#time out for murder boyo
ohlookitsgeorge · 2 years
Eraqus: Is 13 a lot?
Baldr: Depends.
Baldr: Medals? No.
Baldr: Murders? Yes.
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
Here's the request I promised!
Octavinelle with a bottle nose dolphin s/o.
S/o tends to say some really fucked up shit, and does really fucked up shit at times.
They can sing really well, and they sing at the Mostro-Lounge.
Enjoys toying with people and animals because dolphins are ass holes like that!
A bully to any and all sharks in Octavinelle.
They have their moments of purity and kindness, but overall they're a devil disguised as an angel.
Let's just say, damn near everyone is afraid of s/o
This is going to be insane, and Floyd is loving every damn minute of it
Octavinelle with A Bottlenose Dolphin S/O
Azul, Azul, Azul
Canonically an insecure boyo, he was unsure if you even liked him at first
However, he was absolutely enraptured with your voice. The second he heard it, he knew he needed you to work at the Mostro Lounge - after all, you could bring in so many customers!
(He just wasn't prepared for how many customers you'd drive away either)
It took nearly a year of pining for you two to finally end up together
Between your mixed signals - being nice to him one minute and bullying the fuck out of him the next - and his doubts, nobody was even sure either of you would confess.
Unsurprisingly, you were the one who eventually just kissed him one day
You two are absolute terrors together. He makes deals with poor, unfortunate students and you help the twins make sure those students have no way of fulfilling their end of the bargain
But you and Floyd have only hospitalized a few!
One of those cliche "You're mean to everyone but him" couples
Of course, fights between the two of you have the entire student body hiding for their lives
He'll use his arsenal of spells from contracts and you're just...creative
Lighting his vault on fire when he's out, putting TnT in the oven - no, I will not specify how you got it - all the way to blackmailing the twins to get you a picture of him when he was younger so you could print out more and glue them into every book in the school.
Jade finds you amusing
You'll be the definition of angelic whenever the teachers are looking, but the second they turn their backs you're pushing students off of their brooms, adding gunpowder to a potion, or charming a students history textbook to shoot glitter into their eyes when they try to open it.
Some of your more dangerous activities have him catching the back of Floyd's shirt to keep him from helping
But this eel loves you nonetheless
...when you aren't making it so they have to get new security sharks in the Mostro lounge each week because you threatened to give them an impromptu C-Section in order to make new meals out of their guts
"Love, I don't care if they were being rude, you can't casually threaten people with homocide-"
"It's not a threat, Jade."
"It's a promise. Floyd, come with me in case I need more muscle!"
Cue your boyfriend quickly trying to drag both of you to his room before you both get expelled for murder
The most fun he's had in months!
Azul and Jade are cursing everything, the students are running for the hills, and the teachers are standing there with fire extinguishers!
You help him to get out of trouble when an authority figure is looking, and he helps you with any student you feel like messing with.
You two absolutely TERRORIZE Leona
Like, he doesn't even like Floyd, but he can't exactly avoid both of you easily
And you messed with his favourite napping spot! He woke up, strung up by his neck with vines in the Botanical Gardens.
"I wanted to see if beastmen have claws"
Turns out, they do! Leona was not killed by being hanged that day
You and Floyd will eat Takoyaki while looking directly at Azul
He made himself scarce fairly quickly - Floyd alone? He'd have nothing to worry about. Floyd with your influence? He would not be testing those waters
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crisiscutie · 1 year
First Class Boyos Reacting To Their S/O...
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How would our first class trio react to their precious S/O committing the "unthinkable"? Find out. Angst and fluff ahead.
Content Warnings: Mentions of Murder and Death.
Genesis: You called him in a state of distress, spilling the beans right then and there. His lack of emotional response made you more worried, even as he told you to relax. Then he goes full Walter White out of nowhere, giving you a list of intricate and long instructions on what to do with the body. When he's going too fast, you tell him to slow down. Your induced stress of not understanding anything is so overwhelming. He would then gently recite a fitting verse from LOVELESS to comfort you.
As you listened to the verse, the peaceful melody lulled you into a state of relaxation, your eyes closing in response. You're not even taken aback as he suddenly appears right next to you. He wrapped you in his vast, dark wing, shielding you from the ugly sight of the dead body nearby. He's always so quick to save the day, just like the hero he wants to be…
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Sephiroth: His first response was disbelief, followed quickly by anger. Sephiroth had such a deep, innocent faith in the ones he cared for that it was almost second nature for him to go to their aid when they called for help, even if it involved dealing with a dead body. But when it comes to his S/O? He already knows you wouldn't kill someone without good reason, and it angers him that someone dared to put you in such a distressful state… But he felt a pang of guilt for not being able to keep your hands clean and protect you from this situation.
He would sternly tell you to stay put, his voice low and authoritative as he swiftly ended the phone call. With a speed that was almost supernatural, he was suddenly by your side. His slit, mako eyes, filled with concern, were locked onto you, almost as if the dead body wasn't there. He cupped your cheek briefly, making sure you're not injured before he gently pushed you to the side. He walked to the body with scornful eyes, already knowing what to do…
He is tempted to learn necromancy just to kill the person you killed again.
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Angeal: After the rigorous training session with Zack, he could feel the ache of his muscles and the sweat dripping down his face. But when he checked his phone, his stomach dropped when he saw the twenty missed calls from you. He then quickly dialed your number. You picked up, crying your heart out as you told him what happened. He listened closely, drifting out of his current area into a more private one. After hearing the whole story, he sadly hung his head, feelings of of disappointment and regret mix within him. You begged him to stay on the phone with you, and he responded by telling you he would remain with you and give you his support... To set things right, that is. He tells Zack to stay put while he slowly makes his way to your location. He would be faster, but the weight of his heartache slowed him down.
Meanwhile, he takes the time to give you a heartfelt lecture over the phone, emphasizing that the process of atonement begins by preserving the body and turning yourself into the authorities. His disappointment in you is clear, but his love is unwavering… He would then ask, his voice gentle but inquisitive, if you knew anything about the person you killed (as opposed to Sephiroth and Genesis). Then you revealed you killed someone like Hojo or Hollander. He stopped speaking and a heavy silence descended, making you think you had angered him. He firmly told you to stop what you're doing, and to not utter a word of what happened to anyone. He's on his way to help you get the messy job done...
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peteytheparrot · 3 days
Favorite songs right now? I need some to help me get through my backlog of so so much school work
I AM SO SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG I JUST KEPT FINDING SONGS I LOVE WHOOPS AHAKHSSJH I should’ve just made a playlist tbh ☠️☠️ Not necessarily my favorite songs right now more of just, music I love ☠️
Favs are near the top but I fucking LOVE all of these so that’s not completely true:
Splinter - Sneaker Pimps (this entire album is AMAZING)
Pork Soda - Glass Animals (GEHEGGRR BAKEBSKR)
Wild West Selfishness - Seahaven (this song is so GAHSGSHS)
My Favorite Color - Citizen (again, this entire album is amazing)
Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths (read The Song Of Achilles after listening to this.. god,, starts fucking sobbing)
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest (GOD this song gave me chills)
Go To The Light - Murder By Death
Steal Away - Murder By Death
Antes de les Tres - Un Fantasma (this band is SO underrated)
Wolf River - Reignwolf
Son of a Gun - Reignwolf
A Wistful Waltz - Teddy Hyde (lovely band check out more of their music)
S*x With A Ghost - Teddy Hyde (censored because of bots) (this song is so silly I love it sm)
Mamas Gun - Glass Animals (THE ENDING IS SO?? AFAHGHSH)
Everything Moves -  Bronze Radio Return
Before You Snap - Yonderboi
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
Jimmy, He Whispers - Manchester Orchestra 
Last Call - Elliot Smith
Paranoid Android - Radiohead (every Radiohead song is amazing tbh)
Climbing Up The Walls - Radiohead
Life In A Glass House - Radiohead
I Lost Something In The Hills - Sibylle Baier (Good song to fall asleep to, well for me atleast ☠️)
Shoot It Out - 10 Years
Mr. Self Destruct - Nine Inch Nails
Smile Boyo - Vundabar
Alien Blues - Vundabar
A Burning Hill - Mitski
I’m Your Man - Mitski
Duvet - boa
My Time - Bo en
And Also I’m Really Scared - Fox Academy (love this band fr)
Salem - Fox Academy
Lavender Blood - Fox Academy
Vampire Banquet - Fox Academy
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 
My Fault - Sawyer
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
Evil Side - The Dirty Nil
Loved - FEiN
So Damn Into You - Vlad Holiday
Dear Dictator - Saint Motel
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
Dreamland - Glass Animals
Bernadette - IAMX 
Disembodied Mind - Sparkbird & Stephan Nance
Priorities - Yot Club
Amen - Amber Run
Susan Smith - Wych Elm
NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator
GONE, GONE / THANK YOU - Tyler, The Creator
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense - Ghost & Pals
Evil Eye - Franz Ferdinand 
Dog Problems - The Format
Between the Bars - Chris Garneue
What Else Do I Need - Vast
The Plagues - The Prince Of Egypt
Selfless - The Strokes 
Sway - Sarah Cothran
My Alcoholic Friends - The Dresden Dolls
505 - Arctic Monkeys
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller 
Rory - Foxing
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
May I request a yandere TF2 scout? Preferably, a Red scout who manages to fall for the Blu team's Blu Medic? Scout boyo notices how different they are from his teams own medic, kind n caring instead of being Unhinged and a total sociopath, this shows more when Scout gets kidnapped by Blu for an entire week and through that week instead of being tortured he enjoys pleasant conversations with their Medic, by the end of the week Blue Med lets him go but... Scout does not wanna go...
BLU Medic! Darling strikes again!
Yandere! RED! Scout Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, Manipulation, Threats of murder, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior.
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It was, disorienting to say the least when he woke up. Jeremy had no idea where he was and why he was tied up before he remembered something. Oh yeah...
He was kidnapped by BLU team.
Prepared to fight for his life, Jeremy grunts and tugs at his bonds. The rope was tough enough to hold him still. He just wondered why they wanted him here....
"Ah, so you're awake."
Jeremy turns towards the voice he heard, only to be met with the BLU team's medic. Expecting this medic to act like the one at RED team... he panics.
"Oh no... no, no, no! I'm not taking any kind of torture from you!"
You give the RED scout a confused look. Torture? That wasn't what you had in mind at all... you weren't like that.
"Huh? No! I won't torture you... I was assigned with keeping you comfortable while my team uses your capture against your team."
Jeremy stares at you with a blank gaze. He should've expected the reasoning behind his capture. Yet he wasn't expecting their medic to not torture.
"Really?" He laughs nervously. "Our medic would've totally done torture...."
Your face swaps to horrified and concerned at what he said. You really seemed better than the doctor.... So far you were really nice.
"I... unfortunately cannot let you out of this room, but I assure you I will make you stay comfortable even if my team is against it."
Your promise rings in his ears, although he can't help but look you up and down in interest.
"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere, am I?"
He never thought he'd say it, but his stay here was pleasant. Instead of being interrogated for days on end, he was met with you greeting him for conversation. You always brought food, too.
You never let him starve, you never threatened to hurt him, you just wanted him unharmed until BLU didn't need him. Even when other BLU members came in to interrogate or injure him, you always healed him.
Safe to say, he was falling for you.
He wasn't sure if it was your caring personality or stockholm syndrome... but frankly he didn't care. Your voice was so pleasant to listen to. Your smile made him weak in the knees....
You even let him off the chair when he'd been here for half a week. Trusting him enough not to run. Why would he?
He doesn't want to leave when he can talk to you.
His team seemed so violent compared to yours. They never threatened his death and part of him thought it was because of you. Maybe you were looking out for him?
The longer he stayed in that room, the more he thought of you. Daydreaming of a time you two could be together, regardless of team. So many little thoughts of you....
Your first kiss, the dates you'd take, even the more intimate moments. The longer he was with you the more he fed into his delusions. He didn't even know his time here was up until you told him.
"Jeremy, I've been informed you can go now." You two had told each other your names. You thought of him as a nice friend instead of an enemy. While Jeremy was already thinking of marriage....
Jeremy's dreams cracked at your words. Leave? Leave and go back to RED where he'd have to deal with them?
"That's a strange reaction, I thought you'd want to go home."
"Not if me leaving means I'm leaving you!"
You pause, perplexed by his words.
"What exactly does that mean, Jeremy?
Jeremy breathes in heavily before sighing. It was now or never.... No need to hide it.
"I'm in love with you, (Y/N)! Like... MADLY in love with you-"
He feels himself shaking.
"Look, I just... I can't leave, okay?"
"... You need to go back, Jeremy. I can't keep you here."
"Then you come with me, (Y/N)!"
"I can't do that, either!"
You're surprised when you feel Jeremy slam into you, arms wrapped around you. You couldn't process what was happening. Did he really gain stockholm syndrome this fast?
"Keep me here!" He begs. "Make me your little captive, I'm not ever leaving!"
He pulls away ever so slightly, eyes dark.
"Even if I have to kill all of BLU to keep you, I'm never leaving!"
Who knew your captive would want to stay a captive, just to stay with you?
Maybe you should've been harsher....
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shattered-sparks · 1 year
Hey, anon who asked if I could go off about the current Moon situation here. Sorry I'm late, the ADHD struck and I completely forgot I sent that ask lol.
Anywho! I saw a post about how Moon's behavior in the episode where BloodMoon dies (y'know, where he confronts Sun after the barrel goes off?) was "guilt tripping" and "unnecessarily pressuring" and I just. *Yells of frustration*
He was so obviously just trying to comfort his brother who was clearly shook up! He could see that his brother was distressed and had been declining for some time now and wanted to let him know that he was there if need be. If anything, a little pressuring was warranted considering that Sun was clearly not ok and, y'know, just fucking killed someone.
Oh! And that's another thing! Moon at the time of the episode doesn't fucking know that! He doesn't know that Sun's true reason for being shaken was because he just committed a murder. What in the fuck would he be "guilt tripping" Sun for?
The post also brought up a bunch of other points, but I genuinely don't know where they came from or what episodes they were getting the behavior examples from because I honestly don't see any of it, at least not to the extent the poster did.
It frustrates me because the moment they did point out was one of Moon's best brotherly moments in the show, and they're trying to use it against him.
These characters are not black and white, good versus evil, they're people, with nuance, who won't always react in the best manner, and who won't always be the best people. I'm not saying Moon is perfect or free of fault, boyo definitely has some issues and stuff he needs to work on, but this villainization shit is really getting on my nerves.
Why don't we focus on the actual antagonist (key word: antagonist, not villain (though he very much would fit that definition too, saying he was a villain would undermine the statement I made not 2 seconds ago)) of this story, eh? You know, the person who planted a fucking bomb in Lunar's head? To get an overpowered star so he could do only god knows what with it? Seems to make a lot more sense to go after him than one of the protagonists.
Oof, sorry that was so long TvT. I really wanted to get that off of my chest but I'm too scared to make a public post. Thank you for listening!
(P.S, none of the anger or frustration in this is directed at you. You are very much not who I'm upset with and I appreciate you giving me a place to talk about it. /g)
First off I actually enjoy that you took the time to make this so long and detailed. Cannot express that enough. More people need to take time out of their days to see the full points being written, not just the TLDR. secondly, completely agree with your statements here. I'm been holding my tongue on the whole Moon villization thing for a while but recent stuff just broke that dam. They often blame Moon for Sun's own wrong doings and try and say that Moon is at fault when he's not. The whole garbage chocolate situation perfectly showed what I mean when the fandom likes to make Moon out to be the worst character. (Yes I did see their response to my own post, I will not get into it but I still do not agree with how they see Moon but they can keep their opinion and I'll keep mine) Thirdly, I've seen people say the same thing as you and I am glad I could be that voice for you guys too scared or anxious to get your thoughts out there. This fandom needs to work on respecting opinions, you're allowed to share your thoughts, no matter if people agree or disagree. Don't let others push you around <3 1 thing I've recently had in mind about this whole thing is I don't think a lot of people truly understand when Moon means he doesn't understand how to comfort. He's not a very social person and to expect him and Sun to know what to do despite these very obvious traits is missing the entire point of it all. The Sun and Moon channel is, although not 100% correct, shows a lot about mental health and the effects it has on people. Basically all the character have depression, from Moon who openly hates himself to Sun constantly doubting himself. Another big one that comes to mind is ADHD and Autism represiation in the show (Although this is more so headcannon) with how Lunar and Moon struggle with social cues and their tones being flat while Sun and Monty have a lot of energy and is easily distracted. In the end I think the fandom just needs to take more time in seeing the full characters, not just 1 trait. Hell like you said, all the characters are in a grey area, even the main bad guy Eclipse. I could make a whole argument that he's in just as much pain as Sun and Moon is. Does that make his actions okay? Hell no, but these characters have a lot more depth then what most people see
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dangermousie · 1 year
Does your first interaction involve battle, ambush and mass drowning? If not, is it even love?
If, like me, you find a period hero’s most attractive feature is his personal army, meet Chu Beijie, one of four rival kingdoms’ god of war.
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 This is the rival kingdom’s general He Xia, who CHJ has come to defeat. He Xia’s psycho ruler expects HX to hold the town against 100K army with 8K men and no reinforcements because he is the first but not the last ruler we will come across in this story who is a bonkers waste of oxygen. Side note - one of the things I love about this drama is that all the male characters in this are men and not boys. Like finally some adults have entered the chat. And they also look like they can actually lift a spear or drive a chariot because yes, in the first 10 min of ep 1, we get a chariot battle.
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And this is Ping Ting, our FL, He Xia’s strategist. I forgot her backstory tbh but I know she feels gratitude to HX and his family for raising her. For the bulk of the story, they are vvv brother-sister until the drama oddly and last minute tries to throw in that he likes her but I think it is clear that is 10% driven by his nostalgia for a simpler time before he fell from grace and 90% by his obsession/rivalry with CBJ where he must win over him in any way he can, including getting the woman CBJ wants.
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She has a plan which seems to be based on her somehow being a meteorologist who knows exactly where rain will hit and wash everything out (so they can lure CBJ and his dudes there.) Yeah whatever, who cares, roll with it. Short version is SHE SMART.
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I love the intercut of CBJ grabbing his weapon and readying for battle as Ping Ting grabs hers and readies for hers (hers is a guqin with messages for He Xia in the music. Once again, roll with it, this is all shorthand for SHE SMART; you want realism watch a documentary on alfalfa farming.)
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God, he is a sexy beast in his mask. Sorry not sorry Wallace makes me hormonal.
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Love her not pausing the beat as an arrow hits right next to her. Lady is cool under pressure and I love it. Once again, sidenote and yet not - everyone in this drama, men and women, are adult adult adult and not giggly ingenues/boyish boyos, and it is so refreshing.
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Two hot men undressing each other as they whip out their enormous hard weapons. Ahem. Joking aside, I appreciate them actually bothering to have a reason why helmet or mask come off. (Also appreciate CBJ having his helmet stay on.) Helmet lack is my pet peeve in battle scenes.
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Yeah, she drowns his giant army.
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If you like your women hot, and big into music, meteorology and mass murder, you should def swipe right on Ping Ting. I mean CBJ will shortly swipe right so hard he’s gonna start a whole new dynasty!
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thetarttfuldickhead · 6 months
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A Jamie-centric pre-OT3 Christmas story told in 25 short chapters.
Masterpost / AO3
“And with that, it’s all over at Vicarage Road! Watford prevails 3-0 over fellow Premier League relegates Richmond, after a nowadays characteristically lacklustre performance from the Greyhounds. Jamie Tartt had Richmond’s best chance early on in the second half, but failed to capitalize on an elegant pass from Richard Montlaur, and Watford took full advantage of of the visitors’ inability to create anything truly dangerous.”
Jamie went through the motions, shaking the hands of the Watford players and hugging and patting his teammates on the back as he made his way off the pitch, but in his mind he was already back at his house, collapsing into bed and not getting up for at least ten hours. Let sleep pull him away from this fucking shitshow of a game, and the fucking shitshow that had been his visit at Keeley’s place yesterday, and the fucking shitshow that would be the upcoming holiday, because after how things had gone with Roy there was no chance in hell he’d be able to make things right with his mum.
Walking past a mirror in the visitors’ dressing room, he automatically took stock of his appearance, and would have recoiled at the sad sight if he hadn’t been too dejected to care even about that.
Jamie Tartt. The ghost of shitshows past, present and future.
“Don’t beat yourself up, boyo,” Colin said as he walked past him, likely assuming that Jamie’s look of defeat was all down to the actual defeat and the missed goal. “Happens to the best of us.”
“Yeah, evidently,” Jamie muttered, but with such a lack of conviction that it earned him a sympathetic smile and another pat on his shoulder rather than a scowl or eyeroll.
“It was very clumsy of you, but we still would have lost even if you had scored, so it doesn’t matter,” Jan Maas added, and Jamie wondered if it would really count as being a prick if he murdered Jan just a little.
“All right, boys, not gonna lie, that was a tough one, but you know—“ Ted with a rousing speech, and normally Jamie would have done his best to pay attention because that’s what the new and improved Jamie did, and because Ted’s speeches, long and confusing as they sometimes were, actually did tend to leave him feeling better.
But today he just couldn’t seem to keep focus on the gaffer’s friendly drawl, no matter how hard he tried, and he soon gave up. Sat down on the floor and let the words turn into background noise, shapless static, until the silence told him it was time to get up, get changed, get out.
The journey home was a silent affair, a far cry from their ride to Winchester the other day. It had started rowdy and only gotten worse as Declan brought out the hot toddy that his wife had made, and Jan brought out the bisschopswijn that he had bought, and Richard declared that both drinks were sinful waste of good wine and brought out four bottles of a very long French name that Jamie couldn’t remember.
Isaac had only let them have one sip of each offering, because “gonna be lots of little kiddies at the market, so we’re going to fucking behave, yeah”, but that had been plenty to warm them, and they’d descened upon the pitoresque market in an abundance of high spirits and good cheer.
Jamie had found his Mummy a nice blanket, and Roy a boxset of novels in an old bookshop that Sam convinced them to go into. (Well, he hadn’t found the set, Tom had, picking it up and asking, “hey, wasn’t this the guy Roy was obsessed with last year? I sat next to him on the ride to the Sheffield game and he was reading this book he just woulnd’t shut up about. Don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk that much before”, but it had been Jamie who quietly snuck back to the store after the others have moved on to the hot chocolate stall and bought the set.)
Fat lot of good that would do him now.
Jamie picked up his phone and started scrolling down his Twitter feed, hoping for something to distract him from the dull ache in his chest. Not a great idea, as it turned out; him fumbling that goal hadn’t exactly gone unnoticed. To make matters worse, City had won their game against Crystal Palace 3-0, and some industrious little twat had put together a stupid fucking video of Jamie scoring for City last season, him missing his shot today, a reaction shot of him as Watford scored, and City’s celebration of their win at Selhurst Park. imagine going from that to this just coz u wanna eat pussy on tv lmao, the caption read.
Jamie traced his thumb over the skyblue figures jumping and hugging each other as Pep walked among them, handing out cuddles and bum pats. De Bruyne had Paddy in a playful headlock, shouting something jubilant in his ear. Champions, well on the way to securing their fourth League title in a row.
That had been Jamie, just half a year ago. Could have been him still, if only—
But if he’d still been at City, he wouldn’t have had Dani leaning against his shoulder and soring gently as they turned onto Nelson Road. There’d have been no trip to Winchester. And – and that was the only thing that fucking mattered in the end, wasn’t it? –  if he’d still been at City, his phone would be blowing up with calls and messages from Dad right about now, and the mere thought of it was enough to turn his stomach.
As if on cue, his phone started buzzing, startling him badly enough that he almost disloged Dani from his shoulder. “Sorry, amigo,” Jamie murmured, receiving a sleepy mumble in response, as he glanced at the screen.  
Keeley, again. She’d tried calling him last night, and sent a couple of messages, but he’d let the call go to voicemail, ignored the voicemail, and the messages too.
It’d been fucking stupid of him to think she really wanted to help him with his brand, he supposed. He should talk to her, probably. Just to… Well. He didn’t know. Something.
Jamie declined the call. The coach came to a halt. He went home.
Two hours later, after he had dutifully eaten an nutritionst approved frozen meal and almost dozed off in front of Q&A, Jamie was jolted awake by a loud, insistent banging on his front door.  
He sat, blinking and scowling towards the hall. Had Roy decided to come calling and yell at him some more? Jamie was not in the mood for that. If he just ignored it—
“Jamie! I know you’re in there, I saw your poncy car out front! Not gonna leave me out here in the cold, are you? Jamie!”
Jamie’s stomached dropped.
It wasn’t Roy. It was Dad.
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magnus-vitalis · 8 months
Currently obsessed with The Amazing Digital Circus pilot.
Also Michael Kovach voiced Jax. I swear this guy just materializes from thin air every time the position for Lanky Sharp Toothed Boyo appears in inde YouTube animation. And every one of his characters wins my heart. Angel from Hazbin Hotel. N from Murder Drones. Rocky from Lackadaisy. And now Jax. I am going insane. I cannot get this purple rabbit out of my brain
You'd think Pomni would be my favorite considering my CLEAR obsession with jesters but she's alright.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Your monster boyos reactions to an s/o who's got bad anger issues (like, murderous anger issues) on nearly everyone but them?
Maybe they found this one in the back of a police cruiser. Maybe they found them with blood on their knuckles. They think nothing of it at first. Humans killing humans has been a process since the dawn of time. They get taken, one of the monsters take an interest in them, they start going steady, and things go pretty smoothly for a while.
But then, they see it in action. A captive who had a particular attitude towards the s/o goes missing from the holding pens. It takes a minute to find him, but they wish they hadn't. They walk in to find their s/o bashing the captive's head in, knuckles drenched in blood, screaming bloody murder like a maniac, and the only response they give is a glare that echos hate and ungodly rage. The captive isn't even recognizable anymore. His grey matter has been reduced to a stain on s/o's fists. The only thing that can be told about him is that he died in worse agony than most of the other monsters could even preform. All from a mere human. And s/o's only response about the whole encounter?
"He pissed me off."
What happens to the s/o afterwards? Do they get promoted into the Clergy or just given a wide distance by the others? Do they assist their partner? Is their partner impressed, nervous, and/or turned on by the display of gratuitous violence?
Whoever they are, it takes a bit more than just blunt strength or violence to get hired. Even Vinnel's brutality isn't completely senseless. You won't get hired, and you'll definitely get chastised. It doesn't matter what the other captive said to you, unless you were physically harmed, The Clergy sees this as unnecessary waste of products and is not empathetic towards you. And, naturally, humans aren't hired to work in the establishment regardless so you're not participating in anything unless a very close eye is kept on your person.
I can't think of a single clergyman who would be unimpressed or disheartened by this side of you, not one. Some of them are, in fact, very open about their enjoyment of your violence, those being namely Morell, Vinnel, Santi and Ludwig.
Morell just likes seeing a human gored, makes him kind of hungry. You got a lotta bite for a human, that will come in handy later, when you start helping him cook his long pigs. It takes some strength to crack a skull open, it may be easy for him, but others struggle. He's glad to see that spirit in ya!
Vinnel honestly thinks there's nothing funnier than humans killing other humans at the drop of a hat. He's torn between helping you or simply watching from a distance, feet kicking in the air from delight, toes curling. Uhuhu, you're some kinda crazy, aren't you?
It's been a long time since Santi has felt the need to get gory, but, demon that he is, guts and gore don't turn him off at all. In fact, he's very excited by the brute strength you exhibit and wants to feel that first-hand. He won't help you, but the incubus will watch with very heated eyes and purr quietly.
Ludwig is a wrath demon, you and him enable each other perpetually honestly. But he's kind of tired of having to keep himself in check constantly, and he understands the need to go off every once in a while, so he won't stop you or steal the fun away either. But he will get horny, and he might jerk off if he thinks he can get away with it. That's just how it rolls for wrath demons.
Gallon would be a bit grossed out if you did it near his bar, but other than that, he's entirely ambivalent, maul as many people as you want.
Sybastian and Fank-e will charge whoever you're brutalizing under the impression that you're been gravely slighted. They're going to fret over you afterwards, as if you're not completely fine...
Grimbly legitimately just fawns over you. You're so big and strong and imposing, you're always going to keep him safe, right? He's bragging about you to everyone under the sun. Patches also brags a little, but like the painslut he is, he wants you to get rough like that with him. He can take it, don't worry firefly.
Nebul observes from a distance as well. He'll start working on bottling all that anger up (and I mean "bottling", not managing), so he can then Pavlov you into fits of murderous rage for amusement.
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emmaelix · 2 years
MHA S/O Funeral Short Stories
I'm feeling angsty tonight. And productive, look at me go. Two fics in one night!
Y/n: Your Name. Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Color. Y/E/C: Your Eye Color. Y/S/C: Your Skin Color
Boyos: Shoto, Shiggy, Denki, Dabi, and Bakugo
Tea Kettle: AKA Shoto Todoroki
Shoto stood crying over your dead body as they lowered it into the ground, the mahogany casket his last view of you. He had managed to somewhat hold it together until they had begun singing.
Your mother and father approached Shoto with Fuyumi and Natsuo close behind. Endeavor had been barred from the funeral, and Rei decided not to come because of how you had died.
The headline of the news article said more than words could. "Missing Pro Hero's Charred Remains Found This Morning Behind Dumpster in Hosu."
Dust Master 3000: AKA Tomura Shigaraki
Tomura watched in silent agony as Dabi incinerated your ashes. He had killed you, there was no doubt about that. It had happened the day before when Tomura was particularly vicious towards his video games.
He had been angry and didn't realize he'd hugged you with five ungloved fingers until it was too late. Flashbacks from his sister, dog, grandparents, and mother all disintegrating before him became as close as his body, un-escapable.
He didn't want to cry. But as twelve different Twices all zipped around, looking for things to burn with what was left of you, he felt tears welling up.
It was his fault, all over again.
Glorified Phone Charger: AKA Denki Kaminari
Aizawa had told Denki the story of Shirikumo. He'd never thought, however, he'd be watching your funeral for the same reason.
It had started as the typical emergency call. Which had quickly turned deadly. Four casualties, including you. Denki had been on his knees, begging Aizawa to tell him one of the only people he truly loved wasn't actually dead.
"Please, Mr. Aizawa! Tell me Y/n's alright! They're sleeping, right? They can't be dead, I still need them! Please, I can't live without Y/n, they have to be alright."
At least Aizawa hadn't lied.
Burn, Baby, Burn: AKA Dabi AKA Touya Todoroki
No one in the league had dared smile, laugh, or even breathe in Dabi's presence. Not after what had happened earlier that day.
They were testing out Nomus when it happened. Endeavor had come rushing forward, yelling about might, power, and other goody-goody things.
He'd burned you. Badly. So badly, in fact, that had you survived you would've been worse off than Dabi himself. Dabi had most likely physically and mentally ruined his rat bastard of a father, but you had lied there too long, bleeding out.
Toga had taken the last of your blood so they could enact revenge on Endeavor when Dabi was ready.
But Dabi would never forget your last words.
"I love you, Touya."
Lord Explosion Murder Most Foul: AKA Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo's kitchen was filled with food and his eyes with tears. You and he had had a fight. A big one, the kind that made you take off your ring and throw it at Bakugo, screaming as you left, "Keep it, Bakugo! I don't need it anymore!'
Well, that was true. In your haste to leave you hadn't noticed oncoming traffic. You'd been hit head-on by a semi, ending your life on the pavement. Bakugo had heard the commotion and ran outside, only to see you lifeless on the ground.
"All my fault," He kept muttering as he cradled you in his arms. He slipped your ring on one last time, and gingerly close your eyes.
Tell me in the comments if you want a part two.
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aita-blorbos · 1 month
Aita for needing to feed on souls to survive?
🔮 (to find this again)
Hi!! I (girl i guess?15) am a demon! I became one when i almost died when i was a lot younger. Typical stuff, your dad tries to kill you to avoid a prediction from this hack medium but ends up fulfilling the prophecy anyways because he didn't realize the one gift he bought for me in my isolation was a mirror with Levi (demon, probably like 3000 yrs old) chilling inside and it liked me so it saved me :p
But back to the whole souls thing! I'm picky about what i eat!! I dont like, just go about the town murdering!
I seek out people that are evil, like my dad was. Its easy with the help of the folks that watch over me now - especially River (M 20somethin). He isn't magical at all, he's unassuming and kind, so people tend to trust him! And he's very serious about picking me the food i like to eat.
We seek people that suck - people that abuse others, hurt innocents and stuff like that. Usually I warn them to change once or twice, because i feel bad about this sort of thing, but River doesn't think i should starve myself like that or whatever :p i still like to give chances to redeem.
And if they don't do it, then they die! Usually River kills them for me. But he's had lots of close calls. He almost dies a lot, and he's only human. Honestly, most my friends are very mortal, and I worry if this diet of mine might be dangerous in the long run - especially if... certain angels come looking for me. Still can't believe that jerk, i thought he was supposed to be my friend...
But on the souls! It's also the only thing that gives me the nutrients to survive. I don't know what to do, or even if there's a way not to eat souls anymore :(
And also? Levi is still up there in my brain. He talks to me sometimes, and I try to let him have some out time and hold the reins to my body so to speak, but he only likes to if i almost die again. He gets scary. He's not picky about what he eats, and he hates how sweet bad souls taste. So i worry if i starve myself trying to find a cure, he might hurt my friends. He already doesn't like that River doesn't think i am a traditional demon. I don't know why it bothers him so much.
Oh - another plus to the demony thing, provided enough energy, i can grant wishes! And the powers come into the shape of these pretty gemstones. For example, though i didn't get to do this one, my best friend December (boyo, 16) has a wish stone that prevents him from being killed. As long as it's intact, wether you cut him, drown him or do whatever, he can't die! But he still can be hurt and incapacitated and I'm not good at healing magic, so if you do that to him, I'll kill you. Violently. He already needs mobility help, he doesnt need more!! I wanna make him another wish stone to help that, but he insists its okay. I hope these stones don't take physical tolls, now that i think of it...
Anyways back to the topic at hand!!! Is it bad that i eat souls? I'm trying super hard to be careful!! And if you have any suggestions of what i could do about this (that dont hurt Levi he's just sad and crusty and in my brain :( dont be mean), please lmk!
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insane-control-room · 10 months
demonth day 2
WARNINGS: Death, Murder, Blood, Alcohol, Psychological Horror, Jealousy, Swearing
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49166455
Friendship lasts forever, they say. What a load of crap.
They say friendship lasts forever.
Bullshit, amiright? 
He takes another sip of alcohol and lets it run down his throat in fiery tracks. Which alcohol? Don’t know, don’t fuckin’ care. He pulls it back to take a look and has to blink and squint and use one eye to see the label clearly stating acetone. He shrugs and takes another drag, and it feels good in his system, even if his fingers tingle oddly. All he knows, is that Jack is a fucking liar, a cheat, and an asshole. His position!? His position!? Are you serious!? After everything, everything they had been through together, he took the Music Director position without so much as consulting Sammy. He could have handled a demotion. He could have handled Jack’s promotion. If that stinkin’ rat bastard would have told him about it, that is. 
The Sammy Lawrence, demoted to assistant music director. What kinda sick joke was that? He could not even blame Joey, no, that boyo was sick and out of the picture. Goddamn. What a stupid joke. 
He slams down the bottle a bit too hard, and feels the shattering glass jump into the bottom of his hand, tingling with acetone, and the cold liquid going awash down his desk and onto his pants. Damnit. 
Now he’s gotta clean himself up too.
Heh. That reminds him of what the board told him when they oh so kindly informed him of his demotion. Yeah. ‘Gotta clean up your act, Lawrence’, they said. ‘Should restrict your drinking’, they told him. Yeah, well, fuck that. 
Sammy is in the bathroom by the time he realizes he took the broken bottle with him. 
He stares at it in his hand, and it takes him another minute to realize he's not alone in the restroom. Out of one of the stalls comes none other than that jobstealing, no good, lying, cheating, cutthroat fake friend. 
“Hello Sammy,” Jack remarks, as though he does not see the broken bottle in his hand. And by the way he walks to the sink to wash his hands, to wash his hands of Sammy, he does not! Sammy grips it tighter in his hands, and his muscles tremor and burn with a need to- well, he is not really sure right then, not through the headache. He feels tired, too, but there’s that burn, that need, and Jack- “are you alright, Sam?” 
That does it. 
He steps forward, and jams the broken bottle into that stupid lyricist’s throat. Jack’s round hands shoot up and his eyes widen, but all he can do is gurgle as blood billows from his neck and down his shirt, soaking his faux fur vest. Sammy shoves him with that bottle in his throat, his ‘friend’s blood staining his shirt quickly, and he does not care. 
“Best friends for life, right?” he cackles as Jack staggers to the floor, and jams the bottle into his own eye, laughing as it hits his brain. 
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picnokinesis · 11 months
Taka!! Hello!! I saw you have watched Wolf and I’m curious about your thoughts on it ?! I loved it so much tbh, cause I started watching it for Sacha but I ended up finding the plot and the rest of the characters rly compelling too :D
SKSKSK harsh cut to footage of me specifically reblogging wolf posts from your blog to coax you into my askbox as an internet version of Molina's homemade deer trap -
BUT YES HELLO oh my days it was so much fun, right? I also definitely started watching it for sacha, and - okay well, let's put all the spoilers under the cut
SKSKS so. Came for Sacha. Stayed for Sacha.......and then watched the last 30 minutes because I wanted to know the answers (SKSK BUT ALSO his...CORPSE was on the floor in all the important scenes so y'know! He was still there in spirit)
But MAN wow did sacha and iwan steal the show, right?? They were absolutely AMAZING! Absolutely killing it, made me crack up multiple times they were just...literally the best duo. And man the twist at the end of episode five just GRABBED ME because wow, I really should have seen it coming and it was the best kind of twist where it suddenly made everything Molina had been doing make sense. And like - man, I'm just in awe of Sacha's acting, yknow? The guy acted his SOCKS off in this, like right from the first episode, you know that scene where they reveal that he is. not in fact a police officer SKKSKS but it's like the spyfall reveal, right? the mask drop. only, unlike in spyfall, this isn't sudden - it's a slow ramp-up of something being very wrong with this guy, gradually becoming more and more unhinged, and Sacha just NAILED it. Absolutely phenomenal. And then the way they just added so much DEPTH to his character augh, I wanted him to get out of the whole thing SO BAD even though I knew it was super unlikely. But augh by episode 5 he was SO nervous and paranoid, and then he just spent the first half of episode 6 just.....so palpably terrified?? Augh. Love him. So sad he got stabbed in the neck rip but he made up for it by having the most incredible dialogue with molina for five episodes straight skskks (i'm still losing it over 'you're not going to shower?? ....you handled intenstines today' SKSKSKSK like. ok real talk when I first saw the trailer for wolf I immediately came up with au6, yet another campervan au, which I will probably do not much with but SKSKKS the vibes were there in the series and it was a DELIGHT)
With regards to the rest of the story, it was super interesting, right? I feel like you possibly enjoyed it slightly more than I did (I was like. semi-frequently getting extremely annoyed at the random sexual content that seemed wildly tonally dissonant 80% of the time - I was SO SALTY that Sacha's opera lipsynch of our dreams with a SWORD was intercut with. that. and then also Jack's tendency to just like. physically assault people as a method of questioning like BOY that is. that is a CRIME sir. I know you're desperate for justice but do not boyo. But that's kind of a recurring pet peeve I have with crime shows as a rule sksksk). That said though - I did REALLY love Jack, and guh the stuff with his neighbour was SO creepy (LIKE THOSE WEREN'T NIGHTMARES??? HELLO???????) and maaaaaaaaan the stuff with the donkey pitch was so messed up and creepy. It was really good though. I did feel a bit like...'eh' on the end reveal about who the Donkey Pitch murderers were - that was probably in part because Honey had just died RIP but also hmmm idk, like obviously Molina was one of them, but I feel like I kinda wanted more on who Molina actually WAS, other than just some person Lucia knew from when she was in psychiatric care? Like my running theory the whole time had been that he was actually Theo, Hugo's older brother, simply because he looked a heck of a lot like Hugo skksks and it had just been an interesting throw-away line from Hugo's dad that didn't really go anywhere. I think also the twist with Lucia rang a bit hollow to me simply because the twist with Molina had been SO satisfying because it made all these little weird things make sense and I felt like I SHOULD have known (especially after honey and matilda's scene where they talk about letting people think they're more stupid than they are), but with Lucia (at least, for me personally) it felt a bit more out of the blue. But it was good, don't get me wrong - the stuff with her, hugo and sophie made a lot of sense and maaaaaaaaan that was so dark. And then I REALLY loved the ending for Jack, like the decision to not reveal what actually happened at the donkey pitch, and him finding out that stuff about his brother and then burning the treehouse and FINALLY getting some control back over the whole thing.........BUT THEN INTERCUT WITH THE REVEAL THAT HIS BROTHER HAD BEEN ALIVE?????? LIKE????????? AHHH??? That was SO well done.
Anyway. Show good. I enjoyed. There was actually a lot of things narratively and thematically that I particularly enjoyed - like even though the two storylines felt quite disparate at times, there were so many things connecting them or echoing between them! Off the top of my head, it's things like the idea of people being in your house and doing stuff when you're asleep - like with Penderecki but also how Molina and Lucia did that too with Sophie and Hugo. And then how like, Matilda tries to break that bathroom mirror to escape, and then Jack and Lincoln are escaping in a, uh. Different way and they DO break a bathroom mirror. Stuff like that. There were definitely more than that but I can't remember them right now, but it was like....idk the way that they echoed between each other gave it an internal resonance which made it very satisfying to watch (and is actually the same technique I've tried to use in campervan part 6, which is possibly why it appealed to me so much!). I also really liked the repeated use of mirrors and mirror shots - I feel like that was trying to say something too but I haven't quite untangled it yet. But yeah! Fun times.
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doverstar · 3 months
The little details in this fic???? I’ve been thinking about them all day?
I have never read a fic from a writer with a better understanding of the Pond family dynamic. The SASS that exudes off of rory Williams is so perfect. Amy’s unflinching trust in the Doctor, how she will take any order from him, but still pursing her lips, so simultaneously irritated with him and filled with care and affection for both her boys and trust for the Doctor. The way that Matt Smith’s doctor had control over A ROOM. How that contrasts with Will. It’s all INSANELY GOOD. It’s like I’m watching an episode straight out of Series 6, you have such a good handle of dialogue and specifically these character’s way of speaking. Rory’s quips. The doctor spewing nonsense that’s ten steps ahead of everyone else in the room. Amy’s concern. You have complete mastery over all four of these characters. GOD I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT ROSE. I love how you display her so complexly, how she’s so quick yet she’s so scared to accept that her realities been flipped on it’s head, that the Doctor has changed again. And oh my gosh, the Doctor and Rose’s relationship. It’s so perfect. The semi-awkward but completely emotionally charged moment in the elevator. The bit about their hands fitting perfectly. How she finds it easier to accept him this time. It’s so soft and tender, and best of all, it all feels EARNED. Not just through all they’ve been through in this story and canon, but through the pacing of your story in specific. You don’t rush it. There’s not many fic authors, or writers in general, that can do that. It makes for such a satisfying story that I just can never get enough of.
Last one!! But oh Will!!! It makes me so sad that Rose said it doesn’t matter anymore, his silly knit hoodie and mismatched converse. I’m gonna miss him so much, I’m still grieving. I’m wayyy more excited that the Doctor is out of the watch, but still, my boy is gone!!! My scrunkly!!! Rip!!! I especially love how you contrast them, how the Doctors talking strong finally where Will was a mumbler, how you’ve talked about his pale eyes the whole story and now it’s his bright eyes. Also, how Eleven walks on an angle LMAO. Just, all of it.
I just needed to get these thoughts out of my head. Your attention to detail is magnificent and this chapter was well worth the wait. I can’t stop rereading. I’m just begging, BEGGING you to forget about Journey’s End so they can have a happily ever after.
Sending you love!!!
I need to start responding to long wonderful comments with a bit more of the enthusiasm I actually feel for them, so everybody wave hello to the Keep Reading line -
Thank you so much! I do love the Ponds and their specific chaos. Amy probably comes off pretty cold or tetchy in my fic, but I couldn't imagine her not being stressed and overprotective of the Doctor in that whole scenario. Also, I'm a big fan of Rose's pettiness when it comes to other women, because that's realistic, even if she often tries not to show it, and I'm an also a big fan of Amy's huge temper. And Rory is always a treasure. Always. I was so excited to write for them, thank you! I've been worried about the way I portrayed Rose and her thought process, but you've been so encouraging here! Thanks for that, too. I'll miss Will! I loved writing for a version of the Doctor that didn't have to deal with the simultaneous burdens of being a Time Lord, a genius, a hero, a murderer, immortal, etc. Will is just Eleven with less ambition and less worry. I was thinking, "What would the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor be like if you took away all the things that made him an immortal alien and just turned him loose?" And the result was a very sweet, awkward young man with bad dress sense who thinks he's 20-something. It's just my take, but I'm so fond of my take. Aw, Will. Miss you already, boyo. Thank you for noticing the details! That's so kind of you. I don't think I'm 100% happy with the latest chapter as it is (I was so tired), but I'm beyond glad you can still appreciate it! Loved getting this message.
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abandoned-dezxyre · 1 year
We figure we should lay out some info about us while we get ourselves together with more proper introductions! We'll go by order of manifestation/age!!
Ella - she/her! She's the og, having gone thru the typical edgy "I wanna kill/rule the world" phase. She even has a black and blue pallette with big black wings with blue primary feathers! She has many many years on the rest of us since the rest of us only appeared after september last year!
Sun! - he/him. he was the first of us, and boy was it a doozy when he did! He makes sure we get all of our work done, and he's really grown a backbone since he first came out! Unfortunately he still has his nervous wreck moments ^.^"
Eclipse - he/him. I'm one of the happy-go-lucky ones! Despite what you may think, I was designed long before we encountered the Sun And Moon Show, and have no relation to tsams!Eclipse.
Moon - he/him. Usually very reserved and tired, and tends to try to make sure we all get to sleep at a more reasonable time (tho that's hard with our parents-).
Lunar - he/him. Again, despite the name, he was designed before tsams!Lunar was introduced. We normally describe him in three words: sassy murder boyo. His teeth are literally stained and his joints rusty from when he forgot to clean up-
Bloodmoon - he/him. Now THIS guy is sourced from tsams. He's twins with Glow(up next) since they both appeared/manifested on the same day, but he fronted first so he's technically older. He's a lot like both tsams Bloodmoons combined, and does still want to hurt people, but he doesn't ever act on it. He just kinda.... imagines.
Glow - he/him. As mentioned previously, he's Bloodmoon's twin, and the only one Blood allows to call him "Bloody" (He growls at the rest of us when we try-). He's another happy-go-lucky, and really balances Blood's murderous nature easily.
Rascal - he/him. This guy is from an anime called Glitter Force/Smile Precure, and he carries a lot of theater/drama kid energy. He's very over the top and loves playing games, especially with our friends. You can actually see him in the center of our banner, but our Rascy is a bit different from cannon Rascal!
Collector - he/they! Smol. Ink watched the whole show and I appeared literally an hour after he finished Watching And Dreaming. Still pretty oblivious to stuffs, and still childish.
Hunter - he/him. Pretty sure I'm the most prone to anxiety and am the least likely to talk to anyone. Still in love with wolves, and still an 🌟iconic mess🌟 for some reason the phone's keyboard doesn't have a sparkles emoji-
Ruin(Tulip) - it/its/he/any. Resident little. Talks in computer programming. The only factive in our system, as it split from a different system's alter. Although it uses Ruin Eclipse's form, it doesn't really act like Sun, Moon, or Eclipse. It acts as its own being. Only dca under 10'2, being 7 ft.
All of the animatronics here are 10'2, the others are varying sizes of smol. We don't have a very good relationship with our dad, and our relationship with our mom isn't much better. We love to draw (especially ourselves- :3c), and look forward to getting our own phone and being able to animate things!
Please reblog our posts so that people run into them easier!
Dni list is the typical: homophobes, haters, karens, etc. etc.
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