#theres. a LOT going on here
vampire-crimson · 3 months
Oh im looking at the changelog for the stardew update and losing my mind a little these all look super awesome
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tubbytarchia · 27 days
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got an urge to design ponies oops
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lokh · 1 month
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derpycatsu · 10 months
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HELLOOOOOOO i got super into vocaloid (GIANT EXPLOSION)
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cemeterything · 8 months
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98chao · 1 year
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suffering from demotivation so heres a dump of doodles/shitposts/unfinished art thats been collecting dust in my art folder from the span of a week to a year ago
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whollyjoly · 2 months
so aisha just tweeted this....
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and im looking at those last two emojis 😐😳....
and i remember that lou said this....
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...and this....
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...what does it MEAN??
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totem-but-shark · 3 months
interpreting foolish making a few of his own skins as qfoolish knowing how to sew and making his own clothes is one of my favourite headcannons because one of qfoolishs main ways of expressing his love and care is acts of service, he loves through actions. So it only makes sense that he might tend and care for the clothes of his loved ones too
imagine qfoolish sewing all of Leo's clothes, each new shirt or sock getting slightly larger than the last as she grows up before his very eyes, feeling immense pride as he goes from sewing tiny rompers to elaborate dresses that take days to complete and rolls and rolls of fabrics just to her liking all for his little girl. His heart melting ever so slightly as he starts all over again knitting a red and white striped scarf for a baby Pepito.
qjaiden showing him her wings and foolish immediately insisting she hands over every vest and shirt she has to add wing holes into the back so she never has to feel constrained and hide herself ever again.
For the longest time qroiers clothes were plagued with tears and gashes. Rips in his overalls after bobby passed, the gash in his hoodie from a friendship turned backstabbing. He can't find it within himself to fix alone, he hardly knows how. Until he's adopted, qvegetta and qfoolish taking him in with open arms and suddenly there's another hand steadying his shaking fingers because qfoolish cannot undo the hurt qroier has faced but with needle and thread he can help his son repair what he has
Mixing this with another headcannon, I like to think that the suit qroier wore at his wedding might've been one of qvegettas from one of his failed marriages. Knowing he'd never allow himself to wear it and let himself be hurt again, and so instead wanting his son to have it and see it finally worn at a happy wedding. One based upon genuine love. Though he may never experience that moment himself at least someone he loves can, the cycle continuing for qvegetta but finally breaking for roier. But Vegetta is BUILT, broad as a brick wall and muscled like no other. So foolish steps in, adjusting the shoulders and waist and whatever else until it's perfectly tailored for qroier ready to walk down the aisle carrying the love of both his fathers with him.
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taikanyohou · 11 months
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"My brother was messing with escorts, masseurs, sexual content creators and drug dealers. Now, he's gone MIA. Among all these people, someone has to be the culprit."
PLAYBOYY (2023). Official Teaser.
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brother-emperors · 5 months
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ANTONY cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war
earlier in my script (which is not Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar), Antony refers to Dolabella as one of his ‘dogs of war’ when talking to Cassius (which IS a reference to Shakespeare’s JC), and it comes back around after Cicero writes to Cassius and informs him of Trebonius’ fate
While these things were taking place at Rome, Cassius and Brutus were collecting troops and money, and Trebonius, governor of the province of Asia, was fortifying his towns for them. [...] Trebonius, who was captured in bed, told his captors to lead the way to Dolabella, saying that he was willing to follow them. One of the centurions answered him facetiously, "Go where you please, but you must leave your head behind here, for we are ordered to bring your head, not yourself." With these words the centurion immediately cut off his head, and early in the morning Dolabella ordered it to be displayed on the praetor's chair where Trebonius was accustomed to transact public business. Since Trebonius had participated in the murder of Caesar by detaining Antony in conversation at the door of the Senate-house while the others killed him, the soldiers and camp-followers fell upon the rest of his body with fury and treated it with every kind of indignity. They rolled his head from one to another in sport along the city pavements like a ball till it was completely crushed. This was the first of the murderers who received the meed of his crime, and thus vengeance overtook him.
App. Civil Wars III. 26
For Dolabella is in Syria, and, as you have foreseen in your prophetic soul and have foretold, Cassius will crush him while they are on their way. For Dolabella has had the gates of Antioch shut in his face and got a good beating in trying to storm it. Not trusting in any other city, he has betaken himself to Laodicea, on the sea-coast of Syria. There I hope he will speedily pay the penalty of his crime: for he has no place of refuge, nor will he much longer be able there to stand out against an army as large as that of Cassius. I even hope that Dolabella has by this time been overpowered and crushed.
Cic. Fam. 12.14
Place then before your eyes, O conscript fathers, that spectacle, miserable indeed, and tearful, but still indispensable to rouse your minds properly: the nocturnal attack upon the most beautiful city in Asia; the irruption of armed men into Trebonius’s house, when that unhappy man saw the swords of the robbers before he heard what was the matter; the entrance of Dolabella, raging,—his ill-omened voice, and infamous countenance,—the chains, the scourges, the rack, the armourer who was both torturer and executioner; all which they say that the unhappy Trebonius endured with great fortitude. A great praise, and in my opinion indeed the greatest of all, for it is the part of a wise man to resolve beforehand that whatever can happen to a brave man is to be endured with patience if it should happen.
Cicero, Philippic 11
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Philippi and Perusia, Ronald Syme
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
42 days.
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chonnysinferno · 1 month
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the going thru it guy
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also somewthing that i cant explain. yea like only one person could get what this is referencing
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theriu · 6 months
Thinking about how every story where some guy travels across dimensions involves him meeting a bunch of himself with different unique traits, and then one of them is just “you but a girl.” And you know what, it would be frankly hilarious to me if there was a story where dude goes to other dimensions and every alternate version of him is a woman. Surprise, he is the token guy variant of a usually-female character. :D
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bobosbillionsknives · 7 months
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The one tit wonder himself
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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I may have...mentioned a fankid a little while back (u_u*) here's the little squirt themselves, our very own Newt Utonium! The name is short for Newton, as in Isaac, who is often considered the grandfather of science (the professor's idea ofc) but they prefer to go by just Newt!
Just like their mother they came from an egg, which Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were very excited and curious about! Especially since they were born 5 years old and at the same time, they were looking forward to interacting with a new sibling. And a baby at that! They spent a lot of time with the egg fawning over it, discussing what gender they hoped it would be and what they'd be like once hatched!
And ofc Utonium is just as wonderful a father with Newt as he was when the girls came into his life! 💖💖💖
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @miutonium @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunlight1999 @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships (as always let me know if you want to be added OR taken off!)
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arcanegifs · 2 months
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