#to the tarot card anon i promise i'm getting there.
nayruwu · 1 year
i remember when i first joined the fandom and read both the manga and the novels i was annoyed at how shinya never really... snapped. it was made clear right at the start how much he despised his family for what they did to him and how badly he wanted to see them fall.
so through the entire course of the books i was waiting for something to happen, for him to be angry, to get revenge, anything. but it never happened. and i was pissed, because i already liked him back then and god it felt like nails on a chalkboard to watch him get stomped on over and over again without ever getting that satisfying feeling of vengeance in return. (his death, his win came quite close in that regard, but well, guren pulled him right back.)
but now, that part is actually one of my favourite things about him! he has every reason to be bitter and hateful, but he's not! he could have made it his goal to gain power like mahiru did, wait for a chance to break free from them, a final act of rebellion, but he never did. because he learned, and he knows better.
his greatest desire is not one of hatred, but something as simple as never abandoning his best friend. and that's his whole thing. despite everything, this boy chose a human's greatest weakness - love. as cheesy as that sounds.
he was developed so beautifully in those novels it makes me sob every time. i miss him. can you tell?
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An intro to my blog; Witchcraft, tarot, and general unhinged energy.
Bare-bones/TL;DR: My name is Frog or Froggo, whichever you prefer, I use he/him pronouns and this is a blog dedicated primarily to my practice as a witch. I do tarot readings over on Ko-FI, as well as some on here that are donation-based (You tip if you want, but you don't have to.) Donation-based readings are temporary to promote the paid readings, and I'll be closing requests once I feel I have a decent amount of people interested (or if i find that it isn't working and I'm just instead giving free readings and no paid readings.) Send in an ask for a donation-based reading, or head on over to my Ko-Fi if you want more of a guarantee that I'll get to your reading/want your reading prioritized. Please check the bottom of this post for what readings I do/don't do before sending an ask.
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I go by Froggo or Frog
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, and just generally queer.
Quiet sunshine and rainbows type of guy, until you get to know me and then suddenly I won't shush and I keep talking about psychological horror
interests outside of witchcraft include writing, Genshin Impact (I promise I don't associate with the fandom they scare me so bad), music, anime, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
My craft:
I've been practicing off and on for about four years, but I've been around witchcraft my whole life. I no longer consider myself a beginner, but I wouldn't consider myself a beacon of knowledge either lol. I know enough to be comfortable practicing on my own, and giving others a few resources. If I ever post something with inaccurate information, something that appropriates any closed practices, or something that is otherwise not advisable, PLEASE let me know!
My interests in witchcraft include Tarot/oracle cards, deity work, crystals, and working with dragons. (Although, that last one is very new to me so I have very little experience to share so far.)
My work as a witch has begun to shape out as involving things that others fear and reject. I personally find this hilarious considering that I used to be so scared of everything.
I work with Persephone, Hades, Medusa, my familiar, Loki, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Khaos. They appeared to me in that order, with Aphrodite and Khaos being fairly recent additions as I'm typing this. (5/12/24) Note that this is a list of EVERYONE I work with at all, and some of them (like Medusa) only rarely show up in my life currently while others are more active.
I have a sideblog about my work with dragons, @officially-other, but it's so heavy on UPG, identity talk, feelings, etc. that I keep it separate from this blog. It's brand new as of editing but I plan on it being completely transparent.
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Things to expect from me: An unreasonable amount of witchcraft memes, lots of fun little stories about my guides/deities and interactions with them, general stories about my craft. My asks are open, but I may not always have an answer to any questions! See the "not a beacon of knowledge" bullet point earlier.
DNI: Racists, misogynists, trans/homophobes, ableists, bigots of any kind, pɘdo, I feel like I'm forgetting something but overall just don't be an asshole okay??? Plz???? Thank you. 16+ minors are okay, below that you can follow and lurk just please don't start a proper conversation. (/lh, lighthearted)
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Yes I know this is a bit long. I don't require that you read this but I don't answer asks with problems that could be solved by just reading this. I am no longer doing readings for anon asks, so please be off anon. Paid readings and any Tumblr readings that tip/donate beforehand will be prioritized, but other than that please be patient- when I post readings, I often get a lot of asks that takes weeks to get through.
Readings I will do:
General readings
Love readings (PLEASE check that it doesn't fall under "won't do" first)
Readings with a specific deity or entity (Paid readings get channeled typing,)
Pretty much anything that isn't on the "wont" list. (I reserve the right to say 'no' if something is brought up that I'm uncomfortable with but didn't think to put below.)
Readings I wont do:
Physical health readings (go see a professional)
Anything that constitutes "mind reading" (instead of "how does [person] truly feel" try "what's left being unsaid" or "what do I need to know" type questions.)
Sexual readings
Readings on a voice chat/call (yet)
Deity Identification readings (just not confident in them)
future spouse readings for free (I will do them paid, I just do the free readings to promote + for fun, and future spouse readings aren't fun for me)
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queenlua · 6 months
can i ask about love 😭😭 that’s why i’m up
you get a spread from the Universal Waite tarot, e.g. "rider-waite but we made the colors not-fugly." this deck has guided multiple randos at magfest 2023 as to their romantic fate. (i also spilled a lot of beer on it once, sorry, the cards take longer to shuffle b/c still sticky)
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PAST—reversed wheel of fortune: woah nelly. not to be all majora's mask happy mask salesman but... you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? either something went real wrong in your past (cheated on, vicious breakup, etc), or things went badly for long enough that it sort of felt like a disaster after a certain point.
PRESENT—page of pentacles: but you're a plucky lil bastard (complimentary), aren't you, anon. i mean i don't know you but that's the vibe i always got from this pentacley lil boi. whatever happened, you're pretty determined not to let it keep you down. too bad you are uhhhh better with money/numbers/formulas/etc than, uh, romance, which is leaving you pretty stuck at the moment. and you may have tendencies toward stuck-ness but there's only so much that can be your fault personally, right
FUTURE—reversed queen of swords: okay yeah so here's the thing. if you're looking for love you might be on one of those dating apps, right. and those things definitely have their uses but it's definitely pretty efficient at turning you into a cynical bastard right quick, right, i've seen it before. if you are getting too sneer-y at the suboptimal suggestions, if you're cringing too hard at the ppl just trying to connect... you gotta shake that! you are a plucky lil bastard. you are not a cynical lil bastard.
even if dating apps and/or finding new love isn't your problem, same principles still apply. ms queen of swords over here is telling you that you're at risk of getting real sour over this whole thing real soon and that is not healthy for children or other living things. unfortunately in the future for your love situation to resolve happily you are going to have to... get a lil goofy? let go of the process a bit? don't abandon your plucky-keen-sense-of-self-ness, just, like, open yourself up a bit more. part of the process. you might even have to go to one of those contra dance things. i'm so sorry. but i promise it's for the best
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just-antithings · 1 year
Not this anon but I think i understand where they're getting at.
They're possibly talking about people who are anti-theist or maybe not anti-theist but lean far into being very skeptical of spiritual practice that gets labeled as New Age (astral travel (different from "shifting" but there is overlap in the beliefs), crystal grids, etc). Quite a bit of this also overlaps with some pagan beliefs (many Wiccans believe in the Astral Realm to varying degrees for example), and as a Wiccan who does Tarot readings (for free, but I don't begrudge those who offer them for payment so long as they are upfront that they aren't trying to cheat people out of money like I've had some readers try to do to me). And I consider divination to be important to my beliefs, as it's a way for me to connect to my spirituality and my gods. So when I see posts making fun of Tarot readers for trying to push conmen out of our community (one post I saw said "lol the conmen don't like hanging out with conmen"), it can get under my skin, especially when seeing it from people who are usually pretty open minded about other religions.
But thanks to mlm types appropriating beliefs since even before New Age became more mainstream, a lot of people take their skepticism to where they push against the rest of us, too, not just those who are part of the problem. For Astral travel, like that anon mentioned, most people just think of that post of people shifting to Hogwarts and that one shifter freaking out, saying they killed Draco.
Now, I get why people want to be skeptical. People sell crystal grids, oils, and charms to people who are desperate. They sell guided meditations promising miracles, just to get that person's money. I've learned to just accept that people are going to raise their eyebrows at me and my beliefs. I'm personally used to it, seeing as I never hid my pentacle charms or Tarot cards while living in a small town in the South. I'm guessing anon just wanted to vent, finding push-back against their beliefs in a community (whether the proship community or their fandom) they felt was supposed to be open to "weird" ideas.
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petits--oiseaux · 9 months
Hi Dear🩷✨
This is Anon 2 - Timing reading. I'm sorry to bother you, but if you have any free time would you be able to give me an update timing reading on my love life whenever you’re free, please? 😫🥺
I paid someone for one and I got scammed. The reader never replied or refunded me money and I just feel hopeless really. I just want to know what's happening because I'm seeing everyone else winning and I'm truly happy for them, especially you🥹🩷, but I just want to know when its my time if that makes sense?
Congratulations and Happy Holidays to you and your person!!
Thank you so much for everything once again!🩷✨🩷✨💖✨🩷
Hello my love! I'm sorry I missed your ask back in July. It's FOREVER ago and I promise it wasn't purposeful <3 Also really sorry that you were scammed. That is so frustrating and sad. Hopefully I can help!
I pulled cards for a short term timeline, for a long term timeline, and for road blocks that may influence the time/progression. Photo credit goes to Biddy Tarot . I have her travel deck which I used for this pull but the cards are kinda dirty and I didn't want to take pictures of them lol Plus, I'm procrastinating so making a pretty thing was fun.
As always, life & free will can change these predictions. This is as of today's energies and higher selves.
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Short Term: High Priestess reversed & Seven of Wands reversed
TL;DR: February-April
There are a couple of interpretations for actual times. In tarot, wands can indicate Spring time. The High Priestess is card number 2. The first thought I had was "second month of Spring" or April.
Then I looked to see what signs The High Priestess & Seven of Wands represent and it includes Pisces and fire signs, respectively. Pisces season starts in February (2nd month of the year) and Aries is the first fire sign of Spring (March & April)
On a spiritual level (getting to the reversals), here are some things that may need to happen prior to this timing to make the timing more likely: Take time to meditate on your worries - this can include guided meditation (lots of great ones on YouTube), walks, writing, singing, or praying. Anything that makes you feel at peace and forget about external stimulants. The high priestess in reverse also reminds you that not everything you see on the surface is true. Remember that while people you know seem to be finding their people, they all have their own stuff going on internally/behind the scenes. I'll use myself as an example: I am HAPPY and feel really lucky to have found J. Yet, nearly every day I have at least one thought surrounding "omg, what if he decides I suck and leaves??" It doesn't take away from the happiness, but just something to remember as you observe others. Remember you have your own story to build! The seven of wands reverse is here to tell you to keep being yourself <3 Your beliefs are yours. Your excitement is yours. You are yours! You don't have to be anything other than what you are in order to be happy and attract the people meant to be in your life.
Long Term: King of Pentacles & Seven of Cups reversed
TL;DR: July 2024-April 2025 (sorry it's such a long long term lol)
This is also based on a couple of factors. Cups can indicate months as well as summer time. The easiest interpretation for this is the 7th month (7 of cups reversed), July, which is summer in the northern hemisphere. Pentacles can indicate years and the winter time. However, since the King does not have a number like the seven of cups, I don't think multiple years. I am really leaning toward the course of this next year and a few months. I went into April of 2025 because the King of Pentacles has Taurus energy. The other signs represented by both cards are Scorpio, Leo, & Aquarius which fall into this time frame.
Spiritually/personally: there may be a personal (financial?) goal you're training to obtain right now and you may need to focus on that for a little longer before this timing comes to fruition. Being methodical and writing down plans can help! This King of Pentacles energy also tells me that if this timing happens on the longer scale, you're going to be set up for success. The Seven of Cups always reminds me of indecisiveness/overwhelming options, even in the reverse. Take time to reflect on the choices and try to reduce the number of options. You have everything you need to choose within yourself, Anon.
Road Blocks: Two of Cups, Four of Wands reversed
So, why might one timeline happen over the other? My first feeling is that there might be someone who comes in that feels like they may be your person, but the relationship is a little unsteady, communication is so-so, and you're just overall unsure about it. If this happens, trust your gut. It's okay if this person is not your person because the one meant for you will be coming! I know the feeling of longing for someone to love and love you back, but I also know the feeling of finally finding someone that feels right. You deserve only the best. If it is not another person coming in, I do think it is some conflict in relationships (whether colleagues, family, or friends) that will have you pre-occupied. Remember the guidance from above as you move through these conflicts! They work in context of this reading as well as overall advice :)
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cookinguptales · 2 years
Hello all! I'm awake and conscious and ready for some fun Friday the 13th shenanigans.
Before I get started, I'll make my feelings about tarot clear like I always do. I am not psychic, and idk if I even believe in people being psychic. I definitely don't believe that I can tell your future through cartomancy. But tarot, like horoscopes, works well because it operates based on very vague and basic ideas that cater to most people's lives. Most people think about love and money and friends and creative projects, whether positively or negatively. It's easy to see yourself in the cards because the cards are based on very basic human tropes.
All that said, I don't think that's a bad thing! It's like that old saying, y'know? If you want to make a choice, flip a coin -- then think about which outcome you were rooting for. I think that tarot cards and their archetypes can appeal to almost anyone, but in very personal and different ways. I think that can be something that helps you organize your thoughts.
So, y'know, if I say something vague and it makes you think of something specific, maybe that's a thing that you need to be thinking about. Maybe it's near to the top of your thoughts for a reason. I don't think anyone should make important decisions solely based on a tarot reading, but if you find yourself "rooting" for a certain outcome, maybe that's something you should pay attention to.
I'm not psychic and I don't know your life -- but you do, and you should listen to yourself!
Anyway, just my two cents. I'm about to order pizza and start the movie, but I'm also opening my askbox up to tarot requests.
Here's how it works:
I am pulling 13 tarot decks from my collection to celebrate Friday the 13th. These are in a random order currently, but I suppose they'll be revealed as people choose them.
Send me an ask with a number 1-13 as well as something that'll identify you. Like an emoji or something, idk. (I say this both because I get a lot of anons for this and because if I just get a bunch of "13"s, they all look the same in my notes and idk what people are responding to.)
If you've seen me do this before and have a specific deck you'd like to request, that's fine, too! I can't make any promises, but if I have it on-hand, I'll be happy to use it for you.
As usual, I will be doing both serious and silly readings! If you'd like me to do a reading based on the traditional readings of the cards, please let me know that you'd like a serious reading. If you'd like me to make up some harebrained reading based on the images on the cards, like a skeleton Halloween party or some torrid love affair between people buying far too many swords, I'm happy to do that as well! Just let me know you'd like a silly reading!
I have decks in my collection that are either full 78-card decks or Major Arcana-only decks. A lot of people only like to use the former for readings as it can provide a more nuanced and traditional reading, but a lot of other people don't care! If you have a strong preference either way, just let me know and I'll swap out the random deck you've chosen for one that fits your needs.
To combine the last two points, I also have a lot of very silly decks! A lot of those are Major Arcana-only, but not all of them. I think it's fun to do tarot with something like Gravity Falls or Lisa Frank or The Muppets or one that's exactly like the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot but all the humans are replaced with like. Parakeets. If you do not want a silly deck, be sure to let me know about that, too!
Uhhh, I think that's it! If you think there's anything else I should know, just lmk! I'll just be doing basic three-card draws, so let's have fun with it. I've already had my nap, so I'll probably be going all night. That said, I'll probably get kind of drunk and silly as things go because I fully intend to drink through these movies. So if you want me fully lucid, get in on the ground floor.
Okay time for pizza and.... Jason? I think that Friday the 13th is Jason. It's my first time watching them and I will be livetweeting them on twitter. lmao
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shadowsphere · 2 years
Yay!! Okay some things!! I promise these aren't rules, just little notes.
1.) I finished all the updated versions of my masterlists. I did replace some animes with others and some characters arent included on personal reasoning of being too young. The youngest I could go was 17 just cause I'm 18. I felt weird going through 15 and 16 year old characters and saying they were hot or attractive or that I could imagine writing smut about them.
That being said, I won't say no to writing for them if someone asked. I just wouldn't go out of my way personally to write for them. They would have to be requested in order to have a lot of content cause I would look at them and go "nah, i wont do it of my own freewill."
Also, I don't remember if I checked all of the ages of all of the characters because I did do some masterlists while completely tired. So, if you do see a character that's not 17, let me know or don't, yo can request for them.
2.) I have some drafts that need to be posted like the Gotoh pt.2, a requested Kazutora Hinemiya, and a requested Twiyor. So those will get posted as soon as I finish my exam today and go to sleep cause I haven't slept at all. When I post those, I should be good to go on posting the ones I had an interest in writing.
3.) I know this isn't surprising, but I tend to go a little on the darker side or go towards twists at the end. I don't know why, I can't help it. If you don't want those twists or those dark themes, please let me know.
This also reminds me that I never completely give everyone 100% control and if I do, it's because I feel like they would in that situation. So sometimes if you want reader to be the submissive, just know that I just might make them a submissive top.
4.) For sexualities, don't be afraid to request ace or aro or anything that isnt recognized enough. I am a demisexual person, so im between ace and sexual, so I kinda understand asexuality, however if you want to request transexual or anything else, I want you to educate me as much as you can on the topic just so that I can do it justice properly.
Not even just that, just educate me on whatever you think I might need to be educated on, I won't mind. I would actually like it, it helps me out.
5.) I know there are a lot of anons, so I want to do the little anon emoji thing just so that you guys can feel better connected however I don't know if emojis would really work for my concept. So I was thinking tarot card names, astrology, basically anything that falls within the psychic category. It would be unique to us.
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albatris · 3 years
thinkin 'bout....... ocs and tarot cards again
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eratolasting · 2 years
Mars' 500 Follower Celebration!
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500 followers is definitely not a number I thought I'd see!! Thank you guys so much for all of your support and kind words throughout my journey here! I can't wait to continue to write for you all!
Feel free to send as many of these in as you want, just make sure they're in separate asks!!
I will write only for Eddie Munson or Steddie!! (This includes x Readers)
Anyone can participate either on or off anon!!
These can be SFW or NSFW
Please be patient!! I promise I will get to everyone!!
: ̗̀➛ Nothin' But a Good Time - Send me your favorite song and I'll ship you with someone from Stranger Things!!
: ̗̀➛ No One Like You - Tell me your first impression of me and I'll tell you my first impression of you!! (Mutuals only) ((credit to @/n0agranger))
: ̗̀➛ Shout at the Devil - Tell me what you think I'm like, and I'll look at your blog and do the same!!
: ̗̀➛ Master of Puppets - Send me your name, a number, and I'll do a four card tarot spread for you!!
: ̗̀➛ Back in Black - Send me a color, your name, and your star sign and I'll make you a mood board based off of what I think you're like!!
: ̗̀➛ Loves a Bitch - Send me one sentence and I'll make a blurb about it/with it in there!! (Specify Eddie or Steddie, if it's x Reader, and SFW/NSFW)
Tagging some mutuals:
@n0agranger @eddiemunsons-girl @eddiebun @hcrringtonsbat @decadentpaperduck @eddieonfilm @rosymunson @ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @86lilannamunson86 @hellfiremunsonn @waynemunson
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hallow-witxh · 3 years
Hi! I have been practicing witchcraft for about a year (on and off cause of mental health) and I was curious about a little advice. I was raised witch christians but i was taught fear and it really hurt to the point I've broken down, cried, and had panic attacks and nightmares about it. I'm trying to advance my craft and start worshipping deities (Dionysus and Hades to be exact) and read my own tarot cards. But all in secrecy cause I still live with my family and sometimes I hear my grandmother's preachers on tv and I start getting scared again. I usually just plug in my headphones but sometimes I have bad service or slow data so I still hear things. Any tips on how to be less afraid of advancing my craft and push that stuff out of my mind. Sorry for the dump of personal info but I trust you and your blog has helped me in learning things about witchcraft and I feel like you may have something. If not that's fine. And I hope my message didn't bring you down. Thank you and sending positive energy your way. 😊
"...I trust you and your blog has helped me in learning things about witchcraft-"
This is INCREDIBLY high praise to me. Before I answer your question, I want you to understand what this means to me. It's the highest compliment I've even been given on my blog. It makes me feel like I really am helping others, and I think you for this. It made me smile on an otherwise fairly dreary day. So thank you <3 I appreciate you and your interaction with my blog so very much.
Now to answer your question.
As someone who was raised VERY Mormon, I understand where you are coming from and I know how you are feeling. I'm going to be completely honest, even though you may not like my answer.
Trauma like this simply can't be solved by witchcraft. You will need to seek out professional help for your anxiety - which I KNOW can be REALLY hard with a family like that. But I promise you that you will feel so much better once you're able to detangle yourself from the perpetual drag of religious trauma.
I feel for you, I really do. I know how hard this can be. I also have nightmares about the church, panic attacks whenever I think too long and hard about it.
My advice is simple. Therapy, and patience. Working with deities is not an easy practice to hide. I would wait to work with them, and make do with worship for now. It will be easier on you, and less suspicious to your family.
You deserve to practice your own religion without persecution. You deserve to feel safe and protected in your own home, especially by your parents. The fact that your parents are knowingly causing you harm and doing nothing about it is breaking my heart. I am so sorry. You deserve better than this.
All of my love to you, Anon. Blessed Be.
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sunkissedchldrecon · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒖𝒏'𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏
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in celebration of my upcoming birthday [december], i'm hosting a game! above is my solar return chart for the year 2021/2022; if you can tell me anything about it, i will answer any question you have intuitively or with tarot!
answer the prompt: tell me anything about my 2021/2022 solar return chart
answer the prompt: tell me anything about my 2021/2022 solar return chart
answer the prompt: tell me anything about my 2021/2022 solar return chart
state the question you want answered (can be in another ask)
remember to give initials or ask for an assigned emoji if on anon
please give feedback! it helps me a lot in knowing how strong my intuition is and in knowing that my interpretation of the cards is correct.
please be patient! it’s okay to send an ask to check if yours got sent, but please don’t spam or anything like that. i will get to you! i promise!
i'll start answering asks Saturday, November 27!
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
Hi Luna! I'm CAJS, She/her, 27, and since you might be getting a lot of the same characters I'll let you choose for me because I'll be happy with any of my husbandos for a non-platonic relationship!
Kakashi, Tobirama, Hatori, Yuuji, Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Hawks, Mitsuya Takashi, Draken (Tokyo Revengers) I have a problem I want a harem.
- Switch Anon
I hope I didn't forget anything. Please and thank you!
switchhh anon thank you for joining, you have mwa chef’s kiss simp list hahaha!!!! i'll be choosing toji fushiguro from jjk (tho i lowkey want draken too)💓
-selene a.
tarot reading event: closed || masterlist
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summary: tbh, the long-term card is useless already. all the 3 connection cards literally says long-term goals and matrimony. one thing is for sure: this relationship will be spicy!!! it’ll be intimate and passionate more than you ever know plus the chances of betrayal and third parties is zero because you both strive for a healthy and loving relationship. the long-term potential card is just a formality to plan your romantic goals. i don’t see miscommunication because you both communicate well as lovers and i can definitely see marriage calling on this relationship.
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physical connection- upright the empress
—this relationship will be so intimate and sensual. you and toji will definitely be nurturing and caring lovers. meaning, this relationship is stable and committed. you and toji should also try venturing new things because this card is also a guidance success. chances of sex life will be family planning, maybe breeding kink is something you and/or toji wants because the empress also symbolizes parenthood and marriage.
mental connection- upright ace of wands
­—still a sensual and intimate card. this card mostly correlates with your physical card meaning, the intimacy of this relationship will be more passionate and things will start to heat up in a positive way. the mentality of this relationship will be filled with new ideas and excitement but it also comes with risk. however, since it’s upright, rekindling of flames will revive lost passion and this will make your relationship with toji more mentally and emotionally connected.
spiritual/emotional connection- upright two of cups
—this card will definitely strengthen your relationship’s emotional support. you will both work together as a team and overcome all spiritual & emotional misunderstandings this relationship will encounter. this relationship will have a value of self-love. you and toji will build up each other individually while maintaining a stable and happy relationship. meaning, you both benefit emotionally. this card is also depicted as union and harmony that both correlate with physical connection and long-term potential cards.
long term potential- upright two of wands
—the coincidence of this card really shows how your relationship will be stepping to the next level. you and toji loves to take risks as a couple and part of this risk is long-term plannings like weddings and starting a family. you both communicate well hence, compromising with promises and goals is easier because communication, trust, and balance are solid. this card is definitely for progression.
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algolstare · 3 years
Hi, I’d love to support you & get a card reading, but I’ve never done anything like that. How does that work? Would I ask you something I want to know about? If this is too much to try to explain, feel free to ignore my ask. I just figured if I asked you, rather than google, it would be more specific to what you do & are experienced with.
Sorry it took me so long to get to you, anon! I don't mind explaining at all. So with card readings, I do 2 different kinds - tarot, & cartomancy with playing cards.
Tarot is something I use for both introspective and predictive work. Introspective meaning it can help look at and provide perspective on (and advice for) one's own consciousness, the way we are handling the world around us, something I think is akin to peering at the way we dream and providing a new lense to look through when our more awake and usual eyes are inclined to miss the undercurrents, the workings underneath. It can allow me to hold a mirror to the querent, and take away the usual masks we wear that even we can forget we've put on. Predictive work is as it says on the tin: predicting. I rarely do this for clients because I think it's something best done for just myself, and while I do have high accuracy in my predictive work the way forwards is ever-changing and especially when interpreting for someone else, the way I tell the future might end up showing itself in a different way than explained and then be disappointing. For example, "A new material opportunity or gain" could mean quite a few things: job offers, gifts of money, and so on, it could look very promising and then turn out to be the gift of a new physical tool to work with or a gift of a new sweater, not cash. It's easy for me to do for myself as I look for the different ways things come to be, but for pay I prefer to give things that are more likely to hit home.
Cartomancy is something I love doing for predictive work more than I like to use tarot because it's concise, it's often very literal and not so symbolic or up for debate in terms of what the cards mean to me one moment to the next, and it's even more accurate for me in gleaning information about the future than tarot usually is tbh. It can also be used for introspective work, but it talks of concrete ideas and happenings rather than the dreamlike storytelling that tarot can do for us. Playing cards, in my experience, are more likely to tell you "You're doing [x] because [y] happened." as opposed to the flowery sorts of readings I get from tarot.
Both of these I can also use to see about people other than the querent, on the condition that I am not asked out-of-bounds questions ("What has this person been through?", is no good because to some extent I do want to respect privacy.. But "Why is this person reacting to me in this way?" is fair game, as is "What are the true intentions of this person?" and other such things.) or questions with the intent of seeking only to hear what one wants to hear.
(Both can also be used to gain messages from spirits and such, but I don't do that for pay or for other people at all.)
I have a variety of different spreads available on the commissions listings right now, but I do plan on adding more - and I'm more than happy to talk about further options if you feel that the spreads I have could be better tailored to your needs. I plan on adding a more comprehensive "menu" with further details on what each spread is best for, soon.
So, yes, you can ask me about something you want to know about! Whether it be about a personal problem, curiosity, or need for insight that is more objective than speaking to a friend (though I do consider my cards to be friends of mine) and less formal than laying your heart and past bare to someone, I can and will do my best to answer you.
My only restrictions as of now, however, are that I do not give readings regarding any legal or health matters, pregnancy, death, or financial advice. I don't touch court matters or health or death with a 20-foot pole, because that gets very nasty very quickly - courts are a feeble attempt at justice, health is better left to professionals, readers who tell you you'll die in a reading are likely scamming you, and financial advice specifically should just have a totally different approach. These things may sometimes come up in a reading when they are relevant context to a question, but they will not ever be fair game to ask me about specifically.
Feel free to ask any other questions you may have, or for further clarification if you need to. 🧸💝
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
I woke up to 807 followers, so to celebrate! I'm keeping my promise
Steponmeasra's 800 follower milestone tarot extravaganza 🔮👻💜👁️🌙🎃
Tonight, 10/10, I will be doing tarot readings for those who would like them ☺️ I'll be doing simple three-card readings, so if you'd like one, drop me an ask 😚 I'll do as many as I possible can before I retire for the night, likely around 4am mountain time lol (watch me get like two requests lmfaooooo)
Here's what I'll need from you:
If you're comfortable with me posting your reading publicly, feel free to drop your request on Anon. If not, please make sure to ask off Anon, and to let me know to reply privately
Your name is always helpful, but not required (any name you're comfortable with me using for you helps, but if you're not down w that, that's okay too!)
If you have a specific question for the cards, let me know 😁
Please be advised ⚠ tarot is, for me, very energy based. A huge part of my tarot reading process is simply the transfer of energy having someone hold and shuffle the cards while thinking of what they want the deck to give them insight to. So doing this online will be different! Still try to virtually give me and my cards a taste of your vibes though ❤️
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nanamismoonchild · 3 years
Its the A anon again and I'm sorry if I'm replying late but damn. Like i don't know how to react. 😂
I have been getting the same message, the exact thing you wrote everywhere. Even if its a romantic pick a card, i get the same message that i need to find myself first before looking for my bae🥲 and don't get me started about the grounding part. My intuition constantly asks me to meditate and connect with my spiritual team. I've heard a lot of about my head being up in the sky. But I'm trying i swear. 🥺 Its a little hard with my ADHD but i promise my spirit guides that I'll make u all proud by being heard and seen.
Thank you so much for replying. It means a lot. Its just that I'm a little broke and free readings are my only chance at the moment. Your reply meant a lot to me. Your reading did impact me for the better. Your gift is precious to the world. Thank you once again. 🦋
And yes i only have one earth sign (Capricorn-midheaven) else i have an equal balance of fire (4), air (4), and water (4) in my chart.
I feel you on the free readings! They're my current avenue as well, but I have paid for a couple and even tipped a few people.I'm even getting a deity reading soon! I feel like I know who it has been contacting me, but I'm not too sure lmao.
Meditating, grounding, listening to your intuition,etc, it can be hard at the start of a journey for healing. I have had the same problems---I am still having those problems. But I do little by little. Reading tarot and oracles are one of the ways I practice my intuition. I've been told I'm naturally intuitive, but it's something I have to work on and work for. It doesn't come overnight because healing doesn't happen overnight.
And ooh, I was dead on about the earth signs. *dabs* This site actually describes what you said about being in your head too.
I loved reading for you and hope you will come back and get another.
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saintqueer · 3 years
Jordan I love you!!!!!!
Also I am still waiting for you to reply to my previous ask that I sent god knows how long ago😂😂😂 (just mentioned that for laughs putting no expectations on you anyways..I understand completely).
I am a fellow literature major who shares your affinity towards historical and Victorian larry fics.....
You had asked if one would want to be recommended the same from your bookmarks....
Bless us with them gems please. Pretty please. But whenever you have time or feel comfortable doing so.
I would love your recommendations.
Also since I came to know about this stunt I always kept my fingers crossed around the involvement of kids. It's very triggering for me due to some childhood traumas and sanity and critical thinking leaves my body when I am on the verge of have panic attacks so...the rational part would hit only after the damage is done...today when it dropped I lost it....I was shaking, crying and had a mini attack.....but then since I couldn't afford having a bad day because exams...so I shortly shifted to blasting Lights up and Sign of the times and only the brave and COACOAC....tbh entire harry, louis and 1d discography.....felt a bit good....watched funny 1d and larry videos....had such a fucking satisfying meditation session...did some tarot readings...pulled some cards for myself and few friends I had to do readings for....ate like a panda....studied....and am fine now.....
I am sending you and anyone who is triggered by the turn of events in anyway tons and tons of love and a huge panda hug.....
Take care👻
i love this whole ask soooo so much!
first of all, i'm so sorry there was an ask of yours i never answered. there are like 170 unanswered and i feel so bad about it. but if it's about fics im sure ill get to it eventually! i did just list 10 fics that are in my bookmarks here so check that out and hopefully i can list some more of my favorites soon! it'd be fun to do like a top 25 or something.
also, babyyyy, im so sorry you were so triggered. i don't take too kindly to anyone trying to minimize the seriousness of some of the stunt bullshit. like, yes, i get the point that this is very typical hollywood PR. but its still real people and closeting and children and bad parenting and the evils of profit over people, etc. it's a big deal and can be really hard to ignore. no matter how many times we've seen it happen, it doesn't lose its potency for many and i argue that perhaps it shouldn't.
anyways, im so happy you did all of that! wow, it really seems like you knew how to take care of yourself and did. also makes me think that perhaps i ought to do a tarot reading for myself again, it has been a while. i love that you "ate like a panda"!!!!dfjghkdj im obsessed with that. i think i might be doing some eating my feelings this week.
i am so proud of you 👻 anon! you recognized your trauma response and then looked after yourself.
keep doing that and i promise to try to do the same. come back anytime and also let me know if you read any of the fics in that top 10 rec i did. love you darling!!!
reminder for this week
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