#tips for strong teeth and gums
vista14 · 2 years
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zorosdimples · 5 months
mdni. cw: hybrids, oral fixations, spit. my (not so) long-awaited return to the tiger hybrid yuuji-verse.
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Sunday afternoons are usually spent like this: lazing on the couch with your tiger hybrid, his broad frame curled around yours as he shields you from the stress of your impending work week. Your face is buried in his strong chest and his chin rests atop your head.
Yuuji chuffs in contentment when you reach up to scratch his rosy ears; the vocalization puffs against your hair as his soft tail gently bats your hip. When you try to withdraw your hand, he whines, chasing you with his nose. As you let him nuzzle into your touch, he begins lapping at your skin.
You chuckle; you’ve grown fond of his clinginess. “Hm?”
His affection dances from the center of your palm to the tip of your pointer finger, and he wraps his tongue around the digit before nipping the pad. He pulls away from your comforting scent and warmth—barely, as his breath ghosts your flesh—and his striped ears twitch.
“You know how you told me to come to you when I need anything?” Yuuji asks.
You hum. “Of course.”
“Well,” he gulps, cheeks blooming a ruddy color that matches his hair, “could you, um, play with my mouth?”
Unsure of where he’s headed with his request, you quirk an eyebrow.
“The vet said I had to stop chewing so much ice—remember?”
“Yeah. It’s bad for your teeth if you do it too often.”
He nods. “And I've chewed through all of my toys.”
“No new toys until next month, Yuu. They’re too expensive to replace on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, I’m not made of money.”
The hybrid’s ears flatten against his head. “I know. But my mouth feels so empty.” He shifts a little, now fidgeting with the fuzzy tip of his tail. “I—um, just need something to occupy it. My gums ache, and my jaw hurts because I keep clenching. I try to work everything out on my own, but I… I thought maybe you could help.”
Wide, sweet, earnest, Yuuji’s gaze is rich caramel. You feel a little flustered by his request—you aren’t exactly sure why—but you couldn’t possibly say no to him. You offer Yuuji a reassuring smile. “There’s no need for you to be embarrassed; I’m always happy to help. Now: open wide for me.”
Your willingness draws a pleased chuff from him, and he complies, baring his maw. Accentuated by glinting incisors, rows of honed teeth would be a frightening sight for an onlooker. But the hybrid would rather wither away than hurt a fly (unless the fly was trying to harm you). You begin by running a finger along his slick gums, gingerly massaging the pink tissue.
Garbled whines flutter past Yuuji’s drooling tongue; his eyes water, irises hazy with relief. By the time you reach his molars, you have to hold his tongue down with your middle and ring fingers, using your index to rub around his teeth. Spit pools at the bottom of his mouth and dribbles down his chin. A pleased sigh leaves his stretched lips, and his hips jerk forward, something firm brushing against your belly.
Blood rushes to your face. You swallow dryly, acutely aware of your intimate position. “Are you hard, Yuuji?”
The hybrid doesn’t try to deny it. “Thowy,” he pants with your fingers heavy on his tongue. Dew collects at his temples and his neck is blush. But instead of putting space between your bodies, he squirms closer—until his bulge presses against you, his syrupy gaze slowing your mind and seeping into your limbs.
Arousal knots itself deep in your core as you stare at your companion—hot, needy, eager. Against your better judgment, you grind against him. Losing focus, he roughly grabs your hips, mouth closing around your digits to lave and suck. He rolls onto his back and hoists you on top of him, angling you so that his throbbing length rubs you right where you need.
“Fuck,” you hiss, unable to do anything but roll your hips and chase pleasure. You extract your fingers from Yuuji’s mouth, cradling his burning face before melting into him, a heap of spit and teeth and tongue.
“I’m s-sorry,” he groans against your lips as he kneads your ass, tail grazing your ankle. “Gonna make it up to you—promise.”
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charnelhouse · 2 years
If ever a man was deserving of a blow job it’s Joel Miller
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A/N: joel x f!reader. blow job duh.
He comes home at odd hours and sometimes he doesn’t come home at all. It’s not even your place–it’s his. His shitty room with four walls and a peach couch sprouting stuffing. It’s not a Joel couch. He probably would have had a La-Z-Boy. 
You wait. You wait and listen to the radio. Get really well acquainted with the 80’s catalogue. You're his ears when he’s gone. It really isn’t a job, but it’s the small things you can do for him.
“Move over,” he mutters in a low voice. It’s the middle of the night, his hands are cold as he pushes you to the edge of the mattress. You’re an inch from rolling off before his strong arms wrap around your waist and haul you back to his chest. 
“How was today?”
“Did you eat?”
He mumbles something noncommital into your hair and squeezes you, sealing you to his front to leach your warmth.
You trace his scars that drag across his forearm. You prod the dry skin, sunspots and freckles. His mouth is nearly latched to the nape of your neck, his breath puffing evenly. He’s exhausted, which isn’t a surprise. He works day in and day out in addition to all the illegal shit he’s running. 
He’s always running. 
In the morning, you push him onto his back. The sun filters through his windows, spouting through moth-eaten curtains. There are dust motes in the air. The smell of dirt and Joel, which is something like sawdust and gunpowder. Wood finish. The interior of an old car. He grunts when you slide between his legs, docile because he's still threaded with grogginess. He slept in his clothes, and you take care as you gingerly remove them. 
He does peek one eye at you to make sure you aren’t some creep who’s slipped into his room to take advantage.
"It's me," you grin, and he blinks before shutting his eyes again. Typical.
You like to study him like this. He’s ruddy and baked from the sun. He’s all scrapes and silver-dark hair and his middle is soft from age. He's unnaturally strong, but some parts of him just don't tighten anymore.
Your gaze flickers from his face to the sparse hairs at his chest and then to his groin. You touch his cock, skating your nails over the shaft. It twitches, hardens almost immediately. You lower your head and take him into your mouth.
Joel stiffens, jerks a little as his knees come up and his hand flies to your scalp. “What’re you–”
You release him for a moment. “Relax, baby. Let me do this for you.”
His eyes are still foggy and unfocused, his brow furrowed so deep it might crack his skin. He’s so serious all the fucking time and you’d wish he’d just unknot himself for once. Loose the strings that bind him so painfully to his past.
You settle onto your knees before you wrap your lips around his cock, swallowing him down until the head hits the back of your throat. You gag, drool bunching around your gums as you clench the inner walls of your mouth. 
He does not expect that because he arches.
“Fuck,” he growls. “Jesus–honey–”
You place one hand on his belly and the other at his balls. You tug them, massage their weight just as you draw back enough to dip your tongue into the slit at the tip of his cock. A rumble burns through his chest. The hand on your head tightens. 
You hollow your cheeks and utilize a deliberate suction. After fucking Joel for months, you understand the things he likes: roughness, a dash of pain, and the promise of filth. You ease off before you return with a vengeance. You gently scrape your teeth along the frenulum, soothing the graze with a lick. It’s a sloppy blow job for sure, but that’s what he needs. His brown eyes stay locked on your own, his pink tongue sweeps over his lower lip as his hips buck against your chin. A muscle in his jaw spasms and his heels are digging into the mattress. He looks incredibly young as if you're seeing a Joel invigorated with his old youth because you're sucking him off like a porn star.
“You’re fucked,” he groans, head tipping back as he shudders through another round of you playing with his balls while deep throating him. “You’re so so fucked, sweetheart.”
You watch his belly tense, the tendons in his arms and throat snap to attention as you escalate the pressure, gag a little louder, stroke him faster while he stares at you with incredulity. 
You? This? Where the fuck did you learn how to suck dick like that?
“Shit,” he hisses as you feel him swell, his cock is pulsing in your mouth and against your palm like a living thing. His fingernails are scratching beneath your hair. He’s breaking….
And then he does.
He goes all stiff and hot before you feel the warm rush of his spend salt your tongue and throat. You nearly choke on it before you pull away, hand subtly pressed to your lips. You try and leave the bed, but he's already sitting up on his knees. His cock red and hanging between his legs, all flushed and wet with your spit. 
“You’re dead, girl,” he husks as he beckons you toward him. “Get back on here and turn the fuck around.”
He’s kind of smiling.
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savorypink · 8 months
need late sias!alex as a barista and u as the annoying customer who comes in during closing time. he angry fucks you in the bathroom cuz u annoy him
“cuz u annoy him” makes me giggle, but here you are anon!
“...and that’s why I stopped paying my taxes!” 
You speak into your phone’s speaker, swinging the doors of the small cafe open. Caught up in a conversation over the phone, you miss the scowl on the barista’s face as you saunter towards the counter. The lights of your favorite coffee spot have warmly dimmed, the minimal lighting enhancing the coziness of the atmosphere. This lighting, however, is an indication that closing time is near. To the dismay of the night shift barista, Alex, you have always made it your business to show up right before the doors close. Your horrible timing isn’t entirely your fault, though; 1) you’ve got things to do, 2) the cafe has become rather popular recently, and your patience isn’t the best. Why would you want to wait in line? 
Your conversation continues even when faced with the barista, completely ignoring the chairs sitting on the empty tables, the lemon scent of cleaning products breezing past your nose entirely. The barista’s cute, large doe eyes look up at you from the counter he’s wiping down with a bleach-stained rag; he doesn’t seem happy to see you. 
“Hold on just one second...” you say to the barista and your rambling friend on the phone. Digging into your bra, you pull out the crumpled-up bills and coins for your usual drink, all in exact change. You hand him the money with a warm, lip gloss-coated smile. You’ll see if he’s worthy of a tip. 
“You know what to do.” You finish with a wink before he takes the money out of your manicured hands. Your perfume's pleasant candy scent lingers when you turn your heel to the tables behind you, dizzying and addictive to his nostrils, but he scowls as soon as you pick up a chair. Plopping down, you continue entertaining your friend on the phone, and you aren’t quiet about it.
“Yeah, I’m at the cafe now. It’s so cute!” you squeal. “You should totally hit it up sometime. Make sure the Elvis-looking guy makes your drink, though. He’s the best.” 
Your words wash away the barista’s annoyance as he prepares your drink, knowing your preferences like strings on a guitar, pure muscle memory. Your loud mouth quickly tarnishes this somewhat peaceful moment.
“It’s the ginger-haired girl you gotta watch out for. Ugh, she’s the worst! Can’t make a drink for shit. And guess what? I found a hair in my muffin! When I flipped out on her, she kept saying, ‘Calm down,’” You do perhaps your worst impression of the nasally lady, “and she was like, ‘Do you want another muffin?’ No! I want my money back, Ed Sheeran!”
Your friend on the other line laughs alongside you, a bubbly yet ear-piercing cackle that makes Alex almost crush the mixer in his hands. His brain bounces from wanting to hear your laughter again to shutting you up with a kiss. As your gums continue flapping, you allow your eyes to examine the barista behind the counter. His backside is as cute as his front, the lean muscle of his shoulders contracting under his white t-shirt, strong arms flexing as he scoops up the ice and pours it into the mixer. You put a gelled nail between your teeth as you watch him, shifting in your seat as your panties become uncomfortably wet.
“Hey! Are you still there?” Your friend calls on the other line.
“Yeah!” Your cheeks warm up at the interruption, “Like I said, make sure Elvis makes your drink. You’ll know exactly what he looks like. If his back is turned, just look for the one with the cute butt.”
Alex is thankful his back is turned, your words tinting his face a rosy red. The silver bell on the counter dings once your drink is prepared. You don’t bother putting the chair back as you approach the counter. You thoroughly look through the transparent cup, ensuring the amount of ice and the number of dried fruit is accurate; you have no notes. Taking a sip, you let the liquid linger on your tongue before swallowing. Cold, sweet, and punchy; you couldn’t ask for more. You reenter your bra, dig out some change, and place it into the tip jar near the register. Your sunny, warm smile conflicts with the barista’s snowy, freezing shoulder.
“Thanks, Alan!” 
Your eyes dart to the pastry case behind him, a croissant drizzled with chocolate catching your eye. “How much for that croissant? It looks tasty…”
“For you? Free of charge.” He’s more concerned with getting you out of here before you give him gray hairs. 
“Wow, really?” you beam in amazement. “You’re so kind! Alan, you’re the best! You’re way nicer than that ginger chick who tried to poison me. Ugh, she doesn’t work here anymore, does she? So unprofessional. She’d be better at scrubbing toilets than making drinks.”
Alex smirks at your remarks as he hands you the pastry in a white paper bag. “You mean my boss?”
“That’s your boss?” You immediately take the pastry out of the bag, biting into the flaky treat. “She’s in the wrong line of work if you ask me!” 
“Oh, yeah? Do tell.”
Your mouth moves before you can detect the sarcasm in his voice. You’re oblivious to the flakes falling into your shirt, decorating your cleavage as you continue munching and talking. Alex second-guesses giving you a napkin before handing you a few from the dispenser. If he didn't, he’d have more reason to stare at your chest. Flakes and chocolate stain the corners of your mouth and lip, and he hates to admit it, but you’re looking very…cute.
“Anyway,” you finish, wiping yourself clean, “You should totally be running this place, Alan. It doesn’t hurt that you’re super hot, too. Just work on the resting bitch face, and you’ll be amazing!”
Your final comment digs painfully into his skin, and it’s a shame. He was starting to like you.
“You’re too pretty to be talking with your mouth full,” Alex crosses his lean arms over his chest. “ I could teach you proper etiquette if you’d like. I’m a tough teacher, though. Be warned.”
Offended, you blink wildly before smiling at the compliment he snuck into his invitation. You gladly accept.
“You think I’m pretty?”
The cold marble of the bathroom sink raises the tiny hairs on your skin. You claw at it to no avail, sheepishly bent over the sink with your thong and velour tracksuit pants hugging your ankles. The empty bathroom echoes a slapping sound, a mixture of wetness and the noise of your ass against Alex’s relentless hips. His cock drives in and out of you at a brutal pace; each thrust angrier than the next. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” his large palm comes down on your ass with a vicious spank. “Come on…you were mouthin’ off about a muffin just a minute ago.”
Your cunt gushes at his words, the tight walls of your core needily squeezing him in a vice grip. Lust clouds your brain, unable to form a witty comeback to his statements, your weak moans becoming a new language. Before you lay your head on the marble, Alex fists your hair in a ponytail, tugging you upwards to face the mirror. Ignoring the messy reflection, you allow your eyes to roll into your skull, heat beginning to pool in your stomach, his cock hitting the right spots repeatedly and harshly.
“We’ll figure out a use for your mouth in the next lesson. You're doing a great job at taking me, muffin.”
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kingofthe-egirls · 7 months
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part 1
(cw: kissing, sex, gear 5 shenanigans)
(a/n: am i the only one who ships them?)
words: 1.8k
You strum your shamisen, humming along to your favorite tune. You’re sitting on your knees atop the ship’s figurehead. Luffy is sitting crosslegged next to you, swaying side to side with his eyes closed. He hums along, too.
“I like your voice,” you say softly. It’s loud and brass, unashamed and sweet. “I like it when you sing.”
“Shishisi!” Luffy giggles, his hand behind his head. He sways side to side again, singing louder. He doesn’t know the words, so he just la-la-la’s it to his heart’s content.
You play for him, smiling softly.
He smiles back, and sparks fly down your chest. His grin widens, as if he can see it on your face. He leans forward, over the shamisen, to kiss you. It’s not the first kiss you’ve shared, but it still sends firecrackers down your spine.
“Luffy,” you whisper. His name is fizzy on your tongue, sweet like ginger soda. His lips taste like plums.
“Captain’s quarters,” he says briefly. He stands, holding out his hand to you with a grin on his face. The setting sun casts shadows over his eyes, the brim of his straw hat obscuring them from you.
You slide your hand into his.
“Gum-gum…rocket!” Luffy roars. You gasp, holding your shamisen to your chest, but it’s too late. You’re ricocheting through the air.
Luffy slams against his cabin’s door, with you at his side. You scream out a curse, shielding your instrument from the impact. Your shoulder thuds against the wooden door. “Luffy!” You gasp indignantly.
“Shishishi,” he snickers as he opens the door to his room. He lets you walk in first. Such a gentleman.
You roll your eyes.
As soon as the door is closed behind him, he takes your hips in his strong hands, and pushes you up against it. You gasp, surprised and turned on almost immediately. “Luff—!”
“Captain,” he corrects you, spiky black hair brushing your forehead. You swallow, and nod.
He grins.
And then he is kissing you, fiercely.
Luffy’s lips are soft and warm, and his practice with you these past few weeks is showing. He closes his teeth around your bottom lip, and pulls. You groan, arching into the touch. Your hands curl into the red fabric of his vest. He snickers.
“Melting already?”
You scowl, pushing him away from you. He laughs, falling backward onto the bed with a rubbery bounce. His face is rosy, his eyes dark with pleasure from kissing you. His vest is left open over muscular abs, the V of his hips sharply disappearing into the waistband of his shorts.
Gods, he’s hot.
You stare.
Luffy lets you.
He leans back on his elbows, kicking his heels into the base of the bed.
“Like whatcha see?” He asks with a cock of his head. His syrupy grin betrays the confidence he’s started to build from these trysts with you. You haven’t more than kissed him.
But he’s in love with you.
“So much,” you breathe, closing the distance between you to take his face in your hands. You kiss him, standing between his legs. He eagerly kisses you back, sitting up to circle his arms around your waist.
His lips move softly against yours. His tongue tastes salty from his meat-only dinner, as he slowly strokes it inside your mouth. He circles the tip around your tongue, and you let out an embarrassing moan.
You’re in love with him, too.
“Captain…,” you whine. He sucks at your bottom lip, before kissing along your heated cheeks. His touch, his mouth, his fingertips…everything melts you into a puddle of fizzy, liquid gold.
“Whaaaat?” He drawls, circling his tongue at the space below your ear, “What does princess need from captain?” His voice is low, hoarse.
He pulls back, studying your face with shadows in his eyes. “More?”
You nod, biting your lip.
The ship rocks gently in the waves, the orange light of the almost-set sun tingeing the room burnished gold. His bed is messy and soft, with a deep red comforter all comfy and plush. You want to tangle yourself beneath it. You want to tangle yourself with him.
“Never done more than this,” he says, stroking your waist.
You shake your head.
“I don’t care.”
He smiles: big and genuine.
You want to bury yourself inside his smile and live there.
“Captain Luffy, please…,” you moan, touching your forehead to his.
He makes a small sound, before pulling you onto his lap. You gasp, surprised. His desire is evident through the hardness in his jeans.
You move against it, instinctually. Luffy groans, thunking his head into your shoulder. His straw hat is pushed back, and you gently run your fingers through his crow-feather hair. “If…if you want, I mean.”
Luffy smooches your collarbone. “Don’t wanna mess it up,” he mumbles into your skin. You shrug.
“Somethin’s always gonna get messed up,” you say, still carding your fingers through his hair. He hums appreciatively at the touch. “But it doesn’t matter, cuz it’s you.”
Luffy looks up at you, chin between your breasts. “Will ya teach me?”
Your whole body flares hot.
You nod dumbly.
“Whatever ya want…,” you whisper.
Luffy grins.
“I want everything.”
Luffy is soft.
He skims his fingertips up the sides of your arms, sitting back against the bed’s headrest. You’re straddling his lap, arms around his neck. The sea is calm: the ship’s motions soft and lulling. Luffy kicks up his chin, fitting his nose beneath your jawline.
“So pretty f’me, princess.”
You smile, cheeks hot, as you stroke his hair. It’s dark and spiky, with a thick texture and grease at the roots. His own fingers go to the ends of your turquoise strands. He brings a lock to his lips, and kisses it.
The gesture brings fireworks to your belly. You swallow, and find that your hips have begun moving of their own accord. You slowly grind against Luffy’s clothed cock, all hard and ready beneath you. Your core aches.
“More, Captain?”
“Course,” he whispers, hooking a finger into the knot of your wrap shirt’s sash. He deftly undoes the satin knot, and slowly reveals your bare chest. He sighs, lips parted, and with darkened eyes brings his lips to your nipple. His hand massages your other breast, small sounds of pleasure escaping him. You toss your head back, riding his clothed lap.
“Fuck,” he mumbles against your skin, switching sides.
His ministrations strike lightning across your chest, electricity spiking your heart rate and warming your face. You stroke his hair, and once your eyes open you see the start of white forming at the ends. His hair waves and foams, little white clouds swirling in the air around him.
He looks up, mouth still attached to your sensitive nipple.
His eyes are pink.
“Mm?” He asks, still focused on his task. The white clouds have formed a mantle around his shoulders, and his hair is now the color of moonlight.
Gear 5.
“Luffy!” You say in surprise, as he starts to laugh softly against your skin. He pulls back, hands still kneading your breasts like dough.
“Sorry,” he says, voice raspy, “S’okay?”
Gulping, you nod.
You have no idea what you’re in for.
Hearts form in Luffy’s eyes.
He’s got his hands on your hips, hissing as he slowly lowers you onto his cock.
“Fuck,” he groans, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. His girth is immense and the stretch of it stings. A moan of discomfort leaves your lips, and Luffy slows. He gazes up at you with heart eyes. A wolf whistle sounds off to the side.
“S’big,” you say, pouting.
Luffy grins.
“Sorry, princess,” he snickers (not sounding sorry at all) and placed a hand on your lower belly. “Lemme stretch ya, babygirl~”
His touch brings warmth, and you melt into it. He’s softened your body, let you be as rubber as he is, and suddenly the sting is gone. Replaced only by pleasure.
Luffy is a god.
It’s something new, you’ve realized, that this is sun god Nika. This is Luffy, but it isn’t, but it is, and the confusion of it all has you burying your face in his hair. You breathe in, and smell cinnamon.
“Luuuffyyy,” you moan, riding him slowly. His hands travel to your ass, giving it a slight squeeze. “Faster?”
Luffy lets out a surprised sound of pleasure, before gripping your ass hard with a wicked grin. He lowers down into the pillows, plants his feet flat on the mattress, and starts pummeling up into you from below.
You yelp, and steady yourself with your arms around his shoulders. His cock is massaging your walls, hitting all the right spots. Has he really never done this before?
“So—good!” You whine out, the feelings of fireworks still exploding like gunpowder in your belly.
Luffy’s eyes pop of out his head.
Steam curls from his ears. His tongue rolls out of his mouth as whines and gasps of pleasure leave him. His movements stutter, as another wave of train whistles sound off from the side.
“Luffy!” You say his name in a broken rasp, doing your best to hold on. He’s got his arms around you, holding you in place. His hips slap up against yours. The sound of his balls slapping your ass is nothing short of pornographic.
Your pleasure is growing, as a cresting wave overtakes you. “Luffy!” You say his name with your eyes squeezed shut, mouth parted in an “O” as you orgasm around his cock.
“That’s it, pretty girl, cum for captain~” He whispers in a heady tone. His hips speed up, and it’s all you can do to cry his name in moans of ecstasy. He’s better than saké.
You drag your hands down Luffy’s abdomen, marveling at his muscles. He grins, cheeks flushed.
“Like it?” He asks with an arch in his swirly eyebrow.
“Mhmm!” You nod eagerly. He laughs, an outburst of pure joy. He licks his lips, and speeds up even more inside you.
“S’coming, baby~!”
Luffy’s eyes are squeezed shut, steam still pouring out of his ears. Pink hearts fizzle and pop around his cloudy head. Your own breaths puff steamy and hot, ducklings squeaking in circled around your head. Fuck.
“M’cumming, m’cumming~!”
Luffy’s cries of pleasure send you over the edge right along with him.
His seed fills you up, all white and hot as it paints your walls in pleasure. The steam dissipates. One last, lone whistle sounds off, and you laugh. Your body is warm, all melty, all liquid gold as you both come down.
You lean forward, kissing all over Luffy’s sweaty face. He’s blushing, panting, and so beautiful.
“Love ya, captain~”
He smooches your lips, smiling sleepily. He nips at your bottom lip.
“Love ya too, princess.”
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Random Soap MacTavish headcanons {2}
sfw and nsfw
pairing: sgt. Soap MacTavish x reader (cod mw)
tags/tw: domestic stuff, fem!reader, smut, creampie, oral kink, groping, fingering, twt links (straight up porn)
a/n: if I have not seen the scene when Soap floats to he Scottish Highlands, it haven't happened. yes I'm in denial and will re-watch the mw2 campaign religiously, while living in my bubble, I shall feed all of those who wants to join me
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish MASTERLIST
-god this man chews gum a.fucking.lot, Soap always have a pack of gum in his pocket or bag
-sometimes you send him a look when he starts chewing with the front of his teeth and the sound gets just a tad bit too obnoxious, he always notices but there's two ways he reacts
-either he gives you a bashful smile and shrug before going back to whatever he's doing, mindful to not disturb you again
-or, he simply meets your gaze with arched brows, white gum on full display between his teeth as he offers you a boyish smile, that reaction always precedes his playful mood of teasing you with his chewing, a sharp pop sounding every now and then as he somehow manages to create little bubbles with a simple
-although Soap may be the shortest out of 141, this man is far from small, just put him in a setting where everyone isn't Ghost and he towers over most and it just so happens that you get reminded of it while almost every time you catch him working out
-you just throw him a glance and get kinda stunned when seeing the way your hulking powerhouse of a boyfriend beats the punching bag or throw around weights as if they weight absolutely nothing
-he loves swimming and water
-like, this man wants to go to any body of water at least once on his leave, sometimes just to sit and watch the wave crash against the beach, or the soft clucking of a lake
-sometimes he even takes a quick dip despite being in Scotland and the water impossibly is above 11
-you just watch him in disbelief as he strip and wades into the water until it reaches the middle of his thighs and he submerges himself, you blame it on the military for frying his cold-receptors, but he argues he's been likes this since being a wee lad
nsfw under the cut
-this mf is nasty, Soap loves to see his cum drip out of you and if you’ll let him, he’ll never want to prove his pull-out game is as strong as he boasts about
-sometimes, he is so in his head that he can’t rid himself of his boner until he can shoot his load inside you, jerks himself off with his tip resting just inside your pretty cunt
-ohmygod I just imagined Soap having an oral kink, but more so watching your lips wrap round things, your tongue running over whatever is sealed within your mouth
-of course he loves when you give him oral, having you sink to your knees before him with a football game in the background after a stressful day, he can see heaven the way his head cranes backwards
-but, it doesn't even need to be anything sexual, you can be licking an ice cream, a lollipop, Jesus Christ your fucking fingers from the sauce when you cook, he can't take his eyes off of you
-Soap is sweat in the bedroom, adores making you feel good and reach your high enough times until you push his hands away and lay there with a drunk smile, limbs slack, eyes half-lidded as they meet his adoringly
-however, sometimes he touches you because he wants to play
-you can be laying in bed, short tank top and panties on as he relaxes in joggers, and his fingers just starts running up and down your scantily clad bottom half
-it starts with Soap just running his hands over your arse, lower spine, until they dip again and he toys with your underwear, fingers occasionally slipping over your clothed pussy, pressing into the seam of your cunt before going back to groping your cheeks
-then he pushes it further, dipping his fingers beneath your panties to toy with your cunt, only to take your panties off altogether to lazily finger you
-he plays for a long time, feeling how you grew wetter and squirm all the more, in the end breathing a desperate pleading 'Johnny' and he knows it'll come because he never stops until it does, just wanting to see for how long you'll let him run his hands over you before getting to needy
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nonenoticedmvo · 2 months
Ordinary Scholar Simulator
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How to ruin someone’s day
Dottore x gn / gender neutral reader smau
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He is so annoying.
A common sentiment thought by the med student.
Dottore hates Baizhu. If that isn't obvious from the way he is currently glaring holes into the back of his head. Waiting for the lecture to start. Well, maybe hates a strong word for it… Dottore would argue that he doesn’t care about Baizhu. That he just thinks Baizhu is annoying for the way he's so unserious.
How can he always be helping others like that? He should just focus on his studies. The noise of chattering coming from the people surrounding the green-haired man makes him grind his teeth.
Ugh, His brows furrowed, why can’t they shut up and save this for later? He’s never able to get a second of peace, is he?
No, it definitely isn’t exaggerative to say he hates Baizhu. But how can he not hate him? Dottore works hard. Whether it is at his part-time job or with his studies. He spends all of his time working! He has to be at the top of his classes!
So there's no room for pointless discussions with complete strangers. Or the ridiculous outings Pantalone is always trying to invite him to. He can’t have distractions if he wants to be the very best. He has to be the best. He IS the very best.
So how, pray tell, is Baizhu always at the top, when all he does is have and create distractions? Always helping others around him with explanations and tips. Always socializing with pea-brained individuals.
He saw his Instagram story of him at a party last night even! ..What? Why was he looking at Baizhu's account? Shut up! That's beside the point!
Does the man never study? He obviously isn’t serious about being a doctor. So why are his grades impeccable?! Managing to surpass Dottore. He swears that the professors have something out for him. Giving him lower scores on purpose.
He must be cheating. Or maybe he's close with the professors? He does talk to lots of people.
His hand stops tapping angrily against the table. Why is he thinking about this so hard? This is exactly what he means when he says Baizhu creates distractions!
With a clenched jaw, he picks up his phone and earbuds and starts looking for something to drown out the noisy room.
Maybe he should do something to ruin Baizhu’s day later. Yeah.. that sounds good.
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Another thing Dottore hates is his job.
Having to interact with all these people. Standing there and listening to angry customers. Cleaning up the mess people make in the cafe. It’s all so draining.
Unfortunately, the job is necessary. His roommate Pantalone always offers to pay for everything but he doesn’t want to owe him anything.
He's getting ready to start his shift when he spots a few people walking in. Wait, he froze, Why the hell is he here?
He stares for a little before realizing he should be taking orders right now.
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It’s late when he notices that Baizhu has now fallen asleep on top of the table. The people still in the cafe are either studying or friends quietly talking.
He walks over to the table Baizhu is at to pick up the plate and glass sitting on the table. Located in the back corner of the cafe further away from the others.
There were papers scattered with a laptop opened up and sat to the side. Baizhus's hair sprawled out on the table as he rested his head on his folded arms.
He's finally studying, yet he let himself fall asleep. Tch Dottore huffs as he looks down on the sleeping man. Getting an idea, he looks around at the cafe.
Nobody’s looking, they’re all distracted.
He reaches into his mouth and takes the gum out. Reaching for a lock of the green hair he rubs the minty gum into it. This will definitely ruin his day.
Dottore reaches over, picks up the dishes, and walks away.
If you’re shocked right now, don’t be. This isn’t the first time he’s done this. From bumping into him while holding drinks, asking to barrow things and “losing them” or always interrupting him. Dottore is always trying to mess up Baizhus day.
Just earlier that day Dottore had to hold himself back from laughing because he saw the person sitting near Baizhu accidentally spill their drink all over his notes.
Dottore happily left work that day. Maybe it isn’t too bad.
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The next day, he notices Baizhu fidgeting by the door. As if he’s waiting for someone to come. And someone does.
Who is that?
Dottores's eyebrows are drawn together, eyes squinting as he tries to figure out who the person is. They brought Baizhu a bag filled with some stuff, and he smiled once he saw them. Not one of those fake pleasant ones. They must know each other.
Oh, that’s right, he has seen some posts on Baizhu's account of the two together. With the way he hugs them and is drawn closer to them, they must be close. Giggling like that and grabbing their arm.
Does he have a crush on them or something? How pathetic.
Sitting quietly he tries to listen in on their conversation. But a sudden thought comes to mind. Could he ruin this for Baizhu too?
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Listened to bored by Deftones while writing this
It also wasnt until i started writing the prologue that i realized this kinda sounds like an enemies to lovers between Dottore and Baizhu but i swear its not hes just a freak like that (Freak? 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 dottore…)
Please let me know your thoughts and make sure to reblog and all that!
. . . taglist @0ct4nian @nikkrispy @2realim @silly-gh0st3 @dontmindtheevie @el-lise @ladylee @bloodofthesaintss
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queennofthegastation · 2 months
@na tips !
DNI if In recovery!
1: breakfast for one meal a day's! If you eat breakfast you'll feel fuller throughout the day, and make better food choices throughout the day x
2: drink sips of water between chews! I also recommend chugging water before eating so you'll feel fuller and eat less x
3: exercise in the morning so instead of burning off the food you ate that day you'll instead burn body fat x
4: ice water and gum.
5: brush your teeth when you feel hungry to make the hunger less strong x
6: don't drink your calories! Drinking your calories makes you feel less full, and by not drinking my calories I've lost sm weight x
7: chew every bite of flood 10-15 times x
8: eat from smaller plates x
9: drink water and lemon every morning to fasten your metabolism and reduce bloating during the day x
I'll post more soon! x 💗
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Elucien | Go Gently into the Good Night
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type: drabble warning(s): p in v, vulgar wording word count: 814 summary: just a soft and smutty little drabble for my favourites
- all rights reserved -
“Gods!” Lucien’s voice dances over her skin like the brush of a feather. It leaves goosebumps in its wake and Elain trembles slightly on top of him, her skin breaking out in goosebumps. Lucien gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, when he leans in, relishing in the feel of her thighs caging him. "You are doing so well for me. Just like that, my lady,” he whispers, his lips softly brushing hers.
Lucien smiles into the kiss. Elain rolls her hips forward, adding just the slightest bit of pressure and she feels the tip of his hard cock deep inside of her. She moves back and then once again a little forward, slowly, tentatively. Nevertheless, it draws a low moan from her mate, the muscles of his strong thighs flexing as she rides him. He keeps his thrusts shallow, wanting Elain to find her pace, to find out what she likes. She squeezes her eyes shut, her lips parting with a soft moan that reverberates through Lucien. He hums lowly, letting his head fall into the crook of her neck. His hand comes up, grabbing her hips tightly, to guide her a little, fingers digging into her soft flesh. "Just like that, my lady. Just like that," he rasps into her ear, his cheek pressed against hers before he places a searing kiss to the spot right beneath her ear. Lucien’s arms wrap around Elain in a passionate embrace, holding her tightly against him while she keeps rocking her hips, riding him softly, damp skin moving against damp skin. Her own arms curl around Lucien’s neck — there is hardly any space between them, only so much that Elain can move her hips. Her breasts brush against Lucien’s pecs, his solid muscles and the fine dusting of hair doubling the pleasure when rubbing against her hard nipples. Elain moans when Lucien’s teeth sink into her lower lip, adding just a bit more pleasure. She feels him everywhere, Lucien is everywhere — in her, on her, imprinted on her mind, and heart. The noise of her moan is drowned out by Lucien’s kiss. He softs lets his tongue glide over the seam of her lips. She allows him the entrance with a little sigh. Lucien’s tongue brushes her gums before her meeting her tongue with every stroke. And just like he does to her tongue, also his soft thrusts into her match hers perfectly. They are coordinated and slow, deep, to make Elain feel every inch of his glorious length — to bring her the most pleasure. 
“Nothing feels like this.” Lucien’s lips coast from her mouth down to her jaw. “Nothing feels like you, Elain.” He kisses her jaw, lips trailing lower to her throat. With another thrust, his cock twitches inside of her, Elain’s walls squeezing around his thick length. “Nothing feels like you,” she breathes. “You are too good to me.” Her knees dig into the mattress, her hips moving a little faster — in perfect sync with Lucien. The bed groans a little, the bed frame softly knocking against the wall under their ministration. It is shortly past midnight, the single candle in the bedside table veiling the room in a beautiful yellow-ish glow. Lucien’s hands fall to her hips once again and he guides her, lifting her up until only the tip is in, then slowly, almost teasingly, letting her sink down onto his length again and sliding into the hilt. Her head falls back, eyes closing and she captures her lip between her teeth. “I need to––Gods!”
“I know.” Lucien’s thumb swipes over her hip bone. He thrusts his hips up, electing the most beautiful feminine sound from his mate’s throat. She feels how her height nears, how she clenches tighter around Lucien, how pure satisfaction comes in a huge wave. 
“Let go, my lady.” The Vanserra brother guides her, meeting her thrusts perfectly, his thumb moving to the tight bud at the apex of her thighs, pressing down and rubbing her a little. Elain tumbles over the edge, when the wave of pleasure and satisfaction washes over her. A mix of soft curses and her mate’s name tumble out of her mouth when she comes. Lucien follows her only a moment later, the muscles of his lower belly flexing and he thrusts up into her one more time. He comes with soft growl that makes goosebumps appear on Elain’s skin. His hot seed fills her, her hips languidly rolling against his. Their lips meet in a sloppy kiss, hands clawing at the other’s body when they ride out their height, not yet able to part. “You are perfect, Elain. And you are mine.”
“All yours.” Elain smiles into the kiss, her lids heavy, her eyes nevertheless sparkling brightly as she glances into her mate’s eyes. “And you are all mine.”
~~~~~~~~~ tags: @rippahwrites @shadowhunter2003 @my-inner-crisis @ladyelain @acourtofthought @itwasalwaysaboutthetea @multifictional  @moonlightazriel @brekkershadowsinger @sunshinebingo @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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tips for ~discreet~ age regression 💖
hello friends! age regression/age dreaming can be a wonderful coping mechanism. sometimes it’s voluntary, and sometimes it’s not. but if you ever find yourself regressing or needing to regress to get away from a stressful situation but must be discreet about it for any reason, here are some tips ☺️
🦄 reusable water bottles. there are ones available that have sippy spouts, but if that’s too on-the-nose for your situation, there are lots of cute options! even just buying a standard metal reusable water bottle and putting waterproof stickers with your favorite characters (bluey, hello kitty, etc.) can help you feel small discreetly (and keep you hydrated, which is very important!).
🍼 small stuffie keychains. if you are unable to have or bring a stuffie with you, these are great for clipping on your bag/purse/backpack! they’re sold in lots of places (i got one at a craft store!) and their cuteness can help bring a smile to your face ☺️ since they’re keychains, i don’t think anyone would give it a second thought. and you can have a cute friend to bring on your adventures (or even just to class!)
🦄 make a folder for apps that make you feel small on your phone. I currently have a folder on my phone specifically for apps that make me feel tiny! since they’re kept in their own separate folder, you can really immerse yourself in your regression without worrying about distractions.
🍼 cute jewelry! jewelry can be worn by anyone of any gender! bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc., made of cute pastels, charms of your favorite character, or rainbows (or anything of any aesthetic that helps you feel small!) ! if someone asks why you’re wearing it, you can just say that you just thought it was a cute fashion statement! don’t be afraid to be yourself, friends ☺️
🦄 fidget toys (but fidget rings especially!) fidget toys are very commonplace now. but if you’re in a situation (school, for example) where you can’t bring in a toy, a fidget ring can work wonders! this one kinda ties back into the last point above, but fidget rings can be super soothing and super discreet since they look like standard jewelry!
🍼 make a playlist of songs that make you feel tiny! whether it be disney songs, fun instrumentals, or anything else you’d like, feel free to make a playlist of it and relax and feel small ☺️ you don’t have to share your playlist, you can make it private if you’d like! whatever helps you feel the most comfortable 💖
🦄 carry some of your favorite small snacks or candies (or even gum!) everybody needs to eat for energy and to stay healthy! i recommend, even to those who don’t regress, to carry a small snack with you if possible in case you get hungry! if you are unable to carry snacks, try your favorite gum flavor! as a bonus, if you are unable to have a paci, sucking on your favorite hard candies or lollipops can help too! (be sure to brush your teeth after eating candy though! cavities are never fun.)
🍼 cute toiletries! get some lotion of your favorite color or scent, for example! they also sell yummy smelling chapstick (I was at a cvs the other day and they had cotton candy chapstick!)!
the bottom line is to do whatever makes you happy! i personally love pink and pastel, but i know that’s not for everyone, and that’s okay! being a hidden age regressor can be hard, especially if it’s your main coping mechanism, but you are so incredibly strong, and you can get through anything life throws at you. i believe in you, and please continue to be your wonderful self!
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hospwitaldoll · 8 days
How i fast for days!
Longest fast: 6 days
1) Dont start ur fast out of nowhere! If u were eating a lot for days and ate 2600 calories the day before, ur body wont like u fasting at all. You have to take it slow and prepare urself for a couple of days, slowly eat less calories, make urself more used to it. I promise this helps A LOT. You are less hungry day by day, u dont give that shock to ur body. (tip! eating ,,a lot" but very low cal foods. Cucumbers, small fruits, zero sugar jelly! My personal savior. It fills u and basically has no cals.)
2) Water. Smth so obvious that we always forget about anyways. Put two bottles of water in ur fridge before u sleep, then chug the cold water through out the day. It doesnt count if u keep ur mouth dry all day and chug 2L at 10pm. You really have to take small sips all day long.
3) Zero drinks. It might not be the best if u want to do a water fast, but if u dont, it helps a ton. At least u feel like u had some taste, as this is what we crave while fasting, kept ur mouth busy for a moment. Coke zero, other zero sodas, zero energy drinks (id recommend these only if ur tired and not with high caffeine, it makes u shaky and might just lead u to eating). Tea and black coffee counts aswell. Dont put sugar in it and ur all good. Green tea and black coffee have many benefits in weightloss, read about it.
4) Switching up ur exercise. If ur exercising a lot, like i do, its tempting to exercise a lot while fasting too, to do even better. But getting so tired and shaky can demotivate u. Id say if u want to move, take a long slow walk, do a short yt exercise set. Fasting is already enough.
5) Sleeping. If u can, u might aswell just kind of sleep through it. While u sleep time is passing, ur resting, not obsessing over the fact that ur getting hungry. I take melatonin, get under a blanket and just take a long nap.
6) Stop thinking that food is going anywhere. Important. Ur fasting, ur mom just bought 3 bags of grocceries. You look at the food and feel like u need to eat it now, just bc its here. You know well that it isnt going anywhere, u can always go and buy it when ur done fasting. Its not gonna disappear, it will all be there when ur done.
7) Remembering ur goals. Being patient. This is something very important. You are aware that ur not gonna loose 20lbs overnight. But if u wait, if u stay patient and consistent, u WILL see ur weight drop. Dont throw it all away bc u weighed urself and the number is not moving. Also try to think about all the events u wanted to be skinny for. U wanted to be skinny for christmas, for ur bday, for the party u were going to. How about u do it this time? Do it as if ur getting ready for something already. Remind urself why ur doing this.
8) Distractions. Everyone talks about this, always. But it is actually helpful. Choose smth that is time consuming. Make a movie watchlist, watch them. Play a game. Do a room makeover. Read a whole book. Clear ur phone, organise it, delete old convos and photos. Go on clothing sites and look at all the xxs clothes u could wear. Organise ur make up and other products. Do facemasks or do ur haircare. Try on the clothes in ur wardrobe and think about how better they will fit u if u do this. Make lists! of ur goals, of benefits this will give u. Compare the situations, think about what will happen if u stop and when u continue.
9) Making excuses is easier than u think. It all depends on u. Of course some of us has families that make us eat at the table. DO EVERYTHING U CAN. Refuse, say u have eaten already, leave ur house and tell people ur going out to eat, say ur feeling nauseous. Stay strong and dont think u have to eat just bc someone is offering u. Talking about the sitting down to eat dinner at table situation, it might be hard. My tip, if u have to really, then eat the dinner. But dont let it make u think that u have to binge after it, cause its ,,ruined". And restart ur fast.
10) Mints, gum, brushing teeth. You would be suprised. Chewing ming gum (sugar free), flavored mints helps a lot. Buy urself a couple of packs and just chew on them when u feel like ur craving smth. Brushing ur teeth and having that fresh feeling in ur mouth really makes u less hungry, u kind of dont want to ruin it. I used to brush my teeth, drink a lot of water then chew a gum, take another one if it looses flavor.
Good luck! My messages are open if u want to talk about any of these points i've made, if u have questions about ur specific situation.
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skincareroutine · 9 months
great tip if u want whiter teeth but wanna prioritize strong teeth n healthy enamel. DONT USE WHITE STRIPS. literally buy crest whitening mouth wash. you use this before u brush ur teeth. (side note dont use any mouthwash after u brush ur teeth ur washing away the flouride that helps ur teeth b strong) use it before swish it around spit it out n then brush it normally before bed or u can do it in the morning. it like gives u a subtle whiteness which is way more natural than a blinding white esp if ur not a white person n u have like colored gums
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boppiy · 10 months
Tips 2
Cut a ribbon the size you want your waist to be. wrap and tie it around your wrist like a bracelet. Every time you look at it you’ll be reminded of your goals. When you’re tempted, take it off and wrap it around your waist. See how close you are, or how far you have to go, and resist the temptation.
Always leave at least one bite of food on your plate. This will help you to be able to stop eating and prevent binges. It will also stop you from compulsively finishing portions even when you have eaten enough.
Save $1 for every meal you don’t eat, then use the money to buy yourself a non-food present.
Friends will only get in the way. Avoid them until you reach your goals.
Never eat in secret. This is a terrible habit that leads to compulsive binging. If you wouldn’t eat it in front of all your friends you shouldn’t be eating it at all! Also if you only eat around other people they will know that you do eat and assume you eat alone as well, thus lessening suspicion that you have an ED.
Never eat out of a box or jar. Always eat from a plate or bowl. This will help you in several ways: You will see how much you are really eating; you can determine in advance how much you will eat and not go back for seconds; using a small plate or bowl will make you eat even less; you can count/measure out an exact serving and know the accurate amount of calories you are consuming.
Give clothes to Goodwill as they get too big for you. Don’t keep them around “just in case.”
If you live alone, put thinspo and/or reverse thinspo pictures on the pantry and refrigerator. A mirror works well too.
When you have hunger pangs, picture your stomach eating away your fat, and that what you feel is the feeling of thinness and your fat burning away.
Coffee is an appetite suppressant. Drink it black or with Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener.
Count your bites, and the number of times you chew them. Plan in advance how many bites you can have. Then make them smaller or use smaller utensils.
Paint your nails so you can’t eat until the polish dries. Teeth whitening strips are good too.
Drink water before eating. If you’re still hungry, drink green tea or broth. If you still need to eat, you’ll eat less than you would have.
Eat low-calorie foods with strong flavors. Sometimes you’re craving taste, not food. For bouillon, use less water than is recommended. Peppermints, pickles, peppers, and mustard are good choices.
Do not eat anything unless you know the exact amount of calories in it.
Chew gum while cooking. That way you can’t take bites while it is cooking, and you won’t want to eat it once it’s done.
Keep food out of sight, not sitting out, and stay away from food and the kitchen to keep your mind off it.
Keep a pocket thinspo in your wallet with your cash so you won’t spend money on food.
For sweet cravings, lick a chopstick and dip it into a diet Swiss Miss pack.
Write your current weight on one hand, and your goal weight on the other. When you go to eat, you’ll be reminded how fat you are, and how skinny you could be.
The Four D’s: Distance yourself from food. Distract yourself. Delay eating Decide what your goals really are.
Green tea raises metabolism and is very good for the skin and overall health. Drink it in the morning to increase metabolism for the day. Add lemon to make it more effective and to add a detoxifying aspect.
Hot water with lemon is another good morning drink.
Spicy foods raise metabolism, if you don’t like them you can take cayenne pepper capsules available in supplement section of drugstores or health food stores.
Drinking apple cider vinegar is said to raise metabolism, have a few tablespoons, can also be mixed in water (with lemon would be best) or used as salad dressing.
Start the morning with stretching to wake up your muscles, the morning is also the best time to exercise because your body will use stored food (fat) as fuel instead of food you ate. It also processes food better throughout the day and gives you more energy if you exercise in the morning.
Get at least 6 hours of sleep each night, less than this can decrease metabolism by 10% and increase appetite by 15%. You look better and feel better when you have more sleep also if you’re sleeping then you’re not eating!
Keep good posture, it burns 10% more calories throughout the day. You also look better.
Vitamin B6 and B12 raise metabolism and give you energy.
Eating protein increases your metabolic rate by 14%.
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"The Next Goddess of Love" by Alberto Moravia:
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The well-known novelist attempted an analysis of C.C as a woman based on a detailed, almost clinical study of her body.
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"The next Goddess of Love" as Moravia calls her, is seen as an object, destined in the quality of her physical presence to become a myth in the eyes of the viewer.
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A.M: Let's proceed, describe your hair. C.C: I have long hair. A.M: How long? C.C: When it is down it reaches 5 centimeters above my waist. A.M: So you would say that your hair covers your back, almost to your waist. What color is it? C.C: Chestnut brown. A.M: It is not enough to say that it is brown. I would say that you have brown hair with quite bright red highlights. In addition, your hair is slightly wavy so that it does not fall limp and lifeless on your chest and shoulders, but rather has an appearance of vitality and movement as its waves follow the curves of your body.
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A.M: What are your ears like? C.C: Since I was a child I had inferiority because my ears stick out a little from my head, they flutter in the breeze as the saying goes. A.M: They are nice, without a lobe that is too big, maybe your ears are a little big but it is not bad because they are a sign of longevity. Your eyes are black, right?
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C.C: No, they are dark brown but shiny and luminous. My eyes are not that big and they are deep. A.M: I could add that the white ones are almost blue, like children's. And now, if you would be so kind as to laugh at me. C.C: How do you expect me to laugh? Special order?
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A.M: You are laughing right now. I see that when you laugh, your eyes turn into two black slits. Now your nose. C.C: It is straight, slightly upturned, a little wide at the bridge and very narrow at the nostrils. It has a small groove at the tip. My eyebrows start at my nose and curve into two very regular arcs. A.M: Your nose is small but distinctive. I would say that it has a classic appearance but timed by modern sensuality, like Michelangelo's female figures. What about your mouth?
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C.C: The upper lip is thinner than the lower lip, which is fleshy and protrudes a little with the corners down. A.M: How would you characterize your expression? C.C: A little stubborn, don't you think? A.M: Not only stubborn, moody, contemptuous and above all somewhat country, rustic. But your mouth completely changes its expression when you laugh. He loses his stubborn, peasant appearance and becomes… What does become?
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C.C: I only know what happens to my face when I laugh, two dimples appear on my cheeks. The edge of my lip curves up so that it almost touches the tip of my nose and my nose wrinkles at the corners of my eyes. Who knows why? A.M: Because your laugh is strong, open, irresistible, like that of a girl bursting with happiness and giving free rein to her shyness. And how would you say what your teeth are like?
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C.C: White, very regular but childish. A.M: I can see almost all of them when you laugh. I can also see a little bit of your gums, which are red and make an attractive contrast to the whiteness of your teeth. Your smile, or rather your laugh, takes us to the shape of your face, what is it like?
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C.C: My chin is round, my jaw is small and curves towards my chin at an obtuse angle. I could say that my face shape is triangular. A.M: This shape gives it the appearance of an archaic, primordial childish face, raised towards the light. I see your long, round and robust neck, you realize that, right? C.C: Yes, my neck is long and people tell me that I always keep it stiff and straight, how should I put it? With a somewhat proud, disdainful look.
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A.M: Now let's see your hands, let me see them. Your hands are understandable only if one realizes that your arms are long and thin and your wrists are very delicate. But how would you describe your hands?
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C.C: I'm afraid they are not very feminine. A.M: They are a little square, the fingers are somewhat spatulated, the palm is not very fleshy, the midlines are deep and red. You have the hands of a child or a woman that are probably thin and dry but you are not thin and dry. It's quite the opposite and this brings us to your body. What are your shoulders like? C.C: They are full, round, completely feminine and graceful; nothing sharp or angular.
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A.M: And your chest? C.C: I have a high chest. A.M: I would add that it is full and shapely since your bust measurement is 37 inches. What about your hips? C.C: I wish they were wide. A.M: Why? Wide hips are one of the characteristics of your body.Can you tell me about your legs?
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C.C: They are straight and strong, not so thin and they have 3 dimples. A.M: What do you mean? C.C: They say that for the legs to be truly beautiful they must be delimited by three small grooves, even if they are very straight and very soft: One between the foot and the calf, another between the calf and the knee and another between the knee and the thigh. I have all three. A.M: Finally, how would you describe your beauty? C.C: I don't know if I'm really beautiful. I believe I'm strange-looking".
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~This post has been a bit long but I have summarized the original interview from the book (I do not put more spoilers) Originally I took this summary from an Italian magazine from 1966. Personally I like this physical study that in the eyes of Moravia is different than in the eyes of Claudia Cardinale herself who is the owner of her attributes. Sometimes the defects that one sees in oneself are the beautiful characteristic in other eyes. I hope you liked the post 💖.~
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ratinallthings · 2 months
It was dark and cold. It's strange the first things you notice sometimes. The light of the street lamps made pools of yellow amidst the absolute blackness of the alley. Brick buildings stood on either side of the gravel path. The smell of industry: a mix of rotten eggs, and petroleum mixed with the bitter sweet smell of burning plastic. The air is still, the odor was soo strong you could taste it and it made my stomach lurch. The air held its chill the stone buildings making a chill corridor. The alley had no lamps, only shadows and darkness. A figure sloching against the wall. It wasn't too large but it wasn't small either, it is the size of an average sized man. As I approach I can make out the outline of a large hat upon its head and what seems to be a wide coat. It smells unusual a mix of old fish and brackish water. Its hands look wrong the proportions are off, they are too large for its arms. I can hear it gibbering, somewhere between a dog whine, and a wheezy laugh. My blood runs cold at the sound, its not a human sound. I fumble in my pocket for a flashlight and turn it on. The bright whute beam shoot across the space and illuminates the figure. I hear a scream and don't realize it came from my mouth. I am struck motionless by terror. I was wrong, so very wrong about everything.
It wasn't a hat, that was its head. Cylindrical wrapped in oozing tentacles. Instead of suckers, there are bulging red eyes all mixed shapes and sizes. It wasn't a coat its skin was inflated, translucent, veiny, gray green, and slick with slime. With each breath in its skin bulges and ripples, on the exhale it contracts back to its original size with a soft sucking sound. Its hands where not hands but lovster-like claws, all hard angles and serrated teeth, they were clicking open and closed. As soon as the light hit it, a shriek whistles out from below its tentacles, which were left quivering. Then the tubular appendages moved to the sides showing its maw. Two rows of pale green teeth protruded from black-gray gums. The front row like that of a shark wide sharp teiangles pointing slighly inwards. The second row was like that of a giant humans, massive molars and canines. A white tongue flicked out long and greasy, extending down to mid body. It seems to taste the air like a snake. It gibbered again as its teeth spread into a smile. I realize that it must have lips but I cannot see them, or maybe now I am only fixated on those teeth, the tentacles and that long white tongue. Suddenly it taskes in a massive amiunt if air and its skin swelling to double its original size. That white tongue points directly at me and I notice these are holes in the tongue. One at its tip and several down it's length, weeping some sort of greasy bile that glistens in the light. Then it exhales and shrill sound I cannot hear but I can feel as the vibration attacks me. My mind begins to fog, and my skull is wracked by a sharp searing pain. I drop to my knees and bloody tears drip onto my cheeks, I feel that the tears are thick and sticky. My ears begin to ring a deep vibratory un-sensation, the absence of sound screaming in my ears. Then absolute and complete white fills my eyes. The blinding light as if being too close to the sun and staring directly at it. At this point I pass out. I awaken in my bed the next day still unable to hear. My sight is bleached white but I can make out some shapes. In the darkness my eyes are fine, I can see perfectly. Actually the darker it is the better I can see. The searing pain in my head goes away in the dark, so I find myself without lights on mych of the time. I cannot go outside in the day anymore. Everything else seems pretty much the same for me.
I decided to write this because things are changing and I wanted a record of my experience. I am writing this because my tongue has grown long and white with seeping holes of greasy bile.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Mending Shadows // Chapter 19
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn wanted nothing more than to destroy the red sylleblossoms in one fell swoop. 
He didn’t care if an Imperial Help was in the way. Nothing would get him to yield his incredible anger and grave sadness. Not when the corpse of his beloved tip toed in and out of the present. Not when her bloodied form taunted him like the flowers. Not when the image of Ifrit burning his eyes from the sockets of his skull played in tangent. 
Ardyn put every fiber of his being into the hit. His pupils shrunk to the point where the color of his eyes were barely faint. The energy release drowned him in a euphoria. He had bested his opponent that made a beast out of him. 
The moment of triumph was short lived when Ardyn winced, feeling his head suddenly splitting in two. His left hand covered the side his face, teeth gritting so tight against one another he hissed through the small gaps of his gums. He couldn’t hear anything else, but a scream. A scream that carried for eons. 
Ardyn’s heart pounded thunderously in his chest while he ran. His breath was so thick, it was suffocating. He could hear several footsteps trailing behind him as a whirl of curses and yells were thrown his way.    “What were you thinking coming to Galdin Quay like that!?”    “You broke our trust!”    Ardyn let out a yelp, tripping and falling forward. His face met the ground, teeth and tongue tasting the scratchy texture of sand. Disgust had to wait another time, for he quickly turned around and began crawling backwards in desperation; trying to get away from the several women and men who showed up with weapons at the ready. He never felt so awestruck and horrified in his life.    “Guys, please,” Ardyn pleaded. He reached up a shaking hand, offering surrender. “I came here to say goodbye. I didn’t come here to harm you!”    “If you had half a mind, you would’ve turned yourself in to the Glaive and written a letter! How dare you endanger not only us, but everyone at the Quay?! How could you be so selfish!?”    “Selfish for wanting to see my friends in my final moments?!”    “Friends?! Friends!?” One of the women exclaimed, her cheeks so inflamed with blood she looked like she’d pop. “Friends don’t bring the godforsaken scourge to their doorstep! This thing has killed many, and you’d risk our lives to suffer like you!?”   “I can’t infect you!” Ardyn yelled, trying to overpower the raised voices. “If I could, I wouldn’t be here! I promise! Please, just let me say something! I can’t die without telling you all that--”   “Run, Y/N.”    “What?”    “Get out of here. Leave Galdin Quay, turn yourself in to the nearest guard, and don’t come back.”   “But--”   “We’ve made our peace!” The woman yelled. “You should make yours while you have time! Go now, before we make the call for you!”   The heartache was so strong, that Ardyn could feel it in his throat. Fear pulled him to his feet, and out of desperation he ran. He ran for so long, and so far, that his knees burned and his bones felt weak. All the while, he was crying so hard that his nose was clogged, and breathing became a chore.    The coast of Galdin Quay shifted into a cold facility. Sand was replaced with vinyl flooring. Walls began to slowly grow into an endless maze of metallic silver and red. Ardyn could hear the violent whistles of an alarm going off. Gunfire was in the distance, and he bounded for the left corner, trying to avoid meeting the end by a bullet or gods knew what else was lurking about. A stoic voice boomed over several intercoms, somehow surpassing the loud noise coming from the alarm system.    Generator shutting down. Please standby. Generator shutting down. Please standby.    The lights began to flicker on and off, until there was nothing but darkness, save for the red light near the end of the hall that continued to be a beacon of hope in Ardyn’s peripheral. He was so close to the exit. So close to escaping this hell, until a tall figure silhouetted in shadow suddenly appeared several feet ahead. Every time the red light blinked, the being got closer and closer. Suddenly, Ardyn felt a strong hand wrap around his neck, hoisting him halfway into the air. He struggled to breathe, legs kicking out in a vain attempt to escape. Through gags and cries, he forced himself to gaze down at his attacker, only to be met with a pair of black and yellow eyes that glimmered in the void.    “Where do you think you’re going, my dear?” The rich voice taunted with a dark chuckle. Ardyn felt the scourge in his body lurch forward, and he let out a hoarse scream. It felt as if his very organs were trying to explode out of his body, if only to escape the thousand and one bites from an unforeseen attacker.    “The fun is just beginning!” The voice hissed with a violent euphoria.    “No!” 
Ardyn gasped loudly, returning to the present. His ears rung, and the tempo of his pulse was explosive. Seconds felt like hours as he slowly reintegrated back into his own body and mind. Confusion danced across his hardened expression, feeling like a newborn babe who had finally seen the light, and taken his first breath. This world was unknown to him, yet all too familiar. 
“Oh no…” He murmured to himself, remembering all too well what this experience was. A bleedthrough. 
As he glanced around the kitchen--finally hearing the sound of his own breath--did he hear Tuti yelling and saw her cradling the body of another. In disbelief, Ardyn shuddered when he witnessed Y/N clasping onto the left side of their face, screaming at the top of their lungs as if they had been stabbed a million times over. 
Ardyn winced from the intrusive sound, unsure of what to make of the spectacle, until he remembered. He remembered what he had done. His guard, fears and confusion as to what happened moments ago in his head were pushed aside. He quickly knelt by Y/N, and attempted to grab them, wanting to assess the damages he caused. He knew he screwed up. 
An onslaught of slaps prevented Ardyn from continuing further as he fell backward, glaring at Tuti who was hovering over Y/N like a guard dog. The fury in her eyes was annoying, much like her voice. 
“What do you think you’re--!” 
“You stand back!” Tuti said with all the might her voice could give. As Ardyn tried yet again to intervene, Tuti used her feet to kick at him. “You’ve done enough! Don’t come any closer, I mean it!” 
“I beseech you to let me see Y/N! I can--”
“Do not think for one minute I will allow such a thing to pass! Not after what you’ve done! Don’t you hear them screaming!?” 
“You are treading in dangerous waters, my dear. If you know what’s best for your very life, you’ll step aside and--!”
“You can be the damned Emperor himself and I’d still tell you the same thing! Get out! Out, out, out!” Tuti violently pointed toward the kitchen exit, yelling at the top of her lungs until her squeaky voice sounded malevolent like a storm. 
Ardyn was beside himself. The temper in Tuti’s voice had him both dumbstruck and in awe, not expecting that sort of rage to fester out of an Imperial Help. In shock, he glanced between Y/N and Tuti. His eyes lingering on the former. A quiet sadness began to grow behind Ardyn’s amber eyes while he watched them writhe, and he could feel the sting of his own hit upon his very cheek. 
Glaring at Tuti, he growled under his breath and rose to his feet, storming out of the kitchen and slamming the doors behind him. 
Ardyn blinked while he scanned over the meeting memo. 
“Hmm?” Ardyn forced himself to peer up, meeting the eyes of a few councilmen who were awaiting further instruction. He found it difficult to concentrate, especially with a burdened mind. 
“Can we count on your signatures by the end of the week?” 
“But of course!” Ardyn smiled, trying to save face. “Consider the task complete!” 
“Thank you, sir!” 
He honestly had no idea what the proposed scripture was, nor did he care what it entailed. All he could think about was the experiences Y/N had unintentionally plagued him with. Especially the one regarding himself, and what happened at MedZin. His fingers grasped at the paper, bracing himself. 
Am I truly that frightening…? 
Ardyn blinked a few times, and he met Aldercapt’s tired yet spirited gaze. It seemed that last nights festivities gave the old cat back one of his nine lives. The thought humored Ardyn if only for a moment. 
“You seem to be elsewhere.” Aldercapt commented with a smile, like one a grandparent would give to their naive grandchild. “I take you indulged the drink quite often last night?” 
There were some chuckles here and there. Everyone was more or less guilty of coming into work with a hangover, or feeling like they had gorged on enough food to make their stomachs distend. Ardyn played into it, beaming with pride as he let out a tired breath. 
“Alas, you’ve caught me red handed!” He slyly confessed, feigning guilt. “I do apologize to the council for my inebriation. I swear on the six I am heeding the wills of the empire!” 
“I do understand you must be exhausted,” Aldercapt cleared his throat. “However, I would like to kindly ensure that we are on the same page regarding our affairs in Accordo?” 
“Yes,” Ardyn muttered with a nod. He stood up from his chair among the meeting table with the other advisers. He was so fixated on his misery and his duties, that he hadn’t noticed the concerned look of suspicion that was on Verstael’s face from afar. 
“After speaking at length with the envoys from Accordo, they’ve come to an agreement. To ensure our alliance remains strong, they’ve purposed a marriage treaty. One between their finest citizen and that of ours. I've taken the liberty to draft the official proposition.”
“What perfect timing!” One of the councilmen interrupted, earning a raised brow and confusion from Ardyn. “Last night, the Lucian made their debut as an Imperial Icon. They would be a great choice for the union!” 
“I’m afraid the seed of such an idea won’t come to bear fruit.” Ardyn cleared his throat. “A mate has already been chosen, and the betrothal customs are underway.” 
“Excellent work, Chancellor.” Aldercapt complimented. “Who is the lucky citizen of this honor?” 
“A charming young woman who is a Lead of Office of military branch 5A. She is of good breeding familial wise. Her lineage has been dedicated to the empire since it’s founding roots.” Ardyn stated proudly. 
“While this is good news it’s also unfortunate,” The councilmen frowned. “A bargain like this with the Lucian could’ve been prosperous. It would give Niflheim ties to both Accordo and Lucis in this manner.” 
Ardyn imagined the councilmen’s head exploding off his very shoulders. It took him every ounce of restraint to not make it a reality. 
“While I do admire your tenacity,” Ardyn began. “Y/N has just become an Imperial Icon. As of their debut, they have formally renounced their Lucian roots and would be considered an Imperial by law. That by itself would null the connections you were hoping to make with Accordo. An Imperial Icon is not an appealing match versus someone who is in military or subsequent branches. If anything, betrothing Y/N would guarantee we’d lose power. I’d argue that doesn’t make Niflheim look strong while we are in the midst of a war.” 
Lastly, they are not yours to trade…Ardyn thought bitterly to himself. He was finding it hard to keep a straight face. 
“The Chancellor is right,” Verstael croaked, earning the eyes of most. “We would hold much more power through a military citizen than we would a socialite. We can further use the betrothal of this Lead of Office as a means to keep tabs on Accordo’s policies. In betrothal contracts between the empire and a foreign country, a military citizen being married off is still duty bound should Niflheim call for aid.” 
While the councilmen made their remarks and agreements, Ardyn studied Verstael carefully. The old man was quite collected yet his fierce eyes gave away that he was troubled. With how pissed Verstael had gotten before the Gala, Ardyn didn’t expect him to have his back. It was almost out of character for the likes of Verstael, and Ardyn braced himself in mind to metaphorically pay up later. 
“I believe we should move onto matters concerning the scourge epidemic,” Aldercapt cleared his throat, commanding the attention of the room. “Let us begin with finding out how our enemy is handling the plague.” 
Several hours passed, and by the time the meeting was adjourned, everyone made a beeline to the door. Subtleties be damned especially with the majority of the council feeling the after effects of last night. Ardyn and Verstael were of no exception to the rule. Both men sighed in relief with groans when all was said and done as they ventured down one of the corridors.
“The last of the meeting was abysmal, wouldn’t you say? It could’ve been solved via a letter chain rather than a formal sit-down. Aldercapt is losing his grace.” Verstael sighed bitterly, turning his head to Ardyn while they both walked down the main hall of the palace. 
“The man loves to hear himself talk.” Ardyn quipped with a snort. “I’m afraid not even the best of us can subdue him.” 
“You seemed rather subdued yourself back there.”
“Hm?” Ardyn did a double take. 
“I am referring to your general demeanor at the meeting,” Verstael furrowed his brows while his eyes studied Ardyn carefully. “I’ve never seen you look so glum when you’re putting on a show for the ensemble.” 
“Oh, I hardly noticed.” Ardyn sarcastically stated while he made a face and shrugged. “You need not concern yourself on my behalf. I’m fairing just fine on my lonesome.”
“Elusive as ever,” Verstael huffed with a smirk. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Ardyn when he noticed the mischievous smile that formed on his associate’s mouth. They both rounded the corner.
“How is your Lucian doing on their meds?” 
“They need a refill on their prescription as soon as possible.” Ardyn stated. 
Verstael hummed in agreement. “Consider it done. I’m heading to the labs to check on the status of our projects. I assume you will be joining me?” 
“No,” Ardyn shook his head. 
“No?” Verstael raised a brow. He came to a halt, watching Ardyn follow suit. The dispassionate tone of Ardyn’s voice had Verstael taken back. “Don’t tell me you’ve grown bored of the fruits of our labor. You're usually eager to get your hands dirty!” 
“I simply have another arrangement today,” Ardyn sighed. He hummed as if he couldn’t be bothered with Verstael’s outburst. His gaze traveled away from Verstael, now focusing on a large window leading to Gralea itself. “With your brilliance at the helm, I doubt my being there would do much to further progress.” 
Verstael felt a twinge of worry take root as he begrudgingly sighed. “Pray tell what you'll be occupied with this afternoon?” 
“I’m going fishing.” 
“Yes, fishing.” Ardyn smiled. 
“You never fish…”
Ardyn couldn’t help but snort hearing how flabbergasted Verstael was. He cleared his throat, trying to stifle a laugh. 
“I’d gladly like to inform you, that I do have hobbies outside of being Chancellor and your personal help for conquest. Besides, after the Gala, I need a good break from being social. I assure you dear friend that me enjoying a simple pleasure won’t deter what’s already been laid forth.” 
“I’ll be…” Verstael was still having a hard time processing that Ardyn partook in such things. Then again, Verstael never bothered to ask Ardyn if he did much outside of politics and experimentation. The hobby didn’t seem out of the realm, a bit old school for Verstael’s taste but he wasn’t the 2,000 year old in the room. 
“Well, before I let you meander, I want to give you an update regarding your blood samples I took long ago.” 
Verstael nodded. “This morning the last of the tests were performed. Do you want the good or the bad first?” 
“Never one to rip the Band-Aid off in a swift motion, eh?” Ardyn made a face, crossing his arms while he sighed in defeat. “Give me whatever tickles your fancy.”
Vertsael huffed, and then reached into his left pocket, drawing out his personal cell. A few clicks to the device, and a small hologram with various data points rose up from the screen; giving both he and Ardyn a visual of the end results. 
“I’ve found evidence that the serum MedZin injected you with, suppressed a high count of your white blood cells, and other immunity receptors responsible for your advanced regeneration abilities. Your baseline still exceeds that of a common man, but if you were to be wounded, I hypothesize healing will no longer be instantaneous. Maybe it would take two or more days. Your scourge to blood ratio is slightly out of equilibrium as well. The base genome I found in the serum belonged to something viral related. There’s trace evidence that MedZin may have retro engineered this thing from the scourge itself or a similar viral entity. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are trying the fire v. fire method to battle the scourge; where a virus is pitted against another virus in the hopes that they will cancel each other out.” 
It didn’t matter how many years had passed, nor how many research projects Ardyn participated in, Verstael unloaded so much jargon that it hurt his brain. 
“Could you perhaps give this to me in layman’s terms?” 
“In layman’s terms,” Verstael mockingly teased. “You’re more or less…sick, or as sick as an entity such as yourself can become. If you stay the course, I foresee this being similar to catching a cold for the likes of you; albeit a long one. However, given your unique circumstances outside of this particular situation, I do have some recommendations.” 
“Pray tell what?” Ardyn smirked. 
Verstael sighed. “You’re not going to be appeased.” 
“Oh come now!” Ardyn gestured with his arms out as he laughed. “This is your opportunity to strike me down for giving you slim pickings of the surplus! Surely you can’t be getting cold feet?” 
Verstael scoffed. “Now who said I wasn’t still going to do that? Since you are feeling bold, I’ll give it to you straight: you should sever your bond with the Lucian.” 
“For what reason?” 
“Several,” Verstael forwardly stated. He put his phone back into his pocket and crossed his arms, letting out a sigh. "If you sever your connection, your body could put more resources into restoring itself to full power versus keeping someone alive. If a bleedthrough or some other anomaly were to pass, I theorize it would make your condition worse; maybe even strip you down to being near mortal again given the energy expenditure that comes from your end at the cost of bonding with another daemonic entity. You are essentially the life source after all. Either way you look at it, you’re taking a huge risk carrying a dead weight at the end of your chain. Besides, they’d have a good run for a while before dying. You sure as the six hells wouldn’t have to tend to this elaborate Imperial Icon facade any longer.”
“That cannot happen.” Ardyn stiffly commented. 
“And why is that?” Verstael raised a brow before he gazed over Ardyn, as if trying to find a slip behind his mask. 
Ardyn rolled his eyes and gesticulated. “I’ve ran some experiments myself. When I am within close proximity to Y/N, my scourge is invigorated. I am assuming this is due to the hive mind at work; subconsciously and telepathically working with pieces of itself to repair extensions of itself. While I may not be able to feed off Y/N any longer, there’s still value in them being near to ensure I don’t falter to my feet like a mortal. And sad to say, even if I were to sever them off, that would undo much of what has already been laid out to get the wider audience of Eos to side with the empire. Knowing Aldercapt, as much as he loathes the Lucian, he knows their value is priceless at this time given the strife we’ve been dealing with from all fronts. If push comes to shove, I’ll happily end it but alas these bloodied hands of mine are tied.” 
It took Verstael much effort to not roll his eyes at Ardyn’s grand explanation. “Would you be able to procure official testament to such experiments on your end?” 
“Absolutely!” Ardyn grinned. “I’ve been compiling notes as we speak! Why, accusing me of not being scientific is out of the question! Considering it was I who helped you discover the magic bullet for daemonic application in the first place!” 
“No need to get theatrical old friend,” Verstael had an inkling that Ardyn was speaking rubbish, but he also had no reason to doubt his honesty here. After all, he was the one living with the sickness at the end of the day and knew his body better than anyone else. “Remember, if it gets worse, you must cut them off.” 
“But of course!” Ardyn gave a slight bow with his head out of respect. “With that said, I must be off for my much needed break. I’ll best be seeing you come end week.” 
Ardyn lightly tipped his hat toward his colleague and ventured off. His chest began to thrum hard, and he felt a dull aching pain sway against his spine. Ardyn’s brows knitted. He could feel that Y/N was in the midst of a scourge flare, a nasty one if he might add. 
A wave of guilt began to sink into Ardyn’s stomach. He once more recalled the morning. The outburst he had toward the sylleblossoms weighed heavily on his mind just as it did all throughout the meeting. He couldn’t let it go. His brain analyzed the memory so many times that it drove him mad. Ardyn let out a deep breath, closing his eyes as he came to the end of the hall. His heart skipped a beat, knowing he wouldn’t rest until he did something about it. 
“Izunia!” Verstael hollered. 
Ardyn pivoted, turning his body around, and raised a brow at Verstael.
“Do give your little Lucian my kindest regards,” Verstael smirked as he raised his voice. “I’m sure your time with them will be far more pleasurable than being trapped in a cold room with yours truly. After all, you must have big plans for their debut as Niflheim’s propaganda piece in Accordo.” 
Ardyn made a fist all the while keeping his calm composure. If he didn't know any better, Verstael almost sounded jealous. He smiled big, as if he couldn’t be bothered with the suggestiveness of Verstael’s words, and let out a laugh.
 “I’ll be sure to tell them you won’t be snatching them away into the night like the other Lucians who dared to cross your path!” 
“Farewell, my friend!” Verstaek laughed as he made a right, heading for another room of the palace.
As soon as Verstael was out of sight, Ardyn allowed some of his anger to pass through. He carried a glare that could cut through thick glass. He didn’t like this. That Verstael was beginning to see through him when it came to Y/N, even if his tone and statements were in jest. Gods forbid he ever find out a bleedthrough had already happened. He'd be further pissed at Ardyn's elaborate lie regarding proximity. If Y/N were to be seen as a threat to the plans Verstael and he had for Niflheim, Ardyn knew the potential consequences would be dire. 
What exactly am I afraid of…? Ardyn furrowed his brows as he pondered. There was nothing to hide from Verstael, yet there was everything to keep from him. The same could be said for Aldercapt, and even the whole damn empire when Ardyn thought on it hard enough. His vexation was further ignited when he reminded himself of his little display in the council chambers. How resentful he felt at hearing Y/N potentially being traded away. The thought alone made Ardyn uneasy as he growled under his breath, shaking his head at himself. He muttered bitterly as he stormed off. 
“The hell have I gotten myself into?”
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