#to be fair i have like four other of those but they're either my friends or people i followed specifically for homestuck
AITA for giving a friend tickets to a concert that I originally bought for a different friend?
This kind of petty drama tbh but my friends are divided over this whole thing and I worry that the way I acted was wrong.
I (16) bought 4 tickets to a concert that I really wanted to see, intending to ask my friends to go with me for my birthday. Because I was the one who wanted to go, and I know none of my friends are super into this artist, I thought it was only fair that I bought the tickets. They were like £70 each and I spent some of the money I got as gifts to buy them.
I asked 1 friend who has kind of been my on and off best friend for the past 4 years, we'll call her E, to go with m. She asked if we could also invite someone she's friends with, who I don't know that well- let's call her O. I wasn't super happy with the idea but I really wanted E to come and I thought maybe it could be a good way to get to know O more. The asked a few of other friends if they wanted the last ticket but they were either busy or didn't know if they would be allowed (the concert was happening in another city) so the last ticket wasn't claimed for a while.
The week of the concert arrived and I ended up in hospital because I dislocated my knee. I was told I probably shouldn't go to a concert because I should be on rest for a few days. I was pretty upset but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I let E know I couldn't go anymore and that I was just gonna post the tickets for sale online. I told her she could buy hers if she still wanted to go. She didn't reply so I had a feeling she was pissed about it. On the day of the concert, the tickets hadn't been bought. I was home from school all day but a few of my friends came by after to see how I was doing.
This is when I learned that E had told everyone that I had given her all four tickets and that she had told two guys from the year above that they could have my ticket and the spare one for free if they gave her and O a ride to the concert. I tried calling E but she didn't pick up or reply to texts. I'll admit I was kind of angry. The girls who came to see me after school said they would buy the tickets from me and go to the concert if the tickets were still available. So I sold them the tickets for £50 each (that was all the had on them at the time and I was fine with getting at least some of the money back versus giving them to E and some random people for free) and they went to the concert.
A few hours before the concert started, E showed up at my house and asked for the tickets. I told her I had sold them to some other friends and she kicked OFF. She said I had given her at least her and O's tickets as a gift and that I couldn't just take that back. She had the guy from the year above come up to my house and ask where the tickets were too, though he seemed confused about the whole thing and was pretty understanding when I said I had bought them for my birthday but got injured so I decided to sell them. Eventually my mum had to ask them to leave because E was just yelling at me, saying that I was a shitty friend, and I was pretty upset.
Things have been so tense in school since the concert. Some of my friends don't believe that I never promised E all of the tickets after I got injured, so they're really mad at me and the friends who went to the concert. The whole thing is really awkward and I'm starting to feel like maybe it was an asshole move on my part. I don't know. E basically hasn't spoken to me since. I knew she had made plans with the tickets so I guess it was bad of me to sell the tickets to those other friends. I just feel like she shouldn't have assumed I would give them all away to her for free? Especially when I told her ahead of time that she could buy the tickets, otherwise I was gonna try selling them. She never replied to let me know she wanted them. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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666writingcafe · 21 days
An Interview With Simeon
Part Six
Question One: How do you feel right now?
A little tired, but otherwise okay.
Question Two: Would you rather live in the city or in the woods?
I find a lot more inspiration in the woods, plus there aren't nearly as many people. MC says that I'm an introvert because I get my energy from being alone, and I think they might be right. Not that there's anything wrong with groups of people; they just can be draining at times.
Question Three: Do you believe in soulmates?
Absolutely. But I don't believe in exclusivity. There are many types of soulmates, not just the romantic kind. Like, Luke and I are familial soulmates. I was meant to be his guardian, and he was meant to be my kid. *pauses* Don't tell Luke I said that. He hates it when I call him that.
Question Four: Who is the first person you call when you are happy or sad?
When I want to express good news, I call Raphael. He and I have grown fairly close since the war. But he's what I would call a fair-weather friend. He's made it clear that he doesn't want to hear about my struggles, and I've made peace with that. (So who do you call when you need to vent about something?) It depends on what it is. If I just want to gossip, then I reach out to Solomon, but if it's deeper and more existential, I call either MC or Mammon. MC is a great listener, and Mammon's been through a lot of the same things I have. Plus, he's actually willing to share his emotions with me, unlike a certain dark-haired demon I know.
Question Five: What makes you smile on bad days?
Luke and MC doing something together. They're quite cute.
Question Six: How would you feel if your daydreams became real?
In some ways, they already have. Unfortunately, I can't reveal much more than that, or I'd be in a lot of trouble.
Question Seven: What are you proud of right now?
I recently overcame a really bad case of writer's block.
Question Eight: What are you scared about not accomplishing in life?
Question Nine: What do you think about casual relationships and long-term relationships?
I think it's important to communicate those kind of boundaries upfront and check back in frequently to see if they need to change. Otherwise, the relationship isn't going to last, and one or both parties are going to be unhappy.
Question Ten: What do people say about you that you like?
Do you mind if I go on a bit of a tangent? (Does it pertain to the question?) Yes. (Then go ahead.) So, MC gives the best compliments. They have a way of looking deep inside someone's soul and saying what they need to hear. It can get very specific. (Give me an example.) MC once told me that the words I write rival the greatest pieces of art in the human world. They were reading a short story I wrote about nature, except nature was a metaphor for something--or rather, someone else. *pauses* Just thinking about it is making it hard for me to focus on this interview, and I'm sure you have more questions to ask, so we should move on.
Question Eleven: How would you define love?
What an...interesting question. *clears throat* I'd say love consumes you. You can feel it from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, but its pull is strongest inside your heart. (Have you felt that way about someone before?) I feel that way about someone now, but to reveal who it is would cause an uproar. (Do they at least know how you feel?) Yes, and they've agreed to keep it private.
Question Twelve: How much value do you place on other people’s appreciation?
A lot more than I should. I'm not supposed to care too much about people's opinion of me, because my relationship with Father is suppose to supersede all of that.
Question Thirteen: Have you broken someone’s heart?
Question Fourteen: What do you think about “love at first sight?”
I've seen it happen once. A bunch of us did, actually. (Was it during the initial exchange program?) *smiles* It was.
Question Fifteen: If you woke up tomorrow as a person of the opposite gender, what would you do?
The same stuff that I do now. I know, not very exciting. Technically, I could change my physical form to a person of the opposite gender if I wanted to. We only look this way as to not scare off humans. But I like my current appearance. I feel it matches how I feel on the inside.
Question Sixteen: What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever bought for yourself?
A 200 pack of glitter gel pens.
Question Seventeen: What was your last Doogle search?
As soon as I say it, you'll know exactly why I searched for it: "how to put out a magically-induced fire".
Question Eighteen: What do you think attracts people to you?
I'm able to appear calm and peaceful. It doesn't always reflect what I'm feeling, but that's a whole other story.
Question Nineteen: What color is your aura?
A light shade of baby blue.
Question Twenty: If the world ended tomorrow, would you survive?
With help, yes. If I was by myself, however...I don't think I'd last very long.
Question Twenty-One: If your house was on fire, what is the first thing you're grabbing?
Luke. Objects can be replaced. He can't.
Question Twenty-Two: If you could take your favorite celebrity on a date, where would you go?
They enjoy late-night picnics at the park. (You say that as though you've already been on a date with your favorite celebrity.) That's because I have. Several times, as a matter of fact. Although, their fame is subjective. They're not nearly as famous where they come from as they are here in the Devildom.
Question Twenty-Three: If you could shapeshift into an animal, which one would you be?
A human world Arctic fox.
Question Twenty-Four: If you could do anything without any judgment, what would you do right now?
It would require a hotel room with a magical lock on it, soundproof walls, and lots of...shall we say, supplies.
Question Twenty-Five: Do you easily get scared?
Not anymore. I used to, and then the war happened.
Question Twenty-Six: Can you keep a secret?
Can you? *awkward silence* (We should wrap this up.) Good idea.
Question Twenty-Seven: Have you ever felt tongue-tied on a date?
Question Twenty-Eight: Can you spend a whole night awake?
I have many times before, and I probably will do many more times in the future.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @budbuddnbuddy
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Buck's Eleven
Title: Buck's Eleven Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Bucky and Steve with mentions of Bucky x ex!wife Reader Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Going into a job this big, you have to take the house or know the house will hunt you down and swallow you into its belly. Vegas is unforgiving. Good thing they're the best at what they do.
Content/Concept Warnings: Thief/Con Artist AU, smoking, 1960s elements, references to sexual acts
Notes: CONQUERING FOUR EVENTS/CHALLENGES, which is my crowning moment this summer:
@buckybarnesevents WEEK FIVE of Hot Bucky Summer: "When I First Met You..."
Sixth square of @buckybarnesbingo U4: "AU: Historical"Playing Games"
Featuring Lemonade and a Road trip for @the-slumberparty's June Challenge
AND MY FOURTH AND FINAL SQUARE for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C4 "Thief/Con Artist" (and including an Alpine sighting so I can collect my TOE BEANS)
This is an MCU homage to Ocean's Eleven drawing direct inspiration from the 1960 and 2001 films. The 2001 has been one of my favorite heist movies since it came out, and I had never seen the 1960s original until this week, but once I started watching it, my jaw dropped with excitement over how ripe it was to adapt for a Bucky (and Steve) AU because in the original, it's 15 years after WWII and the crew is a reassembled group of guys who were in the army together!
I borrowed some dialogue beats directly from the 2001 film, and those are in bold italics.
Story graphic by me, story dividers by @firefly-graphics, reblog graphic by @vase-of-lilies
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Bucky takes a seat in the chair across from the penitentiary’s release board and settles his hands casually in his lap.
The man in the center taps his cigarette in the ash tray before returning it to his lips. “Please state your name for the record.”
“James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Thank you. Mr. Barnes, you’re meeting with this board today to answer a few questions so we can determine whether or not you intend to break the law again.”
Bucky nods. Contrition. Congeniality. A touch of charisma, but nothing too memorable. That’s what he must serve up.
“This is your first conviction, but you have been implicated in a long list of other cases for confidence schemes and frauds. Is this a fair and accurate record?”
Bucky glances at the doll off to the side at a small table of her own, clicking away impressively at a typewriter.
“I expect your records to be nothing but accurate, though – as you said – I’ve been implicated but never charged.”
“Mr. Barnes, what we’re trying to find out is: was there a reason you committed this crime, or was there simply a reason you got caught this time?”
“My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.”
Exactly what he knows they would like to hear.
“If released, is it likely you would fall into a similar pattern?”
Bucky cocks his head almost imperceptibly. “She already left me once; I don’t think she’d do it again just for kicks.”
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“Fellas, you know I’d do almost anything for ya, but not… not this,” Banner looks between them, rubbing the back of his neck.
Steve smiles warmly, the smile he knows tricks his friends and his marks into whatever he needs. “Why waste all the little tricks that the army taught us just because it’s sort of peaceful now?”
The din of the night club around them – games of cards, dames performing on stage, drinks being served up all around – gives them all the privacy they need to hold a sensitive conversation around the table, just the three of them.
“We’re trained men,” Bucky adds.
“I know. I know you are, and we always did good work.”
“Better with you on the crew, you keep us careful.”
“You remember a little operation called Stacks back on the Sokovian front?” Steve asks.
“Do I! Eleven of us in and out under the cloaking of the trees at night with more Axis piles of cash than was decent for either side to have stockpiled away.”
“We should have buried it,” Bucky says.
“Speaking of money, you’re going to need an enormous amount of backing to pull this off in Vegas. The city’s not a sleepy little town tucked away near the mountains and off the grid of the main occupation, it’s got a million neon lights glowing on it every night.”
“Fury, easy.”
“None of us are gonna be as easy as you think. You’ll need the best electrician around, and Tony’s out.”
“Got religion?” Bucky asks.
“Naw, he and Pepper have got a kid now.”
Bucky looks to Steve, but he seems unconcerned. “Morgan – she’s cute.” Steve looks back to Banner. “I think he’ll do it.”
Banner shakes his head, but grins. “Pepper’s already unhappy he’s back in the game on the fluffy jobs, but if you think you can convince him… You get Fury and you get Tony, I’ll play ball with you.”
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“You can’t do it. It’s impossible. I made it impossible. I invented casino security. When I first met you boys, you were bright young cocky upstarts. Now you’re bright and cocky – and just lucky that most of the time you’re not too cocky. Now I like you boys, but it can’t be done.”
“You know what? You’re probably right.”
“Eyes were too big for our stomachs.”
“You would know better than anyone.”
“Sure, sure. I just don’t want to see you boys behind bars, especially since you’re fresh out, Barnes.”
“Well, we appreciate the lemonade all the same,” Steve says, setting down his now empty glass.
“It’s hand pressed every morning down at the river market.”
“And thank you for taking care of Alpine while I was away,” Bucky scratches the the head of his white cat, who hasn’t stopped purring since being reunited. He scoops her up to his chest, and he and Steve stand to leave.
“It was good to see you, Nick,” Steve says.
“Give Maria your addresses on the way out, she’s got me a good source on Cuban cigars, I’ll send each of you a box.”
Bucky nods. “That’s sure nice of you.”
They turn and start to walk across the terrace toward the patio doors.
Fury looks after them. He sighs. “Tell me the marks.”
They slowly turn back, appearing to casually answer, but knowing this will bring him in.
“The… Sahara–“
“–Sahara, the Riviera, and the Dunes,” Bucky finishes.
“Hold on.” Fury stands. “Those are Pierce’s places. What do you two got against Pierce?”
“Pierce is the king on top of the mountain right now, nothing more than that.”
“I still owe him for how he got me with Project Insight,” Steve adds, “but I could get him back some other way. The golden opportunity to knock over his casinos on the fight night of the year, Thor vs. Starlord in a few weeks? That’s just destiny giving me the gift to make it sweeter that it’ll be his money.”
“And, Rogers, you’re okay with this knowing full well who the dame rumored to be attached to his son’s arm?”
“Yep,” Steve says without hesitation. “It’s not about her. Pierce is the king on the top of the mountain right now, we just want to topple him over. I still owe him for Project Insight. Besides, Buck’s not stupid enough to make this about a dame who divorced him, and like you said it’s only a rumor that she’s his doll.”
Fury turns his stare to Bucky. He shrugs. “She’s made it pretty clear with the divorce papers.”
He studies him for a moment, then seems satisfied.
“And you’re just going to go on your little road trip across the country recruiting your team?”
“Who doesn’t love a summer road trip?” Bucky asks, a full grin on his face.
“Sam’s already in Sin City, picked out a nice house for us to set up and lay low in Henderson.”
“Henderson’s nice and sleepy. Banner will be there by the end of the week, and we just came from seeing Tony.”
“You should swing through Salt Lake City, look in on the Maximov Twins, they’re pulling off some impressive stuff among the locals there.”
“I’ll put them on the list.”
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Steve leans up against the side of the convertible while Bucky starts to pump the gas.
“Sam’s not eager about the kid.”
“I know he’s not,” Bucky smirks. “But he’s our grease man. There’s a reason they’re calling him the Spider Boy Wonder now. Besides, he was a kid before I went in, it’s been four years, he’s not a kid anymore.”
“He’s impressive.”
Steve lets silence fall for a beat.
“Tell me it’s not about her. Tell me you are not stupid enough to make this about her.”
Frankly Bucky is shocked and impressed that it took Steve thirty minutes to press him about you now that he knows.
“It’s not about her, it’s about five million cool a piece.”
Steve looks dubious. “Because when we say ‘till the end of the line…’”
“It’s not about her, she just happens to be there, but I’m not ignoring that fact – we’re just going to use it to our advantage because she’ll be a blind spot for him.”
“Because she was a blind spot for you?”
“No, she was never that.” She was fireworks, electricity, what kept him sharp when he was on his game, before he got caught and sulked behind bars.
Steve sighs and his face softens. “I know. Just promise me we don’t do anything stupid.”
"No, nothing stupid. Too much riding on this. Heist of our lives."
As they pulled out onto the street, car aimed for the interstate, Bucky wouldn't spend the duration of the road trip thinking about you, but you would cross his mind frequently, as you always had.
With the miles ahead of them, the memories of you could distract him in peace. Thoughts of when he first met you. Thoughts of sneaking into rooftop parties and pools at places like Fury’s like you two had done when you were both too broke to get in any other way. Thoughts of his hand disappearing under your skirt and up to tease the delicious heat between your thighs. Thoughts of your head falling back and exposing your throat to him. Thoughts of your head falling forward to rest against his. Thoughts of you gasping beneath him as he thrust inside you. Thoughts of you wrapped up in his arms, leaning against his chest as you watched the sun set on your little balcony of that third-floor apartment in the city. Thoughts of the soft mornings and late nights in the bed you had shared together until you didn’t. Thoughts he fights both to hold onto and forget.
But you were unforgettable. You were his. You had to be his again. He's waited for just the right angle to set you in his sights again, and he knows he can get you as sure as he knows they will walk away with over fifty million and without a trace.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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realcube · 30 days
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ TROPEOLOGY for @laid-backcamp
𓆩♡𓆪 part of my lovers level — 3k follower event
𓆩♡𓆪 chosen character: daichi sawamura
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ YOUR TROPES ARE...
this would be especially cute in the setting of the coffee shop oml. obviously there are different types of soulmate aus but the ones i was thinking of was firstly, the type where anything you write on your body in ink appears on your soulmate's body too. this would be cute closer to the end of your coffee shop romance when he finally asks for your number, and when you give it to him, you write it on his hand then as you're both leaving, you suddenly realise that your number appeared on your hand as well, meaning that he is your soulmate 🥺 and then you could either tell him excitedly or wait for him to figure it out himself lol. another soulmate au that i think would work for the two of you is the one in which everyone sees in black and white until they first make eye-contact with their soulmate, then they can see in colour. bc for the first couple days, when both of you are checking each other out when the other one isn't looking, nothing actually happens (bc you're not making eye-contact) but after days go by, eventually the two of you coincidentally go to look at each other at the same time, then you lock eyes and the whole world brightens up and you know that you've found your person 😭
first love as in you are both each other's first long-term relationship. but you probably didn't figure this out until like a while into the relationship, maybe 6 months. you knew he was your first love but you kinda assumed he had at least one long-term girlfriend before you, solely because of how chivalrous and patient he is. he is such a good communicator, he always says the right things to cheer you up, he's very respectful of boundries and treats your relationship as a priority. overall he is such a good boyfriend (and so attractive), you thought there was no way he hasn't had a girlfriend before. meanwhile, little did you know he was thinking the exact same about you 😭 and one day, you guys are just talking, maybe about a couple the two of you were friends with that broke up, and you off-handedly mention how lucky you are that daichi is your first ever boyfriend, opposed to some womanizing scumbag, and he's like 😱 "no way am i your first boyfriend" then he explains that you're his first too!! and once you realise that you're both each other's first, the dynamic becomes all the more sweet.
idk if there is a proper name for this trope; it kinda relates to found family a bit but.. not quite. i think the idea of you bringing all of his friends with you to the fairs/carnivals on dates would be so cute and funny, so the trope i am referring to is how you and daichi take on almost parental roles at these events. as in you are always looking out for everyone esle and making sure they're having a good time and eating enough food/ drinking enough water so they don't pass out from heatstroke, but also not eating too much that they end up being sick on the rollercoatsers. this is especially prevalent with tanaka, nishinoya, hinata and kageyama. the rest of the team is pretty mild and would get on fine on their own, but those four.. oh no. in fact they are so chaotic they might even get other members of the team involved in their shenanigans. like nishinoya and tanaka would keep trying to peer pressure asahi into going on the scary rides, meanwhile asahi is utterly terrified, so you and daichi would have to stop them from dragging asahi into the line lol.
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for @laid-backcamp: hehe i love the ideas you have for your self-ship! so creative and the two of you are just such cuties!
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
So. You know all those various ask games where you can ask someone to explain a current WIP, or write three sentences on a fic they're working on and then share them, or similar? Well, we're doing something like that over here, only I am vastly expanding what is on offer. Because while I generally only ever have two WIPs, I have a whole fucking LOT of ideas. So! Here is my mostly-Valicer-AUs-themed ask game for you all:
Send 💬/[conversation bubble] for me to ramble on about any of the below AUs for a bit
Send 🌈/[rainbow] for me to write three+ sentences of either a real or hypothetical fic for the AU
Your choices:
Actual WIPs
-->Londerland Bloodlines (currently working on "Downtown Queensland," but I'm willing to discuss other installments)
-->Valicer In The Dark (currently working on "Start At The Beginning...Sort Of," though I'm extremely willing to get into the VITD universe as a whole)
Things I Have Previously Discussed On Here
-->Modern AU Valicer (aka the source of most of those Not-Incorrect Quote things I did for a while)
-->Valicer Soulmates AU
-->Ever Ever After (that Four Victorians Riding A Roller Coaster fairytales AU -- yes, I came up with a title for the damn thing)
-->The Hypothetical Valicer Forgotten Vows AU
-->The Three-Player Childhood Friends Valicer In AMA AU (or, frankly, anything related to Smiler's Otherland stuff)
-->Fallout of Darkness (yes, this is actually still around! I am still playing Fallout 4 and making notes on it! I'm up to the point in the main questline where Victor has to hunt down a Courser, which he is doing as he completes the Mechanist questline)
-->This Hypnokinky Fantasy-Medieval Valicer One-Shot From OT3 Week (heed the hypnokinky there! It's not EXPLICIT explicit but it's fairly open about what's about to happen to Victor at the end)
Deranged AUs That Only Lived In My Brain -- UNTIL NOW
-->Dinner For Three, a Valicer AU based on the horror comedy film The Menu (I actually just came up with that title, despite how obvious it is)
-->Infinite Loops-Style Valicer AU (inspired by me finding the TV Tropes page for that series and going "wow, Corpse Bride would have a really short loop if it followed the time period that we saw in the movie...")
-->Valicer Changeling: The Lost AU (I've discussed Valice versions of this waaaay in the past, but this is a new Valicer variant that would be set in the modern day)
-->Some Thoughts On A BITD Smiler In Beneath A Broken Sky (not a full AU since the fic that it's based off of isn't complete yet -- this is just me with some ideas I came up with where a Smiler from a BITD-based world without a local Victor and Alice gets yeeted into the BABS setting -- oh, and the fic itself isn't visible unless you're logged into AO3, just fair warning)
-->The New Severance (Apple TV) AU That Is Strangling My Brain (this is ALL @penny-anna's fault, go read Welcome To The Panopticon, it is FASCINATING and gives me Valicer AU ideas for a show I've never even WATCHED)
There. Choice. Enjoy.
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goobernormieomi · 2 months
hii do you want to maybe show us your main ocs 👉👈 (if you have any!)
I'm happy to share them! I'll give a profile along w a small desc on their personality!!
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This is Creme! He's my silly guy :3 he is a very talkative and hyper guy! he definitely doesn't have great social cues as he can often be overwhelmingly close and a big yapper. He is a really sweet guy tho! if u just tell him he will understand, honestly? i think im where his personality/way of bein is kinda inspired of laios from dun mesh LMAO
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This is Aiko! She's technically the main protag of the story or at least the main pov but I tend to go between her Creme n others, anyway! She's a rlly bitter person, normally quiet and can be very blunt and brash, short temper and has little social experience meanin she's beyond unaware in social situations. She isn't always angry! she just has that expression normally, and I'll be fair she isn't outright rude the moment you meet her, she can just come off defensive and provoke an argument by doing so, which she is the first to flare up so!
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This is Toko! She's the other pov I focus on a lot, shes a very confident gal, and super flattering! she may come off as flirty but shes just being friendly in her own way, she can be very smug and a bit uptight like a princess attitude but she means well. She can either be the sweetest friend to you or be the most annoying person to deal with, when she doesn't like you she makes it VERY CLEAR to everyone so LMAO
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This is Felix! He is. my schmookums. he's like Toko but cranked up more and a lot more entitled in his own way, he can be a brag and very self centered too, he has a really cocky personality overall but it also doubles as really playful. Unlike Toko (to some degree) his wealth and status does define him so thats why he comes off as entitled to most, regardless he's got a really smooth talk, and he's very charismatic as well, almost the opposite of Creme! I'd say they're close foils to each other personally
ANYWAY THOSE ARE THE MAIN FOUR :3 protags anyway! for the main story i hav, I hope this answers the question well :3
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Insinuation 2.8 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
“Call off your dogs!” Brian shouted. The largest of the dogs, an ugly Rottweiler or a mutt with strong Rottweiler blood, seized my wrist in its jaws.  My knees almost buckled in response to the pain, which only worsened when it abruptly snapped its head to one side and wrenched my arm.  I fell, and in a heartbeat, the other two dogs – a German Shepherd and a hairless terrier with a missing ear and eye – were on me.
If all the fanfic is correct, the one missing an Eye is Angelica, IIRC? And one of the others is named Brutus.
While those two were at it, the Rottweiler still had my wrist in its teeth, and it began pulling, as though it wanted to drag me somewhere.  I grit my teeth at the pain and tried to think something I could do that would amount to more than curling up into a fetal position to protect my arms, legs and face.
I would not be handling this as well as Taylor. No matter how desperate I was for friends/belonging, or however much I wanted to join a villain team undercover, etc, I definitely, definitely would run at the first sight of Rachel and her dogs.
Fuck dogs. All my homies hate dogs. (And yet, dogs refuse to understand that don't fucking leave me alone)
The girl had blood running from both of her nostrils.  I recognized her from the picture I had seen on her wiki page.  Rachel Lindt.  Hellhound.  Bitch. “I fucking hate it,” Brian growled at the girl, putting emphasis on the swear, “When you make me do that.”
Okay, so that is not what is going on here, but I admit, the first thought I had when I read this is when a husband hits his wife and goes 'look what you made me do'.
Again, I get that's not what's happening here, but that is where my brain went.
She wasn’t attractive.  An unkind person might call her butch, and I wasn’t feeling particularly kindly towards her. 
Why is calling someone butch unkind, Taylor?
Also, like, why is that the first thing (the attractiveness or lackthereof) of a woman? Back when I thought I was a straight guy (i.e. before coming out as a trans woman) my first thought on looking at a guy was not whether or not they were attractive.
I mean, there's a reason why people think Taylor is closeted. And to be fair, she's 15 right now, and what, 18 at most by the end of the story? It's not unreasonable for people to come out to themselves even later than that.
Reminds me of a fic I read yesterday, where a time travelling Amy and Taylor from another timeline end up in Canon-verse (and the older Amy and Taylor are married) and Lisa says: "We can either keep talking about your future self and her wife. Or we can start talking about your own sexuality Miss 'This-Closet-is-Nice-and-Warm.'"
(The Fic in question, Boom, is very entertaining, very nuts, and very not updated in the last four years)
Most of her features looked like they would have been better fit on a guy rather than a girl.  She had a square face, thick eyebrows, and a nose that had been broken more than once – maybe broken again just a moment ago, given the blood trickling from her nostrils.  Even as far as her physical build went, she was solidly built without being fat.  The trunk of her body alone was bigger around than mine was with my arms down at my sides, just by virtue of having a thicker, broader torso and having more meat on her bones.  She was wearing boots, black jeans with tears all over them, and a green army jacket over a gray hooded sweatshirt.  Her auburn hair was cut shortish.
A hazard of first person narration, I suppose.
She didn’t reply.  Instead, she licked her upper lip clean of blood and smiled.  It was a mean, smug sneer of a smile.  Even though she was the one lying on the ground with a bloody nose, she somehow had it in her head that she’d beat me.  Or something.
Rachel's really not making a good first impression on Taylor, or the readers. She doesn't seem to feature as much as Lisa or even Brian and Alec, in the fics I've read, so I don't really have strong fanfic-induced opinions about them (also don't really about Brian or Alec, save that Alec does get all the funny sarcastic lines)
Then, like I had done so many times over the past few days and weeks, I searched for a reason to justify why I was backing down.  It was almost reflexive.  When the bullies got on my case, I always had to take a moment to collect myself and tell myself why I couldn’t or shouldn’t retaliate.
Yeah, instincts hard won are hard to break.
For a few moments, I felt adrift.  Around the same time that I realized I couldn’t find a reason to back off, I realized I had already wrenched free of Lisa and Alec’s support and crossed half of the room at a run.  I reached for my bugs and realized I’d been using my power without thinking about it.  They were already gathering at the stairs and by the windows.  All it took was a thought, and they started flowing into the room in greater numbers.  Cockroaches, earwigs, spiders and flies.  Not as many as I might have liked, I hadn’t been using my power for long enough to gather those from further around the neighborhood, but it was enough to count. Bitch saw me approaching and raised her fingers to her mouth, but I didn’t give her a chance to signal her animals.  I kicked for her face like I might kick a soccer ball, and she aborted the whistle to cover her head with her arms.  My foot bounced off of one of her arms and her entire body recoiled as she flinched.
AYYYY! Taylor!
<Insert the 'you know what that is? Growth' Gif>
Bitch and Brian started speaking at the same time, but Brian stopped when she started coughing.  As her coughing fit subsided, Bitch looked up at me and snarled, “If I ordered them to kill you, Brutus would have torn out your throat before you could scream.  I gave them the hurt command.”
That doesn't help, Rachel. You get that, right?
(She does not, I know, get that)
Sensory deprivation.  When those two words came to my mind, I felt myself relax some.  Brian’s power mucked with your senses… Sight, hearing, touch.  I wasn’t limited to those three.  Reached out with my power, I identified where all of the bugs in the loft and the factory below were.  Using them to ground myself like a sailor might use the constellations, I figured out where the stairs should be and found the railing.  The hands hadn’t grabbed for me again, so I hurried down, down the stairs and out of the oppressive darkness.
Once again, powers are Bullshit, and Taylor's especially so. :p
“I became a-” I almost said superhero, “cape to get away from that shit, from assholes like Bitch.”  There was also the fact that Tattletale spooked me, but I couldn’t say that out loud.
To be fair, Rachel isn't actually like the Trio, but Taylor doesn't know that yet.
“Fine,” I sighed, “But just so you know, I’m only coming back because she doesn’t want me to.  I quit, she wins, and I’m not fucking having that.”
More growth from Taylor. Here, she can fight, and here, with people she isn't so used to not fighting. Plus, they're villains and also Capes, so she probably doesn't feel as many issues are there stopping her from just fighting back with her powers.
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
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So yesterday I went to People's Pride in my town. It's an event run by locals, where corporations and cops are NOT invited and not allowed. They want to keep it people and community focused, so that our talents are on display. A way for us to bring back the aims of the original pride (before corporations and cops took it over).
The only reason I decided to go was because it's a mask-mandated event (thank heavens, we're in the pandemic era, so community care means wearing masks for not only security but also health safety).
I also went because the friend who asked me was so eager to hang out again. (I've been isolated due to LongCovid for four years, so being around people genuinely excited to get to know me better, and who don't belittle, tear me down, constantly bring up all the things I do wrong no matter how much I apologize? I felt anxious. Wondering when the other show would drop. But it never does. They are just a very kind person.)
While there, a baby bird was found. That little critter is so soft, and I was so delighted. My friend told me I looked cute looking at the baby bird as the bird looked at me. I didn't know they had taken a picture until after when they sent me a copy. lol
My nickname is Bird. :D
While there, I encountered another wheelchair user that had decorations on the spokes of their wheelchair. I squealed in delight, "Holy crap, that is so awesome! Where did you get those wheels? I need them for mine."
The person replied, "They're spoke covers. You can get them online. I definitely recommend."
So now here I am searching the Internets for spoke covers to make my wheelchair even gayer than it currently is. (I have put so many LGBTQIA flags and stickers on it that it's kind of ridiculous. lol)
I could only last around an hour, and I did get to meet new people. The friend who took me was oddly eager to introduce me to ALL the people, and they sounded so proud. I wasn't sure why until after I got home, rested a bit, then sent them a signal message thanking them for taking me.
That's when I found out they had been SO EXCITED to share the joy of knowing me and getting to know me better. They also adored the fractal art I gave them.
My first thought was: Why?
Am I really that delightful to know?
I didn't know what to say, so I just gave the message a heart.
As an aside, I fear I'm unlovable at times because most days I feel like I don't know how to human. Like I'm a bundle of chronic illnesses and trauma wrapped up in a spiffy trenchcoat. I try hard to be kind, and I'm trying hard to not sabotage things out of fear of getting hurt/abused again.
Overall, People's Pride was a good experience. The entertainment was all local folks either doing drag, singing and interpretative dance, poetry slams, or sharing stories at the nearby amphitheater. The vendors were just local folks who make art, mending library, repair library folks, tea folks, and just folks who manage LGBTQIA shared spaces.
The organizers asked to store things in my garage, and I agreed because I don't use it. Fair Air Network (FAN) already uses it to store their masks and air filtration supplies -- they are the group I help with and who are doing their best to educate people on mask-wearing and the necessity of continuing pandemic mitigations.
I'm fine with my garage being a community storage for LGBTQIA folks and groups. It's nice to be able to give back to the community in what little ways I can.
Anyway, wanted to share this story. :) I love when community comes together like this. It's beautiful.
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talonslockau · 21 days
my fav charries are mousefur and longtail,,, can you talk about them in talonslock???
Ah, Mousefur and Longtail, the young background cast of arc 1 that turned into the elder cast of arc 2. No hate towards you, anon - I think they're fun characters, I just wish the Erins would have done more with them, y'know?
(Possible light spoilers below the cut - nothing that explicitly covers future plots, but which may explain some cats' reactions in the future!)
To start off with, they're siblings with Quickflash (Runningwind) in my AU - One-eye being their mother. They're not especially close by sibling standards, but they do care deeply for one another (as seen by Longtail and Mousefur seeking revenge for Quickflash's death on Brokentail and company). They were born basically at the same time as Willowbranch, Mistspring, and Nightwish, so they were all essentially raised together, and in time they all kind of became pairs of friends- Quickflash and Willowbranch, Mousefur and Mistspring, Nightwish and Longtail. Quickflash and Willowbranch went on to become mates, as we know...
I won't cover Longtail's feelings over Nightwish in depth, but suffice it to say that he was devastated when she died. He was offered the apprenticeship of her son, Ravenkit, but refused it - he couldn't help but see Nightwish every time he looked at her son, and thought he wouldn't be fair to Ravenkit. (An interesting timeline would see him as Ravenpaw's father - it's interesting to think about how things might have changed then!)
He was apprenticed to Redtail at the same time that Darkpaw was apprenticed to Tigerclaw, and the four of them were all quite close before Redtail's death - they would often spar together, even after Darkstripe and Longtail became warriors. He was extremely close to Redtail, who taught him everything he knows today about the code. From Tigerclaw, his 'second mentor', he learned a great deal about fighting - but it was Redtail that taught him when to fight, and when to choose peace. Even after he became a warrior, it wasn't uncommon to see him eating with Bluestar and Redtail.
I think he's a very interesting character, especially since in my AU he wasn't the one to attack Fireheart because he was older and Redtail taught him to be less headstrong (that role went to Dustleap instead). He's previously had a very black-and-white outlook on things - either you are for the code, or against it. This lead to his strong dislike of Fireheart (a kittypet, and therefore against the code), as well as susceptible to the manipulation of Tigerclaw, who has always portrayed himself as a loyal, Code-abiding warrior. Recent events have turned all of his previous thinking on its head, and in the wake of Tigerclaw's destruction he has his own inner reckoning to deal with...
Mousefur, on the other paw, has always felt left behind by those around her. Her brother, Longtail, was apprenticed to the deputy himself (an honor normally reserved for leader's kits). Her other brother, Quickflash, eventually became deputy, after mentoring the deputy's kit Dustleap. Even her best friend, Mistspring, got an apprentice before her. Willowbranch and Nightwish were always considered the pretty mollies of the group, leaving her dead last in everything.
It's perhaps for this reason that she's poured every bit of herself into everything she does, which can sometimes have disastrous results. Prior to Rusty joining the Clan, she injured herself badly over a fight for Sunningrocks - a fight they lost, a loss she blames herself for. She's considered one of the best hunters in the Clan, alongside Dappleshine, Sandstorm, and Peppermask, but even then she's only 'one of' the best - she longs to be the best, to have something no one can challenge her on.
Now that Mousefur has an apprentice at the same time as her brother, as well as the deputy and his kits, she's started to feel like her life is finally going somewhere, and she's subsequently done everything she can to be the absolute best mentor to Cherrypaw - to the point Cherrypaw almost sees her as a third mother. She often goes to Dappleshine for tips, and Dappleshine (having previously gone through much of the struggles that Mousefur now deals with) is happy to help. Mousefur just wishes that someone, anyone, would notice how hard she's working, and care for her just because of her... but is that too much for her to ask?
(A bit long I know but I hope that satisfied you, anon! I'm open to doing deep dives of any character if any of y'all want to send an ask/comment - I have a lot of these characters rotating in my head when I'm bored [always] so I think about them a lot and have a lot of headcanons for them XD No spoilers though!)
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chulacabra · 7 months
What's your favorite Magical Girl manga/anime? Or at least the one you think most people should read?
Oh HANDS-DOWN Princess Tutu!! 100% my favorite anime in existence, I adore it to pieces. I know it's more of a commitment than a lot of modern anime (even if only 26 episodes) but it's worth the entire watch. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend it to everyone!
Genuinely Princess Tutu has one of the most well-written enemies to lovers(?) arc I have ever seen in my goddamn life and I've watched the show a total of four times. I'm planning on watching it a fifth time with some friends soon c:
You know how it is when you just watch something that super touches your life and lives with you forever, yeah? That was this for me. There's plenty of other anime and manga I enjoy, but I don't think I've ever had the urge to rewatch them over and over and over again like this. If you have the time in your day, give it a go!
For a more specific review:
Princess Tutu is about a duck (Either Duck or Ahiru depending on if you're watching the dub or sub respectively) that wishes to become a human so she could dance with the prince she'd fallen in love with, Myuto, and the creator of the narrative decides to grant her her wish so she can be used as a pawn to move the story forward, in quite a literal sense!
However, Duck's wishes to dance with Myuto and grow close to him are frequently thwarted by Myuto's best friend/protector Fakir and Myuto's girlefriend(-ish) Rue! The main quartet have INCREDIBLY interesting dynamics as they start out all completely opposed to each other.
Learning more about Myuto, as well, leads Duck to learn that he's lost all of his emotions, so she makes it her goal as a magical girl to gather up the fragments of his missing feelings and return them to him so he can feel like he once could.
Of course, there's MUCH much more, you'll just have to watch to see all that. If you're expecting something entirely fluffy, though, you'll be quite surprised c: There's a lot of depth to the plotline.
For other magical girls I enjoyed though (even if not to the same extent) I'd suggest Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (the anime and not the manga. The manga's shit.), Shugo Chara (my first anime ever), and I'm also halfway through Sugar Sugar Rune and like it a lot. Fair warning that I wouldn't call all of those shows GOOD, I just think they're enjoyable.
Also fair warning on age gap love interest stuff on Shugo Chara and Sugar Sugar Rune. That was uh.... the trend at the time. Something about 90s-mid 2000s MG anime having guys way older than the MC.
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cherrytree-irl · 9 months
So, how'd you and N meet?
oh, uh. good question! i'm... kinda surprised i haven't already talked about this.
((welcome to: sylvan explains way more than he needs to!))
so, um. four years ago, i was in hoenn. one day, i was out somewhere near rustboro city. i was like, scrounging around in the woods looking for items to sell. that's— a little embarrassing, actually.
anyway, all of a sudden i hear all these noises. y'know, like, um, pokemon cries. deeper in the woods. and i decided to go see what has happening. kind of a dangerous decision, but it worked out in my favor...
i get closer, and i send out bailey. y'know— for protection. and we get to this little clearing in the woods. and there's this squad of poochyena— and they're like, beating up a skitty.
and i didn't really know what to do— like, this is nature, you know? maybe i shouldn't really intervene even if i don't like it, yeah?
but then the poochyena notice me and bailey are here, and they try coming after ME! so bailey jumps in and fights back by using swift.
the thing about poochyena is that they'll act all aggressive, but the second someone fights back, they get all scared and run. so the poochyena ditch the skitty and flee.
my brain kinda like, goes into autopilot, and i pick up the skitty and rush for the rustboro pokemon center. umm... i uh, wasn't really looking where i was going though, and, uh...
I happened to have recently arrived in the Hoenn region myself. It was my first time outside of Unova... and a rather stressful part of my life. Anyway, I was walking around and familiarizing myself with Rustboro City... when all of a sudden, a stranger ran head first into me!
um, i—
I was mostly just confused about that part. But then I saw the injured Pokémon in his arms. I... unfairly made the assumption that Sylvan had hurt the Skitty. Or at least, had been careless enough as a trainer to let it get hurt. I was furious...
so he followed me.
So I followed him. Which I have since been informed on several occasions was a "creepy and weird" thing to do.
but it worked out pretty well in this case. hehe...
anyway. i got to the pokemon center and handed over skitty. i was waiting there, kinda spacing out... and then N showed up. and he was pissed! he started askin' me about what happened to skitty, and making these accusations...!
and so i was stressing out for all kinds of reasons— the skitty, and having to talk to the nurse which was scary, and i was embarrassed about headbutting N, and now N was HERE and he was MAD about things that didn't HAPPEN—
but. um. i managed to explain what happened— and the nurse backed me up... and it was fine. i was fine, he was fine, we were fine. things were fine.
I decided to stick around and wait with Sylvan. I wanted to see that Skitty was okay.
we got to chatting, y'know, and found that we actually got along pretty well...! and we realized we were both from unova!
anyway, um, those pokemon center nurses work fast, you know. after a little while, skitty was ready to go. i, um, was gonna just take her back to where i found her, but N told me she wanted to come with me. so i caught her... and eventually decided to call her Lucky :)
me and N, we- we agreed to be friends, but we didn't actually see each other again for like a month. uh, didn't exchange contact information or anything either, so it was all up to chance...
To be fair, I didn't have any contact information to give you at the time.
good point, good point... and, y'know, i was happy about the idea of having a friend, anyway. i hadn't really, uh... had any human friends in a long time.
um! anyway, that's the story. i... probably could have summed that up in a few sentences. but where's the fun in that?!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
another rtc eurovision post (i'm so sorry for my brainrot y'all) with me associating a song for each character
fair warning, this is *LONG*, so i'd suggest scrolling past if you don't really like long posts :)
i don't think that anyone pre-canon would've watched it but, you know, post-canon everyone lives au, afterlife, take your pick either works!!!
mischa: as previously stated, stefania by kalush orchestra (ukraine 2022) is his top of all time. wikipedia describes its genre as "alternative hip hop and folk" which is basically this song is awesome/talia. it being a tribute to the frontman's mother also deeply resonates with him, missing his own mother. other favourites include soldi (italy 2019), dark side (finland 2021), lie to me (czech republic 2018) and kuula (estonia 2012) because... in addition he loves everything ukraine's sent (aside from 2012. imagine being able to have pride and audience support for practically every entry from your country). he just finds so much enjoyment and nostalgia in it (ie me projecting onto my fave). he was so surprised when noel knew about it and that he had a buddy in this uranium hellhole to chat about it. has a crush on alexander rybak (norway 2009) and chanel (spain 2022). he still does not realise he is bisexual. he starts a betting pool with the choir for each new contest (and all the ones only he and noel have seen. the two get sad at first that they can't participate with those ones, but then decide to fuck with them)
noel: his winner of 2022 was in corpore sano (serbia) for The Drama and The Art, but he also supported fulenn because france (the man was so disappointed when they got second last). his all time favourite is l'enfer et moi (france 2013), because frenchwoman singing about how she would make her ex's life hell meant that he could graft on his dreams to that. because he's canadian i don't think he grew up with it like mischa, i think that he went down a youtube rabbithole when the march he turned 14 somehow or other and fell in love. he loves all the songs like n'oubliez pas (france 2015), voila (france 2019), tout l'univers (switzerland 2019), and bonds with mischa over zitti e buoni (italy 2021 who am i kidding everyone knows måneskin, thanks to @curious-georg for that idea!!!). sometimes he puts on playlists of the earlier competitions while he's studying to imagine a morning in france. has a crush on half the male entrants.
i haven't thought through how the rest of the choir gets exposed to it because it's pretty much a "after canon once they're friends, wherever they are, au or not i don't know". but basically i have a feeling that one time on movie night it's mischa's turn and he brings along the 2021 contest (because it's one of the best of the most recent and the hosts are so good) and noel goes BATSHIT and everyone else is just like "hey... what?? this is four hours long" and then it starts and they end up really enjoying it, with them going through all the contests (sometimes on mischa's night, sometimes on noel's, a couple for constance's too) and watching them live (because i said so)
ricky: they love the entries that are just a lil quirky. a lil different. their favourite from 2022 was eat your salad (latvia), mainly because the audience *screamed* out "PUSSY" to fight the censors (eurovision is a family friendly competition). the peak songs for them were at the start of semi 1 and then it all went downhill from there. and their goat? space (montenegro 2017). if you haven't seen that video, bestie, you should. they really do watch it for the memes, epic sax guy (run away aka moldova 2010), anti-crisis girl (ukraine 2009), "but in the end, they didn't" (the 2019 host talking to that year's cypriot contestant about cyprus coming in second in 2018).
constance: her 2022 winners were not the same (australia) and i am what i am (malta) because she loves the expression of the internal self and hearing peoples' emotions through the melodies. her all time favourites are monsters (finland 2018) and cry no more (netherlands 2017) because of how both are personal, one is upbeat in its self-empowerment, while the other is about familial love and support. she relates to and desires both. otherwise, anything with a gay kiss. she screamed at the full-on makeout session that occurred during this time (lithuania 2015). and marry me (finland 2013) made her VERY happy for that kiss at the end. even then, it takes her a while to realise she is Not Straight.
ocean: her 2022 winner was hold me closer (sweden), then river (poland) because it genuinely moved her, then die together (greece). she hates I.M (israel) with a burning passion, and everyone except her sees the irony in that. from other years she loves last dance (greece 2021), only teardrops (denmark 2013), popular (sweden 2011), lipstick (ireland 2011) and euphoria (sweden 2012). she has a spreadsheet ranking her placements for each year they watch, as well as the rest of the choir, and uses that to predict the results of the betting pool mischa started. sweden and greece are in her top five every year. she put if i were sorry as her first place when they were watching the 2016 edition and mischa refuses to talk to her for the rest of the night (this one actually isn't me projecting i just think it'd be funny).
penny/jane: because this idea isn't super-solidified, and her character isn't either, it's hard to know. i think that she's a menace and loves the voice cracks and mistakes (i feel bad if i direct people to certain entries for that!!! but if you know, you Know). the best guess i have is that her favourite 2022 entry is miss you (belgium) because of the religious allegory and shifting genres (like in the ballad of jane doe), but i will take suggestions!!
this was a really long post, thanks for sticking around if you got this far!
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1088: Sleepover Recovery Party (SSBU X River City Girls X Kingdom Hearts)
6:33 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room..........
Yoshi: (Clicks his Tongue While Looking Something Up on his Tablet and Sitting Next to Dark Pit on the Sofa) Man........
Dark Pit: (Turns to Yoshi) What's up?
Yoshi: (Shows Dark Pit the Picture and Proce of a Touch Screen Phone) Take a look at this.
Dark Pit: $242.99 for a new Toadsung, huh?
Yoshi: That's the price for a used one actually. (Slumps Down on his Seat) And the lowest one I can find so far......
Dark Pit: Dude, just ask your mom to buy you a new phone. I'm sure she shouldn't mind doing.
Yoshi: Yeah, but I rather not ask too much from her and dad right now, especially since Mother's Day is coming up in a few weeks. (Turns to Dark Pit) You have any ideas on what we should get for her and the rest of the moms this year?
Dark Pit: Other than our love and appreciation, I don't have the slightest clue.
Yoshi: Same.
The boys turn their attention to two of Pitto's Girlfriends, Misako and Kyoko, quickly making their way to them.
Misako: Your moms filled us in on what happened. (Sits Down Next to Pitto as She Takes a Look at his Face and Arms) How are you two holding up?
Dark Pit: Tired and exhausted, but we'll live.
Yoshi: With the exception of my phone that got perished during the crossfire...
Kyoko: ('GASPS') Say it ain't so......
Yoshi: ('Sigh') It's true. Got turned into nothing to dust after a while. Didn't stood a chance.
Kyoko: (Pulls Yoshi into a Tight Hug in Tears) You POOR THING!!~
Misako: (Gives her Girlfriend a Deadpinned Look on her Face) You seriously crying over a phone right now?
Kyoko: A new gen phone! It's too precious and highly advance to get involved in fights!
Misako: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) I mean, you're not wrong, but our two boys here has just gotten out from a two-on-five brawl.
Dark Pit: ('Scoffs') It was more like a beatdown if anything. They hardly let either of us fight back or even gave us a fair one to begin wit- (Suddenly Felt Misako Hugging Him) Whe the-
Misako: Thank your goddess mom that you're back home safe!.....
Dark Pit: Misako, are.....are you crying right now?
Misako: (Pulls Away From her Boyfriend as She Quickly Wipes her Tears Away While Blushing a Little) N-No!.....I just.....('Sniff') Have something in my eye is all.....
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Look, you don't have to try and look tough for me. I know this today wasn't great for the both of us earlier.....
Misako: (Quickly Goes Back to Hugging Pitto as Tears Starts Falling Down her Face) Then we'll do whatever we can make it better for you right now, got it!?
Kyoko: Miski.......
Misako: ('Sniff') We are going to have ourselves a killer slumber party tonight, with all of our friends.......('Sniff') We're gonna make damn well sure that NO FUCKER would try and hurt either of you ever again!!
Kyoko: (Joins in on the Pitto Hug) That's right. We'll keep you boys safe no matter what.
???: That goes double for all of us.
Pitto felt a hand on the top of his head as turns around and sees Ren, Makoto, and the rest of the Phantom Thieves standing behind the back of the sofa)
Dark Pit: You guys are here too?
Ren: In the flesh. Hades and Sephiroth filled us in on everything.
Makoto: (Already Has a Worried Look on her Face) We came here as fast as we could.
Futuba: (Walks Over and Hugs Yoshi With Lavenza and Morgana Joining With Her) You two have no idea how worried we are right now.
Lavenza: Who were those hooligans that hurt the both of you?
Dark Pit: The Foretellers. Or at least four guys wearing different masks were. (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) They're ringleader on the other hand, was some jackass with an eyepatch name Luxu.....
Misako: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Wait. Wasn't his name Xigbar at one point?
Kyoko: I thought his name was Braig.
Futuba: Back when he had a past life he was. Though, personally, I like his norted name better.
Kyoko: Oh riiiight! I forgot he was Organization XIII member!
Dark Pit: Yeah, well, I don't who or what is name is. All I know is that I'm tearing him and posse a new one the time I see either one of-
???: WE'RE HOME!!
????: AT LAST!!
Makoto: Pit, Sora, is that you?
Pit: (Slowly and Exhaustedly Makes his Way to the Living Room With Sora While Panting) Yep.......It's.....the two us......
Sora: And......here I thought.......we would......never make it.......in time......(Sighs Heavily as Him and Pit Fell Down into the Ground)
Ren: (Snickers a Bit) Did you guys ran all the way from town to get here or something?
?????: Yeah.
The gangs turns to see Viridi, Riku, and Kairi entering the room.
Viridi: And left US behind!
Kairi: ('Sigh') It's a miracle none of us haven't ran to traffic along the way.
Riku: (Looks Down at the Tired Duo With Deadpinned Look on his Face) You know we could've easily got here with Dimension Rings, right?
Pit: ('Groans in a Bit of Annoyance') Of course we know that!
Sora: It just.......didn't occur to us at the time, ya know?
Kairi: (Stares the Same Deadpinned Look on her Face Along With Viridi) Riiight.....
Viridi: Suuuure it didn't....
Dark Pit: You two really are idiot twins......
Makoto: ('Sigh') Be nice...
The supposed idiot twins' eyes begins to widen and gets back up on their feet as they hear the broody very familiar voice of......
Pit/Sora: PITTO!!~
Pit: Are you okay!? Can you feel your everything!?
Sora: That jerk Luxu didn't break anything important, did he!? (Quickly Turns to Yoshi) You too, Yoshi, are you okay!?
Yoshi: Uhh....
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Would you two calm down alright? Yoshi and I had already been healed since we got here.
Pit: Really? (Sees No Signs of Bruises on Either Pitto's or Yoshi's Body Before Sitting Back Down and Finally Sighing in Relief) That's relief......(Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Guess we should've recognized that from the getgo, huh?
Viridi/Kairi: Ya think?
Sora: (Crosses his Arms While Thinking) I don't get it. Why would Luxu and even the Foretellers for that matter, would go out of their way to hurt you guys?
Dark Pit: To use me as guinea pig and Yoshi as they're pet.
Everyone: WHAT!?
Dark Pit: Yeah, apparently, they haven't seen an angel or a talking dinosaur before. So, instead of just talking to us and ask questions like any normal person would do, they attacked us, planned on taking us to whatever kind of lair they're hiding at, and would probably run tests on me until they'll have no use for me anymore, however long that will take.
Yoshi: Meanwhile, they were gonna keep ME as a pet for some kid in a tiger mask. Nevermind the fact that I have a family and life of my own to go back to. (Shakes Both his Hands From Side to Side as He Let's Out of Sarcastic Tone From his Voice) I'm just walking, talking dinosaur after all. I HAVE NO RIGHTS APPERENTLY!! (Crosses his Arms in Annoyance)
Morgana: (Went Back to Hugging Yoshi Along With Lavenza and Futuba) You'll always have rights to us, Yoshi.
Lavenza/Futuba: Indefinitely/Mmhm.
Yoshi: ('Sigh') I know.....Those Foreteller guys are really starting to tick me off.
Misako: (Already Fuming in Anger) You and me both......Who the hell does those bastards think they are!?
Dark Pit: Headaches. That's what. ('Sigh') But it's whatever at this point. I'm just glad to be home.....(Starts Looking Around at Everyone in the Room) With you guys.
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Awww~ (Puts on a Teasing Smirk on his Face) Is our resident Gumpy Angel Boi misses us already?~
Dark Pit: ('Scoffs') You wish! I just don't like being cooped up in here, bummed out.
Kyoko: Which is perfectly understandable. (Puts on Playfully Grin as She Playfully Pokes her Boyfriend's Cheeks) But those cute, red, puffy cheeks of yours are telling us a different story~
Dark Pit: (Notices the Blushes on his Cheeks Before Looking Away) Well, MAYBE my cheeks has only gotten red because of how hot this room has gotten.
Ren: I don't feel hot in here. (Turns to His Girlfriend Next to Him) Do you, hun?
Makoto: (Giggles a Bit) Why, no, my dear Ren-Ren, I do not feel any heat in here at all~ Everyone, do you feel anything heat related in here?
Everyone: Nuh-uh./Nope./Not a thing!
Sora: I felt sweat falling down my face from getting to here on foot.
Ren: (Gives his Angel Brother a Shit Eating Grin) Well, there you have it, Pitto. No one feels a thing and you're clearly talking out of your butt.
Dark Pit: And you people are still as obnoxious as ever, what's your point?
Misako: (Gives Pitto a Genuine Smirk on her Face) Don't try and act all tough now, babe. We all know how much you love us.
Dark Pit stares at Misako for a few seconds before letting out a sigh in defeat and looking away again.
Dark Pit: ............And don't forget it.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) And there you have it folks!~ Our Resident Grumpy Angel Boi really does love us to piece!~
Dark Pit: (Glares at Futuba) Will you quit calling me that!? I'm not always angry!
Pit: (Smiles Playfully) Hard to tell when you're not doing a good job debunking that fact~
Sora: (Puts on a Playful Yet Devish Smirk of his Own) I know how we can help make him feel better~ (Turns to Pit Next to Him) You know what I'm talking about, Pit?
Pit: Oh yeah~ (Looks Up at Everyone Else) What about you guys?
Everyone: (Nodded With a Smirk on Each of Their Faces) Mmhmm~
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no.
Everyone: GROUP HUGS!!!~
Dark Pit: Goddammit not again-
Pitto's fate has already been sealed as almost everyone in the room gathered around and gives him a loving, group hug, must to his usual distaste and annoyance. While that's happening, Riku stood there as he is lost in his own thoughts for quite sometimes.
Riku: ...............
?????: Something's wrong?
Riku: (Suddenly Comes Back to Reality as He Sees Viridi Standing Next to Him) Oh. Yeah, I was thinking about the Foretellers. And figure out what their angle here.....
Viridi: Maybe they want their names and recognition to be known? Didn't you say they disappeared a long time ago?
Riku: Yeah, after the Keyblade War ended. Even then I don't have the slightest clue on where they've been after all this time. ('Sigh') Don't even get me started on the whole mess with this Luxu guy or whoever he goes by....
Viridi: Probably best for us to worry about that some other time. (Starts Stretching her Arms Up in the Air) Right now, I am in DESPERATE need of relaxation right about now.....
Riku: (Chuckles Lightly) You don't say?
Viridi: (Immediately Pouts at Roku) Um yes actually! Being the Goddess of Nature for a thousand or so years takes a crapton of work, ya know?
Riku: I can imagine.
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4, 7, 9, 14, 16, 18, and 21 for the OC ship ask game with Four and Aces (because Your Honor I love them) <3
ahhh thank you so much!! Love these two, this will be fun!
answers under the cut :D
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Okay, Billy just radiates confidence, and he's basically a golden retriever in human form. Definitely him. But they're both comfortable with physical affection and both initiate it pretty often - as you've seen in Desert Song, they're really comfortable around one another even before they get into an official relationship. Affection is usually more reserved for private moments, but it's abundant in those moments.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Relationships are a little taboo among the Ghosts, even if One has loosened the reins a bit after the events of the movie itself. Neither of them say it very much in public. But they make up for it in private
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Billy hates how Quinn refuses to accept her limits. She'll push herself too hard (usually because she's afraid she won't match up to the others), end up hurt, and he hates to see her hurt. She knows her limits, but still forces herself past them, and he wishes she'd take care of herself better than that.
Billy throws himself 150% into everything he does, and Quinn worries that it'll end up biting him in the ass. Think about chapter 3 of Desert Song: he offers to leave the Ghosts for her if One decides to kick her off the team, and she hates how willing he is to throw everything away just for her. She worries that one day, one of his leap-before-you-look decisions is going to end with him hurt, or destroying his future, or whatever else.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Pretty private. Like I said before, relationships aren't quite allowed in the Ghosts. Everyone knows they're together and nobody really has a problem with it, but they're still a little cautious all the same. For some, it can be hard to tell whether they're in a relationship or are just especially-close friends (to be fair, they're kinda both). The one time Billy gets especially affectionate in public is if someone acts like an asshole towards Quinn (ESPECIALLY if they're a transphobic asshole), he'd jump to her defense so fast.
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
Actually, that would be really cool. They both have a fair amount of tattoos (though Quinn has more than Billy), so I think they'd be in favor of the idea. As far as the design, they'd probably get designs based on each others' rooftop names: Billy would get an ace of spades, Quinn would get a set of wings (or something along those lines). They definitely wouldn't be the type to get each others' names tattooed, they'd go for something more subtle.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
...wait and see. It'll pop up a few good times in Desert Song. Hurt/comfort is one of my favorites to write.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
In moderation. They both have this inescapable need for excitement and adventure, so fully settling down isn't something that either of them would really enjoy. That chronic sticky-finger syndrome, as Quinn says, they need thrill in their lives. But in between missions, recovering, absolutely. The quiet moments are few and far between sometimes, but they'd definitely spend those moments with each other
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maideninorange · 1 year
this might be a tough one, but... what about 5 birds you really like? doesn't have to be top 5! just SOME birds you like
Ooh! Birdies!
(You all know by now this is less a ranking and more me rambling lol. Also, I talk about animal deaths (in more of a scientific way to be fair) because birds of prey and other fun nature stuff. )
1. American Robins. Which are not actually robins but are a type of thrush we call robins because bird names in North America are a mess lol. I get flocks of these guys coming in and out, throughout all four seasons. They're also very cute little song birds, and can be such funny little guys too lol (My winterberry bush died this year, but one autumn I saw this pair of robins break from the flock gathering and start fighting each other up in the sky before resuming eating berries like nothing ever happened. Absolutely hilarious lol.)
2. Shrikes. Better known as butcher birds, these guys are wicked cool. You see they're carnivorous songbirds, with the exact build of one (sans a sharp beak for obvious reasons). Feet included. So how do they eat their prey, you ask? By impaling them on thorns and other sharp objects! They're cute songbirds, just to make that clear. Have fun! (They're more common outside of the Americas though, so that's a bummer. We got Loggerheads and Great Greys though, but I haven't seen any lol.)
3. Cowbirds. Or really, any sort of brood parasite. Cowbirds are here because their my resident brood parasite. I find it utterly fascinating on just a scientific, evolutionary level just how these guys evolved (as well as how their targets evolve in turn), like how do their young learn all this from a nest that isn't theirs? (Actually I do know some answers for cowbirds, but if I were to ramble we'd be here all day.) What makes cowbirds unique compared to others like common cuckoos and whydahs is that they are actually generalists when it comes to targets. Most brood parasites are specialists, only targeting one species (with common cuckoos being a really interesting case in this, but again, we'd be here all day). Cowbirds (with one exception) target pretty much anything that builds a cup-sized nest. It's really really fascinating, in that kind of cruel, bizarre way nature tends to be (and I haven't even got to touch on the mafia with my resident brown-heads).
4. Swans. They're dicks. Graceful dicks, but still dicks. And yet, it is in that dickery I find fascinating. Like, did you know swan wings are strong enough to break bones? Well they can! But there are such things as Trumpeter Swans, which well, sound like trumpets. It's cute and weirdly endearing in its own way, at least to me (although to be fair Trumpeters are calmer than Mutes so there's that. Also unlike Mutes, they are native to North America, so I hope I might see one one day). Also cygnets are utterly adorable, even with the knowledge they grow up to be nasty swans lol.
4. Wood ducks. Haven't seen these guys either, but they absolutely fascinate me. They nest in tree cavities, so what tends to happen once the eggs hatch is that the mother duck has to coax her ducklings out into this leap of faith (that actually isn't usually much of ones because small ducklings and laws of physics bullshit I can't remember)! It's incredible! They're also gorgeous birds, and the males sound like kazoos! (Playing clips of females making a typical (if not like a Mallard's at all) duck quack, and following it with the male's kazoo squack to friends and relatives is a fun one. Try it if you know what I'm talking about lol.)
And those are my five birds to talk about at the moment. It was a bit tough, but I think that's more because I didn't get to gush over too many various birds of prey (like owls). Feel free to send in any bird asks if you got any fyi! It's fun!
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Episode 6 Coherent(?) Thoughts
Okay my brain is fried from that episode, and I have things to do today so a rewatch is probably not in the foreseeable future (it is 12:55PM when I'm starting to write this queued post, and I haven't eaten yet today, if that tells you anything about what this episode has done to my brain and also what I have to get done today that I'm not doing right now and also a variety of other things that are out of my control so the anxiety's having lots of fun today okay moving on). I may do a Part 2 to the coherent thoughts for this episode, but also I'm planning a season 2 wrap-up post later this week so that might cover anything I don't talk about here. Spoilers for Loki season 2.
Okay but does he have to be there? Real talk though but does he have to be there? Does he have to be constantly watching the timelines, or is it like a knot where if he moves it all comes apart? Or once things get moving can he come and go as he pleases? Because I need him to NOT BE THE LOKI WHO REMAINS. MOBIUS, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU DOOMED HIM TO THIS FATE IN EPISODE ONE.
(Oookay, starting off very sane and coherent. Clearly.)
So far I've written two poems (queued up and coming) and started two fic ideas (which might become one fic, we'll see). And I'm sure I'll be coming up with more because like fucking hell am I leaving him there alone. The fic ideas are lengthy, though, so I would not expect them before the end of the week at the absolute earliest (and I'm finally starting my new job on Monday, so that might not happen either), and are probably too long for Tumblr so I'll likely just post to AO3 and promote the link on here once it's published.
(Side note: If you want those two poems early, and they're...okay, so maybe you do, I just put all (four) of my season 2 poems in one publication on AO3. The work is called To Stay (and other poems inspired by season 2) if you're interested. Or wait for the queued posts on Monday.)
I'm obsessed with the new outfit. The horns are too funny to me but the cloak is the shit. I wish it was The Coat, but it'll do excellently. My main criticism though is what the fuck are those shoes?! Just lose the shoes, bud! Post-ego death Loki comes back barefoot; he doesn't need shoes.
Loki did not technically create Yggdrasil. Not the concept of it, at least. It's been part of Asgardian vocabulary about the realms since before he was born (I'm pretty sure it's on the mosaic in Ragnarok). What he did was take the timelines and create a literal manifestation of the World Tree in the cosmos. Whether it already existed on the sacred timeline somehow as a literal and cosmological structure holding the nine (ten) realms together in the MCU, I don't know, but since we haven't seen it up to this point I think it's safe to say that it didn't. The real question is, if Loki took all of the branches and passed through the rift and his friends could no longer see him or the timelines from the TVA, how do they know it looks like a tree now, enough to put it on their new posters?
I said this already, but he's been a tree before and CANONICALLY HE DOESN'T ENJOY IT (to be fair he usually doesn't choose to become a tree). This fate is making me distraught, and brings me back to point one, in my own personal time loop.
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