beetrootpaul · 2 years
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Nimble Dinosaur with Wings
palette: https://lospec.com/palette-list/titanstone
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divinesouldariax · 1 year
ashton's got a chunk of the Earth Primordial in him fuck yeah that RULES
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criticalpolls · 2 years
Part One will consist of Vestiges found by Vox Machina and will be judged by its Exalted state. Below is a link to each Vestiges page on Encyclopedia Exandria, if you need a refresher on it's abilities. This poll is basically asking, which of these items do you think is the best to bring into a high level battle?
Cabal's Ruin
Deathwalker's Ward
Plate of the Dawnmartyr
Spire of Conflux
Titanstone Knuckles
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masterqwertster · 2 years
Thing that probably most definitely won't ever happen:
Ashton gets the Titanstone Knuckles.
Thematically, very appropriate power-up gear. The Titanstone Knuckles are a powerful artifact made from the heart-stone of a Primordial Titan of earth, so lets give them to the earth genasi with super special secret sauce. Plus they have good synergy with barbarians.
Of course, what would be extra fun and extra unlikely to happen, is for Ashton to get extra earth elemental-type bonuses. Like Earth Glide or whatever the earth elemental ability to move through solid stone is. Which I would argue could happen due to them already having an earth element alignment for jelling with the Titanstone Knuckles plus the dunamantic gift of unlimited potential.
Conventionally, gotta fight (or con) Grog for them. And convince Matt that the elemental-dunamantic synergy deserves a bonus. He didn't do anything fun or strange for Ashton drinking a Potion of Possibility despite the dunamancy galaxy brain, so...
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little-miss-doe · 1 month
Already overthinking the Vox Machina Stories Untold book ... here's the stories we know of so far:
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The unicorn logo from Gilmore's Glorious Goods; "Shaun Gilmore reflects on the life he has chosen, as told by Aabria Iyengar."
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Looks like the Raishan design from Legend of Vox Machina; "Raishan, racked by a pestilent curse, plots to release the Cinder King from his fiery prison, as told by Rory Power."
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There's our best boy Trinket; "Trinket the Wonder Bear accompanies the next generation of Vox Machina on their first adventure, as told by Sarah Glenn Marsh."
Stories featuring Kaylie, Doty, and Kevdak are also in the list, which most likely correspond to the icons with flute for Kaylie, quill and ink for Doty, and one of the Titanstone Knuckles for Kevdak.
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This leaves us with 4 remaining images:
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The Sun Tree as depicted on the Whitestone/de Rolo iconography. Maybe something about the Sun Tree itself? or the history of Whitestone? or the de Rolo family?
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A rifle with a scope. Maybe something about Percy building Bad News? or Ripley stuff? or the Whitestone Musketeers Rifle Corps?
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Another dragon. This one doesn't fully match the profile of the dragon designs they've been using for the Legend of Vox Machina, like they've used for Raishan. It matches best with the Thordak design, so maybe this is a younger version?
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Craven Edge in the design from Legend of Vox Machina. Maybe something about the history of Craven Edge? or maybe something about Sylas Briarwood or someone else that wielded it?
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occidentalavian · 1 month
Time to speculate on who each story in Vox Machina: Stories Untold will be about! Each token corresponds to a character, so we'll be going clockwise around from the top right, then the two in the middle:
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Raishan: Serpentine dragon head, resembles her design in The Legend of Vox Machina.
Kevdak: One of the Titanstone Knuckles.
Craven Edge and/or Sylas Briarwood: A jagged sword. Most likely the story involves both of them.
Doty: A quill and ink bottle. "Doty, take this down!"
Trinket: Trinket himself of course! We know this story also involves the de Rolo children, and possibly Pike and Scalan's kids too.
Kima: Symbol of the Platinum Dragon, whom she is a paladin of.
Kynan Leore: A rifle, which Kynan was trained in as the first captain of the Whitestone Rifle Corps.
Cassandra de Rolo: The de Rolo crest.
Shaun Gilmore: A unicorn, the logo of Gilmore's Glorious Goods.
Kaylie: A flute, her instrument of choice.
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blorbologist · 2 years
Confession time:
In the campaign, I loathe Mythcarver.
Vox Machina are given the Vestige as a sidenote - 'here are the locations of a ton of cool ancient weapons, and also this sword I can just give you guys'. While every other Vestige involves a quest for it, or at least some planning, often with some degree of expectation of who will get it (Fenthras, the Titanstone Knuckles, Whisper, the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, the Spire of Conflux - they all really fit one party member well. Cabal's Ruin is more up in the air until we find out who has it, and the Ward has already been given to Vax by this point). Many of them are tied to character moments for the party members in question - 'take me instead you raven bitch', the killbox, 'my heart is someone else's', 'i forgive you, but I cannot let you leave'.
Scanlan doesn't get a noble quest with his friends to power him up. Scanlan does's even do anything of particular note in Kamaljiori's canon trial. He's just... given this Vestige as loot, and because it's made with bards in mind and he's the bard so he should get it.
Except Mythcarver doesn't suit *Scanlan's* style of bard, at all, and I can count the number of times he uses it on one hand, one of which required heavy prompting by Matt because Sam was so used to ignoring the thing. It's a glorified stat stick that buffs some abilities but never sees use because Scanlan is so heavily focused on support spells. It can't match the damage output or utility of his spells, so it just sits on his belt looking pretty. He gets one cool moment with it, against a minor boss, and that's it.
(Notably, he pulls it out and tries poking for a Blinked enemy during a critical fight which I'm not naming due to spoilers, and he just... still doesn't get to do anything with it. That one round could have prevented a death - sinking a turn into trying to use that sword actively hurt the party. It sucks.)
Credit where credit is due: I really appreciate the vision Matt had for the weapon and the intent behind it! On the other hand, it just... further fed into Scanlan feeling like he was an afterthought to the party. They didn't go on a quest for him. They didn't even think of getting him a Vestige - he's just handed one, in a fairly forgettable sidebar, and then hardly ever uses it again. It sucks. I hate that stupid sword.
So when I tell you I was grinning so, so massively during episide 6 of season 2 -
Mythcarver isn't given to Scanlan by default - it's given to him, specifically, by a friend. Kamaljiori is the first person to see through his exterior, his many masks, who bonds with him over love and longing and sincerity. It's not an offhand 'oh while you're here take this' it's for him. He gets a cool moment with it!! It reveals the locations of the other Vestiges!
Here, now, Mythcarver represents what Scanlan wants to be: a hero, a valued friend, someone who matters and has an impact on the world. Someone loved.
(And also noteworthy that this happened not long after Pike was dismissive of him, too. Whistles.)
And then Umbrasyl swoops in to take it, singling Scanlan out for what he carries - and Kami fights for him. Kamaljiori protects him, over and over and over, not for Mythcarver but because it’s Scanlan, it's his friend. He's going toe to toe with an ancient black dragon for Scanlan. And dies for it.
Not only does Umbrasyl kill Kamaljiori but he steals this Vestige. This gift for Scanlan alone, this first fucking testament to having mattered to someone, to being valued and cared for. Mythcarver isn't just a reward, it actively pushes the plot and Scanlan's character development forward, gives Scanlan what he's been quietly looking for in the background, and then viciously takes it away.
(This also gives Scanlan a bigger motivation to be part of that one stupid plan with Vax that's in the trailer: Umbrasyl killed his friend and stole something representing everything Scanlan wants. And he wants it badly and he wants it back, you flying fuck.)
I can't wait to see what's in store. This was, I think, my favorite change to TLOVM so far after 'darling take off the mask' getting a bigger Moment. I can't believe they gave weight and meaning to that stupid sword and I'm here for it.
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Great episode for Travis PC stans. Chetney started on his evil sentient sword partnership and the shenanigans were peak. Grog and his Titanstone Knuckles were mentioned. Going to the Menagerie Coast and needing transportation to the Shattered Teeth, possibly a ship, will present many opportunities for Fjord Watch and longing for any update on what he's up to. Mention of the destruction of Domunas and of Rau'shan and Ka'Mort reminds us to once again wonder what Cerrit's life was like after Avalir and where his descendants are.
There was a little something for everyone out there this week.
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pocketgalaxies · 1 month
fearne activating the titanstone knuckles bc of her shard. now that's pretty neat
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years
Can I talk about the Swamp Boy for a moment? Because I love that Umbrasyl's involved in Ripley's hunt for the Vestiges because a) it keeps him more involved I the main plot and makes the confrontation between him and the party more personal, but also because b) he's kinda dorky.
Like, I understand Thordak's point, I'm on his side here (what a sentence). Umbrasyl is a dragon, why does he need a sword or a bow?
But... but... look at him!
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When he first gains Mythcarver, being a quadruped, he holds it with his tail like he thinks he's a Dark Souls boss!
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It's adorable!
Next time we see him the sword is strapped to his forelegs with a chain?
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That can't be comfortable. Also, he sure didn't put that there himself. Ripley, was that the best you could for him? Like, I know she doesn't actually care, but this is so disrespectful.
Also I appreciate Mythcarver's efforts to grow a few feet for Swampy after shrinking down for Scanlan, but Umbrasyl is still a dragon and it's strapped to his leg. It's doing nothing!
This week, Ripley brings up how powerful he'll be with the Titanstone Knuckles, a set of gauntlets.
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Gauntlets. Gauntlets?!
How is he going to wear them, Anna? He doesn't have hands!
And now I can't shake off the image of what it would have looked like if Umbrasyl had actually acquired all of the Vestiges. I'm sure he would have found ways to strap them to his body.
He would have walked up to Thardak and gone "look who's more powerful now" Just... covered in trash he can't actually use.
It would have been glorious.
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encyclopediacr · 9 months
Last month year at the wiki — 2023
As we all head into our second full week of 2024 (already!), we at Encyclopedia Exandria are taking the time to look back at what we accomplished in 2023 in this special edition of Last Month At The Wiki.
Encyclopedia Exandria reached its first anniversary in June 2023. We the editors are still proud of our decision to become an independent wiki, and we continue to work hard on our coverage of all things happening at Critical Role Productions. Here's a look at some of the work last year:
We moved episode transcripts into their own special namespace in February. Check out the post about the change and what this meant for the wiki. We also started creating transcripts in languages other than English.
Cuisine for Exandria is a wonderful new article from 2023! We're looking toward creating more broad topic articles like that one in the future.
In April, we completed a first pass rewriting text plagiarized from episodes. This was an issue inherited when we split into our own wiki in 2022 that affected especially late Campaign 1 and early Campaign 2 articles. We've been working on it ever since and continue to work toward a plagiarism-free wiki.
We've done a lot of work on Campaign 1 items! Some notable additions and overhauls include: Horn of Fog, Bloodseeker, Mantle of the Tempest, Circlet of Wisdom, Titanstone Knuckles, and Philter of Love.
Articles for Geek & Sundry era Critical Role episodes were updated to include current thumbnails, tabbed in the infobox behind the originals. It's been wonderful to cross that longstanding item off the to do list. Check out examples at Vorugal (episode) and The Chapter Closes.
Midst and Candela Obscura joined the channel in 2023. We're pleased to be covering both shows as well, but it's hard to link to all of it here. You can navigate through our Midst and Candela Obscura topics off the main articles and using the navboxes at the bottom.
All character articles now have verified "Appearances and mentions" sections! Before we were an independent wiki, character articles had these sections collated using a script from a list that used to live in the infoboxes and from "Featured characters" sections on episode articles. These lists were slowly checked manually to ensure that they they were properly formatted, organized, and correct. That work is finally completed.
With the Frozen Sick topic completed this year, we now have complete coverage for all adventures in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount!
Over time, we changed the way we formatted our 4-Sided Dive articles. Earlier articles were finally brought into line with the newer formatting this year, delivering information to you in a more consistent manner. Such quality of life maintenance for readers often goes unnoticed but is critical to ease of use.
Some other new articles that we're real proud of this year? Battle of the Red Center, Quest for Vestiges, Angels of Iron conspiracy, Currency, Fjord's crew, and Comics.
This is not nearly all of the work we've done. It's only a small slice of the work we accomplished and are proud of in 2023. If you've got a favorite update to the wiki not mentioned here—a new article, an overhaul, a quality of life change, or a backend update—let us know!
If you want to contribute to the wiki in 2024, we welcome you! Our wiki is open to editing by all readers, and our coverage is maintained and improved by our community. Everything from plot summary additions to spelling and grammar corrections are an immense help. If you need any help, feel free to check in with us on article talk pages and at the wiki's Discord.
We hope to continue to maintain this wiki throughout this year.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
*cutely shuffles into your inbox, and slides this song under your door with a note attached.* Maybe some angsty stuff with Grog?? Giving TLOVM season two when Craven Edge is introduced, he's still reeling from accidentally hurting you during fight with the Sphynx, and after acquiring the Titanstone Knuckle and restoring Herd honor you two talk out some miscommunication in the feelings department while everyone's celebrating the victory<33 I missed submitting requests and saw you were doing some song requests!! Ly and have a fantastic day!! :3c✩
Aww thanks!!
Big ol boy needs love 💕!!
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I’d imagine he’d try (key word there) to avoid you after the incident with the Sphynx and Craven’s Edge but he just couldn’t
It’s a constant check up on you, and as vicious as he can fight, you know Grog is just a big softie deep down.
You appreciate his efforts to check up on you all the time, but it does hurt you to see the guilt he has.
Sure you dedicate some time to talk with him and see how he’s doing, despite everything, but it feels a tiny bit bittersweet with
When he gains the vestiges, there’s a bit of a spark inside the barbarian that you’ll see him differently, that to YOU (the person he adores that way) he can protect you
In the final showdown, you’re relieved, shocked, but profoundly happy to be alive and also realize how much of Grog’s strength and happiness
During the victories, you sneak him away and spare no second in pointing out your true feelings and everything you’ve felt since the beginning.
“You mean you really like me that way, eh?”
Throwing yourself into those beefy protective arms, you plant a big kiss on his cheek
“Yes, you beautiful barbarian you! I’ve always cared for you! It’s always been you.”
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masterqwertster · 1 month
Very cool that Fearne got a reaction out of the Titanstone Knuckles.
I was still screaming for Ashton to try for them the whole time. Earth to earth, please!
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littlebosslady7 · 1 month
Fearne tried to steal Grog’s Titanstone knuckles. 😂
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waltwhitmansbeard · 15 days
If possible, "We've been through worse.", with Grog and Scanlan?
23. "We've been through worse."
Grog's getting antsy. It's the end of the world, and Grog is bored. It would make Scanlan laugh, if laughing were something he were capable of right now. He used to be able to laugh at anything. Then he died a few times. Funny how that works.
Keyleth and the twins have been gone for a while, searching for some sword that is maybe going to help them kill a brand-new god, so it's no wonder Grog is bored. Waiting has never been his forte. Scanlan watches him clang his Titanstone Knuckles together in frustration, over and over and over, and he sees Percy moments away from blowing his own brains out at the sound of it, so he sidles up to his best friend and says, "Hey, Grog. Want one of the spectral servants to give you a happy ending?"
Grog looks at him sideways. "How can your ghosties give a happy ending? Are they gonna fight Vecna for us?"
Scanlan sighs. "I...no. Never mind. You just seem...agitated."
He shrugs. "Just wanna fight something, is all."
"Right. I mean, you're not scared, of course."
Grog puffs out his chest. "'Course not."
"Of course not."
"I ain't scared of no god."
"Why would you be?"
"We've been through worse."
Now Scanlan side-eyes Grog. "Have we?"
Grog sighs, his fists drooping at his sides. "No, we haven't."
He's right. This is it, the big bad to end all big bads. A few years ago, he was some no-name bard traveling with a troupe of scoundrels living off of tips and what he could talk his way into getting for free. Grog made shoes. What the fuck are they doing here?
"Hey Scanlan?"
"Yeah, Grog?"
"If we die...I think I wouldn't mind dying with you lot."
They're heroes. That's what the fuck they're doing here. "Me too, buddy. Couldn't think of better people to die with."
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 104
Fucking hell ... right away, then ... AmongUs has happened ... I mean I know Ahsley's gonna be one of the vices in the new show, but still ... aha ... so THAT'S what this is about ... yes, that's right ... that's not Travis ... Matt: "What is happening?" Wow ... that's a lot of impostors ... having trouble there, Liam? Oh, it's not Liam ... looks like Tal was the only real one here ... and Marisha was in on this? Hmmmm ... yeah, Matt is not amused ...
Aha, so they're all back now ... that's more like it ... and that's a NICE HAT, Robbie ...
The Healing Party? Cute ... Marisha: "What's Jester doing on there?" Ooooooooh ... do you need some ICE FOR THAT BURN, miss?
Yeah! That's right! Delilah is now OUT OF THE PICTURE!!! Yeah ... sweet! I can't wait to see how VM might react to that news ...
Oh yeah! Grog! And Pike! So cool ...
Yes ... awkward ... yeah ... hmmmm ...
Oh, here we go ... it's the general standard chaotic disorder when you bring these many disparate authorities together to try and make them PARTICIPATE for the common good ...
History check? Already? Hmmm ... Galtheid of the Ember Vigil? Right ... sounds fancy ...
Ah, bureaucracy ... even in the middle of a war is can always be relied upon to gum up the works ...
Wow ... way to drop a bombshell on the gathering there, Ashton ... O.O
Yes! Go off, Keyleth. Get these asshats into some semblance of order ... oh nice ... oooooh, that's so cool ... water magic Return of the Jedi strategy projection ... nice ...
A fortress? Seriously? That's just CHARMING ...
J'Mon Sa'Ord? Sweet!
Hey! Those people are just as cool and normal as the regular folk of Exandria! Cut 'em some slack!
Oh, here we go ... yeah, nice way to big up the Hells ...
Celestials? Really? Interesting ...
Yeah, the Blue Dream. Greenland's kind of another thing ... XD
Ah ... yeah ... here we go ... dropping the BIG bombshell ... the truth about what this is all about ... this won't go down well at all, I'm sure ...
The Holy Curator of the Lawbearer ...
Ashton! Wow ... dial it down a notch, maybe? Sugarcoat the truth a little, at least ...
Braius? Wow ... oh, shit, Persuasion check? Hmmm ... THIRTY?!!! Fuck, man ...
Evoroa! Hey! So nice to see you, little cutie! :3
Fearne's little "WHOOOO!!!" for Evoroa to perk up her spirits is adorable ... XD
Wow ... yeah, she is SOOOOO nervous ... I wanna give her a big hug SO BADLY ...
Laudna sneaks her some water ... Awwwww ... :3 Imogen (in her head): "You did so great, sweetie."
The Cerberus Assembly? BOOOOO!!! Laura: "INSIGHT CHECK!!!" No shit ...
Oh yeah, this guy is a DEUCHE ...
So ... that went well ... kind of ... in a way ... very loosely ...
Awwww ... Kima, we love you! :3
Ah, Vasselheim. So well protected it could almost be called PARANOID ...
Oh yeah ... Vecna ... oh! Hey there, Grog! XD He did that? One on one? Nice ... yeah ... I believe him, totally ...
Wow ... is Fearne actually gonna try and STEAL Grog's Titanstone Gauntlets right now? Oh, I see ... wow ... that's kinda fascinating ...
GROGORY Strongjaw? LOL
PIKE!!! HEY!!! I wanna hug her too ... :3
Vex? Cool ...
Not selling a lot of croissants after the Solstice ... oh yeah ... cute, like Corona tanking during COVID ... Liam: "We don't want your moon bread! Only FREEDOM bread!" XD
Oh wow ... I think Grog and Braius might be friends before too long ... XD
Awwww ... yeah, that's right, Vex doesn't know about FCG's sacrifice ...
That's a good point ... the wind's about to change and they need to get THAT SHIT in order before they start making some moves ... Watch out for the God Squad, definitely ...
And now Chetney's flirting with Vex again ... XD Vex: "Oh darling, even if I WAS single you couldn't afford ,e."
Yeah ... the revelation of Delilah's now permanent imprisonment in Laudna's chest ... this is gonna be SO GOOD ... oh yeah, Vex is LOVING this ... and now she's getting medieval devising PUNISHMENTS for the evil bitch ...
Laudna's looking inwards ... oh boy ... wow, she looks like SHIT ... oh, this is SO GREAT ... empty threats ... Laudna: "Unseasoned beans it is." LOL
Honestly, I think it might have more to do with THE PLACE ITSELF for Keyleth being uncomfortable right now ... given what (or more precisely WHO) she lost here ...
Evoroa's first snow? Awwwwww ... :3
The Birthheart? Wow ... this is beautiful ... and yeah, makes sense Keyleth WOULD like this place ...
Heavy theological talk ... yeah ...
And then how does all this translate to their most pressing needs and the plans they make as a result? Hmmmm ...
Keyleth saying she's been to the Hells ... oh yeah, that DEFINITELY got Braius' attention ... XD
Ashton suggests they go talk to the gods face-to-face ... wow ... THAT'S a ballsy idea ...would that even work?
Yup ... Keyleth and Vax and the Matron of Ravens ... yeah ...
Honestly? Half-cocked is very much how they do things a lot of the time, actually ...
The Vox Machina Big Action Climax! Yeah ...
It does all sound VERY COMPLICATED when Keyleth tries to describe it ... oh wow, this is getting somewhat meta now ...
No. Really, DO NOT mention that name here and now ...
The masive tree ... oh yeah, that's it ... the Birthheart itself ... beautiful ...
The dawn of Exandria ... when the gods were YOUNG ... O.O
Orym! You gonna answer that or what?
Liam: "I will touch the tip." Oh boy ... XD
Careful, gentle ... okay, then ... whoa ... and now he's being ABSORBED BY THE MASSIVE GOD TREE ... O.O
Fuck, he's GONE!!! And THIS is where Mercer decides to take a break! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Wow ... he is IN THE REALM OF THE WILDMOTHER. Like LITERALLY on some weird godly plane ... fuck ...
I'm sorry he is now A TINY MAN OF ROOTS AND LEAVES?!!! Fucking hell that is some trippy shit ...
This is suddenly all very Princess Mononoke ...
Oh hello ... is this her? The goddess herself? Fascinating ...
And here's Asha ... yeah, that makes me smile ... in a dark way ... but I just love my wild predatory lady more, even now ...
He's literally ROOTING HIMSELF intothe ground a little with each step ... it really IS a little like Princess Mononoke ...
So, is Orym, like ... PLEDGING HIMSELF to the Wildmother right now? Is that what this is?
Visions? Oh great ... just what we need ...
And here they ALL ARE now ... okay ... a fallen star? Hmmm ... two gone? What? They're AFRAID ... yeah ...
Wait ... THAT was the imprisonment of Predathos? O.O
A Wisdom save? Shit ... 13? Crap ... and the reroll is WORSE ... OH FUCK!!! Is Orym about to DIE?!!! Nooooooo ...
He's screaming ... of shit ... and the Wildmother's coming to his rescue? Wow ... oh yes, she is SO KIND ...
The Wildmother: "Protect us, for we protect you, and together we protect THIS." Whoa ... O.O
Will? Oh my gods ... oh fuck ... shit, I am not ready for this right now ... damn you both I didn't want to cry right now ...
"Don't live your live in the shadow of mine." FUCK!!!
He's back ... okay ... OF COURSE Fearne is the one to catch him ...
So basically Predathos is like King Ghidorah, then?
Oh yeah ... grab that wood, Chetney! The wee man is SO EXCITED to get his hands on some SERIOUSLY fancy holy wood ... hell yeah ... two pieces, in the Bag ... nice ...
FUCK!!! Seedling has gotten LONGER!!! And it's fancier, too! It's been EXALTED!!! Fuck! It's a VESTIGE!!! A "Relic of the Red Solstice"! SWEET!!! And he gets a card too and everything!
Chetney, you are a massive idiot ... XD
They can stay INSIDE THE TREE?!!! You're clowning me. I sense clowns ...
Oh yeah, Evoroa is just having the most FASCINATING experience here ... I love it ... :3
This place is literally a piece of LIVING ARCHITECTURE ... this place would be like a dream come true ...
Sleep would be VERY SMART ...
Yes. Alcohol. That's the ticket too ...
Chetney's carving MASTERPIECES right now with a 21 Dex check ...
Wait ... attacking from the Ruidian side as opposed to the Exandrian? That's a smart way to go ... take the back door they found in the cave ... hmmmm ...
Good point ... so locking Ruidus in place is slowly BREAKING EXANDRIA ... great ... so whatever they do they HAVE TO destroy the Bridge ...
Ashton: "I've known plenty of artists. They're all fucked up." Braius: "Ahem. I'm pretty normal." Imogen: "Your cup would disagree."
The eternal question, where do you go when you die?
A "double feint"? Orym, I am NOT CONVINCED ...
Bedtime or a quick Scry first?
Braius (to Chetney): "If you would like me to burn you with acid I could." Oh boy ...
Zone of Truth? Really? Hmmmmm ...
Okay, now this is getting saucy ...
Charisma Save or choose to fail ... and half of them CHOOSE to ... okay then ... this'll be interesting ...
Ah ... evasion ... that's one way to go, Braius ...
The bottle lands on IMOGEN ... hmmmmmm ... so she has to kiss Braius? Interesting ... Laura: "You're human faced, right?" Sam: "Yes, but I'm getting a little excited now."
Ashley's spinning ... ooooooh ... it's Chetney? Oh boy. She makes it ALL KINDS of sexy while she does it AND also tries to steal the fancy wood while she's at it ... oh yeah, he is DEFINITELY at a disadvantage ... yeah ... she EASILY beats him ... XD
Dorian's going to ask Laudna a REALLY IMPORTANT question ... hmmmm ... oh shit, that is a SERIOUS question ... I mean Imogen means more to her than ANYTHING ELSE ... and it's a VERY complicated answer ... hmmmm ...
He decides to spin the bottle instead ... and it lands on Chetney? Wow ... this'll be interesting ... that was a UNIQUE moment ...
Dorian: "I thought this was supposed to be fun and games." Laudna: "No-one ever said THIS game was supposed to be fun." Oof ...
IS HE running from his brother's death?
To Cyrus ... YES. Cheers to that indeed ...
Laudna spins the botle ... and it lands on ORYM?!!! Weird ... roll Performance, then ... they both roll REALLY BADLY ... much as I would expect ... it's just AWKWARD ... yeah ...
Ashton empties his botle, follows Fearn and points it at her ... oh, okay ... this is DEFINITELY going to be interesting ...
Oh yeah, he just GOES FOR IT ... they're BOTH going at it ... and he's picking her pockets at the same time ... and he wins ... something random? Okay ... a little spoon? Cute ... Who's "T.J."?
Now they're just MAKING OUT with no repurcussions ... and this is EXACTLY what we've been waiting on for SOOOOO FUCKING LONG ... FINALLY ...
SAMUEL ... how could you? We're so scandalized ...
Fearne gives the wood back to Chetney while he sleeps? Awwwwww ...
Morning comes ... Chetney's still alive ...
Okay ... making their way to the Trialforge, then ...
So they were just getting started, that's good. Not really late then ...
The glass? Oh yeah ... that stuff is COOL ...
The Hallowed Cage ... hmmm ...
The Sunder KIng, Ozo Kruth ... and the Weave Mind ... yeah ...
The Globe! Yeah!
Chetney, you dumbass ... XD
Whoa ... Fearne gets SERIOUS ... you really are FEARLESS, girl ... I swear I love it ...
Yeah, the portal ... or "The Backdoor" as Chet calls it ...
"A few old legends"? Oh boy ... who else is Keyleth gonna call on? How geekgasmic is this gonna get?
Groon is so awesome ... the man is a VIBE ...
Big risk, big reward ... yeah ...
The Luxon, yeah ... of course the Bright Queen doesn't have the slightest clue what (or who) is sat a few feet away from her ... that's kind of fascinating ...
Ashton burns a Rage ... oh my ... oh yeah, that is DEFINITELY the response I expected ...
So they're committed then ... now we just have to see if everybody else goes for it too ...
Making a date to talk to a god ... hmmmm ...
Wait ... what? What the hell is THIS?!!! Imogen's back in the dream? But it's DIFFERENT ... it's her mother! Okay ... is this a good thing or REALLY BAD?!!!
THAT'S where he's gonna end it? Fuck! That's like some cliffhanger shit right there ...
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