” 
“THERE IS A DEMON IN THE BOX! Are you stupid?!”
“OF COURSE I KNOW! I’VE KNOWN FROM THE START!” you heard Zenitsu screech from beside you.  “I intend to ask Tanjiro why he is traveling with two demons, but until then You will not touch them!” 
“FIGHT ME!” Inosuke kicked Zenitsu, which made your blood boil. “DRAW YOUR SWORD AND FIGHT ME!” 
You went to get up and risk the sun, but Zenitsu tightly covered you from behind causing you to hold onto the box tightly. 
“FIGHT ME!” Inosuke kicked him in the jaw causing the three of you to fly. “You talk tough but you didn’t draw your sword! If you’re in the Demon Slayer Corps then you should show me how you fight! OR I’ll skewer the three of you!”
Inosuke went to raise his sword, you tried to push Zenitsu away without thinking. Heat of the moment you weren’t sure of what all would happen since you were traveling with them. However Zenitsu had an extremely firm grip. “I protected it Tanjiro…you said it was more important than your life…”  You heard Zenitsu cough out. 
“STOP!” You heard Tanjiro scream out, as he rushed forward and punched Inosuke in the ribs, hearing the cracks as he launched Inosuke off of you two. “Aren’t you in the Demon Slayer Corps?!”
“HE JUST BROKE HIS RIBS!”  Zenitsu screamed out. 
You winced from his scream, “Just his ribs, he’ll be fine….please can I get out of your hold?” He held on tighter, “You can hold the box please just let me gooooo~” you whined. But the Blond was too entranced by Tanjiro and Inosuke. 
“Do you really get into deadly fights for fun? Are you really such a coward?!” Your eyes widened as you saw the veins show on Tanjiro. He was pissed off and it scared you. The three kids took their moment to run over to You and Zenitsu, hiding behind the two of you.
Inosuke only started to laugh. “Is that your problem? Fine, we'll fight barehanded!” As if that solved everything. 
That took Tanjiro off balance, “I don’t think you understand! It’s wrong for members of the corps to fight each other at all! It doesn’t matter if it’s barehanded!”
Inosuke continued with his attack on Tanjiro. You tilted your head listening as Zenitsu finally pulled away from you holding a cloth that Shoichi gave him. Suddenly you heard Inosuke laughed, yelling out how awesome he was. 
“Stop doing that, you have broken ribs! You’ll make yourself worse!” Tanjiro yelled out, worried for the boy. 
“I don’t care! All that matters is the pleasure of this moment!” 
“CALM DOWN! THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE TOO!” With that a wicked crack sounded through the air causing you to wince. 
“WAAAAAH THAT SOUND DID THEY CRACK THEIR SKULLS?!” Zenitsu cried out from the thought. The sound of the mask falling off and hitting the ground noted the cue.  “A GIRL?! THAT FACE!”
You shot up, “Zenitsu!  Don’t be rude!” 
“It is not!” You growled out. 
“What?! You got a problem with my face?!” 
Tanjiro then took a stance, “I have no problem with your face! It is fair complexion and attractive therefore desirable!”
You tilted your head in thought, “not wrong…”
Zenitsu looked at you, “How would you know? You have a sheet over your head.” 
“NOPE! I won’t fight you anymore!”
“No! Let's all sit down, are you alright?” You were in awe of how caring Tanjiro was towards the boy. 
“Listen Forehead! I am Inosuke Hashibira! Remember it!” 
“How do you write that?!” Tanjiro cried back with as much ferocity as Inosuke. Confusing the kids and Zenitsu with randomness. You only lightly giggled. 
“Uh…write? I Can’t read or write, it’s written on my loincloth though……”
Which begged to question as Inosuke froze up. How did he know it was on his loincloth if he couldn’t read?
“He…stopped?” Shoichi blinked. 
Inosuke fell to the ground and Zenitsu cried out, “IS HE DEAD?! IS HE DEAD?!” Using the chance to hide behind the little girl. 
Tanjiro being one of the only calm people, “No, probably has a concussion. I gave him a pretty good headbutt.”
You nodded, “He’ll be fine. Can you two give me your Haori’s?”  You stood up to walk over to Inosuke. Tanjiro nodded and handed his over to you as you folded it and placed it under Inosuke’s head. 
“Why are you comforting him?! He tried to kill you! Us!” Zenitsu cried out but not before he gave you his Haori as well. 
You tilted your head in thought as you covered Inosuke up with it. “There is enough chaos and confusion in the world. It needs more kindness, perhaps it helps them open up and be kind in return.”
Tanjiro smiled softly, “Agreed. Now…” Tanjiro looked to the building, “we should go and bury the dead.” 
You smiled back, “You take a rest Tanjiro you’re injured, I’ll bring out the dead now that there is no risk of me falling out of a window into the sunlight.”
Tanjiro vehemothly shook his head, “No! We can all go! I mean the kids can stay, but we can do this together, get it done quicker!” 
“I don’t want to go near dead bodies!” Zenitsu cried. 
You and Tanjiro deadpanned, “Boyo, the dead can’t hurt you…” you told him, you picked up Zenitsu through your sheet and walked into the mansion. Once in you placed him down and you raised the sheet to show your face so you could look around and not have to sniff out blood. 
“WAAAAH COME ON~” Zenitsu cried out your name, “have a heart~”
You smiled, “just think of the implications of what you just said Zenitsu. One I’m a demon, so if I have a heart that means me taking a physical one to eat.” The boy paled. “While emotions are a little more of a tricky matter, we do feel the more extreme of things, hatred, lust excetra, caring and love is usually out of bounds.”
You stopped at. Room with three bodies in it, and Zenitsu looked at you, and he gasped, “You’re beautiful!”
You blinked, “Uh thanks? But highly inappropriate with the surrounding dead bodies!” Zenitsu blushed as you recovered your head from the awkwardness. You sniffed and picked up a body, “can you put another body in my arms, and you can carry that one out?” 
Zenitsu nodded as he did so, “So uh…Miss, you said you’d explain after the mission?” He questioned as he picked up the third body and you went to follow him out of the mansion. 
“Hm…Not right now, considering I still have things to tell Tanjiro as well, and we should focus on burrying the dead so that they don’t attract more demons. But I will explain everything to the best of my ability.”
Zenitsu nodded, “Alright.” 
You however tilted your head curious about Zenitsu and why he trusted you. But you partially knew it was because you were traveling with Tanjiro and that he was a kind hearted boy. Tanjiro and the kids had started digging up dirt, and the three of you laid the bodies down, and you an Zenitsu went to assist for the last one before going to get more bodies. 
You tilted your head to Tanjiro, “Hey Tanjiro…can you let me know when the sun goes down or once we descend the mountain? Would be nice to take this sheet off for a bit.”
Tanjiro smiled, “Of course!” He picked up a rock with the kids to lay it on the mounds as Inosuke woke up jumping up startling Zenitsu. 
“HE’S BACK UP!” Zenitsu cried out moving to run behind you and not the little girl this time. 
“COME ON BRING IT!” Inosuke went to chase after him, but paused at the scene ahead of him. “What are you guys doing?” 
Tanjiro looked over, “we’re laying the dead to rest. Could you help us Inosuke? There is still a dead body in the mansion.”
“What is the point of burying a living things corpse? I won’t do that! Fight me instead!” 
“Oh…I see your wounds are too painful, so you can’t help…” you blinked hering how sincere Tanjiro spoke. “That’s alright everyone’s pain threshold is different! Carrying dead people out of a mansion and digging a hole is really hard, but we’ll work hard with the kids so that you can rest Inosuke don’t worry!” 
You were confused. Tanjiro had a hard time lying, so was this weaving a story with a lie and….you were confused. This kid had a great mind when it came to inadvertantly manipulating people; it scared you.
“DON’T MOCK ME I CAN BURY A HUNDRED NO TWO HUNDRED BODIES! MORE THAN ANYONE!” Inosuke ran straight off into the mansion. 
You blinked turning to Tanjiro’s direction. “I could have gone in again…”
Tanjiro only smiled at you. “Nah, slight payback for trying to attack you guys, he’ll be fine.” You snorted in response. 
Once the final body was burried Inosuke was slamming his head against a tree, while Tanjiro’s crow announced for you all to descend the mountain. 
Zenitsu threw a fit over having to leave Shoichi behind. Causing Tanjiro to knock him out.  Tanjiro’s crow coughed up a charm bag, both you and Tanjiros noses twitched at it. But yours for a reason. “A DEMON WARD FOR THE MARECHI! KEEP IT ON YOUR PERSON!”
“Smells like Wisteria.” Tanjiro commented. 
“Yup.” You responded not feeling too comfortable being around it, and the scent burnt your nose a little.
One of the kids grabbed it and took it over to you, “DOES IT REPEL YOU?!” Shoving it into your face. It seemed more like an allergy to you. 
Tanjiro sweat dropped and went to pull the girl away from you. “That’s rude!”
“I Don’t feel too comfortable around it, makes me want to go away.” You took a step back before you sneezed. “Then again I think I had an Allergy to Wisteria when I was human too….so hard to say…”
The kids looked up at you wide eyed along with Tanjiro. Everyone split up and Tanjiro was going to pick up Zenitsu, Granted you couldn’t see this, you stepped forward, “Help me get Zenitsu on my back please.”
Tanjiro glanced at you, “I could carry him !” 
You tilted your head, “You’re already carrying a lot, I’m more than capable.”
“Oh, if you’re certain then!” 
“I insist!” You almost felt like you had the stubbornness of Rengoku for the moment. You kneeled and Tanjiro helped position Zenitsu onto your back. “Thank you Tanjiro~”
“No problem! The Sun should be down soon.” The three of you started to walk following Tanjiro’s crow down the mountain. “Did you grow up in the mountains too, Inosuke?” 
“I’M NOTHING LIKE YOU! I have parents, siblings too! My only pleasure is to match my strength against others!” 
“Oh…that’s sad…” Tanjiro sheded a tear for him. 
“I fought a Demon Slayer, won, took his sword, then I found out about Final Selection and I got into the Corps easy! You better keep an eye open, cause when I spot an opening I’m gonna take you down!”
“I’M KAMADO TANJIRO!”  You were always confused as to what prompted this introduction. 
“Okay Kamaboko Gonpchiro I’mma beat you!” Inosuke announced flexing his muscles with pride. 
“WHO THE HECK IS THAT?!” Tanjiro cried out his eyes almost buldging. 
“IT’S SOMEONE ELSE!” Tanjiro exclaimed. 
“WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!” Zenitsu screeched from your back at them causing you to wince. Zenitsu noticed and felt bad. “Sorry…my head hurts…”
You blinked, “No worries, mine hurts now too…”
“Oh yeah! The Sun is down!” Tanjiro exclaimed, as you helped Zenitsu back to the ground and you took the sheet off of yourself and rolling it up in your arms. “Are you okay to walk Zenitsu?” Tanjiro asked him and he nodded in response, Inosuke barely giving you a glance as you all finally reached the Wisteria House. 
An older woman came to the door “Hello?” She looked each and every person over, giving you a long look. 
“YIKES! Sorry to arrive so late!” Tanjiro looked towards the woman with the utmost kindness. 
“A GHOST ITS A GHOST”! A part of your soul died at Zenitsu’s screech. 
“KNOCK IT OFF!” Tanjiro yelled at him. 
“You three must be Demon Slayers…and you…are a Demon.” The older lady said looking pointedly at you. 
You only nodded, “Yes Ma’am. I will not hide what I am, I wanted to help escort these boys to safety, I understand if I am not welcome here. I will leave if it makes you feel comfortable.” You bowed in respect, “I have no intention on eating people. The idea disgusts me.”
The older woman hummed in thought, “Please come in, just be aware if you do step out of line, I will request you to be killed.”
“I understand.” You turned to Inosuke, “Inosuke, if I ever reach to harm a human in a means to murder and not defend another, or to feed, I ask you to cut my head off. Or tie me up till the sun rises.”
“Why are you asking him?!” Zenitsu cried out. 
You deadpanned in response, “Zenitsu, did you want to cut my head off?” 
“I mean no…. You’re kind!”
“And Tanjiro is kind too, and so is Inosuke, but I trust Inosuke as he barely knows me right now. Once he does, I’ll leave the decision to someone else.” 
Inosuke only nodded, “As the great King of the Mountains, I accept!”
The older lady however tilted her head slightly amused by the interactions, and was convinced enough to allow you in. The Four of you followed her, as she sped through the house. “Here is a change of clothes.” Another room, “a Warm Meal.” Another room, “And a Warm bed. A doctor shall be here shortly to attend to your wounds.” And with that she dismissed herself as quickly as she came. 
Zenitsu however reminded you of a wiggling worm. “SHE’S A GHOST TANJIRO! A MONSTER! UNNATURALLY FAST! SHE’S A GHOST! THAT OLD-”
Tanjiro slammed his fist against the top of Zenitsu’s head. “Show some respect!”
It slightly amused you. While they went to change clothes, and eat, you stayed in the bedroom with Nezuko’s box. 
The three piled in and found you leaning against the box in the corner as the boys were getting ready for bed. “Well, since no one is asking, why is it that you are traveling with demons?”
Tanjiro blinked, “You knew and you still protected them? You really are a great guy Zenitsu, thank you.”
“WAAAAH don’t flatter me so much~” you covered your mouth to prevent yourself from giggling at Zenitsu rolling around the floor as Inosuke ignored the other two. 
“I have a keen sense of smell.” Tanjiro smiled pointing at his nose. “From the very start I knew you were good and strong.”
Zenitsu gave him a look, “Don’t tease me I’m not that strong…I haven’t forgiven you for leaving Shoichi behind.” 
This time you snorted as you heard scratching from behind you. “Believe it or not Zenitsu, you are way stronger than you give yourself credit for…” 
“GAH! IT’S TRYING TO GET OUT!” You deadpanned at that, course he’d focus on the box and not the praise. 
“It’s alright!” 
You turned as the door opened, and you lowered a hand to help Nezuko out of her box, coming out as a small child before adjusting herself to a teen. Zenitsu froze looking at her, while you patted her head. She hummed tilting her head towards you. 
“This is Nezuko, my…” and that was all Tanjiro could get out. 
“YOU YOU GOT IT SO GOOD!” Zenitsu belted out at Tanjiro, causing the latter to be confused. “YOU WERE TRAVELING WITH CUTE GIRLS EVERY DAY AND TRAVELING IN PURE BLESS I CAN’T BELIEVE I STOOD UP FOR YOU WHEN YOU WERE BUILDING A DEMON HAREM!” You walked over to Zenitsu and picked him up into an arm lock from behind, “HEY LET ME DOWN!” 
“Nezuko is his fucking sister you dip shit.”  You growled out as Zenitsu relaxed a little, looking horrified. “And Tanjiro is too fucking young for me. I’m a part of no Harem, thank you very much.”
You let go of Zenitsu, and Tanjiro explained his and Nezuko’s predicament as Nezuko nuzzled into your lap. You tried to keep Zenitsu from badgering her too much. After that, Zenitsu turned to you, “Hey…um, so what’s your story?”
You rubbed the back of your neck, “It’s…extremely complicated and unbelievable honestly. I’m from the year 2022, and…”
“WHAT!?” Zenitsu and Tanjiro screamed out,. 
You waved your hands, “For fuck sake, people are sleeping keep your voices down.” You responded as both boys covered their mouths. Nezuko only hummed looking up at you. “Anyway I was doing a paper for a University class, based on a demon…that I believed was fictional. In Fact I thought this world..was fictional. I fell asleep around the middle of the night and had some weird dreams, one of which was the Flame Hashira in this world, and when I fell in my dream I woke up in the woods, and found…by one of the Twelve Kizuki. Upper Rank 2 Douma. Almost 100 years in the past.” You gulped. 
Zenitsu deadpanned, “you…expect us to believe this?” 
You deadpanned back, “you’re the one with good hearing, do you hear lies? Tanjiro do you smell me lying?”  Both boys looked at each other before shaking their heads no. “I am from America. I didn’t know any Japanese. However, apparently Demons know almost any language. I revealed information, without them telling me. Such as knowing names I shouldn’t have, and some information that most people except themselves would know, and they took me to Muzan Kibutsuji.”
Tanjiro leaned forward, “What kind of information?” 
You took a deep breath. “For starters, Douma is a Cult Leader, he was born with Prismatic eyes, and his parents thought he was a God and built a religion around him. However, he doesn’t have emotions, he is mainly a shell that learned how to mask by learning what emotions looked like to other people and mirrored that. Upper Rank 3, Akaza, doesn’t attack or kill women if given the opportunity. He’ll avoid, but will amend this if necessary. Such as his life on the line.”
Both boys' eyes widened as they sat forward hanging onto every word. “So…you met Muzan?” Tanjiro questioned as you nodded. 
“Honestly, I thought I was dreaming. I begged to stay in Douma’s cult, saying I wouldn’t even mention him eating his followers if they didn’t take me to Muzan. But they did. Muzan dismissed them. And debated on killing me before he realized I had Marechi blood… that I was somehow related to him by blood, and that I was dying due to an illness that hasn't taken effect yet but would have.”
Zenitsu’s eyes bugged out, ”Wait he could tell that how?!”
“He cut my cheek and tasted my blood. He asked me if I wanted to keep living, or be eaten. I opted for the Former.” You rubbed your one arm while your free hand ran through Nezuko’s hair. “I didn’t remember any of this, till Lady Tamayo help lift Muzan’s curse from me.” Tanjiro’s eyes widened in realization. “When he turned me…he forced me to feed on Marechi’s. He killed them, I ate them. I was…”His daughter…” and that no daughter of his was going to be weak. He had me train under the Upper Moons for a while, refused to let me be one, and wanted me to work outside of the Kizuki, and look for Lady Tamayo and bring her to him, which is when I came across Tanjiro, and saw him confront Muzan, who didn’t know I was in the city.”
Tanjiro looked at you saddened, “Oh wow…have you killed anyone?” 
“Honestly no, I only ate, when I was allowed to get food on my own, I stuck with Animals, even tho Muzan told me I wouldn’t get anything out of it. When Lady Tamayo revealed that, that was a lie. I wanted to move around as discreetly as possible without drawing the attention of Demon Slayers, cause well I didn’t have a death wish.”
Zenitsu looked at you, “how old are you?”
You hummed, “I was 20 when I was turned…and timetraveled somehow. Douma said at the time it was 1908, and it’s 1912 now? So…technically I’d be 24?”
“What were you studying in for your University?” Tanjiro questioned, “I was unaware girls had that opportunity.”
“In this time it’s a rarity. However it’s more common in the future. I was studying Psychology, and doing a paper on Douma and the possibility of him having Antisocial Personality Disorder.”
“Heh?” Both boys looked clueless. “What’s that?”
“It’s a disorder characterized mainly by the disregard for other people. Sometimes the person can be seen as emotionless and charismatic, being able to get what they want out of things.” You shrugged, “honestly I wasn’t expecting much…”
“Have you met any other of the Kizuki?” Tanjiro looked at you with determination for knowledge. 
You nodded, “Yes, I’ve sat in on Upper and Lower Moon meetings, and trained with the Upper Moons at times. After all Muzan didn’t want to have a weak daughter.” You scoffed. 
Zenitsu tilted his head and squinted, “Why does he call you his daughter?”
“Remember? I said he tasted my blood and he tasted…”himself” as well. Meaning somewhere in the future, he was either an ancestor of mine, or something. And since there was that small connection, he took it, and ran a kilometer, and called me a Daughter for being somewhat related.” 
Tanjiro punched his hand, “That makes so much sense!”
“Heh?” You and Zenitsu looked clueless this time.
“Question, do Demons exist in your timeline?”
You paused to think, “I mean Religious wise with Christianity, maybe some other religions they are thought of, but I am Honestly unsure of that answer. I’ve never come across one, but where I’m from some prayers are said to exorcize the entities. They only have the ability to possess if they have permission.”
Tanjiro nodded with this information. “Okay so, how do you know about these demons from here?”
“My timeline has Manga and Anime. Books and shows based on a fictional story. Such as a young kind hearted boy and his demon sister who fight against demons to make her human again.” You watched them blink, “I didn’t read the manga further than the Tsuzumi Mansion Arc which we just went through, however Anime wise I was caught up with what was out.”
“Wait so you know the future?!” 
You blinked, “Wrong Question”
“WE DON’T EXIST?!” Zenitsu cried out. 
You paused, “I don’t think that’s it either…I mean there was a thing where when a person dies in their world they get either reincarnated or teleported to an anime/game/my reality, but I didn’t exactly die. I was dreaming that I was training with the Flame Hashira on a cloud, which I fell through and hit the earth, which I woke up and Douma found me…so I assumed I got Itsukaied, which is the term for that…I think.”
Tanjiro’s mind was reeling. “I have a small theory…hear me out. Demon Slayers aren’t looked upon happily by the government right? If Demons have evolved to still be looked down as not real, perhaps the Author is a Demon Slayer, and was educating the population or the readers/viewers of the possible threat without gaining attention from the government?”
Zenitsu paused for a moment before placing a finger on his chin, “so that wouldn’t make us fictional, but you would definitely be from the future timeline….”
Tanjiro smiled looking even more determined, “So in either your timeline Demons still exist and you are a descendent of Kibutsuji, OR directly related in some way!”
You closed your eyes tightly, “That is almost as unbelievable as what has actually happened to me, that I should take it into consideration.” Both boys nodded ferociously. “I couldn’t even.  tell you which generation he would have been, considering he can shapeshift his appearance. And even then Demon’s can’t Procreate like humans…can they?”
Zenitsu hummed in thought, as Nezuko minded her own business. “I mean, I don’t think it’s been a possibility honestly. What kind of human would volunteer to try it for science? It would have the be a female human, I don’t see a female demon giving birth or getting pregnant.”
You furrowed your brows, “Unless…like a ritual of sorts, certain situations need to be met, like Witchcraft? Solstices? Only other way MAYBE female demons cannot give birth, and only the males can impregnant human females, but even then this is horrible thoughts of Muzan having sex that I do not want to have…”
You shivered disgusted with your thoughts as the two boys looked horrified. Zenitsu started to cry “WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT!?” 
Tanjiro only shook his head, not wanting to think of it. “All of which are possible, since it’s actually stated that Demons can only multiply by blood…which could be another lie told by Kibutsuji, considering that you just learned you can be sustained with Animals, and he told you otherwise.”
You rubbed your eyes, “True, who knows what all lies he spread. He doesn’t want us grouping up. Too much of prey in one area can overcome the predator. Doesn’t want us eating Animals, because Humans probably helps control the populations. Too many humans, too many possibilties to be killed, more of a chance to hide. Only He can create demons, which Lady Tamayo has proven otherwise…”
“So there is a chance that he might literally be your father or grandfather or great grandfather!” Tanjiro exclaimed. 
You frowned in thought, “Kibutsuji has gotten married in the past, Usually each time his wives all human, end up committing suicide however.” Your eyes widened with the realization. “I was adopted. I never knew my parents, grandparents, etc. But if that’s the case…Kibutsuji should be dead by the end of the story, which means he should be dead in my timeline…So that would either make him a Great Grandparent or a grandparent…Oh my head hurts.”
Zenitsu looked around, “I don’t understand how Inosuke can sleep through stuff like this…”
Inosuke snorted, “I’m listening dammit. How can anyone sleep with you all yacking away.” 
You chuckled at that before looking up to the other two again. “My best option…would be working with the Demon Slayer Corps. But…I wasn’t in the original story, so I have no idea what the Hashira’s will do with me, or my connection…Can I even change a thing? Can I actually save people who might die? If I do how badly will that affect things?” 
Both boys looked unsure, Zenitsu gave you a weary look. “Anything we should know about the next mission?” 
You rubbed the back of your neck in thought, “Spider Demon Family. Lower Moon Five. He’s a child with white hair and will try to take Nezuko for a sister. Tanjiro will break his sword…Hinokami Kagura!” You yelled out, making Tanjiro jump. 
“Huh? How do…What about it?” Tanjiro looked confused. 
“You’ll be trying to perform it as an attack. But…that is all I’m willing to say, I don’t want to change too much.” 
You frowned “No, you four will not die.”
Tanjiro gave you a soft smile, “I understand. If there is anything we can change…or you can help with, let us know.”
You nodded, “Of course. There are things I really want to help and change, but I’m scared. Some changes help shape events, and lead people to do other things…” You looked out of the window, “IT’s late, try to get some sleep while you can. You three need to get better.”
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tbmunson · 2 years
First Day - Eddie Munson
This is my first time posting anything on here in years. I couldn't get the idea of being the new kid out of my head so I ran with it.
WC - 626
I hope to be posting more soon. I will be taking requests/prompt ideas so please feel free to do so!
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It was the first day back at Hawkins High from Winter break, and your first day ever. Your parents held off moving for as long as they could, hoping for you to finish your senior year back home in Washington state. Obviously that was no longer happening.
You walked through the front door of the school clad in white combat boots, black skinny jeans, a Motley Crue t shirt and a leather jacket. You made your way to the front office for you class schedule, earning a lot of attention along the way.
The weight of the stares was starting to get heavy as the office door finally closed behind you, hiding you away for a moment.
"You must be Y/N L/N." The older, curly haired lady said as the typed away on the computer in front of her.
"Yes ma'am." You answered, death gripping the straps to your backpack.
The machine to her right came alive and spit out a sheet of paper. "This is your class schedule, dear. If you need to make any changes do so within the week, back here with me." She nodded as she spoke before sending you on you way.
The classes themselves weren't bad, but the feeling of eyes boring into you was uncomfortable. It was finally lunchtime and you opted to sit alone, trying to decompress from the first four classes. Not that it was that relaxing, since everyone was still watching, or at least it felt like it.
"You look like you could use a friend, M'lady." A male voice said as someone plopped down opposite of you.
You looked up, taking in the long curly hair and big brown doe eyes of a guy who donned a graphic t shirt, a leather jacket, and a jean vest over it. "I think I could." You answered, sending a soft smile his direction.
"Great! I'm Eddie Munson. Most people around here though call me 'The Freak'." He replied, his eyes falling a bit.
"I think you're sweet. I'm Y/N L/N." You said, reaching a hand out to put on his, causing a smile to break across his face. "What's Hellfire Club?" You asked, reading his shirt.
He looked down then back up at you. "Promise not to laugh." He said, pulling his hands back to open his jacket a bit more.
"Pinky swear." You answered, offering him your pinky finger.
He dropped one side of his jacket and secure your pinky in his. "It's my Dungeons and Dragons club. I'm the Dungeon Master and that little group of misfits over there," He pointed to a table of guys who quickly looked away and began whispering amongst themselves, "are my friends. We have a meeting tonight if you're down."
"You inviting me to play, Munson?" You quirked an eyebrow at him.
"That depends. Do you play?" He replied, resting his chin in his hand.
You nodded, smirking at him. "I thought I wouldn't be able to play again. It's so hard in Washington to get accepted into another group. I assumed it would be the same here. I'd be honored."
Eddie just looked at you for a few seconds before standing. "Come. Let's introduce you to the guys." He offered you a hand even though he was on the opposite side of the table.
You took it, letting him lead you down the table until you two met at the end.
Eddie lifted your hand and lead you in a small spin before dropping his arm around you. He smiled down at you, one that was contagious and left your heart hammering in your chest.
You were sure everyone was still watching, you just couldn't bring yourself to care anymore. You were genuinely happy.
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
Hey, I know your requests are always open and I kinda wanna request something. It's gonna be vaguely angsty though. So I'm (usually) a silent crier and I almost always only let myself cry when people aren't around. So I was wondering you could maybe write a hurt/comfort type scenario like that with either Shinsou, Todoroki, or Amajiki. It's okay if you don't get to it or don't have inspiration for it or something. I just figured I'd ask just in case you did.
aching silence
Genre: comfort
Warning: mentions of insecurities present (in Amajiki's part)
A Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki, and Shoto Todoroki x reader
a/n: hey guys! Like I said in my last post that I'm gonna experiment with tags so if you see them in different tags or I add more or if there are only 5 in the first hour, that's why. Requests are open so please don't be shy in requesting anything! Let's get on with it.
 Hitoshi Shinso
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He was out for the day with his new class 1-A friends.
You weren't around with him a lot recently.
You made yourself think that it was okay never to be a burden since you were little.
You kept your problems under lock and key, making sure that you don't bother anyone with your problems.
That includes your boyfriend, Shinso.
He told you before that he doesn't mind to share your burdens with you.
But you couldn't believe that for a second.
You thought that the second that you tell him everything that's been bothering you, he would push you away and leave you in the dust.
You didn't want that.
Now here you are, in the corner in the bedroom, a spot covered in darkness, you were sure if he does come home that he would never find you.
You held your knees up to your chest, nuzzling your face into them to wipe your tears away.
You must've been sitting in the dark for a hours but it felt like only a few minutes.
A few minutes of darkness was supposed to be enough.
You hear the front door open and the muffled voice of the purple-haired boy calling for you echoing around the seemingly empty house.
The voice made you tense up, pushing yourself up closer to the wall if that was even possible.
You hear the creaking of the bedroom door and you can just feel the pair of eyes scanning the bedroom, seeing the messy bed and the cluttered pillows.
Shinso walked into the room to pick up the pillows to see something move in the shrouded darkness in the corner of the space.
He walked over and crouched down in front of your figure, taking in your expression, how heartbroken you looked, how you shook in your position like an unbearable cold was upon you.
How you have every single problem swimming in your (e/c) eyes.
Without a word, he wraps you in his arms, feeling you finally breakdown in his hold.
"kitten, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I'll be here to support you when you need it," he said, kissing your temple.
Both of you didn't let go of each other for a while.
 Tamaki Amajiki
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Tamaki had a lot to deal with, You knew that for a fact.
So you didn't bother him with your problems and insecurities much.
He was out on patrol with Fatgum and Kirishima so you decided it's finally time to let all the tears go.
You walked in front of the bathroom mirror to see your face and your body.
You felt disgusted.
Every time you saw your body, all your thoughts go to how you spill out every time you wear tight clothes, how your face would only look presentable enough when you wear cakes of makeup on your face.
How you feel like everything you do is useless, all the diets and skincare routines, gone in a blink of an eye.
Tears were streaming on your face as you glared at every single flaw you had, that maybe when you look at them, they might disappear.
Those flaws might flawlessly fix itself.
You tried to wipe your tears over and over to no avail. You didn't hear keys unlocking the front door, sun-eater going from room to room looking for you.
You hear his stuttering and worried voice getting closer and closer, making you panic.
You didn't want him to see you like this.
You closed the lights and crawl into the cold bathtub, hoping that if you fold in on yourself that maybe he wouldn't see you.
He could never be more wrong.
"s-sunflower?" Tamaki called out, his voice bouncing off the tiled bathroom.
You look overseeing his silhouette by the door.
You see his expression when he spots you, a look of concern on his features as he shuffled over to you then kneeling in front of you.
"sunflower… i-If you want to be alone, y-you can tell me… p-please tell me everything. A-all of your problems and a-all of your i-insecurities. W-we'll work o-on this t-together. Got it?" the indigo-haired boy said, shakily placing his hand on the back of your neck and pressing his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
A small giggle escaped your lips before nodding your head, letting the normally anxious boy pull you into a soft kiss.
 Shoto Todoroki
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You couldn't breathe.
It was like something was suffocating you, crushing your chest, taking the air out of your lungs.
The darkness swirled around and around, surrounding you like fog, getting into your throat and choking you.
The fog that was stuck in your throat was making it hard to let out a sob.
It kept coming and coming, covering your vision, making sure you see pitch black until-
You woke up, jolting out of your once comfortable position, now turned an intolerable sight, seeing the sweat on the sheets.
You look over, seeing your boyfriend, Shoto sleeping soundly beside you, his hands still wrapped around your hips.
He was a pro-hero, he didn't get enough sleep as it is.
He takes the night shifts to spend more time in the morning with you but it usually backfires since he just sleeps well through the afternoon.
you negotiated with him to take the morning shifts but that didn't stop him to work well past midnight to finish everything.
This was the first night in a long while that he could finally sleep in peace.
You shouldn't wake him up because of some stupid nightmare.
You tried to gasp in some air but it was no use.
the first silent sob came out, tears flowing down your cheeks ad you tried over and over to breathe in then breathe out.
Just breathe in, breathe out
You felt a hand rubbing the small of your back, you looked beside you to see a concerned Todoroki looking over you.
Was he talking? You couldn't tell, when did your ears start ringing, you don't remember.
All you remember was him pulling you into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
You smiled, letting these final words drift you back to sleep.
"my love, I know you don't want to share everything, just know that I am here for you. For every sob, or every tear. I will always be here. I love you."
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 This was long af but I finally got through them. Once again, tags will be very inconsistent so please bear with me! Once again, requests are open so please don't be shy to request anything! Hope these made you feel better anon! Love you guys ❤💖💕💞
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Blaine Anderson, my New York love.
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I'm on the verge of finishing glee, and honestly I just can't help but write another Blaine fic, because I'm utterly convinced that (with the exception of Jeon Jungkook) Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson is the love of my life.
🦋 Blaine Anderson x fem!! reader,, trigger warnings: none.
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Blaine twirls you in his arms and captures your lips in a kiss, as your name echoes along the auditorium. “as for the final name on our list, miss y/n l/n! And there you have it folks, those are your graduates for this year.”
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, and he's holding you so tight. “I'm so happy, oh y/n, we're going to spend the rest of our college days together.”
You can't muster out words, so you manage to nod whilst being clamped in his embrace, the tassel of his cap tickling your forehead.
“The rest of my days with the love of my life. What more could I ask for?” whispered Blaine rhetorically, as Sam and Tina joined the hug.
“We're moving to New York together!” said the blonde excitedly as all the new graduates threw their caps in the air.
Well, you tried to throw yours too, but by the way you were sandwiched between Blaine and Sam, it would be impossible to without giving either one of them, if not both, a bruise. So you smiled and kissed Blaine's forehead instead.
“We're graduates now, sweetheart.”
“We are, aren't we?”
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Every single day, was pure unadulterated bliss. The type of happiness that made your skin hot, and eyes sparkle. And the root of your smiles, was one Blaine Devon Anderson.
Even today, just like every other day since arriving at the Big Apple; you woke up with his arms around you, and your head against his chest. Throughout the night, he held you so closely and delicately, it almost made you cry at how gentle he was.
And nothing beat waking up to his warmth and soft sighs in the morning. Because another thing you adored about New York, or rather, the apartment you lived in, was that the shades were right above your bed. And every single day, the sun would hit his eyes just right, and his hazel irises would be illumined to look gorgeously alluring.
“I'm the luckiest guy ever, you know?” he whispered, as the sleep slowly wore off, and he turned to face you.
“I think I'm the luckiest girl.”
“Maybe that's why we're made for each other. Because we're both so lucky.”
“oh yeah? Blaine, love, as much as I'd love to sing "Lucky" with you right now, we have to get ready for school.”
He chuckled softly and began folding the blankets as you smoothed the sheets. “Alright we'll just sing it on the way out, then.”
And thus began the steady morning routine you and Blaine had gotten used to. With Sam and Tina in the next room, you had to be quiet.
Blaine twirled you around as you chose a dress and pressed a kiss to your neck, before turning away to make you coffee and pancakes.
“You know, I would serve you breakfast in bed. But I just, don't want to get out of bed if you're still in it. I'd much rather be holding you in my arms.” he confessed, as he handed you the mug.
You accepted it gratefully and sat down to eat with him.
Another rule of yours and his, was that no matter how hectic life got, or how early you had to wake up, breakfast would be eaten together.
“I've actually always dreamed of starting my day with breakfast with you.” and ever since he heard that, Blaine promised you he'd always make time to share his first meal of the day with you.
“Good morning lovebirds” said Sam, as his bedhead and blue eyes lidded with sleep emerged to view. “Tina's still sleeping, she doesn't have classes today”
Blaine nodded and downed his coffee before pulling you along with him.
“We'll be late” he said with a small smile, as his hands found yours. The cold air of the New York morning filled with hope and possibility made you smile even wider, and Blaine's words were caught in his throat.
God, he lived to see your smile. He really did.
“It's okay right? That I'm in most of your classes? You don't find it weird or anything?”
“Why would I?” you eyed him and leaned over to peck his cheek. “I'm going to spend all day with the love of my life. What's there to not like?”
Blaine looked relieved as a slow grin spread over his face. In truth, he had been thinking about it for the longest of times. Would you find him clingy? Would you hate him for constantly wanting to spend time with you?
But here you were, just as excited as he was. You shone with radiance next to him, and for the first time in his life, he knew he had never been more sure of anything as he was with you.
“Hey, we uh, didn't get to sing "lucky" back there in the apartment...”
“We didn't, but who's to say we can't now?”
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In class, the NYADA lecturers were tough, but having Blaine's presence was comforting, and the thought of him being able to protect you, or help if you were ever stuck, made a huge impact.
“Alright class, find a partner. We're going to be doing ballroom dancing!”
With a comfortable ease, Blaine pulled you into his arms and fit his hands around your waist. “Remember that one time when I told you girls have beautiful bodies?”
And still, he made you blush with his charming words. Boistered by your reaction, he continued as he expertly twirled you around according to the demonstration. “Yeah, well, you have the most beautiful body of them all.”
You didn't trust your voice, and instead flashed him a shy smile. The dance ended, and your NYADA professor sauntered up to the two of you. “Good work”
“Yeah we make a really great team.” said Blaine softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Beautiful.
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Walking home together in the comfortable silence was also another part of the day you looked forward to. Especially when your hands were interlocked together, and the soft smile on his face was a reflection of yours.
Today however, Blaine was unusually jittery. “I love waking up next to you every single morning.”
“I do too, but what's all this about?”
“I don't know. I just, had the urge, you know? To tell you how I truly feel about you. I love the smell of your body wash and the radiance of your smile. I love the way you walk, when you're trying to slow down because I pace slower. I love how you help me pick out a bow-tie every single morning, and laugh when you help me put it on. Similarly, I love the way you pull it off of me in the evening. I love the way you glance at me from over your shoulder and the way that small part of your nape was just made for me to kiss.”
By now, you were a bewildered, flustered mess. But Blaine had the most earnest eyes. He was never afraid of intimacy. With you? He craved it.
“And y/n, damn, I just, love you so much I never believed in soulmates, but when I look at you, I really do.”
Blaine then reached into his pocket to find a ring. Getting down on one knee, your breath hitched as his eyes gleamed up at you.
“when I first met you at McKinley, I was lost. I was broken and hopeless. But I guess it's true when they say you have to lose something to gain another better one.”
“Y/n, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I fell in love with you, it's almost as if my soul was trying to tell me it finally felt whole.”
“It's almost as if we were made for each other, because that's how perfectly we fit. I know we were lovers in all our past lives, but I'm so glad to have found you early in this one; because all I've ever wanted to do...
Is spend my life loving you.”
Tears were streaming down your face as the world seemed to have stopped spinning.
“Will you marry me?”
Before he could even finish talking you launched yourself on him, pushing him to the ground beneath you. Not caring where you were, not caring who was there.
“Yes yes yes yes yes, I'll keep saying yes for as long as I can” you whispered as he chuckled beneath you, and helped you up.
Suddenly, music filled the street as the glee club, and the Warblers emerged and burst into song with their own rendition of "Marry me".
And although their voices were beautiful, you couldn't help but listen to something even better; the soft promises of Blaine Anderson as he swore to make you happy for the rest of eternity.
And frankly, did you ever have any doubt?
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That night, after all the parties and congratulations from your friends, you leaned over him “Hi” you said softly. His eyes fixated on yours and he smiled at you fondly. “Hi babe.”
You laughed slyly and pulled him closer to you by his famous bow-tie. “Shall we remove this first, or only leave it on for the rest of the night?
Your bold words earned you a smirk from him. “You're an expert at turning me on, aren't you?”
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Sam Winchester: Trouble Makers
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Pairing: Teen!Sam W. x Teen!Reader
Pov: Sam
Warnings: Fluff, Sam, making trouble, kissing, teenage love, Getting into trouble.
Summary: All the two of them is getting into trouble and each other.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is just cuteness, with a teenager Sam, straight fluff between Sam and the reader. Also written for band-psychos 1.5 followers bingo writing challenge 2021.
Square: Late night adventure
Sam Winchester Master list
Main Master list
Taglist: @band--psycho @sweetdetectivequeen @wonderfulworldofwinchester
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"Come on Sam, hurry your ass up!" Y/n said half screaming and half whispering at me from the window. I grumbled and moved in my bed.
"Sam, you promised we'd go out tonight!" She whispered. I tossed in my bed before throwing the sheets away from my warm body. I had worn my previous day's clothes to bed, knowing that Y/n would be at my window way too early.
"Quiet down, give me a second," I said pushing my sneakers on and standing up. She stood in front of my window, leaving it open just a bit for her. She danced outside the window and gave me a look of excitement.
I grabbed my cell phone and jumped out of the window. It was more chiller than I anticipated. Y/n dressed in jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a fluffy long sweater. It was cute. She looked warm as she danced and moved in front of me. She hummed with her eye closed barely missing bumps in the sidewalk, or garbage in the street.
"Y/n watch out would ya'" I said running to catch up with her. I have known Y/n since we were little kids that played in the sandbox at school. Basically growing up with each other. Both of us school being smart, and street smart with people.
She was the type of girl that dressed up for homecoming and graduation but at her heart, she was a full-out tomboy. She is beautiful she stops in the road turns and swings to look at me. Her smile only becomes bigger as she remembers that I'm behind her.
Today at school I had promised Y/n during our second period ap class. She had already been begging me for the last week. Texting me during the week.
"Y/n since you're the one who wanted to go out. What are your plans for tonight?" I asked, looking over at her. Without missing a beat, "Yeah, I have an idea. With it being two in the morning, I was thinking we could go to the old arcade place down on western street." She said smiling, with begging eyes behind that smile.
Whatever you want Y/n, you know all you gotta do is ask me and I'll give it to you. What else would I do for you? Anything to see that bright smile in the light of the moon. Anything to be the boy... man that makes you feel like you're at the top of the world.
"We can figure it out, Y/n," I said taking her hand in mine. We usually walked around for a few hours before getting into trouble wherever we would, or we could possibly never be found out about.
We walked down the street, hands together clasped together like she never wanted to let go of me. It was that homey feeling. The feeling of knowing no matter what else is going on outside, or maybe just around our bubble. Nothing is messing with our moments together.
I'd like to think that's why sometimes we don't get caught. That's the best feeling. But regardless of that, let me tell you of the night that I got into some trouble with my dear Y/n.
We had finally made our way to the arcade. No cars parked outside, and all the lights were out. This was the same building that was lit up during the day and always had a full parking lot in front. It was also the place that Dean would take me most of the time when he had a girl or girls over at the house.
I had all the high scores on the speed racing machines, and I knew all the right patterns for getting the most tickets. The number of tickets I'd have by the end of the day was shocking. The times that I'd gone up to the front desks and claimed my prizes were great.
But that was outweighed by the times that with said tickets I had taken soft animals and stupid little items for Y/n. No, we weren't dating, but yes how much I wished I could have her for my own. take care of her like she's supposed to be.
Y/n had become my friend in a science class. Dean had introduced her to a douchebag, which ended up breaking her heart. Since then Y/n has come to me every time a boy has hurt her, but I've never been harsh and rude about the things she tells me I just console her and do what 'friends' are supposed to do.
'Friends' aren't supposed to fall for each other. They aren't supposed to wake up at two in the morning to break into a building just so she can have some midnight fun.
Y/n hasn't dated anyone in a long while, but the fear of her doing so is raw and harsh for me. Afraid that I'll have to pick up the pieces again, repair her and not kill that guy that broke her down yet again. I just wish.
I wish that she be smart enough to see that she has an amazing guy standing right next to her already. There's no need to go searching through the pit of bad guys, or guys that just want her body for sex.
I don't want those things right now... I just want her heart, I want her beautiful mind. To realize that she isn't missing out because I'm already there for her.
Regardless of that, we had arrived at the old arcade building. Y/n pulled a bobby pin from her hair one that was already there in case she needed it. She was much the female version of macgyver.
Lock picking the front door wasn't that hard. But having Y/n over my shoulder only made me feel hot, it was a weird feeling. My body could feel her eyes tracing down my body.
Down my spine, it tingled. Back up to my neck. it was so strange. I wonder if this is how Y/n feels when my gaze gets stuck on her in school, or just when she's walking in front of me.
"Sammy, you brought the quarters right?" She questioned me as I shut the door after letting her walk in first. "Come on Y/n you know I always do," I said, locking the door just in case.
Going to machines first, she grasped m hand and pulled me with her. Her hands were so soft and warm. They were much smaller than mine. But you ever get that feeling where something is just right, I wonder if Y/n feels it too?
"Come on Sammy, please!" She said as I handed her the quarters for the stupidest game they had. Pac man. The game that Y/n had a strong love/hate relationship with. Her love for the design of the game, but her hate for how she could never get past my high score.
"Sammy go play a game before the sun comes up and we have to leave." She said turning her head slightly to glare at me. "No, Y/n I think I'll stay right here," I said with a cock tone.
"Yeah stay here and watch me fail."She said rolling her eyes before going back to the game. She tried four times before giving up and grabbing my hand once again leading me towards the ski ball area.
"Mr. Kay has really kicked up this area," I said looking at the different colored machines and how many he really did have. She looked around a raised eyebrow before opening my hand and taking the necessary number of quarters and starting a game.
Let me remind you we were doing this all in the dark. She giggled as the balls dispensed. She was thought just a second early causing her fingers to get in the way of the balls. "Shit." I turned around
"What? Did you... Are you okay?" I said stumbling across my words. "Yeah I'm fine Sammy, the balls just hit my fingers." She said as I held her hand in my own inspecting her fingers. Before kissing them all individually.
When I looked up she was blushing and smiling. My actions now processing in my head. "I'm so sorry, I didn't... I'm..." "Sammy it's okay, you know if I had a problem with something I'd most definitely tell you." She said patting my cheek gently, before going back to her game.
I felt so hot, so warm, so in love. Is that possible to fall in love with someone just by what they say. Because if so, that's what had just happened.
when Y/n had finished that game. I couldn't help but let my hands roam, they roamed up her back, up her spine, just behind her neck. "Sam? What?" She started to talk.
But I think she might have got lost in my eyes, or maybe in the moment. IOnce her eye met mine, I couldn't help but kiss her, bring her lips closer to me.
Y/n let me guiding her lips towards my own. She plump kissable lips towards me. She at this moment looked so beautiful, so perfect. The sun was starting to come in from the big glass-paned windows. It laid nicely across her face and her body.
Once our lips did finally meet. It felt like magic if that's even possible. Her hands coming up to grasp my face, mine falling down to her hips, pulling her closer to my body.
"Y/n" I breathed out, turning her in my grasp before I gently laid her down onto one of the used ski-ball machines. She moaned into our kiss, but unfortunately, there's a thing call air. And we both so desperately needed it.
We stayed in this position for a moment catching our breath, but not before we could get any further. The light of the building turned on, I was so dazed and stuck in the gaze of Y/n sweet eyes. I didn't hear the click of the old man's shoes against the tile floor.
"Excuse me?" I heard. In the slipt of a second, I was off of Y/n and standing, as if I had just been caught by my father. "I'm so sorry Mt. Kay. We'll be leaving now. I'm so sorry, please don't tell my father." I jumbled out, grabbing Y/n's hand to pull her up.
He took one look at Y/n and me. He smiled and spoke in a rather harsh voice. "I did feel like I had forgotten somethin' last night. You two are fine. I remember sneakin' away with my girl many years ago. And don't fear, Sammy I won't be tellin' anyone." Mr. Kay said waving us off.
I could feel Y/n's heartbeat in her hand. We walked out the front door, the sun beaming just over the peak of the trees. We walked in silence before Y/n spoke, "You know I thought that was going to worse than it did." She said, our hands still clasped together.
Her hair a wreck since I had run my hand through it while making out with her. "We finally got caught," I said, looking forward. The number of mixed emotions going on in my body right now was confusing the hell out of me.
"Sam?" She said. "Sam, what's going in your mind? I can see the steam pouring out of your ears." She said trying to make me laugh. "Sam please talk to me?" She said tugging on my hand.
"Y/n... I'm sorry." Her eyebrows bent inward. "What? You've.. Huh?" She said stopping in her spot. " I'm sorry that I just kiss you like that, and that we got caught."
She just smiled and rolled her eyes. "Stop apologizing, I liked you kissing me." She said stepping closer to me, a most likely dumbfounded expression. "Close your lips, and kiss me again Sammy." She said leaning in closer.
I hadn't thought that Y/n also was fallin' in love with me. Stupid teenager's minds. Getting caught, but loving the trouble we caused. "I think Sammy.. I think I love you. I think I've loved you for a long time now." Y/n said. I smiled and hummed in agreement.
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Completed on: 05/20/2021
Posted on: 05/21/2021
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paulsmashedpotato · 4 years
Pairing: John Deacon x reader
Word count: 1.0k
Warnings: none!!
Summary: You've been helping the other boys with their instruments, telling them to play and memorize except for John which made him jealous. ヽ(^。^)丿
You were in the recording studio along with the four members of the band, Queen, trying to help out with whatever you can help them out with. You were seated across Brian who was practicing his solo.
"Come on, give it another try," you said, encouraging him to play it again since he kinda messed up a bit and forgot to play a chord. "I keep forgetting this part," he muttered, lightly pressing his finger on the sheet. "Here, I'll hold the sheet in front of you," you said, grabbing the sheet that was on his leg. "You'll tire your arms," he said. You shook your head in oppose. "I'll be fine. Go ahead."
He started playing, and he still messed up but he went on again and finally he was able to do it without mistakes. "Now try it, without looking at the sheets so you could memorize and —"
"Y/n, darling, can you tell Roger to practice his drums? He's smoking his cigar outside," Freddie called, making both you and Brian turn to look at him. You looked at Brian and he just gave you a nod to say that it was okay to leave, so you got up and walked outside.
John was just seated on another couch, also trying to practice his part but he's a bit distracted. Even so, he tried his best to focus.
You walked back in the room with Roger, laughing about some corny joke he's told you. "You're going to record in a few minutes, go practice your drums a bit," you said, shooing him. "Can you kiss my drumsticks goodluck?" He jokingly asked with a cheeky grin. "No, but I can give it a quick practice on your head," you said sardonically.
"How about my hands?" He asked again. "How about I smite you if you don't practice?" You said, arms crossed. "Just a kiss," he mumbled. You laughed. "John's going to kill us both."
"Deacy's fine with it, right, John?" Roger called over to John. You turned to look at him, sending Roger a glare. "He was just kidding, John," you brought your eyes back to Roger. "Go practice," you chuckled, shaking your head.
"Sorry," John mumbled, it was the 3rd take already of the same part of the song because he kept messing up. Roger groaned, putting his sticks down on one of his dreams. "Come on, mate, get it together, we've been here for forever."
You worriedly looked at John who was just looking down at his bass guitar. "H-hey, it's okay. Don't mind him, John. We can try again. Do you want to practice a bit first?" You asked, trying to help him out. "No. I'm fine," he replied coldly, you just nodded.
They started playing again and for the fourth time, John got the chord wrong again, earning two loud groans of frustration from Brian and Roger. You looked at Freddie who was also looking at you, you shrugged.
"Let's call it a day, we'll try again tomorrow." Freddie said, walking away from the boys. You jogged towards John. "Hey, you okay?" You asked, tilting your head a bit. He didn't say anything except gave you an almost unnoticeable nod before walking away. You felt slightly offended, looking at the other guys to see if they're thinking the same thing.
"He's mad," Brian whispered, carefully putting his guitar down on the couch like as if it was a new born baby. "It's your fault, Roger, you kept complaining," he added, pointing at Roger accusingly. "How is it my bloody fault? He's the one who kept getting it wrong," Roger retorted, also lowering his voice so John wouldn't hear. You walked over to Freddie who was just sipping on his wine, looking at the two bicker about whoever pissed John off.
You sighed, seating beside him. "It's your fault, you know," he spoke, making you turn your head to him. "What?"
"Why John's acting that way, it's your fault," He enunciated, you waited for him to explain but he didn't so you asked, "how is it my fault? I didn't do anything. We barely even talked today."
"Exactly," Freddie said, taking another sip off his glass. "You were all over Brian and Roger today except him."
"Hey, you're the one who asked me to help Roger. And Brian — I was just helping him out. Besides, I didn't think... I thought John was just always chill about... stuffs... and not being the jealous type of guy..." you reasoned, mumbling the last bit, looking at Brian and Roger who were now talking about something else.
Freddie just shrugged, looking at you with amusement, as if telling you, "you're screwed."
You groaned, getting up. "Fine, I'll apologize." You walked out the room, trying to look for John. You found him seated on the balustrade, looking at the calluses on his fingers.
"Hey," you hesitantly called, your hands clasped behind your back. He slighy turned his head to you. No words. That hurt...
You sat beside him, placing your hands on your lap. "You mad?" You asked, fiddling with your bracelet. "At me?"
"No," he mumbled. You lifted your head to look at him. "I kinda feel like you are."
"I'm not."
You didn't say anything. There was just silence engulfing the both of you. "You should get back in, they probably need your help in there," he said with a hint of sarcasm. "Practice is over —"
"Joke around with them then," he said, cutting you off.
"That sure sounds like you're not mad at me," you jokingly said. You couldn't help but smile. "Are you jealous?" You asked, bending down a little so you could see his face. "No," he said, looking the other direction. "I think you are," you chuckled, wrapping him in a hug. "I'm sorry, Deacy. I was just helping them out."
"You never help me out," he finally admitted, complaining like a little kid. "Because I know you're already good and I know you'd always be the first one to memorize your chords, so I thought I could help the others out," you explained. "But I know, I still should've helped you out. My boyfriend needs me more," you giggled, leaning closer to give him a peck.
"I'm sorry, love," you frowned, wrapping him tighter. He finally faced you. "I'm sorry too, got a bit childish," he mumbled, returning the hug. "Again."
You snickered, giving him another peck. "Because you've been laughing around the guys —"
"But they're not my boyfriend and at the end of the day, you're the one I'd want to be laughing with. So stop being jealous," you smiled comfortingly.
"I love you, John." He leaned in giving you a sweet and passionate kiss. "I love you too and I'm sorry."
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Monochrome Week 2020
Day Three - Fake Dating AU
The night was alive. Colorful lights pulsing like a heartbeat. Lively disco music pumping everyone up like an adrenaline rush.
Weiss usually scoffed at parties like this. Ugh. Dance clubs. So crowded. No oxygen. But surprisingly, she found that she could finally stop holding her breath.
Henry wasn't there, forcing her to dance. Or talk about him. Or stay at his side at all times because he had no life. She could bop her shoulders to the music in content freedom. Full-out dancing had always been Ruby and Yang's forte. Which was why she stayed back at the bar to talk with Blake.
They hadn't seen each other in nearly a year, ever since Blake transferred schools, which was a shame, considering that was the year their friend circle had formed.
Weiss was the tech-savvy one of them four. She kept tabs on everyone's social media (even if they didn't want her to) and had noticed several changes on Blake's account. She was never one to post selfies. Just pictures of cute cats and her dark academia. And even if she didn't post anything in months, Weiss thought her latest picture was something worth noting.
She took a sip from her Jack Frost, swirling it around to play with the ice.
"How's Adam?"
Blake nearly choked on her drink, coughing when she put it down.
"What?" she croaked.
"When were you going to tell us about him?" Weiss tilted her head.
Blake sighed, rubbing her temple.
"We lasted like a month, Weiss; there's nothing to tell."
Weiss raised a brow. "A month, huh? What happened there? You guys looked pretty sweet in that photo together."
Blake snorted. "He posted that one. Wanted the world to know I was his whore."
"Sounds bad."
"It was bad. Still is. I broke up with him, but he's just not giving up," she grimaced, downing a gulp of purple cocktail. "Bastard."
Weiss snorted.
Pause. Then—
"Your dad still brainwashing that Marigold guy?"
Weiss groaned, throwing her head back in frustration.
"He doesn't even need my dad to tell him to do stuff anymore. He just goes ahead and thinks I'm infatuated with him or something. You know, that 'hard to get' mentality or something."
"Yeah, I know the type." Blake replied dryly.
"You think they'd leave us alone if we got into a relationship?" Weiss snickered.
Blake snorted. "Yeah, maybe."
They settled into a comfortable silence then. Weiss accepted that statement as the joke it was supposed to be. But it began to resonate in her head. The more she thought about it, the more it began to make sense in its own ridiculous way.
"What are you scheming in there?"
Weiss paused. She downed the rest of her cocktail.
".. What if we did?"
"What if we what?"
"What if we were in a relationship?" she said. "That would get them to piss off."
Blake raised her eyebrows, glancing away nervously. She bit her lip.
"I.. I don't know, Weiss.." she said. "Seems a little extreme, don't you think? A-And are we even sure it'll get them to leave us alone?"
"But it makes sense!" Weiss exclaimed. "You know they won't take our word for it, Blake. Neither of them will get the picture unless they see that we're interested in someone else."
Blake drank down the last of her Purple Rain, deep in thought. Weiss distracted herself with the lavender glitter on Blake's eyeshadow.
Blake pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Weiss raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing?"
"Texting Yang. My place or yours?"
Blake glanced at Weiss, standing up.
"So we can plan." Blake said. "We'd have to start as soon as possible, right?"
Weiss blinked up at her.
".. My place."
In all the years she knew Weiss, this was admittedly the first time Blake had ever been inside her room.
She thought it was regal-looking, to say the least. Perfectly cleaned. Icy white walls, silk curtains and sheets.. Like some ice castle.
Blake put down her bag, laying it next to the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. She looked back at Weiss, only to see her pulling up a large frame of wood from a nearby chest.
Blake raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really need that corkboard?"
"Of course, we do!" Weiss said. "If we're going to make a game plan, we're going to have to do it properly!"
"You mean, we can't just do PDA and act like.. I dunno, Qrow and Clover?"
Weiss would've laughed at the inside joke, if not the circumstances. Instead, she shot Blake a sour pout. Which was far from the desired effect.
"Blake, if we're going to sell this to the public, you need to be serious about this," she scoffed, spreading out her arms for emphasis. "Like I said, we have to do this properly!"
"I am serious!" Blake exclaimed, crossing her arms. "If you're so experienced about stuff like this, why don't you tell me what your 'properly' means?"
Weiss blushed furiously, jabbing a finger at Blake. She opened her mouth, as if trying to say something. But nothing came out. She didn't know either.
Blake just sighed, propping herself on her arm.
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this." she mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss cried, crossing her arms defensively. "I'll have you know, I'd make a great fake girlfriend if you were actually cooperating with me!"
Weiss huffed, looking away, a pout on her lips. But her gaze found her clock. Then her expression softened. She punched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.
"We've spent all this time arguing.. My father will be home soon, and we don't even have so much as a first move!" she groaned.
Blake looked towards the white alarm clock, wincing. 10:50.
"Alright, look," she spoke up, surprising Weiss. "Let's say our relationship started off as a secret. Several months ago. And by secret—"
"—Not even Ruby and Yang would know." Weiss finished. She nodded. "Yeah, that'll work. Then.. We're going to make us public."
Blake pursed her lips. "I.. I'll ask around about you. Pretend I'm interested. Get people talking. Would that work?"
Weiss nodded, the tiniest of smiles forming on her face. It was a little infectious, prompting a grin from Blake.
"And," Weiss added. "There's a party tomorrow night. Ruby and Yang's place. It's a little less of your scene, but if we're seen dancing together or holding hands, it'll probably do something."
Blake nodded. "Yeah."
"That should be all we have to discuss now." Weiss said. "We'll think of more at the party, alright?"
Blake nodded, standing up. She reached towards her bag, only to have Weiss get there first.
Weiss raised her eyebrows, laughing lightly, handing it back.
Blake smiled a bit, glancing to the side.
"Looks like we never needed the corkboard, after all."
Weiss glared at her. "Just shut up and leave."
This was a slightly smaller party compared to last night. There were a few dancers in the middle of the living room. But mostly, people were in pairs or three's; talking in the corners. Fairy lights. Finally, some punch that wasn't spiked.
Weiss lounged on a bean bag with her usual group, in a circle on the couches they claimed early. But instead of contributing whatever bizarre shower thought debate was going on, Weiss just sipped on her punch, her mind far away.
"Hey, Weiss?" Ruby whispered. She sat on the couch right next to Weiss, so she only had to turn her head.
"Did you and Blake talk much last night?"
Weiss already knew what prompted this question. Though it didn't stop her heart from racing.
"I guess so, yeah." she shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
"It's been a while, huh?" Ruby grinned crookedly. "Since the four of us were together in one place."
"Yeah," Weiss sighed, turning to check the door. "It was."
"So why'd you two leave early?"
Weiss flinched from the question. She took her time in answering.
"Winter got worried. She called and told me to come home. Guess Klein didn't tell her where I'd be." she shrugged. "Blake just wanted to walk me home."
Ruby's smile grew at that. "Mhm.."
Weiss raised an eyebrow at her best friend, who swirled her punch around the red cup with her evil 'I'm planning something you definitely won't like' grin.
"Yes, Weiss?"
She only giggled. She put her elbow on the armrest, with her face in her hand.
"Blake just texted us last night. Aand she was asking about you."
"Uh-huh. And?"
"And—" she raised her voice, prompting the rest of the party to join the conversation. "— it wasn't just me and Yang, Weiss. She texted all of us! Right, guys?"
There were collective sounds of agreement around the table. Weiss rolled her eyes.
Ruby groaned.
"Well," Nora interrupted. "She kinda sounded like she was interested."
Ruby stood on the couch, gesturing to Nora with extreme exaggeration.
"Isn't she with that Adam Taurus guy you told us about, Weiss?" Jaune piped up. "The one in her picture?"
"They broke up." Weiss replied simply.
"Looks like someone asked." Yang smirked.
"Blake's fair game now." Nora added, sipping her punch.
If one could drink punch slyly, Weiss was certain Nora was doing it right.
"And Henry Marigold?" Oscar added quietly. He recoiled at the disappointed expressions he got from the majority of the group. "Not that I like him.. It's just that he's been pining for Weiss even before I got here. Wouldn't he take action?"
"So you do believe Weiss and Blake are getting together?" Nora asked, jabbing a chip in his direction.
Oscar shrugged. "Yes? I'm not Ren."
Weiss sighed. Thank their lack of focus. At least, she wasn't being focused on anymore.
But then, as if on cue, Weiss caught the distant sounds of door chimes. She spun towards the door, and there she was, nervously recoiling into herself. It might've been the fairy lights, but Weiss could've sworn her cheeks were alight with pink.
She was about to get up to get her until she heard the obnoxiously loud coughing from behind her. Weiss gritted her teeth, smiling sarcastically at the group.
"And I suppose Blake just showed up because she wanted to?" Yang teased.
But as it turned out, Blake didn't wait for Weiss. She found the group herself, especially with Ruby's frantic waving.
"Blake!" she exclaimed, her voice reaching up a few more octaves. She gave Weiss a knowing sideways glance. "What brought you here~?"
Blake twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"Oh, uh.. Weiss invited me last night."
"She did, did she?" Nora raised an eyebrow, elbowing Jaune excitedly.
Weiss buried her face in her hands miserably.
"Anyway.." Blake continued awkwardly. "I hope it's no trouble if I just, uh.." she reached down and gently grabbed Weiss's wrist. ".. Borrow Weiss for a minute?"
Yang cleared her throat.
Ruby grinned encouragingly, reaching up to whisper in Blake's ear. Whatever that was, caused Blake's face to grow increasingly red. She didn't say anything else and pulled Weiss up.
"Come on, Weiss." Blake sighed amusedly, dragging her to the dance floor.
Blake gingerly put her hands on Weiss's waist, bringing an intense blush to the shorter girl's face. She could still feel the burning gazes of her schoolmates in the back, and so desperately wanted to ignore it.
A cold jolt went up her spine when Blake took her hands, bringing them up to her shoulders. Weiss raised an eyebrow at her.
Blake could only shrug, looking down.
"You were zoning out." she mumbled.
Weiss nodded, moving forward, so that their bodies were touching.
It was Blake's turn to give her a questioning look.
Weiss hesitated, but she shrugged as well, laughing a bit.
"We look like we're being forced to dance."
Blake nodded. "Fair enough."
They swayed in silence from there, perfectly content in not talking. After a few minutes or so, Weiss saw cameras flashing in the corner of her eye. They were doing this for the public, weren't they? To shove it down the boys' throats.
Without a word, Weiss leaned her head on Blake's shoulder, breathing in a musk of honey.
"Convincing, right?" she whispered.
Blake snorted, a soft smile on her face.
They left as the party lost its swing. Blake's old school would certainly have something to talk about tomorrow. Weiss Schnee, leaving her Prince Charming for an old sweetheart. If Blake's friends weren't attending said school, she'd have no reason not to despise it.
Instead of heading home right away, they decided the night was still young and went to a restaurant near Blake's house. They were both so focused on their so-called 'photoshoot' they forgot to grab a handful of chips on the way out.
Next thing they knew, they were laughing so hard, they were choking on their sandwiches.
"I can't believe you would do me dirty like this!" Blake mocked, barely containing her laughter. "Oh, god, are you sure you guys were never together?"
"News spreads fast, doesn't it?"
"Especially when Ruby and Nora are the ones spreading it." Blake chuckled.
Weiss grinned. "Anything from your side?"
Blake snorted, shaking her head. "Honestly, I'm almost scared for when he does."
"Why's that?"
Blake shrugged, smirking sarcastically. "Let's just say he'd be far more intense than whiny texts."
Weiss frowned worriedly, tilting her head. Hesitantly, she laid a hand on Blake's shoulder.
Something churned in the pit of Blake's stomach. Not in a bad way. Like light little flips. Flaps. Butterflies. But she couldn't wrap her head around it. Maybe it was something in the way Weiss could say her name like that. It soothed Blake easily. Even if just a little.
"I'm fine." Blake sighed, taking a mournful bite out of her grilled cheese. "He just texted me earlier this morning."
"He did?" Weiss murmured. "What'd he say?"
Blake took her time in answering, chewing ever so slowly. When she finally swallowed, it felt sharp.
"Just.. He called me out for avoiding him. Even though I explicitly told him we were over, he still thinks entitled to me." Blake growled. "He denied stalking me, manipulated me, and now he has the gall to say I'm overreacting? He's just unbelievable!"
Weiss felt her blood boil. This guy walked all over Blake, called her the bad guy, even after all that? She couldn't wait to meet this guy. If only to break his legs.
She carefully brought her hand to Blake's, gently stroking the back with her thumb.
Blake's eyebrows raised at the gesture. Instinctively, she stretched her fingers outwards, fitting them between Weiss's.
"I'd never do that.." Weiss mumbled.
Blake didn't know the thought process of that statement, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
Then Weiss's eyes snapped up, meeting Blake's gaze. But Blake was losing her mind. Noticing everything.
Her heart stopped. She could smell Weiss's faint vanilla and petrichor musk. The usually-invisible specks of indigo in Weiss's large, sapphire eyes were easy to spot. As well as the faded scar running down her left eye.
This was the closest they've ever been to each other. Not just in the physical aspect. This was just so much more intimate than the dance somehow. Blake felt close to Weiss and it was driving her insane.
this ended up being too long, which was why it took me ages to post. and this will also have a sequel on day five
though, this whole thing was my favorite to write ^^
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 05
Warning: Swearing, mention of mental illness, Beetlejuice being smut and creepy... As always.
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Ari was sitting on the side of her bed, head in her palms, breathing heavily.
- Either you are telling the truth or I'm going crazy. Or I'm tripping. Even though I don't do drugs. - Beetlejuice rolled his eyes. He was standing before her, with his hands crossed across his chest. His hair was in a light green shade with some light pink streaks in it.
- As I said previously, down in the living room you idiots, on purpose, bought a haunted house. - Ari looked up and nodded sarcastically. He was right, after all. - Seriously, what did you think, that you'll get unicorns?!
- Ghosts! - shouted Ari in a muffled voice. She didn't want her sisters to hear that she was talking to herself... But the hissing and scratching of Minerva before the door surely made a helping white-noise.
- Well I'm the leveled-up version of those suckers. - said Beetlejuice proudly and sat down next to Ari. - You might say I'm the ghost with the most! - the girl chuckled.
- Okay, if you really are the improved version of a ghost... - she shrugged - ...prove it!
- EEEEEH! - out of a sudden Beetlejuice imitated the sound of a siren which made Ari jump a bit. - Can't do that.
- Why?
- I can't interact with the human world. Only ghosts can do that. I can posess electronics and appear as smoke in mirrors, max. - Ari stood up and went to her full-size mirror.
- SHOW MEEEE! - she said in an excited voice. Even though she would really loved to talk to a demon, she thought this action would prove the fact that it's just her consciousness playing games with her and that she had to see a psychiatrist again, but a slightly human-shaped, green-ish white-ish smoke-shape appeared behind her and her lights started twitching.
- Helloouuu... - whispered Beetlejuice into her ear in a funny voice which didn't make her jump at all... No, it actually made her giggle. Beetlejuice raised his eyebrows. That was a first. Someone actually liked his jokes and funny voices. Weird.
- Ohmygodsthisissocool! - Ari was talking very fast and in a very high-pitched voice. She acted like a little girl, excited for her Christmas present. That made Beetlejuice smile. Nobody was that happy for him... Like... Ever. Ari turned around to where the voice came from the last time. - Gee I can't believe I am actually talking to a spectre. What are you doing normally? Just float around the house? Also, most of the time why do you sound like you just swallowed a cheese grater? - she stopped for a moment and continued in a more serious voice. - Also why do I hear you exactly? That bugs me a bit... to be honest.
- First: yeah, mostly I just follow you guys everywhere I can, floating around you. Watching. - he lowered his voice, his lips could almost touch Ari's ear. - I know. Very creepy. - Ari shivered like something just ran across her back. She hated being followed. She had bad experiences with that in the past. She noted to herself that she had to tell this demon not to do that oh so silently. - Second: you can't ask why does somebody sound like that, Karen! - he said sarcastically then went back to normal voice. - Also I'm dead, rotting, lower your expectations to that. Third: I have no idea but it's gonna be so much fun! - now he sounded like a child. He started to run around Ari in circles and clap little claps while he was talking. - It surely is interesting, but eh, who cares, the important thing is that now we can talk properly! And you can answer! And you can sing the songs I request! And react to my lewd comments! And we could have sleepovers and shit since now I can come in! - he changed into a more seductive tone and leaned closer to Ari. - Obviously R rated sleepovers cause I am a very sexual handsome being who you could totally not resist. - the girl blushed a little which made Beetlejuice even more horny than usual. But since he knew he couldn't do anything with her at the moment, he changed back to normal voice. - By the way I like what you did with the room, seeing it for the first time and I am shooketh how many stuff here is relating to the whole being dead thing. Babes, you have a problem. A cherishable, cute problem, but still a problem. - Ari laughed. Very loudly.
No surprise Beetlejuice liked her room. Although she followed her own path, she really liked the whole (kind of mainstream by now) witchy-gothic aesthetic and since horror was her sweet spot since she was a child, she had to decorate her bedroom in a certain way. Starting from the chandelier, which was basically a huge glowing pumpkin with wrought-iron tendrils all over it, the color of the ceiling changed from light orange to a pretty pumpkin colour, then continuing on the walls it slowly turned into a dark coppery reddish-orange. The hardwood floor was fully covered in soft grey carpet with little bats on it. There was a fake bat-skeleton, a fake raven-skeleton and little felted dolls in the form of the three witches from Hocus Pocus hanging from the chandelier. To the right of her door (which, by the way, was painted dark grey and had a "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc" plaque on it), there was a big, wall-to-wall cabinet painted black with a full-size mirror on the right, and a dressing table in the middle embedded in it. Her makeup brushes and eyeshadows were already scattered around it 'cause she was messy. To the left of her door there was a shelf in the shape of the triple moon, with horror-movie figurines, crystals, Funko Pops and random skulls on it. Around it, family photos. Next to that, in the corner, there was a black, coffin-shaped shoe cabinet with pumpkin-coloured insides and leds in it, and with a sign that said "Dracula" on top of it. On the opposite wall, below the window there was Ari's sewing-corner with 2 sewing machines on the table. On the wall, opposing the wall-to-wall cabinet there was a ram skull, engraved with Edgar Allan Poe's s silhouette, with huge black horns curling backwards. Under it, on the wrought-iron bed there was a blanket with the bride of Frankenstein painted on it, and many pillows. On the two sides of the bed, there were little "nightstands" which were basically cages. One worked as a cat-prison for Minerva, padded with a soft mattress, with a night-lamp grabbed by a zombie hand on top of it. The other held Ari's favourite books, and had a little altar on it for her "weird witchcraftsy shit", as Rei said many times before. In front of the bed there was a black chest, filled with random pieces of fabric and patterns for clothes, the top of it covered in soft black and white striped velvet. Next to that, there were 2 Paris dolls, one on each side.
- Thanks, I am the breathing, living version of Halloween. - she sat down before her dressing table, looking directly into the mirror so she could see the shape of the demon again. - And... Yeah, please stop the creeping around. At least when you come into a room where I'm at, just whistle or something so I could know that you're there. - she turned around, facing the middle of the room and blinked sweetly. - Please? - Beetlejuice sighed with resignation. He couldn't say no to those pretty, living eyes.
- If your pets even let me near you, then okay. Your stupid cat always hisses at me and won't let me come into your room... I mean I could float above her but I'm legitimately afraid for my afterlife around her, it's weird, I don't get it either. And your actually scary dog... I'm not even sure that's a dog, that looks like a wolf, so yeah, that mongrel almost ripped my arm off last week! You have to convience them that I'm not trying to hurt you! -  begged Beetlejuice. - I could only come up with you now cause I was faster than those suckers. - Ari stood up and went to the door where Minerva was still scratching the door into pieces.
- You know in many ancient cultures, dogs and cats were considered as guardians of the underworld or bodyguards for their owners against demons. For example in the Aztec religion, dogs were associated with Xolotl, the god of death. Or in Egypt cats were used as protectors against evil spirits.
- Thanks for the history lesson, miss-know-it-all. - said Beetlejuice sarcastically with a snort. Ari rolled her eyes.
- So I suppose they can see you, right?
- Yeah... I thought I'd use them to get you guys' attention but... - he stretched his arms out in Ari's direction. - ...I have you!
Ari smiled. She was still not sure he was not malevolent like those spirits from The Conjuring, but he didn't feel like someone with a super evil plan going down.
- You know maybe they just love me and want to protect me. - she sat back on her chair. - You know, Sirius is a tamascan, a guarddog, a wolf-type. He looks like he could rip you in half but actually he's a sweetheart. Yeah, his teeth are sharp as needles but he only uses them to chew up his toys. - Ari shrugged. - He doesn't even know how enormous he is. He looks very fierce and heisty but mostly he just sits on people's laps. - Beetlejuice floated right next to the girl again. He was so close Ari could feel that icy coldness on her skin again.
- You should sit on MY lap. - he said in an arousing voice. Ari looked the way the voice came from.
- Shut up. - she said in a sharp voice. BJ rolled his eyes and went a bit further. - Minerva would totally kill you though. She should be a very social breed, but she basically hates everybody and wants to kill everything that moves. So yeah, beware of the claws. They hurt more than you can imagine. - Ari held up one of her hands with a huge scratchmark on it. Beetlejuice chuckled.
- I don't feel pain.
- Oh you'd feel that, trust me!
Ari looked at her clock. It was almost 2 in the afternoon.
- Oh shit, man, I gotta go to work. First day, I can't be late. - she went to her bed and started to pack her sheet music rapidly into a red bag. Beetlejuice walked up to her and with hope in his eyes and fully green hair, he asked:
- Before you go... Can't you... Say my name 3 times? - Ari looked at his way with a raised eyebrow.
- Why do you want me to do that?
- Cause that would lift me out of this weird alternate state and I could roam earth while being seen! Now I can't leave this house but once being summoned, I could! And I haven't been out since literal decades! - he sounded so desperate. - Please don't make me beg... I will... I just... Okay you know what, I'm begging. - he threw himself on his knees and tried to grab Ari's trousers, but his hands went right through them. - I'm just so sick and tired of being invisible! - Ari made a weird little sound of shock.
- I don't even know your name, and you seriously think I would let you roam free? I just met ya...
- PLEASE! JUST DO IT!!! I WOULD DO ANYTHING, SCARE ANYONE, JUST PLEASE SAY IT! I SWEAR I'LL LEAVE SOON AFTER!!! - he was nearly crying, his hair started to turn into fully purple. Ari was thinking about her options. She could either let a wild entity roam free, or have someone murder her father or one of her exes and then just leave. That sounded good.
- That's a flattering offer so... Kay, what's your name then?
Beetlejuice stuttered.
- I... - he sighed. - I can't say it. - he said with total hopelessness in his voice and tears in his eyes. He sounded so miserable. Ari squatted down to him. She didn't even know, but she was looking straight into Beetlejuice's eyes. Her warm smile made him feel a bit better, but he was still miserable.
- Then how could I help you, Bug? - he stayed silent. That nickname actually sounded cute. - Yeah, I heard you munching on them. So let's stick with that name until I find out why do I hear you and what is your actual name, shall we? - she would've just pat his head if she could see him. He sounded so alone. She knew exactly how that felt.
- Kay. - said BJ in a repressed voice as he viped his tears and nose in his jacket. Ari wrinkled her nose at his direction, snapped up her bag and headed for the door. Beetlejuice got up quickly and floated before her, if nothing would've happened. - Wait, what am I supposed to do while you're gone? - Ari shrugged her shoulders.
- I don't know, haunt my sisters' electronics? Find out if they can interact with you too? - there was no answer so she just waved goodbye. - I'll be back at 11-ish. - and with that, she went to work.
But Beetlejuice was still there. He rubbed his hands maniacally and talked to himself in a very evil, raspy way.
- Oh I would love to do that. Of course, I might have to get a little... Mean... I might have to get a little... Nasty... But if you want me to act like a demon... Then I'll be a demon 😈
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satanschild01 · 4 years
No All Might? That’s Alright Prt3
Izuku Midoriya Fanfiction                                                          
A/N: In all honesty this took me way too long just to finish writing this chapter, but I pushed through so I guess it’s fine. I’ve created a AO3 account recently and I’ve posted all of my previous fanfictions there so if you want to check me out, you can find me as SatansChild
Hope you all stay safe and wear a mask if you can't physically distance.Hope to update soon!
Catch you on the flip side ~ Em
Photo used in this fic was referenced from original picture from anime, I did draw this photo jtlyk
Tags for some wonderful feedback😘: @trashys-things @pink-imagines @marvelmymarvel @shikigami-the-paper-spirit @spaced-out-imagines​ @marvelmymarvelmain @writingfreakk
Trigger warning: Talk about death
Word Count: 2633
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3
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After making sure all of the blood was no longer on his uniform, Closing his eyes, Izuku steeled himself to walk into the All Might shrine that was his room. Sure, he still wanted to be a hero, and he admired All Might’s strength, but he couldn’t stand to be surrounded by posters and figurines of a man who couldn’t offer any sort of encouragement to a child who clearly needed it. Izuku pulled some cardboard boxes out from his closet and started filling them with everything All Might. Oboro didn’t make a sound during the time he cleaned out his room, which he was grateful for. Even though he could just feel Oboro wanting to ask questions. 
“So what are you going to do about all this stuff?” Oboro asked as Izuku changed his All Might sheets with regular black ones “You seem like such a big fan...it just seems like a waste just to keep it all in boxes.”
Izuku shrugged his shoulders.”I’m not much of a fan anymore.” he lied to mostly himself rather than to Oboro, “I guess I’ll just donate the stuff later.” Once his walls were finally bare, Izuku stuffed the now full boxes to the back of his closet and flopped onto his bed. The room stayed silent for a moment until Izuku broke the ice, “I don’t want to intrude on your personal life…but can you tell me about yourself?” he asked
“Well for the fact that I witnessed and helped you with some pretty deep stuff, it sorta would be rude if I didn’t tell you something about my previous life,” Oboro said cheekily
“H-how long have you been...you know…” Izuku paused not really wanting to complete the question.
“...dead?” Izuku nodded “I was in my second year of high school when I died and I would be 29 by now so...close to 12 years I think?”  Izuku sat there on his bed frozen
‘12 years is a long time to be a ghost or spirit to not have passed on, that is if people actually pass onto another place once they die’ Izuku thought to himself
“I was patrolling around Tasomiya Ward with one of my best friends when there was a villain attack...I was working on saving some kids when debris fell on top of me...when I woke up I was like how I am now, I couldn’t find my body anywhere so I just...travelled around…” Oboro seemed to quiet down at mentioning that he never found his body to move onto another life, so Izuku thought of ways to change the current mood of the room.
“So you were a hero in training or something?” he asked, face full of wonder, Oboro hummed in affirmation “What school did you go to?”
“I went to U.A”
“Wait really?!” Izuku exclaimed excitedly, “that's so cool!”
They continued talking and asking questions back and forth, before falling into a comfortable silence. A few minutes past before Izuku took a deep breath
“I...I’m sorry,” Izuku said quietly, slowly curling into himself
"Why would you be sorry kid?" Oboro’s voice was full of confusion. But Izuku only curled in on himself further.
"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be stuck here." As if anyone wanted to be bound to some stupid Deku...like him. And here he thought it was a whole coincidence that Oboro was with him. But instead, he just took whatever type of freedom he had to begin with.
"Hey, no! Stop that. Izuku that's not true! I'm here because I want to be!" The warmth spread all over him and he couldn't help but lean into it. “I said I'd make a hero out of you and I still plan on it."
Izuku looked up only to see the ceiling of his room, lifting his arm up to the sky and let it just float there (like what every kid does while laying on there bed contemplating on what to do next). "I wish I could see you again."
Oboro hummed. Seeming to think something through. "I don’t think there’s much out there since I was only a second-year when I died, but there could be some photos of me with friends or an article"
Izuku seemed to take that as a challenge as he went to his computer. "What did you choose to be your hero name?"
"Loud Cloud."
After scouring the web for a couple of minutes nothing showed up except for an old article from the Nikkei Shimbun newspaper, reporting the death of hero-in-training Loud Cloud. Izuku quickly exited that site choosing to search for something different. “What’s your full name Oboro?”
“Oh that’s right I didn’t tell you my full name, it is Oboro Shirakumo” Oboro replied
“Oboroshirikumo...oboroshirikumooo….here!” Izuku exclaimed pointing at the monitor’s screen. “This photo was tagged saying ‘Curry eating competition at U.A’s School Festival. Winner Hizashi Yamada from class 2-A!’ it also says the names of the people in the photo are; Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, and Oboro Shirakumo.” 
“Oh, I remember that!” Oboro cried out laughing “The curry was soo spicy I was freaking out because I couldn’t find anything to soothe my burning throat!”
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“So that’s you in the back then?” Izuku asked pointing towards a teenager who seems to be freaking out.
Oboro chuckles “Yep, the other two were my best friends!”
“Yamada looks sorta familiar what’s his hero name?” Izukku asked, curious on why the 16-year-old looked so familiar to him
“Unless he changed it before becoming a pro, which he probably would not, his hero name is Present Mic.” 
Izuku sputtered “W-wait you were close friends with THE Present Mic?!” Oboro hummed in agreement while Izuku had his miny freak out “
“Oh my god that is socool!Ilistentohisradioshoweveryday,andhe’ssuchanamazinghero,likeevenifheisdeafduetohisquirkhedoesn’tletitbotherhiman-” He stopped hearing the sound of laughter coming around his room and his lamp flickering
"Aw jeez, that’s amazing Hizashi got to get that radio show he wanted." There was a quick blast of warmth flooding around his back and chest resembling a hug. "Well anyway, you should probably head to bed. You have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow and a long way to go before you can have a chance at being accepted into UA!"
"What are you going to do while I sleep?" Izuku asked, eyes slowly drooping.
"I'm going to see how far I can go without being next to you, and have a look around and exploring a bit. No need to worry. I'll make sure to be careful and be here in the morning." He seemed to pick up on his anxieties. Izuku felt warmth as Oboro slowly pet his hair back. "Goodnight, Izuku." 
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The next morning Izuku woke up to warmth pulsing on his right cheek. "Hey kid it’s time to get up! You have training to do! Up and at ‘em!" Oboro’s voice was overly joyful and Izuku felt very unwilling to get out of bed.
"Mm...just a bit longeeeer." He groaned turning himself over facing away from where he guesses Oboro is standing (floating?).
"Fair warning Izuku my jokes are terrible, everyone at school would always runaway once I started and I haven’t been able to talk to actual people in so long! If spaghetti were to have it’s own action movie, what would it be called?.... Mission im-pasta-ble. What did the pot eat on it’s birthday?....pancakes. What do you call a camel in a drought?....A dry hu- "
Finally, Izuku jerked up, covering his ears. “Okay. Okay, I’m up! No need to finish that.” His face started to burn a light pink across his face, (knowing what the end of the joke was) as he started to kick the blankets off only to turn towards the window and see barely any light outside. "Wha- Oboro!! The sun isn’t even out yet!"
He turned glaring into thin air hoping to make contact with him.
"Yes, it is, Izu. It's just reeeally early in the morning. There is plenty of time for you to get ready and eat before we go out for a morning run!" He was being weirdly energetic about the whole ordeal, but Izuku knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Heading to the bathroom, Izuku ran a brush through his wild curly hair and brushed his teeth. Going back to his room, Obroro pipped up. "It's a bit cool outside so I suggest you wear some long sleeves."
The entire way to his closet Izuku muttered incoherent things. In the end, he opted to wear a plain black shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with written kanji saying 'tank-top' with his old dusty sneakers because his red sneakers were still on top of the roof.
Before heading out Izuku ate some toast and an orange. If he got hungry later on their run he could always eat more when they got back. As Izulu started to leave the apartment Izuku tripped over an unmarked box that was just left in front of the door.
"Ooo I wonder what it is!” Oboro seemed quite enthusiastic as Izuku went to open the box revealing his faded red shoes and yellow backpack.
"Wai-how-who found my stuff?" Izuku asked immediately putting the bag by the door and quickly changing between uncomfortable and comfortable shoes.
"I don’t know, when I got back from wandering around the package was just...there."
"Maybe someone found it and found out where I live from my contact info and address was written inside…?” Izuku wondered out loud.
“I guess so,” Oboro said looking to the bright sight of things.
‘But what if it was...All Might. Yeah, I’m glad that I don’t have to go back up there to collect my things but...I don’t want to have to depend on All Might to help me with my own problems.’
“Hey don’t think like that Izu! I know you’re not a huge fan of the guy, but you don’t have to beat yourself down like that. I know you’re better than that” Oboro spoke sternly trying to make a point, but that soon backfired as warmth spread through his body.
“Hold up- could you always hear my thoughts?” Izuku questioned as he started to jog away from the apartment.
“So far I can heat some things. Like your thoughts that way heavily on you emotionally. But it could possibly work to talk to me through your mind. So you don’t look like a freak talking to themselves.” Oboro quickly informs Izuku as to not worry him.
Sighed Izuku. That was true. Though he kept thinking about it as he jogged. As they passed Dagobah Municipal Beach, the sun had started to rise. Taking in a deep breath was the wrong reason as Izuku cringed from the awful smell of garbage. Despite the smell, Izuku took a break, taking a seat at the entrance.
"Oh gross. What is this place?" Oboro asked with a clear sound of disgust in his voice.
"Well," Izuku started."This is Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. It has accumulated trash coming from the sea for years, turning it from a beautiful beach spot into a trash heap for everyone's unwanted or broken belongings." It was really a shame. As a kid, Izuku recalled going to the beach. Lie under a beach umbrella, making sandcastles. But by the time he was tall enough into the water, it was already flooded with trash by then.
"That's terrible." Oboro seemed deeply upset about this actually. It made Izuku want to do something about it. But before Izuku could voice his thoughts Oboro spoke up.
“Hey Izu, could we make a quick visit to a convenience store?”
“Sure...what exactly do you want me to get?” Izuku asked, despite having an idea what Oboro was thinking.
“Well...you’re going to need to get some garbage bags and some gloves.”
Izuku then dashed towards the nearest convenience store with determination in his eyes. A frail-looking lady turned the key to open the doors as he walked by. Causing her to recoil in slight shock, Izuku realized that with his rapid approach he had frightened her. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'd just come to purchase some garbage bags and some gloves.
The older woman seemed to soften something about his face as she smiled and opened his door. "Sure thing, they’re both in the last aisle on your right."
Before she went inside, Izuku thanked her and smiled back. He quickly found what he was looking for and brought a box of trash bags and a pair of workers gloves onto the counter.
"What's the hurry, son? Why do you need trash bags this early in the morning? You aren't trying to cause trouble are you?" the old woman pointed to Izuku with an accusing finger, and he shook his head quickly.
"Oh no, ma'am! I thought that I could just try and clean the beach up! I passed it while I was on my morning run!" Izuku assured, voicing Oboro’s plan
At this, the elder woman gently smiles while scanning the items. “Wow, is that right?” she said astonished, “ You know how long that place has been a mess? What makes you believe you can do it all by yourself?"
Her words weren't really painful, she was just being realistic. He knew she was right. He certainly had no obligation to clean up the beach. He could have just ignored it and easily went about his day. But he knew if he wanted to be a hero then he would need to start off the roots of how heroes came to be. How they used to work. Heroes in the beginning didn’t do what they did for fame. No. They didn’t care for the recognition they would get. They did it because they just wanted to help.
“That’s the thing, ma’am. I thought that it wouldn’t hurt to try. It’s also a great way to work out, instead of having to buy workout equipment or get a gym membership!” Izuku brightly smiles towards the lady as he handed her the money to buy his items.
“Well, I wish you luck, kid. I’m guessing that you’ll need a place to put the trash you collect.” She stated, Izuku smiling sheepishly at her rubbing the back of his head she continued, “There are two dumpsters in the alley behind the store, they get taken every Monday.”
"Thank you, ma'am!" Izuku said genuinely as he headed for the door. He didn't think too much about how he would dispose of the garbage, so it was good to have one offered.
Oboro began to laugh as Izuku jogged back towards the beach. "Cheaper than having to buy workout equipment or get a gym membership! Man, how true that is nowadays!”
The first garbage bags were packed very quickly. broken bottles, cans of beer, old and rotting newspaper, all of it was poured into the trash bag. Plastic, paper, glass, etc. Izuku could take them to a recycling center! He was already pumped about this new project when Oboro spoke up.
“Hey, Izu, before you toss that into the bag” placing his hand on Izuku’s making him feel warmth blossom closest to the soda, can packaging he was holding in that hand. “make sure you cut each circle so if they end up in wildlife again then animals won’t get their heads stuck inside.”
Izuku's eyes lit up as he started to tear apart each loop before placing it in one of the bags used for recycling. Soon Izuku had used up a quarter of the box of trash bags gone and only had 6x5 feet rectangle cleared of the beach.
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nnq · 5 years
modern!au k(lance)
they're all in their 20's except for Shiro who's 30 and coran who's 50
first of all. miss me with that 'pining roommate' shit. I love miscommunication and making characters that r sexy bffs with one another
Lance meets Nyma through a Craigslist ad he put up saying he needed a roommate. the moment they met was a tragedy for everyone but them because they're that powerful and beautiful
lance with tousled hair, wearing a half-unbuttoned silk shirt and designer jeans, Michael kors sunglasses pushed up atop his head, arm wrapped around nyma: hi guys this is my roommate, nyma!
nyma, with her blonde 3-ft long box braids down her back, perfectly manicured red nails, bodycon dress and loubitons, hand on lances waist: hey
allura, shaking and on the verge of tears: STOP MAKING US LOOK POOR AND UGLY
Lance is in school for marine biology and Nyma works as a hairdresser and the both of them are small beauty gurus on YouTube that collab with one another
lance: hey guys we're going to be trying out the new anastasia pallete we got today :)!
nyma: and by got we mean shoplifted from sephora
they're also insta baddies and both gender non-conforming baddies. Nyma is a nonbinary lesbian icon and lance is a nonbinary bicon.... those are like the fucking BEST senses of style
anyone with eyes can see that nyma is into and ONLY into girls but of course... heteronormativity.
rolo: I still don't get why you're dating lance. he's super annoying.
nyma: he doesn't bitch nearly as much as you even when he's got my cock in his ass
they do this thing where when people assume they're a couple they pretend they're some kind of kink couple and freak everyone out
which is why when hunk and pidge meet nyma they're like :eyes: but when nyma flirts with pidge lance doesn't even bat an eye and then lance starts pining about Keith's greasy mullet and his bags under his eyes and nymas got this look on her face that perfectly resembles a man who's lost all sense of normalcy and righteousness in his life and now sits in a bar every night listening to this dumb romance novel type shit and then pidge and hunk are like. oh. no they're just gay.
speaking of keith. he's one of those gays. one of the quirky emo gays that never sleeps and listens to 'coffee and cigarettes' on repeat and has like 3 strings of lights in his room and not only is an art major but ALSO a photographer. and yet somehow he still has the will to wake up at 5 am every morning and go to the gym like some kind of HEATHEN.
Lance knew Keith in high school for 3 years until he got expelled for fighting at the end of his junior year. He was also universally crushed on and was the bad boy jock of the school with a heart of gold so naturally Lance pretended to despise him so he could pine for him in peace
that all goes down the drain when Lance recognizes Keith in one of his classes and goes through the five stages of grief because a) he's hot and b) Lance is openly bi now so he doesn't have an escuse to not tolerate him
(He wasn't gonna do anything about it until he was put in a group with Keith a few weeks into class and he off handedly mentioned he went to Keiths high school, and Keith claimed he didn't remember him, and Lance was just a tad bit upset but was gonna leave it at that except after like 5 days of working together Keith slams his fists into the table and is like 'HOLY FUCK LANCE MCCLAIN?' And Lance is like. w. What.)
turns out Keith does remember lance. very vividly, actually. because he was the guy that everyone kind of had a crush on because he was so nice and charming to everyone he met, and Keith was SO gone for him. he just didn't recognize him tbh, which makes sense, bcuz in high school lance wore blue contacts and had straight hair and now he just wears glasses occasionally and leaves his hair wavy. Keith is gay and stupid don't blame him
keith, bursting into Shiro and Adams apartment at 2 pm: SHIRO HOLY FUCK
adam, bags under his eyes, underneath the covers of him and shiros bed: good fucking god not again
I'm tired of talking about ppl other than Lance and nyma though so I'm gonna talk about them for a bit because im love
as I said Lance has wavy hair and his actual eye color is brown but as he was growing up he was hella insecure about it that's why he wore blue contacts.... nyma caught him once trying to put them on again and put an end to All That Real Quick
nyma has brown eyes too and they're super dark, almost black, and that shits breathtaking bro. she usually has her real hair dyed blonde all the time and permed but she also likes to wear wigs and get braids too because she knows she looks damn good in them. everyone is jealous.
lance has tons of super light freckles. Enough said. nyma has a birthmark on her hip that's kind of shaped like a horse if you look at it from the right way
lance: you were a horse girl as a kid weren't u
nyma: how fucking dare. how fucking dare you say that. I really do have to laugh.......
nyma: obviously I was a warrior cats stan
lance's sense of fashion ranges from 'i went to California for a week once and now I can't stop wearing sweatpants and slides' to 'It's surprising I haven't gotten robbed at this point'. Lance is a scholarship baby so all the money he saved up through countless jobs and the one he already has at a coffee shop almost exclusively goes to clothes and kombucha
Nymas sense of style is definitely more on the eccentric side but since she looks good in EVERYTHING she gets away with it. think dollskill but with more neon colors and designer. she's the kind of person that never wears the same shade of lipstick for a whole month and has a box full of makeup palletes that are almost untouched and everyone who has seen it is both jealous and in wonder FENTYWAYS...
Keith goes over to lance's apartment for a project of sorts and immediately assumes that Lance and Nyma are a thing (they're very platonically affectionate, Nyma will kiss lance's cheek and they cuddle sometimes) which is disappointing but it's not a surprise considering Lance is so Lance and everyone else acts like they are dating so that must be the case, right?
lmao you thought.
nyma: holy shit. holy Fuck. God, allura is so hot. I would probably die if she brushed past me. I would die happily knowing I've been blessed by the touch of an angel.
lance: yeah haha she's really pretty.
keith, struggling to not choke on his coffee hearing All This at 9:31 A.M. in starbucks:
Keith asks if he can take photos of the two of them for his photography insta and they both jump on it so they can flex being sexy and afterwards Lance thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and Keith is sent REELING into gay mayhem.
lance: do you think that was like..... too much.
nyma: i think men are dumb that's what.
I mean u can't really blame Keith because Lance and Nyma are constantly joke-flirting with one another on social media and are in almost every one of the others photos in some way, or at least tagged, so by the time Keith actually works up the nerve to ask about that, it's been WEEKS since Lance kissed him and he's been miserably failing to ignore it
keith: so.... how's nyma doing?
lance: she's good! She's spent all day dying one of her wigs so she went for a coffee run lol. probably will hang with allura and shay later too
keith: and.... that doesn't make you jealous?
lance: LOL no.... they could never compete with me (talking about being Nyma's best friend)
keith: oh.... well, it's good that you trust each other a lot in your relationship.... you seem like a really good boyfriend
lance: wat the fuck did you just say.
Tumblr media
as soon as lance explains that nyma is not his gf and they're just bffs Keith is like ohthankgod.jpg and almost accidentally asks lance on a date before he stops himself and is like.... dumb gay bitch calm DOOOWWWNN
after that it becomes very obvious that nyma and lance r just friends at least for Keith mostly through dumb shit they say to one another
lance, sitting with hunk, pidge, and Keith at the library: hey guys wanna see something cool.
pidge: go for it
lance, clearing his throat: she think she bad but I'm better, these bitches tryna play catch up-
Nyma and Lance have self-care nights every Friday, sometimes Allura or Shay will come, and very RARELY Keith if only to spend time with Lance. also? Allura and Shay are dating, die mad about it.
They do waxing, exfoliation, mud masks, moisturizing treatments, hair masks, painting nails.... need I go on. it's basically whatever they want to do that week and when Keith reluctantly agrees to participate one day Lance goes mental
lance: OK so here's what I'm thinking. it's obvious you haven't really had a self care day for a while, which is like, fine, you do you, but holy shit are your split ends bad. I was thinking maybe I could trim them and then we could do a hair mask? Oh! A face mask would be good as well, even though you've practically got perfect skin. I'd offer to wax but for first timers the pain is a bitch to handle on the face. I'm not sure if you'd be an acrylic kind of guy but I have some black nail polish that I could put on- wow, your hands are really big compared to mine, and they're so soft, haha, isn't that crazy? so what do you think?
keith, still reeling from the fact that lance is going to touch his hair, face, and hands in the next several hours: uh......yeah..... sounds great.
nyma, sitting on lance's bed in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, smoking a blunt and readjusting her sheet mask: *long exhale* christ
Shay got Lance into the whole healthy organic food thing and in turn he got Nyma into it so they're both the bitches who drink nothing but Fiji water and almond milk and will offer you a plate of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a snack. we Stan a vegan couple.
keith: these are actually really good.
nyma: we usually put them on our eyes, but go off I guess.
nyma: nah I'm just fucking with you, we have different cucumbers for that
by the end of the night Keith feels like he's been cleaned by a car wash and he's dizzy from all of lance's thoughtless affection and when lance says he can stay the night because it's already late, Keith mindlessly blurts out 'only if it's with you' and nymas like.... um. Wig.
keith, laying stiff as a board on one side of lance's bed: uh
lance: oh my God you gay bitch get over here and spoon me. also kiss me on the fucking lips bro.
Nyma owns a cat named Beezer that she stole from her old roommate (rolo) but calls her beebo because quote 'beezer is so fucking lame bro i hate men'. Lance owns a Russian blue mix called, you guessed it, Blue, that he found stuck in his apartments basement only a few days after moving in. Nyma and Lance are WEAK
lance: ohhhhh look at my pretty baby sitting on the table all cute and relaxed!!! look at that baby!!! fantastic stuff!
nyma, putting her head on beebos belly: You Are So Soft And So Chubby I Would Die For You
pidge would also die for the both of them
OK I'm tired and uninspired so I'll stop here but I MAY ADD MORE LATER
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allitbb · 5 years
In the name of love
Ok. So. Been writing Pitch Perfect fanfic lately, cuz why not right? This is my latest little bit. If you'd like to read the rest, please visit my AO3. Link at the bottom.
Beca watched as Chicago dipped and kissed Chloe. She cringed by instinct. She honestly couldn't help it. But she schooled her face within seconds.
Theo began talking and Beca was extremely grateful for that. She needed the distraction. Just for a bit. It always takes her a bit to cool off. She's been through this many times with Chloe. Here we go again. Maybe this time it will stick. Maybe this time Chloe will finally be happy.
Later that night Beca happened to be in the hotel lobby. Well not happened to be. She was purposely in the lobby. She was waiting for Captain America to leave Chloe for the night. She finally caught sight of him exiting the elevator with a goofy grin on his face. Beca sighed. Suck it up, Mitchell. This is your choice.
"Hey, Chicago!" Beca yelled and waited for him to spot her. Once he did, he furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Beca? What are you doing down here? Chloe was looking for you." He said as he walked to her.
Beca chuckled. "Yeah, I just figured I'd give you guys some privacy. Take a seat. These hotel lobbies don't have comfy couches for nothing."
Chicago sat and gave Beca a sly look. "Is this the best friend talk? Should I be shaking?"
Beca chuckled. "Something like that. But am I going to threaten physical violence? No. But I do want to talk."
"Ok. Let's talk." Chicago smiled.
She sure does pick the lookers. Beca sighed and shook our her shoulders. Once she was hyped enough she dove right in. "So. I know you guys haven't known each other long. But. Are you planning on turning this into something? Or is this just a tour thing?"
"Well. I mean, I hope it can turn into something? She's super sweet. Definitely the girl next door type. I hope we can work something out."
Beca nodded. "Well I'm glad you're honest. Most guys just say shit like 'absolutely!' Without giving it any real thought. So. The Army? Is that like a lifelong commitment thing for you?"
"Uh. Actually. I joined the guard to pay for college. I have another year left before I can call it quits. I don't plan on reupping. My plan is to return to the states and finish out the year with my unit and then find a place to settle down and call home."
Beca nodded. This might actually work. "So what do you plan on doing after your contract is up?"
Chicago fidgeted. "Well. I went to college for computer engineering. So I hope I can put that degree to good use."
Beca smiled. He'll be home. That's good. "Cool. So here's the deal. You seem nice. And genuine. I like that. Obviously Chloe is attracted to you so that's a plus. I'm going to give you a few pointers. To help you get things rolling. If in a year, and you still are with her and have held up to your word, you can ask me for more. I won't give you more until I know you're serious. Got it?"
Chicago nodded vigorously.
"Good." Beca sighed. "Ok. Take notes."
"Do you mind if I record this? I'm terrible at notes. I recorded all the lectures in college. So much easier."
Beca chuckled. Well at least he's taking this seriously. "Sure. Go right ahead." Beca waited for him to pull out his phone and start the voice recorder. She cleared her throat once he was ready. "Ok. So. First things first. Do not, and I repeat, do NOT take her on a date to dinner and a movie. That is so lame. If anything, at least go to the movie first and then dinner, so you have something to talk about. Always wear your seat belt. I know it seems insignificant, but her cousin was thrown out of her car when they were teenagers. Luckily she lived, but it kinda scarred Chloe. If you're going to buy her flowers, buy stargazers. They're her favorite. And don't buy them when y'all argue. It makes her feel like you're trying to placate her with pretty things. And the last thing I'm going to tell you for now, text her. Each morning and each night. It doesn't have to be a book each time. A simple good morning and goodnight will suffice. She just wants to know she's being thought of. That she's important."
Beca stood as if to leave but Chicago grabbed her wrist gently to stop her. Beca looked down at him to see his brow furrowed again. She raised hers as if to ask what?
"Not that I'm not grateful, but why are you telling me this? And where are the threats?"
Beca chuckled. "I'm telling you this because I want her to be happy. I'm not gonna sit around and watch you fumble through it until you can figure it out on your own. She deserves to be happy from the start. Not five years down the road when you finally remember how she likes her coffee. And the threats will come in a year if you're still together. No point in threatening you now when you aren't really invested yet now is there?"
Chicago chuckled. "Well. This is the weirdest best friend speech I've ever received. But. She was right about you. You are pretty great. Thanks, Beca."
Beca nodded and walked away.
A year later.
Beca was sitting on Stacie's couch with Bella on her lap. All of the Bellas were coming over to celebrate her first birthday. It will be the first time they've all been together since the tour. It will also be the first time Beca has had the chance to slow down. Her career was new, so therefore fragile. She had to work her ass off to make sure she was taken seriously at the label. Yes she was an artist, but she was also a producer and still had to prove herself in that aspect. They refused to let her have total control over her own album. She was too new to the scene. She didn't mind. She knew she was going to have to prove herself. But it did take up a lot of her time.
She arrived at Stacie's two days ago, and slept through most of it. She was exhausted when she arrived. But now that she's gotten plenty of rest, she's able to enjoy being around Bella and Stacie while they wait for the others to arrive.
"So what's the deal, DJ? You showed up looking like a zombie. Don't get me wrong, a hot zombie, but a zombie nonetheless."
Beca laughed as Bella slobbered on her hand. Apparently babies like to chew on other's hands, not just their own. "It's been crazy, Stace. These last two days have been the most sleep I've gotten in a while. Most nights I don't even make it home. I end up just passing out in my chair."
"That can't be healthy, Beca. I mean I get it. You want to make it. But there has to be a limit."
Beca chuckled. "Yeah. There is a limit. But I haven't reached it yet. This is my dream. Like. My mega dream. The one most people never even get even a tiny glimpse of. I could slow down, but that won't get me where I want to be. I want to make music that connects with people. I want to have a song that saves someone's life one day. I want to release the track that stops the little girl from jumping. I want to be blared in the boy's headphones who's laying in bed at night wondering what he did wrong. I'm not going to get there by working right hour days." Beca looked back at the baby on her lap and cooed.
Stacie blinked. She was in a daze. "That is probably the most noble reason for ever wanting to be famous."
Beca chuckled. "I don't want to be famous, Stace, just make important music. I want the music to be famous, I guess."
Stacie hummed. "Well. Just take care of yourself. I barely see you and we live five miles away from each other."
Beca sighed. "I know. That's why I text you guys all the time. I don't want to miss out on everything. I'd rather be updated by phone than not at all, you know?"
Stacie smiled. "Yeah, I know." And she really did. No one asked about their lives as much as Beca. The group chat stayed alive because of Beca. That surprised Stacie for the longest time, but now she understood. "You're kinda a softie, you know that, Mitchell?"
"Shhhhh!" Beca was wide eyed and staring at Stacie.
That startled Stacie. "What?" She said, wide eyed as well. Looking around d for an intruder or something. "What happened?"
"Someone could hear you! You'll ruin my rep!" Beca stage whispered as seriously as she could.
Stacie rolled her eyes and hit Beca with a pillow making sure not to hit Bella. "God. You scared me you idiot."
Beca chuckled. "Beca's fine. I haven't went by God for a long time."
Stacie shoved her again. "What am I gonna do with you? You're insufferable."
"Well you know what they say." Beca wiggled her eyebrows.
Stacie furrowed hers. "No." She shook her head. "What?"
"Insufferable in the streets, killer in the sheets!" Beca cackled at her own joke so hard that Bella started laughing too, even though she obviously had no idea what she said.
Stacie threw her head back into the cushion of the couch and put her hand over her eyes. "Oh, my God." Stacie sighed, exasperated. "My friends are morons." The smile she was sporting was proof of nothing. "She looked back at Beca. "Give me my child. You're going to corrupt her."
Beca snorted. "Oh please. Have you met you?"
"Touche!" Stacie said. There was then a knock on her door so she looked at Beca and took a deep breath. "Well. Here we go. You ready, DJ?"
Beca smiled. "You know it."
The party was in full swing. Stacie had also invited some of her mom friends from the gym. Not that it really mattered. One year olds don't really play with each other. This was really just more of a chance to be around friends and get free clothes. She's a single mom. Come on.
Stacie was walking around and mingling. It had been so long since she had any real adult time. Beca had Bella almost the whole time so she really didn't have to keep much of an eye out.
Stacie was about to go to the bathroom when she heard talking coming from the room Beca had stayed in the last two nights. The door was cracked so she peaked in and saw Beca sitting on the bed with Bella as Chloe's boyfriend, Chicago, sat in the chair in the room. She got super confused and almost burst in thinking something was wrong, but decided she'd listen for a minute.
Beca had been asked by Chicago if they could talk. She had Bella and didn't want to turn any heads so instead of finding Stacie she just took her with her and Chicago to the spare bedroom.
"What's up?" Beca said as she bounced Bella on the bed.
"Well." Chicago cleared his throat. "I was wondering if I could take you up on your offer?"
"Yeah. Uh. I mean. I've been out for a month now. And as you know, Chloe and I have been together since the tour. I know you said you'd give me a year. And I want you to know that I am serious about her. But we just recently got to start spending a lot of time together since I was able to move to New York. She. Uh. She's pretty special. And I want to make her happy. And I'm man enough to know when to ask for help. I think she loves me. She hasn't said it though. But I feel like she's holding back. And I don't really know what I'm doing wrong."
Beca smiled sadly. Suck it up, Mitchell. IIt's your choice. "You're not doing anything wrong, dude. She's a complex creature." Beca chuckled.
"Has. Uh. Has she talked about me to you? You know, like, do you know how she feels? You're her best friend and I know y'all talk all the time."
"Oh, no. Nuh uh." Beca shook her head vigorously. "I'll help you, just like I said I would, but I won't disclose what she says to me. She trusts me and I trust her. I won't break that. Not for anyone."
"Shit. Yeah. Sorry. You're right. I'm just. I guess I'm just worried. IIt's like she holding out for someone better? Or more? I don't know."
Beca sighed. "Look, dude, y'all have only been together for a year. And most of that time y'all didn't even live in the same state. Give her time."
Chicago smiled. "Yeah. Yeah you're right. She's just so great."
Beca chuckled. "Of course she is. She's Chloe Beale. She's amazing." Beca cursed herself as she saw the confusion cross Chicago's face but he cleared it quickly.
"Anyway." He said and pulled out his phone to record this.
"Yeah. Anyways. So like I said a year ago, if you stick around, I'll help you. You held up your end, so I'll hold up mine. Chloe needs you to be present. Not just there next to her, but even when you're talking on the phone. If you're not going to listen to what she's saying, there's no point in being on the phone with her. Make time for her. Even if you see each other every day, make sure you set a day, at least every two weeks, that's just for her. No social media. The least amount of calls as possible. It doesn't matter if you take her to the zoo or just spend the day cuddling. Though to be honest, she'd probably like staying in bed and cuddling and watching Netflix more. Do you know how she takes her coffee?"
Chicago shook his head no.
Beca sighed. Calm down. You figured he wouldn't. That's why you asked. Don't be a dick. "She takes her coffee half with enough creamer to make it almost look like milk. She likes the powdered creamer. French vanilla. No sugar needed since the creamer has it in it. If she ever asks if she looks fat in something, don't try and be cute. That's literally the only time you're allowed to tell her she's being ridiculous. If she's had a bad day at work, don't try and fix it. You can't make it better she just wants you to listen. And then after she's done venting, put on some music and sit and cuddle for a bit. At least once a week, surprise her by pulling her into a slow dance with you. Even if there's no music. Trust me. She's singing something in her head anyways. Make sure it's not the same day of the week every week. You don't want her to be expecting it. Make sure there is always a spray can of whip cream in the fridge. She says she doesn't like it, but when she's stressed you'll hear her in the middle of the night eating it on the couch. I think she likes the fact that it makes noise. And never, EVER, try to have sex with her while you're drunk. I'm sure she'll tell you some day, but until then, don't ask."
"Is. Um." Chicago cleared his throat. "Is that it?"
Beca put on her hardest glare. She saw Chicago gulp and smirked inside. "No. I promised you one more thing."
"And what's that?"
"The threats. I need you to listen and listen well, Walp. I may be small so I know I can't kick your ass, so I won't threaten that. But if you're an asshole to her. If you're mentally or physically abusive I will have you killed."
Chicago chuckled but sobered right up when Beca kept glaring.
"I've never been more serious about anything in my life, Chicago. I don't mean you can't fight. Everyone fights. She will cry and be upset, but do not try and beat her down physically or emotionally. I do not care if I get caught. I do not care if I go to prison. I will hire someone who would be more than willing to cut your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat. And considering the route my career is taking, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to afford it. Chloe Beale deserves happiness. I do not doubt that you can provide that for her, but if you start to feel like she isn't worth it or some bullshit like that, then you need to leave civilly. Do not be the ass hole that tears her down before you leave, because if you try and break her, I will not rest until you are dead."
"Um." Chicago stopped the recording. "Yeah. Uh. I don't think I've ever had a best friend speech like that. I can, uh, honestly say I believe you."
Beca nodded and returned to cordial face she keeps around Chicago. "Good. Then that is that. Now. In another year, if you're still around, if you want to marry her, feel free to give me a call or something. I'd be happy to help you pull it off. Good luck, dude."
Stacie stepped away from the door so that Chicago could leave. As soon as he was gone she stepped into the room. Beca had tears in her eyes as she talked to Bella. "She deserves the best, huh Bella?"
"So why aren't you giving it to her?" Stacie said as she leaned against the wall.
"Jesus, Stacie!" Beca jumped. Bella giggled. "How long have you been here?"
"Here as in right here? Or here as in able to hear the conversation you just had?" Beca gave her the look. "Fine. I heard the whole thing. You ever gonna tell her you're in love with her?"
Beca sighed. "I'm not talking about this, Stacie."
"The hell you're not." Stacie turned back to the door and hollered into the hall. "Chloe!"
"Stacie, no! I'm so fucking serious right now!" Beca whisper yelled.
Chloe came bouncing into the room. "Hey! What's up guys?"
"Absolutely nothing!" Beca pushed out, glaring at Stacie.
"Nothing, Chlo. Could you just take Bella for a bit? I need to talk to Beca." Stacie said as she took Bella from the fuming girl.
"Sure! Come here you little cutie!" Chloe cooed as she took the baby. "Oh. B T Dubs. Most everyone has left already. Just some of the girls still here." She turned and left the room.
Stacie closed the door and turned back to the glaring woman child on the bed. "So. Spill."
Beca, glaring still, started to get red in the face. She was really trying not to blow up on her, but this really wasn't any of her businesses. "Stacie. I'm asking you, as my friend, please drop this. There is nothing to discuss."
Stacie sighed. She didn't want to push too hard, but she knew there was something. She could feel it coming off the shorter girl in spades. But Beca has always been a little closed off. She knew Beca was into Chloe. Pretty much everyone had a bet going on as to when Beca would finally blow up and confess, but it's been years and she's yet to say anything. She's been the dutiful best friend for Chloe. Supported her relationships. Smiled when Chloe was happy with someone else. Stacie just didn't know why. Why would someone put themselves through that? Especially since everyone can see that Chloe likes Beca too. "Beca. You know she wants you too. What are you scared of?"
Beca huffed and shot up from the bed. "I'm not an idiot, Stacie. Of course I know. I'd have to be blind not to see it. I'm not scared that she'd reject me." Beca went to walk passed Stacie to get to the door, but Stacie grabbed her wrist. "Stacie. I have my reasons. And just because you don't know them, doesn't mean they're not valid. Drop it." She ripped her wrist away and walked out of the room.
As Stacie walked back into the living room, she saw Beca snuggled up into Chloe's side as Chloe held Bella and tried to make her play patty cake. The shine in Beca's eye as she watched Chloe sealed the deal for Stacie. She knew then and there for a fact that Beca is in love with Chloe. Oh, Bec. Why are you doing this to yourself?
Two years later.
Beca was sitting in her in home studio when she saw a scrawny toddler run into the room. "Bella Bella Bella. What are you doing here? Where's your mama?"
"Her mama is right here." Stacie said, out of breath as she came into the room. "I go to the gym every damn day and I still can't keep up with her. How the hell do you do it?"
Beca chuckled and was about to answer when the tiny girl interrupted.
"Bec Bec! I miss you! You been gone so long!" Bella said as she jumped into Beca's lap.
Beca laughed and hugged the girl tight. "I know, sweetie." She kissed the girl on top of her head. "But I'm back for a while. What do you think about keeping me and R'Kai company while your mom has a spa day?" As Beca said this she was looking directly at Stacie.
Stacie squealed. "Yes! Oh, my god. Beca! I knew there was a reason I kept you around! I seriously need a mom day. Also, maybe a night?"
Beca chuckled. "Sure, Stace. She can stay the night. Just text me and let me know when the coast is clear, yeah?" Beca knew what Stacie meant. Stacie wanted to get laid. Period. No telling how long it's been. The hunter hasn't been able to prowl like he could in college.
Stacie winked. "You got it, DJ." Stacie swooped Bella up from Beca. "Ok, lil bit, you're gonna stay the night with Bec Bec. Ok?"
Bella nodded in the affirmative vigorously.
Stacie chuckled. "Ok. Good. So. While I'm still here, why don't you go make sure you have clothes here. I know for a fact you will destroy at least 2 sets of clothes by staying one night with Bec Bec. I don't know how you both get so dirty."
"Ok mama. I be quick so you can have mama time." Bella squirmed out of Stacie's arms.
Stacie chuckled as she watched Bella run down the hall.
"You know you have approximately two minutes before you have to go find her before she burns my house down, right?" Beca asked.
Stacie looked at Beca with a sly smile. "Yeah, but you have plenty of house. She wouldn't get it all down." Beca laughed. "Besides. I wanted the two minute reprieve to tell you that I missed you and I'm so glad that your tour is over. Are you still planning on taking a break?"
"From my own stuff? Yes. From producing for other people? No. I'm working on Halsey's next album and that's going to take up most of my time. You know how she is."
"Well. At least you'll be home. Remember. Don't work yourself to death." Stacie gave a stern look.
Beca laughed. "Stace I haven't had to work like that in over a year. My Grammys give me plenty of leverage. I'm not going to be a zombie again. But you know how it is in this business. If you're not working, then you're irrelevant. You pretty much have to prove yourself all over again."
"I just worry, ya know? I mean, yeah you've gotten better, but you've missed so much. I mean I get it, but don't you want to settle down? You're never going to find someone if you never slow down enough to fall."
Beca sighed. "I'm not looking to fall, Stace. You know this. Now let's go get that munchkin before she puts lipstick on R'Kai. That dog loves that girl and let's her do anything."
Stacie laughed as she walked towards Bella's room. "Well if you didn't spoil the girl so much. You gave her her own room! I don't even have a room! And you can't call R'Kai a dog. That's like calling a tiger a cat."
"Well a tiger is a cat." Beca smirked as she went into Bella's room. "And Bella has her own room because she's too adorable to say no to. You could really learn a thing or two from her pout."
Stacie swooped Bella up and blew raspberries on her tummy. "Your Bec Bec spoils you too much, don't you think?"
Bella shook her head no. And laughed.
Stacie let out an exaggerated sigh. "Of course you don't. You find clothes?"
"Yes, mama! And look! I look like Bec Bec now!" Bella showed off her mini leather jacket she found on her bed.
Stacie hadn't noticed at first. "Beca. You did not buy my daughter leather!"
Beca scoffed. "Of course not. It's faux. Chloe would kill me."
"Speaking of Chloe." Stacie said as she sat Bella down. "Did you talk to her yesterday? "
"Of course I did. I called her from the plane yesterday. Her and Chicago celebrated her birthday at a rave. She seriously has some weird kink with glow sticks." Beca laughed.
"How are they doing? She doesn't really tell me much." Stacie asked.
"Don't start, Stace. I know what you're doing."
Stacie put her hands up in surrender. "Hey. I'm just trying to look out for my bestie."
Beca sighed. "They're doin great, Stace. He treats her so great. I hope he gets his head out of his ass soon and proposes. IIt's been three years! What is he waiting for?!"
"No you don't." Stacie mumbled. Beca heard though because Stacie saw her go rigid. But instead of saying anything about it, Beca just began playing with Bella.
"Go have a good time, Stace. I got this."
Beca woke up early the next morning to a giggling toddler on her chest. "Good lord, child. Too much energy for the morning."
"Bec Bec! Auntie Chlo is here!"
Beca's eyes snapped open at that. "What?"
"Hey sleepy head." Chloe said from the bedroom door. "Want some coffee?"
Beca sat up as Bella toppled to the bed. She rubbed her eyes to clear the sleep out. "Sure. And you know. I gave you that key for emergencies. What if I had been nude."
"Wouldn't have been the first time." Chloe winked.
Beca laughed and shook her head.
Beca and Chloe sat at the island in the giant kitchen as Bella colored on the floor with R'Kai by her side.
"So, Chlo. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I. Uh." Chloe cleared her throat. "I have some news."
"Oh?" Beca arched an eyebrow.
"Yeah. So. Chicago proposed."
"Chloe!" Beca squealed. "Chloe that's so great!" Beca saw the hurt flash across Chloe's face but she ignored it as she always did.
"Well. I haven't said yes, yet."
"What?" Beca feigned ignorance. "Chloe, why not? That's crazy. You guys are crazy about each other."
Chloe sighed. "Yeah. I guess I just wanted your opinion. You're my best friend. I can count on you to tell me the truth. But I guess you answered my question."
"I think if you love him, Chlo, and you see a future with him, then you should marry him. If he makes you happy, then you should marry him."
Chloe nodded as tears filled her eyes. "Yeah" she put on her best smile. "Yeah, you're right. He does make me happy. So happy. He's great."
Beca watched through the window as Chloe paced outside on her front porch. She was on the phone but Beca could only speculate on who it was with. She assumed Chicago. Chloe opened the front door as soon as she was off the phone.
"Hey. Bec?"
"Yeah. Chlo?"
"I'm gonna head back to the hotel, but I'm in town for a couple more weeks. Can we have lunch tomorrow?"
"Sure. I'm not going into the studio for a few more days so just let me know where and when."
Chloe smiled. "Will do! See you later!" Chloe leant down and kissed Bella's head. "Bye sweetie!"
"Bye Auntie Chlo!"
Beca watched her angel walk away. You'd think it'd hurt less after all this time. It didn't. Suck it up, Mitchell. This is your choice.
"Ok cutie patootie. Let's get you home to your mama!" Beca swooped the toddler up and got them ready to go.
Two weeks later.
Beca was sitting in her home studio working on Halsey's album when the red light came on at her deck. That meant someone was at her front door. She sighed and made her way over. She wasn't sure who would be there but it better be good if they're interrupting her work. She swung the door open.
"Walp? What are you doing here?"
Chicago cleared his throat. "Uh. Hey Beca. Can I come in?"
"Sure." Beca stepped out of the way to let him in and then led him to the living room. "So. What can I do for you."
"Well." He said as he sat down. "I came to talk. I know Chloe came here a couple of weeks ago. And I know she asked for your opinion. And i wanted to say thank you. Also. I wanted to ask. Are you in love with Chloe?"
A year later. Beca sat in a room full of family and friends of Chloe and Chicago. The ceremony was beautiful. Mr. And Mrs. Walp were having their first dance and it was perfect, of course. Stacie laid her hand on Beca's shoulder.
"How's the maid of honor holding up?" Stacie asked.
Beca looked at Stacie and smiled. "I'm good, Stace." Beca place her hand on Stacie's. "Thanks for asking."
"Of course." Stacie smiled back.
After a while, everyone was mingling and dancing. Chloe decided to take the time to ask the question that's been burning in her mind all night. "Hey, Bec?"
"Yeah?" Beca spun around to look at her.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Of course!"
Chloe pulled her off to the side. "So. Were you ever going to tell me that you and Stacie are together?"
"What? Who told you?" Beca asked.
"You just did." Chloe smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"Shit. Well. Uh. Well. I mean. We're not actually together. I mean. We've been sleeping together, but it's casual. We're both pretty busy, ya know?" Beca fidgeted.
"Wow. Well. I wasn't expecting that." Chloe chuckled. "Well I better get back. Can't leave the new groom alone for too long."
"For sure! Go go. Have a great time, Chlo. This is all for you." Beca pulled her into a hug. She heard Chloe take a deep breath but didn't say anything.
Beca watched as Chloe walked away with a fake smile on her face. She felt guilt until Chloe's eyes met Chicago's. The fake smile turned genuine in a heartbeat. Beca let out a sigh of relief. Beca felt a hand on her shoulder.
"You good, DJ?"
"Yeah." Beca turned back around to face Stacie. "I'm good. You ready to head out? I doubt the happy couple is going to be leaving that dance floor any time soon and Bella's sitter can only stay until eleven."
Stacie nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Let's go get our girl."
Three days later.
Chloe was searching the hotel up and down for her phone. She lost her damn phone on her honeymoon. How dumb is that? "Hey, babe?" Chloe yelled. Chicago was in the shower. "Have you seen my phone?"
She heard Chicago holler back from the bathroom. "No but you can use mine to call it. It's on the nightstand."
"Great! Thanks babe!"
Chloe swooped up his phone and started calling hers. No luck she didn't hear anything. "Fuck." She mumbled.
Chloe laid on the bed and started playing on Chicago's phone. She was bored and he wasn't exactly known for his quick showers.
Needless to say. She found his cloud. Which held files named Beca. Of course she clicked on them.
Chloe sat with a look of confusion as she listened to the second file. What in the world? Of course she didn't hear Chicago come out of the bathroom.
"You should listen to the last one."
Chloe jumped and looked up at Chicago. Her brows furrowed. "What is this?"
"Just listen to the last one. She didn't know I recorded it. It was after you went and asked her if you should marry me."
Chloe listened.
"Are you in love with Chloe?"
Beca went rigid. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You don't have to lie, Beca. I'm not going to be mad. I can't blame you if you are. IIt's more work to not be in live with her."
Beca slumped down on the couch. She was so tired of hiding. The only one who knew the truth was Stacie. Maybe if Chicago knew, he'd convince Chloe not to make Beca the maid of honor. Highly unlikely, but still. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm in love with her. Always have been." Beca held eye contact. "But it doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything and it never will. I promise you."
Chicago shook his head. "I don't understand. Why did you help me? I mean, I'd understand if you had lied about anything. Tried to get me out of her life. But you didn't. I don't get it."
"I never lied because I want her to be happy. That's all I want for her. Ever. Just her happiness."
"But. I mean. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but you never tried to be that for her? Why? I know she's attracted to you. Hell, she loves you. All you'd have to do is say the word and she'd drop me in an instant."
Beca shook her head. "You don't get it."
"Then explain it to me Beca, because I may not know you like the Bella's do, but I know you love her. I have to know, before we go through with this. That you aren't just going to swoop in and take her from me."
Beca sighed. She could understand that. "Chicago, I promise you. That won't happen. Ever. And you're right. I do want her. And she may or may not still want me. But it's not about what we want. It's about what she needs. She needs someone who can be there to hold her at night. She needs someone who doesn't hole themselves up for sixteen hours a day for months at a time. She needs someone who isn't gone on the road for months at a time. She needs someone who can give her their whole heart. And I can't do that for her. I know it sounds dumb. Trust me. I know. But music is my first love. I know myself well enough to know that I would break her. I would put my music first too many times. I'd make her think she's not good enough. I'd make her feel insignificant. Which is the farthest thing from the truth. She's light, and love, and sunshine on a rainy day. She's a warm embrace on a chilly night. She's the best kind of person that there can be. And I won't be the cause of ruining that." Beca wiped a tear from her eye and looked at Chicago. She could tell he was holding back his tears. He really is a good guy
"You love her, Chicago. And she does love you. Don't doubt that because of me. So let me help you one last time. When she tells you that she's in love with me, don't be mad at her. Because Chloe Beale has enough heart to be in love with you too. She won't hurt you. And I would never hurt her by asking her to. When she says she wants to see me, don't get jealous. Nothing will ever happen between us. And even though I'm in love with her, she's still my best friend. And I am hers. I will never try and turn her against you. When you have kids, and she wants me in their lives, don't yell at her. I will never try to replace you and I will love them like my own and make sure they're happy, too. When she asks if she can fly out to see one of my shows, don't be mad. Because before anything else, she's my best friend and only wants to support me. She will never try anything with me, Chicago, so please. Don't ever doubt her. And when she's old and grey and wants to know if you guys can move next to me. Just know it's because she wants to sit on the porch with me and yell at kids who are passing by."
Chicago stood and pulled Beca up into a hug. She began to sob on his shoulder. "You're a great person, Beca." He whispered in her ear. "And an even better friend. She's lucky to have you. And I'm lucky you're her best friend."
Beca sniffled and shoved his shoulder. "Alright Captain America. Get out of here. I'm done being mushy. You better not tell anyone you saw me cry."
"I didn't see a thing!" Chicago smiled.
Beca chuckled. "Yeah. That's right! Later, dude."
"See ya, Beca."
"Are you mad?" Chicago asked.
Chloe looked up at him, tears running down her cheeks. "No. No, I'm not mad. But. Um. When we get back. I think I need to talk with Stacie."
"Stacie? Why?"
"Because I think she's what Beca needs too."
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crue6xx · 5 years
Unexpected........soft but not
You love motley crue, you always get tickets to shows and go to whiskey a go go and clubs, vinces voice was so mesmerising, you loved it.
Although one night your grandmother stumbled upon a book of yours, of course it had to be your old diary just from a couple years back when you and your prime time of obsession with Motley Crue, you still are but this one was in depth about Vince and your love for him, you know your grandma also likes Motley Crue so as a birthday gift because as it was coming up soon, about a month or so but she decided to buy you backstage passes to a Motley Crue show.
You obviously had no idea about it which wasn't a bad thing also wasn't exactly a good thing the reason happened to be unexpected but it surely happened, skip to last night well you had a couple drinks the rainbow Bar and Grill it was pretty nice you were getting a bit more Tipsy then you planned but you could still see just a bit blurry, a guy with white blonde sort of bushy hair walked up to you introduce himself is Vince, you weren't drinking a bit more now getting a bit more Tipsy things a bit harder to remember or kind of getting blurrier.
You played it off like he was just some guy trying to get your number that you didn't want to go home with, but you didn't want your grandma to see you come home drunk it kind of out of your mind last time that happened you messed up big-time and almost burned the house down but let's not talk about that, back to what was really happening at the bar. " hey I'm Vince nice to meet you how do you do?", looking over from your drink, you " hi I'm doing just fine".
" no-name huh, looks like you're hard to get but me being the guy am I'm pretty sure I don't need to do much explaining do I?".
Still pretty drunk unable to recognize who the hell you're talking to you're blurred out these words a bit loudly " what the hell do you mean, I have never met you in my entire life what makes you think I want to go home with you".
" well then I guess I'll have to try harder" a smug smile exhibited his face " you heard the song Kickstart My Heart?", " fuck yea, who the hell hasn't".
" does the name Vince ring a bell?" He was clearly hinting, still he the hell do you not notice your idol, love of your life? " nah, I don't think so if you say you're trying hard you're not doing too good buddy" you said sipping your iced Martin, Vince clearly cringed at the fact that you called him "Buddy".
" without you in my life I'd slowly Wilt and die but with you by my side you're the reason I'm alive" Vince sung.
Your eyes and now just realizing exactly who you're talking to you yell these three words "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" Vince's smug face happily and easily turned into a smile that you finally noticed who the fuck you're talking to.
" well now that you know, I'm pretty sure you came here alone for number one and number two you're drunk out your mind if you didn't notice me number three you can't drive a car right now so I could take you home unless you don't want anyone to see this crazy drunk but your choice just offering" vince said in a manner knowing he scored .
" oh my God, you Vince Neil. Just ask me. Some random crazy ass girl. To go home with you!?!?!?!"
" what do you fucking think?" He smirked.
" well he'll fucking yeah, Nikki Tommy and Mick with you?" Hooing fir a yes and a no at the same time
" not tonight, that's weird but not tonight".
After reading go home with him to the apartment you thought it was just going to be a quick hookup and then you leave which you didn't mind cuz it's Vince fucking Neil but at the same time you wish it was more because it's not just I want to have sex with him you want to fall in love it's clearly you know will never happen which is the sad part and makes you want to crumble up into a ball and die but fear not I guess you never know Vince is surprising but at the same time groupies is his ultimate favorite, just like a princess who needs a prince but this is not the way it goes cuz we know how the story goes.
When Vince finally parked at the apartment you weren't dazzled it definitely wasn't as nice as your house for a heavy metal star but it was nice enough they were still kind of struggling and didn't feel like buying a new place plus it's OG Motley house the band grew up here, after walking up the rickety stairs you walked in, the smell of alcohol cigarettes and small burn marks on the carpet made Vince want to clean for once in his life.
He told you to wait on the couch just walked into his room you had no fucking idea what he was doing he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you said couch he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you said couch waited he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you waiting on the couch.
Vince walked out with a robe, expecting him to take it off you're a bit preppy, because secretly no one really knows but you're a virgin you don't like saying it makes you sound so basic you don't know how but it just does you don't want to ruin the moment.
" follow me" Vince culling his finger with a smirk you got up at demand you don't know why but it was very attractive even though people found it a bit rude specially to treat a woman like that who gave a damn is Vince goddamn Neil he was hot and you already there you can't do anything about it anyway so, getting up from the couch he followed him slowly into his room, he shares a room with Tommy they both have one side of the room which is split by sheet hung up from the ceiling pinned up by Staples, you walk past the sheets and sea candles aligned around the bed just for some decoration.
You expecting them to immediately push you onto the bed instead he told you to lay down your stomach flat on the bed, you removed your shirt without him even asking you to do so , now faced down on your stomach on the bed Vince crabs some essential oils and put it onto your back it was warm he started to massage your back they give you hickeys on your neck the trails of kisses behind your ear and tight friction oh, he has no shirt but he's wearing a sort of Speedo type underwear that's pretty tight but also flexible.
" you know I know you, you're always in the front row at every show in this town, you're always on some fan page about Motley Crue mostly me though oh, why is that?" Vince sais calmly.
" I've always love Motley Crue, but the first time I saw a picture of you I literally died at the site love your rocking body".
" I'm going to take this slow, I'm not going to give you what you want you're not a groupie you got some girl just looking for a quick hookup, your girl looking for something more, I don't get that alot, so we're going to take things not my way not your way just away from what you expected, maybe next time" he said in a rough scrappy hot voice while massaging your back.
" I'm perfectly fine with that, you know I really do enjoy this more than just a quick hookup" you say fully satisfied with the feeling of vinces hands and the oil rubbing on your back.
After you were fully satisfied what's the massage he lied beside you shirtless, after a quick breath of relief you sit up on the head of the bed propped up on a pillow half under the covers, Vince blows out the candles.
Vince doesn't know exactly what to do neither do you you both are really know what exactly taking it slow is but first step is already done but you don't know what to do afterwards so you just sitting in bed both silent trying to figure out what to talk about what to do and how to do it wow still going slow.
" do you want to spoon?" You say offering to be the small spoon, " already a step ahead of you guess you just said it first" Vince said wrapping his arma around you.
" I know we just met feels like I've known you for a while I'm not sure why this just feels right if this is what love feels like I'm in for a long happy ride".
Those words melted your heart, he kissed you play with your hair left hickeys almost everywhere but not below your waist because as you both agreed you were going slow but you wondered how long you were going to keep it slow because to be honest you were a bit impatient cuz I mean you've had a crush on Vince for so long not that it's an issue that you got a massage from him get to come to his apartment and snuggle and Spoon but still you didn't want to keep it slow for too long.
" I think well.... I sound crazy I know I do but... I think I love you" Vince forced himself to blurt.
" I've always wanted to hear that but that's only because I had a crush on you for how you looked, got even more now you sound nowhere near crazy to me...... I think I love you too"
" man me and you so crazy ass motherfuckers, I guess taking it slow as the right way finally met someone that I can connect with been a while since that".
" it's funny, you were never this emotional whenever I saw you in interviews and such wow it's truly a soft guy"
" well you'd be surprised, I truly am soft guy it's hard to admit although I am pretty rough around the edges I am soft guy a little bit on the inside"
" well it was very unexpected, I thought you just wanted a quickie I was wrong we're taking it slow I guess I don't mind as much but I'm still a little bit impatient to be honest"
" I think when I said taking it slow I didn't mean we had to wait days he'll it could have been 15 minutes I wouldn't mind" vince smirked moving his hand up your thigh still while spooning you.
" well then I guess tonight have some more unexpected territories to explore I say you've done enough of the slow what do you say?"
" what do you fucking think?'
" still unexpected hot soft but not"
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fire-bear · 8 years
I'd like #2 for both sentence and dialogue. USUK of course :)
Both of them in one!
Which has made it rather long.
It’s not exactly USUK? It’s more the start of USUK. Like, it’ll develop but there is absolutely no romance in this. Sorry. ^^” Unless you squint, I guess. Sort of. I mean, there’s blushing…?
Arthur is younger than Alfred. That’s, apparently, my thing?
As well as the teddy bears, of course. They’re in there, too.
I kind of made it so long because I was sort of developing an entire universe and plan for a bigger story than what this is. ^^”
AMagical Sleep
The Maskelyne School for Magic sprawled across theestate, a mixture of new and old, sleek and rickety. Faint noisesreached the gate: bangs and yells and laughter. A ring of treesencircled the buildings, a path of African daisies, asters, chamomileand heather winding its way through their roots. Signs had been tiedto trees and to the lampposts planted at regular intervals along thebrick pathways in order to direct new students and visitors to theirdestinations. Half of the lampposts seemed to be powered by gaswhilst the others were up to date, electric ones with the bulbs toreduce light pollution.
Magic thrummed through the air and Arthur Kirkland,third year and newcomer to the school, felt elated to be there.
He was also a little nervous. Because of his abundanceof magical prowess, he had been allowed to skip all the generalisedyears and go straight to the advanced, specialised classes. Since hehadn’t wanted to miss out on all of school life, he had compromisedwith starting in third year so that he had four years of schoolinstead of just two.
But that meant that he would be a twelve year oldamongst fourteen year olds.
Would they hate him? Everyone at his primary school andthose with him during his short time in his local high school hadthought him odd. They’d made fun of his love of plants and storiesabout magic. When he’d scored highly in tests, they’d also made funof him and Arthur had come to realise that a lot of the olderstudents had resented that he was already on their level. Would it bethe same here?
Shaking his head at his thoughts, he tightened his gripon his rolling suitcase. He’d enchanted it to transport things storedin his wardrobe to the school so he wouldn’t need boxes; his parentshad no excuse to walk him to his dormitory and embarrass him.Speaking of his dormitory, it was, according to the map by the gate,just beyond the bridge which connected a flashy, glass building witha wobbling wooden one. Having already said goodbye to his family atthe car, he made his way through the crowds of returning studentsalone, trying to look as though he belonged. The returning studentsalways arrived a week earlier than the first years in order to besettled in before the unstable and temperamental magical childrenturned up to wreak havoc on things – which meant Arthur wascurrently the only new face amongst them.
As Arthur passed by, he looked around at them all,noting the groups of friends chattering to each other. They allseemed much older and taller than him. Their magical auras pulsedwith their elation or their irritation. It was almost enough tooverwhelm Arthur. But he continued on his way and forced his own aurato shrink in an effort to lessen their affect on him.
Finally, he passed under the bridge and, when heblinked, realised the buildings had changed places. Instead of atall, stone cathedral, a wide brick building sat before him. Therewere rows of windows neatly spaced and Arthur realised he must be infront of his dormitory. The third year dormitory. He fervently hopedthat the fourteen year old he would be sharing with wouldn’t mindbeing forced to live with someone younger than him.
Checking the information, Arthur made sure he found theright room. Although, considering the magic pulsing through thebuilding, Arthur had a sneaking suspicion that it was easy due to thebuilding rather than his own sense of direction. He hesitated infront of the door, staring at the number 4-7neatly placed in the middle, just above his head. Then, before hecould convince himself that there was a chance they’d let him havehis own room, he knocked twice and tried the door. It opened easily.
Inside, the room was a little bigger than he hadexpected, the window in the centre of the rearmost wall. On eitherside of it was a bed with bedside tables directly underneath it, theleft table holding a small lamp. Desks were shoved together againstthe opposite wall to the right of where he stood and a door to the ensuite bathroom was to his left. On his right were two wardrobes and achest of drawers, the bottom two drawers open due to the clotheswithin. The left bed had already been made, an American flag on thesheets. Above the bed were several posters of superheroes and filmposters.
And, sitting up from where he had been lying, was a boya little older than Arthur.
Or, rather, as Arthurlooked at him, he realised he seemed a lotolder. And a lottaller.
The boy had blond hairwhich was a mess, a particular cowlick at the front of his headlooking as though it was an antenna. A pair of glasses sat upon hishead, sitting at an angle and all smudged. His blue eyes blinked atArthur as he stepped into the room, seemingly confused. Then heglanced at the empty bed beside him, grinned and stood.
He was a veritable giant.
“Hiya!” the boy exclaimed, thrusting his hand out.“I’m Alfred F. Jones. You must be… Uh…?”
“Arthur Kirkland,” he responded, trying not to feelintimidated by the fact that he only came up to the middle ofAlfred’s chest. He released his tight grip on his suitcase andclasped the boy’s hand to shake.
When Alfred squeezed his hand, he was sure he brokebones.
With a cry, Arthur yanked his hand away, staring up atAlfred with wide eyes. The other boy grimaced. “Gosh, I’m sosorry,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I… I keepforgetting my strength…”
“What?” Arthur asked, flexing his hand to becompletely sure he still had full use of it.
“Oh, um, I only cameinto my magic recently. It’s Personalismagic and I still don’t have full control of it at times.”
“Recently?” Arthur asked, blinking at him.
“Yeah, like, when I turned thirteen.”
“So, last year?” Arthur said, not understanding whyAlfred didn’t just say that.
“Nah, two years ago,” Alfred explained,off-handedly. “I got held back a year.”
For a moment, they stared at each other. Then Alfredgave a nervous laugh and turned back to his bed, flopping onto it andletting it bounce him around till he was lying on his back. Arthurawkwardly smiled at him and proceeded to his bed, dragging hissuitcase with him. When he reached the bed, he picked it up andplaced it upon it. Then he began to unpack, looking for the sheets heknew were in his wardrobe.
“This might be kinda a dumb question,” Alfredsuddenly piped up, “but how’d ya fit all that in there?”
Blinking, Arthur looked over his many books and clothesand pens and notebooks that were spread across his bed. “Uh,magic,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “I enchanted the suitcase totransport what was in my wardrobe here.”
“Woah! Really?!” Alfred exclaimed. “That’s…That’s amazing! I bet no-one else in third year could do that!”
“Oh. Um, I see,” said Arthur, grimacing. If he wasthat far ahead of them, he really hoped they wouldn’t hate himfor it.
“It’s really cool! What’s the basis of your magic,then?”
Bewildered at theinterest, Arthur shrugged. “Transportation magic comes under Locusmagic but my firstmagic was Naturalismagic. I prefer Naturalismagic, actually.” Arthur stopped himself there before he revealedhis biggest secret.
Alfred looked so astonished that Arthur almost laughed.His eyes were wide and his lips were parted. “Wait, you can do twotypes already?! And you only just came into your magic?!”
“No, I’ve had magic all my life. My parents aremagicians, too.”
“Huh?” Alfred frowned at him, scratching at hishead and knocking his glasses until they were further skewed. “But…These are the third year dorms. You’re fourteen, right?”
Ducking his head, Arthur shrugged a shoulder. “I…skipped some years. I’m twelve.”
“You’re twelve?!!”Alfred shrieked.
Pouting at his obvious disbelief, Arthur lifted hishead to look at Alfred. “Sorry for not meeting your expectations.”
“No, no, that’s- It’s just… You’re really cool!”Alfred looked so earnest: his eyes were wide as he leaned towardsArthur, his fists clenched as he tried to convey how sincere he was.
At Alfred’s reaction, Arthur blushed and looked away.“O-Oh…”
There was a shortpause. “Aha, you’re really cute,too!”
“Sh-Shut up!”Arthur exclaimed, spinning on his heel to continue unpacking. Silencedescended between them and Arthur began to wish he had Personalismagic as well so he could will away his blush. Once he had gotten outeverything he needed, he made his way to his designated wardrobe andbegan to hang up his clothes, specifically his school uniform. It wasas he was doing this that Alfred decided to break the silence.
“This is probably another dumb question but, uh, doyou sleep in the dark?”
Confused, Arthur looked over his shoulder at him. “Um.Yes?”
“Oh. It’s just…” Alfred glanced at the lamp onhis bedside table.
“Ah. I don’t mind if you keep it on. Whatever helpsyou sleep at night.”
“Yay! Thanks!” said Alfred, waving his hands in theair in celebration. Arthur bit his lip to keep from laughing and wentback to his work.
It only took a few days of inductions andintroductions to classes for Arthur to realise that the reason forAlfred keeping his lamp on wasn’t because of a fear of the dark.There was something he was deeply afraid of and it wouldn’t let himsleep. Every night for a week, Arthur was woken by shouts of ‘No!’and 'Stop! Please!’. Alfred was never willing to talk aboutit.
Ignoring that issue, Alfred was a rather nice guy. Hehad already been at the school for long enough that he was able toguide Arthur around. And he was kind enough not to make fun of Arthurfor bringing teddies to comfort him. Not only that, but Alfred wasalways excited to talk about magic, eager to learn more despitehaving a horrible affinity for anything that wasn’t Personalis.As well as that, he liked a lot of the shows and films Arthur wasfond of and was willing to sneakily show Arthur films deemed too oldfor him – though Arthur had refused to watch anything scary,considering how often Alfred had nightmares.
Arthur considered Alfred a good friend already – andhe was concerned.
It wasn’t healthy for Alfred to be woken in the dead ofnight and spend the rest of it whimpering. His natural Personalismagic would help him stay awake but he needed some way of stayingasleep or, at the very least, helping him get back to sleep. So, justbefore classes started properly, Arthur called his parents and, a fewdays later, he came back to their room to find a large teddy bearsitting on his bed. Alfred was on his own bed, glancing betweenArthur and the teddy.
“It… just appeared. Outta nowhere,” he said,sounding awed.
“It’s from my mum,” Arthur said, grinning at him.“She’s really good at Locus magic.”
“Oh. Uh…” Alfred’s expression became strained.“What’s it for?”
“You,” answered Arthur, dropping his bag andhurrying over. “But it’s not ready yet. I just need to put a spellon it.”
“Wha-? Me? Why?”
“To help you with your nightmares. Now, shush.”Arthur clambered onto the bed and crawled over to it. He placed hishands on either side of the bear’s head and began to mutter thespell. Despite keeping his eyes on the massive toy, he could feelAlfred’s intense gaze as he watched him work; it made him a littlenervous. Finally, he finished the spell and willed some of his Mentismagic into the teddy.
Alfred must have felt the magic working because hewaited until Arthur was finished before he spoke again. “So, uh,this might be a dumb question, but how is that going to help mesleep?”
Rolling his eyes, Arthur hugged the teddy – andimmediately felt all his worries slip away. Earlier that day, he hadbeen uncertain whether to hide the extent of his abilities anddecided against it. He had noted that a lot of people were mutteringabout him and he had grown worried that they resented him. Now, itdidn’t seem like such a pressing matter and he knew the bear wouldwork perfectly for Alfred.
“If you hug this, you’ll be able to sleep,” Arthurtold him, shuffling backwards so he could get off the bed.
“That is such a-” Alfred began with a huff oflaughter. He trailed off, though, when Arthur finally wriggled offhis own bed, crossed the room and thrust the large bear at him. Aftera moment of stillness, Alfred sighed and took the teddy from him.“Like this?” he asked, his voice flat. Arthur waited until Alfredhad squeezed the teddy close and looked at him in amazement to smirkdown at him, hands on his hips.
“The bear will calm your worries and comfort you. Itshould work well enough to stop your nightmares or help you sleepafterwards.” Arthur paused, tapping a finger against his chin as hestared up at the ceiling. “I think it should last around a monthbefore the spell wears off and I’ll have to cast it again. Maybe, bythat point, I’ll be better at my Mentis magic and I can makeit last longer.”
“You’re amazing,” Alfred breathed, his eyes wide.
Arthur grinned at him. “Of course.”
Over the next few weeks, Arthur learnt more aboutAlfred. His parents weren’t magicians and had moved their family fromAmerica to England when he was just thirteen. The Master Magiciansbelieved that he had come into his magic then because of theupheaval. Alfred claimed it was because he wished really hard on hisbirthday cake to gain superpowers.
Though he had been delighted to discover his newpowers, it was not without drawbacks, such as ruining their lovelynew house. Not only that but Personalis magic came with itsown risks and usually wasn’t taught until fourth year. Alfred wasgetting his own special classes: they seemed to haunt him afterwardsand he used the bear before they even went to sleep on those days.
Despite these worrying signs, Alfred loved magic,though he seemed to think of it as superpowers and often tried toapply science to them. He could often be found in the Newer Librarywhere he would be reading the new science books. As such, he seemedto have a lot of difficulty mastering the simpler spells.
He loved puppies and kittens and had to have one ofeach taken from him one night when he went exploring and found someon the edges of the estate. When he discovered the birds of preywhich were kept in the hidden aviary, he had tried to befriend thelargest bird there and ended up with bandages over his hands. Hisfavourite ice cream was definitely Cookie Dough and he preferredCadbury’s chocolate over any other. Though his laugh was loud, it waspleasant and Arthur always found himself smiling when he heard it.
But, even with all these things Arthur now knew, hestill didn’t know why he had nightmares or what they were about. Theteddy bear worked, thankfully, and Alfred was able to get more sleepthanks to it. Arthur was proud of himself – but he was also worriedabout his friend.
Something Arthur also noticed were Alfred’s questions.They could range from difficult to explain (“How does Mentismagic even work? I mean, how do you tweak someone’s brain to makethem feel good or whatever?”) to downright stupid (“Did you justmake that float?!”). After a couple of weeks, Arthur was more thanused to it. So, that night, he was ready for anything.
“Can I ask a dumb question?” Alfred asked, leaningagainst the large teddy.
“Better than anyone I know,” Arthur answered as hescribbled in the last answer on the worksheet he was working on. Heignored Alfred’s protest before setting his pen down and turning sohe could peer at Alfred over the back of his chair. “What’s wrongnow?”
Alfred grumbled to himself for a moment, just to letArthur know that he was protesting against his treatment. “Well, isit just me or is this teddy not working much any more?”
Arthur blinked at him for a moment. Then he hopped offhis chair and made his way over. “Give it here,” he said, holdingout his arms for it. Alfred did as he was told and Arthur hugged it,trying not to topple over from the weight of it. He squeezed it tightand waited for a feeling of being enveloped in a comforting hug. Nonecame, just a slight feeling of happiness at having something to hug.He scrunched his nose up and sighed. “The spell’s worn off.”
“Can ya put it on it again?”
“Of course,” Arthur answered, setting it down onhis bed.
“You’re the best, Artie! Man, I’m not sure what I’ddo without you. You gotta let me do something nice for ya sometime soI don’t feel so bad! Anything you need!” Alfred crossed his heartas if that would seal the deal.
Snorting, Arthur rolled his eyes and clambered onto hisbed to do the spell. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
The power went out in the middle of the night.Arthur was unaware of that until he woke to Alfred’s usual cries.Gasping, his eyes flew open and he looked around, trying to force hissluggish brain to work out where he was. All he could see, however,was darkness. Alfred’s cries suddenly broke off and changed towhimpers. Arthur listened, waiting to hear if he would relax. Therewas some shuffling noises, slapping noises and then a sharp intake ofbreath.
“Alfred?” Arthur mumbled. “Are you okay?”
“A-Artie?” There was a brief silence. “Can… CanI ask a dumb question?”
“Better than anyone I know,” Arthur answered,rubbing at his eyes.
That got a huff of laughter from Alfred. “Yeah. Well.Can you see right now?”
“No. Hang on.” Arthur reluctantly pulled his handfrom under the covers and felt around for his phone. He pressed thebutton. Nothing happened and he grimaced; he’d forgotten to charge itover the last few days and had finally plugged it in before theyturned the lights off. Clearly, there was no power whatsoever. “Powercut,” he informed Alfred. “Either someone’s been messing withpowerful magic or it’s just a regular power cut.”
“Ah.” Another silence fell but, this time, it wasinterrupted by shuffling and slapping and even a thud followed byAlfred’s muttered curses. “I.. I…” he murmured, sounding alittle frantic. His breathing was getting heavier, too, and Arthurrealised he was panicking.
“What’s wrong? I thought I put that spell-”
“I’ve dropped it. I can’t find it,” Alfred said,his movements becoming even more panicked if the bangs and squeakingwere any indication. “A-Art-”
“Take a breath, Al,” Arthur told him, throwing hiscovers back and forcing himself to stand up. “I’ll find it foryou.” He crossed the room quickly, slowing when he thought he wasclose to Alfred’s bed. Then he reached out and felt around, trying tofigure out exactly where he was.
“It’s too dark…” Alfred mumbled, his voiceshaking a little. “This is…”
“Al,” said Arthur, trying to stop his train ofthought. “It’s fine. Nothing’s happening. Everything’s fine. You’resafe.”
“That’s not-”
At the same instant as Arthur, still waving his handsaround, made contact with something, Alfred cut himself offand made a noise somewhere between a shriek and a whimper. Sighing,Arthur rolled his eyes. “Stop panicking. It’s only me.”
“Yes. Let me just find-” Before Arthur couldfinish, something gripped his wrist and he was suddenly pulledforward. He gave a cry as he flew forward until he was sprawledacross Alfred. “What are you doing?!” he exclaimed, his heartbeating wildly in his chest.
“Don’t leave me…”
Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Arthur rolled offAlfred so that he was squished between the older boy and the wall.The shock of being pulled off his feet had cleared his head enoughfor him to remember his magic; he raised his hand so his palm facedthe ceiling and murmured a spell. A bright light appeared above themand Arthur hissed as he squeezed his eyes shut. Beside him, Alfredyelped and moved his arms, probably blocking the light out with hishands. Hastily, Arthur flicked his wrist and the light seemed toshrink until it was at the level of Alfred’s lamp.
For a few moments, both of them lay there, breathingheavily and letting their eyes adjust. Finally, Arthur sat up andlooked around, spotting the bear at the end of the bed. “Aha,” hesaid. “I’ve found your teddy bear-”
Suddenly, arms wrapped around him and pulled him down.Alfred’s grip on him was tight enough to make Arthur think hewouldn’t let him go. “Thank you,” Alfred murmured into Arthur’shair.
“You’re welcome. Now, let me go.”
“Mm. Can I ask a dumb question?”
“Will you stay with me?”
“What, tonight?” Arthur asked, trying to pull awayso he could frown at Alfred. It only made Alfred pull him closer. Fora second, Arthur tensed. Then he relaxed, tucking his head down torest it on Alfred’s shoulder. “Are you ever going to tell me whatgets you so scared at night?”
“Nope,” Alfred answered.
They fell silent for a moment. A little while later,Arthur’s tired brain realised that Alfred wasn’t entirely still. Hewas trembling slightly. Evidently, he was still scared but trying notto disturb Arthur. Wordlessly, Arthur forcibly wriggled his way outof his grip so that he could kneel beside him. Alfred blinked up athim, jaw clenched and eyes shimmering in the dim light.
“Ar-” Alfred began.
“Hush,” Arthur interrupted him. Then, gently, hecupped Alfred’s face and began to murmur a similar spell to the onehe had cast on the bear. Alfred’s eyes widened slightly as he watchedhim work: Arthur could feel his own cheeks heat up as he stared downat Alfred. Finally, he finished and shuffled around to go back to hisoriginal position. As soon as Alfred’s arms slid around him andsqueezed him against Alfred’s side, he felt Alfred’s body relaxconsiderably. Alfred even sighed in relief, burying his face intoArthur’s hair.
“Man, you really are amazing, Artie.”
“Shut up,” Arthur grunted. He yawned, not botheringto try to stifle it. “Go to sleep.”
“Thanks,” Alfred said, obviously not payingattention. “Hey, maybe we should do this every time, instead of thebear. It’s kinda big, y'know? Takes up half the bed and I always kickit off and lose it.”
Arthur sighed. “When I said 'whatever helps you sleepat night’, I didn’t mean this. I mean, I really didn’t meanthis. We’re not sharing a bed, Al. Go to sleep.”
“Right. Yeah. Sorry…” There was a pause whereinArthur figured Alfred must have dropped off. He was bitterlydisappointed when Alfred began to speak again. “I’ll… I’ll tellyou about them. Maybe. But not right now. You don’t need to know.”
Arthur frowned. He tried to summon the energy to arguebut, instead, all he could do was huff and mumble, “Wait tillmorning to talk.”
“Okay. Night, Artie.”
“Mm.” Arthur shifted a little, getting comfortable.Soon, both he and Alfred were asleep, Arthur curled around Alfred andenveloped in his arms.
After this, whenever Alfred hugs/touches Arthur, he feels calmed. Arthur accidentally cast a stronger spell than for the bear. They end up sharing the bed quite a lot until they either end up in separate rooms or Arthur realises he has feelings and then he pushes Alfred away. Which just makes the nightmares increase.
Also, supernatural creatures exist in this universe but it’s taboo to talk to them. And by taboo, I mean, so frowned upon that nobody will admit to even being in contact with a ghost when they visit a haunted house. There’s never been anyone in recent times who’s been known to have talked to one. But I could be lying. :P
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