#tloz oneshot
malulurivers · 1 year
To the Wind | Link x Reader
Word count: 3.1k Summary: you've long travelled with Link. now having a small rest between travelling and aiding Hyrule, you find yourself facing a vast expanse—of questions, and the possible future. the hero speaks so little, so many things go unsaid. but is it right that they do? Warnings: unnecessarily flowery description? none
AN: this is an old piece i had lying around that i always meant to fix up a lil bit and i finally have! it's not really what i'd write for here (i did it more as a writing exercise years ago, so it's a bit... dense lmao) but i still think it's quite cute! {Gender Neutral reader} Link does talk, but only rarely (if i was to write this now, i would write him signing as i much prefer that interpretation!)
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
the rain had long passed but the two of you remained huddled beneath the stone canopy of an overhang you’d found. the evening was cool, the clouds slowly clearing to reveal a dusk sky adorned with stars. the moon was peeking above the lanterns of a stable below in the valley, and though it promised warmth, you knew you were heading in the opposite direction.
relishing in the peace and quiet, you leant back on your cloak, which was sprawled upon the ground to offer a protective layer against the cold stone and the odd crumpled leaf.
the small orchard across the path bristled in hushed tones, melding with the crackle of the campfire by your feet. their crimson leaves shivered in the night, knowing that there was no relief for them. as a shimmering trail cut through their branches high in the darkness beyond, you couldn’t help but grin. 
“hey, did you see that?” you asked quietly, not looking over to him. you’d been travelling for so long together alone, that there was never any other person you could be talking to. despite the odd occurrences that led up to your strange companionship—things you perhaps regret but would not change for the world—the two of you made a seamless team, and an inseparable one at that.
you’d forgotten to count how many days your time together was supposedly overdue moons ago; caught up in the excitement and awe of visiting new places and meeting new people. as well as facing monsters so gruesome your nightmares could never have festered them. even now, you didn’t even consider beginning to trace it all back, despite the lull in the pace of your travels. 
after he remained still in the corner of your eye, you glanced over as you spoke louder this time. “there was a shooting star! not too far from here i bet…”
your words gradually became quieter again. of course he had heard you. 
Link was without a doubt shorter than you, by quite a bit too: you could lean on his head with a slight stretch and you knew that from playful experience. but he wasn’t small—he never appeared to be. 
whether it be how he charged into battle, a force to be reckoned with. how he glowed when he cooked, and practically cackled when he soared into the air on a fiery updraft of his own making. or how he rose to any challenge put before him, clambered up cliffs for absolutely no reason other than because he could, or how his eyes would glint so mischievously to the point that you wouldn’t dare turn your back to him, lest he spring chuchu jelly on you again. Link was never small. 
and yet here he was, eyes glazed over as he stared into the glowing embers, gold dancing across his face and casting his hunched form partially into pure shadow. his rough hands were pressed into the pebbles and dirt by the wooden pyre and you couldn’t help but wonder if that was a more accurate descriptor than you first thought. 
despite how long you had spent in his company, you hadn’t heard his voice anywhere near as much as people thought you had. they would ask you in fake-sweet tones what he sounded like, how much he actually spoke, why he withheld his voice from them, as if there was something malicious in his silence. you never spared them your time and at most offered them an underhanded comment before following after him.
and so it remained that Link rarely spoke, and you did much of the talking for him. you didn’t expect him to speak, and never wished him to, and he seemed relieved by this. but as you felt an unfamiliar pang in your chest, you began to wonder if there could be an exception.
there was a lot of weight on his shoulders—not only the fate of the kingdom and its future, but the past as well. there were an awful lot of words on those lips that were never spoken. the thought of the sheer weight of them worried you, and carrying them around without respite even more so. but you reminded yourself that the two of you were inevitably different. perhaps that’s why you worked so well together. although, it remained that talking problems out wouldn’t help him in the same way as it helped you.
frowning for a moment, you had an idea and shuffled across to sit on the edge of his cloak. he didn’t register your movement, so you carefully placed your hand on his shoulder. 
Link snapped out of his stare, eyes meeting yours before the air that had been caught up in his chest slowly left him. he was trying to be subtle—you knew that before he offered that small smile he always used to cover stuff up—but you didn’t mention it. 
“back in Hateno, when i was younger… my mother used to help me cope with my worries and fears, even though she didn’t know what to do,” you began, avoiding his gaze to look at his dirty cheek. there you met the familiar sight of the scar levied across his jaw.
you always found yourself gravitating to the lines of his past, now light and melded with his skin near perfectly; so many were invisible until his cheeks reddened in the cold or he stayed out in the sun for too long. you could never work out what drew you to them. whether it was astonishment, in how they were etches of a century ago, trapped in the skin of a living being. or if it was curiosity, to know every detail he was willing to spare, even if they were morbid.
whatever the reason, you ignored it and pushed yourself to look him in the eye once more. 
“what she did wasn’t… well, I haven’t done it in a long while, but… then again I haven’t needed it.” you smiled at him warmly, knowing full well he was the reason why. “and now that I think about it, it might help you.”
his gaze softened. he nodded silently, and watched intently while he waited for you to show him what you meant. 
shifting behind him, you subtly admired his form. he was sat up straighter now, no longer as still as a corpse, instead poking the fire with a half-charred stick. you readjusted your weight on your knees as you spotted a hole beginning to form by the collar of his tunic. you poked it absentmindedly, signalling to him its presence, before attempting to draw your fingers up to his hair.
at that moment, apprehension rushed through to your stomach and brought your hands to a halt. 
you questioned yourself then, as you studied your weak hands. why would you stop? it wasn’t like you were strangers, far from it. you’d helped adjust his straps and bags numerous times before to save time in the desert. he’d untangled you from your own clothing mishaps when the storm whipped your cloak round your legs, and chased after your hat flung far off in the distance. you’d washed his clothes and he’d washed yours, and upon so many mornings had you awoken to yourself swaddled into his side after the night grew too cold and the fire had cooled.
and yet, nerves began to ripple through your stomach, like the pulses of butterfly wings, at the idea of touching his hair. of running your fingers through it, seeing it loose. somehow, this was different, and you couldn’t put your finger on as to why. 
Link turned to look at you, his head tilting. knowing well what that gesture meant, you chuckled sheepishly. 
“oh, yeah, i’m fine, sorry. nostalgia, that’s all.”
he looked away from you again, nodding knowingly whilst he became focused on his hands. he began rubbing the dirt off his fingers, and with his distracted attention you took the opportunity to recompose yourself. with a brief sigh, you pushed through the apprehension while it was off-guard, and gently pulled the cerulean ribbon out from his hair. the dirty blond tresses hardly caught the wind once they were freed, retaining their tied back shape. too long of a time spent in bonds, you reasoned, and the knots between your fingers seconded that as you gently combed through his hair. you tried to catch a glimpse of his reaction by placing the tie on his knee, though to little success. he was looking beyond into the valley so you would have no trouble, but it meant that whatever he was thinking was an utter mystery to you. delicately threading your fingertips past his ears, you finally spoke up.
“my mother, when i was worried, used to sit me on her lap and get me to think about everything i was upset about. and while i did, she would weave a plait in my hair.” you took a lock of his and split it into three. “it would only ever be small, and we would just sit in silence as she wove.” you followed your own words, beginning to entwine the strands sitting in your palms, paying extra care to not accidentally tug. “when she reached the end, however, she never tied it, and just left it open. and then she would say, it’s all to the wind now.
"the first time she did it, she didn’t explain what she meant, and i didn’t work it out until later that day, when i pushed my hair out of my face one windy afternoon and found it missing,” you chuckled. “the wind had pulled the plait apart naturally without me noticing, just as it was supposed to do. it was supposed to take your fears away with it, though i never felt that it did—i found ranting to Ivee much more helpful personally, which is… hardly surprising.” you waited for him to laugh at that, but your quip was met with silence. you leant round with a faltering grin to see if he was just smiling too, but you found you couldn’t lean quite far enough to see properly with his hair in your hands. all you could note was that his eyes were closed. 
diffused, you continued nonetheless, “she often said things like that. Like, the wind would fix it all, and you just had to wait as the… that patience was the purest trial of them all and… other things that didn’t make a lot of sense. i’ll admit, it never got rid of my worries, but i did always find it soothing.” you pulled a final weave into the plait, your laugh fading into a small smile. “so, maybe it’ll help you.” 
tracing your fingertips carefully over the rises and falls of the new braid, you waited for him to respond.
in the silence your mind wandered, and with every hush of the breeze your thoughts grew louder. Link remained still, offering neither a shake of his head or hum of disapproval. no longer preoccupied, you peered round to see what was wrong, only to find his eyes still closed. his hands were still in his lap, the twig discarded by his knee, while his breathing was steady. 
“Link?” you whispered, amused by how he’d seemingly managed to doze off sitting upright—it would be a first! Though before you could place your hand on his shoulder his eyes flickered open. You barely got the chance to be startled because of the way he was looking at you. And because of how close you were to him. 
“sorry,” you stuttered, suddenly unable to look away from the bright dawn sky of his eyes. you tried to ignore the comments suddenly fluttering about in your head, and the one word they orbited. “i thought you’d fallen asleep, i didn’t mean…” 
he was drowsy, but he smiled nonetheless. it’s ok, you recognised. 
it most certainly isn’t, you thought, the voice in your head flustered. you’d never felt this hazy before, this giddiness in your chest. not when just looking upon someone's face. 
you were about to make an excuse so you could move back to your side of the campsite and catch your breath when he looked back to the valley, frown sweeping across the horizon’s mountains to where that star had fallen. and to your surprise, he spoke. “did you make a wish?”
you thought about it for a few seconds, unable to remember if you had or hadn’t. it had only been a few minutes since you’d seen it arc across the sky, yet it felt like hours had passed since then. “no… no, i didn’t. i guess… i’m not sure what to wish for. there’s so much in the world that it’s hard to choose. greater good, personal regrets, revenge, mercy…” you paused for a second once he had nodded in understanding. “did you?”
“no,” he answered. his lips remained parted as if he wanted to continue, but after a few moments they returned to a sad smile, his eyes dropping back down to the ground.
the crackling of the fire became the only sound to be heard once again as you watched him from the corner of your eye. he picked up the stick and poked at the silvering wood. still knelt behind him, you were thankful he couldn’t see your face. you struggled to hide your emotions, at least with him, and you were aware that your expression was likely one of blatant concern. yet there was little that could be done. there was a reason why he wasn’t talking about it, and it wasn’t tough to work it out. 
in that moment, you felt a wave of powerlessness wash over you. your heart was no longer racing, and instead ached. your limbs felt like they were laden with iron.
the weight that he bore was not something that you could bear with him. there were no words you could offer that would make the absence formed of what little he could remember cut any less deep. your arrow could not pierce the Calamity’s brow, and you could not wield the blade that could. after all that you had accomplished together, it was nothing in comparison to what he faced.
you swallowed thickly, finally pulling your hand away. slipping off your knees, you wrapped your arms around his waist and let your head rest against his shoulder. 
“i’m sorry, Link,” you murmured, voice weak.
you didn’t dare look up when you felt him turn to you. whether it was a quizzical stare or a blush you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it. and you were right to think so, because as soon as he leant his head against yours you felt your heart pick up tenfold. you didn’t want to think how he must feel it racing against his back. 
“you shouldn’t be sorry,” he explained quietly, his thumb coming to trace across your wrist, “you’re here. just like the others.” 
the wind picked up and you felt the light dim across your closed eyes as it played with the fire. you tried to commit his voice to memory, gather words and phrases to try and describe what it sounded like, to yourself. just in case the wilds finally did creep back to collect what they once gained and now had lost. there was always that innate fear that gnawed at the very base of your stomach, those ‘what if's' of catastrophe. “i’ll always be here,” you insisted, clutching onto him just that little bit tighter, “no matter how far we go.”
the cool of the night began to seep further into your campsite, the fire beginning to dwindle at the will of the weather, and Link made no effort to rekindle it.
you could see why you had shifted towards him in your sleep these recent nights; he was so warm to the touch, his strength a blanket of security as he cradled you. you did so again now, still holding him as if he was your only shelter. in some ways he was. you almost had the thought to wonder why you hadn’t done this sooner, but you knew exactly why. 
as tiredness began to seep into your eyes, Link shifted. he tapped your hand to gain your attention, and you quickly unwrapped your arms. however, before you could apologise and make your way back to your cloak, he held onto your fingers.
his expression was forlorn, but hopeful. there was a tension in his jaw as he waited for you to say something. his other hand gripped at his knee. 
you didn’t want to leave him hanging but there was a problem with your breath being hitched in your throat. his fingertips were rough against yours, yet still so gentle. they sought your palm, following the lines that were etched into your skin. the lines of fate, as fortune tellers called them. and yours were alight with warmth, now. 
you slowly exhaled as he’d done earlier, trying to be subtle. if he noticed he didn’t show it, simply offering a flicker of a smile. it reminded you of the ones he gave you when he asked for a favour, to be the one to grab the apples off the tree or track down the cuccos yet again. however, this time his favour was quiet, so much so that he didn’t want to ask for it. his grip on your hand could barely be called that, his fingers were so flighty and ready to pull away at any moment.
but he had asked, despite everything. 
silently, you let him guide you back down to earth, into his lap. and there, you curled up in his arms. he leant against your bags as a makeshift pillow, and then pressed you gently into his chest, as close as he could get you. the chill of the wind could no longer reach you, as you were under his protection now. but he was also under yours.
finally, he relaxed, resting his chin on your head. his heartbeat thrummed by your ear, gradually slowing, beat by beat, until it was a soothing rhythm; one of near sleep. the crickets’ chorus began to outsing the crackle of the flames, with darkness having now fully fallen across Hyrule, you spoke up for the final time that night. “goodnight, Link. sleep well." your voice was barely above a whisper, and spoken into his tunic so that you weren’t sure he would hear you. but the hand nestled in your own squeezed your fingers.
a gust of wind blew the remaining flames out, and as shadow engulfed the camp your eyes fell shut, the heartbeat of the hero soothing you to sleep. and with the fire lost, the brightest light upon Hyrule became a fallen star, glowing upon the mountainside above.
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
masterlist | buy me a hot chocolate <3
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risingroleakira · 1 year
i am LIVING for this style of character art
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looniez · 1 year
thinking about link going back to hateno after the upheaval and as soon as he’s through the door he’s so bothered by the incessant silence without zelda’s rambling and laughter and the table is still set for them for when they got home and there’s traces of her literally everywhere and he just lays in his and zelda’s bed and cries because he feels like he failed her again hahhahaaaa im so normal im so normal im so nor
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"...'ncle..?" Legend muttered, shifting his face to bury it in the soft fat of Sky's stomach. Even through layers of fabric, the heat radiating off the teen's forehead was enough to make Sky wince.
That, however, was nothing but a passing thought.
"Mhm, that's right. I'm right here, Link, it's okay..." Sky assured, threading his fingers into Legend's hair without hesitation.
Was it a mistake? Sky hopes not, but hearing the small noise the Veteran hero makes...
"I missed you..." Sky's doubts die with those three muttered words, uttered with such raw vulnerability it almost makes him cry.
"Awe, it's okay buddy. I'm here now, alright? It's all okay..." Sky cooed, knowing damn well that once this sickness passes Legend will remember none of this, but his heart breaking nonetheless.
"Mmkay..." Legend shifted slightly, resting his full weight on the older hero's legs and nestling into his arms. "...'ncle? I don'... feel so good.."
"Yeah I bet, you're pretty sick..." Sky said softly, his fingers absentmindedly carding through the delirious veteran's hair and voice rumbling slightly.
'Pretty sick' was an understatement. Legend had forgotten about a stab wound and left it for weeks to get infected, then proceeded to collapse with a fever. He'd been delirious for the past two days, barely waking up enough to sip water and broth. To make matters worse, the group was stranded out in the woodlands of some random Hyrule with no towns in sight. Thankfully the lands seemed healthy enough for Wild to forage and cook hearty dishes... but still.
"..'m I gonna die?" Legend whispered, looking up at Sky without a trace of recognition but a world of vulnerability and fear. Small tears started to form in those glassy eyes.
"No, no, you're gonna be all okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you, alright? It's okay, it's okay..." Sky gently uttered, leaning over and planting a soft kiss on his hairline.
"Mmn... promise..?" Legend's eyelids drooped, his battle to stay conscious slipping with every passing second.
Quietly settling beside the Skyloftian, Warriors gently handed him a mug. He wore a firm, yet worried expression on his face.
"I promise. But first, you have to drink this, okay? It'll make you feel better. You can go back to sleep then." Sky gently nudged Legend's lips with the brim of the mug.
Too sleepy to object, Legend obliged and started taking small, slow sips until the mug was fully emptied. In Sky's words, Legend resembled a sleepy remlit; cuddling up to the older hero in a way he'd never dare to if fully conscious. Nobody would dare take advantage of that vulnerability; not even Warriors, for all the two teased eachother.
Now, though, Sky slowly laid himself down on his bedroll, keeping an arm securely holding Legend close. With his prickly barriers down, Legend let himself melt into the warm embrace, feeling so safe and secure that in his last seconds of awareness he started crying.
"I love you..." Three words muttered with sincerity, and the sickly hero passed out once again.
(I'm not sure how this happened, but it did. I think maybe it's the idea that Legend's subconscious recognises Sky as a similar presence to his uncle that when he's caught in such delirium he mistakes them? Idk, but yeah, I hope you liked reading this !!)
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frickingnerd · 9 months
the world is (y)ours
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pairing: ganondorf x fem!reader
summary: you love ganon, you really do. but you worry he has gone too far this time...
tags: manipulation, mention of death/murder (nothing graphic), toxic relationship, established relationship
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“w-what… what did you do…?”
you couldn't take your eyes off the ruins of the city. only days ago, this place was a lively city, with dozens of people living in it. but now, it was burned down to ashes. you couldn't even make out what the burned down buildings used to be. and in the middle of all those ruins and ashes stood the man you loved.
“they were in my way, so i got rid of them”
he had his back turned to you and you could only imagine that his eyes were wandering through the remains of the city as well. yet he seemed to feel no remorse.
“they were in your way!?” you stepped forward. “all of them? all those innocent people were in your way? every single one of them?”
ganon didn't reply. because he couldn't. there was nothing he could say to defend himself.
“this…” suddenly, he raised his voice. “this is what we wanted. with this town gone, there's a gap in power. i'll be there to fill it and then we'll–”
before he could finish speaking, your hand met his face. normally, nobody would've been able to land a single hit on him. but he was careless. ganon thought he could let his guard down around you. but clearly, he couldn't.
“this isn't what we wanted! this is what you want! you want to seize control over hyrule! i only wanted to be with you–!!”
you tried to go in for another slap, but this time ganon was prepared. he grabbed your wrist and held your hand up. he was so much taller than you and yet you struggled against him. while you kicked and screamed at him, telling him to let go of you, he barely even bat an eye. there wasn't a single emotion on his face. he looked as calm as ever, until eventually he shoved you against the nearest wall, hands pinned above your head.
“you lost.” he told you calmly.
“no, you lost your way–!!” you screamed back. “you told me we'd be king and queen of hyrule! but not like this! not by killing people and taking those positions by force! this isn't how it was supposed to be… you changed…”
those last two words were barely a whisper, yet ganon heard them so clearly. the grip around your wrist loosened and one of his hands found its way to gently caress your cheek.
“i'm still the man you trust” he reminded you. “being your king was always my dream, my love. i just want us to rule, side by side. don't you want this? don't you want to be with me? don't you want to see me happy?”
you knew this was a trick. he'd have you tell him that you still love and trust him. in the end, you'd be the one apologizing, while he faces no consequences for his actions. because it was always like this. you loved him and you still saw the man he used to be in him. but that man was gone. and yet, you wouldn't stop chasing who he used to be…
“i… i still want to be with you.”
you lowered your head, too ashamed to even look at him. perhaps if you had looked at him, you would’ve seen that sinister smile spreading over his lips, as he spoke:
“i know you'd say that, my love”
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teaabexx · 7 months
It is I! The Wizard!
I was hoping to put in a request!
So, I'm really hyperfixating on LOZ rn and I was hoping you would write something for me.
Reader is an alchemist who works for either Vaati or Ghirahim (Vaati preferably but it's up to you) and summons/creates a monster they were told SPECIFICALLY not to do and just goes "Hey, remember that thing you told me not to do?"
If you don't that is totally fine!
I actually love the idea lol idk why.
safe for everyone!!
"Should I be mad ?" He mumbled while looking up at you, a mix between annoyance, amusement and exhaustion. He knew. He instantly knew. The knock on the door ? The dumb smile ? The small little bounce ? Yep. He knew. He sighed, he didn't even try to be angry, he just knew that would happen.
You're little smile dropped and you stared at him dead in the eyes. "I did it" you admitted in a whisper. "Did what…?"
"The thing you told me not to do"
"I called it Terrence !!"
The curtains were torn everywhere, there were bite marks on the tables, even a bit of...uhm...fur ? On the ceiling? Vaati frowned in confusion as he looked up at the ceiling. How did it get here? A big bulging eye, weird black/dark blue fur, a sticking tongue. So cute waw.
''You should've called him Terror not Terrence." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. AGAIN. He was annoyed, pissed, mad anything you want. Vaati entered the room and rolled up his sleeves, he started whistling to the...creature...''Psst, psst Terrence come here...!'' Terrence stared at him, huffing like a puppy, his one big eye was blinking slowly and staring at him. Terrence jumped from the ceiling and started running all over the room, Vaati running behind him to catch him.
You, on the other hand, were leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed, trying to hold back your laugh. He'd been trying to catch it for about twenty minutes. "Need help ?" You asked teasingly "Shut the f*ck up (Name)" he replied from across the room. You chuckled, amused to see him run and jump everywhere trying to reach the creature.
You shook your head and finally decided to help him. Too late, Vaati already caught Terrence. ...wait. OH SHIT-
"VAATI DON'T TOUCH THE TAIL—" you shouted.
"You could've tell me earlier" he grumbled while you were wrapping the bandage around his head. It was the first time you saw him without his cap. You giggled nervously and tried to avoid his glare. "I'm sorry, I forgot... I only remembered when I saw you trying to catch him by his tail." He looked up at you, you were focused and a bit embarrassed when wrapping the bandages. He was staring at you intensely. When you noticed his intense gaze on you, you release the bandages and stare back, a small blush creeping on your face.
"W-what ?" You mumbled shyly. He kept staring, he cupped your chin and leaned closer. Your eyes widened and you let him, you were expecting him to kiss you so you closed your eyes and waited. He kept leaning closer until Terrence barked. He stopped and you opened your eyes.
Vaati smirked and got up, grabbing his cap at the same time. He walked away but before leaving he said playfully y.
"You're fired !!"—
"WHAT ?"
Omg it's really short I'm sorry I hope you like it !!
Reblog and like <33 ♡
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captainritsuu · 8 months
it was my mother's birthday on the 31st.... happy birthday to the mother of all time :')
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sparrowsworkshop · 10 months
"Don't You Worry" by OneWingedSparrow
Main Tags: Twilight Princess, Post-Canon, Zelink, Link & Epona, Fluff, POV Epona, Trust Issues, Retrospective
Summary: Epona notes Zelda's nervousness around Link, and thinks it is undeserved. Read on AO3 Reblogs are appreciated! Hey listen, have a TP Zelda song rec since you're here :) ~
Epona knew her master’s hands. Link’s pull on the reins was never harsh, never hasty. She could not say the same for Fado; that man meant well, but, while occupied with counting the goats they were herding, he always clutched the reins too tightly, putting too much pressure on the bit. Nor would she say the same for the children she loved; whether nervous about being up too high on her back, or simply so confident to be up so high, they would cling to her mane with fervor. Talo especially held a habit of jerking.
When the Bulbins had taken her, they roughhoused her more than even Talo could have. She did not appreciate the rough talons that cut into her skin while they wrestled a coarsely woven bridle over her head and clamped their harshest bit, perhaps better fit for a boar, over her tongue. She did not like the feel of their hands on her reins, as they yanked her hither and yon with no care for her own sense of direction. To them, she was only a vehicle that carried them from one point to the next. She had been glad to break free of their stiff, demanding control.
When her master found her again, his touch was as welcome as a summer breeze from Farore. Gentle, and soothing, and steady, and sure. He guided her, but did not force her; he let her go her own way, but tugged her away from distractions as necessary, ensuring they arrived at their required destination.
Epona knew her master’s hands. She had spent countless years of her life helping Link plow the fields, tote the crops, haul the firewood. She knew the firm kindness by which he brushed her coat, the quiet strength by which he mucked the barn, the fond tenderness by which he patted the goats. Even when the herd got ornery, and he had to wrestle a wayward, bleating fugitive back to the ranch, Link’s might never lost its meekness. Epona knew her master’s hands, and she knew they were trustworthy.
Why was it, then, that the princess of Hyrule seemed nervous of the hand offered unto her?
Glancing back over her withers, Epona shook her mane and waited. For how long the princess had hesitated to receive the gift, it was as if Link had offered a writhing snake instead of a shimmering tiger lily.
The forest whispered a patient breeze to pass the time, while the ever traipsing brook muffled any conversation between the two. Epona swished her tail in warning as a fly droned by. Thankfully, it did not land.
Movement at last caught Epona’s eye. The princess finally accepted the gift, though she received it not in her hands, but in her hair, as the giver—her Hero—carefully reached upwards and tucked the flower behind her ear. No, Epona thought, the princess’ hands were meant to receive something greater than that lovely gift. After all, Link was reaching out once again, and this time, there was no hesitation; the princess let her hand rest in his.
Epona’s ears flicked forward. While she watched in excitement, the two began to wander, their footsteps drifting towards the water that danced with dappled sunlight.
Yes, anyone skittish could discover the truth, even the very princess of Hyrule.
Her master’s gentle hands could always be trusted. ~
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Congratulations to all of our Round 1 winners!
And now to announce round two's matches
Round 2, Match 1: Clover (Undertale Yellow) vs. Isaac Moriah (The Binding of Isaac): May 26th
Round 2, Match 2: Haruka Sawamura (Yakuza) vs. Frisk (Undertale) June 2nd
Round 2, Match 3: Six (Little Nightmares) vs. Boniface ‘Bonnie' (In Stars And Time): June 9th
Round 2, Match 4: Niko (OneShot) vs. Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune): June 16th
Round 2, Match 5: Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney) vs. Gregory (Five Nights at Freddy's): June 23rd
Round 2, Match 6: Peri (NeverHome: Hall of Apathy) vs. Quark (Virtue's Last Reward): June 30th
Round 2, Match 7: Link (The Legend of Zelda) vs. Fran Bow-Dagenhart (Fran Bow) + Sol (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist): July 7th
Round 2, Match 8: Hat Kid (A Hat in Time) vs. Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die): July 14th
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sugarbean · 2 years
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Out there in our vast universe exists a world split into two realms by the Old Gods.
One awakens when dusk falls. Its city bathed in a warm, gentle glow is soon submerged in darkness as the flickering neon lights illuminate the streets.
The other rises with the sun. Its town's stone walls are basked in golden hues day by day as the villagers wander through the market squares.
There is only one link between these two peaceful realms. A small countertop diner in an ordinary back alleyway, seemingly unimportant and inconsequential, but two princesses discovered the truth.
Both longing for connection, they reach out to each other through the unique mailing system of The Twilight Diner.
I wrote a fic inspired by @peevishpants amazing artwork!
Split into two parts as I wrote the main story first then decided it could do with some backstory if anyone's interested!
Pt. 1) Midnight Letters
Pt. 2) Noodles & Doodles [Coming Soon]
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exielimon · 1 year
I don’t believe I’m making one of these ever again, I just needed to get it out of my head, I’m not a writer. Anyways LU first and probably last fic.
This one is called-
Thought it was normal
I am really sorry if there are mistakes along the text, my native language is not english.
“hey bro…?”
“I can’t find my earphones, do you have something I can borrow?”
“Uhhh… yeah, you see, that box on the table beside the front door? there should be my earphones, but I advise you, they sound quite low.”
“Okay thank you!”
I have always had an imaginative mind, I was always imagining myself into non-physically-posible situations, always distracting me from my reality and getting me out of the pain of boredom. I was doing that too, in the moment I heard a thud behind me through the music in my brother’s black earphones. I could always hear that type of weird noises in my house, it was not haunted, I am sure of that because my parents built it, so I was not worried, I was even used to it. I looked over my shoulder, glancing around the kitchen and as expected, not finding anything, again, I could always hear those type of sounds, specially around that hour, around one in the morning I mean, but this was normal, never happens anything.
I turned around to see the dishes again, my music still playing.
There was a window in front of me, a big window actually. It was in the very front of my house, facing the street of my neighborhood, I couldn’t see through it because of the lack of light outside, so in that pitch black, I could only see reflection from inside my house and some lights from outside.
This reflection confused me when I saw two little red dots glowing in the cristal of the window, it was not a car outside, since they were beside one another and not one on top of the other, they were too small anyway… and they didn’t shine, they were only… there… glowing slightly… growing closer… wait- closer?!
The reflection still confused me when I turned around with a slight gasp leaving my lips and I didn’t find anything of such fire-like color. Wait… I never got scared of things like this… what’s happening…? the feeling of being watched was always present, it was normal too… it was present here too… but this was different from other times… it was never more that the beginning 'thud'… what the heck?
I tried to ignore it again… never happens anything anyway… I turned to see the window once more, the glowing dots were still there… but didn’t move anymore… now they…- it… was closer… almost could feel it’s breath in my right ear through the still playing music… or… wait… I can feel it’s breath… what was that dark thing in the corner of my eye?! what-
I turned my head, stepping quickly to the opposite way, there was nothing…
“what the…-“
The window had a pitch black again, nothing of another color… I ignored it again… it was over, I was just tired, or at least that’s what I wanted to believe, it was almost two in the morning, when had an hour passed…?
I finished the dishes and took my stuff, my phone, the box of my brother’s wireless earphones and drank a cup of water.
Going to the stairs and glancing back to the window of the kitchen is the last thing I remember of my home. Those red glowing dots were mocking at me again through the reflection. I felt my foot slip from a step, then my vision was void-black.
I am now lying in who-knows-where, I can see a blue sky and a few leaves producing shade over my eyes, is sounds peaceful, I feel a little dizzy actually… my vision is blurring again… I think my head hurts, I don’t know, I don’t believe I’m thinking straight, the slurred sounds of someone screaming in the distance are proving so… it’s silly…
Blue sky…? a tree…? was I not inside my house…? Why do I feel grass beneath my body…? I’m sure I was going to sleep…
who’s screaming…?
I glance to my left, I can’t exactly see, my vision is growing more blurred by every second, I can spot a few people, a few of them look like they’re searching something frenetically through… what is that… their bags I guess…?
heh, this is how my friend who never wears her glasses sees?? that’s fucked up…
Oh right… back to where I am…
Where am I??
My arm looks a little… hurt… that rock over there looks sharp… that would explain the numb in my arm, I wonder if I got more hurt… why do those people look so panicked…? why is my vision fading again…?
My eyes fall shut, I don’t think they noticed I opened them anyway. Uh, whatever, I’ll wake up in the morning and I’ll be depressed because it was a dream and nothing interesting or out of the usual actually happened…
Or that’s what I thought…
That is the only thing that left my mouth while waking up, I had a terrible headache, I felt dizzy again, my eyes felt like they were spinning in their spot under my eyelids, I lay on the blanket that was on the floor, I don’t remember sleeping on the floor, but I always do it, so it’s normal, I’ll ignore it.
My hand went to cover my eyes, even if I didn’t feel any light, just want to rub the sleep away, but it’s only making it worse. I open my eyes under my hand and it hurts, why do I feel like I’m going to dismantle…? what hap…-
Oh… I tripped…
I push myself to a sitting position and realize… I’m not in my room… I can’t see straight, as if I did stand up too quickly… I only sat up god damn, but I can’t feel my room… the first thing I see after the black in my eyes finishes fading is a camp in the middle of what looks like a forest… what the heck… I look around there’s a blonde person beside me… they seem asleep, but I can’t tell with my blurred vision, c’mon I need to see! they wear a red clothing and a blue cap… weird combination but doesn’t look bad, huh…
After a few seconds I rub my eyes again, I’m still not thinking straight… why am I not getting worried over the fact that I’m not in my house? who’s this… guy…? I honestly can’t tell with my vision like this.
I scan myself, I’m patched up for some reason, every sore spot in my body seems to be treated, I’m wearing different clothes, I’m on a bedroll on the veil of dry fallen leaves from the trees above my head, it’s reasonable, but doesn’t answer the main question forming inside my head while consciousness returns to my mind:
“What the fuck is happening…?”
The person beside me seems to wake up, seems like my question caught him off guard because how he reacted.
“I’M ALERT!!” he jumped to a seated position.
It’s a little funny how I’m staring at them, but they are looking at me the same way, so I guess they won’t get mad, I’m just looking confused anyway.
“Uh- you’re awake!” he leans closer to me as if inspecting my… wounds… “how are you feeling? do you feel dizzy? do you need another potion?”
“Wh- calm down, I can’t think straight-“
My voice is hoarse, just like I always wake up. “I… feel dizzy, yeah, it’s fading tho… and… wait- did you just say 'potion'?!”
“yeah- what, are you allergic or something?!” the blonde looks kinda confused now… a little worried.
“No- I just… uh… what the heck…? why do you look so much like…” my vision came back!! finally!! the person in front of me looks freaky alike the Veteran from that amazing comic named Linked Universe I just started following weeks ago… but why…? can this be a cosplayer? what a cool background, it’s so realistic, but when did I end up with this guy in his study?
“Like…?” the guy got tired of looking at me dazing off
“Uh… where am I? who are you? what the heck is happening? I have a lot of questions actually” one of them is: why am I not freaking out…?
“Uh… of those questions I can only answer one actually…- I have no Idea where we are actually, me and my group are lost as well, you see, we’re not from here and since you are the only person we’ve found in like seven hours, we thought you could tell us…” He explains, looks like we’re both screwed up. “I have no idea what is happening to you and… the name’s Veteran or Legend
I prefer Vet tho, all are nicknames since, you’ll see, me and my friends all have the same name”
“Uh- what the- yo for real…? is this not a cosplay…? because if it is I really am not a part of the role, I’m actually really confused.” what the heck does this guy mean…? sure he looks exactly like the guy from the comic, and that is worrying me.
“yeah uh… cos-… what?” oh lord… “you sure hit your head hard huh?” he chuckled.
“Oh for fuck’s sake… is this even real?” Well there it is, I’m starting to freak out.
“Uh- what a language, I guess you’re in your right this must a lot to process after waking up of such a hit-“ He paused for a moment and returned to the process of making sure I didn’t loose my mental state. “do you remember what were you fighting or what caused you that?”
“Uh- cause me what?” My freaking out did not fade, but my mind focused more on my confusion.
“Look at you, you look like your body is going to snap like a bunch of sticks”
“Huh?” I remembered my aching body “Uh, that… I- listen, if you’re not a cosplayer then just don’t ask how I know this, but I am not from 'around here' either, I am from another world… not a timeline, a whole different world, a world where… actually you shouldn’t exist-… doesn’t matter- the point is… I need to get back, if I am where I think I am, then I shouldn’t be here, I’ll die with the first monster!“
“Woah woah- calm down, first I am definitely going to ask how you know that- but later. And second, if you know that- then you should know that I don’t know how to get back either.”
“Oh… right, why the fuck am I so calm now…? I’m in a fucking different world and…-“ I pause thinking again about the last moment I saw my home, I was holding something… what was it? My hand goes to touch my ear and seek for something that I wish wasn’t there, but it was… my brother’s earphones. “Did I… have something on my hands when you found me?”
“Uhm… Oh yes!” he took a hand to his pocket and started looking for something, taking out two things: my phone and the little black box of the earphones. “you were clutching at it really hard, we thought it was important, even if we didn’t know what it is…” he stretched out his hand for me to grab the devices.
“Oh thanks!” I opened the case and put the wireless earphones inside. “So… where are the others?” I glance at the ashes of the campfire, it still has fathoms, as if it hasn’t been too long since it was extinguished.
“my group? some went to-“
“We’re back! at least us, heh” someone interrupted stepping inside the clearing. A person with blonde hair, blue eyes, scar all over the left side of their face and a sky blue shirt with the design of a sword pointing down. I recognize this guy.
Before one of them reacted, three more people walk behind him: A brunette taller guy with a white… cape? no, I recognize him too, that’s a sailcloth, sky’s sailcloth. Another guy also brown hair and a green tunic, as simple as that, I recognize them too. And for the last, a small guy, his blonde hair reaches his shoulders, wears a green band on the forehead and his tunic splits on four different colors, heheh, if these guys knew what that means.
One of them notices the stranger waken up, me. Sends a kind smile at me and sets the things he had in his hands where the shorter blonde guy asks him to.
“I see you’re awake” He comes close and sits down in front of me, oh lord I hate eye contact.
“You think?” What the hell was that answer? it is a joke but I’m not sure if they’ll get it, what if they think I’m rude-
A chuckle. They got the joke fine. Oh thanks lord.
“Oh-kay why do you say that, you still dizzy?”
“Uh- no… yes… shit I still can’t think straight”
“oh well- language, young one”
“uh- sorry” I rub my eyes again.
“Oh good! they woke up! everything okay?” A voice can be heard from behind the brunette in front of me, I think it’s from the shorter blonde, I can’t tell. “they didn’t freak out?”
“oh yeah, I forgot I had to freak out” honestly it’s surprising that I’m so calm, the fact that I am in a totally different world probably infested with unknown monsters and creatures, infinite different ways of me dying alone and that I’m with the reincarnations of what’s probably a god of courage… yeah, I should probably freak out now… somehow I feel happiness instead…
“Please don’t, you’re doing well ‘til now”
the blonde besides me speaks once again. now that I realize, his pink streaks are very faded, but I can see them clear. I was wondering why I couldn’t see them while my vision was blurred, but I can understand why now.
“Ok fine…”
“So, do you recognize this place?” the brunette started again “I’m sorry to be asking you when you just woke up… we don’t actually-“
“I don’t know either”
“I’m not from this world either… last thing I remember is tripping over a step on the stairs of my house, after that… everything is unknown…” I explained, it’s weird… I’m not good with words… I can’t actually remember a single time when I spoke so fluidly to a person, I’m a god damn introvert. “except for you…” I whispered under my breath, fortunately, they didn’t catch it.
“A-and how do you know we’re…” the brunette- Sky is stuttering, maybe I should’ve just said that I hit my head too hard and lost my memory. Oh well.
“I… I know a lot of things… long story short, I’ve… seen you…? as an omniscient-being…?” I think I’m gonna break him “now I am the one asking you not to freak out”
The silence feels awkward now, the boy in front of me looks confused and horrified at the same time, and I can feel the glare, that the pink streaked beside me is shooting to my neck as if it’s burning my skin with the same expression, the other three behind Sky are staring too, I think I’ve said too much, oh fucking god… I screwed up and I don’t know how to fix such bullshit. “I… I’m not your enemy tho…” as if that’s gonna calm them down.
The taller blonde- Wild starts to approach, he seems wary, almost as if he’s approaching some wind aggressive animal, that’s rude.
“Uhm… s-should we… suspect?” The blonde approaching asks slowly to his mate, the skyloftian.
“I’m right here y’know?” I huff offended, yep, that was rude. I decide to rub my eyes again while they rebuild themselves and then take the same hand through my head, how long have I been sweating?
The movement of my hair lets the pink streaked- Veteran see my right ear with a golden (and dirty because of the use) earring.
“Guys…? I know I’m the least likely to trust people and I’m the most paranoid of this group, but I think they say the truth…” the Veteran suggests, looking at my earring as I let my hair fall again.
I turn my gaze to the guy next to me, he’s not looking at my eyes, he’s looking at my ear… “huh…? oh- that.”
“What do you mean…?” The skyward boy asks still with a wary voice, which I just take as they do want an explanation to trust me, yet is still not sure if he should.
This is my opportunity to prove them that I’m not lying “Look, I only know about your adventures, don’t go thinking I’m a weird stalker” I take a bit of my hair behind my ears each side, letting see my the different ears. ”Also I wasn’t expecting this to be relevant”
“Woah…” the Wild hero seems convinced now.
“Well, if you think about it…”Legend starts explaining, which is weird because I always thought he would be the most difficult to convince. “it shouldn’t be relevant… but it does prove you’re not from a Hyrule…” well that’s true “I don’t believe the Yigas are so smart for something like this” He turns his gaze to his wild brother, which the other answers with a shrug, yet somehow looking with agreement.
“The old man and the Captain will know what to do” Sky states “They will decide if we should trust them”
“Again, I’m right here.” well that’s annoying.
“Oh- sorry, didn’t mean to”
The rest of the heroes arrived, they were haunting and some hoard of monsters caught them off guard, or at least that’s what they look like, some scratches, bruises and the open minor slashes they had all over their clothes.
Time, Twilight, Warrior and Wind. The minor part of the group, but the ones that enjoy spending energy on active stuff, or simply, they like causing trouble like the gremlins they actually are.
But I did not have much time to think abut that and mock in my head over the topic; for now, while the others are chatting around a campfire, I find myself separated, with four beings that emanate authority: A war god, a divine blue-eyed beast, a captain of the royal knights and the murderer of an evil god and creator of the most powerful weapon against darkness. Without mentioning again that I’m with a bunch (now nine) of reincarnations of the spirit of courage himself.
Time, Twilight, Warrior and Sky are sitting in front of me and the only thing I can think about is “Why are you looking at me like that…?” I am feeling threatened…
Time, with his stoic face and the markings of the fierce deity on his face. His only ocean blue eye looking deep into my soul. He’s resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his intertwined hands.
The Captain Warrior next to him, one of his ankles resting on the opposite knee, resting his elbow on the other knee and covering his mouth with two fingers of the same resting arm. Why does he have to scan me like that???
Twilight is sitting straight, arms crossed and knees just in a sitting position.
The Skyloftian just seems tired, he’s resting his face on his hand, elbow on his knee.
“seen us?” the rancher starts “how?”
Don’t think I can just tell them they’re mere characters from a franchise. “Y-you’re really famous around my word…” how am I even planing to justify the timelines then?! “my… my world is really advanced on technology… we… discovered the…the branches of the timelines… now you have a place in history” that’s an excuse, but not exactly the truth, will they believe?
“That far in the future…?” the warrior is impressed.
The timeless hero doesn’t. He glares at me like he can sense my hidden truth.
“It is impressive… but doesn’t exactly answer the ‘seen us’ part.” that emotionless eye is burning my skin.
“Uhm… history books… representations… even TV shows…” I chuckle quite nervously, I hope they didn’t notice that, which is most likely that they did.
“What is a ‘TV show’?”
“Uh… it’s a… show displayed on a screen… or most likely a device that… well, emits light different colors forming an image with movement… plays those type of shows for a general public that has that same type of device… named ‘television’… ‘Tv’ for short… I’m not good with technical explanations”
“oh, something like Wild’s slate… but with different meanings??”
“yeah… entertainment and emission of news…” Okay this is getting better.
“well that is an advanced future… with such advanced knowledge on technology, and to use it to mere entertainment… would be easy to discover a lot of things” the old man states, but why does he sill seem wary? his eye doesn’t show a bit of softening. “but” oh god. “how did you get here then? you don’t look like an adventurer or a time traveler, sure you wouldn’t just enter a portal because you saw it”
oh, shit I thought he was gonna throw a question that would tear me apart. “Uh, I’m not actually sure, I was in my house, the last thing I remember is tripping over a step on the stairs… I was just going to sleep”
“Anything weird before that? some presence…? a shadow?” this Old man is getting to the point, good.
“uh actually… yes, now that I think about it, there was a presence, but that type of things always happens at my home, so I don’t think it’s relevant” At least I can say this more relaxed.
“Maybe it was taking advance of that situation to be near. We’ve been dealing with a shadow version of us and we believe you could be involved.” the ranch-hand just wants to finish this, he seems tired. “did you not see something? perhaps with red eyes?”
“Uh… red eyes…?” the image of the glowing dots on the window return to my mind. The simple thought of it is making me shiver and returns the cold feeling of being watched. “I…”
I’m shaking, that thing was behind me and playing with my mind. It was right over my shoulder. I couldn’t see it, it could be here right this instant, it could be reaching its hand or claw at me right in this moment. A cold breeze runs through my back, I’m afraid to look back, the anxiety is running through my body and I am staring at…- what am I staring at? I can’t register, my mind is only waiting for the moment when that thing clenches my shoulder and shoves me into a black-pitch void.
A hand on my shoulder makes my head snap in that direction, a gasp leaving my lips and realize that is nothing else than the hand of a rancher, trying to make me breath steadily. Since when did I stop breathing-?
“hey- you with us?” The blue-eyed beast asks.
Aww he so gentle! I wanna hug him!! wait- back to the present. “y-yeah… I think… I think I did saw a thing with red eyes… on a reflection that was already black…” the mere memory of it is got me shivering, god damn that thing even touched me-
“Then you must be meant to come with us… you definitely have something to do with all of this… and if you have so much information about us, we sure cannot leave you at your mercy exposed to that thing… no offense, but you don’t look like a fighter either.” Sky mid-woke up, poor baby is eepy.
Wht- it’s weird now that they are real people- grown mans even, I can’t go thinking that!
They invite me to have dinner among the rest around the campfire, they are talking low, but they enjoy themselves, and I enjoy this meal, goddamn they fanfics do not lie, Wild cooks delicious.
“so… now that you’ll be coming with us…”The question makes my head snap out of my thoughts, redirecting my gaze towards Four who has the only position that seems to be directed at me. “You said you’re not a fighter, that means you’re not a Link, so… What’s your name?”
The rest of the group stare at me, expecting an answer. Oh satan, I hate so much eyes on me… what do I tell them? My real name? it’s in Spanish and long, may be difficult for them to pronounce it. The nickname I chose for myself? well, maybe, but it sounds kinda weird, may be the best option but still. ‘Player’? I can’t go explaining why that name. Am I taking too long to answer?!
“Uhm… w-why don’t you make a nickname for me?”
“Sounds great! we can have fun while making a new nickname!” Wind states in his childish excitement, I swear he’s adorable and did not deserve anything of what he’s been through.
I take a look around me as the others start thinking my new nickname, I realize now why I didn’t freak out… I feel safe around them… their heroic aura is so strong that their mere presence is calming… Besides, the happiness may be because this is actually happening and not just another of those dreams which I wake up from and instantly get bored. Or at least I hope so…
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pastelsandpining · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 400!!! do with this what you will 😈
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
you did this to yourself beloved <3
thank you for the request!! and thank you to my beta @ladyhoneydee !!
warnings: blood, major character death, themes of guilt and grief
Masterlist | 400 Requests
The world burned.
Crimson and amber painted the sky, dappled the trees, traced every blade of grass that met the naked eye. Embers waltzed amongst spires of smoke, climbing higher and higher into the ashen air. He could remember the look of the world when he emerged; remembered that initial glimpse of cerulean blue through the crack in the surface, the sway of greenery in a gentle breeze, the way his chest expanded with his first greedy breath of fresh air. It had burned in his lungs then, stung his eyes to tears, but he couldn’t get enough. Now, the earth looked nothing like those memories. His own hand had set everything ablaze.
And just there, in the midst of the crumbling architecture—mortal talent, wasted—and charred ground, laid this world’s protector. It was she who kept the earth alive; whose breath made the tide of the oceans rise and sink; whose touch caused flowers to blossom and trees to sprout; whose song brought comfort and warmth, like a lullaby brings to a babe; whose heartbeat was the reason for the chase between the sun and the moon. Hylia, she was called, and she’d been the first to greet him when his King split the ground she walked on.
She’d been kind. She must not have known that creatures like him did not deserve kindness.
He did not know what compelled him to move. He could only guess that it was guilt driving his feet forward, one foot in front of the other, towards the crumpled figure. He moved with an urgency that did not belong; he’d known that this was going to happen. He’d known that the outcome meant she was going to be hurt. Demise was not merciful to those that he loathed, and Hylia, in all of her goodness and power, was what he hated most. Yet nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited. 
Her once white dress was stained with golden ichor. She was nearly unmoving, curled into herself in a last attempt to conserve energy. Her skin was pale, as if all the color had been drained from it, and her golden hair was in tangles and knots sprawled over the sooty ground. Still, the sight of her was so beautiful that it took his breath away. 
He knelt by her side, his arms gentle and careful as he cradled her body between them. 
“Hylia,” he murmured; speaking her language had always felt off on his tongue. “My goddess…”
She turned her head. Despite it all, her lips curved into a comforting smile. One of her hands lifted and pressed to his cheek. Her fingers slipped in the ichor; it was warm and smooth. He was not accustomed to many emotions, but he understood those that hit him so suddenly, right then and there, to be grief and utter guilt. The heart that she’d unearthed from the depths of his chest wrenched. 
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, dropping his head to hers. Her breathing sounded as ragged as it felt. “I’m so sorry.”
“You were not the one to strike me,” Hylia spoke. Her voice was barely audible over the roaring of the wind. 
“Don’t,” he begged, clutching the fabric of her dress. He’d always thought white was too bright of a color; now, he would give anything to see it pure again. “Don’t. I led him to you. I do not deserve your kindness.”
“My love, do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”
And it hurt. It was agony, the way his chest ached and hands began to shake. He did not think it was possible that someone could be so good, good enough to forgive him for his sins. He’d led the Demon King to her, knowing what he would do, because it was what he’d been created for. He’d hated himself for it upon meeting her and had loathed his existence ever since. He held her tighter, one hand lifting to hold the slipping hand of hers against his face, and a new warmth ran over his skin: tears. “I..” But he could not even say that he loved her. Would it mean anything if he did? After all he’d done? He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bid the evidence of his sorrow to stay beyond the floodgates, but nothing could stop them now. He’d done this to her. Demise would always know where she was, because wherever she went, his obedient servant would follow.
“I know.”
“I will kill him myself,” he swore, but Hylia’s sad smile suggested it meant very little. “He will get to you first,” she told him. They both knew it. He swallowed. 
“I deserve what comes to me.”
She looked at him now with something different. Pity. Like what he’d said had somehow hurt her, too. She was too good to agree with him, even if they should both call it true.
“You are not what Demise made you to be,” she murmured, and her hand moved to rake through his hair. The gesture was comforting, once upon a time. Now, it felt like he was being set aflame. Maybe he was. 
“I killed you,” he said weakly. Her smile became something wry.
“Gods do not die,” she told him, and he tried his hardest to convince himself that it was true. Gods did not die, but those like him were sent back to the depths of hell over and over again, and he wished nothing more than for her to serve him that fate on a rancid platter. He did not deserve to be anywhere else, or have death reach out to him kindly. He was born to be and would die a traitor; he only longed for it to be by her hands. It was fitting.
The sky was dark when Hylia fell still. Maybe she would recover in time; maybe what she had said was true: gods could not be killed.
But he laid her body with the flowers and decided he would find out for himself whether or not a god could die.
He would begin with the Demon King himself.
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queendragmire47 · 7 months
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The Nakayayukan Chronicles
The Wild Karen
[Hyrule Town (OOT setting) ]
The shopkeeper felt intimidated when the large Gerudo had approached his stand. The shopkeeper, like all the other Hylians, knew of Ganondorf the Gerudo King also known as the King if Evil, and what he was capable of. All the people bustling about the market knew best to keep their distance. All, but 2. One taller than average, pale Hylian woman with the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes and long, vivid copper red hair. She had on her head a Gerudo amulet that signified her rank as Queen. As tall as she was she still didn't intimidate the shopkeeper. She had a gentleness about her and casually stood beside Ganondorf inspecting the bread as well.
Suddenly Ganondorf bumped his head on top of the shopkeeper's stand. "Ow..."
Linara, who was standing beside him let out a giggle. "Watch it, honey."
Ganondorf smiled down at her and laughed inwardly. "I sometimes forget how tall I really am in this town." He rubbed the back of his head and then knelt down to inspect the rolls.
The shopkeeper did his best to keep his composure especially when the 2nd Hylian approached the stand. She was someone he feared even more than Ganondorf. He would rather Ganondorf kill him now than to deal with her.
The woman approached the stand and then stood with one hand on her hip. She was completely oblivious of Ganondorf, who was still knelt down. She had her blonde hair cut short, way above her shoulders. She had a natural frown on her relaxed face that only looked worse when she actually frowned.
She is the monster every shopkeeper feared.
The dreaded Karen.
The shopkeeper was in the middle of bagging what Ganondorf picked out when she finally spoke.
She cleared her throat and snapped her fingers.
Ganondorf turned, thinking it was towards him, but she had snapped her fingers at the shopkeeper as if he were a dog. He raised a thick brow, finding such behavior to be absurd.
"Y-yes, ma'am?" The shopkeeper acknowledged her "great presence".
Linara huffed, rolling her eyes.
Ganondorf noticed his Queen's response. "Linara do you know her?"
Linara nodded.
"Who is she?"
"A Karen." Chaundra, Linara's pink fairy companion, began explaining. "They are firebreathers with horns concealed within their ridiculous hair. They are nothing, but self entitled bumholes who prey on the innocent shopkeepers just so they can get whatever they want. They'll stop at nothing until they get what they want. Even squawking like wild birds!"
Linara chuckled.
"Firebreathers?" Ganondorf asked curiously.
Linara chuckled again before explaining. "They do not literally breathe fire, Ganondorf. It's merely a slang because every word that comes out of their mouth is hurtful. They also do not literally have horns. Chaundra means that they're just all around bad and awful to deal with."
"Is that so?" Ganondorf said.
"What can I do for you?" The shopkeeper asked.
"Where on your stand is the bread that you were selling for 10 Rupees each? I don't see it. " The Karen asked.
The shopkeeper nervously pointed out a near empty spot that only had one loaf.
"That's it?!" Karen scoffed. "You have to have more put away somewhere. I need three." She held up three fingers.
Another bead of sweat formed on the side of the innocent shopkeeper's bald head. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but that's all I got for now, but more is being made and it will be restocked in about an hour. If you come back then I'll---"
"NO! I can't wait that long! I need it 𝙣𝙤𝙬! I know you have more back there! I just need 2 more. Get them out now. Let's go!" She demanded and snapped her fingers at him again.
All Chaundra could do was smack one of her palms on the center of her pink fairy face. She had to resist the urge to throw something at the wild Karen.
Linara held her breath with puffed out cheeks and eyes so wide that they were practically all white. She had to refrain from speaking else she was going to open a can of worms.
"I'm terribly sorry ma'am, but I don't have anymore, honest. The rest is at my house baking and might now even be on it's way here as we speak. You can have these ones here if you cannot wait until later. They're on sale as well."
Karen folded her arms. "Well, that's not the same. I need this one! You can just go back to your house and bring 2 over. I'll wait."
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. It's not that simple. Really." The shopkeeper replied apologetically.
She angrily pointed a finger at him. "Where's your manager?! I want to speak with them right now!"
"Ma'am, I a--"
"That, would be me." Ganondorf spoke from behind her in his deep booming voice, as she was picking up the last loaf of bread. "And I am not about the deal with your shit! Get out, now."
Karen scoffed. "𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙚 me? Do you have any idea who I am?"
Ganondorf stood firm with folded arms. "And do you have any idea of who 𝙄 am?" One side of his mouth curved as he smugly looked down at her, waiting for her to turn around.
Karen huffed as she was digging in her bag for her Rupees. "What in Goddesses name kind of question is that?..." She began to turn around to face him. "You just said--" She gasped instantly dropping the bread while looking up at the King of Evil as though she was a deer at headlights. She began sputtering before finally able to get her words back.
Karen then took a few steps backwards. "I'llJustComeBackLater." She quickly said and with that she took off as fast as the Bunny-Hooded Running Man.
Even Karens knew not to mess with the Great Ganondorf.
Chaundra had to land in order to roll around and laugh her ass off.
Linara began chuckling. "Well done, my love."
"But... why?" The shopkeeper spoke as he took the Rupees, Ganondorf had handed him. He was confused that the King of Evil would actually care to defend him, a simple shopkeeper.
"Because no one should have to deal that savagery." He handed the shopkeeper another Rupee.
The shopkeeper gaped, taking in a sharp breath when he realized the Rupee handed to him was golden Rupee. A very rare and valuable Rupee. "Wait a minute, this is--"
"Your tip. Keep it." Ganondorf simply said, smiling. "You've earned it. I for one wouldn't have been so patient with the likes of her." He then bidded the shopkeeper a good day and went on his way.
Linara walked alongside her beloved King with her arms looped around his bicep as they were making their way to the drawbridge where the horses stood waiting.
Chaundra then laughed and pointed out something in the distance. "Look!"
Both Linara and Ganondorf stopped and turned to see Karen in the distance screeching at the top of her lungs and shouting inaudible words as two Hylian Guards were hauling her away.
"Pathetic." Ganondorf said and began to laugh and sneer.
Chaundra started guffawing when Karen suddenly screamed a high pitched shrill. "What in the world was 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩?
They all began to laugh.
Even the shopkeeper in the distance was laughing while in the middle of unloading the unexpected early delivery of bread loaves off the cart hauled by a mule, his coworker had rode in on. "You won't believe what just happened." He said to his coworker after they finished laughing.
"What?" His coworker asked.
The shopkeeper then went on and told his wholesome tale about how he encountered that dreaded wild Karen...
(Heeheehee the things I come up with while I'm on my break 🙂🙃 .)
{Image is not mine. All credits go to it's owner . If anyone knows who the owner is let me know so I can repost with their name watermarked across it and tag them, so everyone knows where to find them 😉👍}
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lorisidirgiichi2002 · 9 months
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Finally did the Draw your Comfort Characters like this thing. And here they are.
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greyennui · 2 years
Short little oneshot with pre-relationship Zelda and Link.
I'm thinking about making a long fic of it, but as I'm currently busy with my Link/Sheik fic, it will def be a while before that happens. Enjoy this teaser anyway, I guess!
“You seem different,” Zelda said, watching Link with a curious gleam in her eye.
Link met her eyes briefly, returning her smile, and turned his gaze back to the woods below. “I suppose I am.”
Link and Zelda finally have some peace after defeating the Calamity, and they talk about their feelings.
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frickingnerd · 5 months
love at first fight
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pairing: urbosa x gn!reader
summary: you propose a duel to the queen of gerudo – and if you win, you get to marry her!
a/n: the title of the oneshot was just a typo at first, but i figured this really fits and went with it haha
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“you have no chance with urbosa! she's the queen of the gerudo and completely out of your league! you better forget about her!”
you've been told countless times that you had no chance with urbosa. everyone you knew had advised you to find someone else. but you knew what you wanted! and you wanted urbosa.
“you're saying you have a proposal for me?”
you had managed to make it all the way into gerudo town and be allowed an audience with her. perhaps that was due to the two of you having crossed paths in hyrule castle before and being acquainted with each other already. or perhaps urbosa had simply taken pity of you, after hearing the rumors.
“a proposal, a bet, a duel… call it what you may!”
you smiled confidently, as urbosa's subordinates whispered something. they didn't seem too impressed by you, but that didn't bother you.
“tell me more about it then! i can hardly agree to anything i know nothing about”
“it's simple, really” you grinned. “we duel! if you win, i'll never enter gerudo town again”
“and if i lose?”
“you'll become my bride!”
the whispers got louder. urbosa sat quietly on her throne, as the people around her lost it. they looked at you, disgusted at the mere suggestion. to even assume that urbosa would lose against you! and to even suggest that she'd become your bride!
“i accept.”
urbosa rose from her throne. the room went quiet. nobody dared to speak, when the queen did.
“but don't expect me to go easy on you”
“i wouldn't dream of it, your highness~!”
urbosa reached out her hand, one of her subordinates quickly bringing her her blade. as soon as she had her hands on it, the fight had begun and urbosa rushed forward.
you drew your blade, dodging her first attack. she had a lot of distance to close at first, so it was too obvious what her first move would be. but the next few wouldn't be as easy.
your blades crossed, again and again. the two of you seemed to be in perfect sync. it looked almost like a dance, with how swiftly you moved. the scenery around you seemed to fade away, as all you could focus on was each other.
and then finally, after what felt like an eternity of passionately dancing with one another, one of you was cornered.
“you're a good fighter…”
urbosa was out of breath, but clearly enjoying herself. she hasn't fought like this in ages!
“but you're still no match for me”
urbosa's blade had been resting against your neck, but now she pulled away and took a step back. you were out of breath too and despite losing, you were still smiling.
“this was fun…”
you slid your blade back in its sheath, watching as urbosa sat back down on her throne. you remained in your position for a moment, watching her in awe, before straightening your clothes and stepping in front of the throne again.
“it's a shame we won't get to duel like this again… now that i'm banished from gerudo town”
urbosa huffed amused.
“as the victor, shouldn't i get to choose what my reward is? i fear this one won't do…”
“oh? then do tell, your highness… what do you wish for?”
you, as well as everyone else in the room, seemed eager to hear what it would be.
“you'll never get good enough to win a fight against me, if you don't practice. i'll make you my personal guard, so you'll have plenty more chances to spar with me and improve”
“and what about our little bet, your highness?”
urbosa leaned back on her throne and smiled.
“if you manage to win a battle against me, i'll allow you to take me as your bride.”
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