#to pick pumkins with you
for @flufftober 01. "I´ve got you" for @slumberpartybingo fall-flash bingo "would you rather go apple or pumpkin picking"
Belle & Beast canonverse compliant
Rated G, words 1263
When Belle meets the gardener, Monsieur Panier (basket) in the castle orchard, as he´s struggling to pick the ripe apples, she has a splendied idea…
and for @firawren @endlesstwanted
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dxwnstxr · 1 year
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It's autumn with them
Fandom: Bungou stray dogs
Characters: Chuuya, dazai, ranpo, tetchou, akutagawa, tachihara
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Warnings: none
A/n: I'm already in the autumn/halloween mood, and it's not even august yet😭☕️.
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🍁 Chuuya 🍁
Chuuya would cuddle with you on the couch watching your favorite scary movie. He would yelp at the jump scares, then lie and say he didn't because he's not a wuss.
Chuuya would watch the autumn rain with you while drinking hot pumkin lattes.
Chuuya would bring you to pumkin patches and lose you in the corn maze.
Chuuya would go to starbucks with you to get the autumn beverages. Then go shopping together for autumn outfits.
🍁 Dazai 🍁
Dazai would make homemade pumpkin pie with you just to steal some of it.
Dazai would make sure you both wear matching halloween costumes.
Dazai would stop to pet a black cat on your walk down a path in the orange and red woods.
Dazai would bring you outside to play in the autumn rain. Then, afterward, take a cozy apple sented shower together.
🍁 Ranpo 🍁
Ranpo would make sure to buy you all of his favorite halloween themed candy.
Ranpo would spoil all of the scary movies, so instead, you both carved pumpkins.
Ranpo would make you bring him to all of the mini autumn shops in downtown. He'd later got carried away, though, and grab you by the hand, pulling you to the shops he wants to look at.
Ranpo would only eat the whipped cream on his pumpkin pie. He'd then give the rest to you.
Ranpo would run ahead of you on sweet autumn walk and shout to you all the amazing thing he sees while pointing to them. You then would lift up your camera and capture the beautiful shot.
🍁 Tetchou 🍁
Tetchou would see you still hungry after eating your thanksgiving meal and would give you his portion.
Tetchou would lay a nice freshly washed and dried blanket on you while it's still warm as you sleep on his shoulder.
Tetchou would promise to take you to a pumkin patch. He ended up losing you 10 times before he called it a day.
Tetchou would let you pick out his outfits when you both went on autumn dates.
🍁 Akutagawa 🍁
Akutagawa would watch scary movies with you, but every time you jumped, he told you that you're being a baby. He later got embarrassed when he got scared near the end of said movie.
Akutagawa would ride on the hayrides with you and act like he hates it. Though after a while, you catch him smiling at the scenery.
Akutagawa would fall asleep easily on rainy autumn nights. You would cuddle him while he softly snores in your arms.
Akutagawa would take halloween very seriously but would act like he could care less. Though when it's time to knock on the doors, he gets nervous and acts you to do it.
Akutagawa would sit at the island counter and peacefully watch you make autumn pastries. Spooky halloween music would be playing in the background as akutagawa tries to sneak some samples, then gets mad and lies when he gets caught.
🍁 Tachihara 🍁
Tachihara would challenge you to see who'd escape the corn maze first. To which he ended up getting lost in.
Tachihara would go on a midnight autumn ride on his motorcycle with you. You would point out places you'd like to stop, and he would. You'd hope off, take out your camera, and take calming pictures of him under the autumn moon.
Tachihara would call out all of your friends just to have a pumkin carving competition. To which tetchou came first, you second, and teruko came third.
Tachihara would playfully dip his pointer finger in whipped cream and then poke you in the nose, leaving a dot of whipped cream.
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Reblog divider cr: @benkeibear
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ellalovesundertale · 1 month
⚠️Warning Long + Fontcest/Sarnelope⚠️
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Sarah and Penelope sat in the car and drove to store, they see that they've already started to have fall/Halloween items on the shelves. They both felt that euphoric feeling of fall that a lot of people get when it's cool out. It was also between 40 degrees and 59 degrees Fahrenheit. They only came there to buy groceries, so they bought some things for their dinner and a couple other things for the meals for the next few days.
Author's note: I always feel euphoric when fall come or when we're close to it, and when the leaves change. so nice!
They have finally paid for everything and brought back their groceries. After they have put the groceries away, they now have left their house, and walk to the area where they have many trees with orange leaves.
Sarah: that's called pumpkin pie, and, penelope pumpkins are fruits, not vegetables. where have you heard that pumpkins were vegetables?
Sarah: well, a tomato is a fruit... so that makes ketchup a smoothie *makes a smirk on her face*
Sarah: ehhhhhh *laughs*
Penelope: UGGGHHHHH.........
They continue walking in the forest, the wind blows.
Sarah leans over as she grabs Penelope's hand, then she rubs it. Sarah then takes her sister's hand and rubs it in her face.
Sarah: yeah... *blushes*
Penelope lets go of Sarah's hand just to pet her head, then she wraps her arm around Sarah"s head and keeps rubbing it.
Sarah and Penelope hear footsteps and leaves crunching. They didn't suspect that there was a wild animal in the forest.
They found that there were a couple of humans that looked just like them.
*leaves crunching* Penelope: *points to the pair of humans* HUMANS!!!
Sarah: pen, are you sure that those are humans?
Sarah: maybe…
They were human versions of Sarah and Penelope. Human Penelope looked at Sarah and Penelope
Human Sarah: *zoning out* uhh… *looks at them* ohhhh yeah… *walks with (human) penelope to them*
(Skeleton) Sarah and Penelope smile at them.
Penelope: HI! YOU’RE US!!
Human Penelope: WE ARE!
Human Sarah: hi! *waves*
Penelope wanted to tell them how cute they are, but she was so shy, then she finally told them: YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! *BLUSHES*
(Human) Sarah and Penelope blush and smile
Human Penelope: THANK YOU
(Human) Sarah then had her arms in the air, wanting to hug (skeleton) Penelope: hug?
Penelope: HUG?
Human Sarah: hug!
So (human) Sarah hugged (skeleton) Penelope so tight, just like both skeleton versions would (It’s the same thing so who cares lol). Then (human) Sarah kisses (skeleton) Penelope on the cheek. So then (skeleton) Sarah hugged (human) Penelope the same way the others did.
So (human) Penelope picked up (skeleton) Sarah, and (skeleton) Penelope picked up (human) Sarah, and went walking, having one hand holding their sisters, and the other in each other’s hands.
Human Penelope: OH MY GOSH, I’D LOVE TO!!
(Human) Penelope and (skeleton) Penelope continue to hold hand and swing them back and forth, the both human and skeleton Sarah hold each other’s hands. They continue walking through the forest to their house, well, for the skeletons. They grab their food from their house and walk to (human) Penelope’s car, and they drive to their house.
(Human) Penelope blushes and smiles at (skeleton) Penelope
(Skeleton) Sarah and Penelope hold hands as they walk to the kitchen.
Human Penelope: OF COURSE WE CAN’T JUST HAVE DESSERTS, WE ARE also having…
(Skeleton) Penelope holds and shows (human) Penelope part of the dinner which is the chicken, to cook.
Human Penelope: OH, YOU HAVE IT…
Sarah: we can add other things to the meal…
Human Penelope: OK!
They all make the meals.
Sarah: yeah.
Human Sarah: *nods head*
(Skeleton) Penelope chops up the vegetables while the other three season and cook the chicken. Now, they want someone to set out the desserts, but they wouldn’t trust (human) Sarah, nor (skeleton) Sarah, because they’ll just eat it all. So both human and skeleton Penelope would have to do it while the chicken’s cooking in secret without human or skeleton Sarah knowing so they don’t eat them all.
Human Penelope: SHHHH!!!
Penelope: SORRY.
They set out some, pumpkin cake, pumpkin pie, chocolate chip cookies, some vanilla pudding and many other desserts.
So anyway, everything has been made, and the potluck is ready.
Human Penelope: DINNER’S READY!
The two Sarahs run over to the big table.
(Human) Sarah, Penelope, and (skeleton) Sarah smiles
Human Penelope: LET’S EAT!
So they all start to eat their food. (Skeleton) Sarah tries to grab a dessert and (skeleton) Penelope stops her
Sarah: okie.
Penelope smiles and rubs Sarah’s head.
Sarah also smiles and blushes
(Human) Penelope keeps rubbing (human) Sarah’s head as she eat her food.
Human Penelope: WHY THANK YOU!
Human Penelope: WHICH ONE?
Penelope: UM… BOTH!? *LAUGHS*
All: *laughs*
They all have finished their plates. Well… both Sarahs have finished them first, THEN the rest did. LOL
(Skeleton) Sarah looking at (skeleton) Penelope: i want dessert.
(Skeleton) Sarah tries to reach for the desserts
So (skeleton) Penelope grabs the dessert plates for (skeleton) Sarah to pick and grab from the plate. The rest grab some desserts as well.
So they start eating their desserts, and (human) Sarah and Penelope do this thing where they grab a cream puff and they both eat that same one little by little, and then they kiss as (skeleton) Sarah and Penelope were watching them. They blush, smile, and they fangirl… LOL.
Human Sarah: you should do the same. here, take a cream puff.
Sarah: ok.
So (skeleton) Sarah and Penelope do the same thing except Sarah takes a bigger bite so she can get the kiss quicker and have most of the cream puff. Silly girl. Haha!
(Human) Sarah and Penelope blush and smile, and (human) Penelope sheds a tear (a little one).
(Skeleton) Sarah and Penelope hugged
Both humans: Awwwww! ❤️
(Human) Penelope get up from the table, and to wipe off the cream off of (skeleton) Sarah’s mouth, but (skeleton) Sarah licks off the cream off of (human) Penelope’s face and blushes, so (human) Penelope licks the cream off her lips too.
(Human) Sarah and (skeleton) Penelope watch them
Penelope and human Sarah: Awww💕
So they all get up from the table, and (skeleton) Penelope picks up (human) Sarah. As (skeleton) Penelope was holding her, she then licks off the cream from her face, just like the other two did. Lol
(Human) Sarah kisses (skeleton) Penelope, and (skeleton) Sarah kisses (human) Penelope at the same time. So Cute!!!
I would write the part where they stay the night but I should probably make that for part 2
To Be Continued
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Carving pumpkins
Werewolf boyfriend X gn reader
Just a whole bunch of fluff with your werewolf boyfriend.
Minors Don't Interact!
His tail was wagging like crazy the whole time the two of you got ready. It was his idea to wear matching fall sweaters while the two of you went pumkin carving. You were delighted by this idea and was more than happy to match with your giant lover.
The view to the pumkin feild was breath taking seeing all the different shades of red and oranges the trees were turning.
Looking to you he smiled, seeing you with the trees all around you was so pretty to him. He wished he could take a photo in that moment.
Once at the feild the two of you stepped out of the car. The little parking lot was filled with lots of other cars filled with couples and family all there for pumkins or fresh apple cider. Looking over to your boyfriend you smiled seeing him sniffing the air as his tail wagged. "The cider smiles good. Want to buy some to bring home?" You asked him as he nodded his head.
He smiled as he walked over to you kissing his cheek. "Ha alright Romeo let's get our pumkins." You said returning the kiss. Holding his paw you walked to the pumkin feild looking around for the perfect pumkins for the both of you.
Half an hour later the both of you had your pumkins picked out. Being the gentlemen he is your boyfriend was holding both the heavy pumpkins with ease. Going to the rather cute pay booth you pulled your wallet out to pay for the pumpkins when you felt a wet nose be pressed against your cheek. Looking to him you gave him a curious look as he glanced to the table of apple cider. It clicked with you what he meant. "Oh and can we get a jug of apple cider too please?" You asked the worker handing them your money.
Smiling you walked back to the car with two pumpkins and a jug of fresh apple cider. The whole ride back his tail was wagging thumping against his seat. "Your adorable." You said looking over to him. That only made his tail wag even faster.
It took a good bit to set up the pumpkin carving station at your shared home. Romeo wasn't helpful, his tail wagging kept knocking things over but he was so happy to try helping you.
Once it was ready Romeo was sitting criss cross on the floor, tongue poking past his lips as he focused on carving his pumpkin. You couldn't help but take a few pics of him while he was distracted. Once he noticed you photographing him, your giggles had given you away, he smiled wide for you to take another photo.
Carving a pumpkin was harder than you thought, it took a few hours and the both of you were exhausted. "Should we cook the pumpkin seeds? They're pretty good." You suggested looking to Romeo. He smiled and nodded his head before laying back. "Go take a nap honey I'll clean up." You said giving him a smile. Whining Romeo shook his head and got up. There was no way he was leaving this mess all to you.
The clean up went faster with the both of you working together. Area cleaned up and seeds in the oven the two of you snuggled up on the couch. "Everything is going to smell like pumpkins for weeks." You chuckled closing your eyes. Feeling lips against your forehead you smiled, his kisses were always so gentle.
You felt like it was safe to say today was a good day.
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kikker-oma · 8 months
incorrect quotes because I’m in this phase
___ Wild (after remembering card tricks): pick a card
Hyrule: *picks 7 hearts*
Wild: one sec Lemmie just look through the entire deck
Legend, at a restaurant: I’ll have the cheese board with no cheese
Waitress: So just a board?
Legend: no, I’m not planning on studying abroad.
Malon: I’m so bored waiting for link all day
Malon: *ressurects Ganon and kills him with a broom*
Warriors, adventuring with the chain: I sense a disruption in the timeline.
____ Me: oh Legend my sweet boy
Me: oh legend you’re so wonderful and sweet
Me: your character is written so beautifully
Legend: you’re gonna kill me again, aren’t you?
Me: yup. ____
Sky, at lumpy pumkin (forgot the name): Ok sure I’ll play the harp.
10 minutes later…
Wild, Wind, and Warriors enter (the three Ws lol)
*has a 10 hour musical that’s just cotton eye joe on repeat*
Time: What creatures have I raised…
Twilight: whatcha reading
Four: wheel of time.
5 minutes later
Four: wdym I finished the series?
Twilight: …
Lol that first one with the cards🤣🤣 I might draw something for that LOLOL once the art paralysis ends
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
🎃Lloyd x Reader: Pumpkin carving Drabble🎃
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Warnings: knife play, mostly fluff, reader has sensitive ears, hand kink, scent kink, reader being a brat, marking/ hickeys/ biting, implied smut
Nicknames: Pumpkin
A/N: A spooky little treat before the next Monstertober day
༻𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫༺
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“How did I let you convince me to do this again, Pumkin?” Lloyd questioned in a huff, he stood in the doorway wearing his tight black turtleneck, which was your favourite, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his hairy, bulky arms, his vein rippling out of his skin like lightning bolts trailing down to his calloused hands.
“I promised you a reward afterwards.” You giggled passing him a kitchen knife, which he began chucking up and down “Lloyd that’s dangerous.” You warned, he smiled at the concerned look on your face
“I know what I’m doing, Pumpkin.” He threw it up in the air one more time, bumping the handle with his elbow as it fell, catching it with his hand and pointing it towards his pumpkin “You’ve got everything set out so nicely, like a little housewife.” He cooed, pulling you close and placing a kiss on your forehead.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks at his comment. You, a housewife…for him. You liked the idea, you couldn’t deny that; but the way he said, it like his words held so much more meaning behind them. You always loved when he complimented you, it made you feel so special. Nothing else in the world mattered except what Lloyd thought, what Lloyd said—he’d made you completely reliant on him. “L-Let’s get started…That pumpkins yours and this one's mine.” You cursed yourself for stuttering, Lloyd smirked at your brushing his large hand across your forearm before pulling his pumpkin closer to him on the newspaper. You followed suit, picking up your knife and beginning to cut a circle around the stem of the pumpkin—you had much more difficulty than Lloyd as tried to cut through the tough skin of the pumpkin.
“Are you sure you’re allowed to do this?”
“Of course I am! I know how to use a knife, Lloyd. I'm not a child. And then we can make pumpkin bread after this.” You huffed turning away from him and continuing to cut into the pumpkin.
Lloyd grabbed your chin turning you towards him “No, I mean because you’re a pumpkin; so this is murder and cannibalism. I never knew you were so devious, Pumpkin.” You opened your mouth to reply but no words left your mouth, you just stared at him with your mouth hanging open. He let you go and resumed carving his pumpkin, you closed your mouth and returned your own pumpkin, pulling the center out before you began digging out the seeds.
Your gaze drifted over to Lloyd as he held onto the pumpkin with one of his hands, the muscles shifting under his skin as he squeezed the skin of the pumpkin. The golden ring on his pinky finger glimmering in the light catching your attention briefly as you remembered the time he slipped it on to each one of your fingers trying to get it fit “it only fits your thumb, Pumpkin, you’re so tiny compared to me…Don’t worry I'll get you a ring just like this one so we can match.” He did get you a ring to match, it was perfectly tailored to the size of your pinky. Your eyes travelled up his arms, watching as his biceps tensed whilst he used a spoon to scoop out some of the pumpkins innards. You had to look away to stop yourself from drooling, Lloyd knew you were watching. He was taking his time on purpose, squeezing the firm outside of the pumpkin and intermittently letting out a soft grunt to toy with you. He loved to see the way you practically salivated over him—he always knew you adored his hands, his scent, his eyes, his body. He knew The parts you liked about him so he abused your weaknesses just to be able to watch you stumble over your words; just last week he caught you spraying some of his new cologne on one of his hoodies you’d stolen, so he instantly bought more of it. Lloyd broke the silence “I’m all up in this pumpkin's guts. Kinda like I was last night with you-“ You pout grabbing some of the mashed up pumpkin and throwing it at him “Hey! No throwing the pumpkin. God, it smells so bad.” His face contorts into disgust as he wipes it off his black turtleneck grimacing at the texture and wetness as he throws it on to the newspaper-clad counter.
You giggle, letting a devious smile spread across your lips “Then don’t be such a perv, we’re meant to be doing a wholesome activity for once.” You cross your arms and arch an eyebrow at him.
“There’s nothing wholesome about the way you were looking at my hands, Pumpkin, don’t think I didn’t see you.” Your face heats up in embarrassment and without thinking you smear your pumpkin covered hands across his stupid attractive face “Oh that’s it!” Lloyd picked up the knife he’d been using to carve the pumpkin and hovers it underneath your chin, gently gliding the blade against the delicate soft skin of your throat, the juice of the pumpkin on the knife leaving a sticky trail “I’ve played nice for long enough, now it’s time to have fun. You like that idea don’t you, Pumpkin? Your thighs are clenching. I decided to be nice and play along with your desire to carve pumpkins, and you return the favour by being a brat.” He leans down to your ear, his hot breath fanning at the sensitive skin “Good thing I like it when you’re a brat.” He whispers, rubbing the bristles of his moustache against the shell of your ear, relishing in the whine that escapes from your lips as he sucks on your earlobe. He knows it’s sensitive, he’s teasing you. You wipe your hands on the tea towel you’d set out and then rest your now clean hands on his shoulders for support as he continues to attack your sensitive ears. Lloyd moves down from your ear to your neck, licking a stripe from your jaw to clavicle. He settled at your collar bone, suckling at the thin skin and running it through his teeth. You buried your fingers in his cropped hair, fiddling with the styled top till strands of his hair were falling onto his forehead in curls.
You rub your thighs together, relishing in the friction, as he drags the knife down your neck to your torso, pressing harder so you can feel the blade through the crew neck of his that you were wearing. He drew crescents beneath reach of your breast before travelling further down. Lloyd pressed hot opened mouth kisses to your throat as he bunched the sweater at your hips “Only panties? How naughty.” Lloyd purred, sucking a hickey into your neck.
He ran the cool blade of the knife along your thigh, bringing it ever so close to the apex of your hips tracing your folds with the blunt side of the blade before running it back up your torso, across your chest and back to your neck; outlining your collar bones then your trachea and settling just below your jaw. He stared down at you, you swore those eyes could see into the depth of your soul. You followed the slate outer ring that faded into a bright blue—one glance into those eyes made any bad day better. His pink lips curved into a smile and he pulled the knife away from your throat, raising the blade in the air threateningly.
Lloyd stabbed the knife into his pumpkin and then picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck. He gave you a quick kiss “We’ll finish carving later, I want my reward now.” He kissed you again, but this time he deepened it; slipping his tongue into your mouth intertwining it with yours before catching your bottom lip with his teeth and tugging at it “What do you say, Pumpkin? Want me to be all up in your guts?”
‘I’d like that.” You titter as he strides with you up the stairs towards the bedroom. Pumpkin carving will have to wait after all.
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Tag list: @cevansgurl @bval-1 @feyfantome @alexxavicry @ashenc-blog @floral-recs @flamefoxxrecs @sojuxxi @adoreyouusugar @gryffindorqueensworld @aerangi @itwillgetbetter @taramaria
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stardust-kit · 1 year
Coul u could u fo a pumpins game thingy?Cau halloweens comin up an i likes pumkins,
whit ones look lik the mooonn,so if i eat em,is lik i went nom nom to th moon!!
i’m super sorry it’s a little late, i didn’t see this when you sent it somehow
here you go! i hope you like it!
i’ve opened requests for outfit boards or games like this! check my pinned post for info.
i’d love to know what you’d choose! i think i’d pick 6, 5, 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 1+2, 4, and 2!
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Hello! This is my first time making a ask so sorry if it's wrong!
Can you please make a Dante x reader scenario from the event? With the "Fall-Mark AU" prompt? Thanks :)
Aaaah yeeeessss!! I hoped I'll get the Fall-Mark Au ask!
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A crisp cool wind blew through the bustling square, taking a few golden leaves lying on the sidewalk. The place was swarming with people moving from one stand to the next. Children were trying to hide behind decorative haystacks while their parents picked the labors of this year's autumn harvest, proudly displayed in neat wads or in straw baskets. Every now and then, the air was saturated by the strong aroma of hot punch and freshly baked pretzels.
This October morning looked straight up from the shoot of Gilmore Girls and you were currently preoccupied with colorful rows of herbs and spices.
"I'll take these small bags of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and uh..." You racked your brain what other spices belong to pumpkin spice mix, you already have allspice at home, so that leaves... "Cloves!"
The old lady behind the stand in a patterned poncho and thick fingerless gloves placed all of the ingredients in the bag and handed it to you. As you were paying, you noticed a can with pizza spice mix, "Ah, that reminds me, Dante...Dante?"
You looked next to you, a place that was occupied by your boyfriend not so long ago was now empty. He was gone, with all of your previous purchases from the other stands you visited. You looked around when you caught a flash of red near a street lamp. You ran towards Dante when you noticed he was swarmed by two olden retrievers.
"You two are the best bois. I'm taking you home with me." He grinned at the dogs as they licked his hands affectionately.
The sight made the biggest smile grow on your face. You really can't be mad at this goofball.
"I think one of them is a girl," you replied to him.
Dante peered up at you, and his smile grew even wider.
"You think so?"
"Hm. She has a pink collar."
"Guys can wear pink too!" Dante prompted as he picked up the shopping bags sitting next to him.
"You mean that t-shirt with a unicorn that says, alpha male?" You smirked as you both set out to the next stand, finding your way into the crowd of windbreakers.
Dante shrugged, "I bought it for the irony, then found out I rock the color pretty hard."
"You rock every color babe. I heard there'd be a place where you can make your own pizza, choose the toppings and everything."
"Well then! Lead the way."
Some browsing through the market later, Dante bit into his pepperoni-ham-beef-sausage pizza with gusto as you watched the slaughter on the pizza dough in amusement.
"So, what's the next thing on that list of yours?"
You pulled out the hands-scribbled note of places you wanted to visit you made at home and put it next to your own order, the biggest cinnamon bun you've ever seen and a cup of coffee.
"Let's see we've got veggies, sweets, pastries, decor - oh, that wrath I got will look great on the front door - spices, pizza..."
"That ugly-ass knitted scarf Vergil wanted."
"Right..." Your eyes got to the end of this list and you felt excitement bubble up in your chest.
"Now to the best part..." you thrust the list right in front of Dante. Whilst he tried to squint at the letters you beamed giddily, "Pumpkin picking!"
"Ah, yes," Dante rubbed his hands in a devilish grin. "Let's put the little twist on it, shall we?" He made a dramatic pause, "Whoever finds the ugliest, most deformed pumpkin wins."
"Just look inside your pants luv," you quipped.
With cackling laughter, Dante chucked pepperoni at you.
"Alright, alright, what's the prize?" You conseded as you tried to fish the food out of your hair.
"Uhh, apple on a stick?"
Dante wolfed down the rest of the pizza and soon you were prowling the rows of perfect round, plump, bright orange pumkins from which none looked too bad, not bad enough for you at least.
"Any luck?" You came towards Dante as he was scounting the nearest patch of pumpkins.
"Nah. How 'bout you?"
"Dang!" Dante but his hands on his hipsand looked over the entire patch once more "Don't tell me this place is filled with nothing but postcard-looking pumpkins."
You tugged on his sleeve, "Let's just pick whatever and call it a draw. I boy both of us caramelized apples."
Dante didn't answered you, instead he kept his trained gaze on the rows of vegetables before his pensive frown split into a grin.
"Look over there." He nodded with his chin.
"That's him."
The pumpkin looked like someone dropped it, but upon closer inspection one would notice that that's just the way it grew. Half of it was green, covered in bumps and lumps. Dante lovingly wrapped it in scarf Vergil requested and had to reassure the poor farmer that that's really the pumpkin you wanted.
When you arrived home with all of your purchases, the other twin was waiting for you in the office.
"Welcome ba- what in the sweet mother of Satan is this??"
Dante proudly raised pumpkin right in front of Vergils nose.
"His name is Shmoopy and he's got every disease."
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lilpumkin · 9 months
P1harmony ot6 🦋
you walked into your house after hanging out with your friend for the day, you immediately changed into comfy clothes and collapsed onto your bed.
a few minutes later keeho walked into the room, and seeing you face down on the pillows made him ask a question.
"what's wrong princess"
you groaned in response
"come on lovely what's up"
"literally everything hurts, my head, my stomach, plus there's a pressure behind my eyes making my head pound"
"okay, i'm going to get you some meds, did you eat?"
"not really"
"come with me princess, let's get you fed"
keeho walked you into the kitchen and had you sit on the counter while he fixed you some food. meanwhile, jongseob walked into the kitchen as well. steph told him that you weren't feeling very well and told him also to get the medicine for you and while you sat there seob came back giving you the medicine you needed to feel better.
jongseob: jagiya, i need you to take this for me, please
in which you complied. while seob was getting ready to walk away, you called him back.
"i want cuddles seob"
"okay jagi, let's move to the couch"
at this point, keeho was almost done and seob was snuggling you on the couch with your head in his chest. without you even knowing the rest of the boys came back from the store.
jiung: hey guys... wsp with y/n
jongseob: she isn't feeling too well rn
theo walks up next to you and kissed your forehead saying
"i'm sorry hon, we make you feel a whole lot better just give it a bit."
you nodded, theo walked back to the bags on the other counter and started to get stuff put away with intak, soul, and jiung. while you wouldn't let seob go until steph made you sit back up so he could feed you the food he made for you.
once you were done soul and jiung ran to the living room to set up the best movie fort imaginable.
since you guys already live together you guys have a pretty big couch considering the amount of people inside the home. but anyways the couch is basically a square that is missing the inside and on the inside was now an air mattress.
the couch was basically a giant bed now with lots of blankets and pillows everywhere.
everyone snuggled up with each other, and you all tried deciding on a movie to watch
after a bit of back and forth you all decided to let jongsoeb pick the movie, which ended up being the first avengers.
you realized how much they care for you and you care for them, and that you would probably be dying alone without the loves of your life.
yall i'm so sorry that it took this long i kinda fell into a writers block and i also kinda halfed assed this story towards the end
school in starting back up in a couple days but i will try to write as much as i can
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itsyourblackqeen · 2 years
jonggun x black reader
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First tim writing so yeah.It has come to my attention there are less lookism or jonggun x black reader.Reader is a female.
There stood a dark skined girl staring at her phone with a bored look while all eyes were on her .Are you even listening?No why?ugh!!said the pinked hair mexican female.She rolled her eyes .I was saying how we should get you a hotel room since we just moved!Why can't we just stay at my brothers house.No you cant you'll be anoying to watch over.and you'll be a cock block-any ways say the dark skined girl.im gonna pick up my pumkin pie.Hey wait up!!!Bye!!Hey eric drive me to alexs house.ok young miss .
Guns POV
Shut up idot.No!! the blond said playfully.Chairman wants us to collect a dept so you'll have to deal with me !! Whatever.gun couldnt care much about the blond male anoying him all he could think about was the beautiful choclate like skined woman with braids he felt like he was having deja vu all he could say was she was gorgeous.As the exited the car they walked up to a double door atleast he did.That idiot went to wall and tried to fucking knock it down.you fool theres a damn door!!oww fuck!! the group of gang members turned there attention to the two men .looks like im about to have fun!!! ohh well atleast i get to have some fun.
It was so obivous i was writing this a bit fast im so tired so good night i will not support haters i will block you anyway .This has all the things lookism has so yeah im tired .if your going to post it are something please put credits.bye im tired.
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Fall Season ask game!
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Hello and welcome to my Fall Season ask game! If you were here for my summertime ask game, it runs on the same concept. I will be drawing my yuusona Lilian in activities, paired with characters at your choice.
the activities are: 🍎🌳:Apple picking 🎃🕯: pumkin carving 👻🍭:trick-or-treating 🍁🍂: Playing in leaves 🌧☂: Rainy days ☕🥐: At a cafe 🌟🌙: Stargazing 🧵✂: Costume making 🌲🌰: Hiking 📚📝:Back to school 🎃🌾:Pumkin picking 🕯✨: Candlelit 🥧🍒: Baking pies 🎞😱:Scary movie night
Along with Lilian, other characters can be chosen to do the activities (optional): 🔥: Grim 🐉: Malleus Draconia 🦇: Lilia Vanrouge ♠:Deuce Spade ♥: Ace Trappola 🗡:Silver ⚡:Sebek Zigvolt 🌹:Sora Vanrouge (@simping-myjob's yuusona) 🍵: Tyler (@cup1dt3a's yuusona)
The event will go from the 12 of september to the 12 of november! Thank you for participating!
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misty79 · 11 months
👻Miraculous Flufftober🎃
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Day 20: Pumpkin
Nino, Alya, Marinette and Adrien are walking through a pumpkin patch, pulling a wooden wagon behind them. “What kind of pumpkins are you looking for?” Adrien asks. Marinette picks one up, “Sugar pumkins, they range mostly from softball- to cantaloupe-sized, usually a deep, rich orange, color and they're fairly rounded.” Marinette sets the pumpkin she was inspecting down, and Alya picks one up to show the boys, “make sure they have a well-attached, brown, dry stem like this one, but DON’T use it as a carrying handle. And don’t get one with deep nicks brushes or soft spots.” Marinette sets one in the wagon, “I didn’t know you knew how to harvest pumpkins.” Alya picks one up to inspect, “My mom has an amazing pumpkin pie recipe and we get them fresh every year.”
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
nah babes its apple season, get yourselves to a u-pick orchard and go to town with them fruits
I never understood why people looking at you, wisty like pumpkin spice its gross
But yes, peaches orchid is wonderful this time of year ;)
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odetoavillan · 2 years
Twenty: the First Sign an End Has Begun
     The human woke and found her house completely clean laundry in the laundry room, dishes put away, cupbords shut.... and her favorite mug glued back together and stuffed with all her pens and penciles. She looked around and found Maul in a meditative position on the couch staring at her.
          "I could not stand the mess a moment longer." He stated. She grunted and shuffled into the kitchen and started making a pot of caf.
     She drank the caffeine once it was done walking to sit on her chair then she looked at him.
          "I'm a messy person..." she mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
        "So I have observed." Maul snorted.
        "And I'm a wierd person..."
        "Again, this I have observed... what is the point of this?" Maul ventured.
          "Giving you a chance to retract your offer..." she shrugged.
         "You're accepting?" Maul didn't know why his hearts started pounding and his adrenaline rushed at the aspect of her joining him.
         "I'm giving you till the end of the day to retract your offer... and I'm gonna let my inner goblin out... I'm not always this annoying but... I'm really gonna let you have it today." She smirked. Maul studied her, she was smiling, but not in the terrible way his master used to. Her nose was crinkled and her eyes twinkled. Through the force he could sense... playfulness?
        "Do your worst..." Maul replied.
        "Oh hunny... you shouldn't have said that." She smirked setting her mug down and walked by him. "Boop..." she poked his nose and ran out the door bare footed and in her pajamas, squealing and giggling. "Dont hurt me!"
        "What the kriff!" He raged, then noticed the mug she left behind. Maul growled and picked it up setting it in the sink. He looked out the window and saw her carrying something large and orange towards the house.
     She ran back in and he scowled at her as she grabbed a large knife from the knife block. She grinned maniacally holding it in both hands before walking out. Maul quickly followed her backnout, but was relieved when she didn't run again but instead practiced sensible knife safty.
         "What the kriff are you doing?" He sighed as she started cutting a hole in the bottom of the orange thing.
         "Pumkin carving..." she grunted pulling the cut out piece and set it next to her. Her bare feet held the pumpkin still as she dug into it elbow deep, and started pulling what looked like entrails out. Maul couldn't help but smirk at her appearance,  hair still wild from sleep.
She lifted a handful of the stuff into the air and hooted loudly which caused Maul to flinch. Moments later black birds pulled the stuff from her hand and where landing around her as she continued to pull the guts from the pumpkin. Maul counted twenty of the noisy beasts. She flung some at Maul with a playful cackle. He growled at her, and she growled back with a smile, much to his suprise.
     About five minutes later she when finished gutting the pumpkin and moved away so the black birds could finish eating.
         "You do this to fit in with your community?" Maul questioned, as she started outlining something on the pumpkin with the knife.
         "Pumpkin carving yes... befriending the local murder of crows... not so much... but they keep pests off my garden, and I feed them." She chuckled. She started cutting what looked like a crude face into the pumpkin. "Grr." She teased turning it to him when she had finished.
        "What's the point?" Maul asked tilting his head to the side.
        "Fun..." she answered simply before walking way to a small river and washed her arms. "Oh shit..." he heard her muttering, he could feel her fear rising so he started towards her. "Shitshitshit!" She ran back to him, "nonononono.... you gotta go hide inside." She urged, pushing him back towards her house.
        "Why should I?" Maul snapped, brushing her hands away.
        "My neighbor is coming and she's nuts!" She whispered earnestly. A shrill scream caused them both to jerk around.
         "The devil himself has come to Pyrell! I knew it would be you who summoned witch." The woman screamed.
         "Im not a witch, hes a zabrack! I follow the same belief system you do!" She shouted back. The woman turned and ran back down the path. "How long till your ship gets here?" She questioned.
        "It will be here this evening." He answered. She nodded.
         "How do you feel about taking on a mob of angry villagers armed with pitch forks blasters and tourches?" She questioned dryly.
        "They all think I'm a devil summoning witch... they're gonna be coming here to kill us." She stated. Maul could feel a numb tingle in his legs and shook his head.
         "I... am not well enough yet to take on so many." He answered honestly.
          "I know... it's ok... but we've gotta go... I'm just gonna grab some stuff." She stated running inside. Maul followed her in as she grabbed up bags and started packing books and clothes and blankets. She also started grabbing canned goods and food and asked him to put things into her speeder.
     Half an hour later, they could see smoak rising from from her old home. She rubbed her forehead and temple with shaking hands, as she put her communicator away, giving up on contacting her parents.
        "Looks like you get your way... I'm coming with you." She sighed.
         "All for the better... this would have happened eventually anyway, I'm assuming." Maul commented. She nodded slowly looking slightly pale.
        "I feel really sick... can we just not talk please... we still need to get as far away from here as possible though." She stated with a shuddering voice. Maul nodded and started driving away again.
     Night fell and Mauls ship arrived. He quickly set about removing the tracking beacon then loaded her things into the Infiltrator. He slowly approached the human female whennhe finished. She hadn't spoken or really even moved since they had left. If her thoughts hadn't been so loud as she thought of herself in better circumstances, he would swore she slept with her eyes open.
          "Apprentice, we must away..." He spoke gently, touching her shoulder. She gasped and jumped, throwing up defensive hands.
        "What?" She shook her head looking around, lost.
        "Time to go." He repeated himself. She nodded and clambered clumsily out of the speeder. Maul offered her a hand out, and held her upright as she stumbled.
          "Sorry..." she muttered.
          "We'll be able to make it to another planet to refuel..." He stated leading her into the cockpit.
Once they were into hyperspace space Maul turned to her. "Tell me what you are feeling, apprentice." He instructed. She was staring again but was able to respond.
          "i know you're trying to teach me something... but... I'm too tiered to feel anything..." she answered in a monotone voice, her breathing slow but labored.
          "I will show to where you may sleep." He stated standing. She slowly followed and he brought her the blankets she packed. "Rest, my apprentice, you've had a... trying day..." He bid, gently patting her shoulder twice before leaving.
     He could hear her muffled sobs as she finally broke down. He clenched his fists as his hearts seamed to strain for some reason. He knew that crying was a weakness... but she had let him be weak so he would let her. She would be powerful one day... but not today, and Maul decided that it was an acceptable situation.
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daemonoferror · 2 years
What everyone is handing out on Trick or Treat
Did I think way too into this? Yes.
I so badly want her to be the one handing out full sized or king sized candy bars just bc she can afford it. In reality she's handing out the nasty candy noone likes, or coughdrops because she didn't expect any kid to walk all the way to the estate to ask for candy.
Would hand out those mini books, coloring pages, or stickers. Also passes out whatever candy Rosalina picked out. He doesn't care much about the handing out candy part, he likes seeing everyone's costumes though and seeing the town happy.
A random mix of candy, probably hard candy or something that's nostalgic for him. He's not a big fan of Halloween, just gets candy his family likes so they can snack on the leftovers. Might also have soda or juice boxes. Also the guy who asks the parents if they want a beer or cup of coffee.
Much more excited about the spooky factor of Halloween, her house is the best decorated and may scare some kids away on accident. She hands out the spider rings and glow in the dark fangs.
Gives out fruit. Caramel apples on a good year. Believes candy is harmful and kids don't need it. She'd rather hand out teabags but everyone told her that was weird so she stopped. Also maybe crystals.
Since she lives with Sybil but she thinks it's not right to hand out anything but candy for trick or treat. Since Sybil won't be persuaded, Kaneeka will make caramel apples to make it not so bad for the kids. If she's ever in charge of trick or treating, though? 100% she's taking full sized candy bars from the store and giving those out.
The diner has a free hot coco station, with peppermint, marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles for kids to choose from. (It'd be my favorite place on Halloween.)
Simple but still good: mini chocolate bars and pumkin reese's. It's their contribution to the diner if they aren't throwing a party that night. Trick or treat might be an after thought to them, but they still don't want to disappoint the kids.
Doc Kelly
Suckers or lolipops, easy. Though they might be some kind of sugar free, every allergy free, healthy kind of sucker so she doesn't have to worry about a kid getting sick from them. "Could Reese eat it?" Might be a requirement. I'd also like to add that she'd probably love trick or treat because Stella and Kaneeka said she's great with kids. She'd probably love seeing everyone's costume.
(Bonus) Reese
He'd want to decorate if he had the energy. Also idk if this a universal thing or not but there was always that one person in town who'd dress up like a scarecrow or something and go limp, so when you walked past them they'd jump up and scare you? Reese would want to do that. His mom would probably scold him for it.
(Extra bonus)
Becka, Zane, and Miles definitely TP every house that doesn't have good candy. Miles WILL tp his own house and no he will not get in trouble even if he is caught.
Reese, Stella, and Bo (and maybe Avery) would definitely still try to go trick or treat. Oscar and Winnie are cool with it, Sybil doesn't understand it but gives them teabags because she knows they won't refuse. Duke just really doesn't care- might not even notice cause he might just put the bowl on the porch with a sign reading "take one or get shot" (it's hella effective until Stella calls his bluff). Doc Kelly tells them they're too old for this- but she probably tells Becka and Alexis the same thing. Tabitha slams the door in their faces.
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7 and willow!
(You didn't pick so I chose the sentence!)
“Look, I dressed up as you.”
Willow stops to crave his pumpkin to look at you. He freezes. You found his old battle body, the one he had when he got out of the Underground. He quite honestly thought he got rid of it, but maybe Sans picked it up from the trash because he was nostalgic.
Willow is slightly uncomfortable. Sure, he would love to tell you look cool and that, even if you're so small it looks ridiculous, it's the best costume ever. But that same costume used to lure kids in the wood with a happy smile so Sans could killed them more easily. And the fact you're using it on a day made for kids is making him very uncomfortable.
He won't show it though. It makes you happy, so who cares! He lets you go trick or treating this way, but he's not coming. He can't even hold his knife to dig through the pumkin. His hands are shaking so much he can't do anything actually.
He needs a moment to calm down.
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