#to each their own ofc but i don’t really understand when people try to claim trobed is forced
milogoestogreendale · 2 years
i think one of the things that is so refreshing to me about trobed is that a lot of slash ships in fandom are admittedly based around stereotypes. there’s kind of a cookie cutter pattern for how people accept gay couples, but none of that is really seen with troy/abed. the openly weird, film obsessed autistic nerd is seen as the more confident and experienced one in his sexuality. meanwhile, the popular and masculine jock is allowed to be overly emotional and sometimes insecure in his feelings.
this isn’t done just to subvert expectations though, it’s all in keeping with their characters. abed is sometimes perceived by his friends as a nerdy virgin, but the show goes out of the way to say that this isn’t the case, with a character that is very self-assured (in what is hinted at in canon and commonly accepted in fanon as his bisexuality.) troy, on the other hand, who works to portray a macho heterosexual persona, comes to realize it’s okay to get rid of those barriers and explore himself now that high school is over. it all comes off as a very authentic portrayal of queer identity, and the chemistry between troy and abed makes for a very real portrayal of a gay couple, whether it was intentional on the writers’ part or not.
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If Daemon’s bby ever died on the battlefield so young: how would her loved ones react? And would anyone (the dragon literally symbolizes their house ofc) fight over her humongous three-headed dragon? Just imagine if it just casually flew away after the funeral without giving anyone a opportunity to claim them.
Daemon would absolutely lose it if his beloved child died in any way. There would be a sense of pride and respect for his bby dying in battle and fighting till the very end, but you can bet he will absolutely destroy whoever had a part in his child’s demise. And he will burn them all to the fucking ground. He wouldn’t rest until the entire lineage of the people involved in his child’s death were wiped out.
Rhaenyra would be in such a severe state of mourning for her most treasured friend/cousin. She would want to fight alongside Daemon and bring down the people who stole their beloved one from them. Rhaenyra’s hurt and anger would be more than enough to fuel her till the end to see the downfall of everyone involved in her cousin’s death. And she would make damn sure she got her vengeance for her late loved one. No one would go unpunished for taking away her bestest and dearest friend.
Given that I imagine this happening before the Dance of Dragons takes place, I can’t help but imagine Viserys’ reaction and how he would be towards Daemon. I feel like this would be something that would very well bring the two brothers together. Viserys can understand the state his brother would be in and he can’t possibly imagine going through it himself. He wouldn’t know what he would do if anything happened to Rhaenyra but he knows damn well he would go to war over it too. He wouldn’t hold anything against Daemon for what he does afterward, he can’t bring himself to knowing he would do something of the same level himself if his child faced the same fate. Viserys would ensure that the Reader got the most deserving funeral of any Targaryen there ever was.
Don’t even get me started on Rhea’s reaction. She would 1000% blame Daemon. Whether she blames his blood running through their child’s veins or his teaching them to never run from a fight. She puts it on him but she blames herself just as much for not keeping her child by her side. There really wasn’t much she could do but that doesn’t stop her from ripping herself apart. I don’t doubt that Daemon blames himself too but Rhea really throws it in his face, especially if this happened in a battle that Daemon and their child were fighting on the frontlines together. Her loss and grief would be too much for her, Rhea wouldn’t know what to do with herself once her child is gone. She would demand their child have a funeral fit for a Royce while Daemon fights tooth and nail that his child deserves nothing less than a true Targaryen send off. The death of their beloved child would only drift the two further apart and bring nothing but more hostility and hatred towards each other.
When it comes to the Reader’s dragon, I can’t help but think of two things. The dragon either pulls a similar stunt to Drogon and takes its’ treasured rider away to somewhere for just the two of them to be, or it sticks around until after the funeral and goes off on its own to live the rest of its days in mourning in solitude and forever being without its beloved companion again. No matter who had the gall to even try and claim the Reader’s dragon for themself the dragon would have absolutely none of it. I could see it taking on a similar disposition to Cannibal after its rider dies. It becomes extremely hostile towards anyone or anything that comes near it, all three of it’s heads retaliating and going after anyone and anything. Hell, I can even see the poor dragon going after itself and the three heads turning on one another in a form of self destruction. Just overall the Reader’s dragon acting out in its own way of suffering and being grief stricken by its detrimental loss.
Honestly, I really can’t see the Reader’s dragon allowing the Reader’s funeral to take place. I could see the dragon seeing this as the Reader’s family and everyone else in attendance further harming the Reader more, especially in the sense of the other dragons being the ones to set alight the Reader’s funeral pyre for their send off. The Reader’s dragon taking this as more of a threat to the Reader than what it’s actually supposed to be and a chaotic dragon fight ensuing with the Reader’s dragon trying to take its’ rider’s body back with it where it can be forever safe and protected.
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eruverse · 7 months
I don’t have the best opinion abt Amerus as a ship from my own research. They seemed grandiose (ofc) but I really don’t know if they truly loved each other. Since my focus is Ivan, I’m ofc more confident about his side of things, and excepting the 90s and some years before it, I’m inclined to say he never truly likes Alfred. As in, liking Alfred for what he sincerely is.
Their first meetings were amicable but I would say Ivan was quite detached? He had his priorities in other nations after all. He was indeed aware of Alfred’s budding charisma and that he found him quite attractive, but Alfred was still more of a child even though Ivan did treat him capable of dealing with the burdens on his shoulders. Ivan is old world, so I think he really made a distinction with Alfred, who isn’t. Ivan is pretty young amongst his cohort in Europe but compared to Alfred he is his own pretty different level.
The rest of things tell on themselves. Ivan and Alfred have a lot of differences, and the more they go the more different they are, and… opposites don’t always attract. Extreme opposites WILL repel each other hard. I don’t mean that there have never been sparks of attraction but are those enough to make them stay together? Well, obviously no. Whatever this is that they have often just make them want to beat each other up and be done with it. And the thing is that I think Ivan never actually wishes for a relationship that’s an equivalent to a minefield. He can be adventurous but all he ultimately wants is safety, safety. Stability. For someone who seems to be wishing for everything big he is also incredibly simple at the core of it. I don’t think Alfred can give him that. He can like Alfred (and he def has, once), but if he doesn’t think they can be together, would he even pursue that? Liking someone and wanting to be in a relationship with them are quite different matters.
I think Ivan would sometimes imagine about what life would be like if he is more like Alfred, and if he is closer to Alfred in more ways than one. But Ivan protects his own heart like a zealot, because it is weak. With every wish and expectation of love (even simple acceptance) comes neglect and rejection and betrayal. If, despite how overwhelming he can be outside, he is wary, he is even more wary when his own heart is involved. He doesn’t easily trust people especially people who are a bit too different, people he cannot understand. He would rather stay in hell that he knows inside out than trying for heaven he can’t even comprehend, because this heaven might be hiding even worse hell. Despite how beautiful looking that heaven is. Heaven is out of reach, anyway. Therefore it wouldn’t be one.
But things always come in duality. The more strongly Ivan fights things, the more they often attract him. That is true. With thicker walls he erects around his heart the more desperate he is for what is ‘outside’, even if he built those walls precisely because the ‘outside’ hurts. He can and will obsess over them; after all, he is not without love. And when he loves, it is fervent and potent. His desires for warm embraces constantly battle with his desire for isolation due to fear and distrust.
And Alfred. There are a gazillion reasons why Ivan wouldn’t trust someone like him. Ivan is a cynic skeptic and he believes everyone is full of bullshit like he is, so he thinks Alfred, who claims to be, well, anything but bullshit, is too good to be true. And Ivan can see through him (he is convinced). He keeps testing and testing Alfred to see if he would buckle. After all, anyone who shines brighter would be producing even darker shadow. But Alfred is so good at convincing people Ivan sometimes can see himself being convinced. At some points, he even was! However, most of the time, it’s not what Alfred truly is that interests him. The boy at the core. Instead, it’s the tenacity. The raw passion almost; the lengths Alfred would go through to make a man that he ‘is’. Not the content of his idealism exactly (now that he knows it’s mostly bullshit), but the drive in which he commits himself to even if he has to destroy himself. And the result of it all; oh, that’s his favorite part. The power he’s amassed. Who’s not going to love it? Alfred is very good at what he does, it is enviable.
And I think that’s what he would tell Alfred: no one would love you as you truly are. You know it, and that is why you keep presenting everyone else the image they would like to see from you instead. What would you be without your power?
Alfred would spit back: aren’t you just projecting on me?
Ivan would smile. Perhaps tilt his head a bit, knowingly, and Alfred would sigh loudly and walk away.
They can see each other, sometimes too well. But what attract them to each other aren’t enough to make them stay together.
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yaomomvs · 3 years
inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3
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okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
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cj-sparkss · 3 years
hi hi can I request eren and skinny dipping please?
eye of the storm -
eren’s masterlist:
a/n | ofc!  i hope you enjoy :) i haven’t posted in a few days so here  warnings | nudity, suggestive themes, groping, sexual activities, nsfw category | fluff/suggestive/general wc | 1.9k+ pairing | eren jeager & f!reader
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general prompt request #2: skinny dipping with eren
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Where the hell is eren?
This is what you’re thinking as you cautiously trudge down the forest path, dodging different tree stumps and desperately trying to avoid the sticky mud. If your memory serves you right, this is the direction you saw Eren go.
This wouldn’t be the first time that you have seen Eren head this way, you noticed it’s starting to become a pattern. Almost every time after eren finishes his training, he heads straight this way. You don’t think anyone else knows about where Eren’s been going, every time someone asks him about it he just brushes it off and claims, “He’s going on a walk.”
Bull. Shit.
You’re close enough with eren to know better. You guys aren’t exactly in a relationship - nothing being made official yet - but you guys are there for each other. And that was enough.
Now, you knew he wasn’t just going on walks, and so you were determined to find out where he actually has been going. Your curiosity got the better of you, and that is what led you here in a forest, feet tripping over literal air, almost falling face first into a muddy puddle.
“Shit.” You curse at your clumsiness under your breath, successfully avoiding what could have been a very terrible accident. You reach the final clearing of trees, your eyes spotting a deep blue of water sprawled out in a lake in front of you.
“Wow.” Your eyes scan the area in front of you, mesmerized by the ethereal view. The water. It’s just like his eyes. Eren's eyes. Both a ravishing view, sure to steel the breath right out from your lungs. Your body freezes, taking a moment to admire the forever extending beauty before you. The sky is a heavenly mixture of colors, blue, pink, purple, yellow, all the colors of a sunset, blended perfectly together like a painting. So entranced by the sight, you fail to notice the trail of footsteps crunching on the ground, slowly approaching you.
“Beautiful, right?”
Snapped out of your daze by the deep voice beside you, you look to your right to identify the person standing next to you.
It’s Eren.
He’s already staring at you, eyes intently studying your face. You both lock eyes with each other, water gently splashing in the background.
You were right. Eren's eyes are just like the water, if not an even more astonishing sight to look at. The sun is shining upon his face, the sunlight making the boy look even better than usual, if that’s even possible. His chocolate brown hair is once again tied in a messy bun, strands of hair falling out to the side framing his wonderfully structured face.
Eren really is handsome.
You tear your eyes away from his and look back at the lake, afraid if you stare any longer you might just get lost in his eyes.
“It is beautiful.”
The question you were originally here for rings in your mind again. “So, this is where you go after training?” You peek a glance at Eren from your peripheral vision, his own eyes now set on the lake as well. “Yeah. It’s like my safe place, you know?” He sighs deeply, shoulders raising and dropping. “Makes me feel calm while the storm is happening in the background.”
You examine the beauty of the lake again, and you see why eren calls this his safe place. “I understand. The lake just radiates this calmness, immediately attracting you and pulling you in. It’s the eye of the storm. No titans, no one constantly pestering you, no people, no orders, just calm.”
Eren hums in agreement, nodding his head up and down. “Exactly. eye of the storm.” You both stand next to each other in silence for a few minutes, just basking in the sunlight and listening to the quiet blue waves splashing against the shore.
And then he gets an idea. Eren’s lips curl up into a cheeky grin, a mischievous twinkle shining in his emerald eyes. Walking forwards, Eren kicks off his shoes with ease, stepping into the beginning of the water. His large hands grasp the bottom of his shirt. Front still facing the lake, Eren slowly lifts it up, revealing his strong and muscular back. His muscles squeeze and contract as he brings it up and over his head, slightly messing up his already messy bun. Throwing the shirt on the grass, he turns around and smiles a boyish grin at you, his abs and body sculpted perfectly like a god. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Captivated by the boy before you, mouth agape, you’re practically drooling like a baby. Realizing Eren just asked you a question, you quickly gain your composure. Is- is he stripping? Oh… does he want to… you raise your eyebrows in question, tilting your head to the side. “Depends. What are you thinking?” Please don’t say skinny dippi-
“Skinny dipping.” Eren’s smile only grows wider, veiny hands reaching down to his pants zipper. He unbuttons, unzips, and pulls down his pants, leaving him only in his boxers. Throwing his pants in the same pile as his shirt and looking back at you, he juts his bottom lip out in a fake pout and crosses his arms against his chest. “C’mon. You're not going to make me be the only one to undress, are you?”
Taking everything in you not to look down at his very noticeable print, you let out a dramatic sigh. You might as well let loose this once. Who better to get naked in front of than Eren? “Fine.” Eren smiles a satisfied grin. You raise your eyebrows and stare at him with expectation, Eren only raising his eyebrows in confusion and staring at you back. You start tapping your foot against the ground in an impatient manner. “Well are you going to stand there watching me strip?” Realization takes over Eren’s face. “Oh yeah right.” He scratches the back of his neck, the tip of his ears turning pink. “Sorry.”
He starts to slide off his boxers, and getting flustered, you immediately use your hands to cover your eyes in shock. “Eren!” You turn around, Eren letting out a series of laughs. You hear a loud splash, and you know Eren has jumped into the blue water. You turn around and there he is, his head back, running his large hands through his chocolate brown hair to shake out the wetness. His bun must have fallen apart, his long hair now out and about resting at the sides of his face. Droplets of water trickle down his face and his neck, dripping back into the lake. The setting sun only enhances his beautiful features, his tan skin glimmering.
“Well are you going to change?” A smile etches onto your face. “I will if you turn around.” You wag a finger at him. “And you better stay turned around.” Splashing his hands in the water, Eren complies to your wishes and turns around.
“You got it baby.”
“Don’t call me baby.”
“All right sweetheart.”
You let out an irritated growl at the boy's antics, only causing him to let out a deep chuckle. Hesitantly, you begin to take off your clothes, lifting your shirt up and over your body, throwing it to where Eren‘s shirt is, your pants following right after. You turn around and you’re relieved to see that Eren kept his word and stayed turned around. “All right Eren, I’m coming in.”
“Great.” He nods his head. “Can I turn around now?” “Uh… one second.” You slowly step into the lake, cold water immediately greeting your feet. Once your bottom half is covered by the blue water, you cross your arms over your chest, covering your breasts. A chill goes down your spine, and you’re not sure if it’s from the nervousness of being naked in the presence of Eren or if you really are just cold. Taking a deep breath, you head for the lake. Every step you take, the water rises more and more up your legs. “Now you can turn around.” Without wasting a second, Eren’s body whips around, turquoise eyes meeting yours. His mouth falls agape, drinking in your appearance, and god damn. You might think Eren looks like a god, but he thinks you look like an absolute goddess. The way the sun is beaming on your skin, innocent eyes shining. You’re just so perfect in his eyes. Yes, the lake was Eren’s eye of the storm, but you were the calm.
When he’s with you, he feels at peace. Relieved. Happy.
In a matter of seconds, you are in front Eren, the cold water up to your shoulders covering your breasts and other genitals. You bring your eyes to meet his, turquoise orbs looking back at you. You can feel your cheeks getting flushed, and all your insecurities rise to the surface. Oh no, you should have never agreed to this, what if we get caught? What were you thinki-
“Hey.” Eren reaches a hand to your face, brushing a wet strand of hair and tucking it behind your ear. “Did you know that you’re gorgeous?” There it is again, the endless pit of butterflies flying around in your stomach, never failing to arrive when Eren is around you. Bowing your head in bashfulness, you mutter a small thank you.
Bringing his hand to your chin, he raises your face to look at him. His eyes flicker from your eyes down to your lips. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Eren pulls you against his body, leaning his face into yours. He stops when your lips are only inches away from each other to give you a chance to pull away. When you don’t, his lips collide into yours. You soak in Eren’s ginger and woody musk, soak in his delicate touch against your skin, feeling his breath mingling with yours.
His hand at the small of your back pulls you in even tighter to his body. You’re flush against each other, allowing you to feel the muscular lines of Eren’s stomach printing against your own. Your breasts are pressed into his chest, his hard bulge against you. The kiss becomes more demanding, more needy. You willingly respond to Eren, allowing him to dominate and take advantage to roam his hands all over your naked body, long fingers feeling every curve and brushing the swell of your breast.
His calloused hands find their way to your ass, groping and squeezing any ounce of flesh on your body. Eren easily lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. The water does not make things any easier, but Eren is strong enough not to let any of you falter. Your hands make their way to his damp hair, grabbing and pulling, igniting a low groan to escape his lips. Your brain goes fuzzy, all your worries from earlier fade away.
Eren pulls away first, giving you both the chance to breathe. His hands underneath your thighs holding you up, he rests his forehead against yours, both of you panting messes. Chests heaving up and down against each other, his lips are pink and swollen from the intensity of the kiss. Turquoise orbs looking into yours, eyes intense and searching, Eren opens his mouth to speak. “Thank you,” He whispers. You watch him, hands raking through his long hair. “For what?”
“For being here. For being you. For being my calm.”
Smiling, you separate your foreheads to give him a peck on his cheek. “No, thank you Eren. Thank you for being my calm.”
While looking into your eyes, Eren can one hundred percent guarantee that he has never felt this much love for anyone else before.
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simpingforsoftboys · 3 years
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Ways They Say “Ily” W/out Actually Saying It
Ft. Iwaoi and UshiTenSemi 
!G/N reader!
So this will definitely be a series! Next up is BokuAka and Kuroken followed by SakuAtsu and SunaOsaKita.
Hajime always has a supply of yours and Toru’s favorite snacks/foods on hand at any given moment
He knows how much of a hassle it can be to have to purchase your fav. “pick me up” snacks on a bad day- so he takes restocking very seriously
Speaking of food
Every once in a while he’ll make your favorite meal for dinner- just because he has the extra time, he claims- but in actuality making you your favorite food makes him feel closer to you
He’ll also do your laundry and put it away too! As well as perfectly iron your work uniforms and/or dress outfits
He’ll even wash your guy’s shoes and polish them too, but not say anything about it 
If ya’ll don’t thank him, he won’t be sad, but he wants to at least hear that you noticed!
Toru is an Olympic athlete and you’re their lovely s/o- he’ll be damned if you two look anything less than like a model off a magazine
One last thing is how he lets you two cuddle up to him in the morning- after his second alarm has rung- and during his morning run time
It’s the way that he holds you two close and steady in his strong arms, letting you hear the thrum of his heartbeat and/or his calm breathing
Hajime won’t show his love verbally, most of the time it’s shown through little acts of service/skin ship
He’s a quiet but domestic sort of lover
Toru is... pretty lazy in terms of household chores
He’s not really one to care too much about mundane things
His love needs to be shown in big, extravagant ways
Like he’s the type to take you to the beach in summer, just to rent a gigantic lounge float- the type that’s main use is for day drinking- instead of taking you to a bar
Yes it’s relaxing but at this point why not just go to the local pub or something? It’d be cheaper- oh right because he needs to show Instagram that he’s an exceptional lover *cue eyeroll*
Nah, it’s actually because he wants to give you the best of both worlds- that of comfortable luxury and drunkenly passionate intimacy
Sometimes it annoys you and Hajime with how open he is with his love life on social media
But I promise it’s only because he loves you two so much and feels the constant need to brag about you
He does show it in smaller ways too
Like by holding the door open for you two, carrying your bags when shopping and paying for your purchases before you get the chance to even try
He’ll also take note of you and Haji’s current interests and occasionally buy you something *really* nice that he thinks you’ll love
He’s an open guy, but for you two he’ll willing indulge in the quiet moments of life
It’s okay if the rest of the world doesn’t see these moments- the ones where it’s just you three- like when you’re all in a bubble bath sipping that expensive champagne that costs way too much- and enjoying the way the tubs jets massage your back muscles. 
Or when it’s 3 in the morning and he wakes up feeling hot and sweaty, only to find himself trapped between the loves of his life- and not having the heart to wake you up
Not even when Hajime drools on his shoulder, or when your hair tickles him through his shirt
Toru is loud and outspoken but it’s his quiet moments that really show his love for ya’ll
Wakatoshi doesn’t really perceive things like most people
This includes romantic actions
He’ll do something if he feels it needs to be done- not out of love, but because it’s the most logical thing to do- and you three know that
I think his unspoken way of telling you he loves you is when he goes out of his way- logic be damned- to do something specific
Like that one time you wanted to buy the newest gaming console but all the pre orders were sold out, making the only way for you to get one “first come first serve”
This man decided that for you, it was okay if he didn’t follow his routine to a ‘t’
He said goodbye to his sleep schedule and awoke at 2:25 in the morning to make his way to the nearest Yamada Denki to stand in the freezing cold for nearly 6+ hours until the store opened.
He beat majority of the crowd and got you your console, even though he was 51,896 yen poorer, and his sleep schedule would take the rest of the week to get back on track, he decided it was all worth it to see that wide smile on your face
When he’s home he’ll wash some fruits and veggies for you guys and serve them to you on little snack trays to curb your appetite until the next meal 
Speaking of food- he definitely cooks a light breakfast for ya’ll before he leaves for morning practice
Husband material right here-
Toshi’s love is like gravity in a way
There’s set laws of nature that applies to it- unquestionable and unchanging; something you’re perfectly understanding of- but the slightest change of it is so noticeable that it leaves you in a state of surprise, making you appreciate all that he had done before in a new light, and looking forward to seeing more of it during your daily life.
Satori is a sap and for what-
Like he’ll make all of you delicious little chocolate treats (but Wakatoshi’s is made differently so that it’s more healthy... because he’s an athlete and needs to watch his diet)
On that same note Eita can’t have much chocolate either... since it’s actually able to cause phlegm... oh well more for you I guess
When you oversleep he wakes you up by digging his long, w i g g l y fingers into your sides and TICKLES you
It’s a really nice way to wake up actually- laughing your sleepiness away
He loves seeing your laughter induced teary eyed gaze and wide smile in the morning- it fills him with more energy than a triple mocha frappe.
Something else he likes to do is have you lie on top of him and trail his fingers up and down your face
I mean this guy probably has A L L of your facial features memorized- but he really just likes to look at you- and see you gazing back
That last one is something only you and him do- Eita gets too flustered if Satori even tries, and Ushijima would just... kinda smile oddly, stare, and lay really still? Yeah as much as he loves your awkward miracle boy- it’s not as fun when he’s still as a statue and not relaxed
When he’s not being cute, Satori is dragging you three into his random adventures
Like it could be literally 1 am and he is up and raring to go to the beach
Ofc he won’t force anyone to come with him- but it’s not quite as fun without someone accompanying him
Occasionally he can convince Toshi and Eita to join- but for the most part it’s just you and him
Ya’ll always have a blast and make a bunch of fun memories
Did I mention that he comes to you first before your other two partners when he wants to go adventuring? Because he does-
Sometimes you go to watch the sunrise in his car but binge watch anime while waiting for the sunrise
He’s a spontaneous, fun lover- and he has the most fun when it’s with you
Eita is... surprisingly romantic too?
Like damn he writes love songs about your foursome RELIGIOUSLY
Hell over the course of your 5 or so years together he has written nearly 7 full albums dedicated to ya’ll-
Guess you’re an inspiration or smth
Even if you can’t sing WHATSOEVER this mans rose colored glasses effects are so prominent that he could listen to you for hours on end
No but seriously he is so obsessed with everyones voices (not that he’ll say it but like it’s obvious at this point)
I mean ya’lls vocal ranges are just so different!
Obvi Toshi has a bass voice, Satori has more of a baritone one (though he really does try to pass off as a tenor for some reason)- and then there’s you- it’s so interesting to him to hear you guys talk to each other (and sing-) because of how your voices overlap
He’s the type to buy you roses whenever he’s feeling extra appreciative and maybe a new set of lingerie or some silk night wear
I don’t know why but despite his extensive collection of leather EVERYTHING, he really enjoys seeing you in expensive, clothing
And then he won’t shut up about how attractive you are XD
Oh but he’ll also buy all four of you matching silk robes too so you can be comfy together
But don’t be posting about it on social media or anything- these are for your eyes ONLY! No one else should get to see his partners like this but him
Don’t even get me started about date nights
Because he’s insisting that everyone wear something of his
Dude you only have leather clothing wdym-
Unfortunately there’s a slight issue since everyone’s different sizes so he does the next best thing
He commissions custom made leather jackets for ya’ll
They have your initials and everything
Black leather with white and lavender print- reminiscent of Shiratorizawa days long passed
Eita appreciates all of you in his own cute ways, and loves seeing little bits of him on you because it makes him feel connected to you even more
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 4 years
The Boys With an Autistic MC HC !! (SFW !)
(aka I’m projecting bc sad) (I also have adhd so there will be adhd moments)
This boy has so much work yet he still find the time to help you put together a routine
WILL make sure you stick to it
He will rearrange the entire school if it will help you
If any demon and I mean ANY demon is even the slightest bit mean to you they go mysteriously missing the next day
Sometimes he infantilises you but he doesn’t mean to, tell him to cut it out and the shame will rip through him
In line with that you will probably find him cutting the crusts off your sandwiches and rearranging your stuffies, up to you if you want him to stop that (I hate crusts and my teddies deserve to be comfortable too)
Makes sure you’re accommodated everywhere in the devildom not just rad and and the hol
One day you realise his suit jacket? Perfect fabric for stimming
He starts dressing according to the fabrics you like
Let’s you hold his sleeve arm when talking bc it’s a good stim
Will put his jacket on you when you’re overwhelmed and need some familiarity
You start to associate his smell with safety
Pretends he doesn’t care
Treats you the most normal out of all the brothers
Has actually memorised your routine and knows your stressors/meltdown/shutdown triggers
White knights you very subtly
You think demons are very accepting in the devildom but in reality mammon does the same as luci but his approach is much more ‘stop it before it starts’
Buys you stimmies bc he loves the way you look when you’re happy stimming (yes BUYS not steals)
Too embarrassed to give you them so they just appear in your room
He’s just coincidentally in the hallway when you come rushing out to show people
You eventually realise it’s gotta be him bc he’s always there when you find em so you just start running directly to him
Loves it if you have echolalia
Tries to get you to repeat ‘the great mammon’ as much as possible
If he finds you repeating words/beeping at the microwave he will engage and do the same until you happy stim (then he will try get you to repeat ‘mc’s first man the great mammon’
If you start calling him that ?! The boy will melt. (I get intense echolalia with ‘mammonie’ and i think he would straight up die hearing mc go ‘mammonie mammonie mammonie’
After all it makes sense that the great mammon is constantly on your mind
Another nerd ?! Heck yeah!! !
Very glad you aren’t a normie
Perhaps relates the most to your experience against the allistics as ppl don’t like him bc he’s a ‘yucky okatu’
Loves when you talk about a special interest (SI) because you’re just as obsessive as he is
Will try and get you obsessed with anime and manga if you aren’t already
Is a shut in so he gets that people are overwhelming and scary at times
Is uncharacteristically vulnerable and open with you bc he feels like you understand his existence at a deeper level
If you like squishes (and show him first) he will start asking for the deep pressure hugs when he feels he needs them
But ofc bc you’re both you, the method for asking is just repeating the word squish over and over while you hug
Eye contact !? Oh hell no
Most of your conversations are done facing away from each other
Same clothes? Comfort items? No no no no no you gotta look beautiful like you are!
Does not entirely get it at first, how can anyone want to wear something more than once?
Once you explain it he will drag you shopping (to high end shops, using avoiding crowds as an excuse to pamper you) to find a signature, beautiful, comfortable and easy to put on outfit for you to wear
He will then buy 30 of them just in case you lose anything
He WILL give you presents randomly after you told him you like to wear clothing with emotional significance
Bonding time includes decorating your ear defenders and sunglasses
If your SI is anything to do with fashion or beauty or just asmo things in general this boy will NEVER leave your side. You become the only person he wants to talk to
If you excited stim by bouncing, hand flapping or squealing he is right there with you creating a feedback loop of excited stimming
When he finds out you like routine he will check you’re doing the beauty routine he made for you every night
If you’re too tired he will do it for you (or even if you just ask he loves being close to you)
If you’re touch repulsed he will ask every time before he even gets close to you (EVERY DAMN TIME ! This man understands consent and the fact that some days touch is too much others it’s not)
Acts like lucifer visa the routine n rad but with no infantilising
Reads every study ever done on autism and neurodivergence ever
ANGOR at human world autism studies bc they’re dumb and there’s so much more interesting things to investigate to do with being autistic
He does go to the human world and he does stab a$$ and those involved
If you let him he will study you
Tracks your sleep, eating habits, and mood regulation (after he asks ofc)
Meltdowns? No that’s a regular day in Satan’s head
He lets you use his rage room (he definitely has a room exclusively for smashing stuff) if you feel even a little stressed
Likes talking about your SI’s with you bc it’s rare he finds someone so knowledgeable on a subject
The kindest most patient boy
Helps you find foods that don’t mess with your texture issues
Checks to make sure you’ve eaten in case you’ve been distracted and not realised you’re hungry
Doesn’t understand AFRID because food is good?? But is willing to help you with it (see previous points)
Stims with you because it makes you happy
Will let you info dump for hours even if he doesn’t get it
Is generally very warm so he makes the perfect person for squishes
Perfectly happy to just sit in silence and not talk or make eye contact
Definitely understands the exhaustion that comes with being disabled
If you even look overstimulated he will kidnap you for a nap (whether than be physically or if you’re touch repulsed he will fake an emergency (the emergency is you being over stim Ed) just to get u out, it’s the only thing he puts effort into)
Shares his secret super soft blanket stash bc you are the only one who can appreciate how freaking soft the texture is
Best person to look after you in a shutdown bc he kinda gets it
Gets his own ear defenders and sunglasses so he can sleep in class (claims it’s solidarity with you)
Just enjoys your company like his bro so ditto on the silence thing
(There’s more I can think of but this is already really long, comment if u want part 2)
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Related Activities - Chapter 4
The district has a new attorney and Marshall is going to learn the hard way that he should have acted sooner in pursuing his passion for Caroline.
Pairing: Andy Barber x OFC (Caroline Kline) / Walter Marshall x OFC (Caroline Kline)
Author: Deb @letstalkaboutsebbaby / @letswriteaboutsebbaby
Rating: Mature
Warnings: crime talk, smut (hi @klaine-92 - it's starting!)
Walter Marshal is a man that has little to no time to lose with useless things. His house lack decoration because he sees no need for them. A couple of frames with pictures of his daughter, some cushions that he didn’t know were uncomfortable when he bought them, and a painting in his bedroom. He has few friends - his brother and a couple of guys whom he grew up with - fewer reasons to trust new people, but he trusts Caroline. He likes her, he wants her more than he cares to admit to himself, not really confident in his relationship skills.
One of the things he needs the most is the only thing she can’t ever give him - silence. She’s always with something to talk about, a view over some case, a question about his past experiences, or a song to softly sing when she knows he’s not wanting to talk. Marshall feels like he can listen to her singing the whole discography of the Pretenders before he’ll get enough of her voice.
Waking up early after a hard day, he stays in bed contemplating his next steps to make sure she’ll understand he needs time cause he can’t start a relationship while worrying about the cases they have now. Obviously, they’ll always have to work and it’ll always have a lot of shit to deal with but at the moment it’s too time-consuming and he wants to start a relationship with the possibility to really give her time and attention. Looking at his phone, a text gives him hope that things will go as planned: Only pick me up if you bring hot chocolate with vanilla cream. It’s the closest thing to “I’ll forget you’ve been so dumb” he will get and since his apology hasn’t been so eloquent either, he’s fine with it.
After half an hour and bringing a big cup of her favorite drink, he picks her up at her apartment. From the driver’s window, he can see the pale rose curtain on her room reminding him of how contrastive their houses are; her full of cute decor items, different patterns on the walls, soft rugs, mirrors and candles everywhere. If it wasn’t Carol he would’ve said the person spent a lot of time decorating the place, but somehow it feels effortless for her. It’s like anything he finds difficult is incredibly natural for her.
As she climbs in the car, Marshal smiles at her and she smiles back, quickly reaching for her drink. He stops her hand midways and holds it between his. “Can you at least say good morning?”
“Good morning, big guy. You look better”
“I am. Look, Car...I’m not in the right mind to...to do anything other than find these fuckers. Let’s look forward to that week off, can we?” His big fingers caressing her palms and bringing butterflies to her stomach. As handsome and sweet as Andy is, her attraction to Marshall has been something growing since day one and her heart is more invested than she would like. The way he calls her ‘Car’ only adding to the entire sexiness of him.
“So let’s find these fuckers...Give my hands back, I need to drink and you need to drive.” she teases. “Any new clue?”
“No, some test results will be ready today tough, so I guess we’ll at least have something to go after. Yours?”
“Nothing either, I was just talking to Andy last night and he thinks the same modus operandi was being investigated in Massachusetts. He’ll bring the files today so I can give a look before interviewing the guy again.”
The mention of a night talk with Andy bothers Marshall and he can’t really pay attention to anything Carol says after it and she notices the change in his behavior but decides not to ask the reason.
Shortly after they get to the station, each working on their own cases, Andy gets there for the suspect interview, files ready for her to analyze.
“Hey, that’s for me?” Caroline points with a smile when she sees him.
“I believe it’ll cost you something” he replies, sitting by her desk.
“I’m ready to pay for it. What’s the price?” she plays along.
“Dinner tonight.”
“Done. Pass me the files, Sir.”
The friendly chat is something she really likes about him. A bit of flirting doesn’t hurt, right? Caroline reads the info and adds sticky notes to some of the papers while Andy talks to one of the cops. When the suspect is in the interrogation room, she calls Andy to go along with her.
“You go ahead, I’ll watch by the glass” he responds.
“You don’t want to get in?”
“Go on...I trust you, I’ll be there if you think a different approach it’s required.”
Once she’s there, with a bust in her confidence after Andy’s speech, the suspect is clearly trembling as she makes the questions but answers everything as determined by his lawyer - even though a peeved tone is always present. In the next room, Andy is watching the interrogation when Marshall enters to do the same, just as the suspect changes the subject to the previous encounter with the detectives.
“Were’s your bodyguard, Miss? Not going to intimidate me today?”
“I just need the answers, I don’t think you need to be intimidated in order to give me the truth. You’re smart enough to know there’s only one way not to be sentenced to death in a case like this and it starts with giving me information” she states.
“Are you fucking him?” the suspect challenges as his lawyer tries to make him behave. “You look like a good fuck”
The suspect enrages Marshall and he’s ready to go inside and put him in his place, but Andy stops him with a hand in his arm.
“You can’t really blame him” Andy calmly says.
“What the fuck do you mean?” Marshall verbalizes with no calm at all.
“The way you act...he knows you’re here and all he wants is for you to enter that room and give his lawyer a reason to ask for a transference.” He asserts the situation, stopping Marshall from ruining Caroline’s work.
“I better go” The detective mutter.
“Don’t worry, I got her” Andy claims, much to Marshall’s displeasure.
When the interrogation ends Caroline meets Andy to deliberate for some time. Eventually, he went back to his office, promising to pick her up at the end of the day, both concentrating on work before the time for a new date came around. They decide to have dinner at hers, dismissing the idea of going home to get ready for a formal event - buying some take-out from an Italian place she likes and finding comfort at her floor once again.
“This is delicious” he declares, the pleasure clear on his face.”Can we do this every night? I want to try out all of their dishes.”
“It’s so yummy, right? I can’t have it every night though, I would end up in the worst shape.” Caroline says kiddin’, trying to imagine if he really wants to spend more time with her, and for what reasons.
“I find it very hard to believe you could get into a bad shape, babe, you’re gorgeous.”
A bit abashed by his comment, she smiles shyly and drinks a gulp of wine. “Well, in this case…we can do this sometimes before you get tired.”
“If I get tired we can change to japanese food, or mexican…”
“I was talking about the company”
“No sense. I might get tired of air before this happens.” He smiles and gets closer to her, an arm inviting her to lean on him. “You’re like...you know the feeling when you’re little and you know a Christmas present is waiting for you downstairs?” her head resting on his shoulder turns up to look at him.
“Yeah” she whispers back, looking deeply into his baby blue eyes. “I’m not sure the wrappings would be more interesting than the actual prize…” she tries to jest, but he holds her face, his thumb pressing over her lips. The way he looks at her gives no space for misinterpretations and the butterflies in her belly are very hard to ignore.
“If you agree to a hundred dinners more I can try to find out…” Andy’s low timbre functioning as a poison that keeps her weak - no reason to leave his arms, no desire to be anywhere else but in his presence.
“A hundred?” she softly asks.
“Just to start…” his lips softly touching hers before he kisses her. “You deserve better, you know?” She wasn’t sure what he means...deserve better than what? But his lips are on hers again before she can think further about it, both of them getting lost in sweet and deep kisses. Caroline wasn’t aware of the time, only able to feel Andy and the desire he evokes; not even the fact that they’re now lying on the couch seems to register in her mind, just his scent and the weight of his body over hers. Resting his forehead on hers, Andy whispers in the most enticing way “I’ll be what you need, sweetie. Everything you need.” while his hands expertly unbutton her jeans.
That was a completely different end to her night… she’s spent months dreaming about finishing her day in this same position with Marshall but it didn’t feel wrong to be with Andy - he’s attentive and attractive, very easy on the eyes - anyone would love to have him and she’s not about to lose this guy waiting for someone that never gave her anything more than a promise of a week off together. “We should take this to the bedroom”.
“Shhh...just relax.” He before taking her pants off and lying between her legs, positioning them around his waist; he slowly slides an arm to hold her neck as she stares at his eyes, entranced by how hot he looks at this moment. “Choose me, babe. Just tell me you want me.”
She can feel how hard he is through his pants and nods unconsciously “I want you, Andy.”
He tries hard not to lose control, wanting to watch her surrender, to see her gradually becoming his. “I want you too...so much” he starts moving his hips, rubbing his covered hard-on over her panties, a hand moving to grip her butt, helping her to grind against him “You look so beautiful...take what you need to feel good, babe”.
The friction on her clit driving her wild, making her squirm and cling to him. “Andy, please.”
“You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now...to take these clothes off and slide into you…” as he declares all he wants to do to her, she keeps grinding and kissing his jaw as if he’s going to disappear. “So fucking cute” Andy sits and brings her body with him, finding the view of her straddling his thighs the most erotic sight ever. He touches her tits through the shirt and holds her as she rides him. Caroline wants him to lose control, but all she accomplishes is to get closer to cumming, so she hugs him and lets herself go listening to his sweet praise of her.
With her body still trembling she opens her eyes to look at his proud face. “Stay.”
“I can’t. I need you to have a good night of sleep and think about what you want...then tomorrow you’ll text me let me know if you want another date.”
“A third date.”
“I already know the answer”
“I’ll believe you when you’re not looking like you want to fuck so much” he jokes, standing up and putting her on the couch, adjusting his pants as much as possible with his cock still hard.
She stands up and slides her arms around his neck, bringing Andy close to kiss him once more. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”
Grabbing her hand, he takes his jacket from the other couch and walks to the door, stopping with a hand in the handle “I’ll be waiting. Have a good night, Car.” he gives her a light peck before leaving her house. She shivers when she hears him calling her ‘Car’ the exact same way Marshall does. She’s so fucked.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years
Jessica (Girl’s Generation/SNSD) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “May I request dating Jessica of SNSD, please?”
A/N: just let me live in a world where jessica never left snsd please just let me have that fantasy
- C
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As soon as you met Jessica, you knew she was the one. You were madly in love, and it soon became your mission to melt the ice princess once and for all
Though it took a while to win Jessica over, your sweet and caring nature was too endearing for her,, Jess was in love
this relationship would start off slow, Jessica needs time to learn to love and trust someone
but as soon as she (and Krystal) were sure you really were the one for Jess, you soon became one of the most important people in her life
Believe it or not, Jessica is the biggest softie for the ones she loves,,, there’s not a hint of the ‘Ice Princess’ persona she’s built for herself, she’s just a sweetheart who wants to be loved as much as she loves you
dates with Jessica are either super duper fancy and glitzed out to the max, or really chill and casual at home, there’s really no in between
Jessica tends to go all out on anniversaries and birthdays, booking the most expensive restaurants and doing her best to make the whole night as perfect as possible
every time you go on these fancy dates, your heart almost yeets out of your chest when she comes to take you out, unable to keep your jaw from dropping at how gorgeous she looks
to be honest, Jessica doesn’t even need to dress up at all for you to be awed by her beauty
just waking up every morning and turning over, the sunlight coming through the blinds and lighting her face up as she gives you a sleepy smile
She isn’t a huge fan of PDA,,, unless someone tries to flirt with you or is looking at you in way that Jess doesn’t like, her hand will be grabbing yours 
otherwise, she likes to keep her affectionate side for when you’re in private,,, she can’t have the whole of South Korea knowing that the Ice Queen Jessica is secretly a cuddly bear in the confines of her own home
Sometimes Jessica blows up your phone, calling and texting and begging you to come over because it’s an emergency..... girlie just wants you to learn a new tiktok dance with her jsdfkdf
so after 943754 videos and retakes of you and Jess dancing to ‘savage’ at her apartment, you both end up being sweaty messes, sitting on the ground and giggling at your failed attempts at become the new members of the hype house
Whenever Jessica has to go on trips she takes you with her, being away from you is a big no no, especially work trips where she tends to get a little bit stressed
whenever she gets upset of frustrated over things, all she has to do is melt into your arms and it’s like her stress just evaporates
even when it seems like the world is falling around her, as soon as she talks to you and lets you calm her down, you always know how to pick up the pieces and put her mind at ease
shopping trips!! Even if you ask her not to, Jessica can’t help but want to spoil you every time you go out, slipping a little bit of this and that into her basket to treat you with later
..the struggle of understanding Jess’s shopping habits will never get easier like she will just stroll into a shop and leave with 4 new Chanel bags without even being phased
you walk into her closet and you’re like?? Why do you have 17 pairs of the same shoes?? Which is always followed by a lecture from Jessica on why each pair is different, and a double lecture if Krystal’s with her sdfds
getting wine drunk and planning your future together in your living room, sharing messy kisses and giggling as Jess tucks into your side, feeling lovestruck while simultaneously trying not to spill her wine onto your carpet
100% wants to be your wife in the future, and solidifies that with promise rings as soon as she feels you’re both ready
she knows you’re the one for her,, and with Krystal’s approval,, she knows that your relationship isn’t just a fleeting moment, but a true love that is going to last for years to come
Every summer you head to America, staying in a little lodge near the beach for a few peaceful weeks with Jessica
you get to go on the beach every day, walking hand in hand as Jess runs away from the waves every time they wash up,, and you eventually convincing her to come swim with you after a couple of days of begging
she loves cooking for you, and often times when you don’t get to go out for dates you stay home and cook together, putting on your guys’ kitchen playlist and being all cutesy with matching (couture) aprons and an endless amount of backhugs
buying a house together!!! it would be the perfect blend of both yours and Jessica’s tastes, and not a single detail would be left unplanned
y’all would probably have the coolest things like a fricking jukebox and the biggest shower you’d ever seen in your life
Jessica loves when you wear her clothes, whether it’s her own personal stuff or you showing up decked head to toe in Blanc & Eclare hehe,, it makes her so happy to see you supporting her brand that she works so hard at
Overall just the most loving, thoughtful girl that would go to the ends of the earth to show how much she loves you, and wants nothing in return except your love and affection :’]
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NSFW From Here:
A top let’s be real here I mean
Miss Jessica over here does not take kindly to disobedience and will not hesitate to punish you if she needs to 
Has often come home from a long day at work and grabbed the closest thing near her, (usually a tie or something) and fucks you until you’re begging for Jessica to untie you and let you pleasure her instead
always comes home with “gifts”, aka pretty little lingerie that Jessie wants you to try on so she can spoil her baby girl all night long
would not be opposed to being called mommy
she loves taking care of you, kissing softly all over your skin until she gets between your thighs, your legs already shaking from the endless foreplay Jessica insists on
she isn’t huge on leaving visible hickeys unless it’s jealous sex, then expect every bit of skin she can get to will be marked up by Jess
On your birthday, you came home to find Jessica on the bed, legs spread and dressed up in lace, just waiting for you to come and claim your special birthday prize ;)
Whenever she’s stressed, all you have to do is let her ride your face until she can’t anymore, your face covered in her juices, happy to help Jessica relieve her stress and worries
If you ever send her nudes while she’s at work, Jessica will open them, looking through each one without showing even a tiny flicker of emotion on her face
you’d just never be able to tell that in her mind she was imagining all that she’s going to do to you when she gets home, her thoughts leaving an uncomfortable ache between her legs as she tries her best to focus back in on her work meeting
Jessica doesn’t like to use toys that much, she prefers to be the one fucking you, her ego inflating every time a whiny moan of her name leaves your lips
the kind of girl to make a joke that’s like “What do you want for dinner Jess?” and she’s like “You ofc” and then she ends up just eating you out on the kitchen counter
showering together afterwards which most definitely is less aftercare and more Jessica forgetting how tired she was and making you go another round
Her duality really scares you, she could be drilling you into the mattress one minute,, then going so slow and whispering how much she loves you into your ear the next
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
Hi, can you talk a little bit about naruto’s dark, controlling and possessive side? Or if you already wrote about it, link me the post? Thankss
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I mentioned something here, here and probably there is smth in this tag. 
And like I said countless times since you guys just don’t care about other ppl, if you write n*ruto’s name entirely it will show up in the search pages and I am fed up with raging SN/SN.S/Nar stans bitching at me.
Sorry (nope, not sorry) to break someone’s bubble but Nar is not a happy ball of sunshine and he’s not selfless. 
He was neglected as a child, totally abandoned to himself with some money each month and an apartment he was supposed to clean and manage all alone. He was shunned or treated like sh*t by villagers and classmates alike, his only ‘parent’ was Iruka who couldn’t be with him always, and his idea of friendship, family, everything was twisted, cause try living all by yourself since you’re a child and you have no idea of why ppl hate you and avoid you. Of course he saw the Hokage as this big authority figure that everyone respects and ‘loves’ in his child mind, and of course he wanted to be Hokage so that ppl would finally respect and ‘love’ him. His idea of love is obviously screwed, and it’s a mix of respect, aknowledgement, deference.
He doesn’t have a sense of equality because he never learned what equality is. He was below everyone else being shunned and hated, and his role model was above everyone else, where he aspired to be.
He started to make friends and he’s all about comrades, yes, like all shounen protagonists. But it’s always him reaching out to them, him protecting them, him changing their minds about something (or about himself), him obtaining their admiration and respect from an initial situation of being the opposite, being considered a good for nothing and a loser.
Sasuke is considered the opposite since the beginning, he’s a good student and shinobi, he’s left all alone too and nothing is shown of his alone life but from the little things we see he learned to manage himself and the house better, he didn’t care about people probably talking behind his back about the massacre, and he obtained a good reputation in the academy, so the story starts with him in a different situation. And Nar considers him a rival, he’s clearly jealous of the ‘success’ he has, not realizing that he’s alone too. Because Nar is not empathic at all, and his child self is even less, being a child with clear difficulties in processing things, which makes sense since he had no education basically. He just sees external signs of adjustment and ‘success’ which is what he wants, so he ‘hates’ Sasuke and he provokes him all the time. They become rivals, then comrades (and rivals), then friends, but it’s always Sasuke who, despite his aloof personality, shows positive signs, first hand feeding him, then defending him against Sak*ra, then shielding him and many other little things while Nar is always overreacting or doing questionable, not to say bad things (like attacking him and tying him up to meet Sak*ra) to him.
Nar’s lack of empathy can be seen after the inn scene, cause instead of being I won’t even say supportive but, not irritating, he mocks Sasuke who just woke up after Tsukuyomi, provoking him so that Sasuke, already (re)traumatized and feeling worthless towards both his brother and Naru, challenges him. Right after waking up from a coma, basically. And ofc Nar doesn’t hold back.
When Sasuke leaves in part 1 Nar is enraged, ofc, and he reacts violently, even their fight is very violent, and ofc it is being a fight, but Nar is really really brutal, feral I’d say, and possessive, trying to bring him back. I don’t remember their fight well but if I’m not mistaken that’s when he first threatens Sasuke to break all his bones?
Then Sasuke leaves and Nar starts his own “sad boy missing his ‘best friend’ drama” and all the fandom is uwu look at him so sensitive, but he’s being abstract there, while when he faces Sasuke direcly or indirectly he’s different, more direct and not sentimental. As expected of a badass fighter, cause that’s what he is, that’s what everyone is in the story. when in part 2 Orochimaru calls Sasuke ‘his’ he goes berserk, and his search for Sasuke becomes even more obsessive, to the point of claiming that if they’ll fight they’ll both die and theyll be ok in the afterlife...this is kinda poetic but also creepy af. It’s stalker material tbh. Also because in that moment Sasuke just ‘killed’ Danzo, he’s exhausted, visibly blind, especially after fighting Kakashi, whose fight clearly took his toll on him (He avoided Sak*ra’s pathetic attempt to kill him but that was easy). Nar has all his energies and he’s stronger physically anyway having more stamina and kyuubi’s chakra. But he’s ready to fight him, even tho he gives a speech because ofc. too bad that Sasuke doesn’t fall for it cause he has his own personality and his own goals, which for Nar is unacceptable cause everyone must be on his side, especially the one he wants.
Sasuke remains on his own side until Itachi does his thing and bla bla bla, Itachi first is brougth close to Nar which was interesting to watch but also a huge narrative move to bring Sasuke to his side as well, getting to fight alongside his beloved brother and wanting to understand him and his ideal of protecting Konoha thus summoning Orochimaru, the 4 Hokage and deciding to join the battlefield. Then they fight together and even then it’s Sasuke who accepts Naru’s lead, not the other way round because Nar would never obey anyone who’s not himself especially he wouldn’t obey someone he wants to possess, metaphorically (but if you like also literally).
When the battle is over and their battle starts he shows his true colors. He’s no longer the one wanting to die with his ‘friend’, he’s a leader wanting Sasuke, his ‘friend’ who in his eyes took the wrong road, to get back to the village, because Konoha is HIS concept of happiness. In fact, Sasuke in Konoha is Nar’s concept of happiness. And to obtain it he uses every method, not just a good ol’ fight, the more brutal the better. In fact their last fight has a different vibe, it’s Sasuke the one who’s more stressed and emotional, he’s drained, completely, cause he wants his revolution and he wants to change the world to make him like Itachi dreamed of, and he needs to eliminate Nar for it, he doesn’t want to eliminate him but he needs to and he clearly explains him why in the beginning of the fight. The way he fights is desperate.
Nar instead is calm, his emotions are under control, he fights with his hands but also with mind techniques because he manipulates Sasuke all the time: he tells him that he didn’t understand his own brother (implying that he did it better. That he, who interacted with Edo Tensei Itachi for a couple of hours, understands him better than the brother who basically worships him!), that everything he believes is wrong, that he knows what’s best for him (which is interestingly exactly what he wanted in life, what a coincidence). And it works, cause Sasuke admits his own defeat, and, later, he is further brainwashed and guilt tripped, jailed and submitted until he’s a perfect Konoha dog. Even in his Shinden episodes he’s away but loyal and guilt ridden for his actions. He became Naru’s watchdog, his most loyal servant. Not his equal. He fulfilled Naru’s wish for him.
And, in case someone’s still not enraged because Hawk how dare you shit on their amazing bond?  shocking huh? yeah I write what I think and I am very interested in their bond actually, since it’s a dark unhealthy one, completely unbalanced, just like I’m interested in Nar very much when he’s not idealized, cause he’s much more complex and interesting with his dark side.
Every episode shows Nar’s lack of care and empathy, his inner violence and selfishness, but they also are justified somehow. I can understand why, since his childhood made him self-centered and lacking the ability to interact with people on an equal basis, basically he never grew up for real, he acted like a grown up person but he remained a child inside, a possessive child who wants something and then discards it. And it shows whenever he ‘saves’ someone with his TnJ, this someone becomes his ‘friend’, loyal to him forever, and he moves on to ‘save’ someone else, all the while having Sasuke as his ultimate goal. Too bad that after he saves him too, he discards him as well. Not as much as the other cause Sasuke is special to him, but not as an equal either. I won’t mention the jail moment while Naru is basking in his popularity cause some don’t see it as canon, but when in the manga Sasuke is leaving Konoha and stumbles on Nar he says he didn’t think the other would come greet him. This shows how their relationship isn’t so amazing, since one would imagine that Nar would be 24/7 with Sasuke after he comes back.
So, all these moments show a clear picture of him as a possessive and selfish person who only ‘cares’ about ppl because he wants to be ‘loved’ (=admired and respected and aknowledged as the best) by said ppl, and whose ‘love’ for Sasuke is possessive and obsessive to an extreme point, a desire to be aknowledged and respected but also to submit the one whom he most ‘loves’, because there is no equality in the way Nar sees himself and the rest of the world, including ‘his’ ‘best friend’.
(btw if someone disagrees, keep it for yourself, I don’t give a damn about discussing with you)
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bipirate · 3 years
Hard agree about the lack of JYL in the book, she was clearly there as a plot device and not a character on her own right! CQL has less time to tell the story, but they still decided that they’ll try to use it to give more screen time to women but Mianmian’s role totally deserved to be developed more. And LWJ + wlw, too, so, so much!! Young LWJ’s arc in CQL was all about that terrible gay loneliness you feel when you are born in a homophobic, conservative family and society so you think you’ll1
never find someone to love and worse that even if you do, you’ll never be able to even tell them to say nothing of living with them (and LWJ has the issue of his social position as a heir) My heart really ached for him to get at least a single LGBT friend during his teens or when WWX was dead. I still get flashbacks of that drunk scene where he says that he’ll never get married anyway with that terribly raw, hurt but resigned face, and then how full of hope he’s meeting XXC and SL and realizing there is a way for him to be happy in the future in that society and how crestfallen he’s after their death to the point of drinking alcohol of his own will. 
Even with censorship, CQL was still closer to my wlw experience than MDZS lol. That epilogue too is like 100% proof that MXTX isn’t LGBT like some fans try to claim! Small children don’t get scarred of and react with hostility to gay people kissing bc they were still not taught by society that gay people are Bad and Weird bc this is a learned attitude, but for MXTX, homophobia is apparently some kind of natural instinct that even human babies are born with, and ofc she had to have a scene framing gay people’s existence as disgusting and shocking and not in a positive way like idk LQY’s daughter asking her why 2 men are kissing and LQY answering that it’s bc they love and care for each other. Never got what kind of kick danmei or BL authors were getting out of subjecting their gay characters to gratuitous homophobic abuse.
god i have so many feelings about teenage lwj... while i don’t know if lwj’s family/the cloud recesses are in fact conservative or homophobic, it’s clear that he doesn’t feel comfortable exactly and struggles with being lonely and isolated. i don’t think he has internalized homophobia like i’ve read in some fics, i think he just mostly struggles with connecting to other people, whether it’s because of his sexuality or being neurodivergent or both (or him being trans.... because i think he’s trans...). i just love him very much and i think it would have been great if someone like mianmian could have been his friend during that time. he also clearly struggles with his feelings for wwx during this time and although i don’t think he would talk about that a lot, having a friend who understands him would have been very good for him i think. 
and i love the idea of him growing more into himself and becoming someone other people can lean on, especially during wwx’s death. the idea of lwj travelling and meeting other people like him and forming a community around him that he can depend on but also lend his support to is so fucking good to me. just imagine him talking to an older gay man about losing the love of his life. helping a young lesbian disciple write a song for her first crush. advising a young trans boy through the first steps of transitioning. perhaps even organizing small community events. continuing to do all these things post-canon with wwx by his side and introducing wwx to all the struggling bi kids. perhaps even... meeting song lan on the road again - perhaps they are now a step closer to repairing xxc’s spirit? now that’s better material for a post-canon epilogue than mxtx could have ever come up with! none of that weird homophobia here, just love and healing 
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brandyllyn · 3 years
In our own image... (22)
Chapter 22
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Other chapters... My Masterlist
Word count: 2100. Read it on AO3.
Rating: Teen & Up (PG) references to mind control.
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This was not good.
Kina glanced over at the half naked man sitting on the bench inside the Millennium Falcon. Someone had handed him a shirt after he sat down, but he was holding it loose in his fingers, his face turned to her and his lips parted.
"What’s wrong with him?" Finn asked, sitting across from the man, his elbows on his knees. Poe didn’t pay him any mind.
"He’s been like this since we found him…" Rey looked at Kina. "Well, after he fell to his knees at the sight of Kina."
Kina rubbed the bridge of her nose between two fingers, squeezing her eyes shut. She felt a hand take hers and opened her eyes to see Poe looking up at her in adoration.
"How can I serve you?"
Finn jerked his head back, blinking. "What did he just say?"
Kina groaned, not bothering to take her hand back. She’d tried several times already but every time she did he just found it again. "You heard him," she whistled.
"I know what I heard, I just don’t believe that I heard it," Finn replied.
Poe’s hand stroked hers and Kina resisted the urge to crawl into his lap and let him touch her everywhere. Chasī, she had missed him. Missed his face and his touch and his smile. Missed the little creases across his forehead and the indentation on the tip of his nose.
But this… this wasn’t how she wanted him. This man looked like Poe Dameron, but the things that made him him… they weren’t there. His eyes were blank, adoring yes, but with no thought behind them other than pleasing her.
"Fix him," Finn broke into her thoughts with an earnest plea.
"I’m not sure I know how," she replied, gently extricating her hand from Poe’s. The man wilted, eyes going wide and sad as she pulled away and she relented instantly, stepping closer and sinking her fingers into his hair. The moan he let out was lewd, practically sexual, and Kina’s eyes went wide as she shot an apologetic look at Rey and Finn. Small mercy, at least, Chewie was preparing the ship to take off.
"Well this can’t go on," Rey gestured at Poe.
"I know," Kina shot back. "I’m thinking."
"Be nice." K-0, ever helpful, bumped into Rey’s feet.
BB-8 had been hanging back, eyeing Poe doubtfully when the man was led onboard and hiding behind a chair during the conversation. They came out now, spinning in place a few feet away. "Friend Poe?"
Poe glanced at the droid, the first thing he had bothered to acknowledge besides Kina, but his eyes quickly went back to her. "Tell me how to serve you."
"Ok first, stop with that," Kina whistled. Poe continued to stare at her.
"Huh," Finn grunted, cocking his head.
Kina tilted her head as well. "Poe if you want to serve me walk over there." He didn’t move, just leaned into her hand.
Rey’s eyes narrowed, "Why isn’t he…?"
"I don’t know," Kina whistled. "Say something to him."
"Poe," Rey started, "Kina wants you to move over by me."
He was gone instantly, standing next to Rey and blinking back at Kina with a hopeful look.
"Those bitches," Kina whistled lowly.
"What?" Finn asked, eyes darting between Kina, Rey and Poe.
"Whatever they did - it’s tied to the Chasīar. And to our sounds. He sees me as his mistress, but he can’t hear me." Kina crossed her arms, frowning. "That’s going to make this more harder." She paused, tapping at her cuff with a sigh. "More complicated."
"How so?" Rey held a hand out to hold Poe back when he tried to return to Kina’s side.
"Well, the main problem is I don’t know what Song they used. Other than it being one of the Forbidden ones. But two, even if I did there’s no way for me to break it. As far as Poe is concerned I’m mute. I was thinking of just ordering him to be normal."
"Do you think that would have worked?" Rey asked.
Kina shrugged, "I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter because I can’t talk to him."
"So what, we figure out the song and then find someone else who can do it?"
Kina looked at Finn, "Where? My planet was destroyed. The only ones of my people who travel are the ones who are either on a mission like the singer to the trees, or those who have chosen Forbidden paths. I’m not sure how we find the first, and we definitely do not want to find the second."
"What about you?" Rey asked quietly, hand still pressed to Poe’s chest. "Which are you?"
Kina sighed, sitting on the bench. "I’m nobody. When they took my voice they took who I was. I was asked, not very politely, to leave."
Poe finally had had enough, pushing past Rey and falling to his knees beside Kina. She leaned forward with a heavy sigh, burying her face in her hands. Poe’s arm snuck behind her, holding her waist while he rested his head on her thigh.
"He’s going to be so mad when he wakes up," Finn pointed out.
"Could be worse," Rey said, slipping onto the bench next to him. "He could be under adoration mind control to you."
"Ha ha ha," Finn bit out sarcastically. "Okay, so Plan A is find another Chasinian. Is there a Plan B?"
Kina looked up at him through her fingers, shrugging. "I’ve heard that very strong overriding emotions can sometimes break a Song’s effect."
"Like what?" Rey asked.
"Like love," Kina supplied, "or hatred."
Rey raised an eyebrow at her, then looked down at Poe. Kina quickly shook her head. "We were together for a month Rey, we care for each other but it’s definitely not going to be the depth of feeling for something like this." She looked at the man wrapped around her waist, "Besides, anything I might be able to do has been tainted. Whatever Song they used I’ve become the focus of it. His love for me is the problem not the solution. Does he hate anyone?"
"Kylo Ren," Finn and Rey said at the same time.
"Hux," Finn offered immediately after.
"Anyone in the First Order," Chewie supplied as he walked in and stood next to the table. "Apologies, I only overheard the last part. We need to find someone that Dameron hates?"
"Or loves," Rey offered.
"Leia Organa," Chewbacca said with a tilt of his head and Rey and Kina turned to look at him. Chewie shrugged, "There is love there, of what type I cannot name, but there is love."
Kina made a face before sighing, "It’s the only thing I can think of, and where we’re heading anyway." At Finn’s confused look Kina explained, "New Plan A, we’ll go back to base, see if Leia can help."
But that meant two and a half days of this. Two and a half days on the Falcon while they journeyed back to Ajan Kloss on the hope that somehow putting him and Leia in the same room would break whatever Song had claimed him. In the meantime…
"Can someone tell him I want him to put on a shirt?"
Rey huffed a laugh at that and Finn held up the discarded shirt Poe had left behind. "Hey pal, your mistress wants you to put this on."
Kina glared at him, "Can we not use that term? It’s bad enough hearing it from him." Poe’s hand was already reaching out, slipping the shirt over his head and then leaning back against her legs.
"Wonder what else we could get him to do…" Finn mused out loud and both Rey and Kina looked at him in shock. But it was Chewie who leapt to Poe’s defense first.
"You will not take advantage of Dameron, are we clear?"
Finn jerked away from the Wookie eyes wide. "I don’t know what he just said but I’m going to guess it was 'no messing with Poe,' am I right?" Chewie grunted and both Kina and Rey nodded. "He’d do it to me if the situation was reversed," Finn grumbled.
Rey rolled her eyes. "No he wouldn’t. He might joke about it. But he’d never do it."
Finn gave Poe a soft smile. "No, he wouldn’t, would he?"
Dinner went fine, once Kina coaxed Poe to sit next to her rather on the floor. But then they had to deal with the fact that he kept trying to feed her. Eventually, Kina had to move across the table - hooking one foot around his ankle to maintain contact but staying out of reach of his hands.
The Falcon had two sleeping berths, each with a set of triple bunks. Kina and Rey had been sharing one, Finn and Chewie the other. After dinner Kina led Poe to the second, gently pushing him inside and pointing at the empty lowest bunk.
"You sleep there. Okay?"
Poe looked from her to where she was pointing. "I cannot be without you mistress." His plaintive voice made her heart break but she shook her head.
"No. This is where you sleep. You’ll be fine." She pointed at the bunk again and pushed him into it, tucking his feet inside. "Stay," she pointed, staring into his eyes, willing him to understand her.
He nodded, looking worried, and she backed out of the room, turning on a low light inside and punching the pad to shut the door. When she returned to the common area three sets of eyes and two photoreceptors turned to her.
BB-8 was the first to speak. "Is Friend Poe going to be okay?"
Kina sank to sit in front of the droid. "I genuinely don’t know buddy. I hope so."
They spun in place. "He did not recognize me."
"He didn’t recognize any of us," Rey said reassuringly. "It’s not just you Beebs."
BB-8 wobbled a little and Kina pulled the droid into a hug. "We’re gonna do what we can, okay? I promise we won’t give up on him."
The droid leaned their full weight into her and Kina held them until they were ready for her to let go. How anyone could spend time with someone like BB-8 and not think that droids were feeling, caring people…
That was a thought for another day. Finn and Chewbacca were saying their goodnights, heading to the bunk with Poe. Rey tapped her shoulder and Kina took the offered hand, rising to her feet and joining Rey in the other berth.
"What happens if we can’t fix this?" Rey asked once they were both settled.
"I’m trying really hard not to think about that," Kina replied. She heard Rey sigh and shift in the bunk above her. She wasn’t sure how long the other woman stayed awake but for herself, it was a long time before she felt sleep overtake her.
Unfortunately, Kina had barely managed to drift off when she was awoken by a tapping at the door. "What the..?"
Above her she heard Rey grunt and felt the bed shift as the woman sat up. "Come in," she called.
Finn and Chewie stood in the doorway, holding a distraught Poe between them. Kina was on her feet in a heartbeat, reaching a hand out and they released him into her arms.
"I tried mistress," he muttered into her neck, arms wrapping around her. "I tried."
"What happened?" Rey asked, landing lightly on the floor.
"He started yelling," Finn told them, brows drawn together. "He was thrashing around, sounded like he was in pain."
"I tried," Poe said again, his breath hot on her skin.
Kina shared a look with Rey and the woman nodded, shuffling the two men out of the berth. "Call out if you need anything?" Rey asked, just outside of the doors.
"I will," Kina told her. When the doors closed she was left in darkness with Poe. Grunting, she pushed him away, searching for the light on the wall. The dim orange glow cast him in shadows.
"I tried," he said again, voice worried.
"I know," she stroked his face, knowing he couldn’t understand her but hoping the gesture would get through to him. "I know you did."
She guided him into the lowest bunk, the one below hers. He sank into it gratefully and she slid into the one above it with a sigh. Laying on her stomach, she let her arm hang over the side. Poe’s hand instantly found hers, his fingers interlacing with her own.
"Thank you mistress," he said quietly.
"We’re going to fix this Poe." Kina blinked back a tear and squeezed his hand. "I promise."
Chpt 23
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thestayway90 · 4 years
Unexpected Attachment: Chapter 2 (SKZ Imagine)
Author: thestayway90
WC: 2802
Warnings: None
Characters: Stray Kids OT8, OFC/Reader, Josh (OFC/Reader’s Brother)
Relationships: Eventual OFC/Reader x Felix
Summary: Fluffy goodness! OFC/Reader meets the rest of the kids and ends up on a lunch with all OT8. A bit of one-to-one time with Felix UWU
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Heres chapter two... its still going slow I know... we’ll get there eventually!!!
Also I’m so soft for Felix and Changbin and I think it shows... sorry in advance :|
I’d love any and all feedback you have please pretty please <3
Enjoy :)
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Shocked, dripping in coffee and still holding onto your phone in one hand, you looked up to see the most attractive boy you had ever laid eyes on, looking down at his once white shirt now drenched in brown liquid.
“Weelll...” he drew out in a familiar accented English. “That was well done.” His dark eyes met yours and you were thankful when he flashed a wide smile your way, as he didn’t seem to be taking your attack too personally.
“Oh god! I am so so sorry!” You started stuttering, hands automatically reaching out to wipe at his shirt before realising touching a complete stranger after dumping an entire coffee on him was probably not a good idea.
“Eh, it happens,” he shrugged, really not seeming too concerned, which made you wonder how often it happened to the poor boy.
He cocked his head to the side and examined you quizzically. “You sound Australian?” he commented questioningly.
“So do you,” you answered unhelpfully.
Your answer made him smile even wider, bright eyes flashing with mirth. “Are you related to Josh by any chance?”
“Brother,” you admitted, hoping your clumsiness wouldn’t affect Josh’s work as you realised you recognised the boy in front of you.
You weren’t a huge k-pop fan and weren’t familiar with many of the groups but you had done a little research on the boy band your brother had been promoted to Managing and the boy standing in front of you had been the one who had definitely stood out.
“I’m Felix,” the guy finally said, that wide infectious smile still gracing his lips. “I’ve got some clothes that you can change into,” he kindly offered, gesturing to your own ruined shirt.
You crossed your arms self consciously. “I feel like I should be offering you a change of clothes, since it was my fault, but unfortunately I don’t have any.”
Felix let out a low laugh and indicated for you to follow him back into the elevator you had just exited.
He led you into a room full of lockers and benches, reminiscent of the room that sports players used in schools. Showers and toilets lined one wall while a bank of mirrors lined another to the right.
Felix immediately crossed over to a locker, entering the combination before opening the metal door and rummaging inside. You stood awkwardly, nervous fingers plucking at the hem of your soaked shirt, the sticky fabric feeling uncomfortable against your skin.
“Ah ha,” the silver haired boy exclaimed, whipping out two identical black oversized shirts and turning back to you.
He looked down at the fabric in his hands and then held one out, shrugging his shoulders as he said, “I like the colour black!”
You smiled, chuckling a little at his shy smile. “I never would have guessed,” you teased slightly, as you took the shirt out of his fingers.
You headed for one of the toilet cubicles, quickly shucking out of your ruined shirt and sliding Felix’s tee over your head.
You were emerging from the cubicle, still adjusting the too big shirt, trying to decide whether to tuck it in at the front or not, when three other boys entered the room stopping in their tracks when they took in Felix still tugging a top over his head and you looking extremely disheveled.
“Ah, what is going on here?” One of the boys with long blonde hair questioned in Korean, one eyebrow raised suggestively.
The tall blue haired boy next to the blonde was standing speechless, mouth open in shock, eyes flicking backwards and forwards.
The third and final boy, who had the beauty of a carved sculpture, smirked lopsidedly, mischief evident on his pretty face as he uttered, “Having fun, Lixie?”
You blushed at the comment, cheeks staining a bright red, but Felix just gave an easy unbothered laugh, finishing pulling his shirt down.
“It’s not what you think!” You stuttered out in awful Korean to the newcomers.
Felix turned to you, eyebrows lifted. “Ah, so you do speak Korean!” He sounded delighted by the discovery.
The sculpted boy snorted. “I’m not sure that counts as speaking Korean!”
“Lee Know Hyung!” The blonde next to him scolded, hitting his elder lightly on the shoulder.
“What?” Lee Know sounded genuinely confused, “It’s true.”
“Yes, but you don’t say it,” Felix sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“It’s okay, he’s right. I’m rubbish at speaking Korean,” you told the boy closest to you, fingers worrying at the bottom of your shirt.
The blonde’s face lit up as he heard your English, stepping forward and saying excitably. “You are Aussie, yes?”
You nodded in reply, amused when he grabbed your hands and squeezed them tightly. “I am Hyunjin. This is I.N.” The tall cutie next to him beamed a huge smile your way, waving with one hand. “And that’s Lee Know.” Lee Know gave a simple nod of acknowledgment before turning back to Felix.
“So what were you two doing in here?” He questioned, eyes staring into the younger’s intensely.
Felix returned the look with his signature easy smile, completely unruffled by the elders implications. “We had an unfortunate incident with coffee!” He explained, drawing understanding nods and ahhh’s of sympathy with his words, again making you question how often accidents involving coffee occurred.
As if it couldn’t get any more embarrassing, the door once again opened and Josh walked in accompanied by yet another good looking k-pop idol.
“Ah, what’s going on? I thought you were leaving?” Josh directed the last question at you, confusion clouding his features.
“She tipped coffee all over Felix,” Lee Know told him casually, his eyes telling how much he was enjoying the situation.
“Why did you do that?” The boy with Josh asked you in a genuinely curious tone.
“It’s not like I planned to trip and spill coffee all over him. Its just the way of my people…” you paused and then continued. “And by people I mean those who are extremely clumsy and uncoordinated.”
This elicited laughs out of everyone present and the unfamiliar boy aimed a charismatic smile your way, stating, “Oh, so you and Felix are part of the same people then!”
The new boy flashed a sly look towards Felix who immediately launched himself at the mischief-maker, getting the younger into a headlock and teasingly tickling him.
You laughed as the other boys got involved, feeling like your cheeks were about to split from how wide you were smiling,
Slowly the chaos calmed down with help from Josh, who’s resigned expression told you that this type of bedlam was a normal occurrence.
“Okay, okay, settle down.” Josh waved his hands around as Felix and the other boy separated, patting each other on the back good-naturedly, obviously no hard feelings between them.
“I’m Seungmin by the way,” the boy introduced himself in almost perfect English.
“We were just coming to grab the kids for lunch. You want to come with?” Josh asked you, eyebrows raised, not wanting to put you on the spot but eager for you to join them.
You glanced round at the boys surrounding you, eyes resting on Felix and Hyunjin who were both nodding enthusiastically.
You shrugged in reply. “Sure, why not. I’ve already missed my afternoon class anyways!”
Hyunjin very kindly held the door open for you as the boys piled out into the hallway, loudly talking and teasing one another.
You met up with 3Racha by the elevator, the three boys still discussing music as they patiently waited for the rest of their team to arrive.
They looked surprised but pleased when they spotted you amongst their members, Chan immediately claiming a spot next to you so he could talk about your life back in Australia while you all walked to a nearby restaurant.
The kids were obviously regulars to the eatery, the staff greeting them by name and seating you all in a secluded spot right at the back where the boys antics wouldn’t disturb other customers.
You found yourself sandwiched in between Chan and Han with Josh at the head of the table to Chan’s right and Felix and Changbin seated comfortably across from you. The rest of the boys spread around the left side of the table, talking at a rapid pace and bickering with each other.
While the others discussed what to order you asked Chan to choose for you, not familiar with the Korean Menu.
You sat back, watching silently as you enjoyed the atmosphere the charismatic boys created around you. You glanced over to Josh, who was deep in conversation with Chan, arms waving passionately over what they were saying in such rapid Korean that you struggled to keep up.
“How are you enjoying Seoul?” a soft question came from the opposite side of the table, your eyes meeting Changbin’s intense gaze as he leaned towards you.
You considered your words for a moment then replied. “It’s very different to where I grew up, I’m not used to living in the middle of a large city, but I’m really loving it. I love being able to walk to almost everything and the city is so beautiful, especially at night. I also love the people here. They’re so friendly and helpful, even when I’m struggling to communicate with them, most are super patient with me, which I appreciate.” You finished, realising you probably talked way too much, twisting your hands in your lap.
“It is beautiful,” Felix agreed happily. “We should take you down to the waterway at night one day. It’s absolutely breath taking.” He bumped Changbin’s shoulder with his, including his hyung in the outing.
“That would be amazing,” you immediately perked up at his words, beaming across at the pair.
“It’s a date then,” Changbin commented, smiling mischievously, trying to make you blush with some success.
Luckily you were saved from more teasing by Han capturing your attention, the sweet boy firing questions at you, one after another, making you struggle to keep up. Felix and Changbin still had their attention on you, curious about your answers to Han’s more personal questions.
Once the food arrived it was a brief tussle of hands and elbows as everyone helped themselves to the large dishes in the middle of the table. You thanked Chan profusely as he grabbed a plateful of various goodies and then placed it in front of you to sample, the kind boy merely waving your gratitude off, saying he didn’t want you to accidentally get knocked out by an errant elbow.
A sudden silence fell over the table as everyone tucked in, the only sounds were munching and noises of appreciation. It was the most quiet you had had in several hours but somehow you still missed the noise a little. Not for long though, as the boys surrounding you once again started up their antics but now with food involved it was even more interesting (and messier) than before.
Josh and Chan managed to control the boys before a full-out food war began and you all helped tidy up the table before thanking the restaurant staff and filing out the front door.
“I really have to go home,” you sighed, as the group paused outside on the sidewalk. “Thank you so much for today guys. I had a lot of fun!” You told them, genuinely thankful for them taking you under their wing.
“You’re welcome to hang out with us anytime,” Chan said, wrapping his arms around you in a surprising but much appreciated hug. The rest of the boys parroted the sentiment making you promise to come visit them.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Josh asked worriedly as he enveloped you in a tight hug.
“No, I’ll be fine Josh.” You pulled back and gave your overprotective brother a hard stare. “You’ve got work to go and do.”
Felix cleared his throat behind you, grabbing your attention. “Ah, I’m actually heading back home now anyways. I’d be honoured if you’d walk with me. I believe your apartment is near our dorm, Josh mentioned it at one point.” The sweet silver haired boy looked over to Josh who gave a nod of confirmation.
You stared at Felix, wondering whether to take the offer or not. Your eyes met with Josh’s who gave you an encouraging nod of his head and you knew that he would worry less if you had someone accompanying you home in the still unfamiliar city.
“Thank you Felix. That would be great,” you told the petite boy earning yourself another of his brilliant smiles.
You quickly finished your goodbyes with the rest of the group before heading off in the opposite direction, Felix at your side. There was silence for a while, both of you enjoying the lovely weather.
You had expected to feel nervous and awkward in the presence of the gorgeous boy beside you, but the quiet was a comfortable one. It felt like Felix was exuding effervescent energy, making you feel immediately bubbly and happy just by being in his presence.
“How long have you been in Seoul?” Felix finally asked in his deep voice, breaking the silence and fixing you with his dark eyes.
“About two months,” you told him, trying very hard not to trip over your own feet and make an embarrassment of yourself... again.
“Have you got to do much sightseeing?”
You shrugged, momentarily distracted by the smell of deep-frying Bungeo-ppang. “Not much. Josh has been super busy with work and I have classes and stuff. I was hoping to do more by myself during the mid-year break.”
Felix noticed the direction of your gaze and grinned brightly. He immediately approached the food vendor, asking for two ice-cream filled Bungeo-ppang.
“No, no, you don’t have to do that!” You protested, following behind him. “We only just ate lunch!”
“And this is dessert,” Felix twinkled, passing the fish shaped pastry over to you.
He looked around for a moment then spotted a bench overlooking a small square of garden, indicating that you should sit and eat.
You settled onto the bench, Felix sitting down next to you as you took a big bite of the Bungeo-ppang.
“Mmmh. This is amazing!” You enthused to the boy next to you, not aware of the chocolate smeared on your cheek. Felix lifted a gentle hand and wiped it away with his thumb, his touch immediately bringing a rosy tint to your cheeks.
He dropped his hand, suddenly looking self-conscious. He examined his own dessert asking, “What do you want to see most?” before taking a large bite out of the deep-fried goodness.
It took you a moment to realise he was continuing your previous conversation. You contemplated the question and then replied, “Honestly, the Ansan Jarak-Gil.”
Felix raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Hiking?” he questioned. “Out of everything here in Seoul, that’s what you want to do the most?”
You glared at him as he questioned your choice. “What’s so wrong with hiking? I happen to enjoy it!”
Felix held up his hands to ward off your indignation. “There’s nothing wrong with Hiking. I’ve actually never been to Ansan before but I’ve heard its beautiful.” He flashed you a sweet smile which immediately dissolved any irritation you felt against him.
“Shall we keep going?” He questioned once you’d both finished, standing and extending a hand out to help you stand.
You took the offered hand and let him lever you upright, continuing your walk, comfortably conversing as you led Felix towards your apartment.
Finally reaching your destination, you paused at the entrance of the apartment building, finishing your discussion.
“Thank you for walking me home,” you thanked the silver haired boy standing before you, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“You’re more than welcome. It was fun.” Felix twinkled at you, smiling widely and scrunching his nose in an adorable manner.
He leant in and gave you a tight hug, squeezing tightly for a few long moment before drawing back. “You’ll come visit us at JYP, yeah?” He asked, expectant eyes trained on yours.
“If you guys don’t mind,” was your hesitant reply, not wanting to intrude on these boys who had been strangers only hours earlier.
“Of course we wouldn’t mind. We’d love to see you,” Felix said on behalf of his group members.
You smiled brightly back at him. “I promise to visit at some point then!”
“Stupendous. I look forward to it.” Felix replied, immediately happy with your assurance.
You said your goodbyes and watched as Felix started walking off in the direction of the boys dorm.
You turned and headed up into your apartment, feeling a lot lighter and happier than when you had left, the aftermath of the effervescent boys presence.
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kiarcheo · 4 years
'I’d say that we have to thank Mary for the suggestion.’ ‘I’d rather die.’ The disgust on Kat’s face makes Cathy chuckle.
The one where Kat and Mary have an interesting relationship and Parrward get together.
A/N: Mary’s portrait in this fic is positive and totally ignores her doings as a queen but if it bothers you, you can skip to the Parrward part starting with Kat waiting at the cinema: Mary is mentioned but I think you can understand what is going on without having read the first part of the fic.
With that out of the way…I’m not sure exactly what this is or where it came from, but it started with 500 words of Mary&Kat banter (actually I know where that part came from, from Hidden Stories and their dynamic in the last chapter) and then ofc Parrward had to get involved and it got out of hand and now I have almost 4000 words??
This is 1/4 Mary&Kat and 3/4 Parrward, I guess. Also can read on Ao3 as usual.
When you’re a 16th-century queen living in the 21st century, things are bound to be confusing. From language to social conventions, the changes are endless, without even talking about the technological progress. Motion sensor technology, from bells ringing when you step into a shop to doors opening themselves, still catches them by surprise, especially when things start to move or turn off and on without any prompt.
Home is an oasis of familiarity and certainty, if they don’t dwell on why they and their children had been brought back, how, or even simpler questions like why they came back aged as they had. The order from older to younger goes: Catalina, Anna, Jane, Anne, Cathy, Kat. They had tried to figure it out, of course. Was it according to their original date of birth? No, because then Anne would have been the second oldest one. Was it according to their age when they died? No, because Jane would have been younger than Anne and Cathy. Their age at the time of their marriage to Henry? Catalina and Anna, at 24 and 25, had been the youngest besides Kat, so that made no sense either. The length of their reign? Pitiful as most of them had been, Cathy and Anne would have followed Catalina. The kids at least had come back in the order of their birth: Mary is still the oldest, followed by Elizabeth, Edward, and then toddler Mae. Everyone came back younger, with the notable exceptions of Katherine and Mae who returned at the same age they were when they died. Perhaps it was possible to make them younger but not older than they had ever been in their first lives?
Just small questions to ignore, right? But once they decided that their return was the work of an inscrutable higher power and they learnt how to use modern appliances, with their shared past, knowledge and experiences, home became an oasis of familiarity and certainty in a new, confusing world.
Except for one thing. Which was actually one of most baffling matters the queens had encountered… and that they kept seeing, right in the house they shared: the relationship between Katherine Howard and Mary Tudor.
According to history books, that should have been Katherine’s most fraught relationship: unlike the first three queens, she didn’t have any issue with her predecessors or successor, Elizabeth and Edward had fond memories of her, and she had never even met little Mae. And if age had been a sore point between them – for Mary at least, who had been displeased at her father marrying someone several years younger than herself – them returning pretty much at the same age, seemed a recipe for disaster.
With time, most animosity among the queens had been squelched and scores had been settled, and the idea of them all living together had been put forward. It took a while, but they finally managed to find a suitable house to everyone’s liking. Still, being cordial during an occasional meeting was different than living together. So the queens had expected, if not explosive confrontations, at least tense interactions between the youngest queen and the oldest ‘kid’. But they never came. Instead, as they all moved in together, they were witnesses to a dynamic that they struggled to fully understand, but that seemed to work well for the two girls.
‘I think we can all agree-’
‘That I’m the ten among you threes?’ Kat interrupts her.
Mary glares at her. ‘That my father was an asshole.’
‘That too.’
Catherine raises an eyebrow at what she hears as she enters the room. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘I didn’t really mean that, you know.’
‘Just curious. Trust me, not going to defend him.’ Nobody in their house would, and she thought Kat would know it.
‘No, I mean, you’re not a three. You’re totally a ten too.’
Catalina chuckles. ‘Aren’t you charming today?’
‘You’re lucky you got your mom’s looks.’
Cathy wonders if they realise she is the kitchen and if she should make her presence known. She doesn’t particularly wish to witness their flirting either.
‘Actually, my father was quite handsome in his youth.’
‘Wouldn’t know, he was like thrice my age and twice my size when I met him.’
‘Same.’ It slips out. Not really. She had been 31 when they got married and he had been twenty years her senior.  But Cathy understands the sentiment.
Mary looks from Kat to Cathy, apparently not at all put out by her overhearing them. ‘Fair enough.’
‘No offence to Anne but divorcing your mother should have been a sign that something was wrong with him.’
Hearing her name, Anne starts to pay attention as Kat continues. ‘I would have never done it.’
‘What?’ Mary echoes Anne’s thoughts.
‘If I had been married to Catalina, I would have never divorced her. RIP Henry but I’m different.’
‘I don’t know what’s more disturbing. That you find my mom attractive or that you would have been my stepmother.’
Kat chuckles. ‘I am your stepmother.’
‘Stepbother, that’s what you are.’
‘Ehi, Mary, do you call your mom mami?’
‘Can I?’
Mary gives a saccharine smile to Jane, who is looking between her and Kat confused. ‘Jane, we’re going to need one less seat at the table today. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some murdering to do.’
‘Mary, Mary,’ Anna is ready to point out to Kat that there is no way Mary can hear her calling if she is whispering her name like that, when Kat yells. ‘MARY!’
‘You bellowed?
‘See? Call three times and she will appear; you don’t even need a mirror.’
‘I’m going to kill you.’
‘Not really helping your case.’
Anna chuckles. She doesn’t understand their relationship, but it certainly makes for some entertaining times.
The queens are in the living room when they hear the front door opening and the distinctive voices of Mary and Kat getting closer.
‘I said that objectively speaking.’
‘And then I’m going to tell her that you objectively think she is hot.’
‘Don’t you dare.’
‘Don’t be ashamed, Mary!’ Kat enters the living room, eyes on her phone. ‘Embrace the gay!’
She gets the wind knocked out of her by an unexpected hug. ‘What?’ Mary squeezes her more. ‘I’m doing as you said.’
‘Kat, are you gay?’
Everyone stops at Jane’s question.
‘Am I gay?’ Kat laughs. ‘I’m ecstatic!’
Mary can’t help to notice that Cathy is the only one chuckling at Kat’s quote.
 So. Yes. If asked about Kat and Mary’s relationship, the consensus is that they seem to live to bother each other. Mary lording being older over Kat and Kat constantly reminding Mary that she was and still is her stepmother as her marriage to Henry had never been annulled. Mary threatening bodily harm and Kat mentioning how much she likes Catalina. It’s just harmless flirting and Catalina finds it amusing as much as Mary finds it annoying. She knows perfectly well that Kat hits on her mom just to rile her up…and it works every single time.
 ‘You know, for once, you could actually focus your attention on the Catherine you actually like…’ Mary says once her mother leaves the room, eyes not leaving the sketchbook on her lap.
‘What? I do like your mom. I don’t know what you mean.’
‘Sure you don’t.’ Mary rolls her eyes. ‘You should have been Catherine with a C.’
‘What? Why?’ Kat asks genuinely confused.
‘Then your name would have fit you better.’  She raises the sketchbook to show it to her. A blank page with a single word in capital letters: C(h)oward. ‘Since you’re a coward.’
 Yet, for two people who loudly proclaim all the time that they cannot stand each other and whose contact name for the other is ‘stepbother’ (Mary claiming Kat had stolen it from her but it made no sense, Kat retorting that daughter and bother sound similar enough to make sense), they sure spend a lot of time together of their own volition.
That’s how Kat finds herself waiting outside the cinema for Mary. Who is late. Despite being the one who had wanted to see the movie – Kat still doesn’t know which one, but her and Mary have a similar enough taste that she usually trusts her choices – and had organised the outing. She looks at her phone again to check if Mary had replied to her text. Nothing. She doesn’t know why she even bothered to try since the phone didn’t buzz. She is slipping it back in her pocket when the awaited sound stops her. She opens the chat: Mary sent her the code of her ticket, telling her to start heading in. Seeing no reason for both to risk missing the movie, she does, but not before writing back that Mary better get some snacks when she arrives to make up for her lateness.  
She easily finds her assigned seat. She sits down and looks at the ticket stub again to double check. Portrait of a lady on fire. She contemplates whether looking it up online. She has never heard of it, but the way the girl at the till had smiled at her while handing her the ticket made her feel like she is missing something.
‘Look who decided to show u-’ she greets the person who just sat down next to her. ‘Cathy?’
‘Kat? Hi!’ Cathy sounds as surprised as she is to see her there. ‘I didn’t know Mary had invited you too.’
‘Yeah, she told me to go ahead and get in without waiting for her. Why?’
Kat shakes her head lightly. ‘She told me the same.’ She takes her phone out, quickly opening their chat. Her fingers hover over the screen. Should she stick with the evergreen ‘I’m going to kill you’ (she should really make a shortcut for it) or be more creative and get into details of how she is going to make her pay?
‘I feel slightly out of place.’
Kat looks at Cathy, who just juts her chin and tilts her head slightly. ‘Take a look around yourself.’ She adds very quietly.
Lots of small groups of elderly women. Or elderly couples. Kat doesn’t turn around to check the rows behind her, but from what she can see they are the youngest people in the room. Perhaps that’s the usual audience for a mid-week afternoon show?
‘It’s so nice to see some new faces!’ Apparently they are not the only ones who took notice. A lady is smiling at them, holding out a pamphlet. ‘In case you’re interested in more.’
Cathy takes it, thanking her. It’s a list of foreign movies with the details of the screenings.
‘How is your French?’
Kat takes a moment to think about it. ‘Rusty?’
She has never been as good as Anne, for obvious reasons. They had retained their language skills from the past which left her (and Jane) at disadvantage compared to the others. With five languages each, Cathy and Catalina are the polyglot queens, with the three older kids on par with them. It is actually a point of pride for the queens. They might be lacking some common general knowledge, but their household can speak English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Greek, even if some slightly antiquate forms of them at times.
Kat knows that she will never be the most well-versed in languages in their group, but it doesn’t mean she is not going to take advantage of her multi-lingual family and learn as much as she can. But lately she might have been neglecting French a bit to focus on learning Spanish. Admittedly it had started as a way to annoy Mary by talking with Catalina in what Mary considered ‘their own private language’, despite most people at the house speaking it. But then it became the gateway for a better relationship with the first queen, replacing the cordial but distant one they had before.
Anne and Jane were family and family had been everything in the past, despite how crappy she had been treated by her own blood. She still values it above most things, so it gave her an instant connection to them, despite past experiences…or perhaps thanks to them. Surprise, surprise, their extended family had not been much nicer to her cousins than they had been to her, so there was bonding over terrible families. Anna was a friendly face from the past and they almost seamlessly picked up from where they had left. And Cathy…they had an immediate and quick connection. At first it was because they were the youngest queens in this new life and also the ones who could relate the most to each other about their past one. They had to put up with the same Henry. Anna’s married experience had been short before moving onto a cordial if not friendly relationship as the ‘King’s sister’ (and besides, Kat knew she still harboured guilty feelings about her divorce opening the way for Kat’s marriage and consequent death, so she tried to avoid the topic). Jane had supposedly been ‘the only one he truly loved’. And Catalina and Anne had known a younger Henry who was, apparently, quite a different man from the one the last two queens had been saddled with.
All in all, Catalina had been the queen Kat had struggled the most to connect with, and learning Spanish helped. But not in this occasion, with a French movie about to start.
‘It should have subtitles, right?’
 The credits end. The lights come up. They remain seated. Most of the audience does, almost if shell-shocked by the movie that just ended. Cathy nudges Kat’s elbow lightly, offering a tissue. Usually Kat would make a joke about her being such a mom (she has taken care of Mae enough to know that you can never be overprepared with a toddler), but she wordlessly accepts it. They both dry their eyes.
‘I think,’ Kat croaks out, ‘this is the best movie I’ve ever seen.’
She is not an expert cinephile, it goes without saying; none of them are. But they did look for lists of iconic movies and watched them. While their usual excuse of having grown up without a tv works relatively well when they need to explain their lack of pop culture knowledge, nobody likes to feel always left out. They still have movie family nights, usually with a ‘must-watch’ title, but by now everyone just watches what they like. In Kat’s case, she tends to stick to ‘light’ movies. She doesn’t care if it’s fantasy, comedy, action, animated…she just doesn’t want to be scared or cry too much. But sometimes the crying is worth it.
‘Yeah.’ Cathy agrees. It seems like she has been left speechless too.
Both lost in their thoughts, no words are exchanged until they are out of the cinema.
‘Want to go and eat something?’
‘What about Mae?’
Cathy smiles at Kat’s thoughtfulness. ‘Everyone but us is home.’ Perks of living all together. Built-in babysitter service basically 24/7 in case of need. ‘And Jane said that even if the others go out, she will stay.’
As they sit at a Chinese restaurant nearby, the conversation returns to the movie.
‘I mean, I wished the ending was different, you know? Happy. With them together. But…the more I think, the more I understand it, I think.’ Kat says, twirling her noodles with her fork, using chopsticks a skill she has yet to master properly. ‘I get it. Marriage being unescapable. Men intruding in women’s spaces and lives ruining everything…’
‘Not like that.’ She realises what Cathy thought she was implying. ‘Just…the happiest period of my life had been the first months as Anna’s maid of honour. Just being around her and the other ladies. And then of course Henry had to ruin everything…’ Kat shakes her head as to dispel the thought. ‘What about you?’
‘I think I still need sometime to fully process the movie. But I’d say that we have to thank Mary for the suggestion.’
‘I’d rather die.’ The disgust on Kat’s face makes Cathy chuckle. ‘How did that happen, anyway?’ She has never seen Mary and Cathy spend any significant amount of time together.
‘She texted me, something about wanting to taste,’ Kat starts choking, ‘which I assume was meant to be test, the waters. We’re not as close as the others, so I thought spending time together could be good…You okay?’
Kat, still coughing, waves her concern away. ‘Just a bit too spicy.’
‘Yeah, you look flushed.’
‘I’ll pop to the loo and splash some water on my face,’ she rasps out, standing up.
Cathy follows her with her eyes, making sure that she is okay, until she disappears behind the toilet door. Then she grabs the menu, wanting to check the desserts. Her eyes fall onto the noodles section and…Kat’s dish has no red chili pepper next to it.
A vibration distracts her from her thoughts. She immediately checks her phone in case the call is about Mae, before realising it comes from Kat’s phone, ‘Stepbother’ flashing on the screen. The vibrating stops. Then starts again, this time shorter ones. Instinctively she looks at it.
A notification pops up.
* Don’t be a K(h)oward like usual *
Others follow in quick succession.
* Tell her *
* You’re not going to like the next step of my plan *
* I will get you two together *
* So you stop hitting on my mom *
* Not because I want you to be happy *
* Ofc *
 ‘So…going back to Mary,’ Cathy starts once Kat is back. ‘Do you think she did it on purpose?’
Kat looks intently at the menu, shrugging.
‘Because that would be…going to some length.’ She continues. ‘Organising. Getting two separate tickets but for seats next to each other. Paying for them…Any idea why?’
Kat sighs. ‘Any chance you’re letting this go?’
‘Any chance Mary is going to let this go?’
Kat puts her elbows on the table, closed fists against her forehead. A groan is all Cathy gets.
‘I’m sure it’s not that bad.’
Kat rubs her eyes in frustration. Cathy is starting to think she won’t get a reply when the younger girl straightens up in her chair.
She takes a visibly deep breath and rushes out ‘She has been pushing me to ask you out for…’ she hesitates, ‘some time.’
‘How long if she had decided to take matters in her hands?’ She is teasing but also genuinely curious.
‘Not like she is known for her patience.’ Kat grumbles. Looking at Cathy she can see that she is not convinced, but she is thankful that she seems to let it go. And smiling. ‘You’re not upset?’
‘Why don’t we continue this outside?’ Cathy nods towards the exit. ‘But no,’ she adds before Kat could misinterpret it. ‘I’m not upset.’
As they go towards the till to pay, Cathy tries to order her thoughts. That was not what she had been expecting from today. Kat was interested in her. It’s not like she had never thought about it. They get along very well. Besides her godmother, Kat is the queen she feels the closest too. She is great with Mae. And she is undeniably beautiful.  
‘What are thinking?’
Cathy has not even realised they had left the restaurant. ‘Wait! I didn’t pay!’ She makes to go back inside but Kat grabs her arm.
‘I took care of it.’ Kat shrugs. ‘You were clearly out of it and it’s my fault.’ She jams her hands in her pockets, eyes downcast.
‘None of that,’ she bumps against her hip, trying to get a smile. ‘I was just surprised.’
Kat peeks at her, cautiously hopeful.  
‘I didn’t think you liked me. As more than a friend.’ Cathy specifies before Kat can say anything in that regard. ‘Well, maybe sometimes? But I sort of convinced myself that it was wishful thinking.’
Kat stops walking at that. ‘What?’ She hurries to catch up with Cathy.
‘I thought you and Mary…’
‘Eww. She is like…was going to say sister but that would make it really weird to hit on her mom.’
‘That’s the other thing.’
‘You didn’t really think I fancied Catalina, did you? I mean, she is a beautiful woman, but it has always been about annoying Mary.’
‘I really don’t get your relationship.’
Kat just shrugs. She is used to hearing that.
‘Hey! I know you!’ a loud voice interrupts them. ‘This a step-daughter too?’ The man takes a step closer to Kat.
Cathy doesn’t know what possesses her, but she puts her arm around Kat’s waist. ‘Actually I’m her girlfriend and we’re on a date.’
‘Is that so?’ The man looks between them.
‘Yes.’ Kat puts her arm around Cathy’s shoulder and Cathy snuggles into her side.
‘What?’ Cathy tries to take step forward.
‘Don’t.’ Kat grasps her closer to her, keeping her still as the man walks away. ‘It’s not that.’
‘Then what was that?’ It clearly looked like that to Cathy.
‘So…sometimes when me and Mary are out, guys hit on us. Best way to shake them off? Even better than saying we’re girlfriends, since some dudes takes it as an invitation to ask for a threesome? Saying that I’m her stepmother. It tends to weird them out or at least throw them off long enough that we can get away.’
Cathy thinks about it. Mary and Kat are quite close in age and they look like it, so she can see what it would surprise people. ‘Wait…did he think…’
‘That you are Mary’s mom? That or that we’re in some role-play stuff, I guess. That’s why I stopped you from trying to beat him up.’ Kat chuckles at the idea of Cathy, who is even shorter than her, although not by much, squaring up with that guy. ‘It was not because of the gay thing. Also from the smell, he was not exactly sober. I didn’t want you to get hurt.’
‘Awww.’ Cathy coos softly. ‘Still can’t believe you and Mary do that.’
‘Don’t say it like that. You make it sound like something weird.’ Kat steps away, dropping her arm from around Cathy’s shoulder. They both immediately regret the move. ‘Besides it’s the truth. I didn’t lie.’
‘Wouldn’t want to make a liar out of you now, then.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Maybe we could make this a real date? We went to movie. We had dinner…’
‘Yes!’ Kat shouts enthusiastically. ‘Wait! No!’
‘We’re not going to have a first date organised by Mary.’ Cathy relaxes at Kat’s explanation. ‘She’s going to be unsufferable. What about tomorrow? Oh, wait. Creative writing class. Uhm…when do you prefer? I’m sure we could find someone to look after Mae.’
‘What about Wednesday?’
‘Oh, Pasta day at The Tucan! If you’d like it, I mean.’
‘It’s a date.’
They stare at each other smiling until a couple of tipsy girls walk into them.
They walk side by side, hands brushing against each other. Kat glances down after her hand knocks against Cathy’s harder than usual. ‘Can I…’ she extends her fingers, now lightly tickling the back of Cathy’s hand.
Cathy turns her hand over and takes Kat’s without saying a word. As they keep walking, she twists her hand a bit and entwines their fingers.
‘What?’ Cathy asks with a smile after hearing Kat giggling.
‘It’s just unreal.’ Kat looks at her, beaming with a giddy expression plastered on her face.
‘What? That we watched a breath-taking movie, had dinner together, agreed on a date and we’re now going back home together and all because we were set up by our shared stepdaughter?’
‘I was more thinking about holding your hand and you liking me back, but that too.’
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2ndblogg · 4 years
Hey! Just read your hot take on novel!wangxian and I absolutely agree. I'm gonna have to say here that I believe it boils down to the fetishization of homosexual men in a lot of the fandom culture that surrounds mlm shipping, as you said it's a space for a lot of women to experiment with their desires and whatnot, but I think therein lies the breaking points between reading novel!wangxian as a good, healthy relationship vs. reading it as a very flawed and toxic one. As an LGBT person, reading the way the author dealt with their relationship made me extremely uncomfortable, it just really feels like something that is written by someone who is more invested in using her queer characters for satisfying her and her reader's own pleasure than a well-built, strong relationship between two characters. Not to take away from the novel in some other aspects, I believe that novel!wwx is a much better, much more nuanced character than what he is in cql, but when it comes to wangxian, I think the intentions are very different for each of them. To each their own, I guess, but I do find it very troubling that some people in the fandom have a really hard time admitting that novel wangxian is not even remotely healthy.
And can I just say how glad it makes me to see that not everyone is praising this book for it’s lgbt representation...
But I guess that’s also why I just occasionally feel the need to scream my frustrations into the void or try to make sense of the novel.
And why I try to be understanding and accepting of people’s opinion of the novel and not take it ‘personally’ (in the sense of sitting there thinking “holy shit this is how they view ME, this is what they think of ME” etc).
I was in fandoms back when they were really a place dominated by straight (homophobic) women and realism or lgbt representation wasn’t on anyone’s mind (and the occasional dude butting in to say that’s not how sex works or bottoming is experienced was ignored or told to get out). I experienced this change to fandoms being more of a lgbt space, of people becoming aware that media can shape your views of groups of people, of people becoming aware of their fetishizing of fictional gays vs. their prejudice against real life lgbt people etc.
And tbh MXTX just writes like one of those, she writes wangxian like everyone wrote their gay relationships around 2005 and earlier; clear power imbalance, clear roles and attributes that are divided into ‘manly’ and ‘feminine’, certain physical attributes (like the female self insert character aka the bottom being pretty and slight and weaker and shorter), men/the penetrating partner can’t really be raped so anything the woman/bottom tries isn’t really ‘bad’, the male love interest is forceful and self centered but ONLY because he’s so in love and since he’s emotionally stunted he has to express that through sex, men/tops NEED sex and it’s rude/mean to deny them that, the girl/bottom isn’t THAT horny or in charge of their own sexuality but wants to please their partner and what they really get out of it is the emotional aspect, decisions need to be made for them because the dude/top just knows better, the girl/bottom is childish and flirty and the guy/top suffers through it until he finally snaps and shows the girl/bottom who'sboss etc etc. (honestly homophobia and misogyny is so tightly knit in this kind of fiction, if it wasn’t so frustrating it would be very interesting).
Tbh I disagree with novel!wwx being more nuanced (despite a lot of ppl whose opinions I really respect also feeling this way), because I simply cannot seperate him from the wangxian relationship. All I see are tropes and stereotypes applied to make him ‘work’ in the context of the wangxian relationship instead of an actual personality...
To me, in CQL WWX is clearly the main character and you love his interactions with LWJ and want more of them and value them, wheras in the novel most of the time WWX plays second fiddle even when a scene should technically be about him and LWJ’s presence is incredibly suffocating, because he’s always being controlling or at the very least influencing WWX.
I also don’t feel like WWX has much of a character arc/growth. We’re essentially told he had one but the only thing that really actually changes is him hating himself a bit more and letting LWJ smash..., and I guess: he’s less independent than ever, he’s more isolated that ever...
I’ve called novel!wangxian a relationship between an abuser and his victim, because you can find evidence of that in the text. Not because I think the author wanted to portray an unhealthy gay relationship. Like you said, she was fetishizing and wrote for a similar crowd. But to me that ‘realization’ helped...I still don’t see how people can call it a masterpiece but I can at least understand hyping something you like up...
And like, badly written gay relationship or not; gay/straight,man/women, I see how people can find it hot. Exploring your sexuality through fictional characters isn’t necessarily a strictly straight girl phenomena. I probably have read fic that was exactly like this, I can’t judge anyone for it. But no one prints out the last PWP they read and goes, “this is ideal lgbt representation and nothing will ever be this good, the fact that it includes rape makes it so realistic” like????
(Is that part or an effect of the woke and purety culture? you can’t say ‘i like this book but it has flaws’ or ‘i’ve enjoyed this but it’s not up the feminism or lgbt acceptance that i preach/live’ so you have to pretend it’s flawless?)
And like, I do think novel!wangxian is a nightmare when it comes to lgbt representation and I do believe this is largely due to a cishet woman writing about gay men and fetishizing them (the fact that a lot of peoples arguments why novel!wangxian ‘is better’ boils down to ‘there’s kissing and sex’ is also pretty telling). And I am frightend and worried by some peoples response to it.
But is it really fair to see it as just that? It’s a problem sure, but that same thing happens in straight media (which I am admittedly not well versed in). Stephanie Meyer didn’t set out to write Edward Cullen to be a creep and non of the teenage girls that went crazy over him viewed it as such...Reylo fans (aside from some of them proclaiming Finn to be the real villain and saying it’s racist and misogynistic to not find Kylo Ren hot) found a way to view him threatening her as romantic and sexy, Loki fans that didn’t ship him with Thor usually fell into the camp of “he would be a perfect boyfriend” or “what if this OFC was his slave and he raped her everyday <3″... like ignoring/glorifying/romanticizing behaviours or exploring what kinks you might have through the safety of fictional characters and fictional settings isn’t JUST happening when it comes to ‘the gays’...
And not just specifically in fandom spaces either, a lot of ‘romantic’ movies include inappropriate touching, the boy/guy knowing better than the girl what she wants etc. And I absolutely do believe that that’s something that normalized these things for a lot of young girls and guys (I don’t want to get into this too much, I’ve really seen a change in the past few years, but before that it was pretty common for young boys to believe they need to keep pursuing and pressuring a girl that has said no, girls truly thought boys could die of blue balls, girls thought it was their duty as good girlfriends to let their boyfriends fuck them even when they weren’t in the mood, that they couldn’t talk about what they want in bed or what they don’t find enjoyable because ‘sex is for boys and girls get a relationship in exchange’ etc.).
And in much the same way movies have only relatively recently begun being called out for that, it’s also still pretty recently that they’re being called out for having their one queer coded character be a pedophile and a murder or whatever...Like, society as a whole becoming aware of these issues.
But do authors that publish their work with a specific target audience in mind have a responsibility to think about the effect it might have on them? (And I can already hear loud screams of ‘no way, it’s not your fault if your audience isn’t smart enough to understand that this bad thing is bad’, but I actually do believe in a way they do. That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t write whatever you want, just maybe take a look at HOW you bring your point across. (We do KNOW people are influenced by what propaganda they’re consistantly fed. I mean, you wouldn’t write a pro-drugs childrens book...) )
What if the author isn’t aware of their bias and prejudices? Or their target audience isn’t their actual audience?
And do we, society and media, judge female and male authors differently when it comes to romance and sex in fiction? (The answer is yes btw) But also, where do we draw the line at calling something ‘badly written’ and calling it toxic? Can it be both? As I’ve said before, a lot of people claim that only the physical intimacy scenes of novel!wangxian are bad, because they’re badly written and OOC, some say the book as amazingly written and only the wangxian relationship is bad because the author doesn’t know how to write gay men. In my ‘hot take’ I essentially said that’s not necessarily bad writing so much as it’s simply an (okay, unintentional) toxic relationship. And would this relationship still come across as toxic (or badly written, whichever you want) if we didn’t know the author to be a cishet woman? Or if a gay man had written it? (my personal, eloquent answer for this is: yes, but differently.)
Which was really all just a rambly way to get to my point of: it’s not just fetishizing of gay men, it’s also the homophobia and self-inserting in a safe situation.
You can literally replace WWX in the novel with a female character and it wouldn’t change a thing. The author takes such an effort into building up this power imbalance in every aspect of their life that if WWX were a heroine nothing would change in this (sexist/ancient society) setting.
(And clearly this is something that appeals to people if you look at the amount of female!WWX fics...)
Not even the sex scenes. There are maybe two allusions in all of them combined that WWX might also have a dick but like, you can’t be sure and it sure as hell doesn’t need stimulation.
(and again, that could be written as a kink...but it’s just not.)
CQL is a gay love story. MDZS at it’s core is none of that.
But I also very much agree with your ‘to each their own’, like here I am criticizing and trying to find explanations and whatever, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter why someone might like (or write) a book like this, I vastly prefer CQL!wangxian but people have their own reasons for not doing so.
The ‘problem’ really only lies in, as you said, people not being able to accept that it’s not a healthy relationship. Or claiming it to be perfect lgbt rep.
And because my brain can’t shut up today:
I also can’t stop thinking that the way some people ‘glorify’ the book as due to their age and ‘inexperience’.
When I was a pretty young kid and got into fanfiction, there was nothing but completely OOC!whump to be found in the first two fandoms I was in. And I loved it. It was YEARS later that I thought I might like to read something with the characters being...in character. What I’m trying to say, in different stages and phases of your life you might enjoy different things, for different reasons...and obviously, in that moment, you won’t think about ‘what appeals to me here/should this appeal to me/etc’.
I don’t mean inexperience as ‘sexual inexperience’ here, though of course that could be part of it, but also like, inexperience with this genre (is this the first book like this you read, or did you just read 50 in a row that all had the same unhealthy vibes?), with lgbt people and issues (do you know any lgbt people or is your only image of them either the cute boy you can’t have and don’t want to see with another girl or grown men in full kink gear in front of children during CSD? and also: do you think ‘i like this’ and that’s the end of it or do you notice how many people idolize this objectively unhealthy relationship and won’t allow critique on it...)  
I...just wanted to say thanks really.
I just can’t stop rambling apparently and I know I mostly just repeated what you said or what I already said but in longer... I just really do feel very strongly about novel!wangxian and the perception of them and have actually at times felt very personally...worried/affected, by people’s acceptance and love of them and I just... have to try and make sense of it...
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chonzu · 4 years
This is the beginning of an idea I had where Atsuhiro survives the attack and ends up in Tartarus. I want to expand on it but I’ve worked on this for a few days and I’m happy with it I suppose! Spoilers for Chapter 294/295 ofc.
I apologize for the weird formatting, I’ve been working on mobile/iPad for a while now.
He loved the League. He would give his life for the League and their leader’s ideals and he knew that’s how it would end as he hit the ground, snatched out of the air by the blond child he’d barely seen once before months ago at the Yakuza base, and while the rest of that battle lasted barely more than a few minutes, Atsuhiro fell in and out of consciousness more times than he could count. He could not move no matter how hard he tried, but that was alright. If Shigaraki had gotten away, well. He couldn’t blame the kid for leaving him behind.
Atsuhiro let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes.
“Hurry! Go, get the Tartarus staff on site! Get...we need…....alive...”
If he couldn’t move anyway he wasn’t going to struggle—everyone was gone, surely, and the heroes were getting tended to, going by the muffled voices and sirens, and he’d accepted his death by now. As long as his sacrifice wasn’t for nothing, it would be alright.
He was roughly moved again, his mind fogging up more as a numb pain crawled up his side. His arm was restrained, locked down; his body was jostled until he was shoved roughly into the back of a cold vehicle onto a starkly-cold metal surface. Atsuhiro tried to open his eyes, but this was it for him. He let that darkness take him, hoping that the young boss, Spinner, and Dabi had gotten away.
His eye snapped open into quiet darkness, into what he guessed was a small and sterile room barely bigger than a closet. Machines hummed and chugged gently to his left and his right shoulder pressed against a cold concrete wall. He tried to speak but his throat was drier than a desert, leaving him sputtering and coughing until he’d caught his breath.
He couldn’t lift his right arm, a cuff had been attached to his wrist, his fake left eye and left mechanical arm had been removed, and he could only imagine what other types of straps were keeping him down on the bed that wasn’t very comfortable and they’d never given him any blankets or turned the heat up. He may as well exist in a dungeon and it wasn’t apparent that there were any guards near him at the moment.
With his wrist cuffed as it was, it blocked his hand from being unable to touch anything and he didn’t have any smart ideas to get out of this. Truthfully, he thought he was dead, but the straps were tight and deliberately made to keep him from moving his arm at all. The numbness in his hip and chest was almost too much but if he squeezed his eyes shut he almost couldn’t feel it. He felt a little lost and panicked without his left arm.
Remember, he thought. Remember. What got him into this place? A heist gone wrong? Did he steal something from a hero more high-profile than he’d expected? A more dastardly villain than he’d hoped? His work with the League often brought him to many unsuspecting places, but up until recently they’d been working on projects with...the Meta-Liberation Army.
Atsuhiro opened his eye. There’d been a war. That’s right, yes. He’d watched the boss get away, but he couldn’t remember anything after being grabbed by that sunny-haired kid he’d thought they’d gotten rid of a long time ago.
A few minutes into trying to relax, Atsuhiro realized that an alarm was going off on the machine and only got louder and worse the more he suddenly panicked. He pulled against the restraints to no avail. His heart nearly lept out of his chest when the door flew open, the room flooding with a fleet of armed guards and heroes silhouetted black against the harsh white fluorescent lighting that spilled into the room.
“Wh— what?”
A strong hand grabbed his face and turned his head every possible direction, to which he objected loudly and wasn’t heard. The doctor who grabbed him turned him to face them, their gaze cool and steady, but unfocused. He heard whispers from the front of the room that maybe they should stick a muzzle on him like one of their other prisoners, but the doctor handling him waved them away.
Atsuhiro was poked and prodded. “Please, come on. Take me to dinner before you start doing that. I’m /starving/.”
“We both know that’s not going to happen, Sako.” The doctor pressed their lips together, barely giving him so much as a look as they hummed, tapped a pen against their lips, and started to scribble on a clipboard. “Prisoner is awake, far too alert, and begging for food. I’d say we’ve done a good job here.”
“Fuck— what? Prisoner?” Atsuhiro struggled again. “At least tell me where the fuck I am!” Sharp pains in his side would have crumpled him if he didn’t have the restraints tied over his chest.
The doctor turned their back to him. “Prisoner is starting to panic. Sedate him."
They left in a hurry, coat a flurry of fabric behind them lime a cape, and Atsuhiro noticed the lines of drips going into his arm. He struggled more, but when what he assumed was an intern leaned down over a tray of medication he suddenly felt faint.
Before he fainted, Atsuhiro watched a fuzzy guard wave at him.
No, no, no, he thought. No. He couldn’t go out like this again. His eye closed however, and darkness claimed him once more when the door shut tightly and he fell into a fitful doze.
"Sako Atsuhiro."
His whole body tingled as he lifted his head. He felt like his mind was rapidly being overwhelmed by the sharp lights, solid metal room, and his arm held at a strange angle, while his body lagged behind him as if trapped in syrup. He had been given only enough pain medication to sit up and talk, but it made his mind fuzzy and he squinted against the harsh white lights of the room and the spotlights angled directly at him. Restraints kept him firmly against the chair, so he was unable to escape. He couldn't if he tried.
Atsuhiro cleared his throat, squinting. "Yes. Yes that's...that’s my name. How can I help you? Besides giving away all of our best secrets, of course."
The man who spoke to him seemed as nondescript as the next guy. Tall, short brown hair, quite a friendly face, business casual. Definitely not the kind of person who would be the main character in a show. A stack of papers sat under his hand. "It's just me in here."
"Okay? And the two hundred people recording this conversation?"
"I just want to talk."
"Well we certainly are! How's life treating you?"
"That's irrelevant. Sako, we have you listed for numerous crimes such as theft, destruction of property, child endangerment, involvement with the League of Villains and the Meta-Liberation Army, just to make a few. Just recently you were caught attempting to land an attack on our heroes.
"I don't really know what to say to that?”
The man hummed. "I understand. We’ll be keeping an eye on you, of course. You have a hip replacement and reconstruction scheduled soon. I’ll be visiting every few days.”
Atsuhiro resisted rolling his eyes. “Please, why are you telling me all of this.”
“Why not? You can’t escape, you can’t move.”
“I see. You know, it’s polite to at least tell someone your name? You seem to know me /quite/ well.”
The man pressed his lips together. He spent a moment writing down a few of his own notes. “I guess you can call me Tsukauchi.”
Atsuhiro blinked, mulling it over. He’d never heard of that name before. “Okay. Why are you bothering to fix me up?”
“The marble that you compressed was lost at the scene so there wasn’t a way to even attempt to assess what you’d lost.” Tsukauchi shrugged. “We obviously need you alive, which I’m sure you already know?” He raised an eyebrow and Atsuhiro pouted. “All prisoners at Tartarus receive /some/ kind of care. We aren’t heartless villains.”
“Yeah, and you use that care to keep us alive and trapped here and for what?”
“Sir, you were involved in committing mass murder.”
“Pah!” Atsuhiro straightened his shoulders. “So let me guess. Keeping me alive here is a worse punishment than death?”
“If that’s how you would like to see it.” Tsukauchi wasn’t looking at him, but seemed to be quite a good listener. “My time here is short today, but I’ll be back again shortly.”
“I look forward to it.” Atsuhiro gave the man his sweetest smile. Tsukauchi stared at him with a peculiar look, then looked down to gather up his notes.
He left silently. Guards crept out of shadows Atsuhiro hadn’t even realized were there and he was being dragged from the stage again. He couldn’t walk, oh no. He could barely /sit up/ and so he was roughly thrown into a wheelchair, the quirk-neutralizing cuff around his arm was adjusted, and straps tightened around his chest and legs.
The doctor who he’d seen numerous times by now and who he assumed had performed the surgery on him pushed his wheelchair along. They went down long passages, each holding cell specially designed to the needs and quirks of those they held. Atsuhiro’s own holding cell was only the basic one; cold, dry, with solid metal plates and a single bed. Because of the neutralizing cuff on his wrist, he wasn’t able to compress himself, and even if he was, there was a second cuff that held his hand at a specific angle and had a cage around it to leave him unable to touch anything. Without his right arm, he’d never be able to get it off on his own. Not unless he pulled some crazy gymnastics, which just weren’t possible with his injuries.
Apparently he was to be getting a slight upgrade to a different wing once his injuries had healed, but they gave a severe estimate of at least six weeks and an incomprehensible amount of physical therapy thereafter—if they deemed that necessary. After all, he was alive, and that’s really all they needed to question him.
Along the way, some of the captured prisoners gave him looks if they were able to look out of the windows on their doors or restrained in tight places facing the hallways for quicker analysis by guards and inspectors. Atsuhiro did not look at any of them.
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