#to me. in my opinion. they were well-received so obv they were still good i just wasnt personally a big fan
vampire-crimson · 3 months
Oh im looking at the changelog for the stardew update and losing my mind a little these all look super awesome
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fadedin2u · 6 months
switch!ellie headcanons
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okay i know this has been a much debated topic, but in my expert personal opinion as a switch, i think ellie is canonically a switch (maybe a dom-leaning switch but definitely still a switch)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✮ she’s usually the one to initiate, and it’s not necessarily purposeful either
✮ she’ll just come back after a grueling patrol, exhausted, planning on just cuddling with you and passing tf out
✮ but as soon as she’s touching you, monkey brain will take over and she’ll start smoothing her hands over your waist and hips
✮ “don’t get turned on-“ you warn, knowing that she needs the rest
✮ “too late,” she’ll say as she palms your ass
✮ as much as i love the hc of ellie dirty talking depraved shit during sex, i don’t really see that in canon ellie
✮ when she’s in a dom mood, she’s definitely more of a service top than anything (u saw that girl on the farm, u cannot honestly tell me that she’s not)
✮ she’ll start turning you on and she’ll be all up in your ear like “tell me what you need, baby, whatever you need i’ll take care of, i promise-“
✮ ellie’s a certified munch (obvs)
✮ eats pussy like it’s her last meal
✮ is also absolutely the type to eat it after she hits it, telling you that she needs to ‘clean you up’
✮ this has been much discussed atm but it’s true, your girl LOVES tribbing
✮ loves fucking you with her strap too, but it’s a completely different ballgame to be skin to skin
✮ specifically loves tribbing in missionary (bc she’s a slut for watching your reactions) and reverse cowgirl, kneading your ass with both hands as she helps you grind back on her
✮ (unpopular opinion, ellie’s an ass girl. proof: have u SEEN dina)
✮ can’t help but praise you, and she’s overly chatty during sex
✮ “you take it so fucking well, jesus fuck-“, “so fuckin’ gorgeous”
✮ loves to watch your expressions, and is the kind of person that loves to be making some sort of eye contact during sex to feel connected to her partner
✮ tends to enjoy the act of giving her partner pleasure more than receiving it (a little bit of an anxiety thing tbh)
✮ but truly, sometimes your girl just needs to be taken care of for once in her life
✮ so when she’s more subby, she’ll just be overly grabby and handsy, but won’t initiate
✮ eventually, you just flat out ask her, “els, do you need something?” and her freckled face will get all red awww
✮ like u know how ellie got when jesse and dina were talking in seattle? that’s def similar to her energy when she feels more submissive
✮ she definitely gets self conscious about how whiny and high pitched her moans get and tries to restrain herself when she’s feeling more dominant
✮ but when she’s on bottom?? you make it your GOAL to make her as loud as possible
✮ likes wearing the strap more than taking it, but ends up liking getting fucked with it WAY more than she thought she would
✮ (more of a modern!au hc but) when you ask her why she’s mad about that, she says, “it pisses me off that a dick feels good inside me, that shit’s homophobic!”
✮ but she tends to get the loudest when you eat her out, mostly because it’s just so hot to have your head between her thighs
✮ absolutely LOVES to get finger fucked by you, and will borderline (or actually) beg for your fingers inside her
✮ she begs sooo pretty whether she’s dom or sub
✮ afterwards, she’s the kind of person that needs to cuddle for a minimum of 1 hour or else she’ll get a little depressed (me core)
✮ luckily, you’re happy to oblige
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
okay i need to go get spayed luv u babes
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lucy-ghoul · 8 months
It’s been some days, but can I ask your opinions about Phantom in Milan?
yes of course!! so, here are the things i enjoyed:
the performances were all very solid. ramin karimloo's voice has grown far better with time - he was never one of my super fav phantoms of all time but i always enjoyed him and it was really a treat to see him live. amelia milo is a lovely christine, and vinny coyle was also good as raoul. ah! and i got to see earl carpenter as andré (he's a superb actor and singer, and acting wise probably my fav erik ever)
the audience was on fire and very enthusiastic. the performers received multiple standing ovations at the curtain call - it was really a magical experience
in general the new staging, costumes, coreography were alright, and tbh far better (for the most part) than the restaged tour lmao. sure, the black angel wings of doom in the graveyard trio scene + the yellow coat/giant hat combo in ponr were a Choice but honestly? i didn't mind it so much, it kinda worked on stage.
in general i obviously prefer the original production but this was still a worthwhile experience. even my dad (who can't understand one word of english but was already vaguely familiar with the plot) absolutely loved it - he even said it was the best thing he saw in milan lmao. now he's a poto fan too sdfghjfjf
so tl;dr: they did a lot of things right. what i disliked instead:
in the graveyard scene... well it really doesn't look like a graveyard, to the point that my brother (who like my dad is familiar with the musical and even read the book many years ago) didn't understand that it was supposed to be a graveyard at all lol. the scenography was very bare ngl (they possibly saved some money for the abovementioned black angel wings of doom lmao)
i thought the staging for aiaoy was a bit... heh. basically raoul and christine don't really touch/hug each other until the end of the song (with the big damn kiss etc.) and it was a weird choice since this is supposed to be a romantic scene; in fact it kinda reminded me of the restaged tour version. same with motn (erik & christine don't have any physical contact until the famous 'touch me, trust me' bit, while in the og there's this interesting thing where he barely touches her at all/she leans into him etc. until the climax) but it makes more sense here. i mean, this is just a pet peeve of mine, both scenes were fine. as you pointed out it's been some days since i saw the show so maybe i'm misremembering it all. if anyone out there has a better memory than i have and wants to correct me you're free to do so lol
in the final lair scene, after erik lets christine & raoul go, she does return to give him back the ring but whereas in the original they face each other here she just. leaves it there (tho she looks emotional) while erik is facing the audience and singing 'i love you'. again, this doesn't ruin the show or anything but i prefer the more intimate scene from the original.
obv there were a lot of changes/additions to the og production and i can't list them all (i suppose other phans already did) but imho it's one of the most 'loyal' non-replicas out there, and while the original brilliant is still. you know. the og brilliant and all in all superior/far more spectacular this did not disappoint 💜
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serena-joy · 11 months
Here’s the problem with Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning part 1. Spoilers below, obvs.
Well there are several in my opinion, but they all center around the death of our favorite MI6 agent, Ilsa Faust.
Now I have to give the disclaimer that I am extremely biased as a big fan of the character, and Rebecca Ferguson in literally everything. With that said, I am going to try my best to approach this as logically and objectively as I can.
First let’s talk a little about the development and reception of the character throughout the series. I think this is important because big action franchises like this are primarily concerned with money. Of course the action and stunts will draw the most people in, but secondary to that is having characters the audience likes and wants to root for. It’s really kind of boring watching characters in peril when you don’t care about them. I bring this up because a major character death can absolutely impact the success of the franchise moving forward. Anyway, Ilsa was brought on for Rogue Nation as a foil of sorts to Ethan Hunt, but also as an equal to him. A different side of the same coin, if you will. The character was very well received by audiences, and MI5 is regarded as one of the best in the franchise. I think a lot of that is owed to the introduction of this new and interesting character, and of course the performance given by Rebecca Ferguson. They managed to keep Ilsa mysterious and morally grey throughout the whole film, while simultaneously making us care about her. Again, credit to the writing and performance. This carried over to Fallout as Ilsa became more fleshed out and solidified as a permanent member of the team. And still the character is undeniably a fan favorite leading into the next entry.
Now, we know romance is not that important in an action franchise, but we go into Dead Reckoning part 1 with high hopes for something happening between Ilsa and Ethan, based especially on hints from Fallout. But even so, their relationship and connection is so compelling, it would be satisfying even if it were to stay totally platonic. Here we have two characters that care about each other and their team members more than anything else, including themselves.
So that brings us to the untimely death of Ilsa Faust about half way through Dead Reckoning part 1. I have problems with this narrative choice for several reasons, including the rationale behind her death, the repercussions on the story, and how the other characters reacted.
Now I want to be extremely clear here. Ilsa dying in and of itself is not the problem.
As a fan of the character of course I wouldn’t want her to die, but I realistically was not expecting her to make it out of this franchise alive. Ilsa, like Ethan, is absolutely the kind of person who would sacrifice herself for the good of her team. Even for someone she barely knows. Ethan is the same way, but they can’t obviously kill off the main character (unless they do which would be…a choice). So, while I was hoping it wouldn’t be so soon, I was on some level expecting her to die. The biggest problem I have is that she did not get a death even close to deserving of her character and the impact she’s had on the franchise.
Now when looking at the possible reasons for Ilsa’s death, there are several things to consider. Narratively the death of a major character close to the protagonist is usually to affect or motivate them in some way. With the setup from the past two movies, Ilsa was primed to absolutely be a character whose loss should devastate Ethan, but… it didn’t really? In fact the affect on the entire team was, in my opinion, very understated. I get that they had to keep their heads in the game and continue the mission, but I don’t know… I guess I was just expecting much more of a reaction than what we got. Now, call me an optimist but I think it’s possible this could have been done to leave things more open for the next installment. We all know these movies are sort of written as they go along, so perhaps during filming Chris McQuarrie wasn’t honesty sure if this was a true death or not and didn’t want to write himself into a corner. But regardless, McQuarrie has said the death of a character close to Ethan was necessary to up the stakes and drive the story. But like I mentioned, we don’t really feel that much of an impact in the aftermath of her death. It can be argued that this was necessary for Ethan to make the right decision and not kill Gabriel (the bad guy), otherwise all information is lost and her death is in vain. But if that’s the case, why do we have the flashback of Gabriel killing someone Ethan cared about in the past? It just seems redundant and unnecessary.
Now here’s where you’ll have to forgive me as I have not seen the early installments in a very long time, but if I’m not mistaken, Gabriel and this mystery person are never shown or mentioned prior to this film. So why, pray tell, did we need to invent this backstory to make Ethan hate the villain if Ilsa was going to die and get us to the same outcome? Or if we flip that around, why did Ilsa need to die if he already had history with this guy and a tragedy to motivate him? If I’m missing something here please feel free to chime in, but I don’t understand the narrative logic here.
For this reason, I’m more inclined to believe the decision to kill Ilsa may have been driven by something outside the story. Scheduling can be a major factor when it comes to casting, so it’s entirely possible Rebecca was not able to commit to further installments due to her increasing demand and busy schedule. But, I’m not so sure about that. I don’t know Rebecca of course but based on a lot of interviews I’ve seen her do, she has loved being part of this franchise and has excitedly jumped at every opportunity to continue to be a part of it. I would like to think she would have made every effort to commit to both films, as they are the last two in the franchise anyway. The other reason I’m skeptical about this explanation is that she had a great relationship with both Tom Cruise and McQuarrie, so if she decided to move on I would have expected a much different sendoff. Either something open ended with the possibility of returning in the future, or a death that is depicted more heroically with much more impact to the tone of the movie and characters.
Which leads me to what I think is a more likely explanation - a studio decision. I don’t have to tell you all that the way women are treated in the male-dominated action film world is not great. To say the least. There seems to be some unspoken rule that while a male character can be brought back time and time again across a 20+ year franchise, the female lead must be replaced with every entry. Why? Because the male target audience might appreciate something shiny and new to look at with each installment. It’s sick, it’s gross, but that is how it has been. One thing I loved so much about Mission Impossible though, was how it broke this mold and charted new territory by bringing the female lead back and not only that but retaining her as an important and three dimensional character. But after dead reckoning I’m starting to realize that maybe Ilsa has been on borrowed time this whole time. I’m not sure why it has to be this way, but it sure looks a lot like Ilsa was killed to make room for Hayley Atwell’s character to become the new female lead. Maybe some studio exec thought they might lose viewership if audiences were asked to care about not just one but two female leads in an action franchise. I understand the desire to bring in new characters to keep things fresh, but the notion that one woman has to disappear to make room for another is honestly the kind of bullshit I am just so tired of seeing. It’s 2023 and we are still not past this, but I digress.
If you ask me, I think the joke is going to be on them. I know a lot of people are upset by the decision to take Ilsa out of the franchise and I wouldn’t be surprised if some decide not to tune in for part 2. I know personally I’ll be waiting for confirmation that Ilsa does or does not appear before I make the decision to watch. When Ilsa died I immediately became way less invested in the rest of the movie. If she’s truly dead I honestly can’t see myself caring enough to sit through part 2.
Which brings me full circle back to the story. If Ilsa’s death had been done in such a way that her massive positive effect on the franchise was somehow honored or acknowledged, I don’t think I personally would have had the same reaction. And I think I would have kept watching. But whatever the reason for the choice to kill the character, what I can’t figure out is why it wasn’t better written. I think the only satisfying explanation would be that she in fact is still alive, but I’m honesty afraid to hope for that given the track record of the movie industry as a whole.
The only glimmer of hope I’m holding onto is something Rebecca said in an interview. She is asked how stunts compare between Mission Impossible and Dune, and mentions a stunt she performs that she can’t recall if it was in “the first or second one.” It’s a little unclear if she’s referencing Dead Reckoning part one and two, or Dune part one and two. But given the context I think it seems like she’s talking about dead reckoning, which would indicate she is in both part one and two. But decide for yourself:
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
if no one has asked you, PLEASE tell me about the kid max and daniel have! <3
Guys! i received 9 asks about this verse/kids in this verse and i am touched. honestly i love living in this verse so i’m super happy to go on about it forever and ever :) so thank you for indulging me :) 
cw: homophobia
Okay so maybe controversial opinion but i think max retires before daniel. daniel doesn’t have a complicated relationship with racing the way max does (see j*s), he still enjoys it and max enjoys it but. its heavy too. he’s just won his third wdc title, say its 2025 and he’s not even 30 yet, only 28. he should be over the moon but daniel notices he’s quieter after all the celebrations, is a bit distant in the off season, avoids talking about next season and the future, until daniel sits him down and asks, are u okay maxy? because max hasn’t behaved like this in a while, and it’s scaring him a bit. 
and max just says quietly, “what if i didn’t anymore” and daniels like “race?” and max is like “yeah.” and daniel is- not that shocked. like obvs a little, max has just won again and now he wants to quit but. daniel knows how hard it is for him sometimes, how he jerks himself awake from nightmares about things that happened when he was a kid, when his dad was trying to make him a champion at all costs. so he just says, “then you don’t race. that’s all that will happen.” and max is a little skeptical, daniel loves him he knows but what if he doesn’t as much when he’s no longer max verstappen, f1 driver, wdc. but daniel just laughs when he says this, tells him “you can be my wag instead.” and max just blushes super hard and thinks yeah i’d like that. 
christian is super super bummed when max tells him, thinks max wants more money, a better car, doesn’t understand. finally asks, “is daniel retiring too, are you running away to perth together” and max is like “no :) daniel is going to race still so i’ll see you around the paddock” 
and max retires! and daniel keeps racing. 
and max gets to do all these things he never had time or energy for before. Gets to join a five-a-side football team and make friends outside of driving, gets to be a more hands on uncle to his nephews. gets to watch daniels races and want him to do well, to win, with no complications. 
obvs he gets photographed loads around the paddock, approached for loads of interviews about his retirement,  about him and daniel and he ignores every single one (the hand holding photo is out by this point so people know about them, much to max and daniels annoyance). it feels like every weekend his sister is sending him links to stupid daily mail articles titled “Ricciardos partner, former WDC Max Verstappen, spotted chatting with Norris in McLaren Hospitality,” teasing him about how he might be more famous now than before. 
and they’re both really happy. daniel is doing well, has another two years on his mclaren contract and then thinks he’ll retire too and maybe they’ll move to perth or maybe they’ll split their time between perth and monaco to be close to both their families. 
and its in this time (sorry omg this is already so long), when max is spending a lot more time with his sister, his nephews that it makes him think about wanting a family. loves his nephews so much, sees the way they reach for his sister, how she gets to soothe them and sing to them and love them and he wants that so much suddenly, it makes him feel so jealous. he wants to get to do all that with daniel.
but he doesn’t know how to bring it up because daniel has joked before about how much work kids are and “it’s a good thing you can’t get pregnant, maxy” when they’re fucking and maybe he doesn’t want that. and max would be okay with that, getting daniel is more than max ever thought he’d get, more than he deserves, still can’t believe how lucky he is. but he asks his sister one day, “how did you know you were ready to have a family?” and she just squeals like, “omg max, are you and daniel going to have a baby?” and max tells her he doesn’t know if daniel wants that, but he “thinks maybe I do”, and she tells him he needs to ask or he’ll never know and he deserves to get to be the dad they never got to have. 
so he sits daniel down, feeling very brave, and daniel is super nervous, max never does this, asks to talk like this. “What would you think about maybe having a baby” Max asks in one big rush and daniel is stunned because this is the last thing he expected max to want, but he can see it then, with his past etc, it kinda makes sense. he smiles and then hes grinning, grabbing maxs hands. “I’d like that. i didn’t think you would but- if you want to i’d really fucking like to have a family with you.” he tells max, eyes shining a bit because he’s always, deep down, wanted kids but he gave up on that dream when he fell in love with max and maybe now he gets to have both. 
 so they have a baby! they decide on using a surrogate and when they have to choose who’s going to be the biological dad max asks daniel because all max wants is a curly haired baby who looks like him and then daniel agrees and says “okay but if we do this again, i want a blonde baby” and it makes maxs heart skip that maybe- more than one kid? god he is so lucky.
and they tell everyone and max’s mum and sister are super happy, excited to be a grandma/aunt and daniels parents are already arranging to fly back and stay in monaco for when the baby is due (they still live here because daniel is still racing at this point). 
but max tells his dad and it doesn’t go well. when he says he and daniel are having a baby his dad is like, that is impossible, so max explains and then he’s like “okay which one of you is the biological father” and max says daniel and his dad is like “okay so you’re going to play pretend with his kid” and max tries to explain that no, they’re both the dads, its their baby. he wants to snatch back the ultrasound photo he bought to show that his dad is now scrutinizing. but its so hard with his dad, it feels like max can never stand up to him the way he can in his head, after, when he’s thinking back on conversations they’ve had. in the moment he crumbles, goes along with a lot to keep the peace and then just hates himself after.
“well what happens if he leaves you? he’ll take his kid and you wouldn’t have any way to stop him so i don’t think that makes it your kid too max.”
and it’s another thing max has to bring up, later to daniel, sat with his back against daniels chest. “What if we break up?” and daniel just holds him tighter in his arms and says “never gonna happen, maxy,” and max nods, mostly believes him because daniels stayed with him through everything but there’s also a different fear his dads words bought up. “what if- what if something happens to you.” what if daniel- what is something happened while he was racing, and someone could take their kid away from max? 
“baby, you’re going to be the legal parent too, no one will be able to take them away from you, okay.” and that’s good, daniel always knows the logic of these things and max can feel safe again. 
Max spends the whole pregnancy torturing their surrogate, demanding daily updates, so many health checks and tests. gives her a list of foods she cant eat, exercises she can’t do and she just takes it in her stride while daniel mouths “i’m so sorry” over max’s shoulder. 
so then the baby is born! Daniel has to leave a race early (it’s the monaco grand prix, amazing timing lol), michael coming on the radio as he’s driving saying “it’s happening.” and the public/media do not know theyre having a kid so there’s soooo much speculation in the days after about why he left the race. daniel doesn’t care, gets to drive max to the hospital, hold his hand, grin at him and ask “ready, dad?” 
she is so perfect. max falls in love with her immediately, can see so much of daniel in her its like having an extra part of him to love when daniels not there. Daniel lets max hold her first and maxs heart feels like its doubled in his chest when daniel says “this is your papa. i’m dad” 
and then cue cute domestic scenes of their first few weeks together with her (which i’ll be happy to go into another time but this is already too long), max absolutely adores her, loves getting up in the night for her and feeling needed and knowing what to do. how she reaches for them and stops crying when she hears them urgh it just makes him feel things okay? they call her mila :) (i just googled most popular girls names in netherlands lol, max has no imagination and daniel wants to let him choose) 
and watching daniel be a dad is super hot to max. daniel, sleep deprived, hair sticking up, but making them both breakfast and mila a bottle, providing for their little family? max simply has to suck his dick in the kitchen ignoring daniels warning that the eggs will burn. 
and then, when max is ready and mila’s is old enough to leave the house, max takes her to her first race to watch her dad. she has little baby headphone and is in a tiny mclaren ricciardo 3 onesie that victoria sent them. max has her stroller but he’s carrying her, wants to keep her pressed against his chest so he knows she’s safe and because he read it’s meant to calm her down if she can feel his heartbeat. 
so many people want to hold her, to coo at her and shake keys in her face and max gets a little overwhelmed. shes getting a little groggy, overwhelmed too and max has to stop himself snapping at people to give her space. 
then daniel sees them and he’s jogging over, grinning, scooping her into his arms and lifting her above his head saying “hi my special girl,” while max is hovering, “daniel please! be careful, her head” and charles, who’s watched all of this just laughs and says to max, “i get it. you are over protective mommy, daniel is laid back dad.” max just scowls at him, flips him off and daniel laughs harder, tickles mila to make her giggle too. 
and of course the press go crazy, but i got another ask about this so i’ll talk about it there as this is far too long now :) 
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Continued from this I just got tired of doing reblogs
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And back to Detective Comics 526. 500th appearance of Batman! …in Detective Comics only, but hey. Any excuse to celebrate, right?  That does mean I suspect there’ll be a lack of Jason yet again.
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Is that Talia? She looks so good in pink
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Love Riddler and Catman just chilling on the floor. Very “on a field trip waiting for the bus” vibes.
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Awwww I like her crossbow. But yeah I love pre-morrison Talia.
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Mails this panel to Morrison. Also this has become a Talia love post, no more Jason, sorry! 
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Practicing for when he adopts Jason and Dick I see….
So yeah, Joker calls all the villains together to stop Croc from killing the Batman (so they can do it), Talia and Catwoman go against it because the Joker still invited them, because he doesn’t get any Bitches and assumes that Batman is the same way. I am still wondering why there’s so little Jason in this but for now I am quenched by seeing Talia.
Babs and Dick meet up to talk, Babs reveals she knows their identities, and Bruce and his girls go to find the villains hideout; There’s some nice moments of everyone squabbling, it’s also fun to see villains fight with each other in my opinion, especially over stupid shit.
After a short fight, we cut back to Jason, who FINALLY gets a scene where he actually does something.
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That something is find the batcave.
Seriously, guys. Locks? Have you heard of them? At least Jason being nosy is pretty consistent.
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Bruce  keeping his costumes on a normal hanger instead of those fancy cases is EXTREMELY funny to me. I know times change but it's just. On there like a normal sweater. 
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If you don’t want her then move outta the way, batboy, cuz Im gonna get me some batpussy--
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And then years later, Damian would behead this poor guy…..
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We make fun of condiment man, kite man, calendar man… but what about signalman?????
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Gordons being pretty harsh but… he is kinda right. Also, I’ve seen what a croc can do to a person, those bones should be picked clean and scattered because of how they eat.
(...I studied death and decomp in University)
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That is not how you use a gun, Dick! But yeah he’s pretty torn up over their death.
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Jason continues to be nosy and finds some of Dick’s old costumes; I do wonder if they were going to go with this design and people didn’t like it, or if he was always supposed to receive the classic one later.
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Jason reverse kidnaps himself, while Bruce does something to figure out a map they were given without street names, a problem you definitely would not need to go all the way home for nowadays.
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This guy is cool, they should use him more. Gentleman Ghost is a great name. Anyways, Talia, Selina, and Bruce get captured, so it’s up to Jason as Robin to save them! Pretty standard fare, and more in-fighting from the villains, with the Joker playing both sides as he often does.
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Yeah, get it right Croc! That’s Ducard and his daughter’s name!!
They sure call the joker harlequin a lot; obvs never do nowadays because of Harley. Interesting.
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Poor Jay ): 
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*is hold*  
Also they started giving Jason his lil curly bangs. No more bowl cut for him, he’s a real teenager now! Also either Jason is a really tall 12 year old, or Dick is short as hell.
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Again, Talia looks so good in pink. Also she has an actual different skin tone from Selina and Bruce, something they struggle with these days.
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It;s very unlikely they woulda let Dick adopt Jason, but I do sometimes wonder what things woulda been like had they…
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Huh, so Jason did (potentially, he could be joking) take Dick’s old room, like in RHATO… which is silly, because it’s a mansion, he can have a different room.
And that’s it! For an opening arc about Jason becoming Robin… well, it’s really only half that; there’s a bigger focus on Croc, honestly, and Jason’s parents than Jason himself, so we end up not learning much about him. I definitely think Tim’s intro and first outing as Robin is much stronger, or even Jason’s later intro. But overall it wasn’t a bad read, just a little unfocused at times.
SO, A small collection of facts from this arc and two other issues:
Batman 357 
-Waldo the clown - knows Dick from Haley’s circus, good with kids.
-Dick makes mention of Cleveland Brand, twin brother of Deadman Boston Brand
-before meeting Jason, bruce took down a spy ring run by ‘The Squid’ and a drug ring run by mobster Tony Falco
Detective Comics 524 
-Trina and Joseph are the original names of Catherine and Willis, Jason’s parents. Could reuse for grandparent names or middle names. 
-Leslie Thompson didn’t exist yet, so they mention Doctor Dundee, an old friend of Thomas Wayne, who helps with Bruce’s injuries
-Bruce was seeing Vicki Vale at the time
-The Gotham River Aquarium is established--it was built in the 1930s and used to be rather popular, but these days is used more for gimmicky villains to hide out in. 
-Killer Croc is much more intelligent than he’s usually portrayed, being much less monstrous and even shown using a sniper rifle and using it well. He also looks like Mr. X from the Resident Evil 2 remake. 
Batman 358 
-Trina calls Bruce ‘dick’s friend’  and dick says she reminds him of his mom 
-Trina said she looked up to Dick’s parents ‘as a girl’ and how their deaths affected her, establishing it's definitely been a few years since they died (though likely they died when she was an adult)
-Dick and Bruce are beginning to drift apart, according to dick; Dick is resentful that Bruce has trust issues from Selina and Vicki betraying him, while Bruce struggles to understand why Dick allows himself to get close to people.
-An area of Gotham known as “The Point” is said to be their version of the South Bronx (in the 80s anyways)--troubled and poor. 
-Hell’s Point is a location in Gotham, in the far north by “the point”. It gets its name from the currents created by two rivers that converge into the sea to the south.  At the time, no one lived there but Croc
Detective Comics 525
-bruce is struggling with his feelings over selina, and vicki at this time
-Jason is originally 12 when he becomes robin
-the sloan circus is said to be set up on the palisade cliffs by the hudson river, putting gotham likely in New Jersey (though NY has some of the cliffs too)
-Upon meeting Robin, Jason asks what wonder girl is like and Dick says Jason has ‘good taste’ LMAO
Batman 359
-Gotham city zoo exists and also is a great place for u and your mob pals to hang out! Is there no security in gotham?
-dick says “lately he’s been like a stranger” when bruce takes his anger out on dick, something bruce regrets; bruce also expresses frustration that normal citizens seem to expect them to deal with everything and wishes more would stand up to villains
-mayor is mayor hill at the time
-Dick calls Jason ‘jase’
Detective comics 526:
-talia says bruce is the one man she won’t go against
-Babs knows who Batman and Robin are by this point--she just didnt let them know she knew
-jason finds the batcave because he’s nosy
-jason describes himself as a ‘nervy kid, but not stupid’
-more gotham lore: they used to have 7 breweries with their own local brands, but most went out of business by the 80s
-addams brewery mentioned, est 1892
-before harley, people called the joker ‘harlequin’ often
-initially, Dick wants to adopt Jason, as he’s about 18 and feels he owes it to the kid 
Young justice 44
-jason is 18 in this
-jason dates anita fite
-jason wears a cross that he made himself, and made one for anita
Detective Comics 790
-jason turns 18 after cassandra turns 18, in 2004 (when published)
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
B’nei mitzvah in spaceship without Jewish community | Jewish character celebrating Christmas
Hi! Thank you so much for running this blog. I appreciate how much time and effort all the mods have put into it. I finished reading through the whole Jewish tag a few days ago, and I’ve learned so much! I’m writing a Voltron fic (I *know* lol) and decided to make one of the protagonists a white nonbinary Ashkenazi Reform Jewish girl. Her astronaut brother mysteriously disappears in space and is presumed dead, so she runs away from home a couple of months before her b'nei mitzvah to find him. Now, she’s in a group of rebels in space fighting against an Empire. I have two concerns:
1. Everyone on the ship misses home, so part of the way they cope is through getting in touch with their cultures. They’re gonna celebrate (a mostly non-Americanized) Christmas because it matters a lot to some of the characters for non-religious reasons. To what extent can my Jewish character participate in the celebration without it being weird? I want her to enjoy herself more because she’s with her friends than because Jesus etc. They’ll also celebrate Chanukah, if that helps. I know Chanukah isn’t a major holiday, so I also want to have her celebrate a more significant one like Rosh Hashanah and/or Purim with them. Is it okay for gentiles to participate in those holiday celebrations, or should she do that alone?
2. Throughout most of the story, she’ll struggle with choosing whether to prioritize fighting the Empire or finding her brother and bringing him home. When she eventually does find her brother (who also turns out to be a rebel), he lets her decide whether they stay or go home. I thought it would be nice if she decided to stay and keep fighting for the greater good after she finally has her b'nei mitzvah. Her friends and other experiences are also a big part of why she decides to stay, but the b'nei mitzvah would be what gives her the final push she needs to decide. I don’t know if it would be okay for me to write the ceremony itself or if she can even have one if only two of the eight people on the ship are Jewish. I read that not everyone has a b'nei mitzvah and that it’s not required, but I feel like it’d be a big deal to her character. Should I keep the b'nei mitzvah idea, or am I heading towards appropriative territory here?
I want to make her Jewishness a big part of her character’s growth, and I really want to make sure I do it respectfully and accurately. I plan on finding a sensitivity reader when I’ve made more progress with actually writing everything out. Thank you for any insight you might offer!
It feels off to me to join a community symbolically when you’re far away FROM the community. Why not just have had her already have done the ceremony before she has all these adventures? That way it could just be a straightforward story about a Jewish teen having exciting heroic adventures in space, rather than a story about what happens when you have to miss aspects of Jewish life because you’re in space. It would also make the “….well, I guess I’m around for Christmas” bit less weighted because then that would be the only one of those instead of having two of those.
I’ll cover some other territory here. For those who don’t know, b'nei mitzvah is something you just automatically become at the correct age, the ceremony is simply to celebrate that with the community. Not all people have the ceremony, but if you are Jewish, and of age (for religious purposes), your status changes with or without it. Personally, I’m comfortable with showing a Jewish character finding a way to have a Jewish celebration when the circumstances are less than ideal, for me the other aspects of the story are more troubling. 
On the subject of having a Jewish character celebrate Christmas with their friends… look I don’t like this trope. There are many Jewish people, who are completely secular, who don’t celebrate Christmas, because it is explicitly a Christian holiday, and secular Jewish people are still Jewish. Some Jewish people (secular or otherwise) do choose to celebrate other holidays, and I am very comfortable with those folks telling their own stories. What I’m not happy with is the push from outside of the community for every Jewish character to slide into assimilation. 
Some Jewish people will go to Christmas parties and not eat the food, because they keep kosher, or won’t stay for a tree-lighting, because that feels like it goes too far, or will give presents but not receive them. There are a huge number of ways we might handle Christmas, and I appreciate that you plan to show holidays other than just Chanukah (and yes, it’s fine for non-Jewish characters to join her in her holidays, if she invites them), but I always question why a non-Jewish writer is so keen to show Jewish characters celebrating Christmas. The most generous version of me wants to assume that you get so much out of Christmas that you want to share it, but the part of me that knows about the pressures to assimilate, and the history of increased antisemitic violence around Christmas thinks… just leave this kid alone. She missed her celebration, she’s far from her community, and now she has to go put on a Happy Assimilated Smile for the culturally Christian folks around her. From a nonbinary Jewish perspective, it’s a little unusual for your nonbinary character to use she/her pronouns, and use b'nei mitzvah as a gender neutral alternative to the gendered bat mitzvah. In secular life, at least in the US, it’s not uncommon for people to use multiple pronouns, but I haven’t met, or even heard of, a single person using gendered pronouns secularly, and using new neutral alternatives religiously. It absolutely could happen but, because it is so unusual, to me it reads as either invalidating the character’s gender, or tokenizing her in the religious sphere. 
Shira, I think that’s a really good idea to make the character post-b'nei mitzvah. That way you just have a Jewish character having adventures rather than her culture being The Conflict. (And also, a pre-b'nei mitzvah seems a bit young for this storyline? Can she really consent to fighting alongside the rebels? Do they habitually take unaccompanied children on their ship? To me a teenager would make more sense, but hey it’s not my story!)
Dierdra, your answer regarding the Christmas aspect was awesome and really thorough. Thanks for your thoughts on the pronouns as well, it also jarred with me but I was waiting to hear your opinion as you have lived experience. My worry is if you use gender neutral terms for one but not the other, you risk falling into to the stereotype that only marginalised religious folks have to change our language etc to be inclusive to LGBTQ+ people, but everyone else is fine. 
I wanted to come back to the point about Rosh Hashana. First of all, thank you for acknowledging that we have holidays that are more important than Chanukah! Sooo many OP’s don’t know that. In terms of how she would celebrate it, I agree it’s fine to invite non-Jewish people along. However, given how community-based Jewish life is, making her keep Yom Tov on her own feels a bit like a torture story, especially when others have people to celebrate Christmas with. I wonder if you’ve thought about giving her a Jewish friend on the ship? Especially if you want her Jewishness to be part of her growth as you mentioned, an older Jewish friend and mentor could be a huge help :)
As you can see, we have a wide range of possibilities for “what happens when you ask a Jewish person about celebrating Christmas.” I didn’t mind hanging around it as an outsider myself until a certain subset of Christians started being mean-spirited about it in the news plus some personal trauma that time of year, as long as everyone involved was clear that I was just participating from the outside and this didn’t somehow change me. (If I may make an analogy: compare it to going to a baby shower when you want to support your friend or family member but also really don’t want kids of your own. You’re going to have a whole different experience if your decision is respected vs. if all the other guests treat you like you being there means you’ll change your mind about not wanting kids.)
That being said, it’s still all over the map. Some people IRL are okay even going to mass with their partner’s Catholic family (without participating in communion obvs.) Some would never, ever do that and are sitting here with shocked faces that I even typed that. But what becomes important is the way it’s written. Sitting around listening to the Christmas story is probably a bad fit for your fanfic, but helping other people bake Christmas cookies or put ornaments on a tree could work. The ornament thing could remind her of decorating a sukkah, and she could point that out to the others. 
I guess I’m saying is 
keep her participation secular, and 
keep her participation from leaning into the idea that we’re unhappy with our customs and would prefer to do it their way. 
I have literally never in my life felt jealous of the kids who “got to do Santa” (for example) and while I’m sure some kids were and they’re valid too, I think it’s important to show that it’s not a universal phenomenon.
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queen-haq · 2 years
I love youuuuu for writing and despite the initial despair i had for the loss of reader & billys relationship i really love that i have something new to look forward to with awr😁 it reminds me of my english fiction writing workshop and i had a ball in that class!
i was veryyy skeptical with where you would take awr because aws was sooo good. i felt like you were gonna throw all that hard work away to chase this enemies to lovers storyline. (I’ve been burned by the ‘memory loss trope in the past)
But 10 chapters in and i love billys recollections of their married life as he starts to remember their past together. i’m just so 🥲 cause i miss them! I can’t imagine reader ever going back to billy so i’m sure you have some tricks up your sleeve to change our minds😉
Also i just love seeing sad billy like yes… You deserve to mourn your marriage just as reader did! And i mean actual sad, heartbroken, can’t-go-on billy. Not so-sad-he’s-angry billy. I just love an angsty, i really fucked up now billy. I feel like we never see him sad! in the fics i’ve read he’s almost always turning his sadness into anger. Obvs he’s doing that in awr but you do give us glimpses of his heart shattering and i live for it, i truly do.
Sorry this is rambly and long and if i’m not clear enough in my explanations (i’ve not been feeling good so i’ve been sleeping all day) but good work! And i hope you and your friend enjoy spending time together! I’ve just moved out of my home state and i’m sooo lonely here i havent made any friends😫 so i’ll be back to ask how your weekend went! 💕
No need to be sorry about rambling! I adore long messages, short messages, messages period 😀
I also look forward to posting the updates and then anxiously awaiting to see how the chapters are received. It feels so rewarding when I receive messages like yours with comments about the fic - I'm truly grateful.
And yes, I completely understand the hesitation about reading AWR after AWS. I hope AWR hasn't been a disappointment to you or anyone else so far - It's still the middle of the story so it's hard for me to say much about it without spoilers but I do think itll be a fulfilling journey. Of course opinions may differ, but I do hope most enjoy it. And if people don't, that's okay too 😉
We will see Billy’s perspective in the next chapter. Chapter 11 is not going to be plot heavy, it's going to be more of a character study for Billy. It sorta reminds me of AWS chapter 8.
I hope you take care of yourself, dear anon and get more sleep! I've been in your shoes, moving to a new place. I moved to SD from Toronto and I didn't know anybody here and it took some time to make friends, good friends, but just hang in there! It'll get better I promise 🙏 ❤️
Thanks for the well wishes 🥰 We went to the zoo today and had such a blast 💖
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hello Chibimyumi! I hope your New Year was restful. I've got an analytical-opinion Q for you: Kuroshitsuji is obvs. not an allegory or anything; Seb is diagetically a demon etc, but Yana's BoA interview mentioning how one of its themes is "what would you do if a demon was by your side" + your excellent post on why Sebastian is so toxic for OC got me thinking: do you think there's any interpretive merit to also viewing him as a kind of manifestation of OC's psychological/emotional "demons"?
【Mentioned post: Analysis O!Ciel and Sebastian’s relationship】
Dear Anon,
First of all my apologies for my super late reply. Your question is a very good one and I honestly have been thinking about it since I received it. And all this time I’ve been going back and forth between: “yes” and “no” to your question ( ´艸`)
In the end, I think I will settle with “no, I don’t think it is a good idea to equate Sebas to a kind of manifestation of O!Ciel’s psychological/emotional demons.”
Sometimes Beneficial...
The first reason I think so is because by interpreting Sebas as part of O!Ciel’s own demons, we do overlook the fact that Sebas is SOMETIMES actually helpful. If one were to equate Sebas to O!Ciel’s own darkest sides of his trauma or personality, it would be implying that somebody’s inner demons are of some kind of actual benefit at times. If the ‘benefits’ cannot be achieved through a non-toxic method, then such benefits are no real benefits.
For example, there were instances wherein Sebas was mean, but ultimately he did push O!Ciel to continue fighting. Though, the fighting was at the expense of O!Ciel’s long term health. In this sense Sebas is an ‘inner demon’ that can be useful, but is ultimately bad. This is the reason I did actually consider the answer to your question being “yes”.
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Another example is when O!Ciel threw away the vastly important momento of his dead father, but Sebas retrieved and even repaired it for him. It is “nice”, but when O!Ciel threw it away it was likewise symbolic of him rejecting a past that would drag him down. Here too Sebas “retrieved” O!Ciel’s traumatic memories to make sure he would continue on his path of self destructive vengeance.
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However, there are also rare moments wherein Sebas genuinely tried his best to consider O!Ciel’s well-being, such as when he protected O!Ciel on the sinking ship. There Sebas exposed himself to great danger to protect his master.
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Yes, in the end it was because Sebas CANNOT let O!Ciel die if it is within his own powers, and that for the sake of himself ultimately being able to have his dinner. So Sebas’ motivations are never fully benign/selfless.
Indeed, emotional demons can 'help’ one person to climb out of a terrible situation so that another terrible situation can happen instead. For example, somebody who is down can get back to their feet because their inner demons tells them: “if you don’t you’re worthless”. But once the person is back on their feet again the inner demon leads them to do something detrimental again.
However, because on the Campania it was a matter of life and death, the case is quite different again. Had Sebas let O!Ciel die, then NOTHING would have happened afterwards. So in this sense, Sebas saving O!Ciel’s life (for selfish reasons or not) was the only right thing to do. In short, unlike what Sebas did, human emotional demons usually don’t put themselves in harm’s way for the sake of destroying the host later. Emotional demons usually only feed themselves at the expense of its host.
Exorcism of Inner Demons?
Though incredibly difficult, in theory psychological demons CAN be exorcised with proper help and unwavering determination. Sebas however, cannot be exorcised no matter how determined O!Ciel would be to achieve that. If he does, then by contract he would have doomed himself to becoming instant dinner. This is where a comparison between Sebas and psychological demons proves itself to be imperfect, because if a real person were determined enough to ‘exorcise’ their own demons, they would not automatically doom themselves. They might experience a deep dive for a bit! But they have not automatically sentenced themselves to death.
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Another reason this comparison would have cracks is that Sebas can in fact be killed by external forces (Undertaker) and that O!Ciel wouldn’t need to do anything to get that result. Though it is a real misconception, real emotional demons can never be taken away by a third party without one’s own work.
So to conclude, though it is very tempting and even satisfying to interpret Sebas as a personification of O!Ciel’s inner demon, in the end the comparison breaks if analysed thoroughly.
Sebas is toxic to O!Ciel, he arose because the boy was treated so awfully, and most of Sebas’ “good deeds” are for the sake of the boy’s final destruction: these aspects make the comparison juicy and epiphany-worthy perhaps.
However, Sebas does also at times put himself in harm’s way for his host, and can be ‘exorcised’ by an external force without O!Ciel needing to put in the work himself. Though the juiciness of the comparison is still tempting to me, ultimately these latter factors are the ‘deal breakers’ for me to support the comparison.
I hope this helps (*´▽`*)ノ
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it: ZUKKA
OH i have some opinions on this. warning: this reply will be a mile long.
essentially: i do really like zukka and have a soft spot for it, i used to absolutely love it (it was my fave ship back when i first watched atla in 2016), but the revival of atla has complicated my feelings towards it & has made me realise how much fan discussion and culture shapes out understanding of television. I largely think it is very overrated now and the fandom frustrates me a lot even if it's still kind of dear to me?
like at core, i think one should approach zukka not like it was 'meant to be' or highly signalled by the narrative (it was not and never was, lol, let's be honest) but rather just an extrapolation & continuation of the great teamwork dynamic and friendship that zuko and sokka presented during the boiling rock episode. they set out with some of the most awkward small talk and struggled to communicate or bond (i.e. that's rough buddy) but in the midst of the action, affirmed, supported, and trusted each other repeatedly, and this culminated in how well they fought together against azula imo? by the time they left they were so much closer. tbh i think zuko is important to sokka, as zuko affirms sokka and doesn't see him like dead weight or unnecessary in the slightest and believes in him, but also zuko is emotionally forthright in a way that challenges sokka, who hides his insecurities and buries emotions deep with a bleak outlook, sarcastic humour and a focus on the plan, to be more forthright as well. i think sokka helps direct zuko from bad impulsive decisions without trying to stifle him either and clearly appreciates some of his more hare-brained creative solutions (e.g. breath of fire in the cooler) and doesn't dismiss him entirely as an idiot either. like their dynamic - friendship or romance - is very good imo from only that one episode
ideal zukka content is set in this liminal space between boiling rock and sozin's comet where it's about the two of them continuing to lean on and trust each other, open up about shared fears and experiences (both older brothers with chips on their shoulders and prodigy sisters who looked up to their very very different fathers) but also just be goofy boys together, who do stupid or impulsive things and just *act their age* as that is something neither sokka nor zuko, who both shoulder responsibilities and tasks beyond their years, get to do much. like something light, maybe a little fleeting, but means so much in that space, very much the sort of meaningful summer romance you might have as a teenager.
all that said:
for various reasons i'm now sure how it'd pan out long term? a lot of fandom content depicts them as meant-to-be and each other's whole world when like, there's clearly so many other priorities they have - both have a strong sense of duty by the end of the show and i really dislike it when sokka is depicted neglecting that to spend all his time hanging around zuko? like racism r.e. sokka also comes into play as people will devalue his friendships and family in the tribe for the sake of a romantic relationship (with the fire lord, of all people! the boy-king of the imperialist nation that once raided the water tribe so much that it was barely hanging by a thread!). like i don't mind reading fic that actually takes the time to explore that conflict of interest and those different goals and how to navigate having different priorities as an adult and the legacy of colonialism without totally handwaving it or dismissing it but a lot of content just ignores it for the sake of 'oh gay husbands' and it really does a disservice to the characters? realistically i think it would have to be long distance and even then i'm not sure if that's what either needs - and so I instinctively just don’t care for anything that ignores the real difficulties they’d face.
there's also issues with racism in how sokka is mischaracterised as stupid (he's not) or the more emotional one (really, did we watch the same show) or how he thinks zuko is just a million times out of his league (especially when this trope talks about zuko's silky hair or pale skin i absolutely want to scream), as well as fetishising art where he's often more nude that really can make some zukka circles really really uncomfortable? like imo some fans definitely treat zukka like the red boy/blue boy ship from v*ltron and either grossly simplify or flat out ignore characterisation for them to fit certain stock m/m fandom archetypes, and a lot of this is tied up with racist fetishisation of visibly brown characters and fandom racism too. and yeah there's some visual similarity there but zuko and sokka are a thousand times more fleshed out? please don't reduce them to that bullshit. very much feels like the rise of zukka is a product of how fandom culture nowadays prioritises m/m far more than it did 10 years ago but has not at all attempted to address racism, misogyny, ableism, any kind of structural power dynamics that shape modern american/western culture and fan discussions
also? quite honestly i'm of the opinion that people should *not* be writing explicit sexual content about aged-up teenagers in community spaces where there's *tonnes* of minors and yet there is a plethora of explicit zukka fic in this revival and it leads to people just casually remarking about sexual roles of teenage characters around fucking. 15 year old kids. and the total lack of responsibility or even willingness to question whether this is appropriate by adults in this community drives me up the fucking wall. (zukka isn’t unique in this regard btw other ships do this too but it's been a reason for my growing discomfort). obvs teenagers do talk about sex themselves but they should do that amongst themselves and not with adult strangers in the figurative room? ffs.
i think on a more minor note now there's almost an over-saturation of content in the atla fandom to the extent that its drowning out other, more meaningful discussions about the characters or their equally/more important platonic dynamics, and that's frustrating to engage with.
like in theory, done well, with a delicate hand that respects the strength of their characters and dynamic, it's an A+ ship, but the content the fandom produces is sometimes really horrible. In fairness to zukka fans there have been attempts at accountability in at leas the circles i travel in, but there's way more to do in this regard.
(and also as a primarily f/f writer i do resent it a teeny tiny bit because of how much reception it receives for a pairing with little textual basis, and how that dwarfs femslash at the end of the day since a lot of the focus on m/m is fetishising or the readers just don't consider the autonomy or interiority of women as interesting).
i feel like i have more to say but that is largely it r.e. zukka. very much taught me a ship is often as good as its fandom, but also taught me that i can read two works labelled zukka and they can have absolutely nothing in common beyond that because how good a ship in fic is reliant on what the author has done with it. i’ve read a lot zukka content i adore but i’ve also read a fair amount of zukka content that makes me deeply uneasy/uncomfortable. I still love it but i have a love-hate relationship with it to some extent.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 122 Poll Results
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The chapter 122 poll closed with 1,472 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,428 Responses
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This is one for the record books. Chapter 122 is officially the highest rated chapter since we started the poll. A whopping 85.2% of respondents gave it the top rating. The previous record holder was chapter 101 (79.8%) which featured the long awaited return of the Survey Corps.
5 out of 5 for the pig who seeks freedom! Fight For Freedom! Revolt! Revolt! Revolt!
Each chapter is becoming my favorite every time and this one isn't different. It's a fantastic read.
In a single chapter Founder Ymir became one of my top five characters in this series point blank.
I thought nothing could top chapter 100. 122 is the best one of the entire story. 
A turning point. Very well executed. Congrats, Isayama, can't wait to see what you still have on store!
Yet another mind-blowing chapter, honestly one of my favorites in the series! Honestly, this was a chapter I have been awaiting since I started getting into SnK, and those feelings increased following the basement reveal chapters where we are left to wonder which parts of Ymir's story are true and which are false.
One of the best chapters of the series! Definitely gave me a new appreciation for Attack on Titan from a story telling standpoint.
I love how many questions this answers and also creates; I’m happy that there are still many things left a mystery!
Aamazing chapter, I fucking cried. Now give me Historia, Isayama. I need her.
I'm just so happy to see it finally coming together and not be let-down
If Floch doesn't die in the Rumbling I want a refund
Worldwide genocide, taking care of kids, get you a man who can do both
Damn, Isayama.
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You guys are almost as split on this question as Ymir’s Titan Powers are. Speaking of, she also happens to directly occupy the two most common answers, with 48.7% rating their favorite moment as either her backstory, or her conversation with Eren.The fall of the walls takes third place, followed by Eren’s revival and the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter.
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You started this story, didn’t you: pig who got freed?  45.1% feel that the earliest in story event makes for a good starting point.  Just over ¼ of respondents felt the Founder Ymir Fritz is most responsible.  8.4% feel it’s Eren, and only 3.4% chose Grisha for whom the quote originally signified.  The most popular write-in answer, King Fritz, overtook poor Grisha at 4.2%.  Variations on King Fritz in the write-ins numbered almost 200.
People's greed. It started with the first King Fritz and it continued with the next generations
The Eldians (First Fritz)
Isayama. He started the whole story! If that wasn't him, the pigs would not run away.
Everybody has played their own part, it is not simply a matter of what single person is the most responsible.
The Attack titan
The Marleyean military higher ups that ordered Bertolt, Reiner, Annie and Marcel to breach the walls of Paradis Island
Those that blamed Ymir
The spinal fluid that was inside the three because if that wasn't there, titans would have never existed in the first place.
The cycle of violence/hatred/slavery. The King Fritz probably wasn't the first to be this way. The story has no true beginning because it's a cycle, but Eren will be the end.
King Dickz
The first King. Why isn't it an option?
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Our current queen seems to resemble the first queen quite a bit, with almost half of respondents, at 46.8% saying Historia parallels original Ymir the most.  35% feel Ymir is most connected to, well, Ymir.  14.3% chose Eren, and a sliver of votes went to Zeke at 1.6%.
Though there are more parallels to  Freckled Ymir, the pregnancy of Ymir Fritz can be a connection-foreshadowment of Historia's pregnancy plan. So I'll say that there are parallels to both Freckled ymir and Historia.
Mikasa is a lot like pre freedom ymir
Anyone who has been trapped in life
Connected to: Eren. Parallels: Freckled Ymir.
both Historia and freckled Ymir, obvs. And Mikasa, to a lesser extent
A lot of the cast parallel OG Ymir
Definitely Freckled Ymir. She took the blame of all those people in the hopes of being useful or wanted through her sacrifice and then got the power of the titans. 
Ymir has parallels to Historia, freckled Ymir and Zeke
Time will show.
I'd say both Historia and Ymir: the cult picked up Ymir, who was a homeless child, similar to how Founder Ymir was a slave without name or status; the two of them stood for their people even after they've been denounced out of cowardice and fought for someone else until their very end, out of pure selflessness. Historia parallels Founder Ymir by how she became a slave of her blood, and a tool to be used.
I was gonna say Oluo, but he never actually lost his tongue.
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In a conflict with no clear start, we get to see further back into the past!  But did the revelations change your mind?  The vast majority at 66.3% don’t give a flying fritz about who started it, they just want to see the bloodshed end.  12.7% say their outlook has changed but Marley is more in the wrong still; and only 5.3% had this chapter change their mind to the Eldians being most at fault.
All the men in power are as bad as each other
Both nations committed atrocities
Both sides are slaves to history, Eldia today is not responsible for the actions 2000 years ago. 
Eldia in the past I always figured were some tyrannical force, I mean what else would happen with an ancient civilisation discovering the Power of the Titans. But Marley's propaganda having some truth to it doesn't mean they're justified in their treatment of Eldians in the modern day who had nothing to do with the original Eldia. 
How could we know? What was the relationship between eldia and Marley before Ymir turned into a titan? Was Marley in the wrong before they were overtaken by eldia/even before king fritz took Marley people prisoner?
King Fritz is the one to blame. Not all of Eldia and ESPECIALLY not the Survey Corps.
Marley is more in wrong because they are continuing to perpetuate the conflict in the present.
The current characters we love and want to end up happy have nothing to do with the past, they just want to be free.
There's neither bad or right in this story "Everyone can become a god or a devil, all it takes is for someone to claim that to be the truth" 
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In a story filled with lovable characters, there’s also tons of douchenozzles.  67.7% believe the original King Fritz is the worst of them all. 17.2% took the intellectual route and responded with “Yes”.
All of them are rotten, selfish and full of hatred people who only think about themselves and are ready to manipulate own children (or other people) for own benefits.
first king Fritz of Eldia and Eren 
Gabi a.k.a. Garbage
I believe king fritz and gross deserve eatch other, they are the assholes of their times
I'm surprised Zeke finally got a rival in being the worst human ever in person of King Fritz.  
No recognition for our very own Darius 'poo-chair' Zackly? 
Most have a at least some humanizing (if not redeeming) qualities, but both King Fritz and Gross are evil to the core
King Fritz, but Flock is also an big asshole (it's never a bad time to point that)
Where's Zeke? To be honest I can't decide between Fritz, Floch, and Zeke.
Who the fuck put floch here, come here and fight 
Why on earth are Karina and Alma here? They were horrid mothers to their kids; the others are guilty of murder, torture and genocide.  
Ymir Fritz because she received godlike powers and decided to stay with a power hungry king; she was free and could have done anything but because of her slave mentality she decided to stay with him for 13 years! as uncle Ben said "With great power comes great responsibility"
The 145th king is the only one who did unreasonable bad things to his people, he literally allowed his people to be enslaved all over the world and he allowed the future genocide of his people. The worst thing is this doesn't do anything. It doesn't save the world from anything. Even the paradise he created was all for himself because he couldn't deal with reality. His logic is faulty, but even so he couldn't even do the job himself. The only one that can be worst than him is Zeke who's another evil man who wants to exterminate his own people. But, unlike Karl, Zeke is willing to do the job himself.
That goddamn pig
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In a chapter with so many answers, we still have vague origins!  Starting from the start, what in the world is that tree?  Over half of you, at 55.5%, think it’s Attack on Titan’s version of the Yggdrasil tree from Norse mythology.  24.2% say it’s the source of all organic matter we’ve heard discussed.  11.3% say it just grew out of what it’s housing, and 5.9% think it’s similar to the forest of giant trees.
A connection between a human and the Earth, hence the Devil of All Earth
A wellspring or hidden primordial lake
Yggdrasil but is the source of all organic matter somehow, and I think it's somehow related to the trees on Paradis being so big.
A hideout for that Hallucigenia thing left by the devil
It appears almost as a man and women embracing. Adam and Eve??
It doesn't matter. It was never about the origin of the titans, it was about the power of the titans and the moral implications of it. How the titans came to be is irrelevant.
The Great Deku Tree dungeon
Titan tree. It is probably the same species as the trees surrounding it, but has grown unnaturally large due to the parasite in it's water source.
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Another layer of mystery within the mystery tree!  Two main thoughts emerged and are almost even in popularity.  46.9% believe it is the source of all organic matter; wheread 44.3% say it’s a parasite of unknown origin.  3.2% say it’s in fact the devil itself.
A connection to the earth, making her the Devil
A *Symbiote* of unknown origin
A root of the tree that connects whoever it touches with the paths realm
A root of the tree that's been soaked and absorbing the water; the water is the real source.
I've seen enough hentai to know that is an alien
It could be the very first living being on this planet, a sort of progenitor from which all genes and all variations of biodiversity came to be.
Just a spine in the water turning little girl to big girl. What's supposed to be special about that?
This world's version of Níðhöggr, the many legged dragon that eats at the roots of the Tree of Life.
The spine of the previous founder
The Great Deku Tree dungeon boss. Ymir lost.
A poorly designed shit-machine that can't get the job done
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When Ymir fell into the tree, did she drown?  The majority of the fanbase doesn’t feel anything like that happened, whereas over a ¼ at 26.6% feel she died and was revived.  5% believe she died, and was thereafter controlled by the parasite type thing.
Dying and being brought back to life is meant to be Zeke's thing!!
I think she was almost dying but the parasite healed her.
It revived her and created a clone within the paths dimension.
I think Ymir's body as a child is still in that tree to this day, with the parasite still attached to her. It was deep underground, thus affecting the ground shared by its roots (assuming this is Paradis), and being the reason for all the giant trees. It also explains a little Titans being creatures of the Earth, and Ymir forming them with sand.
She became a Titan seconds before dying
She probably passed out for a few seconds after she drowned, and it was during that brief state of unconsciousness that parasite attached to her.
Ymir the human died, and Ymir the Titan was born. That's why Ymir the human is in the Paths and not Ymir the Titan. Ymir the Human sculpts the titan body for her Titan self, because time is infinite and strange in Paths.
A mix of both Yes answers - it revived her but also controlled her body so that she could only watch on as an observer. It makes her more of a slave without a free will as something else is literally controlling her body from within her and she can’t do anything about it
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We finally got to see the original founding titan in the flesh!  The ribs sticking out stuck out to 39.7% the most.  29.5% of you found it interesting that the overall design was uglier than the goddess like depictions we’ve seen.  17.6% went for the skull face she has, and 11.8% simply went for the HUGE size.
All of above, just look at that atrocity
Her missing eyes
Everything, the ribs were the first thing I noticed with the face being next. It took me a 2nd read through the chapter to realize that she is bigger than the Colossal titan. Definitely one of the best titan designs from Isayama
How malnourished it looks
It's terrifying and it's the fusion of the 9 titans
The fact that it looks nothing like I expected or imagined 
Everything about it - One can see exactly why the truth about her was easily manipulated.
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This question was for that one guy who absolutely could not deal with the original WHT’s hair. You’re in good company, but the results are about as polarized as global politics. 35% want Emma back immediately, 16.4% don’t really care about this egregious crime, and 32.4% are totally indifferent. Only 16% had slight feelings in either direction. The poll lawyers are telling me that I have to clarify that Emma is still only a fandom name for the previous Warhammer. Get on it Isayama.
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You guys liked Ymir’s Founding Titan so much that it’s literally off the charts. The original Attack Titan got some pretty mixed reviews, but the general consensus is that you guys prefer an Eren and/or a Jaeger to be driving that thing. The scourge of the hair comes back to beat down the original Warhammer’s ratings as well, but the majority remain indifferent. Speaking of indifference, more of you were indifferent about the OG Colossal Titan than had strong feelings one way or another combined. We’ll see how that result changes when it ends up CGI in Season 4. The general consensus on the original Armored Titan is, “It’s alright, I guess.” The Female Titan was the second on the list to have a majority “Love” rating, though whether this is due to the design or severe Annie Deprivation Syndrome remains to be seen.
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Another tear jerking childhood to add to the list, but does it top it?  The overwhelming majority at 83.5% feel that she did earn that award of tragedy.  6.3% believe the classic sufferboi Reiner still tops the charts.  3.4% went for Levi, 1.8% for the other Ymir, 0.7% for Zeke and 0.4% for Historia.
Everyone has suffered uniquely in this series, how can I choose ?
First, I'm offended Grisha wasn't included here. Second, everyone's suffered too much. So they all win.
Her backstory definitely is the darkest and saddest one. Reiner, Historia, Ymir and the rest had their moments of happiness. They were surrounded by loving people. Ymir was always all alone; born as a slave, had full of sadness life and after death she was creating titans for 2000 years. She just wanted to be free and wanted be loved, yet she had none of that. 
Homegirl is still living her 2000-year-long tragic backstory, she definitely wins
I don't think tragic backstories should be a competition
I think you forgot about Mr Yeager :) those guys are not even close to him
Is this Suffering Olympics or something?
Ymir and Mikasa the most sad tragic backstory
Ymir is always showed as a mindless slave, even at the start of her backstory, it is too hard to empathize with someone that never acted as a human being and lived her whole life without any emotion
Grisha easily has it for me. Ymir's circumstances were worse from birth, and Reiner's dissonance and misery is tragic, but Grisha's perceived misery throughout his cycles of perpetual tragedy shows that he easily suffered the most. 
Give them all a hug.
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Is Helos historical or completely fabricated?  10.7% believe the Marleyan who killed Ymir is in fact Helos, and 66.9% believe the character is based on him.  22.4% don’t believe the idea of Helos and this man are related in any way.
The one showing rebellion in this chapter is the figure serving as a role model for Helos. Unlike Ymir, he was powerless and only had his spear, but he took enough courage to show resistance to Eldia's domination and toss his spear at the king. He paid it with his life, but he fatally wounded Ymir in return, showing even the goddess of titans could bleed. I'm confident the myth of Helos is going to be relevant in the future chapters.
YMIR didn't die with the spear-throw..I think her conscious form was stuck in the paths before her body revived. 
Helos? Really?? Helos???
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In a series filled with gore, this chapter was above average with violence.  Ymir’s young daughters cannibalizing their mother was the most gruesome according to almost all of you at 89.2%.  Second place is a bit behind at 3.5%, with centipede spine Eren.
All of the above
Everything but Centipede Eren
The guy getting his tongue cut out that was even censored for the manga.
We've seen lots of people being eaten so not that, and Erentipede is going to be stunning animated so not that. Maybe head on a pike. 
The tongue cut from the beginning really horrified me, it put the chapter in a great atmosphere from the start
No mention about that slave getting his tongue cut out by those ancient Eldian soldiers? That was pretty grizzle. That panel implies that all people enslaved by the Eldians lost their tongues upon getting captured, which meant that Ymir likely lost her tongue as well. That really explains how she had no spoken dialogue in the past, and while the tongue may have regenerated following her first Titan transformation, the length of time she couldn't speak and her status most likely prevented her from speaking.
No need to be censored
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Eren’s finally stated what he plans to do; but what does it mean!?  45.9% believe the world he plans to destroy is the paths realm, eldning titans that way.  25.4% think he just meant dismantling the status quo of the world.  14.4% say he’s just going to rumble enemies of Eldia, whereas 10.6% say the whole earth.
All options seem plausible
Destroy the PATHS realm and rumble the enemies invading Eldia. 
He plans to rumble all life, destroy the paths realm, AND erase all the memories of the remaining Eldians on Paradis so they completely forget about the history of the titans, thus effectively making the past 2000 years seem like they never even happened. ANDHe plans to destroy the PATHS realm, putting an end to titans
He wants to destroy the world as it is now. He wants to create a world where none of the things that happened to Ymir can ever happen again.
I think he just needs a nap
I understand that fandom wants to see Eren as good guy who will not destroy the world, but I think that everything is simple - Eren is planning to use full rumbling; destroy the whole world, kill millions of innocent people, animals and plants. 
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2,000 years ago, 2,000 years from now.  The titles of this and chapter one parallel, but what else?  Over half of you, at 52.7% believe Eren was sent Ymir’s feelings when she had her emotional epiphany.  33.5% say Eren was sent memories of what’s about to happen, and 11.1% don’t think anything from this chapter related to Eren crying in chapter one specifically.
1st Chapter name suggest it does, but it just make no sense as Eren at that point didn't had attack titan power, so he could not receive others memories
Eren crying will be due to the consequences of this chapter
Eren learns of Ymir's backstory
I don't think Isayama meant for it to originally mean anything this far in the story, but I think there could be some Paths tomfoolery going on.
Eren saw the memories of his death and literally everything until that moment
Eren was sent a message like a cry for help maybe? Strong, intense feelings of sadness and despair... Because in this chapter Eren says she'd been waiting for someone for 2000 years, so I am guessing 2000 years ago she started sending a message.
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Sad Girl Hours have officially been endorsed by Hajime Isayama himself. 73.7% of you guys are in full support, and an additional 15.2% of your mice slipped when answering. 6.9% of you guys kinda just wanna see something else happen, and the first one of you on Reddit to say “Nice.” about that is getting sent to Paradis. Lastly, a grand total of 60 of you defy all explanation.
I want to hug Ymir so bad :( mute babby
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It took 2,000 years for Ymir to open her eyes and her heart, what about Eren got her to that point?  29.9% think he was the only person to ever empathize with her at all, 8.4% think it was simply Eren’s chadness, while 8.3% think it’s only because the previous royals viewed her as a slave.  The majority at 41.1% feel it’s a mix of all available options.
Because he was born into this world
Because he is the protagonist
He embraced her and showed her compassion- something she never felt before
Defiance of old wills. He does, after all "just keep moving forward."
Eren didn't seek to use Ymir as a slave
Eren made her realize that she isn't a slave OR a god. She was enslaved and in later years worshipped, but just like Eren: from the moment she was born, she was free
He knew/experienced everything she went through.
He manipulated her to be able to use her powers
He was the first person to tell her she could make her own choices
He was the only one that put his ideals over his personal gain to the end. Ymir is a slave, therefor Eren frees her from her slavery. /The previous royals viewed her as a slave
TALK NO JUTSU 2 GOOD; Eren is good at manipulating kids when it suits his needs best + He was the only one to ever empathize with her
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Eren’s alive!  But what is that… thing?  IT LOOKS AWESOME!  32.9% had that as their first response.  It was nearly a three way split though, and 30.6% first thought of how it must look for those for whom only a moment has passed since his head flew off.  30.2% quickly made the connection that it looks like the parasite thingy Ymir Fritz found.  Only 3.2% thought it looked stupid as hell.
100/10, better than Kaneki
Ken is hiring a lawyer for copyrights lawsuits against Eren.
I am wondering, what if this is basically Ymir's renouncing of the power she had, finally freeing herself, and thus passing it on to Eren?
I thought that Eren was becoming Níðhöggr, the literal devil that causes Ragnarok (the apocalypse). He looks really cool and frightening at the same time, I love this young man!
It cant be stopped anymore and weird for whom only a second passed
It looks less like a centipede and more like roots to me.
My thought, "The hell is that?!"
Nothing personal Eren, but burn that thing immediately.
Oh thank goodness Eren didn't split into two.
pure "why is the boss music changing to MORE intense?", and that's great
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44.3% of you are really enthusiastic about Eren surviving his beheading, despite proclaiming that you knew it’d happen anyway. It takes the noggin for a joggin’, but I’m not here to judge. 27.1% of you guys are relatively indifferent about it, and 21.1% of you didn’t think you’d like it, but ultimately bent the knee before Isayama’s storytelling abilities.
Am I surprised? No. Are you surprised? No
Disappointed but not surprised...
Excited, but wondering how he is actually going to die.
It was predictable but the revival still felt epic
It was predictable since he's the main character, c'mon anyone else would die like Porco did.
oshiete oshiete
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A moment that’s been built up so long, what feeling took over when it finally happened?  Most of the fanbase, at 68.3%, were just in awe at how well Isayama pulled it off.  14.2% were filled with hope that Eren actually made it happen.  On the opposite end of the spectrum 13.5% were filled with dread.
All of the above. This story is a rollercoaster.
Dread as the wall titans are facing into Paradis so Eren's plan may backfire! 
Everything in the manga has led to this moment
I kind of thought/hoped the rumbling would be a red herring, but oh well. it'll still be cool
I want them do the colossal dance
I was hoping this chapter won't end with cliffhanger
Looks very dramatic, will be momentous animated, still not surprising since I think a lot of us knew it was gonna happen eventually
meh, I want the story to advance, but the rumbling never grabbed me as an event I was waiting for
I peed
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Isayama’s art truly has improved over the years and this chapter showcased that.  The final panel left the biggest impression on 33.7% of you.  25.1% felt a deep impact from Ymir’s emotional closeup, and the walls cracking and crumbling rounds out the top 3 at 14.8%.
All of them
Original 9 titans.
the one where Ymir was building thousands of collosal titans
not so beautifully drawn but still nice
The pages with Ymir alone in the Paths realm while Fritz tells his daughters to continue the reign of Titans and Eldia 
Ymir’s children eating her
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In this chapter King Fritz used the same line Grisha did when learning about Ymir much further down the line.  Half of the fanbase at 50.6% don’t feel that anything’s at play and it was just Grisha making assumptions based on what information he had.  Just about ¼ at 25.7% feel paths are involved but they don’t have to explain anything after that.  14.2% feel there was a chain of memory sending that led to the result we got.
Actually Grisha never deciphered the documentation. I thought it was obvious he was being portrayed as extremist at the point to show the other side of the coin. Both sides just make up facts as they want.
I suppose it being the exact wording as what the King said made people think there was memories shenanigans but Isayama does these kind of parallels all the time, with characters saying something word for word that they don’t have knowledge of.
"Grisha how did you understand this?"  "Pretty pictures."
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The walls have fallen.  What will happen next?  In a near even split, 48.1% win out saying there will be a small scale rumbling, whereas 45% say it will be worldwide.  Only 6.9% feel there won’t be any form of rumbling at all.
AWESOME! But i really don't want a full scale rumbling
Eren is becoming more and more the last antagonist of this story and it's just scary how some people in the fandom understand and support Eren's plan. Hopefully Marley, Zeke and the SC will working together to stop the rumbling and Eren. 
i really dont think eren is gonna go full rumbling or even in a small scale, hes gonna end the word dominated by titans by taking away the titan power from eldians
The rumbling isn't a metaphor people. Eren is planning to kill billions of innocents. Can't wait for the warriors and 104th to team up and put down that mad dog.
Zeke said it himself a few chapters back: Eldia would have no chance of fighting the entire World Army; the Rumbling really seemed to be their only way out, and launching those Colossal Titans now as a pre-emptive strike would be the best way to suppress the Army before they can even attack.
I have a feeling that the rumbling will turn out to be anti- climatic. Lots of people seem to be pinning their hopes on the rumbling being the cure-all to Eldia's problems, but the world of attack on titan is not that kind.
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The chapter ended with a titan forming, but what will it end up being?  Barely over half, at 51.6% believe it to be Eren with a power up from Ymir Fritz.  20.5% think it’s Eren with Ymir attached in some way, and 14.1% think Eren has accessed a new form on his own.
Eren and Ymir combined, rather than attached. Could be a new Titan form, could be Attack Titan on Titan Steroids. Need to wait until 123 to maybe find out.
Eren in Warhammer, he is not in the nape
Centipide Titan that will die after getting out of energy
Eren with full power from the Founder, Attack and Warhammer
I'm thinking it's some sort of founder-unlocked version of Eren's titan. Maybe Ymir is giving him full control now.
Eren and Ymir fused. Ymen
It's Eren but I don't know how his titan will look like and I don't care about it, cause I'm more worried about Gabi. 
Eren's founding titan form. He had it all along, but he could never use it, until now.
The last two sound so lewd without context
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I was gonna ask for Fs in the chat for whoever led in the results for this question, but then I saw it was Floch, so… Fs in the chat for Magath I guess, because a lot of you seem to think Hulk Hogan is going to suplex him (and Floch) through a table at Royal Rumble DCCCLIV. That’s fancy talk for “die.” Pieck and Zeke are pretty high on the list as well. There’s a lot of information here, so I won’t give you all the specifics in this written part—take a look! Armin has 92 votes, which lands him at 6.9% don’t say it Reddit, and Mikasa has 117 votes, with only 8.7% of you suspecting death in her immediate future. For a brick, she flies pretty good!
I hope no one, but I'm sure everyone
Everyone without plot armor, in other words no main or supporting characters.
I think the named characters are still safe. For Now. But soon, not so safe.
Less people than realistically possible
literally no one because Isayama is a hack
For some reason I feel like Yelena will die soon
Pieck, Niccolo, I don't want it to happen but I feel like Nikolo's gonna go down protecting the Braus family! :(
None of the above
Because she sort of... disassociated there
I think her younger self was "recorded" and so a version of ymir was there ever since she fell down the tree. The tree itself being the physical portal to it or sth like that. No one else fell down that hole...
in order to create the other 8 titans, she gave up her soul and became stranded there. 
Because she started it all, she's the only one who touched the whatever it was that gave the titan powers.
I think it's obvious, she was the original slave, the only one that King Fritz's evil targeted specifically. Damning her to an eternity in the hellish isolation only making titans to oppress mankind, because that was his goal.
After she came in contact with what I believe to be the silver branch from Celtic Mythology, her conscious was unknowingly split into two; one in the paths and the other in the physical word. Once Ymir finally died in the physical world, her conscious fuse with the paths conscious and became aware of it.
I think the paths realm takes place inside the mind or dimension of that worm/nidhogg/ancient god parasite and she was brought back to it after she allowed herself to die. The sand Ymir uses to build titans may be her tapping into the reservoir of liquid underneath that giant tree or something.
she's tied to it as a slave and never had the strength on her own to break free
SHE created the PATHS dimension. She is the first titan and has almost unlimited power
A combination of being the bearer of the Centispine and the long years of abuse she went through making her unable to disobey yet another order. Hers is pretty much the most heartbreaking case of learned helplessness. What keeps her obeying the commands of the royals is the fact that she doesn't even realise there is another possibility. Because nobody ever cared enough about her to show her there is one. 
Another version of herself was created, when she came in contact with the thing, so that she could create her titan etc..
As the very first Titan, she is the conduit through which PATHS flows. The parasite had now host in the beginning so PATHS couldn't be conveyed until Ymir showed up.
Because with her started everything, i believe her “burden” was to be attached forever
Maybe it's because she's the only one that's physically attached to that weird, interdimensional organism. Maybe it's because her body was dismembered and consumed by 3 different people. Other titan shifters don't get stranded there because their spirits can in some way inhabit the one person who inherits their power. Maybe there is significance to Eren having gotten 3 titans, perhaps one from each lineage: Maria, Rose, and Sina, which now somehow allows Ymir's spirit to leave Paths. He certainly did work hard to get the War Hammer, specifically.
i think paths always existed and have always been there, but there wasnt someone to be in there, because no one discovered that spine under the giant tree. so, i think that ymir's soul somehow connected with the paths at the moment she gained the titan power, and when she died, her soul converted into the "ruler" of the paths
It was always her, she's the special one. There is nothing special about eldians, other than them being biologically related to Ymir. Ymir was always the one with the power, the only one. She was only limited by her slave mentality, if she wanted to, she could've ruled the world forever and she would've been the only one with titan powers. It seems she has given her powers and special function to Eren. That means that Eren alone will be the special one and he will rule the world forever with only him having titan powers. 
She held all 9 titan powers, and as the only person in history to do so, she has the ability to view all of the other branches on the tree. Similar to how a shifter might be able to view the memories of a past shifter.... Ymir can view ALL of them, for all time. 
The devil needed a host for his dimension
That's her curse. Possibly bound by her loyalty to the King Fuck-Face-Fritz
you know PATHS, i ain't gonna explain that
A number of responses here ranging from the hilarious to the creepy; The centispine. A great many of you (We can’t tell if you’re serious or not…) are talking about Aliens, whilst others postulate that the thing results in parasitic possession, ALA Sekiro. 
A parasite thingy? Source of organic matter?
A power-bestowing parasite, hence why it needs to be eaten
Alien would be the easiest. But maybe the tree is actually Yggdrasil and its roots pass through other worlds. And the parasite is from another world.
alien/prehistoric being capable of phasing matter through dimensions
Bruh its an organic life form/parasite, when bonded to a host ot provides them the titan ability
Don't think it's a biological, probably a mythical being inspired by Norse mythology
Eren will become the human centispine
For me  the most plausible is the fact that it resembles a living creature from our world who is supposed to create the whole world 300 millions ago or so
I believe its power weakens the more it divides. The power of each of the 9 current titans is nowhere near that of how powerful Ymir was after she first got the power.
I don't think we'll get any concrete explanation, but it's some creature with fifth-dimensional qualities that unwillingly merged with Ymir. I think the 9 main spines on the bottom on each side doesn't necessarily represent the amount of Titans but how divisible Ymir's power is before it becomes warped (mindless Titans). I also think of some level the idea of the parasite being connected to the Titan power is an inherent correlation that only exists because of Ymir. The idea of power = giant big monster seems like a very childlike concoction, and an antiquated one too. Since we know willpower and manifesting a goal in mind are part of the Power of the Titans I don't think it's too far-fetched that those specific powers came from Ymir herself, and the parasite merely made them possible on her physical plane of existence. This would seem to be at odds with its connection to being giant existing before Ymir made contact with it, due to the giant tree and my inferred connection with it and the giant trees on Paradis, but remember this thing exists outside time itself, it's a frankly unperceivable organism.
I don’t fucking know 
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Next chapter starts off the the new volume, but what do you want to see in it?  28.1% want to see the full rumbling begin, 23.4% want to see how Eren’s titan transformation turns out, and 15.4% just want to see some action in Shiganshina.  For those who want the scene to change, 11.9% want to catch up with Levi and Hange, 8.2% want Annie, 4.4% want Historia, and 4.3% want even more historical info dumps.
Armin transforming into the colossal titan 
Death and suffering
Eren's master plan and more history hopefully
Full rumbling AND Levi and Hange.
i really look forward to see annie but what i really want to see is what is going to happen to the others (pieck, gabi, falco, reiner, etc etc)
Levi/Hange AND Annie. I feel like if Annie is going to ever return to the story, it'll be at a climax of some sort.
The hizuru lady piloting the boat-plane over Shiganshina
Lore, HISTORIA PLEASE I LOVE HER AND WANT TO SEE HER, Levi/Hange, Eren, and the immediate consequences of the Walls crashing down.
What the heck the plan actually is. For all we know, they could be uncovering the wall titans just to send the material that makes up their bodies back to Paths land. An Ymir/Eren hybrid titan could just have them hold still and spend the next years devouring them. We literally know nothing.
Somebody stopping Eren and bringing a sense of honor and morality(preferably Reiner, Armin or Gabi)
The ending Audio might be next chapter
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Reddit continues to dominate the discussion field, comprising 52.4% of this vote alone. Tumblr, Facebook, and Youtube follow far behind, and 4 of you said Snapchat. That’s 0.3% of respondents, which is technically a low enough percentage to make sense, so maybe I should believe you guys, but I don’t.
My thoughts on Eldia after reading this chapter: "Oh, so Marley really wasn't fabricating history with how ancient barbaric ancient Eldia was, especially with how ancient Eldia treated them. Can't blame Marley for putting that on the history books and using that as part of their propaganda. Considering that and what Marley is doing right now, it just adds to the moral grayness of the story.
Eyes have always told a story in SNK, whether it was the intention of a character (Zeke, Grisha, etc) or their true feelings (Levi). Eyes, and the lack thereof, in Ymir's backstory, told us that THAT was finally the real history. Until now we've always had someone else's warped perspective of history, but now we know how it actually was.
 Eren's not JUST a murderer and teenage terrorist, look, he also hugs kids! 
Ymir's backstory was a bit disappointing, I expected it to be more grey; Ymir is basically a poor girl who never did anything wrong and King Fritz is the big bad who seems to be the greatest jerk of the story; I don't think this fits with the ""the world is grey"" theme of the story at all, even Gross had at least something interesting to say
Amazing turn of events. Ymir deserves to be released from her enslavement. If the devil has to come out now that his plan is being foiled by Eren, I think Zeke can be a good host for him to incarnate as, justifying Levi killing Zeke as the final main villain of the story.
Definitely one of the best chapters of the overall series.
Annie...oh Annie... God knows how isayama is going to put her back into the plot now!
As much as I want to see Levi and Hange again, I really want to know more about Eren's plans. We still don't have a clear answer, but the part where Eren hugs Ymir makes this my favorite chapter.
Barely feels like the same series, but in a good way.
Brilliant payoff after having the action suddenly halted for multiple chapters. Shit  is finally going down. 
Eren and Ymir deserve to succeed and completely destroy the world. It’s already been corrupted too much for it to be fixed any other way at this point. This world was crafted by filthy, bloody hands and it’s about damn time for Eren & Ymir to break it down so it can be crafted by cleaner hands.
Eren and Ymir have done nothing wrong ever at all fite me
Eren best dad. I'd rumble a million worlds for him to hub me like that. Yelling right into my ear is just a bonus.
Possibly the greatest chapter. The last 3 chapters together could be the greatest side story in Attack on Titan. Isayama is just...I am at a loss for words. He's just the greatest. He just needs to finish the story on a high note and that's it. Even if he doesn't, this is one of the greatest manga and anime of all time.
People who have unquestioning trust in Eren aren't invited to my birthday party
Honestly, I loved it. It was so well executed and so goddamn interesting. I love how Isayama gives us *almost* all the information we need to piece the whole thing together and leaves just enough for us to have our own speculations. I just hope that they're all resolved at the end though considering there's probably only 4 chapters left at least. 
I cannot wait to see the last 5 pages of this chapter animated, easily one of my favorite set of pages from the whole series
I couldn’t have ever thought this was going to be the content of this chapter but I’m so glad it came out the way it did
I cried so much, I love the story
I honestly didn't care much for Ymir's backstory. But hopefully the Rumbling will make things more interesting
I think this chapter might have benefited from being two chapters.  There was so much information to absorb in a very short amount of time, I feel like a lot of questions weren't answered that probably never will be now like- why are there 9 human controlled titans?  How did the mindless titans factor in?  Why did Ymir die from the spear when Eren can have his head shot off?  Why did the other slaves turn on Ymir in the first place?  Where did she come from originally?  Was she captured? Born a slave?  There was I think a missed opportunity to develop her character a little more.  I get the idea of even the narrator not really caring about what she's experiencing but getting a little more insight into her perspective would have been really interesting.  
I read earlier that the closest creature of the devil are human beings .. but humans are more evil .. King Fritz represents the devil .. Thank you Isayama .. In our reality many demons already exist and I have one in my house .. In the corridor
I see a lot of people shitting on Zeke (even comparing him to that asshole king) for ordering Ymir around, but like.... he just heard Eren saying he will end the world (plus remember what Grisha said about Eren memories/intentions), he must be really panicking, so of course he would  desperatly shout orders to Ymir and insisting he's of royal blood, that's basically at the moment the only way he could try to stop Eren. And yes, that's not nice to Ymir, but still that doesn't put him on the same level as King Fritz at all.
I thought Gross was the epitome of evil. Then came Fritz. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Don't tell me Ymir doesn't deserve a little payback after 2000 years as a slave.
So Zeke endorses genocide, but not Total World Destruction? Whatevs, man.
Sucks to be Gabi after killing Eren only for this to happen a second later.
I was kinda shocked when Eren, given the shitty way he treated Mikasa in ch 112, started comforting Ymir and telling her she's not a slave. I never realized Mikasa meant that little to him. What a fucking asshole.
I'm glad the question "is Eren going to activate the rumbling as a part of his plan?" was finally answered. I also finally made up my mind about Zeke and I now know I don't like him due to how he acted towards Ymir. I love that we finally learned about Ymir, and that both Marley's and Eldian Restorationists' versions of history were partially correct. I love that the devil was actually King Shitz and Ymir wasn't a goddess but a slave to the devil, but she still helped the Eldians develop and thrive. Also, I love how most of my theories were proven to be true this chapter. Overall I really liked it.
IT CanNoT bE sTopPeD aNymOre
What is interesting to me is that Ymir's legend seems to be the opposite of what women in history usually get: Often great women are forgotten or their agency is reduced only to that of a mother, lover, wife or daughter of some man. Whereas Ymir is remembered even after 2000 years as the Founder and forebear of Eldia, but in reality she didn't do any of those things on her free will. She was just one of the many who were enslaved and used by Eldia, yet she is celebrated by Eldian rebels as a symbol of its former greatness. Heck, even her last name, Fritz, isn't her own, but her abuser's. Chilling and fascinating.
it was fucking amazing. holy hell, i’m in TEARS after reading this latest chapter. it was so beautifully executed and drawn, and the walls crumbling deadass made me cRY OKAY-
It was incredibly tragic but the final portion somehow combined sweetness and epicness 
It's been over a week and I'm still reeling. This series gets better every month and I really don't want it to end
Ymir Fritz being presented as she is defied a couple of perceptions we've got from her: the books either implied she made a deal with the devil, or she was a benevolent goddess, when she was neither. Born as a girl from a ravaged tribe, she didn't have any voice, or agency, yet deep down she believed showing kindness was her way to make people happier after the damages of war. She accepted being fingerpointed if the other slaves could keep their eyes, she served the Eldian tribe with her newfound power, fought their wars, bore the king's children and took the final hit for him. Her spirit is then condamned to serve her line for eternity. Truly the most pitiable character of SnK so far.
 I found Ymir's story too strange to be attached to her and I was a little disappointed to see that there was basically nothing that had come from her own will. It would have been more interesting in terms of conflict to see if there had been reasons why she had done this, if there was something that prevented her from acting against the Eldians for any reason. But in fact she just let herself be guided by the flow again and again, and I do not feel it's a valid reason to let herself go for more than two thousand years.
Never thought I'd hate a character more than Floch and Sergeant Major Gross, but here we are…
The whole Ymir's backstory moved me a lot because I didn't expect it to be so sad and full of despair. Ymir is definitely the most tragic character in the whole story and one of the most tragic characters in the world of manga/anime. I hope she will finally get some love and will be surrounded by honest and loyal friends. Every tragic character in SnK deserves a hug but I think that she needs it the most. 
 this chapter's artwork really stood out to me. The way literally no eyes were present in the flashback, even the king's, and the expression of fury and agony on OG Ymir's face when Eren tells her she has a choice. Isayama just keeps getting better and better with his art, and some of his style choices really made me see the individual panels differently.
Predictable and necessary. About this poll and the fandom in general: is amazing how the mayority (or the loudest part) of this sub tends to take things in the most literal way possible while praising Isayama as a genius or something like that, or labeling as "subtle" things that scream "HELLO I'M HERE MY NAME IS BRIAN" at your face, or misread characters in the most extreme way
Ragnarok has started and I don't know if I should be excited or afraid
Read this together with Ch.121. Eren is such a well-developed complex character. You may not like him, but credit must be given to his amazing character building trip. GJ Isayama
nothing to add, just amazing job from isayama
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nevermindthewind · 5 years
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the beach house on crack: a love island au
alright lads so basically i’ve been binge watching love island and got to thinking about how jake and amy would be if they were in the villa bc you know it’d be spicy af so naturally i called up my resident brit @fourdrinkamy​ and the two of us wrote up some (4k words of) headcanons!!! If you dont watch love island then 1) culture yourself 2) it’s a british reality tv show that’s like a better version of the bachelor
“The premise of Love Island is simple. A group of attractive 20-somethings are made to couple up and share a bed—regardless of whether they have a romantic connection—in a villa on the Spanish island of Majorca. New cast members and challenges are introduced to make things difficult and they are made to recouple.” - time.com (oh + the winning couple gets £50k)
keep reading below the cut for some reality tv/brooklyn nine nine madness!!!
· so jake and amy are part of the original ten in the villa, obvs, along with charles, terry, gina, sharon and rosa and a few other randos who we don’t care about
· when jake comes in amy thinks he’s cute in a goofy sort of way but she doesn’t step forward (therefore admitting she would want to couple up with him) bc she wants to keep her options open and what not but jake thinks shes a BABE so he decides to couple with her anyway
She’s not mad about it though, he seems like a good time
charles choses rosa and she is Not Pleased bc he seems like a goober (he is)
Terry picks sharon and they become like the jack and dani of the season (kinda)
· Charles and jake instantly bond and have one of the best bromances in love island history
· Gina is the biggest pot stirrer the island’s ever seen and is constantly trying to get terry away from sharon but he doesn’t ever budge
· within the first few days its clear to amy they’re just gonna be buddies but that’s fine bc while he likes orange soda in his cereal and is possibly the messiest man she’s ever met he’s really funny and they’re really good at all the different competitions and she’s got the perfect wingman for when mr. right does come around!
· jake doesn’t mind either bc amy’s super chill and also wants to join the police academy so they can talk cop movies which is dope and also they smoke the competition when it comes to challenges
· Amy loves that they get given water bottles and forces Jake to drink it in its entirety x3 daily
· The first set of new guys/girls comes into the villa and while amy and jake both try neither of them feel anything so at the first recoupling Amy chooses to stay with jake so they both can stay and try to find someone
Rosa choses the new guy marcus much to charles’ disappointment
· jake gets everyone in the villa to start making title of your sex tape jokes and it becomes a running joke and the public gets it trending on twitter
· Over the course of the next week or so they have become each other’s best friend in the villa and often find themselves hanging out one on one even when they don’t have to, to the point where everyone else is questioning whether they actually like each other or not
· The islanders get a text from the producers (“I GOT A TEXT”) saying each couple has to pick two other couples they think are the least compatible and whoever has the most votes will get dumped from the villa, but even though jake and amy are in a friendship couple the rest of the couples think they have such good chemistry they don’t receive a single vote
· jake’s thinking the same thing and confides in charles after a few drinks and charles convinces him to say something to her
Charles is already a self-defined “melt” for jake & amy
Amy’s instantly drawn to teddy and everyone is excited bc she finally found someone she’s interested in
“He’s 100% my type on paper”
jake is genuinely happy for her ( “how do i look? Is this lipstick too much?” “you look great, ames”) but at the same time is a sad lil puppy
That night they recouple and amy chooses teddy and the public are sad bc jake and amy belong together!!!!!
Gina recouples with jake to keep him around bc she’s his mate le duh
amy’s all excited that night because she finally has someone to cuddle with but teddy just??? rolls over and goes to bed??? uh okay…
Also he snores. Big time.
Charles brings his sleep apnea machine and between that and teddy’s snores no one can sleep
On the brightside no one can hear the couples who are ~doing bits~
(A/N to clarify: in the villa, everyone sleeps in the same room which has six double beds & you share a bed with whoever you happen to be ‘coupled up’ with at the time)
· The jimmy jabs is totes one of the competitions they do and jake lets amy (and therefore teddy) win bc he knows how bad she wants it……and because he still likes her
· The heist, on the other hand, is something jake comes up with on his own and eventually everyone in the villa starts swiping things from each other
· Eventually this super hot girl sophia enters the villa and jake is SMITTEN
Jake in the interview room: “Looks like the gods have finally answered my prayers…”
iain the narrator: “Yes, the gods. Or, our producers wanted a bit of action so they asked our intern to find out your type.”
· Pimento enters the villa the same time as sophia and he and rosa are instantly drawn to each other and poor marcus doesnt stand a chance
They become co-presidents of the do bits society within like a day, even doing it in the middle of the day
Jake walks in on them doing it TWICE in one day and just silently backs out of the room, it’s not like he needed sun cream anyway
· sophia gets to pick two guys to take on a date and one of them is jake and amy is v jealous bc teddy is a dud (not that she’s going to admit that to anyone apart from in the talking head…just yet)
“I just don’t get what he sees in her honestly? Oh god…am i jealous of sophia?! Noooooo…”
Iain the narrator: “Yessssssss…”
· Amy’s been trying to get to know teddy, but it turns out the guy is a total snoozefest, which she tells gina and rosa one day while they’re getting ready
“All he ever talks about is pilsners. I dont even like pilsners!!!”
“Also, I dunno if you guys noticed this but the guy wears mesh underwear. Like why? Is it medical? How do you even ask that?!”
· Jake and sophia immediately hit it off and in the same episode it becomes v clear amy is over teddy and his lack of a personality
Theres a recoupling where boys pick and jake picks sophia and teddy picks amy but amy is Not Pleased
· A group of the islanders (led by Jake) creates a game where they take a shot every time Teddy chooses a pilsner to drink
charles is pissed by like six pm
The islanders play snog marry pie, so basically the boys line up in a line and the girls pick a boy to make out with and one they’d want to marry (and one they want to throw a literal pie in their face)
Sophia snogs jake ofc and then says she’d marry some rando (again who we don’t care about)
Amy, however, chooses to marry teddy - “i’m marrying you because i think we’d have cute babies who would go to code camp” - AND KISSES JAKE. jake is surprised but also not upset?? And when amy pulls away jake seems to lean in for more!!!
Cut to sophia in the talking head like “HANG ON. why did she kiss jake and why did he look like he was going in for more???”
Sophia gets pissed off at jake who’s genuinely confused
“It was just a game??  Like i’dve kissed anyone bc that’s literally the game”
“Yes jake but you clearly went for more. And you didn’t have to slip your tongue into her mouth.”
Jake tries to clear his name but sophia’s not having it
“If you liked amy you should’ve just told me, not made out with her in front of me and the whole damn country”
She storms off after that leaving jake alone on the swinging couch
Cut to jake smiling in the talking head: “amy kissed me…”
Just kidding i don’t have enough follow through to make two posts so we’re just gonna do it all now
· After all that ~drama~ sophia goes to sleep on the couch but jake, ever the gentleman, tells her he’ll take the couch and she can sleep in the bed
Teddy and amy still share a bed…i mean it’s not like they cuddled before anyway…
· Everyone in the villa gives jake crap for his bedhead and amy crap for her old lady glasses
Jake def makes the glasses/penis comment and iain makes some snarky narrator remark
· Jake and Amy kinda dance around each other most of the day and then they hear Gina announce “I GOT A TEEEEEXXXXXT”
“Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. The girls will choose their partner. The remaining boy with be dumped from the villa immediately. #choosewisely”
Everyone in the villa immediately turns to jake and amy
· After a proper gassing up from gina, rosa, and charles jake finally goes over to amy
“Hey ames, can we go for a chat?”
Amy tucks her hair behind her ears as she gets up heheheh
Gina, rosa and charles don’t even try to hide the fact that they’re watching the entire conversation unfold from their spot on the day bed
· They go to the hanging couch (the best spot in the villa in my humble opinion) and jake finally tells her how he feels!!!!
“Look, i dont wanna be a jerk…I know you’re coupled up with teddy and it’s going really well. It’s just…”
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what’s going to happen at this recoupling and I think I’d be pissed with myself if I didn’t say this. I kinda wish something could happen between us…romantic stylez. And i know it probably will never happen because you’re happy in your couple but…”
· Before either of them can say anything more they’re cut off by terry announcing he has a text!!!
“Islanders, it is now time for the recoupling. Whichever boy is not chosen to recouple will be dumped from the villa immediately.”
Jake and amy just kinda stare at each other for a few seconds before amy finally gets up wordlessly and walks to the bonfire
· In classic love island fashion, amy has to choose her boy last, so it’s down to just teddy and jake. Whoever she doesn’t pick has to leave the villa.
Everyone, e v e r y o n e is visibly stressed. Charles is full on crying, and rosa is clutching pimento’s hand so hard it may or may not break by the end of the night
Teddy, god bless him, looks completely at ease. Jake keeps scratching the back of his neck and wringing his hands
· Finally amy takes a deep breath.  
“I chose this boy because…he makes me laugh. He’s a good friend, and he knows me better than anyone in the villa. Also – he’s probably gonna make fun of me for saying this – but he’s, like, really fit. I don’t know, I just would be so, so sad if he left the villa. And I want to give us a chance to go beyond friends.”
At this point the camera flips to jake who is giving her the smallest, sweetest smile and then to teddy who’s finally catching on.
“The boy I choose is…”
*dramatic-ass pause*
Amy smiles as they pull apart.
“So, a lot of change around here, huh?”
He kisses her again. :’)
· The first night they sleep together they don’t kiss but they do spoon
Jake is almost always the little spoon and at first he gets crap from the other boys when they see this but he doesn’t care because being the little spoon is the best!!!!! He gets to wake up in amys arms like hellooooo
· Amy and jake are surprisingly affectionate??? Not in a weird way like charles and genevieve but amy just always seems to have a hand on his knee or what have you
For the record, amy was NEVER like that with teddy.
· Amy has a STRICT no-sex rule in the bedroom bc hello they are on national television her abuela could be watching!!!! + it would be super weird to do bits in the same room as charles…of course jake completely and utterly respects this and doesn’t even question it. If he has to go 6 weeks without sex even though he’s sharing a bed every night with the hottest girl he’s ever seen then so be it
· UNTIL it’s announced via text that The Hideaway (a private area/bedroom in the villa away from everyone else but still not the cameras Obviously this is love island) is open and the islanders get to choose a couple to stay there for the night. Having had to put up with their blossoming love and flirting 24 fucking 7 everyone else unanimously screams “jake and amy!!!! It has to be Jake and amy!!!!” and they just grin at each other
· The bed is so big and covered in rose petals & there happens to be a very handy bowl of condoms on the bedside table…at first they just talk about how nice it is to get some alone time and just hang out….which of course turns to kissing and then making out and then………under the covers they go (for those who don’t actually watch the show it’s literally like seeing sims wahooing but irl) (maybe we see a cheeky black and white shot of amy moaning)
· The next morning amy wakes up with the BIGGEST grin on her face and her hair all mussed, and she kisses jake awake “morning, baby” and he immediately pulls her into him and kisses her back
Jake’s talking head: “Last night? Last night was….it was amazing. Stupid good. That’s all I’m going to say.” our boy!!! Cannot!!! Stop smiling!!!!
· When they get back to the main villa they naturally segregate into boys and girls and the guys immediately ask jake “how was your night? Did you get any??” “oh my god, did you FRENCH???” “charles, no nothing happened”
· (in true Jamie style) he goes over to the day beds with amy and lets her cuddle into his chest and asks if it’s okay if he tells people what happened in the hideaway - he’s a gentleman!!! And he’s always going to respect her boundaries!! Amy tells him of course that’s okay, people are going to find out anyway and that it’s really sweet of him to check with her…and she laughs to herself when jake goes back over to the boys and she hears charles scream “I KNEW YOU WERE GLOWING”
· Rosa and Gina casually-but-not-so-subtly ask amy “so did you shag? Tell us everything” and amy just smiles….rosa and gina look at each other like noice, they’re so proud of her!!
Rosa later confides in amy “the amy i knew two weeks ago would nEver have done that with Teddy…i’m happy for you, santiago”
· CASA AMOR. the boys have to sneak out of the villa (jake goes into full on spy mode rolling around on the carpet) and get shipped off to a separate one that has 6 new girls in it and then 6 new boys enter the old villa to shake things up (reality television at its absolute FINEST YALL)…the producers’ twist? Fucking Constantine Kane gets put in the girls’ villa - amy’s eyes widen out of their sockets when she sees her most random ex enter. He of course is still so in love with her, or so he claims, and tells her how excited he is to couple up with her and share a bed and win her over and get married and have babies with her. Amy naturally is like no way jose and spends the entire time trying to avoid him (with the help of rosa) hiding everywhere she can fit and sleeping on the sofa at night (and, also naturally, she worries that Sophia 2.0 is with jake right now and she realises it kind of makes her sick to her stomach thinking about jake kissing another girl….maybe she likes him even more than she thought she did?)
· Just to mess with him, jake gets a text that has a photo of constantine trying to kiss amy and poor bb gets beside himself with worry…
Jake’s talking head: “I mean Amy can do whatever she wants, I’m obviously not going to stop her from being with another person - we’ve only known each other for what a month…” [he looks away from the camera and rubs his face with his hand] “But I really like her…so it just kinda…sucks.”
· OBVIOUSLY he has nothing to worry about and his face!!!!!!!!! Just lights up in relief!!!!! When amy walks back into the og villa during the Most Dramatic recoupling without bringing back anyone from the new one!!! She rushes over to him and cups his face with her hands and kisses him hard in front of everyone
· “I missed you, you know” “I missed you too” “Hey I have to ask…that guy you were with-” “You saw that?” “I got sent a photo…nothing…nothing happened between you, right?” “Yes - I mean no. Things did happen. In the past, on the outside. But I was young and I regret it so much - i tried to avoid him the entire time in casa amor. Honestly all I could think about was how much i wanted to be hanging out with you” “really?”  she moves to sit on his lap, wraps her arms around his next and kisses his cheek.  “the only person i want to be in this villa with is you” “i could say the same thing about you, ames” and then they get straight back to kissing :’)))
Iain: “nope, that’s definitely not a tear in my eye”
· One morning the islanders wake up to the delightful sound of babies screaming bc you guessed it!! baby challenge!!! (i.e. towards the end of the summer, the couples are given plastic babies and have to look after them for a day)
Amy is SO excited and throws the covers off running towards the cribs (after Charles and Genevieve) screaming - “We made a baby! Oh my god I have a baby!” leaving a half-awake dazed and confused jake still in bed
Jake & Rosa eventually bother getting out of their respective beds, definitely not as excited as the rest of the villa, but jake will admit his heart flutters a little seeing amy cradling a plastic baby to her chest so attentively
“Jake! Look we have a little girl!” “awww she looks just like you, Ames” “we have to name her” “Nakatomi” jake answers immediately, to which amy whines “jaaaake take it seriously! I’m not having a daughter called Nakatomi” “fine, i’ll compromise on Holly”
At first jake is a little apprehensive about having this new Responsibility (and he’s not about to blurt out all his dad issues on national television) and so he keeps his distance and mainly lets amy take care of their new offspring in the morning (“amessss why does it keep crying?” “i cannot Believe you would call our baby it, peralta!”) That is until the girls get sent off on a Mommy’s Lunch, turning the villa into daddy day care….
He knows how much Amy loves this little baby so he decides he is going to take this seriously and it doesn’t take long for him to realise that??? This is kinda fun??? He takes Holly on strolls in her buggy around the villa and plays with her in the pool with charles and terry and (tugging at the public’s heart) sits on a day bed with her and tells her just how awesome her mummy is
When amy gets back, her heart completely MELTS at the sight of her new bf with their little one……and they end up talking about how they’re the best parents in the entire villa nay the world (“our kid is WAY cuter than terry and sharon’s” “oh for SURE”) & then of course win the challenge
· For the Final Date extravaganza they go on a helicopter ride and ngl even Amy is beside herself with excitement…they’ve spent the last 6 weeks talking about their favourite action films etc. and now it’s like they’re in one! They definitely act like literal children/real cops pretending they’re on a manhunt for a fugitive (instead of appreciating the view like normal people)
They get treated to a romantic dinner afterwards followed by dancing with live musicians and that’s when they FINALLY say those 3 words to each other….(well 5 if you count “noice, smort”)
· AND THE WINNER IS…..jake and amy obviously this is a b99 x love island au :’) they’re so sweet and humble about it & amy makes jake promise on live national television that he’s not just going to spend all their cash prize on sneakers. They each end up with over a million followers on their instagrams, where they regularly post photos of each other on date night/ at premieres/ evenings at home…and also video sagas of them pranking each other which starts with amy pieing jake’s face unexpectedly and escalates into fake proposals and frozen shoes….and maybe some *light* tasering
· Of course they end up getting married for realz and a baby announcement follows not too long after that…they are utterly the nation’s sweethearts (and Charles keeps doing interviews to the press saying he’s the one who brought them together in the villa from the beginning)
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sveasauvageon · 4 years
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Ce qu'il a donné Un an, deux ans, cent ans de bonheur Puis la vie te cueille comme une fleur || GW
☾♔; March 5, 2018 ☾♔; sotd: Котик by Alexander Rybak   ☾♔; comedian otd: JOHN OLIVER   ☾♔; GW To do list ☾♔; {G} https://goo.gl/XSTtMc ☾♔; mod(s): @themadmonarchist @maybones et moi
Title: lyrics from "Requiem" by Alma
--featured not-mine oc's - Eloise Avery | @themadmonarchist - Minah Delacroix | @maybones (see what I did there with the Serena and Blair positioning? -eyebrow wriggle thing-)
- - - x - - -
Updated GW to-do list: - Division of labour (we should really start saying when one of us starts working on something because otherwise we'll end up with redundancies since we think disturbingly alike) - the "chuck" problem: okay, tbh, it's more of an Ed Westwick problem than a chuck one. I don't know how you guys have reacted to the me too and time's up movements, but mine has been to cut all those men out of my sphere of entertainment, I even cut out "witch hunt", "not all men" type dudes, and "only fondled their breasts on tv and apologized for it" men (aka Ben Affleck), because time is up for all of you! Soz, not point, but since last October, Ed Westwick has been caught up in this, and thus far 3 women have accused him of ra.pe and a fourth of sexual misconduct. Now, I know it's not Chuck's fault that his portrayer is a ra.pist (allegedly), but there is still an issue with including his face, etc in aesthetics and gossip girl material because his face is that of a ra.pist's (allegedly). Tbh, I wanna leave him (Ed Westwick) out of material and only discuss Chuck and avoid showing his face or use a dreamcast instead, but like, I dunno what you guys wanna do. Chuck is a great character, although, early on, he was quite rap.ey, the character, and it does not help that his portrayer has since been revealed to be a ra.pist. Allegedly.
- also, going back up to the redundancy issues, I love both of your aesthetic collections and playlists, so for those, I was thinking for playlist, we should make one big playlist on spotify that's collaborative, so that everyone can add their music and it'll kind of be a huge explosion of musical tastes. But also, maybe have a collection that has a link on the group info for individual playlists for characters, and the group made by us and/or others. For aesthetic collections, basically the same idea with one big collaborative collection, and then that collection will have links to other collections (yes, I'm a little ocd).
- also, also, this is completely unrelated, but I was watching trevor noah's show and he made a joke about how much trump's male employees snitch and gossip like sht, but the woman haven't revealed squat. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpmlVWFTW8A) It's really funny, and honestly, stupid people fcking up in trump's circle very publically is basically what's keeping me alive. It's just hilarious how stupid some of these people are. ___________________________ Another Update (I'll leave those up until @maybones weighs in on them)
I was working on a draft of the group description to show you guys, and I was using a template of one of my old groups and rewriting stuff and changing it to suit our purposes and I realized how many freaking rules I have (I'm so picky), anyway, some of this stuff obvs won't be applicable (like, there's one about characters dying and I don't think we were planning on going that dark. although, serena was an accessory and chuck kind of killed his dad, so meh, maybe?) anyway, I wanted your opinions on what rules to keep and/or change:
I. Please be kind to each other. Your characters can be total jerks, but let us, the creators and/or writers be kind, polite, and respectful (aka, channel your inner Canadian guys). There will be absolutely ZERO tolerance of discrimination. You will be immediately removed from the group, and your actions will be documented and reported. PM me immediately if someone harasses you or you notice harassment between members. ⠀⠀Ia. If you want to be anonymous, for any reason, you can send in your complaints here {https://goo.gl/kbTXeU}, it's a google form, and it doesn't ask you verify your email, and the username option, is just an option, it's not required. If I need to make further contact/information from you regarding your concern, I'll make a group announcement vaguely describing your issue, and you can send in further information anonymously again. I'll be checking the form at least once a week.  
⠀II. I'm not giving this any specific rating, however, I will say, you're free to include whatever "adult" content you want, whether it be swears, gore, or the dirty stuff (I'm totally a mature, grown up adult guys). However, do be careful of polyvore's stupid censors, use workarounds like writing your story in google docs, or accents for swear words.  
⠀III. This is a non-elimination group,  but characters can die. It may be used for inactive members, or if you wanna kill 'em off or maybe revive as a ghost or something else. Permission will always be asked of the creator first (with the exception of characters belonging to inactive members, whose characters may be killed off as penalty).  
⠀IV. If you miss 3 consecutive contests (without informing me), you'll receive an "x", "|" will be used to break up non-consecutively missed contests, anyway, if you miss 3 in a row, that will open your character to be killed by either myself or other group members. You will be notified, but your permission will not be asked. If you wish to rejoin at a later date, and you character has not been killed off, simply pm me and continue with whatever contest is in progress. If your character has been killed off, you can re-audition with a new one, and I will transfer your points to your new character.
⠀V. Always pm me, your vodka aunt mod, if you feel you'll be unable to enter a contest, your reason doesn't matter. Just let me know you can't get your entry in, that way you won't receive an "X".
⠀VI. Plotting will be left open throughout the group, however, please establish a few of these before contests begin, and always ask permission when using someone else's character(s) and be sure to tag them in your sets. Please, PLEASE work with others, I hate when people just do their own thing in oc battle groups, this is a collaborative story, everyone's stories and ideas matter. I will call you out if I notice something that contradicts the connected story, and I will always, ALWAYS incorporate the stories of group members into the overall narrative. ⠀⠀VIa. Narrative precedence will always be given to the person who completely finishes the description of their set first.
⠀VII. There is not a list of roles to pick from, you can create whatever roles you want, however, I may ask you to change it if I feel your character may become "villager number 6" and not fit in with the action. Rules, regulations, and suggestions for roles can be found here: [placeholder].
⠀VIII. Always be sure to tag the member's when you use their characters and give credit where credit is due.
⠀IX. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and you will be removed and reported. If you're inspired by someone else's work, credit them, otherwise you're stealing.
⠀X. Sets unrelated to the group will be removed.
⠀XI. You will NOT be required to write out a full story. Story portions can be answered in paragraphs, but full stories are always welcome and appreciated.  
⠀XII. Do not use templates for contest entries unless otherwise stated.
⠀XIII. Always feel free to contact me with any and all questions, and/or suggestions. You can also send them through the anonymous complaints form, found here: https://goo.gl/kbTXeU
I'm quite picky about these, but I'm not gonna be pedantic about it this time. You do you. Having said that, there are still some rules and regulations, as well as a challenge.
⠀I. All faceclaims must be above the age of majority (that's 18+ nearly universally on the planet), there is an exception for child characters but all main OCs must be at least 18.
⠀II. All faceclaims MUST be professionals. They can be actors, models, even singers. However, they must be singers of some note signed onto a label company, like Taylor Swift, or my beloved Dima Bilan (who's also an actor. a good one. yes, I'm bragging). Your faceclaim CANNOT be someone insta-famous, youtubers, or tumblr tweens.
⠀III. Whilst I'm not going to reject any faceclaim on the pedantic basis of "I don't like them", there are some faceclaims that I will and for one reason, and one reason only. Sexual misconduct of any and all kinds. Hollywood and the media are finally cleaning house, and I don't want those dicks in my nerd sht either. To be clear, I don't care whether the misconduct was simply groping a woman's breasts on camera and apologizing about 10 years later, I am going to reject everyone who's been accused. Examples include; Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Ed Westwick, Jeffrey Tambor, Danny Masterson, Andy Dick, Dustin Hoffman, and fcking Mel Gibson. (Side note, these are just actors, for a wider list of men who have fallen since the Harvey Weinstein story broke in October 2017, I recommend you check out this article {https://goo.gl/Uq65Qv} by the NY Times) ⠀⠀IIIa. If you notice I have accepted someone who has been accused of sexual misconduct/harassment/assault please inform me right away, and ideally with a link to a news source from where you learned about (I will google it myself, but the ready-to-go link would be much appreciated.) ⠀⠀IIIb. Also, Alec Baldwin is on my list of rejected faceclaims. He's not been accused of anything, yet, but I'm not liking his defensive attitude of alleged rapists. Fúck off. Matt Damon also falls under subsection B, for a slightly different reason, but fúck him too. In this watershed moment, I have no time for defensive d i c k s and "not all men" a s s h o l e s.
⠀IV. The Challenge: a lot of us have certain fave fc's we use over and over again (I'm certainly guilty of that), so my challenge is for you to use a faceclaim you have never used before as your primary oc. This is gonna be based on the honour system, some of you guys I may know well, so I'll know if you're using your fave again, but others I may not, and I can't aggressively stalk everyone, so I won't call out anyone for not doing it. It's just a fun little challenge, worth 10 bonus points, if you opt to do it. But again, it's based on the honour system, I'm not gonna stalk anyone, but if I know you and you lie to me on the audition form. First, I'll be hurt, and second, I'll say sorry and tell you you're not getting those bonus points.
(I know, two sets of rules makes me such a di.ck, it's why I need your help guys!)
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leejeongz · 5 years
Stray Kids reaction to their s/o writing poems
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🙂I hope you don’t mind, I only went with poem so there wouldn’t be any bias in the reactions idk sorry! Anyways thank you for requesting, love🙂
Scenario: for their birthday this year (your first year together) you wanted to get him something special. Only trouble was, you didn’t have any money. You decided to write him a poem instead, it came from the heart and you were really proud. They read it as soon as you give it to them...
Bang Chan:
He read it over and over again. You’d been stood waiting for a response for a while but he couldn’t believe what he was reading. The poem said exactly what you were feeling, and the emotions you experienced when you were with him, and Chan could tell, he felt the same way too. He looked up at you, a certain wetness in his eyes, if he didn’t hug you now, you’d see him cry which he didn’t want. His head rested in your neck for while, he couldn’t get over the talent you had. He tucked the poem into his hoodie’s pocket, later taking it out and putting it with all his other cute stuff about you including printed selfies and mini golf score sheets.
“Your talent... y/n... you shouldn’t waste it!”
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As he read over it, his lips formed a smile. Soon a small tear dropped onto the paper, followed by one or two more. After he’d read over it he looked up at you. His eyes made contact with yours, his smile still present, not showing any sign of budging. He let out a small thank you. He didn’t care for materials, if he had you that was enough. The fact that you bestowed a little bit of you passion and talent to him meant the world to him, he treasured it and you dearly. He’d read some of your work before, in his opinion however, this was your best. He folded the poem up, kissing it gently before putting it onto the table besides him. He put his forehead to yours, mouthing “I love you” as he did so. It wasn’t long before you two were kissing.
“You mean the world to me, I hope you know that”
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Lee Know:
He cried. A lot. Minho puts up this facade of a sassy boy, but this really broke him. He didn’t care if anyone was watching. The only way he thought he could truly show his gratitude was to cry. Showing his emotions to thank you for showing him yours. He hugged you tightly, sighing and sniffling somehow at the same time, or close together more understandably. Minho thought he’d prefer an actual present, but in reality, this was the best thing he could ever ask for. The whole day the words of the poem would go round his mind, smiling like a fool whenever he thought about it, or you.
“How am I supposed to find something better for your birthday, huh?”
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Cutie binnie activated. His eyes would go big and soft, a huge smile plastered across his lips. He’d sigh, feeling his eyes well up before releasing the river of tears. If there was one person who could make him happy cry, it was you. The poem meant so much to him. Not only was it something he took on tour with him to remind himself of you, it was something he took to work for inspiration, something he used to tease you, something he used to show off to his friends how great you were. God forbid he ever lost that poem, which he wouldn’t, he’d made 839 copies before his birthday was even over.
“You didn’t have to, you know? But I’m really glad you did”
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His eyes scanned the poem for the 6th time. Each time he read it he looked up at you in disbelief, his mouth wide open. He didn’t know you wrote poems, but now he did there was no stopping him from reading everything you wrote. Most of it was about him which made him extra soft. The poems expressed feelings that Hyunjin had hoped you’d felt. You weren’t very good at voicing your emotions, neither was he, but now he’d found a way to find out what you were really feeling. Sometimes he’d read them in secret, well he thought it was secretive but you knew he was reading them when he started to quote them jokingly.
“How long have you been feeling like this for, baby?”
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A big smooch was coming your way. His chapstick made your cheek feel greasy but you didn’t mind, your boyfriend was happy and so were you. He never stopped thanking you for the poem. It was the main inspiration for his songs for a while, often stealing lines from it, with your permission. He was the luckiest man alive and he wanted you and everyone else to know, even if it was cheesy whenever he told your parents that. You can bet your ass he’ll bring it up in your wedding speech, in a teasing manner but also kinda serious.
“They wrote me a poem for my birthday once, I have it here, but I’m not reading it because it’s mine”
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He’d hug you immediately. Silly, immature Felix went out of the window. He pulled back and held your hands in his, they were clammy but they were soft as always. All he could do was stare, stare into your eyes. His eyes were big, deer like some may say. Not once did he stop smiling. The poem you wrote was quite honestly the best present he’d ever received, he was a really lucky guy and he knew it. The backpack he took everywhere was home to your poem after that, every night when he returned to the dorms he’d check if it was still in there. It was comforting to have at hand at all times, especially after a long or hard day.
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to this world”
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What a skill you had. It most certainly didn’t go unrecognised to Seungmin. At first he’d tease you about it, jokingly of course. But pretty quickly he’d be complimenting you and your talents. If you tried to deny how good it really was he’d get super annoyed, screwing the poem up slightly then hating himself for ruining the paper. He’d most definitely asked you somewhere along the line to write a poem together. Surprisingly, it unsurprisingly, you weren’t quite sure, he was good at writing poems too, but really he’d just been practicing in hopes it would impress you. If you ever entered a competition, which he’d encourage you to, he’d be there watching, smiling proudly in the audience.
“Use the poem you wrote for my birthday, a guaranteed win!”
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His mouth was wide, much like his eyes. Your talent was insane, he cursed that he’d never read your work before. He wouldn’t stop thanking you for about an hour, then getting to work on his own poem for you. He tried his hardest to write one to your standard, soon realising it was impossible to write as good as you. Yet still he presented to you his poem, proud that he’d actually managed to do something to thank you. A simple thank you wouldn’t have satisfied Jeongin, he had to do more. He later asked for your help to write a poem, a poem for you both to keep with you to remind you of each other. You really brought out his creative side and he was thankful for that.
“You and me, like a tree, together always, even sundays. How was it y/n? Did you like it?!”
(Obvs this is a joke pls don’t come for me)
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Gifs aren’t mine
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sunlethscape · 5 years
The Wicked King Thoughts
this isn’t going to be an edited and professional review like my gaming reviews are lol. i just finished this at 2am last night and i legit DID NOT sleep well because i have so many emotions about this book...many of them that only got more negative as i talked about it with my best friend? which makes me sad because The Cruel Prince is my favorite fantasy book ever!!! maybe favorite book ever periodt!!!
so uhhhhhh here are my thoughts, i need to get them out and move on, especially since the wait for Queen of Nothing will be so long. ALL THE SPOILERS, OBVS so please don’t read if you haven’t read it yet and don’t want to be spoiled!
i think most of my issues stem from the fact that i think the book needed to be a lot longer. in a trilogy, the second book is the most important, in my opinion, because it serves as the bridge between the beginning and the end--there is no other bridge beside this book. and this book was really short and felt like it glossed over a lot? 
there is a 5 month time skip at the beginning, which doesn’t feel like the best move because seeing judge get acclimated to being cardan’s seneschal and all that entailed on a daily basis, both in terms of the physical stress and in terms of her feelings with cardan, would’ve been 1) great and 2) necessary for their relationship. 
jurdan is supposed to be this enemies to lovers trope, but the only way that this trope really works is if there is a significant amount of development in the relationship, or else the transition between enemies to lovers feels jarring and just doesn’t work. i didn’t see that transition here...they’re both very broken people, who have lacked the knowledge of what trust is for much of their life, but they do know it to some extent. i needed a lot more from them, a lot more development and also not what feels a retcon of what they learned of each other? like at least maybe cardan showing some hesitation or /something/ while sleeping with other people when he supposedly likes Jude, Really likes her enough to be unable to get her out of his head, enough to just scrawl her name on a note over and over again. they kind of do what they did in The Cruel Prince -- be mad at each other and have some sexual tension -- but just for the span of a book. it feels like there wasn’t any development, other than getting to know each other a bit more, having sex, getting close to becoming somewhat honest and then at the end that’s just obliterated. with cardan laughing a beat too late from the rest at the end, i know he has to have some plan set in motion, and it’s the only plan that will keep jude safe, but it’s still ?????? you got married literally the night before. which it wasn’t even a marriage “ceremony” that sat right because this is where they should’ve been honest about each other, at least to some noticeable degree. it would’ve made the betrayal at the end better, too! 
the betrayal/ending felt incredibly rushed. i remember checking the amount of pages left and being like...what’s going to happen in such few pages? and for an entire ending that leaves the reader shocked as well as an epilogue (which did nothing, really) to happen in such a short time felt very rushed.
there was also just /another/ time skip of another month. so we essentially skip over 6 months total in this book, and it feels...incomplete. i think the book needed to be double its length in order to carry the amount of development that it needed. it needed more build up toward all of its major plot points -- ghost betraying jude, taryn betraying jude, and prince cardan suddenly being in full control of his powers.
the last one, in particular, bothers me because we spend the entire book seeing him as a king that is more clever than he lets on but is ultimately still messy and rather naive. we get no build up toward him being more in tune with his powers -- it’s not something even jude knows at the beginning, and with being outcasted from the family his whole life, i doubt he received much training. it’s glossed over as him “learning scheming” well in the month that jude spent underwater but...again, that does nothing for the reader. it didn’t feel cheap, but it just wasn’t developed at all, so i was confused as to how he suddenly had perfect control. you need subtlety in books, but you also need to build up to certain things. 
locke explicitly trying to kill jude also felt ????? he’s always been extremely shady even from the beginning of the cruel prince, and jude does threaten him pretty explicitly here, but we’ve gotten no hint that he’s capable of murder before, as far as i remember. he’s been conniving and sneaky and trashy and unfaithful, but he hasn’t been shown to even think of murder as a valid option. taryn and him are annoying and this entire family thing should’ve been resolved, or reached a climax at least with all parties aware of everything, in this book. like...he can’t just have murdered jude and then he mostly disappears from jude’s mind and the general picture until the next book lol. 
i feel like holly black has created this amazing universe with such fascinating characters but isn’t letting them get the time to develop. we could’ve gotten so much more about nicasia, her mom, the blacksmith who is suddenly a really important player but that we see in two freaking scenes, about the court of shadows (especially ghost since????????????????? like yeah you served prince dain but bitch he’s dead now lmao WHAT you’re siding with what will destroy the land???? okay go off i guess), taryn, just...everyone. i’m puzzled as to why some scenes are in the book, like heather being turned into a cat or whatever and the scene with eldred’s past lover who just decides not to help jude even after opening up to her (which was a nice character building moment, yes, but he’s not even a major player in this and it wasn’t a necessity since he didn’t even help her and the scene doesn’t do anything meaningful for her)
trying to remove my bias as a shipper and lover of good romance, i find myself unabel to agree with people when they say romance isn’t at the forefront of this story. sure, political intrigue, war, scheming etc might all be at the forefront...but so is romance very much. the book’s synopsis touches on the romance. the book’s title is a reference to jude’s love interest. jude and cardan are the only two characters that get page time throughout the entire book (even if i wish there could’ve been more cardan, though i’m not sure if this is becuase i love him so dearly) and are the lead characters. the romance /is/ a very important part about this story, it’s why so many things (including the ending) happen. and i’m sad that what is the best enemies-to-lovers trope i’ve come across was just...nothing close to that at all in this book. it’s a messy relationship, they’re messy people, but i feel like we should be somewhere else with them if the next book is the last. the pacing was really not great here, at all. some people complained that the first book took too slow to start, which i found the pacing to be on the slow side but i was more than okay with it, but this was way too fast. if all these events spanned from the front to back of this book, then sure that’s fine but it needed to be a longer book. many things feel underdeveloped. 
i read it in one sitting so sure, it went fast for me. i’m a huge fan of the first book and this is the first book i’ve anticipated so strongly in a very long time. but i was hooked on the first book, as well, and not only did i not read that so fast but there was also proper development for everything so i was very satisfied at the end despite it being technically more of a cliffhanger than the end of this book.
i just...i’m sad to be disappointed because i’ve been thinking about this book nonstop for months? : ( i love this series and jude and cardan dearly so i’m sad to feel so disappointed. to bring up another author whose books I’ve enjoyed, Sarah J Maas tends to fluctuate in quality but she spends /so much time/ developing everything, from the world to her (arguably less interesting) characters. if this book incorporated that aspect of her writing, we would’ve learned more about the lower courts, especially the court of termites, learned more about this entire universe teeming with so many possibilities. A Court of Mist and Fury, the second book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy, is a stupendous book. it’s dedicated to some action and plenty of political intrigues, but it absolutely nailed developing every single main character in a pretty sizeable cast -- especially the main couple, which desperately needed the development since they were enemies in the first book. Heir of Fire is the middle book in the The Throne of Glass series, and that entire book is dedicated to developing the protagonist, her relationship to the world and to who becomes her real love interest. 
these two books in those series are really popular because they spent so much time just simply fleshing everything out...i feel like The Wicked King just jumps from event to action at a rapid pace, with some minimal character building in between. i loved seeing an even darker jude, but there’s something missing in her characterization that i can’t quite put my finger on, and while i loved cardan’s development, i feel he wasn’t around enough. maybe if the book was longer, i wouldn’t have these issues, because it’s the easiest way to fix them. idk. i’m usually not one for multiple POVs (i don’t mind or love them, whatever fits the story best is fine) but i think this book would’ve really benefitted from that here.
tl;dr i’m v sad that i’m disappointed in what was totally my most anticipated book...maybe ever? ;o; especially since a lot of people seem to have loved it, some even more than the cruel prince, and while i totally respect that and see where it comes from, i can’t count myself among those folks. idk. i’m sad and impatient for Queen of Nothing!! feel free to reply/cry with me if you’re disappointed with anything or just dealing with the nearly unbearable sadness and emptiness of finishing a book of a series that you care so much about. 
@ holly black 
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Detective Rinoa
Squally better fucking gather info together with Camp B or I will kill him. I won’t be the only one pulling weight in this. 
Detective Rinoa is on it. 
First things first need to dress for the occasion. I find my best biker shorts, my tightest tank top (might need to use my womanly charm for info), my apple watch, three pens, my pocket journal and a short sleeve cargo vest for all my accessories. 
For protection I bring along Angelo and pepper spray. Plus my shooting star blaster edge. Hair tie on and I am set.
I make a list of all the people with possible info. Christian obviously, J, Tidus, Noah. Also Jenn and Yuna with questions marks after their names. Those two I doubt have any info but maybe since Jenn was dead she’ll remember something. Also I am suspicious of what Natsu was yelling about. Darn if only we had just a little more time together with Camp B I coulda got more info. Maybe they separated us for that reason.
Yuna I put down cause I don’t think she personally had any information but she hung with Eli a 
lot and he knows something. Or at least pretends to know. 
They shut off any way of talking to B. Our phones don’t work trying to call or text them. We obv can’t send letters. I even tried like hacking the system and using email or facebook when I really wanted to talk to Zidane but no that was all blocked. I just don’t get it. When we were in San Diego we were still able to talk to each other just not live together. Now they have us completely separated! Like we been with these people thousands of years and outta nowhere BOOM! Separated. They claim its cause we got “too rowdy” but we were like that forever so something musta changed. 
I bet Ulquiorra knows something about all this spirt stuff but not like I’ll be able to get anything out of him. Or maybe I can? He does have a weak spot for attractive woman. I add him to my list and check myself if the mirror. Yea you got it girl. 
okay who to start with? Christian I probably get most info outt a but I am not in the modd for his cryptic speech pattern right now. So no I wait on that. 
Me and Jenn are friends so I decided to knock her out quick. Okay Rinoa you got this. I whistle Angelo along and head towards her room. 
“Knock knock its me girl!:
“Rinoa!” She runs up and hugs me. She's so cute. I love her. 
“Isn’t this so shitty ! Its like I finally getta be back with Aiden and then they take us apart again ! How could they be so cruel? She pouts and sits on her bed. 
I have been trying the last hundred years to get her to dump that creep but no she's wayyyy into his flaming ass. He;s like a literal monster and fucking killed her! Jenn.  Sweet, innocent Jenn! But she doesn’t listen to reason just with her heart. I admire that in ways but just wish her heart was head over heels for not such a piece of shit as a person. Gray warned me if Aiden found out about what i was doing he would send me straight to hell. He’s not gonna do shit he's a pussy and so what if he does. He doesn’t have shit on me and even if he does that just proves to Jenn he is a fucking monster. Whatever. Fuck Him. 
“I know girl this is so fucked up!! Least we’re on the same camp side!!”
“Yea totally and I guess besides Aiden and Namine I am not really friends with any of them.” 
“Oh you have more friends then that!!” I tried to think who wasn’t a dirt bag piece of shit on that side of the camp. They definitely had wayyyy more then we did. 
“I mean I guess Marcus is like sorta my friend but it always seems like hes making fun of me.” Jenn looked upset at this and began messing with her nails.
You could always tell how anxious she was by how long her nails were. They were like stubs now. It was probably hanging with Aiden. He’s so stressful for her. 
“Yea I feel you girl him and that slut Lana just walk around like they are better then everyone and pretend they are like this power couple when aha- yea no.” (word from narrator. She said the last part with a scoff and a very pronounced “aha: in about the bitchest way you can imagine it) 
“Yea she like hung out in here other day and it was just weeeirdddd.” 
“That is weird why was she in here?”
“I don’t even know she was like asking me about how I feel about Aiden having Harry suck his dick, which I thought was super weird she was thinking about that. Like is she trying to imagine Aiden’s penis or something.” Jenn paused to grab her box of nail polish outta side table drawer. “Anyhow I told her its like fine cause Harrys so weird its like who cares about him.”
“Totally girl.” My nails needed some color too. I searched through her colours till I found a really lovely silver. 
While we both painted our nails and updated each other on our feelings about the newest bachelorette. I felt like Todd should totally get with Kaitlyn but Jenn felt Winston was the better match. Todd was just so cute. Okay now that thats all settled I needed info.
“Hey so like before we got split up Natsu yelled something about you being like a dark thing or like idk what?”
“Yea I don’t know what he was saying it was just like weird and its like how can I be that? Doesn;t make any sense to me”
Rats no info. 
“Yea I wouldn’t worry about it Natsus an idiot and probably just misheard something.”
“Yeah, your probably right.” Jenn looked a bit worried though.
Well this wasn’t getting me anywhere I should go see Yuna next just to get both the easy ones outta the way. 
“Hey girl I gotta go, I am trying to figure out whats going on in this camp. Somethigns fishy and I am going to find out what. Maybe if I do they won’t have us spilt up as much.”
“Okay yea, good luck to you! I know you can figure it out!” Jenn flashed her teethy grin at me. She lead me to door gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. 
Okay next stop stonerville
I tried her room but she wasn’t in there. Fuck hopefully she didn’t go anywhere I guess if she did I could just go to someone else on list. I saw Neji down the hall “Hey Neji have you seen Yuna?’
“Yes she was in the living room watching tv and smoking weed with a ton of people.”
“Thanks!” He seems less angry lately which is nice cause he was getting pretty flippin weird with all his hubris yelling. 
I walked into living room and Neji wasn’t joking there was like 10 people in here. I spotted Yuna squeezed on couch next to Lana and Naruto. Gippal lay sprawled on the couch with his legs on all of them. Such a lazy fuck couldn’t sit up for people. Um Rude!
I didn’t want to talk to her here and have everyone yelling their opinions at once. So annoying. Once I received more information I would relay it to rest of camp but not yet. 
“Rin No Na! What it be what it do?” Jesse yelled. He would be kinda cute if he wasn’t so obnoxious. 
“I am fine, no don’t move over I am not staying.” I looked at tv they were all watching the hangover. I did want to watch it with them but I’ve seen it like 5 times and my mission was important. I sat on coffee table facing Yuna “Psst hey Yuna can we go somewhere to talk’
“WHAT YA GUYS GONNA TALK ABOUT?” Naruto yelled. Great just fucking great now everyones gonna start yelling other annoying things. 
“I bet its period stuff.” Natsu yelled
“No I bet its woman stuff” Naruto yelled
“Periods are woman stuff you dumb fuck” Sasuke yelled
“Shut up all of you its none of your fucking business!.”
Some mumbles and a few more yells how we were gonna have sex and scissor each other. Everyone is so moronic here, it's sooo aggravating. 
“Yea of course Rinoa!” Yuna squeezed herself outta the couch with the grunts from Gippal. He better not vomit on the fucking couch again that was so fucking gross and disgusting.
I guided Yuna to my room which was the safest room to talk. No one ever came here except Zidane but he was with other camp so I am safe. 
“Oh I love what you’ve done with the room!” Yuna smiled and sat on the end of bed . She just sat there smiling. I wonder how her face isn’t stuck in that position from how much she does it. I dug around in my desk until I found my one hitter and a lil bit of weed. I didn’t smoke much so this was probably months old but whatever it will do. I hand the packed pipe to Yuna whose face lights up at it “Oh thank you Rinoa this is so thoughtful!” She takes down the whole bowl in one huge hit. Packing it again with her own personal stash. She hands it towards me but I wave it off. Have to keep my brain clear. 
“So whats going on? Is everything okay?” Yuna asked. Okay good the weed didn’t make her retarded. This stuff wasn’t that strong so that probably helped, also her tolerance I bet is wayyy too high for this cheap stuff to effect her much. 
“Yeah I am fine, everything is good with me. I am just, well I been thinking about all that stuff that happened before they split us up, like about the darks spirits, I was wondering if you knew anything about that?” 
“Oh yes it was such a terrible thing that happened to Jonis dear daughter, I am so furious with Gray and how it all happened. Just so Gray could oh I don’t even know what he wanted out of it which makes me even more mad! “ Yuna huffed a little after all this, its probably from the weed and she didn’t take a single breathe while talking but I liked to believe it was from the extra pounds she carried around with her. Ha chunky Yuna huffing away. Okay Rinoa focus
I didn’t really care about all the stuff with Jonis daughter but I needed Yuna to stay on my side so I said “yea that was so fucked up of Gray, Just cause hes sad and miserable doesn’t mean he needs to bring everyone to his level.” I scoffed and Yuna nodded in approval “So yea anyhow about dark spirits you know anything?”
“Its a horrible place. I don’t know a lot but I know a little bit.” Yuna drank some water and continued “So usually souls are sent to their worlds version of the after life”
Rinoa interrupted “- so its like hell?”
“No I mean hell still exists in some worlds but their soul is still intact for lack of a better term. It can still be retrieved and brought back.” 
“Ok so this place is like totally different from other afterworlds, its like its own entity?” 
“Precisely! Its its own separate place! I am not sure where it came from or how long its been around, Elis I know speculates it formed when the worlds collided, yet I know Aiden was there before that so I don’t believe that is true. Christian told me once its always been around, and after Eli heard about that, he speculated that the reason the worlds collided had to do with this place. I am not sure about any of that. What I do know is the place consists of dark magic and dark beings dwell there. Any soul who steps into that place becomes tainted. So what happened with Lily is because she was killed with dark magic she was tainted and had to be sent there. No other afterlife could handle such a dark being without becoming dark themselves. I don’t exactly know how it all works though.” Yuna looked down seemingly flustered with it all
I pondered on this for a while. She gave me a lot more information then I could have hoped for. 
“So its pretty much the worst place in the universe? No wonder Aiden is so fucked up!”
“Yes it is, Eli told me once anyone who goes there becomes tainted in a way, incomplete rather. Like they aren’t all together human anymore. He couldn’t tell me how or why. He also said anyone who goes their becomes trapped but Aiden is intact and he has his soul still, so Eli must be wrong about that. Or perhaps thats what usually happens and Aiden somehow beat the system? I don’t know its all so horrible I don’t like to think about it!” Yuna took the liberty to pack herself another bowl to smoke. 
“Hmm so if thats the case and J was there and also got out there must be some way.”
“Yes they must be! Ya know I can feel souls with my summoner ability and I have always sensed J’s soul be off. Like it just feels wrong but now that I know he was in that place, thats probably why it feels that way!” 
“Yea and thats why spirits don't seem to want anything to do with him and let him get away with so much shit because they don’t want him around. He probably terrifies them!” 
 I began jotting down things in my journal and Yuna finished off her bowl. 
“Hey Yuna no offense but I gotta go. I need to figure out more about all this and I have quite a few more people to talk to!”
“Oh of course I will leave you, if you need anything more I will be in living room!”
“Okay yea thanks” Just before she left room I thought of one more thing “Hey real quick so I am gonna talk to Noah, Tidus, J , Ulquiorra and Christian , know anyone else in Camp A that would know something?”
Yuna pondered for a second “Perhaps try Sasuke? He seems to know a lot about everything. Oh and try Jet! He was an old commander so perhaps he knows something from his time in charge.”
“Okay yea i put them down, thanks see you around! “ Yuna waved and headed out 
No way in hell was I talking to either one of them. Especially if I didn’t have to. Wasn’t in the mood to get groped and deal with the biggest asshole in camp. No thank you. 
Next stop Noah! 
I found him in his room laying in the dark with his covers up. He looked briefly at me when I entered but turned around to continue staring at his wall. 
I took the liberty to let myself in. I slid out a chair and opened the blinds up so I could see. He looked like shit. 
“Hey I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but I need to know about the dark spirit place or whatever its called.” I paused looking at him “Its important.” I added 
No response. I couldn’t wait for him to get over whatever this was.
“Noah, I need to know, help me out here” 
“Why would you wanna know about that place?” He said it in a whisper 
“I, no we, as a camp need to know!” This came out a lot more harsh then I meant it too. Whatever. Usually the guy was so dumb you asked him anything and he replied. No filters. But now when I need him to talk hes understanding what silence means? What the fuck. Where's lady luck and why isn’t she on my side?
“No you don’t need to know, you think you need to know but it won’t help anything, it won’t change anything. It will just bring pain and destruction. 
I was geting so annoyed at his inability to just answer a fucking question I blew up. 
“OMG are you mansplaining to me? I know what is good and bad for me to know. Fuck right off Noah. I can handle myself, I can handle this, I am not a moron.” 
He sat up slightly at this and sighed “ No you can’t handle this, you or anyone else in camp that isn’t already involved in this doesn’t need to be. Theres no reason for anyone to know anymore then you guys already do. Now please leave me I am not in the mood.” 
I wanted to freak out at him, yet I realized that would get me nowhere. ;”Fine be that way, go fuck yourself Noah!” I slammed his door as hard as I could manage . I sat in the hallway and cried for a little bit. Why can’t I know? He obviously told Joni or else she wouldn’t have had him kill her kid. Or maybe he's the only one that takes orders from Joni. She's such a junkie cunt I bet even if she was here she wouldn’t give me any answers either. Just yell about needing more booze and making stupid inside jokes with jesse that no one else finds funny. They are the worst set of twins I have ever fucking met .
This was pointless. I went to my room and screamed in my pillow for a few minutes. When I was done my throat hurt and Angelo looked worried. 
Sign this whole thing was stupid why did I even try it? No I have to keep going. I decided to go see Tidus when he actually took his meds he was pretty cool and we hung out. When he was off them though it was fucking annoying as shit. Lately he seemed normal so lets hope for the best. I can’t have two let downs in a row. 
I found him in his room lifting weights, his room looked mostly clean which was a good indicator on his saneness. “35, 36, 37,-”
“Hey Tidus its me can I come in?”
“Oh yea Rinoa let me just finish these reps. 38, 39- I waited till he counted to 50 and set the weight down before speaking 
“Hey so I gonna cut right to the chase, your a spirit and everything so I wonder if you know anything about all this dark spirit stuff they were talking about?”
 He was drinking out of his water but stopped after i said dark spirit and his face fell. Oh he totally knows something. 
“Umm no I don’t umm sorry,” He faced away from me and I saw in his mirror him muttering to himself.
“I know you know something Tidus, just tell me I can take it.” He fidgeted around picking up random objects then setting them down. 
“I mean well I wanna tell you but I am not suppose to talk about it” 
“What? Who says you cant talk about it?” Now I was super curious a secret dark spirit place that he was banned from talking about. Oh this was juicy. 
I heard people out the door talking and heard my name so my ears perked up, it sounded like Jesse and Yuna 
“You were talking to Rinoa? Egh talking to her is like I have an itch on the roof of my mouth that only a shotgun can scratch.” Jesse said loudly 
“Oh shes not that bad!” Yuna replied
What a fucking asshole, I made a mental note to go chew him out after this but I didn’t want to wreck my flow I had going here. 
Tidus looked at me sympathetically and I waited till they passed by before talking again
Tidus spoke first tho “Hey don’t mind Jesse he’s just an asshole”
“Uh Yea duh I know that and why would I be bothered by what a lonely wannabe says about me?” My eyes challeneged him to say something stupid. Wisely he changed topics
“Well um what you been up to today? 
“Well I been trying to get people to tell me about the dark spirit place.” 
He looked uncomfortable and said “Uh huh I see, why is it you wanna know so bad?” 
“Because I, or well camp, has the right to know about this, I mean like shouldn’t we do something about it or like go save people from it.”
“You can’t get rid of it that's not how it works, its like saying your gonna blow up hell, its not possible. ANd saving people, why would we have to do that? No one we know is there so that just be a suicide mission.” He shook his head and drank down the rest of his water. Going to refill it in the water jug he had in his room he added “Even if we did have someone to save, we couldn't. It would just be a waste of lifes and resources!” 
“Well Lily got there why wouldn’t we go save her?”
“You know why Rinoa, she doesn’t matter to camp, she's just a kid with no powers.” 
“Omg why didn’t I think of that!” If someone that camp needed or cared about went there we would have to go save them and have to go there! I refrained from saying this out loud though so no one could hear my scheme and block it. Tidus just assumed I didn’t realize Lily was useless which I mean duh, I let him think that though. Makes things easier. 
“Yea I mean maybe she would have powers later but she was only in camp like an hour and I mean like Yuna liked her and- He started rambling about how great Yuna was and I spaced out. Who should I get killed though? It would have to be Noah killing them and use his weird demon thing inside him to do it, can’t be a gun, no pretty sure it have to be Virgo inside him. Hmm who to kill though? My first thought after what Jesse said was him but no he was immortal that wouldn’t work. I don’t know if immortality worked against this but I didn’t want to risk it. Only have one go at this. Hmmm maybe Aerith? She was important plus easy to kill plus Sasuke would go insane and make people go save her with him. Yes, Aerith would be perfect. I almost think Jenn would be funnier to fuck with Aiden but shes useless, so the commanders might not let us go and then Aiden probably just convince himself she never existed and we all would just move on in our lives. Wait, Aerith is a spirit though, that might safeguard her. Not sure but once again don’t wanna risk it. Fuck who then? 
“And shes so caring and pretty and- “ 
“Tidus shut up I am trying to think”
He stopped talking and made a face at me. “You coulda said that nicer” 
“Yea okay I am sorry, whatever, “
“What are you thinking about anyhow?” Tidus inquired. 
Was it safe to tell him? Probably and I would need help with this so bing bing hes the winner! I decided to ease into it though and gauge him out. If he seemed hesitant I would have to find someone new to ask
“I was just thinking how shitty it would be if someone from camp was killed and sent there.”
“Oh yea that would be horrible we wouldn’t see them ever again!”
“I mean never again?” I asked as innocently as I could manage “I mean Aiden got out of there didn’t he?”
“Yea I mean yea but he has Christian helping him when Christian still had access to virgo or well access to his powers”
So thats how it happened hmmm 
“Well couldn’t he access them again?” I inquired 
“No cause Virgo is in Noah.” 
“What about J? He got taken out too? 
“Yea I don’t know how that worked I only just found that out today, I assumine G accessed the igndaemoni stone. I heard that has to do with it” “ I also hear- all of a sudden Tidus’s face just stopped moving 
“What the hell?” I asked and just as I did I saw J walk into the room. Oh so he paused time. What an asshole 
 “J what the fuck!!!! I was so close!!” I pouted and waved my notebook around and my pen flew out of my hand as I flayed around 
“A little too close” His nasally voice said. God his voice was so fucking annoying
“Lets go to kitchen to talk” I followed him in there and noticed quite a few people in there all paused 
“Stop while your ahead Trist me on this.”
“Omg you fucking too-- omg look at grays face!!” 
His face looked like he was just about to sneeze. Contored and retarded looking. 
J let out his shrill laugh while Rinoa laughed like she was actually saying the words heehee     
“Wait Wait look at Lana!” Her face looked like it was turning both ways and her hand was in her butt cheek.
Rinoa and J continued to point out others with dumb expressions on each letting out their different but equally annoying laughs. 
J wiped a tear from his eye “Oh that rich thats just great.”
I decided to try again “So J what the fuck why did you pause everyone.” 
“For my own safety that's why!” He yelled back. God did he not know how to get his voice at a reasonable level 
“You’re safety from what ?”
J looked around like a paranoid drunk. “Just trust me bitch, you don’t want to go down this path.” J himsellf knew hardly anything about this, he had to take a class in it at the spirit university but he fell asleep half way through and skipped the next two classes and the final class he was so lost on the exam he decided to get drunk in the bathroom and have G make sure he got a passing score. What he did know though was that Ulqiorra would kill him if Rinoa started some shit up. Partly why they let Harry and him spy on everyone was for security reasons and as long as everyone behaved themselves, at least a little, they were allowed to continue being camp security.                                        
“DON’T CALL ME A BITCH!” Rinoa stormed, proving J’s point in her screams of rage if she classified as a bitch or not. 
After her yells subsided with some throw ins of “clay piece of fuck,” “get new friends” “your an fucking asshole” she sat down and crossed her arms and started pouting. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just know, I am not gonna do anything with it I just want to know”
“No you definitely want to do something and I can’t risk you knowing too much and fucking things up for me.”
“For you what the fuck do you mean?”
Shit J thought didn’t need to add that last part “I just mean me as like everyone in camp its won’t be good and Ulquiorras gonna flip out if you unite everyone in some doomed mission.”
 Rinoas face contorted but then twisted into a devious smile. “Okay fine I won’t do anything” She said as innocent as she could manage.
J stared at her with a look of disbelieve but he also was just about to go to Milwaukee with Paine, Yuna and Gippal and he really wanted to get to that. Distancing himself from harry has really done wonders for his social life. He gets to hang out with Gipplal, GIPPAL! His dreams were coming true. 
As J daydreamed about his perfect day with Gippal and how maybe they could break off from the other two and get ice cream and Gippal would get some in his beard and J would slowly wipe it off for him-- Rinoa was thinking of how to get j out of camp so she can continue getting answers. “So can you unpause it, I get it okay?” 
“Yea Yea fine,” J took out a device in his pocket and hit the button. Everyone instantly started moving. 
“What where did you guys come from?” Gray asked 
“WE BEEN IN HERE FUCK OFF” J replied and left to go find his new friends. 
“Yea lay off the dope its making you stupid.” Rinoa shot back at him 
“I don’t recall you guys being in here either” Lana stated
“Whatever you guys are all dumb then” Rinoa flipped her hair and walked out of the room, forgetting about Tidus for the moment and headed back to her room 
In Tidus’s room he was quite shocked by Rinoa disappearing and was terrified he had hallucinated the whole conversation “Oh no Oh no, she was here, wasn’t she? No nonononono! “ Tidus yelled and began searching around his room for her. Looking under his bed and in his closet for obvious places but then under books and his lamp thinking maybe she somehow shrunk. Moving on from schizo boy we head back to Rinoa. 
“Okay I just have to find a way to get J to leave. hmmm “ Rinoa mindlessly pet Angelo while brainstorming. Suddenly Yuna walked in. 
“Hey Rinoa is was lovely talking to you earlier, I hope you figure out what your looking for!” 
“Yea yea I am trying to think now so can you like leave?’
“Oh okay yea no I can’t stay I am going to milwaukee with some friends!” As yuna turned to leave Rinoa yelled for her to stop
“Wait who are you going with?” Rinoa asked, she had to get J to go with them somehow. 
“Oh um Paine, Gippal and J” 
Rinoa jumped up and ran and hugged Yuna “OMG I could kiss you thats fantastic! Don’t let me keep you go go” Rinoa shooed out the very confused Yuna. 
“Okay Angelo we are back on track!” Rinoa jumped for joy grabbed her notepad and ran to go find TIdus. 
-- And that finishes Part 1 of this story-- I will either finish it or can have Rinoa explain how rest of it went when I see ya tomorrow! Probably do the latter so we can move on with plot! 
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