#mirkwood shenanigans
mey-rin-is-fabulous · 10 months
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Re-embodied Finrod in Mirkwood
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This is a series of headcanon I came up with after being inspired by a recent Thranduil x Re-embodied Finrod x Reader request.
There is a spot of NSFW towards the end of the post.
Minors DNI | 18+
Rules and tag form here.  
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💫 Finrod perished in Tol-in-Gaurhoth after killing a werewolf with his bare hands and teeth. The venom in the beast's blood spread through the elf's bloodstream before reaching his heart and changing him before he died. Because of the Doom of Mandos, his fëa was destined to remain in the Vala's halls.
💫 Upon his arrival, his first stop was the Grey Havens, where, after having explained his tasks, he was hosted by Círdan. Finrod remained in the Grey Havens for quite some time, learning of the new customs and races prevalent in Middle-Earth before departing. He also spent time with Elrond in Rivendell and with his sister, Galadriel, in Lothlórien before leaving for the realm now known as Mirkwood.
💫 This all changed during the Third Age, when the dark influence of the Necromancer spread through Greenwood the Great. After he had claimed the abandoned fortress of Amon Lanc for himself, Mawë and Námo approached Finrod to give him a choice: remain in the halls or go back to Middle Earth and aid in the fight against the corrupting influence of the Necromancer. He will then be allowed to return to Valinor whenever he desired. The former choice came with an added caveat. He was to bear the mark of the beast he slew until he returned to Valinor for all time. Only then would it be removed. Finrod still accepted it. He ached to leave the halls and feel the grass beneath his feet again.
💫 Mirkwood's king, Thranduil Oropherion, was wary of him, and Finrod received a less than warm welcome. He was one of the Noldor and bore the mark of a werewolf. Believing him to be a threat to his people, Thranduil kept Finrod confined to a comfortable suite of rooms until he could meet with his council and decide what to do with him. When it became clear the Valar themselves allowed Finrod to return, and with a purpose, the king reluctantly agreed to let him live freely in his halls.
💫Finrod took up playing the harp again and would sing tales of his own life before his demise in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. He would also sing tales he had heard while in the Halls of Mandos.
💫Finrod would try to advise the king, and the king would brush him off, unwilling still to trust him. This mistrust continued until one day, when Finrod risked his own life to save Thranduil’s while they battled spiders living around the outer border of Dol Guldur. Thranduil slowly came to trust Finrod and claim him as a friend, and Finrod earned a place on the king’s council.
💫Finrod remained in Middle-Earth until the War of the Ring and returned to Valinor with Legolas and Gimli.
How the mark of the werewolf affected Finrod:
💫The taint did not mean he could shape-shift, as the werewolf that attacked him could not. However, it did make him stronger and harder to slay in battle.
💫Besides increased strength, Finrod had keener senses, and his eyes would glow. They would be at their brightest if he was aroused or angry. Even his nails and teeth became sharper.
💫Finrod craved meat cooked rare.
💫He was more prone to acts of aggression. It was only with Elrond's and Galadriel's guidance that he was able to control his need for violence.
💫He had a much higher libido and had kinks for breeding, consensual non-consent, marking, and dominance.
How did this affect his preference for relationships:
💫Finrod would agree to a multiple partner scenario if he is happy with the other partners involved. However, if he did bond with only one S/O, he would be fiercely protective of them. He also had a jealous streak and would mark his partner if he believed someone other than him showed interest in them.
Why did Finrod have to bear the mark:
💫 The Valar did not want to make it too easy, or make it look like they were too forgiving, for fëar of other exiles doomed by the prophecy. 
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imagines--galore · 1 year
legolas + n.6 please🙇‍♀️🙏👀
Summary: Never in your wildest dreams did you think Legolas, Prince Legolas of the Greenwood, would confess to you half drunk on elvish wine. With a little help from a fully drunk Dwarf. Pairing: Legolas x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Just some mention of drunken shenanigans. A/N: Alright so normally its always the reader who gets drunk and confesses, and I just wanted to flip it the other way around and see how it goes, so yeah. Here you go!
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You peaked out from behind the tapestry where you had taken refuge.
Finding the hallway empty, you heaved a sigh of relief, before slowly stepping out and dusting whatever minor dust had collected on your dress.
You were avoiding your friends who had decided it would be in your best interest attend yet another feast that was thrown in honor of the return of the Prince. And though you loved spending time with Legolas, being under the scrutiny of the entire kingdom during a public event was not one you looked forward to.
Especially when you were afraid that your true feelings for Legolas would be discovered at any moment.
You certainly hadn't been discrete about them.
Then again you did not blame yourself. You had been caught up in the moment. The realization that he was standing in front of you. That he had not perished in the Battle against Mordor. That he had returned and the first person he had gone to meet was you.
And while your lips ached to meet his, you had settled for an embrace that was so intimate and sincere that several onlookers had actually blushed at the sight. What made your heart soar was that he returned the embrace with just as feeling and passion as you gave it. Your eyes stung with tears and all those months of worrying, of wondering, of hoping.
They all just dissipated.
Like the morning mist when the first rays of sun peaked through the branches of a tree.
As you leaned against a nearby pillar, a dreamy smile played about your lips as you raised a hand to your cheek, where he had placed his hand once the both of you had pulled back from the embrace.
Looking into his eyes wiped away any lingering doubts that this was a dream. His blue gaze was so full of hope that you felt your very heart burst.
You remembered how he had spoken of doing good for Mirkwood. How he had vowed that they would once again be known as Greenwood again. And now he had helped make that a reality.
With his hand on your cheek, he had opened his mouth to speak, but the arrival of the King had both your priorities shifting and you had both stepped away.
Though with how fast gossip traveled you knew the King was aware of you now. The Elleth his son had gone to see upon his return home after months.
Not his father.
He had come back to you.
You chest raised in a silent sigh as you slowly began to move down the hallway. The feast was being held on the other side of the Kingdom, so you would not be running into anyone during your trek back to your rooms.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Loud boisterous laughter was what first alerted you to another presence. Before you could even think of hiding two figures had turned the corner and stood in your path.
One was short and obviously drunk as a lord given how he blearily peered up at you. This was the dwarf Gimli, who you knew to be Legolas's friend and someone who had fought in every battle against Mordor alongside him.
The other person, was none other then Legolas.
"Y/n." He exclaimed, blinking his eyes at you as if he had never seen you before. You gave a nervous little smile, raising a hand in greeting. "Ah! So this is the lass you spoke of." Gimli stated. His words were slurring but you could clearly make out what he was saying as he lumbered forward and gave you a quick bow.
"An honor to meet you My Lady." You couldn't help but smile at his attempt to be courteous despite his inebriated state. "I must say I feel as if I already know you given how much a certain Prince spoke of you during our travels together."
Never in your life had you seen Legolas be anything but calm and collected. He would laugh and make merry, sure. But nervous? Flustered. Those were not emotions you associated with him.
But in that moment, when Gimili said what he did, you watched in utter surprise as Legolas was rendered speechless and his cheeks grew pink. You couldn't help the giggle that fell from your lips as you watched him. Though you quickly looked away when he raised his gaze towards you.
Turning your attention back to the smiling dwarf you smiled kindly. "I hope they were all good things, Master Dwarf." Gimli was all too eager to comply to her silent question as he began to slur.
"Oh nothing but the best My Lady. Every spare moment we had to breath, this one here, would sing your praises. Of your beauty, good heart, lovely nature and how much you meant to him."
Now it was your turn to blush. A gentle smile pulled at your lips as you bit down on your lower lip, gazing at Legolas just from underneath your lashes. He was looking at you in the same manner once more.
Right before his father had called him away.
Gimli was still speaking, unaware of the looks being exchanged between the two elves. "He missed you lass, anyone could tell. And I said to him, you had best say your piece to the lass when you get back." He cleared his throat. "Of course at the time it was all about if we went back. But that is besides the point."
He turned his attention back to Legolas and slapped him on the back. Or as best as he could given his lack of height. He did managed to make Legolas stumble. "Now that you have a few drinks in you that do effect you lad, perhaps it has given you enough courage to confess." Legolas's eyes widened almost comically, prompting you to smother a smile behind your hand.
Chortling to himself, Gimli began to stride down the hallway. "I leave him in your capable hands, My Lady. I believe there is some elvish wine calling my name."
And with that he was gone.
Leaving you and Legolas alone.
"He is certainly an interesting dwarf." You said, feeling that perhaps it would be best if you broke the silence that was clearly making him uncomfortable. Elvish wine had the ability to loosen one's control over their emotions. Even the most stoic of elves. So it was no surprise that every emotion Legolas was feeling was evident that would've otherwise been concealed.
"That he is." He agreed, though the words were spoken in a strange tone, and suddenly you couldn't meet his eyes. What burned in them was too intense.
Brushing a loose piece of hair behind your ear you nodded. "I suppose you had best get some rest Legolas." You took a few steps to walk past him and let him continue on his way.
But just as you stepped next to him, his hand darted out, grasping your wrist and halting you in your steps.
Your breath hitched as you felt his strong grip against your skin. Your head turned, eyes dropping to where his hand was, before looking at him. He was still staring straight ahead.
Neither of you moved. And it would seem, neither of your breathed as you waited.
But for what?
"I have been holding something close to my heart for a long while and I can do so no longer for fear it shall consume me." He was speaking in elvish. He shook his head. "No. It has already consumed me."
Finally, he turned his head and a startled gasp fell from your lips as you caught sight of the near feverish look in his blue gaze. "You have consumed me."
Your lips parted, and it was your turn to stare at him. And that was all you could do.
All you could do was watch as he allowed his hand to gently grasp yours and bring it up to his lips. His breath was warm as he brushed his lips against the back of your hand. Never for a moment did his eyes leave yours.
And it was the sincerity and surety in those eyes that compelled you to finally find your voice. "Speak of what burdens your heart so, Legolas." You whispered, reaching up to affectionately rest a hand against the side of his face, just as he had done to you a few hours earlier.
He shook his head. "Not a burden. Never a burden." The wine seemed to be making it difficult for him to find the right words to say. "All I desire is for you to know of my feelings for you." His head slowly fell forward so that his forehead rested against yours. The closeness seemed to comfort him, since he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his entire body relaxing. "For you to know how you consumed my every thought during my travels. How your name was a prayer upon my lips every night. How with every foe I killed I knew I was making the world a safer place for you." He had opened his eyes now and could see the tears shining in your eyes, as well as the smile of adoration playing about your lips.
"Then you should know, that I prayed to the Valar for your safe return. That I kept you close in my mind and my heart. That I never once believed the rumors of your demise. That I knew in my soul that you would return to me. You have been my hope and my strength in these dark days Legolas." He reciprocated your smile as you spoke.
A beat of silence followed where both your hearts beat as one and as one, as if by the Valar, words rose to your lips, unbidden, yet with an ancient power behind them that no one could ever hope to comprehend.
"My prayer." His nose brushed against your own as you both spoke together.
"My light." You could feel his warm breath against your parted lips as you both whispered in tandem.
"My Fëa."
With nothing more left to say, his lips brushed against yours in the gentlest yet deepest of kisses.
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sotwk · 8 months
Who of the children of Thranduil is:
The most noble.
most mischievous.
most wise.
most dangerous.
Why do you pick them for that trait?
What an AWESOME question--thank you! I'm not sure if you're new to my blog but if you are, Welcome to the SotWK AU! <3 I love how the qualities you asked about easily falls in perfect and honest assignment, one to each of my OC Princes! I guess it's cool that each Thranduilion is quite distinct from the other.
Superlatives with the Thranduilions
Most Noble: Crown Prince Mirion
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SotWK Fancast: Henry Cavill as Mirion Thranduilion
Mirion was such a paragon of honor and virtue that his own father looked up to him. Thranduil would sometimes even tell people that the Crown Prince would make a better king than him one day. Despite the pressure of such high praise, Mirion worked hard to live up to those expectations, and he found joy in that life of service to his people and his family. His kindness and humility made him beloved by everyone... except for the Necromancer in Dol Guldur, who aimed to see him dead and out of the way. The Necromancer used Mirion's sense of duty against him and tricked the prince into sacrificing himself in an ill-fated attempt to bring down Dol Guldur.
Most Mischievous: Prince Gelir
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Claflin as Gelir Thranduilion
Gelir exhibited the same rebellious, free-spirited personality that Thranduil possessed in his youth, but had to curb when he took on the responsibility of kingship. The fourth-born prince challenged and skirted protocol every chance he got, and often complained about feeling stifled by the rules attached to his royal station. He always enjoyed making jokes and pulling pranks and initiating spontaneous adventures, even when it caused (harmless) trouble and chaos. Fortunately, he was also charming and likeable enough to soothe the nerves of people who might otherwise have taken offense at his shenanigans.
Most Wise: Prince Arvellas
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SotWK Fancast: Rupert Friend as Arvellas Thranduilion
Arvellas's superior intelligence was evident from infancy, and he was the only prince to devote himself almost entirely to academics in lieu of martial arts and other physical pursuits preferred by the Silvans. As a result, Arvellas caused the number of scholars in the realm to rise and rival that of the other great kingdoms in Middle-earth. He became the Woodland Realm's most skilled healer, most accomplished linguist, and best diplomat. He was responsible for the realm's alliances with the Longbeard dwarves who came to live in the Grey Mountains and Erebor, but those friendships were greatly damaged in the tragedy of his death. More than his innate intelligence, Arvellas's wisdom came from his sense of justice and goodness, and his ability to remain calm and act prudently under stress or in dire situations.
Most Dangerous: Prince Turhir
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Heughan as Turhir Thranduilion
If Mirion was hated by the Dark Lord, Turhir was coveted by him. Only his younger age and lesser experience prevented Turhir from completely surpassing Thranduil as the greatest warrior of the realm. He excelled almost supernaturally in all physical challenges, and had flawless combat instincts. Like Thranduil, he never shied away from violence and killing when deemed necessary. Turhir's heart was just as golden as the rest of his family, but a lifetime as a soldier (not properly balanced with other pursuits) took its toll differently on his mind and spirit as the Darkness spread in Mirkwood. He also had the misfortune of being the only one to witness the deaths of his brothers Mirion and Arvellas, and that damaged him in ways that would never heal. From there his emotional state deteriorated so badly that his parents began to fear that he was prone to corruption by the Darkness--which may be what the Necromancer had intended.
But what about Prince Legolas?
As I have mentioned in past headcanon posts, what makes Legolas so impressively multi-faceted (especially as he appears in the movies) is his wide range of skills. He is the jack-of-all traits that carries pieces of his family's best qualities in him. The youngest Thranduilion is naturally gifted on his own right, but his greatest asset (in my HC at least) is his ability to adapt, mimic, and learn. And he had not only both parents, but also four older brothers to help raise him and pass their knowledge onto him. Having older siblings to look up to as role models, to train with and to motivate him to do better, helped Legolas to grow into an incredible warrior and excellent friend and companion to the Fellowship.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @acornsandoaktrees @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @quickslvxrr @spacecluster @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell
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gallaxyk-nd · 2 years
welcome to "I need to rant about a fanfic I'm writing because the brainrot is real but I don't want to annoy my irl friends" hours
On today's menu: The Hobbit. Bagginshield. Probably maybe Dworin. Smaug never happened AU
Don't have a title yet. WiP title is currently "Bagginshield au because fucking reasons" which is honestly accurate ngl
so. basically I'm doing some fun stuff with prophecies. The plan is the following:
an old dwarvish prophecy is unearthed in the ruins of Belegost in the Ered Luin
it says one who isn't a dwarf will sit on the throne of erebor
everyone freaks out™
gandalf is scared shitless that that means they will lose erebor to Sauron or an ally of his, thus loosing their protection to the north-east
so gandalf does what gandalf does best: he gets himself a hobbit to do the heavy lifting (/hj)
that's where Bilbo comes in obviously
so bilbo goes to erebor where he is supposed to be sneaky sneaky and spy a bit on the elves of Mirkwood and also keep an eye out for conspiracy in erebor
then shenanigans begat shenanigans
so basically
Bilbo goes to Erebor because everyone has their panties in a twist over a fuck old prophecy
and y'all, I have to many ideas and emotions and I have probably spent close to two hours already just knee-deep in research on different tolkien wikis and desperately leafing through the little hobbit to find the correct stuff™
You might wanna look in the notes because I keep reblogging myself
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sallysavestheday · 8 months
Well, as you're snowed in, obviously we need snow stories. Surely it snowed in Gondolin? Imladris? Elrohir and Elladan would be up to all sorts of shenanigans in the snow, as would Legolas in Mirkwood. Snowball fights, snow statues of orcs or others instead of snowmen. Sleigh rides, cuddling by fireplaces, ice skating (I know, very non-canon), or baking cookies and drinking hot chocolate. I would love to ask for a Celegorm/Oromë snow adventure, but that might be pushing it. No true prompts as I just finished a 14-hour day and I'm rather dull witted at the moment. It's going to be brutally cold here, I am going to hibernate.
Thank you! To keep your hibernation cozy, here's a little naughty Celeborn suggesting chilly athletics in Doriath.
The late snow feathers its way to their shoulders and frosts their hoods, catching the afternoon light like paper jewels slowly falling from the ceiling at the end of some great ball. The wood breathes tenderly around them: small creatures are warm in their burrows, sap is slumbering in the trees. Snowdrops have broken through the surface in little clumps and clusters, and Galadriel bends to caress them, humming. Celeborn grins, eyebrow arched. “We call them lovers-in-the-winter-woods, and say they blossom where a pair has shared their passions in the snow. What say you, princess? Shall we test the tale?”
I did hot chocolate yesterday here.
Stay warm!
I'm still taking drabble prompts to ease my snowy-weekend blahs...send in your asks!
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roselightfairy · 6 months
Yeah, I lied. I also very much want to sit here and munch some popcorn while you tell me about:
Mirkwood polyelves
Hahaha an anon also asked about this, so I will answer for you both! I have to say that this is less exciting than it sounds - it's a document that I started but quickly lost steam on, but again, it's one of those that I hope to return to someday. Also prompted by many conversations with @deheerkonijn, I think I have some posts somewhere buried in my tumblr about what LACE-compliant polyamory in elves could look like - what it might look like for an established couple to suddenly fall in love with another person, for instance, or any other spin on that idea (one elf falling in love with multiple people, etc.). An image that so charmed us both, too, was the thought of a group of elves all falling in love at the same time, maybe elves in Mirkwood, who are growing up surrounded by war and darkness and danger, who fight in the same military unit, and who are just driving everyone else around them to their wits' end with their shenanigans! So this was an attempt at starting that, but unfortunately it did not get very far. :( Again, maybe someday!
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babybat98 · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where... Thranduil and your Legolas sibling characters all come to Minas Tirith for Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, and Legolas and the whole Fellowship now have to deal with the whole Mirkwood family being there. Especially poor Gimli.
I just love everything you've told me about these elves, and I want to see them Causing Shenanigans.
Refering to this post
Oh but there'd be so much shenanigans though!
Like just Thranduil alone would be enough to turn everyone's hair grey. Or at least he will be after he stops clinging to Legolas like a particularly stuborn koala. Gondor comes very close to loosing their favourite wizard becasue the moment Thranduil hears the word 'balrog' he's off after Gandalf, sword in hand. And then he goes after Elrond. And probably Aragorn to, once he learns of the Path of the Dead... In the end Legolas just straight up hides his dads sword and puts a bottle of wine there instead.
Ok to be fair Gandalf and Elrond are gonna have the entire damn forest after them when they learn of the balrog and sending their baby prince to Mordor business, so instead of mentioning that for every character just imagine Gandalf and Elrond doing a very nervous powerwalk away from an angry forest mob.
Now for my OCs we got Thondaer(he/him), the oldest of Thranduil's kids. For being a wood elf from Mirkwood, he is strangely chill. For being the child of Thranduil and Lannien(Thranduil's wife) he is alarmingly chill. He got his dad's regal aura but not as much of his temper. He's probably also more subdued than usual due to being injured in the war up northtotaly don't have a fic about that coming up oups. And that pissed Legolas off because why is he not being babied when he was the one who had an actual near death experience curtecy of a poisoned arrow???
Thranduil: Oh don't worry, you are both grounded the second we get back home<3
But at the end of the day Thondaer is still a Tranduilion, and his siblings tend to bring out the worst in him, so it's not long until he and Legolas pick up their long standing competition of 'The Most Stupid Trick Archery You Ever Did See'. At one point an arrow flies in through a window to catch a single leaf of Thranduil's crown, who just sips his wine and goes 'boys will be boys' as the nobility of Gondor freaks out.
Yes it was Legolas showing of his new shiny bow, what else did you expect?
Second child Lagoreth(she/her) on the other hand... She cares a lot less about being proper than her older brother. She would actualy punch Gandalf and Elrond for sending her brother of into danger like that. But her anger is both explosive and short lived, and once she thinks there's been enough broken noses(and Legolas talks her down a bit) she mostly stops being angry. She'd probably get along pretty well with Elladan and Elrohir tbh. She's more into swordfighting than archery, and I can see them exchanging tecniques. Those 3 becoming friends is the forst time anyone's ever seen Thranduil truly nervous.
Ok so I know you technically only said Thranduil and the siblings, but you also did that 'the whole Mirkwood family' and that was your mistake. Because there's just a few more pointy-eared nusiances running around and I'm dying to go off about them. This is gonna get long so enjoy the read more lol.
First we got Doro(they/them). They're Thondaer's spouce, and I'm a bit on the fence on if they'd come along or stay back home to keep doing their job as a healer, but I'm gonna say they're coming this time just for fun. They'd probably not cause to much mischief, but there's a little surprice in store for Thondaer for sure. How do you think he'll take being a father?
That leaves Legolas's closest friends, the young elves of Mirkwood, and part of the last generation to be born as the shadow fell over their home. Forget turning all the humans hair grey, then these guys will have everyone, human dwarf and elf, go white as Gandalf before the end of the week.
Tinnu(he/they) is a sarcastic little shit<3 If you thought Legolas was bad with his off to find the sun then you have not heard the snark on this elf. I think growing up so close to Thranduil gave them a weird view on authority and how you treat nobility. But because he's part of Legolas's friends, and Thranduil pretty much sees the gang as his own children, he can get away with waaaayyyy more than he should. He's also visualy impared and uses a cane to navigate, and is not above exploiting the fact that Men tend to underestimate him for that. Like, if they forget that his ears still work just as good as any other elf? Then that's on them. Also their puppy dog eyes are dangerous.
Dûrwen(she/they) is kinda what happens when you take the impulse control of a Took, puts it in an elf, and teaches them to fight. They're loud, obnoxious, and the fastest way to get her to do something is to begin with 'I dare you to-'. She's the one who says "hey, let's get every single bird in a 3 mile radious to congregate in the royal meeting room" or "let's see who can break into the kings bedchamber and steal the most shoe laces". But she is also loyal to a fault, and is the first to get along with Gimli. Even if he did wonder a lot about the giant toad in his boot.
Nagor(he/him) is in general the most layed back of them, but also curious and stuborn. He'll drive everyone, but most of all Gandalf and Elrond, completely bonkers with questions. Like you know when a child gets started on the 'why' train? That, but dialed up to 11 and them compresed into a tiny ass elf. At the end of their stay Gandalf insists he'd rather just have gotten punched again. Nagor would make friends with Merry and Pippin so fast and the kitchens are never safe again. And for a change of pace Legolas will for sure be clinging to him, because Thondaer was not the only one injured in the war up north.
Thilion(they/them) is the mom friend, and probably the only reason Minas Tirith is still standing. I mean they're not opposed to hiding under the meeting table and tieing everyones shoelaces together, but they are the one who manages to figure out a plan so they don't get caught doing it. Can't have your friends end up in trouble now can you, so best make sure no one can ever prove it was them :) Probably gets along realy well with Aragorn.
Crithril(she/her) and this barbieelf has ADHD. She has a habit of stiming by braiding peoples hair, and there's a big missunderstanding between her and Gimli for a while before Legolas and Thilion manages to sort things out. Eventualy Gimli manages to either aquire or make some dwarven stimtoys that successfully divert her from his hair and beard without hurting any feelings. Crithril also has a favourite position to be in, which happends to be upside-down, and many a Gondor noble has been shocked by her just casually hanging from the cieling like it's completely normalit is. But no one dares say anything, because there's 5 other elves there and they all have knives and oh hello Thranduil your highness, no I was just... admiring your peoples acrobatic skill and deffinintely not judgeing your sons friend haha please don't kill me.
I think that's it for now, phew :D
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tathrin · 1 year
Hehe, gonna be sneaky and ask about both Elven compas and Two Fell Into Shadow?? Seems like fun titles👀
Ooh thank you, yes certainly! (From this tag game.) So "Elven Compass" is a Fellowship Fic, which is a setting I love but really struggle to write for some reason, so I'm not sure when/if I'll actually be able to get that one finished, but the premise is that Legolas (and all Wood-elves) always know where their forest is in relation to themselves. The Hobbits discover this little "trick" at some point, and find it delightful and hilarious to randomly ask Legolas to point towards his home. Shenanigans ensue, where they come up with increasingly outlandish demands (close your eyes! spin in five circles! let Boromir spin you in ten circles! stand on your head!) in hopes of disorienting him. None of which works, of course...
Until they reunite after the war in Minas Tirith, and one of them asks Legolas to do it again, for old time's sake, and he points west instead of north.
Legolas laughed and began to turn, but then he stopped suddenly and stood so still that he hardly seemed anymore to be a living thing. The Hobbits stared at him first in curiosity, and then concern. Gimli looked up from his pipe, and his brow was furrowed over his beard. "Legolas?" Pippin asked at last, his voice an anxious murmur. The Elf gave a strange cry and seemed to come alive again, although his eyes were far away and his narrow face wrought with distress. He raised a limp yet trembling hand and pointed not towards Mirkwood, but rather to the West. "The Sea is there," he said in a broken voice, and then he turned and fled.
Because what's a fun little Fellowship Snippet without a dash of heartbreaking Sea Longing for an epilogue, ehhhhh?
And "Two Fell Into Shadow" is an absolutely ancient story from way back in idk...2005? ish? Somewhere around then anyway. It's a canon-divergence LotR AU. The premise was that if both Gandalf and Aragorn die in Moria, then what happens to the Fellowship? I got the story up to their departure from Lórien, and then got distracted and wrote no more...and now, almost two decades later, I have no idea what the hell I was going to do with it. So that one's in "currently abandoned" territory, pending a burst of sudden logistical inspiration or a miraculous recovery of memory lol. But you can read the parts of it that were written here if you want.
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inkedmoth · 5 months
Not-Yet-Written-Fics Game
Thank you @erathene for tagging me, especially since I haven’t actually started posting anything but still have a bajillion ideas I want to talk about lmao
0. On Swift Wings – Has very much been started/written, but its where most the other ideas stem from so I’m listing it here, that way you’re less in the dark and more in low level lighting.
Rhosynel is a Messenger of Gondor, she and her Messenger bird Ilmara, are tasked with carrying a missive to a Ranger somewhere around Bree. What should be a simple trip there and back again, results in her becoming press-ganged into trailing after the Fellowship, something she is very much Against. Naturally she becomes far too attached to all of them and finds herself unwilling to leave any of them behind or let any of them die, and in a truly unsurprising turn of events, ends up becoming more than a little close with a certain Lord of Gondor.
A reluctant tenth walker Boromir lives fic which already has 50+ chapters written :’D
1. Falconer AU – Also has a lot written.
What if Rhosynel never became a Messenger? What if she took a different path in life? Rhosynel finds herself foisted into the role of falconer for the Kings new hunting birds and must rapidly find her feet despite her own doubts. Set a full year after the destruction of the Ring, this fic is entirely written for Certain Scenes™ and because I adore falconry and birds so wanted to write about that.
Also Boromir lives again. This one is less of a slow burn and more of a flash fire lmao
(was meant to be a thief au and failed spectacularly)
2. Rhosynel’s Backstory Plans – Next to nothing written, could be multiple fics
Follows Rhosynel’s path to becoming a Messenger: Her brief stint in the Southern Rangers before losing someone she loved, which prompted her subsequent career change to become a Messenger. Will absolutely include shenanigans from her Ranger years, various Messenger trips, including one to Mirkwood where she earns herself a messenger bird for her troubles. She nearly dies like, three times.
3. Arranged Marriage – vague idea
Set very shortly after the Ring is destroyed, the kingdoms are scrabbling to find their feet and stake their claims. In a bid to settle things amicably, a marriage is proposed between the daughter of a chieftain (who? where? why? all valid questions) and Captain Boromir (he lives again are you surprised yet?), neither of whom are impressed with this idea in the slightest. Possibly some political intrigue, maybe she was sent as a spy or assassin??, either way there’s culture clashes, disagreements, some pride and prejudice vibes, and whoops it started out with a kiss how did it end up like this.
(Was originally going to be an AU for Rhos again but honestly at this point I may as well just slap a different name on her and call it original lol)
4. Thorongil & Pirate Problems – vague idea
I was reading the wiki and found the sentence “Thorongil travelled to Umbar where he severely damaged the Corsairs fleet in a surprise attack” and my brain promptly decided this was a GREAT idea for a fic and that I should bookmark it for later. It would follow Aragorn and a small team travelling from Minas Tirith to Umbar, with possible detours to Dol Amroth for funsies. I haven’t got much plot beyond “go fight pirates” but I’ve written more with less info so it’ll be fiiine.
(Also potentially Aragorn x OC mischief wink wink)
5. Single word fic ideas
Mulan – Women aren’t permitted in the army, solution; be swift as a coursing river (possible one shot??)
Distractions – Boromir’s working too hard, Rhosynel has a plan to distract him, there’s a desk involved. (less like spice and more like filth)
Stables – Rhosynel backstory on meeting Faramir as a teen while she works as a stable hand, teaches him some Rohirrim and gets flustered.
Mead – People get drunk mischief happens. It’s all self-indulgent filth, I legit don’t know if I’d have the courage to write it.
Picnic – Ladies Day Out, they have a lovely picnic, ride their horses, and gossip about the men.
Missing – After the Rings destruction Boromir goes missing on a diplomatic trip, Rhosynel proceeds to go apeshit in finding him. She may or may not throw someone out a window.
Dark – Boromir takes the Ring and goes rogue, entirely @emilybeemartin’s fault for drawing Dark Boromir and now I’m feral
6. PLOT TWIST it’s a Narnia fic
Because Narnia was my first true fantasy story and I should enjoy myself.
You’re a regular modern girl who’s into home renovations to distract from your boring retail job. You find an old wardrobe at an estate sale, and repurpose its doors for your home. After a rough shift at work, you come home to kick your feet up and zone out to trashy tv, but there’s a problem. The house you’ve entered doesn’t seem to be yours. Promptly exiting it, you find yourself in the middle of a forest. What, the, fuck. That’s it, that’s all I’ve got.
No-pressure tags for @scyllas-revenge and @esta-elavaris because besides @erathene you are the only people I know who write fics lmao
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Chains of Duty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G8ZCoBk
by cinnamonroll_ofdeath
You a princess of a neighboring Kingdom to Mirkwood, and are arranged to marry Prince Thranduil. Being very unhappy about this you skip out on your betrothal party. You end up hanging out with a mysterious but handsome elf in the palace gardens. Shenanigans insue.
Words: 3109, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien)
Relationships: Thranduil (Tolkien)/Reader
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Weddings, Romantic Comedy, Party
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G8ZCoBk
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
Chains of Duty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rmWLB32
by cinnamonroll_ofdeath
You a princess of a neighboring Kingdom to Mirkwood, and are arranged to marry Prince Thranduil. Being very unhappy about this you skip out on your betrothal party. You end up hanging out with a mysterious but handsome elf in the palace gardens. Shenanigans insue.
Words: 3109, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien)
Relationships: Thranduil (Tolkien)/Reader
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Weddings, Romantic Comedy, Party
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rmWLB32
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piyo13sdoodles · 2 years
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an oc for @tolkienocweek!! today’s day is “background characters”, and this is ruel, a member of the mirkwood trash squad forest guard, specifically from the hobbit movies. she cameos in my tauriel-centric fic who could ask to be unbroken, and you can find other mirkwood trash squad shenanigans here and here (there may be some overlap)
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sotwk · 2 months
I would like to make a request for the Summer Campfire Sleepover. Could you do the OC matchmaking one with my OC Indillis Lily.
Indillis is Elrond's adoptive and youngest daughter her parents left for the Undying Lands when she was younger.
She has medium curly dark brown hair and mossy green eyes she often wears a shade of pale or dark purple she is a medium size for an elf around 5,6.
Indillis loves writing, making music and dancing. Elrond trained her in healing and with the help of her brothers she learned to fight and use daggers.
I have another OC Legaladh Greentree tho she is Thranduil's youngest and only daughter. She is Indillis' best friend and they both like to play pranks on Legaladh's brothers.
She loves tea, candles hyacinths, medicinal herbs and playing pranks.
Indillis is quite sweet, gentle, occasionally reckless, energetic and adventurous. She hates being lectured, Mirkwood spiders, getting teased, fire and conflict.
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I found the pics on Raine Emery on Insta if anyone is wondering.
Ooh a member of Elrond's family and a friend to Thranduil's children! A lovely lady with a bright spirit and mischievous streak! The most obvious match to make might be with one of Legolas's brothers, merging my own AU with yours, but I wanted to get a bit more creative with this one.
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Indillis with:
DARTHOL of the Woodland Realm! (SotWK OC)
Darthol appears briefly in Chapter 3 of "Greenleaf's Day Out". I created his character the same time as the Thranduilion Princes, many years ago when they were all RPG characters, but I have not had the chance to write much about him in my works for the AU.
Indillis may be a high-born (Noldor?) elf adopted into Rivendell's version of royalty, but she would be well-matched with Darthol, who comes from one of the most prominent families in Eryn Galen. His grandfather was one of the Sindarin lords who migrated from Doriath with King Oropher, and was once a contender for the kingship of Eryn Galen. For those who follow my AU closely, this grandfather is Lord Silevion, who unfortunately turns traitor when he instigates rebellion against Thranduil and his family early in the new king's rule, due to his opposition to both Thranduil and Crown Prince Mirion taking Noldorin spouses.
His grandfather's treason (and resulting exile) cast a dark shadow over Darthol and his family, but Thranduil did not hold Silevion's crimes against his kin. Darthol is Prince Gelir's birth-mate, and has always been a close and loyal friend to all the Thranduilions. Exceptionally handsome and charismatic, known for his good humor and chivalry, he is considered by the realm's ladies as eligible a bachelor as the princes themselves. His archery skills rival Gelir's, which make him both a renowned hunter and deadly warrior.
Being Gelir's best friend means Darthol has had to tolerate and keep up with the prince’s biting wit and shenanigans, so he would appreciate Indillis's adventurous energy and enjoyment of pranks.
(Fancast note: Darthol is Dan Stevens from Beauty and the Beast, without the French hairstyle, haha.)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :)
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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frosticenow · 2 years
Tolkien Boy in the Modern World
I love Modern Girl in Middle Earth fics and one day when scouring the tag on AO3 I found a fic where Kíli ends up in our world and I loved it.  I have been calling this trop ‘Tolkien Boy in the Modern World.’  
So I am assembling a post of all the fics I have found that do this.  Please, please link me more if you find them!!!
Where You Heart Lies by Thatskasterborous
Their worlds had merged momentarily, reality shattering at a single point. The walls of the two worlds melting together until something broke through. 20 year old Leah Orrison was camping with her Mother when an unexpected visitor crashed into their camp site. Now she has to deal with the fact that Middle Earth is very real and that there is a very real dwarf who needs her help.
So so good.  This fic is the first one I read where a Tolkien character comes to our world and what originally put me on to this idea.  And I just love it.
A Kind of Magic by Lathalea (AO3)
This was writing for an ask and it is just the cutest, fun, quick read.
Where I Belong by MiddleEarthPixie (Tumblr)
After being unexpectedly dumped the night of her firm’s Christmas party, thoroughly modern Noelle James decides to skip the festivities and go for a walk along Fifth Avenue. The last thing she expected to happen was to be accosted by a man dressed in all fur and leather carrying a lethal-looking sword and asking for her to help him find his way back to Mirkwood. As in, The Hobbit Mirkwood. But not the novel, the movie.
Thorin Oakenshield has no idea how he ended up in modern day New York City, and no idea how to get back to where he belongs. The last thing he remembers is becoming disoriented while wandering through the enchanted forest at Mirkwood. He stumbled forward and out of his world into one wholly foreign to him. And now he has to rely on this one woman to help him. And neither one of them was at all prepared for things not quite going as they were supposed to…
This is the second fic I read under the same trope.  It’s so well done and a fun read.  I am such a sucker for cultural misunderstanding/exchange and this fic has lots.
My fic which I posted Monday!:
Young Man's Fancy was Turned into the Spring
Fíli son of Víli and Dís, brother to Kíli and sister-son and heir to Thorin Oakenshield has gone missing without a trace. While his family in the Blue Mountains mourn him, the young prince finds himself in a world different from the one he has always known.
No pairing
Dwarves always Knock Thrice by GaurdianofRivendell 
Another really fun quick read.  Kíli and Fíli feature in it and get up to all sorts of shenanigans.
Fic Rec Note:  If I have linked a story you wrote and you want me to:
a) remove it/links to your ao3 or tumblr, 
b) add your ao3 or tumblr if I have not included it
PM me on tumbler.
Authors: @lathalea, @guardianofrivendell, @middleearthpixie
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erynalasse · 3 years
Do you suppose 'The Breaking of the World' means anything east beyond Rhun? I must imagine that between the War of Wrath and the Fall of Numenor, the bent of history might well be inverted depending on who experienced what - the War of Wrath destroyed the West, but it freed the East from Morgoth's reach where the elves (presumably) never bothered, with the possible exception of the Avari. And the Fall of Numenor is just straight up the wholesale elimination of the colonial power dominating everything.
I just have this funny image in my head of eastern scholars of Middle Earth being like, 'Cataclysm? Tragedy? Breaking of the world? We became free for the first time in all our history.'
As one does, I immediately had imposter syndrome about my own memory and went to go reread Chapter 17: “The Coming of Men Into the West.” LOTS of interesting stuff there.
First of all, a quick geography recap: the men originally came from Hildórien in the east. The exact location of this place is a bit screwy, but the maps seem to say it’s closer to Rhûn than Mirkwood. Definitely nowhere in Beleriand! So the origins of men are likely to be somewhat close to the region you’re interested in later in time: falling off the edges of Tolkien’s fuzzily bordered maps.
Here’s the interesting thing to me: Morgoth did reach out to Men in their original lands to the east to see what he could do with them. Morgoth sent spies there to plant evil but had some mixed success.
“To corrupt or destroy whatsoever arose new and fair was ever the chief desire of Morgoth; and doubtless he had this purpose also in his errand: by fear and lies to make Men the foes of the Eldar, and bring them up out of the east against Beleriand. But this design was slow to ripen, and was never wholly achieved; for Men (it is said) were at first very few in number, whereas Morgoth grew afraid of the growing power and union of the Eldar and came back to Angband, leaving behind at that time but few servants, and those of less might and cunning.”
And what’s even more interesting to me is that this memory doesn’t come down to us through the Men themselves! Finrod, who first found Bëor, was only told, “A darkness lies behind us… and we do not wish to return thither even in thought.” And furthermore, this darkness in the Men’s hearts is explicitly compared to the the Kinslaying and the Doom for the Noldor. These are telling examples because those events were partially self-inflicted. We can argue divisions of fault—I sure have—but the Noldor aren’t blameless. If we take this metaphor somewhat literally, neither are the Men for their darkness.
In the discipline of human geography, mass migrations can have both push and pull factors: aka reasons to go, or reasons to leave. I think we’re looking at both things here. Melkor clearly got up to some shenanigans with the early Men; he sent spies and traitors to sow dissent even if little came of it for him personally. But I think that something bad happened far to the East—something so bad that the Men deliberately excised it from their cultural heritage and stories. I’m speculating on some kind of treachery and in-fighting—definitely some senseless destruction. That’s Morgoth’s characteristic work style, and the Men’s conclusion was to forget this darkness rather than use it as a cautionary parable. “Don’t trust the dark and don’t look back” isn’t a complicated lesson and it doesn’t require elaboration.
But we also have a pull factor: Bëor’s people and later clans are chasing the “Light” over the mountains. He says that “Westwards our hearts have been turned” and leaves it at that. And this is a frustrating case of real world considerations clash with fantasy logic, because… what??? Light? Who put that on their hearts? Presumably Eru, but that feels like cheating from an out-of-universe standpoint. Personally, and you can disagree with me if you like, I think this “Light” probably evolved as a natural need for an opposite to the Dark they left behind. It’s a simple template. Leave the Dark in the East; go the Light in the West. Pass it down enough generations, and it’s easy to turn that dichotomy into a semi-religious belief that inspires you cross a two entire continents.
And here’s the other thing. People will not keep moving unless there’s a reason. It sounds basic, but it’s worth emphasizing. Mass migrations can take generations. Groups splinter and settle down along the way, just like the Sindar on the Great Journey. And so the most reasonable view for the clans who made it to Beleriand is that they are a very small fraction of the people who scattered from the mysterious Darkness in their original land. People probably went in different directions and stopped after different distances.
And I think there’s a solid reasoning for different groups to have different oral traditions of remembering the Darkness and Morgoth’s corruption. Certainly Bëor’s approach—excising it from their histories—is not the only approach. So other groups will tell stories about this to their children. It’s the nature of legends—as the time depth would make these things—to get rearranged in the retellings. But the core? A Darkness that drives you from your homeland because of the foul whispers of the Enemy-over-the-mountains? Oh no, it isn’t going anywhere; it becomes the boogeyman and the antagonist and the thing that frightens children into good behavior. It’s the enemy with a thousand faces but the same essential truths. There was evil in our past. We fled to escape it. But it is not truly gone. And that is what the generations will pass down to each other.
And then we return to the thing you actually asked about, because I’ve gotta save the good stuff for last! I think that the Breaking of the World and the defeat of Morgoth is relevant to the far-East people, but more in a way of “Oh, that sounds familiar. You lost your home to the Darkness too? So did our ancestors. That’s rough, buddy.” Maybe losing a continent and getting displaced is hard, but it isn’t your continent, is it? At the end of the day, not being personally invested in the fight mostly says you’re not personally invested in its outcome. Maybe some people are impressed that the legends do have an answer—the Shadow was conquered after all!—but life goes on.
Well, until it doesn’t, and until the Darkness strolls eastward in the person of Sauron. And then sometimes you may wish you paid more attention to how the people over the mountains managed it the first time.
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