#to stop genociding palestine and release prisoners
pinkchunder · 8 months
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odinsblog · 11 months
Let us be very clear: Hamas breached international law on the 7th of October. Hamas targeted innocent civilians in the most callous and inhumane manner, and their actions have been rightly condemned by right thinking people across the world.
But we should also be very clear, Israel has breached international law, not just every day since October the 7th, but virtually every single day for decades.
Israel occupies Palestinian land, against international law.
Israel blockades Palestinian territory, against international law.
Israel builds and expands illegal settlements, against international law.
Israel enforces an apartheid system that restricts the movements of Palestinians and denies their fundamental rights, against international law.
And Israel regularly and systematically attacks and kills Palestinian civilians, against international law.
So the question that must be answered by all of us in political life is this: How does the world respond to flagrant abuses of international law when it comes to the horrendous war crimes of Hamas? The response was very clear and very consistent. World leaders queued up to say Israel has the right to defend itself. One after another repeated their words the great and the good, including our government.
“Israel has the right to defend itself.”
Repeated in statement after statement, tweet after tweet, despite the full knowledge that those words have become contaminated. The words, “Israel has the right to defend itself” means in practice that Israel takes that right as license to bombard civilians, to bomb schools, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. And it has now been taken as license to enforce the displacement of 1 million people from one end of an open air prison to another. To deny food, energy, medical supplies to a besieged civilian population, to actually deny them water, to ensure that children, the sick, the disabled, the elderly will literally die of thirst.
“Israel has the right to defend itself” has now become cover for, “Israel has the right to commit genocide.”
Right in front of our eyes. How come we never hear the words, “Palestine has the right to defend itself”?
Not when a humanitarian flotilla bringing essential supplies to Gaza is met with a military assault and the murder by Israel of nine unarmed activists.
Not when Palestinians march in peaceful protests against illegal blockade and are met again with a military assault and the murder of 300 of them.
Not after the countless bombings of Gaza by Israeli forces.
Not even when Israel targeted and murdered four little Palestinian boys playing football on a beach.
And not when Palestinians were dragged from their homes and forced to watch as those homes were destroyed to allow for new illegal Israeli settlements on lands that are clearly defined in international law as part of Palestine.
And not after the countless offensive attacks by Israel against the people of Gaza or the West Bank, have we or any heard anybody in this house or any Western leader uttered the words, “Palestine has the right to defend itself.”
And why not?
And by the way, I'm not asking you to say those words. And in fact, it's just as well you don't. Because we all know that the people of Palestine can't defend themselves, not against one of the most powerful military forces in the world that is backed up by even more powerful military forces.
The truth is that the people of Palestine, just like the innocent people of Israel, don't need the international community to tell them that their leaders have the right to inflict more bombings, more pain, more suffering. They need the international community to say, “Stop.” To release the hostages, to say stop the bombings, the siege, the slaughter. They need the international community to tell Israel to stop the blockade, stop the apartheid, stop the annexations, to stop the genocide.
And they need countries Tánaiste to lead the way. And Ireland should be one of those countries that leads the way.
We know colonialism.
We know oppression.
We know conflict.
But we also know conflict resolution.
We know peace building.
We know nation building.
And because of what we know, what our history has taught us, our call tonight must be clear, immediate, full and unequivocal ceasefire fires and a decisive international intervention that leads to negotiations and to a lasting and just peace settlement and to, at long last, to a free, sovereign and independent Palestine.🇵🇸
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
In the same breath earlier today, Netanyahu declared that not only does Israel refuse to ceasefire yet again; that even in the event they destroy Hamas -because that's apparently why they're massacring Palestinian civillians -they intend to re-occupy and militarily CONTROL Gaza.
Israel has ZERO intentions of stopping settling and colonizing Historic Palestine. While Israel increases it's violence in West Bank (recently killing a 19 year old teen named Amir al-Qaisi, who succumbed to his wounds at a hospital - and continuing to DESTROY roads and infrastructure in Jenin), we know what this is all about.
Israeli military has killed over 11,000 Palestinian people at places of refuge; have bombed areas they said were SAFE; and because they want THEIR hostages released (despite refusing to admit a bomb they released killed dozens of them), they're killing innocent Palestinian civilians mercilessly -make no mistake -their focus on Hamas is itself a rather obvious shield to this mass genocide.
I'd like to remind folks that Israel has 1000s of innocent Palestinian children, youths, men, and women in THEIR prisons -the sheer DOUBLE STANDARDS of holding hostages in their prison system; brutalizing, isolating, humiliating, and locking away Palestinian people from their families and loved ones most of the time permanently, all while calling Palestine a terrorist state.
This is on purpose. This has always been apart of a larger Zionist agenda. And it has continued to get worse.
To quote Norwegian doctor, Dr. Mads Gilbert, from an Al Jazeera update earlier today, who has regularly worked in Gaza, speaks about how staff and patients in hospitals are left with absolutely NOTHING. He says:
"I'm sick and tired of these [Israeli] claims that there are Hamas command centre's [in hospitals]," and that "We have never seen it. We've never seen high-ranking Hamas people in Al-Shifa. We've been able to roam freely."
I find it so insidious how Israel, despite committing war crimes and ethnic cleansing in plain sight, is still trying to gloss over the severity of the situations they have created and reinforced for decades. I find it horrifying to see their officials continue to gaslight the international community, and to normalize occupation, apartheid, violence, colonialism, and setterlism.
Palestinian people STILL don't have access to clean water (or if they do, it is very little) -they have been resorting to drinking sea water. They are running out of or haven't had access to necessities. Even a loaf of bread is a luxury. 7/18 ambulances are operating in Gaza city. Palestinian people who are wounded/injured can't be reached, and the vehicles themselves KEEP being targeted by Israeli military.
Israel is on a rampage and we all need to keep posting, attending sit-ins and protests, do all we can to make an impact because this is has reached beyond a dystopic point.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
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satellitebroadcast · 25 days
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Resistance News Network: Telegram
Alongside the martyr Jibril Jibril (Media 1), the young men Muhannad Al-Qarawi (Media 3), Mohammed Al-Sheikh Yousef (Media 5), Adnan Aysar Al-Jaber (Media 6), and Mohammed Alayan (Media 7) ascended to martyrdom as a result of an IOF air strike targeting a home in Nour Shams Camp, Tulkarem. The martyr Jibril Jibril is pictured with the martyr Tariq Dawoud in Media 1, and the martyr Wael Mashah in Media 2. In Media 4, the martyr Muhannad Al-Qarawi is pictured with his martyr brother Moemen Al-Qarawi. Reports indicate that seven martyrs ascended in this cowardly assassination, two of whom remain to be identified. Glory to the martyrs.
With the martyrdom of Jibril Jibril in the Tulkarem massacre, three cubs who were freed in the resistance's November 2023 prisoner exchange deal have ascended to martyrdom, including Tariq Dawoud and Wael Mahshah, from the 240 women and child prisoners freed in the exchange. All three immediately returned to resistance following their release, in adherence to the words of the martyr of Rafah, Adham Sharakh: "Remember my words well, and the days are between us. The first ones to avenge the blood of the children of Gaza will be the prisoners liberated in the resistance's deals." Upon his liberation, Jibril stated:
"Our feelings are indescribable. Praise be to Allah, our Lord freed us from the prisons. However, our joy will remain short because of the prisoners that remain in the occupation's prisons. May they be freed soon. The conditions were very difficult, but we were patient... May Allah protect the people of Gaza, and may Allah have mercy on the martyrs and heal the wounded. May our Lord be with the resistance always. A near victory, Allah willing."
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful The new zionist assassination operation, which targeted a house in the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem this Monday evening, and coincides with the occupation's announcement of intensifying its operations in the governorates of the West Bank, confirms the continuation of the occupation's crimes and massacres extending from Gaza to every inch of the homeland. It is a desperate attempt to uproot the thorn of resistance that inflicts pain on the occupation through its qualitative operations. We affirm that this fierce war waged by the occupation against our land and people will not bring the occupation security and stability. Instead, it will ignite the ground with fire under the feet of its soldiers and settlers. The Hamas movement, while mourning the five martyrs of our people who rose in the Nour Shams camp, confirms that their pure blood will not be in vain. It will fuel the escalation of resistance and the continuation of its heroic operations. Moreover, the occupation's escalation of its aggression in the governorates of the West Bank will only strengthen our resolve and will not stop the tide of resistance and the rising wave of anger across all parts of the valiant West Bank. We call upon the masses of our people in the proud West Bank for more clashing, confrontation, and resistance against the occupation and its settlers as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, to confuse them and shake the security of their so-called entity. And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom. Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas Monday: 22nd of Safar, 1446 AH Corresponding to: 26th of August, 2024 CE
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The Tulkarem massacre shows that the occupation is committing genocide against our people in the West Bank just as in Gaza. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the brutal massacre committed by the occupation in Tulkarem, during a criminal airstrike carried out by the occupation's air force on the evening of Monday, August 26, 2024, is part of the ongoing genocide against our people, which has now extended to the occupied West Bank amid official international and Arab silence and complicity. The Front asserts that the occupation’s targeting of citizens' homes through airstrikes in the occupied West Bank is a war crime, situated within the context of a systematic campaign of killings and executions carried out by the occupier against our people as part of a comprehensive genocide war. Today's crime in Tulkarem coincides with threats from the occupation to escalate its aggression through a comprehensive military operation in the occupied West Bank, aimed at the existence, lives, and properties of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The escalation of the occupation’s war against the Palestinian presence and the daily crimes it commits against our people occur with the full complicity of the international system, supported and partnered by the United States of America, which has led the declaration of the genocide war against our people and continues to provide support, weaponry, and political and military cover for it. Today, our people have no choice but unity in the trench of resistance, and the escalation of all forms of struggle against the occupier. There is no escape from engaging in this fateful battle imposed by the occupation, which threatens the existence of our entire people. We call for the declaration of a comprehensive national state of emergency, including the formation of a unified national emergency leadership to lead our people’s struggle in defense of their right to existence, freedom, statehood, and return. We warn Arab states that what is happening today—the abandonment of the Palestinian people—is reminiscent of the Arab betrayal in 1948 and the catastrophic consequences that followed, which our nation’s peoples continue to pay for to this day. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Office August 26, 2024
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raplinesmoon · 11 months
hi everyone, i just wanted to come on here and make this post. like a lot of you, i’ve been deeply affected by what’s been going on in Gaza the past few weeks. It has quite literally altered my brain and the way i’ve been able to live my life day-to-day. even though i’m not Palestinian, i’ve grown up learning about the fight for Palestinian liberation. my real name (bless my parents), literally references the land of Palestine.
i know there’s a lot of grief in our hearts, watching genocide happen live on our screens in front of our very eyes. It’s heavy and it’s traumatic and the human body isn’t built to withstand this much grief and trauma without it fundamentally altering us. I’ve been struggling a lot with my grief recently, and how to make sense of it, and in doing so, i’ve tried to challenge myself that whenever i need a “break” from the news, or i just need to do something that makes me fundamentally human (like watching a movie, listening to music, making food), i’m going to try and engage with content from Palestinian creatives as a way to stay dialed in and to never stop speaking up. i thought i’d share some of what i’ve been engaging with in order to keep learning about Palestine and its people, and to make sure their voices are always heard.
disclaimer: this list is not meant to be comprehensive or exhaustive, as I still have a lot to look through, but feel free to reblog with your own additions!
A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum - In Brooklyn, eighteen-year-old Deya is starting to meet with suitors. Though she doesn’t want to get married, her grandparents give her no choice. History is repeating itself: Deya’s mother, Isra, also had no choice when she left Palestine as a teenager to marry Adam. Though Deya was raised to believe her parents died in a car accident, a secret note from a mysterious, yet familiar-looking woman makes Deya question everything she was told about her past. As the narrative alternates between the lives of Deya and Isra, she begins to understand the dark, complex secrets behind her community.
The author just released a new novel, Evil Eye, which is also on my to-read list.
Against The Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa - As Nahr sits, locked away in solitary confinement, she spends her days reflecting on the dramatic events that landed her in prison in a country she barely knows. Born in Kuwait in the 70s to Palestinian refugees, she dreamed of falling in love with the perfect man, raising children, and possibly opening her own beauty salon. Instead, the man she thinks she loves jilts her after a brief marriage, her family teeters on the brink of poverty, she’s forced to prostitute herself, and the US invasion of Iraq makes her a refugee, as her parents had been. After trekking through another temporary home in Jordan, she lands in Palestine, where she finally makes a home, falls in love, and her destiny unfolds under Israeli occupation.
Susan Abulhawa is also the author of Mornings in Jenin, a fantastic novel that describes the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, in which 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes by the Occupation Forces, and The Blue Between Sky and Water, a story about four generations of a Palestinian family in a refugee camp in Gaza.
Salt Houses by Hala Aylan - On the eve of her daughter Alia’s wedding, Salma reads the girl’s future in a cup of coffee dregs. She sees an unsettled life for Alia and her children; she also sees travel, and luck. While she chooses to keep her predictions to herself that day, they will all soon come to pass when the family is uprooted in the wake of the Six-Day War of 1967.  Salma is forced to leave her home in Nablus; Alia’s brother gets pulled into a politically militarized world he can’t escape; and Alia and her gentle-spirited husband move to Kuwait City, where they reluctantly build a life with their three children. When Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait in 1990, Alia and her family once again lose their home, their land, and their story as they know it, scattering to Beirut, Paris, Boston, and beyond. Soon Alia’s children begin families of their own, once again navigating the burdens (and blessings) of assimilation in foreign cities.
The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustahfah - Afaf Rahman, the daughter of Palestinian immigrants, is the principal of a Muslim school in the Chicago suburbs. One morning, a shooter—radicalized by the online alt-right—attacks the school. As Afaf listens to his terrifying progress, we are swept back through her memories, and into a profound and “moving” (Bustle) exploration of one woman’s life in a nation at odds with its ideals.
Light In Gaza (anthology) - Light in Gaza is a seminal, moving and wide-ranging anthology of Palestinian writers and artists. It constitutes a collective effort to organize and center Palestinian voices in the ongoing struggle. As political discourse shifts toward futurism as a means of reimagining a better way of living, beyond the violence and limitations of colonialism, Light in Gaza is an urgent and powerful intervention into an important political moment.
E-Book is available for free on Haymarket Books’ website!
The Butterfly’s Burden by Mahmoud Darwish - The Butterfly's Burden combines the complete text of Darwish's two most recent full-length volumes, linked by the stunning memoir-witness poem “A State of Siege.” Love poems, sonnets, journal-like distillations, and interlaced lyrics balance old literary traditions with new forms, highlighting loving reflections alongside bitter longing.
Orientalism by Edward Saïd - In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said traces the origins of "orientalism" to the centuries-long period during which Europe dominated the Middle and Near East and, from its position of power, defined "the orient" simply as "other than" the occident. This entrenched view continues to dominate western ideas and, because it does not allow the East to represent itself, prevents true understanding.
Farha (2021) - After persuading her father to continue her education in the city, a Palestinian girl's dream is shattered by the harrowing developments of the Nakba.
Born In Gaza (2014) - The documentary follows the story of about ten children who tell what their daily life is like after the horror of the war on Gaza in the summer of 2014.
Omar (2013) - Arrested after the death of an Israeli soldier, a Palestinian baker agrees to work as an informant, but his true motives and alliances remain hidden.
Mo (2022) - Mo Najjar straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a ton of foolishness as a Palestinian refugee constantly living one step away from asylum on the path to U.S. citizenship.
Saint Levant - born Marwan Abdelhamid, is a Palestinian/French/Algerian/Serbian artist based in California. He was born in Jerusalem during the second Intifada due to complications in the city where he would eventually spend his childhood years – the Gaza Strip.
Check out: From Gaza, With Love
Nehmasis - Nemahsis is the stage name of Nemah Hasan, a Palestinian Canadian pop singer from Toronto, Ontario
Check out: i wanna be your right hand
Zeyne - Zeyne is a Jordanian/Palestinian singer, songwriter and musician. A voice passed down from her grandmother down to her mother and then to her, 'songbird' zeyne seeks to create music that shares her truths and perspectives in the hopes of connecting with others worldwide.
Check out: Balak
Belly -Ahmad Balshe, known professionally as Belly, is a Palestinian-Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer. Born in Jenin, Balshe was raised in Ottawa.
Check out: Xion
Mxriyum - Mariam is a Palestinian home cook behind the ever popular account TikTok and Instagram, Mxriyum. 
Heifa (fufuinthekitchen) - I’m a first-generation Palestinian American raised in NJ but now calls Chicago home. I am the founder, recipe developer, and food photographer behind Fufu’s Kitchen. And if you are wondering, Fufu is my nickname-it just stuck!
Hanan Saeed (palestinianfoodie)
Joudie Kalla - Joudie Kalla is a Palestinian-British chef and food writer. She is the author of two prizewinning cookbooks, Palestine on a Plate: Memories from My Mother’s Kitchen, and Baladi: A Celebration of Food from Land and Sea, and has featured in venues like The New York Times, The Guardian, and Al Jazeera
Nominal - co-founded by Lena Sarsour, a Palestinian, Nominal creates Arabic-inspired jewelry. They are currently donating 100% of proceeds to Pious Projects, an on-the-ground aid organization working in Gaza, until October 31, 2023. 
PaliRoots - Founded in 2016, the PaliRoots mission is to bring awareness to the world about the Palestinian culture by crafting specialty products inspired by its people and identity. They work with Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA), to donate a meal to children in Gaza for every order.
West Bank Apparel - West Bank Apparel was established in 2014, guided by a singular mission: to offer our customers products that resonate with a sense of purpose and contribution to a greater cause. They work with Islamic Relief USA to donate a portion of each sale to various charities providing meals and aid in Palestine.
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athena5898 · 21 days
I have been collecting links and resources for and from Palestine as they have come in front of me over the past several months. Here is a full list of what I have so far. CW: Links talk about sexual assault, rape, violence, death, etc. You know genocide and colonization. edit: okay it won't post all of them so i'm going to reblog with the rest.
'Israel' releases detained al-Shifa Hospital chief, 49 others | Al Mayadeen English
"May Gaza burn": The flood of genocidal rhetoric from Israel's soldiers
About | Israelism
Germany: Parliament rejects proposal to stop arms exports to Israel – Middle East Monitor
The Failure to Protect Palestinian Cultural Heritage
Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Spreads in Military
Palestinian journalist describes torture, abuse at Israeli detention camp
Palestinians protest against Israel land theft in Kafr Qaddum
Fears rise for Gaza's starving children | The Electronic Intifada
British far-right and pro-Israel activists are fighting the Palestinian movement together | Middle East Eye
'Israel' commits horrendous massacre on refugee tent, over 20 killed | Al Mayadeen English
On October 7, Gaza broke out of prison | Gaza | Al Jazeera
The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza | Fault Lines Documentary - YouTube
US To Remove Aid Pier From Gaza Coast - ac.news
Gloom about the ‘day after’ the Gaza war pervasive among Mideast scholars | Brookings
Israel's use of bombs in 6 'emblematic' attacks likely violated laws of war, UN says
Running Amok | Mary Turfah
The destruction of press infrastructure in Gaza: A strategy to blind the public - Forbidden Stories
‘The grey zone’: how IDF views some journalists in Gaza as legitimate targets | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war | Israel | The Guardian
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war | Israel | The Guardian
Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | Israel | The Guardian
Israelis are celebrating mass slaughter in Gaza
Israel's skin bank raises ethical concerns on organ consent...
“Genocide Denial”: House Votes to Bar State Dept. From Citing Gaza Death Toll | Truthout
Biden Has Not Seen Pictures Of Beheaded Israeli Children, White House Says | HuffPost
A compound crime: Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother
UK election 2024: Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain' | Middle East Eye
Israel announces largest Palestinian land grab in over 30 years | Middle East Eye
Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades | AP News
How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center
Inside Sde Teiman, the Base Where Israel Detains Gazans - The New York Times
Palestinian Released From Israeli Prison Describes Beatings, Sexual Abuse and Torture - Twilight Zone - Haaretz.com
PAST AND FUTURE PRESENT(S): No Palestinians Involved: An Open Letter to My Colleagues
Report: Israel demolished 318 facilities, uprooted 10,000 olive trees in West Bank this year – Middle East Monitor
The Luxury of Death | Institute for Palestine Studies
Pro-Israel tycoon gives Labour half a million pounds
We Spoke Up For Palestine and Got Kicked Out of the White House Pride Party | Autostraddle
The Rise of October 7th Tourism
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential - The Lancet
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades | AP News
Palestinians recount abuse inside Israeli prisons
Silenced at School: NYC Public Schools Chancellor suppresses Palestinian voices – Mondoweiss
The Frankfurt Book Fair and multinational publishers are complicit in the Gaza genocide – Mondoweiss
On the Record with Hamas - by Jeremy Scahill
Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia
Sabra (character) - Wikipedia
‘Israel in collapse’: 46,000 businesses forced to close since 7 Oct
Israel war on Gaza updates: ICJ finds Israel in breach of international law | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
ICJ says Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory is unlawful | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable. - POLITICO
The end of Israel’s economy – Mondoweiss
Palestine and “Xinjiang” under Capitalist Rule: An Analysis from the Chinese Left | Chuang
One Name, Two Lists
Devil in the details: How HRW laundered Israel’s 7 October falsehoods
UK drops plans to challenge ICC arrest warrant request against Benjamin Netanyahu | AP News
Palestinian factions strike a reconciliation deal - will this time be any different? – Mondoweiss
Gaza live: UK won't challenge ICC on Netanyahu arrest warrant | Middle East Eye
Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide | Middle East Eye
“Oslo Is Over” - by Jeremy Scahill - Drop Site News
Kamala Harris responds to DC protests over Netanyahu visit
Pro-Palestinian protesters vow to push on at UBC, VIU encampments | CBC News
Israel’s Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Travel to Israel declines from 533,200 in June 2023 to 97,700, June 2024 - The Jerusalem Post
'Horrifying' Israeli strike on girls' school in Gaza kills at least 30 | Middle East Eye
Remembering Eman Qamom – Mondoweiss
Canada set to revoke Jewish National Fund’s charitable status – Mondoweiss
Operation Olive Branch - Google Sheets
Israel privately pressures Biden admin to fast-track more weapons during Netanyahu visit - POLITICO
Living in a nightmare – Mondoweiss
As US Congress cheered for Netanyahu, protesters gathered to denounce him | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
After polio detected in wastewater investigators search Gaza for active cases : Goats and Soda : NPR
Despite UN appeal, US and UK don’t fund ‘critical lifeline’ to Palestinians | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Christian Zionism and the Unseeing of the People of Palestine – Institute for Christian Socialism
As the Games open in Paris: “Israel” out of the Olympics — Boycott colonial athletics! | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Paris Olympics 2024: Key issues – Israel, Russia, Seine, hijab ban, workers | Paris Olympics 2024 News | Al Jazeera
All the Times Israel Has Rejected Peace With Palestinians
Violence of planting in Israel-Palestine - The Architectural Review
War on Gaza: How Israel is stripping Palestinian women of their dignity | Middle East Eye
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Please ignore this, I'm sorry to rent I just really need to get this out of my system after seeing some of the gross messages people have been sending you...
All these idiots defending Israel and calling people who support Palestine anti-semitic need to wake up...
I'm literally 100% Jewish but I'm anti Zionist and people are accusing me of going against my religion. Zionism is a political ideology and it does not define my jewishness. Anyone who thinks otherwise has literally been brainwashed by the Israeli government and it is so shameful for me to currently live in a western country whose government is falling victim to the same type of brainwashing. For anyone who claims to be jewish, christian, or muslim, you cannot claim yourself to be a child of God yet sit back and be silent when Israel is committing genocide against other children of god, in the name of God. There are rules and Commandments at the forefront of all these abrahamic religions and a constant in every single one is to not kill another human. How do you think the so-called God you claim to worship will react if you are participating in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people?
If Israel is claiming that their efforts are focused on getting rid of hamas, why are they attacking the West Bank where there is no hamas? why are they attacking Palestinian Christian churches when Hamas is an Islamic extremist group? Why have they been constantly harassing and attacking Palestinians for over 75 years when form a majority of that time, Hamas did not exist? Sounds like genocide to me
And to add on to that, people who are claiming this is Palestinians fault for voting Hamas in, 1-Israel created Hamas and 2 over 50% of the population wasn't alive when that last election happened and over 70% of the current adult population weren't even of age to vote in that election.
To those saying it's about the hostages, Israel does not care about the hostages because if they did they wouldn't be blindly blowing up Gaza not knowing where these hostages are being held. If they did they would have released the thousands of Palestinian hostages and political prisoners who have no confirmed affiliations with Hamas. Please do not misunderstand my words, obviously there are innocent Israeli civilians who should not have died, but there no way there can be peace if Israel's retaliation comes in the form of purposely targeting civilian homes and murdering thousands of innocent people, a majority of those being literal children.
It's just really blowing my mind that some of my Jewish brothers and sisters who have family who have directly experienced the holocaust, and have lost family during the Holocaust are sitting idly sit by and watching as the same exact thing is happening to another group of people. These are the Jews that are claiming Israel is a holy land given to them by God and that they are indigenous to israel, but if they're saying this they have obviously not read the torah. The Torah explicitly states that they were people in the land of Israel before Abraham led the Israelites there, and they were murdered so that the Jews can have the land. There are certain sects of Judaism is that believe we jews are not entitled to Israel because our Messiah has not arrived and those people have been very openly Pro-palestine.
Netanyahu and his entire cabinet are a bunch of war criminal, power hungry freaks who are using this as an opportunity to seize more power, more money, more support, and more Palestinian lives. As a Jew, it is my responsibility to speak up about this and I will never stop until Palestine is truly free.
Good anon👏
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boreal-sea · 3 months
I find your post about policy disingenuous. 1) because making it seem like; "it's just about Palestine" is incredibly racist in ways I don't have the spoons to explain right now. But 2), your list leaves out the very real and very racist policy actions that Biden has taken against prisoners and immigrants. Under Biden the situation in prisons and at the border has gotten considerably worse than under Trump. He literally has more children in cages than Trump ever did. But apparently children in cages are only bad when Cheeto Man does it.
I'm not the one making it "just about Palestine", the people screaming "Genocide Joe!" are the ones making it just about Palestine. I'm trying to get people to look at literally any other issue besides Palestine - that's the entire reason I made that chart, to PROVE there's so much more at stake than "just Palestine". Stop blaming single-issue voters on ME when you're actually angry at THEM.
I am in fact currently going through the entire list because a different Anon claimed Biden is not "for" any of the things on the list. It is going to take a long time. But I will tackle your specific concerns.
Biden and immigration
It is frankly unfair to compare the number of people at the border under Biden to Trump's era, because their immigration policies are very different.
Yes, immigration at the border gone up since Biden took office. Most of the encounters at the borders have been with asylum seekers. And yes, technically there are more children "in cages" that there was when Trump was in office... because Trump wasn't letting children into the country at all. Biden is not turning them away, unlike Trump, who cited "COVID concerns" as his reason for turning starving and dehydrated children away from the border. In Trump's case, this was actually just straight up racism, because he hates Mexicans. He also hates Muslims, and enacted many immigration and travel bans against people from majority-Muslim nations. So yeah, of course there were less people being processed through immigration centers: Trump was turning them all away.
Your comparison, therefore, is extremely disingenuous. I don't think kids in custody is good, but I also think it's slightly better than kids dying of thirst in the desert or being forced to return to unsafe places.
Source: Politifact Fact-Check
Biden and prison reform
As for Biden's actions towards prisoners: Biden has been big on criminal justice reform his entire term. Here is a list of some things (among many more) he has done for criminal justice reform:
A majority of the people he nominated to appoint to courts around the country were people of color and/or women, in an effort to increase diversity in the criminal justice system.
He placed a moratorium on the death penalty.
He ordered the Department of Justice to not renew contracts with private (for-profit) prisons for federal prisoners.
He has pardoned and commuted many federal sentences for non-violent drug-related crimes (he has no control over non-federal convictions).
He provided grants to encourage the hiring of people with prior convictions.
He enacted a program to ensure prisoners leaving prison were given proper temporary IDs, which the were not in the past.
He pardoned federal offenses for the simple possession and use of marijuana.
He expanded Pell grants for prisoners to be able to obtain degrees during and after they leave prison
Added more options for prisoners with loans to consolidate and get onto repayment plans as low as $0 a month.
He enacted the First Step act, which facilitates prisoner reentry to society, rehabilitation, and reduces prisoner numbers in federal prison, including the release of over 30,000 prisoners.
He reduced the checking of criminal records in hiring processes for federal positions, enabling more people to be hired to those positions.
Added 19 new recidivism-reduction programs (programs to reduce the chances someone will end up back in jail).
This is not an exhaustive list. He has done EVEN MORE for criminal justice reform than this. You can just google this stuff, it's not hard to find.
NBC News
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Palestinians elected a terrorist organization to run their gov’t. That gov’t attacked Israel. Hamas AND the Palestinians who voted for them are responsible for every death. They wanted war. They got war. Deal with it.
If this was a war, Israel's actions would still be criminal.
They've committed every war crime in the book.
Though this is not a war.
Not that they aren't already violating every international law under the sun.
But who's counting?
Israel is an illegal apartheid state, their existence in Palestine is illegal.
And has been since 1948.
Hamas didn't come to being till 1987, so what about those 39 years?
When the Nakba (1948) and the Naksa (1967) occurred, the two major events that caused thousands of Palestinians to be displaced from their homes.
Israel was responsible for it all, there wasn't no Hamas to blame it all on than.
Or the time prior to their creation where the Zionists were invading Palestinian villages and torturing innocents.
Such as Deir Yassen, who's massacre has become infamous.
And is where the Palestinian child in oven story came from, with an Israeli soilder demanding a baker to throw his son in an oven and threw them both in when the baker refused.
There was no Hamas than. Israel did this all of their own doing.
And you don't need to take my word for it, Israeli soilders lovingly recount these atrocities with a smile.
Not to mention that Hamas was created by Israel as a way to destabilise Gaza.
And the moment they turned on Israel to fight for their people, Israel tries to pretend they were never involved.
As for the election, half of Gaza's population is under the age of 18.
The children Israel are mercilessly bombing and killing weren't at the age to vote, nor alive to vote in an election in 2006.
And what of those outside of Gaza?
Palestinians in the West Bank who are being killed, their is no Hamas in the West Bank.
It's almost like the colonial oppressors of Israel are the ones responsible for all of this.
The people who continue to blockaded Gaza and have done for 16 years, control their food supplies, water, fuel and don't allow Palestinians to return home.
All the Palestinians want is peace, to exist on the land that is and always has been there's.
The land that Israel is illegally occupying.
None of these atrocities, no one would have been killed if it wasn't for Israel.
Hell they've admitted to killing their own civilian hostages.
And denied wanting anymore hostages released. Any calls for peace, they refuse.
Hostages that have spoken pit against them and spoke of being treated humanly by Hamas.
Hostages that were taken in exchange for the thousands of innocent imprisoned Palestinians in Israeli.
Prisoners who don't get trials, and are mostly children.
This genocide been ongoing since 1948, it cannot be reduced to the 7th October.
Israel wants to wipe Palestinians off the face off the earth. And now they have the perfect excuse too.
They are responsible for every death. Along with everyone who supports them.
If Israel stopped fighting, no one would die.
If Palestinians stopped fighting they would be completly wiped out.
The one time Palestine fights back is the one time anyone cares, and blames them for their own massacre.
As if Israel isn't completly responsible and have been killing Palestinians since before the Israeli settlers settled in Palestine.
Israel tried for years to pretend that Palestinians never existed, now they are blaming them for their own massacre.
It is Israel dropping bombs on civilians, on ambulances, on houses, on hospitals, on schools, on churches, on mosques etc.
All things that are war crimes and violate international law.
Nothing they have done is justified.
And it never will be.
Palestinians were free once and they will be free again.
From the river to the sea.
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secular-jew · 5 months
I’m back from a short trip on a social network with photographs and videos from Gaza, with some brief personal conclusions.
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First, it is quite clear that there are those in Gaza who know how to make extensive use of the networks and social media for the purposes of emotional extortion and also false propaganda, exactly like they live-streamed the October 7 massacre and somehow turned it into “justified resistance”, they use quite a few Western buzzwords such as “genocide”, “occupation”, “oppression” and “Zionism”- and this is the simplest way to distinguish between Hamas propaganda posts and authentic people in Gaza, whom I’ve known all my life, who use much simpler words and not this indoctrinated manipulation bullshit.
I was looking for THESE authentic people - the real voices. And I think I found a few.
So first of all, what do I think there is NOT happening in Gaza? There is no genocide and no famine.
Yes, there is quite a lot of suffering, shortages in some places and lack of decent shelter etc. And there’s a lot of cynical exploitation of it for propaganda purposes. I’m saying it because you can see children are getting payed for it, you can see the absolute control of distribution and you can see how basic needs and the way out is blocked with money- Israel is not taking money for any of it, the West is sending free aid, so the money is demanded by those who want to control the suffering and use it.
You should know, that before the war - there was already quite a lot of very poor population in Gaza, but now the economic difficulty has greatly increased for two main reasons: one, the war damaged many sources of livelihood and the second - a major source of livelihood was working in Israel and this option was closed for a long time now, since October 7, and is now much less operational.
So in fact the main source of income is donations and funding from Hamas for control purposes of course.
This is how, among other things, Hamas uses the population to "work for them", and also to smile or cry for the cameras on demand.
Now on the issue of claimed famine- famine is when there’s NO food and water, enough for the population. As I said, my personal conclusion is that there is no shortage of food and water in Gaza at all.
The problem is that the food is not distributed equally, it is controlled by those who are powerful (usually Hamas operatives) and then sold at high costs to the population without them having sources of livelihood.
Food that should be distributed for #free is actually sold at a high price, the shelter tents are also paid for and the exit from Gaza is particularly expensive (5000$ that are paid to the transporters).
There are quite a few who refer to Gaza as a "prison" but Gaza is not a prison, Hamas has simply created a situation where it is very expensive to leave it - and thus the poor and the new poor are completely dependent on Hamas and other clans (Hamulas) in everything to do with food, shelter and exit, and they play with them as pawns.
If Gaza is a prison - then it’s because Hamas are imprisoning it.
All the suffering in Gaza started because of #Hamas it continues and increases because of #Hamas, but the main point is that #Hamas is also the one factor that can stop it.
If Hamas surrendered unconditionally and released the Israeli hostages, as done in any war in which you are forced to admit defeat - they would truly liberate Palestine. Remember- this is a war that #Hamas started, a war that on Oct. 7 was celebrated in the streets of Gaza.
But #Hamas prefers to keep the Palestinians captive so that it can showcase suffering (which they create) and use it as a tool for financial donations, manipulation of the West and a messianic jihadist war that will never end for them.
If the West doesn’t wake up to this ongoing manipulation- they will never help the Palestinians in Gaza or in general, and they will bring this jihadist chaos to their doorstep.
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
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Person on X, formerly known as Twitter writes: Palestinian political prisoner held in solitary confinement by Israel for 11 years loses his mind cant recognise his own family. [source: @ broseph_stalin] Caption in video states: I forgot my family!!!! Israeli prisons which are graves for living Palestinians get the Palestinian prisoners body without soul. This Palestinian man spent 11 years in solitary confinement in Israeli prisons and as a result he lost his mind. He can't distinguish his family. [Brief video description: a man, possibly in his late 30s, or early 40s, is gently escorted by people, I am assuming to be his family. He wears a matching grey track pants and t-shirt, with slides. He has a large beard, and looks completely disoriented. The people around him gather, one person even strokes the top of his head. The Palestinian man just released seems numb; unable to interact and be affectionate with his family.]
The United Nations' Mandela Rules state CLEAR minimum standards for solitary confinement; that includes how those imprisoned should always be treated with dignity and care -and be protected from torture and abuse (although we know this is a systemic issue -and many prisons around the world are HORRENDOUS, I wanted to state here that it's 15 DAYS -that's the standard.
The United Nations Committee Against Torture established the excessive use of solitary confinement as a violation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment-this man, like so many Palestinian prisoners, are undergoing cruel and inhumane treatments and are SUFFERING endlessly because violent settler-colonizers are keeping them in isolation and are torturing, abusing, and verbally assaulting them DAILY. Solitary confinement is also stated as a LAST RESORT:
"The Rules restrict the use of solitary confinement as a measure of last resort, to be used only in exceptional circumstances. Mandela found solitary confinement to be “the most forbidding aspect of prison life. There was no end and no beginning; there’s only one’s own mind, which can begin to play tricks”.  
Solitary confinement is a form of psychological torture. The effects will be SEVERE as more time passes. It is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, and to put any human being in that state for any period of time -and over a decade at that... is beyond depraved. I cannot imagine a decade of someone's life being spent completely isolated and void of contact from loved one's, from any stimulation and joy in life. Israel must have consequences to mass human rights violations, crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide -do NOT stop posting about this. I have attached a few references/articles for those interested in reading about Mandela Rules and The United Nations Conventions against Torture.
End the violent occupation, ceasefire permanently, and free Palestine!
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curiouslyodd · 11 months
If there is anyone left who doesn't see this useless, lying, power-hungry cunt for what he is, I despair.
Fucking... 'stopping the violence will lead to violence'...
His entire argument is that if Israel stops indiscriminately bombing Palestine, Hamas might have enough time between dodging bombs to attack Israel again. Oh, and that a ceasefire would stop Hamas from releasing hostages (despite the fact that Israel rejected the request for a prisoner exchange including Palestinians that are being held indefinitely without charge).
Hamas aren't blameless here - the initial attack on Israel was monstrous, make no mistake. At no point should civilians have been targeted, and it is clear that many people were subjected to horrific cruelty during the attack. But while not justifying it, the cause for the attack lies directly in the hands of Israel's leadership. Decades of blockading Gaza, allowing only the barest trickle of aid to enter the area and preventing people from leaving. Constant harassment of Palestinians, often resulting in deadly violence. And direct funding of violent extremist groups to sabotage chances for peaceful resolution. Even if Israel completely switched tack and actively worked towards peace and integration, the wounds are so deep that such a process would take a long time.
But Starmer's solution to this is to say that the fighting has to continue, with the implication that it shouldn't end until Hamas has been eradicated. While senior figures in Israel have said that they consider all Gazans to be Hamas, and have been consistently targeting civilians since this current phase of the conflict began. And Netanyahu has actively called for genocide. I fully believe that even if all members of Hamas formally surrendered and gave themselves up, the bombings would continue uninterrupted.
In a way, Starmer is could be right. If there isn't a ceasefire, the violence in Gaza will eventually stop. Because the people who might have retaliated against this horror will be as dead as the civilians who didn't want to fight.
Can't commit violence against the dead. Certainly not if there's no one left to mourn them.
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stark-stiel · 10 months
i am absolutely angry and devastated. if you’ve seen the things i’ve posted on my story recently, you’re probably aware about the genocide happening in Palestine right now.
as of today, november 21st 2023 there are:
- 14 000+ deaths, 5 600+ of those being children
- 33 000+ injured, 75% being children and women
- 6 000+ are still missing under rubble
- let’s not forget the 60+ journalists who are being targeted for spreading the truth in both Palestine and more recently, in southern Lebanon
- at least 5 premature babies out of 39 of them have died either due to the lack of electricity, food, water and medicine as most of the others have
- 21 out of 35 of Gaza’s hospital are completely out of service, which one of their largest hospital, Al-Shifa, was targeted and is now not operational, and they plan to do the same to the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, which is, might i add, an INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME on top of many other israel has committed
- there are also 7 000+ palestinian prisoners captured by israeli military forces including children, in which the israeli government is deciding whether to execute them, or exchange a release for their own prisoners taken
and that is just the damage in Gaza, not including the destruction in the West Bank:
- which killed 217 people, including 50 children
- injuring more than 2 750 others
these lists only contain the bare minimum of what has happened.
to give you an idea, today, i saw a doctor who was being consoled by others, as he had just performed an amputation on HIS OWN CHILD, which has happened before, but this surgery was done WITHOUT anesthesia, and the child couldn’t survive the pain.
let’s just let that sink in for a minute.
they don’t have the proper medical supplies to provide the care they need because Israel and the United States will not allow a ceasefire. Biden has stated so himself. and Trudeau hasn’t called one either.
they can’t even grieve their dead in peace. they capture all their sorrow, tears, anger, and screams of despair on screen for us to see because no one is listening as their people are slaughtered. whole lineages of families killed, children orphaned, parents carrying their dead child’s body parts in bags, children pleading for us to help them, speaking out IN ENGLISH so we can understand them, that this is what they are going through. please listen to them.
the things you will see on social media are graphic, you might feel sick to your stomach. you should. because this is happening across the world as we speak, and has happened for the past 75 years! and it must stop now. after october 7th, more outrage has emerged from the people, adding pressure on their governments to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.
people will try to devalue social media by saying its a “place where people are dumb on camera” but without it, it would NEVER had known what was going on, and i have never been so outraged by what i have seen.
if you don’t know what to do, you can start by not being silent. silence only allows the lies the Zionists are spreading to propagate, and deafens palestinian voices.
you can also educate yourself on what the palestinians have been going through. a very good site i’ve found is decolonizepalestine.com which i’m still learning from. other resources can be found online such as:
- a click a day to help:
- there is also a petition to Trudeau to call for a ceasefire at this link: https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4649 it closes Nov 23, 2023 at 3:20 p.m. so as many of you, please sign before the deadline! if you have already signed, thank you 🙏
- support palestinian voices online
there are also boycotts happening against the companies that are profiting and/or benefiting and supporting the genocide in Gaza. Some include:
- puma
- starbucks
- mcdonalds
- disney+
- burger king
- amazon
- chapters
- squishmallows
- HP
- sabra hummus
- Walmart
- israeli produce and items
etc etc i could go on and on. the point is, to not fund the israeli military.
this website has a complete list and shows which companies have been selected as part of their targeted boycott, to make a more effective boycott: https://bdsmovement.net/economic-boycott
and if boycotting these places is too hard for you, you are definitely not god’s strongest soldier 🫡 (and hey, you can also do it for selfish reasons, to save money by not buying out!)
if after reading all this you still want to turn a blind eye, i can’t stop you. but i hope you can live with that decision
as always, FREE PALESTINE & Ceasefire Now 🇵🇸🫶
links in order of appearance:
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old-school-butch · 8 months
hamas is trying to return the hostages in exchange for Israel pulling back and Netanyahu refused. It's pretty clear this is just a pretense for genocide. What will it take for you to see that? Because this whole time people have been saying "just return the hostages" (as though civilians have any control over that) but as soon as Hamas offers to make these terms, Israel backs off. You fell for their propaganda. It was always a lie.
It's interesting to see what sliver of information is selected for the information war.
Hamas's demands were actually:
-complete withdrawal of IDF troops from Gaza -unconditional release of all Hamas prisoners, thousands at this point, including those identified as being part of the Oct. 7th attacks -acknowledgement that Hamas will remain in power -Hamas will in return release the hostages... at least the ones it has... who are not identified, its not clear if they are dead or alive. It's already known that a large number are actually held by PIJ or by individual Gazan men who followed the pogrom on Oct. 7. Their fate would not be guaranteed.
Israel has lately counter-offered, in rather confusing separate offers:
-return all the hostages for a 2 month ceasefire -an exchange of prisoners in return for IDF withdrawal from key area in northern Gaza -fuck everything we're just going to take over Gaza again
The threat to occupy Gaza is something I completely oppose. I think good fences make good neighbors. Israel should have as little to do with Gaza and the West Bank as possible. Of course, Netanyahu also doubled down and rejected a two state solution. If anyone's asking, Hamas also rejects the 2 state solution, by the way. It's ridiculous. Israel did attempt to get several Arab neighboring states to setup an administration of Gaza, which they all unhelpfully (but sensibly in political terms) rejected. A broader international coalition was also rejected - not that they could even find anyone willing to take it on. I can see the dilemma of trying to remove Hamas and find someone less terroristy to govern, but I don't think Israel should step in. And fuck all the 'ceasefire' nonsense - can we force both sides to start an actual peace and declare an independent state of Palestine next to the state of Israel- you have people, you have land, stop fighting and create a paradise on the sea! Not that anyone is asking me...
Anyway, Saudi has said they won't sign their peace treaty with Israel without a plan for a Palestine state, U.S. is adding pressure too, we will see what offers will fly back and forth in the weeks to come. The good news is that the bullshit demands and declarations seem to be face-saving motions that might actually represent a genuine desire on both sides to stop this particular war at least, and I welcome that.
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khizuo · 9 months
(via RNN: part 1/part 2)
🟢 Hamas on the 36th anniversary of the movement: — In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
On the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the launch of the Hamas movement and amidst the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood battle, we renew our commitment to continue the resistance until the occupation is removed and to achieve our people's aspirations for liberation, return, and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.
O patient and steadfast masses of our Palestinian people, both in proud Palestine and abroad, today marks the 36th anniversary of the launch of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and we live in days of glory and pride, under the shadows of the glorious Al-Aqsa Flood battle. This battle inaugurated a new phase in our struggle with the brutal zionist occupier, who indulges in the blood of our people, denies our national rights, steals our land, and Judaizes our Islamic and Christian sanctities, including Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Al-Aqsa Flood battle is a title of steadfastness and resistance on the path to freedom and liberation from occupation and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital, God willing.
Since its inception, the movement has kept the covenant of the righteous martyrs, carrying the banner of jihad and resistance to complete our people's journey towards liberation and independence. It has offered its leaders and soldiers alongside the martyrs of our people to create a free and dignified future for our patient and steadfast people. Al-Aqsa Flood is a continuation of this approach, which we will not abandon until the zionist Nazi occupation is ended.
We live the pain and suffering with our people everywhere, especially in proud Gaza, which faces a savage zionist aggression and a genocidal war targeting its existence on its land by destroying all elements of life. Yet, we will never succumb to humiliation and defeat, and this brutal enemy will not succeed in its malicious schemes. Our great people and our valiant resistance in Gaza and the West Bank remain steadfast on the land, and we will not leave it except to return to Al-Quds as the capital of our independent Palestinian state.
We mourn the righteous martyrs of our people, pray for the speedy recovery of our wounded, and freedom for our heroic prisoners. We affirm the following:
First: Our promise to our great Palestinian people is to remain faithful to their sacrifices, pains, and hopes. We will not abandon our duty to defend them, our land, and our sanctities. Hamas and its victorious Al-Qassam Brigades will continue to be the protective shield for the Palestinian national project and our people's aspirations for liberation, return, and independence. The Al-Aqsa Flood battle is a page of glory and pride in the history of our people's struggle against the zionist Nazi colonizer, and our resistance will continue to escalate until the occupation is gone and the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital is established, God willing.
Second: The Hamas movement is an integral part of this great people, expressing their will for freedom and independence. The movement will remain a fortress defending our people's national rights. We will accept no guardianship and will not allow the passing of any suspicious plans to circumvent our people's right to self-determination and the establishment of their fully sovereign state.
Third: The zionist occupation and President Biden's administration, with their obstinacy and arrogance, refusing all efforts and UN resolutions calling for an end to aggression, bear full responsibility for the ongoing massacres against our people and the destruction in Gaza. This historical responsibility will not expire with time, and the day will come when they will be held accountable.
Fourth: We are open to all efforts leading to stopping the aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, to the release of our prisoners in the occupation's prisons, and to forming a national reference on the path to restoring our people's national rights and establishing their independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.
Fifth: We salute the steadfast and resistant Palestinian masses in proud Gaza, the West Bank, throughout Palestine, and the diaspora. We call on them to further steadfastness, solidarity, and escalation of resistance against the occupation everywhere. The occupation will be eradicated by the determination of the revolutionaries and the bravery of the heroic resistance fighters.
Sixth: We salute all the forces and parties that have stood in solidarity with our people, championed Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, and committed to standing by the right, in the face of the occupation and the zionist project threatening Palestine and the region.
Seventh: We salute the nations of our Arab and Islamic nation and all the free people of the world who have come out in solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people, rejecting the massacres and aggression of the occupation in the Gaza Strip, and rejecting President Biden's administration's bias towards the new Nazis. We call on them to increase their escalating activism in support of the Palestinian people and their right to freedom and self-determination, like all peoples.
Eighth: We appreciate all Arab, Islamic, and international efforts that have sought and are seeking to stop the aggression, to aid our people in the Gaza Strip. We call on them and the international community for more political action to stop the double standards policy pursued by President Biden's administration and some Western countries biased towards the occupation, to work to end the zionist occupation threatening international peace and security, and to enable our people to exercise their inalienable national rights, no matter how long it takes.
Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom. Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
Thursday: 01 Jumada al-Akhirah 1445H Corresponding to: December 14, 2023
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readingsquotes · 10 months
A few weeks ago, Mondoweiss (the Israeli newspaper!) reported that the IOF killed Israeli civilians and military personnel on and after October 7th. The Israeli hostages are another perfect example of people who are willing to call Netanyahu out and have even asked for what most Palestinians have been asking for as well: free Palestinian land, free all political prisoners, permanent ceasefire and end the occupation now. Yet, all we are ever told, or hear from Isaac Herzog or whatever puppet wants to be the genocidal mouthpiece for the Israeli government, is that the Palestinians always break their promises, while the Israelis speak of peace talks and build new settlements. I am thinking of the infamous Ghassan Kanafani quote: “You don’t exactly mean “peace talks,” you mean capitulation, surrendering.” We have always been told that the Palestinians resort to violence… but as Kanafani also said once, in the same interview, “People usually fight for something.” Through all the lies the Israeli government has been propagating, for decades now, while completely evading international law or critique, this is the story we’ve been told again and again: that Palestinians bring it on themselves. That they’re so violent, uncivilized savages who can’t even work toward peace! They can’t even stop fighting! This is while the IOF destroys hospital after school after hospital after school after hospital after refugee camp, again. They release prisoners, many of whom were literal children and teenagers (or what The Guardian calls them, “people under 18”) while they take even more children as prisoners in the West Bank. Interestingly enough, Human Rights Watch published this in August, so months before October 7th, that there was an uptick of arrests among children in the West Bank. According to Defense for Children of Palestine, “Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years old, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is stone throwing.” It’s interesting how Israel always disputes these numbers, especially anything that comes out of Palestine. If all of this sounds familiar, it’s because the IOF has strong ties to police departments in America. This Times of Israel piece about the ADL funding such trips is a great start! Much like how primarily Black (and Latinx) communities are targeted in America, with higher arrest rates for petty crimes, like drug or marijuana use or possession, all of these discretionary measures we are told are “law.” We also know that this is a way you keep a community small, you criminalize them, and you keep their necks under a very large and powerful shoe, justifying it by saying the people you oppress and repress are savages.
On Making Art During Genocide how are you doing? Fariha Róisín Dec 2, 2023
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