#thranduil? tauriel? yes
mey-rin-is-fabulous · 10 months
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ai-katsuu · 2 years
thinking about a hobbit/lotr x reader Ocean’s 8 AU where they try to steal a certain gem maybe from Erebor, not the arkenstone but something else
Tauriel, Dis, Fem! Reader, Sigrid, Arwen, Eowyn, the wife of Thranduil (who yes, is brought back to life in this AU bc she has so much good and open potential for interpretation. I have character on her and she is hilarious)
oh and the 8th member who joins last minute? ofc the one character who is there in both films
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and and the person who isn't really an antagonist but someone they have to sneak past: the only other person in both films
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rivendell-poet · 1 month
*・༓˚✧❝𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐑)❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
○ Aragorn ○ Legolas ○ Frodo ○ Sam ○ Merry ○ Pippin ○ Boromir ○ Faramir ○ Éowyn ○ Éomer ○ Bard ○ Thranduil ○ Tauriel ○ Lindir ○ Haldir ○ Elladan ○ Elrohir ○
No TWs | GN!Reader | Wordcount : 3.3k (each individual around 190~ words) | Read on Ao3
« 1, 4, 5, 6, masterlist »
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✧ When you get to Rivendell the first thing you do is rush to Frodo’s side - checking he’s ok and thanking the healers.
✧ The second thing you do is take in the beauty of Rivendell, eyes going wide as you see the home of the elves in all its splendour.
✧ He’s walking with you and showing you Rivendell, eyes lighting up almost as much as yours when you see the sights - except the light in his eyes and the smile on his face come from your happiness.
✧ Taking note of what makes your eyes shine brightest, he begins to tour more specifically with your preferences in mind.
✧ As you turn around to express your love of something, he realises he’s too focused on trying to capture every inch of your beauty - especially while being in awe like that - that he misses the question.
✧ Aragorn hopes he isn’t blushing too much when he asks you to repeat the question, this time quickly answering it to the best of his abilities.
✧ The next room captures your attention, and Aragorn instinctively goes back to watching you and laughing with you before he realises what he’s doing.
✧ It’s then he realises the blush on his face isn’t because of embarrassment - but because he likes you.
✧ Legolas is enjoying his time in Imladris, with one of the greatest things being the company. There is you, of course, and the rest of the Fellowship - but it is also nice to spend some time with fellow elves (who aren’t his subjects).
✧ Or, almost fellow elves, such as the sons of Elrond. He has always been intrigued by them, not just for the heritage, and it’s good to spend time with the two. Eventually, in a conversation with Elrohir, the topic finally comes up.
✧ “What is it like, living with Lúthien’s gift?”
✧ “Gift?” Elrohir looks at the elf, “Most call it a choice. Is there a reason you ask? A… someone you ask for?”
✧ His immediate reaction is to say no, and that he is just curious, but then he thinks harder. Is there someone he would stay on Middle Earth for?
✧ As he thinks, an image of the two of you - bow in your hand and grinning at him, bathed in sunlight - comes into his mind. And his mind subconsciously answers the question. If you would have him, he would answer yes.
✧ The elf stays silent, and Elrohir gives a knowing look, before speaking briefly. Offering some advice, and congratulating Legolas on at least figuring out his feelings.
✧ Frodo realised he liked you from just about the second he laid eyes on you - you were unlike anyone he had ever known, and that excited and fascinated him.
✧ He expected the crush to go away, eventually, once the novelty wore off and you were known to him as a friend.
✧ Except it never did. With every new smile he saw from you, every word, every laugh falling from your lips - he slowly became more and more enamoured by you.
✧ It was after yet another night that you’d come round for dinner, it was becoming a regular (and welcome) occurrence that he truly realised he didn’t just have a crush.
✧ Frodo was in love with you.
✧ When he’d finally closed the door, watching as you’d walked away, he could still feel the red on his cheeks - and could see the knowing smile Bilbo gave him when he’d turned around.
✧ Patting him on the back, Bilbo had given the young hobbit words of support and encouragement - a twinkle in his eye as he hinted this love may not be unrequited.
✧ Sam had seen you in and around the Shire a few times before, stopping briefly to look at you before going back to what he was doing.
✧ At first he’d thought it was just him being observant, until Pippin had been over and pointed out that of all the hobbits in the Shire - he’d only stop to look at you.
✧ He was mortified to realise what he'd been doing, and had thrown himself back into his work with much more vigour. Trying to stop himself from being distracted, again.
✧ It works ok, but while in the Green Dragon Pippin assures him that the comments weren't meant in a bad way, and that they were all glad Sam had 'found someone'.
✧ Sam almost isn't sure what they mean, until he thinks back to all the times he's seen you - the times he's blushed. The very small interactions you two have had, that have then lightened his day.
✧ It's thanks to Pippin's teasing he realises he has a crush on you, and then thanks to Frodo when he can finally interact with you.
✧ Merry realised he liked you from the second he laid eyes on you.
✧ And not in a silly, young-hobbits-in-love type of crush - but something that reminded him of the story books he'd read as a child.
✧ The ones that said when you met the one for you, you'd feel sparks like Gandalf's fireworks and you'd just know.
✧ He did just know, taking the first opportunity he could to talk to you; talking to you felt even easier than most, as though you were a lifelong friend and not just a stranger.
✧ Every time you make eye-contact, he searches in your eyes for the spark he so clearly feels in his - and when he makes you laugh for the first time he's delighted to see it appear (however briefly).
✧ Each passing day cemented this feeling even more, but he still believes it was love at first sight (for him at least).
✧ When the two of you first met, Pippin thought you were an angel (an opinion he still holds, in some regards). The second he realised you were of Middle Earth, he also realised he was blushing like a fool.
✧ He knows the attraction isn't just superficial from the day he meets you, but he also sees it as a crush at the start.
✧ And then he starts to spend time with you.
✧ You make him laugh, he makes you laugh. He makes you smile, you make him smile just by being there.
✧ It's also at this time when he realises that what he feels for you isn't just a crush.
✧ He likes,  no - loves, every part of you. And to call it simply a crush would be an insult to his heart.
✧ Like a lot of the soldiers of the White City, his spirits are high as he watches from Osgiliath, eagerly awaiting the return of the rangers, if only for a little while.
✧ Most of the men are looking forward to the night of celebrations and drinking, although some are more looking forward to seeing their loved ones come home.
✧ Boromir is looking forward to seeing his little brother come home - but he isn’t just looking forward to seeing his little brother. Faramir isn't the only one he dearly misses.
✧ As Captain, he��s in prime position when the rangers come in; immediately identifying the two of you and going over.
✧ He pulls Faramir into a hug before looking at you with a grin, unsure of what to do before you embrace him as well.
✧ Instantly, he hugs back - just as firm and confident as with Faramir’s hug - but inside he can feel his heart almost beating out of his chest.
✧ The grin is still on his face as he comes out of it, and when you begin to talk his heart calms down, although only a little.
✧ It’s only then when he realises his heart isn’t beating fast around you because you’re nervous, but because he loves you.
✧ Faramir knew he liked you from the second he laid eyes on you, even if he was slightly too drunk to realise just how deep it went at the time.
✧ He truly didn’t drunkenly hook-up with people, but he did tend to gravitate towards people he liked. People like you, even when you were in the dark corner. Especially when you were in the dark corner.
✧ And of course, he had kissed you back. The only reason he didn’t try to take it further was because he could smell the alcohol on both of you.
✧ When he had woken up the next morning, he regretted that he had not gotten your name (and the slight hangover).
✧ Then when he saw you, lined up as one of Boromir’s potential betrothed, he could feel his heart do two things.
✧ Skip, at the sight of you again. And drop, at the idea you didn’t love him back.
✧ Staring after Aragorn, Éowyn takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm. From chasing him down, and telling him that she knows looking after the children brings honour (without renown). But she should be allowed to seek honour in other places.
✧ And then she feels a hand rest on her shoulder, calming, as she turns around to see you behind her.
✧ You can see her thought process, and tell her that you aren’t here to override your brother’s - or her king’s - orders. But you are here to give her this.
✧ When you press the sword into Éowyn’s hands, finely polished and gleaming perfectly, she can barely think of the words to thank you before she notices your traditional sword is missing.
✧ Instantly, she realises what you’ve given here and tries to give it back - but you keep it firmly in her hands.
✧ “There are many fine weapons in this armoury. Think of it as my gift to you, for now. A promise that I will be coming back to collect it."
✧ "Besides, it brings me comfort that if orcs get into the caves they shall find a warrior there.”
✧ Taking your hand away from the sword you disappear to follow Aragorn, and Éowyn is left holding it. As she watches the two of you leave together, she realises that she may have fallen in love with the wrong sibling (at least at first).
✧ When orcs are spotted within Rohan's borders, in two separate places no less, Éomer immediately takes action.
✧ It's bad luck you're on the second group of riders sent out, and worse when you haven't arrived back when Éomer does.
✧ He tries to reassure himself that it's simply bad luck, and nothing dangerous has happened, but by the second day his nerves get the better of him.
✧ With Éowyn he sets out to wait next to the gate you'll ride in from - a traditional practice.
✧ While waiting, he takes the time to look around and sees who else waits for the riders. When women there bat their eyes at him he ignores it until he realises something.
✧ Éomer is one of the only men there, and the only one not blood-related to the rider he is waiting for. Almost everyone else here is a parent, a sibling, or a lover.
✧ So where does that leave him?
✧ He feels blush begin to rise on his face as he realises precisely which one he is. Or, more accurately, which one he wishes to be for you.
✧ Begrudgingly, Bard watches you leave for the final patrol of your shift before laughing as he sees Tilda’s pout when she looks at you going as well.
✧ Looking up at him, she huffs even more; declaring that it isn’t fair he’s allowed to smile while you’re here and while you're away.
✧ He responds that you’re good company, but he can be happy without you - and that’s a good thing.
✧ Then Tilda looks up at him with a doubtful expression. Announcing that he looks extra happy, and his face turns a bit red like when Bain had that fever one time. Or when Sigrid looks at the neighbour's kid, except she shouldn’t tease her sister about that because it’s ‘feelings’.
✧ As pleased as Bard is that his children are taking his lessons to heart, he’s less pleased about her observations.
✧ Keeping walking, Bard tries to reassure her that that’s not what’s going on with him and you - but internally he’s truly thinking about it.
✧ About the fact you’re the first person to make him smile like that for the first time in… a while.
✧ The fact he always lets his kids go up to you because then he can talk to you, and the fact he talks to you even if the kids aren’t with him.
✧ It’s then Bard realises that, somehow, his children have worked out he likes you before he has.
✧ Thranduil had barely noticed that the biweekly meetings had become less formal, and more about the two of you spending time together.
✧ He hadn’t noticed that most of the time you spent talking was just about the two of you, and no longer about his son.
✧ The thing that made him notice just how special these meetings became was when, while watching you leave, he could feel his smile.
✧ There was a warmth in him that wasn’t just from the wine, or the fireplace, and instead a warmth because he felt comfortable.
✧ Around you, he could be himself. Not much changed, of course, but something about being near you felt freeing, and as though he was understood.
✧ A feeling he had not felt in a long time, but a feeling he nonetheless welcomed - especially when it was you that warmed his heart.
✧ Both of you had managed to get into the royal guard - you getting into the king’s guard, while she began to work with the prince.
✧ It was while she was taking a break, eating in one of the soldier’s halls, when Alinar (a fellow guard) had come up to her with a grin. “So, you and them, right?”
✧ Trying not to sigh, Tauriel gave a quick answer that no, she was not interested in the prince before Alinar began to laugh. Explaining he hadn’t been teasing about her and Legolas, but her and you.
✧ “Anyone with eyes can see you look at them like they’ve got a fourth elven ring, Tauriel. You’re really not subtle.”
✧ She continues to deny, swatting him away, although this time it’s more on principle. Not because she doesn’t like you.
✧ Because… she does look at you that way. You are magnificent, and wondrous, and she does want to be more than your friend.
✧ As you walk into the hall, you look over to the empty space besides her and immediately come over - and she wonders if she normally blushes this much when you smile at her.
✧ Staring at the new poems he’s written, Lindir wonders to himself when his inspiration went from nature and the Valar to… love.
✧ He can still recognise the work as his own, the same metaphors and adoration for his subjects, but he never considered writing romance. Or writing about someone romantically - because he knows that all his works have a muse.
✧ Re-reading the lines over, he tries to imagine the different elves of Imladris fitting into this prose but none of them do.
✧ Deciding to leave it for later, Lindir takes the scrolls and keeps them with him - resolved in going to the library.
✧ On his way there, you cross paths with him - immediately smiling and asking how his day was.
✧ It’s there, looking ethereal against the backdrop of Imladris and roses, that Lindir realises the subject of his new writings.
✧ You are his new muse.
✧ Haldir had felt a spark from the first moment you had interacted, your bow drawn - placed in front of your allies and standing as though it would need a thousand warriors to fell you.
✧ These feelings hadn’t even gone away as you let the arrow fly, only afterwards realising he’s not a threat and batting it out of the air.
✧ When you start to apologise he easily stops you, stating that it’s a relief that the Fellowship is travelling with a skilled warrior like yourself.
✧ Watching you go to the Lady Galadriel, he tries to untangle what he’s feeling for you. Is it simply admiration? Or is it something more?
✧ Seeing you alone and clearly wanting to move, he approaches you after the meeting - offering to show you around Lothlórien.
✧ It’s for a somewhat selfish motive, as he wants to try and realise what his feelings are.
✧ And, as his heart seems to lift when you look around and finally seem happy, he understands what his heart wants.
✧ It’s the day after their birthday, finally in their first century, when Elrohir wakes his brother up by poking him.
✧ Elladan is still sleepy, but he’s aware enough to ask what his twin thinks he’s doing.
✧ “I want to know why you didn’t confess, brother dearest.”
✧ The sing-song voice is annoying, but Elladan still gives the question some thought. Confess? About what? Or confess to someone?
✧ Seeing his brother clearly isn’t going to get it, Elrohir lets out a sigh before directly name-dropping you. He’s instantly rewarded with seeing a heavy blush, before poorly spluttered denial about you simply being a friend.
✧ Looking directly into Elladan’s eyes, he speaks again. “Brother, I have watched the two of you dance around each other for almost a century. Sometimes I think I’m the one suffering because of your love. You could at least acknowledge your feelings to yourself.”
✧ He can still see the blush on Elladan’s face, obvious against his hair. But he can also see acceptance and realisation in his brother's eyes. The realisation that he wants you as something more than a friend.
✧ “Took you long enough.”
✧ Elrohir was never sure if he believed in love at first sight. It was never something discussed among the elves, where feelings tended to develop over years of emotional connection. But it also seemed like a real thing to mortals - and not just in the tales of old.
✧ As a son of Elrond, where did that leave him? Would his feelings come after decades with a lover, or from a glance across the forest?
✧ And then you arrived.
✧ Instantly, something skipped in his heart - and he felt almost exactly what he’d always thought true love would feel like.
✧ But it wasn’t quite the blazing fire that some of the tomes described, more like a spark.
✧ Then he met you again, desperately trying to do the best you could to keep your city safe. And then again in Gondor’s war council, fearlessly pledging your allegiance to the new king and winning over others with honeyed words and promises.
✧ It was then when his heart was set on you.
✧ So, not quite love at first sight, it had taken a little more time for him to be completely sure.
✧ Yet he was still completely enamoured by you, at the latest, by at the end of your third meeting.
Hope you enjoyed! So sorry this is late, I had it completed and then forgot to post it - was just sitting in my drafts. Soo... yeah, I am very sorry about that. Thank you again for your support! Requests here.
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dontfearrr · 8 months
Heard it through the grapevine
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sorry guys i been so mia i literally have been in a weird funk but here’s a longer fic for u thrandy lovers and lmk if u want a part 2 maybe???
kisses to everyone, enjoy my elf sluts💋💋💋
Pairing: Thranduil x human!reader
Summary: reader keeps receiving gifts at her balcony, she has no idea where or who they’re coming from, she’s determined to find out…
Warnings: mild spicy content nothing crazy though
Category: fuck idk, fluff/hot n steamy?
Word Count: 2.1k
“strawberries and grapes this time!”
You shouted out to Tauriel who sat on your bed. She was just as intrigued with these series of gifts you’d been receiving. You both have been trying to narrow it down to who it could be, there was very few elves in this realm who spoke to you but the few that did, didn’t seem interested in you. So they were kind of at a dead end, yet the gifts never stopped.
You lifted the white basket off the floor of the balcony where they always were delivered, somehow unnoticed. You sighed and set the basket on the bed next to Tauriel as you both opened the note together. The thought of having a secret admirer was quite endearing, however it seemed a bit childish almost..but very intriguing nonetheless.
“read it out loud! i can’t do it!” you giggled as you handed Tauriel the note and she laughed with you, sharing the excitement. She cleared her throat dramatically and gave you a slight smirk before looking down at the note and she began to read.
“the grapes of the finest wine, the strawberries of the finest vine. for a woman oh so devine.”
She spoke out in a teasing tone. Your face heated up in embarrassment, these poems were always so corny, but who could be so brave enough to share them with you! “oh my, Tauriel..that is absurd” you laughed and shook your head.
You took the note from her and examined the hand writing, trying to get some kind of idea of who it could be! You thought for a moment, the gears in your brain turning ferociously until you tilted your head and looked at Tauriel.
“grapes from the finest wine…finest vine…Tauriel, arent these fruits from the private garden??” you spoke, picking up one of the grapes, it was bright purple, these were the grapes used to make the town wine. Tauriels eyes widened and nodded, they were in fact from the private garden! well this is something at least. “yes those grapes specifically are kept in the furthest corner, only very few people are allowed in that area” she told you, picking up the strawberries. “these are also from the same area. finest fruit indeed” she sent you a teasing wink and you just rolled your eyes at the elf’s childishness.
“are you able to get me a list of the people who are allowed to enter this area of the garden?” you asked her hopefully and she chuckled a bit, causing you to tilt your head in confusion.
“when i say very few people, i mean very few. grab something to write with.” Tauriel told you and you wasted no time scurrying off to find a quill and paper. Once you returned, you handed it to her and she began writing. you were nervous to see who was on that list, hands fidgeting eagerly as you hovered over her shoulder.
Six names were written on the list, this was amazing news. You snatched the paper from her hand and scanned your eyes over the list, it read:
You were beyond perplexed. This list only made things even more difficult. The first thing you did was process of elimination. Elrond, he was in rivendell currently. Haldir, who was also with Elrond in rivendell….and that was it.. okay so six to four, not bad. But these were royal figures of the realm! There is no way any of these elves were even close to possible..
You looked at Tauriel who gave you a sympathetic look, she could tell you were stressing yourself out over this.
“do not dwell on it, my friend” she spoke gently, and you sighed deeply, setting the paper on your table and looked out the arched window of your chambers. “this was fun until now” you grumbled to yourself and looked down at the paper once more. “I think i’m just going to give it a rest, it’s clear whoever is doing this doesn’t want to be discovered so i suppose i’ll respect that” you told Tauriel and she quite literally laughed in your face, in a friendly way of course.
“i really love your optimism but we both know you’re not giving it a rest. just sleep on it, maybe you’ll get an idea soon.” she stood from your bed and gently rubbed your arm in reassurance before taking her leave.
You on the other hand, had a plan. A very determined one at that. You were going to do a steak out, spying over the royal garden! How incredibly stupid of you, but if the elf who was doing this was allowed in there, you saw no problem with taking a peek…for the entire night.
It was late now, nearly one in the morning, you decided it was a good time to go and spy on the garden. Tauriel had showed you a way to climb up into the trees to look down upon mirkwood, you figured this was perfect, that’s if you don’t get caught and probably executed. You chuckled to yourself at the thought as you threw on an elven cloak, putting the hood up and dressing yourself in your darkest garments to blend in with the night.
You may have been human but you had lived with the elves long enough to pick up on their gracefulness and swift movements. you swung from branch to branch, getting high enough in the twisting tree, maneuvering until you had a good view of the garden. You were crouched on a branch, quite high enough to go unnoticed hopefully. You hadn’t really thought through how long this would take but there was no going back now.
Three hours had passed by and your legs were beginning to ache so you moved to a simple sitting position, legs dangling off of the tree branch you sat upon. Your head snapped in the direction of the garden after hearing some noise, then you saw a shadow of a figure enter the garden. God damned elven sight, that was the one thing you didn’t have. It was simply too dark to see who had entered the garden, you were squinting and squinti-
“i know you are there, young one.”
A deep voice boomed through your ears and your eyes widened. They could see you? They knew you were there? This is ridiculous! Your mind raced but kept quiet until you heard the voice again.
“there’s really no use in hiding if i’m fully aware of your presence. come down. don’t be rude now.” the voice spoke again, you stared at the dark figure and sighed. Carefully jumping down the tree, landing on the top of the brick wall that separated the garden from the forrest then hopped down to the garden, standing slightly behind the very..tall figure. “i apologize, i was- i was…” you couldn’t even make up an excuse, you just accepted your fate at this point.
“you were spying on my garden? for a very obvious reason that is..” his voice was now VERY familiar to you, your face went white and your blood went cold. You’d just been caught red handed by the king. You watched him lift his arms and pull his hood down and slowly turn around to face you. He wasn’t wearing any kind of crown, not even a circlet. His white hair fell down his shoulders along with his hood and he stared down at you intensely.
“m-my lord.” You began to bow but he held up a hand, halting your movements. You obeyed and stood straight, looking at him.
“i see you’ve been receiving my gifts well. a curious one you are..” he said, a bit of amusement laced in his words. If he was being honest, he was quite impressed with your little idea, however he assumed it was only a matter of time.
“and please, call me by my name” he asked, stepping closer to you.
Your heart had fell all the way to your stomach, Thranduil was your secret admirer? this cannot be. you didn’t believe it for a second. That was until his hands reached up to pull your hood down, revealing you to him. “you are quite breathtaking, even in the darkness.” you could feel his index finger ghost over your cheek, the blood immediately rushing to your face causing you to blush deeply at his simple actions. The presence of the king was usually a lot more intimidating, but this felt almost..intimate?
“why me?” you asked quietly, looking him in his eyes despite it being quite dark, you were still able to make him out clearly.
He let out a low chuckle and dropped his hand back down, clasping his two hands at his front elegantly. “you think because you are mortal, that i cannot pursue you? i’ll have you know, i’ll pursue who ever i see fit..” he told her truthfully. He’s had a fascination for the girl for quite a while, though she had no idea of it.
He brought a hand up to your chin, gently lifting your face up so you can look at him properly, and so he can admire his sweet human. your face was warm and beet red, you were beyond flustered and truly had no idea what to say. “you wish to pursue me?” you asked him with a little bit of disbelief behind it and he simply nodded. God Tauriel would lose her mind if she seen what was happening! Your heart was beating rapidly, his touch felt like a dozen swans on a sweet pond. His thumb swiped over your jawline tenderly, causing you to take a step closer to him. He was more than pleased by this.
“i’ve desired you the moment i laid my eyes upon you” his hand was now cupping your cheek, his fingers threading through the hair behind your ear. “Thranduil..” was all you could muster up. He had you weak in the knees from a simple touch, it was quite cruel really. He absolutely loved the way his name sounded on your tongue, causing him to take a deep breath the calm himself down before he did something he regretted.
“will you have me?”
You placed a hand upon his chest, feeling his breath hitch in his throat as you did so. You slid your hand up, never breaking eye contact, feeling the porcelain skin of his neck as your hand continued higher, allowing it to rest on the back of his neck, your fingers nearly tangling in his perfect tresses. “i don’t want anyone else..” you told him and his caused his grip on you to tighten only ever so slightly. His thumb ran over your cheekbone before he dropped his hand, you were almost disappointed until his hand was now on your waist, pulling you against his own body.
Your body was on fire in this intimate moment, you were crumbling at his hand. He could tell you to jump off of the highest cliff and you’d comply without question. His head lowered down to your ear, his lips barely ghosting over your earlobe. “you keep me up at night, young one..” he purred, you could feel his warm breath against the skin of your neck.
You gasped at this and leaned your head to the side absentmindedly at his action, he took this as a delicious invitation as his head fit perfectly in the nook of your collarbone and neck. His lips connected with your skin, leaving open mouthed kisses to your neck, then unclasped your cloak, allowing it to fall to the ground. his free hand pulled at the material of your tunic, exposing your shoulder as he hungrily continued his sweet kisses to your skin.
“Thranduil please..” you breathed out, the torture was far too much. Your legs were trembling and you gripped onto his cloak as if he was going to disappear. “please what, my love? use your words with your king..” his voice was like smooth honey, melting into your ears delightfully. You wanted to cry out in agony, but refrained from doing so as his lips connected with your collarbone this time.
You couldn’t take it any longer, you gently ran your fingers through his hair and cupped his face, pulling his head back to face you, his eyes were half lidded and filled with lust. Your mouth parted slightly as your breath slowed and you leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a moment. You could feel his breath against your lips, you felt this was too much and decided to take matters into your own hands and you closed the gap, his lips molding perfectly with yours. he gripped your waist a little harder, pulling you flush against him as he kissed you with hunger and passion. You tugged his hair, earning a groan from him and backed him up against the brick wall.
The king had fallen completely under your spell at this point, he was yours…
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Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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bluepickle36 · 2 months
I watched the hobbit trilogy (the theatrical version) over the last several days and I can now say fairly that they are terrible.
And I'm not just talking about the addition of Azog and Tauriel.
[a word of warning: this got looong]
An Unexpected Journey is really not that bad. It sticks to the books (for the most part. Obviously Azog isn't in the books but I'll talk about him later.) and it even includes the songs. I don't think I'll ever forget the misty mountains song; it's beautiful. The humming harmony to Thorin's singing is amazing and the additional singing voices in the chorus and the way they fall in and out and only come in on certain phrases is something I don't have the words to describe. I like how the riddle game was done and I think the twin natures Smeagol and Gollum were neat. (I know they're in lotr but the idea that Smeagol and Gollum have been in conflict since the finding of the ring has never occurred to me and I find it interesting.) I like how in the beginning Thorin is skeptical of Bilbo and how by the end of Unexpected Journey he has grown to trust him and considers him a friend.
What I don't like is Azog. I think he's an interesting character and all but his design especially bothers me. He is more reminiscent of a man and less like an orc. He makes me think of the Uruk-Hai from lotr but the Uruk-Hai were created by Saruman. They didn't exist during the Hobbit. The orcs in the Hobbit are more like the lotr orcs in Moria. The orcs in Moria chase the Fellowship but seem to do it in a more animalistic way. They are sentient, yes, but they are less intelligent and more like pack animals than the Uruk-Hai. I guess Azog just seems too smart to me? I don't know if that makes any sense but he really just feels too much like an Uruk-Hai and they're not around yet and that bothers me. Azog is redundant of Lurtz. The addition of his character does make narrative sense and add to the story in some aspects but I really think the movie would have been fine without him.
All in all I think Unexpected Journey wasn't that bad and that was what prompted me to watch the other two movies.
Unfortunately, they make Unexpected Journey look perfect.
Let's start with The Desolation of Smaug. In the beginning of the movie the Company takes refuge in Beorn's house, chased by Beorn himself, which is weird. Is he supposed to be under a curse or something where his bear form is evil? (because that's definitely not in the book.)
Then there's the spiders, and the elves are introduced. I think the addition of Legolas to the Hobbit is definitely intriguing, but it just feels like a forced tie-in to the lotr films. Maybe if it was just a cameo (perhaps we see him in the party that rescues the dwarves as a background character, or perhaps we see the tail end of a conversation between Legolas and Thranduil later on) it would be better.
And where to start about Tauriel. She isn't in the books, even as a minor background character, and she adds nothing to the plot except a weird love triangle with Legolas and Kili that is absolutely pointless and takes up screen time which could have been used for something else.
Like Dol Guldur. Like I said, I watched the theatrical version, but I have seen the extended Dol Guldur scenes and the way the theatrical version was cut makes it seem incredibly rushed, especially given the extensive build-up to it.
Also what's up with Galadriel and Gandalf? They're represented as having an almost romantic relationship, but Galadriel is MARRIED to Celeborn!! Nothing in the books, the hobbit or the lotr, implies that there's anything between Galadriel and Gandalf. Poor Celeborn. Does he know his wife is off cavorting about with a Maia?
Then there's the chase down the river. This whole sequence is dumb. In the books the dwarves just float down the river and wash up on the lakeshore. In the movie they're discovered almost immediately and then attacked by orcs? And then Legolas and Tauriel save them and just...let them go? Why don't the elves kill the orcs and recapture the dwarves?
I do like what was done with Bard's character. Obviously he had to be fleshed out a little for the movie since he's a minor character for most of the book (except where he kills Smaug, obviously, but that's really an exception). Making him a poor single father while maintaining the only real description he's given in the book (a doomsayer whose dour predictions are ignored by most of the town) is one of the few good decisions made on these movies.
Then Tauriel and Legolas save the dwarves again (granted, only four of them, but still). Tauriel heals Kili in a painfully obvious parallel to Arwen healing Frodo that never truly comes to fruition. Legolas does some fancy fighting moves.
(Side note: WHY DOES HE HAVE CREEPY CONTACTS? There was nothing wrong with his brown eyes and the blue just makes him look overly intense and deranged.)
The way Sauron as the Necromancer easily overpowers Gandalf I thought was a very neat way to tie‐in the lotr. Gandalf sends the Fellowship because he knows he's not powerful enough to stand against Sauron himself. He raises up Aragorn and Frodo because he isn't powerful enough to do it himself. He's learned that here, when he acknowledges to Radagast that Dol Guldur is a trap and then walks right into it thinking he can stand alone. Granted, he sends Radagast for Galadriel, but he believes he can hold Sauron off long enough for help to arrive. In lotr, he doesn't even attempt such a thing. He puts his hope in others' strength: Frodo to carry the ring to Mordor, Aragorn to distract Sauron, the Rohirrim and Ents to destroy Saruman, the rest of the Fellowship to assist and support.
(It could be argued that he was wrong to allow Boromir to join the Fellowship, but that is a discussion for another day.)
The entire chase scene with Smaug is very cool but I don't understand why Smaug would have turned away from Thorin on the bridge to chase the other dwarves. I would think Smaug would kill Thorin first before he goes after the others. Thorin is the main danger- he's the King Under the Mountain, the one who started the quest. I don't think the entire quest would fall apart without him at this point; they've come too far for that. I do think Thorin's death at this point would seriously demoralize them, though. (I get why Smaug was distracted [plot armor], it just doesn't make sense to me in-universe.)
The death of Smaug was amazing both in the acting and in the cinematography. Where was Legolas though? He and Tauriel hadn't yet left the town, since Tauriel helps the dwarves escape. Did he decide to take after his father and just sit and watch without bothering to help?
Dol Guldur, again, seems very rushed. I'm still not sure if that's because I've seen the extended Dol Guldur scenes or if the sequences simply are rushed. Saruman fighting for the good guys was interesting to see, since he's only ever evil in lotr and merely alluded to in the hobbit book. Galadriel being the only one capable of standing against Sauron but unable to do anything against the Nazgul is weird. If she's stronger than Saruman and Elrond, why were they able to fight the Nazgul while she collapsed?
Thranduil rolling his eyes when Gandalf tries to warn him and Bard of the incoming orcs was absolutely hilarious and a hint at the fact that, even though most of the characters in these movies respect Gandalf as a wise wizard, there are also those who think he is only a stormcrow.
Then there was the actual battle between the five armies. What were the worm things Azog used to get his army to the battlefield? I have never seen mention of them in any of the lotr or hobbit books. And how did Azog get the windmill thingy set up on the hill without anyone noticing?
The scene where Thorin realizes what he has become was well-done, as was the scene where Kili stands up to him. Kili's finally had enough of sitting and letting others die; he finally had the courage to confront his uncle. I thought that was an interesting character development.
The charge of the dwarves, the way they rallied to their King, and then the elves coming to their aid are precisely the sort of epic action I started this trilogy expecting.
Then Thorin takes Fili and Kili with him to kill Azog, who has explicitly stated- and proven by his actions- his desire to end the bloodline of Durin, of which Fili and Kili are a part. Why did Thorin make this decision? He should know that Azog wants all three of them dead. I know the brothers aren't kids and would argue to come with him, but still. Doesn't he want to protect them as much as he can? (Especially since Fili is his heir. Not only does this not really make familial sense, it also doesn't make tactical sense.)
Azog killing Fili in front of his brother and uncle just proves his cruelty all over again. That scene hurt to watch.
Legolas fighting Bolg really showcases the superhuman ability of the elves.
Then Thorin dies. I was happy the filmmakers at least included him making peace with Bilbo before he dies.
But why, WHY, does Thranduil tell Legolas to go find a Dunedain ranger who goes by the name of Strider? At this point in time, Aragorn is about 10, living in Rivendell, and being called Estel. He doesn't even know he's the King. The nickname Strider doesn't come into being until he is in the vicinity of Bree. ("'Round here, folks call him Strider.") Does Legolas just show up at Imladris, looking for a Dunedain? Does Elrond shake his head at the ridiculous antics of the King of Mirkwood, point at the child playing with Glorfindel, and tell Legolas that's who he's here for?
The auction scene was funny, though.
The actors/actresses did an AMAZING job. At no point did I think, well that's obviously an actor, which I have done with other movies. All the characters were sold. The soundtrack, with all the little hints and callbacks to the lotr trilogy, is absolutely brilliant. I think the main problem with these movies is all the extraneous material. Cut out Azog and Tauriel (and maybe Legolas, because he really feels like a namedrop), combine the second two movies, leave the extended Dol Guldur scenes, and voila. Perfection.
(I've heard it said that Peter Jackson wasn't given as much freedom with the hobbit trilogy as he was with the lotr trilogy. If this is true, then it's a shame. He did so well with the lotr, he should have been allowed to do the same with the hobbit.)
If you made it all the way here, thank you for reading my Very Long Rant.
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imakemywings · 1 year
Hey, are you still bitter/salty over the characterization of Thranduil in The Hobbits movie? It's been 9 years and I'm still pissed because despite how beautiful Lee Pace's Thranduil was, I felt like it warped the perception of who Thranduil really is as a king, father, and son. Even Oropher's reputation in the fandom kinda sored.
Anon, I will be salty about that until I'm cold in the ground.
There are actually a number of things I like about The Hobbit films. Lee Pace does a wonderful job with what he was given; he really captures the ethereal grace of a being who is above mortal concerns. I love the aesthetics of Mirkwood and its people in the films. And I'm not salty that they tried to beef up his character a little--there's really not much to go on in the books, so adding the tragedy of his wife weighing on him and complicating his relationship with Legolas (do NOT talk to me about how the films massacred Legolas) wasn't a bad way to add more emotional weight to his story. Neither was adding his alluding to the War of Wrath to give him more personal feelings about the waking of Smaug.
But the thing they tried to do where they wanted to make Thranduil ~morally ambiguous~ was so yuck. In the books he has beef with the Dwarves, yeah--because they were trespassing on his land, refuse to tell him why, and have a significant chance of stirring up a dragon if they continue. IF he overreacted, there were some relevant issues at play here. And Bilbo himself describes Thranduil as a well-liked "king of a good and kindly people."
In fact, Bilbo is so taken with Thranduil that at the Battle of Five Armies, Bilbo explicitly thinks that if he were made to choose among them, he would side with the Elvenking. Yes, OVER Thorin.
I've detailed before why the movie switching Bard's gunning for war and Thranduil's reluctance to fight from the books makes no sense, so I won't get into it again, but yeah.
Final thoughts are that the Elves in Mirkwood in the films have so little joy? In the books, the Company stumbles across them feasting and partying in the woods; in the movies, Legolas' scout contingent captures them without any prior contact. All three of the main Elves in the story--Thranduil, Legolas, and Tauriel--are so sober and serious the entire trilogy; I think Tauriel is the only one who smiles or ever looks happy. YES the Elves of Mirkwood are dealing with a lot--Sauron in the backyard and all--BUT the book also shows how much joy they still have, and I think that's really missing from the movies, from Thranduil and all the rest of them.
Also, they cut Thranduil laying Orcrist on Thorin's tomb and that makes me sad.
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lemonsprite · 10 months
𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥’𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 || 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐥𝐢
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Summary: Mahal has blessed Gimli and Legolas with a gift
Word count: 826
Warnings: none! All fluff :)
A/N: side note I love the headcanon that hobbits are like cabbage patch kids and that dwarves are like those Nat Geo archeology kits
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“A rock?” Asked Legolas, raising an eyebrow at the uneven stone in his hands. The elf looked down at Gimli with confusion.
“Nay.” The dwarf shook his head, smiling, and took the stone (practically boulder) from Legolas’ hands.
“A rock from Mahal.”
Legolas was silent, staring at Gimli as if he was insane.
“And what does that mean?”
The dwarf’s face went as red as his hair, his eyes looking everywhere but Legolas. The rock was so big Gimli’s hands could hardly cradle it and Legolas couldn’t help but be intrigued by the strange stone. It was lumpy and sharp as if the rock had just been chipped from the mountainside and scraped the palms of Legolas’ smooth hands.
“You don’t know much about dwarven culture, yes?”
Legolas nodded his head suspiciously, eyeing the stone.
“Well, when Mahal made us in the forges he created a second one for each of us, an eternal partner, our one.”
The elven prince stood silently in agreement. After all, he was quite familiar with at the very least, this ideal. His father, Thranduil, had complained more than once about that dwarven prince and Tauriel.
“Well.” Gimli began once more, one of his gruff hands fiddling nervously with the braids of his beard. “Once you have met your one and Mahal has deemed you ready you are to be gifted a child.”
“A child…” Legolas thought aloud, his eyes narrowing in thought at the dwarf next to him. “You mean to tell me that stone…”
“Is an infant.” Gimli finished for the elf, holding the rock closer to his chest. “It is how we Khazâd are born.”
Legolas was silent, processing everything Gimli had just revealed.
“But…” He began, furrowing his brow in confusion. “That would mean you’d have found your one, would it not?”
If possible, Gimli’s face turned even redder, his eyes frantically searching the ground beneath Legolas’ face so as to not look him in the eyes.
Legolas froze, Gimli’s confirmation suddenly causing his stomach to sink, Legolas stuck now with the undeniable evidence that he’d have to be sharing Gimli with someone else.
He quickly dispelled these thoughts. Legolas placed his hand tenderly on the other's shoulder, throwing a gentle smile on his face before his friend beside him could even notice anything off.
“Why Gimli, that's… Great.” The dwarf practically flushed at Legolas’ words, caressing his thumb against the rough exterior of the stone.
“Who is she?”
Gimli froze, staring perplexed at Legolas.
“What do you mean she?” He asked, his gruff voice filled with surprise.
“Your one.” Explained the elf. ‘Why was Gimli so confused?’
Gimli stared at him as if he’d punched the dwarf right between his eyes. “My dear friend-” He sighed, exasperated, running a hand down his face. “You are my one.”
Legolas felt as if the Valar themselves had just descended from above, blood rushing to his face faster than he could string a bow. The elf was silent, wanting to say so many things at once yet nothing came.
Gimli frowned, holding the rock in his arms tighter. “I understand if you do not feel the same.” He sighed heavily. “after all, you are an elf-”
Before the dwarrow could finish his sentence Legolas was upon him like a stork to bird seed. He engulfed Gimli in a hug that would crush a mortal man.
“The Rock Legolas!” Gimli exclaimed, buried in the elven princes arms.
Legolas released him, holding Gimli an arms length away. He nodded his head vigorously, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like his father telling him off.
“Apologizes… I got away from myself… I just…” Legolas trailed off, a small giddy smile crossing his lips. He could not believe the news he was hearing. Gimli was his, he was Gimli’s. They were meant for each other… after all according to the dwarves they were fated, it was destined by the gods.
Gimli looked tenderly up at Legolas, cradling the rock in his arms.
“Aye… you… do feel the same yes?” He asked, searching the Elves face for confirmation.
“Very…! A child Gimli!” He exclaimed, and the dwarf had never seen Legolas so joyous. “Our child!”
Legolas grabbed Gimli’s hands so that both were now holding the stone and smiled brightly down at the dwarf. His hands completely swallowed Legolas’, Gimli’s palms scarred and calloused from years spent in the forage.
“Meleth nîn.” Said Legolas quietly. “Thalion nîn, Melethron nîn.”
Gimli smiled, his ears picking up on what little he knew of the Sindarin language.
“One of these days I must teach you Khuzdul.” He said, looking down at the small boulder cradled in their hands. “Your elvish language is to sweet.”
“My word say nothing but the truth.” Said Legolas tenderly. “I’ve waited long for a moment like this.”
He leaned his head down as best he could, touching his forehead to Gimli’s the rock laid dormant between them.
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Jojo try not to mischaracterize Legolas challenge (impossible)
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velvet4510 · 5 months
This of course is awful dialogue and I’d prefer if it’d never been included - I made this poll supposing that it absolutely HAD to be in it, especially considering that only one of the two romantic relationships in that trilogy is actually developed in any meaningful way whatsoever.
(Don’t think for a minute that I believe it to be great dialogue, ugh.)
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eileenslibrary · 10 months
Cold Cold Heart
Hey the second chapter isn't gonna be posted until next weekend, I had something come up take this to be satiated
song: Cold Cold Heart cover by Norah Jones
Thranduil X GN!Reader (You are referenced to be Legolas's 2nd mom but gender is never specified and can read it however you wish)
Genre: Angst/Fluff
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“I’ve tried so hard my dear” you speak grabbing your king’s attention “What?” he asks
“To show that you’re my every dream, yet you’re afraid everything I do is just some evil scheme” you sigh rubbing your temple and leaning against the doorframe of the study “I do not understand?” you stand up straight and walk over to him taking his hands in yours “A memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart, why can’t I free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart” you finish placing one of your hands upon his chest. Thranduil scoffs shrugging you off of him “This is a marriage for convenience for my son to have a second parental figure in his life” he sighs going back to royal duties. You sigh turning around and walking away.
You walk down the enchanted halls an eerie feeling encapsulating your form as you wander to your chambers, you hear Legolas and Tauriel bickering in the hall a little way down, but you pay it no mind until you hear your name “I cannot believe he is treating them like this” Legolas hums “You cannot control who your father loves Legolas” Tauriel reminds “I know but I’m stumped because he showed interest in them before I even met them, what has changed now” he sighs, you step out “Legolas, come here” you say a pained look painting your face, Legolas freezes the young elf hanging his head and walking over to you “Have a walk with me my son” you hum placing a hand onto his shoulder and guiding him to your chambers to talk. “(Name) I didn’t mean-” you shake your head “No it’s alright, you were only looking out for me, but you have to understand I will always be second in his eyes, and I should be in yours too, I will never be as great as your mother,” you say sniffling as tears begin to fall, pulling Legolas into your arms. “Don’t say such absurd things, although you’ll never be blood-related you are still important to me” he huffs sadly holding on to you even tighter. Legolas rubs your back as you hold your head in your hands “Oh Legolas I don’t know how to get out of this” you whimper as your hard breaths shake your shoulders. “A love before my time made his heart sad an’ blue so now my heart is paying now for things, I didn’t do,” you cry “In anger, unkind words are said that make the teardrops start” he hums pulling you closer “Yet why can’t I free his doubtful mind, and melt his cold cold heart” you sob making your breath stutter. 
Thranduil walks into the forest to think he hears a soft voice talking, he approaches the sound and sees you sitting as your beloved messenger bird eats feed from your hand “There was a time when I believed that he belonged to me, but now I know his heart is shackled to a memory” you whisper playing with a stray feather “The more I learn to care for him the more we drift apart, oh why can’t I free his doubtful mind and melt his cold cold heart” Thranduil approaches you cautiously, crouching down in front of you, you look up to find those sapphire irises looking at you “Yes my king” you hurriedly say wiping your tears “There is no need to hide your tears” he hums wiping the ones still falling, he sits down lifting your chin to look at him a confused look encompasses your features, he pulls you to his chest making your bird squawk at the sudden unsettlement a breathless chuckle escaping him he pulls you into a kiss making your eyes widen before they flutter to a close. Thranduil apologizes before he leads you to your chambers to spend time with one another, you place a kiss on his cheek before snuggling into his arms even more dozing as he watches over you, a true smile taking over his features the first in a long long time. 
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anneangel · 6 months
When I try to explain why 'I love' and 'don't love' The Hobbit, trilogy and book:
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, Warner Bros executive directors: Do you like The Hobbit Trilogy?
Me: oh, yes. I love 90% of it. And the cast is wonderful and the soundtrack incredible. I love 'movie Smaug', and I find interesting that the dwarves gain more prominence than in the book, transforming them into more central characters in the plot.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: What are your criticisms about it?
Me: There are many good scenes from the original plot that were changed for the movie without need because were already good in the book, many tense scenes in the book were transformed into 'action scenes', such as the escape from the Misty Mountains, Mirkwood and the escape in the barrels. And why revive Azog when just Bolg would be enough? And you guys shit on the character Beorn. And, well, the name of the movies are 'The Hobbit', there should be more Bilbo in this, right?
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: So you like the book that much?
Me: oh, yes, I love 95% of it.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: Do you even have something honest criticisms of book?
Me: well, there could be SOME female participation, and I could follow Gandalf's journey to the White Council and Dol Guldur, both happen, but in the plot of the book it 'll not be narrated to us because the focus is on Bilbo and only him. And Thranduil doesn't even have a name, he's just called the 'Elvenking' of the Forest, let alone his son Legolas. Radagast is underused and only mentioned once. I would like more to be 'narrated' than 'told' to us. Understand? More dialogues actually describing what they went through, and less summarizing as 'after much deliberation they decided', it's something told. Maybe if the book was more 'narrated' than 'told', then it would be much bigger than it is. Well, It would be interesting to see the narrative from more perspectives.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: but that's exactly what we try to deliver in the movies! We gave you Galadriel, Tauriel and gave you Bard's daughters, hey, there's your female representation. And we gave you the White Council and Dol Guldur, we gave you more Elrond, and Radagast and even Saruman. We even gave you a badass and handsome Thranduil and we even gave you Legolas. Fuck you, we even gave you Frodo!
Me: Correct. I like the fillers created for the trilogy, nothing against them, the intention was great, the actors play their characters very fine and everyone did wonders with what they had, truly cool, the problem is that I don't like the PLOT of the fillers. Only that.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: So, in your opinion, the problem is our bad writing plot for fillers?
Me: oh, that's right. Exactly. With the exception of this, everything else was very good.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: But you can't just blame us! Others also failed miserably in this production, right?
Me: Oh, but the costume designers did relatively fine, cinematographers and art directors too, with the exception of Beorn's design, everything else is tolerable. Even if it wasn't faithful to the book on some aspects, but that's why it's called 'adaptation'. Including the CGI was 'ok', which many complain about, but I think it's an excessive criticism because it's reasonable compared to other current Worldwide Box Office movies similar to The Hobbit Trilogy.
Peter Jackson, screenwriters, WB: So, for you, what really left something to be desired was the plot written of the fillers and plot of changed scenes? Is it?
Me: Oh, yeah. I wouldn't be so critical of the 'need' for to be three movies, if the filler plot and new scenes was better written. But hey, I still like a lot about The Hobbit, whether it's the book or the movies. For example, now just talking about The Hobbit makes me want to read my favorite parts of the book and watch my favorite parts of the trilogy! Haha! Understand now?
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rivendell-poet · 4 days
*・༓˚✧ ❝𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐑)❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
○ Aragorn ○ Legolas ○ Frodo ○ Sam ○ Merry ○ Pippin ○ Boromir ○ Faramir ○ Éowyn ○ Éomer ○ Bard ○ Thranduil ○ Tauriel ○ Lindir ○ Haldir ○ Elladan ○ Elrohir ○
GN!Reader | Wordcount : 2.9k (each individual around 170~ words) | Read on Ao3
TWS : References to a dead spouse/parent having a new partner after other parents death (Bard)
« 1, 10, 11, masterlist »
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✧ You two weren’t sure how to tell the Fellowship, especially when your main problems centred around saving Middle Earth. Surely a relationship was inconsequential?
✧ In the end, it was Merry and Pippin who discovered your relationship by walking in on you kissing.
✧ You didn’t even know they were there until you heard the excited gasps, before Merry eagerly asks if he can tell everyone.
✧ Aragorn and you have talked about this before, but he still checks with you again to make sure you’re absolutely comfortable with it.
✧ The two of you give your agreements to the hobbits (and you still don’t think you’ve ever seen them happier).
✧ One of your highlights comes from Merry running up behind you and saying you and Aragorn are together before he realises who you are.
✧ Sam and Frodo awkwardly come up to you at one point and ask if Merry and Pippin have permission - it’s very sweet to see them blushing and trying to keep eye contact with the two of you.
✧ The rest of the Fellowship briefly acknowledges it, although it’s generally with just a nod to the two of you or a few words.
✧ The only exception is when there's sparring training - in which the men sometimes tease Aragorn for focusing on your match slightly too much.
✧ You both ask each other who they’re ok with knowing, and both of you agree that with the lists you provide - but you don’t want to publicise it needlessly.
✧ Boromir is the first person you end up telling, after he not so subtly nudges you while you’re (also not subtly) staring at Legolas.
✧ He teases you a bit, but you know it’s in good faith, and when Legolas appears to ask if you’ll join him he instantly pushes you towards him, bidding you to have fun.
✧ On his part, Legolas actually forgets to tell anyone. It isn’t until he’s asking Aragorn about if his date idea is acceptable with mortal customs that Aragorn interrupts him to confirm the two of you are dating.
✧ Legolas stands there for a second, and then he realises he hasn’t told anyone.
✧ Proceeds to go into a long and slightly unnecessary infodump about you, and all of the things he loves about you, and why he’s honoured to be dating you, and-
✧ Aragorn actually doesn’t interrupt, and it’s only when Frodo and Sam come over that Legolas realises just how long he’s been talking.
✧ Word spreads from Frodo and Sam to the rest of the hobbits, and the hobbits make it everyone's business. And soon enough the whole Fellowship knows.
✧ When Frodo had first talked about you to his friends, everyone wanted to know who the big-folk in the Shire was, they had been able to tell Frodo was a little star-struck.
✧ They’d also been able to tell it hadn’t exactly gone away, even after you’d been meeting for a while.
✧ Eventually Frodo tells them he can’t come to one of their regular meetings, and that same day the Shire reports seeing you and another hobbit go in the direction of the flower fields.
✧ It only takes the next time they see Frodo for Merry to give him a grin, and Pippin to give him a ‘subtle’ jab to the ribs.
✧ Frodo laughs at them, “You were right. They said yes, and it was wonderful.”
✧ The two immediately start cheering, and Sam congratulates him more quietly - although with just as much sincerity.
✧ Bilbo greets it only with a nod, and mutters to Frodo that it certainly took him long enough.
✧ (Pippin attempts a whistle the next time he sees you and Frodo in public. It starts out well, and then he laughs too hard to finish it. Especially when you start laughing while Frodo turns red.)
✧ They’re the ones that finally convince Sam to ask you out, and they’re all hoping for you and him to work out - it’s just obvious to them that you belong together.
✧ They don’t see him for the entire day he asks you out, except very early in the morning to wish him all luck.
✧ And then they see him the next day.
✧ With the largest grin on his face, from ear to ear. As well as what might be a semi-permanent blush.
✧ The friends look around at each other before realising what that means.
✧ Pippin immediately rushes over to congratulate their good friend, with Merry right behind him.
✧ There’s some teasing but it’s all in good faith - they’re all relieved that you two are together.
✧ Although they tease Sam they’re a lot nicer to you, letting you know they know with smiles and a nod across the room.
✧ Frodo congratulates you on your courting.
✧ One of the first things he, seriously, asks you is if he can tell his friends.
✧ Your confused as to why he asks, and he explains he doesn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position - and he’s more than happy for it to be just the two of you if that’s what you want/
✧ You reassure him that you’re fine with Pippin, Sam, and Frodo knowing.
✧ There’s obvious relief and joy on his face - and he grins before pulling you into a hug and thanking you. “Don’t worry, I won’t let Pip be mean.”
✧ The two of you actually see them the same day and Merry immediately runs over to Pippin.
✧ He almost tackles him into a massive hug, a huge grin on his face before glancing back at you with shining eyes.
✧ “They said yes!”
✧ (Although you find Merry’s excitement at telling others the sweetest, you have to admit hearing Pippin woop makes you smile as well.)
✧ Everyone in the Fellowship knew that he had a crush on you, because they all had eyes, although it was slightly less known you liked him back.
✧ Merry is the first to realise you’re probably going to end up together because Pippin asks him for a pep talk on the day.
✧ (Which Merry gives, of course.)
✧ The following breakfast he subtly goes up to Pippin and nudges him, to which Pippin gives a faux-wise nod before smiling and whispering ‘thank you’.
✧ Frodo and Sam both know him well enough to realise what’s happened, although they wait until you confirm it to say anything or make any comments.
✧ In the end you’re the one to ask if he wants it spread around, to which he answers of course - he just wasn’t sure if that was something you wanted.
✧ You reassure him that you’re fine with it, and you’d never be ashamed of this relationship.
✧ With your permission, he quickly gets around to telling everyone what’s going on.
✧ Even with every person he tells, the wonder that you’ve chosen him doesn’t diminish in the slightest.
✧ You can't help smiling about Boromir asking you if you'll be his partner.
✧ Of course, the next day this does creep out while you're running drills with the rangers.
✧ Even Anborn's frankly terrible warm-ups don't get rid of it, something that is quickly noticed by your comrades. And commented upon.
✧ Not telling them who it is, even when pleading with you to say who's making you smile that widely, just makes them more persistent.
✧ Faramir denies all knowledge when they ask him, although of course he knows about the two of you in.
✧ In the end they take to calling him mystery man.
✧ Two days later all soldiers are together again, and Boromir discreetly buys you a drink and you plan to real later.
✧ As you turn around you can see your troops grinning, one of them mouthing 'mystery man'.
✧ Being the fair second-in-command you are, it only results in one extra lap next meeting.
✧ He's, understandably, nervous about telling others about your relationship. ✧ Not because he isn't completely committed to you, he'd hang the moon and stars for you, but because he's worried about what people will say. ✧ And not about him - but about you. ✧ Faramir doesn't particularly want to introduce you to his father, so instead he introduces you to his brother. ✧ Boromir recognises you, and is immediately very cheerful and welcoming of you - putting the both of you at ease. ✧ Although he's very supportive, he understands it being kept a secret and promises that it is your relationship to tell. ✧ Faramir also offers to introduce you to his rangers, to which you eagerly agree.
✧ It's in a more casual setting - just a tavern, without the formalities of titles.
✧ The rangers are just as welcoming and supporting of you two, although they tease Faramir more than his brother did. 
✧ Aragorn had been the first person to notice when you two had started to like each other, before either of you had fully figured it out yourselves.
✧ And when you come back from your talk with Éowyn, he can see your blush and the small smile you have - the way you’re almost glowing.
✧ (Although most people with eyes would’ve noticed it too.)
✧ As such you don’t need to tell him, he merely comes up and congratulates you after the fighting is over - saying that you seem right for each other.
✧ Legolas and Gimli are also both with you when you come back from talking, and they realise as well.
✧ The both of them are a lot more vocal in their teasing about it - and you keep from hitting them by telling yourself it’s just Gimli’s way of not freaking out about the Dead.
✧ To be entirely honest your partner, and the teasing that comes with that, is the topic you’d much rather be thinking about.
✧ You don’t need to tell Éowyn, of course, as she’s the one who set you up in the first place.
✧ She’s also the one who, when you finally get back from your first date, whistles as Éomer kisses you hand in goodbye and looks entirely too pleased with herself when you both turn red.
✧ Théodred realises on the day Éomer first kisses you, as he too is part of the Rohirrim force that went out - following his cousin’s horse until he sees them jump off.
✧ As soon as he sees you two kiss he looks over to Éowyn for confirmation, who simply grins back.
✧ He congratulates Éomer in private, before asking when you two are going to inform Théoden about it.
✧ After asking his uncle for permission to date you, which Théoden gives freely, you are eventually formally introduced - although he recognises you as Éowyn’s friend.
✧ No-one else is personally informed, although word does get out about a prince of Rohan’s dating, and it becomes common knowledge that you two are courting rather quickly.
✧ For the most part there’s no bother, and the most comments you get are of people telling you how much they wish to be in your place.
✧ As much as Bard wants to parade you around the rooftops, walk with your hand in his and give you a small kiss when you’re close together, he does restrain himself.
✧ He wants to be with you, through all of this, but he also understands the importance of waiting and making sure something is real.
✧ The children love you, but he doesn’t yet want the children to know you two are dating.
✧ Bard knows he should probably wait longer than the three month mark, but he still loves you just as much as your first date and you feel the same.
✧ So over dinner he tells the kids that you’re courting, and feels a massive amount of relief when they all express enthusiasm.
✧ After that some friends and family are told, although most people become informed via the rumour mill.
✧ On a slow day, the news of you holding Bard’s hand or him kissing you goodbye becomes good gossip.
✧ It also takes Thranduil a while for him to be honest about your relationship.
✧ And again it certainly isn’t because of his lack of commitment. Because if you needed something done, he would do everything in his power to do it. To make sure you could smile.
✧ He does it because he wants you to be ready for the responsibilities and judgements that, unfortunately, are to come with you being with him.
✧ Judgements that mean nothing to him but that you don’t deserve, and therefore will help prepare you for.
✧ Thranduil will completely go at your pace for if things are moving too fast or too slow, constantly checking in and making sure you’re ok with what’s happening.
✧ Although, if things are going too fast he does generally slow them down. Making sure you’re not feeling pressured, and if there’s anything he can do to help you.
✧ It’s a small gesture in terms of what he could do, but when he sits next to you and looks into your eyes you know he’s sincere.
✧ When Tauriel is finally courting you, she just wants to show you off.
✧ To show the world how amazing her partner is - and that the two of you are together.
✧ If you'll let here, she'll happily he attached to you - holding hands, or giving you a quick kiss before you go out on patrol.
✧ Then when she's asked she's happy to confirm it, and try to give the person a list of the best things you've done in the past day.
✧ But if you ask her not too she also understands, and tries not to draw attention it it.
✧ Instead it's whispered in her friends ears with a sparkle in her eyes.
✧ Lindir is nervous about telling others, although handles it fairly well.
✧ He asks if you'll allow him to wait a week or so - both to figure out what to say and to make sure you want this relationship.
✧ You reassure him that you will, but that he can also take all the time he needs.
✧ All in all, Lindir is probably the one of the most mature when it comes to telling people.
✧ Simply asking for a moment of time from the people he wishes to know, and then informing them that you are courting.
✧ And trying to deflect all compliments onto you, while simultaneously trying to remember them all so he can tell you them later.
✧ For your part you tell the people that you know in Rivendell, and they congratulate you (and admit envy) that you've managed to court the elf.
✧ Everything goes fairly smoothly, although you can't fully contain your shock when the Lord of Rivendell comes to speak to you. Even if it's only to congratulate the two of you. Especially if it's that.
✧ Unsurprisingly, there aren’t that many people that Haldir knows in the lands of Rohan or of Gondor.
✧ Although a letter is sent that way, filled with surprisingly romantic prose that you wouldn’t expect from him, you know he won’t be able to tell anyone in his life until you go back to Lothlórien.
✧ But you do have Legolas to tell - and the remaining two of the hunters.
✧ You tell Legolas first, as his guard you’ve known him much longer, and because you want this to be something special.
✧ As elves, this will be (almost certainly) the only times you can say that you’ve fallen in love.
✧ Legolas is very congratulatory, instantly pulling you into a hug and saying he’s happy for you. Before pulling out of it and making you swear to tell him if Haldir doesn’t treat you well.
✧ It makes you laugh before you realise he’s being serious.
✧ To your amusement (and gratitude) Legolas then leaves to talk to your boyfriend - and you eventually find them standing outside and speaking in Elvish in quiet enough tones for you to not hear.
✧ Going over to them Legolas gives you a small nod, and Haldir offers you a smile before saying he’s glad that you have chosen him.
✧ Both of you are comfortable sharing what’s happening almost immediately, because both of you have lived in Rivendell for practically your entire lives and have a similar circle.
✧ In a way, telling others is awkward - but more because of the knowing smiles you receive, along with the congratulations.
✧ Of all the elves in Rivendell it seems that either Elrohir has told them, or that they’d always suspected it.
✧ Because of course the two of you somehow manage to be the most oblivious to your own relationship.
✧ Nearing the end of the day, Elladan takes your hand and gives it a kiss as you leave.
✧ “My apologies for managing to be this clueless for so long. I hope the rest of our lives can make up for it.”
✧ Finds it far two funny that both him and Arwen have fallen for Gondorian nobles, and as such cannot wait to officially tell her.
✧ (Of course it was very obvious for a while before, and even more so when his courting proposal was during a public event - even though he made sure to catch you mostly alone.)
✧ Proudly tells his sister that he’s got the much better partner to become mortal for, and that she should be jealous of the two of you.
✧ And then only jumping a little when he turns around to see Aragorn behind him. Does not apologise for his statement, but does reassure him that he’ll always love his little Estel and-
✧ Aragorn cuts him off with his congratulations, before politely asking Elrohir to stop trying to steal you away from quite so many official duties.
✧ At which point Elrohir feels it only right to give a vague answer, before trying to locate you and the trusty pile of paperwork beside you.
✧ Comes into your room happily announcing the king has given his blessings. For everything.
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Daddy’s little girl: Dad Thranduil x teen (turned into baby) daughter reader.
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Age: 15 turned into a baby (in human years) Legolas and Tauriel has convinced reader Chan to go with the patrol against Thranduil’s wishes.
Warning: discipline Spanking, fluff, cute baby reader, this is platonic.
Ada: Dad/Daddy/Papa
Adar: Father
Muindor: brother.
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Your POV:
I wish I’ve listened to Ada when he said “You’re not ready to be in the patrol and you’re too young.” By the Valar why was he always right?
I can already hear him scolding me, giving me a lecture on the dangers of the forest, make me write an essay on the dangers of leaving the palace and possibly have me over his knee then heat up my backside like he did when I accidentally broke that vase when I was little.
And why did I went along with Legolas’s and Tauriel’s dumb plan on sneaking out while Ada was at a meeting?
I was practicing archery with my big brother Legolas and the captain of the guards Tauriel when Meludir came “My Prince! captain! there is a spider’s nest dangerously close to the palace.” He said frantically “We will leave immediately.” Tauriel said “This will be a great opportunity to see how you’re improving Y/N.” Muindor said getting his horse “But Dad said I’m not old enough to go on patrol! And he’s expecting me in the palace by sunset.” I said following him to the stables where he, Tauriel and the rest of the patrol saddle their horses “It’s only going to take an hour. He won’t be out of today’s meeting in two hours, that gives us time to get back before he knows you’re gone.” Tauriel said “I don’t like where this is going but I suppose it won’t be too bad.” I said as Legolas helped me onto his horse and climbs on behind me.
Present time:
I gulped in terror as I’m face to face with the giant spiders that have been plaguing Mirkwood for the very first time in my life.
By Yavanna they were gigantic and looked hungry.
I fearfully held my bow up to shoot them from the tree branch I was standing on but I was so paralyzed with fear I kept missing.
No one’s POV
You managed to get one of the spiders but when you hit it the giant arachnid got angry and began slamming its head on the tree stump making you lose your balance and start to fall but you managed to hang onto the tree branch for dear life but another spider crawled from the tree top and snapped the branch with its pinchers causing you to fall, Scrape your knee, wrist and ankle, cut your thigh on some bark, cut your left cheek and the side of your head, hit your eye on the spiders knee and land infront of the spider you shoot with your arrow in its rump making you whimper.
You fearfully tried to shoot it but when you fell you sprained your other arm and it was painful raising it “Y/N!” Your older brother yelled fearfully while fighting off an ambush of spiders “There’s too many of them Legolas.” Tauriel screamed in fear “This was a very stupid idea. Father would kill us if we went home without Y/N.” Legolas said fearfully until a very familiar voice spoke “And you better have an explanation on why she’s out here in the first place.” Said the voice when an arrow flew past him and into the spiders head followed by another thus killing it.
Looking to where the voice and arrow came from, you felt relief and dread when you saw your father on his elk and some soldiers with him.
They finished off the spiders and you can tell your father was furious when he’s calm “Father listen. We can explain.” Your brother said but Thranduil ran towards you instead “Y/N are you alright?” He asked gently kneeling to your shaking figure “No.” you answered honestly as he gently helped you up but you yelped in pain from your sprained arm and throbbing cuts making him gently pick you up like he did when you were little and you curled into him in pain “We will discuss punishment when we get home.” He said walking past Tauriel and your brother whom both looked guilty “Yes father/my lord.” They said.
Legolas was about to take you from Thranduil but he held you away “She’s riding with me.” He said as the giant elk kneeled down allowing your father to put you down on the bridal and him to get on behind you easily “Legolas! Tauriel! You two better explain yourselves.” Your father said taking the reins with his arms around your waist so you won’t fall “Well you see father we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see Y/N’s improvement because we thought the nest was small and we kinda manipulated her into coming.” Legolas said cowering under your father’s glare “But we were wrong when we saw how big the nest was and Y/N ended up missing the spiders but the one she managed to shoot.” Tauriel said fearfully earning a glare from your father “Well you two are kinda not going to like the punishment I have in mind for you when we get to the palace.” He said “Y/N I can’t believe you went along with their plan.” He spoke in disappointment “ You know you’re not allowed in the forest unless we are going away.” He said “But I didn’t want to go into the forest, they said we would be back before your meeting finished.” You said earning betrayed looks from Legolas and Tauriel “Of all the irresponsible things you two have done.” He said as the palace is in view “This is we’re I draw the line. Not only did you throw yourselves and the patrol in danger but you also put Y/N in danger.” He said as your at the bridge.
After everyone is off their steeds your father has you in his arms and turns to Tauriel and Legolas “You two are to wait for me in my study while I deal with Y/N and her wounds.” He said walking to the healing ward with you in his arms.
Your POV:
Ada carried me like I was still a small elfling, It was so humiliating because there were servants and guards seeing me get treated like a toddler when I’m a teenager “I hope you’ve learned you’re lesson after all this my little one.” Dad said turning to the healing wing and entering.
When we entered he sat me on one of the healing beds so a healer can examine me “By the Valar what happened?” The healer asked as he got a bowl of water with a cloth and bandages while Dad explained what happened “Your lucky to still be alive your highness. You better take some guards with you next time.” The healer said gently dabbing the wet cloth over my cuts to clean them “There won’t be a next time. Because you are NEVER, EVER, going with the patrol again until you’re older. You’re also not allowed to go to training or anywhere without your personal guards.” Dad said as he placed me on his lap to hold my leg so the healer can take the small pebbles out of the gash on my thigh.
No one’s POV:
You’ve never felt so humiliated in your life when your father had you on his lap “She sprained her arm during the fight.” Your father said gently raising your arm causing you to whimper making him and the healer chuckle a bit “What am I going to do with you my little elfling?” He asked as the healer wrapped your arm, wrist, ankles, thigh, head, put a bandage over your black eye and a plaster on your cheek “She can’t use her arm for a month and she must not raise it.” The healer said “It’s also how long you are grounded.” Thranduil said simply and sternly with a firm look on his face.
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After the cheek up your father carried you to your room, locked the door, sat on your bed, placed you over his knee and began pulling down your leggings and undergarments making you squeak “DAD, PLEASE. IS A SPANKING REALLY NECESSARY?” You asked holding your black tunic down to cover your exposed backside and front while squirming making the older elf sigh “You know fully well it is sweetling. And hold still.” He said lifting your tunic so he can begin making you whimper in terror “I’m only doing this because I love you Y/N. What you did today was foolish and dangerous. You could have been killed.” He said making guilt wash over you “So I am not going easy on you. I hope this will teach you a lesson.” He said swatting your backside making you winch in pain as his hand strike’s your slowly Redding bottom “You will never again run out of the palace boarders again Y/N?” He asked still striking your bottom making you yelp “Y/N?” He asked “NOOOOO.” You screamed with tears running down your face “And why won’t you?” He asked “Because it was dangerous and foolish, I’m not allowed to go with the patrol, I’m not ready and I could have been killed.” You said in one breath still sobbing and shaking “That’s right. Very good my child.” He said stopping and gathering your fragile body into his arms and began hugging your smaller frame “I’m really sorry Dad.” You sobbed into his chest while clutching to his robes while crying “I know. You are forgiven sweetling, but starting tomorrow you are not allowed outside of the palace for awhile.” He said making you nod as your sobs turned into whimpers and then hiccups making him smile ‘cute.’ He thinks to himself as you managed to calm down “Some maids are coming to bathe you my child.” He said getting up from your bed “Dinner will be ready soon but I will ask a maid to bring it up along with dessert! In the mean time your door will be locked.” He said walking out of the room and locking the door.
When you heard the clicking of the door locking you went to take that bath since you felt sweaty and uncomfortable.
At Thranduil’s study:
After Thranduil gave you your punishment he went to his study and was pleased to see Tauriel and Legolas there but hid it with a stern look “For putting Y/N and the patrol in danger your both tending to my elk in the stables for a month starting tomorrow.” He said “Your lucky my hand is sore from spanking Y/N.” He said making them snicker “So on the way I asked your old mentors to do the honors for tonight.” He said making the younger elves quiet as the door opens and in walks two elves about Thranduil’s age but they were a bit younger then the king “Come along you naughty elflings.” They said grabbing the two elves by the ears.
You fearfully stand in front of the maids whom gently helped you out of your training clothes and unwrapped your bandages.
You carefully got into the tub as they discarded the blood soaked bandages and threw your dirty clothes into the hamper by your bathroom door.
Two of the maids began to bathe you while another went to get your night clothes while another washed your hair and the last went to get fresh bandages from the healers.
After your bath the maids began dressing you in a silk nightgown, brushed your hair, braided it and then re wrapped your wombs.
The maids left your room as soon as they heard a knock meaning dinner was ready.
After you ate your vegetable soup with lembas bread on the side, a glass of water and a slice of apple pie you went to brush your teeth but you felt dizzy and decided to go to sleep.
Thranduil’s POV:
After I spanked Y/N I realized how much I missed having a baby in the palace and how much my little girl was growing up to fast for my liking.
I called Methrandir for a de aging potion that will turn My Y/N into an infant “Here you are Mellon Nin just put it in her food or drink and you’ll have a child again.” He said walking to the guest wing to settle in for the night while I went to the kitchen and spotted three of the maids taking trays of food one with Y/N’s name on a tag and the other two with Legolas’s and Tauriel’s names.
Smirking I pored the liquid in Y/N’s glass of water and went to the dining room to eat excited to have my little one back.
In the morning no one’s POV:
You slowly opened your eyes to see that something wasn’t right.
For starters everything looked bigger, your hands and legs were small and your bed looked oddly high.
You slowly crawled to the edge of your bed and saw that you were 10 feet off the ground but when you saw your reflection in your body mirror you nearly fell when you saw that you were a baby again.
You tried to speak but all that came out was cooing and gurgling,
Freaking out you tried standing up but your legs felt like jelly and you ended up falling off the bed over your now over grown nightgown.
Luckily there was a pillow so you had a soft landing but you hit your forehead on the bed board causing you to start crying “No! Dang it my inner child.” You said in your head.
As you cried in pain you heard your door unlocking and then burst open to reveal your father wielding his sword and brother wielding his bow with a notched arrow “Show yourselves Orcs.” Your brother said until his and your father’s eyes landed on you “Y/N is that you?” Legolas asked in shock but all that came from you was cooing and gurgling until your father scooped you up into his arms “The potion worked.” He said when Legolas spoke “What potion Adar?” He asked trying not to laugh “After I spanked Y/N I realized how much I miss having a baby. So I asked Methrandir to brew up a de aging potion that I put in Y/N’s water last night.” He said hugging you gently as to not crush you.
Legolas really couldn’t help but laugh at your predicament when Tauriel came into the room “I heard crying in here.” She said until Legolas spoke “Get a look at Y/N.” he said bringing her to see you.
When Tauriel saw you she saw that you no longer looked like a teenager but you were now a small infant being held by the king and she too bursted into laughter making you blush and hide yourself into your father’s chest making him stroke your hair but he turned to Tauriel and Legolas with a stern look “Don’t you two have chores this morning?” He asked making them stop laughing and sprinting out of the room to get ready for their chores as your father yelled “And I’ll be adding changing her diapers to your punishment.” He said as your personal maids came in but they stopped in surprise when they saw you being held by your father “I will be bathing her this morning but I need one of you to hold her.” he said walking to the bathroom “I’ll get her old baby clothes.” One of the maids said walking out of the room while the others followed your father into the bathroom.
After an awkward bath your dressed in a white shirt with a black sewn on corset, white leggings, white baby booties with ankle straps, your hair done in a side ponytail with a braid (think of Nahida’s hair) and a circlet with white flowers.
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Thranduil proud of his work picked you up and walked down to the dining room for breakfast with the servants gushing over you but you curled up into your father’s blood red robes in embarrassment so people won’t see you making him chuckle “I know this is embarrassing my dear! But it’s apart of your punishment.” He said walking into the dining room and sitting next to Gandalf whom smirked when he saw you “I see the potion worked wonderfully.” He said as the servants placed down a bowl of baby Porridge for you that Thranduil spoon feed you.
During breakfast a guard came in “My king! Lord Elrond and his sons arrived.” He said “Bring them in. They must be exhausted from traveling.” Your father said putting a spoonful of porridge in your mouth.
The guard came back with Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir “Ahh Thranduil! Methrandir! Looks like the birds were right.” Elrond said smiling at you while the twins snickered at your predicament making Elrond and your father glare at them “Boys perhaps you should help Tauriel and Legolas in the stables.” Elrond said sternly to the twins “Yes I’m sure they’ll appreciate it since they’ll need help grooming my elk before training.” Your father said whipping your mouth with a handkerchief “Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. I don’t get Dad’s attention much anymore.” Your inner voice said as you rested your head on his chest and gripped his red robes making him smile and kiss your forehead.
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Thranduil’s secret
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Pairing: Tauriel x Kili Rating: 16+ Warnings: Mentions of violence, emotional hurt (but fear not …!) Words: 1.800 k.
Disclaimer: Canon what canon? This is for all the lovers out there.
“They want to bury him”.
Snowflakes fall silently around them.
Nature attempting to softly smooth over the carnage.
Her king remains standing a few feet from where she reclines on the frozen rock, hunched over the still-warm body of a future that has been so cruelly taken from her.
From both of them.
She could rage against Thranduil.
Blame his indecisiveness, his selfishness, for the death of the dwarf.
Had the king only dispatched his soldiers to the mountain, as both she and the wizard so implored him to do, trying to appeal to the heart he has forgotten how to use, much could have been different.
But grief has pushed the fight out of her. In its place is only hopelessness and a pain the like of which Tauriel has never felt before.
Legolas, her old friend, has left.
She did not notice when, or if he said something to her before turning away. At this moment, she has no space for him, either.
“If this is love, I do not want it”, she cries, hearing how desperate she sounds, as she looks to her king. “Please, take it from me”.
Thranduil does not move, but the icy unkindness from earlier has melted from his features. If Tauriel’s own eyes had not been filled with tears, she might have recognized her sadness mirrored in the king’s.
“Why does it hurt so much?” She cannot seem to stop herself, clutching Kili’s gloved hand in hers.
“Because it was real”.
Thranduil’s unwavering answer takes her aback.
She looks down upon the dwarf’s bloodstained face again. A single tear streak has painted a faint silver trail from the corner of one eye and down the side of his face.
She saw it fall when he died. When the orc’s blade pierced his chest.
Flecks of snow cling to his thick brown lashes. He is so beautiful to her, she thinks sorrow will tear her apart if she has to let go of him.
They just found each other. He gave his life defending hers.
Slowly, she bends her head and does what she has ached to do for days, what she should have done on the lakeshore when he pressed the rune stone into her hand.
She touches her lips to his.
They are still soft.
His are the first she has ever kissed.
If this were a children’s bedtime story, she would breathe life into him with her longing.
Only when Thranduil kneels on the other side of the body, does Tauriel remember the king is still there.
She thinks he will ask her to stand and come away, and is ready to protest, to cling to Kili. She will stay right here until his kin returns to claim him.
But Thranduil does not speak.
Instead, he does something very unexpected, his face suddenly a mask of concentration.
His strong brows have come together in a frown: He raises a hand and lets it hover over Kili’s head.
“What … what are you doing?” Tauriel has to swallow her sobs for the words to come out right.
The moment drags out.
The king lowers his palm to place it lightly on Kili’s chest.
Tauriel, wholly confused, idly wonders through her grief if this is the first time in all his many, many millennia that king Thranduil has touched a dwarf with anything but the pointy end of a sword.
“He is a fighter”, the king says quietly. There is wonder is his voice. “And he fights, still. So stubborn …”.
Thranduil looks up, meets her shocked eyes.
“His heart has stopped, yes. But his soul is still here. It is holding on …”.
Now it is Tauriel’s heart that nearly stops.
“How do you…how can you-”.
Her king’s attention has returned to Kili.
He answers Tauriel without looking at her.
“I have certain … gifts”.
In typical Thranduil fashion, the king does not elaborate, and his matter-of-fact tone does not invite questioning.
Yet for once, Tauriel is too gripped with emotion to be deterred.
“Can you bring him back?”, she blurts out. “Please, my king, please? If there is any chance … I … I would do anything. Please!”.
Bringing someone back from the dead is reserved for the most nightmarish, ancient evil magic.
Until recently, Tauriel had only heard nonsensical tales of the practise whispered, and even in those, the someones that were brought back, were dangerous, mindless shadow apparitions of their former selves.
But if what her king is saying about Kili’s soul is true …
Thranduil appears to hesitate before speaking but when he does, Tauriel feels as if he is reading her mind. She has sometimes suspected that that is indeed a secret gift of his. Another one.
“The kind of magic required to awaken the dead is not only forbidden, it is destructive to the natural order of the world. However, if the soul has not yet left the body-”
He pauses. Decides.
“It can be done, if done quickly. No matter the strength of the warrior, the soul will be forced to leave this plane soon after death has occurred. I do not know how this one is still here”.
Love, thinks Tauriel. She does not know if it is actually true, or if it is her hope speaking. He is still here because of love.
Then the other elf gasps. Thranduil regards Kili’s face with disbelief.
“Of course …”, he whispers. His palm flattens on Kili’s pierced armour, fingers spread out. “Elvish blood runs in his line. Many years back …”
Tauriel stares at her love. Her mouth opens and closes.
His finely defined face, the shape of his cheekbones, so different from most of his kin.
Except for his brother’s, and the dwarf king’s …
Impossible. Yet suddenly it makes sense.
Did Kili know?
No, Tauriel does not think so.
As for Thorin …?
“Tauriel”, the elfking says. His voice is even but insistent. It commands her full attention. “If I succeed in bringing him back to you, you must never speak to anyone of what happened here. Not a word, do you understand? Not to his kin. Not to him. Certainly not to the wizard … And not to Legolas”.
Something flutters beneath the deep timbre of Thranduil’s voice. A bottomless despair struggling to surface, to be recognized.
And Tauriel remembers what Legolas told her at Mount Gundabad. About his mother’s death there.
She draws in a breath as she looks into Thranduil’s blue, blue eyes, but the king holds up a hand, reading her like a book.
“No”, he says simply but firmly, and it is a no that silences her. A warning.
The king then touches Kili’s forehead and closes his eyes.
Tauriel is squeezing the dwarf’s hand so hard her knuckles are turning as white as the ground.
And then the air seems to shimmer and fizz around them, thick with swirling magic.
The snowfall has stopped. Or it can no longer touch them.
Thranduil is muttering words under his breath that Tauriel cannot make out. He leans forward, long blond hair falling around his set face. The tips pool on Kili’s shoulders like a veil of fine silk engulfing him.
Time stands still, and Tauriel forgets to breathe.
She has no idea how many moments go by.
And then Kili’s chest rises, and his lips part.
And the dwarf gasps for air!
His whole body shivers as his eyes fly open to the sky, wild, wide, alive.
He is alive!
“Kili!” Tauriel cries out and takes his face in her hands.
Their eyes meet.
He blinks rapidly, like he has been pulled out of deep water. “Tauriel…” Shakily, he raises his hands to her face as if seeing her for the first time.
“Are you okay?”, he asks. His voice is hoarse but urgent. “The orc, is … is he-”.
“He’s dead. It’s over. We’re safe, we’re both safe”. Tears are streaming down her face. “I thought I’d lost you!”.
“I thought so too …” Kili looks at her with utter wonder and bafflement. Then he grimaces and reaches for the wound in his chest. “Ugh, this one hurts, though …”.
“He needs tending to and fast”. Thranduil stands. A tiny droplet of sweat glistens on his brow. Or perhaps it is a snowflake. Are they falling again?
“Tauriel, I would advise you to take him far away from here, and never look back, but …”
He speaks as if Kili was not there.
“What is-”. Kili tries to focus on the tall figure towering over him, but is too stunned, and in too much pain, to fully register what is being said.
Tauriel shakes her head at the elf king.
“He will want to stay with his kin. They have suffered enough loss”.
She thinks of Thorin. The dwarf king is dead.
Thranduil sighs.
“Yes, I anticipate he will want to do that …”
“Tauriel…”. The dwarf winces. She looks back at him. She will never lose him from her sight again.
She brushes locks of soft hair from his forehead.
Does not notice her elf lord leaving. She will never see him again.
“I had a dream that you kissed me”, Kili whispers, his eyes searching hers. “A kiss of love …”.
She smiles through her tears.
“It wasn’t a dream … my love”.
Despite his agony, a smile spreads on his face. A bright, wonderful, boyish smile amidst the hurt and loss. He will face them later.
“…Love”. He grins, actually grins, and tries to sit up, but Tauriel gently puts a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Do not move too much. You are badly wounded. We have to call on the others to come help, and patch you up…”
“Then come down here to me”.
He shakes off a glove. Weaves his fingers through her hair.
She dips her face to his.
He gasps when she recaptures his mouth.
His lips are still soft, but now they move, as well. Melting into hers.
He pulls her closer, his other, gloved hand finding the curve of her waist, and she has to remind herself not to crush his wounded chest.
She wants to drown in his arms.
When their mouths part, they stay nose to nose.
“Never leave”, Kili whispers. His warm breath tickles her skin.
All of him is warmth.
“I won’t. Never”.
High in the sky above them, eagles cry triumphantly.
She takes his hand. Presses the smooth, oval shape back into his palm.
“It worked, Kili”, she whispers against his lips, before kissing him again.
Deeply, hungrily.
For the third time out of a million more kisses to come over their many, many years together.
“It worked”.
Thank you for reading!
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Hi, I really enjoy your writing. Can I ask for headcanons with Thorin, Thranduil, and Legolas separately have an s/o who has ice powers like Elsa from Frozen and is a Queen/princess. Their s/o is really powerful and is trying to take their kingdom back. Their s/o's home/kingdom was taken over by someone who is evil and hates their family for no reason. What would they do? What would they say? Would they help their s/o take their kingdom back? How would they feel about about their s/o having ice powers? You can write the rest however you want. Sorry if I over did it. If you are not interested, I understand.
It's okay! The ice powers yes! The movie no
He would be very confused and intrigued when he found you walking in the forest with only a dress and light coat on not on the brink of hypothermia
He found out after taking you to the castle that you had not only run away but also that your kingdom was being taken over and that you had powers with ice that no one knew until you accidentally shot ice at your father for trying to make you get married
He at first agrees to help you out of pity but overtime he starts falling for you which alarms him and confused his son Legolas who found you asleep in his father's quarters to tell him of more orc sightings in the forest
He slowly builds a bond and your trust allowing him to see your powers from adding 2 extra layers of ice over the nearby lake so people especially kids could run and skate across it without falling through to helping legolas and Tauriel deal with orcs whenever there were sightings and findings of them
The two of you travel to your kingdom together and you are in tears just seeing how your kingdom looks gloomy and lonely rather than exciting and filled with joy that you always saw it as since you were a kid
You both get in the castle and you almost see thranduil get knocked out by the man who took over your home and ruined it immediately freezing his arms and the club he's holding as thranduil gets up and kicking him down and landing where he was frozen
You take back your home and castle reuniting with your family and friends introducing them to thranduil sending the retched man who tried to marry you to prison and soon you and thranduil were married
He never thought he would find a woman to be in love with let alone an outcast queen who was somehow not dead from the frigid cold alone as well as starvation
He quickly brings you to the place he and the company was staying at giving you a warm meal and after telling them of what happened to you and your home all of them especially Thorin himself agree to help you
They all make a plan of what to do leading to you and thorin traveling to your home town together while everyone traveled the next day as the two of you staked out and hid nearby the castle
Soon along with help of many people you knew everyone started a riot while you and thorin snuck inside managing to reveal the truth to everyone who helped overtake the castle and get the man who married your mother and ruined your life arrested
Soon after reclaiming your home and dearly thanking your friends you and thorin soon fell in love after many visits and stays at your home and two years later the two of you wed
He was out in the woods hunting when he saw you hugging tightly to a tree in shock that you weren't dead from hypothermia from the severe weather and snowfall that was happening
He takes you back with him to the camp he and the fellowship were at not too far away and after talking they all agree to help you
They each made sure that everyone had a part to do right before they left for your home Everyone knew they wouldn't leave until you got your home and life back
All of you fought and when they saw you being dangled over the balcony everyone ran while legolas stood frozen for a second before grabbing and shooting an arrow through the man that took everything from you and caught you in his arms smiling at each other
The two of you fell in love and got married not too long after being home and becoming queen and all your friends came and saw the both of you always making sure to see each other quite a bit when duties of being a king and queen got in the way of the two of you seeing family
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 4
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3,]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby settlement. Taglist (let me know if you wish to be added): @captainchrisstan​, @rebleforkicks​
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Thranduil’s fast, furious footsteps carried him down the hall in the direction of the private dining area he shared with his son. Upon his arrival he pushed the door roughly, causing it to bang off the wall behind it. Legolas lifted his head at the intrusion but he didn’t look surprised. He had been expecting this.
“You gave her a room?!” Thranduil practically snarled, pacing towards the table. “Must you insist on disobeying and undermining me at every turn?”
“Father.” Legolas sighed, shaking his head. “Be reasonable.”
Thranduil’s eyes flashed with rage as he regarded his son. “Reasonable? Do not test me, my son.” He stared silently for a moment. “That girl, her father. That man somehow got around my guards, broke into this realm, and assaulted you. And you wish to what? Reward his pitiful excuse of a daughter? For what purpose? She is my prisoner in his stead, my boy, she is not a guest here.”
“Father.” He said again, a moment after letting him rant on as he needed to. “That man was unwell, you know this, he had to have come across the river. He was not in his right mind. The wound he gave me was not deep, it had practically healed already.” He gestured to his right arm, the top of which had been the victim of the man’s dagger in his state.
“Reasons.” Legolas continued, ignoring the warning raise of Thranduil’s eyebrow at the interruption. “Listen to me. This girl... she cannot go anywhere. She cannot get out of these halls. She is still, for all intents and purposes, your prisoner if that is what you wish.” He paused, studying his father’s face. “You said she was to live out her days in this kingdom, you did not specify that she were to be caged for the entire time in a cell.”
Thranduil’s eyebrow arched even higher as he stared his son down. Legolas had stayed in the forest when the girl was brought in but Tauriel had obviously told him of the entire exchange in the throne room and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how close the two of them had become.
He could tell that his son was not going to back down on this for some bizarre reason that Thranduil simply couldn’t comprehend. Why all of this energy over mortals? “There will be a guard posted outside of that room at all times.” He snapped. “If she so much as blinks in the wrong direction, you will both be punished, do you understand me?”
“Yes, father. Thank you.” Legolas forced himself not to smile at the win, bowing his head respectfully to Thranduil.
The older elf snorted, unsatisfied, and turned and strode from the room, robes billowing behind him.
Legolas allowed his expression to crack then, a small smirk appearing on his lips as he turned back to his plate.
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“Why are you doing this?” Tauriel wondered as she looked back at Legolas. “You’re only going to antagonise him.”
The two of them had met later that same day in the training grounds to practice together, though this was mainly just an excuse to spend time together.
Legolas smirked, shifting his foot as he blocked a blow from Tauriel’s sword. “As his son, I believe that is in my job description.”
Tauriel gave him a look, an amused smile beginning to tug at the corners of her own mouth. “Legolas.”
He shook his head. “Come on, Tauriel. The girl has done nothing wrong, she does not deserve to rot away in my father’s cells. He says a lot of things when he is angry, that does not mean they must be set in stone.”
“He is the king.” She reminded him.
“Yes, he is the king.” Legolas agreed, dodging another blow with a chuckle. “He is also my father and you and I both know that that is his weakness.”
Tauriel laughed at that, shaking her head at her friend. It wasn’t a lie, really. Since the death of the Queen, Legolas’ mother, everybody was fairly certain that Thranduil’s son had been what kept him going, kept him holding on when he might have wanted to just let go and drown in his grief. Legolas had been an elfling at the time and could barely even remember his mother, much to his dismay. Time and the memories had turned his father into this harsh, unyielding king with a reputation of being cruel, especially outside of these lands. In the kingdom, however, despite his temper and his hardness, everybody knew that he was a good king. That he did what he did and made the choices he made for his people. The Woodland Realm would endure, he said, and would always do so, no matter what he had to do.
However, some things had perhaps gone a little too far. Legolas thought that perhaps his father had retreated too much into himself and pulled the kingdom with him. He thought that they were a little too isolated, too cut off, especially if they would ever be in dire need of help or aid. Who would come if his father continued to push away trade and allyship with most of the surroundings towns and realms? Legolas understood his father but he didn’t often agree with everything and he certainly didn’t agree with this. His father’s distrust of humans, of mortals, and his fear over his son being injured (and the harsh reminder that he too could be taken from him) had driven him to act, once more, in anger.
Legolas wanted to try and show him that there was another way, that his worry was unfounded, that he could not control everyone and everything around him. He could not control the events of the world no matter how hard he might try. Legolas wanted to try and get his father to understand things from his perspective and maybe this poor mortal girl would be a good starting point for him to try and get that to happen.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Tauriel told him, though she was smiling softly, spinning to dodge the downswing of his sword.
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The room was much larger than your cell and you spent a short time looking around it. No weapons stashed away, not that you really expected there to be, but you had to at least look. The door had been unlocked when you’d tried the handle but there was obviously somebody standing guard outside so you hadn’t had much hope of escaping that way. You’d be grabbed before you could get two paces and probably thrown back into the cell.
You still couldn’t understand what you were doing here. Why were you in this room? Why had the prince let you come here? Did the king approve? You didn’t think anything could really happen without the king’s consent but you also couldn’t imagine him suggesting or allowing this to happen, especially not with the reception he’d given you, and the fact your father had been in the cell for the three days since his capture and you’d been moved to this room the same day. You assumed, at least, time was difficult to track properly.
A polite she-elf had come to the room and offered you some tea and asked if you needed anything else. You were too shocked to do or say much of anything, still completely confused about where you had found yourself but your mind was slowly forming the beginnings of a plan. You would get out of this room and you would return back to the village, to your father.
Once the maid had left and the door had once again firmly closed you inside, you got to work. Gathering every sheet you possibly could from the bed, and some spares from a nearby drawer, you began to tie them all together by the ends, creating a kind of fabric ladder that you were going to try to use to get out of the window. Though from the height that you’d seen as you’d glanced outside earlier, you thought you’d probably need many, many more sheets. However, there was a ledge that you thought you could reach and for now that was your goal. You would figure the rest out later.
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