#timeline where Bill is single
bigtreefest · 2 months
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
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Summary: Ransom can’t help the way he pays such close attention to every detail regarding you
Word count: 1,081
Content/warnings: very sappy Ransom, no dialogue, ransom’s internal monologue?, references to intimacy, kisses, lots of timeline switching? (Flashbacks and returns to present)
A/N: Below is the song which inspired this fic. It’s been a longtime favorite and I think it definitely fits the summer vibes
I guess we can call this a part of my summer celebration! It’s a vacation at a beach house, and probs an equal partnership? Based off a song. Yeah, I make the rules.
Anyway, comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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Ransom didn’t really have a name for this feeling, despite his vast vocabulary. The main reason was that he had never really felt it before, so how could he be sure? It was definitely beyond the simplicity of the lust he had felt on several occasions. Was it admiration, adoration? Whatever it was, he was sure it went both ways from the crooked smile you gave him as you stretched in the dim morning light.
After a week of your getaway, it was the last morning the two of you were waking up in his family’s coastal home. He loved the way the rays coming through the curtains graced your face, especially today, as you laid tangled in the sheets of the king-sized bed.
The past week had been filled with relaxation and enjoyment each day. Beach picnics, sunbathing, swimming, and…other…enjoyable…things. Those were his favorite. He was desperate to get to that, but not desperate in the moment, where he was worshipping you and your body, and every little thing that he could commit to memory. He never wanted to forget this time; it was simple, with no deadlines, no responsibilities besides each other, although he’d never call you a chore. You were a pleasure. One he was sure he didn’t deserve.
Ransom watched closely as you sat up, the sunshine creating a crown around your head and hair. He couldn’t help but notice you. All he saw was you.
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His entire life, Ransom had always noticed the details. That was his strength: little things no one else picked up on, and they were all around him, but honestly, when he was looking at you, he couldn’t tell you anything going on in the background: what he had planned for today, or what he’d done before you woke up the day before.
When you’d gone out to eat at that one restaurant, the one that he thought probably had an ocean view, he couldn’t remember, he wouldn’t be able to recall a single song that had played during dinner.
What he does remember, though, is everything about you that night. The way the sea salt in the air from the long day had added a little extra wave to your hair- tightened the coil, how your skin glowed from the golden hour sunset shining through the glass by the table, the way you got a little tongue-tied after you shared your third glass of wine, which the waiter so rudely interrupted your story to ask if you wanted. No one deserved to stop your beautiful voice from talking, not even Ransom, and especially not the weirdly kind young man pouring the bottle. What was the waiter so nice for, anyway? That quickly left Ransom’s mind, though, attention switching to something much more important. He was completely focused, just not on the usual, external things. There were different details his brain favored these days.
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Ransom had visited the coastal home since he was young, playing with the neighbor’s kids while his parents were off doing who knows what. Now, he couldn’t care enough to retain the name of the guy who lives next door. That sort of information was trivial when there was someone else who he would’ve rather had take up every corner of his mind.
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That night after dinner, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you in the car, stealing every glance he could without veering off the road. Hundred dollar bills could be falling from the sky and he wouldn’t even notice, which carries its weight when all that Ransom’s ever valued, all that’s ever been steady in his life, is money. That was until you and whatever feeling you were giving him for the first time. It was as if he finally hit the threshold of realization to what’s been creeping up on him this whole time.
Upon your return to the beach house, the two of you laid in bed, cuddled up close as the light from the TV playing late night talk shows danced across the bedroom. You were tucked up into his side, your head on his shoulder as one hand crossed his body and rested on his hip, his one arm doing the same to you as the other tangled in your hair, gently massaging your scalp. He watched as your eyelids fluttered shut, heavy with tiredness of the day and comfort in his hold. Another moment to be savored: your absolute trust in the security of his arms. He smiled to himself as you mumbled in your sleep, studying every little quirk of your lips, every barely intelligible word he could catch, not judging, but committing to memory.
In another life, Ransom would’ve tried to deny that you were any more than just another girl, but there was no use. He was too far gone. Finding ways to surprise you, shower you in gifts, and all the quality time you asked for. Whatever you could desire, really, it was yours, and he had no business withholding from you. His heart wouldn’t allow him.
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Ransom was in tune with everything you were doing right now. He pushed aside the thoughts of the week’s earlier memories with you for a second, and cleared everything else nonessential from his mind. He only needed space for what was going on currently. He observed as you scooted closer to him, pushing aside the pillows that were often just so as you slept. Absorbed the way your head tilted to the side at that certain angle when you were leaning in, just about to kiss him. He surely didn’t want to miss it as he closed his eyes and let you fall into him, tongues dancing in an amatory rhythm. So in sync, so naturally that he didn’t care about anything else. Every detail was something he wanted to devote his attention to; memorize and hold onto forever.
Yeah, he should probably get up and make you your coffee. How he loved to see you stir it, just the simplest task, but this felt more pressing. The warmth in his chest from your touch, the way your kisses filled his lungs with light, with life. How your fingertips traced up and down his chest, tucking into the waistband of his boxer briefs. He shuddered at the sensation, at what even your gentlest touch could do to him. Breakfast could wait. You offered enough to feed his soul forever. This feeling? The new wholeness? It was love.
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Bonus A/N: Soft!Ran. I only know him. Could you imagine a nice little rainy day in bed, looking out the window at the coast?🥺
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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poughkeepsies · 11 months
something that's really interesting about the 9-1-1 canon timeline is that the first time buck's developing cooking skills are mentioned is in 204 and 204 is the episode directly after the 202/203 arc where he learns about eddie being a single dad and while it could be argued that buck's relationship with cooking is meant to be tangible evidence of his growth and maturity as well as a plot device to signify his father-son relationship with bobby, I personally like to think that sometime around when eddie first joined the station, or maybe even a little bit before, some intrinsic kill bill siren started going off in his head and the housewife instincts in him rose like a phoenix from the ashes
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ceruleanwhore · 2 months
As someone who enjoys otome games and also Gravity Falls, I, like many others, have thoroughly enjoyed playing the fan-made grunkles dating sim and 80’s Ford demo. Between those being released online for our enjoyment, Disney making the Twisted Wonderland otome app game, and the Book of Bill being released for an adult audience, I’ve recently started to think more about what an official Gravity Falls otome game might look like and what I would want from one. I’d like to take a minute to share my thoughts on that and I’d also love to hear all of yours.
So, first off, there’s the matter of setting. With something like Gravity Falls, there’s a lot of different options here given all the different points in the timeline plus a whole multiverse. I think it’s most likely and reasonable for something like this to be set in Gravity Falls (town) as opposed to taking place somewhere in all of Ford’s dimension hopping or something. The question then becomes ‘when’, and I think there’s really just three main options — back in the 80’s when Ford is doing science but before he meets Bill, during the events of the main series, or after Weirdmageddon is over.
The question then becomes how plot-heavy this would or would not be, which would determine when they set the game. Some otome games, like Ikemen Prince, can have a rich, well-developed plot that sometimes even becomes the main focal point and overshadows the romance of some routes (Sariel’s route definitely does this in ikepri). Others, like Wonderful Wonder World, are far more focused on the interpersonal relationships without much focus being put on an overarching plot. I think an official Gravity Falls otome game would actually be more likely to be plot-heavy, as a way for Alex to Trojan horse a bunch of new, significant content under the guise of something unserious. Personally, that’s also what I would want from such a thing. If we go with this, then it would have to either be in the 80’s or during the main series. 
If it’s set in the 80’s, I see it as a way for the team to sneak in some Journal 1 (and maybe 2) pages and then watch us squabble over if they’re canon or not. I think it most likely would be set shortly before the point when, in the canon of the series, Ford contacts Bill so we get to see where he’s at mentally and emotionally and we get to hear directly from him about all the stressors that, in the main series, pushed him to make that decision and summon Bill. Now, to be fair, every single otome game I’ve ever seen has one LI who’s really sick somehow and I don’t think it would actually be far-fetched to set this after Ford summons Bill and present him like the sick LI, which would make for maximum plot and drama. Plus, if it’s set after Bill is summoned, then Bill could become the villain LI with the twist being that the MC just fully joins him and supports him instead of ‘fixing’ him. If it’s set during the series, then the plot comes from the MC getting dragged into this whole mess of trying to prevent the literal apocalypse, failing to do so, and then saving this town from the literal apocalypse, all while solving massive family issues for old men and children alike. Bill could still be a LI in this too.
The next question is then who the MC and the love interests would be. Since Gravity Falls already has canon multiverse stuff and interdimensional travel and whatnot, I really want a MC who’s from our world and ends up popping out of the bottomless pit or something one day. Plenty of otome games have something like that as a framing device and I think it would really help the audience to project onto the MC and really be able to envision themselves in these situations, which is kind of the whole point. The main thing for me is that I think the fan-made games have it exactly right and choosing your pronouns at the start is a great feature this game would need to have, but I’d also add that, if they’re going to include an image of the MC in special photos or even sprites, then the user should be able to customize what the MC looks like to some extent. If app store otome games can let you customize an avatar, I don’t see why the same customization can’t be used for the MC in the CGs.
As for love interests, there’s usually at least 8 in a game, at least from what I’ve seen. Something else I’ve seen is that you’ll start out with however many LIs and then, later on, more are introduced, typically in some sort of sequel/act II, and I think this could work really well for a Gravity Falls otome game in particular. If it’s set in the 80s, then we could start with Ford, Susan, a couple cryptids, maybe Bill, and maybe Preston’s father and/or mother but then later on we could have Stan and Fiddleford come to the shack. Maybe we could have Shermie Pines, maybe we could have a new character who’s a friend of Stan’s from prison or some shit. If it’s in the main series, then Ford coming out of the portal and Bill Cipher would be the late entries with the mains being Stan, Manly Dan, the Multi-Bear, Mothman, probably still Susan, and Fiddleford.
Putting this all together, what I personally would want is a plot-heavy game set in the 80’s where, shortly after Ford summoned Bill in his desperation after what feels like four years of getting nowhere at all, suddenly the MC just pops out of the bottomless pit. The prologue would cover that plus MC realizing where they are and when it is in the GF timeline and reacting to that. I’m thinking something like the ikesen prologue where, when they realize that this is Gravity Falls in the 80’s and science man is already communing with the evil triangle, they freak out and run off and, as they literally run around town and through the woods, they meet the other LIs. Picking your route would determine where you end up staying.
If you stay with Ford, you get to him early enough that he listens to you and starts figuring out how to kick Bill out of his mind, plus you the reader would get some bonus journal pages from the first two journals. If you stay in the woods, you can hang out with the cryptids and learn more about the lore and worldbuilding of Gravity Falls through their perspectives. If you move in with Susan in town, you could start working at Greasy’s and get the townies’ perspectives on the area’s weirdness since the memory gun doesn’t exist yet and they haven’t all had their memories stolen. If you end up with the Northwests, I would want it so you could date either of Preston’s parents and then, upon completing both their routes, you unlock a secret third ending where polyamory saves the day and you get both and get to not just become a decent parental figure to Preston but guide these people into becoming better parents as well. Plot for this variation would be around conspiracies, both the one about how the Northwests didn’t actually found the town and also some other cover-up type stuff, probably pertaining to the local supernatural activity and exploitation of it.
The ‘deadline’ would be MC going home, but I like the idea that the method of how MC will be returning varies depending on where they’re staying and what the main plot is of that route. It doesn’t matter much since, as is the case with any such otome game, the MC will just choose to stay there as soon as a way home becomes available, but I think some variety could be nice. After choosing to stay, we’d get another prologue and an Act II where MC chose to stay with Ford and he’s fixed his Bill problem, so now Stan and Fiddleford have come to town. In the prologue, we’re introduced to their characters and the MC would go over how Stan had been invited to come so he and Ford could figure their shit out and then, shortly after that, Ford invited Fiddleford to come on down so they could further explore the bottomless pit and start figuring out interdimensional travel together, without Bill. The prologue ends with a third, unexpected guest showing up though — Shermie Pines.
The way I see Shermie working in this game is that he was not the baby in the flashback and this is their chance to retcon that. Shermie is the twins’ older brother who they were never particularly close to and who went off to fight in Vietnam while the twins were in high school. After coming back, he got married and had a kid and he even got a good job in engineering with the degree he got through the military, but untreated PTSD is a bitch so that marriage blew up and, around that time, he was talking to Ford on the phone and heard Stan there, so he asked if he could come out and see them. Turns out, he quit his job and is having a bit of an existential crisis over custody issues, how he just quit his job, and all the pressure from their father. For the first time, we see Shermie as an actual person and also for the first time, he’s really connecting with his brothers. Cue MC then also coming into the picture and helping him start talking about his trauma, both from his childhood and from the military, and getting him to start seeing a therapist and all of that. 
I personally don't really see a good way to do a Bill option where you join him and take over the planet but I don't doubt that Alex could make it work. It could also be another one that gets a special extra poly option with Ford, which could potentially be interesting. It would certainly be a different take on the traditional 'good ending'/'bad ending' thing we get with other otomes, like maybe you could only unlock it by playing the bad endings of all the other routes.
Idk, what do y’all think? Let me know!
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ageingfangirl2 · 4 months
Let Me Help You Idiot! Hajime Kokonoi (Tokyo Revengers)
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You met Koko when you were younger, and he took you under his wing. As an inspiring designer, you loved to make him nice clothes. As you get older, you want to be more independent, but Koko will always look out for you. Kokonoi x Reader (Bonten Timeline)
From the moment you were born, you had to fight tooth and claw to survive. Your dad left when you were three, leaving you and your mum with nothing. Your mum went back to being a hostess, meaning you were left alone in the single-room apartment you had. She was good at her job, earning lots of money and expensive gifts from suitors. But she had addictions and spent the money on drugs. From a young age, you had to fend for yourself and learn to survive, from clothing and making meals to keeping the apartment clean and ensuring mum put enough money aside for bills. Luckily, the neighbours took pity on you and helped pay for your school things, and one lady taught you how to sew, saying it would help you in the future to have a skill to pay the bills. You kept up your sewing throughout school, getting better and managing to sell some of your wares at a local market on the weekend.
This is where you met Hajime Kokonoi, and you took pride when he complimented the intricate details you embellished your clothes with. He decided you were going to be his personal designer in the future, and he was going to help you make a name for yourself.
Koko kept his promise to help you, using his money and connections to get you into a good design school. All he asked in retum was you make all his clothes custom and free of charge, and of course you said yes because it was the least you could do. By now, he was on executive in Bonten, a criminal organisation and he liked to look nice because he had an image to maintain.
After working for a couple of designers, you saved enough to open your own shop in Tokyo, and it felt nice to pay with your our money instead of Koko's. Bonten kept Koko busy, so you didn't like bothering him unless he called you. You had one big problem, you had no real clue about money and expenses of running a business. And now you had to pay taxes on top of that, which went over your head. You chose to focus on commissions to make more money and filled in all the forms to the best of your abilities. Little did you know it would come back to bite you in the ass.
I was busy dealing with the financial mess Sanzu had left for me after his last mission.
'I'm surrounded by idiots,' I groan, rubbing my temples.
'Err boss, I have the reports you asked for,' some lacky who's name I didn't deem important to lean stutters, standing in the doorway of my office. Even though y/n had paid for their shop and was getting quite a few comissions, I liked to keep an eye on them. They were a year younger than me and had become like a younger sibling I felt protective over. When we met up, we didn't talk about money, and I knew if they had a problem, they would come to me for help. However, my eyes widened, seeing the financial report in front of me.
'What the hell?' I gasp.
How could they be so careless when it came to finance? Firstly, they were paying way too much rent for the area, and secondly, the government wasn't happy with their taxes, which they had underpaid. They were close to losing their shop and facing a big penalty from the government who thought they were committing fraud.
I grabbed my jacket and car keys, needing to see them before the problem got out of hand. I run out of my office, ignoring Sanzu, having bigger fish to fry.
The light was still on in the shop when I pulled up outside. They liked to work late if they had a deadline. I enter the shop and the bell pings. I lock the door behind me and turn the open sign to closed.
'Hi, how can I help you - Koko, what are you doing here?' y/n stares at me, tilting their head to the side in confusion.
I walk over to the counter and put the file down in front of them, 'if you didn't understand, why didn't you ask me to explain?'
They open it, and the colour drains from their face, 'am I in big trouble? I thought I'd look dumb if I had to keep asking you to help me!'
I sigh loudly, 'yeah, well, you look pretty dumb right now, so that didn't work out for you.'
They look down at their feet and shuffle nervously, 'the last time we had coffee, you were stressed dealing with your colleagues' finances. I didn't want to give you any more stress, so I did what the internet told me to do filling out the forms. I'm sorry Koko. What do I do now?'
I walk and the counter and pull them into my arms. I didn't like to show emotion in front of the other executives, but y/n was the exception. I needed to protect them.
I kiss the top of their head, 'in the future don't take any extra comissions after you've submitted your taxes for the financial year until the new one starts or the govenment will think you're committing fraud. I'll get this sorted for you, and remember you can come to me whenever you need help.'
They squeeze me tightly, 'I'll never be able to pay you back, Koko. Sorry for being an idiot.'
I snort, you're the only idiot I can stand.'
Not wanting them to stress anymore, I'd also handle the rent problem for them, no one messed with the people close to me.
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izvmimi · 2 months
and you whisper into his ear,
that there’s a timeline where we’re born with no Quirks,
powerless and happy as a result
ignorant perhaps but blissful nonetheless
with no responsibility to the world
no painful images to haunt us in the night
no watching eyes
no missions to fail
our small kindnesses measured as such, not as duty poorly upheld.
we would grow old and commensurately tired, but plagued only by bills and back pain
and there’s not a single scar on your face
and your hands are softer and less weary
and your smile isn’t armor but adornment
easy, never expected nor needed
not loved any less
and we are two normal people who just love each other, existing in the same place at the same time
two flames, twin flames, with no candles to light.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna be.
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight prequel
[Fred Weasley x reader x George Weasley]
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Title: Just wanna be (witch you in the moonlight).
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Varied. Mentions of canonical points throughout the series.
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins.
Warnings: none really? Brief mentions of sexual innuendos, breasts, kissing and a single wet T-shirt, just funny fluff. Tame curse words.
How it all began…
(Can be read alone or as part of the larger series)
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Finding out you were a witch at the age of 11 had been nothing short of world altering for you, only learning the secret of your mother's lineage and predisposition for magic when your Hogwarts letter arrived. Your mother had left when you were only a baby and you'd never heard anything since, nor had she ever told your dad or anyone else in your life about her abilities.
Trying to navigate this new life, this entirely new world, had been hard for you but you'd always seen your magic as a gift so you had tried your hardest to adapt and flourish, working hard in school to honour the gift you'd been given. You made friends, got consistently good grades and still managed to keep your toes in the muggle world where your friends kept you updated with music and movies, eventually finding the best of both worlds. You finally felt complete in your life, never quite feeling as if you belonged in your previous life, always feeling a little different to the other kids.
You met Fred and George Weasley on your first day at Hogwarts. You'd seen them at your sorting ceremony on your first night in the castle, being one year younger than them, they cheered as you were sorted into Gryffindor, just as they had for every new Gryffindor student. Their towering height above all the other Gryffindor students made them a sort of a figure head for the house, always drawing your attention first wherever they were. You'd sat next to a few of their friends and had struck up a conversation with them during the very first feast. The next day, they'd saved you a seat at each meal. Somewhere along the way, the seat they saved would always be next to them and then over the years it had changed to be between them.
A year later when their younger brother Ron arrived with Harry and Hermione, you'd made quick friends with them all, and then with Ginny a year later, though your relationship with the twins had always been superior to everyone else.
You couldn't deny that they were your best friends, a whirlwind of mischief and pranks that kept you almost constantly entertained. You were one of the only people who were able to tell them apart, which you believe was the reason they had never pulled a prank on you, bar the usual stuff.
Between your third and fourth year, you'd started feeling differently about them, one brother in particular.
The Weasley family has taken a once in a lifetime trip to Egypt to visit Bill during the school holidays and you'd realised pretty quickly on that you missed Fred and George a little more than you should have.
You started to take more notice of your appearance around them, no longer wanting to be seen as just one of the guys or an extension of them, dressing nicer and paying more attention to your hair and makeup, not that you hadn't before but in retrospect it was amplified whenever you knew you'd be around the twins.
Fred caught your attention first, realising that you had a crush on him as he was always the more cheeky and flirty one of the twins, the more physically affectionate. George was undeniably sweet and good looking but there was something about Fred you found yourself drawn to, butterflies appearing whenever he'd look at you or smile at you a certain way. Both of the twins had seemed to have a growth spurt over the end of the school year, looking more and more like men everyday which only increased your feelings.
Just after they returned from Egypt, before school resumed, you had spent the week at the Burrow with the Weasley's. Molly had always graciously extended an invitation to you during breaks and had mentioned on more than one occasion that she liked when you visited as you helped keep the twins in line. You wholeheartedly disagreed, knowing nothing could truly keep them in line and away from mischief but you did agree that they seemed to be much more mellow and considerate whenever you were around.
You and the twins had taken a late night walk to the waters edge, sitting beside the small lake and were enjoying a rare moment of peace, skimming stones along the water and laughing. It was still warm enough that you didn't need jumpers even after dark as you blissfully frolicked in the summer heat.
"Here, like this," George said, moving to stand closely behind you as he grabbed hold of your throwing arms and guided it so that you could skim the pebbles rather than just dunking. The sudden proximity to George left you a little breathless and surprised at your reaction. All this time you had thought it was just Fred you fancied and you hadn't really considered your feelings for George, though you couldn't deny that they weren't strictly platonic.
You ruminated on those feelings quietly as you watched them fooling about near the edge of the lake, stretching out the moment you knew was inevitable as they both landed with a large splash into the water. The noise broke you out of your little reverie and you cackled with infectious laughter at seeing them drag themselves out of the lake looking like Scabbers wet through.
They briefly shared a look and you knew you were in for trouble. You briefly tried to run away from them but their long legs caught up to you without much effort, tackling you to the ground as you squealed. Instead of being thrown into the lake as well, they stood above you and vigorously shook their heads so that you were sprinkled with an influx of water. Fred also wrangled his wet T-shirt off and squeezed it out over you, drenching you further.
"Dicks," you muttered whilst laughing once they had finished wetting you through. You pushed George down to the ground as he stood there laughing, swiping his feet from underneath him and managed to kick Fred in the back of the knee so that his legs buckled, only fuelling your laughter.
You stood up to ring out the bottom of your shirt just as Fred began talking about how they should go up and fetch some of their whizzbang prototypes to poke one through Ron's bedroom window when he suddenly stopped talking mid sentence. You looked up at him and found him staring at you with wide eyes. Your eyes flickered to George who had apparently been confused by Fred's sudden silence and had followed Fred's gaze upon you. You frowned, looking down at where the boys were staring and had noticed that in getting wet, the white T-shirt you'd been wearing had become always entirely transparent and was clinging to you like a second skin. Your pale pick bra was showing through, highlighting the floral pattern of the lace, leaving no doubt about what you were wearing and hiding underneath your shirt.
"Perverts," you muttered with a laugh, trying to hide your embarrassment as you turned around to ring out the shirt, wishing you were able to cast a quick drying charm outside of school. When you turned back around, the boys were still staring at you, shamelessly ogling.
"Wow princess, where have you been hiding those?" Fred smirks unashamedly as he breaks out of his little trance, instantly teasing you. The name 'princess' was new and you couldn't deny that it affected you in ways you couldn't explain, making your mouth go dry for a second.
"Shove off," you laughed, trying to divert the conversation. George had a blush on his cheeks as he at least tried to look away, more shameful than his brother. "Can we go back in now? I'm kind of cold," you asked, already gathering your things.
"We can tell," Fred jokes with a smug smile tugging at his lips. You gasp and reach out to smack him in the arm but he merely chuckles, as does George.
"Bye," you said, walking back to the house, feeling a little uncomfortable at the situation, not before reaching out to shove Fred back into the lake. George's laughter rang out into the still night and you walked back into the house feeling a little more smug.
The next day, both the twins were been acting differently towards you, a little sheepish and quieter than usual. You found yourself watching them a little more than usual and didn't miss the occasional looks they'd give you, or specifically your breasts when they thought you weren't looking.
After that first day, the boys were mostly back to normal with you but they would look over at you more when they thought you weren't paying attention, or perhaps you just noticed it more. Once you were back at school, things largely returned back to normal, all of you falling back into your usual routine of classes and mischief.
One thing you did notice, was that each brother had continuously tried to spend more time alone with you, without the other brother present. You'd made a joke about them being conjoined twins rather than identical more than once, finding it strange how they would seek you out separately but it was actually nice to spend one on one time with your best friends.
Fred had become even more openly affectionate with his touches and flirty words and you couldn't determine if it was in a teasing manner or not. George had become increasingly confident in your presence and you found that you really enjoyed spending time with him alone. His sweet nature was still very much present but he also had a cheeky and teasing side that rivalled the other, often harsher twin.
You couldn't understand it really, feeling like there was an underlying reason for them wanting to spend time alone with you, but you could never put your finger on exactly the reason why. It was usually something as silly as going to the kitchens after dark with one of them, going with one of them to the library or meeting before a shared detention so you could go together. Sometimes it was going to Hogsmeade with Fred and collecting things from Zonkos they needed or George craving a butterbeer and insisting he'd buy you one too if you joined him.
You didn't know quite what their intentions were until well into your fourth year.
The twins had given Harry the marauders map they'd been using since they stole it first year, which meant that although they memorised all the secret passageways, they were no longer able to see who was lurking around, therefore they would need a lookout. You naturally became the lookout for them as they raided Snape's personal store for something they were creating. You all, surprisingly, managed to get away Scott free and had tailed it out of the dungeons quickly and ran towards the lake.
"Well princess, I'd say that was a job well done," Fred says, slightly breathless from the running as he throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
"Yeah well done Angel, saved our lives back there," George added, bumping his hip into yours as he moved to sit down on the grass near your feet. He'd started calling you angel in private at the start of the year after hearing Fred call you princess, something he had done everyday since that day at the Burrow.
"Saved your arses more like," you laughed, throwing yourself down onto the ground next to George. Fred quickly followed and you sat in your usual order subconsciously as you looked out at the gleaming lake.
"We don't come here enough, it's really pretty," you said, looking out at the rippling water that reflected the light of the moon.
"Yeah it is, don't you think Georgie?" Fred said with a humour to his voice you couldn't place.
"Beautiful I'd say Freddie, not just pretty."
You turned to look at them both, thinking they were teasing you about calling the scenery pretty but when you turned their gazes were fixed on you. You frowned in confusion and turned away, trying to ignore the weirdness happening around you.
"So what do you say? Spin the bottle?" Fred laughs, pulling out the canister of whatever the hell he'd stolen from snape.
"If this is a setup because you want to kiss your own brother, I'm leaving," you said, trying to bite back the smile that threatened your lips. Fred blanched and instantly regretted the words leaving his mouth as George laughed.
"Bit vain really, wanting to kiss the better looking version of yourself," George adds, playing along. Fred reaches around behind you and smacks George in the head, making you chuckle as you leaned back on the grass.
"Wasn't you I wanted to kiss," Fred mumbled and you shot up from your laid down position to look at him.
"Come again?" You asked, feeling like the wind had been knocked out your sails.
He seemed to blush a little before his natural cockiness took over and he shrugged as if it was nothing, "it was you I wanted to kiss."
You didn't have words, nor thoughts really as you looked at him in shock, the butterflies in your tummy wildly flapping about at his words.
"Can I?" He asks, leaning in towards you. Your eyes flicker over to George who looks on without any hint of jealousy or anger, just merely watching. It felt a little awkward to have an audience but for some reason it just felt right. Your eyes flick back to Fred's and you manage a shy little smile as you subtly nod your head. He smirks and pulls you in, placing his lips upon yours as he kissed you. His lips are softer than you imagined as he begins gently before deepening the kiss after a few moments, the brief awkward hesitation slipping away. His right hand comes up to grab the space between your neck and your jaw, his big hands cradling your face as he pulls you in even deeper.
You're certain fireworks are going off around you, though it could just be in your head as you submit to his dominant kiss. When you pull apart, he rests his forehead on yours as you both smile.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he whispers, showing the rare, honest side of him.
"I do," you whispered back, admitting just how much you like him. You see his eyes widen slightly a your revelation and a large smile crosses his features.
"You know, I'm not the only one who's wanted to do that," he says, dropping his hand from your neck to rub down your arm. You shoot your head to George who looks on with a shy smile, already blushing. Your heart races, thinking about what this means. Did he like you too?
"Georgie?" You ask, your uncharacteristically voice shy and timid as you look into his eyes. He nods with a serious expression before imploring you with his eyes, trying to gage your reaction. You flick your eyes down to his lips and it's all he needs to lean forward as your lips crash with each other. His hand meets yours on the ground as he fixes your hands together, an innocent and sweet gesture that warms your heart.
His lips are just as soft as Fred's but you notice that his nose ever so slightly digs into your cheek a little more in the most wonderful way. He's softer and less dominant than Fred but no better or worse. Fireworks continue to dance around you and you feel like you've touched an electric live wire at the intensity of the kiss. George's kiss remains sweet and a little more timid than Fred's but it's electrifying, feeling the subtle differences of each brother as you're reminded that it's definitely George you're kissing.
You pull apart and share a shy giggle, his hand pulling away from yours, leaving you a little breathless and a lot confused.
"You, both?" You ask, unsure of the words. They both nod with serious expressions, still smiling but looking genuine.
"We've liked you for a long time," George admits.
"Both of us," Fred adds.
It feels like you have a movie reel playing behind your eyes as you think back over all the time you've shared with the twins and all the subtle and not subtle ways they've tried to tell you, until one moment stands out in your mind.
"Since the wet T-shirt incident?" You ask with one eyebrow raised, suspicious of their motives. If it was just because they'd inadvertently seen your breasts they could stuff it. George immediately blushes whereas Fred chuckles, both shaking their head.
"No, long before that," George admits quietly.
"That did help though," Fred smirks, which you roll your eyes at.
"Why haven't you said anything?" You ask, suddenly feeling a little vulnerable and quite frankly a bit deceived. "Wait, this whole time with getting me alone, it was a scheme right?"
"No, not a scheme," they both said quickly, sensing your sudden defensiveness.
"We didn't know if you liked us like that or not, every time we came close to thinking you did something would happen and we'd doubt ourselves or the other brother would turn up and ruin the moment so we tried to spend time separately with you, to see how you felt about us individually," George explains.
"We figured you'd show some signs that you preferred one of us or not and that way we'd know," Fred adds.
"But you didn't," they both say together.
George carries on explaining, "so we figured you either didn't like us like that or you liked both."
Their words hung in the air for a few moments as you processed everything, the tension rising at your silence. You chewed on your lip as the weight of the conversation pulled at you.
"I, I don't know," you mumbled, unable to look them in the eyes. "I thought... I don't know."
"Princess," Fred says. His tone is gentle but dominant in his own way, prompting you to look at him. "Whatever you say, it won't change things, except for how you want it to."
"You don't have to chose right now, but if it's only one or neither of us, then no hard feelings," George adds.
"But, if it's both and if you're game, we're willing to both try and earn your affections," Fred says.
"And no hard feelings," George adds.
"But, won't the other brother be jealous or mad or?" You begin to say.
"Angel, you're overthinking it," George says gently with a little smile, slowly reaching for your hand again, so slowly that he clearly anticipates you snatching it away from him, but you don't. "I like you, have for a long time, so has Fred. If you like him, be with him. If you like me, be with me. If you like both, be with both of us for now and decide later once we've tried to woo you."
"Of course we'd have to keep it secret if that's the case," Fred adds, sounding surprisingly reasonable for him, "but we'd do it for you."
"If you chose Fred," George begins to say, squeezing your hand, "it's okay, nothing changes between us and likewise with me, Fred won't disappear."
"And we'd never be mad at you for choosing who you wanted."
You exhale a shaky breath and nod, showing that you understood but needed some time to think.
"I thought it was Fred," you say quietly, not daring to  speak any louder for fear that you wouldn't be able to speak, "but then it sort of changed."
You suddenly found your confidence and began to speak openly about how you were feeling, laying all your cards on the table.
"I think I just pushed down the feelings I have for George and told myself that it was just Fred because I've never wanted you both to feel like you're just one person. Like, who fancies both twin brothers? And it's not because you look similar, you both have such different personalities and things that make you, you, and I love that. I like both of you, in different ways and for different reasons but I can't come between you."
"You wouldn't be between us," George says carefully.
"Unless you wanted that," Fred says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, earning a harsh shove from George and a roll of your eyes.
"It would be me and you and you and Fred. And, not versus. We might be fighting for your affections but we're not competing."
"So we try it for a while and if it doesn't work, we all make the decision, collectively, to end it. Or maybe it works out for one of us," Fred shrugs.
"What if you find someone else you want? I can't ask either of you to wait around," you say, suddenly considering the possibilities.
"Not gonna happen princess," Fred says confidently, crossing his arms over his chest. George shakes his head, agreeing with his brother, earning a little sigh from you at their stubbornness.
A few moments of silence pass as you consider all your options, trying to weigh it up in your mind, measuring the practicalities and the potential damages.
"What if I can't chose in the end?" You ask quietly again, losing any previous courage you had.
"Then we figure it out," Fred says calmly.
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Gravity Falls au
Mabel and Dipper are Ford and Bill's children.
After the breakup Bill is is just drinking his sorrows, it's all fun and games until he wakes up a massive headache and sees a new timeline unfold before his eye but he ignores it. Because it shows him crying and begging like all those sheep he's slaughtered before.
He finds the twins inside of a pocket dimension with in himself. Their weird human biology has made them adapt to his godly form and powers. He could see their weird human flesh color and they were in a newer perfect replica of a womb but he suffers no draw back. At first Bill leaves them alone not knowing the full extent of their connection. Bill spends more time in the pocket dimension enjoying the silence that washes over him, it's almost peaceful full. The little shrimps listen to his rambling some times they react to him or so he likes to think they don't do much. At first he is worried that they haven't changed at all so he looks for information on human reproduction. He learns about the development of the shrimps, they are behind it should be nine months and he should be able to spit them out or something.
A year passes according to human time and the shrimp now are the equivalent of a month old. Bill wonders if it's the Nightmare realm or his powers. As years go by Bill watches as they become less shrimp like and more sharp and triangular. Time goes on, and he grows attached to the shrimps.
One day he returns instead of the shrimps he sees two right triangle.
For the first time in all the trillions of years he's been alive he feels fear. Not fear for himself but for his little spawns. This long forgotten fear and repressed memories come to the surface. The need to hide them to keep them away from the ones who always takes the irregular children away. Its like an itch that he can't scratch, They can't have his children they are gods like him not bound by an old society long dead! His children will never know the pain and suffering that he went through!
For he is free and so will his spawns!
In time grow into their power!
If only the universe knew how far Bill would go for his spawn. Not that anyone would believe he could ever love let alone care for anyone. Some say everyone can have children, but not everyone can be a parent.
Bill will prove everyone wrong as he burns dimensions for the sake of his children, his little pine tree and shooting star.
Even if Gravity Fails
Single parent Bill Cipher who loves his kids! He is still hell bent on getting out of the Nightmare realm even more so that he can rule it along side his brats. Basically Human biology prevailed and Bill is technically pregnant but he can't truly get pregnant so his body creates a pocket dimension into a womb and keeps the twins inside. But the twist is they age like Bill not like humans, so it will take a while for them to grow, but Bill keeps getting a weird timeline information, he ignores it until that day when Ford shoots Bill's hat.
Bill like any parent freaks out, watching as his spawn begin to fade so he prays the the Axolotl to save his children, he will pay the price just help his children.
There is nothing the Axolotl can do.
For their birth would never come to be and so they never existed not now nor ever. This was the one timeline they were conceived. In every other one they never existed
Bill brakes, searching for another timeline any other way to save them, but the Axolotl is right. So Bill floods the timeline/dimension, far greater nightmare power collapsing the earth into the nightmare realm. With this boost of power he again searches, he finds a new dimension one where the og Dipper and Mabel are stillborns. So he goes and puts the remaining souls of his children into their new vessels.
Mother Pines knows her children are dead it's just her Mr pines got stuck in traffic waiting for his uncles, the doctors shuffle around her as they bring the twins closer. Then they all fall, standing up like dolls, and a voice speaks
"Be honored flesh bag! For your stillborns will give life to mine"
She watches as two spirits float into her children their eyes open revealing thin black slits for pupils and pale yellow eyes. She faints, when she wakes up her husband and his family are holding the children. The doctors all stare at her with bright knowing eyes and tooth filled smiles.
Think horror movie where children is possessed from Mrs Pines pov, Mr Pines is worried as the children don't develop normally and thinks they maybe autistic and thinks his wife is suffering from postpartum depression or something while single dad Bill pov who can only interact with his kids via Mindscape where they are developing nicely. Although he doesn't trust the flesh bags.
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lore-of-amphibia · 2 months
Where are the Ponds Twins in Amphibia?
This post contains Spoilers for The Book of Bill below.
So in Season 2 of Amphibia there is a episode titled Wax Museum where Anne and the Plantars meet the Curator aka Mr. Ponds. Mr. Ponds is an alternate universe version of Stan Pines, somethings Frog Soos hypothesizes about. In addition in another episode Marcy is seen flipping through a book that contains an image of Bill Cipher. But something that is notable is the absence of this world's Pines Twins.
So through Lost Legends and The Book of Bill we know a multiverse exists, but Bill tells us something interesting about it. Bill says the following about Dipper and Mabel. "They don't consider for a single moment the sheer improbability that they got to exist in the ONE timeline where they kept all their bodily organs, out of the INFINITE timelines where they were erase, shattered, drowned, frozen, or dismembered before they could make it to 13." So I question, if the Amphibia world a timeline where the Mystery Twins weren't so lucky?
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cravingpepsimax · 12 days
hs reference like a flashbang aside, choosing a dave and rose excerpt activated something in my brain. (stan voice) it’s just like them. in a way
one is a certified journal writer mastering the arts of the horrors and homosexuality, while the other’s a comic drawing “”cool”” twin with a touch of big brother worship. ford a constant knowledge (light) seeker. stan and the motif of fire. the similarities obviously stop at the surface level traits but thats actually so funny
actually, i wouldn’t say the similarities are surface-level at all!
both ford and rose deal with the Horrors, yes, but there’s more to that. the reason they deal with them is for the same endgoal — obtaining knowledge. this even results in them both being taken advantage of a nigh-omniscient, devil figure (doc scratch vs bill). like you mentioned, she journals, but i’d also like to point out her walkthrough. kanaya reads her walkthrough, not knowing the identity of rose, creating an idea of her in her head, using it as a reference for her own journey… hey, doesn’t that sound familiar?
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also, like, horrorterrors aside, you’re out of your mind if you don’t think ford would have a book called “grimoire for summoning the zoologically dubious”. like, title alone, that’s a ford thing.
like ford, rose thinks of herself as a character in a story, rather than just… a person (light player moment). she’s surprisingly calm about sacrificing herself to create the Green Sun, like how ford had resigned himself to being trapped in various hell dimensions, as long as that meant his dimension being safe from bill. also, they’re both nerds that are terrifyingly good at combat.
the rose-ford parallels aren’t shit compared to the dave-stan parallels, though.
they’ve both got a father that isn’t easily impressed, that pushes them to learn how to fight and how to fight well, who wears sunglasses 24/7. they both seem to have complicated feelings about their father, despite their father being shitty & abusive.
despite their detached appearances, both stan and save genuinely care for those close to them, and will do drastic things to protect them. becoming davesprite, dying for jade, actually just dying a lot in general (time player moment), and sacrificing himself for the Green Sun are just a few examples of this.
neither of them really want to do what they’re doing, either. dave doesn’t like time travel. it’s complicated. it’s scary. he’s afraid of his own mortality, and time travel involves a LOT of death. not just his own, either — if he fucks it up, he could end up killing literally everyone. but he does it anyways, because he has to.
stan hates science and math. growing up, he struggled in school, even with the smartest kid in school being his brother. but he still taught himself everything he needed to know to get the portal up and running — with only a third of the instructions. he did shit he hated, complicated shit he hated, for 30 years, because he had to. despite ford criticizing his recklessness, there’s not a single timeline where ford gets sucked into the portal and stan DOESN’T try to save him. and, just like how dave sacrifices himself for the Green Sun, stan’s willing to have his memory wiped for the sake of beating bill. sure, the Green Sun might’ve led to dave god tiering, but dave didn’t know that — just like how stan didn’t know his memory would come back.
they’ve also got the whole “i’m not a hero” thing, despite regularly doing heroic things.
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(also, couldn’t find a gif of it, but ford calling stanley a hero both in the show after his sacrifice & in the journal)
also, just… read the aspect descriptions for light and time and tell me that isn’t ford and stan. especially time for stan.
…also, erm, fitting the themes of this blog, dave has… some stuff going on
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also apparently davesprite and his rose may have gotten together according to the hs book commentary but i don’t own those and i can’t find an actual like. image or anything so don’t quote me on that lmao
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seaside-writings · 1 month
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Well, well, well! Hello. all you lovely people! It's been a hot minute since I did one of these lol.
As you can all probably tell, I've been dragged kicking and screaming back into Gravity Falls by "The Book of Bill." Because of this, I wanted to make a prompt list from all of my favorite lines of darker dialogue from the book.
Now I know this book is filled with dark dialogue from front to back, but these are the ones that stood out the most to me, and I know they stood out to others as well.
I hope you all enjoy this list, and if you use any of these prompts, please credit/tag me so I can come check out what you’ve created!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙△💛👁️‍🗨️🖤
P.s. I did add some lines from the Axolotl’s poem I just felt like they fit well in this mess.
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"Until there was no one left but me, covered in blood, alone in the universe,"
"Turn back while you still can, or live forever with the regret,"
"It infects other books!"
"Any regrets about causing the apocalypse?"
"Blame the arson for the fire."
"It's not with it. Trust me. You have to trust me,"
"Love is a trick and worst of all it's a trick you play on yourself,"
"Even his lies are lies,"
"I don't want to die alone,"
"I'm broken wanna fix me?"
"Once you kill with one of these, it becomes a "serious straw,"
"This book has no codes,"
"They don't even consider for a single moment the sheer improbability that they got to exist in the ONE timeline where they kept all of their bodily organs,"
"Maybe one day in the future all their good luck will finally run out,"
"I've peered into the souls of the madmen, but this was the first time I'd been in a mind that was collapsing like a neutron star,"
"Your world is controlled by dark invisible forces that need to operate in the shadows to maintain their power,"
"Some desperate part of him seemed to be trying to heal himself, hoping to weld his memories back together like one of his robots,"
"For the first time, I felt a kind of pain that wasn't hilarious,"
"Nightmares about trying to wash blood off her hands that never comes out,"
"Recurring nightmares about overhearing a fight between his parents he wasn't supposed to hear. Why do you think they were in such a rush to get the kids out the door for the Summer?"
"A single spark from the memory inferno hit me, and a hole sizzled straight through me like a laser through butter,"
"And if I ran into any symbols, I'd be ready,"
"Their screams getting louder and louder."
"Listen not to his lies!"
"And he tended to rip out journal pages that had anything to do with his issues with others��� especially me,"
"Is my strange way of seeing the universe a gift or a curse?"
"Is loneliness just the cost of greatness? And if it is… how long am I fated to endure?"
"On your own, you're a bunch of sepia-tinted nobodies destined for the dumpster of history,"
"Although the day had begun with us as strangers, it ended with us as brothers, bonded by vengeance and a newfound hatred,"
"Someone had reversed the Shaman's spell and had summoned me back! Who would it be?! A genius? An idiot? Oh. Oh my goodness me. Yes. It was both,"
"Can you collect them all before the end-times come?"
"How about that; you've got an inferior clone! Why didn't you just eat him in the womb? Think of how powerful you'd be!"
"Assemble all seven collectibles to open the seal,"
"The perfect weight to kill a man,"
"Says he's happy, he's a liar,"
"I grow maddened."
"A different form, a different time."
"He looked distant, more distant than I'd ever seen him before,"
"By a monster."
"He laughed joylessly,"
"It would eat you alive."
"Trust no one,"
"As the chanting grew louder, the forest was suddenly engulfed in flames, screaming laughter echoing, and then- I awake on the floor, gasping for breath,"
"I could see in the third dimension,"
"But being special comes with a price,"
"I've shut down the portal! Damn it all!"
"My mind reels from horror and humiliation! How could I have been so foolish!?"
"Saw his own dimension burn, misses home, and can’t return."
"I was wrong about everything!"
"Break my bones if you must, but you cannot break my will!"
"No, I won't give him the satisfaction! Instead of destroying my work, I'll destroy him instead!"
"That's because I've been knock-knocking your skull against the wall!"
"Has he done this before?? How far would he go?"
"I keep coughing up spiders,"
"My heart was in my throat until I heard the dial tone… the pay phone was out of order. The message hadn't gotten through,"
"You're my property. Don't forget it,"
"You gave me your blood, You let me into your mind!"
"From the graves around me arose a horde of cackling cadavers eyes aglow,"
"Why are you doing this?! Why won't you just leave me alone?"
"Without me, you'll always feel unseen, surrounded by dolts who don't recognize your true potential,"
"You've always felt alone in a crowd, haven't you? Who else will give you this feeling again?"
"Even if you got rid of me, you'd miss me. Admit it, you'd miss me,"
"The hillbilly abandoned you, your father won't want you returning without millions, you have no friends, and if you died out here in the snow. who would even miss you?"
"I have no one else,"
“I awoke from the hallucination, heart pounding, to find myself back in my living room, clock ticking, record skipping- and began to weep,”
"What if… he mocks me? What if he sees that I abandoned our family to become a recluse on the brink of madness?"
"Where did you all go? WHERE DID-"
"Shame is a powerful emotion. But if grows even more in the dark,"
"I thought I was protecting my family, but I was really protecting myself… from humiliation,"
"No, they mean nothing to you!"
"Because no matter what the idiot counselors in this smiling cage say, I don't need anyone, I never have, and I don't miss any of them!"
"I'm fine,"
"This morning I awoke to find my knuckles bloody and sore. He must have been punching and scraping the steel door like a caged animal all night in a frenzy to get in,"
“Someday… someone… will let… me… out,”
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artbyblastweave · 7 months
It's so funny how Cap just COINCIDENTALLY seems to be physically unable to go through a SINGLE Republican presidency without having a crisis of faith that causes him to not be Cap anymore. Nomad with Nixon. USAgent with Reagan. Death and Buckycap with Bush, then HydraCap with Trump. I like to think him dying was the universe's way of identifying "...well he doesn't seem to be changing yet. Better balance this out real quick"
This is true, and moreover this ask dovetails nicely with another Cappost I've been thinking about making. Given the sliding timeline, who should we assume was in charge of the Secret Empire?
Loose, possibly at-least-partially misremembered background for those who weren't aware of this batshit plot point- In the early seventies, concurrent with Watergate, Captain America shut down a scheme by a neofascist group called the Secret Empire to, I dunno, hold the country hostage with a mutant-powered nuke or something, the specifics aren't important, what's important is that Cap cornered the leader of the group in the Oval Office, where he killed himself to avoid capture, and you never get to see the guy's face but it was all but directly stated that the Leader was Richard Nixon attempting a Coup D'état (possibly to get out of being prosecuted for Watergate?). This shakes Cap up pretty badly and he temporarily retired the Cap identity in order to operate as Nomad, The Man Without A Country, it was a whole crisis of conscience situation. Anyway, the whole situation is still vaguely implicitly canon, they refer to the Secret Empire, and there have been successor heroes who've taken up the Nomad identity after Cap got out of the funk. But It also can't have been Nixon who killed himself in front of Cap due to the sliding time scale- the rule of thumb for Marvel is that it's generally only been about 15-20 years at most since the Fantastic Four did their thing, which does hilarious things to the worldbuilding. My understanding is that you're supposed to assume that if the president is depicted in a marvel story you need to just mentally "swap in whoever would have been president 10-15 years before the present day, but given the specificity of this situation that quickly gets insane. Did Bush kill himself in front of Captain America to escape the consequences of the 2008 recession? Did Obama?! Was it just not a president at all at this point- in which case, why did Cap react badly enough to quit and become Nomad? And so on, and so forth. They basically gotta memory hole it, but I will not let them forget! Cap saw a U.S. President off themselves! But to tie this back to Civilwarposting- what I think about a lot is that from a worldbuilding perspective the actual political moment that generated Civil War is perpetually in flux. This is true of every Marvel comic but it's especially notable here because of the extent to which the comic itself is emphasizing the political moment and what created it. It's a Bush-era comic, a reaction to the politics and the rhetoric of the War on Terror and the post-9/11 years, Bush actually personally appears in it. But if it hasn't already, eventually it's going to have implicitly been pushed through Congress during the Obama Administration, and then during the Trump Admin, and then during the Biden Admin, and so on and so forth, and like. setting aside that there's already an entire swath of the marvel timeline that's very blatantly trump-admin-coded, produced in reaction to that atmosphere, The situations and arguments and rhetoric and battle lines that would have gotten that bill through each of those admins looks very different each time! And I'm not gonna say it's interesting to see how they'll resolve this, because they won't resolve it, they don't need to, they're politely asking everyone to let this one go and that's not the biggest ask these comics make of me, so fine. Whatever. But it's very very funny
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strawberry-smog · 25 days
Did Ford go through the portal in 1984?
Ok, so. If you’re in the Gravity Falls Timeline fandom, you know that, for an event that was strongly implied to have happened in 1982, there’s a surprising amount of evidence that Ford’s little portal accident happened in 1983, and that, even more surprisingly, one of the stronger pieces of evidence for this is the release date of Eurythmics’ single Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). The song was released in January 1983 and was their first commercial success, just barely squeaking in under the wire to make Ford’s statement in the blacklight Journal 3 that he wants to hear the band’s “latest chart topper” make sense. Except… it still doesn’t?
While Sweet Dreams was first released in January 1983, this wasn’t a worldwide simultaneous release. Eurythmics was an extremely obscure British band, and the song didn’t come to America until May 1983 and didn’t peak at number one until September, both the wrong time in the year for the lake to be frozen. To be fair, the song hit number two in the UK in March and was played on Top of the Pops in February, so if you assume Ford is a British synthpop chart-watching superfan this still checks out, but we do have to consider that 1) Ford was being tormented by a demon 24/7 after McGucket’s portal incident, and was probably not in great shape to be intercepting UK TV signals and buying imported 8 tracks, and 2) Ford is a fake Eurythmics fan who always puts a “The” in front of their name even though the band is just “Eurythmics”.
The test happening in 1984 also helps make sense of a minor bit of show-journal timeline snarl, where McGucket in his memory gun tapes says that he’s been working with Ford “for the past year”. While this is just kind of obviously a retcon since he also calls Ford a “visiting researcher” despite him having lived in town way longer than McGucket, if you do try to incorporate the “year” thing into the timeline you hit a bit of a snag: McGucket arrived in July, and if this video depicts the first ever time he made the memory gun that would put it at most two months after his arrival, as the Gremloblin incident happened during the summer-fall fair season; even if you take it to be after he quit the project, this is still only a six-month timespan.
To have at least a year working on the portal, he would have to arrive in summer 1982, make the video in summer 1983, and then get his head stuck in the portal in winter 1984, which just so happens to also make sense of the Sweet Dreams thing, and from what I can tell doesn’t really conflict with anything else? The 29-years-and-several months timespan of Ford’s disappearance still makes sense to round up as thirty years, and while it makes McGucket’s assertion that he can’t remember anything prior to 1982 kind of weird, it is also kind of weird with the 1983 portal date, and there’s simply no way the portal incident could happen in 1982.
Here’s a bullet point list of the 1983 timeline vs. this 1984 timeline
1983 Portal Incident
McGucket arrives on July 29th
He and Ford begin working on plans for the portal and go on their expedition to Crash Site Omega
The Gremloblin incident happens in August or September
McGucket creates his memory gun and begins recruiting for the Blind Eye shortly after, and possibly makes his first video recounting his experiments
The bunker is built and the Shifty incident happens, also still in August or September based on it being hot
Ford makes his deal to hand his body over to Bill sometime in the fall
Ford and McGucket defeat the Krampus on December 5th (Krampusnacht)
The portal test happens on January 18th
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) comes out in the UK on January 23rd
Sweet Dreams reaches number 2 on the UK charts in February
Some unknown period of many weeks pass and Stan arrives in a snowstorm to push Ford into the portal
1984 Portal Incident
McGucket arrives on July 29th
He and Ford begin working on plans for the portal and go on their expedition to Crash Site Omega
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) comes out in the UK on January 23rd
Sweet Dreams reaches number 2 on the UK charts in February
Sweet Dreams comes out in America in May The Gremloblin incident happens in the summer or early fall
McGucket creates his memory gun and begins recruiting for the Blind Eye shortly after, and makes his first video recounting his experiments
The bunker is built and the Shifty incident happens, also still in summer or early fall based on it being hot
Sweet Dreams reaches number one on the US charts in September
Ford makes his deal to hand his body over to Bill sometime in the fall
Ford and McGucket defeat the Krampus on December 5th (Krampusnacht)
The portal test happens on January 18th
Some unknown period of many weeks pass and Stan arrives in a snowstorm to push Ford into the portal
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“In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said there are "quite a few" lawmakers supporting her motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson, though she did not specify exactly how many members are backing her.
“I have a number that have committed, but there’s also a large number that have already expressed to me a huge sigh of relief," she added.
She said she hasn’t talked to Johnson yet, but said the speaker is “negotiating from weakness” and that she doesn’t see a scenario where she will back off raising the motion to vacate. Still, she argued she is “being very respectful to the members of our conference,” and won’t disrupt investigations or other committee work.
Greene reiterated that she does not have a timeline for when she will bring the motion up, but said she hopes to use the House’s two-week break.
“What I'm hoping for is for all of our Republican members to be able to have time to think and reflect over this break, for us to be able to come back together and start the conversation of who is capable and willing to lead this Republican majority," she said.
Greene said that the government funding bill that passed in the House on Friday was a “complete departure” of “everything we stand for,” referring to the Republican party.
"We cannot move forward having a Republican speaker of the House that is doing the bidding of Democrats, that is allowing Chuck Schumer to drive our legislation, bringing bills to the floor that the White House cannot wait to sign into law, and doesn't stop the border crisis and the invasion that's happening every single day to our country," Greene said.”
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crescentrivers · 24 days
Remembered I still like Sanders Sides (seriously though it’s a great webseries) but the Hatchetfeild brainworms are consuming anything else (downside of a special interest) so here’s which lord in black each side would be associated with/which lord in black would mess with them/maybe even which lord in black they’d follow in a crossover au + overly detailed explanations
Under the cut cause this got long
Roman- funny how both my previous and my current special interest have a Roman in them. Roman Sanders is a much better person though fuck you Roman Murray /hj. Anyway I think this Roman would be associated with Pokotho. More in a “Roman would get tricked into following him way” than in a “Pokey would want to mess with him” way. In terms of punching bags Pokers seems to go for the people who hate his deal the most and Roman is a theatre kid so. Already not one of the people who hate his deal the most. Okay but actual reason Pokotho has a big thing with conformity, mind control, giving up your real indentity to one singular voice and Roman is known to conform. Trying to be the perfect “good” creativity and turning against Janus mostly because his friends didn’t trust him. Also again, theater kid. So yeah in this hypothetical crossover au there’s probably a timeline where Roman becomes a Pokotho prophet. I can also see him swinging Wiggly though, wanting to be adored kinda like Linda in Black Friday. But I think he’s closer to Pokey in most ways.
Logan- Bliklotep or Pokotho. Okay so most obvious thing for Blinky is eyes, Blinky has a lot of them and Logan either is the orange side or is dealing with the orange side, the mysterious unrevealed character that made his eyes go orange that one time. But on a deeper level in Watcher World Blinky uses Alice and Bills’ conflict against them, trying to make them angrier so he can watch them fight. I can see a similar situation with Logan playing out in this au where the gang goes to Watcher World and Logan’s anger over being ignored is used against him. And if Orange and Logan end up not being the same person (which I stand by that theory) Orange using Logan’s anger against him to cause conflict within the light sides is actually just something I can see happening in the show.
For Pokotho it’s well, if you asked me to make a TGWDLM SaSi crossover Logan would be Paul. He’s the side with the least interest in theatre (I’m not sure if it’s really a dislike though) and while he lacks the panic Paul has for most of TGWDLM and isn’t as much of a normal guy tm I think he fits very well. Let It Out is SUCH a Logan song you don’t even get it like imagine that song but with him and Orange hshshgshshshshshsh I NEED TO MAKE AN ANIMATIC OF IT. Also like back to the ignoring thing can you imagine like “Aren’t you tired of being ignored Logan? Don’t you want to be the star of the show?” I’m going insane. If we’re just putting Logan in the Hatchetfeild universe I think he’s still more Blinky leaning but a SaSi x TGWDLM au with him as Paul would go very hard.
Patton- probably the one in the least sure on so luckily he doesn’t need as long of a paragraph. He’s just so nice I can’t really see him being singled out by any of them but he also isn’t nice in a way where he has Webby vibes so I’m just lost with him. I think either Blinky cause I can see him in a similar situation to Bill in Watcher World or Tinky cause I feel like out of all the sides Patton is the most likely to try to time travel to change or revisit the past and than get boxed because of it.
Virgil- none of them!!! Well at least none of them in particular. Why you ask? Well I think he’d be associated with Webby. Okay listen, if I had a nickel for every time my special interest involved a character associated with spiders that either left or was abandoned by the main antagonist group depending on your theories and became a good guy, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. Do I need to explain further than that? Obviously Virgil’s situation isn’t nearly as severe as Webby’s and the dark sides are much more redeemable sympathetic villains compared to the lords in bright ass neons black, but my point still stands. Virgil works with Webby which means various horrors have it out for him instead of any specific one!!! Yayyyyyy
Janus- another hard one to place. I’d say he’d work with Wiggly most likely. Basically capitalism/greed (though the greed thing could also have him going more on the Nibbly route with like selfishness desire stuff or even like unrelated he could work for Pokey cause like mind control/manipulation isn’t that much of a stretch from his character, it is a stretch I’m lying to myself) and idk he has the vibes where I feel like he’d work with the lord in black himself and not just one of his brothers. Idk he has Wilbur Cross vibes kind of not really? (it’s the green apples) The thing is Janus still doesn’t hit quite the same level of evil as most antagonistic Hatchetfeild characters do but there’s no way this guy wouldn’t be caught up in something in a crossover au, so maybe he made a deal with them but doesn’t fully worship them. Idek what this post is anymore.
Remus- Hard to place because he’s just such a freak (derogatory) that he kind of just has general cultist vibes (I know there are plenty of freaks in Hatchetfeild completely unconnected to the lords but Remus would be the kind of freak that is connected imo) but if I had to pick I’d say either Wiggly or Nibbly. Wiggly doesn’t have much reason, they just both insane people associated with the color green, royalty, and tentacles. Nibbly does have an explanation kind of. He’s like the god of desire kind of and I think in analysis of how he’s connected to stuff (think Grace in NPMD) that kind of leads to lust associations? Which yeah fits Remus. I can see him working for Nibbly or going insane cause of him (does Nibbly even do that? Does he do things that don’t involve eating people? What even is this post) honestly I don’t really know for him I’m just saying words, would really depend on his role in this hypothetical au
Bonus: c!Thomas- honestly I don’t know for him but dare I say Pokotho. Cause A. Him and Paul don’t really act alike but they both have that panicking normal guy tm energy as protagonists. B. He’s a theatre kid. C. Idk I think it would be screwed up if the guy who the entire show centers around the mind of lost control of his mind and had his entire being warped (infection) 👍
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johnmarstonisawolf · 10 months
I love both John and Arthur
“RDR1 Represents John’s Character Growth” Argument… 
I’ve seen people get blocked for disagreeing with the types of posts that complain about “Rdr fans disliking John’s characterization in rdr2”.  I’d rather just agree to disagree but if anyone doesn’t like where this post is going, please feel free to use the block button.
Also, in this post, I am repeating some things I’ve written in past responses/posts. Plus I have read other fans’ posts and opinions about this topic, which will be sprinkled throughout this post. 
Here it goes… Mainly for me, it’s the ret-con. It’s not that John can’t be this man with flaws, but in the first game (rdr1) they hint a lot at John (when he’d been in the gang in the past tense, before the events in rdr2) being this quixotic, well-spoken, “right-hand man of Dutch”, which were traits that were all given to Arthur in rdr2. Even Bill and Abigail hint at this. If you want to hear another rdr fan go more in-depth about this, read here. Plus Rockstar in so many words had explained why they made John a humiliation conga because they didn’t want John to “overshadow” Arthur. 
Yes, Arthur is older and yes, John could’ve been influenced by Arthur (but only by so much, I mean, c’mon John and Arthur are their own person). Yet the fact that Arthur is not even mentioned in rdr1 (yes, rdr2 hadn’t even been created yet. I know.) and they decided to “downgrade” John in rdr2 and give all of these admirable traits (they allude to in rdr1 about John) to Arthur is what baffles me. 
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Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Arthur’s character. However, it’s the high pedestal that this fandom puts him on, emphasizing his positive traits while continually bashing John in the process, that does me in.
We get it, John wasn’t a good father or a good husband, he treats his wife and kid like crap (he gets better tho), he deserves whatever criticism he gets for those horrible actions of his, but we got to remember this is the Wild West; Abigail nor John had the resources or skills to deal with their own trauma much less even raise a boy in a gang, especially Abigail. But that’s not downplaying the fact that John is a very emotionally-mentally damaged person (as a result of many forms of abuse and being raised by Dutch, Hosea, and Arthur, who aren’t the best examples) while at the same time, Abigail is a very emotionally-mentally damaged person (as a result of many forms of abuse and being raised and working in a brothel) who’s had to carry a kid for 9 months and march on through with barely having much help, aside from some individuals in the gang who helped her—I’m not gonna go with the narrative that not a single person in the gang helped. 
Listen, it’s not that we can’t handle seeing John being this pathetic version of himself that the devs chose to portray him as in rdr2 (so he wouldn’t overshadow Arthur and lazy writing) or that we can’t watch him grow from this immature and flawed human being to a man who loves his wife and child and would do anything for them… but it’s how it was done and how rockstar did it. 
They also did Johnny boy’s physical character design very poorly in the epilogue; in the epilogue (1907) he barely showcases any of the traits we see in (1911) rdr1 (a four-year difference, timeline-wise, which really isn’t that long). Although NPC John and Epilogue John might look different from each other, their personalities aren’t much different. So there’s not much of a change in my opinion.
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Also, I just want to clarify that this post isn’t about the fandom preferring Arthur over John but more so about how John’s characterization was done in rdr2 compared to rdr1, which can’t merely be attributed to “character growth” rather than lazy writing.  Understandably, many people prefer Arthur over John. Hence compared to the first game, rdr2 has better accessibility, players get to go more into the protagonist’s mind, and many game mechanics have improved/developed since rdr1 was released. But rdr1 was an acclaimed game when it came out with many fans that still remain in this fandom, in spite of rdr2’s wider exposure. 
And if I was going to mention anything that the games were kind of consistent with when it came to John’s characterization, is that he has a dry and cynical personality that reflects the protagonists of old spaghetti westerns, and the unforgiving world that makes up the Wild West.
Personally, while I do like his character in both games (he’s my fave) I still feel like there’s a bit more they could’ve done with his character in rdr2, in regards to missions and stuff, I would even say the devs had put more effort into some supporting characters compared to John, but that’s just my opinion. And I was really hoping for a rdr1 remaster but more so in a Yakuza Kiwami way (amped-up gameplay, fixed plot holes, better character detail, quality improvements, etc…)
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pokemoncenter · 9 months
On Time Travel
Before I begin, I wish to state very clearly that this is not to be taken as fact or a dedicated primer on the subject. This is my own attempting to sort out the information I learned from Bill on the subject, by writing it out in a clear form. There may be mistakes, inaccuracies, and misunderstandings in this text.
Bill created the Time Capsule system in 1999. This system only allows for the transfer of Pokeballs up to three years into the past, and only within the Kanjoh region. The reasons for this are energy- The further something is moved in time, the more energy it takes. The further it is moved in space, the more energy it takes. And most importantly, the more mass it has, the more energy it takes- The other two are more workable, but the mass-energy requirement increases exponentially.
A single Pokemon in its Pokeball can be sent three years across time with the electricity a Pokemon Center has. Something larger, such as a Machop outside of its ball, would take an entire city's energy for a week to make the same trip.
An adult human would take enough energy to power all of Galar for a hundred years, and they would likely cease to exist in transit. We will get back to that part.
Time is not a straight arrow that can only move one direction. It is simply another axis of movement. We all move through time at one second per second, without accounting for relativity, from past towards future. However, as it is a single axis, movement can be achieved along that axis in both directions. Thinking of it as a fourth spatial dimension can help visualize it. Time's ongoing nature is not an inherent aspect of time, but of the beings that interpret it this way.
According to the Many-Worlds Interpretation, there are near-infinite timelines. Anything that could happen in multiple ways, happens in every possible way in different timelines. Thus, as time moves forward, time branches into infinite possibilities. However, according to Bill, there are two important notes to that.
First, it is not only forward. Time actually branches out in both directions. It branches backwards, such that 'every possibility that could lead to this moment' is a branch. Furthermore, there is a principle he calls 'path of least resistance'.
The same way water moves in space according to the path of least resistance, he says that time follows its own path of least resistance. To move from one instant to the next, things that would require too much change or a change of information cannot happen. Thus, when sending a Pokeball back in time, one does not actually need to worry or account for alternate timelines- By sending things backwards in time, it will branch into the timelines where the reception is possible, by following that path of least resistance.
However, the greatest problem of this is information.
By following the path of least resistance, things that did not exist in the recipient era cannot be sent there. Not just objects, or creatures, but information itself cannot cross the gap. Knowledge would be forgotten, or be scrambled. Discoveries cannot be made.
The key principle to understanding this is that there is no omnipotent, intelligent force overseeing things. Time does not have a guardian which keeps the timeline in order. It is simply a matter of energy- The energy to overcome the 'path of least resistance' to cause a paradox with information does not exist in our world, and possibly not in our universe. Thus, time itself will 'correct' the paradox, by forcing it out of your head. This is because forgetting it is 'possible', and so it would be slid into a timeline where that forgetting does happen.
If forgetting was not possible- If there is simply too much information to be forgotten, that there is simply no way it could possibly be lost- Then there will be no timeline that can receive that time travel. At which point, the outcome is...
Either total cessation of existence, or perhaps something else. A non-timeline. Either way, once this occurred, that information is lost to us, as surely as if it fell into a black hole.
... This is all I could understand. I hope any of you can understand this as well.
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