#to be blunt I’m also sick of warm fuzzies right now
qsphyxias · 3 years
the drowsy kind.
if you fetishize mlm/nblm relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; todoroki takes care of you because your immune system is literally trash
warnings ; gn! reader (gender not specified), getting fevers, small ittty bitttttty sprinkle of angst, mostly fluff, cold liquid medicine, snot (symptoms of fevers), short because wowie i am lazy
note ; listen... i just- i just think he's really neat, okay? also I'm sick too so that's fun
words ; 0.6k+
⊱ ────── {⋅.𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 - 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐢.⋅} ────── ⊰
"come on, i know you want to sit down." todoroki sighed, one hand beckoning for you to come towards him, as the other patted his lap.
"come ; i need to feed you your medicine." todoroki thinned his lips, clearly impatient for you to hurry up and get better. though it was adorable seeing you all red-nosed and sleepy ; he couldn't have imagined it to be very comfortable in your feverish state.
sluggishly, you nodded, sniffling as snot threatened to dribble down your cupid's bow.
"christ, i feel like actual garbage..." you murmured, eyes closing tight shut as soon as your face hit the warm chest of your boyfriend. "m really sorry you have to deal with me," the fuzziness and aches placed uncomfortably in front of your face washed away, becoming less unbearable as todoroki let you use him as a pillow.
"it's probably tiring, right..?" you empathized, speech apologetic but grip unapologetic as you practically clung onto the poor boy like he was your life-line. he remained silent and unfazed by your slightly saddened words, hearing but not listening as he busied himself with the task of retrieving the bottle of cold medicine and the spoon atop your table.
"i wanna say, 'you should go home'-" you patted his shoulder and shuffled your head up slightly, eyes peeking up at him as you watched him open his mouth to say something. "but—" you disrupted his attempt to counter you.
i don't want you to go. "—you're probably just gonna tell me how much you care about me and love me and blah, blah, bl—"
"...i wasn't going to say that." he cut you off, tone blunt and serious-sounding.
you paled, shame suddenly washing over your entire being like a painful, suffocating tidal wave.
"o-oh, well- um-" your face suddenly felt extremely warm, and the feeling hadn't let down especially when he suddenly pecked the top of your head — though the action still had reassured you a bit.
"i'm kidding. it's a joke." he deadpanned, a quiet, breathy chuckle escaping the confines of his quirked-up lips.
you glared at his cruel amusement he seemed to have gotten from your panic.
"i would totally beat your ass if i wasn't so sick right now. shame on you for taking advantage of little poor me—" the soft sound of a spoon clanking against your molars tickled the air, surprising you but not todoroki as he seemed to be distracted by his dead-set need to feed you your medicine.
"why does it taste so bad?" you whined, tugging at his arm as he cradled your jaw to make sure you drank all of it.
"i'm not sure. but if it helps in your recovery, the bad taste should be worth it, right?" he pressed another kiss to your forehead, pulling you up and off his lap and helping you down onto the bed.
"now go to sleep, i'll be back soon." todoroki pulled away from you after tucking you in, only to be met with a weakening hand grasping onto his elbow.
"i'm not tired yet though, so you can't force me! cuz i will completeeeely! destroy you in tr-training and... ugh, i'm tired ; cuddle me, ice ice baby...!" the medicine was drowsy, he made sure of that when he had gone to the store ; but even so, he had still been met with the surprise from how quickly it kicked in.
todoroki then sighed. "don't ever call me that." despite expressing his displeasure with the strange nickname, he complied with your request nonetheless, finding no reason to deny a sick person cuddles.
as he made himself comfortable underneath your sheets, todoroki did his absolute best to suppress his smile muscles, but couldn't find the strength as your nuzzling broke down his defenses with little to no effort.
"and i don't want to get sick, so you're going to have to avoid my... and you're already asleep." the medicine proved to be very effective. did he accidentally get the extra drowsy kind?
"...get better soon." he couldn't help himself ; he had to get at least one last forehead kiss in.
⊱───── ❝ thank you for reading! ❞ ─────⊰
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hajimes-erect-ahoge · 4 years
Postmortem- Chapter 13
Kokichi overthinks his feelings for Shuichi and has a conversation with Rantaro.
This was bad.
No, it was more than bad, it was terrible, absolutely horrendous.
Kokichi Ouma had feelings for someone.
In the past, it was quite easy for him to relegate these feelings to the back of his brain and pretend they did not exist. In the rare moment that they did rise to the surface of his consciousness he would face them with blunt denial, acting like this silly “crush” of his was nothing but careless infatuation that would die down soon enough.
But now his feelings were staring him in the eye, baring their ugly fangs which threatened to sink into his flesh, rendering him a slave to his emotions.
If his trust issues during the killing game were anything to go by, it was evident that Ouma did not like being out of control of things. He would plan his actions very carefully in order to elicit very specific reactions from the other members of the group, who would play into his hand like puppets. Every action he took was carefully constructed and overthought, so there was no room for uncertainty.
But Ouma’s feelings right now were the epitome of uncertainty.
Love, if he even dared to call it that, was a fickle thing, whimsically swaying its victims to and fro, doing as it so desires. Ouma could take whatever actions he wanted, but he would be pathetically unable to escape the clutches of this “monster” that people called love. He was at its mercy, submitting to his heart’s desires.
Isolating himself did no good- it just made him think of Saihara even more, his absence burning a hole in his heart. But spending too much time with him was dangerous, the warm feeling in his chest blooming, growing until it was unbearable. Any sort of fine medium he tried to find between these two extremes did little to quell his emotions, rather, it made them flourish.
The fact that Ouma had feelings for Saihara was nothing new; Despite how much he denied it in the past, he at least acknowledged the tiniest sliver of a possibility that he had feelings for the other boy. But as time passed and he grew closer to Saihara, his feelings grew stronger as well. They began to dominate his mind, permeating his every thought:
When he went to the dining hall, he hoped that Saihara would be there, kindly waving him over to come sit with him.
When he bickered with Momota, he would purposefully try to gain Saihara’s attention.
And when he went to sleep at night, he wondered if Saihara was thinking of him too.
During the killing game, it has never been this bad. Maybe that was because the crushing weight of trying to end the killing game by himself was resting on his shoulders, taking over his every thought and leaving no room for such idle distractions. Maybe not. Who knows.
But now that the imminent threat of death was no longer looming over his head, he was supposed to be able to think more clearly now. Instead, stupid Saihara just had to occupy his thoughts and be so nice to him even after everything he did during the killing game.
Saihara’s sweet smile that he had reserved only for those close to him, the way he fiddled with his fingers when he was nervous, and the way that Ouma felt his knees go weak every time Saihara looked at him with those unnecessarily long eyelashes- it all made him sick.
And there was nothing he could do about it.
Nothing except resign himself to his fate of suffering from an unrequited love, because there was absolutely no way that Saihara returned his feelings. Not when there were so many better alternatives available to him.
First of all, there was Akamatsu, the goody-two-shoes bundle of sunshine that tried to unite everyone together against the mastermind- a foolish move, really. She was the first to be by Saihara’s side during the killing game, and left a lasting impression on him after she died. Everything suddenly became “Akamatsu this” and “Akamatsu that” as Saihara struggled to find himself now that he was left alone.
She had been the perfect sacrifice for Saihara’s character development, her own character being reduced to a martyr that tried to end the killing game but failed miserably so early on. He had idolized her, to an unhealthy extent, almost, and did everything he could to make her proud. Of course she would be his first choice over anyone else and, given the opportunity, he would probably abandon Ouma in order to be by her side.
There was also Momota, who had been Saihara’s companion for the remaining duration of the killing game. Momota had essentially replaced Akamatsu, as the two were nearly one in the same: Both were overly optimistic, natural-born leaders with a sense of confidence that they could only hope would rub off on Saihara. Also, they both hogged most of his attention, leaving so little for Ouma to have to himself.
Momota had been, and still was, Saihara’s best friend, and Ouma couldn’t help but insult him out of jealousy, wishing that it had been him instead. But he was a good-for-nothing liar, so it was no wonder why Saihara had chosen Momota over him.
In short, there was essentially no way that Saihara would return Ouma’s feelings, not when he had so many better options available. The thought made Ouma’s heart sting, but as long as Saihara was happy he couldn’t really complain.
The more pressing issue was how Ouma would suppress these feelings and prevent them from growing. At this rate, he would end up head over heels in love with Saihara, and he absolutely could not let that happen. And if it did happen, he would have to keep it secret.
Eventually, Ouma would be rooming with Saihara, being in his immediate vicinity nearly 24/7. It was too late to back out now, so avoiding the other boy was clearly not an option. He would have to regain the self-control he had lost during the past few weeks, not allowing himself to grow too close to Saihara. It would be hard, but for both of their sakes he would have to do it.
He had to.
Ouma groggily woke up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Blinking the remains of sleep out of his eyes, he immediately recognized that he was not in his room. Suddenly more alert, he quickly scanned his surroundings, registering to himself that he was in the recreation room.
“Oh, you’re finally up.” Ouma's eyes darted around before landing on the figure to his right, who he recognized as Amami.
“Huh?” he did a double take before sitting up, instinctively backing away into his corner of the couch.
“Relax, I haven’t been here too long. Just watching some TV to try and get my mind off of things is all.” Amami replied, noticing Ouma’s confusion. “You were here when I got here so I just let you sleep.”
Ouma looked down, noticing that he was covered with a green fuzzy blanket. He assumed Amami draped it over him, because he didn’t remember falling asleep with a blanket, whenever that was.
“What time is it?” Ouma asked, still a bit dazed.
“It’s 9:00 in the morning.” Amami glanced at the clock under the TV, then back at Ouma. “Did you sleep here all night?”
“I think so, I…” Ouma’s brows furrowed as he slowly recollected the events of the night prior.
Him and Saihara had been hanging out in the recreation room late at night, as both of them tended to be night owls. After Saihara had excused himself to go to bed, Ouma sat down on the couch to watch TV, not really feeling that tired yet. But apparently he was more tired than he thought, because he passed out on the couch.
“I was here with Saihara last night, and went to watch some TV after he went to bed, so…” Ouma looked up, noticing that Amami was looking at him with a slight smirk. Ouma frowned. “...What?”
“You and Saihara-kun have been spending quite a lot of time together lately, haven’t you?” Amami asked a bit smugly.
Ouma flushed, feeling his face begin to heat up even at the mere mention of Saihara’s name. He knew where this conversation was going and he wanted nothing to do with it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Ouma huffed, throwing the blanket off of himself dramatically and going to stand up, only to be stopped by Amami.
“No need to get all defensive… It was an innocent question, right? Not like you two are dating or anything… Unless?” Amami teased ever so lightly.
Ouma reluctantly sat back down, sighing and crossing his arms indignantly.
“No! We’re not dating!” he pouted.
“Oh, okay then.” Amami mindlessly tapped his chin with his finger, “You two do spend a lot of time together though.”
Amami paused, studying Ouma’s reaction at his next words.
“You totally have a crush on him though.” he said calmly, while Ouma was anything but.
He whipped his head around to make sure that no one could possibly be listening before responding.
“I do not!” Ouma protested.
It wasn’t like him to get so flustered, but he knew that his trademark lies tended to work less well on Amami. All he could think of in defense was blunt denial, hoping that the other boy would drop the subject.
“Calm down, okay?” Amami put his hands up in defeat, trying to calm the other boy down. “I won’t tell anyone. Pinke promise.” He extended his pinkie finger towards Ouma, who looked the other way.
“Fine! But I’m not making a stupid pinkie promise with you. I’m not five!” Ouma stuck his nose up, turning his head.
“Okay, have it your way.” Amami stood up, making a show of looking around the recreation room. “Saihara-kun should be in his room right now, so if I just…”
Ouma’s eyes widened, and before he knew it he was frantically jumping in front of Amami in order to stop him from telling Saihara.
“Wait, fine! I’ll do it!” Ouma reluctantly held out his pinkie finger, to which Amami smiled triumphantly and interlocked his finger with Ouma’s.
“There. Your secret is safe with me!” Amami released his finger, allowing his arms to drop back to his sides.
“Sooooo…” Now it was Ouma’s turn to smirk, his typical persona now back in full force. “Does my beloved Amami-chan have a crush on anyone? Nishishi…”
Amami flushed just the tiniest bit, before the door to the recreation room opened. He turned to see who entered the room, then turned back to Ouma, rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Good morning!” Akamatsu beamed, making her presence known in the room.
“Ah, Ouma-kun.” Amami gestured towards Akamatsu, lopping his arm around her waist. “This is my girlfriend, Kaede.”
Akamatsu blushed upon hearing her first name come from Amami’s mouth, as she seemingly never got used to hearing it.
“Still haven’t gotten used to that, eh?” Amami teased, causing Akamatsu’s blush to deepen.
Ouma tuned out the rest of their conversation, processing the information he had just received.
Amami and Akamatsu were together?
That would explain a lot. Ouma had always noticed the two of them spending time together, but he just figured it was because they were the first two out of the simulation and had grown closer to each other. He never knew that they were dating.
But even if Akamatsu was with Amami, that didn’t change the fact that Ouma simply wasn’t appealing enough to Saihara. Not to mention Momota still being in the way.
Of course, a tiny part of his brain was hoping that he was wrong and that Saihara was interested in him, but he did his best to silence this part of himself in order to avoid becoming too optimistic. Can’t let yourself get your hopes up only for them to be dashed, he supposed.
He took one glance at the happy couple, disgusted at how in love they seemed. Once the couple seemed adequately occupied with one another, Ouma slipped out of the recreation room, returning to his own room, where he would spend the rest of the day sulking about how his feelings were unrequited.
At least, the feelings that he thought were unrequited.
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What if Louis had went to Legosi for comfort tho...
Louis stood in front of a drab, rusted metal door. It looked so appropriately plain he couldn’t help but think to smile. His mouth didn’t receive the message, though.
The past few days had been hell for him, to say the least. He couldn’t get the faces in the crowd he had seen at the funeral out of his head. He did not recognize a single one of them aside from the butlers, and aside from them not a single one of those faces seemed to hold any grief. Was he doomed to follow in his father’s footsteps and die with no friends or loved ones? 
He recalled that this was the train of thought that brought him here, into this ancient rotting building his closest friend called home. He had never been inside but he knew where it was, and a quick inquiry at the desk had brought him to the appropriate room. It was late enough that he was sure the wolf was home, although no sounds emanated from the room to suggest this. 
He had fought the impulse at first. Legosi was busy training. He needed to focus if he was going to win this thing and live. Louis desperately didn’t want Legosi to rely on his other leg. Louis needed to give him space and keep the wolf’s head in the game. Even if it burned him to the core thinking about how quickly he had become attached to his long lost childhood friend who now gave him no time of day. 
This was probably the other thought that brought him here. He remembered last year when he derided Juno for being selfish, and she asked him why that was seen as a bad thing. That memory pushed the switch in his mind from ‘no’ to ‘yes’ when he asked himself if he could go see Legosi. He was selfish. He needed to be with someone else right now. 
He looked down at his emaciated form, holding his hands up and staring at them. His right hand clenched and moved forward. Slowly but surely, it inched toward the door until it made contact noiselessly. Why was he so nervous? If anything, Legosi always seemed to be the nervous one around him. He couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to talk to an animal you had eaten a part of. Was it torture for Legosi to be around him? Was this all a big mistake?
No. Louis was selfish. He knocked once, and a thud soon resounded from behind the door. What followed were sounds of scrambling and claws on wood and soft grumbles. His mouth finally caught the signal from before and formed a smile. 
The wolf that opened the door had very obviously just woken up. Legosi wore an old t-shirt that he either outgrew or had shrunk in the wash, exposing his soft, fuzzy stomach. Below he wore a simple pair of briefs. His expression turned from tired to tired-yet-surprised when he realized who was in front of him. 
“L-Louis-san? Uh...hi! This isn’t...well it’s not...you...” 
Louis simply crossed his arms and let the wolf try and figure out what he wanted to say. He was gesticulating frantically, a trademark of his. 
“...s-so you see, I wasn’t expecting company, so I don’t have anything to offer you or...” 
Louis decided he had let him suffer long enough. With a raise of his slender hand, he hushed the mutt up. “It’s fine. Can we talk?”
Legosi’s irises dilated slightly. “Sure!” He proceeded to not move. 
“...inside?”, Louis suggested. 
Defeated, Legosi’s ears wilted slightly. “Okay...” He turned around, and Louis noticed his tail wagging lightly. Legosi could have a good pokerface sometimes, but never a good pokerbutt. 
Louis commended himself silently for his little joke. 
As Legosi had said, the place was a bit of a mess. What little clothes in his possession laid haphazardly along the floor and across some furniture, as they had likely not been picked up when they had been stripped off the wolf’s body. A recently used futon lay in the corner, and immediately to Louis’s right was a stove, minifridge, and small cabinet. Aside from the small table in the center of the room, that’s all Legosi’s home consisted of. 
Louis walked over to the only zabuton by the table and sat upon it, leaving Legosi to stand awkwardly for a moment before he opened the cabinet in the “kitchen” area and pulled out a box of crackers and a paper plate.  “It’s fine, Legosi. I’m not hungry.” 
“Your stomach is growling.” Legosi looked at him with concern, and Louis attempted to cover up his body. 
A few seconds later, the gracious feast was placed on the table, and Legosi sat upon his bed, facing Louis. He looked expectantly at him. Louis grabbed a cracker and nibbled at it.
“So, what did you want to talk about, Louis-san?”
Louis placed the barely eaten cracker down. “Well, I just wanted to check in and see how the training is going.” 
Legosi’s ears twitched. “Oh! Well, I think it’s going well. Knowing Kyuu-san trained with Gouhin-san gives us a connection. I still don’t think I can hit her, though...”
Louis wanted to cover his ears and scream. Why did he have to ask that question? It was time to switch gears. “So, this dump, eh?” 
Legosi cocked his head, unprepared for the sudden subject change. “Well, it’s about the only place I can afford. I had to get rid of my cell phone to even afford it consistently...” 
“So that’s why you never asked for my number? We need an easier way to contact each other.” Louis felt lightheaded as he said this. He reached back for his unfinished cracker. 
Legosi stared for a moment. “So, you’ve thought about trying to become a Beastar with me?” 
Louis finished the cracker. “Sure. We should at least lay some groundwork, no?” “Well, there’s a landline in the lobby you can contact me with.”
“Alright, old man.”
Louis ate from the plate as the room entered silence. Legosi played with the covers beneath him as he very obviously tried not to stare at Louis’s prosthesis, which was showing from where his pant leg was being pulled up by his sitting position. 
“My dad died a week ago.” 
Both animals held a shocked expression. Louis covered his mouth and looked away. Legosi was on his hands and knees, but still kept his distance. 
“Wh-wh-wh-why didn’t you tell me? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Did you have the funeral already? How did it happen?”
The wolf’s endless questions turned into a buzz in Louis’s ears. He just stared blankly at him, feeling numb. 
It took a while before he realized Legosi had stopped talking. “It was a car accident. I had to arrange the funeral and pick up all his business dealings. I’m the CEO of Horns now.” He delivered the information in a monotone voice, trying to distance himself from it. 
“I-is that why you look so sick?” Legosi, blunt as always. 
“I suppose.” 
“You need help! Maybe a doctor! Is anybody helping you? You should have told me!” 
Louis stared back, noting how Legosi still positioned himself too far away to make contact. He noted his large hands lifting off the floor a few times, but they always found their way back to their original position. He recalled the first Adler performance when he had woken up in the nurse’s office. Weak and frail. Was that how Legosi was seeing him right now. 
The image in his mind shifted. Now they were atop a concrete slab outcropped from a bridge on a cold, winter night. Legosi bleeding heavily. The warm feeling in the deer’s eyes back then returned. The wolf in front of him blurred. 
Dammit, what was it about him that brought this disgusting feeling? 
Seeing the tears drop from the deer’s face caused Legosi’s arms to raise up farther, and he scootched forward on his knees slightly, but alas, he remained out of reach. Louis stayed planted on the zabuton, crying silently. 
“Wh-what should I do, Louis-san? Please, tell me what I should do!” Legosi sounded desperate now, and Louis equally so. 
“Wh-what can you do?”, he managed through the tears. 
Louis looked Legosi straight in the eyes, brows furrowing, teeth and fists clenched. 
Pure surprise washed over Legosi’s face, and Louis buried his own in his hands. It was pointless. Legosi couldn’t be what Louis wanted. What he denied he craved. Every time he stared at his large, carnivore body, he disgustingly felt safety instead of danger. He had continuously tried to deny his affinity for carnivores. It was a spit in the face to the suffering he had endured as a child. At best, he should hold power over carnivores to assert his strength. Protection and affection were desires best left in his subconscious. He needed to leave. 
Fortunately, Louis found he couldn’t move. He opened his eyes and now found himself tucked snugly between Legosi’s legs. The wolf sat cross-legged on the futon, enveloping the deer as best he could with his limbs while also being conscious of his antlers. His cold nose pressed onto the sensitive spot where his neck met his shoulder, causing Louis to shiver and grip at the soft, gray fur of his best friend. 
The sobbing started. “I-I miss him, Legosi! I miss him so fucking much! I never thought I could miss him this much!” 
“I know, Louis-san! It’s okay, I have you! You’re okay!” 
Louis choked and gasped. It was amazing, the feeling of Legosi around him. It was something he had unconsciously been desiring ever since that night he and the Shishigumi had found Legosi snooping around in the Black Market. He now understood why he had let that hug go uninterrupted for more than a few seconds. He wouldn’t make the same mistake pf pushing him away this time. 
Even if he tried, it would have been fruitless. The wolf had a firm grip on him. If he had been prey, he would have been dead. Louis dragged his snot-filled nose across Legosi’s neck, making pitiful noises. Only Legosi could see this side of him. Just as he had on New Year’s. It was only appropriate. 
The light-headedness returned, and Louis saw stars. His arms turned cold as he felt himself go limp. 
Louis awoke to the sound of a tea kettle whistling. His head was propped up a bit more than it should have been. The blanket covering him was soft and smelled bad. He looked to his left, and saw Legosi at his oven, pouring hot water into a cup. He perked up when he saw Louis.
“Oh, thank goodness! You’re awake! Here, I have some tea!” 
Louis tried to sit up but found he was unable to. Legosi noticed this and went to his side, crouching down and holding the cup down. 
Louis stared down at it, feeling the steam on his nose. “I-it’s too hot, Legosi.” 
Legosi whined softly and sat down, holding the tiny cup humorously with both of his huge hands. “I got this tea from Sebun-san. She’s my neighbor. She’s taught me a lot about adult living.” 
Louis laid his head back as Legosi anxiously rambled. He was well aware of the burden he had placed on the wolf now. But he was selfish, so he tried not to care. The warmth of being held so close returned to his mind. It hadn’t just been a dream. A wall in their relationship crumbled. 
“I’ll try that tea now, Legosi.” 
“Oh, y-yeah! Sorry.” 
The tea tasted bitter, unsurprisingly. Louis never was a fan. He drank down the whole cup, letting the warmth run through him. Not as warm as Legosi had been, sadly. 
“You should rest here for the night.” Legosi stood up and went back to the kitchen area, cleaning up. Louis’s eyes followed him, and he noted the rest of the room had been tidied up as well. He felt his heart suddenly hammer in his chest. 
“What about you?” 
Legosi looked back at his guest. “I can stay at my neighbor Zaguān’s place. He lives a floor above me. It’ll be fine.” 
The warmth granted from the tea left Louis’s body. “Legosi.” 
He turned to face Louis fully, looking attentive and concerned. “Yes?”
Louis swallowed, and a shaky arm pulled the covers down as he moved his body toward the wall. “Sleep next to me.” 
Legosi’s face immediately went flush. “A-ah I-I don’t know if that’s such a good idea!” He was trying to repair the wall they had just worked so hard destroying.
But it was a good thing Louis had accepted the selfish side of himself now. He sat up, willing his eyes to convey all the pleading and want he now felt. He armed his tongue and teeth with a potent weapon. The target: an adorably clueless wolf. 
Payload delivered, Legosi stood there speechless. Louis could have sworn he saw tears, but whatever had been there was quickly blinked away. He slowly lumbered over, hands playing with themselves nervously. He towered over the prone deer, mouthing inaudible words. 
Louis looked up at him, smiling weakly. “Please...comfort me...” 
Legosi dropped to his knees, and he slowly slipped under the covers. Louis felt giddy as the heat radiating off of him made contact with his personal space. He had been so alone the past week. He needed someone. He needed Legosi. He needed the most important animal in his life next to him. 
Legosi laid on his side facing him, and Louis turned to do the same. He often forgot just how much bigger this wolf was compared to him, but from that position it was undeniable. He reached down and grabbed one of Legosi’s hands, kneading it with his own. The wolf audibly gulped, sweat forming on his forehead. 
“Hey...relax.” Louis still couldn’t believe Legosi could so reliably look pathetic in situations where he held complete control and power. “You’re not gonna eat me again, right?”
Legosi cleared his throat loudly. “I-it’s not that...” 
“Then what is it?”
Legosi untangled his hand and folded his arms. “Well...remember what we talked about in the hospital?”
Louis tried to recall. “How you defend herbivores mostly because you’re in love with them? Yes, I remember.” He smiled at the absurdity of it all. 
“Well...I mean...you’re an herbivore...and I’m feeling...feeling...” 
Now it was Louis’s turn to turn red. He never thought of himself as an herbivore, or rather, he tried not to. But now that he realized it...
Feeling rather bold, Louis lobbied a question: “So, what? You don’t love me, too?” 
The riskiness of the question was worth it just to hear the high pitched squeak that escaped the wolf’s mouth. 
Louis moved closer to him, unable to control his body now. “After all we’ve been through. Even after saying you want to become Beastar with me and change society to our ideals...you don’t love me?” 
Legosi was now blabbering nonsense, still crossing his arms. Louis scowled and reached for them, trying to pry them apart. Eventually, they untangled and Louis inserted himself into them. 
“Well, Legosi...”, Louis squirmed, as if his body was fighting the vulnerability it was instinctively showing now. “I can’t think of anybody else I love more than you...” 
It was such an obvious statement, but Louis was still shocked that it had left his lips. 
Legosi’s strange nonspeak stopped, and Louis could very clearly feel his heart hammering against his ribcage. The arms around him started to hold him with purpose, and his long legs curled forward, catching Louis’s as they entwined. 
“I...I do...” 
“...love you.”
Not a noise could be heard for a few moments, aside from the cars outside and the pitter pat of rain against the window. Someone downstairs closed a door a bit too loudly. 
Louis chuckled. “I love you, Legosi.”
Legosi’s own soft laughter joined the deer’s. “I love you, Louis!”
“I love you, Legosi!”
“I love you, Louis! I love you!”
“I love you!” 
The nonsensical back and forth went on for longer than it probably should have, and eventually the enthusiasm and energy in their declarations faltered. Nevertheless, they continued to mumble those same words to each other as they fell asleep embracing each other. 
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Cognitive Dissonance
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 I am still doing these sporadically. I have 8 to go!
  Prompt: Chanyeol + “You have a cold, you’re not dying.” + “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
Setting/AU: Cyborg/Futuristic
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,687 
“I think I’m dying. Chanyeol hurry. I need you to take down my final wishes.” Your body ached from the constant coughing and your nose couldn’t make up its mind as to whether it wanted to be runny or blocked. You were pretty sure you’d slept most of the week away but no matter how hard you tried to focus on anything, the fuzzy feeling washed over you and you’d wake up a few hours later in an incredibly uncomfortable position.
As far as you were concerned, you were dying. This was your body’s final fight against whatever bacteria had infected your system and your body was losing. Make sure you get a X488 shot your mother had nagged and nagged. Of course, you neglected to get one. The shot only inoculated you against one strain of the disease, and it mainly afflicted the elderly and the infantile.
“You have a cold, you’re not dying.” came the emotionless response from Chanyeol. Really you shouldn’t have expected sympathy from him. He just wasn’t programmed that way. When you’d found him he was barely held together but you’d rescued his half scavenged form and had slowly but surely rebuilt him. He wasn’t like the cyborgs you would find on any street, those had the emotional AI programming chips that allowed them to pass as humanoid. Until you spoke with one for a length of time you probably wouldn’t work out that they were a cyborg. Not Chanyeol though, no, he was without a doubt, not human. One day you’d come across a programming chip for him but you’d mostly warmed up to his blunt manner of speech. It, however, did not make for great bedside manner. The 6ft, blue haired, emotionally stunted cyborg was all you had so he’d have to suffice.
“If I wasn’t on the brink of death I’d get you back for that.” you mutter. You didn’t need cheek from a hunk of metal and computer chips. You needed someone to bring you soup, to make sure you took your meds, to hack the network and show you a movie your mother always put on for you when you were sick as a kid. Trust illness to bring out the needy side of you.
“Finally, someone whose life is more pathetic than mine.” he muttered. Maybe it was the fever but you were sure that the emotionless robot just sassed you. As far as you were aware, he was fully functional but unable to feel emotion or respond in a conversational way. He could only respond with logic and a severe monotone. He shouldn’t be capable of muttering, nor forming an obtuse opinion like the one he had just uttered.
You glared at him, as best as any pathetic sick person can glare at someone, from your semi prone position under your required three blankets. According to Chanyeol, three blankets were required for the bedridden and no matter how many times you tried to remove a layer he always replaced it.
Being sick made you moody and emotional, two things you tried very hard not to be in your day to day life. There was no place for moody and emotional in the scavenging business. After fixing Chanyeol to 90% of his former glory he’d remained with you, citing that he’d leave once a better option made itself available to him. He’d been a military programmed bot, special forces from the intricate wiring you found inside, as well as the larger number of chip slots. Scavengers had removed his weapons and fighting chips as well as the tactical and behavioural ones too. Somehow you’d managed to condition him to recognise warning signs, for when you needed food, rest, patching up, assistance and someone to talk to. The last one was still a work in progress, and would remain so until you could get your hands on a chip. Apparently dismantling another cyborg just for the chip was immoral, he’d flat out refused this as an option every time you brought it up.
He finished making your dinner, chicken and vegetable stew, and brought your tray over to you. He waited as you sat up in the bed, repositioning the pillows so that you were propped up and able to eat, then placed the tray in your lap. For a robot he was a pretty good cook. You kept forgetting the skills programming that most bots had these days. They all had the I-Serve-U-Bot base model, from the initial house maid prototypes, and had been build up from there. Some got military upgrades and served the country they were programmed to while others were programmed as fully functional AI, able to learn and adapt to their environment.
In a vaguely human action Chanyeol held up a finger to prevent you from starting your meal as he disappeared back to the kitchen. Small things like this made you forget that he didn’t have the proper chip to elicit these actions. Maybe if you weren’t sick you’d have picked up on it. When he returned he has two slices of buttered bread and a glass of juice for you. “Now you can eat.” You chuckled at his direction but followed it anyway.
You didn’t realise how hungry you were until you started eating and soon enough your bowl was empty. You pushed the tray forward and licked your lips, savouring the taste of the hearty meal. “Thanks Chan. I really needed that.”
“I also made brownies if you wish to have dessert.” He stated as he collected your tray, taking it back to the kitchen. You’re pretty sure you start salivating at the mere mention of your favourite dessert. How he knew is beyond you but honestly, you don’t care. All you know is that you have a great need and only brownies can satiate it. Your face must tell him that you do in fact want dessert because he nods before leaving the room. “I’ll just reheat one for you.”
“Chanyeol, you’re the only one who understands me.” You call out as he disappears from view.
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I care.” The response was unexpected and after you stop laughing you realised it wasn’t something he’d usually say. The more you ponder on his responses as of late, the more you realise that they are decidedly more human. Something he should be unable to comprehend. Another coughing fit prevents you from dwelling on the thought.
When he returns he has a bowl with two warm brownies and ice cream in one hand and a glass of water in the other. He must have heard you coughing and decided that you required further hydration. He places the bowl in your hands and stands next to the bed with the glass of water.
“Dude, sit down, you’re looming ominously.” You move over slightly to allow him sufficient space to sit.
“I am not looming ominously. I was just waiting for you to finish the food so I could give you the water.” He responded.
You chuckled and started to eat the brownies. “Regardless, please sit? It’ll make me feel better. Holy shit, these are good.”
“They are a simple recipe. I understand that chocolate and cake makes humans feel good and there are an amalgam of the two so I deduced that they might assist in restoring your health.”
“You do care about me.” You teased.
A pair of large eyes stared back at you. They weren’t real, you knew that, the one red eye basically yelling I’m a cyborg! “Tell me something Chan.” You started.
“You need to be more specific. I know an infinite number of things.”
“When did you start learning the nuances of my speech? I haven’t found the right chip for you yet.” You asked. You might not be at your brightest right now but you weren’t so sick that you hadn’t noticed the shift in his behaviour… or the fact that he even had behaviours now.
“The last upgrade you did had a small inbuilt AI chip. It’s allowed me to process small amounts of speech and learn the emotional patterns that go with it.” The response was almost sheepish, as though he thought you might be mad with him.
You held out your hand for the water which he handed to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked in between sips.
“It didn’t seem relevant.” He chuckled as you handed the glass back to him, which startled you since he’d never done that before. The sound wasn’t horrible but it was foreign to you. “After all, you kept insisting that you were dying.”
You had no response to that, too floored by the sass that your previously stock standard cyborg had not been equipped with. You decided to just focus on the brownie, because you understood chocolate and ice cream and right now you did not understand Chanyeol.
He moved to get up once you finished your dessert but you grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Stay, I have more questions for you Chan.”
He placed the bowl on the floor next to the bed along with the glass of water. “You will be asleep in the next ten minutes.” You cocked your head at him. “It is the average time you remain conscious after ingesting nutrients. I’ve observed this over the past few days.”
“Then stay until I sleep, you creep. I have questions.” He sighed as he moved his body to sit next to you. Real or not, it was nice to have the body heat next to you. You shifted your body closer to his. “Warm” you muttered as you draped your arm across his torso. You started asking him about the AI chip and what it had allowed him to learn. He responded to your questions bluntly, proving to you that just because he had started to pick up on emotion, he sure as hell hadn’t mastered it yet. His warmth was making you sleepy but you had no intention of moving away from his form. “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.” You whined when he tried to get up.
“I fail to see the point of this. My knowledge of medical text does not cite this as a legitimate remedy for illness.” Good to know that he wasn’t fully capable of artificial intelligence yet. The small chip only did so much it seemed.
“Shut up and comfort me. I’m dying after all.”
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bunnis-babes · 5 years
So tumblr is being a whore and won’t let me post this request, so I have to post it separately. Essentially it’s about the boys chosen with an innocent sweet fem!s/o. Enjoy.
Oof, this fluff seems like something I just wanna face-plant in. Like, stuff like this is super cliché, but also some of the most fun to write. Also, simple ones like these make it so much easier to expand and imagine what the boy’s reactions will be. Thank you, I love you! (Also, HC’s might be short because fuck Tumblr post limits)
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💥As we all know our boy is already emotionally stunted, so this is very taxing for him.
💥He swears she’s teasing him, what with the soft way she looks at him that makes his heart explode, and the way she smiles that makes him want to kiss her right then and there. He’s got it, and he’s got it BAD for her.
💥She’s always so gentle with her words and she’s always giving him hugs and cuddles that he can’t really bring himself to turn down… and always leaves him with a problem…
💥He really really likes this girl, and really really wants to be with her, but she is sending out totally mixed signals
💥One minute she’s hugging and flirting with him, the next she’s all over fucking deku! What the hell?
💥This won’t deter him, of course, because he’s always going to work harder to get what he wants… and he wants her.
💥He decides he’s going to actively flirt with her, well his version of flirting at least. It can hardly be classified as flirting, but he’s trying his best.
💥Yet every time he does something even a little bit romantic, she always out does him with that huge and beautiful smile. That damn adorable smile.
💥It makes his heart beat out of his chest and his face flush, he loves it, but he hates it oh so much. God, he hates love.
💥One day he decided his aggressive flirting style really doesn’t have much of an effect on her oblivious ass, so he’s going to have to be super blunt, and he is.
💥He just stops her outside of the dorms and says, “I fucking like you, alright?” And when she says she feels the same way, the widest, cutest Bakugou smile spreads across his face.
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🤖He c a n t. She’s so sweet and soft and kind and he adores her, and she makes him feel so good, but he doesn’t know what the hell to do!!!
🤖She’s a very affectionate person to everyone, he knows that for sure, but there’s something different about it when he’s with her. A little glimmer in her eye that changes all of her intent.
🤖He believes she must be doing this on purpose, theres no other reason as to why she would be so affectionate and sweet in that way with him.
🤖The way she is sure to always give him, and only him, a really big hug when she sees him, It gets to him; the way she talks to him like no one else is there, god end him right there and he would die a happy man.
🤖And yet, he just can’t tell what she feels for him. Some days she acts like she’s going to ask him out, and others it feels like she has no clue what she’s doing.
🤖It eats him up inside, not knowing whether or not she recuperates his growing feelings for her, and he wants to tell her but he doesn’t know how.
🤖Luckily, Ochako does and takes pity on him. A couple of reassuring words and back pats, and she finally let him in on the secret. Just give back the same amount of affection she’s giving to him.
🤖He felt stupid for not seeing how easy it was, just be affectionate back. Give her flowers, hug her a bit closer, tell her how much he appreciates her every once in a while. Its so e a s y.
🤖While it is mildly awkward for the first few times, Iida does start to initiate affection with her, and he learns to adore it. Especially when she gets that cute little blush on her face when he initiates hugs.
🤖He’s still not sure she 100% understands what he’s trying to get across, but he keeps doing it because it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All of class 1-A is screaming for them to get together already.
🤖One day Ochako just gets so sick of the pining she shoves Iida into kissing her, and they’ve been together ever since.
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🕶🐣Does not know how to deal with the love, only lets it happen. He just adores her so much, she’s so nice and kind, and she needs to be protected.
🕶🐣At first he disliked the affection, and then he slowly felt himself getting used to it, and now he feels uncomfortable if she hadn’t hugged him at least once a day.
🕶🐣He’s actually pretty cuddly, just doesn’t like to be shown the affection when others are around, so he makes sure she knows that she can only be all over him when only a few people he trusts are around.
🕶🐣He knows she’s just a naturally affectionate person, but he can’t help but feel she’s doing all this stuff on purpose just to get to him.
🕶🐣He’s so happy he’s got black hair on his face, or else she’d be able to see the huge blush on his face every time she hugs him close.
🕶🐣She has no clue what she’s doing to him, and he doesn’t want it to stop.
🕶🐣Dark shadow is his wingman, but also teases the hell out of him. (She also has to give dark shadow huggies too.)
🕶🐣He’s not a super forward guy— especially not with emotions—so when he catches feelings he struggles a lot. He has no idea how to express them with his words.
🕶🐣Luckily, or rather unluckily for him, Dark Shadow is good with words…. Well, he has words…
🕶🐣Tokoyami is just sitting and talking to her on moment trying to flirt, then dark shadow just shouts “Tokoyami has a crush on s/o!” And Tokoyami just dies on the spot.
🕶🐣Obviously she returns the feelings and tells him so, and thats essentially how their relationship started.
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🥦The things she does to him and makes him feel are just… too much! “So much love!!! GgGghghhGhGhhg” -Midoriya probably
🥦But seriously, he doesn’t really know how to accept all the affection, so he just takes it with his face as red as a stoplight.
🥦He does wonder if she is doing this to get to him, but then he realizes she’s way too sweet for that.
🥦Tells her he doesn’t deserve all her affection. She then proceeds to hug and coddle him even more while telling him how much she loves and appreciated him.
🥦Really doesn’t get why she loves on him so much, but he enjoys it too much so he isn’t complaining. Like, he’s not gonna tell his crush to stop cuddling with him on the common room couch. Who would?
🥦He’s really red and unresponsive most of the time though… its a lot for our good boy, and he loves it.
🥦He wants to just kiss her so badly, but he’s already dying and literally nothing will be done about this relationship if it’s left up to him.
🥦He will eventually become desensitized to the affection, and it’ll just be a part of his daily routine.
🥦He has a hard time getting the guts to ask her out, but he’s lucky enough to have Iida, Uraraka, and kind of Todoroki encouraging him.
🥦And Izuku being Izuku, he confesses in the most uncomfortable awkward and adorable way possible. (I’m not telling you how, you know what I mean) And boom, the power couple was made.
Okay… I made the s/o super affectionate because that’s what comes to mind when I think of sweet people… Anyway, welcome to River’s world of mediocre writing, sorry this was so bad! The worst of it is Bakugou and Iida, and I have no idea how to fix them… I am so sorry! Hope the others were enjoyable! Also…. I kinda made it so the s/o was only a crush, I’m not sure if thats what you wanted???
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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slxkpop · 5 years
The Sweet Taste of Candy (Chapter 1/?)
Pairing: Unknown
Genre: A bit of everything tbh 
Word Count: 2.7 k
This is a mini series about Jimin who is a complete, utter, slutty ass mess. He has issues that he doesn't want to face, so drugs is his way out :) and this story does indeed, include smut. Enjoy!
Waking up is the hardest thing to do. Every night his mind drifts into nothingness where he’s able to create a world of his own from scratch, where he’s able to do whatever he wants. To feel however he wants without reality influencing him. To wake up into this world that was so heavy and dark never ceased to bewilder him; he who did not belong here.
“Can you fucking get up already?” The stranger standing above Jimin shoved his body to the side to ensure he was alive. Jimin rolled over, almost lifeless in his underwear. He squinted his eyes open and pushed his light blue hair back, revealing his forehead. 
“Look you gotta go. My wife is pulling up with my kids soon so hurry up” The man struggles with his zipper as he speaks, soon letting it go out of frustration. Jimin had no recollection of what happened the night prior, but as always, he was being rushed to pick up and go. He wishes he could’ve gotten up earlier to at least clean himself up, but his pounding headache told him to get more rest. 
“The acid is on my nightstand. Don't forget it, I don't want that shit in my house.” 
Getting up, Jimin found his pants on the floor alongside his phone and shoes. He pulled up his joggers and checked his phone which has almost 10 messages from Taehyung. The blue-haired boy sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked around for his shirt but he couldn't find it anywhere. 
“Hey, do you know where my shirt is?” Jimin said in a quiet raspy voice. 
“I left it on the sink in the bathroom.'' As he entered the small room, he noticed that his black shirt was soaked, and what seemed to be traces of vomit was left on it. He gagged slightly while picking up the dampened fabric; most of it was rinsed out by water but the bathroom still reeked of throw up. 
Jimin made his way to the living room with all his belongings in his hand, including his shirt and a pack of acid. 
“Hey, can you lock the door on my way out?” He said with a soft voice. The fair man led him to the front door, where they stood looking at the pouring rain. Assuming he wouldn't be getting an umbrella, he took a step out of the house about to leave. He turned around to look at the stranger one more time and smirked while reaching  down towards the mans pants to pull up the undone zipper. The blue haired boy then tilted his head and winked at the man as he turned around to leave the house.
“See you”, was the last thing Jimin said to the stranger as he watched the man’s wife and kids stare at him from the driveway. 
“Jimin, its fucking pouring, why are you walking around shirtless?” Taehyung yelled through the rolled down window, he didn't think he’d find his friend wandering the streets shirtless in the middle of the afternoon. 
“My shirt was soaked before I even left the house so I decided to not put it on” Jimin looked at Taehyung blankly while opening the car door. 
“Whose house where you in this time?” Taehyung never understood how Jimin could so easily jump from place to place. He didn't understand why his blue haired friend jumped from place to place. Taehyung always welcomed him into his home with a warm heart.
“I don't know, some dude I met last night.” Taehyung sighed. Why did he even ask? 
“I'm taking you home.” Taehyung peered to the side to look at Jimin. He was a mess. His skin was pale and it looked like he hasn't had a good rest in days.
“It's not my home! It's yours so don’t fucking say that!” Jimin turned to Taehyung who looked shocked at the sudden aggression. 
“It's your home too, you know you’re welcomed at any time. I told you to just stay with me, you don't have to pay rent or anything” Jimin looked towards the window after he plugged his charger into his phone and tensed up at the thought of being in a house. 
“Don’t say that soft shit. I'm not going to live in your house for free-”
“So you’re going to go around, high off of your fucking ass, staying at different people’s houses every night? At the risk of literally fucking dying?” Another wave of anger pulsated inside of Jimin and his impulses took hold of him. 
“Taehyung shut the fuck up. Let me out of the car!” Jimin started banging on the window with a closed fist and tried to pry open the car door. 
“We are literally in the middle of a road. Calm down, what are you even trying to do!?”
Taehyung tried to grab Jimin's shoulder to get him to stop. 
“Don’t fucking touch me! Don't ever touch me!”  Jimin’s wave of anger bursts as he reaches over to Taehyung, grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it towards himself. The car jerks to the right before Taehyung can grab the wheel and push Jimin off of his side.
“Jimin what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! Are you on fucking crack?!” Jimin adjusted himself back in his seat after realizing what just happened.
“I don't know! I don’t fucking remember!” Jimin’s chest closes at the thought of what he just did. He almost killed his best friend and he suddenly feels sick, as if his body just took the toll of all the stupid shit he has been doing at once. 
He takes a deep breath and tries to subsume his emotions.
“I’m sorry… just take me home” Taehyung sighs as the atmosphere calms down. Thinking that Jimin would purposefully put his life in danger terrified him and he knew that he needed to get his friend help as soon as possible. 
A person's home is somewhere where they can feel safe and relaxed. A home is not just a convenient space to have, it also helps mentally. At home you disconnect yourself from outside life and are able to have a peace of mind, which is very important if you want to stay sane.
Jimin plopped himself onto Taehyung's soft sofa, closing his eyes in leisure. 
He felt unhappy to be back in Taehyung's residence, but the comfort of the pillows against his body was nice. Being in a house wasn't pleasant, in fact he felt more paranoid now than he ever was out in the street.
He started to get uncomfortable and shifted his position, trying to feel relaxed again. 
He breathed unsteadily, feeling as if the room was closing around him. His muscles tensed up and he shot his eyes closed trying not to think about the walls. Walls are associated with feeling trapped, being trapped reminds him of blood-
“Hey Jimin, are you okay?” Taehyung suddenly reached out for Jimin's shoulder causing the blue haired boy to gasp out. He was still panting and clenching his hands tightly trying to calm down. 
“Taehyung, I really cant fucking be in here. Either let me go or let me take another
tab” The brunette looked at Jimin and took the condition he was in, into consideration. 
 If he let him go, Jimin would just be wandering the streets again, walking around hopelessly until he found someone to take him home. 
God knows when Taehyung would find him again. 
Or he would go to the club, and work as a dancer where they would offer him even more drugs. There, he’ll have a cluster of creeps willing to take him home and spend the night. House him and let him sit pretty as his system stays hopped up on drugs. How can he feel so comfortable being so vulnerable around strangers? Letting him take another tablet seemed like the most reasonable option but Taehyung didn’t want to feed into his addiction.
“I won't let you take acid but I have weed you can smoke. Do you think that would be enough for you? The stuff I have has a pretty high potency.” Jimin nodded gently, body yearning for it as though it would cure some unseenable sickness. His face was eminently pale, skin glistening as a small sheen of sweat built up on his flesh. 
Taehyung hurried to his room and came back with a pre-rolled blunt and a lighter. At the sight, Jimin visibly relaxed, watching the hot orange light at the end of it flicker to life. With his first pull the familiar burn in his throat released the tension he sat with, his body unwinding as the walls start to appear just a bit less scary. 
The amount of narcotics he has taken made Jimin’s tolerance ridiculous, but he still got a buzz out of the blunt. But it was enough to ease his anxiety. 
“Are you okay now?” Jimin took one last pull before tapping a bit of ash into a tray before stubbing it out. Taehyung looks at him, observing his friend very carefully. He notices how Jimin’s face appears to have gotten thinner. There was a slight tremble in his hands and his pupils never seemed to return to its normal size, even when he peered at his phone which produced bright light. 
“Yea, I’m fine. Whatchu lookin at?” Taehyung averted his gaze to the object nearest to him, hoping he didn't look away too fast. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and moved away from Jimin, he didn’t realize how long he was staring at him. He had watched him until the blunt turned into a roach, he didn't want to come off as rude. 
“Nothing. I was just noticing how you look different.” Taehyung managed to spit out the thought he was thinking since he encountered his blue haired friend. 
“Different in what way? Is it good?” Jimin tilted his head away from Taehyung, smirking at him alluringly. Seeing this expression on Jimin's face wasn't new to the brunette.
“I mean your whole atmosphere feels different… You look really good with blue hair” Taehyung was trying to compliment him but all he could think about was how concerned he was for his health. He did look good with blue hair though. 
“My atmosphere is different? I feel the same.” Jimin whispered before licking his lips. 
His mind was fuzzy and he didn't see his caring, childhood best friend. He could only see another hot stranger. Jimin’s eye patterns visibly changed. His gaze catching onto all the ‘not so friendly’ parts of Taehyung. His neck, his arms, his constantly moisturized lips. His jaw and strong brows. He looked so concerned but there was absolutely nothing wrong happening right now. Frustration seeped into Jimin’s features.  
“Jimin are you okay? You’re acting strange-” 
“But haven't I been acting strange this whole time? My atmosphere is different, RIGHT?” Taehyung furrowed his brows further. The other’s presence felt overwhelming and he couldn't help but feel intimidated by his friend.
“J-jimin, that's not what I meant. You’re just-”
“I'm just what?” 
“You just feel- distant!” Taehyung watched Jimin cautiously since it seemed like he was going to get attacked again. 
“So should I make it so that there’s no distance between us?” Jimin’s eyes burned with a crazed gleam as he quickly pounced on to Taehyung’s lap, grabbing both of his wrists. 
“Jimin what are you doing!” Taehyung was struggling to push Jimin off of him, he wouldn't budge at all. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Jimin’s tongue came out to further wet his lips before using it to sweep down Taehyung's neck. His friend’s breathing was ragged as he licked up towards his ear. Jimin’s teeth joined in as be began to nibble on it. Taehyung closed his eyes tightly at the feeling, fingers curling into a fist in Jimin’s hold. 
“Don't pretend this isn't why you’ve been searching for me for weeks. What other motive would you have?” Taehyung wouldn't let himself be caught up in Jimin's words. He knew all his friend felt right now was lust but he couldn’t give in, even if it was terribly tempting. 
“Jimin don’t fucking say shit like that! Seriously get off of me!” As Jimin began to explore his jaw, adrenaline began to burn in his body. Taehyung forcefully flipped Jimin over with his whole body, sending them both onto the floor. The sudden harsh contact made the buzzing in Jimin's head stop for a second. His eyelids didn't feel heavy and he was able to see and think clearly again.
He took a moment to formulate an apology. 
“I’m sorry. Again.”
“Jimin, you need help. Like for fucking real. During the time I searched for you I was looking into rehabilitation doctors and therapists. I really think you should go. I met up with one in person and he seemed like a genuinely good guy who wants to help people.”
 While above Jimin on the floor, Taehyung reached behind him and started shuffling through his back pocket.
“Look, this is his card. Please look into it, okay?” Taehyung got off of Jimin after handing him the business card. Jimin stayed on the floor, holding the card up to read the doctor's name. 
Dr. Jeon Jungkook
“What a shit name” 
Thankyou for reading the first chapter!! More will soon be uploaded. Also, keep a look out cause i will be doing a story in the future. 
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sicprowl · 5 years
Gleann na Dùin ~ 3 ~
Fairy AU - Dimileth
Co-written with @hiddenfangirling
Part 2
Now on AO3
Jeralt stopped at the entrance of the barn and turned on his heel, "You need to leave tonight."
The young King stopped, staring at the older man. "What?"
"The longer you stay here, the more chances there will be to trap you. You said you have things to do, so you have to leave tonight."
Jeralt paused as he lead his horse from the barn, gear in his other hand. "That was likely Claude. I'll distract him. Go back the way you came, don't stop for anything."
"Why are you doing this?" Dimitri took the saddle from Jeralt and threw it on top of the horse.
The old man sighed. "I don't want you to be stuck here like me."
Dimitri took a moment to study the man, noting he looked less fuzzy then his daughter, less...magical. In fact, the male looked grizzled and more human than anything he'd seen all day. Crows feet lined his narrowed eyes, and his hair was windswept with a bit of dust and braided back in a normal style.
It was a vast difference from Byleth. Though he could see the similarities between them with their blunt way of things, she held a more grace, her steps were light and her skin unblemished and hair wild, yet beautiful and silky-No No No NO!
He shook his head and looked to Jeralt, "Is it her that keeps you here?"
That made the man snort, "Don't ask too many questions or you'll end up with answers that just weigh you down. If you really are trapped here too you'll have plenty of time to grill me later. Get going."
Dimitri reluctantly mounted the horse. He didn't like leaving this man here if he really was trapped, but he didn't even know how to save himself. Perhaps once he was free, Dimitri could come back with a rescue party. He nodded at Jeralt, and kicked the horse into a trot facing the way they had entered the clearing.
Jeralt waited until the young man disappeared into the trees, then walked into the forest on the other side. As he disappeared into the shadows, he could already feel the angry scowl on his face. He crossed his arms and yelled into the dark. "Claude!"
"No need to shout."
Jeralt tapped his arm impatiently as the faun practically de-materialized from the shadows of the trees. He was leaning back against one of the trunks, his horns looking slightly smaller than the last time the human had seen him. The man didn't care enough to ask, but he was positive the fae used his horns as carvings for flutes, talismans and sometimes odd gifts for his daughter.
He didn't really care for the latter.
"You can quit playing with the kid now - he won't be coming back."
A toothy smirk crept onto Claude's face. Bright green eyes sparkled with mischief. "Won't he? That seems rude, after you and the Lady welcomed him into your home. Did he at least stay for dinner?"
"No, he's smarter than that."
"Smarter than you?"
Jeralt grit his teeth. "He's important, Claude. I'm not sure how. He can't be stuck here."
The faun just shrugs with a chuckle. "What do I care if you think a human is important? Weren't you also supposed to have been great? And yet here you are, and thanks to that so is the Lady.“
He crossed his arms, mirroring Jeralt's stance. "She likes him. I saw it the moment they laid eyes on each other. So long as that's true, he stays."
"You don't like him," Jeralt challenged, noting the annoyance that crossed the faun's face.
But Claude took it in stride as he pulled out his flute, idly puffing into the holes for wayward notes. "It doesn't matter if I like him or not. My Lady Byleth does and that's all that matters."
The father scowled, knowing it would be useless to deny such a thing. Not after the way Byleth had been staring with keen interest at the boy, more so than anything him or Claude had ever shown her. Even more so than when he'd first pulled out his sword when she was a wee child and told her they'd be learning how to use it.
No, this curiosity of hers was dangerous. A dangerously human thing that Jeralt was sad he was trying to have to rip away from her.
"Don't worry so much. She'll tire of him soon," Claude chuckled good-naturedly.
Jeralt wasn't so sure. He had felt the sparks when Dimitri and Byleth had been in the room together. It had made him want to throw the boy back into the pond. "You'll regret it if he stays. He'll take her from you."
Claude's smile is thoughtful. "Even if she doesn't tire of the human, she and I are connected. I will always be with her regardless of anyone's feelings but my Lady's own. I don't believe that will be the case though. Byleth is fae! The boy is nothing more than a toy to be played with until he is broken or she becomes bored. Then I will quietly remove him." He motions as if sweeping something away.
Jeralt only sighed, and hoped that the kid has somehow found himself able to break through the cage. The sinking feeling in his gut said that he would fail, though. And so Jeralt started to plan for a future with one more person in it.
"She's human too, y'know." Jeralt growled, but his glare was as half-hearted as his words.
Byleth is half human, half of him, yet she appeared more fae than anything. It scared Jeralt and he sometimes wondered if his teachings meant anything. If he meant anything to her...
Claude huffed and stretched, "Yes, well, we don't talk about that part."
At the sound of hooves, the faun winked at Jeralt, who groaned. "Don't worry so much. You'll make yourself sick. Let Milady have her fun, and the human will be gone before you know it."
Jeralt turned to greet the confused and upset young man atop the horse as it rode back into the clearing. He knew that Claude had already vanished.
His nightly escape had been a total failure. A complete and utter disappointment.
Dimitri should have felt more upset (who wouldn't be?). He should be cutting down the very forest itself, rushing through like an unstoppable force ready to take down an unmovable wall. But how could he?
How could he be sad when Byleth gave him that smile.
Her pert, pink lips had only turned up slightly - a sight Dimitri felt is quite rare from the way Jeralt was staring. It wasn't just her smile that lit up, but her eyes. Dimitri could have sworn they glowed as beautifully as her hair.
Perhaps this failure wasn't so bad...
"You're still here."
The blonde bulk of a man stared dumbly as the lithe woman walked over and placed a hand on his arm. Her eyes were downcast and Dimitri had to keep himself from catching her chin to stop her.
"Yes, I'm still here." Dimitri couldn’t stop the smile from growing on his face or the flushed feeling that spread throughout his chest.
"I was worried," Byleth glanced up at him briefly then back to the ground.
Oh, if he were to die here, he was sure he'd be deliriously happy.
She took his hand and tugged, "Help me with the garden."
Jeralt watched the two walk to the back of the stone cabin with a deep frown.
When Byleth had said 'Garden', Dimitri had thought a quaint little area with pretty flowers and herbs, colorful and beautiful like the woman who had a strange hold on him. He had not been expecting an entire farm.
"Ah..." Dimitri stared at her in stunned silence as Byleth placed a hoe in his hands.
They stood there for a few moments, gazing at one another as if waiting for...something, anything.
Byleth's eyes screwed up a moment and she motioned her arms as if she is holding a tool and swung at the ground. "Like this."
What? Oh. OH! Dimitri blushed darkly, "Y-Yes! I'm sorry, I was just..."
But Byleth merely nodded and patted his arm, as if praising him for understanding. He felt his flush creep down his neck in embarrassment when she walks away to pick some tomatoes.
She must think him a fool.
Perhaps she was right, especially considering Jeralt had caught him staring at his daughter for much longer then what was proper. Damn it. He just wanted to go home.
“Byleth, go water the potatoes."
The fae girl paused, brows furrowed just slightly with confusion. Dimitri couldn't stop himself from focusing on the little spot between her eyebrows, wondering if the scrunch there was normal for her or not. She was so hard to read and the blonde briefly wondered if all fae were like her.
Jeralt didn't give her a chance to reply as he pushed a watering can into her hands. She glanced down at the tin can, then at her father. Dimitri expected her to talk back, but she only turned to go to the end of the field to water a plot.
He would have found the sight cute, but she surely couldn't water so much with a tiny can.
Ever the gentleman, Dimitri moved to help. But he was stopped by a hand on his chest. The touch made Dimitri recoil slightly, not used to casual contact. Normally he'd never take off his armor, but tilling a field was hard work and this oddly warm weather was making him break a sweat.
"It looks like a lot of work-"
"She'll be a while regardless." Jeralt grunted while gesturing towards the front of the house.
"I can help, it's no problem." Dimitri wasn't sure if it was safe with this man, even if he tried to help him escape.
But he had failed and the young man wasn't sure what the man planned to do. At least he knew what Byleth was doing.
Farming was easy. Fathers were scary.
"Don't bother," Jeralt motioned him to follow again. "We don't have any potatoes."
Dimitri faltered but caught on. There was no escape from this, it seemed.
Well, he supposed he would take it like a man, whatever this talk was going to be. So he trailed after the older male, lump stuck in his throat as they make it to the edge of the woods. Jeralt stopped, eyes set on the forest in front of him. Dimitri waited for the man to find his words. The King can’t help but recognize the look in his eyes.
For freedom? Peace? Dimitri wasn’t sure he’d ever know.
“You do know what kind of shit you’re in, right?”
Dimitri swallowed, unsure if he would put it that way. He nods.
“I’m not sure you do,” Jeralt grunted while kicking at a cat tail plant. “Where are you from? How’d you get here?”
The blonde explained what had happened the best he could (even if he didn’t understand it). He wisely omitted his family name and their, *ahem*, responsibilities.
“So from that direction.” Jeralt pointed to what Dimitri believed is the west and nods. The man looked thoughtful before speaking again. “Right. I suppose you’ll be better prepared to leave tonight.”
“You want to leave, don’t you?” Jeralt was annoyed now.
“Y-Yes, of course!” Dimitri felt like a fool, again. What was with this place?!
“Then we’ll be better prepared for your escape tonight. It won’t be easy.”
“I’m sorry, but what is this place? What is going on?” He was growing weary of all this. Surely someone would tell him something!
Jeralt gave him a pitying look and clasped Dimitri’s shoulder, making the younger male jump in surprise. “I’m sure you know what’s happening here.”
No! No he doesn’t!! “Wait, I need answers-“
Dimitri jerked away and glanced in the direction of the house. His eyes widen as a figure steps outside in black armor, HIS BLACK ARMOR. Jeralt had seen it too, and was turning toward her with an exasperated groan.
“Byleth! You take that off right now!”
The little figure waddled away, the collar of the chest plate reaching high enough to cover her mouth. Her mint hair was bundled around the shoulders and Dimitri almost laughed when she almost fell over in her escape.
No, wait!
He shook his head and grabbed Jeralt’s arm before he could get away. “Tell me what’s going on! Where am I?!”
Jeralt stopped, glancing back at Dimitri with a tilted smile that looked…sad.
“Kid, do you know the old tales? Of the fae and the rules?”
“Yes.” Dimitri was getting impatient. “Don’t eat offered food, don’t follow them to their home. Don’t step into a fairy circle.”
Jeralt laughed. “You’ve done a good job to ignore those warnings.”
“But I didn’t…” Dimitri scowled, refusing to believe what he had already started to suspect. “That would mean I stepped into a realm, THIS REALM! I didn’t cross any circle!”
“Kid,” Jeralt sighed as the age lines under his eyes grew deeper, “This forest, Gleann na Duin, IS a Fairy Circle.”
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langstyboi · 6 years
And They Were Roommates
Dear fucking journal,
Ever since a couple of weeks ago, things have been weird.  I fucking hate it. Kirishima is apparently gay!? He came out and things just feel different dammit! This sucks ass! I have all these shitty emotions I can't understand! Fuck them! I want things to be normal god dammit! I'd never say it to Shitty Hair's face, but he's my best friend. I mean, I can tolerate him more than any of these other shit heads. Ever since I found out he likes dudes it's just... I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! I don't really have good feelings over this! Am I being homophobic?? What the hell? I DON'T MEAN TO BE!! I'm not THAT big of an asshole. I just can't explain these damned feelings! He's my friend and I don't wanna be a dick! Though he'd probably like that. UGH! I'M SO DAMN MAD!! AT HIM! AT ME! AT YOU! FUCK EVERYONE! FUCK EVERYTHING!!
-God damn Bakugo
The frustrated blonde closed the book and shoved it under his bed. He got up and paced around his room, thinking. Usually venting in his diary helped calm him a bit, but this time he was only angrier. He was asking himself why that red haired idiot had him so worked up when there was a knock at his door.
"The hell do you want!?"
"Um, Bakubro it's me!" Kirishima tried to force joy into his voice. "I wanted to talk to you." He'd felt the shift in their relationship too. Bakugo moved to the door, opening it to find a tired Kirishima. Both were stressed out about this and having trouble sleeping. "Can I come in..?"
"Whatever." Bakugo moved and closed the door after Kirishima walked in. "What the hell are you here for?"  
"I'm just gonna be blunt... Do you have a problem with me liking dudes?" There was worry evident on his face. Bakugo panicked internally, trying to figure out what to say. This was what he was trying to figure out for himself.
"WHAT THE HELL, YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF!?" Relief washed over Kirishima, though Bakugo, didn't know if what he said was true. "I COULDN'T CARE LESS, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! YOU'RE STILL YOU, MY B-" He stopped himself, not wanting to show too much emotion, not wanting Kirishima to know he thinks of him as his best friend.
"Heh, sorry man! I thought you'd been avoiding me or something lately? Guess I'm just paranoid." He scratched the back of his head and gave a subtle grin. Bakugo got a weird feeling in his chest and all his whirling emotions were hitting him all at once. "Hey, wait, what were you going to say?" Those big red eyes staring into his only made his conflicting feelings stronger.
Bakugo tensed up in hesitation, looking off into another corner of the room, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I- uh..." He looked back towards  Kirishima with a straight, angry looking face. "It was nothing, Shitty Hair! Now get out of my damn room! You're getting on my nerves!"
Kirishima gave a lighthearted laugh and moved towards the door. "See ya at dinner, Bakubro!" He walked out the door happily and closed the door.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He called out uselessly. Bakugo plopped down in his bed and stared angrily at the ceiling. "What the hell's wrong with me?" He groaned to himself. He kept thinking of the red head and tried to decipher his feelings.
What was it about Kirishima? He started talking to himself out loud. "He's really nice and it gets on my fucking nerves. He's way too fucking sweet. It's gross. But... I don't mind it. He's got shitty hair and weird ass pointy teeth. But he does have a cute smile. WHAT!? NO! I DIDN'T- BUT- IT'S TRUE! His smile is nice. And I love the way he worries about me. He cares. HOLD UP! I DIDN'T MEAN LOVE!!! I DON'T-" He was silent as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "This dumbass has me mumbling like fucking Deku." Bakugo had only proceeded in making himself more frustrated.
He sighed and grabbed his phone. "I'm not... I'm not gay am I?" He furrowed his brows as he went to Google. Google would know, right? He typed the question and hesitated before hitting search. He spent a while browsing articles that didn't help. He wanted answers and now.
"A quiz? Hmm. Might as fucking well." He clicked the link and felt anxious. This test might not be completely accurate but it could reveal something. He tried answering with his honest truth, thinking about each answer thoroughly.  
'Question one: You spot a cute, same-gender person in your class. They look at you. What do you do?' At the mention of cute he thought of Kirishima. He looked over the answers and none really fit him. "I wouldn't fucking smile but... 'warm and fuzzy' kinda describes this."
'Question two: Your friends invite you to attend a pride festival. What do you say?' "What the hell? I-I don't know! Come as an ally? For Kirishima I would, but he can't know that!"
'Question three: A cute, same-gender person comes out to you as gay or bisexual. They have a crush on you. What do you do?' A blush began rising to his cheeks. "Kiri had come out, but it's not like he would have a crush on me! ... WOulD hE?" He panicked. "NONE OF THESE FIT!!" He hit a random answer not knowing what to pick.
'Question four: You're in a gym class getting changed. You notice a cute, same-gender person getting changed. They have smooth, toned muscles and look perfect. What do you do?' That perfectly described Kirishima. He was embarrassed by his answer but admitted to blushing because of the other guy.
'Question five: You're sitting on a sofa watching a movie with a cute, same-gender person. They fall asleep with their head on your lap/legs. What do you do?' This had happened plenty of times. So this answer was easy. "What kind of monster would push him away? I'm an asshole but I can cover him up at least!"
'Question six: You're locked in a room with a cute same-gender person and a cute opposite-gender person. Who do you pick?' "What the hell does this mean!? I couldn't stand being stuck in a room with anyone! I'd just blow the door down what the fuck? But I could probably tolerate Kirishima..."
'Question seven: What do you think your sexuality is?' "YOU FUCKING TELL ME!" He'd never really thought about sexuality or other people. Bakugo was never really into girls, but most guys he knew were just idiotic extras he wanted to be better than. He reluctantly hit gay.
'Question eight: If an cute opposite-gender person asked you out, what would you do?' He thought for a moment. He wouldn't be into any of the girls in his class. They're annoying. He's never really had interest in girls or romance at all. Uraraka is cute in a general sense. He can admit that. But it's not like he'd ever want to date her. "Reject them it is..."
'Question nine: Pick the gender your biggest crushes were. If you've never had a crush, guess who you think your biggest ones will be.' "OH FUCK OFF! THIS ISN'T HELPFUL!!" He sighed as his frustration grew. Only one more question after this. Might as well finish. Be angrily tapped 'Same-Gendered' and moved on.
'Question ten: Finally, do you like any LGBTQ+ singers?' He doesn't really listen to music much and certainly doesn't know the singers sexuality. Also, why this would matter is beyond him. He hit the 'Get Results' button and held his breath.
'Are you gay? For 80% you are: You're most likely homosexual/homoromantic! This means you only like same-gender people. Enjoy your rainbow life!'
He slumped down on his bed. "That helped fucking NOTHING! Those answers were shit! I don't trust that damn thing! It can die!!" He felt like he might never figure out his feelings. According to this he's gay, and that's not bad, but is he gay for Kirishima?
This quiz made him think about a lot of things he was avoiding or just not even realizing before. Maybe he did have a crush on his friend. A sick feeling settled over him and he still felt confused as hell. An idea popped into his head and he held up his phone. He scrolled through his contacts before he started to type.
B: Hey Deku bitch
D: Uh hi Kacchan? Why are you texting me?
B: I have to ask you something but if you tell anyone I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!
D: Okay! I won't! Geez...
B: I know you and icy hot are dating
B: How'd you know
D: How'd I know what?
B: That you like guys? Or HIM? I don't fucking know
D: Is this about Kirishima?
B: ... maybe
D: Alright, alright! I didn't really know at first. I had a lot of confusing feelings and after a while it clicked? I just realized that I did have a crush and quit ignoring my feelings. I mean he's cute and nice and I really like being around him. I want to do romantic things with him too. Like cuddling and dates and kissing and hand holding. I hope that answers your question?
Bakugo sat back, re-reading the text over and over. He had confusing feelings about Kirishima. He knew Kirishima is cute and nice. He knows he loves being around Kirishima. He takes a moment to think about doing romantic things with Kirishima and gets extremely flustered. They already touched often, cuddling or linking arms. That was only because Kirishima gave him no choice. They also hung out a lot, but calling that a date? That made Bakugos heart race. Imagining kissing that idiots soft lips only made him forget to breathe.
He did have a crush on Kirishima. Deep down he could feel it, but now he accepted it.
Bakugo had no clue what to do, so he grabbed his journal and began writing furiously.
Dear fucking journal,
UPDATE! I'm fucking gay. And Kirishima's cute as hell. I won't deny this any longer. But what the shit am I to do? I can't just tell Shitty Hair about this! What if he's not into me!?! I have a crush god dammit, but what do I do? It's nice to have those dumbass emotions sorted but now theres another issue. EMOTIONS CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!
He decided to end his frustrated rant there as his phone went off. It was a text from Midoriya. "What he fuck does this nerd want?" He mumbled to himself.
D: Kacchan did that help at all?
B: Fuck off deku its none of your damn buisness
B: But I'm gay
D: Woah that's great! You figured yourself out!!
D: A true raging homosexual.
B: STFU DIE!!!!!! NERD!!!
He tossed his phone onto his bed. Why, of all people, would he tell Midoriya that? He growled at himself and checked the time. He should head down for dinner about now. He went downstairs and almost everyone was already there. During dinner he couldn't help but stare at Kirishima. Kaminari, the resident bisexual, was chatting up a storm with him and Bakugo couldn't help but get pissed with how flirty it was getting. Halfway through dinner he was so angry he broke his chopsticks in half. After that he went to his room saying he wasn't hungry, and he truly wasn't. He was full of jealousy.
There was a knock at his door. He answered it to find a concerned Kirishima. "Bakugo you left before you finished eating. You alright? You're not getting sick or anything are you?" He pushed past Bakugo and into the room.
"I'm fine hair for brains. Just got full." He gave an angry pout and shut the door as Kirishima sat down on his bed. "I'll be right back I gotta piss." Bakugo said before turning and going to the bathroom. He really just needed to calm down for a moment. Unknowingly he had left his journal sitting right on his bed where a certain someone could easily find it.
Kirishima went to lean back but found his hand on a book of sorts. "Hmm. What is this?" He picked it up and flipped through a few pages. "A diary!" He whisper yelled to himself. He flipped to a newer entry and began to read. He knew he shouldn't, but it was too tempting.  Bakugo came out right when he was finishing today's last entry.
"Kirish- WHER THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT!?" Bakugo thought he was going to have a heart attack. He wrote his feelings in there. HIS FEELINGS.
Kirishima looked dazzed and was blushing madly. "You... you left it on your bed." He gave a shy smile.
"YEAH BUT WHO THE FUCK SAID YOU COULD READ IT!? WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?!" Blood was rushing in his ears and his heart was pounding so hard it hurt.
"I-I'm sorry Bakugo!" He snapped back to reality, realizing his mistake. "I-um... Is it... Is it true?"
"Wh-WHAT?" He started getting defensive. He only just realized he's gay, he wasn't ready to get his heart broken this fast. Kirishima stood up and came closer. He gave Bakugo a serious look.
"Did you mean everything you wrote?"
"OF COURSE I DID SHITTY HAI-" He was pulled into a kiss. Taken aback and confused he pulled away. "Wh-what."
"I like you too Bakugo! I... have for a while to be honest. I never thought you would like me back!" And excited grin stretched across Kirishimas face, along with a blush.
"Come here you idiot." Bakugo mumbled before pulling him into a kiss.
Note: I posted the post that inspired this here. And here is the link to the Are you Gay? quiz I used for this. ALSO I REALIZE THE TITLE ISN’T RELATED TO THE STORY BUT IT’S RELATED TO THE POST AND THAT’S ALL I COULD THINK OF THANKS.
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roguevaramiy · 6 years
More Than A Gift - Ohmtoonz Drabble
Gift for @fluffy-papaya
Ah this is the first fic/drabble I’ve finished since literally like 2014 so I hope it’s good enough?? It’s a bit longer than I originally intended actually. This AU is kinda set where the boys are neighbors and such but still gave each other their YT names as nicknames just so there’s no confusion on that.
Word Count - 1,855
“This is fucking stupid, Delirious.” “No it is not, now shut up and wrap the present!”
Luke groaned, earning a maniacal giggle at his torment in return from his best friend, whose nickname fits a little too well. Gazing down at the object in his hands, doubt wriggled into his head again.
“Do you really think he’ll like this dumb thing? I feel like he’s gonna fuckin’ laugh at me,” he voiced to the man beside him, squeezing the soft item slightly. The item in question being an incredibly soft dog plush he’d bought on a whim.
“Of course he’ll like it! If not, then he’s gonna have to deal with my fists of fury bitch!” The words were accentuated with vigorous punches to the air by the scrawny man.
“Uh-huh, sure thing, string bean,” he teased back, snickering at the scowl his words brought to Jonathan’s face.
“L-like you have room to t-talk!” Luke just raised an eyebrow at his friend’s spluttering, both of them knowing it made no sense. It was no secret the southerner was far from lacking in the muscle department, fully capable of taking care of himself physically. The same couldn’t be very well said for his skinny companion, who huffed at him in annoyance before throwing a roll of green and blue wrapping paper at him. “Just give it to him and leave me alone.”
The blue-eyed brunet stomped off with a pout, flopping onto the beat up couch nearby, phone in hand. Fond laughter erupted from the bearded man at the childish display, turning his attention back to the present in his grasp.
It really shouldn’t be so nerve wracking, but he couldn’t help the internal crisis from swirling through his thoughts, freezing all courage he could’ve ever mustered immediately. As much as he was usually the composed one, the man the gift was meant for just seemed to have the undying effect of turning his mental motor functions into useless goo.
He smiled fondly as he predicted what good reactions could possibly be received from the present. Surely the sweet brunet would gush about how Luke absolutely did not need to get him a present, how it was such a kind gesture no matter what the colorful paper contained.
But then again…
The fuzzy stuffed animal could also garner a less than pleasant situation as well. Perhaps his long time crush would think the gift is ridiculous and laugh at him for it; think it’s stupid and hand it back. Not to even mention the fact of him possibly confessing to his neighbor in the process.
No, no. Ryan isn’t like that, even if he laughs at it, surely he would still appreciate it, right? But what if he pushes me away for my feelings?
Luke’s train of thought was cut short by a knock at the door, causing Jon to bolt straight up in his seat. “Oohh, that must be him. Leave wrapping the present to me, Cartoonz, and go open the door!” He didn’t have much time to react, nor protest, as a blur of blue snatched the paper and plush from his fingertips and bolted upstairs. Blinking away his confusion, the southerner strode to the front door, neglecting to acknowledge the sweat forming on his skin as a rare plume of anxiety wormed its way throughout his stomach.
Cool it Luke, it’s just your neighbor. Your super cute neighbor who’s leaving to visit family for Christmas in a few hours and this is your last chance to actually say something about how you feel in person for the next 2 weeks.
Pushing his inner monologue aside, he swung the door open to be met by the sight of lively blue-green eyes shining happily back at him.
“Hi, ‘Toonzy!” Just the utterance of the nickname the other gave him sent Luke practically reeling, barely keeping his composure as he replied with his own little nickname for his neighbor.
“Hey, Ohm.” He stepped aside, allowing Ryan to enter through the door and bound into the living room; a dark green scarf with omegas decorating the ends trailing behind him. Brown eyes watched carefully as the warm clothing-clad man perched on the edge of the couch with ease, completely comfortable with making himself at home in the other’s house as though it was second nature. There was nothing particularly special about the scene before him, but Luke couldn’t help feeling a warm glow in his chest at the sight of his handsome crush lounging happily on the old furniture; glasses slipping down the pale bridge of his nose in a way that the southernern couldn’t help but find adorable.
“So, Ryan, since you’re planning on leaving tonight I figured I’d go ahead and give you your Christmas present early, so you don’t have to wait y’know.” He didn’t waste time getting to the point as he plopped onto the couch next as well, the blunt transfer into conversation nothing new to the other.
“Oh, you didn’t have to get me anythi-!”
“Ah, ah, ah! Stop that shit, it’s too late, I already got the damn thing and you’re getting it anyway,” the bearded man interrupted him loudly with a raised hand. Ohm let his mouth stay open for a moment before closing it with hesitation, rolling his eyes with a laugh.
“Whatever, ‘Toonzy, as long as you didn’t get me something inappropriate!”
“Aw shit, you mean you didn’t want a pink thong for Christmas? I guess I’ll just have to give it to Delirious then.” The joke left Ryan practically in tears laughing, a hand coming up to swat the other man’s bicep playfully. Cartoonz let a chuckle out in return, elated at the having made such a sweet sound come from his crush. He took that moment of amusement to worry about why Jonathan hadn’t returned yet. There was no need for him to get off the couch however, as though by some psychic magic, his best friend came stumbling down the stairs on cue with his hands behind his back.
“Hey, Ohm- ah fuck!” The shout was swiftly followed by a crash as the gangly man tumbled to the carpeted flooring face first, hands too preoccupied to catch himself.
The bundled up figure on the couch fell into another round of giggles at the situation while Luke made his way over to the mess of a man on the floor. “Ah hah, there’s the bastard. I’ll be takin’ this!” Not bothering to help Delirious to his feet, the southerner reached down to swipe the object from his friend’s hands, earning a, “What the fuck, Cartoonz?!” in return.
“You can get up yourself, you big baby,” he shot back, finding his way back to his spot next to his neighbor. He glanced down at the gift in his hands, rolling his eyes at the slightly sloppy craftmanship of the wrapping, but nevertheless grateful for it being presentable enough. “Anyway, uh, here’s your present. Merry early Christmas?” Luke tried to laugh it off as he timidly handed the item over to the other on the couch.
The bearded man raised an eyebrow in suspicious as a snicker left Jonathan, who had gotten off the floor and was now retreating back upstairs hastily. The quick action made a sliver of fear sit in his stomach as Ryan thanked him and started at peeling away the bright paper.
Luke winced slightly as a soft gasp escaped the other brunet, but he was washed with relief as hazel eyes sparkled up at him joyfully. “This is such a cute gift, Luke! You even remembered my favorite breed!” Ohm beamed at him, lifting the stuffed Jack Russell from the remaining wrapping. A small, “Oh,” left the other though as something fell from his hands onto the floor.
The gift giver knit his eyebrows together in confusion, there wasn’t supposed to be anything else with the plush. Suddenly leaving wrapping the present to Delirious seemed like a bad idea way too late.
Ryan leaned down to picked up the white piece of paper that had fallen to the floor, colorful eyes scanning over it quickly, leaving Cartoonz to panic internally. He watched as the other man’s eyes widened slightly, a pink hue tinting his pale cheeks.
“L-Luke? Do you mean it?” The question was delivered in such a soft tone, it took a moment for the southerner to process it.
“What?” He blurted out, reaching over and taking the paper from his crush’s hands and reading it himself. Written in red inked, slightly messy handwriting was a simple message:
‘Merry Christmas, Ryan. I’ve liked you for awhile so, will you be my present this year? ♥’
Real fucking classy, Jon.
The quick thought flitted through his brain before he too was beginning to fluster heavily, jaw hanging open slightly as he tried to think of what to say. He mustered the courage to look back up Ryan, seeing a still pink face staring back, eyes almost holding a hopeful look to them?
Hopeful, could his crush possibly be hoping it was true?
“‘Toonzy? You seem confused, did you not write that?” The words came out hesitant and slightly hurt sounding, causing the bearded man’s heart to clench slightly.
“No, er, I mean. Ah, fuck,” he stumbled over his words awkwardly, reaching up to scratch his cheek as he sighed heavily. “I’m not the one who wrote it, no. It was Delirious being a sneaky little fucker, but… It is true.” He finished the sentence without looking at the other, instead choosing to stare down at the paper in his hands, defeated.
It was silent for a moment before an excited giggle broke through the air. “Well I guess now would be a good time to tell you I’m not leaving then.” Luke’s head snapped up quickly, mouth opening in confusion.
“Yeah, the whole family get-together got cancelled ‘cause a lot of people got sick. So since I’m staying in town, could I maybe interest you in a date…?” Ohm trailed off in his question, being the one to look off in embarrassment instead, a small nervous smile playing at his lips. Luke just sat dumbfounded for a moment, taking a hot minute to process the information he just received before breaking out into a huge grin.
“No shit I’ll take you up on a date, I didn’t just confess by accident for nothing,” he joked with newfound ease, gaining some of his usual confidence back.
The positive reaction was immediate, the southerner being thrown backwards onto the couch by the force of Ryan’s body colliding with his own in a warm hug. A giggle of happiness was let out of the man now on top of him, and chapped but lovingly sweet lips melded to his perfectly like the action was a long awaited arrival to home; pure elation practically glowing from both figures on the old couch.
And despite the circumstances of how it happened, Luke couldn’t help but be grateful for his shithead of a best friend helping him get the greatest gift he ever could’ve asked for.
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gasters-story · 5 years
Chapter 31
Word count: 2,369
Warning: Death
This was honestly the first time Anton has ever visited Gaster's labs. He had let Grillby try to close the bar down for what could be called “a day” and now was a bit lost on where to go. Gaster wasn't anywhere in the first part of the lab so Anton was left to find his way through himself. He had no idea where the scientist could be since hd never asked Gaster about visiting in the first place. Anton honestly should have done so, especially for this reason but then he wouldn't be here at all since Gaster would just shoo him away. It's been a month since he went to the bar so Anton wanted to he able to see him.
He was just waiting for an elevator to take him to another part of this labyrinth and when he walked around he hoped he'd just turn the corner to see Gaster there. That didn't happen though, instead running into one of the “helpers” or mini assistants that he had to ask for help. That's when he was finally able to find Gaster in the lower lab but not how he expected nor how he hoped to.
It looked like a tornado had been repeated in a crazy experiment and was allowed to roam the room, though that was probably the most normal thing since Gaster had those helpers organize his paperwork for a reason. The worst part was the machine with singe marks on and around it, a few papers near causing smoke to full the room since they were singed red from where they were slowing burning to ash.
Luckily those papers were isolated and just burnt away. Anton could see Gaster trying to salvage what he can though and muttering plenty of curses under his breath. Anton would've just waited until Gaster gave up since there wasn't many papers left burning and he wouldn't mix well with already burning things in this situation.
Anton quickly took notice when he saw blood running down Gaster's skull and made his way over to the other fast enough to catch him by surprise. It was clear the skeleton didn't know the elemental was there at first because when Anton grabbed him by the arm and pull him closer to inspect the wound, he looked very startled. The blood wasn't from a spider webs of cracks at least. Instead it just branched into a new line at the top of his head. Anton was relieved it wasn't anything extremely bad.
'Thank goodness you're okay.’ He writes once he pulls away from the other. Gaster takes a moment to comprehend, even blinking a few times before just nodding and going back to salvaging. Anton had to tap his shoulder to get his attention again. 'You should treat the crack though. How did it happen?’
“I, uh…” Gaster seemed to be a slight mess as he picked up papers and thought as he did so. “It must've been when I hit my head earlier while working.” Anton could already guess Gaster would say he never noticed by being busy.
‘Well where's your medical supplies then?’ Anton was glad that Gaster just told him and soon he was back with them. Gaster had already salvaged what he could and was trying to decipher as well as organize.
Anton tapped Gaster again to get his attention and showed him he got the supplies. Gaster sighed but just let him so he just read some of the pages and kept still. It wasn't long before Gaster was good to go.
“Thanks…” He mutters before seriously going back to work. Anton watches him for a few moments before tapping Gaster's shoulder for the third time now. The skeleton looked up once again before staring in some sort of confusion. Anton had his arms open for a hug. Gaster paused for a moment, then two, before he moved to give an awkward hug to the other. It was only awkward on his side though, for Anton just embraced him warmly as a “you're welcome”.
The hug was definitely a warm one, Gaster could vouch for that, but it also gave a numbing and fuzzy feeling. It felt like the ache from his stress was just leaking out of his bones and allowing for him to relax. It was enough to have his thoughts drift a little too much and cause hum to start dozing off from his energy feeling sapped. He wanted to refuse it but didn't feel like moving so he was eventually accepting sleep.
Anton had to pick him up to carry him out of the room in attempt to get him to his room. The elemental ended up bumping into Sans on the way out, startling both at first. Once Sans noticed who it was and what happened, he quickly just relaxed.
“Looks like I'll have to turn Chara away today.” He says with a soft smile. “This way.” He directs Anton to Gaster's room so the flame's arms were great when they got there. Once they were, he was able to happily sign to Sans.
'Thank you. He looked like he needed rest honestly so…’ He smiles back at Sans. Though he felt bad that the royal family's child was being turned away now, he was still happy Gaster got the rest he needed anyways.
“I get that. Thanks.” Sans says before starting to leave with a wave. “Visit another time. The kid can do the same.” Anton nodded with a mental “gotcha” before glancing back at Gaster. He smiled even more at the sight of his resting friend before leaving to make his way through the labs once again.
Gaster got his recommended sleep time on complete accident thanks to Anton. He just woke up tiredly when Sans told him Chara was back again. Gaster was reluctant from the tiredness he felt but went up to greet them anyways.
“Ouch.” Chara comments as they eye the bandaging as soon as Gaster walks into the room. The skeleton just rolls his eyes and exhales a sharp sigh.
“As you can tell, there are some setbacks as it sometimes happens to be with things like these.” Gaster states calmly. Chara seems upset but doesn't say anything on why exactly.
“I bet getting a crack in your skull really hurts.” They say, as if adding to their previous comment. “How did you get them, if you don't mind sharing?”
Gaster pauses a moment to think before choosing to respond. “An incident in the first place I lived and in a fight with your previous human leader. The two seem to affect my vision quite a bit.” Chara eyes him for a moment after he finishes answering, some kind of emotion flashing in their eyes.
“I guess that's how you knew f- Chatch.” They close their eyes for a moment and cross their arms. Gaster doesn't take their mistake lightly.
“I feel as if I've known and been affect by him since forever, even now.” He states with a surprisingly calm tone as he looks down at the other. “I'm sure you feel no different.”
Chara glares a bit then shrugs. “I do know he had a plan to take you all out while while you are all trapped in a cage, allowing no human to go down so no monster can harvest a soul.”
“I can see you defied that.” Gaster says quickly before eyeing them questionably. What they said would concern any monster of course.
“Yeah, but I also made sure he couldn't carry out that plan.” Chara says sharply. Something about the emotion in their eyes caught Gaster's attention but he couldn't see what exactly since the teen was already leaving. Gaster just watched them go and sighed once again before heading back down to the deeper labs.
“So what do you plan to do about the machine? Keep trying?” Sans asks curiously while in the elevator. Gaster thinks about it as he closes his eye sockets.
“Keep trying, of course. Though I may have to advice Chara to also try to change their soul themselves.” He says and walks out of the elevator. Sans listens and follows obviously. “It may be hard for them to manage to change, especially as quick as they want.”
“Yeah but it's a plan B. Best to be at least thought of as soon as possible.” Sean's comments as he smiles a bit in attempt to be reassuring. “Do you want me to tell them?”
“Do what you wish.” Gaster responds as the two walk into the revival room and stop. The Royal Scientist stares at the machine with a deep frown for a moment. He hated the waiting it caused but there was nothing he could do about it. Sans just silently decided his next mood as he worriedly watched Gaster.
“Got it.” Sans mutters before looking at the machine himself.
“Five months.” Gaster suddenly says, off topic. Sans nods and looks over at the other again.
“Time sure has flown by when we got busy. The project is at least good for that.” He says before walking off with a wave. “I'll take care of it acter month six as we discussed still.”
“Oh I'll make sure you do.” Gaster purposely says with sharpness. He already dealt with one kid. A younger one would be worse.
After another month of Chara and Anton visiting the labs, Gaster pretty much gave up. His progress sas slowing down by then anyways. He thought he got it working right at one point but it seemed to have no effect when tested. That caused research to be strained.
“Don't rely on it to do something stupid and fix it later.” Gaster had commented on the soul's power of resetting before basically telling Chara to go fix themself by themself. They weren't too happy but just went away to do so. They only came back for a camera and some tapes, once belonging to the king and queen, with Asriel.
Months passed without Gaster realizing since then. One time he had to treat Asgore since he got poisoned from eating flowers by accident. Gaster couldn't say how long ago that was though. He just knows at one point Chara snuck down to “secretly” put back the camera and tapes. Gaster never cared to confront them on why or anything though. Why did it matter? Maybe the two teens got bored of it.
Chara got quickly sick after that. It must've been a coincidence but while he checked up on Chara it didn't seem that eat. While their symptoms seemed a worse version of Asgore's, their traits overall had also dropped significantly, the signs of a weakening soul. They still were determined for the most of it but it was clear they weren't going to bounce back from this unless lucky. It caused Gaster to arrange a quick meeting with the king.
“If they do not make it in the end, we can at least preserve their soul and use it for getting out of here.” Gaster states, maybe too blunt for Asgore's liking. His face looks full of grief after all as he didn't answer. “For them. At least think about it so we can have permission to preserve the soul.”
“I'll think on it…” Asgore finally mutters before leaving the room as quickly as he came.
A short and quick meeting but it was to be expected. Asgore didn't want go talk about it more than he had to. He eventually did after to it though after watching Chara's health decline more. Gaster then could attach a monitor to page him in case something happens and they end up dying unnoticed so hd can collect the soul as soon as possible.
It did its job, making Gaster's pager go off when the time finally came. The scientist rushed out with his equipment to contain the soul as soon as possible but it would reveal to be a fruitless attempt. When he got there, Chara was very much gone of course without a soul to recover.
There were unfortunately no traces of why their body was even gone or where it was. They wouldn't dust like monsters or their found family anyways.
Chara knew where their body was though.
It felt like they were swimming as they looked from a view that seemed higher than what they were normally use to. Asriel's voice spoke like he was in their head yet seemed to slightly echo as of far away. They sounded scared but Chara just pushed them to walk forward with the plan no matter how much he said he didn't like it. They couldn't just turn back now.
Chara was the one mostly in control because of that way of thinking. Each step felt like it was their own but they couldn't tell if Ariel felt the same way.
Every time Chara chooses to look down they see their own poisoned corpse and Asriel would shake terribly. Even if they died by painful poisoning, Chara's body looked peaceful in Asriel's arms. They just decided not to look until they got to the village.
It was quiet at first when they got there but screams were quick to sound off even so. Chara expected it to be. It looked nothing like vicious murder but who could care to look longer than a second with a monster in front of them?
Chara wanted to quickly find humans to pick out and take the souls of but their feet didn't want to move when they did. Asriel's cries echoed badly within Chara's head as things became fuzzy again. After a few painful hits from the humans while Asriel's barely reacted from the mixed reactions, they were turning back to Mount Ebott. Chara screamed in frustration but it didn't change anything, besides add a headache, no matter how hard they cried.
“I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm so sorry.” Asriel's voice whispered yet it sounded clear to Chara. When they got close to the mountain, they didn't push the monster any further.
It wouldn't be long until they die together among golden flowers and in front of their heartbroken parents.
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